#sorry this is late (if you’re on the time zone I am lol)
dulcewrites · 1 year
omg that failed successfully kidnapping of myrah fic would be so funny to read 😭 myrahs failure of being a good captive vs aemond being a manic psycho husband would be great omg PLS if u have time write it!! if not just a crumb ,, mayhaps a speck
I imagine this taking place around Baelor’s second maybe third name day. A hunt happens sort of similar to ep 3 of hotd. There are couple of ways I imagine her being taken but this is one. This is little sections: How she gets taken, Aemond’s response, her annoying the shit out of them/them being incompetent lmao
Eyes Peeled
In way, this could techincally be Myrah’s fault.
Amal tells the story to this day. Myrah was ‘a runner’. As a young girl, if she saw something she liked or was bored of her situation, she simply left. It scared her parents to no end, but it was something they were sure she would grow out of the older she got.
The more aware of her surroundings… well the more she should’ve became more aware of them.
Otto advised them not to do the hunt. Claiming it would be a bad time to not only be out in the woods, but also showing the wealth of House Targaryen in the process. But Jeyne Arryn, despite making her support of Rhaenyra’s claim clear at the Great Council, was to attend. A show of support for another child of the Vale of Arryn being born.
Aemond had scoffed at the letter. Muttering something about Baelor being used for politicking.
Myrah was just surprised by the seemingly warm welcome knowing how the last two marriages that connected House Targaryen and Vale went. And with the fanfaire that came with being a Targaryen, it was important to her that pieces of how she grew up was also instilled in their children.
They will be of the mountains and lakes as much as they will be hot blooded, dragon riders.
She had felt sick all morning. It was only compounded by how claustrophobic she felt. Despite the sprawling tented area where they set up, the amount of people around made Myrah unusually antsy. Like she wanted to bolt at the drop of a hat.
Baelor squirmed in her arms, grabbing her cheeks between his little hands. Big eyes staring at her in amusement. Myrah can’t believe she gave birth to something so perfect.
….Then he proceeds to try and grab sapphire hairnet intertwined with her coils.
“Alright, let not do that to mama,” she whispers before putting on a shocked face. “Why don’t we go pull your father’s hair. Yes, let’s do that.”
Aemond was over by Otto and a few other members of Aegon’s council. With Baelor on her hip, Myrah puts a gently brushes against Aemond. Relief flooding his face at the thought of being excused from what she assumes was a boring conversation.
“Your son needs something to play with,” she hands Baelor over with a smile. His tiny hands instantly going to play with the ends of Aemond’s hair.
“I think his cousin has their toys.”
Myrah used the free hands as excuse to leave the tent. “I think there is wine outside.”
She will take in the sights since it is clear Aemond has no interest in it. Staying in the tent content to be around others he knows.
The spectacle that follows the family is something she must get used to.
It did not take long for Myrah to find what she was looking for. A spread of food and wine near the woodsy area where the hunt will take place. People watching was an activity she always loved. With new fresh air, she was able to breath and take in the array of people in the distance.
Before she can put the goblet to her lips, a voice startles her.
She notices flaming red hair and a beard to match before she even hears his voice.
“Quite the showing,” his voice is gruff.
She just nods, that same weird feeling she had all day seeping in. It is not she can explain but before her feet can carry away away to safety, everything goes black
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It takes little time before Baelor begins to fuss again. The whining turns into whimpering which turns into full blown crying. A cry for his mother, Aemond is sure. Baelor always became restless if his mother is not in eyesight.
Aemond understood on two different levels. Alicent often regales stories of how connected the two them were when he was a boy.
He too becomes fussy when Myrah is not around.
“She has two big babies to look after,” Aegon muttered one day.
So, when Myrah does not come back from getting the wine she wants. Aemond’s face begins to match his son’s. Distress written all over it.
He sends one of the guards in the tent out to find her. But the gaurd come back a bit pale, and instead of going to Aemond, he beelines to Otto. His grandsire’s back stiffens a bit before going over to Aegon, who sat in a festive, elevated throne. Cup in hand, and crown cocked to the side. The jovialness wiped from his face and replaced with confusion when his hand begins to whisper in his ear.
By this time, Baelor’s face is hot as he buried it in father’s neck. Aegon walks over fake smile on his face.
“Why don’t you give him to one of the nurses,” Aegon suggestion lowly.
Aemond only holds Baelor tighter. “Why? What’s going on?”
Aegon cringes, before motioning towards the guards behind Aemond to leave the tent. “Umm well,” he twists his rings on his fingers nervously before whispering. “I just think he should not be in your arms when I tell you this.”
“Aegon, what the fuck is going on?”
Aegon swallows. “Myrah has seem to be… misplaced.”
Misplaced. As if his dear wife is a hairbrush or a sock.
He gently sets Baelor on the ground. Blinking because he must have misheard that. “What?”
“I’m sure she’s just… around the woods. We will find her,” Aegon reassures. But Aemond feels the blood rushing from his head to his feet. The nurse Aegon called comes over to get Baelor from holding his dad’s legs.
“I - I need Vhagar,” he stutters out.
“No, I don’t think we need to disturb her, do we?”
Aegon knows how this will go. Aemond gets worked up, and Vhagar will follow suit. And before they all know it the forest around them will surely be burned to the ground. Gods forbid, any other place. A hand comes to Aegon’s throat. Criston, who was right behind Aegon, hands itch to grab his sword.
Aegon waves him off when Aemond’s squeezes a bit. They’ve always been ones to take their aggression out on each other; brotherly love and all of that.
“My wife is missing, and you’re tell me no?”
Well, when he puts it like that, and air stops flowing to his brain, who is Aegon to refuse.
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The sack is pulled from Myrah’s head, and her eyes squint as they readjust to the setting sun’s light.
She doesn’t recognize her surroundings, she barely did at the hunt inself. All she sees in the cave she in and body of water in front of her. She tries to move but realizes her wrist and ankles are bound.
“You were supposed try and grab the Queen Mother you imbecile. Or the Hand.”
She cranes her neck to see two figures standing by the trees. Myrah had not noticed how cartoonishly tall the red head was till he was being berated by a tiny blonde man.
“What value is she?”
Well then.
So, Myrah wasn’t the queen at one point, and she doesn’t advise the king. She’s still married to a prince and gave birth to another one. That counts for something. She would make an excellent captive.
“And gods forbid that psycho husband of hers comes looking.”
As soon as she says it, she cringes. Both men snap their heads towards her. They both come over to leer over her.
“Shut it girl.”
“Make me,” she shoots back. Aemond would tell her not to push her luck. That being belligerent will not help.
“Gag her, Percy,” the short blonde looks up at his accomplice. The redhead pats his breeches, then gives a sheepish look.
“I don’t have it on me.”
Leave to Myrah to be taken by the dumbest men in the Seven Kingdoms.
“Look, if you guys let me go now, I’ll make sure nothing happens to you,” she nods. “No harm will be done to you, if no harm is done to me.”
The blonde lets out a squeak of a laugh. “You don’t make the rules here.”
Myrah shrugs. “Fine then, I will just wait for my psycho husband to come on dragon-back while you two figure out what the plan is.”
Percy and the other one share a concerned look.
“Galahad, do you think he will actually come with a dragon,” Percy, despite his height, seems to cower at the thought. Both of them eye Myrah to see if she’s bluffing.
“We have his wife, you fool,” Percy hisses. “What do you think?”
Percy storms off, hands on his hips, looking out at the lake to think.
“You shouldn’t let him speak to you like that,” Myrah fakes concern. Percy mouth down turns in a frown. “I imagine he won’t be too happy if things go side ways. And you will be to blame.” He gives Myrah a sad look before scurrying away to speak with the clear brains of the operation. Though considering the empty, open area they are at, that is not saying much in Myrah’s head.
Aemond is not crazy, never that. But one thing Myrah knows is that Aemond is diligent, almost paranoid, in the way he handles his family. With her, Baelor, his sibling, or mother.
He will be no different now.
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 2 months
bakugo and reader meeting again after a long time like maybe katsu has been away on a mission and he just misses us so much 🥹
anon this is literally such an adorable request!! This has been sitting in my drafts for the longest time cus i could never rlly figure out what i wanted to do with this, but as soon as i got the inspo i got to it !! im so so sososuuupperr sorry for making you wait so long and if you’re still sticking around, I LUB YOU !! anyways, i tried honoring this lovely sweet request as best i could, if you’re reading, i truly hope you enjoy (and all of you ofc!!) <33
fem reader, jus pure fluffy fluff ! katsuki n reader watch selling sunsets bc my mom does lmfaoo this ones for you momma, kissing, biting (lol will i ever stop), lemme know if i missed sum else !
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katsuki regrets planning this surprise.
it’s been one month. exactly 31 days since he’s last seen you. one month he had to survive off of late night phone calls and good morning messages.
katsuki had slowly but surely started climbing up the ranks as a hero ever since he’d gone independent and this mission was a huge steppingstone to victory.
except it involved him going abroad for a month.
you’d congratulated him when he’d told you. you hugged him hard and offered him your brightest sunshine smile, you’d made him dance around your little living room with you, celebrating his ‘rise to stardom’ as you’d called it and he remembers chuckling about it. you’d even gone out of your way and made his favorite to celebrate. but now katsuki understand you were probably doing that so as not to worry him.
he's known you for a long while and he knows you know he can tell when you’re lying, so he was sure you were happy for him. (you can’t fake anything from him and especially not the way you smile, he’s committed that to memory). and you truly looked happy for him, but he knows youwell enough to know that you were also devastated to find out he was leaving for so long. he’d seen the way your eyes widened and your shoulders dropped. but knowing you, you probably powered through it so as not to make him worry.
so stupid. you’re stupid. and he misses you so much.
despite you being in different time zones you make it work. he made sure to be updated daily and called you every time it was time for you to go to bed to make sure you got some well needed sleep and not staying up late mindlessly scrolling through your feed.
you send him pictures of everything happening throughout your day and you’d hound him about his, asking him if he’d eaten well and if he’d beat up any bad guys. and no matter how minuscule his actions were you’d always praise him. as somewhat childish as he knew it was katsuki still walked with his head up high for the rest of the day. if it was to impress you and make you proud, he’d be on the clock 24/7. but, knowing you, you’d get mad at him for overworking himself.
he misses you so much.
he’s on the plane. making his way back home to you a day before he’d told you he would be, his surprise. you’d been so excited, your squeals ringing through the phone, katsuki just couldn’t wipe the smile of his face and goddamnit he tried.
“ou, i can’t wait ! i missed you sooo much, katsu !” you chirped, he couldn’t wait to hear your voice in real life again instead of through his phone.
“yeah, missed you too sweets” he hums, packing up the last of his stuff.
“you better be ready cus when you get back, m’not gonna let you go for a whole month.” you tease, giggling. katsuki huffs out a laugh, looking down at his luggage ready to go as he’d fully finished packing up while you were on the phone.
“uhuh~?” he muses “better be ready for me when i get back. yer not goin’ anywhere either. no bathroom breaks when we're cuddling.”
“ew,” you snort “what am i supposed to do if i have to pee ?”
