#sometimes they mock (?) me for how i respond to stuff and it REALLY fucking bothers me
theclosetedskeleton · 7 months
I mean this in no disrespect to any of my irls but oh my god sometimes i just really cant fucking stand any of my irl friends/people ik in a old school server im in
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imnotoverlyobsessive · 8 months
Alright anon, I blocked you because, as I’ve said, that’s what I do with anon hate, so. But I’ll respond anyway.
Okay so first of all, and read this very carefully: this is my blog and I can do whatever I want on it. Just to reiterate in case you didn’t understand, this is my blog and I can do whatever the fuck I want on it.
Bullies attack people directly. Am I voicing my opinions to her? No. My opinions shouldn’t have any effect on her. That’s how I like it. If I saw her irl, I honestly would not bother her. Not because I don’t like her, but because I have a policy of not being a dick to people (I keep my opinions within my “stupid little community” as you call it) unless they’re a dick to me first. Even then, I’d probably just walk away from her, honestly.
I don’t think me voicing my opinions about a billionaire on my private tumblr blog with less than a thousand followers is me being rude. She won’t ever see it. Me messaging her or saying it to her face, that would be rude. And I have no doubt people have done that to both her and Timothée. And unless those people know either of them personally, I do not support those people choosing to do that.
Oh, I accept her for what she is. Sometimes, what someone is, is a bad person. Sorry 🤷‍♀️
Sure, it matters that she’s confident and happy. But she is aware that she promotes harmful beauty standards to people like her own daughter. She is aware that she is a public figure. And not only did she get that stuff done anyway, she wasn’t open about it. She lied about it. I wouldn’t mind half as much if she hadn’t lied about it. Someone getting surgery to feel better about themselves, that’s absolutely fine with me and I won’t mock them for it if they’re being honest and not hurting anyone. But she is hurting people. Her behavior has given people eating disorders. Does she care? No. If she did, she’d change her behavior. So yeah, I’m gonna say how I feel on my own blog. If you dislike that, the door’s right there.
Sure, he can date whoever he wants. Absolutely. And guess what? I can say whatever I want on my own blog. I’m not breaking any laws, I’m not contacting either of them with this or saying it where they can see it. What I think and say here has zero impact on them or their lives, which, again, is the ideal situation in my mind. So… I don’t really care if you think I’m a bully, anon. If I was, I’d be bothering them with my opinions. I’m not. However, you came onto my blog and brought your opinions about me up with me. It would not have affected me if you had voiced your opinions on your own blog without interacting with me. Notice the difference?
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fernweh-writes · 3 years
how about the slasher react to an s/o that who sometimes speaks during their sleep? (Have a nice day :3)
I talk in my sleep according to my family and best friend. My best friend said she had a whole conversation with me while she was in another part of her house and when she walked back into her room I was responding but I was also knocked out. Makes no sense, I still think she’s lying…
S/O That Talks in Their Sleep
Michael Myers
Michael has a fucked sleep schedule. The only time he sleeps is when he has to because he physically cannot keep going. Although, occasionally he will take a quick nap purely out of boredom. Other than that, you’re going to have to coax him into bed with you.
Because of this, it’s likely for him to hear you talking in your sleep all of the time. He does enjoy watching you sleep. You look so peaceful and at ease and the steady rise and fall of your chest basically has him in a trance.
Michael isn’t going to mention it to you or anything. It doesn’t phase him, in fact he finds it pretty amusing. It does make him wonder what you’re dreaming about whenever you say something really crazy though. He wishes he knew what was going on inside of your head at all times, even when you’re sleeping.
Bo Sinclair
Bo will find anything and everything he can to use against you. He knows the perfect mix of degrading and praise that will have you hating him and never wanting to leave his side. So of course, this is another thing he will be using against you.
If you try and deny it he’ll find a way to prove it to you. He doesn’t care if he has to stay up all night and record you. One way or another, he’s going to prove it to you or just make a scene and get you to drop it or surrender and just let him be right. He’s always right darlin’.
Of course he is also going to use this knowledge to embarrass you. He’s the king of mansplain, manipulate, manwhore and he knows it. Bo will tell you stuff you most certainly didn’t say just so he can get a reaction out of you.
Vincent Sinclair
When the two of you first get together, he is still very hesitant about sharing a bed with you. He can’t sleep with the wax mask on his face and even though he does care about you, he’s not sure that he’s ready to show you his face quite yet.
Because of this he won’t come to bed with you until he’s dog tired. Vincent will be asleep as soon as his head hits the pillow, not waking up until the morning. So it’s unlikely for your sleep talking to be known by him for a very long time.
Once he gets comfortable with you and is with you while you fall asleep is when he will finally take notice. Even then, it’s very unlikely for him to mention it to you, he doesn’t want you to feel embarrassed. Besides, he thinks that it’s endearing listening to you say random things in your sleep. Some of the things you say are cute and others are just down right funny.
Brahms Heelshire
If you talk in your sleep he’s going to know about it within the first week you’re staying at the Heelshire mansion. He likes to watch you while you sleep and if it’s something that you do frequently he was bound to notice.
Brahms has very limited knowledge on people considering he has lived a very sheltered life and hasn’t socialized whatsoever really. It makes him wonder why you do it, so once he reveals himself to you be prepared for a bunch of questions.
Just don’t let Brahms know that you’re embarrassed about talking in your sleep. He’s a little shit and he would most definitely tease you about it just to get a reaction from you. Also uses it against you in order to get his way, so being made fun of becomes especially common during his tantrums.
Thomas Hewitt
This man sleeps like a rock. The world could be ending and he would sleep through it. Can you really blame him though? Thomas works his ass off to take care of his family, so he stays tired and always sleeps hard.
Because of this it’s very unlikely for him to even notice that you talk in your sleep. Especially if it’s more mumbling than anything because it won’t phase him one bit. If he does happen to hear you though, at first he thinks you’re saying something to him. Only when that something makes absolutely no sense does he realize you’re still sleeping.
Don’t worry about worrying over what you say in your sleep though, Thomas will never bring it up anyways. After all, it’s not like it bothers him considering it took him so long to even notice. On the rare occasion he does hear you he just thinks it’s cute and wonders what you’re dreaming about.
Billy Loomis
This one all depends on where you stand in your relationship with him. If you’re still dealing with that boy next door front he puts up then of course he’s never going to mention it to you. After all, a gentleman like him would never mock his s/o.
But if you’ve reached a point where Billy really is himself around you then congratulations he’s going to tease the hell out of you for it. Obviously he’s going to over exaggerate everything you say in order to make it better blackmail.
Definitely uses the “that’s not what you were saying last night” line in order to mock you. If you claim he’s lying then that’s just to bad considering he was the one awake and listening and you were the one asleep.
Stu Macher
Stu thinks that the things you say in your sleep are absolutely hilarious. Because he enjoys hearing the random things you say so much he never mentions it to you because then you would somehow try and stop, He’s not sure if it’s possible to just stop, but he’s not taking any chances.
Would be the type to write down his favorite things that you’ve said in your sleep. The list ranges from random things you’ve said he thought were funny to the sweet things you’ve mumbled about him without even knowing it.
One day he might just show you the list of phrases he has collected over time. Happily points out his favorite ones, he should make a hall of fame for your sleep talking phrases. Of course, he has to tease you once he finally tells you.
Jesse Cromeans
Jesse has cameras covering every inch of property that he owns. His warehouses have cameras but of course so does his home where you reside. After all he has to make sure the things that are most important to him are looked after.
So, anything you say or do will be caught on camera. Although you have no privacy, you only have no privacy with Jesse, He is the only one with access to the cameras within his home, no one else.
Unfortunately for you this means every embarrassing thing you have said or done has been caught on tape for Jesse to enjoy. While he is temped to tease the hell out of you for it, he ultimately decides against it. He doesn’t want you to stop doing embarrassing things just because you know that he is always watching.
Asa Emory
Asa watches you sleep pretty often so it doesn’t take long for him to pick up on your sleep talking. Even if it is something you don’t do often, he’s a very light sleeper. So if you start talking, it is going to wake him and you’re going to get caught saying who knows what.
He’s not one to really mention those sorts of things, But, if it is something that you do often then it means he own’t be able to sleep good with you next to him. He may care about you but he already doesn’t get enough rest as it is.
On the rare occasion he is home and the two of you fall asleep together, he waits for you to fall asleep and then goes to sleep on the couch to actually sleep through the night. Obviously he can’t get away with it for very long without getting caught. So his great idea is to guilt trip you and make it your problem.
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inactiveanimeblog · 3 years
breaking up with akatsuki members
akatsuki x reader
tw : angst, mentions of sex, toxic relationships
im not sure if i’ll make a part two for other akatsuki members, or a part where you guys will get back together.
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“i just don’t think we should be together anymore. i’m sorry, i still love you no matter what sasori.”
sasori was quiet for a moment, tinkering with one of his puppets while you were nervously confronting him about breaking up, fidgeting in the seat next to him.
“so you wanna break up hm?” he questioned, his voice amused. “where will you go?”
“i— i have money saved. i’ll go settle somewhere.. in a small village.”
sasori scoffed, even chuckled a bit. clearly mocking you. “you wouldn’t last a day without me.”
now you were starting to get upset, you frowned and scrunched your eyebrows. “you really think i need you that much?”
“please don’t act like you’re something without me. i take care of you, feed you, and give you a place to stay. all at no cost. you ungrateful brat.” he spat out, adjusting the placements of the puppets body.
“i never asked for any of that. see this is why i’m leaving you. you treat me like some incompetent child. i’m more than capable of taking care of myself.” you got up to pack your stuff, grabbing a suitcase out of the closet and taking everything you bought with your own money, leaving all the things he had bought you behind. as you were about to leave he spoke once more.
“you’re gonna regret leaving me, i’ll be here when you’re ready to come back.” he said, his voice monotone as he kept his eyes and hands on the puppet. you took your things and left.
“hidan for crying out loud. you’re such a pig. flirting with other women in front of me.”
you and hidan were out eating at a small hut near the akatsuki hide out, and he was very casually flirting with the girl working behind the counter, and she was flirting back like you weren’t there.
“babe, you can be so annoying sometimes. stop worrying that pretty little head of yours. it’s you i come home to fuck every night anyways.” he said, putting his arms behind his head.
“annoying? seriously? hidan, do you not know how a fucking relationship works?” you were angered. this wasn’t the first time hidan has done this to you. but this was certainly the last. you were over it. over him.
“watch your fucking tone with me bitch, don’t act all high and mighty. i’ll leave you.”
“you’ll leave ME? please hidan, you know what? we’re done. don’t try coming to see me anymore, i’m going back to the house, grabbing my shit, and leaving.” you got up, leaving him behind. him and the waitress snickered.
“my shifts over soon, wanna come over?” the women asked him.
hidan smirked and took a sip of his drink. “yeah, as long as you make me feel better.” she giggled at him, and gave a wink before finishing up her shift.
it’s been two weeks since you guys broke up. hidan regretted what happened between you guys and he ignored your words to go look for you. but you were no where to be found.
“obito, why do i feel like you don’t love me anymore. like your mind wanders elsewhere when we’re having sex, or even when we’re talking. are you still thinking about rin?” you asked, slightly upset to say the least.
you and obito have been dating for a few months and you knew about the women who he loved that tragically passed away. it was a terrible death that ruined him, but you were doing everything you could to mend his broken heart.
“y/n i don’t wanna hear that shit right now, i love you and i love rin. stop bringing her up. i’m over you being jealous.” he answered.
“jealous? as if i would be jealous of a dead women obito.” you scoffed. is he serious right now?
“what the fuck did you just say?” he turned to you, his raspy voice was now raising at you.
“you heard me. i would never be jealous of her. ever.”
“well you should be.” he chuckled lowly. “i loved her a lot more than i love you.”
and that was it. you heard enough.
“okay obito, if that’s how it is then we’re done. don’t even bother with me anymore.” you quickly got up from the living room couch to go upstairs and grab your things. obito followed you up there rambling non sense, cussing at you.
“if you leave now, don’t come back.” he yelled while you were packing your things.
“i won’t.” you yelled back. once you were done packing you quickly left. trudging out of the house and to a nearby hotel.
obito deeply regretted what he said, and he didn’t mean it. he loved you more than anything although his mind was elsewhere while you guys were together. but it wasn’t about rin in a way that he wanted to be with her. no, he had been stressed and having nightmares recently, not sure how to talk to you about it.
“you never pay any attention to me kakazu. it’s always ‘money this, money that.’ why won’t you spend more time with me?” you asked.
you were hurt. kakazu paid no mind to you at all, even getting annoyed with you when you tried having conversations with him.
“will you leave me alone? i’m busy right now and you’re starting to piss me off. go do something productive.” he responded, counting up the money his hand.
“kakazu all i ask is that you pay a little more attention to me. we’re dating, i’m your girlfriend. i need love sometimes.” you said, your voice starting to crack and tears forming in your eyes.
“y/n, i’m gonna ask you one last fucking time to leave me alone. stop being so clingy.” he still has yet to turn to look at you, still counting his money.
“okay fine, if that’s how it is then we’re through. i hope that money loves you as much as i do.” the tears we’re now spilling from your eyes as you packed your things.
kakazu didn’t say anything, he completely ignored you as you were leaving. if that’s how it was going to be then this break up was for the better.
“deidara, this relationship is getting too toxic for me. we fight almost every single day and the only thing we do to make up is have sex. i can’t do this anymore.” you said, getting up off the bed to put your clothes back on.
“babe, relax. come over here and cuddle with me. i wanna go for another round.” he smirked, still in bed butt ass naked.
“no, see?? do you think sex will solve everything? why don’t you start thinking with your brain instead of your dick.” you spat out.
“okay now you’re starting to fucking irritate me.” he said getting up to put his clothes back on as well.
“well maybe you should listen to me. you’re an adult so fucking act like one.”
“excuse you? all you do is whine and complain. if you’re so sick of me then just leave.”
“okay, if that’s what you want then i’m gone. we’re through. have fun trying to find someone that’s gonna put up with you.”
you packed and left. not turning around to look at him once. the anger inside you boiling up.
it’s been a month since you left and the both of you guys missed each other more than anything. you wanted to go back and see him, but you knew things would be the same if you went back. so you held your ground and decided you would never go back to him again.
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iwadori · 3 years
Dates with the Haikyu boys (Kuroo,Iwaizumi)
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hiii emp! so I saw that your request is open soo can I request fluff+31 w/ iwaizumi and kuroo from prompt list that you reblogged, thank youu emp♥️💞✨(and also can I request Godzilla stuffed animal on iwa scenario? since he love it sm :-D) srry if i ask too much:“ - @bucinhajime
Word Count: 1.4k
Genre: fluff
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You and Kuroo had the cliche enemies to lovers story
Knowing eachother from when you were kids you always wanted to compete with one another
Even when you fell in love
And hey, what’s wrong with a little romantic competition?
Today was your weekly date, which for this week Kuroo got to pick (as last week you picked go karting.) You arrive at the arcade, ‘this is going to be fun’ you think to yourself. The arcade is a huge staple in your relationship, as you’ve been going there since you were kids even with Kenma sometimes, with you and Kuroo always battling it out on each different game on who will win and whoever accumalates the most single wins on games on that day win the overall win for the day. You’re winning 56-55 right now and want to keep your lead.
You see your boyfriend standing at the front of the arcade scrolling through his phone, you whistle at him (like your a catcaller) “hey hot stuff” you say jokingly and he rolls his eyes in mock annoyance “ready to get your shit handed to ya tetsu?”
“I think not, I’m definitely taking the W here Y/N” he declares “Just wait and see”
He was wrong, so very wrong. You were basically on your A-game tonight slamming him in every game you play he hasn’t won at all tonight, you try to let him win some on purpose but he spots your tactic and forfeits wanting to ‘only play you at your best babe.’ 
You take a break to get some food after playing basically every game in the arcade twice over and Tetsu still hasn’t gotten a win. As you are eating you catch him staring at you,
“What’s wrong?” You ask with a soft smile on your face “If it’s the amount of losses you have it doesn’t matter everyone has off days so it-”
“I just really really love you” he says breathlessly
His random declaration of love renders you speechless, you do of course love Tetsu and everything about him but especially moments like these when he’s just unapologetically transparent.
“And I love you too babe” you say “and I always will no matter how shit you are at pacman” you get a laugh from him as he playfully punches you in the arm.
