#still pretty wild tho.. i was struggling hard to pick out a name for the fic and initally was going to go with something else
bloodycassian · 1 year
Oh i just realized that she did, well you came up with it and had it first
Haha I guess that the exact word age had already been floating around in the universe years ago, I had no idea until I read more about cc3. She did an interview pre acowar I think and mentioned that titling is hard and named shadow and flame some of the rejected titles I believe.
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cloveroctobers · 3 years
Synopsis: what the characters are like in the mornings since I’m currently writing this at midnight lol + I feel like ask memes are really underrated and they’re quick to write so I’m open to those too amongst the 100 of other things I have on my list/have yet to write (typical writing probs lol)
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Jordan: I feel like with Jordan is either 50/50 with him. If he has to be up pertaining to football then he’s up and determined! it might take him like 2-5 mins more extra in bed to fully get up if his parents (more so billy) don’t drag him out of bed but he still manages to get up and function somehow. If he’s partying the night before then that’s a different story, he’s always hungover and feeling that shit the next morning so he’ll move super slow and will be late to class/grumpy as hell. He’s either happy and functioning well making sure he’s getting a meal regardless if he’s in a good mood in the morning or not cause the boy likes to EAT (just like Michael’s ass) + if there’s no food at the house best believe he’s cruising to a cafe to get him a meal before heading to boredom high—I mean Beverly
If he’s in a crap mood then he’s mean to everyone in his path. It’s best to leave him alone and let him sulk in his corner until he’s out of his grumpy mood which he does get out of...eventually after arguing with someone or snapping on them, taking a nap in the back of class, or after football practice.
Olivia: I’m squinting as I’m thinking this over. I don’t really think she’s a morning person? but she sets her alarm for herself and can get up in the morning without the help of her parents unlike Jordan lol. She is the type to set her alarm ten minutes before she actually has to get up so she can get extra time in the comfort of her bed. It takes the girl some time to get ready in the morning okay? Have you seen her hair? It takes time to get it right for how she wants it and she always says she should pick her outfits the night before but she always seems to get side tracked so that never happens which also takes up more of her time. Eventually she almost always makes it downstairs before Jordan does. They DON’T ride to school together, hardly, unless one of them has a issue with their car or something but they’re usually doing their own thing but have some sort of conversation in the morning over breakfast—trying to build the closeness of their relationship back
Liv likes to be on time if she can or just right on time, either or. And if things come up, then she’s a little anxious which she normally is until she’s meeting up with someone she can hold a conversation with. Half of the time there’s no need to be anxious? It’s just there and she hates it despite the lonerism she found herself in
Spencer: I think Spencer can be a light sleeper since he’s used to some sort of noise going on in his house. Plus his room is in the center of where the noise will take place. If it’s too quiet, like it usual was at the baker’s he finds it a little hard to sleep all the way? There has to be something going on for him to fully sleep like the light noise of tv? Or a sound machine. James said he was the same way as a baby, always alert. So when he wakes up in the morning, he always lets out a soft sigh closing his eyes letting the alarm go off for a few more seconds before he smacking it off. He has to get in the shower to fully wake him up tho. If he doesn’t take a shower in the morning then he’s not fully up and if he doesn’t take a shower at night, he knows he’s not going to sleep well either.
If he has to walk Dillon to school, then he doesn’t mind being late. Now that Dillon is getting older he doesn’t mind walking on his own or with a friend or two but being the protector that Spencer is, he’s going to try his best to make time for Dillon no matter what and the boy secretly appreciates it but understands now if it can’t be all the time. Spencer doesn’t have his license so he’s either catching the bus (if he was still going to Beverly, Jordan or Liv would scoop him up ofc) or speed walking to school which he seems to make just in time?? Always.
Layla: I always view her as someone so chipper. She IS a morning person (unless the depression is hitting her hard, some of us have those days) and usually has it together. She’s a big planner and if she doesn’t continue with being a producer like her dad in the future, I can see her being a event planner big time. Anyways she’s usually very organized, outfits steamed and hung up for the week, weekly calendars and reminders in her phone. Alarm’s set since she’s the only one in the house and only has herself to depend on. I feel she does take a lot on her plate for a teenager so she tries her best to follow a routine/schedule most of the time. Wake up. Stretch. Slippers. Robe. She does not check her phone until after she is done taking care of herself! Brush teeth. Shower. Skincare. Get dressed. Does hair. Checks phone on her way downstairs to breakfast. Layla is a açaí bowl or oatmeal kinda girl, fight amongst yourselves. I see it. I manifest it. She always has to have her hands in something and when it comes to breakfast and baking, you can count on her to always make something. It became something she loved since her mom and her always did that together. And she often likes taking the long way to school and the long way back home.
Asher: not a morning person. Never on time unless it’s for football on Saturday mornings. he’s a cereal kinda guy since his dad can’t afford a professional chef anymore. His favorite cereal is probably Rice Krispies with strawberries and wh*le milk or cashew milk if he remembers to buy it from the grocery app. I feel like he would eventually have to get a job his senior year since it’s kind of a struggle with his dad settling into his new job. It’s a big adjustment with his parents divorced and although his mom still slips him money when he see’s her every other weekend, he’s more tired than he ever was before. He’s used to sleeping in cars if he’s not in a king sized bed but can pretty much sleep everywhere. He can sleep through anything and always has multiple loud ass alarms to wake him up since his dad is either gone before he wakes up like before or just about to leave for his new job. He never bothers to wake him anyways. Asher is a grumpy grouch in the mornings and is addicted to ice coffees and loves a good pastry if he can’t have himself some cereal in the morning.
He’s also annoyed if he doesn’t get his cartoon’s in too before school. Don’t bother him until mid-morning, early afternoon if you know what’s good for you.
Coop: if she’s something else when she’s angry what do you think she’s like in the mornings? Annoying either way? Probably lmao. She’s probably a talker in the morning expressing some wild ass dream she had or either how she had a sucky night and couldn’t sleep properly so she was up writing a new song or something. Since she’s dropping out of school, her mornings could probably start later around 11am? Unless her mother is still home and making her get out of bed to run errands with her or clean the house while she’s gone for the day? Either way she’s probably dancing, talking your head off, blasting music as she gets ready, or browsing Twitter as her form of “morning news”
Chris: I get night owl vibes from Chris. Which is more difficult to do in high school, whew! He has to use melatonin spray or cream to help him knock out and if it fully doesn’t help, he’s dragging the next morning once he fully crashes. Sometimes it can be a good morning or it can be a sucky one. Due to his injury, he gets occasional pain in his joints which he keeps a secret from mostly everyone from his team since they were only described as spasms from his doctor. He deals with it even if it freaks him out from time to time. If it’s a sucky morning, he has to wake himself up with a splash of water to the face and then tending to the pain in his joints before carrying on about his day.
I do think he’s on his phone a lot. Before bed, actually watching soothing videos to help him knock out—don’t tell anybody that and then checking his phone again when he wakes up. Which is apparently unhealthy for the mind but hey with technology continuing to take over, what can you do?
Patience: the girl doesn’t care if she’s late or early. All that matters is trying to get through the day. She’s not crazy about getting up early to sit in 7-8 classes a day but if she’s got to do it, then she’s going to take her time. She wasn’t named “Patience” for no reason okay? When it comes to her appearance, she’s going to make sure she puts in the effort because if she looks good then she feels good and can go about her day. Most of the time she takes a quick breakfast with her on her bus ride to school (thanks to her hair not doing what she wanted it to) and then if there’s time heads to the cafeteria to get whatever they’re serving for breakfast there. At least that’s better than the lunch they serve there.
JJ: total morning person! Or if he’s not? You can never tell. The guys always in the best mood. Even if he was out partying and doing too much the night before, the dude is never hungover. Everyone wants to know his secret. And when he tells them, they don’t believe it. He’s usually a slob of a eater but he also knows how to take care of his body and all about his protein shakes and juicing. He definitely has a meal plan that he takes the time to post on his Instagram stories. The guy loves Instagram and is always posting there. If you need positive words of affirmations, JJ is your guy. Check his stories or if you run into him in person he’s all hugs and uplifting you to get through the day. He’s the guy you need around if you need it. If you don’t want to be bothered? Make sure he doesn’t see you and keep your distance because he will tackle you down and turn into DJ Khaled on your ass.
Simone: she hates mornings and thinks it’s cruel to be up five days of the week for. If she physically feels like she can’t get up due to intense studying or up binge watching real housewives or whatever, she knows it the night before and puts her plan into motion the next morning. Her parents are usually always on her ass, especially her mom so it takes a lot of persuading to let her stay home. And it still doesn’t feel like a free day because her mom is checking up on her every hour on the dot from work. She makes it feel like Simone should have just went to school. If the answer is, “there’s nothing wrong with you, you’re going.” Then Simone is definitely in a sour mood. Her dad almost always drives her to school and she checks up on her son every day through socials if she doesn’t message his second mother. Simone’s also not much of a breakfast person but if her dad is making her eat they’re stopping somewhere before he drops her off or encouraging her to take some of whatever dish he made before they leave.
Now? If there’s something on her mind? Then she’s active and stressing over it before she’s talking to someone about it. She’s out getting a light jog on around her gated neighborhood (she’s getting her fitness game back up after deciding to take tennis seriously again) before showering and getting back into bed for at least thirty minutes to forty five before she has to be up for school. Worries erased for now.
Darnell: is a morning person even if he grumbles that he doesn’t care for it. He’s a sunset kinda guy not a sunrise. It’s not much of a issue for him to get up and start the day with a long exaggerated sigh. He’s not as talkative but get something in his belly and he’s bringing up some interesting facts or news about what’s going on with certain celebrities he keeps up with. I also feel like he knows how to cook and breakfast isn’t his speciality but lunch foods are? Grits, eggs, bacon, and jam on toast is his fav thing to eat for breakfast with apple juice. That’s right, apple juice over orange juice no matter what Spence and dil have to say.
His version of appetizers (which are too big of portions but to each their own) are his go to make for lunch. For breakfast if he can’t have his fav meal in the late morning, he always eats light since he says his stomach is too sensitive in the mornings which has been proven to be true...The James’ can vouch for that
Kia: again 50/50. Depends on her night. She’s also someone who is very active in clubs so it all depends when she gets home and how fast she can get things done at home before she can crash. Sometimes she takes a lot on as well but she thrives off it? It makes her feel productive but she also knows how to balance and have free time when she wants to. Her breakfast always consists of fruit, she loves her fruit. And even if she finds herself running late then she quickly adjusts and cuts out what needs to be cut out of her morning routine and get where she needs to be making herself have the time. Which can be good or bad, depends on how you look at it. Kia is great at handling whatever is thrown at her it seems!
Vanessa: Morning person after she’s fully awake lol. Hates how she looks in the morning, thinks her face is too puffy and definitely uses a jade roller no matter what to help. Her mom is always on her ass + she’s a coach so just imagine that on top while struggling to get up. However once she’s settled, she gets this burst of energy—coach montes believes it’s “the vitamins” and “always eating properly” but the small girl always seemed to get random bursts of energy throughout the day no matter the circumstance. loves a food bagel or pastry for breakfast with orange juice or water, either is fine. She especially loves sunny mornings in California, it just makes her feel better—as it should. She even thanks the sun when it greets her face. Which is something she used to do as a kid too.
A/N: I apologize for any typos in advance. It’s now 2am, phones about to die and it’s surely time to crash. Goodnight/morning wherever you are in the world and I’ll fix what needs to be fixed later lol. Feel free to send me ask memes for this week if you want when I do have the energy to write. Toodles!
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Checkered Skirt
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Genre: Smut
Word Count: 1330 words
Warning: Sub!Hendery, Dom!Reader, Spanking, Cross-dressing, Use of pet names, Oral sex (male receiving), Pegging, Overstimulation, Sexting at work, Hendery is whiny and horny
A/N: This fic is based on an ask as well as this pic (tho slightly altered). Originally planned to make this a brief drabble but I went overboard again, anyways I hope sub!Hendery feeds the lust of the sub!idol community and mine. 
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  When is Mistress coming home to take care of her needy pup’s problems?🐶
  A message from Hendery popped up on your phone screen while you are still bombarded by tedious paperwork you just want to rip through, exactly like how much you want to rip off your boyfriend’s clothes, and his whiny messages certainly aren’t helping.
  Be back in half an hour. Stay put. You warn
  😣😣😣. Came Hendery’s immediate reply. How about this?
  A sinful photo then leaps into your screen, in which Hendery posed in front of the mirror in his black leather collar with “Y/N’s pup” inscribed on it, and he is dressed up in a dark checkered shirt with a matching mini skirt barely covering his crotch, not to mention his hard-on. A pair of black knee-highs accentuated his lean figure wickedly perfectly, and the fact that he is kneeling on the around with his slender legs spread wide open, his hand around his clothed shaft, just fuels your frustration even more.
  Fuck you. You reply, irritated by the provoking sight.
  Language 😜. You feel as if you can hear his mischievous laugh even you are a screen apart. You always disciplined me for this, so why are you breaking your own rule?
  I follow no fucking rules in my house, pet. You sharply retort. But you’re right, you’re so getting properly disciplined again for this. You’d better be in your position once I am home. Understand?
  You then ignore his message affirming your order since you are in fervent need of getting your work done as quickly as possible now, and you swear your fingers have never worked this hastily on your keyboard before. Soon you find a shortcut to complete your workload, and in no time you are at your doorstep, satisfied by the sight in front of you.
  Hendery is on his hands and knees, his barely clad butt poking out as he’s gazing up at you with a naughty glint in those large piercing eyes, as well as a paddle between his grinning lips, his cock glistening with need.
  “Well, well, well.” You crouch down to his level. “Whose pretty puppy is this hmm?” You coo as you take the paddle out of his mouth, grazing his jawline with it.
  Before he can respond, you give a harsh yank on his hair, taking no time to force him up, dragging him to bedside table and quickly bending him over, before securing his torso onto it.
  “You don’t whore up while I am at work.” You hiss into his ear before landing a smack on his skirt-covered flesh with the paddle, the fabric buffering the sensation before he gets the taste of the real deal you’re up to, teasing his senses as well.
  “You don’t talk back to me like you know better than I do.” You chastise in between rough fervent spanks. “Last, “ You lift up his skirt, toying with the hem while caressing his freshly beaten flesh. “your Mistress follows no rules since I am just superior by nature, get it, slut?”
  “Ow-! Y-yes, Mistress-ah!” Hendery’s reply is interrupted by another sharp smack plus a lick on his buttock, as you proceed to suck and nibble on the supple flesh as if you’re enjoying your favorite meal, while your boyfriend is already a moaning squirming mess at the humiliating yet intimate feeling.
  “Mistress hnnnghh you feel so good…ahh...”  
  “Really?” You breath on the back of his cock. “But do puppy whores like you deserve to feel good hmm?” You inquire before lashing out with your paddle again.
  “Ah-no! Ahhhhh...I don’t deserve...ahhhhhh!” 
  “Care to explain why you don’t deserve to be pleasured?” You purr while caressing his hot skin, pinching his inner thigh from time to time, earning grunts from your sensitive boyfriend.
  “B-because I...I’ve been so bad…”
  “Bad is an understatement.”
  “Hahh...cuz I’ve been a horny pup wanking in heat...mmmm” His voice trails off into incoherent noises once you muffle him with a deep kiss, your palm lightly and sensually spanking him as he erotically moans along with each slap.
  “Such a depraved little pup…” You lovingly peck him before untying him and flipping him over on the table. “I’m gonna destroy you until those pretty doggy eyes of yours are all glossy and hazy...crying out to your Mistress for mercy…”
  “Destroy me then. Mistress.”
  You then bend down to moisten his shaft with your tongue, with your fingers busy lubricating his entrance before gradually adding them to stretch him. Hendery’s mesmerized, moaning loudly as he’s both serviced and humiliatingly intruded.
  When you finally reach up to unbutton his shirt, he attempted to take off his skirt. “No, keep that on, I prefer you partially nude, looking so disheveled and vitiated…” You continue as you exposed his nipples, planting sloppy kisses on them with one hand caressing the region still covered by the skirt, toying and pulling with the fabric, while the other hand is still busy fucking him deep and slow.
  Soon you are fully equipped with your strap, driving deep into his prostate with your free hand tangled in his silky strands, pounding into him hard and fast. 
  “F-ffuck puppy harder pleeaase…” Hendery pants as he pleads, fueling your pent-up lust even more as you pick up your pace, causing him to moan out even more lewdly. When he’s closer and closer to his peak, not only did he clench tighter against your ruthless cock, but also his sock-clad legs are wrapped closely around you, the smooth fabric turning you on as you can’t help but compliment how pretty he looks right now.
  “Such a beautiful fucked-out pup…” You lock your gaze with his, watching his expressions that are overwhelmed by extreme pleasure, before diving in for another round of wet sloppy kisses again. Sounds of contacting lips and entwining hips are interspersed by a few smacks on his ass, driving both of you insane and nearing your edge.
  Shoots of hot white liquid are followed by a series of broken cries, but you still relentlessly drill into him like a hungry beast ravishing its first ever meal in days. Hendery’s teary but also surprised gaze locks into yours, yet he can do nothing but indulge in the building pleasure over and over again as he cums twice in the next few minutes.
