#so thats something i should probably tell my therapist about
picklesinabottle · 11 months
Going from "everything I've learned about supernatural has been against my will" to "I've seen every episode of supernatural at least once" in the span of like a month and a half was something
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lupismaris · 1 year
No one gets under your skin and makes you feel sick quite like your siblings, and there's no numbness quite like the feeling of having to put a boundary firmly in place with a wide open door for them to walk through should they see it for one
#ive not always been a good older sibling to my brother and i know that. ive owned up for it and apologized and made myself open.#so that we can mend what fractured relationship we have should he choose.#but he fixates on my refusal to play nicely with family that has not done right by me for the whole of my life and bases#the entirety of our potential relationship and the memory of out mother on that on the fact i wont play nice with her kin#because they have not ever fully accepted me save for my uncles which is a new thing. and ive made my boundaries about this clear#and he pushes and pushes and says if we come together as a family it'll ease his grieving and we'll all heal together#but thats just disregarding my own boundaries and trauma in exchange for catering to the comforts of himself and the family#ive given up fighting him on that#but i asked him simply that if he needs me or wants to tell me something to just call me pr text me directly it can be short n sweet#but not to go to our parents. its insulting. ive always answered his calls. even when we fight pr have a failed mediation i always answer#and he immediately made it about how my boundaries are unacceptable so why should he bother#i give up. i know i was arrogant at 26. i know i was. i was probably cruel too. but i had made myself a doormat at the same time.#all i told him was he never bothered to talk to me as my brother or ask my about our mother without the lens of her kin#it was always about them never just about her. it was never about us as siblings just about our aunts and uncles and grandparents#he never crossed the road and came to me and said can we talk about ma and I reminded him of that. never a conversation just#him playing court jester/therapist and ignoring boundaries over and over. and even then i always answered the phone#so i told him he can pivot and change the subject all he wants. but the point of this was that if he needs me i answer.#and should he need me i will answer. but if he continues this behavior of backhanded communication#ill know he doesnt respect me and doesnt see me as his sibling because ive asked him plainly to speak to me#im fuckin tired. you try with people and they just... bait you.#the fact he looked at me and said our relatives are all he has left of ma and im his sibling will never not feel like a salted wound tbh
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tealime9 · 27 days
nuh uh
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anti-endo-haven · 28 days
Also yes the trafficking cult thing for sure we need lots of help on hahah! Its just been so hard. Trying to find a therapist for something like this has just been kinda impossible. Its like everytime we say weve been trafficked the workers eyes will fly open and they start acting very out of their depth, usually ends up telling us they cant help or dont know how or that its just not something they know how to deal with and try to send us off to a different person or just give up. Overall therapy has been not the best for us. The amount of times weve told workers that one of our parents even stole all our SSI money for the past 8 years and asked if theres anything we could legally do about it and theyll just make a face and go "but thats your mother you dont want to do that to her do you? She could go to jail for that" AND THIS IS AFTER WEVE TOLD THEM ABOUT THE SEX TRAFFICKING LIKE ???? Im sorry are you not getting this??? They probably SHOULD be in jail for more then just stealing money????? Ive kinda just gotten very jaded about therapy and "professionals" in the last year or so. Very sorry to ramble!!! I mostly wanted to just say thank you for your reply. It was kind and I think im going to re read it a few times. "You are not them, you are you. Beautiful you." I might pin this on our wall, it made me cry in a good way so thank you. Im sorry for maybe trauma dumping about all this. We dont usually send asks in to blogs like this but ive just been so alone and so lost for so long. The lack of friends, family (cut off for...above reasons haha), and even professional help has been sole crushing. Thank you for your reply and kind words. Ill do my best to love us, myself, and our body more. - Atlas ✨ ((Part 2 of ask, very sorry!))
I’m not entirely the best with it, but we have our own ways of self-help but we also still deal with the denial, though that’s slowly getting better.
I can make a list of what we’ve done once we can reach a good ground for our own journey and let others see if that can help them, as I know we might never genuinely go to therapy (too many issues).
But your mother can still be detained for what she’s done. Justice never sleeps and it doesn’t end for family, blood relation or not. At the end of the day, she has hurt you, she still deserves to have what’s coming. Legal actions don’t stop for family.
I’m glad it can help some! And you don’t have to apologize for rambling or trauma dumping. :)
I hope things can look up for you soon.
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enjoy :] <3 (you can find all the other parts on #arcend on this blog)
So we're going down, back into the mindscape. This isnt terrifying at all what are talking about?? Heh.. i should really talk to some therapist
We get down there and its honestly a mess, which isnt a surprise considering... Everything.
Patton and I are walking to the room everyone's in and im starting to get uneasy
"what is HE doing here??" Roman is shouting, why is he shouting? He knows it hurts my ears. Ugh. Oh shit wait what do i say.. uhhh
"he's..." Okay great start, Virg, now find finish your damn sentence!! ".. he's with us now" great excuse and explanation, everyone definitely 100% believes you
Why am i this stupid???
"yeah right. He probably used his snake friend to poison your mind too. Re, get them OUT OF HERE." Roman just said what.
Wait shit, shit shit SHIT SHIT SHIT
Okay Virgil don't panic, don't panic, its okay
Remus is walking towards us with his Morningstar, shit, fuck
What do i do what do i do???
"cookies! And we can watch some movies, if..- if you'd like" Im looking over to Patton and he's got.. A plate of cookies!! Oh thank god. Hopefully this'll do.
Remus is reaching for Patton
Why is Patton closing his eyes, thats stupi- oh Remus grabbed a cookie
Okay this worked
Didnt expect it to work
Im reaching for Remus and slowly grabbing his morningstar, cant risk him having it
Okay slowly... Slowly... There we go
Im just gonna put it in the side of the room here
Okay Remus, get fucked
"can we please calm down and just... Hang out angst free for once..? And its me saying this, you know its too much when the embodiment of angst tells you it's too angsty" hopefully that didn't fuck it up.
