#so that I can tell you that your shitty kid has done something I found pretty awesome
dreamofbecoming · 10 months
more stobin nonsense from your resident trash goblin. feat. shitty harrington parents, lavender marriage, full party found family shenanigans, steddie flirting, steve&will bonding, and a severe lack of dialogue tags
rating: t wc: 5k ao3
“I knew it!”
Steve sighs. Listen, he knew the minute he opened his mouth that this was coming. There was always a zero percent chance Dustin was ever gonna let him get out the whole thing before bursting in with this exact interruption, but that doesn’t make it less annoying. If the little shithead would just let him finish--
"I knew you were perfect together, I can't believe you didn't tell us you were dating! How long have you been a thing? I have money to collect! Can I be your best man? Never mind, obviously I'm gonna be your best man. You so owe me for not telling me sooner! I cannot believe-"
"We're not together like that."
In fairness, Dustin is not the only one to give them an incredulous look for that one.
"Steve. You literally just announced you and Robin are getting married. What is even the point of pretending you're not in love anymore? What are you still trying to prove? Just admit I was right the whole time!"
Steve pinches the bridge of his nose and forces himself to take a deep breath, instead of wringing Dustin's weird little boneless neck. It's not his fault, he reminds himself. They haven't gotten to the second part of the announcement, so his assumptions are natural.
Now, it is Henderson's fault that they haven't managed to say the rest of what they came here to say, so maybe he can keep blaming him after all.
"Do you remember when we sat down and we asked you guys to let us say everything we were gonna say without interrupting?"
"Uh, yeah dude, it was like ten minutes ago. We're not stupid."
"Has it occurred to you that maybe we weren't done saying everything we were gonna say, considering I was halfway through a sentence when you jumped in?"
"I mean, I guess, but like, it's pretty obvious where you're going with this, Steve. You're not a complicated guy, no offense. Now, where did we land on the best man issue?"
Nancy must see the offense very much taken on his face, because before he can open his mouth and say something probably horrifically rude that would feel amazing in the moment and which he would immediately regret, she jumps to his rescue.
"Dustin, you're being very rude. Steve and Robin came here to talk to us, and we promised to listen. Let them finish."
It's nice of her to back Steve up, considering how weird this conversation must be for her. Hopefully it gets less awkward soon.
Henderson grumbles mutinously, but years of dealing with first Mike and then the rest of the little dickheads have left Nancy's control ironclad, and he waves sarcastically for Steve to continue.
This kid is spending too much time with Eddie, the attitude is getting out of hand.
"Right. Thanks, Nance. As I was saying, Robin and I are getting married, yes. But not because we're in love. I mean, I love her, obviously, but as a friend. Only a friend. Or, well, I guess a friend and soon a...friend...wife? Frife? Wend? You guys get it."
"We very much don't." Alright, well, fine, add Max to the shitlist.
He looks over at Robin, hoping for help, but she's stiff as a board and trembling all over.
He doesn't want to be the one to say the words for her. They agreed together to tell everyone the truth, it was her idea even, but the last thing he wants to do is steal that moment from her.
Maybe he can just…talk around it, until she feels up to it. And if not, he’ll just tell them his part of it and call it good.
“We’re getting lavender married.”
Okay, so that’s probably not like. A normal way to say that or whatever. Robin just used that term like fifty times last night, alright? She was really excited about the article she just read about it, something about how it was a thing in, like, olden times or whatever, and now it’s coming back because Reagan is a fucking tool, Steve’s not sure, he was only kind of listening. Regardless, now it’s stuck in his head. Sue him or whatever, geez.
Anyway, he isn’t sure how many people in this room will actually understand what that means, but Nancy’s mouth drops open in a perfect little O the way it only does when she’s genuinely surprised by something, and there’s a tiny gasp from over by the table that he thinks might have come from Will, and Max mutters to herself “Oh shit, that explains so much,” so it’s not none of them, which helps. No pitchforks yet, at least.
Jonathan is eyeing him speculatively, and Argyle is offering him an enthusiastic thumbs up, which is nice.
Unfortunately, the other boys and El are giving him blank, expectant stares, and Erica is eyeing him with both confusion and annoyance, so it looks like he still has some explaining to do.
“What the hell does your color scheme have to do with this? I’m not helping plan the wedding, dude, I don’t care that much.”
Steve mumbles a “Language,” on reflex, but his heart isn’t in it. This is somehow more nerve-wracking than evil Russians.
“Mike, that’s not what it means. Now shut up and listen, or I’ll tell Mom how that red sock ended up in her load of white delicates.”
“Oh come on, she’ll kill me!” When all he gets in return is a single raised eyebrow, he groans and slumps further into his seat, glaring at Steve.
“Right. Okay. So basically, last night, my parents--”
“I’m a lesbian!”
There’s a beat of dead silence, which in this group is more unsettling than just about anything else.
Steve keeps his eyes on Robin, who looks just about as shocked at her own outburst as everyone else in the room. He takes her hand, squeezing gently until she unfreezes a little and looks back over at him. She looks terrified, and it breaks his heart a little.
“You okay, babe?” He keeps his voice low, murmuring just loud enough for her to hear. He knows this moment is the opposite of private, but she needs him to pretend for a second, so that’s what he’s gonna do.
She nods, a little jerkily, but she grips his hand back and intentionally evens out her breathing. She’s so fucking brave. He would burn the world down for Robin Buckley, and he doesn’t care who knows it.
He can’t believe she’s willing to do this for him, but he’s so grateful he feels like he’s choking on it.
“Henderdork will literally never shut up and let you live it down if we do this and he doesn’t know the truth. Not even for a single second for the rest of forever, and I, for one, am not putting up with that shit until death or legal marriage reforms do us part, Dingus.”
It was a solid point last night when they came up with the plan, curled on her bed while she stroked his hair and generously pretended he hadn’t soaked the shoulder of her shirt with his sobs, all his worldly possessions packed into a duffel on her bedroom floor, but he knows her insistence was more about knowing how much he hates lying to the kids than it was about protecting herself from irritating teenagers.
He doesn’t think there’s enough room on the whole planet to hold all the love he feels for her, even if you count the Upside Down and any other weirdo dimensions floating around out there waiting to ruin his day.
“I’m okay, bubba. Don’t let go?” Her hand is shaking in his, but he just squeezes harder.
“Never.” He turns back to the room, eyes hard as he scans the faces of their family for any hostility. He wouldn’t have agreed to this part of the plan if he thought any of them would be a problem, but he’s not taking anything for granted with Robbie’s safety. Not now, not ever. "Everyone's gonna be cool about that, right?"
"Of course we are, right, guys?" From the pained grunt that follows her words, Steve assumes Max has dug her elbow into Mike's ribs.
"Yeah, sure, whatever."
"I suppose this makes you slightly less lame, Buckley. It's definitely better than when I thought you liked this loser." Wow, okay, thank you Erica.
"Yeah totally! Thanks for trusting us, Robin." Lucas is a sweetheart, he really is. He's also glancing surreptitiously at Will while he nods enthusiastically, who is still staring open-mouthed at Robin with wide, shiny eyes.
"Yes, thank you for trusting us, Robin." Nancy is smiling kindly, but she's got that glint in her eye that Steve knows means she just came up with more questions and is waiting for the right moment to strike. Fair enough, at least she's letting Robs have her moment first.
He finally drags his eyes back to Dustin, who he doesn't really want to admit, even to himself, he's a little worried about. Not that he'll be shitty about it, necessarily, but there's nothing that brings out Henderson's bitchy side like being wrong, and he's been so fucking wrong this entire time. It's bound to upset him.
And maybe Steve will never say this out loud where the other kids might hear, but the truth is that Dustin's opinion matters to him more than just about everyone else's. Dustin was the first person in the whole world who saw Steve, the real Steve, and decided he was worth keeping around. If Henderson can't accept this part of Robin, it means he can't accept this part of Steve, and if that happens...if that happens Steve isn't sure he'll be able to come back from it.
So he's...not worried, okay? Worried is not the right word. Anxious, maybe. Concerned.
Okay fine fuck off he's worried.
Dustin...looks like he's about to cry. Shit.
"Did you think you couldn't trust me?" His voice is so small. Steve doesn't think he's ever heard it so small. It feels wrong. Henderson's voice should fill every room he's in, always. "You didn't have to lie. You could have told me the truth."
Aw, fuck.
"It's not that simple, little man."
Steve whips back around to look at Robin. Are you sure you’re up for this? She purses her lips and narrows her eyes. Yeah, Dingus, this is my mess. Let me clean it up. Put the lance down, White Knight. Well, alright then. He waves for her to continue, ignoring the looks the others always shoot them when they do their silent conversation thing. Not his fault they can’t read each other as well, it’s not like it’s hard.
"Before today, Steve was the only person in the world who knew about me. And honestly, I don't know if I would have told him if we weren't both coming off torture and truth serum. I've worked hard to hide it my whole life, baby Dingus, that's not an easy thing to stop doing. It's scary."
"But we're your friends. We're your family! We saved the world together! You should trust your family, right?"
Aw, jeez. Steve forgets, sometimes, how young they are. They've been through horrific supernatural trauma, but they're still the kind of kids who think life is a story with a happy ending, like their little dragon game.
"Yeah, bud, you should, but it's not always that easy. There can be really serious consequences for telling the wrong person. Like, last night my parents found out I'm bisexual by accident and now I...well. Now I don't have parents anymore." Oof, okay, little blunter than he meant to be, but Robbie's getting anxious again so he has to take the focus back.
There's an eruption of sound, as every voice in the Party starts shouting all at once, turning the Wheeler's basement into Steve's own personal migraine generator.
"Did they kick you out?"
"You're bisexual?!"
"What's bisexual?"
"They can't just do that!"
"Does this mean we have to find somewhere else for Hellfire nights?"
That last one earns Erica several Looks, but she doesn't flinch. "What? I'm just being practical."
He wishes Eddie was here. The gremlins actually listen to him, unlike Steve, on account of as their Hellfire DM, he has leverage they care about to threaten them with. Well, most of them, but it's definitely a help when he's around.
Sadly he and Wayne are at some kind of Munson family reunion down in West Virginia this week, so Steve is gonna have to do this whole spiel over again when he gets back. He and Robin thought about waiting until he got back and the whole Party could be together, but the kids would definitely notice him not living in Loch Nora anymore pretty much immediately. And Steve hates the idea of telling him over the phone, so double coming out/engagement announcement it is.
"Alright, Jesus Christ, enough! One at a goddamn time, you animals."
He looks back at Dustin, who's definitely crying now. "Yeah, buddy, they kicked me out, but I'm okay. I'm staying with the Buckleys for now, and Rob and I have been saving up to move in together soon anyway, so all this did is move up our timeline. I'm safe and I'm fine, okay? I promise."
Dustin plasters himself to Steve's front, squeezing like he's worried Steve is going to shatter into pieces and he can hold him together by sheer force of will. It's very sweet, even if it's crushing his lungs a little.
"I'm sorry you felt like you couldn't tell me." The words are muffled in Steve's chest, he's not sure anyone else heard him.
"Aw, kid, it's okay. I trust you, alright? Always. You die, I die, remember? I was just...figuring my shit out, that's all."
"Your parents are mouthbreathers." Steve chuckles a little at the mutinous glare on El's face, not pausing his hand where he's stroking Dustin's hair.
"You're not wrong, Supergirl. But it's fine, honestly. They've always been dicks, I've been planning to move out for a long time. They just...gave me the final push, is all." He's definitely leaving out the part where he broke down sobbing in Robbie's bed last night, asking her over and over why he was so broken that his own parents couldn't love him, but the kids don't need to hear that part of the story.
"Does this have something to do with your whirlwind engagement?" There she is, ace reporter Nancy Wheeler. Observant as always.
"Yeah, pretty much. They disinherited me, but they're still legally my next of kin."
"And Dingus has had far too much head trauma for me to trust he's not gonna end up back in the hospital for something at some point, and the last thing we need is Mr. and Mrs. von Child Neglect getting that call. And I was just reading about gay men and women who are marrying each other so they can have someone allowed in to see in them in the hospital, because of the virus, you know? And I thought, hey that's not a half bad idea! We're gonna be living together anyway, and it's not like I'm marrying anyone else, and it'll be good for both of us to have someone who knows about, y'know, monsters and all that jazz, to do our power of attorney stuff, so, voila! Mr. and Mrs. Bucklington!"
"We are not changing our name to Bucklington."
"Well Harringley is worse, so suck it up, buttercup."
"I'm not interested in keeping the Harrington name, Bobs, I'd rather just be a Buckley."
"Aw, bubba, you're gonna make me cry!"
"You should both become Hendersons! Then we'd really be brothers!"
Steve erupts into laughter, the tension effectively broken by Dustin's wide, toothy grin. "What d'ya say, Bobbie? Steve and Robin Henderson?"
"Would we get access to Claudia's lasagna recipe? Because if so, I'm behind this plan one hundred percent.”
"By 'we' you do mean me, right? Because I love you more than life, Bobs, but I'm not letting you anywhere near a casserole dish. I've learned that lesson."
"It was one time!"
"It took me three days to get all the cheese off the ceiling! There's still a stain!"
"Well good! Ceiling grease stains can be the Harrington's problem now, anyway. They deserve it!"
Argyle is nodding sagely from on top of the incredibly deflated bean bag he's sharing with Jonathan. "I do like Bucklington, it makes you sound like a fancy butler. But family is important, brochachos, and so is lasagna. I vote Henderson."
This spurs impassioned arguments from all corners, which Steve is more than happy to relax into the couch cushions and let wash over him.
There's a light, bubbly feeling in his chest. For the first time since his dad walked in unannounced yesterday, interrupting his phone call with Robin at the worst possible moment, the knot of fear and grief in his stomach starts to loosen.
Robin smiles at him, and he grins helplessly back. Who needs parents when he's got a soulmate? They're together, they're safe, they're surrounded by their family. Steve holds Dustin tighter to his side and lets himself feel loved.
He takes advantage of a lull in the Last Name Wars to get out the last of the speech he'd planned. "Anyway, we decided to tell all of you the truth when we came up with this plan last night, because we do trust you and we didn't want to lie to you, and also because we knew you shitheads would never shut up about us being in love if we didn't and that sounded awful."
He laughs delightedly at the chorus of indignant outbursts this gets him before continuing.
"It's really important that you don't tell anyone outside the Party the truth, alright? We're gonna tell Eddie when he gets back, and we might tell Joyce and Hop eventually, but that needs to be our choice to do. You can't do it for us, and you absolutely can't tell anyone else. The whole point of this is to keep us safe by keeping people from finding out the truth, okay?"
El looks vaguely uncomfortable, but not upset. "Will you tell my Dad soon?"
Steve glances at Robbie, who's looking anxious again, and then over at Will. His shoulders are tense, hunched up around his ears, and he's staring intently at the table in front of him.
Steve isn't sure if anyone else knows what he thinks he knows about Will, but he's pretty sure he recognizes the specific flavor of isolation he can see Will struggling with sometimes, and he's definitely sure he recognizes the looks Will shoots at Mike whenever Wheeler isn't looking. Tommy used to look at him like that.
Either way, he knows the kind of fear the kid must be suffering, just like he knows how terrifying today was for Robin. For Steve, the worst case scenario has already happened, so he has a lot less left to lose. He can afford to smooth the way a little, to test the waters and make sure they're safe for everyone else.
It's not that different from his normal role in this group anyway, just a different kind of monster. He's always been good at taking hits so the others don't have to-- this is just another threat to step in front of.
"Tell you what, Ellie, I'll talk to Hop and Joyce this weekend, that way you won't have to keep secrets from him for too long. I'll just tell him about me, though, at first, okay? That way we'll know if it's safe for Robbie." Or anyone else, he doesn't say.
Jonathan hears it, at the very least, and shoots him a look that's equal parts surprised and grateful. Maybe Will has someone else in his corner after all, then.
El nods happily, satisfied with that.
Before anyone else can jump in, there's a clattering on the basement stairs. None of them have time to tense up too badly before the door bursts open and Eddie comes tumbling through it in a flurry of dark curls and frayed denim.
"Fear not, my wayward wastrels, for I have returned from far off lands, bearing tidings and the promise of libations!"
Steve only recognizes, like, four of those words, but seeing Eddie gives him the same happy, fizzy feeling in his gut that it always does these days, so he grins.
"You're back early, Eds, everything ok?"
Eddie blinks at him, then around the room, looking surprised to see it so packed.
"Yeah, my cousin Clarence accidentally broke my MeeMaw's pasture fencing and set all the goats loose in the hills, and if we stuck around we were gonna have to help round them back up, so Wayne and I snuck out early. I was coming to invite the gremlins out for pizza to tell you all about it, but this is more people than I was expecting. Y'all having a family meeting? Without little old moi?"
Steve valiantly suppresses the shiver that the twang in Eddie's voice triggers. Steve's not sure if Eddie notices the way his accent gets stronger when he's been talking to family, but he's had to work very hard to make sure he doesn't notice the way it affects Steve.
Steve has barely tested the flirting waters with Eddie since admitting his crush to Robin, he's definitely not jumping right in with 'It makes me tingly all over when you start talking with a drawl, wanna call me darlin' and see what happens?'
Luckily Bobbie notices his inner struggle and comes to his rescue.
"It was kind of a time sensitive issue- not a life or death one! Or like. Not a monster one, anyway. But shit went down last night and we needed to brief everyone before the geek squad figured out something was funky and came beating down the door. Steve wanted to tell you in person so we were gonna wait til you got back, but here you are!"
Eddie's looking at Robin with an amused smile on his face, one eyebrow raised and his lips quirked in a lopsided grin that is, frankly, unreasonably attractive. "Here I am indeed, my fair Lady of Feathers. So what's the scoop?"
He plops down next to Jonathan and Argyle on the beanbags, nearly sending them all toppling before Argyle hooks both of them around the waists and drags them practically into his lap.
Steve is not seething with jealousy. He's not.
A half a dozen voices chime out all at once.
"Robin's gay!"
"Steve's homeless."
"Robin and Steve are getting married!"
“Purple married.”
“It’s lavender, dummy.”
“Lavender’s a kind of purple!”
"They're gonna be Hendersons!"
"No they aren't, weirdo, they're gonna be Buckleys."
"Bucklington is clearly the superior choice, even if Argyle was right about the butler thing."
“Bucklington my ass, y’all dumb as hell if you think Mom and Dad aren’t gonna try and make him a Sinclair after this.”
"Mama and Papa Harrington didn't like that Stevie boy has double the love to give. Totally bogus. Bi bros for life, man."
"I still call Steve's best man!"
Eddie blinks a little when everyone quiets down, looking vaguely shellshocked. "That was. A lot of information to get in thirty seconds."
And, listen, Steve is like, 97% sure Eddie's cool. More than cool, even. He moves that bandana to the same pocket every time he changes his jeans, no matter what outfit he's wearing. There's no way that's an accident. But if Steve is being totally honest, which he's trying to do more these days, at least inside his own brain, this is maybe not the way he'd have chosen to come out to his crush. It's somehow way more nerve-wracking when he didn't even get to say it himself.
Oh well, it's out there now. It's fine, probably.
Still, there’s a definite feeling of relief when Eddie turns that megawatt grin on him again.
"Man, I wish I'd known there were other queers in Hawkins, I might have listened sooner when Henderson told me how cool you guys were!"
Steve laughs, only a little hysterically. "Dude, if you thought you were the only one, what the hell have you been wearing that hanky for? Who are you hoping will see it?"
It's a little gratifying to see Eddie go flaming tomato red in seconds. "I am not talking about that in mixed company, Steven. There are children here!"
"Ugh, we're literally teenagers."
"Tiny baby infants! If you're so curious, you can ask me again later."
"Promise?" Steve can't stop himself from grinning wolfishly.
Eddie tugs his hair in front of his face to hide, and the frantic little giggle and the quiet "Oh my god," he lets out both sound more than a little strangled. Steve's having the time of his life right now.
"Gross." Ugh, rude. He glares at Robin for ruining his fun. She sticks her tongue out at him.
Before they can devolve into the inevitable slapfight, Nancy cuts in again.
"Alright, unless anyone else has anything to share in private, I think we should take Eddie's suggestion and get something to eat." Good thinking, Nance. "To celebrate the happy couple, of course," she adds with a smirk. Yeah, that makes more sense.
"Onward then, my noble companions, to pizza and to paradise!" Eddie vaults off the beanbag, sending Jonathan and Argyle tumbling. Argyle laughs and accepts Eddie's hand up, while Jonathan just rolls his eyes good-naturedly.