  “Please...please Mistress I can’t take it anymore...you are too good…”
  “I thought that’s what my filthy pup wanted hmm? Getting its insatiable needs completely filled…” You say as you wickedly pump his now ultra-sensitive dick.
  “Ahh-no! Please Mistress I-I am s-sorry for... riling you up earlier pleeaasee…stoppp” Hendery’s pain is evident in his struggle with words.
  “Really? Isn’t it my puppy who begged me to destroy him?”
  “Y-yes I was a s-slutty pup...but now Mistress please spare me I can’t take no more…” Hendery begs with tears that threaten to fall
  Satisfied with his realization of his proper place, you release your grip on his cock and replace it with soft, reassuring kisses all over his body, before wiping away the excess fluids on his belly as well as his tears, then you go on to remove his cum-stained clothing.
  “This is a reminder that you should never wear skirts again unless you want it wild and rough just like today…” You smirk as you present the dirtied spots on the checkered skirt to him.
  “You’re such an insufferable pervert.”
  “Look who’s talking!” You fail to hide your triumph behind your feigned indignation in your tone, before ditching those clothings in the laundry bin and returning to cuddle with Hendery back on the bed.
  Though there is total silence between you, your now tired boy’s arm is wrapped around your waist the whole time before he finally drifts off to sleep, leaving you mesmerised in thoughts of how lucky you are to have a man that is so compatible with you as your boyfriend.  
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reversecreek · 3 years
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snickers feverishly at myself for bringing in a 5th... who do i think i am? unstoppable? invincible? suddenly ripples my titanium plated pecs. maybe so. u can find her pinterest here n her playlist here. 
* margaret qualley, cis female + she/her  | you know bradley milligan, right? they’re twenty-four, and they’ve lived in irving for, like, all of their life? well, their spotify wrapped says they listened to looking for knives by dyan like, a million times this year, which makes sense ‘cause they’ve got that whole snow angels trampled through by your father’s footprints, casually reading a newspaper that’s catching flame & stubbing a cigarette against the wing mirror of a parked cop car thing going on. i just checked and their birthday is november 11th, so they’re a scorpio, which is unsurprising, all things considered. ( nai, 24, gmt she/her  )
bradley has this memory of meeting her grandmother for the first time n everything in the room was frozen still. even the air. she didn’t feel like she cld move n she got the impression this is how it’d always been in the milligan lineage. the only thing that was allowed to act of it’s own accord was her grandmother’s eyes as she tracked every slightest flinch of muscle. when her father left the room her grandmother reached out and took bradley’s hand n bradley looked at this like it was smthn she’d never seen before until her grandmother leaned close and all she could stare at was a nicotine stain on one of her front teeth. “he’s cold, isn’t he? he’s always been cold. i don’t think he’s mine.” bradley could tell from how tight she held her hand that he was. she could tell by the way she smiled as she said it, too. the way she felt obliged to smile back.
growing up in a huge white house in aquila drive w pruned hedges sounds idyllic n looks it too. swanky cars w tinted windows in the long driveway. always men filing in and out under the cloak of night wearing expensive suits n smiles worthy of a politician’s billboard. bradley’s mum alyssa thought so too n that’s hw she got into this whole mess tbh. tony milligan is very good at advertising. he cld package a jarred human heart as strawberry jam and convince u to spread it on ur toast if he wanted to. he could make u smile politely as u ate ur own. 
alyssa ws this very pretty blonde kind of mysterious presence in a room. everyone wanted to kno her story or fk her but noone rly treated her like a person more just like a puzzle to solve. john green syndrome alert..... literally manic pixie dream girled bt on turbo charge. there were vague whispers she’d run away from home when she appeared in town out of nowhere bt nothing concrete. tony decided he wanted to crack the case n once he set his mind to something there was no changing it. they wound up embroiled in a whirlwind romance. head over heels. he came at romance hard and fast as a freight train. alyssa knew he was into shady things but not quite the full extent of it n honestly she didn’t care bc she wanted security n a family to call her own n tony promised that. they were married within a year. 
tony came frm money bt he wanted to carve his own path n make his own legacy. destined fr greatness he’d tell her. we’re destined for greatness. it sounds nice doesn’t it! alyssa thought so too.
(drugs mention tw) slowly over the yrs he essentially forged his own crime organisation tht only grew. he opened a strip club down the seedier side of irving called ‘no angels’ n this became the front thru which his gang ran drugs in the back (predominantly coke n they pride themselves fr having a Superior Blend apparently) as well as laundering cash n this also was kind of their home base to hang
(abuse tw) their marriage increasingly lost it’s shine n alyssa came to realise she’d been sold a lie n she didn’t rly know this person or what he was capable of right around the time bradley was born. by then it was kind of like Wow i am rly in this n there is not an exit door huh. i won’t go into details bt things were not good at all. bradley witnessed n experienced a lot of things she shouldn’t have growing up. she didn’t understand why other kids drew home in all these different coloured crayons like they were bright places to be. she didn’t understand why everyone got so excited when the bell rang at the end of the day bc she just felt sick. she rationalised tht this was normal when she was younger bc sometimes kids talked abt the monsters under their beds giving them nightmares n she thought mayb they were talking abt their dads too. as she got older she realised tht actually her world wasn’t the same as anyone else’s n she also realised no-one wld ever be able to tell her why. she started becoming friends with the angry feeling in her chest tht she used to try and swallow around this time. often she’d wander the mall for a while to put off going home. smoke on random park benches. watch trains rattle thru town from the vantage point of a random rooftop. 
(abuse, missing person implied, murder implied & grief tw) when bradley was 12 she woke up and all of her mum’s clothes were gone frm their drawers. no shoes anywhere. a framed photo of them at the beach holding bradley as a baby vanished from over the mantelpiece. when bradley asked her dad what was going on, tony essentially said “it was exhausting her. being here. being your mother. she didn’t want to do it any more, so now she’s gone” n then he hugged her. little details leaked into the mix over the yrs. at one point tony dismissed her as having flown overseas to a foreign country to drink in the sun like she’d always wanted even tho alyssa always told bradley she liked the snow best (once she even walked outside as it fell in a thin lace nightgown when tony was out n when bradley said “mom you’re gonna get cold” she only tugged her down and made her do snow angels until her lips looked blue). the most significant memory bradley can never shake from her head is her mother cupping a yellow tulip at the park n saying she hated them. when bradley asked why she only turned and smiled at her as she stroked the hair from her face n then said “because they look so happy”. after bradley’s mum vanished a long flower bed at the bottom of the garden was suddenly overrun with dozens of freshly planted yellow tulips. whenever bradley looked at them out of her window she got this sickly feeling in the pit of her stomach like she was visiting a cemetery. she suspected what had happened to her mum (especially as rumours circulated within tony’s organisation abt alyssa being unfaithful with someone tht used to work fr him) bt she cld never bring herself to truly accept it. thus she ws stuck in this strange purgatory state of not-quite-anger at her mum for “leaving” and not-quite-grief.
bradley rly started to transgress in school after her mum was gone. alyssa was always kind of a character when she’d pick bradley up (wasn’t doing well n acted kind of ‘eccentric’ i suppose u cld say) so tony managed to spin it all as a child acting out in the wake of an unfit mother uprooting n abandoning. bradley became........ interesting. JKHGFSSKJGHFSGHSKFGHFG. she’d snap n resort to violence very easily. very desensitised to it. students were kind of scared of her tbh. as this progressed into proper high school she got in w the more rowdy popular crowd solely bc she was so fking.... wild for lack of a better word. rly would just do anything fr the thrill. had no sense of ‘i shouldn’t do this bc it’s dangerous’. partied harder than anyone. bit back harder than anyone. no filter. hung w a lot of guys honestly bc they had less morals n either found her scariness cool or wanted to fk <3
(hospitalisation, depression & drugs tw) she’s had. a few stints in psychiatric institutions fr various reasons tbh. missed a small chunk of her senior yr fr this but it wasn’t widely known just kind of rumoured. she showcases a lot of similar symptoms to her mum who struggled w severe depression (which was difficult to cope w when ur husband was often pouring ur prescription down the drain fr kicks) n in order to compensate fr the lows she takes a lot of things to kick them into highs. drinks n snorts too much. bradley i love u bt i’m begging u to seek healthier coping mechanisms......
as the yrs went on (especially once alyssa had gone) tony rly started trying to integrate bradley into the business side of things...... she literally. is named bradley bc he was expecting a boy n he was like well let’s still call her bradley. n had in mind she’d still fulfil the role he wanted her to of being his little protege so to speak.... both sexist n ugly all in one fell swoop...... an example of this is he literally. bought her a mint green switchblade for her 14th birthday n named it tinkerbell bc it would “die without attention” aka using it. tht sounds like a healthy gift to give a child tony congratulations sis <3
in an ideal world bradley wld have gone to uni to study psychology bc she jst wants to know how the fk her dad is literally like that bt she probably stuck around n is now managing no angels along with billy n marco (billy’s in her dad’s gang n is, u guessed it, a cunt, n marco is his sort of right hand man so to speak) bc tony’s in the closest neighbouring city overseeing a second ‘no angels’ opening up there to expand into a franchise n widen their income margins. bradley wld also be sort of used as a honey trap type deal once she got older if they needed to lure ppl places n sometimes still is bt it depends. the guys in the club all know not to mess w bradley bc she’s tony’s daughter n literally kind of scary herself sometimes bt there’s also this certain allure tht comes with being the boss’ daughter n it kind of comes across in how they act or talk abt her. yes i will kill them all n no i won’t feel bad abt it <3
think that’s kind of all u need to kno history wise... blinks one eye out of sync w the other..... runs to personality
a phrase i wld always use to describe bradley in old intros is “like a cup of black coffee with one grain of sugar that u don’t taste until the last sip”. also dark chocolate. lime. liquorice. she’s an acquired taste n i feel like u either love her or u hate her. 
cannot express how unpredictably chaotic she is..... frequently throws a drink in a stranger’s face jst to start something bc she’s bored. loves to hurl cheese slices across the room so they slap onto someone’s face out of nowhere. likes smashing things. stubbing cigarettes out on faces in framed family photographs. will literally pick a lock n then smash the window besides it to defeat the whole purpose just bc she found how neat it was boring. does anything fr the adrenaline n thrill. gets into far too many fights n fights dirty. probably been thrown out of every bar in town at least three times. banned from a bunch too.
she’s witty bt she has a dark sense of humour..... can be quite mean.......... loves to roast ppl for no reason........ honestly has some nathan young frm misfits aspects in that sense like jst seems untouchable emotionally n like she doesn’t take anything seriously n is fking outrageous about it.....
has this quality abt her tht kind of scares herself sometimes. it’s like she recognises parts of her dad in her. she’s very perceptive (bc she’s had to be over the yrs trying to read every micro-expression of her dad’s to predict what’s next) n like emotionally intelligent in a way which is ironic bc her own emotions r just an absolute minefield.... bt. she can read people quite well. gets this eerily calm look abt her sometimes n it’s jst like god what’s. she thinking. what’s she’s gna do. i’m shaking. a cool n controlled kind of rage can often be scarier than the explosive type n bradley does that well. grits my teeth n tugs on my collar....
very strong on the surface. hates being vulnerable. has this ingrained idea that crying is childish or rly any kind of emotional display within herself. 50% not taking things seriously 50% angry. tht’s how she comes across....... internally? whole different story. bt ppl don’t see that.
very cavalier abt some things. will flash her tits n not even think abt it. jst very out there...... one of her closest friends is a homeless man named joe who wears neon purple fishnets on his head n loves to spit on ppl from over an underpass. finds eccentric ppl like this funny n surrounds herself w them. loves to be kept on her toes.
LOVES driving stolen cars down the wrong side of the highway. it’s a lot.
fiercely loyal to a fault to a select few bt if u wrong her personally this can switch pretty quick. quite a force to b reckoned w n will hold a grudge. bt like. if ur a Chosen One she’d bury a body for u no questions asked. 
deals to u: bradley isn’t like full time into dealing bt she does do it sometimes.... treats it kind of like a hobby bc the lesser ranked can do tht shit as far as she’s concerned bt.. sometimes also jst gets bored n is like. why not. might be chaotic. mayb they’ll try to rob me <3 we love the thrill <3 or like..... if ur friends w her she’ll deal to u n no she will not do a friends discount <3 or if she does there will definitely be some sort of stipulation attached <3
high skl crew: if ur muse is local n ws an absolutely demonic hell spawn in high skl tht went to 1974547254 parties n was outrageously chaotic n rude then. bradley probably was friends w them <3 her friendships tend to be surface level bt they’d definitely go out a bunch bt whether they actually knew a lot abt her life is debatable bt we could explore options fr this
people who work at no angels: no angels is her dad’s strip club in irving that she kind of helps to run now. it’s kind of a shifty environment. the place where ud have an outrageous bachelor party. u go for the first time w a fake id n u get served bt u also get ur wallet stolen n ur convinced someone spat in ur drink n u also kind of think there might b a hit on u now after u made eye contact too long w a broad shouldered man smoking in a back booth. scary environment. testament to her dad as a person. maybe ur muse is a dancer there or works the bar or security or whatever u name it....
ma’am are u ok?: ur muse found bradley passed out across two bus seats one time in smudged dark eyeliner a silver slip dress n the world’s chunkiest combat boots this town hs ever seen. sometimes she winds up in spots like this when she goes too hard n it’s absolutely dangerous n reckless bt that’s jst bradley <3 mayb they forged an unlikely friendship frm this strange meeting or maybe even? dare i say it? a romance? opposite worlds colliding? good influence? let’s go crazy. release ur inhibitions. feel the rain on ur skin.
hook-ups: bradley’s cavalier abt this stuff..... very unemotional typically..... mayb we cld do an unrequited thing that wld be angsty n fun altho i won’t lie i don’t kno if she’d be the one to catch the feelings.... she rarely sleeps over bt once when she woke up in someone’s bed she hiked over to straddle them carefully as possible so they wldn’t wake up n then pressed her knife to their neck as a fun little surprise where she said boo when they opened their eyes.... she’s a lot clearly.
watermelon slugger, hiiii: bradley has this habit where she gets a bunch of watermelons n then goes to a rooftop n throws them over the edge to watch them explode when they hit the pavement.... maybe ur muse almost got hit by one once n were like WTF???????? another quirky meet cute moment like the bus one <3 can’t stop w them <3 maybe she randomly invited ur muse to do it w her when they were like. a stranger of f the street. she was bored. decided to adopt them as a science experiment. we cn elaborate on this probably....
ouch charlie: similar territory bt she also sometimes shoots pedestrians w a bb gun from rooftops. mayb ur muse wld always get hit by one on a certain route they walked n finally one day they saw her head ducking down behind a ledge n then they see her in the street one day n are like HEY IT’S YOU............. WTF? n bradley’s like ya i’m christ risen again it’s a lot to take in i know...
rly jst anything... mutually destructive friends... exes.... in one rp a character tried to get close to bradley so he cld write an expose all book about her n her family which i found so fking funny so i’ll request that again.... people she’s fought.... ppl whose gf/bf she’s fk’d n it’s caused enemy status.... someone whose place she broke into and shaved their eyebrows off in the night only to draw them on again in crudely thin permanent sharpie lines.... roommates cld be fun n sexy i’d love that actually.... jst anything rly. go wild. kisses everyone tenderly on cheeks.
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Omgggg I wanna cry it took me 20+ minutes to try and reply to you with a HUGE post about things about lesu but it didnt work so second try @swyet-pea
Backstory: Lesu was born to a family of zigusses (what I call impostors) himiddity and toshink at the time of his birth they were kidnapped by crewmates at their home planet, lesu was immediately taken before he could even be named he was given to the couple Yukio Kirisuto and Sora Kirisuto in which they named him Lesu Kirisuto he was taken because they wanted to see how he worked in a human environment, five years after lesu's so called family kidnapped him they finally had the courage to take him to work in which he walked past the cage himiddity and toshink were in this drove them WILD and they immediately busted out of their cage (lesu ran away while personnel attacked the zigusses) and went a rampage killing 5 crewmates including lesus "parents" before they were caught and thrown into space, lesu discovered his parents bodies mutilated and practically unrecognizable he could only tell by the color of their suits he they were, he was horrified terrified he broke down right there, Personnel found home wailing right by his "parents" bodies before one personnel picked him up comforting him while taking him away, His grandparents (From his mother's side) were told what happened they were told "At the sight of lesu the-the things became enraged crazed murderous i-i......*scilence for a moment* I'm so sorry for your lose......" one personnel spoke to them apologizing for what happened the personnel watched as Mei (Sora's mother) broke down watched as the father Toshi held her before walking away and coming back with lesu before leaving, The grandparents had never felt such rage as they did when they saw lesu walk in the.......monster who practically killed their daughter and he had the audacity to be crying to be sobbing? (The scene went like this) "You....*Death breaths* you......." mei couldnt even speak before slapping lesu as hard she could across the face "You bastard! ITS YOYR FAULT! YOU KILLED HER!" the broken mother screamed kicking him as lesu broke down even more (Scene ended) that wasnt the worst of it tho they wouldnt stop day or night they would beat him leave him without food lock him out for long periods of time it, his parents were bad BAD alcoholics so it got alot worse most nights......
