Enjoy :] <3 (all posts of the arc's ending will be posted under the #arcend tag on this profile)
We sank out back to the mindscape, and i dont know why i didn't remember everything before, it was like some freaky mind control story. Anyways, we got into Logan's room which was where everyone was.
"what is HE doing here?!" Roman is begging to know, he honestly said it rudely, but i get it. "Hes... Hes with us now" Virgil is.. protecting me... "Yeah right!! He probably used his snake friend to poison your mind too. Re, get them OUT OF HERE." Roman's eyes are glowing green... That cant be go- wait hang on- why is his outfit black, thats not normal!! Is he okay?? I should say something, but im scared that'll make things worse... He's clearly more aggressive than usual, but... I mean i cant blame him, i hurt them all pretty badly. Mmm, i dont like this feeling, like i messed up, but worse? Its like i failed raising my children and ended up being a bad father instead of the protective guide dad... This is awful, i hate it.
Remus is walking towards me, why is he- oh right uhhh...... Do something, Patton!!! Think, think, think...... Wait- COOKIES!!!! Bam, I'm pulling out a big ol plate of all types of cookies they like
"cookies!! And we can watch some movies.. if- if you'd like..." Im trying to stay as calm as i can but Remus is pretty terrifying, especially when he's stained in blood. Im honestly kind of used to him being covered in blood, he likes blood, which is odd, and scary...
I can see Virgil isnt really in on the idea.. its not my fault i cant think well under pressure
Remus is reaching a hand to either my heart or the plate.. he is so ominous...
Okay thank god, he took a cookie.
Virgil, take his weapon please, thank you.
"can we please calm down and just Hang out angst free for once? And its me saying this, you know its too much when the embodiment of angst tells you it's too angsty" Virgil is right, this is too much
Roman is sighing.. maybe we did it...?
"okay" he agreed??? He agreed!!
Okay lets go pick a movie and have our little boys night (^v^)
I hope we could watch the SpongeBob movie.. its my favorite
Aww Roman and Virgil are sitting next to each other.. they're adorable...
Remus is uhh.. why is he sitting behind the couch? How is he gonna reach my cookies from th- omg he can do that??
He's using some green shiny magic to float cookies from the plate to him!!! Thats not fair >:T
But finally... Some calm time... :]
Why do i have a headache?
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mppmaraudergirl · 1 year
I have so much to say about ATTSS!James
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trueka · 2 years
sorry t.a.t.u. discography is too good 😭 it's soo dark angel anime girl i love it
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szenya · 7 years
It’s been 15 years since t.A.T.u.’s All the things she said was released.
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spacerocksnerd · 4 years
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tag yourself which generation of iconic wlw songs are you
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avadaniels · 6 years
build me a mountain [Trixya YouTube AU] [Teaser]
Hi hello yes! Thank you so much for 100 kudos and 2k hits on all the things she said ! I’m here to introduce my next story: build me a mountain.
build me a mountain is a spinoff prequel based on Trixie’s minor role in don’t be shy. In that story, the only time Katya is mentioned is this exchange between Trixie and Miz Brianna Cracker:
“Hey, you should review those awful jelly shoes Katya loves."
"Oh my god, I should," Brianna said automatically, idly wondering if Katya had been added to the guest list at this point, or if Trixie was just missing her best friend while she took some time off from YouTube.
Naturally, Katya’s entire personality in build me a mountain must revolve around jellies. (Just kidding.) (Sort of.)
Katya is the main character of build me a mountain (meaning it’s going to be from her perspective 90% of the time) so here is part of a chapter that hopefully makes you smile! Keep reading attss for more updates and keep an open mind about everything. Life is getting busy so I’m still not sure when this story will be ready, but it should be soon after attss is finished up and I’m so excited to share it with y’all!
Some relevant info: Katya is a trans woman, and at the time she is on HRT. Ginger is her friend from college. Everything else is for me to know and you to find out ;) Thoughts are in italics. I use Canadian/British spellings as usual.
