#someone reblogged something that made me go 'oh yeah i should go back to that now that i can gif things'
A few gifs from Leave the Revenge to Lupin (Part 2 Episode 84) which despite mostly being a “serious” episode had some very cute moments.
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highvern · 4 months
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Work Me Out
Pairing: Kim Mingyu x fem!reader
Genre: Smut, 18+
Warnings: working out, flirting, touching, almost car sex, making out, breast play, fingering, oral, face sitting, multiple sex positions, big dick mingyu, protected sex (gasp!), strength kink, dirty talk, choking, spanking :) lover boy gyu as always. let me know if i missed anything!
Length: ~5k
Note: y'all thought cheol rot was bad but the OG bias wrecker is back. dont come at me for gym terminology i go by vibes. replaced my gym crush with mingyu and this is what happened <3 i have a bonus/pt 2 in the drafts too but I'll wait to post it bc too much muscle pig mingyu is bad for the soul... and the [redacted]
to the anon that sent me a seok ask forever ago about his arms, im sorry i used it in this fic. but know i have a seok fic with exactly what you asked for in the works rn. everyone say thank you anon.
@bbychocolat do not hit my line about mingyu for at least 24 business hours i need to recover
Remember: Tumblr runs on reblogs and I run on validation in the tags and comments :)
read part II
read more here
This blog is intended for 18+ only! Minors/blank blogs will be blocked!
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Figuring out the ins and outs of a new gym isn’t easy but it isn’t impossible. Go too early and you’re surrounded by creepy men old enough to be your grandfather. Right after work is a sure way to experience hoards of gym bros crowding around machines like they own them. 
So you go as late as possible. 
Only a handful of people are dispersed through the large space. A few run on the treadmills lined on the catwalk of the second floor, several switch through different weights in front of the mirrors. You make your way through the maze of equipment towards the leg press; your final sets before you can go home and wash away the grime of the day.
Or you would if someone wasn’t occupying the one machine you need.
Peeping your head around, you notice a black backpack and matching water bottle on the ground. You glance around, unable to find a clear owner since the next closest person is halfway across the gym doing a different exercise.
Would it be that rude to take the machine out from under someone if they’re not even using it? You could probably get in all your sets before the person even came back if you moved quickly.
You wait a few minutes. How embarrassing would it be to have the mystery person walk back up the second you sat down? But after five minutes pass and no one emerges to claim the spot, you set about changing the weights out.
And just when you slip into the seat, you look up and find someone approaching.
He’s tall, he’s handsome, and he’s barely ten feet away. Your saving grace is that he hasn’t spotted you yet thanks to his phone. 
But that doesn’t last long.
“Oh! Sorry! Were you using this machine?” You ask, trying to sound cordial. 
“It’s okay!” He smiles at you. “Do you need it?”
“No, I can find something else to do.” 
You rise to do just that when he stops you with a shrug.
“I don’t mind sharing.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, I take long breaks between my sets anyway so it’s no big deal.”
So that’s where he went.
“Okay, thanks.”
“No problem.”
He moves to lean against the wall, face buried in his phone once again as you work through your set. Honestly you think he forgot you were even there until you start standing up and he pushes off his perch. 
Exchanging polite smiles, you skirt around him and snag your water bottle before occupying the same spot against the painted bricks. You try not to be a creep but watching the way the muscles in his legs bulge and coil with each rep is impossible to look away from. Especially when there’s just so much to look at.
He racks up twelve reps with ease and switches back off with you before wandering out of sight.
You work through two of your sets before he comes teetering back. 
“I tried putting it back to your weight.” You laugh, sipping from your water bottle.
“Three forty? Ouch.”
“What? Should I have made it lighter?”
“Try heavier. Like four hundred.”
“My sincerest apologies.” You mock, placing your hand over your heart. “I’ll remember that next time.”
He laughs again before slipping back into the seat and working through the motions.
This time you don’t bother hiding the way you watch him over your phone. He looks good, it’d be a waste not to watch the swell of his chest or the stretch of his thighs. The gym shorts and snug black t-shirt only exacerbate how cut his physique is. 
And if he makes a comment you can always twist your not so subtle gawking into a compliment about his form.
When he finishes his set again, he snags his bag and water bottle off the ground before turning to you. “All yours. Have a good night.”
“Yeah, you too.”
And he’s gone.
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Over the next few weeks, you learn mystery man works out at the same time you. He’s there when you arrive and remains when you leave after an hour and a half of sweating and gasping like a dying fish, only absent on Wednesdays when you manage the most last luster workouts of your life. The disappointment the first time you realized you were looking for the backwards cap sticking out amongst the free weights would have been embarrassing but what's wrong with a little eye candy while breaking a sweat? 
And what a great view he makes. Your brief peeks into the mirrored walls are full of nothing straining muscles and glowing skin. The first day he did arms in a cutoff tee will go down in history as the worst day of your life. Only rivaled by all the other days he works his legs in shorts accentuating just how nice his ass is with every squat.
Your friends all ask when you’re going to talk to him again. As if you’ll just walk right up and interrupt the best part of your day. No, you’d rather watch him move across the gym floor from the corner of your eye, throw him a friendly nod, and go about your business than run the risk of making things awkward.
Unfortunately, doesn’t possess the same desire to remain a friendly nameless face like you do.
His name is Mingyu. Or that’s what the employee with glasses calls him while they joke around one night. You don’t mean to eavesdrop but they’re loud and the only exit takes you right past the U-shaped desk. Mingyu throws a grin as you pass by on your way out and the flash of teeth spikes your heart rate higher than any exercise you’ve done that night.
When he officially introduces himself at the water fountain the next night, you have to bite the urge to tell him ‘I know.’ Instead you snort at his extended hand, providing your own name over the firm shake like you won’t be haunted by the feeling of the calluses on his fingers or the heat of his palm for the next week. 
What’s worse is how he says your name back, rolling the sound across his tongue and past his quirked lips. 
And the final nail in the coffin is when you leave and you see the way he turns in the glass doors to watch, bidding you a goodnight with your name signed at the end.
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Mingyu might be the worst gym crush in the world. Mostly because your thoughts of him extend beyond the brick walls he should only exist in. And partially because he’s caught you staring more times than you care to admit. 
Not as many times as you’ve caught him, but the point stands.
No, the worst part, you find out, is Mingyu is an incorrigible flirt. And he knows it.
Tonight you’re off schedule, runny nearly half an hour later than usual.; work clothes sticking to your skin as you make your way towards the off shooting hall housing the entrance to the locker rooms. In a rush, you step around another body only to end up in front of one much more familiar.
“There's my girl.” Mingyu smiles. “Thought you were skipping out on me.”
My girl. My girl. My girl, my girl, my girl….
There isn’t a thought in your head beyond the bold casualness he drops that bomb on you with so you nod awkwardly and force yourself not to sprint the next twenty feet to hide.
Half an hour later, when you catch him watching you in the mirror over his own weights, the bastard smiles like the cat who caught the canary. 
But you end up on top when Mingyu offers to spot you while doing weighted squats. He’s at your back, an appropriate amount of space between your bodies you wish he’d close. You don’t need his help. Your form is better than his (you would know, his ass and thighs give you tunnel vision when its his leg day). And the weight on the bar isn’t even enough to make you strain but why pass up on the offer? Especially with how Mingyu meets your eyes over your shoulder in the mirror with each dip.
And then he cheers ‘that’s my girl’ again when you re-rack the equipment with ease and it's over.
“Shit,” you grunt. 
Mingyu pops up from his perch between your breasts under your shirt, hair a mess and eyes glazed. “Good?”
“No, your steering wheel is in my back.” You wince, attempting to wiggle away and ending up further up his lap.
“Sorry, let me just…”
The seat flies back under your combined weight, throwing your forehead right into Mingyu’s chin.
“Oh my god!” You gasp. “Are you okay?”
Mingyu’s head falls back as he releases a massive sigh. Each second that ticks by has you both coming to the same conclusion.
“Yeah,” you breath, sitting up. “I think this was a bad idea.”
“I just mean like your car is small and you’re too big and I—“
The guffaw Mingyu tries to hide slips free too easily. “That’s what she said.”
“God, you’re gross.” 
Your nose crinkles as you rise up, using his chest for leverage. It feels as nice as it looks and its the worst knowledge you’ve gained in you life.
“Sticks and stones,” he hums.
“Well this was fun. I’ll ugh… see you around?”
When you try to shift back into the passenger seat to exit, Mingyu’s hands flex over your thighs to keep you in his lap. His sweats do nothing to hide his semi. Something he doesn’t even seem to consider as a concern given the way he unconsciously curls into you.
“Or we can go back to mine.”
He’s trying and failing to sound nonchalant. Like he won’t go home and fuck his fist in the shower with the echoes of your sighs filling his ears if you turn him down. You can see it in his eyes. What hinges on his offer and how much you’ll both regret it if the tension fizzles and dies in his SUV.
From where you’re sitting, it’s incredibly difficult to think with your head and not your hormones. Mingyu is hot, he’s nice, he seems decent enough. His behavior doesn’t hint at him being a creep. If he’s normal enough to fuck in his car, is he not normal enough to fuck in the comfort of a bed?
The thumb stroking your thighs and the hopeful eyes staring you down make the decision for you.
“Yeah, okay.” 
With his address in your phone’s GPS, you trail after his SUV in your own car. The roads are familiar because they’re the same roads you drive when you return to your apartment that turns out to be only three blocks closer to the gym than Mingyu’s. 
All this time he’d been so close and you never even realized. Did he think about you the same way you thought about him when he drove home? If he did, you’re in for a night.
Rolling into a space only a few down from where he parks, you pause to hype yourself up. 
People have sex all the time. It’s no big deal. I can do this. 
A knock at the window interrupts your spiral, finding Mingyu smiling sheepishly through the glass. The muscles in your chest squeeze when he opens the door and holds it for you to exit; and threaten to explode when his hand finds the small of your back and guides you towards the stairwell.
Footsteps echo down to the hall, Mingyu only a fraction ahead to lead the way to a non-descript door with a seasonal doormat that's seen better days.
“Ugh, this is it.” 
His apartment is shockingly clean for a guy your age. Not clean in the ‘I don’t own enough shit to even be dirty’ way. No, Mingyu’s apartment is cozy. There’s throw pillows and blankets on the couch. He has a lamp and bookshelf in the corner and the walls are adorned with a collage of artwork thoughtfully pieced together. Several personal photos are littered throughout, some with an obviously younger Mingyu propped next to what must be a sister or a cousin, a few of him with friends. One of him and a familiar man with glasses, their faces blurry but the glee clear as they’re frozen in time. Your lips lift with a soft smile at the personal touches bleeding into every corner of his space.
Turning over your shoulder you ask, “You and the guy at the gym are friends?” 
Mingyu’s watching you with something unidentifiable in his eyes, stepping forward to figure out which frame you're looking at until he’s only a foot behind you.
“Yeah, we went to the same middle school.”
“And this one?” You say, fingers tracing the edge of the wooden frame.
“My little sister.” Mingyu follows, still only a step behind.
“And I’m assuming these are your parents?”
“Actually those are Wonwoo’s parents.” He chuckles. “These are my parents.”
Mingyu’s arm reaches around to point at the correct photo, his chest brushing against your back.
“Wanna give me the tour?”
Mingyu manages to show you everything in five minutes. The living room and connected kitchen you’re already standing in, the door of the hall bathroom, and finally his bedroom. You take a seat on the edge of the bed, discovering the new smattering of details that uncover more about the man waiting with baited breath in the threshold. 
“Why are you over there?” You ask.
With arms crossed and shoulders up to his ears, Mingyu resembles a kid waiting to be scolded rather than a man who tried to hook up with you in his car less than thirty minutes ago.
“I’m nervous.”
You can’t stop the satisfaction from spreading to your face. “I make you nervous?”
Mingyu pushes off the door jam, shuffling forward until he’s standing a foot in front of you. “Yeah. I don’t really do stuff like this.”
“Stuff like what? Try and fuck girls in your car?”
“Haha.” Mingyu mocks, face descending until he rubs his nose with yours.
Your eyes slip closed when his do, breathing each other's air. “Stuff like what, Gyu?”
Your hands find the material of his shirt stretched across his shoulder. Each brush of his lips across your cheek, down your jaw, until he finds your ear.
“I don’t sleep around with girls I’m not dating.”
“We don’t hav—”
“Which is not the best way to ask you out.”
You press him out of your space, far enough that you can look him in the eyes and see if he’s serious. The tips of Mingyu’s ears burn red but he’s looking right at you despite how embarrassed he clearly feels.
“You’re asking me on a date?”
“Ugh, yeah. I think it’d be fun. But you don’t have to! If you just wanna do this that's fine t—”
Whatever words Mingyu was trying to say fizzle on the tip of his tongue as you pull him into a kiss. He curls over you, pressing you further into his bed with every fervent pass. Wedging one hand under the small of your back, Mingyu lifts you up and carries you while he crawls to the center.
Your mind wanders to all the other ways he can manhandle you into the mattress.
He settles flat against you, hips cradled between your own while delving into your mouth. You fill your hands with his ass, dragging Mingyu’s covered cock against your core. A groan backs apart your lips as Mingyu falls into the curve of your neck. 
“This is a yes to the date by the way.” You pant now that he’s taken over, hands scratching up his back in an effort to get rid of his shirt. “In case that wasn’t clear.”
Mingyu’s clothes disappear over his head and across the room, yours following shortly after. The heat of bare skin on bare skin is better than anything until he takes one of your breasts in his palm and the other in his mouth. 
Every curse you know flies through your lips as he sucks and pinches until you're sore between the legs.
He takes the squeeze of your thighs and the rock of your hips as a greenlight, hands leading where his lips follow until it’s nothing but your panty clad core an inch from his face.
“This okay?” Mingyu asks in the fat of your thigh, tongue trailing fire across the skin.
You nod with a sigh, “Mingyu, please.”
He doesn’t need much more than that, the fabric barrier gone in a blink and his nose traces your folds until he’s dying for a taste.
Mingyu eats pussy like he doesn’t need oxygen. The path of his pointed tongue around your clit is nothing short of precise, meticulously tracing every ridge and curve until the sheets stretch under your fingers. When he flattens it to pay broader attention, your legs squeeze and Mingyu’s hands force them wide around his shoulders.
Your feet flatten on the bed and thrust up his mouth, wet and crude with fingers in his hair and your whines in his ears. Every suck of Mingyu’s mouth forces the muscles in your neck to lerch until they hurt and your head falls back. He takes pride in the way you drip for him, making the best mess he’s ever had the privilege to clean up.
You reward him with an lavishing praise at the next twitch of your insides, “Fuck, just like that.” 
Taking advantage of the slight arch in your spine, Mingyu’s hand sneaks under your back, fingers unforgiving as they dig into your ass. He curls your hips up and buries a finger in your core with mortifying ease.
Between your legs, Mingyu catches your eyes. Pupils blown wide, mouths bruised around stuttered breath. A matching set of debauched expressions. He’s more familiar like this; skin glowing with sweat, and hair matted to his forehead. Next time you see him at the gym you know it's all you’ll think about. Next time you're alone in your room, or the shower, or the grocery store. Or anywhere you’ve day dreamed about him before.
He leans back to watch the digit disappear, only to reappear soaking. “Feels good?”
“Give me another and it will.”
You savor the rhythm he sets, thick fingers working to prep you for what you felt under his shorts. His tongue is hard and wet at your clit, fingers stretching and spreading until your stomach dips and you nearly buck him off as your clit swells from abuse.  
Your fingers pluck at your nipples and Mingyu apparently likes to watch because he manages more enthusiasm, forces his finger to crook just the right way, and continues to suck even after you start screaming.
“Oh fuck, oh, fuck, fuck, fuck!” You chant, voice cracked.
Something sounding suspiciously like a ‘thank you’ drops into the mix but Mingyu’s the only one to hear it. In his opinion, he should be the one doing the thanking; you just gave him enough spank bank material for the next six months.
You don’t dislike the taste of yourself on his tongue, his lips, his chin, his cheeks, and even his chest when you flip Mingyu over and aim to return the favor. He blushes when you lap against the hollow of his throat; embarrassed from the way he goes boneless with such simple affection.
He sinks into the plush of the mattress, propped up by the mountain of pillows at the headboard. Mingyu’s stomach stiffens under your tongue and the twitch blooms a smile on your face. Predictable.
Your nails raking up the shape of his thighs turn the denial falling from his lips into a whine, and it makes you wonder what other sounds Mingyu will make with his cock in your mouth.
The vein bulging along the underside of his length gives your tongue something to trace along as you lap from base to flared tip, sucking down until it shines from spit and pre-cum. You take all you can until the curve of your throat protests.
Mingyu’s big and he’s loud.
“Oh God, shit.” He babbles with abandon, hands fisted at his sides until his knuckles turn pale.
You focus on the cock in your mouth rather than how pretty Mingyu’s chest would look covered in bite marks. How a bruise on his hip would be just visible when he reaches over his head to do pull ups, and red streaks from your nails on his bicep would make a great accessory.
A hand lands on the base of your skull, gentle until it's not. His thumb dips to stroke the bulge of his dick through your throat as you take him deeper. And like some ridiculous porno theres still an inch you’ll never be able to take even if you do nothing but let him fucking your mouth until the only thing you taste is cum.
“Fuuuuck,” Mingyu groans from a harsh suck on the upstroke.
He distracts you with his tongue on yours, keeping you from diving back down and destroying his ego from how quick you almost made him cum. Your one solace is the lazy grip you have on the base of Mingyu’s length, fingers tightening around the head while he cants into the squeeze.
You think Mingyu is going to plant you on his cock and make you ride it until one of you is crying. But he keeps pushing and pulling until you’re kneeling over his face, knees cushioned in the pillows and hands against the wall to steady you while he dives in again.
His head shakes back and forth, tongue out to swipe messily at your clit as you grind into his face. The last grip of sanity you have gives you the mind to reach back, jerking Mingyu off while he eats it, a cycle of moans moving through you; him into your folds when you squeeze from a grating pass off his tongue that has you whining to the ceiling fan.
“Shit, need you to fuck me.” You whine but don’t stop curling against the latch of his lips, legs stiff with ache.
It’s Mingyu who brings things to a halt, raising you away from his mouth until you're left on your knees while he stands to rummage in the drawer for a condom. You listen while the paint of the wall cools your forehead.
The hand at the dip of your spine makes you melt when he checks in, “Still okay?”
Nodding, you find him over your shoulder with a thick swallow. Mingyu’s nose follows the slope of your muscles, lips untying all the knots he’s worked into them over the past few weeks.
“Want it like this?”
You drop until your chest meets the bed and arch until it hurts just to put on a good show. Mingyu shuffles behind you, knocking your knees wider with his own, palms molding to your ass and spreading it apart to take a good look like he wasn’t tongue deep inside your pussy already. The room is nothing more than the sounds of grounding breaths; Mingyu watching the way your torso moves around the air, releasing a long exhale before moving closer.
The feel of his chest against yours was great, but the hard muscle of it along your back, his chain caught between and leaving a definitive mark, is life ruining. It shreds the last bit of humanity you’ve been clinging to since you dragged Mingyu to the parking lot and tried to stick your hands down his pants while leant against the passenger door.
No matter how well Mingyu stretched you for his cock it was never going to be enough. Taking the first inch nearly splits you in half. But you're soaked and needy; nothing short of the end of the world is going to keep you from getting the satisfaction of feeling him in your guts. You take it with measured breaths and affirmations to relax. Slow arches of his hips work him in until he’s flat with your ass and whispering absolute depravity into your ears.
“Fuck, you’re tight.”
Arching your ass higher, you whimper, “You’re huge.”
Your ass stings under his punishing hand, thrown forward by an involuntary buck of his hips.
“Don’t say that.”
You turn until you can look over your shoulder again, meeting wild eyes. “You feels so good.” You moan, eyelids low and wrecked.
“Didn’t—shit, think you’d have such a dirty mouth.” He bites into the side of your neck, sucking a bruise like a depraved teenager. 
“I knew you’d have a fat cock.”
You get what you want so easily it's almost insulting; Mingyu’s hand forcing your face into the sheets and his hips rushing into you with pure need. Every prod into your cunt has you wailing. It’d destroy your self respect if you could think of anything beyond how he’s ruining you for anyone else.
Pillows topple off the edge of the bed as you scramble for a hold. Anything to ground you against the burn in your veins with every tight squeeze around Mingyu’s cock. His balls slap against your clit teasingly, more degrading than the way he has you bent in half. 