(Whi would ge work at a place that he saw his parents die at?)
He is being forced by his grandparents
(About him at work)
Lesu much prefers small work groups of 4-5 people he finds them easier to manage then others since he struggles talking to people (If he gets on a large job with 10 people it's always with brick and joshua or brick or joshua so he usually manages himself ok)
(Illnesses/Disorders or disabilities?)
PTSD, Social anxiety, Has a mild stutter.
(What's their voice like?)
Has a soft quiet voice (if he becomes more comfortable with you he might start to speak a little more louder)
(Did he ever find out who he really was?)
Yes, the scan at medbay was made to not tell lesu who he really was so that never worked, so at 24 he did a blood test and found at he even discovered his mothers!
(How did meeting his mothers go?)
The boy sat their taking in shakey breaths he was nervous no don't he felt a hand on his shoulder making him jump he turned seeing one of his lovers brick giving him a soft smile hoping to comfort him joshua had just left to get them drinks finally coming back giving everyone their drinks lesu drank the soda hoping his fear would go away what if they didnt want to meet them and that's why it was taking so long? What if.....they weren't actually here? What if it wasnt them??? What if they hated him??? Chills ran down his spine when finally the Personnel at the place they were meeting finally spoke "Their ready" he let out a little gasp the three of them tried to walk into the place they were meeting "I'm sorry but only he can go" the Personnel stopped Joshua and Brick "Excuse me you basta-" brick spoke being interrupted by lesu "B-b-brick! I-I-it-s-s o-ok-kay" lesu stuttered out his stutters always got alot worse when he was panicked, brick and joshua backed off "Call us if you need anything!" Joshua yelled as lesu still went forward almost to the door, he let out a deep sigh building up the courage before walking in, The door creaked as he walked in to women turned around one had blue eyes that pierced through him immediately with bright ginger hair she was also quite short maybe 4'10 or 5'0 while one had beautiful blonde locks and pitch black eyes who was pretty much the same size as her wife, the ginger women let out a loud gasp tears swelling in her eyes "M-my b-baby b-b-b-boy!!" She managed out stuttering running to lesu and crushing him in a huge hug as lesu gasped in shock he felt tears roll down his face "M-momma?" He cried, the mother spoke to him in a language it was the zigusses language which he didnt quite know, the other women finally come over hold his son for a few minutes before they finally pulled away, the mother with ginger hair moved a piece of lesus hair out of his face and spoke "Himiddity look at him.....he has ur hair♡♡♡" himiddity spoke "And he has ur eyes 🥺" the mothers awed over the boy before he spoke "I-I-im l-l-esu" he stuttered out giving a name himiddity whispered lesus name while toshink spoke over her "Oh.....he also has my stutter" the scene went on for a while as lesu spoke to his mothers and telling them about him.
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goldvnby · 4 years
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK !! i’m literally soo excited rn can’t even use my words lol ! charles aka edward was the first skeleton i clicked on and i instantly knew i had to play him ( i love an asshole heheheheh ) ! anyway i’m madi i’m nineteen and i go by she/her !! 
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quick note: bc i’m using charles melton as a fc i changed his name from charles to edward ! just incase anyone is confused ! :-)
( charles melton, cismale, he/him ). hey, isn’t that [ EDWARD CHARLES SEONG ] walking down bennington street? i think the [ 28 ] YEAR OLD [ INVESTMENT BANKER ] is from [ WAITSFIELD, VERMONT ]. i’ve heard some rumors down at ginger’s, saying that they’re [ OBSTINATE & EGOCENTRIC ], but then again they’re known to be [ ASTUTE & MAGNETIC ].  either way, they seem to be interesting, hope they’ll stick around
so for this post i’m going to condense things into bullet points but if you would like to read the full bio you can find that here ! also if for some reason you want even more to look at i have a pinterest, playlist, and his stats u can peak at !
no thoughts head empty
uGH okay fine. 
edward comes from an affluent family located in waitsfield, vermont. his father worked as an investment banker and although his mother didn’t necessarily have a “job” she was highly involved in the community. they were the type of people to flaunt their wealth, and they generally had a reputation in the town as being snooty and proud.
his childhood was cold. his parents spared no time or affection for the young boy, and due to his family’s negative reputation his social circle was relatively small. he did have the boisterous streak running through him from the start but he didn’t really become the social butterfly eddie we know and love until he went away to boarding school. 
his parents went thru a messy messy divorce when he was a teen due to his fathers infidelity and most of his commitment issues stem from them oop.
his parents also put a Lot of pressure on him to be perfect.
at private school surrounded by nothing but other privileged rich kids he quickly discovered that being overly confident and obnoxious could actually get him all of the attention he craved in his childhood, and that’s when party boy edward was born. the schools didn’t like it though and he bounced from private school to private school across the eastern seaboard. 
despite his antics he charmed most of his professors and did really well academically
after spending a gap year in europe he moved to new york city to study at columbia which is when he became suuuuper motivated. he wanted to be a nyc finance bro so bad and so he followed in his dads footsteps and studied finance. 
he took all of his partying and shoved it into short but intense weekends, which rly just made it worse. 
just before he graduated and entered the business world™ his father became the centre of a serious fraud case. it destroyed edward’s credibility and it took him years and a lot of work to get his career back on track ( he’s makin Coin now tho bbs don’t worry ). his dad is in prison but like,, don’t bring it up w edward hehe he’s sensitive abt it. 
edward is very self destructive. the issues he has forming emotional connections and caring abt ppl paired with the massive pressure he puts on himself cause him to have a general disregard for his own life, and it shows.
he desperately craves attention and admiration and uses partying as a way to get it. partying is also pretty much his only copping mechanism, and its not a healthy one. he in a v bad cycle of his high stress work week and wild weekends. 
( alcohol/smoking/drugs tw ) he is a heavy heavy drinker and also frequent user of party drugs ( coke and molly in particular ). he also was a smoker but recently quit when he started dating raph. ocassionally he’ll slip up and have a cig though. he’s also trying to party less now but with it being his only outlet for stress he def struggles with that.
bb has a looooooooooong kill list oops
v much a coffee addict, especially when he’s hungover, he has work to do after all.
can be v abrasive and argumentative, he’s v hard to get along w especially if you don’t know him well. loves a good debate hehe.
is actually a super loyal friend if he actually feels secure in the friendship, he just has a hard time trusting that ppl actually care abt him. will stick up for his friends sooo much. also just wants to make everyone have a good time. can be insensitive to ppls feelings though bc he always thinks he knows best. 
his biggest fear is becoming his father. that’s why he doesn’t do monogamous relationships bc it’s better to not try at all than to try and fail. 
he’s a vvvvvv lonely person, even when surrounded by friends : (
wears a lot of suits. if he isn’t wearing a suit he’s wearing  boat shoes, khakis, and a pastel button up bc he’s a preppy ass pos
i hate him sm 
he’s so cocky ew
likes picking up the tab for his friends bc he knows he’s a lil rich bitch who can afford it hehe. 
almost exclusively eats take out, does not know how to cook for himself. yet is still somehow in perfect shape ????
has really bad insomnia. will often be up all night and just distracting himself with whatever work he can find. 
literally work hard play hard that’s him.
reads the newspaper every morning, esp the finance section obvi
drives a vintage mercedes convertible that Guzzles gas. he loves it but doesn’t get to drive it enough bc theres no point w city traffic. loves getting the chance to drive out of the city, he speeds v bad tho. 
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judehayward · 4 years
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lady gaga voice slowly fadin in: ju-Das juda-ah-ah… this depressed goblin bastard is honestly my fav male muse like i dnt typically stick w male muses tht long i struggle bt................. i’ve played him the longest of them all n always seem to return to him. jst cnt stay away. way 2 attached to this absurd little man. it’s nai btw!!!! (josefine on the main). launches right in to jude’s intro without further adieu..... (u can also find his playlist here) 🧙‍🎨
「douglas booth & cis-male」⇾ hayward , jude, the senior radcliffe student’s records show that he is a pisces and 23 years old. he is studying ART, living in moris and can be protective, laidback, nonsensical & apathetic. when i see him i am reminded of wearing a faded smiley face sticker on your forehead while receiving a serious lecture, saying “fuck off” to inanimate objects, lead marbles instead of eyes. ⇽「nai & 23 & gmt & she/her.」
he pinterest:
me in the voice of a card magician performing on the street: round up round up pick a pinterest any pinterest!
ta-da it’s aesthetics:
lead marbles instead of eyes, a stolen hearse careening down the wrong lane, wearing a faded smiley face sticker on your forehead while receiving a serious lecture, bags under the eyes that are so big they could pack enough clothes for a three week vacation, a cigarette wobbling from your bottom lip as you squint against the sunlight, passing out on a stranger’s rooftop, placing sunglasses over the eyes of a biology lab skeleton, gangling around the place like shaggy minus his scooby snacks, saying “fuck off” to inanimate objects
about tha Bitch:
born in sheffield in england, bt they went back and forth between there n san fran a lot
jude was an unhappy accident. his parents never rly used protection bc they were super Liberal n Au Naturel n believed in the pull out method bc… they were maniacs. bt then the ONE time they used a condom in an effort to b safety conscious it broke n hence…. jude was born
they just kind of ran w it bc they had such a passionate relationship tht they were like What The Hell…. may as well! itll be fine we’ll learn to be good parents n love him like normal ppl do
spoiler alert: tht didn’t work out
they were ok to him like they weren’t fully Bad bt they just found him to be a massive burden n hindrance to their plans. pretty absent n irresponsible. they literally….. had sex all day every day n acted like a pair of teenagers. it ws a super weird environment for a kid to grow up in bc he literally had no role models or… guidance or…. anything rly. occasionally they’d joke around w him or pretend they properly knew what grade he was going into but for the most part they just Didn’t Care the way parents shd. they lost his birth certificate n dnt remember what they put as his middle name so he’s jst kind of like hmmmm............. n gives himself a diff one every time ppl ask. past variations hv included: jude pauly hayward, jude maureen hayward, jude van winkle hayward. says all of these w a very straight face
despite this he does hv some nice memories w them. usually he definitely sees them fr holidays. frm being rly young their christmas tradition hs been to get a bunch of chinese food like a Banquet Feast n spend all day smoking n drinking into the early hours. perhaps not the healthiest or most responsible bt 😔 jude rly likes it it’s kind of the one time of yr he feels he has a proper family
they r both suuuuper into the arts. rly good sculptors bt they paint too n they actually own a successful gallery in sheffield n san fran
(trauma tw) as a result he grew up around a lot of creative n sometimes pretentious ppl. the friends of his parents were more present in his life than his ACTUAL parents bc they were always jetting off to diff countries to scout out new pieces fr their galleries n just have a gd time in beautiful places without…. the annoyance tht ws being responsible n looking after someone. tbh some of his parents friends were rly damaging too bt….i won’t go into that just yet. it doesn’t rly…need properly explaining bc jude never talks abt it anyway n it….is rather triggering so i’ll jst….leav it for now tbh. basically they just were Not Nice n jude had a lot of bad memories he keeps repressed bt he also??? has some gd ones..... it was a strange environment bt he’s a survivor
(death n grief tw) he hd to do community service bc he kind of… hd a bit of a breakdown before the funeral of his elderly neighbour who bsically raised him bc her kids rly didnt care abt her they jst wanted her inheritance?? so he… stole the hearse w her casket still in it n ws jst like… drivin around the place sort of… tryin nt to cry…..KJJFHSFKJGHKFG i mean. it isnt funny its actually sad bt :/ in a very bizarre n jude way. he gt caught n taken in fr questioning bt her son kind of realised hw… broken up abt her death jude ws n had a heart n didnt press charges. regardless he stil hd to do community service bc it ws like taken seriously even tho it ws his first proper offence. doin it rly exhausted n depressed him so when he wsnt doin tht he ws just hibernatin in his room……. this ws like 4 months ago nw............ just some fun lore fr u all
bc of how he ws raised he has a p cultured taste. he luvs classic lit n p much anything artsy. he can play piano 2 n sometimes gets rly high n thinks he’s mozart level gd at composing he’s jst going fking wild on the keys in a trance...... i mean he’s gd bt… chill
he’s rly sarcastic n so deadpan like he’ll say smthn completely ridiculous bt he’ll say it w his whole chest so sincere.... it’s rly hard to tell when he’s joking or serious honestly. has an overflowing secret sketchbook n if he cares abt someone he’ll probably secretly draw them. does NOT share these drawings w the person he hates being openly sentimental. at heart he is jst a very Sad Boy w lots of repressed issues like depression genuinely just does NAT giv him a single break bt he plasters over this w wise cracks n never discusses his emotions ever. he’s actually p decent or at least tries to b. he’s kind of like tht bit in superbad where michael cera gets rly drunk n makes a toast to women like tht energy...........
he has rly bad insomnia so he like never sleeps idk how he’s Alive straight up. please go to bed sir............. he always has rly sleepy eyes n rubs them tiredly mid conversation. he smokes a lot of weed to try n compensate fr this n make him tired bt he still struggles a lot
ANYWAY that aside he’s at radcliffe doing art, focusing on fine art like painting is............... the thing he luvs most...... his style is kind of.......... taking normal things n painting w surreal colours.... he likes A LOT of colour in his paintings which is kind of a stark contrast to his personality bc his world’s so.... washed out n grey............ lovs art n philosophy n literature n photography n music.... 
ummMMMMmm honestly idk i’m blankin on what else to say. ull find him smoking weed reading an american classic or gnawing at his thumbnail n getting charcoal smudges on all his clothes. wandering the streets in plaid pj bottoms n dr martens eating frm a cereal box without care in the world. he’s p broody n scruffy n he’s mostly here fr a laidback time....... doesn’t rly like when ppl take themselves too seriously........ likes strange ppl thinks the world is mde richer by them n likes when ppl can jst bounce back jokes at him without being like erm. u dont make sense mate. bc frankly he can come up w some strange stuff sometimes.............. talking to him cn b like navigating a dark n bendy road without a flashlight....... 
(drugs tw) once did shrooms n woke up naked in the woods curled up in a pile of leaves. to this day he recounts this as his werewolf transformation. hs no idea hw he ended up there n when ppl r like are u not. concerned jude. tht is so strange? he jst shrugs like.............. dunno....................... suppose i’m jst a werewolf upon occasion. so casual abt it. jst truly does Not care abt most things at all..... almost to the point tht it’s concerning (sometimes way past the point tht it’s concerning too :/)
this is the desc on an aesthetic i mde of his style once n sums it up well!! ‘additionally: too many pairs of trousers, a hideous amount of white t-shirts all somewhat stained with charcoal, a jumper so thinly knit it almost looks sheer, chipped teale nail varnish, a cream corduroy jacket with a cigarette hole singed onto the cuff, vintage wiry reading glasses he almost never wears, a freshly rolled cigarette behind his ear, a thrifted t-shirt with a warped bart simpson wearing a stethoscope with the caption ‘bard knwos cardiology’ and two crops hacked that way with kitchen scissors that he sometimes wears to paint.‘
EXPERT at rolling spliffs like jst. mkes them so precise n neat....... it’s his super power. his fav thing to smoke frm is banana flavour papers.................... linking 2 this he’s like. bad w emotions bt he does try..... once his friend (maggie) ws sad so he brought her a spliff wrapped in grape flavoured paper bc it’s her fav fruit n jst like. wordlessly gave it to her. it’s the thought tht counts.....
plays bass in a band which cld b a fun connection to get together??? i picture the music being like surf rock type like........... mac demarco...... bt he also luvs elliott smith n glass animals n the cure n metronomy n neutral milk hotel n talking heads n radiohead n mazzy star n wolf alice...................... idk jst like.... within tht ballpark i suppose i imagine it being................
mayb ppl he shares classes w?????? i’d like someone tht does a similar course n they hang out tgether when it comes to trips fr the module to museums or exhibits or wtever................ they both stand in front of paintings analysing it rly wrong n saying stuff like hmmmmmmmmm....... i do declare i see a, uh..... large phallus protruding from the centre of this image...... moves something in me.......... n some elderly person looking at it besides them is like Ergh. sickened n disgraced. leaves w a brow severely furrowed
someone he smokes w on the moris rooftop late at night when he cnt sleep??? mayb they’re up n cnt sleep either fr whtever reason n it’s become an unspoken kind of ritual where they always clamber out n find each other there n jst wordlessly keep them company
jude is kind of like. protective almost to a fault sometimes........... mayb some guy he’s punched......................... if they hurt someone he cares abt........... typically it wld hv been a girl he ws kind of like. affected by his first relationship bc she had a bad home situation n ever since jst wnts..... to Protect it’s kind of like an automatic instinct ingrained in him nw 😔 all sounds very noble n well bt sometimes it cn b a bit of an escalation i wnt lie
perhaps a few hook-ups??? jude doesn’t tend to sleep w ppl he rly knows bc he just..... likes it to b an impersonal thing doesn’t like getting attached fr various reasons so mayb they only kno each other via this OR mayb he bent his rules a bit..... cld either work seamlessly or hv added drama if one side hs mre feelings or whtever
currently living in moris w 2 roommates bt i’d love some neighbours perhaps..... mayb someone tht lives directly nxt door to his room n is like ://// bc he plays music loud n weeds always drifting frm his window n mking their room smell if theirs is open too................. or mayb they get on..... mayb there’s a rly mean seagull tht lands on a branch n poos on pedestrians n they both commentate on it frm their windows like david attenborough...... they’re like he’s at it again. they’ve named him n everything
HONESTLY anything if u have an idea hmu i’d love 2 hear it.......... rubs my hands tgether in excitement to plot up a storm w u all
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Ok but consider a yandere gonta with kaedae and gonta never really got outside of the mate mindset that he picked up from his childhood and he just wants to prove his worth as a mate in the most primal way to kaedae.. If it isn't to much to request this? Please.