“that sounds like a you problem, sweetheart.”
you laugh and laugh and katsuki smiles, he couldn’t wait to be able to hear and see it again. expect not one phone call away, like he’d told you he always would be when you’d accompanied him to the airport all teary eyed, but in real life.
except now he’s starting to regret not just coming home on time.
don’t get him wrong, the sooner he gets to you the better. he’d meant it when he told you he wouldn’t let you go and as somewhat embarrassing as it is to him that he had gotten so clingy, being away from you for so long really did a number on him. distance makes the heart grow fonder his ass, he was more than fond of you when he was laying next to you every night instead of all alone in his hotel bed.
but right now he’s way too antsy. he wants to tell you about how he’ll be home soon to hear you squeal and giggle, but he sucks it up in favor of surprising you.
it’ll be worth it. at least that’s what he tried to convince himself when he finished packing up. and on his way to the airport. and on the plane..
who even thought of this stupid surprise idea anyway ?!
he can’t sit still. he has to stop himself from tapping his foot against the floor and shuffling around in his seat. the guy in front of him keeps reclining his seat back but it doesn’t bother him that much, because all he needs is to remember your smile and remember he’s coming home to you, and he feels his nerves settle. recliner-seat-guy be damned.
it’s pitch black by the time he’s off the plane and finally back home. when he checks his phone he sees it’s 2:09 am and you’re no doubt dead asleep by now, he smiles at his phone screen when he sees you smiling back at him.
his limbs suddenly feel heavier the higher the numbers show on the screen inside the elevator to his floor. his body buzzes with excitement but for some reason he can’t help feeling nervous. katsuki knows it’s stupid because you tell him every day how much you miss him and how excited you are to see him. all he wants right now is to see you.
he fumbles around a bit when he fits his keys into the door to walk into your tiny shared apartment and when he finally walks back inside, katsuki is reminded why he does this. why he’s been gone for exactly 31 days.
he kicks his shoes off quietly and sees yours left right by the door like they always are. like he always wants them to be. he wants to come home to your shoes by the door and to you smiling at him brightly and greeting him, or beckoning him over to the couch because you’ve been waiting all day to watch your favorite show with him. (he’s forbidden you from watching any episode of selling sunsets without him, the last time you did he got cranky at you for a good 2 hours.)
katsuki sneaks over to your room, socked feet padding over to the door quietly cracking it open. he’d managed to convince you to move in with him a few months ago, claiming it’d lower costs and yapping about how you practically lived here anyway. it was barely anything to get used to, it felt natural, like this was everything his life was leading up to. but he wants to give you everything you deserve and this cramped little apartment is definitely not it.
he wants to give you a cosy little house, or a penthouse or even a fucking mansion if that was what you wanted, as long as he could be there with you he didn’t care. he’d do whatever he could to get you everything you dreamed of at the flick of a wrist. and that’s why, as annoying and lonely as it was to be without you for so long, he’d pushed through.
katsuki needs to save people, and he wants to. but everything he does, he does with you in a little corner of his mind.
you’re fast asleep like he’d expected, katsuki huffs out a laugh, brushing at your cheek with his finger. his heart almost explodes when you try to lean into the faint touch and he can’t help it anymore. he sits down by your side and kisses your cheek. once, two times, three times and a little one on your nose. if he wasn’t feeling all mushy he’d be an asshole and bite you, but you look so cute he’ll put that off for now.
your nose scrunches up and your eyebrows furrow at the wet kiss onto your skin, you instinctively go to rub at your face with a whine, katsuki chuckles to himself when you open your eyes and the lack of distance between you both meaning your quite literally face to face with him.
“katsu..?” you mumble sleepily “ ‘m i dreamin’ ?”
katsuki chuckles, eyes soft “glad to know ya dream about me, but nah, this isn't a dream.”
you blink sleepily, and katsuki recognize those bright eyes he so loves gleaming the more you wake up “katsuki !” you squeal, wrapping your arms around him and pulling him straight against your collarbone, since he was practically nose to nose with you before he knocks against your chin but you both don’t care.
katsuki crawls into bed and wraps his arms around you tightly, snickering into your neck and you into his hair. you squeeze and squeeze him so hard he thinks you’ll suffocate him but he couldn’t care less, squeezing you like he’s trying to mold you to him.
you breathe him in and he flips you both over with you giggling uncontrollably. you topple over and land straight into his chest. you lift your head up with stars in your eyes like he’d hung up the moon for you and katsuki smirks back softly. because he would. he’d hang up the moon and the stars and more.
all for you.
“you’re back !” you chirp, kissing all over his face. katsuki feels his cheeks hurt, this is the hardest and longest he’d smiled in a month.
“how’d you figure that one out ?” you roll your eyes at his sarcastic remark, blowing lip bubbles against his cheeks as punishment. he playfully pushes your face away from him and you laugh.
“i thought you weren’t coming back until tomorrow..” you quickly reach over to your nightstand to check your phone then throw it back down.
“it is tomorrow.” katsuki quips, already getting back to being a smart ass, you roll your eyes but you can’t wipe off the happy look on your face.
“you know what i mean, asshole” you jokingly narrow your eyes at his smug face and press a finger against his cheek “later tomorrow i mean. was gonna surprise you and you….out-surprised, me” you pout at your ruined plans.
he turns his face so he can sink his teeth into your pointer finger and you quietly squeal in disapproval, he smirks “was gonna, but couldn’t wait anymore. needed to see you.” he pulls you closer to run his nose against your pulse point “felt like i was gonna go fucking crazy if i stayed with those other bastards for a second longer.”
you giggle, placing your hands against his shoulders as he kisses up and down your shoulder and neck haphazardly “ don’t be mean.” you scold.
he lifts his head up to raise a brow at you, hands running up and down your sides “you mean to tell me you wanted me to stay away? didn’t miss me ?” he jokes, squeezing your hips harshly.
“of course i did. missed you so much i felt my heart would tear up sometimes..” you smiles sadly, running your fingers through his blond strands, he frowns "but i'm glad you're back now."
"yeah, and m'not leaving again for a damn long while." he squeezes you so hard he lifts you up in his lap a little bit and a surprised noise leak out of you. he lifts his head up from your chest to smirk at you in challenge "you're gonna have to get used to me and my big mouth all over again."
your heart squeezes, you feel like it'll bursts from happiness and katsuki wonders if he' supposed to feel this happy, if it's okay to be this content with one person. but only for a moment, because he's greedy, so so greedy for you. and he doesn't care if it's wrong because he gets to make you happy, to make you smile and laugh, to have you.
and katsuki does everything for you, so he gives himself to you without a second thought.
you hum, placing your hands against his soft cheeks to press your lips to his "got a month worth of your big mouth i need to catch up on." you whisper before finally closing the distance. you both immediately sigh in relief at the contact, being able to feel each other like this again. you smile into the kiss and katsuki thinks he's never felt more at peace.
after a month, exactly 31 days, katsuki's finally back.
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bonus :
"hey." katsuki ask, you snuggle into his side and hum.
"did you watch any episodes of selling sunsets without me ?"
you stiffen.
"n-noooo..." the sheets shuffle and crinkle when katsuki looks down at you. you shrink into yourself.
"maybe one or two.." you squeak out meekly. immediately he's flipping you over and pouncing on you.
"fuckin' traitor." he growls.
"i'm sorry i couldn't help myself !" you wheeze when he starts tickling your sides, kicking at the sheets "it's been a month !" you screech trying to catch your breath.
"yeah i know that !" he exclaims, ignoring the way you're thrashing around as he mercilessly tickles you.
"i'm soooorryy !!"
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strawberrysturniolo · 3 months
never grow up seven
summary: after taking things to long distance, sunny and chris face the highs and lows of their love story. smuttyyyyyy and angstyyy. mentions of depression. some phone sex.
part six
part eight
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Chris’ POV
The first two weeks of me and Sunny were so good. So fucking good. 
We were on such a high, a honeymoon phase I had never experienced before. We were talking consistently, both of us trying our hardest to make time for each other while we continued with our lives as we lived on opposite sides of the country.
One weekend in particular, I was kinda shit about responding, but it really wasn’t my fault. I had a shoot for Fresh Love on Friday, then had to go to an event that night. Saturday, we filmed a collaborative video all day with other YouTubers, and that night we filmed our podcast for Monday. Sunday, I met up with my friends at a music video shoot, and now that it’s Monday again, Sunny is back in classes.
I woke up late from having such a loaded weekend, and when I tried calling her at 1 p.m., she declined my call.
Me: Hey. Are you in class?
Sunshine: at work
Me: Oh
Me: Sorry. I had a crazy weekend. Woke up late because I’m exhausted. Can you talk after work?
Sunshine: i wont get home until midnight and then i have an 8 am tmr.
Sunshine: you didnt have a minute to text at all?
Me: I’m sorry baby
Me: I was really busy
Me: I’m trying to talk now but it’s the time zones fault
Sunshine: yeah
I know she’s upset with me. This is one of those unfortunate things that comes with distance. I’m really trying. When both of us are free, it’s great, and we can talk forever, but when one of us is really busy, it throws everything off. 
My schedule was loaded this weekend, and hers is loaded through the week with her classes and work, so with those combined, we haven’t really talked in a week. 
Me: I love you. Text me when you’re home from work so I can say goodnight
Sunshine: i love you too
I feel like shit. I’m really trying here. I can’t read her tone over text messages, and we haven’t had the time to have a real conversation over the phone. 
We’ll try harder tomorrow.
Sunshine: are u kidding me christopher!!!!
Me: What!!!
Sunshine: what are these flowers for??????
Me: Lol. Surprise
Sunshine: i’m gonna cry
Me: Noooo they weren’t supposed to make you sad
Sunshine: i’m happy! this was just so sweet. i miss you sm 
Me: Can you talk?
She FaceTime’s me instantly. I was never a FaceTime kind of guy. Even though me and my brothers are away from everyone we grew up with, I still was never the kind of person to opt for a FaceTime call. 
With her, I’ll always answer a call so I can see her face.
“Hey, pretty girl,” I smile, watching her place her flowers into a clear vase in her kitchen. I lay down on my bed, tucking a pillow under my chin.
“Hi!” she waves. She’s fucking adorable. “This is so cute, Chris. I had no idea you were doing this!”
“That’s the point of a surpriseeeeeee,” I remind her. “Did you see the card?”
“I did,” she nods, smiling big at me. “Very sweet of you.”
I shrug casually. “I try. How was your day?”
She lets out an exhausted sigh. “Good, but busy. I’ve kinda been feeling like shit lately.”
I sit up straight, pushing the pillow I had been laying on out of the frame. “What? Why didn’t you say something?”
“You’re 3,000 miles away,” she reminds me. “What are you going to be able to do?”
“Listen while you rant, give you advice, give you some encouragement,” I list off for her. “What kind of shit?”
“Just the usual–”
“Sunny!” I interrupt her. “You gotta tell me these things!”
“Well, sorry! I didn’t want to text you, ‘Hey, congrats on all the great stuff you’re doing, I’m super depressed and feel miserable all the time and all I want is my boyfriend to come home and be with me.’ That would only make me feel worse.” 
I frown at her. I don’t want her feeling like she’s going to rain on my parade. 
“I’m okay, Chris,” she assures me. “Promise. I wasn’t feeling too well, but I’m better now.”
“Will you tell me next time? I don’t want you to be alone.”
She nods gently. “Mhm, I’ll tell you.”
“I’ll come back by myself if I have to–”
“No,” she interrupts. “You’re going to stay and do your thing because I need to be able to figure this out myself. You can’t run back to Boston anytime I have an issue.”
“Why not?”
She gives me a ‘come on,’ type look, like I’m being ridiculous. “How was your day?” she asks me instead. 
I lift the camera up so she can see me laying in my bed. “Hasn’t started yet.”
I can see her eyes scanning my body closely, her face inches from her phone as she bites her bottom lip. I know she’s staring at my body. We’ve been feeling more risky about things, sending each other suggestive photos. It’s the only way I can really feel close to her sexually. I never thought I would be sending her, of all people, pictures of my hard dick through my underwear. 
