#successor to this one would be well well well if it isn’t the consequences of my actions. which I will probably draw
puppyeared · 1 year
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Mmm whatcha say
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floralewrites · 1 year
Hey, do you think Levi is impatent or not? If so, could you give me examples? (I sound like a teacher, sorry xD) I personally think he is patient, especially with the 104th (I haven't watched/read all of AOT, so I could be wrong. Please correct me if so) Was he impatient or frustrated when Historia refused to become a queen?
Hi anon. In my humble opinion it depends greatly on the situation. We must remember that people die horribly everyday at alarming rates in this universe because of Titans, so i’d say he does show bouts of urgency or impatience in certain instances where immediate action needs to be taken. He is a stable and composed individual and has a personality type that demands a degree of patience and discipline. So he’s fairly patient with the 104th, but let’s remember he’s training soldiers, he’s not a glorified babysitter so its understandable why and where he would show slight irritation if someone doesn’t do things accordingly. You have to think and act on your feet in this line of work or you die. No one’s life is guaranteed the next day. I think for the most part he is grounded and even tempered, he only gets annoyed where it’s warranted and you understand where he’s coming from with it. Levi has always been a tough love type of character. Historia needed to step up because lives were at stake. He understands it’s a huge burden to go from child to heir of the throne with a snap of the fingers, but he had to give her the necessary push she needed. Historia took to her role quite well in the end so it worked out. So to sum it up, no I don’t think he’s impatient but he is more of a doer than a speaker/thinker, so of course when the situation calls for immediate action, he’s not the type to hesitate at all. Impatient? No. Action oriented? Yes. His motto is literally to live without regrets. In instances where his decisions may present uncharacteristically rash, he deals with the consequences accordingly and is prepared for it. A lot of these “mentor” archetype characters, (Notice i said mentor and not parental figure) even though they may seem like parental figures, they are mentors first. So that’s your Gojos, Kakashis, Levis, Aizawas, etc Their first priority is to train the next generation of people who will save the world in these stories, so they have to be hard on them to a degree. While its a job that demands patience, which i think Levi has plenty of, they’re also in a position where they have to be hard on these kids to prepare them for cruel realities. The whole “parental” thing comes second. I think fans are too attached to the idea of these adults being second hand dads or moms to the minors in the story. They are mentors first and foremost. So the relationship they have with their successors is professional first, and nurturing/emotional second.
Manga spoilers below:
Spoilers of manga chapter 72/Anime episode 12 season 3, ahead:
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Him being impatient with Erwin’s antics and trying to dissuade him. He’s lost too many people so he will definitely put you in your place if he deems your actions to be irrational, even Erwin wasn’t exempt.
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This is chapter 71 anime episode 11, season 3: Him being very patient with Shadis while he explains himself while Hange loses cool.
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So as you can gather, it depends on the situation. One’s demonstration of patience is very much situational and depends on the context.
Here’s some of his own quotes:
“What you need is to be quick to act, and make tough decisions in worst-case scenarios.”
“The lesson you need to learn right now can’t be taught with words, only with action.”
“This is just my opinion, but when it comes to teaching somebody discipline…i think pain is the most effective way.”
So he’s an action oriented character. He has a practical no nonsense approach to life. He makes immediate decisions when it’s required and makes sure its a decision he won’t regret. He’s very patient where it counts but isn’t the type to baby those he’s mentoring or trying to protect. So he won’t have the nurturing type patience of a parent would have towards children. He’s not gentle if that makes sense? More practical. But he is patient enough in knowing how to deal with his cadets.
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voidsentprinces · 2 years
*slaps hands against the keyboard*
Amaurot has been risen from his skeleton, here in the depths of what those of the First referred to as the Tempest. Just as he had remembered it. Every stone, every street lamp, every window, every soul, every plant just as it was. Were Lahabrea or Elidibus here to see this, they would scoff at the sentimentality of it all. Or be angered by such revelations. No. No both the Speaker and the Emisarry would have no reaction. Lahabrea would no doubt of complained such a display was getting in the way of his many tasks to revive Lord Zodiark. Elidibus would have no recollection of this city and thus see it as a farce, something that barred his path in his single minded mission.
Neither of them had the mind to be enchanted by it even in its faux state. Immaculate as it was, it was only nearly perfect. It lacked but one last actor for the stage. With a hand to his heart, Emet-Selch reached deep into his mind and murmured, “Ours is the wisdom of the stars. Ours is the power to create.” Before snapping his fingers.
The action produced a shade of one dearest to him. But it still required him to mold it to his liking. Reaching up, he visualized the robe, the silver mask, the stature, and the wit of Chief of the Bureau of the Architect. Yes, just as he was, just as he remembered. Now his city was perfect, now he was here, now he was safe again. Not a sacrifice to Lord Zodiark but a figment, a memory on the wind.
“It should of been you who took the seat,” Hades murmured to the shade, still motionless lacking its directive. “It should of been you here to see Azem again.”
Would that such things could be traded, would that Hades had been one of many sacrificed for the good of all. What decisions would the shade of taken? He had always been plagued by doubts in his abilities but his soul sight was far beyond even his own. He would of been able to pluck Azem’s soul from the rift and found a way to steer the world correctly to its course. What lies Hades would tell himself in the quiet hours. His brow furrowed as he frowned at the shade before him. Reaching up slowly to grace the shade with memory and minor purpose.
“Minor purpose?” Hades murmured, “Yes, simply go about your job as you always had. Heedless of the dangers or moments around you. Always too happy to ignore the consequences of you and Azem’s actions.” He sighed out.
What was he doing? Playing with such a facade, even as a shade...Hythlodaeus would notice.
“Ah~” An echo rang from the shade, “If it isn’t Emet-Selch. How goes the Convocation and their plans to deal with the oncoming storm?”
Hades senses snapped back into focus as he looked up to the form before him, the memory took hold faster than the others. It almost took him off guard.
“Worry not, Chief Secretary. The Convocation are well on their way to presenting a solution. We are merely having a brief respite before continuing to chart our path forward.” Emet-Selch responded.
“Always working yourself to the bone, I see. We should seek out Azem then, they might know some latent means to dissuade the coming calamity.”
“Have you forgotten, already? Azem is has gone wayward. We haven’t been able to contact the Fourteenth Seat and the former seat Venat has been unhelpful in selection another successor.”
“Well never give up hope, I say. They were always a bit tardy from time to time.”
“They will not be returning, Hythlodaeus.”
“Perhaps, I should wait by the entrance to--.”
“THEY WILL NOT COME!” Hades shouted as his body began to tremble with rage.
A silent lingered over the two, Emet-Selch bit his tongue before sighing. This was pointless, he was getting angry at a shade for pursuing something useless. He held up his hand.
“Forgive me, Chief Secretary. But these last days have been...trying.” He coughed unconvincingly.
“The meetings are quite dire then?” The shade asked with a hint of worry.
Hades could only curtly nod in response as he tried to get his temper under control once more.
“Oh, go on then,” The shade sighed, despite only be comprised of aether, a robe and a mask. Emet-Selch could nearly see the kindly smile beneath it’s empty visage. “Get your rest. You know I’ve always a room made up for you in our offices. I’ll have one made up for Azem as well!”
Hades tapped his chin in thought and then shrugged, “There is no reasoning with you after all. Do as you wish then, but they might be traveling under alias.”
“An alias, you say? Well that would not be out of the ordinary. Though I imagine it wouldn’t be too difficult to see through. Are they going by Azeyma or Azim this time?” The shade inquired.
“Neither, between you and I, I’ve actually had a run in with them recently. They have a particularly asinine arrangement for their current traveling title.” Hades mocked.
“Oh?” The shade seemed to perk up with interest, Hades rubbed his forehead in an attempt to conceal his rolling eyes. “Well come on, tell us! What flamboyent titles are our friend indulging in this time?”
Hades told him the name of Hydaelyn’s Champion, now half monster no doubt. The one who failed to come to Amaurot’s aid when it burned, who failed to be there to persuade Hythlodaeus to stay, the one who abandoned their people and when they arrived again? A mere fragment of their former self. A pitful husk tempered by Hydaelyn’s designed. No better than the beastmen his Empire slew in droves to clear a path of chaos and cause the successful Rejoinings.
“Well, that is quite a title!” The shade reacted with bemusement.
“Except them also be in guise and smaller than you might expect. Around my height if not larger or smaller to a degree.”
“Ah, I but wondered why you took on such a small form and extravagant garb. Twas to blend in on one of Azem’s ventures was it not? You, sir, have my envy for such an exciting endeavor!” The shade was practically glowing now and not in its usual phantasmal way.
“Hardly an adventure at all. They have surrounded themselves with a band of brigands from another realm. Bent on saving a world flooded with light, they stormed a castle, fought alongside tricksters, and committed the carnal sin of BORING ME!” Hades threw his hands up in exasperation. A spark of passion burnt in his breast, how he missed this back and forth between them.
“Sound like a wondrous tale! Nothing less than our Shepherd to the Stars!” Exclaimed the shade, reflecting the look one might expect of a proud parent seeing their child master a difficult magic. It made Hades flinch just looking at him. The shade paused and shrugged lightly, “We seemed to have veered off track, however. I shall go prepare a room for our esteemed traveler and you,” The shade pointed down at Hades much to his chagrin, “Need to get your rest!”
Emet-Selch could only conjure a weary half smile, throwing his hands up once more in a shrug and shaking his head, “Couldn’t let me slip by that easily?”
“Never once, Hades.”
He turned on his heel began to make his exit, “Then I shall take my leave, Chief Secretary. See to it all arrangements and paperwork are made for the hero’s grand return.”
“On second thought, I might just hop by Elpis to see how new concepts are coming along.”
Hades turned on his heel and snapped at the shade, “You are NOT slinking our duties today! Paper work! Accomidations! NOW!” The shade seemed to shrink away from the commandments before throwing its hands up dramatically.
“Saw through me did you?”
“As if it was even a question! You have done a poor job of concealing it!” Hades chastise the shade.
“...” The shade remained still.
“No response? Your silence is but proof of your guilt!”
“Hades?” The shade echoed in inquiry.
“What is it? Going to slip away while distractin--”
“I...can’t feel Elpis.” The shade spoke in confusion, “the Aetheric Rift its...gone. But that would mean.” It looked around the city, “Wait, this...cannot be right. We ARE in Amaurot are we? No, this is wrong, this is all...” The confused shade paused for a moment and turned back to Hades, “Hades...what have we bec--?” The shade became fizzled out. Becoming hazy and then evaporating from existence.
The spark that had been lit in his breast vanished, he was alone once more. How easy it was to fall into his old ways, it almost made him forget. Almost. He felt something enter the depths, a great torrent of aether swept over the Tempest as an air bubble had formed across it all. The water receded and Hades frowned. Hydaelyn’s Champion had arrived.
“Ours is the wisdom of the stars. Ours is the power to create.” He rose his hand once more and with a snap of his fingers, a shade re-emerged. He molded it to his liking and then imbued it with memory once more.
“Ah~” An echo rang from the shade, “If it isn’t Emet-Selch. How goes the Convocation and their plans to deal with the oncoming storm?”
Hades clenched his hands into fists, clenching his teeth. The spark had reignited into an inferno of anger. One which he quickly dampened as he put on a facade, “Yes, Chief Secretary. But have come upon information that our fourteenth seat with be returning to Amaurot soon. Be sure to set them up accommodations and alert the necessary facilities of their coming so that they might prepare paper work for them. This is a matter of grave importance, do not stray from this assignment. Once you are done, the Convocation requests you remain in the city and do not try to contact any of the other aetheric channels to go elsewhere.”
“These are quite the dire times, it shall be done.” The shade gave an affirming nod.
“Good,” Emet-Selch replied curtly, “Also take these.” He produced the handful of crystals, each with various colors and constellations inscribed into them. “As most of the Convocation members will not be requiring these any longer. I have been asked to hand these off to you for safe keeping. The Emissary is also abroad. I suspect after my duties are complete, both the Traveler and the Emissary will arrive here and conflict. No matter the outcome, see to it that the Traveler receives this.”
The shade took an orange crystal and looked upon it, “The Traveler is without their crystal?” It inquired perplex.
“If it wasn’t for us, they would run around robeless, you know this as well as I, Chief Secretary.”
The shade could only shake its head in disbelief, “Truer words were never spoken. But that is our Shepherd to the Stars for you!” It exclaimed.
“Indeed,” Hades spat bitterly before folding his arms. An awkward silence grew into pregnancy between the two. “Hythlodaeus, I must return to my duties. The Convocation’s plans require utmost secrecy for the moment. So I request you try not to get overwhelmed by the details after I leave you.”
“So serious, shall I join you on your duties?”
“The will not be necessary at the time, these are my duties and mine alone, I am afraid.”
The shade stood in silence for a moment, despite lacking a featured face, Hades could still make out the contemplation in it. Eventually, it nodded in affirmation, “To the accommodations then! Until next time, Hades.” The shade rose it hand in farewell and moved through the faux city to its duties.
Emet-Selch could only watch it slowly leave, the image of burning city covering his sight. As a man with a purple braided hair took his leave to his own duty that only he could accomplish alone. The memory of the handsome Chief Secretary with stars in his eyes fading as he snapped back to the now. Hades clenched his teeth and his hand, his face writ with pain before turning on his heel as well and walking to his task. A multitude of voices echoing in his wake.
“Still yourself for but a while longer, my brethren...slumber on.” He closed his eyes in concentration, “You each have made your own sacrifices. Now the final curtain shall rise. The victor will be the hero and the vanquished, its villain.”
