#stalker the jerk
medical-anon-whau · 16 days
@bleedingichorhearts @kit-williams @egrets-not-regrets @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan
I've got another life update for everyone. Per suggestions, I was able to ask the Ultramarine how I should dress when meeting with the person in charge, and dressed accordingly, which was semi-formal. I had to run out real quick to get an appropriate pair of dress shoes before the meeting, but I managed alright.
I was rather surprised that Stalker did, in fact, show up to the meeting, but it'd definitely possible that they contacted him via Mysterious Astartes Methods. He accused me of a number of things, and here are the list of "charges"
1) aiding and abetting a "Fallen" Dark Angel
2) refusing to allow an Interrogator Chaplain to complete his sanctioned duties
3) defacing astartes armor (Jerk is still covered in glitter. I have the paint and glitter bombs on my person right now in case be pulls some more nonsense)
4) Colluding willingly with an Alpha Legionnaire to torment a Loyal Astartes
5) Distracting A Dark Angel during the course of his duties.
Now, I'm no law expert, but I figured he might pull some letitigous bullshit and have been doing some research on my own. I wasn't entirely sure what the Ultramarine Base Commander was going to say in response, but I pointed out that;
1) In the country that I am living in and so are they, the lawful government does not, to my knowledge, recognize the authority of Astartes Chaplains when it comes to crimes accused or actual committed by an astartes BEFORE THEY CAME TO EARTH
2) they did not involve local law enforcement before attempting to take the Fallen in question who has been the primary caretaker for a chronically ill and weakened human in good faith for the better part of a decade. I also got statements from both the human and their neighbors about the character of the Fallen and his daily activities, as well as from my patient's family
3) he has been harassing and willfully intimidating me with the intent to scare - which are both actual crimes - for over two months now. I have been keeping as accurate an account of each instance and brought a copy of that journal with me to the meeting (I have several copies of all the information I brought with me, in case Jerk tries anything. I also left this Intel with both Fallen and the Alpharii) for the base commander or whoever to read through at their convenience.
4) talking with other people who he's also deliberately antagonizing to try and get him to stop is not a crime, and the Alpha Legionnaire (I did not reveal that I know for a fact there are at least three of them in that house - more about the third Alpharius later) is concerned for the long term effects the stress of Jerk tormenting me will have on the care I'm able to provide to his sickly patient, and had suggestions on how to get Jerk to back off when I asked for them.
Noooot that I deliberately cursed Jerk in front of the base commander. I almost cussed him out several times though. The giant fucker is tapdancing on my last nerve.
The base commander was quiet and seemed thoughtful at the gathered evidence I had provided for him. He began talking in a language I don't understand, and Jerk periodically answered back. He started getting agitated the longer the Mystery Talk went on.
A half hour of conversation I did not understand later and the base commander said that he was going to be restricting Ghaliel (Jerk's Actual Name, apparently) to base for the next month, and to report him if he breaks his restriction.
That was two days ago. So far, Jerk hasn't been trying to scare me... I was also able to speak with one of the Librarians after the meeting with the base commander.
Apparently, I have a weak bond with an astartes. I really hope it's with one of the Alpharii. They're fun, playful and caring.
Oh right! The third Alpharius!
I happened to stumble across all three of them whispering to each other, the day before I was gonna meet with the base commander, during my shift with their human family member. I'm pretty sure they did that on purpose, as alpharius number 3 handed me the last of the character testimonies I was hoping to get for Fallen in exchange for two glitter-paint bombs.
I don't want to k ow what he plans on doing with them, his cackling was terrifying.
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tearsofastraeax · 4 months
THE FIRST TIME - prologue
🎀 stalker!könig x cam girl!reader tags: 18+ (no explicit smut in this one, but there's mention of tits and dicks so be warned), voyeurism, (online) stalking, reader is a cam girl & könig is insane :)
The first time König saw you he felt like the world stopped turning. Like every single person around him just stopped moving altogether. He never believed in love at first sight, never liked any of that romantic crap, never cared for anyone that way. 