The other night she got me good, sending a picture of herself in the shower, her arm covering her tits, but pressing them into her chest enough for them to look plumper than usual. The water droplets on her skin added more to the photo, sending me into a spiral. 
“Whatcha looking at, babe?” 
She smirked at me through the phone. “The underwear poking out of your sweatpants.”
“Yeah?” I asked, pushing my pants down so she could see my underwear fully. I pulled the bottoms of it down more, seeing that it rode up my thighs as I laid down. 
“Jesus,” she sighed, taking me into her room with her.
I set the phone up on a stray pillow across my bed so she can see my entire body. I press my hand into my dick, palming myself lightly. I immediately feel a rush through my dick, forcing me to shove my hand into my briefs to touch myself.
“I miss you baby,” I nod at her. “Miss your sweet face.” 
She watches me as I stroke my dick, whispering softly in that sweet voice, “I miss you more.”
Not a fucking chance. 
“No shot,” I challenge.
“I promise,” she insists, her doe eyes really doing the trick to convince me. 
I hold my dick still in my fist, shoving my briefs out of the way so she can see me. “You see how much you turn me on, baby?” I ask her, hoping she notices how red my tip is right now from the swelling, not to mention the fact that I have precum leaking out of me like I’m touch starved, probably because I am. 
She lays down on her bed, right on her stomach. She mumbles a “fuck,” as she gets comfortable. “You’re so hot.”
“You are,” I smile, stroking myself faster.
I watch as she pulls her jeans off, lifting her ass in the air for me to see.
I pause for a second as I stare at her lower back, the thong hugging her hips in the most perfect way. I’m contemplating booking a flight right now so I can put my handprints all over that ass.
“Ohhh fuck,” I groan, squeezing around my tip with a tight fist. “You’re perfect.” She smiles at me as she watches my motions, now listening to my groaning sounds as I struggle to keep myself casual.
“Does that feel good?” she asks curiously as she turns over to her back.
“Mhm,” I hum. “Not as good as you.”
She lowers the camera to her pelvis, showing me her hand as it glides down her thong, and settles right over her pussy.
“Oh good girl,” I nod. “Show me how you touch yourself, Sunny.” She lowers the camera even further, settling it between her legs on a pillow somewhere a few inches out. I have a clear shot over her fingers burying themselves in her. A loud moan escapes my lips. “Perfect fucking pussy. All mine, right?”
“Uh huh,” she whimpers.
My cock continues to drip, and I quickly spread the precum across my length. “Talk to me baby. Tell me how much you need me,” I taunt as the sound of me fucking my hand fills the room. “My mouth on your swollen little clit, yeah?”
She nods desperately as she rubs herself faster. “I need you so bad, Chris,” she whines for me. “Stretching me out like before.” 
“Yeah?” I ask, mindlessly bucking my hips so I get the illusion of her pussy as my hand right now, hovering above me as my dick buries itself into her. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum baby.” 
I set my phone up next to me, changing the angle slightly so she can see my face and my dick in the same shot. My balls tighten, and I rub them for some sort of release. 
I listen to her pretty moans, using them as fuel to the fire. 
“You’re so pretty, Chris,” she tells me, but I can’t focus on it. I’m moaning so bad, I sound like a fool. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” I chant to myself, my face scrunching in pleasure as she continues to try talking me through it, but my ears are fucking ringing as the release floods through me. “Oh! Shit!” I curse loudly, laying my dick on my stomach and rubbing myself through my orgasm, the cum dripping across my abdomen. 
I keep my eyes on her despite how heavy they feel. My breathing is just as bad. “God, keep going baby,” I encourage her, noticing how badly she’s dripping in front of me and I can’t fucking touch her. 
“I’m close, Chris.”
“Uh huh, you got it.”
The sound of her fingers going in and out of her has me ready for another round. I’m half hard, really debating on going again as I watch her.
“Oh god, Sunny,” I breathe out. She looks fucking beautiful. She always does. “My perfect fucking girl.” She bends her knees, the most perfect shot of her pussy as she cums directly in my vision. “Ohhhh there you go.” She starts panting tirelessly as it drips down her hand. “Good girl. Fuck, I wish I was there to lick you clean baby.”
She looks down at the mess she made and says, “Me too.” Once she cleans herself up and settles back in bed, she asks, “When are you coming home?” 
I wipe my stomach clean and pull on a clean pair of underwear. “I don’t know yet, I answer honestly. “Maybe the end of the month.” She nods at me, and I can tell she’s disappointed. “Soon, I promise.” 
“Okay,” she gives me a half smile. “I have to go change for work.”
I nod, disappointed that our call is coming to an end. “Okay. Have a good day, baby. I love you.”
“I love you,” she says, and that’s the last time I talk to her that day. 
The last few days have been rough. We’re back to barely talking. I feel like shit. I feel guilty, but it’s not my fault. I’m trying, I really am. It’s the time zone. It’s fucking everything up. I sleep in, and by the time I’m up and doing stuff, she’s at work and can’t talk. Then she’s going to bed, and we have like… an hour in the day to talk.
I thought we could make this work. I thought things would fall into place. 
I’ve stayed up every night this week trying to think of how to talk to her about this, but I’m too scared. I keep holding back everything that I feel. 
I’m quite literally shaking as I click on her contact, texting her a quick message. 
Me: Hey. Can you talk?
Sunshine: i’m about to go to bed
Me: Please
A photo of her smiling pops up on my phone with her caller ID on top. I answer the call with a deep breath.
“Hey,” she mumbles. “What’s up?”
“Are you in bed already?”
“Mhm,” she hums. “Long day. Is everything okay?”
I’ve never been in this position before, and I don’t know how to do this the right way. 
Just rip off the bandaid. 
“I don’t think this is working out,” I say simply. My voice is soft, yet firm.
I hear the rumbling of her bedsheets and then her broken voice. “What?”
That pretty voice that sews me together just ripped me apart. 
“Sunny– I just– I don’t think I can give you what you need,” I say honestly, picking at the subtle rip in my jeans on my thigh. I pull at the fraying material and toss the scraps on the floor. 
“I’m sorry,” I say quietly, looking at my ceiling. “I just don’t think it’s fair to keep stringing you along if I know it’s not going to work out.”
I know this isn’t what she wants to hear. I think in the future we could work out, but right now, we’re doomed. I don’t want to have this heartbreaking story when we could prevent it. We were in over our heads. 
“We’ll try harder,” she says.
The desperation in her voice is killing me. “I know this is hard.” Fuck, I’m trying to keep myself together so I don’t back out of this. “But I think it’s better this way.” 
“We can make it work, Chris,” she insists.
I shake my head, trying to keep myself from breaking down. “It’s not that easy. You deserve someone who can give you everything you want and need. Someone who can be there for you, emotionally, and physically… and I can’t do that for you right now. It’s so hard for me not being with you. I just want to hold you and be with you and I can’t, Sunny. I want to come home and be with you everyday but I need to be in LA.” The line is silent, and I know she’s going to make this hard for me. I deserve it, but she deserves the truth. “I really want this, but I can’t give it to you right now, and it’s not fair for either of us.”
The only conversations we’ve had this last week are us arguing or sexting. That’s not how this should be.
“How long have you been feeling like this?” she asks hesitantly. I know she’s scared of the answer.
I let out a heavy sigh, my hand running through my hair and tugging on it. “A little bit. I don’t know how long, but I’ve been trying to ignore my feelings and–”
“And you didn’t tell me you were having doubts?!” she asks accusingly. 
“It’s not that I didn’t want to talk about it with you. I just– Fuck, Sunny– This is difficult and–”
“How is it difficult!” she asks. “I’m your best friend. I’m supposed to be the easiest person for you to talk to.”
“I know,” I agree with her, but does she not realize how fucking hard it is knowing that the one person I’m trying to be open with is the person who is going to face the damage? “That’s why it’s so hard. I don’t want to lose you as a friend too.”
She ignores my point. 
“Why did you start a relationship with me then? You started this, Chris.”
I mean, she kissed me, but alright. 
I’m too in shock at her tone and fight for this to think of anything to say. 
“I… I didn’t mean to,” I stumble over my words. “I thought… I don’t know. I thought we could make it work.” 
“Then let’s make it work.”
I roll my lips into my mouth, trying to keep myself from crying. The sound of her voice is destroying me. “Maybe we can, but right now I just need some time to think.”
“How much time?” she asks. 
“I don’t know. A few days, maybe? A week?”
She scoffs. “Chris, if you have to think about if you want me or not then–”
“I said I need time to think, Sunny,” I remind her. “I’m not making any decisions right now.”
“But you’re questioning us to begin with! You said you’ve felt like this for a while so what’s there to think about!”
“Don’t,” she says sharply. 
I pace my room, a pit in my stomach growing. This is fucking awful. “I said I can’t right now.” 
I hear a soft cry from her end, and I freeze. “Please, don’t do this.”
My eyes well with tears. “I’m so sorry. I really am. But I can’t be in this with you if I’m feeling doubts. I just need to figure things out, and maybe we can work it out.”
Something in her switches and all those tears and sadness turn into anger. 
“So you fuck me after we’re friends for our whole lives. Then you leave without a word. Then you come back and say you’re in love with me, fuck me again, and then leave and want me to move on and be with other people. Oh wait! But then!” she continues. I just stand there in the middle of my room and let her rip me apart through the phone. “You want me to be with you and we’re happy and great and then you drop this and say you’ve been unhappy and want to break up?”
Yeah… So, I sound like shit. 
My eyes narrow as I grip my phone. “That’s not fair,” I say, shaking my head. “I didn’t force you into anything, and I’m not trying to hurt you.” 
“But you made me feel wanted by you!”
“I do want you!” I remind her. “But this isn’t about what we want, it’s about what I need right now.”
She pauses and lowers her voice. “Do you need me?”
I hate myself for the way I hesitate to answer her.
“Yes, I do.”
I can almost hear the sigh of relief in her voice.
“But not in the way you’re asking.” 
Then I hear her cries. At this point, I’m breaking down with her. 
“Is there anything I can do to make this work?” she asks again.
“No. There’s nothing you can do.”
I sit on my bed, listening to her cry, and I feel awful knowing that I can’t wipe those tears like I always do. 
“I love you so much Chris,” she says desperately.
I wipe the tears that fall down my own cheeks. “I love you too, but I can’t be with you like this. Not right now.”
“Are we still going to be friends?” she asks. “Or are you going to go ghost again for four months?”
“I’m not going to ghost you,” I assure her. I fucked up that time, I really did, but I thought it’s what we needed. That time of no contact to figure ourselves out. It clearly made things worse. “I think we need some space though, just for a little bit.”
She’s pissed. It’s obvious. She’s gone from trying to talk me into staying with her, to now saying nothing at all. 
“Look,” I say, trying to keep myself from sounding like a broken record. “I get that you’re hurt and disappointed, but I need to do this. I can’t keep going through this cycle of wanting you and then pulling away from you because I’m scared. I need to get to a place where I feel secure with you and I know we can make it work. Right now, it’s not that time.” 
All I want right now is to hold her, kiss her, tell her it’s going to be okay. I want to lay next to her and smile at her before we go to bed. I want to be with her forever, never losing sight of each other.
But if we keep trying to force this relationship, we’re only going to ruin everything. 
“I wish I could hate you,” she sobs. “I really do. But I could never hate you, Chris, and that’s the worst part.”
“I’m sorry,” I keep saying to her. The pain in my voice only becomes more evident. “I never meant to hurt you.”
“I’m always going to be in love with you, and you’re always going to know it.”