“Harder,” you beg.
Mingyu falls back on his haunches, pulling you with him until you're sitting up right. His arm comes into view, curling around neck until your throat sits in the crux of his elbow and his hand latches on your shoulder; a crude headlock he uses as leverage to keep fucking into you. You’ve been choked but this is infinitely better. Whatever Mingyu wants to take from you, he’s in a position to do so.
“Gonna cum?” He nips into your earlobe.
His hand shoves its way between your legs, swipe roughly against your clit before you can even hope to answer.
A pathetic nod is all you manage thanks to the muscles gathered under your chin limiting your mobility.
Mingyu let's go then and your hands prevent a crash into the headboard, putting you back in the same position as before but you have to work for it now; ass bouncing in his laps as you ride him. Finding your balance, you drop one hand to your clit as Mingyu’s pinch your nipples.
“Let me have it, let me make you come." Mingyu pants into your spine. "Fuck you look so good like this, shit.”
He keeps rambling, flying with you towards the edge hand in hand; both breathless from the slap of your thighs against his.
“Mingyu, feel so good. Oh my god, oh my g—”
The softness of the pillows greets you once again while everything flashes white. Mingyu scrambles behind, fucking you into the mattress while you soak his cock. Muscles twitching, teeth ground till they crack, you come and come and come while begging him to do the same.
Mingyu gives in without hesitation, all his weight behind his hips as he fills the condom; dragging you back with an arm around your waist. Every jerk of his cock against your walls from the force makes you vibrate until he’s slipping out, soiled and used against the back of your thigh.
The last thing you register is his lips finding your shoulder again, rubbing back and forth as he comes down.
You fall asleep under the heat of his body for who knows how long, content in the mind shattering numbness of what just happened. Mingyu seems to feel the same, dead weight hanging half off you so you can at least manage to breath.
When you wake, whether it's twenty minutes or two hours later, Mingyu is snoring into the pillow, still naked. His lips pout in his sleep and you swallow the urge to shower them with kisses thanks to the drool at the corner of his mouth.
Even without the covers, you're warm. The kind of heat that slips over your skin, sinks into your bones and keens for you to fall asleep and stay. But Mingyu asked you on a date, not to spend the night. And you’d hate to assume and ruin whatever this is before it as a chance to start.
“Where are you going?” He pouts.
You don't make it two inches out of his arms before he’s pulling you back, tangling them around you so there's no chance of unnoticed escape. Mingyu digs his nose into your cheek and waits for an answer like he has all the time in the world.
Something tells you if he knew you were attempting to head home, Mingyu would throw a fit. And what use is that when you want to see what a night sleep with a giant human furnace is like?
Adding to the list of information you’ve learned, Mingyu is a stage five clinger. He latches on to your back, guiding you into the shower stall for a quick spray down that leaves half your face, part of your thigh, and almost none of him clean.
He falls asleep against the base of your skull while brushing your teeth, because of course he has a stash of extra toothbrushes under the sink just in case. 
And when you crawl under the fresh sheets, he pulls you into his chest, leaves a kiss against your forehead, and tells you he can’t wait for your breakfast date tomorrow.
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Taglist: @tomodachiii @cvpidyunho @miniseokminnies @ddaengpotate @arycutie @gaebestie @primoppang @gyuguys @mine-gyu @doremifasire @missminhoe @toplinehyunjin @crvs4vldtn @prettygyuuu
© highvern. copying/reuploading/translating my work anywhere is strictly prohibited.
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bloatedandalone04 · 1 year
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➪the one where ethan is desperate to get you all to himself. (requested)
Warnings: 18+, smut, unprotected sex (my specialty), swearing, semi public sex (you fuck on Sam's bed, oops), hair pulling, choking, praise kink, dom ethan
Word Count: 3.9k
Do not repost this anywhere, reblogs are fine <3
Ethan’s leg hadn’t stopped bouncing for the last half hour, his palm pressed against his face and his elbow leaning on the armrest of the couch. He was bored out of his mind and being so close to you didn’t help his racing thoughts. 
You were sitting beside him on the couch, your eyes glued to the show Anika put on as a way to distract yourself from real life for a bit. Originally you were sitting on Ethan’s lap, but he kept moving and shifting his hips, so you took that as a sign that he wanted you to move, but in reality it was the exact opposite. 
To put it as easy to understand as possible; Ethan was horny. It was as simple as that.
He tried getting your attention, but his advances went unnoticed by you. Instead, he had his jaw clenched, his leg shaking and his whole body tense. 
At his stiff position, you finally took notice of him and furrowed your brows at his tense shoulders. “Hey,” you whisper to him, watching as he turned his head in your direction. “Are you okay?” You place a comforting hand on his arm and despite it being a totally innocent gesture, it only made Ethan’s want for you grow.
He turned his head back to the TV screen, pressing his palm harder against the side of his face as he nodded. “Fine,”
You weren’t convinced and that much was obvious as you inched closer to him, grabbing his arm and lifting it. You situate yourself so you are snuggled into his side and wrap his arm around you, lacing your fingers together when you are comfortable. 
While you were comfortable once again, Ethan was not as he felt another jolt go through him and settle in his lower area. He shifted his hips once, something you didn’t take notice of, before exhaling harshly through his nose. To the others it appeared as if he was watching the show, but in reality he wasn’t paying it any attention as the images of you under him played in his mind. The sounds you only ever made for him, the whimpers and whines were on repeat in his head and it caused his hips to buck upwards without warning.
He, of course, tried to cover it up by shifting and making it seem like he was trying to get into a more comfortable position, but you saw right through him. You leaned up so your face was close to his and he had to refrain from closing the distance and taking you right there in front of everyone. “Seriously, what’s the matter?” You ask, reaching up to push the curls that rested against his forehead to the side, the palm of your hand replacing them as you felt him for his temperature. “You’re really hot.”
No, you’re really hot he held himself back from saying, instead deciding to clear his throat and shake his head. “I don’t feel well,”
Sam, who was sitting on the floor with her back against the couch, heard him and looked up at the two of you, her brows furrowing. “You don’t look well,”
He gave her a sarcastic smile as you sat up. “Maybe I should just take him home,”
Yes, please the voice in his head begged. 
But he was quickly disappointed by the shake of Sam’s head. “No, we all need to stay here,” she answered. 
Fuck, someone help me Ethan internally groaned. 
“Just take him into my room,” Sam offered once she noticed the glare Ethan gave her. “Let him lay down for a bit.”
Oh, Sam. 
She probably should’ve let you take him home as the things he was planning on doing to you were nothing short of filthy, and he was going to do them on her bed. 
“Okay, yeah,” you agree, giving her a grateful smile and standing up, your hand holding Ethan’s tightly. “Thanks, Sam.”
Ethan stood up as well, giving the older Carpenter sister a poorly hidden smirk. “Yeah, thanks, Sam,” 
As soon as the space was free, Tara and Chad took your previous places on the couch, sitting nearly as close as you and Ethan were and your smile grew as you knew their relationship was growing steadily. It made you happy, being able to watch as they grew closer together and bonded more and more each day. 
On the way to her room, which was the furthest from the living room and from where everyone was sitting, Ethan’s grip on you never let up. In fact, you were surprised you didn’t feel any bones break from just how tight his hold was. 
Once you are in Sam’s room, you push Ethan towards the bed and walk into the bathroom, wetting a cloth with cold water. From where you stood you could see him in the mirror as he laid down on the bed, kicking a few decorative pillows off as he did so. You shake your head, a small smile on your lips, before wringing out the cloth so it wouldn’t get water everywhere and turning the tap off.
 When you turned the light off and entered her room again, you nearly jumped out of your skin when you came face to face with your boyfriend. “Jesus, Ethan, don’t do that,”
“Sorry, sorry,” he mumbled as he looked down at you, his eyes flickering all over your face. 
You shake your head and swat his hand away when it reaches out to touch your arm. “Here,” you say and reach up, cloth in hand. “I got you a wet cloth for your head. You should go lay back down.”
Before you could place it against his head, his hand wrapped around your wrist, stopping you halfway. His fingers take the cloth from you and let it fall to the floor, his head shaking afterwards. “I don’t need it,” he murmured, trailing his fingers up your arm until they reached your shoulder. “ I just need you.” 
When his thumb and index pressed gently against the base of your throat and he leaned down, you pulled away just before his lips could capture yours. “I’m not kissing you if you’re sick,”
Ethan only smirked at your words, caressing the side of your face. “I think we both know I’m not really sick.”
You gave him a confused face before looking him up and down, coming to the conclusion that he didn’t appear to be sick at all. “You faked it?” You ask in disbelief, watching as he shrugged with a boyish grin on his lips. “Why?”
The answer came easily. “I had to get you alone somehow,” he said it like it was the most obvious thing ever. “You were driving me crazy out there.”
You furrow your brows. “How? I was just sitting next to you.” 
Ethan rolled his eyes and gave you a pointed look. “No, first you were sitting on me,”
It was then when you finally clued in. You glance down at the now obvious bulge, and question how you had failed to notice all the little signs he usually gives you when he’s in the mood. “Okay, so you got me alone,” you repeat his words, crossing your arms over your chest. “What do you plan on doing now?”
Ethan’s hands gripped the hem of your shirt, his eyes never leaving yours. “I think you know exactly what I’m planning on doing now,” at the slight raise of his brow, your eyes widened and you shook your head. 
“Oh, no. Absolutely not,” at the soft shove you give his chest, Ethan lets out a whine. 
“Come on,” he dropped the cool guy act and let his desperation take over. “Sam and Mindy won’t let us leave. We’ve been stuck here with them all day and I’m bored. You can’t tell me you’re not bored, too.” 
You tug on your bottom lip with your teeth, making Ethan hold back a groan as he waits for your answer. “Well, yeah, I’m bored, too,” you say and watch as he holds back a smirk. “But we can’t…do that here. This is Sam’s room and the others are right down the hall.”
“We’ll be quiet, we’ve done it before,” he says, referring to when he fucked you back in his room on the night he told Chad he wouldn’t be home and had to skip out on guys night to ‘study’. “It’ll be just like before.”
“No, it won’t,” you press, already feeling yourself beginning to give in. “That was just Chad, not a whole house full of people.”
Ethan rolled his eyes at that. “Five people is not a whole house,”
“But…. this is Sam’s room,” you repeat your previous excuse as you didn’t have anymore to give out.
“And she’ll never know,” he assured you, bringing his thumb up to tug on your bottom lip. “Are you done?”
At that, your shoulders drop as you give in, pressing your body against his as you lean up, connecting your lips in a heated kiss. At the feeling Ethan had been craving all day finally being given to him, he doesn’t hesitate to deepen the kiss. His hands fall from your face and grip the back of your thighs, and at the slight tug you jump up and wrap your legs around his waist. 
He makes the short walk back to the bed, Sam’s bed - to be exact, and drops you on it, making your lips disconnect for a brief moment. Only a second passed before he was hovering over you and pressing your lips together again, his hands gripping your waist tightly. 
“We’ll have to be quick,” you mumbled in between kisses, your hands pulling at the dark shirt he was wearing. 
Ethan hummed in agreement, his fingers tugging at your jeans. “You’ll have to be quiet,” he smirked against your mouth and you rolled your eyes as you pulled away. 
“Are you forgetting the fact that you initiated this?” You ask and turn your head when Ethan begins placing kisses against the skin of your neck, granting him better access. 
“No,” he answered, sitting up on his knees and pulling away from you completely to tug off the henley. “But we both know how loud you can get.”
Your face heats up and you’re unsure of the cause. Was it his words? The view of his bare chest? Or was it because of the feather light touch of his hands on your knees?
Whatever it was, you allowed it to warm your body completely, a heat ghosting over every inch of you as you watched him pull your shirt up enough to see the button and zipper of your jeans. He leans down to place hot kisses against the skin of your abdomen, tracing his tongue along each mark he created. 
Knowing that time was limited, and considering he has been thinking about this pretty much all day, he didn’t bother teasing you too much and popped open the button of your jeans before unzipping them and sliding them down your legs.
The only light that was on was the one on Sam’s dresser, which was by the wall furthest from the bed, so you couldn’t see much other than Ethan. Even then, you could still see the want and desperation in his eyes. “You couldn’t have waited until tonight, could you?” You tease him as your fingers work on the button of his pants. 
One of his hands slides up your back until they reach your neck. He gathers a handful of your hair between his fingers before giving you a sharp tug, making a surprised gasp leave your lips. “You know, for someone who’s so worried about someone walking in and insisting we need to be quick,” he began, hovering over you once more. “You sure don’t know how to shut up.”
His words, though they caught you off guard, sent a wave directly to your core as did the pull he gave your hair. Before you could reply, his lips were on yours again and his hand tugged at your hair once more, making the smallest moan slip from the back of your throat. 
Ethan grinned, more like smirked, against your lips as your fingers returned to the waistline of his jeans. You easily unzipped them and pulled the rough fabric down just enough for your hand to press against him. 
He groaned into your mouth, the kiss making it sound more muffled as he also didn’t want anyone to overhear the two of you and have them come see what the noise is about. If he gets cockblocked by Chad one more time, he’ll kill him. And that was a promise, not a joke. 
At the feeling of your hand palming him through his boxers, he lets out a needy whimper, bucking his hips against your hand. You grin against his mouth, pressing your hand harder against him and listening to all the small sounds that leave his lips. 
He wasn’t kidding when he said he needed you, if the hardness rubbing against your palm and the breathy whines leaving his mouth were anything to go by. You pull away from his lips and ask, “Protection?”
Ethan stops moving his hips against your hand and groans, shaking his head. “In my school bag,” he said. “Which is beside the couch.”
You playfully roll your eyes, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek. “Smart,”
“I can make an excuse. I’ll say you need a book to study off of or something,” he offered and you laughed quietly at the way his face was tinted a pale pink at the thought of going back out there when he was sporting a very obvious boner. “Or I can pull out.”
You shake your head and kiss him again. “Don’t worry about it,” you mumbled against his mouth. “I started the pill a couple weeks ago.”
At that, Ethan pulled away from you and didn’t bother to hide the look of surprise that graced his face. “Really?”
You hummed and nodded your head. 
His lips formed a smirk and he looked down, watching as his fingers traced the inside of your thigh and created goosebumps as they inched closer to the lining of your underwear. “So, you’re saying I can claim you in more ways than one now?” 
You roll your eyes and grab him by the back of his neck. “Now look who can’t shut up,”
Before he could retaliate, you pull him towards you and connect your lips, swallowing the groan that escaped his mouth. The kiss lasted only a few seconds before he pulled away to focus on freeing himself from both his jeans and boxers.While he did that, you took the chance to slide upwards and position yourself more comfortably on the pillows, ridding yourself of the black fabric that covered your heat. 
Once he shoves the dark fabric partway down his legs, he kisses you again and places one arm under your back while the hand of his other moves down to guide himself along your slick folds. 
You held your breath once he entered you, as did he. It was a new feeling to the both of you as you had never done this without the use of protection on his part. It felt so much better and the feeling of him in his entirety invading your core had your eyes closing involuntarily. 
Ethan, on the other hand, nearly came right then and there, to put it simply. 
When you pulled away from his lips and leaned back on the pillows, he looked down at where the two of you connected with a completely fucked out expression on his face. 
The feeling of your walls around him with nothing in the way was enough to soothe the craving he had for you all day, and his stomach muscles flexed at the thought of what was still to come. 
You let out a small whine when he pulls halfway out that quickly turns into a quiet moan when he sinks back into you. 
You don’t get a chance to make a comment on the sly look he gave you before he began thrusting into you at a steady pace, effectively making any and all words die on your tongue and a moan slip out instead.
Ethan buries his head in the space between your neck and shoulder, his teeth sucking marks to quiet his own sounds. One of your hands reaches up to tug at his dark curls, your other scratching at the skin of his back. 
The slight sting of your nails against him has a low groan leaving his lips and the sound goes straight to your core, where you feel yourself clench around him. “Fuck, you’re always so good for me,” he nearly whispers, the words creating goosebumps on the skin of your neck. “I love you.”
You lift your hips and meet his thrusts halfway, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and your legs around his waist. “I love you,”
Ethan gives a particularly hard thrust at your words, a warm feeling settling in his bones. The hand that was gripping your waist slides upwards, stopping briefly at your shirt covered chest before travelling further. His thumb and index fingers press against the base of your throat for a few seconds before the rest wrap around your neck and apply the faintest amount of pressure. “You’re so pretty, so good for me,” he praises, pressing a chaste kiss against your lips. “You’re mine, aren’t you?”
You whimper in response, his hand on your throat making your head feel dizzy in the best way. 
At the lack of words from you, Ethan’s other hand that was under your back inched upwards until it reached the back of your head, where he tugged on your hair harshly, making your head move in the direction of the pull. What could only be described as a filthy moan escapes you at the sharp pull and he watches you with lust filled eyes. “Use your words, pretty girl,” 
“Yes,” you whimpered, moving your head forward and trying to press your lips to his but another pull of your hair stops you. 
“Yes, what?”
At his unrelenting thrusts, you have to fight to keep your eyes open and focused on him. “Yes,” you say again, tightening your arms around him. “Yours. I’m yours, baby. All yours.”
Your words send waves of happiness down his body and he grins, leaning down and finally letting you connect your lips again. His tongue fights with yours for a second or two before you give up and surrender yourself completely to him, making him smirk into the kiss. 
A string of saliva keeps the two of you connected when he pulls away to look you in the eyes. “You’re taking me so well,” he mumbled, making you involuntarily clench around him once again. It made fucking into you a bit harder to do but your tight walls were so greedy for him, it made his hips ache to continue to hit yours at a bruising pace. “Always take me so well. My good girl.”
His praises send heat waves down your body and they rest at your core, where you take him deeper with every thrust of his hips. The hand that was around your throat slides down to rest on your lower abdomen, right above your entrance. He presses his palm flat against your skin, feeling the outline of himself everytime he slipped back inside your heat.
The pressure makes your head spin and you cry out, clinging onto him with every ounce of strength you had left. With the hand still tangled in your hair, Ethan pulls you close to him to allow you to hide your head against his neck, your moans becoming muffled against his skin. 
“My sweet girl,” he mumbled, his mouth next to your ear. “Letting me ruin you on someone else’s bed. Taking me so well with our friends just down the hall.”
His words make you moan loudly against him, a heat spreading across your face. 
He knew the effect he had on you with his words, so he continued to give you praise after praise, making your self control slip further away from you. “What would they say if they were to see you like this? Hm?” You whine in response, your legs tightening around his waist while your heels pressed hard against his lower back, making him inch even deeper into you. “Sweet, shy Y/n, letting her boyfriend fuck her just because I couldn’t wait any longer.”
“Ethan,” you cry out, digging your nails into his back.
He grunts at the sting and it only adds to the intense pleasure bubbling inside him. He holds the back of your head once more, fisting your hair while his other hand grips your waist. The movement of his hips increased in speed and it wasn’t long until you felt the familiar knot begin to form. 
“I’m close,” you tell him, sucking a mark of your own on his neck and running your tongue over it afterwards. “I need you, Eth, please. I need you so bad.”
“So needy,” he teases, knowing damn well that he was the needy one who couldn’t wait a few more hours, when everyone fell asleep and gave you the opportunity to sneak away without being detected. “I’m right here, baby. Right here.”
Your eyes squeeze shut, your legs wrapping impossibly tighter around him as you moan against his neck. His hand cradled your head as you no longer had any control over the sounds leaving your mouth, the knot twisting until it was about to burst. 
When he felt you clench around him one last time, he moved his head to press his lips to yours, successfully muffling the string of moans you emitted once the knot snapped. Your warmth flooded around him, making him sink further and further inside you until his tip brushed against the most sensitive spot you had. 
His fingers gently massaged your head when he pulled away and he hid his face against your neck, his own moans lost to your skin as he felt himself tip over the edge as well. His hips slow down considerably as he rides out both your highs, and even after. He rocks into you for a few more seconds until the overexertion becomes too much, and he falls on top of you. 
You lay like that for a minute or two, silence taking over the room with the exception of your quiet inhales and his heavy pants. Your fingers thread through his curls while his traced up and down your back, leaving chills to take over your body. 
