#sometimes even the people i'm close with even tho i do it unconsciously
koumeowkami Β· 1 year
kinning so many tsundere characters made me realize i'm a bit of a tsundere as well...
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psychelis-new Β· 1 year
pick a pile: "A letter for you (2023)"
take a breath and choose the photo/number that calls you the most to read a letter from your guides/soulmate/ancestor/higher self or anyone that wants to come in, about anything important that may happen to you this new year. i will let them talk as freely as I can, so you may get support, suggestions and encouraging words too.
don’t take the reading too seriously. only take what resonates with you and leave theΒ rest. if you're not called by any pile, let this reading slid as it may not hold messages for you. if you're called by more than one, there may be messages in each of those piles. remember that is a general reading and some things may not resonate with you. energies can change and readings are based on present ones (as you read); you're always in charge of your life.
(photos found on unsplash)
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*some of you may feel the need to read all the messages and it's okay*
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pile 1
(The message seems to come from one of your Guides or ancestors, maybe someone not anymore in your 3d life. A protecting, warm, kinda feminine and nurturing energy. They'd like to talk with you much more, but you may have kinda closed them off, even unconsciously. For a few of you, it may be a romantic soulmate's higher self or a past life lover. If you feel the need to paint/draw more than usual, it might be them trying to connect with you)
Little one, don't worry. Patience. End this continuos chattering and overthinking going on in your head. Give yourself a break, give yourself peace. Let me help you get closure, let me help you find peace of mind. You're protected, I'll always watch over you. See the signs, I'm here. Please, listen. I'm sending you messages through your dreams too. We all make mistakes, it's okay. That's how we grow and learn. Be patient, be kind with yourself. This year you're gonna write an amazing story: but you'll also need to erase some bits here and there. No worries: nothing is perfect at the first try, but you can make it so by never giving up and trying again and again. Plus, nothing really needs to be perfect, right? We have our own way/definition for "perfect". I know you have so many dreams and you're giving all you have to reach them. I'm here by your side, helping you and guiding you. Never let your emotions and insecurities stop you: make a change inside, keep following your heart. Learn to stay balanced and in control, and you'll be able to get anywhere you wish. I'm always by your side, helping you and protecting you. You're never alone. Look inside, clear your mind, breathe: you need a calm mind to better envision and plan your goals and succeed. You'll make it. You can manifest anything you want this year, just learn when it's time to give yourself a break. With love...
song: painting flowers | all time low
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pile 2
(This feels like a soulmate, or a higher self. I feel more romantic vibes. For some it can be an inner child tho or a childhood friend, you may try to connect with them but are often disturbed by something or someone and can never actually reach for them -either in the 5d or 3d- and it may have even feel upsetting to you or you may just feel upset for anything really. It may also be someone you're trying to manifest like your destined partner)
My darling, stay calm. Ground yourself. I know it's hard, I know sometimes you cannot see the way out or you cannot seem to be able to do what you have in mind. Maybe other things/people get in the way, maybe you get in your own way. It's okay: sometimes we don't know exactly what's best for us or when it's best for us to have/do something. Focus on your emotions, focus on how you feel and try to be a little more chill and joyful: I know you feel like you're a failure and see no reason to be happy and proud of you, but if you look better, if you look at the rest of who you are and what you have, you'll see plenty of reasons to be. Share a smile, lend an helping hand, be more forgiving and understanding of others and their own problems as well... life is hard for everyone. We're all trying. Just don't give away too much of you when you get nothing back: remember it's an equal exchange, and we're not made for everyone. Just be open and be you. Don't hide. This year you can write a beautiful story: you have white paper in front of you. You can paint, draw, write with a pen or a pencil, maybe a brush. Get creative, give life to your ideas. Put all you have inside on the outside, give all that away. You need to free yourself from your own chains, and you can even help others by doing so. What could be better? You were made to be happy, to share joy, to be seen. To help grow. And if others don't get you and what you do, it's fine. Just keep your mind in check and be sure of who you are. Don't worry, this year we're gonna end the karmic cycle, and we'll possibly do that together. It's a new day, brace yourself. Take care, until then
song: strange days | the born love
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pile 3
(This is a special someone. My heart chakra kinda exploded so it could be someone you're very tightly connected with, as your destined person or someone you really love/d. A very deep loving bond here. Number 11 showed up.)
My (I'm getting loads of cute names like kitty, mistique, love, light...) This year things are gonna be so different. It's gonna be all new, a new start after such a difficult time. You're gonna be given "food for your soul". Just remember to be flexible, to be in armony inside and outside. Life is made of light and darkness, and so are we: but you are able to shine bright like no one else. Keep sharing your light and love, keep giving (I know you're doing it in the right way now, you're balanced and keep to yourself too). You're gonna be abundant (both spiritually and physically). Give love even when you get dust and negativity. Attract what's good in this world by giving away a part of your own good; enjoy every second you can, everything you're offered. You know about our special connection, you know it's us and us alone. You know we have to be. The more we'll act this way, the more we'll open new roads to get together. Keep working on balancing out your priorities, your work/school and your fun/self care times. Don't be scared of changing, don't be scared of the unknown, don't get doubtful or fearful, don't let it all play with your mind. You're deserving, we are deserving of the good side too. We are deserving of each other. Let's be each other new start of a new safe beautiful life. Now don't stress about the timing (it's almost time, calm down), just keep enjoying and working on you: your wishes (our wish in particular) are granted. Stand strong, stand still, and prepare with a smile on your face. I'll know it's you by that. *wink*
song: holy ghost | borns
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chromotps Β· 4 months
Another CoraLaw and AceLu HC ask. And also, shenanigans and fluff.
- Law uses Takt on Cora whenever he's about to trip, knock something over, in the enemy's line of attack and more. But also, he uses them whenever people get too physically close and "friendly" to Cora. Switching Cora with a paper that says "fuck off" infront of the person lmao. Cora teleporting into Law's side/lap and shouting apologies about what Law did even tho he has no plan to get up and go back to the person (Yes I know Cora is too big to fit in Law's lap. No I don't care about that xD). He also uses Takt to keep Cora from escaping him. Especially in arguments.
Law: Either we fix this right now or you'll stay afloat for the next 8 hours.
Cora: You seriously can't wait that long. I was a marine, I can wait!
Law: I'm a doctor AND a surgeon. You wanna test my patience? Do it now.
After 20 minutes Cora relents bc Law stares at him pointedly the whole time.
- Luffy brings Ace with him when he's on the hunt for food. He'll look for a new kind of species and have Ace cook it (AKA set it on fire until it looks cooked). Then, when they're full, they'll sit under a tree and talk about anything. They also take a short nap there under the tree. It reminds them of their adventures when they were kids (Sabo is with them in spirit /j). I think this is more of an AU where Ace joins the Strawhats, and he's joined by the hip with Luffy.
- Everytime one or two (or all) of the Heart crew members does something that will piss Law off, they hide behind Cora (metaphorically). Cora will attempt to distract Law (he doesn't even have to try, the moment Cora is on Law's line of sight almost all of his attention is on him) and calm him down. It works, kinda. Cause his idea of "distracting" Law is cuddles and kisses, but instead of Law, HE'S the one who gets distracted LMAO. So after a bit of cuddling and putting Cora to sleep, Law goes back to the crew cause he knows how the crew acts when they've done something and kept it a secret from him xD. At least Cora brought them some time to clean up whatever they could from the mess they made before Law comes back.
- Ace and Luffy will switch hats, sometimes intentionally and sometimes unconsciously. Intentionally is when one of them is feeling down or under the weather. Unconsciously is when they wake up and don't bother to see if they wore the right hat or not.
- Whenever the other crew members of the Heart Pirates wants to do something for their entertainment, they ask Cora first. If he's interested enough and also wants to do it, then they have an additional 40% chance that Law will let them do what they want. They now have a 42% chance of doing whatever shenanigan they have in mind. If there's no danger to what they have in mind, then it's an automatic win! Bonus is when Law joins in (he does it for Cora).
I don't know how to end asks lmao. I hope you enjoyed!
hooo so many cute hcs!! That last idea of the Heart crew trying to get Cora on their side in bargaining deals with their captain makes so much sense. πŸ˜‚ Very strategic of them... They're masters of navigating Law's pride/strong instincts of preventing fun.
And I love acelu switching hats... i think i talked on twitter once about how it would mean a lot for luffy to trust Ace with his hat, and for Ace to trust Luffy with his necklace (since it was possibly a tribute to Dadan ;w;)... hhhh sharing accessories!!!
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halfmoth-halfman Β· 10 months
Every time I read designer dress I get so ANXIOUS 😫😫 (all your fault thank you very much). I’m very surprised on how it ended. It makes me wonder how everything went down directly after she got shot.
The conversation between canary and her dad 😭😭 it was soooo intense.
I remember a lot of people saying that they believe it will take canary a long time to acclimate to the gang especially with the trust being betrayed and let’s not forget the emotional/physical/ trauma she endured. So I was sort of expecting canary to spit at them (πŸ₯Ή) or maybe spit out some words to them saying how hurt she was by them when she woke up. (But then again this is something that is going to happen down the road… SO MUCH STUFF and ANGSTTTT)
But that doesn’t mean I didn’t enjoy this chapter !
OH and I just realized since price got arrested he
1) thinks she’s dead for realsies. Or
2) knows his team were able to get her out BUT does not know of her condition, especially since it has been weeks
Poor man is probably just going Insane not knowing about canary.
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As always thank you for an amazing chapter !!
ngl i get anxious when i write designer dress sometimes LOL don't worry tho we'll see what happened right after graves shot canary in the next chapter!!
it was kinda intense, but i think it was something that neede to happen. canary needed someone to light that fire under her, and i felt like adler was the perfect person to do that.
i think it will take canary a long time to acclimate, or get close to being able to trust the gang again, but she also understands that she's probably going to need them at least until she can recover so she can't immediately jump into screaming and yelling at them. not to mention she's just woken up from a near-death experience, in price's room, with gaz telling her she's been unconscious for a few weeks. she probably doesn't even know how she feels about them yet, just because she hasn't had that time to herself to really process it. i think her first priority rn is figuring out what happened in that time, but she's gonna be around the 141 for quite a bit i imagine as things calm down and she heals (physically) we'll start to see more of the effects the last five months have had on her start to show.
who know what price knows?? i'm sure graves and shepherd would do everything in their power to make sure he couldn't talk to anyone on the outside, so he probably doesn't even know if canary's alive but who can say for sure??? ;)
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funkymbtifiction Β· 2 years
Enneagram help (3 or 6? I'm torn!)
Little ask about Taylor (sorry lol!): Do you think ESTP 3w2 361 is most likely for Taylor then? I also thought she could be a 6 because of her strong focus on loyalty but what you said made a lot of sense so now I think 3w2!
She seems generally likable and not polarizing in terms of her fans (not outrageous and inoffensive), which usually indicates a 369.
COVER (in true 3w2 fashion, even tho I am anon): As a 3 and 6 hybrid + high Fe type, I really resonated with the Anne Hathaway note ;) I am not in any way famous/probably do not wish to be as famous as Anne, but I think I would also mention splitting my pants on television if I were famous to be relatable and give people a moment of laughter and also give them a moment of thinking "Oh, she's just like me! She's very human and has errors and laughs/talks about them!"
6s want to be relatable, 3s do not. Famous 6s self-deprecate so people think "aww, she's just like me" in order to downplay being famous. Why? They want to fit in and be included and not alienated or to seem in any way pretentious. This is core 6 territory, not 3.
