#snk analyses
sugar-grigri · 4 months
care to share some of your analyses about Attack on Titan?
Sorry for the late reply! Unfortunately, my analyses can't be found, they were posted on my previous Twitter account, when I used to analyze SNK and Vinland Saga a lot.
There's an anthology of great analyses and interpretations of SNK, it's a manga with a big community that has always taken the work very seriously (unlike CSM's) so I think in any case, it's not hard to find some nice gems.
To give you an idea Anon, I was analyzing things that I felt I didn't see very often, I was very interested in the character of Berthold, who is SNK's most symbolic character, just look at the mark the colossal titan has left in the imagination of fans. Yet his host, the human behind him, is overshadowed, and what's fascinating is how Isayama has treated the character in an implicit, subtle way, notably through symbols (yes, I love symbols).
The figure of the man hanging upside down is an image that permeates the entire end of SNK, and it was set up by Berthold.
I've always been fascinated by Eren too, but I've always analyzed him as he was written, a deliberately pathetic character.
I'm not being negative when I say this, he remains one of my favorite characters, but he has suffered from idealization. His tragic and pathetic aspect is what made Eren very human, but also quite original.
I've been following SNK since I was 13, I'd turned away from manga for a while, I even found it cringe-worthy, I had my popular girl phase who didn't like nerd stuff (which is what I've become).
One day, my twin sister dropped Berserk Volume 1 on my desk and ordered me to read and see the SNK anime that had just come out.
It was a monumental slap in the face………
So I spent my adolescence with SNK, a work that means a lot to me, even if I now see many of its flaws with a more critical eye.
But just as I see them in CSM! I don't necessarily talk about them, my analyses are personal, but I also try to make them neutral enough to make sense to many people.
I don't have any more analysis but I do have some drawings that I haven't posted here, sorry for not having more <3
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leave-i-athan · 3 months
me as a combination of my fav character pairs
saw a post saying that people often are a mix of their favorite ships/duos, which is a) a fun theory, and b) something i naturally had to test out for myself. (spoiler: it appears to be quite accurate for me personally)
yeah. yep. gojo my dearest fellow entp e7 VLFE scuei with a superiority complex and vulnerability/intimacy issues. geto, chronic overthinker who is # calm in every sense except the ones where he's Not; the ambivert introvert who's still social as hell.
yes but they're Me in very different ways. erwin (a kin), so7 LIE, calm under pressure, rational, greatest strength is his mind - but it's also what will be the end of him in every way possible; fucked up sense of morals but in a way that Works for the most part because he makes it work. levi - we have the same name. also he looks like me.
not my best side mayhaps but transparency is what this blog's for. i am them they are me. the way their minds work, the Dramatics, all of it. they're both on my kin list. i do not agree with light's worldview/politics, but IF i did i would've reached more or less the same conclusions as him. Ls lacking sense of morals and prioritization of his own enjoyment, which meets his Choice to still be on the Right Side? yeah. that. the way they both went absolutely feral over meeting someone whose mind matched their own? yeah <3
hamilton & burr
not a ship really since i don't really fandom-interact with hamilton as much as i just love the musical on its own, but as it is i love their dynamic as characters. and yeah it's one of the most relatable pairs of characters i've ever encountered. the hubris and unchecked ambition of hamilton, the so3 fix and LIE, the sheer capacity for bullshitting your way out of any situation, the youre-the-only-enemy-you-ever-seem-to-lose-to, the what-the-fuck-is-up-with-this-kid. and burr, the other side of it all, the same burning ambition but this time fundamentally hindered by some unnamed, undefined enemy in your own head - caution, fear, indecisiveness; the constant awareness of the field you're playing on, and the commitment to picking the right option, which is stronger than the commitment to your own convictions. i could go on about them forever but yeah, they're me.
shoutout to the fact that the haikyuu movie is coming out in less than a week! but yeah this is another yes. kuroo, fellow entp so7 VLFE, whose temperament and outward personality is one of the most relatable i've found in a fictional character; the ultimate introverted extrovert laid-back super-passionate chill nerd duality king. kenma, the inherent INTP-ism in my ENTP, the neurodivergency, the utter distaste for physical exertion except for When It Matters, the my-mind-is-my-strongest-weapon-and-fuck-you-i-will-make-it-work, the you-gotta-make-it-worth-my-time.
to sum it up: yeah. fun!
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levissecondblog · 3 months
me as a combination of my fav character pairs
saw a post saying that people often are a mix of their favorite ships/duos, which is a) a fun theory, and b) something i naturally had to test out for myself. (spoiler: it appears to be quite accurate for me personally)
yeah. yep. gojo my dearest fellow entp e7 VLFE scuei with a superiority complex and vulnerability/intimacy issues. geto, chronic overthinker who is # calm in every sense except the ones where he's Not; the ambivert introvert who's still social as hell.
yes but they're Me in very different ways. erwin (a kin), so7 LIE, calm under pressure, rational, greatest strength is his mind - but it's also what will be the end of him in every way possible; fucked up sense of morals but in a way that Works for the most part because he makes it work. levi - we have the same name. also he looks like me.
not my best side mayhaps but transparency is what this blog's for. i am them they are me. the way their minds work, the Dramatics, all of it. they're both on my kin list. i do not agree with light's worldview/politics, but IF i did i would've reached more or less the same conclusions as him. Ls lacking sense of morals and prioritization of his own enjoyment, which meets his Choice to still be on the Right Side? yeah. that. the way they both went absolutely feral over meeting someone whose mind matched their own? yeah <3
hamilton & burr
not a ship really since i don't really fandom-interact with hamilton as much as i just love the musical on its own, but as it is i love their dynamic as characters. and yeah it's one of the most relatable pairs of characters i've ever encountered. the hubris and unchecked ambition of hamilton, the so3 fix and LIE, the sheer capacity for bullshitting your way out of any situation, the youre-the-only-enemy-you-ever-seem-to-lose-to, the what-the-fuck-is-up-with-this-kid. and burr, the other side of it all, the same burning ambition but this time fundamentally hindered by some unnamed, undefined enemy in your own head - caution, fear, indecisiveness; the constant awareness of the field you're playing on, and the commitment to picking the right option, which is stronger than the commitment to your own convictions. i could go on about them forever but yeah, they're me.
