#sorry for being thirsty i really am no im not im not fucking sorry at all just look how uhh cool lukas looks šŸ˜
smilebug Ā· 1 year
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gay people gay people gay people!!!!!!!
you guys really shouldā€™ve seen this one coming im such a lukas simp in case that wasnā€™t obvious lmaoo
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steelycunt Ā· 2 years
15 please <3
slow but steady!! im getting there!! i am so sorry i am the worst but uhhh yeah!! i think everyone should let r do the angsty drunk confessions more often. for the culture really. sorry this is so long!!
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Sirius watches Remusā€™ fingers fumbling over his keys for nearly half a minute before he canā€™t stand it any longer, and resorts to snatching them off him: ā€œfuckā€™s sake,ā€ muttered under his breath. ā€œJust give it here.ā€
Itā€™s harsher than Remus deservesā€”(well, when has he ever been what he deserves?)ā€”but frankly its been a pretty fucking horrible night, sleazy bars and stale air, and heā€™s not exactly in the mood to wait for Remus to sober up enough to open his own front door.
Three lukewarm beers. Four Rum and Cokes and two shots of vodka. Grime-thick tiles of the menā€™s bathroom, heavy smell of piss and smoke and booze. Remus, boxed in against the far wall by the insistent press of some ginger cuntā€™s arm by his head, his hand on his waist.
An old, gaping would opening up, low in Siriusā€™ gut: sluggish black blood, skin in raw tatters.
Hello? You should really get that checked out.
There are no clean glasses in Remusā€™ kitchen. After propping him up in the hallway, Sirius fills a mug (blue, logo from a car dealership plastered across it, god knows why he owns it) with tap water, brandishes it in front of Remus like a threat. ā€œHere. Just water. Drink it. All of it.ā€
Remus looks down at the mug with undue confusion, his eyes blank and shiny in the hallwayā€™s dim light. Heā€™s doing this drowsy, bobbing thing with his headā€”like heā€™s trying not to fall over, or fall asleep, or both. He always has been a rather docile, sulking drunkā€”Sirius usually finds it horribly endearing.
Slack smiles. Flushed cheeks. Thumb-smudged face.
ā€œMā€™not very thirsty,ā€ Remus confesses, soft and slurred. But he takes the mug from Sirius anyway, peers at him over the rim. Heā€™s hazy, half-thereā€”where have you gone? Sirius wants to know. And why didnā€™t you tell me you were going?
ā€œWell,ā€ he says instead, folding his arms. ā€œYou ought to drink it all anyway. It isnā€™t my fault that you decided to get pissed beyond comprehension for no good reason.ā€ Then (because itā€™s him): ā€œCome on, Moons. It's late. Drink that and weā€™ll get you to bed, alright?ā€
One clumsy gulp, and then another. A wayward lock of hair has fallen into Remusā€™ eyes, and Sirius needs to rectify it. Heā€™d probably not even remember, he thinks. Oh, he thinks immediately afterwards, but you would, wouldnā€™t you?
His hands stay where they are.
ā€œThank you fā€™taking me home.ā€ Remus rests his head against the wall. Sighs. ā€œI think you might beā€¦feel like youā€™re angry wā€™me? Sorry.ā€ Gesturing to himself: ā€œI donā€™t know why. Just felt like it. You know? Sometimesā€¦ā€
ā€œIā€™m not angry with you. Not forā€¦itā€™s nothing like that.ā€ He takes Remusā€™ wrist. ā€œFinish your water. Do you feel sick? Do you want a paracetamol?ā€
ā€œIā€”ā€ Remusā€™ sentence dissolves into an unintelligible mumble. He frowns for a while, then says, as if it just occurred to him: ā€œthat boy wanted to fuck me. The one from the bar. Red hair.ā€
Sirius lets go of his wrist. ā€œYes,ā€ he replies. ā€œI know. I was there.ā€
ā€œThatā€™s why we went to theā€¦the bathroom. I wanted him too. Liked his accentā€”did you hear? Canā€™t remember where it was from. But then youā€¦you came and found us. You wouldnā€™t let me.ā€
ā€œNo.ā€ Siriusā€™ body seizes up. He feels like heā€™s being taxidermized. Some strange, nothing of a bloke, leaning in too close: Remus? Funny name. ā€œIt was time to leave. And I donā€™t think you were in any fit state to tell anyone what you wanted, so Iā€™m not very sorry about it, either.ā€
Remus scrunches his mouth up, sets it to one side. ā€œThatā€™s not true. I knowā€”I know the things I want. I donā€™t ever tell youā€¦ā€ he shakes his head. ā€œYouā€™re the one who wants to go out. Always you. Andā€”and you, with all those boys, but when itā€™s meā€”ā€
ā€œWell, itā€™s different,ā€ Sirius snaps. When he tries to pry the mug from Remusā€™ hand, he is batted away. ā€œVery fucking different, Remus. He was sober as anything. And look at you. I wasn't just going to stand around andā€”ā€
ā€œBut he wanted me. Me. Just for a bit. Why can't I let him? What...what am I supposed to do? I have to have someone. If I donā€™t get to have him, andā€”donā€™t get to have who I actually wantā€¦ā€ Remus curls his arm over a stomach; he strikes Sirius as some dying animal, trying to protect its softer parts. ā€œI donā€™t get to have who I want, Sirius.ā€
ā€œWhat are you talking about? Who do you want?ā€ Sirius asks, speaking slowly. Remus turns his face away, so Sirius steps forward and turns it back: gentle touch of fingers to cheek. Because thereā€™s this wound in his gut, you see. Been there for a while now.
ā€œRemus? I don't understand. What do you mean? Who is it?"
Drunken little sway. Expression like a frightened rabbit. Sour, rotten smell of alcohol on his breath. Hands and faces and eyes. Remus wets his lips.
ā€œI wantā€¦ā€ he says. And then he glances down at his shoes (it's all over). ā€œI want, erā€”youā€¦you were saying about paracetamol? Andā€¦I think I do want some, now? Please?"
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pammei Ā· 1 year
Our moms?!
Rindou Haitani x reader (chatfic)Ā 
Chapter 1-3 from Our moms by pammeiwammei (me) on Wattpad
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ā„@Rindog has followed you.
'Rindou? Followed me?' I glare at my phone deciding if i should call hina or not. "Y/n, done with homework?" "Yes mom" She looks around "Oh by the way you know my new friend Sara? Well I met one of her sons and he goes to your school so I gave him your instagram."
Oh shit.
"Mom, why would you give my instagram to a stranger?!" I yelled at her thinking about what I'm gonna do in school tomorrow.
She looked at me with disappointment "Y/n watch your tone, and there's no harm in making new friends, is this about not wanting to be friends with guys?"
There she goes jumping into conclusions again. "No mom it's just he's not the nicest in my school okay?"
She just nodded and left
ā˜•ļøŽInstagram dmsā˜•ļøŽ
ā„Rindog: Yo y/n, seen ya around school but never talked to ya
ā„Y/n_l/n: Um yeah.. Nice to meet you ig?
ā„Rindog: No need to be so awkward i know imma lil intimating but i dont hurt girls
ā„Y/n_l/n: Oh my bad for assuming
ā„Rindog: all goodšŸ‘
7:04 seen
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ā„@Randog has followed you.
'Oh shit, ran too?'
ā™”@Y/n_l/n has been added to group chat 'bros'ā™”
ā„@Randog: Hey y/n its nice to meet ya ;)
ā„@Y/n_l/n: Uh hi? Why was i added?
ā„@Rindog: Ran wanted to meet ya Sorz for not askin before adding ya
'Why do they type like that tf'
ā„@Randog: Its okay broski they shouldn't be offended over this LMAO
ā„@Y/n_l/n: Sorry my moms calling i gtg byebye.
ā„@Rindog: See bro ya scared them away
ā˜•ļøŽInstagram dmsā˜•ļøŽ
ā„@Rindog: Hey sorry for ran he doesnt know how to talk to girls 4:28 seen Yo im real sorry if we offended ya 5:13 seen
ā£ļøŽ Meanwhile on the call with Hina and Emma:
"Why are they so desperate HELP" both I and Hina laugh at Emma's comment on the brothers.
"I don't know man but this whole thing is very suspicious, like how they keep dming me," I say as I try to clean my room "I mean it's funny how thirsty the popular guys are."
"Y/n, Sara just called and told me you've been ignoring her son." mom informs me as I try to hold my laugh
as soon as my mom left my room I look at the screen to see Emma and Hina looking like the skull emoji, then we all laughed so fucking hard I started choking.
"THEY-- REALlY TOLD THEIR- MOM PFFTTT." Emma said as we all started choking and snorting.
@Y/n_l/n has added @drakens_bae4life, @Hina_Hanagaki to group chat 'bros'
ā„@Randog: who the hell?
ā„@drakens_bae4life: really? randog? šŸ’€
ā„@Randog: stfu
ā„@Hina_Hanagaki: can yall not fight? šŸ˜•
ā„@Randog can you shut up? šŸ„ŗ
ā„@Rindog: ran shut up for a second
ā„@Randog: you a simp? ā”‚ ā†³ ā„@Rindog: bro šŸ’€ Ā im just being nice bruh chill
ā™„ļøŽ@Randog is typingā™„ļøŽ ā™”@Randog was kickedā™” ā™”@drakens_bae4life was kickedā™” ā™”@Hina_Hanagaki was kickedā™”
ā„@Rindog: y/n i understand that ran is an asshole sometimes hes just a lil messed in the head ya know? dont take the things he says to heart, he probs doesnt mean them just dont argue with him like if things go too far he might hurt you or your friends physically so just bear with him alr?
ā„@Y/n_l/n: wow that kinda really nice of you to say thanks ill try but i am a little bit sensitive:(
ā„@Rindog: completely understandable if anything he says or does bothers you just dm me ill deal with it Y/n reacted with a 'ā¤ļøŽ' 5:48 seen
"Y/n you're really quiet what's happening?" Hina asks,
"Rin's actually kinda nice.." I say awkwardly knowing it's gonna surprise them.
"who the fuck are you because you're not Y/n," Emma replied.
" Y/n, ARE YOU BLUSHING? GOODBYE GET SOME REST YOU NEED IT." Emma said and soon after left Hina also left not long after.
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ā„@Rindog: [link to a server]
ā„@Y/n_l/n: sorryz i dont use discord šŸ˜‹
ā„@Rindog: want me to make ya an account?
ā„@Y/n_l/n: forsure go ahead
ā„@Rindog: user: bald ran#6969 password:ilovecatssm36
ā„@Y/n_l/n: you like cats? nice
ā„@Rindog: i mean sure but i just picked a random pass
ā„@Y/n_l/n: logging in now ā¤ļøŽRead 10:19ā¤ļøŽ As you log in you notice the two people in your friends list 'rindog#6969' and 'randawg#0690'. wow they really need new usernames.
ā˜•ļøŽDiscord dmsā˜•ļøŽ
ā„Rindog: yo :wavingpenis:
ā„bald ran: woah hi :catcrying: wait do i have the nitro thing or something?
ā„Rindog: yeah thought ya might like it
ā„bald ran: stop you didnt have tooooooo im gonna have to pay you backā˜¹ļø
ā„Rindog: NONO dont worry consider it a gift :)
ā˜•ļøŽInstagram groupchat: two married and one single personā˜•ļøŽ
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(Pretend you see the emotes.)MEOW RAWR MEOWMEOW
ā„Y/n: meow šŸ¤­
ā„Emma: y/n
ā„Y/n: what
ā„Emma: you downloaded discord for him? i thought you were over that app after your e dating phasešŸ¤Ø
ā„Hina: also tell that ran bitch to go eat dick he was suck a dick to me last timešŸ˜¢
ā„Y/n: yeah forsure hina
ā„Emma: downloading discord rn i was talking to mikey about what happened and he said theres a toman server. drakens there
ā˜•ļøŽDiscord dms: Randawg#0690ā˜•ļøŽ
ā„bald ran: eat dick (from my friend you argued with last time)
ā„randawg: bitch what send addy rn pussyio
ā„bald ran youre not scaring anyone LMAO
ā„randawg: jeez okšŸ˜¢
"Y/n Sara just called, im disappointed why would you ever be mean to my friends son?" aint no way "šŸ’€"
ā˜•ļøŽDiscord dms: Rindog#6969ā˜•ļøŽ
ā„bald ran: can you and your brother stop telling your mom that im being mean to you guys, i cant play roblox for a week now
ā„Rindog: ran did that?šŸ¤­
ā„bald ran: yes
ā„Rindog: brb beating him up
ā„bald ran: alright cya goodnight:)
ā„Rindog: oh youre sleeping already? goodnight:) ā¤ļøŽReacted with ā™”ā¤ļøŽ
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lassieposting Ā· 2 years
ok as someone who only knows about skullduggery pleasant from following you, i am FASCINATED by the logistics of how the hell does the skeleton man fuck???? hes just bones?????? is he rocking a strap on or is there some kind of skeleton magic going on????
okay so:
- Skug wasn't always a skeleton. He was born totally normal, but he fought in a big war and was murdered by a guy on the other side in 1690.
- thanks to fuckery of all natures including a) magical b) genetic and c) being Just That Pissed Off, he brings himself back to life. Except, this being the medieval era, he was burned as a warning, so now he's a walking biology classroom display whose body basically acts like it still exists - he can feel pain, tell the difference between hot and cold, etc. So there's no actual reason why he wouldn't also be able to feel pleasure.
- at the start of the series, skug has been dead for like 300 years, and he disguises himself with a terrible wig and sunglasses that - since he has no nose or ears to hang them on - he presumably holds in place using magic. but a bit later in the series, he gets something called a "facade", which is basically a false face he can activate by tapping two symbols carved into his collarbones.
- at first the facade only works for thirty minutes at a time and only covers his skull, so his hands etc are still bone. But the person who created the facade keeps experimenting and adding to it, and after like five years, it covers his whole body and there's no time limit on him using it. So now he has a dick again, whenever he wants one. In canon, the facade changes every time, but I cba with coming up with multiple faces to be attracted to, so I just picture it as his original face ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ
- now, there's three camps of skugfuckers.
