#solo match: Mike
shutuperce · 7 months
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your fall 2023 byler reading list 🍂🍂
BIG BYLER FIC REC DUMP cause i haven't been writing a lot but i HAVE been reading and y'all need to read these! hope u enjoy as much as i did <3
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got your spell on me, baby - @astrobei -Stranger Things (TV 2016) [Archive of Our Own]
Words: 7,919
TW: none
'To be fair, Will’s costume is great, now that Mike knows what it is. And, okay, wait-
“Oh, this is so good. This is so good.” Max points at Mike, wheezing. “Because you’re dressed as-”
Will’s still looking straight up at the sky. The length of his neck is very, very flushed. Mike can feel his entire face going redder than Vader’s lightsaber. He clenches his hands into tiny little fists, and says, around a groan: “I’m not Han Solo, guys.”'
THE halloween byler fic. the party at college, bi lucas sinclair content, halloween party shenanigans.
these nerds, using star wars to flirt 🙄
background lumax & their amazing couples costume, el & will power sibling duo!!!
bowie references to heal the soul
all in all one of my favourite getting-together fics for this time of year :)
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what a match: i'm half-doomed and you're semi-sweet - @perexcri - Stranger Things (TV 2016) [Archive of Our Own]
Words: 28,150
TW: guns, blood, gore (just demodogs though no human gore)
'One month ago, if you had asked Will Byers what he’d do if Mike Wheeler threaded his fingers through his hair, looked him dead in the eyes, and started leaning in for a kiss, he wouldn’t have said this.
He wouldn’t have said he’d be staring right back into those yawning dark eyes, one hand on Mike’s waist, the other against his cheek. There wouldn’t have been any lightning in his veins or blood rushing in his ears.
He wouldn’t have said that Mike Wheeler would be tilting his head in the opposite direction, eyes widening just the slightest as if asking permission, his mouth slightly parted.
He wouldn’t have imagined it at all.'
SO SO GOOD. apocalypse post s4, background jancy and platonic stobin, interruption trope x10000 so it's SO SATISFYING at the end.
jonathan & mike solidarity <3
all in all amazingly well written mike and will being blushing messes. love them. fluff in the apocalypse.
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take my hand, wreck my plans - @parkitaco - Stranger Things (TV 2016) [Archive of Our Own]
Words: 6,297
TW: discussion of past trauma
'"I am not taken," he says out of habit, even though he kind of is. He and Will aren't together - he blushes at the thought - but they do spend an awful lot of time together, and Mike doesn't ever find himself wishing he was anywhere else. "Will and I are-"
"Ooh, I didn't even say anything about Will!" Max crows. "Oh, this is excellent."
Mike hides his face in his hands even though she can't see him. "Oh my God. Can you put Lucas back on, please?"
Max cackles in to the receiver, the sound fading as Lucas presumably wrenches the phone out of her grip. "We gotta go, Mike," he says, laughing a little. "Max has class and I'm driving her."
"Tell her she's the worst," Mike grumbles, fiddling with the phone cord.
"Say hi to Will for me!" Lucas sings, and hangs up before Mike can protest.
Mike groans and flops back on his mattress. It's going to be a long year.'
part of a series!! byler college au, friends-to-lovers, background party friendship, AND THEY WERE ROOMMATES. OH MY GOD, THEY WERE ROOMMATES??
taylor swift title... do u really need any other persuasion
the whole series is just AMAZING. mike & will getting a break, living together at college and figuring shit out <3
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i might be hoping about this - @astrobei - Stranger Things (TV 2016) [Archive of Our Own]
Words: 15,321
TW: none
'Will lets out a small squawk as Mike’s hand— his very cold, very freezing hand— finds its way around the blankets and under his sweater. “I’m sick, you weirdo,” he says, half-laughing into the side of Mike’s head, “I have a fever.” 
“I don’t care,” Mike mumbles, “you’re warm and I’m cold. This is nice.”
“You’re going to get sick,” Will tries, for the umpteenth time, but it’s pointless. Mike Wheeler is stubborn and hardheaded and he never does anything halfway— not even this.'
established byler at college!! so yeah i have a love of college byler and this is one of my top fics for sure. 2nd astrobi fic on this list because i love their writing <3
will gets sick, mike takes care of him. need i say more?
silly goofy guys living together & doing silly goofy domestic shit
this fic makes me SOFT.
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accidentally on purpose - @itsromeowrites - Stranger Things (TV 2016) [Archive of Our Own]
Words: 5,019
TW: none
'It starts out with a kiss. An accidental kiss. Because Mike is sleepy and Will is pretty, and who can really blame him? And then there's another one, just as accidental. But the third? Well, that may be a little more on purpose.'
literally smiling so hard at this fic. like hello. soft secret boyfriends and loads of party content, all the kids are okay <3
established byler, how the party finds out. all fluff all the time. jonathan attempts the Talk. mike has no idea what's going on. et cetera.
background lumax, lucas & dustin being lil shits together, and el using her powers to cheat at splashing games. all in all a good time!
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and if I get burned, at least we were electrified - anonymous - Stranger Things (TV 2016) [Archive of Our Own]
Words: 14,958
TW: none
'“I’ll leave you be until lunch,” Max starts negotiating, nodding at him as if that’s a good deal. Which—considering it's Max, it is, but Mike doesn’t want to give in just yet. She sighs. “I won’t laugh about the sweater anymore. Or the weak disposition that gives you stupid allergies all the time.”
Mike’s frown deepens, but she wasn’t as mean as she could have been, so he’s gonna take it. He needs to get this out anyways, or he’s going to keep running in circles as if stuck in a hamster wheeler—an accurate representation of his brain when it comes to Will, really. He presses his lips together and tries to figure out a subtle, non-funny way to say it, but he comes up blank.
Fuck, whatever: “I almost kissed Will. Again.”
Max actually has to cover her mouth with her hand, disguising a worryingly loud snort with a cough. The teacher turns their way and stares, then goes back to explaining the exercise on the board. Mike scribbles it down while Max gets herself under control.
Screw his life.'
senior year, post-vecna. the party being friends but also little shits to each other.
madwheeler bandmates!!!
will steals mike's entire closet
they are Dumb Idiots who are mutually pining from afar
and other lovable tropes. takes place in november so good fall vibes :)
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jenniejjun · 10 days
𝐆𝐄𝐓 𝐇𝐈𝐌 𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐊 ⸻ 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳𝘴.
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pairing.: art donaldson x leitora!fem x tashi duncan x patrick zweig
sinopse.: olivia miller era tudo o que tashi duncan não era. e tudo o que ela era ao mesmo tempo. uma força a ser reconhecida. não foi uma surpresa quando elas se tornaram parceiras de tênis. elas eram lendas. nada nem ninguém poderia mexer com elas. exceto art donaldson e patrick zweig.
warnings.: esta história foi avaliada como +18. incluirá uso de cigarro, consumo de álcool, temas sexuais e linguagem forte. aconselha-se a opinião do autor, caso você se sinta desconfortável com alguma das citações anteriores priorize sua saúde evitando a leitura. não possuo nenhum desses personagens, exceto os millers e justine bonsoir. todos os direitos vão para MGM e Guadagnino. fora isso, isso aqui é apenas eu cedendo à minha necessidade bissexual de ter os três, não sei o que dizer.
notas da autora.: quem é vivo sempre aparece né? tava vendo rivais pela primeira vez esses dias e tudo que me veio a mente é como eles deviam ter formado um trisal. seria saudável? provavelmente não. resolveria os problemas deles? também não. mas a vida deles seria bem mais fácil se o casamento da tashi e do art fosse aberto! anyways, vendo esse filme eu fiquei mais obcecada ainda do que já era pelo mike faist e minha obsessão pelo josh o'connor e pela zendaya retornou. daí veio a ideia de montar a olivia e sua história! espero que vocês gostem! essa eu dedico pra @cruelyouths que tava ansiosa pela postagem. aliás, os personagens começam com dezoito anos como no filme. eu costumo postar tiktoks sobre a fanfic lá na minha continha, caso vocês queiram seguir pra ficar por dentro também o user é daemonyra!
elenco.: jennie kim como olivia miller, kim see-hun como aira choi, jeremy strong como oliver miller, zendaya como tashi duncan, josh o'connor como patrick zweig, mike faist como art donaldson, swann arlaud como justine bonsoir.
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OLIVIA MILLER E TASHI DUNCAN eram parceiras desde crianças. Elas não tinham certeza de quando tudo começou, mas faziam tudo juntas. Frequentaram a mesma escola, tiveram os mesmos amigos, compartilharam alguns namorados… Não foi surpresa quando se tornaram parceiras de tênis. Duplas eram difíceis de manter no esporte, a maioria delas acabaria se separando para seguir carreira solo. Um certamente chamaria mais atenção do que o outro. E por isso as pessoas preferiram um jogador só. Mas não com elas.
Tashi e Olivia eram notáveis. Uma daquelas equipes que você sonha ver nos Jogos Olímpicos de Verão. Elas nunca perdiam uma partida, desde que começaram juntas. A rotina delas seria simples. Sempre começava com Olivia fazendo o saque, então Tashi entrava em modo animal no lado oposto da quadra e elas marcavam o match point. Juntas.
Desta vez não seria diferente. Enquanto a garota de dezoito anos fazia o saque, ela já podia ouvir a bola de tênis indo e voltando entre elas e a outra dupla do outro lado da quadra. Olivia olhou para Tashi. A grande Tashi Duncan, a mulher que fazia todos à sua frente se contorcerem de medo, bateu na bola com sua raquete. O suor escorria pela sua testa quando Olivia saltou para acertar a pequena esfera verde.
Anna Muller e sua parceira pareciam furiosas pelos próximos dois sets, mas Olivia não se importava, ela estava na lua. Elas estavam ganhando. A expectativa do público já estava escorrendo, todos sabiam quem estava prestes a vencer. E não era Anna Muller e seu traseiro racista.