But then he saw you. You looked so beautiful, just standing there, browsing through the indie section at the run-down vinyl store in the city. He barely ever went there, but he picked up cigarettes from the kiosk across the street and had some more time on his hands, so he trailed inside the small store. 
He immediately pressed his body into a corner of the store, absentmindedly letting his fingers skim through vinyls he couldn’t give less of a shit about. Instead, he stole glances at you. He noted the way your beautiful hair was swept over one shoulder and fanned out over your back. The way your dazzling eyes never left the rows and rows of old and dusty vinyls. The way a broad smile stretched across your lips when you found what you were looking for all this time and an excited little laugh left your pouty mouth. 
He could have melted on the spot right then and there. It only took one look, and he knew he could never forget about you, never want another. 
When you left the store, he waited before following you. Even though his tall statue was a sight to behold, his military training allowed him to blend in, to know how to follow someone without arousing suspicion. 
He needed to know more about you - something, anything. So, eventually, he ended up at your house, staring at you through the window. He tried to take in as much as he could, any crumbs of information to know more about you. 
That evening, when he arrived at his place, he immediately began to work behind his laptop. He scoured local Facebook groups, looked through social media profiles, and even retraced your address in hopes of finding you. And so he did, after painstaking research your name was right there. A satisfied smile grew on his lips as he finally skimmed through your social media accounts. He took his research very seriously, finding old pictures, friends, and family in the process.  
Till he found an account with your face under an obviously fake name. 
He couldn’t believe his eyes, there you were, your sweet face, with those beautiful eyes and those sinful lips. You stared back at him, a smile on your face, your hands gently wrapped around your barely covered tits. You were wearing a stunning bra, just straps of leather that could barely cover your nipples. 
It felt like he was gaping at his laptop screen for hours, his growing cock straining painfully against his pants. And then he got into motion, the next half an hour spent discovering your cute little alter ego, the social media and OnlyFans accounts to promote yourself online and the star of the show, your account on a sleazy cam girl website. 
He was so incredibly excited, so needy, and desperate to see you. A message in all caps on your profile read ‘online every day at 8 pm’. His heart hammered in his chest, 1 more hour and he would see you. See how you would undress for him and touch yourself for him.  
He tightened his hands into fists, hunger racing through his veins. He could barely fucking think straight, his cock aching with desire. But he couldn’t do it, he wanted to save himself for you. He wanted to cum only when he could see you, you deserved it - his full commitment, because you were the only thing that mattered now.
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check out the stalker!könig masterlist for more
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wormswurld · 4 months
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nothing like pulling my pretty little gfs hair to put her in place 😵‍💫😊🌷☀️
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kaeyx · 2 months
it’s always yandere!chuuya or yandere!Dazai but what about yandere!reader!!
just imagine having a room with pictures just of chuuya as you make it so painfully obvious how much you love him even threatening Dazai at some point. But chuuya is so kind and accepts that weird part of you, understatement your love, until you’re crying about him not loving you because he keeps talking to those other people, Just making him feel guilty
Yan reader my beloved it's been a while.... You see how everyone looks at Chuuya, both inside and outside the PM, and you can't really blame them but you also can't stand it. He's gorgeous, strong, caring.... everything you could ever want, it's only natural you'd have competition. But you know he deserves only the best, he shouldn't be with someone who's going to date him only for his looks or his money or the protection that he can offer them, he needs someone that loves him properly, someone willing to devote themselves fully to him.
Someone like you, of course. He's always so kind to you, even though you know he probably doesn't sees you like that he never makes you feel uncomfortable or unwelcome. Chuuya really is everything you could hope for. It's only natural that you'd memorize his likes and dislikes, you want to bring him gifts and pick me ups for all that hard work he does! Chuuya pushes himself too hard, you have to take it upon yourself to bring him food and a coffee on late nights. You always give him presents on holidays and his birthday, sometimes signing them, sometimes leaving them blank. You write him letters that you burn or lock in a box under your bed, swearing you'll give them all to him one day. You learn where he shops and what shampoo he uses, you begin to wash your clothes with his detergent so you can pretend you do your laundry together. It's the little things that help tide you over, at least until you gather the courage to ask him out for real....