He pulls out of you slowly, not wanting to overstimulate you as he knew you became quite sensitive afterwards. He tugged his jeans back up and before the mix of both yours and his releases could slip onto Sam’s comforter, Ethan grabbed the cold cloth you wet for him from off the floor. He grinned at you while he wiped away the evidence of your previous activities, scrunching the cloth up in his hand once he was done. “I guess this was put to good use, after all,”
You rolled your eyes and slipped your underwear and jeans back on before sitting up. You grab his shirt from off the floor and toss it at him, watching as he easily caught it. After gripping the sides of his face and pressing a chaste kiss to his lips, you take the cloth from him and ask, “You feel better now?”
Ethan nodded his head, a boyish smile on his lips. “I feel fucking fantastic,”
Thank you all SO MUCH for 1000 notes and all the love on my last post. It truly means to much and it's the first time I've gotten that much feedback and support <3 so, seriously, thank you so much
5K notes · View notes
monzaaasharl · 1 month
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Mama McLaren
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A/n:: Mark is my favourite F1 dilf. During the making of this I accidentally posted it so this took me even longer than it should have 😝, I also had an insane writer's block, i got this request many months ago and I've only just got around to finishing it. Mixed with this request here!
Pairings:: Mark Webber x Reader, Oscar Piastri x Reader, Lando Norris x Reader
Summary:: Y/n Webber starts to act very motherly towards the McLaren boys
Genre:: Fluff
Warnings:: There aren't any
Driver x Reader Masterlist Monzaaasharl
It was the third race of the season, but it wasn't just any race, oh no, it was the Australian Grand Prix. Not only was it your husband's home race but also the driver he manages.
Oscar, he was like a son to you with the amount of time he spent with your little family. Well little as in you, your husband, your 21 year old son Noah, and your 17 year old daughter Jasmine.
The Australian Grand Prix was something that the Webber family always looked forward to. And this year, just like the last, you'd be watching the race from the McLaren garage.
"Have you got everything both of you?", you asked your two kids knowing they would forget something.
"Yeah, we've got everything, mum", you received as a response.
"Come on, we don't want to be late now", Mark said knowing fully well there was not a possibily they would be late, but wanted them to get there early to cha to the McLaren boys and give them a small pep talk.
After a peaceful drive in the car through the city, you finally arrived at the paddock.
You made your way through the paddock in your small group, and ended up in the McLaren hospitality.
"How's it goin' you two?" Mark said when he spotted the papaya drivers.
Oscar and Lando both turned around when they heard the familiar voice of the older aussie man.
"Yeah not too bad"
"Everything's going pretty well so far"
"Well we'll just be around if you boys want us", Mark said to both the McLaren boys, not wanting to distract them too much before the race.
"Good luck boys, i know you're going to do amazing", you always felt quite protective over them both.
"Yeah, good luck mate", Noah
"Good luck"
"See ya"
"See you after"
After an intense Grand Prix and a mix of emotions after seeing Max was out, you found yourself still in the McLaren garage after your husband had left you quickly for the podium ceremony.
Lando had finished third which definitely made you proud, but seeing Oscar so close and just missing out on the podium positions it made you just the slightest bit sad.
When you saw him come back to the garage you made sure to tell him how proud you were of him. He ended up staying with you, Jasmine, and Noah while watching the podium celebrations.
"You did amazing this race, I hope you know that"
"Thank you, I just wish that I could've got onto the podium"
You knew it made him a bit upset knowing he was so close to a podium finish for his home race.
When Mark came back from the podiums he made sure to congratulate Oscar on his race and tell him how well he did even if Oscar didn't feel like he did good enough.
"You did good mate, don't let it bring you down"
"I won't, don't worry"
Oscar made his way to his own family leaving you lot alone.
"Y'know, I always thought after you retired I wouldn't have to worry about someone else racing"
Your husband laughed at your comment and gave you sweet kiss, much to your kids disgust. It didn't matter how old they got, they still didn't like it.
Thank you for reading! Likes, Comments, and Reblogs are all appreciated!
613 notes · View notes
tonowarii · 1 year
Pairing: Tsu'tey te Rongloa Ateyitan x Fem! Dreamwalker! Reader
Request: Tsu'tey with a dreamwalker reader were they come up with human nicknames for him when they are training become one of the na'vi, and he's confused and asks jake. So when he finds out he starts calling her nicknames that are meant for mates or something in his language. Something that makes the reader flustered. If you want to.
Word count: 2.3k
Warning/s: none really?? just fluff bc tsu'tey <333
Note: tsu'tey i miss u man come back <3 Anyways, likes, reblogs, and feedbacks are much appreciated! Let me know what you think!
GIF is not mine, credits to the owner!
yawne - beloved
tìyawn - love
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You face planted. Hard.
Groaning, you prop yourself up with your elbows. Your face was caked with mud from falling off your direhorse.
“Glad I’m not the only one falling off my ass.” You could hear Jake playfully say as he walked with Neytiri, going somewhere to teach him how to use a bow.
You could hear Neytiri smack him on the arm, muttering something else.
“Yeah, yeah, piss off.” You say with a light chuckle.
“You are not taking this seriously.” Someone spoke from above you.
Looking up, you spot the usual scowl on the man’s face, Tsu’tey. Soon to be olo’eyktan of the Omaticaya clan. The man you wanted to choke the living daylights of, at the same time he was also the man whom your heart started to beat for.
It was stupid, really, falling in love with your instructor, you knew your stay here would may as well be temporary, but you were going to make the most of it.
“I am, give me a break I just fell off my horse.” You grumble, standing up to meet his eye, well, you still had to look up from the difference in height.
“There are no breaks. How are you going to learn? You Sky People should just go away.”
You knew of his distaste in the Sky People, and you couldn’t blame him. You hated your own kind too. For now, you just played with him.
“I can’t, I know you’d miss me, Casanova.” The edge of your lip curls up in a smirk at the nickname you gave him.
Tsu’tey’s brow knitted together at confusion for the said nickname, yet he ignores it, jerking his head towards the horse. “Again.”
All you could do was sigh and hop on the direhorse again.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
As you got used to Tsu’tey being by your side, the nicknames you gave him started to get worse. However, you enjoyed the grumpy look on the warrior, it made you laugh.
“Where are we going now, Romeo?” You asked, trailing behind him through the forest, holding your bow.
You could hear his tall figure let out a ‘Tch’ before he kept going.
“Not even going to answer me, Romeo? Oh, you pain me.” You giggle.
“I do not understand what you are saying, woman.” Tsu’tey said, stopping and finally looking at you.
“That’s why it makes things more exciting, don’t you think? Since we’re spending all this time together.” You speak nonchalantly. Tsu’tey couldn’t believe how lively you were being.
And the worst part is? He’s enjoying it.
None of the young hunters he had trained had the personality like you, no. It was either they were too focused, which Tsu’tey liked, but the others were too scared or often other female na’vi would just flirt with him.
But he would rather feed himself to a viperwolf than let you know that he’d been enjoying this little game of nicknames of yours, even if he didn’t know what it meant. It made all the time spent with you more fun, like he said, lively.
Still, he was always reminded that you were one of the Sky People, another dreamwalker on their planet. But why was he feeling a certain way when you smile at him?
When you perfected something he taught you, why does he want to go to you and congratulate you by holding your hand and smiling at you?
Instead, what he does is nod at you, before making you do it again to make sure. He must remain professional, but why does his instinct crumble when it comes to you?
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
“Hold it.” Tsu’tey said to you as you held your drawn bow.
“Higher.” Tsu’tey commanded, but you didn’t follow. He bites the inside of his cheek before grabbing your elbow, your body inches away from his as he raised your elbow at the height it was intended. He never failed to notice the slight dark hue to your cheeks.
He backed away again, wanting to see your form. “ (Correct).”
You smile at him, and he almost smiles back at you.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
The game went on and soon you’ve called him a bunch of names.
It ranged from honey, sweetie, sweetheart, honey bun, and a bunch more that Tsu’tey couldn’t keep up with. It made him curious, why were you calling him like that?
So, there he was one night after a feast, his eyes trailed to you. You were wearing their clothes and you looked even beautiful. You were currently laughing about something with Neytiri when the curiosity of his mind got the better of him.
Thankfully, Jake was just right beside him.
“I have a question, JakeSully.” He said to the man who seemed quite busy stuffing his mouth with food.
“Oh, sure. What’s up?”
Tsu’tey suddenly debated whether he should really be asking Jake. But as since the two of you were from the same kind, he figured he knows much more a lot about it than the others.
“(Y/N) keeps calling me things- things I do not understand.” Tsu’tey said.
“Oh? What things?” Jake replied.
“What does ‘honey bunch’ mean?”
At that, Jake could swear he inhaled some of his food as he broke out into a laugh.
Tsu’tey frowned, does it mean something bad? Were you making fun of him the whole time?
“Man, didn’t know she had it in her.” Jake laughed.
“What does it mean?” Tsu’tey said, slightly tightening his grip on the strap of his holster, awaiting Jake’s answer.
“Well, it’s a nickname, I know you know that. But its you know, something you call your… how do I put this?” Jake thought. “Like its something you call your mate only.”
Tsu’tey then felt his grip loosen at Jake’s words. All this time you were calling him names that were meant for your beloved.
Tsu’tey’s mouth went agape for a moment, before gulping and nodding. “Ah, I see.”
“Its also a way for her to tell you that she likes you, trust me, I know her.” Jake said before going back to eating and talking with the other na’vi.
He inhales, his eyes finding their way back to you, to his surprise, your eyes met his.
Then you smiled and waved at him.
He didn’t know how to respond, so he moves away from your gaze, busying himself with his thoughts that he missed your frown at being ignored.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
You and Tsu’tey now sat in front of each other, under one of the highest branches in hometree.
He was teaching you how to speak na’vi.
“Nam’ake.” Tsu’tey said.
“Namate.” You repeated but Tsu’tey shook his head.
“Nam’ake.” He repeated.
“Nam’ake.” You said.
There was that smile of yours again. “You are learning well, tìyawn.” He smiles smugly at your confused face.
“What does that mean?” You ask him as he shrugged, smirking. “Hey, no fair, since when did you also start calling me names, huh?” You spoke.
“You started it first.” He was now being playful with you, which was a new thing , still, you enjoyed it, getting to see this side of Tsu’tey.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
You just finally had your first kill as you closed your eyes, thanking a silent prayer to Eywa before mercy killing the hexapede in front of you with your dagger.
Tsu’tey watched, a proud smile on his face as you learned well from him.
“You are ready, yawne.”
You open your eyes again to look at him. “You got to tell me what that means.” You say, standing up, sheathing your dagger back into its holster.
“Maybe one day.” He replies.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
After countless days, you were now ready to be signified as one of the people, one of the Omaticaya.
Tsu’tey and Neytiri traced the white liquid onto you and Jake’s body.
You could feel yourself shiver as Tsu’tey’s hand dips into the bowl then traced a line down your lips. You could feel his concentration. You didn’t miss how his fingers lingered on your lips before removing them.
Tsu’tey was proud of you. Once you walked out with Jake, you could see all of the Omaticaya turn their heads towards the two of you. It made you shiver, you heart spiking as you made your way down.
You and Jake were still beside each other as Eytukan was in front of you. “You are now a son and daughter of Omaticaya.” He spoke in Na’vi. You stare at his gentle gaze. “You are part of The People.”
Eytukan both laid a hand on yours and Jake’s shoulder. You could feel yourself becoming one with them. Not just a person in an avatar body, but as truly one of the people. You see Neytiri clasps her hand on Jake’s body, a proud smile on her face, making you smile too.
Then you suddenly feel two rough, calloused hands rest their place on your shoulder and you immediately recognize who it was.
And then a big feast was yet again held, celebrating becoming one with the people as you and Jake were now warmly welcomed by the others.
“Come, come dance with us!” Neytiri said, pulling you up from your sitting position. Your eyes widened as you gasped. “Neytiri, I’m no dancer!” You said, dark hue tinting your cheeks.
Neytiri smiled yet she was persistent as you already found yourself standing and being pulled along with her.
Tsu’tey didn’t miss the scene as his eyes followed yours, he watched as you began to dance along with the Omaticaya women. His eyes only focusing on your figure. He watched how you went from doing small moves into finally feeling yourself as your hips dipped and swayed to the drumming.
His eyes were only pried away when one of his friends talked to him.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
After finishing the dance, you laugh, out of breath as you and Neytiri conversed, making your way back to your original spot. You had a few drinks in your system that you didn’t even realize was possible, leaving your face lightly flushed and feeling confident.
Reaching the destination giggling to yourselves, Neytiri playfully shoved you against Tsu’tey’s front. You gasped as your hands placed themselves on his broad chest to stop the impact as his arms instinctively reached out to catch you.
“Enjoy (Y/N).” Neytiri teases before going to Jake, pulling him up from his seat and dragging him somewhere. You gasp at her, laughing to yourself, not realizing a certain warrior was now holding your almost intoxicated self.
Your attention was now turned to Tsu’tey as you looked up at him. “Hi.” You greet with a sheepish smile, your hands still on his chest., lingering there for a few seconds before you retracted it, the same with Tsu’tey’s arms.
You then tried to move beside him to sit when he suddenly grabbed your arm, making you stop and look up at him again, your breath hitching in your throat.
“(Y/N).” He said your name with his thick accent, his voice almost lower than its usual tone. “Hmm?” You inquired. Before you know it, he was leading you somewhere away from the people… somewhere secluded yet beautiful as the bioluminescence glowed and you could hear the trinkling of water somewhere nearby.
Tsu’tey did not know what he was doing, but he guessed it was time to say it, before everything was too late.
But he feels his words melt away as he saw you standing there, your hair was down in cascading waves from them being trapped in a braid for too long, you were wearing a top adorned with little flowers and vines as they littered your chest. You were looking around, your face in awe, admiring the flowers that glowed and the ground beneath you glow as you stepped.
Think straight. Tsu’tey tells himself.
Moving towards you, he reaches for your arm.
You glance at him with a smile. “It’s beautiful here.”
“(Y/N).” He speaks again. You listen.
“You are one of the people now. You may make your bow from the wood of Hometree,” He began, but the next thing he was going to say felt heavy on his chest. He looks into your eyes to find you staring at him. He opens his mouth.
“And you may now choose a man. The Omaticaya has made men into fine warriors, protectors, like Atsìì.” He spoke.
You recognized Atsìì, also one of the fine warriors in the Omaticaya clan.
But the way your face lit up at the mention of his name made Tsu’tey regret mentioning him.
“I know him,” you say, making Tsu’tey’s ear twitch but he ignores the gnawing feeling in his stomach. “But I don’t see him that way.”
He instantly felt relieved that he almost let out a sigh, he almost gave himself away.
“But there is this fine warrior.” You spoke, never taking your eyes off him as he listened.
“A very fine warrior who has a strong heart.” The drinks you had were really taking its effect on you as you slowly smiled at him.
“And he has taught me many things,” You decide to push your luck and place your hands on his chest, feeling the pounding of his heart as you inch your face close to his. “He taught me how to love.”
Tsu’tey’s hand rests themselves on your hips as he fully realized who you were talking about. You were talking about him. Him.
A proud smile slowly makes its way to his lips, his fangs showing as his tail flicked behind him. “I taught you how to love, hm?”
You nod, smiling at him. “You did, tìyawn.”
Tsu’tey’s head tilt at you upon hearing the word. You giggle, coming closer as he leaned down, your lips almost brushing his.
“Two can play at that game.” You whisper before his head dips and your lips connect.
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vmpiires · 2 months
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𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒 ﹆₊ 概要 ‧₊˚ he caught your attention so why not shoot your shot? wc, 3.49K. dark mode recommended.
␥ note. y’all see the title..i was thinking about this song and every day i say it reminds me of choso so..why NOT make a story out of it? (i was on c.ai and i made a bot for it to test the idea) AND JOIN THE DISCORD. hope ya enjoyyy. reblog to support meeee.
␥ tags. emo!choso, choso is a bass guitarist, smut, cunnilingus, smoking, female anatomy, college AU, etc. lmk if i missed anything
␥ misc. masterlist AO3
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wearing all black with chains dangling from his ripped jeans and striking black boots was choso kamo. that bass player who was in one of your college classes. his ears were adorned with multiple piercings, including a cross-shaped earring hanging from his left ear.
his tongue and eyebrow were also pierced, along with a thick black choker wrapped around his neck, complimenting his edgy appearance. you noticed how slender and delicate his fingers were as he adjusted the strap on his guitar, each nail painted a glossy black to match his image.
choso was one of the rudest but most attractive people you've ever interacted with on campus. his pale skin brought out the dark rings under his eyes, making him look as if he hadn't slept a day in his life. there was a black mark running across the bridge of his nose, extending to both sides of his face and piercing violet eyes that were nearly covered by his obsidian hair that was tied back into a low ponytail.
you were always up to something of course. you wore a skirt that hugged your curves and showed your ass perfectly, guaranteeing a stare from any man you walked by. your shirt was also quite revealing. as someone as snarky and bitchy as yourself, you were confident that you could handle choso like a dog on a leash.
a smirk stretched across your lips as you slipped a sucker between your lips. it was free time, and everyone was hanging around outside on campus. of course, your target was there too. as you approached him, you could hear the sounds of his guitar as he strummed the strings with his slender fingers.
"hey, emo boy," you shouted, putting your foot up on the bench just beside choso's thigh as you removed the sucker from your mouth, a long string of saliva connecting to it. you knew what you were doing.
choso jumped a little, hearing your voice close by. his head whipped around to look at you, his expression going from a slight frown to flat nothingness. "well, well, well. if it isn't the slut."
"and if it isn't the school's jackass," you snapped back.
"whatever, slut. you should watch who you're talking to and where you stick that sucker around me." choso's gaze fell back down to his guitar as he kept plucking the strings, making sure to look at you from the corner of his eye.
a scoff escaped your lips, the smirk on your face growing wider at his words. "yeah?" you challenged, your tone dripping with sarcasm and amusement. "i guess it'll be in your mouth next if you keep it up." the playful glint in your eye matched the teasing tone of your voice as you continued to banter back and forth with the male.
those words surprised him enough to make him pause, his eyes flickering over to focus on you fully once he realized what you just said. a smile crept onto his face and his eyes glimmered a bit as he looked at you. "oh really? i wouldn't mind that."
your boisterous laughter echoes through the room, "you're definitely a freak," you exclaim with a sly smile. "but you know what? i like that about you, emo boy."
"of course you would." choso smirked, playing with the strings even faster and playing a cord with just the right amount of ferocity and finesse. you watched as his fingers moved, just wondering how they'd move when they were abusing your cunt.
choso’s gaze shifted from the guitar to your eyes, a momentary pause before returning to his instrument. "so, wanna get out of here?" he asked, his voice smooth and low like velvet.
with a smirk, you teased, "oh, the emo asshole wants to go out with the slut." despite your words, you couldn't resist the glint of mischievousness in his eyes. "well," you shrugged nonchalantly, “fine, i guess i’ll go with you."
choso let out a low chuckle, standing up. he was tall, almost 6 feet, and even in his slouching position he looked like a model. "of course you will. i wouldn't let a girl with a body like yours go just like that." he smirked as he put his guitar in its casing and pulled it over his shoulder before holding out a hand for you to take.
"you wanna hold my hand and you don't even know my name," you remarked, grabbing his hand. as you held onto his significantly larger hand, she felt how calloused and veiny they were. you could only imagine how he looked without his clothes.
"i do know your name, but not caring about it is the fun part." choso said, looking down at your interlocked hands once you took his. you were quite small compared to him. just imagining the two of you together looked absurd, it made him smile a bit.
"what's your dorm room number?" he queried, finally moving his gaze away from your hand and back to your eyes. you hummed, wondering if you should lie or lead the guy off somewhere other than your dorm room but you eventually gave in anyway.
"777," you answered briefly.
"your lucky number," choso replied. he turned, letting go of your hand and gesturing for you to follow. he led you down a path that maneuvered you through a section of trees that connected to the dorms of the main campus.
as you approached your dorm room, choso could already feel the heat radiating from your body. your presence ignited a fire within him, stirring desires he hadn't planned on acting upon. the air seemed to pulse with electricity as he walked beside you, his eyes drawn to your every move.
he couldn't deny the attraction he felt toward you, a magnetic pull that seemed to intensify with each step. choso couldn't resist the urge to take things a bit farther than he had originally intended.
"you got a roommate?" choso asked, watching as you grabbed the keycard from your skirt pocket and unlocked the door. your room was big enough for another person to move in, but you requested to be in a single room before the school year began. though, it was damn near impossible to get approved, you sure did...with your looks.