"Chupa essa, vadia!" Olivia gritou, ignorando o par de olhos que seus pais lhe deram por xingar no campo de tênis. Ela não se importou. A partida deles foi vencida.
Quase como se fosse sua segunda natureza, Olivia Miller se lançou nos braços de Tashi Duncan gritando de alegria enquanto as duas se abraçavam febris e suadas. Era tênis em sua forma pura, a intensidade crua de como Tashi mantinha suas testas juntas e ela segurava o rosto de Tashi. Ambas sorrindo como tolas. Não. Como vencedoras.
“Isso sim foi tênis de verdade, porra”, disse ela com confiança. Claro que foi a primeira coisa que ela observou, Tashi respirava aquele esporte.
Passando o braço em volta do pescoço da garota, Olivia revirou os olhos saindo da quadra. Passando pelas perdedoras, a garota Miller não pôde deixar de notar o mau humor que Anna carregava consigo quando passavam. Ela sorriu, discretamente. Bem feito. Vadias. Sentindo um tapinha na bunda, Olivia olhou para sua parceira enquanto elas se dirigiam ao vestiário.
“Espero que esse espírito vencedor permaneça com você até esta noite”, Tashi franziu as sobrancelhas enquanto brincava, secando o suor do rosto. "Você não esqueceu, certo?"
“Como se você ou minha mãe fossem me deixar esquecer!” Olivia murmurou deixando sua amiga ir. “Mas quero dizer... Se isso significa ver a cara de perdedora da Anna, posso tolerar isso. Qualquer coisa para deixar aquela vadia racista infeliz.”
“Você realmente tem muito ódio pra alguém tão pequeno”, brincou sua melhor amiga antes de continuar. “Mas, na verdade, é a festa da Adidas. Você não pode desistir. É para nós.”
Era a dinâmica delas. Tashi Duncan vivia por todo aquele profissionalismo, embora ainda não quisesse seguir carreira. Aquela garota era a tenista mais profissional dos Challengers, disso Olivia Miller sempre poderia ter certeza. Não era como se ela não fosse profissional também, ela era. Elas fizeram muitos anúncios, conferências e treinamentos juntas. E Olivia Miller nunca chegou atrasada.
Mas ela era mais o tipo de garota que gostava de festas universitárias. Louca, bagunçada e divertida. Festas de trabalho? Esse era o playground de Tashi. Ela dominava a coisa enquanto Olivia permanecia ao seu lado, bebendo silenciosamente seu champanhe e aparecendo bonita para a câmera. Esse era o trabalho dela em festas como essas, Olivia odiava.
“Tash, está tudo bem! Eu sei, ok? Toda aquela merda de ‘celebrar os campeões de amanhã’. Eu sei, estarei lá mesmo que a festa seja uma merda.”
As duas entraram no vestiário, seguindo seus respectivos caminhos até seus armários. O clube de campo era enorme, mas era fácil ficar perplexo com o quão pequeno ele realmente era. De perto assim, Olivia pôde ver plenamente sua melhor amiga tirando a camisa. O sutiã esportivo que ela usava fazia a curva perfeita para seus seios, tanto que quase deu vontade de gritar. Era uma sensação com a qual ela estava acostumada quando estava ao lado de Tashi Duncan.
Tashi era perfeita demais, às vezes. Era esmagador.
“Ei, você pode me emprestar um de seus sutiãs para esta noite? Preciso de algo que não faça meus seios parecerem tão pequenos”, Olivia perguntou, encostando-se em seu armário enquanto olhava para frente. Quando de repente a peça de roupa bate em seu rosto. “Ai! Cadela."
Tashi olha para ela, com o peito totalmente à mostra enquanto ela sorri.
"Seus seios estão ótimos, mas se você precisar", ela encolheu os ombros. “Você está tentando impressionar alguém?”
Começando a se livrar das roupas de tênis, Olivia riu enquanto se dirigia para o chuveiro. Tashi seguindo. Virando-se, ela viu sua amiga em toda sua glória nua entrando em contato com a água fria de seu chuveiro. Apenas abrindo espaço para ela, Olivia começou a lavar o cabelo logo sentindo as mãos de Tashi substituírem as dela.
“Sabe, eu tenho que pelo menos transar já que você está me obrigando a ir a essa festa idiota.” Olivia sorriu suavemente, seu tom provocativo quando sentiu as mãos de Duncan agarrarem seu couro cabeludo com mais força. Ela riu. “Depois de tirar todas as fotos, claro!”
Se Tashi achou engraçado, ela decidiu ignorar isso, retomando seus tratamentos no couro cabeludo de Olivia com o condicionador. “Eu não subestimaria a festa se fosse você, pode ficar interessante,”
A garota Duncan encolheu os ombros.
“Não é subestimar se eu sei que a festa é uma merda.”
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Na verdade, ela subestimou a festa.
Certo. Talvez ela tenha sido um pouco... severa ao julgar um livro pela capa. Afinal, toda a celebração dos campeões de amanhã não foi tão ruim. Fotos delas estavam espalhadas por metros quadrados, Olivia com suas raquetes e saltos e Tashi com suas elegantes poses de tênis. As estrelas do show.
Brilhantes era o que elas eram.
Olivia balançava os quadris para a esquerda e para a direita fazendo um movimento estranho que ela gostava de chamar de “o passo sexy”, tentando igualar a facilidade de sua melhor amiga em ficar linda na pista de dança. Apenas algumas pessoas poderiam parecer gostosas e suadas por se movimentarem no que achavam que é dançar. Tashi era uma dessas pessoas. Tanto que não era surpresa que ela chamasse atenção.
"Esses dois estão te comendo com o olhar desde que você chegou aqui", Olivia riu no ouvido da amiga, já embriagada com as bebidas. Confortavelmente, Miller deixou a garota na frente dela puxá-la para perto, dançando ao ritmo. "Danadinhos."
“Eles estão nos comendo com os olhos, cara de merda.” Tashi beliscou a cintura dela, sorrindo maliciosamente. “Um para cada uma de nós.”
E ali nas mesas estavam eles. Dois garotos perfeitamente legais, que Olivia Miller nem sonharia em imaginar jogando tênis de uma forma tão bruta e desagradável. Os tipos de características que você não imagina cobertas de suor. Um moreno e um loiro. Um alto e um baixo. Um parecia inteligente, o outro parecia bobinho. Olhando bem, Olivia sabia exatamente quem eles eram.
“Art Donaldson e Patrick Zweig, sério?” Um tom de zombaria pôde ser ouvido da boca da garota. O sorriso malicioso de Tashi só aumentou.
“Fogo e Gelo em carne e osso,” ela quase parecia ansiosa. Como se Art Donaldson e Patrick Zweig pudessem ser capazes de mudar o rumo daquela noite inteira para ela, como se ela estivesse esperando para experimentá-los. Foi a vez de Olivia sorrir.
“E justamente quando pensei que iríamos compartilhar,” ela brincou, balançando os braços em volta do pescoço de Duncan. Foi uma brincadeira, claro. Uma inofensiva, na melhor das hipóteses. Mas a maneira como Tashi Duncan arqueou uma sobrancelha e a girou enviou um frio na barriga, isso não poderia significar nada de bom. Isso significava que Tashi teve uma ideia. As ideias de Tashi sempre foram perigosas quando se tratavam disso.
“Ainda podemos.” A tenista deu um passo mais perto, olhando milimetricamente para os garotos que as fodiam com os olhos. Era quase imperceptível por causa do jeito que elas estavam tão próximos que o cabelo escuro de Olivia bloqueava a visão de Art ou Patrick do que estava acontecendo ali. Ou mesmo o que foi dito lá.
Se eles soubessem.
“Ok, hora de tirar você do álcool,” Olivia deu um tapinha de leve na bochecha de Tashi duas vezes como uma piada enquanto sorria elegantemente. Elas estavam próximas o suficiente para que a jovem pudesse sentir o hálito alcoólico de sua melhor amiga. “Sério, Tash! Está mexendo com sua cabeça. Fala sério, quatro?"
“Não me diga que você não aguenta.” Tashi respondeu.
Uma risada escapou dela, tão brilhante e encantadora que chamou a atenção de algumas pessoas ao seu redor. Brevemente, Olivia Miller abraçou a cintura da amiga, dando um beijo molhado em sua bochecha.
Parte dela sabia que ela só tomou tal atitude porque estava sendo observada, algo nas palavras de Tashi estava fazendo sua cabeça girar. Tirando seu julgamento normal. Isso e o fato de que eram Art Donaldson e Patrick Zweig quem os observava. Provavelmente os caras mais gostosos do clube de campo.
“Tudo bem, gatinha, vou pegar um pouco de água para você e então poderemos resolver seu problema. Tá? Se acalma aí, falou?" Foi a última coisa que Olivia lhe disse antes de Tashi Duncan simplesmente desaparecer diante de seus olhos.
Coincidentemente junto com Art e Patrick.
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Areia não era muito seu forte. Na verdade, andar de salto alto na areia não era seu forte. Mas Olivia Miller marchava como se sua vida dependesse disso no momento em que avistou Tashi sentada em uma das rochas perto do mar.
Primeiramente com raiva. Até que ela notou os dois meninos que estavam sentados à sua frente nas cadeiras de praia, a dupla infame. Fogo e gelo. Tashi estava conversando com eles sobre tênis quando a jovem decidiu intervir com suas reclamações sobre como era desconfortável andar na areia da praia.
Naturalmente, os olhos se voltaram para a rica Olivia Miller em seu vestido tubinho branco com mangas compridas e esvoaçantes. Quase parecendo um anjo. Quase. Se não fosse pela boca pintada de vermelho.
Tashi sorriu, um daqueles sorrisos que ela reservava apenas para Olivia.