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peace-coast-island · 2 years
Diary of a Junebug
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Seeking refuge from the oncoming storm
Over the years the Withering Woods has become a much safer place thanks to the Knights. there’s still a lot of areas that are still dangerous to travel but at least if you end up running into trouble, help isn’t that far out. Now, more than ever, the Knights serve a vital purpose in ensuring the safety of the rainforest folk with an impending war breaking out.
As bleak as it may sound, it wasn’t entirely unexpected. Ambrosia and Jamie filled me and the campers in on the situation and from how it sounds, they seem to have things under control. In short, the Lunar Rainforest has always been in conflict since the death of their god, even after the rebellion that overthrew the corrupted officials.
Safiyya, the successor of the forest, was able to restore order and bring forth an era of peace for a while. But that still didn’t stop the infighting going on by those who were still loyal to the sages. It also didn’t help that there were many who wouldn’t accept Safiyya as their leader as they had been brainwashed by the sages to believe she was inferior. Latte says the fact that she was able to hold out for this long is a miracle as she really had to put up with a lot and that has taken a toll on her as well as Aymn and Nawaar.
Aside from Safiyya, the Knights are most familiar with Aymn, the advisor/general. He and Nawaar, the scribe, were the ones who fronted the rebellion, so that’s why while everyone else in power was overthrown, they were the only ones who stayed. Cori says while Aymn comes across as intimidating and serious, he’s also a big nerd who can literally go on and on for hours about whatever he’s been interested in. He can be pretty strict when it comes to his job but he also seems to know when to kick back, which probably explains why he was different from the sages. As long as you don’t get on his bad side, he’s surprisingly easy to get along with.
As for Nawaar, there’s a reason why people have referred to him as The Android. Aymn says he’s highly intelligent but way too rational to the point that he seems to lack an understanding for emotions and whims, leading most others to mistakenly assume he’s part robot. Even before the rebellion, most of the higher ups just tolerated him, so despite being sorta considered a hero, he’s still disliked but respected by many. Although Safiyya and Aymn work directly with him, they don’t really consider him a close friend because he always keeps a distance and isn’t exactly the easiest to get along with. As long as he doesn’t cause any disruptions they just let him do whatever he wants.
While those three were cleaning up the mess the sages left behind, various factions were splintering and fighting amongst themselves. Saifyya and Aymn did their best to mediate but it seemed like every time one issue was resolved, ten more pop up, and so the problems kept growing. As much as Safiyya wanted to avoid conflict, there were certain figures who kept trying to instigate it, much to her frustration. She made it clear that the last thing she wanted to do was forcibly exert her power as it would go against her principles, even if it means letting others push her around to an extent
Not surprisingly, Saffiya was forced into a corner when three former sages and their followers attempted to assassinate her, Aymn, and Nawaar. The attack resulted in the deaths of two sages while the third voluntarily turned herself in. Safiyya was cleared since it was obviously self defense, but that didn’t stop most from labeling her a tyrant. In all honesty, what the sages did in the past was bad enough to be punishable by execution. However, Safiyya didn’t want to do that for two reasons - one being that she didn’t believe in killing them, second is that she’d rather have them bear the full weight of their consequences. What she didn’t expect is for some of the sages to still have such a loyal following even after all their crimes had been exposed. From what I understand, regardless of how well she handled things, Saifyya was always bound to get the short end of the stick.
Following the attack, the alliance has pretty much fallen apart. Right now the Knights are offering their assistance as Safiyya’s preparing for the worst. All they can really do at this point is wait and see, which may not sound like much but there’s no predicting what the others will do. For now, it seems like the calm before the storm and Aymn hopes they can use that time to their advantage.
Safiyya and Aymn have admitted that they’ve been on edge since the attack, which is totally understandable. That’s why Harmony invited them to spend the weekend at the cafe since they had been working pretty much nonstop, even while recovering from their injuries. Nawaar was invited too but he declined, which was kinda expected as he was never known to be social, plus the fact that he’s still recuperating. Safiyya’s a bit concerned since he was the most seriously hurt out of the three, but last she heard he’s been following his doctor’s orders. Ambrosia added that she didn’t know The Android was even capable of feeling anything until she spoke to him not too long ago and found him still kinda shaken up by his brush with death.
Harmony has been holding up the fort as usual while the others are out on missions. Around this time of year there’s not as much activity at the cafe because of the cold weather so the Knights were able to focus on the Lunar Rainforest situation. They’re fully prepared to use the cafe as an emergency shelter for the mercenaries if/when war breaks out.
Despite the uncertainty I think everyone’s handling things pretty well. It may sound kinda weird that Safiyya and Aymn are taking it easy for a couple days but there’s really nothing else they can do. As important as it is to prepare for the worst, it’s not healthy to always be on high alert. Latte and Ambrosia know from experience that living in constant fear and paranoia does a number on your mental health so they don’t want the same to happen to their comrades.
While foraging for herbs in the woods we came across some ores and gyroids that would be put to good use. I think it’s the tail end of a gyroid season, which explains why there’s a bunch of them out there. This happens to work out perfectly as we need stuff to make supplies for the mercenaries. Crafting and gyroid searching also provide good distractions when you need a break.
It was nice catching up with the Knights and getting to know Safiyya and Aymn while keeping busy. Ambrosia has been keeping in contact with various factions around the woods to create safety checkpoints for travelers. Monsters are still a huge problem in the Withering Woods but thanks to the Knights, some areas went from being non-accessible to somewhat passable. In an isolated area such as the woods, communication’s super important so Ambrosia has been slowly building a network to make things easier.
Ambrosia has mentioned bits and pieces of her past before, how she went from the top to even lower than rock bottom. When establishing the Knights of the Withering Woods, she wanted to make extra sure that she avoid past mistakes. That’s why she believes in being upfront and honest about everything, because in her experience, poor communication leads to deception, and deception leads to flawed judgement. It’s a vicious cycle, she had said, so she wishes to use her powers to break it. I think seeing what Saffiya had to deal with regarding the sages and their reign of manipulation really struck a nerve with her.
Latte has been busy so she’s in and out as usual. She’s training some of Saffiya’s mercenaries on how to survive and guide in the Withering Woods. Since they’re all experienced and are well acquainted with the dangers of the rainforest, she says training has been going well. In fact, she says they’re the best group she’s ever worked with, not just because they’re competent, but she genuinely likes being around them. Plus she’s been learning a lot from them regarding the rainforest and Lunar in general, gaining a lot of useful and interesting insights. I got to meet a couple mercenaries who passed by and I can see why Latte speaks so highly of them.
Cori splits her time between helping Latte with training, working at the cafe with Harmony, and going out on missions. She says Cora has gone on another big adventure, last she heard her sister was scuba diving in the Cerulean Whirlpool, which is the kind of place only experienced adventurers venture. Harmony says Cori has been training on and off with Jamie in her spare time to refine her wind sword technique, so that’s why she’s been taking on more missions.
Saffy is now a licensed medical witch, allowing the Knights to set up a clinic at the main base. For now it’s mostly her running things but she’s in the process of recruiting medical help so she can get back in combat. With the situation in the rainforest going on, she hopes to get the team together before the clinic gets swamped.
Sage the plant expert has been up to the usual, studying the woods and conducting research. She has written numerous wilderness guides that provide as valuable resources for surviving the Withering Woods. It’s thanks to her that less people are getting lost and/or getting into accidents.
Olive stuck around for a bit before heading back to the city to take care of some affairs. Ambrosia says Olive probably spends about 75% of her time here these days, and will show up a lot more as she’s pretty much the only one who can tolerate The Android for more than an hour. She’s using her connections in the city to help Safiyya and Aymn out so that’ll hopefully give them a bit of an upper hand.
Safiyya is the kind of person who fits the description of gentle yet ruthless. Despite being born to live alongside humans, she spent most of her life isolated, though not by choice. If it wasn’t for Aymn and Nawaar, she would’ve still been trapped while the sages continued with their corruption. Because of their resolve, Safiyya gained the confidence to break out of the shadows and take back what the sages forcibly stole from the people. She went from being helpless to being a force to be reckoned with.
In a way, Safiyya reminds me a lot of Qingmei in terms of overcoming her struggles. Though she’s disappointed that the people chose war, she refuses to let that cloud her morale. After all, she’s worked so hard to get to where she is now, so to give into intimidation would undermine everything. She doesn’t deny holding personal grudges against her detractors - she does have valid reasons to be fair - but a part of her always believed in giving second chances. However if they refuse to learn from their mistakes or own up to them, that’s on them. Literally all she wants is for everyone to be kind and show basic decency to one another, and yet some people act like that’s a personal attack. At this point she’s learned how to pick and choose her battles and honestly, good for her.
As expected, there’s some who try to paint Safiyya as a tyrant, an incompetent leader, an imposter - the list goes on and on. They can talk shit all they want but she will stand by her principles. For Safiyya, the safety of her people always comes first. The sages already stepped out of line once, second was one too many, not to mention that they tried to kill two other people. No matter how her detractors try to twist things, she’s confident that the truth will prevail.
I’d say with all she’s done and her outlook on the future, Safiyya has got my respect. She, Harmony, Ambrosia, and Latte spent most of their lives questioning their worth, and because of what they had to endure, that made them determined to break that cycle of helplessness unfairly imposed on others.
Aymn, like Cori said, is an interesting person. I can see why others are intimidated by him because of his serious demeanor. He says he uses that to his advantage as most people initially don’t take him seriously at first because they usually mistake him for a kid. Cori describes him as unwavering in his beliefs and will do whatever it takes to maintain order. To say that he believes all transgressors should be punished to the fullest extent is an oversimplification but that’s how the general public sees him. All he can say is that if you don’t cause trouble or intend to harm, all should be good.
Despite that, he’s not as rigid as he comes across as. While generally serious, he also has a relaxed and carefree side. The others weren’t exaggerating about him being a big nerd - he legit spent a good amount of money on a super high end gaming PC not too long ago and admits to being a bit of a whale.
I’ll admit, the way his tone changed when he went from talking about his duties as a general to rambling about his latest interest has the same vibe as “Oh no!…anyway…” which I find funny. Now that I think about it, that’s exactly the kind of energy that Aymn gives off.
Along with whatever games he’s been super into at the moment, Aymn has also taken an interest in the Harmonious Cafe. He knows about the Knights and how the cafe came to be so he has a lot of respect for them. In fact, he was the one who recommended that the mercenaries train with the Knights. Though most see Aymn as a stick in the mud who enforces rules, all he really wants is for people to live their lives without hurting each other, which lines up with Safiyya’s beliefs.
From helping Harmony out in the cafe, listening to stories of the Knights’s adventures, and spilling the tea with Safiyya and Aymn about the injustices of the world, the weekend has flown by pretty quickly. I’m glad I finally made this long overdue visit to the woods and I think the break has done some good for Safiyya and Aymn too. Even though I just met them, I trust them and their comrades enough to know that they will not got down without a fight.
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bicheetopuff · 2 years
“Entrance Exam Arc” & “Quirk Apprehension Test Arc” Dissection
All Might is a Bad Influence
I: Excited Recklessness
II: Running a Boy Through The Wringer
III: Deceitfulness
IV: Wrap Up
I: Excited Recklessness
Strangely enough, we never got a formal introduction to All Might in the first chapter aside from the debut video little Izuku used to watch and it’s importance to him. If anything we got more of an introduction to Small Might than we did All Might the hero. Our main characters new mentor doesn’t receive a formal introduction until chapter 2 which I think is a subtle hint that although he’s important, he’s not as important as our protagonist and deuteragonist in this particular story.
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We’ll ignore the fact that All Might kinda randomly showed up one day and that no one knows how old he is because I truly don’t have an explanation to that. I’ll probably touch on it later in the series.
Anyways, All Might single handedly decreased the crime rate and villain appearances just by existing. That fact alone is way more impressive than what we as a fandom give him credit for.
Immediately after we’re given this info, I personally began to think, “wow this me must be some natural born one man army”. And then I was immediately told otherwise by the man himself.
“… I avoid the question [regarding what his quirk is] in interviews by making jokes. Because All Might, the “Symbol of Peace” has to come off as a natural-born hero.”
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Well… that answers that. My reaction was about the same as Izukus because… what the hell? We just barely met this man. His hurry to tell Izuku this information after meeting him like an hour prior shows almost desperation. We find out later on that All Might was going to monitor and choose a UA student, potentially Mirio, but he never showed the same passion when making that decision that he showed when he chose Izuku to be his predecessor.
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This isn’t just desperation. This is excitement. No one else in his search for a successor rattled his old man bones like Izuku did. Even though he knows training a skinny middle schooler with no quirk won’t be a walk in the park, he chose him, and told him everything regarding his quirk before he accepted his offer, even while knowing the potential consequences. (Potential consequences being, Izuku might not become a strong enough vessel before the entrance exam, Izuku potentially telling someone about his quirk because he literally just met him, Izuku not being able to follow his training regime, etc.) Kind of a common theme, especially when it comes to these two reckless morons.
II: Running a Boy Through the Wringer
Queue the training montage. All Might gives Izuku a plan to keep up with in order to become a suitable vessel for OFA. However, when Izuku overworks himself Horikoshi kinda tricks us into thinking that All Might was upset at Izuku but…
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He actually ends up condoning it…
He sees Izukus casual disregard for his well being as a good thing. He sees it as something that shows dedication. This is the first of the trend where Izuku goes overboard and All Might says “good job”.
