#sometimes i discover such wonderful things in my drafts
otomiyaa · 9 hours
Ticklish For You
Marcille x Falin
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A/N: I COULDN'T STOP MYSELF AAAAAA SORRY. I'm literally posting this right after I said I'd prioritize the x reader fic requests but it just spawned in my drafts like how falin's tits spawn on everyone's dashboard and I had to post it.
Summary: Marcille discovers Falin has an admirable trait. (Also on AO3)
Word Count: 1.2K
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"And so, and so, we ate them. I didn't want to, but Laios and Senshi said we should eat them. They tasted delicious, but I didn't want to eat more. Yet I kept eating. That's what happens when touring the dungeon with this lot. I swear to you I -"
It wasn't that Falin wasn't listening to Marcille's stories. But the moment Marcille glanced at her, she could see the smooth skin of Falin's arm beside her, and she couldn't help but stop talking, just to touch her.
"And then? You swear what?" Falin asked, sounding interested in hearing more. Marcille was a little distracted though.
"So it tasted good? I do want to eat it," Falin said. She was always interested in Marcille's horror stories about eating monsters in the dungeon.
Falin didn't really react much when Marcille traced the soft skin of her arm absentmindedly.
"Falin..." Marcille mumbled, interrupting her own story and continuing to trail her finger along the inside of Falin's arm. She scribbled her wrist lightly and sensed no reaction at all.
"There was something I wondered when we were looking for you."
Falin cocked her head. "What is it?"
"It's something I don't know about you, but I think I should know."
"What?" Falin asked again, curious and interested as always. She was so sweet.
"Are you actually ticklish?" Marcille asked after a short pause. Falin stared at her.
"I can be."
.... What sort of answer was that? "Huh?" Marcille gaped at her. Falin nodded.
"I can be ticklish. Not always. My brother used to be a little annoying when we were younger so, I learned how to not be ticklish."
Marcille frowned. Now even for a magician like herself, that sounded like an impossible skill.
"You just un-ticklish yourself? How?"
Falin shrugged. "I don't know. It just happens."
"You are incredible Falin! So if I tickle you now, you can just decide whether you want to feel it or not?"
Falin nodded slowly. "I guess I always feel it. It just does not always tickle and make me laugh, if that makes sense. Why, do you want to tickle me?"
EEP! Marcille blushed and quickly turned away. "N-n-n-no i-it's just, t-the s-subject would c-come up sometimes dududuring our journey and -"
Marcille stopped her babbling when Falin gently took her hand and placed it on her side. She smiled.
"If you tickle me, I can be ticklish for you."
Marcille almost fainted. What kind of new romance thing was that! Breathing heavily, she stared at Falin in disbelief. Her hand that was now placed on her side froze. This was something she couldn't turn down, so...
She slowly started to move her fingers, wiggling slightly against Falin's side. She could feel Falin twitch.
"Ah, it feels ticklish. If you do it a little more, I think I will laugh."
Pffft! She was unbelievable! Marcille still couldn't comprehend how someone would be able to control such a sensation, and she curiously sat on her knees by Falin's side and started to scribble her fingers up and down both her sides.
"H-hehehe, ahaha- it hahahas been a whihile," Falin laughed sweetly. Marcille's eyes widened. It was the first time she heard her laugh in such a tone.
To experiment, she used a little more pressure and squeezed Falin's lower sides playfully. Falin jerked slightly and she let out the cutest little squeak.
"Aheh! It hehehe it ticklehehes!" Marcille could see that indeed! Admiring her reactions, Marcille wiggled her fingers from her sides to her tummy, and she poked her curiously.
"Ah wahahait!" Falin caught her hand, and she looked at her with a blush on her face.
"If it tickles too much, can I stop- WAhh!" Marcille suddenly flipped Falin underneath her and started to tickle her tummy mercilessly.
"No you may not, Falin! You are too powerful. Don't you dare stop being ticklish now~" Marcille said, no longer feeling shy, but just determined to make Falin laugh more. Why she never had tickle fights with Falin before was a question she couldn't think of an answer two. Perhaps they were always just too busy with other things.
"Mahaharcille hahaha!" Falin kicked her legs and squirmed, but Marcille pinned her down firmly. Her tummy, her sides, ah... her ampits?
Falin threw her head back and laughed beautifully. It was a truly unique sight and sound.
"Spahahare mehehe Mahaharcille!"
More and more giggles, squeals, laughter and then....! Silence.
Marcille blinked and watched curiously how Falin caught her breath. She was breathing heavily but no longer laughing, even when Marcille hadn't stopped tickling her yet.
"Sorry Marcille. It's, hehe, it's getting late and I am tired. I can be ticklish again for you tomorrow."
She wasn't lying, she wasn't joking, what!!! Marcille's eyes widened and to make sure, she tested everything. She poked her tummy, squeezed her sides, scribbled her neck and under her chin, tickled her armpits. No reaction at all.
"You really are not ticklish anymore," she sighed. "What a power and control you have, Falin."
Falin smiled. She took Marcille's arm and gently pulled her closer.
"Wait w-w-what?" Marcille sputtered, losing her balance as she fell on top of Falin who still seemed a little tired.
"Well. Is it my turn to tickle you now, Marcille? Only for a little."
Marcille gasped and immediately started to struggle in Falin's arms. "HAH? No no no, it's not fair. It wouldn't be fair. I'm way more ticklish than you are- I don't know how to stop it. I actually can't- waaa!"
Maybe not that tired after all, Falin was suddenly on top of her, smiling gently while she wiggled her fingers.
"That's alright. You only need to ask me to stop, and I will."
That was kind, but the thing is, Marcille wasn't a person who could communicate properly when tickled! She was about to explain this little problem, but Falin already started to tickle her.
"FAHAHAHa-OOOHOho EYahahaha!" Even her attempts at saying things like 'Falin, no!' simply drowned in a hysterical laughing fit.
"I never knew you were so ticklish Marcille!" was Falin's sweet comment. Meanwhile Marcille sounded like some sort of newly discovered monster, wailing in the dungeon.
"What are you saying?"
Falin kneaded Marcille's stomach in a way that reminded Marcille of Senshi making dinner. Ah see. She was already thinking weird thoughts. Getting tickled just did crazy things to her.
In the end, Falin did not seem to realize that Marcille was simply too ticklish to have a fair tickle fight, and too ticklish to ask her to stop. It wasn't until Chilchuck banged on the door to complain about the disturbing noise, that Falin stopped and let Marcille catch her breath.
"I'm sorry Marcille. You didn't ask me to stop, so I thought it was alright. Did I go too far?" she asked with concern. Marcille smiled weakly and shook her head. Exhausted and out of breath, she took Falin's hand in hers and kissed it.
"I'm fine - it's fine. T-thank you, Falin." She had no idea why she was thanking Falin. She may have been a little high after laughing so much.
"I really missed you," Marcille mumbled tiredly, and when Falin took her in her arms and cuddled her comfortably, Marcille could only close her eyes and enjoy the feeling of Falin's love and warmth.
As she drifted to sleep, Falin's words "I can be ticklish for you" ringed through her head, and she couldn't help but giggle. She really was special, and Marcille loved her so much!
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neixins · 2 months
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live voldo reaction
[ID: a panel from chapter 130 of “yona of the dawn”. jaeha is resting his hand on gija’s back and smiling as he says, “no, i’ll pass. you take him on.”; gija smiles back and replies, “what are you saying? you’re being challenged to a duel! you should go first.”; voldo is standing in a fighting stance, staring at them in silence. end ID.]
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puffcap-factory · 1 month
Of Vines and Grapes (Diluc x Reader)
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Diluc x fem!reader; fluff, a bit of hurt/comfort, established relationship (marriage), heartwarming. Diluc is a gentle sunlight.
You had small arguments this past few days with Diluc, and since he was busy with work and hadn’t got the time to sort it out, you planned on giving a little gift for him to lift his mood.
Kaeya appeared as a cameo btw
Words: 2.6k
It’s been a while! The draft of this fic had been resting since like a week ago, but yesterday I decided to continue it, only to realize that April 30th would be his birthday lol. And the funny thing is his birthday art somehow falls perfectly to the setting of this story purely by coincidence xD
Anyways, enjoy the story! :D
You twirled your cup with one hand, the sweet aroma of grape juice filling your senses as your eyes shone towards the purple liquid. You could tell the freshness and the sweet scent emanating from your glass, a freshly handpicked grape juice.
“No wonder Diluc dotes on you so much, huh…”
You looked up at Kaeya, who was sitting casually in front of you, one hand supporting his chin as he smiled at you.
“Well, it’s just pure coincidence that I prefer grape juice rather than wine.”
“That’s not my point…,” he exhaled amusedly. “How unfortunate that you miss out on the fun in wine tasting, though.”
You were never a fan of wine in the first place, as you had always preferred something sweeter – like fruit juice. Although Kaeya sometimes teased you about your childish preferences, you were really keen on these drinks. 
This wasn't the reason you initially grew close to Diluc, though. However, upon discovering your likings towards grape juice, he granted you the liberty to manage your own section of the vineyard, specifically cultivated for grape juice rather than wine. You took the opportunity to try experimenting with different soils and fertilizers – much to your own curiosity, hoping to yield a slightly different taste with each attempt.
And now, one of the freshly picked grapes rested in your hand—sweet, velvety, with a hint of sourness, just as how you liked it.
“Mm, I'm sure I'm not missing out on anything,” you smiled as you stood up from your seat. Kaeya shrugged playfully in response.
You had been working as a librarian alongside Lisa in the Favonius Library, although you were not a member of the Knights of Favonius yourself. Though your works – well, practically circulating among them. Just like this evening, you were seated in Angel's Share, as Kaeya had requested some documents from you.
