#so glad people spoke up so it could change
pommunist · 3 months
so crazy that something like this is even happening in the first place, just unbelievable really
yeppppp that’s the epic highs and lows of shitty management for you….. no but for real, not only this could’ve never happened if :
-they had made it VERY clear what would be volontary work and what would be paid
-they had made some research to know what could legally be the extent of voluntary work (how many hours, on what conditions…)
-The higher ups generally respected their workers instead of exploiting them
-they listened to their employees wayyyy sooner (for exemple the FR twitter admins asked to be put in contact with other languages twt admins since AT LEAST JUNE)
I feel like this is a classic case of higher ups wanting to do a lot of big things while also having no idea or care about the amount of work those big things actually need.
Also while I don’t think he’s to blame for everything Quackity should have also been more aware of what was going on in his company.
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signedkoko · 4 months
Hello koko! I was summoned by your open requests, and I just had an idea, how about headcanons/one shot for Alastor and Vox (separately) with a reader who has powers a bit like Toge Inumaki in JJK?( I saw that you were watching JJK so I assume you know how his powers works) like what do they think about it? how do they react when reader uses her powers? How they communicate with her?
Alastor | Vox X Reader [Romantic]
In which your speech causes action, so you can't speak unless you wish to control others. Reader is female.
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When you first came to the hotel, Alastor was not impressed
You were certainly a gorgeous sight, but it was ruined by the device in your hands that you had your nose buried in, screen lighting ruining your face
It took him quite a while when he heard strings of words emanating from the device to realize you were speaking through it, your fingers pressing on keys faster than he could follow
You introduced yourself to everyone that day, as a new hire for the hotel, and how you couldn't speak but hoped it wouldn't get in the way
He was certainly irked by the device in your hands, but it was funny to see someone so weak that they had to rely on a flimsy device made by an even flimsier overlord
Truly a shame
You learn the hard way not to get too close to him while using your device, or else it starts to act up and get damaged
Alastor still spoke to you; of course he did! Because he was amused knowing you couldn't retort
But eventually, without noticing, he would talk more and more, filling every aspect of the silence between you
You were the best listener, both since you had no choice and because you didn't give any shitty advice
The only thing that weirded him out was the weird clicking he started to hear around you
Something about it was so familiar
When he looked down at your hand and saw a clicker in your hand, he realized what you were doing
Of course he knew morse code by heart! He studied all sorts of things, but he wasn't sure why you'd do things that way when you had a much easier device
Unless you did it just for him?
" And who are we calling names, my voiceless companion? "
Still, it's very touching to see you go from using your phone to putting it away when you come to him to talk
And not much changes since you can't get out too many words with your morse method
One evening, while on a walk together, Alastor was reciting to you how he'd come to work for Charlie and how she sang on the news for so many to see! When a group of assassins surrounded the two of you, angel steel weapons were on full display
Before Alastor handled them—which, let's be fair, would be no issue to him—you pulled quicker on the draw
You yelled it with your hands clamped over Alastors ears, and the instant the word came out, they all dropped, beyond unconcious
Alastor laughs, because wow, that was quite the display!
But he's already dragging you over them to continue talking, now teasing you for treating him like a helpless damsel
He was certainly glad that he hadn't made an enemy of you when he first saw you, because you may stand a chance against him with an ability like that
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Most sinners had some kind of ability that grew with their power, often souls under contract or training enhancing them
Vox himself had plenty of tricks under his sleeves, and he'd seen the most pathetic of abilities to those worth cowering before
But he'd never heard of something like yours
Overlords loved showing off their resources, which could include people who became very useful in battle
You were a 'friend' of Zestial, though, while most jumped at the opportunity to introduce themselves to other overlords, you only waved
Of course you piqued his interest, because when he ran his servers over you, he found little to nothing beyond pictures
After several days of stalking video feeds, he caught you and Zestial together when—oh fuck! You sign!
While he could have just waited for the next opportunity, Vox was far too invested in your story and opted to pay Zestial a visit, if it meant he could see you
From what he could tell, you were using ASL, so once he bumped into you he began signing his typical introduction
Something about his heart sparked when he saw you smile, the way those curious eyes sparkled
He was immediately embarrassed when you revealed he didn't have to sign because you could hear
But he was all healed when you signed that you were very glad to have met someone else you could talk with
Vox is used to the overstimulation of noises from news, music, footage, all of it always beaming into his head so much that the silence around you is eerie and takes him awhile to get used to
Zestial certainly has an ace; one Vox is jealous of
Since you got along so well, you and Vox schedule meet-ups so you can interact, seeing as he and Zestial are almost exact opposites
The first time he witnesses your powers is when Alastor shows up at one of your meetings, and he was certainly trying to embarrass Vox in front of you
But Vox was your friend, and you had no tolerance for Alastors threats
" Silence. "
From your lips poured a thick fog, which whisped its way over Alastor's mouth, forming a seal that prevented him from speaking
The radio demon wasn't pleased, but he wasn't about to act up a scene right now, so he turned and left
Vox immediately fanboys because, oh my FUCKING GOD, you showed him!!!
Wait, you can talk? You sound like that?
He is about to waste your evening asking all kinds of things, you probably can't sign as fast as he can ask, too
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Author's Note - Conch anon gets only the BEST of the BEST!!! I did like writing these anyways though, because i adore Inumaki...thank you for requesting!
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14thgalerie · 9 months
dreamin' of him
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• pairing: theodore nott x reader
• now playing: a little death by the neighbourhood / fuck it i love you by lana del rey
• word count: 5.7k
• genre: fluff
— a part of this is inspired by this scenario i saw on tiktok, can't exactly remember it which vid it was. anyways enjoy this little random scenario that i'm pretty sure is horrible because i didn't bother to proofread it again.
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You shot right up from your sleep, limbs tangled in the sheets that had been strewn about haphazardly. The room is still as dark as it had been when you fell asleep with only the faint light of the full moon serving as your guiding light.
You drop your head onto your hands that sit on your folded knees, pressing the heels of your palm into your eyes until you can only see white. Ignoring the pain only so that you can be rid of the images that keep flashing in your mind.
It was excruciating, it played like a broken VHS record on your parents’ television back home. Every millisecond, a frame of you in such a vulnerable embrace with–
No. Y/N, stop it.
You were grappling with your sanity, feeling yourself incredulous at how such an idea came to fruition in your mind. Several nights’ on the end of this senseless, out-of-the-world dream that popped out of nowhere. The both of you hardly spoke with one another, for Merlin’s sake.
Throwing your head back, giving up on forcing the images out of your thoughts. Your head was spinning. Slamming your temple against the solid, wooden headboard behind you until you hear a ring resonating through your ears.
How did you let yourself get into this? What happened that you are being haunted— if that’s what you would even call it — by these dreams?
It’s been days of sleepless nights and you are plain tired. He must have cursed you. There was no other reason for this, right? He could be annoying when he wanted to be.
With your back resting on the headboard, you see that your dorm mates haven’t gotten back yet. Still, you remain seated as you wonder where they are, staring at the open window to your right.
“You’re the only one that can do this to me, Y/N…”
You gasp and sit straight, slapping your forehead with your open palm, trying to chase the image away. Throwing a glance at your watch that sits on the bedside table, you see that it’s only an hour and a half before you are supposed to wake up.
Exhaling loudly, you shove the blankets away from your body, feeling a warmth creep up on you. Maybe a good, cold, and long shower will distract you for good.
Grabbing a change of clothes, you head straight for the bathroom in your dorm. Now’s one of the few times you are glad that the dorms at Hogwarts have their own showers. 
Looking at the small, worn mirror above the sink, you chuckle humorlessly at how disheveled your appearance is. Anyone who sees you right now might think that your dreams are last night’s reality.
Stepping under the painful cold water, your body unconsciously jolts at the shock. 
Thinking about it makes your heart race. It gives you jitters, too. The feeling wasn't much to your liking. It was distracting. Not to mention it made you feel so... vulnerable. A shiver ran up your spine. You paused for a breath to calm your heightened nerves.
This has to end soon. You couldn’t stand another night spent thinking of him, of all people.  
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“I uh- I need to go.” You cough, clearing your throat, hands shaking slightly as you move to stand up. “I still have this essay for Potions.” 
“What- Hey wait, Y/N!” Harry reaches out, nearly missing your arms. 
“Why are you suddenly running off? It’s not due until next week?” Giving you a worried look. “Are you alright?”
“Yes, Harry. I feel extraordinarily perfect, I just- I wanna go back to my room right now.” You sigh, looking up at him. Your body remains tense under his tight grip. “So please let me go.”
Harry tries to not look disappointed, giving a quick glance back at your two other friends who watch you in silence. “Alright then, but if you need anything, you know where to find us.”
Giving him a small nod before pivoting in your heel, you walked straight to the Great Hall's large entryway. You ignored the way your skin burned with the intensity of the searing eyes that had locked onto you since its entry. 
“Why did you leave in such a hurry?” A cool voice asks from behind you. 
You freeze.
“Pardon?” You conjure up a reply, bluntly.
“Ok- what’s got your knickers in a twist?” 
“Nothing!” You reply defensively. Wanting nothing more than to be back within the confines of your dorm room.
“Alright, alright. I got it.” The cool, calm voice waves off an erratic rhythm to your heart. You continue to stare forward along the corridor, paying no mind as he circles around until there is a face attached to the voice. “I was just wondering why you skittered out of the Hall faster than when you were caught by Filch with the Weasley twins.”
Tilting your chin towards your chest, “What do you want, Nott?”
“Nothing.” He shrugged, “I was just curious, that is all.”
You scoff at the mockery clear in his tone. “Seriously, what is it? Because if you’re only here to be an annoying twat, I have better places to be.” 
You purposely bump into his shoulder as you make your way past him. Not in the mood to play along with him right now. Not when that stupid smirk of his is reeling images that you have been tirelessly trying to be rid of. Images that are the cause of your cranky attitude in the mornings.
From the corner of your eyes, you see him cock his head slightly to the right. Another thing you hate. He becomes more incessantly annoying when you are visibly annoyed by him.
“Nott.” You warn.
“What?“ He asks, amusement clear in his tone. “Am I not allowed to walk the same grounds that you do now?”
“Walk elsewhere. I am quite sure that you know of other paths from here to wherever you are to go. With your many endeavors, it’ll be stupid if you didn’t.” You murmur the latter under your breath.
“What was that?” He catches up to you, walking leisurely with his long legs. “Didn’t quite hear that last part properly.”
Before you could reply, a shout from the courtyard called both of your attention. A redhead girl from Ravenclaw was waving in your direction. You turn to look at Theodore who has now turned his sight back to you.
“I think she’s waiting for you.” You swiftly walk towards your house tower, making haste before he follows you again.
Unbeknownst to you, his stare remains fixated on you until your figure disappears around the corner. Only then does he wave back at the girl and make a quick return to the Hall where he left his friends mid-conversation. 
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 It wasn’t the last that you see of Theodore after, nor was it the last morning when you woke up groggy and irritated at the lack of sleep. It seems that since then, the both of you find yourselves orbiting each other much more often than before.
Not that you found it all disappointing. 
There were times that he was a good companion to have around— forget the hooded eyes that left you conscious every time. When he isn’t being an annoying twat, he knew how to hold a conversation with you; your lack of similarities is a good point as you were able to share things that the other didn’t know of.
But in truth, Theodore searched for you. In the boisterous chatters of students in the corridors, between the towering bookshelves of the library, through the window of the dimly lit Potions classroom where he has a clear view of Hagrid’s hut where you and your friends frequent.
He looks for you in all places, unable to help himself from an attempt to have a glimpse of you.
He did give his best efforts to tuck away his inexplainable attraction to you recently, and he wouldn’t dare admit that there is even a chance that he does. His denial was a fortress but cracks appeared within its walls with each time he talks to you.
“She’s at the Hospital Wing.” Blaise hesitatingly brings up. 
He almost jerks up from his comfortable position on the couch where he and Blaise are observers of their other friend’s drunken endeavors. But he manages to grab a hold of himself before the other notices.
“Why bother telling me?” His forced indifference is not as apathetic as he wished it to be. “I don’t care.”
“Oh shut up, Theo. I have never seen you so utterly fond of another girl like you do with her.” Blaise retracts back to what he was gonna say, “Anyways, I hear she will be a volunteer ahead of the Quidditch match this Sunday.”
He doesn’t reply, letting the words of his friend slip from one ear to another. You were interesting. He was unsure how, in the many years you’ve known one another, that you caught his eye now.
“She’s nice, not unlike some of her friends at Gryffindor.” Blaise continues with his taunting, eager to see a reaction from Theo. “Even managed to convince me to be her partner for Herbology.”
Theo makes a noise in a mix between a scoff and a chuckle. “From the sound of how you speak of her, it’s like you’re the one that has caught butterflies.”
Blaise simply hums, nodding to himself. “Maybe.”
Not another word slips from him again. The silence of his relinquishment makes Theo’s heart skip a nervous beat. Blaise never gives up that easily.  
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“Hello there.” A voice makes you look up from your book which you have been drowned in since hours ago. To your surprise, it was Blaise. 
“What are you doing here?” You ask. Curious why he had so suddenly appeared beside you while you were studying. You scour your brain, trying to remember if you had a project with him that ultimately passed by you.
“Go to Hogsmeade with me later.” Blaise blurts out while you gather your books that are scattered along the table. 
“Huh?” You look up at him with wide eyes. You give out a confused laugh. Maybe you didn’t understand him, right? “Did I hear you right? Hogsmeade? The two of us?”
“Well, don’t make it sound like it’s such an atrocious thing.” He makes a sound of mock offense; even making the choice to put a hand above his chest. To which you vehemently shake your head.
“Gosh no! It’s just-“ You trail off. “Why all of a sudden?”
“Nothing at all…” He shrugs, but that look on his face tells you entirely different. The mischievous expression that is ever so slightly slipping through. “Just wanted to hang out with a good friend of mine.”
You look at him with a confused frown, unsure of what he’s doing. “Since when were we good friends? Last I checked we only talked every now and then and it was really only just for projects.”
“Just come with me, will you?” 
“No.” You shake your head to further make your point. “Tell me why first and maybe I’ll consider.”
Blaise sighs, giving up. He had expected that you would not be giving in so easily to his request, after all, you weren’t really that close. But he still thought that it was worth the try, he is tired of Theo acting like he’s better than his emotions. He decides to tell you.
Well… somewhat.