shoutout to the fact that the haikyuu movie is coming out in less than a week! but yeah this is another yes. kuroo, fellow entp so7 VLFE, whose temperament and outward personality is one of the most relatable i've found in a fictional character; the ultimate introverted extrovert laid-back super-passionate chill nerd duality king. kenma, the inherent INTP-ism in my ENTP, the neurodivergency, the utter distaste for physical exertion except for When It Matters, the my-mind-is-my-strongest-weapon-and-fuck-you-i-will-make-it-work, the you-gotta-make-it-worth-my-time.
to sum it up: yeah. fun!
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kalyria1674-blog · 10 months
Eren Kruger : son personnage ainsi que sa relation avec Grisha et Eren.
Pour commencer clairement, des Assaillant, il est celui avec lequel j'ai le plus de mal (même comparé à son homonyme), peut-être à cause de son temps d'écran trop court qui ne montre que quelques facettes de son personnage dont aucune n'est particulièrement flatteuse. Ce qui est d'ailleurs assez dommage mais bon... si Isayama commence à faire un flashback dans un flashback (pour quelque chose à la pertinence limitée en terme de narration qui plus est), je conçois que le récit pourrait rapidement partir en couille.
Bien sûr, il a une dimension philosophique intéressante et je compatis à sa perte personnelle... mais la façon dont sa philosophie s'oppose à celle d'Eren Jaeger à un niveau fondamental sur plusieurs points importants est en fait presque drôle. Presque. Parce qu'après, je vois des gens qui disent qu'ils se ressemblent beaucoup et qu'Eren Jaeger est le digne héritier de son homonyme par rapport à son ''raté de père'' qui n'était qu'un conduit, un remplaçant de circonstance en attendant que quelqu'un de vraiment ''digne'' apparaisse. Et là, je grince juste des dents parce que ces déclarations sont à un niveau de ridicule...
Parce qu'il est évident qu'Eren Jaeger est tellement l'héritier de Kruger et que celui-ci serait fier de voir ce qu'il a fait. La preuve se trouve justement dans le chapitre 137 comme les lecteurs de manga auront la référence ! 🙄
Tout les Assaillant son différents. Ils se rejoignent entre eux sur certains points mais sont complètement opposés sur d'autres et c'est en partie ce qui me fascine chez ces héritiers-là plutôt que les autres shifters qui avaient soit un accord de longue date (Xsaver et Siëg) ou sont des accidents complets/meurtres (Porco/Falco ; Frieda/Grisha ; Marcel/Ymir ; Bertholt/Armin) imprévus.
Non, les Assaillant, eux, ont transmis leur pouvoir volontairement à des gens qui ne partageaient par forcément l'entièreté de leur vision et les moyens mis en oeuvre pour l'atteindre, se manipulant, s'influençant et s'acculant les uns les autres pour obtenir ce qu'ils voulaient. Un ensemble hétéroclites et, franchement, parfois défaillant (voir même malsain) mais qui parvient malgré tout à fonctionner... d'une manière ou d'une autre, et a les faire gagner.
Kruger a eu sa vengeance.
Grisha a pu sauver une partie de sa famille.
Eren a sauver ses amis.
Objectifs atteints, bien que de façon très douteuse et bordélique.
Kruger est rester spectateur de la torture de Grisha et lui a laisser le choix entre devenir un shifter et se suicider après avoir assassiné sa femme sous ses yeux et tenter de le justifier.
Grisha a menti à ses proches et à imposer à son petit garçon de dix ans de devenir un shifter sans même lui dire la vérité alors qu'il savait que la perte de mémoire était temporaire !
Eren Jaeger a manipulé son père pour le forcer à tuer toute une famille, enfants compris, et a sciemment laisser sa mère mourir en sachant que Grisha essayait désespérément de la sauver.
... Honnêtement, qu'est-ce qu'ils font ? Chacun de ces hommes a urgemment besoin d'une thérapie ! 😰
Aussi, Eren, à mes yeux, tient plus de Grisha qu'il ne tiendra jamais de Kruger. Et quand un génocidaire fou se rapproche davantage d'un médecin compatissant que de l'espion calculateur, je pense que ça veut dire quelque chose !
Ainsi, pour Kruger ''tout le monde peut devenir un dieu ou un démon, pour peu que les autres en décident ainsi.''.
Alors que, pour Jaeger ''Personne n'est un dieu ou un diable, tous sont des gens ordinaires''.
Ainsi tel que je le comprends, ici, Kruger dit que toutes personnes est le reflet de son environnement et du regard des autres là où Eren clame que tout le monde dans la vie a le choix même dans les pires environnements.
Kruger a donc une idéologie plus orientée vers une certaine fatalité (qui correspond d'ailleurs bien à son inaction générale jusqu'au tout dernier moment) dans sa dimension liberticide que ses deux successeurs. Mais, nuance très importante, il ne soutient pas le concept général de la fatalité ou du déterminisme ! Il est le plus influencé (jusqu'à la prise de conscience de Grisha dans la chapelle mais, là, c'est plus une réalisation qu'une idéologie) mais garde toujours espoir là-dessus. Car l'une des choses les plus importantes qu'il dit à Grisha est justement de briser le cycle.
D'une certaine façon, il soutient aussi la déresponsabilisation face à ses choix qui seraient le produit de l'environnement dans lequel il a vécu sans pour autant en nier ni les conséquences, ni la culpabilité. L'un des exemples notables est quand il décide à la place de Dinah avant d'essayer de se justifier face à Grisha comme s'il en avait le droit.