Business matters aside, you lingered a bit longer, planning to craft your own drink from the new batch of grapes you had brought to the tavern, intending it as a gift for your beloved.
You went up to the counter, where Charles had allowed you to enter. Kaeya followed you and sat across you on the counter seat. 
“So, how have things been lately?” Kaeya mused, observing as you gathered your mixtures.
You sighed at his question, shifting your gaze from Kaeya to the table. Truth be told, it had been somewhat tense these past few days. Diluc had been occupied with his immense work, and you two did have some petty arguments – mainly fueled from the work stress. While most of them ended with either of you giving up on the argument, you hadn’t had a proper talk with him.
“Well, it’s... alright, I suppose,” you attempted to downplay it.
Kaeya raised an eyebrow, sensing your change in demeanor. “Your expression suggests otherwise.”
Ah, right, he was good at reading people. 
“…I mean, he’s pretty busy lately, and we had few disagreements in these past few days, so…,” you reluctantly admitted, lowering your voice as you added fresh mint leaves into the glass as a finishing touch. “That’s why I’m preparing this drink for him as a small gift. There’s a new batch of freshly picked grapes this morning. I hope he’ll like it.”
You then handed the mixture of drink you had mixed to him – a fizzy, sparkling grape juice. “Try.”
Kaeya’s gaze lingered on your face for a moment, before taking the glass and took a sip of it. A playful smile appeared on his face as he set the glass down. 
“Too sweet for my liking.”
You shot him a sulking glare, which he returned with a grin.
“…But, I’m sure he’ll love it,” he reassured, his tone lower than usual. “He can be a bit of a pain in the ass at times, I know, but he’ll definitely appreciate your effort. I know his taste.” He winked playfully at you. 
You let out a small laugh at him. “Okay, I’ll believe you this time, Kaeya.”
You made your way back, carrying a selection of ingredients from Angel's Share, having obtained Charles' permission beforehand. Upon entering the manor, Adelinde greeted you with a warm smile.
“Welcome back, my lady,” she said warmly, helping you with some of the items you had brought. “Oh, and what’s this?”
“Some ingredients for a grape juice mix,” you explained, removing your jacket and hanging it on the rack. “Diluc’s been pretty occupied lately, so I thought making him a drink might give him a little boost.” You grinned sheepishly.
“How thoughtful of you,” Adelinde smiled, though her expression faltered momentarily. “…Unfortunately, the young master will be home pretty late today, as far as I know.”
“Oh,” you replied, unsurprised. It wasn’t uncommon for him to return home late or become absorbed in his work until the late hours in his study. “That’s alright, I’ll just prepare it when he’s back.” 
“Of course, please feel free to come to the kitchen anytime,” Adelinde bowed before excusing herself. After dinner, you made your way up to your shared bedroom. 
As you showered, your mind drifted back to the events of the past few days. The arguments you had few days ago was pretty trivial, honestly, with the recent one being two days back. Yet, as you attempted to assert your point, Diluc’s cold dismissal of your concerns stung. The tension that followed had left you feeling upset, but you chose to let it go rather than push the issue further.
Yesterday, you didn’t have the chance to talk through about it as the interactions were limited to brief exchanges of good mornings and goodbyes, leaving the unresolved tension to linger. By the time he returned home, you were already fast asleep. 
Though you were no longer upset now, you wanted to clear the tension between you and him. Hence, you had prepared a small surprise for him today: your original crafted grape juice drink. With the start of the grape harvest season yesterday, you wanted him to try the grapes that you had tended yourself. 
Settling comfortably onto the bed, you took out a book you had been reading, waiting for Diluc's return. Around 11 pm, you heard footsteps approaching from the hallway. The bedroom door creaked open as Diluc entered.
"I'm back."
"Welcome home," you replied, remaining seated on the bed as he went changing clothes near the closet and then heading to the bathroom.
"I'll be continuing my work in the study after this. It might get late, so you can go ahead and sleep," he informed you before disappearing into the bathroom for a shower.
As expected, he still had work to attend to. Seizing the opportunity, you swiftly made your way to the kitchen to prepare the drink. It didn’t take much time as you had prepared it previously at Angel’s Share. 
You went back up to his study, placing the drink on the side table near his work area carefully, before another idea struck you. Instead of interrupting him mid-work, why not leave a note for him to read anytime?
Grabbing a piece of paper, you quickly penned a brief message:
“Here’s a drink for you, made with freshly picked grapes! I know you have been busy lately, and I’m sorry about the day before. Hope this can get you a little boost for your work :) Love, y/n”
Neatly folding the paper, you placed it beside the glass before slipping out of the room. Walking on the hallway, you glanced downstairs from the second floor and saw Diluc – already out of the shower, talking with Adelinde. Good, he didn’t seem to notice your presence in the study. With a sense of relief, you returned to the shared room to continue reading your book, before falling asleep not long after. 
The next morning, you stirred awake to the gentle sunlight filtering through the curtains, warming your face. With a soft groan, you shifted toward Diluc's side of the bed, only to find it empty. Your heart sank momentarily, assuming he had already left for work, but then you heard the sound of him emerging from the bathroom. Moments later, Diluc appeared, his eyes immediately finding yours as he noticed you had awoken up. He approached the edge of your side of the bed and sat on the side.
“Good morning,” he greeted you with a tender smile, settling beside you.
“Morning,” you replied, still groggy from sleep. “Did you even get any sleep?”
“I did. Don’t worry, love.”
Love. The word, spoken after a period of tension, reassured you, melting away the lingering tension. It seemed he had read your message, after all.
His hand reached out to caress your head, and you leaned into his gentle gesture, a smile gracing your lips. His smile was tender and warm like the sun, a sight you had missed dearly.
Not long after, he withdrew his hand and spoke softly. “I wanted to apologize for the previous day. I shouldn’t have spoken to you like that.”
“Oh, um... I'm sorry too, Diluc. I let my frustration get the best of me.” 
“But that doesn't excuse my behavior. I wanted to talk to you yesterday, but my work wasn't finished, and I thought it was already late night. I made you wait... I'm sorry,” he confessed, his expression weighted with guilt.
Diluc was never an expressive person, though he had opened a lot more since you two became a couple. By nature, he was private, and a rather prideful man, too – but you knew his intentions were always genuine. Sometimes, in moments of disagreement, patience was key; he, too, was striving to find common ground. After all, that was what partners should do, and despite his reserved nature, your love for him remained unchanged.
You took a moment to see his face from the side, before you reached out to cup his cheek gently, meeting his eyes with understanding. “Oh, Diluc, it's alright, love.”
His eyes closed briefly, feeling the warmth of your touch. With the sunlight casting a golden glow on his figure, highlighting the contours of his face and the soft strands of his still untied velvet hair, you couldn't help but marvel at his beauty.
Without realizing, you found yourself momentarily speechless, mouth slightly agape, as you admired the scene before you. Diluc noticed your reverie and raised his eyebrows in confusion. “Hm?” he inquired, his expression puzzled.
“Oh—” you chuckled shyly, realizing you had been caught in a moment of awe, “you’re just too beautiful.”
He was a bit taken aback by the sudden compliment and let out a low chuckle. He then shifted slowly to join you on the bed, resting behind you.
“I love you.”
He murmured as he hugged you from behind, his head nuzzling behind your neck.
A warmth spread through your body as his breath tickled your skin. Like the comforting rays of the sun during the day, his displays of affection always had a way of melting your heart, even after all this time.
“I love you too, Diluc,” you whispered softly, gently holding onto his arm and closing your eyes, savoring the moment.
Before long, Diluc, still nestled behind you, spoke up. “The fruit juice was really delicious. I liked it very much. Thank you.”
“Oh, I'm glad you enjoyed it. We can make more together,” you suggested. “…if you're free today, of course.”
“I’m free throughout the day. I've delegated the work to Elzer and the others.”
“Really?” You turned to face him in surprise. It had been weeks since you spent the day together, and you practically couldn’t hide your excitement anymore. Diluc had known that it was a day off for you today, and maybe he had planned this all along.
He nodded, returning your excitement with a smile of his own. “It's a beautiful day. We can pick some grapes if you'd like.”
“Absolutely! And we could have a picnic outside too!”
“Sounds wonderful,” Diluc chuckled, amused by your sudden burst of enthusiasm. “Let’s have breakfast outside, then.”
Under the shade of a tree, the picnic sheet was laid out, sunlight warming your feet near the section of the vineyard you tended. A basket overflowed with freshly picked grapes was placed on the mat. Beside it, your much-loved grape-jam pie which Adelinde had brought – apparently it was requested by Diluc yesterday night, according to Adelinde herself – rested atop a small foldable table, accompanied by cups of tea.
You plucked a grape and tasted its sweetness. “Sweet and fresh, just perfect! But this one…” You fed Diluc another grape. “A bit more sour, isn’t it? I had used another fertilizer for this one.”
“Mhm,” Diluc agreed, his gaze filled with adoration as he accepted the grape from your hand.
“Perhaps the sour ones would be better suited for a different type of drink,” you mused as you thought to yourself.
“I’d happily try any creations you come up with,” Diluc remarked as he shifted to the back, leaning back comfortably against the tree trunk, inviting you to rest your head in his lap. “Come here, love.”
You beamed a smile at him before settling onto his lap, his hand moved to cup your cheeks, caressing it gently. 
“Hmm, I could easily fall asleep like this…”
“Then maybe you should,” he said, his tone soft and reassuring. “You don’t get many chances to sleep peacefully outside.”
“But you’ve slept less than me for sure, you should rest too, you know?”
He met your gaze with a gentle smile. “I will, I will.”