(Also happens on Exam day when Izuku is done clearing the beach and passes out again but this time All Might doesn’t notice how overworked he is)
III: Deceitfulness
All might is a filthy deceitful liar (not really). He’s actually in town to work at UA and didn’t tell Izuku about it. After he meets Izuku to congratulate him he reassures him that he likely won’t get ahold of OFA for a while. But he thinks to himself this:
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His power is slowly going to die out and… he’s keeping Izuku in the dark about it? He has no reason to do so and it only makes sense given that he’s already weakened due to his injury and already can’t do much hero work. He’s on a time limit. When that time limit shrinks down to zero, whether he had passed down OFA by then or not, he would have to retire anyway and explain his smaller form. So… why not just tell Izuku that once he uses all he has left of OFA, he’ll be quirkless? This is a genuine question I don’t have an answer for, please enlighten me.
IV: Wrap Up
All Might is ironically bad at keeping secrets.
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Although All Mights existence is seen as a good thing in Izukus life, this reckless behavior and condoning of Izukus self sacrificial antics is gonna slowly progress to a a new, dangerous attitude that Izuku ends up adopting.
I probably won’t do another post on All Might for a while. Maybe sports fest arc.
All Might Metas
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digitaltariq · 28 days
ICYMI: the week's 7 largest tech tales from WWDC 2024 bulletins to Disney Plus to the Google Pixel 6a being laid to relaxation
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In case you missed the final week within the busy world of tech we’re right here together with your weekly replace that’ll catch you on top of things on all crucial tales. This week we lastly obtained a date for Apple’s WWDC 2024 occasion – which could very nicely be crucial convention in Apple’s historical past. We additionally noticed some bizarre creations from OpenAI’s Sora bot, obtained to listen to some spectacular ANC earbuds, and even witnessed the wedding of Disney Plus and Hulu. To search out out about these, and the opposite largest tales of the week scroll down this web page – and you should definitely verify again subsequent Saturday for an additional quickfire round-up.
7.  Apple WWDC 2024 was introduced for June 10
(Picture credit score: Apple) Apple’s subsequent Worldwide Developer Convention obtained a date this week – and it’s as a consequence of land on June 10, 2024. In the course of the opening keynote we anticipate to get our first have a look at Apple’s subsequent batch of software program updates – iOS 18, iPadOS 18, and macOS 15 – in addition to some {hardware} reveals – maybe new Macs, a brand new Apple silicone chipset, or possibly even a Imaginative and prescient Professional successor (although that appears unlikely). One reveal that appears all however sure is the announcement of Apple’s large generative AI plans. Whereas it hasn’t stated something particularly, Apple's senior VP for advertising Greg Joswiak gave a lower than delicate trace with a Tweet saying of WWDC 2024 “It’s going to be Completely Unimaginable!” – word the capitalization of Absolutely and Incredible. We’ll have to attend till June to know what’s in retailer, however WWDC 2024 seems set to be an Apple occasion you gained’t wish to miss.
6. OpenAI wowed us with Sora movies
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(Picture credit score: OpenAI / shy children) In case you’re like us (and who isn’t?) you’ve been watching OpenAI Sora movies on TikTok with an rising stage of surprise and fear. The corporate answerable for DALL-E and ChatGPT has been posting all method of bite-sized video creations that, in the event that they weren’t so other-worldly, would look as in the event that they have been filmed in an actual world. Put merely, this prompt-based generative AI video instrument is not like something we’ve seen earlier than, and nobody actually is aware of what it’ll do to the movie, tv, and animation trade. Get the most well liked offers obtainable in your inbox plus information, evaluations, opinion, evaluation and extra from the TechRadar crew. With an obvious nod to that concern, OpenAI lately opened up Sora to a set of impartial artists and creators. As a substitute of throwing their arms up and operating away in concern for his or her livelihoods, they created a set of unforgettable quick movies, together with one that may rival an Oscar-winning quick (okay, a really quick movie). You simply need to see these AI-generated movies to imagine them. We assure you’ll be shocked and slightly entertained. It gained’t be lengthy, we expect, till Sora is credited because the cinematographer on a full-length movie.
5. The Samsung Galaxy Ring dropped one other large launch trace
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(Picture credit score: Samsung) Typically it feels just like the Galaxy Ring is launching in gradual movement, however the wearable inched nearer to lift-off this week when it was noticed contained in the battery widget on Samsung telephones. This didn’t actually inform us something new in regards to the Oura rival, aside from hinting that it’s on monitor for a full launch – most definitely in July alongside telephones just like the Galaxy Z Flip 6. However it obtained us excited in regards to the Galaxy Ring’s potential once more, significantly for sleep monitoring. If all goes nicely, it could possibly be one of many devices of the 12 months.
4. Hulu formally merged with Disney Plus
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(Picture credit score: Disney) Hulu and Disney Plus have formally tied the knot. Now within the US alongside hubs for Marvel, Star Wars, Pixar, and Nationwide Geographic you’ll see a Hulu possibility that’ll present you exhibits and movies from the Hulu catalogue. In fact, to look at this content material you’ll must pay for a Hulu subscription. A Disney Plus and Hulu bundle will begin at $9.99/month for the usual subscription with adverts (simply $2 greater than Fundamental Disney Plus). In the meantime, you’ll pay $19.99/month if you'd like a Premium subscription to each companies that provides 4K video and no adverts. Simply word that some exhibits – like Trendy Household and Love Island – gained’t seem in Disney Plus straight away because of “content material licensing restrictions” per Variety. It’s unclear when these restrictions will cease getting in the best way of Disney's new one-stop streaming service store, however we hope it’s quickly.
3. Nikon launched a flexible zoom lens
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(Picture credit score: Nikon) We get the occasional 10x optical zoom lens for DSLR and mirrorless cameras, however 14x? That’s extraordinary, till now. Nikon dropped the brand new Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR, which seems like an excellent all-in-one zoom lens for its full-frame mirrorless cameras such because the Nikon Z6 II. Its large finish covers taking pictures on a regular basis observations and landscapes, its telephoto setting is good for distant wildlife and landmarks, and its close-up images abilities are tremendous spectacular because of its shut minimal focus distance. At 725g it’s fairly compact, too, supreme to your travels. The lens additionally comes geared up with 5 stops of picture stabilization which is strictly what you’ll want for these telephoto snaps. It gained’t be as sharp as a first-rate lens, however the 28-400mm may simply be the final Nikon lens you ever purchase.
2. Cambridge unveiled its first-ever noise-cancelling earbuds
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(Picture credit score: Cambridge Audio) The corporate that launched one in all our all-time favourite units of earbuds (specifically the 2021-issue Melomania 1 Plus) is again with a brand new earbuds proposition – and the truth that they’re CA’s first noise-canceling possibility isn’t even their largest promoting level. The agency has really launched two fashions: the common Melomania M100 and a restricted version Melomania M100 How Excessive Version. The latter is available in a vibrant yellow case that is an homage to the music video for The Charlatans' hit How Excessive, during which singer Tim Burgess wore a wonderful vibrant yellow waterproof coat. However each merchandise include a veritable ace up their sleeves: the slinky vocal stylings of Matt Berry, aka Steven Toast (Toast of London/Toast of Tinseltown), aka Lazslo (What We Do within the Shadows). That’s proper, Matt Berry will purr ‘Noise canceling’ or ‘Transparency’ in your ear as usually as you’d like, for the princely sum of £169 (about $219 / AU$326). If that doesn’t make Apple nervous, we don’t know what is going to.
1. Google pulled the plug on the Pixel 6a
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(Picture credit score: Future / Philip Berne) This week Google unceremoniously killed off the Pixel 6a – with the funds smartphone being pulled from all of its official on-line shops everywhere in the world. Even the official protecting case has disappeared from the digital cabinets. In fact, you may nonetheless purchase the system from third-party retailers, however you may not wish to as we imagine it is a signal that Google is planning to launch the Pixel 8a very quickly. A lot of leaks have been teasing the 8a in current weeks – suggesting it could possibly be pricier than the Pixel 7a, and that it’ll probably use the identical Tensor G3 chipset because the Pixel 8 – so it appears attainable {that a} new Google handset is on the best way. We would have to attend a short time for extra particulars although, Google’s subsequent official occasion isn’t till I/O 2024 which kicks off on Might 14. Read the full article
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64bitgamer · 1 year
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pikahlua · 2 years
I saw some opinions of MHA fans about Katsuki's development in the manga (they were former pro-Katsuki until the Deku be Bakugou part 2). They said how Katsuki's development always tied with Izuku until it became his arc. Many disliked his arc when he doesn't have any consequences for Izuku's bullying and does not focus too on his development as a hero. The latter is the most prominent complaint I saw and Katsuki not fixing his attitude towards civilians to save (after he got his license happen)
I have literally never heard of a person who stopped liking Katsuki as a result of Deku vs Kacchan Part 2 lol what is this
I don’t know what was specifically said by such people, but to address your provided examples:
1. “Katsuki doesn’t have any consequences for bullying Izuku.”
Whenever I hear/read anyone give this opinion, what they usually mean is, “Katsuki hasn’t had the consequences I wanted him to have for bullying Izuku.” (Specifically, they usually mean, “I want authority figures in high school to vindictively punish Katsuki for the bullying he perpetrated in elementary and middle school,” which is its own brand of problematic.) He’s suffered plenty of consequences, including but not limited to:
The lack of behavior correction setting him up for teasing and social difficulties in high school
Stunted development towards his goal of becoming a top hero
The inability to have a good, healthy, long-term friendship with Izuku before these issues are addressed
Prolonged self-hatred and guilt
All the cosmic and dramatic ironies he’s suffered from the story as one of its characters, which are numerous and extensive (but if there’s one that’s relevant above all others, it’s how Katsuki mouths off to Izuku after being saved from the sludge villain right before All Might chooses Izuku--not Katsuki--as his successor)
The lack of closure he might have gotten from being able to apologize to Izuku that was impossible because he knew Izuku would not hold him properly accountable for his actions
The time and energy spent on atonement to get himself to a level of self-worth where he could finally, sincerely apologize to Izuku at all
And yes, these things are consequences, so long as you start from the perspective that Katsuki is a flawed but well-intentioned, fundamentally good, still-growing adolescent aspiring to be a true hero.
2. “Katsuki’s arc does not focus on his development as a hero.”
I can’t believe I have to explain this again. For anyone who doesn’t see the story focus placed on Katsuki’s hero development: open your damn eyes.
The beginning establishes very clearly that Katsuki hardly has anything combat-related he still needs to develop. His issues are entirely in the rescue/save/self-sacrifice department.
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Katsuki’s problem is that he doesn’t recognize any training that isn’t combat-related as worthy development for him to focus on.
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It’s all baked into the irony of why Best Jeanist was actually the perfect mentor for him to pick in order to introduce him to the areas of professional heroism in which he sorely lacks: communication.
Katsuki perceives his sports festival gold medal as a huge loss, and the story supports his perspective. Everything Katsuki does before his match with Shouto indicates he’s competing with Izuku to be the one to “save” Shouto. Izuku got Shouto to use his fire--and Katsuki wants to do the same.
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Katsuki gets hung up on those flashbacks of his childhood with Izuku not just because remembering them pisses him off but because he’s competing with that image of Izuku as a savior in this moment. This match is his opportunity to face off with Izuku in the realm of what Katsuki thinks is Izuku’s greatest strength. That’s why he screams this in the match proper:
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And the fact that he loses in this competition with Izuku is the proof that he still has a long way to go.
What’s it say about Katsuki that an injured Izuku tried to create an opening for Katsuki to get a hit in on All Might but Katsuki unexpectedly flubbed it because he went in to save Izuku instead?
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It says he wants to save but doesn’t know how.
And when that becomes clear to Katsuki, he rises to the challenge.
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And suddenly his insights to relate to others become unsettling...
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...and his perceptions of others’ feelings become uncanny...
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...and his ability to inspire his team as a leader...
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...and command their complete trust becomes unrivaled.
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2b. “Katsuki has not fixed his attitude towards civilians to save.”
What, you want Katsuki to stop being Katsuki?
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I find it bizarre how people expect provisionally-licensed Katsuki to, like, have a good bedside manner. That’s never what the supplementary training course was supposed to be about. It was to correct their insufficiencies. Note how those who passed the exam did not get perfect scores. They were allowed to skirt by with their problems unaddressed--because what they proved during the exam was how they knew how to prioritize based on their individual strengths and weaknesses.
Katsuki was never asked to become a caring, soft-mannered person to save civilians. He was asked to connect with their hearts. If Katsuki doesn’t think he’s the best for coddling others, well, he should leave it for someone else to do. And Katsuki actually always demonstrates a knack for treating people equally (if he equally treats them a little rudely), because he doesn’t underestimate people. His harshness is actually a form of kindness in that he respects people enough to chastise them for doing less than what they’re capable of. It’s just not softness, because that’s not his strong suit (uh, until he wakes up in the hospital, I guess).
In the above panels, Katsuki’s tone is appropriate for an admonition. That civilian put herself in danger, and her negligence thus put All Might in danger, and that distracted Katsuki from his dangerous-as-shit task of capturing a violent criminal. She deserves to be scolded! With any luck, it will keep her from doing something so reckless again.
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The above panel admittedly sounds bad until I inform you that Katsuki’s tone is...well, relatively accurate here actually, but there are some word choices that are a bit harsher than what was actually said. In Japanese, he just calls the extras...“extras.” That’s it. He doesn’t call them nobodies. And yeah, you can whine about how that’s still inappropriate. I’d care if Katsuki wasn’t technically right, because this is a manga and those people are actually extras. It’s a joke, you absolute plebes.
But nothing demonstrates Katsuki’s development in this regard more than these two moments.
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Katsuki calls back to recognizing All Might as the tallest wall in the world. That is, he’s the greatest hero alive. And Katsuki acknowledges that the only way to scale such a wall is to fulfill the requirements of “winning and saving”--but together as a team (because All Might was such a solitary figure to his own detriment). It’s all in there. Just read it.
