#sometimes help is in the form of two tiny attack birds
zephyrus-gremlin · 3 months
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Local train engineer gets adopted by two very normal birds that arent secretly his predecessors :D
Aka I gave Spirit (ST Link) animal companions for the sillies (More below)
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Wind (later named Lobster by ST Zelda) is a very loud but courageous seagull, and he spends most of his time flying beside the spirit train or in his favorite seat. (Spirit’s hat)
He loves to prank Spirit when he can, but helps a lot in the Spirit Tower. (It reminds him of the Temple of the Ocean King and he refuses to let Spirit go through it alone.)
Spirit considers him as an absolute menace (affectionate) but Zelda thinks he’s a very sweet bird.
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Four (Spirit calls him Rainbow) stays on Spirits shoulder most of the time or at the engine of the train when they travel. He’s very fascinated by the train and wants to know how to works. This has led to Spirit developing a habit of checking the train before departure, as Four tends to get stuck in the small spaces of the engine.
He likes to watch Spirit write notes on any of the maps he gets during his journey, and will sing along with Spirit when he plays his flute.
Four made sure to steal borrow some supplies so Spirit could properly clean his blade when needed.
Extra notes:
- Spirit met the two on his train when he went to get his engineer certificate. Since he was in a rush to get to the castle, Alfonzo scared them off.
- They show up again to attack the guards help Spirit sneak Zelda out, and the two are given new names (Lobster and Rainbow)
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sushispider1212 · 1 month
Okay! I think I have a general idea of how Akira and Shigeru’s powers work in the Metaverse, and no, they do not have personas (yet 👀)
So basically Igor and the Velvet Room let the two have a tiny fraction of their godly powers, and that basically translates to the equal amount of power nerfed level 99 persona would have, the two are powerful as hell.
Shigeru and Akira’s powers are basically light and dark, as well as some other powers their God forms have, like Shigeru can use the 7 deadly sins as watered down status ailments/physical attacks, and Akira can use almighty attacks.
Shigeru actually likes making light constructs, if you remember me saying a while back that Shigeru could summon a bird construct, that’s basically it, they summon a light construct of a bird, and Shigeru sends it to help the pt’s sometimes when the two are at too far of a distance.
Akira can work with shadows, like darkness, not Shadows lol, his attacks are more brunt force and power house, while Shigeru’s are more accurate and more hits he gets in.
I’m really bouncing around here because It’s really hard to explain how their powers work for me, but just imagine persona 5 mechanics but they got nothin to summon.
And also, Shigeru 100% awakens to a persona when they go face to face with their godly counterpart in the final battle. Idk when Akira awakens to his…probably either in Shido’s palace or Maruki’s. But Shigeru awakens to theirs because they come to terms with what they did and admit to it, and they finally become “Shigeru Ochida” instead of “Yaldabaoth”
Akira’s is similar, he comes to terms with the fact that he’s his own person now, and is not just a part of Ren, but is Akira Amano instead, and learns to accept that.
Shigeru is also the navi for the duo, and he’s JUST like Akechi during 3rd semester, constantly making sarcastic remarks, insulting Akira whenever he gets knocked down or affected with an ailment (“Did you REALLY just get knocked out?! I KNOW you did not just leave this fight to me asshole! Did you even SEE that Shadow RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOUR EYES?!”) Akira can get a bit emotional about this, but he refuses to cry about it.
also you’ve probably noticed by now, that i ship these two fucking losers around 75%, I’m a sucker for dumbasses who are forced to work together, and besides, they are forced to share a braincell the moment they go in a 5 mile radius of each other, what’s not to love? If you don’t like that, tell me and I’ll 100% stop talking about them that way 👌 (that sounded sarcastic/rude whenever i say it in my head😔)
Anyways, got any thoughts on this? I definitely know I was all over the place for this one lol
This is actively fueling by brain rot. I love this so much.
The opposing concepts thing, and! The ailments Shigeru can provide works well with his role as the navigator. I’m imagining some kind of sick ass finishing move involving those bird constructs.
You: *talking about your plans for the end game*
Me: *Looking nervously at the pile of notes for my end game. Shoves them a little bit further under the desk.*
And about the shipping. As of this point in time I am considering Shigeru to be the name shared by our Yaldabaoths. My Shigeru Ochida is a high schooler who really really Does Not Like hanging out with people and begrudgingly helps. Your Shigeru Ochida is the legal guardian who is forced to be in proximity with people and therefore acts different.
Our characters are different in my perspective. You can ship your guy, I will be not be shipping mine at this point in time.
I sure hope this is a cohesive answer my brain is currently a warm soup.
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snackleggg · 3 years
Guardian Spirit au
Danny is a Guardian Spirit, except Guardian Spirits in this au are truly terrifying.
They focus a lot more on the guarding aspect of being a Guardian Spirit then being comforting or approachable, so they look terrifying. Like a massive chimera of different animals and eldritch abomination looking stuff.
Guardian Spirits are generally some of the most powerful ghosts and most ghosts know not to mess with them unless you want to have a second funeral. They are also usually mistaken to be demons and malevolent spirits by humans even though they just want to guard the thing they are guarding and be left alone.
Appearances are deceiving in this case bc even though Guardian Spirits look terrifying as heck they are usually pretty docile and kind as long as you dont try to hurt/take the thing they are guarding.
For example Pandora is a Guardian Spirit, most Guardian Spirits are animalistic in appearance with Pandora being one of the few exceptions (though that doesnt mean they have less sentience or intelligence, they just look like animals and can usually talk as well)
Anyway back to Danny, because of the nature of his creation and of course his obsession his ghost half ends up being a Guardian Spirit. Unfortunately he drew the short end of the stick and instead of looking vaguely human in his ghost form like Pandora he looks absolutely terrifying.
He's about the size of a two story building (maybe a little bigger). He has huge feathery wings, a scorpion tail, is four legged with bird feet with sharp talons, has thick white fur all over the rest of his body, and of course he has an elk skull as a head. His eyes are still glowing green but it's just the iris and pupil, the selera is pitch black in the sunken eyes of the skull.
Thankfully he only looks like that in ghost form. Not so thankfully this monstrous appearance obviously doesn't help disprove his parents claim that all ghosts are emotionless monsters that need to be eradicated.
Protecting Amity park is easier in this au since most ghosts take one look at Danny's ghost form and just nope out of there. The exceptions being Skulker (who wants to catch Danny even more because he is a halfa AND a guardian spirit) and Box ghost who is just stupid about not angering incredibly powerful being.
Danny goes through an angsty faze of "am I a monster?" But his friends and soon his sister pull him out of that and when they meet Pandora and they find out that Danny is a Guardian Spirit the boy accepts and is happy with this part of himself.
The main threat to Danny in this au are his parents and the GIW since of course a giant ghost monster that appears from nowhere and disappears seemingly into thin air attracts more attention and seems like a bigger threat.
Meanwhile Danny is just trying to get by. Sometimes he goes through partial transformations that are troublesome to deal with without anyone noticing (these include: scorpion tail, the wings, having the top of the elk skull appear on his face sort of like a mask he can take that one off of his face and it dissipates but the other ones are actually part of his body)
In this au he meets other Guardian Spirits (tho Pandora is basically like his unofficial mentor/mom), has to avoid the GIW and his parents, has to try and convince the town that the scary looking huge chimera is NOT going to hurt anyone, and also deal with Vlad trying to capture him to work for him like his vultures do (Vlad has no idea Danny is the Guardian Spirit in this au, he is increasingly annoyed that this Guardian Spirit keeps foiling his plans to kill Jack)
Also I might throw in some Ghost king Danny just because I think Guardian Spirit!Danny would beat Pariah Darks ass. Plus the image of a crown that looks so tiny in comparison with Danny's huge elk skull head is just hilarious (tho I'd probably have it so the crown of fire changes based on the king so it would probably change to be big and intimidating to fit on Danny's ghost form's head, but change to a normal size whenever he changes back to human)
The partial transformations are caused bc Danny has to transform into his ghost form at least every few days or else it starts transforming on it's own so yeah Danny can't have his ghost form lay low even if there arent any ghosts attacking Amity.
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mud-castle · 3 years
In the dark mirror au, have their been instances were kittypet queens kinda just expect their kits to be taken and make sure that they're ready? Like, Thunderclan breaks into a Twoleg nest and instead of fighting the queen, she's just like "I've got two mollies and a tom, one of the mollies is a little small, though I think she's big enough to still go with you. I gave them forest-y names; Pebble, Fern, and Sparrow, please let them keep their names as a final gift from their mother." Has something like that ever happened?
Wow, that's depressing...
So, I must put it in:
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Story below the cut:
Paprika was a fool.
She had known of the raids the forest cats sometimes launched on the neighborhood cats. She had known of the kits that had been stolen and of mothers and fathers who had been injured when they tried to protect them.
Yet, she had also known that the raids were rare, more often done on loners, rogues, and city cats. The forest cats didn't want to draw the ire of the humans by attacking their pets too often. Rather, their attacks on the neighborhood were more often made at those who had strayed too close to their beloved trees.
So, Paprika had dismissed the concerns of her friend Trixie when she'd told her of her plans to have kits. The last raid the forest cats had been just about a month ago. Often, they only happened two or three times a year. Paprika had seen a number of kittens born, grow, and be given their own housefolk.
Paprika had always wanted kits, little ones running around under her paws. She'd daydreamed of the things she would teach them. Like, the best places to sharpen your claws, the names of types of birds that came around the feeder, how to get your housefolk to scratch the itch you couldn't reach, and so much more. And, like the idiot she was, she'd decided that it was safe to finally have her own.
She'd been given birth to three precious kittens three months later. Two mollies and a tom. Two weeks went by without issue. Parenting was a little harder than she anticipated, but with the help of her housefolk, she took to it rather easily. The kittens had opened their eyes and ears and explored the world that was the basket in the kitchen.
A week later, a forest cat had been spotted four houses from her own. It had simply walked along the fence, looking into houses, and disappeared about an hour later. Paprika kept a closer eye on her kittens. They had begun to babble, weakly attempting to mimic her own words.
Two nights after that, the cat was seen again. Two houses from her own. It had done the same thing, watching the houses, before going off once again. Paprika decided to stay in the house instead of spending her mornings and evenings outside chatting with the neighborhood cats and dogs. Her kits had started mewing their first word. "Mama"
Two nights later, Paprika was awoken by nothing. Her kittens lay sound asleep next to her. She gave each of them a lick on the head, heart warming as they purred contently. Her housefolk had gone to bed a little earlier than usual. She could hear him snoring away. With a yawn, she turned her head towards the window. She froze.
Wide, orange eyes locked onto narrowed, green ones. Paprika had never seen a forest cat before. It was big, far bigger than her. She couldn't see much of its details as it had its back turned to the light of the moon. But she could see its eyes slide over to where her kittens were nestled against her, and the glint of fangs as its mouth parted into a wide, wicked grin.
Paprika bristled, alarm shooting through her body. She turned in the direction of her housefolk's room, wondering if she could wake him up before the forest cat could try anything. But when she turned back to the window, it was gone. Paprika didn't go back to sleep.
Rage hit first, then indignance, then helplessness. There was nothing she could do to protect her kittens. She'd personally seen the wounds on cat who had fought back. The forest cats never killed them, but they left some wishing they had. She plead for help, but no one would. Many cats turned their noses, sneering that she deserved it for making such a idiotic decision. Others simply gave her a pitying look, unwilling to risk their lives for a pawful of kits. They told her to accept her fate. Some of the dogs had wanted to help, but were unable to escape their backyards. Deep down she'd known better than to bother asking.
So, she did the one thing she could think of. She prepared her kittens for the inevitable. She made up stories of strong, noble cats who fought monsters in the woods. She taught them a hunting a crouch as best as she could. They began to speak in full sentences. They played games like "Hunter" where one of them was a mouse and the others had to catch them, or "Battle" where their made up groups fought off monsters.
It took longer than she thought, about a month later. But, she wasn't surprised when one night when her housefolk had gone out they appeared in the kitchen , eyes gleaming, claws flexing. No doubt prepared for a fight. They were big, and their pelts were unnaturally glossy and sleek. Paprika eyed each one, a spotted molly, a light gray tom, and the cat she'd seen in the window. His jaw was scarred and crooked.
She sighed quietly, numbness overtaking her body. She nudged her kittens to the strange cats, ignoring the confused squeaks of protest. The foresters blinked at her in surprise, expecting her to fight back or at least run.
"These are my kits," she began quietly, "there are two mollies and a tom."
She nudged the first kit, a dark tabby molly. "This one is Sparrow, she's the eldest." The bold kit swatted at the spotted she-cat when she bent to pick her up. The wild cat withdrew, hissing slightly, before snatching her up roughly.
"Ow!" Sparrow cried, "Mama! She's hurting me!"
Paprika flinched, but nosed her second kit, "He is Fern, the second oldest." Fern, took a slight step back, glancing back warily.
He didn't fight when the gray tom picked him up, gentler than the spotted one had been with Sparrow.
A lump had begun to form in her throat by the time she turned to her youngest, the runt. "This is Pebble, she's the youngest. She's a little small but-" she paused to choke back sob, "but, I think she's strong enough to make the journey."
None of the cats moved. The crooked jawed tom stared at the kitten for a long moment. Finally, he sneered, speaking for the first time, "Scrap couldn't even survive a stiff wind." He flicked his tail, and the other two cats moved towards the door.
A strange mix of relief and guilt made Paprika's legs quiver. She quickly took her littlest one back to the basket, almost afraid he'd change his mind if she took too long. Her other kittens cried for her as they were taken away from the basket, away from their home, away from her. She curled her paws around her littlest one, not daring to face the foresters again, unable to face the looks of betrayal her kittens were surely throwing her.
She heard a scoff from behind her, the spotted molly, "I told you kittypets were cowardly, they won't even defend their own kits."
"She'll just have more later." The crooked jawed tom answered breezily, "Probably won't even remember these ones."
Another voice, the gray tom, "Next time she should mate with a stronger tom. These tiny things are hardly worth the effort."
Their voices grew muffled as they left through the cat flap.
She looked to the little kitten they had left her. Pebble. Paprika's lips curled back at the name. Never would this little one be taken from her. She would not touch the land beyond the fence or fight over a pile of bones. Paprika wanted her to never have any association with the wild cats. This little kit would never know hunger, or bloodshed, or anything outside of the housefolk's protection. And she certainly wouldn't bear the name of anything from that wretched forest.
She clutched her littlest one close, her rage giving way to grief. She finally allowed her tears to fall, for sobs to shake her shoulders. How could she have been so stupid?
"Mama?" her kitten mewed, pawing at her face in concern, "Are you okay? Mama?"
"Next time" the gray tom had said.
Next time?
There wouldn't be a next time.
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mio-parasite · 3 years
❤️ Monsters in Latin America ❤️
Hello very good dear community of monsters lovers how are you? I hope you do well and if not I hope that your day will improve so that everything goes well.
I want to introduce you to some (not all as there are too many) lovely monsters of Latin America, I want to spread a little about my own culture and expand the repertoire of monsters to love, care for... Etc, I hope you like this bit Latin American story any questions you have about these creatures can contact me.
And I want to apologize if my English is very bad
Well without further ado, I introduce you to these lovely monsters from Latin America.
El Athrathrao o Basilisco
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It is born in a henhouse, from a small round egg of coarse and rough cascara, of grayish white color, called lloilloy egg or lloe egg, which according to legend is believed to be laid and incubated by a rooster. If this egg is not removed, within a few weeks it will become a basilisco.
In the daytime, the basilisk chilote hides under the house of the owner of the henhouse, and at night he would come out of his hiding place while all the people sleep. At that time he would emit a hypnotic chant similar to cockcrow, which would cause people to stay asleep. After singing, he would go into the rooms to be able to feed himself, absorbing the breath and sucking the saliva of those who sleep. The affected person would lose the desire to eat, so he or she would get thinner and thinner, and his or her face would become pale. With the passage of time, a strong and persistent cough would appear and his breathing becomes more and more difficult, and finally he dies. The same thing happens with every one of the inhabitants of the house.
La Pincoya
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She is a mermaid of extraordinary beauty (with a slightly tanned white complexion and blond hair), whose job is to protect the sea, sow it and rescue the castaways.
When the pincoya dances facing the ocean, it is warning that there will be an abundance of fish and shellfish. And when you do it looking toward the coast, there will be shortages.
To be favored by it, one must be content; That is why the fishermen are accompanied by happy friends.
It is also said that if you fish or shellfish a lot in one place, the pincoya gets angry and leaves that area, which then becomes sterile. The pincoya is sometimes accompanied by her husband, the pincoya.
The mermaid lived in a huge cave and used to swim in the lagoon and the puchanquin river. From the rocks, with a whistle, he made emerge from the bottom of the waters a solid trunk of gold, which he climbed to comb his golden hair. Sometimes, during the night, he would sing haunted love songs, which no one could resist.
In addition, many people sought the woman for favors, until she disappeared from the place. It is believed that it was called cuada from the huelde lagoon to bring prosperity and abundance to distant beaches.
Since then, the waters took on the dark color they have today, and although many have tried to imitate the siren's whistle, the golden trunk is still submerged waiting for its owner.
El Muqui / Muki
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The muki, or anchancho, is a goblin in the mythology of the central andes in Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, and Colombia; Which is characterized by being a miner and, as such, its existence is limited to the underground space: the muqui lives inside the mine.
Its name comes from the quechua "murik" (" he who asphyxiates "). However, 'muki' also means' humidity ', so it is said to also appear in places where there is water. From puno to cajamarca, passing through pasco and Arequipa, the descriptions of this creature are always the same: it is of small stature, does not exceed half a meter. Their favorite victims are unbaptized children, whom they hide in FIG and banana trees to make one of them.
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Piwicheñ is a Mapuche voice that means "to dry people", this mythological creature is better known as Pihuchén, Piuchén or Piguchen.
It generally has the appearance of a flying snake, emitting high-pitched whistles. But also its changing appearance has something of a human, snake, bird, fish, quadruped, frog and bat. It is usually covered with grass, bushes and twisted cylinders, like hooked horns. It produces a substance so irritating that when it is transmitted through the air or water, it causes skin eruptions very similar to scabies.
It has incredible longevity, its wings grow when it has reached its mature age, in old age it transforms into a bird the size of a rooster or a young turkey, equally bloodthirsty. It has such a powerful force that it can topple large trees and raise gigantic waves that wreck ships.
He is used to living in lakes and rivers, where his presence causes panic, those who have the misfortune to contemplate him will soon die. At other times, he petrifies his victims with his intense gaze, and then sucks their blood.
Trentren Vilu y Caicai Vilu
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Trentren vilu (terrestrial snake) and caicai vilu (sea snake) are two colossal and powerful snakes that have the ability to cause earthquakes and volcanic eruptions (trentren) and tsunamis and floods (caicai).
Legend has it that one day caicai awoke from his sleep and, seeing how ungrateful men were to the sea that gave them so much resources, unleashed his fury and used his tail to cause tsunamis and flood the earth as punishment. Trentrain, however, came to the aid of the terrestrial creatures and saved those he could on his back to put in the hills, those he could not save he turned into birds, fish and Marine mammals and drowned in sumpall. Caicai, for his part, did not stop and raised the waters even higher, to which he responded by raising the hills even higher.
Seeing this challenge, caicai attacked trentrum, thus beginning a Titanic battle that lasted for a long time until they finally ran out of strength.
By the end of the battle, the geography had changed, resulting in the numerous islands and canals of southern Chile.
Exhausted and defeated, caicai returned to sleep, leaving millalobo as ruler of the seas. For his part, trentrum also went to sleep.
However, with the passage of time, the men became ungrateful again, also causing the displeasure of trentin, who from time to time moves in his sleep causing earthquakes and eruptions, while caicai by moving his tail causes tsunamis.
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Tiger man or leopard-man, this being is a character known in northeastern Argentina and the great chaco, this arises from the great adoration of a sorcerer towards these animals and is based on the metamorphosis from human to beast, or the reverse.
The transformation of the sorcerer begins with the use of a jaguar leather and a sauma with hen's feathers. And that because of these they were given the power to shed their skins and transform into a creature half jaguar and half human. Later, they go hunting and after eating their prey they return to their human form performing the same procedure.
He is extremely aggressive and only eats human flesh, from mule or cow, he liked to loot ranches and he liked to force young women to clean it. The only way to escape from his escape is to manage to remove his hide and spit in his face because they are blind and vulnerable to attack, after death they return to their human form. This must be accompanied by bullets or machetes that are blessed but this is not all - you must behead him after killing him to make sure he does not come back to life.
La Fiura
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She has the appearance of a disgusting woman, with large breasts and tiny stature (40 to 50 cm) and long black hair. Her face has hideous features, with sparkling eyes that are almost hidden behind her huge nose. Her limbs are thin and hooked, and she has the ability to lengthen and twist them in all directions by nervously moving the misshapen fingers of her huge hands. She wears red clothes, and uses to adopt strange postures and hideous grimaces with her face.
It is said that he wanders in the woods and sneaks through the bushes, in search of the fruit of the thorny chauras, which he eats gluttonously; and people can tell that the Fiura has passed through a place by observing the depositions it leaves on the protruding roots of large trees. It is also said that taking great care, it can be observed when she carefully combs her hair with a highly polished crystal or silver comb that shines in the sun's rays, while bathing in small lakes. After bathing, she sits on the moss, and remains naked for hours or goes to dance on the scraps. It is characterized by possessing superhuman strength and by the ability to make use of the stench of its breath to twist or break the limbs of animals or people who observe it; her power being such that she can have her effects at a distance.
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The millalobo (golden Wolf) is a creature resembling a newt, with the upper part of a man and the lower part of a sea Wolf. The millalobo was born from the union between a woman and a sea Wolf which saved her from drowning during the mythical battle between trentrain vilu and caicai vilu.
Millalobo is the most powerful being of the seas after caicai, who chose him to rule the seas on his behalf.
According to chilota legend it is said that upon seeing him, caicai decided that he was a creature of his liking and chose him to delegate his power and rest after his battle with trentrain.
Millalobo lives on the seabed and rules with his family, his wife huenchula and their three children; The pincoya, the pincoy, and the mermaid chilota. Various mythological sea creatures are under his command and help him in his tasks, which range from planting and caring for the development of shellfish and fish, to managing the Marine climate; In addition to guiding and caring for the dead produced by the sea.
Millalobo is said to be the creator of the caleuche and the evil creatures of the seas also pay him respect.
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The Obey Me Brothers and Undatables vs An Insect/Arachnid Loving MC
I find it amazing how many people find it disturbing that I just love some insects and arachnids (not more than birds but still, insects can be both cute and cool even when they manage to terrify me so I can't help but love them lmao).
It's so cool how insects are actually the most dominant species in the world even before humanity existed and will most likely still be even after humanity ceases to exist, of course some of them actualy spread disease and such but it's not all of them and the mosquitoes that do spread it are females and they are just sucking your blood to feed their babies and the males like flowers over your blood, I actually don't like all spiders but I love tarantulas with all my heart although I can't say the same for wasps, they are evil but they can be so cool I have so many mixed feelings and cockroaches can be so adorable specially the forest/wild ones, have you ever seen them eat fruits??? They are so cute! And don't even get me started on how a d o r a b l e beetles are-
Lucifer vs Ladybug
Taking strolls in the Castle's garden when you are accompaning Lucifer in his work are very common.
Just taking a fresh breath of the Devildom's air in between breaks with you by his side powers him up like crazy.
Now that being said, he doesn't really appreciate losing your attention to a little, colorful, bug crawling on one of the flowers in said garden.
"Lucifer, look! It's a ladybug! It's so different from the human world!"
That is true, ladybugs in hell were brighter in color and had a toxin in their bodies that- Oh wait
"Don't touch it!" Lucifer grabbed your hand in realization "haven't you learned anything about bright colors in nature? The toxin in their bodies can melt your skin off!"
He really didn't expect your eyes to get even more shiny.
