#so its marauders hinny
rewritingcanon · 4 months
my fav new thing to do is trolling jegulus shippers by saying jegulus is hinny-coded
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sebbianas · 10 months
Favourite Canon hp/marauders ship and favourite fanon one
eyyy another anon!! everyone should sign their asks so its fun!! hello anon ribbon 🫶
favorite canon hp ship will always be hinny it might be surprising but i do genuinely love them
favorite fanon is either jegulus or wolfstar ut currently jegulus because my brain is in love with them and only them
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motherfuckingmaneater · 6 months
question as i'm still fairly new (ok one year now but thats new compared to some of these vets) to the tumblr hp fandom...why do people hate canon pairings so much? like...bellamort? rema/dora? hinny? ji|y? is it just because they prefer other concepts?
bc like to me; bellatrix & voldemort is such a fun concept - an affair first of all between a married pureblood witch and a half blood no body who rose to infamy, a huge age gap between a student and teacher relationship turned into a life long affair, a man who everyone thinks can't love but shows so much preference to this one witch, who is rarely seen without her.
rema/dora is also really fun to think about. the werewolf who says its not in his nature to breed, who's lonely but finds the attention of a half blood auror who falls in love with him, the idea he can't deny himself of her, that he's madly in love with her but knows because of his affliction he can't be with her and still dies hand in hand with her.
hinny is so cute - the best friend's sister who used to have a crush on harry when she was a little kid and now it's the other way around and he can't think of anything but her soft red hair and her eyes and it takes all his self control at every given moment not to kiss her.
ji|y is cute too even though they're my least favourite marauders - the arrogant pureblood boy and the mouthy feisty mudblood. he's mad for her and she thinks he's gross until something in them changes and he matures enough to show her he's a good person really.
idk...why do people not like them? they're really well written and have a LOT of potential to explore in fan fics and other media?
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victoriacrownedpigeon · 11 months
Jily vs Hinny
The way people say that Hinny is just a reincarnation of Jily pisses me off, tbh
Cause Jily? They're the "fell hard and fast" academic rivals to friends to lovers. Between Lily "sheer cheek and natural flair for potions" Evans and James "son of the inventor of Sleekeasy and co-inventor of the Marauders Map" Potter, you know that they were neck and neck in Potions grades. When James got a higher grade, he crowed as Lily steamed in the corner, and when Lily got a higher grade, she rubbed it in his face as he fell in love with her just a little bit more. Once they got past their "rivals" phase, they went from dating to married in less than two years - a bit fast, but everyone was eloping then.
But Hinny is completely jock friends to lovers. Like, Harry "youngest Seeker in a century" Potter and Ginny "secretly practicing Quidditch since she was six" Weasley were friends before the pitch, and at some points Ginny was Seeker too. The amount of ribbing and teasing on who did it better and "Nice shot, Gin, could have been a bit to left though," and "Of course, Potter, but make sure you actually catch the Snitch this time" thrown across the pitch. Their teammates were probably so sick of it. And this went on for ages, until they finally got together, and then the amount of pining that went on during the Second Wizarding War when they were separated, well. It took them years before Ginny (cause we all know it was her) popped the question.
Stop saying that its the same ship just because it's a black-haired boy with glasses and a redheaded girl. Both romances are completely separate, unique, and special.
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broomsticks · 2 years
wolfstar autumn(ish) fic rec list 🐾🍂
*: i tried but not quite
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gorgeous bingo created by @moonwalker94 for hpfc!
1 - JUMPER - An Enigma Wrapped in a Jumper by @squidgilator (5k, G) - mwpp-era fluffity fluff, featuring my FAVORITE pining idiot sirius:
He was an inscrutable enigma, Remus was. An enigma wrapped in a mystery wrapped in a puzzle wrapped in a jumper. "Not that much of a mystery," muttered Remus, and Sirius wondered how many of his last few thoughts he'd said aloud. "Just the bit about being an enigma wrapped in a mystery wrapped in a—something— wrapped in a jumper," said Remus, curiously. "Why?" "Er," said Sirius, and vowed to keep his thoughts inside his head from now on. "No reason."
bonus rec: The Sweater Bet by Deya (6k, T). silly (extended) marauders shenanigans: why is your boyfriend wearing a sweater at the beach and how do you get him to take it off??
2 - STORM - The Weather Inside by earlybloomingparentheses (43k, E)
The bright beam of sunshine that spilled into the compartment on the Hogwarts Express at the start of first year just as Sirius stepped through the sliding door (…) an accident of timing. The freak snowstorm the day after the Incident, when Remus was curled gut-punched on the floor of the Shrieking Shack (…) a trick of air currents and cold fronts. And now, Sirius at the window of his and James’ flat, the storm outside roaring and Sirius turned to face the rain lashing the pane, dressed in black and looking from this angle like a Sturm and Drang painting, all heroic isolation and inner turmoil—why think anything of it?
bonus rec: How to Suffer a Storm by gayagape (11.6k, T), lighthouse au from the 2016 r/s games.
3 - BIKE RIDE - This Is Not Your Year by montparnasse (17k, E). first war angst and pining, montparnasse - that’s it that’s the rec. so many quotes i wanted to pull.
“Holding onto your favorite bits?” “Remember there’s ice on the roads. Also we’re possibly being hunted.” “I’ll go slow.” “You’re so sweet,” said Remus, “always with all my extremities and orifices in mind.” On the seat he pressed very close to Sirius, hips first, the way he always did. “It’d be nice if someone around here ever thought of mine.”
bonus rec: There Is a Light That Never Goes Out by @wanderingbandurria (2.6k, T). a summer road trip (coughahem getaway car whomst?) leads to the Realization of Feelings.
4 - FIRESIDE CHATTER - Goetia by @biremus and @kember-writes (44k, T). regency au, monster/horror au, Not Your Everyday fireside chat 👀 (also, some incredible art!)
The red coals in the fireplace provided just enough illumination for Sirius to watch as Dorcas lifted the silver bell in her hand, and rang it once. “Lord of Hell, we call you forth.”
bonus rec: Your Little Head by @paulamcg (1k, G) for, appropriately, r/s fireside tales. such a fascinating outsider pov wolfstar. no fireside warmth to be found here 😈🔥
5 - BAKING - The Great Biscuit Calamity of 1978, and Other Such Disasters by @lunapwrites (8k, T). also hinny. post-second war, our favorite disasters being properly domestic.
"How did you even manage that, anyway? Like, I'm equal parts horrified and impressed, I am." "I was only trying to open the bag--" "With what? An Exploding Charm?"
bonus rec: A First Taste by LuminousGloom (3.8k, T) - a fluffy mwpp-era cooking at hogwarts!
6 - STAR GAZING - this ficlet for meee by @tahtahfornow, for the tumblr prompt game things you said under the stars and in the grass. your writing your writing 😍😍🥰🥰 (also thank you for putting this on ao3 and not making me have to ritually sacrifice something to tumblr search)
Damp grass scratches against the napes of their necks, presses into the backs of their Oxfords; the star-soaked night sky blankets them like a soft flannel. The moon is waning, a fat yellow grin pasted above them, and Remus thinks maybe, wildly, that for once it is not mocking him, that its smile is true, that tonight—just tonight—it is on his side.
bonus rec: star talking, atop the astronomy tower. The things that lurk in the dark by TheDivineComedian (4.7k, T). one of my absolute favorite mwpp era, incredible marauders characterizations and character-insights in a slice-of-life.
7 - HOT CHOCOLATE - Tight Spaces by @krethes (3.2k, T) - mwpp-era remus-trauma / remus’ werewolf childhood. lots of hurt but tons of lovely comfort after, and delightful marauders friendship.
Instead, he was jostled in a bone-crushing hug, sloshing hot-but-not-scalding cocoa on the blanket in the suddenness. Sirius buried his head into his shoulder and held him so tightly Remus thought he might snap in half. Remus's cheeks were wet and, embarrassed, he realized he was crying. He hadn't expected such a response from Sirius, who was usually joking or brooding, never something so gentle, so sincere.
bonus recs: naturally - Did You Miss Me? (600k, E) by @krethes and @fantismal, and Power the Dark Lord Knows Not (300k, E) by @fantismal and Jormandugr (nearly perfect chapter timing, too, hahaha)
8 - APPLE PICKING - As Red As Hearts And Autumn by Rosie_Rues (47k, G), mwpp sixth year. sooo i went a bit out-of-season with some of these recs, but this fic is as autumn as it gets —
“Excuse me,” Sirius says, too loudly. “Why isn’t anyone paying attention to me?” “The central refrain of Sirius Black’s life,” Remus murmurs and finds himself being tackled by a large, black dog, intent on washing his face. He struggles and yelps but none of the others, traitors all, come to his rescue. Sirius changes back but stays sitting on Remus, twisting round to say, “Your apples are useless.” Peter snorts and opens his mouth and a barrage of apple cores hits him before he can speak.
bonus rec: Flesh in the fruit by @girl-with-goats (2.3k, M). not apples but peaches, and not peaches but peaches 👀😏🍑
anyway happy spooky season 🍂🧡💛❤️🍁
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seriouslysam8 · 8 months
Sorry, but I need to rant and I feel like only you understand.