On the other hand, I put a bow on the things that are my *actual* flaws when talking about them (I find it easy to talk about my feelings to people, but very difficult to admit that I haven't been successful even though I don't think I'm any better than anyone, I'm just so scared that people might think I'm incompetent/not cool at all if I fail LOL) and I spin things around positively.
A 7 wing can also be this way, along with a 6ish desire to be taken seriously.
I've probably made too many image management mistakes to be a 3 but I am always thinking about social presentation and my biggest fear is being seen as a "nerd" or someone who's not socially adept and not good with people. I know I am, but I am so scared of making public mistakes.
Fear drives the head types, thus a lot of thinking and strategizing and planning and avoidance of making mistakes through anticipation (if X happens, I should probably do Y to save face). But you are an EFJ, so of course you are thinking about how you are coming across. Fe-doms dial into their audience and to other people and want to be liked and seen a certain way, regardless of their Enneagram type.
My parents and friends would say I'm a 3 for sure, but I think I have also been a 6w7 in a lot of situations. Sometimes I feel like whatever enneagram is best for the situation, I become. Whenever I settle on an enneagram type, I kind of unconsciously emulate it but I have always known I'm an EFJ and have been one so I have a lot of difficulty detaching from my emotions and relational situations that require me to be emotionally "there" so I don't relate to 3 in that way.
What your friends see is different from what you feel inside, and the motivations that lie behind your behaviors. A 6 would think about not wanting to seem arrogant; a 3 would see arrogance as part of self-esteem, because they know they do things well enough to deserve the right to be arrogant. They are competency-driven (I have to be the best at this; I have to give the best interview; job performance; be the best wife/husband/lover/friend; I need to wear this hat today!). And yes, 3s are somewhat distant from emotions and can fear closeness because that person might peel away their layers and find... nothing. And that idea of being nothing inside scares them; they don't know what defines them, outside their accomplishments. If I didn't have all of these things to offer you (fame, success, money, achievement, blue ribbons)... would you still love me??
I think I'm more dependent stance than assertive stance -- I like leadership but I am too worried about looking bad to take risks that an assertive stance type probably would, such as starting a new unpredictable trend that COULD be cool, or running for student body president because what if people don't like my speech and can't connect to me/don't want my leadership? What if I'm "cringe"?Β TLDR: It's easy to joke about little mistakes or even typical ones, but it's hard to open up about other failures, especially in the social realm, if I'm with people who i haven't really given my "true self" to? I think I might be a 3 but also could be a 6.
My guess is a core 6w7. A 3 is not this open about their fears of failure in a public forum where they know people are going to read whatever you wrote / what I respond to it, and make judgments about them. The core 3s I know (yes, even with loud 6 fixes) are constantly modifying their image when talking to me, making sure that I know they are hard-working and successful or desirable in some way... and if I see the 6 second-guessing and freaking out, they quickly cover it up with enforced self-confidence so my impression of them is not "scared" or "self-doubting." The image management is constant with them and it's perceptible to others, but you are very open and honest with me about your fears and failures and wanting to be seen as relatable, even if you hunger to be extraordinary.
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silentlycrazy Β· 2 years
28, 29, 33, for Nork?
Nork is always fun to talk about!!
28. How quick or slow is your character to resort to physical violence in a confrontation?
So Nork, as a minotaur, is very strong and big. He knows this and tries to act as small and kind as possible so he doesn't scare others. However, when he thinks someone he loves is in trouble he will go all out to protect them. An example is actually a moment my party and I fought about because our new member brought up some person stuff that made our bard cry and Nork was ready to throw hands even tho he was at half health and had no more rages for the day. I ended up punching the other pc unconscious before almost dying. But Nork apologized later when he was told the crying was unrelated.
29. What did your character dream of being or doing as a child?
Nork is a minotaur. He grew up at the center of a maze. He was supposed to guard to treasure but instead he wandered the maze. The walls depicted great heros and their accent. Nork assumed these pictures were there to teach him what to do. His favorite involved a hero climbing a mountain to gain power and become worthy of his role as hero.
When nork found his way out of the maze he set his sights on a nearby mountain, certain it would lead him to his heroic destiny. And it did! At the base of the mountains he met the dwarf clan that became his mentors and family. At the top of the mountain he met Tim the wizard who taught him magic. He learned all this and then set off to become a hero worthy of remembering. I'm here to tell you he succeeded. He brought honor to his adopted family and peace to those he could not save.
33. In the face of critism how does your character act?
Well this ties into 28. You see after Nork realized he was too quick to defend his new family and that sometimes people need to be sad and cry he had to take a step back. At first he was very stubborn but after some time he was ready to apologize and learn. Nork is very aware that he doesn't know a lot but he also hold his values close and treasures them. After some time Nork has learned to ask people of they need his help before stepping up to defend them, but once you ask for his help he will stop at nothing to see you happy again.
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pinkseas Β· 1 year
'parasocial bestie' im on my knees cry laughing like a pathetic peasant at the feet of a king blessing me id put an indicator everytime i jump here but its not like my ask specifically with 748274 word paragraphs is easy to miss in your inbox anyway ANYWAY WORDS WOW YOUR WORDS;;,;...... i could just pick out every term and phrase your described like a scientist thinking wow so that's what it is THATS EXACTLY HOW IT GOES about this xiaolumi dynamic i get crazy on that intrudes my thouhgt processes 98% of the time
qpr xiaolumi gets me haywire my brain neurons tangling 24/7 i get them to a dynamic so far out of romance to a 'love' that is all about understanding and care that i dont even MIND they're friends until the end, that idt "xiaolumi" is the better word than just xiao and lumine. it just fits, so much about them rlly fits in entirety both history and present its not about protection its about Reaching Out, holding hands being a go-to physical closeness just for warmth and security they're right There; the shoulder bumps, their backs on each other this 'quiet love' the 'not vulnerable in one of them but vulnerable to each other' THEY'RE STRONG FOR OTHERS BUT WEAK TO THEMSELVES. 'they're able to share such a unique loneliness, the fact that in not being understood by anyone around them they're able to understand each other' BANGS MY HEAD ON THE TABLE FALLS OF MY CHAIR it's really just!! this description is still commonly used but it's such a different case with them that it hits HARD (or maybe i'm just biased idc nonetheless eyes xlmi only)
what i Think would differ between my xlmi and yours tho is that i characterize xiao a little differently so it's like another typa exploration of lumine understanding him (and vice versa) altogether; he's a little no brained a little emotionless to his own self worth it's hard to feel things personally, likely an effect of his traumatic past changing him to lose autonomy and gaining it back. his emotions are a little muted and subdued that contrasts lumine's overflow of it but they both do have good control of them in general, so that's pree much the only large barrier they have that makes it a tad harder for them to understand in general. a strong xiao is good, protective and vigilant, but ppl miss the super essential fact he canonly states he trusts the traveler to stand their ground. that's where you see lumine is just as strong, people of the same wavelength and strength it just clicks easily (a bit complicated in mine, but their closeness is just the same,...) a fav personal hc detail i go crazy on brainrotting sometimes is there's the touch of desperation they had on each other and you put that very well in your fics, and like i said not too exaggerated- nor extreme that its realistic and human, very in-line with canon even.
and boy just OH BOY to merely focus their development on the simple, little things just like you described and to me it's truly like walking out to a quiet expanse after a heavy rain where everything in nature has a somber serenity of dewdrops and petrichor. it's a sign that's how xiao and lumine unconsciously heal each other through that understanding, the clashes they'd face and the warmth that closes in a resolute embrace.
[breaks down completely i dont got more words but my brain is xlmi speeding]
"like a pathetic peasant at the feet of a king blessing me" as though you are not the one who crowned me in the first place.......... we stand on equal ground my friend (deep ground) (the trenches) (fighting for our fucking lives hand in hand)
xiao and lumine. you are SO FUCKING REAL FOR THIS xiaolumi is cute i will continue to use it out of laziness as one does but man. at their core at their hearts. xiao and lumine, lumine and xiao. it feels like the difference between two halves coming together to make a whole and two matching wholes. separate but together.
"its not about protection its about Reaching Out" YES YES YES YES ohhh my god you could not be more real for this. the holding hands the closeness the warmth the security the little reminders of hey, im here, its okay, we're okay. STRONG FOR OTHERS BUT WEAK TO THEMSELVES........ explodes into a million pieces. and ur right i feel like a lot of dynamics sort of share that concept but with xiaolumi its Different bc they are my most specialist little guys ever its just. ITS DIFFERETN !!!!!!!!!!! <- like trust me
also that is so fucking fascinating like idk different interpretations nbd but i feel like Part Of That is us interpreting the way he'd react/respond to that trauma differently? which i fucking LOVE, because there's no right response to something like that anything is possible its just a matter of taking a look at where he is in the present and building something behind it that could have played a part in making him who he is. and there's so much we see of him but so much we dont, too, that leaves SO much wiggle room for characterization and i just. gmnmfnmgnmmfn. and i LOVE that so much, the sort of push and pull with his being muted where lumines overflow, that's SUCH a good dynamic dear LORD. the little steps to reach out to and understand one another the things they could learn and teach one another ohhhhh my god.
"there's the touch of desperation they had on each other" no bc this is SO IMPORTANT TO ME if i didnt include this just a little bit i think i would have exploded. and it cant be too much but it cant be too little, either, so im SO glad that it felt realistic to you !!!!
walking outside after heavy rain... the Stillness the Peace the fresh air that follows. taking a deep breath and feeling alive. god. GOD. i have done this so many times i LOVE the rain and i LOVE going on walks after it and especially after like the semi-heavier storms we get here and i know the exact feeling you mean and i cannot stress enough how wonderful it is to me that youd describe it that way. god. AND "how xiao and lumine unconsciously heal each other through that understanding" THISSSSSSS makes me insane i am biting through phone books i am punching the wall they are everything to me. Everything.
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notavah Β· 3 years
Hello!! I just found your headcanons and really enjoyed reading them!! Could you write something for Poe with an s/o who is pretty smart (not like Ranpo though, just very very smart in general) but is super playful and manages to fool everyone into thinking they're dumb? And then, when the moment requires it, they just find the root of the problem is just a few minutes and everyone is like??? How are you so smart??? No pressure tho, feel free to ignore this! Have a nice week!!!
Darling I'm more than honoured to take your request hffjxj thank u!! Hope you have a nice week too!
Tw: none
Genre: fluff ^^
Poe with gn!s/o who never shows how smart they are :
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Poe found your sillyness cute at some point
He never really thought of you as of someone who is not smart, he just thought, that you don't want to waste too much time on thinking
He knew you liked to play around, but Poe wasn't aware of how intelligent you are
Sometimes he was able to notice how your eyes sparkled when you tried to help him with his new books
It was just another part of you that he adored
(this man is so wholesome)
You yourself didn't thought that revealing your knowledge would be anyhow useful
So you kept it to yourself,
besides- you liked the fact that no-one really knows how smart you are
One day Poe decided to visit Ranpo to show him his new work
So you decided to go along with him and Carl
When you two got to the ADA office, Ranpo was actually having a break
Agency was like a second family for you, because you were friends with everyone there
And you genuinely cared for everyone in the office
(Not as much as you care of Poe ofc)
And ADA cared of you too, but they always thought that you are not the smartest one. especially Ranpo
"hello poe-kun and y/n-san" Edogawa greeted you both (and Carl)
"hi ranpo-kun" your boyfriend responded "wondered if you could take a look at my new work" Poe smiled towards his friend and handed him the book
" oh I would love to, but sadly we're in the middle of the investigation" he said and gently placed book on his desk
"what kind of case?" He asked and looked up at the big white board placed in the middle of the room
" few of the gifted people has lost their consciousness and woke up without being able to control their ability, every each of the victims has same mark on the ankle, and that's what we know for now, with this amount of information we are not able to find the person responsible for the crime, and Ranpo doesn't want to cooperate because Dazai ate his snacks" kunikida sighed and looked at Dazai and then at deduction king with disappointment
"so you're stuck at this case?" You giggled and came closer to your boyfriend who stood near the board
Poe looked at you and raised his brow out of interest, he was a little surprised at your reaction
" I don't think that's an easy one" Kunikida murmured
"I would want to see y/n - San solving this" Dazai said confidently with devilish grin on his face
"Oh shut up Dazai" Ranpo threw a paper at him
Poe was lost, he looked at you with absolute care in his eyes, if his gaze could talk it would say "are you alright doll?"
