hellosoysauce · 2 years
You've just scratched the surface of what you're here to accomplish.
It's a really good book that you will be writing.
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deerbornintuitive · 11 months
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randomevie · 1 year
Pick A Pile: Messages From Apollo
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Pile One
six of wands, page of pentacles, king of pentacles, seven of pentacles, eight of wands, six of pentacles, ace of cups
alrighty pile one, let's get started. you are such a generous and king person even if you don't realize it, and you really help the people around you to feel good and be happy. while you do an amazing job at making others feel good, you are constantly putting yourself down and bringing negative energy upon yourself, even if it's just subconsciously. you are worth so much more than you're giving yourself credit for, and it's time to step into who you are truly meant to be and give yourself the good that you give to others. take some time to find yourself, find what you love and who you WANT to be, and then work towards becoming that person and finding yourself in that place in life. in this journey to finding happiness and self-love in your life, you may find some difficulties, but you are strong enough to push through the tough times and come out the other side better and happier. you may also find yourself discovering new emotions, or old emotions resurfacing, don't fear them. embrace them. in this journey to finding what you want for yourself, you're going to have to revisit the past and work through the things that have hurt you. at the end of the journey, you will find yourself in a safe and comforting place where you are happy and content.
"take your time and focus on your goal."
a song that may resonate with pile one: savior complex by phoebe bridgers
emotional affair/overly sincere/smoking in the car, windows up/crocodile tears, run the tap 'til it's clear/drift off on the floor/I drag you to the shore/sweating through the sheets/you're gonna drown in your sleep, for sure/wake up and start a big fire/in our one room apartment/but I'm too tired/to have a pissing contest/all the bad dreams that you hide/show me yours, I'll show you mine, I'm a bad liar with a savior complex/all the skeletons you hide/show me yours, and I'll show you mine
Pile Two
ten of wands, ace of wands, queen of wands reversed, six of cups, temperance, four of pentacles, the empress
pile two, you need to start TAKING CARE OF YOURSELF. there is so much good in you and so much about you that is amazing, but your'e ignoring it in favor of listening to all the negative comments that people who envy you have said. you're going through a lot, or have gone through a lot, and it's been a huge burden that was put on your shoulders. it's likely that you grew up really fast because of whatever you've gone through and now you're struggling to keep your flame of passion and energy lit. you've been taking this out on yourself, as if your traumas and struggles are completely on you and entirely your fault, when in reality that isn't true. you need to revisit these memories to help yourself see that you are not at fault for every single thing wrong in your life, and that you are not always the person that is to blame for something. take some time and do some things like self-love affirmations or meditations to help you. you've got to find a way to balance those emotions so that you can continue your life on a healthy path instead of the way you're living it now. it may be a good time to try and find a creative outlet that you truly enjoy, something like writing, singing, reading, drawing, ect. ect. in the end these things will help your relight that light that's been dimming throughout your life.
"tap into your creative outlet and find your passion again."
a song that may resonate with pile two: new person, same old mistake by tame impala
i can just hear them now/"how could you let us down?"/two sides of me can't agree/will I be in too deep?/going with what i always longed for/feel like a brand new person/but you'll make the same old mistakes/i know you don't think it's right/i know you think it's fake/maybe fake's what i like/ the point is, i have the right/ not thinking in black and white/i'm thinking it's worth the fight/but you've got demons, and she's got her regrets
Pile Three
eight of swords, king of cups, three of cups, knight of cups, five of swords, the hanged one ten of pentacles, two of wands reversed
pile three, it seems you are all feeling a bit lost right now. you’re in a constant argument with yourself over what to do, where to go, how to feel, etc. you’re playing it safe in life and you’re avoiding taking any kind of risks, and it’s leaving you alone and trapped in a mindset that is not healthy for you. take a step outside your comfort zone and start looking at things a new way, a way that is healthier for you. you should also start confiding in your friends and your loved ones about your issues or your worries, no matter how big or small. these people can give you advice and an outside perspective about things going on in your life, a perspective that will help you to better yourself. this new and positive environment that you’ll be creating for yourself will leave you feeling like you’re in a stable place in life, a place where you are happy and safe. remember that you are powerful and you can do anything you’d like to if you put your mind to it. you’ll find your home and your family, and you won’t be lost, you’ve just got to put some effort into it.