“Alright, lady. I want to make a friend of mine jealous.” You hummed, listening intently. Wondering why he chose you to do it. “Also, because you’re the only person that I genuinely enjoy hanging with from other houses.”
“Will you tell me who’s the friend?” You ask.
“No.” He quickly replies, “But Y/N…I’ll treat you with anything you want at the Three Broomsticks or wherever else. Just please.” He draws out the please, adding hints or really a dump load of sweetness to it to charm you.
You think for a second more before finally giving him a nod. “Ok, but you’ll have to come with me to Honeydukes. Payback for doing whatever it is you’re planning.”
“You can have whatever you want. I’ll wait for you by the Fat Lady.” Blaise tells you before walking off with a huge grin on his face. 
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And when you turned your head, a surprised Blaize looked at you with a smile, apparently he had just been in mid-conversation with a fellow Slytherin as he hung about the entrance.
He whistled as he wasted no time approaching you, waving a curt goodbye to his previous companion. 
“Remind me why you never wear clothes other than your uniform?” He asks, his eyes unabashedly trailing over you. Though not in a predatory way that leaves you uncomfortable.
“Because it’s a hassle having to think of an outfit when I could just put a uniform on and call it a day.”
He hums, nodding as he thought about it.
“Well you look good in your non-school clothes, you should wear them more often.” He suggests, although he quickly amends it. “Not that I’m saying you don’t look great normally, it’s just nice to see how you would personally choose the clothes you wear. It kind of reflects a lot of your personality more.”
The two of you make no rush as you travel to Hogsmeade along with the other students, chuckling at the eager third-years who are freely roaming around. Engaging in small talk all the way. 
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“What’s got you in such a sour mood?” You rolled your eyes at Theo, who has done nothing but glare at Blaise who sits beside you with such harsh blinding venom. “If all you plan to do here is to murder Blaise in a million ways inside your mind, then please do it some other time.”
The man beside you couldn’t help the amused choke that escapes him as he sips his glass of Butterbeer.
Theo finally breaks his lone stare down and shifts his attention to you. “Since when did you two hang about by yourselves?”
“We always have-“ Blaise starts to explain but he is cut off by a kick to his shin that makes his knee jerk up and hit the table. 
“I wasn’t talking to you.”
His eyes remained fixated on you still, a medley of emotions behind them that you couldn’t exactly pinpoint. 
“Well, Y/N? I’m waiting for you here.” He impatiently asks. “Are you two on a date?”
“Theo, if you think that we are, then why did you even come here?” You roll your eyes at whatever antics that the both of them are trying. Not realising that you called him by his nickname, usually reserved for his close friends.
“Well-“ He stammered, unable to explain why exactly did he approach you all of a sudden. “Blaise doesn’t have that good of a reputation with girls and I wanted to make sure he’s not trying anything with you.”
Blaise clears his throat in an attempt to remind his friend that he is still sitting at the table, clearly within earshot of whatever slander he’s being put to.
“I can hardly think of a reason why you would if he does, but we were just having a conversation as friends, Theo.” You finally answer. “Is it that much of a surprise that I tolerate one of you?”
“He wants it to be him.” The man beside you mutters under his breath which you ignore, thinking it is only a jab.
Theo once again kicks Blaise under the table, making the latter swear under his breath.
While the two of them bicker like they are some man-child, you spot Hermione and the rest of your friends coming in through a tiny door and sitting at a table by the staircase. You scoot over until you are out of the seat, glad that you chose to sit at the open end of the table, without making a noise.
You make quick haste to transfer to your friends' table without garnering attention from the two Slytherin boys.
“Hide me.” You drop your heavy body on the seat beside Harry, trying your best to hunch over his relatively short upper body. 
The three instead laugh at your obvious demise, Ron not even trying to hide his amusement with such a burst of boisterous laughter. Unlike you, the three had noticed how Theodore Nott had been seen beside you much more often than necessary. At first, it was nothing that they really paid attention to, but when you told them of your otherwise eventful dreams…they began to have other thoughts.
It was clear that both of you were attracted to one another except for yourselves. And it’s been a hilarious sight to be an audience to but they are beginning to tire of your constant zoning off when the other is in your peripheral.
“What even is with you and Blaise coming to Hogsmeade together?” Ron asks. “I thought you liked Nott.”
You exhaled in exasperation, “How many times do I have to tell you that I don’t like him.” Gritting your teeth and clenching your jaw at the blatant teasing. “I am seriously beginning to regret telling you about my dreams.”
You watch as Harry stands to grab drinks for the rest of you guys, trying to explain why you came here. Not forgetting to mention how Theo had suddenly the conversation you’ve been having with Blaise. 
You were shocked to find that the both of you actually shared a lot of the same interests in various aspects; books, music, values, name it all. So despite your previous disinclination to agree with his idea that you would get along well, you thoroughly enjoyed the short time that you spent alone. 
His genuine interest in the many muggle creations that you’ve mentioned has made you all giddy. Telling him of all and everything that he must try, making a mental note to give him some things that you have in your dorm.
On the other end, Blaise shared a few of his interests with you— though it was only very few, given that the wizarding world does not really pay much attention to those kinds of things, especially the purebloods. 
“So just because he bribed you with anything you want from Honeydukes, you agreed? Y/N!” Hermione exclaims, to which you only answer her with wide eyes. 
“What?” You ask, furrowing your eyebrows at the bewildered expression on her face. 
“You’ve been to Hogwarts for how many years now and yet you have no idea what going to Hogsmeade with only one person insinuates?”
“Uh- What?”
“That you two are going on a date of course?” She practically scolds you. Maybe you shouldn’t laugh at Ron anymore when she becomes like this. It's no joke that it feels like you could be the stupidest person on the planet.
“We’re only friends, for Merlin’s sake! Well, we became friends today.” You roll your eyes. “It’s not my fault that is what might people think.”
Harry and Ron look at each other with more than amused grins on their faces.
“I think I finally know why Nott was practically making the snow melt under his feet earlier,” Ron remarks. To which you give him a confused look, unsure what he meant.
“Well, before we came in here, we saw Nott almost stomp his way to here. I swear that I actually saw steam coming out of his ears.” Ron exaggeratingly shares, taking a sip out of his pint glass. “I thought he was about to burn this place down to ashes with how he looked so mad.”
That explains why he’s being more moody than usual.
“What’s that got to do with Blaise and I?” You finally ask the question that’s been brewing in you since he mentioned it.
But the only response you get is a look of disbelief from all three of them. Each one just about screaming “Are you being serious?” without saying anything.
“Are you truly that dense Y/N?” Harry asks, his hand reaching out to pat you on the shoulder.
You push him off, glaring at him. “No, but seriously what do you mean?”
“Even Harry and Ron, oblivious as they come, recognise that Nott has some kind of interest in you.” Hermione explains, “I don’t even know if he realised it himself but the two of you are oozing love hearts everywhere you go. It’s torture to see how you both ignore it.”
You're left dumbfounded, feeling her cheeks flush with embarrassment at the mere suggestion. Your thoughts racing as you consider Hermione's words. Theodore Nott, the mysterious and enigmatic Slytherin, having an interest in you? It was a revelation that sent your mind reeling, and you couldn't help but wonder if you had been completely oblivious to his feelings all along.
No. That’s just… wrong. This had to be another one of their pranks again. Ever since you confided in them of your dreams, they’ve been ceaselessly teasing you with Theo. Yeah, this must be it.
You chose to respond in a haughty tone, in an attempt to mask her flustered feelings. “Gosh, if this is what spurs in your minds when I tell you about my struggles at night, then I’d rather just keep them to myself from now on. Find something else to speculate about.” 
Unbeknownst to you, while you were so flustered trying to deny anything and everything they say of you and Theo, Harry, Ron, and Hermione had mentally orchestrated a plan. Harry subtly made a signal to the other two to play along as he saw Theo stand up from his heated conversation with Blaise to approach you four.
With sly smiles quickly masked, they leaned in closer to you and feigned curiosity. 
“Alright then,” Ron begins, “But I heard from Hermione that you had another dream last night. Is it as juicy as last time?” 
Harry chimed in, his eyebrows raised suggestively. “Yes, please spill the details. We’re all ears.”
Caught off guard by their sudden and out-of-place interest.  “I said that I’m never telling you of anything again. And it's not juicy! Please don't ever use that word ever again.” You never wanted to divulge anything related to your rather steamy dreams again to your friends. 
“This is the last time, we promise! And we promise to not annoy you any more with Nott.” Hermione exclaims though you reach out to slap her on her arm at how loudly she said it. Looking around the bustling crowd to see if anyone heard it, confused when you see Blaise sitting with somebody else now, probably some friends from Slytherin, Theo nowhere in sight.
Little did she know that Theo had indeed overheard their conversation and as he was slowly nearing their table, curiosity piqued as he heard his name. He slowed in his steps, waiting to hear more.
Your face turned an even deeper shade of crimson as you think back to last night, a bit different— a whole lot different. The dream had left you truly confused because it was nothing like the otherwise steamy ones you had. It was unsettlingly normal, and it has left you with a sense of unease that left you unable to sleep properly, terrified at what this means.
 You cleared your throat, trying to maintain some semblance of composure. "Well, it was just a, you know, like the ones I told you. Nothing too different. I still hate it."
Hermione's eyes sparkled with mischief as she leaned in, feigning innocence. "From the look on your face, it seems to be different. Tell us about it, pretty please."
You hesitated but then began to describe the dream in the most vague and unassuming way possible, but you knew no matter what you said, they would use this to tease you endlessly. "Alright, alright. So, in the dream, I was in the Black Lake, and there was a gentle, warm breeze. I was walking with someone, and it was peaceful. It was like…everything is normal. No war, no problems, no animosity, just us walking like any normal person.”
Harry and Ron exchanged knowing glances, while Hermione continued to prod gently. "And who were you walking with, Y/N?"
Your gaze darted around the table, avoiding eye contact. Not seeing how their eyes slightly shifted behind you. "Well, it was just someone... you know, a dream version of someone I know. Like you don’t know already."
Hermione shook her head, “Yeah but this is different, so it must be somebody else right?”
“Hermione…It’s Theo, who else.” 
"Y/N…" You hear a voice behind you call out in a low tone, with a thread of voice. 
Your eyes widen, filled to the brim with alertness and humiliation. Your mother was right, one day this mouth will get you in trouble— not that it hasn’t been proven countless times before— but now nothing made you want to become more one with the ground than this moment.
You swallow hard and turn around, instantly the mortification in your features becomes tenfold. There it is— the stupid, bloody smirk that is always present on his stupid, pretty face when he has caught you red-handed. 
“Don’t.” You warn.
He leans his entire weight back on the wooden post behind him, staring down at you with a look of satisfaction, unapologetically reveling in your obvious embarrassment.
“Oh, but I must.” He drawls, his eyes gleaming with mischief.
Your frustration surges as you fold your arms, attempting to salvage a shred of dignity in this awkward moment. You give him a glare before turning back front facing to the table.
“You are truly insufferable, you know that?”
Without even being able to see it, you already know that his grin widens at your reply. “Guilty, I’m afraid.”
Theo pushed himself off the wooden post and sauntered closer to where you were sitting, making your heart stutter. The playful glint in his eyes brings forth an image that you would rather not see right now.
"But what's the fun in letting you off the hook so easily? It’s not every day that I find out somebody has been kept awake all night because of me."
You could only continue to cast a withering look at him as you shook your head. "You just love tormenting me, don't you?"
He sits down on the seat next to you, ignoring the other occupants who have reserved to remain quiet. Truly enjoying the show that you, unfortunately, are the star of. He inches closer to you until you can almost feel your eyelashes flutter at his breath.
“Only because I quite enjoy how flustered you can be.” He admits softly, and in that moment the playful teasing in his voice gives way to something else.
A different kind of tension. 
Not one that you would like to be a part of.
“Well, that would be the last of it.” 
Theo and your friends are left bewildered when you suddenly stand and disappear among the group of rowdy students.
His eyebrows furrow and his gleaming expression turns into one of confusion and a hint of hurt and disappointment. “What just happened?”
When he finally turns to look at your friends, all they do is share uneasy glances with each other. They were unsure of how to respond to Theo’s question when they could hardly comprehend what had only occurred.
Hermione opens her mouth to say something but closes it once more when the words in her mind are a jumble.
“Astronomy Tower.” He hears someone say. His cerulean blue eyes that somehow turned grey shifted to the bespectacled boy sitting a chair away from him. “Go.” 
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“Why did you run off?” You ignore the voice that shatters the silence. The bristles of the wind brush against your clothes. Your head thrumming as the sound of your shoes clicking against the concrete permeates into the air. 
He calls you by your name with a gentleness that sends tingles down your spine. But yet again, you ignore him. Choosing to stare intently at the rust that forms by the railing in front of you, the complex chemical reaction is seemingly more interesting to you now. 
“Y/N please…I don't know what’s going on your mind right now but we need to talk.” He moves to stand next to you, placing his arms on the barrier. “I will say it, no matter if you want to listen or not. We clearly have feelings for each other.”
You want to say that you are surprised that he is being so straightforward right now, but it’s evident that someone had to stop whatever dance the both of you had been playing at for the past month already. 
 “And that’s confirmed by what I heard earlier.” He chuckles in an attempt to lighten up the mood. “Gods, I hate you so much.”
“Your dreams say otherwise.” He continues with his teasing.
“Stop it. As if you’re any better with how you acted with Blaise earlier.” You hit him back. “Blaise is an annoying ass who meddles in my business way more often than necessary. But I guess he did one thing right.”
“What?” You ask, turning your body to lean on the railing, facing him.
“He kept bothering me about you, and I guess he got tired and decided to make a move leading us to this moment.” 
“He can be pretty persuasive when he wants to be." You agree. Silence befalling after.
“Gods, I don’t know what happened but it’s you.” He breathes heavily.  
A laugh escapes your chest, “If somebody came to us two months ago and told us that we’d be acting like this, I would think they’re mental.”
Theo grins at you, making you giggle to see the little fang on the corner of his mouth. He places his hands on your cheeks and cradles your face, making a move to press his forehead to yours as he nears.
The vivid, flashing images of Theo from your dreams doesn’t hold a candle to the real thing. The skin under his touch tingled and it made you itch to reach out with your fingertips, feeling as if you would crumble beneath his hands.
You pull away to stare up at him. The cold that typically veils over his eyes are gone as they reciprocate your stare with an even warmer touch. Every nerve ends in you lighting up with a golden electricity.