"Ladybugs in Devildom are both bright and dangerous??!! I'm so jealous!"
With that, he became both exasperated and more in love with you.
Does this have a relation to the fact that you love him and his brothers even thought they are demons?
He is definetelly giving you a brooch in the shape of a ladybug later
Mammon vs Cockroach
If you think this man didn't scream like a plate being scratched with a fork when he saw a cockroach in your bedroom, you are wrong.
I mean, okay, he was on the floor and the thing just decided to crawl up to his head out of nowhere.
He jumped over the table so fast it probably has beaten a world record.
"Aw! It's a baby cockroach!"
It's true, it was very small compared to adult ones, but Mammon didn't care.
And of course instead of killing it you just raise your eyebrown at him while scooping the thing up with a paper.
And of course you needed to bring it really close to him just to watch him squirm before you decide throw it out of your bedroom's window.
He definetelly will ask you to wash your hands before comforting him even if you didn't even touch the cockroach directly.
Leviathan vs Dragonfly
You cannot tell me dragonflies in Devildom are actually very few and actually have the size of a small dragon.
It all happened on the day you and Levi got lost in the forest searching for a raven that stole his just purchased phone charm of a game that he was currently addicted to.
Both of you were looking for a way out when you heard an extremelly loud buzzing noise from somewhere in the woods.
Of course both of you followed the sound because first, you just know that must be one big ass insect since it sounded almost like a helicopter and you had to see it, and second, Levi suddenly forgot all about the charm (and being lost) and started rambling about how 'it couldn't be! Is it really-!'
And that is how you guys found his new Henry.
A giant, navy blue, shiny dragonfly, that was currently eating the Raven you and Levi were searching for.
Let's just say Levi got his charm back and both of you got a free ride to the House of Lamentation.
Satan vs Spiders
Where there are old books, there are spider webs, and where there are spider webs, there's at least a 50% chance there are spiders in there.
So you can say Satan was quite familiar with the eight legged creatures, although he never really paid them much attention.
That is until he found they were of your interest.
You will never see someone start to give spider names, treat them with courtesy and have small talks with them faster than with this man.
Getting a book from the House of Lamentation's library and there's a web in the way along with a resident spider? "Excuse me, I will have to disturb you a little, I hope you don't mind a bit of damage to your home"
He is reading and suddenly sees a spider dangling down from a web string right besides him? He is definetelly letting it land on his hand just so that he can show it to you.
One day he even choses to read a book in his berdoom that a tiny spider was standing on. The sight of the tiny thing crawling around the pages as he reads it and explains some things out loud is so precious to see.
Asmodeus vs Scorpions
Of course, what would suit the Lust Demon better than his own patron?
That is until you teach him that there are more than just one type of scorpion, and there is one type that has really big claws and a thinner tail that are usually pretty big in size.
Why would learning that be a bad thing, you ask? Instead of stinging its food, it actually grabs it like a crab.
So yes, the day Asmo held one and didn't use his charms, it pinched him.
Needless to say, it was chaotic.
Leaving the fact he is never approaching those kinds of scorpions ever again, he coos a lot at you while you coo at the small scorpions.
If you tell him the fact that they are his patron just makes you love him more, he will be so happy he will be squealing for the next 5 minutes.
He has definetelly taken a few dozens, of pictures for you while holding one or more scorpions.
His followers in the devilgram were surprised at how even while holding that thing, Asmo still looked amazing.
Scorpions definetelly became sensation in Devildom after that.
Beelzebub vs Flies
Again, nothing better than his own patron.
If he didn't have to swat them off his food that is.
He has definetelly eaten some accidently.
"Look! I managed to make it crawl up to my finger without scaring it!" you say.
"That is cool. But you should probably wash your hand." He replies.
He's right, wash your hands if you ever grab onto flies.
He finds it really cute that you like insects, and it makes him tingly on the inside when he remembers that his symbolic creature is an insect itself.
Don't hold back on asking him to change into his demon form more often, he is very happy to do it.
He starts paying more attention to insects and flies in general after he finds out how much you love them.
How big their are, their color, where he saw them, what were they doing, if they tasted good.
And then he proceeds to tell you all about it.
He is very cute.
Belphegor vs Butterflies
It's not that he attracts butterflies, no. But he actually likes them, finds them cool even.
Did you know some butterflies disguise as another type butterfly because that type is actually not very tasty to eat so the animals stay away from them?
And how many of them have patterns on their wings that look a lot like Owls and again, it makes animals stay away from them?
And the whole symbolism of life, death and rebirth around them? And the fact that the larvae eating everything around them reminds him a lot of Beel?
Belphie definetelly likes butterflies and you cannot tell me otherwise.
So when he finds out you love insects? Oh he is definetelly taking you to the best butterfly watching spot either in the Devildom or the Human World.
It's specially cute when he falls asleep and one lands on his face.
He definetelly had a minor heart attack when he woke up to the sight its wings but he will never admit it.
Also definetelly grabs it and puts it on you instead.
It's counterproductive as you end up looking too cute for him to handle.
Solomon vs Beetles
I mean beetle fights.
You thought you liked insects, just wait until you see this man cheering on a beetle like an excited kid.
Also finds it hilarious when one just yeets the other away.
And because now you are there to feed more into his love for beetles, one day he casts a spell on two of them to make them big enough to ride and just showed up outside your window like:
"No time to explain, get in the beetle"
Because of safety measures, no, you guys didn't have a giant beetle fight.
But you did ride them around the Devildom forest at 2am.
You thought it would be an insane ride with lots of adventures
But you guys just ended up star gazing while laying on them.
He forgot to turn them back to their original size and they scared a few of the residents of Devildom.
Simeon vs Mantis
Warning: it's a big goreish
When you introduced the praying mantis specifically to Simeon, he was immediatelly in awe.
And then you proceeded to show him how they can have many shapes and forms, be it as leafs, tree branches, and others.
And he was so intrigued!
But then you gave him the more, specific details.
Like how they can feast on their prey while they are still alive.
And how it actually can attack small birds such as humming birds, eating their brain tissue through their eyes.
And how the females practice a cannibalism ritual, feasting on their partners after mating.
That's when his writer self came to light.
What I mean is, he was now both horrified and extremelly inspired.
Simeon can be scary sometimes.
Diavolo vs Ants
If you can find ants in every nook and crany around the world, you cannot tell me you can't find them in hell.
If they are able to travel the sea just by being taken along with baggage on accident, they have definetelly come to hell the same way, specially black crazy ants.
So honestly, I wouldn't find it surprising that Diavolo would have at least one big colony of ants he takes care of.
But he didn't have it until you pointed out why ants were awesome to him.
"They don't eat the leafs, they are farmers and what they eat is the other tiny creatures that decompose the leafs" "they can go to extreme lenghts to find their food and they have a real good teamwork, often they don't eat right away but instead bring the food back to the colony to feed the young" "Some ants that live in tropical weather that rains a lot, such as the amazon, can swim! And they do it together in big, ant, nests!"
Needless to say, he was intrigued.
Such tiny creatures are able to eat other insects much bigger than them? And they love sweets?
They actually like their homes clean and throw their trash into the very corner of their enclosure? Their bite can actually hurt a lot even to creatures gigantic copared to their size such as humans??
He had his own personal colony the very next day.
Barbatos vs Bees
This man definetelly has his own share of appreciation for bees even before you told him you like insects.
They are very good helpers in the garden, their honey can be used on a extremelly big variety of both food and health products along with their wax, and honestly, they're just so fuzzy and cute.
If you want to get a rare laugh or chuckle out of him, make bee movie references.
He will just stop in his tracks and cover his mouth as he tries not to laugh.
You could almost make him spit his drink if you do it while he is drinking something.
And you can't tell me this man can't make bee related puns with a straight face. It's unbeeliveable
Aight, imma head out
(This was basically an insect/arachnid appreciation post and I have no regrets)
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aslitheryprinx · 3 years
I’m currently on a mcyt alien AU binge, so your Shooting Stars AU hits both that and my love for g/t! A few random question/ideas have popped into my head so here they are. / 1. Over the course of studying the humans did they ever notice the humans having contradicting habits from each other? / 2. Which was the first human to start warming up to an alien and which one was it? (1/3)
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These questions were great to answer, thank you!!! I've had a bit of a mental block for this au (I'm so sorry to that one shooting stars ask that's still in my box, I promise I haven't forgotten you) and the questions helped me to get the ideas flowing again!
1. Wilbur isn't expecting much diversity in the subjects. He assumes it's a very small sample of the population after all, so when the humans start displaying different behaviors he's pleasantly surprised. He doesn't notice much about Tommy and Ranboo's habits as Tubbo is usually with them, but Tubbo sometimes talks about little things he noticed about them. Tommy is much louder than Ranboo, but even Wilbur had noticed that. Whenever they got food, Tommy would take it first, look it over very carefully, before splitting it evenly between the two. Ranboo would play with his hair a lot, both would pace and Phil would not. Phil and Ranboo both talked to themselves a little, although Tubbo thought he was talking to Tommy at first and didn't realize the difference until Tommy was asleep. Tommy would try to climb things, and Phil would hum to himself. All three were very fidgety and antsy, but especially Phil. (humans don't cope well with boredom, and Phil would probably have a lot of difficulty with that, especially since he was alone.)
2. Phil and Wilbur actually bonded the quickest, starting to form some sort of connection even before they knew for certain the humans were sentient. After a dissection scare and panic attack, Wilbur played some music on a guitar-like instrument to try and calm Phil down. It worked, and while Phil was still very wary, he stopped being as outright scared of Wil. Tommy and Ranboo warmed up to Tubbo pretty quickly after the situation changed, although they're both still scared of Wilbur for a while, Ranboo especially. Techno is almost the opposite. Once he's caught, he's scared at first, but starts to get used to Wilbur fairly easily. But for some reason, he's very freaked out by Tubbo at first. He gets over the fear pretty quickly, but for a while he's still way more wary of Tubbo then Wilbur.
3. Since the ship is out in space, there isn't really a day/night cycle. The crewmates sleep in shifts altered to their specific biological needs, and the humans have a lot of trouble adjusting to a good sleep schedule. Their circadian rhythm is completely thrown off. Ranboo and Tommy both have a slight fear of the dark, but since they're in Tubbo's room, they don't really have much trouble. The room is well lit when Tubbo's awake and has dim lights on during the night. Techno isn't scared of the dark itself, but he's got a newfound fear of what's hiding in it. He's in what seems like a dangerous situation, and he has no idea what could be in the vents of the ship. He isn't scared of the dark, but he gets incredibly anxious when there might be danger and he can't see anything.
4. Since most of the earth animals are very small in comparison to the aliens, they didn't get many animal specimens. They have the three humans, a few deer, a single cat, some birds, and half of a scooped up pond that's mostly fish. Most of the specimens they brought back are plants rather than animals, which is Tubbo's specialty.
5. There wasn't really a big tipping point that made them realize the humans were sentient. Instead it was more of a build up of a lot of little things that could still be coincidence, but all together were evidence. The fact that the humans are wearing clothes is one thing. By itself it wouldn't mean anything. In the eyes of aliens, what's the difference between wearing possibly natural fabrics and a hermit crab using shells as a covering? In other words, that one thing alone isn't enough. If Wilbur had been keeping all of them together, he might've been clued in a bit quicker at the way humans interact with each other. But he only had Phil, so the only time he saw them was for brief tests. Tubbo isn't an animal specialist, so he didn't notice. The main reason they started to get suspicious was the way the humans reacted. Not just to tests but to everything around them. They seemed too intelligent, too understanding. Until Phil had a panic attack over Wilbur dissecting an off-earth specimen, the scientist was still too disbelieving that such a tiny lifeform could actually be sentient. The last straw was when Tubbo found Techno, who had been living in the vents for the last several weeks.
6. I absolutely love the humans are weird stuff, and I think if this was the only alien au that I've thought about, I probably would've been doing more of that. I actually have an au that isn't even g/t that I thought about a while ago that has more of a focus on humans are weird tropes, which is why I haven't really done any of that with this au. Idek if I'll ever post that other au, so maybe I shouldn't be so picky, but I try not to reuse too many plot points in my aus, especially since I mostly write in such a specific genre type. So... in conclusion, I definitely am fine with doing some humans are weird type stuff, but it'll probably not very much. Both since I don't want to reuse something I might do in that other au and because a lot of the draw of the humans are weird is that the humans can be the terrifying or unnerving ones, and the focus for this au is more how the aliens are the terrifying ones. I might do it with some of the more entertaining aspects of humans though haha. We'll just see how it goes.
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bilgisticallykosher · 3 years
Don't Jump To Conclusions
TS g/t one-shots
I'm in a Sanders Sides g/t server, and sometimes we take scenarios and write on them. I've written a fair amount of stuff on there, myself, and I decided to collect my stuff, and clean it up. This was partially written by @borrowedblue and @andtheyreonfire
Happy birthday, Vel!
Masterpost | AO3
My Discord, not to be confused with the above g/t Sanders Sides one.
Word count: 3,300
Warnings: Spiders! Spider, anyway. Sentient beings sold as pets, attempting restriction of said beings, mentions of bites, implied past abuse/bad treatment.
Virgil was out shopping. Not for groceries or clothing; he was at a pet store, shopping for supplies for his, let's say, pets. Okay, technically they weren't pets. They were research at the lab he worked at, but he still liked them, even when they did try to bite and attack and hiss at him. His descriptions of such had led people to believe that he worked with cats, but he didn't. 
He worked with spiders. 
Well, a lot of bugs, but he liked the spiders the best. His lab observed their behaviors both individually and in groups to catalog a variety of information. As part of their observations, they needed to keep the spiders in their ideal environment, which included as close to the exact blend of earth as they could get. Unfortunately, they'd run out of their supply today. Fortunately, that sort of stuff was widely available. Unfortunately, they used a very specific brand. Fortunately, they found some in a pet store pretty locally. Unfortunately, Virgil was the one who lived nearest to it, so he was stuck going in and getting it on his way home. What a drag, he had to actually interact with people. 
When he got there, he could see why this was the store that had it. It was certainly… well-stocked. Which, really, was just another way to say "huge." It was like the Home Depot of pet stores; no employees in sight, and aisles in need of some serious maps. But whatever. He at least knew which sections to go past. When he finally got to the specialty mix of dirt, near the back of the store, he grabbed it with an 'Ah-hah!' Then, after his elation had faded, he took in his surroundings a bit more. He looked to his left, and noticed the rescue. 
It wasn't odd for a pet store to have a rescue in it. And despite his surly exterior, well, Virgil wasn't immune to cute fluffy animals. Maybe he just so happened to need to walk back to the registers while passing it by. And maybe while he was walking that way, he'd take a little look. You know. While he was there. 
So, path decided, nodding to himself, he strolled over, bag of soil in hand, and prepared to look at the puppies and kittens. Then he stopped and blinked. There were certainly puppies and kittens, and even a bird there, but there were also some different manner of pets. 
He saw fairies, tiny mers, and all manner of little magical creatures. He walked through the display of cages and terrariums, when one in particular caught his eye. He stared at the sign plastered on the seemingly empty glass case.
"What the-" he squinted, leaning closer to see if there was anything actually in there. He thought he saw something moving underneath the front of the fake log, and then all of a sudden-
-there it was right in front of him. 
He flinched and took a half step back on instinct, despite the fact that it's in a freaking terrarium, genius, and he took in the creature. It was partly human, but had multiple eyes, and its back half was an abdomen, black with dark blue bands, and had multiple legs. 
A drider. 
It was reared up on its back legs, and it was bearing its (he squinted closer to be certain, and sure enough its human half had freaking fangs), and was generally acting very aggressive.
He thought it- they were trying to puff themself up, emphasizing their eight (eight!!!) limbs, six on the bottom, plus their arms. Their multiple eyes were narrowed, directly at him. They were snarling. 
And Virgil couldn't possibly help but to walk towards the terrarium, warning sign be damned. He sees the spider-person pause, some of the aggression draining out, before they rear back again, seemingly trying to be more intimidating than before. Virgil smirked, fascinated, and sank down into a crouch. He really took in the shape and look of their eyes, and his own eyes widened in response. 
Jumping spider, he realizes, and then, Well, duh, they jumped at you, moron, of course they're a jumpy. He tilted his head a few times, trying to really see the details of the drider, while he had the chance. 
"Woah," Virgil whispered. "You're so cool looking." He watched as they frowned and clicked their mouthparts (didn't look completely like typical chelicara) idly, running their pedipalps over them. They seemed to hesitate, lowering down, and stared at him in a more placated manner. 
Honestly, they were pretty cute. "How far can you jump?" Virgil asked, taking in the size of the enclosure. The creature was watching his gaze like, well, someone who had plenty of eyes, then finally, they spoke up. 
"Far beneath my limit in this facsimile of a proper environment," they crossed a pair of human arms and one set of spider legs. They seemed distrustful, gaze still not fully on him. As though they were apprehensive about his reaction, like it was going to be negative? 
"I'll bet," Virgil responded instead, and he nodded a little as his smile fell into a grimace. "This thing has gotta really suck, huh?" He rubbed the back of his head awkwardly, eyes still flitting over the spider creature's form every so often. They raised an eyebrow. 
"Indeed." Yeah, there was no way they were used to having a normal conversation. They seemed less wary now, but they didn't seem to be holding back their speech at all. Virgil really admired that. He liked that attitude, and that he was the one getting it out of them, and, well, he liked a lot about them. He had...a dangerous thought. 
"What if," Virgil bit his lip, "what if you got out?" The spider huffed, rolling their (well, some of their) eyes. 
"Then I would be able to jump further," they replied, voice clearly dry despite their size difference. 
"No, no," his smile pulled at the corner of his mouth. "I mean. What if you," Virgil hesitated meaningfully, being sure to emphasize the words. "Got, out." The creature's limbs uncrossed. Virgil saw as comprehension dawned. 
"I am," their words were chosen carefully, he noticed. They had been throughout this entire interaction. "Not allowed to leave my enclosure." Their eyes raked over the human's form. 
"What if I got you out?" The spider person chittered, nervousness written on their face. 
"Theft is not an encouraged activity," they eventually settled on. Virgil snorted and muttered 'be gay, do crime' under his breath. "No, I meant like. Maybe, I could, sort of." He paused, breathed in, breathed out, and tried to look as serious as possible. "Take you home? With an adoption fee and everything?"
"I," the drider swallowed visibly, and of course they didn't trust him, they just met him and he doesn't even know their name, or anything, and he didn't introduce himself- "I am unable to survive in the wild on my own," they finished succinctly. 
Virgil hadn't meant that. They might be a drider, but they were clearly still human, especially after the conversation they'd been having, so, was it wrong that he wanted to take them home? He knew that everyone here was raised to live in a home, with a human taking care of them, just like the pets they adopted out beside them. So, maybe they wouldn't mind if he took them home? But, he guessed that their non-answer gave him his answer, then. That kinda sucked. 
"My name's Virgil," he blurted out before he forgot again. "He/him." They stared at each other for a moment. "Uh, what's your name?" He saw them startle, "I mean, y'know, only if you don't mind."
"My name is Logan." They said, voice even, still, but maybe a little less cautious, he thinks? "I… am also male?" And Virgil couldn't help but smirk again at his confused tone. It was sort of adorably endearing. His eyes drifted towards the sign again. 
"So," he smirked a little more. "You actually ever bite anyone before?" Logan rolled (all of) his eyes. 
"Of course," he pointed to the sign. "Otherwise, it would not be stated on my tank." He sounded almost a little proud. He went on, clarifying despite not being asked to. Virgil was not complaining. "Two separate humans, not to mention the time a child opened my tank after wandering away from his parents." His pedipalps whisked over his face, "I jumped just under my potential that day, unfortunately." He didn't sound sorry at all. Virgil's mouth twitched dangerously. "I landed right on his head."
Virgil burst out laughing. Several people in the store turned around to see what the commotion was about. A volunteer in particular hesitated, before starting to come over to the pair. Logan looked smug, Virgil wiped a tear from his eye. 
"Hello, sir, may I help you with anything?" The voice came suddenly from over his shoulder. He just barely suppressed a flinch. 
"Ah!" Couldn't suppress the scream, though.
"You two seem to be getting along!" The volunteer said. "Do you have any questions about him?" The tone of the question was clearly an underlying 'Would you please take him?'
Virgil gave a look towards Logan's direction. He looked back at Virgil. Maybe, Virgil thought, not as hesitant as before.
"Well," Virgil pulled his gaze away, "maybe just a few."
Logan watched the human- Virgil- as the volunteer led him away, and he found himself repressing a pout. He'd been… nice. Pleasant. Tolerable. 
Okay, so Logan had enjoyed his company, and his conversation. It had been quite some time since that had happened with a human. In fact, it had been quite some time since any conversation at all had happened with a human. They never spoke to him directly. Every human he'd ever known had spoken over him, both literally and figuratively. Especially here, where they spoke instead to the volunteers and his general caretakers. 
He exhaled. Perhaps his standards for 'good conversation' had just slipped considerably. As well as his standards for 'acceptable human.' After all, there he was, discussing taking Logan into his home, with someone all-too-anxious to never see him again. Nice or not, he had to be cautious. He seemed like he cared about his opinion, but that was the thing about humans; they were good at seeming. 
He gave up on trying to listen into their conversation. They were far away, and it only seemed to pertain to what supplies he would need if he took him. At the very least, the volunteer was doing their job of explaining his needs. He skittered into the fake log that was in his environment as he considered his future. 
This was not the first time he'd met someone excited to see him, eager to adopt him. It had happened, once before. He'd been much younger then, much more innocent, much happier, much more eager to go into a home with a human family. 
That eagerness and happiness had lasted about a week. 
And, well, that's why he was with a rescue now. 
He considered Virgil. He spoke to him, yes, was interested, but he was still larger; Logan surmised he could easily fit in his hands, probably even only one. He had more legs, and more eyes, and could jump, and had venomous fangs (barely, to a human), but he was still the one with the disadvantage. A severe one. He shuddered from memories he'd considered long in the past. Apparently, they were still with him in the present. 
Likely, he would not get an opinion on who he went home with, anyway. It was why he made it a point to be so aggressive with everyone who came over to him. But Virgil… Well, he supposed he would see, and soon. The two humans were walking towards his enclosure again, this time Virgil had a large bag of items relevant to Logan’s care. 
He poked his head back out, eyes roving over his figure. Virgil smiled at him, one corner of his mouth tugged further up than the other. He turned to the volunteer. 
"Could you, I mean, if there's maybe…" he made a gesture with his empty hand, seemingly unable to finish his thought. "I kinda wanna," he lost his momentum again. He inhaled and exhaled a few times. "Could I just have a minute with him," he rushed out. The volunteer made some sort of face, but nodded, and left. Virgil took a step forward, and Logan met him (as much as he could from within his glass case) halfway, stepping out from his log. He was certainly more willing to be out in the open with only Virgil there. He returned a tiny, if uneasy smile of his own. 
Virgil crouched down again. "Have you really been here for most of your life? Around humans?" Logan blinked. That took some time. 
"Yes," he admitted. "I was abducted too young to learn any survival instincts." He couldn't say why he so willingly told him his past, but Virgil wanted to know, and Logan knew what that thirst for knowledge was like. "How did you know?" He wasn't accusatory, merely curious, undoubtedly as Virgil had been. 
"Volunteer told me," Virgil made a slight face, and Logan wondered what else he'd been told about his past. He was about to ask, but Virgil continued. "Said you'd been waiting here for way too long." There was a look on his face that Logan had only seen on childrens' face moments before a tantrum. 
He believed that Virgil was sad, but he couldn't figure out why. "That you'd been rescued from a bad situation." Ah. "Uh, listen." Virgil brought a hand up, and Logan flinched, but it was only to awkwardly scratch at his cheek. 