As the wind whispered through the leaves and Diluc’s caress lulled you into a drowsy state, you closed your eyes. Just for five minutes, just five–
You opened your eyes, only to realize that you had indeed fallen asleep. It hadn’t seemed too long, though, but you were not sure. You carefully gazed upwards, only to find Diluc sleeping peacefully, his breathing steady as he slept against the tree.
Smiling at the serene sight, you decided to stay still, not wanting to disturb his peaceful slumber. Your gaze drifted to the trees and skies above, and before you knew it, you shifted your head to the side, inadvertently waking Diluc up. He was always a light sleeper, wasn’t he?
Stretching his body with a yawn, Diluc checked his wristwatch. "One hour. That was a nice nap."
"An hour??" You sat up, surprised by the length of your unintended rest, while Diluc smiled lazily.
You wanted him to rest more, but spending the entire day sleeping outside wasn't exactly what you had in mind.
“I had a nice nap, thanks to you.” 
"Anytime for you," you replied happily, moving to sit next to him and facing him. A gentle breeze played around you, and you reached out to tuck a stray strand of hair behind his ear. Diluc tenderly took your hand and pressed a kiss to it, earning a shy smile from you before his hand moved to gently cup your chin, locking eyes with you.
You recognized the familiar longing in his gaze and leaned in, closing the gap between you until your lips met in a tender, blissful kiss.
“I’d love to get more of these from you from time to time,” he murmured softly against your lips.
“The picnic or the kiss?” You teased, a chuckle escaping your lips.
“Maybe you should try delegating your works more,” you joked.
“Well, that’s been on my mind, for sure,” Diluc replied, his tone thoughtful.
You didn’t expect him to take your joke seriously and frantically explained that he didn't have to do that.
But Diluc laughed tenderly, knowing that the time you spent together was far too precious to skip. 
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nanowrimo · 1 year
5 Techniques to Help You Write Your Novel
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Every writing project is unique, and the methods that help you draft one novel may not work for another. If you’re getting started on a brand new project this Camp, NaNo Guest Vee James has some suggestions for different techniques to help you explore your story. It took a few NaNos before I realized I was developing different techniques each time I sat down to the challenge. I think we all do this naturally, but it helps to step back and observe the process. If you’re strictly a pantster, you’ve been working on the story ideas in your head. If you’re a planner, you’ve set to paper the story concepts, characters, and an outline of what you are about to produce on paper. Some people take a hybrid approach to NaNo. Granted, the basics remain the same: butt in chair, accomplish the hourly/daily goal, and allow yourself to tell your story.
I discovered that each unique novel presented particular challenges, and I had to adapt my style and writing techniques in order to explore the story and keep the production happening. Some of these came from writing instructors and wonderful podcasters. Some came from “how to write” seminars and workshops. Others grew out of a feverish search for “more words.”
Here are five techniques I’ve found that helped me advance writing projects:
1. Research
It was a surprise to me to discover the concept of researching for fiction. I initially thought, “Just make something up.” But there are so many ways to broaden your approach. Plumb your memory, take a course in something related to the story, talk to an expert, and ask lots of questions. You could even become like the character in order to feel what they feel. If you’re writing a western, go ride a horse.
2. Write Scenes Out of Order
If you have a premise, you’ve already got scenes in your mind. Don’t wait until you get to chapter 18. Write that scene now. You can always revise it when you catch up to that point and it gives you something to develop toward. To expand on this technique, when you’ve written the scene, ask yourself, “What happened just before this?” or “What does this scene lead to?”
3. Put disparate characters together and have them have a conversation
Often, we write secondary characters who take a more subdued role in the plot. But what would happen if your protagonist’s best friend had a conversation with the main antagonist? Or if the antagonist’s agent of destruction came upon the protagonist’s love interest? In my experience, these conversations frequently produce more depth in your secondary characters and almost always it’s something you weren’t expecting.
4. Play with Genre Tropes
What have you chosen to write? Urban fiction? SciFi? Fantasy? You already know what your reader expects you to write, and what the plot ahead holds for them. How can you twist it? Sometimes the simplest thing you mentioned in chapter one can be the linchpin of a great plot twist.
5. Study Film
It’s no accident that some of the most astounding stories have been told through film. Quite simply, movie companies invest heavily in every aspect of their production and hire some of the best writers around. Yes, it’s a visual medium and has some advantages over prose. But the main lesson with movies is in the structure of the stories they tell. Here’s a good example: when I was writing a fairytale novel, I wanted to stay true to the classic story structure. One afternoon I was watching the comedy, Galaxy Quest, taking careful notes on the structure. I realized the story structure mapped very closely to what I was doing in the fairytale. It was comforting to see this, and it also gave me some ideas on how to approach the ending.
Most importantly: NaNoWriMo is a thrilling if exhaustive experience, and I urge you to immerse yourself in it completely. Write with utter abandon, delve deep for concepts that will give you the next 2000 words, and try new things like you’re a Mad Scientist in a hurry. We all know that what you end up with is a messy creation. But you will find you have given yourself a great gift.
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Vee James is a cross-genre author who loves to write comedies, fairytales, and YA supernatural. He participated in NaNoWriMo for ten years in a row, writing over a half-million words, and it led to nine NaNo novels plus two more non-NaNos. Out of this work, he’s published four novels, with a fifth nearing completion. If interested, visit his site at www.veejames.com and leave a message. He loves to talk to writers of all kinds. Vee's photo by A. Roger Hammons Photo by Daniel Álvasd on Unsplash
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thefrogdalorian · 6 months
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Hello and welcome to my contribution to Dincember!
Following NaNoWriMo (which I used to complete a draft of a modern AU!Din x reader fic that I aim to start posting in January) I wanted to attempt another writing project to maintain my sanity during this festive period! I'm aiming to complete all 25 days but life can sometimes be unpredictable, especially at this time of year.
I really hope you enjoy my interpretations of each prompt and best of luck if you're also participating, can't wait to see what everyone creates. Thanks @dindjarindiaries for putting these prompts together, celebrating all things Din is a wonderful way to close out the year!
All my fics are GN!reader and I don't include physical descriptions. Nothing more mature than a bit of smooching either :)
Happy Dincember, tumblr!
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Link to read on AO3 | Link to read in Chronological Order
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Day 1 - Snow: After a busy few months, Din surprises you and Grogu with a well-earned retreat to a snowy paradise in the run up to Life Day. Snow-filled chaotic fun ensues!
Day 2 - Fire: During a trip to a peaceful cabin with Din and Grogu, you awake one morning and discover that Grogu is poorly. You and Din are extremely worried but after a visit from a healer and the warmth of the fire you light, his condition soon improves.
Day 3 - Gloves: As you sit watching Grogu play by the fire while holding hands with Din, you reflect on how a simple part of his body says so much about the complex man that you are so privileged to love. A simple pleasure that you would have been denied, if he had never removed his gloves.
Day 4 - Lights: You introduce Din to a favourite Life Day tradition of yours: hanging up lights. It's a tradition that he finds slightly bemusing but after a slight hiccup which is soon resolved, thanks to the abilities possessed by Grogu, the two of you set about making a cheesy new Life Day tradition all of your own.
Day 5 - Cold: After your favourite Mandalorian's latest assignment with the New Republic means that his return to your cabin is delayed, you head to bed, thoroughly miserable. But when Din finally arrives home the reunion does not go entirely smoothly, as you find yourself needing to warm him up, with adorable consequences.
Day 6 - Gifts: It's Life Day and time for you and Din exchange gifts. You love sharing in the joy of seeing others surprised with your gifts, but nothing surprises you more than the incredibly thoughtful gift Din gives to you.
Day 7 - Star: As you lie on Din's strong chest, looking at the stars and reflecting how grateful you are that your paths crossed, you discover once again, that the man with the fearsome reputation is incredibly soft underneath his hard Beskar shell.
Day 8 - Flame: A fire pit outside your little cabin on Nevarro has always been a dream of yours. So, when Din finally agrees to build one, you are delighted, especially when he secures your favourite sweet treats too. But it's Din's first time roasting candy on a campfire and things don't exactly go to plan...
Day 9 - Boots: Raising a Force-sensitive child is not an easy task, especially one as mischievous as Grogu. When the little guy decides to play a game of hide and seek without telling you and Din first, you find him in a place that you would never have expected.
Day 10 - Sweater: After his latest job with the New Republic takes him away from your home, you find yourself missing Din terribly. But, despite how sappy and lame as you feel for doing so, you find wearing his sweater brings you a great deal of comfort when you need it most.
Day 11 - Icicle: An innocent icicle causes Din to reminisce on a moment he shared with Grogu on the Razor Crest shortly after rescuing The Child from the Imps on Nevarro.
Day 12 - Warmth: After you find yourself caught up in a rainstorm that drenches you to the bone on the forest planet you call home, an unexpectedly kind Mandalorian helps you to get warm again.
Day 13 - Family: Din Djarin is a complex man, with many walls you have not yet successfully broken down. You have been slowly building a life with the man who has a traumatic past he has alluded to, but never discussed in detail. One night, Din wakes up from a nightmare and finally lets you in. You comfort him, reminding him of your love for him and how much he deserves his unlikely family.
Day 14 - Home: During a moment cuddling with Din underneath the festive lights in your cabin, Din confides in you what home means to him.
Day 15 - Candle: Despite planning a special evening to mark your final night in the cabin that you, Din and Grogu have enjoyed a relaxing vacation in, your plans are soon thwarted by an unexpected power cut. However, the sudden loss of light ends up having very romantic consequences.
Day 16 - Sweet: After a tiring day of yard work, you decide to introduce Din and Grogu to one of your favourite festive drinks: hot chocolate. Although the sweetness proves a little too much for one of your Clan.