The moral of the story is: politeness is not the same thing as kindness or respect, and Katsuki doesn’t have to be perfect at literally everything even if he is to be a good hero.
Was I even asked a question?
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gentrychild · 3 years
the au ask: uh, not sure how this works, but, let's say an au where the slime incident never happens?
Anon, no! I have about five AUs for that! You could at least tell me if you want it to be angst or crack!
More seriously, it's such a fun prompt because it avoids All Might telling Izuku he can't be a hero without a quirk, which is the start of so many vigilante/villain/quirkless Izukus.
But since I am a benevolent writer, I will not talk about the AU where Tsuyu and Mineta dies, then Iida, then Kota, then Mirio, Eri isn't saved, and so on.
Okay, it got really long so it's under a Read More.
All Might arrests the Slime villain before he gets in the sewers so neither Izuku nor Bakugou are attacked by him. The problem is that it also means that All Might never meets Izuku, never break his little heart, and Izuku never has the chance to prove his worth to All Might so no OFA.
Life goes on. Izuku still wants to become a hero. However, since his homeroom teacher told his entire class that he wanted to go to UA, his entire class, led by Bakugou, has decided to make his life a living hell over it. Constant taunting and people laughing at him.
It takes its toll on him.
He still doesn't doubt that a quirkless hero can exist but the more days, weeks, months pass, the more he keeps thinking of how easier it would be if he had a quirk.
A dangerous thought. One he usually doesn't allow himself to think because why whine about what is impossible to have? But one boy can only take "What a useless quirkless Deku like you do?" before he starts to get haunted by strange thoughts. Cough... urges... Cough.
It also makes him eager to prove himself. Maybe that's why he intervenes that evening when he sees a villain trying to hurt someone. Except that once the civilian he helped is running to call a hero, he is reminded that he is a smol child made of only skin and bones and that the guy in front of him is about to bash his head in.
He tries to protect himself, his hand grabbing the villain by the head and in this moment, as he is sure that he is about to be killed, he thinks the one selfish thought that he ever thought:
"It's unfair... that this quirk belongs to someone like you... instead of me."
And just like that, Izuku takes a quirk for the first time.
The villain runs in terror and Izuku runs (in the other direction) in confusion. Soon, it's pretty clear that he apparently had the ability to take and give quirks (thank you, Mom, who has volunteered to try the villain's quirk. Though it's strange how she keeps trying to call someone on her phone these days. But it's probably not important.) Which is a very cool quirk.
Izuku now has to pass from "No quirk at all" to "Can have whatever quirk he wants", which is quite dizzying.
He is so fired up for the UA exam, five months from then. Ridiculously happy bean.
Meanwhile, Mirio gets OFA because no successor showed the self sacrificial spirit that could have inspired All Might and both GT and Nighteye kinda pressures him into choosing a successor ASAP.
This has disastrous consequences as OFA is way too powerful for Mirio and starts to put an insane strain on his body. One month later, while fighting a villain (he has his hero license), he collapses on the side of the road, black lines all over his body as the quirk is killing him.
Izuku finds him and calls an ambulance ASAP but Mirio is is really bad shape. He asks him what happened and Mirio, half delirious, tells him that his quirk is killing him.
Izuku is very "????" but he can help! He can take the quirk away! But Lemillion would be quirkless! He can't take this decision! But Mirio can so he asks.
Mirio is half conscious. Completely in pain. He didn't even want that quirk. He likes Permeation. So, half delirious as he was, he might have mumbled something like "Take that thing out of me."
Izuku does, realizes that Mirio has two quirks so he leaves him the one that doesn't feel as heavy as a freaking dwarf star. Lemillion immediately starts to stop looking like he will drop dead any moment from now and the ambulance arrives, taking the hero student away.
Since Izuku doesn't have the All Might telling him that OFA is a good quirk, he acts like a sensible person: this quirk doesn't feel normal and it apparently kills its user. So he waits about 20 seconds before getting rid of it. He finds a nice and sturdy lizard, who, unbeknownst to everyone, becomes the 10th user of OFA.
The quirk comes back to Izuku.
Quirks aren't supposed to do that.
The freaking quirk is cursed. Izuku accepted a cursed quirk.
I cannot begin to describe how Izuku doesn't trust OFA in this AU. He doesn't use it. He intensively dislikes it. He tries everything and more to get rid of it but no matter what living organism he selects, the damn thing keeps coming back.
Meanwhile, Mirio wakes up from the hospital alive :) then remembers he gave a host-killing-quirk to a smol child. O.O
Panic ensues.
All Might realizes that whoever took OFA put his hand on Mirio's head, the same way AFO does. So it was probably AFO with a fun new shapeshifting quirk.
More panic ensues.
Meanwhile, AFO, alive indeed and who has been watching Mirio wastes away and enjoying the hell out of it (though he would have preferred it had happened one generation sooner) is furious that Yagi 2.0 isn't dying anymore because it means OFA passed to someone else! And since everyone in the OFAteam is quite panicked, they apparently lost the quirk he gave his little brother!
He gets so upset about it that he somehow misses the hundred of phonecalls from his wife.
So AFO and All Might alike are looking for someone with OFA but since Izuku just isn't using it, they aren't finding it.
Meanwhile, the Vestiges went from "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH, SOMEONE WITH AFO!!!! AHHHHHH!" to "What do you mean: You don't want to use us? We're not good enough for you???"
So OFA is doing the quirk equivalent of a cat purring and showing its belly so it can get some pet.
Izuku: "You know what? I know it's a trap but since I don't want to outright call a quirk evil, I will give you one chance to prove to me you're not a cursed power that wants my death."
Cue two broken legs.
Well, that's it. Izuku gave that nasty quirk the benefit of the doubt. He is never using it again. And since the damn thing is trying to contaminate his other quirks, he is vaulting it forever!
The irony is not lost on First.
The day of the entrance exam arrives and Izuku does quite well with his good, non cursed quirks, thank you very much.
And as he is leaving, he sees Lemillion! He is happy to see him in good health! He waves at him!
Meanwhile, Mirio spent the last five months trying to find that awful quirk he lost. He was half convinced he had given him to the Symbol of Evil and had trouble seeing the problem because if OFA would eat AFO, where was the problem? He is wondering if he condemned a kid to death. He Is Going Through A Lot.
He wants to say so many things, ask so many questions. And the one thing he manages to blurt out is "GET HIM!"
Tamaki and Nejire immediately shoulder slam a small child. They didn't even hesitate.
That's the story of how the Mighty team found OFA again.
Izuku loves hanging out with All Might but not even him can convince him that the quirk isn't cursed.
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aidemint · 2 years
To Be Something Other Than | Like Real People Do: Part 2 | Silco
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part one | part two | part three
summary: silco reflects on his past and wonders why the water wasn’t able to erase the entirety of his youth. an unexpected presence shows up with answers.
word count: 2.4k+
pairing: Silco/GN!Reader , Silco x GN!Reader
warnings: canon-level violence
notes: part 2 baby! this is post-timeskip, if you didn’t know that already :) enjoy!
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Silco grimaces at the sight of blisters dotting the palm of his hand, grumbling as he wraps the wound with gauze.
Fourth time this week. What do they even do?
Flexing his fist to make sure the wrap is on tight enough so that it stays, he lets out a long sigh, closing his eye when he leans back in the cushy seat of his chair.
He’d never expected to transition so suddenly from a life in which it was a rare occurrence that his misgivings weren’t his fault, to an existence where nearly all of them were. It frustrates him to no end to think that his efforts were partially wasted—he is a man that values worthwhile sacrifice, after all.
Silco worked hard to become the next Kingpin—the traitorous, somewhat successor of the famed Vander, Hound of the Underground. It had its disadvantages, the chembarons always being at his throat with their sharpest blades, but being at the top of the hierarchy was supposed to mean protection from the muck of the underground, a place in which the grime he lived in before wouldn’t be able to touch him.
At least, that was what he predicted.
The consequences of his soulmate’s actions proved otherwise.
He feels more frustrated than empathetic towards them for their being so injury-prone nowadays. First it was lesions on the forearm, bruised knuckles, and now blistered palms, friction scrubbing their skin dry. They aren’t burns, which means that his beloved-to-be isn’t doing colony work, yet he can’t seem to find anything positive to say about whatever the latter is.
Muttering a string of curses under his breath, he tries to distract himself with work, glaring at a pile of scattered papers spread in a rather frustrating manner. He picks up a letter, scanning it through, then rolls a pen between his fingers to draft a response.
After three times of attempting to write without a shake in his hand, he thinks that it just might be easier to jam the damn pen in between his two rows of teeth and scribble a reply instead. His face feels warm, brows tensing and lips pressing tightly together when he tries to abate his rising anger. 
Things were so much easier back then, so why can’t they be now?
Part of him hates himself for the thought, though he knows it to be true. He’d already come to terms with the fact that his soulmate was a topsider long ago, after coming to the realization that injuries only surfaced at random—there was no pattern, nor rhyme or reason to them. The results of carelessness.
Zaunians had no time to be careless.
Yet, when he looks at the lacerations striping his arm and the purpling of the skin over his knuckles, his lips purse and his features take upon a pondering expression because he remembers the sight all too well. In the shared wounds, he sees himself in his youth, counting pennies in a ragtag shack that was far too small to house the volume of his aspirations. Broken fingernails, calloused palms, toughened from layers of blisters, scars littering the backs of his hands.
The same sight stares back at him, only on older skin.
Blatant desperation.
Though it strikes him as odd when he remembers who his soulmate is.
The two ideas are oil and water.
He never thought that a Piltie could even attempt to possess what it takes to merely survive down in the undercity. Admittedly, they had their own toils and hardships, that he wouldn’t deny. A soft grin surfaces when the thought of Marcus arises, though it doesn’t stay for long, Silco’s mouth reforming into a short frown when he slips back into thought.
It never occurred to him that such a person would be going through the same motions he’d experienced so many years ago. 
But the evidence is here—complete and real and enough.
His eyes are drawn to a half-stub of an unfinished cigar propped up on his ashtray when he finishes tracing the outline of an emboldened knuckle in the wake of torn flesh. Taking his lighter out of his pocket, he flicks it on and holds the fire near his fingers, burning the cigar between them.
Smoke fills his mouth when he puffs, the richness circling his tongue and teeth before he blows the vapor out. Silco’s tongue runs a thin line over his lips when he sighs, a biting bitterness coming through after a fuller flavor.
Is it simply respect that he has for his soulmate, or yearning?
He admires their perseverance, their fighting spirit, the undeniable tenacity they had when it comes to not jumping ship and abandoning every last bit of hope in exchange for the easy way out. They fit his ideal, the type of person he wants to keep close—strong-willed, intelligent, self-sufficient, and passionate. 
Yet it goes further than that, it seems—Silco thinks that their very existence also defies his beliefs. The very thought of them, the fact that there’s this undeniable notion that somehow the universe connected him and them, together as one, sharing the same toils and hardships… it makes him feel like he’s sixteen, young, dumb, and happy again.
The old shell of himself that he supposedly shed all those years ago somehow breathes, alive, ever-present and he hates it but he thinks it could also be something more. Something different.
With the introduction of Jinx, he’s begun to think that maybe things could be more normal. More like the simple dreams that he had as a young man.
Their own little radioactive family.
But maybe he’s getting ahead of himself.
A minute passes and Silco goes for another mouthful of smoke, tongue craving the nicotine sting, but his frame suddenly crumples, bent into a hunch by a sharp pain that slashes across the length of his backside in an instant. He gasps, stifling a choke, jaw clenched and eye screwed tightly shut, and body straining to straighten out almost immediately.
Sweat beads his forehead as his heart rate spikes, the sensation hauntingly familiar—perhaps a bit too much so for his liking. It’s gentler, more relenting than the ghost of a feeling he buries in the past, but he can’t stop his arms from shaking with the expectation that perhaps more of the same spiking hurt will come in a succession of blows, just as it did once before.
But nothing emerges, and his back still burns from the one line of pain, raw and pounding against his skin. He takes the inside of his cheek in between his teeth in an effort to bear the dull ache.
Learned tolerance keeps him from making too much noise, the air in his lungs forced to form incoherent gasps instead of solid shouts, though he can’t disregard his lack of immunity towards the feeling. His heart thrums against the thin shell of his chest, daring to break through its cage and suddenly he remembers all of it, the burn, the crushing realization, the experience meant to be kept behind closed doors.
It was five days after he’d nearly drowned in the River Pilt—one life-changing event after the other. 
He was already weak, then—drained of energy, desperate, hungry, nowhere left to run but a cold, cardboard shack in the mean streets of the undercity. The Lanes were where he was safe from outsiders, but the Lanes were the Hound’s territory, and Silco would rather take his chances with the poorest of the underground.
Emaciation ate away at his flesh, hollowing out the ever-present gauntness in his cheeks even further until they seemed like craters on either side of his face. His skin stretched from bone to bone, lines of stress forming wherever his skeleton came into a softened turn. That sickly shade of olive within the organ had grayed even further in his isolation, becoming cold, worn, ever so near the end.
He learned perseverance in desperation. How far the human body was willing to go before it gave up life, hope, its fighting spirit. Silco was a man on death’s door, the chasm to nothingness just beyond the tips of his toes, but he refused to fall into the pit.
He would not be swallowed by fate.
Perhaps the universe disagreed.
White-hot pain woke the slumbering man in the depths of the night with a howl.
His back jutted upwards, plied into a wishbone that he hoped would just break, tailbone pressed harshly against cold concrete, the back of his skull molded to fit the shape of the floor. He screamed ferociously as sharp pains burned into his back, grueling lash after grueling lash flogging in staccato motions across his skin.