Eddie slings an arm around Robin's shoulders as they head for the basement door. "So, Birdie, what's this I hear about a wedding? I need context."
As the kids go thundering up the stairs, arguing about who gets to drive in which car, Steve lingers. He noticed Will hanging back from the others, and now they're the last ones left, Will still slowly packing up the pens and notebooks he seems to carry around with him everywhere. Jonathan is hovering anxiously in the doorway, so Steve sends him a nod and waves him off. He's got this.
"You ready to go, kid?"
Will fidgets with the zipper on his bag for another few seconds before looking up at Steve through his, frankly tragic, fringe. "I'm sorry your parents suck."
"Yeah, man, me too." Steve shoots him a wry little smile. "It's alright though, sometimes we're better off without them. I've got plenty of family here that love me, I'll survive without Richard and Diane."
Will studies him for a minute. Steve's not sure what he's looking for, but he hopes he finds it.
"That's what Jonathan says about Lonnie." Steve nods, trying not to wince at the memory of the things he spat at Jonathan that day in '83 when everything changed. "I used to think it was my fault he left, but Jonathan says he was just a bastard, and it's better he's gone anyway."
"I didn't know Lonnie," he's careful not to say your dad, "but from what I've heard, Jonathan's probably right. And he's definitely right that it's not your fault."
"Like it's not your fault your parents kicked you out?"
"Yeah, exactly like that. If it was my fault, that would mean I did something wrong. The only thing I did was exist, and be different than they thought I would be. If they can't love the kid they had, then they shouldn't have had a kid at all. That's their problem, not mine. There's nothing wrong with me."
It doesn't matter if he heard all of these things from Robin first, if he's still trying to learn to believe them. Will needs to hear them like they're true, the same way Steve does.
"Are you sure?" Will's voice is trembling now. He's looking at the floor, but Steve can tell there are tears coming. "How can you be sure this is how you're supposed to be? Wouldn't you rather be normal?"
Oh, kid. "I mean, yeah, maybe it would be easier if I only liked girls, but I don't. I tried for a long time to pretend that I did, but it didn't make it true. And yeah, part of me wants to hate myself, because that's what they taught me to think, and I still kinda wish doing that would make them love me, but it won't. But honestly, you wanna know the biggest thing?" Will nods.
"I can't hate that part of myself without hating Robin, and there's no universe where I could hate Robin. Robin's perfect. She's the best person in the world, and she's gay, so being gay can't be bad. It's impossible. So whenever that voice in my head starts saying shitty things to me, I just think about how much I love Robin and tell it to shut up."
There's a beat where Will seems to be absorbing this.
"How did you know it would be safe? To tell us the truth?"
"I didn't."
Will stares at him in shock.
"Not a hundred percent, anyway. I was pretty sure, but it's never a guarantee with stuff like this, you know? But the other option was never telling anyone, and that...it gets tiring, you know? Always having to hide. Always having to check yourself. Lying when people ask the wrong questions. It wears you down. And I've fought monsters with you guys. I've been tortured by spies with you guys. If I can't trust this group to have my back, I can't trust anyone, can I? And I didn't want to live a life of not trusting anyone. I didn't want Bobbie to live a life like that. So, we took a chance. And it paid off, because all of you are the people we thought you were, and we were right to trust you. But it was a leap of faith, dude. It always is."
"What if I'm not ready?" Fucking shit, this kid. He's been through more than any of them, except maybe El, and he's still so goddamn brave. Steve would have crumpled like a tin can in his place.
"Then you're not ready. It's not a test, Will. There's no right or wrong answers. But I will say that every single person out there loves you, and they'll keep loving you no matter what you do. They're not like my parents, or Lonnie. Our friends aren't broken inside the way they are. Their love isn't conditional. You won't chase them away. You couldn't if you tried."
Will lets out a shaky breath, clearly fighting back tears. Steve leans against the table and keeps his head down, offering the kid the illusion of privacy while he pulls himself together. After a few minutes he speaks up again.
"You ready to go, you think?"
Will nods. He goes to walk past Steve to the stairs before hesitating and, to Steve's surprise, wrapping his gangly arms around him in an awkward hug.
"Thanks, Steve," he mumbles into Steve's shoulder.
Steve runs a hand down his back uncertainly. "Anytime, kid."
He keeps his arm around Will's shoulders tentative, but when the kid doesn't shrug him off or move away, he lets it settle more firmly, tugging him closer.
“Come on Baby Byers, let's go get some pizza. You think I can milk the disownment thing to get Eddie to pay for extra toppings?"
Will snorts. "I think Eddie would pay for as many toppings as you want as long as you do that little eyelash thing at him again."
Steve throws his head back and laughs, long and loud from his belly. Yeah, it's gonna be a good night.
my head hurts too much to keep writing this but please know that the pizza parlor engagement party involves plenty of arguing about roles in the wedding party, resulting in MOH erica/best man dustin (scoops troop babeyy), flower girl team lumax (max demanded the role bc her wheelchair means she can carry extra baskets of petals, and lucas will be pushing the chair so her hands are free. he's just excited to be there.) nancy/el bridesmaids and byler groomsmen (mike grumbles and groans but he's secretly thrilled). jonathan does the pictures and it turns out argyle got ordained back in cali as a joke so he officiates. eddie plays crimson and clover for robin’s wedding march. there’s a bit of a kerfuffle when claudia and the sinclairs both try to claim steve as their son, but after someone makes the argument that charles and sue have two kids to carry their name while claudia only has one, they end up hyphenating and becoming the buckley-hendersons. yes, claudia cries. yes, they get the lasagna recipe.
(at the pizza place, eddie asks what his role will be and steve says he doesn't know yet, but he'll save him a dance regardless. eddie has to hide in the bathroom to stop blushing.)
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after-witch · 7 months
Horrorfest: This Confession Has Meant Nothing (Yandere Derek Goffard x Reader)
Title: This Confession Has Meant Nothing [Yandere Derek Goffard x Reader]
For Horrorfest request:
I don't have much of an idea beyond Derek as Patrick Bateman style serial killer. You're his final girl/boy. Surviving his spree.  he hates how fascinated he is with you.
Word Count: 748
notes: yandere, mentions of killing, derek wants to (maybe) kill you; reader is a sex worker
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You are one, stupid ugly piece of shit. You’re worthless. Gutter trash. So far beneath him that you’re almost not worthy of killing; not worthy of him scuffing his shoes, handcrafted genuine leather that costs more than rent at your shitty apartment for a year. More, maybe. 
You are nothing. Just some bones and a meat suit, just something to bide his time with, something for him to (maybe) fuck and film and when he’s bored enough, dissect. He even tells you his real name (Derek Goffard, and you looked impressed, and you SHOULD BE) because he’s going to kill you so why not? 
You’re just something to discard with the morning trash, the morning paper, maybe his nice shoes too because he can buy a new pair whenever he fucking wants. An inconsequential speck.
And yet.
He can’t stop thinking about you. 
About the way your lip curled up at him when you realized what he’d done to Susie or Cheryl or whatever her name was. Doesn’t matter. A woman he bought for the night after he bought you, and you were pretending to get along so well that for a moment he assumed your first reaction to seeing her bleeding out from the knife sounds in her torso would be to reach out. Grief. Horror. Shock.
But no. Instead, you’d looked at him… straight at him… like you had the fucking right And you sneered. Actually sneered! With this look of hatred in your eyes that told him you thought you were better than him, that he was shit and you were gold.
You really were fucking stupid, weren’t you? 
But then how--and the thought creeps into his brain and he smacks it out viscerally with his hand--did you get away from him? How did you make it out of the condo, into the hallway, down the stairs (ALL those stairs) and out the front door into the night? How hasn’t he found you yet?
Maybe you didn’t have to be smart to survive. Yeah. That made sense. Animals survive in the wild all the time, don’t they? Not all rabbits are eaten by wolves. Some are just fast enough to scurry off into some hole to hide out in, to live another day, to fuck and breed and repeat the cycle until they are either roadkill or fall prey to an eagle or some shit like that.
You were his rabbit. 
But he wasn’t going to let you get away. He couldn’t imagine you getting away, cleaning yourself up, getting out of the city. You’d get some job that pays the rent and meet someone; maybe you two would have kids, and you’d be a grandparent or something ridiculous like that, decades down the line.
That wasn’t what he wanted for you. Not when he’d killed so many others in the past few weeks. Not when he recognized you for what you were: his, in some way. His to kill. His to finish with. 
Yeah, that would be nice. After he killed you, he’d take a break from it for a while. Maybe see if he could get a promotion at his dad’s business. Find someone to get engaged with--appearances, and all that--and pop out a kid. He could always go back to killing if he felt like it.
That’s the way the world works. He was allowed to kill because he was richer and smarter and better looking. You were going to die because you were nothing beneath his (expensive) shoes. 
He just has to find you first. Oh, and when he does… he presses his face against the car window, breath fogging it up. He can just imagine what he’ll do to you. Hurt you. Kill you. Keep you? All three sounded enticing.
His fingers itch, his cock goes hard, just thinking about it.
The street lights are dim in this part of the city, but bright enough for people to make out the faces on the corners, the curve of bodies standing close to the curb. 
If you ran, you might have run right back here; where you ply your trade and get your drugs and maybe have a few people you call friends. It’s where he picked you up the first time, after all.
And he’s got all the time and money in the world to track you down again.
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levmada · 2 months
hello! how r u doing?
can u write something angsty with either no comfort or comfort at the end (whatever u want). basically, reader has been having a pretty shitty week and has been working nonstop, and is the type to not about what's bothering them until they can't contain it anymore or they're calm enough to talk about it because they know they can get snappy and say some very sharp words that can be very hurtful. levi of course knows that, because he is our observant pookie, and leaves the reader alone, just acts normal. one night, let's say levi maybe says something snarky or whatever, that the reader has been some pretty bad attitude which is unlike them, and usually reader wouldn't take his words seriously and know that he's perhaps trying to help them open up. this time, it doesn't go the wau it's supposed to, and reader just fully snaps at levi and say some very harsh, petty and hurtful words to him. the rest is up to u!
and thank u btw, i love ur content❤️
yes, yes i can. ty for such a detailed rq :) this became angstier than intended😭but it's ok bc it was 10x more painful to write being mean to levi.
reader/us also has a distinct personality kind of built off the way you described, so i hope it's what you expect😅
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➥ pairing: Levi x gn!reader
➥ c/w: college!au, Levi pov, Levi not realizing he has trauma for 1400 words, apologizing, selective mutism...?, heavy hurt and some comfort
➥ wc: 1.4k
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If ever he ranked cleaning activities in his mind (which he has), organizing isn’t very high, but it doesn’t occur to him not to help you out with the little things when your week has been poisoned with the dual evils, shitty and exhausting.
Ever since you got back from class, you’ve sat there at your desk. He’s kept you in the corner of his eye, and that same scowl from an hour ago is still there, illuminated by the light of your laptop. You’ve paid it more attention than to anything else—which is not at all, even to your basic needs. 
It’s best to give you space when that look is on your face, and has and will continue to, but not when it comes to eating and-or sleeping. Other than that, he’s content in the background. Whatever he does to help out, you always notice, and tell him thank you with a weak smile, but not today—today when you look particularly like you’re at your wit’s end.
When he finished organizing the apartment (including the fridge), he bypassed your desk and sat on his computer playing solitaire for a solid half-hour. Inevitably, he gets bored, and he’s giving you as much time as he’s willing to before he drags you out to eat something.
Unsatisfied without the job completely done, he rolls up his sleeves and starts at the end of your desk by emptying your pencil sharpener, making a face at how full it is.
To his satisfaction, your focus hardly wanes. Which is good, but he knows how you like everything anyway. With an undistinguishable but distinct fondness, he notes your quirks; even the way you hold your pen melds with your existence in his mind. 
Or no, maybe that’s wrong. You’re a part of him; not a visitor, or even a resident, of his heart and mind.
“Levi, I need those pencils; leave them there.”
You’re referring to the plastic tin of a few colored pencils in his hand, which sat near the middle beside your computer. He looks at you, but you’re definitely serious about it, so he sets it back down.
“If you say so.”
You say nothing and go back to your work. Skipping the tin (which he wants to wash because of all the gross graphite smears and shavings at the bottom), he takes the pencil case beside that, and pops it open. An eraser found its way into a sea of colored pencils somehow somehow, as well as crayons—probably Hange. Not too long ago you had them over working on a class project. He starts picking out these imposters.
“Levi,” you huff, your expression severe as you look daggers at him. “Just leave it alone.”
“Tch, you’re kidding. You’d rather I waste my time sorting the bookshelf in reverse alphabetical order instead? That’s stupid, so why?”
He always gets ‘Are you okay?’ wrong, but this time you turn towards him with your fist tightly curled over your notebook. He doesn’t look startled, but he barely catches the beginning of your revile.
“Stop messing around!—I just told you to stop fucking with it, so quit being a fucking idiot and get out of my space!! This is so stupid, do you not see I’m busy!? ‘Cuz you clearly can’t listen!”
Ironically the angrier you sound, the less emotion shows on his face. Only at the end—you already look guilty—amidst silence like a bomb’s fallout, he wears the scowl of a frightened animal.
He waits until your lips start moving to turn around and leave. 
At the door, he stops again with his hand clutching the knob, and glares at you over his shoulder. When your lips go to form his name, he slams it harder than necessary.
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This is so stupid.
That was far from the first time someone has yelled at him in his life, and besides, is getting yelled at not an experience absolutely everyone’s had?
Even so, he can’t seem to make himself do fuck-all besides quietly sit, sit in your dark kitchen at the dining table, his legs folded to his chest. He feels like a gargoyle—odd, ancient, and unthinking. 
Maybe he just never expected you would ever lose your temper, which is naive of him.
He doesn’t know what to do, until, your voice speaking softly makes him bolt up straight. 
“I’m sorry, can I turn this on…?” you ask softly.
For now, your profile is merely a black shadow in the doorway, with your back illuminated by the one in the tiny hall. The switch you’re gesturing to would light up above the oven, rather than the whole room.
He opens his mouth to speak, but nothing comes out. But it’s not a no. 
Despite the nature of turning on a light, it feels so slow.
He must’ve sat a while, because he even cringes, blinking feverishly. Before his vision even adjusts, the guilt etched into your expression is almost painful for him to look at, like a cavernous gorge shoveled into the earth miles wide and deep. You’re holding something to your chest.
“I’m so sorry for snapping like that. You didn’t do anything wrong at all. I’m so sorry, Levi. I’m never, ever too busy—fuck, I was frustrated and I never should take it out on you, not in any way, ever. I’m the one who’s an idiot.”
As you speak, you come until you’re by the table, standing like a magnet constantly being repelled from it. 
Then you set what you were holding down in front of him—one, an expensive piece of paper (the kind that bends, not tears) with a drawing of some sort he doesn’t want to look at right now, and a rice cake wrapped in clingy wrap. 
His favorite. 
“I’m so so sorry,” you continue apologizing profusely. At this point your eyes are wet, but they keep darting away, with your nails surely leaving half-moon-shaped indents in your knuckles. You pray very quietly, “I’ll do anything ‘cuz you’re everything.”
Wide-eyed, he can’t seem to respond except for a raw sound in his throat after you say that. An instinct seems primal, as much as pumping blood is, that if he says anything, the likelihood that you’ll leave him will increase an unknown amount. 
Normally he’s so calm under pressure, and he didn’t say anything before either—you’ll get the wrong idea. The best thing he can think of is to robotically slide the offerings closer.
You’re still trying not to cry when you go. 
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He stays there, just as he was, for another little while. He’s not really feeling anything, but at the same time, he’s running out of breath from the effort to calm down. 
The way you clearly felt is probably what you get, but he doesn’t want that for you anyway. Even if you did mean any of it.
But you didn’t.
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It’s midnight or so—too early for Levi to usually be asleep but very late for him to be coming to bed—when he taps the bedroom door open with a few fingers and slinks inside. To prevent from waking you up, he did most of his business in the bathroom in the dark. 
It now helps him make out the shape of you under the covers on your side of the bed. He comes like a wraith, so much that he’s near-silent crawling into bed beside you, and using the edge of the covers to slip under.
Your back is in front of him. He wants to make sure you know it’s okay… but he doesn’t know how. He closes his eyes and rests his forehead right between your shoulder blades and the thin material of your tank top, the only place you’re touching. You’re warm, you smell good. 
By the slight hitch in your breathing then, you know he’s here. 
After a while, he brings his hand up to your waist, or rather a bit before it. It’s not long before you gently rest your fingers on top of his. He lets them slot in-between.
His eyes are heavy. He doesn’t bother opening them as he reaches around, bringing you his way, with your head nestled in his chest. That’s the only time you make a move, since he made it clear it’s okay for you to.
He holds you tightly and breathes you in. You both relax.
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Levi masterlist | main masterlist
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the-s1lly-corner · 7 months
ok so hear me out. what about father!masky hearing that Toby is dating daughter!reader.
A teensy bit of NSFW would be fine, like hearing that Toby stole his precious daughter's V-card. (+ and how Toby ended up taking it but that's just a + if you're feeling generous.)
Father!Masky reacting to child!readers partner being Toby!
Was really debating on whether or not I wanted to answer this since personally I'm a little iffy on writing romantic stuff with toby but I think. Since its not the center piece (?) Of this request I'll let it slide this time
With that said I will say, I'm not sure if my take on the masky/toby dynamic is accurate to most peoples takes since I havent really. Seen much current fan stuff, havent really interacted with the fandom outside of fanart n stuff since 2015 so UHUH!!
Quick warning first portion of this is the admin rambling about their hcs about masky and toby before getting into the actual reader portion; they havent had the chance to talk about their creepypasta hcs in a LONG time 😭😭
Not touching the virginity thing, though sorry anon
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Okay the authors note was getting too long but more on how I view the toby and masky dynamic given how I write both characters in my hc/au!
Toby does still try to piss off masky, i think. Since hes just generally an ass and there isnt much else for him to do..
You see I'm still trying to figure out how I wanna write masky and hoodie, since I do wish to honor their roots from MH and mesh together the source with the creepypasta fandoms take.. still trying to hit a balance.. might save that for another post, though! But I do wish to incorporate tim and brian into this as their own thing in my hc I'm just not sure how... anyways summary of what I was gonna say, before I deleted it; masky and hoodie arent around 100% of the time, only really when they're needed or called for. Hoodie is around more, though
Toby, on the other hand is around as a proxy 100% of the time considering. You know he krilled his shitty dad and set his neighborhood on fire
Basically there aren't many opportunities for these two to interact but when he does toby is probably shoving masky, probably trying to snag his mask, ect ect basically doing anything to find a way to entertain and stimulate himself, and that just so happens to include fucking with his fellow proxies
Masky, at least in my writing, is fairly stoic... or at least he keeps his emotions hard to read and every now and then he can be a little unpredictable. Call it a byproduct of being mentally worn down by slenderman in order to work with him, or something
Holds little to no reaction to Toby's antics, actually the only time theres anything dished back to him is when he tries to make a grab for the mask
VERY protective of his mask
Okay moving onto the actual request; regardless of how you end up being his kid.. whether it be found family or biologically.. he would try to be the very best dad he can be.. bonus points if you're a proxy as well, I think you two would train together
Call it a family business/j
I could joke about masky krilling for you, but.... considering that these are creepypasta characters... I dont think it would be a joke
Only saves that for if someone physically harms you though
Dating wise I dont think he would care..
Until he finds out who
That asshole?
When you tell him it's very hard to decipher his reaction.. hes just
And the mask isnt helping at all
Watches toby like a hawk. Like if this were genuinely any other person I think masky would do some basic sleuthing to see what kind of person your partner is before backing off... but given that he has a personal history of toby being a nuisance, he's more on the fence
Now do I think he would forbid you from seeing him?
Honestly, I'm not entirely sure. I mean yeah sure, toby makes his job harder.. but has he really done anything that warrants that? Does he even have the right, even as your father?
You know that meme from monsters uni. Where sully is glaring down at mike while they're walking
That's basically masky and toby after he finds out
Not many thoughts here, I think
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elcondorpasas · 2 years
Can you use romantic prompt 28. “I’m very lucky that you put up with me.” For Steve Harrington where the reader is Dustin’s older sister and like her brother, she has known it all moments but Steve finds hers endearing and cute?