Day 17 - Joy: Despite you and Din having plans to go to a special festive market with Grogu, you wake up feeling awful, as though all festive cheer has been sucked out of you. Fortunately, you have a loving and caring Mandalorian who helps you regain your joy.
Day 18 - Snowflake: As Din stands by the window, watching the snow fall outside your cabin in the mountain paradise he brought you to for a vacation, he reveals a hilarious memory of his first encounter with snow to you. One that you are keen not to let him forget in a hurry.
Day 19 - Coat: You and Din arrive for a vacation in a picturesque snowy mountain town. There's just one problem: you brought the wrong coat. You head into town in search of the perfect coat but after a long day of fruitless searching, fortunately you have an incredibly patient and attentive Mandalorian to help you through the shopping stress.
Day 20 - Celebration: To show Din how much he means to you, you decide to make a special gesture in celebration of him by cooking him a traditional Mandalorian feast. Despite having your heart set on a perfect evening, a certain green child has other ideas...
Day 21 - Love: Despite how much time you have been spending with Din and getting to know him, you are still none the wiser as to whether your feelings for him are reciprocated. But an impromptu night of stargazing leads to a confession that may just change everything for the two of you...
Day 22 - Cozy: When Grogu wakes up upset in the middle of the night, both you and Din are concerned for him. But getting cozy and cuddling with his Clan soon brightens the little boy's mood.
Day 23 - Frost: You and Din wake up one morning to discover the volcanic planet you call home has been plunged into a deep frost. You are awestruck by the gleaming ground and the icy crystals that cling to every surface. You and Din decide to head out for a walk with Grogu, who is fascinated by the way his favourite pond has frozen over.
Day 24 - Ice: The unseasonably weather on Nevarro causes a pond to freeze and thanks to a stroke of good luck, a passing vendor is able to offer the opportunity to skate on it. You expect that Din will be a natural, but things do not go entirely to plan.
Day 25 - Holiday Waking up before Din on Life Day gives you the opportunity to admire all the little details and features of the man you love so much.
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hauntedwitch04 · 7 months
Amazing life
Remus Lupin x reader
Author's note: This oneshot is purely and selfishly for me, since two years ago I published my first post and I wanted to celebrate it in this way, manifesting the life I desire and dream about every day of my life. I hope you enjoy it despite the fact that it is very personal.
"Oh my God!" Comments in a whisper, which actually turns out to be half shouted.
Immediately you hear your husband's heavy footsteps coming toward you from behind. You immediately sense his presence as he lowers his torso so that his head is beside yours. In his hand is a cup of hot chamomile tea, which he immediately places on your desk as he leaves a kiss in the crook of your neck.
"What's the matter honey, something wrong with the book?" asks Remus slightly concerned to see your face upset, but at the same time happy, which does not allow him to fully comprehend what he sees.
You shake your head without saying anything, and with your finger point to him a date under a Tumblr post now centuries old, from an account you may have left hanging in that limbo of existence for years, with no real reason to exist except to feed your own memories.
"That's today's date." He confirms, looking at the date marking the computer: November 2.
You still remain silent as you stare out the window at an undefined spot, as you smile and let a few tears run down your cheeks. You listen carefully to the sound of the rain beating down over the glass of your small apartment in downtown Edinburgh. You had finally managed to move to this city after having spent a lifetime dreaming of doing so, and you had also managed to do so with the man of your life, or rather you had met him there on your first trip made in discovering this wonderful city that enchanted you with its charms, and you had immediately fallen in love.
After a few years you got married and decided to stay and live in Edinburgh, where you pursued a career as a filmmaker, and as a writer in your spare time.
You've always loved both film and writing, and you couldn't give up either of them in your life, and in return you got nothing but joy and a few less hours of sleep.
Just now you were looking for an old written note in your computer documents, for a story you are writing, when you remembered that you might have written it of the drafts from your first Tumblr account, where you started writing, and so you ended up spending hours rereading and commenting on the stories the little you had written, laughing, crying, and sometimes ashamed of your work, even though you often stopped and thanked even those poor oneshots that you didn't consider up to your writing because they were simple or trivial, because after all, it's because of them that you got where you are now.
Everything up to the first story you had written. A simple oneshot about Rhysand, a character in the series "A court of thorns and roses" written by Sarah J Maas. You had finished reading the series a few months earlier, and you had become very attached to that character who had made you fall in love with her words and actions.
The month before publishing this had been one of the worst months of your life. You had had an accident working out, and you had injured ligaments in your ankle, and you had stayed home from school for a month, crawling and hopping to get around, having to ask everyone for a hand and hating every second of it, since if there is one thing you can't stand in the world, it is showing weakness and asking for help.
You had spent a month alone, seeing all your friends go to school and have fun together, while you spent all day alone with your thoughts, and so your only refuge had been writing.
You had decided to write an oneshot about one of your favorite characters, to comfort yourself for a moment, without the idea of publishing it anywhere. It wasn't the first time you had published something on the Internet, but it was the first time it would be solely yours, and written solely for you, and that made you a little anxious. Eventually you had decided to post it on Tumblr, after several indecisions and in the throes of an anxiety attack, you mashed on that sadistic button that published your first story, before walking the dog and praying to all the known gods that you hadn't fucked up.
As soon as you got home you had checked and were amazed like a little girl seeing Christmas presents under the tree, seeing that three people had liked your story.
From there it was all history, in the good times and the bad times of your life, a constant that allowed you to survive, thanks in part to the support and love of the people who followed your page, read your stories and whom you had come to know over time.
You have never met better people than on Tumblr, devoid of hate or resentment, always ready to help others with a comment or a compliment.
"This is the first story I ever wrote." You whispered to your husband who had stayed behind to read the story while you looked out the window.
He brings his eyes to you, smiles and kisses your forehead.
"It's been a lot of years, and yet it seems like yesterday that I wrote this simple imagine. It seems like yesterday that I was a simple little girl with a dream in her drawer." You confess, as you feel tears welling up in your eyes.
"I am proud of you, who you were and who you have become." He whispers after slightly pulling his lips away from my forehead.
I smile, and he smiles back, as with one last kiss he pulls away to take the old coffee cup to the kitchen, promising to come back, wanting to read all the things I had written in my youth.
I laugh, as I shake my head, and smile to think how little me did not expect this life, and how much I longed for it at the same time, and I would like nothing more than to go back and confess to him to hold on, that sooner or later life will get better.
I look at the picture on my desk, a picture of my last birthday, spent with all my friends from high school and college, and I smile to think that in a little while, on my birthday, maybe I might want to go back in time and see little me one last time, and tell her how magnificent our life had become.
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stagefoureddiediaz · 1 year
Ok so I’ve been thinking about this for much of today and I think I’ve connected some dots about the beers - especially the ones in Bucks fridge!!! 
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@mistmarauder​ made this post which along with the comments from @yramesoruniverse​ helped me connect these dots!!
ok so the beers in Eddie fridge are all ‘genuine’ - we’ve seen these beers at play all season.
The beers in Bucks fridge are all different - there are 3 different sorts and they are all arranged in a very specific order.
there is the two brown bottles with the yellow and red labels - hidden behind a box of baking soda (a weird thing to have in that location in the fridge unless it has a purpose), 3 light green bottles lined up neatly and then another brown bottle but with different labelling to the first.
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So my current working theory is that the first bottles relates to Connor - that it is a draft beer (hence the brown bottle) and it ties in with the baking soda in front of it. My working theory is that the brown bottles of draft beer relate to men and the green bottles relate to women in Bucks life.
So the baking soda is a reference to Kameron and the fact that she is currently pregnant. I have a lot of thoughts on this as a possible analogy - baking soda is used to make ‘quick’ bread - along side yeast (sometimes instead of) and when used in bread making baking soda means you can put the dough straight into the oven rather than having to wait - because the baking soda causes a chemical reaction that allows this. The reason I think this is all connected to C&K is the fact that Kameron got pregnant quickly via Bucks donation - rather than the more time consuming method that C&K had been doing to get pregnant (before they discovered that Connor was infertile). So the baking soda is a metaphor for Kameron and her pregnancy and the bottles of beer behind it a metaphor for Connor ‘feeling’ pushed to the back, but also the second one possibly being a hint at a possible previous relationship that Buck had with Connor 👀. (Edit; I know that baking soda is used to deodorise fridges - but not in the way its been used here - you need a bigger surface area for it to do that successfully, so a closed up box won’t do the job! plus its not the thing you put right at the front and in front of your beer so you keep having to move it - that placement is deliberate and has nothing to do with deodorising!)
Then there is the 3 green bottles all lined up neatly - they’re all the same, they’re light and might possibly be lager or pale ale and I think they represent Buck 3 ex girlfriends. The metaphor works either way - if they’re pale ales  (think play on words) then they represent those relationships paling in relation to what real love is. If lager then they’re fizzy and nice, but not as satisfying as ‘genuine’ beer. Either way its saying that Bucks 3 previous relationships were lightweight and not the real thing.
Then there is the final bottle - this one is the doozy because I can actually see the label, firstly its a draft beer - different that the others and draft beers are considered ore rounded and fulfilling that lager or pale ales (the UK has a whole organisation dedicated to the promotion of draft or ‘real’ beer and ale - its called CAMRA) . So the suggestion is immediately that this beer is the one that will fulfil Buck the most - its the one thats real. Its also the last beer in the beer collection - all the others came before, but this one is the last!
After the play on words in the yellow card from the coma dream I am very much on the look out for plays on words in the 911verse now!! Back to the beer - its a bottle of draft - the label says ‘Meichtry draft’ - and the ‘h’ looks very b like ans the play on words reads ‘maybe try’ draft - a very loud play on the idea of trying something different - I wonder what that different could possibly be?!
