#so glad I can finally see her in the anime style
Ever see a depiction of St. George and the Dragon? It's pretty fair to say if you've seen one, you've seen them all: Georgie on a horse stabbing a flailing dragon creature, princess piously kneeling in the background, vague landscape alluding to the homeland of the artist's patron.
The most varied part is the dragons. No one had a real definition for the thing, it seemed. For your pleasure and entertainment, I have ranked some medieval depictions based on how impressive George's feat seems once you see the dragon.
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Paolo Uccello, 1456
This is a terrifying beast. The hell is that. Uccello was one of the first experimenters with perspective, so the thing also looks surreal, like it's taking place on Mars, or a Windows 95 screensaver. I would not want to fight that, I would not want to be tied to that. (Sometimes the princess is tied to the dragon for some reason.) 10/10
Horse thoughts: Maybe if I look at the ground it will be gone when I look up
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Unknown artist, c. 1505
This is a rare change of form for the dragon; it's the only one I've seen actually flying (or at least falling with style). It doesn't look particularly deterred by the spear through its throat, either. Also, George looks appropriately nervous. On the other hand, it hasn't got teeth, it seems to be fuzzy rather than having scaly armor, and George is bolstered by his army of Henry VII and his children, most of whom definitely didn't actually die in infancy. Still, wouldn't want to fight it, wouldn't want my pet sheep near it. (Sometimes the princess has a pet sheep for some reason.) 9/10
Horse thoughts: I am so glad I wore my mightiest feather helmet for this
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Raphael, 1505
We are coming to Dragons With Problems. This guy looks about comparable in size to George, and does have wings, but doesn't seem to be using these things to his advantage (and has he only got one wing?) And how does he deal with the neck? He does have a comically small head, but holding it up with such a twisty neck seems complicated at best. But most egregiously, he is doing the shitty superheroine pose where he is somehow simultaneously showcasing his chest and his butt, with its unnecessarily defined butthole (more on this later) (regrettably). 8/10 bc it's Raphael
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The Beauchamp Hours, c. 1401
We had a spirited debate about this one at work. Again, the dragon has gotten smaller, and this one hasn't got even one wing. He's basically a crocodile. So the debate became: would you want to fight a crocodile if you had a horse and a pointy stick? Would the horse trample the animal, who can't get on its hind legs, or freak out and throw its rider? Would the pointy stick be enough to pierce the croc's thick hide? In this case, George seems to be controlling his horse and putting his pointy stick in the dragon's weak spot, so we can be impressed by his skill and strategy. However, his hat is dumb. 7/10
Horse thoughts: Dehhhh
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Book of Hours, c. 1480
Here we have the same kind of croco-dragon, but George's focus on his strategy has gone out the window. He's flailing around, not even looking at his target, he's about to lose his pointy stick, he hasn't got a hand on the reins, and his sword seems to only be poking the invisible dragon over his shoulder. All he's got going for him is that his hat is slightly less dumb. 6/10
Horse thoughts: Yay, new friend! Come play with me, new fr- what is happening
Final dragons put behind this Read More for your safety:
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Rogier van der Weyden, c. 1432
I'm thinking this guy is at least semi-aquatic. Webbed feet, wings that seem more like fins, bipedal but top-heavy, jaws that seem more for scooping than biting. Maybe she's crawled up here from the nearby body of water to lay her eggs, and this is all a big misunderstanding. Moreover, George's dagged sleeves seem entirely impractical for the situation. 5/10
Horse thoughts: i got my hed stuk in a jar and now it is this way forever
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Unknown artist, c. 15th century
I hate this. I hate everything about it. Why has it got human eyes and teeth. Why is its nose melting. Why has it got a dick on its face and balls under its chin. The fin/wings are back but they look even more useless. Also, George is shifty as hell, schlumped over in his saddle with his bowler hat thing over his eyes. The baby dragon at the bottom eating some hapless would-be rescuer is kind of metal. 4/10 at least the thing is gonna die
Horse thoughts: I Have Smoked So Much Crack
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Book of Hours, c. 1450
Remember what I said about the buttholes? First, sorry. Second, yeah, we're back to that. I'll admit this one is less about the danger from the dragon itself than the very specific choices the artist has made. They didn't need to do that. It's a lizard. They don't even have. And it's like they had an orifice budget and they skipped an exit wound for the spear to focus. Elsewhere. It's so detailed. And George had an even dumber hat. 2/10 take it away
Horse thoughts: I Have Smoked So Much Weed
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Book of Hours, c. 1415
This is just bullying. There isn't even a princess. That is clearly an infant. Look at that smug look on George's face as he swings his sword that's bigger than the whole little guy. This is the equivalent of when DJT Jr. hunted those sleeping endangered sheep. 1/10
Horse thoughts: ....yikes
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And this is the previous one, but now the baby dragon is cute. He's chubby. He's got toe beans. He's Puff the Magic Dragon. His eyes have already gone white, implying that George is just kicking its corpse around for funsies. What's the difference between the dragon and the lamb in the background? That the dragon is dead, like our innocence. This George is truly deserving of the dumbest hat of all. 0/10 plus one more butthole for the road
Horse thoughts: Perhaps it is we who are the buttholes.
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irisinluv · 3 months
Love is blind. Some would even say love is blinding. Brandon really doesn't care about all that..... all he cares about is you, in the pod on the other side of that wall.
Yandere Love is Blind Contestant Part 1
Cw: male yandere, female reader, obsessive tendancies, reality TV.
Brandon Burnett was tired of love eluding him. He was sick of mindlessly swiping the apps, going on the dates, and never finding that spark. So, he signed up to be cast on the popular show Love is Blind. He was shocked when he got the call that he was in. He was officially a contestant on Love is Blind! His family was supportive, and his job was accommodating, so he was gonna go phones off for 3 weeks and hopefully meet the love of his life!
Brandon's a charismatic guy, he's one of those people who you meet once and don't see for a couple months, run into him at the store, and it's like you're long lost best friends. You just feel comfortable with him as he asks how your grandma's doing after her rotator cuff surgery, and that he saw you posted about your dog's birthday last week! He's just thay kinda guy. So. When he's in a room full of the other contestants, all filled with awkward anticipation to be officially welcomed to the show, and then released to their pods.... He's right there starting conversation. He's the life of the party before he show even starts.
Finally, the doors open, and everyone redirects their merriment to the two individuals who have just entered the room. They welcome the men to the show before sending them to their very first pod dates.
You joined love is blind looking for your forever, as cheesy as it sounds. You'd had some long-term relationships, but they always ended one way or another. He may have cheated. You two may have argued all the time. He may have left you without explaining why. It just never worked out. And you were tired of it! So. What better way to try and find that connection than Love is Blind.
You were estatic to have gotten on the show! When you got tnere, you chatted with the other women and started pod hopping with more energy than you've ever had. The first few were good! You'd met a few people you might be interested in, but obviously, you're playing the game. You've gotta meet everyone before you can start to narrow it down! But then you stepped into your fourth or fifth pod. As you sit down on the couch, you hear a door click on the other side of the wall. "Hi! Looks like I beat you in! My name is y/n, i'm really excited to meet you! What's your name?" The voice that comes through let's you know his name is Brandon, that he's also glad to meet you, and then y'all start talking in earnest. You wanted to start with getting to know him a bit, identifying factors to jot down, just like with your other dates. Politics, family values, occupation, etc. but it was such a natural conversation that it just went so fast. By the time you were supposed to leave, you found yourself disappointed. The two of you had been casually flirting as you asked each other questions, went on deep tangents, had light banter, and you had a fantastic time! You left that pod thinking Brandon was definitely one of your top three so far!