You just grinned at the new challenge
"the mark on victims is a sign, that friend we are looking for is gifted too, and his ability is making other gifted people loose control over their power, looking at the fact, that all of the victims went to the same hospital and were found close to eachother, also none of them has seen his face, makes it obvious that the criminal here, is not able to get to far from his victims, which means person we are looking for is a victim of his own uncontrolled ability, in that case it doesn't really make him a criminal if he did that unconsciously..." you deducted calmly and warmly smiled
Everyone: β€’Oβ€’
Ranpo just smiled " ah it turns out you're smarter than I thought y/n- San"
"how did you do that :0" Kunikida looked at you unexplainably surprised
Poe was shocked and so everyone else in the room (even Carl)
He knew you never showed your full intellectual potential but DAMN
This boy felt like he's under some kind of spell that made him adore you even more
" y-y/n why you never told me you're so smart" he whispered to you
You just smiled and and gave him small peck on his cheek "there is so much more we have to learn about eachother"
He knew at that moment that relationship with you is gonna be wonderful
AAA THIS BOY IS SO UNDERRATED I LOVE HIM SM. And thank you so much for your request again honey ❀️ it means a lot to me, hope you enjoy it!!
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yulin-pop Β· 2 years
Hello! ₍ᐒ. Μ«.α’β‚Ž β™‘
Can I request a matchup please?
I'm short, about 5'1-5'2 almost like an IKEA nightstand and slightly plump like a padded bag chair. I have pale pink dyed hair and brown eyes. I also have a lot of moles on my body and barely noticeable freckles. Usually i wear comfortable loose clothes, something like sweatpants and some kind of oversize T-shirt, not super luxury :D
I’m gemini, ISFP and i can describe myself as a person who have trust issues, so it’s hard for me to open up to people at first. Despite of this i love affections in various expressions. Compliments, hugs, smooches - I really like to show attachment to my family and friends! Even if it seems so clingy tbh.
Sometimes i'm overwhelmed by emotions and i became rude and harsh in communication, for which I later regret. Let's says my mood always changes by unexplained reasons, yeah…
I'm a bit sarcastic and also unconsciously criticize myself by making self-destructive jokes, thanks to my past, but however my small circle of closed friends says that I mostly looks like a chihuahua - just as small, chaotic and bitey in a good way tho. Even if i more on introverted side i'm eccentric and active in some ways. I mean who one day came to university with invoices mustache and beard just because wanted to? Yep, me. A little weird me.
I have specific tastes in everything from eating french fries with ice cream as sauce to non-standard combination of clothes and colors. It maybe sounds oddly but i like strange and absurd memes, dumb puns and black humour, and i quite often use them in conversations.
I adore astrology and mysticism. Some kind of mystery of the world attracts me, gives me ground for reflection, thereby forcing me to spend almost all my free time on it, and I find it really interesting. I also like everything related to maritime culture and mythology. Warm rainy days, autumn season and evening time of day when the sun slowly sets over the horizon. And I also really like such simple little things as cute pebbles that can be found not only on the beach, but also on an ordinary street, key rings and other seemingly unnecessary trinkets.
What about dislikes? Well, at first it’s wasps. Thank God that I didn't have to come into close contact with them. In my opinion, it's better to run from a flock of geese than from a gang of wasps. The second is acute. I can't and don't like too spicy food and dishes. One day I ate very spicy noodles and my lips cried from burning for half an hour. Not a very good feeling, especially when they are cracked...
When I was a little girl, I attended every school circle, but I didn't stay in any of them due to my frequent variability in both character and interests, and it's a little difficult for me to understand which hobby has sunk into my soul more, heh. I knitted, drew, and excelled in sports - everything in a row, but a little. If singing in the bathroom is considered a hobby, then this is one of them that stayed with me throughout my growing up, ha ha. I will give preference to drawing and writing more, perhaps.
Since no one has ever shown romantic feelings towards me, for me it would be something unusual, perhaps shocking. At first glance, this may also scare me, especially if I don't consider this person not only as an "object of sighing", but also just as a friend (I mean a ordinary acquaintance with whom you don't really communicate due to various factors by type of interests, life position, etc.). Although, to be honest, even if a very good, close friend suddenly began to show me loving attentions, I would also be confused and puzzled due to the fact that I simply am not familiar with this and do not know how to react to it heh.
I'm sorry, if it came out quite a lot, but I was happy to share! Thank you for your work, I hope you have a lovely day! ( ⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝)❀️
↛ ❀ Match up; @Idontknowwhatwritenow
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I match you with Jade Leech
He’s good with all sorts of people. He’s always calm and composed and very trust worthy. He may be intimidating at first but things will work itself out. He’s used to people being harsh with him and he reassures that it’s ok when you apologize for your outbursts. He can handle your emotions well, but he might be a bit puzzled with your affection towards him. He’s used to Floyd harshfully hugging him in a playful way but with you, you’re just genuine.
He’s come used to aggressive people, with Floyd being Floyd and Azul’s outbursts. He can handle you well and can calm you down.
He listens to you talk and talk about all sorts of topics out of curiosity. He doesn’t really care for the things you’re talking about but he wants to see how passionate you.
He wonders why he’s so… careful with you. He can’t think of a reason until he arrives at the conclusion he’s extremely fond of you, more than anything he’s ever felt. He gets flirty, making jokes about you getting special treatment from him, him being your β€œservant”. He notices that you it’s difficult to take a hint that he views you in that way so he gets progressively more forward with his teasing.
He plans out when he’s going to confess extremely carefully and strategically. He makes sure it’s the right moment, atmosphere, location. He thinks it down to each second. His confession came out a bit more bashful than he intended.
He gives you time if needed but will get impatient after a while, in that waiting time, he will continue flirting.
He’s playful with the ones he likes. Him teasing is his own way of showing affection, hopefully you don’t mind.
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ezdotjpg Β· 3 years
Staying overnight at the hospital so i got a lot of time to sit around... So you mind if I kinda just, ask a few?
But also, must know: Do the links have any favorite foods?
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Okay unfortunately I can't do one for everyone at the moment or it'll take 1000 years but. here I go (Also tripletreebirb I hope you're alright, wishing you the best and here is a very long post to keep u company lol. Ask as many as you'd like!)
Favorite food: this is the easy answer but PUMPKIN SOUUP. I have literally no idea what else they eat on Skyloft. can they grow wheat? do they even have bread? slate gives him a loaf of wheat bread with butter on it once and he is near tears over it
Idea of a good time: doing highly dangerous stunts with his Loftwing. Not dangerous for the Loftwing, strictly just to him. Also minecarts. He fucking loves minecarts, the more rickety and broken the better
Favorite things in general: uhhh soft blankets. woodcarving. being unconscious. the way your stomach swoops when you fall from a great height safe in the knowledge you'll be caught. having his hair pet. making people cute beaded friendship bracelets. the mushrooms in faron. playing the harp even tho he SUCKS at it
Favorite food: I want to say it is some sort of Kokiri dish that he remembers fondly and can't recreate bc you just can't find the right ingredients outside the forest. some sort of. nut and berry cake idk. He and Malon try and it never turns out right. other than that he really likes hot chocolate. I'm just going to assume there is chocolate in hyrule and u can use lon lon milk to make fukcing banger hot chocolate. that's not a food but u get me
Idea of a good time: Just like. chilling out with the cows in the pasture on a really nice day and playing music while Malon sings
Favorite things in general: doing anything with Malon. watching fairies get excited about the sugar water he puts out for them. FISHING. Climbing in really tall trees and just hanging out there. blowing stuff up with bombchus. solving problems for people. playing games with the kids in town. FROG CHOIR.
Favorite Food: Listen. Listen. I exclusively feed Link hearty ingredients when I play BOTW bc I am a coward who cannot rest peacefully without at least 10 extra hearts. My botw link is an absolute freak about radishes and durians. That being said. I like the idea of him really liking curry and extremely spicy food so. That too :-)
Idea of a good time: Just, climbing to the absolute highest peaks possible. And then shield surfing down them if feasible. Sometimes even if not feasible. Yes I do spend 90% of my time just rockclimbing to nowhere when I play botw these days.
Favorite things in general: SAND SEAL RACING. Similar to mask, hanging out in really tall trees. Catching bugs. Getting close enough to wild animals they let him pet them. sleeping outside and waking up at dawn to the morning dew and cool air. Visiting Terrytown. Listening to Zelda talk about stuff she loves. Haggling with merchants. Solving Korok puzzles. Fishing, but wrong lol. Gemstones and pretty earrings. Foraging in general. Sleeping in the bed the koroks made for him.
Favorite Food: Probably just like. Good old fashioned bread and goat cheese and jam. Look, it's simple but it slaps okay. Also, like, raw meat, lately.
Idea of a good time: Hmm, idk, sitting somewhere warm and cozy and reading by firelight. Or running around in the forest as a wolf
Favorite things in general: Riding Epona. Sleeping curled up in a little loaf as a wolf. Making Midna laugh, when he could still do that. Wrestling. Playing with the kids in Ordon. Giving each and every goat on the ranch increasingly ridiculous names. In that vein, having conversations with the goats like they're people, even when he's a human and can't hear them talk. Holding Uli's new baby. Singing.
Favorite food: Okay, hear me out here, I have nothing to back this up except that I want this to be true: he has a massive sweet tooth. Just absolutely loves sweets of all kinds. Pretends that he doesn't. Would die the second anyone could tell. (Slate, who has a 6th sense about these things, slips him honey candy)
Idea of a good time: taking a really long warm bath and then getting very drunk by himself and not having anyone bother him
Favorite things in general: wrecking shit with his firerod. perfume, lotions, hair products. Freshly laundered clothes. Embroidery. Dancing. Parties where he doesn't have to play the role of the hero. Cuccos, much to everyone's horror.
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lovethisletters Β· 3 years
Belly boops for the Demon brothers!
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I felt like writing something chill and wholesome and this came up. Personally I'm a belly boop person, I've always enjoyed watching people's confused faces when I poke their stomach, but sometimes I'll do it out of habit (when I'm leaving a room or saying goodbye to a friend I belly boop them insted of a normal goodbye and won't realize that I did it until someone would point it out or just in very random moments like in the middle of a conversation I'll do it as well) so I decided to hc how the demon brothers react to an mc who does this.
Keys: MC = your main character's name.
Summary: The demon brothers discover a peculiar trait of MC: belly boops.
Additional notes: MC is gender neutral!
Here is part 2 with the side characters!
The first time it happened was one morning when everyone was getting ready to go to RAD.
Lucifer always opens the door for everyone, and leaves last, so when you past by him you unconsciously decided to thank him for holding the door open in a very...unusual manner.