Well I am certainly going to hell for this but when I read this request then it seriously made me feel excited and inspired, so here we go with this gross crap! This is dark tho so here are warnings!
Warnings: Noncon, kidnapping, delusions, pure Gonta being turned to insane Gonta, like Kaede doesn't deserve this, mentions of impregnation
Welp if you got past that then I hope y'all enjoy! But please don't read if any of the warnings makes you uncomfortable, thank you in advance!
Words: 1951
When people would explain Gonta then often they would call him naive, simple minded but really kind at the same time. He was also called a gentle giant a lot of the time which he never had any bad words for. To be fair he never had anything bad to say about anyone even if he should. People could be mean to him and a lot of the time he wasn't able to understand it unless somebody said it to him.
Since he grew up being raised by wolves as his family then he picked up a lot from their behavior, including mating. Obviously he had never ever mated with somebody before but he fully knew what that meant and what it involved. He was just shy and never could seem to find a girl who could be his mate. He liked everyone but not enough for anyone in specific to be his mate.
Well that was until his eyes landed on her. Kaede. He had been in awe since the first stare. She had beautiful long blonde hair, soft purple eyes and the most dazzling smile that he had ever seen on a human being. It was true that Gonta was naive to a lot of the things nor could he fully grasp onto many things. However he could feel his heart beat in his chest and he could understand that this feeling was love. From the first stare he had fallen in love with her.
Kaede was always there to protect him from everyone. When somebody was mean to him, even if he couldn't understand it himself, then she always told them to leave him alone. She often talked to him and listened to him talk about whatever as well. Each time his name rolled past her lips he could feel his heart beat faster and faster. His face also heat up at times and he could never control it. All of these feelings of love were so new but incredibly welcoming at the same time.
However she also had one other affect on him.
When he thought about her then his lower area or in a more dirty word as he had learned, cock, got hard. It got so hard and there were quite a few times where he had to excuse himself from conversations with her or some other people and rush to the bathroom. Nobody ever seemed to think much about it. Even Kokichi, who was the main person to make mean jokes about him, didn't seem to have anything to say about his behavior.
He had to touch his cock and rub it to get rid of the hardness. She was so beautiful, kind and sweet. She was his perfect mate! It was unbelievably hard to control his natural urges when he was so close to her. She was absolutely perfect and he could find no faults in her. How could he? Kaede was an angel brought to this earth and she was to be his mate. He had never felt more sure about anything in his entire life.
But coming of these positive feelings also came negative ones he had never felt before. He was angry. He felt angry when he saw other boys touch her. Especially the ones like Shuichi and Rantaro. He knew he wasn't the only one who loved Kaede. Of course, she was so pretty that other boys wanted her too! But he didn't like that. He didn't want her to be taken away from him.
The thought of hurting her would always be a huge no-no to him. But he wouldn't hurt her! He would save her and protect her from all the bad men out there! Or as he heard Tenko say so often, degenerates. He was her perfect mate and she was his. Where he lacked with wit he made up with his almost inhuman strength.
When he invited Kaede over to his place then she had happily agreed. While he didn't live in a big house then it still had enough room for him and his size. Now it could feel even more better with her there. He had waited for her to come in and then lead her upstairs where he excitedly wanted to show her something.
She had just smiled and giggled as she walked in front of him but when she opened his door then she saw nothing. Before she could turn around then he had already hit her over the head and she had fallen unconscious onto the floor. Hurrid apologises left his mouth as he picked her up and undressed her, blushing heavily as more and more of her smooth and milky skin was revealed to his eyes.
His cock started to twitch in his pants too. He was actually going to mate with her. A smile graced his lips at the thought! They would have a baby together too! He had always dreamed of having a baby with her. The mere thought made him so happy and now it was gonna happen too. Everything was so perfect.
Once he had removed all of her clothing did he end up tying her arms together but tried not to make it too painful. He didn't want to hurt her but maybe she would be too excited once she would wake up and hurt herself? He couldn't have that! His angel had to be safe and he would protect her like a perfect gentleman!
Gonta stayed next to her side and had removed his own clothes. Even if he felt incredibly embarrassed but this was their first time together so it was okay. They would both feel more and more comfortable the more they would do this together. He wasn't sure how long it took but it felt way too long, once she opened her eyes again. Those beautiful violet eyes. She was so gorgeous.
Kaede groaned and tried to rub her forehead, only for her to realise that she couldn't do that. Just like he had guessed she started to struggle around until she noticed him. "Gonta?" She called out in disbelief and fear, after that she also noticed that he wasn't wearing any clothes and neither was she. The blonde blushed heavily and he thought she looked even more cute like that. "Gonta, w-what is going on here? Please let me go! This isn't okay!"
Her words only seemed to confuse Gonta until he realised that she was likely fooled by those other men. Well he would save her and help her recover as her mate and husband! "No don't worry Kaede! Gonta is saving you! Gonta loves you so much!" He said excitedly and smiled happily. Just like he normally did as he advanced closer to the frightened blonde girl.
"No, Gonta this is wrong! Untie me now! Gonta please!" His mate kept on saying and it just confused him more and more. But it didn't matter because he would make her feel really good and she would love it and love him. It was his first time too so their bodies would become one this way. That had to be romantic, right? He knew it was. She had to know it deep down too!
Gonta got on top of Kaede, making the bed creak under his weight as he smiled down on her. "Gonta loves you very much!" He repeated happily again before kissing her. His eyes widening at the sweet taste. She made sounds under him and moved around but he was sure that those were of excitement. What else could it be? He deepened the kiss as more of his primal instincts took over his body.
His large cock was already really hard and he truly was barely able to contain himself. He groaned and dry humped her while kissing her hungrily. Once he pulled away then he could see tears streaming down her flushed cheeks. For a moment he was confused again, until he realised that these were tears of happiness! He had heard of that happening quite a lot and so she had to be very happy to become one with him, just like he was with her.
Once again he said how much he loved her and he didn't stop saying that as his hands moved to touch her blossom. He started to rub it with his hand and spread her legs apart, curiously looking at it. "So pretty." He said as his instincts once again took over and he started to lick at it hungrily. This felt so good too. He could feel her body tremble and her moaning out loud. She was loving this too! He was so happy!
It didn't take long before he could taste her juices on his tongue and he happily swallowed them. He giggled happily and his own desires were getting too much to ignore. "Gonta will start moving in now, o-okay Kaede-chan?" He was still so shy but he was sure it would feel good. His arms went to squeeze her hips as he slowly started to push his large cock inside of her untouched blossom.
His eyes widened again and he moaned out loud. She was so tight and warm he didn't stop moving until he was almost fully out. He could see her lips moving again but he didn't quite hear what she was saying because his thoughts were in other places but he knew that everything she was saying, was how much she loved this like he did!
For a few moments he stayed still inside of her warm blossom, before he started to slowly thrust inside and out. This felt even better then he could have ever imagined it to feel. So perfect! Such a nice feeling! He started to moan in pleasure, in an almost animalistic way. He kissed her passionately again as he thrusted inside and out of her warmth. He felt like he was melting in the best way possible.
His hands explored her body and moved to her breats where he slightly played around with them too. Her breasts felt so nice and firm in his hands. She truly was perfect in every single way. They would be so happy together, especially once their baby would be born!
Gonta had become completely lost in pleasure and he couldn't stop thrusting in and out of her, like a wild beast who had been let out of his cage. Neither of them could likely tell how long it took until he cummed. But it didn't matter. His seed went deep inside of her warmth and there was a lot of it. He panted heavily as he filled her to the absolute brim with his hot seed. She moaned and cried out at the same time. The sees rolled down her thighs too because there was just so much of it.
He panted heavily and laid down next to her, wrapping his strong arms around her, kissing her cheek. "That felt really good for Gonta! Did it feel good for Kaede-chan too? Gonta can't wait for our first child!" Only cries left her mouth but he didn't mind since that meant, that she was just far too happy about this to respond to him right now. He sighed happily until his cock started to twitch again after a little. Well he might as well.
A bright smile was on his lips as he positioned himself between her legs again. Her wide purple eyes looked into his own reddish ones as he chuckled. "Gonta loves you so much!" He said happily only to receive no response. It was okay though!
Gonta was so happy to be one with his perfect mate now.
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kirbyss44 · 5 years
My Top Ten Favorite Danganronpa Characters
So I’ve watched a playthough of all three Danganronpa games. Trigger Happy Havoc, Goodbye Despair and Killing Harmony. I can officially say I love this series and is obsessed with it.
Here’s a list of all the 10 characters that I like the most. Befrore we start I’m going to go over two rules.
This is based on their appearance in the main games. No supplementary material like spinoffs or the anime will be taken account. Also anything that can be gleamed from the character in free time or school mode will also not be taken into account.
I’m not going to adding you-know-who to the list because really, I only like him for shallow reasons and there are way more characters that are objectively better than him.
Spoilers. (duh)
10.  Ultimate Imposter (Byakuya Togami)
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This the Ultimate Impostor, not Byakuya, so there’s no bias.
I don’t know much about the real Ultimate Imposer so this based on what I’ve seen in Goodbye Despair.
Impostor had the same smatassness as Byakuya but he was also determined to keep everyone alive. Which makes his death in the first case really sad, he tried so hard to prevent on murder that in the end, he was one that got murdered.
Also he gets called “ham hands” by Hiyoko and instead of retorting, he actually kinda rolls with. That’s kinda interesting.
9.  Gundham Tanaka
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Oh my god. Gundham was just buckets of fun.
“FOUR DARK DAVAS OF DESTRUCTION! SAND-D, JUM-P, MAGA-Z, CHUM-P!” Oh man! I love the way this guy emotes. 
Fun fact: I was convinced Gundham wound’t die because he had cute hamsters. I mean, his hamsters didn’t die regardless I think.
Gundham puts his scarf up when he’s embarrassed. That’s just adorable.
8. Nagito Komaeda
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I just recently got into the Danganronpa so I’m not familiar with all the jokes and meme. With that in mind, I don’t really understand Nagito’s infamous meme status and how he’s comparable to Sans. I can kinda get it from seeing him in Goodbye Despair but I don’t fully understand.
The reason why he’s on the list is because I strangely find this pathetic sad-sack to be endearing. He tries SO HARD to be a stepping stone for the other characters and his self deprecation and constant tearing himself down was so fun to watch.
And when Nagito learns about the truth of the other ultimate, he gets even better. I don’t know but watching this pitiful, insane, individual try to act all arrogant is so funny to me.
His role in the overall narrative of Danganronpa was pretty interesting too. In the first game, hope and despair were black and white, good and evil. In Goodbye Despair, it was cool to see a little more nuance added and it’s shown that hope isn’t objectively good. The most extreme end of hope can be just as devastating as despair.
7. Genocide Jack/Jill
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Ok, so it Genocide Jack or Genocide Jill? In Trigger Happy Havoc, The serial killer is Genocide Jack but she refers herself as Jill. But for the rest er series, it’s only Genocide Jack? WHAT IS IT?
Oh well. Genocide Jill was quite the surprise, taking a character I was indifferent to, Toko Fukawa, and turned her into something beautiful and crazy. Genocide Jack is super expressive, and wild, and funny, and I love her. The one sided relationship between her Byakuya was pretty entertaining even if it got a bit too gross.
Also that tongue tho.
6.  Kokichi Oma
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This guy, the freaking guy.
I love him. I don’t care what you say, he’s a good boy.
The way he emotes is just fantastic.
I think what makes me sympathetic towards Kokichi was his motive video. Turns out he isn’t some evil overlord, he just pulls harmless pranks with his friends. That made me feel really bad for him. Even if he was piece of shit.
The 5th case made me fall in love with him but really, I took a shine on him throughout the entire game. His insults are something out Glee but they’re still entertaining because they’re directed to the worst people like Miu. Fucking Miu.
Also his fake death was great. 
Yeah, I know he’s a lying basted but look at him!
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5.  Junko Enoshima
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This was a mind blowing reveal. Junko Enoshima, the character who died at the start and is quickly forgotten was the mastermind of the killing game. She fits the role of total despair perfectly, it’s so unsettling to see this girl talk about destroying the world and torturing 14 innocent teenagers while also being excited about doing it.
Her multiple personalities were also a treat. The fact that she changes her personally because she’s bored of her current one is just amazing. The regal one is my favorite.
That giant Junko at the end of Goodbye Despair... WOW.
But I will admit they kinda overused her. Seeing her in Goodbye Despair was a kinda neat but in Killing Harmony... Yeah. I was so ready get disappointed if Junko was the main villain a THIRD TIME. It she was, she would’t even be on the list. But while I’m glad she wasn’t, the teasing and the fake reveal still kinda soured Killing Despair’s ending for me.
4. Sakura Ogami
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Overtime throughout Trigger Happy Havoc, my admiration for Sakura grew exponentially over time. She was definitely was the most mature of the entire cast of high schoolers, determined to keep focus on the goal ahead and despite her outward appearance, she was very kind.
Her friendship with Hina was great to see even if it made Hina try to kill everyone.
Sakura is the type of person where you can talk to her about personal issues and she’d try to help.
It’s so depressing how she was treated by everyone when she was nothing but nice, even if she was the traitor and planned to kill someone. 
3. Kaito Momota
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Spoiler alert. The last three on this list will be the best friend group from Killing Harmony. I couldn’t just pick one, they are all just amazing.
At first, Kaito seems like your typical filler character that gets killed off in early cases but boy was I wrong. His kind, supportive, and determined attitude to believe in his friends and survive the killing game was wonderful.
Kaito was the one to approach Maki and try to start a friendship, even after learning of her true origins. That just shows what a great guy he is.
His peak was undoubtedly the 5th case.
Kaito contracting that disease and fearing he not survive and get into space was heartbreaking. But that last “fuck you” to Monokuma during his execution was awesome.
2. Shuichi Saihara
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Hands down, best Danganronpa protagonist ever. Makoto was ok, kinda unoriginal and bland design but was nice seeing him in Goodbye Despair and Hajime, actually he has an ever blander design LOL, but he makes up for with good writing and performance.
But Shuichi blows those two out of the water. Admittedly I was disappointed that Kaede was killed off and the protagonist role was switched to him because a female protagonist would have been amazing. But Shuichi proves himself to be something great.
First, him being the Ultimate Detective made a lot sense when he was figuring out these complex cases.
Second. his eternal struggle of figuring out the truth vs the truth harming others was so interesting to me.
Third, his relationship with Maki and Kaito was so fun and satisfying to watch and his brief friendship with Kaede was so sweet but sad to see end. It’s adorable that Shuichi accepts the role of sidekick to Kaito despite him and Maki knowing full well Kaito barely knows anything.
1. Maki Harukawa
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If Maki is upset, give her a hug. If Maki is happy, give her a hug. If Maki is threatening to kill you, give her a hug.
What started out as an cold, intimidating girl, became something amazing when  Kokichi dropped this bombshell.
The Ultimate Assassin.
The name alone sends chills down your spine. A person like that someone you’d want to put as many doors, walls and continents between. But in a killing game that might be a bit difficult. Which is why Kaito tries get him, Maki and Shuichi to all form a blossoming friendship.
Maki’s con disaster backstory was really cute.
Her origins as the big sister of an orphanage and how despite the fact she’s a ruthless killer, kids still love her, that was really cute.
And how she talks about assassinations as if it were a mundane job was interesting.
Look. The point is, Maki is best girl and my favorite character in all of Danganronpa.
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minimonojoon · 6 years
crystal snow
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g e n r e: angst, bittersweet ending tho; p a i r i n g: yoongi x reader; w o r d s: 3k+ words. s u m m a r y: yoongi perfectly knows how much she loves the snow and he prays it will be the sole thought to bring a little joy to her; w a r n i n g s: mentions of depression, mental illness, swearing;
a/n: the pov is yoongi’s and he refers to the reader in a third person. talking about a delicate topic such as depression is not easy and most of the stuff in this fic is from my personal experience + the researches I’ve done about the topic. I’m always scared as hell posting this, so reviews and comments are always appreciated! also: this was inspired by crystal snow and while writing it I was listening to breathe me by sia and where’s my love by syml (alternate version). enjoy! <3
The incessant ticketing of the clock on the cramped kitchen’s wall echoes through the darkness of the apartment. Everything is quiet, still covered in the shadows of a day that is yet far away to start. The cold weather outside and the lack of heating makes the air ungodly freezing, pinching at Yoongi’s body unpleasantly, as he grunts his sleep away by scrunching his eyes and reprimanding a yawn. He surely hates winter, at least when he can’t afford a heating system that would allow him not to find extremely hard to leave his bed in the mornings – not that he wants to, anyway.