He looked at Logan intensely. "I know we've only known each other for a bit, and I totally understand if your answer's no, but." He looked pained. "Um." Virgil coughed into his hand, likely a gesture to fill the silence rather than a violent expulsion of the contents in his throat. "Would you? Like me? To uh? Take you home? Er- fuck." Virgil groaned, clearly frustrated by his own ineloquence. "Would you like to live with me? I could offer you a bigger space than what you've got here, take care of you- that water looks too old to be healthy- and you can decline if you want. I just- yeah," he finished, slumping over with hunched shoulders from the effort. 
Logan considered it. He considered it for a while. He considered the short time that he'd spent with the human, and made his decision. At the very least, Virgil wouldn’t be that cruel compared to his...other options. Logan nodded. The smallest of smiles flitted up onto his mouth, and that was apparently what Virgil was waiting for. He offered him a 'be right back', and went to grab an employee. Logan took in his cage one last time, hope was rapidly raising in him.
Meanwhile, Virgil was paying for his purchases as well as Logan's adoption fee. When he came back, it was with the volunteer, who was carrying a smaller containment box meant for transportation, and something else in the other hand. 
Logan's habitat was opened, and suddenly, the volunteer's hand plunged into his tank, startling Logan out of his thoughts and immediately put him on the opposition, fangs bared and ready. It didn't matter, though. The volunteer was wearing thick rubber gloves, preventing any form of retaliation on the part of the drider, and he was grabbed roughly around the middle. He hated being held, nobody knew how to properly hold him; he wasn't a human infant, why did they insist on holding him that way? Unable to resist, Logan squirmed in the grip of the human, receiving a light squeeze and a pained look from Virgil for his efforts. 
“Now, just to get him all ready for you,” the volunteer chirped, bringing a bundle of rope into view. Logan’s eyes widened, and he started struggling anew.
As if he hadn’t moved a muscle, Logan felt his arms being pinned and bound behind his back, knotted tightly. Logan couldn't move his upper arms. The volunteer had just grabbed a few of his legs between two fingers, Logan was kicking and still trying to bite, when-
“The hell are you doing?” Virgil asked in a tone that was, quite frankly, utterly terrifying. It made Logan shudder, before almost instinctively he stopped his efforts to escape. Was this Virgil's true nature, then? 
"Oh, this is just standard procedure for all dangerous creatures," the volunteer responded. And Logan's head snapped up to the two. His internal organs seemed to quiver, as much as he knew that wasn't possible. Virgil had been upset at the volunteer? "Just for everybody's safety." 
"Well then," his unending glare at purely the volunteer seemed to confirm who his ire was directed at. "I guess you'll have to untie him, because I don't think he's a danger to me at all." The volunteer stared back, and understandably backed down. 
"Well, you're his new owner, so!" And Logan remained untied, minus his upper arms, and placed in the transportation  carrier. Virgil paid the adoption fee, and took Logan by the handle, and he felt a thrill of freedom, combined with an atypical bout of anxiety. 
"Hey," Virgil started, as they were walking out of the store. "There's some more stuff on the shelves that I could get you,"  Virgil rolled his shoulder. "It's not, like, required equipment or anything, but some of it looked like it could be kind of cool?" Logan squinted. 
"Why would cold items be preferable to own?" Virgil smirked and then bit his lip. 
"No, I mean, like." He mulled it over, tilting his head. "Nea- no." He exhaled some air out his nose. "Fun? Awesome?" Ah. 
"I suppose, if you wanted to look, I would not be opposed." Virgil smiled, and for the next half hour, Logan was treated to a trip around some of the aisles. Virgil held up his cage, letting him look at some of the items made for a drider's physical and mental engagement. He let Logan decide entirely what he did and did not want to buy, even though he was sure it was difficult for him to keep lifting the transport box, in addition to being a tedious way to shop. His favorites were a little him-sized version of a 'Rubick's Cube,' as well as a better version of the log cave that he'd grown accustomed to in the store. 
He paid when he got up front, and they made their way to his car, placing his other purchases in the back. He put Logan on the seat next to him, 'passenger seat,' Logan vaguely recalled. He was about to buckle him in. 
"Alright, sit tight," Logan was about to ask what that meant when Virgil gasped. "Holy shit, I forgot about the rope." He dropped to the ground, crouched again, and opened the top of his carrier. He carefully took his fingers and untied the ropes, immediately freeing his arms. Logan rubbed around his wrists on instinct, "I'm sorry! Does it hurt? Are you okay?" Logan looked up at Virgil's earnest, open face, full of concern for Logan, and thought of how he'd treated him this entire time, how hopeful and excited he'd been. 
"Yes," Logan smiled. "I think I will be."
In my mind he kinda looks like this, and check out that cool size comparison chart at the bottom!
My favorite line from the original: I guess there's like normal things there like cats and dogs and birds and like maybe magical-y things like, winged cats and winged dogs and winged birds.
@callboxkat @katelynn-a-fan @dwbh888 @royal-stormcloud @thefivecalls @awkwardjester @ollyollyoxinfree @intruxiety @brain-deadx0 @the-grounded-raven @just-your-typical-trans-guy @grouptalekindnesssoul @the-hoely-bleach @anvil527up @fanficloverinthesun @demoniccheese83  @thatgaydemigodnerd @aceawkwardunicorn @lookingforaplacetosleep @mirinda03 @robinwritesshitposts @averykedavra @potatsanderssides @hekking-happy-nonsense @enby-ralsei @star-crossed-shipper  @a-fandom-trashdump @thefluffyotter33 @somehow-i-got-an-account @cottonwoolsocks @idontcareaboutcanon   @starlight-era @kieraelieson  @snowdice @callboxkat @10moonymhrivertam @just-some-gt-trash @evoodo123 @idont-freaking-know
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dingdongitsbees · 3 years
“Gojo has a girlfriend!?” | Gojo x Reader Oneshot (Fluff)
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Synopsis:  Yuuji has just overheard a phone call with Gojo and this seemingly mysterious woman who's coming to visit. He brings the news to the other students, adamant that their teacher has a girlfriend much to the disbelief of Maki, especially when the possibility of the girlfriend being you arises.
Ao3 Link
WC: 2.6k TW: mentions of death/murder Just send an ask to be added to Gojo the taglist! (specify if you don’t want angst etc)
Jujutsu Kaisen Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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“Guys, guys! Gojo has a girlfriend!” Yuuji announced, slamming the door open to the classroom.
“I refuse to believe that,” Nobara said rolling her eyes. “He couldn’t get a girlfriend even if he had the most romantic script in front of him.”
“I second that,” Maki said, not even looking up from her phone.
“Tuna, tuna,” Toge agreed.
“He’s not that bad-” Yuuji started.
“He’s an egotistical, immature man child who thinks dick jokes are the height of humour, what women would be attracted to that?” Maki glared.
“Then explain to me why I heard him call someone babe over the phone just now! And why I heard a girl’s laugh!”
“You say that like he doesn’t do that to everyone,” Nobara sighed.
“He said they were coming today anyway!” Yuuji insisted. “And he said “I love you” before he hung up!”
Now that raised eyebrows in the room.
“He… he really said that?” Maki said slowly for Yuuji just to nod enthusiastically in reply. “Then who the hell did he brainwash to be his girlfriend?!”
The group moved out of the classroom to outside as they argued leaving Megumi alone to slurp his noodles who was happy to be forgotten in the conversation since he already knew the answer. Watching the two adults yearn obviously after each other for years still scarred him, but he was happy you were coming today, even if you had the worst taste in men.
“Seriously who the hell is it!” Nobara yelled. “There’s no way its Utahime right?” The group was stood at the top of the stone stairs that led into the school, waiting for the mysterious visitor.
“She’d rather die,” Maki deadpanned.
“Mei Mei?”
“She’d go for someone richer.”
“She’s too busy for relationships, let alone with Gojo.”
“We would have noticed that by now.”
“A civilian?” Yuuji suggested.
“Like there’s any way he could explain the jujutsu world to a civilian without making it look like he was insane.”
Panda hummed from behind them. “(y/n)?”
Maki went still. “How dare you taint her name like that.”
Yuuji and Nobara looked to each other. “(y/n)?” they said in sync.
“She’s one of the only other special grade sorcerers,” Panda explained. “She was in Shoko and Gojo’s grade in school. She’s Gojo’s best friend.”
Yuuji and Nobara’s eyes widened.
“He has friends?” Nobara asked with a bit too much genuine shock.
“Somehow,” Maki spoke solemnly, pushing up her glasses. “But (y/n) is too cool to ever do that!” She looked to the sky with her outstretched hand dramatically. “I would never idolise and want to follow in the footsteps of someone if they were that foolish!”
“Bonito flakes!”
Nobara mouthed a ‘woah’ at Maki’s intensity, never seeing her look up to someone with so much passion.
A Megumi scratching his neck joined them from behind, now full enough of food to deal with what would soon happen.
“Who do you think it is?” Yuuji asked him.
Megumi sighed. “It’s-”
Panda whipped his head up, ears twitching, everyone falling silent. They strained their human ears and soon heard footsteps on the gravel coming towards them. Without warning a stick came hurtling at Maki’s head with deadly accuracy who froze before quickly cutting it in half, the pieces gliding past her head before the others could even blink.
“You’ve certainly improved Maki!” A happy voice spoke. Soon they saw a small woman with hands in pockets walking up the stone steps with a grin. “Yo yo yo,” you greeted.
“(y/n)!” Nobara and Yuuji gulped at Maki with, wondering how she would react to the attack. “How was my form? Was it alright?”
“Pretty good, pretty good,” you laughed, “I personally would have just side stepped to dodge it to retain some energy. But if you’re going to counter, I’d suggest putting your front leg a little more forward to help with your balance, but I’m sure you already knew that.” Offering Maki a knowing grin. “You reacted much faster than you did last time though that’s for sure. You’ll definitely have the Zenins kissing your ass in no time.”
Maki nodded sharply with the compliment and Nobara couldn’t help but notice the smile she was trying to keep down to remain in her collected self.
You looked over to Megumi who begrudgingly stepped forward to say hello, but the twitching corners of his mouth said otherwise. You gave him the ritual hair ruffle which he leant down into, knowing you had missed being able to reach down to tiny child Megumi to bother him whenever you wanted, but he still indulged in your methods of affection.
“You keep getting taller what a pain,” you whined.
“It is what happens when children reach puberty,” Megumi deadpanned.
“Beside the point,” you replied with the dismissive wave of a hand. “It’s of personal offense to me.”
You looked over to the other two first years blankly, taking them in, analysing their builds and posture. They gulped nervously under your critical stare. “Ah you two must be nail girl and Sakuna’s vessel, Nobara and Yuuji, right?” You smiled, disarming their defensive walls, nodding. “Nice to meet you! I’ll be coming up here a bit more to help teach now and then so I’ll get to know you two well soon.”
They beamed and you couldn’t help but feel your heart warm at the positivity that still remained in young sorcerers. Too many let their immaturity and childlike wonder, and frankly the happy and fun side of themselves, behind as soon as they realised how the world really was for shamans, you included, but the younger generation always gave you a kick in the gut to force you to remember. An unintended gesture that was greatly appreciated.
“But anyway,” you said, dropping you smile and sighing melodramatically. “Where’s the dipshit?”
“Who-?” Nobara and Yuuji started.
“Over by the track field,” Maki said, the other second years and Megumi pointing with her.
“Coolio,” you acknowledged and stuck your hands back in your pockets and started to walk towards the field before you heard Maki speak.
“Speaking of… Gojo,” she began, “Is it true he has a girlfriend?”
You would have laughed at the question had it not been so shocking to you that the answer wasn’t glaringly obvious. You glanced over to Megumi who had obviously not told them yet, who just looked at you with so much resentment for having indirectly causing what must have been a very long conversation before you arrived.
You looked back to Maki. “He does yeah… why do you ask?”
“Well, we’ve been wondering who it is, is she a sorcerer?”
You nodded.
“Someone we know?”
You nodded again, trying not to let the slowly rising smile read on your face.
“Well…” Maki huffed, “Who is it?”
You raised your fingers to your lips and feigned zipping them closed. “I’ve been sworn to upmost secrecy,” which was just entirely untrue but kept it much more fun.
“But you’re smart I’m sure you can figure it out.”
Maki nodded, absolutely defeated as you waved goodbye and headed to the track.
It didn’t take long to find him, his overwhelming aura hit you before his slender hands covered your eyes from behind. “Guess who!”
“I couldn’t even begin to guess, maybe my ex I still have feelings for, I would probably break up with my boyfriend for him, he’s very annoying.”
“You ass,” he replied taking his hands off which you just laughed at. “Your ex is a fucking asshole.”
“That fact is written across the universe in holy star dust.”
You finally took a good look at him, his stature towering over you as always, but always bringing the feeling of being safe like under a shelter in the rain instead of any kind of looming threat height can give you. You made eye contact through his black blindfold and couldn’t help but wish it was the old days where he wore his glasses so you could see his eyes more clearly, but then again, the old days didn’t only offer happy memories, it was why you were here in the first place.
The gang peered at you two from behind the bushes, watching every excruciating detail they could pick up from the interactions.
“Nothing too out of the normal yet,” Maki breathed, “That’s just ordinary friend things yeah? Yeah?” she questioned Nobara who nodded enthusiastically. Though the younger girl couldn’t help but notice the affection in your look at him, or the way her teacher’s body seemed to soften and let his usually unnoticeable guard down.
You sat down on the large concrete steps together, close enough to feel each other’s warmth. You two looked to the sky and watched as birds passed in a group of four, gliding through the air with no need to need flap their wings.
“How are you?” You asked.
“Straight to the point huh?”
You couldn’t help but smile a little but stayed silent for him to answer.
“I mean, it’s the same as every year isn’t it?”
“We both know that isn’t true.”
The events of last year still haunted you, and Satoru too, even though he was much better at hiding it. The two of you walking up to Suguru’s dying self, his hand clutched on his bleeding stomach as the two of you were just standing in shock, staring at the man that used to be your guys’ best friend. Satoru being the one to do the finishing blow because you were too much of a mess to do it. Gojo Satoru is good at hiding things, but those who knew him well enough knew sometimes the cracks were visible in his perfect façade.
He sighed. “You need to stop being right all the time, it gets frustrating.”
You chuckled and bumped your shoulder into his, internally grinning at his infinity being turned off for you even though it was nothing new. You took the opportunity to rest you head on his shoulder as the two of you looked up into the sky again in silence. Just taking in the slow heartbeat you could hear.
It was a few minutes before it was broken again.
“It feels weird to still feel like celebrating the birthday of a person I don’t know anymore, let alone of a person I killed,” he said honestly. “Like how is the engrained feeling of an arbitrary date that I properly celebrated only three times only mean more to me than it did back then when there’s no way to repeat the happiness of unaware teenagers.”
You hummed quietly, indulging him in his thoughts that you too felt. “I’m sorry I-”
“I’m sorry I made you do it,” I said, “He was your best friend.”
“And he was yours too, I wasn’t going to make you put a childhood friend down like a dog.”
You nodded into his shoulder, going quiet. He looked down at you and you couldn’t help yourself but reach up to touch his blindfold. He didn’t resist and sat quietly as you raised it so you could see his eyes. Little, almost microscopic droplets, detailed his under eyelashes. You gave him a small smile which he returned with his own as you brushed his eyes gently. He grabbed your hand delicately and kissed the fingers tips one at a time while you watched with total calm and comfort taking over your body, snuggling closer into the crook of his neck.
The group watched in tight tension as they spied on the scene before them. Maki looked like she was going to rip out the bush, roots and all, with the way she was gripping onto the small branches like a lifeline.
“It was probably just something very personal, and because they are good friends they feel comfortable doing that, yes that’s it. And the “I love you” over the phone must have been a joke or said in a platonic way. Yeah, that’s it.” Maki said, springing off all the close enough to realistic conspiracy theories in her head.
No one had the heart to tell her what was plainly obvious, nor the bones strong enough to deal with her disagreement.
You didn’t need to say it, he already knew, but you said it anyway. “I missed you,” you said quietly, “Going abroad sucks.”
“You really need to look at the sweet shops there and pick up some souvenirs.”
“Sweets don’t numb things for everyone,” you laughed, “Sometimes food can’t replace people.” You grabbed onto his hand and laced it in yours, his huge hand enveloping yours like a little protector.
“Did you get hurt?” he whispered; he knew you were fully capable to come from most missions entirely unscathed, but it didn’t stop the worry. People he cared about going to missions alone had left many scars in varying forms.
“I’m alright, just a few bruises here and there mainly by my own hand, no biggie.”
He nodded, happy with the answer.
He stroked his thumb over the back of your hand, leaning his head onto yours. “I love you,” he whispered, barely loud enough to hear over the subtle wind.
You squeezed his hand. You’d never been good at words, stumbling over what you’re really trying to say without saying it outright, even if you already knew what you were meant to say, especially when it came time for vulnerable things, but Satoru knew that better than anyone. So, you felt his face widen into a smile.
He squeezed your hand back.
He looked down at you again, taking his blindfold off so you could admire the now rarer sight of his eyes. There was no other way to describe his eyes than beautiful. Their blues captivated you like a ship barely staying afloat in a storming ocean, barely surviving, only at the sea’s mercy. Many were terrified of them, they were whispered about among shamans young and old, and to be fair they held power. Power unattainable except for those lucky few that inherited it. But to you it had always felt like it was the eyes that inherited Gojo Satoru. It was Gojo Satoru that really made them powerful along with infinity, no one had ever come close, and it was doubtful anyone ever will, even if he thought he was raising students that he wanted to be better than him. At the very least it was definitely a high bar to beat. But when it was you, and just him, just Satoru, together, it was not the power you yielded to. It was the fact that it was Satoru, the boy and now man you had fallen in love with and who had allowed himself to fall down to fall in love with you. When you looked into the sea of blue that seemed forever changing, the only word you could use to actually describe them was Satoru.
You rose your head to meet with his lips softly, giving him a sweet kiss that made his mouth upturn into a smile. And to be fair half of it was definitely because of the group of students that were losing their minds behind a bush right now, but the other half you happily knew was because of you.
Gojo Satoru may be an egotistical, immature man child who thinks dick jokes are the height of humour sometimes, okay maybe a bit more than sometimes. But he was Gojo Satoru, the most imperfect perfect person you’d ever met, and you would stay by his side until you parted from the world, but you were sure it wouldn’t take long to find him in the next.
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Jujutsu Kaisen Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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maddiwrites · 3 years
Secrets of the Shore (Chapter 3)
Pairing: Pogues x OC, Eventually JJ x OC
Summary: This is just my rewrite of the show Outer Banks with my own twist by adding another main character which also happens to be John B’s twin sister.
Note: I’ll be honest, this isn’t my best chapter, so please don’t judge too harshly I swear it gets better!!! (: Again, forever grateful for all the kind feedback. I truly appreciate it. If you asked to be on the tag list and I accidentally forgot, please let me know! 
Word Count: 4.3k
Warnings: Slight insinuation to sexual assault.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 & Chapter 4
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Like I said before, I'm good at advertising. Although the cell phone towers are still down, making it harder for me to get the word out about a party in the boneyard, I still know how to get around to the other teenagers on this island.
I sneak in an hour of surfing on the beach, afterwards finding Tourons and even some Kooks. These are the best people to go to when you want word to get around. They're rich and live for gossip. They have the internet and cell phone service, which means they can text their friends and send out tweets. And that is exactly what they do when I'm finished talking to them.
Later, I go with JJ and John B to get the kegs. As they work their magic, somehow securing two, I walk around the lot where most kids who live on the Cut hang out, hoping to score cheap booze from a stranger walking into the beer and beverage store. I use to spend a lot of my weekends here when my dad first disappeared. A small part of me still wants to. It was so easy to forget about my life falling apart when I was too wasted to form a complete sentence.
I tell them about the party and tell them to tell their friends and so on.
As I expect, the empty boneyard fills up quickly. To Kie's dismay, almost every kid has a red solo cup in their hand instead of a reusable one by the time the sun sets. Music and the chants of people playing drinking games fill my ears like a bird chirping on a Sunday morning.
Beer dribbles down my chin and onto my pink v neck crop top. JJ has his arm linked around mine, also chugging his drink, trying to down his before me. However, I beat him by one gulp and slam my cup on the sand as triumph.
"Seriously, Mar?" Kie scolds. She picks up my cup and throws it away.
JJ just smiles at me, maybe even looks at me with some kind of pride. It's hard to beat JJ in any drinking match, but I'm his biggest competition. I usually lose against him, but sometimes I have my nights where I'm undefeated.
He points his finger at me, pretending to be mad without losing the smile on his face. He takes a menacing step forward and bends down to lift me over his shoulder. I squeal in surprise and laugh against his back as he swings me around in circles.
When he sets me down, I shove his shoulders playfully. "Looks like you've finally met your match." JJ just shakes his head. "Get me another beer, loser?"
"You're lucky you're cute." He winks.
You can't understand the Outer Banks without understanding the boneyard. It's kinda like a three-layer burrito. There's us and our friends, working-class derelicts. Then, there are the Kooks, the rich second-homers. They're mostly from pouncy-ass boarding schools, just rich trustfarian posers. Our natural enemies. And then, there are the Tourons. Totally clueless. Here for a week on vacation with their families. Chum for the sharks. They're usually my first pick. A night with no attachments and a more than likely chance I'll never see them again.
I walk past Kie, who's sitting on drift wood talking to someone about zodiac signs and horoscopes. And when I pass Pope, I hear him talking about dead bodies and how TV doesn't portray the biological condition of them accurately. I giggle to myself when I see who he's talking to. A really pretty girl who wasn't expecting to get an anatomy lesson from the boy next to her. I make a mental note to work on Pope's flirting tactics.
As I make my way to the back of the beach, I see Sarah Cameron leaning off a fallen lifeguard stand. Her boyfriend, Topper Thornton, is right there with her, trying to get her to come down. Sarah Cameron's known as the Kook princess. Kiara's best friend in the ninth grade, worst enemy in the tenth grade. None of us know why she started hating her all of a sudden. She doesn't like to talk about it so we don't bring it up. However, John B works on Sarah's dad's boat thanks to me.
My teeth clench together at the sight of both of them. The two of them and their friends are the worst Kooks of all. Bad memories prickle my brain like a million tiny needles and the palms of my hands sweat against my solo cup.
I walk to the back of the beach and lean against a tree that's as close to a palm tree as this island is going to see. I like being back here when the sun goes down.  It gives me the perfect view of the party. Watching people laugh and have fun because of a night my friends and I put together makes me feel satisfied. Like I did something to make their day a little more enjoyable.
"Now what's the life of the party doing back here all by herself?" A voice that makes every muscle in my body turn to ice says.
I force myself not to look in his direction. My hands clench tighter around my cup until it bends and beer sloshes on my hand.
"Trying to avoid grimy wandering hands from pompous pricks," I say through clenched teeth. I'm surprised my voice isn't as shaky as I feel. "Go away, Rafe."
Rafe Cameron ignores me and moves to stand in front of me. His blonde hair is slicked back with a gel that's probably more expensive than my entire outfit. He's wearing a salmon pink button up shirt and white shorts. The sight of him makes me sick and I don't know if I want to drink more heavily or throw up and call it a night.
"Oh come on, Marleigh. Let's not pretend like you don't want to finish what we started."
I stand up straighter, feeling bile rise in my throat. "I'd rather rip both of my eyes out with a spoon." My insult wipes his stupid cocky grin off his smug face. At first I take it as a compliment, but the look in his eyes chills me to the bone. "Get out of here, Rafe. I'm not going to tell you again."
Rafe jerks forward and pushes me back into the trunk of the tree. His forearm presses against my chest, right below my collarbone. I try fighting him off but he's surprisingly strong. His eyes swing back and forth with craze, his pupils large and dilated. He's gotta be on something. Cocaine maybe. I've heard rumors.
"You think you can talk to me like that? After what my dad did for your friends?"
"Your dad only helped them in hopes to cover up the mistake that you made," I seethe, trying to push him away again. I try to keep my breathing even and my eyes unblinking. I don't want him to think I'm afraid of him. Even though I'm scared enough to vomit on his two hundred dollar shoes. "I owe you nothing." There's a pause as Rafe considers his next words carefully. So I push even harder. "You know, if you keep bringing it up, people might overhear and start to talk. I don't know if even your dad could buy the entire island's silence."