Il aurait pu s'arrêter à ''elle était de sang royal, il fallait éviter qu'elle soit violée et obligée a donner des enfants à Mahr'' mais non. Il préfère enchaîner sur la façon dont elle avait l'air guillerette et son espoir qu'il a fait le ''bon choix''. Parce que s'il l'a fait alors, d'une certaine façon, le calvaire infligé à sa victime n'est pas trop grave... puisqu'il l'a ''sauver'' d'un destin encore pire.
Le fait qu'il dise ça à l'homme qui l'aimait et l'avait épouser juste après l'avoir forcer à assister à toute la scène de ses propres mains, est d'ailleurs un point qui me dérange beaucoup et démontre, selon moi, son manque général d'empathie.
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(Sérieusement, regarder la tête de Grisha alors qu'il entend ces mots...)
Manque qui est d'ailleurs également illustré dans la façon où il est aller jusqu'à devenir le complice n°1 de Gross dans ses exactions (culpabilité ou non ; objectif plus grand ou non... il l'a fait !), qu'il s'agisse du meurtre de Faye (parce qu'il ne pensais pas pouvoir la sauver et que Grisha devait apprendre la ''cruauté du monde'') ou de faire ''danser'' des prisonniers dont je parierais que la plupart ont été déportés pour des broutilles, le dernier réseau révolutionnaires ayant été démasqué quand Kruger était enfant.
... Ou encore son fameux ''arrête, tu vas te faire mal aux doigts''. Mais qui dit ça sérieusement à celui qu'il a lui-même mutilé quand celui-ci demande des réponses sur l'assassinat de l'un des amours de sa vie ?! 🤦‍♀️
Et, en cela, il est l'opposé de Grisha Jaeger qui est, quand à lui, complètement rebuté par ce genre de spectacle et prêt à tendre la main (ou ce qu'il en restait) même à ses propres tortionnaires dans le besoin.
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(Oui, c'est l'une des scènes qui en font mon personnage préféré.)
Franchement, sans les détester ou les mépriser, les fan qui les mettent ensemble (le ''Krisha'') en se basant sur une discussion pareille me sont aussi incompréhensibles que les pro-Ereri voir davantage encore...
Voilà, c'est ça. Je ne comprends pas. 🤷‍♀️
Par opposition, Jaeger (qu'on poursuive le propos d'origine plutôt que de continuer la disgression) a essayer de lutter contre son destin alors même qu'il l'avait construit de ses mains.
Même après avoir vu les souvenirs futurs, il se bat contre le plan de Siëg vis-à-vis d'Historia. Puis, ensuite, il cherche n'importe quelle excuse pour essayer de reculer face à ce qu'il sait pourtant être inéluctable, comme lorsqu'il demande confirmation de sa vision de la mort de Sacha a ses amis ou comment, avant son évasion, il demande à Hanji s'iel a une autre solution en stock. Ou encore, quand il reproche à Armin son changement à toujours dire la même chose en boucle. De plus, son insistance pour toujours laisser le choix à son entourage proche, même dans leurs derniers moments correspond à son idéal de liberté et la façon dont il a repris les mots de Levi au sujet de ''choisir sans regret'' montre qu'il a toujours conscience que chacun de ses actes découle de son libre-arbitre et doivent donc être assumé comme telle.
La première philosophie, celle de Kruger, fait de l'individu la victime de son entourage.
La seconde, défendue vaille que vaille par Jaeger, fait de l'individu la victime de ses propres choix.
Les deux sont donc opposées l'une à l'autre bien qu'elles ne soient pas forcément inconciliables entre elles. Elles peuvent fonctionner en tandem avec, par exemple, l'individu reflétant ses choix prit dans un environnement construit par d'autres.
Enfin, selon moi, la plus grosse opposition entre Kruger et les Jaeger (Grisha et Eren) est qu'en tant qu'Assaillant, le premier était motivé par sa haine et son amertume vis-à-vis de Mahr là où les seconds carburaient à l'amour qu'ils avaient pour leurs famille/proches. Grisha plus qu'Eren d'ailleurs qui avait aussi le dépit envers le ''Monde Extérieur'' comme il l'explique à Armin.
C'est pour sauver Carla, Eren et Mikasa que Grisha a dévoré Frieda et abandonner son humanité.
C'est pour sauver Mikasa, Armin et tout les autres qu'Eren a activer le GT et abandonner son humanité.
-> Grisha a influencé Eren avec ses paroles et, neuf ans plus tard ou quelques jours plus tôt selon le point de vu, Eren a influencé Grisha avec ses paroles.
-> Grisha a ainsi trahit son fils de 10 ans en l'injectant contre sa volonté pour ses objectifs et Eren a trahit son père à 19 ans en le manipulant contre sa volonté pour ses objectifs.
-> Avec les Reiss, Grisha est probablement devenu fou (réaction post-massacre plus les remarques de petit Eren) et est mort. Avec le GT, Eren est probablement devenu fou (souvenirs du futur et ultime conversation avec Armin) et est mort.
La boucle est bouclée, dans une situation désespérée et avec l'objectif semblable de sauver ceux qu'ils aimaient, les Jaeger ont fait un choix terrible qui les a finalement détruit.
Pour le meilleur et surtout pour le pire, Eren est le fils de son père et Grisha le père de son fils. Malgré leurs différences évidentes, je n'ai aucun doute là-dessus.
L'amour et la haine ne sont peut-être pas opposées l'une à l'autre mais elle demeure quand même très différentes dans ce cas précis.
... En fait, maintenant que j'y pense, la plus grande ressemblance philosophique que je peux voir entre Eren Jaeger et Eren Kruger est l'appréciable constat que, derrière chaque épitaphe de dieu ou de diable se cache un être humain ordinaire. Et ça, c'est formidable en plus d'être directement opposé à la philosophie de Grisha sur les gens ''spéciaux'' qui me donne envie de le secouer dans tout les sens.