It was impossible, his pain. His back was to the ground, there was nobody around, there had never been a wound so grave that wasn’t earned on his own—perhaps it was a dream.
A dream, a dream, a dream, a dream, please, please, please.
A vicious scream was ripped from his throat as another strike hit the same spot on his spine.
He recognized the weapon—a whip, spiked with barbs of metallic wire—as it dug into the tenderness of the skin that covered the expanse of his torso, mutilating his flesh when it departed just to go back for more. Plunge after merciless plunge.
Be done, leave me be. Go away, please.
The universe would not listen. A dream, so foolishly had he wished for everything to be a dream. 
He prayed for satisfaction, then.
Be done with me.
The rush of blood in his ears, the thrumming of his racing heart as he desperately swatted at invisible forces to make them stop—oh God, please make them stop.
He was breathless, lungs wrenched dry and airway seeming as thin as a straw as he gasped through his state of asphyxiation. One more impact to the face and he was down for good, legs giving out and shoulders meeting the ground underneath the strain.
A deep wine red soaked into the dirtied ivory shirt he had on, his vest completely forgotten on the other side of the room he’d thrown it to.
Stickied blood spilled into the cracks in the concrete, filling the runways with vile liquid they’d seen all too much before. It clung to Silco’s skin, the soot, the grime, the murder. He wanted to fill his lacerations with them, bring his hands to his arms and scrape off the residue to patch his injuries.
Silco, helpless, laid on the ground and counted the seconds before his seemingly inevitable demise.
Fifty three…
He caught a glimpse of a pool of blood, illuminated by fogged moonlight.
Crimson. The color seeped into his eye until it was all he could see.
I’ll wear crimson tomorrow. 
In the present, a thump from above pulls him from his thoughts. Unflinching, he tilts his chin up to look at the intrusion: spots of blue and pale skin dance with tattered lines of purple and black stripes in the movement overhead. It’s a clean flurry of motion, despite how uncalculated it may seem.
“They’re at it again?” Silco watches grey eyes flit to his makeshift cast. “It’s like they aren’t even from the undercity, with how many times they’ve gotten hurt.” Jinx stops swinging her feet when the words leave her mouth, pausing to process the comment.
“Oh wait…” She purses her lips, tapping thoughtfully on her chin. “That can’t be right. Or is it? Hm.” Silco bites back a sigh, a low hum emerging instead when his daughter drops to his desk with a thud.
“They’ve been more reckless than usual,” he replies, “But their actions aren’t amateurish.”
“Yeah?” Genuine curiosity softens Jinx’s tone. “Then what are they?”
“They’re living the life I wanted to get away from.” The blue-haired girl frowns, deepened lines pronouncing the discontent on her features.
“Well that ain’t really helpful, is it? Then what’s the use of living the life you have now if you’re just gonna be living… two lives? But it’s the same life? Does that mean I’m living two lives too?” She shows Silco a bloody pink line running along the length of her right arm, a scar she couldn’t have possibly gotten in her lab. “But this life is pretty much the same as the other one I’m living, so I guess I’m really only experiencing one.”
“That’s rather thoughtful. I admit that I’d rather not relive my past, however.” The Kingpin feels Jinx still at this, her shoulders tensing and brows furrowing. A few seconds of silence pass before she responds, meeker, hesitantly, voice ten times quieter than it was before.
“I don’t think I’d want to relive mine either.”
A sudden, intrusive knock at the door halts their conversation. Jinx scowls at the sight of a familiar pair of boots at the door and climbs up to the ceiling, back into the vent that leads to her workshop. Once her fleeting figure has disappeared entirely, Silco allows the presence on the other side to enter.
“Come in.” His voice regains its edge as he instinctively adjusts his tie in an attempt to look less disheveled. Sevika, heavy-footed, enters the room with an expression he doesn’t recognize—there’s something unfamiliar in her eyes and he can’t pin it to disbelief or awe.
“Someone’s asking for you.” He grimaces. When are they not? 
“What for?”
“They said they wanted a private audience with you.” Silco huffs amusedly. It wasn’t uncommon for him to get the request, though most of the time it wasn’t official business, just another bottomfeeder asking for a shimmer handout. He doubted that this visitor was different, but he still kept the idea in the air. 
“If it’s a handout they want, you already know what to do. What other reason do I have for entertaining them?”
Confusion starts to edge at the front of his mind when Sevika stares at him, features unchanged.
“Look, I know I’m gonna sound crazy for saying this.” She takes a deep breath, exhaling carefully. “But you should meet with ‘em.” Silco realizes that he doesn’t like the feeling of being uncertain—he feels vulnerable.
“Get to the point.”
“They got scars just like you. Even your eye. It’s all the same.” The Kingpin’s breath hitches in his throat, the small lump beckoning a cough that he releases into a curled fist. 
“Where are they now?” He tries to remain calm and calculative, as he’s always been, but he can feel his heart thundering in his chest.
“Waiting to be let in.” His hand feels clammy when it reaches to smooth down his hair.
“Then let them in.” Sevika’s irises glint with something new at his reply—relief, perhaps. “And close the door on your way out.” She nods, making her way to the exit, but stops to get one last word in before cracking the door open.
“Good luck.”
Silco knows it isn’t for him.
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makeste · 4 years
“...and I bullied him.”
hello, hello, good afternoon or evening or whatever time it is. so by now we’ve all had some time to bask in those “Kacchan admitted he cares about Deku” feels (well, technically they were “All Might pointed out that Kacchan was worried about Deku and Kacchan didn’t deny it” feels, BUT THOSE MIGHT AS WELL BE THE SAME FEELS, YOU KNOW). and it’s been lovely. I’ve been having a time. it’s been nice.
but now I would like to talk a bit more about a part of this chapter which I think was even more important.
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for me, this was the line of the chapter. this one panel may honestly be the biggest piece of Kacchan character development since all the way back in chapter 120. “I ended up bullying him.” okay but guys?? can we just talk?? about how absolutely extraordinary this one sentence is.
it’s self-aware.
introspection? from a kid who’s had to be dragged kicking and screaming to every character development milestone he’s ever experienced in his life? and on an emotional level that actually goes deeper, and doesn’t just stop at the surface-level anger that’s so often his instinctive reaction to everything? who are you and what have you done with Bakugou Katsuki lol.
but seriously, the level of self-analysis here almost stunned me, guys. not only does he demonstrate a very impressive level of insight into Deku (something I especially love because it mirrors the many analyses Deku has made of him, and shows that the understanding between them is actually mutual), but he also shows an unprecedented degree of insight into himself. like, historically speaking, Bakugou and Feelings have not always exactly been on the same page, you know? so for him to suddenly get so thoughtful now, and sincerely try to analyze these feelings which up until now he’s always ignored and avoided dealing with... that is such a huge step. also, bonus points: he recognizes it as a problem within himself, and doesn’t try to pin the blame on Deku in any way. he recognizes that he’s the one who reacted badly to Deku’s behavior. to be able to examine your own feelings like that and arrive at a conclusion that acknowledges that you’re not the good guy in this, that you’re the one who made the mistake -- that takes a level of accountability that not everyone possesses.
it’s self-prompted.
okay this one is a big deal honestly. no one put a gun to Katsuki’s head here and forced him to confess this. all All Might said was “you’re worried about him too” and that somehow prompted a level of emotional honesty that Katsuki has never before shown. now, based on the fact that the successors’ notebook is still fresh in Katsuki’s mind, and that All Might mentioned earlier that Aizawa couldn’t help because he was “busy at the moment”, this conversation likely took place shortly after the kids returned from their New Year’s break. meaning that this was basically right after the Endeavor internship arc, when thoughts about seeking atonement were still fresh on Katsuki’s mind. so this isn’t entirely out of the blue; it shows that Katsuki did, in fact, learn exactly what All Might was hoping he would learn from Endeavor.
but it’s one thing for this to be on his mind, and another thing entirely for him to actually confess it out loud. and I absolutely will give him full credit for that. he admits, without anyone forcing him to, that he bullied Deku. there’s no incentive for him to do this whatsoever. Deku isn’t there to hear it. he’s not admitting it for the purposes of seeking forgiveness. he’s simply just being honest, and owning up to what he did because he realizes it was wrong. and that takes a lot of inner strength, to do that. to not shy away from it and keep pretending like it never happened. this is a huge first step for him.
it’s a confession that leaves him emotionally vulnerable.
this is another big one. it’s not always evident because he makes a big effort to downplay it, but Katsuki looks up to All Might every bit as much as Deku does. he seeks his approval, he wants All Might to be proud of him, even though he very often puts on a big show of not caring about it at all. it means a lot to him. a lot.
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and Katsuki knows how much All Might cares about Deku. and sure, All Might is already perfectly aware that Katsuki and Deku aren’t exactly on the best of terms, and he’s always been understanding about it; always gently compassionate and attempting to smooth things out between them without being judgmental.
but All Might also doesn’t know everything about the two of them. and even with Kacchan and Deku’s relationship never exactly being on the most rock solid of terms at U.A., there’s still a vast difference between the way they interact there, and the way that they interacted back in middle school. when Katsuki was not only hostile, but occasionally downright cruel. and when Deku was still quirkless, and very much not on equal footing with Kacchan in terms of power, and yet Kacchan bullied him anyway.
what Katsuki is confessing here puts him at risk of rejection from one of the people whose opinion of him matters the most. he’s opening himself up to the possibility that All Might might not, for once, react with his trademark understanding. he’s admitting to All Might, I did something unherolike, and I hurt someone you care about, and I didn’t have a good reason for doing it. All Might, in the moment immediately following this statement, has an incredible amount of power over Katsuki. he has the ability to withdraw his support, to condemn him, to pull away and decide that Katsuki is not someone worthy of becoming a hero after all. he has all the power in the world over Katsuki in this one moment; a rejection from him would be a blow he’d never recover from.
and Katsuki, knowing this, tells him anyway. willingly opens himself up to that possibility of being hurt, of being rejected and shunned by the person who inspired his dream. because the alternative is being dishonest with him. this is, in short, a decision made because he believes All Might deserves to know this, and deserves to hear the truth from him. he wants his approval so badly, but he can’t live with the knowledge that he’s “tricked” him into giving it. so he tells him the truth, ready to face whatever consequences might arise from that. and I think that might be one of the bravest things he’s ever done.
it’s not attempting to shirk responsibility.
this, right here, is why Katsuki is my favorite character. because even though he’s flawed, even though he’s made a lot of mistakes, when he realizes that and is confronted by it, he never tries to hide from them. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: to me, the essence of Katsuki is that he is someone who is always trying to be better. he wants to be a good hero; he wants to be a good person. when people point out to him that he’s done something wrong, he listens. it doesn’t always sink in right away, sure, and sometimes he gets stubborn and it can be hard to hammer that truth in. but once he gets it, he always makes the change. he never tries to make excuses. he owns up to his shit and does his best to course correct.
with this acknowledgement here, that he bullied Deku, there’s no attempt on his part to say that it was Deku’s fault, that Deku shouldn’t have done this or that. he doesn’t blame his parents or his teachers or try to act like he didn’t know any better. he makes no attempt whatsoever to justify it. it’s just simple, honest truth. back then, I ignored my own weakness, so I ended up bullying him. it’s a plea of guilt. no attempt to mitigate it or downplay it. the verb he uses, “ijimeta”, doesn’t water it down.
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“to ill-treat; to torment; to be cruel to.” there’s no attempt here to paint this in a flattering light at all. which is good. because in order for him to really atone for it, to really go the distance in his redemption arc which we’re all rooting for him to do, the most important step is for him to take responsibility. he can’t learn from it if he’s trying to hide from it or make excuses for what he did wrong. he has to fully acknowledge his mistakes. and that’s exactly what this is.
it shows remorse.
that’s right y’all. they sent my boy out to do an internship with Endeavor over the holidays, and he came back having learned the true meaning of Christmas. his heart really did grow three sizes. honey badger does care.
there is genuine, sincere remorse for his actions here. he’s sorry for what he did. he regrets what he did. there’s real contrition there. it’s not forced or insincere. again, nobody made him say this! nobody pressured him, nobody led him on. these are his own feelings. I bullied Deku. I shouldn’t have done that to him. I want to atone for it.
I know some people in fandom don’t think this is enough. the same thing happened with Endeavor as well. people aren’t always satisfied with restorative justice; they want retribution. they want punishment for his actions. and that’s a natural feeling; it stems back to that instinct of wanting everything to be fair, which I mentioned in another meta not too long ago.
but the thing is, retributive, punitive justice doesn’t actually help anyone. it doesn’t restore what was lost. Katsuki being punished doesn’t do anything to undo what was done to Deku. it doesn’t do anything to heal the harm that was dealt. it doesn’t do anything to make things better for either of them moving forward.
but do you know what does? restorative justice. making amends. which is exactly what this is building up to now.
it shows an understanding that remorse is not enough, and that in order to move forward he has to take action to be a better person.
Katsuki understands that simply being sorry for what he did is not enough. I suspect that’s one reason why he hasn’t attempted to apologize to Deku yet; because he recognizes that after years of tormenting him for stupid and self-centered reasons, a simple apology might seem meaningless at best and self-serving at worst. it puts pressure on Deku to make a decision to either accept or not accept it. Katsuki saw the Todoroki siblings struggling with a similar conflict not too long ago. and he knows better than anyone else how selfless Deku can be. “deep down, he doesn’t take himself into account, y’know?” and so if Katsuki simply apologizes, Deku might end up offering forgiveness that he doesn’t actually deserve, just because Deku is that kind of person who puts others above himself.
and so rather, what Katsuki has opted to do for now is to put all his efforts into helping Deku. he knows Deku is in a considerable amount of danger. he knows how much Deku has on his plate with the SIXQUIRKS and trying to handle all of that. and he knows there are other potential dangers looming which they don’t even know about yet. he’s been alert and anxious about this -- you saw how quickly his mind leaped to worst-case scenarios about the past OFA users; how he was sure that All Might was hiding something from them, and how agitated and apprehensive he got thinking about what that might be.
