#sorry i went on a tangent many times
candyredappledragon · 5 months
Does Furret participate in Pokémon battles or are they moral support?
both actually! furret is a support pokemon! he has a moveset to help others and- ah sorry i got a "little" into competitive but you know for fun! florian inspired me to make a team that involves with pokemon i love and build it from there. though furret prefers to be my moral support. i grab him, hug him tight and i forget about my loss.
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though some of my pokemon do enjoy the quiet and relaxing life so its a win-win for us! i leave some of them with my grandparents to help them around the house or do activities. i am very grateful for them!
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Anakin truly set out the goal to marry Padmé as soon as he first laid his eyes on her. He didn't even interact with her that much to come to the conclusion that he wanted to wed her. As soon as they met again 10 years later, he wasted no time and put a ring on that finger. They didn't even take at least a month; they went straight to marriage. Their romance is essentially a Disney fairytale 😅❤️
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kaseyskat · 1 year
hi good morning everyone today i am going to talk about henry oak.
henry, through the course of s1, goes through a massive arc of self-discovery. he also takes some of the worst beatings of any of the dads, arguably, with very little time to process some of these hits in comparison. part of that is the oak family tradition of burying negative emotions until they come out by force, but part of it is also henry and his themes of blaming himself viciously for things that are completely out of his control- because he was raised to think that everything that goes wrong in his life is because he wasn't good enough.
"nyx, what do you mean?" lets look at the fucking pyramid. look at me and tell me who of the dads suffered the most from that pyramid. henry. it breaks my heart that henry both blames himself the most and so do the other dads? when it was just another thing out of his control. between sparrow getting stabbed in the fight and lark actually getting buried by said pyramid, henry had the most to lose and maybe that's why he blames himself so hard: those were his kids who snowballed this fight, he takes responsibility for them because before the events of faerun, taking responsibility for the actions of his kids is all he knows how to do when they're misbehaving.
and thus starts this mentality from henry: someone in the party makes a mistake, and henry blames himself just as equally, even if it wasn't something within his sphere of control. again, this makes SENSE given what we know of his childhood- barry spent years hammering it into henry's head that if he couldn't be perfect, everything bad to him was his fault. he could be better, could be greater, could make a difference. every single thing he couldn't do was a flaw on his own end, and like... i feel like barry's parenting of henry tends to be overlooked a lot when discussing henry's character and also how he ends up parenting lark and sparrow. barry was overbearing, so henry is lax. barry was hyper critical and judgemental, so henry established very quickly that he would never be harsh, never be mean, never overstep. and the lack of boundaries he gives his kids is a parenting style i personally heavily disagree with, but given what we know of henry and his examples of fatherhood, it makes sense. it feels hard to fault him too hard when we see the other dads go through this as well- being the opposite of your father to a fault, two different extremes.
what gets me. so bad? about this? is that at every turn, henry is punished for trying to be better. beyond just losing the twins when he would've punished them for the stunts in neverwinter. beyond learning new truths about himself and fighting his father and never having the emotional space to recover from that - yes, i will forever be a little salty about the timing of deck picks, because it takes away most of henry's agency and he doesn't get the opportunity to process any of the fight before getting swept away in the deck and then right into glenn's arc. and even with the deck; glenn would've gone to the trial anyways, which means the only person the deck actually hurt? that affected him in the long run? was henry. and then, with the gloves: it kills me, it KILLS ME!!! that henry's decision to step up on his parenting game, be a little stricter and give his kids hard boundaries, finally start trying to mend the broken edges his own father left him with and be a better father. IS PUNISHED! IN THE LONG RUN! it's natural that a kid with loose rules will get angry when those rules are actually enforced, but oh my god i think i will forever be angry at anthony for using the rogue card to inflict this very, "you wanted to be better? suck it! now your kid hates you!" mentality by making lark specifically angry at henry for trying to be better and then never resolving it.
when i say henry was doomed by the narrative, this is what i mean. he suffers and suffers and every step to become better just ends up hitting him in the face. and still he tries. still he pushes on. and i think this is kind of why i disagree with the more popular post-s1 henry takes: it's pretty easy to get attached to the twins and then try to paint henry as the reason why each twin has their issues. lark is angry? henry has done him wrong. sparrow has no self-esteem? henry neglected him. but both of these concepts involve the idea of henry being overbearing like he was pre-s1, and that actively contradicts the father henry was trying to be during the season and denies him the chance to get better, and i really, really don't like that!
henry angers easily, but he swallows it down until it bubbles over. henry finally is allowing himself to feel negative emotions as they hit him, because despite what the narrative paints, he has learned! that it's unhealthy! he knows he fucked up with the twins by not giving them boundaries in the past, so why would he keep doing that? why do we as a fandom believe that darryl managed to salvage his relationship with grant and ron stepped up to become the emotionally available stepfather we all wanted him to be, but henry has to not learn from his mistakes for the sake of the twins and their characterization?
it really gets to me. from what we've seen briefly and what we know henry is like - and what we know sparrow is like too, he does a lot of things in a very henry manner when it comes to parenting normal - he is not overbearing. he is not neglectful. he is maintaining a boundary. he will not overstep because he loves his twins so desperately but also knows if he pushes too hard they'll hate him. so he keeps himself distant. he gives lark space. space, and the grace to make his own decisions: boy doesn't that sound familiar? (it's the same logic sparrow uses with normal: sparrow learned it from somewhere). and that is why their relationship never mends: because lark wants henry to hate him for his decisions, so he keeps lashing out, intentionally trying to provoke henry into admitting he doesn't love lark anymore: and it fails, because henry is loving and he is forgiving and he will not let himself overstep but he also will always be there for his sons. sons, plural, because sparrow too ends up distant: not because henry is neglecting him, but because sparrow chose lark. sparrow internalized henry's "love your brother first" very hard, and that immediately puts him at odds with his father too: because he can't reach for henry without "betraying" lark, so he pulls himself away. the most he can do is try to assure henry that lark doesn't mean what he's saying when lark is poking at henry's defenses and henry takes it, takes the insults and the jabs and the "why aren't you better"s and accepts them. henry already knows this after all: it all goes back to his childhood. to barry. and that destroys me.
TLDR: i think both the narrative of the show and we the fandom tend to do henry some major disservices outside of his relationship with the other dads, and i say this as a major sparrow apologist! was his parenting perfect? no. but his entire arc is about accepting that you can't be perfect and sometimes things happen outside your control and it's not your fault so all you can do is hold onto the people around you and keep your heart open. and the sooner we accept that, the sooner we can appreciate both henry and the twins more: after all, as i stated, sparrow is going down a very similar path with normal, and i for one am very, very excited for it.
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rillils · 6 months
imagine post endgame bucky having to go alone, without someone to support him, to say sorry to all the people whos family he killed and he keeps saying that he didnt have a choice as his excuse
and he keeps thinking that its not a good enough excuse, that hes not good enough
no, you see, you see!! one of the things that made me uncomfortable about their treatment of Bucky, back when I was watching tf*ws, is precisely this
gonna slap this under a cut because BOY I have things to say
deciding that he has to apologize for all those deaths implies that he murdered those people willingly, while he was perfectly aware of his actions, of their consequences, and just did it anyways. so now, you know, he has to "atone for his sins", or make amends or whatever. so we're just going to send him off to those dead people's relatives to immolate himself because of course that's the only right thing to do. BUT idk, say what you will, this entire concept just sits wrong with me, I can't help it.
like first of all, we're acting as though killing all those people was a conscious choice on his part, as though he were completely 100% in control of himself and actively chose to murder a bunch of people, just because it suited him or something, when we know, WE FUCKING KNOW, WE HAVE BEEN LITERALLY SHOWN THIS, IT'S A RECURRING THEME IN AT LEAST 2 OF THE CAP MOVIES, that THIS. was NOT. the CASE. and fuck anyone who says any different tbh, mcu included
second, they might argue that by walking up to the victims' relatives and apologizing, Bucky's giving them closure or something, but. just. look at this from their point of view, right. as far as they're concerned, this is the guy who murdered their loved ones in cold blood, and he's just! walking free! getting away with murder(s), apparently without suffering any consequences whatsoever for all his crimes and all the grief he has caused. is that REALLY gonna give anyone closure? or is it just going to hurt them more/make them even angrier/unnecessarily reopen old wounds when there's nothing, really, that can heal or soothe them at this point, but rather just make them more painful than they already were????