- camp one is like "the facade's dick works". And since the creator is his ex-girlfriend, she remembers what his actual dick looked like.
- camp two is thirsty for him as a skeleton, with him either being able to get off through creative use of magic, or not being able to get off himself but using a strap/toys/his fingers to get his partner off.
- camp three is also bone thirsty, but has him using necromancy, which covers shadow magic, to make himself a dick out of shadows. This sounds dumb but he can make them solid to use them as weapons/stab people with them, so it's. Not unprecedented, though how much he'd be able to feel is. Debatable/varies according to individual headcanon.
I'm weaksauce and fanon has him as a hot irish redhead, so personally I'm a facade dick person, but this fandom is nothing if not creative with coming up with ways for the bone man to fuck.
Anyway i really recommend the first nine bonefuck books he's really funny and has mad switch energy
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midgardian-witch Ā· 6 months
well hello, new moot,, finally exposing myself as the thirsty for robbie anon (along with many others) even though it was the most obvious thing in the world,,,, ive kept in mind that one time you asked me to tag you if i ever wrote anything this whole time so yes will 100% tag you whenever i post one of my robbie wips (also would you want to be tagged in all or just the first one?) i was planning to expose myself in that post after tagging you lol and again!! THANK YOUUUUU for all you do<3 ALSO IM SORRY BUT IM INSANE AND I GET SO LIKE IN MY HEAD LIKE "well this persons only ever interacted with me while im on anon so itd be weird if i wasnt at any point so i cant and ahsgsjasbbs" soooo i apologize even though i dont really even need to apologize i guess but i still feel bad sometimes because thats made my interactions with people much more limited and oh god am i venting to a new moot oh god not again
Hey there, lovely mutual! šŸ’™
Yeah I figured out it was you pretty quickly šŸ˜… Like I was 99% sure. BUT! That doesn't matter. Anon is anon and assuming makes an ass out of you and me and all that.
I'd be happy if you tag me in anything you write for Robbie. Our small circle of Robbie fans must be fed and I would hate to miss something. But only if it isn't too much work for you! I struggle with keeping tag lists working personally so no hard feelings if you forget or decide not to tag people.
There really is no need to be sorry. The anon function is there for a reason. Sometimes being percieved is fucking terrifying even online and with as anonymous as most tumblr accounts can be. I send mutuals a bunch of things on anon too because I feel like I am being too awkward or too something so I think I get how you feel. And that's ok. If it makes you feel more comfortable you can still send me asks on anon (even if we both know it's you). I will never judge someone for that.
I am sorry though that I might have crushed your big reveal because that sounded like a very cool plan šŸ˜”
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borathae Ā· 1 year
OK this is ā˜”ļø anon again, i have submitted my plot thoughts on MV now i unleash my feral mind
FIRSR i have had jimin brain rot since face so i still find this lil toxic morally gray character terribly sexy and i am craving smut of his character
realistically, heā€™s burnt his bridges with everything character besides tae so thatā€™s the only smut that could happen with him still WHICH I WILL STILL TAKE we r in a vmin drought sibi we deserve it šŸ˜
HOWEVER i am a simple man that has been watching jikook stage moments and so i am thirsty for this idea h e a r m e o u t:
the gang is all real mad at jimin and tae obviously so when yoongi wants to punish them for their actions loyal jungkookie goes ā€œiā€™ll help!ā€ and yoongi wants to punish tae more because of the betrayal he helped with (im a whore for angst so id love a whole chapter of that too) SO jungkook takes on jimin and heā€™s very mad at jimin but jimin is very sexy so a little tension builds up like with tae and jungkook in the dungeon. OC wants to make sure jungkook is okay during this or some other reason she just winds up in the room right, but jimin mind controls OC to be horny turning on kook cause he gets horny for OC and sexy evil people (me too buddy) and theyā€™re about to fuck in front of jimin whos realizing that theyā€™re still new at this so he convinces him to unchain him so jk wonā€™t unleash control on OC whoā€™s like cockdrunk and out of it. so jungoo unties him but is like iā€™ll do you one better and goes hard dom on jimin for his punishment!!! like finally rough dominant MV!kook!!!! anyways OC is horny asf so jimin is like iā€™ll take care of her let me eat her out so you donā€™t hurt her, kinda manipulating him and taking control of the situation more so she sits on his face and is facing kook whoā€™s railing jimin and really dommy so heā€™s like pulling her hair and grabbing her and being rough but still careful cause heā€™s so motivated by his hate for jimin to not hurt her but is kinda dumb for letting this threesome happen (itā€™s okay šŸ«¶we canā€™t be good at everything baby) so they all cum and jungkook is so proud of himself and is running on an adrenaline high so he goes to fuck OC next, but jimin is exhausted after cumming that hard so he passed out which makes OC pass out being released from his control and jk is like o h n o wtf did i just do and it ends in yoonkook angst when yoongi gets involved because iā€™m a masochist šŸ¤Ŗ
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FIRSR i have had jimin brain rot since face so i still find this lil toxic morally gray character terribly sexy and i am craving smut of his character
HONEY SAME nfandfn idk why I can't hate him, but I really can't afjdajsf he is so fandsfna
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marc-spectorr Ā· 2 years
hiya callie. iā€™m so sorry i was gone so long. >_<
the past week(ish) iā€™ve been in a sort of slump. not really for a good reason or anything, justā€¦ you know, it happens. iā€™ve honestly just been so unmotivated, and that includes writing these letters, plus itā€™s also one of those ā€œslumpsā€ where you tend to isolate yourself. i donā€™t know if you know what iā€™m talking about, honestly i hope not hehe. but iā€™m sorry, i hope you understand djhdjd.
but enough of that sad stuff!! welcome, santi, to the book club!! you seem so wonderful. <3 i donā€™t know if you know me, but iā€™m amor. :] itā€™s really nice to sort of meet you! and welcome back teddy! iā€™m glad our words helped out with your exam. :D
thirsty asks, huh? i was thinking of joining in, but uh, since iā€™m ace itā€™s kinda hard for me to contribute in that department. šŸ˜­ instead iā€™ll talk about fluffy things, because that is a bit more in line with my character. i got this thought: what if the moon boys frequent this coffee shop, but they donā€™t know they all go there? steven would walk in on monday before work and get a caramel iced coffee or something along those lines, and the barista would sort of take in his face. then the next day, marc is in front. he walks in on tuesday, and the barista recognizes him as steven, and tries to make stevenā€™s order, which confuses marc a lot. marc corrects the barista, and theyā€™re confused as all hell, but they make the new order and decide thatā€™s his new regular. the next day jake comes in, and immediately says ā€œblack coffee.ā€ and sits down without waiting for a response. the barista is just. so fucking confused but decides that maybe he just has a different preference each day of the week, and thereā€™s no interference from then onā€¦ unless? holy shit, thatā€™s a decent fic idea. if you happen to see a moon knight sys x barista!reader fic floating around in the future, look the other way, because thatā€™s definitely not me hehe. (or someone else could snatch it, i donā€™t mind that! if you do, i hope iā€™ll see it someday, because i am having brainrot. oh the classic coffee shop au.)
thatā€™s about all i have to say! i hope you enjoyed this letter, and again, iā€™m super sorry i was gone. i hope your day was great. :]
- <3
hi hi my sweet amor šŸ’—šŸ’—
awww im sorry to hear that :( and i certainly get what you mean! there are a lot of times when i just donā€™t have any motivation to do things and would rather be left alone. itā€™s something iā€™m working on bc it messes up my mind badly tho tumblr has been a great distraction when life gets overwhelming. but i really hope youā€™re doing alright amor! take care and take it easy love, weā€™re always here for you ā¤ļø
and ajsjskks i love thirsty asks,,, but soft asks?? my heart gets all warm and fuzzy reading so much fluff šŸ˜­ also coffee shop auā€™s are the cutest things everrrrr!!! i will absolute cry if i ever come across one featuring the moon boys hahah. omg but your idea with the barista getting confused bc of the different orders is gold ksksksk. maybe one day, curiosity finally forces them to sit down with whoeverā€™s fronting on that visit and ask whatā€™s up. this causes all three to become aware of whatā€™s going on and itā€™s like ok do we go to this coffee shop bc the drinks are soo delish or do we just have a crush on the barista and are making every effort to stop by each day to see them šŸ‘€
but thanks for popping in amor :)) donā€™t be sorry for being away, i understand šŸ’• hope to chat with you again soon!
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pervysenpaix Ā· 2 years
sorry is this is a weird thirst to share i just need to share it tho
i just constantly imagine kiri seeing how tired and stressed i am from work and grad school and insisting i need a daddy dom to lay me out and fuck the stress out of me. im constantly rejecting his offers until he just loses it and holds me down to force me into subspace. holds me captive in a full nelson while his thick fingers play with my fat brown cunt..wont stop overstimming me until i finally call him daddy/sir AHHH sorry just the idea of kiri forcing his way into my life and insisting i need him sexually to be a functional adult just hits different
18+ MDNI -dubcon
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I'm screaming , crying and throwing up right now because I've been thinking about this alot lately!
Big old Dilf!Kirishima who's 45 but doesn't look a day over 30. The only indication of his age being the white skunk stripe that frames his face surrounded by unruly red locs-- often pulled up into a pony to better broadcast that charming smile.
And he comes into the little cafe that you're working part-time towards the end of your shift every night just so he can have an excuse to follow you home. And he's sucha pervy old man. Pulling you close against his side under the guise of protection. Or leading you with his large hand on the small of your bag, fingers "absentmindedly" grazing your ass. Making faux-innocent comments about your pretty face and cute young body. Commenting that you're so polite , "a perfect little girl" and trust me he definitely notices the way your thighs clench together. The sight has him chubbing in his hero suit.
He brings it up after walking you home a couple of weeks -- the whole sugarbaby/daddy thing. "I don't know, kid. You're working yourself so hard" He pauses, glancing down at your smaller frame. So fucking tiny compared to him, he could just break you. "I'm sure there's an easier way for a pretty girl like yourself to get money". And god bless your little soul because you have absolutely no idea what he's suggesting. Other 25 yo women would've already been on there knees but you're a sweet innocent grad student that spends most of your time with your head in books. No time for romance, or god forbid sex . Kirishima could see it too-- the innocence in those big doe eyes and they way they widened into saucers when he clarified .
God his dick was painfully hard when you started sputtering and waving your hands frantically, blabbering on and on about how you wouldn't be good enough because you lacked experience. No doubt he almost ruined his underwear at the thought of breaking in your virgin cunt. It would be so easy to follow you upstairs and invite himself in. Insisting that he was thirsty or needed to use the restroom. " It's the least you could do for breaking my heart" he'd tease, pinching the supple flesh of your cheeks. It would be so hard not to laugh at your panicked expression, so eager to please that you're practically pulling him up the steps to your place. "Be right back!" you chirp as you dash into the kitchen and he just smiles in response because now he has you right where he wants you.
"Got lonely by myself" His breath would fan against your skin, chuckling deeply at your yelp of suprise. Teeth grazing the shell of your ear, eliciting shockwaves to places you've never thought about touching. And god- he's a big brute of a man , your literally trapped between him and the counter not able to move if you wanted to. Cause you don't want to move right ? You're asking for this. You want him to drag a hardened fingered down the seams of your leggings, black fabric pooling at your ankles. Even if you're squirming against him and saying no it's really because you're trying to rub against his cock. Rock hard and throbbing against your ass. You could feel the heat pulsating through the thin fabric of your underwear. He can't wait to ruin you, to to sink his thick fingers into your tight brown cunny. Would you cry for him? Bite your lip as he stretched you open ? Scissoring your whole and rubbing your clit with the pads of his thumb. He'd get you nice and dumb for him too. So his face and name is the only thing you remembered and by the time he sunk his cock into your pretty little pussy , you'd already be hooked. Daddy's perfect little girl , ready to do whatever just to get a crumb of dick and attention. Might even drop out of school and be his pretty little incubator. Just wait around his condo until he makes it home and pumps you so full of spunk that it's oozing down your legs.
It would be so easy for him to break you, right here and right now. But that wouldn't be manly. Kirishima may be a sleazy old perv that jerks off while sniffing the hand that rested on your waist-- the faint smell of your perfume still lingering. Eyes blown wide thinking about how much better it'd feel if he was fucking into you. Yeah... he might be a perv but he at least wants you to think you have a choice. So he just waits. Waits until the day that you're ready to become daddy's girl.
i- this was supposed to be a thirst, but it seems like I got a bit carried away ....
@yo-nn , @7inaa , @blkchxrryblyss , @xogabbiexo , @plussizeficchick , @erenyeagerswhore, @nasty-quillz , @m00nchildthings , @tenyaiidasslut, @bookwormsenpai , @erenyeagerswhore , @hhawkz , @namjoonswifeyy
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memo; the next morning
ā€œIā€™ve been assuming that people who had sex staying in the bed until other one wakes up is protocol but it seems like I have been wrong. ā€œ
ā€œOh, um, morning, Sherlock. And im sorry, I was just, thirsty and wanted a cup of tea. ā€œ
ā€œYou seem not to have even a sip though.ā€
ā€œUm, well, you want some? ā€œ
ā€œSure. ā€œ
John doesnā€™t make eye contact.
