#strange people
dumblr · 1 year
I feel like, I'm in the wrong world.
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spookcataloger · 4 months
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Cold Tom
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Context according to anonymous sender: the "target" pointed out how pedophilic PhillysPiping comments sounded (after being told by others that teenagers are still kids) and PhillysPiping has been sending them messages, and searching through the "target's" post history and finding posts talking about their medical anxiety.
(Sorry, the screenshots may be out of order. I had to rush.)
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An obsession with producing heirs is hardly a new phenomenon. Elites have used lineage to consolidate money and power for most of human history. But as couples in the developed world are increasingly putting off parenthood until later in life — or abandoning it altogether — people like the Collinses are looking for hacks to make large families feasible in a modern, secular society.
They both said they were warned by friends not to talk to me. After all, a political minefield awaits anyone who wanders into this space. The last major figure to be associated with pronatalism was Jeffrey Epstein, who schemed to impregnate 20 women at a time on his New Mexico ranch. Genetic screening, and the underlying assumption that some humans are born better than others, often invites comparisons to Nazi eugenic experiments. And then there's the fact that our primary cultural reference point for a pronatalist society is the brutally misogynist world of "The Handmaid's Tale."
The Collinses, who call themselves "ruthless pragmatists," consider the inevitable backlash a small price to pay.
"We're frustrated that one of the inherent points of this culture is that people are super private within it," Simone said. They not only hope that their transparency will encourage other members of the upper class to have more children; they want to build a culture and economy around the high-birth-rate lifestyle.
The payoff won't be immediate, Simone said, but she believes if that small circle puts the right plans into place, their successors will "become the new dominant leading classes in the world."
While pronatalism is often associated with religious extremism, the version now trending in this community has more in common with dystopian sci-fi. The Collinses, who identify as secular Calvinists, are particularly drawn to the tenet of predestination, which suggests that certain people are chosen to be superior on earth and that free will is an illusion. They believe pronatalism is a natural extension of the philosophical movements sweeping tech hubs like the Silicon Hills of Austin, Texas. Our conversations frequently return to transhumanism (efforts to merge human and machine capabilities to create superior beings), longtermism (a philosophy that argues the true cost of human extinction wouldn't be the death of billions today but the preemptive loss of trillions, or more, unborn future people), and effective altruism (or EA, a philanthropic system currently focused on preventing artificial intelligence from wiping out the human population).
What these movements all have in common is a fixation on the future. And as that future starts to look more and more apocalyptic to some of the world's wealthiest people, the idea of pronatalism starts to look more heroic. It's a proposition uniquely suited to Silicon Valley's brand of hubris: If humanity is on the brink, and they alone can save us, then they owe it to society to replicate themselves as many times as possible.
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viaphni · 2 months
Man i'm glad i've stayed away from sabre's discord server holy cow it seems like a Dumpster Fire 😭
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officialhelmutzemo · 17 days
There are 7 fics of you turning into a Hamster
It has its own fandom
It had a fandom
And a month in 2023
One of them had Bucky also turning into a hamster as well
why do so many believe in me turning into a hamster?
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spoonful116 · 10 months
4 *totally normal* questions that complete strangers commonly ask me now that I'm visibly disabled:
What's wrong with you?
How do you pee?
Do you have feeling in your genitals?
Can you have sex?
Ma'am, this is a Wendy's
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ausetkmt · 7 months
20 People With Bigger Than Normal Body Parts
this video is crazy
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In the islands of the Strait of Hormuz, on the southern coast of Iran, a distinctive local culture
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myriap0da · 10 months
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who tf doordashes 7 bags of dove food?
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spookcataloger · 1 month
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Green Man (2015)
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"When people cannot dismiss our weirdness as performative, cannot talk about it through favourite safe labels - eccentric, off-the-wall, geeky - it becomes a challenge. Our weirdness suggests there are other navigations, other invisible paths to walk. This unsettles."
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emborgor · 1 year
Just saw somebody make a peanut butter and grated parmesan cheese sandwich.
Still recovering
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fieriframes · 1 year
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pissbutinpiglatin · 1 year
in my few months of working at the place i work i’ve come across a decent handful of strange or even pleasant people that have come in and now i’m going to share them with you:
* a woman who always smells like alcohol but never seems drunk
* a man from chicago who always had this massive backpack on when he walked on the treadmill and also always had a knife in his pocket
* a group of very nice ladies from a rehab center i think who i absolutely adore and gave them origami stars i made myself
* a man who is always stoned and either comes in smelling like weed or baby powder
* a man who complimented my name in a very awkward way
* a man who told me i would make a good wife
* a man who tries sticking his headphones into the usb port on the bike instead of the headphone jack
* a very sweet old man who rides in on his bicycle no matter the weather and always tells me to have a great day
* an engaged man who flirts with me almost every time he comes in
* a person who is probably old enough to be my parent but i talk with them like they’re my friend and we get along super well
* a lady whose ponytail could take out the eyes of anyone walking on the treadmill beside her it is so long
* at least three of my old teachers
* a woman who absolutely adores her grandkids and talked my ear off
* a couple who was from tennessee or kentucky who talked to me for an entire hour so i had to clock out a half hour after i was scheduled to leave
* a lady who oddly reminds me of miss hannigan from annie
* a man who brings his child to work out who definitely does not seem to be 13 or older
* a man who would not listen to what i was saying even though i very clearly explained myself at least five times but he was not getting what i was trying to tell him (very frustrating)
* a funny little high school fling who ended up cancelling his membership in late november after not coming in since the first day i started working there
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nacaharachuya · 1 year
One of the things i like about the skk hnk au is that people won't complain that you're feminizing either of them (even if that doesn't even seem like a problem imo because being feminine isn't bad 😭😭😭) because everybody is basically on the border of androgyny! i don't know why, this doesn't even seem like a big deal on the grand scale of things but the discourse has me T I R E D
LOL yeah some people are crazy with the argument. Either they’re to one extreme or another. I know lots of fans are younger and don’t understand the complexity of gender and stuff, but some of them just miss it all together tbh. gender is a very unique thing, and the feminizing argument is really silly (It makes me mad) femininity is not bad, but in the eyes of media it has become associated with bad things :(
The discourse always has me tired too. been fighting for so long. We are safe now soldier. 🫶♥️
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