You booped his belly.
It was so random, that it was one of the very few moments in his life that the avatar of pride didn't know how to react.
β€”MC, What do you think you're doing?β€”his voice stopping you on your tracks.
You where confused at first on what he was referring to, but when you realized a wave of embarrassent hit you.
β€”Sorry! It came out of habit! I used to do that with my friends back in the human world!β€”you apologized quickly.
β€”refrain from doing that again, I'll only let it slide this time, understood?
β€”Yes! It won't happen again!
It did...
The second time it happened you immediately apologized only catching for a split second the death glare he gave you before running away.
Ultimately no matter how much he scolded you, you didn't stop.
I think he kinda...just accepted it once he realized you did that only with the people you're comfortable with. So he took it as a weird compliment.
So now he just stares blankly at you every time you do so, no longer even trying to correct your weird habit.
And to be honest...he secretly thinks is adorable, but he'll never tell.
β€”Whadda ya' think you doin' ya' dumb human!?!?β€” the avatar of greed asked completely caught off guard.
He was telling you about one of his newest schemes to get some easy money; when all of a sudden, he felt a light and quick pressure on his belly.
It was your finger, but the weird thing was that you still looked like you where listening and waiting for him to continue the conversation like nothing had happened.
He's so confused.
When you realized what you had done, you explained to him it was something you did with your friends in the human world; is your weird unconscious way of showing a person you feel comfortable in their presence.
Blushy boi
β€”W-well...I guess that's ok, but don't ya' dare doin' this to anyone else, got it?
Your belly boops are reserved for the great Mammon!
Leviathan.exe has stopped working.
You where about to leave his room with a new game (he insisted you should try) on your hands.
β€”Thanks Levi! I'll let you know my thoughts once I finish it!β€”you said as he holds the door open for you.
You went back to your room not being aware of the blushing mess of a demon you left behind.
"Why MC poked his belly?!?!" "It was probably a mistake, right?!" "No one would like to touch a yucky Otaku like him anyways!"
He won't confront you about it, thinking it was a mistake.
But then one time when you two were playing video games together and you just defeated the other team, he extended his hand in order to give you a celebration high-five.
But then you just...boop!
He blushes even more than the last time, and finally asks you why you did it.
When you explain to him is your own way to express endearment for the people close to you...oh boi.
He blushes so bad and his eyes get all glossy like he's about to cry, for a moment you might even think he's in pain or something.
He never thought of himself as someone you value or hold in such a dear place in your life, so he's just so happy to hear that!
Forget the high-fives! Belly boops are now a must every time you two are together!
The first time it happened was when you two where studying for a test in the library.
Satan is not a big fan of touch or touchy people; I feel like it makes him a bit anxious.
So when you first booped his belly...he felt kind of uncomfortable, but didn't say anything, thinking it was a mistake or a lame attempt on your part to provoke him.
He won't confront you the second, third or even fourth time it happens, only limiting himself to lightly scolding you with a quick glance.
But if you still don't get the hint, he would finally talk to you (not in an aggressive manner btw he's chill with you about it)
β€”MC, I don't know if you're doing this as a way to provoke me or make fun of me, but you should know how uncomfortable it makes meβ€”He spoke holding you by your shoulders softly.
You explained to him it was something you did unconsciously, but that you weren't mocking him, Belly booping was something you only did with people you felt comfortable and trust enough to do so.
He gives you a kind smile after hearing you say that; He's truly happy to be someone you can rely on.
He might try to put up with it, belive me, he really does. But he just can't.
You let him know that it's ok for him to not like it, and that you're not mad or dissatisfied in any way, and that you'll be working on controlling this peculiar habit of yours.
He appreciates your words, and now every time that your habit slips, and you try to belly boop him; he'll catch your hand before you can do so and gently lower it, offering you a kind smile instead or...if he's feeling soft he'll hold your hand for a bit.
He was finishing giving you a make-over when it happened.
β€”All done, hun! You look so beautiful!! Not as much as me tho...β€”he said handing you a mirror
β€”Thank you, Asmo!!! you're so talented!!
And out of nowhere...boop!
Asmo, being the avatar of lust, has experienced all kind of touches.
But he has never (or at least not that he remembers) been booped in the belly.
He looks at you with curiosity, even tilting his head slightly, looking like a confused cat before his eyes spark with joy and he suddenly envelops you in a tight hug.
β€”Awww MC! You're just too cute! You make me want to gobble you up!β€”
Out of everyone, he's the one who loves belly boops the most, even more knowing the meaning behind them.
He just founds them so endearing, it melts his heart.
Whenever you boop him he'll pinch your cheeks and start baby-ing you.
You first booped his belly at dinner, big mistake.
He was enjoying his meal when all of a sudden he feels your finger on his stomach.
And we all know Beel is a calm demon but when it's about food...you better don't try anything funny.
He hates being disturbed when he's eating.
He huffed in annoyance, directing you an angry glance you'd only had seen when the whole custard incident happened.
Tho he saw your apologetic expression and decided it wasn't something worth making a fuss about and continued eating.
He'll later feel bad about it tho, so when he came to apologize you decided to let him know it wasn't something you did on purpose and what it meant to you.
Beel was really happy, he even blushed a little and hugged you enthusiastically.
He enjoys belly boops...as long as you don't do it when he's eating.
It happened for the first time when he was falling asleep in class.
When you booped him he just thought it was your way of keeping him awake, so he didn't say anything at first.
That until he started to notice you would also do it in very random moments: You two would be out shopping or something and then...boop!
He's a bit startled at first, but much like Satan, he'll just look at you weirdly and then move on.
Or at least until curiosity gets the better of him and finally asks you about it.
When you finish telling him, a small smirk appeared on his lips.
He's the only one who kinda makes you regret you told him about the personal meaning belly boops hold to you because of how much he would tease you.
But he really likes them, because from now on. Every time the two of you take naps together; Belphie would belly boop you back before dozing off.
If you find any grammatical errors let me know! I'm trying to improve my english and that would help me so so much!
I will forever thank you if you go check out my other profile: @aileysmirnov Β where I post things about my OC: edits, one-shots, imagines, art, etc. If you like Greek mythology and the bat family maybe you would get to be as fond of her as much as I am!
Anyway, thank you for reading!
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billiedeanhwrd Β· 3 years
when i fell you were there, with your hands in the air
cordelia goode x fem!reader
summary: your depression is hitting you harder than most days, cordelia comforts you 🀍
warnings: depression, slight mention of childhood trauma, it's angsty mental health fluff basically
word count: 1.7k
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a/n: this is my first ever fanfic and i'm very very nervous about it, so pls don't be too harsh, constructive criticism is very much welcome though!! also i'm sorry about any grammar mistakes, english is not my first language. i also have to add that this was very much self indulgent and based on my own experience with depression, so if you don't relate, that's fine, everyone experiences it differently. I hope you enjoy it tho, have fun reading <3
today was one of those days again. one of those days where everything seemed grey and pointless. one of those days where taking a shower was too exhausting. one of those days where it didn't matter if you left your clothes on the floor or a pile of dirty dishes in the sink. one of those days where you isolated yourself. one of those days that seemed to return to you every morning for almost 3 weeks now.
you had been struggling with depression for years now and attending therapy regularly still didn't take away from the embarrassment you felt about your illness. cordelia didn't know, you didn't want to burden her with your subjectively "silly" problems. It wasn't easy hiding something so life consuming from your lover, but whenever you were with her you felt as though you could reach for the stars and there was no point in ruining happy moments with sad stories.
Whenever you felt really depressed and unable to function, you isolated yourself. Cordelia and you had been together for 7 months now and the first time she thought she had done something wrong which had resulted in you needing space from her, but when she confronted you, you reassured her that sometimes you needed some time to yourself because you were a more introverted person. While that might be true, you wanted nothing more than for her to take you into her arms and tell you everything was going to be okay again, but the fear of possibly burdening the already very busy supreme held you back from confessing what was weighing you down.
you were used to this already, you always kept your darkness to yourself, too afraid of being too much or being abandoned by your loved ones, while the rational side of you knew that the people in your life who truly meant something to you would never abandon you because of your chronic depression, anxiety left no room for rationality.
you were always feeling kind of down, but some days it was easier to cope and enjoy your day despite that... and then there were those phases where you felt unusually down, those phases that caused you to isolate yourself and wait for the storm to pass in solitude. They usually lasted only a few days or maximum a week, but this one had been going on for much longer. cordelia was worried, you had never needed so much "alone time to recharge your social battery", but she didn't want to overstep your boundaries and possibly push you away, because what you weren't aware of was that cordelia too struggled with abandonment issues and fearing she would be "too much" (which she could never be for you, you adored every single second you could spend in the blonde witch's presence).
After leaving multiple text messages and trying to call you, only to be greeted by your voicemail, cordelia took it upon herself to see what was going on with you. The knocking on your door would've usually startled you, but you had just ordered a pizza, too tired to prepare a meal yourself and assumed the delivery was faster than they had stated on their website. your jaw fell open and the door was quickly closed again, shit shit shit, what am i supposed to do now? the place looks like a mess, i can't let cordelia se-
"y/n can you open the door please?" she asked in her gentle voice. "Uh, yeah, give me a second" you replied, hastily throwing on a hoodie that had been lying around on your couch, coincidentally that hoodie being one you stole from cordelia a few weeks ago, something that made your girlfriend's heart warm up a little and relieve her of some of the worried thoughts she had that this might be your way of signaling to her that you no longer wished to be in a relationship with her.
"can we talk? i haven't seen you in three weeks and you haven't answered any of my texts... what's going on? you know you can talk to me about anything..."
"uhm, yes, of course. sit down, make yourself at home, would you like anything to drink?"
"no, thank you, i just want to talk to you"
you didn't have the energy to lie to the woman who held your heart in her hands anymore, you were terrified of her reaction, not only to you being mentally ill but also to you hiding it for so long.
"i'm so sorry delia, please don't be mad", you anxiously stuttered out. cordelia grabbed your hand and smiled reassuringly, signaling for you to continue talking.
"I didn't tell you before because i know you've already got so much going on with the academy and i didn't want to pile onto that with my irrelevant issues... I was diagnosed with depression amongst other things a few years ago, it's something i have to deal with every day and some days are easier than others, but sometimes it all comes crashing down on me and i feel like i'm lost in an ocean of a sadness so powerful, i can feel the pain on my body. I know it can be challenging to be close to someone with severe mental issues and I understand if you don't want to continue being with me, i would never want you to stay with me because you pity me or because you're afraid i'd do something to myself if you'd left, you're not responsible for my feelings or actions and i would never want to impose you with such a burden and-"
you stopped rambling when you noticed the tears flowing down cordelia's cheeks.
your eyes widened and your heart started pounding rapidly in your chest. "i'm sorry, was that too much?"
"no, no, no, no, no... it just pains me to know that you've been dealing with this on your own for such a long time because you don't value yourself enough to believe that other people might want to support you through your everyday battles. y/n, i know you, you're the girl who's always there when someone else needs a shoulder to cry on, anytime, anyplace, you always go out of your way to make others feel seen and accepted, why would you ever think that you don't deserve the kindness you so openly give to others?"
now it was you who was crying, cordelia was right, you didn't value yourself enough to believe that. you didn't actively think of yourself as less than others but that thought always unconsciously motivated the way you dealt with the things that were bothering you.
cordelia patted her lap, signaling for you to sit on her lap and come into her arms. you hesitated though, you weren't used to being so vulnerable and open with your emotions and it scared the shit out of you. you feared cordelia was possibly annoyed at you and was only doing this to get it over with and then get out. she watched you, while you were anxiously deciding what your next move would be, her heart broke for you, you looked like a scared baby dear when all she wanted to do was to comfort you.