Brandon, meanwhile, was wildly disappointed in the first few pods. He really started debating if he was gonna drop out after meeting everyone. His first couple dates were nice enough, and he was cordial, but he felt none of that spark that he was craving. But then he talked with you! You greeted him so enthusiastically and you gave him more to go off than just a "hi!" and your voice sent shivers down his spine. Y'all started to talk, and for Brandon, it was like fireworks were going off all over his skin. This was more than the spark he was looking for. He was on fire!
He finds out what you do for a living, how many animals you have, and he answers in turn, but the interview style never really had a chance. He's all the more smitten as you genuinely listen when he speaks, ask questions, remember details from earlier in the conversation, and tie it in. Poor man is struck through the heart. He had the instant connection he wanted, this deep level of understanding that he wanted, and feels so at home talking with you! You banter with him, tease him gently as the two of you flirt, it's just so natural and right!
Brandon's frantically writing down every detail he can about what you're saying, how you're saying it, when you laugh, when you pause before answering, just every little bit he can. He does have a good memory. He prides himself in it. But he doesn't want to chance losing a single second of this moment with you. It's just perfect.
All too soon, though, it's time to leave. Brandon has half a mind to ask you to just say screw it to the rest of the game and run away with him. But he knows you don't know him well enough to say yes. You came to this show for the experience, so he'll go through it with you. But now.... now he's gotta figure out how to make sure you're his, and only his.
Ahhhhh! I hope y'all liked part one, I haven't written this style in so long, so please forgive me for any errors, and if the flow is a bit off! I just have been watching reality tv with my mom, and I mean. Come ON! I can't wait to share with y'all what I've got cooking up in my mind for the next few parts!
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starry-bi-sky · 5 months
Hello!! Question about clone^2, what are the styles of Danny and Damian? Like day to day stuff for example. Does Danny buy Damian the traditional 8 yr old clothes (dinosaurs with sunglasses tees, stuff like that) or does Damian already have a style he likes? And Danny! I know that Sam gives Danny various punk hairstyles and that he prefers gender neutral stuff but outside of that what would Danny wear in general?
You don’t have to answer of course, but I’ll give you a thank you in advance!
- kindest regards, Gas Can
And I love this question, this is a good one!! If damian's 8 then he's been around the fenton house for about a year or so. I can't see baby dames ever willingly wearing traditional child-like clothes, at least not in the beginning when he first arrives at the Fenton house. Which he'd be around 6-7.
Danny tells him (with the help of google translate) that he's going shopping to buy him new clothes sometime during Damian's early stay since the little man had been wearing the same clothes he arrived in for a while (which you can find here with the reblog of the colored version) and honestly he probably asks damian if he wants to come along to pick something out. he doesn't know the kid's style and it might be a bad idea because damian might make a run for it, but danny's caught him before at this point.
(plus he'll need help carrying bags - his hands are freshly injured and still smarting. they're not as bad as they will be in the future, but hand injuries hurt. consider it repayment for being the cause of it, damian)
And early Damian would choose clothes that remind him most of the league - so dark colors, more formal styles, think like how you'd imagine his original template to dress like, if you will. Danny is side-eyeing him in judgy bewilderment, but says nothing other than to complain about the price tag. Of which Damian has no idea what he's saying. He'd stick with those clothes until he has his little moment with Danny in the OPS Center where he finally tells him he's a clone (even though Danny already knows) and that he doesn't want to go back. After that he'd reluctantly and steadily start branching out.
So eight year old Damian, whose begun to chill out more and act more like a child his age would? I don't think he'd ever wear graphic t-shirts about kids shows, but I can see him wearing graphic tees of like, animal facts on it, animals, stars, etc etc, and then plain shirts in a variety of increasing color. I have this mental image that Danny buys Damian one of those joke shirts that says "bro I'm 8" / "this is what an awesome eight year old looks like" (with two thumbs pointing at itself) and Damian wears it to school a week later. Damian's variety of shirts increases the more comfortable he gets and the more he comes into his own identity.
Damian also, steadily, keeps stealing Danny's flannels even if they're almost comically large on him. They're comfy and he's embracing his role as baby brother (and also he really looks up to him because he understands, to an extent, of what danny's done for him). Danny and the Fentons start buying Damian his own after a while because, well, he can't keep taking Danny's.
And Danny! I'm so glad you mentioned Danny, my favorite GNC boy. I keep forgetting myself sometimes that I gave him long hair, even if it is my favorite thing about him. And honestly? Danny doesn't really do much with his hair if Sam isn't styling it. He usually lets it stay down on his head, and then pulls it back into a ponytail or a half-ponytail at school depending on what he's doing (gym vs a test).
He keeps it in a ponytail as phantom to keep it out of his face, and then when he's working on a Ghost Case he sometimes has it up in a (messy™) bun because the feeling of having his hair on his neck when its in a ponytail drives him nuts, especially when sleep deprived. Sam teaches him how to braid it back into a simple braid and its become a new fidget for him to braid his hair and then unbraid it. It's easier to keep off his face than a ponytail, so he sometimes braids it back when he's sneaking out as phantom. It happens more often once he gets skilled at it.
And danny's style! I know you probably only meant his hairstyle, but I also wanna talk about his aesthetic! He doesn't really put much into his appearance. Very teenager-y boy 'threw on the first thing i saw on a hanger/floor' type, but he kinda has a bit more of a casual, soft grungy-like look as an older teen. Just some hints of Sam's influence - and you know what, some of Tucker's as well because that's his best friend too.
(Off topic but 19yo Danny from my Childhood Friends Dead On Main au has a similar style that's a bit soft punk as well, and that is somewhat more intentional on CFAU Danny's part. Why make an au if I can't play dress up with my favorite character? :))
Mostly because I read a Spider-Man x DP fic that described Danny (from an outsider's pov) as looking kinda like a skater boy who listens to alt rock music and it's been my personal interpretation of him ever since. So he has band tees, flannels, graphic tees with jokes on them, shirts with astronomy facts on them, and idk if he'd ever buy ripped jeans but Sam has certainly bought him some and they fit so *shrugs* he wears them. And he has one or two of those denim jackets with the hoodie sewn inside it. And from Tucker he has a few turtlenecks because Tucker reads as a turtleneck-kinda guy, geek chic-ish.
#dpxdc#dp x dc#dp x dc crossover#dpxdc crossover#dpdc#clone^2#danny fenton is a clone#danny fenton is not the ghost king#damian wayne has a clone#the quickest way to starry's heart is through her ask box#its not a starry post unless its long#srsly tho i love getting asks even if i haven't answered them. so anyone who sends me an ask: i see them!! i love them!!! if i havent-#answered it its because I can't think of anything *to* say to it that i think would make a fulfilling ask. but i see it and i love it#unmentioned in the post but danny also has a few black croptops of the rave-variety from when he needs to pull what he likes to call a#'brucie wayne moment' and its my favorite part of the clone danny au bc youre gonna look me in the eye and say that there's a-#non-malicious TEENAGE bruce wayne clone running around and he DOESNT have a brucie wayne impression? brucie wayne is a#walking meme in of himself. absolutely a teenage clone of him would pretend to be him sometimes even if its a joke. he wouldnt get away wit#being bruce wayne considering the 30 year age gap BUT acting like him? he can do that AND make someone (or a dozen) swoon at the same time#danny has his identity crisis issues but that doesnt mean he can't have FUN with it. he shares a face with the biggest himbo alive yes he#will use that to his advantage when he's aware of it.#gas can anon#i love that signoff btw#brucie wayne is half the reason i made the clone danny au for a reason - the pure shenanigans of having his face#could potentially cause#like yeah he’s batman’s clone blah blah blah but BRUCIE WAYNE. THE BIMBO HIMSELF
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barrenclan · 8 months
i want you to know that the sentence " i ate of his flesh and drank of his blood, and it was salt and meat and good " has been stuck in my mind since that extra art you posted like.. god, forever ago, it feels like. but to see it again in an issue just.. adds so much more power and fear to the quote.
and hyssop.. that was the name of one of wild rose's children, if i remember correctly. i hope she never saw what became of her child, it would've broken her heart.
i also like the detail of the red borders showing what actually happened, versus the romanticized version of events (not sure if thats the right word but hopefully you get what i mean).
i also only just noticed deepdarks eyes are like, PURE white. not sure how i didn't notice before, but like.. damn. freaky ass deer /positive
and finally.. i love the way you draw different animals and still keep your style. sorry if thats a weird compliment, but it's something i've always struggled with personally, so it's something i admire about your art.