As you are about to leave the building, Kuroo’s eyes stumble across a claw machine one that must be new (since you’ve used every piece of machinery in this place.) Before you can stop him, he rushes over to it slotting in *insert currency in here* 
“you know these games are rigged right?” you say humoured by your boyfriends concetration
“Don’t worry babe, I’m definitely getting you something” he says sticking his tounge out slightly in focus “choose a teddy bear”
“well I think you should go with the obvious choice” you say
It’s been 30 minutes now and you are TIRED at first it was cute seeing your boyfriends dedication but your feet ache and you’re ready to go home. You cautiously approach your boyfriend not trying to break his focus “Tetsu, don’t you think it’s time we-”
“I’m not leaving this booth, until I win that stupid stuffed animal you want…” he says 
“But what abo-”
“and no I don’t care how much money it takes” he finishes
You go sit back down still humoured by your boyfriend, telling yourself that if he doesn’t finish in 5 minutes you’re dragging him home with or without that ‘stupid teddy.’
5 minutes has now passed and before you could get to your boyfriend, Kuroo comes running towards you with a dishevelled looking black cat teddy in his hands, just the one you wanted.
“Aww you did it Tetsu” you exclaim kissing him on the cheek
“I told you I would” he responds smugly
You finally left the arcade, now back in your own apartment ready to go to bed with you black cat teddy (which you obviously just had to call Tetsu) in your hand.
Before sleeping, you decide to text Kuroo one more thing
Y/N: Btw it is now 57-55 take the L babess <3 
Kuroo: shushhhhh I’ll win the next one
You fall asleep dreaming of plans to top todays perfect date.
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You and Iwaizumi had recently met through mutual friends and have been talking for a while and are now going on your first date.
You decided to make it at the amusement park nearby 
But to your luck, the date couldn’t get any worse then it already did.
The problems started, when you went on your first ride and as you are just a thrill seeker and a tad bit over excited when going on a really fast part you throw your hands up in the air definitely not expecting Iwaizumi’s face to be there. Luckily for you, it was the end of the ride so you can quickly tend to the immediate nose bleed you gave him from you powerful hit. 
You were distraught to say the lease you didn’t meant to hurt him at all, but he assured you that he was okay and accidents happen all was forgiven and forgotten. 
After getting his bleeding to stop, you both agree upon sitting down and possibly getting some food before progressing onwards. Conversation between you both flowed easily making you thankful that things didn’t get awkward after your accident. 
But you spoke to soon, as when reached for a napkin you knocked his drink making it spill all over his crotch freezing you in place. ‘Not again’ you think as you quickly grab the napkins that you were initially aiming for to clean the drink up…before you realise where you spilled the drink making you drop the napkin and revert back to your seat. Before you could apologise again Iwaizumi hushed you making sure you knew he wasn’t mad or anything.
All was kind of forgotten (not fully since Iwaizumi still got odd stares from some people as it did look like he wet himself) but he didn’t seem to care, easing you’re worries.
The rest of the date did seem to go fine, you too both enjoying the rest of the rides and having no hiccups or injuries at all whilst having fun. However when Iwaizumi went to the toilet, you still did want to make it up to Iwaizumi so before you part ways you spotted a booth that sold stuff animals and you were determined to win one for him.
It was a simple, hit three bottles win a small prize hit six botlles win a medium prize and hit all nine bottles and win and ultimate big prize and you’re definitely winning the big one you think.
It was harder then you thought, you only had 9 balls to throw so you had to get a perfect shot each time and you just couldn’t seem to do it. The booth owner asks you if you want to take a break on your 20th go but you respond with “i’m not leaving this booth until I win this stupid stuff animal that he wants and I don’t care how much money it takes” 
Shocked from your sudden outburst it seems the booth owner let you win out of fear, which didn’t bother you at all since all you wanted was the big ultimate godzilla prize to hand to your new boyfriend after completely fucking up the date. As you’re being handed your gianourmas toy you turn and see Iwaizumi fresh from the toilet staring at you in confusion.
You hand him the stuffed animal shyly which he gladly accepts, secretly blushing at the kind gesture and at your good memory in remembering that Godzilla was his favourite thing of all time. 
At the end of the date he kisses you softly and tells him to call him Hajime instead of Iwaizumi to which you gladly do. You go on many more dates after this and you do injure yourself and him more but that’s one of the many things Hajime ends up loving about you. 
AN: I definitely need sleep, I hope you enjoy this since pure fluff is definitely not my thing at all but i enjoyed writing Kuroo’s scenario since Iwaizumi’s to me felt a little off ( espeically since i realised I used NO DIALOUGE ) but that’s what happens when you’re running low on sleep kids ://
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shyneanon · 3 years
Just wanted to write a x reader about HT Sans out of curiosity, so I did. Kinda long though. But I hope you guys like it. Have an x reader of mine where Axe doesn’t do anything incredibly stupid, lol.
(I promise the longfics are gonna be updated I just wanted to write this >~<)
It had been a long time since you had first fallen into the Underground. Long enough that you’d lost track of time. Though that wasn’t hard to do when there was no sky to watch.
To be honest, you were lucky to not be dead. You had the feeling every other human to fall down here had died at the hands of monsters.
For some reason the two skeletons… hadn’t killed you. Which was odd, considering that when you’d first met them you’d had to navigate some deadly traps while they’d watched. When you’d made it past everything, the taller one had seemed impressed with you, and proud.
The shorter one hadn’t seemed so pleased.
Their names were Papyrus and Sans, apparently, and upon Papyrus’ insistence they’d snuck you through town and to their house, where you resided to this day. You wondered if it had anything to do with the fact that you had survived their traps, which Papyrus insisted on calling “puzzles,” despite the fact that they had obviously been designed to kill anyone who failed them. But at least Papyrus was kind to you. He was happy to talk, though he was very hesitant to answer a lot of your questions. Often he responded by telling you that he couldn’t answer your question at all. But he liked sharing his hobbies and favorite media with you, so even though he was holding you captive, he’d become like a friend.
Although you had the feeling that holding you captive was more for your benefit than theirs. When they fed you, it was always the same food. Some kind of meat.
You had the feeling you knew what kind.
But you wouldn’t ask. To spare your sanity.
Sans wasn’t hostile. But he made it a point to ignore you. Even if you needed help with something and you asked, he would simply act as if you weren’t there, as if he couldn’t see or hear you. If you annoyed him enough he would shoot you an unsettling look with his one red eye and you would back down. You quickly learned not to bother. You decided he didn’t like you, and that you were lucky he hadn’t killed you by this point. Especially considering that he hauled a giant axe everywhere. So you left him alone and spoke to Papyrus instead.
Over time, though, Sans started to change.
One day you were asked to throw out the old food, and as you were attempting to figure out which of the meat was older and therefore likely to go rotten soon, Sans intervened.
And he helped.
The whole time he barely said a word to you, and he didn’t look at you for even a second, but he helped. Though you tried not to get too optimistic. Perhaps he had simply been annoyed by how long you’d been taking.
A few days later, when you and Papyrus were playing a board game to pass the time, Sans sat next to his brother to watch. This was also new-- he usually did his best to stay as far away from you as possible at all times, dinner being the only exception.
He joined the two of you to watch several times, and then one day Papyrus asked him if he wanted to play a game for more people. And Sans said yes.
That day you saw a different side of him.
Rather than brood silently with an unsettling grin on his face, Sans started to crack jokes. Bad ones. At first you were too confused and almost bothered by the sudden change to laugh, but eventually he made a particularly fucked up joke and you laughed from the shock of it, despite Papyrus scolding him.
The next time you and Papyrus played a 1v1 game, Sans sat next to you.
Several sessions of this happened, Sans sitting and watching. You couldn’t tell if he was rooting for either of you, though he occasionally made jokes mocking you specifically. You’d noticed he never liked to say anything mean to his brother, however, so maybe that explained the lack of jabs at Papyrus.
Then one game, as you were contemplating your next move, Sans leaned in next to your ear. You leaned away, expecting him to say something threatening or cruel.
Instead, he gave you a hint.
As it turned out, Sans was really smart. He understood strategy, though he rarely employed it much when he played with you two. You had the feeling he liked letting Papyrus beat him.
He wasn’t such a bad guy, it seemed.
Then he asked to play a game of chess with you one day. You had the feeling he’d beat you, but you said yes.
You were right. He beat you quickly and easily. But he seemed to enjoy himself, particularly with some jabs at you that were accompanied by winks. So you didn’t mind.
Though you did feel something kind of odd whenever he winked at you. And it didn’t stop even when winking became a regular thing. In the following weeks he started pulling pranks on you, something he apparently enjoyed a lot. Papyrus seemed annoyed about it at first, but then confessed to you that it had been a long time since Sans had regularly cracked jokes and pulled pranks on others, and he was happy to have glimmers of the old Sans back. You’d had no idea this was what he had been like before… whatever had happened in the Underground had happened. Neither of them would talk about it. Regardless, seeing Sans smile and laugh so sincerely felt really good.
And then he cornered you with his axe.
Or, at least, that’s what it felt like at first. One day, weeks after he had begun to lighten up, Sans approached you when you were in the kitchen, dragging his axe behind him. Papyrus was out of the house, though you didn’t know where, or doing what. They never told you that either.
He’s going to kill me.
“Heya,” he said.
You tried not to stare at the blade. But it was hard. “Hi,” you said.
He took a few steps closer to you. There was nowhere you could go. You were against the extremely tall sink. If he decided he wanted to chop you up into little pieces, there was nothing you could do about it.
“Think we can talk?” he said.
You nodded, but once you did you weren’t sure if that was the right decision.
Before you knew it he was standing over you and you were pressing yourself back against the sink. You felt so small.
This is it. He’s going to take his axe, and he’s going to cut me into little pieces. And then eat me.
“So…” he began.
Please just make it fast. Please just don’t make me suffer. Please just get it over with--
“I wanted to say thanks.”
“... Huh?” was your only reply. You realized you were shaking.
“Thanks,” he repeated. “For being nice to my brother. And… to me, even when I haven’t been so nice to you.”
Not sure what to say, you just stared.
“He’s… been through a lot. He’s really needed a friend. And I’m glad you’re being that friend to him.”
You weren’t sure if he was trying to put you at ease before murdering you, but you smiled a little. “It’s no problem. Papyrus is fun, I like spending time with him.”
“Yeah?” Sans smiled one of his more sincere smiles. “Yeah, my brother’s really cool.”
There was an awkward (and, at least for you, tense) silence as you both looked at each other.
“Sorry for scaring you.” His red eye looked away. “I know… I look scary.”
“It’s not you,” you said. “You’ve just… been holding that huge axe… the whole time, and I didn’t… Y’know, I just thought, maybe…”
He looked at the blade as if he’d just realized it was there. “... Oh. Oh, that makes sense.”
He unceremoniously let go of it and it dropped to the ground.
“Still, I know I’m… intimidating.”
“The way you look doesn’t scare me,” you told him. “It hasn’t for a long time. Your appearance is just that, your appearance. No big deal.”
He watched you, as if he were looking for signs that you were lying.
Then he smiled, seeming almost… reassured.
“Cool,” he said.
He moved closer. His smile was different, though you couldn’t figure out what he was thinking. Though, that was often the case with him.
“Listen, I don’t hate you anymore. I haven’t for a long time. I’m sorry… for the way I treated you.”
“It’s OK,” you said. You weren’t sure why he’d treated you that way, but he was apologizing.
You realized the two of you were making eye contact, and then you noticed the pupil in the middle of his red eye. It was… getting bigger?
“I… like you a lot, actually.”
What do I say?
“I like you a lot too,” you returned. It wasn’t really a lie. He was fun. You just… weren’t ever sure what he was thinking, so you had always been slightly afraid that he wanted to kill you.
You saw his cheeks start to turn a blue color. You had never seen that before.
A… blush? Or am I insane?
Wait, when did our faces get so close?
Why is my heart beating so fast?
“Anyway,” he said, leaning away from you. When the gap between you widened you suddenly felt like you could breathe again. “I’ve got stuff to do, upstairs.” He winked. “Like nap.”
He picked up his weapon and turned away, though he looked back at you.
“See ya.”
All you did was raise a hand, and he left.
After that day, things were different.
Sans had been nicer to you for a while, but now he was really nice. He threw you compliments, and they didn’t seem sarcastic. He sat next to you on the couch regularly. He would breach your personal bubble-- albeit carefully. Sometimes he would brush hair out of your face, or put his hand on your shoulder when talking to you, or sling an arm around your shoulder. It… seemed friendly, but you weren’t sure if it was supposed to be more.
Either way, your heart would beat fast and your senses would heighten whenever the two of you made contact.
He spoke to you whenever Papyrus was out and he wasn’t. Sometimes he ended up telling you stuff that he and Papyrus had refused to address early on in your stay. He didn’t give details, but… it was sad.
A couple of times you gave him hugs to comfort him. They were returned, and the two of you would just… stay like that for a little while, holding onto each other. Even you started telling him about home. You were kind of like confidants now. It seemed that Sans didn’t tell Papyrus a lot, in an effort not to worry him. Papyrus worried already, it made sense that Sans wouldn’t want to make it any worse.
Then one day, while you were sitting together on the couch, he finally explained to you how he’d gotten the hole in his skull.
A former friend, the current queen… had stabbed him with a spear.
You held him, and he held onto you.
“Thanks,” he said, “for listening to me.”
“I’ll always listen to you,” you told him.
Like that day in the kitchen, you realized that your faces were close. This time it seemed very intentional, though. Sans was watching you carefully. Your own face got hot.
“Sans?” you said. It was almost a whisper.
He pressed his teeth to your lips and you froze up, shocked.
Almost immediately, he let out a soft moan, as if just the kiss were releasing tension. He pulled you closer. Your heart started to pound, and without thinking you threw your arms around his neck and kissed back. His arms wrapped around your waist, and you sank into him. His teeth then pressed against your neck and you shivered, sighing. It was followed by his teeth slamming into your lips, and you were swiftly pressed down onto the couch. It felt like his touch was a shockwave that moved through your whole body. You opened an eye and saw that he was flushed blue.
“I haven’t felt this good in so long,” he told you. “Everything sucks here. But you…”
More kisses. He sighed. Your eyes drifted shut again.
“... you make everything go away. You make me… feel things… I’ve never felt before.”
A hand worked its way down to your hip. He looked… high.
“... Y’know… Paps… isn’t gonna be back for a while.”
Your face got hotter than it already was. Was he insinuating what you thought he was insinuating?
“Geez,” you said with a shy smile, “we just kissed for the first time. At least… take me out to dinner first, right?”
He chuckled. “OK… yeah, maybe I’m moving a bit fast….”
Another kiss, this one more gentle. He cupped your cheek.
“I’m just… not used to feeling this good. It’s… kind of addictive.”
You fluttered your lashes playfully. “Ooh, I’m addictive?”
“Yes,” he responded. There was no irony in his voice. “Yes, you are.”
You were clutching his hoodie, and you realized that what you had thought was blood on his clothing was actually ketchup stains. You could smell it. It made you giggle.
“I thought this was blood but it’s ketchup.”
A deep laugh. “You didn’t notice that all this time?” A wink. “Wow, you’re slow. Try to ketchup.”
You flicked his forehead playfully. “Get off the stage, nerd.”
“Hey,” he said.
“Hi,” you replied with a smile.
“Y’know, sex is great and all, but y’know what’s better?”
You raised a brow. “What?”
“A nap.”
You snorted.
“Don’t say it’s not true.”
“It’s true,” you told him, smiling.
“Here,” he said, pulling you up from your horizontal position and then flopping back, pulling you with him. “I make for a great cushion.”
“You do,” you observed. He was a skeleton but it actually didn’t feel weird to lie on top of him. So you got comfy.
“Nice. If Paps gets mad at me I can blame you.”
A wink, and you stuck your tongue out at him.
“Aw, c’mon now. That’s just childish.”
He wrapped his arms around you.
“You’re insane for liking me, by the way.”
You grinned. “Eh, I blame Stockholm Syndrome.”
He snickered.
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forever-rogue · 4 years
Disappear Here - 1/4
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A/N: So, I’ve decided to turn this into a little series because I have no sense of brevity, and why not? So here’s part 1, which I hope you enjoy! As always, feedback is welcome! xx
Based on this blurb
Pairing: Javier Peña x reader
Word Count: 3.4k
Warnings: language
PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 4
»»————- ♡ ————-«« 
One Year Ago
You felt your eyes growing heavy as you tried  to follow along to the late night rerun of a telenovela that was currently playing on one of the local channels. It was the only thing that was illuminating the small living room, everything else was bathed in darkness, much like your heart at the moment. You’d been sitting there for some time, ever since you’d gotten home from the embassy, in a vain attempt to keep your mind occupied. If you tried to focus all your energy into trying to keep up with the rapid Spanish, maybe no dark thoughts would impede the light buzz that was flowing through your veins . 
The empty wine bottle on the coffee table was supposed to help aid in your plan to chase away all the negative thoughts there were creeping in at the idea of Javier still being gone. He was supposed to be back today, supposed to be back in the office along with Steve, but neither of them had returned. It had been nothing but radio silence from their end.
Instead, you’d spent the day performing all sorts of menial tasks around the office, waiting for either of your partners to bursting in through the door and announcing their triumphant return. 