Wonderful Tonight | henderson!reader x steve harrington
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Romantic, 28. "I'm very lucky that you put up with me."
summary you, being a henderson, were typically right. you just needed your boyfriend, steve, to admit it.
warnings no real warnings, maybe a touch of insecurity? some fluff at the end <3, not proof read though
a/n I haven't been much on a steve kick lately, so it was hard to find inspiration to write this. sorry if it's really short :( I hope this is okay and is what you were looking for!
cross listed on ao3 - HERE
“I’m telling you, I’m right. You’re wrong.”
Steve couldn’t believe his ears. It’d been 20 minutes and you were still at it, trying endlessly to prove your point.
 “Baby,” Steve huffed, his patience wearing thin this time, “I promise you. I may be an idiot, but I think I remember the day we met.” Normally, Steve kind of got off to you being a know it all. He thought it was insanely cute how worked up you’d get yourself just trying to prove him wrong. However, after the first ten minutes, he was finding this conversation turned argument to be a little draining. 
Now, you could believe your ears. Of course, Steve was wrong. He often was. You were certain you know this for a fact. To be honest, it was kind of irritating you that Steven had forgotten. It made you feel a little shitty and like you weren’t as important as you thought you were to him. You knew in your head that that wasn’t the case at all, but sometimes your overactive imagination and constant need to be right got the better of you.
“Steven,” you deadpanned, “you’re totally incorrect.” 
A shuffle from the back of the Family Video store alerted you both to another person’s presence. Your mutual friend, Robin, was sleepily trudging through the office door after having slept through the duration of her half hour break. It’d been two months since you all had been to hell and back. Taking out Vecna had been no small feat. It took its toll, mentally and physically, on you and your group of friends. Things had started to finally feel normal once again, or as normal as they can be in Hawkins, Indiana. However, sleep was still something you all had struggled with. The nightmares, cold sweats, not-there-shadows in the corners of your rooms. It helped to have someone with you, for which you were extremely grateful to Steven for. Whenever one of you would relive an awful memory or your darkest fears of losing one another would plague your dreams, you had each other to cling to – to ground yourselves. Other members of the group, the single ones, the kids, they found sleep when they could. Luckily, it was now summer and most of the group could never had to justify their frequent naps or mid-day sleeps. It was always easier to sleep while it was daylight.
“Robin, you gotta back me up here,” Steve pleaded as the young girl came around the corner of the register and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. “I don’t know what you two are arguing about this time, but I’m on her side,” Robin yawned while pointing towards you. A small, triumphant smile overcame your face.
“See,” you laughed, “I told you!”
Steve rolled his eyes, his didn’t want to partake in this conversation anymore. He had about twenty tapes left to rewind and return to the shelves and only ten minutes left of his shift. He hoped he’d get them all done, even weighing the option of staying later to get it done. He did not want to come in tomorrow morning and have the unfinished task waiting for him. He loved opening on Mondays, they were the most peace he got all week between the kids, Robin, and you. He loved you and all of his friends dearly, but sometimes Steve just needed a couple hours to himself, and he’d prefer to not spend those hours rewinding stupid movies. 
“Well,” you pushed, “I’m waiting.”
Steve sighed, “Babe, let me finish these and my shift will be over. I’ll drive you home then, okay?”
You just stared at him. Steve popped a tape that had finished rewinding back into its case and restarted the process with another video. He briefly looked up to you to see the annoyed look on your face, “What?” His eyebrows drew together. 
“I’m waiting for you to say I was right.” Now your annoyance was growing. He really wasn’t going to fess up? 
The look Steve gave you was pure shock. He was surprised you were taking this that far that you were getting upset about it. He hated when your conversations got this way. It wasn’t a regular occurrence, because you were usually right and Steve had no trouble confirming when you were, even if it means admitting he was wrong. But you were wrong this time. For once, Steve Harrington was not in the wrong. 
“I always admit when I’m wrong, babe, but not this time. I’m telling you, our first kiss was not to Careless Whisper. That is so cliché on so many levels.”
“Oh, so now our first kiss is cliché?” 
Steve winced, “No, I didn’t say that. I said having your first kiss to Carless Whisper is cliché. We’re safe though because we did not have our first kiss to that song.”
Robin’s sleep deprived head popped up at the subject of your fight being revealed.
“Steve Harrington, I have a 4.0 GPA and I’m on track to graduate as my class’s valedictorian. I can do advanced trig in my sleep. I think I can remember what song we locked lips to for the first time,” you countered. Your hands had found their way to your hips and one eyebrow cocked upwards. 
“I’m not insulting your intelligence, baby. You are way smart, just maybe this time you’re being a little forgetful. Our first kiss was to Every Breath You Take.” Steve smiled, fondly remembering the way his hands shook the first time he leaned in to kiss your cute lips. 
Your nose scrunched up, “Ugh, as if, Harrington! That song is way creepy. I would not have been in any romantic mood enough to kiss you with that shit playing.”
“Hey!” Steve gasped, “You take that back, Henderson. Sting is the voice of our generation!”  
Steve crossed his arms over his chest, long forgetting the tapes that needed to be rewound. Robin had to stifle her laughs as she watched you too bicker. She was thoroughly enjoying this. Normally, you were right and you and Steve would argue for a couple minutes before you proved him wrong and he’d apologize and kiss you lightly on the side of your head. But now (oh yes, Robin was enjoying this) you both were wrong. 
“You’re wrong, Steve. You need to face the facts. We kissed on your back porch during Dustin’s welcome back party. It was right after Max pushed Lucas into the pool, remember?”
“Of course I remember,” Steve rolled his eyes, “and the song that was playing was Every Breath You Take.”
“No, it was Careless Whisper!”
“Every Breath You Take!”
“Careless Whisper!”
“Every Br-“
“Christ! Can you two shut up already?” 
You two turned mid argument to look at Robin who had begun to rub her temples and had her eyes crewed shut. “You two are insufferable. It was fun at first, but Jesus! You bot are wrong, okay?”
Robin had never butted in on your arguments before. She typically let them play out or would egg you guys on with Dustin or another one of the kids if they were present. What started this time as fun watching you two fight, had turned into a major headache. 
“Oh yeah, Buckley? And what do you know?” Steve grilled the girl. 
“Yeah, go ahead, Rob. Tell us.” You smiled.
Robin sighed and laid her head down for a moment before lazily picking it back up to roll her head towards you two. She looked both of you in the eyes and pursed her lips. 
“You’re both wrong because I made the mix for that party.”
Both you and Steve shared a look, “Ok. And?” You pushed. 
“And,” Robin turned away towards her small backpack laying against the stool she sat ontop, “I still have the tape. One second.” Robin turned her attention to her bag. You and Steve shared another look.
“Look, Robin, this has nothing to do with our discussion, ok? Now, if you’ll excuse us. I was just about to prove, Steve wrong.”
“Oh, really?” Steve asked sarcastically. He turned his attention back to you and got a bit closer, “Well maybe I was just about to prove you wrong!”
“Both of you shut the hell up!” Robin cut in again. “God, if you two would just listen for a second. I made the mix for that party. That means I oversaw every song that played. I know for a fact that neither of those damn songs are on this tape,” she finally found what she had been digging for and held it out to the two of you. 
You took the tape from Robin and turned it over to read the names of the songs scribbled on the listing paper. Steve had moved even closer to peer over your shoulder. The both of you read the list of songs multiple times. Robin was right. Neither Carless Whisper nor Every Breath You Take was on this tape.
“However,” Robin said pulling the tape back from your grasp, “a little romantic Clapton number is on this tape.”
You didn’t need to look at Steve to know he was turning just as red as you. 
“And if you both remembered correctly, then you’d know that Wonderful Tonight was playing when Lucas tried to kiss Max in front of everyone and that’s why he was pushed into the pool.” Robin sat up with a knowing look on her face. She knew she had gotten both of you. 
“I’m waiting,” she said, a smirk on her lips.
Both you and Steve mumbled your own versions of, “You’re right.” “Sorry, Robin.”
“Good, now…both of you leave. Steve, I’ll finish the tapes for you and lock up,” Robin turned away again and hoped off her stool to head to the employee restroom. Without another word from either of you, Steve and you grabbed your belongings and left the store. 
The ride back to your house was painfully awkward and quiet except for the rock radio station playing on a low volume. Shame ran hot through the both of you. The tension in the car was awfully thick. It was up in the air who would say ‘Sorry’ first. Sure, you’d both apologized to Robin for your very public lover’s quarrel, but you’d yet to apologize to each other. Steve threw his car into park at the end of your driveway. Your mom was home, meaning Steve wouldn’t be coming up to hang out for a bit. Your mother was overprotective and hovered a lot, leaving you and Steve no time to enjoy each other’s company.
“Look,” Steve stared but you didn’t let him finish because you were blurting out an apology before he could even form his mouth around his own. You both turned to look at one another.
“No, I’m sorry,” Steve leaned in towards you and brought his hand down onto your thigh.
“Steve, really, it’s okay. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have let it get that far.”
“Well, I should’ve remembered,” Steven shook his head. You chuckled, “Well, I forgot too, silly.” 
You both let the quiet take over for a moment. Just the two of you staring at each other.
“I hate fighting with you, y’know?” Steve’s hand had come up to your face and his thumb brushed against your cheek. “Even when it’s over something stupid.” 
“I’m sorry my mind thinks I have to be right constantly,” You admitted. “I’m very lucky that you put up with me, Harrington.” You look up and smile sheepishly at him. His eyes soften and before you can react, he’s pulling you in for a kiss. It’s long and sweet, not hurried, or hungry for anything else. Steve loves kissing you like this, just savoring being with you and knowing you’re safe in his arms.
“Normally,” Steve said, pulling back from the kiss, “I wouldn’t put up with that from anyone else, not even your brother. But I love when you prove me wrong, Henderson. It’s kinda hot.” You giggled at his confession and pulled him back for another kiss. “And now, we’re taking back to 77 with this Clapton Classic,” the disc jockey announced over the radio. Neither you nor Steve cared or even noticed as the opening riff to Wonderful Tonight played softly through the car’s speakers.
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✧・゚: * July 2022 Harringrove Starter Pack PART TWO! *:・゚✧
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I’m BACK. with starter pack part 2. don’t cream your pants. I still haven’t finished my paper and I definitely haven’t gotten any work tasks done today. 
this list features only one fic per author so we can celebrate even more creators  ♡ ♡ ♡ (thank you @hecatescrossroads for the idea!!)
◢ Billy Hargrove Needs a Nap - lilpeas [74,312; E]
It’s one thing to be a light sleeper in this shitty town that won’t shut up at night, but it’s another thing entirely to fall asleep on Steve Harrington’s shoulder during last period English.
◢ break (like waves) - @witchsickness [93,187; E]
‘We’re good together,’ Harrington says to the darkness above. Not a question. Matter of fact. He turns to Billy, a smile sweet enough to make Billy want to do something reckless. Something stupid. ‘I’m telling you, heartbreaker. We’re gonna be unstoppable.’
Billy wants to ask. If he means tomorrow. If he means just for the game.
Wants to ask if he means forever.
He’s never wanted anyone to mean forever before.
or; falling (in love), the hard way
◢ break up with your girlfriend (’cause i’m bored) - @the-copperkid [15,604; E]
@umissedconnections: Bambi eyes. m4m. i was rippin cigs in the sae p-lot. u made urself puke 2 make room 4 more beer. incredible? ur my hero PLS say ur into guys
* Steve finds he has a secret admirer who's continuously hitting on him via his university's Missed Connections Twitter account. // Tommy and Billy are the worst roommates ever.
◢ Cabbage Patch Kids - @callieb [15,026; NR]
Billy doesn't eat vegetables. He doesn't eat the limp disgusting cabbage they hand out in the school cafeteria, won't touch the merest hint of green in Susan's cooking even when his dad is glaring at him across the table. He won't eat vegetables to keep himself healthy, in spite of all the warnings they give him in health class.
He won't even eat vegetables when Steve Harrington cooks him dinner. Right?
◢ cherry pie - @brawlite and @toast-ranger-to-a-stranger [133,828; E]
Billy Hargrove lives for summer. Endless sunshine, heavily chlorinated pools, roaming ice cream trucks, and unencumbered freedom? There’s nothing better.
Even being stuck in Hawkins can’t ruin the summer for him. He eats it up, devouring every day whole.
◢ dried up, half full - @lymricks [60,016; E]
Steve’s been coming out here searching for a monster in the woods. He’s finally found one.
“What do you want, Hargrove?”
◢ falling for you in hawkins, indi-fucking-ana (series) - @lazybakerart [294,822+; E]
Billy gets his shit together. Steve figures some stuff out. They fall in love.
◢ i hear the secrets that you keep (when you’re talking in your sleep)  - @oepheliawrites​ [45,095; M]
Billy’s there the way that he’s a lot of places nowadays, sort of absent-mindedly, like he’s not sure how it happened or why and is going somewhere else in his mind anyway.
Steve watches him more than ever now, and Billy rarely watches back.
(or five times billy really needed some sleep, and one time he needed something else entirely)
◢ Incident at Castle Byers - @flippyspoon [3,639; G]
Will learns something about Billy Hargrove and feels a little less alone.
◢ if i fall asleep with my hands held tight - @elysiumwaits [28,796; M]
Billy keeps sneaking in Steve's window as the months go on: a story in ten parts.
◢ lover with a radar phone (series) - @bewires [86,717; E]
Steve is sure Billy won’t be back for more after the first time. Why would he? Steve’s pretty aware, at this point, that beyond his epic babysitting game and his hair, he has fairly little to offer in life. Billy’s gorgeous, and he’s smart, and he’s got better things to do than nail Nancy Wheeler’s dumbass ex-boyfriend.
(Spoilers: Billy absolutely does not.)
◢ Take Me Home Tonight - @heckinahandbasket​ [81,998; E]
The ghost of Billy Hargrove leaned in the open window of Steve’s car with that trademark smirk and, honestly, Steve was kind of impressed by how detailed his own hallucination could be. “Wanna fuc-What the shit? HARRINGTON?” They blinked at one another for about ten seconds before Steve’s brain finally managed to fire off a thought. “You’re real?” Steve couldn’t stop the words from spilling out of his mouth, his own stupidity a constant echo in his empty head. Billy’s face reflected his thoughts as he yanked on the door handle until Steve reached over to hit the lock with shock-numb fingers. “Real fucking freezing. Let me in, pencil dick.”
Or: The Pretty Woman AU literally nobody asked for.
◢ Under the Covers - @toast-ranger-to-a-stranger [87,788; M]
Steve is (maybe) a little bit still in love with Nancy Wheeler and (maybe) trying to figure himself out-- between the night terrors and the babysitting and the general weirdness that is Hawkins, Indiana-- before he graduates.
Billy Hargrove fits in there somewhere (probably).
◢ when the bones are good - @un-buttoned [28,411; E]
‘So,’ Tommy says around a mouthful of fries, ‘what the fuck is the deal with you and Hargrove?’
And that’s really the goddamn question, isn’t it?
He wants to know Billy. Wants to know why he is the way he is. Wants to be able to figure out what the fuck he’s thinking when he looks at Steve like that, when he touches him like it doesn’t mean shit and like it means everything all at once. Wants to know why he talks so much shit, why he needs to fight, where all that fire comes from. Why he’s so volatile, why he’s such an asshole, how he can be so fucking mean and so fucking sweet in the span of seconds, at the same time, even.
◢ you’re cold (and i burn) - @keroujack [55,919; E]
Move on. Let it heal.
Maybe that’s why Steve said yes when Max asked him to help move boxes out of Billy’s room after the dust settled. He could hear her voice. Too many. Too heavy.
Just like his wounds. His grief. Too many. Too heavy.
(Or, Steve steals the glass ashtray from Billy's bedside table and things start to go bump in the night.)
◢ Yourself or Someone Like You (series) - halfempty [792,802; E]
Maxine looked happy as they parted from Steve and walked down Main Street away from the theater. She slid into the passenger seat of Billy’s car. 'That was really fun,' she said. She looked at him like a gremlin and then smiled real cutesy. 'Did you and Steve hold hands in the popcorn?'
'I hope you had a real good time, I’m going to kill you in your sleep tonight,' Billy told her.
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strawbrygashez · 8 months
Tyler Durden x Postal 2 Dude
Donuts (Part 1)
Yes I know this is super cringe & random. I’m sorry. I love crossing over different fandoms I’m into soooo yeah. This takes place during the time Tyler leaves the narrator and uhmmm I dunno, just be nice to me please 😭 Sorry for any mistakes and whatnot.
Time goes by fast when you’re having fun. Well, as much fun as you can have in the small chaotic town known as Paradise, Arizona. The plan had been to keep moving around from town to town, state to state but a certain chance incident happened that put that plan on halt for the time being.
And as Tyler laid there finishing what was left of his ‘post coital’ cigarette, on a mattress that desperately needed to be replaced, he felt the one who put a pause on his plans, move from under the sheets as they laid on top of him. Glancing down, he couldn’t help the smirk that tugged at his lips when he was met with the scowling ginger who was peaking only their head out and squinting their stupidly bright green eyes.
“Ya finally done hiding in your cocoon there sweetheart?” He teased as he plucked the cig out from between his lips before blowing a small puff of smoke right into the other mans face. It barely affected him besides the groan he let out as he lazy fanned the smoke away. “Dickhead.” Was all he muttered before resting his chin back down on Tylers bare chest.
Tylers boy-ish smirk melted into more of a genuine smile as he stared into the others eyes. It really was genuinely insane how vivid of a green shade the mans eyes were to Tyler. Out of all the men and women he has messed around with, none had such captivating eyes and not even in a romantic sense. This guys eyes just had this interesting quality to them where they looked just like gas station puddles when the light hits them a certain way… At least that’s what they reminded Tyler of anyways.
Once he focused fully back on the man and the way he was still squinting, Tyler chuckled before only just seemingly now remember something important to the other. “Oh yeah..You poor baby.” He mockingly coo’ed again as he carefully reached over to grab the discarded pair of sunglasses on the poor excuse of a side table. “Poor Dude can’t go without ‘em for five seconds.”
Dude grumbled something or another under his breath before snatching them out of Tylers hand and sliding them back on. “Yeah, yeah. And you can’t wait even a second for me to get up to turn the lights off before we fuck.”
“Well that’s on you for not turning the damn lights off before we fell asleep.” Tyler pointed out as he put what was left of his cigarette out on the side table. “If you got bad eyes when there’s light then why-”
He was cut off when Dude placed his hand over his mouth. “Shut it. I was tired and you were too.” He lazily muttered.
Under his hand, he felt Tyler grin again before the blondes mouth opened and bit down on his pointer finger, a bit too hard to be considered ‘playful���.
Dude let out a loud “OW!” before quickly pulling his hand away and rubbing his finger off onto the bed sheet to he the spit off. “Motherfucker…”
Dude had to have been one of the most worth while people he’d been around in quite a while. Not only was he witty, oddly charming, and pleasantly ‘weird’, he also could just tell Dude was at ‘rock bottom’ and perhaps been so for a while. Dude was the perfect personification of all Tyler had ever preached about from self destruction to not letting your things own you. Hell, he was doing even better than him in that regard. Instead of living in a house, Dude owned a little run down shitty trailer home and all he really had outside of that was some dog that was out running around named ‘Champ’.
Another thing about Dude he found interesting was the whole ‘Postal Dude’ name. Tyler was pretty sure even the worst parents in the world wouldn’t have picked a name like that out for their kid. So he’d come to the conclusion that Dude also decided not to let a name ‘own him’.
The more he thought about Dude, the more he thought about how if something were to happen to himself, he’d have no problem at all passing ownership of ‘Fight Club’ along to Dude. Dude would have to fight….a certain someone for that position but he didn’t want to think of that ‘certain someone’ right now. Maybe, hypothetically, it would be easier to let him in on Project Mayhem. Honestly he wouldn’t have been surprised if Dude had already been in on Project Mayhem. The first thing he’d seen Dude do was something basically torn straight out of a page of Tylers book. And what did he do specifically? What happened at their chance meeting?
Well, while Tyler had been trying to get a hold of someone on one of the phones right outside some gas station, he watched as this weirdo, fully grown mallgoth dressed man walk out of the gas station with a box full of donuts, walk around back (passing Tyler), poorly hide himself behind a bush, unzip his pants, and piss onto said donuts. This all of course before he zipped his pants back up and tossed one of them at a nearby cop.
Once the cop stopped, the pisser quickly turned around before they could tell he’d thrown it and to Tyler’s surprise.. The cop then proceeded to pick up the ground donut, eat it, and then violently vomit.