ā€œWhat what?ā€
ā€œYou can say what youā€™re thinking about, though I think I already know. ā€œ
ā€œY-, you do? What is it, then?ā€
ā€œRegret. ā€œ
ā€œYouā€™re regretting that we had sex last night and youā€™re thinking it was huge mistake that we went out to drink and ended up in my bed. ā€œ
ā€œWhat? No! Sherlock, Iā€™m,..ā€
ā€œThen why you sneaked out of the bed? Why are you so upset? Why you barely see me in the eyes? ā€œ
ā€œBecause, I,ā€
ā€œWhich is fine with me by the way. Donā€™t worry John I wonā€™t beg you to be my fucking boyfriend or whatever. We were both drunk, drunk two people get have sex, itā€™s not a big deal. It was one time thing and we can continued working and living together just as we used to. ā€œ
ā€œIs, is that what you want?ā€
ā€œItā€™s exactly what you want, John. ā€œ
ā€œNo itā€™s not. ā€œ
ā€œThen what is it? What do you want?ā€
ā€œI, I,ā€¦.ā€
ā€œYou donā€™t know? Hmm? I have heard that words from you countless times this decade but that one sounds most ridiculous of them. ā€œ
ā€œIā€™m sorry but Iā€™m so confused! Iā€™ve been living as sis-male for 40 years and now the sex I had with you last night was the best one ever and I wasnā€™t really drunk that much last night but you were, so much, so I remember everything, your voice, your smell, your skin, your touch,ā€¦and im so confused. I feel like Iā€™ve been betraying you all this time because what Iā€™ve done last night was exactly sounds like that. It sounds like what Iā€™ve been doing this 10 years was just to get you attached to me and seduce you to this end.
But the way you drunk was too adorable and hot and I couldnā€™tā€¦youā€™ve been leaning on me while I was trying to hail a cab and in the car you kept turning me on touching me and murmuring me but I could handle it, until I set you on the bed. No, Iā€™m not making this whole your fault, Iā€™m the one who had failed self controlling, you were just staring at me from the bed. Literally you just saw me and I gotā€¦ oh Iā€™m so sorry I feel terrible. How could I make this right? I know you donā€™t like me same way as I do to you. But I donā€™t want to forget about last night, I want to remember it till the day I die, even after. I want to be more to you. More than business partner, flat mate, friend. I want to be yours and want you to be mine. I donā€™t want it to be just one time. This morning I just suddenly got why Iā€™ve been so jealous about Molly and the woman and jenifer,ā€¦Oh, oh fuck what am I sayingā€¦sorry Iā€™m, I donā€™t know what to do. Iā€™m so stupid that I fell for you who never did the sameā€¦ What can I, how can I fix this? What can I do for you to erase this whole thing? I can move out and, and break our business partnership if thatā€™s what you want but, please donā€™t hate me, Sherlock. Itā€™s fine if you never meet me. But pleaseā€¦ā€
ā€œā€”Do you know what I had been doing during that couple years?ā€
ā€œDo you know what that two years were like for me. ā€œ
ā€œI,ā€¦ I did ask what happened to you from your brother thoughā€¦ā€
ā€œFrom my brother, of course. ā€œ
ā€œWhat are you trying to say Sherlock?ā€
ā€œI was thinking about you, John.ā€
ā€œAbout me?ā€
ā€œWhen I was being chased. And tortured.ā€
ā€œIn my mind palace, thereā€™s a room for you. In there, you are reading your stupid novels. You are typing with two fingers and little frown. You are dozing off on the armchair. You are drinking a cup of tea. Youā€™re listening to me play.
You tap on my back or shoulder when we pass by in narrow kitchen. I can feel warmth of your hand in the brief moment. You tell me to clean up the mess I made and nagging me to tidy. But always you do eventually because I never did. And we go out for cases. Youā€™re as clueless as usual and give me some compliments as always. We run. We hide. We chase. Feel our veinAnd we laugh. Ridiculously. And we go home. Together. You go to your room before me always, you wish me good night and rarely I reply but I know you donā€™t care. And I sit armchair, play the violin occasionally.
And I wait for the next morning.
Wait for you enter the room and say good morning.
Wait for your eyes catch me and drown me in the ocean.
That deep, warm, calm ocean of yours.
ā€¦When I out from palace theyā€™d been gone mostly. I was managing it like that.
Just few more miles I run, just few more times I get caught, just one more time I done, then I can get home. I can get to see you. I can get warm again.
That thought had kept me running, hiding. and breathing.
You made me survive. ā€œ
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touyasdoll Ā· 3 years
hello beloved it is dom tamaki supremacist brainstorming shinsou ideas,,, some bullet points for this one bc itā€™s midnight
having to give your hero costume a turtleneck because shinsou is incapable of not leaving marksā€¦and you donā€™t really want him to stop
shinsou buying y/n a purple collar with black and silver detailing,,,heā€™d have it custom made and the inside would be so soft,,, it looks more like a dog collar than a cat collar purely for aesthetic purposes, and he has different tags he clips on depending on your behavior. he even has a short, medium, and a long leash depending on his mood. sometimes he and y/n will be chilling in the living room and theyā€™re just walking around with the collar and the long leash, complete with the tag that says ā€œhitoshiā€™s perfect kittenā€ just because it makes them feel confident. sometimes when they walk by, shinsou will just pull on the leash to signal he wants a kiss. i was gonna write daddyā€™s perfect kitten, but i couldnā€™t remember if you were cool with that, and because it was fully self indulgent for me, i took it out, but iā€™m telling you abt it anyways,,, sorry in advance.
his favorite hobby unrelated to hero work is knitting hats and sweaters for cats. this isnā€™t thirsty but it needed to be said.
as much as i think the concept of him using his quirk in bed is fun, i feel like itā€™s a hard no for him, especially because he was bullied because of his quirk. he takes his role in bed very seriously because youā€™re the most important thing in the world to him, and heā€™s scared of you being under his quirk and unable to use a safe word and potentially ruining the trust between you two, or worse, damaging your relationship.
thats all i got for you chief im gonna sleep peace out šŸ˜“āœŒļø
& you've done it again šŸ˜©šŸ˜© I'm so fucking weak rn, you've slain me. Words cannot express the noise that left my mouth reading about the collar bit like ahashalkshfjsadf
Daddy is my absolute fav, so you're 100% good there. It's a kink in so many of my fics, bc I am entirely self-indulgent šŸ˜‚ & the thought of being Daddy's Perfect Kitten for Shinsou?? Ahhh, I'm about to implodeee. & the knitting?? are you trying to have me in tears, bc congrats, you've done it šŸ˜­šŸ’•
& about his quirk, I personally love the idea of him using it in the bedroom, but I can see him not wanting to, for the reasons you specified.
However, one of my fav headcanons about Hitoshi in the bedroom is that he's just the dom of all doms. He can be soft or hard, depending on his mood and your attitude, but whatever the vibe is, he just does it so fucking well.
So well that he doesn't need his quirk to get you to do things you'd never even considered with anyone else. He doesn't need to brainwash you. He could, but there's no point to it.
Because you're so wrapped around his hypnotic little finger, the one that brings you so much pleasure with such minimal effort, that you're almost too eager to please him.
Being Daddy's Perfect Kitten is all you ever want to be, aside from when you brat him into fucking you senseless, but that's a different conversation.
So you are at his beck and call, obeying every last command that he gives you. So eager to be praised and rewarded by Daddy that you'll entertain any kink that he wants to introduce his pretty, innocent little kitten to.
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ba-katsuki Ā· 3 years
Breakfast in Bed
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Breakfast in Bed
In celebration of Bakugou Day aka Bakugouā€™s birthday šŸ’„šŸŽ‚šŸ§”Ā 
A/N: this is my first ever Bakugou fanfic ahhhhh! I am excited and nervous to post this but I was super inspired by my favourite writer of all time, Jo @lady-bakuhoeā€‹, I feel like I keep repeating the same descriptors urghhh im so sorry </3 Anyways, i hope you enjoy this very thirsty and dirty story ft the best boi
Word count: 3.3k
Synopsis: Bakugou had such a hard day at work that he could barely stay awake when he came home to you. And when he wakes up earlier than needed the next day, he decided to treat himself to some delicious breakfast in bed šŸ¤¤ itā€™s what he deserves anyway
*The beginning is some Bakugou fluff and NSFW starts after the line break.
Warnings: 18+, minor somnophilia, cunnilingus ... a lot of it (Y/N receiving), squirting, minor spit play
Bakugou came home after a long night of patrol and hero work. You were in bed waiting for him as always, ready to greet him. His footsteps were heavy, a clear sign of just how exhausted he is. As he entered the bedroom, you ran up to him with a smile. ā€œWelcome home Katsuki! Howā€™s work today?ā€
ā€œOkay,ā€ he murmured as he sinks into the edge of the bed. He didnā€™t even give you the usual kiss on your cheek. His eyes were droopy and his movements slow. It must have been a rough day at work. He struggles to strip out of his winter suit but gives up halfway, choosing to just flop onto the bed.
You rush to help him out of his winter suit and head to the bathroom to grab a face towel, wetting it with warm water. You know very well Bakugou is strong, both physically and mentally, and he enjoys every moment of being a hero - a top one at that. A rough day at work isnā€™t going to bring him down, but looking at his scarred body and his exhausted half-asleep face while wiping him down, you canā€™t help but ache a little. You lift his head onto a pillow, lay down next to him and wrap your arms around him, appreciating his smooth skin against yours and his body heat. You tuck yourself under his chin and he subconsciously moves closer to you, snuggling you tighter.
ā€œLove you babyā€ he murmurs.
You smiled and pulled him closer, as close as you possibly can. ā€œLove you too Katsu.ā€ You gently stroke tufts of hair at the nape of his neck as the steady rise of his chest and his soft snores lure you to sleep.
Bakugou woke up to his usual alarm. He was given a later call time after yesterday night events but was so tired he forgot to change his alarm. He reset his alarm and tried to go back to sleep but caught sight of you all tucked into his arm, face squished up against his firm chest - your favourite sleeping position. He canā€™t help but let out a chuckle and gently brush your hair aside to admire your sleeping face.
Being a hero is hard work, but the past week seemed especially hard and chaotic for some reason, and itā€™s been a while since he had the time to spend quality time with you. You shifted in your sleep and your shirt - more like the oversized shirt you stole from Bakugou - rides up and showed off your soft belly and full thighs, as well as the cute little cotton panties you wore.
Sleep was no longer on his mind. He untangled himself from you, moving to hover over you. He gave a soft kiss on your cheeks. And then your neck. Then your collarbone. Making his way down your body. He pushes his shirt further up your torso to expose your breast. He takes one in his hand, careful to not be too rough and wake you up, and massage your breast in his hand. Feeling the softness. He reaches down and gives your nipple a little kiss, followed by a long slow lick, circling your nipple several times. He gives your other breast the same treatment as you give a little whine and shifts slightly, still sleeping.
Bakugou then kisses down your belly, his right hand gripping the soft skin of your waists, dragging it down as he went. He reached your clothed sex and press his nose to your pelvis, feeling the softness. You are just so so soft, every part of your body and skin. The soft to his hard and he loves it.
He lifts and parts your thigh slightly. You shift again and groan, trying to find a more comfortable sleeping position but Bakugou firm grip stops you from moving your bottom half. He presses his nose into your core and takes a deep breath, inhaling your intoxicating scent. He presses a firm kiss on your clothed clit and then another. He grips your thigh to part them further. His lips find the fullest part of your thighs and latched on. He sucks on the skins, leaving a red blotchy spot on your thigh, and his tongue darted out to lap at the hickey created, clearly proud of his mark.
His hand trails up your thighs and plays with the elastic band of your panties as his lips returned to your clothed pussy, leaving opened mouth kisses, tasting the juices that tainted the cotton.
ā€œKatsu...ki?ā€ you whined and question, your voice deep and scratchy from sleep. Your hands move to rub your eyes, trying to clear the fogginess.
ā€œHey babyā€ he lifts himself from between your thighs and greets you with a firm kiss on your lips.
ā€œWhat are you doing ā€˜Tsuki?ā€ You turn to look at the digital clock at your bedside table, 05:30 glaring at you. ā€œDonā€™t you have to leave for work?ā€
ā€œNot in another 2 hours babe. They gave me a later call timeā€ he murmurs in reply, lips too busy kissing your shoulders. He then licks a strip behind your ear, your sensitive area, and you squirm. Letting out a little giggle that is music to his ears.
ā€œAnd instead of sleeping, you decided to... be horny?ā€ You joked, stretching out your tired body before rest your hands on his broad muscular shoulders.
He chuckles, rubbing his nose against yours. ā€œItā€™s not my fault my girlfriends look so fucking tempting in her sleepā€, his lips brushing against yours as he speaks.
ā€œArenā€™t you tired? You looked like you were going to shut down last night.ā€ You cup his cheeks lovingly in your hands as you gazed at him with concern.
He leans into your touch and kisses the palm of your hands. ā€œDonā€™t worry baby Iā€™ve rested enough. Besides, no amount of sleep is worth missing out on that sweet little pussyā€ he smirks. He slips his hands underneath the band of your panties and tugged them down.
Your pussy was completely drenched, without you even really knowing. He groans at the sight of your wet pussy and brings your panties up to his nose to inhale the scent of your aroused cunt.
You stare at your boyfriend, admiring his stunning face and the rippling hard muscles that covers his torso. You watch his eyes close as he breathes in deeply, your panties covering the bottom half of his face. It was supposed to be a shameful and possibly embarrassing sight. This was after all a grown-ass man, YOUR grown-ass man, sniffing your panties like a horny teenage boy. But you were so turned on.
You lift his shirt off your body and toss it aside. Your eyes trail down his body. His broad shoulders, firms abs, thick muscular thighs kneeling between your thighs. You lick your lips at the sight of his bulge. You werenā€™t surprised to find out that Bakugou also had an exceptional cock. this guy is blessed with everything after all.
He was hard...very hard. The tent in his boxers looked painful and his cock was threatening to push out of the waistband, his flush tip just barely visible from where you are. His precum had oozed out and soaked into the waistband, leaving a dark spot.
You rub your thighs together, trying to create some fiction. Gosh, this man was irresistible. He catches you staring at him and his mouth quirks up to that cocky smirk of his that you know so well and love.
He leans down, almost like a predatory cat ready to pound, his eyes never leaving yours. He rubs your thigh, his calloused hand causing a pleasurable tingle up your spine as you let out a moan, pressing your thighs tighter together.