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bittsandpieces · 3 months
IDK about a shrine but I can come back at stare at your blog and have a creepy mantra or something
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ollyou · 6 months
(Probably doesn’t need much of a warning but I wouldn’t suggest reading this if selfcest makes you uncomfortable)
Honestly being on Twitter longer and not confining myself to consuming one fandom’s content has surprisingly made me feel a lot better about me and my fp’s ship. Like I lived a life thinking “haha yeah, selfcest is funny”, then having my fp decide “haha yeah, selfcest is funny so I’m making a comic of our ollys kissing”, which was such a silly joke 😭 Obviously this became a source of comfort for both of us because it’s something that’s almost been a thing for three whole years(!!) and the joke suddenly had lore.
Then of course… those people came along. People I’ve mentioned in the past; people who have tried to ruin my life and make me out to be disgusting simply because I ship a non-canon King Olly interpretation with an alternate universe version of himself. People who lied about the ship to make it seem bad, pretending it was between a 21 and 17 year old (haha, it’s not and never has been— they’re both around 17-18 in range). It made me question, “Is it really that bad to like something harmless and impossible in real life simply because some jerks online are purposefully interpreting it as harmful?”.
I’ve seen a lot on Twitter. I don’t really like using the term “selfcest” regularly unless in a joking context, and I do think it needs a name change to not cause confusion, but I’ve actually seen… a majority of people don’t think it’s problematic. I’ve seen a lot of tweets with lots of likes from people who vehemently hate proshippers telling the world that selfcest isn’t proship and it’s not bad at all. Lots of people being educated on the meaning of the word and how it’s not problematic because it’s only self love and impossible in real life. Hell, even with the release of Fionna and Cake, the Adventure Time spinoff series, a whole new popular ship that counts as selfcest rose up, and with it, a lot of people who defend the trope with their life.
I wouldn’t say I’m into selfcest. I have a ship with my fp that’s by definition selfcest, but one ship doesn’t mean you have a fetish or anything. I just think it’s otherwise funny. It’s probably one of the most harmless shipping tropes out there, as bold of a statement that may be (exceptions being the usual bad stuff, like minor x adult age gap, or sexual content between minors). In fact, did you know autosexuality is a thing? It’s a sexual/romantic orientation on the asexual spectrum that refers to an attraction to oneself, and is a very real and valid thing. Sometimes I wonder how these people would feel if they knew about that identity— would they reject it because they think attraction to yourself is somehow inherently incestuous, or would they accept it, but reject the fantasies autosexual folks may project onto fictional characters that cannot be harmed like real people?
I’ve actually identified as autosexual in the past. I saw quite a lot of people making fun of it online back then, so I kind of silently took back that label, but all I’ve seen super recently almost makes me a bit more comfortable publicly identifying with it. It’s nothing that hurts anyone, because what you do with yourself alone, provided you’re in the right state of mind, will always be consensual, and brings no one else into the equation. Maybe someone will feel rejected if one were to say “Sorry, I like myself more”, but is that really our biggest issue? Is that anything truly “problematic”?
It’s not— it’s harmless, and always will be. And it makes me happy to see the majority of people agree.
What would I do without my 450+ image album of my fp alone’s art of our Ollys, anyway?