Roman is sighing, why is he sighing, did i fuck up? Shit i must have said something wrong
Shit shit-
"okay.." Roman is... Okay with this? Okay sure
Okay lets just go sit on the couch and chill... Maybe we could watch the fnaf movie cuz i haven't gotten to that yet
We are sitting down on the couch together
I did it
I actually did it
Lets grab a cookie and
Just pick a movie...
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catboylister · 1 year
lister bird solo album
IT IS VERY REAL TO ME LETS TALK ABOUT THIS !!! pls be aware im not the best with my music terms, im what you may call a poser or whatever.
during their hiatus when lister is struggling with everything thats happened to him, both in his childhood and with the band. he's given the typical advice from his therapist to write stuff down. at first he thinks it's dumb, but he gets himself a nice leather journal and starts writing anything that comes to mind. long winded rants about things he feels are unfair, talks of shows he's watched, comics he's read, games he's played, and also the odd few pages of lyrics he's written. he starts to really enjoy song writing, and with time he starts to hyper-fixate on his writing and begins composing different melodies along with it.
both rowan and jimmy here him working on it late at night sometimes. rowan is the one who starts telling him he has the skill to turn his work into an album, even if it's just for him and no one else.
drums are still his favourite, always will be, but he sharpens his guitar skills too. its good distraction for him when he needs something to do, as it's something new and not automatic for him. he really has to focus on what he's doing, which takes him away from his own thoughts for a while.
singing is the opposite, he sings when he needs to let himself feel everything in the moment; process it, let himself cry a bit. unlike the arks music, the words are harder to sing along to because it's all written from his own experience. with the lyrics he's written for the band, as much as he's in love with jimmy's voice, hearing the words that are supposed to represent himself from someone else's voice feels wrong, so everything he's written there has been more of a concept. these words are actually his own. it's probably the most accurate representation of his thought process. as he signs, the tone of his voice fluctuates a lot. he goes from softly spoken whispers to harsh words spilling through a clenched jaw.
he produces the entire thing himself. lyrics, voice, guitar, percussion. it's all his own work and he's rightfully proud of himself. and he should be because it sounds beautiful, even with the little imperfections throughout it. he still struggles with everything he's written about, it's not as if it magically fixed him. but it helped him lots, he really feels like he's doing good for himself. in a musical sense, i feel like it would sound like a mix of fires fading into black (holden laurence) and your city gave me asthma (wilbur soot). laurence makes me think of how he'd play, it's quite soft, makes me feel warm. but wilbur makes be think of how his voice might sound, you can really hear the raw emotion in each line. (like that one loosing face demo.) thematically, it would have an overall theme of the loneliness he has felt for years, emotionally isolated from everyone around him. the songs explore different parts of what he's struggled with. unrequited love, uncomfortable conversations, his addiction, pressure put onto him by everyone, his childhood, his assault, the river.
he doesn't publicise it for a long while, not sure if he wants so people to know about this part of him. when he does, he doesn't announce it anywhere, but the fans find it soon enough. a new youtube channel under his name with just one, 27 minuet long video, with a sweet note in the video description, little words of motivation for who ever cared enough to read it. people freak the fuck out, but he just lets them, for a while, it's funny to watch. first the freak out because 'omfg content theres content guys' the 'omg is he leaving the ark what the hell !!!!' but the feedback is overwhelmingly positive. what he doesn't expect though, it people wishing him well and hoping he's okay, as well as people going through similar things saying how comforting it is for someone they look up too let them know their not alone. its the first time he feels a slight connection to the strangers that form his fanbase, in a way, it makes him feel less alone too.
jimmy listens to it himself for the first time, he'd never asked much about it as he knew it was personal. it's the first time he cries over music in a long time. lister sings of things he'd never spoken of to either himself or rowan, while he had a vague idea of some of them, he never knew how much these things really do effect him. after staring at his ceiling for a while to recover, jimmy finds himself in listers room, hugging him tightly. he tells him that hes proud of him, not just for the album, but just for facing everything and still being with them.
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i just had this pop into my mind and had to share with someone, please bear with me♡♡
what if one day ian decides to go to a therapist, its his first visit probably a couple weeks maybe months after the wedding and he comes back home and tells mickey about it
he gets into the kitchen, kisses mickey and starts talking after a single "how was it" from his husband, thats all he needs cus hes been thinking the whole session over all the new information settling in his brain, things he already knew and a lot of things he needs to look into. as is always the case with ian, when hes excited/emotional about a topic, he gets really into it, and though this topic is a bit bittersweet to him, it's also really interesting. the different approaches the therapist told him about, the sheer variety of therapy types he needs to do some research on should be overwhelming, and it is a little bit but its also fascinating to him, and so he tell mickey all about it. starting with the therapist and how the meeting went and going into the technicalities of therapy types and so on. It's a lot of information, but ian knows mickey will hear him out even if he talks for a long time.
except mickey isnt exactly listening, not because he doesnt care (he cares a lot and will ask ian questions about everything later) but cus his mind is wandering around admiring how hot ian looks all passionate and sexy. its always been so attractive to mickey when ian talks about things hes interested in, especially if he knows a lot on whatever topic hes talking about. mickey is not a weak man, but when ian gets like that, he's a lovestruck idiot that still can't believe he gets to spend the rest of his life with the redhead.
and so mickey only gets back to earth by the end of ians story
'(...) yea, so she said i should try looking into cbt, ya know?'
mickey freezes for a second, he might not know a lot about the whole therapy thing but cbt is definitely a term hes accustomed with
"... you mean like the torture?" he asks eyebrows high on his forehead.
"no, like the thera- wait, what do you mean torture?!" ians now looking at him like he grew a second head.
"well, you said cbt, right?" ian nods warily, not certain where his husband is going with the sentence "...cbt stands for cock and ball torture, no?" as mickey finishes his sentence he can see his husbands eyes grow wider. fuck, he shouldve been listening instead of daydreaming this is definitely not what ian was talking about.
