#so hes like i gotta do the really hard thing and save her and myself and then deal w the murder accusations
orcelito · 1 year
trying to piece together the residents of this goddamned ship through the barest of hints
the man who found vash 70 years ago i think was Sensei's father(?) considering there's an old pic of
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This. that hair matches the hair of the man who found vash & also the face
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and it being 70 years ago & this man already looking in his 30s or so, he'd be VERY old for being Sensei.
i also 100% missed the fact that Sensei did.. die...
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this being the last time we see him (i think), among the group of ppl that were turned into puppets. which i didnt really register my last read, but it absolutely would mean he was dead, bc that dude made his puppets out of corpses.
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Luida just straight up not answering about Sensei's fate
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and then Vash seeing Sensei's face among this dream(?) of People Who Died (which was the first time i'd realized he was maybe not alive, RIP)
so. yeah. Sensei's 100% dead. and i am so sad.
#speculation nation#fanny reads trigun#fanny's trigun analysis#trigun spoilers/#ive gathered tho that the residents of the ship really do not use the cold sleep chambers#they Exist. we see them. but then it shows a shot of the pods. which are empty.#these people are just living their lives as a community. not extending their lifetimes in hopes of a new tomorrow#but rather. just living in the present. falling in love and having children. continuing on in this way.#so Luida wouldnt have been the leader for the whole time. not like in tristamp.#there's a brief flashback of her when she's younger. 40 years ago it said. where vash steps in to save them from confronting knives#if we go off of that. assuming she was either a teenager or early 20s. she's probably in her 50s-60s. which tracks i think#then there's Brad and Jessica. among the recent generation. Brad's 4 when they first meet him. Jessica around that age too#13 years pass before he sees him again. making him 17. but if we zoom in 8 years before. it will have been 5 years. So.#9 year olds Brad and Jessica... adorable.#yeah if we assume that's Luida in that pic up there she looks Maybe 40 ish. so. reasonable to assume she's in her 50s or so.#adding this post to the books of Things Im Trying To Figure Out Through Subtle Details And Passing Statements#god i miss having a thorough wiki to reference. it's hard doing all this detail digging myself.#but I WILL DO ITTTTTTTTTTTT for the fanfic. i gotta have a fuckin iron grip on my trimax trivia for this i guess lmfao
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Eddie and Max would've been the best combo bx their friendship would lead to a complete lack of personal safety but Eddie thinks he's doing like. A great job role modeling
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(OK I realized this after I wrote it and this screenshot got more notes than the fic ever did but I feel like I should just say like. If ur gonna do something like that don't actually wrap the handle around ur wrist bc then you'll get dragged. Water skiing, sledding behind snowmobiles, skateboarding behind cars, all those, just hold on tight but u gotta be able to let go if u fall)
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moonstruckme · 8 months
Hey!! I saw your posts about colour blind!reader and reader with hearing problems and i really love them, I have to wear hearing aids myself so it is really lovely to see some representation!! So I was wondering if you could do remus x reader (or any marauder i don't mind) where the readers hearing aids broke and remus has to help them communicate for the day while they wait to get them fixed? If you aren't comfortable with that don't worry<33
I'm so glad you liked them sweetness, thanks for requesting! Unfortunately I don't have anyone in my life who uses hearing aids that I could consult about this, so I had to rely on the internet and apologize for any inaccuracies <33
Remus Lupin x fem!reader ♡ 653 words
“Moony,” James says, cocking his head at you inside Remus’ car. You’re sitting placidly in the passenger seat while the car trembles with bass. “What’s she doing?”
“She likes the vibrations,” Remus replies, carrying a giant tupperware container of chili. Ever since he moved in with Lily, James has taken to “accidentally” making too much of nearly every meal they have so that his friends are forced to come over and take home leftovers. (“I thought the recipe was supposed to be tripled,” James had said over the phone. “You’ve gotta take some off my hands, Moony, it’s gonna go bad.”) 
“She’s gonna be shaking the whole block if she turns that up any louder,” Sirius says, following them out of the house. “How can she stand it?”
“Hearing aids broke yesterday,” Remus explains, opening the passenger door. James flinches at the sound that bursts out, and Remus hands you the chili before reaching around you to turn down the dial on the radio. “We’re waiting for the shop to call so we can pick them up,” he finishes. 
You wave at the boys, and they wave back with smiles somewhat bemused. 
“How bad is her hearing without them?” James asks concernedly. 
You go to respond, having read the question on his lips, but Remus sets a hand on your shoulder. 
Hold on, he signs to you. This will be more fun. 
You roll your eyes, but play along with his game, letting Remus speak for you as if you can’t do it yourself. 
“She can’t hear much of anything,” Remus says. It’s the honest truth, though he neglects to mention that you’re still perfectly capable of speaking and also quite skilled at reading lips even without the aids. “Some loud noises or things with a deep pitch, but not enough to make out speech.” 
“Huh,” James says. “Well, tell her I hope she enjoys the chili.” 
This is great, Remus signs to you. I never get to practice. 
You’re mean, you sign back, even as your lips twitch at the corners.
“She says she’s sure she will,” Remus says. “Thanks for saving us some.” 
James grins. “No problem.” 
“If she really likes vibrations, she should come take a ride on my bike sometime,” Sirius suggests, and he’s smiling, because he knows exactly how Remus will feel about that offer. Remus hates the idea of even Sirius, let alone you, on a motorcycle. “Tell ‘er, Moons.” 
You’re already looking at Remus with a mischievous smile. 
No way, he tells you. Not happening.
Buzzkill, you fingerspell. 
Remus shrugs, and he doesn’t need to sign anything for you to read and what about it? in his expression. 
“Ooh, they’re fighting,” Sirius deduces, laughing darkly. “This sign language stuff isn’t so hard to pick up on, is it Prongs? You can get the general meaning from their faces.” 
Remus plasters on a smile. Not hard? I’ve been learning for two years, he vents to you. 
You give a little laugh. Don’t listen, he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. But at least tell him I said thanks for the offer.
Remus turns to Sirius. “She says fuck you.” 
You make a sound of offense, slapping Remus’ arm lightly. 
“Okay, okay,” he relents. “She said thank you for the offer. But no.” 
“It’s crazy,” James says with a little smile. “Everything you’re claiming she says sounds exactly like what you would say if you could choose, Moony.” He glances at you, and you raise your eyebrows like I know, right?
“Alright, we’d better be off,” Remus decides, shutting your door for you and rounding the front of the car. “Thanks for the chili, Prongs. And Pads, your bike is banned to her, so don’t offer again.” 
“Buzzkill,” Sirius calls after him, but Remus pretends not to hear, shutting his door. 
“Hey,” you say, your voice a bit louder than you’d usually allow. You’re grinning at Remus. “That’s exactly what I said!”
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mykoreanlove · 4 months
Jackson on Kinjaz
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Your phone was blowing up constantly.
„Oh my god, did you see this?????“, your friend asked.
With shaking hands you clicked on the link.
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„I used to be critical on myself in my mind in a negative way. Not healthy. At all. I would call myself names and put myself down in my mind. I drank the most disgusting shakes for my body health but up here? I was rotting.“
„Yeah, yeah. I remember videos of that nasty shake. What did you put in there - chicken?“
„Gotta get my protein, man. But you know I would constantly feel guilty for what I have done or what I might do.“
„Like what?“
„Like. Okay, like did I practice enough? Is magic man good enough? What if I let everybody down? How will I cope? How will I live?
All these voices.. these fucking nagging voices were with me 24/7.“
„Damn that sounds tough. What did you do?“
„I thought it was impossible to fix because I tried so hard and nothing changed me. Or if it did, it would only last a couple of weeks and I’d be back to feeling like shit and talking down on myself.
Jackson, you moron, how could you do this? Did you really think you could make it? You don’t deserve this success. You don’t deserve to be happy.“
„Jackson, bro. I feel for you. Really.“
„Look, I’m just being honest. I would naturally think of punishments coming my way. I’d imagine injuring myself or loosing all my fans or money. I’d think of the most horrific shit late at night when I should be peacefully sleeping.
I would try to change my thoughts to change my feeling. I would rationalize my way out for hours to only find myself entering a new cave.“
„Like a merry go round.“
„Exactly, I was stuck. Same shit, different day. My gut always had this underlying feeling of tension.
I tried my best to give myself relief but like I said, I could not find Relief for longer than a week. Maybe a month at best.“
„Is that why you turned to alcohol? Because I remember you chugging down a bottle of Hennessy and thought to myself that’s not normal.“
„Oh, of course I started drinking more. I needed more. What used to make me pass out back then is like a cute little cocktail to me now.“
„Damn, that really is a lot to handle. Did you try other things, as well?“
„Look, I tried everything in the book. You name it, I tried it. Worked out. Meditated. Drank. Had sex. Nothing could give me what I craved so badly. Nothing. Until I found her.“
You swallowed hard.
You had no idea that he would share all this with the public. You were very well aware of his struggles but hearing him talk about them upset you. It broke your heart imagining him like that, all dim and broken.
Also, it made you nervous.
You had no idea that he would introduce you into the world like this.
You had no idea that he would reveal your relationship to his homies on a podcast.
Yet, you were intrigued.
„Her as in …?“
„You see, love is a funny thing, right? I didn’t plan to fall in love, nor did I want to but I kind of did. I found the one, man. I found the love of my life and I was lucky enough to have her love me back. Do you know how rare that is?“
„Yeah, it is for you. I remember our last interview and how we wanted to get you on tinder and shit.“
„Exactly! I used to be on my own for years. Years, man. I gave up on love completely, thinking this was meant for others but certainly not me. And then she came into my life. Like an angel that was coming down to help me. Save me even.“
„Your savior, huh?“
„I swear to god her love saved me. It saved me from drugs, it saved me from self destruction and first and foremost it saved me from myself. I gotta be honest man, if I hadn’t met y/n I wouldn’t even be here anymore.“
„Wow. That’s, that’s a pretty heavy revelation. I’m glad you’re doing better now.“
„Oh, I am. Management is probably going to kick my ass later but I don’t care. Let me loose fans, let me loose money. I don’t give a shit. If you support me now, you support the real Jackson Wang. And that’s me right now - happily coupled to the most beautiful soul on this planet. If you can’t handle that - my bad.“
„Okay guys, it’s over. China‘s most wanted bachelor is officially off the market. WHOOOO!!“
„Yeah, the king has finally found its queen.“
„So, what is she like?“
You paused the interview and took a deep breath. Jackson was very vocal of his feelings for you, but hearing it like that felt different. The biggest smile was plastered on his face as he was talking about you.
You as in his queen.
You as in future Miss Wang.
Hundreds of butterflies announced themselves in your stomach, making you giddy and joyful.
„Oh man, she is the best. Like, she is so breathtakingly beautiful. Inside and out. We have the best conversations. I feel like she is my best friend. Truly, no one gets me like she does. It’s just.. it’s effortlessly easy. We laugh a lot, we talk a lot, we share everything with each other. I’m just so grateful, man.“
„Yeah, I can see that. You’re grinning from ear to ear. Make sure to invite me to your wedding.“
„Like you invited me to your birthday?“
„Okayyyyy, let’s wrap it up. Guys, that’s it for today. Thank you Jackson, really appreciate you brother.“
You stopped the video, giggling at your petty boyfriend.