--- build me a mountain --- chapter 2 ---
“What if I,” Katya asked Ginger as they strolled through the mall, “What if I’m going on a first date, and we both want to look polished, but secretly we’re both dirty, shit-covered farmers?”
Ginger sighed, and Katya worried she was actually getting bored of the little game she was playing, trying to get decent advice out of her friend without actually telling her what was going on. “I dunno, gingham and a bolo tie?”
It sounded cute, but Katya knew it still wasn’t what she wanted. She didn’t know how to describe the look she was going for.
“Just tell me who this chick is,” Ginger asked.
So many things were swirling in Katya’s head. She didn’t know how to explain who Trixie was, what she was like, how Katya knew her, how this wasn’t a real date… “It’s complicated,” Her mouth said.
“Okay,” Ginger said, “What do you want her to think when she sees you?”
Katya gave her a confused look.
“She sees you and thinks, Katya is…”
Hm. “Good at makeup. Funny. Pretty.”
Ginger laughed, full but soft, and wrapped an arm around Katya so she could turn them around and start walking in the opposite direction.
“What?” Katya asked, “What’s going on?”
“First of all,” Ginger started as she pushed Katya along, “You like this girl, in the purest, fluffiest way possible. Second, you’re going to go home and wear your favourite shirt.”
“My favourite shirt?” Katya said, confused at the thought. Her favourite shirt, as Ginger and many people knew, was a soft and thin button down made from pieces of different tiny flower prints. It was busy and dark and Katya loved it. She’d had it for years, and had no plans of giving it up soon—no matter what the little blue and white pills she was taking each morning did to her.
“Relax. If you feel good, you look good,” Ginger promised.
She wasn’t letting up, so Katya let herself be pushed as she warmed up to the idea. The shirt was kind of cool and out there. She had no idea if Trixie would like it, but Katya could have said that about anything in her wardrobe, given there wasn’t a single pink object to her name.
Katya was mentally rifling through eyeshadows that would match her favourite shirt when her eyes landed in the window of a shoe store as they walked past it.
“Wait wait wait,” Katya said, pulling Ginger to a stop.
“No, Katya—”
“Wait,” Katya repeated, not letting Ginger drag her away again. She was frozen in place, looking at a single pair of shoes on a pedestal. They were beautiful. Her mind was instantly imagining wearing them everywhere, from the grocery store to Courtney's monthly dinner parties. Katya felt like the style she had been so carefully crafting, especially in the last few months, had a natural progression that involved these specific shoes; like they had been waiting in her path for a long time.
“Those look like bondage gear your mom accidentally buys,” Ginger spat at the display.
“They’re perfect,” Katya breathed, and slowly looked over at her friend. “I need them.”
Ginger started to speak, probably to try and talk some sort of sense: “This is the kind of…”
But Katya just walked around her and strode confidently into the store. The walls were lined with sneakers and backpacks, and the sales attendant was a woman about Katya’s age. “Hi! Can I help you?”
“Yes,” Katya said, walking right up to the counter. “What are those shiny black shoes in the display?”
“Oh, the platform jellies?”
Katya smiled. “Yeah.” Then she started, face falling serious and hands falling on the counter. “Please tell me you have a size 10?”
“Let me check,” The attendant said, turning to her computer.
Ginger had also trekked into the store, saying, “Katya, I’m sure they have plenty of shoes in your size that are actually from this century, too.”
Katya just stared at the back of the monitor and drawled, “Coming from the girl who nicknamed her pussy Full House.”
The cashier just smiled at Katya, either secretly enjoying or ignoring the comment. “Yep, we have them. Let me grab them from the back.”
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parurushi · 6 years
WOULD YOU RATHER see a gacha cover of t.a.t.u - all the things she said or toto - africa
hshsgsjsldjahkslskagsjskakdhja SHADES
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Yulia Volkova and Lena Katina singlehandedly improved 2020 with ATTSS live
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crystallllines · 3 years
Боже мой, Poppy covered All The Things She Said.