"nope," you finally say, slipping your shoes off. choso's boots made a loud clacking sound as he followed behind you, pushing the door closed and then removing his boots, just as you did.
"of course you don't," he scoffed jokingly, a smirk evident on his face. the male glanced around the room, taking in his new surroundings, excited for what was about to come next. "you probably scare every girl who tries to room with you off, huh?"
"its not my fault the girls here aren't scary and sexy like i am," you shrug nonchalantly. "they're usually either or...or they're sweeter than this stupid sucker in my mouth," you added, furrowing your eyebrows with disdain for your female schoolmates.
choso couldn't help but chuckle at the sour expression on your face before turning his head to the side for barely a moment. his eyes wandered over your body before they finally returned to your eyes. they were so bright, and so sharp that it was almost intimidating.
"you're just a narcissistic slut, huh?" he teased. your eyelids lowered, narrowing your eyes at the male as he leaned against the wall, his arms crossed over his chest.
you flipped him off as you sat yourself down on your bed. "you're getting laid by this slut so i suggest you shut up." you snapped at him.
"and i'm gonna enjoy every second of it," he growled under his breath, a lustful smile spreading across his face. "you better not be lying about having any roommates because i'm gonna make you scream until you can't anymore."
"yeah? i'll make sure you get some sleep tonight." you sucked on your bottom lip. there was a silence between the two of you, each daring the other to do something first. choso slowly bent down to get eye level with you, his hands going to your waist as he ran the back of his fingers along your sides.
“yeah, right.” his voice was a low, husky whisper in your ear, sending shivers down your spine. the heat of his breath tickled the sensitive skin of your ear as he spoke. "i bet you're so tight," he murmured, his lips brushing against your earlobe. the intensity in his words made your cheeks flush and your heart race.
“wanna see?” you whispered back, a smirk playing on your lips once again, challenging choso to do something more.
choso smirked and wrapped one arm completely around her waist, pulling her up against his body. his other hand trailed up your thigh. with one swift motion, he lifted you up and pushed her down onto the bed. his fingers traced a line slowly across your thighs as his breath hitched.
“i can feel how wet you are,” his voice, rich and low. it was rough and thick, like velvet against your skin. you couldn't help but suck in your breath as he spoke. the air was thick with anticipation and desire, and you could feel the wetness pooling between your legs at his words.
every nerve in your body seemed to hum with need as you waited for him to make his move. his presence felt magnetic, drawing you closer until there was barely any space between you. your heart pounded in your chest as his heated gaze locked onto yours. an that moment, there was no denying the primal attraction between you two.
“i’m always wet. it’s just your first time seeing,” you replied sharply.
a smirk spread across choso’s face. the way you spoke about yourself was very cocky but he liked it. he liked it when you challenged him.
he slowly moved towards your skirt, grabbing the hem and pulling it up just enough to peek underneath, his fingers grazing the edge of your panties before they reached their way up your thigh again.
as he leaned forward, his breath was hot against your skin, sending shivers of anticipation through her body. time seemed to stand still as choso's lips finally made contact with your thigh, his kisses and sucks slow and deliberate. you couldn't help but smile as you ran your hands through his hair, pulling the ponytail out and placing it in your own hair.
a soft moan escaped from choso's lips as he pressed into your thigh, barely audible but the way his head shook told the story of his pleasure. without hesitation, he climbed on top of you, his hips pressing firmly against yours as his hands explored every inch of your body.
your fingers tangled in his hair, tugging gently as you relished in the feeling of it between her fingers. it reminded choso of something from his past, a memory that both pained and comforted him.
his breath hitched once again when you touched his hair, a gesture that brought back memories of his mother and his broken family. but in that moment with you, he felt whole again, grateful for the pleasure you gave him and longing for more.
choso bit his lip as he closed his eyes, his hands moving frantically across your body. he was so lost in the moment that he forgot about the time, where he was, and what he was supposed to be doing. he was focused on you, only you.
"come on, stop playing around," you interrupted with a playful grin, egging him on. "i wanna see that monster in your pants." your mischievous tone was accompanied by a wink, hinting at your true intentions as you pushed him closer.
“oh, you’ll get to see it, just not right now…”
choso's lips curved into a smirk as he finally pulled away from your thigh. his breath was heavy and quick, evidence of the excitement that coursed through both of your bodies. his strong hands stayed on your hips; their grip was gentle yet possessive as they moved lower toward your skirt.
with careful precision, his fingers slipped into the waistband of your skirt and began to slowly pull it down. as the fabric fell away, his breath hitched once again at the sight of what you were hiding underneath.
a soft moan escaped his lips as his hands remained in place, admiring every inch of your exposed skin. he bit his top lip as his fingers trailed along the edge of your thong. in that moment, he couldn't help but think that you looked just as amazing as your fiery personality.
choso’s hands slipped underneath your thong as he held the edge of them, and after a few moments, they came off of you. he smirked again and then pulled his hands away, allowing himself to see you fully and take her in. his smirk grew wider at the sight.
“yeah, you definitely know what you’re doing.” his hands were shaking a bit. you were almost completely naked in front of him. his fingers traced patterns over you once again, feeling how smooth you felt.
“i bet you look so good on your knees,” he mumbled under his breath. his voice was raspier now and he had to control his breathing when he finally looked into your eyes again.
“hm…maybe. we’ll have to see about that another time,” you smiled, still running your fingers through his hair. “now hurry up before i go dry.”
choso scoffed, feeling your fingers in his hair made it impossible for him to resist you. “i’m just gonna do one thing first,” he whispered as he looked at you, his eyes still full of lust. his hands left his sides again and went to the top of your thighs, his hands resting right underneath where he knew you were sensitive.
he smirked at you as his fingers began to trace small circles around your needy core, feeling your heat as his hands lightly squeezed your thighs with his free hand.
you gasped, your breaths already growing pretty fast, which eventually turned into audible moans as your hips started to buck against choso’s fingers.
choso smirked and squeezed you just a bit firmer, not wanting to push you too far too fast. when you moaned for him, he decided to keep pushing a bit further, finally taking his fingers away, only to use his mouth to do the work.
you spread your legs a bit wider for him and put your hand down on his head again, running your fingers through his hair and tugging on his dark locks a bit harder while you tilted your head back against the pillow as more moans fell from your lips.
the male was more than happy with your actions, suddenly grabbing your wrist and moving your hand from his head. his other hand remained firmly on your thigh as he began to slowly move his head between your thighs, taking his time as he slowly made you want more and more.
he paused for a moment and then slowly let his tongue dart out of his mouth once just to give it a taste. choso groaned softly as he looked up at you, his tongue darting back to his mouth.
your cheeks were completely flushed as his tongue moved against her. “you’re not just some emo loser, you know exactly what you’re doing,” you managed to get out before another moan interrupted your sentence and your hand latching back onto his hair.
choso moved his tongue slowly around your core while his other hand remained firmly on your thigh, occasionally squeezing a bit tighter before releasing.
the feeling of you gripping his hair made him moan and move his tongue with more fervor. he bit his lip gently and sucked on you a bit before letting go and making his hands tighten up on her thighs.
“put that tongue piercing to use,” you commanded followed by a light chuckle, the sensation obviously feeling a bit ticklish to you but the best feeling you’ve ever had.
choso smirked as you mentioned his piercing. he moved his hand from your thigh to your hip and then lowered himself down to her level, so his hands were at the edge of the bed.
he took his time to line his tongue up correctly before he pressed up against her. the sensation made his eyes close slightly before they opened again, this time looking up at you and meeting your eyes.
you bit your lip at the sensation, your moans encouraging him to continue on. he smirked as he heard your noises. he moved his tongue around slowly again, using the silver ball on his tongue to his advantage before sucking on you a bit harder than he had before.
you couldn’t help but moan choso’s name as you pressed his head against your leaky core, your slick wetting his face as your hips moved faster against his lips.
“that feel good?” he whispered, his tongue going back at it again. he looked up at her and saw the way her hair was gripping his, the way your hand rested on his head, how your teeth were biting your lower lip.
you nodded your head vigorously, being unable to speak as you struggled to breathe. a smile spread across choso’s face. your whimpers and moans only reassured him that he was doing something right.
he continued to work his magic on you and kept going until you were finally panting like you were about to faint, your heart racing.
soon enough, you finished all over his face, your mess also spraying onto your thighs. you sat up a little and giggled a little, looking at your mess dripping from choso’s face and on his lips.
a smile stretched across his face, and he finally opened his eyes and looked at you. the sight of you sitting up and giggling at him made his heart flutter, his body feeling fuzzy but satisfied. his eyes went down to his lips, and he smirked as he noticed a trail of your juices dripping from them. he looked back up at her.
“you’re very messy,” he said, his voice full of amusement before he took a swipe of his tongue across his lips, not missing a single drop trying to lick your fluids from his mouth. choso looked at you for a second longer before licking his lips one last time.
"you caused it," you retorted, your voice slightly breathless as your head lolled back against the soft pillow. a content sigh escaped your lips as you gazed up at him. choso's smirk only grew wider as he studied you, taking in every inch of your form.
in his eyes, you were the most beautiful woman in the world, and he loved that you knew exactly what you wanted. he was drawn to your confidence and independence, and it only added to your allure.
slowly, choso went up to you, his face getting as close to you as he could without you pushing him away before placing a kiss on your cheek. his breath was still a bit heavy, a blush painted across his face.
“mm…you made me tired,” he groaned as he finally laid down on the bed next to you. choso crossed his arms over his chest and looked over at you, the exhaustion written all over him.
with a playful giggle, you looked over at the boy next to you and teasingly said, "told you i'd put you to sleep, emo boy." despite his initial skepticism, a small smile tugged at the corners of his lips. choso couldn't help but be amused by your confidence.
you playfully nudged him, knowing that he secretly enjoyed being teased. "that's exactly what you get," you added with a mischievous grin.
choso's cheeks turned a deeper shade of red and he shifted his gaze away from you, his eyes now fixed on a random spot on the wall in your room. his voice was still calm but tinged with drowsiness as he finally spoke up. "shut up…" he muttered, his irritation evident. "i can't stand you." Choso's words were laced with feigned frustration and resentment towards you.
having a sly grin on your face, you rolled over to face him and rested your head on his chest, feeling the warmth of his body against yours. "hate me all you want but that doesn't mean you don't like what's between my legs," you retorted with a playful wink.
choso's face turned even redder as he tried to come up with a response, but you could tell he was struggling to keep a straight face. "but that doesn't mean i like you. you're still a pain in the ass."
"whatever," you teased, grinning cheekily. "you'll be back for more."
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© vmpiires | like, reblog & follow.
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 4 months
the dead ringer
buttercup, chapter three
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a/n: yeah, this did happen to me in real life, although it happened on a bus so i couldn't immediately get away... ANYWAYS! enjoy this hurt/comfort heavy chapter!
summary: “I think I know something that might help a bit.”
warnings: matt murdock x baker!reader, neighbours to lovers, rape recovery, ptsd, crying, panic attacks, matt using his superpowers for the sake of hurt/comfort, boxing
word count: 2057
∼ gentle reminder that feedback, but especially reblogs are the way you support writers on here ∽
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Drizzling the flour into the wide bowl, like a dusty snowfall, you watched the number on the scale carefully as you neared the desired number. Though just before you hit it, Walter’s head suddenly poked in through the doorway leading behind the counter and interrupted you and Howard’s all-too-important discussion on what the day’s music choice should be. 
“Hey, Y/n? There’s someone here to see you.”
Laying down the scoop still holding a bit of flour, you dragged your palms down the brown apron tied around your frame and exited the kitchen. A bright smile spread across your face and crinkled up your gaze as you spotted who was standing on the other side of the counter. 
“Matt, hey–, oh my god,” you then suddenly noticed the bruising that blossomed out from under his tinted glasses and stretched up over the patched-up scrape that split his left brow, “what happened? Are you okay?”
“I’m fine, just wasn’t paying attention last night, tripped and fell, that’s all,” he waved a hand, “I just wanted to stop by on my way to work, get a round of coffees to-go for everyone and perhaps some breakfast for myself, just whatever you think I’d like.”
“You’ll let me pick?” your eyebrows rose slightly. 
But Matt simply smiled and said, “I trust your judgment,” his grip shifted gently on the cane standing tall before his chest. 
As you moved to make the coffees, “alright,” you drew out a pondering breath, “are you in the mood for something sweet or savoury?”
Thinking about it a second, he uttered, “savoury.”
“Do you like sandwiches?” you popped the lids on the to-go cups. When he nodded, you placed the coffees in a little cardboard tray, “okay, I think you’ll like this one,” grabbed a brown paper bag and moved further down the counter, “it’s made with focaccia and has pesto in it as well as some tomatoes and cheese and stuff.” 
“That sounds amazing.”
“I also–, you know what? I’ll be right back,” you then abruptly turned and momentarily disappeared into the kitchen, grabbing a few of the pillowy buns still on the cooling rack into a bag. As you returned, you also snuck a hand into the display case and stuffed a few other goodies into the sack, “just for the others, if they want,” you placed the bundle onto the counter beside the coffees, “I just pulled them out of the oven a bit ago and they’re still warm.”
“What is it?” Matt tilted his chin. 
“Uh, some raisin buns, but I also threw two croissants in there in case they didn’t like raisins...” 
A soft smile warmed his bruised features as he reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet, “what do I owe you?”
“Oh no,” your hands waved lightly before you, “it’s on the house.”
“Y/n, come on,” he cocked his head. 
“Fine,” you light-heartedly sighed, “if you really wanna sing for your supper, then I’ll cash it in at a later date. I don’t know, maybe if I get arrested someday or something you could help me out.”
“You don’t have to bribe me with free baked goods for that.”
“No, but it sure doesn’t hurt, does it?” you chuckled. 
“No,” he joined in as he reached for the bags, “I guess it doesn’t.”
“You want some help carrying it?” you asked, hope seeping through your tone, “I could take my break and walk with you the rest of the way.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah, we just got through the morning rush, they’ll be fine without me for–, I don’t know, 15 minutes or however long it’ll take to walk to your office and back.”
“Alright, thanks,” he smiled, one paper bag hooked in the fingers that also clutched the cane.  
“I’m just gonna go grab my jacket, one second,” you said before ducking into the back to do so, letting your uncles know as you slipped out of your comfortable work clogs and into your sneakers. 
You ended up dividing the load, with you carrying the coffees and the last bag in one arm, though a few protests left you at first, begging him to let you carry all of it, they melted away as his free hand enveloped yours. 
When you reached his office, your arms wrapped around his frame as you hugged him long enough for your heartbeats to sync up, and just as you pulled away, his wide palms still warm on your back, you leaned in and planted a brief peck on his scruffy cheek. 
One of his hands swept up to meet the side of your face as your lips retracted. You pulled back so slowly that you weren’t sure you were moving at all, being drawn in by his warmth like a moth to a flame. 
His nose gently grazed against yours as he let himself linger, but just as your eyes fluttered shut in expectance that he’d kiss you, his warmth withdrew and he slowly breathed, “have a good day.” 
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In a matter of seconds, you had gone from giggling, glancing down at some silly joke on your phone as you walked home, to panic instantly kicking in as a passerby’s voice pierced your soul and made your blood run cold.
Glancing around, you saw a stranger standing off to the side and yapping into his phone. It wasn’t him, it wasn’t Michael, but it sounded exactly like him, so much so that the tone sent your body right back to that very night as if no time had passed at all.
Willing your body to move, forcing it to conquer the short rest of the way home, once your front door shut behind you and your quiet apartment consumed you, painful sobs began to burst out of your trembling frame. Hyperventilating, you crashed into the nearby wall of the entryway directly across from the door, incapable of getting deeper into your home. 
Soon, a quiet and surprising knock found your door. 
“Y/n?” the worried tone of your neighbour sounded from the other side. 
Your shaky voice came out no louder than a whisper, “M-Matt?” 
There might not have been any other instances you could recall where accidentally forgetting to lock your door turned out for the better, because when Matt then tried the handle, it gently complied. 
Shutting it behind him, he rushed to you, “hey, hey,” he uttered softly, a hand soothingly finding your arm, “what’s going on?”
Attempting an answer, “I–, I–,” only incoherent sobs managed to seep from you. 
“Okay, alright,” he sucked in a controlled breath, one of his hands sliding up to the strap of your backpack, “how about we start by getting all the way inside, huh?” gently gliding it off you and resting the bag on the floor. 
You let yourself lean into him fully as he supported you on the short journey towards the couch. Wobbly taking a seat, his touch left you as he settled beside you.
Spine curving, you buried your puffy face in your trembling hands, letting the whole world drift away as small lakes were birthed within your palms from your pain. 
When the sobs eventually began to subsite, growing further and farther apart, your frame slowly unfurled. Instinctively flicking your hands before your form, you tried to physically shake even a fraction of the excruciating sensation off of you, but without success. 
Matt hadn’t moved an inch, simply stayed there right beside you. 
When your quiet voice eventually filled space, it came out broken and overflowing with emotion, “I thought it was him… it wasn’t, b-but it sounded exactly like him… I’ve done double takes every time I saw a stranger with the same haircut or felt nauseous every time I encountered the same name, but this really did sound like him. Same voice, same accent, same everything… but it wasn’t him… it wasn’t… it just sent me right back, you know?”
Hesitantly, you grasped his hand in yours, expecting the contact to only make it worse, to somehow taint and ruin his wonderful and soothing touch, but it didn’t, he didn’t. It was Matt. 
Trying to regain control of your breathing, you shakily sucked in deep breaths, feeling your gulps of air slowly become calmer and migrate from the very top of your chest, down to expand your sore stomach. Eyes only half open and utterly exhausted, you noticed that your head was now leaning against Matt’s shoulder. 
Glancing hazily down at yourself, you muttered, “fuck… I still have my shoes and jacket on…”
Reaching down, he offered, “here,” before sliding your coat off, resting it on the back of the couch, and leaning down to pull your shoes off. 
Curling your legs up onto the couch, the shift in your position offered you more relief than you’d expected. As you attempted to get as comfortable as you possibly could in the state you were in, you snatched up Matt’s hand once more. 
Offering your palm a soothing squeeze, he asked quietly, “what do you need, huh? What can I do?”
“I–…” you thought, your brain just as drained as your body was, “I don’t know… maybe–… maybe just be here a bit?”
Exhaling lowly, he flashed you a faint smile, “of course.”
Glancing down at his fingers, sweeping across your own, you said, “hey, Matt? Could you maybe–, uh… could you give me a hug?”
Not hesitating, his strong arms engulfed your quivering frame and a fresh wave of sobs swiftly bubbled out of you as he held you tight, though your cries didn’t push him away, he stayed steadfast, embracing you close till the eruption ultimately simmered down, leaving you nearly asleep against his tear-stained shoulder. 
As he gently lowered you down to lay on the couch, you tightened your grip on his shirt as he began to pull back, ushering him to sink down as well, allowing you to curl into his safe embrace and let slumber drift you away. 
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When you finally stirred, the sun was nowhere to be seen. 
“Hey,” you blinked up at Matt still in the exact same spot as before. 
“Hey,” you replied groggily, “what time is it?” swiftly fishing your phone out of your pant pocket before Matt could conjure an answer, “oh, fuck… it’s nearly midnight… did you sleep as well?”
“Not really,” he shrugged, “maybe for a little bit, but no.”
“Oh…” you breathed, averting your gaze. 
“How are you feeling?” his thumb swiped your waist where his broad palm was planted. 
“…I don’t know…” you exhaled, “…exhausted… sad… angry… really fucking angry… so angry that it kinda scares me…” 
After a beat of silence, with only your woeful breaths filling the space, Matt then uttered, “I think I know something that might help a bit.”
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Your gaze drifted from the faded paint on the walls to the worn punching bags as you and Matt sat on the edge of the central ring and his fingers worked at wrapping up your hands. 
“Do you come here a lot?” you asked, your vision gliding back to him. 
“From time to time,” he tilted his head slightly, “reminds me of my dad,” tucking the last end of the strip under the weave, securing it into place, he closed your hand into a fist and exhaled, “alright, you’re ready,” he adjusted your grip, briefly offering your wrist a squeeze as he said, “just remember to keep your wrist strong and your thumb right here,” he slid your finger down below your knuckles. 