„Remind me to have a word with you once you’re back, yeah?“, you texted him.
It didn’t take him a second to instantly call you.
„Did you see it? Already? Damn babygirl, you’re quick“, he teased.
„You could have warned me, Wang!“
„I didn’t plan to say all that but I couldn’t help myself. It just.. it just came out of me. I really meant it though.“
He knew exactly what you were implying.
„Oh, I’m gonna make you Miss Wang for sure. Rule my kingdom with me? Please?“
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don't leave me here {e.m}
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prompt: you're bleeding out and eddie has to save you.
character: eddie munson x plus size female reader
part of my e.m 'pretty eyes' series
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Blood. There was so much blood.
Eddie dropped to his knees in front of you, "Jesus! Fucking hell! What the fuck?!" The panicked string of curses left his mouth quick and furious.
He stared down at your gasping, convulsing body in absolute horror. Eddie Munson wasn't one of these 'hero' guys. He wasn't like Steve Harrington or Nancy Wheeler or- or fucking Superman, okay? He was a runner. He ran and he hid from shit like this. He wasn't brave. He was a fraud; scared, weak. Eddie Munson thought that he was nothing at all.
Things changed when he saw you like that.
"What do I do? What the fuck do I do?!"
You weren't really focusing on what he was saying, all you could really do was stare up at him as your mouth tried to form words. His eyes connected with yours; fear meeting fear and when he saw how scared you were, lying there, bleeding out onto cold cement, he swallowed and closed his eyes for the briefest of moments.
When he opened his eyes again, the fear was gone and instead was replaced with calm.
"This is gonna hurt... and I'm sorry." He took a deep breath and pressed down on the wound that was on your side. You couldn't speak but my god, you could scream; loud and piercing. Eddie rambled apologies over the sound of you, wincing as he listened to you. No one else was here. It was just you and Eddie in the Upside Down with a whole lot of monsters. Eddie needed to stop the bleeding long enough to get you back into the normal world and get you to the hospital.
He could feel his heart beating fast and furious in his chest. It almost hurt him. He was terrified but he knew that you were even more scared than he was so he knew that he had to focus and just do it; do something. No running, not today.
The blood seeped from between his fingers, he needed something to stop the bleeding. Thinking quick, he grabbed the two handkerchiefs that he kept in his pockets, bundled them together, and pressed them hard against your side.
"You still with me?" He asked, anxiously glancing to your face.
Your eyes were squeezed shut and you were holding onto his wrist in a white knuckled grip, "E-Eds- I'm not gonna-"
"Shut up." He glowered at you, "I'm not having that conversation, it's strictly not an option. I'm going to get the bleeding to stop a bit and then I'm gonna take you back through the gate and we'll get you to the hospital. You'll be fine. You'll be fine. It'll be fine."
His hands trembled and his whole body was caked in a cold sweat as the blood continued to pour. Why wasn't it stopping? Why wasn't it slowing down?
He cursed under his breath and dropped everything to stand up. With fumbling hands, he pulled off his belt. He'd watched Nancy do this to Harrington, minus the belt but with her t-shirt, she'd tied it really tight around his wound and it helped add extra pressure. He had to try, right? He told you it would hurt and boy, did it hurt. The searing hot pain made your head spin and made your vision blur and you almost felt yourself succumbing to the sleepiness that crept into the corners of your mind, dulling things and making things fuzzy around the edges.
It was Eddie's voice, hoarse and cracking, "Please don't leave me. Don't you dare fucking leave me in this stupid town myself." Hearing that, hearing how upset and vulnerable he sounded made you open your eyes for the briefest of moments.
"I gotta get you outta here," Eddie murmured, "Back through the gate and hopefully Harrington will be on the other side close by and we can get you in a car and straight to the hospital."
You shook your head, inhaling deeply, "Y-You can't get me through the gate. I-I'm too heavy to ca-carry."
Eddie rolled his eyes, "You're bleeding out and you're worried about your weight?" A moment of humour in an otherwise traumatic situation.
It was stupid and you weren't thinking rationally but you never liked people lifting you, you'd always hated it since a boy in your sixth grade class called you heavy. Since then, no one had lifted you. Despite knowing that Eddie could probably hold your weight, you would rather die in the Upside Down than have him unable to lift you or call you heavy.
"Hey," Eddie said, bloody hands on your cheeks, "I can lift you. I'll get you outta here, I promise... You gotta trust me." His eyes scanned your face, "You trust me?"
You nodded slowly, "Yeah. I trust you."
"I dunno if it'll hurt or not but my trailer's just over there, it won't be long... just hold on tight." You hadn't noticed his hands under your knees and neck until he was hoisting you into the air. The pain was there but duller, lesser. You didn't know if that was a good thing or not. Your eyes were heavy, tired. Eddie could tell as he ran through the upside down with you in his arms that things weren't looking good. Despite the belt applying as much pressure as possible, you were still bleeding, blood seeping into his t-shirt and jean jacket, staining and soaking wherever it touched.
Eddie glanced down at you, "Open your eyes, (y/n). Open those pretty eyes!" The sound of the nickname woke you for the slightest of seconds and then you tumbled backwards into the darkness.
At the sight of your eyes rolling and body limp, Eddie cursed and used his foot to kick open the trailer door; stupid thing swung open easily.
Eddie began to screech for Harrington, for Nancy, for anyone. His friends should've been back by now. Eddie closed his eyes as he stared up through the gate to see no one staring down at him. They weren't back yet. This couldn't be it; this wasn't going to be the end. He lay you down on the mattress on the floor and grabbed a chair to stand on when all of a sudden he heard, "Jesus, what happened? Is she okay?!"
Steve and Nancy stared down horrified at the sight of you lying unconscious, "Help me get her outta here, Harrington, or she's not gonna make it."
Getting you up and out of the Upside Down was easier than Eddie had expected since he had the help of Nancy and Steve. Together, they managed to get you through the gate and Steve helped carry you to his car.
Eddie's heart hadn't stopped racing, his hands trembling and sweating as the engine roared whilst Steve drove. Nancy looked to the backseat where you lay with Eddie crouched over you, hand in yours. He kept yelling over the sound of the engine to drive faster. "We're friends with the Chief of Police hurry the fuck up Harrington!" So, Steve put his foot down.
He doesn't stop talking to you, doesn't stop muttering and murmuring to you. He doesn't know what the hell he's saying to you but he read once that talking to someone is a good way to keep them awake - he didn't know how true that was but he'd try anything.
"Open your pretty eyes for me, (y/n)."
"You hear me? You hear my voice?"
"I'm terrified... Fuck, I'm so scared."
"Please don't leave me. Please don't leave me."
"I love you. I fucking love you."
The hospital loomed ahead and Steve put his foot down, cutting the red light. Nancy gripped onto her seat. Steve's turns grew harsh and fast and the three of them were nearly launched when he slammed on the breaks, car coming to a squealing stop.
"Help me get her out." Eddie said to Steve.
The car lay abandoned as Steve and Eddie carried you into the hospital. Nancy ran ahead, calling for help loudly and grabbing a stretcher which sat beside reception empty. The next few moments passed in a blur. You were bundled onto the stretcher, Eddie holding your hand, and a few doctors surrounded and huddled trying to figure out what was best to do.
"We need to take her now, sir," one of the doctor's said to Eddie, "you need to let go of her hand."
Eddie wanted to protest, wanted to fight and demand to stay with you but it was Harrington's hands on his shoulders that tugged him away from you and then, the three of them were all alone in reception and you were wheeled away.
Eddie hadn't known true fear until today. Seeing you bleeding and injured and now, stuck in limbo wondering and praying that you'd be okay. It was up to the doctor's now. It was their job to save you. Eddie wasn't religious but in those few tense hours of waiting, he prayed to every god, every saint, every public figure he could think of to pray that you'd be okay and that you'd pull through. Nancy and Steve stayed the whole time, keeping him occupied with small talk and fuelled by coffee.
"Eddie, stop pacing. Come and sit down," Nancy said, patting the seat beside her, "Just try to relax-"
"I can't," he shook his head, curls flying, "I can't rest until I know that she's okay."
"Are you here for (y/n)?" A voice asked from beside them.
Eddie whirled around, nodding wildly, "Yes, is she okay? Is she- Is she...?"
"Who wrapped the belt around her waist to stop the bleeding?" The doctor asked.
Eddie frowned, "It was me." His face dropped, "Did I do something wrong? Oh my god, did I hurt her more?"
The doctor shook his head, patting Eddie's shoulder, "Really nice touch with the belt, kid, that probably saved her life," the doctor said, "she'll be okay."
Eddie wasn't a crier, he couldn't remember the last time he properly broke down and just cried... until now. It was a mixture of relief, happiness, stress and god knows what else but he just broke down. You were okay; you would be okay. A heavy hand landed on his shoulder, he had thought it was the doctor offering sympathy, but was rather surprised to see Harrington, "Thank you," he said to the doctor, allowing him to leave. Once the doctor was gone, Steve patted his back, "(y/n)'s okay, you saved her, Munson. You did it."
Eddie couldn't speak. The tears kept flowing and as he sat down, Steve's hand stayed on his shoulder and Nancy's hand found Eddie's arm and gave it a reassuring squeeze.
You were going to be okay; everything was going to be okay.
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yrrtyrrtwhenihrrthrrt · 5 months
Can you write a story where Ballister somehow gets Nimona’s animal shapeshifting powers and Nimona has to train him on how to properly change forms?
Hi hi!! Great asks, here you go!
I hope you don't mind a bit of canon-divergence, I was inspired to include a bit of Comic Nimona's backstory (although this drabble takes place in the movieverse) and I would be lying if I said I wasn't inspired by @ambrosius-goldheart 's ideas about the Institute turning people into monsters!
Ballister darted through the streets, panting, trying to run through the day's events in his head. 
He was supposed to be knighted tomorrow, and for some reason, he'd started feeling weird, and he'd turned into– it was so absurd.
He turned into a dog, a street dog, mangey and aggressive. When Ambrosius saw him outside their apartment, he'd screamed and chased him with a broom. Headlines were already running about how the controversial knight-to-be disappeared, abandoning his kingdom and his post like a coward. Some people were worried about assassination. Some people were angry at him. He had no idea what Ambrosius was thinking, or himself, for that matter. How did this happen? 
Was he a monster, some sort of shape-shifter? Was he born that way? He couldn't have been! He hadn't done anything out of the ordinary, he just had that physical with the Institute doctors, they'd given him some shots– but they wouldn't have done anything to him. This kind of science didn't even exist! 
Yet somehow he'd started frantically flopping from animal to animal without control, until he got stuck like this. He managed to find some old ruins to hide in. Gloreth, he couldn't speak, how would he get help, how would he switch back!?
His ears pricked and his head whipped around. A pink dog was in the room– he hadn't smelled it– since when could he smell things? He growled and flattened his ears. 
