#someone asks Where’s Buster?
cutekoala1001 · 7 months
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palms-upturned · 1 year
I’m not gonna jump in ppl’s notes over this bc lord knows I do not want to have a debate about it but seeing someone say “I have qualms about people calling Jean ableist for trying to fire Harry and in the same breath saying Harry is unfit for cop work” is really getting to me. I am practically on my knees begging people to actually engage with what disco elysium has to say about disability and addiction and ableism and policing and social murder because it’s not even subtextual, it’s as blatant and hand holding as it could possibly be. The 41st is an awful environment for Harry not bc him being disabled makes him incapable of doing his job, it’s bc the job is fucking hostile to his existence. Like, no one is “fit” to be a cop because they shouldn’t exist, firstly, and even Harry himself will say as much in the Ruby bad ending. But talking about Harry’s case specifically, we know that this job is part of what landed him where he is to begin with.
From the start of day 2:
ELECTROCHEMISTRY — You mean why are you so tired? Too tired and *down* to even think? It *is* worrying, isn't it. You can't be a detective like this -- detectives need to be able to think.
YOU — Why is this happening?
ELECTROCHEMISTRY — It's just that your heart has finally pumped all the *speed* out of your system, buster. Time to get some more.
YOU — Wait. What *is*... speed?
ELECTROCHEMISTRY — Speed is a potent central nervous system stimulant. It kept you propped up all day yesterday despite your debilitating hangover. How else did you think you even got up from this floor?
VOLITION — You got up from this floor because of a holy vow you made sixteen years ago. With *me*. To wake up exactly 07:30 every morning until the day you die.
ELECTROCHEMISTRY — Don't be silly. There was no vow. You were high on speed. That was the only reason you got up. You can't *detect* without it, it's that simple.
YOU — No. I can take this. I am not going to go looking for speed.
ELECTROCHEMISTRY — Are you sure? Ready to live as this pathetic shell of yourself for days? Basically a week? Let's be honest -- two weeks, maybe three? You won't make it. Half the town will be dead by then. You will be fired.
YOU — That's a lie. I can do this without the speed. Half the town won't be dead... (Opt out.)
ELECTROCHEMISTRY — Suit yourself, slow, sad shell-man. See how you do without your spark.
And from this talk with Kim in Klaasje’s room:
KIM KITSURAGI — "Amphetamine -- does it make you a better detective?"
SUGGESTION — Be honest. He's not grilling you, he just wants to know. Ask if he's ever wanted to take it too.
YOU — "Honestly, it makes me the detective I am. Have you thought of taking it too?"
KIM KITSURAGI — "Maybe I should?" He lets out a little pensive hum, rubbing his shoulder...
DRAMA — It's not insincere. He's actually giving it thought.
KIM KITSURAGI — "Doesn't the... pupils and the gurning jaw, the sweating... doesn't it become tiring after a while?"
YOU — "I understand it's unbecoming but if I don't perform this job well I am nothing. It's the price I pay."
Harry knows that the cost of getting sober would be that the precinct would let him go. They’re not going to have the patience to deal with him slowing down from the combo of withdrawal and no speed to “keep him propped up.” Not when the reason that he’s stayed on the force this long and risen in the ranks is most likely because he manages such a massive caseload, as we find out from Kim:
YOU — "Is two cases a week a good case load, lieutenant?"
KIM KITSURAGI — "Huh?" He raises his nose from his notes. "Two *complex* cases to undertake is a lot, yes. You *really* have to push yourself. I would not suggest it. Lest you start making mistakes."
YOU — "Two cases a week appears to have been my load, lieutenant. I'm not sure I completed them though."
KIM KITSURAGI — "Two?" He raises both eyebrows. "That's a lot. I didn't mean to say you're making mistakes, by the way. That was presumptuous of me."
And later:
KIM KITSURAGI — "This next row -- the one that wraps all the way around -- is your number of closed cases. *Closed* is good. It means finished. You've got, let's see..."
KIM KITSURAGI — "Wow, more than 200!"
YOU — "Is that a lot?"
KIM KITSURAGI — "It's *quite* a lot, even for someone who's been on the force for nearly two decades. Usually clearing more than 10 cases a year puts you in the 90th percentile of *all* RCM officers..."
Despite the trouble Harry makes, he’s considered an asset so long as he closes cases. To the point where he wasn’t punished for drunkenly beating Burke unconscious and then injuring his knee so badly that he can’t walk anymore just because this allowed them to close the “unsolvable case” of Leslie and Burke. 41 and the RCM as an institution don’t care about Harry’s or anyone else’s wellbeing, they care about whether the pros of having him around outweigh the cons.
From the lazareth call with Gottlieb:
YOU — "Isn't there *anything* you can do for me?"
NIX GOTTLIEB — "What, you want me to do blood work for you again, tell you just how bad things really are *across the board*? You want another rundown of everything collapsing inside your body?"
YOU — "Yes. I want the truth!"
NIX GOTTLIEB — "You want the real, honest-to-god truth? Stop drinking, eat magnesium and vitamin D. Our station is not a retirement home. We don't have the funds to deal with *rock stars* past their prime."
RHETORIC — So it's political! You're being *neglected* because of political reasons...
NIX GOTTLIEB — "And no, I *don't* want to hear a *political commentary* on the topic. In fact -- I've got work to do."
If I were to quote every time Gottlieb was notably uncaring or said something blasé about how you probably didn’t have long to live, I’d have to quote pretty much every word of that dialogue. That’s the whole joke with Gottlieb. That’s just how it is dealing with doctors when you’re in Harry’s position.
From talking to Kim about Uuno:
KIM KITSURAGI — "We could take him to Remedie or Saint Batiste, but he doesn't have money for medical services. The Almshouse would turn him down..."
KIM KITSURAGI — "They don't do charity for people who're trying to kill themselves. Besides, he'll be dead in a few..." The lieutenant stops, listening to him.
RHETORIC — ... years? Months? Weeks?
“They don’t do charity work for people who’re trying to kill themselves” really sums up the absurdity of Harry’s situation and institutional responses to it. Harry isn’t seen as the kind of person in crisis who deserves intervention. He’s treated as a lost cause who deserves to suffer the consequences of his self harm, even though the unending crisis and the lack of response to it is what drives him to harm himself and hope that he “gets worse.” If he weren’t a cop, it’s unlikely that Kim would care about him any more than he cares about Uuno and Cuno’s situation. Harry’s job is killing him, but it’s also the only thing that gives him access to anything resembling a community or support network (at least at the start of the game). Again, that’s just the way it goes when you’re disabled.
From the second tribunal:
TRANT HEIDELSTAM — "Well -- here is my theory: What if this is an absolutely normal reaction to the world we're living in? What if this is *not* a significant anomaly at all, something to be explained, approached as a defect? Look at the sensory input here..." He gestures toward the scenery.
TRANT HEIDELSTAM — "Look at the ruins, the neon, listen to the radio, the multitudes. The people. Live here for forty years... As a police detective, he's like a magnetic reader on the world-tape -- to borrow a known metaphor. Harry's been pushed *flat against it*. Total input."
TRANT HEIDELSTAM — "Hard-wired to the free market..." He nods confidently. "He just needed for it to end."
JEAN VICQUEMARE — "Okay, Trant, thank you. That's... absolutely meaningless. I'm glad we brought you. Will he or will he not be able to work in the Major Crimes Unit? Is he a cretin now? I want to know *that*."
TRANT HEIDELSTAM — "He is *not* a cretin. And he *is* able to do work -- if not in his previous leadership role, then as a line detective."
YOU — "Line detective is good for now."
JEAN VICQUEMARE — "For *now*?" He looks at you, then at Trant. "I misphrased my question. It should have been: Is he able to put his clothes on, and use the potty, or do we need to get him on a disability pension?"
Or, alternatively:
YOU — "He's wrong. I'm too far gone for work."
JEAN VICQUEMARE — "Agreed, Harry." He nods. "Just don't expect us to get you a disability pension. Cops who actually gave a shit are waiting in line. You're not gonna hog their seat."
Trant, who, notably, is technically a civilian consultant rather than a cop, (edit: and maybe even more notably, as someone pointed out in the tags, has had experience with addiction, too) suggests to Jean that Harry’s breakdown is a basically inevitable result of his circumstances and the systems that created them, and Jean’s response is that he doesn’t care and all that he wants to know is whether or not Harry can work or if he’s going to be “hogging” resources from other people who are more deserving of help because they “actually gave a shit.” He’s a mouthpiece here for the institutions that he represents and his ableism is blatant and heinous to drive the point home. He denies that Harry’s case is as serious as it is and accuses Harry of faking it, despite the fact that it’s happened (at least) twice before, and very recently:
JEAN VICQUEMARE — "I believe you *drank*. People do that -- you especially. What they don't do is forget their *whole life* because of drinking."
JUDIT MINOT — "But, Detective Vicquemare," she interjects. "He *has* blanked out before."
YOU — "I have?"
JUDIT MINOT — "Yes, a couple of times. After some of the more... serious benders." She pauses, remembering. "One was after the Two Drunks case, the other when we looked into that mural."
REACTION SPEED — The two cases... in your ledger. The Unsolvable Case and the Next World Mural. Those were recent.
And despite the fact that even Gottlieb doesn’t seem shocked about it:
YOU — "I've lost my memory. All of it."
NIX GOTTLIEB — "With all the damage you've been dealing yourself with drugs and alcohol, I'm not surprised."
AUTHORITY — There is no surprise in his voice. Only careless superiority.
DRAMA — It's hard to say if he doesn't believe you -- or doesn't care.
(Considering that Gottlieb’s PSY stat is so high (he’s even eating one of the PSY boosting candies during the call), along with his uncaring responses to all your other problems, it’s more likely the latter.)
Jean also won’t believe that you’re sober even if you haven’t touched so much as a cigarette for your entire playthrough, and even when Judit points out that he’s wrong, he’ll double down and say that it doesn’t matter because you’re going to relapse:
JEAN VICQUEMARE — "Even the insect -- I don't care. But you're an *alcoholic*. And you've been drinking -- again. I won't let my life unravel because of this."
JUDIT MINOT — "Jean -- I think he hasn't. I can see it on his face..."
ENDURANCE — The bloating *has* gone down since you woke up that morning...
JEAN VICQUEMARE — "Okay, so he's stayed clear for what? A week?" He sighs.
TRANT HEIDELSTAM — "It's tough. One of the toughest addictions to overcome. Comparable *only* to heavy synthetic opiates. Even morphine is easier to kick than alcohol -- statistically. The odds are against him. Especially at his age."
JEAN VICQUEMARE — He nods. "He's too old. He's been like this for too long. I've seen him try many times. It's a farce by now."
SUGGESTION — They're leaving. They're all turning away from you.
ELECTROCHEMISTRY — No. You can figure it out. *Replace* it! Replace the alcohol with amphetamine. Or GBL! Fuck it -- morphine! Graffito removal agent! Anything. It'll buy you time. All you need is time.
Electrochemistry brings up yet another facet of Harry’s struggles with substances, which is the idea that some of them may be replacements for alcohol. He doesn’t have time or space to try to quit in any way that is remotely healthy. What he has are substances like speed that keep him from collapsing from the strain of it all so that he can keep showing up to work, and other substances that might (he hopes) help him wean himself off the alcohol.
The game explores all of these different factors of Harry’s struggles with addiction and the circumstances that keep him trapped in them exhaustively (and the fact that Robert Kurvitz apparently was recovering from alcoholism during the development probably contributed a lot to that). The structure and culture of the RCM are hugely responsible for Harry’s situation. He’s mocked and berated for being an alcoholic and told repeatedly to get his shit together without actually providing him with the means to do that. Instead, he’s not only enabled but practically forced to keep using just so that he can show up to work at all and not risk losing the only support network he has (even if it’s the shittiest and most unhelpful network imaginable). As Luiga (iirc) said, Harry’s biggest tragedy is that he’s incapable of quitting the force. Many of the reasons for that are genuinely just due to Harry being a class traitor and an asshole, but it’s also true that even if he did want to quit, there is no safety net to catch him.
And then Harry comes to Martinaise, a town that has been “orphaned” by the RCM and neglected by Revachol at large, left mostly to their own devices. It’s not like policing doesn’t still exist in Martinaise, and things are pretty dire for everyone in the community, but at the very least you can see that it is a community. Isobel houses you for free. In Kim’s absence (and after Gottlieb stitches and ditches you), Cuno and Garte take care of you when you’re shot. Acele responds to your breakdown on the ice by saying it’s okay to cry and that you can talk with her about it when you’re ready. Idiot Doom Spiral and co run to your aid when they see you drive your car into the sea and invite you to come drink with them just to stop you from doing it again. Harry discovers that life, while very painful and bleak at times, isn’t necessarily hopeless for the marginalized. You can still find solidarity and support outside of the system.
