#student paper
gwydionmisha · 2 years
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moviemagus · 8 months
7/100 days of productivity
went grocery shopping
started planning my end-of-semester paper for one of my classes
had an online meeting w/ a friend who I'm helping with a campaign
started reading a play for one of my classes
read a little from Mrs Dalloway
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tchaikovskaya · 17 days
I will defend teaching kids to read and write in cursive with my dying breath sorry im with the boomers on this one
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learnandturn · 1 month
I, a student actively protesting against investment in Israel, called my grandmother yesterday. I offhandedly mentioned that I was still bruised from my run in with the cops. She was appalled. She asked me “why on earth would you be protesting?!”. I, somewhat surprised, she knows I care about left wing political causes and like, human life, told her I was protesting because I believed in the cause. She then asked me “you believe in the cause of getting rid of Jews?!?”
Of course not. I told her that I was protesting against genocide and that many of the people protesting beside me were Jewish. That our encampment held a Seder led by Jewish students followed by Maghrib (evening prayers) for Muslim students. She was so surprised. She told me to be safe and to call my mom if I got arrested.
These right wing fake news rabbit holes are so easy to fall down and get stuck in. To the extent that this very smart woman genuinely thought I was protesting to get rid of Jewish people rather than against genocide.
Good luck out there folks. Keep pushing, keep supporting Palestinians and protestors in any way you can. Call your grandma.
Free Palestine!
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teapot-studies · 1 year
Random writing tips that my history professor just told during class that are actually helpful
Download all your sources or print them so you can turn off your wifi
Give your phone to someone
Just. WRITE. Writing is analysing, you’ll get more ideas as you write. It doesn’t need to be perfect, for now you can just blurt out words and ideas randomly. You can fix it later.
Create a skeleton/structure before writing.
Stop before you get exhausted. It’s best to stop writing when you still have some energy and inspiration left, this will also motivate you to get started again next time.
Make a to do list
Work in bite sizes. Even if it’s not much, as long as you put some ideas on paper or do some editing.
Simple language =/= boring language, simple language = clear language.
Own your words. If they are not your words, state this clearly in the text, not just in the footnotes.
STOP BEFORE YOU GET EXHAUSTED. Listing it again because it’s easily one of the best tips a teacher has ever given me.
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threelargeelefants · 10 months
I'm writing a paper on Goncharov right now and I can sooth your nerves that the difference between Gonch and whatever's happening on tiktok is not the fake media. Fake media and fake people and fake history will always and has always existed. Neither is the collective storytelling.
The difference is that we made Goncharov real by imitating a fandom for it. Like yes mass hallucinating a movie was fun and an incredible feat of collective creativity. But the *way* we created Goncharov is what will always make it special.
We, as a website, spontaneously created a perfect pastiche of fandom, one that was so identical to any other fandom behaviour it made the movie seem real.
As I quote thetwistyoucantresist in my paper, “maybe the real Goncharov was the Fandom we made along the way”.
Goncharov isnt the fake movie its the fake fandom, that's what special and unique and one of a kind
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egophiliac · 1 year
With the best of your writing or drawing ability, how do you sum up Twisted Wonderland Book 1 till Book 6?
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I'm so sorry to make you wait so long for such a stupid joke
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learnelle · 4 months
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(9/30) How I write assignments -> For both Psychology and French I always start with chaotic drafts to try get loads of work done without worrying too much about everything being perfect. Then I chisel down the mess into a neat french creative piece or paste my best psychology work into a premade apa 7 template word doc. My work may not be amazing, but I will never lose marks on presentation 📖✨
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oldshrewsburyian · 8 months
Dear college students,
I really hope that I, your spinster aunt of Tumblr, am not the first person to tell you this, but: please use your university library services. You are paying for them. They are there for you. Moreover, your professors are operating on the assumption that you will use them as necessary.
When I say "library services" I mean not only physical books that will help you with research, but the usually more extensive eBook collections ditto. Novels you've been meaning to get around to and can't afford to buy. Even (quaintly?) DVDs for your entertainment. And perhaps most significantly of all, interlibrary loan.
I'm going to reiterate interlibrary loan in its own paragraph because a student complained to me recently that publishers were "literally incentivizing piracy" by not pricing academic monographs for purchase by college students and my reaction is best summed up as: ????? Publishers typically price scholarly monographs in the pious hope of not losing money on them. Everyone complains about the ones priced at $300, and a lot of them are priced around $30-50. They are priced for purchase by libraries and specialists. And they are priced for purchase by libraries precisely so that libraries can make them accessible to college students. Anyway, use interlibrary loan, good grief.
