#speaking of which I probably have more pet peeves on how the fandom treats the villains…. MAN
bugeyedfreaks · 2 months
Do you have any pet peeves about how the fandom often portrayed the Girls? minus the shipping related stuff
I’m in a good mood today and I haven’t really felt like I’ve been on the current pulse of what the fandom’s been up to nowadays… so neither is conducive to me thinking too deep about my pet peeves. 😆 I guess the way that Blossom is usually written/portrayed kind of gets on my nerves a bit because it seems like people just kind of don’t get her character (I have seen some recent portrayals from some people online that just haven’t gelled with me… she’s either emotionless or way too formal and serious, and I could probably actually start ranting about some more stuff I’ve seen but I will spare you guys the essay 🤣).
As for the other girls, I haven’t really seen anything recently about Buttercup that’s really aggravated me or anything, but it does kind of feel like Bubbles gets the short end of the stick most of the time, at least when it comes to any substantial fics of her character or anything (I know in my fandom career I am definitely guilty of sometimes kind of forgetting about her… I love her dearly but she’s so good and sweet and drama-free, so she tends to get regulated to the status of like a background character a lot of the time). I could be wrong about the lack of fics though, because like I said, I haven’t really been on the cutting edge of scoping out what the fandom’s been up to (…honestly, sometimes I deliberately avoid it… 😅).
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seek--rest · 1 year
Almost a year and a half later and the ending to NWH still pisses me off with how it disrespected MJ as a character. Peter’s relationship with MJ is supposed to be one of the most important and defining relationships of his life, but in the MCU she’s just a high school girlfriend he dated for a few months. And yeah, the choice to ‘break up’ with her and the way he did it is incredibly important and defining, but the relationship itself is going to become more and more inconsequential the more time passes. Which to be fair, is how most breakups tend to be. Except peter dated her so briefly that he’ll probably be entirely over her in less than a year. A few years MAX. Now, if they did the intelligent thing and make the home trilogy take place post-college and had Peter and MJ be a long term established relationship from the beginning that we saw develop and grow even further over the course of three movies, then Peter choosing to leave her after a memory wipe would actually mean something. But they didn’t. So she’s just a girl that Peter knew for a few years and dated for a few months and he’ll be completely over her by the next movie. If we ever get another movie. And as an MJ fan that just doesn’t sit right with me.
I think there’s an important shift here where I disagree with you on a fundamental thing.
Peter will not be forgetting MJ anytime soon.
MJ, on the other hand, already has.
I agree, it’s offensive how they treated MJ in the MCU trilogy. Full stop end of story. But I think the memory wipe— something I was adamantly against for MONTHS before NWH— only works because they have no relationship to speak of. A OMD ending for the sake of tearing them apart after years together makes it reductive, but there is no love story to tear apart. There is no connection that binds them in this way. Peter, who made this decision to step away, will not be forgetting MJ at all— if anything his feelings might be stronger because of it. He’ll still try and move forward, I would think because that’s what Peter Parker will always do but I do not agree that he’ll forget her.
MJ— who has no memory of Peter— has and imo, she will be the one who could easily discount her memories if/when she gets them back. It was SUCH a big pet peeve of mine to see fics written and PRAISED where it’s been five, ten years since the events of NWH and BOTH Peter and MJ never dated anyone else, never loved anyone else, always felt like they were missing something… only for the memories to return and for MJ to be still blindly devoted to Peter after a decade of living without him.
It is such a gross slap in the face from a fandom that claims to love MJ to make her so codependent, so simple minded and so shallow that she’s still desperately in love with a boy she dated for four months at most when she was seventeen that a DECADE later she completely ignores that time away (and worse, for the fics that made Peter all but stalk her, to IMMEDIATELY forgive him and then jump into bed with him). That to me is insulting to MJ’s character and I’ll forever think everyone who gobbled up those fics as people who didn’t give a shit about MJ as much as they claimed, they just wanted romantic fantasy that could be boiled down to misogynistic tropes.
I don’t have the most confidence in the MCU to treat MJ— and their eventual coming back together— right. But I do have hope, if only because they took concepts I openly despised as a possibility in NWH (May dying, the multiverse, the OMD ending) and made it work so well.
Lighting might not strike twice. But I can hope until I’m proven wrong.
Just as I can hope that if the writers are still scrolling through ao3, they are not so continually horrible to treat MJ just as badly as so much of fandom did.
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pluckyredhead · 2 years
For the ask game, how about jon kent and damian?
First impression
I was read the Convergence issue where he was born when it came out, so my impression was basically "I can't believe they named him Dad Dad Kent." Naming him after Jonathan Kent is fine, but in the continuity Jon originally hailed from, Sam Lane literally committed genocide against Kryptonians including Clark's aunt (Kara's mom), so...no?
Impression now
HE IS MY PRECIOUS CHILD. THE GOODEST BOY. THE SUNSHINE OF MY LIFE. I adore Jon Kent with every fiber of my being. Lois and Clark are one of my all-time favorite couples in any media ever and I adore all Supers so I was already primed to love Jon, but then when it turned out he was a blend of Clark's sweetness and earnestness and Lois's dogged curiosity and love of speaking truth to power PLUS he's secretly a little shit? Heart eyes, motherfucker. If I could turn back time he would be twelve years old right now but he great up real good even if his current series is sort of bland. He's perfect and I would bake him a pie if I could.
Favorite moment
All of the original Super Sons run but also his very first meeting with Damian from just before it, where Damian KIDNAPS him and he wakes up strapped to a table in a cave and like thirty seconds later he's trying to befriend Damian and complimenting his cow. WHAT A PURE HEART. Oh oh oh and this:
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That endlessly open heart, I weep! His first meeting with Kon was also very very good. And him earnestly telling the Legion that his dad's best friend is his mom and they're like "Gross." I JUST LOVE EVERYTHING HE DOES EVER.
Idea for a story
Oh I have nine million. The three topmost at the moment are: the DamiJon shifter AU that's the sequel to the JayRoy shifter AU that is fighting me tooth and nail (ha); the sprawling art school AU which has Jon as a new student at the Gotham Academy of the Arts as one of the main plot threads and which I'll probably never actually write; and a long heartwarming genfic that actually digs into the relationships between Jon and Kara and Kon and which again I will probably never write, alas.
Unpopular opinion
I don't know if I have an unpopular opinion, per se, but my two biggest pet peeves with how I see Jon treated in fandom are 1. removing or downplaying Lois's importance in his life, as if he isn't a little mini Lois as much as he's a little mini Clark, and 2. using him as some sort of emotional labor minion for Damian and never allowing him to be a fully realized character who can make mistakes and experience hurt.
Favorite relationship
I mean, Damian, obviously. I love how well they balance each other. They have all the opposites attract goodness of Clark and Bruce but they're much more fun. Jon brings out Damian's softness and ability to be better; Damian brings out Jon's little shit-ness, which is actually really important because Jon can be a bit of a pushover sometimes, and Damian's particular form of playful irritation encourages him to actually stick up for himself. They're also deeply protective of each other, even when they're very young - Damian LITERALLY made a solemn vow to Clark that he would always keep Jon safe!!! In canon!!! I'm losing my mind!!!
I also love the aspect of "my destiny includes you" in their friendship. Like, not to downplay the importance of Kon or the other Batkids, all of whom I obviously love, but from the moment Jon and Damian met, it was like "Oh, we are going to be Superman and Batman someday, we are going to be partners and teammates and brothers in arms for the rest of our lives, you are my destiny," to which Jon's reaction was "Well, we might as well be friends, too" and Damian's was "UGH." (And now Jon's reaction is "We belong together" and Damian's is "UGH but also you're mine." 😍)
Favorite headcanon
Jon's hair only has two modes, "slightly messy" and "extremely messy," even when he's an adult. There's something permanently boyish about him.
First impression
I was deeply invested in Stephanie Brown as Robin and furious when she died, so when within two years they had brought back Jason and introduced Damian - replacing the only in-continuity girl Robin with not one but two more boys - I was even madder. Stupid Jason and Damian! Who needs 'em?
Impression now
It was actually Steph who made me fall in love with Damian half a decade later, in her Batgirl series. I was like "Ohhhh, this terrible murder baby doesn't know how to play" and I was done. Reading every single one of his appearances (I am...not a person who likes things by halves) just cemented it.