so, it doesn't give them closure. and it sure as fuck doesn't give him closure, either.
they send him on this horrible, tragic, terrifying, sad errand, and all he gets out of it is torturing himself some more. seeing the pain and the hatred for him on all of these people's faces, the moment he says "yes, it was me, I pulled the trigger, I killed this person you loved". like, torture, yes, torture!! that's all this is!!! that's all it earns him!!! no peace of mind, no sense of closure, no hint of forgiveness! just more pain!!!!!!
just. I just hate this, you know, I just. I really, really hate this. I especially hate how, as you said, the way they insist on him having to personally apologize is just going to make him feel like his own hardships (aka being physically and emotionally tortured until he broke down and had his identity, agency and free will stripped away from him) were just "an excuse". as though a victim (because THAT'S what he is, THAT'S what he always was, a victim himself) needed an excuse for all his suffering. as if he brought it upon himself. as if he was "asking for it".
nah, all of this, it's just going to make his sense of guilt grow stronger and deeper over time, making him feel even more Unworthy (unworthy of love, unworthy of acceptance, unworthy of living a normal life after everything he's been put through, unworthy of friendship, unworthy of being seen as a whole person, as a human rather than a murderer) than he already felt before, making his own pain so overwhelmingly powerful that he might end up feeling like his entire existence is a mistake, and everybody would be better off if he just wasn't around anymore. and that's just so horrifying that I refuse to contemplate it.
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sskk-manifesto · 3 months
Osamu Dazai and the Depressing Era
#I have so many thoughts through my mind these days I was barely able to focus on the episode. I kept zoning out#I made barely any post#Okay some thoughts. The thing that really hit me since the first time watching b/sd... Is the–#“I don't kill people because I want to write about lives” “I start doing good because my friend asked me to”#Like I get grey morals and everything but also. Sorry for being so simplistic but I think everyone should do good / not kill people–#because killing people is bad lol. No because of other personal reasons#I really *really* feel b/sd ultimately has a very nihilistic approach to life.#And that when Oda said “You won't find a reason to live whether side you're on. Both sides are the same.” it's not Oda-character talking–#but it's really the author expressing their own worldview through the one character that's the most distinguished#They really think there's no difference between good and bad in their little nihilistic world.#Which is something I personally don't agree with.#“It is a given that everything that is worth wanting will be lost the moment I obtain it”#......... No it's not you just need to go to the shore and listen to the waves crush and the seagulls squeal dude. It's going to be okay.#That's why it's so easy to portray Dazai as perfect and flawless for the author btw.#Because nothing he ever did in the pm was wrong if “good” and “bad” don't mean anything to begin with.#And this is coming from a deeply relativist person. But I believe even grey morals have a limit.#Thus my general disagreement with most b/sd themes#I don't know why I went off this tangent btw I didn't intend to.#I suppose it bears repeating once in a while where I stand compared to the b/sd themes and my personal interpretation of them#(Even though I acknowledge most people don't agree with such interpretation... )#There were other things regarding the episode I needed to say but I forgot...#One of them was that season 2 Dark Era proves that even amv openings can actually be good if you put enough budget in them#Which makes me even more pissed at the season 3 / season 5 ops#random rambles
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charliecuntcicle · 2 years
im so normal about hal jordan i swear
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holytrickster · 1 year
listen i dont like fëanor but i can't deny that getting so mad you literally burst into flames and crumble away into ash is kinda fucking relatable
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thewickerking · 7 months
huh. i have like. No posts abt miraculous ladybug on here. Well. Know that ive been unwell abt this show since. Middle school at least for me so like. 6 years minimum. it sucks so bad but if theres a fact abt me its that I will watch bad tv shows and get emotionally attached to characters the ppl in charge of the show don't like all that much <- chloé enjoyer
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luvwestwood · 5 months
"AFK" - Choso Kamo (with twt links)
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"..like fortnite, i’ma need your skin.."
3,012 words.
warnings. nsfw(18+), bf/gamer! choso, oral sex (m rec.), humiliation, desk sex, exhibitionism, trying not to get caught, feral choso, p in v, throat fucking, oral sex (m receiving), overstimulation, degradation, choso whimper links included lol,
notes. my previous drabble abt choso had a lil kick to it, definitely had to make it into a full one-shot! hope u guys enjoy, and thank u for 450 followers hehe, so I included twt links! ^^
credits to @/plutism for dividers, @/adrienwithane for banner.
russian translation by @juliabelll ❤️
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Not too long ago, it was Choso's birthday. Being an amazing girlfriend you are, of course you built him a brand new PC. It cost you an arm and a leg, but that didn't matter at all when it came to Choso. Seeing him happy itched a part of your brain, especially when he was the one who would pay for everything: dates, your online shopping carts, you name it.
He never really bought anything for himself. You were getting tired of the countless times that he went on a tangent about how slow his previous machine was. It was doing your head in, so you saved up. For what you now call a 'not-blessing-in-disguise'.
Choso was obsessed with his new PC, and it wasn’t an exaggeration. Part of you was starting to regret it all. The man barely paid attention to you.
Am I the asshole for being mad that my boyfriend likes his gift a bit too much? No, I wouldn't think so. I should be delighted, but it's pretty much getting outrageous.
The fact that he has almost every single game out there on that PC in just a span of one week since he got it - means there's more for him to do. Every day, he'd wake up, do a bit of house stuff then sit his ass down to play with his friends. For as long as he can. Never leaving that room. Hell, he wouldn't even bother answering your messages until an hour later. 'Mb, was on the game' is something that was engraved in your brain by now.
Every time you'd come over, he'd ignore you simply by just gluing his eyes on the screen. If you try to nap, just go home. You've lost track of how many times he's managed to wake you up with his blood-curdling screams. There were times when Choso didn't even notice you leaving, which upset you quite a bit.
Of course, you had moments when you needed him the most. Like, badly. Freshly shaved, he's not even mentally there to take a peek. You could be naked and oiled up in his bed, Choso wouldn't even bat an eye.
…Advice to self, don't get him a PS5 this Christmas.
"Choso," You called out, sat on the edge of the bed behind him. No answer. Per usual, you wanted to rip that headset off his head.
Dark circles were forming around his eyes, endless cans of monster were scattered all over his desk. "Nah let's just fight Oscar, we've got a minute until the circle closes."
Rolling your eyes, a scoff escapes your mouth. Aaand he didn't hear you. Crossing your arms, you furrow your brows. He was honestly testing your patience. "Choso?!"
Choso flinches a bit, pulling one side of his headset away from his ear. His gaming chair spins around to face you. "Baby?"
He knew you were mad. You looked more than pissed. It was really because this recurring behavior of his was getting too much. "Your eyes are always on that screen! Did you even know that I was here!?”
“I-I’m sorry. Look, I'll get off after this game!” From his headset you could hear Choso’s friends teasing and picking on him. They probably heard you scolding your poor boyfriend. You couldn’t care less.
As soon as you were about to speak, he immediately spun his chair back around to face that stupid monitor again. He was too engrossed in the game. It was his squad of four against the only opposing team.
Groaning, you flop back onto his mattress. "..You always say that, and you never do." Muttering under your breath, you stare at the ceiling blankly. What felt like a hammer to your head, Choso's war cries could only get louder each second.
The past few days, you had no choice but to use your own fingers to toy with yourself. You were needy, and you missed your boyfriend's touch. Too bad he was too occupied. How come his keyboard and mouse get to be touched by him more than your....
Using all of your strength, you sat yourself up again on the edge of his mattress. Realizing there's no use in scolding him, you quietly walked up behind Choso, combing your fingers through his hair. You loved when it was down, and he loved it when you played with his hair. He found it relaxing. You could tell by the way his body was no longer tensed up, the back of his head falling heavy onto your hand.
Your hands left his hair, travelling down to his nape. With your freshly manicured nails (which he paid for), you gently scratched his skin on his neck. You could see goosebumps forming, but said nothing about it. Choso who was ticklish, tilted his head to the side - "Mmm," He hummed, telling you off as you were starting to distract him.