Theo opened his mouth, closed it again, opened it once more, and then shut it, apparently struggling to remember how to talk.
So, he decided that actions seem to be your thing anyways, as the two of you are quite horrible at talking.
Carefully, almost as if he’s never done it before, Theo leans forward and presses his lips against yours so gently. All you can think about is him even as you respond to his kiss, melting against the touch. 
He pressed himself into you, attempting to tangle your bodies together. He wants to feel every inch of you against his skin, willing the gods to let you be one. Hell, he wanted to climb into your ribcage and possibly live out the rest of his days inside your heart.
You gasp as his hands creep under your shirt and trail along your lower back, though he doesn’t wander. He takes this as an opportunity to slip his tongue inside your mouth, exploring eagerly.
You tilt forward, answering his devotion with an equal eagerness. In your distraction, your hands slide from their hold on his shirt and travel until your fingertips meet behind his nape.
This goes for a while before a sudden splash from the waters below you makes you jump apart, though still very much physically attached. His arms were still tightly wound around your waist.
“I think that’s a sign we should stop for now.”
“Yeah, definitely.”
Laughter met in the air between you—sweet, short, intertwined. Although you would like to have another one of your dreams to come true, you want to take it slow. The idea that he thought of you as you did to him has still not truly sunk into your mind.
Even now as he leans his face slightly towards yours again and begins to leave soft, tender kisses all over your cheek, making butterflies appear in your stomach.
“Gods, I just realised something.” You laugh all of a sudden, making him stand up straight to look at you curiously. “What is it?”
“I just made Ron win a bet for the first time since we all became friends.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, he was the first person to tease me about these stupid dreams–”
“Excuse me, I rather think it’s not.” He interrupts playfully raising an eyebrow. “Shush.”
“Anyways,” You continue, “Harry and Hermione initially thought it was nothing and that it probably would stop after a while— obviously not. So Ron set a bet that I’ll end up having feelings for you or we’ll end up together.”
He chuckles, his eyes glinting with amusement. “I’m still surprised they didn’t hate the idea. With us being in literal houses that hate each other.”  
“They’re only annoyed at some of you, honestly. The ones that perpetuate the ‘Slytherin’ motto too much.” 
"Plus," he continued, the joking tone in his voice fading a bit, "even if they did have complaints, I would have ignored every single one and still pursued you."
“As if! You stormed to Hogsmeade just to interrupt our ‘date’ and you wouldn’t even admit it. If it weren’t for what our friends did, we wouldn’t be having this conversation right now.”
“Let me pretend, for goodness’ sake woman!”
His playful exasperation brought a genuine smile to your face, and for a moment, the world around you seemed to fade as you got lost in the playful banter you're used to with him.
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belovedcloud · 15 days
A Ride | DBF! Leon Kennedy x Fem! Reader
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✎ Notes: In love with older Leon so much, especially thinking about him giving you a ride on his bike! Sorry for like my 3 week hiatus, important stuff is going on in my life alongside bereavement. :) ALSO, over 1K likes on my older neighbour post thank you so much!
➤ WC: 2.8K
➤ CW: Older Leon, reader is the daughter of Leon's best friend, Leon is in his 40's, reader is early 20's. SMUT. 18+, public sex (nobody is around), pet names, fingering, squirting, mention of going dumb on Leon's cock, p in v, no protection (but he pulls out).
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Coming back home for summer break was always exciting for you and your family, moving away meant you had to create new friends. So to finally be reunited with the people you loved the most was refreshing, leaving your academic life behind for a while. Per usual, coming back always meant a little celebration among your family and friends. Did you expect any less? This year would be different, you would be meeting the man you haven't seen for years. Yet it was like there was no break between you two, the comfortable feeling around you both never dissipated.
"Oh honey I'm so glad you got back safe!" Your mother exclaimed, taking the bags from your hands as you arrived back home. Alas, you could relax. Be yourself. Walking into the familiar home, memories from the past year flooding your brain. Seeing your father giving you a goofy grin as he saw you. Pulling you into a big bear hug. Chatting was amongst you three, asking how your studies were - if you were overworking yourself and what not. "I've got the grill on, we're making your favourite." A chuckle erupted from your father's mouth until the doorbell rang. "Oh! People are arriving sweetheart. Go on, go upstairs and get yourself sorted out." A small grin appeared on your mother's face. Obliging to what she said, you jogged up the stairs. That same smell that lingered around the house as you walked into your childhood bedroom. Throwing your bags on the bed, you changed into something more suitable for this occasion.
Going downstairs was chaos. Greeting friends and distant family members, alongside your parent's friends was tiresome. Your social battery was draining out quick - yet you hadn't seen the man you wanted to see. The man you wanted to be here. Laughter echoed throughout the house, clinks of drinks and bubbly talks followed you. You were completely zoned out as your eyes stared out the window - a person you knew appeared. It was him. The 3 knocks on the door dragged you out of your thoughts as your body rushed to the front. Opening the door he stood in front of you, Leon was here. "Hey sweetheart." A lowly chuckle came out of his throat as he opened his arms to you. Without hesitation, you engulfed him into a hug. "Leon! I missed you." Quiet giggles exchanged the both of you as you led him inside. "Where's your dad hm?" His eyes searched around the house, your finger pointing towards your father. "Got a surprise for you." His hand squeezed your arm before he left you - your warmth leaving at the same time as you saw the way his lips move as he spoke to your father.
"So.. is that a yes?" Leon was trying to persuade your dad... With what? Reluctantly, a faint nod came from your father. "Keep her safe you hear?" Seemed like your father was a bit tipsy - he knew Leon would keep you safe. "Don't be stupid." Leon laughed as he walked away from the conversation, smiling at your confused face from your eavesdropping. "Listening in?" His elbow nudged your arm, earning a scoff from you. The playful roll of your eyes made him feel warm, God you were a beautiful woman. The smile that laid on your face or those gorgeous eyes that stared back into his. Was it wrong of him to want you? To want you in indescribable ways. From cute little dates to obscenely lewd thoughts of you with him. The crispiness in your voice snapped him out of his trance as you responded "No... Well, what the hell were you talking about?" Skepticism flooded all over you as your eyes met with Leon's. "Come outside 'nd I'll show you." He took your hand into his, leading you both outside of the front yard. You tried to think of the possible ideas he had, but none came into your head until you saw the vehicle in front of you.
"No fucking way... Your motorcycle?" A gasp elicited out your throat as your head shot at his, pleading for his confirmation. "Yup, wanna go on a ride? Just like how you've always wanted to." A smirk plastered Leon's face as he passed you a helmet, the cold metal conflicting the soft padding in the inside. "How come I gotta wear a helmet?" You groaned seeing Leon get on the bike without one on. You couldn't deny it, he was incredibly attractive. Ever since you were young you saw him in that way. The way his hair flowed when he reared his bike, his concentrated face as he rode out. Everything about him was handsome, his silky voice sending shivers down your spine. "Well, I don't want you getting hurt princess. Was hard enough to persuade your dad y'know?" He chuckled as he extended his arm out to you, signaling to you to get on. "Yeah as if, he was tipsy you liar." A muffled laugh came out of you as the helmet covered you. Gripping on the back of the seat, your hands slowly slid around Leon's waist. An almost silent purr leaving his throat, the tips of your fingers slightly digging into him felt good. "Hold on tight f'me." He commanded as he started it up - suddenly the wheels took off. Screams and giggles rushed out your throat as your eyes tried to stay in line with the surroundings passing by you so quickly.
The dimly lit skies shrouded over the both of you as Leon's chuckles came out of his mouth hearing you giggle, riding into the sunset was a beautiful experience. The clouds creating an ombre effect, illuminating the both of you as the motorcycle passed through dirt roads. Wheels of the motorbike started to die down in speed as Leon swerved into a small secluded area, the red leaves flying past your faces as the bike was mounted on top of the small hill. Leon turned to you, a caring expression on his face. "You okay sweetheart?" Your hands slowly unlatched off him as you wobbled off the motorbike, meekly nodding as you replayed that experience in your head. "Y-Yeah, that was crazy.." You breathed out, seeing Leon get off the motorbike too. His hands slowly approached the helmet on your head, taking it off. His gaze roamed your face, the deep blue eyes boring into yours, a soft smile appearing his lips. "I know you don't really like the crowded house, so I thought to take you out here instead. Pretty night as well." Leon noted as the helmet was discarded somewhere around the bike, his arm wrapped around your shoulder. "Yeah... It's really pretty tonight." A mumble left your throat as your body melted to his touch. A low chuckle left Leon as he guided you to the sequoia tree. The grainy surface of the oak pressed against your back, sitting down on the meadow of grass and daisies beneath you.
A soft sigh abandoned your throat, the scenery in front of you absolutely mesmerizing. A chill ran down your spine as you felt Leon's eyes peering at you. Turning your head, you see him stare at you, his eyes slowly grazing over the whole of you as a soft smile spread across his lips. "You've grown to be a beautiful young woman y'know." The crispiness of his voice contradicted the mellow look he gave you. Your face felt hot, the breeze could not cool it down as you shyly looked down into your lap. Leon's voice was as smooth as honey, your face didn't go unnoticed as he gave a breathy chuckle to your timid expression. "Don't get shy, you know you're attractive." His calloused fingers gently touched her face. Fuck. Those blue eyes looked into yours and your lips parted ever so slightly. Your voice only a mere whisper as you spoke back to him. "I... Why do I feel like this?" You knew why. Deep down in your heart you longed for him. Crave was the better word for your feelings towards Leon. However, him being your dad's best friend really wasn't the best circumstance at this point. The moral thoughts weighed out in your head as you mindlessly stared at him back - it was wrong but it felt so right. Just to feel him embrace and kiss you was all you wanted. Right? Oh, how he wanted you so much more. His hand cupped your cheek as he softly pressed a kiss to your forehead. No. You didn't want the kiss there.
"What's wrong? What do you mean love?" Leon asked as his hand rubbed your shoulder. Gentle strokes of his fingers trying to ease your body. It did the complete opposite. "You make me feel so warm, 'nd.. I dunno?" You sighed out, trying to change the subject. It was embarrassing how he got you in a state of longing. Longing for him and only him. Leon wasn't stupid, he knew what you needed and God so help him he knew he needed it too. "Let me help you feel better sweetheart, I can't have my favourite girl so clueless..." His lips encapsulated yours, a soft mewl elicited out your throat as you kissed him back. You felt so good against him, a groan left his lips as the kiss became more passionate.
Only minutes later were you straddled on him, his lips pressing quick kisses down your neck as Leon's hands wandered all over your body. Mellow mewls leaving both of your throats as you touched each other. You knew this was wrong, it was so wrong. Leon, your dad's best friend, touching you and caressing you in so many ways in one was inexcusable. It felt so right. It felt right to melt into the palms of his hands as his lips slowly pressed against your neck. Leaving small wet kisses, the cold air breezing onto your skin - leaving you to shiver on top of him. "So perfect, so fucking perfect sweetheart." Leon moaned out underneath you, his fingers slowly tugging on the waistband of your pants. "I wanna take these off you, that okay with you?" He purred in your ear, the silkiness of his voice travelling throughout your body. That dull ache you felt within you needing to be satiated answered for you, your head nodding frantically giving Leon all the permission he needs to satisfy you. The swiftness of his fingers as he skillfully pulled down your pants, showing your pretty lace panties. You couldn't help but cover your face with one of your hands, scared of what he was going to say. "Did you wear these for me?" He questioned with a sly smirk on his face. Fuck, he knew how to rile you up inside - your head meekly nodded up and down as you panted a soft "yes". A chuckle could be heard from Leon as he mumbled about you being cute before laying you on the ground. The blades of grass tickling your bare legs.
Leon didn't know how to feel about the situation at hand. How he longed for you was soon to be satiated but was this morally right? However, his body outweighed his mind as he subconsciously slide your panties to the side. Seeing your slick puffy lips shine in front of him granted you a groan from his mouth. The pad of his finger steadily ran up the slit, a breathy moan fleeing your mouth. An ethereal feeling shock-waving through you. Your wetness pulled him in as his fingers shakily pumped in and out of your pussy. You were so pretty for him, the most enchanting woman he had ever saw. How your face scrunched up in pleasure as his eyes flickered from your face to your cunt being pistoned by his two fingers. Velvety moans chanting out of you as you moaned out his name, craving more of him. Leon felt his heart thump heavily in his chest as he held your body, giving you an overwhelming sense of belonging. You belonged to him, your pussy was his.
"L-Leon.." A quiet mewl scratched out of your throat as you felt yourself get close. It was obvious to Leon as well - he felt your walls tighten around his fingers. His thumb snaked up to your bud, a rubbing sensation startled your body into otherworldly pleasure. Your voice echoing throughout his head as you moaned loudly, gushing all over his fingers. As you rode your orgasm out, Leon's eyes stared at your pretty state. You were all disheveled because of him.
He couldn't handle it anymore, he needed you.
Leon needed to make you feel good around his cock. The leathery feel of his belt slowly disappeared as he unbuckled it, removing his jeans alongside it. He took off his jacket, sliding it underneath you. Your mind still felt fuzzy from your previous orgasm but that misty feeling soon left as you felt his tip slowly push into you. A gasp escaping Leon's throat as his fingers pushed into the plushness of your hips. "Fuck.. Sweetheart, you feel so good." He groaned lowly, his voice thick with desire. His gaze raked over your body again, admiring your beauty once more. Taking in your beautiful curves, he thrusted further in. "Oh.. Leon." Was all you could scramble out your lips as he started to move his hips. The view of you was a picture perfect scene to him, making his heart race. Feeling his gaze upon you, your hands covered your face. The embarrassment flooding through your body was soon torn apart as his soft voice whispered in your ear. "Show me that pretty face of yours, please..." He was begging you. Leon yearned to see your features, it was the main reason the position you both in was missionary. Unable to decline him, your hands slowly unraveled from your face. A low groan pierced out of Leon as he looked at you, his thrusts becoming deeper.