“Você perdeu as fotos”, disse ela, estendendo a mão para ajudar a amiga a se sentar na pedra. Dividindo o espaço com ela, porque era assim que elas eram. Não existia espaço pessoal quando se tratava de Tashi Duncan e Olivia Miller. As duas vinham como um combo. “Meninos, esta é Olivia Miller, mas suponho que vocês já saibam disso.”
Um pouco confusa, Olivia virou-se para os dois garotos sentados ali com seus cigarros e bebidas. Estranhamente, ela se sentiu pequena e envergonhada sob tantos olhares. Havia algo quase como uma reverência nos olhos de Art Donaldson quando ela se acomodou ao lado de Tashi, um breve sorriso nos lábios enquanto ele acenava com a cabeça em direção a ela em saudação. Patrick Zweig, por outro lado, olhou para ela como se ela fosse uma sobremesa que ele não comia há muito tempo. Seus olhos brilharam olhando para sua pele cremosa e físico tonificado.
Como se ela fosse uma estátua que merecesse ser elogiada. Sua própria heroína pessoal do tênis.
"Sobre o que estamos conversando?" Miller perguntou, sua voz suave uma distração da tensão que pairava no ar da conversa.
“Tashi estava prestes a nos explicar o que o tênis deveria ser.” Pela primeira vez, a voz de Art enfeitou os ouvidos de Olivia Miller. Desta vez, não coexistiu com o tom alto e frustrado que ele soltou quando perdeu uma partida de tênis na quadra. Foi infinitamente mais calmo, mais sério e aconchegante.
Ela teria feito uma careta se estivesse sozinha, porque como era possível que a existência daquele homem a fizesse descrever uma voz masculina como aconchegante? Mas em vez de se concentrar na própria vergonha, ela gemeu de brincadeira. Revirando os olhos brevemente com a revelação de Donaldson.
"O que?" Perguntou Patrick, sorrindo entretido.
“Você não está dando a eles o sermão de ‘tênis é um relacionamento’, né?" Olivia choramingou, já entediada enquanto colocava a cabeça no ombro de Tashi.
“Cala a boca, você sabe que é”, confessou Tashi, havia algo definidor em sua voz. Como se ela não estivesse aberta a discussões, ainda assim permaneceu excepcionalmente dócil na frente dos meninos.
Certamente convenceu Patrick Zweig, o pobre rapaz... Ele mal conseguiu esconder a sua admiração ao ouvir a grandiosa Tashi Duncan ensinar-lhe rapidamente o que realmente era o tênis. Ensinar o que era tênis para um tenista. Exceto que Olivia entendeu brevemente o motivo de tudo isso, o excesso de confiança de Patrick transparecia em seus movimentos, mas não em sua compreensão do esporte.
Não como seu amigo ao lado dele.
“Foi isso que vocês e Anna Muller tiveram hoje?” Ele perguntou, brincando com seu cigarro. Curiosa, Olivia apoiou-se nas duas mãos observando as idas e vindas de Tashi com o cara Zweig. Assim como Art Donaldson estava fazendo o mesmo. Ocasionalmente, roubando alguns olhares para ela.
“Foi, na verdade. Durante cerca de quinze segundos em que estávamos jogando tênis, nós nos entendemos completamente, assim como todos que estavam assistindo. Era como se estivéssemos apaixonadas”, disse Duncan, batendo o ombro dela no da filha.
Balançando a cabeça, Olivia revirou os olhos de brincadeira mais uma vez, mas concordou. Isso? Essa era sua área, não havia nada no mundo que Tashi Duncan entendesse e amasse mais do que tênis. Mais do que qualquer profissional.
Isso fez Olivia sentir tremores na espinha, a alegria de ver sua amiga entusiasmada com o que ela amava. Foi contagioso.
“Ou como se não existíssemos”, terminou Miller para a amiga.
“Sim,” ela riu, inclinando a cabeça para o lado. Satisfeita consigo mesma. “Fomos a algum lugar… lindo juntas.”
“Tão lindo quanto pode ser com a porra da Anna Muller”, brincou Olivia, algumas risadas puderam ser ouvidas do trio. Art olhou para eles por alguns minutos antes de falar, curioso sobre suas reações. Patrick ao lado dele, não conseguia identificar se a pergunta tinha sido bem-vinda ou não. Isso pareceu frustrá-lo.
“Você gritou”, disse ele, dando uma tragada no cigarro. “Nunca ouvi nada parecido antes.”
Olivia quase riu. Foi chocante, para dizer o mínimo, mas ver Tashi sorrindo e escondendo o rosto no ombro foi uma visão nova para ela. Era quase magnético. Art Donaldson foi capaz de extrair tanta emoção dela, considerando que era a Tashi que ela estava se referindo.
Foi surpreendente, ela não podia negar. Talvez esse garoto realmente soubesse do que estava falando, afinal ele não queria apenas transar com ela.
No entanto, Tashi não estava errada quando apontou o interesse deles nas duas. Pois os olhos claros de Art se voltaram para sua figura, o sorriso que acabara de desconcertar Duncan mirava direto no coração de Olivia Miller.
“Mas você não fez, você nunca faz. Por que?"
A pergunta a pegou desprevenida, assim como Tashi alguns segundos antes.
Afinal, qual foi o motivo?
Foi uma pergunta fácil. Não foi falta de motivação nas partidas, mas também nunca despertaram emoções tão viscerais de dentro. Ela gostava de vencer, obviamente. Ela também gostaria de ser profissional um dia.
Porém, por que ela não era tão crua quanto Tashi?
“Temos que ir”, Seu mundinho de percepções foi quebrado pela voz da amiga, pelo calor de sua mão na dela. Pelo canto do olho, Miller pôde identificar o olhar de segurança que Duncan lhe deu. Ela provavelmente ficou quieta por um tempo. “Nossos pais estão esperando.”
“Sim, hum… Nos vemos na escola, Art. Ouvi dizer que você entrou em Stanford.” Olivia tentou pelo menos se despedir para não parecer estranha. Mas foi difícil com a maneira como ela estava ajustando o vestido, pois ela estava envergonhada.
Os dois parceiros de tênis estavam prontos para partir quando a voz de Patrick soou estridente e incerta, esperando que eles realmente esperassem.
"Espere!" Ele disse, sentando-se muito rapidamente em sua cadeira. "Vocês tem Facebook?"
Se Olivia pudesse fechar os olhos e soltar uma risada dolorosa, ela o faria. Mas isso seria demais para o coração já acelerado de Patrick. Em vez disso, ela escolheu sorrir, tendo que virar a cabeça para o lado para esconder a leve risada que lhe escapou. Rapidamente, a garota Miller viu o sorriso preguiçoso nas feições de Art tomando forma.
“Ele está pedindo o número de vocês e eu também.” Aquele merdinha presunçoso, Art Donaldson, inclinou a cabeça loira para o lado enquanto olhava para os dois de cima a baixo.
“Vocês dois querem nossos números?” Tashi perguntou, fingindo bajulação. Olivia cruzou os braços, isso estava ficando interessante.
“Muito, sim.”
“Vocês dois querem nossos números?” Olivia provocou, erguendo a sobrancelha em convicção. De repente, estar diante do mar não despertava mais o frio dentro dela. Pelo contrário. O tecido leve do vestido branco que ela usava aqueceu sua pele como um micro-ondas.
“Somos dois caras, vocês são duas garotas”, Patrick sorriu, aquele sorriso libertino.
"E daí? Você tentará nós duas para ver qual de nós encaixa melhor?" A insinuação da frase foi clara o suficiente para fazer crescer o sorriso canalha no rosto de Patrick, assim como o de Art.
Tashi Duncan pendurou um dos braços no pescoço da amiga, sorrindo também. Eles pareceriam maníacos para quem olhasse de fora, mas a compreensão era suficiente para permanecer ali.
“Bem, não somos destruidoras de lares”, ela brincou. Como se elas também não tivessem compartilhado um monte de caras antes. Olivia mordeu o lábio contendo o sorriso.
"Está tudo bem, não moramos juntos."
“É um relacionamento aberto.”
“Venha passar um tempo conosco mais tarde, estamos hospedados em um hotel próximo”, disse Patrick, com a boca cheia de fumaça. Seus modos sujos eram um pouco cativantes para Olivia, como é que um homem assim era tão bonito? Estava além dela.
“Quer que a gente coloque vocês na cama?” Ela não perdeu a oportunidade ali, abraçando a cintura de Tashi.
“Ou podemos continuar conversando”, sugeriu ele, olhando para as outras três pessoas ali. Parecia tentador, Olivia não era mentirosa. Um quarto de hotel com Art Donaldson, Patrick Zweig e sua melhor amiga. Parecia a porra de um sonho. “Sobre tênis.”
"Boa noite!" Foi tudo o que Tashi disse antes de afastá-la dos meninos, rindo das tentativas fracassadas de Patrick de fazê-las ficar.
"Foi um prazer te conhecer!" A garota gritou, acenando de volta para eles. Olivia estava tropeçando um pouco devido aos saltos arenosos, mas a proximidade do contato permitiu que ela visse o rosto de sua melhor amiga.
E nele ela viu algo que pensou que nunca veria enquanto eles se afastavam.
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©️ jenniejjun. todos os trabalhos postados aqui pertencem a mim e não devem ser repostados sem meu consentimento de maneira alguma.
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vieramars · 6 months
Making this its own post bc it wasn't getting seen as a reblog
Re: a very niche oddly specific fluffy TMA au
So I'm in a swing dance club and I started thinking about what if the characters of the magnus archives were all in a swing dance club. Absolutely no regard for canon, just all the characters hanging out having a time.
Half the characters do not know how to dance. Some are really good at it. Elias is the club leader who thought having a position of authority would be fun but now he's stuck managing a room full of chaos gremlins with fear powers.