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shiny-jr · 1 year
I've read the sneak peak for the fourth, and genuinely, this one is the one I'm most excited for—especially with that sneak peak!
I wonder how Jamil will realize that the parrot is no longer the same person he knows, and when the reader accidentally threads past a line that they shouldn't have with Jamil. And if the reader will have their relationship with Prince Jaseer progress further, and take a change—then, the thief too, that will be playing Aladdin, how would they interact? And the genie! I'm excited to see who will get to the genie first, will it still be the thief, Jamil, the reader, or someone else entirely? (It would be funny if the story takes a drastic stir away from the original and things become more complicated, that the reader realizes, that they could no longer rely on the story anymore, but their mind to thread now because the story became so obscured). And of course, the dynamic between Jamil and the reader is so fun! It feels more livelier than the last ones.
It felt comfortable in a way—yet that's the thing that makes it disturbing when things finally become downhill. When Jamil has a shift in the way he speaks towards the reader, or when he realizes that it isn't the parrot. And what if another character entirely realizes the change too (similar to how Jade did)? And what happens if the reader does get to the lamp first? What then? And what if they couldn't wish to return, but instead, have to waste a wish for somethin else entirely?
I'm just filled with so many what-ifs right now that I'm getting so excited! I think this may be my favorite one already compared to the others, and straying away from peak-4. I'm also curious if you'll have one of the readers for the chapter take the role of the hero, or the villain instead, and the yandere takes the role of something else—a hero, etc. Someone just unexpected, it would be fun, though, I do love where you're taking this story <3!!
I think this one's so good—yet at the same time, I wish we got to see more interactions between Leona and the reader, it would be lovely. But at the same time, it was perfect, the scene where Leona spreads the blood on his hand to their face was so lovely and it in a way, it was like a message to say, you (we) did this. And it just stuck to my mind so hard!! Compared to the rest, it felt the most intriguing one.
And just a question, did you consider having the reader's identity be discovered by Ruggie and the people, or having reader possess a different person? And what made Leona say that the Hyena chieftain wouldn't be this "daring to speak like this to him" (quotations because I can't exactly remember the exact bit, I'm so sorry 😭) have he interacted with the chieftain before the reader? And why does Leona want the reader? Is it due to them being "outwordly?"
And did Ruggie sometimes felt something was off with the chieftain or no? (As he did knew the chieftain since they were young). And did you thought of placing Jack in another role, rather than being a guard? And imagined a what if that the plan still fails, and Cheka still manages to escape? Or a different role entirely?
I'm so sorry if I have a lot of questions and just, word-vomitting on you right now. But I hope it's not too much of a bother—if it is, feel free to ignore this, and have a great day!
Long comment about damnation, let's goooo. I love these, y'all have no idea. I love explaining little lore and tidbits and behind the scene stuff, because there's a surprising amount that goes into making such a long project like damnation. I even have a Pinterest board I like to work on and add to the further I get into the project. But anyways, back to responding to this ask.
I'm so so happy people like the Scarabia sneak-peek! It's a huge relief! I read over the first draft and was just :// meh, this is kinda boring. This is not it. Which is why I decided to change it and spice it up, so I'm glad that it paid off and I made the right decision to do so! Here's to hoping that I can make the rest of it as interesting, hopefully even enough to make people wonder if Scarabia was better than Heartslabyul.
About the whole Jamil find out mc's real identity, I can't exactly reveal that because it would be major spoilers, but I have that roughly planned out. Whether it'll actually happen or not, I guess you'll just have to wait and see. Of course the same goes for the whole plot thing. Can't reveal too much. But again, I am happy people are enjoying Jamil and mc's relationship dynamic!
Like I said in a previous post, writing this based off Jafar and Iago is a lot more fun because they had really fun interactions and dialogue between each other. Like, mc is the only one that can call Jamil a snake to his face and he'd actually be cool with it, anyone else and he'd be plotting their demise. I guess I can reveal this, but at some point in the story, something will happen and I plan for mc to talk to Jamil and say something along the lines of, "Okay, master, I'll get you the dark wizard daily so you can enchant yourself some bitches." I really want to add this line, not sure if I actually will though.
Anyways, about the roles, the mc will never take a role other than the henchman. The characters we know will remain villains, and the protagonists will remain heroes. That's kinda like, the whole theme of this project. Henchman mc, nothing else.
As for Savanaclaw, I tried to give Leona more time than the others. Technically he does have more time with mc when compared to Ruggie and Jack. Leona meets mc a total of four times. It was harder to come up with reasons for Leona to appear considering the situation with him as a prince in the kingdom and mc not in the kingdom. Compare that to Ruggie who was with mc since the very beginning, and eventually Jack who would choose to stay beside mc. It was a lot easier for them to appear because they're literally right there. As for the blood thing, you hit the nail on the head. That's exactly what it was! Some people said it was gross and weird, but like... come on, that's kinda the point? The message I'm trying to convey is mc caused this, yes Leona plotted it but mc is just as guilty. The mcs of this project aren't meant to be morally good.
Ruggie? I mentioned in another post and went into detail about how I originally planned more things for him like him finding out about mc's identity but I ultimately ran out of time for that. Talked about it a bit here.
Anyways, ever since I came up with the concept of this project, Chief!mc was one of the first ones I decided as soon as the ideas formed. Them as well as King!mc. They were the first two I knew for sure what role I wanted them to be. If it's not obvious, Chief!mc is loosely based off Shenzi. Fun fact: I looked for as many voice acting clips that I could find for the Lion King, specifically more for the hyenas and Scar. Might've mentioned this before, but I liked to analyze the voice actor's expressions, the way they moved, or little habits they might've showed and think about adding little similarities to what I was writing. One clip I rewatched a lot was this one. This doesn't account for the fact that I rewatch each movie at least once (usually up to three times or more), and usually replay certain scenes a dozen times or more just to note down every little detail. This process was how I noticed Jafar actually rolls his eyes when Iago is talking and I thought that was a good bit to add for Jamil when mc was talking because it fit perfectly, lol.
Okay, I'm getting way off track. Back to your original question. About what Leona said about the chief. If you think about it, the environment and plot before mc arrived, of course Leona would know about the hyena chief because the hyena folk were always causing trouble for the kingdom he was the prince of. In the beginning, Ruggie reports that Leona was on the borderlands again, meaning he's done it before, he's tried to meet with the chief at least once before. If you take into account the assumption that Falena too has also likely encountered the chief probably more than once likely due to conflicts, it's even safer to say that Leona knows who the chief is and has meet them before too. Finally, Leona doesn't really want them because they're otherworldly. At first Leona may see them as an asset once he realizes that they know way more than they let on, but eventually he comes to enjoy their bickering and teasing and such, and has a lot of fun seeing how certain words and actions puts them on edge. That's how his attraction starts, and begins to snowball into something much more once he realizes that mc is similar to him.
Whew, that was a lot. I hope I answered everything, or mostly everything.
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what-gs-watching · 8 months
“Now, I may be wrong, but frankly, I doubt it.”
So I finished a draft of my new and improved resume today and I’m super jazzed about it. It looks hella professional (jokes on you, recruiters!) and it makes sense in a way my resumes never have before. I’ve got that nice, warm feeling of accomplishment going. Gotta appreciate the little wins where you can. 
Keeping with this nice little boost ( while I listen to 1989 Taylor’s Version), I wanna talk about another comfort show I got into last year. Stay with me here, really.
Murder, She Wrote.
Wherein a retired English teacher from a sleepy seaside town in Maine that never gentrifies simultaneously discovers she’s incredible at writing murder mysteries and solving real life murders. 
If you were born in the 80’s like I was, you’ve seen at least pieces of episodes on tv when you were a kid. You could probably recognize the intro music and you most likely think ‘yeah, I’m good on that.’ BUT! But, but, but….
It’s really got everything. Random murders with ridiculous weapons that make you go ‘I really don’t think that would have killed someone’ and dead bodies with very little blood. Like, there’s never blood. And random guest stars you’d never expect. And murderers you can guess sometimes and sometimes you can’t because it’s convoluted or silly but that makes the episode better. But those wily murderers are always, always caught.
And there are TWELVE SEASONS! 264 episodes, running longer than the typical 42 minutes because we used to not shove so many ads down our fucking throats. 
I spent like, nine months making my way through it and it was fantastic. Jessica Fletcher is an absolute badass, and she’s the grandmother figure I didn’t even realize I wanted. This bish is polite to a fault, whip smart, observant, and she faces down murderer after murderer without ever losing her nerve. She is utterly fierce, but kind. And you don’t really get a lot of female characters like that. 
This powerhouse would outwit cops easily, solve their shit with the weirdest clues and seemingly random details, and then she’d make them feel like they did a good job and let them take the credit. She doesn’t want notoriety, she’s already got it through her best sellers, she just wants to help and ultimately catch the bad guy. 
There are so many things I love about this show. It satisfies my pure, unadulterated lust for ridiculous murders, while making you feel cozy as hell. It’s comforting to know that by the end of the episode someone was going down and everything would be wrapped up neatly. Sometimes you need that. 
And the fact that her character is an extremely accomplished writer in the universe is wonderful. Like, she sat down at her kitchen table one day and banged out some incredible book. And then kept doing it. Throughout the series, there’s mention of like THIRTY different books that she wrote. It’s totally implausible, there’s no way she’s writing like two books a year while also running into all these dead bodies but I love it. It makes my heart happy. It makes me want to write something, finally. Something real. 
And y’all. The cameos. THE CAMEOS! Young Courtney Cox. JERRY ORBACH and his entire arc! George freakin’ Clooney. Baby Neil Patrick Harris! That one guy from that thing, and that chick from the other thing! Literally, everyone. I got my sister watching and she was behind me so every couple of days she was getting texts about who popped up. It’s impressive, really. If you were trying to be anyone in the late eighties, early nineties, you had to get your ass on Murder, She Wrote. 