You hadn’t gone into it with much hope, in fact, it was only out of your desperation just feel better that you even humoured the experiment. In the beginning, it did feel as silly as you’d imagined, nearly stopped completely, but at some point in the mess of it all, your punches grew more ferocious, they grew more brutal, and suddenly something inside of you snapped and unravelled. It wasn’t some magic pill, but the physical act did loosen something within you and gave away to a fresh release of sobs, though not the painful and unbearable kind you’d had to endure earlier. It was the kind that felt like relief. Even if it wasn’t permanent, in that very moment, you didn’t feel like you were drowning anymore. 
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© 2024 thyme-in-a-bubble 
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bimbobaggins69 · 1 year
Fooled round & fell in love (part four)
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Eddie Munson x Fem!reader
summary: you’re in love with your best friend but your best friend thinks love is for losers, choosing to sleep around rather than settle down. You’ve had enough and you’re ready to move on from your feelings, luckily you find someone who might make that possible but does Eddie really hate love as much as he leads on?
warnings: filthy filthy smut 18+ MINORS DNI, dirty talk, daddy kink (sorry I’m a slut for it), slight perv!eddie, cocky eddie, unprotected sex, honestly it’s basically porn, angst
A/N: Thank you to everyone who has liked, commented and reblogged it really means so much to me. I am seriously shocked at how well this whole series has done, this is literally the first thing I’ve ever written so the fact that people love it is so special to me, so again thank you! 🙏🏻
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“But s’kay, we’re here now and I’m gonna take such good care of you”
Eddie says while moving your soaked panties to the side, dipping his two fingers between your folds
“Fuck, I was right, you’re fucking soaked, princess” he says with lust blown eyes
“mmm” is all you can get out while Eddie gathers the wetness dripping from your hole and brings it back up to rub sloppy circles around your clit
“Oh my god!” You moan out as Eddie smirks down at you
“Not, god, but you can call me daddy” he says with a mischievous look on his face
You try to roll your eyes at his antics but fail when he slips a finger into your wet, warm hole instead your eyes close from the immense pleasure
His finger tip slides in and out of you a couple times until he’s moving it in deeper and curling it enough to hit that spot deep inside of you that you didn’t even know you had, then he’s slipping another finger in continuously hitting that spot as you begin to open your legs wider and grab at whatever you can, in this case the hair on the nape of his neck, which makes him moan out in pleasure
His fingers are now pounding into your pussy with the most delicious squelching sounds
“You hear that baby?” Eddie says looking deep into your eyes
“That’s how good daddy’s making you feel”
Your eyes roll back at his filthy words
“Fuck, I need to taste you y/n”
You weren’t sure what it was but something about Eddie declaring his desperation to eat your pussy while using your real name, not a pet name made you wanna submit to everything he said
“Yes, daddy please eat my pussy!” You moan out
Eddie let out the most guttural groan, and fuck was it sexy
Before you knew it he had already moved down between your thighs, he begins slipping your panties down your legs and rolling them off your ankles, Eddie stops and gets up going to his nightstand, he opens it and tosses your panties inside, closes it and then moves back between your thighs
At this point Eddie could do no wrong in your eyes, you were not at capacity to question him about anything, and he was loving the control he had over you, you’re usually a brat, always having something sassy to say, so the fact that you’re being so ready and willing to please him is driving him crazy, and making his cock so hard, it’s starting to hurt
After leaving a few chaste kisses to your thighs, Eddie grabs the back of your knees lifting your legs so high they almost touch the bed underneath your head, he sticks his tongue out and licks you from your dripping hole to your swollen clit, taking it in his mouth and sucking, he was so sloppy with his movements, but it felt fucking divine
He starts to shake his head while sucking at your clit and you just about lose it, grabbing onto the sheets and then grabbing a handful of his beautiful wavy locks
“EDDIE! HOLY SHIT!” You scream out
Eddie lifts his head to say “yeah that’s right, that’s the only name that should be leaving those pretty lips”
Then he’s diving back in to lick and suck on your clit until you can’t hold on any longer
“Eddie, baby I’m gunna c-cum!”
“Cum for daddy”
Was all you needed before your eyes were rolling back and you were clenching around nothing, the most intense orgasm you’ve ever had in your life
Once you can’t take anymore you grab a handful of his hair and bring him back up to you, but before you kiss him, you lick and suck on his lips tasting yourself
“mmm, I taste so good” you say in the most seductive voice that’s ever left your mouth
“Jesus, y/n I think your my dream girl” he says in amazement at your filthiness
Your heart bursts hearing his words, but you talk yourself down not wanting to get your hopes up, “he’s just saying that in the heat of the moment” you think to yourself
Before you could dive any further into those thoughts Eddie’s grabbing your chin and kissing you, not a sloppy, sexual kiss but a soft, intense and passionate kiss, you don’t think you’ve ever been kissed like this before and holy shit, it’s intensifying all the feelings you already had for him
He pulls away and you let out a little whine and Eddie thinks it’s the cutest thing he’s ever heard
“You miss me already?” He says while pulling his sweat pants down and letting his cock spring out, of course that little shit wasn’t wearing underwear
You couldn’t help but widen your eyes at the size, definitely the biggest you’d ever seen, you didn’t even know they could be this big if you were being honest but you weren’t very experienced in that area as you’ve only been with two other guys not including Randy for obvious reasons
Eddie noticed the way you were starring and smiled “like what you see, princess?”
You just nod in shocked silence
You’re wondering how he’s even going to fit inside you, but you’re ready for the challenge
Before you can over think it, you’re standing up and pushing Eddie to sit down on the bed
“What are you doing?” He says in surprise
But as soon as he sees you sink down to your knees he doesn’t need any further explaining
You look up at him as you take his big cock in your dainty hand, giving it a few strokes
Eddie is looking right back at you, letting out a shaky breath
In this moment you decided you wanted to give him the best head of his life, you weren’t super experienced but you knew enough, your competitive side coming out, you knew you had to be better than all of those girls before you, maybe you shouldn’t have been looking at it from that angle but you truly couldn’t help it
After you stroke his cock a couple more times you let spit pool in your mouth before you’re spitting a glob right on his tip, you start to move down with your hand smearing it all over his meaty shaft
He’s already moaning out like crazy and you haven’t even wrapped your lips around him yet
“Fuck, that’s a good girl” he moans out
You bite your lip at his words
“You like that, you wanna be my good girl? He says
You shake your head yes, pulling out the most innocent yet seductive look you could
It worked, Eddie couldn’t get enough of this side of you. He always wondered what fucking you would be like but he never thought you would end up being like this
So confident and sexy, he almost felt like he was having sex with a porn star.
Eddie knew you weren’t that experienced so you were impressing him immensely
Finally after your teasing you take the head of his cock into your mouth, lightly sucking, you continue to move down taking inch by inch into your mouth until he’s hitting the back of your throat, you bob your head a few times letting his tip continuously hit your throat, you gag a bit and then let his cock go with a pop, you have so much spit in your mouth after gagging you decide to spit on the tip again, as you’re smearing the spit all over while pumping it, you notice his balls looked lonely so you start stroking a little faster tightening your grip, as you do that you take one of his balls in your mouth
“JESUS FUCK!” He moans out as his eyes roll back into his head
Then he’s looking back down at you, your pretty eyes looking back at him as you stroke him and suck on his balls. Eddie knew he was in love with you already but holy shit after this he was never gunna let you go, he starts thinking about you and Randy and how he almost got to see you like this, he couldn’t let that happen again.
After you’ve given his balls enough attention you grab his cock putting it back in your mouth and deep throating, fucking him with your mouth at this point
“Fuck you’re such a good girl, fuck y/n you’re my best girl” he says with so much adoration
His words only egging you on
Finally Eddie can’t take it anymore, he has to be inside you, has to feel you wrapped around him
He grabs your hair and pulls you off of him, once you pull off of his dick you’re looking up at him, with your mouth and chin full of your spit, as he’s staring at you like you’re the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen, you smile up at him so innocently like you didn’t just have his balls in your mouth
“Please let me fuck you now, baby?”
You did not have to be asked twice
You stand up on your feet, but as soon as you do Eddie is throwing you onto the mattress and assuming the position you started out in
“Condom?” Eddie asks checking to see what you wanted, if he’s being honest he’s never fucked a girl without one, but with you Eddie wanted to feel everything, he wanted to be impossibly close to you
“I need you to fuck me raw Eddie” you moan out to him in complete desperation
Your words alone could make him bust, he’s never felt that way before, so turned on that you could do or say anything and he’d be complete putty in your hand
Eddie grabs his cock and rubs it over your folds teasingly
Then he’s angling it into your tight hole, slowly pushing in inch by inch, your mouth falls open in a silent moan, stretching you out so nicely, you couldn’t help but writh a little bit beneath him, you’ve never felt such pleasure, once he’s finally bottomed out completely and you take a few breaths, he begins moving in and out at a agonizingly slow pace, you’re so horny you can’t even take it anymore you need him to pound you into oblivion
“Harder Eddie, I need you to pound my pussy, please!” You don’t know where any of this was coming from but Eddie was bringing this little sex demon out of you and you were not mad about it, it felt nice speaking up and asking for what you wanted, never feeling comfortable enough to do that with your two other partners
“Fuck, ok baby, I got you” he says as he starts to fuck into you harder, skin slapping and pretty moans coming from you both was all that could be heard in Eddie’s room
As Eddie pounded into you, he looked down into your eyes removing some of the hair that was in your face, he leans down and kisses you, same passionate, intense kiss like last time, he breaks the kiss again going back to looking you in the eyes, his pace starts to slow a bit and he’s catching his breath from fucking you so hard, his gaze is so intense you almost wanna look away, as he leans in more he whispers
“I love you y/n, so fucking much”
You couldn’t even believe what you had just heard, you felt like you were dreaming about to be awoken at any second, everything was almost too much and you were on the verge of your second orgasm
“I-I fuck Eddie, I love you too! I’ve loved you for so long” you do your best to get your words out between moans
With that, Eddie starts pounding into you again he can tell you’re teetering on the edge and he needs to make you cum before he does
“Uh, uh” is all that leaves your mouth as your eyes roll back
Eddie is so close and he almost can’t hold it any longer so he sucks his thumb into his mouth getting it nice and wet before he’s swiping it over your clit, your body starts to tense and shake and your moans are getting even louder, you turn your face into Eddie’s forearm that is resting by your head and bite into it as you have the most earth shattering orgasm to date
The bite you gave Eddie mixed with your walls spasming and gripping his cock has him pulling out and spurting white ropes of cum all over your pussy
As he cums he lets out the most sexiest and deepest moan that you wish you could record and play over and over again when you got home.
After you both catch your breaths and come down from your highs, Eddie gets up and heads to the bathroom for a towel to clean you up with
After he wipes you down he throws the towel into his hamper, pulls his sweats on and goes to lay down next to you pulling your body closer to his
He breaks the silence “I really meant that” he said almost too nervous to bring it up
You turn to face him, as you rub your nose against his, making him smile
“I meant it too” you said back
Before Eddie could say anything else there was a knock at the door
You get up and smooth out your clothes as Eddie gets up to head to the front door, as he opens it the same blonde from the party is pushing her way inside throwing her arms around him and kissing his neck “hey baby!” Leaves her mouth and he looks over at you as you stand there frozen in shock.
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part 5
•tag list•
@sidthedollface2 @ajeff855 @i-h4temyself @tlclick73 @mmvnsons @emma77645 @saramelaniemoon @big-ope-vibes @vulgarfuckinvirgo77 @melaninjhs @manda-panda-monium @arioneway @daleyeahson @demeterlindavis @seventhlevelofhell @vulcrum332 @aysheashea @marvelcasey05 @kittykaylat1987 @user12875671 @sznofdawitch @81rain @starrywhitenight @supercali20 @twirls827 @eddielives1986 @micheledawn1975 @erinsingalong @f-me-reid @ladydragon4890 @ireidsmut @hllfrclb @harrys-tittie @loritate7311 @yogizzz @sammyunicornpoop-blog @ilovecupcakesandtea @gingertimelord @ladysteddie @fancyghosttrashhero-blog @lelenikki @trikigirl271 @silasforest @joekeeryswife @lechera-con-leche @bebe0701 @megaeternallove @smilechannie @lokiofasgard616 @eternal-fangirl @hargrovesswifee @celest-fox @hiscrimsonangel @adreamaway08 @thickiesixx @eddies-puppet @luceneraium @jenisnotlost @bryceisalegend @avobabe87 @eddie-swhore @thatotherchick26 @xeddiesbattattsx @joyfulcandyrunaway
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beforeimdeceased · 10 months
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synopsis: a party and a couple drinks has you making bad decisions. or are they good?
pairings: dina x reader, ellie x reader, abby x reader
content warnings: this is a reader’s choice fic. smut is included in all parts! mdni!
author’s note: i had this idea last night when i was thinking about dbh and lis and just how much i love choice games so i thought “what about a choice fanfic?” i’m not sure if this has ever been done on here before but i did look it up and couldn’t find anything so! PLEASE let me know what choice you end up picking!! feedback, likes, reblogs, and comments are greatly appreciated!
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you did not want to be at this fucking party. little black dress hiking up your thighs as music blared over the speakers. everything was hot and sweaty and claustrophobic.
you’d only decided to come for your best friend dina, who had begged you for weeks to join her. it was house of balloons themed and she said she’d die if you missed it. so you caved in.
you found yourself hiding in the kitchen with a bad feeling in your stomach. that must mean either abby or ellie had arrived. ellie, the campus dealer, had played your heart one too many times. often luring you in with her aura and comforting smile, only to toss you when she saw someone prettier walk in the room.
you were tired of her fucking you and fucking with your feelings.
abby had done the same thing, often swooping in after ellie to comfort you. she’d kiss your tears away but when the sultry nights ended she’d act like she didn’t even know your name.
much to your dismay, your gut is correct, a very happy abby walks into the kitchen after you. she hesitates before joining you in the corner, playfully grabbing your phone out of your hand. “this little thing is going to make your life pass you by.”
“give it back, abby.” you huff, reaching for your device. she holds her hand up and it becomes impossible to reach. you shoot her a mean blow to the side but she doesn’t falter. it only makes her laugh. “you’re feisty tonight.” she says simply before checking your phone for the time.
you prepare to attempt to grab your phone again when you see ellie sit next to dina. you shoot abby a suggestive “we’re not done yet” glare before storming over to the two. “hey williams. i believe you have something that belongs to me?”
during your last very heated and very short makeout session at a party, not too different from this one, you’d misplaced your friendship bracelet. it was one that dina had made you herself. you were sure ellie had slipped it in her pocket as a keepsake and were too embarrassed at your actions to mention it again. a rush of adrenaline had rendered embarrassment useless right now.
“oh yeah that. we should talk about that. follow me out to the balcony?” she asks. before you can respond, dina grabs your hand.
“no i think she should stay here. right y/n?”
there’s a tension in the air. you look between them both, and then over your shoulder at the blonde taking pictures of herself on your phone.
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stay with dina
go with ellie to the balcony
retrieve your phone from abby
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wheresarizona · 5 months
giiiirl if you say Cielito is bi in your mind now I need to know if she like came out to Javi or how she approached the topic like was she scared of how he was going to react? I need to know everything pleeeease
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summary: Javier asks a question you aren't expecting.
rating: T (coming out, language, Javi's continued hate of Harrison Ford)
pairing: Javier Peña/bi!reader
words: 793
a/n: Okay, okay, okay, I’ll tell you my bi!Cielito coming out headcanon. Now, again, this is just how I imagine things would go down. So, Javi figures it out on his own. Lmao I've written you a drabble on how the conversation would go. I hope you enjoy!
Thank you for reading! Comments and reblogs feed me. I’d love to know what you thought!
Series Masterlist
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It was a lazy Saturday afternoon that was being spent in your underwear and an oversized t-shirt as you lay atop your boyfriend’s bare chest on the couch. Your ear was to his skin, and you were soothed by his heart's strong, steady beat while you watched some romantic comedy playing on cable.  
“She’s so fucking gorgeous,” you said without thinking—you were pretty sure the actress’s name was Salma Hayek.
“I guess.”
You moved to look at his face. 
“You guess? Do you have eyes?”
He looked at you with a frown. 
“Yeah, I do have eyes, and I think you’re even more gorgeous.”
You scoffed. “Yeah, right.”
He pinched your ass, and your body tensed. “Stop that shit—I’m serious.”
You sighed, having a hard time believing he was telling the truth. “Fine.”
He grabbed a handful of your backside, and you both went back to lying on him and watching the movie. 
A few minutes later, he broke the silence. “Cielito?”
“I’m gonna ask you something, and you don’t have to answer. I’m just curious.”
“Are you… also attracted to women?”
The question had your heart rate speeding up. 
“Um, wow, we probably should’ve talked about this sooner. I mean, we’ve been together for almost a month.”
It wasn’t something you’d been hiding from him. You just hadn’t known how to bring it up. 
“Your answer isn’t going to change anything,” he reassured. 
That made you feel better. 
“It wouldn’t bother you?”
“Why would it bother me? I don’t care if you’re attracted to men or women. All I care about is that you’re attracted to me.”
“I’m definitely attracted to you.”
“I know.”
“And yes, I do fancy ladies and dudes—I had a lot of fun in college. What gave me away?” 
“You mean besides when we watched Star Wars last week, and you thought I didn’t hear you whisper, ‘I’d love to be the middle in a Han and Leia sandwich’?”
“Oh, god, I’ve been obvious,” you said, pressing your forehead to his chest. 
He rubbed his hands over your back. “Yeah, you have.” 
You frowned, lifting your head to look at him. “You must hate it when I say someone else is attractive.” 
He met your eyes with a raised eyebrow. “Are you gonna fuck them?” 
“What? No.” 
“Are you gonna leave me for them?” 
“No. It’s never even crossed my mind.” 
“You can’t help if you find other people attractive—so no, I don’t hate it.” 
“—Unless,” he cut you off with a grumpy look, “it’s that asshole who plays Han Solo, ‘cause I’m pretty sure you have a crush on him with how many of his fucking movies you’ve seen and all the shit you know about him.” 
“Harrison Ford?” 
“Fucking Harrison Ford.” 
“Are you… jealous of Harrison Ford…?”
“No,” he answered a little too quickly. 
“Sure, Javi,” you said in a tone that said you didn’t believe him. 
“I’m not fucking jealous.” He smacked your ass, and you laughed. “He should be jealous that I’m the only one who gets to fuck you.” 
“See—then there’s no reason to hate the guy since I’m dating you and only want you.” Leaning forward, you kissed him. You pulled back and asked, “Is it just because he’s a man it bothers you so much I like him? Or would you feel the same if it was a woman?”
He was pouting. “I’d feel the same…”
“Good.” You kissed the tip of his nose. 
“Is there a famous woman you like as much as that Ford guy?”
“Oh, I’m gonna let you figure that out on your own since you’ve got that big, sexy brain, and I wanna see if you can.”
You could see him thinking hard as he looked away with his eyes a little squinted. 
“Are you really trying to figure it out right this second?” you asked. 
“Hold on.”
“You’re not gonna figure it out a minute after asking the question.”
“There’s this actress,” he started, “I’ve noticed in a bunch of shit we’ve watched I thought might be your favorite, but I’m realizing you’ve just got a thing for brunettes.” He looked at you. “I don’t know her name, but I’m pretty sure it’s the woman in that movie we watched Thursday night.”
Your mouth fell open. “You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me.”
“Am I right?”
“I’m just so fucking obvious.”
“Yeah, you are.”
“You wanna know who I have the biggest fucking crush on?”
He frowned. “…sure.”
“This amazingly perfect guy named Javier Peña who has me head over heels for him.”
He smiled. “Yeah?”
“Oh, yeah—“ You leaned forward to kiss him, continuing to speak against his lips, “—I’d pick you over the other two in a heartbeat.”
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dionvsian · 10 months
theodore nott meeting the hogwarts cool girl !!
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theodore nott x fem!reader (she/her pronouns)
warnings: reader smokes cigarettes (srry if it makes you uncofortable!).
little note: back to writing! i used to have a blog here and i made the dumbest decision to delete it (i'll forever miss you timothée chalamet's fake instagram posts)
reblogs are appreciated 😁
“are you always this late?” he looked down, studying your face. You could see him taking in every single detail. as he did so, he lifted an eyebrow and waited for your reply. a small smirk played with the corner of his mouth. the kind of smirk you see someone do when they feel they are superior towards you. he did not know your name, at least not yet.
your silence caused him to continue: “I am theo. and you are?"
"I'm y/n"
"pleased to meet you y/n. my father always said that a name should mean something. it should reflect the person being named"
"i'm not really sure what my name means, but i hope is something nice!"