Half the playlist is mechs songs. Nikola insists on doing live music every few meets.
Jon watches tons of videos on swing moves in order to learn them and is constantly watching his feet to make sure he's doing the steps right. He's a follow and almost exclusively dances with Martin. Even though he helped form the club he perpetually has new awkward member energy. Still, once he's had plenty of time to practice a move, he can do it perfectly nine times out of ten.
Martin is a much more confident dancer than someone who'd just met him would think. He's a lead and his musicality is on point. He's really good at songs with tempo changes, and his favorite move is probably swing kicks.
Tim and Sasha are terrifying on the dance floor. Sasha's the lead and every dance she's trying to beat her own record for how many times she can spin Tim consecutively. They prefer open position and every other move is a basket turn. 
Michael showed up one day and just became part of the club by being there, then later invited Helen along. Both of them like to dance with pretty much everyone, and both of them love sliding doors. Sometimes involving actual distortion doors. Their dance moves are reality bending and they always have the flashiest outfits. Michael is ambidancetrous (comfortable leading or following) and Helen is a lead.
Agnes wears very thick gloves so that she can dance with people without burning their hands. To avoid accidents she's also very good at no-contact moves. Sometimes she brings Jack over for club meetings. She's a lead and her favorite move is sugar pushes though she also likes line dances and does the best charleston out of the whole group.
Daisy and Basira are inseparable. But they are both leads. Rather than dancing with other people they just solo jazz and line dance together.
No matter who she's dancing with or what moves they're doing Nikola is killing it. Her favorite dances are steal dances where everyone's rapidly switching partners. She's always the fastest to find a new partner and get back into step. She does everything with a flourish and is an expert at dips of any kind.
Melanie and Georgie are just vibing. Probably the calmest dancers in the room despite being far from the calmest people. Georgie can dance the entire length of the meeting without taking a break.
Gerry mostly only dances with Michael, Mike, or Tim because they can match his energy the best. He loves fast-paced songs and complicated moves, and can absolutely fuck it UP at the shim sham.
Mike Crew also really likes fast-paced dances and loves spinning his partner until they might as well be in the vast for how dizzy they are. Dancing with him comes with a spin at your own risk disclaimer.
Oliver is more of a slow song enjoyer, and he joins Jon and Nikola in the live music performances. While Agnes is the best at many variations of the charleston, Oliver is the best at the cowboy charleston specifically, and he can do it while playing a fiddle.
Peter Lukas REFUSES to dance except for rarely when Elias convinces him to, in which case they have a vibe that's somewhere between overly formal ballroom dancing and Morticia and Gomez doing the most. 
Jane Prentiss is mostly here for the snacks and the vibes but she joins in for warm-ups and line dances. The only person she'll dance together with is Agnes cause they both prefer the least amount of physical contact possible.
Annabelle Cane is the main dance instructor and she's a phenomenal teacher. She knows all the moves by heart and she's rocking the roaring 20s aesthetic. If she's leading a line dance, everyone's in perfect sync.
If I missed anyone lmk, this is all coming directly out of my brain so some characters might've gotten lost in the stream of consciousness. I'm open to asks about dance pairs, who leads/follows in that pair, and what songs they would pick if they had the floor 👀
By the way, dance pairs do not equal ships! I do ship a few of these pairs (and it makes sense to me for couples to gravitate towards dancing together), but anyone can dance with anyone!
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heart4reigns · 1 year
Hi! I was requesting a fluff roman fic they are both protective of the other and in a tag team match y/n notices that one of their opponents is trying to sabotage roman and so she gets rid of them and then her and roman with the match tyy! (sorry if this made no sense lol) also your writing is really cool and well written :)
DOUBLE TROUBLE, roman reigns.
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warnings: curse words, fights, unwanted flirting
tags: ocs to fit the plot, badass (y/n), personal BEEF IN THIS FIGHT, who's your head of the table now? LET’S SPICE IT UP A BIT WITH SOME BACKSTAGE DRAMA
summary: we all hate that one dude from work
EVER since you were put into a tag-team reign with your boyfriend, you couldn't help but to notice that he was very very protective of you. see, you weren't weak at all, but all the hard hits and impacts? he took them for you. who would've thought that his protectiveness rubbed off on you?
"baby." roman greeted you with a kiss. "what's good baby?" you replied. "creatives called us." you furrowed your brows, clearly confused. "they're gonna talk about our bookings." you followed him to his car. "i'm so excited, i hope we're gonna fight sami and kevin again!" you giggled, taking pictures of him driving. "i hope so too."
to your surprise, you spotted paul heyman sitting in the middle of the room. "paul?" you were still confused. "oh (y/n), roman. you're not gonna like this." his tone was concerning. "we're not gonna like what?" speak of the devil, the office door opened, revealing two people you didn't want to see. "you gotta be shitting me." you muttered under your breath.
mike and ryan, or their tag-team name, the miracle workers, were bad wrestlers. they were ranked the most reckless wrestlers in the current lineup. "look who we have here!" ryan stared at you from head to toe. you hated him. he was a flirt, always trying to get it with you, even though he knew that you were dating the roman reigns. roman tensed up, moving his chair closer to yours.
on the other hand, mike was probably more insufferable than ryan. he was a man of few words, but when he opened his mouth, he'd say the worst thing that someone could ever think of. you really couldn't do anything about this booking. they were pushing you and roman together for being the new upcoming tag-team champions, this match was just another roadblock to success. as soon as you signed the contract, you could tell that ryan was still eyeing you.
“can’t wait to see you in your sexy gear, (y/n)." ryan winked at you. “how many times do i have to tell you that i have a boyfriend and he’s literally sitting in front of you.” you rolled your eyes in annoyance. “i’m just saying you look good in your gear, i can treat you right.” that got into your boyfriend’s nerves as he stood up from his seat, causing you to stand up as well–to prevent things from going downhill. “chill, dude. that was a joke.” ryan panicked for a second. “you better start respecting her or i’m going to actually kick your ass, ryan.”
roman was known for his good temper, but some people got under his nerves. you put your hand on his shoulders. “come on, let’s go.” you said, not wanting to cause a fight. “yeah. we’re just wasting our time here.” paul added. the black-haired male grunted in response, taking your hand and walked out of the room with an annoyed expression plastered on his face. “i swear, we’re going to fucking ruin them next week.”
something riled up inside your boyfriend after the contract signing incident. he was… oddly very excited for the match. he complained about it before but now? he was working his ass off. roman also contributed to the choreography, it was mostly his idea. you saw the moves and you knew that he was trying to get you away from ryan as much as possible, pinning you to your other opponent, mike.
the gym was filled with commotion. "AND ANOTHER SPEAR FROM HER!" solo yelled, acting like the commentator. "SOLO, GET YOUR ASS HERE! YOU'RE A REFEREE NOT A COMMENTATOR!" his brother shouted. "RIGHT." solo immediately jumped into the ring, counting down to 3. before he could reach the third number, you kicked out. "shit, you really are the female version of him." jimmy complained.
you licked your lips in excitement, feeling adrenaline pumping in your blood. "i'd really hate it if i was put inside the ring with you, (y/n)." jimmy stood up, fixing his gloves. "and thank god we're in the same faction!" you grinned, countering his kick with another kick. jimmy was down as you locked his head with your arms. you won again in this practice, "HELL YEAH!" you jumped, falling on you back. "i don't get you sometimes, (y/n). you're clumsy as hell but like you're also fast."
"that's because she's in good hands." your tag-team partner (aka boyfriend) went inside the ring. "you missed my cool kick." you pouted. "i didn't, i was watching from behind the glass." he took off his glasses and started stretching. "you know, i'd love to see you wrestle with your glasses on." you winked at him. "stop flirting and start attacking." jey complained.
thankfully, you came home in one piece, despite having your body thrown from left to right. it was going to be a big fight tomorrow and you hated the bookings. "what are you thinking about, baby?" your thoughts were cut-off by your boyfriend's voice. "how i fucking hate being in the ring with mike and ryan." you sighed. "honestly, you’re right. they need to know their place, i can’t stand seeing you being disrespected." he agreed.
"it's going to be okay, baby. i mean what's the worst thing that could happen to us?"
the day for the match came and you couldn’t wait for it to be over. roman was holding your hand the entire time, not wanting you to slip from his sight. suddenly, his phone rang, he hesitated for a second. “babe, it’s okay. you can go answer the phone, i’ll be in the locker room.” you gave him a reassuring smile. “okay, i’ll be right back.” with that, he left you.
locker room wasn’t empty. you spotted some of your friends gearing up for the show. “hey, (y/n)!” bianca gave you a big hug as soon as she saw you. “hi!” you returned the gesture. “excited for tonight?” she sat down to adjust her outfit. “i never wanted to walk-out of a match so bad.” you complained. “ah yes, mike and ryan.” she cringed at the thought of the miracle workers. “good luck then, beat their asses!”
“damn, told you that you looked good with your gear.” you didn’t have to turn around to know who it was. “what are you doing here?” you asked. the locker room was empty now and your boyfriend was still on his call with jey. “do you mind?” “i don’t mind talking to you while your bodyguard isn’t here.” he winked. “jesus, drop the entire flirty act, please?” you were very annoyed. “i’m sorry i just can’t help it, you’re too pretty to ignore.”