"Fuck, I love you. I love you so much." He moaned out as his fingers felt for your clit, rubbing it once more to make you scream. Your head rustled in the meadow of grass, the same pleasure flowing through your body. "I.." You couldn't finish off your sentence as the urge to cum became too strong. The tension in Leon's body slowly dissipated as his hips became melodic with his movement. His gentle embrace on you immediately washed away any guilt that riddled his mind. His voice carried a sultry edge as he stuttered out "Going dumb on my cock sweetheart?". He wasn't wrong, he never was. Your body completely relaxed from his gentle touches which conflicted the deep pounding he was giving you. Whimpers and moans wailed out your throat - oh how he was making you feel so good was mind-blowing. "That's it love, moan for me nice and pretty." He mumbled, his voice deep and seductive, looking at you with ravenous eyes. You felt your orgasm build up again, your voice sputtering out to try and tell Leon. This orgasm felt different, it felt overwhelming. Something that you couldn't hold back at all. He felt you tighten around him so suddenly, pulling him in as you mumbled incoherent phrases. "Leon" "I can't" "Fuck" was all he could decipher as he felt something different. You soaked the base of his cock and the surrounding area around it. It gushed out of you so quick you didn't know what happened. All you knew was that it felt so good, that the way Leon's dick was hitting that spot was increasing in pleasure. Your eyes rolling back as you continued to squirt as Leon sunk into you again. His eyes widened feeling your wetness splat on his skin.
"Did you just? Fuck you're amazing.." He groaned out, pistoning his dick into you as he chased for his own release. The sounds of both of your bodies making clapping noises as he felt his cock throb inside of you. You gasped, feeling the fast pace thrusts as your hands grabbed onto his jacket underneath you. Leon couldn't take it anymore, the contentment coursing through his veins as he pulled out quickly. His cum splattered onto your panties, his head thrown back from the sexual gratification you gave him. Your thighs shaking in return since you lost the feeling of him inside of you.
After a series of soft panting later, you finally mumbled out to him. "I love you too." Leon raised an eyebrow as he buckled his belt, looking back up at you. "You said it, well you said you loved me when you were fucking me." A hushed voice escaped you. Leon's confusion slowly turned into a soft expression as he kissed your forehead. "I do love you." A giggle left your lips as you pressed a kiss to his cheek, his stumble pricking at you. "So.. what now?" A question that was destined to be answered. "We'll figure that out." He chuckled out. All he knew was that you both loved each other, sexually and romantically.
"Let's get back home, yeah?"
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lana-llama-in-pajamas · 3 months
Milkman (Francis mosses) x fem! Reader
Thick as blood
Sweet as milk
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Ah yes, you. The new doorman. The DDD hired you for your attention to detail and ability to examine more than just physical detail but the way people talked, their actions even the movement in their eyes.
Dopples are horrible at those details, some are just straight stupid and don’t try
But today was your first day in the building fresh from training, the building didn’t have a doorman before so you were ready for confrontation and confusion
Your uniforms was meant to look friendly, with a DDD button the the left breast. the DDD issued you with a pistol in case a Dopple did get in.
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The block has been notified and given everything they needed to get in. Now it was your job to make sure they were safe
The day went slow no one coming in till lunch, you were not given one but you were allowed to eat whenever suited you
Soon tho a very happy woman came by…she had heterochromia at first you assumed dopple before looking at her papers
Right Nacha Mikaelys . Everything checked out as you studied her taking notes in your head, she smiled seemingly unaware of what was happening “how’s your day so far?” She asked looking through her purse, possibly for her keys “going well, I’m y/n your new doorman” you replied passing back her papers “have a good day ma’am” she nodded taking them back “pleased to meet you y/n see you tomorrow “ Nacha waved and walked out of sight
You got up from your chair to walk around your small office, you fix up your uniform as you hear someone come up to your glass panel. It was a milkman..? you raised your eyebrows at him. He didn’t look quite surprised to see you. He slid his papers into the slot and waited. You grabbed the papers and looked up and down at them. You then looked up at him and studied his features while trying to talk to him. “Hi I’m y/n the new doorman pleased to meet you, Mr. Moses.”
“Mm…pleased to meet you y/n”
Oh god. You blushed! What a schoolgirl
You slid the papers to him quickly looking down “all is in order, good day sir” you almost stuttered before looking back up at his dark tired eyes “good.” He walked off not noticing your sudden change in tone.
Oh god he sounded like a night time soap, deep and soft. you could listen to him read a chapter book and hang on every word, a phone book would sound sexy! And his eyes! Ugh you would kiss them if possible! You let your blush stay as you fell head over heels for a man that spoke 6 words to you (I counted) another person stood before you, before you could even greet them you stopped in your tracks
It wasn’t human. Its face was a drawing taped to it. No mouth but it spoke “allow me in please”
You softly pressed the urgency button as you slid out your gun. You could hear the dopple screech and writhe behind the glass and metal shutter while you called your superiors “I have one” you spoke sternly not wanting to show any fear “on the way” the triple D officer spoke. You stood back pistol in hand breathing slowly to calm down soon though the screeching stopped and the metal shutter lifted revealing a man in a yellow suit “dopple eliminated. Good work” he walked away with 2 others carrying a body bag.
You shivered placing the weapon back in its place you were glad most of those things were dumb but it made it no less horrifying
Your mind raced as you thought about the two things that just happened to you almost simultaneously first having a girl crush on a milkman and now almost getting killed by a stupid Dopple
Your immediate thought, as you sat down and tried to organize to calm your mind was, how does a milkman live in a building with such high earners ? How much does a milkman make ?you pondered looking over the files of residents
After introducing yourself to a couple of other residents, the day ends, and it’s time for your shift to end as well.
One Dopple the rest human honestly the best you could hope for on a first day, the other thing you could look forward to is that because you do work in this building, you can live in the building for way less rent than everybody else, you picked up your items from the desk and made sure everything was clean before you left and lock the door behind you no one was allowed to leave or enter the building after 10 PM unless of course it was an emergency, but they would be escorted by DDD officer at the front of the building 
You took the elevator to your apartment “F05” the old landlord room, it used to be boarded up but the DDD had it refurbished for you, still looked a little dingy but ultra cheap rent for a 2 room apartment was worth it
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You opened the door but jumped a little hearing another door “oh” you heard the deep voice looking to your left, Francis in a white wife beater and a cardigan. He has a cigarette in his fingers unlit “oh sorry you startled me goodnight Mr.mosses” you tried to excuse yourself quickly but to your surprise he spoke up “I didn’t know you lived here, actually I didn’t know there was a 5th apartment” he finally lit his cigarette taking a long drag (it’s the 50s) you nodded hoping to clear his confusion “ it was boarded up in the early 40s, it’s called a lord suite. a place for the landlord to stay in case of quick repairs or whatever else may happen” he listened rather intently taking the cig out of his mouth, god did you want him to ask you to take a puff just to indicate something “oh…I remember those really fell out of fashion huh?” He asked passing the half done cancer stick. You screamed in your head agreeing with him and taking in the smoke “well enjoy, I need to sleep” he walked back to his apartment almost slamming the door, was he mad? He didn’t indicate anger or distrust, you finished the cigarette and smudged it out on your stove placing the butt on the counter almost contemplating about saving it… you were weirding yourself out a bit but came back to.
You did as all necessary and got ready for bed
You dreamt of Francis sitting on the roof with you holding you close both of you in your uniforms as you kissed him deep and hungry begging for more in your movements you felt him move down to bite softly at your ne- TRRRIING TRRING
your alarm clock yelled at you a few more times before you could slam your hand down on it groaning and streaching “god I am down bad”
End pt 1
I know but the game is set in like 1955 America but it gives me such Soviet vibes 
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chilumi-shipper · 1 year
When You Finally Give Up
Kaeya x GN!Reader
Summary: You notice that he's changed how he act around you. No longer happy to see you, no longer smiling or teasing, no longer enjoying your company. You try your hardest to get him to like being with you again, but he just act annoyed at you all the time. There's only so much your heart can take.
Tags: Hurt/little to no comfort, drinking, Kaeya regrets
You see him happily chatting with someone else at the Angel's Share, he had a smile on his face.
He talked among his fellow knights, he spoke with such cool energy.
He will be out early in the morning, late at night, never ever just at home.
Never ever just with you.
"Darling! Welcome home!" You greeted him with a usual warm welcome, spreading your arms for a hug.
It was very late, his eyes were droopy and he smelled of alcohol. You're just glad he's home before midnight, unlike the usual time he heads home.
He walked passed you, but like always, you shrugged off his cold response to your welcome.
"I made dinner a few hours ago, they've probably gone cold now, hehe." You laughed sheepishly as you followed him to the kitchen. "Might help in soaking up the booze, though." You gestured at the meal you made for him sitting on the dining table.
"I'm not hungry."
"Oh, but I can run you a bath if you want! You stink!" You laughed, but it seems that he did not find your words amusing, so your laugh died down very awkwardly.
"I'm going to bed." Kaeya heads for the stairs, wanting to go to the bedroom. "Don't bother me."
You watched as he lazily carried himself up the stairs, you wanted to help him, but you knew he'd try to push you away.
Too many nights have been like this.
Too many meals gone cold.
Too many hugs not returned.
Too many "welcome home"s with no response.
And you're getting tired.
He's changed, and you could no longer be the person he wants to be his significant other.
You tried not to wake him up with your sobs that night, along with many other nights.
After a night out with some friends, Kaeya once again came home drunk.
He stood in the living room, about to collapse just like always. He remain standing there, as if he was subconsciously waiting for something to happen.
When nothing did come up, he stood there confused.
Where are you?
"Y/N!" He yelled out.
He straightened up, walking around while calling your name. When he made it into the kitchen, his eyes widen and he immediately sobered up.
The Cavalry Captain urgently got down on his knees right beside your unconscious body lying on the floor.
Just like him... you reeked of alcohol, which he found such a misplaced scent around you. You never drink.
Quiet snores came from your lips, you seemed wasted and he knew it wouldn't be the best thing ever to wake you up when you're in such a condition.
He carried you to bed, changed your clothes to something more comfortable and proceeded to cuddle up with you for the night.
Kaeya has faint memories of you doing that for him when he comes home wasted.
He woke up in the morning and you weren't there.
It was pretty normal for the weekends, you'd wake up earlier than him to make breakfast, which he is looking forward to.
"Good morning, Kaeya."
When did that start to happen? When did your voice become so monotonous? When did you start calling him by name instead of a pet name?
You had breakfast ready as always.
"Do you know where they are?" Kaeya was panicking, he had been looking for you for hours. When he went home, you weren't there at all, so he'd been all around the city looking for you
Diluc looked at him unamused, "Upstairs." He answered in merely one word.
Kaeya wasted no time by commenting on Diluc's dry response, immediately heading up the second flour of Angel's Share to look for you.
You were there, drinking with a few people, wearing clothes you would never usually wear, a carefree smile on your face.
Your cheeks were tinted red, indicating that you may already be wasted.
He took quick steps towards you, holding your wrist still when you tried to drink another swing of wine. "I've been looking for you for Barbatos knows how long!"
You looked up to him, trying to wiggle his hand off your wrist. "Well, you found me! Why don't you join us for some brain mushing drinks, babe?" It was the first time he didn't like a pet name you called him.
It was too... not you. Everything that you're doing now is not you.
"Please, let's just go home." His voice was almost begging, but you ignored him.
"Come on, me and my buddies haven't even been had our money's worth of beer." Kaeya pulled you from your seat, taking the bottle of wine out of your hand and onto the table.
"You're drunk and you need to go home, let's go back home, love."
And so you did. He supported you as you walked back home, and he couldn't deny how much he wanted to burst into tears when he saw you. It was pathetic really.
"Welcome home!"
"Look, look! I figured out a technique to make heart shaped pancakes without the little tool thingy."
"Love, you shouldn't drink too much! If I catch you drinking again, I'm gonna leave you lying on the side of the road."
"Good night, Kaeya! I love you..."
Words cannot describe how much he misses you.
He caressed your cheek as you slept next to him. "Good night, Y/N... I love you..."
"Please come back to me."
Wanted to upload something short and sweet (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
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lilisgardensblog · 10 months
(turned into neuvillette x reader)
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aside from the melusines being his children, I feel like his favorite animal is an otter (he looks so much like an otter it drives me crazy it's so adorable!!)
next hc is kinda neuvillette x reader btw
because of his cold appearance most people don't approach him. you are truly the first one to get to know his warm personality, rapidly becoming best friends
but soon the friendship became something more than just friendship. the little playful laughs turned into shy giggles as both of you were unsure of the other's feelings.
he started bringing your favorite flowers every time he'd come back from a trial to visit you. you were now looking forward to every trial and you were glad Fontaine people saw these trails as entertainment. that meant more flowers for you
sometimes if the trial takes a serious turn, your "friend" will come upset as the weather outside rapidly changes. it starts to pour as soon as the trial is over, making neuvillette arrive drenched but still holding your now soaked flowers
whenever he arrives by your door like this, you know something is not right. even tho he never told you, you had your own suspicions about the true identity of the hydro dragon, you were 99%sure it was him (you left that 1% for his confirmation)
"there, there, my hydro dragon" you'd comfort him in days like these. you always did this since the moment you met, at first simply because he has a hydro vision (and is built like a dragon), by now this soothing phrase becoming a habit
he always looks forward to your warm embrace and always says the same thing when he's finally at peace
"thank you...and im sorry for crying once again in front of you" he'll whisper the last part but as always you just hug him and tell him its no problem
but not this time. this time you hugged him and acted on impulse. no risk no gain, you thought before kissing his cheek.
"stop apologizing, neuv.... you know im always here for you. ive been here all these years and yet you still feel the need to apologize. you're more than welcome in my arms whenever you need so there's no need for apologies."
he was speechless. all he could do was lock his gaze with yours as both of you waited for the other one to speak up
you spoke up first trying to move on from the increasingly awkward moment "well anyways-"
he cuts you off "excuse my interruption,but you're right...mon chéri. " he said as he leaned closer, cupping your cheek with one hand
and at that moment you both knew there was no turning back
you kissed him, no longer able to wait for neuvillette to do it. it started slow and unsure at first, but soon both of you started kissing more hungrily for more, none of you getting enough
to your displeasure, he breaks the kiss only to softly whisper in your ear "I've waited so long to do this..."