So yeah, I love Damian. I love that he's obnoxious and vain and petty and often cruel. I love that he dotes on animals at the same time and doesn't see it as a contradiction. I love that he's trying so hard to learn how to express himself, to love and trust others when he was taught not to. I love that his affection comes in sudden bursts of passion or grandiosity (see above re: his solemn vow to Clark). He is a tragic figure and an inspiring figure and a stone cold badass, but he's also really fucking funny, and all of that at once is a rare combination.
Favorite moment
All of the Jon stuff above. The moment he and Dick realize they're both not dead and he flings himself into Dick's arms. When he tells Jason he's going bald. As shattering as it is, Goliath's origin. When he frees his clones. But also:
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And, like, Bruce is a terrible garbage father even within the context of this story, but this moment always gets me:
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Idea for a story
All of the Jon stuff above, again, but also I would really like to write something long exploring all the various Batkids' relationships. I particularly want to write more about Damian and Tim, their dynamic is so fascinating to me.
Unpopular opinion
I tend not to agree with posts that are like "Damian thinks X about various Green Lanterns" or "Damian thinks Y about various Flashes" or whatever because I just don't think Damian thinks about other people that much? Which is kind of a joke but really, he's both very self-involved and very practical, so what does he care what Hal Jordan is doing?
Favorite relationship
Jon, obvious, but also his relationship with Dick is so beautiful to me (and I find Dick...pretty boring otherwise, so that's saying a lot). I'm loving his interactions with Connor in his current serious. AND GOLIATH!!!
Favorite headcanon
I don't think Damian trusts his own moral compass, because he was taught one thing until he was ten and then something completely different and it taught him not to trust his instincts. I don't think he refrains from killing because he's internalized that it's wrong, but because Bruce and Dick told him that's The Rule and he's very good at following rules (when he wants to). This is fine in the field but it's why I keep writing about him struggling with his attraction to Jon and sex and consent and any possible age differences, because Bruce and Dick didn't give him a rule about that and he doesn't trust himself to know what's right (and also Ra's does whatever he wants and Bruce never lets himself have anything he wants, so clearly if Damian wants something it must be morally wrong and the correct ethical decision is to deprive himself of it, right?). Oh, Damian.
Also, on a lighter note, I always hear his voice as just slightly British in my head, mostly because a child being imperious always sounds posh to me.
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sunseteyes · 4 years
Not me slowly creeping here with my favs 😳, but Tendou, Tsumu, Noya and Akaashi with a rlly big crush on reader and how they try to get her attention?
getting their crush’s attention
ㅤㅤ ↪︎ starring: tendou satori, atsumu miya, yuu nishinoya, keiji akaashi
ㅤ ㅤ↪︎ themes: heavy signs of flirting pft. fluff!
ㅤ ㅤ↪︎ announcement: hi anon thanks so much for requesting! so sorry this took so long~ i really liked writing this though! feel free to pitch in hc requests if you like~ oh btw my format in posting kinda changed! hope you liked it~ taglist is now below the post !!
『• • • ✎ ATSUMU MIYA
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knowing atsumu, he’s going to want to get your attention as soon as possible
one of his steps in order to do that is to try and woo you with his volleyball skills. what more could he give best than show you what he specializes in doing?
so it’s most likely that you’d be invited into one of their games, even if it was a practice match. another possibility will be during their training but he might be selfish enough not to let you have a moment to speak to the others and let them steal his momentum
if that fails or if you needed some more push, atsumu will probably try to invite you for a lunch outside. coffees wouldn’t be atsumu’s thing. and it’s because he’ll reason out that “a way to someone’s heart is through their stomach.” nobody gets full with just coffee
and yes, he knows it because of his brother. 
he may also try to even convince his brother to cook for the two of you and invite you to their house for dinner. 
“’tsumu, why do i have to be caught up with this?” “come on, be my wingman for once, ‘samu!”
osamu may be slightly pissed off at his brother but he’s going to do what he can to help his brother out. as for atsumu, he will be too focused on you to notice his brothers efforts, but surely they will be obvious enough until you figure it out
“w-what? did ‘samu tell you i like you? ah really!!! that osamu!!!” 
“huh he didn’t? then-?”
in the end, there’s a high probability he accidentally confesses due to his carelessness
no matter, he’s going to be the type to pull off his plans on trying to attract you. and even if he slips, he knows that he already has you wrapped around his finger by then
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akaashi is a silent admirer. he would rather admire you from afar than speak to you head on
but he does pitch in occasional praises whenever it is acquired. like when he learned that you got into a club that you’ve been wanting to attend, or maybe you got high scores in your test, then he’ll most likely praise you
“congrats, (y/n)-san. i heard you got perfect in english today.” he’ll say while bokuto is in the middle of rambling when he saw you. of course, bokuto will know you, that guy knows everyone.
though that’s the thing akaashi will be thanful of. at least he’ll get to at least have reason to talk to you, no matter how short of a time it may be
one thing about akaashi is that he doesn’t like trying to gain your attention just because he likes you, unless of course they’re important matters.
in short, if he likes you, he likes you. he wouldn’t do anything to try and give a shot whether you like him back or not—especially if you’re not showing any of those signs.
but the secret wouldn’t last as a secret that long because surely someone else will notice how he would seemingly treat you more kindly and just differently than others
or maybe bokuto was just teasing him and suddenly the other members of fukurodani catches upon the slight hesitation in akaashi’s reaction
so when they find out about it, no matter how lowkey akaashi is, he’s going to get caught sooner or later, but it would only be by those who was used to akaashi’s personality and how he treats other people—his team mates, most probably
they wouldn’t rat him out nonetheless, but do expect them to be the ones to give akaashi even the slightest push
and of course, who was akaashi to say no especially when they tempt him that much?
as long as he is not doing anything to invade your privacy or force you to do anything, akaashi would agree. because even if he wouldn’t admit it out loud, he’d take in any kind of suggestions and finds it rather amusing when they indeed work on you
for example, when one of his team mates suggested to give you a love letter
akaashi will probably take that suggestion, but he’d make himself anonymous
or maybe that time when you received another anonymous flowers during valentines
or the good luck post-it note you had on your locker the day you were going to have a finals exam
akaashi will be the type to show you that you are beautiful and important; inside and out. his actions wouldn’t even be too weird for you, nor would you feel uncomfortable with his lowkey advances. 
it’s quite unlikely that he’ll reveal himself, unless maybe when he finally decided to. he’s someone who will wait for that “perfect time”
he’ll plan for it and wait for it diligently. and even if it takes forever, akaashi will wait for it
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satori already knows what to do in order to win that heart of yours.
he also wouldn’t be the type to hesitate or shy away when it comes to you, especially if he knew he had a chance
but if it seems that he doesn’t, he’ll still do his best to take your heart. he will know each and every likes you have, or even your pet peeves. he’s that observant, remember?
by knowing your likes, he would know what to do to catch your attention.
“(y/n)-san, do you like coffees? or are you perhaps a fruit-shake lover? which one is it? which one?” 
you like plants? he’ll invite you to join him in trying to find plants he could take care, and surely if you know a lot about them, he’d have a reason to strike a conversation with you
you like anime? he’ll watch them with you! 
you like watching the shiratorizawa volleyball team? he’d invite you to their trainings.
and if you’re the type who would like having their alone time, he wouldn’t bother you every day just to prevent you from being irritated by his presence
satori is not one to give up, but if you decided you did not like him, he will stop his advances
however, if you do find a little bit of spark between the two of you, then that’s good.
although it might end up to you confessing instead of him with how he could tease you into saying it. when he knows you’re wrapped around his finger, he’ll know how to make you even more flustered and what puts you on edge
so yep, be prepared to be embarrassed, folks
but still, at least you’ll get a boyfriend afterwards. fighting!