“and you look too young to get your ass beat by me. move it, ryan.” you sighed in relief as you heard your boyfriend’s voice. “aaand the tribal chief is here, better get going. good luck tonight.” “stick to the script tonight!” he closed the door, avoiding a long lecture from the champion himself. “did he do anything?” roman looked at you with concern written all over his face. “no he didn’t, just his usual shit.” “right, let’s just end this night. we can go home after that and get ice cream.”
the show started for the two of you. “the undisputed tag-team champions, roman reigns and (y/n) (l/n), the bloodline!” the crowd went wild as you walked down to the ring. mike and ryan were already standing inside, ready to attack anytime. people were rising up their fingers in tribute of your championship with roman. as soon as you slid inside the ring, bowing down to the crowd–you could tell this was going to be a messy match.
your heart skipped a beat when the match started, mike and ryan immediately going off script. ryan was continuously trying to get you down, instead of roman. you made eye-contact with roman for a second, knowing how this match was going to be tough. you quickly avoided the punch that ryan was throwing at you. you dropkicked him from behind, causing him to fall on his stomach. now that ryan was down, you just needed to help roman stray mike away. “and a spear from reigns to mike, what will they do after this?” you jumped on the ropes, ready to jump on mike before ryan picked you up.
“ryan is back on his feet, capturing her in his lock.” you breathed for air as you were lifted from the ropes. “ryan, jesus christ!” you mouthed at him. he threw you on the ground, still going off script. oh, someone’s gonna get fired tonight, you thought. it was totally personal for the four of you. the move he made earlier caused you to hurt your shoulders. pain shot up from your shoulders. before he could tackle you again, roman speared him to the barricades. that one was personal.
mike was in the middle of the ring, looking for another attack. you speared him to the barricades, copying your boyfriend’s move. he wasn’t moving. one down, one to go, you thought. while you were with mike, ryan and roman were back inside the ring. you could see ryan was going to throw a punch on one of your boyfriend’s already bruised peck. you ran and slid inside the ring, dragging him into the pole. you were still holding back your punches, still being professional as ever. everyone could tell that you and roman were pissed. even the most gullible fans knew that the two of you were different tonight.
the crowd counted down along with the referee and you were glad that it was over. “and the winners, still the undisputed tag-team champion, the bloodline, roman reigns and (y/n) (l/n)!” you lifted the belts with your boyfriend on your side. “thank you.” he mouthed to you. “anything for you, baby.” you winked at him.
needless to say, you knew the backstage was going to be a mess. the locker room, on the other hand, was impressed with you and roman. “dude, i’d be so fucking pissed. i won’t even hold back my punches.” theory was there, still in his gear, clearly waiting for the two of you to drop some tea. “i just don’t get it why they were so fucking reckless.” you were offered ice by shotzi, she gave you a pity smile.
“what the fuck, reigns?” the miracle workers came back to the locker room. “no, what the fuck, ryan?” you stood up from your seat, clearly angered by his actions. “we told you to stick to the script.” your tone was laced with venom. “and we don’t listen to you fuckers.” mike said. “see, if you complied with us and just be a pretty girl inside the ring… be useless as usual, we might stick to the scri-“ before mike could finish his sentence, you dropped the ice and lunged on him. you had him on headlock, the man was on the ground. “call me useless one more time and you and your flirty friend right there,” you paused for a second to point at ryan who was scared shitless. “are going home with nothing but cut and bruises.”
roman wanted to intervene, but he knew you were capable of protecting yourself. “bro, you’re not gonna do anything?” jimmy nudged him. “nah, i’ll sit back and watch. i love seeing her being aggressive. they deserved it.”
a/n: HIII thank u so much for your request and i really appreciate your comment <333 it made my day!! requests are still open but i'm gonna focus on operation: together (aka a love triangle between roman and cody) check it out <3
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revengemode · 5 months
Im soo excited for Challengers press its going to be so fun!! Hoping for fun trio interviews with Josh and Mike along with solo Hot Ones. I feel Z on Chicken Shop would be hilarious. Z is gonna serve looks and I do need to see her watching another tennis match. Sell this movie girl!
Imma need Amazon x MGM to launch the second trailer in the next 2 weeks!!!!
The subject matter is super light (no drugs, no intergalactic war, no multiverse) and can get us to fun places in interviews so I have high hopes for the press tour.
I’mma need Lawrence to take all the 🦞 jabs personally and deliver a generational press tour look wise.
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stevestark · 18 days
🎃+ Stranger Things
🎃 - “we accidentally matched costumes and now everyone thinks we’re dating” send me an emoji + a fandom and I'll write you a mini fic!
Steve stares at the clothing Robin has laid out on his bed, a frown on his face. "Seriously, Rob? Do I have to wear this?"
"A bet's a bet, dingus," Robin says. "You're the dumbass who bet me that I couldn't get Vickie to do a keg stand last weekend, and you agreed that if she did, I get to choose your costume."
"Yeah," Steve says, "but a dress?"
"Aww, don't worry, Stevie," Robin croons. "You've totally got the legs for it."
Steve sighs and picks up the dress. "Fine. But I draw the line at makeup. I will not be totally embarrassed in my own home."
Robin cackles with glee and shoves Steve toward his bathroom. "This is going to be amazing."
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
Eddie opens the door to the trailer right as Dustin lifts his hand to pound on it again; "Chill out, dude. I heard you the first time. Knock any louder, and you're gonna crack the windows."
"Sorry," Dustin says, not sounding at all apologetic. "But this hay is really heavy and I still have to go get my costume on for Steve's party."
Eddie grins, taking the armful from Dustin. "Thanks, man. How'd you get your hands on so much anyway?"
Dustin shrugs, and says, "My mom's like, super into crafting these days. She made all our Halloween decorations this year, and this was all her leftovers."
"Sick. Okay, scram, I got it from here. Tell your mom I said thanks."
"Tell her yourself. She's waiting in the car."
Eddie perks up immediately. "I thought you were having Nancy bring you? Why didn't you say Mama Henderson was here?" he asks, running outside to go give Mrs. Henderson a squeeze.
Dustin ambles along behind him muttering the whole time about how everyone always likes his mom more than him.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
The party starts at 8pm sharp, which naturally means everyone shows up at 8:30; Steve has different music playing in every room, loud enough so you can hear it but not so loud that they drown each other out. He's got a few kegs, and a shitload of soda, and Hopper and Joyce are on their way, prepared to watch the kids to make sure none of them try to sneak any booze.
The doorbell rings, and Robin races him to the door, flinging it open excitedly. All of the kids, plus Joyce and Hopper are gathered on the front walk, chattering excitedly and fawning over each others' costumes.
"Okay, okay," Robin says, "Let's get this party going!" Joyce gives her a hug as she walks in and compliments her Bowie costume, and Hopper grunts as he passes; if Robin had to bet, she'd guess Joyce forced him into their couple's costume of The Dread Pirate Roberts and Princess Buttercup, but they look cute as hell so she doesn't know why he's so mad.
The kids are an eclectic bunch of costumes, with Max and El as the twins from The Shining, Dustin as Marty McFly, Mike, Will, and Lucas as the three male leads from The Breakfast Club; Jonathan and Nancy are dressed as Princess Leia and Han Solo, Argyle is Tommy Chong, and Eddie is...oh my God.
Robin throws back her head and cackles at the sight of Eddie dressed as The Scarecrow. "Oh my God. Oh my God, this is too good."
Eddie makes a dramatic show of stumbling through the door and gives a bow. "I figured I'm already stumbling around all the time, might as well make it work in my favor."
Robin just laughs some more, and drags Eddie into the kitchen, where Steve is explaining the drinks situation to Hopper and Joyce.
Eddie stops dead in his tracks at the sight of Steve in sparkly kitten heels and a knee-length checkered dress. "Holy shit."
Steve stops mid-sentence and looks up at Eddie; "Robin? Now might be a good time for you to run."
Robin darts behind Hopper, grabbing onto the back of his shirt and poking her head around his side. "I swear, Steve, I had no idea."
Joyce and Hopper are fighting back laughter, and Eddie is still staring open-mouthed at Steve.
"So you're telling me we accidentally wore a couple's costume?"
Eddie shakes his head and grins at Steve. "Ah, a true Wizard of Oz connoisseur, acknowledging the long-ignored sexual tension between Dorothy Gale and The Scarecrow."
Hopper actually chokes at that, and tries to mask it as a cough; he reaches behind himself and pulls Robin out from behind him. "So," he says, mirth coloring his tone. "You're the reason Harrington is stumbling around in heels?"
Robin nods, trying not to laugh. "He lost a bet."
Joyce shakes her head fondly and pats Steve on the shoulder. "You've got the legs for it, honey," she says kindly.
"That's what I said!" Robin yells, gesturing at Steve's admittedly toned calves.
"I hate everyone in this kitchen," Steve grumbles, heading to open the door as more guests arrive.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
The party gets underway, and everyone is having a good time; Hopper and Joyce are vigilantly holding court in the kitchen, to the kids' dismay, but Robin just shushes them and passes a single cup of beer for them to pass around. Each of them takes a sip and scrunches their noses, shaking their heads; "That's vile," Max says, spitting her sip back into the cup. Robin grins and gives Steve a thumbs up from across the room; they knew if they gave the kids shitty beer they'd lose all interest in drinking.
Steve is standing with Argyle, who's waxing poetic to him about the impact Cheech and Chong have had on society, and trying to look interested; Eddie is on the other side of the room, debating Star Wars with Jonathan and Nancy; the members of Corroded Coffin are dancing with Robin's band friends, and everyone is having a really good time, which is a welcome relief in the wake of finally defeating the monsters in their town.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
At the end of the night, Hopper and Joyce round up all the kids and drive them home in shifts; Jonathan, Nancy, Argyle, and Eddie are all too tipsy to drive, and have announced they're sleeping over at Steve's to help him and Robin clean up.
As they're doing so, collecting red solo cups and candy wrappers in each room, Eddie sidles up to Steve.
"Surprised you're still wearing the shoes," he says, a sly grin on his face.
"They're not so uncomfortable after wearing them for a few hours," Steve says with a shrug.
"You know," Eddie says slowly. "Everyone was asking me tonight when I finally made a move on you. Nobody seemed to believe we didn't match our costumes on purpose."
Steve laughs softly. "Yeah, I got the same treatment all night."