Sometimes I want to bang my head against the wall. There’s fanfics and fanart with James x Regulus but Harry still exists; Sirius x Remus but Teddy still exists; Harry x Draco but James, Al, Lily, and Scorpius still exist; James x Teddy but Remus Jr. still exists; Al x Scorpius but his offspring with Rose still exists... Like wtf is going on?? Women are there to provide a barren and then the men decide they don’t need them??? Are women really supporting this? Do they not realize they are oppressing woman? Fucken misogyny at its finest. Not sure if this is a gen z thing or a group of people who think women are only good at giving birth to their favourite fanfic character (which is usually male, surprise, surprise), but I’m so disgusted with fandom. I’m sticking to authors and artists who actually respect women and think there’s more to female characters than them just providing offsprings for their favourite male character.
It boggles my mind, especially in the Marauders fandom since everyone is OOC and nothing is canon, that they have Harry and Teddy. Especially Teddy because he was named after, you know, Tonks’ DAD. Why not just create new kids??
Some name overlap I could see. James and Lily if Harry’s parents still died. Okay that means something to Harry. Or, I suppose, maybe even the name Harry since James’ grandfather was Henry and most likely named after him. But there should be different middle names, different personalities, etc. Harry definitely can’t be the Boy Who Lived because the prophecy no longer exists and Lily isn’t there to sacrifice herself. Just… switch it up?
I don’t know. But I’ve seen this with a variety of different ships. The kids remain the same which is odd to me.
I see people talking about how a lot of authors do this because they don’t know how to write strong female leads. There’s less f/f relationships for the same reason. Women are hard to write apparently. I don’t know if that’s the reason or what.
I find emotionally damaged characters easier to write than well-adjusted characters. Sometimes I fumble with Ginny because she’s a strong leading female. But I find her easier to write when she’s going through it like in Entombed. I’m sure if I wrote a Marlene POV in Brumous, I’d find her easier to write than say a happy-go-lucky and idealistic Nymphadora.
So, I don’t know. A lot of AUs tend to follow canon events closely, especially in the Golden Trio era. The Horcruxes are in the same places. Sirius still dies in the DOM. The next gen have the same names even if the couples are different. Side couples tend to remain the same. So maybe it’s just that. It’s easier, I guess.
But in Petrichor, Romelza have all different kids. Different names, different number, different ages, different everything. You won’t be seeing Rose or Hugo at all. Even Hinny will have more kids because Harry’s in a better headspace having the support of Sirius and because I always pictured them having a boatload of kids. So there’s that.
I don’t know if any of that made sense. I’m only on cup one of coffee.
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ginevra11 · 1 year
I don’t get why you getting all this hate. JK said Romione was a mistake she didn’t say Hinny was. She said Hinny were basically soul mates who understood each other, and Romione would have a lot of problems in their marriage because of their personalities. If people are still arguing over Hinny being right for each other they obviously didn’t comprehend the book properly. Harry doesn’t value being a coward or being a narcissist as appealing personality traits, therefore Draco and Snape are out. “But Snape did everything for Harry” No he did it for Lily not Harry. “Harry was obsessed with Draco, especially in the 6th book” No, he was suspicious of him and was annoyed no one was listening to him. The kid just lost his godfather the only family he knew. His freaken teammate/friend and best friend were hurt by Draco, and that’s not something Harry would forget. He was determined to not let anyone he loved get hurt again. He tried to inform the adults this time but no one listened to him and it annoyed the fuck out of him because he knew he was right. And guess what he was right! “Hermione was better suited for him” No she wasn’t. Harry was just too nice to tell her off at times. Hermione was always a sister and if you can’t understand that maybe read the book instead of watching the movies. They didn’t talk to each other for days when Ron left. When Harry and Ron fought or when he was dating Lavender he was annoyed because he had to spend more time with Hermione, which entailed studying. He was never able to open up to her and talk to her. If you read between the lines you’ll notice that. Ginny understood him and defended him. Even when he broke up with her she knew it was coming and understood why. When they were on the hunt she tried to steal the sword of Gryffindor for Harry, she was still loyal to a fault after he broke her heart. Don’t even get me started on how fucken adorable it was that Harry would search for Ginny’s name on the Marauders map and his last thought before his sacrifice was of Ginny, no one else but Ginny. He was willing to die for her so yeah sleep on that mate. She’s a “bully” umm she basically led the rebellion in DH to stop people of from being bullied/hurt by the Carrows and Slytherins. She put herself in danger to help others. After her brother died where was she? Outside helping a girl who was scared and hurt and comforting her. Oh yeah, that sounds like a big old bully to me. A bully who went with Neville to the dance even though everyone made fun of him she said yes, and basically told Ron she already had a date so she wouldn’t going with Harry (whom she had a huge crush on). Did she possibly do things when she shouldn’t have? Absolutely. She is hot headed, not going to deny that but she would never maliciously bully people like Draco or Snape EVER.
For all the Hinny haters let me explain it in a language you can comprehend:
It’s official. It’s locked, sealed and printed. And you can makeup whatever ending you want but guess what it’ll all be in your head because that’s not canon. Harry likes strong women with a fierce personality who are loyal so deal with it he chose Ginny and she was the right choice. Sorry for the rant, some of those comments just had my blood boiling.
I am terribly sorry for the late reply. I was packed with exams and a rough transition to an adult life.
Thank you so much for the wholesale ask. And the heartfelt rant is greatly appreciated. I pretty much agree with everything you said.
However, I have come to realise that Harry Potter is a treasured memory for a great number of people. People like it for its characters, for its story, for its message, for friendship and family but largely because it was a part of their growing up, their childhood. It is hence, very easy to relate one's personal life with the characters and experiences in the book. The variety of characters, shipping choices, analysis and theories about anything HP is a part of the people and their personal attachment to the series. The glorification of characters, of a ship or plotline, I believe, roots from personalized perception of the canon.
I try to 'ship and let ship' but not everyone is comfortable with the idea. Even within the hinny shippers we come accross a variety of opinions and perceptions. But sometimes people just don't want to understand or even acknowledge that not everyone has to share your beliefs. Mostly, the hate messages and bashing comments are a meh attempt to accomplish God knows what but sometimes it gets out of hand. The only way to harmony in this fandom is to stick to your characters and your ships. The others can be ignored and blocked. But the fandom is toxic and its methods are cruel.
Thanks for the excellent Hinny and Ginny defence. You have said all that I have wanted to shout at the top of my lungs. Hope to see the fandom being more mature in future.
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beeyoungkah · 3 years
Hi byh!!!! LOVE YOUR ART!!!! Would you draw some post-war Romione?? *puppy eyes.*
Sure ^_^ which particular age?? Like pre marriage or post marriage?? I'm adding it to the list while I'm looking for inspiration lol
(And thank you so much 🥺💕 I'm glad you like my drawings)
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annabellelupin · 2 years
My opinion on HP ships :)
Jily (James x Lily)- 7/10 one of my favorite Marauders era ships and I think they're just cute together
Dorlene (Dorcas x Marlene)- 9/10 I really love this ship and its probably my favorite sapphic/nmlnm hp ships
Wolfstar (Remus x Sirius)- 8/10 I really loved this ship when first getting into the Marauders but after while I got a bit tired of it but that doesn't change the fact that I still like it and think they're cute together
Fralice (Frank x Alice)- 6/10 They seem cute together but I've never really gotten attached to their relationship
Remadora (Remus x Nymphadora)- 4.5/10 It's not a bad ship but I'm a bit uncomfortable with the age difference and think it was a bit rushed. I'm sure that if we got to see a bit more of it, it wouldn't be as bad.
Drarry (Draco x Harry)- 5/10 I like some of the content made for this ship but with all that's happened I don't think it'd work out very well
Linny (Ginny x Luna)- 7.5/10 Also really cute and one of my favorite nmlnm ships
Ronmione (Ron x Hermione)- 8/10 Literally one of the few decent canon ships that I actually like (the other two being Hinny and Jily)
Nuna (Neville x Luna)- 7/10 Really cute and I honestly thought they'd end up being canon lol
Hinny (Harry x Ginny)- 8/10 I just really like their dynamic
Pansmione (Pansy x Hermione)- 6/10 Really like the content for it like with Drarry but don't see it working out in canon
Snily (Snape x Lily)- 0/10 I just really dislike this ship
Blackinnon (Sirius x Marlene)- 3/10 I hc both as gay so I can't see them being together but I like their friendship
Jegulus (James x Regulus)- 6.5/10 I'm getting more into it and think it's cute
Jegulily (James x Regulus x Lily)- 6/10 seems like a good ship but idrk much about it but I like that it's polyam rep
Let me know if there are any other ships you want my opinion on :)
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ships in hp and what I think about them (aka I'm fucking bored bear with me)
romione: cute. himbo+overachiever, peraltiago vibes. 9/10
hinny: a bit rushed, but we love a jock power couple. they're both bi, and that makes me v happy 7/10
drarry: kinda toxic, but would work once Draco sorts all his shit out 5/10
harmione: 🤢🤢🤢 - 947393/10
dramione: what is this, fucking 2014? 2/10
draco/luna: I honestly love it. they would be so good for each other. 9/10 (edit: apparently they're cousins 🤠🤠....-3072/10)
fremione: used to ship this, don't judge 6/10
linny: they cuuteeee weirdo+jock supportive gfs 10/10
pansmione: ok i have no excuse. i ship them. I'm wlw trash. 10/10
neville/luna: the TERF did us dirty by not making this canon. to be fair, i’m not surprised. 700/10
pavender: once another ship that would be canon if rowling wasn't such a homophobe piece of shitfuckinghellihatehersomuch 10/10
flintwood: this is what drarry shippers think drarry is (I'm sorry pls don’t hate me). 9/10
perciver: jock+overachiever, cute. percy wouldn't be that much of a bitch with oliver as a bf 8/10
ronks: v cute. not well narrated tho 7/10
wolfstar: 👏They👏Are👏The👏Shit👏 they are fucking everything. EVERYTHING. 8309817309/10
jily: power couple. 10/10
starbucks (james/sirius): love the ship name. not sure about the rest tho. 3/10
jegulus: could have happened. it didn’t last tho. 5/10
scorbus: canon. 10/10
scorose: wlw/mlm solidarity. romantically 1/10
dorlene: i feel like only marauder era trash like me know about this ship, but its honestly so cute 10/10
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rewritingcanon · 3 months
me starting to read a longfic that isn’t about scorbus: guys…..i’m so brave guys 😖😖
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breaniebree · 3 years
What is your favorite moment of each ship in ASC ?