He sighs with satisfaction as his early morning routine starts with a highly needed dose of caffeine, probably the only good thing in his days lately, and looks up at the clock on the wall. He scrunches his nose at the sound, unnervingly loud in his ears as it’s the only companion he has right now. As he voices a grunt of displeasure having already finished his coffee, he restrains himself from throwing something at that damn thing on the wall.
I could try, he thinks, maybe that would catch her attention. Maybe she could wake up and enter the kitchen. Yoongi smiles bitterly, closely analyzing the state of this part of his small apartment. There are few dishes from past days left in the sink, the result of his tiredness (or, to be honest, just plain laziness) from work, and on the two counters and the tiny table near the window there are remains of instant noodles and ready-made pasta sauces. And he’s not even mentioning the emptiness of their fridge. Probably she’d kill him, if she knew the state of their shared kitchen. Or any other part of their tiny space they were able to find after a long, exhausting research.
Days have become much slower, unhealthier and unhappy since she’s not around anymore. He loved the way she would wake up only to share the mornings together, even if she started work hours later. Her sleepy smile is extremely missed, as the way she always swatted his arm when he grunted to her, scolding her for spilling precious drops of coffee on the counter. She constantly forgot to wear her glasses first thing in the morning, and that was the result.
Yoongi scruffs his feet on the wooden pavement as he reaches again their bedroom, quietly picking up his clothes from the closet so he can get ready for another boring day of work. He turns around and glances at her, studying her sleeping form. She’s balled under tons of blankets, but Yoongi can perfectly distinguish her hand under her cheek and her long, messy hair partially covering her eyes. Her expression, as far he can presume, is deep into slumber. He exhales a relieved sigh. At least she’s getting a little of sleep.
The times he caught her awake, watching outside their window where houses, buildings and the far away skyline of the city could be seen, are uncountable. And whenever she realizes Yoongi is watching her, completely stilled as he’s facing a rare species for the first time, his worried gaze on her, she would close her eyes and pretend nothing happened. Or worse, she would glance again outside, her eyes watery. Times like that are the only ones where Yoongi would finally made eye contact with her. For brief moments, he’s able to study her gentle features, the round shape of her bright eyes and the petals that formed her mouth.
Now, those same eyes were deprived from their vivacity, as her cheeks are constantly pale – the adorable shade of color that tinted them each time she returned home was just a faint memory. Her strangely squeaky laugh, that Yoongi would never admit he loved so much, doesn’t fill their apartment like it used to.
Yoongi often asks himself what she thinks whenever their eyes met. What’s passing through her mind in that precise moments, and why she always pretends she’s sleeping although he perfectly knows she’s not. Sometimes, he’s terrified how he isn’t able to reach her as he was used to do before. There were few things in life he was sure of, and one of them was being able to read her – recognizing the curve of her lips whenever she finds something funny but couldn’t say it out loud due to inappropriateness, or the way she fidgets her fingers whenever she’s embarrassed. Her body is like a panorama he couldn’t possibly be tired of. He could close his eyes and follow every inch and scrape of her features, naming each scrape and angle.
The person she’s right now isn’t her, he finds himself thinking frequently. It’s an empty shell that lays on a bed that isn’t warm anymore, not when they don’t talk, laugh or make love on it. Not when the complicity they shared is shattered, and no matter how much effort he puts in trying to recompose the pieces together, nothing seems to work. It’s like extending a hand that, for a few inches, isn’t reachable. It’s frustrating as hell and Yoongi’s blood boils whenever the thought crosses his mind. He then can’t do anything but breaking things, crying, screaming. He is desperate.
As a mouse trapped into a labyrinth, going crazy because he can sense there’s a way out of this whole mess, but he isn’t able to find it.
Yoongi tugs too roughly on his pants, almost tripping on himself while walking to their bathroom as a wave of rage he’s barely able to control almost drowns him. He faintly hears her moving on the bed, the comfy covers shuffling and a soft moan escaping her lips. He stops himself midway, checking her out with frenetic eyes. He doesn’t breathe as he desperately hopes that maybe today she’ll say something to him. Even if it’s a mere breathed and angry be quiet, he really doesn’t care. Probably, Yoongi would cry right then and there for hearing her voice again.
It’s frustrating, not knowing how to help her. Yoongi shuffles his black hair and tugs on the bangs, because her world has crumbled and his miserably with hers. He feels in a painful limb, where their hands, once tangled strongly together, are slowly untying. And he’s unable to stop this horribly, faithful they seem will face incredibly soon.
Yoongi can’t exactly point when everything begun. There isn’t a precise moment, or an event he can recall that makes him thinks that’s why, and he’s safe to say he hates himself because he wasn’t able to read the little signs he now knows she leaved him, or whenever she shrugged off her discomfort and he didn’t insist enough to talk to her, to let her relish her feelings onto him. He would have take everything she gave him. Everything.
This past year hasn’t been easy for them. Damn, it’s not just this one year, he bitterly thinks. Their economical situation has drastically dropped into a more precarious, insidious one. Being young and with wide dreams doesn’t help at all in the ruthless world they lived in, nor it is realizing that life mostly gives you lemons and what the fuck, most of the times you can’t even make a proper lemonade – not when they were risking losing everything they worked hard for. They have given their blood, sweat and tears to find the cramped apartment they are sharing now, frantically searching for something they could simply afford. Their neighborhood isn’t the fanciest, nor the one with that pretty view she loved so much, but at least they found something that’s theirs, and theirs only.
For a while, everything was fine. Although they kept struggling with their work schedules and tired exhales were made whenever their limbs ached returning home, Yoongi distinctly saw a tiny sparkle in their future, the kind that allowed him to dream a little for themselves. He dreamed of her continuing her studies, reaching the goals she set for herself, and for him to brush his fingers onto his piano again. The soft looks and quiet smiles they shared made Yoongi aware they were both thinking about that future, and he knew, no, he was sure they saw the same sparkle.
But then everything vanished into the thin air, like ashes raised into the wild, freezing wind.
First, it was the way she dragged herself outside bed, and slowly lost her smile. Then it was the way she could cheer him up in the first lights of mornings with a caress or a whispered loving word, whenever he was too tired even to properly think, that vanished away. Her somber presence gradually took over her solar one, and soon enough everything she did became mechanical, dull and without no reason other than not let herself and Yoongi starve. That is, until now.
Yoongi glances again to the bundle of covers she was under, and briefly shakes his head. He’s unaware of the motif behind her sudden worsening of conditions. The only thing he remembers is the door slumming shut too early for her shift to be ended, and her feet that stumbled until she reached their bedroom, hastily leaving her shoes and clothes behind to let the covers engulf her. He presumed it was something about work, and for a brief, frightening moment he believed she was fired. But after a few days, when he received a telephone call from her employee asking why she wasn’t present at work, Yoongi had a hard time even stuttering two words coherently. He briefly asked if something particular happened, but when he received a shrugged response he told her boss she was sick.
That was almost two weeks ago. And that unease sensation Yoongi felt when he had that call, isn’t still leaving him at peace. His senses are on full alert, as if something worse could happen any moment. If he tries to feed her, she refuses. If he tries to talk to her, she’s completely quiet. Sometimes, he faintly hears her in the middle of the night, when she probably thinks he’s deeply asleep, walking into the bathroom, crying. She then walks around the apartment with no apparent reason, then she comes back to bed.
The last time he heard her was two days ago. Although his eyes were close shut, Yoongi could perfectly picture her eyes filled with tears, scrolling through her puffed, rose tinted cheeks, while her hand anxiously dragged her hair back, her shoulders hiccupped uncontrollably. He needed to control himself just to not scream or punch the first object in his sight, restraining himself from intervening. The last time he tried didn’t ended well.
Yoongi exhales. His morning routine is now finished and even if he’s apparently ready to face another day at work, he doesn’t feel like it, at all. The weather seems to perfectly accompany him with his grey clouds and dull light, and he bitterly smiles to himself, mockingly thinking it could be the suitable entrance of a character in those tv dramas she occasionally watches.
He hears her stir in her sleep again, and suddenly the curiosity takes better of him and his feet step closer to her side of their bed, her closed eyes and long eyelashes entering Yoongi’s view. The pout she formed tells him she’s not having a peaceful sleep anymore, nor the way her strain of hair on her temples are damped. Munching on his lower lip, he hesitates, his hand hovering over her form, unsure to touch her. He doesn’t do it anymore, since the day she started to fly away from his feathery, loving touches. He takes a deep breath again and right then she murmurs something unintelligible, brows furrowed and painting slightly.
Before Yoongi can ponder about anything else, his hand is on her forehead, waving away bangs of wet hair. His expression softens and at the same times covers with such a melancholy, the moment her expression relaxes onto his touch. He’s unwilling to let that caress go to fast, finally able to physically do something to shove away the pain and distress in her. His hand strokes her cheeks, flowing to her hair with such a delicacy and then going back, too afraid of breaking her, of waking her. He blinks a few times, realizing his eyes are wet with tears, feeling the lump in his throat suffocating him.
When his first sob leaves his lips, he shies away from her.
He fiddles with his jacket, quickly grabbing his things before he’s out of the apartment. The cold air of December hits him like a firetruck, but it’s so welcomed he doesn’t care the slightest. The freezing temperature of the morning dries the tears on his cheeks in seconds, and he inhales profoundly as his mind starts to clear. He needs to be strong for her and support her in the way she needs the most. How to do that, though? The only he’s aware of how hard is to watch someone you genuinely care for rotting and can’t be able to reach them. He desperately wants her to know he is there and she’s not alone. That they can do it, together.
Yoongi runs his hands into his hair, messing them and grunting loudly. He covers his eyes for a few moments, trying to recollect himself before he’s out there into the lively, busy streets that he needs to cross in order to go to work. He doesn’t even care his scarf doesn’t cover him properly, not shielding for a particularly powerful gust of wind that has his skin growing with goosebumps. His onyx eyes are glued to the pavement of the sidewalk, his lips are thighed together, almost fully white.
Then, something extremely cold and small brushes the tip of his nose and after a few moments, another one is on his right cheek. His expression distorts into confusion, as his eyes flutter to realize it’s a snowflake. A tiny, little one that hasn’t melted yet. It’s still there and oh, they’re starting to descend gradually into the ground. The time stops for a few moments, as his lips quiver before finally open into a small circle. His nose is up in the air as he watches the morbid shade of gray that covers the sky. The perfect hue that calls for snowfall, as his grandfather always used to say.
Yoongi stops abruptly, recalling the first time he and her saw the snow together. Well, that was the first time she saw snow falling. As she lived in a country where for the most part of the year it was warm and sunny weather, the white little freckles were something endearing to her, almost magical to her eyes, the way they covered everything in white. Pure, enchanting, marvelous, adjectives Yoongi also associates her with. He can perfectly picture her eyes glinting with glee, her brightest smile painted and her cheeks red from joy and the cold hitting her face. She couldn’t stay still for a moment, as shrieks of excitement filled her mouth, catching each snowflake and showing him the most defined ones. “They’re amazing, Yoongs! Look at this one!”, she was thrilled and Yoongi didn’t restrain himself from smiling at her, his heart doing somersaults to see her so happy. “Promise me we’ll going to live somewhere where snows at least once a year,” she exclaimed laughing, and Yoongi found himself nodding without hesitation.
The memory fills his brain and his heart, as his stomach drops and he’s gulping again. He knows the littlest details could make the difference sometimes, when everything they see is just plain, pitch black. He’s so desperate he clutches uncontrollably to that thought, while his legs move before he could think straight and he’s quickly coming back home. If she sees it, maybe she’ll smile. If she sees the snow, maybe she’ll think not everything is falling apart.
He is panting uncontrollably when he reaches the apartment complex he lives in, fumbling with the keys and storming to the stairs, covering two scales at the time. He doesn’t care if he’s doing a mess, if he’ll get scolded or he wakes her up abruptly entering the house. She must see the snow. She must know there’s still something good in her life.
By the time he’s entering the apartment, silence greats him. Everything is in the exact same way he left it, the air slightly stained and the fastidious rumors of the pipes interrupts every now and then the godly stillness of the entire apartment. Yoongi shuffles to their bedroom, not bothering to leave his jacket or any of his things behind him.
The moment he enters the rooms, his breaths itches and his eyes widen. His limbs don’t respond anymore, as he stays still in the entrance, his mouth slightly agape. His breath is accelerated, but he doesn’t care in the slightest. He engulfs her waking and sitting form, her back turned to him, her hair messy and the old pinky pajama she’s wearing completely creased. Her face is turned to the window, where it’s now clearly visible the snowflakes that fall.
There isn’t a word that comes from Yoongi’s mouth, neither from hers too. But he’s sure she knows he is in the room, so with soft, silent steps he approaches her, totally terrified he could scare her away. Yoongi can hear his beating heart into his ears, roaring furiously as glances at her eyes glued to the window. They’re watery, he notices, but there is a different glint into them, her lips quivering. She’s gazing the snow as if she has just been awaken from a long, exhausting dream. Her breathes fills the room, slightly ragged.
Then, as she’s finally acknowledge his presence in his room, she turns to him. Yoongi is now fully looking at her ethereal and beautiful features, how the soft curves of her cheeks and the eyes he so much adores are eventually looking at him, seeing him for the first time in months. It strikes him she’s still alive, breathing and awake. Yoongi exhales deeply, taking in his lungs as much air as possible so he doesn’t crumble in front of her. His mind is blank white and focused on her form that is coloring his soul and mind again. He isn’t aware of how many minutes passes, how they observe each other in a stilled silence that no one dares to break.
At last, her lips move to form a smile, as her head move slightly in the way she always does when something particularly makes her glinting, her eyes forming crescents.
“Yoongs, it’s snowing.” Her voice is throaty yet endearing, surprised even.
“I know,” he cracks, smiling a little.
And then, his arms are wrapped around her in a tight embrace.
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awakeshedreams · 6 years
Homecoming 3. (Final)
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Summary: when someone you thought you have gotten over years ago comes back to town, you can't help but wonder if you really ever got over him with how he's making you feel now.
Pairing: solo artist!Jungkook×Reader
Genre: Heavy angst, slight fluff if you squint, quite smutty.
Wordcount: 3K+
Warnings: prepare your heart because I cried writing this :")
A/N: Soooooo FINALLY the FINAL PART is here ! I'm sorry for the ending if it makes you hurt or maybe it won't I don't know hshsjsjsj but anyways I hope you guys like it and read on ! Stop by and send in requests if you'd like so I have stories to post after this~ that's all have fun reading and have a nice day ! 💜
You had fallen into his warm hold after awhile and leaned against his shoulder as you walked hand in hand back to your place. You looked up the sky as you took in the starry sky. Diamonds of all shapes and sizes adorned the velvety dark blue skies as the moons poured light onto the empty streets. It was way after midnight.
“It’s beautiful.” you suddenly spoke up. “ Yeah, she is,” Jungkook replied his head tilted up as he gazed at the moon, with some sort of sadness. Right. You remembered the conservation you had at the pub with him about one of his tattoo. You tried to hide your frown with a smile and looked at the ground, hold on Jungkook’s hand loosening.
“Beautiful just like you.” he finished and you looked up at him, surprised. He really called you pretty. You felt yourself flush as you tried to hide the giddy smile on your face with your other hand. Jungkook laughed at your response as he spoke “ Why are you so shy, it’s true.” while trying to get a peak at your face teasingly making you face him. You thanked God as you could spot your apartment through your peripheral view. “Oh, Look ! We’re here !”
He was about to leave but you invited him in. He looked amused and you flushed at how wrong it might have sounded, quickly defending yourself and saying you would feel bad to send him away in the cold night after he walked you home, of course you just had to trip on your words. He just nodded and obliged.
Jungkook was sat on the couch on your living room as you went to get some wine to have with some dorritos. However you were struggling and tripping on your own feet. That's right, you were a little drunk still. You sighed as you leaned against the counter. You were sick of acting like you didn’t know Jungkook , but he didn’t seem to be done with his games.
He even knew where you lived, the apartment you rented with Nancy. He stopped right near your door to gaze at the moon. And it would have been a coincidence if he didn’t walk to stand directly in front your porch before you.Your brother must have told him.
You were too lost in your train of thoughts that you didn’t notice Jungkook walk in. He noticed you were going to get a bottle of wine but reached for a water bottle instead, and the sound caught your attention. “Oh sorry, i was just thinking.” you said sending an apologetic smile, you must have kept him waiting for awhile. Wait, why did you feel sorry ? You realized. “ It’s alright, don’t worry.” he assured with a warm smile as he grabbed a wine glass next to you, pouring water into one glass handing it to you.
You raised an eyebrow at him questioningly and he simply said that you were still a little drunk to drink wine. You scoffed at his ‘over protectiveness ‘ and downed the cool liquid as you sat on the counter top. After a moment you found courage to ask him
“Am i your type ?” you asked keeping you asked keeping your eyes on your glass of water as you swirled it in your hands. “ What do you mean?’” he asked and you felt like he was putting up a defensive barrier, avoiding questions. ‘You said you like bad girls. Probably wild and experienced.” you replied faking a nonchalant tone, if anything you were too curious.
You heard him huff as he leaned into the sink next to you and smirk before he responded “ You’re anything but that. We both know it.” You felt irritated. He’s acting like he knows you while he pretends to not know you. Can he pick one? “You don’t know me. We don’t know each other.” you said with a bitter tone, your words piercing through Jungkook’s heart.