ā€œNow now... donā€™t keep it all to yourself baby girlā€ he suddenly grips your thighs and pulls them apart harshly, spreading you out and exposing every inch of your wet fluttering pussy to him. He stares at you through his lashes, those vermillion staring at your lustful. He makes a show out of licking his lips, watching your face scrunch up in need. He blows at your pussy, making you squirm and whine. This man is such a tease
ā€œLet me taste that delicious pussy of yours. Okay, baby?ā€ You donā€™t know why he bothered to ask because immediately after, he dove straight into your dripping cunt. His tongue circling your lips roughly and then thrashing on your clit, giving hard pleasurable licks. You involuntarily lift your hips and move, hands gripping the sheets so hard your knuckles turns white, a slew of lewd noise leave your mouth. Bakugou growls, unhappy with your movement and he presses his hands on your pubic bone, holding you down as he feast.
He brings your clit into his hot mouth and sucks. Hard.
ā€œFuck Katsuki!ā€ You let out a scream and throw your head back in pleasures, eyes rolling to the top of your head. Needless to say, he was very pleased and suckle your clit even harder, causing you to moan even louder.
He releases your clit with a pop sound and smirks up at you. ā€œYouā€™re gonna wake the neighbours up ya know.ā€ This time, he chooses to lick around your dripping core. Running his tongue through your labia, circling it. Licking everywhere except where you desperately wanted ... no needed... him to.
ā€œKatsuki...pl-please...ā€ you pleaded, hands getting hold of his lush blonde locks, trying to push him in the direction of your core.
He didnā€™t budge and only proceeds to tease you more. ā€œwhatā€™s wrong baby? Did you forgot how to ask properly?ā€ There was a mischievous glint in his eyes as he gives your sensitive clit a few kitten licks.
ā€œPlease Katsuki pleaseā€ you whined.
ā€œOh but I donā€™t know what you want, my love. If you want something, you need to use your big girl words and tell me.ā€ This man then had the nerve to pull your lips apart, exposing your twitching wet core and teasingly lick the circumference. ā€œCome on baby, tell me what you want.ā€
ā€œKat-katsuki... I want... I want ... ahhh please!ā€ You said between pants and moans, barely able to form a proper logical sentence. ā€œ I want you... I want you t-to fuck me AH fuck me with... ahhh Katsuki... fuck me with your tongue please Katsuki pleaseā€ you finally managed.
ā€œGood girl.ā€
He pries your lips further apart and dove in. He pushes his hot tongue into your dripping core and thrashed it around inside. Your walls clench around him in pleasure and he groans hungrily, the pace at which he is thrusting his tongue into you speeds up.
The noises he is making between your thighs are beyond sinful...and such a turn on for you. A mix of slurping sounds and Bakugouā€™s deep guttural groan only made your walls clench around him harder and tighter.
He dug both hands under your ass and lifts you closer to his mouth, to tongue fuck you deeper. With one hand supporting your weight from behind, the other arm wrap around your thigh, his fingers finding a comfortable spot on your pubic bone and his thumb finding its way to your clit. He presses down hard, inciting a high pitch moan from you, and then rubs furiously.
ā€œF-FUCKKKKK KATSUKI OH MY GOD FU-FUCK AH KATSUKI!ā€ Your body was overwhelmed with pleasure and you felt yourself reaching your high. ā€œKatsuki Iā€™m... Iā€™m ... gonna ahhh Iā€™m gonna cum Katsuki... gonna cum!ā€
ā€œMhmmm cum for me baby girl. Cum in my mouth. Let me taste that sweet cum of yours.ā€ He harshens the assault on your clit and shoves his tongue deeper into you, leaving you screaming and body twitching as your climax hits you.ā€
ā€œGood girl baby... fuck you taste so goodā€ he moans as he slows down his thumb, bringing you down from your high.
Bakugouā€™s face was covered in your juices. He looks up at you and throws you a wicked grin, clearly satisfied with the meal. You thought he was done feasting on you, lifting your torso with your elbows, ready to accept his cock in you but boy were you wrong.
Without warning, he trails his tongue from the tip of your asshole up to your clit, trying to gather as much of your cum and juices into his mouth as possible. He sucks at your entrance loudly, the lewd noise echoing in the room.
ā€œTaste so good babe mhmmmm you didnā€™t think I was done with you, did you?ā€
ā€œBut Katsuki...ā€
ā€œShush baby. I deserve to have a satisfying breakfast before I leave for work donā€™t I? Especially after yesterdayā€™s shift. And what is a better breakfast than your sweet cunt.ā€
He covers your pussy with his mouth, his nose breathing hot air at your clit, as he continues to suck and slurp vigorously, determined to taste every drop of you.
ā€œBut Katsuki I...I need you inside me pleaseā€
ā€œPatience baby patienceā€
ā€œKatsuki ~~ā€ you whined.
ā€œTsk youā€™re being such a needy slut.ā€ he scolds and gives a slap to your pussy. ā€œLet me have my fill, then Iā€™ll give you what you want.ā€
ā€œUnggg...ā€ you had no choice but to give in as you squirm under his skilful tongue. He repeats the same assault, gathering up every drop of your wetness into his mouth.
ā€œYou want to be filled that bad huh, babygirl?ā€, mocking your whine. ā€œFine then. since Iā€™m feeling generous today, there ya go.ā€
He places his index finger flat on pussy, rubbing against it to coat the length of his finger with your arousal. Latching onto your stimulated clit with his lips, he pushes his finger into you in one smooth motion, all the way until his knuckles. You swallow his finger immediately, appreciating its presence in your pussy. Bakugou starts to move, dragging his finger out and then slowly pushing it back in. He arches his finger slightly, making sure to hit that sweet spongy g-spot of yours with each push.
ā€œright there Katsuki right there...ā€ you pants as you jerk your hips towards him, ā€œfuck it feels so good there baby unggg... yes...more please more AHā€
He pulls his index finger out and you were quick to complain but he swiftly replaces it with 2 fingers. He curves both fingers in a ā€œcome hitherā€ motion, and pumps his fingers into you, moving in and out of your tight pussy quicker and deeper each time, pressing hard on your g-spot. His mouth continues to suck at your swollen sensitive clit, leaving you screaming with pleasure.
You felt the familiar tension in your pelvis, this time much more intense. ā€œF-FUCK KATSUKI! Katsuki I think Iā€™m gonna... fuckkkkkk oh my god I think Iā€™m gonna cummmmm ahhhhh!ā€
Your orgasm hits you so hard your mind went blank, your legs convulsing as your back arches in absolute ecstasy. You felt liquid gushing out of your cunt, squinting directly at Bakugouā€™s face. Not letting go to waste, Bakugou opens his mouth and catching the clear liquid and swallowing it.
ā€œKatsuki...ā€ you pant, your orgasm slowly wearing off.
ā€œThat was delicious, babyā€ a huge cocky smirk plastered on his face as he rolls his tongue around his fingers, licking up the remnant juices. ā€œWant a taste?ā€
He presses his wet fingers on your bottom lip and you take his sticky fingers into your mouth. The taste of your arousal was strong and mixed with the taste of him, it was intoxicating.
You release his fingers from your mouth, saliva dripping onto your chin. Bakugou leans down and captures your lips in a passionate lustful kiss. You feel your squirt on your skin as he kisses you. It wasnā€™t the first you squirted, Bakugou was very skilled with his hands, but it was the most intense.
He drags his wet fingers down your chest, finding its way to your hard nipple. He pinches your nipple between his fingers and pulls hard, inciting a moan from your lips.
ā€œAre you ready to take my cock now?ā€ He lifts himself from your body and kneels between your legs, his raging cock in full view. He spits onto his hand and wraps it around his shaft. You watch as his hand pumps his cock, running over the thick veins. Gosh, you wanna run your tongue along them so bad. Your eyes narrowed on his tip, glistening with precum and spit, and your mouth watered.
ā€œCan I suck you off ā€˜tsuki?ā€ You glanced up at him through your lashes and gently bite your lip. ā€œitā€™s been a long time since I had your big cock in my mouth.ā€
He groans at your sentence, clearly turned on by it. ā€œFuck babygirl at this rate youā€™re gonna make me cum with just your words.ā€ He grabs your hips roughly and drags you towards him, lining his thick cock at your entrance. ā€œAs tempting as that sounds, I donā€™t think we have time for that right now. Nor do I have enough control left.ā€
You pout at his rejection and purposefully moved your hips, brushing your folds teasingly against his tip. He growls, giving you a tight slap on your thighs.
ā€œBehave.ā€ He warns. He pulls the skin on your pubic bone, stretching your pussy upwards and exposing your clit. He spits at your pussy, a glob of saliva hitting you right at your clit. You gasped at the warm sensation. He dips the tip of his cock into the saliva and then drags it down the length of your pussy, lubing you up even more.
ā€œGod itā€™s been so long since I fucked you. Miss having that tight pussy around my cock. Ready, baby?ā€
You nod weakly and he pushes his length into you, stretching out your tight walls.
ā€œFuckkkk babygirl you are so tight. Fuck youā€™re clenching around my cock so hard. Fuck.ā€ You grab onto his arms and squeeze as if you feel this thick hard cock pierce you. Even with all the wetness, it was a struggle to fit his girth and length. You havenā€™t felt so full in a while and it is driving you insane.
Once heā€™s fully in, he wastes no time thrusting into you. Vigorously. He grabs your thighs and puts them around his waist as you wrap them around him. His balls slapping against your ass and his hands grip the sheets next to you so tightly it looks like he is about to rip them out.
ā€œF-FU-FUCK FUCKK FUCK BABY FUCK OH MY GOD FUCK Katsuki youā€™re AH youā€™re so deep ahhhh fuck baby fuckkkkkkkkkkk it feels so goodā€
He leans down and rests his forehead against yours. He face was scrunched up in ecstasy, his mouth letting out the groans.
ā€œYouā€™re so tight baby girl fuck Iā€™m gonna ... Iā€™m gonna cum soon.ā€
Ignoring the burn in his thigh muscles, he pounds into you faster and in one final thrust, he cums. Shooting thick hot spurts of cum into you. Filling you up.
ā€œFuckkkkk...fuckā€ he pants.
From the pounding to his cum coating your walls and filling up your pussy, your back arch in final orgasm behind dropping back down against the mattress.
Itā€™s barely sunrise and youā€™re already exhausted. Bakugou spends a few moments resting your chest, catching his breath and you lay there under him catching yours.
The peaceful moment was interrupted when the alarm rings obnoxiously loud. Bakugou stretches around to stop it, lingering on you for a while more before giving you a firm kiss and then lifting himself off the bed.
He picks up his shirt from the ground and dresses you.
ā€œThanks for the meal,ā€ he whispers, his eyes playful. You would have snorted at his comment and maybe roll your eyes but youā€™re too well-fucked. He presses a final kiss on your forehead before walking to the bathroom to get ready for work.
The last thing on your mind as your watch your boyfriend in the bathroom, eyes heavy with sleep was: ā€œdamn that man got a nice ass.ā€
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yami-kada Ā· 3 years
Mission 2
Recently I read a fanfic on AO3 called Interlude - Class 1-A by @itslivybear and was inspired a bit to write a fic based on that! Well really I got inspiration for a single line (you'll know it when you see it) and then had to write a whole thing to be able to share that one line, but oh well. This is my first time writing a chatfic or even any BNHA content at all, so I hope it doesn't suck! Thanks to @shadesofflame for being an awesome beta!
(Quick FYI in this AU M*neta and Bakugou are replaced with Shinsou and Monoma, sorry for any confusion. Also a name guide can be found at the bottom.)
RockSolid: Um, so.
RockSolid: Remember the missions during the Sports Festival?
PurpleGrape: Oh hell yeah.
PurpleGrape: Still cherish the look on that bastard's face.
Spoderman: jehxgjc Kiri I got it on video!!!
JazzHands: You've had video of the capture of the bounty this whole time and never showed us???
LSD: I thought we were friends Sero!
Spoderman: omg no not that I totally would have shared earlier if i did
Spoderman: im talking about That.
RockSolid: no Sero don't tell them!
RockSolid: it's embarrassing!
PikaCHU: Tell us, tell us!
NYOOM: Kaminari-kun! If Kirishima-kun wishes to keep his privacy, then it is our duty as his classmates to respect that!
Spoderman: ok but consider: he already gave them a major hint and they are about to POUNCE
BreadIsPain: As a witness as well, I must say that Kirishima was si attirant que j'ai failli m'Ć©vanouir~*
RockSolid: thanks, I think?
MOMo: To paraphrase Aoyama, he is essentially saying you were very manly, Kirishima!
RockSolid: aw thanks bro!! Don't believe you but thanks!
Spoderman: you take that lack of confidence back I have evidence right here that says you are super fucking manly!
LSD: ok please now we have to know so that we can show Kiri how great he is!!!
MOMo: I must admit that the commentary seen thus far has me rather curious as well.
RockSolid: You guysā€¦
RockSolid: alright then, I'll tell you!
Spoderman: sweet ill pull it up!
RockSolid: bro don't you dare! my story, I get to tell it!
Spoderman: oh yeah of course bro!!
Spoderman: but if after you wanna show it then i am READY.
JazzHands: This is very sweet and all but I am very thirsty for this TEA.
RockSolid: on it!
Kirby: Kiri you've been typing for so long that I'm getting Izuku vibes here.
GreenGrape: Hey!
RockSolid: sorry! this is harder than I thought!
Spoderman: want me to start it off?
RockSolid: you know what, sure.
Spoderman: aight so,
Spoderman: Council, what qualifies as capturing the bounty?
GreenGrape: Guys no the bounty is over please no more bounty-hunting Kacchan.
MOMo: Your objection is noted and overruled, Izuku.
MOMo: For your question, Sero, I do not believe we ever set specific limitations on what qualified, but I was under the impression that it was limited to the Sports Festival. Why do you ask?
Spoderman: just double checking
Spoderman: because my bro here just totally shot both missions out of the park!!!
LSD: gaSP!!!