Hi, nuninho2000!
What a great question! This will take some thought!
Remadora -- I really love the moment he tells her that he's a werewolf and she's like "Duh" and Remus is completely baffled. One of my favourite lines is where Tonks basically tells him she thinks he's freaking out enough for the both of them:
He shook his head, swallowing slowly. Now that he had finally begun he was determined to get the words out. “The man’s name was Fenrir Greyback and he’s a notoriously well known and dangerous werewolf. I’m not notorious, but I am dangerous and… a werewolf,” he finished, lamely.
He tugged his hands away from her, marching into the kitchen, his hands in his hair again.
Tonks watched him march away from her and she followed him, spinning him around and slipping her hands into his back pockets again and holding him against her. “I know that already. So, what?”
Remus simply stared at her. “So what? That’s all you can bloody well say! I just told you that I’m a fucking werewolf!”
Tonks nipped at his bottom lip. “And, I figured that out already. Did you think I didn’t suspect when you always left me on the moon cycle? Your scars? Your possessive nature? I like a little danger, Remus. I’m an Auror.”
“Nymphadora, I am not a little danger! Do you have any idea what a creature like me can do? I can break through doors and walls with my strength! I can track you for kilometres, I can hear anything almost ten kilometres away. Look at me!” he exploded, pushing her away angrily and slapping his hands on his bare chest. “I did this! Me! I lock myself away and if I don’t take the Wolfsbane Potion without anything to hunt or to kill, I claw at myself; scratching my own skin off, clawing at myself in desperation! That monster lives inside of me! The wolf is inside of me all of the time! I am the wolf all of the time! The mask of the man just hides my true face. Do you understand? Why the fuck are you not freaking out?”
She moved towards him carefully. His eyes were wide and amber now, his hair tousled from his hands. He looked panicked, she thought, and even more like the sexy bewildered professor that she fancied. She placed her hands on his abs, sliding her palms along his rib cage, up his chest and over his shoulders.
“I think that you’re freaking out enough for the both of us to be honest,” she said teasingly, kissing the skin below his ear. “I like your mask, but I think that it’s time for you to take it off now.”
Remus stared at her in confusion. “Nymphadora, you’re not even listening to me!”
Tonks put her hand over his mouth. “No, you’re not listening and I’m pretty sure that’s a serious flaw in your personality. Are you honestly standing there waiting for me to change my mind about you?” His eyes flickered in pain before he masked it and her own eyes narrowed. “I’m a klutz, a complete spaz, if I’m honest with myself. I had hoped that I would grow out of it, but obviously it’s something that is part of me no matter what I do. The wolf is part of you and I think that it’s time that you get off your high horse and stop being so bloody ashamed of it.” -- Chapter 95 of ASC
Zeerius - hmm... I love a lot of moments with them. But I think one of my favourites is when he comes home after a full moon with Remus worried that Harry is still annoyed with him for not letting him go and he finds Harry sleeping on the sofa with Zee in the chair. He wakes up and she's making breakfast and wearing his clothes and he's just completely swamped with love over the normalcy of it.
Sirius rubbed his tired eyes as he unlocked the front door to Black Cottage and let himself inside. He stifled a yawn, smiling when Marauder came over to greet him, rubbing the dog behind the ears. “Good boy,” he whispered, “Did you keep Prongslet company all night, good boy.”
Marauder burrowed closer to him, eager for affection and Sirius pat him gingerly on the head, kicking off his shoes as he called Kreacher to him.
“How was he?”
“Kreacher did not stay. Master Sirius’ lady said she would stay.”
“What?” Sirius asked in surprise as his gaze zeroed in on Zee, stretched out across the armchair, his duvet burrowed around her, her mess of dark caramel curls hanging over the back of the chair. “Go back to Grimmauld Place, Kreacher, thank you.”
The elf vanished and he smiled at the image of ‘his lady’ curled up and walked over to her, bending his head to kiss her forehead and then he realized that Harry was stretched out across the sofa, glasses on the table next to an empty bowl of popcorn kernels with Lady Godiva sleeping in front of the couch as if keeping watch.
Sirius stared at the two of them, his heart quite literally swamped with love. He tenderly brushed Harry’s hair out of his eyes and kissed his forehead. He stood up, pulled his jumper over his head and tugged his tee shirt down in its attempts to ride up and then he lifted his son’s legs to plop himself onto the couch, putting Harry’s legs on his lap. He pulled the duvet close to him and punched one of the throw pillows into position next to his head and was asleep in minutes. [...]
Sirius woke up less than three hours later to the smell of bacon. He rubbed a hand over his face, grinning at the sight of boy and dog snuggled on the sofa. He carefully extricated himself from the couch, wrapped Harry up a bit tighter and bent to kiss him. He was so innocent and young looking when he was asleep and his heart ached for the little boy that used to want to sit on his lap and ask for slooches. He kissed him again because Harry was asleep and he could and then he snapped his fingers at Marauder who jumped down, shaking his fur, and followed Sirius into the kitchen. Lady Godiva was still stretched out next to the couch as if keeping watch. He let Marauder outside and then grinned at the image of Zee at the counter frying up bacon and sausage and scrambling eggs in his sweatpants rolled at the ankles and his favourite worn jumper.
He slipped his arms around her waist, kissing her ear and her neck. “How do you look so fucking incredible all of the time?”
She laughed and tilted her head to the side so that he could kiss her neck some more. “With flattery like that, I’ll give you all the extra bacon you want.”
He smirked and blew a raspberry on her neck and she laughed. “When did you get back?”
“Last night. I came straight over.”
“You stayed the whole night with him?”
Zee shrugged, smiling as he held her in his arms, swaying gently too and fro while she continued to fry the meat and scramble the eggs. “Harry and I had a movie marathon and he did some of his homework. I didn’t really feel like being alone and since you had run off all mysterious like, I thought we could keep each other company.”
“Sometimes my wife needs attention, Zee and my kids… I mean, I’m a wanted man.”
She snorted and elbowed him. “I already know Remus is your wife, you prat.”
Sirius grinned and kissed her ear. “Thank you. You didn’t have to stay with him last night, but… thank you. I didn’t really want to leave him alone, but I’m trying this whole ‘he’s not a little boy anymore so I should trust him just a bit’ parenting attitude.”
“And how’s that working out for you?”
Sirius blew his hair out of his eyes and grinned, his arms still wrapped tightly around her waist. “Well, I don’t have him wrapped in a bubble yet so bully for me. I mean, this school year has been pretty easy going for him, outside of the Dementors, but with these Horcruxes and trying to figure out what the next step is, I just… sometimes I want to just hold him in my arms and never let go.”
Zee carefully put the scrambled eggs onto three plates along with the bacon and sausage before she turned and wrapped her arms around his neck, standing on her toes and kissed him deeply.
“You are a wonderful father, Sirius Black, and Harry is very lucky to have someone as amazing as you loving him. But you do have to let him grow up. Even when it’s scary and terrifying and the thought makes you want to throw up at not being able to protect him all of the time, you still have to do it. But, he’s thirteen, not quite a boy, but not quite a man, and right now, you can still hold him close, but you have to learn to let go as well.”
Sirius kissed her, his hands sliding up her back to play with her messy curls, his lips on hers, his tongue meeting hers. He pushed her back up against the counter, lifting her hips to hold her up as he kissed her, hard and soft, long and deep as she sighed against him happily.
“Can you two at least snog in a room where the bacon isn’t?” Harry said, snatching the plate from behind the snogging couple with a grin. “I’d like to keep my appetite, thanks.”
Sirius smirked and cuffed Harry lightly across the head making his son grin. “Brat.” -- Chapter 123 of ASC
Hinny - Like Zeerius, I have so many moments I love with them. I love when Ginny kisses him when he's five and I love when Harry's in denial of his feelings for her. But one of my favourite scenes I've written is the one where they compare scars. I think it really shows the depth of their friendship, their relationship, and I just think it's totally sweet.
Ginny gently brushed his fringe off his forehead. “I remember everything about you, Harry.”
“I thought your parents would never let me back there. I thought Uncle Sirius and Uncle Remus would send me away because I did freak things… that’s what… that’s what the Dursleys had told me.”
Ginny tenderly stroked his cheek and down his jaw with her knuckles. “In that memory I saw… you said that they beat you?”
Harry nodded. “That first night when Uncle Siri tried to give me a bath, I guess my whole back was cut up from the belt, it was about a week old, but they hadn’t been taken care of properly and they’d festered a bit. I have a few tiny scars on my back from it, barely noticeable.”
Ginny lifted his tee shirt and he shifted to show her four tiny white scratches that were vertical just under his shoulder blades. She leaned in, gently brushing her lips over each scar and he shivered before he pulled his tee shirt back down and turned to hold her back in his lap.
“I’m so sorry that happened to you,” Ginny told him.