Of course Tyler had to introduce himself to this odd specimen and since then, he’d somewhat glued himself to Dudes hip and helped him with whatever daily tasks Dude had planned and what turned from just being what was supposed to be a three day stop, turned into about three weeks. Three weeks he’d spent staying with Dude in his little trailer home. What was even more surprising than that though was the fact they’d only had sex one other time before today.. and Tyler was usually the of guy to participate in ‘marathon sex’. The only reason why he assumed it ended up playing out like this this time was because Dude was just one of those people who had more to offer than a quick fuck to Tyler. He had his own unique opinions about life, morals, and just wasn’t someone you’d meet to often. Nothing usually captivated Tyler more when it comes to people like him.
As he was currently thinking of the fact they’ve only gotten down and dirty one other time, he realized something. “Yknow, I hardly ever fuck gingers. Especially ginger guys.” Tyler spoke as he slid his fingers into the others hair.
He couldn’t tell for sure but it looked like Dude closed his eyes at the contact. “Hmm… Am I supposed to feel honored by that fact?” Dude asked with a hint of sarcasm. It was kinda hard to tell sometimes, he spoke mostly in a monotone voice. Tyler answered anyways, “Yknow it baby”, followed by a slight tug of his hair, to which Dude whined. Not in a particularly pleased tone, one more out of annoyance. “Agh. Stop that.”
“I thought you liked-”
“Being manhandled. Yes. Just not right after you just fucked me to near death.”
Tyler rolled his eyes but rubbed the spot he’d tugged his hair from. “Lame. Must take you a while to get it back up, huh?”
Dude ignored what he just asked for now and opted just to now lay the side of his head against him. Seeing that Dude wasn’t as defensive as other people Tyler knew, he just chuckled again as he continued to play with his hair.
Tyler hadn’t been much of the type to cuddle but for some reason, he didn’t mind that much since it was Dude. Maybe it was because he could tell Dude was a loner. Tyler always found himself enjoying messing with the loner types anyways. That or despite the fact that he loved that Dude got into trouble and mischief almost every day, he knew deep down that a break every once in a while was good and to be honest..Dude wasn’t too bad on the eyes. He somehow looked really pathetic but also rugged and dangerous at the same time. It excited him.
It had been quiet for a while as Tyler pondered different things involving Dude until the ginger finally broke the silence. It almost made Tyler jump since he was sure he’d fell asleep.
“How much longer are you staying?”
Dude let out a yawn before moving around a bit to look up at him while still on top. “How much longer are you sticking around for?”
Tyler was silent a moment before raising a brow while grinning. “Why? Want me out of your hair already?”
“No I was just wondering since I’m uh- running low on food ‘n shit. Plus I thought you said you were traveling around. I don’t know why anyone would wanna stay more than a day in this shit hole. Unless you’ve been going out and doing stuff or-”
“Have you seen me go out without you since we met dumbass?”
Dude frowned slightly at the name calling. “Well- no but I doubt you’re sticking around for me so..”
All Tyler could do in response was roll his eyes and push Dude off of him so he could sit up and stretch finally. Dude didn’t seem that offended though as he just ran a hand over his face, still groggy.
“-sounded like such a girl….” Tyler mumbled as he popped his back.
Dude frowned again, glaring at him. “What was that?” He asked. “Nothing hun.” Tyler replied shaking his head with a smile before he turned his head to look over at the alarm clock. “It’s still pretty early. Wanna go grab breakfast somewhere?” He asked the man laying next to him who still looked one minute away from falling asleep. “Mmmmgh..fineee. Just give me a couple more minutes to get up.”
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dat-bruv-person · 2 years
hihi how are u doing today!? :> can i get single dad hcs (aged up characters ofc) with izuku midoriya, katsuki bakigou, and kirishina with a teen daughter reader. platonic ofc
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ singlehandedly single
a/n: hello anon, nice to see you - I am fine. I changed the reader to gender neutral if you don't mind, and the skin colour of your other parent is not stated for those who are poc, because of diversity :)
gn!reader, poc!reader friendly always mwah <3
Single Dad!Deku cried when his spouse left him, to this day he still doesn't know the reason. All he knows is that when they gave birth, they handed over his legacy of a child and walked out after recovery. You, [name] Midoriya, were his miracle. You were his pride and joy, the apple of his eye, his everything: he couldn't afford to let you go. So he worked. He worked tirelessly to be a role model for you, and his heart beat to see you smile. Unfortunately for him, his happiness was short lived because, a few years later after his ex-spouse found out how smart and talented and gorgeous you were, they came back to collect you. You didn't know what was happening, you just wanted to stay with your dad, but after hours of screaming they finally left you to him - oh but they didn't hesitate to give you their number in case you changed your mind. Single Dad!Deku grinned when you turned 16 and bought you the newest car available- in four different colours. He's the number one hero for fuck's sake! Still, if that pathetic excuse of an ex tries to come back because of high you are now, they'll have another thing coming.
Single Dad!Bakugou calls you squirt, angel and kiddo, he ruffles your hair when you get an achievement, and, oh my lord, he never stops bragging about you. His side chick left him because she claimed that he never paid attention to her, that she wasn't his priority- he wasn't even married to the nigga 😮‍💨. She walked out on him angrily, telling him that she was going to raise you better than he could ever imagine, and that he'd come back for you. The pain was too much for her after labour and told him that he caused her this pain. She gave you up. Shitty woman, he was going to give you the best fucking childhood you'd ever have, and one day you'd be as great as him. Single Dad!Bakugou ditched the car and took you on walks every day to get some fresh air. He'd make the best breakfasts and cook you the best lunches: fluffy and thick pancakes stacked on top of each other that jiggled like ass cheeks when you poured the syrup on top, and a top-notch Caesar slada with grilled chicken and hot white rice accompanied with chilled water. No sweet shit until dessert: a slice of cheesecake with powdered sugar on top. ONE SLICE! Okay that slice is a bit small, go on take another if you must. You grew up healthy and loved. Single Dad!Bakugou never missed any of your performances or activities, and cheered for you the loudest. You are even better than him now! Excuse him from leaving your 16th birthday celebration, but he has to double check the locks, should the mother find out that her child is living the dream.
Single Dad!Kirishima was so happy when he won the court trial to be able to keep you. He tries his best to make you happy, and you can bet he's done a great job of that. You were surrounded by many other parental figures from childhood: Auntie Mina, Uncle Denki and Uncle Sero. From piggyback rides to going on holiday every summer along with their kids, your life was fun filled. You visited your other parent every weekend, where they'd try to outdo Eijirou by playing games with you, introducing you to their friends, arranging meet ups with celebrities and taking you to all-you-can-eat buffets. Whenever you got home, full of bliss, it never failed to make you slightly upset when they exchanged glares. Single Dad!Kirishima never told you why him and your parent split up, often changing the subject instead to something like what you wanted for your birthday in ten years time. You were as happy as could be, and proved yourself in many different ways: both parents were proud of you. Your dad went the little extra mile on you sweet 16, opting to hire planes to fly and write messages for you in the sky. Of course, this struck competition between the two of your guardians as the other had daytime fireworks spell out your name in bright gold letters which, to Eijirou's dismay, looked absolutely beautiful. Back and forth it went, money draining from each others pockets until it was a fucking statue of you built in the front garden with a fountain. Goodness knows how much debt those two are in.
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Request - Your story for sinking Billy Hargrove  is amazing do you mind like doing a one shot of Billy finding out that y/n is prego [Billy, Billy like mean Billy finds out]
You’re shitting me!
Billy Hargrove x y/n
'Friday night!' You thought to yourself, which meant one thing, party at the lake, hook up with Billy Hargrove and getting absolutely wasted. You and Billy had been hooking up for a few months now, not too serious, well not at school anyway, he would come around your house some nights, pick you up to go for a drive when his dad had been an ass hole.
At school was a different story, he would wink at you and because the two of you hung out in the same crowd you were always together but nobody would know that the two of you were sleeping together, except Lisa, your best friend.
It kind of hurt you because you loved Billy more than you would tell him and way more than he knew, deep down you hoped he cared more but the doubt always stopped you asking.
You looked forward to the lake parties the second you heard someone mention it, you had been feeling run down lately with all the studying, late nights with Billy and cheer practice, so you thought a party was just what the doctor ordered.
As you was getting ready for the party a sudden wave of nausea came over you, you had to bolt from your vanity to the bathroom where you threw up all your stomach contents, "damn cafeteria food!" You told yourself before returning to the vanity still unable to shake off the sick feeling.
Finally once your make up and hair had been done you chose your favourite dress, a tight fitting hot pink body con dress with your black kitten heals, you really had to squeeze yourself into the dress, fitting extra tight on the stomach and breast area, thinking nothing of it you adjusted the girls in your bra and headed downstairs as Billy would be picking up in 10 mins.
Once you see Billy's Camaro pull up outside you head out of the door shouting goodnight to your parents. You step inside the Camaro and see Billy with his signature look, hair curled to perfection, shirt open just the right amount and his jeans tight enough to stop his balls working.
"You look good y/n", he told you very monotone, he was never one to give compliments or be soppy but this was him trying, "aww thanks Billy, you look hot yourself, I wish I felt as good as I look, I threw up when I was getting ready, that shitty food at school I'm not eating it again" you moan to him, "y/n you better not throw up, I'm not kidding I will let you walk home" again very monotone, he was not kidding.
The two of you made conversation on the drive to the lake, as soon as you arrived Billy started taking beer out of the trunk of his Camaro, you headed off to find Lisa.
Not long after setting off you found her on a bench with a few people, "y/n! Hey girl, I'm glad you made it, you aren't looking too fresh though are you ok?" She asked you, "yeah I'm fine I think I ate something bad at school, Billy has driven me here so don't think his driving helped" she laughed at your reply.
Your girl group met up with Billy and the boys as the night went on, you had stopped drinking around an hour ago  as you felt sick again and right now you had your head on Billy's shoulder while he laughed and joked with the group, all of a sudden you shot up and ran behind a tree to again throw up.
Billy looked at you a little worried from the park bench he was on, Lisa ran over to you to help out.
After you had finished the two of you walked over to your crowd of friends, "can anyone give y/n a lift home I think she is really sick", they remained silent for a minute before Billy put his drink down and said "fine Il take her home but y/n I mean if you throw up in my car and your walking the rest of the way sick or not", you couldn't be bothered entertaining his need for drama so you just replied "ok Billy".
He managed to get you home without been sick, you quickly left the car but not before Billy said "il see you at school".
The morning rolled around and you felt no better so you stayed in bed, you did this for a few days.
Finally Lisa showed up at your house wondering where you were, you let her in and the two of you sat on the couch watching tv, you began filling her in on your bug, "ugh Lisa is has been horrible, constantly being sick, I haven't eaten anything even the thought of food makes me want to throw up, actually are you wearing a new perfume because I'm sorry but it's making me feel the same way", Lisa looked at you shocked by your harsh comment, "ok I'm going to let that slide, don't panic ok but you know my brothers girlfriend just had her baby like 3 months ago" you just nodded in response, "well remember when they were living at my house and I would tell you what she was like at the start", your eyes shot open wide, you knew what she was getting at, she just nodded at you, "what if you aren't sick y/n, what if this is morning sickness".
You began pacing around the room, "I can't be, no, no way, I'm going to college next year!, I'm not, obviously I'm not pregnant!.... Am I? Oh god, what if I am, Billy will kill me, my mom and dad will disown me!", Lisa ran up to you and pulled you into a hug, "nothing is going to happen like that ok, just breathe, I'm going to the store and getting a test, I will be back in 10 minutes ok, let's not panic until we know huh", before you knew it she had left.
The two of you paced your bedroom floor, you with a test in your hand waiting the 10 intense minutes it stated on the box.
Finally the colour appeared, "what does 2 lines mean Lisa?", your friend looked at the instructions in her hand and Simply said, "I'm sorry Y/N".
Your first reaction was to run, so you did, "I have to go", and with that you ran, you didn't know where you was headed until you arrived at 4819 cherry lane, you looked up at the house in shock that you managed to get here, Billy's car was on the drive but his dads wasn't.
You walked up the rickety old steps, once you reached the door you gave a timid knock before Max answered, "hey Max, Billy home?" She just moved aside and said "bedroom, left at the bottom", you simply gave her a nod, you had been here many times before unbeknown to her.
You gave a quiet knock on the door only to hear Billy shout back "go away Maxine!", "uh it's me Billy, y/n".
Billy soon came to answer the door, "what are you doing here? Where have you been I haven't  seen you all week, your not still sick are you" he asked, unsure of how to answer all the questions thrown at you, you decided to try explain, "kind of but that's why I'm here Billy I need to speak to you", he went back in the bedroom and sat on the bed, "ok so first of all I want to apologise, I am so so sorry Billy, I didn't want this to be the case and I don't like it as much as you won't", Billy looked at you exremely confused, you decided to just start.
"Ok Billy yeah iv been sick, well not so much sick, I'm ..... fuck, ..... Billy I... we are...., ugh....." you broke down crying, "y/n tell me" he said abruptly, you felt like the Penny had dropped, he just needed you to say it.
"I'm pregnant Billy", it was out. He just got up and walked over to his mirror with his head down for what felt like an eternity, you decided to go up behind him, you looked at his face in the mirror, the vein on his head was out indicating he was angry, "Billy talk to me, please.", you didn't get a response from him although he did look up and look you in the eyes through the mirror.
"This was an accident Billy, we aren't ready for this.... But we can do this".
He flipped, shooting around to look directly at you, "are you fucking kidding me y/n, 'we can do this' what sort of bull shit answer is that!, how can we do this!, you're going to college in a few months, I'm living here with this duche bag!, we're not even dating!, some causal hook up this turned out to he huh", Billy really hurt you with what he was saying but you had known him long enough to know he didn't mean a lot of what he said in anger, "yeah you're right this will change plans for me, and no we're not dating because some ass hole hasn't asked me out, he just wants to keep hooking up with anyone he feels like", you stood with your hands on your hips waiting for a response but he just stood there mouth open at your reaction, nobody spoke back to him like that, "oh you lost for words Billy? Well I have some for you, we can do this, you know why I believe we can, because I love you Billy Hargrove, I don't expect you to love me back I'm not stupid but I WILL be doing this with or without you, I'm going to leave now because I have given you your choices, you can either decide what we are and what you want to do about the child you have created with me or you can live your life in this shit hole with your father, hating every minute of your time here, you know as much as I do that you are only comfortable when you are with me, il be at home. Hopefuly il see you soon Billy....."
With that you left the Hargrove house.
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relax-and-read-on · 2 years
I just found your Tumblr and I love your content of W40K
Can I request the primarchs getting tattoos?
Primarch, but they are getting tattoo
Fulgrim: canonically love that shit. He gets normal ones that are "temporary" due to primarch healing, because he just can't CHOOSE just one design!!!
Ferrus: probably get a few small meaningfull tattoo on his chest, all done personally by Fulgrim. Things like name and place, pretty boring to look at.
Lorgar: .... Do I need to say anything lol??
Vulkan: not into tattoo, but LOVE scarifications!! Has some beautiful pattern on his skin! Especially a dragon across his hips.
Magnus: mf can just CHOOSE to have one some days or not. Lucky Asshole. Change idea as much as Fulgrim,
Perturabo: that involve getting out of armour and have someone touch him. Disgusting. He would probably like one to remind him of Calliphone.
Sanguinius: Get a matching one with Horus, because he's a romantic like that, it's probably a dual symbol, like an union of their insignia or a winged wolf. Get it covered during the Heresy with something baal themed, maybe that great leopard.
Horus: matching tattoo with Sanguinius, and a few more that remind him of his sons. Probably even has a bunch of shitty tribal he got as a kid on his arms.
Rogal: crest of the Dorn family, on his back. He also has that infamous Imperial fist brand lol.
Konrad: That involve people touching him. Bad. Would doodle on his arms lil bats and dead things with sharpies. He's a terrible artist.
Corvus: She has quite a few aesthetic tattoo, think goth style and line work, all in black ink, no colors. Very pleasing to look at. Probably has lil black wings on her shoulder blades, because she's a dork.
Angron: he has his own form of ritual scarification. Would not sit still enough to be tattooed.
Mortarion: No one is touching him. Would probably like watercolor tattoo.
Alpharius Omegon: no one is sure what tattoo they have, it always seem to change. They actually apply Fulgrim technique and just go with temporary stuff.
Lion: has rather beautiful tattoo of the beasts of Caliban.
Leman: his tattoo may look like shit and the kind of stuff you find on asshole frat bro, but they are VERY meaningful to him. Has the names of his og wolf family tattooed in runic on himself.
Jaghatai: So. Much. Tattoo. Lot's of geometric forms and patterns, that actually are an elaborate visual language that tell the story of his home and legion. They go up to his knuckles and finger and look very good as he move them around.
Roboute: He got the cliche mom tattoo in a heart. Probably never really thought about him, but got a few after waking up. Things that reminded him of his life, 10 000 years ago, and that he did not want to forget.
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pesterloglog · 3 months
John Egbert, Vriska Serket
Page 491-496
JOHN: vriska!!!
VRISKA: Well well well, looks like 8ingo let out early!
JOHN: oh man, i found you just in time! i need you to come back with me, and–
JOHN: wait, how are you already free?
JOHN: and why are you covered in leafs
VRISKA: Leaves.
JOHN: weren't you supposed to be in the "clutches" of jane, or something?
VRISKA: John... do you really think I would need YOU to 8ust me out of some rinky dink operation like that?
VRISKA: Escaping some cushy human prison is gru8's play to me. They didn't even try to torture us!
VRISKA: Even my protégé managed to free herself of this sad excuse for a facility.
JOHN: oh.
JOHN: wait, rose's kid was here with you?
VRISKA: That's what I said! Try and keep up, cryptkeeper.
JOHN: ok, well, if you would stop shaking your head and look at me you'd know i am rolling my eyes so hard right now.
JOHN: anyway!!
JOHN: where do i begin! uhh... ok, so roxy has this secret lair that's for some reason hidden underneath our old bed, the world is gonna fall apart... umm what else... oh! there's this thingy called "the Plot Point"--
VRISKA: Yeah, I know.
JOHN: you know?
VRISKA: Yes!!!!!!!! I Know!!!!!!!!
JOHN: oh.
JOHN: what else do you already know? :o
VRISKA: John! Focus! I can't have you holding me 8ack just 8ecause you're slow and old now!
JOHN: aw ):
VRISKA: Ease up, Eg8ert.
JOHN: ok, ok, fine.
JOHN: ...
JOHN: wait, hold on. back up. vrissy is gone??
VRISKA: You are really getting caught up in the minutiae aren't you?
JOHN: please don't tell me you guys were trying to escape through a tunnel crossing a water pipe and she sacrificed herself by sealing the pipe closed from the outside, giving you the chance to escape?
VRISKA: What the hell are you talking a8out????????
VRISKA: No, you know what, don't answer that.
JOHN: its from a show!
VRISKA: John, she's a Vriska. She can handle herself! I'm sure she can take anything this fake-ass timeline can throw at her!
JOHN: what?
JOHN: fake? what do you mean?
VRISKA: This universe! Haha! It's a fake! Fakey fake fake.
JOHN: you can say fake as many times as you want, i still won't know what you mean!
VRISKA: Pleeeeeeeease don't tell me none of you have noticed!
VRISKA: This whole universe is like someone's shitty RP, and everyone's out of character! None of this reads!
VRISKA: Like, who the FUCK is Yiffy!!!!!!!! Why should I or anyone CARE????????
JOHN: i mean
JOHN: i don't really get it either, but i had this long talk with roxy, and that feels relevant to this?
VRISKA: Yuck, don't even want to think a8out that whole mess.
VRISKA: What were you two even thinking with that, 8y the way? What was setting sail on that dingy schooner of a relationship ever going to accomplish?
JOHN: don't call my marriage a dingy schooner! it was a completely reasonably sized ship!
JOHN: we had our reasons!
JOHN: i am pretty sure!
VRISKA: Yeah, you sound super sure a8out all of this.
VRISKA: Making up pro8lems to have pro8lems!
VRISKA: So lame.
JOHN: it does sound... kind of bad.
JOHN: but that doesn't mean it's fake!
VRISKA: Come oooooooon!
VRISKA: Do you honestly think I spent all that time commanding a kickass ghost army to not know a haplessly doomed little world when I see one?
VRISKA: I can practically smell it on you!