I sigh heavily. “I know. And that’s part of the problem.”
“Because,” I say, pausing to find the right words. “I can’t be with you like this. I need to figure myself out first.” 
“You started this!” she says again. 
“I know.” My voice is heavy with guilt. “And I’m sorry.”
“Are you even upset about this?” she questions. “I’m sitting here fucking crying and it’s like your emotions are shut off! Give me something, Chris!”
“Of course I’m upset!” I raise my voice in frustration. “You want to hear me cry? I never meant to hurt you like this.”
“THEN STOP!” she screams.
“I’M TRYING!” I yell back, my eyes rimmed with tears. “I can’t keep having this conversation. I’m sorry, but we need to break up.”
The line goes silent again. 
“Please,” I plead with her. “Just say something.”
After a minute of silence she says, “I love you, and I hope you can get your shit together. If not for me, then hopefully for the next girl so you don’t fuck her over the same way.”
I sit staring at my floor. I don’t know what to say that will fix this or give her the same hope I feel for us. I do want this. All I’ve ever wanted was her. I just can’t do it right now. It’s not the right time. 
I’ve dreamt of marrying this girl, and the idea of us having the wrong timing is terrifying me. It needs to be perfect, and it’s just not right now. 
“I’m sorry,” I say finally, my voice thick with emotion as I try not to break down again. “I really am.”
I expect more fight from her considering she wouldn’t back down before. 
I don’t get that.
I’m torn between heartbreak, confusion, and anger. 
tag list : @mbbsgf @mattbrainrot @mattsneezing @r6diosturns @thottie777 @obscurechris @plasticferal @angelworldspost @alluringsturniolo @sleepysturnss @sturniolovoid @struniolos @skyeteller @sturniololol @sturniololoverr @flowerxbunnie @gamermattsgf @lunarsturniolo @luvsturniolo @lacysturniolo @luvmila444 @christinarowie332 @bellybumm @bernardenjoyer @n6ptunova @pepsiskiess @luverboychris @mattitties @sturnioloobsessed @sturnsbaby @sturnsblunt @sturnsreader @sturnsiolos0 @sturnswift
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abiiors · 11 months
self indulgent because i was sad last night and doing the math on time change it was about 9 hours between where i am and where matty is (lol do i have a problem?) currently being attacked before 10 am with his ripped shirt
but maybe reader had a tough day at work and was not as good with communication as they normally would be with their long distance agreements, and just tries to keep it together when matty can finally get a hold of her and ask what’s up and he’s so sweet telling her she can always complain to him about her crappy days he wants to be the one she can lean on when she needs the extra care
aww babe, i’m so sorry. i hope you’re feeling better now tho <3
just something small and fluffy!
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you have not left the bed for a few hours now. 
in fact, you haven’t left the bed at all since coming back from work and throwing yourself onto it; work clothes and all. normally, the thought of being in bed with outside clothes would have made you cringe. today, however, exhaustion dictates everything. 
your phone, plugged into its charger, buzzes on the nightstand for the tenth time. you already know it’s matty, sending a reel or a funny tweet or even just a random message about something silly but the thought of extending your arm to pick up the phone is too much. everything is too much. 
and so, matty and his messages remain unseen. 
you close your eyes again, thinking of all the work piling up in your inbox at this moment. no matter how much you do, it seems unending—something new always getting thrown at you when you’re least expecting it. 
your phone buzzes again. and this time it keeps buzzing. it’s a phone call. 
groaning, you inch your body close to the nightstand like a pathetic worm and tilt the phone to look at the caller id. of course, it’s matty. and of course you can’t ignore him again. it would be cruel to make him worry about you when he’s all the way in america; on another continent, in a time zone hours behind you. 
“hi baby,” you answer with as much cheer as you can muster. it’s a facetime call and there’s no other option but to plaster a saccharine-sweet smile on your face. 
“hi my darling,” he smiles before launching into his story. “so you know how i’ve been making a set list for the next show? well, ross and i thought it’d be hilarious if—what’s wrong?”
it’s like his entire mood shifts between one word and the next, the cheeky smile fading away into a frown and you feel yourself grimace. 
“what?” you sit up, propped up against the pillows and acting like you have no idea what he’s talking about. “what do you mean, what’s wrong.”
matty’s lips press into a straight line. he’s not impressed, and he’s not happy with you either. because his eyes are trained on your soft grey blouse which is certainly not something you wear at home or to bed. 
“you’re playing dumb, love,” he scolds lightly, “what’s wrong?”
“i don’t wanna start, matty. i’ll get over it, i promise.” you feel your lip wobbling halfway through that reassurance. still, a deep, shaky breath composes you a little. “i want to hear about the set list. come on.”
but matty’s having none of it. “you can hear about it when you tell me what’s wrong.”
letting out a loud sigh you wonder if it’s worth getting into. this is going to lead to more frustration and crying and he’s not even here to hug you till every other worry disappears. no, he’s not here to dote on you and let you whine like a baby about every minor (and major) inconvenience. 
internally, you curse america and his stupid band and the stupid shows and probably everything else you can think of in the ten second span before matty speaks again. 
“talk to me, darling,” he urges gently, “you’ve not talked to me all day.”
it’s true. you have been rather shit at communicating today. sighing, you give in. 
“it’s work,” a dry laugh, “it’s always work.”
matty’s eyes soften in sympathy. he knows it’s been a bit hard lately. for him too, being on the road is never easy but he knows it’s worse for you. that being away for too long makes your separation anxiety start acting up. 
“tell me more.”
“i don’t wanna complain to you all the time, babe. it’s always the same thing. it gets too much, i get overwhelmed and come crying to you. the same cycle.”
if he were here right now, he would already be letting you cry into his chest, kissing it all better. but since he is not, you have to resort to smushing your face into his pillow and groaning in frustration. 
“okay you listen to me,” his voice is stern but his eyes remain soft and loving. “you never. ever. have to worry about complaining to me. ever. now tell me more about what’s bothering you at work.”
you swallow past the lump in your throat and sniffle lightly. “it’s just all so much, matty. the thought of logging into my emails tomorrow makes me want to cry. there are so many that i haven’t even opened yet.”
he stays quiet for a second, a pensive expression on his face before he breaks out into another smile. 
“alright, time to bring out the big guns.” he walks around his hotel room in search of something—his laptop, it becomes clear a moment later—before plopping down onto his bed. 
“tell me your login details.”
“what?” there’s confusion written all over your face. 
“i’m not doing anything stupid, love. just give me your login details.”
“not that i don’t trust you,” you reply cautiously, “but what are you doing?”
“offering you my precious personal assistant services,” he beams. “they are in high demand, mind you. now come on. login details. i’m just going to sort your emails for you.”
his words unleash the floodgates. through grateful sobs and quiet sniffles, you rattle off the email id and password—it’s his name and your anniversary date which makes him giggle and reveal that his password is almost identical. your name and birthday. 
once you’ve calmed down a bit and wiped your nose on your shirt sleeve like a child, you take a proper look at him—slightly tired, but happy and smiling. and handsome as ever. 
“thank you,” you whisper, “i mean it, babe. this helps so much.”
“anything for you,” he smiles and then narrows his eyes. “next time,” his finger is right in front of you, occupying the better part of the screen, “if you shut down on me again… i was almost worried, you know?”
“i’m sorry,” you pout, knowing it’s his weakness. he has no chance of keeping his resolve in front of the pout. he breaks; shaking his head while trying to contain his smile.
“now," you return his small smile, "tell me about this set list…”
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xxsabitoxx · 1 year
Team Bucciarati & Accidentally walking in on you while you are changing
Warning: all characters are 18+ in this situation, kinda suggestive content ahead if you squint? Well beside Mista’s but… really nothing crazy lol
Reader is female!
A/N: I have like 37 fucking JJBA smuts I could finish yet here I am writing this stupid shit LMAO — also my phone is acting so infuriating lately so please bear with me if there are any typos Proof read? Never
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Giorno Giovanna
He knocks, every single time, so how this even happened is beyond him. Maybe it was because your door was slightly ajar, maybe it was because it was only the two of you home in the apartment the entire gang shared, whatever the reason was… Giorno still failed to knock. “Y/n do you ha—oh.” He froze midway through the door, eyes widening ever so slightly as he looked at you. You were mid-change, a shirt on but no pants, panties sticking to your frame as you turned to face him. “Giorno!?” You yelped, grabbing the closest item to shield your lower half — in this case it was your pillow. “I’m sorry I…” he was turning around so you only saw his back. “I just wanted to ask you something but it can certainly wait till you are decent…” he was making his way back out of your room, face burning just as brightly as yours.
Bruno Bucciarati
He wasn’t thinking, knuckles hitting your door a few times and pushing it open without waiting for a response. “Y/n I need you to help me with this paperwork…” he locked eyes with you, his tired brain taking a second to process that you looked shocked. “B-Bruno!” Your hands were over your bare chest, hugging your breasts tightly. He blinked once, twice, three times before his cheeks were turning neon red. You’d never seen him exit your room so quickly, hand over his mouth as he clicked the door shut. “My deepest apologies…” he was muffled from behind your door but you could still hear the embarrassment in his voice. “I am… so so sorry… forgive me I…” you began to laugh, reaching for a shirt to throw over yourself. A second later, you were opening your bedroom door. “No need to apologize, Bruno. It’s alright.” Your cheeks were still warm, but it felt less awkward seeing how shy he had gotten. You found it rather cute.
Pannacotta Fugo
It’s a rare occasion for Fugo to even come close to your room. He probably couldn’t even accurately describe it if he wanted too. So how he ended up where he was now? So red in the face he was nearly purple? Was still a mystery to him. “Oh? Hi Fugo.” You smiled, reaching for your perfume, it seemed you were oblivious to the fact that you were only in a pair of panties and a bra. His mouth was hanging open, eyes comically wide as he tried to process what he was seeing. “Fugo? Are you alright? You usually don’t come in my room?” For you, it wasn’t really a big deal. I mean you’ve all been to the beach together before, you weren’t really showing that much more skin at the moment. “Earth to Fugo? Did you need to tell me something?” Your hand waving in his face was the only thing that snapped him out of it, mostly because of your new proximity. “I-i’m so sorry! I don’t even know why I came in here! I’ll just let myself out I…” he was still muttering as he left, hands coming up to hold his face once he was out of your sight.
Narancia Ghirga
You’re used to it by now, he quite literally never knocks and always lets himself in. “Hey Y/N! I need to ask you…” you jumped, moving to cover yourself before realizing it was just Narancia. You mostly zoned out when he started asking you questions, some how you’re half assed answers seemed satisfactory for him. Most of the time, Narancia sat in your room talking your ear off as you got ready for the day. He was, in every sense, not phased seeing you half naked. Of course he’d never seen you in anything less than a bra and underwear, but in your eyes it was the same as being seen in a bikini. Narancia was just…Narancia. “Where do you even come up with these questions?” You slipped a shirt over your head, laughing as he tilted his head. “I dunno.” Was all he could give you, eyes training on your CD collection as you rummaged through your closet for a pair of bottoms. Really, it didn’t even phase you anymore.
Mista Guido
The last thing he expected was to get a face full of your ass when he walked into your room. “Merda, y/n! You could kill a man with a sight like that!” Always a smart ass… and a flirt. You rolled your eyes, straighten from where you had been bent over rummaging for pajamas. “You scared the fuck out of me, Mista.” He made his way into your room, throwing himself on your bed. “Ah well, you scared me too with an ass like that. The very thought of you sitting—“ you picked up your pillow and began hitting him with it, laughing as he attempted to block. “You are such a horny bastard.” You shook your head, finally flopping yourself beside him when he stopped putting up a fight. “I can’t help it! Having a roommate as good looking as you… who loves to walk round half nude…” the pillow was hitting him once again, this time both of you couldn’t contain your laughter.