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nishinoya is very much like satori, but do expect him to be more... energetic chaotic
with how he’s acting with kiyoko, that would probably be how nishinoya would act
only this time, it would be different in a way that he’s more careful and observant into what would tick you off and what wouldn’t. he’ll also give more respect to your space, so don’t worry about that.
nishinoya would make himself be “worthy” of your love, no matter how sad that sounds like
he would still appear to be infatuated with how he always try to catch your attention by buying you coffee every morning, or when he brings you bento for your lunch when he realizes that you don’t eat that much, but his actions will be genuine.
he’ll make his move. the minute nishinoya realizes that he has feelings for you, you’ll realize just how much he became part of your life that when he’s not there, you’ll feel kind of... lonely
and yes, it will happen even if you didn’t like him at first
and what happens after that? nishinoya would immediately see if you blush or sense that you get flustered by his advances, and he wouldn’t believe it at first 
nor did you honestly
because who would have thought you’d fall for his charm after he basically chase after you with his heart wide open??
anyway congrats! just wait for him to make a move again after he has his own panic when he noticed that you like him too. but it will be quick!! expect for a bouquet of flowers plus chocolates or teddy bear maybe hehe
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regulars: @kacchanori @chickynn @todominica @brinthie @sparkleswritings @bitchtrynafck @patricia-ceballos @giyuus-wife @kawaiinishii @moonlightaangel @mrs-kuroojinguji @meliorist-midoriya
ㅤㅤ ↪︎ to be added, please do send an ask. if you’d like to only be tagged for a specific fandom, please include it in your ask.
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twstdreams · 4 years
hi! i’ve seen a lot of romance headcannons so if it’s ok with you could i plz request some family headcannons? what would it be like having leona, ruggie, ace, cater, and epel as big brothers? (reader is little sister) if you’re not comfortable writing this you don’t have to! thanks for reading my request:)
YES, YOU CAN! I love writing siblings and platonic content. I will happily accept family and friends centred requests. My OC has a platonic relationship with everyone, and in another fandom, I wrote an entire series with Big Brother! Character and Little Sister! Reader. Given that I have sibling(s) too, this is well within my comfort range even if I’m the older one. 
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Big Brother! Leona, Ruggie, Ace, Cater, and Epel & Little Sister! Reader
Leona Kingscholar
100% is lazy and abuses his older sibling privileges. This exchange is common for the two of you:
“Go get this for me.”
“Because I’m older!”
You two exchange playful jabs all the time. Him calling you weaker or silly, you replying about how he’s lazy and you could beat him anyway since he never gets off his butt
You have definitely whacked his face with a pillow
Speaking of which you adore waking him up to see his scrunched up expression as you remove the pillow from under his head and pull away the blankets
When you were younger, you definitely used water once or twice to wake him up when you were really pissed
Leona isn’t actively protective, yeah you’re weaker than him, but that doesn’t mean you’re actually weak
His position and power usually are enough to ward off someone, but if anyone decides to physically hurt you and leave a mark, they better be prepared to get it back tenfold. It’s basically a direct challenge to Leona, and any idiot that thinks they can hurt his little sister and get away with it has to be put in their place 
He brushes it off as whatever, maybe a slight against his pride, but you know if you were ever really in danger, he’d help you
You’re never getting help with your homework though
Ruggie Bucchi
Now that he’s older and your family isn’t in such a tight place, he shares, but OH BOY did you two fight when you were kids
Food, toys, clothing, stationery, you two fought over it all
“HEY! That’s mine!”  was a very common phrase
Looking back, it’s a little embarrassing, especially for Ruggie given he’s the older sibling, but hey kids are kids. Neither of you brings it up often if only because both of you have so much ammo against each other, it would never end
You both care about each other but very much need your own personal space and things
You have probably thrown a slipper at one another telling the other sibling to get out of your room
If you two shared a room, at one point in your childhood, there was a string dividing the room in two
With age, the two of you have mellowed out but you still fight from time to time. No, you’re not doing the dishes for him, you already have to do the laundry!
Ruggie is a pretty helpful older brother, but you gotta ask. He’s not going to hover over you or constantly ask how you’re doing
At the end of the day, the two of you have each other’s back 
Ace Trappola
The two of you have fun and goof around a lot, Ace isn’t very serious and his brightness shines when you play games together
He’s a pretty chill older brother, not overbearing at all
When you two argue, it’s ugly. You have explosive fights because he goads you and can be quite mean, and you aren’t one to just roll over and take it. 
You’ve lived together for a long time and Ace knows how to hit you where it hurts. If he’s not careful, he can be quite cruel and brutal 
Ace doesn’t intend to be so mean, but you’re both growing up together and it took a while to establish boundaries
He always wavers when you cry, he hates seeing tears trail down your face and he despises that he’s the cause of it all
He helps you here and there in little gestures like reminders to do things or wake you up so you’re not late for school
Yes, he loves you, no he is not going to do the chores for you
Cater Diamond
He is the nice older brother that all your friends think is so cool
He knows all the latest trends and rumours, so it’s easy to treat him like your friend. He just gets it and you don’t have to explain things to him
He comes off as pretty loose when it comes to you, and he does respect that you’re independent but he keeps an eye on you
When you were a kid he indulged you as his cute little sister and dressed up for miniature tea parties 
He gives you many head pats and ruffles your hair lightly
Despite all the cheeriness, it’s in your fights that you remember he can be so heartless
He can and will hold a grudge for as long as he needs. Days after fights are so heavy that your heart feels like lead. Apologies are stifled and awkward but necessary. 
If he apologizes too, then it’s fine after you two give each other a bit of space. If you feel like you’re always the one apologizing, it can get messy. You feel hurt by it, but even more so, you’re tired.
He cares but he’s not always empathetic, and he is more than willing to let you sort out your own mess. If things get out of hand, then he’ll step in and help
Epel Felmier
He is so sweet, sweeter than apple pie to his darling sister
Guaranteed, you look like a doll and Epel goes shopping with you to pick out cute pieces and accessories
The genes in this family are blessed with porcelain smooth skin and long wispy lashes
As kids, you’d constantly play pretend and Epel would be your prince or knight as you two went on adventures
You hate if anyone suggests Epel isn’t a good brother because of his fragile aesthetic and dispel all rumours
There are no secrets between you two and the two of you share a lot of furtive knowing looks and inside jokes
He totally gives into your tears. Epel absolutely cannot handle it when your eyes begin to well and tears spill
He’s pretty doting, so if you want boundaries, you have to be firm and fair. Epel won’t take it well if he feels like you’re trying to shut him out of your life.
He has a couple peculiarities or pet peeves that you have to abide by, he can be pretty finicky at times
Epel loves you with all his heart and you love him too
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musette22 · 3 years
20 Questions
Thanks so much for tagging me @hawkeyeandthewintersoldier & @wayward-lives ! 💖
1. What do you prefer to be called namewise? Minnie, but Mins or Min or Minne or any variation of this works too :p
2. When is your birthday? 22 August
3. Where do you live? The Netherlands
4. Three things you are doing right now? Well, right now I’m answering question 4 of 20 questions, charging my phone, and drinking coffee.
5. Four fandoms that have peaked your interest? The only fandoms I’ve ever properly been in are the Stucky and Evanstan fandoms, but generally speaking there is also the MCU fandom and I used to be in the Merlin fandom (but low key)
6. How has the pandemic been treating you? Well, apart from the fact that I’ve had covid, and I miss my friends, and a lot of my life plans have been put on hold for the time being, I really can’t complain. I quite enjoy the quarantine life and I’ve got a job I can do from home, so it’s not too bad!
7. A song you can’t stop listening to right now? I’ve weirdly had ‘Think of Me’ from the Phantom of the Opera stuck in my had for a few days so I’ve listened to it a few times while singing along and seeing if I’m really not a soprano after all (I’m not)
8. Recommend a movie. I haven’t watched a movie in so long, it’s ridiculous. Umm... I really loved Knives Out? Definitely one of the best movies I’ve seen in a while!
9. How old are you? 32
10. School, university, occupation, other? I’m currently working as a translator, which is fantastic for the moment, but I am planning to (hopefully) do something a little more in line with my education as an art historian/curator in the future. Probably freelance, though.
11. Do you prefer heat or cold? HEAT. I thrive in hot weather. I’m always cold and have to layer up like some kind of yeti to stay warm in winter and it’s annoying.
12. Name one fact others may not know about you. I chew a lot of gum. I know, I hate it too, it just keeps my brain engaged lol
13. Are you shy? Hmm, maybe a little? I am an introvert, but when I am around people I don’t tend to have too much trouble striking or keeping up conversations. I’m usually a little exhausted after people-ing for too long (except for when I’m with my friends) but I’m not nearly as shy anymore as I was in my teens.