Meanwhile, if Harry in the end has no one to vouch for him and hasn’t stayed sober, that system will abandon him, a well-known suicide risk with at least one bullet hole in him and severe amnesia, with the promise of nothing but getting served a station call slip. The point is not whether or not Harry “deserves” to be forgiven or even whether he’s a danger to himself and others (to be clear, he is). The point is that this is a system that doesn’t care whether Harry and people like him live or die. That is why, even in a “good” ending where Harry is welcomed back to the 41st, the work won’t be sustainable. It’s going to kill him because that’s what it’s designed to do. The miracle of Martinaise was the realization that he doesn’t have to die. There are people who will help to keep him on this earth. They’re just not members of the fucking RCM.
It’s not a “gotcha” to say that if Jean (and the RCM, and the institutions of Revachol on the whole) is ableist for wanting Harry fired, then saying that cop work is unsustainable for Harry is also ableist. I won’t even say what I personally think of that logic because I’m trying to keep the tone of this post polite. Jean’s dialogue during the tribunal is meant to parrot every bit of ableist rhetoric that the system is built on and that keeps Harry trapped in this hellish feedback loop. He’s a mouthpiece for the general culture of the RCM, just like Gottlieb is a mouthpiece for the shit that addicts and the disabled have to deal with from the medical system. He thinks Harry should be fired because he’s a drunk and therefor a lost cause. The truth is that Harry needs to quit this job because it shouldn’t exist and because it is actively killing him.
In one of Martin Luiga’s articles about the process of creating the game, he brings up the concept of social murder, which is a term coined by Engels:
When one individual inflicts bodily injury upon another such that death results, we call the deed manslaughter; when the assailant knew in advance that the injury would be fatal, we call his deed murder. But when society places hundreds of proletarians in such a position that they inevitably meet a too early and an unnatural death, one which is quite as much a death by violence as that by the sword or bullet; when it deprives thousands of the necessaries of life, places them under conditions in which they cannot live – forces them, through the strong arm of the law, to remain in such conditions until that death ensues which is the inevitable consequence – knows that these thousands of victims must perish, and yet permits these conditions to remain, its deed is murder just as surely as the deed of the single individual; disguised, malicious murder, murder against which none can defend himself, which does not seem what it is, because no man sees the murderer, because the death of the victim seems a natural one, since the offence is more one of omission than of commission. But murder it remains.
None of this is subtext. And all of it is intended to make players actually spare a thought for what it’s like for people in Harry’s situation in real life. For God’s sake, please engage with it. You have to try and understand what it means to be trapped in a life that is made unlivable and to know that your death will be ungrievable. That’s what this whole game is about.
Edit: I’ve seen some ppl say in the tags something like “yeah, I like to imagine a happy ending for Harry, but…” and listen. I am laying a very gentle hand on your shoulders. The point of this post was never to say that there’s no happy ending for Harry. The point is that the first step toward that ending is conceptualizing a life outside of the RCM. In Martinaise, he got a glimpse of what that might look like. Hell, in the bad ending, you can even say to Jean, “fine then. I’ll just live here.” There’s hope for him and for us. I promise.
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zoropookie · 8 days
♡ chapter twenty-four — not friends. (💋)
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[[ ALL WRITTEN CHAPTER ]] tw: lots of swearing, slight violence
Hu Tao didn’t think it was going to be this thorough working with Heizou.
For the past thirty minutes since four o’ clock in the morning, Heizou’s been doing nothing except making sure everybody in the group they came with was asleep. Checking all of the rooms and making sure they were accounted for while Hu Tao stood at the crook of the doorway in front of where Scaramouche was sleeping.
She truly wanted to find it funny, being the prankster herself. But she wasn’t laughing. “If you’re going to be patient with this, we may as well wait until he wakes up.”
“You can’t interrupt a crime scene like this. They’d just apprehend you.” Heizou whispered back, as quiet as the stillness in the night, continuing to trace his own steps back to the other rooms.
Hu Tao’s patience wore thin as she clenched her teeth, trying to contain her frustration by grabbing his arm and clawing her manicured nails into the meat of his forearm. “This floor is about to be a crime scene if you don’t fucking lock in, buster. You’re about to ruin it for both of us!”
"Ouch- alright, alright. Let go." Heizou winced, taking her silent warning.
With a begrudging nod, Hu Tao released her iron grip and approached the door with cautious steps, Heizou holding his own phone with his camera open at the ready.
She paused, turning to him and pointed a finger. "Remember, we're just looking. Don't accidentally send anything to anyone."
"Don't need to tell me twice, I feel grimy just doing this."
"And not kidnapping the kid?"
"You want me to be a child predator so bad-" Heizou was able to finish his sentence until he was cut off by a rustling in the distance.
"What are you guys doing?" A small voice asked from afar.
The both of them froze, slowly turning their bodies towards the source of the noise. Even when the hallway was as big as it was, the sound didn't seem to echo through the stillness of the night.
But the rustling stopped once a silhouette appeared from under a blanket and began to rush towards the other two. Hu Tao's heart damn near fell out of her ass, flinching at how fast Nahida came into vision.
"Holy shit," Hu Tao held her hands up in faux defense.
Heizou squinted at the girl before crossing his arms over his chest. "What are you doing awake, Nahida. Growing children need their sleep every night."
"Spare me the patronizing, Heizou. What are you guys doing in front of his room?"
"Wow. I didn't even know what 'patronizing' meant at that age." Hu Tao puffed her cheeks. "Maybe you're right, Heizou. My bad."
Heizou narrowed his eyes, reveling in his victory for a bit until he cleared his throat. His demeanor shifted into a nonchalance. "We were about to talk a walk. Just happened to be in front of someone's room."
Nahida raised an eyebrow, "At four in the morning? Sneaking directly towards his room?"
"He has the better patio view." Hu Tao chimed in. "You know how it is, sometimes you just need a little bit of fresh air."
Nahida was obviously not buying it. "Right." She said with a drawl as she looked at Hu Tao and Heizou dubiously. "And I'm the Empress of Snezhnaya. Don't act like I don't know that you two are plotting to take Scaramouche down."
"Foiled again," Hu Tao gritted her teeth. "Okay, we wanted to see if he had anything on his phone. Who wouldn't be curious? That guys a briefcase of suspicion, and I'm going to open it."
Heizou cringed, shooting Hu Tao a glare before sighing. "Yeah, Nahida. This would be a huge step in my investigation."
"You're unbelievable." Nahida responded with a disappointed frown. "If you really were curious about whether Scaramouche was doing something, it'd be less of an issue to just...oh, you know, ask him yourself? Not invading his privacy?"
"Now you know me directly asking a question would cramp my style." Heizou huffed. "We're not going to do anything except gather evidence. If there is none, we're out right away. Okay?"
There was something that was aching in Nahida, almost as if no matter what were to happen if she let them do this, things were going to go entirely wrong. With or without this happening, there was no keeping it at bay.
"Just be careful." Nahida looked in between them, sighing as her expression softened by a lot. "Whatever you find, handle it responsibly. I'm sure he's been through a lot of trouble with his own people already. We don't need more of it."
Hu Tao saluted. "No unnecessary risks. Gotcha."
Within an hour, they found themselves sitting in the corner of Scaramouche's room, looking through his phone. The soft glow of his phone casting a shadow on their faces. Every now and then, Heizou would take photos from his camera of what he'd think would be evidence for the future.
The both of them fell silent, hardly making an effort to talk to each other as they both became too interested in the contents. For some reason, seeing his life so formulated and established made it harder for Hu Tao to go through it.
"I think I'm done." She whispered before sighing, leaning back against the wall. "He's not even that bad of a guy. Ei is just a publicity demon."
"You're giving up?" Heizou looked at her.
"Yeah. I thought I would be happier to look through his things, but it seems like..." While Hu Tao was taking brief glances, her eyebrows raised at a certain detail that she missed while she was sitting there. "Wait a minute...what's that?"
"He has a second account." Hu Tao pointed at the screen once she swiped the menu to Twitter. "See? It's the little circle with the 3d girl on it."
"You can make second accounts linked to your main?" Heizou scrunched up his nose. "I guess that would've been nice to know when I posted my abs on social media and the office job I tried applying to found it."
Hu Tao stared at him for a second, wanting to respond, but shook her head and continue scanning through his feed. "Sneaky little fucker." She laughed in disbelief. "I mean, I guess not- it's all just random posts too. He's not following anyone on this ac-"
Once Hu Tao tapped on his icon, her eyes widened. There was a mountain sized chill that came coursing through her body. One that she thought she'd never experience ever since (Y/N) cursed the entire Inazuma group out on their livestream.
Justsofamous338. An account from the series of accounts from Justsofamous.
"Oh my go-" She stopped herself from being too loud. "Oh my...fucking god. Heizou..." She said, her breath failing her.
"Jackpot, eh?" Heizou murmured, staring interested at the screen.
Her hands visibly trembled as she pressed the messages, her eyes glued to the screen. There were no messages from this account in particular, but the fact that he was even signed in was indicator enough. "He posted on this account two times. Both cryptic, but he definitely knows that you're looking for who he is."
Heizou was genuinely in disbelief that they both were met with a side of the sleeping Scaramouche that they didn't know about until now. How? How was somebody like that so capable of what he said to (Y/N)?
Either way, Hu Tao felt herself come to a boiling point. And with that pent up anger that she's yet to know what to deal with, she hardly slept for the rest of the night.
You didn’t know where you were for a good minute.
Despite how long you were out for, there was a nagging feeling inside of you that you should wake up soon after all the stress left. Your eyes fluttered awake, leaving your body to be wracked by the copious amounts of physical exercise you did the night before. If there was one thing you hated doing in the morning, it was waking up in general…and hurting.
But even with your pain and disorient, you still managed to regain your consciousness. The memories of the previous night, and how embarrassing they were, flooding back. You put your head in your hands, groaning in a miserably agony. “Why did I say that?!” You yelled.
“Stupid, so stupid. What the fuck?!”
It hung heavy in your mind, eyes dulling. You weren’t about to let it ruin your day, but the more you sat alone in the room that used to have Tohma and Ayaka’s sleeping bodies, the more you wonder if you’re in the backrooms or not.
After a few moments of looking at the groovy texture and the zig zags of the clock, you felt your resolve return. You put on your socks and slip ons, heading towards the sliding door and opening it…
Only to be met with Scaramouche on the other side. You almost screamed, but not because of him. It was because of how the barely cooked meat of the Shoyu ramen in his hands was touching the rest of the ingredients.
“Ah yes, my reminder of the unfortunate appears again.” You murmured grimly.
“What?” Scaramouche couldn’t help but let out a small scoff.
“Nothing. Morning, Kuni. Didn’t take you to be the type to wake up on the dot.” You tilted your head. “Something’s gone awry.”
“I wanted to see how you were doing in there. It’s almost one in the afternoon.” Scara said, holding the ramen outward towards you. “Breakfast. It’s really hot, so be careful.”
“I already had breakfast, Kuni.” You said, eyeing the ramen warily.
“You just woke up.”
“Yeah?” You contested with the same amount of attitude he gave you. “It’s called eating in your sleep. I’m good off your red ass meat. You didn’t even cook it.”
“You don’t eat it when it’s red, dickhead. You put it in the broth to cook it. That’s why it’s a conversational dish.”
“Spoken as if you want to have…conversation with me?” You asked as you wiggled your eyebrows. “Man, just say you have it hot for me already. This is embarrassing.”
“You wish, chucklefuck.” Scara said disgustedly as his violet eyes moved from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet. He couldn’t get past how ridiculous your pajama set was. “Lightning McQueen?”
“Limited edition. Like my crocs too?” You put your hands in your pockets, sticking one leg out so he could look at the full set easier. “You can afford a house in this day and age, but I can afford something you’ll never be able to get a day in your life without pulling out a mortgage. Eat that.”
“I’m sure I can live without it.”
“Nobody can ever live without the kachow in their life.” You snickered, motioning him over to the table. “Thanks for the ramen.”
You couldn't shake off the weird feeling around you as you sat down with him at the dining table. Tohma and Ayaka were already out of bed somewhere, and none of the rest were around to your knowledge.
You found yourself lingering in the ruminating thought, dipping the meat in the broth for a minute. "Hm," You mulled, "Long start to the day, huh? Were you the first awake?"
"I wouldn't be surprised." He shrugged, "I wanted to make sure everyone was accounted for."
"Ooh, the hospitality." You smiled. "Looks like you're already ahead of everyone else. Always on top of things."
"Are you impressed?" He raised an eyebrow.
"Impressed? Slightly. Planning to take advantage of it? Quite." You tried to keep your tone casual in case it was just you that felt this way. "Hey, uh...sorry about last night."
As he looked up, meeting your gaze, you almost wanted to look away. You could tell that he was trying to think about it. "What did you do last night?"
You hesitated, unsure of how to broach the topic. "...If you forgot about it, it probably wasn't even that important."
Even though the both of them sat in a comfortable silence, it was suddenly broken by Hu Tao busting through the doors of where she was "sleeping". Whatever was solidified as peace throughout their silence was destroyed, as there was now obvious tension.
Her eyes darted between the two of you, and you could practically see the metaphorical gears turning in her mind as she approached. She was visibly stiff, lacking any lax in her jaw. "Nice to grace us with your presence Scaramouche. Or something like that." You exchanged a hesitant glance with her, sitting back in your chair once you put a piece of meat in your mouth. "Did you just wake up? Why are you all clammy?" "No." Hu Tao hissed. "You thought you were fucking notorious, didn't you? Thought that you could just decide to coexist with us, huh?"