But it never came. 
Instead you were only met with silence, the only sounds that met your ears were those of people passing by in the hallway and someone occasionally popping their head in to say hello. Your face lit up every time, thinking maybe you’d get a glimpse of Peña’s smirk or Murphy’s soft smile; instead it was just another coworker whose name you didn’t know, or care to know. 
By midday, you’d gotten the entire shared office space clean and organized, going so far as to even clean the dingy windows, and caught up on paperwork that you’d been avoiding for weeks. 
But even after all that, you still had time to spare.
When you couldn’t take the deafening silence any longer, you stormed out of the much too quiet office and stormed into Ambassador’s Noonan’s office, not even bothering to knock, only throwing the door open as you walked to the front of her desk. She barely lifted her eyes from the papers splayed across her desk as you stood in front her, your arms crossed definitely over your chest. 
“Agent L/N,” it was almost mocking, cold, and you could see she really wasn’t too keen on listening to any problem that you were about to present her with. There were days when you hated her, wishing you could jump over the desk dividing you and wringing sense into her; other days you were glad that she was around, knowing that no matter how harsh and stern she was, she had your backs...more or less.
“Murphy and Peña aren’t back yet,” you didn’t bother to waste time with formalities, deciding to lay the facts on her instead, “they were supposed to be back in the office today. I haven’t seen hide nor hair of them.”
“I’m well aware that they were supposed to be back,” she flicked her eyes up to meet yours for a moment before turning back to her papers, “and just what is the issue?”
“They’re missing!”
“No one is considered missing for at least forty-eight hours,” she explained as you openly groaned. You knew that. But they weren’t just any sort of civilians, they were DEA agents, and more importantly, your partners, your friends, “and they technically still have several hours left in the work day to return before the clock starts ticking.”
“You don’t understand -”
“No, you don’t understand, L/N,” she barked and slammed the papers down on her desk, causing you to jump back in surprise, “this is how things work sometimes. This is a dangerous field, there are risks involved and sometimes you just have to accept that. You have to be all in to do this job, and I expect that even a rookie such as yourself understands that.”
“I get you want to do the right thing and you’re concerned with the welfare of your partners, but you have to learn to get over these types of things,” you were rendered speechless, taking a step back at her harsh words. You knew this was a dangerous job, that going after Escobar was an almost certain deathwish, but you had still agreed to do it, and you still wanted to hold onto some sense of humanity, not just be a cold shell that went through the motions every day. Maybe that was the rookie part of you after all, “perhaps you’d do well to remember that Murphy and Peña are just your partners. Especially Peña; I am not immune to the rumors and follies that float around in this office. And if you can’t remember that, maybe you’d best start looking for another job.”
“With all due respect, Ambassador-”
“This conversation is over,” she didn’t bother to spare a final glance before gathering her papers back together, “come back and see me in a few days if they still aren’t back, and then we’ll take the next steps. Do I make myself clear?”
“Crystal,” you struggled to hold back your tears, feeling them prick at the back of your eyes as you rushed out of her office. You knew she was right, at least to a certain extent, but it didn’t make your current predicament any easier. 
At this point you were sure that you couldn’t handle staying in the office any longer, so you grabbed your stuff and headed home, stopping by a corner market to pick up cheap wine to keep you company for the evening. It was better than being stuck all alone with only your thoughts after all; having flashes of Pena and Murphy somehow getting killed was starting to drive you crazy. 
But despite your best efforts, nothing held your attention for long, which was precisely why you had resorted to watching programs in Spanish, trying your best to follow along with what they were saying. Spanish wasn’t your strong suit, you’d grasped the basics and then some, all the slang and curses of course (the latter part mostly thanks to Javier), and could hold a conversation well enough, but it was nothing compared to Javier’s natural fluency. Even if you looked like you might somehow actually belong in Columbia, your accent and lack of comprehension gave you away every time, as you stared at the person with your big wide doe eyes (that little comment was courtesy of Murphy). Javier enjoyed teasing you about it every time. You didn’t mind.
You sighed to yourself as you realized that you might never see him again. Your last interaction with him had hardly been a proper goodbye
“I can’t believe you told that witch to keep me away from this,” you glared at Javier as he started to gather supplies, Murphy closely following behind him. When he didn’t respond, you just shoved his chest, which quickly got his attention. He easily captured your wrists in his large hands and gave you a stern look, “you’re an asshole, Javi. Even Carrillo thinks I can handle myself just find out in the field.”
“I don’t give a shit what Carrillo thinks,” his voice was low, signaling the end of conversation as he released you from his strong grip. You looked over at Murphy, who was busy intently pretending not to be listening to your exchange. He was going to be of no help to you.
“Well I do,” you were just trying to get a rouse out of him; if he wasn’t going to let you come, you might as well annoy him, “Carrillo is a better everything than you could ever wish to be.”
“You think so, huh?” you’d gotten under skin, you could immediately tell by the way the muscles in his shoulders tensed, and the almost growl he adopted. You put your hands on your hips, eyebrow raised as you just nodded at him, “listen here, kid. This is dangerous. You think you know what to expect out there, you think you know what’s it like out there? You haven’t even seen a dead body, have you? You really think you could go out there and handle that?”
“This is my job-”
“You’re still green,” he insisted, “and this is not the time or place for you to suddenly decide to be the hero. I’m trying to protect you.”
“I don’t need you to protect me,” you insisted, the way his voice had softened with his last words not lost on you, “I can handle myself.”
“You’re insufferable, you know that?” he sighed heavily as he exchanged a look with Murphy, “you’re staying here and that is final. And if I hear even the slightest hint of you trying to weasel your way in from anyone else, I’ll have your ass on the first flight back to the States.”
“I’m insufferable?” you threw up your hands in exasperation at him. He was so thick skulled and stubborn sometimes, it drove you up the wall, “what about you, old man? Scared of what will happen if I get there and make you look bad?”
“I have it had it up to here-”
“Will the two of you just shut up already?” Murphy had finally had enough of the two bickering back and forth. It wasn’t an uncommon occurrence by any means, no, the two of you were constantly up in arms. Sometimes it was over the who made the better shitty office coffee, his incessant chain smoking, your habit of wearing high heels, his use of informants. Everything. But the two of you were starting to get on his last nerve, which said enough considering that Murphy was a patient man.
“Just stop arguing and fuck already,” he said and you immediately felt all the blood in your body flow to your face, sure you were just as flushed as you as deep red tomato. You didn’t dare look at Javier for fear of the expression on his face, “or do whatever you need to in order to stop getting at each other’s throats all the time. You’re worse than children.”
“Well, you’re both the worst,” it was the only thing retort you could come with after his little outburst. You kept your back turned to Javier as you stormed out of the storage locks without another word, “have fun or whatever. Don’t get shot, I guess.”
You cringed slightly at the memory, wishing it had gone slightly smoother than that. You seriously hoped that wasn’t the last interaction you’d have with either of them, especially Javier. You didn’t know what you would do if that was the last time you’d gotten to see him. 
But you pushed the memories to the back of your mind as you  felt the sweet lull of slumber finally start to win over, a loud, booming knock came at your door causing you to jump and almost fall off of the couch. You sighed heavily before collecting yourself and pausing to glance at the clock on the wall. It was nearing two in the morning - no one in their right mind should have been at your door. Your first thought was that it was someone coming after you, someone that had decided they had a vendetta against you, coming to make you pay for your sins. 
Instinctively, you moved to the kitchen and grabbed your gun, holding it in front of you as you headed towards the door, alarmed by another loud knock. Putting your hand on the knob, you swallowed the lump that had worked its way into your throat. You were suddenly wide awake as the adrenaline rushed through your veins. After mentally counting to five, you yanked the door open, gun cocked and aimed at whoever had decided to come after you, ready to pull the trigger and stand your ground. Maybe you were green, but you were confident in the fact that you could hold your own if you suddenly had to.
Instead of an enemy, you found yourself face to face with none other than Javier Peña.
“Javi,” his nickname rolled off your lips in a quiet whisper as you met his warm brown eyes, your own already stinging and on the verge of spilling over with tears. You felt like you could breathe again, waves of relief crashing down on you as you realized he was alive. But at a price. He looked tired, very tired, and worn out, his hair a mess and his clothes looking in need of a wash, much like the rest of his sweaty body. But he was alive, and that was the operative fact, and the only fact you cared about in that moment.
“Were you going to shoot me, kid?” he asked, his deep velvety voice reached your ears and causing your stomach to flutter slightly. He looked between you and your still outstretched hand before grabbing the gun, removing the cartridge of bullets, and tossing it to the side where it clanged to the ground with a loud metallic clang. He studied you silently, almost in a challenging way, trying to see which one of you would break down first. He was the one that had showed up on your doorstep after all.
But it wasn’t going to be you because you weren’t able to find any words. Instead you were frozen in time, your body humming with content as you realized that all of your worry had been for nothing. He was okay, he was alive, and he was currently mere inches away from you; you could feel his body heat radiating onto yours, his natural musk invading every bit of your senses. 
You had missed him more than you thought, for reasons that were known to you, but you would never speak out loud. You didn’t want to hear the words ever come out of your mouth because that would mean that they were true, that your feelings for Javi were more than just those of friends and partners. That your feelings were those that made it seem like he was the reason for all the glittering stars in the night sky, that he was your morning sunshine after a dark night of rain.
But Javier didn’t need you to say anything.
It all happened fast; so fast that you didn’t even have a chance to process what was going on before he put his hands on either side of your face and crashing his lips onto yours. It was needy, fast, bruising, and everything you hadn’t realized you’d been waiting for. After reality hit you like a train,  you responded by throwing your arms around his neck, carding a hand through the hair at the nape of his neck as  his rough hands found your waist, his fingers quickly finding their way under the hem of your shirt and brushing along the soft skin.
It was hard and fast, the two of you expressing your desires without the use of words, only pulling apart when you needed a breath of air. You looked up at him and found him staring back at you, his eyes expressing an emotion you couldn’t quite place. It was intense, frightening, and most of all hungry. He was the hunter and you were his prey. 
“Y/N,” Javi’s voice was barely above a whisper as he kissed you a few more times, eventually finding your jaw and working his way down your neck. It took everything in your power not to moan out loud at his touch, at the feel of his lips on your delicate flesh, and you bit your lip as you kept your arms around his neck. But before you could let it go any further, something snapped inside you and you came to your senses and put your hands on his chest, a silent plea for him to stop. As much as you wanted him to continue, to somehow have it end up in your bedroom, with you under him as he gave you what you had been desperately wanting, you knew you shouldn’t. He was your partner, your friend, and on top of all of that, he was older and he had a reputation. 
It was a reputation he had earned for a reason, and that was enough for you to stop whatever might transpire before it got any further. 
“Javi,” you said as he pulled back from you, looking at you with concern written all over his face. You shook your head and took a step back from him, already saddened by the loss of his body against yours, “we...we shouldn’t do this. We can’t do this.”
You pointed between your bodies, biting your lip in a way that drove him crazy, not that he would ever admit that, and sighed. Sometimes your rationalism got the best of you, and you wished you could just throw it out the window. How you wished you could just have him then and there, to feel him all over your body.
“Why?” he asked quietly as he put a hand on your cheek before ghosting his fingers over the contours of your face, and he wondered, momentarily, why he’d waited so long to touch your soft skin.  Part if you wished you had let him continue, but the rational part of your brain told you that you’d done the right thing, “I thought...we...that there was something there? Between us.”
“We can’t,” you just repeated softly, “we’re friends...partners...this can only end in two ways, and neither of them are good.”
“Give me a good reason. Just one good reason,” he insisted and you knew he had a valid point, but you also both knew what you were trying to say, “tell me you don’t want this. Tell me I’ve been wrong in thinking that there was something between us this whole time. Tell me I’m wrong. And if you don’t want this, it stops here and I’ll walk away.
You looked at him silently for a few moments, his eyes pleading with yours, rendering you  unable to form a coherent thought; you wanted to tell him that he was right, but all you could see was looming heartbreak on the horizon, and you weren’t about to willingly put yourself through torture for nothing. Not with him or anyone else. 
Every other relationship you had had blown up into a million pieces in front of your very eyes. You weren’t able to subject yourself to that again, no matter how much you longed for him, no matter how many nights you spent alone in bed, thinking of him, wishing he was there with you. You finally, painstakingly, met his eyes, giving him a small grimace before shrugging your shoulders, “I...I don’t want this.”
A lie. A bold lie you both could easily see through. 
“Okay,” he took a step back, shaking his head at you as he tried to keep himself in check. He wanted to yell, to scream, to cry, something - anything. But instead, he moved silently towards the door, stepping through it without so much as another look at you, slamming it shut behind him. You winced slightly at the loud sound before slumping back down onto the couch. You gave the wine bottle a pathetic look, wishing you had more so you could block the events that had just transpired. 
Either you had just made the wisest decision of all, or you had possibly made the biggest mistake. 
It was a fine line between the two. 
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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friendship necklace ~ mark;midsommar
word count: 1297
request?: yes!
“Hi! Sorry for bothering you but I have another Midsommar request for Mark. Maybe they've been friends since they were kids and when they were in high school she gave him a necklace to match hers and they always wear them. One day while her, Dani and all the guys are hanging out Christian gets super wasted and rips it off of him and starts making jokes about it. So Mark gets pissed and punches Christian then admits he likes the reader and kisses her. This is so much I'm sorry haha :)”
description: in which she gave her best friend a necklace when they were kids that he still wears to this day, and she finds out the real reason why
pairing: mark x female!reader
warnings: swearing
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We were in middle school when I made Mark our friendship necklaces. They were simple necklaces - stretchy material, beads I had bought from a craft store, I had made them with a bead pattern and Mark’s initials in the middle of his, and mine in the middle of mine. His friends had made fun of the necklace, saying it was childish, and I was childish for making it, but Mark put it on in that moment, and wore it for years.
“You made it for me,” he defended once when I asked why he still wore it. “You’re my best friend, it’s a symbol of our friendship.”
“You’re a dork,” I had responded, although I did appreciate the sentiment.
To celebrate the end of a long semester, Mark and I, along with our friends Christian, Josh, and Dani, decided to have a small get together with alcohol and snacks, just the five of us chilling together. Dani and I arrived at the boys’ house together, our alcohol in tow. As per usual, Mark was wearing our friendship necklace.
“Man, take that stupid shit off,” Christian was saying as we walked in. “It’s embarrassing as fuck to be seen out with you when you wear it.”
“Just because no one likes you enough to make you things doesn’t mean it’s stupid when others do it for their friends,” I said, drawing the attention of the boys to Dani and I.
Christian glared while Mark tried, and failed, to hide a smile. I smiled smugly at Christian as I passed the two of them to put my drinks in the fridge.
The night went as to be expected; four of us drinking and having a good time, meanwhile Christian downed his beer so fast he was the first to be drunk, as he brooded in the corner. I don’t know why we continued to be friends with Christian, especially after he and Dani broke up. Mark always said it had to do with “bro code” and they couldn’t just kick Christian out of the house, but it wasn’t like any of us even liked Christian, not even Mark or Josh. None of us even really knew how to push him from the friend group.
A few hours into the night, we were all slightly tipsy and starting to feel tired. Dani and I were basically cuddling on the couch while Mark sat in a char by himself and Josh was on the other end of the couch. Christian was stumbling back from the bathroom, still unable to walk straight due to his intoxication.
"Why do you wear that stupid fucking thing?” he slurred to Mark, referring to the necklace.
“Go to bed, man, you’re drunk,” Mark dismissed him, not even looking at Christian.
Christian’s face turned red with obvious anger and annoyance. He crossed the room and stood over Mark. Mark jumped to try and defend himself as Christian grabbed him, but wasn’t quick enough to stop him from ripping the necklace from Mark’s neck. The plastic material snapped and the beads fell to the floor, scattering in all directions. Everyone seemed to jump up the one time in shock as Mark glared at Christian.
“What are you? A fucking 10 year old girl?” Christian mocked, waving the basically empty plastic material in his hand. “Wearing a stupid fucking handmade necklace every day, man it’s embarrassing! If she hasn’t fucked you yet, it mean she won’t at all, get over it dude!”
Mark jumped from his chair and charged at Christian, knocking him to the floor. The sudden attack mixed with Christian’s intoxication lead to him being shocked for long enough that Mark could climb on top of him and begin to punch him. Josh and I quickly ran to get in between the two as Dani watched in horror. By the time we pulled Mark off, Christian’s nose was already bloody and Mark’s hand was stained with his blood.
“Get the fuck out!” Mark snapped. “Get out and never come back dickwad! None of us want you here, we all fucking hate you! We’ll throw your stuff in garbage bags and you can come get them whenever, but you’re fucking out of this goddamn house!”
“You can’t kick me out! I refuse to go!” Christian snapped.