14. Preferred pronouns? She/her
15. Biggest pet peeves? Perpetual negativity, and inconsistency
16. What is your favourite “dere” type? I have no clue what a “dere” is
17. Rate your life from 1-10 Hmmm. I think a 7 or 8 at the moment. Something like that.
18. What’s your main blog? This one
19. List your side blogs and what they’re used for. There’s just @avengerstextsmessages which is a Stucky fake text blog that I co-run with @incorrectstevebucky but I haven’t updated it in so long and I feel very guilty about it 😩 Must try harder
20. Is there something people need to know about you before becoming friends? I can’t really think of anything! Sometimes it might take a while for me to reply but I promise I’m never purposely ignoring people because I love making new friends on here 🥰
Alright, that’s it! I’m going to tag (without pressure) @metalbvcky @buckybees @hbalbat @therogueheart @this-is-a-job-for-vesemir @hannah-stagram @backonefish @its-tortle @hellobeautworld @dreadlockholiday @a-giudice @protectbucky107 @stav-1 @k347 @leashlessconfusion @lethal-desires <3
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crossdressingdeath · 4 years
Idk if this will even make sense (my brain is pasta and beans rn), but I have some thoughts on your JC... thoughts... lol Anyway first and foremost, this fandom truly do paint a prettier picture of his character than how he actually is. He's, not a good person. However, I want to touch on some points. When it comes to fandom creations and activity, you can't moralize it. I'm refering specifically to your complaint about jc's characterization in fics, and jokes on his 'homophobia' (1/)
People writing those things don't necessarily do it out of ignorance or stan-glasses. It's lighthearted, it's self-indulgent. Mdzs is a heavy work emotionally, and people exploring narratives with less heavy conflict isn't bad. Fic is in itself self-indulgent, and making assumptions on their motives and morale is just, not the thing. I constantly meet pet-peeves or aspect I outright dislike, but it's not my fic, and if it bothers me too much I put it down. The fic isn't wrong because of it (2/)
As for jc, this goes for both stans and antis I guess. Many people fail to see a character for what they are; a narrative tool. Jc is a fantastic character, complex and well written. I love his character, though as a person he's terrible. But the thing is he's not a person, and people refering to a character as if they are puts a real-world morale stamp on your personal opinion of it. Trying to paint a purely vile picture of him goes against the very themes mxtx wrote. (3/3)
3 part anon from before. I'm sure I didn't at all get my full view across, and I just want to say I'm not defending, nor condemning anything. I just find it rather off when in response to one extreme (blind stans) one moves to the other extreme (pure anti). I'd die for some good neutrality in this fandom, and I'm tired of these ongoing for-against fights. I'm tired in general, ugh. I love jc's character, as the complex, tragedy by half his own making, terrible person he is.
...Okay. Here’s the thing. I know people are just dicking around and having fun in fandom, that’s why I don’t actually engage with the stans. I know for a fact some of them enjoy talking shit about my views as much as I enjoy talking shit about theirs, and we each keep to our own parts of the fandom and don’t bother each other and it’s fine. And yeah, people’s real-world beliefs don’t match up with what they write in fics! That’s a thing that I have never tried to argue against! When I commented about people treating JC’s homophobia as a joke I was speaking as one tired lesbian who is just so incredibly done with homophobia being treated as something that isn’t serious and who also is just a little disappointed that that “Oh it’s not serious, it’s just a funny joke, haha” attitude has crept into fandom, which is generally a pretty safe place for queer people; I’m not saying the people doing it mean anything by it, I’m just saying that when people do that it gives a certain impression of who they are as people whether that impression is accurate or not. If you say something, it will make people think of you differently in response. That is just how interacting with people works. Although I would say there’s definitely some ignorance in treating someone’s family being horrifyingly homophobic towards them as a funny joke and outright refusing to acknowledge that in canon it is a serious and deeply harmful thing, just because... you know, that actually happens to people in real life.
Also like... I’m not? trying to “paint a purely vile picture of him”? I react to what I see in the text, it’s not my fault if the general takeaway is “he’s a terrible person who does barely any nice things in the entire novel and most of those things are followed by More Assholery”. Real-world morality and judgements of the character as a person inhabiting their own world can’t be avoided if you connect to the setting and characters, so sorry that I’m not purely objective. As a character JC fills his purpose very well; as a person living in the world he inhabits he’s scum. I’ve never said people can’t like JC, or even necessarily that they shouldn’t, I’m as tired of this for-against shit as you are. Complaining about a character you hate isn’t “pure anti”; in my experience to be an anti there has to be a strong push to make people believe as you do (generally involving personal attacks, threats, all that fun stuff), which... isn’t what we do here. I do hope you mean anti as in just someone who dislikes a character and not antis as the term generally refers to, because if it’s the latter I’m... actually quite offended by that. If I make people dislike JC, that just means my personal dislike of and shit-talking about the character is convincing enough that they want to follow suit; if I don’t, then it wasn’t. Criticism or even hate of a character isn’t actually any worse than praise or adoration as long as it’s all properly marked so that people who don’t want to see it can avoid it. Which I do.
And uh, speaking of which... if you’re looking for neutrality, the person who has an entire tag about how much she hates JC probably isn’t your best bet. Sorry to disappoint.
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baekwin · 3 years
get to know me tag // tagged by @j-pping​ and @johnnysuhs​ 💕 and i think i remember one more person tagging me, but tumblr has sent that notification into the void so if that was u i am sorry :(
tagging: @xiuhunsoo @sehunlyone @tten @yixing-zhang @rveluvs @nctsworld as always no pressure + lmk if you already did it!!
what do you prefer to be called name-wise?  shaye!
when is your birthday?   i am vague about that on purpose, so we will just say i’m an aries
where do you live?  the united states
three things you are doing right now?  taking a break from work, drinking coffee, thinking about how i have to mail back some pants i ordered that didn’t fit me
four fandoms that have piqued your interest?  heh i tend to stay in my exo bubble at all times, so i guess nct is the only one?
how has the pandemic been treating you?  in the ways that matter, it’s treated me well. on one hand my mental health has suffered bc of my old job in med, the stress that came with being so close to the front line etc. i was not handling it well at all, bc my workplace was already so toxic, and adding that on made it so much worse. don’t get me wrong, i’m so proud to have worked for one of the companies that created a covid test, but it took a toll for sure. and ultimately when it became too much, i was able to leave and support myself through unemployment which i do not take lightly at all, it IS a blessing. my family has not been affected by the disease despite my mom being a frontline healthcare worker as well, and for that i’m so grateful. i don’t want to minimize the effects the pandemic had on my mental health, bc that’s always important, but at the end of the day my family is safe and that’s what matters and what i’ll look back on about 2020, i think.
side note - my mom got vaccinated this week! i’m so relieved and i feel like such a huge weight has been lifted. 
a song you can’t stop listening to right now?  amusement park ;; 
school, university, occupation, other?  finished school/university 3.5ish years ago, currently working! 
do you prefer heat or cold?  heat. i know sweat is gross but freezing cold is just.......so much worse
name one fact others may not know about you. eye...eat my oatmeal savory. blame my mother for raising me like that, it’s not my fault
are you shy?  not at all! i close off on purpose if i meet someone and get a mean or sleazy vibe from them, but i’m def not a shy person
pronouns? she/her
biggest pet peeves?  lying. don’t do that shit bc the truth always comes out eventually and it will be much worse for you when it does (fakeness falls in this category imo)
what is your favourite “dere” type? i know nothing about dere types and therefore have no idea how to answer this
rate your life from 1-10, 1 being crappy and 10 being the best it could be. probably 7
what’s your main blog? this one! 
list your side blogs and what they’re used for. i have a couple saved urls but that’s it
is there something people need to know about you before becoming friends? i am bad at responding sometimes, but i promise it’s not on purpose and i feel guilty about it constantly. also if we have ever had any sort of heart to heart convo but then didn’t speak for a month or two after, i probably still consider you close and will treat you as such in all future interactions 
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oatbrew · 3 years
rules: answer the questions and tag people you’d like to get to know better!
tagged by: @jediofbooksandsnacks​ thank you!! <3
what do you prefer to be called name-wise? jay
when is your birthday? july 13
where do you live? where all the wildfires are in the us
three things you are doing right now: NOT freaking out about my seminar paper, thinking about playing kotor, downloading a height slider mod so i can make height difference shinkane in the sims 4 a reality
four fandoms that have piqued your interest? psycho-pass, the mandalorian, cafe enchante, twilight offshoot of my dreams in an alternative timeline where it was written not by a white mormon and not racist or exploitative of an actual indigenous group
how has the pandemic been treating you? i have been living my nightmare academically-speaking because procrastinating in your bed and pajamas is considerably less sexy than procrastinating in starbucks and staring at your empty word doc while drinking a latte
a song you can’t stop listening to right now danny gonzalez’s christmas classic, “i’m gonna kill santa claus”
how old are you? twenty five
school, university, occupation other? grad school :(
do you prefer heat or cold? cold. you can always wear more layers.