JazzHands: bOTH?!
RockSolid: no not both!! we have no confirmation for either, technically!
Kirby: Technically? What do you mean by that?
RockSolid: ahhhh ok so Sero and I were eating lunch in the courtyard because it was nice out, right?!
RockSolid: and we were chillin, being bros, birds were singing, all was good.
RockSolid: and then we heard a small explosion before the bounty walked in at the other end of the courtyard and started kicking at the wall.
PikaCHU: omg so angy.
RockSolid: and like fine, we can tune him out, just try to act like he's not there, you know?
RockSolid: But then he started yelling at random people in the courtyard, just acting pissed as hell.
PikaCHU: oMG so ANGY.
RockSolid: and that's just not manly at all, you know? going off on people like that just because you're in a bad mood.
GreenGrape: Yeahā€¦ that's Kacchan for you.
RockSolid: so he's making his way around the courtyard now, like everyone needs their daily dose of asshole for him to be happy, and the closer he got the more annoyed I got.
Spoderman: here it comes!
RockSolid: and eventually I get up, because I have had just about enough, and walk right up to him.
RockSolid: he doesn't see me coming, because he was too busy yelling at some girl, and I get right up behind him.
RockSolid: and then I just called out to get his attention, and spun him to face me while making sure I end up between him and the girl.
RockSolid: and well I told him off a little bit and got him to back off then left in a hurry.
RockSolid: and that's it!
Spoderman: oh no you don't
BreadIsPain: Oui! Monsieur Kirishima, you must tell the climax with just as much zest as the build-up!
Spoderman: what he said! no skipping out on the best part!
RockSolid: but!!!
Jacked: No buts, mister. We're all way too invested now for you to back down.
RockSolid: :(
RockSolid: fine! you win!
RockSolid: so uh when I got his attention, I also got my hand onto his shoulder, and used his surprise to knock his feet a bit off balance and pulled him back, but then I ended up with him in my arms and could tell he was about to start yelling so I justā€¦
RockSolid: you knowā€¦
RockSolid: flirted?
LSD: oh my GoD this is great!!!
PikaCHU: Hell yeah Kiri! Go get yourself a manz!
RockSolid: I'm not getting a man! He's probably going to kill me the next time he sees me!
Spoderman: i dunno, it took him a good long while to reboot after what you said there
Spoderman: you might have a shot
PurpleGrape: Well if you're not going to get a man out of this, mind telling us what you said so I can bait him next time he tries to be an ass?
RockSolid: uhhhā€¦
RockSolid: I'm nervous.
BreadIsPain: If you will allow me, I shall finish your tale off dazzlingly!
RockSolid: Thanks Aoyama.
BreadIsPain: Bien entendu!
BreadIsPain: While holding him in his arms tightly in a dip, faces inches apart, Monsieur Kirishima leaned impossibly closer to emphasize his point.
RockSolid: oh god I regret everything.
LSD: Hush, it's getting good!
BreadIsPain: With a growl to his voice and his eyes burning above a smirk, he said "You know, you're damn cute when you're angry, but you'd be downright sexy if you shut the fuck up." Then he straightened up to fling the lost soul to the side, and saunter off like the devil was guarding his back, leaving the bounty terribly confused in his wake.
PurpleGrape: Whoa.
PikaCHU: Holy shit?!
RockSolid: what is that description?!?!?!
JazzHands: Kiri that was PERFECT oh my god?!
LSD: It's ART is what it is!
Spoderman: don't forget how red the guy was! Kiri was cool as a cucumber but the other guy couldn't stop blushing after seeing his face!!!
MOMo pinned a message
RockSolid: Yaomomo!!!
MOMo: My apologies, Kirishima, but I felt it only right to ensure easy access to your most manly moment.
LSD: Yeah Kiri! Then one day we can all look back on this and celebrate how everything started!!
RockSolid: How what started???
LSD: E v e r y t h i n g
RockSolid: @Spoderman bro hide me Iā€™m scared.
Spoderman: hey guys, wanna see a GREAT video?
Spoderman: the stars are our main man, Kiri, and the bounty!
PikaCHU: hell yeah!!!
Jacked: Lay it on me.
PurpleGrape: Sure.
JazzHands: Do you really have to ask????
RockSolid: but I already told you what happened!
RockSolid: why do you want to see me being so embarrassing?
PikaCHU: bro we all appreciate you so much of course we want to see you being manly!
LSD: Just from what you all said there is no way you donā€™t look great in that vid, Kiri!
PikaCHU: gotta give support where support is due!!
PurpleGrape: Theyā€™ll all bully Sero into showing them one way or another anyways, might as well give in now.
RockSolid: but...
BreadIsPain: Nous devons vous montrer Ơ quel point vous brillez et dissiper ces pensƩes douteuses!**
MOMo: I could not have said it better myself, Aoyama!
RockSolid: I donā€™t even know what he said though?!?!?!?!?!?!
Spoderman: Kiri.
Spoderman: Bro.
Jacked: Well shoot heā€™s using proper grammar and everything.
Spoderman: Rude.
Spoderman: Anyways Bro.
RockSolid: yeah?
Spoderman: You are epic. This video shows you being epic. And putting an asshole in their place.
Spoderman: You have nothing to be ashamed of, and every reason to be proud. So please let me show the video so that everyone can appreciate you like you deserve bro.
RockSolid: broā€¦
Spoderman: Bro.
RockSolid: bro -
Spoderman: Bro?
RockSolid: bro!
Spoderman: aight everyone down to the common room its up on the big screen
Spoderman: i have popcorn too
Jacked: Not even gonna question that.
LSD: Finally!!!
JazzHands: Yuss!!!
BreadIsPain: Je vais regarder avec enthousiasme!***
MOMo: As will all of us Iā€™m sure, Aoyama!
RockSolid: Thanks guys!
RockSolid: Now get down here and watch me maybe get a man!
*so attractive that I almost swooned.
**We must show you how much you shine, and dispel those self-doubting thoughts!
***I shall excitedly watch!
Guide to names:
GreenGrape - Izuku
PurpleGrape - Hitoshi
CopyCat - Monoma Neito
MOMo - Yaoyorozu Momo
datBoi - Asui Tsuyu
JazzHands - Hagakure Toru
NYOOM - Iida Tenya
SnowWhite - Kouda Kouji
LifeIsPain - Tokoyami Fumikage
BreadIsPain - Aoyama Yuga
Kirby - Uraraka Ochaco
LSD - Ashido Mina
PikaCHU - Kaminari Denki
RockSolid - Kirishima Eijiro
RipHarambe - Ojiro Mashirao
IcyHot - Todoroki Shoto
MuffinMan - Sato Rikido
Octodad - Shouji Mezou
Jacked - Jirou Kyoka
Spoderman - Sero Hanta
101 notes Ā· View notes
lvstcd Ā· 3 years
i wanna be yoursĀ ā† vinnie hacker x reader
request:Ā angsty vinnie fic where she is dating one of his friends but he has the biggest crush on her since ever and just sadšŸ˜” ( @yungbludzā€‹ )Ā 
a/n: angsty :0 also, i saw that you posted that you are starting to simp over kio so i made u date kio hehe
summary: you start dating kio and notice that vinnie is acting distant and weird.Ā 
warnings: swearing, angst
Tumblr media
gif found on googleĀ 
about a day or two ago, kio had confessed his feelings to you drunkenly. you didnā€™t really think he was being serious until the next morning he texted you and asked if you two could talk. practically shitting your pants, you texted him yes and made your way over to his house. about an hour later, after many shared kisses and feelings, you two made your way downstairs, hand in hand and big smiles on your faces. jordan instantly started teasing the two of you while everyone else hyped the two of you up, happy that you two finally admitted your feelings.Ā 
it was all going great, until you saw vinnie sitting outside staring up at the stars with a frown on his face. you excuse yourself from your friends and quietly make your way out to vinnie. you carefully sit beside him and look up at the stars too, pointing out the little dipper right in front of your face.Ā ā€œtheyā€™re beautiful.ā€ you whisper, amazed at how well you could see the sky tonight.Ā 
you could feel him glancing at you, opening his mouth and quickly closing it. he nods, and stands up. he shoves his hands in his pockets and quickly turns around to go back inside. you sigh and hold your hands in your lap, confused as to what his deal is.Ā 
you stand up and go back inside, being instantly greeted by your boyfriend.Ā ā€œhey, love. you okay?ā€ he asks, his eyebrows furrowed together. you smile widely and nod, pecking kioā€™s cheek before walking into the kitchen and starting up a conversation with maddy.Ā 
that night was weird. kio had begged you to stay the night and you werenā€™t going to say no. it was around 4 in the morning when you woke up from your deep sleep. you were sweating and super thirsty. you climbed out of bed and quietly open kioā€™s door, slipping into the hallway and gently closing the door behind you so it didnā€™t wake anyone up.Ā 
as you tiptoe past vinnieā€™s room, you canā€™t help but stop and listen. you freeze when you hear quiet and muffled sobs coming from inside the blue lit room. you quietly knock on the door before twisting the door knob and opening the door. instantly, you see vinnie laying in his bed, tears streaming down his face as he grips his pillow.Ā ā€œvin-?ā€ he jumps up and notices you, shock and anger rushing through his features.Ā 
ā€œwhat the fuck, y/n.ā€ he shouts a little, causing you to flinch, afraid that everyone has woke up.Ā ā€œi-im sorry i was going downstairs and i heard you crying so i wanted to make sure that youā€™re okay.ā€ you mumble out, your hands fiddling with your pj shorts, a nervous habit. he notices and rolls his eyes, stepping towards the door, slightly closing it.Ā ā€œthen maybe you should mind your own business.ā€ he slams the door, causing you to gasp and jump back, your heart racing.Ā 
anxious, you spin on your heel and go straight back to kioā€™s room, your thirst gone. you lie in kioā€™s bed, the sun shining through the windows. you sigh and run a hand through your hair as you think about the events of last night. kio walks out of the bathroom, his hair a mess. he notices you are awake and smiles, gently throwing himself on top of you.Ā ā€œgoodmorning, love.ā€ he mumbles into your cheek before peppering your face with kisses.Ā 
you smile up at him,Ā ā€œhi.ā€ he gives you one last kiss before climbing off you and making his way downstairs. you sigh and climb out of his bed, throwing on one of kioā€™s shirts that are on the floor, as you took yours off in the middle of the night from sweating profusely. you unplug your phone from the charging port and open his door, stepping out of the room.
as you make your way downstairs, you notice vinnie glaring holes into kioā€™s head; kio ignoring it and having a conversation with baby j about something. you step into the kitchen and feel vinnies eyes turn to you. he scoffs and grabs his coffee before storming out of the kitchen and shoving past you. you sigh and look at kio who shrugs. you quickly turn around, following vinnie outside.Ā 
he stops and you walk in front of him, your arms crossed.Ā ā€œokay, what the fuck is your problem? you and i were just fine a couple days ago but ever since yesterday you have been a complete distant asshole. why are you so mad at me? and kio? i saw the way you were looking at him earlier. im surprised you didnā€™t bash his head into the counter.ā€ you ramble, all of your confusion and anger spilling out of you.Ā 
vinnie sips his coffee, avoiding your gaze.Ā ā€œgo back inside, y/n.ā€ he mutters lowly. you scoff and move your head so that he is looking at you.Ā ā€œno.ā€ you respond, obviously still pissed off.Ā ā€œy/n.ā€ he warns, staring at you.Ā ā€œvinnie.ā€ you respond in the same tone, your hands now on your hips. a few days ago, vinnie wouldā€™ve teased you and would say that you look like an angry mom scolding her child. but now, you canā€™t even tell if this is vinnie in front of you or not. you have never seen him like this.
ā€œtalk to me. i feel like i donā€™t even know who you are right now. whatever is upsetting you, you can tell me. im your best friend.ā€ you respond quietly, the anger washing away as you notice vinnie trying to hold back tears.Ā ā€œi-ā€ he stops himself and looks away, blinking back his tears.
you step forward and place your hand on his cheek, wiping away a tear that fell. he sighs and looks at you.Ā ā€œi love you.ā€ he whispers, scanning your face for a reaction.Ā ā€œi love you, too, v. you know that.ā€ you respond, your eyebrows furrowed together. he sighs deeply, moving back slightly so that your hand falls from his face.Ā ā€œno, y/n. i love you. i am in love with you. and seeing you with him... it-it fucking hurts. it hurts so much. that should be me that gets to call you mine. and treat you the way you deserve to be treated. but it isnā€™t. and it is destroying me.ā€ you freeze, your voice caught in your throat.Ā 
this was what you were dreaming of happening a year ago. this exact moment. but now, when youā€™re feelings slowly faded, he wanted you back. you sigh and rub your nose,Ā ā€œwhy didnā€™t you tell me this a year ago, vinnie?ā€ you ask quietly.Ā ā€œi was head over heels for you a year ago. i dreamt of this. i fantasized about it. but i got over it. and now, youā€™re telling me this whole time, you felt the same way.ā€ you ramble.Ā 
vinnie runs his hand through his hair, his tears still falling down his cheek.Ā ā€œim sorry.ā€ he mutters, stepping closer to you, hoping for something to happen. anything to make you his.Ā ā€œme too.ā€ you whisper, frowning up at the curly haired boy. you take a step back and walk past him. you walk inside; grabbing your phone and leave without saying goodbye to anyone, leaving everybody to look at vinnie, confused.Ā 
vinnie ignores them and stands still as watches you leave, his heart shattering because he knows deep down that you arenā€™t his anymore. you never have been. and it destroyed him.Ā 
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faithinthefuture28 Ā· 4 years
Larry songs timeline & what it tells us about the evolution of their relationship
**These are all just my interpretations but the more I listen to the music they wrote, the more it all fits together. ESPECIALLY BECAUSE THROUGHOUT THE YEARS THEYā€™VE BEEN TALKING ABOUT WRITING ā€œAUTOBIOGRAPHICALLYā€ AND ā€œFROM PERSONAL EXPERIENCEā€
I deffo missed some songs but these stood out to me:
L-Strong: Love isnā€™t easy (waves trying to break it)Ā but what we have means something and itā€™s worth fighting for. read: love is only for the brave (Think of how much love thatā€™s been wasted...thereā€™s nothing iā€™m running from...i donā€™t care, Iā€™m not scared of love)Ā And we bring out the best in each other so lets not throw this away (iā€™d do anything to save it...when iā€™m not with you iā€™m weaker).Ā 
H-Happily: I want to fight for us too bc weā€™re on fire and our love is powerful af. ik we have to do stunts and stuff (and if (s)he feels my traces in your hair, sorry love but I donā€™t really care) but what we have is insane and fuck everyone else bc youā€™re MINE and iā€™m YOURS at the end of the day (i wanna be the one who holds you when you sleep). Together, weā€™re magic so just be with me so happily
H-Something Great: ****this song is very straightforward so i wonā€™t explain it much***** (i want you here with me like how i pictured it so i dont have to keep imagining... Weā€™re better off together here tonight).Ā Written as a longing for what could be if they dont have to suppress the relationship. (script was written...want to rip it all to shreds) Louisā€™ responseĀ (youā€™re all I want so much itā€™s hurting) basically says ā€œitā€™s not too much to ask babe, i want it too.ā€Ā This has the kind of longing that ā€˜wouldnā€™t it be nice- beach boysā€™ which Harry has admitted is kind of a theme song.Ā 
L-Through the Dark:Ā I know all this bs weā€™re going through is taking a toll on you and hurts you and i hate seeing you upset (you tell me that your sad...you tell me that youā€™re hurt and youre in pain and i can see your head is held in shame...i just wanna see you smile again)Ā but I will do everything physically possible to protect you from any pain bb (iā€™d never let you fall and break your heart, if u wanna cry or fall apart, iā€™ll be there to hold ya). Weā€™re going through this together and I will take on any responsibility needed to keep you happy.Ā  Iā€™M WILLING TO GO THROUGH HELL TO FIGHT FOR US HARRY LOVE (entire chorus basically).
