#small business ideas list
smhaider · 8 months
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cerealmonster15 · 10 months
been thinkin about what I could write for twst fic again… opened my notes app cuz I gotta go thru it before I swap phones… some unwritten fic plans are in there 👀
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newbusinessideas · 12 days
10 Best Business Ideas in Textile Industry
Hey there! Ever wondered how you can make big bucks in the textile world? 🧵💰 Check out the "Top 10 Profitable Business Ideas in the Textile Industry"! Follow us for more insights and tips! 🌟 #TextileBusiness #EntrepreneurLife #ViralIdeas #Businessideas
The textile industry stands as one of the oldest and most crucial sectors in the world economy, serving as a significant source of employment and contributing substantially to global trade. With advancements in technology and evolving consumer preferences, the textile industry continues to offer numerous profitable business opportunities for entrepreneurs. A textile business can be a great way to…
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itphobia · 2 months
Best Practices and Benefits of Cloud Computing for Small Businesses
Small businesses are continually seeking ways to stay competitive and agile in the digital realm. One technology that has revolutionized the way businesses operate is cloud computing. Understanding its benefits and best practices is crucial for small businesses looking to leverage this powerful tool effectively. This article details the benefits and best practices for small businesses adapting…
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manasstudies · 4 months
Best Education Franchise Businesses in India for 2024 - Manas Studies
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In the dynamic landscape of education in India, 2024 presents promising business opportunities for entrepreneur’s keen on investing in the franchise sector. Franchising has emerged as a popular avenue, providing a platform for individuals to contribute to the nation’s educational growth while building a successful business. Here’s a concise overview of why franchising with Manas Studies in 2024 is going to be rewarding.
With over 25 years of experience, Manas Studies stands out as a leading franchise opportunity in the coaching sector. Offering a diverse range of courses from 6th to 12th grade, JEE, NEET, and foundation programs, Manas Studies provides a unique blend of academic excellence and holistic development, making it an ideal choice for those seeking opportunities in the education franchise sector. 
Robust Curriculum: Manas Studies prides itself on a meticulously crafted curriculum that integrates the latest teaching methodologies and aligns with evolving educational standards. Franchisees benefit from a proven academic framework that covers a spectrum of courses, including IIT-JEE, NEET, and Foundation Programs.
Cutting-edge Technology: Embracing innovation, Manas Studies leverages cutting-edge technology to enhance the learning experience. Franchisees gain access to advanced teaching tools, online learning platforms, and a tech-enabled infrastructure that keeps them at the forefront of educational trends.
Comprehensive Support System: Franchisees are not just partners; they are part of the Manas Studies family. A robust support system, including initial training, ongoing guidance, and regular updates on educational advancements, ensures that franchisees can confidently navigate the education sector.
As the demand for quality education continues to grow, these franchise opportunities not only offer a chance for business success but also contribute significantly to the nation’s educational development. Entrepreneurs looking to capitalise on the burgeoning education sector in India should explore these franchise options, each presenting a unique proposition for success in the ever-expanding field of education.
For More info: Click Here: Franchise Opportunities in Education Sector
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businesshindinews · 7 months
Best Small Business App of 2023 in Hindi
मोबाइल ऐप्स व्यवसाय चलाने का प्रयास कर रहे हैं तो समुद्र तट पर पहुँचना कठिन हो सकता है। एक मोबाइल ऐप बनाने से आपके व्यवसाय को एक मजबूत ब्रांड बनाने में मदद मिल सकती है। डिज़ाइन और सही संचार रणनीति के माध्यम से, एक मोबाइल ऐप हमेशा सक्रिय ब्रांड एंबेसडर के रूप में कार्य करता है। यह ग्राहक को सही समय पर सही सेवा भी प्रदान करता है, जिससे आपकी कंपनी को अपने ब्रांड के वादे को लगातार पूरा करने में मदद मिलती है सौभाग्य से आपकी जेब में हर समय एक कंप्यूटर रहता है। 
सावधान पाठक ने देखा होगा कि मैंने उपरोक्त पैराग्राफ में ट्रेलो का उल्लेख किया है। ऐसा इसलिए है क्योंकि ट्रेलो चलते-फिरते उद्यमियों के लिए एक स्मार्ट मोबाइल ऐप के साथ एक अविश्वसनीय रूप से उपयोगी परियोजना प्रबंधन और वर्कफ़्लो विज़ुअलाइज़ेशन टूल है। ट्रेलो परियोजनाओं को कार्डों में तोड़ देता है, और जैसे ही काम पूरा हो जाता है कार्ड संलग्नक, टिप्पणियों और स्पष्टीकरण लेबल से भर जाते हैं, सॉलिटेयर के एक बहुत ही जटिल खेल की तरह। ट्रेलो पर आप इस बात पर नज़र रख सकते हैं कि क्या काम किया जा रहा है, ग्राहकों और कर्मचारियों के साथ संवाद कर सकते हैं और यह सब व्यवस्थित कर सकते हैं। ओह, और क्या मैंने बताया कि यह Google डॉक्स (Google इसके लिए मुझे भुगतान नहीं कर रहा है, मैं कसम खाता हूँ) और ड्रॉपबॉक्स के साथ भी एकीकृत है? चीज़ों को पूर्ण कॉलम में ले जाना प्रारंभ करें!