" me too mon amour...."
and with that you both resumed your kissing as the sky cleared and stars shined brightly over Fontaine as the hydro dragon was at peace in his true love's arms
OMG I LOVED WRITING THIS NEUVILLETTE BRAINROT GOES BRRRR (sorry if there are any mistakes, I've wrote this in like 5 mins)
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letstripdotcom · 4 months
9:00am- matt sturniolo x fem!reader
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summary: it took a while for you to get used to matt. he was hard to read and could come off as mean. once you got to know him you guys started to become friends. after a long night out matt falls asleep in your bed.
warnings: smut bc you already knowwww
“y/n this is matt, matt this is y/n” my best friend nick explains. from what i heard, matt was a pretty cool person and i i was excited to meet him. “hey nice to meet you” i said cheerfully
“hey” he said flatly, giving me a flat smile. he walked off into the kitchen as nick and i got situated on the couch. that was rude. i thought to myself. matt definitely didn’t seem like the person nick had told me about.
after a while, matt had got situated on the couch with us and helped us pick out a movie. once we finally decided on a movie we all liked, we turned of the lights and got comfortable. matt sat on the other end of the couch and i cuddled up next to nick.
after the movie ended we were all hungry. we eventually decided on ihop, since it was the only thing open at this hour of the night. “i’ll drive.” i offered, getting my keys off the hook.
when we got to ihop i found myself trying to make small talk with matt, trying to see the side of him his triplet brothers saw. i eventually gave up on the conversation, feeling it was very one sided. we ate our food in almost pure silence, then left.
“i’m tired so i’m gonna head home. goodnight guys.” i said as we pulled into the driveway. i dropped the boys off and drove home. the whole drive all i could think about was the way matt acted. he definitely wasn’t the sweet guy i heard about.
i hung around matt more often, trying to figure him out, but almost seemed impossible. when i would go somewhere with him and his brothers, he would sit quietly and let them do the talking. conversations with him were almost impossible, because he would try to cut them as short as possible
one day i’m particular, you felt like you needed to know more about matt, and why acted the way he did towards you. you thought out what you were gonna say as you sat on the triplets couch.
“hey matt can we talk for a sec?” you whispered, trying to not be a distraction from the movie that was currently playing. “uh- yeah- i- sure” he stuttered, being caught off by your question. you guys got up and went into the kitchen.
you sighed, and decided to just rip off the bandaid. “is there a reason you don’t like me, or…?” you spoke. “what?” he asked. “i don’t know nick just tells me how sweet you are and all so i just get the feeling you don’t like me” he soaked in my words.
“i don’t not like you, it’s just hard” he paused “ you know, meeting new people, it’s hard to- i don’t know” he sighed, running a hand down his face. “sorry” he muttered.
“hey no it’s okay” i said reassuringly. “i didn’t mean to come at you like that. i guess i was just upset.” he smiled at me softly. “you’re cool, y/n and i would like to be your friend.” “yeah of course” i said semi-cheerfully. we went back to the couch and continued the movie.
after that day me and matt became much closer. we talked more often and we found out we actually had a lot in common. we both liked to read and write. we had the same music taste, and we disliked the same people.
one night, me and the triplets sat out by my pool and just talked. hours passed as we changed subjects, talking about life, friends, dreams, and anything you could imagine. “ok ladies i’m going to bed.” nick announced.
shortly after, chris got up too. “i actually have somewhere to be, so see you never” neither of us questioned where he might be going at three in the morning, and we continued our conversation.
“hey i’m hungry, wanna hit up ihop?” matt asked. “i’m so glad you said something because i’m starving.” we got in matt’s car and made the drive towards the restaurant. the whole way there was a blast. we blared music through the speakers and laughed about whatever.
we sat in the empty ihop for about an hour, laughing at the dumbest things before we decided the employees were tired of us. we went out to matt’s car and talked for another hour and a half in the ihop parking lot. we eventually got tired and drove back to mine.
we went up to my room, walking quietly past where nick was sleeping in the living room. “wow chris has been gone for a while” i pointed out. “yeah” matt sighed. we talked some more, the time now almost 6 in the morning. i looked at my phone then i looked over at matt who was passed out in my bed. i didn’t bother to move him so i just closed my eyes and went to bed.
at about 7 in the morning i woke up to feel matt’s arms snaked around my waist. i felt a strong sense of comfort like this, but his breathing on my neck made me slightly nervous.
without knowing i fell back asleep, and woke up at around 9, matt’s arms still around me. this time something was a little strange. i adjusted my position slightly, making me feel matt’s hard on. fuck. i sighed trying to go back to sleep and ignore it, but i could tell matt started to wake up.
“you okay matt?” i muttered, half asleep. he groaned and started to grind his hips into my ass, turning me on a little. “fuck y/n please” he whined. “please what?” i teased.
“m’ so hard” he whined “i need you” he placed his hands on my hips and grinded into me harder. “fuckkk feels so good” he whined. even tho i could probably get off to the sounds he was making alone, i decided to do something more.
i turned over, and pulled away, making him whine at the loss of contact. he looked at me with desperate eyes. “do you trust me?” i asked. “mhmm” he nodded frantically.
i threw one leg over him to where i was sitting on his lap. i pulled down his pants and boxers, just enough to release his dick. i took it in my hand and gave it a good squeeze, making him moan. i pumped it up and down a few times.
i then stood up and discarded of the clothes on my bottom half. i sat back down to the position i was in before. i rubbed him up and down my folds. he whined desperately under me. “let me fuck you” he pleaded.
“okay” i said, turning over as we switched positions. he was now on top as i lied under him. he placed sloppy kisses on my collar bone and chest.
he reached down and his thumb came in contact with my clit. he rubbed to slowly in circles. i moaned and threw my head back into the bed. he hit the sweet spot, making me squirm. when he noticed my actions, he rubbed that spot repeatedly til i came.
“fuck so pretty” he sighed, removing my shirt and bra. “ i wanna see all of you when i’m fucking you” he smirked.
without warning, he started to push into me. he gave me time to adjust before ramming into me forcefuly “fuck mattt, someone’s needy” i joked. he didn’t reply and just continued fucking into me.
he got so deep at one point that you can see it poking my stomach. “fuck matt just like that” i yelled, disregarding everyone sleeping downstairs. i gripped his back with my nails, slightly drawing blood.
“fuckkk- feels s-so good. i can feel you clenching pretty girl” he groaned “taking me so well.” i could hear his words forever. he looked down seeing my fucked out expression. “you doing okay baby?” i tried to come up words to answer his question. “mhmmm” is all i could say. he smiled at me and tucked a loose hair behind my hair.
he thrusted a few more times before i reached my orgasm. i breathed heavily, and raked my nails dow on his back, leaving bloody scratches all the way down. “cumming matt f-fuck” i managed to say as i came.
his orgasm wasn’t far behind. his thrusts started to become more sloppy. he whined and his face twisted as he came inside of me. he pulled out, the both of us breathing heavy. “good morning” he smiled. i rolled my eyes and laughed. “sorry bout your back”
a/n- the end sucks but i liked the majority of it😍
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ohdeerfully · 4 months
Alastor and reader singing jazz songs together and then reader dips Alastor and he gets all flustered? Like maybe reader notices that Alastor is having a sad time (without frowning of course he always smiles) and sings to cheer him up and then they dance together. Just general fluff? Thanks for having open requests! Remember to drink water and eat a snack!
Yess yes!! My first request >:)) i hope this was fluffy enough and not TOO ooc!
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Them There Eyes
Alastor x Reader (fluff)
TW: None here (:
join my discord!
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You knew Alastor better than you would care to admit. How come you, of all people, could tell when that ever-prominent smile he held was more strained than usual? You always noticed when his ears twisted slightly back, and when his brows wrinkled with an emotion he would never admit to feeling.
Was it that you knew him and just noticed these things? Or did he allow himself to loosen up his usual chipper façade around you? You honestly weren’t really sure, but you were definitely sure that something was not right with him as you watched him from the doorway of the radio tower he seemed to frequent more often lately.
He sat with his back against a red and black couch with an eye-themed pillow, one leg kicked up over the other and gently bouncing as he stared dismissively at the papers in front of him. His hands absentmindedly tossed that cane of his between his hands. You knew he was aware of your presence, probably long before you even entered the room. One couldn’t really sneak up on the famed Radio Demon. It was just strange that he had yet to acknowledge your presence.
Both of his ears flattened the slightest millimeter, but that was enough of a sign for you to finally enter the room, carefully stepping yourself to the side of the couch. You tilted your head and balanced on one foot as you tried to angle your body oh-so-inconspicuously in his line of sight.
With a look at his face, you saw that smile of his still stood strong against his sour mood, although it was a tight grin. Almost like a grimace. You straightened yourself out again and sat down on the arm of the couch, carefully not to get too close. You knew he tended to get claustrophobic, especially in this sort of state.
“Alastor,” You spoke, trying to make him acknowledge your existence. You saw that strain in his lips get even tighter, obviously not thrilled at you interrupting his brooding time. You remained silent, gently looking at him and watching the smallest movements of his ears, his lips, his eyes…
Finally, his red eyes closed and he heaved a sigh.
“(Y/N), as much as I take pleasure in your company…” He trailed, thinking about whether or not to shoo you away or let himself be so vulnerable in front of you. He decided neither option, and you watched as his whole demeanor changed in an attempt to stick that gleeful façade of his back up. “What prompted you to grace my evening with your presence?”
You knew better, obviously, than to believe that gleeful look on his face, especially after witnessing the state he was in literal seconds ago.
You eyed his perky grin. And that twitch of some sort of emotion that broke the corner of his lip. This guy… you thought, with a mental roll of your eyes.
With a motion for permission, which was given, you scooted down off the arm and next to him. Your fingers tenderly interlaced with his.
“You know,” You began, looking around the room and coming up with a scheme that was sure to put him in better spirits. His eyes followed your every move, flicking away from your face every now and then to see if there was anything of interest that had caught your eyes. “...I was listening to some songs on that old radio you gave me.”
This piqued his interest quickly. You could tell in the way his head tilted and his eyes squinted quizzically at you.
“I’m glad you are enjoying the gift, dearest,” He responded. The buzz of radio frequency in his voice was noticeably less prominent than usual, but it still stuck a tickling sensation to your skin. A sensation that had grown to be more comforting than irritating. “I assume there was something you enjoyed, to be bringing it up all of the sudden?”
“Yes,” You nodded at his question, a small hum of a sigh escaping your lips as you worked up some courage. “Stay here.”
Alastor obliged as you stood and took off down the hall. You were back only minutes later with said radio carefully gripped between your fingers.
Of course, seeing as it was a gift from the Radio Demon, the majority of the music the radio played was old jazz music. It was fun background noise usually, though, so you had quickly learned how to tune and play the thing.
You gently turned a nob, and then another, adjusting the frequency and volume of the radio. Alastor watched, a slight hint of admiration in his gaze as you fiddled with the gift he had given you. He couldn’t help but feel a greedy sense of pride knowing you liked it so much.
A tune began to play through the black mesh front, and you tugged on Alastor’s hand as an upbeat band got straight to the point in their song. You noticed a glint in the demon’s eyes and a genuine smirk quirking his lips.
You held each other’s hands, loosely jerking your arms and stepping towards, away, towards each other to the rapid tempo of the song. Alastor seemed to recognize the song, likely something from his own life, as he sang along to the voice in the radio. You were able to join in with your own makeshift humming.
You felt your chest inflate with the joy of seeing that genuine smile return to his face, and that recognizable crinkle in his eyes that you knew meant he wasn’t just putting up his usual front. Those eyes of his made your stomach flutter, especially when they looked down at you with a softness that only you knew.
He twisted you around him, and you rapidly stepped your feet in a circle to the song. You were starting to lose breath, but you ignored it for the sake of keeping up with the man in front of you. Who, unsurprisingly, had great stamina for this kind of thing.
Without thinking too much, with a trill of an instrument in the band, you stuck your leg between Alastor’s and curled your elbow and forearm over his waist, using your hand to push his torso down and against your leg, successfully dipping the vastly taller demon over.
The position was held for a moment, with your eyes locked on his widened. Your chest heaved as you tried to catch your breath. He seemed barely winded. You wouldn’t dare point it out, but the gray color of his face had begun to dust with a warm blush as he was held precariously over your leg. At some point in the move, his hand had come up to grab the back of your neck. Prickling sensations rolled up and down at the feeling of his sharpened nails digging gently into your skin.
You inched your face towards his, watching his expression for any signs of rejection. When there wasn’t, you lightly pressed your lips against his, and you felt him grin against the kiss. He pushed himself up and on his feet, though maintaining a bent at the waist to keep his lips against yours.
How strange it was, you thought, being like this with one of the most feared overlords in Hell.
Breaking away, he straightened himself and smoothed down his clothes and brushed away imaginary dust. That smile of his was back, real this time. 
“Why, what a treat you are, my dear!” He exclaimed, grabbing his cane from the couch and leaning on it as he crossed one leg over the other, examining your exhausted and slightly disheveled state.
Usually, you would take care to smooth down your hair and straighten out your shirt. Momentarily, though, you just cared to see that genuine look of happiness on your demon’s face. Not that Alastor cared about your current state, of course. 
Another song began to play through the radio, and Alastor bowed and flourished his hand out towards you. You had only just caught your breath, but you took his hand again anyway and he tugged you towards him.
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s1utlvr · 5 months
I know places ↟
Clarisse La rue X reader
a/n: I DONT KNOW WHAT IM DOING?? But I’m yeah here’s this heavily Taylor swift inspired some heated making out but nothing more cliffhanger enjoy or don’t idk man
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Dating Clarisse La rue was a bad idea.
It’s all anyone could tell you the moment you fell for her, even Clarisse herself tried to talk you out dating her.
But there was nothing she could do or say that could make you not want her.
The way her lips felt against yours, the way her hands brushed against your body, the way she made you felt when it was just you and her, no amount of rumors could change the way you felt about her.
“Loose lips sink ships all the damn time, but not this time.”
Tonight was a night like any other, you were at the bonfire grabbing a drink your girlfriends hands on your waistline and like always the vultures that were your fellow campers had some things to say.
They’d never say anything not to your faces atleast everyone was too scared of Clarisse, but the way they stared made it seem like you two were monsters begging to be hunted. You tried not to care but that part just always seemed to infuriate you.
“Wandering eyes?” Your girlfriend whispered into your ear noticing your expression.
You nodded rolling your eyes and then moving your eyes back onto your girlfriend.
“Hey you wanna go somewhere?” You asked sipping at your drink trying to get rid of the feeling that you were prey to your peers.
“Is it that bad?” She asked her hand moving and making its way to cup your cheek.
“No it’s just-gods it pisses me off like it’s been months and this shit is still happening” you said a bit of frustration in your voice. Clarisse hated seeing you like this but she had to admit, you’re hot when you’re angry.
“Where’d you have in mind?”