“home isn’t always a place”
a song that may resonate with like three: tolerate it by taylor swift
i wait by the door like i’m just a kid/ use my best colors for your portrait/lay the table with the fancy shit/and watch you tolerate it/if it’s all in my head, tell me now/ tell me i’ve got it wrong somehow/i know my love should be celebrated/but you tolerate it, drawing hearts in the byline/always taking up too much space or time/you assume i’m fine, but what would you do if i break free and leave us in ruins?/took this dagger in me and removed it?/gain the weight of you then lose it/ believe me, i could do it
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mastertarotreaderblog · 6 months
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lunasapphire · 1 year
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Really should buy an annotation set
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omgtaraarnold · 1 year
Use Spiritual Alchemy To - Unblock Third Eye & Pineal Gland
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raynedrop143 · 2 years
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This morning I had a strong urge to pull some tarot cards with the question in mind "what do some people NEED to hear this morning, NEED to know?". This is what I pulled. When I put the cards together, this is what I got.
You are in a union right now, a relationship, and even though you've been loving your person and trying toake this relationship successful, you've noticed that your relationship seems unstable, or "rocky" right now. Your person is seeming a bit deceptive and sneeky. They are guarding their feelings and emotions. And even though they've matured and look like a responsible successful adult on the outside, behind closed doors they are a different person than the world perceives them. They are not being smart reguarding finances as well. You are being told that you are being patient and showing your emotion, as you always have, but you must continue to have patience. You still hope that this relationship will end up successful and happy, but the truth is that the future is not known, and you need to nurture and be patient a little while longer. You will then know for sure what you must do. Things will come to light and you will travel down the path that you choose BECAUSE of this information revealed, and you will be better off for it in the long run.
If you found this reading, it was meant for you. Take what resonates. I hope all is well 🙏
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innerwisdomtarot · 2 years
Nine of Wands
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What are you afraid of? What are the things that are holding you back?
A little more courage and confidence is needed, and then you will be there. You may want to stay in the background today. It is not the right time to decide yet. But the questions you should ask yourself are: What are you afraid of? What are your real concerns? What is keeping you from moving forward?
There is no rush, it just takes some patience and understanding. It's a good time to reflect on your fears/doubts/concerns to be able to move forward better.
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This EVP was obtained from the fallen angel Azazel. 
I asked, "Is planet Earth hell - is this the realm of hell?"  I received three responses which were: 'pretty much', 'maybe' and 'close'.  
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melove3 · 10 months
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thank you gaia, for giving me space ☘️💚📚
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readingwitheash · 11 months
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hellosoysauce · 2 years
You are not listening to what we are saying. We are telling you this:
You are good enough!
You don't have to keep looking over your shoulder for the ball to drop.
It's not going to drop!
You are only creating bliss now.
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deerbornintuitive · 2 years
A Tarot Reading For Overcoming Social Anxiety
Hello, friend! I recently worked with a client who, similarly to myself, struggles with social anxiety. As Tarot does time and again, the messages received for my client also resonated deeply with myself. I felt compelled to share this with you— I know that if you're here, there’s something in this reading that you’re meant to hear! This reading is adapted for a wider audience, so take what resonates, and leave the rest.
I chose a simple 3 card spread: 
First, what is your general vibe/attitude about going into a social setting right now?
Second, what is hidden? As far a socializing goes— the card could indicate influences or opportunities.
And third, Advice from Spirit.
In this reading, I received so much insight from Spirit to help me socially open up and some wonderful reminders. I hope you can find the same value in the messages below...
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1) What’s your general vibe/attitude toward socializing?
5 of Pentacles represents that your circle may be small or non-existent. You may no longer know anyone you click with, and this makes you feel all the more isolated or on your own than you truly are. The card often represents feelings that the world is against you. There’s an inner struggle present, which could be caused by something in your past; a negative social experience, bullying, or trauma. 
On this card, see you are not alone– this is a good omen that there are kind strangers in your future. However, you will need to open yourself to being receptive to their kindness, or else they cannot reach you.
Side note: Pentacles deals with finances, so perhaps you’re a bit worried about having to spend money to go out and do things in order to socialize. Brainstorm ideas that you can have ready, for when it comes time to make social plans, which do not require spending money. 
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2) What is hidden, as far as socializing goes for you?
Two cards fell out initially— I ended up pulling a couple more cards for clarity, because it felt like there was more to this message.
First, 5 of Swords shows a person looking over their shoulder, which strikes as that feeling when you feel like everyone is whispering about you or laughing at you, which is a normal symptom of social anxiety. 
The card may indicate that you are making something up which isn’t true– therefore, your worries are likely to get the best of you. It can point to self-sabotage, where you make yourself feel defeated before you’ve even had the chance to try. If you give in to the energies of this card, you’re likely to lack communication on your part, and remain isolated from others.
This card also has a vibe of overcoming challenges. You likely have a reason from a past experience which left a mark on you and put these worries into your mind. It’s best to leave the past behind you, and not to carry this experience with you any longer. There is positive change coming, and it’s up to you if you want to be a part of it. 