Then, the dog spoke. 
“Hey! I'm Nimona, it's okay, I know you're freaking out. I know you're human, you can relax.”
Ballister blinked. What? If this dog was talking, surely it was a monster, but then, wasn't he? 
She continued. “I'm gonna help you shift back into a person, it's really not hard once you get the hang of it.” 
Ballister yelped when the dog materialized into a teenager in a flash of pink light. “See?” 
Tail between his legs, he backed up warily. What was this thing? Why was it helping him?
She crossed her arms. “Are you gonna freak out? Or are you gonna let me help you?”
He paused for a moment and sat down. He didn't really have much choice here. She made a mocking expression, “Good doggy!” Ballister grimaced.
“So, the first thing you're gonna wanna do is relax– difficult, given the situation, I know. But just take a deep breath and let all your limbs turn to jelly!” Her arms dangled in an exaggerated, unnatural way, like the bones inside disappeared. Trying not to be terrified, Ballister tried to relax his strange new body. 
“Cool! So now, you need to picture what it feels like to be a human, remember what it feels like to stand on two feet, to have hands and legs and all that other crap, picture the form in your head, and now– I know I'm contradicting myself– you gotta tense up everything inside you, thinking only of the form you wanna take.” 
Ballister swallowed. This he could do. He pictured it, how his hands felt, how his face felt, how his body looked, and he stiffened his shoulders. 
“Keeping that image in your mind, clearly, relax all that tension at once!”
Ballister closed his eyes and exhaled, relaxing everything. When he opened his eyes, he was in his original body. He gasped. “You saved me! Thank you!”
She shrugged. “No prob. But in case you're planning on tattling to the Institute, keep in mind you're still not used to these powers. You're gonna wanna keep me around.”
“Powers?” Ballister looked down. “How did this even happen? I'm not– I'm not a monster–” 
Nimona rolled her eyes. “Please. You think you're the first person the Institute wanted to disappear?”
Ballister's eyes widened. “They wouldn't.” 
“They did,” Nimona hissed. “Of course, I'm the original, but about sixty years back they managed to nab some of my blood and have been using it to fuck with people ever since.” 
Ballister shook his head, “There's no way– wait, SIXTY YEARS!?” 
Nimona rolled her eyes. “Yes, keep up. Listen, this is only gonna keep happening. So, if you wanna learn to control your powers, and if you wanna protect the people you care about, we're gonna have to work together. Deal?”
Ballister was uneasy. He wanted to run home to Ambrosius, to tell him what happened. He wanted advice, but if he rejected this– apparently sixty year old child– he might become emotional and switch forms again. He might do it in front of someone and be banished from the realm as a monster. He didn't have a choice. 
He reached out and shook her hand. “Deal.” 
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pomodoko · 1 month
I don’t think his crush on Falin makes him creepy. Obviously Laios shouldn’t be giving microaggressions and should learn from his ignorance! I don’t think Toshiro is shallow and wholly hates Laios, yet I despise him as a person… He’s known Laios long enough to know that “dropping hints” is not a mature or effective response even though it makes sense why he didn’t have the courage to speak directly. Shuro being a fake friend was an issue long before his breaking point. Yes, he was repressed, envious and there were communication issues, but Shuro was also very genuinely ableist. Even if Shuro ‘is’ neurodivergent, people can be cruel to other neurodivergent people who are seen as less socially acceptable. Vitriol towards someone “not reading the room” is repulsively ableist.  Of course he isn’t the only one who’s ableist in the story, but the shattering of Laios’s trust is gross. Laios tries to mask but is unable to. Shuro is also a rich noble whose family literally OWNS Izutsumi (& possibly Tade). Yet he does not care about the ethics behind that. Not that he hates her necessarily, but the cold way he treats her reveals that he does not care enough to adapt to the struggles of those who are different / difficult. I feel like his spineless inaction is both a means to avoid conflict, but also a barrier that prevents him from treating others with respect. I think it’s logical for someone to dislike this dude.
I feel like there's a lot of feelings in this writing that you gotta dial back. I totally understand where you're coming from, though. Being told to "read the room" was something I've experienced. I've been betrayed by people I thought were friends because I didn't know what I was doing was annoying them. It really hurt!
I also need to admit I've been on the other side, too! I don't like confrontations at all, but I've let things boil over because I was so afraid of confrontations that I'd snapped at my friends. Especially in Toshiro's state in which he was starving and lacking sleep and just saw his own love interest kill all of his retainers. If I was in his shoes, I'd snap, too! 😭
I wouldn't use the phrase "dropping hints" though. At least from my POV as an Asian from a high-context culture, where there's like, social hierarchy and such, and a lot of politeness abound. When it's something that you've been raised with for years and years, it's really hard to drop. Of course it's gonna be an issue! I think Ryoko Kui writing their argument and fight is a criticism on Japan's "high-context to the point of self-sabotage" culture. But it's important to note that it ended with both of them talking things out and Toshiro straight up saying "hey if you need to run I promise to smuggle you all out of the country". Here are some posts that I recommend reading that expand on it really well: here, here, here, here, and here.
In terms of Toshiro's family owning people, it's expanded more in the manga how these things came to be, but I'd suggest putting it in context of the manga rather than IRL. Toshiro came from the equivalent of Feudal Japan, after all. Here are some more posts talking about that (highly recommend the first one! it's a great read!): here, here (contains spoilers for the ending), and here. Do note that he treats all of his subordinates with respect, and he literally begged for their aid on his hands and knees to save Falin.
Anyway, at the end of the day, you're still going to dislike Toshiro and that's fine. My goal isn't to push my interest and opinions onto other people. I just didn't want him to be disliked shallowly, by reasons that are false or blown out of proportion. The characters of Dungeon Meshi are extremely flawed and incredibly well written, and it's really hard to see characters of color be judged more harshly. It feels the fandom's treatment of these characters will reflect on myself, and that's scary.
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Fresh Pain
Epilogue for Sweet Treats AU: by character | chronological | epilogues
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Warnings: these drabbles will include dark elements such as noncon, control, intimidation, and other stuff that may not be specified. Take this as you chance to scroll by.
Please let me know what you think <3
Hot pain shoots down your arm. You groan as you wiggle your fingers and give up. It hurts too much. You gnash your teeth and whimper. You puff through your nose as agony courses through your muscles.
The gunshot echoes in your mind. Birdy. You should’ve known she’d blab. You really didn’t think she was that stupid. Why couldn’t she just keep her mouth shut?
You sigh. What can you do now? Stay angry? She might deserve it but not as much as they fuckwads who took you. 
“You’re not helping yourself,” the man says as he rouses in the chair. He sits up and stretches his neck. “You tense up like that and it’s only gonna get worse.”
“Like you give a shit,” you growl. “Easier to trade us like cattle if we can’t fight back.”
He snickers, “well, I did tell him not to fire into the goddamn car but I think he did us all a favour clipping your wing.”
Your eyes roll back and you curl your lip. His arrogance reminds you of Sam in a way, but there’s less humour there. He’s king shit among the shitlords.
“So, how much am I worth? Is it a bundle deal?”
He pokes his tongue out, gliding it over his lower lip as he runs his index down the cleft in his chin. He’s amused. You’re not.
“You know, I don’t think there’s a price worthy of you. As much as I could use the pocket change.”
“Bullshit. You’re working for them. I know a goddamn pig when I see one.”
“Ex-pig. Fed.” He explains, “pays a lot more to work for myself.”
“Oh, yeah,” you wince and hiss as another pang coils in your arm, “and what about the other two?”
“Business partners.”
“Oh, if you asked me, I would’ve thought the other one with the shit stache was the leader. You fall in line right behind his greasy ass, don’t you?”
He rumbles, half a growl, half a chuckle. He leans forward, hands clutched together, “you’re trying to provoke me.”
“If this is a job to you, you should finish it,” you sneer, “arm hurts so bad, you’d be doing me a favour.”
“And what about your friends? You don’t care about them? You haven’t even asked.”
“I don’t gotta ask,” you suck in a breath and shake a hand in front of your arm, not daring to touch your wrapped wound, “goddamn it. God… urgh.”
“I told you to relax,” he chides.
“Hard to fucking relax with a jackass sitting in the corner like a goddamn Bond villain.”
“August,” he stands, “if you’re wondering. And you’re Candy. Fitting, you are a sweet thing, aren’t you?”
Your eyes list away and you drop your head back weakly. He’s irritating, almost as much as Sam. This is why you sold a dream to mean and not the real thing.
“I got some painkillers,” he lowers himself onto the edge of the bed, “if you ask nicely, I could slip you a few. Strong stuff, too.”
You glare at him. You’re not stupid. A bullet wound isn’t going to save you. It’s just another disadvantage.
“I’m good,” you snip.
“Strong, I like it. Stubborn, don’t like that so much,” he traces his fingers along your shoulder, “but that face balances the tables, don’t it?”
“You’re fucking disgusting.”
“Hmph, aren’t you a picky bitch?” He scoffs and grips your arm, squeezing until you shriek. You kick as lightning shoots up to the joint and ripples through your flesh. “I’m tryna be a nice guy here and you’re not helping, are you?”
He rips his hand away from your arm and taps your cheek. Not a full slap but enough to sting. He frames your chin and forces your head straight.
“Enough of that. I don’t like girls with ugly mouths,” he seethes as he leans in.
“Talk about an ugly mouth,” you retort.
He shoves you back, slipping his hand down to your neck. He squeezes and pins you to the pillows. You cough, arm thrumming until you squeak. As if this couldn’t be worse. A new set of psychos to deal with.
“You got two choices, cupcake. I can feed you some pills or something else. All I’m asking is for a little gratitude. Just… be nice.”
You furrow your nose defiantly. A scream curdles in the air and permeates through the wall. Birdy. As much as you hate her, you don’t want her to be hurt. Your eyes flit to the door and you try to sit up without thinking. He keeps you down without effort.
“She’ll be fine,” he bends over you, close enough that his breath wraps around you, “as long as you behave.”
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franki-lew-yo · 6 months
inb4 nicer post than my last one:
I saw Chicken Run 2. It's pretty cute. Definitely not as big a letdown or wasted like a Pixar sequel is.
Keep in mind I think I'm one of the few people in existence who's never itching to get sequels and continuations of my fandoms. I never wanted a Finding Nemo sequel and Finding Dory broke my heart in the worst way; by having unlimited potential and squandering it and the characters I love.
Chicken Run: Dawn of the Nugget doesn't do that, happy to say. Mostly it's just underwhelming.