I'm really glad to see that quote landed as well as I hoped it would! The rhythm of it stuck in my head for so long - actually, it's very subtle, but I tried to give the way Deepdark performs a rhythmic quality, so his sentences aren't spoken quite like someone would normally.
Hyssop makes me sad. :( Sorry your son is such a POS, Rosey.
Red/pink borders have always symbolized a fleshback in PATFW! You can go back to older issues and check it. But it also works quite well in that aspect. :)
Yes! Deepdark's eyes being 100% pure slider white is an important facet of his characters. His eyes are an extremely notable trait of his, hypnotic and scary and powerful.
And thank you, I don't personally feel very good at drawing types of critters but it's nice of you to say.
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atlaskrr · 1 year
Here's a penny for my thoughts:
The animation team continues to impress me with the animation and in this movie more so than the first cause of how they made each universe feel
THAT OPENING (love me ambiguous openings where you slowly piece it as it continues)
Spot = traumatized silly guy turned into very dangerous traumatized guy
We all thought pavitr would be ✨TRAUMATIZED✨ but I'm so glad miles was able to help him save both (maybe he is traumatized if his universe is destroyed but let's hope not since he's so blorbo)
Love his silliness with his whole introduction introduction the romantic tension comments and "Oh he doesn't know about hobie" like a whole romantic drama is about to play out
I thought I was gonna hate hobie with how much police he was talking but I grew to be amused and fond of him (the true mvp)
Idk if this is controversial or not but even though miguel o'hara is traumatized I still don't like him (if it's not clear I hate it when people try to be "the system". Looking at you light yagami)
Like the color shifts in gwen's universe and the inverted colors on the scenes of earth 42 and gwen's universe is another on point moment
There is so much more that I can't possibly mention of the top of my head at the moment but all the visual symbolism (not just in color) is *muah*
PARALLELS (that's all I have to say)
I love peter b. parker having a child cause he liked the idea of raising his child to be like miles... cause he's a good person
Also peter b. parker is SUCH a father figure towards miles
Speaking of miles THEY REALLY CANT LEAVE THE POOR BOY ALONE WTF (give him a break man)
The humour in this movie. PEAK. (Idgaf what you say)
I love all the cameos and references of the many spiders and will deffo pick apart every scene once I can get my hands on the full length movie on my pc
They make every spiderperson's attack feel unique and get creative with techniques and styles
I love the 2d-3d look it has as always
I love miles' parents and its nice to see gwen reconcile with her dad
I'm glad they brought back the old spiders that miles first met into the squad
i LOVE all the details in this movie
I also love the theme and characterization
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thronesforkings · 5 months
Hi! I really loved your writing of the Tokyo revengers characters and I would like to request headcanons or scenarios of Kazutora, Chifuyu and Mitsuya with a male s/o who doesn’t want to adopt or have kids and would prefer to have a pet instead, please. Or if you can’t do all 3, can you do only one character please. If it’s ok with you.
Hi there, thank you so much! I can do all of the characters and I even added two bonus characters (*^▽^)/
Sorry this took a bit, but I hope you enjoy it all the same!
Characters: FINAL TIMELINE! Kazutora Hanemiya, Chifuyu Matsuno, Mitsuya Takashi, Wakasa Imaushi, then two surprises (^w^), X He/Him Reader
Prompt: Male s/o who doesn't want human children but animal children instead.
Style: HCs + drabble
Warnings before each character!
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Kazutora Hanemiya [Cat]
Warnings: mentions of disliking small children, Kazutora gets into his head
It would be a sudden question from him
He was curious after hearing [Name] refer to the animals at the pet shop as his children
"Do you want children?"
He asks one night while cuddling
Kazutora was enjoying the random show playing on the TV, well, more so enjoying it as background noise as he was thinking about something he had noticed his boyfriend doing.
"Tora?" The familiar voice pulled him out of his thoughts, looking up at the male who was smiling softly, "I was asking if you wanted to watch something else, you don't seem too interested in this. We don't have to watch-"
"Do you want children? Like a family?" Kazutora asked suddenly, making [Name] stop mid-sentence. Of all the questions he was expecting from his boyfriend that was not one of them.
"Where did this question come from? I'm just curious since I thought that I made my dislike of small children pretty clear." [Name] asked, thinking aloud at the end.
"You call the animals at the store your children." Kazutora explained, [Name] trying not to laugh but failing and giggling. His boyfriend confused about his reaction.
"Tora, I love you but I don't want another human running around. I don't think either of us have the skills to take care of a human child either. Animals are a different form of children. You take care of them, you love them, and they are part of your family. I would love to adopt a kitten, one of the ones that Sushi just had at the store. They are all adorable." [Name] answered, the male feeling a bit dumb at not catching on sooner with his antics. He smiled softly and cuddled into him after a moment, humming.
"Baji will probably let us adopt one of them." Kazutora was glad that [Name] was in the same boat as him with children, opting to have a furry companion around instead.
After annoying Baji he gives in
Sushi had a litter of colourful kittens, no one sure who the father was but they didn't care.
One of the kittens loved both [Name] and Kazutora more than the others
She is the runt of the litter, being a mixed breed between a ragdoll and something else, mainly black with orange tints on her paws and cheeks.
She is very loud when she doesn't get attention and both males are happy to spoil her with toys and treats
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Chifuyu Matsuno [Dog]
Warnings: Injured animal
It was just a normal closing at the pet store
[Name] and Chifuyu closing and locking the store up before going to their apartment and passing out
A whimper stopped their routine actions, both of them looking down the alleyway that the back door lead into
Using his phone as a light, [Name] exposed a small puppy that was covered in dirt
“Hey buddy, what happened?” [Name] asked as he went up to the animal, Chifuyu finishing up locking the store and following him.
“He’s injured. Let’s take him back home and we can help him.” Chifuyu spoke, watching his boyfriend pick up the hurt animal.
Once they were home and cleaned the puppy up, they could see that he had cuts and a broken paw
The two nursed it back to health and [Name] had grown attached to the animal
"He is our child now. His name is Lefty." [Name] spoke with no room for argument (as if Chifuyu wanted to argue with his lover).
"We are only having one child, no matter what species. So he is our child now." Chifuyu said as [Name] laughed. The black haired male wondered how he got so lucky to have such a pretty boyfriend
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Mitsuya Takashi [Lizard]
Warnings: None
It was late at night when the two males were finishing up loading the car with the different clothes that were shown off at a fashion event.
They were about to get into the car when Mitsuya saw movement from the corner of his eye.
Investigating, he found a carboard box that was tipped over, trapping something underneath.
"Love?" [Name] called out as he watched his boyfriend go into the alleyway. He went towards him and saw him looking at a scooting box.
"Here, hold this." Mitsuya spoke as he handed his phone to the other, using it as a flashlight. With both hands free, he carefully lifted the box up and was shocked to see a lizard (not a wild one in their area) frozen in place with the sudden light.