Leone Abbacchio
He was only walking into your room because Bucciarati sent him to get you… what he failed to do though was knock. “We’re going to dinner, hurry your ass up so we can…go…” he froze, eyes matching the size of yours as you instinctively covered yourself with your towel. “Why wouldn’t you knock?!” You felt your face getting warm, knowing full and well that Abbacchio had quite literally just seen all of you. “I—“ he swallowed, as much as he didn’t want to admit it, even that quick glance of your body was engraved into his mind. “I’m sorry…I…” he was stumbling backwards out of your room, praying his cheeks weren’t turning as red as they felt. “J-just hurry up so we can go get dinner…” his voice was strained, quite unusual for him, which was making the situation all the more awkward. “Okay…” you croaked, mentally reminding yourself to lock your door from now on.
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localspiderboy · 2 years
Come on, live a little. | Billy Loomis x Scaredy Cat!MaleReader
You’ve always been one to play by the rules. Your friend Billy thinks it’s time to take you out of your comfort zone. 
Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI, sneaking out, shy reader, inexperienced reader, coercion, oral male receiving, face fucking, corruption kink, hair pulling, sub!Reader, dom!Billy
Word Count: 1463
Kinktober Prompt - Corruption
a/n: I'm like 3 days late but I warned y'all. I'm also not doing the prompts in order just whichever ones I'm most excited to write that day. Here's one for Billy, none of the events of the movie would have happened if they just let you kiss your homie rip. Wrote this at 2 am it started out great and then well, you tell me lol. Enjoy!
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“Billy?” You whispered head swiveling left and right trying to spot your friend. 
“Billy!” You repeated, harsher this time. This is so stupid you thought. He’s the one that wanted you to sneak out and now he’s late to his meeting. Why’d he wanted to meet at an abandoned house of all places? He’s always been a horror fanatic but that was never really your thing. Despite how many times he and Stu tried to get you to like it, you just couldn’t handle it.
Your mouth opened prepared to call out to him again but was interrupted. Thunk. You heard what sounded like something falling come from behind you. Quickly you turned around, using the flashlight in your hand to try to light up the area. It didn’t help much, the house was surrounded by forest your small flashlight did nothing against the inky darkness. “Billy!” You called out straining your neck trying to spot your friend anywhere around. No response. You sighed, you knew Billy was probably around here somewhere.
Another sound coming from the side of the house makes you jump, quickly turning in that direction. “Billy, if you’re trying to scare me it’s not gonna work.” Slowly you step carefully towards the direction of the sound, fed up with the game Billy was playing. But then you have the sudden thought that it could be a squatter and not your friend took any bravery you felt left your body. 
 “Seriously this isn’t a funny man! If you don’t come out I’m gonna leave.” Another bang makes you jump, skin raised with goosebumps and hair standing on end you quickly back away. “This is ridiculous.” You mutter under your breath. Suddenly two hands grabbed your shoulders and pulled you into their firm chest. A shrill yell left your lips and you flayed your arms around in an attempt to get away. Not stopping until you heard Billy’s familiar laugh. 
“Hey! Hey it’s me.” He spoke in between laughs, letting go of your arms and allowing you to turn around. 
“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.” 
“You know I scare easy Billy.” You huff as you look around for the flashlight you dropped in the struggle. You could feel your heart thumping hard against your chest.
“I know I’m sorry.” 
You hum non-committal, not completely believing that he was all that apologetic. 
“What are we doing here anyway?” you asked hitting the flashlight with the back of your hand, it flickered on only for a second before dimming out again. Dead. Great.
Billy lifts his polaroid camera, shaking it in his hands with a smile. “We, my friend are here to take photos.” 
“And why are we doing that exactly?” 
“Halloween decorations… and memories.” Billy hands you his camera and gestures for you to follow him. The front door isn’t gonna work he explains but there’s a window around back that’ll do the trick. 
“We can’t just go to the store like normal people?” 
“Nope.” He grunts as he struggles to pull open the old window but after some effort it budges. “Plus we gotta get you out of your comfort zone. After you sir.” 
You simply sigh and crawl through the window.
Somehow you lost Billy again because of course you did. You can’t seem to catch a break tonight. You had turned your back for one second to look at the graffiti on the wall and then all of a sudden he was gone again. “Please don’t scare me again Billy.” 
You could feel your heart thumping hard against your chest in anticipation. 
“Woah, your hearts beating fast. I didn’t even mean to scare you that time.” His sudden presence makes you take in a sudden breath your eyes shutting quickly. I need to put a bell on this man, you think to yourself.
“Yeah, that’s what happens when you terrify me multiple times in one night.”  
“Terrified huh?” He places a hand at the curve of your waist, leaning further into you.
“Billy.” You pay no mind to his hand on your waist, you’re just ready to go home, no longer wanting to be teased. 
“You know if you’re this scared we could do something that will really get your mind off things.” 
“Replace that feeling with something good.” He whispers against your ear. His breath sends a shiver down your spine. You want to ask him what he means but he answers the question before it could even leave your lips, pressing his erection up against your back. 
“O-oh I uh...I’ve never really done anything like that before.” You are flustered and a little embarrassed to admit that you don’t have much experience. 
“Really?” His voice is husky as he kisses down your neck. It makes your knees weak. 
“You don’t gotta worry I’ll take good care of you.” He lifts his head, turning yours to face him. His eyes are barely visible to you but you can tell they’re looking right into yours. Everything about him is so utterly intoxicating, it’s hard to resist. “Teach you how to do everything. What do you say?”
“O-okay.” You mutter quietly and he smiles. 
He looks down towards your lips but doesn’t kiss you. “Let’s start you off with something easy hm?” You nod and he turns you around to face him, pushing you down on your knees. 
You looked up at him wide-eyed and he unbuckled his belt, opening his pants enough to pull his cock out. 
“Don’t look so scared baby I said I’d walk you through it~” He teased as he pushed his member against your lips. “Open the mouth of yours baby. Yeah stick your tongue out~” You followed his instructions whimpering when he taps his dicks against your tongue. 
He grunts. “You look fucking good like this. I’m just gonna push the tip in okay?” You hum in acknowledgment preparing yourself as best you could for the intrusion. You try to lift your hands to his thighs to brace yourself but he swiftly pushes them off himself.
“Ah ah, keep those hands to yourself, babe.” Billy rests a hand on the back of your head. “Gotta move your head y/n.” He pushes slightly at your head, just to encourage you to find your rhythm. 
Your movements are slow and unsure, the furthest you go is about halfway down. Billy allows this for only a few moments before he gets impatient and takes control. “Lemme show you how to do it.” 
The hand resting on your head suddenly grips your hair and forces you down the rest of his cock, holding you there. You try and fight the urge to gag around him. “Fuck.. you're a natural y/n.” He moans, his head falling back. He curses again holding you for a moment longer before letting you free.
You immediately pull off of him coughing. “What the hell Billy?” You spoke angrily. 
He shrugged at you with a smug smile on his face. “It distracted you didn’t it? Now do you still wanna learn or are you gonna keep complaining?” You looked at him skeptically but nodded, scooching closer to him slowly. You trusted Billy not to hurt you and he was right you did feel way less scared now. Way less.
“Atta boy.” He encourages you and pulls you back around his dick. Moaning at the feeling of your warm mouth. “Keep your head still for me, okay?” He doesn’t give you much of a warning before his hand is tugging at your hair to keep you steady and thrusting his hips at a steady pace. 
He curses under his breath as he fucks into your mouth. You squirm, rubbing your thighs together. You’ve never been used like this before and it’s doing something to you.  He takes notice. “Is this all I needed to do to keep you from getting scared? Use you like some cheap whore?” You moan at his words and it causes his hips to stutter. 
“I’m the first person that’s ever gotten to fuck this mouth huh?” He picks up the pace, his rhythm much more uncoordinated as he approaches his end.  “Gonna be the first to cum down that throat and you’re gonna take it.” 
He slaps your cheek to catch your attention. “Hey, hey look at me.” You make eye contact with him and your utterly fucked out expression is what helps his climax. He holds your head to the base of his cock, forcing you to swallow all of his seed. 
He lets you go and watches as you cough and try to catch your breath. You don’t get too long of a break though because soon he’s gripping your chin and forcing you to look his way. “We’re just getting started baby.” 
Enjoyed the fic? Consider Reblogging :)
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sage-writes-stuff · 2 years
Incorrect quotes Pt. 3 | E. Munson, R. Buckley, S. Harrington, Y/N
Send in requests <3
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Robin: *Trying to fill out legal paperwork stuff* Were you guys born AMAB or AFAB? Eddie: Bold of you to assume I was born at all. Steve: I personally was created in a lab. Y/N: I just straight up spawned lol.
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*Eddie and Robin waiting for Steve and Y/N at the arcade*
Y/N: *Walking up to them* Sorry I’m late... I was... doing things. *Sounds of running footsteps progressively getting louder* Steve: *Out of breath* THEY PUSHED ME DOWN THE FUCKIN’ STAIRS.
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Robin: Is stabbing someone immoral? Y/N: Not if they consent to it. Eddie: Depends who you’re stabbing. Steve: YES?!?
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Robin, banging on the door: Y/N! Open up! Y/N: Well, it all started when I was a kid... Steve: No, they meant- Eddie: Let them finish.
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Eddie, writing in a letter: "I'm going to kick.. your... ass." Eddie: THERE. Now send it. Steve:: Dude, your handwriting's terrible, are you sure you want to- Eddie: JUST DO IT! later Robin: So what does it say? Y/N, reading the letter: Eddie says he's going to "lick my...." Robin: Y/N: Robin: Gross-
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Y/N: There is no future. there is no past. do you see? Time is simultaneous, an intricately structured jewel that humans insist on viewing one edge at a time, when the whole design is visible in every facet. Steve: Eddie: Robin: Everyone Else At Y/N’s Surprise Birthday Party: Steve: All I asked was if you wanted to cut your birthday cake first.
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Steve: I think we're missing something. Eddie: Teamwork? Robin: Cohesion? Y/N: A general sense of what we’re doing?
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Y/N: We need to open this locked door. Steve, give me your credit card. Steve: Here. Y/N, pocketing it: Thanks. Eddie, break down the door.
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Robin: How did none of you hear what I just said? Steve: I’ve been zoned out for the past two and a half hours. Eddie: I got distracted about halfway through. Y/N: Ignoring you was a conscious decision.
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Eddie: Y/N, what's up with the smile? Y/N: What? Am I not allowed to be happy? Robin: They saw Steve trip and eat shit on the pavement Y/N: Yeah I did
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softxsuki · 9 months
god i hope i’m not late i was about to sleep but then i remembered your requests and i had to write one!!! sorry for the late request!!!
So my pronouns are she/her. The three fandoms i wouldn’t mind being paired up would be BTS, BNHA, and Obey Me! I would love to be paired up with male characters in a romantic setting.
I am an INFP and my zodiac sign is a Pisces!
I value mostly trust and friendship. I want to be able to joke around and have my lover be my best friend! We need to radiate the same energy and hopefully they will give back the same or even more in which I will gladly reciprocate back. But they also need to be calm and collected because I have trouble doing that. Acts of service and being told I do well is certainly my love language. I prefer taller people but everyone is taller than me lol since i’m only 5’2. I also don’t mind a man in glasses.