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“I’m worried for him. you are, too,” All Might said. and Katsuki didn’t deny it. didn’t even try. he is worried about Deku. he’s worried about what he has to face. he’s worried about him getting in over his head and something happening to him. and so the way that he has chosen to try and atone is to help him. with his training, with his quirks; whatever he can do. if he needs to push him he’ll push him. whatever he can do to help make him stronger. and if he needs to protect him, he’ll do that too.
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atonement is not the same thing as forgiveness. atonement is about trying to make up for what you did, to try and correct your mistakes however you can. it doesn’t mean you’re pardoned from them. all it means is that you’ve acknowledged them, and are doing your best -- doing whatever you can -- to repair the harm done, and to be a better person going forward. and sometimes there is no way to ever completely make up for it. sometimes you can’t undo the harm, because you can’t go back and change the past. the only thing you can change is the now, and the future.
and so Katsuki is trying to atone. he’s trying to be the friend Deku deserves now, since he wasn’t before. he’s trying his best to make things right, and it all starts with this one sentence. that acknowledgement of what he did, of what can’t be changed. acknowledgement of the mistake, so that he can learn from it, so that it never happens again.
so yeah. BnHA Redemption Arcs strike again. Horikoshi you smooth son of a bitch.
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gayozpin · 3 years
Oz: Leadership and Destiny
"Being a team leader isn't just a title you carry into battle, but a badge you wear constantly. If you're not always performing at your absolute best, then what reason do you give others to follow you?"
I think about this quote a lot, how this is a standard Ozpin carried for himself. Because he cannot afford to make mistakes. Because when he does, you get events like The Circle being slaughtered and the fall of Beacon. People suffer from the consequences of his choices. More so specifically with Ozpin's inner circle, we see how the inner circle looks to Ozpin for direction, the answers on what to do next. He was pretty much the pillar of the structure, the group, and as such, Ozpin couldn't afford to falter or crumble under the pressure.
In his mind, he always had to “perform" at his absolute best because he was the one people were looking up to. If Ozpin failed, he would bring everyone else down with him. Whatever choice he made, the outcome would fall on his head. If something goes wrong, it'll be on his hands. It's not coincidence why Oz has rejected positions of power throughout the years. He didn't want to lead The Circle, he didn't want to lead Remnant despite the other 3 kingdoms having bowed to him, and Ozpin didn't seem upset at the prospect of losing his position as headmaster.
In fact, I wonder if Ozpin himself actually wanted to be headmaster. If he only accepted the position because he felt like he had to, that it was his duty as Oz's successor, not because he wanted to. If this was something Ozpin was pushed into taking.
Almost like like Pyrrha's definition of destiny.
“When I think of destiny, I don't think of a predetermined fate you can't escape. But rather... some sort of final goal, something you work towards your entire life."
So while Ozpin may not have initially wanted to become headmaster, didn't want to accept his role as Oz's successor, in the end, he accepted his role, as successor and headmaster. He made these roles his own and accepted the position so he can work his way towards his final goal: of reuniting and preparing humanity for the day of judgement. I don't think Ozpin hated his headmaster position, in fact, he seemed to genuinely enjoy being an educator and he definitely cared about his students. I truly do believe he loved being headmaster.
More so, just like how Oscar is embracing and shaping his role as Oz's successor to be his own, maybe that's what Ozpin went through. That even though Ozpin asked for none of this, that he had no aspirations to be headmaster, he decided to embrace it and make it his own. To embrace the headmaster position with grace, not begrudgingly. Like how Winter accepted to become the next winter maiden even though she initially didn't choose this for herself! I bring this up bc Ozpin being the youngest headmaster ever has always been... curious. Why would anyone so young take such a daunting role?
ANYWAYS, reeling it back to the point of Oz rejecting power in the past, Oz KNOWS the heavy responsibility that comes with being leader.
And honestly? I don't think Oz is meant or fit to be leader. And I think he knows this. He... they? Would rather play a supportive role.
We pretty much see this with Oscar and Ozpin in v8. They're not pushing themselves to be the leader of the group, but rather they're helping out as a valuable member of the group. THAT'S what they're more suited for. It's not that Oz wants to run away from the responsibility of being leader, it's just that,,,,, Oz is not the best suited to be THE leader of this cause. More so, he wants to help and contribute as much as he can to this cause.
Because we do see him take part in assisting!! From the infinite man training members of The Circle in combat and unlocking their aura and semblances, to Ozpin running a school to train the next protectors of the world, to Oscar helping out in any way with his friends' plans and maintaining unity, they most certainly want to be involved in this fight.
But as we see with Ozpin, taking part in this fight as leader of the grander scheme of things... well.... hasn't turned out great. Starting with Oz's harmful mentality on leadership, that he has to be at his absolute best, ALWAYS, and give people a reason to follow him... yikes. It's just not meant to be.
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itsclydebitches · 3 years
Punch a hole through her chest.
"Clyde wtf that's so dark."
Just to add onto this, that's literally what happened to Clover just last volume.
If Jaune had been there for that fight, I'd have no trouble believing that Clover was too wounded for him to save in time. He had a hole punched through his chest with a broadsword. RWBY could've done the same thing here--have Cinder shove her entire fist through Penny's heart. The only reason she doesn't die almost immediately is Jaune there trying to heal her, but she's cogent enough to realize she's dead in a few minutes no matter what. And instead of having Jaune kill her, since Weiss is keeping Cinder busy, just beg him to stop prolonging her death. She's suffering and in extreme pain and she knows he's not gonna be able to actually heal her--"Let me go. Let me pass on the powers to someone else so Cinder doesn't get them."
Idk, it's just one option, but like. They have had an entire broadsword shoved through a man's chest in gruesome detail on screen. No one can tell me they couldn't have made Penny's injury excruciating, severe, and lethal enough that even an accomplished healer couldn't save her.
Coming back to this conversation now that I've finished my review!
Excellent point. Yes. This exactly. And as you say, this is just one option of many. Give us a Clover-esque injury that makes it abundantly clear she's not surviving this (RWBY can even continue the visual trend we've gotten with him and Yang's arm). Have Jaune's aura break so he can't heal at all. Have Cinder actively attacking Penny. Let Jaune try to pull her through the portal, but fails. Something else—preferably a couple of somethings else—to sell this "She has to die" moment. Especially for a character that has a) already died once before and b) spent the last two volumes all but begging the group to let her sacrifice herself (let me go to Salem, let me burn up to hold Amity, just kill me so I never open the vault). Many fans are uncomfortable with Penny's death because that self-sacrificial characterization, combined with these ambiguous details of the scene, equals a moment that can easily look like Penny choosing to die—Jaune choosing to kill her— when, in reality, that never actually needed to happen. Every time this conversation comes up, the disagreements stem from how each fan approaches RWBY. Some fans take whatever is said at face value: if Penny says it's hopeless, it's hopeless. No reason to doubt her word. Others (like me) prioritize what we see over what we're told: is Penny a reliable source when it comes to her own self-worth? No. Should she have any knowledge of what's actually lethal to a human body? No. Has Jaune healed life-threatening injuries before? Yes. Does he still have his aura? Yes. Do they have time? Arguably yes, given that Cinder isn't paying any attention to them and they have a whole conversation about this. So...
Change a single detail, like the severity of Penny's injury, and all that goes away. Add in a couple of details, really thinking about how you can sell this moment to the audience, and you'll craft something poignant and heart-breaking... not confusing and frustrating.
Also, just as a sidenote... I personally still don't buy transferring the powers as a justification here. Simply because, like the construction of this scene, RWBY has been iffy and somewhat contradictory about how this transfer works. If I'm meant to believe that the powers transferred to Penny from Fria because Penny was holding her hand and kneeling at her side when she died... then why didn't the powers transfer to Jaune when he's kneeling at Penny's side, killing her? Obviously they can't, he's a guy, so why not go to the closest woman (Weiss), the closest woman connected to Maidens (Cinder), or someone random? Well, it's supposedly because Penny was thinking about Winter. It's easy for Fria to think about Penny, she's right there, but Penny manages to think about Winter despite her still being in the vault. Despite Jaune having her attention. Despite not even knowing if Winter is still alive.
So if Penny has the mental fortitude to think about Winter despite all this, but specifically while Jaune is killing her, I fail to see why she can't think about Winter while Cinder is killing her instead. From there, Penny's entire justification falls apart. She wants to die now so Cinder won't get the powers... but Cinder shouldn't get the powers so long as Penny keeps her thoughts on Winter! And so long as they keep Cinder's power stealing arm away from her. Given the supposed justification the show sets up, the answer here isn't for Penny to die by Jaune's hand (him killing her is a distraction), but to survive—because surviving is good—and keep her thoughts on Winter at all costs, in case she doesn't. Thus, it makes way more sense for Jaune to try and get Penny through a portal. Give her a chance to survive by getting her to relative safety/to a place where he can focus on healing. Get her away from Cinder so she can't snag Penny again with her arm. Get her away from Cinder so she can more easily focus on Winter, should the worse happen and she perishes in the next few minutes as she thinks she might. If Penny had been left alone to die from her injuries, I'd more easily buy her focusing on Winter with no one else there to distract her. But by introducing this concept that Jaune killing her somehow helps the transfer, but Cinder killing her would mean the powers are lost, just muddies the waters further. A kill is a kill. Sorry, but whoever is murdering/mercy killing me is going to be the one at the forefront of my thoughts.
Which, you know, could have been a consequence of Penny and Jaune buying into this foolish idea. The powers go to someone random because, oddly enough, it's hard to focus on a successor when another friend is killing you. Rather than Winter receiving the powers when she could have just gotten them at the end of Volume 7, they're lost to someone the group doesn't know about yet.
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daised-daisy · 2 years
Logince Royalty AU Idea
Free to take and use however you want
Warning for plans of suicide
Logan realized a monarchy was unfair when he was fifteen, after watching his father abuse his power with no consequences. It’s then he decides that he will end the monarchy for good. And he must take drastic measures to do so.
Logan decides he is going to kill himself after his father dies so that the monarchy collapses.
Years later, Roman is promised to Logan to be his husband. Logan worries this will ruin the plan first because Roman would be able to choose a successor for Logan, but he finds out they aren’t to be married until one year after Logan becomes king to ensure that Roman is being married to a good ruler.
Then, as he meets Roman and starts to like him and eventually fall in love, he thinks that this isn’t a fair thing to do to Roman, so he becomes cold towards him so he won’t grieve when he kills himself. But then he finds Roman crying because he misses Logan’s warmth and Logan realizes it’s too late and Roman will be in grief one way or another, so he might as well save himself the heartache of having to watch him go through it. He warms back up to Roman and apologizes.
Finally, Roman throws one last wrench in his plan. He makes Logan want to live. Before he felt he didn’t have much to look forward too and often found himself struggling to make himself get out of bed every morning. But now he looks forward to every moment in the day, especially those he gets to spend with Roman.
So now he has to continue his plan to sacrifice himself despite his yearning to be with Roman, or find a way to topple the monarchy without losing his life.
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palbabor-writes · 3 years
Shigaraki noncon fic when 👀
oh. well, how about now?
Pairing: Shigaraki Tomura x Fem!OC
Warnings: this is an example of a DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT, seriously, this thing has full on tw.non-consensual sex, verbal and physical abuse, fingering, cunnilingus, stalking, breaking and entering, and a terrible no good very bad shigaraki, like for real - this is a DARK FIC - so shoo if that isn’t your thing, tw.noncon, tw.physcial abuse, tw.head trauma, tw.degradation, tw.stalking, tw.blood 
just, you know, all of the warnings - take all of them 
Word Count: 5041
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That skirt looks good on you.
The shortness makes his eyes narrow, sharp vermillion glinting in the moonlight, but he can’t deny that he likes the way it hugs your hips and temptingly hikes as you bend to collect your mail from the brass box by your entryway. The silhouette that’s illuminated by the dull light of the streetlamp is nothing short of breathtaking and he hungrily licks at his battered lips, tongue tracing over the scar that splits his skin.
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Notes: This is a commissioned fic for @kugutsuu! While it is pretty close to a reader insert, I did take the liberty of using her OC in this & because of that the descriptions are little more honed in and less neutral, plus, uh, she has a name. Shout out to @libiraki for the beta edit & all of her comments *smooches*
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Culmination cul·mi·na·tion /ˌkəlməˈnāSH(ə)n/ noun the highest or climactic point of something
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“This is not wise,” Kurogiri warns, voice steady, low, “it is also not something that he would want for you.”
“Mmmph, what the fuck do you know? You always like to act like you know him better, like you’ve got some kind of upper hand on his thoughts, his plans. You’re not fooling anyone, I know he tells you fuck all too, Kurogiri, you just like to pretend you’re superior to me. Well, too fucking bad. I’m sensei’s successor. I’m the one who he trusts and no one, not even you, Kurogiri, knows him better than I do. Got that?”
“I apologize. I do not mean to offend you Shigaraki Tomura, I only seek to warn–” Kurogiri pauses, mist like form shivering as he debates his next move. Tomura is still young after all and has much to learn. His inexperience and sheltered upbringing are likely directly to blame for this situation. It’s not his fault that this has happened. They should have been prepared for it. He, himself should have known better, should have planned some stratagem, something to counter this burst of... hormones... from his charge. “If you are caught, if she reports you to the authorities, or if she knows a hero, then all will be for naught. We’ve got much to do, and our master would not be pleased with this distraction, successor or not. You know this Shigaraki Tomura, I know you do.”