“Just go!” Dani hissed. Christian glared at her before looking at all of us, noticing that our expressions mirrored his own. Finally admitting defeat, he stumbled out of the house, slamming the door behind him.
Mark was still shaking in anger. I put a hand on his shoulder and began to lead him to the bathroom so I could tend to his hand.
I washed the blood off, scrubbing until his hand was so red I could barley differentiate between blood and skin. As I did, Mark watched me carefully.
“I’m so sorry,” he said once I finished.
I gave him a confused look as I passed him the towel. “For what?”
“About the necklace.”
I scoffed. “Don’t worry about it, it was just a dumb necklace that I made you when we were in middle school. I never intended for you to wear it for so long. I figured you would’ve trashed it within a month.”
“Of course I’d never do that. You made that necklace for me.”
“I know, but come on, Mark, you couldn’t have liked it that much. It was just a necklace I made from stuff I bought at a craft store. It wasn’t that special.”
“To me it was.”
I looked up at him, raising an eyebrow. “Why did it mean so much to you?”
“Cause you gave it to me.”
“You always say that like it means something. I’m just another friend of yours, you don���t keep stuff like this from all your friends.”
“It’s more than just that,” Mark insisted as he leaned against the bathroom counter. “You...you mean more to me than just a friend. I...I’ve liked you for some time (Y/N), since we met actually. I always wore that necklace because it was something you gave to me, and it was special to me because you’re special to me. I wore it because I wanted to, because I liked showing off something that you made especially for me.”
I was shocked at Mark’s words. I had no idea that he had ever liked me, I thought he just saw me as his best friend. He didn’t seem to show any interest, but then again, would I have noticed if he did?
I reached into my pocket, touching the familiar beads that mirrored the ones scattered over the living room floor. I pulled the necklace from my pocket and placed it in Mark’s hand. He looked at it in surprise before looking back up at me.
“I stopped wearing it because I was afraid you’d find out I liked you, too,” I told him. “But I always carried it with me, because I loved knowing that we had the matching set, even if I wasn’t wearing mine.”
“Wait...you like me?” Mark asked.
I giggled. “Yeah, I do. But I didn’t think you’d ever like me, so I just buried my feelings and pretended like they didn’t exist. If I had known you liked me too, I would’ve said something sooner.”
“I would’ve too if I knew you liked me.”
We stood in silence for sometime, unsure as what to do next. What do you do when you admit you’ve had feelings for your best friend since you first met?
“Let’s go out on a real date,” Mark decided. “Wherever you want, tomorrow night. I can pick you up from your apartment and we’ll just go wherever and do whatever.”
I smiled brightly at him. “Okay, it’s a date then.”
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statticscribbles · 3 years
Summary: Malachai/Reader using the prompts; “I’m pregnant.” and “Marry me?”
You’d made sure Malachai was out on at least a two day job before you’d sworn Jacob; the Ghoulie who’d be charged with looking out for you to secrecy. You’d seen the fear in his eyes when you threatened him; and the confusion when you’d made him pull around the side of the conveince store. “You swore me to secrecy over a snack run?” “Yes.” He scowls nudging the bag grinning as he peers inside.
“He’s gonna kill you if he finds out you tried it without him.” “That’s why he won’t find out.” You half shove him; keeping the actual reason you’d gone to the store hidden in your jacket. You shove the bag of snack cakes into the fridge and watch as Jacob follows you, flopping onto the chair eyeing you as you fill a glass with water. “Want a drink?” You offer a beer and he shakes his head. “Don’t you?” “No fun without Mal’s.” You laugh and quiet when he watches you. “What?” “You didn’t drink during the send off party, or the one before that.”
“And? Sometimes you just don’t feel like drinking. Not that surprising..” You finish your glass trying to refill it casually. “You’ve stopped doing Jangle, and smoking; you’re shaking all the time from withdrawls.” “Guess it just slipped my mind.” “Or something else has taken it’s place.” “You think I’m on hard drugs?” “No; I think you need to drink more water.” “Oh really?” “Yeah; pregnancy tests tend to need piss to work right?” He waves the box in front of you and you glare to where you’d put your jacket and bag down. “If you-“ “If I what? You don’t even know nothing yet. I won’t tell him.” “Or anyone else?”
“Oh no; they already know.” He grins looking up from his phone where you see a photo of the test in the group chat he and the other Ghoulies have. “Jacob; I swear to-“ You sigh when there’s a knock on the door. “Yes? Oh my god do you guys just keep this shit around for fun?” You glare at the group of Ghoulies who’re holding out cupcakes and balloons. “Okay it’s not a baby shower; I haven’t even peed on the damn stick yet so-“ “PEE ON IT!” “Shut up!” Jacob laughs nodding to everyone and you side step to let the group of Ghoulies enter the house.
“Okay so idea’s for how to tell Malachai? It has to be special and-“ You shake your head grabbing the test from Jacob and retreating to the master bathroom for privacy. You finish peeing setting the test on the sink and debate returning to the living room where you can hear chatter about the best way to tell Malachai. You wait trying to eavesdrop for entertainment knowing you’ll be getting a retelling of everything that happened while you were in limbo. You turn back partially surprised the test is positive  so quickly but you know you can always get another if you doubt it. “No we can just throw a party for him when he gets back and then surprise you’re a dad now!!!” “If he’s gonna be a dad.” Jacob turns and you can feel all the Ghoulies anticipation as you sit on the couch. “So?”
“So? What’re your ideas we have to make it good.” You cringe back when they cheer. “Jesus fucking christ why are y’all so excited??” “This is gonna be the best!” “Oh my god think of all the tiny leather jackets! The studs!” Jacob shakes his head grinning at you and you laugh. “Guys; hey, hey everyone; calm down. Okay first things first we need to have those cupcakes; and then we can discuss ideas right.” Everyone grins and Jacob half passes out the cupcakes while he’s on his phone. He’s grinning laughing and texting.
“Okay so what I was thinking is when he gets back from the job we call a meeting and then when he’s doing announcements and the briefing about the job I can tell him?” You watch everyone look to Jacob who nods. “That sounds perfect.” You smile relieved everyone seems so quick to agree.
“So the group chat you have; Mal’s isn’t in it?” “Oh no; we have one where he’s in it and you’re not; and then the one you’re in and he’s not and- What? Oh like you actually care we have a group chat without you; you’re the one that suggested it after we tried to plan a surprise party for Evan and he saw it.” “Well yes; but why do you need to exclude me; Malachai’s girlfriend and Ghoulie member from the Ghoulie group chat?” “Just cause; we talk about guy stuff.” “Guy stuff? Can I see then? I promise I won’t let Malachai know.” “No!” You narrow your eyes as he locks his phone and shoves it in his pocket. “Did you message him about the snack cakes?” “Yes.” You scowl confused why he looks so relieved as you retire to bed.
You wake up and can faintly hear the ghoul’s talking. “Do you really think it matters; we can just suggest it as a surprised thing, he’ll think it’s his idea and she still believe’s its hers. It’s foolproof.” “What about the phone thing; you know he hates them during meetings. She’ll catch on.” You can hear Evan half whisper. “We say we’re recording it; you know for the moment. They’ll both agree to it. Fool proof I tell you! Fool proof.” You can’t help but laugh at Jacob’s assuredness.
“So the plan is we have the usual meeting and you say you have an announcement; and then bam; you tell him, he cries, we record it; life goes on.” Jacob grins and you nod laughing. “He’s not gonna cry.” “Oh he’s gonna cry; you both are.” “I bet you fifty we both won’t cry.” Jacob laughs shaking your hand.
“Malachai; babe, pleaseeeeee; pleaseeee let me tell the ghoul’s. It really is important.” You drape yourself over him and he grins up at you as he slides down the couch relaxing. “I just got home baby; let me think for- are those the limited edition snack cakes?’ “Yeah I was saving them for.” Malachai cuts you off with a kiss pulling the bag from your hands. “I love you.” “I love you too. I’m the best; didn’t even try them before you got home.”
“The best; cause you’re my girl.” He grins and you nod tapping the snack cake he hands you to his in a mock cheer. You try not to breathe through your nose when you bite it but you can’t help it the taste causing you to recoil and scramble towards one of the trash cans. “Fuck.” You hiss terrified you’ve blow the surprise for later. You turn watching Malachai laughing. “I get they’re bad Y/N but you don’t need to be over dramatic.” “Who thought watermelon and pumpkin was a good idea?!!?” “Someone who loves summer and halloween.” You scowl tossing the rest of the cake into the trash. “Its horrible.” He nods pulling you back into his arms. “It’s okay love; the snack cake can’t hurt you anymore.” He chuckles as you whine and flop onto his chest.
“So during the meeting I have an idea; I wanted to let everyone know about and-“ “An idea?” Malachai looks skeptical. “Well an announcement; of sorts; to the Ghoulies.” “An announcement; to the Ghouls. What is it?” “What?” “If you’re going to announce something to them I need to know what it is. As leader.” “Not just because you’re nosey?” “Well both.” He grins and you shake your head.
“What do you mean your announcement is more important than mine? I’m the leader of the Ghoulies I should get priority.” “Please Malachai; I think mine’s more important, especially to the Ghouls.” “Don’t use their love for you against me.” “How about we just say it at the same time?” “No.” “Please. I swear mine is more important if we say it at the same time then you can judge it.” You grin hopefully and he sighs looking to the rest of the Ghoulies who’re grinning like children. “You’re all assholes for not stopping this. Okay, fine; can one of you- Jesus ONE of you can count it down for us.” Malachai chuckles at the Ghoulies that shuffle back and sit down; you watch most of them on their phones; you know you asked at least a few of them to record what’s about to happen so you assume they all told each other. You’re relieved that Malachai doesn’t bother about the phones; normally he would want them off for meetings. “Okay you ready?” You grin nodding  fighting to keep a smile off your face. “Okay just one rule; we’ll face each other back to back and then spin around and say whatever it is; okay?” “What is it with you and acting like the Ghoulies are your own personal dueling academy?”
“It’s a good aesthetic.” “Alright you two, ready?” You nod sighing as you’re about to turn. “Wait.” “Y/N, we’ve been waiting for this announcement for the entire day, if you hold us up for any longer Malachai wins the importance award.” You watch Malachai smirk. “I was going to ask for a good luck kiss but if you want it over faster-” “No we can take another minute. totally fine.” Malachai glares at the Ghoulie who nods. You lean forward nodding before you turn facing his back smiling. “Okay, three, two, one.” You close your eyes when you turn nervous about seeing his face. “I’m pregnant.” “Marry Me?” You open your eyes to find him kneeling before he’s reaching for the ring he dropped in shock. “Really?” “Yes.” He asks as you respond and he grins. “We don’t have to- Will you all shut up!” Malachai shouts as the Ghoulies cheer. “She said yes though!” “Yeah to her- OH!” You take the ring from him about to say something before he pulls you in for a kiss.
“Don’t cry I bet Jacob fifty and-“ “You bet on me not crying? You just said yes; and we’re going to have a family… Plus you’re crying so now I’m going to-“ “No I bet him that both of us wouldn’t cry; one of us can it doesn’t count.” “Why do you get to cry then?” “You just proposed to me; it’s perfectly normal for a girl to cry at that.” “I just found out I’m going to-“ “I withdraw the bet, Christ you two already fighting over dumb shit; kiss or something; please.” You narrow your eyes at Jacob and Malachai laughs. “Oh we’re going to do a lot more that kiss I can assure you that.” “Oh really?” You arch and eyebrow and Malachai nods. “Yeah; I mean what’s the worst that happens? Not like I can get you pregnant.” “Wait does this mean we all need suits for the wedding? Can we just wear our-“ “Oh my god you haven’t even met my parents yet.” You interrupt the worry from the Ghoulies. “It’ll be fine; I’m sure they’ll love me.” “I may have lied to them and told them you have a different job.” “What did you say?” “That you managed a company of-“ “So that’s a yes on the suits then!” Jacob shouts and Malachai drags his hands down his face. “Yes on the suits; now would you all please get out of my house!! I’m trying to have a conversation with my girlfriend.” “Fiancee.” Jacob grins leaning from the doorway into the living room. “Leave!!”
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rebsrams · 4 years
Who Is He  (Ethan x F!MC)
Book: Open Heart
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey and F!MC (Dr. Rebecca Valentine)
Warnings: A little bit of angst and a couple of cursing words never killed nobody. No happy ending, at least for now. 
Summary: An utterly jealous Ethan trying to contend with his own decisions. Set at the beginning of Book 2.
Word count: 1,432
Song: Who Is He (And What Is He To You?) by Bill Withers 
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It was the third time that week.
He was beginning to feel inevitably annoyed at the very presence of Dr. Bryce Lahela in that hospital , let alone at Becca’s side, walking through the corridors with that unbearable cheeky grin plastered on his face.
There were two things that Ethan absolutely couldn’t stand about that whole “jealousy” thing.
Okay, three maybe.
First of all, he just couldn’t stand being jealous in the first place.
It was something so new and overwhelming for him, that he sometimes required a moment to calm down and bring back his face and knuckles to a human color, or at least one which didn’t suggest an upcoming implosion.
The second was that he was perfectly aware that he and only him was the cause of his bad mood.
He pushed her away. 
He ran away from all his “problems” going to the Amazon and rejected her when he returned, not even asking her how she was feeling or doing. 
As if she could ever be a “problem” to him. 
She’s always been the solution, and he was the only one to blame for understanding it so late.
Actually, there’s was absolutely nothing wrong if she decided to start a new life with a promising surgeon which was (much to his annoyance) ten years younger than him and definitely a lot more reckless and ready to risk his everything for a woman as special as she was. 
It seemed to him the most logical thing to do, for her. 
But if there was a thing he was actually beginning to learn thanks to the marvelous stubbornness of that fiery-haired girl, was that logic had very little to do with heart’s matters.
And his heart was desperately screaming “please, choose me” and breathlessly calling out for her every time she passed him by, almost intoxicating him with the cherry scent of her favorite shampoo.
And then there was the last thing.
Like a thumping sound in his ear, 24/7.
He’s already been with her.
Everyone at the hospital knew it.
Of course he never dared to think anything less of her just because she was enjoying life as a stunning girl in her 20s and her first year as a grown woman chasing the dream of a lifetime.
He just found it really, really challenging not to give in to his rage thinking about Bryce’s hands, already so experienced in his job, caressing or scratching every inch of her body.
There were moments he couldn’t keep his mind off of images of him taking her in her bedroom, in the kitchen, on the washing machine and even in every supply closet that damned hospital had.
There were moments, that just shaking away that thoughts wasn’t enough.
That day, that inglorious, gloomy day, was the third time that week that he saw them laughing and joking about medical stuff he sure would have found funny, at another time. Or at least said by her.
He was standing by the door of his office, paper sheets in his hand, and he pretended to be deeply engrossed in their reading as soon as her big blue orbits looked his way.
She kissed the surgeon on the cheek, whispering something in his ear.
That buzzing sound he always heard in that kind of situation began to increase considerably, until he realized she was coming towards him at a definitely lively pace.
“Dr. Ramsey, I was wondering if I could change my night shift with Dr. Trinh, just for tonight. She already agreed.”
Being the best diagnostician in the country, he tried by all his means not to think about the reason why she asked him so. 
The reason why Lahela escorted her to his office. Needless to say, he failed miserably.
“Oh, if that is the case… who am I to stop your evening of fun, Dr. Valentine? Just, don’t let Lahela too close or he might eat you alive, judging by the way he looks at you.”
He blurted out the words before he could even consider them.
Actually, it was not the words themselves that made Rebecca’s jaw drop, her cheeks redden and her eyes fill with… what? Disappointment? Hurt?
It was the tone he used. 
Almost aggressive, as if she was the one making him suffer. 
As if she had another choice other than try with all her might to forget him.
After almost thirty seconds of uncomfortable silence, she gathered the courage to reply.
“Correct me if I’m wrong, Dr. Ramsey, but I don’t think that where I’m going or what I have to do tonight is anything of your concern. Thanks for your time, anyway. Hope you’re having a good day.”
She threw an ultimate fiery glance to him before turning around to go, when she heard such words from him that caused her to startle and her blood to boil.
“Now, now, no need to get defensive, Dr. Valentine.”
He knew he was going too far. 
He knew he was probably going to hurt her. 
But he needed to know, and he acknowledged her too well to know that sometimes, the only way to get the truth out of her stunningly plump lips was to piss her off.
Exactly as planned, she looked at him in a way that broke his heart in a single, really unpleasant movement.
She was wounded. 
Bleeding out in front of his very eyes. 
Mocked by the man who left her when she needed him the most.
“Dr.Ramsey… Oh, screw with that! Ethan, this has nothing to do with you. Nor with anyone else in this fucking hospital!” she exhaled deeply.  
“Christ, this is nonsense. First you push me away, you ignore me, you don’t even bother to greet me in the morning while we’re drinking coffee in front of the same machine, for God’s sake!