"are you a pure blooded witch?"
"yep" you say nodding
he seems satisfied with your answer. as if you somehow passed a test without even knowing it. he holds his hand out and introduces himself with a slight bow.
"i would say you look like an angel from heaven, but you look more like some punk girl who has trouble getting to class on time"
"i wasn't planning on going to class rn"
“oh! uhm, that can get you into trouble. you know.” he says. then he adds: “are you always so bold? it’s kind of cute.”
"i'm not bold, i'm just me"
he lets out a chuckle. "it’s the same thing. I’m guessing you are just very confident in yourself, hm?” he tilts his head a little and looks down at you. “it’s not a bad quality, and I suppose it makes for a good quality of a friend, don’t you think?”
"yeah maybe"
“you are not the quiet type, I bet. you are the one who likes to get things done.” he smiles, and leans in close to you. "you would do anything to achieve your goal. you must be one of the most popular girls at school. i bet many boys try to ask you out.” and he waits for you to respond. there is a glint in his eye as he stares at you, studying you.
a soft blush spreads on your cheeks "maybe... do you want to join them?" you say flirtatious
he smiles and leans closer, he is just a few inches away from you. you can feel the heat of his breath coming from his lips as he smiles.
“maybe I do.”
he waits for you to respond, just looking at your face, smiling. he is amused at the way you're blushing. but you cannot tell what the reason for that is. does he find you attractive? or does he find you a fool? he seems to be enjoying this a little too much, as you cannot tell what the outcome of this conversation will be.
you look up at him, since he is a bitt taller but you only gives a satisfied smirk
he is enjoying this attention he thinks. he leans in even closer to you and whispers in your ear.
"what are you thinking about right now?”
you let out some of the air that was inside your lungs "to be honest, I was thinking of smoking some cigarettes and painting my nails"
"you’re a naughty girl then. do you smoke cigarettes often?" he asks this in a way that implies he actually cares about the answer to the question. as if smoking cigarettes is a bad thing. or it's not?
"yeah, but don't tell anyone, ok? it will be our secret"
he seems amused by your response. he smiles and whispers again. this time his voice is even quieter
“a secret.” he whispers the last word and he has this smile on his face that says it is not a normal secret. the look on his face gives her the impression he thinks of something not entirely appropriate. “how many cigarettes are you planning to smoke today alone?”
"3? i'm not really sure"
again, he gives you this amused smile, and it seems he is actually a bit impressed. he is not used to seeing someone not care about the rules like she does.
“well, they say you gotta try everything once. you must get into trouble a lot. aren’t you afraid of detention?”
"no, plus I never get caught anyways". you say and smile for him "do you smoke?"
he seems surprised at the question. he shakes his head and says. “no, I have never smoked. my father makes sure i take care of my health. but he doesn’t say anything about my friends. I suppose you would have to hide it from him?” “how does it feel to smoke? will it feel good to try it for first time?”
"I don't want to be a bad influence for you" you chuckle "so I won't answer"
he seems to actually be thankful. as if you just saved him from doing something bad.
"thank you. If I start smoking today. I’s your fault though!” he laughs. then he asks. “what else do you do that is bad? or am I the only person that deserves to know about this side of you?”
he seems curious and even though the smile on his face remains as teasing as ever. you can see the look on his face is genuine. as if he actually wants to know about you more.
"talking about bad habits isn't exactly a good way to get to known someone new"
he laughs again. you notice how good his laugh is. he seems to do it a lot lately. he leans in again. you can smell his cologne when you get this close. “so, you are afraid I might judge you or something?”
he gives you a playful look and then adds: “i already said you were cute. so being a little naughty, does not make you any less cute." he says this playfully, and you can see that smile on his face again. he seems to enjoy teasing you.
you back on a wall of the corridor "it will affect your impression of me" but your heart skips a beat when he calls you cute
he seems to be enjoying the way you are backing up against the wall. as he can still clearly see just how pretty you are. he smiles at you, this time you can feel he is being genuine about the compliment. he gets closer to you though. he really thinks he is in charge here doesn't he?
“well, it only makes me want to know more about you. a girl who smokes cigarettes and isn't afraid of trouble... is a very rare breed these days.” he looks you up and down again. but this time with pure admiration.
"why don't you tell me what are y thinking abt?"
"you really are interested in me aren’t you?” he laughs after saying this. h thinks for a few seconds. he seems to be contemplating whether or not to disclose his thoughts to you.
"fine, I’ll tell you my thoughts. but you better not tell anyone else. I don’t want to lose my reputation.” he takes a deep breath. you can see he is nervous, and he is blushing a little.
he leans in closer and whispers in your ear "i’m wondering if you have ever kissed anyone before.”
he waits for you to respond, the same look on his lips. you sense a bit of smugness in his voice, as if he is convinced you have never kissed anyone before.
"of couse i did".
he seems surprised, and gives you a look. it’s the look a person gives you, when they know they are not in charge. you just gained a lot of power and superiority over him just now.
"what about you? have you ever kissed someone?"
he smiles, his cheeks are red now, and his whole face is blushing.
"y-yea I have.” he says it as if it’s difficult for him to admit it. your response seemed to have knocked him off his feet. his eyes are fixed to the floor, as if he is trying to decide what to do next.
you decide to shoot your shot being flirtatious"do you wanna kiss me?"
he looks up and seems shocked. he blushes even more as you say this, his cheeks are as red as a beet now. your confidence has made him completely speechless. he whispers so only you can hear his voice, while also pulling you closer into him. "may I?”
he leans in and gently kisses you on the lips. It’s sweet and gentle but very passionate. you notice just how soft his lips are.he is blushing as you kiss, and so do you. his lips are soft and smooth, you feel them against yours and you find the experience very calming and pleasant.
you place your hand on his cheek and they get even redder, as he continues to hold his lips against yours. he enjoys the kiss very much.
he breaks the kiss after a bit and looks at you. "that was nice.” a broad smile was on his lips. he looks so happy and full of life. you can see all the tension fall away as his shoulders slowly relax.
"well, i have to go to class now"youi say and unlean from the wall" see you" and you start walking away
"wait.” he calls out when you are already half way on your way to the potions class. "you are not telling anyone are you?”he still has that smile on his face and you can see that he wants to continue this conversation. he seems hooked to knowing more about you. He is obsessed. he wants to know what that "cool girl" energy of yours looks like, and how far you are willing to take things with him.
"of course not. i dont wanna be seen with the spoiled playboy theodore nott" you say and get into your classroom, not giving him the chance to say anything else.
he watches you leave. he is completely flabbergasted and speechless. he is not used to girls treating him like this. he has not noticed this side of you. theo is completely in love now. you are beautiful and mysterious in his eyes. he feels like he got a peek behind the curtains. a private performance.
he watches you leave and then continues to the potions classroom. he is lost in his thoughts, trying to piece together why you acted in the way you just did. you are not like any other girl he knows in Hogwarts. and he wants to know more.
473 notes · View notes
jacesvelaryons · 4 months
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tom blyth x kpopidol!fem!reader
fc: jennie kim of blackpink
part two to english love affair
notes: and i’m back! you must’ve feared i’d never post again but i’m more inspired than ever. thank you for someone suggesting a valentines post, and for once im early. most posts will be coming from me soon!
please request, send me anons, talk to me, suggestions and what not. i do soc med aus and also written blurbs and have plans for stories about tom and his characters. ♥️
hope you enjoy! again please like, follow, share, and most especially reblog with your lovely comments to reach more and send me feedback/comments on anything.
divider by @cafekitsune
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liked by hunterschafer and 5,009,656 likes
happy valentines to my heart of heart, the soul of my soul, my best friend, the light of my life and more. my life has never been the same since you’ve been it, and i wouldn’t want it any other way. i love you @/tomblyth
randomuser8 oh i’m so single 🤒
tomblyth i love you too, my sweet 🩷
↪️ yourusername i love you so much
↪️ tomholland2013 oh get a room guys 🙄
↪️ yourusername @/zendaya go get your man please
↪️ zendaya 🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️i don’t know what you mean
↪️ tomholland2013 HEY! 😭😭
jessicalxander dream couple!
hallebailey you guys are so perfect together
tayrussell send the wedding invites please 🙏
↪️ user7 HUH?
↪️ ynfan she’s playing we know y/n and tom are so busy to even think of it lol
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liked by alexademie and 2.8m others
my siren, my muse. as another valentines rolls in, i never wish to take this for granted as another milestone simply and enjoy everyday i’ve had with you, my angel. my brilliant, talented, gorgeous, intelligent girl. i love you @/yourusername
jenaissante treating my girl right as you should 😌
↪️ yourusername love youu girlie pop 🫂
↪️ ynfan6 tom found dead in a ditch who?
user197 aww him following her in the studios to watch her produce so cute
johnnyjsuh and when are we getting that solo song y/n? 🤨
↪️onyourm__ark yeah @/yourusername where’s all that studio time going
↪️ yourusername trust it’s coming soon 🙏🙏
↪️ user67 she said this last time i hate ___ entertainment 😭
username9 she’s so pretty i wish to be like her when i grew up
antifan8 get this ugly off tom’s profile
↪️ tomblyth you have no right to insult my girlfriend like that. get out my page otherwise.
↪️ randomuser5 tom defending his girl as he should
user77 nobody send a truck in front her company she ain’t leaving her man
liked by yourusername
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liked by tomblyth and others
oh how i love love.
usernamehere her apron is so cute does anyone know where it’s from?
↪️ random8 probably couture or something at this point or goop lol
↪️ user7 probably my mom made this
↪️ ynfan725 who’s momma?
↪️ user7 that’s the brand 😭
↪️ ynfan725 oh my bad ignore me lol 😅
user86 she’s so spoiled by him and he in turn manifesting this for me
random9 me next year
user7775 that cake must be so good and easy to make
↪️ fan721 i’m a pastry chef and make these and they ain’t easy lol
kpopfan421 ynnie what’s the name of your bear?
↪️ yourusername not sure 🤔 any suggestions?
↪️ user8 how about tommy!
↪️ yourusername lets go with that 😁
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liked by mayahawke and 7.8m others
ynfan856 oh y/n you are so loved
random1002 the daily love notes in the mirror and countdown oh i’m sick
melissabarrera 🩷
oliviarodrigo how romantic!
rachelzegler putting in the effort blyth!
↪️ tomblyth anything for my girl
↪️ rachelzegler ofc because i’d steal her from you if you don’t 😝
austinbutler great job man
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liked by taylorswift and 10.5m likes
so grateful, i’m speechless.
↪️ yourusername learned from you sis 😍
user86 this has to be the most liked post on ig in a while
kpopfan454 do they have this on amazon lol
↪️ user1111 you checked craigslist or something i’ve given up 😭😭
random723 oh he has to be rich rich to give her that
↪️ user913 GOOD FOR HER!
hunterschafer you deserve this and more my angel
↪️ yourusername love you so much hunty im going to cry
176 notes · View notes
somnambulic-thing · 1 year
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art student!reader x life drawing model!Eddie Munson
E 18+, so nsfw Words: 7048 read on ao3
find the sequel here
Paint It Black Summery: You’re frustrated with your latest work and look for distraction by attending the open life drawing class on what looks like a very ordinary Thursday. Eddie, the new model, is everything but ordinary but definitely a distraction.
CW/tags: characters somewhere in their twenties, meet-wild, smut, fluff, some sort of voyeurism/public erection, gets a little rough, unprotected sex, piv penetration, oral for everybody, v fingering, biting, love marks, talky sex, aftercare, art school bullshit, messy sex, artsy sex (I guess), love at first sight (I guess)
A/N: @edsforehead made me do it. (thank you so much)
comments and reblogs are so appreciated
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The air is cold, stinging your cheeks as you ride your bike through a clear and crisp winter morning. It does wonders for waking you up and clearing your mind; you had spent way too long in your studio last night, hovering over this painting that just wouldn’t go the way you wanted. Inside your mind, you hoisted it off the wall to place it right in the middle of the room, a bucket of thick black paint in one hand, the other one dipping in until the medium reached your wrist. You drop down to your knees and get to work, blacking the wretched thing out one large swoop of your arm after another, sending hours of work into oblivion.
Oh my, it was so tempting. Your fingertips tickle with the urge to turn your frustration into something wild and rough and… simple.
But your Professor had sworn to make your life very hard if he ever got wind of you destroying one of your works again, so you followed the advice he had given you: You had decided to take a break. Do something different, something simple, something rewarding and easy to clear your mind to recharge your drained batteries.
So it is Thursday and you crawled out of bed after four measly hours of sleep to go to the life drawing class. You are early as always to get one of the good spots. The small auditorium is still empty except for your teacher who is busy untangling the cords of the various space heaters that will keep the model warm for the next hours.
“Ah,” he says as he sees you, “haven’t seen you here in a while.”
“Yeah, been busy wasting paint.” You smile and walk down the steps of the middle aisle and drop your bag on the best chair: first platform, second chair on the right from the aisle. It had the perfect distance and angle and the top of the backrest of first row to put your feet on so you could rest your paper on your thighs and wouldn’t have to struggle through two hours and a half hours of numb feet.
“Good decision to waste some graphite instead today,” your teacher says and grins. “I’m excited to see your progress.”
You hum, unpacking your supplies. “Who’s the model today? Someone familiar?”
“No, actually, I finally could recruit someone new. He should already be here though. Maybe he has difficulties finding us.” The building was old and could be confusing if you never set foot in it before.
“He,” you say, sharpening your pencil. “Guess it’s my lucky day.”
Male models were rare - maybe two out of ten sessions - and you start to get excited about coming in today.
Your teacher climbs up the stairs past you, “I’ll go and see if he’s wandering around somewhere.”
The room fills with students; you say your How are you?’s and What are you working on?’s and when the clock shows 9:37, you brace yourself for the session getting cancelled. Just then, the door opens and your teacher hurries down the stairs.
“Good morning everybody. Sorry for the delay, our model got lost in our hallways. Let’s hear: anybody working on something particular and has some requests for poses?”
You crane your neck up to the back of the room towards the overflowing coat rack while your teacher keeps going through the usual procedure.
The model’s back is turned and you see a long black coat being shrugged off of lean shoulders and underneath: more black. Black lines of ink meandering out of the sleeves of a black shirt; a harsh contrast against pale skin. Ringed hands come up to the back of his head to put the long dark wavy hair into a bun.
No! you plead internally, surprised by that strong reaction.
He chooses the far left aisle down, almost disappearing behind the rows of students but your eyes follow him with a burning curiosity as if you wouldn’t get the chance to look at him for hours in a moment. You shake your head and open your sketchbook to do just anything but stare. There was a difference between observing and staring and the latter wasn’t fucking appropriate inside this room.
“Everybody,” your teacher announces, “this is Eddie. Eddie has never done this before so be patient and just let him know if he’s moving too much.”
You look up and grind your teeth. This Eddie is fucking gorgeous.
“Uhm, hi!” he smiles into the room then looks back at your teacher. “So, uh, I just get naked or what?”
Everybody laughs, but you don’t. You’re taking a long slow breath.
“That’s the general idea,” your teacher grins. “You can put your things on that table in the corner and then just come back to this spot.”
But Eddie does not move to the mentioned corner, he simply pulls off his shirt and throws it the distance to the table. More tattoos come to light; all black, no color. He then kicks off his shoes and you watch his fingers as they open his belt and his fly, how they lodge into the hem of his black, frayed jeans and pull them down in one swoop. There are giggles as he throws the bundle, aiming at the table like he’s at the bowling alley, completely naked.
And then you realize, Eddie didn’t wear any underwear.
“The rings too, please.”
“Oh, sure.” He picks them off his fingers; one two three from one hand and one more from the other. Eddie looks at them on his palm for a moment and grins. “Nah, not gonna throw those.”
The class giggles again as Eddie takes two three long strides to the table to put his rings down carefully and prances back, taking his spot in the middle of the small platform surrounded by space heaters.
There is a soft crack coming from your lap and you look down to see that you had pushed your pencil to the paper so hard that you’d broken the tip.
It’s as always: a series of short poses to warm up. One minute, then three and up from there.
Except it is not like always. You're flustered, you’re hot and you spend way too long staring, not finishing any of the one-minute poses.
This has never happened to you before and you had been presented with a lot of good-looking people over the years but this guy was something else.
Three-minute poses and Eddie is slouched back in a chair, long legs spread, left arm resting on top of his head, the right one on his thigh. This was sinful. You just corrected the angle of his left thigh for the third time when you look up and find him looking right back at you. No lost glance into the distance over your shoulder, no: your eyes meet. And those eyes are big and dark and curious and he holds the gaze for several seconds before the timer beeps and announces the change of poses.
He’s not only beautiful and scorching hot but also incredibly adorable. He’s giddy between poses, shaking his arms and legs - and with that his cute little ass - bouncing on his toes and you start to think that holding still normally isn’t his forte. When he lies on his belly, soft gaze on the floor, he tries to stifle a yawn once, twice and only lets it out when he’s allowed to move again. You like his dedication.
Five-minute poses and you finally get into the flow; things start to make sense on the paper until you find him looking at you again. And not only that: he mouthes a small 'Hi'. You bite your lip and look down, feeling the looks of some of the students on you.
He’s cross-legged, leaning back, hands braced on the ground behind him. The angle is weird and it doesn’t help that the way his lean, inked chest moves every time he takes a breath makes you want to bite down on those sharp collarbones. You hold your sketchpad in your outstretched arms doing those quick back-and-forth glances to find out where to correct the mess when his eyes move back to you. Every time you meet his gaze makes your spine tingle more and more and you have to bite down on your lip again to not let a fucking noise slip from your mouth.
Ten-minute poses and your teacher has made it to you to give you some feedback. Nothing you hadn’t expected: you go about it too complicated, want to do too much in too little time, too much detail. Eddie is stretched out on his back and smirks towards the ceiling.
On the next round of feedback, he tells you to really look at Eddie’s hips. You get the angle wrong, it throws off the stance, and you know why all your stupid drawings look a little wonky: you try to avoid looking at his cock for too long. You never thought about a penis as a cock before in this class and it drives you up the walls seeing it twitch slightly while your teacher keeps explaining things you already know and you’re forced to stare at Eddie's crotch, knowing he's side-eying you and your flustered expression the whole. Damn. Time.
Eddie gets a brief pause to stretch and have some water and you want revenge. While his back is turned to you - shoulder blades rippling deliciously under his skin - you open the top two buttons of your blouse, sliding the collar off your shoulder.
One final five-minute pose before the session ends with a twenty-fiver and Eddie is crouched down with his knees pulled under his chin. He shuffles a little before he really settles, tilting his head slightly in a way that forces him to look in your direction unless he wants to lower his eyes to the floor for five minutes.
When he finally looks up, you’re waiting for him, head titled yourself exposing the side of your neck down to your shoulder where your bra strap is barely holding onto your skin.
Eddie’s eyes widen and you smile, tongue poking out just a little to lick your bottom lip before you focus on the paper in your lap to roughly map out the pose. You don’t linger on him while you draw, quick glances only, but you can feel his gaze heavy on you.
This sketch is turning out to be the best so far. You lean back a little, biting down on the back of your pencil and start rolling your shoulders. One gets stiff sitting like that for so long, so people stretch all the time and nobody will notice that you’re giving Eddie a little show. You tilt your head to the right and run a hand over the muscles in your neck, massaging the achy spot right beyond your skull for a moment. When you give in to look down at him, you do it from under your lashes, taking the pencil stuck in your mouth between two fingers and let your tongue play with it ever so slightly.
Eddie takes a deep breath; you can see it in the way his shoulders rise and his knees are pressed forward. You grin and he pulls up his brows and you can’t tell if he begs you to stop or go on.
Twenty-five-minute pose and the crowd demands him to stand.
“Twenty-five minutes of standing is ok?” your teacher asks Eddie, who hasn’t jumped up like a spring toy after the timer rang.
“Uhm, yeah,” he says, legs still drawn to his torso. “Sure thing, uh-hn.”
It takes him another beat to push himself up and come to a stand. Your eyes wander from the top of his cheeks, tinted in a pretty pink, down to those hips to find him not exactly half hard, but on a good way to it. You feel your eyes roll up.
Your teacher instructs him how to stand, feet wider apart - a little more, perfect - arms crossed over his chest which too is now slightly pink. His biceps’ flex a few times as he waits for more instructions.
“Can you turn a little, to the left?” a guy in the top row asks and Eddie does.