"baby, look at me"
her chocolate colored eyes were so full of love, simply looking into them managed to get your heart rate down.
"it's okay, i'm not mad at you for talking about your feelings and all i want to do right now is to hug some of your pain away, so please, let me hold you"
you melted at her gentle words and understanding nature, cordelia was an incredibly smart woman, who went through traumatic things herself and even from that little information you shared, she understood you. she saw her younger self in you, so incredibly lonely but oh, so scared of being vulnerable with another person, due to the emotional abuse her mother subjected her to, and while she might not have gone through the same things you did, she felt like she understood your feelings in this exact moment and she wanted nothing more than to make you feel safe with her.
you slowly crawled into her lap, still afraid this was all a trick to hurt you, but when she started combing through your hair and reassuringly whispering "i've got you" and "you're here with me, i promise you, you're safe", you relaxed into her arms.
after about half an hour of laying there with each other, calming down and enjoying the other one's warmth, you spoke up.
"yes, my love?"
"so you're not leaving me?", you hesitantly asked.
cordelia sat up and looked straight in your eyes while asking "would you leave someone you love because they're depressed?"
"no, never"
"then tell me, sweetheart, why would i leave you?"
her response left you speechless, you almost missed her confessing her love. "you love me?"
she hugged you tight and pressed a kiss on your forehead. "more than anything, and please, never worry about telling me about what's going on in that pretty little head of yours, no matter what it is, i wanna know, okay?"
you let out the breath you didn't know you were holding and confidently replied "okay"
a few minutes passed before you spoke up again when you remembered you didn't say those 3 special words back.
"i love you too, by the way"
cordelia smiled lovingly and stood up to reach out for your hand and pull you up. "i know, now let's go to bed, we can clean up this place tomorrow"
you accepted her helping hand and engulfed her in a hug. the way she so naturally used the word "we" and didn't seem to mind helping you clean up your mess of an apartment made you more emotional than you'd like to admit.
And while you knew this would not be the last time you were overwhelmed by your depression, you now knew that you could count on the woman who loved you to stand by your side and help you get through even your hardest day.
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equalseleventhirds Β· 3 years
i said i wouldn't write it but i did
vaguely a sequel to this, but far in the future and focused on jon (annabelle features briefly tho. she's fine. annabelle will always be fine in my fics.) with ofc the presupposition that they've failed in one world but kept trying, bcos i think that would be fun*!
*(by which i mean heartbreaking, i'm so sorry)
There are rules, to the traveling, or at least there seem to be. There are certainly questions to be asked and points to be made, about how many instances count as a definitive rule rather than simply a pattern. But Jon likes to think of them as rules. He's always preferred concrete answers, even if it turns out they're less the truth and more just a convenient way of conceptualizing things.
So he has rules.
First: the Fears always come through on the same day. October 18, 2018. Or, given the impact history has on calendars, the equivalent of it; he'd once spent months trying to correlate the forty-third moon of cycle 1852 with his calendar just to prove his point, but the math had all worked out.
(Which does indicate, at least to Jon, that yes, the Fears probably did originate in his home world, Georgie. He'll take his petty wins where he can get them. For as long as he can remember the discussion, and the people, he's proving wrong.)
Second, it is still his tapes that the Fears follow. For every apocalypse there has been a new catalyst, but none of these new rituals supersede his. Maybe it's a testament to the strength of the Web's original plan, or maybe it's just something about Jon himself. He knows what he thinks, but... well, there isn't enough proof just yet.
Third, in spite of endless attempts to trap them and stop them, Jon is always able to travel with the Fears. Perhaps they simply can't stop him, as the original antichrist he apparently is; dozens of apocalypses in dozens of different universes, and Jon can always feel his rightful place as ruler of that terrible fearscape calling to him. He hasn't taken it yet, but it's there, and the Eye cannot abandon its true pupil without his permission.
Or perhaps they simply don't care. Every attempt so far has led to the exact same result, after all: another world left behind, another death by starvation averted, another new feast for the Fears to sink their teeth into.
Fourth, he always passes out upon entering a new world.
It's kind of annoying.
It is slightly unusual for him to wake up warm, comfortable, and covered in a blanket, but Jon's not about to complain. It's nice. He doesn't get a lot of comfort, and he likes sleeping in a bed, especially since he's always eldritch-nightmare-free in a new world. For a limited time only, of course.
He's fairly certain he's inside; aside from the softness underneath and around him, the air is still and temperate, the light through his eyelids is artificial, and all he can hear is the faint whirring of appliances and the whispers of two muted voices.
"β€”complete stranger, definitely dangerous, looks like he's from hellβ€”"
"Okay, fine, but I wasn't going to leave him, and anyway haven't you noticed he's a bitβ€”"
"A bit what? Scarred? Bloodstained? Glowing eyes, because I don't think I need to remind you, Martin, his eyes were absolutely glowing when you found himβ€”"
Martin. Now there's a name. Not an uncommon one, but... he thinks he knows that voice.
Or. Well. He might know both of those voices, actually, which is even more interesting than waking up in a bed.
Jon opens his eyes.
He's met himself before, is the thing. Not in every world, and not always particularly recognizable, but he's met himself. He's met versions of Martin, too, and eventually stopped going completely useless with heartbreak every time. The merest handful of times, he's found both of them in the same world, sometimes something almost like friends, but usually not.
The fact that they have their arms around each other, casual, comfortable, close, is both entirely unexpected and perfectly, wonderfully, terribly familiar. Jon briefly considers crying about it, but there are more important things to be doing. For example.
"The glowing eyes aren't actually that sinister. I mean, they are, but not for the reasons you're probably thinking."
Jonβ€”the other Jonβ€”jumps at the sound of his voice, then leans forward. Curiosity, of course; that hardly ever seems to change. "Youβ€”the glowingβ€”who are you?"
"Jon," this new version of Martin scolds, and for just a moment he's back home, with his Martin, with that exasperated toneβ€”but no, this isn't his Martin, and he's also leaning forward now, his voice turning gentle. Concerned. Coaxing, like he's a spooked animal, and Jon doesn't think his Martin has ever talked to him that way. "How are you feeling? We found you unconscious in the street."
He can feel Martin's curiosity too, pushing forward under his concern, just as questioning as Jon but too polite to outright say it yet. He has to cut this off, or he really will cry.
"Mm... no," he says. "Well, yes. But also." Good lord, he's confusing them. Par for the course, but he should probably try to be somewhat comprehensible.
He holds up a hand, extending one finger. "I am... fine. More or less. Trust me, I'm used to this, and this isn't even the worst way it's happened." Another finger joins the first. "My name, as I believe Martin has guessed but then dismissed, is Jonathan Sims. I am not you from the future, nor am I lying, nor am I crazy, becauseβ€”" a third finger "β€”interdimensional travel is not only possible, it has happened, is happening, because of and along with terrible monstrosities I am determined to stop, and I have explained this too many times to too many people to have much patience for anyone being shocked and disbelieving, much less a version of myself doing so, so you can either get over it and move on or I can go elsewhere and do something useful."
"And," he continues, pushing himself up so he can sit and lean forward even more intensely than his counterpart, "I would actually rather not do that just yet, because I have an extremely pressing question for the two of you."
"Um," Martin says, and "What," says the other Jon.
"How," Jon asks, deepening his voice to exude solemn, ominous, and eldritchly important, "did you two start dating?"
It was so... normal. Apparently. Two people, mutual friends, a chance encounter. A prickly exterior ("He hated me," both of them had claimed), but without the insecurity of being Head Archivist and the fear of dread powers beyond his comprehension, their friends had helped him open up andβ€”eventuallyβ€”apologise. A budding friendship, and then a romance, and then...
It isn't a version of them Jon has seen anywhere else, in any of the worlds he's traveled to. Normal as it is, it's a highly improbably scenario, and certainly not the same as his relationship with his Martin had been. But it was, in an infinite number of worlds, still a possibility.
Jon isn't quite sure how he feels about that, knowing that some version of them could have fallen in love without the trauma, but that they hadn't managed it.
His hands aren't shaking, as he lights his cigarette. At least there's that.
"I quit, you know," his counterpart says from behind him. "Years ago. I'd forgotten about those until you asked."
"Well then, thank you for indulging me." He gestures, meaning the cigarette, meaning the bed, meaning his claims about reality, meaning his intrusive, gossipy questioning. Meaning everything. He's not sure it gets across.
The other Jon laughs, quietly, and moves to stand next to him. "I am my worst enabler."
"Oh, that's hardly true."
"Mm." They're silent together for a while, but Jon is restless (both of him), and eventually this reality's version opens his mouth to ask. "Do youβ€”do you know why Iβ€”I don't want to say believed you, I'm still not sure I do, b-but, didn't throw you out immediately?"
"My myriad charms?" They both laugh at that.
"Jonathan Sims," he says, as if that explains anything.
Jon takes a drag of his cigarette, considering. He could probably Know, but... indulging himself. "What about me?"
"No, not you, or. You know. You. But your name. Jonathan Sims. I decided you weren't, weren't a deliberate lie to trick me, or a future version of myself, or a mind-reading monsterβ€”"
"β€”when you said your name, because none of those things would have said that." He smiles then and holds up a hand, andβ€”ohβ€”his ring glints. "I've been Jonathan Blackwood for a while now."
They'd told him married eventually, but he hadn't even thought about his name. He's certainly thinking about it now. "Jonathan Blackwood," he says, soft, to himself. And to himself. "That... that sounds good."
"It does, doesn't it."
Whatever they might have said next is lost as an incredibly loud engine roars nearby and a sleek black motorcycle pulls up in front of them. Jon sighs and takes one last drag of his cigarette as the rider removes her helmet.
"Been off finding yourself, then, Jon?" Annabelle asks.
"Oh, extremely funny, yes. Did you steal that?"
"It was a gift."
"Of course it was."
The other Jon is staring at them both, his eyes repeatedly drifting back to the web-covered hole in Annabelle's head. "Whoβ€”what isβ€”is that aβ€”"
"She's a spider monster," Jon supplies helpfully. "She came with me, although apparently she did not pass out in the street this time."
"Two streets over, I think. Pity, I would've loved a nice nap in a proper bed, but I did get this motorcycle out of it. Come on, Jon, you can mope on the way."
"I have not been mopingβ€”"
"Haven't you? You're not the one who deals with how maudlin you get every time you meet yourselfβ€”"
"Yes, fine, thank you, we can go." He stubs out the cigarette and pauses, looking at himself. "Uh. Tell Martinβ€”well, goodbye, I guess. I'd say I hope we meet again, but if you're lucky we won't need to?"
"And I'mβ€”I hope youβ€”that is, I'll do my bestβ€”well." He sighs. "Things are about to get... dicey, for the world in general. But just, look out for each other, and we'll try to handle the rest."
"Jon, we should be going."
"Yes, all right, all right." He gives himself one last, probably not very reassuring smile, and climbs on behind Annabelle.
They do have work to do, after all.
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introvert--weeb Β· 3 years
Hi! I am writing to request a match up from Tokyo Revenger please.
I am a 19, female and my height is 151 cm / 4'9 ft. I'm a Capricorn btw. I am straight and my hobbies is reading, mostly fanfiction and fantasy, romance genre in novel or manga/manhwa/ manhua, i like listen to music 24/7, my preference for music is chill type of beat song, like billie eilish song, but i basically listen to everything that stay in my head, language are no matter for me, i also like cooking, i think I'm pretty good at it too.