"mickey, honey, you think my therapist would recommend cock and ball torture as a form of therapy?" the redhead looks at him incredulously but theres no condescension or pity in his voice like there could be if someone else was explaining something to mickey and he didnt get it. it was teasing, not in a mean way just the usual teasing they were both so familiar with, the way that came with smirks and goading each other on and ended in very hot sex (especially if it was mickey being bratty).
"i mean i dont know, maybe itd help or somethin'" he was smirking now too, his husband approaching him slowly and pinning him to the counter.
"you werent listening at all, huh? what got you so distracted that you couldnt even listen to your husband?" they were face to face, ians hands steady on his hips.
thats all i got jdbcjd but i imagine it would end with ian punishing mickey for not listening (in a sexy way ofc) and then afterwards theyd actually talk about the therapy and ian would explain to mickey what cbt stands, besides cock and ball torture jdbxj
ohoh and mickey would totally check out all the different therapy types when ians not home/not around him, partially cus he wanted to know more about what therapy would be like for ian but also cus hes thinking of getting a therapist himself and mickey is nothing if not thorough so he obviously needs to see what hed potentially be getting himself into
okay thats actually all i wanted to say, i hope you dont mind the lengthy message from a stranger i just really love your headcanons and this is the first one i had in a loooooooong time and km pretty sure its thanks to you so yea jdbdj just wanted to share and say thank you♡♡♡♡
Hello my darling! Welcome welcome!
We support Ian and Mickey getting the professional help that they need in this blog!
I agree that Ian will just wait for the tiniest que from Mickey to start blabbering away! I feel like when it comes to Ian’s mental health it’s not like him for Mickey to not be in focus, you know? I mean, Mickey is still human, with eyes that can see his gorgeous husband, so it does make sense. Just a bit out of character.
Hahaha not Mickey thinking cock and ball torture might be a treatment for bipolar disorder 😂 I wonder if he would have gone with it if there were studies to back that theory up. I think he loves Ian’s dick so much that it would make him sad to hurt it.
Ah cocky Ian back at it again! I LOVE it when Ian catches Mickey flustered and teases him about it. There’s some switch in Ian’s brain that flicks and he goes into his dominant mode. Mickey triggers it by accident all of the time.
cus hes thinking of getting a therapist himself and mickey is nothing if not thorough so he obviously needs to see what hed potentially be getting himself into -> yesss! Mickey deciding to go to therapy. I always love to read people’s headcanons about how he chooses to tell Ian about it.
lengthy messages from a strangers are my favorite! (You don’t have to be a stranger though) always tell me your headcanons please! I love hearing them 🖤
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yuukei-yikes · 1 year
What are your post-str Shinaya hcs?
this got so long. its my blog i am not putting a read more. deal with it. its shinaya hour
i want and need a role reversal. i want drama. post str shinaya break up without even being together first. ayano keeps waiting for shintaro to Do something because she's like. okay its been 2~ years and by now she CRINGES at remembering how she acted around him so shes like ok i CANNOT cling to him like that AGAIN. if he wants to come around he will but shintaro is yknow. like that. so obviously he fucking doesnt like honestly hes still sort of acting the same around her like less mean but still a bit dismissive, mostly out of embarrassment though cuz mekatrio wants to kill him+harutaka and momo tease him when he has Moments with ayano so he kinda wants to spare himself that embarrassment so hes like sweet in private then cold in public and ayanos like ????????????????????? does he like me or not what is going ON but also ayano and her amazing awesome self steem issues are like he fucking HATES me im the most annoying person in the world !!!!!!
so she eventually keeps her distance and obviously he notices and shintaros like oh fuck i messed UP because now theres like this sort of misunderstanding and the only way to clear it up is healthy communication but you know DAMN WELL he wont do that but somehow he finds it less mortifying to go around looking like a kicked puppy in a wet cardboard box around her desperately trying to get her attention making ayano even MORE confused.
eventually after a while of being in a circus i think hed get the balls to ask her out himself. probably bc of haruka/takane/momo telling him he's a fucking idiot bitch. anyways i think shintaro tries to kiss ayano and they hit their faces against each others and it really hurts💗🙏
btw thats only them getting together i think. but also that's how they break up and get back together over and over and over with like the exact same precedure everytime. on and off shinaya my beloved.
anc duhhh obviously im gonna talk abt the yuukei quartet Have u met me. takanes like another funny part of the whole thing like i know ive talked abt it but im obsessed with codependent shintaka *holds head* bc ayanos jealous of takane for how vulnerable shintaro is with them unlike with her and takane is individually close to both so shes kinda being dragged by both of them but especially shintaro forcing them to play as their relationship therapist and she fucking hates it but someone has to fucking do it apparently because shintaro and ayano cant talk like normal people. haruka keeps more distance than takane like its something they need to do themselves yknow and tells takane they shouldnt rly get in the way but shinaya KEEP going to her and also takanes insane and still feels responsible for shintaro bc (gestures at the whole ene thing) yeah so its tough for her to say no. like takanes obsessed with shintaro plus sees how pathetic shinaya are being and takane enomoto when they decide to obsess over others so they dont have to think about herself am i right😃<- what haruka tells her . she does not appreciate the comment. the whole thing also causing harutaka drama ougghhh shinaya is so messy that theyre contagious. but haruka is the 1 yuukei quartet member with any emotional intelligence so harutaka have actual communciation so theyre more caught up abt this being like a sorta messed up thing between the whole group and their relationships. on and off shinaya ft unwilling(?) relationship therapist takane ft an even more unwilling haruka who just wants his damn girlfriend to stop cancelling their dates to go stop shintaro from crying at ayanos feet begging her to take him back for the second time this month
ok and.........actual Break Up shinaya where its like Enough for ayano bc thats a fucking insane relationship to have so shes like lol maybe i should get therapy👍 and shintaro again is pathetic and desperately trying to gain her affections back but he just looks so pathetic and its funny. they dont rly stop hanging out bc they wouldnt do that and also its not like shintaro will just leave the dan LOL but thru it all the mekatrio are like KILLING HIM with their eyes especially kano god dont get me started on the one sided(?) kanoshin of it all. i love kano and shintaro having this weird fucking tension during the breakup augh kano little meowmeow the amount of self hatred he feels ok im getting sidetracked shinaya ends up together again basically. in my sitcom delusion shintaro finishes his first song Ever and its abt her and then she hears it everywhere and its so damn embarrassing bc theyre broken up but she still likes him so much it makes her look stupid amd the stupid song brings them back together ummmm sorry. my shinaya era (holds head) i will study them under a microscope
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scarsmood · 1 year
may i ask why you support endogenic systems? genuinely curious on your thoughts on it.