ईमेल अभियान प्रबंधित करने की आवश्यकता है? MailChimp आपके ईमेल मार्केटिंग को आरंभ से इनबॉक्स तक संभालता है, एक मोबाइल ऐप का दावा करता है जो आपको डेस्कटॉप से ​​​​कुछ भी करने की सुविधा देता है। चलो सच है, यह लेख के अंत के करीब है और आप शायद वैसे भी स्किमिंग कर रहे हैं, लेकिन यदि आप ईमेल मार्केटिंग का उपयोग करते हैं तो MailChimp यह सब करता है। एनालिटिक्स, विज़ुअल डिज़ाइन टूल, उन्नत समय निर्धारण और स्वचालन MailChimp को छोटे व्यवसाय के लिए सबसे शक्तिशाली ऐप्स में से एक बनाते हैं।
सर्वश्रेष्ठ मोबाइल ऐप्स व्यवसाय – Spotify
यह सूची किसी भी तरह से पूरी नहीं है, लेकिन छोटे व्यवसाय के लिए इन 10 मोबाइल ऐप्स के साथ आप समुद्र तट से अपना व्यवसाय चलाने की राह पर होंगे। अपना सनस्क्रीन दोबारा लगाना न भूलें। चूंकि आप स्पष्ट रूप से स्वाद के मामले में छोटे व्यवसाय के प्रशंसक हैं, तो असाधारण उद्यमी के लिए लक्षित हमारी कुछ अन्य सामग्री क्यों नहीं देखते? हम सर्वश्रेष्ठ व्यवसाय कार्ड निर्माताओं से लेकर छोटे व्यवसाय मालिकों के लिए चुनौतियों तक सब कुछ कवर करते हैं । यदि आप अधिक व्यावहारिक हैं, तो आप इसके बजाय हमारे निःशुल्क चालान जनरेटर का उपयोग कर सकते हैं । अब बाहर निकलें और कंप्यूटर से दूर जीवन का आनंद लें!
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girlwiththegreenhat · 8 months
beautiful women named enamel pin manufacturer are messaging me
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delightful-goblins · 8 months
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Aziza Large Round Platter
Pineapple Chilli Jam – Vicky’s Kitchen
Kitenge Throw – Disc Print
African Handprinted Barkcloth Plant Pot Cover
Onida Granite Apron
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I've read a bunch of fics, especially some crossovers, where Red Hood is or was on the FBI's most wanted list. A couple where he's on like the CIA's or Interpol's or something. But do you know what I'd find hilarious?
He's on absolutely none of them.
A big fanon thing, and sometimes canon (looking at you, No Man's Land), is that the federal government just kind of... doesn't get involved in Gotham? It's just left to it's own devices.
So combine that with both Gothamites-hate-outsiders and the idea that there are so many more/worse people to deal with than the crime boss who's somehow been bringing crime down, and, well. Sure, they have a file on the guy, but it's bare bones and nowhere near the top priority list.
Even funnier is if this is pre-reveal, so Batman doesn't know it's Jason that's running around taking over crime and whatever, he's just busy trying to find out who this guy who put a bunch of heads in a duffel bag is. He makes some small comment about it at some JL meeting and everyone is like, whomst?
Like sure, people outside of Gotham who do hear about Red Hood are horrified, but also it's... normal? Isn't that normal for Gotham? They all hear so many crazy stories coming out of Gotham that who knows what's exaggerated or not, but that's not even... that weird? Like, gory, sure, but... it's Gotham.