Personality wise, I am friendly, but i have a bitchy face when I'm not smiling so people tend to misjudge me. My mom and my close friend told me that I'm ignorant, and too blunt with my word. I don't think I'm ignorant, i just don't really care what people say bout me ✌️. I'm also observant, i unconsciously listen to other people tea, even tho I'm busy playing with my phone, I'm very close with my mom ❀️ and my MBTI is ENTP.
When it comes to my appearance, I prefer to have short hair, my current hairstyle is wolf haircut, and blue-purple haircolor, i like to try different outfit style, sometimes i do pastel color and just go colourful, and the next day i could go all black. My fav color is green and blue.
Thank you so much for accepting my request! And stay safe bestiee πŸ’–β€οΈ
Why is everyone so much cooler than I am?! You're all just too awesome! ❀️❀️
I can see you going well with...
Rindo Haitani ❀️
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Your relationship had started since Rindo was infatuated with how blunt you could be. He really needed someone who was straightforward and who he could relate more to. After all, he was also known for being blunt with his words to the point where he comes across as mean.
100% that couple who would both have a resting bitxh face, making people think you were always annoyed at the world. However, that was only Rindo as you were actually friendly. The complete opposite of the younger Haitani.
His favourite couple activity to do with you? Both of you secretly judging others together while on dates. As you were observant of your surroundings, you would catch snippets of people's drama they were experiencing. So you would talk to Rindo about what you had heard. This would quickly evolve into the two of you judging everyone around you as if you were both superior, something Rindo probably thought.
I can see Rindo liking more chill music. Something that helped him keep his temper at bay. You would both share headphones while hanging out, listening to whatever came up on your shuffle. Rindo would tell you straight away if he didn't like a particular song, reaching for your phone so he could change it to a 'better' option.
Unfortunately, Rindo would make it so you were both the judgemental couple. However, in actual fact, I think you were actually quite a soft couple, especially when in private. In the safety of his or your room where no one could see Rindo, you better believe he is a huge softie! He would rest his head against your lap while you played with the soft blond locks; he would ask for kisses in a cute soft voice. He was a completely different person when you were alone.
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oh-for-fic-sake Β· 4 years
Safe And Sound? More Like Safe And Bred.
Warnings: Adult situations 18+ Smut, Attempted Rape, Breeding kink, swearing, A/B/O and all the posessive bs that goes with it πŸ‘
A/n This was intended to be darker but sort of changed as I was writing? Yeah I'm very happy with it tho considering its my first A/B/O. As always enjoy😘
Clark has been driven wild by an omega's scent.
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Safe And Sound? More Like Safe And Bred
There it was again. That fucking scent. Clark groaned and took a deep breath in unconsciously ,smelling it, tasting the air on his tongue, wanting to lap up the delicious scent. It tasted like maple syrup yet smelt completely different fresh and succulent like cool spring air. Young and new. Ripe. He shuddered at the thought. It was driving him wild like no other, normally he could block them out but not this one No,six weeks .Six. Fucking. Weeks he had been teased by it coming into the daily planet.
There was an omega here somewhere, he almost felt jealous of the others weaker senses, they had caught faint whiffs of it asking Perry about it who told them none to polity to 'back off' and that it shouldn't cause a problem due to where they was stationed no one should be able to smell them up here. But Clark did. He had to endure it constantly day in day out. The scent was always worse in the lobby where everyone entered the building. Each morning he came in scanning the people around him looking for a new face, more desperate each day to find the omega.
After enduring the scent for so long he was determined to find the culprit. To find his omega. He swore at that ,they wasn't his, he couldn't allow it.. . He couldn't claim them. Afraid of hurting them, it was true that alphas couldn't bare the thought of hurting an omega, actually against the law to cause any harm emotional or otherwise to an omega. It'd be to easy for him to accidentally harm them, one slip of concentration and that could be it.
So he had resigned himself to never claim one, tho he couldn't help his instincts that screamed for him to find them. To mount and breed them. so he still found himself searching the lobby everyday as he came and went. Sighing as he walked to the elevator not finding them once again disappointment ran through him he shook his head taking one last gulp of air trying to capture the scent he stepped in the elevator.
Just as he went to close the doors he smelt them. He saw her. Other alphas were sniffing around her as she walked past them through the lobby head down watching her feet as she scurried quickly across the space heading for a door that he knew lead to the mail room below she faltered quickly bringing her head up scanning the crowd before catching him looking at her. She gulped as she locked eyes on him then all but flung herself past the door out of sight. The doors closed but he stood frozen. She had seen him.
His chest swelled. His omega had looked at him. She wanted him, her alpha. For a second he stood shocked then quickly threw himself at the buttons smashing the open door button willing it to open and let him go and find her, alas it was to late he was already scaling the building to his floor. He took a breath closing his eyes picturing her She was gorgeous, around average height dark auburn nearly brown hair piled atop her hair in a messy bun she was slim. But not to slim and had and hourglass shape wide hips. Meant for breeding. Fuck. And her eyes a dark hazel freckles dusting her face. He clenched his hand around the briefcase he held, as images of mating her, knotting her took hold he grunted hearing a crunch as the hard plastic handle gave under the pressure.
He swore. No he couldn't risk it risk her. The doors opened revealing the office he panted a few breaths trying to compose himself he walked through the office to his desk dropping into his seat running his palms across his face smoothing his hair back before dropping them by his sides.
Lois approached him warily seeing him tensed and almost flighty. If she didn't know any better she'd have said he was entering a rut, but she wasn't going to suggest that to him. Hell no. Alphas became aggressive if another alpha brought it up. And she definitely didn't want to deal with a triggered alpha in the office. Especially him of all people. However he had let slip a week or so ago that the omega in the building had riled him, that he couldn't block it out like the others.
Fuck. His blood was burning in his veins, his reaction was unlike any other. It was instant and he knew somewhere deep down that he would not be concentrating today.
"Hey Clark you ok there?" he grunted then forced a smile kicking his briefcase under the desk. Out of sight out of mind. was the term that came to mind.
"Yes I'm fine" she didn't look convinced.
"Riiiight and who are you trying to convince me or you? if that omega downstairs is causing you problems you should talk to someone, she shouldn't even be here working if shes unmated" Clark growled at her. Of course Lois was right in a sense. It wasn't law that omegas couldn't work however as a general rule they didn't or if they did it was a part time job close to home and normally along side their alphas. Most were claimed by the time they left college alphas would claim an omega in the first or second heat that happened around 17-20 years old, it was very rare to have an unmated omega in the work force but companies couldn't discriminate. Lois took a step back at the warning, Clark squared his shoulders the thought of his omega leaving agitated him.
"And what would I say? I can scent her from nearly 11 stories up? how would I explain that exactly?" he growled the words through grit teeth not liking where this was going. It took a great amount of control not to flash his eyes at the alpha female in front of him. She backed up unconsciously but continued.
"Well its obviously effecting you, look at yourself ,you've been getting worked up since she got here. If shes your one claim her and get it over with. but don't sit there stewing over it. Do something about it or I will" she snapped back. He could hear what she was really getting at, she was hurt occasionally two alphas could find a way to be together but this didn't happen in there case and she was jealous of the omega and wanted her gone and would make it happen herself if need be. Clark was on his feet in front of her before she could register it bending down getting in her face. And snarled low and dangerous, what ever courage Lois had fled as he glared at her menacingly.
"Don't .You. Ever. Threaten. Her. Again." she shook at the dark look in his eyes stepping back a few steps. frightened. 'as she should be' Clark thought his instincts in over drive feeling as if he had done his omega proud ,scaring off what he precieved as a threat.
"What the hell is going on?" Perry called as he watched a pale Lois take her seat not looking at anyone
"Nothing its dealt with Perry." she said bitterly tho Clark couldn't tell if it was because she had backed off her instincts acknowledging him as a true alpha or if it was that he had defended another woman.
"It better be" he warned eyeing them both before heading to his office Clark sat back down before starting up his computer to begin his work. he stopped after about ten minutes as there was a spike in his omega's scent.. she was going into heat he got up fast, to fast he hoped no one had seen him he looked at the elevator swallowing dryly. Lois raised her head instantly worried forgetting her frustration for a moment more concerned about him.
"C-Clark?" he looked at her and she froze as his pupils grew until there was a slim ring of blue around them. She took a deep breath picking up on the signs. Quickly she got up and went to him. whispering
"Whats going on are you- is she ok?" he tore his eyes from her to the elevator.
"Shes-heat" he swallowed taking a deep breath trying again
"Shes going into heat downstairs, fuck" Lois looked confused
"What but surely she'd know and not come in? it must have caught her off guard-wait what did you do?"
"We- I saw her, she saw me... that couldn't have triggered it could it?" he asked uncertain scanning the other alphas in the room they hadn't noticed, not that he thought they could detect her from here. Lois gaped at him sometimes she forgot that they didn't necessarily teach everything about omegas in all schools, especially to alphas, in traditional communities alphas were just taught about their own anatomy next to nothing about omegas ,hell in some areas where most were betas nothing was taught at all forcing everything to happen naturally on instinct.
"Of course it can! if she isn't on suppressants hell some can't even take them! meeting her alpha could cause an instant heat ,fuck sake, you need to go get her, if she leaves now she could be hurt or worse go I will cover you just go now!" Lois growled at him, the thought of an omega in heat trying to navigate the city alone made her insides churn. He leaned over to retrieve his case but she spun him pushing him to the elevators.
"Leave that I will sort it just go!"
Mean while you was down stairs panicking. You'd found him. Your one true alpha. After years of denying all others waiting out your heats holed up in your apartment praying that you'd find your true alpha and not be caught by another and lose the chance at having your soul mate. You had tried suppressants over the years but they hadn't worked, sometimes when an omegas true alpha was to potent the suppressants didn't work they only muted the the symptoms slightly and ended up not being worth the side effects , nausea ,headaches ,bouts of depression and anxiety then the back pain that was caused by your body trying to counteract the cramps redirecting the spasms.
This was the case for you it wasn't worth it basically exchanging excruciating the internal cramps for crippling back pain, it was dangerous, with cramps you could push through it still move and run if you needed to ,but the back pain made you immobile. You took deep breaths once you reached your office. Sitting down unsteady on your feet.
He was magnificent tall broad dark hair and bright eyes tho at the distance you couldn't define the color, you tried to imagine his face with forest green or a deep azure irises. You gasped feeling yourself heating up. You'd been picking up on his scent since you arrived. It was different. Very strange normally scents had one or two underlying tones his was a mix of many all intertwining in to one deep clean airy scent. You panted cringing as you began to sweat lightly.
Fuck. This wasn't good. You couldn't drop now. Not when you'd seen him. That was probably the cause. You whined taking off you jumper revealing the short sleeved blouse underneath letting the air around you picking up the folder on your desk fanning yourself debating what you should do, you could try to slip out and get home there wasn't to many alpha's here you had done your research before applying there was forty most were on the top floors, but that was still forty alphas that would smell you as you tried to leave and then you'd have to navigate through the city home avoiding all others. you sighed knowing you had to make the decision fast. swearing loudly you picked up the phone calling your manager.
"Hi its y/n in the mailing department.. I'm sorry I have to leave now preferably....I've- my heat has come early and I cant stay-I'm sorry I don't know what to do" you lean over the desk crying softly thinking that you'd just lost the only job anyone had offered you. This was cut short as she replied understanding you, being an alpha with an omega daughter she knew what it was like you huffed in relief as she calmed you down reassuring you that it was fine she instructed you to stay where you was until she called you an uber to be safe and take all the time you needed, you nodded thanking her before hanging up.