Letting out a laboured sigh, you stared at the back of his head. Wondering what to do with him, you pouted. Maybe I should just leave like every other day? No, I can't back down.
He seems really busy. Would he even notice if I crawled under his desk? Grinning, you got on your knees, crawling like a kitty underneath his desk but making minimal noise. You glanced behind your shoulder to see his reaction, but his eyes were still gawking at the flashing screen in front of him.
Coming face to face with his sweats, you kneeled, just in level with his lap. Peeking your head out from the shadows under his desk, Choso had only noticed you then. His eyes widened, the sight of you looking up at him like a puppy had started to cloud up his thoughts.
Grabbing onto his wrist, he slowly let go of his mouse. Bringing his hand to your cheek, he took it in the palm of his hand, eventually giving in and using his thumb to softly caress your lips. "..I missed you, Choso.." You whispered, softly sucking on his thumb. "..I need you,"
His breath hitched, your words were doing something to him. What a fool he was for ignoring you all this time? Just then, a cacophony of voices screaming through his headset broke him out of his trance. Choso's warm hand left your face, causing you to frown. Your fun was cut short. Way too short.
You had enough, deciding it was time you finally got what you wanted. Snaking your two hands up the soft cotton of his sweats, they stopped right at his crotch. His eyes anxiously shot down to you underneath him, telling you off and pointing to his headset.
Placing a finger onto your lips, you told him to just be quiet. His eyes frantically flickered from you, then to his monitor. Slowly, you slid down his pants. Smiling at the way he rose himself up from his seat slightly, so it would be easier to take them off. Of course, he wasn't wearing anything underneath.
Taking his long, thick cock into your hands, you jerked it ever so slightly. Choso cleared his throat, keeping his mouth shut all of a sudden in case he accidentally makes unwanted noise. He was practically melting under your touch, into the chair. Gliding your tongue over his pink tip, he didn't dare look at you. Not long after, your warm mouth wrapped over him, Choso letting out a sigh of relief at the feeling.
You knew how to push his buttons, bringing yourself to fully deepthroat his cock for a few seconds. His lips purse shut, Choso slightly biting down onto his bottom lip. His fingers started to press on the wrong keys, unable to focus on the game.
Pulling away, a string of saliva connected your tongue and his aching tip. You brought your lips back onto his cock, bobbing your head and hollowing your cheeks as you used your two hands to jerk him off at the same time.
The man above was folding at the pornographic sight underneath him. Hearing Choso moan by accident, he quickly covered it up with a cough. “…Yeah, no, I’m good- Just don’t- feel well..”Friends concerned, Choso had come up with a convincing lie in just seconds. His hand reached down to rake through your hair until his fist was full of it. [link]
He lightly pushed your head up and down his length, your mouth making sloppy noises all over, buckets of spit dripping down your chin and his balls.
Ripping his headset off, Choso didn't care about the game anymore. Or his friends. He groaned as you fondled with his balls, giving them a suck afterwards. His light grey pants were turning a darker shade than before. His two hands clawed into your hair on both sides of your face, Choso started to fuck his cock into the back your throat.
Moaning, his eyes shut tightly as his head fell back onto the cushion of his chair. His balls tightening as he heard how you constantly gagged over his thick cock. "Fuck.. Just like that.."
His moans were a mixture of curses and long groans, tears started to well up in your eyes. Choso opened his eyes again, looking down at you as he drew your mouth away from his cock. He smiled, seeing your makeup all ruined, your face covered with spit and so did his lap.
Rolling his chair away from the desk, he grabbed you from underneath. Only to pull it back again, placing it in front of his PC. Guiding his hand on your back, he bent you over on the chair, making your two legs kneel on the soft cushion so you wouldn't tire out. [link]
Holding tightly onto your hair, your head fell back towards him. Choso had ripped the fabric of your leggings that was unfortunately covering your cunt. Grabbing his cock, he lined himself up with your hole, his hands shaking from how eager he was.
Easily sliding in from the slick that covered your hole, you grabbed onto the arm rest in front of you; Choso stretching you out completely. Wasting no time, he began to move his hips back and forth, fucking his hard cock into you.
His monitor started to gently shake from how hard his cock was bullying into you, skin slapping as his balls that were full of weeks load cum made contact with your clit.
"C-Choso.." You cried out, your hand reaching back to his pelvis. Staring at yourself getting fucked like a slut through the reflection of his PC monitor, your ass rippled with each and every one of his thrusts.
Maintaining his brutal pace, his fingers were no longer woven into your hair, reaching out to the headset on his desk. Confused, you kept your eyes open to watch Choso place them over your head. "W-What..?"
His hands gripped onto the flesh of your hips, Choso leaned into your ear. "Keep moaning you slut, let them hear you." All of a sudden he groaned, feeling you clench around him at what he just said. "You like that, don't you?"
Spinning you slightly to one side, his leg went up onto the chair with you, allowing him more leverage to fuck you deeper. "Eyes up at that camera too, show them how pretty you look taking my cock," Tears started to stream down the sides of your cheeks, your face had flushed red.
Choso's hands took a hold of your hair again, his tip kissing your cervix repeatedly. "I.." Speechless, you lost your ability to form a basic sentence. His fat cock left you braindead, at this point you were seeing nothing but stars.
"..Use your words baby," A creamy white ring started to form at his base as his cock pistoned in and out of you. Choso's hand kept stamping down on your back from time to time to make sure you kept that arch. "..Isn't this what you've been wanting all week?"
"Y-you're so deep.. I can't.." Your hand reached back to his abs, twisting the white fabric of his tank top until it was all wrinkly. He took a hold of your wrist, twisting your arm behind you. Choso slightly bent over, his warm body resting against your back.
He quietly groaned into your ear, chanting your name like a prayer. You were fucked out of your mind. "You feel so good.. like this pussy was made for me." The pace of his thrusts slowed down, but his hips still rut into you hard each time. His strokes hard and deep, you swear could feel him all up in your guts. Your jaw had dropped, your head falling back onto his shoulder.
Choso's hands reached under your loose shirt, letting your tits spill out of your bra. Gently twisting your nipple between his finger tips, fondling with your whole breast afterwards, he forgot how much he loved wrapping his mouth around those.
"Your cock.. It feels so good.." You babbled, Choso sneaking his fingers underneath to rub lazy circles on your clit. Your legs began to tremble, fortunately your throat managed to choke out a whine.
Also seeing him in the reflection of his monitor, strands of his hair started to stick to his face. Multiple beads of sweat had formed on his forehead. Choso didn't want to leave your pussy. Not even Thor could pull him out. He enjoyed using you like a cock whore.
You felt so dizzy, mind full of his cock. Choso let out multiple whimpers as he felt his orgasm nearing, his index finger hooking onto the side of your mouth. The very last few seconds, his cock bottomed into you, trying to chase your orgasm. The desk hitting against he wall non-stop, his headset that was on you started to fall off your head.
Leaving a trail of wet kisses down your back, his hand grabbed onto the plush flesh of your ass, continuously giving it a spank every now and then.
The wet, slapping noises of your skin continued to follow, until you felt his thrusts come to a sudden halt. His hot cum shooting inside of you rope after rope, just before he pulled out to let the rest out onto your ass. "..Fuck.. look at that."
Using his thumb to spread your hole wide open, his load spilt onto the black leather of his gaming chair. You panted, tired and hole throbbing. You got what you wanted, that’s for sure. Forcing his headset off you, you couldn't do anything but lean against his desk, trying to regulate your breathing pattern back to normal.
"..We're not done here," Choso laughed behind you, your cunt still dripping of his thick load. His hands roughly turned your body around, placing you on top the desk to face him. Using his foot to push the chair away, he lined his cock with your hole again, using his cum that was already inside of you as lube.
"Oh m-my- Choso!" You yelped, one hand taking grip onto his shoulder for support, the other holding knocking his keyboard out of the way, trying to find something to hold onto other than his shoulder.