Tldr; they’re cool. Idm. The rest of this devolves into me bursting into flames. So popcorn is recommended.
They fuck, putting on my little shit glasses. Here’s what I can say diagnostic criteria as someone with diagnosed DID is kinda fucking awful. Our system for people with mental illnesses isn’t comprehensive, it isn’t all knowing, we also don’t account for so much shit it’s scary.
I have so many endogenic friends. I can’t give a fuck. Their existence doesn’t effect mine. Language is a different story something I see a lot. My only ask is that an endogenic system doesnt claim they fully understand a DID system which ive seen in syscourse. That’s just not gonna happen similar to lived experiences issues. Their different experiences and thats fine.
I think tolerance is a better word for me. Because i am system aggressive and it doesnt discriminate. You put me near other systems because of previous abuse from other traumagenic systems im prone to lash out. I just can’t conntect well like I used to.
So i tolerate all of you. Equally. I don’t see a reason to discriminate. I’ve seen some abuse on both ends and don’t think its a systematic issue rather a individuals are assholes problem.
Honestly? Seems more like a huge distraction to have a little war this way to distract from the rampant abuse all systems face. We should all agree its bullshit theres no accommodations, systems aren’t prevalent in academics yet. Thats a bigger issue. If you wanna spend time helping people with say DID or accomodations related to their plurality id take a dip into academic papers and see how bad it really is.
Let’s set the stage and remind ourselves.
In 2010 it was okay to force integrate systems
In the early 2000’s and 90’s endogenics and traumagenic systems didnt have much of any significant voice in medical settings. Typically treated as schitzophrenia for BOTH.
In the 1980’s it was okay and normal to overdose a paitent with DID and kill them. Then claim it was an alter.
When i see people fight over endogenic systems. I want to scream st them thats not the point. When I was being told by my first therapist to be very careful as a 14 year old because its a very real fear i will be experimented on without my consent.
I wonder why the FUCK endogenics are even on peoples radar. When I do intensive EMDR for years that cost me thousands of dollars out of pocket. I work fulltime jobs JUST to go to therapy.
This blog is my fun haha blog where I go to disconnect. Tomorrow im waking up at 7am to drive for intensive therapy getting myself in debt and picking up new meds for my DID.
Nothing about plurality is even remotely safe yet. Not safe enough to bicker about why endos should stay in their lane. We have a common enemy. Endogenic systems have so much information to. They know how to communicate without dissociation. I envy thag because DID costs me past 7k its a car at this point. Probably more.
Why would i not support someone whose got their shit figured out? I respect the hell out of that. I just don’t see why their an issue. Not when I have to listen to my disability officer tell me im not disabled enough. I have to argue with someone dipshit that my pain isn’t farfetched and I will experience very real consequences without accommodations.
I love playing the victim though. Traumagenic systems are noteably more unstable than endogenic systems. We are literally disordered. Im system aggressive because i cannot stand to see functionality in other systems. Ive watched traumagenic systems tear into endogenics, raid their spaces and spew hate in the name of ???
Happens on both sides. Like i said but its easier to pretend were the victims. Im just very tired of going through therapy, life, and social interactions at a disadvantage. Endogenic systems remind me theres people like me who are a little different who maybe arent as fucked. I think thats cool. Because its hard for me to tell if im gonna make it or not. I like the inspiration.
You caught me at a bad time anon ask me again after im done with some of the hardest choices ive had to make in my life
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calmingpi · 10 months
This isnt an unboxing vid but rather an unboxing description. A review, i guess, of volume 20. I think i did a kickstarter backing when i was like 12 or possibly 14, which was also when i took the resulting book to my therapists office and ranted about gg for like twenty minutes, but my mom backed it that time and i didnt get nearly as much Stuff as i did this time
So, first off:
I have multiple copies of beetleburg clank as it happens, but theyre either pdf or black and white on newsprint so this is easily the highest quality print copy ive got. IT LOOKS GREAT! Obviously i love the first volume cause thats the first one i read and i was soooooo obsessed with the art when i saw it as a kid. One of the best things about the big paperbacks is being able to see harder to read details like the honk lessons in the bg, for instance. Weirdly though, some of the panels with gil look really different than i remember? I may have to cross reference them to see if im crazy (im probably crazy)
Also, cheyennes coloring is really so good in volume one! I really love the subtlety that was put into it, and also i think he should do more monochrome sometimes. The way he uses value is great to begin with
No real comment on the story cause like, its beetleburg clank. I was there. In beetleburg. It was rad and i have no notes. The inclusion of the side story is also really fun. I remember this one from the website, and i wasnt really expecting it in the paperback for some reason
Volume twentyyyyyy! LOOKS GORGEOUS! Absolutely delighted. Money well spent. Fascinated that trogulus has a character entry and not rakethorne. Or kjarl, for that matter!