Quickly you gathered your things and waited, she phoned back quickly informing you that the uber was outside waiting you just had to tell him the destination and the company was paying for it as this classed as 'emergency travel'. You thanked her again and headed out of the office scaling the stairs to the lobby scuttling out as fast as you could aiming to head home as quick as you could before you got any worse. You felt the stares you noted the few alphas scattered about taking deep drags of air into themselves, drinking in your scent before slowly heading in your direction. You whimpered as you raced through he main doors nearly staggering as you made your way down the road as you flushed hot and needy. Jumping into the uber telling the driver your address as he pulled out into the street. He looked at you threw the rare view mirror.
"You ok back there? you want me to call someone?... your alpha?" he asked innocently enough. You just leaned forward cupping your tummy as the first pulses began in your abdomen muscles twitching beginning the first twinges of pain, you cried out panicked, it was never this fast, a normal heat took at least 24hours to sink in and reach this point.
"No! no no I'm fine just drive!!" he grinned at your response but not that you saw from your almost fetal position in the back, he continued as he pulled off the main road cutting down a residential street as a short cut
"Ok are you sure? is your alpha aware of this? does he hurt you is that why you don't want to call him?" he pried by this point alarm bells would usually start but in your desperate state you didn't click you just shook your head
"no-don't have one just please hurry!!" he grinned doing a u turn at the T junction going left back towards the city. You groaned with your head between your knees crying as the pain came crashing over like waves. Flooding your system then draining away before returning ,gasping deep gulps of air so wrapped up in trying to halt your heat you didn't realize the type of danger you were in.
"H-how much longer?" you didn't register the car stopping he chuckled.
"Not long darling" your eyes snapped open freezing at the tone managing to prop yourself up wincing through the pain as you noticed you'd stopped moving. Dread filled when you saw you were still down town. Even with the traffic you should have been out in the residential area. Your apartment was only a 25 minute walk so should have been about a five to ten minute drive instead you was in the city center all be it parked In some sort of loading bay tucked behind some tall office buildings you didn't recognize. You gulped at the look on his face. Slowly reaching for the handle of the door only for it to be locked. You shivered.
"Wh-what are you doing?" he unclipped his seat belt
"I'm gonna take care of you, a pretty omega like you shouldn't be going through heats alone... You should have an alpha to help you... You will~ just relax this will be over soon" he said before squeezing himself between the front seats making to grab you.
You twisted screaming as loud as you could. Lifting your bag striking him as hard as you could, which wasn't that hard as your energy had been sapped away by your rapid heat. he held you firm digging his fingers into your wrist untill the bag dropped to the footwell, pushing your shoulders against the door you screamed again agonizing
"NOOO HELP SOMEONE HELP ME!" clawing at him scratching his face he swore as your nail scratched across his eye.
"YOU LITTLE BITCH!" he screamed you cowered at his anger he pulled back his hand slapping you hard across the face you grunted as your head smacked into the metal seat belt clip half way up the back seat.
"SHUT THE FUCK UP CUNT!" you kneed, twisted ,clawed and bit anything you could think of to get him off of you ,he overpowered you grabbing your head smashing it against the inner door panel, your vision went fuzzy at how hard your head had bounced off of it. weeping weakly kicking out despite all hope of escape was fading fast as the male tore open your blouse buttons scattering across the back seat and foot well.
"NOO NONO PLEASE!"you sobbed as you resigned yourself to being another statistic. Then the door behind your head was ripped clean off you car you yelped cringing as you heard the metal twist and tear just beside your head tumbling out of the car, being caught before touching the asphalt and sat on the roof of the car so quick it made you dizzy before you could even glance at who had saved you. You heard the screams of your would be rapist shouting panicked as he was dragged violently out of the car.
Crying you moved to cover yourself tugging the shirt around yourself looking forward you saw superman clutching the alphas neck hoisting up to his eye level eyes flashing a dangerous red, hinting to the power simmering just below the surface shoulders heaving with every breath and his jaw clenched boiling anger was written across his stance. The alpha pleaded with him. The kryptonian glanced at you before snarling in the other alphas face low and terrifying. you held your breath something was wrong.
"MINE!" was all the man of steel managed as he panted heavy , you saw the tremble in his arm as he tried holding back but still squeezed tighter on the throat he held causing the alpha to gasp and wheeze begging pleading much like you had been not two minutes ago. You gasped not entirely sure you heard him correctly but you was sure that you didn't want to be around either of them in this state.
You placed your hands on the metal below you sliding backwards making the decision to leave your bag that stuff could be replaced. Keeping both of them in your sight, gasping quietly as you dropped to your feet , buckling as another cramp clutched a your insides. You had to move get away you couldn't let either male near you, not when you'd just found your mate, when you was so close.
In your state of panic you forgot one of the most important things every omega should know. If your caught by an alpha in the middle of a heat Do. Not. Run an alpha that wants to pursue you, will chase, they relished in it the hunt. That's why there is so much emphasis on mateing young, once you are claimed alphas are less drawn to you and your heat cant do this whole surprise pop up act. Those who tried to hold out for their mates are usually picked off before their thirties, claimed forcefully and trapped in a unhappy pairings you never thought it'd be you.
You moved slow at first backing away from the car then as you made your way further from them once you got a good twenty feet you turned and ran down a small one way road leading in the direction of home. You hoped. Your footsteps caught Superman's attention snapping his head up dropping the male
"NOO! COME BACK!" he shouted making you more frightened speeding up, he sounded angry. He shot up instantly hovered above the small building before spying you diving down landing in front of you as you as you had reached a main street onlookers stopped as they saw him land hard on the ground, he crouched the asphalt below him cracking under the force he'd used. You skidded to a stop nearly running into him you screamed backing up as he moved to grab you his eyes. They were burning literally glowing seconds away from igniting your flesh.
"I-I No please I don't-" you tried speaking cutting yourself off as another cramp took hold you cried out curling grasping your stomach. He took the opportunity to quickly scoop you up taking off so fast the air was sucked from your lungs you couldnt breath instead puffing out desperate tiny breaths. He headed straight for home. You groaned weakly at him trying desperatly to breath, tapping him as you managed sharp breaths when you could smelling him, he smelt familiar and unique almost like your mate but not quite the same.
Before you knew it you was in an unfamilliar apartment gasping deep breaths trying to ease your burning lungs. Whimpering as a wave after wave of your mates scent hit you causing your body the begin preparing itself for him as you soaked your panties through at an alarming rate. You was deposited on a large bed confused uncomfortably wet and in pain as you curled on your side in the covers pressing your face into the cotton taking deep breaths. You heard footsteps leave your side moving around beyond the door.
He was building you a nest in his den, he was here helping you, you crawled towards him as he smoothed out the blanket to curl around you grabbing him trying to pull him up onto the bed with you. You whimpered as he pulled back standing to look at the nest wanting it to be perfect. In your heat addled mind you took it as a rejection when he moved out of your grasp.
"A-Alpha?" you called out looking for him, he was here he had to be here you needed him, this was his den, but where was he. You looked around trying to find him. Then you hear Superman return, well you thought it was Superman maybe you was so far gone you'd been hallucinating, you was sure the man of steel had brought you here, but it wasn't him who returned you looked at the door ecstatic as you spied your mate with arms full of pillows and a few blankets mumbling to himself about a nest, felt a burst of excitement as he placed the cushions and blankets around you.
"I-its ok, I'm here, I've found you omega, mine ,my omega" you looked up at the male before you tucking your nose into the crook of his neck breathing deep wanting to take him in as much as you could it was him. Yes. You've made it. you cried happy tears streaming down your face as you finally had him, Your one. Your soul mate. Years spent searching hoping, terrified that he'd given up hope and claimed another. But the years of loneliness and fear was worth it for this one moment.
"N-no! alpha come back" your voice was small but sincere, he quickly saw his mistake and climbed up with you letting you grab and pull at him.
"Wh-how? you was-" he climbed over you cageing you nuzzling your neck doing the same to you that you had done to him only he was not crying, he was growling deep in his chest, that you had only just noticed was uncovered he was bare as the day he was born.
"Later...Cant" he mumbled kissing at your neck quickly licking and nipping succumbing to his need to bury himself inside of you as soon as possible. You whined as he pulled the blankets around you creating a tighter cocoon. His instincts were all over the place wanting to mount and knot you and calm and cuddle you . It was hard for him to concentrate as he smelt your body prepare for him. Turning you looked at him your lips parted as you huffed becoming impossibly hot ,sweat forming on your brow your clothes constricting and sticky as you lifted a shaky hand to his cheek.
"Blue... I didn't see them earlier, there beautiful." he almost purred closing his eyes as you ran your hand up to his curled hair. His nostrils flaring ducking down to you kissing you groaning at the taste of your tongue he moved over you, desperate pressing you into the matress holding your waist sliding you up the bed wrestling with your clothes growling before opting to rip them of not patient enough to remove them with out damaging them. You whined at him making him stop inspecting you for injury , when he determined you was unharmed just vocal he continued moving down your body kissing and suckling marks onto you wanting to devour your slick as he smelt how wet you had become for him.
He tossed your legs over his shoulders breathing deep closing his eyes collecting him self 'slow and steady don't hurt her' he thought to himself then leaned forward sucking obscenely on your wet folds dipping his tongue between them. you screamed as he met your hot sensitive skin groaning into you gripping your hips forcing you to remain still and endure him as he worked on finding you bud then flicking quickly up and down then rolling it around sucking it between his teeth applying a gentle pressure.
You cried and shouted as he continued he looked up at you watching you try to twist and turn your breasts bouncing with every jerky movement and heaving breath. He groaned again imagining just how perfect they would look tight and full ready to feed his pups. He pulled back with long licks from back to front collecting as much slick as he could as he went. You panted teary eyed as he crawled above you. He grunted eyeing your neck then maintained eye contact snarling when you didn't immediately look away.
Your pussy wept below you at the sight. He was posturing. Waiting for you to present to him, for you to acknowledge him as your alpha. You tilted your head looking away eagerly willing your body to relax below him he keened low running his nose across your throat then latching onto it biting locking his jaw tightly, not enough for the final bite but he held you there tonguing your neck releasing then moving down biting repeating the same process searching for the least sensitive spot to deliver his bite.
Once he found a spot that didn't cause a large reaction or was on the artery he sucked a dark mark , pinpointing it for later once he was satisfied he released your neck with a parting kiss many would look for the most sensitive but he was worried about truly harming you.
He grabbed your shoulder rolling you on your front heaving up your hips presenting you to him your shoulders landing on the extra pillows and blankets he got for you taking your weight. He gasped leaning back to take a moment to calm himself, he would not risk killing you accidentally because he rushed, admittedly he was also enjoying the view, way your scent permeated the air leaving him feeling hazy almost drunk. You mewled lost in your heat impatient for him to claim you in the most sinful and depraved of ways. You rocked to and fro clenching your pussy for him then spread your knees so he could see. You heard him grunt then decided to push further.
"AAHH! FUCK" you yelped as he stretched you taught around him the resistance you put up against him was intoxicating as he moved steady not letting up as he was pushing deeper and deeper feeding himself into you. You tried to raise onto your hands but a swift hand caught you by the scruff pressing down with a snarl.
As ready as your slick had made you, you was still smaller than him he noted as he was poised at your opening, twitching and puffy from his earlier exploration, he could feel the heat radiating form you. As you tried to rock back feeing his cock just there he pulled you back onto him.