Eddie inches closer to Steve, crowding him against the dining room table. "Well," he drawls. "Maybe we should take their advice?"
Steve looks sharply up at Eddie. "W...what?"
Eddie lifts his hand to gently fix Steve's Dorothy wig. "I mean, come on, Steve. We spend all our time together anyway. What's the difference in that and just...throwing in a little making out?"
Steve flushes and ducks his head. "Didn't think you were interested."
"Baby," Eddie says, tipping Steve's head back up with a finger under his chin. "I've been flirting with you relentlessly for weeks."
Steve blinks rapidly and then crushes his lips against Eddie's. "Thank god," he says breathlessly when they pull apart. "Kinda pissed I had to wear a dress for you to make a move though."
Eddie laughs, loud and bright. "Steve, you could've worn a burlap sack and I'd still have a hard time not kissing you in front of everyone. I've been dying to do this."
Robin walks in right then and throws her fists up in victory. "FINALLY!" she screeches. "GUYS! It happened!"
"I hate all of you," Eddie and Steve say in unison as everyone runs in, catcalling them.
"Is now a bad time to say I knew what Eddie was dressing as and that Vickie had been practicing her keg stands and that this whole thing was an elaborate plot?" Robin asks, smirking triumphantly.
Steve freezes and narrows his eyes at Robin. "Hopper's not here to protect you now, Buckley," he says, lunging towards her and chasing her through his house as she cackles.
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satelitis · 5 months
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୭- 𝐁𝐎𝐘𝐒 𝐃𝐎𝐍𝐓 𝐂𝐑𝐘 : standard tumblr games (cym, whos most likely, kmk etc,etc.)
🕸- 𝐅𝐀𝐒𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐓 : send me a trope and a character and i will make headcanons about it. (drummer!butch jojo, baker!peter parker)
⋆-𝐋𝐔𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐁𝐘 : matchups!! send me a short desc. of yourself and i will match you up with someone (please include fandom and gender preference)
୭- 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐆 : moots only!!! i will associate you with a song, artist, color, book, movie and character!
🕸- 𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝐈𝐌 𝐈𝐍 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 : give me a specific mood/ vibe/pastime and i will give you a movie, song and book rec!
⋆- 𝐏𝐈𝐂𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐄𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐘𝐎𝐔 : your turn!! tell me who you ship me with!! you can write little headcanons or thoughts <33 (please do this one if you do ilysm!!)
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DISCLAIMER!! : please only stick to one request per ask! and only the fandoms i write for!! keep the reqs sfw!! I AM A MINOR!!! also if a character is canonically lesbian or gay then only req for that gender specific reader please (no robin buckley x male reader)!!! this event is running from 1/07-1/31 !! have fun loves!!
TAGGING MOOTIES!! : @mictodii @spaceagebachelormann @dizzyntrr @juneberrie @solutopia @spiderst4rgirl @spiderfunkz @stvrlighttgabss @isitoversnowtvs @jaidens @dljcem @doyouknowwhoyouare13
CHARACTERS I'M WRITING FOR : tasm! peter parker , miguel diaz, johnny lawrence, daniel larusso, anthony larusso, hawk mozkowitz, robby keene, tori nichols, dallas winston, ponyboy curtis, steve randal, two-bit matthews, darry curtis, johnny cade, sodapop curtis, butch jojo, brick jojo, boomer jojo, sirius black, regulus black, james potter, remus lupin, marlene mckinnon, ron weasley, fred weasley, george weasley, cedric diggory, harry potter, hermione granger, luna lovegood, ginny weasley, lee jordan, bradley bradshaw, nick bradshaw, pete mitchell, tom kazenzky, anakin skywalker, luke skywalker, leia skywalker, han solo, richie tozier, stanley uris, eddie kaspberak, beverly marsh, ben hascom, mike hanlon, bill denbrough, mike wheeler, eddie munson, robin buckley, steve harrington, max mayfield, lucas sinclair, richie white, john b routledge, jj maybank, sarah cameron, kiera carerra, pope hayward. ask if a character you would like isn't on this list!!
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wallisninety-six · 9 months
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Endless Ocean - Remembering Dennis Wilson and "Pacific Ocean Blue" (1977)
"When my record was finished, Brian was the first to hear it. In the middle of some tracks he'd say, "I can't stand this" and walk out of the room. Sometimes he'd laugh. Sometimes he'd cry. I guess he was thinking that he'd seen me grow up as a musician." - Dennis Wilson, 1977
This coming December will see the 40th anniversary of the death of Dennis Wilson in 1983- the first loss in the Beach Boys and the culmination of an intense, fast-paced life filled with extreme parental abuse, commercial highs and lows with the band, and heavy trauma from events of the late 60s- oftentimes using copious amounts of drugs & alcohol to cope in the last years of his increasingly troubled life. But even in darkest times, Dennis also refused to slow down for his music, and his passion for it either- and that fact should not be forgotten while discussing his life.
Famously the only surfer in the band, as well as its drummer- Dennis was the bad boy of the group- charismatic & popular with fans, and living a true rocker style; hardly anyone thought of him as a talented songwriter, though. But he- not brother Brian, would be the first member to officially release a solo album, itself a culmination of his songwriting history that started in Beach Boys albums like Friends and the wonderful Sunflower. This work is 1977's Pacific Ocean Blue- which he largely wrote and produced with longtime songwriting partner Gregg Jakobson, and is the only album he released in his lifetime.
At this time, Dennis' rough lifestyle had begun to affect him- his voice had become much more raspy and rough, almost leading us to believe he was tough as nails from life & experience and moving away from the tender songwriting from the past. But with Pacific Ocean Blue, we witness Dennis at his most open, most brutally honest and at his most sensitive and heartfelt too- pouring out his soul and never modifying his expression to make his big debut more pop or radio-friendly like most labels wanted him & The Beach Boys to be- what's here is him at most genuine, uncompromised in every way.
Dennis' rough voice complimented the songs and subjects of the album well and makes his earnest feelings that much more believable, and with the very welcome inclusion of the Double Rock Baptist Choir- the backing vocals moved away from the expected Beach Boys vocal style (though members like brother Carl and Mike Love would appear here too)- but bacame more soulful and yearning to match the moods of the songs. For their part- the song's lyrics are simple yet visibly honest, not bogged down with complex lyricism, but plainspoken to be much more direct with the listener, helping to elevate the music instead of distracting from it.
With all of this in mind (and considering Dennis' own musical style) overt emotion and mood triumphs over all- he had been depressed by his break-up with his wife Karen Lamm-Wilson, finally charted out his own musical path away from the Beach Boys as the band was practically hanging by a thread, and was utterly dismayed by environmental destruction and degradation in California- as seen in the terrific, thundering opener "River Song". Thanks to the (severely underrated) talent of Dennis and Gregg's production work, the whole album is surrounded by a full and intricate wall of sound and emotion- and as a result, the album has a atmospheric sadness to it that pervades it all, but it also shines and expresses itself in many different ways. If the Beach Boys famously signified a sunny day on the beach- Dennis' work was the thick June Gloom that blanketed the whole ocean.
But that didn't mean that all of the songs on the album were grim- Dennis shows appreciation for life, love, and music in a way only he could, like in the heavenly-sounding and mandolin-filled track "Rainbows" and the somber-yet-greatful tone of "Farewell My Friend". The theme of loss in the latter song hits harder in hindsight- while Dennis had been working on a new album (work-titled 'Bambu') his indulgence in excess worsened to the point where his body and mind deteriorated rapidly and never recovered. He would drown in Marina del Rey in California- He was only 39. He was cremated and his ashes would be scattered over the Pacific Ocean.
But while many are quick to bring up Dennis' rough life & end and (almost solely) paint him as a tragic figure to set the mood for his obituary- it does a great disservice to his memory & the sheer joy writing music for others gave him (as he would state multiple times in interviews). And after being out of print for so long, Pacific Ocean Blue was finally re-released in 2008 and soon became wildly acclaimed by critics and fans, keeping his music alive for generations to come as much of his other unreleased work with the Beach Boys finally gets released officially to this very day- and what we can finally hear is gorgeous.
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Round 1 Group A Match 6
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battle of the Mikes
Propaganda received:
Mike McCready:
"A little surprised he made it on here but happy about it. Guitar solos are hot. Also he's just very cute in general so vote for Mike please thank you"
"i want him to hit me with a guitar"
"don't kill me over this but hes the cutest grunge man. 100% would bake him cookies and take him places if I was born a decade earlier"
Mike Dirnt:
"Sideburns: eloquent. Smile: timeless. Jawline: u could cut a diamond on that thing. ARMS: TATTOOED AND CAPABLE OF STRANGULATION entire being: hot. a blessing."
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buffyfan145 · 5 months
So I saw some AEW/ROH fans getting confused about how Kevin Von Erich's sons are not using Rush's "Tom Sawyer" as their entrance music but they actually are using their dad's solo music as he used Ted Nugent's "Stranglehold" for his solo matches. Each of the Von Erich brothers had different solo music expect Kerry as he still used "Tom Sawyer" (though his first was "Call Me" by Blondie) but they all used that one when they wrestled as a tag team. You can hear their music in some YT videos that fans have uploaded, as on Peacock they aren't allowed to since they didn't have the copyright approval back then. David's solo music was first "Fire and Ice" by Pat Benatar then "La Grange" by ZZ Top, Mike's was "Warriors" by Thin Lizzy, and even the fake "cousin" Lance used "Hurts so Good" by John Mellencamp and "Tough Enough" by the Fabolous Thunderbirds. Couldn't find Chris' music though but he didn't wrestle that much. Really great choices though not just them but the other WCCW wrestlers, similar to how the WWE wrestlers used actual songs back in the early 80s too before getting custom made ones by the 90s. Though I'm happy now it's much easier for wrestlers to use whatever music they want now too again as it makes it even more fun as a fan.