JOHN: hey, not this again!
JOHN: i smell completely normal!
JOHN: my odor is well within "real john" standards thank you very much.
VRISKA: This is exactly what I'm talking a8out. No8ody real would say that.
VRISKA: You're like a sadder, less interesting version of a guy I kind of liked talking to. When was the last time you did........ anything?
JOHN: i get around. i've been talking to people. i just talked to a new guy on the way.
VRISKA: Snore!
VRISKA: What happened to the guy that punched me in the face?
JOHN: that guy is right here, he's still me!
JOHN: ok, wait, that makes me sound way too proud of myself.
VRISKA: It was like the 8est thing you've ever done!
JOHN: it was not! you're just weird!!!
JOHN: anyway what i am saying is, this is just how it's been for a while?
VRISKA: Surely you can see that's a pro8lem? 8e serious.
JOHN: i am serious! and don't call me shirley.
JOHN: (hehe.)
JOHN: it is true though, everything did feel pretty... pointless for a long time. and it would bother me SO MUCH!
JOHN: when i was living by myself i would consider where to go next. except there was no "next." nothing was worth trying for anymore.
JOHN: but harry is. he's real!
VRISKA: ::::/
VRISKA: As real as a guy can get, stuck here.
JOHN: what, like he could be magically more real???
JOHN: load him up in some silly circus cannon and blast him out of the mirror verse!
JOHN: hahahahaha
JOHN: actually you might think this is kind of funny!
JOHN: a long time ago i was supposed to go back and defea-
VRISKA: Your ecto-human-guardian-si8ling or whatever is pro8a8ly sending a squad of 8ozos to apprehend your ex as we speak. So I say the less we talk and the sooner we 8low this gru8sickle stand, the sooner we can get there 8efore we lose access to our shortcut.
JOHN: yeah when you spell it all out like that i can see what y-
JOHN: wait, WHAT!!!
JOHN: why didn't you just say that earlier?!
VRISKA: John. That's what I've 8een doing this whole time!
VRISKA: Now, c'mon! Race you there!!!!!!!!
JOHN: hey, that's not fair!
VRISKA: Last one there is a rotten egggggggg(8ert)! >::::)
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happilykrispypirate · 2 years
All she ever wanted
Tumblr media
Pairings: Peter Pan x fem!reader
Warnings: mentions of pregnancy, parenthood, a bit if angst and my shitty writing
Summary: Y/n left Peter a year before the first curse, she found out that she was pregnant. Now she has to help her family save her nephew Henry from the one person she thought she'd never see again.
A/n: Not gonna lie, this was pretty shit. But I do hope u enjoyed it.
"I still can't believe you brought a child to this island," Hook said as we walked onto the beach.
I pulled my daughter, Ellie closer to me, "I'm not leaving her in Storybrooke, it's a lot safer for her here with me than there. Besides she's not going to be with me the whole time. Tink will look after her."
"Tinkerbell?" Regina, asked and I nodded at her, "Great."
"Oh jeez, what did you do to her?" Emma asked.
"Something not good," She said making me chuckle slightly.
"Mommy, where are we?" Ellie asked.
"We're on Neverland, honey," I said as I brushed hair out of her face.
"Where daddy lives?" She asked, and I nodded.
I've always been honest to Ellie about her father. Mainly because he wasn't a bad person and she deserved to know that, despite what everyone else says about him, but also because there's a part of me that hoped that I'd find myself on this island again and I didn't want to explain it to her then.
"Yeah, baby," I said. She nodded and then laid her head on my shoulder.
"That's Pan's kid?" Emma asked in shock, "You didn't tell me before?"
"I didn't tell a lot of people, Regina knows because, well she just knows, and I of course had to tell my parents. Hook knows because how else did I get off the island?"
"I'm your sister," She said.
"I know, I just didn't find the right moment to tell you," I said, "I'm sorry."
"It's okay, just a warning would've been nice," She said causing me to smile.
"Come on, we have to get to Tink's," I said, "It's this way."
I walked in front and within the hour we were in front of Tink's treehouse.
"You okay, baby?" I asked as I looked down at Ellie.
She yawned and nodded, "Just tired," She said.
"I know, love, you'll get to sleep soon," I said and kissed her forehead. I turned to my mother, "Mom, please just take her for a second."
I handed Ellie to my mother and then turned back to the treehouse.
I gathered the courage and took a deep breath before I called out, "Tink! Tinkerbell!"
The door to the treehouse opened and she popped her head out.
"Y/n?" She asked.
"Hey, Tink," I smiled.
She quickly climbed down the steps of the treehouse and pulled me into a hug, "I missed you so much," She said, "Things have been awful since you left. Pan's been a monster, he's been in your hut most of the time, just sitting there and sulking."
My heart broke as I heard how things had been here, I felt awful for leaving but what's done is done.
"I wanna be with Mommy," I quickly turned around and saw Ellie fussing in my mother's arms.
"Don't worry, I'll take her," I said as I walked over and took my daughter from my mother's arms, "Thanks mom, but she gets fussy when she's tired."
I turned back to Tink, her face full of shock, "Ellie this is Tinkerbell, Tink this is my daughter Ellie."
"You moved on?" Tink asked.
"Tink I just need a place for her to stay when we're off finding Henry. I promise I'll come back every night for her," I said.
Tink nodded, "Yeah sure, she can stay here with me," She said.
We ascended up the stairs into the treehouse and Tink told me to put Ellie on her bed.
"You're going to be staying with Tinkerbell during the day okay? Mommy is going to go and find Henry," I said as I stroked her hair lightly.
"Okay," She whispered softly, "I love you Mommy."
"Love you too, darling," I said and leaned in, kissing her on the forehead, "Now sleep, you have a full day with Tink tomorrow."
"Will you be here when I wake up?" She asked and I nodded.
"I promise," I said.
She turned around and closed her eyes. Within a few minutes she was fast asleep. I turned to Tink and she motioned for me to follow her outside.
Everyone else had left and made camp not far from Tink's treehouse.
"She's Pan's daughter, isn't she?" Tink asked once we were both on the ground. I nodded, "That's why you left? You knew that he would've been more than happy-"
"I know, I was just scared," I said.
Tink sighed, "How old is she?"
"Well, thanks to the curse, she's only 3 years old," I said.
"You still look the same," She said.
"Peter made sure I wouldn't age remember?" I said.
"Right, so forever 17," She said and smiled slightly.
I chuckled, "Yeah, forever 17."
The next day after I said goodbye to Ellie, I walked to where the others set up camp.
"We can't use magic," I heard Emma say as I neared the camp.
"What's going on?" I asked as I approached them.
"Pan gave me this map last night, he said it will show me where Henry is if I stop denying who I really am," Emma said, "Regina wants to use magic to locate Pan."
"Not a good idea," I said, "Just do what he says."
Regina grabs the map from Emma's hand, "I might not be able to break see whatever is on this map but it might be able to show me where Pan is."
"What are you doing?" Dad asked.
"Locator spell, it will take us to Pan," Regina answered as the map floated up and into the forest.
I followed, I knew it was a bad idea. I recognised the camp as we walked in.
"Henry!" Emma called out making me look up at where he stood. When he turned around it was Pan and not Henry.
"Hello Emma," Peter smirked, I tried my best to hide behind my dad. He noticed and helped conceal me.
"Where's Henry?" Regina asked.
"You broke the rules, that makes you a cheater," Peter said, "And cheaters never win."
Then all of the lost boys appear with weapons. I knew we were done for.
Everyone started fighting and I tried to get away but was stopped when Felix jumped in front of me.
"Y/n?" He said with his face full of shock.
"Felix, please just let me go, don't tell Peter," I said.
I knew that was useless to ask him because of how loyal he is to Peter. He then grabbed me, "Pan!"
I turned my head and saw that everyone had already retreated and Peter was standing in front of the others with the lost boys behind him. He looked over and his fave filled with shock.
"Let her go," My dad said.
"No, I don't think I will," Peter said, "How about I keep her, for just a bit of extra motivation?"
"No!" My mom cried out.
"Just go," I said making everyone look at me.
They all hesitated but left in anyway. I pulled myself free from Felix's grip only to be grabbed by Peter. He pulled me away toward his- our hut.
He slammed the door shut and then turned to me.
"Peter, please I need to go," I said.
"You're not going anywhere ever again. You're staying here with me," He said.
"You can't keep me here!" I yelled.
"And I can't lose you again!" He yelled back and my eyes widened and my heart sunk as I saw the tears in his eyes.
"I spent almost 200 hundred years, wondering where you were. Why you left me. I almost never left this hut," He said and tears started to roll down his cheeks, "Why did you leave?"
I sighed, I can't tell him. Not yet. I wasn't ready yet.
"I'm sorry," I managed to get out before tears of my own started falling, "I regret all of it. I regret leaving you. There isn't a day that went by that I didn't think about you."
I turned around because I couldn't bare to look at him. After a few seconds I felt his arms wrap around me. I caved and turned around, wrapping my arms around him and burying my head in his chest.
Y/n and Peter fell asleep in each other's arms that night. Peter felt at peace again. He felt happier now she was back in his arms.
He woke in the middle of the night and didn't see Y/n next to him. Panicked, he shot up from the bed and ran outside. Not seeing her anywhere.
He concentrated and tried sensing where she was. Tink's treehouse.
He got there and stared in through the window.
"Tink!" I yelled as I banged on the door of the treehouse.
It opened and I climbed in, "You're okay, they told me that Pan had took you."
"Yeah he did," I said.
"Mommy!" I turned and saw Ellie running over to me.
I knelt down and hugged her tightly.
Peter's eyes widened as he saw the little girl that resembled Y/n so much. Had she moved on? Is that why she left?
Peter just decided to leave and go back to bed. Pretending to be asleep as Y/n snuck back in.
I woke up the next morning to voices outside of hut.
"She moved on Felix. She has a child with someone else."
My eyes widened. Did he follow me last night? And did he really think so low of me that I would have a child with someone else?
"Did you ask her about it?"
"No, I don't want to. I'm afraid that she's going to leave me again."
I sighed, I knew it was time. I turned away from the door when I heard their conversation come to an end.
Peter got back in bed and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer and kissing the back of my head.
"I'm not going to leave you again," I spoke up before turning to him.
"You already moved on, so I wouldn't hold it past you. I'm not mad, Y/n. I'm happy that you found someone-"
"She's yours," I said cutting him off, "That's why I left. I was scared and I ran."
Peter was silent for a few moments before he pulled me closer and kissing me.
"I don't know why you were scared, but I understand. Just know I will never let anything happen to either of you," He said causing me to smile.
"I love you, Peter."
"I love you too, Y/n."
"Mommy! Look what Tink made me!" Ellie held up the flower crown to me.
"Now look at that, a beautiful crown for a beautiful crown," I smiled, "How about we go show grandma and grandpa your new crown?"
She nodded happily and then we headed out the treehouse.
I picked her up as we walked back to the camp where everyone was.
I saw Henry talking to Emma and Regina. Peter had brought him back to them.
Peter was talking to my parents. They always got along before I ran away.
My dad saw us and smiled, "Look at the pretty girl," He cooed as he saw the flower crown on Ellie's head.
Peter looked over and saw Y/n and his daughter. He was nervous about meeting her.
Now that she was closer, he could see that not only did she resemble her mother, she had certain features of his as well.
Y/n walked closer, "Ellie, I want you to meet someone," She said.
"Daddy," The little girl said causing Peter's heart to melt.
"That's right baby," Y/n said smiling brightly, "Peter this is Ellie."
"Hello Ellie," Peter said smiling.
Ellie held her hands out for Peter so he took her in his arms. His heart melted even more when she laid her head on his shoulder.
Y/n smiled. This was all she ever wanted, to see Ellie with her father. For them to be a family.
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vampyrsutton · 2 years
Hawks getting gangbanged by League to welcome him in.
Ao3 Tags:
Bukkake, Sort of? - Freeform, I Tried, Gang Bang, So many limbs, Why did I do this to myself?, Spinner has two dicks, Subspace, Again sort of, Canon hurts so we're ignoring it, Kinktober 2020
“Congrats, bird brain.” The flame user smirked, blue eyes sparkling in the light of his flames. “Welcome to the League.”
Hawks eyes widened in delight as he grinned at the villain leaning against the alley wall across from him. “Really, Hot Stuff? You’re not playing me again?”
Dabi chuckled, shaking his head slowly. “Nope. Not this time, birdie. We ran a test on the body. Toga could turn into him, and the boss is actually impressed with your work. Especially once you actually switched sides.”
Hawks paled, but tried to laugh it off. “What are you talking about, Dabs? I’ve been on team ‘Fuck Heroes’ since the beginning.” 
“You can cut the shit, Hawks. Even the nutcases could tell you were full of shit, but a lot less shit has been linked to us and getting around has been easier. We knew you were finally on our side. We were honestly shocked you went after Jeanist, but that’s what cued us in. Tell me, birdie, why him? What was the dirt on him?” Dabi hummed, letting the flames dance across his fingers.
The hero deflated, wings slumping with the rest of him. “He was actually the last straw. He was a real hero, but he had information the Commission didn’t want to risk getting out so they picked him. I haven’t given them any information since. As far as they know, you guys were on to me-which apparently you were- and I needed to lay low. He gave his lung to save that Bakugou kid and protect Japan, but their reputation was more important. I’ve looked into all of you too by the way. Shigaraki doesn’t exist before the USJ incident so I don’t know his back story, but Twice is a legitimately good guy just a shitty draw back and Toga is a child with a shitty upbringing that I couldn’t finish reading because it hit far too close to home. Being made to suppress quirk based instincts...that shit can drive anyone insane... combine it with the insanity that is teenage hormones?” Hawks sighs. 
“They found Kurogiri’s identity and All For One belongs in his jail cell for that situation, but shit. Magne and Compress’s rap sheets are an oof though so I can’t really vouch there, but then there’s you. Your’s was actual hell to pick through since you seemingly didn’t exist until that training camp then all of the sudden there are burned bodies everywhere! I thought for sure there’d be no defending you either until I looked into the murders. Scumbags. All of them! Fuckers that paid their way to freedom and their money kept them anonymous or innocent after death. Tracing their crimes made me sick, but I did find something interesting a few days ago.” 
Hawks hadn’t realized he had started pacing until he stops in front of the scarred villain with a fond smile. “It’s good to see you again, Touya. You beautiful bastard, I thought you were fucking dead. They were going to mind wipe you from me from how long I mourned you, asshole.” He scowled now before smirking. “Guess they trained me too well.”
Dabi’s grin was manic as he pulled the ruffled bird towards him into a bruising kiss that was far more teeth than intended, but the chirp it earned him showed the bird didn’t mind. “Sorry, Baby Bird. You know I wasn’t made for the hero life and fuck being someone’s puppet ever again. I knew you’d find your way back eventually.” 
Hawks glared into those pretty blue eyes, but his smirk gave him away. “You better not pull something like that again. You’ve done some pretty irredeemable stuff recently, but then again so have I in the name of Hero Society so I guess I can’t complain if you’ve got a bit of blood on your hands.” 
A deep laugh rumbled from Dabi's throat as he nipped at the birdie’s lip. “Yeah, you have no room to talk anymore. You’re one of us now, baby bird. There’s just one more step~”
Hawks pouts. “I thought I was in! What else is there?!”
“Well you see, I’m not the only one you caught the attention of. You can tell them fuck off, we’re not monsters after all, but they bugged me into at least bringing up the idea. Compress even took Toga away on a mission for the weekend if you’re down?” Dabi shrugs. “You’re already in. Turning it down won’t affect that.”
Hawks just blinks at him owlishly for a few moments. “I- Are- ...Are you saying the League wants to fuck me?”
A nod.
“And you’re okay with this?” 
“The idea of sharing you pisses me off, but at the same time the image of you stuffed full of cock, cum, and whatever it is Twice’s clones are made of sounds hot as fuck.” Dabi shrugs. “Not my decision though...You’re not even going to try hiding your hard on stabbing me in the thigh, huh?”
Hawks flushes and hides in Dabi’s shoulder. “Well when you describe it like that!” 
Dabi laughs, pulling Hawks’ face into his line of sight by the hair and smirking at the small chirp it gets him. “So that a yes then, pretty bird?”
“Shigaraki better keep his fingers away from my wings.” Hawks pouts.
“Well he’s gonna whine all night.” The fire user snickers. “They fascinate him.”
“...He can have a few feathers. He just doesn’t seem like he’d be able to keep track of all his fingers when he cums...What’s with that fa-Dabi! Have you been fucking your boss?!”
“Hell no! ...Maybe. Not many people wanna fuck walking bacon, okay!”
“I wait ten fucking years and you’re out hear fucking top villains. Unbelievable!” Hawks huffs dramatically. 
“I mean, technically you have, too. You did say you just figured out I was Touya only a few days ago.” Dabi smirks, mischief in his blue eyes. “Which means you’ve also been fucking top villains, and will be fucking more tonight.”
Hawks turns as red as his feathers, but tries to wave it off. “Bird instincts or something. Just-just shut up! Are we going or not!”
Dabi laughs once more, turning down the alley and waving Hawks after him. “Whatever helps you sleep at night, pretty bird. You did always like playing with fire.”
“Ya know. I suddenly wish you had stayed ‘dead’.” Hawks pouted as he followed before smirking as he thought of something. He sent a small feather ahead and let it fly up Dabi’s shirt, reveling in the sound it elicited. “But I’m glad you didn’t.”
“Always the cheater aren’t you?” Dabi huffs, trying to wrestle the teasing feather out of his shirt. He could probably burn it out, but he’s running out of shirts and hates letting Hawks play sugar daddy. 
Much to the snickering Hawks’ dread, he finally catches it and smirks wickedly over his shoulder before Hawks feels the feather engulfed in warm, wet heat and realizes it's in Dabi’s mouth and Dabi’s playing it like a cherry stem. 
“Fuck.” Hawks groans, not realizing he said it out loud until Dabi’s smirk widens. 
“That’s the plan, birdie.”
“Holy shit, you actually managed it!” Shigaraki laughs when they get back to the base and Dabi gives the thumbs up. “Why does he already look ready to melt though?”
Dabi smirks at his boss before opening his mouth and letting the feather finally escape. “He started it.”
“Wha-What are you? Five?” Hawks pants, glaring at Dabi.
Dabi just shrugs as Shigaraki all but cackles. “They’re really that sensitive, huh?”
“Shut up!” Hawks huffed, crossing his arms out of embarrassment. 
“Can we touch them?” Twice chimes in with a grin.
Spinner was glaring at the others. “I told you guys to knock that off when you kept trying to touch my scales!” 
“...I mean it’s kind of inevitable.” Hawks sighs, sending feathers to the other three in the room so he doesn’t get overwhelmed all at once. 
Shigaraki and Twice snatch the feathers as carefully as they can in their curiosity, while Spinner just lets it float into his open palm with a nod. 
Shigaraki was playing with it surprisingly gently, careful to never touch it with all five fingers. “It’s so soft…Can I grab them at all when we fuck?” 
Hawks sputters a bit at the question, but nods carefully. “Just please be careful with your fingers.”
“No shit. Kind of a turn off for the person I’m fucking to disintegrate.” Shigaraki rolls his eyes, snickering at Hawks’ expression. “I’m joking. Lighten up.” He hums, dragging the back side of his nail along the vein and watching how Hawks shivers. 
Hawks just watched a dust mote for a moment as he tried to block out Shigaraki when all the sudden he moaned loudly and his eyes snapped to a smirking Spinner who was taking advantage of his longer than average lizard tongue to torment the bird. 
Everything stopped as three sets of eyes stared at the display, Hawks clinging onto Dabi for support as he was hit with different sensations and temperatures all coming from one usually quiet lizard man.
Between the long, hot tongue, the cool scales, and claws occasionally dragging along; Hawks wasn’t actually aware he was this sensitive as he moaned again. Then again, he was trained to block out the pain of a fight and feathers being destroyed. His feather’s weren’t used to positive attention.  
“...Fuck that was hot.” Dabi eventually groaned, pulling the panting bird’s head up by his hair and giving him a sloppy kiss. 
“What other sounds can we get him to make?” Shigaraki smirked, having apparently left the bar stool he was perched on before to carefully pull Hawks’ chin to face him and stealing a kiss of his own.
‘I don't care if they celebrate or not, all of these fuckers are getting chapstick for Christmas.’ Hawks thinks to himself as chapped lips meet his. ‘Why is he so good though???’