name one fact that others may not know about you. if you know my legal name, i was named after a well-known local drag queen from my birthtown.
are you shy? depends. if i’m talking to you and you’re not shy, i get considerably less so. if you are, i feed off of your shyness until we’re both just stewing in awkward, shy soup.
pronouns? she/her
biggest pet peeve? people who qualify supposed cringe they enjoy. like i get it. i’m self-conscious too about my interests but you don’t have to append your enjoyment with a “i know this sucks but”. baby, you don’t have to worry; everybody already knows it sucks.
what is your favorite “dere” type? kuudere! i think -deres and stock archetypal characteristics are great starting off points but they become very boring if they’re just that for the entire story.
rate your life from 1-10, 1 being crappy and 10 being the best it could be. it’s schrodingers cat. it could be 1. it could be 10. it’s both for the meantime until i have therapy every tuesday and decide on which.
what’s your main blog? right here
list your side blogs and what they’re used for @direwolves used to be my main but then the demons d&d broke the show season four for me so it’s my sideblog now where i just post everything else. MAYBE when george releases winds of winter, i’ll change back. but that’s on george. @kuchels is my vibes blog that i use for writing. @stackedbears is my save blog. @highhonor is my rdr blog. and i also run shinkaneweek along with jedi and lyn.
is there something people need to know about you before becoming friends? i’m probably more intimidated by you than the other way around.
i don’t like tagging people because i feel like i always leave people out and [jean-ralphio voice] that’s too much responsibility for me, so if you’re interested in doing this, say i tagged you. would love to read more about yourself.
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comeonharold · 3 years
get to know me tag game 💙
@thegodsaregay tagged me, thank you friend
And I'll tag my usual squad too @blackindiaink @jello-thunderstorm @dscully2019 and the rest if they want to but they haven't done any of the earlier ones so I won't bother them, oh and @lostbunnysblog did one sometime maybe you want to do this one too
What do you prefer to be called name-wise?
You guys can say AJ if you want something other than my url but if you want my actual name you'll have to earn it😉 also I don't really care what people call me like I was studying in exchange and the other people just couldn't pronounce my name like idk I don't even think it's hard but they insisted on using a very English-speaking pronunciation so I was like whatever
When is your birthday?
Same as above, I can reveal that it's in October and horoscope-wise I'm a scorpio (not that I believe in that stuff but that gives a general idea of when my birthday is)
Where do you live?
Finland (which is why I'm not telling a lot of personal information it would be way too easy to find me because this isn't a huge country when it comes to population)
Three things you are doing right now:
Sitting in a car, talking with mom and I'm so slow at writing this thing that now I'm looking for my brother's hockey stick
Four fandoms that have piqued your interest?
Honestly I don't really do fandoms I like many ships and have great people to talk to about those when I want to but I would like to watch motherland fort salem, haven't had the time to look for it yet
How has the pandemic been treating you?
Well it's not great but I've been working on my pro gradu (that's like a master's dissertation) and quite a few courses so between that and floorball (before covid put stop to that one) I haven't really had that much extra time anyway so it's not that bad, like it would have been nice to see my friends more but what can you do when someone's sick or in quarantine 🙈
A song you can't stop listening to right now?
Impossible by Exit Eden. Or I am the storm by Ad Infinitum. Or many other songs by those ones I can't decide there are so many good songs
How old are you?
Okay this is another one I'm not giving a straight answer to and you can find it out by talking to me but between 20 and 25
School, university, occupation, other?
I study psychology
Do you prefer heat or cold?
*sigh* okay look. I'm from Finland and so my definitions of heat and cold are probably very different from any of yours like for me heat is above 20°C and cold is below -20°C (I don't do fahrenheit I'm sorry but you can google it) so definitely heat but like I'm also really happy about the snow we have here now, the way it crunches under my feet is so fun😄
Name one fact others may not know about you:
Hmm 🤔 okay it often takes a long time for people to really understand the way I speak (or write) because I'm often very sarcastic and don't bother using a sarcastic voice when I am, also I don't really do punctuation and just write whatever I think of and sometimes it makes sense and sometimes it doesn't and I forget what I was talking about in like 10 seconds so then I'll just keep talking about something else and all in all my communication can sometimes be super inconsistent like sometimes I use emojis and sometimes I don't and that doesn't necessarily mean anything at all
Are you shy?
I'm Finnish
She or they are both fine, I don't know honestly, in Finnish we don't have gendered pronouns and well, the Finnish one for he/she/whatever is technically "hän" but we usually use "se" which means "it" so like let's just say that my relationship with pronouns isn't that close
Biggest pet peeves?
I hate hate hate the stupid psychology-related half-jokes that the people actually mean in a not-joking way like when they ask me to analyse someone or are like "oh you study psychology I thought you were normal" because just please let me live and like, not break all the ethical guidelines we have
What is your favorite "dere" type?
I don't know what that is
Rate your life from 1-10
Hmm let's say 9 I'm really happy with my life honestly and I don't think there's anything really missing from my life or anything but it can always be better and I don't want to get stuck
List your side blogs and what they're used for:
I have one that I use for storing literally anything for future use, mostly writing stuff for if I ever actually have time and inspiration, hasn't happened yet 😂the name of that one is just a literal keysmash so I have no idea
Is there something people need to know about you before becoming friends?
Well probably mostly that I'm really busy a lot of the time and my tumblr notifications don't work and I forget to answer if I get distracted which happens a lot and I'm sorry but that's not likely to change anytime soon so all in all you have to be okay with that...also the earlier part about the how hard it might be in the beginning to communicate with me and oh sense of humor is super important I joke a lot that's like half my personality (I recently wrote a self-reflective diary bc that was the assignment but I wrote the whole thing in a very joking way like I talked about all the stuff I was supposed to but it was just very funnily written I think and I passed so no problem there but well I'm not going to be very serious most of the time, I can do that too of course but most of the time I just really don't want to) then maybe the fact that sometimes I write whole fucking essays as an answer to the simplest question because everything in life is complicated
I may or may not have answered them all I'm on my phone and I can't see and will start feeling sick if I keep trying to read any more because the road is very curvy because road work at high way xD
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nakunakunomi · 4 years
20 questions tag
Tagged by the wonderful @lucynnamonroll I am waaaayyy late in answering this, so im not sure who’s been tagged yet and who isn’t so imma not tag anyone BUT if you haven’t done this, please do it and tag me, I WANNA KNOW ALL OF YOU~~  ( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡
1. What do you prefer to be called name wise?
My name is Hylke, but online I go by Hazel usually. Naku is okay to as well as 彩雨琪 (cai yu qi), which is the name I used when living in China.  2. When is your birthday?
7th of November. 
3. Where do you live? Lil’ old Belgium. 
4. Three things you are doing right now.
Trying to write, studying for exams and watching some youtube.  5. Four fandoms that have really quipped your interest
One piece, many many other anime, Harry Potter and Marvel. Oh and DnD? Is that a fandom? There is lore... 6. How’s the pandemic been treating you?
Not that good? It’s taken a toll on my studies and my mental health. But the latter wasn’t that great, to begin with, so I’ll get through it.  7. What’s a song you can’t stop listening to?
I am currently having the Beetlejuice musical album on repeat. but every other month its something new.  8. Recommend a movie 
Thor Ragnarok. I watch that movie monthly, probably more. I never tire of it. Even if you’re not into marvel, it’s great. 
9 & 10. How old are you? School/Occupation/other?
23. I am studying applied linguistics (master) and next year ill get my 2nd masters in educational studies. Ex-florist, dog- and babysitter and I also work in insurances as an accountant. Crazy mix, I know.  11. Do you prefer hot or cold? Cold. ALL THE WAY. I am a heater and I melt whenever temperatures go over 20C 
12. Name one fact about you that others may not know
I speak 2 languages fluently. 3 more conversationally. And well, as betrayed in question 1, I lived in China for a year .  13. Are you shy?
yeahhhhh.... UwU please talk to me, I promise I love talking to everyone but I am such a mess that I always feel like I am bothering people. I promise I think you all are kind of really cool and I wish I was more open and talkative.  14. Preferred Pronouns
she / her  15. Any pet peeves?