And now, you’re trying to what, be funny? I assure you that it isn’t working. And I really wish that I wanted you to let me be, more than anything else. The fact is that I don’t. So please, stop being so irremediably childish and tell me, once and for all, what the fuck do you want from me?”
She looked him straight in the eye, barely letting him be able to gather some air to respond to the question.
“Who is he?” he just said. 
Simple as it was. 
Or at least for him.
“What?” she looked visibly confused, her brows furrowed in a weak attempt to understand his words.
“To you. I mean, what is he to you? Are you two… going out together, or…” he just wasn’t able to finish the sentence. 
In spite of that, he could imagine fairly well what he meant.
“Is it really important? I don’t think you should bother…”
“It is.”
His eyes were alight in such an earnestly way that was actually impossible for her not to answer.
He took a step closer, being able to take her hands in his, their first contact in what felt like ages.
His calloused thumbs began to move in little circles over the back of her hands, which were almost sweating in his grip.
Finally, she answered and released that one breath she didn’t realize she was holding.
“No. Bryce is my best friend. He helps me, from time to time, when I have to deal with… when I think about this whole situation way too much.”  
She said, gesturing with her head between the two of them.
“Don’t worry, he doesn’t know about you, though he’s too smart to buy the “a guy I met online” stuff. Anyway, tonight a friend of his is in town and he asked me to help him showing her around. That won’t take too long but I asked Sienna to take my patients anyway because I needed, well, some time by myself. I think that’s all you need to know.”
She kept her eyes down, as if getting naked in front of him was something unbearable. 
As she was finally admitting defeat.
In a swift, brave movement, he cupped her cheek and the contact of his rough hand with her skin made her shiver. 
He noticed that, making her so endearing to his eyes that he almost couldn’t take it anymore.
He kissed her forehead, right between her eyebrows, lingering there just a moment too long just to inhale and memorize once more the scent that already haunted his dreams, along with that coppery mane of curls and that saccharine smile of hers.
“If only this was different…”
“I know Ethan. I know.”
Written at 2pm and I’m not ashamed. I think I’m definitely more keen on writing fluffy stuff, since when I try to write some angst I never truly commit to it and I always try to left it open. I think I just couldn’t bear writing about a break-up. Oh my, when did I get so gooey soft? Anyway, I just wanted to challenge myself, so here it is. As always, please forgive any misspellings or mistake of any sort.
Let me know if you enjoyed it and if you’d like to read a part II! 
taglist: @choicesfan10​, @schnitzelbutterfingers​, @openheartfanfics​ (let me know if you want to be added or removed from this list)
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triptychexe · 4 years
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TITLE: Days and Nights SUMMARY: Jin’s on house arrest and it’s harder to handle than she thought it would be. Van makes everything a little bit better by giving Soojin a much-needed pep talk.  WORD COUNT: 2.3k GENRE: angst? some soft moments too. PAIRING: Platonic!Jin + Van, Platonic!Triplex 
WARNINGS: mentions of stalking, mentions of declining mental health, I think there’s a few swears? If any other warnings should be made, please let me know! 
A/N: This piece does follow up Escalation  if you are interested! If you don’t feel like reading that, basically all you gotta know for this is that Soojin has a stalker still out there & while her company is looking for him, she’s not supposed to leave her building without supervision for safety reasons <3
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WINTER 2018 
It took Jin only two weeks to come to the conclusion that time was just a social construct. Days and nights were nothing but the sun setting and rising. There was no difference between three o’clock and four o’clock. And sometimes days felt like a familiar film that replays in an infinite loop, except there was no plot, and nothing ever happened.
The only excitement in the singer's new routine was when she would get calls from her manager or Hak Bonghwa himself. Before every call, her heart would skip an irregular beat, the nagging fear that her stalker might have found her phone number again. But everytime she checked the caller ID, the rest of the interaction was always familiar.  Whoever called would inform her that no new leads have been found, that they’re still looking, and that things will be resolved as soon as they can. Then she hung up, and went back to her dull existence. 
For a while, she was fine with everything being mundane and regular. She needed some time to let herself bounce back and to relax. This relaxation period only lasted about two days. Then she started overthinking everything that has happened up until now, the thoughts making her more anxious than soothed.
The only thing to stop her from thinking too much was to stay busy. Even though Trois’ promotional period ended prematurely, HBH was gearing up for Triplex to make their debut. As the self-proclaimed leader of the second generation, she felt the urge to assist in any way she could.
“Chaewon, your hair is a mess.” Jin scolded one morning as she placed a homemade omelette in front of the younger girl. It was the second successful omelette Soojin has ever made. Her daily breakfast routine was finally starting to result in some cooking skills. 
“Chaewon, your hair is a mess.” Chaewon mimicked a pitched sing-songy voice. “I don’t need to do my hair perfectly, we have stylists on set that can do it for me.” 
Soojin arched her eyebrow at the younger girl. “And I don’t need your attitude. Mock me again and you’ll get bruises your stylists will have trouble covering.” Her harsh words would have been intimidating, if it wasn’t for the small grin on her lips. Chaewon chuckled, shoveling a piece of eggs with peppers into her mouth.
“Good one, Soojin. I’d love to see you try to batter me up.” Chaewon teased. 
“No talking while eating.” Soojin playfully narrowed her eyes before turning away to glance at the clock. It was nearing eight and Sunhee hadn’t come out of her room for breakfast yet. Soojin sighed before taking a deep inhale, inflating her lungs. 
“Sunhee! Let’s go! Breakfast is getting cold!” Soojin hollered towards the direction of Sunhee’s room. She was sure she heard a groan of annoyance in response, but she chose to ignore it. 
In a few minutes, Sunhee was sulking into the kitchen, her eyes still bloodshot and heavy. Soojin sighed, as she placed a second omelette in front of her.
“Good morning, Sunhee.” Soojin greeted. She got a guttural grunt in response. 
“Why do we have to be up so fucking early to take pictures?” Sunhee complained. Jin frowned at the vocalist, unimpressed with her attitude. 
“Be grateful that you have a sponsorship like this so early into your career.” Soojin reminded them. “Innisfree is a popular company, and the fact that they wanted you three out of all the idols they could have hired means a lot.” 
Sunhee didn’t respond. She silently shoveled food into her mouth. Chaewon giggled and poked one of Sunhee’s puffed cheeks. Sunhee grinned and swatted the hand away, but Chaewon wasn’t done teasing her friend. Eventually, the two were nudging each other and trying to knock each other off their stools. Soojin learned when they first moved in together that interrupting SunWon’s rough housing only resulted in two sulky girls. It was better for them to get their playtime in.
Right before Chaewon was about to topple over in her seat, the doorbell rang. Soojin rushed to the door, opening it to reveal a well-groomed Kit. 
“Aw, Heshen! You look so handsome!” Soojin cooed, opening the door further for the younger boy to enter the apartment. Kit’s cheeks flushed as he looked down at his outfit. He was wearing a button-up shirt under a soft cardigan, cuffed pants, and shiny loafers. To Soojin, he looked like the perfect representative for Innisfree products. 
“Thanks, Soojin.” He smiled. Sunhee and Chaewon hopped off their seats when they heard their friends voice, rounding the corner and sliding in their socks against the wooden floor.
“Woah, Heshen. You look…” Sunhee’s eyebrows shot up.
“Presentable!” Chaewon completed Sunhee’s thought, a teasing grin on her face. “You usually dress so bummy, I forget that you’re actually attractive!” 
Heshen’s smile faded. “How the hell am I supposed to respond to that?” “By thanking me.” Chaewon wrinkled her nose playfully. “That-” Heshen started to argue but Soojin intervened after she got a text on her phone.
“How about you guys continue this in the car? Hyungjung says she’s downstairs waiting.” Soojin said. 
The three teenagers gathered their things and filed out the door. Soojin waved goodbye from the doorway, smiling as the trio of them waved from the elevator. When the elevator doors closed, Soojin felt the weight of loneliness again.
Now that she was alone, she started to remember the last time she was alone in the dorm. The night she received that infamous phone call.  Soojin shivered at the memory, an irrational worry that someone might pop out behind the couch seized her consciousness. Before she let herself think about all the horrible things that could happen unsupervised, her doorbell buzzed.
Jin peeked through the peephole cautiously. Through the fish-eye lens, she saw a smiling Van rocking back and forth on his heels. Van and Jin weren’t exactly the closest members of Triptych, given their scheduling. Maybe he was here to give her updates on her sasaeng. 
With a shred of hope, she opened the door, peeking her head out cautiously. Van’s smile was still present as ever, his eyes squinting ever so slightly with the curve of his cheek.
“Hi!” Van smiled. “Hey.” Soojin returned the smile kindly. “What’s going on?” “Nothing. I don’t have anything to do today, so I thought I’d come over to check on you.” Changmin said, his expression changed into one that was slightly sheepish. “But I totally understand if you wanted space.” 
Soojin’s chest felt lighter, like a weight has been lifted.
“Yeah! I could use some company. Come in.” She smiled, thanking the stars above that she wouldn’t have to brave the lonesomeness of the dorm alone right now. She eagerly stepped aside, allowing Changmin to enter her dorm. 
“You’re alone?” Changmin frowned, looking around the dorm. “Shouldn’t someone be here with you?” 
Soojin shrugged. “The others have schedules today. Plus, I can take care of myself, you know?” 
Changmin nodded. “Of course, of course.” Soojin couldn’t tell if he was saying that genuinely or to comfort her. 
“Um, can I make you tea or something?” Soojin asked politely, swaying her arms back and forth to fill up the awkwardness that had settled over the pair. 
Changmin smiled. “I’ll make us some tea. How about you sit down?” 
Soojin arched an eyebrow. The offer caught her off guard. Changmin chuckled at the expression on the girl’s face. “Kit mentioned that you have been helping Triplex prepare for debut and making him breakfast and stuff. Let me repay you for taking care of our maknae.” Changmin insisted.
The gentle finality in Changmin’s voice told Jin that there was no use in arguing with him. Instead, she led him to the kitchen and sat herself down at the table. She watched as Changmin moved around the kitchen, finding the materials he needed to make them both a hot beverage.
“So,” Changmin spoke as he turned the oven on to boil some water. “Kit hasn’t been bothering you, has he? I know he’s over here a lot.” 
Soojin shook her head. “I like the company. Keeps me busy.” 
“Aren’t you supposed to be resting?” Changmin arched an eyebrow. Soojin couldn’t help but roll her eyes. “I tried that, but I realized that resting goes hand in hand with reflecting and…” Soojin let her voice trail off. She stared down at the kitchen floor, licking her teeth. She didn’t need to continue, Changmin understood the rest. 
“Do you wanna talk about it?” Changmin asked, furrowing his eyebrows in worry. Jin hesitated. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to talk about it or not. HBH already made her go to two therapy sessions. After the second session, Jin decided that reliving one of the most traumatic nights of her life with a woman she’s never met didn’t help her in the slightest. She didn’t want someone psycho-analysing her, she didn’t want to feel like she was put under a microscope. 
“Not really.” Jin answered honestly. Changmin nodded in understanding. “Well, if anything changes, you know where to find me.” Changmin angled his head towards the wall, gesturing in the general direction of his own dorm. Jin hummed in appreciation. 
“What about you? Anything on your mind lately?” Jin asked, the pad of her finger tracing the ceramic lip of her cup in a lazy circle. Changmin sucked on his bottom lip, shrugging.
“Nothing’s really been going on.” He responded. “I guess I’m just anticipating the second generation’s debut.” 
“Trois already debuted.” Jin reminded him. Their debut was short, but was it really that forgettable?  “I mean like… You know. The other subunits.” Van shrugged. The tightness in his tone helped Jin piece together the hidden emotions that her older groupmate had towards the additional members of the group.
“You’re skeptical.” Jin inferred. 
Changmin sucked on his teeth. “The word ‘skeptical’ seems really judgemental…” “But you do have concerns?” Jin arched her eyebrow. 
“I mean, yeah. Nothing major, of course.” Changmin held a hand up in surrender. “But you know… It’s just kinda nerve wracking thinking that your career in this group could be snuffed out by a teenager who has more charisma than you.” 
Soojin’s eyebrow arched even higher, the corners of her lips settling into an unpleasant frown. What was he implying? 
Suddenly, the corner of Changmin’s lips quirked before he quickly straightened out his face. A small chuckle slipped between Changmin’s lips.
“What?” Jin asked, finding a small smile quirking on her own lips at the sight of Changmin trying to keep himself composed. An identical smile mirrored on Van’s face as he shook his head.
“Sometimes you act just like Yerin.” He confessed. “The amount of times she’s given me that face… You’re gonna have to develop a stronger gaze if you wanna intimidate anyone in our group.” 
Soojin pressed her lips together. The Yerin comparison. It was bound to happen. Despite not being close, Yerin and Soojin’s name had been strung together since Soojin’s trainee days. Even after making an attempt to give herself her own name, Yerin’s identity seemed to stick to her more than ever. 
“Looks like someone else has their own concerns.” Van noted. The playfulness in his tone was gone, replaced by curiosity.
“It’s just… Comparisons get dull.” Jin shrugged. Changmin nodded in understanding. “I didn’t mean it like that. You and Yerin are two very different people.” 
Jin managed a dull, mirthless chuckle. “Yeah. I’m her but if she had two left feet and a stalker.” 
“Not funny.” Changmin frowned. 
“It kinda is though.” “No, it’s not.” “I’m coping, let me have this.” Soojin’s lips quirked, bringing her mug up to her lips, although the drink had lost its warmth.
“You have a darker sense of humor than Yerin, that’s for sure.” Changmin shook his head, taking a drink himself. He hesitated before speaking. “Don’t mention any of this to Yerin, but… You’re not like her in the best way possible. You seem more… human.”
Jin let out a low whistle. “Damn. That’s…” Jin quirked her head, looking down at her cup and trying not to laugh at the bluntness of Changmin’s statement. Changmin let out an air of a chuckle.
“No, listen,” He pleaded. “Yerin’s great but Yerin’s never had the general public go against her like you have. You’ve gone through hell these past few weeks and you still are a kind person. Yerin kinda loses it when someone so much as steps a toenail out of line.” 
Soojin searched Changmin’s face skeptically. “I thought you were friends with Yerin.” 
“I am, but working with people closely makes you realize their flaws in high definition.” Changmin mused, a small smirk on his lips. “If you’re not getting under each other’s skin at least a few times a month, you’re not getting the full Triptych experience.” 
Soojin pursed her lips and nodded. “Good to know.” 
“But hey,” Changmin spread his arms with a smile on his face. “We’re still one big, slightly-dysfunctional family. We support each other just as frequently as we bicker with one another. Which is why I’m here! I’m like… The brother you never asked for.” 
Soojin’s heart clenched. She hasn’t had a ‘family’ in so long. Not since she stopped talking to her parents. The trainees were the closest she’s gotten to a home. Now with everything going on and promotional schedules being so frequent, she felt like there was no structure anymore. Maybe that’s why her days and nights bled together, because there was no one there to help her keep track of them.
Tears formed on her waterline as she placed the mug down on the counter. Without thinking much of it, Jin walked straight into Changmin’s open arms, pressing her cheek against his chest as she hugged him.
“Oh.” Changmin let out a small exclamation of surprise. Gently, his arms came down to hug Soojin back.
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isaketeven · 4 years
“Holding everything in doesn’t help, you know.”
so i did a thing... i dunno? even though my degree is in creative writing the only creative writing i’ve done in the last year is shared writes with my lovely year 5 class, so forgive me if it’s rusty (or just not very good lol!) but yeah, feedback welcome!! i based it off of the prompt ‘holding everything in doesn’t help, you know’ :)
“Holding everything in doesn’t help, you know.”
As Ben entered the house, the fresh smell of chicken pasta hit his nose, overpowering all of his senses at once. He smiled softly, remembering it was Callum’s turn to make tea tonight. They usually alternated between Callum, Ben and getting a takeaway, as neither of them were particularly talented in the kitchen (though Callum would always argue otherwise, of course).
“Of course he’s gone for chicken pasta. What else would he make?” Ben thought to himself, shaking his head fondly.
Attempting to sneak through the hallway into the kitchen unnoticed, Ben tried to keep his footsteps light, wanting to surprise his boyfriend as he had managed to get a flyer from the car lot. Nearing the kitchen, he slowly opened the door, making sure it didn’t make any unforgiving creaks that would give him away. He expected to see Callum with the radio on (radio two, of course, which Ben would swiftly change once he was in the house because ‘radio two is for old people, Cal’) dancing to a Rod Stewart classic.
The scene that greeted him, however, was a one very different to the one Ben had expected: Callum was stood, statue-still, staring blankly at the bubbling pan in front of him, which appeared to be threatening to overflow at any moment. Before Ben could register what he was looking at, the pan let off a shriek, and suddenly boiling water was everywhere: all over the stove, all over the floor and, most terrifyingly, all over Callum.