"Aw, he's so cute!" [Name] cooed as he crouched down, offering a hand to the reptile. To both of their surprise, the animal scuttered onto his hand with no second thoughts and clung to him. [Name] handed the phone back and held the reptile with two hands, gently petting it.
"We'll take him to Baji's pet store in the morning, they'll have the proper supplies to take care of him." Mistuya spoke, the two heading home.
This was the intended plan but the universe didn't listen to Mitsuya's wishes.
They brought him to Baji's shop and the reptile got hostile when away from [Name]'s hold.
"Well, I guess you are the owner of a lizard now. I can give you guys the stuff to take care of the dude." Baji spoke with a grin as the reptile calmed down once [Name] held him.
"Taka, he's our child! What should we name him? Hm. How about, Boxy!" [Name] said with a large smile and Mitsuya chuckled, smiling softly.
"He's your child, he only likes you. Just don't let him get into my fabric and we'll be good."
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Wakasa Imaushi [Arctic Fox]
Warnings: Mentions of animal abandonment
Note: Arctic foxes are actually legal to own in Japan, it's complicated but apparently it's legal
[Name] thought it was just a puppy or kitten when he first found the white/silver coated animal in a box outside his shady apartment building
It wasn't until the animal that he named 'Snowball' grew to be larger than normal dogs or cats and didn't eat the normal pet food that he looked into what animal this was
It was Kazutora who informed him of what animal he had taken in.
Now, this whole time [Name] had been keeping this from his boyfriend
Wakasa knew that his boyfriend was hiding something but didn't pry. He trusted him and figured that if it was important then he would let him know.
Though he hadn't been answering his messages so the male was paying a surprise visit to his house. As he got closer, a noise that he could only explain as bark but not quite normal for barks, was coming from the house
"Snowy! Hush! The old lady a few doors down has already threatened to call animal control on you." Wakasa heard as he was about to knock on the door. Doing the action, he heard an animal moving around and trying to jump at the door.
"Snowy, I will put you outside if you continue to be rude." [Name] scolded the animal as he gently held his collar, opening his door to be surprised by an amused boyfriend.
"This is what you've been hiding. Doesn't look like any dog I can think of." Wakasa spoke, letting the fox sniff his hand and the animal rubbed against him. He knew that smell.
After the two went inside and [Name] grabbed some drinks for the them and sat down, the fox climbing up and taking up half the couch while laying on the human.
"This is Snowball, or Snowy. She's an arctic fox. I found her in a box and thought she was just a puppy but found out after I got attached that she is not a dog." [Name] admitted and Wakasa could only be amused at his boyfriend's antics
Snowy grew attached to the male
Soon enough the two moved in together and Wakasa didn't consider the amount of fox hair that would be everywhere
He doesn't mind though, he loves Snowy and would die for her
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Haitani Rindou [Raccoon]
Warnings: Not technically legal in Japan to own a raccoon as a pet {It is in the state I live in so uhhh, heck yea}
Dating the famous ex-gang member and club owner was busy
After being together for a bit, his boyfriend agreed to be in his social media posts.
The two of them don't care what random people say and sometimes takes the hate and make sappy posts just to piss them off (Rin's idea)
Rin had suddenly gotten busy with his brother and they were dealing with the crimes and gangs that were around their clubs, leaving [Name] to be by himself for a bit
Rin was glad that the drama was finally sorted out and he had been sleeping at the office or at Ran's. He was so glad to be back at the small house that he shared with [Name].
Well he was excited and had texted his lover that he was on his way home, only to be greeted with a nervous looking male blocking the entryway.
"Babe, I love you and I am excited to hear whatever you have to say but can we go inside?" Rin asked, feeling like something was up and he had confirmation when [Name] nervously laughed.
"Okay, but I need you to not be mad when we go inside. I might've done something without thinking and now we might have an extra mouth." [Name] stammered out and Rin wanted to scream, he was not about to have a child. He barely raised himself, he can't raise another human. He followed his boyfriend into the house, it seemed normal and there wasn't an extra pair of shoes so maybe it wasn't a child.
"Trash!" [Name] called out, Rin concerned about why he would be calling the new member 'trash'. He was still convinced that maybe it was a kid but he watched a chunky animal ran up to [Name].
"So this is Trash. I found him in the dumpster. Just look at him, I couldn't leave him!" [Name] said as he held the raccoon up and Rin looked at the cute chunky animal.
"Next time just say you got a raccoon. I honestly was thinking you brought home another human and I was going to have a break down." Rin said with a sigh in his voice, [Name] giggling as he held the animal like a small child.
Rin wasn't about to admit it but he was jealous of the new house member
[Name] would be playing with Trash and Rin would just take the male away, wanting his attention.
Trash warmed up to Rindou quickly
He slept on his chest and [Name] loved it.
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Akashi 'Sanzu' Haruchiyo [Kittens]
Warnings: None?
Sanzu was particular about many things and pets was one of them
He never had time for them growing up and never understood why people had them
To him it was just another being that couldn't take care of themselves and provided nothing
He never brought up the topic of pets but never entertained the conversation either if it came up.
So when he got a text from his boyfriend, stating that Senju was the one to blame,
He was a bit confused and worried, finishing what he was doing with his friends right away and going home.
Sanzu entered the house to see his sister and boyfriend sitting on the floor with boxes around them.
"So what did my sister convince you to get?" Sanzu asked first thing as he took his shoes off.
"Haru-Nii! I had no say in this-" Senju started but [Name] hit her shoulder
"Don't listen to her, she played mind games and convinced me-" [Name] started but Sanzu was soon greeted by the topic that was being avoided.
A tiny black and white kitten ran up to him and tried to climb up his leg. Soon there were two more kittens that went to him as well and rubbed against him and yelled at him.
"Kittens?" Sanzu spoke as he watched them rub against his ankles.
He gave in after a few minutes
They are adorable and he can't deny it
Since there was three, they all named one
Sanzu named the black and white one, 'Cow'
Senju named the mainly black with two white spots where her eye's were, 'Klepto'
Then [Name] named the orange one 'Taiyaki'
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yumeka-sxf · 7 months
The cruise arc continues!
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And yes, this new key visual does go with the previous one to make a continuous image! There should be at least one more section of the image with next week's episode...not sure how many more after that.
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Again, I'm not gonna analyze this episodes yet since I'm saving that for the new installments of my Twiyor posts! So my brief thoughts are...
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I love the scenes between Yor and Olka. It's nice for Yor to have someone who not only knows her real profession, but is also sympathetic to the fact that she cares more about her "fake" family than she realizes.
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She's so cute, even when she's slaying people 😅 Unlike Twilight, Yor doesn't have to create a phony personality for herself while on the job...she's still the same polite sweetheart whether she's being a wife/mother or assassin! (well, as polite as one can be when killing, lol)
Meanwhile, we get this adorable temper tantrum from Anya 😆
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More of her hilarious expressions and reactions too!
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The scenes where she's afraid of Loid and/or Yor finding out each other's identities are great not just because they're funny and so perfectly match her childish view of things, but also because, on a deeper level, they're actually very sad...that she's so afraid she'll be abandoned so easily. There's always some bit of tragedy in all great humor and that's what makes Endo's style of comedy so relatable.
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And of course, we got the below classic Anya expression, a face so ambiguous it left poor Loid completely devastated 🤣
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The part where Loid is trying so hard to be a good dad by getting Anya the keychain, only to utterly misunderstand her reaction, is one of the funniest scenes and I was so glad to finally see it animated 😂
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Can't wait for next week episode to see Yor face off against Barnaby!