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gremlingottoosilly · 1 month
Stalker!König x reader with no survival skills
Konig watches you leaving the apartment for the third time, without checking if you turned off the stove or not. You didn't - and he had to break in, carefully turning off every piece of electronic you had in your tiny apartment, knowing that you won't even notice that your TV is out of socket and your sink is weirdly dry. He doesn't know how you survived without his care for so long - but he knows that he can't leave you now. Not when you have surviving skills of a panda being dropped on its head way too many times. Maybe, you are so careless because of his care for you. He freed you from the consequences of your actions, and, perhaps he needs to stop before you grow into a spoiled housecat with zero survival instinct. But he can't - stalking you now feels more like a charity case than a crime. Konig is sure that if you were to come to the police, they would tell you to get a gift basket for the stalker who cleans your room, fills your fridge, and turns off every dangerous thing you're leaving because of your sheer stupidity. It's alright, though. Konig doesn't mind his girl being a bit stupid. He can stay at your place at night, take notice of everything you have. He buys copies of your shampoo bottles, both to pile on in his dwelling when you will be ready to move in, and to replace what you already have in your own flat. You think you're doing such a great job adulting and taking care of yourself - you never run out of groceries, or drug store products, you always have everything in reserve while you don't exactly remember when you got it. It's no matter - you enjoy being independent. Konig spends the night with you, gently caressing your hair and taking notes on the clothes you like to wear, your sizes and your favorite colours - he knows you're too precious of a girl to miss out on, and he wants you to feel comfortable once he is transferring you to his apartment. Jerking off to your sleeping body is also a nice added bonus. You will enjoy it even more when your stalker finally shows up. Oh, turns out you did have a stalker - with absolutely zero ideas of his existence, Konig never realized just how adorably dumb and clueless his girlfriend is.
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medical-anon-whau · 28 days
Good morning/afternoon/evening everyone!
@egrets-not-regrets @kit-williams
I was able to talk to the Alpharius who was spending time with his bonded about making an alliance against Stalker the Dark Angel. He had been under the impression that Stalker and I had Bonded and he was being rude to them to prove some sort of point.
As far as I know, I'm not bonded with Stalker and told the Alpharius as much. And how he's been tap-dancing on my last nerve by randomly scaring the fuck out of me for over a month now. The Alpahrius said that he would talk with some of his brothers who live in town, but that he couldn't give me a clear answer.
I figure he wants to talk with however many Alpharii live with this client and maybe have me observed to make sure I'm not trying to get them into trouble? But I am somewhat hopeful that they might agree to help me with Stalker - I've heard them hiss and growl at Stalker whenever He gets too far into the boundary line of the property they live in.
I also spoke with the Fallen Dark Angel about Stalker. He's pretty cagey and skittish about the whole thing, and considering he was nearly kidnapped and/or arrested I don't blame him.
The Ultramarine noticed my increased anxiety and asked about it. And… Long story short, I've been told that I have a meeting with one of the Ultramarine Captains who live nearby about my crabby stalker… Hooray? Trying to ask about the Interrogator Chaplain at the entrance of the astartes bases only got me shooed off The last three times I tried. :/
Oh! And the glitter bombs I ordered off the internet have come in. Stalker did his usual grab and slam routine after materializing out of nowhere. I got him good with a glitter bomb.
Enjoy the hot pink sparkles in your armor, asshole!
Did I get glitter everywhere too? Yes. But it was worth it for the utter confusion on his dumb handsome face
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monamipencil · 1 month
─── masterlist of my old works;
note; these are just reblogs of my old works. please let me know if i missed any! —꒰ current masterlist ꒱
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pussy drunk wonwoo — pt. 1 & pt. 2
sweet bf minghao
big dick cheol
earned it — c.sc
haven — c.sc
three's a crowd party — c.sc & y.jh
in your arms — c.vn
back to you — l.sk
jealous cheol and mingyu
nerdy stalker! wonwoo
into it — k.mg
love like this — k.mg
titty obsessed mingyu
swim — x.mh
vows — b.sk
best friend! chan
jerking chan in a hot tub
mingyu taking care of you during red days
soft dom! wonwoo eating you out
awkward/funny moments during sex — vu | pu | hhu
mornings after series — 95z | 96z | 97z | maknae line
reaction to you groping them — hyung line
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greatstormcat · 7 months
Stalker!Ghost finds out that you’re planning to meet friends for drinks in town and makes sure he is at the pub before you so he can check the place out. He gets himself a quiet corner to wait for you and your friends to arrive, and then moves closer so he can hear the conversation. He nurses a glass of bourbon, hood up and a face mask in place, keeping an eye on anyone that gets too near to your group for his liking. It’s easy enough to put off any would be interlopers with a glare and a jerk of his head.