"You seriously think you can threaten me? You're nothing but a dirty walking piece of trash Pogue. No one will believe the Cut's biggest whore." Rafe shakes his head. "Remember that next time you think about talking to me like that."
His words cut through me like a stab in the chest, but I try not to let him see that. I push against him, keeping my face pinched and my eyes unwavering. "I'm not the same girl I was eight months ago," I say, finally pushing him away from me.
Back then I was a messed up girl who's dad had just left after a big argument that resulted in him thinking she hated him. All I wanted to do was drown myself with drugs and alcohol in hopes to forget about him, even if that meant following Kie to a Kook party when she was trying to roll around in the Kook life. I was easy to manipulate and take advantage of...easy to hurt. But not anymore.
"You think I'm above hitting a girl?" Rafe breathes heavily, his hands clenched to his side. I struck a nerve. One more and he might actually attack me.
"No," I say honestly. "I don't think you're above anything...or anyone. Including me - a dirty walking piece of trash Pogue." I use his words against him.
Rafe jerks forward and raises his hand to hit me and I'm ready for the blow and a fight back, but someone's voice forces us to halt, stopping us like she just pressed paused on a movie screen.
Kie watches us with wide eyes and glances back and forth between us. She looks both scared and angry. Rafe doesn't even bother looking in her direction. He's more disappointed that she got in his way.
I stand up straight again and walk past him, making sure to shove him backwards with my shoulder. Kie wraps her arm around mine and pulls me in close as she guides me away from him. She looks behind us one last time to make sure Rafe isn't following us. When the coast is clear, she stops and turns to look at me with a stone cold expression.
"What the hell was that?" She says, trying to read my face. "Are you okay?"
I can barely hear her behind the screaming in my head. Dirty walking piece of trash Pogue. The Cut's biggest whore. Who would believe you?
"Fine," I shrug, feigning nonchalance. I look back to where I was just standing. Rafe's gone, but the nausea he left me with isn't.
"Seriously, Kie. I'm fine. Just some unresolved built up resentment coming out full-fledged. I can't say I'm surprised. Now that summer's started, we're probably going to see a lot more of them."
Kie sighs and looks at me sympathetically. I hate that look.  "You should tell the boys."
"What? No way!" I snap.
"What if he -"
"He's not going to." I glare at her.
"Why won't you just -"
"So they can think of me as some pathetic little girl who needs protection from some self-centered Kook? Besides, John B and probably JJ will go after him and the last thing either of them need is charges pressed against them."
The noise of people yelling at one another and some cheering stops Kie from fighting back with me. We turn to look towards the water, seeing a crowd form around two people fighting. Dread creeps up my chest. If I had one hundred dollars, I'd bet it all that one of my friends is the center of attention in that crowd.
Kie and I run to them, pushing ourselves to the front. My breath hitches in my throat when I see who's involved. John B and Topper are fighting ankle deep in the ocean, each one getting a few good punches in.
"John B, stop!" I yell. I don't care who started the fight or why Topper deserves to get beaten to shit. If John B gets caught, the two of us are more than screwed with DCS.
"We're suppose to be incognito, remember?" Pope yells at my brother next to me.
"Babe!" Sarah yells at her boyfriend, jerking back and forth, trying to grab him by the shirt to pull him back. But his movements are scrappy. Sarah would just get hurt.
"Fight! Fight! Fight!" The crowd around us cheer like it's a high school wrestling match and not my brother, the one that threw them this party by the way. I can't believe people find this as a source of entertainment. Half of them wouldn't even last a second if they were the one's getting beaten to a pulp.
Topper gets the upper hand and throws John B into the water. I flinch from the pain that must of caused to John B's back.
"Hey, John B, don't make me drown you like your old man, all right?" Topper says.
In that moment my vision turns red and a switch flips in my body. I picture my hands around Topper's neck and him begging for me to let him go - him taking back those words.
When I step into the water to reach him, arms wrap around my waist, stopping me from going forward. I glare at the blonde Pogue and try shoving him away from me but that only makes his grip on me tighten.
"JJ, let me go," I grunt.
"Sorry, pretty girl. Can't do that." His lips are so close that I can feel his breath.
John B tackles Topper to the ground and punches him in the face again.
"Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!"
"John B, let it go!" Kie screams. "Stop, you guys!"
Topper kicks John B's feet from under him and just like that, JB is back in the water. The Kook kneels next to him and punches my brother across the face before shoving his head into the water.
"Topper stop!" I yell.
"Come on John B!" Pope yells.
Topper lets John B come up for air before dunking him back in. I feel my chest tighten when I realize what Topper is going to do, whether he means to or not.
"JJ, please! He's going to kill him! JJ!" I cry against his hold.
"Come on, Man!" Topper taunts John B, keeping his head under water.
I'm going to kill him, I think. The second JJ lets go, I'm going to rip Topper apart.
"Topper, stop! No!" Sarah cries.
"Pope!" JJ says, swinging me around before pushing me into our other friend's arms. "Hold her."
"What? No!" I fight back but even Pope is stronger than I give him credit for.
JJ disappears to God knows where and I'm left watching like a stranded duck. I feel useless, like I should be doing more to help my brother. Everything I said to Rafe only minutes ago goes straight out the window. Maybe I am weak and still a girl who needs protecting.
Then the world freezes. JJ holds the gun we found in the motel to Topper's head, not only making Topper pause, but the rest of the crowd too. Pope releases his hold on me and I stumble away from him. I only watch the scene unfold in front of me with wide eyes.
"Yeah, you know what that is," JJ says, clicking the safety off the gun. "Your move, broski."
"Come on!" Pope yells. "Chill dude!"
"Stop! JJ!" Sarah cries. "Put the gun down!"
"Did you say something princess?" JJ turns towards Sarah and points his gun at the sky.
"We're good. We're good." Topper stumbles away from my brother to stand in front of his girlfriend.
The second he backs away, I'm in the water helping John B. I pull his upper back into my lap and push his hair out of his face. He coughs up a couple gulps of water before relaxing against me.
"Kie! Can you check your psycho friend, please!" Sarah yells.
"Okay, everyone, listen up!" JJ addresses everyone else who still watch in fear. "Get the hell off our side of the island!" He fires two bullets into the sky, causing people to shriek and cry around me.
"Are you crazy?" Kie yells at him. "Why do that?"
"I'm saving his life, okay?" JJ yells back at her.
When people begin dispersing, Pope runs into the water to help me lift John B back to shore. He's in a daze and barely able to stand on his own.
The four of them help me drag him back to the Chateau, the party long forgotten. Kie covers John B with blankets and places a glass of water on the nightstand for when he wakes up. I don't say anything as the night wraps up. I'm not mad at JJ like Pope and Kie. He did what he had to do to save John B. Topper could have killed him and the police would probably chop it up as an accident and I would be left with no family.
"You guys should go," I say.
I just want to be alone. Between Rafe and Topper, all I can think about is sleep so I can wake up to a new day. Start over and try again.
"Are you sure?" JJ asks, looking between my eyes to find any sign for him to stay.
As much as I want JJ to stay the night and let me cuddle into him like the night before, it's best if I'm alone. So I reluctantly nod.
"You can stay at mine tonight, JJ," Pope offers.
I offer a weak smile before turning around to lock myself in my room. When I hear the door to the Chateau close one last time for the night, I sigh deeply and stare up at my ceiling. I'm restless, anxious, sweaty. As much as I want sleep, sleep doesn't want me. I toss and turn hoping for a wave of darkness to hit me but it never does.
I glance at my clock. 3:04 AM. I roll my eyes and groan to myself, pushing myself up against my bed's headboard. I tip toe out of the Chateau and make my way down to the dock. I dip my toes in the water and lay back against the wooden slacks. The moon's half crescent illuminates the water, dark with a mystery glint. It's cold against the night, feeling refreshing against my skin.
Even my mind isn't tired. My head wanders with different thoughts. Rafe, Topper, Scooter, the gun...my dad. His words echo through my ears like a skipping record. The night before he disappeared he told John B and I that he might have to vanish for a bit. This only caused a major fight to brew between my father and I whereas John B only nodded and said okay. I think this is why John B still holds on to hope that he's alive somewhere.
John B was always the loyal one to my father. Although they fought almost as much as my dad and I, they were quick to move on and pretend like it wouldn't happen again. Even though it always did. He tried to help my dad keep me on track with school, friends, and other activities. Most of the time, he just joined in on my antics. Sometimes I regret not giving my dad enough credit. He was a single father to Pogue twins with the distraction of his own obsession. My last words to him haunt me every day I pass his office.
"I hate you!" I screamed. I didn't give him the satisfaction of seeing my tears. I wanted him to know I was strong and that I didn't need him. I think my main intention was to hurt him like he hurt me, but I would do anything to take it back.
                                                  ~ ~ ~
I wake up to the low rumble of an engine and the crunch of gravel underneath some tires. I blink away the sleep in my eyes, looking out into the marsh. The sun is above me, warming the entire island with it's summer heat so early in the morning.
My back aches as I sit myself up. I twist to find the noise that woke me up.
"Shit," I curse when I see the cop car parked in front of the Chateau.
Sheriff Peterkin sees me walking up my yard and waits for me to approach her before barging into my house. I squint against the morning light. Even though I'm not in the mood for a pop in, I actually like Peterkin. She's the only one I trust to do her job right.
"I hope you brought some coffee," I say before opening the door for her.
"This will be quick," She says. I watch her eyes scan my kitchen and living room judgmentally. "Where's your brother?"
I point to his room. Peterkin gives me a look to go first. I sigh, knocking twice on the door before letting myself in. John B is still passed out. Half of his body hangs off the bed. His left eye is officially black and blue, a mark I know Peterkin won't subtly ignore. It's the first thing she sees and gives me a sideways glance. I cross my arms and look away.
John B blinks up at us when he hears our footsteps. His brows furrow in confusion, sleep still fogging his head.
"Get decent, sweetie," Peterkin says. "We need to talk."
As we wait for JB to get dressed, I sit on the pull out couch in my living room, fumbling with my thumbs until he appears, dressed in an open button up and swim trunks. He glances between Peterkin and I for some answers but neither of us give him any.
"Sorry to break in like this," She says, pacing the floor. John B stands next to me with his arms crossed. "But DCS called. They wanted me to check on you. See how you two are doing." Neither of us answer. "So, how are you, besides -" She points to JB's shiner and I hold myself back from rolling my eyes. So far so good!
"Oh, no, I'm - I'm great," John B says, shrugging like our life is just full of rainbows and butterflies. "Yeah, fantastic. Uh... thanks for coming by."
Peterkin just smirks. "I'm so glad to hear you say that, John B, but I heard a few things that worried me. Let me see if I can remember. Oh yeah. One of the things I heard was that your Uncle Teddy, your guardian, hasn't been in the state for three months."
"Yes he has -"
Peterkin cuts me off. "You don't have to say anything. I know it's true. I called the school. They said you used to be a good student," She says, looking at John B. Then she looks at me. "You not so much. But John they say now you're failing all your classes."
"No. No, I'm only failing one and it's history. He's a dick. He's out for me - "
"I heard," Peterkin continues, not giving a damn about John B's bullshit excuses, "there was a fight on the beach yesterday, and a gun was involved."
My eyes snap up to look directly at Peterkin. I feel my heart drop to the pit of my stomach. What else was she going to ask? Would JJ get in trouble? Are we going to jail?
"Okay, gun?" John B plays dumb. "No. Did I get in a  dustup? Yeah, but was there a gun? No. No way," He scoffs.
"That's okay I know who it was. I'll get to him. All I'm worried about right now is making sure you're in a safe home."
"Yeah," I say. "Super safe."
John B knocks the table next to him. "Super sound, sturdy. You know?"
"Uncle T's coming so..." I say to get John B to stop talking. He's a lot of things but a good liar isn't one of them.
"That's what he told you?" Peterkin looks at me with a raised brow.
"If he is coming," Peterkin picks up a cigarette and sniffs it. "I think you should be allowed to stay."
"Thank you."
"But if I stick my neck out for you, you have to help me. Tit for tat."
John B tilts his head in confusion. "What - what does tat mean?"
I squeeze my eyes shut and let my head fall back. I swear I'm going to buy duct tape to keep this boy's mouth shut.
Peterkin ignores him. "Let me see, how can you help me? Oh, I know. So, a body was found in the marsh yesterday. Were you in the marsh yesterday?"
"Yeah," I decide to answer. "We were fishing for some drum."
"You catch anything?"
"Nah, we were skunked."
"Strange," She says, not believing me. "Fishing's usually good after a storm. All sorts of things get stirred up. You come across a wreck yesterday?"
"No." My heart falls deeper,  but I try to keep a straight face.
This makes Peterkin sigh and she glances between the two of us. "You two are skimmin' just above the surface. Now, down here is foster care, juvie," She says, dropping her hand to about knee length. "Pretty big drop for smart kids like the both of you." She moves her hand to eye level. "Up here is you and your little friends doing whatever you want. Outer Banks...or foster care on the mainland." I let her threat swim in my brain. "You one inch above the surface, Routledge. If I was you, I'd start flapping my wings." She looks at us one last time, no longer wanting to play games. "Now, you sure you didn't come across a wreck yesterday?" She looks at John B who's more likely to blab than me.
I look up at my brother, warning him that he needs to lie.
He shrugs his shoulder, the lie sliding across his tongue like silk. "Yeah. Yeah. I'm sure."
Peterkin looks between John B and I and nods slowly. "It's better if you didn't, you understand? I'm gonna look the other way as long as you stay out of the marsh." She runs her finger along the wooden kitchen table and rubs the dust between her fingers. "I got dogs living better than this. You might wanna think about cleaning' up."
Peterkin lets herself out without saying goodbye. John B and I don't say anything until her car pulls out of the driveway and only then do we just share a look that says how screwed we both are.
Tag List: @notyourcupofteax @acvross-the-universe @jjmaybankzz @jeeperky @realistic-breadstick @moniamaybank @urbinoutfiters​ @brebear121​
183 notes · View notes
httpjeon · 4 years
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synopsis. on an adventure, you stumble upon a jackalope. the creature ends up saving your life, leading to an unexpected turn of events.
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pairing. taehyung/reader genre. angst, smut, fluff au. mythical!au, jackalope!taehyung, shifter!au wordcount. 11,847 contents. major character death, blood, light violence, tae gets mad, crying, loss of a loved one, size kink, messy sex, squirting, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, dirty talk, light voyeurism(?), oral (male rec.), fingering, doggy style, spooning position note. this was originally meant to be posted september 15 of 2019 but never got past the preview stage. so it’s now being released on here!
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blog masterlist. book of beasts masterlist.
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© httpjeon 2020. do not repost, modify or translate.
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Despite being born and raised in a region filled to the brim with witches, there was still lingering disdain for the race. Centuries ago, non-magic born humans had hunted down witches and slaughtered all the ones they could find.
It wasn't until the last 300 years that witches had once again gained footing in the region.
You personally weren't a witch, you didn't possess any magical abilities so you couldn't even learn magic. That didn't stop you from being curious, however, your natural inclination and hunger for knowledge never being satiated.
You didn't expect for the village elders to find the books you'd acquired for reading and suspect you of being a witch.
Unfortunately for you, the village you lived in was one of the few with hatred towards witches. You were lucky to be simply cast out rather than strung up and killed for the 'crime'.
Instead of finding another place to live, you decided it was the perfect opportunity to learn.
Thus, you adopted the title of wanderer.
You left your home of Phixhull behind to see the safe places you read about; seeing the snowy land of Wrila where you'd read of the Griffin creatures that protected forests all the way to Saipia which was home to a large walled-in city that you couldn't enter due to reasons unknown and instead decided to wander among Disier Forest to gawk at the beautiful White Stags that took refuge there. You didn't dare to visit the dark, cold land of Trance in fear of the werewolf stories you'd heard.
After what felt like years on the road, you happened upon a land you'd been warned about time and time again through stories passed down by elders.
Yonio; a place told in stories to scare children.
Legend told that it was once a place overwhelmed with magic but something happened that decimated everything. Magic was all but wiped from it; leaving the plants and magical creatures to die.
When you stepped foot onto the land, you felt it immediately. It felt dead; cold and empty. There wasn't even a breeze, no birds chirping, or sound of cicadas chirping.
It was deathly silent.
The grass crunched beneath your feet as you walked, wrapping your arms around yourself as you noticed the cold nip in the air. You couldn't deny that it was scary with how still and void of life it seemed to be.
The sun was high in the sky with a slight cloud overcast that blocked out the suns rays every once in a while. The environment was reminiscent of autumn with the dead leaves crunching on the ground and the lack of green life anywhere. But it didn't hold the same, cozy feeling the season should have. It just felt...dead.
It wasn't until the sun began its descent to the horizon that it dawned on you there was no place for you to spend the night.
Trees surrounded you from every angle, making you confused as to where you were and what direction you were meant to go. You didn't know where you came from and you didn't know the land well enough to navigate to shelter.
Before long, the sun was nearly set — only a wash of vibrant red streaking across the sky in left to light the way.
You were resting up against the trunk of a large tree trying to warm yourself up as the temperature continued to drop when you felt the ground beneath you begin to rumble. You stood up straight, looking around — the tree shook in time with the rumbling.
Fear pulsed through your veins when you began to hear the heavy beat of footsteps in time with the vibrations. You were paralyzed, desperately looking around for the thing that was making such loud movements.
It didn't take long before the creature came into view — towering several feet above your own frame. It was black as night and emitting black smoke from beneath its skin with horrible jagged teeth protruding from its mouth. Its eyes were inhuman red as they scanned the area before landing on you.
Before you could even think twice, you were taking off running as fast as you could. The creature gave chase, its footsteps violently rumbling and stomping behind you as the trees trembled in the wake of the impacts.
You shrieked when the monster let out a deafening roar of rage. You weaved between the trees, sobbing when the creature easily knocked them down.
You tripped, an exposed tree root being the cause of your stumble. When you hit the ground, it was hard and the air was immediately knocked out of you.
Turning over on your back, the creature's form was distorted by your tears and red. Reaching up, you realized it was blood gushing from a wound on your head.
It smiled, a menacing sharp-toothed grin as it stood looming dangerously above you.
Then, seemingly out of nowhere, a fast bolt of brown flashed before you. It grabbed the creature's attention, making its attention on you wane.
You sat up, wiping your eyes as you realized it was too distracted by the...jackalope.
It was small but fast and mighty, biting at the creature wherever it could sink its sharp teeth into — making the beast roar in anger as it attempted to squash the poor jackalope.
You weren't sure why such a tiny animal would be attacking something it knew was a threat, but you didn't have time to dwell on it. With your head still swimming, you ran away — not stopping until everything was silent once more.
This time, you took comfort in the quiet atmosphere.
Your reprieve was short lived as the adrenaline died down and you were left alone in the middle of a cold, dark forest with a murderous creature roaming.
You wrapped your arms around yourself, sinking to the ground to huddle against a tree to conserve warmth. Your head ached from the blow you'd received when you'd fallen and it was making you feel woozy.
It was hard to not think of the possibility that you would die in the forest.
Just as the thought entered your mind, you felt a small tug on your jacket. You jumped, expecting a threat only to see the wide doe-eyes of a jackalope.
"Hey...it's you," You muttered, gasping when it tugged your sleeve again. "Do you want me to come with you?" Another tug.
You struggled to get to your feet, doing your best to follow as the little jackalope through winding trees and shrubbery.
To your surprise, you were led right to a small wooden cottage. It was situated in the middle of a clearing. There was a dim light coming from the open window, which the jackalope jumped in and disappeared through. Little flower pot hung empty alongside the door and stairs leading up to the porch. You raised your hand to knock, blinking your eyes rapidly to clear the haze that settled over them.
Two solid knocks were all you could get in before you crumpled to the ground with a harsh thud. The second you felt the soft touch on our forehead, it sent your cut stinging waking you up. 
Blinking to clear your sight, you were surprised to see a young man kneeling beside the bed he'd seemingly put you on.
He had pretty, sparkling eyes and long brown hair that hung in them. Atop his head, the most shocking part of him, were the two large bunny ears twitching behind a pair of miraculous antlers.
"Oh you're awake," He muttered, a small smile gracing his pretty lips. His voice was much deeper than you'd anticipated hearing but it was soothing. "My name is Taehyung and...you're in my home."
"I'm ______," You replied. "You...you're a shifter aren't you? The jackalope?"
"Yes," Was all he said, going back to tending to the wound on your head. He didn't offer any further conversation so you fell silent, allowing him to finish cleaning your cut.
He was very good looking with a sharp jaw and uneven eyelids, a small freckle sat on the underside of his nose. As he leaned over you, you got the sweet scent of peaches that wafted off of him and you couldn't help but inhale. If he noticed, he didn't say anything before sitting back up with a tiny smile.
"Get some rest," He whispered, blowing out the candle lit beside your bed. "We'll talk in the morning."
The first thing you learned about your savior, jackalope shifter named Taehyung was he had a quiet sense of kindness to him. He was quiet, usually setting a plate or bowl of food beside you and scampering to hide away and eat on his own. You never saw him for very long and he barely spoke to you but he was kind; washing your clothes for you and making breakfast, lunch, and dinner for you.
Though he survived off of a mostly vegan diet, he had a knack for spicing it deliciously.
When you asked him how he managed to get fresh fruits and vegetables he did which led to him showing you a little garden he cultivated nearby.
What was striking about it, though, is that around the ground the grass was dead and brown but where the garden was held miraculous vibrant green grass. He seemed proud of his garden, leading you to the little tomatoes that were growing healthily.
Taehyung was timid, easily startled by loud noises that made the large rabbit ears on his head witch back. The first time he demonstrated his aversion to noises was when you accidentally dropped a plate and the wood clamored obnoxiously. He jumped 12 feet in the air and took off to the opposite end of the cottage so fast your eyes couldn't even track his movements.
Every once in a while, you'd spot him hovered over a box that sat huddled in a dark corner of the bedroom. Sometimes he would return from somewhere with objects wrapped in cloths which he would place in the box.
It got your curiosity up, seeing him dig through the box like it housed treasure.
Such curiosity is what led to a mistake.
They say curiosity killed the cat, after all.
He had been gone for hours, leaving you to lay in bed all by yourself waiting for his return. You weren't sure what he was doing since he never told you where he went or what he liked — aside from gardening.
So you crawled out of bed, the floorboards creaking beneath the shift in weight as you took the short stride to where the box sat. Normally, is sat covered in a black silk cloth that he only removed when he was out to collect things for said box. Now, however, it wasn't covered.
You easily unlatched it, the lid opening to rest back against the wall to keep it from slamming shut.
Once your eyes fell on the interior, your breath cut short.
Inside were a variety of objects; some shiny, some old, and some pure strange.
You reached inside, running your hand along the jagged edges of a crystal before tapping against the old, leather bound journal with worn out words engraved on the front. It was dirty and seemed to have been ripped or cut in several places.
Just as you were about to pull it out, however, the door creaked open to reveal Taehyung had returned. He cradled something in that black silk cloth, close to his chest as he stared at you for several long seconds.
"What are you doing?" The dark, cold tone of his voice sent shivers down your spine as you backed away from the box.
"I uh...was curious..." You admitted, shame filling your heart at the pained look in his eyes.
"Curious?" He growled, storming forward, gently placing the covered object in the box before slamming it shut harshly. You flinched at the sound but he didn't, despite his sensitive hearing to loudness. "Do all humans just put their noses in things that don't belong to them or is it just you?"
"Get out," He snarled, making you gasp. "I want you gone!"
He roared the last word so loud that it had you on your feet and running past him. You didn't bother slipping your shoes on, too scared of what Taehyung would do if you lingered in his space for too long. So you ran down the stairs, the freezing ground beneath your bare feet making you whine.