Loud people. People who think cruelty to any animals is funny.  People who make jokes targetting groups of people under the guise of humor while actually being hurtful. Loud chewing. And a stupid one: wrinkly fingers after doing the dishes or showering. 
16. What’s your favorite ‘dere ’ type?
I don’t really have a preference, other than that I don’t really like the yandere trope? sorry.  17. Rate your life
5/10. It could be worse, and I am grateful for all I have. but I think Ill be more happy once I move out. That’s all I’m gonna say on that. 18 & 19 What’s your main blog? Side blogs?
This is my main actually! I have 2 more ‘main’ blogs, with 2 different email addresses that I made over a year ago, and then never actually used. One is HP themed, the other is Marvel themed. They are hella inactive and I don’t use them for anything really. Doubting making a sideblog for personal stuff, but I like having this little anime safe space for now.  20. Is there anything people need to know about you before getting to know you?
I don’t think so? I am a pretty laid back person, but also super insecure... you can come talk to me about nearly everything, I just tend to only reply shortly in the beginning because I don’t want to be a nuisance or overwhelm new people... 
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magistralucis · 4 years
21 and 49 for the langblr!
Target Language(s): General
21: What’s your favorite method of studying?
I’m blissfully oldschool. Pen, paper, textbook, dictionary, and maybe a reader including example passages and translations if it’s a dead language. While I make use of apps like Memrise, Duolingo, and Drops (vocabulary aggregator), I ultimately need to sit down and do the work manually to let it really sink in. This is the reason I always learned to read and write earlier than I learnt to speak and listen, which isn’t always practical - but I learn faster, and at a fraction of the cost, as a result.
Passive learning for me includes writing fics or watching videos in the target language. There’s a Russian web documentary series about doves I’m watching atm, it’s probably my most obscure fandom
49: Do you have any language pet peeves?
Obviously I condemn the more common sort of language gatekeeping, the kind where some stranger comes up to tell you to speak English because this is America/the UK/Australia/etc. But there are also people out there, especially in langblr communities, who think you need a good reason to learn a language - and look down on people with shallow reasons, or singular interests, or when people study ‘non-useful’ languages. I have an axe to grind with that.
There aren’t many invalid reasons in the world to learn a language. It's fine to learn Korean for the sake of K-Pop thirst, actually. It’s fine to learn German or Russian because you’re interested in milhist. It’s not the learning of a language that makes people racists/fetishizers/etc., but how they treat the culture, and how much of said culture they consider in their learning.
Language learning is a massive investment of time and effort. I don’t really see the point in gatekeeping who’s allowed to learn a language, because people with genuinely ‘shallow’ reasons or impure intentions tend to drop out quickly - the stress behind learning a language is that great. And even if they don’t, they eventually come to a point where they have to confront what the native speakers of their target language think, and it almost never turns out like how they imagined. People who are genuinely interested in a language and its associated culture will not recognize this as an obstacle.
Those who have the will, the interest, and the open mind will learn. Those who don’t, won’t. There’s no point to shutting them down before they even start. Language learning should be made accessible for everybody, without making it some kind of a morals game or a shitty competition imo
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plumb19 · 4 years
Tag game: answer random questions and tag whoever you want to
Tagged by @moguanmountain and @nightfayre and @odeliaroar and @blbykei you're very sweet
1. What do you prefer to be called?
2. Birthday
Not telling but I am a capricorn
3. Where do you live?
4. 3 things you are doing right now?
Watching Boris Johnson announce the latest lockdown easing guidance, snuggling with my dog on the sofa and doing this tag thing
5. Four fandoms that have piqued your interest?
Mostly 19 days as the content is just so interesting, also Here U Are, Soul Eater and Finder Series
6. How has the pandemic been treating you?
Friends and family are all healthy and well which is fab but I have encountered several deaths through more distant relationships such as colleagues' extended family members. 
My nana is bored but being well behaved, she rings me a lot (about the only person I don't get fed up with for ringing me), luckily we have a big family that she can speak to.  My mum is also bored out of her mind and so she's doing shopping for as many of the other more vulnerable people we know as she can.  My partner has been furloughed. 
I am designated as a key worker just because of the type of organisation I work for but luckily I can do my job 100% from home.  My role has become mostly about advising on commercial and contractual implications of the virus at present.
7. A song I cannot stop listening to.
None really but I did wake up with Empty Walls by Serj Tankian stuck in my head today
8. Recommend a movie
9. How old are you?
I'm in my 30's
10. School/uni/work?
I am a lawyer
11. Heat or cold?
12. An unusual fact about yourself?
I don't particularly think anything I do is unusual, what is usual/normal anyway? However I suppose being a lawyer who does martial arts, loves to cosplay, read manga and play d&d is maybe not that ordinary a combination
13. Are you shy?
No my career beat that out of me years ago
14. Preferred pronouns?
She/her but they, their, miss, dude is all also fine
15. Biggest pet peeves?
The list is numerous:
People who get a dog and then put no effort into training them
People who use extendable dog leads even though they know their dog is a little twat
People who throw litter
People who constantly ask me when I am going to have kids
Fussy eaters
People who park like twats
People who let their kids run riot in shops, bars, restaurants etc
People who talk in the cinema
The overuse of misunderstandings through lack of communication to create unnecessary drama in fiction
Love triangles
(There are more but I should probably stop now, I think you get the picture)
16. Favourite 'dere?
Given that my response to this was "what the fuck is a dere?" Then my answer is I don't have one
17. Rate your life from 1-10
I don't think that the quality of my life is something that can be condensed down to a numerical rating.  I am generally content and I don't wallow in problems, if I dislike something I try to fix it or change it, if I can't do either I try to remove it.
18. Main blog?
This one, it's my little hidey hole to faff about in to my hearts content away from anyone I know in real life
19. Side blog?
20. Things people should know about you before becoming friends
I am rubbish at keeping in touch
I hate phone calls, it's like someone sitting next to you banging on the table saying speak to me now I don't care if you're busy
I am not a hugger, although close friends' kids have become the exception to the rule
I would literally rather kill someone for you than have to deal with you crying 
I tag: @mi-no-wa @geoviki @1154lizz @darksouls44 @snowyshadow @el-pintor @youngtherestless @agapaic
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@ikesensrandomninjagirl24 tagged me in this (or at least it showed up in my notifications) so here we go
1. What do you prefer to be called name-wise?
Most people know me as George, but friends can also call me Georgie ^^
2. When is your birthday
2nd June (I have a lockdown birthday unfortunately 😪)
3. Where do you live?
Currently, I'm at my parents' house in Northern Ireland, but I'm at university in Scotland for most of the year.
Also, if you're wondering, no, I'm not Irish. NI is kinda weird and you'll get people saying we're Irish and others saying we're British. Politically, we're part of the UK, but geographically, we're on the island of Ireland. Whether you identify as British or Irish depends on where you grew up and how you were raised. I personally call myself British, because that's what I was raised as, I have a British passport, and I'm technically 1/4 English anyway bc my grandfather on my mum's side was English.
Sorry for the rant, I just feel the need to clarify every time I say I'm from Northern Ireland bc people assume I'm Irish when they hear/see "Ireland" 😑
4. 3 things you're doing right now:
- Gonna get up to make my morning coffee in a second
- sitting on my bed
- typing this lmao
5. Four fandoms that have your peak interest right now
- kpop
- Ikerev
- Mayday Memory
- Obey Me
6. How has this pandemic been treating you
Most of the time, it's meh, but I've been trying to get a job and its absolute HellTM. Also living with transphobic parents when you're trans isn't easy.