His forehead rested against yours, the staggering movement of his hips causing the desk itself to shake under the two of you. Choso watched as his cock disappeared in and out of your hole, grunts coming out through his clench teeth as he wrapped his large hands around your thighs. He wanted more, and wasn't going to stop anytime soon.
"..Good girl," He gritted through his teeth, "..I love t-this pussy, and you." Choso's hands pressed flat against the desk, his lips locking onto yours. His cock was coated in a mixture of his and your own cum, your sweaty bodies intimately hugging against each other.
Choso wanted to feel all you, he just craved more and more each minute. His hands shakily held onto the sides of your waist, his lips moving to your jaw to plant more kisses.
"You're so beautiful, look at me baby." Choso lightly tapped the side of your face, telling you to maintain eye contact.
Obeying, you kept your eyes open; looking into his but not a thought behind your own eyes. You only continued to whine under his touch, overstimulated from how much he's used you like a cock whore. You were so close to losing your mind, drunk off his cock.
Choso too, was lost in your pussy. God, was he whipped— If only he could stay inside you forever, he definitely would. This whole time he was busy cursing at himself, how much of an idiot he is to not appreciate what he has - you. Your cheeks were stained with your hot tears, Choso hushing you and wiping them away every now and then.
“S-Shit, I’m gonna cum again.” He pants, feeling his balls tighten for the second time, the tightness of your pussy heightening his stimulation.
Your hands cupped both of his cheeks, pulling him in for a kiss. His thrusts turning sloppy, you cooed. “..Cum for me, I want it all inside..”
This caused the coil inside of Choso to snap, him desperately whimpering into your ear as he hid his face in the crook of your neck. “F-fu-ck..” Tightly holding onto the flesh of your hips, he made sure his second load stayed inside of you.
Sliding his cock out, Choso rested his heavy cock just above your pussy. Making sure he planted a peck on your forehead, trying to catch his breath. The two of you laugh, your bodies aching and sweaty, his entire desk and chair a mess.
Reaching for something, you blinked as Choso grabbed his headset that ended up on the other side of the desk. Placing one side against his ear, he spoke into the mic. "..GG."
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⊹ ࣪ ˖ ⤳ © luvwestwood ‘24 all works are owned by me, and originally come from my own head. please do not re-post on a third party platform without my permission!
⊹ ࣪ ˖ ⤳ as always, thank you for the love on each and every one of my posts! it means the world to me 🎀🩷
[luvwestwood masterlist]
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nervoussagittarius · 2 months
which triplet is most likely to ft. matts girlfriend y/n!
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matt sturniolo x reader
summary: matt invites his girlfriend to a car video with nostalgic vibes
warnings: none :)
you were sitting in the passenger seat of the minivan, you're normal spot when you were driving with the triplets. this time though, a camera sat in front of you on the dash of their car.
being home with the boys in boston was still something you were getting used to. your boyfriend matt had spent a big part of the day taking you around all the iconic spots in the city. the boys had asked you earlier in the if you wanted to participate in a video. you, of course, said yes.
your relationship was no secret to the world. you guys have been together for a couple years, and you had been featured in many og videos.
"gotta turn the world into a dance floor" chris sang, as matt got into the car. he pointed at you to finish the lyric
with a roll of your eyes, "determinate d-determinate" you sang back.
matt and nick looked at the both of you. one in anticipation of you guys to keep singing, and the other in anticipation of starting the video.
nick cut all of you off quickly to intro the video. "hey guys! welcome back to the fridays video"
"today we have a very special guest, drumroll please, my girlfriend y/n" matt said as he looked at you with a stupid smile on his face.
"hi guys! im back" you replied looking at the camera.
chris started from the backseat, "if you're new here, y/n has been in a bunch of our old videos, and were bringing her back to see her take on 'who's most likely to'"
"we've done this before but we figured y/n could give you guys an outside perspective” matt said as he looked at the camera.
“i’m giving y’all the dirt. we’re getting deep… i- okay” the boys laughed at you while nick pulled up the first question.
“okay, which triplet is most likely to get mad at another for chewing to loud?” nick asked as you immediately looked between the camera and matt.
“we already know the answer because the viewers have seen this happen multiple times”
“yeah, i have to say it’s matt. i’m so sorry for coming at you first honey” you said in between giggles as matt rolled his eyes.
“i disagree. i don’t think i’m most likely to do that”
“matt! we’ve witnessed it bro. you can’t say it’s not you when it is. either way it’s a who’s most likely to question not who’s actually doing it! but you’re actually doing it. good god” nick exclaimed.
the car was packed with laughter as nick went in his tangent. you all calmed down as nick asked the next question.
“who’s most likely to not be able to sleep alone”
“all of you.”
“what!?” “no way!” “that’s not even true”
“no it’s so true” you responded to there complaints. “let me explain. nick is probably the least likely. he’s okay sleeping alone i just feel like people come to him the most to sleep with him so he’s used to sleeping with other people.”
“that’s very true. people are always in my bed” nick said giving the camera a little wink.
“matt and chris need to have someone with them at all times. chris can’t sleep in the same place for more then a night. he’s always sleeping everywhere but his own bed. and matt texts me at least once a week that i need to come over and sleep in his bed with him because he can’t fall asleep.”
“let me just clarify,” matt started, “i can sleep alone. i would rather have my girlfriend with me though. and that’s okay. that’s fine”
“yeah and i just don’t like being alone.” chris defended.
a few more questions were answered before you guys decided to call it quits for the night.
matt grabbed the camera off the dash pointing it at you. you smiled and put up a peace sign.
“look at how cute she is” matt said as he put his hand on your cheek.
“alright matt, end the video”
matt screamed in the camera quickly ending the video.
i can’t get over how beautiful matt and y/n are together
i need someone to look at me the way matt looks at y/n
i love nostalgic boston videos
petition to bring y/n back on the channel more.
an: this kinda sucks because half of it was deleted when i tried to save it to my drafts and i don’t really like it but y’all wanted a matt fic. first part of the matt series will hopefully be up soon🤍
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py-dreamer · 2 months
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Man I am on a roll these days!
I love this doll base for the lmk characters, I actually drew some designs for the other lmk characters in this base in a notebook and as much as I would like to post them, Idk if that'll be any time soon.
I know in the show, Mk's headband is his signature. Even since childhood, I get that but I also saw a design of kid MK with him without the headband and fell in love.
Also he has light up sketchers. Cause why not.
It was a lot of fun doing the crayon drawings and seems like red and yellow are our lil prince's favorite colors, though it was a bit difficult to do them on such a small scale and at a slanted angle.
why does Mk have random building blocks?....
(I genuinely don't know)
Looking back, I do wish I made the toys a little more scuffed up cause while I do believe Pigsy would buy some toys and new clothes for his son the kid but I do love the idea that many of MK's old toys were hand me downs or at least second handed from Pigsy's past or even any cousins giving old toys or heck. Maybe some of Tang's university students found out their teacher has a new kid and give some old stuff to help out since Mk is a sweet kid and his appearance was quite spontaneous.
Perhaps that doll is a clone Wukong placed to keep an extra eye on the boy
BTW that love heart is NOT romantic in any way you creeps. Like how a child loves a toy, there is nothing weird happening here.
I try to respect different ships and opinions. I try my best.
But we see in the show, their father-son dynamic. I know there is a ship format of mentor x student but there is a clear parental relationship here!
It just feels icky, especially when you consider the inbalance of both power and experience in any 'romantic' context
Sorry, I just went on a tangent there, but hope you enjoy the actual piece and enjoy the easter eggs (>u ')/
(also out of curiosity, are any of you interested in the stopmotion film, Kubo and the two strings cause there might be a new au on the horizon!)
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semisolidmind · 8 months
Ok I have a question and if I asked this before sorry my memory sometimes bad.
So you said peach's died on the journey with her husband's. How did she die? And did they get revenge for her. Also at this point you would think peach's is there soulmate but peach's not liking it.
And dose she have a Mark of how she died as a brith Mark?
And what was Macaqa and sun frist meating with peach's like?