Just every outsider's views of Gotham being so skewed and/or biased that hardly anyone blinks an eye at some rising crime boss in the most crime-ridden city on the planet.
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byoldervine · 4 months
Foreshadowing Ideas
• Character themes/motifs. I’ve heard of one writer who tries to give each character their own theme for similes, metaphors, descriptions, etc so there’s like a theme to the way they’re portrayed. You could use that to foreshadow notable secrets about the character that will later be revealed, or if at any point they’re disguised then you can use that to tip off the reader that they have the same motifs and so might be related/the same person
• Tiny details hidden in lists. Say the MC was trying to work out the identity of a bad guy, who we know was wearing a red shirt on the day of a big bad event. A few chapters later, MC is checking around their best friend’s room to find them, with the place its usual mess with discarded takeaway boxes, the bed unmade, a red shirt left on the floor that could use a good sweep. The red shirt might not click with all the readers, but those who register it upon their first read will eat it up
• Inconsistent behavioural patterns. Once we have a good idea of what a character is like, having them act out of character can set off alarm bells and make us question what’s occurred to make them act this way. Let the other characters register it too, if it’s reasonable that they would, but let them ultimately brush it off quite quickly to keep it subtle. Or just call it right out, whichever you prefer
• Unreliable narrators. Let one character say one thing and a second character say another, even if they both ultimately agree on the same thing but get one or two small details wrong. Ideally do this two or three times in order for the reader to know it’s not just a mistake in the plot but an intentional inconsistency, but even if it’s only done once and it’s taken as a mistake it’ll still slot together like puzzle pieces in the end and they’ll be kicking themself for dismissing it
• In-universe red herrings. If you’re going to add red herrings as foreshadowing, it’s helpful if the red herring aligns with the intentions of someone person aware of the upcoming plot twist who’s trying to control the narrative. Say the plot twist was the reveal of a mysterious character’s identity to be the best friend of the MC, the best friend might have deliberately thrown the MC off their scent by planting suspicions in the MC’s mind that a different character was the mysterious character’s identity all along. This is less about foreshadowing the actual reveal, of course, but rereads will be a punch to the gut when everyone realises that all this misinformation and red herring business came from someone trying to cover their own ass rather than coming from misunderstandings or multiple other random sources
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latisha-taylor-art · 1 year
10 Ideas for Fantasy Monster Drawings - #4
About two years ago I started making Youtube videos on interesting drawing ideas that you can use when you are going through art block. Here are 10 Examples of some Fantasy Creature Themes that I thought could come in handy. A towering snail with a shell the size of a castle, slowly making its way across a landscape and leaving a trail of glistening slime. A colossal jellyfish with tentacles…
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saetoru · 10 months
contents. fem! + mom! reader, reader is referred to as “mommy” and “wife,” girl dad toru <3, family shenanigans in the grocery store that are unfortunately inescapable when your husband is gojo satoru
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“ok,” you nod, looking over your grocery list. “i think that’s everything—”
“mommy, can we please get this,” your daughter looks up at you pleadingly, tugging at your sleeve as she holds a bag of candy—she has satoru’s eyes, wide and blue and so easy to give into. you look at her for a moment before pursing your lips.
“no, satoru. we can’t get this bag of candy.” you turn to the devil himself, glaring at him as he whistles innocently.
“what’re you lookin’ at me for, sweetheart? our little peanut here wants—”
“fine,” he deflates. you pinch your nose as you sigh.
satoru, in his thirty plus years of life, has surprisingly never had a cavity for how much sugar he consumes. he’s good at taking care of himself, he argues, there’s no chance he’d ever get a cavity. that is, until recently. he visits the dentist and has not one, but two cavities—you think this is a rather alarming sign that he needs to cut back on the sweets, so you take matters into your own hands.
and, well….he’s not handling it very brightly.
“you thought i’d cave just because you tricked our daughter into asking?” you raise a brow, making him huff as he pouts.
“what kind of heartless soul could say no to those eyes?” he asks in disbelief, waving a hand at the small carbon copy of your husband as she blinks up at you, “i mean look at her! she doesn’t deserve the word no.”
“she definitely needs the word no so she doesn’t end up spoiled like you. and i’ve had plenty of practice,” you shoot blandly, “i’ve said no to your eyes all these years haven’t i?”
“even crazier,” he mutters, “i have the most adorable eyes, how could you say no?”