TL;DR: the library is there for you, that is what it is for, please behave accordingly.
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slutforpatroclus · 2 months
The bond between college students and their favorite corner of the library can be so personal sometimes
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demonzoro · 7 months
none of this is proofread but here's my ideal modern au for the goth fam. wall of text incoming, sky is blue, etc.
mihawk: World's Most Reluctant College Professor. history/archaeology. reluctantly employed because his place of residence (half-wrecked castle) is owned by the university and one of the terms for him to live there for free is to teach classes. initially hired as a publicity stunt that petered out. actual respected swordsman in the modern age but the reality is "swordsman" is... not very lucrative. really important to me that he is forcibly employed while having gigantic unemployed energy.
his ass is not showing up to a lecture hall unless under extreme duress (shanks showing up to his place unannounced again🙄). fully aware his papers are only taken as a credit filler (robin lectures the papers that are more practically applicable). almost exclusively "teaches" by emailing out reading lists and assignments. actively trying to get his students to drop his paper so he can do fuck-all for the rest of the year.
zoro: phys ed major. he's so serious about his main courses as well as mihawk's stupidly niche paper. probably the first person the "Dracule Mihawk Teaches Here!" publicity stunt has worked on in years. has trouble with the heavy focus of book-smarts this paper requires but powers through it best he can until mihawk sets some indecipherable tome as part of a reading list and zoro is like. okay. you leave me no choice.
he fully shows up on mihawk's doorstep at 9:44PM on a tuesday night brandishing this tome. mihawk answers the door because he is two bottles into his wine.
zoro, furious that this piece of shit tome has no audiobook alternative: this. YOU. explain. NOW. mihawk: a student. at my doorstep. did shanks blab to you. zoro: your address is publicly listed as a minor tourist attraction. mihawk (<- didn't know that): hm. come in.
zoro is treated to a full drunk history session and the supermarket gift wine mihawk has been avoiding but accidentally opened. he wakes up the next morning and zoro is still there in one of the guest rooms. he's like what are you doing here and zoro is like. i don't have a whole day to waste getting back to my dorm i need to do your assignment.
mihawk, fully aware the dorms should only be a max twenty minute walk away: interesting. get out.
safe to say, zoro thinks visiting mihawk's home is easier than emailing him. which is true in some ways since mihawk takes small joys in putting unread emails straight into trash.
perona: fashion major OBVIOUSLY. really interested finding vintage/archival sewing patterns/designs and modernising them. LOVES using essays as outlets for her rants. blase on everything else in life but takes her course so seriously. HATES zoro ever since he almost made her fail an assignment because he had checked out a book she needed and held it for fucking aaages.
similarly zoro hates perona bc she almost made him fail an assignment by hogging the only lightbox on this side of the campus that makes it possible to read some of the archival material mihawk puts on his impossible reading lists.
zoro gets lost in mihawk's castle and meets perona in-person for the first time outside of a name on a booking sheet and they have a huge stupid argument. zoro storms off and accidentally finds mihawk again this way and he's doubly mad because he can't believe mihawk has been chasing him away all this time while letting another student just live in the east wing.
mihawk (<- didn't know that): there's a what.
turns out perona just said "umm dorm fees? rent? in this economy? there's a wrecked castle 20mins away from campus it's free real estate". and she's right. she also finds out mihawk has staff access to archival materials not readily open to students and she immediately whips out a wishlist.
anyways i imagine perona graduates and becomes a fashion designer. zoro decides booksmarts is not for him and drops out to focus fully on a professional athlete career or make his way as a stuntman. models for perona on occasion. mihawk fully quits his job after those two leave bc they were the only ones in years that made it interesting. retires but robin recommends him as a consultant to the museum society and he does some work there. ALWAYS calls zoro or perona if he's restoring smthng cool he thinks they would love.
jfc are you still here. i kiss you on the lips
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thesargasmicgoddess · 8 months
Lips, tits, and class 📚
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Grateful this week is almost over!
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reksink · 8 months
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Kin, now found, waves to another. As to who, remains unseen...
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mishy-mashy · 13 days
Imagine we get to the Paranormal Orphans chapter (410) in the anime, and instead of a normal narrator like Midoriya or AFO, it's just- Present Mic.
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*Present Mic*
If only he was swept away by the river at birth and drowned- COUGH!!!
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sharmisthaaaaa · 2 months
hey (with the intention of writing a research paper with you)
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legogradstudent · 1 year
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Throwing a paper together just days before a conference, the grad student rides a turbulent wave of shame and exhilaration.
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