“I know places”
“After you then” Clarrise smirked chucking your cup into the trash before following closely behind you into the forest.
You had discovered this spot your first day at camp while trying to find your way around for the first time. What you thought was a shortcut turned out to be a path straight to a creek deep into the forest, you were lost for two hours until your protector found you. The creek was calming, secluded, even when your were lost. And since that day had been your spot. Once you and clarisse got together you were more than glad to share it with her. Sure you had plenty of spots but this was your favorite, you knew no one could ever get to you here.
You sat down against a rock by the water clarisse following next to you as you watched the moonlights reflection on the water.
“I thought people would’ve moved on by now” you said as you shifted to look at your girlfriend resting your head on her shoulder.
“I wouldn’t stop talking about you either” She teased.
“You know what I mean” you scoffed. “Why do people have to care so much about who I date?”
“Well it’s hard not to be obsessed with you” Clarisse said pulling you closer so you were on top of her.
“You’re impossible” you chuckled as you rolled your eyes at her, her hands resting comfortably on your waist.
“Ouch?” She said as she dramatically clutched her heart. “You sound just like them”
“Well most of the rumors are true aren’t they?” You laughed as she pulled you in the feeling of your lips pressed together sending electricity through your body before she pulled away, her breath heavy as she spoke.
“Please you know wouldn’t trade this for the world, it’s always gonna be me.”
It was true. You’d hide from the world for the rest of your life if you could feel like this forever.
Her hand moved up to your waist as she pulled you back in continuing to kiss you. You could tell she was desperate, needy, she wanted to shut everyone out just as much as you did.
It was cause of this that it came as a surprise when she pulled away abruptly.
“Did you hear that?” She whispered panically
“Hear what-?”
The sound of leaves crunching filled the forest.
Shit.shit shit shit. was all could think as you tried to get off of her. Was it an animal? Was it a monster? Was it a person? How long had it been there?
The sound of leaves got closer.
“Come on” she whispered looking behind the rock you two were sitting against.
“Where?” You asked frantically.
“Just grab my hand and don’t ever drop it.”
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princessroraa · 1 year
until i found you.
eddie munson x shy!reader
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eddie munson knew everyone in the small town of hawkins, indiana. or at least he thought he did. it was a normal tuesday at hawkins high school when eddie was sitting with his friends from the hellfire club discussing the next campaign as per usual in the school cafeteria. he was laughing at a stupid joke one of the boys made before his eyes landed upon what he believed to be the most beautiful girl his cynical eyes have ever come across. she was sitting at a lunch table by herself with a chapter book in front of her and she seemed greatly interested in whatever she was reading. her eyebrows were furrowed and her tongue poked out of her mouth as she read what was in front of her. 
eddie knew it was weird to stare, but he just could not help himself. “dude, what are you staring at…oh god” dustin henderson trailed off as he watched eddie get up from his seat and make his way over to the girl’s table. the hellfire club watched in anticipation, wondering which way this was going to go. eddie sat down in front of her and she pulled her attention from the book in front of her. even up close, she was just as beautiful. she watched as his chocolate brown eyes widened and he gulped a bit. “i-uh… what are you reading?” he asked nervously as he fiddled with the rings on his fingers. 
she could feel her heartbeat quicken with each second. she never would have thought that the cutest guy in school would just walk up to her and start a conversation. “um..the princess bride.” she spoke. her voice was so soft and sweet, eddie swore he could have collapsed right then and there. they sat there for a split second, gazing into each other’s eyes. at that moment, it didn’t even feel like they were in public. “i-i’m eddie by the way. leader of the infamous hellfire club” he introduced. she smiled. a beautiful genuine smile. 
“yes, the hellfire club. i’ve seen you guys around” she said. eddie felt his heart immediately skip a beat. “you’ve seen us around, huh? don’t know how i could miss such a beautiful face” he smirked. he watched as her cheeks tinted a light red shade and she looked down at her closed book with a smile on her face. “you’re cute” she chuckled. her eyes immediately widened at the words that slipped past her lips while eddie smiled so hard his dimples were visible. 
“hm.. well, you think i’m cute and i think you’re absolutely breathtaking so..would you wanna get some coffee with me sometime?” eddie asked, holding in a nervous breath. her heart was doing somersaults at this point. she’d had a crush on the metalhead since the beginning of her freshman year and now, here she was being asked out by him. eddie waited for her response with a heart full of hope. she nodded her head. “i’d love to” she smiled and eddie let out that breath he was keeping in. “good, good..i’m glad” he smiled at her.
it was that exact weekend they went on their coffee date. they talked and got to know each other to the point where there was nothing left to tell. eddie admired her love for books and cliche movies while she admired his love for music and dungeons and dragons. ever since that date, their friendship grew quickly. it seemed that no matter where eddie was, you could always find her by his side, following him around like a lost puppy. and eddie absolutely adored it. he never thought a girl would enjoy being around him as much as she did. 
she didn’t care for the way people viewed him. she didn’t care for the weird looks she received from other students in the hallways. to the town, he was a “freak”. but to her, he was the sweetest angel she had ever crossed paths with. and eddie seemed to grow fiercely protective of her once he came to notice how emotionally sensitive she could be and how she wasn’t necessarily a social butterfly. after a few months of hanging out nearly every day, their friendship started to change. but not in a negative way. they both looked at each other in a way he didn’t understand. it was a look of admiration and love. one day after school, eddie drove her to lovers lake where he already had a picnic laid out on the grass with a soft blanket. 
he held her hand as they walked over to the little setup. they sat there until the sun began to set. they talked, laughed, ate snacks, and flirted with each other. as she stared at the beautiful sunset, eddie took this as a chance to make his move. he gently put a finger under her chin and turned her head softly to look at him.
 he didn’t miss the way her cheeks turned a light shade of pink. “can I kiss you?” he asked. their faces were so close that their lips were already brushing. she almost immediately nodded her head. “yeah..please” her voice came out in almost a whisper. in that moment with their lips pressed against each other, eddie swore he could melt. he loved how soft her lips were. how perfectly they both moved together in sync when kissing. “i never thought i’d ever fall in love until i found you” he mumbled with a smile as his forehead rested on hers.
just wanna say, i haven’t written anything in such a long time so, i’m so sorry if this is horrible. but thank you for taking the time to read it ♡
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ramonathinks · 6 months
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who’s your god? — geto suguru (oneshot; no part two)
summary: suguru geto is the reincarnation of a powerful god or so he claims, using his abilities to prey on as many weak minded housewives as he can.
warnings: (18+, minors/ageless/blank blogs will be blocked) mention of church/religion, sex, adultery, cult like themes, sacrilege(?), begging, pet names (good girl, slut), corruption, finger sucking, public sex, people are watching, geto refers to himself as god, spanking, manipulation, race isn’t mentioned but i envision all my y/n’s as black so yeah. yes, repostttt
A-are you sure?” You swallow and gulp, staring at the man in front of you. His dark hooded eyes staring back at you.
“I have no reason to lie to you.” He says in a hushed tone as your husband walks up the stairs. With every painful creek of the staircase you can’t help but to wince. “Your purity… is in danger, has been for a long time… many of those in higher powers have spoke to me, they do want to help you to remain pure… to be in a good standing of course. That’s why I’m here.”
“Is there anything I can do?” With pleading eyes and shaky hands you scoot closer to him. You children deserved a pure mother, one to help them cross over when the time approached. You longed to be reunited with your husband when time was right.
“Why, of course.” He did a sly slimy smile. “We’ll sit some time aside and pray on this together at the temple.”
“Thank you. Thank you so much sir– eh, master geto.” You could see his lip curl at the name change and seen his nails dig into him palms. Pulling out a simple cross necklace from the insides of his black robe, he handed it to you, placing it into the center of your palm and closing your hand to form a fist.
“Keep this. Wear it. Don’t take it off until we next meet. It’s vital for the ritual we’ll have to preform.”
So you did. You wore it everywhere and didn’t take it off. Anything to keep your purity safe. You showed with it on, wore it underneath all your shirts and dresses.
“The gods spoke to me,” A phone call on the early morning after three weeks had passed. “It’s time.” It wasn’t even dawn yet, just a little past 3am and you were drowsy. “Wear something light. Very thin.”
You swallowed and looked over yourself, all of the sudden nervous and self conscious. Your body a bit more full and plum since the birth of two babies, everything thin you owned was tight against your body.
But you slipped into a long sleeved dark old dress you owned, that covered your entire body and hugged your figure.
You couldn’t help but feel so out of place and so weird when you walked into the sacred temple. Masked and cloaked individuals stood still, you could barely tell that they were breathing yet alone alive.
Swallowing, you made your way to the center of the temple, where you knew Geto would be waiting.
He stood with great posture and a small cross between his fingers, pressing his lips against it before rubbing his fingers against it, up and down. Your core tingled and you gripped the sides of your dress, feeling too hot to keep walking. Your knees buckled and your hands clutched at the wall by your side.
“Master Geto, he—lp!” You slipped and fell to the floor, landing with a small oof that left your mouth. A buzzing sensation on your clit and even feeling a rough hand on your folds. Massaging and pulling them apart.
“Just let it over take you. Just be glad, I didn’t do this while your husband was around. I’m being mighty merciful to you, my dear.” His voice is a shiver up your spine and his presence overtakes you, you feel him all over and he hasn’t even walked over to you yet.
“Tell me, my dear…” His voice cures your ails, making every moment more breathable again. “If I told you that the only way to keep your purity intact would be the touch of a god, would you still be willing?” His voice is sly and cocky.
You squeeze your eyes tightly, a light relief of touch making you moan heavily before it’s quickly snatched away. “That was just a taste, a small taste of purity that could welcomed back into your little soul.”
Something stirred up inside of your chest and a heavy weight made you groan, making you painfully uncomfortable and aware of just what you were missing.
“I need it.” You voice hoarse and detached, you weren’t sounding like yourself. “I’d do anything for it—!” You voice faded.
You felt several hands on you all at once but nobody was there. Solar bright hotness scarred your chest while the cross marked itself into your skin, the smell of burnt flesh all around you.
As if hours had passed, Geto finally approached you. Putting your head in his lap. He crouched and whispered in your ear, “I’m going to fuck the purity back into you.” Licking the insides of your ear before biting and sucking on the lobe. “You’ll be clean again.” He promised.
Slipping your dress up and removing your dainty underwear. “Already so soaked. You’re already ready for me.” His finger caressed your lips and he kissed you. His tongue licking throughout your mouth and sucking on every inch of your tongue.
Cloaked and masked individuals circled around you both and you clang into his grasp, shivering.
“They have to watch. They have to be here.” He explained calmly. “They’re praying over us, praying for you and your purity… shall I ask again, if you really want this? Remember the feeling that you felt…” That feeling was all you could think about, his touch and his voice amplifying everything.
He knew you wanted it. Hanging it over your head. Watching you pant and groan, your thighs sticky and your head spinning. “Please… you know I need it.”
“What would you husband think of you now…” he twists his fingers in your mouth, drawing them in and out. “Watching you beg like a little slut for me to fuck you… would he like it?”
You couldn’t bare to answer. “Please just fuck me already…” you pleaded with him, your eyes clouded with lust, his filled with sin and all he could do was drink it up.
The dizziness continued as the people watching stepped closer, you gulped and trembled, feeling like you can’t breathe.
“I’m going to give you exactly what you need to be pure again.” He pulls his robe off quickly and your eyes follow. His body sculpted to perfection, lean and a perfect built. Your eyes trailed down to his cock and you tried not to moan aloud.
Long and girthy with a dark pink tip, standing curved and full at your attention. You swallowed hard.
Leaning over you, he rubs himself between your cool wet gooey folds, lining his cock against your entrance. “Ready?” He murmurs and your eyes look between his then to his cock before you look to the lingering eyes around you.
“Yes. I’m ready.” Your voice strong and steady as your hands grab at his shoulders.
He slipped between your thighs and all of the heat and sweat around your body disappeared when a small moan left your lips. His cock completely splitting you open and his fingers digging into your thighs. Your legs spread wide as his hips thrust forward, hard.
Burying his nose into your neck he does a deep laugh. His hips wild with ever thrust, the splashy wetness from your pussy echoing around the temple. Moans bounce around with each time he plunges in and out of you.
Clenching around him, he groans, pulling himself out before quickly tapping his cock against your wet folds that open wide for him. He feeds your deprived insides his merciful cock with a sinister smile before he says:
“Tell me, who’s your fucking god now? Huh? Who do you belong to? Who is fucking you, hm? Who’s fucking this pussy pure?”
Gripping his shoulders harder and meeting his thrust you finally whisper, “You… you are, master Geto.”
His hips stutter when you tighten up on him, “Oh, so tight… so fucking tight.” He squeezed your thighs and ram inside of you, both of your moans loud. “Gonna fucking cum inside this pretty pussy.” He promises, jerking his hips and fucking deeper inside of your core.
Feeling every twitch from you, he uses two fingers to rub at your needy swollen clit. “Oh you like that? You like when I fuck this flower open?”
He plants kisses up and down your throat. “Please just…” you lock your legs around his waist, tightly. Wetness sliding down your thighs.
He shutters and sighs, rocking his hips and thrusting harder inside. His eyes intense as they glare down at you. “Such a good girl,” He says, his voice guff and his cock throbbing hard.
Your nails dig into his skin and your pussy squirts as he works his way in and out of you.“Take it.” He tip kissing your womb ever so gently before he’s pounding inside again, watching your thighs jiggle with every moment.
“Take my cum.” He growls, stilling over you. His body shakes and so goes yours, once his cum is planted inside of you, your body feels cool again.
Panting, you look into his dark eyes. “Am I pure?” Your eyes shining with hope and pleasure.
“Far from it.” He says and your face falls. “Turn around.”
Embarrassed and confused, you turn on your stomach.
You feel his rough hands touching on your ass and squeezing the plushness of it before he does the unexpected. A loud slap rings throughout the temple and you grown in pain. “Count.” He does another one to the opposite cheek.
“O-one…” Your soaked folds growing even wetness. “Two…”
Rubbing his cock between your ass he does another slap. “Three—!”
“I’m going to have my way with you for the rest of the day… until you physically can’t anymore.” He says with a deep chuckle. “Ready?”
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shoot-the-oneshot · 3 months
What a joke
Travis Kelce x Reader
prompt 88 “you? beat me? What a joke” requested by @sorryidonttreatulikeagoddess hope you like it!
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“Oh come on!” Travis shouted, throwing his hands in the air while you smiled in victory.