  The Emperor represents control over the self, willpower, and stability. It can carry a stubborn energy— so it may be saying that in your past, it’s easier to give in to the worries (for example, everyone whispering about it laughing at you) than to question and challenge them. The Emperor reminds you to ground yourself, focus on logic and reality, and evidence which is tangible. Do not let your mind run away with fiction. Release those anxious thoughts, allow them to pass through like visitors.
There aren’t a lot of cards with orange on it in this deck, and it stands out to me as a connection to the sacral chakra, which is responsible for your personal identity and self-esteem. Part of your worry may stem from feelings that you aren’t quite sure who you truly are yet. This is totally normal and okay. Like anything, meeting yourself is a process. Some things that can help are practicing mindfulness, journaling, trusting yourself, and challenging yourself. Acknowledge your accomplishments and be proud of yourself for the times that you put in the effort, even if things do not go as you’d hoped. Every time you try is a chance to grow.
  4 of Swords can represent anxiety which brings you to mental overload. It reminds you that when you’re feeling overwhelmed, take a break to prioritize yourself. There will be opportunities to come for you to step back and focus on yourself between socializing. Take that time to regroup and recharge, so you’re able to get yourself back out there when the time comes. This card wants to remind you also to have faith in the positives, and have faith that there are wonderful people out there that you’re meant to connect with.
  The Magician is a good omen and encouraging card. You can do anything, and you’re capable of more than you realize. There’s something very good to come of your efforts.
The Magician is about taking action, bringing something into reality, but only if you put the effort in.
This card has a lot of yellow, which connects with the solar plexus, and seems to be inviting you now to find your personal power. What makes you feel confident in who you are? What brings you courage? When do you most feel yourself? How can you manifest this into your life?
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3) Advice from Spirit:
Next I pulled the Empress, which interests me because I pulled the Emperor as well, so this may be indicating a balancing act of your masculine and feminine energies. The Emperor seems to be asking you to try harnessing masculine energies for willpower and clarity to help you; where The Empress invites you to harness your feminine energies toward making new social connections. 
You can only build on skills by doing, and communication is no different. Take the time to explore the emotions of compassion and empathy. Listen attentively to others with an open mind. Additionally, take good care of yourself, and do what makes you feel good and fulfilled. 
The Empress invites you to openly be yourself. Doing so attracts the right people for you to socialize with. Do your best not to put on a mask or persona; this is how you end up surrounded by people that make you feel alone in a crowded room.
And once again, the Empress reminds you to take care of your own needs. Making sure you feel good and confident as you are, will give you a positive boost when it comes to social settings.
There are a lot of wonderful things about me.
I am friendly and receptive to communication.
I am still finding myself, and that's okay.
I deserve to be happy, supported, and loved.
Everyone in the room is human and imperfect, like me.
I listen to my personal wants and needs.
I accept myself exactly as I am.
Being myself attracts the right kind of people to me.
Thanks for taking part in this reading!
It’s truly a pleasure to connect with you in this way!
Until next time,
Courtney Deerborn
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tahitianstarseed · 1 year
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I have become aware for a very long time that we are all connected. We are either learning or teaching each other for our spiritual growth. And during these times sometimes we need clarity. Clarity by something higher then ourselves. So here a is a ittle something by Neil Cooper. https://youtu.be/R-vfOZ08ShE #spiritguides #spiritualdevelopment #spiritworld #spiritmessages #spiritualmessages #spiritualguidance #spiritualguides #guidance #spirit #spiritualhelpers #spirithelpers #highestself #godeep #gatekeeper #guardianangel #guardianangels #yourguardianangel #guardian #guardians #spiritconnection #spiritconnections #spiritualwork #spiritualworkersofinstagram #spiritualityoninstagram #awareness #spiritualawakening #spiritualawareness #spiritualtruth (at Fort Lauderdale, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CptVLt8M2LF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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3pm LIVE Premiere!
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9mmkiss · 1 year
In general, when Frog symbolism jumps into your life, it indicates that now is a time to find opportunities in transition. In other words, the amphibian has arrived to help you swim quickly through some severe life changes. Similar to the Snake and the Butterfly spirit animals, this creature represents the creative energies of awakening and transformations. The Frog meaning also represents abundance on all levels.
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Similar to the Chameleon meaning, Frog symbolism may also signal the need to enhance your intuition and strengthen your connection with the spirit world. Thus, it would be a good idea to follow your instincts and trust your gut feelings on all matters.
Alternatively, Frog symbolism is also symbolic of coming into your power. Furthermore, this is done by purifying the soul, releasing emotional baggage, and coming from a place of personal integrity. Therefore, the Frog meaning reminds you that you should make all of your choices based on what is right for you.
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