(Non, vraiment. Grisha, qu'est-ce que tu fais ?!) 🤨
Et sur ce coup-là, ce sont les deux Eren que je soutiens.
Si je le mentionne, c'est bien pour rappeler que j'apprécie chacun d'eux (sauf Grisha que j'adore car il est le personnage qui m'a le plus touchée dans l'histoire sans que je ne cautionne ses actes) et ne les déteste pas. Karl Reiss et Willy Tybur sont vraiment les seuls gars que je ne supporte pas. Je suis juste moins en phase avec Kruger en général pour son apathie, sa cruauté désinvolte et, oui, sa lâcheté occasionnelle qui nous a été démontré.
Car, contrairement à Grisha qui a renoncer la première fois pour sa famille et la seconde pour ses convictions morales, Kruger a renoncer soit parce qu'il n'en voyait pas l'utilité, soit car il pensait ne ''pas pouvoir le faire''. Ce qui sont des raisons très différentes, mine de rien.
En fait, avec Kruger, je ne sais pas s'il fallait du courage pour s'infiltrer au coeur même du pouvoir ennemi si longtemps, en sachant qu'ils sont directement responsable de la perte de sa famille (d'ailleurs, dans son souvenir de sa famille calcinée, je pensais que l'homme du milieu ressemblait à Gross ce qui serait... wow !) ou de la lâcheté pour, une fois sur place, ne rien faire pour changer les choses, se bornant à envoyer occasionnellement des informations incomplètes et orientée pour laisser les autres se battre sans trop se mouiller.
Soyons clair, je sais que la position d'un espion n'est pas facile. Je sais aussi qu'il ne pouvait décemment pas leur donner en tout temps toutes les informations pour ne pas être démasqué surtout qu'il devait aussi s'assurer que l'Assaillant ne tomberait pas entre les mains de Mahr. Mais il y a aussi une différence entre ça et la rétention volontaire d'informations, non pas pour se protéger, mais pour manipuler les autres. Il y a une différence entre essayer de sauver les autre et échouer (il aurait pu tenter le coup avec Faye, il lui aurait suffit de lui donner la même punition qu'a Grisha plutôt que de laisser Gross l'emmener) et le fait de ne même pas essayer.
Oui, je suis vraiment partagée sur l'homme et je pense que ça se voit.
Enfin, je termine en disant que je ne saurais dire lequel d'entre eux tous a ''raison'' parce qu'ils ont tous un peu tord et un peu raison. Je voulais juste souligner les différences entre eux, tant que j'en avais l'occasion, même si ça conduit à un HS quelconque.
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imjustabeanie · 2 months
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Hello and welcome to my blog!
In this space you can ask for a headcanon or give prompts for a little comic.
I also do matchups (appearance and personality).
Matchup exchanges are way more detailled than normal ones.
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My fandoms:
-Genshin Impact (all lore and region)
-Honkai Star Rail
-Tears Of Themis
-Love and deepspace
-Twisted Wonderland
-Mystic Messenger
-Obey me
-Hazbin Hotel
-Helluva boss
-Kimetsu no yaiba
-My hero academia
-JJBA (all parts)
-Tokyo Revengers
-Jujutsu kaisen
-Bnha (been a while since I read it)
Now I don't write for these ones, I draw:
-MCU and DC
-Baldur's Gate 3
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-Be respectful.
-For normal matchups, only one fandom and please include your deal breakers.
-For appearance matchups you can send a pic/picrew or anything. The fandom limit here is 3.
-For headcanons all is fair but I don't write stuff related works, I'll happily answer and discuss all theories or analyse characters! And if the prompt inspire me I'll draw it.
Thank you and have a good time darlings!
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moonspirit · 15 days
Since when did you start shipping Aruani? And how?
Since 2013, really!
I was instantly drawn toward Armin tbh, he was everything I liked and the more that I got to see of him as S1 progressed, the harder I fell in love haha xD Back then, nobody was sure how much, if at all, romance would have a place in the story, it was still too early - but ofc that didn't stop anybody from shipping lol. Aruani were already a ship by the time the FT Arc aired.
But I didn't really pay much attention to them until I started reading the manga every month (post S1), and got caught in the fun of elaborate theorising that used to happen in the comment sections (I used to read the manga on some of those free websites that had Disqus accounts linked, so readers could comment and connect across chapters). But much of the foundation of Aruani as a ship was based on Armin calling Annie "nice" and Annie falling into his trap. As for me personally, I saw the spark when it was revealed that Armin waited a whole month before outing her identity. Until that point, there hadn't been such an obvious instance of hesitation between two characters who clearly did not stand on the same side, in a world as unforgiving as the SnK universe. It was also the whole aspect of "trusting" and "manipulating that trust" that made the ship even more fun.
When I joined Tumblr in 2014, I saw quite a few discussions regarding Aruani - and the more I read them, the more sense the ship made. People are really amazing, the way they can analyse characters so deeply.
Again, I still didn't know if it would ever become a canon ship once Annie crystallized herself - it felt more like a doomed ship; but I still saw the appeal, I liked them together a lot.
Then the later chapters rolled around, and you know xD The rest is history.
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spilledsinnamontea · 3 months
Hey, Ann!! Happy Valentines!!! 💚💚💚
I was wondering here: which ships are in your Top OTPs? And why you love them so much (if you want to share!)
OMG HI MONDO!!!! Happy (belated) valentine to you as well 💘💘💘 How are you?? I hope you are well!!!
Of course I want to share, I love oversharing about my ships HAHA. So here you go, a (short) list of my SNK OTPs:
(pretends to be shocked). No, but I'm not even kidding when I said that they live in my head 24/7 🤣 Everytime I do or see something, I would automatically connect it to Levihan. I just can't help it lol, I love them so much (both as a character and as a ship). Their relationship is mature and pure but fun at the same time. I mean, they embody all of my favourite tropes, so no suprise here. But idk, there are no other ships (that came before them or after them) that could alter my brain in the same way as them. They changed me fr, like something shifted inside me the moment I became a Levihan shipper. Hell, I even chose my uni major because of a Levihan fanfiction 💀 Not only that, my writings and English has improved a lot, and all of that merely because I want to write their fanfic LOL.