It was date night every week you would both turn off the phones and spend time together and this week it was pizza a chess, while it doesn’t happen often this is when you’re reminded how sore of a loser he is, and you loved it.
“It was one game don't get cocky.” He grumbled seeing your facial expression
“It was five games actually baby, but dont worry you’re still the checkers master.” You giggled picking up the plates to take them to the kitchen Travis following not far behind.
“Listen sweetie I’ll let you have this win but just remember I’ll win any other game.” You could feel his smug smile even before you turned around. Matching his position you leaned back against the counter and folded your arms.
“Any game you say?” You prodded, knowing it would draw him in, doing exactly that he stepped forward pinning you with his arms caging you against the counter, leaning in to whisper in your ear. “Any game.”
“Even football?” His laugh echoed through the kitchen. “You? Beat me, at football? What a joke”
You waited for him to sober up before continuing with the idea in your head. Travis straightened little laughs escaping his lips. “I’m serious put your team together and I’ll pick mine, we can make a whole thing of it and donate to a charity of the winning teams choosing.”
You had his full attention as you spoke of course you would turn a competition into a good thing and he loved you a little more for it. He thought it over but you knew by the smile on his face he was in.
“Better get your team together because it’s on.” He held his and out to shake but the second your palm touched his, he pulled you into his chest. “May the best team win.” He whispered against you lips before pulling away and immediately going for his phone no doubt calling Pat, good thing you had your own phone calls to make.
You waited until you heard the shower turn on before your struck. Running as quietly as possible into Travis’s office, grabbing his headphones Jasons face popped back up on screen.
“Heyyy Y/N hows it going.” He boasted you’re glad you were wearing headphones or Travis definitely would’ve heard.
“Hi it’s good soooo I’m assuming you’ve heard about the game between Travis and i?” You asked pleading tone seeing him shake his head “Sorry i already told Trav i would play for him.”
“Oh come on.” You begged before a lighbulb went off. “What do you like more, supporting your brother or beating him?”
You watched as it sunk in your fingers tapping anxiously on the desk as you waited.
“So I have some ideas for our jerseys.” And just like that you had a center.
After months of planing the day has come you were decked out in the shiny gold Jersey Jason wanted standing across from Travis and Patrick on the field.
“The time has come baby you can back out now” Travis sang, ever for the dramatic he announced every member of his team as if it was a UFC match. Which to no surprise to you included most of the chiefs players.
“I think you’ll change your tune after you meet my team.” You smiled, taking the microphone from the announcer.
Thank you for everyone coming out to support a good cause and to watch Travis lose against my team today,” you paused looking to the stands as people cheered.
For our center may i introduce… Jason Kelce!!” He ran out of the tunnel to stand next to you while Travis dropped his jaw. “You said you had an interview with ESPN today!” Travis yelled pointing.
Jason shrugged “I probably will after this.”
“My own brother that’s cold” you smirked at his words moving on to the next players
“And next up on defense we have all the way from Miami, Jaelan Phillips! And the cheetah!” (Go watch hard knocks episode 2 trust me)
“And the man who broke the internet with his skims campaign…NICK BOSA!!” Travis rolled his eyes knowing the small crush you had on Bosa before you got together.
“Now for the quarterback. I know we needed something big and might i say i think we delivered.” You paused for dramatic effect, you saw Travis glance at Pat to make sure he wasn’t pulling a switch like his brother.
“The only man to have beaten Patrick Mahomes in the playoffs..Joe Burrow!!” The Crowd erupted as he came running out coming to stand on your other side. you met eyes with Travis “You can back out now baby” pulling his words back on him handing the mic back to the announcer to do his thing while you left your team to run to the sidelines with Kylie. “Now this will be a good game.” She spoke actually wearing the golden jersey which surprised you since she only wears eagles gear but as she said it wasn’t a real team so it doesn’t count.
“Let’s just hope they win.”
(I do not know enough about football to write the game but I’m learning)
Later that night you and Travis found yourselves back on the couch large trophy sitting on the coffee table. “You, beat me at football what a joke.” You repeated in a comically deep voice while giggling.
“Yeah yeah next week we’re playing checkers.” He pouted with his arms crossed gearing at your trophy. “If you promise not to throw a chair this time sure” You joke ending with a yelp as he lunges at you.
Hey guys my first time writing NFL hope yall liked it check out my other works here
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mellowsadistic · 1 month
The Flower Girl - Part 1
Grace is getting married and she’s determined not to let Jessica, her husband-to-be’s ex, ruin the wedding. But if this is her big day, why is she being dressed as the flower girl?
Grace was walking around the reception, greeting her guests, when she spotted her out of the corner of her eye. Jessica. Grace had invited her out of politeness, but she’d really hoped the woman wouldn’t come. What was she thinking, turning up here? Surely she’d known Grace hadn’t really wanted her to be at her wedding!
She was talking with Sophie, one of Grace’s old schoolfriends, and Sophie seemed to be listening raptly to whatever it was she was saying.
Grace continued to wander around, accepting congratulations and beaming at everyone, tossing her beautiful blonde hair behind her and feeling like the prettiest woman in the room. Eventually she reached Sophie herself.
“Hi, Sophie!” she said. “I’m so glad you could make it!”
“Hi sweetie!” Sophie said, turning to look at her. She spoke in an oddly high-pitched, overly-enthusiastic voice, like she was talking to a nursery-schooler. “Are you looking forward to the ceremony?”
Grace didn’t know what to say. She’d been expecting Sophie to say ‘congratulations’. Why the hell was she talking in such a stupid way? “Uh, yes!” she managed, deciding it was best to just ignore her friend’s odd behaviour. “I’ve been waiting for this for so long! I hope it’s everything I imagined!”
“Awww!” Sophie cooed. Grace felt herself going red. Was Sophie mocking her? “That’s so cute! Are you going to wear a pretty dress, honey?”
“Uh, yes of course. I… In fact, I’d better go and get dressed now. It takes a while and I need my bridesmaids to help.”
“Of course you do,” Sophie said patronisingly.
“Well… See you later, Sophie!”
“Bye-bye, cutie!” Sophie waved.
Grace turned and walked away. What was that about?! She frowned, thinking. Jessica had been talking to Sophie not long ago. Could she have convinced Sophie to talk to her like that for some reason? Grace hoped the most special day of her life wasn’t going to be tainted by some stupid practical joke. But she couldn’t imagine Sophie taking part of something like that. Sophie had never even liked Jessica!
It was probably just nerves, Grace told herself, trying to push the matter from her mind. She needed to get her bridesmaids and go into the back to change into her wedding dress. She felt excitement bubbling up inside her. She’d never really stopped fantasising about the perfect wedding, ever since she was a little girl, and now she was finally getting it! And Rob was the most wonderful man she’d ever met. She flushed at the thought of her gorgeous husband-to-be. She wouldn’t see him until she walked down the aisle though. She wanted everything to be perfect.
“Good luck, Gracie!” someone said to her as she made her way through the crowd, and she smiled awkwardly back in the general direction of the voice. She hated being called Gracie - she wasn’t a two-year-old for goodness sake! But nothing was going to ruin her good mood today. She was determined of that.
She slipped past a group of guests and found the people she was looking for; Olivia, Caroline, and Annie. Her three bridesmaids. At least the three of them were acting normally. They hurried up to her the moment they saw her, looking almost as excited as she felt.
They put their heads together, giggling.
“Ready?” asked Olivia, grinning.
Grace grinned back and nodded.
The four of them moved through the guests and into a room in the back of the venue where Grace could get changed. Her wedding dress was hanging on a clothes rack waiting for her. She beamed at it. It was beautiful – pure white, of course, with a floral-patterned bodice and a flowing, floor-length skirt. Elegant and sophisticated, sexy but still classy. The perfect dress.
Grace would barely contain her excitement as Olivia, Caroline, and Annie helped her change into it. She couldn’t take her eyes off the mirror in front of her as she was steadily transformed into the bride she’d dreamed about being ever since she was a little girl.
She was almost done when Caroline suddenly said “Oh!”
“What?” Grace asked, worried something had gone wrong.
“Your veil! I think your mother has it. Or maybe it’s still in the car…”
“Don’t panic,” Olivia soothed, seeing Grace’s face. “The three of us will go and look for it. I’m sure it’s around. We’ll be right back.”
Her bridesmaids left the room, leaving Grace alone. But a few moments later, the door opened, and Jessica stepped inside.
“Hi sweetie!” she said, with a smile that didn’t reach her eyes.
“Hello Jessica,” said Grace, looking at her warily.
“Don’t you look pretty!” Jessica cooed, but her eyes were sparkling malevolently. “Looking forward to walking down the aisle?”
“Listen Jessica,” said Grace firmly, “whatever it is you’re here for, whatever you’ve got planned…”
“Planned?” asked Jessica, cocking her head.
“I just don’t want you ruining things by trying to make this all about you,” Grace said coldly. “This is a very special day for me.”
“Of course it is, Gracie,” Jessica said. Her smile widened. “The wedding couldn’t happen without you!” She let out a light, tinkling laugh, and then she turned and left the room.
Grace scowled. Gracie again. And she didn’t like the way Jessica had been smiling. Did she really not have anything planned? They’d been friends once, but Grace had got together with Rob shortly after he’d broken up with Jessica, and Jessica hadn’t liked that one bit. Grace remembered Jessica screaming at her, calling her a big-titted whore who’d stolen her boyfriend.
Grace adjusted her large breasts in her wedding dress. It was true she had a better figure than Jessica, but she hardly thought that mattered. She and Rob had been meant for each other, and that was all there was to it.
What else was it that Jessica had said to her? Stupid little girls shouldn’t steal other people’s things, that was it. Grace smirked. Rob was hers now anyway. They were getting married and there was nothing Jessica could do about it. She’d only been invited in the first place because it would have seemed rude not to invite her after Grace had invited all her other old friends – it would make it seem like she was the one still carrying a grudge.
Grace shook her head. What was she doing? She shouldn’t even be thinking about Jessica right now. Not on her big day! She admired herself in the mirror, picturing how she’d look walking smoothly down the aisle on the best day of her life.
Minutes past, and her bridesmaids still hadn’t returned. But just when Grace was starting to get worried, the door opened again. She look around eagerly as Olivia and Caroline stepped into the room, but her smile faltered when they were closely followed not by Annie, but by Jessica. She was holding something white and semi-transparent in her arms. Was that stupid bitch carrying her veil?! Hadn’t she got the message that she wasn’t wanted?
But as Jessica stepped forward, Grace realised the thing she was holding wasn’t a veil at all. It was a dress. A very different dress from the beautiful, elegant, sophisticated wedding dress she was currently wearing.
“What’s going on?” asked Grace. She’d just noticed that her two bridesmaids were looking at her rather strangely. They were both smiling, but Olivia was shaking her head from side to side, like a kindergarten teacher amused by the antics of a misbehaving toddler, and Caroline was looking at her with the same sort of sickeningly sweet eagerness that Grace had seen earlier on Sophie’s face. “What are you…?”
“Come on, sweetie,” Jessica interrupted, and her eyes were glinting darkly. “It’s time to get you into your proper clothes. That’s enough playing pretend. I need my wedding dress for my big day.” She smiled broadly. “But don’t worry. I’ve found something much more appropriate for you to wear!"
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venusoracle · 6 months
pac: winter wishes from your future spouse
this winter, what message does your future spouse have for you? pick a card for a message and chanelled christmas song from your future spouse <3
take only what resonates, this is a general reading
reblogs and likes would be really appreciated! :) i would love to hear which one you picked!
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♫₊˚.🎧 ✩。 come out and play - billie eilish
hi, my love. how are you? i wanted to let you know -  i wish you could see your full potential. your shyness is cute and i love that you’re introverted because we get along so well (and i actually keep imagining us going on dates and your cheeks being all flushed... so cute) but i wanna encourage you to be more confident sometimes. you are beautiful and strong and i love you. i understand that when you were younger, people were harsh to you when they spoke to you, but i want you to know that it’s okay to stand up for yourself. i’m proud of you and i’m proud of you for wanting to heal your inner child. i know it’s scary and it feels difficult to face your fears… but i promise that your life will change for the better. don’t be intimidated and don’t listen to other people, you’re stronger than you think. i love you, you’ve got this, hang in there, the cold will be over soon.
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♫₊˚.🎧 ✩。 santa tell me - ariana grande
hey darling!! you’ve been working so hard recently and been so focused, i really admire it. but baby, please don’t get too obsessive with academic / work validation - you are so much more than that, especially to me. i feel like you’re my soulmate and i know that it’s part of my destiny to meet you, do i sound cheesy? anyways, you inspire me to keep working on my goals and to be resilient when i want to give up. your kindness and loving heart already support me during tough times. i can’t wait to meet you, i’ve been waiting so long and i’m so excited to build a future together with you.
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♫₊˚.🎧 ✩。 love to keep me warm - laufey and dodie
oh baby, i’m sorry that people have betrayed you in the past. you don’t deserve that at all. you’ve been manifesting me and i’m glad that i’ve been helping you in a way… when we meet, i'm gonna feel complete because i know we’ll accept each other for who we are. have you been shutting yourself off from meeting people, love? i feel like you are for some reason :( i know it’s daunting to think that you might get treated badly again but you are a beautiful person who deserves to make meaningful connections. don’t hide away, you’ve got this. also this is hella random but you remind me of a princess :) do i sound creepy? possibly but whatever, don't forget to wear your scarf.
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♫₊˚.🎧 ✩。 christmas tree farm - taylor swift
i feel kinda shy tbh… hello, i hope you’re doing well. i’m normally not an emotional person but i’m learning how to communicate better recently. i want to change myself for the better cuz firstly, i wanna be successful and also cuz i’m probably gonna have to fight for you lol. anyways, i’m not giving up. take care and stay warm, don't get sick and i'll see you around.
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bangchansgirlsblog · 7 months
another random idea.. Fem 9th member maknae reader who secretly smokes and gets caught by one of the boys who later snitches and tells chan. Reader and Chan fall out and she storms out of the dorms and ends up staying in her apartment instead to let off some steam. She realised how bad the smoking was for her health and how much it impacted her social life so she first to JYP and they send her to rehab + puts her on hiatus for two months because of rehab. Chan thinks it’s his fault for the hiatus as none of the members were told that she was going to rehab. They later find out and when Reader returns back from rehab/hiatus they all tell her how proud they are of her?