He shrugged, his fingers playing with the tips of her hair. “I didn’t know any different. I just knew that my parents had died and that they were my only relatives. They didn’t want me and made sure to tell me almost every day. I was a burden, a freak of nature, and they didn’t want my unnaturalness under their roof. I slept in the cupboard under the stairs. They’d lock me in the dark as punishment, and they would starve me. I remember being afraid to tell my dads that I was hungry or too afraid to get up in the middle of the night to use the loo… but Uncle Rem and Uncle Siri, they gave me a home and I never looked back.”
Ginny took his hands in hers and brought them to her lips. “Only look back at the good.”
“You’re amazing, you know that, right?”
She smiled, her hand brushing over the palm of his left hand. “How did you get this scar?”
Harry glanced down at his palm to see the thin white line in the centre. “Broke a glass when I was four and it wasn’t properly treated.”
Ginny nodded and rolled up her right sleeve to show him a small crescent scar on her elbow. “From when I fell off Charlie’s broom when I was eight. I told Mum I fell out of a tree.” At his grin, she pushed her shirt aside to show him the scar on her left shoulder. “And this is where Ron pushed me off the roof of the shed when I was seven and I landed on my arm on the side, tore it open pretty bad. Percy patched me up after I made him promise not to tell Mum, and then he helped me get Ron back by pranking him into thinking there were spiders in his bed. Percy and I snuck into his room in the middle of the night and put itching powder in his sheets so he woke up all red and covered in itchy spots and Percy told him that they looked like spider bites.”
Harry laughed. “That’s pretty evil. I remember that. When I came to stay we had to check every nook and cranny of his room before he’d let me turn out the light to go to sleep.”
She grinned. “Don’t mess with me.”
“I’ll remember that,” he said on a strangled laugh. He stared at her for a moment before he lifted up his tee shirt again to show her the long thin jagged scar in the centre of his back. “Horntail.”
Ginny rolled up the left leg of her pants to show him a tiny scar the size of a sickle just behind her knee. “Gnome bite.”
Harry pointed to the small scar near the elbow of his right arm. “Rogue Bludger.”
Ginny lifted her right arm to show him a tiny half moon scar under her elbow. “Fred clipped me with his toy broomstick and the wood broke and cut my arm.”
Harry bent his head and lifted his fringe to show her a tiny thin barely noticeable red line on the top of his head. “Fell out of the treehouse.”
Ginny pulled her sock off and showed him a small cut on the bottom of her heel. “Stepped on a cactus leaf that KJ snipped off her plant.”
“That’s fresh,” Harry said. “And it’s not going to scar.” He took her foot in his hand and bent his head to press a soft kiss to the cut, making her shiver.
“I ran out of battle wounds.”
He chuckled and kissed her foot again. “We’re we competing?” He touched the lightning bolt on his forehead. “I win — Horcrux.”
Ginny smiled, her fingers slipping under his tee shirt to slide up his chest. “Emotional scars don’t leave physical marks, but I know that you can feel those scars just the same. You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to, Harry, but if you ever do want to talk about it, you know that I’m always here for you, right?”
Harry’s hands rested on her hips. “I know that.”
Ginny’s lips curved slightly before she leaned in and kissed him softly. “We can snog now if you’d like.” -- Chapter 217 of ASC
Romione - I don't write as much Ron and Hermione as I should. But I think one of my favourite scenes with them is when Ron is trying so hard to be the perfect boyfriend and not complain to her like he usually would and Hermione is like who is this? Where is my Ron?
Hermione snuck a glance over at Ron, admiring his tall frame as he walked next to her. She loved how attentive he’d been over the last month and a half. She loved how sweet and caring he’d been and most of all, she loved snogging him senseless. But she found herself missing the less agreeable Ron more than she wanted to admit.
The friend Ron would be complaining by now. They’d been in the bookstore for almost twenty minutes and while she had a stack of four new books that she was interested in, she was browsing without any real purpose, wondering how long she could spend in here before he complained. The fact that he hadn’t complained yet, worried her a bit.
Ever since they’d made their relationship official, he’d been the perfect boyfriend. Attentive and sweet. Affectionate and kind. He still made her laugh and complained about his homework, but he didn’t pick fights with her anymore either. She was making an effort to say things that would normally set him off. His blue eyes would spark in fire before he’d grind his teeth and not respond.
She hated that he didn’t respond.
It wasn’t that she wanted to argue with him. Who wanted to fight all the time? It was exhausting. It was just that fighting with Ron was… well, foreplay. The word surprised her when she admitted it, but she knew that it was true. She liked arguing with him. She liked watching his blue eyes fire up, the way his face would flush and the muscles in his neck would contract. She’d had more fantasies of shutting him up with her lips than she was willing to admit to.
But now that she had the opportunity to snog his brains out when they fought, he never fought back. It was a contradiction she hadn’t expected.
They spent another thirty minutes in the bookstore before she bought the four books in her hand and led him outside.
“It’s so lovely in there, maybe we should browse around a bit more?”
Ron’s mouth twitched. “Or we could go for a walk, maybe hit up Zonko’s?”
“I’d rather go back to the bookstore,” she said, smiling at him. “We can look at the romance novels again.”
Ron looked like he wanted to do just about anything else. “Um, yeah, I guess, if that’s what you want.”
“Ron, stop letting me do what I want!” Hermione exclaimed, throwing her hands up in exasperation.
Ron only stared at her. “What do you mean?”
“This! The bookstore! I love it there!”
“I know,” he said. “You love books. They’re like your happy place, I get it.”
“But you don’t like books!”
Ron frowned. “I have nothing against books. I just don’t see the appeal of spending hours looking at them. It’s a colossal waste of time.”
“But you just spent fifty minutes letting me do just that! And now, when I mentioned going back inside, you immediately agreed to do so!”
“Because you said you wanted to!”
“Ron, if this relationship is going to work, you can’t just do everything that I want all the time!”
Ron was looking at her as if she had two heads. “So, you don’t want me to go to the bookstore with you?”
“Of course I do! I want you to do things with me that I love!”
“That’s what I’m doing!”
“But I don’t want you to!”
Ron gave her a confused a look. “I’m not a Seer, Hermione. If you have a problem you have to bloody well say it.”
“You’re being too nice to me!”
Ron looked positively dumbfounded. “What do you want from me? I’m trying here, okay! I’m trying to be the man you deserve and doing the things that you want to do to make you happy! And now you’re telling me that I shouldn’t do that? What do you want me to do? Drag you into Zonko’s under protest? Tell you that I have no desire to spend another minute in that sodding bookstore!”
Ron shoved his cold hands into the pocket of his coat. “I don’t understand you. You’re mental!”
Hermione gave him a light shove. “Don’t call me mental!”
“Don’t act mental, then!” Ron retorted. He grabbed her arm before she could shove him again.
“Why are you like this?”
“Why are you like this?” Ron repeated. “Merlin knows I don’t know how to act when you become a mental shrew!”
“Daft prat!”
“Sassy witch!”
“Absolute tosser!”
“Mental bint!”
Ron grabbed her, ignoring the way she hit his arm and pulled her up against him, his voice low. “Absolutely, when I’m thinking about you.”
Hermione’s face flushed. “Ron!”
He tilted his forehead down to hers. “Why are we screaming at each other? Aren’t we supposed to be done fighting now?”
Hermione slid her hands up his chest, linking them behind his neck. “Says who?”
She pulled his face down to hers to kiss him and he made a growling sound in his throat as he lifted her. Her legs wrapped around his waist as he held her and she lost herself in his kisses. A part of her was very aware of the fact that they were only a few metres outside of the bookstore, in the middle of the street where anyone could see them. But another part of her wanted his lips on hers more than she wanted to take another breath, let alone think about the embarrassment of their very public displays of affection. When her mouth moved down to his throat, she felt the hardness against her and she smiled, suddenly feeling more bold.
“Is fighting with me turning you on?”
“No,” he insisted, his hands sliding down to boldly cup her bum. “Absolutely not.”
Hermione slapped his hands off her bum and slid down his body. “Ron, we don’t have to agree on everything. We don’t have to always do the things that I want to do or the things that you want to do. If we’re going to make this work, we have to go back to how we were. My friend Ron would never have let me mosey around a bookstore for almost an hour. He would have cut me off at twenty minutes and made me leave to go to Zonko’s.”
Ron pulled her close again and kissed her. “I guess I’m just wondering if as your boyfriend if I do something like that, you’d stop snogging me.”
Hermione nipped at his lips, a soft smile on her face. “I have no plans of that. Do you plan to stop snogging me?”
“Hell no,” he muttered, his lips moving to her ear. -- Chapter 252 of ASC
Feo - Theo and Finn, they do have a lot of moments together, mostly smutty which we all love (or maybe just me LOL 🤔). But one of my favourite moments I wrote with them is actually one of the smutty ones. I absolutely love the scene where Finn takes him against the window of the study in Norfolk Manor.
But he also didn’t want to leave Finn.
He’d gotten used to waking up wrapped in his boyfriend’s arms. He loved the support Finn gave him; the calming way he had about him. Finn was always assuring him that everything would be okay. He’d gotten used to Finn being there day after day and the thought of going back to school and only seeing him on the weekends was more painful than he could bear.
As if he’d heard him, arms encircled his waist from behind and a warm mouth pressed against the side of his neck.
“How was the session today?”
“Good. Really good,” Theo told him. He turned his head to kiss him. “Did you just get back?”
Finn nodded and began to unbutton Theo’s shirt. “I did.”