Something i think is interesting is how the pages kinda fly by when theyre uploaded one at a time. Most of this book really is the exorcism, and then we get the seadwellers. A lot of pages covering a relatively short amount of time in canon. In general i tend to forget how much has actually been posted until i look up something for reference, and realized i have to crawl through like twenty pages to find the one im looking for, lol
Even so, the amount of actual story being covered hits on some really good plot points in this volume. Weve got BOTH exorcisms, a lot of godqueen shenanigans, ardsley (rest in peace, darling), seadwellers, kjarl nonsense, oggie backstory, higgs backstory, and overall just a lot of answers and obviously more questions. And i like that it ends with the martellus & seffie convo. A really fantastic way to wrap up the volume itself
Some of the colors here I like a little better in print than i did digitally, too. Thats always a struggle with art, the difference between how different screens display color vs what different printers are capable of. So youre always gonna get slightly or sometimes even dramatically different values and saturation depending on how you view it. Interesting to see in action like this
Some of the more high impact panels also really pack a punch at a size this big, too. To me this is especially the case with the exorcism, theres a lot of really dramatic panel layouts during that sequence, and it makes me very excited to see all that mess on giant rat island and how that will shape up in print
I picked heros & villains for my sketch collection, and its really cute. I think it's funny how i cant tell sometimes whos supposed to be a hero or villain, and i also like that tarvek and theo are next to each other in the book. Thats very amusing to me. My favorite sketches are probably both agathas, lucrezia, and zeetha. I always appreciate how lucrezia and agatha dont look exactly like each other, but theres still a family resemblance
... My envelope of madness definitely has a lot of madness in it. I LOVE the lil bookplates theyre very cute. Even though im not sure what a bookplate does. Got a cute sticker, my arch nemesis is some sketelon guy (what else is new 🙄), a bunch of bookmarks (especially love the exorcism engines one), some sort of guild of monsters... Poster? Thing? Which is delightful, and a TPU student ID, which is terrifying as someone who managed to graduate after like 8 years. YOU CANT DRAG ME BACK, MAN!
Especially delighted by how much of the stuff ended up having a muse on it. I love the muses dearly
Great haul, good times, very pleased
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jerseyclown · 2 years
hey kc do u have advice about being embarrassed about my writing? i have like five published pieces but im having major imposter syndrome and feeling like all my stuff is so horrible that i don't even deserve to be considered a writer. im so deeply embarrassed of what i write and feel like i should just give up. this is seriously taking a toll on me mentally and i think its also what's preventing me from writing recently. anyways i love ur work and am just hoping u have some insight. thank you!
YESS i absolutely do have advice. im sure ive mentioned on here before that i used to be steadfast sure id never publish anything for numerous reasons, but one especially being my fear of being average and talentless.
first of all, anyone can be a writer. you dont have to be good at writing to be a writer. at all. you literally just have to write and you’re a writer. i urge you to & hope you can realize your talent or success is not what gives you permission to create. if you swim, you’re a swimmer. if you sing, you’re a singer. if you write, you’re a writer. it’s not the talent that gives the act meaning, its the act itself. you are a writer, and a good one at that, because you create.
one thing i have to tell you is that no matter how much you write & how good you are of a writer, you’re gonna make stuff that isnt that great. youre gonna make stuff that sucks. and thats okay, because those ideas have to go somewhere, and getting them down allows you to move past and create Good Stuff. writing “bad” stuff doesnt make you a good writer, it makes you a healthy creative with a healthy creative process.
but i understand being embarrassed about what you write. i think a lot of times we do write stuff that can feel embarrassing either in topic or execution. like in my case — recently i had a nonstarter crush that hurt my feelings really bad and for a few weeks (probably more) most of the stuff i was writing was just… not good. even if i liked the craft of a sentence, it felt embarrassing and clunky and awkward. it made me feel deeply untalented and Stuck. while writing helps me emotionally process, sometimes you need to recognize that you need to step back from that and find other ways to get out feelings and move through moments of creative or emotional block. i took a while without really writing as much and i worked on editing old stuff and polishing stuff im proud of as a personal reminder that you can do that & you will do that again. i also learned to do other things (skating has helped me with that immensely.)
it also helps to just put it down. you dont need to force yourself to write. i think of it as like a muscle and if if you are using a strained and exhausted muscle, you’re more likely to damage it and then have even a harder time getting back to it. id recommend taking a break or at least putting less pressure on yourself to create. you can work on stream of conciousness writing to continue evolving a practice but then work on not taking that writing as something to be good. sometimes it just helps to sit down and put down Whatever. it sort of helps “unclog” your brain, in my opinion.
in terms of embarrassment ive also worked through a great deal of self criticism (i still do), and it helps me personally to try and investigate those thoughts. i can usually catch myself in the negative thought (im making bad art/this sounds stupid/im talentless/fill in the blank) and then find ways to counteract it. it helps me to remind myself you have to make bad art to make good art, im not put on this earth to create stuff to satisfy anyone else but me, etc. you have to investigate the negative thought at the source and find ways to counteract it by disproving that logic (at least thats how it works for me.) it might also help to talk about the negativity with a friend or someone else (ive even used my therapist to break through some of those thoughts, but i know not everyone is helped by therapy or doesnt have access to it.) in general, i think the most important thing is finding the root of a thought and then working to curb or work around it — and it takes patience and time. its hard. but you’ll get past it. i promise.
altogether, i think id recommend being gentler with yourself. patience is the hallmark of creating art and your mind is a very gentle machine that needs care and time. allow yourself to rest & do things that bring your brain calm and new inspiration. i always seek out new music when im feeling blocked or i go for a walk/skate/drive/etc. but its not a bad thing to put it down, to take a break. ive gone months and months without writing literally anything, and there’s nothing inherently bad about that. you might be cyclical like me, or perhaps you need rest and to find your starting point again. perhaps focus less on publishing for a while and work on creating stuff that satisfies you, or maybe find other ways to be creative that isnt writing. its easy to get caught up in our own fears, but you’ll get past this. just have patience and do what feels best for you & what brings you creative fulfillment, even if that means taking a break. allow yourself to create bad art, too.
i hope this helps. i wish you the best.
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naturalbornkillass · 2 years
delayed post from 07/10/22 - A weird week: still depressed // might need to get the “hottest girl in rehab” sweatshirt. // modern feminism // why am i attracted to older men i dont even ducking have daddy issues
The last part happened today but i’ll include it into my evenfully unevenful week
i’ve been ridiculously depressed and irritable this week. i havent touched my prescripted medicine and i probably should. i’m in no way getting better.