ALSO, Angela Lansbury is amazing. Hell of an actress, talent oozing from her pores. At one point, she plays her own British cousin, and it’s fantastic. She was in her 60’s when the show started! Like, someone gave a 60-year-old actress her own show. She was a ground breaker, a glass shatterer. She was a fucking icon. 
I’m not sure what I’m driving at here really, but the show is just, such a place and time. And that place and time are really beautiful and relaxing and soothing and silly and entertaining. You don’t get shows like this anymore. Everything has to be edgy and dark and foreboding and yeah it’s a show about murder primarily but it doesn’t feel like that. Why can’t we make fluffy murder shows that make you feel like you're just hanging out with your cool aunt, and she’s radiating  the intrinsic knowledge that everything is going to be perfectly fine? Why isn’t that a thing? Are we just that terribly jaded now? 
Jessica Fletcher is a treasure. And she’ll warm your heart from the inside out. If you need to be snug and cozy, Cabot Cove is the place for you. It never changes and it never should and there are no loose ends. It’s just nice. And there isn’t enough nice out there. Trust me, and get it where you can.
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everythingwritingg · 9 months
Writing Plot Twists
@everything.writing on IG
Plot twists are some of my favorite things to write because they can really do wonders to move the story forward and keep the reader on their toes. Common plot twists include surprising deaths, heartbreaking betrayals, and suddenly discovering someone is related to you. Whatever plot twists you want to write, hopefully this advice helps you.
Make sure the plot twist actually fits with your story. It’s tempting to throw in plot twists left and right, but sometimes the twist doesn’t fit in with your story. Does the plot twist actually drive your story forward? For example, if you’re writing a betrayal from a friend, it could teach the character that they can’t always rely on others. In addition, make sure you watch for plot holes while creating plot twists.
Try not to make it too obvious but don’t make it unrealistic. Plant small clues in the story that a plot twist is coming. For example, your character’s best friend could say a few odd things in their daily conversation. But you shouldn’t make it too obvious and don’t have your best friend say that they outright support the other side. Often times, you will have to work backwards in order to do the best foreshadowing techniques. You don’t have to get it right on the first draft, foreshadowing is typically done after you have a rough draft of your story.
Your character’s reaction to external plot twists is important. How will they react to having their best friend betray them? Do they give up on their mission or do they adapt and adjust to circumstances? How does this foster character development in the long term? Your character will definitely be shocked, but how they deal with later can vary person to person.
Be creative with plot twists. In the introduction of this post, I listed some common plot twists that a lot of authors use. However, you can definitely make your plot twist extremely unique. For example, maybe your readers realize that your main character is an unreliable narrator. That could emotionally wreck readers if they bonded with the main character.
Use them sparingly. Plot twists can be absolutely an amazing plot device when used well, and most books have at least one or two of them. But too much and the story will be super unrealistic and the twists will slowly lose their impact. It could also confuse the reader, so use them when necessary.
Sorry for this post being a little short, but I am extremely busy this week. I still hope I could provide an in-depth guide for you guys to help you with writing your plot twists. I imagine I’ll be reading a lot of your stories about how you used this plot device in your story!
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7grandmel · 3 months
Todays rip: 20/03/2024
old town ribbon race
Season 4 Episode 1 Featured on: The SiIvaGunner Spooktacular Halloween Horror Special Collection '17​-​'19
Ripped by Moder112
Y'know, I've had this rip in the drafts for a pretty long while - I've wanted to write about it for so long, but its almost difficult to explain why I like it so. I sometimes wonder how many other people are as attached to the original Intro Title / Minigame Theme - Barbie Horse Adventures: Blue Ribbon Race as I am - it was a genuinely shocking little rip that managed to utilize the creepiness of the original song, whilst also tying it all subtly to the ongoing side story of Mr. Rental's rampage on SiIvaGunner. Yet it was the kind of rip that didn't make its presence all too known after the fact - save for a big reappearance on SiIvaGunner Fusion Records last year with *** EVERYTHING IS FINE ***, the rip's appearances have been pretty darn scarce. That is, at least, on SiIva - what I learned in researching for coverage on old town ribbon race, is that the meme took on a life on its own elsewhere in the internet.
That's right, it's fan channel time again - the very same one that V​-​v​-​v​-​v​-​v​-​a​-​V​-​v​-​v​-​v​-​v​-​v​-​r covered not that long ago, even. Its always a bit difficult to discern...anything, about Vvvvvavvvvvvr from the outside looking in, because of just how vast and bizarre its output is - its a channel that accepts submissions of just about ANY kind and has made it its brand to basically be a dumping ground for any sort of vip (Vavr's name for high quality rips) possible. Yet through it all, in 2017, a certain familiar Barbie game for Game Boy Advance made a reappearance - with a vip simply named Horse: Blue Ribbon. From there, the meme was reborn on the channel as just "Horse", mainly using a remix of the original theme by ripper Moder112 as its main source for future vips - continuing to see use pretty regularly in a number of bizarre, spooky rips.
All of that was, of course, entirely lost on me - yet in a way, that made discovering old town ribbon race on SiIva all the more impactful for me. I had no clue that others remembered this bizarre one-off horror rip as much as I did, nor that there had secretly been this subset of rippers already fiddling around with how to turn this eerie theme into something so hummable. Old Town Road is a song I already find deviously catchy, one I've covered before with Mob Corral - and so to me, old town ribbon race wound up feeling like the perfect culmination to things all those years later. The rip that had filled my 2016 self with such intrigue was now finally being played around with in fun, creative ways - by, as I'd now later learn, none other than the very same ripper who'd been doing so for years beforehand without me knowing.
There is of course a comedy to old town ribbon race inherently, in making a country/pop banger out of a theme otherwise most known for how much it unsettles people. But there's that other part as well - it IS genuinely a banger, using so many creative and fun GBA-quality samples that all feel in line with the original creepy song, even including the sampling of Among Us sound effects used for its percussion. A lot of the samples are from Moder112's prior mentioned remix, yet the authenticity of the rip was so good that I hardly even considered that as a possibility - it doesn't sound like its using anything "fan made" so much as its just naturally working outward of what Old Town Road would sound like in this style.
I'm really happy that nothing gets forgotten on SiIva - that was one of my big talking points in Violet Snow Memories, if you'll recall. This really isn't one of those cases, because Horse found a life all on its own - yet its almost just as fun to see how memes like it live on in such strange, silly ways. Meme evolution! How fun. old town ribbon race. What a good rip.
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greyfics · 2 months
fifties/sixties song lyric prompts
because I've drafted so many quotes from songs that I want to use as inspiration for fic writing whilst listening to my throwback playlist and whether you're on this little site for role-playing, fanfics or general writing inspiration I'm sure this'll be of use ! will be doing another one with lines from songs I have specifically discovered via the fallout tv series soundtrack I was going to add them here but realised I already did uh a fair few by that point to say the least haha
you don't have to use these as quotes ( personally I like to use prompts sometimes as the titles for the writing it inspires, even if I don't use the prompt at all in the end ), so do what you want with them :)
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"You're alone now, no love of your own- but darlin', reach out." "Nobody's right if everybody's wrong." "You keep losin' when you ought to not bet." "You told me lies, now it's your turn to cry." "That's the kind of girl I'd like to meet." "You, to me, are sweet as roses in the morning." "The concrete and the clay beneath my feet begins to crumble- but love will never die." "We'll see the mountains tumble before we say goodbye." "The shadows fall, and once again you're in my arms." "Everytime I see your face, I get all choked up inside." "Hope you are quite prepared to die." "I thought love was only true in fairy-tales- meant for someone else, but not for me." "I thought love was more or less a given thing- seems the more I gave, the less I got." "I betcha five dollars he'll kill you dead." "Is her sweet expression worth more than my love and affection?" "He's taken everythin' I got." "I wonder, what went wrong with our love?" "I wonder, where she will stay- my little runaway." "Your mind is so full of red." "Your eyes may look like his- but in your head, baby, I'm afraid you don't know where it is." "Wouldn't you love somebody to love?" "I go through life, without a care." "Now that I've surrendered, so helplessly- you now want to leave." "Now that you've got me, you wanna leave me behind." "I know something about love: you've gotta want it bad." "Why should true love be so complicated?" "I want to be with you all of the time." "The only time I feel alright is by your side." "I don't believe you, you're not the truth." "Are you lonely, just like me?" "When I found you, the moon stood still." "All of those vows you made, were never to be." "Though we're apart, you're part of me still." "If we go some place to dance, I know that there's a chance you won't be leaving with me." "I can see it in your eyes that you despise the same old lies you heard the night before." "Though it's just a line for you, for me it's true." "Bluer than velvet were her eyes; warmer than may her tender sighs." "Ours a love I held tightly, feeling the rapture grow." "Like a flame burning brightly- when she left, gone was the glow." "And I still can see blue velvet through my tears." "Darlin', save the last dance for me." "I will never, never let you go." "Carry on, 'til the night is gone and it's time to go." "Ain't that a shame? You're the one to blame." "Say you belong to me and ease my mind." "A wave out on the ocean could never move that way." "I love every movement- there's nothing I would change." "Will you still love me tomorrow?" "I only know I never wanna let you go." "Ever since we met you've had a hold on me." "I never knew that I could be in love like this." "I didn't stand a chance." "No one here gets out alive, now." "You get yours baby, I'll get mine." "They got the guns. but we got the numbers." "We're takin' over." "I'll make you so proud of me." "We'll make 'em turn their heads, every place we go." "Since the day I saw you, I have been waiting for you." "You know I will adore you, 'til eternity." "You're a real mean guy." "I know that you're the one to blame." "You mixed me up for good right from the very start." "I don't feature what you're putting down." "Since I kissed his loving lips of wine, the thing that bothers me is that I like it fine." "Might as well confess, if the answer's yes." "Though it really hurts me, there's something that I've gotta say." "You stretched my love, till it was thin enough to tear." "I'm just a somebody nobody wants." "I don't want to set the world on fire, honey- I love you too much." "If your love is gone, how can I face the dawn?" "Maybe you'll ask me to come back again- and, maybe, I'll say maybe." "It hurts me to tell 'em that you're gone."