It's weird. I'm definitely not a better writer than these professional writers, I just find myself going "why didn't you have the characters do/say THIS instead? It would still be cinematic and in character". I'd have to rewatch to give you a play-by-play of exactly what I mean. Overall I'd call that a nitpick. Bigger criticisms, especially when this is a sequel to a 20 y old film with fans who've seen in hundreds of times and know the details:
Hated how they retconed the chicks at the end of the original. You Thanos snapped Bunty and Fowler and possibly some of Rocky and Ginger's children. Also, those little 100% chicks were adorable. I'm okay with Molly being Ginger's only chick, but she'd look adorable as one of these:
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Another distracting continuity thing: Rocky gets upset that he can't crow anymore. Even though...he was never a crower. That was Fowler's job. I remember. I get that he's a rooster but my point is that was never a thing Rocky did in the original and that should be been better established as what he does now on the island. Put it among the lines that I think could have very easily been slipped in to make it more digestible; you could have had Rocky say to Ginger, "you gotta let me crow! That's, like, my thing now", implying that he's turned to being the island's crow-er to cope with abandoning his lone-free-ranger lifestyle. See? Small changes of dialogue that can imply so much and give you an idea of all the things you need to know in this newer story.
Even though Fowler did technically do something in the end most of the movie felt annoyed and just there. Really would have liked it if he and Babs were back up and helpful some other way while it was mostly Mac, Bunty, and the rats who went in to save Molly and Rocky. Idk. Maybe it's hard to be the absolute banger of a convenience that is the green aliens and ' the claaaaaw' in Toy Story 3-- needed to utilize him better for the gag and the story is what I'm trying to get at.
Rocky and Ginger's voices were distracting. It's odd because Rocky's is definitely the more noticeably different one that you have to get used to, but I am 100% replacing him considering who was his og voice. I'm mostly mad that in order to free Rocky of the curse they had to take the part away from Julia Sawalha.
This is probably going to controversial here but, um, I really wish Mrs. Tweedy wasn't the Mrs. Tweedy in this. I think it'd be a funnier, more of a "here we go again" gag that they actually find some way to contrive the villain of this movie to be Mrs. Tweedy's relative that just happens to look the same, sound the same AND have the same bloodlust for chickens. Like, the gag is that all of Mrs. Tweedy's family is Officer Jenny/Nurse Joy who are all identical to one another but they're also the Cruella of birds and all have a bumbling husband. Even though it's explained how she got here, it just kind of takes the teeth out of her original defeat and even her one in this film.
I kind of wish Ginger had stayed "colarred" for a longer stretch of time and the rest of the crew had to save her. I feel like Molly being placed in her mother's shoes would have been more dramatic and made the situation all the more dire and dependent on the other characters to think up a plan. Ginger being unable to do anything or "broken" would change it up a bit, provided she still makes the final save in the end.
That pop song during the 'Molly-growing-up' montage was bad and didn't suit the time period and vibe of the movie. It really took me out. Just play that in the end credits.
Mr. Fry never appeared again in his creepy chicken man suit and I kind of really liked the idea of this creeeeeepy farmer basically wanting to be friends with the chickens while dressing as one because he thinks he's more connected to them that way. But no that's just for one scene.
I was also expecting Mr. Fry to turn on Mrs. Tweedy as he noticed her obviously flirting with Reginald. Having the ending twist be that he assists the chickens in their escape or lives among them in a horrific chicken suit with the chickens taking advantage of this would have been right at home.
that's all I got.
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lightlycareless · 9 months
Au where y/n takes her daughter to go see the barbie movie 🥺🥺🥺
Heya anon!
I'm sorry I took a while to respond, but I never forgot about this ask!
I gotta say, I was happy when I got it; I was in the middle of a trip I didn't enjoy very much, so it gave me something to look forward to when I got back home! So thank you so much for this and your patience!! 🥺❤️❤️❤️
As always, here is thy chapter warnings: pure fluff, a bit of... innuendos but like slightly, almost invisible, it's Y/N and Naoya being gross with one another, like a true couple lol. And some of the topics that the Barbie movie talks about.
Without any further ado, happy reading!
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It took me a while to decide whether Y/N would take her daughter to watch the Barbie movie or not, considering its PG-13 (I’m going with the idea that she’s not a teenager yet, maybe around 7-8?) and it has some topics that someone that young might not understand or become frightened by them you know? At least that’s what I thought when trying to put myself in the situation if I had a kid that would want to see the movie.
But after going through that dilemma, I’ve finally decided that Y/N would definitely take her daughter to see it, but only once she checked some things first of course!!
Let’s set a bit of context first.
I’m assuming you must know what my fixation, or major one at least, is so imma say Y/N and Naoya met during college, fell in love, got married, and after a while (not so much, they wanted a family ASAP) and had a lovely daughter named Naomi 😊
Naoya is the “breadwinner” per se, the one that works most of the time to provide his family with a good lifestyle, and that he certainly did. He initially bought a small apartment when it was still just the two of you, because in your own words, “with him at the office, and yours in your, there’s no need for that many rooms.”
That immediately changed when your pregnancy was announced. If anything, it seemed there were not enough rooms now.
“Our baby needs a room to play with her toys. But what if she wants to draw, or paint?”
“We’ll set up a room for that, that way she won’t dirty her toys.”
“And if she wants to play with her plushies? I’m afraid she’ll get hurt by the soft-hard contrast of each other!”
“We can’t take any risks; I’ll order a plush upholstered room just for that—”
“No, all the rooms! What if she accidentally trips and hits herself?!”
Of course, they didn’t follow through with that, because after sharing their plans with fellow relatives, they were quickly talked out of it. Saying that it wasn’t for the good of the baby to grow up so sheltered, and their wallets. Something that Naoya didn’t really pay attention to, eventually convinced otherwise when suggested that instead of spending money on that, it could be saved in literally anything else.
Cue the expensive, never-ending gifts from Naoya. Whatever his girls wanted, they would get—he’s the next CEO to his family’s company, it would be stupid to act like he wasn’t!
Because he’s so doting in one aspect, he’s a bit reserved in the other, at least outwardly… and a bit inwardly too since this is all new territory for him—He didn’t grow up in a loving household where words and displays of affection would be done, but Naoya is really trying his best.
He still cares for you and Naomi, of course, he just lets money do the talking for him.
But worry not, where he lacks, that’s where you step in!
Taking the role of “stay at home mom” once announced your pregnancy, you’re the one that ends up all the time with Naomi, showering her affection, reminding her how much she’s loved by the two, as well as keeping Naoya up to date when he’s away.
Wherever Naomi went, pictures needed to be taken: either posing near the ducks of her favorite garden, showing off her new acquisition (you always bought something for her, whether she asked for it or not) or just enjoying a scoop of ice cream in a hot day, or when picking her up when school—didn’t matter, it had to be shared, and Naoya appreciated all of those pictures, keeping them in a dedicated album for him to look back on to when he’s feeling particularly down, although he always ends up a bit regretful because he wishes he could be there in person.
Because of your closeness to her, you’re the first person she runs to tell of her day, or whatever crosses her mind, thus Barbie comes into your life.
Outside of the craze that seemed to taint every living thing with pink, your closeness with her is what led you to learn that Naomi wants to see the Barbie movie, which you were more than happy to oblige to as you usually did, until of course, this became the first exception.
You always liked going to the movies with her because it usually meant an amazing day out altogether. It was either going to the park first, getting something to eat later, and watching a movie at the end of the day; or anything else really, whatever Naomi felt like doing—it didn’t really matter, because going out with her was enough for you.
In fact, as soon as Naomi came to you, with her big adorable golden eyes and her even cuter smile to tell you how she wanted to see Barbie —which you were waiting for, really, it’s what everyone has been talking about after all— you immediately pulled out your phone to buy tickets… but upon seeing the rating, you stopped.
It was the first time you’d have to tell her a maybe, instead of the decisive yes she was accustomed to, making her frown and pout out of confusion.
“Oh, it’s nothing! It’s just that I remembered I had some things already planned with my friends, but I’ll let you know when we can go, ok?” you smile, gently ruffling her hair before pulling her into a tight hug and peppering her cheeks with endless kisses, only ceasing when she whined you to stop.
You’d let her be soon after, while you… well, continued to debate whether to take her to the movie or not.
After all, the whole world seemed to be in on it: the dressing in pink, greeting each other Barbie, or Ken, blasting the classic song from Aqua and singing along to it… it was only natural that your cute daughter wanted to be on it too, hell, you even the parents of her classmates being on it too!!
As days went on, and you still had to make a decision, guilt began to settle inside you for having unwittingly made Naomi feel excluded.
You attempted to mend this by changing her school supplies to all pink, decorating her hair with pink accessories—clips, ribbons, diadems, you call it, she has it— or styling her uniform with whatever was allowed to be pink. Her school actually bent the rules to comply to the children’s wants, after being… “persuaded” by the parents to do so—talk about the privileges of being in a private institution!
It didn’t take long after that before Naoya was deeply intrigued by her daughter’s newest obsession; first it was some show she watched when she was younger, then it was zebras, and now, the color pink.
Ever the one to ignore things he considered mainstream, more so when they extended beyond his realm of interest, this caught him completely off guard; even getting the point of believing he was going mad because once he saw his daughter obsess with the color, he began to see it everywhere.
It was in Naomi’s school supplies, her clothes, even bedroom, everywhere he glanced, pink was in. Sure, by that point he was really intrigued to know the reason behind this craze, but it still wasn’t enough for him to ask.
If that’s what his baby wanted to be happy, then he’ll oblige. He wasn’t like those parents that didn’t have money to subsidy their children’s interests, so he was for sure not going to act like one.
His curiosity would only get the best of him one night when laying beside you in bed.
Naoya had other plans in mind for the night, which were quickly foiled upon seeing you hyper focused on nothing but your phone, scrolling through endless and endless pages of stores, social media, and articles, all relating to the cause behind his wonder: Barbie.
“What are you doing, Y/N?” he’d finally relent after minutes and minutes of being ignored, resting his head over your shoulder and draping an arm over your waist. “Surely your phone can’t be much more interesting that me.”
“No, of course not” You smirk, getting into a more comfortable position so he could see what you were looking at. “But I have to this first, or I won’t be able to sleep!”
“Is that what’s keeping you up at night?” you sigh.
“It’s Naomi—she wants to see the movie, but I don’t know if it’s the right thing.”
“What’s this?” he smirks “You? Telling her no? That’s a first.”
“And it hurts me to do it!” You pout, he kisses your cheek.
“Then what’s stopping you?”
“Because the movie is actually much deeper than I thought, and I don’t know if our pumpkin is ready for that.”
“What the hell can a movie about dolls talk about?” he scoffs, voicing the same thought you had when seeing the rating.
“Very interesting topics, actually.” you explain, and he raises his eyebrows. “Social topics”
“Yeah, and I don’t know if she’s ready for them yet” you sigh again, before turning off your phone and putting it to the side, finally allowing you to snuggle against Naoya, who didn’t hesitate to move in a way that allowed your head to rest on his chest.
“I don’t recall ever worrying about those things when I was her age, but I guess it can only go two ways” you say.
“Which are…?”
“She either learns from this or is horrified by it!” you shrill “And I don’t want to scare her! If only could know what kind of reaction she’ll have beforehand!!”
“Why don’t you watch the movie first before deciding whether to take her or not?” he suggests, and at that moment, like the sun breaking the horizon, a new opportunity opens before you.  