I've been a Levihan shipper since 2013 and I will continue to be one until I die. So yeah, expect to see more Levihan fanfiction for more decades to come 😚✌️
They don't really live in my head 24/7 but I still think of them often. Also, they hold an important place in my heart since they are my first ship in SNK. Not only that, they are also special to me because they are THE ship that went from being considered as a crack ship to a canon one. LIKE IT WAS INSANE. I mean I've been an Aruani shipper since 2013 and so I knew how small the fandom were back then. Not only that, most of the SNK fandom saw AruAni as a crack shipper, but we were like, "No! They are not! (proceed to analyse the hell out of their interaction in the female titan arc)." 😀👍
So imagine how SHOCKED and ECSTATIC I WAS when all of these analysis and headcanons CAME TRUE. It took us almost a decade, but we finally got to say, "See guys? WE ARE NOT DELUSIONAL." I never been proud as a shipper HAHA. One of my biggest flex is to say that I've been an Aruani truther since 2013 😎
Okay now that I think about it, the only ships that I deeply care about are only the two above. I do like other ships, but only in a casual way (but I still gonna defend them though LOL), and those are:
I used to be neutral with them but when that episode of Historia holding the passed out Ymir on her lap and said, "My real name is Historia", then they stared at each other eyes with such love???? BEAUTIFUL I SAY. Their dynamic and the way their characters arc intertwined with each other? Love it! I wished Isayama gave them a proper closure though :(
Oh man, I actually have a lot of things to say about them but I'm gonna keep it brief🤐 I didn't ship them at the beginning, but as I grew up and as I tried to understand their characters, I found myself falling for JeanKasa and their potential. I feel they will have a healthy, mature, and loving relationship. I also like the way Jean showed his love to Mikasa (he's not selfish and he's not blinded by his love).
Well, that's all! But, before I end this ask, here are some honourable mentions: PokkoPiku, EreHisu, EreMin, and MikeNana.
Bonus: I actually like to play with the idea of Erwin and Marie, I even tried to explore them in my fic HAHA.
OK THAT'S ALL. SORRY IF THIS WAS TOO LONG MONDO 😝 Thank you for the ask!! You made my day!!!!! I love you 💖💖💖
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olivieraa · 3 months
During my re-watches of certain things, I want to take note of a lot more that I didn't take note of the first time around. But... I'm finding it hard. And idk if I'm finding it hard bc of the specific animes I've chosen, or bc I forget all the tropes lmao
I'm gonna get so annoyed if after rewatching 10 more animes I only THEN remember the tropes and be even more annoyed that I didn't catch them in the 10 animes I just watched
But, I'm hoping its actually to do with the animes.
Like, SnK is unique. It has some stereotypical anime themes, but for the most part, and I said this before, its almost like an anime that isn't an anime. I suppose the most anime thing about the show is more to do with inner monologues. I'm so used to inner monologues that I forgot that that was an anime thing. Like you might see an inner monologue in a real life comedy, like a scene from Friends or something, where someone is talking to Joey but he's zoning out and thinking about food, and the audience gets to hear his thoughts.
SnK has a lot of moments where you hear the characters thoughts, and then time freezes at certain points so that if the inner monologue happens to be quite long, its not as if they're just sitting there thinking while a hundred things are happening all around them. Or even moments where they talk to themselves about the action they're going to take.
I legit didn't notice these as being unusual until I looked over to my dad who was utterly confused. And then I realised, all the marvel shows, the FBI shows, the star wars shows, the whatever else shows, they don't do this. He's 100% not used to it. So I can imagine it'll throw you off a bit.
But anyway, SnK is unique, like I said.
But also so is Osomatsu. On a completely different scale.
Both of these shows are realistic and far-fetched at the same time. It's crazy. One of them tries to not be an anime, and the other one wants you to know its an anime. But like, they're aware they're in an anime. Like they're actors in an anime.
So these two as my first two re-watches aren't the best to try and analyse.
Now we have 91 Days. I remember watching this weekly and it being one of my faves to get to every week. The mafia concept isn't insanely new in anime, but its not that common. So that in itself makes the show stand out a little. The art style is unique in the sense that the studio doesn't really have many other projects under their belt, so it doesn't really look like any other anime.
But, a few things.
I know I didn't like the ending. So I'm going into this mostly forgetting what happened in the anime (minus very small insanely memorable scenes, like Kaiba being a freak), but fully remembering the ending and not liking it. So... I don't know if my weekly enjoyment of this anime, but my dislike at the ending, made me rate this anime a 7 or an 8.
Because its Mafia and so its more serious, I'm not spotting any stereotypical anime tropes. I'm defo watching a stereotypical revenge story tho, that you'd see outside of anime.
Kaiba's eccentric ass may be anime specific? If there's real life characters like him, I'm not remembering any off the top of my head.
I dont know if I liked this anime bc it had a good story and characters, or bc I was so sick of being tortured by animes that hurt women in various ways, and had asshole main characters beloved by all. That anything ANYTHING different was to me a good anime.
So yeah, the first anime I get to (if you erase the uniqueness that is SnK and Oso), and I'm sitting here blanking on what I'm supposed to be looking out for, but, its probably bc its a mafia anime. If I'd chosen a highschool anime, or a magical anime, or a mecha anime, or just a straight up comedy anime, anything overdone in the field of anime, then maybe I'd notice. But mafia of all things lmao I'm likely not gonna spot any.
I'm just hoping that, when I start to recognise tropes again, that if there did happen to be one or a few that appeared in 91 Days, that I'll remember to note it down
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youre-ackermine · 9 months
Send this to ten other bloggers that you think are wonderful. Keep the game going, make someone smile!!! ❤️
Lovely Cas 🫶
Thank you so so much for sending this to me!!