I really love your work
(tw, slight mention of blood and gore)
went on a bit of a tangent :)
reader was killed during a demon ambush. everybody was busy fighting the demons, and while reader was hiding, one of the demons escaped the warlords' notice. she didn't even have time to scream. it killed her, and then took and ate her body.
macaque was the first to realize her absence, of course. reader wasn't able to make much noise as she died, so he just thought she was scared, but... imagine his horror when he can't hear her heartbeat. he quickly dissapears into a shadow, leaving the fight behind. he checks where reader was hidden, and finds only a small puddle of blood. his breathing quickens as he follows the blood a ways further into the woods. he can feel his rage and anguish growing.
there, in a clearing, a rogue wolf demon seems to have just finished its meal, it's tongue licking the excess gore from its teeth. shreds of reader's clothing lay scattered at its feet, along with her satchel and book.
macaque bears his teeth in an enraged snarl and roars at the stupid beast. struck by grief, he falls to his knees, pressing his hands to his face as tears gather in his eyes.
the sound of his anguish echoing against the trees was enough to summon his brother; wukong, covered in the gore of his slain enemies, appears at his side. the king takes quick stock of the situation, and comes to the same heart-shattering conclusion as macaque.
she's gone. she's gone and this wretched creature destroyed her.
reader is dead.
the rage he feels rivals the burning of the stars.
the two bring down the full fury of their combined might upon the wolf demon. the warlords drag out their dismantlement, tearing the stupid creature apart peice by peice. once the offending beast is little more than a visceral stain on the ground..
...the brothers hold one another, attempting to ground each other through the torrent of their pain. they've lost their one, their only.
their dear reader, their beloved peach....she's dead. all because they took their eyes off her for a second, all because they were made to come on this cursed journey. were they not charged with protecting that blasted monk, they could have prevented this. wukong and macaque come to the same conclusion; they will not soon forgive the ones who brought them here.
the monkey demons gather reader's things, holding them as gently as glass...it's all they have left of her. not even a body to bury back home on their mountain.
the other pilgrims need only see these items and the baleful, enraged, tear-stricken looks on their companions' faces to know what must have happened. wukong and macaque say nothing as the monk says a prayer for her.
the two leave for a while.
they don't come back for three months.
when they do return to the journey at the behest of the heavens, they are reserved. withdrawn. they keep to themselves, only intervening when the pilgrims are in danger they can't solve themselves.
the monkey king and the six-eared macaque complete the journey. they refuse their new titles; the rage that simmers in them is far too great for the roles they've earned.
the monkey warlords go home. they grieve, properly this time, alongside their subjects.
the next few hundred years are especially brutal for any enemies of flower fruit mountain and it's king. without his queen, he forgets what it means to be merciful.
many centuries later, wukong finds a little monkey demon boy, seemingly sprung from the same stone he did. wukong adopts him, names him xiaotian, and teaches him to become a ruthlessly efficient warrior.
the child grows up hearing the occasional story about the mountains' queen, a once-mortal woman who held his father's (and uncle's) heart in her hands. his caretakers can't bring themselves to speak about her often, but they speak softly and fondly when they do. he hears stories of her adventures on the mountain; how she made friends with her subjects, worked in the kitchens and orchards, and cared for the mountain's children.
both wukong and macaque tell xiaotian that reader would have loved him dearly.
the small shrine in the palace temple (a satchel, a heavy book with nothing written in it, a few scraps of bloodied cloth displayed next to daily offerings of peaches) and furniture in his father's room (the combs, hairpins, and perfume bottles untouched but lovingly dusted) don't tell him much about who "reader" was—but the stories from the people who knew her do.
he wishes he could've met her.
when the boy reaches a certain age, he asks to go stay in the mortal world. his father reluctantly agrees.
xiaotian goes to the city, battles the dragon girl mei, befriends her, and allows her to teach him how the city works. she takes him to a noodle shop belonging to one of her friends, a gruff but earnest pig demon named pigsy. there, he meets mei's other friends; a gentle blue giant named sandy (and his cat, mo), a studious yet freeloading human named tang—and a friendly human woman who works at the shop...
...who happens to be nicknamed reader.
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blues824 · 6 months
Hiii! Could I ask you for Lilia Vanrouge on your Fluffcember prompts, 10, 11, 20, 21, and 28??
Sorry if it's too much🙏
Please take care!💕
You requested: Mistletoe, Christmas Baking, Fake Dating for a Christmas Ball, Secret Santa, and Being Caught After Slipping on Ice
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Lilia Vanrouge
To prepare for the upcoming Christmas Ball that NRC was hosting for all the schools within Twisted Wonderland, you decided to join the baking team. You weren’t a total expert, but you could follow a recipe, and Trey was on the team, so you would have extra help. However, all hope flew out the window when Lilia joined the team as well.
It’s not just because he sucks in the kitchen, either. You had a huge crush on him, and often found yourself distracted by him in your classes. It was bad. Ace and Grim had a hell of a time teasing you about liking such an old guy, but you slapped them in the back of the heads, stating that you were simply interested in someone mature.
Anyway, the cafeteria kitchen was definitely very busy, bristling with life as you helped frost the many desserts that were being made. Trey made it clear to Lilia that they would be following the recipes given, and that there would be no straying unless it was deemed alright by himself only. Of course, he jokingly complained about it, but he decided to join you in decorating.
The close proximity was definitely distracting you, but it was the first time that you actually got to have a full conversation with him. Then, you both proposed an idea: after the Christmas Ball, the baking and cooking teams should do a Secret Santa. After the day was over, everyone gathered and drew names. You actually pulled Ruggie’s name, and you knew exactly what to get that hyena.
Over the next few days, everyone was bustling with excitement as they made plans for the Christmas Ball. People were planning to go as friends, some people were asking others out, but you were left on your lonesome. It was fine, though, as you didn’t really care if you went or not.
That’s the thing about the Christmas Ball; you need a partner to attend. Ace and Deuce were already going as friends, so they were out of the question. Jack did not want to go, stating that he had homework to do. Sebek didn’t want to go either for the same reason. Epel was assigned a partner from Vil, as he did not want him getting into trouble at all.
It was going to be just you and Grim, you supposed.
However, that changed when you received a letter on your front door step. The handwriting was definitely very elegant and fancy on the envelope, and you immediately recognized it as Lilia’s. Your hand started to shake as you carefully opened it, putting the envelope on the counter and reading the letter.
Prefect of Ramshackle
I have found out that you have not found a date to the Christmas Ball yet at this time, so I was wondering if you would be the one to accompany me. The young prince—young to me, anyway—has made known his desire to attend the Ball, and so, in order to watch out for him, I require a partner.
If you would, I would be indebted to you.
Your heart was shattered in the best way possible. You were going to be able to attend the Ball with your crush, but he was just using it as a way to guard Malleus. It was understandable, as that was his sole duty, appointed to him by the Queen of Briar Valley, but it still hurt to think that you were just being used.
To get a second opinion, you called over Ace, Deuce, Jack, and Epel, and they all told you that you should accept the invitation. What you didn’t realize was that they were all plotting something so that you and Lilia would definitely end up together, as they were tired of your tangents about him. They all, including Grim, actually, forced you out of the room so that they could come up with a plan.
Before the Ball started, the cooking and baking teams met up for the Secret Santa. From there, you all would just walk back outside to gain entrance to the main room. You handed Ruggie his box of donuts, and he immediately started shoving them down his throat. He actually cleaned up really well with his suit, and he made sure not to get any donut crumbs on it.
You were speaking to both Trey and Ruggie when you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned to see Lilia handing you a present and joining the conversation. It was delicately wrapped with a ribbon placed on top, and the baker of Heartslabyul made a comment about how the former general could wrap a present with such precision but couldn’t follow a recipe. You slapped him in the arm, causing all three guys to laugh.
When you were going to open the gift, however, Lilia stopped you and asked if you could leave it here and open it after the Ball, as it would make sense then. You were a bit curious as to what he meant by that, but you shrugged your shoulders and agreed to wait. Then, he complimented you on how nice you looked this evening, making you a bit flustered.
That’s when Crowley entered the kitchen area and told you guys the game-plan. The ghosts that typically serve lunch would serve the food and desserts you had made, and you all would be getting extra credit for your work. He then told you that you should go outside and around to where everyone else was waiting, and you would gain entrance first along with the group who helped decorate the ballroom.