Generally when i meet people i am shy and nervous. Don’t really know how to break the ice. With friends, I laugh loudly and love to listen rather than talk about my own life. I love reading, drawing, and writing but spend most of my time immersed in video games. My taste in music I believe is trash because I listen to the same damn songs over and over again and most likely never get tired of them. I also take lots of naps because i tire easily and it’s been difficult because of my chronic illness, lupus. Every day is different and honestly the last month or so I haven’t been feeling the greatest…But I am doing better!
Lastly the type of scenario I would like would be possibly a “first interaction??” or how they would take care of me? I am lover of just fluff and the start of relationships where everything just feels right and new. I would to explore something like that. Thank you so much for doing this!!
1000 Follower Event Matchup #34
This event is CLOSED. The event masterlist is here.
Note: Hope you enjoy, sorry it's late!
***pls note that I no longer accept requests for bts <3 i love my boys but I don't feel comfortable writing fanfics for them anymore :)
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 I match you with: KIRISHIMA, JUNGKOOK, and DIAVOLO
Runner ups: Kaminari, Jin, Mammon
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Kirishima makes the best lover but also friend for you
It’s like dating your best friend, with the perks of being able to kiss and stuff
He loves joking around with you and playing video games with you and the rest of your friends
Acts of service are his thing–he’s always doing little things for you that he knows you’d like, for instance, asking Bakugou to teach him to cook something so he can make a meal for you, buying you flowers, opening the door for you, lending you his jackets. IT'S THE SMALL THINGS THAT COUNT
He’s an extrovert so he does talk a lot and loves that you listen to him, though he wants to hear from you as well, so he’d ask you questions to help get some answers from you
How does he take care of you?
Kirishima is always watching out for you, making sure you’re doing okay
He’s the type of guy who has a conversation with someone, but is also paying attention to you at the same time
Let’s say you’re both out for dinner with your friends and you drop your fork so you bend down to pick it up
He places his hand along the edge of the table as you bend down, while absorbed in a conversation with Kaminiari, making sure you don’t hit your head on the table when you come back up–he’s always watching you (not in a creepy way lol)
He’s very subtle but exact with his caring for you, he won’t be over the top, but at the end of the day, you’ll never feel insecure that he doesn’t care for you
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Jungkook would just be such a fun boyfriend for you
He’s quirky and lots of fun, going out of his comfort zone to do the most daring things, and he’s definitely inviting you along for it all
I just picture you having the time of your life with him
He’s very daring and adventurous, but he’s also a cutie that believes in love at first sight by hearing a bell chime and I think that is so adorable :( 
He’s so pure hearted and kind, thinking of you all the time through everything he does 
Jungkook always compliments you on how well you’re doing something, he even randomly says it so you know that you’re doing well and making someone proud, so you should be happy with yourself as well
Jungkook loves to draw with you, you both have fun trying to draw each other or just spending quality time together drawing and playing video games together
There’s never a dull moment with him
How does he take care of you?
Jungkook is very protective over you, so he naturally takes very good care of you
Any ounce of discomfort on your face and he jumps in immediately to take care of the issue (if he can)
He knows you struggles with lupus and does whatever he can to support you, yet doesn’t want you to miss out on the fun on days where it may be harder for you, so he has no problem just being there for you at home, enjoying each others company
Truly perfect, I’m telling you
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Diavolo! It was a close match between Dia and Mammon for me
But I went with Diavolo, because as fun and laid back as he may be, he also knows when to be serious and mature, something Mammon struggles with
Diavolo loves having fun with you; he’s always trying to escape from his mountain of paperwork, sneaking past Barbatos so he can spend some time with you in a place that isn’t his office lol
You both sneak off into town together to get some food
He even likes bringing you to the human world where you can introduce him to some of your favorite things to do and favorite foods to eat
Leviathan got him into games so he likes to practice his skills with you
His go-to is quiet moments with you in his office (since Barbatos always drags him there and he drags you with him lol) so while he does his paperwork, you find a quiet corner in his office (that he has supplied with comfortable pillows and blankets) so you can read
How does he take care of you?
As Future King of the Devildom, he uses his power and connection to get the best doctor for you when your lupus gets particularly bad
He’d go as far as to call help from the human world if the doctors in the Devildom can’t help you
Though he’s incredibly busy as President of the RAD student council and Future King of the Devildom, he’s never too busy for you, and goes out of his way to ensure he can always care for you and be there for you when you need it
He walks you back home (whether you live in his castle or with the brothers is up to you) since he knows how dangerous it can be for you to walk alone since not everyone there agreed with your presence in the Devildom (not that anyone would be dumb enough to mess with the future leader’s woman lol)
But yeah :) I think he’s a great match for you!
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Posted: 9/6/2023
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jongbross · 7 months
The time zone difference makes me so sad because I really wanna be here with you but when you’re online it’s already late where I am and ahhh 😫💔
But let me drop my question until then: what is your favourite Exo song, or that means a lot to you? (stupid question I know haha) 🎶🥰
oh, i'm so sorry 😭 it's currently 8pm here in brazil, so i still have a lot of time to spend with you guys before going to bed <3
my favorite exo song, it's a tie. 'the eve' means a lot to me because it was the first one i got obsessed with, and the lyrics are beautiful - i was in a really big moment of change in my life, had to make some decisions, so everytime i heard kyungsoo sang "the one to create an ocean that will swallow it all it's you" i got the strength to keep moving, idk.
as for 'don't go', i already love butterflies lol it has like hundreds of different meanings for me. also, i never thought i would fall in love with exo 😂 i have a funny story with them, it's almost like it was meant to be and, when i recognized myself as an eri, my life was going really well and i felt like i could share my happiness with them. then, after some time, a few things went wrong and i got really sad - still, i found strength in them, so for me whenever i hear them singing "i'll follow you even at the end of the world", it means a lot, you know? they'll always find me somehow. they always did.
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jeonqkooks · 5 months
hello, jen love 🤍 i'm a few days late, it seems like hehe ;u; i'm sorry for not popping in sooner, and more frequently, but i hope this letter of mine finds you sweetly and serenely.
how has the new year been treating you so far? do you have any resolutions, any aspirations you'd like to achieve this year? how about places and people to see, things to do?
secondly, how was your trip home? i hope your family has been well and healthy. what did you get up to there — did you eat all the foods, shop all the shops, walk all the streets? i hope you felt rejuvenated there, a little soul reset — i recall seeing a post or two from you, saying you miss home/your mom after coming back... i hope that part of yourself has healed, even if just by a bit.
and in the land of minho, how has that gentleman been fairing on your heart? has he been holding it tenderly? has he been loving you dearly? i certainly hope so! (every time i see a mention of him anywhere, and the group, i think of you hehe) may the stay fandom (stayblr? i saw that mentioned when i scrolled through your sideblog! what a cute name 🥺) be a safe place for you, warm and cozy.
i miss you, and am thinking of you extra. continue to stay well and happy, however that may look like to you. surround yourself with light and love; and may that carry you through the rest of the year seamlessly.
thương thương, with all my heart —
cee 🤍
MY LOVE 😭🤍 i’m so glad you’re here, i’ve missed you 🥹
the year’s been going okay so far. i’m still settling back into my routine after being back home and then having my friend visit me for 10 days over the holidays. i never really have new year’s resolutions but this year i do want to get out of my comfort zone more, get out of the house more lol, start doing more things that make me happy. i also want to get a new job and move to a new country, so hopefully that could be in the cards for me this year!! wbu? do you have any resolutions for 2024?
the trip home was good!! overwhelming at first bc so many things were different after 4 years, so many people i hadn’t met in years, it did take a while to get used to. but overall it was really nice being there. i definitely felt recharged while i was there, just hanging out with everyone and seeing all the things i missed, and i’m gonna try to visit once a year from now on! but yeah after coming back, it was pretty hard at first. the seasonal depresshaun and the loneliness got to me lol but it’s better now. it kinda sucks to think that i’ll probably experience it again every time i go home but what can you do, yk? 🫠
how’s your family? how are things with you and your love? how’s the job?
the land of minho !!! 😭 i didn’t know you’ve been checking out the new blog as well hehehe. it’s been going great!! i’m having so much fun there (knock on wood, knock on wood, knock on wood) it’s been a blast getting to explore and swoon over a new group, really reminds me of how happy i was during my early bangtan days. it’s really made me fall in love with writing again which feels wonderful. i think i’ve been writing almost every day and i’ve written more in the past couple months than i did for the majority of 2023. mimo has been the best muse and the absolute love of my life 🥹 (and right?? stay is such a cute name!!)
i’m always missing you and thinking of you. i hope 2024 treats you well (lunar new year is less than a month away!) and brings you lots of happiness and peace. love you to the moon and to saturn, thương thương 🤍
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
3Tangerines!Yoongi is my ideal tsundere I swear...hard shell SOFT inside LETS GET IT
He doesn’t have this needlessly gruff exterior, but he *does* seriously exude an aura/attitude that says he is downright rude or nasty with no remorse when provoked. He’s not just an asshole for no reason, this man has got a baseline vibe and anything that comes after that is a reflection of or a reaction to the surrounding energy. As a Pisces in love with tsundere I can happily claim this characterization is ON. POINT. 
MC thinks he’ll be brutally honest because that’s just how he is, but really she’s already inside his trust to a certain degree because of 3Tan!Bro, which means she’s close enough that already his instinct is to protect by whatever means necessary. He’d planned on being *just* honest, but then she immediately moved to a whole different zone of comfort/trust when she showed him vulnerability even while being terrified. I genuinely don’t believe he would have been able to be “brutal” with her even if he had thought she was bad in bed. Literally anyone else would get the full unfiltered rundown but even BEFORE they had sex Yoongi was ready to throw down for MC, so I don’t think she was ever at truly risk for hurt feelings. 
The man tried, ok? He probably tried to ignore a little crush on MC for a good while before she even showed up at his door looking like a wet dream, then after she did, if I remember correctly, they didn’t really chill for like a year! They kept the distance and did the things they were morally obligated to do after the bro-code goof of fucking your best friend’s little sister. There is S.T.R.E.N.G.T.H. in that. There’s circles within circles of feelings and trust with a character like this, and watching this little journey for both of them never once feels disingenuous or forced because they took the long way around by being as mature as they could about the situation. 
Praise kink boys that can’t admit it work HARD to earn their verbal rewards without having to tell on themselves…I see you Yoongi…I see you. 
The PINING and how he literally fights his own thought processes in order to maintain loyalty to his friend until he can’t even lie to himself anymore?? UGH!! TOP TIER!!
I might be biased (ha.) because I’m also Pisces but this character *really* is exactly everything I’ve ever imagined or wanted from a Tsundere. Even bro doesn’t get to see the same squishy center of Yoongi the way he allows MC to, and his little hints that turn into all-out statements reminding her that she’s part of a VERY SELECT FEW who get to see him like this–without being snarky or defensive about it because she’s doubting him or not reading him correctly just screams PATIENCE and FUCK if that isn’t hot as all hell.
This story is the best of *everything*. Badass Yoongi? Check. Soft for MC only? Check. SEES HER CONFIDENCE BUT ALSO WHEN SHE NEEDS GENTLE NUDGES TO ACTUALLY FEEL IT *FOR HERSELF*? Check. 
Basketball Yoongi. Tangerine Yoongi. Loyal as fuck even when he’s being a brat Yoongi. Silent caretaker Yoongi. Vocal Caretaker Yoongi. LOW-KEY SUBBY AF FOR CONFIDENT WOMEN YOONGI. 