During the 4th of july, i got into a hugeeee argument with my dad and i ended up staying home and playing roblox w my friends. it was kinda fun, then it all hit me. I’m at home during the 4th of july, doing absolutely nothing. I was bored and depressed. I HAD NOTHING TO DO!! So I ordered some food from grubhub and it made me feel better for a little bit. Then it hit me again. I'm getting fomo. How can i celebrate the 4th. of july? and listen I’m not the most patriotic citizen, and to be honest, i’m not big on independence day. although I am big on the celebrations itself, whether or not i really give a fuck about the reason of the celebration .
i decided to try lsd for the first time, and it was def the most sensational type of high i’ve ever experienced. especially bc it was laced with some other strong ass shit, which i didn't really know until i got tested positive for other stuff. I didn't rly mind tho, i had a good time regardless. My therapist was not happy ofc, so they actually told me that they may have to send me to a 30 day rehabilitation program if things don’t improve within the next week. It’s either that, or I have to stay at a psych ward for 7 days minimum, which isnt as bad, given that it’s so easy to trick them into thinking that you’re doing well within the span of a week. But either way, i’ll be stripped away from any sort of communication with all of you. unless i can memorize all of your number. not tryna do all that.
I'm against it, obviously. I’m functioning! I should be fine.
The reason why i’m not making such a big deal out of this is bc I’m not being too irresponsible with everything. Honestly i really do believe that they’re just trying to profit off of me. No one really knows what to do in those places. None of the staff members really know what they were getting themselves into. If you’re there for the money, why cant you at least try to put some effort on the shit tht you were supposed to do?
if i do end up in one in the future, best believe i’m pulling up in the corniest fit ever
Tumblr media Tumblr media
but fr tho i actually have to start putting some effort because i’m not trying to go to some goddamn facility. I have many plans for this summer and living in a place w a bunch of druggiez isnt my thing. if all fails, i hope to be grouped with cool people.
i met someone on roblox, which i’ve spent a few hours with….at night. it was fun okay, and im not for edating, but this is entertaining for me. i wonder how many ppl he’s groomed online. better yet, i wonder how many people get groomed on roblox??? He’s 21 btw i forgot to mention, and yeah he does sound like it. Thats all i can say tho.
The thing is, you’ll never know if your the groomer or the groomee. Edating is so funny to me despite the times that i’ve attempted to do so. I got out of that phase towards the beginning(-ish?) of 9th grade. After that, I’ve just started fishing for some creepy pedos online and i tried to see if i can get money off of them. I found many, but they all wanted my fucking face to be in pictures/videos and they wanted to be able to hear my voice and such, like how desperate can you be? Theyre all really fucking pathetic and it just pissed me off seeing people live like that. Discord users are really something else……..
just dont edate. It's that easy.
One thing that I have noticed is that I kinda have a problem with older men. Why am I writing about this online rather than telling a professional about this? Idk but I just felt like it needs to be talked about. No, I don't have daddy issues, which proves that it's only a common stereotype. Women have such a great amount of power, simply just by existing. Next thing you know, you've hypnotized them into throwing their cash onto you.
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brainwashingyou · 2 years
How to write a disaster on modern social media.
This is my second blog, it's been a lot if fun running it and I've met some life long friends and my forever here because of this space. That being said, I find things here and within social media and general media quite toxic, unfortunate, and a relative echo chamber of harmful things.
This doesn't absolve me of anything especially within a small community such as hypnosis. Above all I've been fooling myself why I have this blog. I've been lying to everyone even myself about what this has been and who it was for, a narcissistic desire that I couldn't recognize.
With that I realise I'm been subverting and supporting things that don't make me happy. 2/3rds of my followers kinda
1. Are not active
2. Do not have your best interest in mind. I'm even guilty of this. (I'm leaning how to unfuck myself.
3. I don't relate too
There's so many bad actors in the tumblr hypnosis community. I've been vocally quiet about a lot that goes on to keep the purity of this blog, I've learned that I can no longer in good conscious keep supporting a lot of that behavior and that the content I've been re-blogging encourages to everyone out there.
This is going to enrage lots of people, but I'm at the point that I frankly don't give a flip. I'm tired of SISSIES. You are relentless, you never cease, and rarely apologize for your obscene behavior. I hope that you take an honest look at yourself and those who you open your mind to and give it some critical thought. Maybe even consult a propper therapist? Please before you dig into this kind of rabbit hole talk to someone who can be objective to help you make a choice.
What's the next worse thing in my opinion? HERE IS WHERE LOSE ALMOST ALL MY FOLLOWER. But again, I don't really care what you think anymore especially if you've read up to this point you probably know its going to get even more disastrous.
Feminism, misogyny, matriarchy and patriarchy extremes have destroyed the very nature of our humanity.
I hate misogyny. Women are amazing and you should love a woman for her being a woman. Not a man for trying to replace woman. Celebrate her, her femininity. I'm saying this as a straight hetero man whos not confused about the differences bewteen Men and Women. (Oh dear I said it, better burn down house!)
Patriarchy and feminists... this will be an earful from everyone. You're probably already getting engaged that I dared to put the two words together. Doesn't that already suggest that you are handling the situation wrong? Anger is a secondary emotion, so what's the root cause for why you're so angry?
Equality for everyone? Absolutely! Not understanding why its not "equal " thats arrogance and negligence. If you put yourself in an echo chamber you will never understand disparity to its fullest or why. Don't be so closed minded that you shun something because the perceived majority doesn't like it. This is me telling you to use your brain and so some research.
If you're some irreverent feminist who loves misogynistic porn, maybe, just maybe there's a middle ground that opens your eyes to something not so extreme in both ways but a healthy middle ground that encourages both to grow. Not only for youself but for the others around you and your SO who is choosing to spend their life with you.
So this blog is slowly coming to an end for me. Throughout the last 5 years its been an experience, positive and negative.
There's so much more to say but i think this will infuriate enough people that my popularity will be ruined, and that's fine with me.
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luciiiiiiiiiiifer · 18 days
Vent below the cut.