“Jesus Christ! Cal, wake up! What the fuck are you playing at?!” Ben questioned, exasperated. Jumping into action, he swiftly turned the stove off to stop the pan dead in its tracks.
Callum, who was now wearing a dazed expression of bemusement, shook his head. The man, who appeared to be catching up to what had just happened, suddenly clutched his left hand tightly, agony slowly taking over his face.
“I…. I don’t know what just happened..” Callum replied, his blinking becoming erratic as he attempted to process the scene in front of him. “Shit, are you okay?!”
Callum lunged forward, an alarmed look on his face as he hysterically searched for some type of injury on Ben’s body.  
“Cal… I’m fine. I just got here… You, on the other hand…” Ben said, slowly. “You’ve just burnt your hand pretty bad, Cal. Does it hurt?”
Ben carefully lifted Callum’s hand up, assessing it.
“It hurts a little, not too much, actually,” Callum shrugged, feigning calmness while his head was spinning with pain and confusion, questioning what the fuck had just happened.
“You sure?” Ben replied, not convinced as he stared at Callum’s hand, red raw. Looking closer, however, he realised the burn appeared superficial. “Looks like you’re lucky, the water must have mostly hit the floor,” He said, making his way to the first aid drawer (Kathy’s idea, of course) to look for something, anything to make this situation better.
“Go and put your hand under the warm water, Cal, I’ve heard that makes it better,” Ben advised, attempting to stay calm and defuse the situation, for Callum’s sake.
As he searched for a plaster or something to put over the burn, however, his mind was going a hundred miles an hour as he wondered what had just happened. It’s not that Callum had been ‘weird’ the last few weeks, so to speak. It’s that he definitely hasn’t been ‘normal’, either. There have been more than a few nights where Ben has woken up to an empty bed at 6, 5, 4 o’clock in the morning; Callum has been distant. Not distant enough that Ben had thought anything drastic was happening, but distant enough that he’d vowed to keep an eye on him.
Once they had sorted Callum out and bandaged his hand up, Callum went to get the mop out, wanting to start on the kitchen.
“What are you doing, Cal? Come on, that can wait… c’mere.” Ben said, taking Callum’s hand in his and leading him to the friendlier living room atmosphere.
As the two men sat on the couch, the awkward atmosphere stifling the two of them completely, Ben could see Callum gradually becoming tenser and tenser; clearly anticipating what Ben was about to say.
“So… what exactly happened there, Cal?” Ben questioned, softly, not wanting to overpower Callum, however knowing there was something more going on here.
“What do you mean? The pan overflowed… No big deal,” Callum replied, shrugging nonchalantly as he searched for the TV remote, desperate for some type of distraction from the conversation that lay ahead of them.
“Come on Cal, we both know that’s not true. I know you better than that.” Ben replied, cautiously. Though he didn’t want to pressure Callum into talking to him, it stung that his boyfriend felt he couldn’t confide in him, especially considering everything they’d been through recently.
“Look, it’s nothing! Can we just leave it?” Callum snapped.
“No, Cal. We can’t. I’m sorry, but you’re the one who’s always encouraging me to talk about how I feel, what’s bothering me, all that shit. And even though it’s annoying most of the time…” Callum shook his head fondly as Ben smirked, “it really has helped. So now, it’s your turn. It was you who said it: holding everything in doesn’t help, you know?”
“I… It’s…” Callum tripped over his words as he tried to comprehend what had been taking over his mind recently. “It’s… The kidnapping… Keanu… It all just… Brought it all back, you know? The army, I mean.” Callum chanced a look at Ben’s face, nervously, which was etched with painful understanding.
“The fighting. The pain. All of it. And I… I’ve been struggling to sleep. Well, to be honest, I’ve been struggling to do anything recently, Ben. I can’t stop… Thinking about it. Sometimes I wake up, and I’m there, you know? I’m back, sometimes in the warehouse, screaming out for help; other times in the war… I just can’t get it out of my head. All of it. The feeling: of danger, of impending doom, of something bad being about to happen at any moment. And it’s like I can’t sleep… I can’t think… Sometimes, I can’t- I can’t breathe, Ben.” As he finished, blinking back tears, breathing shallow, Callum let out a sigh: partly of relief, partly of something entirely different.
“I… I had no idea, Cal. Shit. I knew you’d been distant, but I just thought it was because the anniversary of the wedding was coming up. Shit…” Ben shook his head, exasperated with himself that he hadn’t noticed something so big, so important, sooner.
“It’s not… it’s not your fault, Ben. You have enough going on, I know that, it’s why I haven’t said anything,” Callum replied, giving Ben a sad, knowing smile as he played nervously with a loose thread on his jeans. “I just… I’ve been struggling, you know?”
“I do have shit going on, Cal, it’s true. But that doesn’t mean your shit isn’t important too. God… I can’t believe you didn’t tell me about this because you thought I have too much going on. I want to be there for you, halfwit, don’t you get that?” Ben said, smiling, half mocking, half deadly serious, trying to get Callum to understand.
“Ya right, I know ya right, Ben. It’s just hard, to talk about, as it is. Without everything else, you know? But ya right. From now on, I’ll try. I’ll try to talk to you about it. I can’t promise I’ll be perfect, but I’ll try. That OK?” Callum questioned, finally turning to face Ben and look him in the eyes.
“That’s OK, Cal. Neither of us are ever going to be perfect at the ‘talking about our feelings’ shit, are we? But, as long as we try… that’s all that counts, yeah?” Ben replied.
A moment of contentment washed over the two men as they sat, hand in hand, taking in the conversation they’d just had. A small smile appeared on the two lover’s faces.
“I love you, you know?” Callum declared, tenderly planting a kiss on Ben’s flushed cheek.
“I know. Me too. You know that, don’t you?” Ben responded, nervously, searching Callum’s face for validation.
“I do,” Callum replied, gently cupping his hands around Ben’s face, willing him to understand what he was trying to say, “I promise, I know.” Callum leaned in, slowly planting his lips on Ben’s, kissing his boyfriend with such compassion, such devotion that Ben understood: this hadn’t been about him. Callum hadn’t kept quiet because of him, because he felt unloved, misunderstood. He’d kept quiet because of the exact opposite.
Before the kiss threatened to become deeper than was appropriate for a living room couch with a 7-year-old daughter due any minute, Ben stopped the two with one final, loving peck, getting up from the couch and heading to the kitchen.
“Alright, alright, that’s enough. Stop trying to have your wicked way with me, would ya?” Turning around, winking slyly at his boyfriend.
Callum shook his head fondly, pulling a face at his boyfriend as he followed him into the kitchen.
“So, tea… Fancy a takeaway? Don’t think that chicken pasta’s up to much, d’you?” Callum questioned, pulling a face that read ‘oops.’
“Doesn’t look like it, does it? Unless we’re eating off of the kitchen floor?” Ben responded, shooting a sarcastic look in his boyfriend’s direction.
“Better than some of the stuff you cook up, I suppose, init?” Callum retorted with ease, winking arrogantly at the Mitchell.
Ben feigned hurt, spluttering retorts as the two found their way to each other’s arms once again.
As the two bickered over which takeaway to get, the two men, in this moment, felt happy. It was never going to be easy; it was never going to be perfect.
But the one thing it was?
Worth it.
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bourbonboredom · 4 years
A Reason To Believe Chapter 9
Being an undercover officer is a perilous job and Flip Zimmerman knows this far too well. He keeps his romantic life limited to one-night stands, never letting anyone get too close. That all starts to change when he meets a vivacious Jewish woman named Elle just as he’s about to take on a seriously dangerous undercover job; infiltrating the KKK. Elle and his undercover work make him question things he’d never thought to before and challenge him to see the world, and himself, in a whole new light.
A Flip x OC Fic
Word Count: 3,817
Warnings: slurs
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I told you way back in Fifty-two
That I would never go with you
I hear you knocking but you can't come in
I hear you knocking, go back where you been
Flip was certain last night had been a dream. 
Every night for the last week, he’d dreamed of Eliana returning to him. She would run her delicate fingers through his hair and whisper sweet nothings in his ear. Every morning he’d wake up in an empty bed, the blankets never feeling quite warm enough around him. His dreams were swept away with the morning sun, only to be seen again after nightfall and a fourth of whiskey.
It took him a moment to realize he was not dreaming as she slowly woke to the feeling of her curls tickling his face. He fought to keep his eyes closed, instinctively holding onto any memory of her that lingered. Except when he opened his eyes, she was still there.
The realization that the events of last night were not his mind tricking him came forth. Her showing up at his door, him telling her about his undercover work, her telling him that she loved him back, it came flooding back to him. This was real. Eliana was there with him.
And she loved him too.
He wrapped his arms around her small frame, bringing her closer. Bare skin rested against bare skin, the blankets around the two of them like a cocoon of warmth. She stirred slightly as he pressed a kiss into her curls. Her eyes fluttered open and she smiled when she saw he was awake too.
“Morning handsome,” Her voice was thick with sleep as she nuzzled into his neck.
“Morning gorgeous,”
“I’m not ‘Trouble’ this time?” She asked, pressing light kisses up his neck.
“No, not currently,” He smiled as her kisses travelled from his neck to his jawbone and eventually to his lips.
He didn’t care about morning breath or the sleep still in his eyes, her lips against his was all he could think about. His cock, already half hard, was starting to stir. It pressed against her thigh and she smiled into the kiss, giggling as she moved her hand to stroke it lazily. He moaned, his hands palming at her soft breasts. As she stroked him, she threw her leg over his and began rocking against his thigh. He felt her grow wet against him and he wanted to bury his head between her thighs and call it breakfast.
He wanted to wake up this way every morning for the rest of his life. Before Eliana, he felt the need to rush out after spending the night at a partner’s place. Work was a good excuse when needed, but most of the time it was the truth. He had a demanding job that would sometimes give him strange hours. Some of the more serious girlfriends didn’t appreciate that, and there was a small nagging in the back of his mind that Elle might not like it sometimes either. But right now, it was the weekend and nothing was going to get in their way. They could spend all day in bed if they wanted. Logically, he knew she had a shift scheduled for later that day but he was ready to call the hospital with some half-assed excuse in order to spend the day between her thighs.
He thought he heard a knock at his front door but chose to ignore it, the feeling of bliss stronger than his sense of obligation. A hand wandered down her stomach to swipe across her core, causing her to buck up to him. He wanted to make her clench around him like she did last night.
The knock came again, making both of them still as they listened.
“I should probably get that,” He admits.
“Mmmm probably,” She lets go of his cock, making him sigh at the lack of touch.
The knocking continued and he grumbled as he crawled out of the warm bed. He threw on the crumpled pair of jeans that were on his floor from last night and an old t-shirt. He sat back on the bed and leaned over to grab at her.
"Stay right here, I'll be back for you in a second," He said, punctuating his words with kisses along her stomach.
"Answer the door you sap," She laughed, giving him a little push.
He got up, closing the bedroom door behind him, he didn't want anyone else seeing her like that. That was for his eyes only. The knocking continued, growing louder and more persistent. If whoever was there didn't stop soon, his neighbors would be coming out to complain. The last thing he needed was more people keeping him from getting back into bed with Elle. He swung the door open not even bothering to check the peephole.
Felix stood there in front of him with his hand still poised to knock.
He felt the color drain from his face, this couldn't be happening right now. His mind raced as he attempted to gain control of the situation before it got too far gone.
“Felix! Hey!” He greeted the man as casually as he could muster.
"Look like I found your place this time Stallworth," He grinned. "Glad to see your address checked out,"
Fuck, he'd forgotten he'd given his address out yesterday after Felix had showed up at the real Ron Stallworth’s place. This was a disaster, he had to fix this.
“Of course it checked out, it's my place," He said, crossing his arms and leaning against the doorframe to block the entrance.
"Well, you gonna invite me in?" Felix asked, a dangerous look in his eye that manage it apparent that it wasn't really a question.
"Its nine in the fuckin morning, can you come by another time? Maybe when I didn’t just wake up?” He could not have this lunatic peaking around his place, especially with his Jewish girlfriend naked in bed in the next room.
"Just for a minute, I wanna see how our newest recruit is holding up when he’s not with us,” Felix insisted, making it obvious he wasn't going to leave.
He took a quick glance to make sure the bedroom door was still shut before assessing the situation in front of him. He couldn't do anything that would blow his cover, but he absolutely refused to put Elle in harm’s way. As long as that door stayed shut and she stayed quiet, he could pull this off. He had to.
He leaned off the door and walked back into his tiny living area. Felix followed close behind, his eyes darting around to take everything in. Flip was suddenly thankful he’d remembered to take all his case files back to the office, leaving no police memorabilia visible. He watched Felix move around the room slowly, him looking over everything as if running through it with a fine tooth comb. He was probably looking for hidden Star of Davids or something else that would give away his identity, but Flip’s decidedly secular residence was all that was apparent.
"Nice place you got here," Felix finally commented, seeming satisfied.
"It's alright. The rent’s good and its a nice neighborhood, if you know what I mean,” He responded, staying in character despite his brain wanting him to scream GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY APARTMENT.
Felix’s next move was to peruse through Flip’s minuscule kitchen. The bottle of whiskey still sat on the table from last night, which earned him a “nice” before the wiry man opened his fridge and started looking inside.
"The fuck are you looking for?” He came right up behind him, trying to see what Felix could be looking for.
“Checkin' to make sure you don't have any Jew foods here," He responded simply, moving to the cabinets.
What a fucking weirdo. Luckily, his cabinets were pretty bare. He didn't cook much, most of his meals consisted of TV dinners or were late night diner runs after long shifts. And up until last week, him and Elle had been eating together at least twice a week, with her sending him home (when he went home) with leftovers.
He mentally checked over his kitchen to remember if he had any old matzoh laying hidden in a cabinet. Felix’s check revealed that he didn’t.
"You know you're not gonna find any Jew food here, don't be stupid," He reasoned, speaking in a louder tone so Elle would maybe hear. He hoped she had the sense to stay put.
"Never hurts to check," Felix responded, closing the last cabinet.
“You gonna check my bathroom too? Look for toothpaste with little stars in it?” Flip knew he shouldn't be mocking the man, but this was ridiculous. Even if he’d been alone in the apartment at the time, he would have been annoyed by the intrusion.
The klansman just smiled at him and walked to the bathroom to poke his head in. Flip didn’t even have a medicine cabinet in the mirror, that room took no time to check over. He popped his head back out in no time flat, smiling to him in a way that had Flip thinking he’d done it more to aggravate him than actually look around.
Then Flip watched the man’s beady eyes flick toward the bedroom door.
"What's in there?" He asked, voice sporting a dangerous edge under the polite tone.
Flip’s heart was in his throat. This could not be happening.
"My bed? You think I sleep on the fuckin couch?” He mustered.
Felix walked over to the door, hand resting on the handle. Before he could turn it, Flip began to speak loudly.
"Why are you trying to see my bedroom, you a fag or something?" He challenged, moving to stand in his way if he had the gall to turn the handle any more.
“Oh, you got fag stuff in there Stallworth?" He shot back.
"Fuck no, but you wanting to see where I sleep is fuckin’ weird. Women only beyond this point,” This conversation was ridiculous, this whole situation was ridiculous. Please let this be the end of it.
“How can I be sure you ain’t hiding anything in here. I’m sure the guys wouldn’t be happy if they knew you were keepin’ stuff from them,” Felix’s mouth twisted into a sick smile, his teeth barred like a wild animal. His hand twisted together around the doorknob, pushing it open when the knob was fully turned.
This was it. If Felix saw Elle, Flip was prepared to fight for both her life and his own. He would kill the man if he had to, he decided in that moment. His posture tensed as the door creaked open and the bedroom was revealed little by little. Felix entered the room and he followed quickly behind him, ready to take the man down.
Flip’s eyes immediately shot to the bed, expecting to see a confused and terrified Eliana under the sheets looking back at him. Instead he saw…nothing?
She wasn't anywhere to be found, not even her clothes were present. He felt a sudden sigh of relief, she'd hidden somewhere, somehow. Smart girl. He turned to Felix, who was standing in the center of the room with his hands on his hips.
"Satisfied? I’m obviously not hiding anything. Now you look like a fuckin’ faggot tryin’ to get into my bedroom. Can I go to sleep now? Or are you gonna lay in my bed first?” He threw his hands up at Felix, who gave the room a last once-over.
“Don’t you fuckin’ wish,” He chuckled before smiling at him. "You're off the hook. For now. See you at the next meeting Stallworth,”
"Yeah yeah, I'll be there if I can get some fuckin’ sleep first,” He followed Felix out to the front door, towering over him incase he decided to try and look around some more.