7. A song you can't stop listening to rn?
I'll give you multiple bc I can't decide on just one:
- iriwa - Pink Fantasy
- Wannabe - ITZY
- Popsicle - UHSN
- Fancy - Twice (this one never gets old, it only gets better as I listen to it more and more)
- Outta My Head - Somi
- basically my whole Obey me Asmo playlist on spotify
- We don't talk together - Heize ft Giriboy (Prod. SUGA)
- Eight - IU ft. SUGA
- Bom - bolbbalgan4
- Rumour - Produce48
- 好きになっちゃうだろう?- Produce48
,, I'll stop before I make this post longer than it needs to be skdnfkj
8. Recommend a movie
Uh,,,,, I don't have the attention span needed to watch a movie and actually pay attention for all of it so I don't watch them very often 😅
9. How old are you?
Currently 19 but I'll be 20 soon ^^
10. School, university, occupation, or other?
I'm studying French at University
11. Do you prefer heat or cold?
I love it when a room is cold but I've made myself into a burrito with my duvet and I'm nice and warm lmao
12. Name one fact about you that others might find unusual
I can't think of anything for this one,,,,
13. Are you shy?
Yes. Very shy. Kind of a prerequisite to having severe anxiety 😂
14. Pronouns?
He/him or they/them, I don't mind which one people use ^^
15. Biggest pet peeves?
When people eat with their mouths open. If you have breathing difficulties, I understand, but if you just actively choose to not chew with your mouth closed, I despise you.
Also when people make fun of the kpop groups I like. You don't have to like kpop, and you can say whatever you want about it, but I refuse to tolerate blatant racism and I'm gonna stand up for them when I see it. I don't care if they'll never know I exist or not, that doesn't excuse your racism, Chad.
Things that actually affect me like homophobia/biphobia and transphobia don't get to me anymore, it's just funny at this point, but racism is something that really gets on my nerves even tho I'm Very White and I'll never experience it. I think it's just that urge to fight anyone who treats people differently bc of things they literally have no control over.
16. What is your favourite "-dere" type?
I LOVE tsunderes, kuuderes are a close second. I just love how easy it is to tease them lmao (even if it backfires sometimes)
17. Rate your life 1-10
Probably,,,,, like a 6??? I don't have much to complain about except my transphobic parents and my Crippling Dysphoria and AnxietyTM
18. What is your main blog?
This one ^^
19. List your side blogs and what they're used for
I have one side vlog but I'm not gonna say what I use it for just yet, you'll see what's on there soon.
20. One thing you think people should know about you before you become friends.
I have a tendency to convince myself that everyone hates me and I don't answer or send messages for a while, even if I'm still posting on social media. Please don't take this is me ignoring you, I promise I'll be back when I feel better.
Also, I mostly speak in keyboard smashes, vine/tik tok references, memes, and reaction images when I'm with close friends so just prepare yourself for that.
I'm supposed to tag people, but as usual, just do it if you want to and say I tagged you :)
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thanku @dwintu !!
🍓 what do you prefer to be called name wise?
anna but my sister calls me frog :)
🍓when’s your birthday?
feb 2nd !!
🍓where do you live?
🍓three things you’re doing right now
listening to betty by taylor swift and being very extra because tHE KEY CHANGE !!!!!! messaging my friend who likes trains because i just saw a train so i took a photo of it (i take photos of stuff my friends like idk), stroking my dog who’s laying on me and i feel honoured :’)
🍓four fandoms that have peaked your interest
hm idk,, the taylor swift fandom (swifties) because i think i’m going back into my taylor swift phase and i’m not mad about it!!!! the killing eve fandom on tiktok, killing eve twitter is too scary,,,,,, the falsettos fandom i saw a funny tweet and it made me laugh aksjskks and hozier i guess me and my friend were just talking about him
🍓how is the pandemic treating you?
at first kinda badly my mental health went doOoown but now pretty good!!! i seem to be a little more carefree which is cool!! i’ve done things i never thought i’d do like i snook out in the middle of the night, prepandemic me would NEVER!! but yeah i’m more happy in myself (that sounds cringy aksj) and ive kinda realised that people will always dislike you so they may as well dislike you being yourself y’know!! just do what you want because at the end of the day who cares (even though last night i cried because i realised that when one of my friends finds out i’m gay they’ll lose respect for me so that’s cool, we’re not even that close anymore but we were really close at one point so that kinda sucks)
🍓song you cant stop listening right now?
i’m gonna say betty by taylor swift but also how you get the girl and i know places!! taylor swift SLAPS
🍓recommend a movie
hm i’m not really a movie person but i love ladybird, it’s pretty good
🍓how old are you?
🍓school, university, occupation or other?
starting college soon
🍓do you prefer hot or cold?
cold!!! but drink wise hot
🍓name one fact others may not know about you
hm ive got about 5 journals that span over the course of my time at highschool and i like looking back on them because i think it’s really interesting how much things have changed since then but one journal i couldn’t look back on because it was too triggering because my mental health was really bad so i ripped it up and threw it away heheheh
🍓are you shy?
hm it depends, i won’t purposefully go up to people in public and start conversations with them but i enjoy speaking to people so i’ll speak to taxi drivers etc and with my friends i’m not shy at all,, i’m mainly shy around other teens because scAry
🍓what are your pronouns?
🍓any pet peeves?
noisy eaters, sPicY sTraiGhts, people who are blatantly rude
🍓whats your favourite “dere” type
i googled it and i don’t really know anything about anime sorry!!
🍓rate your life 1-10 1 being really crappy and 10 being the best you could ever be
oo probably 8!! life is pretty good but i miss my plants,,,,,
🍓whats your main blog?
this one!!
🍓list your side blogs and what they are used for
@stdycactus ,, a study account thing that mOtiVateS me to actually do work, do it for the aesthetic jsjsjsj
@taylordiditforthelesbians ,, i made this a few days ago because there was so much taylor stuff i wanted to reblog but i didn’t want to be annoying so i made another account for it aksjks
🍓is there anything you think people need to know about you before becoming friends with you?
hm i’m quite clingy but in a good way i hope,, i’ll message you at random times just to remind you that i appreciate you because i’m scared that people will forget about me so i just gotta remind you,,,,,
i don’t have anyone to tag so anybody can do it if you want!! :)
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mable-stitchpunk · 4 years
Sir Morrick: A Character Questionnaire
Here we are with yet another character sheet on another member of the main cast of A Fool’s Endeavor and A Fool’s Golden Cage. The last of the main three of the first novel and one of the main five in the second: the knight, Sir Morrick.
Short Description: Name: Sir Morrick (Morrick is his last name, but he uses it as his first as well.)
Pronounced: More-ick.
Age: Mid-twenties to late-twenties.
Extra: Nickname: None.
Occupation: Knight of the Royal Guard
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Physical Description: Morrick is tall with a muscular build and a Caucasian skin tone. His hair is dark brown, edging on black, and is kept at chin length and pulled back. His eye color is blue and he has a noticeable scar on his chin, but his other scars are hidden under his clothing. 
Personality: Morrick is devoted, loyal, proud, and at times deeply stoic. He takes a great deal of seriousness in his responsibilities and the oaths and laws he has agreed to. He idolizes the ideals of a knight and thus attempts to live up to them with success, but holds himself ruthlessly accountable even when he isn’t at fault. His standards in himself are ruthless, his standards in others are almost just as high. Morrick, while proud of his title and unafraid to exert the noble blood he was born into, is respectful towards others if they show the same level in return. He is willing to charm others if it is needed and is capable of bargaining well. That being said, Morrick is not afraid of work, and if put in the situation will turn to hard labor for the short term if it means success further on. But there is another side of him that is guarded exclusively for those who become part of his inner circle. Morrick can be compassionate and concerns himself greatly over the well beings of loved ones. He’s also protective, but unabashedly blunt. He will tell them things they don’t want to hear if it is to protect them in the long run. He will also confront battles head on if it means to protect said loved ones or the royal family.
Fandom: A Fool’s Fables (A Fool’s Endeavor, A Fool’s Golden Cage, ect.)
Voice: Deep, gravelly, warm.
Backstory: Morrick was born of noble blood and had a comfortable childhood. At a young age he was sent to Acalathoy to become a squire, and served until he was appointed a knight. He was in the early years of knighthood when the attack on Castle Acalathoy transpired.
Ongoing Story: During the attack on the castle, Morrick was one of few knights that survived and was kept captive at a camp to be questioned. After being freed by Lure and Balsam, he is so struck with survivor’s guilt that he goes along with them, even though he doesn’t believe they will survive. Over the events of the book, Morrick is a key member in Lure and Balsam’s survival, and becomes more hopeful and determined in their journey.  During the second book, Morrick will again accompany Lure and Balsam on their journey. Though this time out of a more personal obligation than due to his title.
Likes: Stability, chess and cards, tasks that calm him- such as cleaning his blade, teaching- such as in combat or other tasks, reading and writing poetry, aged wine, having control of a situation, feeling like he is a benefit to the kingdom, and jestering.