I genuinely don't know how much longer I can fucking do this.
Any time I have any fucking motivation to do anything for myself, be it shower, eat, draw, even fucking change my clothing--
I get told no, I have to do XYZ other things for someone else.
"[Deadname] do the dishes"
"[Deadname] do your history assignment"
"[Deadname] write your letter"
It's so fucking draining, being forced to do something I literally cannot make myself do. On top of being deadnamed 24/7.
And I can't even fucking come out to my parents and tell them my preferred name because they are so transphobic and homophobic.
The severe anxiety I get from doing anything doesn't fucking help, either.
I have been diagnosed with anxiety, but no school plan for that, so I have to do everything everyone else does, including present in front of the class.
It fucking sucks, because I stutter, repeat words and phrases, talk too quietly, too loud, too fast, too slow, too wrong.
I never know what to do with any part of my body, either, so I'm standing there awkwardly and feel even worse about myself.
I overthink as well, so any small mistake that no one notices or cares for is always so much worse in my head. I never forget them, but the important information is always forgotten.
I feel so fucking stupid for it. I'm a sophomore in high school, I should know how to cope, I should be normal. But I'm not, and the only people who fucking accept that are my friends and therapist. And even then, it feels like they all hate me, even if I know that they don't.
My grades aren't helping, either. The only class I have an A in is fucking art. My grades are dropping so much, last semester my classes were all A's (except Spanish, which was a C) but they're all B's and C's now, except fucking art.
And last year, I had mostly A's and maybe one or two B's. It feels so fucking dumb, even if I can't help it. I know I'm wired differently, I know I'm not dumb, but it feels like I am.
And I've had such horrible dysphoria recently. I can't even fucking look down without feeling horrible about my chest. The only thing that has stopped that somewhat is ice skating, but even then not by much.
And again, my parents are transphobic, so I can't ask for a binder or something to help with that.
All of this has been adding up and only worsening my want to SH and/or off myself. I haven't showered in a fucking week because any time I step close to my razor I get this really strong urge to slit my wrists and let them bleed till I pass out.
Haven't shaved in several months, either, because of this urge.
And I can't even tell my fucking therapist about all of this because it's online and my parents might hear, and I don't want them to overhear and confront me about it. I don't want to be forced to tell them anything, to do anything.
Can't tell my counselor, because I know he'd have to tell my parents.
They would probably ground me, claiming it's my phone doing this to me-- when it's them. Them and all of the adults in my life.
I can't even fucking dress how I want, everything is too short, too long, too tight, too baggy, unflattering in their opinion. There is no clothing to satisfy them. As soon as I find something I feel good in, it's all, "That collar goes too low," "That shirt is too short," "The dress is too short," "The skirt is too short," "The pants are too baggy." Like shut the fuck up, I feel good in this and you're not helping.
And then I choose to eat something. God forbid. It's all, "Wow, you're seriously eating?" "You eat a lot," and when I don't eat because of this, it's suddenly all, "You aren't eating much, are you okay?" Like genuinely shut up. Let me be, quit fucking shaming me for taking care of myself.
Heaven forbid I hang out in the living room for no reason. "You're finally out of your room!" Shut up before I go back, asshole. Don't discipline me for behaviors you want to see. Maybe then I'll fucking tell you about how I feel or anything in my life.
Thats why I had like 8 breakdowns in two weeks last semester.
I genuinely fucking hate my life.
The only reason I'm fucking alive right now is the fact that I can see my friends tomorrow, the day after, after the weekend, and so on.
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sucknizzo · 3 months
I had a bad day
I mean honestly it wasn't really a bad day in the scheme of things but like I had a interaction with someone that just hit an insecurity of mine and I haven't been able to shake it (and it like one day where I didn't go to bed/wake up with work anxiety so I thought it could have been a great day)
I'm trying so hard to be mindful, to just allow the thoughts and move on to something else because it's perfectly logical to have these thoughts I just don't have to let them ruin my day or really mean anything at all, they're just thoughts
But I'm really having to be my own support system. At my old job I could have ran to a few different people and had them hype me up I guess and here I don't have that. I thought about talking about it with my one coworker but I just don't know if it would have been appropriate so I just didn't. Instead I just checked my email and cried a little.
Being able to support myself through difficult situations at work was one thing I never mastered while in therapy. Im glad I've internalized so much and I know that I can and will get through this but theres just that dread in the back of my mind that even when I'm in a time in my life that is probably the most chill I've ever been, I'm still just struggling to be confident in myself, to not let myself be shattered by the thought of fucking up or not being liked or whatever. I just want to be confident enough to try new things. The drive in me (ego driven of course but there) tells me I need to do more, push myself, show myself I can and I know thats why I'm so bored, but I just can't see myself there and I don't understand how other people live that way
I had this shit moment that carried throughout the day and then one the managers told me I was doing a really good job and it was so sweet and I need to hear that at that moment but I just can't seem to accept that and I don't know why. It's easier for me to get wrapped up in a negative thing said to me and to completely disregard a really nice thing. At the very least they should cancel out.
I just want to take things at face value, I don't want to read into things, someone's bad day doesn't have to become my bad but Im just having trouble believing that on my own. Like I need the external validation so bad right and I know if was talking to my therapist she wouldn't give it to me, she would force me to validate myself and sit with the uncomfortableness of it all because it's like every emotion and it will pass but I'm impatient as hell 😔
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melissawebb-avocado · 5 months
1: Name
2: Age
3: 3 Fears
Losing everyone, being alone, people seeing me for how i see my self
4: 3 things I love
My daughter, my husband, my sister
5: 4 turns on
Fatherly, back rubs, asking about my day, takes charge
6: 4 turns off
Dosent listen, trys to take without asking, yelling, procrastinating
7: My best friend
Brianna my sister
8: Sexual orientation
9: My best first date
Went to make pottery and then to dinner and an arcade
10: How tall am I
11: What do I miss
My home in chandler
12: What time were I born
2 pm
13: Favorite color
14: Do I have a crush
My husband
15: Favorite quote
"Most of us are gifted with the
ability to see the monsters hidden
within another, but are unable
to see past them.