“You’re right. I don’t.” You felt the entire mood in the room shift. Frustration and anger. Heartbreak. You slipped of the counter and grabbed Jungkook by the hand to turn him around, your hands placed firmly on either side of the edge of the sink, him trapped in between, although at the sight of his figure towering you, you flinched a bit, your sober self awakening, but the little bit of your brave drunk self left was stronger and held her ground.
Jungkook’s eyes went wide at your sudden burst of anger but only for a split second as he now held an unreadable expression. You pushed it to the back of your head and asked him voice slightly raised ; “ For how long are you going to keep acting like you don’t know me?” He looked at you with a blank face and responded. “ How about you tell me how long you want to keep this going on ?”
You laughed in disbelief as you backed up, He’s got to be kidding me ! You massaged your temples, you were at you limit. “You,” you tried to speak calmly as you attempted to hold your composure, “ left. Without a word. I was worried sick. And even after i knew why, i was still worried sick. I missed you dammit ! I cried so much, i did everything to distract myself from thinking about you. I even volunteered to learn how to play the fiddle and help Kian and his band ! Because of you !” at this point you could feel tears threatening to fall off the brim of your eyes as your voice broke.
“You knew i liked you. You knew how i felt. Don’t even try to lie to me. And you treated me like i was no one to you. I probably was and still am. I know i was never liked those other girls, and i feel so shit, the fact that i had to act like them to get your attention. And you know what’s even more shit ? The fact that while i was here crying in secret and suffering you were out there in love, so much so that you went and got a tattoo for her. I know it’s selfish to say this, but it’s not fair. And i know i’m a bitch for saying this but i’m glad you can’t be with her !” you finished eyes blurry with tears as you were hiccuping non stop.
You couldn’t see the look of hurt and guilt cover his face, not because of the words you said to him, but because of how he made you feel through all the years. He sighed as he reached up and cupped your face in between his hands, wiping you tears away with his thumbs as he spoke. “It’s you, silly.” you furrowed your eyebrows as you looked up at him, shaking from having previously bawled your eyes out. “what ?” you croaked in confusion.
“The moon. The girl i can’t be with. It’s you, Y/N.” he spoke fondly with a hint of despair. Me? You were confused and just then it hit you. “ I’m sorry for what i made you feel. Back then, i thought it would be best for you to not associate yourself with me. And yes, i knew. But see how much of a good girl you came to be?” he smiled lovingly as he lightly pinched your cheeks.
“If i could turn back time i would do the same thing. You deserve better. There’s no guy in the world that is good enough and i’m the worst there is.” he said with a sad smile and you stopped him. What was he saying. “No Jungkook, don’t say that, please.” you pleaded as you searched his eyes, for hope of you being together, but there wasn’t any. He was really letting you go a second time.
“I want to be with you so bad but that is selfish of me. I want you all to myself, i want to be the one to make you happy, i want to hear my name slide off your lips, i want to be the man you give yourself to. But i can’t be that guy. Not after what i’ve done to you. Not after what you’ve been through because of me. You’re so good and i don’t want to spoil you.” His voice remained constant but there was immense sadness in his eyes as he brought his forehead to rest on yours with eyes closed. Was this why he said he wanted bad girls, to discourage you ?
“ You haven’t done anything to me. Come on, we can make this work.” you desperately pleaded as you attempted to take back your words. He opened his eyes and gave you an apologetic smile. “Please... I love you...” you cried out. You heard his breathe hitch as he stiffened. “I’m sorry.” was all he said. “Someday.” he whispered, thinking you didn’t hear but you did.
You went in and collided your lips, the kiss was innocent at first and then it got heavy and needy. Teeth clashing as hands began to roam. He grabbed the back of your thigh and lifted you. You wrapped your legs around his waist as he moved forward, away from the sink to set you on the island in the center of the kitchen.
You felt his hardness press against your core and you bucked your hips forward to get some kind of friction. You both pulled away as you panted for air. He went into the crook of neck, sucking and nibbling leaving small wet kisses and dark splotches until he found the sweet spot. Making you wrap your legs even tighter around him as your breathe hitched and you whimpered his name out.
One hand rested on the back of your head, pulling you closer to him as the other slides the strap of you top off, your top coming down with it to gather just below your waist. His kiss trailed down to your collarbone, lingering a little before he trailed even further down.
You arch your back , needing some sort of friction on your chest as soon as possible as you shoved your breasts into is face. You could feel a smirk form on his lips at your desperateness s he hummed on your fleshy skin, the vibration causing goosebumps to rise on your skin as you whimpered and moaned.
He pulled down a strap of your bra as one hand came to rest on your waist, rubbing small circles with his thumbs and he kissed the top of your mounds, nibbling lightly and blowing over it. He mused your bra, a simple nude brown. He smirked, so innocent he thought. She probably didn’t expect anything like this to happen tonight so she settle for something not so fancy, despite how attention grabbing she was dressed. He was glad he had come tonight. Who would have known what would happen if she was drunk with some other guy. He made a note to tell your brother and Nancy to never let you drink without being watched.
The thought of someone else’s hands on you made him furious and he removed his hand from your waist and proceeded to knead your left breast. “J-jungkook ...” You whimpered as you tugged on his locks. He wanted to get straight to the point but he wanted to kiss every inch of your body and treasure it before that.
He went back up to your lips, to which you pouted and whined, earning a little chuckle of fondness at your cuteness from Jungkook. This time the kiss was different, more... Tender, warm, intimate. It was like he was saying he loved you through it. You melted right into it and didn’t want to let go.
You felt his arms slowly pull your straps even lower, fire lighting up beneath your skin as his fingers grazed your arms As your breasts came out of your confinement you felt your hardened nubs harden even more at the contact with the cold air. They were painful and in need of his warm touch. The kiss went on and you brought him closer, your chest flush against his, with nothing but his shirt as a barrier. The friction causing you to loose your mind.
“Jungkook... “ you begged. “hmm” he hummed as he trailed down, you heat throbbing painfully. He pressed his self into your core and you cried out, hair tugging on onto his hair painfully, he felt so good. You needed more. “ Jungkook... P-please...” he looked up at you, eyes just as dark as they were at the club, scary but hot, as he snapped at you: “Please what ?” he asked with a quirked eyebrow as he challenged you.
“T-touch me, please.” you almost whispered, breaking contact as you looked on the floor gaze accidentally landing and widening at the sight of Taehyung’s member strained painfully against the confinement of his pants. “Oh but i am.” he replied hot minty alcoholic breathe making you dizzy. “i- not- “ you tried to form words but to no avail.
His hand grabbed your chin and raised your head to meet hos gaze. You felt yourself get even more moist. “ What do you want ? Tell me properly.” he demanded, handle on your jaw strong and firm but still loose enough not to make you uncomfortable. “You.” you voiced out confidently. “ I want you.” he smirked before his hand came to rest at the side of your breast thumb hovering over your hardened nub, the other threatening close to your core as he held onto your inner thigh. “Alright ,baby girl.”
You braced yourself but suddenly a phone rang. It wasn’t yours for sure. You looked at Jungkook’s pocket where his phone lit up. He was going to ignore it but you spoke up. “ Someone is calling.” “it can wait.” he assured you as his hand moved closer to your core. But the phone kept ringing. “You should answer it.” you insisted. He sighed as he closed his eyes for awhile and sent you an apologetic look.
His caller ID said Manager Susan and you could see his face get serious. He turned to look at you once more but you were looking at his phone. He noticed your hands were over your chest in attempts to cover your chest up. You had done it when the phone rang. He smiled at you and reached for the jacket near the sink and put it on you. He chuckled at your startleness and told you he’d be back.
He had gone for quite awhile and you got tired so you went to bed. Surprisingly you had fallen asleep quite easy. Awhile later you felt a pair of strong arms pull you into their embrace in your sleep and you willing snuggled into their chest as they smoothed your hair out. “ I’m so sorry “ they had muttered at one point.
When you woke up however, the side of your bed was cold. There were some pills, soup and a glass of water on your nightstand along with a note. Your head was pounding but you still got up to search for him. But no sign of his presence at all. You took the pills, had the soup and read the note.
“ Please take care of yourself. Don’t go drinking out alone. You’re doing so well in Uni, keep it up. I guess you don’t hear this enough which is shame but you’re beautiful. Everything about you. Just the way you are. You’ll find another guy who can appreciate that i promise. Don't wait for me, you’re wasting your time. You won’t see me again i guarantee. And if you do, you’ll hate me too much to approach me. I hope that is how you feel. And don’t worry. I love you too. I always will but i hope you find happiness elsewhere so i can suffer loving while you’re happy. That’s what i deserve. Thank you for last night, it means a lot to me. Goodbye Y/N, i wish you well in life. Love, Jungkook.”
You read out as the paper got stained with your tears.
You ran to your brother as soon as you read the note, not even caring to freshen up and rest, throwing on a sweatshirt and sweatpants. Your brother didn’t look surprised at all. You burst into his home, panting ignoring looks from his roommates until you spotted him. “What’s going on ? Jungkook, he-” “left.” he finished . “When is he coming back ? He didn’t tell me.” you asked, desperate for an answer as you tried to catch your breathe. “Y/n... He’s not.” he replied symptomatically. What ? Why not ?
Just then you heard a lady speak from the TV. “ Rising young Superstar V’s wedding with Global model Katrina Bybel will take place next week at the...” your focus trailed off as you looked at the screen. Jungkook had his hand around a slim tall girl, with dark hair and big blue eyes as Jungkook looked at the ground with shades on. She was beautiful.
You dropped to your knees as you cried into your arms. Your brother knew there was no use trying to comfort you so just watched you silently, his heart wrenching at the sight of yo like this. He felt bad, but it should be better this way for the both of you.
How was it ? ;)
(I know the tenses are a little mixed up in so sorry I'll try to fix it.)
Have a nice day friends ~♡💜
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Vic Fuentes x Crystal Pierce *SMUT*
Vic Fuentes x Crystal Pierce SMUT
Ok so I have had a bad day and was crying so I read some fics and now want to get this done so I can start a Cody Carson Story. But anyway, this smut fic is for my bestfriend who created this OC. This is long af too. Anyways... Enjoy!
(Crystal's POV)
Today was the day that marked the halfway point of our tour. What tour? You may be asking yourself. Well my band (Band Name) is touring with Pierce the Veil and Sleeping with Sirens. Yeah, pretty big right? Well my band was pretty good too. Fans had been begging for a tour with all 3 bands and there calls did not go unanswered.
All of us got along quite well as we where all best friends before the tour even started but some things have changed. Since our bus broke down towards the beginning of tour my band has to share buses. We split the band in half so my best friend and our drummer, Graves (I'm adding myself. Get off me) and I where on PTV's bus while our 2 guitarists (random name 1) and (random name) where on SWS' bus. It wasn't much of a problem since (random name 1) liked Kellin which Kellin did in fact notice so it was nothing but constant flirting. Graves is already dating a drummer in a smaller band called Set It Off so she was free from the flirting game.
But, like I said, some things have changed. Vic and I have gone from Best Friends to flirting buddies. We constantly go back and forth with pick-up lines and plain flirting. Graves was always on me to just make a move but I was far too nervous. Why would someone as amazing as Vic Fuentes want someone like me? So currently we sit on the bus while traveling to our halfway show and it's 9am. We where all just sitting around doing nothing but eating snacks and sitting on our phones. Vic was chatting with me with his arm around me which of course got me flustered. Graves was facetiming Maxx (Her Boyfriend if you are uncultured about Set It Off) and the rest of the guys where sending each other retarded selfies which was easily told by the funny faces and the constant giggles.
“So Crystal, what is your set list looking like tonight?” Vic asked trying to keep the conversation going. “Uhh, well, We are switching it up a bit like every other night. (You can add your own set list if you want but im too lazy). “Oh ok. That's a pretty good order for tonight. What are you going to wear.” He continues to question. “Jeans and a tee-shirt... duh.” I say as we both laugh. We then hear Maxx yell at Zach and then scream about how Zach is just jealous that Pistol is better than Tux and everyone knows it. I just laugh as Vic gives an extremely confused look.
“Graves lost her headphones so now you get to hear why she is always laughing at her phone. That guy is her boyfriend Maxx and Pistol is there daughter, who is in fact a cat. They live together so she lives with all the Set It Off boys and there girlfriends.” I explain as he just nods while going 'ohh'. “Wow, that must be a wild house” He says as I look up at him and roll my eyes with a smile and say “ You have no idea” I whine and he laughs at the misery I feel just from thinking of it.
(Time skip brought to you by Pistol Marie Danziger)
After performing our portion of the show as well as SWS performing there's PTV get's on stage. Vic seemed a bit cautious of how he stood or positioned himself. I questioned why until I saw he very clearly had the bulge of his jeans and  realized he was hard. Wow, this is honestly making me wish we where a friends with benefits sort of deal. Besides that he made it seem very natural and like he wasn't hiding anything.
After they performed and said goodnight we all headed back to our respective bus. I was absolutely exhausted as was Vic. Graves was as well but everyone else was headed to SWS' bus to drink and since Graves doesn't drink she was in charge of the hooligans. That meant that she was probably going to sleep while they played drinking games. That meant Vic and I had the bus all to ourselves.
As we got to the bus Vic closed and locked the door and pushed me up against the wall. He let out a throaty moan before saying “I have been waiting all night for this. Seeing you on that stage shaking your hips and dancing around really does stuff to a guy. So you are about to fix what you caused.” He says as I let out a slight squeal of excitement.
Vic begins to kiss and suck on my neck which was obviously going to leave some serious hickeys while I began to palm him through his jeans. He then grows impatient and begins to remove my shirt and mark up my chest and breasts. “I want everyone to know your mine Crystal. Everyone.” He says as he talked off his shirt and unbuttons his jeans as we kiss. He then moves on to mine and begins to pull them slightly down to reveal the top of my thong.
“mmmm, That's what I like to see” He says referring to my thong. I just giggle and smile while I begin to tug his jeans down as we begin to tumble towards his bunk.”Anything for you daddy.” I say as he pushed me down on the bunk and begins to fully pull off his and my jeans and shoes leaving me in just a thong and bra and him in boxers.
He begins to kiss down from my chest and down my stomach till he reaches the top of my thong and pulls it off. He then begins to rub my clit as he begins to undo my bra with one hand (damn the skill). He unlatches it an throws it to the side. I was a moaning, panting mess at this point. I feel him shift his weight and stop rubbing as he removes his boxers. My arms are around his neck and he positions himself at my entrance. “Fuck, Your not going to be able to walk tomorrow baby girl. I hope you know this.” He growls as he slowly pushes in. “I wouldn't want it any other way daddy!” I moan out. Soon enough he quickens his pace and the pleasure felt unreal. Every thrust he went faster and faster until he couldn't go any faster. My arms where still around his neck as I pull at his hair and he groans.
Not long after we are both riding off our highs. He then falls next to me and covers us with a blanket, cuddling in to my side. After 10 minutes we get up and change in to pajamas. He was right tho. I was struggling to walk around which he laughed at. We then unlocked the door and then fell right back in to his bunk cuddling. “I hope you realize that your mine now right?” He says as I giggle slightly and push my head in to the crook of his neck and grumble a tired “Yeah” back at him. “Good” He says as we both drift off to sleep.
Lets just say the next day was full of teasing and jokes about Vic and I.
AHHHHH! That was so weird for me! God! I wrote this for someone I talk to a lot. God. This is what she wanted. I will never look at her the same. JK JK! But still, she gross af for making me do this. I will gladly do it for Maxx in the book I want to start writing though. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy! Much Love!