And surprisingly, an actual SxF cruise was announced for later this month from Yokohama to Takeshiba Pier 😀 Gah, I wish I could go! At least I can try to find merch for the event!
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yourhighness6 · 2 months
A Yue Stan's Thoughts on Yue's Character in NATLA
As much as I appreciated what NATLA was trying to do and think it is worth a rewatch, can I just say as an unapolagetic Yue stan that they completely ruined her, and Yukka by extension.
And say whatever you want about her scenes leading up to the sacrifice (which did make me cry, I'll admit, her speech about living was actually a nice addition), but it was actually this line that left me absolutely seething and in my opinion proves that the writers completely misunderstood what made the sacrifice so powerful:
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I actually had to pause the television and collect myself after this one because holy fuck is this the stupidest thing I've ever heard. The entire point in the animated show was that she didn't get to make her own choices before this point. She didn't get to choose who to marry, she didn't get to choose her role in society, she didn't get to choose basically anything about her life besides maybe how to style her hair or something. Yue was a character who was extremely dutiful, but also extremely boxed in by her duty. It was both her greatest strength and her greatest weakness, a parody of itself, just as her mere existence was a parody: while she was saved by the moon spirit as a child and allowed to live on, it was that very reason that she eventually gave up her life. And the very fact that she was given these choices in the first place in the LA seriously undermined the idea of her sacrifice. Yue was told her entire life what to do, and although she did manage to find a bit of freedom through her brief romance with Sokka, ultimately, she still didn't get to publicly be with him or reject Hahn or anything similar. Her sacrifice was what she saw as her duty, yes, but her sacrifice for her people was also a way of standing up for herself and finally resolving to make her own choices. In that moment, she not only saved her people, but she finally made a decision for herself instead of doing something someone else told her to, even going against Sokka's wishes to do what she thought was necessary. So in the LA, with her having a place of influence in her community, with her being able to call off her engagement, with her being told that she could one day be chief, to that stupid fucking line implying that she was in no way ever repressed and free to make her own decisions the entire time, removing all of her character growth and any character significance to her actions, it was all basically pointless. It made Yue into a plot device for Sokka to bond with and to move the Aang-and-Kuruk plotline forward. In the animated series, Yue was not a plot device, and she was extremely well written, whereas in NATLA, her character fell completely flat. She talks about responsibility and pressure in her first scene with Sokka, but other than that, she has no depth. In other words, she has no depth besides her relationship to him.
Anyway, I hope we can all agree that her characterization and a lot of the decisions made in the last two episodes of NATLA were nothing but a pile of bulshit. From Iroh killing Zhao to Yukka having zero chemistry to Katara just magically becoming a master to Zuko being shelved to the plotline about Aang not feeling like he belonged having absolutely no buildup beyond a throwaway line in the second episode to everything about Yue I spelled out above, I would go as far to call it just plain bad. Again, I'm glad it got renewed, and I'll be the first to say a lot of other episodes get unnecessary hate, as well as that we are working with slightly different characters (especially Azula) in this version than the first, but I was really disappointed with seeing Yue in LA for a second time.
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shiro-s2e2-erukinzu · 8 months
Anime only watchers and people who aren't caught up with the Manga, BEWARE... Cuz I'm about to discuss Spy X Family Mission 88... You have been warned...! 👌
We had to wait a month and a half for this chapter, and I think that it DELIVERED!! 😁 So let's talk about it, shall we...? 😊
This chapter begins with a plot line that's been brewing since Mission 61...
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And it only took 27 chapters for Damian to accomplish this...!! 😌 I honestly just love how Endo does stuff like this, where he brings something back up a bunch of chapters later (even if it's the smallest detail imaginable...!! 😊)
But moving on, we get something that I did not expect to see...:
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This is one of the best and funniest things I've ever seen in Spy X Family, and I honestly can't wait until THIS gets animated...!! 😆
After spotting his dream girl from afar, Damian tries to give her the cakes that he promised, but...
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There is just too many people around for him to give Anya the goods...! And with Anya overhearing his thoughts about giving her the cakes (but not fully understanding why Damian wants to give them to her in secret), she devises a plan to meet with Damian in the courtyard...!
And after receiving a seemingly bloody message from Anya, Damian agrees to head to the courtyard with her...
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But as you can see, Becky, Emile and Ewen decided to follow them...!! 😅 So Damian and Anya decide to BOOK IT, while the others follow suit!!! 😆
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After getting chased around for awhile, Damian determines that he's done with this shit and ultimately decides to just throw away the cakes (which Anya hears), and then...:
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Honestly though, this whole page is just so adorable (even if Anya is only doing this for the cakes...!! 💗😄💗)
Anyway, because they were so wrapped up this cake situation, Damian and Anya didn't realize that a wild Henderson has appeared to scold them for missing the the bell...!
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Now the two of them have to stay after school, but it isn't all bad...:
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After finishing writing their apologies, THE G.O.A.T., Mr. Henderson, offers to have some tea and cakes with Damian and Anya...!! 😁
Then, Mr. Henderson asks Damian about the cakes, and get this little flashback...:
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This flashback just makes me continue to be suspicious of Melinda... 😤
But, anyway... To end things off, Damian questions why Anya wanted to meet with him in the first place, and well...:
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And that was Mission 88, a really fun chapter to get us back into the swing of things...!! 😆
I'm pretty sure a lot of us were expecting something big to happen this chapter (like how I was hoping for Yor's full backstory because season 2 of the anime started), but it didn't, and I'm okay with that...! I'm just glad that we finally got another chapter of this amazing series to talk about...!! 😊 And though that month and a half long break was killing me (I mean, I had Undead Unluck to read in meantime), I just hope that Endo got some well deserved rest!! 💗🤗💗
Also, that flashback with Melinda is just giving me red flags all over the place...!! 😵 I don't know if Donovan is the one telling her to do these things or if she's doing this to get to Anya herself, but everything that Melinda has done thus far has made me feel constantly uneasy... I just hope that she didn't do anything to those cakes that will harm Anya or her powers in any way...!! 😡
Well, that's pretty much all that I wanted say about this chapter, and like always, I can't wait for the next one!! 😆 So, until the next Mission... Take care, be safe out there and be kind to one another...!! LATER!! 👋😄
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mooechi · 5 months
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..hey there y'all 😁
so it's been approx. a day since I found out exams have been moved to next week, and I may or may not have ended up dramatically sulking thus resulting in being inactive bcuz I prepared for nothing LMFAAOOOO
but then again, I couldn't find myself gathering the time to open tumblr at all tbh. this week's been a tough one, w all the bombarding of events and all
anyways, I fortunately had enough spare time today to add in a few drawings to make up for my loss (LOL) , and yes, that includes that lazy ass scrap above.
even though I'm most likely gonna be inactive for a little further while, I'd still like to thank my good ol' childhood bestie for taking me out of my whiny slacking shell even temporarily. that mfs definitely gonna reblog this again, so you'll know what I mean.
so first and foremost-- since I've gotten addicted to fbje all the more lately, I stumbled upon a very pretty artwork within the manga. it's official, and I wondered how it'd fare if I were to implement it in terms of demon slayer's gaiden artstyle.
here's how it turned out!
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it's not the best, I think I ended up making her look fierce..I honestly wanted to give it komorebi--dappled sunlight, if you will--but my brush ended up not being as compatible with the chosen style of gaiden so...yeah, I ditched that and went for this idea instead!
moreover, I was pleasantly surprised to see the amount of notifs I've missed. I'm so sorry that I've just seen it, but I'm glad that I now did..@muitsuri , WHAT HAVE U BEEN UP TO⁉️⁉️..I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THE ANTICS UVE DONE- FEEDING THE EVAKARI NATION⁉️⁉️ HELL YEA!!