Lilia extended his arm out to you, and you placed your hand in the crook of his elbow, letting him lead you out of the kitchen and into the cold night air. Your breath haltered, your body trying to adjust to the temperature.
It wasn’t long until the doors opened and the setting-up committees were allowed inside. The Christmas tree in the corner was definitely very hard to miss, and it was so elegantly decorated. There were fairy lights strung across the ceiling as well as the walls, giving a rather romantic feeling to the atmosphere. 
The bat fae looked at the wonder displayed upon your face with a smile, and he decided right then and there that he wanted to keep you on your toes for your entire life just so he could see that same wonder.
Putting that aside, the DJ hired for the event spoke into the microphone, snapping you both out of your thoughts.
“Would all partners make their way to the dance floor? The waltz is about to begin.”
Lilia turned to you, making your hand slip from his arm, and he reached his hand out to you.
“Would you let me have this dance, Prefect?” He asked, and you found yourself nodding as you were at a loss for words. He led you to the dance floor, and his free hand met your waist. Yours met his shoulder, and you both looked into each other’s eyes. All the surrounding couples just disappeared as you both started dancing.
On the sidelines, Malleus and Silver met up with Ace and Deuce to set the plan created by the First Years in motion. They had mistletoe at the ready, ready to place it wherever they thought you might go. They even had a fishing rod handy.
Yours and Lilia’s faces were getting quite close as you whispered to each other. He revealed something about Silver in his childhood that made you giggle, but right before your lips were about to meet, the song was over. Your minds came crashing back into Twisted Wonderland, and you pulled away, making the others who were watching let out a groan of exasperation.
If you both kissed, then that would mean they wouldn’t have to do anything.
After about an hour of dancing, you felt yourself getting a bit hungry. Excusing yourself from Lilia, you made your way to the food assembly line, and you started making your plate. The food smelled really good, and you were excited to try the desserts that Trey helped make, as you knew he could make some pretty good things.
But, your thoughts were interrupted when you heard your name be called. It was a student from Savanaclaw, whose name you had completely forgotten. You felt bad, but that’s what happened and you can’t exactly change that. You remembered that he was on the room-decorating crew, though.
“I was wondering if you wanted to dance with me once you finished eating?” He asked, seemingly a bit nervous. Poor thing.
“Sure! I just need to let Lilia know! Wait here for me, I’ll be back in a bit!” You said with a smile, before standing up and turning to find your partner. It didn’t take long to find him, as he was actually right behind you.
“I’m afraid they are unavailable for a dance, as they are with me for the entirety of the evening,” He said, turning the guy down in your place. You stared in shock as the student walked off, tail between their legs.
“Lilia! Why did you do that?!”
“Because there was mistletoe above you and I do not believe that I would have appreciated you kissing them instead of me,” He said with a smirk, putting his hands on your waist and pulling you into him.
You looked up and lo and behold, there was a piece of mistletoe in the air. You looked around to see how it was being held up, but you returned to looking Lilia in the eyes.
“Aren’t you only here to watch out for Malleus? You haven’t been doing that this entire evening.”
“Well, that was only half of the truth, my dear! I actually just wanted to be with you. I’ve noticed you staring at me in our shared classes, and I can hear how quick your heart beats when you notice I’m in your vicinity.” That explanation definitely checks out, but you can’t believe that you have been that obvious. Your heart started speeding up again as you came to the realization that he was here with you because he wanted to be, not because of some royal duty he had.
That’s when you noticed that your faces were incredibly close, so you decided to just go for it. You closed the space and placed your lips on his, and he immediately started reciprocating. You heard Ace, Deuce, and Epel all celebrating, with Jack on the phone saying “FINALLY”. You smiled into the kiss, now realizing that your friends had set this up.
Once you pulled away, you were still smiling as you looked at your friends as well as Malleus and Silver, both of whom were smiling at you two.
A few hours later, the DJ announced that the Ball had commenced, and that everyone should start heading back to their dormitories. Crowley announced a few things on the mic, but you weren’t exactly paying attention. 
Lilia handed you his suit jacket as he led you outside, telling you that he would love to accompany you back to your dormitory. One of the ghosts that was serving dinner grabbed your attention by shouting your name, and he handed you your present that you had forgotten about in the kitchen. You smiled and thanked him before turning back to the fae.
“Can I open it now?”
“How about you wait until we get back to Ramshackle? I can see that you’re shivering,” He said, giggling.
So you both continued to Ramshackle. However, on the Main Street, the cobblestone seemed to be iced over, and you were not wearing the appropriate footwear to accommodate it, so you slipped.
Before you had a rather abrupt and personal meeting with the ground, though, you felt Lilia’s arms catch you in a bridal carry. You were surprised at his strength—I mean, he does look rather skinny and scrawny… It’s giving Levi Ackerman— as he continued to walk and carry you as though it were normal.
“You just can’t help but fall for me, can you?” He asked, in a rather teasing tone.
You just rolled your eyes and smiled at his joke, holding the gift close to your heart and placing your head into the crook of his neck. His cologne smells heavenly as it always does, but it felt more intimate, being able to smell it while being held so close to his body.
“I guess I can’t…”
What was in the box did, in fact, make sense later, as it was a necklace, with his initials as well as your first initial, accompanied by a V.
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9w1ft · 3 months
I'm a gaylor myself so this isn't coming from a place of hate but I really don't think karlie and taylor are still together, I think taylor still references her in her art and probably will for quite some time because that relationship -- whatever the nature of it was -- left such a deep impact on her. but I really can't see them still being together, I think she's forced herself to move on from karlie and has since dated a lot of other women. that doesn't mean her feelings for karlie have faded, just that they will probably always be there but they broke up for sure before 2019, I think. folklore and evermore, midnights even, are all breakup albums, I just can't see how they could still be together. especially all her anger and sadness in those songs that are thought of to be for karlie (like my tears ricochet or exile or mad woman) also the cover art being shoot in bedfords, new york, the exact same place where karlie got married feels more like taylor revisiting this place to really say goodbye and mourn her for one last final time so she can move on
sorry, this got a bit long, I just don't understand the appeal or the reasoning for lsk's because taylor has indicated so many times that they are over, she's been mourning her relationship with karlie quite publicly since 2019 (wearing all black during the lover era) so yeah
hi! i don’t usually respond to these but i’m not sensing any ill will so i’ve decided to give a reply a go.
first off, for me, i kinda just interpret her wearing black in the back end of lover era because her masters had gotten bought by scooter. and maybe the fact that she decided to not come out. there can be other reasons, but i really do not think that her breaking up with karlie has to be one of them.
another thing i can’t shake is the fact that it was a very notorious troll/manipulative person on tumblr who spread the first rumor that they broke up in 2019, a fact that is well understood by a lot of OG’s, and this troll got in the head of a few popular kaylor and gaylor swift accounts at the time and in doing so she got a lot of people to fold. she then went on to write all this progressively unhinged fanfiction about taylor and karlie trying to make one another jealous and sleeping with all these women, presented with the same level of seriousness with which she pushed the breakup agenda. even to this day, i see present day gaylors talk about stuff that stems from narratives this account and a few other power hungry accounts spread around many years ago and it honestly just goes to show how a lot of well known gaylors may be platformmed up but that don’t really know what they’re talking about.. i only write this because the troll deactivated about a year ago (maybe they’re lurking on platforms with more malleable minds—once a troll always a troll—but at least they’ve left here), they were a really dangerous person.. and several have wild receipts to prove it.
anyways sorry i recognize that’s a tangent, i guess what i mean to say by it is, a lot of the sentiment surrounding the idea of a 2019 breakup and the reinforcement of the narrative by a gaylor community none the wiser stems from the work of someone with disingenuous intentions. a lot of “masterposts” or “realistic timelines” draw from what this person made up and it’s gone through enough filters for it to seem like credible sentiment but like, if you were there and you read all of what she wrote you know how silly it all sounded and how incoherently it was all written.