Theo chuckled as his dress shirt was spread open and Finn began to work on his black trousers. “Let me take off my Wizengamot robe first.”
Finn’s mouth sucked on his ear so sharply that Theo felt the sensation between his legs as he pushed Theo’s trousers down, followed by his boxers. “No.”
Then his hands were all over and Theo felt a whoosh of magic as suddenly all of his clothes were gone except for the open purple robe. Finn turned him around and knelt in front of him. He started with soft kisses on his thighs, on the back of his knees, and then his mouth was wrapped around him and Theo could do nothing, but hold onto his boyfriend’s hair as he pleasured him.
Finn’s mouth brought him right to the edge before he stood up, kissing Theo’s cheek and turned him around towards the window. Theo groaned when he smelt the oil and then his boyfriend’s hands were doing the most delectable things to his arse.
“Finn...” he begged. “I want to touch you.”
Finn ignored this and Theo groaned when he felt his boyfriend’s finger rock into him. Then Finn was tugging his clothes off and Theo caught a glimpse of his boyfriend’s reflection in the window standing gloriously naked behind him before Finn pushed him up against the glass, and slid into him.
Theo cried out at the intrusion and then there was nothing but pleasure. Finn’s hands slid around to grip him, pumping him in rhythm with every thrust. His thumb stroking under the head, circling and tugging, and it wasn’t long before Theo cried out his name as he came all over the window pane. Finn rode him harder, pinning him against the glass. One hand continued to gently fondle Theo’s spent cock, the other held his hip as he thrust himself forward. Theo was panting, the pleasure building more and more as Finn’s lips brushed the back of his neck and then Finn panted his name as he emptied himself.
Theo sighed in contentment when Finn slid out of him. Finn’s arms turned to pull him into his embrace and they stumbled towards the sofa in the library, wrapped in each other’s arms.
“So, you like my robe then?”
Finn chuckled against Theo’s hair as he snuggled him closer on his chest. “Yes. More than I expected. You look incredibly sexy in it. Proud and confident and it makes me think of all of the great things I know you can accomplish. Then it makes me think of how much I want to be part of your life while you do those things. Then I just want you. All of you. I’m so proud of what you’re doing, Theo.”
“You make me want to aspire to be more,” he said.
Finn gently brushed Theo’s hair away from his face. “I love you.”
Theo smiled and kissed Finn’s chest before he froze, eyes widening as they locked onto his boyfriend’s green ones. “Finn! I think Blaise was in the bloody garden!”
Finn grinned. “He was. He disappeared rather quickly when he caught sight of us in the window.”
Theo blushed scarlet. “And I... I can’t leave that mess on the window for Kiki.”
“Mmm,” Finn said absently, running his hand down Theo’s chest and down to grip him in his hand.
Theo groaned as he felt Finn revitalize him with magic. “I only would have needed a few more minutes, you know.”
Finn shifted him so that he was under him on the sofa. “I know, but I need you in my mouth right now.”
Theo gasped as Finn did exactly that and he again wondered how he was going to survive the whole school year without seeing this perfect man every day. -- Chapter 236 of ASC
Deamus - Dean and Seamus, I did play around with them a lot. They have a lot of moments I like as well. I love how much they are friends first and lovers second which I think says a lot about their relationship. I love writing them playful and teasing the way best mates are, but to still show how passionate they are for each other. I love how they don't just say "I love you" but that it's "I really love you." I don't know, I think that sums them up really well.
“Ditto. I really love you, Seamus. How often can a bloke say that he’s in love with his best mate?”
Seamus reached for the soap to help his boyfriend wash up as he spoke. “I really love you, too.”
Dean smiled as Seamus washed his chest. “I finished Katie and Jason’s engagement portrait last night.”
“You did? Why didn’t you show it to me?”
“Well, probably because you crawled into bed, climbed on top of me, and snogged my brains out.”
“Oh? I did do that, didn’t I? Maybe if you’d tell me how good my new muscles look, I wouldn’t feel so self-conscious.”
Dean ran his hands over Seamus’ flat stomach where the beginning of abs were coming in. His constant workouts with the Gryffindor Quidditch team had really done wonders for his body over the last few months. “You don’t have a single self-conscious bone in your body.”
“Sure, I do! Now, tell me how sexy I am.” -- Chapter 262 of ASC
Bleur - They have a lot of moments too, most are with family. And I know I had a lot of lovely compliments on the last Bleur scene where she basically tells him she doesn't care how he looks because she loves him. But one of my favourites is actually their first kiss. I like the way Fleur is very into him while at the same time being like, I'm more than just a pretty face and you will know that about me and respect me.
“Did you still want to grab some dinner and discuss the new project tonight?”
Fleur smiled warmly at him. “Oui. I caught up on some reading of za history we found in Anguilla ze ozzer day and I might have come up with a new plan to open za cursed box we found in za ship.”
Bill grinned. “Great. I can’t wait to hear your idea. I want to talk to you about the new project the goblins are trusting us with as well. We’ll be heading down into the London Catacombs. Have you ever been?”
She shook her head. “Non, but I was in ze ones in Paris. Zey are very terrible, I theenk.”
He nodded. “Yeah, I’m sure going down there isn’t going to be a walk in the park. It’s definitely going to involve some cleanup as well. We’ll talk more over dinner. How does Italian sound?”
Fleur moved closer to him as more people climbed onto the train. “It sounds très bon.”
Bill’s breath hitched slightly as her body pressed into his and her pheromones assaulted him. He saw the man’s eyes change behind her and he immediately wrapped his arms around her in a possessive fashion that surprised him.
“Miss, may I —”
“— No,” Bill growled. “Run along.”
The man’s eyes met his and he seemed to come out of his trance.
Bill looked down at Fleur, who’s blue eyes were staring up at him. “Sorry, I don’t like seeing men throw themselves at you like you’re up for auction.”
“You never do.”
“I never do what?”
“Zrow yourself at me like ze ozzers.”
Bill’s eyebrow rose. “We work together. I respect you too much to allow myself to act like an imbecile.”
Fleur stood on her toes, her lips brushing his cheek. “You theenk I cannot tell ze difference?”
The feel of her lips on his cheek made his whole body tremble in response. He moved his arms away.
“I know zat you find me attractive, n’est pas?”
“Of course I find you — you’re beautiful! That’s not the… we work together.”
Fleur smiled seductively. “And zis makes you not want to kiss me?”
Bill stared at her, his fingers twitching at her waist. “No.”
Fleur moved away from him, her eyes flashing in hurt before she masked it. “Je suis désolé, my mistake.”
Bill swore under his breath. Being around her was harder than he wanted to admit. She was incredibly beautiful, that was a given. She smelt like heaven and when she laughed, her eyes danced and her lips parted in the sweetest way. She was smart and creative and her willingness to learn intrigued him. She picked up on things fast and as much as he didn’t want to admit it, was one of the best new recruits he’d ever had.
The fact that being around her made him as hard as rock was another situation all together.
They stepped off the train and Fleur started moving across the platform. He grabbed her arm, roughly pulling her back into his arms. Her lips parted in surprise and her eyes widened as he simply bent his head to hers.
The moment his lips touched hers, he knew that it had been a mistake. Now that he had kissed her, no one else was ever going to make him feel like this; no one else would ever come close. He tugged her closer, his hands moving into her hair, deepening the kiss and when she moaned against him, it was enough to pull him out of his trance.
Her cheeks were flushed and her lashes fluttered as she opened her eyes.
“If you think that I don’t think about doing that a few thousand times a day along with a few naughtier things then you’re stupid.”
Fleur’s eyes flashed in anger. “‘Ow dare you call me stupid!” Her fists hit him angrily on the arm.
“I didn’t mean — fuck!” He dragged his hand over his face. “I think that you’re far from stupid, Fleur. You’re one of the most intelligent people I have ever met. One of the bravest as well and the sexiest. I just meant… of course, I’m attracted to you. You’re bloody gorgeous! I love the way that your eyes dance when you laugh. I like watching your little booty dance when you bypass the puzzle piece when we’re exploring. I like spending time with you and I spend most of my time with you trying to convince myself why I can’t touch you. You have men throwing themselves at you all the time, even some women. I don’t want you to think that what I’m saying is because of your Veela thing — because it’s not.”
Fleur stepped towards him, her eyes softening. “I can tell ze difference, Bill. I want you to touch me.”
Bill’s breath hitched. “You do?”
She nodded. “I want you to kiss me again.”
He did. Long and deeply until someone whistled at them and he broke away, smiling at her. “Will you go out with me, Fleur?”
She smiled. “Oui, but if you call me stupid again, I will make you wish you hadn’t, oui?”
Bill grinned widely. The fact that he just found her threat as incredibly sexy as the rest of her made him question his own sanity. “Oui.”
But he couldn’t wait to find out what came next. -- Chapter 189 of ASC
Georgelina - George and Angelina are fun to write because I love the idea of someone loving George for who he is and not comparing him to Fred. I love how when he takes her to the Yule Ball, she knows he's not Fred, but he's afraid to hope because as much as he loves his twin, this is the first time in his life he wants someone to really see him as separate from Fred. Angelina does that. I love her friendship with Fred as well and how she's not afraid to tease and poke at him. But one of my favourite moments with them is still when Molly shows up at the twins' flat and finds Angelina in the closet.
George woke up slowly, the early morning sunlight reflecting through the small dingy window of his bedroom. He blinked a moment before he turned to smile at the woman sleeping next to him. Her dark hair was swept up in a silk head wrap, but he was greeted by the lovely nakedness of her back. He grinned, shifting so that he could plant kisses down her spine. She stirred under his lips and when she rolled over, he merely moved his lips to her breasts.