I express my sincerest of gratitude's to all the appreciation too, thank you all so much! 💕
hence, I've done a lil smth...
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I'm never designing wooden walls again cuz wtf did I do
remember that one idea where they snuggle (smth like that) back then? YEPPP finally got the motivation to bring that to life..somewhat.
you see, this was supposed to be in manga style..so imagine the truck that hit me when my dumbass finally noticed that I've been using THE WRONG BRUSH THIS WHOLE TIME
ofc, ended up questioning my life choices at that point. but hey, since it was late alr and I unfortunately couldn't afford to go back anymore, I forced through it 💪
well, that'd be all for now! I'm gonna go get some rest now--though not b4 I catch up to the updates 😘
i am not entirely satisfied yet displeased with the end product of all this..
I used fbje as reference, both anime and manga.
still, please refrain from stealing. you can take inspo tho!
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ranchycowgirllover · 10 months
Alright so I made a Stella Re-Design, this post ‘ill be kinda long cuz I wanna explain things and such
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My main problems with this design are 1- Details that are unneeded that lead to inconvenience in the animation department (like seriously watch scenes with her and focus on her lashes) 2- This outfit isn’t very regal, I’m guessing the bottom of the dress is supposed to resemble feathers idk it just doesn’t look good.
Alright so we have that out of the way, I have made a few different possible re designs. You’ll see the one I prefer at the end.
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This one I tried to keep more in line with the original pink princess theme. Simplified the dress and hair (I imagine that her hair can fluff up when she’s angry) and I replaced the dark purple with a maroon. I also made her hair white. This way the only purple is her make up which should cause you to look at her face more.
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This one is a more evil Queen inspired Stella, used the purple as a main dress color, I gave her green/blue eyes and grey hair which she had in the pilot. The eyes are help tell her apart from her husband, and the hair change is to make her look older and more regal. I changed the style of dress now she looks less little girl costume princess. (No hate to princess peach)
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This is a younger Stella design that I did. My canon is that she was dressed this way as to appeal more to Stolas.
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Now this is the final design that I chose. The purple is for royalty, I did away with the dark purple as to make her look less threatening. And the dress is rococo era inspired just because I those dresses no real reason
I also did a design for her brother.
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His changes were simplify his outfit, and the other stuff like his hair were changed to match his redesigned sister
Alright so that’s all the art. The rest of the this is just going to be me ranting and raving about her character.
Okay so I think we should acknowledge how fucked Stella’s situation is. She’s in an arranged marriage and her only purpose in hells society was to give birth to an heir.
Stolas and her brother are shown to have magic powers, and Stolas we know he has princely duty’s so we can assume the same for her brother. Stella doesn’t have any of these she was meant to be a baby a maker. Even her name Stella compliments Stolas’s role as star prince or whatever.
Now in the first episode of season 2 we have Stella making fun of her husband how he’s bad in bed and how she’s glad she doesn’t have to fuck him because she’s given birth. I think this is Viv’s attempt at making this situation seem less fucked up.
I don’t even know it just makes me really uncomfortable that this very feminine woman in a shitty situation is being vilified. Like if I was in Stella’s situation I’d probably have anger issues too. I’m just so tired of being told that feminine outrage and displays of anger make us monstrous bitches.
Now obviously Stolas being forced into a loveless marriage also sucks and is an awful situation for him too. But he’s not that much better than Stella. Both are shown to be physically abusive to the castle staff, and Stella for all her faults isn’t black mailing someone into sex.
Now having two shitty people wouldn’t bother me if the narrative didn’t bend over backwards to make Stolas seem like such good guy, just an uwu gay bean. His wife is SO mean she won’t let the gay people be happy 🥺. Also painting abusers as cartoonishly evil monsters does a disservice to people who have been abused is all I’m saying.
Anyways I’ll hopefully have a Stolas Redesign up next
Bye now
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afra-blueraz · 3 months
🦋 Admin Afra talks:
I wanna recommend an anime to you to make you smile from the bottom of your heart. I watched ( Buddy Daddies ) anime yesterday and this anime has become one of my comfort animes. I love father-daughter relationships, and in my opinion, every story and anime needs one of these relationships because it's so cute. Now imagine what would happen if there were two dads instead of one. Also, I'm glad the anime didn't try to force a gay relationship between the two men. I am not a big fan of Yaoi anime. To be honest, I am not a fan of Yaoi and Yuri at all. I'm not saying I hate it, I just don't like this genre. I have not tried to watch Yaoi until now, maybe I will try it later and change my opinion about it. But what was so lovely about this anime was that it didn't try to go with a forced romance. Kazuki and Rei were two friends that a little girl changes their lives and they understand how much this girl is dear to them and decide to change because of this girl.
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Plot Story: Well, at first glance, you think this anime is very similar to Spy x Family, but in my opinion, this anime was better than that. The comedy of the story and the relationship between parents and children was depicted much more attractively. It was very admirable that this story was related to the mafia but tried to maintain a sweet and family atmosphere. And that in the final episodes, we saw a combination of drama, action and the beautiful love of two fathers for their daughter. I was so hooked that I couldn't wait to see the next episode.
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Miri: Cute, simple and lovely little girl. Miri is very cute and kind. I swear, whenever she smiles, I want to hug her and squeeze her so that she suffocates. I know that her daddies will kill me. I was very upset when I heard the truth about Miri's real parents. I don't know if this is true or not, but I'm glad Miri's real parents are dead. Miri is a pure and innocent girl and deserves to always smile. She should be with her daddies. Those two are better parents for Miri.
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Kazuki: Dad as a lovely mom. I love that he became Miri's daddy in such a profound way from the first time he met her. It's as if he's been waiting all his life for the moment when a child calls him daddy. Kazuki's relationship with Miri is sometimes very funny. That he thinks so much about Miri's future and does not want any boy to approach Miri. He is a very cute dad. Kazuki's past and the death of his wife and child were very sad for me. Maybe that was the reason why Kazuki was so afraid of change. But he has Miri now. A girl who really loves him and makes him happy. Kazuki deserves this happy and beautiful family.
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Rei: I fell in love with Rei at first sight. His character and style are very cool. He was always tired and playing games or killing people. I love that in his first meeting with Miri he told Kazuki I can shoot that girl to complete our mission and in the last he turned into a man saying Miri is my daughter. Don't you dare to hurt her, otherwise I will kill you myself. Rei needed more time than Kazuki to get to know Miri and become attached to her. On that first day, he even refused to hug Miri, but he slowly approached her, he told the guards that she is my daughter and hugged her, he played with her, he slept in Miri's arms, he took care of her when she was sick, to the party He went to Miri's kindergarten and encouraged her, and in the end, he fought with his family, his own father to protect Miri. It was very interesting that in the end, Kazuki suggested that Miri be sent to an orphanage in another city so that she would be safe, but Rei refused and said that he wanted to stay with Miri for the rest of his life and raise her like his own daughter. Rei made a lot of progress. I swear I wanted to cry when he talked to his father about his love for Miri. Rei has really fallen in love with Miri and loves her more than anyone else. According to him, he was just like a walking dead before he meet Miri, but now he knows the meaning of life and he doesn't want to lose it. Miri is his dear daughter.
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Kyo: He had a mysterious personality and considering that he worked for the Suwa family, it was natural. When he said that he wanted to take care of Miri, I was very scared and said that if he finds out the truth, he will surely kill Miri, but what did he do instead? He made a special juice for Miri and called her my princess. This man is an exemplary father. The close bond he developed with Miri and helping Rei and Kazuki take care of Miri was so sweet.