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acacia-may · 11 days
4, 11, 52, and 65 for the 100 writer asks? 👉👈💖
Thank you so much for the ask, Erika! I'd be delighted to answer these questions for you! Cheers!! 💖
4. What is the plot bunny you’ve been carrying for the longest? optional bonus question: do you ever wonder why you haven’t written it yet and experience deep existential dread?
I answered this question here and talked about my Langris x Finesse Beauty and the Beast AU. Super fun stuff that I never got around to writing at all unfortunately. I have a lot of plot bunnies, but I think that's the oldest I'm still carrying around and have never made any concrete progress on.
11. What's something neat you’ve learned while doing research for something you were writing? also, how much do you worry about doing research in general?
...do you want to know how the human knee joint works in excruciating detail??? I now have my honorary PhD in Patellar Instability thanks to fanfiction.
Jokes aside...I think a lot of the things I've learned for fanfics are related to injuries. I know way more about corneal lacerations, punctured lungs, broken fibulas, amputation recovery, and direct blood transfusions in World War I than I ever expected to know (among a lot of other things).
I also try to research the personal experiences of people who have similar struggles to the characters I'm writing if I don't have a personal frame of reference. For instance, I think I've read at least 100 first-hand accounts from widows and widowers who eventually remarried detailing their specific struggles in processing their grief and opening themselves up to love again. (A special thanks to the Widowers Support Network. They were very informative.)
Sometimes I just disappear down the research rabbit hole. I once spent literally an hour and a half researching cantera fountains for one throwaway line in a one shot. If the story takes place in a historical setting, I'll spend a lot of time researching that or (more often than not) researching whether or not certain things existed yet.
Recently I have been learning a lot about bridges. (I have this OC who is super passionate about bridges, but I know absolutely nothing about them 🤦‍♀️ so it's been a struggle). Last weekend I watched a 45-minute documentary about cantilever bridges just so I'd know how they work--only to discover that the cantilever bridge in this city where the fic was taking place had been torn down at this time and a new cable-stayed bridge had been built. So then I had to watch a bunch of YouTube videos about how those work too.
Oh I also do a lot of canon research too (i.e. going back to reread or rewatch relevant moments from the story because I generally want my fics to be as close to canon as possible. There is nothing worse than catching continuity errors in my work. Yikes 🙈
So yeah...needless to say, I do a ton of research--probably WAY too much because it's most likely that nobody even notices these things but me. But it's still important to me to be accurate to the source material and as realistic as possible.
52. How many unfinished ideas/stories are you working on at the same time?
I try to only actively write one story at time, but I generally work on actively drafting and outlining up to and around 5 at once (by shuffling around the ideas in my head). I specify "actively" because I constantly juggle a lot of WIPs and story ideas, but I can only make concrete progress on a few of them at a time. That doesn't mean I've abandoned my wips, just that they don't have my attention and therefore, won't get concrete drafting, outlining, or writing progression.
Going back to question #4, this also fills me with existential dread.
65. What is your favourite title for a fic you’ve written? 
Probably "A Ceiling Made Of Stars" (which is DRV3 fic). In a once-in-a-lifetime event for me, I actually titled that fic before I wrote it. It just came to me when I had the initial idea for that story, and I think it's poetic, especially in context. I'm also very fond of "The Hero You Loved" (which is an OMORI fic) though I haven't written the 2nd chapter of that fic which would fully explain where the title comes from yet.
It's worth mentioning though that a lot of my fic titles are borrowed from/inspired by lines in music so I felt I should share my favorite titles in this category too (the fandom is in parentheses): "Tackle The Monsters" (DR UDG) "Hearts In Tune," (OMORI) and "Lights Will Guide You Home" (EOA)
My favorite cheeky title is probably "Everything I Need To Know About Love I Learned From Latin" (Horrible Histories; The Movie) though "How To Catch A Mermaid" (OMORI) is a close second. 😁 "It's a Future Problem" is another fun one especially given what that story is about (and that's actually a Black Clover fic unlike the rest of these😅).
To be honest, I think some of my unfinished wips actually have some of my favorite titles I've ever come up with so I'll mention them too: "Lightning In Their Eyes" (Fairy Tail; about how each of the members of the Thunder Legion first met Laxus) and "Dissonant Melodies" (YTTD; about the Yabusame Siblings' (who are both musicians) extremely strained relationship). But alas, these stories never got finished...maybe someday...
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zuppizup · 3 months
Hiiii I just finished the first two chapters of Fuel the Pyre! I'm super excited for it, it's very well done!
I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions about your writing process. How do you outline? What kinds of things need to be in an outline in order for you to visualize the story? Do you outline the entire story, one chapter, or just one scene at a time?
Thank you for your time!
Hello! Thanks so much for your kind words! I’m so happy you’re liking the fic so far.
This is a super fun ask. Not sure how coherent or helpful my response will be, but I’ll give it a try. 😆
So, stories like Purgatory, Fuel the Pyre or my WIP dark magic AU, always start out as a bunch of questions.
What if Ezran hadn’t interrupted Callum and Rayla in Viren’s study…
Could a human/elf halfling do primal magic? Can all of them or just a few? What would control that?
What would the world be like if dark magic actually was controlled and regulated.
I usually don’t start out planning a fic when I ponder questions like this, it’s usually just my mind wandering. For me, while I love big, wonderful, imaginative worlds (like the world of The Dragon Prince) what I’m really more interested in is how these things affect individuals. I actually tend to visualise the story before I outline. In fact, I often visualise far beyond where I think I’ll finish the story. (I say where I think I’ll finish because both my current long fics are now firmly in the “after the end of the planned fic” territory)
So, in Fuel the Pyre, for example, I imagine there’s a lot of unknowns for the people involved. Halflings would be pretty new on the scene, all things considered, so the characters themselves wouldn’t have the answer to these questions, which felt like a great excuse to add tension and drama.
Once an idea has got me and I can imagine how that conflict is going to affect the characters, the general outline tends to sort of write itself. I am a planner, so I by the time I start putting pen to paper (so to speak), I’ll usually have a beginning, a rough middle and an end. There will be plot points, tangents, twists and sometimes side stories that I haven’t figured out, but I’ll have a plan for the general flow of the story.
From there, I’ll come up with a pretty messy draft. So, I just sort of go wild in a document. Usually, when I’ve decided I want to write a longer fic, it’s because certain scenes just play on repeat in my head, so I’ll indulge myself and write those out. Then I’ll go back and make rough chapter/arc notes, which usually leads into some other fun scenes I get inspired to write, and slowly, piece by piece, I sort of string the fic together like that.
I used to outline more linearly, starting at the first chapter and working from there, but I found I’d get stuck on transition scenes (the bane of my writing life) and then avoid the fic. (If I put my fingers in my ears and sing very loudly, the transition scene can’t hurt me). I find letting myself write the scenes I’m excited for makes me much more productive. They usually give me ideas for other fun (I use the term loosely, I generally mean “angsty”) scenes and I essentially build my story like that. I do like adding foreshadowing and twists, which is made a lot easier by writing like this too.
In Purgatory, for example, I tried to drop a lot of subtle hints about Callum and his slowly building arcanum connection. It’s so fun when people pick up on that stuff, but I also don’t want it to look like I just pulled a twist or a revelation out of my rear. Nowadays, I do prefer to write the bulk of a story before posting, which this method obviously works better for.
Often, when I start a fic, the beginning and the ending are the most defined parts of the story and the middle is the area that requires the most work, but by stringing the various elements together, I sort of “discover��� new conflicts and fun elements to explore, which (hopefully) makes for a richer, more entertaining story.
So, not sure if that was what you’re looking for, but if you could describe the stream of consciousness that is how I write, a process, this is mine. 😅
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who-is-page · 6 months
Hey! (Sorry about the fever, hope it gets better soon) Read something you were mentioning about your own phantom limbs responding to painkillers and PT, and I was wondering, do you have any advice/suggestions on that front for other folks who get some degree of pain/tension apparently stored in phantom parts? S especially has that happen some, even though neither of us have 24/7 phantoms, and we've tried things like "attempting to back-calculate what muscles/spots on our human body feel like they correspond Closely Enough to the phantoms for work on those spots to help the phantom pain", but it's definitely a challenge sometimes. (For me, it's more often stuff where I can just...stretch my phantom wings, if they're aching, and it'll help loosen everything up, but for him it seems to get more 'stuck') Best wishes, L+S
Thanks for well-wishes, I am in misery but am thankfully on the upswing. Sorry it took a little while to respond to this; we got started on mobile, but then mobile Tumblr wouldn't let us continue to edit the draft when we paused to get more medication. :') Functioning app.
For us, treatment depends on the type of phantom limb pain, and the severity. Phantom pains for us tend to come in three types:
Spasms: The phantom is twitching and flailing uncontrollably, and painfully. It might also "hit" people or objects around it, which can cause further brain freak-outs. It's exhausting to deal with.
Cramps: The phantom has retracted against the body tightly and painfully, and cannot be moved or adjusted. It's stiff, it hurts like a spring wound too tight with a muscle, and it hurts double to try and force it to readjust. Like spasms, it's hugely tiring.