L-Better than Words: holy fuck our love is amazing canā€™t even describe it can i just sing to you foreva love u babycakes
L-Why donā€™t we go there: what if...we just forgot about the world and escaped and enjoyed each others love and rode the high???Ā Also sex
L-Ready to Run: *******Followup to Why Donā€™t We Go There*********** But this time letā€™s escape for real bcĀ (thereā€™s me inside a sinking boat running out of time). Like iā€™m ready to get out of here and it could just be us living happily ever after (this time iā€™m ready to run).Ā Honestly nothing else makes sense (without you iā€™ll never make it out alive...wherever you are is the place i belong). I know what i want out of life and ITā€™S YOU HARREH (i want to be free and i wanna be yours, i will never look back).Ā 
L-Steal My Girl: all u thirsty hoes find someone else bc Harry is MY pretty princess. Srsly ask his family. But you can still admire how he looks in those jeans. We all do. You know the ones
L-No Control: boy u fine, letā€™s do what lovers do IN THE MORNING. bc we can. also you own me and i am urs
L-Clouds: WE KNEW THIS WAS GONNA BE HARD SO WHY ARE YOU BEING A LITTLE BITCH (you dont like it complicated...but love is never ever simple...you are tired of all the changes, but love is always always changing). We could be great yo, just keep fightingĀ (if weā€™re never coming back down, weā€™ll looking down on the clouds...we go and we go and we dont stop)
H-Where do Broken Hearts Go: IM SORRY LOU BABY YOURE EVERYTHING (rest of my crimes dont come close the look on your face when i let you go... the taste of your lips...is at the top of the list of things i want). H&Lā€™s call andĀ  response at the end is basically forgiveness and acknowledgment (come on baby come and get me out, come on baby cuz i need you now)
H-Two Ghosts: *****was written around this time according to Harry******. This is fucking hard yo. Weā€™re drained and exhausted and idk how much more we can fight for this... (itā€™s not you and itā€™s not me...sounds like something that i used to feel).Ā That infatuation and electricity and hope that fueled our younger selves isnā€™t really there anymore and iā€™m just tired man (weā€™re just two ghosts swimming in a glass half empty, trying to remember how it feels to have a heartbeat, weā€™re not who we used to be...this was all we used to need). Weā€™re empty vessels going through the motions (same eyes blue, couple more tattoos). AND WE ARENā€™T FUCKING COMMUNICATINGĀ (we dont say what we really mean).Ā 
H&L-Perfect: so what if... we get rid of the pressure of forever? What if we just have fun doing the stupid shit we love and makes us feel aliveĀ (trouble up in hotel rooms, secret little rendezvous, things you know that we shouldnā€™t do). Like we wonā€™t be out of each othersā€™ lives, Iā€™m still around and we can find comfort in each other and even mess around here and there (I can be the one you love from time to time). Remember how we used to be young and EXCITED (when i first saw you from across the room, i could tell that you were curious) letā€™s get that energy back without the responsiblity of an adult relationship.Ā And we can keep making art lmao (if youre looking for someone to write your breakup songs about).Ā 
L-Long Way Down *****this song fkn hurts man. Itā€™s overlooked a lot but shows so much insight**** We were...everything. And maybe thatā€™s the problem? Weā€™ve been through so fucking much, more than anyone our age should have to endure. (We've been in fire, Went down in the flames. We sailed the ocean And drowned in the waves. Built a cathedral But we never prayed) We didnā€™t know what we had. We were damn kids man. We werenā€™t prepared for all this. We didnā€™t know how powerful this would be. We didnā€™t know what it required of us. (We had a mountain But took it for granted. We had it all yeah. Who couldā€™ve planned it). We didnā€™t know what to do with it, how to deal with it, so here we are. (We had a spaceship But we couldn't land it) Weā€™re each otherā€™s everything, but we canā€™t keep going on like this babe. (We found an island But we got stranded). I donā€™t want to leave you but being together is breaking us down. (Point of no return and now It's just too late to turn around) We thought we were untouchable. That love conquers all. Maybe, we were wrong. This is gonna hurt like a bitch (We built it up so high and now I'm fallin', itā€™s a long way down)
H-Olivia: I LIVE FOR YOU, I LONG FOR YOU,Ā I LOVE YA. And i think iā€™ll always love ya. And Iā€™m scared...of life without you (i get the feeling youā€™re walking out, time is irrelevant when iā€™ve not been seeing you, the consequences are falling now, thereā€™s something iā€™m having nightmares about...dont let me go). But maybe just maybe thats okay, because youā€™re AIMH (you live in my imagination...i love you, itā€™s all i do).Ā 
L-Love you Goodbye: I fucking love you and Iā€™ll always fucking love you but i think this is the right thing to do even though it feels so wrong (i know thereā€™s nothing i can do to change it, but is there something that can be negotiated?)Ā We made some goddamn fireworks together though (unforgettable together held the whole world in our hands) and do ya maybe think...we can make them just once more? (if tomorrow you wont be mine, let me give it to you one last time, baby let me love you goodbye...one more taste of your lips just to bring me back to the places weā€™ve been and the nights weā€™ve had because if this is it, then at least we could end it riiiiight). ********in the interview with our FAVE Gwen Garcia, she asked if itā€™s better to say goodbye and end a relationship thatā€™s not feeling right or keep trying even if your heartā€™s not in it. Harry responds withĀ ā€œI think itā€™s better to say goodbye...but sometimes if youre trying to protect..ā€ Then Louis cuts him off and saysĀ ā€œyouā€™re going deep arenā€™t youā€, brushing the question off as a joke but imho i think there was pain in that answer. Then Harry continuesĀ ā€œif youā€™re not 100% in it, I think itā€™s better for both parties if you say goodbyeā€. And Louis adds aĀ ā€œyeahā€ at the end.********
H-Walking in the Wind: I know this is scary but i think we can do it, (you said to me do you believe iā€™ll be too far? if youre lost just look for me youā€™ll find me)Ā I think because youre AIMH and iā€™m always in yours, itā€™ll be good for us. And look at us being mature, weā€™re killing it babe. We can live our separate lives and grow on our own. We dont need to make it messy and hurtful. Weā€™re on the same page.Ā (the fact that we can sit right here and say goodbye means weā€™ve already won. A necessity for apologies between you and me, baby there is none).Ā At this point, weā€™re kinda part of each other right? So itā€™s healthy for us to be apart for a bit. (itā€™s not the end, iā€™ll see your face again... i know weā€™ll be alright...just close your eyes and see iā€™ll be by your side any time you need me). And youā€™ve helped me grow into the person I am, and I you, so thatā€™s cool as hell, right? (you will find me in places that weā€™ve never been). We had a TON of fun (we had some good times didnt we)Ā so i feel okay that weā€™re doing this (goodbyes are bittersweet) and starting the next adventure in our lives.Ā 
H-If I could fly:Ā I. am. yours. Louis. William. Tomlinson. (for your eyes only, iā€™ll show you my heart).Ā Maybe this growth thing isnā€™t worth it, let me prove to you how much you mean to meĀ (i think i might give up everything just ask me to). This is gonna be hard as shit because iā€™m so dependent on youĀ (iā€™m missing half of me when weā€™re apart).Ā Iā€™m being honest and Iā€™m being scared and Iā€™m being vulnerable because I canā€™t lie to you and pretend Iā€™m strong (i let my guard down, right now iā€™m completely defenseless).Ā But weā€™re part of each other, right? (i could feel your heart inside of mine). Iā€™ll always be here for you Lou (for when youā€™re lonely and forget who you are) even if for now we canā€™t physically be together.Ā 
L-Home: Iā€™ve tried, Harry. Iā€™ve tried to play pretend (told myself i kind of like her but there was something missin in her eyes). But i was lost (i was stumblin, lookin in the dark with an empty heart) because none of it was enough, none of it was YOU (it was there i sawr it in your eyes). And then i met you and you felt the same and weā€™re both lost souls playing pretend who found magic in each other (but you say you feel the same, could we ever be enough?) Is our love enough to overcome everything? Maybe we can be enough. Maybe I can make this enough, let me try to make it enough for you.Ā And if we go our separate ways, know that Iā€™m here for you no matter what. I wonā€™t let you be lost again.Ā (When youā€™re lost Iā€™ll find a way and Iā€™ll be your light, you will never feel like youā€™re alone, Iā€™ll make this feel like home). So go. wander. find yourself. Then when youā€™re ready, come home.Ā 
Ā 2016-2017
H- Sweet Creature: ***Harry admit that this was the first song he wrote for the album**** We arenā€™t in the best place rn. Weā€™ve been fighting (had another talk about where itā€™s going wrong...itā€™s hard when we argue, weā€™re both stubborn). But itā€™s you Louis. It canā€™t be anyone else. (donā€™t know where weā€™re going but we know where we belong... wherever I go, you bring me home). Thatā€™s not even a question. Iā€™m still trying to figure out who I am, but the one thing I know is that a large part of who I am is you (we started 2 hearts in one home). And aint no way Iā€™m losing that part of myself (when i run out of road, you bring me home). It was always you.Ā 
H-MMITH: Whenever youā€™re ready, Iā€™m readyĀ (just let me know iā€™ll be at the door,Ā  hoping youā€™ll come around). I know I need to work on myself a little more (i gotta get better, and maybe weā€™ll work it out) but honestly iā€™m getting impatient and i want things to go back to how they were and i want to be yours again (once you go without it, nothing else would do). But I canā€™t communicate this to you clearly so let me just put this in a song and hope you get itĀ (we dont talk about it, itā€™s something we dont do) ****Harry mentioned in an interview that he expresses himself through songwriting when he canā€™t say the words directly to a person because itā€™s easier to just write it in a song than have difficult conversations*****
H-ESNY: ****honestly no idea what this song is about but itā€™s something to do with them fighting and not communicating and being in a weird place before their relationship is rekindled******* edit: this could be about his stepdad
H-FTDT:Ā I MISS YOU AND Iā€™M TOO FULL OF PRIDE TO TELL YOU DIRECTLY JUST COME BACK INTO LIFE LOU Iā€™M LONELY AND SAD AND EMPTY AND IM NOT FUCKING FINDING MYSELF LIKE YOU SAID I WOULD (woke up alone, played with myself where were you...we havent spoke since you went away, why wont you ever say what you wanna say)Ā So until then I sit and wait for your sorry ass to make the first move (maybe one day youā€™ll call me and tell me that youā€™re sorry too...but you never do). Also like i have to hear from other people how you are?? (i saw your friend that you know from work, he said that you feel just fine)Ā ANd youā€™re sharing OUR clothes with people??Ā wtf just swallow your pride and call meĀ 
L-Miss You: OKAY BUT I CANT JUST CALL YOU BECAUSE I HAVE PRIDE TOO also my mates are trying to make me get over you (now iā€™m asking my friends how to say Iā€™m sorry, they say lad give it ttime thereā€™s no need to worry, and we canā€™t even be on the phone now). So iā€™m just numbing your absence with partying and drinks but CLEARLY ITS NOT WORKING (should be laughing but thereā€™s something wrong...shit maybe i miss you...when i feel it coming up i just throw it all away, get another few shots cuz it doesnā€™t matter anyway...such a good time, iā€™ll believe it this time). This is weird bc like you were my everything but im trying to get used to this and it fucking sux (oh how shit changes, we were in love, now weā€™re strangers). And tbh, its scary af bc what if this is it (iā€™m asking myself, is it over?).Ā BUT ALSO LIKE WTF U COULD REACH OUT FIRST YA KNOW (iā€™ve been checking my phone all evening).