Well, to be honest, I am the one thinking you are wonderful actually!
I love your Eremin Family AU, all those cute children driving their parents mad [except for Hange lmao] but so endearing, those different family dynamics, your creativity is so refreshing!
Your takes on SNK are so good & accurate [the titan analyses you posted lately are brilliant]
Also, I really appreciate the way you tag your moots [me] in a post/reblog they [I] might be interested in! It shows how much you care & how sweet you are! Thank you 🫶
Your posts about dinosaurs or any kind of other -saur- on my tl brighten my day!
Sending love & a pic of a real cutie 🦎
satanic leaf tailed gecko [uroplatus phantasticus]
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amazingackerman · 9 months
Send this to ten other bloggers that you think are wonderful. Keep the game going, make someone smile!!! ❤️
Always a pleasure to see your reblogs on my tl Vicky <3
Hi Syl!!
Thank you so much for your kind message! I try to reblog the best art/fics/analyses I can find for LEVI and the SNK Vets because these characters are amazing. Seeing YOU on my tl is a pleasure too!
Thanks for your support!!
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A deep analysis of Eren Jaeger and Takeru Shirogane's character journey. Isayama has repeatedly stated that without Muv Luv Alternative, Attack on Titan would not be possible. This is a passion project of mine that I have been working on for three months.
This is dedicated to my fellow Hopechads. I hope you enjoy watching this video!
00:00:00 START
01:06:13 AFTERWORD
Where to play Muv Luv and Muv Luv Alternative
Muv Luv: https://store.steampowered.com/app/802880/MuvLuv/
Muv Luv Alternative: https://store.steampowered.com/app/802890/MuvLuv_Alternative/
ANRIME Subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/ANRime/
My Theories and Analyses
Angriff Zur Wahrheit Theory: https://www.reddit.com/r/ANRime/comments/w0cmqy/angriff_zur_wahrheit_a_colossal_theory_part_1_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
Why is Eren Crying? (Short version of the Angriff Zur Wahrheit Theory): https://www.reddit.com/r/ANRime/comments/ugslvn/why_are_you_crying_theory_another_proof_that/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
My Redefining Freedom Analysis: https://www.reddit.com/r/ANRime/comments/ucfqqd/eren_is_not_free_yet_redefining_freedom_an/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
Eren, Historia, the Coat and Muv Luv: https://www.reddit.com/r/ANRime/comments/ttwko2/eren_will_give_the_coat_to_historia_i_have_proof/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
Relevance of the Tree on a Hill:
AOT Live Action Movie Theory: https://www.reddit.com/r/ANRime/comments/sq0qb1/aot_live_action_analysis_and_theory_how_the_live/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
AOT Live Action Movie The Unexpected Sequel:
Isayama's Message to Age: https://youtu.be/J5qLQytK99c
Isayama's Ideal Character: https://fuku-shuu.tumblr.com/post/165460688037/snk-news-isayama-hajime-interview-in-weekly
Isayama's interview in the final exhibition: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zBU5OdE78KU&ab_channel=VernieJefferies
Yoshimune's Q&A: https://youtu.be/eciyTn7HjyA
Editor's Interview about timeloop: https://www.reddit.com/r/AttackOnRetards/comments/ny7r6u/kawakubos_editor_latest_interview_levis_fate_loop/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button
Isayama's blog about Muv Luv
Translation: https://pastebin.com/aajZ0LCX
Time Travel in Fiction: https://youtu.be/d3zTfXvYZ9s
Eren Jaeger and the Insanity of Circular Storytelling: https://youtu.be/PQ7fS4uHznU
Music Credits:
Feora: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2rDKaxM3PjxtTJgm4C-hrg
Hurakion: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNWFDxh1zoqhUFsr2rUkvPQ
Jaden-Core: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtgnTH3nxREecVs6-CKtZkQ
D-Pain: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWu1hKhOUe2G7Qi0oO92OeA
A V I A N D: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMY4yO-U4TcsWaXCdQ04O3A
JesLop: https://www.youtube.com/c/JesLop
Rifti Beats: https://www.youtube.com/c/RiftiBeats
Robin Meys Music https://www.youtube.com/c/RobinMeys
gravitymusic: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClNX_VXcK-2Db4Jjlb10rhA
BelowAverage.: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRVwUQo8jdxCGzzbFuS63jw
Full Music Credits: https://pastebin.com/jV19dBef
Video/Artwork Credits:
Aki Min: https://twitter.com/akiminushka
Chilloka: https://youtu.be/BoOQbovOXMo
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v4mpgutz · 5 months
Heya, always nice to see a new writer for SnK when I go through the tags! Would you take requests for Historia Reiss? (and how caught up are you for either the manga or the anime?)
AHH i love historia sm !! at the moment i'm still working and developing my writing style for specific characters and analysing their personalities a bit (neurodivergency at its finest lol) but i would definitely take requests and write for historia in the (hopefully) near future !!
and i've been rewatching snk/aot to remember specific details since i have memory issues but i'm caught up until the end of season 3 and already know everything that happens in season 4 / the end of the manga (sasha, historia, eren, hanji, THE punch etc)
trying to find time to actually watch season 4 for myself though :D
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youuuimeanmee · 3 years
Crazy how chapter 139 changes this moment's context.
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For Falco, it's Gabi. For Eren, it's Mikasa.
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Eren quickly catches on to Falco's boy problem, because Eren used to be like that too. He didn't want Mikasa to join the SC, he kept pushing her to the sidelines so she could be safe. Yet, she insisted on following him. It's like she has no regard for her own life. To make things worse, she's too brilliant on her own, that he didn't have anything left to protect her and he kept being the one protected. It frustrated him.
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Eren used to say the same thing. If he keeps being powerless, he won't be able to get anything in life, like achieving his dream and protecting his loved ones. Falco's insecurities are really similar to his.