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ARC END: Roman's POV
[TW: this part features self hatred, if this triggers you, please skip this part, its not more important than your health.]
enjoy :] <3 (you can find all the other parts on #arcend on this blog)
Just me and my brother sitting alone in Logan's room. Why does he have to be my brother? All he wants to do is hurt me. And yet i still protect him. Why? Why am i like this? Ugh- i hate that im like this. Why cant i be like him? No thoughts, only silly jokes. I guess one twin is always going to be better... And even tho im the prince, its clear the duke is happier...
"love the new outfit, bro" Remus.. i really, really hope you're sarcastic. It looks awful, the color doesn't fit me. Im not evil...
"yeah.. i didn't really pick it myself, you know?" I should tell him he truth, i dont really have a reason to lie to him.. i think...
"why did it even happen? You're the prince guy" I KNOW, REMUS, I KNOW!! I WISH I KNEW WHY THOMAS' MIND HATES ME THE WAY IT DOES. I WISH I COULD BE WHAT THOMAS NEEDS ME TO BE, I WISH- ... I need to calm down.
"i dont know.. i hate it... Like- im supposed to be the good guy, the hero, THE KNIGHT IN SHINING ARMOR. But... But im not.." oh s**t.. im tearing up, i shouldn't have opened up, now he's gonna think im weak...
Footsteps..? Are Logan and Cronus back?
Oh its Virgil, thank g- Patton... Patton!!
"what is HE doing here?!" I need to know!
"Hes with us now" Virgil is.. protecting him? VIRGIL IS PROTECTING A TRAITOR.
"Yeah right!! He probably used his snake friend to poison your mind too. Re, get them OUT OF HERE." I NEED THEM OUT OF HERE.
Remus is finally doing as i say, he's going to them with his weapon in ha-
"cookies! And we can watch some movies, i-if you'd like" Patton has a plate of cookies.. thats not going to stop Remus- orrr it will, apparently.
"can we please calm down and just Hang out angst free for once? And its me saying this, you know its too much when the embodiment of angst tells you it's too angsty" Virgil kind of has a point.. i still dont trust Patton, but i guess for now its better than fighting when Logan and Cronus are still out.
"fine" i answer
Maybe watching a movie isnt that bad..
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mppmaraudergirl · 9 months
1 and 28 (for ATTSS) please!
♥️♥️♥️ thanks for sending these fun fic asks!!
What was the first fandom and/or pairing that you wrote fic for?
This fandom! But I started with Hinny because in those days people still argued about who Harry was going to end up with and I was staunchly in the Ginny camp. It did not take long to migrate to the Marauders side pretty exclusively though. I haven't really dabbled much in any other fandom tbh.
In ATTSS, what is a happy, post-fic headcanon you have about Jily?
ATTSS my beloved 🥲 I'll put this below the cut for spoilers
I mean I think the obvious one is that James and Lily revisit that park they first met in years prior and James remembers hearing the symphony. It doesn't really change anything because they're married and have Harry at this point and Lily has no doubts that she and James are going to make it. But it's still nice to finally put to rest any notion that there would ever be someone out there better suited for James. I also think they'd keep it a secret between the two of them, though, and if any of their children ever asked if they are soulmates, she'd answer the same way her mother did and James would be right beside her vehemently agreeing.
(And now I am emotional about ATTSS again 😭)
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askstupot · 7 years
i feel like you're a mix of phase 4 and 2? idk if that's weird or not but i really like how you portray him. cx ✨ - @at-the-space-station
; jfhasd thank youu attss dsgahhjlas ♡♡♡
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ozkanyildizhan · 4 years
Stream or download "All The Things She Said" here: https://smarturl.it/ATTSS
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avadaniels · 6 years
Have i officially run out of plot for the YouTuber au? Mayhaps
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the-havranisko-t · 8 years
I've played this. And again. And again. And again. And all the time I've thought about you..
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