Aches: The phantom just aches and hurts, plain and simple.
We also get generalized discomfort, tension, and itchiness. Some people in our system are more prone to different types of pains than others. Noel most often gets severe aches along her phantom scars, for example, while I tend to end up more often dealing with cramps and occasionally spasms.
Here are some of the forms of treatment we use, how much they help us, and what types of pain they usually help with:
Medication: This is in reference to anti-inflammatory and pain reducing medication like ibuprofen. It works best on specifically aches, although it can also help to relieve some of the pain caused by cramps and spasms. This is the easiest and first line of defense-- if we can feel the pain starting up or know that something is beginning to trigger it, taking this early is a good move. Unfortunately, its effectiveness isn't perfect. It will never relieve all of the pain, it just dampens it, and some days it works better than others.
Prosthetics: This is in reference to using prosthetics that line up with and match our phantom body parts to some degree. Having a partner or ourselves gently interact with the prosthetic, especially if we can see it visibly or in a mirror, can relieve a lot of tension we've found, but usually isn't fantastic with handling outright pain just because of the limbs we typically find to be painful. We're still experimenting with this one, because we only discovered it about a year or two ago. We've found that having a prosthetic is great because we can interact with it and our brain will fully believe that we're physically interacting with our phantom limbs and will register it as such. It's like putting ice water on a fire. It's the biggest relief.
Touch: This one usually requires another person to work. It works well with all three kinds of pain depending on the type of touch, and on our lucky days can sometimes resolve the issues entirely. Having a friend or partner put pressure on the effected area, or gently stroke or massage, can sometimes convince your phantom muscles to unwind or hurt less, just like physical aches and pains. We usually use pressure for the aches; massages for the cramps; and gentle strokes for the spasms.
Stretches and Movement: This one is pretty hugely hit-or-miss, and only usually works on aches to help relieve some of the pain. Gently stretching the phantom in tandem with our physical body in slow, steady movements can sometimes help it stop hurting. We've found that it's important not to go too fast or do too much, because that will make the pain increase. We usually do arm and back stretches for wing aches (I might draw it out), leg stretches for tail aches (rare, but they've happened before).
Heat: This can be in reference to a hot compress, a hot shower, an electric blanket, anything that generates a notable amount of heat. It typically only works with our cramps and aches, not spasms, but sometimes it can resolve the issue entirely. The idea is simple: wherever on your body is connected to the painful limb, apply heat and try your best to relax.
Breathing Exercises and Meditation: Probably the most unreliable of the list for us where it rarely, if ever, works, but we personally know quite a few other people who vouch for this. It's exactly what it says on the tin-- you sit, calm yourself, and do breathing exercises. Or you sit and try to meditate. Our ADHD makes this one extremely hard and impractical, but it might be worth a whirl for other folks.
General Exercise: This is referring to light exercises, just enough to get our blood pumping, because we're disabled and our body can't handle too much. It only really helps with cramps, and only cramps of a very low severity, but sometimes it's enough to make them go away entirely. For this, lifting and taking walks are our preferred exercises, based on what we like to do.
System Shenanigans: We're part of a system with a mindscape and can interact with one another within it. Sometimes we can get pain to alleviate or lessen by interacting with the pained limb in the mindscape. We've shoved Noel into a hot spring for her phantom scar pain before, for instance. This one is a pretty big coin flip though, because sometimes it just doesn't work and I really don't understand the rules or why or how.
Obviously YMMV when trying any of these out, but you're more than welcome to mix-and-match or adjust as needed to suit your personal needs. We also always heavily encourage making sure to rule-out or treat physical causes that might be inadvertently causing or increasing what your brain is translating as phantom pain too-- things like back issues, etc. In our experiences, phantoms can and are affected by parallel physical issues. They're not neatly separated in our brains, because our brains recognize the sensations from both and wires can easily get swapped and crossed; our electric meat machines are just doing their best with the input they've got.
We're having that issue right now, as we type! Because we're so sick with the fever, our whole physical body and our entire phantom body are wracked with pain. So sometimes treatment and prevention is multi-layered and a balancing act.
I hope this helped, and I hope it made sense. We're still pretty sick, so if there's anything here that you need clarification on because we went off on a tangent or just weren't clear in what we meant, just reblog and let us know and we'll try to explain it better when we're feeling less like death.
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mustlovesteve · 7 months
I would love to know what the major differences are between the LATBG that was intended to be published in its entirety in one month and the LATBG of today
So, it turns out I had horribly misremembered everything regarding my timeline for this fic. Whoops!
I found an old version of the document from 09/26/2022, 5 days before I uploaded the Prologue. In that draft, I had apparently written up until when Steve and Eddie meet up at Dustin's house, which is Chapter 20 in the published version. (For reference, until I skimmed that document, I was convinced that I'd conjured up Lucy sometime in early 2023 and that I had only written up until Chapter 13 by that point.)
Each chapter got a major overhaul before I uploaded it, so that Halloween deadline was always a pipe dream, but the events of those chapters remained largely the same.
However, that draft included an outline for the rest of the story. Those events are pretty different from what happened in the final version.
Some major differences between that outline and the final version include:
Vickie was going to be brought into the fold much earlier, for the sake of having a double-date before Steve and Eddie even got together. They were all going to watch the 1970's Carmilla movie, during which Steve was going to make some Interesting and Sad Observations about why that movie was "allowed" to be made. Unfortunately, I could not figure out how to do this without Steve and/or Robin coming across as careless about Eddie's safety.
Steve was going to go back to work sooner, which would have provided many convenient timeskips once Steve was Cursed. Thus, events like dinner with Wayne, Steve and Robin getting matching friendship bracelets, Eddie and Lucy tracking down Steve near the train tracks, etc. weren't going to happen.
Lucy's back-alley vet adventure was going to be an entire chapter. This would have explored Eddie's feelings about not being able to talk to his other friends for the indefinite future.
Eddie was possibly going to continue living at Steve's house in the guest room after he reunited with his uncle. Theoretically, Eddie would have asked Steve if his "offer was still good" about letting Eddie stay there. This would be shortly after Steve had a panic attack about his parents potentially discovering Lucy. I was pretty conflicted about this.
Steve was going to wonder whether Eddie had accidentally "Charmed" him with vampire magic and discuss it with Robin at work. As hilarious as that could have been, I'm glad I decided to ditch the idea. I didn't want to deal with the implications of a gay man (in my headcanon for this fic anyway) being suspected of doing something like that, even if Steve was sure that it was just an accident.
The hand-licking was still going to happen, but it would have been in Steve's kitchen instead.
Steve wasn't going to realize that he was Cursed until he saw the clock, because the hallucinations were going to be more subtle.
Whether Eddie ended up living in Steve's guest room or not, he was going to be there the morning that Steve saw the clock. When Steve stopped answering him, Eddie was going to break his goddamn door down.
Eddie was going to be present for the "Steve is Cursed" meeting and it was going to be ugly. Steve was going to essentially throw Eddie under the bus when Eddie alluded to the whole "Steve thinks that Dustin wishes he'd died instead" thing because he really didn't want Dustin to know that.
The Final Battle was going to be totally different...
EDIT: Original Ending (SPOILERS for the finale):
Vecna, who had been saving up his energy all week, was going to actually (albeit very briefly) control Eddie and break him out of the lab. Before Vecna gained full control, Eddie was going to ask Lucy to chew his foot to slow him down. This would have allowed Lucy to beat Eddie to the Upside Down, and luckily save Dustin from a demodog.
Once puppet!Eddie got closer, Lucy was going to start convulsing as she tried to resist puppet!Eddie's commands to attack everyone. Puppet!Eddie would close in on Steve, slam him into a wall and dislocate his shoulder, and taunt him. Steve, in a stroke of brilliance, would decide that was the best time to kiss Eddie for the first time. (There is a specific piece of fanart that inspired this scene lol.) Vecna, seizing the opportunity to be especially cruel, would have chosen that moment to draw Steve into the Mindscape (basically mocking him like "oh u really thought that would work huh?").
El would kill Vecna quickly, but as a parting gift, Vecna would trap Steve in a warped version of the Mindscape. This Mindscape would rapidly erode Steve's sanity, until he would start to beg for someone to just kill him already. El would start to worry that Steve might end up like her mom if he was left there for much longer. Eddie, upon hearing that, would get the idea to bite Steve to buy them some time for El to find Steve and draw him back out.
I scrapped this around 02/12/2023 when I talked with someone on Discord and realized that this made no sense based on what we knew about how Vecna's powers worked. If Vecna died, there was no logical reason for the Mindscape to persist. I was willing to take a lot of liberties (ignoring the spiders and shit), but not to that extent. I came up with the published finale shortly after this!
Other noteworthy changes that I made along the way:
In the very early planning stages, many major plot changes were made because I stopped to consider the ethical implications of certain character choices. For example, the Basement Arc was originally going to be a lot longer, until I realized that Steve couldn't justify hiding Eddie away for much longer while Dustin and Wayne were so agonized over his death.
Lucy was originally going to be more attuned to Eddie's moods, but I decided it was funnier for them to essentially compete for Steve's attention.
Eddie wasn't going to confess his feelings until a bit later.
The night before they planned to fight Vecna, Steve was going to call his parents, only for that to turn into a horrible hallucination. After ending that call, Steve was going to call Hopper and propose the Contingency Plan.
Dustin and Robin's reconciliation-with-Steve chapters were going to happen after they beat Vecna. I wanted to focus more on Steve and Eddie at the very end, so I reworked that.
The final few hallucination concepts were pretty last-minute, so I'm surprised that I liked how they turned out.
This is...likely a much longer response than you were expecting...but uh...I hope it was interesting!
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