They got to the front door, Flip just about to shut it as Felix’s hand darted out to keep it open. He leaned in the frame, taking one long look at the taller man before speaking again.
"I'll stop by another time, maybe I’ll bring the guys around. We’ll grab a beer and talk…business” He chose his words carefully, waiting for him to understand the implications. Klan business. Being planned in his own apartment.
"I'll welcome it," Flip raised his eyebrows, internally swearing to himself that next time he'd be more prepared.
Felix let go of the door frame and walked down the hall. Flip watched him turn the corner before closing the door and turning the lock, threading the chain lock on for extra security. The second everything was in place he turned on his heels and ran to the bedroom in search of where his girlfriend had hid herself.
He reached his room looking around wildly before calling out to her.
No response.
"Elle it's safe to come out," He walked around, looking under the bed to see if she was there, she wasn't.
He stood back up. He moved the blankets off the bed, seeing if she had buried under them. She hadn’t. Could she have snuck out while Felix was walking around? His floorboards were pretty squeaky, so that was highly unlikely. His dresser was too small to hide in and the size of his closet was essentially a joke. There was literally no place in his room she could be.
So where the fuck did she go?
Suddenly he heard a light tapping at his bedroom window.
He turned his head to see Elle on the fire escape outside his bedroom window. She was wearing his button down and was holding her own clothes in a bundle under her arm. He rushed over to the window, opening it from the inside.
"Elle!" He helped her climb back inside. It was probably 40 degrees out and she was standing barefoot on a metal grate.
"What the fuck Flip?" She gritted out, throwing her clothes back on the floor. She was shivering and rubbing her arms as she stood on his bed, towering over him just barely.
"I'm so sorry Elle I had no idea he was gonna swing by--"
"Was that a klansman who just walked around your house like he owned the place?" She let him wrap her back up in the blanket, trying to warm her back up.
“The same guy swung by my partner’s apartment, we’re using his name for the investigation because he's an idiot and use his real name. So I had to throw the guy off his scent and give him my real address to stop him from poking around more. I never thought he’d actually show up,” he explained.
“Doesn’t explain why he had to check the whole fucking place,” She mumbled.
“He keeps trying to figure out if I'm Jewish. He's fuckin’ obsessed with it. He was looking everywhere for some sort of sign, he didn't wind up finding one. I’m so sorry you were put in this situation, but you were so smart to hide—”
"Yeah? Well you can put me in the fucking attic next time the gestapo rolls around," She shot back.
Regret flooded her face as soon as the words left her lips. The two stared at each other in stunned silence.
"Elle," He started, his voice barely above a whisper, "that's not fair to say,”
"I know," Her eyes screwed shut and she pinched her nose bridge between her fingers "I'm sorry, that was uncalled for. But what the fuck, Flip? What was he gonna do if he saw me? What would he have done to you?”
"He wouldn't have been able to do anything, I wouldn't have let him anywhere near you," He wrapped his arms around her blanket-covered shoulders. "I'm not going to let anything happen to you,"
"But what about you?" She asked quietly.
"I'll be fine, I'm trained in this remember?"
“Yeah,It’s your job, I know,” She said, sounding unconvinced.
He opened his mouth to reassure her but before he could she unwrapped herself from his arms and moved toward the kitchen. She opened a few of the cupboards before discovering the salt and pepper shakers and pulling them down. She then moved to the fridge and opened it.
"I'm gonna make breakfast, you have eggs, right?" She didn't wait for an answer, pulling the small carton from the fridge and placing them on the counter.
She was still only wearing his flannel. He guessed she had thrown it on after hearing Felix in the other room and decided she needed to make a quick exit. It was way too big for her, the hem falling at her thighs and the sleeves covering her hands. She had to keep pushing them back up and she moved around. He stood in the doorway watching her for a moment, she looked perfect to him. He wanted this every morning.
He watched her chew at her cheek as she put butter and a frying pan out on the counter next to the eggs. She put the pan on the stove and turned on the heat. She found a bowl in a cabinet and started cracking the eggs into it. He trekked across the kitchen until he could stand behind her and wrap his arms around her waist.
"Is scrambled eggs okay?" She asked, not looking up at him but leaning into his touch
"Sounds great," He responded.
"You should get some sour cream. You beat it into the eggs, it makes them creamier," She said as she stirred the eggs up.
"I'll try that some time," He kissed the top of her head. "Are you trying to avoid talking about my job?”
She sighed, realizing he wasn't going to let this go.
“Flip, I'm gonna worry no matter what," She told him, letting the butter melt in the pan before pouring in the eggs. "And if I'm being honest, I'm not thrilled you have to hanging out with people who want us dead,"
"I'm not thrilled either, but it's my job,"
"I know it's your job! And I’m sure you're great at your job, but what if you run into someone who didn't know you were undercover like I did? I could've gotten you killed. Someone could let it drop that you're a cop or that you're Jewish or literally anything that doesn’t perfectly match up to your cover story and BAM! It’s over!”
“That risk is there for any case. It has happened before while I'm undercover, when I was new to this but I don’t think that will happen this time. We dont even spend that much time in town, were out in the middle of nowhere,”
“You have to listen to these men talk day after day about their hatred toward anyone different than themselves. You and your partner are their targets, who they want to keep from existing on this planet. Couldn't the CSPD find anyone else to have done this undercover portion? They had to choose the Jewish guy, completely disregarding how that could affect him and the case?”
“It didn't matter to me in the beginning. Almost no one in the office knows I’m Jewish because I’m not practicing. Up until a couple months ago I’d never been to a Rosh Hashanah dinner, or spent any time thinking about my heritage. This is all new to me, and the department isn't to blame for that. Besides, this is my job right now. If I have to talk some shit about Jews with a bunch of racists, I have to do it because its what I’m currently paid to do,” He was beginning to feel impatient.
“I understand that its your job Flip! G-d! I have to do it every fucking day too! Do you know how many patients I've had over the years who tell me they don't want a Jew touching them? Or ask for a Christian nurse? It's fucking infuriating! But I have to smile and nod because it's my fucking job to put up with people's preconceived notions," Her voice rose as she spoke, the scraping at the bottom of the pan grew frantic.
“In Indiana I had to save a man's life, me and the other nurses were trying to keep him from bleeding out right in front of us. We cut his shirt off his wound and there was a swastika tattoo staring back at me. But I had to pretend that didn't affect me and I had to go back to saving his life," Her voice cracked as she spoke and she sucked in a gasp of air.
"Hey, hey, come here," He cooed, trying to get her to let go of the pan.
"I'm fine, let me finish the eggs," She sniffed. He couldn't see her face but he knew she was crying.
"You sure?" He asked.
"I'll be fine. It's just—I get you have to be professional to these people. It's your job. But its just exhausting to be polite to people who don't even see you as a person,"
"I never really thought of it too much, to be honest. It never really affected me before I took this case. But hearing how these guys talk, and knowing they're talking about my family, about you, and about me, it's difficult to listen to," He confided. "I didn't grow up Jewish, it wasn't a part of my life really, but that doesn't seem matter to them,"
"It doesn't," She affirmed. “It's not only a religion. They've judged you for something you have no control over, something that you didn't think was going to be a part of your life," She finally stopped scrambling the eggs and moved them off the burner.
She turned around in his arms, hugging him back. He rested his chin on top of her head, as she burrowed her face in his chest.
“After the Shoah, me parents said they kept hearing the phrase ‘never again’ said over and over. This persecution, this horror would not be allowed to continue. The world would learn and grow. But sometimes it feels like nothing has really changed,” Her voice came muffled from his shirt.
"I know you'll do a good job, but I'm still gonna worry. You’re my boyfriend for fucks sake,"
"Boyfriend, huh?" He teased. "I'm your boyfriend now?"
"Ugh, don't do this," She looked up at him, trying to hide a smile. "You're my boyfriend and I love you, so you aren't allowed to be getting in to trouble, okay?"
"Hey, trouble is your thing not mine," He reminded her.
She rolled her eyes and unwrapped her hand from his torso, placing them on either shoulder and pulled him in for a kiss.
"I love you," She murmured as they broke.
"I love you too," He really meant it.
"Now let's eat these eggs and get back to your bed. I'm not quite finished with you yet,"
“Oh, the feeling is mutual, believe me,”
I honestly cannot remember if I ever had a tag list for this, I can’t seem to find one. So if you want to be tagged, please let me know and i’ll get that instituted!
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crappyfics · 4 years
Coco [part 1]
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Summary: It wasn’t about impressing him. It was about becoming the best version of yourself.
Word count: 2k
Notes: Couldn’t find the owner of the header.
It was a hot summer day and it seemed like it was never gonna end. Stuck at your job, you worked the stock since ten in the morning piling up boxes, moving away trolleys, receiving supplies and sending out products. Your coworkers would show up every once in a while to grab a trolly piled up with products, and only be back once they were done placing the stuff in the respective shelves. The customer traffic was at its peak that day with everyone coming by to purchase something for a refreshing drink. You had received a great shipment of gin and rose wine which were highly requested this time of the year. The store was going to close soon and you looked forward to it. Though you hadn’t finished moving things around in the stock which was a bummer, really, because it meant you would have to deal with it the next morning. So you took off your gloves and apron, placed them on top of a box pile then retreated to the bathroom to splash some water on your face. 
The cool water refreshed your skin that was hot and sweaty not only from the physical effort, but for the heat in the warehouse that you could swear was also slowing down your productivity that day. You wash your face one more time then dry it with some paper feeling much better now. Coming out of the washroom, you get startled with the inconvenient Chanyeol who’s been getting on your nerves a little more than usual. Arms crossed against his chest, he stared down at you with a smile you really didn’t appreciate right now. 
“I’m not doing overtime, Chanyeol,” you said, managing to move past him and towards the lockers. You heard his footsteps behind you, his presence was always like a shadow following you. At least at work, he always made sure you were under his supervision. 
“I wasn’t gonna ask that,” he responded with a tranquility you recognized well. He liked to play that game with you, the rat and the cat, it was ridiculous. 
“It’s almost eight and you never have anything nice to say to me after five p.m.” you spoke as you opened your locker and pulled out your sneakers dropping them on the floor and proceeding to undo the laces of your work shoes. They were heavy and dirty, so much like how you felt at that moment. 
“You’re funny,” he laughed knowing very well it was all true but he kept the commentary for himself. “I was going to tell you to arrive one hour early tomorrow,” he said, making you snap your head towards him, giving him a death glare he was so accustomed to. “We have a lot of boxes to place here in the back, and another 50 or 60 to put out in the front.” 
“Yeol, I was working in the back on my own all day,” you whined much to his surprise because he really thought you were going to attack his stomach with a punch or something. But honestly speaking, you would never hurt your boss, especially not at work. He just was never used to hear you whine if it wasn’t for special occasions, such as asking for a day off or whatever. “You gotta make one of the boys come out here and help me out if you want the stock to be done in two days. One and a half if we’re being optimistic.” 
You sat down on the bench in front of the lockers and continued to take off your shoes and change for the light weighted sneakers you had. You placed the heavy ones very carelessly back inside your locker and reached further up there to grab your jacket that was pretty useless that day given the high temperature in the city. 
“Okay, I’ll call Lay tonight,” he said. He moved closer and searched for your face in hopes to find a sign of contentment. 
“Can you call Sehun instead?” you looked up at him finding his knitted eyebrows quite funny the way they judged you. 
“And I was here all this time thinking you didn’t like the boy,” he responded leaning on the locker right beside yours and not taking his eyes off of you now that he heard something new. 
Footsteps were heard coming from the front of the store. In a trail, your coworkers walked in going directly to their respective lockers. Baekhyun came last, rolling the keys of the front door around his finger and playfully making his way to you and Chanyeol. Yeol opened his hand for Baek to drop the keys back to him. 
“He’s the fastest at moving shit around,” you simply responded. 
“Are we talking about Sehun again?” Baekhyun asked, throwing an arm around your shoulder and smiling now copying the knowing smirk of Chanyeol’s face. 
“Again?” Chanyeol asked. “So this conversation has happened before.”
“I can’t with you two.” you grabbed your bag and moved past both boys who shared a knowing look now finding it hilarious how worked up you got with the silly teasing. You headed to the backdoor but stopped before leaving. You looked back towards the boys and saw Chanyeol still chatting with Baekhyun by the lockers. They noticed you still there looking at them. “I’ll wait in the car.”
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Chanyeol passed around the bottle. Only the three of you, it didn’t take too long for it to get to you. The hard whiskey was not doing wonders to your throat, but it sure was making you feel lighter, freer. You hissed with the alcohol sliding down your throat, you could feel it reach your stomach. But after that pain was gone, you were ready to take another swig, though, you passed the bottle back to Chanyeol. Baekhyun, as the designated driver, stopped after his first swig. It was always the three of you. The three of you sitting in the car, listening to Chanyeol’s rock playlist, drinking something cheap you bought, chatting, singing, and crying the night away until it was time to go home. Though growing older meant that the nights were shorter, drinking was a little more responsible, and chatting was more mature as well. Though these small things shifted, the habits were still there, your friends were still the same. 
When Chanyeol turned eighteen, he applied for a job at the liquor store and it sounded like the coolest thing in the world. After six months of working there, he had a good front with his boss at that time which facilitated the hiring of Baekhyun who just recently had lost his job at the bakery. You were only fifteen when that happened, and being the youngest of your friends sometimes took a toll on you. You couldn’t go out to the same places, neither drink, or go clubbing. It was hard for you to also see them working for the same company. You had a part time job at the grocery store which gave you some good cash for your needs as a teenager. But when you were no longer a minor, Chanyeol was already a supervisor at Spirits and saw no problem in adding you to the team. The three of you were like the dream team. You enjoyed doing a lot of the heavy work because you were good at it, Baekhyun was a master at customer service, and Chanyeol was a diplomat earning him, later on, the post of manager.
“So what is it with you and Sehun, huh?” Chanyeol’s indiscretion was probably the thing you hated and liked the most about him. He wasn’t like that at work, but once you were outside, all the teasing and bickering was maximized since there was no policy code holding him back. 
“She likes him,” responded Baekhyun, taking a huge bite on his burger. He didn’t even bother looking at you in the backseat, but Chanyeol sure looked behind to find your obviously blushed cheeks. 
“No, I don’t,” you snapped back not knowing if you were convincing enough. You shouldn’t even try lying to them because it was useless doing so. Baekhyun already knew you were clearly interested in the tall boy who ever so often makes you shake in the base whenever he towers over you. Chanyeol was a little more oblivious because he didn’t spend much time out in the back with you, he was always very busy inside his office. 
“He gave her a stupid nickname,” Baekhyun said raising up the corners of his lips which were a little dirty with ketchup and mayo. He looked stupid. “He calls her Coco.”
“I think it’s sweet,” responded Chanyeol turning back to you waiting for a response. You just looked away not knowing exactly how to get away from that conversation. You weren’t very good with boys and talking about them made you extremely uncomfortable. “Why Coco though?” he looked back at Baekhyun.
“Because she looks like a dry coconut,” he laughed causing Yeol to laugh as well. 
“No! It’s because I smell like coconut, he said.” you explained in an urge to defend your honour, to defend the nickname Sehun gave exclusively to you. “You’re an ass, Baekhyun.”
“Why don’t you ask him out?” Chanyeol suggested as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. You sighed, he would never understand. You could not just go up to Sehun and set up a date. C’mon, the guy was the most handsome man you’ve ever seen. And you… You were always a mess, sweaty and exhausted from work. 
“Don’t be stupid,” you snapped. 
“He likes the smell of your sweat,” Baekhyun pointed. “Shouldn’t be too hard to get him to go out with you.”
“I honestly cannot tell if you’re mocking me or being supportive,” you responded to his mockery advice. 
“I just think you need to smile a little more, you know?” he continued purposefully ignoring your inquiry. “With that ugly scowl on your face 24/7, no one is going to make a move on you.”
“Well, excuse me,” you gasped. It was unexpected to get attacked at such an odd hour. “I smile! I get stressed at work because my boss leaves me alone in the back for eight hours.”
“Don’t act like I always do that!” Chanyeol defended himself from your also very unexpected attack.
“We’re gonna work on your smile and then we can move on to your wardrobe,” Baekhyun continued not giving a single flying fuck to whatever you were saying.
“What’s wrong with it?” you questioned looking down at yourself and finding the uniform you’ve been wearing for the past twelve hours now. You stopped for a moment. Even outside work you didn’t make much of an effort to look good. You didn’t even care if you were wearing your uniform or another tshirt, because you never felt the need to look good. You didn’t care about how others perceived you either. But hearing Baekhyun point out your flawed and lazy outfits was taking a toll on you. 
For the first time ever you felt like you had to impress somebody. If you wanted Sehun to look at you the way you wanted, then you should get rid of the oiliness of your skin, the messy hair tied up in a lazy ponytail, work on a smile… And for when, one day, you guys finally go out, you will definitely need new clothes. It wasn’t about making it to impress a man, it was about looking like the best version of yourself! 