Really I want to keep going but I fell asleep writing this last night after kiddo went to sleep and need to get out into the world SO HERE WE ARE lol <3
OH MY GOD? I WANNA SCREAM‼️ what the heck this feedback and commentary is just.. so.. I don’t even know what to say right now😭 thank you so incredibly much. I wanted to wait until I had time to respond properly so I’m so sorry this is a bit late🥺🍊 A lot to scream about below cut :D
1. I am. The most happy that you think this because you’re absolutely right. He’s chill and laid back for the most part buttttt like. House Party? When his kicks were almost scuffed? Lmfaooooo you can just tell he was ready to destroy this man if he really wanted to.
2-3. Love love love the analysis here! It’s true that their dynamic was already different from the start. Reader really wasn’t just anyone, despite her thinking she’s virtually nothing and cannot be anything to Yoongi. And we already know that Yoongi said he’d be there for her regardless. So him grappling with this evolution of feelings is something else🥺 Yoongi was already soft for her from the beginning despite his hard and mysterious and intimidating exterior.
4. No further comments, ur honor💀💀💀
6. Patience is one of the hottest traits guys can have and I will stand by that statement🧍‍♀️ He’s unbelievably patient with reader no matter the circumstances. Like he could’ve been defensive or dismissive when they asked about the studio in Friends, but no. He let reader know what happened and said it wasn’t stupid to ask🥺
7. AHHHH IM GLAD IT HAS ALL OF THOSE FOR YOU!! I’m having so much fun writing this and to see y’all liking it just makes me happy to keep going.
Main point is that holy crap I absolutely loved all of this and I am wayyyy over the moon😩 Made my day! Thank you so much for taking the time to write all of this feedback🥺🍊
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nyxsomnia7 · 2 years
L’Manburg Lovers (Tommyinnit X Reader)|| Chapter 2- “There Is A New Child Among Us”
A few days later I woke up at 11:24 AM to a DM from Tommy demanding my phone number. I groaned but sent it anyway. I mean, he probably won’t dox me and I figure if he wants to bother me, let him. I mean, I got to talk to one of my favorite streamers because of him and him showing me on stream had gotten my follower count crazy high on all my socials, the least I can let him do in repayment is send me insults at 4 AM.
What’s up Tommy?
Tommy (Hamilton Kinnie)
We need a tenth for Among Us 
stream. Interested?
Sure, give me a minute though.
I pulled on my P!ATD shirt and some shorts before making my hair presentable and booting up my computer. I started a stream entitled “Among Us W/ Tommyinnit and Co.” and said hi to my Chat as I joined the discord Tommy had sent me and used the code to join the game which included Tommy, Tubbo, Wilbur, Dream, Gogy, SnapMap, Fundy, Karl, and Quackity.
“Good, the woman has finally showed up.” Tommy said.
“Bitch, you act like I’m late, you told me about this literally three minutes ago.” I replied flatly. Everyone in the call laughed and ‘Owch’ed at that.
“So you didn’t need me to defend you yesterday, dang Nyxie!” Wilber said.
“It looks like we have a new child Among Us. Get it cause we’re playing Among Us?” Said Karl. I giggled at his terrible pun even though no one else did.
“Hi, Nikesonima7!” I heard Tubbo say brightly.
“It’s Nyx-somnia, idiot.” Tommy said.
“TOMMY!” Wilbur and I admonished in unison. Tommy proceeded to make defensive noises while Tubbo chuckled at us.
“Sorry for saying your name wrong, Nyxsomnia.” Tubbo said, carefully pronouncing my username.
“It’s all good Tubbo. I’ve seen enough of your videos and streams to know you can’t read sometimes.” I replied.
“I do not!” I whined and pouted to my camera. Chat started yelling at him.
“Children stop yelling or we’ll find someone else to play with instead of you guys!” Dream threatened.
“Fuck you, green man.” Tommy said. Dream scoffed but started the match.
I was a crewmate and did my tasks like a good space bean (I managed to do admin card on my third try. Chat was proud of me.) until I was MURDERED. IN COLD BLOOD. BY HECCING DREAM. IN STORAGE. Chat listened to me screech for a few seconds before I laughed it off and continued my tasks for the twelve seconds it took for Tubbo to find my lifeless little pink corpse and report it.
“Not cool, man. Who killed the poor new girl?” Asked Dream as the meeting began. I rolled my eyes playfully and my chat continued to yell about me being the only and first kill of the round. 
“Not me, I invited the woman. And I was with Tubbo in storage. Ya know this game is the one time I’m glad you’re so clingy, Tubbo.” Tommy said quickly.
“Huh?” Tubbo asked. I had seen him stream Among Us before so I knew he had been mildly zoned out trying to process what was happening.
“Where even was the body?” Quackity asked, trying to actually focus on the game for a second. They did the whole Among Us thing of heated discussions before just calling Big Q sus and yeeting him off the ship. I finished my tasks and decided to haunt Tubbo and Tommy in time to see Tommy stab Tubbo just as the lights went out. We had both finished our tasks so Tubbo and I hung out in ghost chat for the entire rest of the round. 
You’re the fangirl who roasted Tommy on his stream a few 
days ago, right?
Yup ^-^
POG lol ^-^
Your thing is Minecraft building, right?
Yeah, I actually made a bee mansion once I first found your
 channel and became a fan of yours. (in creative, of course)
Really?! I’d love to see it someday!
I can show you after Among Us (on stream or off whichever you want)
That’d be awesome! (you can keep streaming if you want lol)
Dream and Tommy won the round and we kept playing for a few hours. I never got to be Imposter, which I was kinda happy about since I sucked at being a murder bean. Everyone left but Tubbo, Tommy, and me.
“What are you two up to?” Tommy asked suspiciously, having heard me telling Tubbo I was giving him access to my world.
“Nyx said she made a build inspired by me once and is gonna show me!” Tubbo said happily.
“What? I need to see this crap too.” Tommy replied.
“Someone jealous that I made something for Tubbo and not him?” I teased as I also gave Tommy a way of accessing it.
“As if.” Tommy replied as I smirked at him. Chat was shouting “DEFO FLERTING” at us as the three of us loaded into the world. I lead the two boys over to the bee mansion I’d built.
“Whoa! This is awesome!” Tubbo said as he saw the towering walls of honeycomb supported by dark oak trees I had custom built with stained glass windows showing flowers and bees. The mansion was in the middle of a dark oak forest, which I had filled with beehives and flowers to make it more ambient and welcoming. 
“You like it?” I asked.
“Like it? It looks so pretty! I’d ask if I could build something like it on the Dream SMP if I thought I could actually do it and didn’t think it’d be completely destroyed at some point.” Tubbo said.
“I’m glad you like it. Wanna see the inside?” I asked. His avatar nodded violently and I heard Tommy scoffing at us and muttering “simps” under his breath as I showed him how I had decorated the many rooms. Tommy had to get off because his mom wanted him to do some chores before dinner. I was getting tired of keeping my stream going and Tubbo had already ended his, so I said goodbye to my chat and was surprised I had enough to raid again so I sent them Sykkuno’s way. “Did you actually mean it when you said that thing about liking my build so much you’d wanna borrow it or was that just for stream?” I asked Tubbo hesitantly.
“Of course I meant it! It’s beautiful, Nyx. A hundred times better than what I can do at least.” Tubbo replied.
“Thanks, Tubbo. Oh, my real name is Megan by the way if you don’t feel like calling me Nyx off-stream.” 
“I’m Toby. So you think it feels a little weird too when fans call you by your real name?” 
“Yeah, I’ll probably get over it eventually but for now it’s weird.”
“This might sound kinda weird, but could I have your number?” 
“Sure, Toby. I’ll just type it in chat.”
After twenty minutes of us just talking and hanging out Toby hung up because he had to go to bed since he’s five hours ahead of me. I took a moment to process what had happened to me just now. I not only got to talk to most of my favorite streamers in the world, but I also came out of that day with Tubbo’s number and his friendship. Now that’s a good day.
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jadedrrose · 10 months
OHH tbh i always thought he was just going for a higher pitch (the dr. heart stealer song) and he's just really getting into it?? i agree though some songs are o o f,, but i never heard the aot ones so idk the comparison how he sings as levi
and oh no its not ur fault i totally forgot about specifying since im so used to the abbreviated version,, sorry about that! but it stands for shin megami tensei, idk if you know persona like persona 5 etc. but yeah persona is smt's spin off!! it's more popular than the original lol. but yeah it's a great game!! if u ever feel like trying it do tell i love that game yayayay talking about them how's it going with age of calamity? did u finish it? i never played that game is it like botw orrr older zelda games? actually is it old. i should search it up but im too lazy 🥰🥰 i 9nly played botw so i know nothing ‐ actually im just gonna search this sooga guy out of curiosity i imagine him with a tribal mask and idk height that rivals corazon so like gigantic (u. described him in a post i think but i forgor)
+ coming back after vacation with 2 of ur fics... m'lady i'm blessed i gotta read em later,, i actually have something for u the timing is impeccable
also i wanted to ask which timezone are u in?? cause like. when u post something its usually like. at 6 am or earlier for me lmao (also do u prefer these like. divided or is the long ask better? or is it the same — lol)
1- I forgot where but I saw somewhere that Law’s VA just doesn’t ever “voice act” when singing so I assumed they were right 😭 so maybe you’re right abt the just getting really into it lol. Either way he’s got a good voice tho!!
2- I do know persona! I’ve just never played it or watched anybody play it. But I’ll look into smt whenever I finish up this Zelda phase (which who knows how long that’s gonna take lol) which brings me to…
Age of Calamity is the “prequel” to breath of the wild kind of ?? If you know the older Hyrule Warriors games from the Wii U it’s that game setting just better imo. I did like the other HW’s when they came out but they never interested me as much as the “real” Zelda games. But AOC is set 100 years before botw when the champions are still alive. It’s got a bunch of cute cut scenes that show the champions/Zelda/Link all interacting together and it makes me so happy lol. Anyway: I still haven’t finished it, I’m putting it off lol. I have 1 main mission left and 1 mission from the DLC left. I’ve been playing a bunch of side missions on apocalyptic mode as Sooga for the past like… 3 weeks now ? And speaking of him… yeah he’s just like a super fancy Yiga blademaster from botw. But he’s got the hottest voice I’ve ever heard (rivals with Law’s voice… I go back and forth between who’s I find more attractive lol). But I just. Am so in love with him 💀 even tho idk what his face looks like, but I don’t even care that much bc he’s so hot as is. (Also the height thing- my stupid theory is that he’s not actually as tall as they show him to be in the game bc of the fact he’s just a random Hylian who was “adopted” by the Yiga as a kid, PLUS there’s that guy in Kakariko Village who used to be a blademaster and he’s not 1000 feet tall lol. I think they just make him look giant to make him scarier lol. Also Link is super short so… using him to compare doesn’t help lmao)
3- I hope you enjoy the fics!!! I have so many more ideas for cute Law stuff but I can never find the time to write anymore lol
4- I’m in the US eastern time zone!! I always end up posting super late into the night/early in the morning bc my brain is just…. More active during those times?? Idk why, I’ve always been that way tho lol. And I don’t really have a preference to how the asks are sent! Whatever you want works :)
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theonetruebangtan · 11 months
Its been 1 year of Jack in the Box and I am not okay
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Cannot believe its been a whole year since J-Hope released his official debut album Jack in the Box. I remember leading up to the release of the More mv I was telling my friend that I thought we were going to go through a Rocktan renaissance. And then Hobi gave us an album that just spoke grunge and old school hip hop. When I tell you those teaser images came out and I was like oh okay, this this is speaking to my angsty childhood. 