He lets out a small whine that makes Dabi laugh, whispering in Hawks’ ear. “Good isn’t he? Wait 'til you see what he can do with his tongue.”
“Shut up, Bacon Bits.” Shigaraki glares. “Not like I can really use my hands now can I?”
“O-okay, but who’s been fu-fucking Japan’s most wanted?” Hawks has to ask.
Shigaraki smirks. “You really think I’m letting my hand anywhere near my dick?”
Hawks stares at him in confusion before it clicks and he groans. “Shit that sounds hot.”
“It is.” Everyone else minus Shigaraki confirms, making Hawks wonder how frequently this happens.
“You’ll see it eventually. Now come on! I wanna make him make more noises!” Shigaraki basically whines. 
“Always such a needy bitch.” Dabi rolls his eyes, pulling Shigaraki up for his own kiss, this one a lot more heated as the light haired leader makes a lewd sound. By the time Dabi lets him up, Shigaraki is panting as blue eyes look at the other two. “What are you waiting for?”
Hawks shivered when a set of claws ghosted up his back to undo the flap of his coat then past his neck to get it off. “Are we really just doing this in the general area?”
“Good point. Shigs stole the biggest bed so guess it’s your room.” Dabi hums, smirking at the scowling leader.
Shigaraki glanced at the big wings on Hawks' back and seemed to run a calculation. “Don’t break my shit, and I don’t dust them.”
“I’ll do my best.” Hawks chuckled, before he winced when Twice tried to remove his glove and he hid his hand on instinct, hearing a small curse behind him when a few feathers apparently sharpened. “Shit, I’m sorry!” 
Shigaraki and Twice just looked at him in confusion and concern as a scaled head peeked around to do the same. 
Dabi’s eyes narrow in annoyance and anger. “We couldn’t get you out of there fast enough, huh? Your talons are fine, birdie. Like fuck, there are claws running through your hair right now and you think anyone here is gonna give a damn?” 
Hawks shrunk away from the glaring blue eyes. “Sorry...kind of habit you know?”
“Stop making that face, you burnt nugget!He probably thinks you’re mad at him.” Twice huffs at Dabi, trying to cool the tension in the air. 
Dabi winces, realizing Twice is probably right. “Shit. I’m pissed at the Commission, not him. He used to be a lot more bird-like, and they probably tortured it out of him. Yeah, don’t think I haven’t noticed your cute little hop is gone. Seriously, I can’t wait to burn that place to the ground.” 
Hawks just tries laughing it off. “Nah, it’s gooOod! Fuck, Spinner! That tongue! Fine, fine, yeah, habits die hard…” Hawks suddenly smirks. “Make me forget it?” 
Three groans sound along with Twice’s giggles. 
“Cheeky bird.” Dabi growls, taking hold of a glove. “Let them out?” 
Hawks sighs, letting Dabi take the glove off before making a confused chirp when Shigaraki starts examining his talons. 
“They’re really cool.” Shigaraki comments, sounding like a kid with a new toy as he pokes the end of one and wincing when it draws blood. “And they make you hide these? Idiots. How is Dabi’s back still in three pieces?!”
Hawks just blinks, not knowing what to say. “Is he always this soft?”
“Only when he senses insecurities.” Dabi chuckles, ruffling already messy light blue locks and getting annoyed grumbles. 
“I gotta make up for the destructive quirk somehow.” Shigaraki mutters, before deciding to change the subject. “Spinner what are you doing back there?”
“Taking advantage of my own claws. Sorry Hawks, but you’re gonna be borrowing our clothes tomorrow.” Spinner hums with amusement in his voice. 
Hawks furrows his brows in confusion, trying to look behind him. “Wh-? Hey! How did you?!”
Spinner had apparently used the wing flap on the back of his coat to slice away at his leotard and pants, his belt now being the only thing holding them to him. “How sharp are your claws?!”
Shigaraki and Twice snickered as Dabi rolled his eyes. 
“Not sharp enough for that. Come on, Spin. We agreed on no knives unless he okayed it.” Dabi smirked, holding out his hand.
Hawks could practically feel the pout coming from behind him as a seriously sharp knife was passed over his shoulder. ‘Shit no wonder I didn’t even notice.’
“Uh, I think he’s fine with it. He’s rock hard!” Twice was laughing.
Hawks blinked, looking down before turning scarlet and trying to hide behind his equally red wings. “Friend card revoked!” 
Dabi was laughing at Twice’s whining so no one noticed Shigaraki ducking into the wing cocoon. He was getting impatient after all.
“Don’t worry. He has plenty more knives where that came from, and it’s not like you’re the only one. Why do you think you have to play sugar daddy so often.” Shigaraki smirked, looping his hands over the hero’s shoulders. “He does that any chance he gets, and can do so with his claws too when they’re not freshly trimmed.”
Hawks’ face darkens even as his pupils dilate, making Japan’s most wanted snicker. “Glad my paycheck goes to the noble cause of you all getting freaky.”
“Well if all goes well you can join us in that any time you want.” Shigaraki smirks, taking the chance to disintegrate what's left of Hawks’ already shredded clothes.
The others finally notice what is going on when Hawks’ wings puff in surprise and they see calloused hands peeking out the back. 
“Hey! No fair!” Twice whines, trying to peek around ruffled feathers. “Shigaraki’s hogging him!”
“I’m just taking the opportunity while you all are being idiots. Now how about we open the wings, hmm?” Shigaraki smirks at Hawks who would probably comply with anything at this point.
Hawks returns his wings to their resting position and sighs happily when he feels clawed fingers carefully start preening them. “Y’all really wanna get me in bed, huh?”
“Yes.” Was the immediate chorus that made Hawks flush again.
“Well you’re succeeding...Where did Dabs go?” Hawks questioned when he noticed the missing flame user. 
A bird whistle was heard from down the hall that Hawks was positive Dabi did not know the meaning behind, but didn’t have time to tease about as a much taller Twice suddenly lifted him up to carry him towards the sound. 
He’d deny his surprised squawk 'til his dying day, but had a revenge for the snickers that followed. “Hey, Spinner? Wearing any limited edition?” 
“I got the scarf off a villain auction otherwise no. Why-” 
He didn’t get to finish asking as there were multiple flashes of red and the other three were suddenly stark  naked save Spinner’s scarf, Twice’s mask, and obviously their shoes.
“What the hell?! Thanks for leaving my mask!” Twice grins down at Hawks who smiles back.
“Great, another one.” Shigaraki huffs, crossing his arms with a pout. “Would it be offensive to ask if that’s an animal mutant type thing?” 
Spinner opens his mouth to answer, but closes it as Hawks and him look at each other. “Uhhh..”
“I mean Rumi says she ruins her gf’s clothes, too? And we got Gang Orca drunk enough at a party once to admit to it? Also that the dude is hung like the size of Twice’s forearm here, but uhhh maybe it’s a feral thing? I would ask my intern but no.” Hawks shrugs, rearranging himself in Twice’s hold to check the other two out. 
‘Hell yeah.’ Hawks thought as he gave a chirp of appreciation at two of the guys that would be ruining him. 
Shigaraki was as skinny as one would expect, but it was the tone, gymnast type of slim; nice and smooth with a few dry patches here and there but he was pretty to look at and was surprisingly shaven? I guess when you can suck your own dick you don’t want pubes in your mouth. Speaking of his dick though, Hawks wanted it in his mouth and down his throat ASAP as he licked his suddenly dry lips. It wasn’t as thick as Dabi’s, but it was as long and Hawks cooed at the thought of choking on it. Shigaraki must have guessed what he was doing and he turned red as he hid behind a snickering Spinner. 
“Perverted bird.”
Spinner snickered again and Hawks’ attention turned to him now. He didn’t quite know what to expect given he was a lizard man, but he wasn’t disappointed at seeing the strong arms and and not chiseled but still there abs that were obviously still covered in scales, but showed he could hold his own. Spinner definitely knew what was going on as he let his tongue lull out of his mouth and past his chin with a little maneuver that brought out another chirp. Hawks blushed as he let his eyes continue down to avoid making eye contact and tilted his head in confusion. 
“Just to make sure, I have been using the right pronouns, right?” Hawks asked when he couldn’t easily find Spinner’s dick.
Spinner nodded and it was apparently Shigaraki’s turn to snicker as he wrapped his arm around Spinner’s middle and carefully fondled at a slight bulge in his scales that Hawks hadn’t noticed before. Spinner groans, leaning back into Shigaraki. “You’ll see in a minute, Hawks. Let’s not keep DaAabi waiting. Shit.”
Hawks cocked his head in confusion, but let out another surprised chirp when he was basically tossed onto a bed and into a naked Dabi’s waiting arms. 
“Have you been a good birdie while I was setting up?” Dabi hummed as he caged the hero in his arms. 
Hawks tried to nod, but realized Dabi wasn’t even asking him, and was instead looking to the three sets of hungry eyes standing around them. 
“Besides slicing our clothes and being a perv? Yeah, I think he’s earned a little treat.” Shigaraki smirked from where he situated himself on his desk chair, stroking himself lazily. 
“I was curious.” Hawks pouts, squirming in a snickering Dabi’s lap as he feels a lubed finger at his hole. “And you dusted the sliced remains of my clothes. I don’t wanna hear it.”
All his pouting earned him was various laughs before he felt Dabi’s finger slip inside him and he whimpered, quickly switching to a whine when he felt a heated hand between his wings.
“Shit.” He heard Shigaraki hiss before what was probably the lube was once again uncapped. “So the forums were right about that.”
“Fo-forums?” Hawks huffed out, grinding himself down on the finger inside him. 
“You think we’re the only ones wanting to get a hold of you?” Shigaraki snickered, smirk evident in his voice. “There’s entire forums dedicated to theorizing how much bird you are and what would make you go feral. Looks like Dabi’s already tested quite a few.”
“Knowing him he probably looked up a bunch of bird jokes and facts before even meeting up with the hero so he could piss him off.” Spinner hums, smirking lightly himself. “He definitely tried out actual erogenous zones during the hate fucking stage.”
Hawks wraps his wing around himself in what appears to be embarrassment, but really so he could whisper. “They-ah-They don’t know?”
“They do. They just don’t know that we knew each other. Would’ve made it too easy for you to get in.” Dabi shrugs before biting at the back of Hawks’ neck.
Hawks is about to complain but instead moans loud as his wings puff up and out and he gives the other members quite the view. “Ahh! Dabs! No faiiir~!”
“Shit, Dabi, you have first dibs, but hurry the hell up!” Spinner curses, a slick noise coming from his direction.
Hawks glances over to flash him a flirty grin, but instead his eyes widen in shock before his head falls back in a moan. “Spinner, please tell me I’m not hallucinating.”
“Cool, isn’t it? It’s really fucking hot!” Twice chimes in for the first time in a while, prompting Hawks to finally look him over. His suit is slimming is the first thing Hawks takes note of as he takes in the ‘Does home improvement’ dad bod vibe that seems just a little more well more outside of costume. 
‘Guess black really is slimming.’ He thinks as he follows the hair down from Twice’s chest to his happy trail, and where the man had his fist around an averagely sized if not maybe a little thick dick settled in messy blonde pubes. 
The other two in the room hummed in agreement at Twice’s statement and it took Hawks a second to realize one came from behind him making him pout. “What the hell, Dabs! You never let me top you!” he whined making the others in the room laugh. 
“Not my fault you’re just a bratty bottom. Besides, there’s two. It’d be a sin not to try.” Dabi chuckles into the back of Hawks’ neck. “And you literally just figured out who I am and you think I’d let you have that much power?” he whispers.
“Fair enou-AHhhh~!” Hawks chirps again when Dabi once again bites the back of his neck and his legs fall open. “MeEanie!” He whines, squirming a bit when a third finger is added. ‘When did he add the second?’
Spinner meanwhile had his face hidden in his scarf. “Thanks idiots. I don’t at all feel like a walking dildo.”
“Oh, shush.” Shigaraki snickers. “You love it when one of us worships them. No need to play shy for the birdie.” 
Spinner shoots his boss a look before he smirks with a coy shrug. "You look so pretty when you're blissed out warming them, it's hard not to love it." 
Shigaraki tsks in response, but even in the dim light, Hawks' bird vision can see the flush dusting the leader's cheeks. "Well I'm not gonna risk them with a hand job. That'd be such a waste." 
"It really would. Shiggy is being a tsundere!" 
"Shut up!" The villain basically whines, pouting even as he's pulled into Spinner's lap. "I'm not a tsundere…"
"You really are, boss." Spinner shrugs, kissing away the chapped pout. "But it's cute." 
Hawks thinks he hears what he can only assume are more petty insults, but his attention is brought back to the person behind him when he's lifted slightly and he feels something much bigger than fingers prodding at his hole. 
"Mmm~ Dabs! Come on, pleAhh!" Hawks moans low when Dabi finally starts entering him slowly, wings expanding and giving everyone in the room quite the view. He whines at Dabi's attempts to go slow, grabbing calloused hands and pushing to sink himself the rest of the way in one go and earning multiple groans. 
"Fucking shit, Hawks!" Dabi snarls behind him. "I was tryna let you adjust, Bird Brain!" 
Gold eyes glare at blue over panting shoulders. "You have literally -ah - never done so before. You think I give a damn about your nEw -shit - new found chivalry now ?"
Dabi glares right back but there's a feral smirk on his face. "That's also when I'm the only dick you have to worry about, pretty bird. Suit yourself though." 
Hawks gets no further chance at snark as Dabi repositions the hero to his hands and knees and begins abusing the smaller's hole. 
"AHHH! Dabiii~! Fuck!" The blonde curses, talons digging into the sheets below him. 
He glances up at the other three villains in the room and feels a thrill run through him at the hunger in their eyes. He feels like prey caught by predators and fuck if he isn't getting off to it. He remembers his earlier assessments and locks teary gold eyes with crazed red, letting his mouth hang open on a moan and his tongue lull out. 
"Shit. You got your head start, Bacon Bits. I'm gonna make the pretty bird choke on my cock." Shigaraki rasps, scrambling out of Spinner's lap to grab a fist full of blonde hair, pinky extended of course. 
"Like he-" Shigaraki's actions earn him a moan of his own and whatever objection Dabi was forming dies on his lips. "Tsk, whatever. God and he was giving me shit for fucking my boss when I brought the idea up, now he's moaning for our dicks like a common whore." 
Cracked lips smirk down at Hawks as Shigaraki guides his cock into the hero's mouth. "You did say he was just a bratty bottom. Guess he's all cheek until you put a dick in front of him, huh?" 
"Nah, usually gotta get it in him first to actually shut him up and even then he's never quiet." Dabi shrugs, adjusting his angle slightly to try to find the blonde's prostate. "Guess he'll have to be quiet now though and just take it." 
Shigaraki curses when Dabi finds Hawks' prostate and the bird moans loud around his cock. "Shit! Does he not have a gag reflex? Ahh! Fuck, don't swallow. I wanna ride you too, birdie." 
This earns him another moan as Dabi smirks. "Nope. Fucked that out of him a while ago." 
"Dammit. Flip him over. I'm not gonna last in there. Let Spinner have his throat, I'm gonna ride him into next week."
Hawks whines when he's left momentarily empty before the words catch up to him and he's scrambling to comply, his wings making flipping him difficult. Eventually he's positioned onto his back with his wings hanging off the bed and the armless desk chair supporting his head and upper shoulders. 
If he wasn't so horny, he probably would have been touched by the amount of care they took to ensure his wings weren't crushed. 
As it were though, he was surprised to find Dabi to his side and Twice by his head as Shigaraki hovered over his cock. That could only leave one place for Spinner and Hawks groaned in anticipation, legs reaching out and attempting to pull the scaled man closer when he found his hips. 
"Please, please, please! Move! Someone! Please!" Hawks begged, fully aware of what he was doing and not giving a damn. 
"Shit, birdie. You really want us to ruin you, huh?" Dabi cooed, carding his fingers through wild blonde locks and smiling when Hawks leaned into the touch. 
"Yeees! Please!" He whines, thrusting his own hips in hopes of taunting Shigaraki into acting. 
It works as the bluenette curses and lines himself up. "Needy bird." He mutters as he sinks down until Hawks is sheathed fully. 
Hawks whimpers with the effort of staying still before all but screaming when Shigaraki starts a fast pace. 
"AHHHH! Shit! Shiggyyy~! Fuck so tigh-mph!" The hero’s rambling was cut off when Twice now took hold of his chin and slid in.
Both blondes moaned low, Hawks' making Twice's hips twitch in reaction. 
"Can I move Hawks? I'm going to ruin ya!" 
Twice got to feel Hawks relax his throat around him before he gave a taloned thumbs up. He wasted no time, starting up a pace that was just as erratic as his personality and made Hawks just as hot as he was grateful he trained away his gag reflex as he moaned around the villain's length, hips twitching up to meet Shigaraki's. 
Hawks was so focused on the two villains already using him he almost forgot about the scaled one waiting to single handedly double penetrate him. How he could almost forget such a thing he couldn't tell you, but he just about sobbed around Twice's cock when the heads prodded at his already messy hole. 
Clawed, scaled hands groped at his ass as his cheeks were spread to accommodate the lizard man's hemipenis. 
'Ruin me is right. God if I hadn't already decided to switch sides this probably would have won me over-' "Mmmnngh~" Hawks lost his train of thought at Spinner slowly split him open. In all honesty, he probably couldn't form a thought as he switched between talons tearing at Shigaraki's sheets, turning them to ribbons and a boneless, whimpering mess as he adjusted and continued. 
By the time Spinner was fully inside, Hawks was panting around the dick abusing his throat and was sure that if Shigaraki rested a hand on his stomach, he'd be able to feel Spinner he was so full. 
He must have zoned out because next thing he knows, Dabi is lightly tapping his face and his vision is filled with blue when he opens his eyes. When had he closed them? When had Twice pulled out of his mouth so he could look up? 
"You with us, birdie?" Dabi hums gently.
"Mmm~" Hawks hums in return, nodding. His mind feels pleasantly fuzzy as he leans into the warm hand cupping his face. 
"Words, pretty bird. You good?" 
It takes Hawks a second as he's just basking in the warmth coming from Dabi's hand, but he eventually nods. "Y-yeah. I'm k." 
"Shit, Spinner. You haven't even moved yet, and you've already fucked him stupid." Shigaraki whistles. 
If Hawks had the thought to looks up, he'd see Spinner looking down in a way that probably signifies a blush. "Shut up. ...Should I stop?" 
Hawks whines at the question and Dabi laughs. "He definitely doesn't want you to stop. He wanted to know if it was okay to move, birdie, but you had stopped answering. Is he good to move?" 
Hawks nods quickly. "Y-yes! Pleeeease~ Mooove~!" He whines, wiggling his hips and getting curses from both Spinner and Shigaraki. 
"Shit! Yeah, alright. Dabi? Does he have a safe word I should listen for?" Spinner groans, pulling out about half way before thrusting back in, pulling out a bit more as he gains speed. 
"Fuck, shit he's a good ride." Shigaraki mutters at the same time as he starts moving again too. 
Hawks practically screams as his prostate is abused with each thrust and he babbles incoherently. 
Dabi now understands why Spinner asked him instead and sighs as though in pain. "Colonel Sanders or three high pitched chirps. 2 snaps if he can't use his mouth. Show them, baby bird." 
Hawks does as he's told to reassure everyone he can as Shigaraki and Spinner groan and Twice cackles in response to Hawks' safe word. 
"Understood." Spinner sighs, grunting as Hawks squeezes around him at the same time Shigaraki mutters. "He's lucky he's pretty." As exasperated as they are by the bird brain's choice of safe word, they're relieved they don't have to stop. 
"Can I use his mouth again?" Twice chimes in, both personalities apparently in agreeance as no second voice follows. 
Dabi doesn't get to ask as Hawks makes grabby hands at the other blonde, mouth hanging open lewdly. "Shit, baby bird." The flame user gasps at the sight. 
Twice groans, sliding back into the tight heat that is Hawks' throat. "Fuck. Shit." 
Dabi can't help but chuckle as he perches himself on Shigaraki's desk to watch, stroking himself at the sight. "Such a good little bird. Taking their cocks so well. How does Shiggy feel riding your dick? He definitely makes up for the no touching thing doesn't he?" 
Wings flutter as Hawks moans around Twice's cock at the feeling of Shigaraki clenching around him in response to Dabi's words. 
"Yeah I knew you'd enjoy that. What about Spinner’s cocks splitting you open? You think I do a number on you, be happy you have wings. Understand why I let him top me know, baby bird?" 