okay so to circle back to more of a content-centric angle, in my interpretation of the events that gave us folklore, evermore, and midnights, taylor had so much to be sad about. her mom had been very sick, the pandemic arrived and she had to cancel lover fest, she had to come to terms with scott b having sold her work to her sworn enemy… songs on midnights and folklore, and on her lover era apple music playlist allude to certain other things that may have had her in a mournful mood. things were bad! and i don’t doubt that her and karlie have been through a lot. but for me, when you’ve got a ride or die love, you don’t just break up. this has been something frustrating for me and others, i think, to see so many people treat a relationship as either being all systems go or broken up, as if long term partners can’t experience sadness together, difficulty together, even heartbreak together.
i don’t like getting in to touchy subjects so much but there’s just been too much pointing towards what i consider to be a rather simple narrative that is a natural progression for people committed and in love. how did the lover music video begin and end? whats a randomly specific word in a song she performed at the grammys minutes after someone was announced to the world? what about taylor’s envisioned future stands out about the anti hero music video? i think i’ll stop here but idk man 😆 poke around my archive if you feel like wasting a few days of your life… there’s just been a consistent flow of the same kind of hijinks that we’ve seen from them for years, and i’d say that there are many songs that back up everything i’d want in order to stay invested in seeing if what i believe is true.
now, i know i just wrote what reads like a bunch of mumbo jumbo to people not following kaylor. but im okay with that. i’ve accepted that. and i know that the whole patterns and koincidences and twinning and symbolism beat isn’t for everyone and so i respect people’s decisions to believe they aren’t together, but in closing i’ll just say im sometimes at a loss to see time and time again people suggest that kaylors believe in kaylor because they find it appealing or because they want to ship it. when it’s literally not that— it just makes the most sense to a lot of us!
also, does this look like the face of someone mourning?
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avatar-anna · 1 year
so just an idea. what if few years down the line when prof and h get married and he drops her to uni first time after they are married and people address her "professor styles" or "doctor styles" and she cant stop blushing and harry is just smirkingg. you can totally ignore this if this isn't something you like!
Heyyy queeeeeen, first of all HAPPY NEW YEAR! Second off all this is kinda a request/idea : how about y/n is mad at bf!Harry so she gives him the silent treatment and then out off nowhere he calls her y/n Styles and it gets her attention and then they have a talk about marriage and the end up making love?
I've given this a lot of thought, because on the one hand, I feel like Professor would be the type to keep her last name. BUT I also think she would appreciate the idea of shedding her past for good by taking a new name, Harry's name. She talks about it at length with Harry, and he holds his tongue, wanting her to come to her own decision and supporting whatever she wants to do (but he totally has an opinion and it's for her to be Mrs. Dr. Styles). And because you so graciously requested this, we're going with Mrs. Dr. Styles, so here is three times Professor was referred to as Dr. Styles!
The Professor Series
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Harry often thought the way Y/n went on tangents was cute, adorable even, but right now she was being a little...unreasonable.
"Y/n, we talked about this. It happened for a moment, and security took care of it. I'm fine."
"This is not okay! Do you know how many creeps there are out there? So many. I don't need statistics because I encounter them all the time, Harry. This is serious. You could've been hurt, the band could've been hurt, anyone could've—"
"Darling, nothing happened. Come back down to earth for me. Please?" he said, standing up from the hotel bed to come near her.
"I am on earth! Where some...some freak decided it was okay to run onstage and charge you! Why aren't you taking this seriously, Harry? Anything could've happened? So many celebrities are attacked by fans who think they're in a relationship or have a right to..."
And on and on she went.
Harry knew it was scary for her. Y/n got easily spooked by this kind of thing. And he was fine with that, but honestly, hearing about all of this was freaking him out. He'd been fine after the show, but now she was making him uncomfortable.
"Y/n, love, come on. Stop," he said gently, reaching for her hand. But she wouldn't stop, she just kept going.
Harry loved her, he would never want to change a single thing about her. He loved her little quirks and all the things that made up who she was. She wouldn't be his love without them. But sometimes she didn't listen to him, and sometimes she worked herself into a frenzy when she didn't need to.
"Y/n Styles! Stop. I love you, but you need to stop," he said, voice soft but stern.
He didn't even realize what he said until she asked, "What did you just call me?"
"Y—You called me Y/n...Styles," she said, and Harry thought she'd probably never looked so confused in her life. "Why would you do that?"
"I...I don't know," he said truthfully. "It just came out. Sorry."
He wasn't sorry, though. Not really. Harry might not have meant to, but he certainly liked the sound of it. They hadn't been together very long, but he knew what he wanted, he knew what his future was going to look like. Harry didn't care how long it took or when that future started, but he could wait.
What he didn't want was to freak his girlfriend out. Harry knew Y/n loved him, but she sometimes got squirrely about the abstract, the unknown.
"No, it's—it's okay, I—I kind of liked it," she said.
Of all the things to happen tonight, that was the most surprising.
Grinning, Harry said, "You did, did you?"
"I know that look. Don't give me that look or I'll take it back," she said, stepping away from him as he got closer.
"What look?"
"That look! Put those bedroom eyes away!"
"Bedroom eyes?" Harry asked, laughing as he cornered Y/n against a wall. In a sing-song voice, he said, "You want to be my wiiife."
"N—No, that's not what I said, I just—Hey!"
"No more talking," he said, carrying her over his shoulder. "We, Y/n Styles, are going to bed."
Y/n tried to say something, but Harry's mouth was on hers before she could make a sound. "I said no more talking," he murmured, nudging his nose against hers. "We're going to bed, and we're going to kiss for a little bit."
"Maybe a little more?"
Chuckling, Harry kissed the top of her cheekbone. "Whatever Mrs. Styles wants, she gets."
"Stop it with that. We're—mm."
"Shh. No more talking."
"It's—It's Doctor Styles," Y/n corrected, wrapping her arms around Harry's neck.
"Of course. Now, where were we?"
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"Have a wonderful, wonderful day, Dr. Styles."
"It's review day. My least favorite day," Y/n huffed, slumping against the seat of the car.
"Impossible," Harry said, leaning across the middle console to kiss her temple. "Today is your first day of work as Dr. Styles, which means it is the best day."
Y/n's cheeks flushed at the sound of her name. Her new name. She loved it, of course, she wouldn't have changed her name if she didn't. But it was just so new. They'd only been...married...a few weeks. Seeing the ring on her left hand still surprised her from time to time.
"Are you going to say Dr. Styles every time you address me?" she asked him.
Harry's grin was broad as he winked and said, "Absolutely, Dr. Styles."
He took her chin in his hand and kissed her long and hard. When he pulled back, her entire face was red. "Harry! Anyone could see—"
"Let them. I love my wife, and everyone should know it," he said. "I'll be by for lunch, okay?"
Harry kissed her forehead. "Yep. Gonna bring you flowers and embarrass you in front of all your students and make them jealous at the same time. So go, I'm looking forward to being a trophy husband."
He was being silly, he knew that, but he couldn't help it. They were married. Harry would shout it from the rooftops if he could, but he would settle for making Y/n blush every chance he got.
Grinning from ear to ear, Y/n surged forward and kissed him. "Do you have to bring the flowers?"
Chuckling, Harry pecked the bridge of her nose. "I have to bring the flowers, Dr. Styles."
Y/n, Dr. Styles, wrinkled her nose at Harry, her husband, who just wrinkled his at her and kissed her pouted lips. "You better go, Dr. Styles. You're gonna be late for class."
She nearly told Harry to drive them back home, that she didn't want to go back and teach, she just wanted to stay in all day with him. But that was impractical. She had to go.
So Y/n got out of the car and went, but not before one more kiss to Harry's lips.
All day, when students called her Dr. Styles, Y/n blushed. She got through her lectures without a hitch, but she couldn't avoid the teasing questions at the end, or the cheers and whistles when Harry came by as promised, a takeout bag in one hand and a large bouquet of her favorite flowers in the other. He ate up all the attention, then sat Y/n on his lap while they ate lunch together. And when her next class was about to start, he didn't leave like she expected. He stayed in her desk chair and minded his own business while she gave her lecture, though she could feel his gaze on her every now and again, each one more heated than the last.
Y/n could feel each one and tried not to rush through one of her lectures so they could get home. That wasn't who she was, she was a good professor who didn't let her husband's—her husband's—bedroom eyes get in the way of a lecture. She was better than that, she would be better than—
"I think that covers everything. I think you would all benefit from some free study time, so...so get studying!"