You kept running until the cottage was gone from sight and all of its light vanished. Left in the pitch black, your heart plummeted.
You were outside in the dark and that monster was no doubt lurking in the shadows. You were wearing a night dress Taehyung had on hand with no jacket of any kind to shield you from the bitter cold.
A breeze cut through the air, rustling the trees and making you shiver violently. Goosebumps rose up on your skin and you finally had to stop to huddle down. You pulled the nightdress over your knees as you held them to you chest — doing your best to conserve body heat.
Despite your predicament, you were sad.
Taehyung, who had treated you with quiet kindness and sweet gentleness, had cast you out of his house into the dangerous forest without a second thought. Part of you felt bitter over the fact his stupid box of treasures were more important than you.
Truthfully, you couldn't blame him; it wasn't your place to go through something that was obviously important to him. You didn't have a right to be angry with him for yelling but he had to know you would die out in the open like you were.
You didn't know how to navigate the forest and you were, in fact, already lost. With no clue where you came from, you couldn't even turn back to go apologize to him.
Any creak from the branches or rustling of the wind made you jump. Knowing that creature was out no doubt prowling set your heart ablaze with primal fear.
You would die. There was no doubt about it.
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The door slammed and Taehyung was left alone, glaring at the box. It held things that meant a lot to him — knickknacks he'd meticulously collected and kept safe.
The anger he felt vanished the second he smelt your sweet scent waft past him as you ran away.
Why had he done that? It was so unlike him. Taehyung wasn't the type of person to cast someone out in the night alone because he was angry. How could he have done that to you?
You hadn't known the treasures were special and you surely meant no harm, he realized when he looked back in the box and found nothing disturbed. Sighing, he unwrapped the newest addition — a stone slate he'd found buried with interesting engravings.
He closed the box once again and placed the cloth over, looking at the bed — his bed that he'd been allowed you to sleep in. It was messed up like you'd been laying in it prior to his finding you on the floor snooping through his box.
Curiosity was a natural human emotion, he knew that. Even he himself was a curious creature, that's how he came to collect things.
You had been expressing such a natural feeling and he'd yelled at you and thrown you out like some kind of monster.
His head snapped up.
He was on his feet quickly, running to the door to see your shoes still sat there. His heart broke — you hadn't even gotten your shoes on.
There was no way you could survive out in the cold — if hypothermia didn't get to you first then the monster surely would.
He ran down the stairs, his feet pounding against the wood. The second his feet hit the ground he was running — ears twitching towards every little sound he could hear in the darkness.
He could still smell you — the sweet homemade soap he made still lingering in the air. Following it, he blinked rapidly as his eyes adjusted to the dark. He could see far better than a human could, but it was still even dark for his night vision.
The trees and wind whipped past him as he ran, the scent of you getting closer and closer with every step he took.
Finally, you came into view, up ahead facing him. You were sitting with your knees to your chest and your nightgown pulled over your legs. He could tell, even from the distance that you were shivering and crying. His heart ached — he'd made you cry. You were no doubt scared and hurt by his behavior.
His relief of finding you was short lived when he realized you were in danger.
The monster, dark as the night itself crept along behind you — deep red eyes set upon your vulnerable, unknowing form. It raised a thick, clawed hand in the air preparing to swing down and strike you.
It would be a killing blow for you.
But perhaps not for him.
Without a second thought, he threw himself overtop you. You were knocked down with a loud 'oof'. Taehyung felt the claw slice through his back, it burned more than actually hurt for some reason.
Instead of the creature going in for another strike — a devastating, final blow no doubt, it let out a loud, distorted shriek. Looking over his shoulder, he saw the creature backing away holding its hand in the air. The black skin visibly sizzled and bubbled where Taehyung's blood had splattered across it.
Then, to his relief, it ran away into the night — heavy footsteps once again making the ground shake.
"O-Oh my god, Taehyung!" You cried, gasping when he flopped off of you onto his side with a groan of pain. "Wh-Where did that thing come from? Are you okay? Why did you do that? Where did it go?"
He couldn't help but chuckle at your rambling. Humans — so easily overwhelmed.
"I-I...We have to get you home," You whispered, standing up and grabbing his arm. "I don't know how to do this."
"It's alright," Taehyung groaned, allowing you to wrap his arm around your shoulder as he rested his weight against you. Though he kept himself lighter on you since your smaller frame couldn't handle all of his weight.
It was a slow limp back to his cottage, he had to direct you of the way since you'd gotten lost. He could feel you trembling against him, though he wasn't sure if it was because you were cold or still panicked from nearly dying.
You smelled so sweet still and he felt his eyes fluttering once the cabin came into view. He couldn't fall asleep yet, he needed to apologize to you for his behavior!
Everything seemed to pass in a daze from when he hobbled up the steps with you until his front hit the bed. The second his face was buried in the pillow and your scent overwhelmed him, mixed a bit with his which still lingered, he succumbed to the darkness.
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You hovered over him, watching as he slept soundly. The back of his gray t-shirt was slashed open, allowing you to see the gaping cuts on his back still gushing blood.
So you needed to stitch him closed.
Okay. You could do that.
It took ages to scour his house to find things that would allow you to tend to his wounds.
As you placed the linen cloths, alcohol, needle, and thread on the table, you stared at him on the bed. The best position would be to look at it from above but if you stood beside him, the bed would cause him to be too high to be comfortable.
So, with taking a final glance at him to make sure he was still asleep, you crawled onto the bed with him. Straddling the backs of his thighs, you tried to ignore what it felt like to be on top of him while wearing a dress.
Pushing his shirt up, you hissed at the angry red slashes on the otherwise pristine, tan skin on his back. Grabbing one of the linen cloths, you doused it in alcohol before placing the bottle back down.
Carefully, you pressed the cloth to one of the cut.
He jolted awake immediately, reaching back to grab at your thigh beneath your dress — setting your face aflame, though he didn't realize what he'd done.
"What are you doing?!" He whined, nails digging into your skin. "That hurts!"
"I-I know," You whispered, hands trembling as you dabbed at the cut again — making him cry out. "I'm sorry. I need to clean it!"
He moaned in pain but eventually relaxed, growing accustomed to the stinging pain. His grip on your thigh weakened and he fell limp again but you could tell he was awake.
Finally, you were finished and dropped the blood-soaked cloth on the floor with a wet slap. It could be cleaned later.
"Um...I'll have to stitch it," You whispered, watching as the cuts continued to ooze blood. "It's going to hurt a lot more and...you'll have to stay really still."
"Okay..." He whimpered, sounding so small it made your heart ache.
"I'll do my best to be quick and painless, okay?" You asked, beginning to thread the needle.
He didn't offer a reply but reached back, once again, to grab hold of you. His grip landed lower than last time, resting comfortably on your knee.
For comfort, you noted. He'd probably never had stitches done before. You had experience, often stitching yourself up during your travels because of stupid accidents.
Steadying yourself, you pierced the flesh and froze when he let out a little sob of pain.
"I-I'm sorry, Tae," You whimpered, stroking your hand over his shoulders for comfort. "It'll be okay."
He squeezed your knee in response while the other clutched the pillow beneath his head so hard the material groaned.
It was such a change in demeanor to what he was before; from shouting at you, to protecting you at the risk of his own life, to the trembling man beneath you. Part of you was happy as he allowed you to see the different sides of him, even if they were unpleasant. He was a more dynamic person than what you first thought of him when he was just a timid, quiet man who avoided you.
Every time the needle pierced through, he would tense up. Some places were more tender than others and drew a whine or cry from him. His bunny ears and little, fluffy bunny tail twitched and flinched in time to your movements as well as his pain.
By the time you were finished, he was drained. The way his eyes fluttered lazily as he fought sleep was the first indicator. He could barely bring his gaze up to you and you helped him strip out of the ruined shirt in favor of a new, softer one that hopefully wouldn't irritate the wounds.
Turning out the lantern, you whispered goodnight and allowed him to sleep in peace.
You woke up to muffled calls of your name, making your heart race in panic. Worried if Taehyung's stitches had torn open in his sleep and he was bleeding out by himself had you on your feet and in the bedroom in a flash.
The suns rays were golden as they sparkled across his skin. You could see his eyes water in the light and you couldn't help but coo when he held his hand out for you.
"What is it, Tae? Are you okay?" You asked, kneeling beside him on the bed where he still laid on his stomach.
"I just..." He sniffled and you realized he was crying. "I feel so guilty."
"Tae..." You whispered, squeezing his hand as tears fell from his eyes to the pillow beneath him.
"I c-can't believe I treated you like that and threw you out," He sobbed. "I-I've never acted like that to anyone before and I'm so sorry, ______."
"Taehyung, it's okay," You whispered, scooting forward to stroke his hair. "I shouldn't have gone through your things like that, it was rude of me."
"N-No matter what you didn't deserve that," He whimpered, voice wobbling. "If I had been even just a minute late you'd be dead a-and then what? I'd have to live with the fact that I killed you!"
"That wouldn't have been your fault and," You argued, sighing as your brows furrowed. "You got hurt in the end anyway so that's not a very good alternative!"
"Th-This is my punishment," The way he said it was so small and fragile. "I deserved to be punished for treating you like that."
"No, you don't deserve to be hurt, Taehyung!" You gasped, shocked at hearing such words come from him. He dissolved into sobs, leaving you sitting there stroking his hair to sooth him.
"Th-The truth is..." He sniffled. "I don't want you to go at all. I-I really like having you here and you make me feel less lonely."
"I..." Your heart felt warmed by his admission.
"E-Everyone went away when the Creature came and ever since it's just...been me," He whispered. "B-But you make me feel...happy, _____. I like you."
The confession trailed off as sleep seemingly overcame him. His grip loosened before his arm flopped off the side of the bed, making you smile. Being as gentle as possible, you placed his arm back beside him on the bed so his shoulder wouldn't ache when he woke up.
Then you set about trying to make him some food for when he awoke, no doubt he would be hungry.
You bumbled around the kitchen, humming softly to yourself as the mid-day sun warmed your skin through the window.
You had just pulled the soup off of the fire, smelling it with a smile, when you heard the bedroom door creak open.
"_____...smells good..." Taehyung limped into the kitchen, making you gasp. Placing the bowl on the counter, you rushed over to him to help him out and support his unsteady weight.
"You shouldn't be up! You should be resting!" You chastised, though you were secretly happy to see he was feeling okay enough to move around.
"'M sorry..." He mumbled sleepily, a yawn tapering off at the end. "Got lonely."
Sighing, you helped him sit on the couch. He winced when his wounds met the back to the couch.
"Well, I made some food," You said, placing the bowl carefully in front of him. Steam wafted off the top, showing that it was still quite hot. "I don't know all the herbs and spices you have but I just added what I thought smelled best."
"It does smell good," The grin he showed blindsided you; a contagious, boxy smile that made his eyes scrunch up.
It seemed Taehyung healed much quicker than a human would. Why wouldn't he? He was a creature made of magic.
Soon enough, you were able to remove the stitches from his back — albeit, with some whining from him. The skin was still sensitive, with three, large, puffy pink scars showing the evidence of his wound.
You were sitting at the table in front of the couch one day, stitching up the holes in the back of his shirt so it would be wearable again. You knew he didn't have a huge expanse of wardrobe so it would be best to salvage what you could.
You head Taehyung grunt followed by something heavy being dragged across the floor.
To your surprise, he was dragging his treasure box into the living room. There was sweat beading over his brow when he finally stopped in front of you.
"What're you doin'?" You asked with a smile, resting the shirt in your lap as you finished patching up a hole.
"I wanna..." He cleared his throat, ears burning bed as he flicked the latch open. "I want to show you my treasures."
"Really?" You asked, perking up immediately in curiosity.
He nodded his head, his little bunny ears bouncing with the movement. One by one, he began to pull things out of the box; the crystal, the journal, some silver dishes, a jeweled gauntlet, a pink gemstone, and a silver dagger. There were still more but the table could only hold so many things.
"Can I?" You asked, gesturing to the objects. He nodded, watching with wide eyes as you picked things up one by one.
You examined the objects with a small smile, Taehyung's expectant gaze sullied with nervousness.
"These are all so beautiful, Taehyung," You complimented, nearly cooing when his ears popped straight up as his eyes brightened.
"Really? You think so?" He sounded so excited that you couldn't help but laugh.
He was so endearing.
'I really do. I like them! Especially," You picked up the pink gem and held it up to the light. It reflected, causing light to bounce off the walls. "This gem is...beautiful, Taehyung. Where did you find it?"
"Th-There's a cave," Taehyung explained, scooting closer so he sat on his knees beside where you were perched on the couch. "It's too dangerous to enter but there was just this sitting outside the entrance one time!"
"There's a gem cave here?" You asked, eyes still glued to the gem.
"Mhmm, maybe I can...um," You jumped when he suddenly rested his cheek against your knee, smiling at where you twisted it in your hands. "I can show you one day, yeah?"
"I think that'd be nice," You agreed, leaning forward to place it back on the table.
"Hey can you..." He trailed off sitting up straighter as he avoided your gaze.
"Can I what?" You asked, glancing between him and the table of objects.
"Um...I just want to see what it's like to...if you, I mean," He cleared his throat, ears a vibrant red from embarrassment. You couldn't help but smile at him all shy and stuttering as he struggled to word his request.
Finally, he seemed to grow tired of his own inability to say it and grabbed your hand and placed it on his head. You watched for a minute, where your hand sat against his folded back bunny ears.
"Do you...want me to pet your ears?" You asked, mindlessly moving your fingers against the soft fur. He didn't offer a verbal response but nodded his head in response.
You sat like that for several minutes, Taehyung's head resting against your thigh as you stroked his ears. Every once in a while, you'd venture to graze against the soft surface of his antlers — discovering they were covered by fine little hairs all over.
Then, you grabbed the journal off the table, making Taehyung whine when you paused in petting his hair. When you struggled to open the journal, he easily popped it open to reveal yellowed, torn pages.
"I can't read so," He admitted, looking blankly at the pages. "I haven't gotten a chance to figure out what this journal is for but it was a humans I'm sure of it. I didn't really even look inside."
"You can't read?" You asked, mindlessly flipping past pages with ink too worn out to read.
"No I never learned," He easily admitted, nothing indicating that it bothered him in the slightest.
Suddenly, when you turned a page your body stiffened at what you saw. He hummed and looked up at you in question.
"Tae..." You whispered, turning the book to show him what you were seeing. "What are you seeing here?"
"Hey!" He perked up immediately in recognition. "That's the Creature! What's it say?"
"I-It's hard to make out everything," You admitted, bringing the book closer to see if you could make out anything. Shaking your head, you flipped a couple pages until you you were able to make out the text.
"Okay," You breathed, running your fingertips over the paper before reading what the pages held.
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The month is Tluelp, day Pror of the year U9;
The trees have just begun their transition to oranges and reds. Unfortunately, it doesn't feel as if autumn is upon us. There is no comfort in the air that usually comes with the change in seasons.
The air is bitter and cold; the flow of magic is slowing. We suspect it has to do with Her.
We are doing our best to stop her, the black magic she plays with is defiling this land. It's too overpowering and it is killing.
We are going to have to do something. And soon.
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"U9?" Taehyung asked, looking at the page although he couldn't read it. "What year is it now?"
"U15," You breathed, flipping over a couple pages you couldn't read.
"This journal is from 6 centuries ago?" He gasped. "What else does it say?"
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The month is Tluelp, day Plerq, year U9;
The Witch is no more. We failed to kill her.
The magic, it has taken over her. It's horrible. It surrounds her very body.
Her humanity is gone and nothing but a Monster is left in her place.
I fear she will come for us soon. There is a bloodlust within her; she has slaughtered any magical creatures that come across her path.
So far she has remained in the forests but soon she will run out of creatures to feast upon.
Soon, we will be the only ones left.
She will come for us. It is only a matter of time.
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"Did you know anything about this?" You asked him suddenly.
"Well," His brows came together in deep thought. "I know there were humans here at one point. I see some of their old villages, there's lots of cool things there but it's so open that I get scared it'll see me."
"Taehyung..." You realized there was something you never asked him. He hummed, flipping a few pages past some torn ones you wouldn't be able to read. "How come you're the only magical creature I've seen here?"
"I..." He paused, gnawing on his bottom lip. "I really don't know, ______. It just never...looks for me. I'm sure it knows I'm here but it never comes."
"I wonder why..." You mused. "It said in the journal it went after all creatures it could. I wonder why it spared you..."
"I wonder that too," He confessed, shrugging his shoulders as he frowned. You could sense the sullen change in his demeanor and quickly went back to the journal.
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The month is Tluelp, day Cels, year U9;
I know now that my days are limited. I can only hope someone will find this and read what I have to say.
There is a slate we have made. Engraved on it is a map.
I beg that you follow the map.
Find it and accomplish what we could not.
Stop her before it is too late.
I can feel her footsteps now. She's coming.
This will be my last entry.
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"A slate with a map engraved on it..." You mumbled, jumping when Taehyung suddenly hopped to his feet. His antlers just barely missed your face as he stood. "Tae?"
He began digging through his box again before pulling something out and running back over to you.
In his hands was a broken piece of a slate and you could immediately tell it was engraved with a map. It was too small of a fraction to be able to make out what it was for.
"Taehyung," You suddenly stood up, making him look at you as you put the journal back on the table. "Can you take me to where you found this?"
"Yeah!" He smiled, standing up as well. "Come on."
The sun was still high in the sky, offering a bit of warmth. You still wore a jacket to keep yourself even warmer.
You were thankful that the forest was far less menacing during the day, but it still held oppressive air that made your chest feel heavy. In one hand was Taehyung's hand. He started holding your hand tightly once the cottage was out of sight, glancing over his shoulder every other second to check on you.
It was sweet of him but truth be told, you kept glancing down at that fluffy little bunny tail.
Suddenly, there was a break in the treeline and you were out in the open.
You stood there, Taehyung's hand in yours, baffled by what was before you. Old homes made of sticks were in ruins in the remains of the centuries old village.
It filled you with a bittersweet feeling, knowing that these people weren't there living in the homes anymore. Remembering that it was all the Witch's doing filled you with new determination and you urged Taehyung to lead you to where the journal and slate were.
It was through a mess of a fallen house, a gap in the debris allowing you both to crawl through.
"This is where you found it?" You asked, voice echoing slightly in the enclosed space.
"Yeah, it was buried a little bit so I had to dig it out," He explained, beginning to sift through the dirt beneath him.
You followed his lead, pulling chunks of dirt away in random places in hopes to find something. There was dirt uncomfortably packed underneath your nails that you were dying to get out.
The two of you were silent for several long minutes. Suddenly, he gasped and yanked something so hard from the ground that he was knocked over by his own force when it came free. Dusting it off, he proudly showed you that he found a piece of the map.
You placed your part on the ground and matched the new addition together like a puzzle. It showed there were three fragments missing to the entirety of it; meaning you had just one more chunk to find.
Reassured that the pieces weren't scattered to kingdom come, your vigor in searching was renewed. You coughed as dirt particles wafted into the area, polluting the air quality in the confined space.
You let out a cry of victory as the slab came into view. Eagerly pulling it out, you dusted it off and added it to the other parts to show the completed map.
"It's too dim in here..." You complained, shaking your head before grabbing a piece and crawling out. Taehyung held the other two parts as he followed you out and into the sunlight.
"Hey there's stuff carved in the back," He suddenly said, looking at the unfamiliar letters.
"Let me see," You mumbled the two of you standing together so you could read what was written. "The blood of the pure hearted is what kills her. Follow the recipe for the potion."
Beneath, it was too worn out to read it as the engravings had eroded away over time. You sighed, shaking your head.
"What does that mean? Blood of the pure hearted?" Taehyung mumbled, flipping his pieces back over to gaze at the broken map.
You hummed, mulling over the words for several seconds before you perked up with an idea.
"Do you remember when it ran away because your blood got on it?" You asked eagerly. He nodded, cocking his head to the side as he waited for you to finish. "I think it's because you have a pure heart, Taehyung! That would also explain why she doesn't bother you and lets you live in peace! Your blood is her weakness!"
"But we don't have the recipe for the potion," He sullenly pointed out.
"Let's see this map again," You said, putting the pieces together once again. "Look...this reads...'you'll find what you need where the sacred tree lay roots'. I wonder what that means."
"I know where they're talking about," He muttered before grunting and adjusting his grip on the slate. "Let me fix it first."
You watched in awe as it began to emanate a bright yellow light from where the cracks sat before miraculously sealing up before your very eyes.
"I didn't know you had powers like that," You gasped.
"Well I am a creature of magic, _____," He giggled. "But I unfortunately don't have a lot of magic. It usually comes from what the land gives but with it dying...I can only channel so much."
"Incredible," You whispered before leveling him with a firm stare. "We'll fix this, Taehyung."
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The sun was beginning to descend as you began your journey to the tree. Taehyung mostly knew the way, it seemed, but still regarded the map to be sure.
You struggled to keep up with his pace, his long legs and rabbit-like attributes making it difficult to match him. Still, he kept a firm grip on your hand with your fingers laced together. His skin was warm and soft to the touch, comforting.
"S-So what is this place?" You asked softly, stepping over a stray rock.
"It's just a special tree," He said, shrugging his shoulders. "It's always been there. I used to play on it with some friends back before..."
"Hey Taehyung..." You muttered, making him hum. "How old are you?"
"Hmm...you said it's the year U15?" He asked, glancing over his shoulder to see you nod. "I was born in U...13?"
"You're 2 centuries old?!" You cried, jogging to walk beside him. He kept his grip on your hand firm, not willing to let you stray away. "Are there...other magic creatures living here?"
"Hmm...yeah," He nodded, using his free hand to move a downed branch in your way. "There are still others alive and living but it's a constant battle for them. They don't have permanent homes like I do because the Creature hunts them down."
"Why do they choose to stay if that's the case?" You mumbled.
"I guess just..." He sighed, squeezing your hand. "Because it's home."
The two of you fell into silence, only the sound of your footsteps crunching on the grass. Anytime there was a new or strange sound, Taehyung would shield your body with his. Though it seemed subconscious, it was still incredibly sweet of him to protect you.
"It's up here!" He said, suddenly picking up speed so you had to jog to keep up.
You kept your eyes forward, scanning the area for what you were supposed to be looking for. It seemed it came into view when Taehyung made an 'ah-ha!'.
You came to a stop in front of a large tree. It appeared to be no different from the others in species but it was in a much further state of dying than any of the other trees you'd seen in the forest.
Though you weren't a creature of magic, you could feel the heavy energy coming off the tree. It emanated a foul, black smoke from within and the closer you got the more exhausted you became.
Taehyung seemed to be feeling the effects as well, albeit to a lesser extent than you. His magic abilities no doubt helping him keep his strength in the wake of such dark magic.
He released your hand and the two of you began looking around the tree.
"It said where the sacred tree lay roots..." You muttered, kneeling on the ground. "Maybe it’s been buried!"
"Good idea," He gasped, following your lead and beginning to shovel away dirt with his bare hands.
He was able to move faster than you, as the weight of the dark magic was fully hitting you. Small grunts left his lip suddenly as he seemed to struggle with pulling something free. You moved closer to him to help him, realizing there was a metal box buried.
Finally, it was pulled free and Taehyung rested it in his lap and flipped the latch open. Inside, the box held a rolled up script of paper and a clear vial containing a shimmering, vibrant red liquid.
He pulled the paper out and undid the knot of thread keeping it rolled up. Then he handed it to you, eyes watching you expectantly.
Looking down at the paper, you read what was scrawled in black ink.
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If you followed the map, it led you here.
The Witch's dark magic makes her weak to the blood of the pure-hearted. Though we failed in our attempt to stop her, we managed to create a single vial of potion that can kill her.
If you fail with this, simply follow the recipe you have to make another batch.
In our attempt, we injured her but she was too powerful for us to handle. She wiped us out one by one and now there are only a few of us left. The hope for humanity to live here is gone now. Until She is gone, no life will thrive in these lands.