“She won’t,” Tomura drawls, a wicked grin curling his lips upward, baring a sharp row of gleaming teeth. It hurts his skin when he smiles like this, but he can’t help it. He’s too excited, too piqued. Fuck, he’s even half hard, picturing just how your face will fall, how the swell of your lips will quiver, shake, when you see him at last. You’ll know what’s going to happen, you’ll have to, and if you don’t, well, he’ll make you put it all together.
Kurogiri is muttering something about propriety and consequences, but Tomura isn’t listening. He’s too busy scooting closer to the edge of the bar, hips pressing against the wood until the ache that rests within his bulging pants has lessened.
“I can see that you are not listening.”
“Oh? What the fuck gave that away?”
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He’s thought about how he’ll go about it.
Should he sneak behind you on the train? Or carefully shadow you home; weaving his way in and out of the alleyways, padding over wet pavement, breath hot under his dark hood, hands flexing in his pockets, cock throbbing behind the pinch of his zipper, until you’re at the sanctity of your door?
That one sounds like something out of a thriller. Besides, you’re a woman; you’re skittish. He’s seen how you look behind you when you hop up onto the street, the way your neck strains, twisting, leaning forward, peering into the gloom. No doubt your ears will be pricked, wholly attuned to the smallest sound. Besides, if he opts to grab you outside of your apartment, what if you scream?
He’d do his best to clap a sweaty palm over your curled lips, avoiding the threat of your teeth, smearing that alluring shade of lip gloss, that you always insist on applying as you leave the office, all over your face as he muffles the gasp and shrill cry you’ll let out. But it’s risky. Something might eke out, might bleed over to the ground units, or he might just lower all five fingers. It wouldn’t be on purpose and he’d hate to see you splattered all over the ground, your too hot blood leaking through his fingertips, flecking skin and pretty white bone painting the crime scene he’d leave behind a vibrant red. Your red.
There’s also the added worry of your height.
You’re taller than him. Not by too much, he reasons, sucking his teeth as his cock twitches within the confines of his dark jeans again, picturing your statuesque form. Just enough. High enough that he’d need to strain his arms a little more. However, he doubts that he’d underestimate the difference. He’s stood next to you on the platform of the train, too often to count now, and he’s got the image of you engrained upon his psyche. Even now, if he shutters his twitching eyelids, he can see your outline, knows just where you’d fall, where he’d be able to press, to grab.
It’s almost nightfall, and it’s a Friday. That means you’ll be out a little later tonight. The risk of the doorway, while tempting, will need to be ruled out. Too likely someone else will stumble into the complex, will see him pushing you up the stairs, see his hands sinking into those soft waves of brown hair, his fingers sliding over your neck, plucking at your skin, forcing you to comply.
Besides, your window will be easier.
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That skirt looks good on you.
The shortness makes his eyes narrow, sharp vermillion glinting in the moonlight, but he can’t deny that he likes the way it hugs your hips and temptingly hikes as you bend to collect your mail from the brass box by your entryway. The silhouette that’s illuminated by the dull light of the streetlamp is nothing short of breathtaking, and he hungrily licks at his battered lips, tongue tracing over the scar that splits his skin.
Should he let you get undressed? Let you take a shower? Brush out those silken locks and slip into something that’s easier for him to slide off of you? How long does that take? Ugh.
He’d like to ram you into the wall, jerk that plaid tartan up and dance his fingers under the sweep of your ass, exulting in each sound you gift him. You’ve got a nice voice after all. He’s heard it, once or twice, as you chat with your coworkers, or friends, on your phone. He’d like to see how sharp he can make it, or maybe it will drop even lower, rasping out shallow breaths as he drags each moan from you, or squealing as he sinks one long finger into that soft, petal pink, that he imagines your cunt looks like.
His dick feels like it’s going to burst. One hand drops to the tent it’s created and strokes a soothing rhythm along its length. He’s not worried about not lasting. He’s fucked himself to completion too many times today for that. He’d slink into his darkened room, he’d picture you, your porcelain skin, the cut of your jawline and the tremble of your lips as he worked himself into you. It always clears too fast, as he makes it through the levels of your arousal too quickly and all too soon he’s splashing thick ropes of his release over the dark material of his shirt and the bunched fabric of his boxers.
It had eased the itch, had gotten him through the day, gotten him to this cold balcony, but it’s not enough. Not anymore.
Ah. You took a shower.
Your hair is damp, and it clings to your shoulders, pooling moisture around the dip of your collarbone, staining the front of that shirt you’re wearing. It’s white and he can see the tips of your nipples as the wetness seeps downward, aided by the tug of gravity and the shaking strands of your hair.
Fuck. He’s not gonna make it much longer.
He wants you to hop in bed, to curl into the sheets, tuck yourself in, let your heartbeat slow. Relax, relax, relax echoes through his mind as he watches you pull your downy comforter back, hands patting at the ache, teeth biting, leaving indentations, half moons of strain and impatience. Not long now, he reasons, not long now.
Your light snaps off and he lunges forward, bracing himself against the slippery brick, fingers carefully scrabbling over the ledge of your window sill. The panes groan when he applies that jerk of pressure to them. Part of him wants to just decay the fucking thing, but he’s not sure he can control it, not when he’s like this. Drool froths at the sides of his lips and he flecks the droplets against his hands and the smooth glass, steadily jimmying the warped wood upwards, ignoring the pinch in his shoulder and the pounding spasms that are racing down his clawed fingers.
There! Finally!
The hinges splinter, and he topples inside, hitting the rough flooring of your apartment with a thud. His feet are already under him, bracing his fall, and he allows himself to hunch forward, frigid breath streaming into a fine mist as he looks up, searching for you.
The noise of his entrance had startled you. Your wide eyes and clutch of the soft duvet between your fingers give that much away. Good. That’ll make this first step easier.
He’s on the bed in a heartbeat and, for a brief instant, all you can see is red. His eyes are bright, glossy, feverish, glazed over with some kind of manic fervor, and that shimmering vermillion makes your gut twist. You need to move; now.
It takes a second for your body to catch up with your brain. You weren’t groggy, or sleep fogged. Shit, you’d barely fluffed your pillow before you heard the window smattering to bits, but this whole situation is a heady mixture of confusion and pulse thumping terror for you. What the fuck–no... who the fuck is this? Your first thoughts drift to plausible reasons. Is this a robbery? Some kind of misguided hit? Maybe it’s a villain who’s fleeing from a hero. Maybe... maybe it’s... a mistake? Please, let it be a mistake. You can feel your fingers shaking as you scrabble away from the lean jumble of dark limbs that’s doing its utmost to corner you. Each time you kick your feet out he’s already there and you can hear his unsteady breaths as he looms closer.
“W-what are you... who the-wha-... what do you w-w-want?” you stammer, tongue clumsy behind your chattering teeth. Adrenaline is coursing through your veins and it’s making you shake and slur your words. Your eyes snap downward and you scan your bedside table, looking for something, anything, that will get this creep the fuck away from you.
“Shhhh–” the strange man whispers, ducking his head from his dark hood and shaking out his chin length white hair. You don’t want to look at him, so you push yourself against the headboard, bare feet bracing against his bent knees. “You look so much prettier up close.”
“What t-the fuck?” you spit out, throat clenching with fresh horror. He’s seen you before? Is he crazy? Is he some kind of stalker? “If you don’t get away from me... right... right now... I’ll... I’ll call the cops. Don’t!” you shriek out, voice cracking as one of his hands wraps around your upper arm. His touch is cold, clammy and you flinch, body jerking so sporadically that you fall onto your bedroom floor.
Your bottom skitters across the wood, but you don’t waste any time on the pain, instead you surge to a distorted crawl, nails grabbing, feet wobbling as you make for your bedroom door. He’s on you in an instant and his weedy body is trapping you under him, mouth close to your ear, his warnings a gnarled stream of hot air. His fingers wrap around your throat and you gag as he yanks you backwards, knocking what little wind remained in your lungs out.
“Do something like that again and I’ll kill you,” he hisses, long nails pinching into the tender flesh of your neck. “I don’t know why you want to be on the floor for this, but I’ll play along. Now, be a good girl and keep still.”
His free hand laces its way up the thin material of your sleep shirt and he hastily gropes at your breast, pinching and pulling on your nipple until it distends prettily into his chilled touch. You bite back a cry when he twists the bud, thumb swiping over the hurt until it blends into a potent mingling of startled pleasure. “Mmm, perky–” he gasps out, licking his sloppy tongue over your pulse. The hand that’s holding the pressure against your throat loosens and you jolt forward, squirming against his grip.
“You- you disgusting pig!” you grit through clenched teeth, shaking your head and straining your thighs upward until they’re burning from the effort. “Let go of me! Right now!”
“You sound even better than I imagined…” he muses, nose poking against the side of your face, unperturbed by your distraught movements. “Smell good too. Did you wear that scent just for me? Mmm, I bet you did. It smells even better on your skin. I had Kurogiri get me some, so I could put it on those panties of yours. You left them in your bag, at the gym. Bet you didn’t even notice they were gone, did you? I was too quick for you. Ahh, but they smell just like you! Aahaha... ahh, I did such a good job with that find. Bet it’ll be even better when it’s fresh...”
“What the fuck are you talking about?” It comes out sharply, likely way too abrasive and challenging, at least for this situation, and the second the question leaves your lips, another burst of adrenaline lances through you. It’s honestly not helpful. All of those fucking things you hear about it, how it’s supposed to give you this superhuman strength, or the will to push your way out of danger. Yeah, no. It just makes you jittery and makes his steady gropes against the small mounds of your breasts spark an extra dose of tender sensitivity, something that pools into your gut and radiates outward. Shit.
“Ooh, you like that, don’t you?”
It’s not an exaggeration. You’d let out the breathiest whine when he trailed his steadily warming fingertips away from your peaked nipple, horrifyingly bleating out against its loss. He chuckles as he moves onto the twin, prodding and plucking disjointedly at the pebbled tip, shifting backwards, off of you, spreading his legs and resting his knees on either side of your shaking thighs, easing up on your throat and letting you gulp down a few hungry pulls of air. You can hear his mirth increasing as you brace your hands against the floor, steadying you within his loosening grasp.
“See? It’s so much easier when you don’t struggle. Although... I think I would like to hear you scream, at least once... maybe later… hmm?”
You shift your head and glance back at him. He’s watching you through hooded eyelids, that blazing red muffled by the fall of his dark lashes. The smile that’s lingering on his cracked lips is keen and he wets his skin with a swift lick, pink tongue pausing against a sharp canine. Your stomach drops when he tilts his chin upward, silently motioning for you to turn around.
He scoots back, giving your long legs room to maneuver underneath you, but he keeps one hand braced against your heaving chest, lazily popping from one tender breast to the other. “Get up,” he rasps out, eyes hungrily roving over your crumpled shirt and tear-streaked face. You bat your fist against your cheek, mind whirring, trying to see some way out of this.
“You don’t have to do this,” you bargain as you stand, teeth snagging on your lower lip and pulling, fingers curling into your palms, jabbing until you can feel the skin breaking. “I won’t tell anyone... I won’t... I won’t report you...I... I–”
“You finished?” the man sighs, visibly rolling his eyes at your garbled pleas. “I’ve waited for this long enough, you know... way too long. And I don’t wait for anything. Now get on the bed and shut your mouth, before I shut it for you.”
Your knee hits the side of your bed and your eyes drift to that broken window, eyeing the shards of glass that lay gleaming, like diamonds in the moonlight. He’s quick; but is he that quick? He’s not off the floor yet and he’s turned his head, satisfied that he’s broken you...that he’s got the upper hand...if you...no...don’t think...just go!
Legs are tense as they race forward and your hands are already outstretched, grabbing, snatching, lacing into the glass and gathering the pricking fragments into your palm. It hurts, but you ignore the pain, wheeling toward the window, to the crisp freedom that the night air promises. To...to…
The world shifts again and a bright burst of white streaks across your vision. It shimmers, hanging for an instant, dazzling you with all the colors that exist in the spectrum; soft blues, vibrant purples, hazy oranges, cheerful yellows, and then they all flicker out, swallowed up by the voracious pull of black.
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You can’t move your hands, or your legs, and everything is awash in deep, mottled splashes of consciousness. The plush softness of the bed makes you feel dizzy and you try to shift, but something isn’t right. There are pins and needles in your hand. Why are you holding them? That’s a stupid thing to do... what if you bleed? What if... oh... oh God…
That man is still here. Who is he? Did he even say?
“Who... who are you?” you ask, voice dreamy, eyes falling over the pale dip of his unclothed ribs, wandering up the curve of his face, pausing on each imperfect splintering of his skin.
“I’m Tomura,” he answers simply, that eerie grin spreading over his lips. The false safety of your confusion flutters and there’s a pounding at the back of your head. You twist your neck, tongue too heavy in your mouth, lapping over the traces of old copper that rest between your gums. There’s something on your stomach. Red. It’s red. It looks pretty in the moonlight and you sigh, curious why your legs are spread like that; it’s lewd. To be sitting in front of Tomura with your legs wide open, naked cunt clenching and pulsing against the cold.
“I’m Lydia,” you say blankly, eyes blearily looking for that vibrant rust that’s watching you so closely.
“I know,” Tomura laughs, gleefully barking into the stillness of the night. “Fuck. You really don’t remember, do you?”
“Remember?” you echo, brows furrowing, arms trying to pull down again. Something’s holding them. Strange.