“Good morning,” he murmured as his mouth continued to plant kisses over her skin.
“Morning,” Angelina said, her fingers moving into his hair. “What time is it?”
“Still early,” George answered, sucking the dark peak into his mouth.
“Mmm, the sun comes up late in the winter, so that’s not true.”
George chuckled and looked over at the clock. “Almost nine.”
“Nine... and you’re still here?”
“I’m closing the store tonight so Fred agreed to open. There were some early deliveries to the Ministry that needed to be shipped off. You look delectable.”
Angelina chuckled as his stubbled jaw slid down her stomach. “I doubt that. But after I shower, eat your heart out.”
George’s lips curved and her thumb reached down to trace his lips.
“I love that smile. The one that lights up your whole face. Especially when I’m the one who gives it to you.”
“You always make me smile,” George told her. “You’re still coming with me on Sunday?”
Angelina tugged his face up to hers to kiss him. “Even if I didn’t want to, your mum would insist on it.”
George chuckled. “She likes you.”
“Well, she thinks I'm a good influence on you because you wrote your NEWTs.”
“But you’re a bad influence,” George finished. “Downright naughty in fact. Seducing her son all over London without a care in the world. Tut tut tut.”
Angelina grinned. “In my defence, her son wasn’t putting up much of a fight.”
George kissed her, covering her body with his. “None whatsoever.”
Angelina’s hands slid down his back and into his pyjama bottoms. “When did you put on clothes?”
“When I got up to use the loo a few hours ago,” George said. He used her momentary distraction to kiss her breasts again.
“It’s not like you have something he hasn’t seen before,” Angelina pouted, her hand wrapping around him
George smiled. “True. But you know how Fred is, knowing that I’m the better looking twin is one thing, but seeing me in all of my naked glory is something else entirely.”
She laughed. “Prat. You’re ridiculous”
“And you’re beautiful. I love you, Ange. I love you more every day. You make me so happy.”
Angelina kissed him deeply. “Me too. My teammates say that I’m always smiling and that’s because of you. I love you.”
George deepened the kiss as her hands fondled him just as Fred’s voice interrupted them.
“Oi! You two decent? I’m coming in!”
George barely managed to cover Angelina’s tits before the door to his room burst open. “Fred, boundaries!”
Fred shrugged. “I’ve seen it all before. Right, Angelina?”
Angelina scowled at him. “Walking in on me in the bathroom hardly counts as seeing it all.”
“Which was an accident and I am truly sorry for that, but listen!”
“Who’s running the shop?” George interrupted.
“Ron, nitwit. He’s home for the holiday. Now, I received another shipment of mirrors in and I think that after this batch we’ll be able to sell them. I know with all of the supplies we were making for the Ministry, we got a little backlogged, but this is it, Georgie!”
George grinned. “Yeah?”
Fred nodded, leaning against the doorjamb. “I figure we’ll gift one to Charlie and to Mum and Dad, because that will make us Mum’s favourite, and starting in the new year, VainMuch will be a go!”
Angelina sat up, holding the sheet over her breasts. “And it was important for you to tell us this right this very second because...”
Fred wiggled his eyebrows. “That was just to help cool you off because Mum’s on her way up and I don’t know how much longer Ron can distract her.”
Fred had barely turned around before George and Angelina jumped to their feet and attempted to find clothes. Angelina had just pulled one of George’s G jumpers over her head before George urged her into the closet to hide at the sound of Mrs Weasley stepping into the boys’ flat.
“Mum!” George exclaimed loudly in front of the closet door. “What a pleasant surprise! What are you doing here?”
“Hi, George,” Molly said, standing on her toes to kiss her son’s cheek. “Ron and Fred were just showing me the new stock. The store is really looking grand!”
“We told you that we knew what we were doing amidst the explosions and general chaos.”
Molly nodded. “I should have had more faith in you boys. I’m very proud of you.”
“Thanks, Mum,” Fred said as George smiled next to him.
Molly pursed her lips. “I’m sure that you’ve both heard by now what happened a few days ago in Hogsmeade. Theo is staying with us for the holiday. I don’t want that poor boy to be alone in his grief. He needs friends and he needs family.”
“Couldn’t agree more,” George said. “Want us to come by and cheer him up then?”
“This isn’t the sort of thing one cheers up, George,” Molly insisted. “We just have to be there for him as much as we can be and show him that the world will go on, no matter how much he thinks it may not!”
George nodded. “We can do that.”
“Good. Now, is Angelina still joining us for Christmas?”
“On Christmas Eve,” George corrected, shoving his hands into the pockets of his pyjama bottoms. “I’m going to have dinner on Christmas Day at her house.”
“Oh, but George that means you’ll miss Charlie.”
“We’ll pop by after dinner. Her family does Yule at tea time.”
“Good,” Molly said, her hands on her hips. “Don’t you think that it’s about time you pick up after yourself in here, George? It looks like a pigsty!”
George shrugged. “Just a place to sleep, Mum.”
“Well, this ‘just a place to sleep’ needs to be cleaned. No, not cleaned — decimated!”
George grinned. “Mum, that’s a bit extreme. It’s not like we have mice living about. It’s just some old clothes on the floor. Fred and I moved out, remember? We can take care of ourselves.”
“Hmm,” Molly murmured as she began to move around the room and pick up her son’s clothes. “At least pick your clothes up off the floor. Dirty socks and piles of unwashed clothes and this?”
George swallowed when she pointed to the black and white striped bra on the floor. “Er. I sometimes like to wear those.”
Molly rolled her eyes before they suddenly narrowed at the closed door behind her son. “George Fabian Weasley, are you making that poor girl hide in your closet?”
She pushed him aside and pulled the door open and Angelina managed a small smile.
“Er, hi, Mrs Weasley.”
Molly looked between the two of them. “Do you two think that I was born yesterday? At your age I was already pregnant with my second child. Come out of there!”
Angelina carefully extricated herself from the closet, pulling George’s jumper down a bit. It almost hung to her knees, but it was all she was wearing.
“Are you angry?” Angelina asked, hesitantly.
Molly’s eyes were kind as they looked at her. “No, of course not, dear. You two are no longer children. And considering some of the ways that Bill and Charlie concealed their overnight guests, the closet is kind of funny.”
“You knew about those?” Fred asked from the doorway.
Molly turned to stare at her son. “A mother always knows. Just like I knew about Melinda Cummings sneaking down the drain pipe under your room two years ago, Frederick.”
Fred swallowed. “Blimey!”
George gave his mother a sheepish smile. “I love her, Mum.”
“I know that, too. Angelina, dear, please don’t let him live like a slob. I’ll see you boys tonight for dinner and you too, dear. You’re always welcome.”
She kissed them all on the cheek and then was gone.
Fred stared after her in wonder. “You don’t think she knew about the time Alicia and I shagged behind Dad’s work shed, do you?”
Angelina slipped her arm around George’s waist. “I wouldn’t bet against her.” -- Chapter 254 of ASC
Nevannah - Neville and Hannah are still very much exploring their relationship, but to choose one moment between them so far... I think I rather like the scene where he helps her bake. I think it's so sweet and shows how enraptured he is with her.
Neville licked his lips and watched her get to work. It wasn’t long before the lemon fairy cakes were baking and she started to make red velvet ones. By the time the fairy cakes were cooling, they were making frosting. He watched in amazement as she waved the spatula over each cake like an artist. His own attempt in comparison looked like a small child had stomped on it.
Hannah giggled. “It’s all about the movement in the wrist, like this.”
He watched her again frost a perfect cake and when he tried, he ended up with a splotch of frosting on the table next to him. When she giggled again, he scooped it up with his finger and put it on her nose.
Hannah’s eyes widened in surprise before her own finger dug into the chocolate and spread it on his cheek. It took no time at all before both of them were spotted in frosting. Hannah was laughing as he chased her around the kitchen, his fingers full of frosting. The house-elves were busy chasing after them, mopping up the frosting that they left in their wake, but neither of them noticed. Neville cornered her against the counter by the cupboard and leaned in to steal a kiss.
“You taste like chocolate,” he whispered.
Hannah’s hands slipped up his chest, spreading frosting as she went, but neither of them noticed as her lips met his. They lost themselves in long, slow kisses that left both of them breathless and it was only when the charm rang to signify that the fairy cakes were done, did Neville pull away, licking frosting off his lips.
“I think I rather like baking.”
Hannah’s cheeks flushed as she fumbled to wipe her hands on her apron. “We have to um… the cakes.”
Neville watched her hurry off to get the red velvet cakes out and he grinned. Yeah, he definitely liked baking. -- Chapter 268 of ASC
Perdrey - As to Percy and Audrey, well, I love writing the two of them being naughty and having fun. I think they are both very good for each other, but my favourite moment with them so far is still when Arthur catches them kissing and Percy is amazed at how easily she charms his father. I think that's the moment where you can see he's falling for her.
Audrey ran her hands through her hair as Percy buried his face on her shoulder. “I’m starved, but this was a much better lunch.”
He kissed her shoulder. “You’re going to be the death of me. This is how we’re both getting fired.”
She grinned. “Worried you’ll get caught in a compromising position?” She fixed his crooked glasses. “I’ll protect you.”
“You can’t just send me your knickers in the middle of the bloody day!”
“I can,” she said. “I did. Are you going to give them back?”
“No,” he growled. “Absolutely not.”
Audrey smiled. “So, you do like it when I send you my knickers.”