Our only saving grace is that we managed to create the map, recipe, and the one vial before our deaths. Coat an arrowhead in the potion and pierce her heart. It's the only way.
Whoever is reading this, please stop her.
Use this potion well, use it for those of us who failed and died in our attempt to save us and the magic.
Once she is gone, the tree will birth new, pure magic. And life will once again bloom.
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"I uh..." Taehyung placed the paper back in the box and locked it shut again. "I can use a bow and arrow."
"You do?" You gasped, watching Taehyung nod quickly.
"In the winter I hunt animals for skins so I've gotten pretty good at it so I don't have to hide in the snow for hours," He proclaimed the fact proudly, making you smile.
"Do you think you can do it?" You asked softly.
"I know I can," The conviction in his voice was startling but comforting. Then, he looked up and sky and stood up. "We should get home before the sun's gone."
He took your hand in his once again and began to trek back to the cottage. By the time you were walking up the steps, darkness had covered the forest and you were eager to get back inside where you felt safe.
"Let's prepare what we need," Taehyung said, grabbing a leather bag of arrows and placing them on the table beside the metal box. "We'll coat the arrows in the potion and we'll do it tomorrow, okay?"
"How will we find her?"
"It may take a while but she'll be easy enough to find if she's on the move," He explained, pulling the cork out of the vial.
It smelled sweet, almost floral once opened. Then, the two of you fell quiet using your fingers to carefully smear the potion on the arrowheads. He carefully placed them back in the leather bag before moving on to the next arrow to coat.
You didn't sleep very well that night, the arrows sitting on the table taunting you alongside the empty potion bottle.
It felt like you were laying alone in the dark for hours until Taehyung's bedroom door creaked open and he wandered down the hallway. He lingered in the entryway to the living room for a moment before you spoke.
"What is it Tae?" You asked, making him jump.
"You're awake," He breathed, walking closer.
You sat up a bit, letting him sit down before resting your head in his lap. It was comfortable and when he gently threaded his fingers through your hair, you felt your body relax significantly.
He had such a profound impact on you and you appreciated having him there in that moment.
"Can't sleep?" You asked him.
"No," He admitted, head resting back against the couch. "Thinking about how important tomorrow is."
"Yeah..." You sighed. "We can do it, though, Tae. I know we can."
He fell quiet,mindlessly stroking your hair as you slowly began to drift off. Somewhere in your subconscious, you could hear him whisper 'i hope so' before he began to softly hum a melody.
The next morning, as you stood in the doorway, you couldn't deny the way your heart was pounding in your chest.
Taehyung pushed your hair off your shoulders and put it up in a ponytail, tying it with a pink ribbon. His bunny ears twitched mindlessly atop his head and you couldn't help but smile.
"What is it?" He asked, giggling down at you.
"It's just...your ears are cute," You confessed, watching as his ears began to turn red.
"Y-You think so?" He reached up and scratched at one of them while avoiding your gaze.
"Yeah I do," You smiled, biting your lip when his gaze finally met yours.
"______," He whispered, stepping closer so your bodies were just barely touching. Cupping your chin between his thumb and forefinger, he drew your head upwards. "I know you're nervous but I'll protect you."
"Tae..." You felt breathless when his lips slowly descended upon yours. He gave you a split second to change your mind, but when you didn't, he kissed you softly. The kiss seemingly lasted an eternity, and when he pulled back his cheeks were pink and yours were burning.
"I think you know what I want to say but...I'll save it for when we come back home successful," He grinned, kissing your forehead before turning around and grabbing the bow and arrows he had waiting by the door. Taking your hand in his, he tugged you out the door.
Your heart was still pounding violently, but Taehyung was the cause this time.
It felt as if you were trekking through the forest for hours, following Taehyung around as he seemed to be drawn by different noises that would lead him to change direction. You were growing tired but you fought it, knowing you needed to be alert through the fight.
You were holding onto him, your hand in his and holding onto his bicep. It felt nice to have him close and you kept thinking about the kiss you'd shared.
You hoped to experience more.
Suddenly, the ground began to rumble in time to footsteps. You both froze where you stood, Taehyung quickly pulling out his bow out and positioning an arrow — ready to fire the second he needed to.
The sound of trees falling and you held your breath, looking around to locate where it would be coming from.
Finally it came into view, knocking trees over as the black magic physically wafted off of it — polluting the air immediately. It paused, red eyes locating the two of you — specifically you.
It roared, making you flinch and cover your ears with your hands. You could only imagine how it hurt Taehyung's ears. Still, he stood strong and pulled the string back, ready to shoot.
The creature took another stop and Taehyung took it's shot. You both watched as it arched before dropping fort of its foot — embedding in the ground.
It stepped forward, crushing it beneath its weight before advancing forward on the two of you.
Panicked, Taehyung took another shot and missed. You heard him cuss before the deafening crack of a tree erupted.
"Move!" Taehyung screamed at you, pushing you so you fell to your side with an 'oof'.
The tree fell and slammed against the ground right where you had been. You were panting, listening to the creature shriek when an arrow Taehyung shot hit its arm — enraging it.
Still, it kept its sights locked on you and began to make its way over to you. Taehyung shot again but missed, you knew he was panicking too hard.
"Taehyung!" You shouted over the fallen tree. "I have an idea!"
"No! Don't do anything!" Taehyung argued, but you ignored.
"I'll just distract her so you can get a clean shot!" You explained before getting back to your feet.
You waved your arms, jumping up to entice the creature to watch you. It was paused, keeping its eyes on you as you ran, getting it to turn its torso more towards Taehyung.
You looked back to see Taehyung dropping the arrow he had in his hand. Distracted, you missed the root of a fallen tree in your path and plummeted to the ground.
Immediately, a searing pain erupted up your leg and cried out.
"______!" Taehyung shouted, lowering his bow.
The panic between the two of you seemed to lure the creature into action. It was jutting its clawed hand forward, preparing to kill you where you laid vulnerable on the ground.
Everything happened in a flash when you felt the warm spray of blood over your body.
But no pain.
Opening your eyes, you felt a sob tear through your throat. Taehyung's back was to you, the tip of a claw poking out of his back — having been impaled on the creature.
"T-Tae..." You choked, watching as he used the last of his strength to aim his bow.
His hands were shaking and he had his own blood on them. But he pulled the string back and let it go.
The close proximity allowed him to get a clean hit. The creature shrieked, its claw ripping free from Taehyung's body — making him cry out and crumple to the ground.
All at once, a brilliant yellow light erupted in a ring around the creature and surrounded it. It continued to shriek and flail even as it was slowly swallowed up until nothing but pure green grass was left.
You hovered beside Taehyung as his blood pooled beneath him on the ground. You could barely acknowledge the way the trees and grass came back to life, and the oppressing black magic disappeared as you watched the blood drip from Taehyung's paling lips.
"I really," Taehyung swallowed thickly, wincing as he did it. The sight of your tears broke his heart but you still looked beautiful in the light. He could feel the shift in magic, the change in atmosphere. "I really love you."
You couldn't even get your response out before his eyes were fluttering shut and he let out a final exhale.
"Tae?" You whispered, shaking him, sobbing. "Tae?! Taehyung!"
You cried out when the grass began to spring up around him — covering his body slowly. Vines wrapped around him and slowly his body began to sink into the grass. You reached out, hand on his until it disappeared and you were left grasping solid ground.
"But...I love you too, Tae," You cried, shoulders shaking as you bent over to rest your forehead against where he once was. "Please don't go..."
You were there until the sun began to set. It was difficult to stand up with your ankle in pain but it was most difficult to leave that spot — where Taehyung had been.
You barely acknowledged that there were crickets chirping, breaking the silence that had been raining since you arrived.
Walking up the stairs of the cottage took a long time, having to use the railings to support your weight. You also really didn't want to go inside but you knew you had to.
Inside, it was cold and lifeless the second you stepped foot on the wood floors.
Sitting on the table was the potion vial and metal box you'd found with him just yesterday. Wandering to the hallway, you passed the treasure box he had never brought to his room. Inside the bedroom, you let your tears fall once again. The bed was unmade, evidence that he had been there though it was now beginning to feel as if he was never even real.
Kicking your shoes off, you crawled into the bed and wrapped yourself in his blankets. His scent overwhelmed you and you curled up into a ball to cry yourself to sleep — thinking over the last words he spoke.
'I really love you.'
The feeling of something softly dabbing at your forehead. It was so gentle that it barely roused you.
Something being wrapped around your ankle — the soreness of it coming to the forefront of your mind. Waking a bit more, you could hear a soft humming of a melody.
Your eyes fluttered open, struggling to adjust to the light of the morning. Something moved into your vision.
Antlers, twitching bunny ears...and the soft smile of Taehyung.
Immediately, tears were falling down your cheeks, making him frown and cock his head.
"Why are you crying?" He asked, tucking some hair behind your ear. "If anyone should cry, it should be me. You didn't take very good care of yourself — your ankle could have been broken, you know."
Not offering a response, you threw your arms around his shoulders and pressed a harsh kiss to his lips. You clung onto the back of his shirt, whimpering when he began to return the kiss.
Pulling back, you buried your face in his neck and relished in the feeling of his arms wrapping around you.
"I-Is it really you?" You sniffled, wiping tears from your cheeks as you pulled back.
"Yes," He smiled when you stroked the soft fur of his ears and caressed his antlers. "The land it...thanked me. With its magic returned, it healed me so I could return to you. It could feel your sadness."
"I was so scared, I didn't know what I would do without you, Tae," You confessed, wrapping your arms around him in a hug again — needing to feel him close. You could hear his heartbeat in his chest and closed your eyes against the rhythm.
Before long, you were locked in another kiss. It became more passionate and heated with every second that passed.
He crawled onto the bed, body hovering above yours as he settled his weight on both hands on either side of your head. His tongue met the seam of your lips and you eagerly granted him access.
He sighed into your mouth when your hands slipped beneath his shirt to caress the smooth skin of his sides. Dropping onto one of his elbows, he gripped your thigh with his free hand to spread your legs for him to settle between them. The close proximity of your bodies allowed you to feel the way he was hardening in his pants, his length pressed against your thigh.
He followed your lead and slid his hand up your shirt, fingertips ghosting over your ribs to your chest where he discovered you weren't wearing a bra. He groaned, cupping your breast and rolling your nipple beneath his thumb to feel you tremble beneath him.
He suddenly sat up, a string of saliva connecting your lips briefly. You felt the air get knocked out of your lungs when he pulled his shirt off — revealing the tanned expanse of his body.
He was built nicely, evidence of an active lifestyle in the way you could faintly see abs.
You followed his lead, tugging your shirt off to throw it to the floor somewhere. He groaned, covering your body with his once again as he enveloped one of your nipples in his mouth.
His tongue was hot as he flicked the bud, fingers coming up to pinch the other one.
"Tae..." You whispered, threading your fingers through his hair, being mindful of his ears and antlers.
"Sound so pretty..." He mumbled, swapping to lap at your other nipple — paying it equal attention until he felt it was enough.
"Please touch me," You begged, reaching down to cup his length in his pants. He was painfully hard and obviously big, it made your panties dampen.
"Is that what you want?" He asked, nosing at your jaw to press kisses against your neck.
"Yes, please," You whined, beginning to push your pants down your thighs.
Taehyung immediately leaned back to watch as your panties were exposed before helping you shed them completely.
Immediately, his hand was between your thighs cupping your heat. You spread your legs, silently inviting him to touch you all he wanted. He took you up on the offer, middle finger prodding between your folds — the material of your panties against your clit making you whimper. The sound made Taehyung's cock throb in his pants but he ignored it, wanting to make you whimper and whine more for him.
He wanted you to beg for him.
Slipping the crotch of your panties to the side, he sunk one finger into your hole — making your back arch at the unexpected fullness. Your were already so wet but he wanted you wetter.
Crooking his finger, he found that spot inside you that had you gasping and grinding down. He easily fit another finger in, the slight stretch making your walls spasm in pleasure. His constant abuse on your g-spot made you gush, coating his fingers in your juices.
"T-Tae...your mouth..." You whimpered, fisting his hair.
He smirked. "What about it?"
"I want it..." You whined, tugging his hair impatiently.
"Oh?" He had a cocky smirk on his face that you wanted so badly to smack off it.
"Tae!" You complained, arching your hips up in hopes to entice him into giving you what you wanted.
"Where exactly? Here?" He trailed his fingers up your thigh. "Oh maybe here?" Fingers on your hip. He chuckled when you suddenly whined again. "Oh, I see...here."
His thumb was suddenly on your clit, grinding against the bud until your knees spasmed closed. With an impressive show of strength, he forced your legs apart again, pinning your knees to the bed to leave you completely exposed.
Then, his mouth was on you — sucking your clit into his mouth. He groaned at your taste, slowly beginning to fuck his fingers into you — the wet sound of your cunt going right to his cock. He licked your clit, the bud hard and swollen beneath his tongue — so sensitive and needy for him.
"'M gonna make you cum," He groaned, doubling his efforts. The feeling of his hot, wet mouth on your clit and his fingers fucking your g-spot just right was quick to push you off the edge.
You came hard.
You felt him moan against your clit as you gushed around his fingers, the way he fucked you through it making you squirt. He loved it, his cock throbbing so hard he was sure he could have cum.
You reached down and stopped him, pushing his head away from your cunt. His face was coated in your juices and he didn't waste any time popping the fingers that had been inside you into his mouth. His eyes rolled back into his head at your taste and he chased it by licking his lips clean as well.
"You made a mess," He teased, hooking his fingers into your panties to tug them down. Your legs were trembling from the force of your orgasm, making his heart swell with pride.
"Y-You made me make a mess," You pouted, eyes not leaving his form as he began to push his own pants down.
His cock sprang free, slapping against his stomach and leaving a spot of precum on his skin. You were right about him being big and you couldn't resist reaching out to wrap your hand around the base of him. He was hot and heavy in your grip, throbbing incessantly in time to his heartbeat.
His fringe hung in his eyes, making his gaze look darker as he stared down at you. You kept your eyes on him as you leaned forward, mouth opening to take the head of him into your mouth. His lashes fluttered the second your tongue met the slit of his cock, tasting his precum.
He wrapped his fist in your hair and whimpered when you took even more of him into your mouth. He was so big that you could only take so much before he was pushing your gag reflex and you had to pull back. He quickly collected the drool that had collected on your lips and used it to lubricate his cock as he wrapped his fist around himself.
It was hard to believe this was the cute Taehyung who asked for you to pet his ears. He had his bottom lip trapped between his teeth as he stroked his cock.
"Lay back and spread your legs," He ordered, voice thick was lust.
You did as he told you, spreading your thighs so your swollen, wet cunt was exposed to his greedy gaze. His grip tightened around his cock as he cussed and you whimpered, watching him resume stroking himself.
It dawned on you that he was jerking off to the sight of you spread beneath him. The thought alone made your cunt clench and gush. Taehyung didn't miss it, smirking and angling his cock to run through your folds — collecting your cum on the head of him.
Suddenly, he laid three consecutive smacks against your clit with his cock. You gasped, fisting the bedding beneath you at the feeling. He chuckled, prodding at your entrance.
"Please, Tae," You begged, reaching down to take his cock into your grasp.
He let you, releasing his own hold to watch as you popped the head of him into your entrance. You both moaned at the feeling and it was all Taehyung needed to sink in completely.
His bumped your cervix, making you sob and flinch.
"Y-You can't even take all of me..." He whispered, more of an observation than dirty talk but it still made you clench and gush around him. He chuckled, mindlessly reaching up to cup your breast. "Does that excite you? Taking me even though you can't even fit all of me?"
"Y-Yes, I love i-it Tae," You confessed, circling your clit as you ground your hips down to stir his cock inside you. "Y-Your cock is so big, feels so good."
He chuckled, pulling back — the drag of his thick cock against your walls making you tremble. When he pushed back in, he grazed your cervix once again but the spike of pain only increased the pleasure.
You cried out, wrapping your arms around Taehyung to pull him into a deep kiss. His pace didn't falter, he continued to fuck you clenching cunt even as your walls started to flutter around him again.
"Coming!" You sobbed, knees tightening around his sides as you came again.
Taehyung ground, watching as your juices splattered all over him — making you gush more every time his cock grazed your g-spot.
"Messy..." He growled in your ear. "Love that you're so messy..."
Suddenly he pulled out, your hole clenching pathetically at the emptiness. He gripped your hips and helped you roll over onto your hands and knees. Gripping your ass, he pulled your cheeks apart to sink back into your soaking cunt.
You cried out, mindlessly grinding back to get more. He obliged, setting an even faster pace than before. You were so sensitive that you felt yet another orgasm mounting inside you.
"G-God Tae!" You cried, tossing your head back.
He helped you sit up on your knees, back against his chest as he cupped your breasts. He was panting in your ear, whispering soft curses mixed with whimpers of his own. His cock was throbbing inside you, signaling that his own end was near.
"I-I'm gonna..." He warned, biting his lip as he found your clit with two long digits.
Two quick circles on the sensitive bud had you falling over the edge. He came with you, hot cum gushing inside you and making you gasp. It dripped down your thighs, mixing with your own cum as you gushed around him again.
He ground into you some more and let you fall back to the bed.
As you caught your breath, he settled in behind you and pressed kisses against your shoulder.
To your surprise, he lifted you leg in the air and gently sunk back inside you.
"Oh! Tae!" You whined, reaching down to grip his hand as oversensitivity set in.
"I've got you," He cooed, all darkness in his voice gone as he peppered whatever skin he could with kisses.
You panted, whimpering and trembling as he fucked you. It was a much softer pace and you could feel his gaze on you.
When you looked over your shoulder, he leaned down and pressed his lips against yours. You moaned into the kiss, legs twitching as his angle shifted to graze that sweet spot inside you.
"I love you so much," He confessed, words immediately bringing tears to your eyes.
"Tae I..." He pulled out of you, shifting you onto your back so he could fit back between them again. "I love you too."
He met your lips in a soft kiss when he sunk back inside you. His face was buried in your neck, panting against your skin as he kept his thrusts shallow. His pelvic bone ground against your clit, quickly bringing you to the edge.
He took your hand, lacing your fingers with his as he rested his forehead against yours.
"With me..." He ordered.
He squeezed your hand as he felt you clench around him, back arching as you came. It was a much gentler high — it crested and faded as he pumped you full of even more of his cum. It was hot inside you and you felt it gush out of you when he pulled his softening cock from your walls.
He pecked your lips, still hovering above you.
"I really do love you," He whispered, kissing you again.
"I know," You smiled. "I love you too."
"How about we go down to the creek," He smiled, sitting up slightly. "And clean up."
Without his body covering yours, you could feel just how...wet your body was. A mixture of your fluids between your legs and down your thighs. Taehyung was in no better shape.
"That sounds nice," You giggled, letting him help you stand up.
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When you woke again, it was deafening how loud it was after so long in silence. Birds were chirping, frogs were croaking, and bees were buzzing.
You sat on the stairs outside, watching as rabbits and deer frolicked and munched on the freshly livened grass.
The door creaked open, indicating Taehyung's arrival. He sat down beside you, the black cloth he used to protect his treasures in his hands.
"What's that?" You asked, resting your head on his shoulder.
"It's something for you..." He whispered, fingers shaking as he unraveled it to reveal the pink gemstone from his treasure box. "I want you to have it."
"Taehyung..." You smiled, taking it from the cloth and clutching it tightly. "Thank you, I love it."
He grinned, kissing your cheek softly.
"That means you're really mine now!"
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imma-fucking-nerd · 4 years
(Nines x Reader)
A/N: givin my mountain baby a little love cuz i still feel bad about how i had to do it to him in two birds 😔
"Goodmorning, (Y/n)," you were immediately greeted by Connor, your best friend, as you entered the precinct.
"Goodmorning Connor," you responded with a smile just like you did every day.
Looking over his shoulder you surprisingly saw Hank at his desk. You noticed that ever since Connor became a deviant he had managed to slowly get his father figure to come to work on time.
"Morning Hank," you called out to the older man to which he responded with a lazy wave.
After saying your greetings to your friends and having a little smalltalk you headed to your desk. As you put your things down you lifted your gaze, locking your (e/c) eyes with hard steel grey ones. A stare that never failed to make a shiver run down your spine. Even so, you lifted up your hand and offered the stoic android a small wave.
"Morning Nines," you said with a kind smile.
He didn't reply. He never did. But you never stopped greeting him anyways because despite the fact he may not have deviated yet, doesn't mean he's any less a person. However that didn't exactly mean you weren't a little scared of the guy. With the way he stared at you, you could only imagine he was thinking about ripping your head off. Or maybe he wasn't. To say he was hard to read was an understatement.
When you brought your attention back to starting your work, the androids eyes never left your form. What you didn't know was that he didn't hate you like you thought he did. Quite the opposite actually. He found you intriguing. It always puzzled him why you would waste time trying to talk to him. He was just a machine. There was no point.
However the more time went on the less true that seemed to become because whenever you shared a kind smile with him something in him shifted. Changed. As if there was some sort of virus in his programming causing these strange feelings. If he had a dollar for every scan he ran on himself to find out what the hell it was he'd be a billionaire. But alas they all came up with nothing.
That wasn't the only time he'd experience one of these malfunctions, so to speak. They'd also happen whenever he saw you talking with the RK800, Connor, his predecessor. But this feeling was far less desirable than the other. It made Nines insides feel like they were clenching, like he was suffocating from a lack of.... He didn't even know.
You always seemed so comfortable with him and were never not smiling. You'd even hug him after almost every interaction. But he didn't like it. Not one bit. Why were you giving the lesser model so much if your attention? He was the superior one after all. But then he'd ask himself why did it even matter? It wasn't like he cared. He couldn't care. He was a machine. That's all.
At least that's what he'd tell himself. Over and over and over again. Even when he would see the little Software Instability ^ in his peripherals. It must have just been a mistake. An error. A malfunction. Something. He couldn't actually be becoming the very thing that was impossible for him to do.
But when you glanced up and locked eyes with him for just a second, that feeling would return once again. Then he'd end up playing the memory of that moment over and over just to feel it again. Until he'd get snapped out of it by Gavin, or even himself.
It was maddening. You were maddening. You were consuming his every waking moment and you didn't even know it. That was probably the worst part. You had absolutely no clue the hold you had over him. In fact, you were afraid of him, and he knew it. What he didn't know, or understand, was that it hurt him. He'd never hurt you. He ran so many simulations in his head of situations where he'd be ordered to hurt you but he just couldn't. Something that was harder for him to convince himself was at all logical.
Software Instability ^
As the hours went by Nines found himself replaying his favourite memory of you. It was one of the few times you had tried striking up a conversation with the RK900 in the earlier months of his time at the DPD.
"So, I know everyone calls you Nines, but you do have an actual name like Connor or...?" you questioned seemingingly out of the blue, tilting your head up to the tall android.
"I was not registered with an official name, no," he replied simply with his usual monotone voice, glancing down at you.
"Well....would you want one?" you offered with a small smile.
He watched you silently for a moment before responding rather coldly, "I'm a machine. I don't want anything. Nines is a sufficient enough way to address me."
You frowned slightly at his answer and it was the first time he felt the ghost of what would become a powerful feeling.
"Alright well.... If you ever change your mind let me know," you said, your lips curving upwards once more.
Everytime he'd think back on that memory the tiniest of smiles would tug at his lips. It was the first time a human offered him any kindness, or anything at all really, let alone a name. Something that was uniquely his. He told himself he didn't need one but he sometimes wished you'd name him yourself. A thought that would be quickly shoved away, and the tiny smile gone even quicker.
Software Instability ^
By the time he was pulled back to the present it seemed like it was already the end of the day. While he was lost in his own thoughts he was still thankfully able to do his work. Maybe not as flawlessly as normal but it was finished nonetheless. The last thing he wanted was his partner, Gavin Reed, on his case for slacking.
The only people left in the office at this point were himself, Connor, Hank, and you. That was, until Hank and Connor made their way out. But not without stopping at your desk of course. He watched as you said your goodbyes, giving Connor another goddamn hug, with that brilliant smile on your face.