Your reflection ended as soon as Baekhyun stopped listing all the wrong things about your Walmart plain t-shirts. You hated to admit it, but he was… right. You could have a little more fun next time you go shopping and maybe spend a little more than ten dollars on a top. You looked back, finding Baek’s eyes on the mirror and he looked back at you. You could tell by his eyes that he was now smiling. You braced yourself. 
“Did you hear me, Coco?”
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minervahopebeyond · 4 years
Blood Petals.
Hi! Here is another chapter! I hope you all enjoy it 😊 please let me know what you think! There’s also a link in my tumblr to read it in Ao3. As always I apologize for any grammar or vocabulary errors I may have.
Chapter 4: Tickles.
Draco spent an entirely week feeling sorry for himself before he decided that he had enough. The fact that Mr. Potter reminded him that the school year was about to come to an end (which meant that Potter would be moving in) was just a happy coincidence.
Apparently they were facing some problems with the guardianship. Some days ago, Moody had told Sirius that things didn’t just go away, that at the least they had to do an incredibly large amount of paperwork to declare Mr. Potter as a living person and only then they could arrange a trial to clear Sirius’s name once and for all.
Everything was more complicated than it was supposed to be because Fudge didn’t believe their story about what happened at the ministry, not that he would bother them much though. The minister had already fucked up by denying the Dark Lord return for an entire year, and since the events of the department of mysteries, the attacks had become more and more severe until they were impossible to ignore. Since ‘War Hero James Fleamont Potter comes back’ was good publicity for Fudge, Draco wasn’t really worried about it as his cousin was. It was rather annoying, really. When Mr. Potter would get out of Grimmauld Place to attend to a hearing at the ministry or go to St. Mungos for his check ups, Sirius would spend the entire bloody day nervous and looking all pained around the house. It drove Draco insane.
“Would you just calm down? I can’t even read like this. Your magic is all over the place.” Sirius frowned and opened his mouth to respond but he beat him to it. “ I’m just worried! What if they don’t let him come back or a test just goes wrong?? Who would laugh at my awful jokes then??” He said with a high pitch voice that didn’t sound like his cousin at all but it was funnier that way. He would know, he had an immaculate sense of humor.
“You are an awful cousin. I’m starting to understand Harry.”
Draco gasped as dramatically as he could then. He put a hand on his heart and made an exaggerated disbelief gesture. “You take that back.” He hissed. Draco loved this, loved living with the two of them, he was never bored with them and they never took anything he said personally because they understood him, there was this unspoken agreement that jokes and banter were the answer to every situation. Draco just loved that.
“Never.” Sirius said while laughing. He reminded him of mother sometimes, his gestures, the way his smiled would reach his eyes only when he thought something was really funny.
They heard the fireplace come to life. Green flames appeared and then Potter and his father were coming through. Sirius didn’t look surprised at all about the fact that Potter had arrived a day before the end of term. Great, it was just him then.
Mr. Potter greeted them and and asked his son to help with Draco’s luggage. Saint Potter on the other hand was too busy frowning, looking between Sirius and him, to actually respond to his father or to have basic human decency and say hello. Draco passed next to him as he went to where the man was.
“Don’t bother, Mr. Potter, I’ll just take them.”
Draco casted a levitation charm on the luggage and went upstairs. He was almost at his door when he heard Sirius’s voice.
“That was rather rude.”
Draco could almost see scarhead roll his eyes at that. They still didn’t understand that they should just let Potter and him treat each other as it pleased them.
“I just can’t understand why the Order can’t find another place for him.”
“They can, of course.” He wondered if Mr. Potter was always this calm while arguing, it was the same composed tone that he used when Severus had told Draco off because of the blood ritual.
“Then what is he doing here?” Potter sounded exasperated, but apparently they chose to ignore the boy’s question because Draco heard no response at all.
He spent the rest of the day going over his stuff to check if everything was in order. At least he didn’t have to study anymore. Given that his life would ceased to exist, he could spend the summer (for the first time in forever) not going over his school textbooks to ensure beating Granger at school next year. Don’t get him wrong, he loved knowledge, he just didn’t have the urge to be top of year anymore. The fact that his father used to punish him for coming second to a mudblood witch was totally an unrelated thing; his goals in life changed because he now had a terminal desease, not because his living situation changed, of course.
Kreacher came to announce that dinner was served as usual, he did noticed him more pissed off. He couldn’t blame him, really. Aunt Walburga’s portait hadn’t stopped screaming since she realized that Potter arrived. They could normally shut the curtains when she yelled ‘Blood traitors scum’ at them if she heard them around the house, but she had thrown an absolutely fit when she noticed the dark haired boy was around too. ‘Disgusting Half-blood! In my home already infested with shameful blood traitors, such a disgrace’ , he heard as Kreacher and him were passing near the portait, the poor elf ran to it in such hurry he nearly tripped. Draco continued his way to the kitchen as he kept hearing the old elf trying to calm her down. It would seem that Kreacher was the only living creature that had loved Walburga Black when she was alive.
Everyone was already waiting for him at the table when he arrived. Potter still had an annoyed expression on his face. Draco raised an eyebrow at him and pulled a chair to sit down and eat. There was an uncharacteristically silence, the blond boy hoped for someone to crack a joke but it never came. He was dying to ask why Potter couldn’t wait one more day to come back but they had clearly hide that information from Draco on purpose so he wasn’t going to ask. He supposed it could be to avoid Mr. Potter going to King Cross to get his son... Whatever, it wasn’t any of his business.
“So... what do you two plan to do with your summer?” Mr. Potter asked. Sirius and Draco stared at him before looking at each other and bursted laughing. They tried to controlled themselves but it was useless so he opened his mouth.
“My plan was to spend the rest of the bloody summer trapped here, Mr Potter, thanks for asking.” He smiled, relieved that they could still actually talk even if Potter was here.
“Hey, I was planning to do the same thing! What a coincidence!” Said Sirius with a mocking tone in his voice.
“Ha ha, you are hilarious. At least I’m trying to make conversation. What about you, Harry?”
The dark haired boy, who was observing the exchange between them with a curious look in his face, turned his attention to his father then.
Potter shrugged and took another bite of his food, he responded while his mouth was still full.
“I don’t know, fly maybe? I never got to do that on summers unless I was at The Burrow. Or maybe I’ll just try not to get weird visions from Voldemort, who knows.”
Mr. Potter and Sirius froze at that and Draco fought to hide a smile. That was one of the things that he liked the most about the prat who lived, he always responded with sass. The first time he heard it was directed to him in fact, ‘I think I can tell who the wrong sort are for myself, thanks’, it always amused him how cheeky Potter was with everyone, with his Gryffindors or even with the professors. Because Draco saw that the other two men didn’t know how to respond to that he intervened.
“Maybe you could spend your summer learning how to actually do an occlumency shield, instead of cracking jokes about how the Dark Lord can get into your mind with such ease, Potty.”
“Shut up, Malfoy.”
“Witty comeback right there, Potter. I’ll take that as win for me.” He said as he was pointing his finger at the boy with the best arrogant smirk he had. This was probably the only way that Draco could flirt with Potter, even if he was so utterly oblivious to his intentions. The blond boy supposed it was because Gryffindors didn’t tend to be mean flirts in general, so if a Slytherin approached them they would always feel as they were making fun of them in a bad way. There even was this ridiculous legend going around down in the dungeons which said there was a curse, that started around the founders era, that caused the Slytherins to have (at least) one crush on a Gryffindor while they were at school and said crush would never get that they were flirting, ever. Draco always thought it was rubbish until he witness it himself.
He heard Mr. Potter chuckle and when he turns to see him and his cousin, he found them looking at Draco with an amused face. He looked down, luckily for him he had a lot of practice in hiding the blush that started to invade his face. He drank a little water and kept on eating. This was exactly why he didn’t want to live in the same place as Potter, Draco was too used to try to get the boy’s attention by any means necessary. To think that now he was supposed to try to ignore him a little for it not to be so bloody obvious...Maybe the best course of action was to go back to his room and only get out to get food, that way his encounters with Potter would be minimum. At least his comment seemed lighten the mood because then Sirius was talking about how he could work with his godson, to perfect his shield and Mr. Potter also said that it was a great idea. Once Draco finished eating he excused himself and went to his room.
He was drawing in his sketch book when Potter opened the door and entered the room closing the door behind him. Draco quickly closed the book in his hands.
“One would think that in fifteen years you should have already learn how to knock.”
Potter rolled his eyes and gave him an exasperated look. The ‘shut up, Malfoy’ was implied. Draco looked at him, waiting for whatever nonsense he would say to him.
“First of all: apparently, I’ve been rude to you. Which I think it’s rubbish, but I came here to-“
“Don’t.” Draco interrupted him. Not in a million years he would let this happen. “Don’t bloody apologize, Potter. You are giving me the creeps.”
He could see how grateful Potter was to hear that.
“Brilliant. That’s settled then. Second of all: I don’t fully trust you.” What else was new? As if he cared, stupid git. “But I’ve still haven’t thanked you for what you did at the ministry...”
Draco widened his eyes. What the fuck was happening?
“Don’t put that face, Malfoy. I don’t know why you did what you did, if it was a ploy to get into the headquarters or whatever. And maybe it’s really selfish to say this but I don’t care. You gave me something that I thought it was forever lost and you saved Sirius right in front of me.”
The blond boy muttered something, trying to dismissed Potter. This was getting to personal and he didn’t like it. Potter walked to where he was and sat on the end of the bed, looking at him. His piercing green eyes were absolutely focused on Draco, trying to show how serious he was about what he said, then he spoke again.
“What I mean is that I don’t know what that means for a Slytherin, but for us Gryffindors is a proof of kindness, so thank you.”
And Potter did the one thing that he dreamed of since forever: he offered his hand to Draco. It wasn’t an offer of friendship, he knew that Potter and him could never be friends... but it was thoughtful gesture. It meant that ,this beautiful boy who Draco absolutely did not deserve, remembered that day on the train, how their rivalry started. It was also something like a peace offer. The blond boy raised his eyes to look at Potter’s, he nodded and grabbed the boy’s hand.
Draco thought that the day could not get any weirder but then while he was shaking Potter’s hand, the boy smiled at him. A wide, very sincere smile that made his heart stop for several seconds. That smile was never for him, he had spend five years of his life looking at the Gryffindor table just to see this boy smile at his friends and now this one big gorgeous smile was exclusively for him.
He felt something weird then, like tickles inside of him, never felt that one before... Draco didn’t want to let go of Potter’s hand before necessary, but he was feeling really strange, so he let go of him to see if the feeling would go away. It didn’t.
“Well, that was all, Malfoy... Good night I guess?”
He nodded.
“Yeah, good night, Potter.”
When the door closed behind him, Draco touched his ribs. The tickles were still there, but smaller. He spent enough years reacting to Potter and feeling stuff to know that this wasn’t normal.
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buckthegrump · 5 years
Faking It - 2
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Summary: You are sent on a mission by Fury, only problem is your mission partner, and fake boyfriend, is the one person on the team you cannot stand. 
Pairing: Bucky x F!Reader
Word Count: 1231
Warnings: Angst, canon typical violence, some fluff
A/n: I did a hike today that nearly killed me
It wasn’t that you hated Bucky necessarily, it was that his general presence near you pissed you off. You had empathy for his past and his current situation but for some reason, the two of you could not find a way to coexist in the same room without trying to rip off each other’s head.
You were packing your bag when Natasha and Wanda came into your room. They sat on your bed avoiding the things you had laid out to pack.
“Knock next time,” you said a little harshly because you were already annoyed.
“Fine but when is next time going to be?” Natasha asked, “Because I hear that you are going on a mission with the one and only Bucky Barnes.”
“Ugh don’t remind me,” you groaned.
“Why don’t you like Bucky again?” Wanda wondered out loud, “He’s always nice to me.”
“I’ve told you a million times Wanda,” you sighed, “Barnes and I are just two people that don’t get along.”
“And I just think they don’t know how to work through sexual tension,” Natasha told Wanda.
“Nat, keep saying shit like that and I’ll kill you in your sleep,” you glared at her.
“I’d like to see you try,” she challenged.
“Don’t tempt me,” you said through your teeth.
Natasha backed off a little but continued to smile knowing that she got under your skin.
“Ok, but you’re going to Italy, so that’s fun!” Wanda said trying to cheer you up.
“It would be if I wasn’t going with Barnes,” Natasha said mocking you.
“I’m sure it will be fine,” Wanda told you as if you were the one who said that.
“What do you know about Victor Fleming?” You asked ignoring their comments about Bucky.
“Victor Fleming is an old hired muscle man who happened to stumble into building his own empire. I think he started his own thing of offering not so nice people as muscle men or something,” Natasha shrugged.
“I hear he’s got a girlfriend, Lacey or something like that,” Wanda said.
“Where would you have heard that?” You asked and Natasha looked at Wanda confused.
“I hear things,” Wanda said defensively. 
You finished packing basically every piece of clothing you own, not sure how long you would be on this mission or what you might need. When you finally got the stupid thing closed you headed to the lab. Shuri was there going over something with Bucky. You walk over next to her and wait for her to be done.
“So it won’t have the same range of motion because it was such short notice but no one should be able to tell the difference, and you can take the regular one in case you need it,” Shuri told him. “And when you come back I’ll have a brand new one for ya.”
“Thanks, Shuri,” Bucky smiled at her and walked away with a case in his hand.
“Hey Y/n,” she said typing something into a tablet.
“Whatcha got for me princess?” You smiled at her.
“I thought I told you to stop calling me that?” She looked at you.
“I’ll stop calling you that when I get my jacket back.”
“You’re not getting that jacket back I love it,” she stated.
“Then I shall continue to call you princess,” you respond and she sighed.
“Anyway, I don’t have anything for you except communication devices,” she said handing you the case, “Fury was very firm with the whole no special gadgets.”
“But Barnes gets something?” You asked with disgust.
“Barnes doesn’t call me princess,” she said and walked away.
“I only call you princess sometimes,” you called after her but she continued to ignore you. 
You took a smaller bag down to the armory to pack the essentials and ran into Bucky who seemed to be doing the same thing. You watched him carefully pack every weapon imaginable.
“We’re going to Italy for recon, not to personally take out every criminal they have,” you said.
He glared at you zipping up his bag.
“Should I even bother packing weapons?” You asked his back as he walked out of the room.
You did, but only a small gun and a knife or two. 
“Y/l/n, Barnes,” Fury’s voice called out and you go to him, he handed you and Bucky two passports and boarding tickets, “here are your travel papers, enjoy your trip.”
“We don’t have fake names?” You asked.
Fury ignored your question and but listened to Bucky’s. 
“We’re not taking the quinjet?” Bucky asked.
“No, it makes more sense for the two of you to travel like tourists, don’t worry about getting everything through security it’ll be taken care of,” Fury said, “Your car and driver will be here shortly.”
“Yes sir,” Bucky said.
“Try not to fuck this up,” Fury said looking directly at you and you open your mouth but the look Fury gave you stopped you.
“I’ll go get my plane stuff then,” you said turning your back.
“Don’t keep the driver waiting,” Fury called after you.
“The driver isn’t even here yet!” You yelled back running back to your room.
You made it back out front just in time to see the driver pull up. You grabbed your suitcase and put it in the trunk with Bucky’s. The ride to the airport was silent except for the radio which was drawing attention to the tension between you and Bucky.
Once at the airport, you checked your bags and began to make your way through security. You spent the entire time on edge remembering that you are trying to go undercover with an Avenger but no one seemed to care. Then there was also the fact that at some point between here and Italy you and Bucky would have to start acting like a couple in love.
“I’m going to go get some food,” Bucky said getting up from his spot.
“Will you get me some fries and a soda?” You asked as he walked away.
“No,” he said not turning back to look at you.
You slouched back in your seat. You wait for him to come back so you don’t leave your carry-ons unattended. He’s gone for what feels like 20 minutes but is probably actually closer to 7. He came back with a McDonald’s bag. He sat and handed you a soda and some fries.
“Thanks,” you said.
“Don’t sound so surprised, you are my girlfriend,” he said.
“Oh now?” You asked and he nodded. You looked around and leaned close to him and whispered, “I didn’t get a name did you?”
“No why would I?” He said with his mouth full of his burger.
“Maybe because we’re undercover and not many people are called Bucky,” you said keeping your voice low.  
“So just call me James,” he said continuing to eat.
You started in on your fries content with that idea, since you had only recently joined the Avengers and haven’t really had the opportunity to get your name or face out there, you could just use your name.
“Flight 239 to Amalfi.” 
You and Bucky stood and headed towards the gate. He placed his hand on the small of your back and you almost react in a not very loving way before you remembered that he’s supposed to do things like that.
This was going to be a very long mission.
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