"What are you on about?" Scaramouche's brows furrowed.
"You tell me, Justsofamous." Hu Tao's voice was almost gravelly and aggravated, tossing her phone with all of the evidence popped up in her photos app. A storm was live and raging inside of her veins, turbulent and fierce. "Yeah, thought you could hoe us all out with that one? Playing with us like some fools, taking advantage of our obliviousness. Fuck you."
Your mouth twitched in disbelief looking at the said photos, looking slowly back at Scaramouche.
His face didn't say anything particularly outstanding, but there was something wrong about how he looked rather than his neutrality. Your heart began to beat with an extra pulse than you were accustomed to, trying to keep the adrenaline at bay.
"What's she talking about?" You asked him, holding the chopsticks in your hand with a tighter grip. "Scaramouche?"
"Scaramouche is Justsofamous, and him and Aether are like this." Hu Tao locked her fingers together. "They never stopped talking to each other. In fact, he's literally in the same group chat as all of our ops. Crazy, right?" Hu Tao shouted, causing the rest of the group to come out from where they were to see the scene.
You faltered in your look, feeling your entire being be worn down by the sudden outcome of your morning. "Scaramouche, say something." Tears formed in your eyes, entire face intense. "Say something..." You whispered.
But even though he was being put on the spot, there was no other way he could put it other than a small sigh in the end. "Surprise." He sat back, staring at you dead in the eye with uncertainty.
You became molten lava on the inside. Your hands were trembling with the same mixture of rage that burned within you like hot coals. And then all of a sudden, it was like all of the things that he called you, the blatant way he talked to you before he even knew you, his lack of hesitance when he poured coffee on you. The way he insulted you proudly, despite being in the wrong. He wasn't betting on being your friend, nor even an acquaintance. You knew, and you still gave him the benefit of the doubt.
He was taunting you.
In the grip of your emotions, your vision went red. Like a tempest unleashed against your body, you raged. The tears streaming down your cheeks were bitter, you were being crushed by a boulder of betrayal. "You...YOU!" You could barely make out your words from how choked up you were.
You rose from your chair in a flash, your chest ragged and heaving as you knocked the Shoyu ramen on the ground, the crash of glass and the food slightly burning you. "You fucking asshole!" You screamed louder and louder, and began coming closer and closer towards Scaramouche, pushing him.
"You got a fucking kick out of it, didn't you?! You LOVED acting like the savior, just so I could get comfortable. Fuck. You. You cum gargling piece of fucking shit!" You started pushing on his shoulder to intimidate him. "Tell me how much you loved getting under my fucking skin! Huh?! TELL ME." You screamed in his face, but you couldn't even bare to listen to him.
Your cries strangled your throat as Tohma held you back. You noticed Scaramouche's face pale, trying so hard not to break his composure but now refusing to make eye contact with you. His expression betrayed him, and you knew that he regretted it, but unsure of whether he meant it.
Did it matter anyway? You destroyed everything in your path, from paintings to throwing furniture around. Nothing was left untouched until Tohma held you back. His grip on your arms tightened, his voice a steady anchor amidst the chaos. "Hey, calm down. It's not worth it."
You were almost beyond reason until then, you dropped to your knees despite all the force keeping you from it, and you sobbed violently. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" You said with a full voice, screaming again, this time in a lot more pain your heart could exuberate. "You're rotten, Scaramouche. You're fucking rotten."
Having everything shattered in you wasn't fair, you knew it, and so did he. It's why he stared down at you with a flicker of vulnerability, a crack in the facade of his own indifference.
And no matter how much he wanted to respond, to defend himself, he couldn't. Because in the end, maybe all that this situation was destined for was damnation.
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previous ♡ masterlist ♡ next
YOU ARE on your way to being one of the hottest streamer in your nation at the moment, racking a monthly average of 10 million viewers, but something specific bothers you about it. you know that a lot of people hate you, but there's this one account. one account that's been following you since the early days of your career. they leave a flood of rude comments in your stream, your moderators banned each account they made, but they keep making more. you are at the end of your tether. but you are yet to find out that this persistent cockroach is none other than your friend's friend (and the only other streamer that's bigger than you), scaramouche.
taglist ♡ @thystarsshine @veekoko @gumickajolli @simonisferal @kamiboo
@justpeachyteastea @feiherp @pinkismyfavcolor @aether-darling @kunisnaomi
@keiiqq @mine-lu @featuredtofu @danhenglovebot @k4zushi
@kyon-cherri @b4tm4nn @iiinaurate @quacking-simp @auroratumbles
@kookiibun @ulquiorraswife @amvpk01 @simplysm1le @h3xi2g0n3
@alatusorrow @scaranthropy @mellowberrie @magica-ren @vernith
@kabukipookie @bananasquash @suqarlaced @dellalyra @lightyagamifan
@yourfavoritefreakyhan @heartsforseo @yomishen @pwushizz @swivy123
@strxwberryfetish @ibyobi @ashfrommars4 @chemiru @ainnofinway
@agaygothicmushroom @levianamor @dragontammerz @wth121 @lylovw
@morgyyyyyyy @lovemari @suniika @melpomenelurks @liuaneee (bold users means i'm having trouble tagging you)
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neechees · 13 days
hello, thanks so much for doing your scam busting, is the account @/shtunning another palestine scam? i can't find the images used on google anywhere, but the lack of a gofundme makes me wary
This one is looking veeeery suspicious & is pretty much most certainly a scam for the dollowing reasons:
El-shab-hussein, a Palestinian who's been helping us with vetting real Palestinian fundraisers from scams, says that the ONLY confirmed Palestinian fundraisers who claim to be in Gaza are on this list, and that blog is not one of them
That blog already has me preemptively blocked 🤨 🚩 I've never interacted with this person in my life, and its a big red flag to have scam busters blocked
Their donation post was made YESTERDAY, and their archive is turned off 🚩we see scammers do this to hide how old their blog actually is (that it's new and suddenly asking for money) and to make it harder to investigate them
Their donation post reblogs and replies have been turned off 🚩scammers do this usually after someone has called them out on their suspicious behavior, often with proof that they're scamming, and they do it to hide the evidence and prevent anyone from seeing or reblogging this evidence against them
They're asking for donations, but do not provide a paypal or gofundme attached 🚩 scammers nowadays also often try to hide their paypal because they like to reuse one account across multiple scams, and used them enough for those accounts to be recognizable bc scam busters keep track of them. Additionally, you can tell someone's actual location by a paypal link, so scammers often are trying to hide any discrepancies in their fake story (like say, pretending to be in Europe but are actually in Canada). Laura Deramas & co have been doing this a lot, so I wouldn't be surprised if this was her
They claim that the photos they provide are of their family in Gaza, but there's literally a watermark of these photos originally being from the website Gazanow 🚩 why you would use a seperate website's photos of your family & then blur out your family's faces from the photo (even though it's already on a public website & that's where you got it?), instead of any photos that THEY themselves took, makes no sense to me, & is extremely suspicious.
They claim their "entire family" is in Gaza and that they've been working & supporting their family abroad (presumably allegedly in Europe since theyre asking for money in Euros) since 2016, and that they are 24 years old. So according to them, They've been the single sole supporter of their entire family in Gaza & moved to & have been living in Europe ALONE since the age of 16? Idk that kinda doesn't seem that plausible to me.
They've backdated their blog, and tried to use posts with thousands of notes to make it harder to find that out lol 🚩🚩🚩according to the screenshots below, they backdated their blog (& in particular, this post) to look like it reblogged a post on February 17th, 2024. But once I looked in the notes, I very quickly found it in the most recent notes that it was ACTUALLY reblogged YESTERDAY
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[Image description: two vertically stacked screenshots with a blue water filter over them. The first shows a screenshots of a reblog by the user shtunning, showing a falsified reblog date of February 17th 2024. The second shows the real date within the notes of this post that they had reblogged, dated to "1 day ago", April 17th, 2024. End image description.]
And as another thing, they're claiming to be Palestinian, but using language an actual Palestinian who has lived in Palestine would never use lol, such as "revive peace between us". There was no "peace" in Gaza before this, Gaza is an open air prison under a settler colonial occupation and has been bombed regularly for decades?
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So yeah this is definitely a scammer lol
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big-tiddy-bi · 1 year
Big brain time
So the joker has died and been brought back to life, right. So, what if all people who have been brought back are technically subjects of the ghost king. So what I’m saying Ghost king Danny and a legion of the finest ghost knights appear in the sky over Gotham to bring joker in to the ghost zone to stand trial. Also I think ghost have like written rights and I think vengeance is one because they are ghost and I think it sounds cool.
Gothem may not be the most normal city, but a giant swirling mass in the sky oozing toxic green liquid was a first for most of citizens, but the Jason knew it well, well at least he knew what the liquid was. The pit raged within him, violent and unyielding.
The droplets of Lazarus pooled on the ground and on top of buildings creating puddles of glowing water. Jason as fast as he could put on his armor and helmet. The communicator was screaming in his ear as he ran to the top of his building to get a better vantage point of what was going on.
As if the situation could not get any weirder people started to crawl out of the water. People might not have been a good way to describe these things, but who cares about semantics wham the apocalypse seems to be right around the corner.
“Are you seeing what I’m seeing” dick asked over the coms, “because I think I just saw a centaur made out of a centipede and a Samurai come out of a Lazarus pool the came from the sky”
Replacement answered first “ I have three midevil skeleton knights and the headless horseman, so probably yeah”
“For the first time I how that scarecrow spiked the water” Steph responded “because I think I just saw the dog things from the first ghost busters and I didn’t think Damian needs another pet demon”
Before Jason could reply a blue woman covered in scales climes out of one of a pool close to him. When her snake like eyes met his he froze. Her voice was calm but she spoke with a Weight  to it. “Put down your gun, young one and go inside, our king will be herein a moment”
For some reason he felt like he was included in the “our” . With all the courage he had gained from his years of training he asked “ what do you mean our king?”
As if on cue lightning started to clash as something giant started to descend from the sky, the center was vaguely human shaped and looked like it was made of ice in one arm a black sword, on the other a red ring that looked like it was imbedded into the icy flesh of the beings body  strand of red trailing up its arm where the veins should be a cap rapped around its shoulders like someone cut it from the fabric of the universe. A crown floated above its head. It’s face look like someone scribbled it out in post prediction, Wings surrounded it, completing the biblical angel look.
“ My name is phantom” it began to speak “king of the infinite realms, defeater of pariah dark, protector of the living dead.” Phantoms voice was loud and forceful but it didn’t hurt Jason’s ears like it should, but his chest felt tight, not with fear but like someone grabbed his heart and was squeezing it. “My people have been tormented enough by your legal system’s incompetents.”
Phantom as the thing was called lifted up its sword to point in the Direction of  arkham asylum, as Jason fell down to one knee, his body forcing him to bow his head to phantom. Neither Jason nor phantom controlled this movement, but the pit.
“ the dead are mine” phantom continued “your dead are mine, their anger and hate are mine. The children you let die are mine, and most importantly the minute the joker died he became mine”
Jason’s head snapped up, he hadn’t killed the joker, that bastard was alive in arkham, no one had killed the joker, Unless he was brought back, but no sane person would bring the joker back, unless, but Bruce wouldn’t.
“Batman you have stolen my subjects rights to justice and vengeance, you and the people of gothem have until sunrise to bring the joker to me or one of my men, if not we will take him by force. Do not disappoint me”
Tell me if it sucks, also I can’t tell if this courts as a fanfic so…
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ravenna-reid · 24 days
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Timmy x Reader because I am currently going through Tim Drake brain rot
"Tim?" His name rang through the comm like it was a warning.
"Yeah Nightwing?"
"I think you should come back to the cave. It's kinda urgent."
Tim's footsteps stilled. "What do you mean?"
Dick let out a long sigh. "It's y/n."
In that instant, it was as though someone had replaced Tim's bones with lead. He felt it weigh him down as anxiety began to pulse in his chest.
"What do you mean Dick? What happened?"
Tim already had his cellphone in his hand, but there were no missed calls or messages from you. He knew you had gone out on patrol tonight; Bruce had put you with Dick and Cass, whilst he was forced to go with the bat himself.
Prior to going on patrol, you had given Tim sweet reassurances, and as much as he hated being separated from you, he reluctantly agreed.
His finger had instinctively hooked around your pinkie. "Remember the knuckle busters I gave you." He'd said.
And you had smiled. "Of course."
Now Tim was torturing himself thinking about all of the possible things that could have happened to you on patrol.
"I don't know Tim," Dick continued, "But something happened tonight and she won't talk about it. She's gone mute."
"You better hurry up and get back replacement." Jason chimed in, the sound of the thugs he was beating hitting the ground in the background.
"Shut up Jason." Tim snapped.
Ripping his comm out, he looked over at Bruce, assuming he heard it all. Bruce could tell Tim wasn't going to take no for an answer.