“Like this?”
Like this you get him in a three-quarter-view and your heart is racing; will he look at you again or did you push it too far?
“Anything else?” your teacher asks and you want to bite down on your tongue but instead it’s moving and forming words.
“Can we have the hair down for this last one?”
Eddie’s head snaps up, catching you in the middle of your request. He pinches his eyes shut at the approval of your fellow students. Below the waist, he’s twitching again.
Loosening his hair tie, Eddie musses around in his dark waves with practised fingers until he seems satisfied with what he sees in the mirror across the room. You suppress a moan, breaking the tip of your pencil again. He’s not looking at you, this time choosing to turn down his eyes while his face points in your general direction again. You curse at yourself internally; you should have just gone to him after the session and slipped him your number or asked him if he was busy after this while the both of you were still flooded with whatever this was and—
Whatever Eddie is thinking while not looking at you did not help with what was going on in his loins. That pretty cock was getting bigger: half-hard-hello! And judging by his current state, he was big. You involuntarily grind your hips on your chair and drop your pencil in the process. A groan escapes you, sounding much too pleasant for a case of dropped art supplies and you bend down to get it back. When you come up, brown eyes are waiting for you. There is a smile playing around them while his pretty pink lips are slightly pressed together. Thank god he doesn’t look mad or annoyed, only the blush giving away that something was going on.
You can’t help it, you’re biting your lip, eyes wandering between his face and his cock and his brows draw slightly together before he averts his eyes again, breathing a few times: deep and slow.
Deep and slow.
Holy shit you are throbbing and wet and all you can do is fake another stretch and while shuffling around, press your thighs together for a little bit of friction. You tilt your hips down slightly and the sensation is so good and welcome that your eyes pinch close and your back arches. The movement is jerkily and you stretch your arms over your head to conceal it, slowly opening your eyes again.
Eddie is watching. Eddie is hard.
You grab your pencil and start drawing the spectacle in front of you; concentration isn’t the right word for the sharp focus that settles over you. It’s fucking lust.
It’s not the first hard-on you’ve seen in this class, not by any means. It happens now and then and usually a slight blush from the model was the only reaction. But this wasn’t any hard dick: you did this. You did this to this gorgeous man and you wanted to capture this with your own hands. In case he just bolted right after the session, you would have something to remember this.
You’re leaning in, literally, sketch pad balancing on your knees and bent over your thighs you almost forget the additional loosened buttons on your blouse until you catch those eyes directed at your chest. Seems like Eddie figured the damage was done anyway so why hold back now?
And fucking hell was that precum glistening at the tip?
 This is when the timer starts announcing the end of class.
Eddie shoots you one final look, a sharp grin, a slight shake of the head, tips of his hair tickling his shoulders and hops off his little platform to get dressed.
“Holy shit,” says the guy next to you, leaning over. “Have you seen that dick?”
You huff a laugh that throbs in your pussy. “Hard to overlook.”
“Exactly,” he groans and picks up his things.
You look at drawings of Eddie of all kinds. They are all beautiful, even the bad ones. You rub your forehead catching that corny thought and look across the room where Eddie is talking to two people, gesturing to the drawings on the floor, laughing. The two of you are slowly moving towards each other. The journey consists of looking, talking: This is a good one! and That one is crap, right? and glancing to your right. You reach the row with your own stuff, groaning internally at how very off everything looks, everything but two.
Suddenly, a chest presses to your back and an arm sneaks past you to point at a drawing.
“That’s amazing.”
The explosion in your insides barely travels to your voice and you’re impressed with yourself. He even smells amazing. “Thank you.”
“Oh, that’s one of yours then?”
You turn to face him. The smile on his face is obscene.
“Hi, Eddie.”
The smile shrinks a little and his nostrils flare with the air he pulls in. His voice is low and deep when he speaks. “You… uh, made that a very hard job to do.”
“I’m almost sorry,” you croon. His face is way too close; one uptilt of your head and you could bite his plush bottom lip.
“Don’t be,” he licks the spot you just imagined nibbling on. “I didn’t start it for nothing.”
You both jump when someone hijacks your moment. “Those detailed studies are really nice.”
“Yeah, right?” Eddie says with genuine enthusiasm. “Almost the only ones who got some of my tattoos…”
“Uhg, tattoos are hard in that short time, man and you know, not really anatomy.”
The exchange goes back and forth a little longer until Eddie loops his arm under yours and not so causally pulls you in the direction you’d come from under the disguise of looking at sketches.
“So, uh, what are you doing, like, right after this?”
“You, I hope.”
“Shit…” he shakes his head, hair falling into his face. “You’re killing me already… where do you want to go?”
You think about this for a moment, greedy and soaking through your panties you’re in no mood to wait much longer to have him naked again.
“I have a studio two corridors down…”
His brows shoot up. “You ahm…” he blurts out, then lowers his voice, “want to do me here at school?”
“Yes, Eddie… like the pretty little muse you are.”
His hand is warm in yours as you pull him along behind you through the hallway past your fellow students who throw curious glances over their shoulders.
Eddie catches up to your side and leans close to your ear, “Are you already wet for me? The way you moved on that chair…”
“Drenched,” you breathe against his neck and almost stumble over your own feet. Eddie sneaks his arm around you, keeping you steady.
“Easy, sweetheart. Let me be the one to bruise you, ok? I’ll do it in aaall the nice places.”
You stare at him, mouth hanging open.
“Promise,” he adds, tapping the tip of your nose, a devilish smile spreading on his face.
You drag him on and he laughs behind you until he catches up again. There is a brief moment where you leave him in the middle of the empty foyer to get your key from the doorman, interrupting his lunch break, praying to whoever deity will listen to your horny call that none of your studio mates is in there already. You almost moan when the guy hands the key to you and you bump into Eddie’s chest face first when you turn around in a hurry.
“Fuck you’re so pretty,” he rasps, takes your face in his large hands and bends down to press a hot kiss to your mouth. Your fists close around the lapel of his coat as he licks along your teeth until your tongue finds him. The world around you feels vague and unimportant until the doorman behind you knocks against the glass of his booth.
“I don’t need to see this, folks.”
This time Eddie takes your hand and walks on. “Show me the way, babe, or I’ll have to hoist you up one of those windowsills… you people are doing performance art here, right?”
Eddie is mumbling filthy things at you the whole way down the empty corridor where your shared studio is the last room on the left. You try to fumble the key into the lock and drop it because Eddie is already busy bruising your neck. Pressed flat to your back he brushed your hair to the side and started sucking at the spot just below your ear, his hands sneaking around you, cupping your tits through your blouse. As you bend down to pick up the key, Eddie grabs your hips and rolls his own against you, almost pushing you into the door. You both laugh and he pulls you up by your waist.
“Sorry,” he chuckles as you finally unlock the door. “I couldn’t help myself.”
You let him inside and lock the door behind you.
“What’s your workspace?” he asks, already poking his nose into things. “No! Don’t tell me… it’s… this one.”
“How did you know?” you ask surprised, taking off your coat and fully unbuttoning your blouse while he looks at your work lined up on the wall, hand on his chin like a proper little art critic.
“Well, I saw your drawings and this stuff here… it has the same… Duktus?”
“Christ,” you moan and he looks at you. “That was so sexy.”
“Hey, you’re starting without me?”
Eddie rushes to you, hands instantly sliding inside your open blouse against your bare skin. His hands are rough, calloused in some places and the slight scratch is making you shiver in his arms. He pulls the fabric off of you and drops it to the ground. His coat falls next, then his shirt. Eddie hisses as you sink your teeth into his collarbone as soon as you have access to them.
“Too much?”
His eyes are lidded and so very dark as he shakes his head. “Just start pulling my hair too and you’ll never get rid of me again…”
“That a threat or another promise?” you purr as you open his belt and fly over the impressive bulge in his pants.
“Which one turns you on more?” You hook your fingers into his waistband and drop to your knees, pulling his pants down with you, making his breath hitch. “Oh, s-shit…”
This is the close-up you've been yearning for all morning. Fully hard and flushed a deep pink already; you wonder if it will feel as heavy on your tongue as it looks. You run a finger along the underside and it twitches again, bobbing up and down in front of your face. You lean in, stick out your tongue and give the swollen tip a lick that makes Eddie whimper above you.
Again you meet his eyes and the expression in them is so unexpectedly soft that you almost whimper too. Your cunt is clenching around horrible nothingness as you lick him again, flat tongue sliding along the underside, feeling a vein, tasting salt, watching those big brown eyes roll up and close as a moan escapes him.
“You’re gorgeous, holy shit.” You firmly grip his cock around the base and stroke him a few times, your mouth watering, before you close your lips around the tip, your tongue swirling in lazy circles around it. Eddie’s breath is uneven and laced with soft moans from his glistening parted lips while you softly play around with his cock. Every twitch of his face is a delight, the way his abdomen tenses when you press small kisses to the length of his shaft makes you swoon with adoration. You reach up one hand to trace up the lines of a tattoo on his ribcage and he catches it, pressing it flat against his chest. Eddie’s heartbeat pounds against your palm and you moan around his cock.
“Holy… fuck… I wanna watch you so bad but I don’t know if I can take it.”
“You can take it, big boy,” you say in a low voice. “Look at me.”
It takes him a few more seconds until he opens his eyes and looks down at you; the moment you lock eyes you take him down as far as you can. A string of loud but mostly intangible curses echoes through the large room as you suck him down again and again in long leisurely motions. Your lips stretched around his girth curl up into a smile when his hands look for something to hold onto in your hair and you place your index finger at the corner of your mouth without stopping your onslaught to signal him to keep the volume down.
“Sorry, ah fuck fuck FUCK… I’ll try… shit I’m balls deep in your mouth and still don’t know your name—”
You don’t want to stop, not even for the moment to tell him your name. There’s a big portfolio folder leaning against the wall and you point in the general direction before running your fingers through the dark curls around his base and up the trail to his stomach while he’s trying to figure out what you’re showing him, failing at his attempt to stay quiet.
Then he says it: your name, no, he moans it. And he doesn’t fucking stop.
Suddenly your abdomen is on fire and you have to pull back to catch your breath. But you can’t, not really, because Eddie has kicked off his pants the rest of the way, dropped to the floor and pushed you to your back to peel you out of your clothes.
The floor is cold under your ass and back and you thump your head a little as he wraps his arms around your thighs and pulls you closer to him.
“Shit, you okay?”
“Yeah,” you giggle, “keep manhandling me.”
Eddie grins like the devil himself and goes to work. He’s everywhere: kissing, lapping biting at your mouth, your jaw your neck your tits, his fingers pushed into your thighs and you know it will bruise. He’s keeping his promise, leaving wet tingling marks all over you, a purple trail of small galaxies. His fingers find your cunt, finally, and Eddie eats the moan out of your mouth.
“Shh,” he says with a cocky laugh, his forehead pressed to yours, two fingers circling your clit in dragging motions. “You’re loud, beautiful. You don’t want us to get caught before I had a chance to fuck you.”
“N-no… ahhh.” Two thick fingers slide into you and your muscles grip down hard at the sudden intrusion.
“Hi,” he grins down at you as if he wasn’t just pounding your g-spot out of nowhere and making you see stars.
You hold on to his face, grappling for purchase and finally wind your fingers into this wild tickling hair and pull.
“Jesus, finally!”
“I— I’m so close.”
“Keep holding on,” he groans and moves down your body, fingers stilling for a moment.
You keep your hands in his hair, pulling in frustration from the ebbing pleasure.
“Of course, you have the prettiest fucking pussy, you—“ he doesn’t finish his thought, diving in with his tongue to lap at your clit like he’d been starving for you his whole life.
You bite the back of your hand to keep from yelling out at the sight alone. His eyes meet yours, of course they do and he sucks one of your lips into his mouth.
“You’re a fucking tease, Eddie… what’s your last name?”
“Munson,” he mumbles against your core and keeps on feasting.
“You’re a fucking tease, Eddie Munson… ahhh don’t stop please.”
And he doesn’t. He gives you his fingers and his mouth, his eyes fixed on you— well, most of the time, he keeps looking to a spot behind you but you have no time to inquire as your legs start to tremble and everything inside you starts to tense and pulse and you’re coming apart under his mouth before you’ve really seen it coming.
Yeah, that guy was something else.
When you’ve come down he gently pulls his fingers from you and litters your thighs and belly with kisses. His fingers are sticky against your skin but a slight roughness remains.
Your head lolls against the floor while you’re still blissed out and Eddie still puts those feathery kisses to your skin.
“You… you’re a musician…” you drawl out.
He looks up. “Yeah! How do you know?”
You take his hand from your chest and lick your wetness from his fingers before you turn his palm to him, sliding a fingertip over the calloused skin.
“You like that?” he grins.
You let go of his hand and nod. “Something with strings?”
“Guitar. And vocals.”
“Fuck you, you’re way too hot as it is…” you squeeze him with your thighs and his eyes go to that spot behind you again before he kisses your chest.
“What do you keep looking at?” you wiggle and crane your neck. It’s that painting. The one that has been haunting you for weeks.
“Sorry,” he scrunches up his nose. “I don’t know, draws me in somehow… it’s… weird… sorry.”
“No, no, don’t be…” you say and pull him up to you, kissing him. “You’re right.”
“Yeah?” he glances over again. “Well, fuck… yeah… m’ not gonna lie to you it’s kinda terrifying.” You both laugh. The warmth in your chest only expands more.
“Want to slather me in paint and fuck me against it?”
Eddie’s eyes widen as he glances between your face and the canvas. “Yes? Fuck yes!”
He pulls you up and into a hungry kiss, his thick cock hard against your belly.
 “Is that stuff safe to use?” he points his chin to some paint tubes on the trolley in the corner.
“No, oh god, no. But…” you leave him to look for a large bottle of black paint letting out a triumphant ha when you find it. You turn around beaming. “This here is… and will wash out of hair with no problem.”
“Come here…” he curls his finger to beckon you to him. “And hand that over.”
“Is that turning you on?” you ask as you join him.
“You have no idea.” Eddie takes the paint from you and wraps an arm around your shoulders, pulling your back to his chest. “You’re so pretty already with all my marks on you.” He walks you over to the canvas that way, his lips pressed close to your ear.
You turn in his arm and reach for his cock, stroking him softly. “How do you want me?”
“Fuck if I know… gimme a second and don’t stop that.” He looks at the canvas, really thinking about this. You suddenly want to pull his hair again. “Hands above your head, babe,” he says, opening the bottle of paint and squirts a generous amount into his hand. “Keep them clean. You have to put me inside you.”
You lean against the canvas; it’s large, so large that your outstretched arms above your head just graze the wooden frame inside.
Eddie’s hands are dripping black paint as he grabs your hips, bends down and sucks your nipple into his mouth before he kisses up to the crook of your shoulder to suck on you once more. “One last one before I make a mess out of you.” The contrast between the warmth of his lips and the cool paint as he slides his hands up your sides to your ribs makes you squirm and whimper. Eddie steps back to look at his work.
“Fuck, I’m an artist.”
He grabs the bottle from the floor and gets more paint, letting it drip right to your tits before smudging with splayed fingers. You watch him, mesmerized. When he is satisfied, he spins you around and pats your thigh as a sign to widen your stance. You feel him shuffle behind you as he presses himself against you and your chest against the canvas.
You reach down, fumbling in the air for a moment before you find him. “You ready?”
 “Ye—ahhhh, you little minx,” he groans as you line him up and push back on him half the way. He holds you steady and slides in the rest of the way breathing out a long low fuuuuck. Then he stills. “Are you holding your breath? You ok?”
You are more than ok and you let the air out, your forehead dropping against the canvas. “It was that or letting everybody in the building know I’m getting stretched real fucking good right now…”
He angles your hips back and pushes closer. “Yeah, you are… shit, you’re unreal.”
“And you’re big. Gimme a moment.”
“All the time you want, I’m cosy here.”
While you get used to the stretch, Eddie caresses your back, rubbing small circles up the sides of your spine.
“I have a show next Tuesday,” he says kissing your shoulder. “Would love to see you in the first row.”
“Wouldn’t miss it… I assume it’s something hard?�� you wiggle your ass, making you both sigh.
“You like it hard?” he laughs. “Music, I mean.”
“I do.”
“’Course you do. Can I fuck you now? Please?”
“Yeah,” you sigh. “Before the paint dries.”
He starts slow, pulling out almost all the way and sliding back in till he bottoms out. Your front slides against the canvas blackening out parts of it in big splotches.
“How’s this?” He’s so careful it makes your throat feel tight.
“You feel in-incredible.” You push back, meeting his thrusts as he picks up the pace.
“You’re incredible, sweetheart.”
Then you’re just getting lost in each other. His movements get rougher, more confident as he thrusts into you. You feel him deep inside you lighting little fires everywhere. A hand presses to the canvas next to your head, an arm loops around your waist and you yelp as he sharply slams into you. You beg him to do it again but he’s already on it, relentlessly fucking you into the canvas. Most of the paint is dry now, it’s prickling on your skin. Eddie moans your name into your ear, squeezing your tits and you squeeze your muscles around his cock.
“Shhh, babe…” you chuckle after he cries out.
“Fuck you,” he laughs hoarsely into your hair.
You’re so close again and you slip your hand between your legs but Eddie stops and pulls your arm to your back. “No nono, shit, not-not like that…”
“Stay like that,” he says and pulls out of you, leaving you empty and confused. There is some shuffling and then he is back behind you. “Going to be cold.”
“What— uhn!”
Paint trickles onto your arched back, sliding down your spine and making you shiver. Eddie gives your ass a little smack and turns you around, crowding you against the canvas, and hoists you up by your thighs.
“Oh my god,” you huff, wrapping your arms around his neck while he balances you out.
“Can’t do that all day but you’re close ‘n I wanna see that face when you come.” He leans you back to create some space between you. “Help me out, put me back inside you…”
You do as you’re told and you clench your thighs hard around his hips as he starts up almost at the same pace he stopped. He kisses you, so sloppy so wet you feel a string of spit between your mouths when he pulls back again to hook his arms under your knees and spreads you open so wide that you’re crying out his name.
“I got you,” he assures you, pounding into you at a new angle, so deep it makes you dizzy. “I got you, you can juuust fall apart…”
The noises you two are making where you’re joined are obscene.
“Holy shit,” you moan, “li-listen… those sounds.”
Eddie drops his head to your shoulder, sweat dripping from his forehead onto you. “Like fucking music…”
You laugh. “Fucking music indeed.”
“God, you’re perfect,” he presses out through a laugh and really leans into you. You grab a thick strand of hair and pull as your insides begin to tense.
“Oh… oh shit, don’t stop.”
The world tilts as he leans you back again. “Wouldn’t dare… touch yourself for me, I need to feel you come around me.”
“Come inside me, yeah?” you rasp as you circle your swollen throbbing clit.
His eyes bore into yours, the strain and pleasure all over his face. He’s a mess as much as you are. “Come on, darling… come for me… I want you to run through my fingers.”
And you swear you do: your head thumps against the wood frame as your muscles try to create a black hole or whatever happens under so much pressure, but who cares when this stupidly perfect man fucks you through the hardest orgasm anyone ever had while looking at you like he was fulfilling his fucking destiny. You can’t hear him over the blood rushing through your ears, but he looks so pretty with his nose scrunched up, a streak of black paint running over the bridge and his eyes shut tight. A few more thrusts and he collapses against your chest with stuttering hips, pinning you so hard against the wall that it drives the air out of you.
There is only breathing, hot air from his lungs against your tickling skin. You cup the back of his head and stroke his hair; he nuzzles deeper into your skin and makes a noise that sounds like fucking home.
“I need to put you down now… sorry.”
He puts you down but doesn’t let go. Kisses cover your face until you cup his cheeks and claim his mouth while he’s dripping down the inside of your thighs.
Then you giggle together, Eddie squeezing your ass with both hands, smiling at you so silly and soft. You’re thirsty, you let him have the bottle first and he gulps the water down, spilling down his chest, creating little rivers of paint that let the ink show through. You want to study those lines up close without twenty people around you, without the blinding fire of lust, but calm, taking your time asking questions.
“What’s going on up there?” he asks, tapping a finger against your forehead.
“I wanna study you some more,” you say, taking the bottle and down what’s left.
He doesn’t ask you what you mean, only tilts his head and smiles. Then he sits down in that worn-out armchair your mate had dragged in a few months ago, still naked, it isn’t time to cover up yet and you find a clean enough rag, climb into his lap and clean the paint off his face as gently as you can.