Stalker!Ghost listens in and hears you telling your friends that there have been strange things happening in and around your house recently. Things have moved around, broken items have started to work again, you think you have a ghost in your house. You giggle and laugh about it, and he cannot help but grin as he sips his drink. You’re not freaked out, in fact you all spend a good amount of time making silly jokes about. One friend says you should leave out a note asking a question and see if you get an answer.
Stalker!Ghost loves that you’re taking it all so well and appreciate his efforts to take care of you. You don’t scare easily, and he is so proud that you’re his. Even if you don’t know it. He is surprised by how strongly he does view you as his now. That night, when he comes by to check the locks and make sure you’re okay he finds a note pad open on your coffee table and a note saying ‘is there anyone there?’
Stalker!Ghost grins and writes underneath it….. ‘no’
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httpdollie · 9 months
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content warning: stalker! gojo, gojo using his money to his advantage, age gap (reader is 18-22 and gojo is 28), blackmailing, starts off tame then leads into some nsfw
requests and tag lists is open!
18+ content, ageless blogs and minors will be blocked
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Fanboy! Gojo who stans you since debutant has a fan account dedicated to you
Fanboy! Gojo who participates in kpop selfie days on his main account has and blows up on twitter for being a hot fan
Fanboy! Gojo who defends you against anti’s online
Fanboy! Gojo who uses his connections to get you brand deals (just so he can see you dressed up)
Fanboy! Gojo who sends you expensive fanmail, making sure you know it’s from him
Fanboy! Gojo that attends all your fanmeets to the point that other members and staff know his name (only cause he’s hot and rich)
Fanboy! Gojo buying as many albums as possible to collect only your photocards (sells/trades for yours)
Fanboy! Gojo who pays for vip tickets everytime your group has a concert, going to at least three per tour
Fanboy! Gojo pays your company for private fanmeets, just the two of you
Fanboy! Gojo who pays your stylist to dress you in more revealing clothes
Fanboy! Gojo becoming “friends” with your manager just to see you more
Fanboy! Gojo who tells you how cute you are, making you all flustered especially when he sits too close
Fanboy! Gojo asking if you have a boyfriend, staring at your chest without any shame especially when watching you do choreo
Fanboy! Gojo taking innocent selfies with you in cute outfits to cum to later
Fanboy! Gojo who fucks girls that look just like you, sharing it with your other pervy fans
Fanboy! Gojo rubs your thighs gently, slowly making his way under your skirt, watching you get all shy as your legs tighten around his hands
Fanboy! Gojo commenting on how cute and young you are while he feels you up.
“Mr. Gojo… I don’t know if you should be touching me like this.”
“Do you want me to stop?”
“…No.” You mumble under your breath, your innocence making his cock ache.
“Call me Satoru, pretty girl. Now open your legs sweetheart.” The tall man grinned at you, pushing your thighs apart
Fanboy! Gojo who records himself rubbing your clit through your panties, making you cum all over yourself while moaning his name before taking your panties off and eating you out, secretly stuffing your pink cotton panties in his pocket to jerk off with later
Fanboy! Gojo who begs you to give him a handjob just for him to slap his cock on your face, teasing you to suck it
Fanboy! Gojo who facefucks his favourite idol, watching his cum cover your face when he’s done, using the video as jerk off material
Fanboy! Gojo that’s not just a fan anymore, he’s ingrained in your life
Fanboy! Gojo who threatens to leak the video if you don’t let him play with you again
Fanboy! Gojo takes your virginity on video, telling you how much he loves you when he cums inside you
“You look so much prettier with my cum inside you baby.”