Hawks is just a fuzzy headed mess at this point as Dabi's words barely register to him. Spinner, on the other hand, groans, redoubling his efforts and smirking when Shigaraki almost gets thrown off by Hawks' back arching in response. 
"Assholes." Shigaraki hisses from where he has his hands thrown out at his sides like a tightrope walker and his thighs clenched at Hawks' sides. He's pouting at both Spinner and Dabi. 
Both ignore him as Dabi continues to rile up the villains fucking his birdie. "Maybe we'll finally get some quiet tomorrow when Twice is done with you, hmm? When your jaw is sore and throat hurts from taking his cock? You always do look so pretty with a cock in your mouth don't you, pretty bird?" 
Foggy, tear filled gold meets gray and Twice about cums on the spot. "Shit. We're cumming on him, right? Make a mess of the bird!"
"Unless, you're fucking him yeah." Dabi pants, returning to Hawks' side himself to jerk over the blonde's chest. It doesn't take long before he's painting the hero's chest in white, stroking himself through his orgasm before he's collapsing onto an empty part of the bed and panting. 
Twice only last a few more thrust after the confirmation before he's pulling out of the whining bird's mouth and cumming all over his face, neck, and collarbone, groaning low at the sight. "Fuck. That's hot." He leans against the desk. 
The two older men catch their breath as they watch the other two finish taking Hawks apart. 
"Nnngh! Please! Need to- need ta- please!" Hawks practically sobs, unable to string a thought together long enough to finish his sentence. 
Dabi hoist himself back up to crouch by Hawks' face, combing his fingers through sex mussed hair. "Shhh. What do you need, baby bird." 
"C-cum! Wanna cum! P-pleAse! Can I? Dabiiii~!" 
Both of the villains still on and in Hawks moan at the pleas, Shigaraki clenching around the hero and earning another broken hiccup. 
"Fuck. Let him cum inside, Frankenstein. I wanna get Spinner to eat it out of me after." Shigaraki wiggles, snickering at the pained moan that comes behind him paired with a whispered, "Fuck yes." 
Dabi smirks but his eyes are fond as he coos at his birdie. "You've been a good boy. Cum whenever you want, baby bird." 
That's all Hawks need before his wings are slicing into the bed and he's arching his back with a scream as he cums hard inside Shigaraki. 
Hawks falls back on the bed with a whimper as he pulls the remaining villains down with him; Shigaraki cumming all over the blonde's stomach and chest as Spinner fills the hero up, a small, animalistic sound leaving him when a sex drunk Shigaraki jokes that Hawks' stomach looks a little bigger after. 
"It probably will be after tonight." Dabi smirks, snickering at the curious looks on the younger villain's faces and the mild horror on Twice's. "What's wrong, Twice? You didn't think he was done did ya? He can keep up with Spinner and even Shigaraki's kinky ass." 
"Jesus. Another one?!" 
"Just make some clones, old man. I promised the birdie we'd make a mess of him." Dabi rolls his eyes, shushing Hawks gently as Spinner and Shigaraki finally pull out and off.
Shigaraki wastes no time flopping on his back, and directs Spinner where he said he wanted his lizard tongue a few moments prior.
"He's already covered in cum? I'm only a few years older than you, jackass!" 
"Yeah he's not gonna care, and besides," Dabi gently turns Hawks' head to face the older, "can you really say no to this face?" 
Hawks blinked blearily at Twice as he chirped, snuggling into Dabi's touch and making grabby hands for cuddles. 
"A batch of clones coming up! Why is he so cute?!"
Dabi smirked as he moved back on the bed and once again repositioned Hawks so his back was laying on his front, wings on either side of them. "For now just get snacks and water. He went under so let's take care of him first. Don't want him dropping after all." 
"Right! You got it! That would fucking suck!" Twice nodded quickly as he ran out of the room to the bar area.
Meanwhile, Shigaraki was doing his best not to disintegrate the sheets as he thrashed around next to them, Spinner's tongue making an absolute mess of him. 
"I-Ahhh! Shit! I'll let him play with my hair or something since I cAn't- Ah!- can't really be a big spoon. Or should I get a baAaath ready?" Shigaraki offers. 
"He said you could touch his wings as long as you're careful, right?" Dabi asked instead as he combed through Hawks hair, responding to Hawks' chirps with pre-arranged sounds of his own. "He likes his wings pet and straightened, what's the word, preened(?), when he's coming back. Wanna try that? He's gonna wanna go more so there's no point even running a bath yet, but I'm sure he'd like that. Honestly we can just jump back in as we're able to get hard again, though. Twice and I can handle aftercare since you two will probably go longer." 
Shigaraki grins when reminded he's allowed to touch the hero's wings. "I call at least Onnne wing! Dammit, Spinner! There!" 
Dabi chuckles at the leader's antics. "We'll save you a wing then. Now hurry up, before he comes back enough to start whining for more." 
Both younger villains groan, making Shigaraki basically scream at the vibrations. "Fuuuck!" 
"I got fruit! And somehow another boner!" 
"Jesus, get over here." Dabi laughs, carefully feeding Hawks as Twice takes his turn fucking into the hero. 
~Next Morning~
*camera shutter* 
"How wrecked do I look?" Hawks groans into what he thought was a pillow but soon realizes is Twice's chest. 
"Look at the bed around you and take a wild guess?" Dabi smirks from behind Hawks' phone that he used to take the picture. 
Hawks' lifts his head slightly and groans at the hell scape that was formerly Shigaraki's bed. "Let me see the picture...and I owe you a mattress and sheets." The blonde grumbles to the villain snuggled into his messy front. 
'No shame. Not a single one of them.' 
Dabi turns the screen to face Hawks and he turns slowly more red as more pictures from throughout the night are shown including a rather cute aftercare video of a very happy Shigaraki learning how to preen his wings. 
Hawks attempts to hide in said wings but is stopped by a villain on either side of him, using his wings as blankets. He has to admit, they did a really good job with them if the shine is anything to go by, but that doesn't stop the embarrassment. 
"...So clone cum turns back to mud, huh?" 
"Told ya that was part of the image." Dabi shrugs. 
The others have woken up at this point and are looking at him hopefully. 
"...shit." Hawks sighs. "Help me to a bath so I can get proper not gross cuddles…and Dabi is still my mate, but if everyone is cool with it I wouldn't mind doing this again." 
Hawks makes to get up, but Dabi is there to catch him when his legs ultimately give out before handing him off to Twice. "You got dicked within an inch of your life and you were gonna try to walk, bird brain?" 
"Shut up!" Hawks pouts as the others snicker. "I change my mind. Fuck all of you, and you in particular." He huffs at Dabi. 
Dabi just smirks. "That's the plan, pretty bird." 
Hawks stays petulantly quiet after that.
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har-rison-s · 7 months
your good will: 38
family meeting
a/n: hiii, a big milestone chapter finally here. i hope i get to finishing this story sooner. i have less than 3 weeks left in my home country, then i'm moving away and i kinda wanna incorporate all those feelings into this story, yk? like method acting, only method writing :D happy reading!
series masterlist
stranger things masterlist
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word count: 5.3k
characters in this chapter: maggie byers (oc), will byers, joyce byers, jonathan byers, el / jane hopper
warnings: angst, comfort, i suck at endings
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gif credit goes to owner!
Maggie is sure she's only seen her mother smoke this many cigarettes when Will went missing. Well, alright, the whole year between November 1983 and November 1984 was a good year for Camel cigarette sales in Hawkins because of Joyce. Surely she's not as anxious now as she was then, this - telling your kids they're moving away from their hometown - is a lot less stressful than having a missing kid is. But her hands are steady, so that's a good sign, at least. 
Sitting beside her mom at the table, Maggie can feel how much her mood differs from the rest of the kids. Jonathan is a little antsy because of the job search, Will and Eleven are just waiting for Joyce to tell them whatever it is she brought them together for, they're a little confused. Maggie's just impatient to get this over and done with already.
“Okay, guys, here goes,” Joyce finally says, making everyone straighten their backs for the millionth time this morning. It's been a while since Joyce sat them all down to tell them the news, there have been many attempts to say it nice and easy, “I–”
“Is this about the house?” Jonathan asks, raising his head from its usual low hanging point. Everyone looks to him. “I saw an unpublished flier in the ads room while I was still working at the Post.” 
Maggie didn't know that Joyce had already marketed the house, she looks at her mom. Joyce sighs and takes another puff from her cigarette. She has been found out. “Well, that's an easy way to start this,” she says and huffs, “yes, I put the house up for sale. Our house.” She says and looks her kids over, Maggie included, so that there's no suspicion of her knowing before the rest of them find out. It's not exactly good to hide something like that from the rest of your family. 
There's no reaction from the kids yet, only blank stares and raised eyebrows. Except for Jonathan's furrowed brow. Maggie scratches the back of her head. No one says anything. Joyce takes that as a sign to continue.
“I've been… thinking about it since last year,” she admits, “since we got that thing out of Will.” Joyce says and looks at her youngest. Will hugs an arm around himself. “How so many shitty things have happened in this house,” she continues. The man in the wall with no face, Will going missing at home. Fights with Lonnie. Billy Hargrove and Steve having a fight, smashing up some kitchen cutlery in their way. A demogorgon actually being in this house, “so many shitty things have happened to us here, especially in the last few years.” Joyce shakes her head. “I just… I just think we need a fresh start. Somewhere new, where nobody knows us, where nothing like this happens. And of course, things can happen to you anywhere, because not in a million years would I have expected for things like what we've been through to happen in a small town like this! It's crazy.” She takes a drag of her cigarette and shakes her head.
“But…” Will gets the first word in, “but we grew up here. I have friends here, I–I… this is my home.” He tells his mom, looking right at her. The glassy look in his eyes and the slight tremble of his lips make Maggie's heart ache. “Our home,” Will adds, searching his mother's eyes for understanding. And there's plenty of it there, it's just that determination wins over it, “mom.” He whispers the word. Tears are bound to overflow any second. 
Joyce nods in response without saying a word. The tension in the room could be cut with an axe. Maggie looks everyone over, she sees confusion on everyone's faces, disagreement in her brothers' eyes. El has a deeply furrowed brow, Jonathan's sporting a less serious one. “I know,” Joyce finally says in a quieter voice, “I know. It's my home, too. I watched you guys grow up here.” She breathes a deep sigh. “Everything, and I mean everything has happened to us here.” Joyce shakes her head. “Living in a new place would be… refreshing, I don't know. A restart option.”
“Mom, it's not like our current lives have stopped for us,” Jonathan argues back, “all three of us still have school, and El should go to school, too, right?” He looks at the others for back-up. Maggie and Will shrug. “Maggie and me have relationships here, you know. It's not like life's stopped for all of us just because it's stopped for you.” Maggie raises her eyebrows at this statement.
He's not wrong, but he could have framed it differently. Nicer, less mean. Joyce looks at him, aghast. “Jonathan…” she whispers, “I just want things to be normal again. I want us to live a normal life.”
Jonathan grins in a not-amused way and bites back a sinister chuckle. “Mom, I'm sorry, but that's just… never happening,” he tells her with a shake of his head, “ever. The very reason you want us to move in the first place is not normal. Interdimensional monsters and mad scientists. It's not something you can just run away from and forget.” That's also true. “Will and El still have nightmares. They're still tied to everything, even if something like that never happens again.”
“He's right, mom,” Maggie says with a nod. Joyce feels a little betrayed by the only person she'd expected to take her side in this, even though they've had their arguments over this exact topic before. 
“It's not something we can get away from,” Will adds on, “me and El…” he looks at the girl, “we can't just forget it.”
“Yeah, but it will be totally different from here,” Joyce argues back, “there's places and things here that remind you of everything that's happened to you, but there's not gonna be any to where we move!” She explains. Will and Jonathan huff, nearly in unison. “It will be… moving on. For all of us.”
“Where are we going, exactly?” Maggie asks the question she hopes is neutral to ease the tension a little bit. Her mom turns her head to look at her. 
“I'd really love to move to Maine,” Joyce says and lights another cigarette, “but it's actually Owens' call. He'll know where the best place for us is.” She takes a drag from the new cigarette and looks the kids over. Silent, but tense. “Bob had a house in Maine, his parents' house. But we'll have to see. Owens is visiting today or tomorrow, don't know exactly.”
Maggie sighs. Will sleazes back into his chair. “So that's it,” he says, “we're just moving because you decided. We have no say in it.”
Joyce looks at her youngest. “I'm not looking to argue with any of you. This is a decision I've made that's best for all of us.” Joyce glances at El, who hasn't said a single word yet. “Owens suggested it, too. For El's safety from the government and everything.” She shrugs. 
“I think it will be safe,” El speaks up finally, a gentle nod swaying her head in agreement to Joyce, “the new place. Fresh start.” She looks at Joyce, and the woman squeezes her hand, shooting El a quick smile. Thanks for the support.
“And how soon will we be leaving?” Maggie asks in a near whisper, dreading the answer. If mom has talked this over with Owens, it means there's been more concrete talk or where and when. Joyce shrugs.
“The next few months,” she guesses, “but it's hard to tell now. It can't be right away, because that would be too suspicious. Would attract eyes we don't want on us.” Joyce sighs. “No later than October, I bet.” She looks her kids over again. Will rolls his eyes, Maggie looks at her fidgeting hands in her lap. She can tell no one except herself is happy with this news. “I promise it will be good for us, guys. Yes, also hard, but when have things ever been easy for us?” She means this for her flesh and blood more, though she knows El can more than agree with her on that. “You can get as mad at me as you want, but it's not going to change anything. Until you know stuff better than me, I know what's best for you, okay? And you bet your butts I'm gonna act on it.” She tells everyone. Will shakes his head again, disapproving of all of this completely. Classic teenager rebellion. Maggie and Jonathan are hardly teenagers anymore, but they're on the same stand as Will. “I just wanna…” Joyce sighs, exasperated, “I just wanna move on. Not linger where everything that's happened to us is all around us, right here, in every inch of this town. It's weighing me down, and can't be healthy for you guys, either.”
Maggie sighs. She knows there's no changing mom's mind, but she still disapproves of this decision. She'd rather stay here with Steve, work and finish school, than move to a completely strange place that she'll once again have trouble fitting into. She hardly fit into Hawkins, and her brothers hardly fit, too. The last year and a half haven't been helping with that, either. “Yeah, well, running away isn't exactly moving on, mom,” Jonathan finally says and leaves the kitchen with quick pace. Now Joyce sighs and hides her face in her hands. She's tried her best to explain herself and make the situation better for everyone, but evidently, it's not working. And she hoped Jonathan would have a more mature response to this decision. She expected better from her first child, but she doesn't realize how this makes him feel, not really.
It's different for Joyce here than it is for her kids. All three of them still have school to finish in the next few years, and leaving in October means they'd be changing schools in the middle of the semester, which messes with their heads. Everything that's happened to them over the last two years already throws their focus off in school, and now a big move wouldn't exactly help, either. All that Joyce would lose leaving here is a job, and she can easily find another one in the place they move to. Changing jobs isn't as disorienting as changing schools.
Will has friends here that he's grown up with since kindergarten. He's known them all his life. Jonathan is with Nancy, and Maggie is with Steve. Joyce lost Bob last year, and Hopper this year. The few friends she has here aren't that close friends with her, really, they're not real friends. Hopper was a real friend. She's not exactly sure what Murray could classify as, and he doesn't live in Hawkins, anyway. Joyce doesn't have as much here to leave as her kids do. 
She doesn't realize that, because she's lost everything she could lose already, except her children. She's also forgot how defensive teenagers can be in their reactions and feelings, she's forgot how it feels to be a teenager. While going through tough times, friends and other forms of relationships are what ground a person, what can help them get through those times. And a person often gets attached to anything that helps. Joyce has lost those kinds of people, but her kids still have them. She can't just pretend they're not there and make her kids forget about them. 
Jonathan leaves the house, disrupting the tense silence with slamming the door shut. Everyone hears him powering up his car and leaving in less than a minute. Joyce really hoped he'd take the news better than he did. “All right, I have to get to work,” Joyce says, getting up from the kitchen table with her pack of cigarettes in hand. She kisses Maggie's forehead, and walks over to Will to do the same, but there's some reluctance from her son at first. It saddens her, but she guesses she deserves that. Making Will's decisions for him has never really been productive. She squeezes his shoulder just a little tighter than usual, “have a good day, guys,” Joyce embraces El before leaving the kitchen, “I'll see you later.” She says quietly, grabbing her keys and then leaving through the front door like Jonathan did a few minutes ago, though quieter than he did.
Will sighs once mom has left and shakes his head. “I really don't wanna leave,” he says and leans onto the kitchen table, arms crossed under his chin, “I have… everything here.” Maggie nods. El sits in silence, just listening to the Byers siblings. She understands them, and she understands Joyce, and agrees with her more. But she understands it can be troubling to have such big changes one after the other in their lives, she understands the meaning of this place to Maggie, Will and Jonathan. 
“Me too,” Maggie says quietly and offers her brother a quick half-smile. She leans on the table as well, one hand under her chin and the other resting on Will's arm, offering a comforting touch, “remember when Owens came by recently?” She asks her brother, and he nods, intrigued. “Well, I heard mom talking to him about adoption papers for El,” Maggie looks at the younger girl with a smile, “you will legally be our sister.” She tells her. 
The small news make El smile from ear to ear, a smile only Max had the honor to see recently. She nearly sheds a tear, but only nearly. Maggie and Will look at her with big smiles. “Big sister,” El says to Maggie, and she nods, chuckling quietly afterwards. 
“Come here,” Maggie urges the younger girl, stretching an arm out to her, and Eleven listens, coming to sit in Maggie's lap, both girls embracing each other, “two sisters with two brothers.” Maggie says, looking at Will, who is now holding her hand on the table. “I really don't wanna leave home, either,” Maggie says in a deep breath, “but staying here can't be safe for El. I mean, there were FBI agents crawling in Hawkins last year, thank God hopper hid El from the rest of us.” She admits. “Otherwise we'd all be interrogated or something, and not in pretty ways.” 
El nods. “And the bad men,” she says. Maggie agrees with a nudge of her head. Even though the lab has been empty since winter, she's had doubts whether they're really gone. Gone forever.
“That's true,” Will says, seemingly having no other choice but to agree with them, “I don't think you could really go to school here,” he tells El, “too many people have seen you somehow.” Eleven nods, knowing that. Too many people. Too much exposure. Rumors and theories would start to spread, leading to news and investigations. Will sighs again. “Mom's probably right.” He says in defeat. Maggie chuckles. “And she would never let half of us stay here and the other half to move away, she'd never allow that.”
Maggie shakes her head. “Never in a million years,” she agrees. “I can’t split up my family” echoes in her mind, “that would be us splitting up, and she would never let that happen.”
“Yeah,” Will breathes quietly, defeat in the air between them again, “I guess she's… right. I don't think she understands how we're feeling about this.” He says and huffs, his eyes switching between El and Maggie. His sister nods and tucks her head under El's chin, the two of them embracing closer. 
“Jonathan could have said it nicer, but he was right. She doesn't have much left here, you know. No Bob, no Hopper.” Maggie says quietly. “I think he was kinda her last tie to this place. Home.” Her last chance at having a normal life. “And she's right in that… so much has happened to us here. This place just reeks of all the… trauma that's happened to us.” Maggie sighs. “I guess she can't take it anymore. I don't blame her. And she wants you guys to get better.”
Will nods, thinking how wise his sister always is. If she played D&D, she'd have to take his mantel and be Maggie the Wise. Sometimes, like this moment for example, he's overcome with how thankful he is to have someone like her. The closest women in his life - his mom and sister - are both smart, strong, always give the right advice, have kind hearts and are forgiving (though that's not always healthy for them), and are just little miracles that someone in creation dealt Will to have and cherish. And he does cherish them.
The Byers siblings sit in silence, El taking in what the siblings-by-blood are saying and feeling, seeing from their point of view in this situation. Will lays on the table, arms crossed under his head, thinking about this big change in their lives. He's had a couple of those already, and none of them have exactly been 100% pleasant. Maybe this move will be at least 90% better than it will be for the worst. Will hopes so. He's so tired of receiving bad news, tired of bad things happening to him and his family.