I sadly didn’t get to appreciate this album as much as I wanted to because on July 11th we had to put down my cat of 15 yrs. But I tried to be tuned in for streaming and votes, and I was more with it by Hobipalooza.
So today we revisit J-Hope, sorry Jay’s, debut album 😂
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First order of business, I’m glad that the promotion and release cycle went the way Hobi wanted it to. But I will forever be wanting a cd cover with that KAWS artwork, its just so good! 
BTS Episode: Album Cover Shoot Sketch
Standout tracks from this album for me were:
More, = (Equal Sign), What If… and Safety Zone
The Singles
The first introduction we had to Jack in the Box was through the release of the More mv on July 1, 2022. And the concept was definitely expressed. Hobi talked a lot throughout the promos about wanting to remove himself from the box of J-Hope, and see if he could still make music that would draw in people (paraphrasing), and for me he definitely succeeded. 
BTS Episode: More MV Sketch
The Arson mv released on July 15, 2022, along with the album. It was a good title track to choose because it really speaks to the old - school hip hop with the kick snare beat. 
Both of the mvs for this album really invoked to me at least, mvs of the late 90s early 00s.  Lots of muted dark colour palettes, close shots and enclosed spaces. For More specifically he’s always surrounded by stuff and contained within 4 walls, illustrating the claustrophobia of being contained. In More he’s still trapped in the box looking for more; whereas in Arson Jack has escaped and has burnt it all. 
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The choices for the two singles could not have been picked better. They bookend the album thematically and literally. Opening with More showcases the rock elements Hobi will be using, and ending with Arson calls back to his hip hop roots.
Just recently for festa we were treated to an Arson rock version, and oh boy does it slap. It’s less kick snare, more drum fills and guitar riffs. So if you’re not super into hip hop but love rock definitely check it out!
Bangtan Bomb: JITB Listening Party
lol does anyone remember when we started seeing all the celeb stories about this party? what a time 😂
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“You can call me Jay”
J-Hope headlined Chicago’s Lollapalooza on Sunday, July 31, 2022. He made history as the first Korean artist to headline a major U.S. festival. He drew a crowd of 100k to his 70 minute set at Bud Light Seltzer stage. He was A M A Z I N G!
I tuned in on weverse to watch his set and from the moment he popped out of the box he owned that stage. I’ve rewatched it a couple times since and every time its just as good. Highly highly recommend.
BTS Episode: j-hope @ Lollapalooza
J - Hope in the Box
(Can be found on Disney+ for streaming or can be purchased on Weverse.)
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I’ve always loved documentaries and behind the scenes looks at creation of art. Watching the inception of JITB and the triumphant conclusion with Lollaplooza, showcased how dedicated J - Hope is to his craft. The contrast between the quiet montage of Hobi staring at his computer in the studio to the boisterous prep meetings and rehearsals demonstrates how his art is not made in a vacuum. It may begin as introspection but it eventually has to be shared and he can not control the reception of others. I really loved the ending where there’s a final ITM of J - Hope in a park on a sunny day in Chicago, having finished his set the night before. He speaks on his thoughts about how JITB rollout went and how it felt to finally perform as a solo act. If you haven’t already seen it you should, BH has always been good at delivering behind the scenes content and the editing on this doc was some of their best. 
For the first official solo debut of a BTS I couldn’t have asked for anything better. J - Hope gave us an album that demonstrated a new side to him as an artist. For those who already loved his music, you received more amazing music. And for those who were new to him, you were introduced to a musician who loves to try new things and push the boundaries of his talent when he is already at the top.
Here’s to 1 year of Jack in the Box, and here’s to J - Hope! 
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If you’re interested in behind the scenes production looks etc. I’ve also linked the relevant Bangtan Bombs/Episodes.
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katherineholmes · 1 year
From the ask game!
3, 7, 12, 13, 14, 30, 38, and 45 (i would've asked you the entire thing in excitement but these are all I'm curious about 😂)
Oh god, I am so, so sorry about how late this answer is, but…. I’ve finally opened my asks, so this and everything else will get answered soon, I promise 🤞🏽
3. What are some tropes or details that you think are very characteristic of your fics?
Probably possessive behaviour or protectiveness, mainly because I'm writing about the Mikaelsons. But, I do enjoy these tropes, and then changing the power dynamics later on.
7. Any worldbuilding you’re particularly proud of?
Um, hmm...world building 🤔 Maybe in Make It Holy, Mystic Falls in 1919 was quite difficult to plan out, all the characters and all. Every character except Klaus and Elena is technically an OC at this point. But I'm especially looking forward to the world building in New Orleans in 1919, because it's a mixed bag of canon characters and OCs.
12. Are there any tropes you used to dislike but have grown on you?
Kidnapping lol. I didn't exactly dislike it, but I wasn't very fond of this trope, but I think writing Klaus/Elena in particular has opened me up to it, to the point that I definitely see it as a very useful plot device to both further the action and add tension.
13. Are there any tropes you used to like but don’t anymore?
Best friends to lovers maybe, I used to be a fan of it before, but I'm not now. While I understand that a lot of people like the strangers -> friends -> lovers situation, I just don't understand unless there's some sort of identity crisis that one of the characters have.
14. Are there any tropes you would only read if written by a trusted friend or writer?
Toxic/abusive relationships. It's great when the author is using it to show a characters arc, and are aware of what they're writing, but a lot of fics that I've read in the past romanticise toxic relationships, which I cannot read. I actually love reading about romance and love existing within a toxic dynamic that either the author/characters are actively trying to better or even where the characters are stuck in a cycle, as long as it isn’t presented as ‘right’. But that's different than romanticising abusive behaviour.
In my experience, very few authors understand the difference and the nuance, so I stick to people I know.
30. Have you ever written something that was out of your comfort zone? If so, what was it, and how did it affect your approach to writing fic thereafter?
The Monster In Her Mind. It was an extremely difficult fic for me to write, I think it was the first time I'd written in present tense, and it was extremely triggering. There are graphic, if brief, depictions of rape in it, and I actually reached a point where I couldn't physically write more of it. There is also so much violence and grief in it that I don't think I would've been able to complete it if I hadn't written it in one sitting.
It definitely made me realise that I can write in present tense, if I want, although I do still prefer past tense. I also know that I can write about sensitive topics if I want. But mainly it taught me that while fiction is fiction, sometimes there are certain topics, that as a writer, I must handle with the utmost care, because it can be so easy to make small of a very real, very serious issue.
38. Did any of your fics get surprisingly popular (whatever that means to you)? Which ones? Why do you think they were so successful?
The Monsters In Her Heart and the Monster series in general actually. I honestly thought I’d get hate for it. Instead I have never received such response on any of my other works, and it means the absolute world to me.
I couldn't be more grateful, because it is an extremely important and personal story to me, and the fact that anyone would read it despite how triggering it is, and then take out the time of their day to discuss it with me is everything to me. I'm not sure about the popularity, but as long as it touches someone and helps them, it's worth it for me.
45. What’s something you’ve improved on since you started writing fic?
A lot, prose, grammar, the flow of a story, plot, foreshadowing. I've learnt a lot while writing fic, which is the most important thing to me. To be better than yesterday, and while I wouldn't call myself great by any means, I know how much it's taken for me to improve, and that's all that matters.
Thank you so much for such amazing questions Q! You’re incredible ❤️
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shxtodxroki · 1 year
Ello! I hope you're doing well! take your time doing requests don't stress yourself out :D.
I'm Xeno [not my IRL name lol], genderfluid (AFAB) my pronouns are he/him i like to be matched with class 1a or b male students.
I tend to dress in dark-colored clothing, comfortable in shorts, tank tops, and sweaters.
My MBTI is ISTJ, I easily forget things, and my personality changes, to new people I'm more reserved but with friends, I'm more playful and i cuss a lot like Bakugo and i have a dark sense of humor.
I love cats and drawing, my drawings are similar to macabre paintings. I like to watch horror movies and eat spicy noodles
i have an addiction to coffee. and i usually stay up all night until 5 am
I'm very sentimental, give me a small flower I'll keep it forever in a notebook.
English isn't my native language so sorry if my grammar is a bit off.
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First of all I’m sorry I’m getting to this ask so late, you sent this ask before I came back to this account and I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to get to it :/ You’ve been supporting my blog for quite a while now and I really appreciate how kind you’ve been, so I hope that you can enjoy this match-up and that it’s what you were hoping for! You always like my posts and you’ve sent in a few requests, and I just want you to know that I really do see and appreciate it and it’s nice knowing that someone consistently enjoys the stuff I put out on here, and I hope that you enjoy this as a sign of my thanks! :D
I’d Match You With: 
Eijiro Kirishima! 
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Honestly I was really stuck between Kirishima and Tetsutetsu for this one lol, those two are so similar and I feel like they’d both pair really well with your personality, but I just think you and Kirishima pair up really nicely :) You fit together really well as people, and you have a very cute relationship hehe :)
Headcanons About Your Relationship:
- You and Kirishima literally have like the same style lol, he loves getting matching outfits for the two of you since your styles are already so similar, and he loves showing you off when you wear the same outfits (even though it’s just a tank top and shorts, he finds it really cute because he's sappy like that) and he loves how everyone can tell you’re together based on your matching clothes :)
- You definitely remind Kiri a lot of Bakugo, and I have a feeling the two of you would get along quite well as friends once Kirishima finally introduced you two. Obviously this would make Kiri absolutely ecstatic, Bakugo’s his best friend and he always worried that his eventual s/o may not be able to get along with him, so he’s happy to see two of the most important people to him connecting :D
- Kirishima will love it if you draw something for him, you could literally draw anything you want and give it to him and he’d absolutely cherish it. He hangs up any drawings/pictues you give him on his dorm walls or frames them on his desk, he loves showing off how talented you are and looking at your art whenever he comes into his room!
- Kiri also likes watching horror movies with you :) He’s not into super intense ones, his limit would probably be at movies like Saw and similar ones, but he thinks slashers are fun and loves the dumb cheesy lines they usually have, and he’s willing to branch out a bit if there’s one you want to show him as long as it’s not too far out of his comfort zone! Horror movie nights are a very frequent date idea for the two of you lol, and he is not above hiding in your arms if he gets spooked by one of your movie picks
- Kirishima’s also very sentimental, he’s a sucker for even the smallest of things, so once the two of you eventually end up moving in together your shared home is just filled with mementos collected by both of you throughout the time the two of you have been dating
- Knowing that you’re sentimental gives Kiri some great gift ideas, though, he loves getting you scrapbooks filled with memories or writing super long, heartfelt messages in each card he makes you, knowing that you’ll want to keep and cherish it forever <3
- Kirishima’s also a huge spice guy, he’s the kind of guy who will purposefully buy the spiciest noodles in the store just for a fun little challenge. And he’ll happily have you join him on these adventures if you’re really into spicy foods and the two of you can chow down on ice cream together afterwards, but if you prefer more mild ones instead then he just heeps a stash of your favorite brand of hot noodles in his dorm for you to snack on so you don’t have to suffer through his meals with him lol
- I doubt Kiri’s the kind of person to be a huge stickler about bedtimes or curfews or anything, but he’s the kind of guy to usually be out by like, midnight to 1AM, so he doesn’t really understand how you can stay up so late lol. He may try to encourage you to come to bed with him a little earlier, both because he wants to make sure you’re getting enough sleep and because he likes cuddling with you when he falls asleep, but he won’t push it if you’d rather keep staying up late, he respects your right to make that decision and just asks you to come cuddle with him when you are ready for bed, even if he’s already sleeping :>
Song For Your Relationship:
Someone To You by BANNERS :)
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