“Hmm, I told you not to struggle. Not my fault you didn’t listen.” His fingers snap in front of your face, refocusing your wandering attention, and you groan at the noise, wincing away from him.
“Stop,” you whine, shaking your head, knees touching as your back arches. Why can’t you move? And...and why...why are you naked? Questions keep drifting across your mind and as Tomura slides closer, a chill shakes its way up to your skull. “Don’t!” you gasp out, suddenly horrified he’s prying your legs apart.
“Shut up,” he grunts, one hand applying a pressure to your neck as the other dips between your hips, easily parting the folds of your slit and poking haphazardly over you. Your whole spine curves upward, sinking that questing digit lower, his finger pad brushing across your entrance. “Ah! Look at you, what a greedy little bitch. Acting like you don’t want me...fuck...you’re soaking…”
His voice drops to a hush as he leans back, eyes following the steady in and out motions his index fingers are creating within you. His nails are sharp but you kinda like how it scrapes and pulls, enjoying the drag down your sticky walls as he works more of your arousal into his hand. With a hiss he shifts his hold, rotating the digit and cupping his palm under the swell of your ass, holding you up as he pushes deeper.
“Shit, Lydia,” he growls, leaning over your prone form and sinking his nose against your neck. “You’re so warm and wet for me. Look at you!” He’s fully gloating now, and he pulls out of your cunt with a slick pop, lazily passing the gossamer strands between his splayed fingers. “Such a little slut… I wanna see what it tastes like!”
Something warns you to move and you wriggle backwards as he plants himself directly above your slippery pussy, scooting along the sheets until he has to grab you. His fingers are rough, sure to leave bruises and that tingling sense of danger returns as his damp breath fans over you. The slither of his rough tongue makes a strangled gasp escape your clamped lips and your hands flail again, working more of that tingling pain down your arms.
He’s clumsy, but fuck, he’s eager and that makes all the difference. As soon as he finds the quivering button of your clit, you’re too far gone to think anymore. Even that nagging worry fades away as he suckles and presses those uneven lips to the bud. The stick of his dry skin creates this breathless sensation and you buck upwards, feet working past the roped stockings he’s... wait... what? Stockings? Why... why are those there? What’s going on? Wait. When did you take off your clothes? When did... oh... oh no...
Your hips crash back to the mattress, and it dislodges his grip on your thighs. Some lingering instinct makes you bring them together, trapping his pale head and fixing him with a flushed stare. For a breath, he’s still, but you can practically feel his rage and impatience, bubbling away, just beneath the surface.
“Bitch,” he snaps, head lifting, wavy hair scratching against your sensitive skin. “Why can’t you fucking listen? Or just sit fucking still? Such a goddamn cunt. You know what? You know what you’ve done? Huh? Do you? Lydia? I’m fucking done. Thought I’d at least let you get something out of this, try to keep you happy, to see if it was fucking worth it. Kurogiri’s always going on about how I need to grow up, to calm down, well, fuck that and fuck you!”
That’s right. He broke in.
That’s why he’s here. That’s why...he hit you...no...he knocked you out...fuck, he’s going to kill you...he’s going to…
His hands are like a steel vice and he clamps his fingers against you so tight you’re worried he’ll come back to you with his palms covered in your blood. Wait. The glass. Are you bleeding? Your eyes fall back to that streaked stain on your stomach and your blood goes cold. With a shudder, you look up at your clasped hands, finally taking in the strap of his dark belt and the bloom of copper that’s dried between your curled fingers. It must...it has to be from the glass.
Tomura punches the headboard, and the reverberation makes you startle, a high-pitched squeak falling from your lips. “Look at me Lydia,” he demands, cold digits curling under your chin and forcing your head upward. “Look at me while I ruin this pussy of yours.”
As soon as the words leave him, he’s impaling you on his cock and you’re staggered by the sheer girth of him. Your legs slip and convulse, heels grinding into the sheets until you hear the fabric rip. The stretch is too much...it’s too much... it hurts…
You think you say something along those lines, but Tomura ignores you, too engrossed in the sheer heat and pull of your cunt. He throbs when he finally bottoms out and you feel a fresh burst of tears stream down your cheeks, hot in the night's chill air.
He doesn’t give you time to adjust, already pulling back as soon as your breath slips back into your lungs. The cants and ruts are shallow at first and he sucks on his thumb before he applies it to the cherry red of your clit, fiddling with you inexpertly. “Easy, you dumb slut, you’ll take my dick off if you do that again. Fucking relax…”
Relax? Who the fuck is this brat? All he’s doing is jolting into you and complaining with each stroke. What a whiny, good for fucking nothing baby. No. Incel’s a better word for what he is.
“What- what’s the matter?” you snarl, eyes narrowing up at his pink tinted cheeks. “Just fucking cum, you pathetic little bitch. Bet you can’t last, bet you can’t...ah…”
That ass! He swiveled his hips and somehow managed to hit that spongy patch of nerves that sits toward the back of your cunt. A dark leer splits his face when he notices your reaction and he carefully lines himself up again, hips jutting forward until he sees your eyes roll back. “Not so mouthy anymore, huh?” he gloats, index finger joining his thumb, pinching at your clit.
He keeps up a teeth chattering pace, but each time you gasp he purses his lips and scowls down at you. Finally, when he’d actually sent a scattering of stars across your vision, he pulls away, leaning back on his haunches, eyes following the steady in and out progression of his dick. “You’re too wet,” he grumbles, sucking his teeth and fixing you with a disgruntled glare.
“Wh-what the hell does that mean?” you bite out, vainly trying to swallow down another series of moans. This fucker, he’s actually building you up to an orgasam.
“Need you to be tighter,” he grouches, hands pulling away from your dripping pussy and working on the ties that hold your ankles. As soon as he’s got the sheer fabric off, he looms back over you, reaching for your clasped wrists. The belt has cut off your blood flow and your arms inelegantly flop to your sides when he frees them. You almost want to try to make a run for it again, but he’s still keeping that steady push and pull of his cock going. That dedication and perseverance to his own enjoyment, it’s kinda impressive, if you wanted to look at it that way that is.
“Get on your stomach,” he imperiously commands, voice falling to a low hush, closer to a rasp. You balk, but he doesn’t give you the time to move, yanking himself out of your cunt, flipping you over and shoving you down. “Lift your ass. No. Higher. Yes. Keep still, or I’ll miss, and if I miss more than once, well, let’s just say you won’t like me much then.”
“Don’t like you now,” you mumble, words muffled by the bundled sheets that are under your lips.
You must have arched your hips enough because he slides in cleanly. The swell of his length makes you gasp out a long moan and you can hear his giggles, sharp and jangling behind your head. “Such a fucking slut! Ahhh, this already feels better.”
The trusts he’s giving you are shallower in this position, but you can feel every vein that races along his length as they pulse and throb against your over sensitized walls. He’s ramming into that sweet spot at an alarming rate and you can feel your cheeks heating up. You want to grind back but the hump of your ass prevents you from moving much, instead, Tomura makes up for your lack of movement with each cant, grinding his bony hips into you with a low crunch.
There’s something slick that’s falling over your shoulder blades and you crane your head around, peering through the umber haze of your hair. Ugh, gross, he’s drooling. The line of saliva is perfectly connected to your back and you watch it gleam in the low light. When Tomura notices your gaze he licks his tongue across the strand, shattering the connection as he brings a hand to the back of your head, pressing you down into the mattress.
“It’s not enough,” he groans, leaning back and examining your prone backside. “Cross your legs.” It’s not a request, but you’re genuinely confused by his demand and you shake your head under the blanket of his four fingers. “Tch, dumb bitch. Here.” He shifts upward and you almost fall to pieces at the stimulation. The tip of his cock is tapping and pressing at the ring of your cervix, and you can feel every fiber of your being quaking as he sinks past that last barrier. “There we go,” Tomura gloats, threading your legs over each other and leaning into you.
He’s heavy and the spidery trail of his leftover saliva makes him stick to you uncomfortably, but you don’t care. As terrible as this is, you want him to keep going, you’re too close for him not to. This whole thing is a fucking travesty, but you’ll be damned if you don’t end up getting something out of it. The grunts and whines he’s giving you must mean that he likes it too and you do your best to hold on as he picks his way back to those steady pounds and thrusts.
“Tighter! Keep your legs together! I’m almost there. Come on! Fuck you, tighter!”
You do as he says and clench your thighs as tightly as you can, squeezing until you’re shaking. Finally, finally, he rams back into that spot, the tip of him forcing its way to that intimate part of you and hurtling you into a release that leaves you absolutely breathless under him. It must have been enough for him too, you think, feeling the telltale pulses of his cock and that rush of cum as it splatters into your waiting cunt.
Tomura collapses over you and you groan at the added sting of his full weight. Lazily, his lips fall to your ear and his stuttered breaths pass over you as he pulls back, tugging his softening length from your battered pussy. Once he’s out, he shoves your partially lifted head back down, laughing at the sight of you, clearly delighting in his success.
“Keep still Lydia,” he begins, nails scratching over your tingling scalp. “I’m not done yet.”
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nevermindirah · 3 years
Things I love about James Tiberius Copley
*Tiberius isn't his canon middle name. Nile calls him that in I See Your Eyes Seek a Distant Shore, where Nile & Copley friendship was the sneak-attack best part of writing that fic. (Background detail I decided just now: Nile used to watch a lot of Star Trek reruns with her grandparents.)
Ok. James Copley. The antagonist with a heart of... actually a significant amount of gold alloyed with the bullshit.
His wife died two years ago and he sounds wrecked describing her late-stage symptoms. He starts with "she couldn't TALK." He cared about what that woman had to say. He quit his high-status high-salary job because of her illness — the movie doesn't specify whether it was to care for her, to spend more time with her, or just because of his grief, but the way Chiwetel portrays him, I think he was part of her care team.
I know a lot of people with professional experience at least somewhat like Copley's and that shit is beyond toxic, interpersonally and structurally. You never know whether someone who's pleasant and engaging like Copley is at that table in Marrakech will turn out to be an unrepentant power-hungry monster who's charming only as far as it'll get them something they want. We've seen plenty of those stories and many of them are interesting but I love that Copley's story isn't that. He has genuinely good intentions: the end of disease. He just doesn't fucking think about the downsides of his chosen strategy.
It completely tracks with my experience of folks who've spent years in "for the greater good" jobs related to the US government that he would do something this terrible, with such obviously predictable negative consequences, having made no contingencies whatsoever to prevent or even limit those obviously predictable negative consequences, while genuinely believing himself to be doing the right thing for the right reasons. Not seeing the trees for the forest thinking is one of the most frustrating and heartbreaking things about my industry, and seeing that play out here in the form of Copley failing to give adequately clear instructions to the kill floor mercenaries and then failing to anticipate Merrick's extremely strong economic motivation to lock away the Guard for a long-ass time, and then seeing fandom explode with very reasonable "wow Copley and Booker are complete idiots" — like, yeah, that's exactly why a lot of government programs don't work anywhere near as well as they should. Can't see the trees for the forest thinking. It's not just white supremacy and capitalism that means we can't have nice things (though that's A LOT of why), it's also that running massively complex projects requires attention to the micro as well as the macro that plenty of smart and ambitious and at-least-somewhat-well-meaning people like James Copley just completely fail at. They believe their own bullshit and believe their golden ambitions will be enough. The text doesn't super encourage this analysis, but it's there, and it's a hell of a thing to be present even under the surface in a summer blockbuster.
Copley's biggest flaw is assuming everyone shares his moral worldview. He seems unperturbed by the presumably local South Sudanese people who are paid to be slaughtered by the Guard in the opening setup, just how the CIA trained him to be callous to "necessary" loss of life. He insists to Andy and then to Nile that immortality is a gift to the world, and it seems it hadn't occurred to him until Nile says so that it wasn't his gift to give. When Andy isn't healing from Booker's gunshot, Copley is immediately concerned for her welfare (ironic as hell considering he arranged these circumstances) and he's disturbed that Merick isn't, despite Copley's own lack of concern for all the dead mercenaries this plan of his has racked up so far. He's shocked and outraged when he finds out Merrick intends to hold the Guard captive indefinitely when it's just the most obvious fucking thing for a CEO to "protect intel" from competitors. Anticipating where other people he's working with might have values and goals other than his own is not a skill Copley has, because it doesn't occur to him that moral perspectives other than his own even exist.
What interesting flaws to give an antagonist turned support character, especially one who could be a secondary protagonist and even a foil to Nile in the sequel.
My favorite moments of this flawed, squishy mortal person so lovingly portrayed by Chiwetel Ejiofor in The Old Guard (2020) dir. Gina Prince-Bythewood:
The aforementioned "She couldn't talk, at the end, my wife. She couldn't breathe." Copley SWEETHEART
The way his fascination with Andy and the Guard borders on child-like wonder. He's not childISH in any way of course, what I mean here is that there's a purity in his reverence for what Andy, Joe, Nicky, and Booker have done with their immortality. His worldview sees some people as more worthy than others of making decisions that will affect millions, and that's fucked up, and it's definitely informing how he treats Andy. But still, the sheer awe in his voice when he talks about the impact Andy has had on the world.
The way Copley's all ready to risk his life and throw down to rescue the Guard, but he immediately gives it up when Nile reminds him that of the two of them she's the only one who would make it out alive. For a dude who was in the damn CIA for however long, he sure does take a young woman's expertise at face value, no ego posturing whatsoever, and I LOVE THAT FOR HIM.
The way Copley says "Good luck, Ms. Freeman" gives me fucking chills. The RESPECT in his tone. He clocks about as fast as Andy does that Nile is her successor.
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