“That’s it! That’s exactly what I could do! And once I see it with my own eyes, I can debate whether it’s suitable for her or not” you look up to him, eyes glistening with excitement. “How about it, hm? Shall we go to the movies, like we used to back in the day?”
Naoya hesitates, for he doesn’t want to be seen watching that movie, but your pleading eyes, the same one Naomi uses when she wants something, as well as the cause behind it, gets through him, and soon finds himself complying to your demands—not like he didn’t do so anyways, but truly, you and his daughter have him wrapped around their finger.
“Alright” he murmurs with a pout. “I Guess I could clear up my schedule and go.”
You giggle, admiring how he loves to play hard to get, as if he wouldn’t drop everything for his family.
It’s quite charming, cute even, and you feel so lucky that only you can see that side of him. Although you wished he’d be a bit more open with Naomi…
“I knew I could trust you to clear up my mind” you smile, snuggling further against him. “My dear husband.”
“I’m glad I was of help, but…” he begins slowly, one of his hands sliding further and further down your body. “I know another way to clear up your mind, I can show you if you’d like.”
You bite your lower lip, face flustered as you around, wrapping your arms around his shoulders.
“Well, we can’t be too sure.”
You end up buying tickets for a showing two the days after, the day Naoya took off to go with you—it’s one of the perks of being so high up the chain in his job, he doesn’t need to give explanations or why he’s not going to work, he can just do it and that’s it.
Doesn’t mean his co-workers won’t inquire about it, more so when his day off was in the most random of dates.
Knowing this, the two end up going to a theater of his choosing, far away from the ones he considered busy, but still up to his standards, and of course, with extra cautionary steps to avoid being followed by his pesky relatives, and subsequently recognized.
“Naoya, honey, this is too much.” You’d say when walking towards the entrance, hand-in-hand with your husband. “Don’t you think we’re… attracting too much attention like this?”
Naoya wanted to go undercover, discreetly as possible so as to avoid suspicions, although his definition of discreet greatly varied from one another.
While you decided to wear a pair of jeans, and a comfortable pink hoodie (gotta follow the trend)… Naoya decided to go full on… well, he looked good, that’s all you’re going to say.
“What? Just because we’re going undercover doesn’t mean we’re going to do it… like that” he says, referring to an unsuspecting movie-goer and their… seemingly underdressed appearance. You gently elbowed him. He groans.
“Don’t be rude” you scold. “Besides, we’re standing out too much.”
You tried to be solidary to his appearance by wearing a pair of black shades, but now that you compare yourself to literally everyone else, it looks like you’re both part of the Men in Black.
“Then what do you suggest?” he asks, rubbing his arm where it still hurts.
“Lose the glasses” you suggest with a pout. “We look like total weirdos going into a building with them…”
“Hey, you agreed to it.”
“I mean, that was before we got here. It’s not my fault I just realized how silly we look” you say, swiftly taking off your glasses and placing them on their respective case before putting them away. “There, much better—besides, you’re too handsome to be hiding behind them!”
“That’s what it was, eh?” Naoya smirks, taking off his glasses; you grab them. “You just wanted to see me.”
You blush.
“And what about it?” you look away. “It’s been a while since we’ve gone out on a date just the two of us… not that I mind going out with Naomi, but… you know… it’s not the same.”
He sighs, giving you a smile before pulling your hand to his lips and kissing it. “I promise to go out more with you—just the two of us.”
Your heart flutters.
“I’d like that.”
After promises were made, you and Naoya go ahead to check in, deciding to buy popcorn and a drink—at first your husband said he didn’t want anything, saying something about a diet or so, but after getting a taste he succumbed to them immediately.
Once finding your seats and getting comfortable, the movie finally begins.
There isn’t much commentary to give at the beginning, outside of laughing at some of the silly scenes (mainly on your part, Naoya just scoffs) and how suddenly dark it gets from time to time. But outside of that, you and Naoya seem to think of the movie as… well, adequate for their daughter, nothing extraordinary, it certainly has the silliness she enjoys, making them wonder why it even got that PG-13 rating…
Until, of course, “real world” part; that’s when you and Naoya understand why many people thought this movie might be inappropriate for younger children.
There’s a lot of topics most kids don’t even fathom yet, ones that need the appropriate guidance of a caring adult, so they know how to handle them when they reach certain maturity.
It doesn’t take long before you and Naoya began to envision how confused Naomi was going to be upon seeing Barbie getting catcalled, kicked out of her house, the sudden change of behavior from the rest of the Barbie’s, and overall, the dilemma Ken has regarding his relationship with her.
But most importantly, the main point of the movie: existential crisis.
While Naomi would most definitely not understand that, or any of the past points, you and Naoya would feel the movie to be hitting “a bit too close to home” having been forced to reflect on these issues in the past as the young adults they were, either for their own individualism, careers, or their future as a couple…
Soon, they no longer worried how this would affect Naomi, but rather, how it spoke to them.
And by the time screening ended, lights turned on abruptly and revealing your and Naoya’s response to it: teary eyed, soaked cheeks, and speechless.
Your husband was quick to cover his face, putting his glasses on before anyone else got to see him in that state, whilst cursing how “there’s no respect nowadays” as he dried the tears on his cheek. You, on the other hand, simply wiped the tears out of your face, careless if anyone else saw you like that because first, it was a darn good movie, so yeah, you cried because of it. And secondly, you weren’t the only one crying in that room so who cares…
It's only until they get into the car that they realize one of the messages of the movie, at least the one they could relate to the most: their baby girl was growing.
In a few years, she’d be a teenager, bringing along all the struggles that come with such age, and then, a woman. One that will have to face the world on her own—because even if they will always be there to support her, there are some battles only she could take.
No one ever said raising a child was easy, less in a society as harsh as the one they lived in, but even with all their fears, it was something both still looked forward to. To create memories together, guide her through this difficult thing called life, and see Naomi grow into the wonderful person she was bound to become.
Getting the overwhelming need to see their daughter, you and Naoya skipped the rest of their plans and headed straight back home, where Naomi was eagerly waiting for them alongside her nanny.
The child was undeniably happy to see her parents back home, always did, but at this moment she couldn’t be anything but surprised when Naoya was the first one to rush to her, picking her up in her arms and giving her the tightest hug he could without hurting her.
“What’s wrong, papa?” Naomi would eventually ask upon feeling his hug go uncharacteristically longer than it usually does, as if him hugging her wasn’t weird on its own.
“Uh—nothing.” Naoya would say, doing his best to hide the tears in his eyes and the tremble in his voice. “Can’t I hug my princess?”
And while she’s never one to deny affection, Naomi can’t stop herself from looking at you perplexedly, as if seeking the answers of her confusion from you.
But you only reassure her with a smile, walking towards them and joining their hug. It’s then that Naomi concedes to simply accept her parent’s doting, nuzzling against Naoya as she reciprocates the hug, as much as her small arms could.
“How about we go out to eat?” Naoya suggests, looking at her with a smile. “We can go anywhere you want, pumpkin.”
Her eyes twinkle, for it’s no secret she’d been waiting for the perfect moment to suggest this place—not like she needed to, but she likes to organize her dates. You and Naoya chuckle, kissing her on the cheek, each on one side, a gesture that makes her blush out of embarrassment.
It’s safe to say that after careful consideration, both decided to take Naomi to watch Barbie, dressed up in the cutest, pinkest, most adorable outfit you could put together—with you and Naoya to match along, although more discreetly in your husband’s part, he still doesn’t get the pink trend, less when he was suddenly called Ken.
And as expected, the movie was a total success to Naomi, although there were moments where she’d look confused, but those were nothing compared to the ones where she’d laugh out loud.
Overall, it was a movie she greatly enjoyed, even with the confusions that came along: ones that both you and Naoya were prepared for, having long understood this could be the perfect opportunity to introduce to her.
She’ll understand half of it, perhaps even less than that, but it didn’t matter, for both were ready to support and guide her through every step, like the good parents they swore to be the moment her existence was announced—and that’ll never change. Even after the Barbie craze ends, when Naomi grows and no longer lives with them, they’ll never stop loving and supporting her.
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“How was your week—” Ranta freezes mid-greeting when something… peculiar catches his sight.
“What?” Naoya asks, not bothering to glance up from the paperwork he’s supposed to finish before the day ends.
“Is that—is that a pink tie?” he says, taking a closer look at the pastel pink garment contrasting against his black suit.
“Got a problem with it?” Naoya sternly responds. One subtle gesture is sufficient to have Ranta immediately retract.
“No, of course not!” he shrieks, nervously waving his hands. “It’s just— it’s just different. It looks good on you though!”
“I know” your husband groans, eyes still intently looking onto his desk… before eventually lifting his gaze towards Ranta, cheeks slightly flustered. “…I just got it; do you think Naomi will like it?”
“Huh?” Ranta blinks, Naoya frowns. “Oh, I mean, yes! I’m sure she’ll appreciate it!”
It’s a sentence that makes a smile break through Naoya’s lips as he glances back down to his work, satisfied.
“I’m glad” He match to see the look on his baby’s face once back home, after all, he just bought a bunch of clothes to match with her.
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A/N: not me making Naoya cry and cover it up with his shades lol. Ah, he's truly devoted to his family.
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kennyomegasweave · 4 months
my live thoughts during the finale of The Sign
Obviously, spoilers will be under here.
I had complaints about this show, but I still enjoyed myself overall and I LOVED this finale. It was a really good and entertaining finale.
My boy is def getting shot cause he just basically proposed to his man and said he's gonna do it for real once this mission is done. 😭😭😭
Old woman yaoi! I am very sad for these women but you know old woman yaoi! Phaya’s grandma be making moves. Get it mama!
Man. I don't wanna see Chart get tortured. Kaownah is my fave and it's his birthday today and everything.
Yai would hear Tharn stuck in some ravine in the jungle. I love siblings, chosen or otherwise, so much.
Was Tharn reinstated? Cause he's like “I'm gonna arrest Montree” but he’s suspended? Can he even do that? He might have been reinstated in the last episode, but I can't remember. Oops. lol
Khem is about to get shot. It's dark and he and Thongthai are outside and I saw the preview and I literally have a pit in my stomach. Because I know what's gonna happen and no. NO.
KHEM BABY NO. HE GOT SHOT SAVING HIS MAN AND FELL WITH THE NECKLACE WITH THEIR RING CAUSE THEY WERE GONNA GET MARRIED IT’S BEEN YEARS And this is also why like they probably shouldn't have had Khem and Thongthai on the same team because Khem whole ass threw himself in front of his man and then Thongthai was basically useless cause it's not like he was gonna be able to do a motherfucking thing once his man was fucking shot.
I don't even care about the supernatural shit and the rest of this after Khem got shot right in Thongthai’s arms. We can shut this whole damn episode down.
Oh okay. No Chart and Khem aren't dead. We have a throwaway line that Khem (and Chart) are “safe” and thus not dead. Okay. We can continue this episode. I'm good. Khem’s at the hospital and, even if I never see him for the rest of this episode, I can rest knowing he will be getting dicked down by Thongthai in “we’re alive and getting married” marathon sex once he recovers. My boys WILL be married in the special episode y'all keep mentioning is happening. I know this.