Tim basically tore through the cave in search of you, his bo staff and mask disregarded on the ground. He immediately saw Cass sitting on the med bed and Dick standing beside her, arms crossed, and headed for them.
"Where is she?" He asked, voice eager and breathy like he'd just sprinted all the way back to the manor.
Cass glanced over at Dick, and Tim didn't miss the sorrowful look on her face.
"She's upstairs in your room-"
"What happened?" He cut Dick off.
The two exchanged glances, then Cass eyes averted to the floor and Dick's eyes went back to Tim. "The mission was going fine. Y/n was fine. Her usual self; strong, determined, hell she was taking out most of the guys herself." Dick shrugged and ran a hand through his hair. "Then we got separated for a few minutes-"
"What do you mean you got separated?" Tim asked, tone stern and accusatory.
Dick continued on with the story. "Cass and I couldn't find her and when we finally did, she was like a ghost..."
Tim's face was going red with anger and his expression read blame, until Cass grabbed his arm. His eyes shot over to hers. Cass raised her hand and pointed upstairs, and with the nod of his head, Tim agreed and left them without another word.
Tim wanted to practically walk through the door to his room, but instead, he gently opened it so he wouldn't startle you. He had no idea what condition you were in, and that made it agonising. So preparing himself for the worst, he quietly crept through the door.
The room was dark, the only source of light coming from his ensuite light. "Y/n?"
As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he finally looked over to the windows, and there on the window seat sat you. Staring up at the full moon. A relieved sigh fell from his lips. "Y/n."
You turned to look at him and got to your feet as he quickly rushed over to you.
"Tim." Those were the first words you had spoken in almost two hours.
Tim's hands traced down your arms, seeking any sign of injury, before his eyes skimmed over your torso and neck. Then his hands moved to cradle your face, his gaze searching your eyes for any hint of conflict or pain.
"Y/n, where are you hurt? Are you alright?"
As stupid as it was, shame began creeping up on you. "I'm ok Tim, I promise." You grabbed hold of his hands and pulled them away from your face. "Dick contacted you, didn't he?" You faked a smile.
Your not so subtle action caught Tim completely off guard as he stared back at you. It was hard to read you in the dark with only the moon and distant light aiding him, but that didn't stop him from trying.
"Yeah, y/n are you sure you're ok?"
You took a small step back. "Yeah, I promise it was nothing. I'm fine." You tried hard to mask everything with that smile of yours, but it made Tim even more uneasy. He'd thought something physically happened to you. That you were injured. Bruised and bleeding. But now he knew the hurt you were experiencing was running a lot deeper.
You took a sharp breath in. "How was patrol?"
Your voice wavered, and that coil of anxiety was beginning in Tim's chest all over again.
"Y/n..." His finger hooked your pinkie, a small habit of his. He took a step forward to close the space between you, and with the window seat behind you, you had nowhere to go. "Come on, what happened during patrol?"
You let out a deep breath, your head swimming with thoughts. "It's just, I don't know. We ended up getting separated tonight...and when I ..."
No. You instantly cut yourself short and berated yourself. A habit you had developed over the years whenever you were about to talk about how you felt. A fearful expression painted your face and it pained Tim to see it.
"Honestly, it was nothing, I swear." You waved your hand through the air. "This stuff happens on patrol Tim. We've all been through it." You shrugged, trying to brush it off. But your eyes were wide and alert and you were oh so slightly trembling.
Tim rested his hands on your elbows now, tilting his head to catch your gaze as you turned your head from him. "Y/n, something reminded you of the incident tonight, didn't it?" He asked, voice so low and understanding. His thumb stroking your arm.
You bit your lip. "Yeah, but it's fine. The past is the past." You were trying awfully hard to avoid eye contact. "I can handle it, you know."
"It's not about that y/n." Tim's hands cupped your face and now you were forced to look at him.
Usually, you would cut and run. Always at the first sign of something becoming deeper. The first sign that told you someone was getting too close and they knew too much about you. The first sign of physical contact.
And yet...and yet. You could drown it all out with Tim.
"You don't have to be tough all the time. Stoic. Unbreakable. Not with me y/n." His strokes were delicate against the skin of your face. You silently nodded, taking his words in. Tim leant in and placed a long, tender kiss on your cheek. You closed your eyes, never knowing how to act when you received such affection.
Then you subconsciously leant into his touch and Tim was more than happy to pull you closer to him. Especially given it was something you rarely did. Now with your arms around his neck and his around your waist, he moved so that his lips were near your ear as he whispered, "You don't have to tell me what happened. Just let me take care of you y/n. I swear, you'll always be ok."
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thesupreme316 · 3 months
I have had this stuck with me for a time now, wording this sucked.
So most/all AEW and WWE stars have taunts, iconic finishers, and submissions so I was thinking what if the reader used one of them ( Kenny’s V-trigger, HOOK’s redrum. Things like these) and their reaction to the move/taunt.
You can pick anyone and the number of people
AEW STARS REACT TO: You Doing Their Signature Move/Taunt
Pairings: Samoa Joe x Reader, Kenny Omega x Reader, Hook x Reader, Daniel Garcia x Reader, Dante Martin x Reader
Word Count: 728
Supreme Speaks: hey yall, sorry ive been MIA. School started and I've been student teaching, but also I'm starting to kind of lose motivation for this. but imma keep pushing through because damn it yall deserve it. but my inbox and messages are always open. please remember that you are loved, appreciated, and cherished.
Warnings: none i think. barely proofread this tbh
Taglist: @hookerforhook @hooks-martin @sheinthatfandom @triscillal @wwenhlimagines @kat04ie @batzy-watzy @cassie0sstuff
You are a very private person
You rarely discuss or even reference your friendships (or relationships)
But today?
You were feeling cocky and wanted to put it out on display
So during your match, while you looked at the crowd
And without another second going by….
You did the number one thing that your best friend (or significant other) was famous for
Something that was instantly recognizable 
Making the crowd go wild
And the person you’re referencing grin from ear to ear
Kenny Omega
Get better king
Proud is an understatement
Especially with how he’s out of action rn
He’s happy that that someone is keeping his memory present in the wrestling world
As soon as you hit the V-Trigger
A smile is on his face and his jumping up and down in his seat
Will not have any critiques for you
I think you would be the only person he gives blessing to full on adopt it
Especially after he see how’s the audience reacts to you doing it
Puts up instagram and twitter posts stating how proud and amazed he is of you
Will not hesitant to put those marks and trolls in their place
The smirk on his face would widened at what he was watching
He was so proud of you doing his submission the Redrum
Wouldn’t run wild or anything but anyone can see that he is so happy that you used his move
He would tease you as you come backstage
“Personally, you could have squeezed harder”
Will post about it with no captions
I find him wanting to do a tag match where both of you can do it at the same time
Get ready for Hook to do your move and or taunt in the next singles match he’s in
Just as a little nod or hint of acknowledgement
But be careful cause he’s competitive and wants to see who can do it better
Dante Martin
Yeah you do it
People were even amazed that you can move like that
Cause you don’t like flying
When he sees it, he immediately geeks out
I think he would spam on his instagram stories with videos of you doing and people’s reactions
The same night he would do your finisher to end the match
Would def tease you about it as if he was not running around screaming OMG
“Tbh, I had more height to my moonsault”
Daniel Garcia
He is grinning ear to ear as he hears the crowd grow in cheers and excitement
Cause tbh you saw it as an idiotic move
But it makes him happy to know that he has your blessing
Would make you film a Tik Tok or reel with him while doing it
Tbh I can see him with a t-shirt of you doing it
Will now brag to his friends and ask you to “do the thing” like a proud person
Tbh will get jealous when fans say that you do it better than him
Then he forbids you from doing it
“I can’t have the student surpassing the teacher”
Samoa Joe
Once he sees you do the Muscle Buster once, he smirks but he acts like’s not proud
“Well, that was great for an amateur…”
Gives you tips about how to make it more impactful
Makes you join forces with him (almost think Athena and Billie Starks)
“Now you are ready to be a cold blooded killer…*looks at you skipping down the hall*…after some more sessions”
After you master the Muscle Buster, he makes you practice the Coquina Clutch
Once you master both, he’ll say that you are now ready for the dark side
Hates how you seem to do his finishers more seamlessly
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bella-goths-wife · 2 days
Ghostbusters x ghost reader
Warnings: mentions of death, obsessive behaviour, non canon events, descriptions of traps being painful, ghost stuff
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You had no idea what happened
One minute you were alive, and the next you were dead
But it wasn’t the death you were promised
You were given your body, but your skin was translucent and you felt utterly weightless
You were hysterical as you tried to ask the people surrounding you what was happening, but they ignored your presence and you quickly figured out they couldn’t see you or notice your presence
You had no clue how long you’d been dead, or how long you had roamed the streets in your Vaporised body
But you were so tragically bored
who knew that being a ghost was so mind numbingly mundane
You spent most of your days in your previous apartment with the tv on as you tried to live your life as if you were just having a day off from work, and not like you were dead and cursed to roam the world
But that only worked until the landlord cleared out your apartment so you just sat on the floor in the empty carcass that was once your home
And then some newlyweds moved in, and they were gross
You had to deal with seeing their acts of love and pda and have the realisation that that kind of love was no longer in the cards for you
So one day you got annoyed with their very loud PDA in the bedroom, and out of frustration you slammed cupboard and startled the life out of the couple
And a mischievous smirk crossed your face at the realisation that you could royally fuck someone’s day up with this
So you started off with hiding stuff, then breaking stuff until you finally got so frustrated that you screamed and accidentally revealed yourself to the couple
They called the ghostbusters the next day to report being haunted by the ghost of an early twenties female who was extremely mischievous
Winston and Ray were the first to arrive at the scene and immediately as they entered the apartment they felt a chill in their bones
You wanted to mess with them but you thought better of it as you had seen one of their adverts back before you died, you knew what they were here for and you were not about to get caught in one of those traps
So you just followed them into each of the rooms they visited and watched from over their shoulders
They had been to each of the rooms and retreated back to the living room when Peter and Egon arrived
Egon did various tests that you were careful to avoid in an attempt to fool them into thinking that you were not there
You hadn’t avoided the tests completely though, as Egon’s device showed that there was a ghostly presence but your attempts of fooling them had paid off because avoiding the device like you had gave the impression that the spiritual presence wasn’t in that apartment but someone else’s
The newlyweds were extremely frustrated with that outcome and demanded explanations for the various spiritual incidents like the coldness
To which venkman replied that they should check on their AC before stating that they were extremely busy and unless the spirit came back, the ghost busters couldn’t help
As they went to leave, you did something you weren’t sure was possible
You attached yourself to Egon as he left your apartment building, having taken you with him accidentally
And Egon accidentally took you straight to the ghostbusters headquarters
Where after you got adjusted, you wrecked havoc
You started off small by following the workers of ghostbusters around their daily routine in the headquarters
You followed Egon round in his lab, you followed Winston as he stored traps, you followed Peter around as he annoyed people in his office and you followed Ray around as he helped improve traps and washed the car
You also listened to Janine on the phone and whenever Dana would come in to visit Venkman you would follow her around as she helped keep the place in order
But that quickly got boring the routines became predictable, so you decided to throw a few wrenches in their plans
You’d mess with Egons lab equipment so that his results wouldn’t come out clearly
You’d move traps around whenever Winston went to clean them or store them until he found them in the strangest and impossible to reach sports
You’d mess with Peters papers whenever he left his office and your delete messages that someone left for him just out of spite
And you’d mess up any progress Ray made with the traps and you’d mess up anything he cleaned
It all become quite frustrating for the four men
You weren’t a violent or impulsive spirit like they had experience before, you were just mischievous and annoying
It all came to a head one night when you decided to get bold with your mischief
You had assumed that all of the ghostbusters were out for the night, but you failed to recall the recluse that was Egon Spengler
You had gotten bored so you decided to go to the radio that Janine kept on her desk and you blasted the radio as it played maneater by Daryl & Oats
You danced around in a similar fashion to Lydia from beetle juice as you raised yourself to the ceiling and danced around the room
The music had disturbed Egon as he rushed out of the lab and into the main area, where he saw you dancing
In your joy you had become visible to the human eye, and Egon could see the little minx who had been tormenting him and his friends for months on end
Egon watched for around ten minutes before you spotted him and disappearing, but not before flashing him a fox like smile
Now that Egon was aware of your existence, he decided it was time he looked into who you were
He pestered your landlord about the previous residents of your apartment and looked through the photos until he recognised you
Your landlord assumed Egon must have been an old boyfriend and insisted that he take some of your stuff since you had no family come and collect it, and Egon accepted out of peer pressure
So he brought your things back to the headquarters and looked through them
He found many things of interest to him but he noticed a dusty chess board in one of the various boxes and thought it would be a brilliant way to to establish communication
So he dusted off the chess board and set it up in his lab with a camera set up in the corner, and he waited
He made his first move and waited around five minutes before a piece from the opposite side moved in a countermove
Egon played chess with you until he eventually won, and he offered you a rematch on the condition that you communicated with him this time
And so you did, you made yourself visible to Egon and you were sporting the same fox like grin as before
Egon tried to ask questions during your second game, but you never answered past shaking and nodding your head
You had won the second round after making a few unexpected moves while Egon was distracted trying to communicate with you