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Misaki: I hated her as a mother. I was very angry that she left Miri to go back to her mafia lover. She is your daughter, Bitch. But in the end she also changed. When she got cancer, she realized how precious Miri was to her. She decided to be a good mother to make Miri happy in her last moments. The fact that she regretted what she did is valuable to me, but to be honest, I am happy that she is dead, she does not deserve to be a mother for Miri. She could not be a good mother to Miri.
At the end of this story, it had a wonderful ending. Kazuki and Rei get the happiness they deserve, and Miri lives a happy life with two men who love her more than anyone else. If you want to have happy moments for a few short moments, I suggest you watch this anime.
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lolotheparagon · 1 year
Rating Every TNBA Redesign Cos Why Not
The New Batman Adventures was the last season of the infamous Batman the Animated Series, although it moved to another less strict network. Because the producers wanted to do crossovers with the Superman animated series, they gave the series and its characters a more streamlined style to it. Now I dont wanna blame Bruce Timm entirely since there were many artists on staff back then who did the redesigns but because I hate this coomer, Im going to anyway. In BTAS, you can tell each character apart and they have their own unique outfits and looks to them. But here, these are some of the most unimaginative superhero/villain designs Ive ever seen. Although some did surprise me and were not that bad. So, for a bit of fun, here's my look at each Batman character's redesign in the final (and worst) season of the show.
(Not counting Robin cos he's a different character to Dick Grayson or characters that had very little changes like Clayface or Harley Quinn)
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The big emo rodent himself. For his redesign, I like the more sleek look to Batman's cape...thats it. His original design is really hard to perfect. Its got everything. Why tamper with perfection?
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I actually kinda like Batgirl's redesign. The yellow gloves and boots really help her stand out and its the one of the few times the darker toned outfits actually accentuate a design rather than ruin it. Too bad Bruce Timm couldn't stop salivating over her and the rest of the women in this show. So next time you see someone consider Bruce Timm this legendary storyteller of Batman, give them a healthy reminder that he shipped this college girl character with her mentor/surrogate uncle figure FOR YEARS.
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Its like they sucked away all of Alfred's snark and replaced it with a cardboard cutout. Literally, he looks so sterile and empty. Who had the idea of making Alfred look more bored and done with everything? Also whats wrong with his chin??
Commissioner Gordon
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Good ole Commissioner Pringle got off pretty much unscathed but I think they made him a touch too old considering they gave him a more lanky body, which makes him look more feeble and weak. Dude looks old enough to be Babs' grandad
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Ohhhhh boy. So Joker's redesign is infamously considered by fans as one of the show's worst redesigns, to a point even the showrunners were like yeahh. And thats not unwarranted. He looks like an inverted Dr Draken and im so glad they redesigned him again for Batman Beyond and onward.
Seriously he's A CLOWN WHERES THE MAKE UP?!!
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I know Two Face is just a redrawn version of the original design with the TNBA streamlined art style but I want to draw special attention to the monster side of Dent's face. Notice in the original it looks more manic and feral? Heavily contrasted with the conflicted, guilty look on Dent's normal side? But here, in the redesign the monster side is less scary and Dent looks way too bored and angry. The overuse of black lines doesnt help.
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She looks like Harley Quinn or Barbara wearing a catsuit. Starting to see a pattern here?
Baby Doll
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Its a tough call cos they both look very good but Im gonna lean towards the redesign cos shes got that creepy doll look down to a T (Annabelle would be proud) whereas her original design looked more like a Tiny Toons character.
Scarface and the Ventriloquist
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I like the redesign cos of the exaggerated style of the rest of the show perfectly captures Scarface since he's, yknow, a puppet and having the Ventriloquist be shown to be scared and submissive really does show how the puppet is ironically the puppetmaster.
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Actually I like both of them. They both give off that sophisticated element Penguin is known for and after so many reiterations of him being this crass Scouse-talking crime boss, its nice to see versions of him going back to his rich asshole roots.
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In the original, he has a luchador-style mask and wrestling suit fitting his Spanish roots. Here, he straight up looks like a gimp. Its really bad. Embrace your heritage, Bane!
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They went from Frank Gorshin to Jim Carrey for Riddler (fitting cos Batman Forever came during TNBA's development) and I love that. So I love both of them. Nice to see a villain with some fucking colour in TNBA cos im tired of seeing all this black outfits. Also his cane being an extended question mark instead of a question mark on top of a regular cane is genius.
Mad Hatter
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Both of them fit Hatter's deranged stalker vibes perfectly, but I wish they kept the colour scheme for the redesign cos Hatter's new colour scheme looks too rounded and doesnt stand out.
Poison Ivy
Killer Croc
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Finally, now he looks like an actual crocodile instead of whatever the hell he was supposed to be!
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Okay, who the fuck decided to make Scarecrow look like the Babadook? Cos I want to give them a raise. Holy mother of piss, that is terrifying. That shit belongs in the Arkham games. I still prefer the old design cos it has that perfect blend of goofy and gothic. He looks like a Cacturne now that I think about it.
Mr Freeze
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room-surprise · 5 months
Dungeon Meshi Season 1, Episode 3 Review
I think it was fantastic, and like the other episodes my complaints are all so minor, they're basically nitpicks. Spoilers below!
The Japanese subtitles are still kinda bad, when you watch the English dub afterwards it somehow manages to better convey the same information without leaving anything out. Japanese performances are fantastic but yeah the subtitles really suck a lot of the life out of them. There's some gems in the dub performance, like Chilchuck saying "Sword, please" to Laios instead of "can I borrow your sword" or something more elaborate.
Everything that was good about the original manga chapters is in this episode, and this was one of the early chapters that hooked me and my spouse into Dungeon Meshi - seeing how Laios figured out the living armor and how he defeated it was something really cool and thoughtful that stood out from other media to us. It was clever and novel and went into monsters and speculative biology in a way that we both adored. This episode is also the one that really foreshadows the rest of the series and it's themes. If something is alive, it desires something, and if you can figure out what it desires you can find a way to defeat it. If something is alive, you can kill it, and if you can kill it you can eat it.
All of the fight scenes in this episode are incredible, and there's tons of fun camera shots and interesting choices being made. Love the bit where Marcille catches a helmet in the loop of her staff. Also loved the bit where she caught Laios' head in the loop of her staff and shook him around angrily. They found ways to include information from the extra monster tidbits into the main narrative, which is fantastic! I'm hoping they'll be able to do this for the rest of the anime as well, because there's a LOT of vital information and funny jokes in the tidbits that enhance the story.
So nice to finally have our first Senshi panty shot and know that they'll at least give us some of those.
Though the animation is spectacular, there is a noticeable style shift between the first two episodes and 3. They obviously have some very talented animators working on this episode (the suits of armor are all rock solid, detailed, and move in fantastic ways) but they are NOT really good at drawing the human characters on-model and it shows. It's not awful but it is noticeable. I'm glad they at least were able to keep it consistent, the characters look that way through the whole episode and don't switch back and forth between individual scenes. That would have been a lot more distracting. Pet peeve, I hated the gag with the egg sack flying through cosmic space to show Laios had figured out the secret of the armor. I didn't think it was that funny, and I felt it interrupted the flow of the already very exciting and tense fight scene. Just the memory sequence being drawn in such a crazy loose style was enough for me! And the style of it flying through the cosmos and everything just felt very out of place and modern. Oh, and Laios says "oh my god" at one point in the dub, which also annoys me, but I think is better than "jeez" since a pagan could theoretically say "oh my god."
But overall a fantastic episode and it gives me a lot of hope for the rest of the series. I was worried that they were going to compress the story too much and try to fit 4 chapters into this episode, because of how they put 3 chapters into episode 2, but they gave this 2-chapter story room to breathe, which it very much needed. Can't wait for next week! I think we'll get the golem story as well as the orcs.