Maggie's pondering about what house Owens will be offering them, and if they really can put the move off until October. That's a good amount of time to fit in anything she wants to do until they're gone. Her thoughts travel to their plan for the day, and she realizes they have none. Maybe Owens coming by, but Maggie pegs him for a morning type of person, so he'll probably be here tomorrow. She doesn't wanna bother Steve again - though, of course, she knows he wouldn't call that bothering and would be happy to see her at any time of day - and she's wanted to bring the younger siblings together, anyway. 
“You guys wanna rent a movie, maybe?” Maggie suggests to the younger ones, catching their attention. “We could make popcorn or buy candy and watch something fun.”
“You don't have any plans for the day?” Will asks, and Maggie shakes her head with a gentle smile on her lips, looking at her brother. “Not even with Steeeeeve?” He turns his head at Maggie playfully and says Steve's name in a sing-song voice that sounds more like a whine, not a celebratory, romantic mention. Maggie chuckles, and even El cracks a smile, loving the dynamic between Will and his sister. 
“No, not even with Schteve,” Maggie tells Will and pushes at his shoulder a bit, teasing him back in her own way. Will smiles and nods, “what would you guys wanna watch?”
“Whatever,” Will says with a shrug and leans back in his chair, “what do you like, El?” He looks at his step-sister-to-be. El rests her head atop Maggie's and lets out a long sigh.
“Something funny,” she says.
“Maybe let's just go to the video store and we'll see what's there, huh? Whatever catches your eye,” Maggie suggests to El, looking up at her, and the younger girl nods. Maggie checks with Will with a glance, and Will agrees with a nod, too, “okay, let's change and go. We'll take our bikes.” She says and El gets off her lap as if on cue. “Wait, El, do you know how to ride a bike?” She asks. 
El looks a little puzzled. She's used to moving objects, not using them really. She thinks how hard can it be? But then gets anxious. She's less sure of herself now that she's out of her powers. She hasn't really tried practicing in the last few days, and Max said to give it time, but it hasn't left her mind. Can she do anything at all if she doesn't have her powers? Maggie notices her growing nervous, and shakes her head with an assuring smile. 
“It's okay, we can teach you. You can sit on the back of my bike today,” Maggie tells her, and El nods with a small smile on her lips. She's so glad there's no rush and no pressure. She's used to getting that from people around her so much that it's become a permanent feeling of pressure and expectations. El is glad the Byers are different from the people she's used to being around.
She enjoys that Will asks her personal questions without it being like an interrogation, or an interview. She likes that she can feel he asks her stuff and shares his own thoughts because he wants to know about her, not because he wants something from her. Like if she likes scary movies - which she doesn't, well only ghost movies and thrillers, because the ones with paranormal stuff and monsters remind her too much of the Lab, and of everyone's perception of her. A monster. Or if she likes any sort of music, which she does - Jim Croce reminds her of Hopper and good memories, and Madonna reminds her of Max and good memories with her. 
El doesn't know it yet, but the Byers - especially Maggie and Will - bring her such a feeling of normalcy, a reassuring feeling of being a person rather than a subject, and in a family, sibling kind-of way. They're her friends, but also more than that. Max is her friend, like a sister. Maggie is, too. But Mike was a friend, and then a boyfriend. And now… she doesn't really know what he is. But with these people, who are as close to her as Mike is, it feels kind of easier, with less expectations. 
There's no sense of doing anything wrong in their eyes, El feels like she could never do wrong in their house and that she's not under any pressure. In expressing feelings and thoughts in the Byers house there is no hesitation, and no fear. Maggie and the others, but Maggie especially, has made her feel so safe and secure. None of them really expect anything from her in any sense, and that eases El by a lot. They're really family to her. They've become that in a short time, though El knows it's gonna last forever. At least she hopes so. She has a good feeling about this.
And what if they are leaving their home? El understands that can be tough - Hawkins has been her home for the last almost-two years, yet she never really felt like she belonged, or had a right to live here. She can see and will see later how hard it is to leave one's home. Somewhere only you know, a place where you've grown up and had shaping experiences, earned friends and more. Where you took your first steps, said your first words, had your first kiss, screwed up something for the first time, were scared for the first time. 
But at least they'll be doing it all together. None of them will be alone, like Will was in the Upside Down, like El wandering the woods after escaping the Lab, like Joyce believing Will was still alive and doing everything she could to prove it, like Jonathan dealing with his brother's disappearance in the same time as being bullied at school and by his father, like Maggie dealing with Hopper and his daughter's death, and its toll on the poor man. The Byers and El are going to experience moving to a different town, different house all together. 
It makes El feel like she finally belongs somewhere. Like she has a safety pillow to fall onto. Like she has a home.
She used to watch movies with Hopper at their cabin all the time, and tv shows, too. But El’s never been to a place where you can rent videotapes for movies or shows, so Family Video is like another world for her. She’s sure Hopper had some tapes, too, but he was much more of a television guy, she didn’t really get an offer for him to watch a rented movie or anything. 
Family Video is deserted, as the rest of the town is - they’ve lost almost half the population to the Mind-Flayer, so no wonder. But the less people, the more comfortable El feels. Maggie lets her roam the store while she and Will look for one or two fun movies to rent. For now they’ve got Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, they want to find an extra movie just in case it gets boring for either of the three of them.
“Need any recommendations?” That sly voice Maggie could recognise anywhere speaks up from their left. She quickly glances at looming Keith at the end of the aisle, and notices he has that strange smirk of his that tells you he’s up to mischief. She rolls her eyes when she turns her head back to the tapes, and Will holds back a snort.
“No, thanks, we’re just browsing,” Maggie responds as she usually would to anyone else asking. She hopes Keith will take the hint, but she knows him better than that. She doesn’t feel particularly comfortable in his presence, he’s always been creepy and even stalker-ish - both when he was still in school and now, after he’s graduated for more than a year.
“You know, I’ve noticed you coming in here a few times already,” Keith continues the conversation and comes a little closer, while Maggie and Will move further away, nearly in tandem, so the distance between them and Keith would remain the same while moving around, “you like movies a lot, huh?” 
Maggie huffs, “I sure do,” she replies flatly and finally finds what she was hoping to. Footloose, 1984, “let’s take this one.” She tells Will, holding the tape up, and Will nods, a smile stretching across his features. 
“Perfect, I’d forgot about it.” He says and admires the simple poster on the tape’s cover. “This will be fun.” He tells his sister, and she nods. 
“Go get El, and I’ll pay for these,” Maggie says, and Will follows suit. Ah, crap, now she has to pass Keith and also talk to him while she rents the two tapes. She makes her way into the parallel aisle to Keith’s, and holds the two desired tapes up in her hand. Keith nods and quickly makes his way to the cash register, beating Maggie to it first, “I’ll probably return them on Thursday.” She tells him.
“No problem at all,” Keith says and types whatever it is he needs to type into the store’s computer, “I’ll put it in until next Monday, the 22nd.” Maggie nods. Keith makes calculations on a piece of paper, presses buttons into the cash register and gives Maggie a sleazy smile. “That will be twelve bucks.” Maggie raises her eyebrows. “Gave ya a little discount there.”
Maggie chuckles weakly. “I appreciate that, but you didn’t have to,” she says, but pulls out the exact money and lays it on the counter. Now this is getting more awkward than it was before.
“Just come by some more,” Keith urges, taking the money from her, and Maggie gives him an attempt of a smile, “and, by the way, we’re hiring. The fire and everything lost us a couple employees. Plus, we could hang out. Maybe rent a movie ourselves.” He gives Maggie a receipt. Now she’s properly creeped out by him.
“I’ll decline that offer.” Maggie sighs. “I’m with Steve, for your information,” she reminds him, collecting the receipt and putting the tapes in her tote bag. Keith’s face falls to disappointment, Maggie gives El and Will, who are approaching the desk, an awkward smile, “but I’ll think about the job offer. Do I have to hand in my resume or something to come by for an interview?” She braces her tote bag over her shoulder.
“You we’ll take without a resume, just come in some day and I’ll teach ya everything,” Keith answers, and sends Maggie a hint - the disappointment on his face now seeming like only a fleeting feeling, as he proves to still be super bad at taking a hint. Maggie fights back the urge to roll her eyes and just simply nods instead, “enjoy the movies.”
“Thanks,” Maggie says and finally turns her back to Keith, walking with her siblings out of the store. Will gives Keith a good-bye wave as they slip through the door, and laughs as soon as they’re out of there, “Jesus Christ.” Maggie groans under her breath so her general disagreement to Keith as a person wouldn’t look as obvious through the Family Video window. Her grumble makes Will laugh more. 
“He is so weird,” he says finally, beginning to explain the context of the situation to Eleven, who feels pretty lost in it, “in every way possible.” 
“How have you noticed that?” Maggie inquires. Will shrugs.
“He’s always been kind of a bully to us, he uses the weirdest insults,” he starts counting off, “and he’s been asking Mike for a date with Nancy, and me for a date with you, since we started coming to the Arcade.” Will shakes his head.
Maggie huffs. “He really is creepy, I had kinda forgot about him,” she says, “in school he was weird, weirder than me, and now… He offered me a job here, said I don’t need to have a resume, even asked me out. Jesus…”
“He must be into you,” Will says with a chuckle, and the face his sister gives as a reaction has the chuckle expanding into genuine laughter, “better not tell Steve.”
Now is Maggie’s turn to laugh. “I tell Steve everything, and this wouldn’t bother him,” she says, knowing Steve isn’t one to be intimidated by a guy like Keith, “well, maybe the case of me getting hit on by a creepy dude can bother him, but he won’t get jealous, if that’s what you mean.” He did get jealous of Jonathan pretty fast, but that was a different case.
“Alright, alright,” Will raises his hands up in defense. El comes closer to the siblings.
“What does “getting hit on” mean?” She asks them and glances between the two.
“It’s when someone’s interested in you and they’re trying to ask you on a date or something,” Maggie says, “it’s a little more aggressive than flirting, but mostly they’re the same thing.” She looks at El, and the younger girl nods. She could see the Family Video guy was making Maggie feel uncomfortable. “Steve and Robin could work there, though, now that Scoops is destroyed.”
“And the rest of the mall,” Will says with a sigh, “you could work there, too. Maybe if you and Steve both get jobs there, Keith will take the hint and lay off you.” He suggests.
“Huh,” Maggie says, crossing her arms over her chest as the three of them cross the street, “that’s a good idea. Yeah, maybe I could work there. Save up some money for moving.”
“Yeah,” Will breathes with a heavy air between them that has suddenly breezed in. Maggie didn’t mean to change the topic of conversation to the least comfortable of them all, she knows how her brother feels about it all. She has her own complicated feelings, too. She hugs him close and kisses the top of his head. He gives his sister a faint smile. 
They get to their bikes and hop back on, El sitting on the so-called trunk of Maggie’s bike and holding her tote bag for the ride. She takes in the look of deserted Hawkins, the toll of the Mind Flayer’s terror games on the town really coming into view for her as they bike home. Some trees have lost their leaves because of the constant heat, making the center of the town look a bit like a town in the middle of the desert, reminding El of a western she once watched on TV. Hopper would have fit right in, the cowboy-dressing cop that he was. This town really suited him.
series tag-list: @givemequeen​​​ @yllwtaxi @wnygirl2012​​​ @watercolour-sloth​​​ @brinaprfct​​​ @whormotional​​​ @chaandii​​​ @e-lysium​​​ @tina1938​​​​ @mochminnie @talksoprettyjjx
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one-abuse-survivor · 8 months
i feel kinda shitty rn because i was almost convinced my dad had. like. stopped? being an abusive asshole to me? i told myself that he did it because he was so stressed and upset bc of stuff happening and that now it was over even though i know he goes through stages where he seems fine and then abruptly turns into an asshole. i was telling myself it was over and it was going to be weird that i had a period in my life where my dad abused me but now it was over and i could just lowkey hate him for it but it was over.
but then, of course, because i'm a dumbass, the other day, my dad started making fun of me for literally being a cripple? (i am crippled, to be clear, he was just making fun of me for how i walk and being slow and using a cane and how it makes him have to wait for me to get out of the way, which inconveniences him or whatever.) and i was feeling so bad that day that i got pissed at him and then i got in trouble for telling him that making fun of my disabilities isn't okay. (because that's petty somehow ._. )
and now he's avoiding me bc he knows he was an asshole and didn't apologize and he doesn't want to do that. and im just so done. like. i used to think i couldn't call him abusive bc we were all in such a stressful situation and he was just dealing with it like a dickhead but we're out of it now, almost 2 years, and he's still on/off treating me like shit, avoiding me so he doesn't have to apologize, and then trying to come back and chat like nothing happened. i feel like im going insane or maybe im just stupid for letting him do this to me. im just barely an adult but still an adult, i should know what to do in this situation right? but my family just says 'forgive him' and i don't know what else to do when im stuck living with him. :/
Hi there, nonnie.
I'm really sorry this happened to you. You were starting to feel that you were safe around him and he turned around and abused you again. That's awful beyond words, and sounds so scary and confusing. I don't think you're a dumbass for believing the abuse was over. I think downplaying what happened and believing it wouldn't happen again might have been a coping mechanism/survival strategy, because you can't exactly process his abuse while still living with him, so your mind might have resorted to just hoping for the best so you could keep going.
Good job standing up for yourself when he made those ableist comments! And I'm sorry he didn't budge and painted you as petty for that. Any good parent would be proud of their kids when they stand up for themselves, even against their own parents when they say something insensitive.
You're not stupid for struggling, nonnie. Being an adult doesn't automatically mean you should know how to handle being abused. For one, the abuse-victim relationship has been established between you since you were a minor. That's not a dynamic you can just snap out of. Even as adults, victims of child and teen abuse can very easily fall back into that dynamic, even if it's been years or decades since they got out. In my case, whenever I run into my mother, I still fall back into survival mode, and I'm in my mid-twenties. And, until I was able to move out of her house at 20, I kept living in survival mode constantly in her house. Being 19 wasn't any different than being 16 when it came to living in that house. I was exactly the same amount of traumatised and helpless until the moment that I left.
And, moreover, there are many adults who become victims of abuse in adulthood, for example within the context of romantic relationships, workplace relationships, or friendships. Being an abuse victim isn't a minor-only thing. Sure, it's not the exact same experience, but adults are definitely not immune to abuse. So, no, nonnie, you shouldn't know what to do in this situation. The vast majority of people of all ages wouldn't know how to escape from an abusive relationship if they found themselves in one.
It's horrible that your family isn't supporting you and is telling you to forgive him. They're basically telling you you don't deserve boundaries, respect, or reparations when you're hurt, and you should just let others mistreat you without complaining. They're condoning and facilitating his abuse of you when they should be supporting you and confronting him instead. That's incredibly unfair, and you deserve so much better than that.
Sending a virtual hug ❤️
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rottenbrainstuff · 8 months
BG3 playthrough: Ethel’s hut + other notes, what makes a fuckable monster?
As I tie up all the loose ends before I go into the underdark, I finished all the stuff in Auntie Ethel’s hut.
Oh damn was that ever fun! The big siege was definitely the most fun general fight, but Auntie Ethel is the most fun individual enemy. Hags are MEAN. Her whole area was so much fun, great atmosphere in the bog, my characters bled themselves several times on all the spike traps. And what a great big collection of horrible lies and suffering and misery. She is a fun character with a ton of really great lines.
And damn! her vicious mockery! I know everyone said to cast silence on her to prevent her from casting her annoying spells, but I was just enjoying the vicious mockery too much. Asking Astarion if he still had rat in his teeth. Teasing Wyll about his daddy issues. I knew she had specific insults for the companions, but I didn’t know she also had race-specific insults for Tav so that was a surprise. She told my drow character to “kneel, boy, just like the matriarchs showed you!”. To a half-elf she can apparently say, “I wonder which parent regrets you more, half breed!” Damn lady, damn!
Found Gandrel outside. I found the dialogue in this encounter and the chat with Astarion afterwards to be a little bit wonky, like maybe the scene was rewritten or re-edited a bit because there’s too many variables to consider (ie, did you already find out Astarion is a vampire or no? Are you romancing him or no?) and it’s been put back together oddly. Or something. It’s hard to explain. After fiddling around with all the options, it seems to me that the best option is to leave Astarion at camp for this encounter. If you let him talk to Gandrel, you’ll get a big chunk of approval if you let him kill the hunter, sure, and it would definitely be fun letting Astarion rip into a monster hunter that’s been set on his trail. But man, Gandrel has done nothing wrong? Yes they’ll take Astarion to Cazdor, but if you leave Astarion at camp, he’ll explain their kids have been kidnapped and they’re trying to get them back. I don’t want to kill this guy? Just leave Astarion at camp to avoid the disapproval you’ll get by not letting him commit murder, Gandrel will have much more information to give, about their kids and about Auntie Ethel, and then you can chat with Astarion afterwards. Seems like the best to me. Oddly again, if Astarion WAS with you, you can ask him what he did to the gur that they have it out for him now, and he’ll say he doesn’t know. (which appears to be true) If Astarion WASN’T with you, and you learn from Gandrel it’s because he was with the group of spawn that took their children, you can’t confront him with this information, which seems like it would be a pretty important topic of discussion that you’d want to hear more about!
Anyway like I said you do get a whopping 10 approval if you let Astarion have at ‘er, but I don’t need that approval, you don’t NEED to let Astarion do all the shitty things he thinks he wants to do. He stayed at camp and behaved himself. Interestingly, you have dialogue options to tell Gandrel that Astarion is under your protection, and you can tell him to back off. I assumed this would lead to him attacking us, but surprisingly it didn’t, and Gale will give you approval for defending your friends!
(I’m still romancing Astarion but damn guys I’ve really fixated on Zevlor as the background NPC that I’m going to get obsessed with… sad old characters with shame, can’t resist)
I went to clear out the goblins in the camp to make the road safer for my tiefling friends (boy I’m sure when I run into them in act 2, everything is going to be great!!!) and was pleased to see Abdirak isn’t hostile when the rest of the camp is. Extremely amusingly though, the AI had plotted him an exit through a burrow in a wall, so I found him standing in a corner fretting that he was too big to fit through the small hole, lmao.
I think I’ve got a handle on all the companion’s approvals and when to bring them out and when to send them back to camp, all except for Karlach. I don’t quite get her vibe yet. She usually likes the cute options and the sentimental options and sometimes the aggressive barbarian options, (ie hiring the ogres in the blighted village) but not everything and not all the time… I haven’t quite figured her out all the way yet.
I was joking with a friend about the possibility of a mindflayer romance later on and how I’m surprised that this option has absolutely zero appeal for me (at this current point in time anyways, we’ll see how things pan out) because normally I’m all about the monsterfucking. My friend said, awww, but aren’t the mindflayers just cute little baby cthulhus? And you know what, I think that’s exactly it right there.
I can be attracted to the monstrosity when it’s a metaphor for some kind of relatable human condition. Werewolves, vampires, walking corpses, fishmen, horrible disfigurement, whatever it is, when it represents loneliness or dangerous sexuality or alienation or trauma or whatever, that’s a fuckable monster.
Now Cthulhu and all the Lovecraft monsters were always really frightening in a way that’s totally different though, and totally unique, because they are very specifically not human in any way, they have no relatable human qualities, they cannot be reasoned with, appealed to, or even truly understood. That’s what makes them so frightening. And yeah. A mindflayer I think for me fits into that category of monster. It can’t be sexy because there’s no relateable humanity.
So then, it follows… in theory… all Larian has to do is make a mindflayer with humanity and then it’s a possibility I’ll be onboard. LMAO. Let’s see how things end up! I’m excited!
I’m wondering now if it was a good idea to play as a dark urge, and a drow, and a bard, all for my very first playthrough. The durge background adds so much interesting flavour, the dialogue details for drow are fun surprises, and bard IMO consistently gets the very best dialogue options, at least the ones I personally find the most amusing… I mean I am sure they put just as much detail into every other thing too, but man it’s hard for me to imagine enjoying another run with different options as much as I’m enjoying this one. I think next time maybe it would be interesting to play a paladin? See how far into the game I can get before a tough roleplay decision makes me break my oath?
Did I mention before, how amusing it is to be a dark urge? I get the option to tell pretty much everyone I meet about my violent fantasies. Just, oh btw also, I fantasize about blood and slaughter, haha, what should I do about that? Even funnier is that every single person I talk to completely doesn’t get it at all, and says oh haha everyone does that from time to time, just go kill some goblins and you’ll be good.
I just dealt with the fire in Waukeen’s Rest and cleared out the zhentarim hideout (fuck those guys) and am currently deciding what I want to do about that githyanki patrol, and then I have nothing left to do here - on to the underdark!
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