H-Anna: wtf Louis how do you not see how much this is killing me. I miss you so much and seeing you on tv or in pics drives me wild bc youā€™re not mine. (I donā€™t want your sympathy but you donā€™t know what you do to me...everytime I see your face thereā€™s only so much I can take...I guess it would be nice if I can touch your body). And idk if youā€™re replacing me (donā€™t know where youā€™re laying, just know itā€™s not with me) and weā€™re in SUCH a weird place rn how do I tell u youā€™re the loml (donā€™t know what Iā€™d say if I passed you on the street...donā€™t know what Iā€™d tell you if you asked me for the truth) so I refuse to put this song on the album and let you know this and give you satisfaction from knowing how gone I still am for you bc I have 0 idea how you feel (hope you never see this and know that itā€™s for you)
L-Always You: SO THIS IS ME SWALLOWING MY PRIDE STANDING IN FRONT OF YOU SAYING IM SORRY FOR THAT NIGHT... ok but fr i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u and nothing else compares like i can travel the whole world and all i think about is how much more fun it was with you and the memories we shared and i wish i could just say thx fr th mmrs and move on but actually no thx actually fuck you for making me not able to enjoy my life without you. So like...come home? and wrap your legs around me? also lmao i took El to a gay bar in amsterdam for her bday lmao i miss u come cuddle me and iā€™ll tell you all about it
L-We Made It: looks like we made it, look how far weā€™ve come my baby. They saidd I bett theyā€™ll never make it, but just look at us holding onn, weā€™re still togetherr, still going stronggg. Also to the fans, miss our single bed and the nights we talked about our dreams :-* also Andrew my man luv u
L-KMM: our love was youthful and exhilarating and fucking electric and i think it still can be. dont know what iā€™d do without you now HĀ 
L-DLIBYH: Weā€™re strong babe and weā€™ve grown and we arenā€™t gonna let life drag us down. Iā€™m doing better, youā€™re doing better, this is what we wanted. And now any shit we go through, weā€™ll go through TOGETHERĀ 
L-Too Young: Okay but looking back, that was a lot of shit we went through and we were just babies and iā€™m sorry for not fighting harder (i cant believe i gave in to the pressure when they said a love like this would never last so i cut you off cuz i didnt know no better)Ā baby i tried, i tried to protect you but like it was just so much and i hate that you got hurt and i wont ever let that happen again. ALso go us for being mature and COMMUNICATING (face to face at the kitchen table, we can finally have a conversation that I wish we couldā€™ve had before). ANd i know youā€™re an arrogant son of a bitch who canā€™t admit when heā€™s sorry so here let ME say iā€™m sorry that i hurt you darling. Like we were too young to know we had everything BUT now weā€™re old(er) and can realize that when weā€™re together, we DO have everything now and omg is this our happily ever after and we can have a daughter and name her DarcyĀ 
L-Habit: do i need to spell it out for you iiiiii aaaaaaaaammmmmmm sssssssoooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyy. But tbh i let you go because it felt right because mentally you were already out the doorĀ and i needed to give you room to grow babe. And i needed the space tooĀ (you gave me the time and the space i was out of control and iā€™m sorry i let you down).Ā but like also iā€™ve learned i canā€™t escape you Styles. Youā€™re always in my fucking heart and my fucking mind and in every essence of my being and somehow I knew that 9 years ago and it took me this long to realize how powerful this really is (guess that that i know what i already knew, i was better with you and i miss you now). Ooooh also my favorite line i wrote (took some time cuz i ran out of energy of playing someone I heard Iā€™m supposed to be and honestly i dont have to choose anymore) like who am i kidding, im done pretending i just wanna be yoursss now
L-Defenseless: I canā€™t help it okay theres something about you that doesnā€™t let me stay away. I need you and I know that rekindling this relationship isnā€™t going to be easy even though it feels so so right. Itā€™s going to be hard work (sleeping on our problems but weā€™ll solved them in our dreams, wake up early morning and itā€™s still under the sheets)Ā and we need to communicate and solve our problems but here I am, raw and unfiltered and emotionally naked in front of you ready to lay it all on the table (not sure how to say this right, got so much to lose. NEver been so defenseless). So like this branch Iā€™m reach out to you and you be honest with me too babe (you dont have to keep on being strong for me and you. Acting like you feel no pain, you know i know you do...I canā€™t get inside, when youā€™re lost in your pride but you donā€™t have a thing to prove). Be open with me. Lets talk. Letā€™s solve problems. Lets have an adult relationship. Iā€™m asking for a little vulnerabiltiy babe. Itā€™s just me. Theres nothing to be scared of
L-Walls: And here you have me in my purest form. No lies, no secrets, no insecurities to hide behind. Losing you was fucking painful but i got through it. Iā€™ve been through hell and back and Iā€™ve fought. And without you, I grew into the person I am. And any further growing iā€™m doing is gonna be with you. bc it was all for you babe. and honestly i can take anything life throws at me now. Iā€™m strong baby. Iā€™m fucking strong and fucking brave and fucking resilient and...fucking yours. ***** wtf is the I just hope i see you one day and youā€™ll say to me oh oh********
H-Golden: You are the literal sun and Iā€™m not ready. YOUā€™RE SUCH A GOOD PERSONĀ (you were way too bright for me, iā€™m hopeless, broken, so you wait for me in the sky).Ā Iā€™m scared to go through this alone, I need your comfort and your guidance (i can feel you take control of who i am and all iā€™ve ever known). But youā€™re scared to go through this with me bc you dont wanna get hurt and iā€™m too open so where tf does that leave us. ******this could be about coming out especially with the London AND NY secret shows where Harry added the lyric Iā€™m hoping someday youā€™ll open*******
H-Adore You:Ā You dont have to say you love me, you dont have to say nothing, you dont have to say youā€™re mine. Iā€™d walk through fire for you. Just let me adore Lou. Like its the only thing Iā€™ll ever do. read: Louis is a great person to just admire what heā€™s like. ALso I dont need anything back. I just dont want to hide my love for you anymore. I donā€™t need answers or promises. Just let me adore you. ********the music video is also basically a Louis appreciation post. He was the boy with the smile that the world took away from him. He found Harry lost and loved him and nurtured him and made him confident and allowed him to be who he wanted to be. But in doing so, Harry became big and unsatisfied and wanted to explore the world and was clearly interested in Hollywood and Rockstardom especially evident in his behavior 2014-2015. And Louis wasnā€™t about that life and didnā€™t want to hold him back. So he let him free. But they realized that they donā€™t work apart. Wherever theyā€™re going, theyā€™re going together, as the boy sails into the unknown following the fish. I see it as Harryā€™s version of ā€œthis one is a thank you for what you did for meā€ ************* I see it, I appreciate it, and I love you for it
H-Lights Up: ****fight with Louis. (What do you mean Iā€™m sorry by the way) About coming out? About fame? (Step into the light, so bright sometimes) Either way, L is the guy driving the motorcycle in the video who makes H feel comfortable and safe until they get pulled over because SOMEONE wont let them love*******
H-Falling: What if iā€™m out, what if iā€™m someone you wonā€™t talk about? Okay maybe I lied I do want you to claim me. Would me coming out of the closet make that hard for you? I CANā€™T GO THROUGH AN IDENTITY CRISIS WITHOUT YOU LOU. I picked someone supportive and now Iā€™m spoiled and I dont know how to be with myself. You want back in my life but what if I dont deserve it? (you said you cared and you missed me too...what iā€™m someone i dont want around). What if youā€™re better off without me? (i get the feeling that youā€™ll never need me again). I know youve been through so much shit because of me, things youā€™ve never even told me about and im afraid...that I wasnā€™t worth it. Am I being selfish? because either way, i want YOUĀ (what if youā€™re someone i just want around). Does that make me a bad person?Ā 
H-TBSL:Ā ****Probably when they starting talking again but it was v casual and they didnā€™t really discuss their relationship yet*****. I MISS U BUT I WONT TELL U THAT and its nice to talk to u again i missed your voice but if u call me baby i will kill u bc that word has weight OKAY. Like i know you just call everyone babe and darling and sweetheart but baby is FOR ME and only for me when you wake up with me and cuddle me and if you think you have any right calling me baby without giving the luxury of being in a relationship with you then piss off because that shit hurts dude.Ā (i know that youā€™re trying to be friends, know that you mean it...itā€™s hard for me to go home to be so lonely). ALso itā€™s not my fault iā€™m like this, you literally captured my heart when i was 16 like wtf do u expect (dont blame me for falling, i was just a little boy)
H-Sunflower Vol. 6: we were babies and i was so enamored by you and youā€™re so bright and beautiful and i want to watch you all day and make you smile and i want you to touch my hair and call me curly and i hope im not making you uncomfortable with my heart eyes but like how are you so perfect. I hope you think iā€™m cool, iā€™m really trying but like youā€™re SO FUNNY and charming and everyone loves you i hope im not embarassing myself. And now itā€™s like 8 years later and i think i can have you again and i want you so bad but i dont wanna seem too eager and im trying to have dignity and not text you first but like also i want nothing more than to talk to you. Do you think iā€™m cool now? did you like my new hairstyle? Do you think iā€™m funny on tour? I want everything i want to be domestic again and kiss in the kitchen and i want to cook for you and as;ldfa;sdhaf i want to buy you flowers everyday and shower ur cute face with kiss. boopx28Ā 
H-Canyon Moon: Hell yea i got ma man back and i have a girlfriend named Jennifer ;) and we are domestic and even though I HATE being away from him for work (so hard to leave it) we have the 2 week rule yall then i can wrap my legs around him and after so so so long Iā€™ll be h.o.m.e.Ā Also did i tell you his eyes are so so blue like sky who i dont know her
H-TPWK: So weā€™re really doing this. We donā€™t need to have it all figured out. We can just be us. and happy. and dance. The world loves us babe. (Giving second chances, I donā€™t need all the answers and if weā€™re here long enough weā€™ll see itā€™s all for us and weā€™ll belong)
H-Fine Line: Youā€™ve got my devotion but man I can hate you sometimes....Weā€™ll be a fine line. Between what? love and hate? public and private? out and in the closet? each othersā€™ and ourselves? Idk. But iā€™m going to swallow my pride (my hands at risk I fold) because no matter what, the worst possible outcome is not having you. And I never wanna go through that again. I know we have work to do on our relationship (spreading you open is the only way I know you). And thereā€™s lot of unknown hereĀ (thereā€™s things that weā€™ll never know) but what i do know is thatĀ i cant resist you (you sunshine you temptress) and i cant be without you ever again. I think itā€™ll be hard as hell. But when have we known love as anything but hard? And when have we known our love as anything but worth it? Weā€™ll be a fine line baby. But i know, i knowww with every part of me that weā€™ll be alright. Because these past 10 years, weā€™ve been through A LOT. ANd it could have ruined us and made us cynical and cold and closed off. And I think at one point it did. But you know what we did? We fought it. We fought it together. Then we fought it individually. And we became BRAVE. And a brilliant man once said,Ā ā€œlove is only for the braveā€.Ā 
2K notes Ā· View notes
shadow and bone rewatch s1e6 while drinking mid-range scotch
I wish I have a face that is as unlined and pretty as Ben Barnes' when I'm 39
Arken you dirty dirty liar
the face Alek is making at his lies that he knows are lies firstly because he knows the art of lying so well and also because he can read people very well
okay Ivan is kind of a bad bitch with his smirk at Arken's lies
alek's eyes narrowing and his little smile when Arken says 'im an entertainer' bitch I love this show
*grabs hand, pulls up sleeve, and discovers Arken's hand is full of marks indicating successful passages through the fold* 'well, that is certainly entertaining' I love this man with all my heart
him screaming is so fucking hot, is that weird for me to say
Nina being the Darkling's spy is quite interesting
Ben giving the Darkling crazy eyes when Arken owns up to his guilt is so cool
also wtf is Arken a fool trying to negotiate with possibly the strongest man in the world
kind of loved the darkness literally eating him
also love Alina learning to use her powers better when she is alone than when she is with anyone else, wish we got to see the cut in this season as per the books, ah can't have everything I guess
the camera pan to Jesper's gun at his side, amazing
god Jessie is literally so beautiful I need to see her bring Alina to the peak of her power so bad
netflix you better renew this series to let the plot run to its completion
'And where is my Summoner?' my little Darklina heart ouchie I really wish you hadn't used and manipulated her like this Alek it was incredibly fucked up especially considering you actually caught feelings
'Ivan and I won't fail you' oh Fedyor my baby, my angel, you don't deserve what is coming
Helnik literally recreating Titanic lmao stop this is a joke
I too would jump off the raft if I came to consciousness to see a gorgeous woman with magical powers with her hand on my back
omg but why is ryevost so pretty though
'I know exactly how she felt. The King's soldiers treated me the same way... I'm not myself today.' why must you do this to me, why must you fuel my darklina soulmates agenda idiocy
I don't quite think I have a problem with the Zoya Darkling relationship as much as I have a problem with the line they chose to reveal it to use with.