Egon gathered the ghostbusters and showed them the tape before actively encouraging them to try and communicate with you whenever they noticed your mischievous presence
They all questioned why they shouldn’t just trap you and store you, but Egon quickly responded that he’d never seen a spirit with this amount of self awareness that you were a ghost, and the fact that you communicated with him was an intriguing premise as most spirits don’t communicate in favour of doing whatever they did before they died
It became somewhat of a daily occurrence for you to play chess with Egon as he encouraged you to talk and you refused
Winston was the most receptive to Egons as his frustration at your mischievous antics encouraged him to scold what looked like thin air about how hard you made his day, he may have felt foolish talking to himself but he’d do anything to try and convince you to stop hiding his traps
So he talked to an empty room as he stored a trap and almost stopped before hearing a ghostly giggle
He had turned around and saw your translucent figure actively laughing at his frustration before taking off with his trap
He practically played hide and seek with you for about an hour before he saw you leave the trap in the lab and take off with a fox like grin
That became a daily occurrence for Winston, and despite his annoyance he quite enjoyed your little games
Raymond was the next person to become more receptive to your presence as he tried to seek you out
He had noted what Egon had said about catching you dancing and that gave Ray an idea as he rewashed the car you dirtied again
He turned on the radio to his usual station of self proclaimed “groove music’ and talked to the room as he tried to encourage you to come out and listen to the music
And he was caught of guard when the radio completely turned off and for a moment he thought he had angered you
That was until the radio started again with a more pop like radio, and ray figured out that you weren’t angry but you hated his music
Ray tried to defend his music taste to your invisible presence and switch back the radio to his music but he got spooked as you came out of no where and did a quick ‘boo’
When he was distracted by the near heart attack you gave him, you switched it back to your music
Ray decided it was easier to give in rather than be spooked every time he went near the radio
After that, whenever ray was working on something he’d turn on the radio and you’d switch the music and you’d both listen together
And you’d still give him small spooks whenever you could
You bonded with Venkman months after the others and over something extremely surprising, crossword puzzles
Peter loved and hated crossword puzzles
He loved the feeling of completing one and the feeling of superiority that came from it, he hated that he could never actually finish them
So one day after your usual wreaking of havoc in his office, he sat down with a coffee and a crossword and felt extremely frustrated when he couldn’t complete it
So he sarcastically asked the prompt to what he thought was the empty room and was extremely surprised when an invisible figure plucked the pencil from his hand and answered the crossword
Peter was intrigued so he allowed your little game of him reading the prompts and you answering them until you both eventually finished it together
This made Peter much more tolerable to your presence as you two would do a crossword puzzle together whenever he had time or he felt your presence in his office
You had such a good relationship building up with each of them that they considered not trapping you and just letting you haunt the place in your own little harmless ways
But that was quickly scrapped when one day you accidentally took it too far
Dana had come to the headquarters to visit Peter and bring him coffee, and when she couldn’t find him she started wandering around looking for him
She followed the sound of music into the little garage section of the building and entered the room
You had been playing around with Ray at the time before he stepped out and when Dana came in you assumed she was Ray and gave her a little spook
This little spook however caused her to fall back and scrape her legs while the coffee spilled on her arm and gave her a small burn
You hadn’t meant to hurt her but she was so scared in that moment that she screamed
The commotion brought the four men down to her and misconstrued the scene as you purposely hurting Dana
Egon helped Dana with her injuries before sending her back home and calling a meeting
In this meeting he stated that you had become a dangerous and violent spirit and Peter quickly said that they should trap you, still raging over Dana getting hurt
They all agreed and before you knew it, they had cornered you as you clasped your hands together and pleaded for a second chance
They didn’t listen as they put you in the trap but the entire process felt like hit irons on your skin
You were eventually forced into this trap that to you looked like a jail cell from the inside before storing you with the rest of the ghosts and going on with their lives
Your afterlife was extremely mundane and painful as you were stuck in the trap for three months that felt like three years, with nothing to do and nowhere to go
The four men tried to go on with their lives but something distinct was missing
Out of routine kept accidentally doing the things that they would usually do with you and expecting you to show up
Egon would sit at the chess board and night before realising you weren’t coming and just playing a solo game of chess
Winston would set traps out for you to hide like he used to, only to find them still on the desk when he fishies counting to thirty
Ray would put his groove music on while he washed the car and waited for you to switch it over to pop, but you never came
Even Venkman, who was the most insistent on trapping you, would still accidentally read out a crossword puzzle prompt and wait for you to answer before finally realising that you weren’t there
So after three months and Dana explaining that she didn’t think you hurt her on purpose, they decided to release you from your trap
It was a relief to finally be free as you felt yourself becoming adjusted you your ghostly body again
The four ghost busters assumed that things were going to go back to the way they were, thinking that you wouldn’t be angry about the three months of entrapment
But you did remember and you were royally pissed off about it
You actively ignored all the efforts of the four men trying to contact you and you ignored all of their agologies (ray and Winston were the only ones to apologise)
You decided that they deserved to feel an inch of what you felt those painful three months
If they assumed you were dangerous and violent, you would give them dangerous and violent
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Should I continue this? :)
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pedroshotwifey · 6 months
Hungry Like The...
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Pairing: Werewolf!Frankie Morales x AFAB!Reader
Word Count: 3.6k
Tags/Warnings: Smut, PIV sex, oral sex (f receiving), fluff, established relationship, no use of y/n, Frankie has a monster cock, im missing stuff but I want to go to bed so...
Summary: You and Frankie decide to attend an 80s themed Halloween party. Through all of the excitement, you must have forgotten what day the full moon falls on.
A/N: I'm gonna go ahead and say that I rushed the absolute fuck out of this one, but I think it turned out pretty good. I really kind of jumped outside of my comfort zone with this, so I'm kinda proud that I did that. That being said, please feel free to call me out on anything that might not make sense or anything that I should change at all because I'm half clueless with this kind of stuff. Please consider reposting and/or liking. Thank you for reading and HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! <3
You have no idea where Frankie snuck off too. 
He claimed he was going to get the two of you more drinks, but that was about ten minutes ago. You’re well aware that it should have taken less than half of that for him to find his way to the refreshment table, pick up some drinks, and bring them back to you. 
Right now, though, you’re too blissed out to care—not that you have much to worry about with your loving boyfriend anyway. The lights are almost blinding as you spin around beneath them, but they transform into a nice glow thanks to the buzz you’re sporting. “Mony Mony,” is blaring through the speakers and you're in your zone as you swing your hips to the beat. 
You’re glad that Frankie had suggested that you two attend this party specifically. The only requirements were that you had to dress up as an 80’s character in order to fit the era the party revolves around. 80’s costumes, 80’s music, 80’s decor. Luckily for you, the 80’s is one of your absolute favorite decades, and you’re pretty sure Frankie knew that when he signed the two of you up. 
The dance floor is packed with people to the point where you can’t stretch out all the way without bumping into someone. Usually, that would irk you, but you can’t find it in you to mind tonight. It’s not like anybody else does. 
As you snap your hips to the beat, you look around at all the different costumes in the crowd. You see a handful of Star Wars characters, a couple of Freddy Kruegers, some Ghost Busters, and—of course—a shit ton of Madonnas. The rest, for the most part, are pretty original. 
You’re pretty proud of your own costume, to be honest. You had spent a couple of weeks configuring a custom-made Storm costume. You’ve been an X-Men fan for as long as you can remember, and it made you so happy to try on your costume for the first time a few days ago. It’s pretty damn spot-on. 
Frankie, on the other hand, had insisted on being a werewolf. Like turning into one once a month wasn’t enough already. You had simply rolled your eyes and asked him what he had in mind so you could make his costume. It was worth it to see the way he lit up, even though he’s cutting it close with the party’s theme. 
After the year he had, he deserves to be happy—even if it means you have to endure his stupid jokes every now and again. When he gets tipsy, his goofy humor always makes an appearance. It’s one of your favorite parts about nights out with your boyfriend. He never fails to make you laugh. 
Just as you begin to worry that he might have gotten lost in the crowd, you feel a hand spin you around. You’re getting ready to tell someone off until you come face to face with those irresistible brown eyes. 
“Hey there, Hermosa,” he says as he cuddles up to you, swaying you to the song. “Having fun, sweetheart?” 
You giggle as he bends down and nuzzles his face into your neck. Glancing down, you almost aren’t surprised to see that he doesn’t have any drinks. 
“Frankie?” You ask casually as you throw your arms around him. 
“Did you find the drinks?” 
Suddenly, he stops moving and stands up straight again, a playful smile plastered across his face. 
“Guess not,” he says. “Found something to eat, though,” he winks and you playfully roll your eyes as he throws himself back onto you. As the song changes to “When Doves Cry”, he begins to dance with you. Frankie has never been the best dancer, but it's better this way. Neither of you take anything seriously as you push and pull your bodies together, giving eachother flirty kisses every now and again. 
You laugh as you bump into someone and flash them an apologetic look. Frankie really loves to bring out your careless side. You honestly didn’t know you were capable of being so care-free until you had met him. Sometimes he makes you feel as if nothing else matters but you and him. It’s times like these that you really realize just how lucky you are to have him. 
“Alright, baby,” Frankie says after a moment, bringing you out of your thoughts. “I’m going to go get us those drinks now.” 
Instead of answering him, you get up on your tip-toes and kiss him. He begins to wrap his arms around you again, but you gently push him off, giving him a faux stern look. 
“Alright, alright, I get it, baby, I’m going!” he says over the music before turning around to scamper away.
You have to suppress a giggle when he jolts as you deliver a light slap to his ass. He turns just enough to flash you a dirty look, and you give him one of feigned innocence in return, well aware he’ll get you back for that eventually if you continue to tease. 
“Hurry up, wolfboy!” you shout after him. 
Alright, you’re actually about to be pissed this time. 
There’s absolutely no way he lost you—or rather, you lost him—twice. He has to be playing with you, right? Whatever, if that’s the case, two can play at that game. 
You’ll just pretend like you don’t even notice something is missing. Maybe once he sees you where he left you, completely unaffected by his absence, he’ll stop being such an ass. 
Perfect. Perfect plan. 
You shake your head and dance as the song ends. You can have fun by yourself if your boyfriend wants to be immature. 
Well, it would have been a perfect plan. 
As if he could somehow read your mind—which you almost wouldn’t doubt at this point—you spot Frankie in your vision once again. However, this time, he’s not coming over to you. 
He has a familiar dark look in his eyes that immediately soaks you, despite yourself. You stop dancing because as quick as you see him, he’s gone again. You spin in a panicked circle as the song changes to one by Duran Duran. You almost laugh at the irony as “Hungry Like the Wolf” blares through the speakers. 
Your phone buzzes in the small pocket of your bodysuit, and you pause your quick search to look at it. Your brow furrows as you see that it’s a text from Frankie. What the fuck is he playing at? Quickly, you unlock your phone and open your messages. 
“Better start running, baby,” the text reads. You look up, your eyes frantically scanning the crowd around you. Maybe the song choice isn’t so ironic after all. 
“Don’t let me catch you… feeling hungry like the wolf tonight…”
You don’t stop to think before you make a mad dash toward the exit, your heart dropping to your stomach as you go. You get some pissed looks as you shove through people, your heart hammering in your chest and your eyes darting every which way. 
You have no idea where he could be at this point. Maybe he’s somewhere inside, having missed your exit. He could be trailing right behind you, ready to grab you at any moment.
Soon enough, it is revealed that he is, once again, always one step ahead of you. As soon as you step out of the doors, a large body is engulfing yours and carrying you to a secluded spot on the patio, though there’s nobody outside anyway. 
You would scream if not for the large hand that covers your lips when he grabs you. You know it’s Frankie, of course, but the exhilaration that comes from the scare really adds to the game the two of you just started. 
You ignore the heat simmering between your legs as he sets you down on your own feet and removes his hand from your mouth. Neither of you move, you don’t look up, he doesn’t crouch down. You just stand there, breathing heavily as Frankie embraces your figure. 
You can’t help but lean back into him, letting your guard down probably isn’t the best idea right now, but you can’t find it in you to care about that fact at the moment. 
The fresh air feels nice on your heated cheeks, but Frankie's front against your back feels even better. The music continues to play faintly behind you as you sway side to side, Frankie’s arms wrapped tightly around you, his head resting on your shoulder. 
You swear you could stay here forever. Actually, you could stay anywhere, as long as you had Frankie. But right now, you can’t imagine anything more perfect than this. As long as you have your boyfriend’s arms around you, you would do anything or go anywhere he wants to. 
Your body may be his, but you decided a long time ago that your soul belongs to him as well. He can pick it up and do whatever he wishes with it, and you know he could never do anything that would cause your trust or love for him to dull.
“Look up, sweetheart,” Frankie’s soft voice brings you out of your thoughts, making you open your eyes. You hadn’t realized they had slid shut in the first place. 
The sight of the full moon high up in the night sky confirms your suspicions. Frankie’s going to turn tonight. 
Fuck, you’re screwed, your subconscious automatically screams at you. 