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The crazy foreshadowing here.
Ruined mind and bodies: his head is getting jumbled from the Founding Titan's power, he literally got decapitated later
People with no freedom left: in order to get what he wants, he subjected himself to the founder Ymir
People who have even lost themselves: Eren sacrificed his moral judgment, he lost himself without knowing what's right or wrong anymore
Eren knew he'd end up like that, it's just a matter of time before he dies. To be honest, he doesn't want that, he wants to live with Mikasa and the others.
But, he'd still jump into the war. He'd still destroy the world.
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He sees something beyond that hell. By destroying humanity, they won't be able to touch Paradis for awhile. By setting up his friends to become heroes of the world, they will be spared from the world's hatred, they will open up a path for negotiation. Eren wants to create a new start and provide time for Paradis. He sees hope. But he knows not everything will go his way. Maybe history will keep repeating itself. Maybe there will be another hell after he dies.
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But one thing for sure. Someday, Mikasa's choice will free the world from the titan's curse; something he desires for so long. Until that day comes, he has to keep moving forward.
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tangledemise · 3 years
so I was rewatching season 3x or rather I am rewatching it. I felt like being sentimental about something special. that is: eruri’s bond. so here are my 2am thoughts on a beautiful and bittersweet bond.
one that will forever tear me up,, even if u don’t see them as a romantic ship, just their connection was,, just beautiful. love how Isayama keeps including him in flashbacks. we always see a tearful or sentimental levi who held high regard for erwin as a person, to me, that connection is one that is one of my favorites in snk.
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erwin’s charismatic and enigmatic presence is really unrivaled as a person in charge in a chain of command. combine that with levi’s deep loyalty, yet a brutal honesty that calls erwin out when it is needed. a: bond,,, i miss them :(
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all the more beautiful is how they came from different worlds. different lives. an underground „piece of trash” (as the snk worlds’ common folk would refer to him I would think, not only him but everyone) and an idealist striving to achieve the best possible outcome for humanity. levi initially was inclined to see him as someone to kill, as that was connected to his mission with regards to the lobov situation in the first place, then we see how levi is left alone, his friends died and erwin commenting on that angers levi. how erwin knew, so his friends died in vain? I understand levi’s anger. after that, after that confrontation, we see a levi that needs to anchor himself to a new environment, to new people. one of those anchors is erwin smith, one he swore to follow, the one he followed until his last breath. the fact that we see levi reflecting, thinking back to his past comrades, family and friends, erwin appears as a prominent figure. an anchor. it proves how deeply loyal he was, how deeply he trusted erwin and how he held him to high regard. him tearing up in the latest manga chapter after that reflecting, served as the final proof.
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that bond was so primal, raw and honest, one of the displays of how deeply levi cares for others. how erwin respected and believed in levi’s capabilities and judgement, how he didn’t see someone who just has monstrous strength and seems emotionally distant. because that is not the truth. both are raw, honest, willpowered and caring men, who had eachother as anchors, as figures of trust. that’s why I love that connection so much, why I think it’s one of the most unrivaled bonds in snk and in general just a bond I would love to have with someone, a bond to be envious of. because how many connections do we really have that have total honesty, rawness and vulnerability? not many. those bonds are those to be cherished, so that loss that levi felt, was really fucking painful, an anchor that disloged from solid ground.
so, on a slight sidenote, it always ticks me off when people dare call levi unemotional, when people dare only thirst after him for his looks and toss his personality aside.
in conclusion: eruri is golden and levi is one of my favorite snk characters.
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mformarsala · 3 years
I've been trying to figure out (or construct canon compliant) military structure of the survey corps and let me tell you the info is all over the place
Let's talk about the timeline:
23rd expedition beyond the walls (Levi's first expedition)
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49th expedition beyond the walls (Ilse's Notebook OVA)
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34th expedition beyond the walls
57th expedition beyond the walls (Female Titan)
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so you are telling me that survey corps roughly had 11 expeditions in 5 years then suddenly 23 in one??
ok Ilse's notebook might have had an effect on funding and before there might have been shortages due to the fall wall Maria but this increase is so dramatic how is thi physically possible
Shadis is the 12th commander, how can he be leading only the 23rd expedition?? Do they start counting again when a new commander comes??
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digitalzombie · 3 years
On (the updated) Chapter 139.
This is not necessarily a rant. Instead, these are some thoughts I had after reading (the new) Chapter 139 of Shingeki no Kyojin, or Attack on Titan. I also briefly talk about the Rumbling and Ymir’s characterization. Of course, this is not spoiler-free, so beware if you are not caught up with the latest updates on the series/chapter!
Spoilers below:
First and foremost, I enjoyed the series. I wouldn’t call it “perfect,” nor “the absolute best,” but it was entertaining and, dare I say, awe-inspiring. Isayama presented something that not many shōnen mangaka do, which is a realistic take on war and the irreparable actions of humanity. To say that this is a story about mankind fighting monsters is not entirely wrong; in fictional stories, “man is the true monster” tends to be a reoccurring theme, and Attack on Titan, Shingeki no Kyojin, is no exception. I’ve said the following in a previous post I made, and I’ll say it here again:
This is mostly a reflection of humanity and the terrible things people are capable of doing when they’re given too much power, and when they’ve been stripped from having any of it. (alienated.zombie)
Was it all for nothing?
All characters are victims of corruption. We saw that with Eldians who were persecuted in Marley and the Eldians on Paradis. The Rumbling was Eren’s desperate attempt to protect his friends more than to protect the island. It is apparent when he refuses the Founding Titan to any of his closest comrades in the flashback in Chapter 108…
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By the end of the series, we see time-skip after time-skip of the Island’s growth and eventual destruction. We see a boy encountering the tree where, presumably, Eren was buried. It is different from the other trees, as it is the largest (probably the oldest, too), and bears a huge resemblance to the tree Ymir, the Founder, had fallen into. This seems to tease that everything will begin again—the rebirth of the titans and, potentially, more war.