It takes a special kind of person
to see the light inside of every
living being."
- Lynette Simeone
16: Favorite place
Oceanside beach
17: Favorite food
18: Do I use sarcasm
Yes but only with those im close with
19: What am I listening to right now
Always AJR but the trolls 3 music
20: First thing I notice in new person
How they mingle with new people or stick with the person they know ignoring new people
21: Shoe size
22: Eye color
23: Hair color
Brown, waiting to dye mt hair a copper red brown
24: Favorite style of clothing
Graphic t and baggy jeans
25: Ever done a prank call?
27: Meaning behind my URL
Its my first ever book i wrote in middle school
28: Favorite movie
Howls moving castle
29: Favorite song
AJR object in motion
30: Favorite band
31: How I feel right now
32: Someone I love
My daughter
33: My current relationship status
Married 💍
34: My relationship with my parents
BFF with my MIL and FIL call them every other day. Talk to my mom whenever i can. Forgave my dad but wont ever forget.
35: Favorite holiday
The days before Christmas
36: Tattoos and piercing i have
C section scar
37: Tattoos and piercing i want
38: The reason I joined Tumblr
To find more fans aboit the series i loved
39: Do I and my last ex hate each other?
I dont talk to any of them.
40: Do I ever get "good morning" or "good night" texts?
No because we say it to each other when we go to bed together
41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted?
My husband?
42: When did I last hold hands?
Last night
43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?
Im a stay at home mom so i wake up and thats it.
44: Have I shaved your legs in the past three days?
45: Where am I right now?
Siting on the couch watching my daughter play
46: If I were drunk & can't stand, who's taking care of me?
My husband but my sister is taking me to him.
47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?
48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad?
i live with my husband now
49. Am excited for anything?
To get pregnant with my 2nd kid in summer!
50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?
My husband
51: How often do I wear a fake smile?
Not as much anymore. I used to be very good at hiding my emotions no one knew but after years of therapy my face is easy to read.
52: When was the last time I hugged someone?
Last night
53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me?
I hope it would be my daughter. But i would probably cry since i dont feel pretty anymore since ive gained weight after birth.
54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not?
Nope. All the people i used to trust that were toxic i dont talk to or give them anything from me anymore.
55: What is something I disliked about today?
My husband is working and theres no wifi
56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
My old therapist.
57: What do I think about most?
The future, where im not stressed about bills, healthcare, or living somewhere i dont. Planing my future home.
58: What's my strangest talent?
59: Do I have any strange phobias?
Speaking in public
60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
61: What was the last lie I told?
Im fine
62: Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?
63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
Ghosts are real. I beilve there is other life in the universe but they look like you and me. Not movie aliens.
64: Do I believe in magic?
65: Do I believe in luck?
Yes. Sometimes you just wake up with a good start and it keeps pulling you forward.
66: What's the weather like right now
It snowed yesterday
67: What was the last book I've read?
The last olympian percy jackson
68: Do I like the smell of gasoline?
69: Do I have any nicknames?
70: What was the worst injury I've ever had?
Tore my esophagus from throwing up so much for months
71: Do I spend money or save it?
Spend on temu
72: Can I touch my nose with a tongue?
73: Is there anything pink in 10 feet from me?
My daughters strawberry baby blanket
74: Favorite animal?
75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM?
Watching tik tok
76: What do I think is Satan's last name is?
77: What's a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?
Trolls 3 better place
78: How can you win my heart?
Random acts of kindness
79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone?
The hardest thing she did was survive and she lived through it all.
80: What is my favorite word?
81: My top 5 blogs on tumblr
Basbardbin, moringmark, buggachat,
82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?
Just a reminder that by the time your child is 18, they will already have spent 93% of the time they will spend with you in their lifetime. So go on that adventure, because you can always get your money back, but you'll never get those years back.
83: Do I have any relatives in jail?
84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what's even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power?
Read peoples minds
85: What would be a question I'd be hesitate to tell the truth on?
86: What is my current desktop picture?
Me and my daughter in the sand at the beach
87: Had sex?
Uh yeah.
88: Bought condoms?
89: Gotten pregnant?
90: Failed a class?
91: Kissed a boy?
92: Kissed a girl?
93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain?
Yep, my husband
94: Had job?
Yep. 5 jobs
95: Left the house without my wallet?
Yeah util i atached my keys and my wallet together
96: Bullied someone on the internet?
97: Had sex in public?
In a car parked on the side of the street.
98: Played on a sports team?
Soccer, volleyball, swimteam, softball
99: Smoked weed?
100: Did drugs?
101: Smoked cigarettes?
102: Drank alcohol?
103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan?
104: Been overweight?
Still am.
105: Been underweight?
106: Been to a wedding?
Yes, mine and my best friends and SIL
107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight?
108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight?
Yep, just watched avatar 1 and 2
109: Been outside my home country?
110: Gotten my heart broken?
111: Been to a professional sports game?
collage games?
112: Broken a bone?
Broke my radias of my wrist riding my bike
113: Cut myself?
Tried to. Kept to scratching.
114: Been to prom?
115: Been in airplane?
Yes. Terrified
116: Fly by helicopter?
117: What concerts have I been to?
118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex?
119: Learned another language?
120: Wore make up?
Try to at least.
121: Lost my virginity before I was 18?
122: Had oral sex?
123: Dyed my hair?
Not yet
124: Voted in a presidential election?
125: Rode in an ambulance?
126: Had a surgery?
Yes, c section
127: Met someone famous?
President uchdorf
128: Stalked someone on a social network?
My exs and their girlfriends
129: Peed outside?
Yep, road trips
130: Been fishing?
Yep with my dad. Hoping to have a better experience one day
131: Helped with charity?
In high school and middle school. Worked for toys for tots.
132: Been rejected by a crush?
Yeah. High school asked a boy out to go bowling.
133: Broken a mirror?
134: What do I want for birthday?
Dnd table or 3d printer.
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