Dislikes: Loss of control, seeing those he cares about getting hurt or knowing he cannot help them, getting injured or ill- anything that effects his performance, Lure or Balsam needlessly risking their lives, being treated beneath his status, and the rejection of common sense.
Strengths: Morrick is skilled in both swordplay and hand-to-hand combat, though would much prefer the former to the latter. Being a knight, he is also adept in archery- though doesn’t prefer it- horseback riding, hunting, and swimming. He is also well-read and is skilled in strategizing.
Weaknesses: Morrick is frequently willing to put himself on the line to protect others, which may put him in danger more often than not. Especially when he feels that, as a knight, he is obligated to step in and help the innocent and defenseless. He is frequently reigned in by these oaths and rules that he has given himself, which could put him under too much pressure in the long run. Morrick simply carries more weight than he should on his shoulders.
Favorite color(s): Red, gold, and blue. 
Kind of clothing: When in the castle, Morrick dresses in typical knight garb. In his quarters he will wear nicely tailored tunics, typical to nobility, and elsewise is known to wear light armor just in case something happens. However, during the length of A Fool’s Endeavor, Morrick is stripped down to little more than a simple tunic and pants, with his only armor being on his boots. He goes through the entire journey making this work. In the second book, Morrick travels in more fitting clothing.
What element would they be?: Probably Earth, as he is very grounded. 
Hobbies: In his spare time, Morrick enjoys games of chess and cards, reads, and writes poetry, though keeps hushed about this. He also trains squires, including his own, and participates in jousting tournaments for his kingdom.
Special skills/talents: I think I’ve covered most of them. 
Patience level: Varies. In situations that are stressful, Morrick’s patience wears thin quickly. Such as in circumstances where someone neglects their duties or he sees them as dismissing an important matter. During the events of the first book, he is especially testy because he is wracked with guilt and handling everything poorly. That being said, he works well with squires, and is firm without being strict. He also tends to take Lure’s eccentricities in stride, unbothered by them unless they lead to danger.
Regrets: Morrick is very regretful that he didn’t do more doing the attack on the castle. Even though he did all he could, he doesn’t consider it enough.
Favorite places: Other than places such as the study and his quarters, he enjoys spending time out in the courtyard.
Role model: He has always revered the kings of Acalathoy. He thought highly of the fallen king and still speaks of him with respect and adoration. He also looks up to the tales and successes of the former king, the Golden Eyed King, who was the father of the queen.
Favorite foods: Roasted boar, venison, or pheasant, or roasted and seasoned vegetables are in his favorites. He also enjoys aged or spiced wines, sweetened mead, or ale that isn’t overly strong tasting. He is very fond of the taste of honey.
Favorite book: Morrick has few book preferences. He enjoys reading and isn’t picky about the contents.
Mode of transportation: Prefers travelling on horseback than on foot, but frequently gets stuck travelling on foot.
Weapon: Morrick has a few different blades that he switches out between. He still holds onto the one he acquired during his first travels, though uses it less than the ones he has of higher quality. He also carries a dagger on his belt.
Smells like: herosmellslike.com claims Morrick smells like ‘thistles and delight’. Not sure what delight smells like, but I assume it’s good. 
How do they feel about love: His views on love were originally very simplistic, believing that companionship and marriage were more of business than pleasure. While he still somewhat believes this, having a taste of genuine romantic love is beginning to change his perspective. 
Least favorite color: Green.
Home town/Where they live now: the Kingdom of Acalathoy
Makes a living by: Being a knight of the royal guard.
Fears or phobias: Other than an unreasonable fear of failure, not really.
Race, ethnicity and nationality: Morrick is a citizen of Acalathoy with Caucasian skin who was born to a noble household. Music they listen to: He prefers standing harp music but will listen to anything with little complaint.
Bad habits: He has a tendency to be stubborn, especially if he knows his judgement is sound and that someone is trying to change it. Though he may eventually listen to reason, this can cause temporary issues and disagreements.
What turns them on: While stoic and at times somber, Morrick takes to those who have a more positive disposition. He almost craves it, and he desires to be challenged and uplifted.
What turns them off: He is not fond of meekness in romantic partners. It is fine in friends and those working alongside him, but quietness stifles his curiosity.
Religious and to what extent? Any spiritual beliefs?: Morrick believes in God and considers any oath that he makes ‘under’ God to be just as viable as one he makes ‘to’ God. That being said, he does not frequently pray and hasn’t been known to push these beliefs upon others.
Pet peeves: When he witnesses someone of power failing in their position, especially if it is something he feels like he could do better. 
Personal problems: He is severely allergic to certain kinds of uncommon fruit. 
What ONE item would they take to an uninhabited island: Probably a flint and steel or some other way to start a fire. He has made weapons on the fly in the past, but fire wouldn’t be as easy. 
Outlook on life: While having his ups and downs in the past, Morrick is currently content and aims to keep it that way.
Most important person in their life: It should be Princess Vivianne, but it clearly is Jester Lure. 
What was your character like as a child: He was rambunctious when he was young and very close to his parents and siblings. Once he became a squire, this excitement was reigned in and he took to his tasks as best as he could, eager to become a knight. 
What is something other people assume about your character?: Either that he is the perfect image of a knight, or that he is massively stubborn and completely humorless. Though spending any amount of time with him starts to shed this image.
Do they like the name they were given: Morrick wasn’t fond of his birth name, so he dropped it in favor of just using his last name. 
Nervous habits: None.
Siblings: He has a brother and a sister. His brother is a monk while his sister still lives at the family estate. 
Wears jewelry: None.
Have they ever wanted to commit suicide: The closest Morrick got was after the attack on Acalathoy. Left with nothing, he joined on Lure and Balsam’s quest believing it would kill him. Not exactly suicide, but desperation causing him to latch to the only option and uncaring whether it would kill him. The further they got, the more determined he was to survive.
Close friends: Morrick and Lure originally started out at odds with one another, both dealing with their own issues and frustrations. However, they slowly begin to bond through mutual interests, and eventually allowed one another to venture into their comfort zones. While he doesn’t always agree with Lure, he begins to respect him and his opinions, which then grows into admiration. It was only a matter of time before their unexpected friendship wasn’t enough.
While Morrick originally saw Balsam as more of an attendant than much else, he grew to respect him for his skills in alchemy and his rationality. Though he still clearly sees Balsam as a youth, he considers him a friend and a much needed ally.
Morrick was originally wary of Yves, believing him to be a spy. After the events of the journey, he no longer suspects this and is now on good terms with him. While Yves has not admitted to it, Morrick seems aware that he came from a wealthier household than he has admitted to. 
He also admires Captain Filomena and is impressed by the tight ship she runs and the effectiveness of her crew. They are on good terms.
First kiss? (when and with whom): Please read the Lure questionnaire, as I go into full detail there. *Wink*
Views on gambling, lying, killing, etc…: Morrick is strict in his beliefs that gambling, thievery, and trickery are wrong. However, he does not see Lure’s smooth talking as being in the same vein. H won’t hold a grudge if there is a understandable reason the crimes were committed either. Morrick’s view on killing is much different. He stands by killing in self-defense, even when he has been known to show mercy.
How much do they value money: Morrick doesn’t have much need for money in his already comfortable situation. Though he is looking forward to earning a fief.
Wants to get married: Originally just out of obligation.
Wants to have kids, raise a family: Again, originally just out of obligation. Feelings are now mixed.
Sworn enemy: He still holds a grudge against the Kingdom of Olaylark. Not exactly the citizens, but cabinet members, any remaining royalty, and those who protect them. Those making the decisions are those he looks down upon.
Is their name a pun of anything: A corruption of Maurice and Merrick, which is already a corruption of Maurice. Chances are, Morrick’s name might actually be Maurice Maurice. XD
Most traumatic experience: Being the sole survivor of the battle between Acalathoy and Olaylark. Ironically, his survival with few wounds left more scars than if he might’ve been truly battered. While he has recovered since and found a new calling to provide for his kingdom, that loss weighed on him heavily for some time.
Favorite holiday: The Feast of Fools. Lure gets a kick out of it, so Morrick does too. He is also fond of Blessed Sunday, a religious holiday in the summertime, as that’s when he makes an annual pilgrimage to visit his family.
Well, that’s it for now! Hope you enjoyed!
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