"No you will stay In position presenting" he grunted you whimpered in response as he held you there firm. Finally he grunted low quickly thrusting the last inch or so into you thighs pressed against your bottom tensing. You panted clawing at the pillows surrounding you is was nearly to much as he held still flexing making you jump and flutter around him.
"P-pleeeas alpha I cant wait please" your words were pitiful and breathy arching your back pushing your ass high and curling your toes. His breathing hitched un able to hold back he rose to his knees digging his tumbs into the back of your pelvis gripping tight designed to hold you still, to force you to take all of him weather you wanted to or not. You'd forfited that choice with your presented to him earlier. You was his and he wanted you to know that ,slowly falling prey to his most basic of primal needs. Mount. Fuck. Knot. Breed. There was no thoughts beyond these four goals. He held steady nudging your opening with his cock, hard and only just beading with precum, he had fought to hold back his need for release refuseing to waste a drop, but now it seemed he may need it.
"Good girl....soo good ... your such a good omega.....are you ready to be bred?" tears fell at the feeling of being so stuffed, you wasn't sure just how you were going to take his knot if this was him before that, it was uncomfortable pressed so deep it was bordering pain, a dull ache but your cramps were gone as if his skin alone had soothed your insides and that you was thankful for.
"ugh such a good female.... gonna fuck you full" he tilted his head back abdomen quivering and twitching with need he was trying to hold back, be gentle he had heard the whimpers as he opened you up for the first time, noting that you wasn't a virgin, tho many omegas now day's had toy's to replicate alpha couplings. He snarled pulling back a little then rocking into you the idea of anything other than himself inside you irked him, no more. He would dispose of yours at the first opportunity. You'd never resort to using a toy again. A rubber substitute, no he wouldn't allow it. You would come to him for relief or you'd suffer. Those were your options now.
"YES... fuck yes THATS IT...I'm your alpha now...no one else.... I'll kill them" he grunted teasing you with his cock you screeched as he growled and grunted using his hands to hold you still as he drove into you over and over, pulling out further each time, you was floating or was it drowning you couldn't tell, all you knew was that you hated the way you felt empty as he left you, your pussy was clamping and pulling at him, fighting to keep him sheathed inside you. You groaned cried and squealed unable to stop as his moans egged you on.
"aH! FUCKfuckfuck alPHAAA!" you shook your head rubbing your face into his heady scent your head swimming in it as it seeped through the blankets. You tried to fight his hold as he teased you with shallow thrusts making your pussy protest resulting in a loud sharp spank and you widened your legs for him.
"You ok baby?" he asked as you shook beneath him gasping, trying to calm your breathing you tried to turn to look at him hissing as it pulled on his knot
You cried panicked trying to wiggle from under him desperate to escape the painful stretch he quickly acted on auto pilot latching onto the mark he left on your neck biting breaking the skin, holding you still with a growl as he claimed you with his scent permanently. You cried tensing not sure if the pain was to much or not enough. He finallly released your neck tucking a hand below where you joined rubbing your hard bud forcing you to clench painfully around the knot that was cruley holding you in place spreading your lips apart revealing your clit to his wandering fingers as you was warpped tight around him ,you tried to drag yourself forward off of him tugging at your joining to no avail he was slow and frim with his teasing finger tips.
Quickly you found your abdoman spasming and you screeched as he tore your second orgasm from you, this time as you squirted nothing left you hitting his knot and returning back up into you the force of it sending ripples of pleasure against all of your nerves your walls massaged him from root to tip as a result making him finally release into you feeling him pulse and twitch as his hot load hit you hard and deep some had definatly make it past your cervix you summarised the only coherent through in the lusty haze that was now slowly lifting from you, he held still as he continued to pour into you, the overwhelming urge to breed you was to much as he rocked once ,twice slowly using his knot the amplify the pleasure.
You whimpered staying as still as you could panting completly washed out and wrecked. He looked down smug not taking his eyes of of where you were joined his knot was large, he was impressed at how well you took him. A slight panic, he'll admit but you had stayed still enough for him to fully mate you And nothing was escaping which boded well for breeding.
"Ah ah ah stay still... that's it stay still... good girl" he reassured knowing full well that you could be like this for a few more minutes maybe ten minutes or so, for him specifically he wasnt sure. Selfishly he wanted to remain there as long as possible but thought it'd be better for you if he wasnt attached to long.
"yes ...that's it omega open up for me... let me in" he chuckled slamming into you making your bones rattle keening with the force as he did it over again becoming desperate to bury himself inside deeper. You cried out as he dragged his hand from your neck leaning over you as he plowed you into an orgasm. You let out what was at first a silent scream as you clamped around him making him hiss you leaked over him cumming drenching his thighs with slick as he grunted holding still tightly pressing into you his knot forming in an instant stretching you until you yelped in pain trying to break free. No. It hurt. As he was pressing painfully deep almost pressing into your cervix opening.
"Are you ok? we could be like this for a while baby.. you have enough pillows"
"It's sore" you mumbled quietly unable to stop pulling forward it was only natural to try and avoid the pain he felt guilty but knew it was unavoidable.
"I know baby but your doing so well... soo good and just think with any luck we will have pups on the way! doesnt that sound nice baby. You can make a better nest, more suitable for pups." you clenched at his words the idea of pups making you perk up
"Pups?" you asked excited he laughed rubbing your back soothingly noticing how hot you was.
"Oh yes I'm going to breed you during this heat, that is if I haven't took root already" he said rolling his hip lightly making his point you groan again. He noted the sweat rolling down your sides. Debating on what to do, he knew he could help easily but was a little apprehensive. Finally he decided he would do it, your his mate now, bound to him permanently.
"Baby? are you hot?" you nodded
"Yeah and sticky..... I want a cold shower... can I have one when I'm free?" he frowned that would mean you standing up.... he would leak from you.... No. He shook his head
"No you may not, you will lie on your back once free.. I want you full." he said you pouted a little feeling scolded whimpering before you flinched as he blew a cool gust of air onto you. It was cold... Much colder than should have been possible.. And it wasn't to do with how heated your skin was. Clark continued blowing cooling your skin until it was no longer red. He felt himself finally softening once he was sure he could remove himself without any pulling he did sliding back quickly flipping you to your back pulling the pillows below your waist . You laid back wide eyed.. It took him seconds.. Literally seconds to pull out and re-position you... He moved you one handed...WHAT THE FUCK? you squeaked
"Wh-how did you do that? you really are? but your scent i-it was different you wasn't!" you were so confused. He looked down guilty stroking you slowly unable to keep for touching you now that you were bpnded ,he loved how you carried his scent, it was lingering just beneath yours coiling around it.
"I'm sorry, my suit it....changes my scent... I'm not sure why, it may be because its not made here on earth... " you paled as he explained you knew. Your mate was superman. The man of steel. You gasped bringing your hands to your face as you cried
"YOUR AN ASS! do you know how FUCKING SCARED I WAS!" you shouted moving to get up. He was faster pinning you down pushing into your neck.
"I thought you was going to burn me! Kill me!" You wailed into your palms.
"sshh sshh its ok now.. I'm sorry ...I'm so sorry I never intended to scare you, I was just scared...I tried to follow you but you already left....... Then I went looking for you ..... I heard screaming not want sure if it was you, I was so glad as I got closer and smelt you then I saw him..I had intended to just take you home..But seeing you there I knew I had no choice...I had to claim you to keep you safe... I was so close to killing him, I wanted to...You stopped me, if you hadnt run I would have ripped him limb from limb... All I knew in that moment was that I couldnt bare seeing you run from me.. I had to catch you." you settled down as he kissed your mark explaining between small pecks and licks then laid curling at you side. Pulling your hands away.
"I-if I'd known it was you I wouldnt have run from you I would have run to you" you explaind cupping his face lightly he leaned forward kissing him.
"But I cant call you superman or alpha all the time" you smirked he chuckled sliding higher around you leaning over you on his elbow.
"Clark kent" he offered with a kiss
"y/n y/l/n" he smiled before kissing deeply again you were interupted by a loud bannging form somwhere deeper in the apart ment he held out a hand
"Stay I want to give us the best chance for pups" he called out as he grabbed some boxers sliding them up as he walked to the front door opeing it revealing Lois holding out his damaged breifcase she scrunched her nose as the heady smell of there coupling hit her.
"Here I Covered for you, Perry thinks this morning was because your omega was going into heat and you didnt touch her and I told you to leave and 'be an alpha for once' in the end you took my advice and mated her... you have the week off for her heat." she explained then cleared her throat nodding behind him he growled when he spotted you up by the door peeping he pointed back to where you came growling.
"Back in your nest!" you scuttled back into the room with a squeak diving back into your nest of blankets. Placing your hips back on the raised pillows. Lois giggled.
"Don't be too hard on her she probably heard me and panicked... any way I'm off and try to be gentle with her she looks ....small" he nodded closing the door as she turned to leave. He padded into the bedroom spoting you tugging the blankets around you adjusting then readjusting them pouting. He smiled tugging it from you smoothing it around your hips.
"That was lois.. Shes and alpha and a friend nothing to worry about.." you nodded to him as he tucked himself around you again making you rest your head on his chest as he reached down cupping your tummy running his thumb acros the skin below your belly button
"Sleep baby it wont long before I'll mount you again" you blushed at his words but tried to relax anyway letting your mind drift as he wandering fingers pushed you into a deep satisfied slumber.
Taglist @havenoffandoms
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emma-what-son Β· 2 years
about her being stuck at a level age-wise due to getting famous which stunted her growth - this is well observed tho? Celebs are very insulated esp the very wealthy ones. They have assistants do to everything for them and it's worse if they get rich/famous at a young age like the HP kids. They don't need to face IRL problems like normal people and therefore they don't need to possess the grace and maturity as normal adults.
EW only looks well adjusted because she's very PR obsessed and she uses Hermione image hardcore. If you look closely she's actually super problematic. Honestly I think she sucks as a human being. The Panama papers, the illegal immigrant thing, the shallow activism that she has shamelessly turned into a brand, the terrible carbon footprint while preaching about the environment etc.
As for her mannerisms, she's always been like that. It's indeed odd that even in her 30s, this hasn't changed. I like to call it the narcissistic wobble. She probably does it unconsciously when she knows that finally she can get attention again. It's part happy nervousness and self absorption. What's interesting is, EW always comes off as both self centered and super insecure.
The makeup and tanned and somewhat older look is her attempt to look grown-up. While her mannerisms esp when she said "I'm here for all the witches" that part reminded me so much of her mannerism as a 10 yr old in the first Potter film. Maybe it was the nerves that made her awkward but I think not. A couple of asks in the past have mentioned her mannerisms are like a teenage girl/younger person at times or that she was trying to act cute but it looked out of place due to the time/occassion/her being unable to carry it with the outfit. I agree, but also if she really wants to look older so bad then maybe start by working on how those aspects of her mannerisms. Tbh it's sometimes annoying to see 31 year old acting like a teenage girl or young adult. I won't quote some of the more rude statements made in some asks about her being stuck at a level age-wise due to getting famous which stunted her growth but I do feel maybe she can't seem to outgrow it? Which shows bcs of how much she tries to mingle with big personalities and show herself as a significant voice in many important global discussions.
Your natural behavior doesn't automatically change when you reach a certain age. That's just how her mannerisms are and they're natural. Awkward, but natural. I don't think she does it on purpose, which is why she tries in other ways to be taken seriously. Although, she does bank on it during interviews and stuff like that. It's mostly during the red carpet when the drab outfits show up and try to make her look more mature.
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