“Stop,” he grabs your hips, “do you have a camera or something?”
You do and the timer takes too long for you two not to start fooling around before the soft click of the shutter sounds. One more and one more and the film has only two more left and he pulls you in to kiss you just before the camera rewinds.
“You want to join me when I make the prints?”
“You, red light and chemicals?” he grins. “It’s a date.”
The painting is dry already; Guache dries rather fast, you explain to him. It’s itchy, he adds and scratches his chest, small flakes of black falling down to the floor. You sit in front of both your work, your head against his shoulder and your fingers fumbling with a strand of his hair that is stiff with paint.
“You know,” he says, “it would have made a damn good record cover before…”
“You can have a picture… I document every night before I go home.”
“Really? I mean, the picture?”
You brush sweaty hair off his forehead, “I’m sure it’s in good hands with you.”
He almost shoves you over when he kisses you, the giddy streak you saw earlier during class showing when he chuckles and licks your cheek like a puppy.
“It looks really good now though, don’t you think?”
“You’re just horny,” you laugh.
“What? You don’t like our work?” he pouts and this shouldn’t pull at your heart that much.
“I do,” you kiss the pout, “I was just teasing.”
“I mean it,” he looks at the canvas, “It’s a bit crooked and dented now, but that just adds to the charm.”
 “It has nothing on you though when it comes to charm.” You lean in with a sultry smile and his palm cups your breast and then—
A knock on the door. “Come on, you still fucking in there? I need to work.”
You look at each other with large eyes and break out laughing, scrambling for your clothes. Eddie hisses sharply when you slap his ass just before he pulls up his jeans and you forgo the bra because one strap did not survive Eddie’s enthusiasm. There is paint sticking out of his collar that you couldn’t clean before your photo shoot and you remember to put the film in your pocket while he kisses your temple because he seems to can’t help himself but stay close to you.
“Ready?” you ask and he grabs your hand and nods, following you out.
“Finally,” your mate says, but smiles when she sees you. “Aren’t you that new model?”
“Muse,” he grins without further explanation.
You hand her the key, mouth a small sorry and admit it when she calls you out on your lie.
His hand is warm in yours, his thumb playing with your knuckles as you walk back through the hallway.
“So,” he says, “we gonna shower at your or my place?”
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teatreeoilll · 5 months
|| Flustered (Geto Suguru X Reader) ||
(Reposted from my old blog which I don't have access to anymore (thanks Tumblr), if you liked it reblogs or likes would be appreciated to get me back on track since I've lost all my followers and half my work :(
in which reader has a big crush on Geto (don't we all?), just kind of me tapping into the funny post-credits vibes of jjk. notes: I even kept the small headlines I made for each part because it felt cute, might delete later.
w/c: 1.1 k
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screenshot credits to user yutamayo.
The part where Geto Suguru likes seeing you flustered.
You were sure Geto Suguru hadn't the slightest idea of what he was doing. Because if he did, it would make him a devil.
He'd always sit patiently waiting for the end of class before coming up to you, just to place a large hand on your shoulder while you were still sitting in your seat, letting it linger there for far too long as he spoke.
"Be careful, yeah?" He heard passingly from Shoko about the mission you were about to take on with one of the older sorcerers.
"Always am." You smile, thinking that if he doesn't move his hand off of your shoulder soon, the warmth of his fingertips might burn through the fabric of your uniform.
"That's not what Shoko says," He gets down on his knees to face you and tilts his head lightly, a dark strand of hair grazing the side of his nose. It would be impolite to not look straight at him now - the eye contact he kept so easily made the blush creep to your cheeks. His hand moves to rest on your thigh. There's no chance in hell he doesn't know what he's doing.
"Are you feeling okay? Your face looks red, you shouldn't go if you feel sick." He says.
"I'm - fine, I just -" Your chair scrapes the floor as you get up abruptly, "I don't want to keep Mei Mei waiting."
Did someone tell him that I have a crush on him? You thought while stumping down the hall, the only one who knows is Shoko, and there's no chance she'd do that. Damn it.
The part where you learn that if you ever ask for something of Mei Mei, be very specific.
It doesn't help to wipe the sweat. It just mixes with dirt and blood that covered you from head to toe, leaving your vision blurred and your moves sloppy. Mei Mei has it all under control - as she usually does, with her battleaxe swinging elegantly through numerous curses each instant, leaving their severed parts to rest on the dirty linoleum floors, but it doesn't mean she'd let you off easy.
"You should at least try to focus, or you wouldn't live long enough to have any chance of getting together with Geto."
"I'm sorry. I'll focus." you mutter shamefully.
The mission ends almost instantaneously when Mei Mei finds the curse responsible for the recent killings, her blows unwavering even at the horrid sight. You knew you weren't at your usual level on this mission, but Mei Mei's words have shifted your focus completely.
The car ride was silent except for the sound of your uniform's fabric brushing over the car seat every time your leg bounced restlessly, thoughts running back and forth through your mind.
"Mei-Mei, How'd you know that -"
She didn't even wait for your sentence to finish; "Gojo paid me to send a raven to pry on yours and Shoko's conversations."
"Oh," fuck, "wait, shouldn't it be a secret?"
"He paid me to snoop," a smile grazed her lips, "not to keep a secret."
The part where Gojo Satoru faces imminent death.
"I'll kill you, Satoru!" You shout, but Gojo only likes it more. He runs around the class pretending that all the things you're throwing at his direction will actually hurt him. He hides his tall figure poorly behind desks, giggling every time another part of school property passes his head by a few inches.
"And end a bloodline just like that?" He teases.
Shoko stands silently in the doorway, watching the scene unfold. She puts a cigarette in her mouth, ready to turn away from the class and leave you to deal with Gojo in any way that you see fit. Out of the corner of her eye, she sees Geto approaching the classroom, oblivious to the new developments.
"Ieri - " He tries to say something, but she just slowly shakes her head "No".
"Wouldn't go in there if I were you." Shoko closes the door behind her, muffling the conundrum of threats and laughter coming out of the room.
In the hall, Gojo's mocking words could still be heard through loud thuds of heavy objects hitting the floor, "D'you really wanna' kill your boyfriends best friend?"
The part where Geto Suguru is so, so sorry.
Geto felt the guilt rush over him now that you knew that he had flustered you very much deliberately. You've ignored him for almost a week now, which by any means would be considered a feat, seeing that you've spent hours together in classes and practice almost every day. And even when he came to apologize, befitting a Jujutsu sorcerer, you stood before him in the hallway with an unholy amount of unwavering pride.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that, especially when I knew that you have a crush on me." He had stated the obvious, but still somehow managed to lie. He really wasn't sorry - his heart fluttered everytime he saw your face turn crimson under his touch.
"Had." You corrected.
"Yeah, had a crush on you."
"Oh, so you don't anymore?"
"No." You lied through your teeth, but you were rather convinced that if you'd just keep focusing on the anger you felt, the feeling will blow over eventually anyway.
"That's understandable," He says, taking a small step closer to you, just to test the waters. When you didn't move, he raised his arm slowly, pressing the palm of his hand to the side of your face, watching your body involuntarily eliciting the same response he longed for. On the tips of his fingers he clearly felt your jaw tense up slightly, and the heat gathering quickly in your cheeks, "But I just can't have that happen. You look so cute like this, you know?"
It was futile to resist his kiss, his whole body felt like it belonged to be pressed right against yours. Your pride melted against his tongue, his lips only stopping when he had to draw a quick breath. By the time his hand was entangled in your hair, it was too late to try and regain the last shreds of dignity, and so you opted to wrap your arms around him to press your bodies even closer.
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neteyamkink · 1 year
What if the reader tries to make neteyam jealous to see how he would react but he ends up fucking her to show he’s the only one that can make her feel this good⁉️😨
Paring: aged up!neteyam x reader
warnings: filthy smut, degrading, neteyam calls reader a whore, neteyam fucks reader like a whore, choking, VERY RUSHED!!, uhmmm idk i think that’s it
likes and reblogs are appreciated :)
“Be as loud as you want, baby. Everyone needs to know who you belong to,” Neteyam growled in your ear sending chills all the way down your spine. Your back was starting to ache against the rough forest floor due to his hard thrusts.
“Neteyam!” you let out a loud moan everything was starting to become way too much to handle. Your back was pushed against the floor, his nails digging deep into your hips, the chill his voice sent down your back, and the way his cock was filling you up perfectly like your walls were made for him.
Hold on, let’s rewind and see how you got here.
“I mean it’s just to see if he really cares about you,” your friend, yu’ri, added. Currently, yu’ri was trying to convince you to make neteyam jealous as a test. Now At first, you were against it but the more she keeps arguing her case the more she is tempting you. You are typically not the type of person to play with someone’s feelings just for fun, but his reaction would help you understand where you guys stand right now. I mean you two weren’t dating yet, but there was surely something there right? Well, I guess today you’ll find out.
“Alright alright,” you finally give in to your friend, waving your hand and signalling her to calm down. “I’ll do it at the bonfire.”
“hey kumi, let’s dance,” you said, before he could even speak you were wrapping your hand around his wrist and pulling him into the center where everyone was dancing. You pushed through the crowd of people and attempted to get closer to the other side where neteyam and his friends were. Just when you knew you were in view of him you started to dance with the boy, nothing too provocative, but something just to get him riled up.
“I thought you didn’t like me?” the boy randomly questions before beginning to dance with you.
“I don’t,” you said looking past his shoulder and towards Neteyam whose back was against a tree one leg bent so his foot could hold him up on the tree. Neteyam stared you down, yellow eyes piercing through yours. You swayed your hips to the sound of the elders singing and the kids playing instruments. The beat pulsates through your body and fired up something inside you. You were determined to get a reaction out of him.
You pulled kumi closer to you, close enough to the point where your bodies were almost touching. You didn’t want to go too far with this, though. Deep down you knew you were Neteyam’s, off limits to anyone else.
“oh?” Kumi questioned your motives, but you were dancing with him who was he to question you? The thought left as fast as it came and he could only pay attention to the sway of your hips now. He wasn’t the only one, Neteyam’s gaze on you was sickening. If looks could kill, Eywa knows you would be with her now.
Neteyam’s throat started to burn with jealousy, his palms were sweaty, and his heartbeat was fast.
“Neteyam… are u listening?” Ao’nung spoke up. Fuck, he couldn’t even pay attention to what his friends were saying. The only thing that mattered to him right now was how your hips were swaying against that beast-looking na’vi.
“Yeah yeah keep going,” Neteyam flagged his friend off nonchalantly. he didn’t bother to take his eyes off of you.
“for fucks sake just go talk to her,” Roxto let out a huff tired of this silent feud between the two of you. Neteyam knew he should go and put you in your place, but part of him just wanted to see how far you would take it. But the way you were practically grinding on that random boy you were just begging for attention. Poor little you just wanted to get fucked, huh?
He tilted his head, rolled his tongue to lick the inside of his cheek, and scratched his head before puffing out his chest and stomping his way over to you. Before you knew it his big hand was wrapped around your upper arm and you were being dragged into the forest.
“Hey! what the hell are you doing,” you shouted trying to free yourself from his grasp. You knew exactly what he was doing.
“No what the hell were YOU doing?” his face was scrunched up, he was angry but fuck he was so hot like this.
“What did it look like,” you rolled your eyes giving up on freeing yourself at this point. You were too deep into the forest to go back and frankly, you didn’t even want to.
“It looked like you were just being a fucking whore. My Eywa, if you wanted attention why didn’t you just say so?” He gritted through his teeth.
that’s how you ended up a whimpering mess under him.
“Fuck, you’re mine, nobody else’s. understood?” he grunts as he fucks his hips into you. You could barely even speak so you pathetically nodded your head. Your non-verbal answer wasn’t good enough for him, because suddenly his hands were around your neck applying little pressure, “use your words.”
“yes, teyam!” you choked out desperately nodding your head. The pressure of his fingers on your neck was making your head go fuzzy. The only thought in your head was him and his dick.
“Say your mine, baby,” his breathing was harsh and rushed, you could feel his chest heaving up and down on yours.
“I’m yours,” you spat out between moans, he was fucking you so good that you could barely talk.
“cum for me, my love,” he spoke, and with those few words, you were a moaning mess, crumbling and whimpering underneath him. With the pressure on your neck, you could barely even breathe. Not even seconds after your climax he was cumming with you, releasing his hot seed inside of you with throaty moans.
“All you needed was to get fucked, huh?” he shushed you.
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Tears In His Ferrari - 10
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Character: Bucky Barnes x Farmer!Reader
Summary: Bucky Barnes, used to a life of luxury, takes on farm challenges in a bet with his father. Mud-stained Ferraris and a rustic farmhouse lead to unexpected personal growth, guided by the stern mentorship of Y/N, a farmer making his city-boy life difficult.
Theme: Fluff, Slice of Life, Heart-Warming.
Main Masterlist || support: Ko-fi
Thank you to anyone who gave a like, reblog, and left a comment. It motivated me to write more. 
Chapters: Chp 1, Chp 2,Chp 3 , Chp 4 , Chp 5 , Chp 6 , Chp 7 , Chp 8 , Chp 9 , Chp 10 , Chp 11 , Chp 12.
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Bucky's heroic story of helping Toby's grandmother and bringing her to the hospital with his red Ferrari became the talk of the town.
The next day, he went to the fresh market with Y/N's parents to buy fruits and flowers.
He was planning to revisit Toby’s grandmother. He didn’t know why, but he felt a sense of melancholy toward elders, especially since his own grandparents had passed away before he was born.
As Bucky looked at the oranges, the locals greeted him warmly, especially the elders.
One grandfather said, “Thank you for helping Toby's grandma, young man. Here's some fresh corn and potatoes for you.”
Bucky smiled warmly and replied, “Oh, yes, we should help each other.”
Another grandmother approached him and said, “Are you the Barnes kid who helped my friend? Here's an orange for you.”
The kind old lady handed him baskets of oranges, her eyes twinkling with gratitude.
Then he felt someone tap his shoulder. He felt like a big shadow towering over him. It was Thor.
Thor exclaimed, "Buddy, you were a great help yesterday. Here, I'll give you my biggest catch today."
Bucky widened his eyes in surprise. "Oh no, it's alright. Urghh."
This was the first time in Bucky's life that he carried a heavy fish.
With each step he took, someone would greet him and give him something. He had never experienced this sense of community back in the city, and he appreciated how supportive the locals were of each other.
Samanta chuckled upon seeing Bucky looking clueless. “You've become the local celebrity.”
Bucky blinked in surprise. “Really?”
“Yup. Oh, my daughter just called. Some people are at your farm.”
“That's right. I have to go back.” Bucky clapped his hands excitedly. He suspected that what he requested from his dad had arrived.
He stepped on the gas and drove fast to his place. When he arrived, he saw a few teenagers and kids standing near his house.
Y/N was also there, looking a bit overwhelmed as she guarded the youngsters from entering the house.
The truck stopped, and Bucky got out of the car.
He greeted Y/N with a smile. "What's up?"
Y/N sighed in relief. "They want to see your car, but I thought they needed your permission first."
The group of youngsters looked at Bucky with puppy eyes. In a second, he remembered being a young kid, also interested in sports cars when his dad brought him to the F1 race car. The experience was amazing, and it made him fall in love with fast cars.
As a fellow car lover, Bucky welcomed them. "It's alright. Do you want to see what it looks like inside?"
"Yeah!!" The youngsters cheered in excitement.
Bucky showed them his Ferrari car and enthusiastically explained the engine and the machinery.
Y/N observed Bucky, who looked genuinely excited. She remarked, “You've become the celebrity.”
Bucky chuckled, unable to contain his enthusiasm. “I can't help it.”
“By the way,” Y/N continued, “your father sent a pick-up truck. I didn't know you needed another one.”
Bucky's eyes lit up. “It's here? Yes! And it's not for me.”
“Then for who?” Y/N inquired, curiosity piqued.
At the hospital, Toby was speechless when he saw the pick-up truck. It looked brand new and far superior to the old truck they had to sell to pay his father's debt.
He walked around the truck, inspecting it from front to back, then turned to Bucky and enveloped him in a grateful hug. “Thank you, bro,” he said earnestly.
Bucky returned the hug with a smile. “You're welcome, buddy.”
After Toby rushed back to the hospital to share the news with his grandfather, Y/N approached Bucky. “That was really nice of you,” she remarked.
Bucky nodded, a sense of fulfillment washing over him. “I realized how important a car is for Toby. He needs it to drive his grandma and carry boxes of honey.”
With the means to help, Bucky felt compelled to use it.
Y/N smiled warmly. Witnessing Bucky's generosity and compassion, she couldn't help but admire him even more.
Bucky's generous gift quickly spread throughout the town, making him the hottest topic of discussion. Suddenly, he found himself at the center of attention, not for his wealth or status, but for his kindness and willingness to help others.
The children in the town looked up to him as a cool role model, inspired by his actions to make a positive difference in the community.
With Toby's grandmother gradually improving, and Toby himself working diligently to sell honey at markets and to local households, the spirit of gratitude and determination seemed to infuse the air.
Despite initially finding farming challenging, Bucky began feeling accepted and belonging in his new life.
Though he still encountered difficulties, he realized that the rewards of helping others and being part of a close-knit community far outweighed any hardships he faced.
****** His story has also spread widely on social media. However, it wasn't Bucky who initiated it.
Bucky hadn't opened his social media for a while since he was already busy with farming.
But who did? Of course, it was Kate. She inserted herself into Bucky's story as if she were a part of the effort to help him.
During her live session, she recounted the events with a touch of theatricality, emphasizing her own role in the act of kindness.
"And that's when Bucky and I sprang into action," she exclaimed dramatically, her eyes sparkling with manufactured emotion. "Together, we rushed Toby's grandmother to the hospital, our hearts filled with determination to make a difference!"
Her viewers were quick to shower her with praise, captivated by her portrayal of a compassionate and selfless individual.
"You're such an inspiration, Kate!"
"Wow, I had no idea you were so involved in charity work. You're amazing!"
"Thank you for using your platform to spread awareness and help those in need. You're truly making a difference!"
With each compliment, Kate's smile widened, basking in her audience's admiration as she skillfully crafted her image as a philanthropic icon.
She kept smiling as she scrolled through the comments until she noticed someone mentioning "What about Y/N?"
Kate's smile faltered, and she let out a sigh.
"What's wrong?" inquired one of her viewers.
Kate sighed again. "Well, we only know what people choose to show us on the outside, not what's really going on behind the scenes."
The viewers were intrigued. "Is this about Y/N?"
Kate hesitated, then replied cryptically, "I don't want to name names, but let's just say there's someone who's been quite influential in Bucky's life, and it's had some unfortunate consequences for my brother."
"Your brother, the celebrity chef Paul?" another viewer asked.
"He can't cook anymore because of a car accident, right?"
The comments continued to pour in, each one adding to the speculation. It was precisely what Kate wanted. She leaned back in her chair, a satisfied smirk playing at the corners of her lips as she watched her fans dissect the situation for her.
Glancing down at her ruined shoes, a reminder of her unexpected encounter with the mud earlier, Kate clicked her tongue in annoyance. "Never underestimate me," she murmured to herself, a hint of determination in her voice.
Bucky, who had been feeling clueless, had just finished cleaning up the sheep's stable. He made his way back to his house to freshen up.
Archie, the puppy, had eagerly awaited his return, wagging his tail excitedly. "Woof."
"Hey, buddy, I missed you too," Bucky greeted, bending down to pet the eager pup.
Once inside, Bucky headed straight to the sink to wash his hands, feeling the grime of farm work clinging to his skin. As he scrubbed, he couldn't help but notice his phone incessantly buzzing with notifications.
"What's going on?" Bucky wondered aloud, setting down the soap to check his phone. He was met with a flood of messages and tags from various people. Among them was a tag that caught his attention: #Y/N and Paul.
Curious, he clicked on it, and his screen filled with photos of Y/N dressed in a chef's outfit, standing beside none other than Paul, the celebrity chef who also happened to be Kate's brother.
Bucky's heart sank as he read the accompanying captions and watched a reel detailing Paul's accident, along with rumors suggesting that it wasn't him driving the sports car, but rather a woman whose name was still unknown.
His thoughts racing, Bucky was startled when he heard a familiar voice behind him. "Here's the dinner."
He nearly jumped out of his skin, turning to find Y/N standing there, a concerned expression on her face as she looked at him. "What's wrong?" she asked, noticing his troubled demeanor.
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