You can't miss the way your panties dampen as the thought crosses your mind. Your body stiffens as you fight the urge to run, the adrenaline getting the best of you.
Frankie must feel the way you tense up because his arms immediately tighten around you. 
“It’s alright, hermosa,” he whispers into your ear. “Just means we’ll have a bit more fun than usual.”
You try but fail to stifle your grin at his menacing tone. Just because you know you’re screwed doesn’t mean you don't enjoy it. 
“Probably got less than ten minutes now,” Frankie says far too casually. “Let’s pick up on our little chase, yeah?” 
He lets you out of his grasp this time, and you turn around to give him a peck on his cheek, allowing your hand to brush past his erection as you pull away. The touch is just enough for Frankie to grit his teeth as he hisses out. The warning glance he gives you makes arousal burn deep into your core, only serving to make you more excited. 
“I’ll give you a head start, sweetheart,” he says, his tone giving you a warning, “I’d take it if I were you.”
With his word, you spin on your heel, ready to plummet into the forest, but you only get about a foot before he has a large hand wrapped around your wrist. Your heart beats louder in your chest as you turn to look at him, his eyes dark with lust. 
“Don’t let me catch you this time,” he says, pulling you close enough for his lips to flutter across your ear as he speaks. “I won’t go easy on you.”
You ignore the shiver in your spine as you pull back as much as you can. 
“Maybe I don't want you to go easy on me,” you whisper back, earning a slight growl from Frankie. He lets his hand linger on you for only a moment more before letting go, this time allowing you to back away. 
“Don’t push yourself too hard then, because I’m going to fucking exaust you when I catch up.” 
You smile before turning once again, pushing yourself into the trees without looking back. 
The sound of your heartbeat is deafening as you run through the otherwise silent forest. The steady pitter-patter of the organ combined with your ragged breathing and your frantic footsteps make a horrifying symphony. Even those sounds seem muffled, though, with the amount of pure adrenaline that courses through your veins and drowns out your senses. 
Frankie can’t be too far behind you now. You guess you’ve been running for about fifteen minutes. There’s no doubt that he has turned at this point; he proved it with the howl you heard bellowing through the woods a couple minutes ago. 
Since then, you haven't stopped to take a breath. There is pure fear in the fact that you have a beast on your trail, but also excitement in knowing what will likely happen once he catches up. 
For now though, fear is the dominant emotion. It’s prominent enough to keep you going even as your hair gets tugged by branches and your skin gets scratched and torn by twigs and thorns. None of it seems to matter right now just as long as you can keep your distance from the monster hunting you down. 
Suddenly, you hear a snap from somewhere behind you. The noise is sharp, a twig snapping beneath heavy weight. It reverberates all around you, sending a shiver down your spine. Soon after, You pick up on the steady thumping of what sounds to be an animal hot on your tail. 
The sound gets closer and closer even as you push yourself to run faster. Your entire body is shaking and you can feel tears welling up in your eyes. You can practically feel Frankie’s breath on your neck, the sensation almost more powerful than the ache overtaking your legs and abdomen. 
“Please, leave me alone!” You cry out the plea over your shoulder, your voice bordering a sob. Your gut is curling with a mixture of panic and arousal. The responding growl makes the tears you have been holding spill over and your knees buckle. 
For a second, you’re worried that you might fall, but you’re pushed into the ground before you have the chance to do it yourself. The weight of Frankie pouncing on top of you knocks the wind out of you, a sharp cry leaving your lips as your breath is taken. 
In the time that it takes you to get your breath back, Frankie has your bodysuit torn enough to pry off of your shaking body, and your lacy panties shoved–or ripped–down your legs. Luckily, the bodysuit was the cheapest and easiest to find component of your costume. You can feel a whisper of his claws against your skin as he drags scraps away from where he needs you most.
Your arms flail wildly, your fingers trying to grasp a handful of fur from the beast atop you. Frankie sees what you’re trying to do, and with a growl, he ducks down and slides toward your feet, away from your hands. 
Before you can question what he’s doing, you feel something thick, wet, and warm against your bare, soaked cunt. 
A high pitched moan tumbles from your lips as Frankie drags his tongue across your pussy before dipping it into your core.
The hot muscle digs deep into your cunt, curling once it's in all the way. You can feel his nose bobbing up and down against your ass as he starts to work his tongue in and out of your cunt.
“F-Frankie, fuck!” You scream, feeling your orgasm building embarrassingly quickly.
The way his tongue swirls and scrapes against your walls is absolutely delicious, and that combined with the tip of the muscle prodding against your g-spot? You’re fucking done for. 
You’re writhing as Frankie brings his tongue out to swallow down the slick he’s collected, and you can feel the way a combination of your arousal and his saliva leaks out of your pulsing cunt, coming down to collect at your clit and make you shudder. You’re so close to coming, a warm feeling that can only be described as pure euphoria making a home deep in your lower abdomen. 
Almost as soon as he was gone, Frankie shoves his tongue back inside of you, meticulously prodding all the right places. You’re gasping and moaning so loud you have half the mind to feel bad for whatever critters might reside in these woods. 
That thought passes quickly, though, once you feel yourself returning to the edge. Frankie flicks his tongue one more time and you’re suddenly convulsing around him. The high seems to go on forever, your toes curling and your fingers grasping at the leafy ground in front of you. 
The beast doesn’t pull away as you come, instead, he allows you to rock your hips back and forth in order to prolong your pleasure for as long as possible. You don’t even notice that you moved your arm until you feel one hand entangled in soft fur, your subconscious mind telling you to hold him to you. 
You hear Frankie whine from behind you and you have to suppress the urge to giggle. He’s always liked it when you tug at his hair, and apparently, being in this form leaves no room for exceptions. 
Your body goes limp as Frankie backs away from you, making it easy for him to nudge you to prop you up where he wants you. Hands and knees, of course. He wastes no time in getting into position behind you, crowding you in with his massive form. 
The tip of his cock feels massive against your swollen cunt, but it only takes a few swipes of the beast’s hips before he is notched into your entrance. With one more thrust, he’s pushing in all the way, making you scream as your pussy stretches to accommodate his girth. 
Frankie lets out a series of whimpers as he starts a brutal pace, not giving you a second to adjust. Your hands come up to grasp above his paws, which are positioned on either side of your head, and then up a little. 
“F-Frankie!” Your moan comes out more like a screech, the pain quickly turning into a sick pleasure as he rips you open on his cock. Each time he thrusts, it’s accompanied by a puff of breath which fans out across your cheek. 
The sound of his whines and ragged breathing mix with the squelching noises coming from your cunt and the panting coming from your lips, everything combined making the filthiest symphony you’ve ever heard. 
Your second orgasm starts to build rapidly, your cunt beginning to flutter around Frankie’s unforgiving length. With each punch, the tip of his cock touches something heavenly within you, making your eyes roll to the back of your head. 
You’re pretty sure you’re drooling, but you find that every limb has turned to jelly, preventing you from bringing your hand up to check. If not for the monster above you impaling you on his length, you would likely be flat on the forest floor right now. 
Every thought that had previously occupied your mind is forced out of you as Frankie effortlessly pries another orgasm from you. He doesn’t slow or pause as you squeeze around his cock like a vice. If anything, it only spurs him on and gets him going faster, if that's even possible. 
With each slam of his hips, you feel your body being sent forward, only stabilized by your palms, which are somehow still firmly planted on the ground. 
‘Oh god, Frankie,” your voice sounds hazy to your own ears. “F-feels so fucking good, Francisco.”
You hear him grunt at the sound of his full name, something you usually only call him in bed—or in this case, in the middle of nowhere. 
It does feel good, his cock feels absolutely massive. You know that it is definitely bigger than when he’s in his human form—the size of which should be considered supernatural in it’s own way. Right now, though, he feels bigger than ever, thicker, longer. The only thought occupying your mind at the moment is how badly you want to suck his cock. 
How the fuck does this man fuck you so good to the point where you fantasize about giving him a blowjob while he’s already inside of you? Next time, you’ll have to get his dick in your mouth before he shoves it into your cunt. 
Your eyes droop as your second orgasm morphs into a third, your body growing weaker with each movement from Frankie. You ignore the shaking to spread your legs wider to allow him better access, which results in him getting to a deeper spot with the new angle. 
Your mouth drops open as you begin to come again, a silent scream getting stuck in your throat. This time, as you constrict around his monstrous cock, you can feel his hips stutter. He’s getting close, which is probably a good thing considering you’re about to pass out from both pleasure and exhaustion. 
“C-come on, Frankie, f-fill me up,” you command through moans. It very obviously eggs him on because before you know it, he’s stilling inside of you, howling into the trees, and blowing his massive load deep into your core. 
The feeling of his cum painting your walls is fucking heavenly. Spurt after spurt of his warm seed fills you to the brim until it eventually starts to seep out around the base of his cock. If you thought you had felt full before, that was nothing compared to now. 
Frankie gives you a few minutes to calm down before he starts to lower himself to the ground, laying on his side and tugging you with him. Your body and mind are equally compliant with his request. 
As your eyes shut once again, you can feel Frankie starting to shift behind you, probably making his transformation back to his human form. Try as you might, you know you won’t have enough energy to wait for him to be done, so you make the most of it and snuggle into his soft fur. You know that you’ll wake up safe and sound in your bed, tangled with your kind, attentive, and very much human boyfriend.
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baskeigh-ball · 1 year
Mutant Manhunt Masterpost
Someone asked about making a masterlist for this AU, and I was eager to make one anyway just to get everything in one place. Now that I have a decent chunk of art and info to put here, I figured this was a good time to do it so here we go
Where to start reading? My recommendation
Fanfic status (subject to change)
Comic status
Official Designs: Donnie | Leo | Mikey | Full lineup (+ Raph)
Comics (in chronological order; some of these are in other sections but oh well)
Mrs Cuddles, Master of Childhood Trauma
Draxum Spills the Beans
Manhunt Mishaps
Father-Son Bonding Time
Reunions and Introductions: April | Splinter: silly and not so silly | Mud Dogs | Cassandra Jones
Q&A + Ideas (text posts + stand-alone art)
Patient Zero (aka first post, raph concept art + basic premise)
How Raph was separated post-mutation (kinda vague)
When does the "Lou Jitsu is Splinter" reveal happen?
How Raph meets his brothers
Does Raph know Franken-Foot or Mrs Cuddles?
Raph has fans all over the Hidden City
Hidden City publicity stunts
Raph's Caretakers (he's had quite a few)
Mona Lisa When? <_<
Doodle Dump (featuring mystery crane yokai)
Tidbits: Electric Boogaloo
Raph's Phobias: Rabbits | Cats | Mrs Cuddles
Who Named the Mad Dogs?
How did Raphael get named Raphael?
Eldest Brother Sleeper Agent
Mad Dog trio dynamics
Leo and Donnie's sibling rivalry
Scars: Donnie's shell | (more to be added)
Raph's favorite animals
How tall is that snapper tho
Movie Events, Mutant Manhunt Style
Bug Busters: Who caught Leo? | What next?
First post (random doodles that illustrate their dynamic w/ Raph)
When they gonna reunite?
Their "opinion" on Splinter
Raph's nicknames
Family Photo
Sleep Pile! (+ bonus Mad Dogs pile)
Pre-Canon Leonard
Raph's Drip: a Compilation (why is there so much)
How the hell does his outfit work (cursed info, be warned)
Local Nexus Champion bullies naked and homeless turtles, more at ten (bonus teddy bear appearance)
Mikey goes into an infodump about japanese art techniques, Leo is in shambles
Luo Jitsu merch
Mud Dogs drip
Bellboy Raph! Customer Service King!!