She grinned. “That’s what I thought, Mr Weasley.”
Percy sighed as she kissed his chin. “Miss Mayfair, you will be appropriately punished later today for this misbehaviour.”
“Absolutely, Mr Weasley,” she murmured against his neck. “I may have borrowed a pair of handcuffs from the office.”
Percy grabbed a fistful of her hair and tugged her mouth back to his for a long, deep kiss that left both of them breathless. They stumbled out of the unused restroom like drunks, giggling and laughing. Audrey had just kissed him once more when he heard a familiar voice clearing their throat behind him. Percy rested his forehead against Audrey’s before he slowly turned his head and grinned sheepishly at his father.
“Hi, Dad.”
“Percy,” Arthur said, his ears reddening. “This must be the lovely Audrey.”
Audrey extended her hand. “Good afternoon, Mr Weasley. Audrey Mayfair, it’s lovely to meet you.”
“And you,” Arthur said, shaking her hand. “I’ve wondered about the woman who has made my son smile constantly over the last few months.”
“I’ve been keeping him to myself, I’m afraid,” she said, smiling up at Percy.
“We’ve noticed that as well,” Arthur said.
“How did you get roped into working on a Saturday?” Percy asked.
Arthur sighed. “I’m woefully behind in my paperwork. I came down here to log in some evidence in the Department of Files and Records. What are you two doing down here?”
“I was working on something for Mr Scrimgeour in courtroom ten. Percy came to steal me for lunch,” Audrey said, smiling up at her boyfriend.
Arthur smiled. “There’s a new deli that opened down the block. I had a corned beef sandwich on rye yesterday. It was almost as good as your mother’s. Speaking of, Ginny and Ron are coming home for the holiday today, Percy. Charlie and Aydin are coming in tonight as well. Why don’t you bring Audrey round for dinner tomorrow? We’d love to have you join us. Molly’s quite the cook.”
“I’d love that,” Audrey admitted, smiling at Percy.
Percy nodded. “Yes, Dad. That sounds… great.”
Arthur chuckled. “Good. We’ll see you then.”
When Arthur turned to head off, Audrey kissed Percy smartly on the lips before she hurried forward and linked her arm through Arthur’s.
“Actually, Mr Weasley, we’re going up to the same floor and I need to grab my bag. Perhaps I could accompany you back to work?”
Arthur’s eyes crinkled. “I’d love that.” He patted her arm gently before Audrey turned to smile back at Percy over her shoulder.
“I’ll meet you in the atrium in a bit and we’ll grab something from that deli, yes?”
Then the two of them marched off ahead.
Audrey smiled warmly at Arthur. “Percy tells me that you run the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Office. That must be terribly fascinating?”
“It has its moments,” Arthur assured her as the two of them marched off leaving Percy staring after them.
Percy shoved his hands into his pockets, the feel of her knickers there making him smile, and he thought so much for careful planning. Audrey was about to be shoved into the lion’s den.
He was surprised by how much he was suddenly looking forward to it. -- Chapter 266 of ASC
Lavenmae - I think my favourite scene with these two is when they tell Parvati that they are a couple.
“There you two are!” Parvati exclaimed. “Our parents barely said goodbye and you were running off towards the train, Mae. Hi, Lav!”
“Hi, Vati,” Lavender said.
“I just wanted to find a good compartment,” Padma told her sister. She started to get up to move, but Lavender grabbed her arm.
“No, she wanted to come and snog her girlfriend.”
Parvati laughed. “You finally found someone to fall for your charms, Mae? That’s great news! Unless you tell me it’s Li or Bones then we’re going to have words after how those two treated you.”
Lavender slipped her hand back into Padma’s and smiled. “No, it’s… Padma and I are together, Parvati. I’m her girlfriend and she’s… mine.”
Parvati’s eyes widened in surprise as she looked between her best friend and her twin. “You two! When did… Anthony’s party! Of course! I knew something had changed between the two of you.”
“We didn’t mean to keep it from you,” Lavender began. “It’s just that it was new and… it’s still new, but… Parvati, you’re my best friend and I know that this is weird, me dating your identical twin sister, but —”
“— I didn’t say that it was weird,” Parvati interrupted. “Padma, have anything to add?”
Lavender snuck a glance over at Padma and the girl’s dark eyes were smiling at her and then she grinned widely when Padma leaned in and kissed her softly before she answered.
“Kissing her makes me feel like I could be floating without a levitation charm.”
Parvati grinned. “Good. Now budge over and try to keep the enthusiastic snogging to a minimum when I’m around, yeah?”
Lavender blushed, but couldn’t stop smiling. Padma Patil was her girlfriend and suddenly, nothing else really seemed to matter. As she listened to her best friend start talking about her plans for the year, she knew that she still had a big goofy grin on her face and there was nothing that she liked better. -- Chapter 238 of ASC
Gransy - This is a couple I adore writing! I thought it would be so fun to add in two people we don't usually get to see much of, two people who you would never imagine getting together, and I love how many people have grown to love them as much as me. I think my favourite moment with them so far hasn't actually been published yet but it will be in chapter 284. I think it really shows a turning point in their relationship. Otherwise, I love the scene where he finds her the door.
The sound of movement in the doorway made her look up at her husband.
“How was the meeting?”
“Okay,” he said. “Did you remember to eat?”
“Yes. Mitzy brought me a sandwich and a salad.”
Greg nodded, clearing his throat. “Good. Um… I think I found a door for the shop.”
Pansy’s eyes widened. “You did? Where?”
“An antique place in Muggle London.”
Pansy wrinkled her nose. “Why were you in Muggle London?”
“I was doing something for the Dark Lord,” he said. “But I found the door. It’s wood and painted a deep turquoise green with gold inlets carved into it. I thought it looked… sophisticated.”
Pansy’s smile widened. “Can I see it?”
Greg offered his hand to help her up and led her into the entrance hall where he had the set of double doors propped up against the wall.
“Greg! It’s perfect!” she shrieked.
It was sophisticated looking and it would make her shop stand out among the vast assortment of places in Apricity Lane.
“Good. I’ll get it installed in a few days." -- Chapter 270 of ASC
Thanks so much for this ask! It was fun to take a trip down memory lane!
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bonafidehero · 2 years
🎵 Bella Swan, Edward x Bella🎵 Matt Murdock, Matt x Elektra🎵 Harry Potter, Ginny x Harry
Ohh I like the ✨ categorizing ✨ going on!
Sorry this is a little late, took me a long time to decide on some of these. 😅
Bella — I have a million and one songs for my girl but this one is for New Moon Sad Hours Bella™️
Edbella — this is kinda cheating, considering evermore & folklore are pretty unanimously considered very twilight albums but thats the point isn’t it? They always come to mind when I think of them.
Matt — More Matt! I have so many. Kinda another S3 Matt song, what? He’s my fav! Anyways… this is pretty self explanatory, this song is literally Matt’s life.
Mattelektra — This is literally about them, I don’t care what Phoebe was actually going for. Lol
Harry — uuuh its actually embarrassing how long it took me to pick this one. I don’t know. I’ve not been in the HP mindset for a few years now. I guess this is good.
Hinny — again, this took me way too long and I’m still not 100% into it but I mean, this is a pretty good devotional love song, right? Plus it reminds me of when Harry went on the horcrux hunt and was still looking after Ginny on the Marauders Map.
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allalrightagain · 3 years
Ao3 Stats Tag
@lunapwrites you tagged me in this what feels like forever ago (it was only a couple of days, but still) and this is the first time I've made it to my computer since. Thank you for the tag <3<3!
How many works do you have on AO3?
3, plus a few that should probably move there from other various places.
What’s your total AO3 word count?
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
That I’ve published? Besides Harry Potter, I’ve got like 4 chapters of a Twilight fic I wrote with friends in middle school that will die on ffnet because I a) don’t remember the title, b) don’t remember our username, c) don’t remember the email (I do, weirdly, remember the password) and d) haven’t talked to either friend since like.. 2010.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
(also fittingly the same order they were published in):
1) If logic beat hate (by only a little)
2) Where do we begin?
3) ‘78 count
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to! I got one I felt kind of weird about (and was… probably misinterpreting) a few months ago and haven’t managed to go back and respond to the ones that followed, but it’s my plan to respond to all of them! I totally understand why people might not want to, but I love getting responses back when I leave a comment on someone else’s work, so I’d like to believe I’m extending the warm fuzzy feeling I get back to anyone who comments.
Also, like, fandom is a community, even if some of that has collapsed a bit. We’re all here talking about how sad Remus Lupin’s life is/was/could be (or whatever), and the best way to keep doing that is to just keep talking to each other, even if it’s just a simple thank you/kudos.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Uhhh definitely '78 count haha. It's intentional! At its core, it's about death, the death of an entire generation, and survivors who die anyways. It's my lowest read fic, if nothing else than because of the MCD warning.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Nope. Or at least, not that I know of. Maybe my Twilight fic has racked up the flames, but I kind of doubt it.
I spent a long time being terrified of— not even people hating my fic, just like, perceiving it? So, very little of what I’ve thought about has made it to paper (or screen) and even less to people’s eyes. It’s something I’ve gotten a lot better at, and am continuing to do every day.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
*laughs in aroace* If I ever manage to write an actual ship, the answer will probably still be no. It takes a lot for me to be interested in a fic enough not to skim through reading smut, I’m fairly certain my own attempts would be “and then they kissed, anyways, moving on.”
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but it would be cool if someone liked my writing enough to do so!
What’s your all time favorite ship?