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© httpdollie 2023
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yanluvr · 5 months
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yan!shigaraki would pathetically fist his cock to pictures and videos he took of you when he believes you didn’t notice him. he follows you to your job, hangouts with your friends, and basically everywhere you go whenever he can; and if he can’t he’ll just sent one of the league members to watch you and report back to him. when shigaraki is playing his dating sims, he imagines the game’s love interest who is complimenting him is you. he only watches pornos if the person is a dom and shares some of the same figures as you.
shigaraki fantasizes about you pulling his hair and calling him names while also praising him and holding him close. he wants your lips to steal his first kiss, your hands and mouth to give him bruises and mark him as yours, and he wants you to have your way with him as you take his virginity.
when shigaraki sneaks inside your bedroom through your suspiciously open window, he goes to still whatever things he thinks you won’t notice are missing until he comes across a piece of paper that was being spot lit by your desk lamp. he walked towards the paper that was written in red ink spelling ‘surprise’. then out of nowhere you jump up from your hiding spot to tackle him onto your bed and put on quirk canceling handcuffs on him (where did you even get those?? he wondered).
you glared down at shigaraki like he was a useless insect, he really shouldn’t be turned on by this, but he is. your nonchalant expression turned sadistic as you watched your pathetic stalker try to blubber out excuses.
“well well well, the infamous leader of the league of villains stealing my clothes like a pathetic stalker. this is too funny. i should just call my many hero friends to take your dirty ass away… but fortunately for you, i pity you. so here’s what’s gonna happen.”
you run your hand down shigaraki’s twitching belly, unzipped the front of his pants, and slipped your fingers into his pre stained boxed to stroke his semi-hard cock into full hardness, all while he was whimpering pitifully and jerking his hips up along the movements of your hand. you watch his face like a hawk, grinning as you watch his expression change to lovesick and pleasure-filled.
“i’m going to give you the best fuck of your life, and in exchange: you’ll take me out on a date. we have a deal, stalker?”
shigaraki let out a shaky breath as he could feel the edge almost reach him, he nod his head and tried to resist kissing you right then and there. “y-yes, i’ll do whatever you want- oh god! f-fuck me, fuck me please!” he pleaded as his hands gripped onto your bedsheets for dear life.
oh you were gonna have so much fun with him.
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frogchiro · 7 months
We need hacker girl back!!
Imagine Ghost got a virus and asks hacker!girl to delete it,and when she is looking at his floder and data she sees secretly taken pictures of her🤭
He totally didn't get the virus from a weird, shady pornsite because he was desperate and horny and wanted to find a porn star who looked like you to jerk off to but no one fit his 'very high standards'
cw: obsessive themes, dark-ish!Ghost, he's a little fucked up stalker but Hackergirl is a lil fucked up too so she's kinda into it <3
He was ashamed to admit that he caught a virus and was even mnore ashamed when you asked how the hell did he manage to get it since he himself says that he rarely uses this kind of technology for recreation, but after seeing Ghost quiet down you decide not to push the issue, the less you know the better.
Simon leaves his laptop with you and you happily get to work, you can finally be of direct use to your lieutenant! But the deeper you delve into the data saved and infected by the virus (which in itself was an easy task for you) you saw a few folders that...left you flustered and confused.
There were hundreds of pictures of you. Hundreds of them depicting you in various moments; eating, standing, sitting or tinkering with some tech stuff though they seemed to get bolder with time. A slight shiver ran down your spine when the newest ones depicted you in underwear or with only a towel right after a shower, one was even of your sleeping figure. The oldest dating back to a week after you were formally introduced into 141 by Laswell and you met the team and their elusive ghost.
You had to pause then and think for a bit; Ghost was...interested in you? Very interested in you? But he always looked like he was one step away from wrangling your neck or when you were on a solo mission with him he always acted like you were just dead weight, not outright cruel but not nice at all either, even now when asking for your help seemed like pulling teeth for him so where did this...obsession come from?
You'd be lying if you said that it didn't confuse you or scare you a little bit but...why did your heart skip a bit too?