Okay, like, Montree is evil, don't get me wrong. But he kept being like “why won't you just leave me alone” in the warehouse like he's not a drug dealing murderer and then he refuses to confess and is unfazed by a whole damn Naga showing up and capturing him. And it’s a mood how much he doesn't give a fuck. Man said he don't care about anything. lol
Aww Yai and Sand. Yai and his hot ass wife. He couldn't resist telling her she was beautiful. Man loves his brother and his hot ass wife. I love him.
I'm fairly confident we won't see anyone else from the cop side the rest of the episode, maybe Yai cause he's Tharn's brother, but that's it. But you know what. My fucking boy is alive and so is his man and they will be getting married. So I won. I win, you lose, ah ha.
I'm guessing this is the scene Babe mentioned was hard cause it's a love scene but he's sad cause he knows he's gonna leave Phaya but Phaya doesn't know that. I do wish we had seen him negotiate this with Chalothon. Like “fine I'll go with you, but you gotta let me have one more night to get that dick.” 
Paid $16 and the damn ass blur is still there? Pardon me? 
Phaya loves Tharn so fucking much. He is out here freaking out. Running around aimlessly. Baby. Baby boy.
Okay, also, Tharn. Love. You had to know Phaya wasn't just gonna let you leave? Asking why he followed you. Babe. Baby. Babes. He's always gonna follow you. 
Again. Chalothon’s Naga look is really hot and if I was Tharn I would have never looked at Phaya in our first life cause I would have been sat with that man and his hot ass fire look. RIP to Tharn but I'm different. I'm a whore.
Yes at Phaya using his Garuda powers. They were so severely lacking in this show and I’m still butthurt.
THARN BABY OMG. I mean. You would think that maybe Chalothon would have learned by now to not throw spear objects at Phaya. Stupid bitch. Killed the person he's wanted for several lifetimes TWICE in the same way.
I'm here for this montage combining both their lives. Sad it's happening because Tharn got fucking stabbed. Again.
“He's always sacrificing himself for you to be where he doesn't belong. You're selfish.” Now I know your bitch ass isn't saying that when you have now KILLED him twice. Hater ass bitch. Someone is selfish here and it's not the dude who hasn't killed his man TWICE in the same way. Flop ass bitch.
Oh Phaya. Baby. He just loves Tharn so fucking much. 
Damn. They sent Dao’s ass back to France. I didn't like her, but they didn't need to send her ass back to France. lol
Oh. I'm not ready for Yai and Phaya to see each other. Not at all. Phaya is just crying silently and Yai is ugly crying. Neither of them have spoken a word to the other. Oh my heart. 
A YEAR LATER??? Oh they're really doing this huh. Okay. lol I figured something was gonna happen when the still of Phaya with that hair and facial hair came out. Man was obviously going through something and time had passed. 
Phaya. I get maybe there's not other bedrooms in Tharn’s grandma’s house but staying in the room AND bed where y'all last saw each other can't be good for your mental health. Though the hair and facial hair already told me that mental health is hanging on by a thread and that thread is fraying baby.
THE SQUAD IS HERE TO FIND THARN. My boy is fucking alive and with his babe! And Sand is here too! Mine and Yai’s girl! I didn't even see the fine ass Captain, but he’s there too. Is he joining the search or is he trying to get Phaya to start living again? Regardless, even he came down. I love that. In another life he was Tharn's brother. Though Phaya has clearly given up on life. Which again, that hair and facial hair already showed that.
Is this a real thing or is Phaya dreaming??? I know they said it's the 15th day on the 11th moon or something so the Naga can come out so I'm guessing it's real? THE SNAKE DOCTOR FINALLY GAVE THARN UP??? Okay, I love this. I need the second thing they do after getting off this hill is cut Phaya’s hair and shave him. The first thing is fuck, obviously. 
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goodnightmemes · 1 year
❛ What have we done to each other? ❜
❛ I'm the guy to save you from all this awesomeness. ❜
❛ I think it's your chin. Yeah, it's quite villainous. ❜
❛ I have to kiss you now. ❜
❛ Life. I don't remember the point. ❜
❛ Go home, fuck her brains out, slap her with your penis. "There's some wood for you, bitch." ❜
❛ Now, I don't panic easily...but it's weird, right? ❜
❛ Should I be concerned? ❜
❛ I love your parents...but they really can be assholes. ❜
❛ I love having strangers pick at my scabs. ❜
❛ You have a world-class vagina. ❜
❛ We are gonna take this very, very seriously. ❜
❛ I feel like I'm on a Law & Order episode. ❜
❛ Should I know my wife's blood type? ❜
❛ Marriage is hard work, and compromise, and more work. ❜
❛ You naughty minx. ❜
❛ We're so cute. I wanna punch us in the face. ❜
❛ Everyone knows "complicated" is code for "bitch." ❜
❛ It seems like the kind of thing that would happen to [name]. ❜
❛ Just because I don't like to be around [name] doesn't mean I don't care about her. ❜
❛ Anyway, whoever took her is bound to bring her back. ❜
❛ Well, we have our first clue. ❜
❛ You've been up all night. You wanna look like you've been up all night. ❜
❛ Hey, be careful today, okay? ❜
❛ I'll balance on the exact fucking edge of your emotional razor. ❜
❛ I knew you never should have moved back here. ❜
❛ We are all worried. We are all scared. ❜
❛ We had to file a restraining order. ❜
❛ I'm hoping you can tell me what this means. ❜
❛ Hello, stranger. Fancy meeting you here. ❜
❛ Are you following me? ❜
❛ Promise me we'll never be like them. ❜
❛ If it happens, we'll deal with it. ❜
❛ We have each other. Everything else is background noise. ❜
❛ You don't trust me. You don't trust my judgment. ❜
❛ I don't get why you're daring me to be someone I don't wanna be. ❜
❛ You look like hammered shit. ❜
❛ You really don't like him, do you? ❜
❛ Could you please not share that with anyone? ❜
❛ It's like you're the goddamn Homecoming King. ❜
❛ It looked like you were having fun. ❜
❛ I am in a nightmare! ❜
❛ My God, this place literally smells like feces. ❜
❛ Hey...have you told me everything? ❜
❛ All I want is to come over here, have a beer with you, and not be judged. Can we do that? ❜
❛ I'm gonna go Benadryl myself to sleep. ❜
❛ I feel like I could disappear. ❜
❛ I called you a hundred times. You gotta pick up your phone! ❜
❛ I needed to see you. I know this is a bad idea. ❜
❛ Can you at least tell me you love me? ❜
❛ Did you, by any chance, tell anybody anything about us? ❜
❛ Did you leave a pair of red panties in my office? ❜
❛ Never say that out loud again. ❜
❛ It's our last time together. Let's make the most of it. ❜
❛ Last night, I went from desperate to pathetic. I became someone I don't even like. ❜
❛ We could have had this fight four hours ago. I'm late. ❜
❛ You're a fucking coward. ❜
❛ For Valentine's Day, I thought I'd buy a gun. ❜
❛ I'm being paranoid. Crazy. It's just... I'd sleep better with a gun. ❜
❛ You fucking idiot. You fucking asshole! You fucking lied to my fucking face! ❜
❛ If anybody finds out, you're totally fucked. ❜
❛ I was scared for you before, and now, I'm fucking petrified. ❜
❛ But the truth is, you'd have to be a sociopath to behave normally in this situation because it's the most abnormal situation in the world. ❜
❛ I'm so sick of being picked apart by women. ❜
❛ I have nothing to hide. ❜
❛ You have to fucking talk to me! ❜
❛ Why have you kept this stuff? It's like a little box of hate. ❜
❛ I love you no matter what. But you need to tell me. ❜
❛ Are you asking me if I killed my wife? ❜
❛ Because sometimes the way he looks at me I think...He may truly kill me. ❜
❛ I am so much happier now that I'm dead. ❜
❛ Let the punishment fit the crime. ❜
❛ You need to bleed. A lot. A lot, a lot. ❜
❛ But, then, we never really existed. ❜
❛ He loved a girl I was pretending to be. ❜
❛ "Cool Girl. " Men always use that as their defining compliment. ❜
❛ I was fucking game. ❜
❛ What's the point of being together if you're not the happiest? ❜
❛ You think I'd let him destroy me and end up happier than ever? No fucking way. ❜
❛ I need 20 seconds where you don't judge me, interrupt me or get angry. ❜
❛ You married a complete psychopath. ❜
❛ Part of me was relieved when I thought she was gone. ❜
❛ As long as you don't own a python and blast death metal at 4 AM, we're gonna be best friends. ❜
❛ Least you could do is not keep his secrets for him. ❜
❛ I believe you. It's just the craziest thing I've ever heard. ❜
❛ I always wondered why you kept in touch after...everything. ❜
❛ The whole thing just feels hinky. ❜
❛ Whatever they found, I think it's safe to assume that it's very bad. ❜
❛ Don't take it personally. ❜
❛ I thought we were steering clear of men for a while. ❜
❛ I'm not sad. I'm angry. ❜
❛ Why should I die? I'm not the asshole. ❜
❛ That sounds like a very bad idea. ❜
❛ This is a ticking time bomb. You've gotta throw yourself on it. ❜
❛ Where is the money, sweetheart? ❜
❛ You're hiding. I don't know why, and I don't really care. ❜
❛ There are a lot of people out there a lot worse than we are. ❜
❛ Every time you look smug or annoyed or tense, I'm gonna hit you with a gummy bear. ❜
❛ Knowing you were out there was the only thing that's kept me going these past few years. ❜
❛ Why are you so good to me? ❜
❛ Why is she dressed like a babysitter? ❜
❛ Come on, you're staring at ghosts. ❜
❛ Not that I don't appreciate Bait Shop Chic. ❜
❛ There are cameras everywhere. ❜
❛ You are more than safe, and I am not letting you get away again. ❜
❛ You're probably the most hated man in America right now. ❜
❛ Just because I am not a murderer doesn't make me a good guy. I'm not a good guy. ❜
❛ And if you come back, I promise I will spend every day making it up to you. ❜
❛ They disliked me, they liked me, they hated me. And now they love me. ❜
❛ I gave you the benefit of the doubt over and over. Every time you said something stupid, I thought, "Maybe he's just stupid." ❜
❛ I've forgotten how to behave. ❜
❛ Fire doesn't erase blood. ❜
❛ Come home. I dare you. ❜
❛ You fucking bitch. ❜
❛ She slit his throat with a box cutter. ❜
❛ All right, you can stop pretending now. ❜
❛ You do know I was just telling you what you wanted to hear, right? ❜
❛ You know me in your marrow. ❜
❛ Take off your clothes. I need to make sure you're not wearing a wire. ❜
❛ You killed someone. You're a murderer. ❜
❛ I'm a fighter. I fought my way back to you. ❜
❛ I'll make sure that no one forgets the pain you caused me. ❜
❛ When two people love each other and can't make that work...that's the real tragedy. ❜
❛ I swear, you two are the most fucked-up people I've ever known. ❜
❛ I would never, ever hurt you. ❜
❛ I don't care. I am leaving you. ❜
❛ I won't have to teach your child to hate you. He'll do that all by himself. ❜
❛ You fucking cunt! ❜
❛ The only time you liked yourself was when you were trying to be someone this cunt might like. ❜
❛ I've killed for you. Who else can say that? ❜
❛ Yes, I loved you. And then all we did was resent each other, and try to control each other. And cause each other pain. ❜
❛ You're breaking my heart. ❜
❛ You're my voice of reason. I need you with me on this. ❜
❛ Of course I'm with you. I was with you before we were even born. ❜
❛ We've been through the darkness. We've come out, united. ❜
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bengiyo · 1 year
Be My Favorite Ep 6 Stray Thoughts
Last week, this show put me on my back foot when it asked me to be kind. So much of last week was about people choosing to be kinder to one another and that choice paying forward for the recipient. Kawi is building a genuine friendship with Pear. Pisaeng went to a gay club for the first time and saw Max. Max read the baby gay for being self-centered, but then softened it with good advice. Kwan encouraged Not to give Kawi just a little bit of encouragement after asking him to sign the book she had already panned. They subverted the rooftop confession by having Kawi gently turn Pisaeng down. Kawi actually sang and now is part of a band. I’m actually invested in this show now. Was not expecting that.