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brighteyeshadow · 1 year
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i think about this tweet at least once a day
the idea of humanity having to prove ourselves to a cold foreign alien superintelligence is just so incredible and funny to me. like a civilization that's at least a 5 on the Kardashev scale that can harvest the energy of entire galaxies and supernovae with merely a thought and command growth and decay with but point of their finger, and they notice a bunch of ants on this weird blue and green pebble in the middle of nowhere and they're like, 'hey, what can you guys do?'
-The year is 2622. Tony Hawk is hanging ten off of a black hole's gaping death-maw of an event horizon shaped like a Penrose triangle, landing LITERALLY impossible tricks
-behind him in the background, Alex Honnel, visible only thru a telescope, is currently on his 5867890th day of free-soloing the Pillars of Creation. he has a single bag of chalk and he's just going ham
-Jimi Hendrix has been resurrected from the dead and has a whole stage devoted entirely to him where he's being forced to try and play a guitar that's been altered on a universal-mechanics level so that not a single note it can play is in tune with any other note, even down to the microtones. his solo is making them all weep
-the entire arena is being continually bombarded by a barrage of flaming meteors at thousands of miles an hour; if just a single one of them lands, the entire place goes up is smoke and humanity is eradicated. they're held back only by Daigo, hooked up to a VR Street Fighter helmet + fight stick programmed to affect reality itself. he is parrying all of them
-a giant lineup of famous comedians are all simultaneously trying to make an ancient alien sage who has no concept of what humor is laugh. if he's displeased they get shot full of holes with laser rifles. there are only two still standing. Gilbert Gottfried is doing a stalling tactic, reciting the longest-ever Aristocrats joke for the past five decades. everybody is mortified of what will happen when he gets to the punchline. standing next to him, miraculously, is Gallagher, whose routine has never worked harder
-the Five Gods of Smash Bros. Melee, along with Wizzrobe, aMSa, Leffen, and Zain are pitted in a 9 vs. 1 grudge match (Final Destination, no items) against a perfect quantum hypercomputer matrix that can precisely calculate any given equation imaginable, answer unknowable questions, and is trained in every game that has ever been recorded. They win if they can take one stock. There is no damage limit; aMSa is on his last legs at 90,156%. Wizzy is still DI-ing every hit. Mew2King is slowly beginning to figure out a way to out-think it. PPMD's impeccable neutral baits the computer into getting hit by Armada (perfect as always), who bounces him into Mang0's backswing that it never saw coming (that's the mango), which whiffs (that's also the mango). After one hundred years, the computer has grown weary and begun to physically deteriorate from how long Hungrybox, determined to win, has been ledge-stalling it. There is simply nothing it can do.
-a tag-team dynamic duo of Mike Tyson and Muhammad Ali, both in their prime, hopped up on every hard drug and steroid ever invented and all but immune to pain, are struggling to box with a giant kaiju-gorilla elder god from outer space that has conquered ten worlds. It has just been given its 6,083rd black eye
-Steven Hawking, Plato, Albert Einstein, Confucius, Carl Sagan, and also Michael from VSauce are having a heated, passionate discussion about life, the universe, and everything with a board of alien philosophers in a great pantheon beyond the stars, looking down over everything. it was a challenge originally but now they're just kinda talking
-Bruce Lee is learning to punch faster than the speed of light. If the x2 billion times-slower camera the aliens are capturing his fists with show him in frame for more than 10 picoseconds, he must start over
-Shakespeare is collaborating with Neil Cicierega and Bo Burnham to produce a large-scale comedy puppet musical of the event with an infinite budget in case we all get wiped and the aliens want a fun little jaunty flick to remember us with (livestreamed by Jerma)
-Summoning Salt and Rod Serling are on commentary
-the music is provided by what humanity unanimously agreed was the best song anybody's ever written to represent us, "Down at McDonaldzzz" by Electric Six, who are performing it over a galactic PA system in an opera hall with Dio on backing vocals, Chuck Berry as lead guitar, and orchestral arrangements by Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, and Hans Zimmer. the aliens are bobbing their heads in surprised appreciation. of all the things we've done, it really is the most impressive
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There was nothing remotely Arctic Monkeyesque on Walls though unless you count Louis' Yorkshire accent which was similar to Alex's on the initial records. The greatest being inspired by Oasis oh is it because it sounds like something you would listen to if wanted to get pumped for a football match, you know football - oasis?
Its like you got the cliff notes for a book review from somewhere and muddled the whole thing up when trying to reword it.
Also, Copy's studio version is not even released what is she talking about it being a "hit" in terms of commercial success?
Even if we ignore the rest of her review which was basically I wanted to go to a Harry show but ended up on a Louis show because I am not successful enough to write a Harry puff piece, her review was I don't really know much about music and concerts to be able critique anything based on what I was hearing and seeing so I am going to rely on what I have heard about Louis' music from other sources.
Here’s that review, and a translation:
Seven years since One Direction split, only one ex-member can still claim superstar status. Yet it wasn’t Harry Styles who fans camped out for overnight in sub-zero temperatures this week. It was Louis Tomlinson, until recently the least successful of the former famous five.
“I really wish I was reviewing a Harry Styles concert, but I’m neither qualified nor connected enough. Fucking hate Louis.”
Slow to settle on a solo sound, the Yorkshire-born 30-year-old aped his idols Oasis and Arctic Monkeys on his widely derided debut album Walls in 2020. He did much the same on last month’s follow-up, Faith in the Future, yet something had changed. That one went to No 1.
“I’m pretty sure I would hate Walls, though I’ve never heard it. Never heard Faith In The Future either, but every northern band wants to be Oasis, that’s what my dad says. Never heard Oasis either.”
Live, Tomlinson could still be finding his feet. His Walls world tour was cancelled due to Covid and even this show arrived a month late after the singer broke his arm. Initially, he did little other than hang Liam Gallagher-like on the mike stand, a slight figure in what could have passed for workout gear, and sprinkle swear words among his basic banter.
“God, I wish he broke his other arm. Why isn’t he wearing pink bellbottom pants? Heteronormative little bastard. Fucking this fucking that. Fuck you.”
His almost exclusively female fans, on the other hand, were up for a party and perhaps the loudest singalongs Shepherds Bush has heard all year. The surprise was how strong the songs sounded.
“I hate that his songs were good.”
Backed by a five-piece rock band, Tomlinson more than held his own despite his not notably distinctive vocals. His opener The Greatest was clearly indebted to Oasis, but its bolshiness and catchy chorus meant it didn’t matter. Even the poppier Kill My Mind had swagger, while Written All Over Your Face had a sleazy funk undercurrent that brought to mind Black Grape.
“Louis is such a basic white man. He’s like any other basic white man, except damn, this song is dirty and catchy? Even though I know Harry is supposed to be dirtier and sexier because… duh, orgies. Nudes. Titties. Why are my feet dancing?”
By mid-show Tomlinson had taken to prowling the stage, handing huge chunks of songs over to chanting fans and, occasionally, looking as if he might crowd surf. He didn’t, but the more confident he grew, the more electric the atmosphere.
“He can’t sing. He can’t sing. If I repeat this fifty times, I know it’ll be true. I don’t care that I’m getting a little heated, it’s not because of Louis because he can’t sing and he’s not sexy. I know this. I know this!”
Copy of a Copy of a Copy, officially an unreleased song, was a rocky monster that could give Tomlinson his first solo hit single. Walls, performed as an acoustic ditty, was greeted like Wonderwall. The only One Direction song on the set list, Night Changes, sounded tame by comparison.
“Ugh he sounds better than 1D. Fuck.”
Tomlinson may lack the inventiveness and sex appeal of Styles, but for simple singalongs, he’s now 1D’s go-to guy.
“I feel bad that I had a good time. The world feels wrong. Wanna go home and read my Y/N Harry fics.”
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autistic-ranpo · 2 years
trick or treat! send this to 5 of your favourite moots to get them in the Halloween spirit! (Or if they don't celebrate, send this to them to give them a piece of their favourite candy!)
alright so instead of just answering with candy i will also be including headcanons from stranger things and IT for halloween because theyve been in my brain and why not.
My all time favourite candy ever (ARGUE WITH THE FUCKING WALL THESE ARE SO GOOD)
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!!! rockets solos
anyways hc time!
Stranger Things:
El buys one of those sequin pencil cases that you can flip colours and stuff on but its has little pumpkins on it. she guards it with her life.
The party will always put all of their raisins from trick or treating in Mike's bag. He never finds out.
When Will was little, Jonathan would decorate his room for halloween with stuff he likes (ghostbusters, D&D, etc.) and would leave a candy scavenger hunt around the house
Will always invited the rest of the party over to help him
El's favourite candy is Three Muskateers. Dustin is thrilled.
Lucas, Will, Dustin and Mike would always have a horror movie marathon on halloween. After El and Max joined the party, they weren't sure if they still could. Will is talking to El about it, and so when El and Max drag everyone to Mike's basement and recommend some horror films to watch they're overjoyed. However, everyone except Will, El and Max end up almost pissing themselves with fright. They can't sleep for the next week.
Mike has arachnaphobia (bc i have arachnaphobia and i said so)
They watch Beetlejuice and everyone is so confused because 'uh joyce i didnt know you were in this movie???'
Robin goes costume shopping with Max and El
Hopper is one of those parents that will hide behind the door when the kids come home and jump out like 'WHAT took you so long??' and it gets them every damn time
They try to have coordinating outfits, but most of the time Stan, Bill, Mike and Ben will stand there in their matching costumes staring at Richie (dressed as Jason), Eddie (dressed as a ghost in a sheet), and Bev (dressed as a plague doctor) like 'wtf??? i thought we agreed on zombies???' and they'll just shrug like 'idk man sounds like a you problem'
When they go trick or treating, some houses will refuse to give them candy, so Richie screams at them for a solid 10 minutes while Bev and Stan reach through the window and grab some
Bill leaves a green lollipop (Georgies favourite candy) in his room every halloween because Bill knows that Georgie loved halloween
One of the houses they pass by has a bunch of clown decorations. Needless to say, they avoid that house for the rest of the night
Eddie's mum doesn't let him decorate the house for halloween and always takes away his candy at the end of the night, so he helps decorate Richie's house and gives his candy to him before he goes home.