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otakween · 8 months
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Digimon Tamers - Episode 51 (final episode!)
Yay! I enjoyed this finale. It was basically like the inverse of Adventure where instead of the kids having to go back to the real world it was the digimon having to return to the digital world. It was probably not as emotional as Adventure because the goodbyes were kind of abrupt, but it was close enough. I feel satisfied :^)
Exciting title card is exciting. Gotta love it when the final episode switches up the intro for dramatic effect.
Sakuyamon's armor bursts off and her hair streams out when she gives Cyberdramon her power. I was kind of giggling at how fanservicey that was (I wonder if it awakened anything in anyone), but it was nice to see Ruki and Ryo finally cooperating and Ruki respecting Ryo as a teammate.
Lots of flowing hair in this episode: Sakuyamon, Ruki and Juri all get this treatment. Honestly it kinda made Ruki and Juri look really similar in my screenshots (see below), whoops. Other than that, they looked nice.
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They probably just look more similar than normal here because of Juri's serious expression.
Nice of the holy beasts to show up and help, but they barely showed them (you could only see them fading into the distance). I wish they had the budget to animate them more up close because then their heroic moment would have had more oomph.
Why did Juri suddenly have 90s anime eyes in that one scene? She looked so cute lol (Culumon too)
Nice to see the less powerful, more defensive digimon save the day in this with Culumon using a barrier on Juri and then MarineAngemon doing the same for everyone to get them out of the D-Reaper bubble.
I laughed out loud when the goddess monster moaned it's way into the pit. Why was that so goofy sounding? Totally took away any cool-factor for that thing
Now that I think about it, when MarineAngemon saves the day, Hirokazu, Guardromon, and Lopmon did not need to be there. Guess they just wanted to participate haha
Poor Jian and Terriermon have to spin super hard to revert the D-Reapers power. The little "momantai" with swirling eyes was super cute.
It's revealed that part of sealing the digital world and real world connection means that all the partner digimon have to go back to the digital world, but first they revert to babies! Omg the baby digimon were so cuuuute ;w; Guilmon was a lil bean and hearing the super-serious Renamon's baby voice was great too.
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We got a cheesy "Primary colors' insert song that I'm guessing was sung by the VAs, looking forward to giving that a closer listen.
It's interesting to think about what having digimon in the real world would even mean if there are no threats. They just hang out slice of life style? Are there any mon shows like that where there's no fighting? Sounds cute but it probably wouldn't sell as many toys lol.
This poor background child with huge ears:
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I was like "gah! Why is there an elf in their class??"
Glad they didn't end with a silly "and then 20 years later they had all the babies" epilogue. Open-ended is best. Good for the imagination and good for the franchise if they ever want to do more with these characters.
All in all, this was a good kids show. It didn't blow me away or anything, but it was probably stronger than 02 at least. Since no one talks about the other series I can only assume it's all downhill from here -cries- Nah, JK. I'm looking forward to checking out everything else. But first, video game and manga time baby! :D
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youngerfrankenstein · 11 months
So today I watched two movies where the deuteragonist goes kinda nuts and turns into a dragon thing, before the protagonist has to calm them down.
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They were both a pretty fun time!
Promare is something I had been meaning to watch for quite a while but somehow never got around to. Glad I finally did!
Promare has quite possibly the Worst oppression allegory I have ever seen. A bunch of people are discriminated against because they burned half the world and killed billions (with a B!) of people. Also it’s not actually anything inherent to them it’s a bunch of alien parasites that will destroy the planet. However, since this is basically just an excuse for robots to fight other robots on fire… I can’t say I really care in the end. Promare is ENTIRELY style over substance, and I mean that in the best way.
The plot is breakneck and stupid. Most of the characters barely register as such. The dialogue is so dumb. And it FUCKING RULES! I’ve seen the film described as “Anime the Anime” and that does kind of sum it up. Everything feels like a ten year old boy smashing his action figures together and you can’t help but get swept up in the enthusiasm.
Helped by the absolutely (excuse the pun) FIRE soundtrack. The energy almost never lets up, and on-the-nose engrish lyrics just add to the experience. Even if you don’t watch the movie holy heck listen to the soundtrack.
The characters may be paper-thing but holy hell are they fun to watch. Our protagonist, Galo, himbo extraordinaire is as ridiculous as he is somehow charming. You can’t help but admire his drive to help people. And his foil, the ironically icy Lio, here to set fires and fight for his rights. Aina, a nice, spunky girl set up as a love interest for about five minutes before it turns out her character has more of a story based around her relationship with her sister. Which is a nice change! In fact the only romance in the story arguably involves CPR for plausible deniability. And our hero remembers to open the airway thank heck. Though whether intentional or just ship tease who knows? And who cares. You can guess who the villain is about ten seconds after he shows up and he is as much a blast to watch as the rest.
And really, this is a movie with a secret robot used to save the day called the Deus X Machina. A movie that ends with two shirtless guys setting the Earth on fire to stop the Earth from being set on fire. It doesn’t take itself too seriously and really neither should you. Let it sweep you away for almost two hours and you will feel much better afterwards.
I started reading Nimona around the time it was wrapping up as a webcomic. I have a copy of the graphic novel on my shelf. I was excited when I heard the movie had been greenlit (less so when I heard it was Blue Sky Studios), disappointed by the cancellation and, well, I’m happy it’s here now. While I’ve gotten grouchier over the years, it does make me smile to see these guys on my television, even if they’re not quite the same people either.
Because the movie is very different, and yet much of it feels similar as well. Certain scenes, like the board game, are almost directly from the comic, others are from the comic but not quite the same. The characters are different, Ballister is less jaded, Ambrosius less delusional and Nimona less, well, monstrous. She seems to more beat the snot out of people than commit mass murder. In the comic she’s every bit the monster people fear her to be, though a sympathetic one, and perhaps one who will heal someday. While the ending of the movie is far happier, it fits the new tone. And honestly? I need to stop making comparisons and judge the damn movie on its own merits. Of which it has many!
Our setup is fairly simple, Ballister BlackBoldheart is a new knight of the realm, who immediately gets framed for the murder of the queen and disarmed (heh) by his boyfriend Ambrosius Goldenloin, while on the lam he is approached by a shapeshifter called Nimona who is up for a little mayhem and hijinks. Together they try and clear his name.
My fist fear when I heard Blue Sky studios would be the ones releasing the movie was that a lot of the humour would be Quite Bad. And while there definitely is plenty of that, I think more gags hit than miss. Hell the movie got quite a few laughs out of my dad and he’s a fair bit less likely to chuckle than I am. It is quite a funny movie, which is good because it helps the harsher moments hit harder. Because there are also plenty of those, especially in the final act.
Speaking of, the film is somewhat surprisingly well paced. Scenes tend not to overstay their welcome and the movie flows well. What else flows well? The animation! (My segways not so much) Everything is very smooth, which is rather necessary for all the shapeshifting, and there’s quite an interesting scene made to look as if subway tiles are telling the story of Nimona’s origins (ish).
And the main trio really are quite fun to watch. Ballister, always the underdog, now a public enemy and trying to both clear his name and perhaps open his mind a bit. Ambrosius, golden boy, trying to do the right thing and not always doing a great job. And, of course, Nimona, who’s just here to break shit, though it is quickly clear there’s more underneath, also a pretty blatant trans allegory.
The relationships Ballister has with both the other two are sweet as heck, but also riddled with mistrust that they all have to work to overcome.
And while the movie does get a little preachy at times, it’s a kid’s movie. What do you expect? Rah rah fight the power, all that jazz. I may be too jaded for it but it certainly works.
Would recommend checking out both or either if they sound like something you’d enjoy!
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