Hey, Kawi’s smiles are starting to look genuine.
It’s sad that this is probably the first time Kawi ever expressed his worries about his dad.
I know we better save Kawi’s dad’s life. Kob Songsit is one of the most reliable BL dads.
I like that Max is a prickly queer. You gotta establish boundaries with baby gays because they can glomp on way too hard.
Oh. I see. Pisaeng’s family isn’t just rich, they’re “comfortable.” Curious how Max will feel about Pisaeng having a complicated relationship with his mom, or the reveal that anyone with that level of wealth is involved in crimes.
Pear’s house was used in Dark Blue Kiss and Bakery Boys I’m pretty sure.
I am having a lot of feelings about this scene with Pear asking her dad to help Kawi’s. I’m sick, and one of my friends reached out to his doctor parents to get me into care. I don’t think I’d be alive without their help.
Oh, Kawi. Now is the time to be strong and tank the embarrassment. It isn’t bad that Pear knew what you wanted to ask. It’s actually good that Pisaeng told her. She was there as an advocate with you. The mission is your dad’s health, not your ego.
Okay, I do like this show finally acknowledging that all these arguments people have are so loud that other people definitely know what they’re saying. I love Max.
Max is speaking my thoughts. I will let him write the rest of this post.
“I will not apologize for doing what I thought was best to help you with a serious problem. However you feel about it, I will accept it,” is really something I think we could use more of in the West. I feel like we as Americans are obsessed with ‘winning the conversation’ as a concept, and I think it makes us inherently combative.
This Kawi reveal about the source of his anger is giving, “I’m angry at myself.”
Not sure where I sit on Pear and Not as a pairing.
I get how repressed Kawi is and everything, but don’t kiss a man who has confessed to you while you’re drunk. There’s no turning back now. And then he falls asleep! This messy spaghetti ass boy!
Pisaeng going from an emotionally-complicated queer encounter directly into a closeted conversation with his mom as he has to figure out in the morning how to explain Kawi’s presence is giving me intense emotional flashbacks.
Okay, this show broke me. Pisaeng is not stupid. Pisaeng has always known who he is. His mother manipulated him deep into the closet when he was 15, and he knows it. His mom is using his own community against him. Some of you may be shocked that his mom has gay people turning on each other, but there is a long history of the police infiltrating gay spaces and threatening people convictions to turn them into informants. This is the sickest thing I think we’ve seen in a long time from GMMTV. I am deeply appalled. I will have to blog about this because this is so evil. The weaponization of our own community into surveilling and reporting on each other makes me so angry. That she is also publicly progressive enough that a person like Max admires her also infuriates me.
Nevermind. Fuck Not. Why is he speculating about Kawi’s sexuality to Pear? This is not how you flirt.
Ah, we’re back to the time travel portion of the plot. I’m curious what Pisaeng does with this knowledge.
I like Pisaeng. Despite everything going on, he’s still focused on the important thing: Kawi’s dad.
I do think it was important for Kawi to speak directly to Pear’s dad about getting help for his father, and not letting it just be a favor Pear begged for.
I’m so glad Kawi went to Pear as well to apologize for running out on her. She’s incredibly understanding and I hope she finds happiness and fulfillment.
I often talk a lot about the relationship with gay boys and their moms, but I also have strong feeling about boys and their fathers. Kawi admitting that he feels no need to improve himself if his dad won’t get to see it hits me to my core. I love my dad. He and I get along great. I need to call him later today once I watch Strange New Worlds. I get this.
I don’t mind Pisaeng letting Kawi know he’s willing to wait for him to sort his feelings.
I am going to have to write a separate post at some point this weekend. I am not in the read headspace now to talk about the rage flowing through my veins right now at a businesswoman with political ambitions gaslighting her own son into staying in the closet, and then using her own queer employees to surveil him. For those of you new to marginalized spaces, enforcement organizations have infiltrated our spaces forever and turned our own people against us. This was especially easy queer spaces because white men were threatened with losing access to whiteness. I cannot overstate how evil this is and how unexpected it is for me to have a GMMTV show NOT from Golf going directly into this.
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ask-shane · 6 months
this has already probably been asked, but what's yor opinion on the other bachelors and bachelorettes in town? (you don't have to do ALL of them! just do a few if you want!!)
i'm not one to usually talk aloud about my neighbors, but let's give this a shot. for all intents and purposes.
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might as well go through the whole list while we're at it. and hey, just a fair warning: my opinion is always subject to change. i'm just speaking based on what i know for now.
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alright. prepare for some blabbing. if you're not interested, there's your cue to bounce.
alex: alex is complicated. he's a little self-absorbed. and arrogant. but he's also not as mean as he seems. he just has this whole "bad boy" image he likes to put on for whatever reason. at his core, i think he's actually a pretty nice guy. we both like gridball and can chat over that so i can't really complain too much. sebastian: i hardly see this guy around. maybe during town festivals or at the saloon playing pool, yeah, but i can count on my fingers the amount of times we've talked one on one. it's possible he's just not much of a talker. i can't figure out if he's reserved or just doesn't have a lot to say. dude's doing his own thing most of the time and that's fine by me. elliott: his speech and outlook on life can come off as kinda pretentious or egotistical, though to be fair... if i were him, i'd be the same way. he's done well for himself. he's a little hard to catch since he never leaves the house, but if you get him talking about books, his passion is pretty admirable. it's just hard to connect with him because he always seems to have this "mysterious elusive writer" image up.
sam: i don't mind this guy, actually. he's my co-worker too which i guess is a good thing. he's laid-back and doesn't sweat the little stuff. super easy going, just wants to chill out and have a good time... we're not close buddies or anything, but from our short break room chats, it's clear he's pretty passionate about music. almost reminds me of myself when i was younger. he's got a good head on his shoulders. harvey: what can i say? he saved my life when i was at my lowest. i've got a lot of respect for the work he does and for taking me in that night. sure, he's dorky, but he's way smarter than i could ever dream of being, so who am i to judge? he's like the dream kid every parent wishes theirs could be. hope the guy's not overworking himself. knowing him though, he probably is... emily: she's one of the closer friends i have in this shitty town. she's been incredibly optimistic for as long as i've known her and normally that'd piss me off, but i actually find her tolerable. maybe it's the way she accepted me and stayed kind even when i was being a piece of shit. i gotta appreciate her for that.
abigail: i know she's pierre's daughter and that's about where my knowledge stops. like sebastian, i hardly ever see her, let alone find a reason to chat. she's a mystery to me. i do wonder if she has any hard feeling towards me, considering my job at joja right across from her dad's store. knowing the trouble that corporation's caused them, i'm not sure i'd forgive me either. hopefully she gets that it's not my call though.
haley: i never thought i'd say this out loud, but she's kind of the stereotype for spoiled city girl. she thinks she's all that and you just get the sense that she thinks she's better than you. she probably sees me as nothing more than dirt beneath her shoes for all i know. although honestly, i think it's just a defense mechanism for some deeper insecurity. i can see right through that.
penny: she's jas's teacher and also the only teacher for the kids in town. that's gotta be a handful. thankfully it seems like she really loves what she does. i have a feeling she just wants to do the right thing, which is hard to find in people these days. she also has to deal with pam's alcoholic instability at home but never gives up or lets herself become hopeless and i admire her for that. good for her.
maru: while i don't know her personally, i know she's accomplished. from what i've seen and heard from her proud dad, they work together on science research projects and whatnot. with a strong support system like hers she's set up for a future making headlines as an astronomer or something like that. she strikes me as someone who struggles to take things easy but that's pretty normal for goal-oriented people. i don't have much to say about her aside from that. leah: she's my neighbor, if you can even call it that. every time i see her art in the town square, i've gotta admit, it gets a nod of approval from me. i try not to knock other people's art, but every now and then i see these abstract pieces going for a million g that make me think i could've made them at home for a buck or two. so i gotta hand it to her. her craft is impressive.
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munsonsreputation · 1 year
#4 taylor x stranger things 🧣 - send me your character of choice and a taylor song and ill write a short imagine based on it!!!! (yes queen taylor gets her own prompt alright!!!! HAHAHAAH)
(i don't think you understand you hard i smiled when i saw this prompt) begin again (taylor's version) with steve!
hi cleo!!!!
so sorry this took so long, but i hope i was able to do this request justice!! i love the album red (tv, of course) and to me, begin again screams steve finding love again!! i wrote it in the pov of reader and i hope you love it!!!
thanks again for your request and support!!! 🧣🍂☕️📚
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The air was filled with warmth, wrapping you in the aroma of freshly ground coffee beans and the sweetness of the doughs baking in the ovens. They were a slight chatter over the customers dining in around you and making their orders at the registers, but you were too busy to notice all of that.
You were caught up in everything that was Steve Harrington. The dreamy boy from Hawkins sitting across from you in the cafe where you were nursing a latte while listening to him speak about Christmas movies he and his friends were planning to watch over the holidays.
Steve wasn’t what you had expected at all, especially for this meeting between you and him to be one of your first dates. In all honestly, you were predicting the usual awkward silence and vague conversation, all while he tried to flirt his way back to your place, but it was the complete opposite.
He had arrived early, already saving a table for the two of you. And when he saw you through the glass windows, approaching the shop, he immediately stood, waving hello and stretching your chair out as came over to him.
Talking to him wasn’t as nerve-racking as you’d thought it would be. If anything, it came smoothly, like second nature as you told him about the drive over where you heard James Taylor on the radio and how it reminded you of how the two met and stumbled upon this date in the first place.
You searching through endless stacks of records trying to find the very specific James Taylor album you needed to complete your collection.
After Steve had heard you talking to the owners of the store, he had found it in another section, misplaced by a previous customer. He approached you, carrying a smile as he handed over the vinyl and then struck up a conversation about music. And of course, not leaving before he asked you out on a date.