my drink's over and I don't know if I should have another, considering that it's 7 am
the tenderness with which he looks at Zoya and takes her hand and then when he says 'I shall relax when I have Alina' makes me believe more that the man that is reduced to tears time and again in front of Alina could in fact be the master manipulator I know him to be
god I can't wait for Zoya's character arc
'I speak six languages, it's part of my job' why is Nina literally the fucking coolest
Alina blinding the oprichniki was so hot, I can't wait to see more of her power and her ruthlessness
I know I've said it before but good god is Jessie Mei Li gorgeous
I simply cannot get over Calahan's accent lmao it's really funny
'im not afraid of you' he says to the insanely gorgeous girl with magic
'You're just a man. Like all the others.' she says and then forgets her train of thought looking at him as he strips. god I love this
not sleeping all night and then scotch is not a good idea, I think
'I promise not to ravish you' 'I hate the way you talk' her hand on his chest, his hand gripping hers, my fucking heart feels like it's about to explode
good god these shooting locations and sets are so beautiful
Alina throwing the flask at Mal and Mal going 'OI!' I fucking can't, I guess I am a
simp for childhood friends to lovers, give me more of that banter and childhood friend energy, I am thriving
wow it literally seems like they took book! Mal sl*tshaming book! Alina and made show! Alina sl*tshame show! Mal, hmm, interesting
'They would have split us up!' MAL'S LITTLE SMILE AT THIS, and the 'You wrote me letters?' Mal's nod, the Malina yearning stare, the Malina hug, 'thank you for finding me' 'always. I'll always find you.' NO MALINA YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND YOU HAVE MADE ME ABSOLUTELY FUCKING FERAL
I understand they had to split time between my ravkan babies and the crows and that is why there were several aspects that were sort of not reflected on enough but Alina's training at the Little Palace, Alina's cut, Mal's personality, a teensy bit of backstory for the crows, maybe one lockpicking scene from my boy Kaz
random note: we have far too many idols and paintings and pictures and whatnot of Hindu deities in our house apart from the specially designed temple (we are Hindus, so maybe it's not that weird but it's a little weird)
Kaz's cane is a literal star, it's so beautiful my heart wants to explode
'Why would Heleen get the Crow Club?' *literally fucking gets up and walks aways instead of answering the fucking question* I LITERALLY CAN'T BREATHE I'M LOSING MY MIND
'We won't starve' omg get you someone who packs food for you when you go on the run together hiding from your ex who wants to capture you and use your powers as a weapon against your consent
Mal looking surprised at her summoning sunlight, Alina looking cautiously at him waiting for him to disapprove or run for the hills in fear or smth like that, 'I'm sorry it took me this long to see you... But I see you now' my dumb little shipper trash heart ouch
they really said we're gonna feed you this part asian couple as the protagonists in this show in 2021 and guess what I'm eating it's really tasty I'm very satisfied as a south asian
'I can feel how much you hate sleeping next to me' šŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ‘€ BITCH SAID IMMA SPILL THE TEA AND THEN SHE DID
it's 8 am and guess what I'm getting another drink my parents have c*vid and are in govt qu*r*ntine centres there is nobody to supervise or stop me
I too say 'Why do you have to say things like that?' to my pretty crush when she flirts with me
Nina smiling at Matthias bragging about his conservative ways is my aesthetic
'No, it's not natural for someone to be as stupid as he is tall and yet, oh, there you stand.' MY FUCKING QUEEN
Matthias laughing uncontrollably at Nina saying something which isn't even that funny is a whole ass vibe
Kaz Brekker saying 'The Black General' ooh fuck yeah
isn't alcohol supposed to like kill germs? well, the amount in my system definitely will
I love my crows so much (always but this time particularly for setting that alarm in the stolen carriage)
ooh Polina recognising Inej by the knife yesss let's go writers
this Ivan Jesper showdown is all I needed from life and yet did not know about
Ivan taking off his cloak was, um, sexier than I wanted it to be
I just realised how thirsty I am going to sound in this post
'Has no one told you that keftas are Fabrikator-made and resistant to bullets, hmm?' 'Oh, I do love a challenge' LITERALLY EVERYTHING
im sorry to be pointing out flaws in a perfect show and adaptation but the line delivery on 'You robbed me of my brother, now I'll rob you of your life' from Polina was kind of weak
'You're a-' *gets knocked out with the back of a gun* LMAO we love the hints
got excited at the prospect of kaz v. zoya until I realised they will not be letting the opportunity of kaz v. darkling pass up
my goodness is Amita Suman a splendid actress
'Are you sure you added enough cloves?' literally warranting a wide ass smile from my queen Alina making my entire fucking day
for some reason, no matter how much I push it from my mind, Ben Barnes dressed up as the Darkling, dancing to 'push it' keeps coming to mind, it's absolutely ridiculous
I got somehow distracted with interviews but good things came out of that as it gave my body the time for the booze to kick in
and I would just like to say that I love Leigh for all she has given me
Alina is so fucking compassionate, I have no much love for her. I can feel her guilt and her sorrow as Mal talks of Mikhail and Dubrov
don't particularly like how the stag plotline is woven in, could have been executed better
'You're afraid you might start to like me?' *flaps furs like a bird's wings in frustration*
'I DO like you' my fucking heart you idiots
the sexual tension is so palpable and the moment is so intimate I simply cannot
that moment where you think he might let her fall despite having read the books and he doesn't and he tells her his name I- <3
people have talked about this endlessly but Freddie's little jaw tic after he says Inej because Inej is wounded and he can't physically bring himself to help her I fucking cannot
and now for one of my favorite scenes in television and cinematic history, David Kostyk throwing a book at Jesper Fahey without even knowing who he is merely because he opens the door of his carriage and says hello to him before getting knocked out by Kaz Brekker while trying to run away
Immediately followed by another, the scene with David Kostyk raising his finger to put forward his point in front of the Darkling and the Darkling trying to let him know he doesn't have to before obliging is one of my favourite scenes in the world
also sir please stop being devastatingly attractive in your glorious appearance with your face and your black kefta and cloak because all that comes to mind is Ayesha Erotica's Emo Boy and I'm afraid that is terribly inappropriate.
'No, you look great.' *literally looks down from embarrassment or blushing* MALINA RIGHTS?
35 notes Ā· View notes
tomorrowsdrama Ā· 3 years
2020 Year in Thirst Pt. 2
Sometimes, I will watch a drama for the plot/premise/substance and be rewarded with a surprise hottie, and itā€™s the best feeling ever!Ā  Itā€™s like finding money in your pocket that you didnā€™t know about.Ā  The following list of dramas can be described as:
Came for the plot, was rewarded with a surprising side of thirst
1. Flower of Evil
Brief Summary: Lee Jun Ki plays Baek Hee Sung and Moon Chae Won plays Cha Ji Won, his wife who is also a detective.Ā  What Ji Won doesnā€™t know is that her husband, Hee Sung, is actually Hyun Soo, a man on the run from a murder that he did not commit and also a suspected accomplice to a series of murders committed by his father in the past.Ā  Oh yeah, his dad secretly tried to groom him into being his protege/murder partner.Ā  Because of how he was raised, HS believes that he has no emotions and is simply putting on an act as the perfect husband and father.Ā  HisĀ ā€œparentsā€ are in on the ruse and are actually the ones who forced him into assuming their comatose sonā€™s identity.Ā  Anyway, of course things from the past start to catch up with HS and his wife is somehow assigned to investigating his old murder case.Ā  She of course feels betrayed, but also conflicted as she discovers her husband is not who he said he was and a prime murder suspect.Ā  Things get even more complicated as the real murderer re-appears with fabulous long hair and tries to frame HS for the murders.Ā  In between all of this are delicious make outs between the couple and at least one instance where they banged so hard, HS was wiped out the next morning.
Surprise Thirst Factor: I checked out this drama fully expecting to drop it because the promos were so misleading and unappealing.Ā But boy was I in for a pleasant surprise!Ā  Not only was the drama super addicting, it also had some nice eye candy in the form of Lee Jun Ki being a completely unrealistic house husband who satisfies in the housework (The man cooks and does the laundry!), childcare, and bedroom and Kim Ji Hoonā€™s glorious mane of beauty making viewers have a moral crisis over lusting after a homicidal maniac (who turned out to be a real loser without murder daddy around to clean up his mess.Ā  Itā€™s ok, weā€™ll always have his hair).
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Yes, work that hair honey.Ā  Itā€™s the only good thing youā€™ve got going on for you (the character, not Kim Ji Hoon)
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The chemistry between Lee Jun Ki and Moon Chae Won was fire and the make out scenes were soo believable. Ā Like yes, these two beautiful people are really into being married to each other and understandably want to make out all the time.Ā 
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Heā€™s the primary caretaker for their daughter and itā€™s just *swoons.*Ā  Not all thirst traps come in the form of sexy abs (although I would not mind if he wanted to flash some).
2. Six Flying Dragons
Brief Summary: The story of young Yi Bang Won (who later becomes King Taejong) and the founding of the Joseon Dynasty.Ā  As short as it sounds, that really is an accurate summary of the drama haha.
Surprise Thirst Factor: I started watching this drama because I heard it was a great sageuk and Iā€™m a big fan of Yoo Ah In.Ā  Even though Iā€™m a fan of his acting, Yoo Ah In doesnā€™t necessarily get my hormones raging so I wasnā€™t expecting to be so thirsty while watching Six Flying Dragons.Ā  But then.Ā  BUT THEN.Ā  Byun Yo Han showed up in all his scruffy tortured deadly killer glory and my hormones woke up and said hi, hello, who are you, whatā€™s your name, whatā€™s your sign, can I get your number?Ā  The deadlier and more tortured his character got, the sexier he became to me.Ā  Sorry Yoo Ah In, youā€™ll always be my acting boo, but Byun Yo Hanā€™s got my thirst.Ā  Byun Yo Han looks so good when he's sad and/or covered in blood, it makes me feel like a sadist for thinking that I wouldnā€™t mind if the drama made his character cry some more.
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3. Ever Night S1
Brief Summary: As a child, Ning Que witnessed his entire household get massacred because of a prophecy that the child of Hades will be born from the house and bring about the Eternal Night.Ā  Somehow, he managed to escape and was the lone survivor.Ā  He finds a baby buried in a pile of dead bodies as heā€™s fleeing and names her Sang Sang.Ā  The two orphans grow up inseparable from each other and do whatever it takes to survive in the harsh, cruel world.Ā  Ning Que earns money by becoming a deadly mercenary and Sang Sang takes care of the household affairs.Ā  At one point, Ning Que becomes a disciple of the powerful Fu Zi and somehow gets entangled in the struggles between the Holy Sect and Demon Sect.Ā  A bunch of beautiful women fall for Ning Que, and the drama tries its hardest to convince us that he has chemistry with and reciprocates the feelings of one of them (i.e. Mo Shan Shan), but anybody who was even half paying attention knows that the only one for Ning Que is Sang Sang.Ā  They are the OTP of all OTPs and takeĀ ā€œride or dieā€ to a whole other level. Oh also, their height difference is the stuff manga dreams are made of. Ning Que is aĀ ā€œgood guyā€ but also not aĀ ā€œgood guyā€ in the sense that he is not above doing whatever it takes to seek revenge and is only out for himself and Sang Sang (and later, his older brothers and sisters from the academy).
Surprise Thirst Factor: Chen Feiyu is an attractive person but I could not in good conscience thirst after him because he was literally born in the year 2000.Ā  It did not help that he was only 18 when he filmed Ever Night and looked every bit his age.Ā  My thirst may have no shame, but it does have its own set of principles and one of those principles is thou shalt not lust after those born in the new millennium!Ā  Luckily for me, Second Brother is played by Dylan Kuo who is a beautiful, elegant, tall man
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and Brother Chao is exactly the type of rugged and manly that I am into.Ā Ā 
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(you donā€™t have to be)
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who looks better when wet
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AHEM. Yeah.
Sixth Brother is also not so bad with his scanty pounding work attire,
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4. Novoland: Eagle Flag
Brief Summary: Ā Asule is the prince of a tribe in the grasslands who is held as a royal guest (i.e. hostage) in the Eastland Empire.Ā  There he meets his two future best friends, Yu Ran, a free spirited princess who is descended from a race of bird people, and Ji Ye, an emo neglected/shunned son of a concubine who is probably the best fighter in the empire.Ā  Ji Ye loves Yu Ran who is a ball of sunshine to his Johnny Raincloud dark emo self.Ā  Yu Ran loves Ji Ye back.Ā  Asule loves both his friends and will do anything to protect them.Ā  The world decides to fuck over best friends Asule, Ji Ye, and Yu Ran for no reason as they try their best to just live a peaceful life away from all the political scheming and fighting.
Surprise Thirst-worthiness: I was completely content with enjoying Eagle Flag purely for its story and substance.Ā  Itā€™s seriously a wonderful, yet heartbreaking drama and the scale of the production is amazing.Ā  No cheap $10 costumes here.Ā  Also, the direction is beautiful/artistic and not the run of mill ā€œletā€™s shoot it and complete it as fast as we can.ā€Ā  The two main actors were cute, but not really my type.Ā  Then the drama decided to give Ji Ye the ā€œSexy Bloody Tormented Killer Makeoverā€ and all of a sudden your girl was rushing to MDL to check Chen Ruo Xuanā€™s birthday and calculating his age.Ā  I am simple, predictable, and consistent when it comes to my thirst and give a character some scruff, long hair, angst, and some bloodlust and Iā€™m all yours.Ā  I am literally:
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Is it wrong that when Ji Ye showed up looking like this ready to kill his motherā€™s torturer
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I thought, yes, can we have him kill another?Ā 
5. Run On
Brief Summary: Im Siwan plays Ki Seon Geom, a national track runner from a rich family who is a bit of an oddball and marches to his own beat.Ā  Although his words can sometimes be construed as rude since he has no filter, they are also completely honest and have no hidden meaning.Ā  He also has his own personal code that he lives by and he will stick to it no matter how negatively it may impact himself.Ā  He meets Oh Mi Joo, a translator with her own strange quirks and sparks fly as Mi Joo is assigned to be his interpreter.Ā Ā 
Surprise Thirst-worthiness: I kind of watched this drama by accident.Ā  I had read about Im Siwan starring in a new drama but nothing I saw from the description or promos for Run On appealed to me.Ā  Nor did it give me any information about what theĀ drama would be about.Ā  Then one day, I just happened to be browsing Netflix for something to play in theĀ  background and decided on Run on since I thought I wouldnā€™t be that invested.Ā  What a happy accident that turned out to be because Iā€™m so in love with this drama right now.Ā  This is a case where the thirst does not stem from the characterā€™s physical appearance, but from the intensity/charisma the actor brings to the character and the character himself.Ā  Ki Seon Geom is so odd, but so appealing at the same time and Im Siwan is so magnetic in the role.Ā  Prior to Run On, Im Siwan wasnā€™t really my type physically.Ā  In fact, I always scratched my head whenever people called him handsome in dramas (I know, I know, forgive me).Ā  So color me shocked when I found myself swooning all over Im Siwan in the second episode of Run On.Ā  Now, itā€™s like I have ā€œIm Siwan is attractiveā€ glasses on and he looks attractive in everything to me.Ā  I want to gobble up all the dramas heā€™s been in.
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