Software Instability ^
Once you were done wishing Connor and Hank a goodnight, you turned back to your desk to finish up a few last minute things. It was rare for you to be the last one in the office but you didn't want to leave without making sure you absolutely did all you needed to do. You didn't need Fowler on your ass.
When you were finally finished you let out a sigh of relief and started gathering your things. As you were pulling on your jacket you couldn't help but jump and let out a little gasp when you noticed Nines in the corner, staring.
"Jesus, you almost gave me a heart attack," you chucked nervously as you placed your hand over your rapidly beating heart.
Now you kind of felt bad for forgetting that he was there. It was just that he was so quiet. Like a statue or something. It was just then when a sudden realization made your guilt even worse.
"So do you just, stay here at night? In the dark? Alone?" you asked him as you gathered the rest of your things.
He gave a little nod in response, confirming your suspicions and you sighed softly.
"Well I can't just let you be alone like that so you can come home with me. If you want. You don't have to," you said, stumbling over your words as you continued.
When he didn't answer you frowned slight and gave another soft sigh. Well at least you tried.
"Well, have a good night then," you said before making your way over to the door.
Once you exited the building you stopped when you didn't hear the door close behind you immediately. When you turned around you were surprised to see that Nines was following you.
Software Instability ^
You smiled up at him and continued your way over to your car. You didn't say anything about it, you were just happy that he actually decided to take you up on your offer. That was progress in your book.
As you expected, the car ride home was a quiet one. None of you spoke and you both kept your eyes forward, save for the few glances you spared his way. You couldn't help but feel a little awkward. He looked so much like your best friend Connor, but he couldn't have been more different. You just wished he'd throw you a bone once in a while, let you talk to him without making you feel like you were an unwanted presence. But then again he did decide to come home with you. Again, a little progress was progress nonetheless.
Upon entering your home you let out an exhausted sigh, happy to finally unwind after a long day of work. As you took off your jacket and boots you noticed that Nines just stood infront of the door.
"You can make yourself at home," you said knowing full well that he'd probably wouldn't move from that spot the entire night.
You still wanted to make him feel welcome anyways. Him not being a deviant didn't change the fact he was still a person in your eyes. Even if he gives you many reasons to rethink that.
After that you went on with your night as normal. When you made yourself dinner you had to stop yourself from offering some to Nines. That would've been been very embarassing. But at least you didn't have to worry about him barging in on you while you were in the shower. It took a bit of time to get used to his staring when you watched tv until you got tired, and just as you suspected, he never moved an inch.
At around eleven o'clock you decided you should probably hit the hay. Turning off the tv, you got up and stretched a bit with a yawn before looking over to Nines.
"Welp, I'm off to bed now. Let me know if you need anything," you smiled sleepily at him before turning to head to your room.
Software Instability ^
However you stopped in your tracks when you suddenly heard his smooth voice speak up, causing you to turn back to him in mild surprise.
"I do have one request before you go," he said, his LED now illuminating a pale yellow.
"Yeah? What's up?" you asked maybe a little too eagerly.
But you couldn't help yourself. It wasn't every day Nines asked you for anything. Or talked to you at all really.
You watched him intently, patiently waiting for him to ask whatever it was he wanted to ask. When he didn't speak for a good long minute you were about to open your mouth to ask if he was okay when he moved to stand infront of you before speaking up.
"If your offer of helping me chose a name I would.... appreciate the assistance," he said, shifting his gaze away from you for a moment as he spoke.
"U-Uh yeah sure, of course!" you stuttered.
In all honesty you were surprised that he remembered that offer. Well, maybe you weren't surprised he remembered and more surprised he actually did change his mind.
When he didn't say anything else you spoke up for him, "Did you have anything in mind?"
"No. I would prefer it if you would select a suitable name for me," he said, finally asking of you what he wanted.
Well one thing he wanted from you, besides you yourself. But he wasn't even aware that was what he truly wanted. Not yet at least.
Again, you found yourself blinking at him in slight shock and for some reason you felt your cheeks flaring up.
"I uh, yeah I can do that. How about...." you trailed off, staring up at him intently as you thought about a decent name for him.
It was silent as you both stared at each other. Both your minds racing with very different thoughts. Nines LED blinking as he waited to register a new name. His first real name. Given by you.
Software Instability ^
After what felt like forever, your mind finally settled on a name you thought fit perfectly.
"How about Conan?" you asked with a hopeful smile.
The android looked off into the distance for a moment before nodding.
"Yes I think that will suffice. Thank you," he said as he looked back down to you.
"Great!" your smile turned into a grin and you felt pride bubble up inside you.
You did wonder why his LED was still yellow, however. How long did it take to process that information? You decided not to think too much about it.
"Anyways I should really be going to bed now. Goodnight, Conan," you offered him one last smile before turning to the hall towards your room.
However halfway down the hall you were suddenly turned and pinned to the wall, a hand on each side of your head effectively caging you in. You looked up at Conan with confusion and fear in your eyes. His eyebrows were knit together and his LED was burning an bright red.
"C-Conan?" you timidly spoke, not being able to hide the fear in your voice.
Was he about to kill you? What did you do wrong? Did he really not like the ne name?- Suddenly, you were pulled from your thoughts.
"What are you doing to me," his voice was low, almost a whisper and held something you've never heard from him.
But what emotion it was exactly, you couldn't tell.
"W-What? I-I didn't do anything!" you squeaked out, confusion evident in your voice.
He blinked a couple of times and his harsh features softened. You could of sworn you saw hurt flash in his eyes for just a moment.
Software Instability ^
"You don't even know, do you?" his voice was somehow softer than before.
"W-What?-" but before you could ask him what he meant he interrupted you.
"Whenever I'm around you my therium pump seems to work faster than it should, and all my biocomponants clench. It feels like I'm being suffocated. But whenever you're gone it's somehow worse. Like I'm missing a vital system. I've run a million tests but everything comes out fine. So why? Why is this happening?" He hung his head as he spoke, confusion and, what worried you more, fear could be heard in his voice.
Software Instability ^
Suddenly any fear you felt from him vanished and you were starting to realize what was happening. It made heat slowly start to rise in your cheeks and didn't at all help your ever high heartrate.
"What are you doing to me?" he asked again almost desperately, finally meeting your eyes once more.
You opened your mouth to speak but nothing came out. You didn't have a clue what to say. There was no doubt he was deviating, and there was no doubt it was because of you. After what felt like an eternity of silence you finally cleared your throat before speaking.
"I'm not doing anything, but I think I know what's happening to you," your words were soft and slow as you spoke, as if trying to calm an angry animal.
You took a brief pause for a moment until Conan's expectant stare made you to continue.
"I think.... No, I know, what you're feeling is.... It's called love," your voice remained calm, soft, and confident even.
Software Instability ^
"That's not possible," he said harshly, his eyebrows furrowing.
Fear started to slowly creep back up into you hut you pushed it down. It was obvious that this was difficult for him and he needed you. You weren't going to let him down.
"Yes. It is. Conan, you're feeling. You're becoming human," a small reassuring smile spread across your lips.
You avoided using the word 'deviant', knowing that he would see what was happening as a bad thing if it was labeled as such. But it wasn't a bad thing at all and you were trying your damndest not to fuck it up. So before he could come to the conclusion of it being a negative on his own you continued.
"And that's not a bad thing. It's a very very good thing. A wonderful thing," as you spoke you slowly raised a hand to gently rest on his chest.
However before your hand could touch him, his hand caught your wrist. His grip was tight, but not to the point that it hurt. It was a warning. So you ceased your movements immediately.
Software Instability ^
You watched as he shut his eyes tightly, his face scrunching up causing you to stay silent and still. Oh how you wished you knew what was going on in his head. The only indication you had was his raging red LED.
What you couldn't see was the multiple notices of software instability going off again and again. And as he shut his eyes he was met with a large red wall of his mission. He knew what this meant. He knew what would happen if he broke through. He couldn't do this. He can't be a deviant. But then your words replayed in his head. "And that's not a bad thing. It's a very very good thing. A wonderful thing." That gave him enough strength to finally bash that wall down.
After what must have been a solid five minutes, although it felt more like hours, he slowly guided your hand up to cup his cheek. This made your eyes go wide but you didn't dare pull away, not that you even wanted to anyways. You assumed that the action was his wordless way of telling you he did it. He fully deviated.
When he finally opened his eyes he was met with a warm, reassuring smile and the feeling of your thumb brushing over his cheekbone. His LED seemed to finally calm down to a yellow hue, making your smile grow just a bit wider in relief. Without another word you suddenly went on your tippytoes and wrapped your other arm around his neck, pulling him down slightly into a hug. Your other hand, which he slowly let go of, moved to the back of his head.
He didn't know exactly what you were doing at first and just stood there awkwardly. But as soon as he realized you were hugging him he slowly wrapped his arms around your waist. After a few more minutes of him getting used to your embrace you felt him relax into you and even nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck, his LED finally settling back to a calm baby blue.
You two just stood there in each others arms for god knows how long. But you didn't mind one bit. If you didn't know better you would have even thought he fell asleep. As if on cue, a yawn escaped from your body and you wondered just how late it had gotten. As soon as Conan heard you yawn he pulled back from you, but his arms stayed firmly around your waist.
"It's 12:32 am, you should go get some rest," he said softly, looking into your eyes with an amount of love you've never seen before.
"Uh y-yeah okay," you stuttered out, the heat in your face rising higher than ever before that night.
However before you even had the chance to take a step towards you room Conan took it upon himself to lift you up bridal style and carry you to your room. A small squeak left your lips at the sudden action and your arms immediately wrapped around his neck. Looking up at him you noticed his lips curling up into a small smirk and your face burned even hotter.
"I-I could've walked you know," you said, your smile betraying your tone.
"I know," was all he said as he stopped to gently place you down onto your bed.
He watched as you got under your covers and got comfortable until your beautiful (e/c) eyes lifted up to meet his. God how was it even possible you looked even more gorgeous than before. Or maybe it was that he could now appreciate your beauty in full.
"Stay?" your small voice pulled him from him thoughts and he noticed you patting the empty space beside you.
"Of course," he responded, his smirk from before growing as he moved to lay down next you.
As soon as he was laying down you covered him with the blanket as well and curled up next to him. He wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him while his free hand started to gently pet tour hair.
"Goodnight Conan," you said sleepily as your eyes fluttered shut.
"Goodnight (Y/n)," he whispered back before leaning down and pressing his lips gently to your temple.
A/N: HOLY. SHIT. I got CARRIED carried away lmaooo. Over 3500 words jfc. Each fic i write gets longer and longer. Anyways hope y'all liked it as much as I did writing it!
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queenmuzz · 3 years
A Father's Wish
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Tagging @buurenaars-workshop. So if you want to blame the angst. It's all their fault with the angst prompt. TW Mentions of Torture, but nothing too explicit.
Despite his less than ideal situation, Sparda contents himself that he’s done what he set out to do. The veil between both the Underworld and Overworld has been reinforced, aside from a few small tears, and his ancient foe, Mundus will be confined to the depths of Hell for nigh eternity. Sure, he had expected to die in a blaze of glory, mowing down hordes of his fellow demons, each one howling for his blood, or to be struck down by the God Emperor himself in single combat. But instead, because of that three headed witch’s sinister magic, his desire was not fulfilled. Not yet.
Mundus takes his time with him, like a cruel child with a bug. He rips his wings off, brands him with white hot iron, impales him with crystals, gouges off chunks of chitin. To Sparda, who has dealt with these pains before (and many millennia ago, inflicted them) these are trifles he can heal from. Eventually Mundus will tire of him, and finish him off. In the end, Sparda still wins, Mundus will never reach the realm he has given everything to protect. Although the Dark Slayer wishes he could have been with his new family for a little bit longer. Eva, who he’s known for less than two decades, and the twins, even less. To a demon, the passage of time goes far too quickly.
Every so often Mundus cuts a bit deeper, driving past flesh, into his own soul. Mundus taunts him, being disgusted that he would debase himself by not only protecting Humanity, but diluting his blood with them. Sometimes, Sparda senses it's THAT that really enrages Mundus. Not his betrayal, nor his sealing away, but that he dared do something no demon had ever done: fallen in love. How he wishes he could see his wife and children, at least one last time, to apologise for his departure, to tell Eva how much he loves her, to Dante, to play one last game of hide and seek, to Vergil….how proud he is of the boy.
When Mundus chuckles on one of his occasional ‘visits’, Sparda’s blood begins to freeze.
“I’ve wiped out your degenerate line, my loyal” the sarcasm is thick “lieutenant. I do so enjoy listening to tales from my followers telling about your beloved human pet’s last screams, and the taste of your mongrel’s blood…” He cackles maniacally , but Sparda has doubts. Mundus is well known for his treachery, and lies, he wouldn’t put it past the God Emperor to try to wound him with such a devastating falsehood. And besides, somehow, even in his cell in the depths of hell, he knows his sons are alive. Of course, he’s never been able to tell them apart, even with his demonic senses (Eva dressed them in red and blue to help him), but somehow, he knows…
So why does his chest hurt so much… ? And what are these tears dripping down his face?
Time passes, the tortures become almost banal, to the point that Sparda barely feels them. Mundus hasn’t made one of his visits lately, he seems to be preoccupied with some new and diabolical project. No doubt trying in vain to rip a hole through the veil, and somehow, for a brief moment, succeeding, before it slammed shut, if Sparda sense’s aren’t completely dulled by pain. But there’s a tenseness in the air, a foreboding, like when the shoreline recedes before the tsunami. (He still wishes he could see his family one more time, take them to the beach like he had promised).
When Mundus shows up again, he doesn’t come alone. He seems excited, almost giddy, but there’s a trace of frustration.
“Ah, my old friend…” he says sweetly, as sweet as a poisonous flower can be. “For so long I’ve been bereft of a loyal, capable second in command, one who won’t stab me in the back. And finally,” he moves aside to show a smaller figure, clad from head to toe in metal...no, not clad….encased. Sparks of electricity race down Sparda’s spine, warning him that something horrible is about to happen. “I have a replacement, and no longer need you.” The Dark Slayer should be relieved, his end is about to come, but his heart hammers in fear, not for himself, but for the knight in front of him.
“It took a lot to break him, to mold him into a suitable servant, and much like a diamond, many, many, cuts had to be made. And even yet, there are a few imperfections that I have not been able to cut away. Nelo Angelo has a few stubborn traces of his weakness...his humanity. Eva used to tease him that a demon whose senses could tell when Modeus or Baul was about to make an appearance, but that he couldn’t tell his own sons apart.
But now...even trapped in metal, his demonic will nearly crushed, Sparda can sense who he is, and it breaks his heart. He wanted to see his family one last time, but not like this, never like this.
“Vergil...” he calls out in a broken hoarse whisper. His son is so much taller...how much time has passed? How long has he suffered like his father? And almost imperceptibly, the knight stiffens at that name.
“What is that phrase that those wretched humans use?” Mundus muses, “Ah, yes… ‘two birds, one stone.’ I break off the last chunk of weakness, and I have my hated rival finished off. So simple.... I cannot believe I didn’t think of it before.” He turns to Nelo Angelo (no...his name is Vergil) and gives a chilling order. “My command: kill this traitorous prisoner.” Sparda’s heart crumples at the cruelty of it all. He’s not afraid to die, but not at the hands of his own son.
“Vergil!” he calls out, and without thinking, he changes from his bug like form, to his familiar human visage, hoping that will trigger some sort of resistance in his son. Whatever happens, Vergil must maintain a thread of iron will, that is his only hope of salvation. It works, because Vergil pauses, and his ugly cumbersome blade (Sparda gave him Yamato, she suited him so much better) trembles in his hand. “You must fight back, my son…”
Mundus laughs, “I never thought I’d see the day that the great and mighty Dark Slayer begs for his life.”
Only now does Sparda deign to respond to his former friend and comrade. “I am not begging for mine...but for his.”
Mundus growls, and rage oozes out of the cracks of his triumphant facade. But he keeps it simmered down, and with a flick of demonic energy, a glittering flash of gold and red hovers in front of Vergil. His son reaches out for it, his half of the perfect amulet. “Ahaha,” his master taunts in a sing-song voice, “Not yet. I need you to do one tiny, almost insignificant thing before I bestow you my gift. Kill him.”
His son still hesitates, silently glancing between his father and the amulet, before he makes his ultimate decision. He takes an attack stance, and strangely, Sparda is relieved. He’s not forsaking his humanity, no matter what Mundus thinks...he’s fighting for it, for the amulet is his mother’s gift, his humanity.
The blade pierces Sparda’s heart, and it barely hurts as the world grows dim. Vergil is close to him, and weakly, Sparda brings him into an embrace, (his son deserved so many more) and whispers in his ear...
“Even after everything...you are still fighting back...I am so proud of you…”
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writeyouin · 4 years
oho Bet. Guy from The Croods x Gender Neutral Reader where they were childhood friends/neighbors and they meet again at the "new world". (instead of Guy and Eek falling for each other they become friends) Sorry if it's weird to read, it's 3:30 am.
Guy Crood X Reader – The New World
A/N – Writing this fic was the only way I ever found out that there’s a Croods sequel in the works.
Warnings – None.
Rating – T
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You hid in the bushes, cautiously watching the family before you as they violently tore hunks of meat of a huge bird. The speed and ferocity with which they ate was sickening, not to mention the gristle and fat that dripped grotesquely down their fronts. You had thought that you would be safe in the New World, never suspecting that cavemen would also find the way to it, unevolved as they were. Only one of the females looked anything closer to the evolution that had taken place in your tribe generations ago, but you doubted her intelligence was any better than theirs.
You wondered whether you ought to kill them; you had tried to communicate with cavemen in the past and it never ended well. Then again, it might not even be possible to take on all six of them. You were sure that you could kill the Alpha male with your speed against his strength. The other male would probably die of a self-inflicted injury in the heat of combat; he certainly looked dim enough. The alpha’s mate would hopefully be preoccupied with the fate of her son. It was the last three that worried you. The elder might look frail but she had to be tough to have survived so long. The young girl was clearly fast and strong, a combination of her parent’s best traits. That left the worst one of all; the baby. You had seen her bite the head clean off a lizard only seconds ago; she was clearly the most dangerous member of the pack.
Regretfully, you decided to abandon any thought of fighting, as well as that area of the New World. Perhaps you could make your home elsewhere, with the hopes that the cavemen wouldn’t find you.
“Ugh, that was delicious,” The alpha-male belched.
You slung your bow over your shoulder, tiptoeing quietly away, only stopping when you heard the girl speak. “Hey… where’s the leg I saved for Guy?”
‘Guy!’ Your breath hitched in your throat as you remembered your childhood friend. It couldn’t be him, could it? Was Guy a common name nowadays? The Guy you knew was as afraid of cavemen as you were. He wouldn’t travel with them, right?
On the slim chance that it was your Guy that the cavemen knew, you decided to stay and wait for him to come back to the pack. Coating yourself in mud to camouflage yourself and hide your scent, you hunkered down, clutching your bow tightly in case a fight should occur.
You continued observing the family, bemused when a fight broke out over who had eaten the last bird leg. You soon learnt that their names were Grug, Ugga, Eep, Sandy, Thunk and Gran, and together they were the Croods. Should a confrontation arise, their names might come in useful to diffuse the situation.
As the night drifted on and the Croods occupied themselves with stories for Sandy, you thought back, losing yourself in memories of when you and Guy were children.
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“Help.” A sniffly voice on the verge of crying called from the bottom of a steep slope.
You poked your head over the edge, finding the new boy, whose family had just moved into the cave next door to yours.
“Hey,” Guy said upon seeing you. “Please, help me.”
You giggled upon seeing him fail to scale the shale wall, trying to reach you.
“You’re not supposed to play there, new boy,” You grinned.
“Okay, I won’t ever again. Now, get me out of here.”
“What’s your name?”
Guy stared up at you exasperatedly, “Come on, get me out.”
“I will, if you tell me your name.”
“It’s Guy.”
“Hi Guy, I’m (Y/N).”
“That’s not a name.”
“Neither is Guy,” You pouted.
“Yes it is, and you promised to help me if I told you, so there.”
“Uh huh,” You replied non-committedly, looking around for anything that might aid Guy. You lowered a long, withered stick down into the pit for him to grab hold of. Gratefully, he began climbing it, trying his best to be quick.
“You’re heavy,” You whined. “Hurry up before I drop you.”
Guy did his best to speed up, but with no footholds in the shale, he had only his arms to work with.
“How old are you?” You grunted through gritted teeth.
“Seven,” Guy groaned.
“No way. I’m seven and I’m not nearly as heavy as you are. You must be…” You paused, trying to think of the highest number you knew, “Twelve.”
“I’m not twelve! I’m seven, like you,” Guy insisted, finally reaching the top and dragging himself out.
You let him catch his breath before asking, “Now what?”
“I’ve gotta go home or my parents will worry. Are you coming?”
“I guess.”
With that, the two of you walked back to your adjacent caves within the tribe, talking the entire way back. Afterwards, the two of you became fast friends. Growing up together, Guy always shared his best ideas with you; his family seemed to be full of great thinkers. In return, you taught him the tribe’s way of hunting, camouflage, and how to mentally map out the terrain. You asked him once why he hadn’t learnt such important things from his old tribe, only to find out that he and his parents had been loners living in the wilderness until they came across your tribe.
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In your early teenage years, Guy invented puppet shows, explaining the concept to you so the two of you could tell a story at the nightly gathering.
You giggled as you made a tiny old woman puppet on your hand bow. “The tribe will love this.”
“Yeah… The tribe will,” Guy said, thinking of how he had invented the puppets as a way to get closer to you than he normally would.
That night was one of merriment and wonder for the entire tribe. While you kept peeking around the boulder that acted as a stage to enjoy the audience’s reactions, Guy was watching you, preparing to ask you out before some other, braver tribesman did. After the show, when everyone was preparing to sleep, Guy finally plucked up the courage to ask you out, an action that led to what was simultaneously the best and worst night of your lives.
“You what?” You asked, trying to make sense of the rushed invitation Guy asked moments prior.
“Sometime, I mean, anytime you’re free, I was wondering if you uh, might want to go out with me,” Guy said slowly.
A grin spread across your face, “We could go now.”
“Now?! But it’s night time. There’s- There’s no light.”
“We’ll take torches.”
Uncertain about going, yet unwilling to lose his chance with you, Guy borrowed two torches from the communal fire pit. The two of you walked far beyond the edge of the tribe, into the wilderness where you could be alone together.
When the two of you reached the cliff, the two of you sat with your legs hanging over the edge. In a comfortable silence, bathed in moonlight you gazed up at the stars. Guy kept his eyes on you, smiling boyishly.
“(Y/N),” Guy murmured, drawing your gaze to his face.
Instead of speaking, he leaned forwards. You mirrored his action, relishing the way your foreheads touched, then your noses. Everything felt so intimate under the moon’s watchful gaze. Any second now and your lips would meet his, or at least they would have, had the ground not started shaking.  The two of you jumped up, backing away from the edge of the cliff.
“What’s going on?” You gasped.
“I don’t know. I-” Guy was interrupted by the distant screams that echoed through the previously peaceful night air.
“THE TRIBE!” You cried out.
You broke into a run with Guy close behind you, each of you struggling to keep your balance on the unstable ground. Trees began uprooting themselves as large fissures opened in the earth below.
You were nearing the screaming tribe when Guy roared, “(Y/N), LOOK OUT!”
He had warned you just in time for you to leap out of the way of a newly formed chasm that swallowed the earth where you were standing only moments before. Guy morosely called your name, painfully aware that the two of you were now separated.
“Don’t worry about me,” You called back. “Get back home, I’ll find another way to get there, I promise.”
Guy nodded assent and ran towards the tribe just in time to watch his family slowly die in tar and hear their last goodbyes. You, on the other hand, never got to keep your promise. The new terrain provided no way back to the only home you had ever known, and eventually you were forced to flee as fire, lava, and tar pursued you.