(sorry for the LONGGGG paragraph, i didn’t intend for it to be this long🧍‍♀️)
My biggest problem.
Okay maybe I got carried away a little and changed it a little but yeah forgive me 😜
Y/n started smoking when she was 15.
She didn't know that she was eventually going to be a trainee the year after.
It was never part of her plan but when they scouted her when she was at the mall with her mum, it was a new chapter in her story and her mum begged for her to try it out. As her training days began and she tried to quit she found that she couldn’t go a day without smoking.
She was already addicted to it.
Her habit became stronger and stronger as the days got harder.
6 hours dance practice, 4 hours vocal and 2 hours media training. She found her self sneaking out for smokes during short breaks or before leaving the dorms for any type of schedule.
It sucked that she couldn't get out of it and it was affecting her.
At this point she didn’t even want to stop because if she did her body would fail.
1:45 pm, New York City.
"Alright people let's get started shall we?" The instructor walked onto the stage and stood at the edge waiting for everyone to get in place.
Y/n put her water bottle down and walked over to the group to get into her place so they could start practicing for the show that would happen the next day.
"Y/n and I.N I want more energy from the both of you please," Chan told the two maknae's. He was stood in the back analyzing everything to make sure it was on point.
The two nodded and stood ready to start. The sound of Charmer filled the whole stadium and their bodies started to move with the music. Their vocals being on point and their dancing being better than the last.
"What do you think?" The manager asked Chan. He was now stood down off stage looking at a different point of you. The rest of the band gasping for air.
"It was okay, I liked it but the lighting crew need to do better because I can barely see Felix in the back." He pointed and waved as he spoke. Trying to show the manager what he was imagining.
Y/n saw this as an opportunity to slip away for a bit for a short smoke break. She needed it. Her hands were shaking and her body couldn't really function due to the fuck she was going through withdrawals.
"Chan, may I use the washroom?" Her voice was timid but Chan was used to it and was able to hear her over his earpeaces.
"Yeah you can, five minutes yeah?" He replied. "Do you need one of the boys to come with you-"
"No no no it's fine," she replied fast, way to fast for Chan's liking.
"Okay," he squinted his eyes in suspicion but let it go.
She grabbed her bag and made her way through the different hallway. Making sure no one was in sight, she slipped through the backdoor to the back way alley.
It was quiet. No one was there and she was glad. She let go of the sign that lingered in her chest and pulled out the pack of cigs that laid neatly in her small pouch.
Her hands shook as she grabbed one cigarette and put it between her lips where she lit it and took a big puff.
Her body relaxed as the smoke filled her lungs. Her brain that was going hellfire was now calm and relaxed as well.
She thought she was safe when she reached for the second one. None of the boys had called her phone and it had been about 5 minutes.
"Just one more," she thought to herself.
"Y/n?" a voice called right by her ear causing her to jump and drop the pack of cigs.
"What are you doing?" She turned to look at Hyunjin who was visibly angry.
His eyebrows were furrowed and his lips were sealed tightly together.
"Hyunjin what are you doing here?" She asked as she got on her knees trying to collect the cigarettes that were now scattered all over.
"What do you mean what are you doing here? What are YOU doing here Y/n? And why are you smoking? Have you gone mad? Does Chan know about this?" He questioned standing there in shock.
"No,no Chan doesn't know about this and you're not telling him," Y/n hushed him trying to stop him from shouting and yelling.
"I think you've actually gone insane! Ofcourse I'm telling Chan,” he grabbed the cigarettes from Y/n's hand and threw them back to the ground where he stomped all over them.
"Inside. Now." He said through gritted teeth. Y/n was scared, it was visible. She grabbed her back and slowly made her way inside the venue. Her lips quivered.
"Hyunjin please don't tell Chan, please I'll do anything," she begged.
"I have to Y/n. I'm so disappointed in you. We trusted you and you do this?" His eyes couldn't meet hers. His body was tense as they walked backstage to the rooms in the back. The hallways gettin busier each second. The employees questioning why she was crying.
"Are you okay-"
"Yes she is please go along with your work," Hyunjin snapped at one of the ladies. Y/n looked up at him frightened because he was always nice to people, he never once raised his voice at an employee.
When they arrived in the room. The boys were sat on the couches or having lunch. Chan was texting on his phone when he looked up.
"Y/n? Why did you bathroom break take so long?" He laughed and looked at Hyunjin who wasn't smiling.
"I caught her smoking Chan, she reeks of cigarettes" her head fell and she looked at her new trainers that one of the companies had sent her for promotion. It looked so intriguing all of a sudden.
"You caught her what? Hyunjin your joking," Chan laughed, "please tell me your joking," he paused and looked at the serious Hyunjin.
"Tell him, tell him now." He slightly pushed her in front of him so they could be face to face.
"I-I can explain Chan,"
"No way Y/n please tell me you're joking," his voice became harsh. The boys all turned to Y/n. They were all shocked at this because she was the last person to ever do such a thing.
"What the fuck?" Changbin's voice sounded. "You've been smoking?"
"Only a little," her voice was small. Timid almost.
"Don't lie, please don't fucking lie right now Y/n." Chan says walking closer to the younger.
"Sit down, now." Leeknow says standing up and dropping his chopsticks.
"Your only 19, I get your all 'grown' BUT your still so young. You're an idol. An idol!" Chan's hand smashes against the table making her jump in her sit.
"Okay then if you think I'm an adult I should be able to smoke or drink or-"
"Are you out of your mind momo?" He snapped back at her, "Do you know what it does to you?"
"But Chan-"
"Quit Or I'll make you quit," was all Chan said before he stormed out the room leaving her with the boys who looked very disappointed.
"I get it, you don't have to look at me like I'm some monster," she wiped her tears with her sleeve to clean the tears that run down her cheeks.
"I just don't have words for you right now, your irresponsible, selfish and careless," Leeknow's words were harsh. So harsh that even Hyunjin cringed and felt bad.
"Then kick me out the band if it's such a big deal," was all she said before she got up and run out the room down the hallway past Chan who was standing by the doors while a manger tried to calm him down and out the stadium. It was cold and she had left all her stuff inside so she was forced to run down the busy streets of New York, freezing.
Chan following after her trying to figure out what was going on.
Her body was shaking from all the tears she cried.
But she continued to run.
She was able to disappear from Chan’s sight. Now Chan was really angry and worried. He'd lost his youngest in the busy streets of New York. She was new to the city and she was an idol. Anything could go wrong. Anything could go extremely wrong.
His heart was beating out of his chest. He grabbed his phone out of his picked rushing to call his manager then leeknow and the boys.
He found himself back in the changing rooms surrounded by everyone. Trying to calm him down.
"I'll go back to the hotel just in case she's back there," Felix assured Chan while he packed up his stuff.
"I'll come with you Lix," Hyunjin grabbed his bag aswell making sure to grab her stuff from the ground. He opened to make sure all her stuff was inside but the site wasn't pretty at all.
Underneath everything he saw 4 more packs of cigarettes causing him to gasp horrendously.
"What? What is it?" Bangchan's neck snapped to his direction. Hyunjin had no words so he just passed the bag to Chan who was now terrified.
"Is she addicted?" Was all he asked before handing the bag to leeknow who was curious aswell.
Chan's hands run through his hair as he was thinking of all the possible ways he could find her in the whole of New York City. He felt guilt. He felt like if he had maybe approached this in a nicer way they could have worked through it but now his anger was just blinding him.
"Okay, police were informed and we're about to go driving around to see if we can somehow spot her," their manager tells them (he was also panicking low key but he didn’t want them knowing) , "do you guys want to join?"
"I'll come with you," Leeknow says quickly.
His hands were shaking and he felt so much guilt aswell. If anything happened to Y/n it would be all his fault and he wouldn't forgive himself.
"Same Hyung," Han jumps in.
They all grabbed their bags and the three (Han, Leeknow and Chan) quickly rushed out right behind their manager.
The rest of the boys cleaned up and quickly left to go to the hotel hoping to find her there safe and sound.
It took 5 hours. 5 hours before Felix had decided to go to the cafe by the hotel to grab drinks for everyone and he had found her sat in a coffee shop, she was shivering and cold but Felix didn’t care because he was angry and Felix was never angry. Without hesitation, Felix dragged her out and back to the hotel even if she was kicking and screaming. He didn’t care. At all. He ignored her pleas and cries.
The lecture she got from Chan and all of them was hot and mean and ruthless but at the end of the day they gave her a choice to either quit or go to rehab but she chose to quit. She “promised” them.
After an hour of grilling her for answers she finally had admitted to everything that was going on and how she felt and how she was battling her own self.
Chan was beating himself up for not noticing and Leeknow was beating himself up for not being there for her.
She was so vulnerable. They all knew her secrets and her problems. She felt like a show everyone was just watching and waiting to break.
6:20, Japan
The first time the boys had noticed her odd behavior was starting up again, was when they had a sign meet and a concert right after. She hadn’t been able to go for a smoke in hours, her body was now trembling and she was sweating a lot. She could barely get through anything and nausea started to grow string in the pit of her stomach.
“Hey, you okay? You kinda look pale love,” Han was sat next to her getting his makeup done and so was she. He had notice she was fidgeting a lot in the chair. Her eyes were red too.
“Yeah just really tired,” she lied and gulped down thick saliva trying to get rid of the nausea but it completely failed.
“I think I’m going to be sick-“ she got up from the chair and run through the corridors to find the bathroom and once she did she through up, but it was good it was just mucus. Her head was thumping and her throat ached.
A hurried knock made her stand up and flush before she opened the door and collapsed in Han’s hands. He was worried for his younger and now he had to curry her to the rooms.
“Hey, stay with me okay? Don’t close your eyes,” he softly said while he blew air into her face to keep her cool.
When he had walked in and found leeknow sat on their changing room couch he let out a sigh of relief.
“Leeknow help me please! It’s Y/n,” he said panicked. Without hesitation leeknow stood up quickly and took her from Hans hands and put her on the couch to lay down.
Han had run down the corridor to get medics as leeknow woke her up from her faint state.
“Momo? Can you hear me? It’s leeknow,” a soft groan left her lips.
“Would you like some water?” She nodded her head and leeknow was on it. He got on one knee and started to feed her small sips of water.
“Tell me what hurts,” he softly said and played with her hair to calm her down.
“Everything,” she softly said and it aches Leeknow’s hurt.
Y/n knew the only way for her to get out of this state was to smoke but how?
“Leeknow, I- I need to use the bathroom,” she groaned and held her hand against her head.
“If you need to puke i’ll get you a bucket love,” he assured her. He didn’t want her waking and being left alone right now. He wouldn’t allow it.
“I need to pee,”
“Okay can you wait until the medics are here?” And right on cue the door opens and a frantic Han walks into the room with a few people behind him. Then Chan and Hyunjin walked in right behind.
“What happened Y/n?” Chan asked straight away and knelt beside her while he rubbed her hands.
“I don’t know Oppa, I was just not feeling the best,”
“You should have told me my love,” he softly said as he watched the medical team examine her.
“I thought it wasn’t this bad,”
“Now you see what it has done,” Hyunjin joint the conversation. “Look how tired you look, have you eaten anything all day?” He asked her.
“I had the lunch Changbin braught me,”
“So if we called Changbin right now he would agree?” Hyunjin furrowed his eyebrows and crossed his arms. Disappointed.
“How bad is it?” Chan asked the man in uniform.
“Not bad, she’s just really dehydrated. We’ll fix an IV on her arm and she’ll be good to go, also may I speak to you outside in the corridor,” Leeknow looks at Chan worried and they exchanged the same expression before Chan head out with the guy.
“I need to pee really bad,” Y/n whines and complains.
“Okay you can go, I’ll come with you,” the lady medic says and slowly guides her to the bathroom. Y/n grabs her lighter and cig and started to smoke it. The feelings make her body slowly awaken and then gain energy. She smoked one more just incase and then washed her hands and made her way back to the last medic.
She was able to walk on her own but just to make it not look suspicious she held onto her and then finally she sat on the couch and got the iv in her arm.
Chan was back in the room and he was examining her. Trying to look for something and once it caught his eye he looked over at the rest of the boys nodding and they all just stare at eachother.
They knew. They knew she was smoking again and it hurt Chan for what was about to come was not going to be pretty.
10:55, south Korea
The paparazzi lights started to increase when She stood up in the podium. Her eyes were red and she had eyebags from the lack of sleep she was getting.
Her hands shook as she grabbed the microphone. The boys stood right behind her. Their head looking at the ground trying to avoid her shaking body.
"Goodmorning, my name is Y/n Y/l/n and I'm a member of strays kids. I didn't want this to happen. Trust me I didn't,"
She took a deep breath looking at the manager that were sat in the front raw. Judging her and giving her a disgusted look.
A sob Left her mouth and she put the microphone down. Trying to get herself together before she spoke again.
"To all the stays out there, I want to say I love you and I hope you guys can forgive me for this. I will be going on haitus for a while," the room is filled with gasps as the flashlights now increase even more.
"I pray that if I do come back I will be better and stronger for you guys and that I will make my group and team proud. Thank you for loving me and i hope to see you guys soon," she bowed before taking a step back and wiping her tears.
The boys all stood around her to hide her body from the camera. Han rubbing her back and whispering something in her ear.
She didn't care though, she was upset. She was so upset with herself but she still managed to blame the boys. Her reasoning? Because she felt like they were giving her up and sending her away.
"Alright, are you all packed?" Their manager stood outside her room.
"Yeah" she softly said rolling her bag out and handing it to the older man.
"Alright the boys are down stairs if you want to say bye, I'll be waiting in the car," he nodded and left her to close her room and head down the steps to her band mates.
They all looked upset, there was no lie there. There were all stood by the door giving her a sympathetic smile.
"I'm going to miss you," Chan steps up and pulls her into a hug. She didn't want it though. She shrugged it off and stood there looking at him with teary eyes.
"Chan please don't do this,"
"You know I want was best for you-"
"But Chan I'll change I promise just give me a chance,"
His eyes were soft and filled with tears. Guilt was eating him up. He so badly wanted not to send her away but he didn't have a choice.
"I'm sorry," the sound of a honk interrupts them and she knew it was time for her to go.
“I hate you,” she sobbed. That was the last thing she said to him and without looking back she left the dorms. Hoping that somehow she would make it out alive.
Breaking news, strays kids maknae Y/N Y/N/L and group manager in have been left in critical condition after a fatal car crash. Was it a set up?
I’m not doing a part two🙈
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