Gen fic :)? I do like wolfstar and hinny, but I’ll read a lot of pairings as long as it’s a story I’m interested in. I’m a very easy sell, so long as it’s not only about the relationship (and it rarely is).
What’s a WIP that you want to finish, but don’t think that you ever will?
I have a Regulus Lives fic buried on pillowfort that could have used a lot more TLC than it got before seeing the light of day, and it very much got away from me. I learned a lot from what I did write, and a lot of those lessons got applied to DIWF, where they did a lot of good. I just think what I left myself isn’t a story that I can salvage into what I wanted it to be.
What are your writing strengths?
Definitely narrative style, which was my “thing” when I was in college (huge tip to people in creative writing classes— if you’re not sure what to write, pick the last story you read and write a similar story the same way, or pick two and rewrite one using the voice of the other. You will look very good for your prof and improve your writing!).
I think I’m pretty good at dialogue, but not always at making the dialogue sound like the right character.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Mixing dialogue and narration lmao. I can write you a script easily, and a story without dialogue almost as easily, but knowing when and how to build up or break up a scene with description often takes me dozens of rereads, and still feels clumsy to me.
Also length— I’m a short story writer at heart, I want to get in and get out. DIWF is testing my patience with both of these, but I know what I want it to look like, so I just keep beating more words into it XD
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in fic?
I think it can be used really successfully, but it’s dependent on the writer knowing the language enough to use it masterfully, and context is extremely important. If the reader is supposed to understand what’s happening, then a translation needs to be conveyed in a way that’s easy to understand (I read mostly on mobile, so hovertext is generally useless, and putting it in the end notes is often annoying). If the goal is the reader and/or character(s) not knowing what’s said, it can come across as dismissive or othering of the other language (again, context=important).
That being said, there’s a special place in my heart for fics with dialogue in French, because I can actually read it.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter. I have an adorable handwritten “and it was all a dream” fic I wrote at like.. 10? Definitely before book 7, and I think before book 6? Harry is killed by Voldemort and wakes up to the Marauders + Lily looking over his crib.
If you’re talking published, it would be the aforementioned Twilight fic I don’t remember.
What is your favorite fic that you’ve written?
Oh don’t ask me to pick favorites! I like them all for different reasons.
It took me so long to post this I think everyone I would have tagged has done it already? So if you see this and haven’t done it, I’m tagging you <3
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lytefoot · 4 years
Can you tell us abt the college AU pls?
For the WIP ask game
So the College AU is, “Harry goes to his dad’s old college and gradually finds out what a tremendous dork his dad and his friends were.” Also there are aliens. Also I think Dumbledore is probably the bad guy, because in this AU there’s really no excuse for leaving Harry with the Dursleys for 18 years.
Harry is a l33t haxor and general delinquent. Ron’s his room-mate and probably a math major--he’s there on a chess scholarship. Hermione’s studying linguistics. Luna is there and spends most of the story suggesting aliens as an explanation, but is as surprised as anyone else when there are actually aliens.
I cannot decide if this is a Rarry fic or a Hinny fic.
I’m playing with what enormous dorks the Marauders were--they has previously contacted the aliens--Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs present - the Marauders Starmap.
[Edited to add: I do have the first three chapter titles.
1 - The Delinquent
2 - The Lawyer
3 - The Chess Master
Chapter 2 includes Hagrid (as Dumbledore’s lawyer, wearing the hairy brown suit) declaring, “You’re a legacy, Harry!]
The only really written part is the intro--which I’m probably going to have to cut if I ever actually finish this thing, so I’m putting it below the cut here.
To begin, imagine a house.
No, larger than that. And indeed a little larger. It sits on a cul de sac, between two other houses built to the same plan. This house is perhaps a shade tidier than its already-tidy neighbors. Not for this house the flowerbed awaiting a sunny weekend to be refreshed for spring, the bicycle abandoned in the driveway, the hose carelessly stretched across the lawn; as the night slowly slides around toward morning, everything is carefully stowed in its proper place. The taupe vinyl siding is as immaculate now as the day it was installed, and the white wood trim has been repainted recently.
Inside the house, the ground floor is as orderly as the outdoors. The kitchen is gleaming white and stainless steel, smelling faintly of bleach. The sole sign of life is the bowl of fruit, red apples and yellow bananas and unblemished oranges, all fresh and untouched. Two cars are parked in the garage, shiny, new, so large the two abreast barely fit in the space; the third, a little smaller but newer still, has been banished to the driveway. Inside again, the master and mistress of the house sleep soundly in a bedroom that is neither too large nor too small, its white carpet and bed-coverings immaculate. He is a large man, heavyset and neck-less, the deficit of hair on his head made up in the lushness of his carefully-maintained mustache. She is tall and carefully, meticulously thin, blond hair set in curlers for the night, overnight face-mask carefully applied. He snores loudly, heartily, while her snore is thin and reedy. The television on the wall above the dresser is smaller than the one above the electric fireplace in the large, white living room. Beside the front door is a guest room, closed now, but frequently inhabited by his sister and her dogs; the tooth marks marring the bedstead and the well-chewed dog bed hidden in the closet are the first hints of untidiness in the house.
Upstairs, a pervasive smell that suggests that the couple have an adolescent son with an interest in athletic pursuits. In the front bedroom sleeps the son, heavy and neck-less like his father, blond and watery like his mother, only part of his bulk muscle, a large letter jacket hastily thrown over the back of a chair. The room shows evidence of having been thoroughly cleaned in the recent past, but not routinely tidied, various dirty clothes, sports magazines, electronic devices, and suspiciously crusty socks drifting in heaps across the furniture. The rear bedroom holds the debris of athletic pursuits, a punching bag and boxing gloves, a set of dumbbells. There is another bed here, but it has not been used; the son’s guests slept here, when his friends visited, but the boy is clearly an only child.
In the ceiling of the hall is a trap door, and above the ceiling, an attic. The attic hasn’t been finished, its ceiling low and hanging with insulation, the trap door giving access for repairs and nothing more. But someone has made an effort to make the attic livable. Sheets, slightly torn or unacceptably stained, have been tacked to the rafters, covering the insulation, in a little space around the trap door and toward the rear of the house. A thin mattress sits against the rear wall beneath a small window, covered by another worn sheet and a much-patched and faded blanket. A cardboard box holds neatly patched and folded clothes that might once have belonged to the boy downstairs.
Watch the small attic window. Slowly, slowly, the window is creeping open. A brown hand grips the windowsill, knuckles tensing, and then is joined by another. A head comes into view, green eyes striking in a thin, angular face. Slowly, careful to make no noise, the owner of his hands pulls himself in through the window, lowers himself onto the mattress, and sits still, breathing great silent gulps of air. Not waking the family downstairs is important.
Imagine a boy, a teenager. No, smaller than that… a little smaller. Not quite that small, perhaps five foot three, and bone thin, all sharp angles and awkward limbs. His hair is thick and black and perpetually messy, and he has embraced it, allowing wild curls to stick up at all angles. His skin is a warm terra-cotta brown, and his eyes a bright green that is striking even behind thick glasses. He wears old clothes that are much too big for him, having once belonged to the much larger boy downstairs, the T-shirt washed gray and thin, its over-stretched neck sliding off his shoulder, the jeans held up with a belt and badly frayed at the knees and the cuffs. The glasses are cheep plastic ones, held together with scotch tape at the bridge and dental floss at the hinges where they’ve been broken. Above his right eye, a jagged scar cuts from his hairline down to split his eyebrow; a relic, he’s been told, of the accident that had killed his parents. A careful observer sees a half-healed bruise on his cheekbone and the faint yellow ghost of another on his neck, though the shadows under his eyes are more likely exhaustion.
The boy’s name is Harry Potter. He will be seventeen for seventy-six more days. He is counting.
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seriouslysam8 · 2 years
Wait will Moribund be the end of the AU series?
Short answer: I don’t know.
Long answer: I’m still very up in the air about the future of my writing in general. Sometimes I think Moribund should stay in MOT series because I’ve queued it up in Legerdemain perfectly, in my mind. I had the idea of having a story called Fugue (I have nothing written anything down about this story but I have about 80% plotted out in my head) between the two stories to really tell what I think it’s a great overall plot.
But… MOT lost its sparkle with all the negativity around Legerdemain and just discouraging comments. The AU was born out of the idea that if I’m going to get criticized, I might as well get criticized for writing exactly what I want to write and not having to gloss over and fix stupid canon shit. I know I’ve said this before and I’m a broken record at this point, but if I had known at the time of writing Brontide that I was going to make a series, I would have done so much differently and then maybe I wouldn’t be so disconnected and discontent with the MOT series as a whole.
But with the AU series, which I have been calling the Petricher Series in my head and on my computer, I struggled on how to connect Moribund without the intro of Legerdemain. Honestly, it came to me when I was writing Backstabber. Now, I know Backstabber isn’t what I normally write and you guys may not want to read a Marauders story and just want to read Hinny, but something very specific and significant happens in Backstabber that plays a huge role in the AU series. Instead of just trying to explain it in Brumous, I thought I’d write a one-shot about it. That one-shot turned into six chapters and probably around 70k in words because I go big or go home, right? BUT it works out because this thing that happens in Backstabber allows me to tee up Fugue and then Moribund.
I know that Backstabber and Moribund happen like forty years apart, but what can I say? I play the long game and really try to weave my stories together.
So, honestly, Moribund could go either way. I could still decide to put it in MOT, I could put it in Petricher, or I could scrap the entire idea. What I do know is that I don’t have any ideas for what happens after Moribund no matter what universe it fits into.
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