Students trickled out one by one, some of them going up to Y/n to ask her a question or congratulate her or both. She answered and accepted each graciously, but her fingers were also tapping furiously against her leg, just below the hem of her skirt. And finally, when the last student was finally gone, Y/n turned around and launched herself at Harry.
"Take me home," she mumbled against his mouth. "Take me home right now, please."
"Darling, you have one more class—"
"Now," she insisted, before going back to kissing him all over. His neck, his jaw, his cheeks, the corners of his mouth.
Harry hummed as he threaded his hand through her hair. He gripped her waist and indulged her in one more kiss before he tilted his head back. "I love you, my darling, darling wife, but no."
"No. I know you want to now, but you'd be disappointed for letting your students down later," he said.
Y/n wanted to protest, but she knew Harry was right, so she slumped against his chest. "But I want you right now."
"Believe me, you are not alone in that department," he said, squeezing her hip. "But, we have our whole lives together, hm? So I will wait, and so will you, and when we get home..."
Harry kissed his wife, loving the feel of her body pressed against his. "Promise."
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"Okay, we're live in three, two, one!"
The host of The Daily Show smiled at the appropriate camera and did his normal greetings after the commercial break, then announced that Y/n was here.
"Welcome Dr. Y/l/n"
Y/n was nervous beyond all reason, but somehow she managed a small smile. "Thank you. I—It's Dr. Styles."
She wasn't used to this. She wasn't used to the cameras and the attention and the live studio audience. Well, she was, but her lectures were different. That was her safe space. This...a live television interview was not her safe space.
"Right! Of course, congratulations!" the host said. "How is married life treating you and your husband? What's his name again?"
"HARRY!" someone in the audience shouted, which caused everyone to laugh and cheer.
Y/n blushed. How long had they been married, and she still blushed at the mention of her and Harry being married? "Good. Good, I guess. We're very happy."
"I'm glad! And I'm so curious to know how the two of you met. A Cambridge professor with multiple PhDs and a world famous pop star. How does that happen?"
The host's voice wasn't condescending, merely curious, but Y/n wasn't prepared to talk about this. She didn't come to talk about her relationship.
Her mind buzzed with an answer that wouldn't be rude but would also change the subject. "We...met during the pandemic, which was when I realized how lacking schools were in...in so much. Which sounds silly, but I skipped most elementary grades and spent most of my time in higher education. But I...I realized I could help."
"Right! You became quite the internet sensation during lockdown to make educational videos, which obviously led to this. Your very own curriculum."
Grinning, Y/n nodded.
She never set out to write a series of textbooks for children. Y/n had a busy life, a fulfilling life as a professor. And yet somehow, she found herself wanting to do more. Harry had a lot of...younger family, and she liked to help them with their homework and projects and such. But her first look at their textbooks was very disappointing.
"This is what they're teaching you? This isn't even historically accurate! Where's..."
It was safe to say once something was on Y/n's mind, she couldn't let it go. Harry was amused but supportive, his usual reaction when she took on a new project.
"How can I help, love?"
"You didn't even finish school. How are you going to help me write a textbook?"
"Ouch, love."
"I mean you're right, but you could always say, 'Thank you husband. I love you so much.' Now you try."
"Thank you husband! I love you so much!"
"See? Not so hard."
"I started by just writing one. A comprehensive American History textbook," she said now, tapping her fingers under the desk where no one could see. " Kids have the capacity to learn so much more than what schools are currently teaching them. Leaving things out or not acknowledging certain events or painting our nation's history in a certain light is a disservice to them."
Y/n wasn't expecting applause, didn't necessarily want it. So she was surprised when the audience cheered for her answer. She smiled despite herself, then glanced to the side where Harry was standing off camera. He gave Y/n a thumbs up and blew her a kiss.
"That's amazing," the host said. "So you started with one, and it just progressed from there?"
"Yes, I—Once my mind is set on a project, I can't let it go, so I carved out time and just...wrote a bunch of textbooks, I guess. Well, I researched and got a Master's in Urban Education first. But then...then I wrote a bunch of textbooks."
"You wrote an entire elementary and middle school curriculum by yourself! That's incredible, Dr. Styles."
The audience cheered again, and when it died down, the host asked her more questions about her books, which she was happy to answer. She talked about her approach and her willingness to not shy away from or hide unsavory history. "In a way that's appropriate for each age group, obviously," she said. "But it's important for children to understand the complexity of history and that there's never just one side to a story. I tried really hard to be respectful and honor forgotten voices that have been left out for too long."
"Would you ever teach to younger pupils, yourself?" the host asked.
"Oh heavens no," Y/n said quickly. "My students at university can barely keep up with me. No, I—I wanted to do my part by providing well-rounded, unbiased material, but I'm not sure kids would want me to teach it."
And when it was all said and done, when the cameras were off, the host shook her hand and thanked her for coming to the show.
Y/n walked off the set and toward Harry, who was quick to spin her around in his arms. "You were fantastic," Harry said.
"I know! I was nervous at first, but I just am so proud of my work, you know? So it was easy to talk about. And I even managed a few jokes!"
Harry laughed because her "jokes" flew over everyone's heads. The only reason Harry got them was because Y/n practiced them on him the night before. "They were great."
She smiled, but it dimmed the longer she looked at him. "You didn't think they're funny."
"What? I didn't say that! Why would you—"
"You didn't have to. It's all over your face," she said, pouting. "You don't think I'm funny?"
"I think you're brilliant, and I think you have so many talents. Can you let the rest of us idiots be funny?"
"I suppose that's fine," she huffed. "Can we go home now?"
Kissing her temple, Harry took her hand and led her out of the studio. "We can go wherever you want, Dr. Styles."
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sapphic-agent · 7 days
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Rereading MHA for research on my Rewrite AU made me realize how hypocritical Aizawa really is.
Like...holy crud! It's such a gut punch when you take into consideration that Erasermic (which is a bit toxic canon wise) is what got me into MHA. I’ve been fed Fanon!Aizawa for so long, I was oblivious to the truth. Oh my god.
I initially wrote Stryxxxer (My AU version of Aizawa) hating his past self as a joke. But now...it's becoming more and more like a reality.
Oh yay, I haven't torn down Aizawa in a while >:D
If there's one thing Horikoshi is good at, it's plot manipulation. As in, the way the narrative frames Aizawa, it's so easy to buy into him being a "good teacher." The story is literally shoving that fact down your throat at every turn. I wasn't aware of it myself until I rewatched Deku vs Kacchan Part 2 when I was looking for evidence to support my hatred of Bakugou's character. When you're looking at material with fresh eyes, especially when you're specifically looking for faults in the narrative, you catch a lot more than when you experienced that material the first time.
To sum it up, rewatching/rereading MHA with more critical thinking (and common sense) means you can easily see through Aizawa's bullshit hypocrisy, ineptitude, and double standards.
My absolute favorite piece of evidence of him being a shit teacher is the Final Exam. Bakugou 100% should have failed for being uncooperative and violent with his teammate. And yes, our first instinct is to point out Sero's unfair failure by comparison (justice for Sero), but for me that's not even the worst part. While Aizawa is busy coddling Bakugou and giving him every concession, HE HAD FIVE OTHER STUDENTS WHO CLEARLY NEEDED HELP FAIL. And that's not counting the students who nearly failed because they didn't know what to do because of course they didn't Aizawa doesn't bother to fucking teach!
*deep breath*
Sorry, kind of went off on a tangent there.
To your point of fanon Aizawa, it's actually so jarring to look at Aizawa's canon behavior and then get bombarded with Dadzawa fics. And to be honest I wouldn't mind Dadzawa if so many people didn't bash All Might to make Aizawa look better. Especially because most of those fics perpetuate Aizawa's canon behavior and project it all onto All Might. And it's so prominent in the "Bakugou Katsuki Faces Consequences" tag that there are so many fics that had potential or caught my interest that I can't even stomach to read.
Good on your rewrite, though. Having Aizawa reflect on his past behavior and actually grow as a person is all I wanted from him as a character (and it's something All Might actually does in canon in case anyone needs to be reminded)
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