“You okay? Tired of hearing me talk about Christmas movies?” His ramble suddenly ceased with a laugh, noting the way your eyes were a bit glazed over, staring through him rather than at him.
You shook your head, snapping out of the slight daydream you found yourself falling into.
Smiling lightly, you offered a response, “No, please, enlighten me about Bruce Willis and the 40 stories of sheer adventure.” You half joked, seeing him chuckle by the way you were able to memorize the movie’s stupid catchphrase.
Taking a sip of your latte, you watched him shrug his shoulders, and advert his attention towards you, “Alright, enough about me, you alright? You seem a little shy.”
Not that it bothered him one bit considering that you were shy in the record store you two met in, but he was crossing his fingers that you weren’t regretting this date. That it was just the jitters and you would come out of your shell, eventually.
“Oh, I’m really fine. It’s just that this is my first date in a while, so y’know, don’t want to make a fool out of myself.” You told him with a light wince.
Steve shook his head knowingly, waving off that thought of yours, and instead offering you a soft expression as he leaned forward and rested his chin on his fist, looking at you.
“If it makes you feel any better, it’s been a while since I’ve been on a date, too…gotta tell you, I was a nervous wreck waiting here for you.” He tsked, tapping his fingers on the table as you rose a suspecting brow at him.
“Seriously! I thought you were gonna stand me up or something.” He looked away for a moment, shyly not meeting your eyes until he heard your laughter.
“Me?!” You giggled, throwing your head back as he nodding with a smile, tugging his lips up in a smile.
“Yes you! You’re beautiful and amazing and I don’t know what I did right to get a date with you.”
His words made you blush, tucking your cheek against your shoulder, feeling like a high schooler all over again with a schoolgirl crush.
Steve didn’t know how much it took for you to take a chance on a date with him. You weren’t really looking for a relationship, let alone a date, but you decided to jump in headfirst and just give it go.
And you were glad that you did because Steve was different in a lot of ways.
He didn’t comment on how your high heels made him feel short.
Or how he didn’t understand why you liked James Taylor’s music in the first place.
He didn’t understand why you thanked him profusely after he pulled out your chair for you, but you did.
You knew that relationships were never easy for you, but Steve made it feel like it could be that way.
“Steve, you don’t know how much I like you, and this is only our first date.” You declared softly, creeping your fingers closer to his hand across the table, yet not meeting his, petrified of his reply to your honesty.
He grinned, eyes flickering to your hands as he made the move to brush his fingers against yours, resting them snugly on top of one another before meeting his eyes to yours.
“I feel the exact same way.”
Steve had always thought that the feeling of infatuation was supposed to spark with pandemonium. The kind where it was obsessive and all over the place, but with you it felt peaceful. Sure, he was nervous asking you on a date and even waiting here for your arrival, but there was that underlying assurance of peace.
So for the first time in a long time, for you and Steve it felt like a new start.
One that you both could watch begin again.
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my-soupy-brain · 9 months
i love your ted x reader fics so much!! would love to see you write one where the reader has been doing therapy for years and encourages ted to do the same but this is like early s2 when he doesn’t trust therapy. so he says no and it gets angsty because reader feels like if ted doesn’t respect her doing therapy then they can’t be happy together. but then he apologizes to her after a few sessions with dr sharon 🥺
Oh I love this. I really do. I love a little angst and I definitely love a making-up story. Also: Therapy is great, and everyone should be assigned a therapist at birth, lol. Let's gooo!
Relationship: Ted Lasso x reader
Warnings: Therapy, mental illness, angst
When you started dating Ted, you were already well-versed in therapy. For the last three years, you'd been seeing a therapist to manage your anxiety and depression.
You noticed little things about Ted that...well, worried you. Worried you because you cared. Worried you because with the right help, he might get better.
His happy-go-lucky attitude cracked at the seams some days. You could see the anxiety set into his eyes after he got off the phone with Henry.
Some days, when he slept over, he had a hard time getting out of bed. He chalked it up to the gray skies making him blue, but you knew it was deeper.
You walked up to Ted's door after your most recent session, smiling, a notebook full of things to think about and work on over the next week.
"Hey sweetpea," Ted said, a solemn look on his face as he opened the door.
"Hey, honey, are you OK?" you asked pensively. Ted nodded and gave a half smile.
"I'm fine, honeybunch."
Inside, you noticed his apartment was in disarray. Dishes aren't done. There are clothes laundered but not put away. The bed is a mess. The living room is scattered with papers and blankets.
As Ted makes his way back to the couch, you take in his appearance. His hair is flopped over his forehead, he's wearing a wrinkled t-shirt and equally wrinkled joggers.
"Babe?" you ask gently. He looks at you and smiles.
"What's going on?"
He just shook his head at you. "Nothin'. Just not feelin' myself. I'll be OK."
Ted always said this because he only knew how to say this.
You make your way around the apartment, doing some dishes by hand, folding up blankets.
"You don't gotta do all that," Ted said from the couch.
"It's OK. I don't mind. I know you're struggling, I'm happy to help."
"I'm not struggling!" Ted shouted. His voice raised, bellowing in your ears. You turned around briskly, your eyes wide.
"I know you're into all this therapy mumbo jumbo, but you don't gotta push that crap on me," he adds, his eyes narrowed in anger.
Your breath hitches at his attitude. He's never talked like this to you. He has every right to express himself, but this... isn't deserved.
"And don't try to talk me into it. You're always trying to tell me what to do, that I should get help," he says, crossing his arms. "I got help in Kansas and a lotta good that did. My wife left me!"
You move to sit on the couch, tears in your eyes.
"Ted... I don't mean to upset you by asking you to get help. But..."
He turns his head quickly.
"But what? You wanna lecture me about it again?"
Your eyes burst into tears. There's not getting through to him. He's angry, you're making it worse. As you stand to leave, you sniffle.
That softens him immediately. He looks at your face again -- finally -- and sees the tears. The tears he caused.
"Listen, I'm...sorry..."
You put your hand up.
"No, Ted. Y'know, therapy has saved my life. From some real dark thoughts and dark times. I don't appreciate you minimalizing it because you had a bad experience..."
You feel bolder, though what you're about to say breaks your heart.
"I don't think we should be together."
His eyes change from neutrality to shock.
"At least until you get help. And if you do, call me. But I can't stand to watch you go through this and not admit you need help."
With that, you close the door behind you and make your way to your flat.
Ted's stunned. On his couch, looking at the places where you've tidied. He sees you left your scarf behind and he rolls it between his fingers.
"Goddamn dummy," he mumbles to himself. "Lost the best thing you've ever had."
He goes to the kitchen, grabs a tumbler, and pours some whiskey, but stops himself.
What is he doing?
What is the goal here?
Is he just going to wallow about his divorce for the rest of his life? Live with these panic attacks? Put on a happy face and suffer underneath?
He pulls out his phone and finds Doc Sharon's number.
Though she's new to the club, she's already made a noticeable difference to the people who've seen her. He tried one day but ran out before he uttered a word.
What was he so afraid of?
Failing again. He's afraid of failing again.
Even with Michelle, he did everything the marriage counselor suggested, and she still left.
He remembers what Beard said the other night at the pub. "All people are different people."
Y/N wasn't Michelle.
Doc Sharon wasn't the counselor from Kansas.
He hits the call button.
After his first session, Ted felt...lighter. But lonely. Losing y/n when they were just getting started, when they were expanding their friendship into a blossoming romance...
He vowed to get you back.
In his second session with Doc Sharon, Ted realized that his fear of abandonment traces back to childhood. And rather than let people abandon him, he just never lets them in.
"It sounds like Y/N is understanding," Doc Sharon had said. "It sounds like they're looking out for you. And you're pushing that away. Why?"
Ted wasn't sure. "I just didn't trust that this was the thing for me, I guess," he says, his eyes casting down on the brown office carpet. "I'd rather not untangle my noodle and see all the ugly stuff in there."
Doc Sharon slipped in a small smile.
"Ted, the way I see it: We can't clean it up if we don't look inside."
Ted nods and agrees.
You've been waiting for him to call. Waiting.
He texted you a couple times, offering his apology. You know he was sincere. Your heart ached, and so did his. But you asked him to give you space.
And then he sent you a text you hoped to see, but didn't expect.
Ted: I started goin' to therapy with Doc Sharon. I can see why you do this.
You smile. Finally. Finally, Ted is putting himself first.
You: I'm so glad to hear that, Ted. I'm glad it's helping.
Ted: I'm realizing why I pushed you away, and it wasn't fair. And my heart hurts without you, darlin'. I really can't stand this.
You: I miss you, too. I just want you to be well, Ted. I want you to work on yourself and stop ignoring your needs.
Ted: I know. I know that now. And it's thanks to you.
You let a few minutes go by and your phone vibrates. Ted's on the line.
"Hey there, sugar. I know things have been tough, and this is awkward as heck, but... do you wanna come over? Watch a movie?"
You smile hard, tears springing to your eyes. Oh, how you've missed him.
"I'd love to, Ted. Are you sure though? I don't want to get in your way."
On the other line, Ted furrows his brow. The fact you worried you were in the way at all is just more of a sign of how he needs to balance his feelings. Blowing up at you? He never wants to do that again.
"You won't be. If anything, my life is empty without you. It's got a Y/N -sized hole in it. So does my couch."
You chuckle.
"I'll be right over."
Once you're at Ted's door, you take a deep breath and knock. He answers it with a smile. A genuine one. His hair is more styled, but he's still comfortable in a polo and jeans.
"Hey there, sweetheart," he says softly. "C'mon in. I've got dinner waitin' and a movie fired up."
You enter his apartment and it's tidy.
Everything is in its place. A candle emits a soft glow and scent in the room. Dinner is set on the table and you see a bouquet of flowers.
"You didn't have to do all this, Ted," you say, your eyes full of love.
He walks toward you and ropes his arms around you, smiling.
"Sure I did, darlin'," he whispers. "And it wasn't much. This is the bare minimum you deserve."
Your gaze into each other's eyes for a moment, and you lean into his lips and he meets you. It's soft and lovely, passionate but slow. He holds you tighter to his body, and your hands run down his chest.
"Golly, I sure missed that," he says softly with a smile, his forehead against yours.
"Me, too, babe..."
"I'm gonna keep goin' to Doc Sharon. I can feel it helping," he says, closing his eyes for a second. "I'm learnin' a lot about myself."
"I'm so proud of you, Ted."
He nods. "I'll share some of this with you someday, when I'm ready."
You nod in response. "Only when you're ready. I'll never force you to tell me anything you don't want to."
Ted smiles. "I knew I found you for a reason."
He cups your face in his big hand and kisses you again. Your body warming to his, molding to his.
"Are. we gonna make it to dinner, baby?" you ask with a sultry chuckle.
"At this rate, we ain't even gonna make it to the living room," he answers, kissing you, turning you around, and walking you backward through the doorway.
Thank you so much for this prompt. I hope I did it justice! I wish we'd gotten more Ted Lasso if only to see more of his journey. His mental health experience is so similar to so many others. Thanks for this prompt, friend!
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