Bev doesn't like to be at home with her dad on halloween, so she'll go to someone else's house (usually Richie or Bill's) and watch a classic horror movie with them
Richie does horrible impressions of literally any movie they've seen
Ben used to hate halloween because he had no one to go with, plus he would always get bullied
Richie will always invite Eddie over to watch something, but since Eddie hates horror movies, Richie will choose a lighthearted non-scary one and pretend it's his favourite so Eddie will watch with him
Eddie always ends up falling asleep during it
Stan and Mike glue little bats onto Richies glasses every year without fail. No one knows how.
anyways sorry lmao i just love them all sm
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somedeepmystery · 4 months
These retreat mentions share more if you are ready and want too :)
I will admit that I’m not sure it will ever be ready to post, but I do have a two sentence synopsis. But the bitch is 375k (absolutely ridiculous) which makes it difficult to fit into any size synopsis.
Elevator pitch: Two people with disastrous sex lives are matched together on an exclusive sex retreat, and the sparks fly. Months later, fate brings them together again but, to have any chance at a real relationship, they’ll have to overcome past traumas, personal conflicts, long distance, and a hidden connection that puts them both in the cross-hairs of a maniac.
(If you don’t like sex scenes, this fic is not for you.)
Getting Illya to go to a sex retreat? I know, I know, friend. It did take work. lol
I want to give a list of tropes but I’m drawing a blank, except for the most important one, lol, the Size Kink. Hahaha! Most important one to know going in, anyway. 😂
Gaby’s owns an automobile manufacturing company, Schmidt Automotive, which she inherited from her foster father. Things are going well in that department, but her sex/dating life is in the trash. All the men she dates end up being selfish/clueless in bed. After a particularly disappointing (insulting) encounter, she gets a call from long time rival Victoria, offering her a free trip: to an exclusive, tailored, sex retreat.
She doesn’t take her up on it immediately but eventually decides that, since she can turn down the person she is paired with, she might as well give it a try.
Illya owns/operates a company that offers security and protection services. His sex life also sucks-- mostly because of his, shall we say, anatomy? It’s more than a little intimidating. It sucks, sure, especially since his last long time girlfriend dumped him over it. **  He is ready to just deal with it, but his partner and foster brother, Solo, is not ready to leave things be and decides to but him a trip to this very exclusive retreat where they are experts at matching people up for sex. Illya immediately rejects this but, after some time and trials, he decides that doing something different is better than just doing nothing/same thing over and over. He decides to take a chance.
After a slightly awkward beginning to their first meeting, things between them go VERY WELL. In fact, it’s almost like they were made for each other somehow. Problem? This retreat was only supposed to be a one weekend deal. While Illya is hoping she’ll be willing to keep in touch, Gaby and her abandonment issues are immediately in retreat because of how much she actually likes the person behind all the great sex. She leaves without exchanging numbers, or even last names.
Six months later, her company is experiencing a security issue. Important, proprietary information has been leaked to the competition: Vinciguerra Motors! Waverly sets about hiring a security expert to come in and close the gaps. And who walks into Gaby’s conference room but the guy she left behind at the sex retreat. The guy she has totally not been thinking of ever since.
ANYWAY - there’s more after that, because it’s like three books in one lol, but that’s as long of a post as I want to make. Writing it all out makes me see how ridiculous it all is. But, in my defense, when I was originally writing it, it was just for funsies, so I wasn’t trying to make it make sense.
Hope that gave you a little of what you are looking for, anon. And it’s not just torture for something that will never be, because I cannot guarantee I will ever post it.
**all the tictok girlies calling out how ridiculous large dicks are in romances/erotica is so funny to me now because, yeah a huge dick seems normal when you read this shit but in reality? Sure. Illya's dick is too big, that's literally the point. *snerk* (Also, I started writing this Dec 2015, friends. And the idea was born after watching Magic Mike XXL, bwahahahahaha!)
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aemiron-main · 2 years
i need to make a whole post on this I have like 500 things in my brain rn that I need to make a post abt but smthn smthn hellfire club trying to be nonconformist but ironically wearing the same tshirts smthn smthn max making fun of the shirts and then refusing to join smthn smthn FORCED conformity is the issue though and the hellfire club seems to conform by CHOICE smthn smthn conformity can also provide community but it comes at a cost because the hellfire club is still perpetuating conformity smthn smthn the hellfire club is an allegory for queerness smthn smthn what I’ve been talking about a lot lately with how people struggle to see Mike as gay because they base their perception of Mike’s sexuality off of Will’s character/experiences/off of stereotypes about gay people smthn smthn even the queer community/hellfire is trying to go get Mike to conform and he IS conforming to an extent which isn’t entirely a bad thing bc ironically he’s conforming with nonconformity smthn smthn he’s still conforming though smthn smthn again Mike doesn’t meet peoples’ expectations of what a ‘gay man’ is and so they erase his queerness as a result of his nonconformity smthn smth ironically Mike’s nonconformity is partially getting him erased from ‘nonconformist’ groups (queer community) smthn smthn dustin and Eddie and everyone else in the hellfire club in the cafeteria wears some sort of extra, unique shirt on top of their hellfire shirt except for Mike smthn smthn mike is still trying to conform and still doesn’t fit in/doesn’t conform even when wearing the shirt because ironically the other members are more matching/conforming with eachother by all wearing diverse jackets/extra shirts on top of their hellfire shirt smthn smthn mike is still the odd one out
smthn smthn dustin talking to max about how they ‘make the shirts themselves’ and ‘everyone gets one’ smthn smthn conformity and rules and they make the RULES themselves but the rules are still THERE, the conformity is still there it’s just a different set of standards to conform to smthn smthn everyone GETS one but it’s not said that everyone HAS to wear one but it’s implied smthn smthn Erica DOESNT wear one
I need to make a full post on this and how it actually ties to henry too and the soundtrack and what I’ve talked abt in other posts about how the soundtrack uses nonconformist songs that have been co-opted by rightwing groups to enforce conformity and ties into themes of false rebellion/conformity under the guise of rebellion and how we don’t eher any actual metal music until Eddie’s solo song and AGHH
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gleekto · 1 year
Klaine Advent 2022: Chemistry Sucks (3/?)
Summary: Nerd!Kurt/ Popular!Blaine high school AU - Kurt joins Glee club in his junior year to please his dad, though he’d rather just hide out in the library until he can graduate and get out of Lima.
Turns out he’s not the only gay kid in town. Too bad the other out gay kid is cocky and popular senior, Blaine Anderson. Sure of himself, gets all the solos, things served to him on a platter. Kurt finds him shallow and infuriating.
Blaine finds Kurt square and irritating.
Yet at a party one night, they promise to sleep together if they don’t have other opportunities by the end of the year. A dare. Naturally competitive spirits.
Day 1, Day 2
Chemistry Sucks (Day 3: Detailed)
Kurt can't quite believe he's saying this but it turns out that he really likes the Glee club. After two years of hiding out in the library, leaving school the moment the bell rings, he actually likes that he has somewhere to be and people to be with. Yes, Rachel is unquestionably annoying and a solo hog, but it helps that he happens to be her new favourite duet partner. And no one can match the attitude of a Kurt and Mercedes duet. Hanging out with her makes him feel less nerdy. Almost cool.
When he had an overnight with them the other week, he even allowed them to encourage a makeover. Keeping it high fashion but a bit more fitted, a few less layers. "You've been going to the gym, right? So show it off," Mercedes had shrugged like it was so obvious. He loved them but they had no idea what it was like having to suppress attraction throughout your whole high school experience. Still, he had been going to the gym. When college hits, he's going to be ready.
"To whom?" Kurt had asked rhetorically.
"Blaine might notice," Rachel clapped her hands far too enthusiastically.
"No thank you. You do know that Blaine has literally never given me the time of day, right? Don't try to set me up with the only other gay guy you know. Maybe in this whole town."
"Hello - My dads?" She had a point. "Blaine is just jealous that you're rivalling him for my duet partner. He's used to being the obvious choice."
"Blaine is not jealous of me," Kurt scoffed. Blaine Anderson in his already tight fitting jeans and polo tops. He definitely goes to the gym. Boxing, apparently. He makes sure everyone knows he does reps with Mike Chang after Glee club. He's the male lead of the glee club, soccer star. "He's already popular and athletic. He isn't interested in a nerdy kid with a 4.0 GPA and a date with the library on Saturday nights." His loss, really.
"You have a date with us Saturday nights," Mercedes tsk tsked. "And he's obviously threatened in the Glee department. So go ahead, show him what you got in the bicep department. Nothing like a little rivalry to make the sparks fly," She laughed, seemingly amused with herself.
While he highly doubts he could even light a birthday candle with the lack of sparks between them, he's never been one to shy away from a challenge.
On Monday, he walks into Glee club in a Mercedes recommended tight fitted red button down, even tighter black jeans, and just a hint of black leather suspenders. That part was his own idea. Some might mistake them for bondage gear but only if your mind goes there and his innocent mind certainly doesn't. His fashion is detailed, not kinky. Still he feels a certain air of power when he slides up beside Blaine to pick up his Regionals role from Mr. Schuester.
"Kurt, Blaine - just the two I wanted to see. Here are your matching Regionals slips." Mr Schuester smiles widely as he hands them both hot pink folded pieces of paper. Kurt can't believe it. He unfolds his paper while Blaine stares at his identical one. Duet.
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