Now Everyone Gets Drip
Leo, Donnie, and Mikey
April, Sunita, and Cassandra
Splinter and Draxum (WIP, they're giving me so much trouble istg)
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muffinsandstardust · 7 months
Foolish is already attached to Jeffery Scooby.
and he doesn't like that.
long ramble i'm not sure it'll make sense but i have brainrott and the fact foolish cares so deeply about things but is SCARED of how much he cares fascinates me. yes this is going to touch on the empreg alien chest buster things.
so let's go over the background: foolish is the type of person who will call the aliens he gave birth to his children, but will kill them if they hurt anyone soon after giving birth. who calls roier and cellbit his sons and says he'll always be there if they want. he found out arin didn't know anything and agreed to be his parent. YESTERDAY (10/15) he was debating on if he could call bagi daughter or not. don't even get me started on leo and how he dotes on her.
and then we have history with mini mes. DSMP days the first thing he said he wanted on the server was a "mini me," a son, a "little foolish jr." during his presidential campaign he was adovating for getting mini me's who could help him build. i think he's even called leo a mini-me when she's worn the foolish head.
and then the fact he's said every single totem is alive. every single one. and he feels physical pain when they die. everyone else sees them as lifeless statues but he doesn't. what are totems but mini versions of him giving their lives for someone else? as such he's vowed to never use totems. has asked bad to use them less.
that's the BACKSTORY of this analysis. now we're going get into foolish's fear of attachment.
foolish has always been cautious of attachments. in people but even more so with things such as pets and npcs. he was scared to hold foolish jr because he was so scared of him dying. the first couple of weeks he said it was ok if foolish jr died because hecould a replacement!! but he didn't want to risk it. (he didn't want him to die, but he had accepted it was a possiblity). then he got finley and jr and a back up. a just-in-case kid.
better people than me have analyized his relationship with jaiden and how he set out to use her. he didn't want to get attached to her. but he did. he did get attached and now she's the person he relys on most. the person he cares about most. "anyone but jaiden." he said to bad.
it's really hard not to view all this from an immortal route but look at what happened when he did get attached to people on the qsmp. they left him. first arin, then vegetta, now leo. or they've been used against him by people on the island. (forever attacking leo. mike pretending to kill leo. maximus and pierre saying they would kill vegetta and leo. hell even cucurucho used mr. mustard against him.) it has been pounded into his head that attachments are BAD. attachments = weakness. weakness that other people can use against him. and he KNOWS as a person playing all sides, people aren't going to see it his way and will want to hurt him.
so he can't show weakness. can't show his emotions. can't get attached. has to laugh when people accuse him of being unfeeling. play it up so people don't look too closely. and when people do see him cracking what does he do? he runs. he physically flees from showing emotions. from showing vulnerability. from showing weakness. don't get me wrong his happy mask and avoidance of all things leo is due to a BUNCH of things not just his fear of attachments. but that's not what this is about.
so foolish took the egg from the federation building and the first thing he did was go to his safe space. a place where only thoses he allows can enter and only he can place and break blocks. the capy kingdom. foolish was arguably the person most excited to get a mini him but he waits. he talks to his friends first.
he takes his friends to the village and hatches the baby there. calling it a baby and his son the whole time. he gives the girls permission to leave their minis in the village because this is a place where they'll be guaranteed safe.
let's look at the events leading to foolish saying he wants a name change for Jeffery. panicking when jeffery wasn't in his sight, worrying when jeffery got too close to the edge, (discovering jeffery can take damage but regains health), philza and wilbur getting close to the capy kingdom. paranoia that philza and wilbur could be "hunting", hiding jeffery in the attic and telling everyone to crouch if they get too close. mouse pushing jeffery towards the edge. jaiden seemed like she was going to get mad at BALLS??????? getting hurt.
it's only AFTER ALL THAT he says Jeffery isn't his son. that he wants to change jeffery's name. it's too personal. he doesn't want this to be a son. (he can't allow himself to consider it a son. it's too fragile. it WILL die. he knows this. someone will kill it. better kill any attachment now.) so he stresses about it. how do you give it a name that doesn't feel personal? how do you give something idenity without getting attached? you can't.
i think that's what foolish realized and why he was getting so stressed about picking a new name. he wanted to change it to something that would distance himself from it but by giving it a name he's already attaching himself to it and he hates that.
Foolish: at first i was happy with jeffery but when jeffery dies i don't want it to be like: "oh no jeffery!" i want it to be like: [stiff emotionless voice] "we lost KELP. zero zero one." mouse: what are you- what?! ... you want- you just wannna have an army of numbers? foolish: UH. UH YEAH. that way i can get away- cause then i'll mouse: (punches him) you're internalizing your trauma of losing your first child! foolish: wait! nono i don't think so! i think it's just- all the girls: you are foolish: it's-more-like not lost, it's-more-of-like-still-around and it's oneofthosewhere it's like- i-don't-wanna-replace-it-with- mouse: that's why you don't want to connect to anymore of them! foolish: oh sh!t. maybe you're right. .... ANYWAYS.
now let's at foolish's actions and words before and after the name change. foolish repeating over and over "no not my son. just a number." saying son and child and then flinching away from it and correcting it. "would i do this if i cared?!" but at the same time he's telling the girls not to take the minis anywhere until they know it's safe. he's becoming nervous when felps implies he's going to kill Scooby. he's pushing ? away from any danger. whispering to it: "hi! i'm you great-granpa-granma." panicking when pac tried to push it into the magma block. and then changing his attitude when cellbit started talking about torturing it. being so excited to do tasks and WANTING to do tasks so badly and not wanting to wait. making sure scooby is safe before logging out. loging in at the end of his stream just to do tasks. "did jeffery just die?!" scolding it when it suffocates.
all together it paints a picture not where foolish doesn't care, but one where he already cares and is trying to kill that attachment before Scooby dies.
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rottenpumpkin13 · 3 months
I'm trying to make myself feel better by imagining fluffy scenarios. Maybe someone else needs them too?
• Angeal is feeling under the weather and unfortunately can't cook, so Sephiroth, Zack and Genesis join forces to cook him his favorite dish. It's not one any of them are particularly fond of, but the smile on Angeal's face is enough for all of them.
• Genesis's hair is finally long enough to play with, so Sephiroth takes his time brushing the tangles out of his hair and tying it up for him.
• Angeal had a golden star sticker in his pocket one day that he had gotten in a magazine and had nowhere to put. After his training session with Zack, he stuck it onto Zack's uniform for laughs. He notices Zack still has the sticker the following day, and keeps bragging about it to anyone who will listen. He's so happy. Angeal goes out and buys a full sticker sheet. He frequently sticks them all over Zack's uniform, sometimes for the most random reasons too. Zack has received golden stars simply for being himself.
• Angeal and Genesis waiting for Sephiroth outside Hojo's lab. They're ready to take him in either arms and guide him back to his apartment to take care of him. Sephiroth is surprised and in disbelief the first time this happens. It eventually becomes routine, with Zack and even Cloud eventually joining in on it.
• Zack gets cold during a meeting. The AC temperature is lower than he's comfortable with. He doesn't want to say anything, but he's fidgeting and his goose-flecked skin is a dead giveaway. He feels something warm drape over his shoulder. He looks up and sees Genesis placing his coat on him while still maintaining his conversation with Lazard at the front of the room.
• Angeal doesn't let anyone touch the buster sword—not Genesis nor Sephiroth, and definitely not Zack. But Cloud is so gentle with it, careful not to damage Angeal's most prized possession. He's the only one Angeal lets use the sword. He has Cloud use it to spar with him, wanting the younger boy to get the feel of fighting with a heavier sword because he knows Cloud is talented. When they're done, he ruffles Cloud's hair and offers to buy him dinner.
"Do you usually buy Zack dinner after training?" Cloud asks.
Angeal laughs. "No, and he cannot know I'm doing this—he won't let me hear the end of it."
Cloud nods, laughing along. "You'll owe him pizza for a year."
• Zack bought Sephiroth these really childish-looking hot dog socks as a joke. Sephiroth impulsively wears them one day. He pulls Zack into a corner, rips off his boot and shows how his foot looks like a giant hot dog. Zack has an uncontrollable fit of laughter that cannot be surpressed. He has to go the rest of the day coming up with excuses for why he's giggling, and absolutely loses it every time he sees Sephiroth.
• Genesis teaches Angeal how to fold origami creatures. The result is a small joke between the two where Genesis now finds origami friends in the oddest places. After a really hard day, he comes home, pulls back his comforter and finds four origami animals hidden underneath it—a chocobo, a cat, a puppy and an eagle. There's a small note in Angeal's handwriting that reads: "In case you're feeling down, call one or more of these to your place. They're all waiting to help you."
• They regularly steal each other's clothes. Angeal tends to have the coziest hoodies, which Sephiroth adores. Sephiroth has a wide range of long winter coats—or at least had. Angeal has stolen half of them. Cloud steals Zack's T-shirts, and Genesis steals Cloud's knitted items and scarves.
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getvalentined · 6 months
Actually while I'm on it, I wanna talk about the dichotomy between Genesis and Angeal. I'm not censoring names in this one because I'm not worried about it being read as character bashing, but it's a topic that I think is super interesting but I never see discussed outside the perception that they represent the dichotomy of good versus evil.
The dichotomy between these two is not and has never been good versus evil. Angeal having a white wing or insisting that he's honorable does not make him good, particularly when his idea of "honor" includes never asking anyone for help and forcing people that love him to do horrific things so he doesn't have to keep living as he really is. Conversely, Genesis having a black wing and referring to himself as a monster doesn't make him evil, particularly when everything he does in the actual storyline is an attempt to save himself (and his men), or at least make sure that Shinra falls far enough that it can't do this to anyone else.
That said, Angeal and Genesis are on opposite sides, just not in the way you most people assume.
Angeal is all about appearances, expectations, worthiness. He's never let go in his life, he was brought up in a poor household where he was presumably heaped with expectations and responsibilities by parents who were unable to properly care for him, and this led him to developing some extremely rigid and maladaptive ideologies. His concept of "honor" is probably the biggest one; we can see how he picked this up from Gillian pretty clearly in how she refers to the Buster Sword, and how we know she continually turned down Shinra's hush money and then never told the truth anyway.
Angeal sees "honor" as doing everything yourself, forever, the exact way that you were told. "Honor" is working yourself to death, it's not admitting when you're in over your head, it's accepting the worst situations as necessary even if they could be changed with the participation or contribution of someone else. It's dishonorable to ask for help. It's dishonorable to stop when there's still work to do. It's dishonorable to be indebted to anyone, even if the process of paying off a debt will kill you. It's better to die than to be dishonorable. He is his mother's son in every way.
By contrast, Genesis is all about independence, equality, justice. We can also see this in what we know of his background—Genesis was the brilliant son of a wealthy family, he gave Banora global brand recognition, his work with Banora White juice literally changed the entire face of his homeland's economy forever. He did this on his own. He figured this out because he wanted to share something with someone he admired, and he knew that the only way to make it worth something was to do it himself. However, where Genesis is independent, he's more than capable of asking for help, and he does over and over through the course of the game. Independence isn't about cutting yourself off from your community, it's about doing things in the way that works best for you, regardless of others' opinions.
Genesis' biggest issue is his concept of "justice," because it wheels pretty often into vengeance. At the end of the day he has three goals: survive, get Sephiroth out of Shinra, and make sure that the company can never do to anyone else what it did to him. He tries to ensure this by carving his way through anyone he feels stands between him and those goals, because Shinra deserves what he's doing and anyone who thinks otherwise is unjust. He's not self-centered, per se, but he has no empathy for anyone he doesn't personally care about, and it makes him seem cruel in a way that is entirely unnecessary.
It's pretty clear by the end that he's not intentionally cruel, just like he probably doesn't lack empathy by choice—but he does clearly struggle with empathy, and he clearly doesn't understand why anyone is angry with him when he knows he's right. He tells the truth without understanding that not everyone wants it. He can't conceptualize why someone wouldn't want to know.
Genesis' biggest problem is that he can't tell the difference between justice that strengthens the world around him and the people under his care, and vengeance meant to pay back the people and institutions that led him here in the first place.
The dichotomy in Project G was never good versus evil, it's external validation versus internal validation. Angeal needs the world to see him as right, while Genesis needs the world to back off and allow him to do things the way he already "knows" is right. The majority of Genesis' story takes place in his own head, and it's a broken narrative for reasons unrelated to the literal rotting; he knows what he's doing, he's methodical and clear in his actions, and he doesn't understand why people that know the truth don't agree with him. Angeal's, meanwhile, takes place primarily through Zack's eyes, because the opinions of others are what matter to him, and if he can't figure out how to make those eyes see exactly what he wants then he can't bear to be seen at all.
Basically Genesis is autistic, Angeal has OCPD, and Shinra has no concept of mental health care. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.
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saphirafoxgirlspost1 · 11 months
(Open Rp) Mpreg Rp in “Motherly and fatherly Love”
in the Beginning of June, Saphira was heading home for seeing her parents...until She Saw her Home being Trashed into a party...and saphira Couldn’t believe it...And why you asked? Well because Saphira trusted her Now “Soon-to-be-ex” Boyfriend Name “Alvin Harriet” to Take care of her Home While she was away to visit her parents... And Boy She was furious even her Blood began to Boil with rage, She storms into the house and saw Her Home and room was ruined and alot of whipped cream and cheese was all over the wall..the whole place was a mess..until She sees Alvin djaying with the ladies...and Saphira was Furious big time...and then he said, Alvin:” alright everyone, when i say”Party”, you say “Alvin” PARTY!” Crowd:” Alvin” Alvin: “PARTY” Crowd:”Alvin!” Alvin: “PARTY” Then Saphira Pulls the cord Furiously and she said Saph:”AAALLLLLLVIIIIIN!!!!!!”  She calls his Name so loud..everyone stopped and Looked at her and she said, Saph: “Alright! party’s over! I want everyone to clean up my house...and after That...YOU GET OUT OF MY LODGE CABIN!!! IMMEDIATELY!!” Saphira was SO enrage that everyone began to clean her home nice and Spotless..and saphira cross her arms coldly...and then they left..but alvin trying to escape..but saphira grabbed him by the shirt and said “OH NO you Don’t Buster! I’m already called your parents about this!” Alvin begged saphira for mercy but it was too late..until his parents arrived and furious as she is...so saphira Dump him and Kicked him out of her home and she said” DON”T YOU EVER COME NEAR MY HOME AGAIN!! YOUR NO LONGER WELCOME HERE!!”, She Slammed the Door so Harshly...Saphira sigh and asked herself “Why did i date this Piece of trash?! ugh! Where did i go wrong?” She blamed herself up...but She snapped out of it and said “you know what?, I’m going to take a break for a month or two..and maybe..just MAYBE that i’ll find Someone who is responsible and mature enough to be with..” She said...as 10 months has passed...and no man ever comes to her as She sighs...until..She saw Her old classmate...she tilted her head..he is a best scientist..but little did she know that. He Has a feelings for her..and wanted her to be his and his Only...so .he got her Dna (Which is her hair) back in highschool after she brush her hair.,,.and Decided to get himself pregnant with “her baby” by Making a serum..and injected into his belly.. but one problem is that Saphira needs to kiss him on a cheeks. to Activate his pregnancy..So saphira comes to him and said* hey! It’s been awhile..how are you?’ And then he answers..