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konigsblog · 3 months
neighbour stalker konig?????? like he even enters your room when you sleep and touch you, and maybe he even takes your panties from bathroom.........
tw/cw: non-con/dub-con, somnophilia, perverted-könig, stalker-könig, stalking, female anatomy. 👁️
dead dove: do not eat. mdni 18+
neighbour, stalker könig is a depraved weirdo. he finds himself inside your bedroom, avoiding hitting his head on your doorframe as he lurks for your sleeping figure. he can't help his horny, lustful gaze, lifting your bedsheets off of your figure and slipping his fingers inside your panties to get a feel of you, watching your every facial expression, his face a meer inch from yours. :(
it's disgusting, yet he can't help but become addicted to the needy squeals you let out, squirming through your sleep as he pumps his calloused, rough fingers into your slick slit, taunting your clit with his scarred thumb, your thighs forced open.
you don't wake up, moaning through your sleep, subconsciously grinding down against his digits and coating his fingers in your sweet arousal. your cotton panties are soaked, and he begins to lift your t-shirt up, revealing your pretty titties, nubs hardened and goosebumps across your skin. you look freezing with your nipples so hard... surely, you'd want something to warm you up? perhaps his wet, warm mouth around that perked nipple, mouse?
you whimper and wriggle through your sleep, fucking you with his fingers and dragging his wet tongue over your hardened nip, sucking it gently ‘til your body is jerking and twitching through sleep, cumming down his hand and soiling your panties.
he finds it hard to leave, craving more, to slide inside – but, fuck, he'd wake you up by spreading you out and impaling you on his thick, lengthy, and hard cock... :(
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merakidoll · 4 months
𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐧 | Toji. F & Sukuna. R
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- Toji and Sukuna, the no good rockstar boys, who you just so happened to have a sick obsession to. and luckily you finally got to get your wish.
warnings : black chubby! reader. the boys are gay ( we love ). anal, alluding to ass eating but not descriptive. vaginal penetration, double stuffed hehe, hard drug usage. toji has a play boy belly piercing but they both have many tattoos and piercings! neck biting, blood drinking. veryyyy little plot.
mirah note. : i got a littleeee carried away but it’s all good. i don’t think i like this very much either 🧍🏾‍♀️
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the nasty boys is what the media referred to the two men as. they’re real, raw, and very uncut with their fans about everything. from their terrible drug usage, to their love of sharing, toji and sukuna made it known that they weren’t men you should settle with, but steer clear from. yet, you just never listened. you knew you weren’t doing a very good job at stalking. you knew - that they knew - you followed them everywhere. fancy dinner, concert, every fan sign. so they decided to give you exactly what you wanted.
looking into the mirror toji carefully- but messily put on the dark eyeliner. he used the tips of his fingers to smudge it in giving it a messy affect that he knew the pretty ladies in the crowd would love. he ignored the moans and gritted teeth words from his bandmate, picking up the rolled crisp 100 dollar bill and sniffing the grimy white substance that was in a line. “mm good shit” he threw his head back, the feeling of his nose burning making his cock harder. andrinline pushing through his bones as he finally got up. one final wink in the mirror
you wish you could have taken a picture of how sexy toji looked standing above you. cropped graphic muscles shirt, with tight leather slacks that didn’t do well at hiding the big dick print. his belly button piercing glistened from the yellow dressing room light, the play boy bunny dangling at every step he took closer. your mouth moved to say something but a loud whine came.
sukuna bucking up into your tightness. he could tell anal was foreign to you, your pretty hole so tight that it wrapped around his tongue, fingers, and now cock so well. “our little stalker needs to be extra- mmm” he paused moaning as his cock let out pre cum inside of you. “full hm?” toji eyes followed the trail of her pretty little body. thick thighs, big breast, love handles, and his favorite- stretch marks.
sukuna had her thick legs up in the air the mini skirt pushed back with no sort of under garment underneath. the view of his cock stuffing her made toji’s dick jerk, her head was leaning onto his shoulder pussy jucies trailing down her leg slowly, as if teasing him. taking a huge breath toji got closer. he pulled his pants just enough for his cock to spring out. his fingers slyly moving to her cunt and sliding through her fat lips, slick forming around him. “p-please” she desperately moaned as he began to rub her clit.