~Astral (aka Graves)
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wizardingbias · 7 years
HP!headcanon - NCT Yuta
 || WIZARDINGBIAS - where your fave bands live in hakho’s hogwarts au ||
Character Headcanons at Hogwarts ↳ NCT Yuta // Yuta Nakamoto // Slytherin
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fuck now we’re doing my bias wrecker hell no buckle up errbody this abt to be a wild ass ride
now that’s a long ass ride
Yuta is a Sly-therin
this cunning ass motherfucker needs to calm tf down
this is probably gonna be long af
more under the cut <3
so in my au,
Yuta doesn’t actually go to Hogwarts during the first year 
i haven’t planned out exactly how his life bf Hogwarts was like but let’s roll with it
so the reason why he switches school is pretty cool actually
like his parents had to pull him out of Mahoutokoro bc of a freaky murder case
or maybe cool is the wrong word
his parents are top notch investigators and they settle in London and send yuta to hogwarts
and yuta is a lil shit who wants to know everything but his parents refuse to tell him details
so he tries to go sherlock on the case
and surprisingly finds a lot of things
like it’s his free time project
he has a notebook with all his notes and red string and all that
yknow what im talking abt
so year 2
it starts with him going straight into the headmistresses’ office to get sorted
and he doesn’t have a clue what the fuck slytherin is
but he accepts it and his tie turns a bright shade of green
which the headmistress says is a sign
the force is strong in this one
the slytherin force
and lil 12 y/o yuta has a big smiley face as he sits down at the slytherin table and of course he’s the type to spark up a conversation immediately
he’ll probably be so curious and ask the people at the table what’s happening up front where the sorting ceremony begins
and this older slytherin thinks he’s adorable with his too-big-smile and wide, curious eyes and indulges lil yuta even though they’re supposed to be quiet
but sorting ceremonies can take a long ass time
and anyone can see that yuta is the fidgety type
but when the feast suddenly appears
yuta’s all
and absolutely fascinated by everything
what the fuck is shepards pie
year 2 is also the year he meets his best friend forever
this adorable hufflepuff named taeyong who is way too shy and intimidating looking for his own good, except, yuta sees right through that when the little hufflepuff boy helps him out in Charms class, showing yuta how to properly flick his wand and fix his pronunciation
and yuta thinks its so cute how this lil boy who is always quiet and always by himself has strolled over to this side of the classroom to help out yuta who is the only one struggling
so kind
so soft
cue *healing smile*
and taeyong and yuta become best friends and have sleepovers bc taeyong gets nightmares and misses his dad a lot so yuta indulges the technically older boy with late night cuddles to comfort him 
this part always gets me ffs
This is also the year Yuta finds out there’s an older Gryffindor that also is of japanese herritage
and Yuta never says shit like this but sometimes he misses the japanese culture and just talking in japanese bc english gets really hard sometimes like he can’t 100% express everything he wants to say so hell yea he’s gonna look for this gryffindor
the gryffindor is hansol
who is btw like the most beautiful creature yuta has ever seen
and the first time lil yuta spots this boy his cheeks flush a very distinct red and he automatically feels drawn to him
Hansol is flying on his really flashy looking broomstick one weekend, and yuta just kinda stumbles upon him
this is when Yuta is fully introduced to the art that is quidditch and he absolutely falls in love with the sport, like enough to try out for the slytherin team two weeks after Hansol’s taught him the basics
and he’s fucking good too
really fast
like the wind
but he’s too small and young to actually be on the team but the slytherin captain doesn’t want to let him go so he’s on the reserve bench this year but he still works so hard to improve and oh my god hansol is so proud even though he doesn’t say anything, he just smiles and goes to the slytherin practices to watch yuta but yuta doesn’t know that until he spots the gryffindor waiting for him outside of the locker rooms and
Year 3 is when things start tho
Yuta finally makes the team as one of the three main chasers
even though everyone is worried that he wont be able to do it bc Yuta is gd smol 
him and taeyong are like the smol smol in their batch
but yuta is strong af and learns really quick and he’s fucking lightning fast on the field why isn’t he a seeker????
bc he has shitty eyesight thats why
he doesn’t like wearing his glasses but he kinda has to
especially when he’s studying or in class
t-yong thinks its really cute
and this is also the year he’s picking up his course work, like stuff is actually making sense
year two was filled with getting used to the english equivalent to everything and trying to catch up on first year stuff and also tryna figure out where everything is
why doesn’t hogwarts have a map???
thank god for taeyong
the lil hufflepuff will always pick him up if he’s lost
also thank god they have so many classes together
but yuta likes potions the most, mostly bc he’s weirdly good at it
except for that one time he was freaking out about his first ever seasoned game and nearly melted the table
be careful when brewing kids
Yuta clings to Hansol a lot this year
especially because they both like quidditch and it’s practically their lives
and hansol, in his ever so awkward and quiet way, teaches Yuta about quidditch history and secrets and about this one story of a couple that met on the field, both being seekers for rival teams, and fall in love as they’re both chasing the snitch, and they forget about the game completely and spend so much time giggling and messing with each other that the game takes more than 7 hours to complete, and Yuta is mesmerised by this cute ass love story
“It’s actually my parents’ love story”
“no way”
“yeah. they’re now considered the quidditch couple of the century.”
“that is disgusting. i love it,” Yuta gushes
and also, whenever Yuta is feeling stressed AF or worried about things and taeyong is busy doing whatever the fuck he does
(that boy is sometimes a fucking mystery, but yuta thinks he’s probably just stealing food from the kitchens)
((in reality, taeyong is actually being taught how to bake and cook by the house elves bc he’s having so much fun learning abt recipes and stuff))
Yuta looks for Hansol and gushes to him about his worries, and when it gets too much to contain and his tongue stumbles over the english, yuta switches to japanese without a problem bc Hansol can understand 100% of everything he’s complaining about even though he offers his advice in english instead but it’s such a relief and yuta is so thankful
eventually, towards the end of year 3, Yuta’s crush on Hansol becomes almost too much
but he doesn’t tell anyone about it
not even his bff taeyong who is the first to know about everything
bc he’s afraid of his feelings
like ‘what the fuck is this erratic heartbeat every I see hansol?’
and Yuta starts to think that his mind is playing tricks on his but he swears to god Hansol is inching closer and closer to him every time they hang out
One day
after countless of speculations and confusion from yuta’s side
Hansol casually grabs onto Yuta’s hand as they’re walking down a hallway
and hansol just continues on with their conversation like nothing different has happened
but yuta is freaaaaking ouuut 
he keeps looking up between hansol’s beautiful face and their interlocked hands
and fuck his hands are getting sweaty but hansol doesn’t pull away and what does this meaaaaannnnnn?????
In the summer between year 3 and 4
Hansol invites yuta to his place and it’s so nice
and they spend the summer back and forth at hansol’s and yuta’s house
and yuta’s mom absolutely adores hansol so much and feeds him cake and traditional japanese food bc ‘you’re too skinny, hansol-kun’ 
Yuta can’t help but smile at Hansol’s overly puffy cheeks as his mother feeds him copious amounts
it’s adorable
his heart
my heart
Year 4
yuta is greeted with his first ever kiss
closed lipped and chaste and so incredibly quick
it’s after Yuta learns how to ride his broomstick standing up
something hansol has been trying to teach him all summer
and hansol kinda just
accidentally kisses him
bc he’s so proud
and Yuta’s eyes get soooooo big
what just happened
and then hansol is so cute and flustered and his entire face is just beet red and “i’m so sorry, i didn’t mean to do tha-”
but Yuta interrupts hansol with another chaste kiss, standing on his tippy toes bc hansol is 500 metres taller than him
and it’s so cute how hansol turns even redder
and this is the start of their relationship and it’s adorable and yuta is so happy
so happy that sometimes, in the middle of the night, Yuta will curl into a ball in his bed bc the feels are too much and he can’t sleep bc Hansol’s the type to subtly give his robes to yuta bc yuta’s the type to be freezing and refuse to bring his own robes
but yuta is good at communicating or breaking the ice
so he doesn’t really tell anyone that they’re together
and both hansol and yuta aren’t super into skinship
and taeyong is a fucking oblivious little shit so he doesn’t figure it out
if anyone wants i can make a post going into depth on yusol’s relationship lol
but one day when t-yong and yuta are studying divinations, TY finds something odd in the bottom of yuta’s teacup, but yuta fucking sucks ass at divinations so he doesn’t know what the hell it means
it’s freaky tho how t-yong all of a sudden gets really protective and careful around yuta
“Stop doing that.”
“Doing what?”
“Treating me like I’m about to die.”
“You’re not dying, Yuta. Geeze.”
“If I was, you should be worried abt yourself.”
“Bc I’m dragging you into the afterlife with me.”
but it makes sense that t-yongie is so protective and walking on eggshells around yuta bc by the end of this year, Hansol has announced that he’s moving to Mahoutokoro to play professionally for Japan
and Yuta has no idea what to think
bc he understands quidditch is so incredibly important for Hansol, that it his life
Yuta also loves quidditch, he totally gets it
but his heart hurts so much
he feels betrayed
but he also feels like he shouldn’t feel betrayed
and eventually he snaps at Hansol, yelling and crying like a mess bc he loves hansol so much, and he wants to be loved just as much back and why isn’t hansol picking yuta instead of quidditch? 
they end on extremely bad terms
Yuta doesn’t even see Hansol off on the last day of school
he refuses to
because yuta doesn’t cry in public
but if he were to see Hansol one last time he would cry
san(g) namja yuta des
but thank fuck t-yong is there for him to take yuta’s mind off of the fact that his first love just left him to pursue his dreams 
Yuta throws himself into quidditch practice, school work, hanging out with t-yong and taeil and he masks all the pain he feels with his too-big-smile but it’s not quite as wide as it used to
and taeyong still doesn’t know they were together, but he’s such a softy for his friends and yuta takes 100000% advantage of that
Yuta is still heartbroken but most of it is settled over the summer so fuck that and fuck hansol let’s get back to business
his snarky comments are fucking back
and his healing smile is back
thank fuck
Yuta’s appointed fucking captain of the Slytherin Quidditch team
aye aye captain
and he’s so happy he cries into Taeyong’s shoulder during their sleepover
he works hard AF for the team 
#1 priority
and then he meets this uberly adorable boy named Sicheng
and fuck Sicheng is perfect and cuddly
even more than t-yong and TY is the resident smol bean at the school
but Sicheng takes the cake
my heart for yuwin is srs
and yuta’s smile is somehow the biggest it has ever been
and t-yongie is so happy for the couple
he kinda likes thirdwheeling them a lot
like he genuinely likes it
and yuta’s like
“it’s okay to share, ik he’s irresistible, but he’s mine after 7pm”
fuck my heart is not okay i didn’t even realise how hard i ship this fuck
YEar 6 
not much actually happens this year
the murder case suddenly has a lead
it’s been fucking years wtf parents
and Yuta’s parents have to move to Chile to go after this murderer
“okay????? what do you want me to do???? I aint leaving Hogwarts”
cuz he doesn’t wanna leave Sicheng like Hansol left him
even though Yuta really wants in on the case and get info and try to solve it for himself
but he chooses friends over his own ambitions
“you’re a total hufflepuff”
“shut the fuck up, taeyong”
but this year turns out to be awesome
bc he leads his quidditch team to victory
and the entire team carries him on their shoulders
this time yuta cries in front of every one
and taeyong manages to take a picture
(it’s used a blackmail for literally years bc fuck yuta is an ugly crier no wonder he never cries in front of anyone)
and Sicheng is so happy for Yuta even though he’s sulking about his own team’s loss
it’s okay bc Yuta takes Sicheng out for ice cream and everything is so good
sicheng is the cutest
eating his ice cream with his lil tongue licks
like a lil cat
my heartttrttttttttt
im not even a sicheng stan but akjfigelhgskurtg
and then year 7 turns out to be pretty fucking good too
1) Taeyong doesn’t try to snatch sicheng for himself bc now there’s a lil bebe gryffindor named jaehyun that he’s got together with
but only because Yuta told jaehyun about TY’s huge ass crush but his best friend is just such a shy lil boi he needs to tell Jaehyun
bc a friend named johnny accidentally told him during one of the illegal underground parties that jaehyun thought TY was hella hot
so basically
T-yong owes his entire love life to Yuta
*pat on the back*
*healing smile*
3) he nails his potions N.E.W.T.’s
4) he doesn’t fail anything else
even divinations which is a fucking hell why did he even pick to continue this subject wtf yuta
and he doesn’t fail Charms 
bc he’s charming af
but it’s so sad how this is the last year he gets to coach his team, and he works 100% harder to get strategies and practices done and everyone of his team members fucking love and hate him so much bc it’s 2x as much practice but it’s also a lot of fun games and stuff
curtesy of taeyong’s planning
honestly where would yuta be without taeyong?
And then graduation comes and Yuta breaks down for the second time in public
but it’s just because he suddenly realises, in the middle of taeyong’s rockstar dad’s song, that he’s leaving the best place on earth, thank god for that one murderer that let him move to scotland, thank you to taeyong who is the bestest friend he could’ve ever gotten even though yuta never tells t-yong he loves him, and thank god for sicheng and his beautiful softness, he is the best thing (besides t-yongie) to happen to yuta, and thank you to his teammates for trusting him, he wishes them all the best, and thank you to himself bc he’s been a fucking amazing person
but he doesn’t say any of this to anyone bc san(g) namja ffs!!!!
but he cries so much
so so so much
tbh same yuta
all he needs to figure out now is what he’s gonna do after graduation
but then again, that offer to play professional quidditch for England doesn’t sound too bad tbh
but who knows wtf the future holds
this is a little too close to home omfg TT
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a/n: okay i’m done. i need to lie down. feel free to ask me for more headcanons :) I like making these lol (even though im supposedly swamped with shit to do)
↳ Yuta’s official profile (coming soon)
Taeil | Hansol | Johnny | Taeyong | Yuta | Doyoung | Ten | Jaehyun | Winwin | Mark | Haechan (will update over time)
283 notes · View notes
airadam · 4 years
Episode 128 : Crystalline Carbon
"...as long as I'm alive, I will make it."
- Kim Stephens
It's been a subdued start to the year in the main, and my equipment may have conspired against me, but nothing was getting in the way of the first podcast episode of the decade! There are definitely some popular classics in the selection, right next to brand new releases, and some slightly older tracks which deserve a second - or even first - chance in your headphones. 
Twitter : @airadam13
Roc Marciano : Richard Gear
Roc is the absolute master of this style, and he's back with a new LP release, "Marcielago". If you like this vibe, then you're in for a treat as he carries it over the whole project. It's easy to forget that he's not just penning all those rhymes, but producing the beats as well. He's self-taught and beautifully individual in approach - a leader, not a follower.
[Alchemist] Mobb Deep : The Realest (Instrumental)
One of the most straightforward beats in Al's career - a two-bar loop with nothing added. It was originally going to be an interlude on the Defari "Focused Daily" album, but eventually became a standout on Mobb Deep's "Murda Muzik". This exact instrumental version is on the now-deleted "Gangster Theme Music" collection, but you could pretty much just loop up the start of the Mobb track :)
Trae Tha Truth : Even Tho Its Hard (sic)
A fairly recent release from Trae, taken from his eleventh album, "Exhale". This is a real struggle anthem, voiced by a man whose mic skills are too often overlooked. This is bell-clear rhyming, where you can pick out every single word - aided by the production not fighting him too much for focus. (Once again, this is a case where my digital purchase doesn't contain the credits to enable me to shout out the producer. Fix it, record companies!)
O.C. : The Chosen One
It's been a little while - well over four years - since we visited the "Jewelz" album, so it's about time we came back. Buckwild brings together the jazz and soul to craft the beat on this one, and O.C. strides over it like a king surveying his subjects. The whole album was criminally underrated when it came out, with many just expecting a re-tread of the "Time's Up" sound. A lot went into making it, and it took many listeners a while to catch up - but they did!
Flamingosis : You Were Meant For Me
A nice little piece from a New Jersey producer whose catalogue has a certain sunniness that you just have to listen to understand! Pick up the "Flight Fantastic" album and keep it in the stash until warmer weather arrives...
Statik Selektah & Termanology ft. Mtume : Never Let My City Down
Yes, Mtume of "Juicy Fruit" fame! The "Still 1982" LP from Statik and Term contained this little gem, where I'm not sure exactly who did what apart from the rhymes, but it works. Termanology's flow glides over this with confidence, and even the way the track winds down is expertly done.
9th Wonder : SuperChopFunk!!!!
Yes, all those exclamation points are part of the actual track title... Anyway, the beat is signature 9th Wonder material, drawn from his mostly-instrumental "Zion III" mixtape. With forty-two tracks in total, you can't say he didn't give you value for money!
Krumbsnatcha : Start Writing
I found this while having a flick through Spotify, and was glad I did! The "Iron Will Ninja Shinobi" album came out about a year ago, and it's good to see Krumb out there and still recording. The beat here is dark and menacing, sounding like a Hip-Hop contribution to the "The Terminator" soundtrack, and KS has no trouble matching that vibe on the mic.
David Bars ft. DJ Premier : Beat The Odds
If you don't know him already, it feels like you will pretty soon! Bronx native Bars getting co-signs from some of the best producers to ever do it - DITC, Beatminerz, and DJ Premier, who gave him this beat to rip! "The Bar Code" EP is the release to check to get a fuller picture of what Bars is bringing.
Meyhem Lauren ft. Big Body Bes : Badmon Ting
That "¡Caballito!" adlib will never fail to be amusing! Meyhem is not so much underrated as not well-enough known in my opinion, but he's a beast of an MC. "Gucci kicks got me looking like a pointsettia"? Come on now. Find this DJ Farhot produced track on the 2017 "Piatto D'Oro" album, named after a now-closed NYC restaurant - Meyhem does love the kitchen!
Natural Elements : N.E. Definitely
One of the great crews for the connoisseurs, NE were true kings of the underground right off the bat. Charlemagne provided the beats and L-Swift, A-Butta, and Mr.Voodoo brought bars by the trailerload! Many of the tracks from that era have been collected on the recently-released "1999 : 20 Year Anniversary" collection, of which this is one. Definite recommendation for those who like that real.
[Ali Shaheed Muhammad] Faith Evans : You Used To Love Me (Remix Instrumental)
I was happy to realise I hadn't already used this instrumental on a past episode! This neo-souled-out beat gave Faith's voice more space than the original from her debut album, which was dope in its own right.
Robert Glasper Experiment ft. Brandy : What Are We Doing?
One of the best tracks on the excellent "Black Radio 2", easily. The drummer pushes this one forward constantly, playing a little ahead of the beat as though not completely under control, and the bass and keys fill in a track that would tear down any after-hours spot. And those vocals...you might just write Brandy off as some pop artist because you know her radio singles, but you'd be very wrong. This is a track with the space to expose anyone lacking skills, and she slays it. Recognise!