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seangelfish · 2 months
buster bros with a younger sister.. you,, SHAKES YOU !! sobbing it was so so cute !! i love how you interpretated it and how each bro had a different relationship w/ her !! it was very heartwarming aughhuhuuhhh
so,, im back to request more yippee !! could i request ichiro dating someone ? what would their relationship be like, how would his brothers react and most importantly would they approve,,
sorry if this is too much i just love buster bros a completely normal amount,,
A/N: I'm so glad you liked it as I had so much fun writing it! And of course, I'm loving the Ichiro requests from you haha~ I am SO sorry this took so long, but I hope you will also like this one too! (´꒳`)♡
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Relationship headcanons
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Ichiro Yamada x reader ♡ Genres/types: Fluff, headcanons, established relationship, she/her pronouns, not proofread! ♡ Word count: 854 ♡ Synopsis: Headcanons of what Ichiro is like in a relationship and how his brothers react to it.
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– Ichiro would be the best lover you could ever ask for. He's so attentive and loving that it melts your heart. He knows every little thing about you that you were sure he wouldn't remember, so it would always be a sweet surprise when he'd gift you your favourite snack or drink.
– Despite how busy he is, you're always on his mind. Whenever he thinks about you, a smile never fails to creep up on his face. He's always hoping that your day goes the way you want it to, but if it doesn't, he'll always be there to cheer you up!
– His love language would definitely be acts of service. If you want something done, he'll do it in seconds. If you can't or don't have the motivation to run your usual errands, he'll do it for you instead. If you're an anxious and shy individual, he'll be your voice. He won't even mind it if you can't speak up for yourself because he'll do it for you.
– He'll be there to stand up for you if you aren't able to. He'll even be mad at your behalf if something or someone hurts you. Because of this, the person who has done you wrong will apologise immediately.
"Ichiro, you don't need to do that, it's fine..."
"No, it's not. They can't say that to you and get away with it!"
– Therefore, a relationship with Ichiro would be an ideal one. He's dependent and reliable, and is always emotionally and physically supportive. You don't need to tell him what to do because he just knows what you'd like for him to do. But of course, he'd like for you to communicate the things you like too.
– It's comfortable and safe with Ichiro. You know you can depend on him and he enjoys taking care of you too. It's probably because of his brotherly instincts, but his love for you is a lot different than his love for his brothers. He loves you with his whole heart and he isn't afraid to show it... only after getting comfortable in the relationship though.
– When he first had a crush on you, Ichiro was extremely bashful. He couldn't help it though. You were just so amazing and pretty. His eyes would light up every time he saw you. But he tried being subtle about it. His confession was kind of subtle too, but it was cute and romantic - just like the romance novels he reads.
He had brought you to a place where you could see the stars in the skies clearly, how beautiful they sparkled from where you stood.
You were in awe of how they looked. "Wow, the night sky is so pretty from up here!" you exclaim.
"Mhmm," Ichiro agrees. "This is how I see you too."
– The two of you would definitely watch anime together. You would give him recommendations of your favourite ones and he would immediately watch them. He loves all your suggestions and always asks for more.
– In addition, you would read manga with him too - sometimes together or just separately - but when you read together, he likes it when the two of you lay on your fronts as he holds the manga for you.
– You would cook together too. It feels like you're already married considering you take care of his younger brothers as well. After all, they're kids, so you treat them with love and care, cooking them meals and eating together like a family too.
– However, when you first met his brothers, they didn't seem to like you. You knew why as their reasons were obvious. They were so possessive of Ichiro, fully believing you were going to take him away from them. It was hilariously cute, but you had to reassure them with actions that wasn't your intention.
– You find their love for Ichiro really sweet, so you try befriending them. However, since they were so hard to get, Ichiro had to tell them to be nicer to you.
– Gradually, they start warming up to you. Jiro probably warms up to you first before Saburo does. They realise how much you care about their big bro and how much you care about them too. They always feel fluffy whenever they talk to you since you're so attentive and kind.
– Therefore, when they finally do approve of the relationship, they start wanting to hang out with you too. They think of you as their older sister or even a mother with the way you act. They love having you around, so it feels kind of empty whenever you're not there. When you were gone for almost two weeks due to work, they're the ones who miss you more than Ichiro does.
– Ultimately, being in a relationship with Ichiro is warm and loving. There's never a dull day being in the Yamada household either. It becomes a second home to you where you never want to leave as it's so comforting and full of life.
– And perhaps one day, this life will become a permanent one, where you get to stay with Ichiro forever alongside his brothers too.
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the-fluff-piece · 1 year
A heart for a heart
A sfw Trafalgar x fem!reader fluff story
Part 1
Part 2 out now
Part 3!
Also check my masterlist for more stories!
Part 1, where the polar tang stops at a small island for the night. Law wouldn't have expected that there, on this backwater island, he would treat a patient that would steal his heart
Note: I just wanted to write Law absolutely over the top falling in love
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Ever since he had become a samurai of the seas and the world knew about his powers as a doctor, all kinds of people came before Trafalgar D. Water Law begging to heal them or prolong their life. There where kings, merchants, pirates and bandits - even a marine admiral - that sought him out and beseeched him to treat their ailments. His title "the surgeon of death" never deterred them.
He turned all of them away. He swore he would only use his power to heal for his crew - or if he felt like it, and a tyrant or a merciless merchant kneeling before him was not going to sway him. The stories of disease and pain quickly annoyed him, because all he saw was mighty men and women, uncaring for the world around them, asking him for more time to leave their heinous mark on the world. It had become such a nuisance that he didn't even answer anymore - he just flipped them his finger and let his crew dispose of them.
He didn't think it would ever be any different until they stopped at a small, uninteresting island where people were too poor to attract any sort of attention. They went to the only tavern in town for some fun and occupied the place for the evening. Law was residing in the most comfortable chair, enjoying a drink and meal with his crew - when it happened. Again. He already rolled his eyes when he heard the pleading "please...very sick...will die..." at the door. He trusted that Bepo would throw them out - it was doubtlessly some wealthy arsehole that tracked him down, begging to be saved - when the white bear stood before him, looking rather flustered.
"Captain, I think you should have a look at this" he said in a sad voice.
"Why?", Law grunted. His first mate should know better by now.
"I...this really is different, maybe we should make an exception?" the bear asked.
"We? I am the captain here and I have the power, I alone decide when I make an exception. If I just treat one, they'll all come running to me" Law said in a stern voice - and he saw his old friend bring out his biggest arguments: his sad eyes. Not many people know that the eyes of a mink bear where as strong as a 1000 puppy eyes, and even Trafalgar was not immune to them, although he wouldn't even admit that under torture.
The bear stared at him with such an incredibly adorable expression, he broke Law's will into a thousand pieces.
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Dammit, if he does that it must be urgent. Law ground his teeth in frustration. "Let's have a look - and than I'll tell you why I won't do anything", Law said, not looking at the bear to conceal that he had melted.
Flashing Law a happy grin, Bepo waved a young man to them, and he was carrying something. Or rather: someone.
Law tried to give that intruder a cursory glance before denying his request to appease Bepo, but Laws demonstrably disinterested look froze when he saw the patient that was laid out before him on the table.
A young girl, about his own age, clad in a simple dress - nothing special one would say. But for him, the sight felt like he was just hit by the marines buster call. As soon as he saw her face, his heart skipped a beat, or two, he couldn't really tell anymore. The world beneath his feet dissolved until only he and that girl were left - and he fell, deeply. Something about her features, that he couldn't even explain to himself, captured him completely. He couldn't say if it was the beautiful eyes looking up at him, the noble shape of her nose or the elegant curve of her mouth, but he was already absolutely obsessed. As his greedy eyes drank her appearance in, he knew he would never be satisfied.
A powerful longing to possess her controlled his thoughts. The sudden onslaught of feeling overwhelmed him and it took all his willpower to reign himself back in and take control of his emotions again.
He wasn't sure how long he'd been staring at her or what emotions he had shown. He closed his mouth to swallow. Everyone looked at him utterly confused. He cleared his throat and tried as best as he could to mimic the bored and relaxed posture he had had a moment before, even though he felt nothing like it through the adrenaline pumping through his body right now. What he wouldn't give to possess hormone-level control of his bodyfunctions right now to calm down.
"State your request", he prompted the man, his eyes fixed on the girl on the table. She seemed to be barely awake, looking around with hazed eyes.
The man fell to his knees and bowed down until he touched the ground with his forehead, his desperate pleading could be heard in the whole room: "Oh great Trafalgar Law, Samurei of the seas and greatest surgeon alive, this is my sister, she's very sick! The doctor said her heart was weak and she would not get old. We weren't able to find a doctor willing to treat her. She's gotten worse over the last week, you are our only hope, please save her! The me and the whole village will repay you anyway we can!"
Law only half listened to the probably worthless explanation and flattery of the brother and already began to examine her for symptoms.
Her skin looked pale and sweaty, the breath was rattling. A heart problem is plausible, although he would need to do some more tests. He took her small hand into his, the soft skin was cold and damp and her fingers seemed to be swollen. If it was only a heart defect he could easily cure her.
There was no careful weighing of options here, he knew that he would absolutely do anything to save her, no matter how much he told himself that he still had a choice. And that he would have to take her with him.
"How about we talk about the price after the surgery", Law said, his poker face back in place. The plan was formulated and he would go through with it. He picked her up easily, she felt and looked emaciated. The soft whimper that escaped from her blue lips was like a knife to his heart. He would have to begin treatment as soon as possible, luckily he had a stash of spare organs in excellent shape on the tang - for emergencies like this.
As he turned to go back to the submarine, the brother danced around him in joy, promising him everything if his sister lived. Law assured him that the village would absolutely be able to pay what he would ask.
Back on the polar tang, after a short confirming examination, he immediately began surgery with the assistance of his crewmembers. A heart transplant was easy for Law, the power of his devil fruit was designed for this purpose, the success rate at almost 100%.
She would get a strong heart that would safe her from certain death and carry through life.
Half of the village was camping in front of the polar tang in the harbour, awaiting the end of the surgery.
Of course, it was a success. He never doubted that. He would now wait at her bed until she woke up, monitoring her closely to ensure her safety.
As the anesthetic wore off, she opened her eyes and really looked at Law for the first time. Her lips had already regained a healthy colour, her skin looked rosy again and her gaze was focused - on him. He stared. He couldn't help it. She was even more irresistible now, he couldn't have anticipated how badly it would affect him.
He prided himself on being educated, eloquent and sophisticated - he wanted to tell her who he was, that she was in the best and most capable hands.
"Uhm...hey", was the only thing he could think of to say when he finally met her gaze for the first time. How embarrassing. Since he first saw her the question of who she was dominated his mind. While she slept he had built a hundred scenarios in his head how he would introduce himself to her. "Hey" was not among them.
"Hey", she answered, smiling at him. He couldn't have imagined a more perfect smile. It played around her pink lips, kind and warm. Home, he felt like he was coming home.
"You're...uhm...ok now, you know", he heard his idiot voice say. He could have impressed her by being every inch the doctor his father raised him to be, he could have told her how he saved her life. Instead, he told her "she was ok now". Well done Law, he thought.
"I feel...so much better! What happened?", her excited, melodic voice made his ears ring. It made him think of cozy winter evenings spend at a warm fire, it was the kind of voice that made him feel like being wrapped in a warm blanket. He felt a wide grin expand over his face.
"I g...gave you a new h...heart", he stuttered this most basic expression, incapable of retrieving his medical expressions from behind the blockade of hormones in his brain.
She stared at him for a moment, he stared at her. She touched her chest with her hand, just above the heart and looked as though she would cry.
"I'm cured?", she asked shakily. He nodded. "You cured me?" He nodded. "Yeah".
She fell around his neck, crying and thanking him. He wasn't prepared for this. Her soft hair was caressing his cheek, her arms tightly closed around him. Her scent and warmth washed over him, ripping down every emotion defence he had built, like an ocean surge destroying every dyke in its path. He didn't know what to do. Could he touch her? Should he? He lay one of his hands on her back to return the hug, but he just lightly padded her back. It was enough to make his whole body explode with a tingling sensation and send his heart on a wild race. Never let her go again. He would never, ever let her go again. He knew that now.
Stay tuned for part 2!
Now that you've read the whole thing, let me know what you think in the comments!
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