“mm, a slut huh?” she looked up bitting her lip. her pussy ached, sukuna not doing anything to please her but making her feel stuffed and more needy. “where do you want me baby?” grabbing his wrist she brought his fingers to her seeping hole, she didn’t wait for him pushing the two digits in herself. sounds of her wetness breaking out through the room. toji couldn’t contain the moan, dick jumping as tingles went throughout his body. he gently removed his hands bringing the digits to his mouth sucking on her flavor. with eyes rolling to the back of his head he moaned indulging in the savory sweetness. “what a sweet girl” he smirked alighting his cock to her entrance.
moving his eyes from her to sukuna they shared a secret conversation. the two had always had some sort of desire for one another, they never hid it. kissing on stage and taking very sexual instagram photos together. toji could see that him teasing the women had some effect on his mate. “you like it too huh?” pumping his full length in one good time, the women screamed out cumming while toji pressed his lips against the other man’s lips.
“hnguh” moaning against his mouth, sukuna also came letting a load out in the tight ass that only seemed to squeeze him harder. as toji moved back, digging his chipped painted nails into the leather couch, he pumped into her hard. her body moved, creating another friction with the cock in her other hole. making her scramble to grab ahold of something, her body feeling as tho she could faint. “you got it” she heard a whisper from behind her. her eyes were closed but she could feel toji’s hot breath fanning against her ear, his mumbles of how she was the best pussy he ever had making her tighten around him.
“uhhh” throwing his head back sukuna blissed in the way his cock was being milked. toji took that as an opportunity to kiss his tattooed neck, trailing his tongue against his adams apple, then to the right side before bitting down feeling the women below him squeeze down onto him while squirting. “OHMYGODDDD” she had finally spoken words, voice high over the loud chants of the two men’s name from the crowd that had been waiting.
the men shared a moment, the matalic taste of sukunas blood on toji’s tongue making him press his forehead against his shoulder, finally filling her to the brim. while sukuna came from the bite, his body not feeling pain but so much pleasure. sitting still for a moment they all had their eyes closed taking deep heavy breaths.
what threw everyone out of the trance was a giggle. a tired giggle passed her lips that caused everyone to laugh. toji pulling out and bitting his lip when his cum came out of her. using the same two fingers he stuffed all of it back inside. “don’t let it come out.” he said sternly. “if it stays in the entire concert we’ll have more fun after” and with a promising smile he kissed her cheek walking away.
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medical-anon-whau · 1 month
Quick life Update!
Hello everyone! Sorry for going quiet for a bit, I was orienting with a third client, which took up a lot of my time and focus. This third patient does not, to my knowledge, have an astartes they are bonded to, but several of their family members do.
I've got to say, even if the reputation for being somewhat unapproachable and haughty does seem to ring true for Ultramarines, at least the ones I've been working around don't steal supplies or Loom Ominously three inches behind me. Which is nice.
The not-so-nice thing is that I'm still being stalked by one of the Dark Angels. I had hoped that he would get bored or… I dunno, go do the bidding of the Chaplain he was accompanying when we first met three-ish weeks ago.
The benefit of him randomly appearing out of nowhere randomly to scare the shit out of me for his own amusement is that my situational awareness has gotten a lot better. Not that I wasn't terribly absent-minded before, but as of the past couple of days I've been able to spot the bastard coming at me twice!
… Though I wonder if that's because I'm getting better at spotting him, or if this is a new element to the game he is playing with me.
He doesn't try to spook me in front of where the Ultramarines live. Is there a reason for that? Or is it just happenstance? Because Bastard will startle me in front of Pen-Thief Alpharius’ place, though he doesn't cross the property line.
@egrets-not-regrets @kit-williams
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