Children of Zeus : Get What's Yours
New release from Manchester's own Children of Zeus, who are on a flawless run right now. A soulful motivational cut that opens up with the vocals of Tyler Daley before he goes back and forth with Konny Kon on the rhymes. The closing vocals and piano (if you go and hear the full version) round it off exquisitely. Get this on the "Two Syllables, Volume Sixteen" compilation.
Lauryn Hill : Lost Ones
The drums of the Zeus track reminded me of this, so I figured there was probably no better time for me to play it! For me, it's a battle between this and "Everything Is Everything" for best track on the only real Lauryn solo LP, "The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill" - a monster seller for sure. By all accounts firing shots at Wyclef, you can feel the focused anger in this one.
Kool G Rap : My Life
This was a pretty big single from the Rawkus Records part of G Rap's career, which made noise on the 2002 Hip-Hop charts as well as being a mixtape staple of the time. V.I.C (from the original Beatnuts producer crew) brings the beat, and an artist called G-Wise shows out on the talkbox. The official release of "The Giancana Story" album contains this one, as well as an alternate version featuring Capone-N-Noreaga.
Pete Rock : Stop Dat (Instrumental)
Sparse mastery from Soul Brother #1. The most recent release of the 2004 Edo G and Pete Rock LP "My Own Worst Enemy" helpfully contains all the instrumentals for when you want some unfiltered PR, and so is a recommended pickup for DJs at a minimum.
Raekwon ft. Kim Stephens : Jury
Allegedly, this track is actually supposed to be called "Jewelry", but for a typo in the tracklisting! We close the episode with a second track taken from a poorly-received sophomore album, 1999's "Immobilarity". Infinite Arkatechz, who handled the vast majority of the production, clearly picked up a Chris Spheeris compilation and ran wild with it, but this was definitely the track where that choice made the most impact. "Andalu" has nowhere near the cold, pensive feel of this song, which is classic Raekwon for me, as he tells the story of the start of the Wu from his perspective. This month's epigraph could have been any number of the lyrics from here, which paint pictures and describe feelings that I expect many besides me will relate to. On top of all that, Kim Stephens does a great job on the hook, on what may be her only ever recorded appearance. This isn't a track you put in the middle of a mix, you either start with it or end with it. 
Please remember to support the artists you like! The purpose of putting the podcast out and providing the full tracklist is to try and give some light, so do use the songs on each episode as a starting point to search out more material. If you have Spotify in your country it's a great way to explore, but otherwise there's always Youtube and the like. Seeing your favourite artists live is the best way to put money in their pockets, and buy the vinyl/CDs/downloads of the stuff you like the most!
Check out this episode!
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Emma Roberts Movie Week
It’s actually a bit unexpected. I didn’t plan this, I just watched Scream IV and her character made me love her even more, then I did after Chanel. So I thought, why not, no matter that I planned Brendan Fraser Movie Week.
 Day 1: Scream IV (2011)
It’s not the movie I want to talk about (because I plan to make a post about the whole franchise, after watching the TV Series), but about he character. I mean, how awesome is watching Emma Roberts as psycho killer. Especially a very convincing psycho killer, trying to kill Sidney. After watching Scream Queens and knowing how well she plays bitchy characters, so it was very entertaining. The third act of course. Watching her as a side character was just okay. That’s really all I can say. So yeah, there you go folks. Also the villain monologue was fun. Just read for yourself:
Favorite Jill quote:
Jill Roberts: My friends? What world are you living in? I don't need friends. I need fans. Don't you get it? This has never been about killing you? It's about becoming you. I mean, for fuck's sake, my own mother had to die, no great loss there, so I could stay true to the original. That's sick, right? Well, sick is the new sane. You had your 15 minutes, now I want mine! I mean, what am I supposed to do? Go to college? Grad school? Work? Look around. We all live in public now, we're all on the Internet. How do you think people become famous any more? You don't have to achieve anything. You just gotta have fucked up shit happen to you. So you have to die, Sid. Those are the rules. New movie, new franchise. There's only room for one lead, and let's face it, your ingenue days, they're over. A bit long, yeah, but how great. Isn’t that weird, that her monologue is longer then my text about her character?
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Day 2: Wild Child (2008)
A very linear teen drama, but in England. Why would I pick that? The real question is: Why not? I mean, yes, it’s stupid, and yes, I’m an adult, but I’m still a kid inside, and I know it’s a bad movie, but it was still entertaining sometimes. Again, watching Emma playing a bitch is fun, for 20 minutes, but it was still fun. If we got through the best part, let’s get to business. Her character growth was okay, her friends were okay, their relation was okay. The school bitch was awfully stereotypical, no matter that her first appearance said otherwise. I hoped at least that from that movie, but it didn’t even give me that, so...
The fun part tho was just turning my brain off for an hour and half, and just watch Emma hanging out with some teenagers with British accent. It’s still one of my favorite female celebrities. Also her name was Poppy! It could belike the flower, but hearing “Poppy” made me think about That Poppy. Which is always a little plus. Wow, that paragraph about the things I liked is too short. Hey, Nick Frost! 
The montage was awful... it broke me from the movie every 30 seconds, which was hard to watch. Also the scene quick before the end was so cringe. At least for me. They were losing, then made a dance, and magically they won! (The dance was cringe, if someone were wondering)
Well that’s all, it was between average and okay.
Favorite quote:
Poppy: I didn't start it, it wasn't my fault, and if this were America, I would sue.
That’s true, OMC. America is beautiful, I love it, I want to visit it someday.
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 Day 3: The Art of Getting By (2011) 
There is a thin line between being a good movie, and being pretentious. This movie sadly is on the wrong side of the line. 
Don’t get me wrong, I still enjoyed watching this movie, it got to me, I love the main character, George, I can see myself in him, somehow. I always wanted to be that weird guy on the side, or I just want it, because these guys (like in this movie) alwayse ended up happy at the end, and I want the same thing for myself. But that’s a theme for different post. I liked seeing the world through his eyes. The scene showing how he wanted to get over Sally was great. Or when she broke him with the weird sex questions, during their “date”. Freddie’s acting was very convincing, and I didn’t saw the actor, I saw a boy with problems. The relations between him and the other characters and the way he reacten to every rational thing, he should do, but just couldn’t. I can also say a good thing about the side characters. I really liked them. The way they were created, even if some of theme didn’t have a lot of screen time, I had still fun spendind time with them. Like when Sallys’s mother told her, that she should be with George or when the painter struggled to be with Sally. I could also say about how I liked the montage and directing, but who cares? Also I liked the “development” of Freddie’s character, like in the first and second part who was becomind worse and worse...
Sadly the thing I was most anticipating in this movie was Emma Roberts and... well, Sally totally blows. I disliked her after 5 or so minutes. I’m not really sure if she’s such a bad actress, or it was just like her character was written, but Sally was so wooden. She was pretty, yes, but that’s just one of two things, that I think George could see in her (the second is, that she really cared about him and liked him, for example the scene, when they were sleeping next to each other, or when she called him every 5 minutes, whe he left her). I also really, really disliked her, when she broke my precious George! I mean, who does she think she is? (that’s not a blame on the movie, just another reason to not like her character, which isn’t a bad thing) Sally was the second most important character, but she dind’t develop at all. It was painfull to watch her in some scenes, beacause I knew that she would hurt George, because he wanted to go forwrd in some way, but she was staying the same all the time. Another thing I didn’t like was most of the third act. How George suddenly (I know it was because of his mother, he didn’t to upset her any more) change his attitude to life and so quickly straightened everything. It just wasn’t convincing for me. Also it was very predictable. Him, getting the diploma, her, going back to him, the painting, being Sally. Sad. Sadly. They could work on that a little more.
Favorite qoute:
Sally Howe: What were you like as a child?
George Zinavoy: I was such a better person than I am now.
Sally Howe: Come on.
George Zinavoy: I'm serious. I was happy. I was open. I was curious. But I'll tell you this: I knew when it was ending. I was overwhelmed with sadness when I realized that I was going to change, and that it was all most likely going to get worse, like a nostalgia for the present. I couldn't shake it... 
And it’s sad to say, that I dind’t like her creation. It really is. I hope it’s not her acting and I can see her again in a small movie, but with more. More to play and that she actually does it well. For now I like her justas the bitchy/psycho type.
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 Day 4: Nancy Drew (2007)
Hey I’m actually keeping up! Only three das/movies left.
So I just looked up (on Wikipedia, I’m not a detective) that, as I thought, the movie is based on a book series for teenagers, with the same name. 
I start with the things I liked. And don’t let it fool you, there were’nt as many. The start was quite fine and fun to watch. The city and the charachters living in it. Just the world created around Nancy in her home town was adorable, just to be fine for a few minutes. I also liked Nancy at some point. I guess Emma can play charismatic characters, not just bitches. Which is good, but it wasn’t very good acting, since it also wasn’t a role that needed a good actress, just because the writting was so doll. Ahh, I wanted to say, what I liked first. So I also liked the side characters from her home town, like her father and Ned, or some of the LA characters: just Jane and Leshing. And the styling. I think the setting around our main characters was cute. Her dressing style, the style of that “hounted” house or her home town (I didn’t remember it, I’m really not familiar with the book series). Hey, Bruce Willis!
That’s sadly all, not many good things, that I could talk about. The writting tho. Ugh! It was so, so bad. Mished with that acting was just terrible to watch. Just because I liked some charachters, does not mean, I think they well written well, or that they were acted well. They weren’t. None of them. Maybe Nancy and her father a little, but that’s all. The story... Just meh. After half an hour I wasn’t feeling any mistery. And talk about tension, there was none of it. Even the scene when they were just about to kill Nancy, I was felling nothing. Oh wait, I was annoyed. Because the side characters from her new school had appeared on my screen! I hated them. Especially Corcky. uhh... I just felt like a story written by a teenager, and I think not a teenager has written it (no, it were two adult people). I mean, do they know, they can make a movie for children (and this, BTW, felt like a movie for 3-6 years old), that’s also entertaining for adults? Look at Teen Titans GO: To the Movies! (2018). That’s a good example.
Favorite quote:
Carson Drew: Phone call. Long distance from Scotland. Something about the Loch Ness Monster and some missing diamonds. Nancy Drew: Another case!
Well, despite how I disliked ths movie, I would definietly watch a sequel with Nessi. But it didn’t gross much, which I’m not suprised with.
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 Day 5:
Got distracted, by discovering “The Pitch” from ScreenRant. Totally got me. Binge watched like 20 episodes.
 Actual Day 5: Paradise Hills (2019)
What a weirdly boring movie. Maybe I didn’t pay to much attention as I should, but it didn’t get me at all.
I wanted to watch something new, to see how her acting “grow” with her, but... Again, she didn’t get much to play. Which is very dissapointing. 
To start with the good things. The movie is extreamly beautiful. It looks so magical. The movie has just a 6 million budget, but it was still enough to hire Emma Roberts, Milla Jovovich, Awkwafina and to build a gorgeous set. The CGI was very visible, but only in two scenes (like the car on the beginning for example). And... That’s all? The acting of most main cast fine, I guess. 
OMC, where to start even? Idea for the story: very, very unoriginal. It’s actually felt much like The Island (2005) and a little like Sucker Punch (2011) (although I don’t remember it very well), maybe a mix of bouth. It’s not bad, it’s just made not so well. The script: dull, slow and predictible. I don’t like saying this, because I mostly shut of my brain, try to have fun and don’t predict anything, but it was hard. The ending tho. Seriously, to predictable. And no, I didn’t predict, that Jovovich is playing a fucking rose witch/vampire. That actually suprised me. The characters: they we’re okay, but mostly still to stereotypical, like for eample Milla’s witch, Emma’s main and the sidecharacter singer. Again just complaining on the same things I complained the last three movies.
Favorite quote:
Duchess: *screams, while changing into a bush*
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I still have one critycally acclaimed drama (to see her acting on a good script) and a good movie to end the marathon happy :3
Day 6: Palo Alto (2013)
I can’t say. I liked this movie. Not a lot, but it was still enjoyable for me.
I thought Emma will play the main character, which she has and hasn’t in a way. She was one of the main characters with Teddy i think. Yeah, okay, I’m almost sure. I know I was supposed to watch a critically aclaimed movie, and this isn’t one, but, eh, it has 69% on RottenTomatoes, so not so bad. Also! It’s stars James Franco. I liked the acting. I’m still dissapointed, that Emma stil does not have much to play. I’m not sure if she’s just okay at acting, or she takes parts of empty blonds. I still love her, it’s just... it’s getting harder and harder to watch her as not charismatic characters. Anyway, I liked the acting, even much. I’m not sure if the actor playing Teddy (Val Kilmer’s son! and Val KIlmer played April’s father xD) was playing him self, but I’m happy with what I got. The same goes for Fred, the coach and April’s father. Finally after these few dissapointing movies, I got something, that dind’t speak to me much, but at least I liked the characters and had fun watching them get better, or worse, or not changing, or having a quick cameo. 
The story was... okay. But connected to this characters, I don’t really have much to complain. The tempo was a bit slow with April’s story, and a bit to fast with Teddy’s. Like The Art of Getting By (2011), this movie crossed a bit the thin line, of being too pretencional. But this doesn’t botter me that much.
Favorite quote:
April: I'm not depressed, why do you always think I'm depressed? I'm just tired.
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Day 7: It’s kind of a funny story (2010)
I absolutely loved this movie! It took me from teh beginning with that scene on the bridge. Totally my kind of humor. The main character was easy to equate with, at least for me, like, being a bit assholish on the beginnig, and then turning in a fully good and  empathetic person. The perfect character arc for a feel good movie, like this one. It hit me by suprise, how good it was. The movie has average ratings and is rotten on RottenTomatoes. I know why, but the things, that for others were a flaw, for me was a good quality. I dind’t read the reviews, but I saw flaws in the movie, and in the story. I know, I know, it’s a basic story, a bit (maybe a lot) predictable even. But I turned my brain off for one and a half hour and had a lot of fun. The charachters where, no, seamed 3-dimensional. Everyone, at some point even. I totally believed, these are not actors, these are people. Especially the main trio, obviosly. I dind’t know  Zach Galifianakis can play something more then a stupid fat guy, by playing a not so stupid fat guy with problems. And Emma, still not what I’m expecting from her, but a lot better, then the other movies I guess (with exceptions of course). Even Craigs parents felt so real, and his friend and his love interest in the beginning. The main advantage of the movie is, that, as I pointed out earlier, it makes you feel better. It made me thing, that there is something more for me, that I don’t have to be this sad, fat guy, working and sitting by the computer all the time. Also the acting, OMC. It was great. How thought, to bring Viola Davis to this project? Great idea, even for these few minutes. But, yeah, I also pointed that out already. And, I liked, how the movie was directed. The scene, where they sang together, fabulous.
So what’s the flaws? It was predictable, if you just try to think a little. I dind’t realise that, till after the movie. Also, some characters, from being fine written, turned to flat characters, to drive the plot. Yes, I mean Nia, that was so unnecessary. It was just so Noelle would get mad at Craig. And will winning Noelle back be hard? It’s gonna be (quoting the screenwriter from Pitch Meeting) “super easy! Barely an inconvenience.” Which is dissapointing. 
Favorite quote:
Craig: Do you like music?
Noelle: Do you like breathing?
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Bonus: A few words about Channel and whole Scream Qeens (2015-2016)
This series also took me by suprise, a bit. I loved Ariana Grande at that time, but since she quitted acting, and got mostly into music, I started to watch this show. And, as dissapointing as it was at that time, Chanel #2 was killed in the first episode. But since this was a slasher, and I do love those, I stayed. Who am I kidding. It dind’t stay because of the killing, but because of the story, characters and humor mostly. Jamie Lee Curtis is a wonderful actress and watching her going “against” bitchy Emma Roberts, was like watching a unicorn... I don’t a good compare, but you get it. It was extreamly entertaining. The world building, so caricature, it was so fun. Chanel killing a random lady? Yes please. These show was filled with mains driving the series with just themselfs and the sideones adding to it a lot. Even if they get killed eventually. Obviously the first season was way better, then the second. But the second was even more bizzare, which recompensed a bit the flaws of it. Do I like the decisions, who got the be the killers in both seasons? Yes, of course! For example, the chemistry between Dr. Cassidy and Chanel #3 was great in the second half of the second season. Just awesome.
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Oh, yeah, a few more about Chanel. Wonderful, stole every scene she was in. Not a character, you could lift a show on, but the definietly good to be one of the mains.
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Favorite quote:
Chanel: Good morning, sluts.
Chanel #2, #3 and #5: Good morning, Chanel
Like I could pick any other, than this.
So what do I think about Emma in the end?
She’s not a great, but a good actress, she could lift the whole movie, if she get’s a good character to play, like in Wild Child (2008), which was not much, but she was still a teenager then, and made it. 
Do I see her in drama roles?
Yes, actually. I love her, when she plays bitchy, charismatic, or even psycho characters, because she’s great at it, but I still want to see her other side. A hard part to play, in which she can shock everyone in how good of an actress she is. She didn’t have the chance yet.
I hope she gets more lucky and popular at some time. She’s still under 30 (28 years old), so she has most of her live before her, and already an impressive filmography. I wish her all the best.
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