In the years of isolation that followed, whilst searching for a place safe from The End, you often thought of Guy, hoping that he had survived that terrible night. Now, you had been provided a chance to see if it was your Guy travelling with these Croods. You desperately hoped it was him, so you could finally know that your friend was safe, and maybe even put an end to the solitary life that fate had forced upon you.
The rancid smell of bog water intermingled with wet fur drew you out of your reverie. Suddenly on edge about a possible animal attack, you squatted into a fighting stance and readied your bow. A large carnivorous cat pounced through the surrounding foliage, launching itself at Grug. You prepared yourself to watch a bloody massacre that would lead to the Croods’ demise, but instead found yourself watching the creature affectionately groom Grug, purring the entire time.
Soon enough, more animals followed, one for each Crood so it seemed. You scowled, thinking that perhaps Guy was the name of Eep’s pet, but your expression quickly transformed into one of radiant joy as a man followed the animals. He was older, his hair longer, and there was some kind of odd creature hugging his waist, but there was no mistaking it; that was your Guy.
“Next time, it’s Thunk’s turn to walk the pets,” Guy said bemusedly. “There’s just no keeping them out of that stagnant water.”
Shouldering your bow, you wasted no time in getting up. You were still afraid of the cavemen, but if worst came to worst, you could always grab Guy and run.
“Uh hi, room for one more?” You asked awkwardly.
You immediately began to regret your choice not to get Guy alone as you were grabbed by several pairs of hands.
“WHO ARE YOU?” Eep demanded, pulling you in one direction.
“EEP, I’LL ASK THE QUESTIONS,” Grug reminded her, pulling you in the opposite direction. “WHO ARE YOU?”
“Can we all ask?” Thunk grinned. “Who are you?”
“Sweetie, this isn’t a game,” Ugga warned Thunk. “Hold onto Sandy before she eats the intruder.”
“I SAY WE RELEASE THE BABY,” Gran cackled wickedly.
Throughout the interaction, Guy had been entirely too shocked to say anything, but he finally stepped in, pushing himself between you and the Croods.
“Everyone, wait. This is (Y/N), the two of us grew up together. We- We know each-other.”
Reluctantly, Grug let you go, but Eep’s grip only tightened and you were faced with a barrage of ecstatic questions. “You knew Guy? What was it like growing up? Do you have ideas too? Do you make fire? How well do you know him? What’s the curvy string stick on your back for? Do you have a pet too? Were you being chased by The End? How did you find your way here? What do you-”
“Eep,” Ugga said quietly. “I think that Guy may want some time to catch up with his old friend.”
Eep fell silent, looking up at Guy, finding an expression of sadness and awe written on his face. “Oh, right, yeah. We’ll just leave you too it. Uh… C’mon Croods, let’s go for another pet walk.”
All of the group left except Gran who took a seat, waiting for the show to start. Grug quickly came back and put her over his shoulder; she grumbled cantankerously as he carried her away.
“So…” You said awkwardly, unaccustomed to talking to others after so long alone.
“So…” Guy parroted, having been caught completely off-guard.
“Yeah,” Guy laughed nervously. “But they’re good ones.”
“And…our tribe?” You asked, hoping that Guy wasn’t the only one who had made it out.
He shook his head, “Gone. We’re all that’s left.”
“(Y/N), I never stopped looking for you. I always hoped… I mean- and now you’re here and I don’t know what to say.”
“I know what you mean. I kept hoping if I travelled far enough, I would find you and now I have. So much has changed, where do we even begin?”
“Well… I suppose we could begin where we left off,” Guy said thoughtfully. “We tell each other everything that’s happened, no matter how long it takes and we learn who we’ve both become.”
Guy sat down on a log, offering you the space next to him. You sat down tentatively,
“Okay,” You said quietly. “That sounds good. You go first. Tell me your story Guy.”
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yanderepuck · 4 years
What if the fur babies had babies????
Imagine MC having the same pet as their vampire boyfriend
He??? Decent dad.  Tho at one point he’s like “k kids.  Time to learn how to fly” and pushes a baby out the nest and Napoleon luckily catches the baby.  Jupiter gets a mouthful.  The nest is so much bigger and Bunta is a little upset he isn’t allowed in the nest anymore.  They are very noise however.  At one point Napoleon considers moving the nest to the barn, but who knows how they would react to the nest moving.  Good thing he’s a heavy sleeper
To say the least.  He was very confused by these fluff balls.  Mozart absolutely ADORES the babies and makes sure they have everything they need and more to be comfortable.  But when someone asks him about them or Schelm he goes “Who?  Tho dumb owls?  Yeah they’re doing alright I guess”  Then he goes back to his room and cuddles the babies and helps feed them and helps keep the nest cozy.  But Schelm doesn’t leave the babies side.  Only because he trusts Mozart does he let him near the babies.  Sebas isn’t even allowed in Mozart’s room during this time.  Eventually Schelm takes them all tot he music room.  He had been working on making a nest in there for them since that is where Mozart spends most of his time, and plus the open windows make it a more comfortable atmosphere.
First of all???  Where is the mother cat even going to nest??? Leonardo’s room is a mess.  Either way.  At first Lumiere could have cared less.  He was like oh, babies.  But since he realized they were there to stay and not visiting he started to become really helpful and would bathe them and make sure they don’t get into anything in Leonardo’s room.  But once they start walking it is chaos.  They end up getting out of the room and running through the halls.  And maybe even end up in Theo’s room because they saw that big fluffy thing and wanted to see what it was.  Vinc loves them all and gives them all kisses as Theo is yelling for Leonardo to get them out.  Mozart has made sure to keep the music room door closed once he saw them in the hallway.  Jean absolutely loved them and thought they could be friends with Cherie.  Lumiere chases them through the hall trying to get them back to the bed room, but by the time he gets one back another one has escaped.
He can’t believe they are smaller than him!  Something finally smaller than him!  He’s a vvv good dad though.  Having kids sorta calmed him down but he is still very yippy.  He picks up his children and shows them of to Arthur.  He’s like “DAD!! LOOK!! ITS MY BABY!! LOOK HOW CUTE!!” and his tail and going WILD.  I imagine Arthur would spoil them.  Theo would too because, well, puppies.  Vic is a little cautious of King going near them just because of how big he is, plus King forgets that he is that big.  But once the puppies start walking around and getting into trouble Vic can’t seem to keep them away from King.  They just crawl all over him.  But their little yips??  The rest of the mansion is slowly hating the puppies from how loud they are.
Ohmygod.  Baby raccoons.  THEY GET IN SO MUCH TROUBLE WITH THEIR LITTLE THUMBS.  It is at times like this Vincent wished he had a bed, because they all insist on sleeping with him.  He doesn’t mind being buried under baby raccoons.  Brush likes to carry as many of them as possible and show them to the residents, especially when they were first born.  When they were born he took Vincent’s hand and dragged him over and made him sit down and handed him each baby to look at.  Mama raccoon was not too happy, but trusted Vinc and so she let it happen.  Then Brush went into the hallway, first person he saw as Isaac so he dragged Isaac in and had him look at the babies too.  But once they start walking around on their own they are CHAOS.  lil thumbs to get into things.  Sebas thought having one raccoon being able to get into the kitchen was bad.  Now he has to lock everything.  They enjoy getting Vic worked up and chasing them around.  If King wasn’t so much bigger they would do it to him.  Occasionally you will find them cuddling with Lumiere.  But a resident will wake up to having a baby raccoon int heir face.  Napoleon has kissed one occasionally. 
King is already Vincent in dog form, BUT NOW THERE MINI ONES.  They are very goofy and trip over their feet when running.  Theo wasn’t sure if having puppies was going to be a good idea, but the moment they were born he regret everything he said.  The man is a dog lover and he will allow any chance of being covered in puppies happen.  He tells them they can’t sleep on the bed, but by the time he wakes up in the morning they are all there with him, including King.  He can’t be mean to those cute puppy faces.  Vinc isn’t too much of a dog person, at least not big dogs, but he loves the puppies and plays with them.  King lets them climb all over him while playing and he watches over them when they are outside so they don’t get hurt.  They are very well behaved expect when it’s dinner time, and they running into the dining hall where everyone is eating and is trying to beg for food.
Honestly?????  Bunta would probably be so confused.  Dazai would hold Bunta and be like “Look, Bunta.  Those are your babies.” and Bunta just tilts his head.  But once they can leave the nest they follow Bunta or Dazai around.  Bunta has taught them that Theo is bad and to stay away from the cat.  He brings Schelm and Jupiter into the room to see them, and Schelm is like “.....food???” and Bunta screams.  Soon they are doing the same as Bunta and sleeping int he other birds nests.  It annoys Schelm to have tiny cheeping blobs in his nest, but if they are quite then they aren’t too bad..  Jupiter enjoys them and can’t understand how a bird can be even smaller than Bunta.  Bunta is already so smaller, and they come even smALLER??
Smol bby hedgehogs all scurrying around Isaac’s room because he refuses to let them go out into the hallway because he’s worried about them.  Isaac was so deep in his work he forgot to tell anyone about the babies.  Sebastian happened to come by to drop off his lunch and heard the squeaking of the babies.  The babies were already like two weeks old at this point.    Whenever a bug gets into the bedroom they start to run after it trying to eat it and then they start fighting for it.  So as much as he hates it, Isaac will intentionally bring bugs into his room because he knows they want to eat bugs.  Harry however teaches them how to sneak out of the room to go exploring.  This is how they all end up getting stuck in the basement. . . again. They just can’t seem to be able to go up stairs.
No one but Jean knew about the two cubs for the first few months.  Then he took them to show Comte to show him how cute they are.  Comte just looks at him and isn’t quite sure what to say.  There is no way they can keep up with four tigers.  But while they are cubs they are adorable and lay in the sun and sleep with Lumiere and they all play fight.  They know when Sebas is in the kitchen and run in and squeak for food, especially if it is meat they smell.
Oh god.  How many would there even be.  Will and MC thought her rabbit was a boy, but then a month later there were babies.  Will just looked at Puck and went “Don’t you dare do it again,” and Puck is just munching on some greens.  So many zoomies.  The babies were extra hyper and Will had to extra rabbit proof the house.  Puck wouldn’t just munch on anything he saw, but who knows with these babies.  They started to chew the legs of Will’s writing table and made it wobbly.  They will all pile up on Puck and sleep.  Have you tried getting nearly a dozen bunnies back inside?  Impossible.  They are all over Vinc when he comes over to visit.  At first they weren’t sure about him, but since Daddy Puck seemed to like him and not be bothered, they decided to investigate.  Que Vinc cooing them all.  Most of the babies picked up on Puck’s needy and yandere habits  and must get fed when they want fed, or else they hangy.
THE CHAOS.  Mini thymes running around biting your toes and climbing up your legs.  Mozart has pulled one or two out of his piano and yeeted them out.  They were running back like AGAIN AGAIN but he closed the door shut and never opened it when they were around.  Somehow Leonardo always ends up with one in his pocket.  Even he isn’t sure how.  They will attack anyone but Comte is always the first option.  They were all hidden in Vincents coat, he has a lot of layers, and then they heard Comte and suddenly all their little heads pop out.  Vincent likes when they sleep on him.  At least three times a day you hear Comte yelling “STOP BITING MY TOES”  Thyme doesn’t help bc he bites too.  He taught them well.  Thyme doesn’t even try controlling them.  He joins in the chaos.  Sometimes you’ll even see them climbing up the curtains.  At night Sebastian gets a basket and goes around the mansion to collect them all and puts them in Comtes room so everyone can sleep in peace.
They are just so little what the heck.  They baa and hop around like there’s nothing wrong in the world.  Sometimes Sebas will bottle feed them just because he loves doing so and finds it adorable.  They love to follow Sebas around when he’s cleaning.  He will shoo them outside to go play but they just baa at him and keep following.  If there is a table int he room you damn well be sure that they are going to stand on that table and baa at anyone who walks in.  Theo and Arthur get baa’d at alot.  Lottie basically lets them do what they want as long as it isn’t dangerous
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arcadianstuff · 3 years
School rivals p.t 7
This is a long one ! I honestly have no idea how many parts this is going to have but I’ll make a master list for my works so far if you guys want ? Anyways enjoy !!
"Hope you don’t mind love." You could practically hear the smirk in Douxie’s voice as his arms circled around your waist, the intimate touch brining a blush to your cheeks. Thankfully, Douxie couldn’t see it. Sat behind you on your motorcycle, he was oblivious to the way your cheeks had reddened.
"Not at all Casperan," you tried to brush off the growing warmth inside your stomach and smirked as you took off down the street,"hold on tight !"
The wind rushed past you both, it’s cold touch sending chills down your spine as the feeling of flying had you hollering a little. Perhaps you could’ve been quieter given that the town of Arcadia was just starting to come alive in the early morning. Mr. Benoit's cafe was opening to feed the morning commuters and caffeine deprived college kids. A couple of high schoolers littered the streets, clearly not excited at the prospect of attending morning lessons.
Three said high schoolers shot you and Douxie withering glares as they trudged up the steps of Arcadia High school.
"No fair Jimbo, (Y/n) and Douxie get to go off on an adventure and we have senor uhl's Spanish tests first thing." Toby wailed, wallowing in his own self pity before stuffing a Nougat Nummy in his mouth. It wasn’t the best breakfast.
Jim had been focused on the retreating forms of his sister and Douxie but spun around, face paling at Toby words.
"What do you mean a test ?!" At his distressed yells, Claire giggled a little and pat her boyfriend sympathetically on the back.
"Come on boys. I’ll try and help you study in the like...20 minutes we have before class ?" The two said boys just grumbled gratefully at her offer, and the three kids trudged up and into the school, overwhelmingly envious of you and Douxie who’d escaped the clutches of the American education system.
It made you giggle a little that Douxie was clutching a little tighter to you as you sped down the streets, heading towards the canal where Blinky had told you to meet him. Again you became acutely aware of the warmth emitting from Douxie, the feeling of his breath on your neck not helping to keep your blush down
In those moments before you reached the canals, you contemplated the way your relationship with Douxie had changed. Only a week ago the two of you had been enemies, or at least disliked each other. Annoying each other, always trying to one up the other or get a good dig in. And yet here you were, his arms around you as w began the adventure that you’d felt like you’d been waiting for your entire life. Maybe without the murderous ancient spirits and weird glowing trolls.
Things were changing. You just hoped you could adapt fast enough.
At least Arcadia didn’t seem so boring as it once did, in fact you didn’t feel the same longing to escape the confinements of the tiny town you’d grown up in. Maybe....just maybe you might call this place home a little bit longer.
Hidden under the shade of the bridge, you spotted one hulking form and another much smaller one. With a roar from your bike, you came to a stop next to them giving Douxie a fright at the sharpness of the stop. Said wizard looked a little paler than usual as he dismounted your bike. In fact he almost looked like he was going to be sick.
"Oh don’t be such a baby my driving’s fine." You rolled your eyes at the wizard's behaviour who just gave you a flabbergasted look.
"You drive like a bloody mad man love." Douxie retorted, feeling a little shaky as he approached the two trolls. Luckily, the enjoyment he’d felt at wrapping his arms around you had dulled the fear of your reckless driving. Thank god your mum and never seen you on your bike because she’d smash it to pieces if she saw the way yiu drove.
"Ah yes miss (Y/n) and Hisirdoux." Feeling the growing tension and sensing an oncoming argument, Blinky decided to interject quickly, very aware of the time pressure enough were under. He needed to get you both to the sword as soon as possible.
"Hey big guy." You smiled up at Aargh who waved one of his yeti sized hands at you, a smile lighting up his face. You’d take a liking to the pacifist.
"Hello sister of Jim." He responded, waving at Douxie as well.
"Okay no time for formalities I’m afraid. We don’t have much time if what you, miss (Y/n), are saying is true." The happy atmosphere between friends was shattered at the troll's serious demeanour, his eyes hard. Yet again you were reminded of the severity of your situation, the pressure beginning to weigh you down.
With a sharp nod, you matched the troll's serous expression with your own, brows furrowing as the troll pulled out a decaying sheet of paper. The ancient scroll rolled out into a fading map, which you quickly realised was of Arcadia.
"Here you will find Excalibur," Blinky pointed to a spot not to far from your current location the group of you peering down at the map,"but I warn you (Y/n), if you pull that sword from the stone you will have a responsibility that you cannot shed."
For a second you met the eyes of the wise old troll. Blinky had his doubts at first about you, he’d been aware of your existence much like he’d been aware of Barbara's, except you’d never met them like she had. But you’d managed to survive against all odds, and clearly had a will of steel. He just hoped you had it in you to face what was coming next.
"Thank you, both of you." You smiled up at the two, before departing, Douxie again thanking them as he followed you from out under the bridge and into the sunlight.
There was obvious signs of tension that hadnt been there before, like the way your shoulders were tensed and your hands had balled into fists, nearly crushing the map you held in one of them.
He wanted to say something, anything to comfort you. When had he gone from insulting you to ranting to comfort you ? Honestly, he had no clue.
Clearly, the two of you weren’t aware of the fine line between love and hate.
"Are you sure about this love ?" The wizard glanced between you and the shining silver emerald of the sword not to far from you. His question was laced with worry as he watched you stare at the weapon with unreadable eyes.
It’s golden hilt shone in the sunlight, practically glowing like a firefly. Douxie repeated his question but it fell on deaf ears. It was like a glass dome had descend upon you, blocking out everything except you and the sword. Yiu couldn’t feel the wind on your face nor hear the chirping of the birds hidden in the trees. There was only you and the sword which drew you in like a lot to a flame.
Tiny, undeterminable whispers began to fill the air as you moved closer to the sword, growing in volume with every step you took. With wide eyes Douxie watched you appraoch the swor,d almost as if yiu were in a trance.
"Love ? (Y/n) w-wait !" The wizard lunged for you, to pull you back away form the sword, but it was too late.
A blast of light threw the man backwards, his back colliding hard with the grass. His body racked with coughs as he pushed himself up, swearing at the sharp pain that shot up his sides. But the swears died on his lips as his gaze fell on you.
The moment your hand wrapped around the sword it felt like everything was right. A power you’d never felt before rushed through your body, lighting your veins on fire as with ease you pulled the sword from the stone. A feat Jim hadn’t been able to compe,the but you had.
Excalibur was yours to wield.
"Excalibur is yours now child. Do better than I. Bring honour to the Pendragon bloodline., something I could not." The whispers finally took form onto a distinguishable voice, that of a man's.
"A-Arthur ?" Your question was never answered, and you were left to stare at the sword in your right hand in both horror and wonder.
It was surprisingly light for such a strong looking weapon, and the blade gleamed dangerously as it caught the sun. With an experimental swing, you sliced through the air the move to feeling as natural as holding the sword did. This made sense. The weapon, the magic it all felt right to you. Maybe this sienhat you’d been searching for so long.
A smirk lifted the corners of your lips as yiu souna round to face the flabbergasted wizard, who stared at you in of wonder, awed at the sight before him.
"So what do you think ? Am I a knight in the making ?" You joked, laughing a little as you teasingly pointed the tip of the sword at Douxie's chest who merely smirked back at you and gently pushed the sword to the side.
"I wouldn’t quite say so yet. Would you like a little training ?" He asked cockily, enjoying the look of surprise on your face as his wizard's staff materialised in his hand. Sometimes you forgot that the man was a powerful wizard.
Your smirk grew and you placed both hands on the sword, taking a defensive stance to which the wizard mirrored you. Like a stand off scene in an old western movie, you glared at each other waiting in anticipation to see who’d make the first move.
Of course you did, taking the boy by surprise as you rushed him, swinging the sword in one hand whilst kicking out a leg to knock him over.
Thankfully, Douxie hadn’t exactly been lazing about the last nine hundred years, and with practiced ease he deflected. A loud clash of weapons sent the birds hidden in the surprising trees up into the air, whilst Douxie used his other hand to grab your extended keg that had been aimed at his side, to push you off balance. With a cry of surprise you fell to the floor, letting out a squeak as you rolled to the side to avoid Douxie’s wizard staff.
"Are you trying to kill me casperan ?." You shot him a nasty glare, sprinting up to your feet. If you hadn’t dodged his attack he’d have torn into your shoulder.
However the wizard didn’t even look a tiny bit guilty and instead shot you an easy grin, twirling his staff in an effort to show off.
"Seems more like you can’t keep up with me. It’s okay love maybe you should stick to soccer." He quipped, sniggering a little at the way yiur face turned red from rage.
With a small war cry you rushed the boy again, not faltering in your onslaught of attacks, dodging and parrying him with the skills of someone who’d been wielding a weapons for decades. There was no doubt about it. You were descended from knights and magical beings.
Douxie's eyes widened in slight worry as he started to struggle to keep up with you, the tide of the battle was beginning to shift. Neither of you paused for a meonnt and slowly you began to back Douxie up, who started retreating backwards as you became to difficult to oppose. A victorious smirk crossed yiur face as the boys back hit the bark of the tree behind him, which you’d backed him up to effectively rendering him defenceless. He had no where to run and you could tell he knew he’d lost. Your grin only grew as he swore.
"Give up Casperan ?" Your sword was pressed against his staff, the two weapons shaking with the pressure you both were applying. You tried to push it down, out of the away, whilst Douxie was trying to shove you back, give himself some space to defend himself. There was mere inches between the both of yin and he could see the gleam of victory in your eyes.
Douxie knew what he was going to do next would piss you off beyond belief. Which is exactly why he did it.
"Not quite yet love." You didn’t have time to react as the wizards free hand came up, the cuff on his wrist glowing with a bright blue as a ball of energy there you off of him.
With a thud you hit the ground, not to hard but your pride was still bruised as the wizard smirked down at you. Yiu recsne door yiur sword, ready to basically butcher the i furnishing wizard, except your hand was met with empty air as yiu looekd sirens anxiisjlt for yiu wepoan.
"Oh, looking for this love ?" His condescending tone had you scrambling to your feet and rushing the taller wizard as he held the sword up and out of your reach.
"Oh come on Casperan don’t be such a duck." You grumbled, infurtsted as you jumped up to try and reclaim your weapon which he held up and out of your reach. "Seriously how old are you ?"
"Well I’m about 919, give or take a few years." The wizard jokingly said, biting back laughter as he watched dying fail again and again at reaching the spa on. Thank god for the slight height difference between the two of you.
However you suddenly stopped, an incredulous look on your face.
"Wait hold up. You’re 919 ? How is that possible ?"
The man only shrugged in response to your question, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
“Magic love.” He teased you, laughing as you rolled your eyes.
A part of you felt this sense of sympathy for Douxie. You’d no idea he was so old, and instead of being shocked at his age because of its abnormality you felt sad for him. How lonely to have lived so long.
Noticing the way your brows were furrowing in thought Douxie felt the atmosphere shift, no longer playful and lighthearted. It seems like your little training session was over. He lowered your sword to his side, offering the hilt of the sword to you.
Gaze flickering between him and the outstretched hilt, you gently wrapped your hand around the weapon. Though you’d had it mere minutes the blade felt so right in your hand.
There’s always been something you were searching for and maybe now you were starting to find it. Not in leaving and going far away but here. This was your destiny.
“Tell me about Merlín.” Your demand caught Douxie completely off guard, startling him further when you smiled at him and sat down.
Patting the grass next to him, you watched the dumbfounded wizard plop down beside you. He was come play taken a sack by your sudden friendly behaviour. This was new territory for the both of you.
“If you what tell me about your life...I know we weren’t on the best of terms but...maybe we can be friends ?” Eyes focused on the blade in your hands, you missed the way Douxies eyes widened comically to saucers.
This was followed by a lopsided grin as he felt the last bits of ice between you two thaw.
“I’d like that a lot.”
Another part done ! I realise I’ve gone off track in terms of following the TV series plot but I hope that’s okay. Their new enemy and the storyline will be linked to what happens in the show. Stay tune for next chapter when we learn more about the new foe !!
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