So, did Eren commit mass genocide for nothing in the end? My answer is no.
Eren fulfilled what he wanted/needed to do, which was to protect his friends (or at least those who survived the battles leading up to the Rumbling). He aided in freeing Ymir. And just as he had hoped, his surviving friends lived for a long time, as suggested in the final panels. Eren’s motives are questionable, and it begs the question: Is Eren selfish? And my answer is yes, although he does not openly show it as he lived his whole life living and fighting for other people’s sakes. Eren is a paradoxical character: he is selfish for choosing his friends over the world but selfless for putting his friends ahead of himself.
Isayama gave us a bleak ending, one that makes sense since something as unforgivable as the Rumbling would be a justifiable reason to start a war--at least in the eyes of the world leaders. We are only given a small glimpse of the attack, so there is no saying if The Rumbling truly was the motivation, or if Paradis acted first. What is true is that the cycle of hate continues. Historia's reign, as well as the rise of the Yeagerists, prove that as time passes, ideals and people in power change. Truly, history repeats itself.
The Rumbling
Side note: Of course, The Rumbling wouldn’t be the absolute best solution to end a war in reality. (I didn’t support it either.) However, I read the manga with the idea that there really was no other way to end the war between Paradis and Marley because the whole world was dead-set on destroying the island, as suggested in chapter 123:
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Not to mention that the Association in this part of the series reacted with cheers to the speaker’s sentiment. Even the displaced Eldians were brainwashed to abhor the so-called “Devils” of Paradis Island. We can assume (based on what we know about the views that Marley, the Eldians in Marley, and the advocates for “displaced Eldians” have) that Paradis was the so-called enemy of the world (at least to the public outside of Paradis). Armin and Hange’s approach to the situation, the diplomatic way, was not wrong either; however, given the other nations’ resolve to decimate the island, this strategy would not have worked.
This is where Eren’s plan to wipe out the rest of the world, save the island, comes into play. He did not want to conform to the original plan and repeat the same cycle the Royals have for hundreds of years, which was to sacrifice Historia and her descendants, and the future hosts of the Coordinate. He was only meant to scare the world— to dare them to attack—by waking some of the dormant Colossal Titans. Of course, he chose a different path. The Rumbling, Eren’s Rumbling, was meant to buy time for Paradis’ restoration, to secure their safety, to expand their military forces, and to eventually end the Titans’ curse… which did happen.
Ymir, the Founder
Ymir is the most mysterious character in the series. Due to her lack of speech (as her tongue was cut off), she is easily the most misunderstood. She was abused and used for power; Ymir was a slave—both literally and metaphorically—to Fritz and the following Coordinate hosts. My understanding is that she had some kind of attachment to Fritz and his ideals. Chapter 139 introduces the idea that Ymir did, in fact, love Karl Fritz. I doubt that this is really the case, given that Eren’s words contradict the art on the panel (surely, purposely done by Isayama):
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In this panel (chapter 139), she is unhappy: her marriage is a joke, given that her husband flirts with other women (they were most likely his mistresses) while she tended to his needs and continued to have his children. Her “love” for Fritz is not real. Ymir was attached to the idea of love and desired it all the more.
I believe that Mikasa did not necessarily free Ymir; rather, Ymir was inspired by Mikasa’s unwavering love for Eren. Mikasa loved Eren and was able to let go of him despite how much it hurt her. In turn, Ymir finally let go to of her abuser by realizing that what she felt was not truly love. Mikasa suggests Ymir’s true feelings when she says: “Your love must have felt like a never-ending nightmare.”
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I should also mention that the panel above does not necessarily mean that Ymir let Fritz die, although this is open to interpretation. I thought that this clearly expressed Ymir’s regrets. Should he have died in her stead, Ymir would have been able to live the rest of her life with her daughters in peace. This might have also avoided future wars, aka, the war on Paradis. However, Mikasa’s words ring true: “It’s only because you brought your children into this world that I stand here today.” There is no way to undo the past. It is true that Eren could have rewritten the past by letting her live and letting Fritz die; however, that would completely change everything: Eren and his friends would have probably never existed, and Ymir would have been trapped in Paths forever, as the Founder would go to a random newborn child.
Another interesting point I’d like to add is Ymir’s appearance. In Paths, she presents herself as a child but finally shows herself as an adult in front of Mikasa. She expresses her fragility via regression, or appearing as her less developed stage in life (childhood) as a coping mechanism. (This can also be said about Eren’s child-like appearance at the start of the Rumbling.) Only after freeing herself from Paths does she take on the appearance of a grown woman. We cannot say that she completely healed from her trauma, but we can say that she was ready to move on.
Why wait 2000 years?
My take on this question is that Eren was Ymir’s answer as he did not bear royal blood and therefore could not command her to do anything for him. Recall that nearly all previous hosts of the Coordinate were of Royal blood. No one understood Ymir, nor seemed to care to communicate with her. Grisha was at the end of his life when he stole the Coordinate and then passed it to Eren.
Potential sequel?
As for the final panels of the chapter, I don’t think that this sets up a potential sequel. Unlike Eren, Armin, and Mikasa during their childhoods, this boy has the freedom to explore the world as is his birthright. He does not have to think or worry about being confined behind tall walls, nor worry about a government's restrictions to question the mysteries of the world. He is free to explore. I think that this is Isayama’s way to tie the story back to that simple dream Eren had as a child. Despite the obvious attack on Paradis in the previous panels, there is reason to believe that not all of Paradis was destroyed. This boy should be proof of that. For now, whether he becomes the new Founder or not is strictly based on our own interpretations.
That’s all I have to say about Chapter 139. Let me know if you’d like me to delve deeper into anything else from AoT! I was thinking about taking a closer look at other characters later on, but I’ll be happy to add my take on anything AoT-related.
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