“it’s pretty easy if you ask me,” you shrug.
most people tend to call satoru arrogant—humble is not usually used in the same sentence as gojo satoru. evidently, they’ve never watched him interact with you before—you always find a way to humble him. he’s starting to think he’s the butt of every joke in his own marriage.
“please, baby?” he pouts deeper, “i’ve been good! i floss!”
“what if i fold the laundry for a month?” he bats his lashes.
that’s tempting, you have to admit. folding laundry is a very boring job, you’re more than happy to hand it over to satoru for a bag of candy that barely dents your wallet. but then you find your resolve again, crossing your arms as you stare at him unimpressed.
“no, satoru.”
“two months?”
“did you only marry me for my looks?” he asks in disbelief, “because there’s not one ounce of love in that heart of yours.”
“this is for your own good, satoru,” you say firmly, “you had two cavities. how much sugar have you been consuming lately? and don’t think i don’t notice you skipping meals when you’re busy—a chocolate bar does not replace lunch.”
you’re glaring at him, drilling him for his health choices that are not his fault—he’s a busy guy, and he can’t help that a chocolate bar on his way to a mission is all he can squeeze in sometimes. maybe a protein bar would be a better option, but they’re not as tasty, and satoru thinks he deserves to be happy. and then, from the end of the aisle, you hear a few snickers coming from passerby’s. he pouts deeper at the thought of being laughed at as he gets scolded by his wife in the middle of the breakfast aisle.
“what’s the point of living if you’re gonna be miserable?” he groans, “we might as well just start going to bed at nine pm too, while we’re at it. and—”
“that’s actually a lovely idea,” you hum thoughtfully, “you certainly could use the sleep, couldn’t you?”
he glares at you petulantly, sulking as you grab the bag from your daughter’s and put it on the shelf—it’s not the right place, but taking a trip to the candy aisle to place it where it belongs is only venturing deeper into the lion’s den. you’re not letting satoru have more options to choose from.
“you seein’ this, angel?” he turns to your daughter, “you see how mean mommy is? she’s not letting us have candy. make sure you remember that when i ask you who’s your favorite again.”
you roll your eyes, snorting. satoru asks her playfully one night who the favorite parent is—it’s a meaningless question, meant to be a joke and nothing else. you’re sure he expects her to say both—but he gets his feelings severely hurt when she giggles and points to you, staring in disbelief as you grin in victory and kiss her cheeks. you even rub salt on the wound when you mumble she’s your favorite baby too.
he’s starting to really think he’s a victim in his own household.
“but mommy gives me candy,” she tilts her head in confusion.
oh no. she’s not supposed to say that—she promised not to say that. why can’t children ever keep a filter on their words? and why can’t they keep their promises?
almost like in slow motion, both of your eyes widen. satoru pauses. you start to sweat. he turns to face you slowly, in abject disbelief.
“what?” you laugh nervously, “no i don’t! we don’t have any candy at home—”
“she keeps it in her drawer!” your daughter adds, as if she wants to see your downfall.
you love your daughter, you really do—but sometimes you think motherhood is a punishment for whatever sin it is that you’ve committed in your previous life. satoru crosses his arms and taps his foot.
“what happened to we’ll all give up sweets together so you’re not alone, toru,” he mocks your voice, squinting at you accusingly. “so we’re a family of liars now?”
“toru, listen—”
“i trusted you.”
“what happened to our wedding vows? what happened to in sickness and in death? a little cavity is enough to change all that? i’m scared to think what you’d do if i lost an arm.”
“well, you’re not the strongest for nothing,” you point out, chuckling nervously, “so we have nothing to worry about there.”
“i can’t believe you,” he spits, turning away from you with crossed arms and a quiet hmph.
“toru, you can’t expect us all to give up sugar just because you can’t stop making poor health choices,” you argue exasperatedly.
so what if you secretly enjoy a kitkat here and there? you deserve it for dealing with not one, but two children at home every single day—sometimes three if shoko comes over, her lifestyle choices aren’t any better. satoru should let you enjoy a piece of candy or two until he fixes his terrible habits that could very well set a terrible example for your very young and impressionable daughter.
“well, i have adult money of my own,” satoru huffs, “and as an adult, i’ll be purchasing my own candy to hide in my own drawer that i won’t share with you since we’re now apparently a family that doesn’t think sharing is caring.”
“i don’t know if i’m raising one child or two,” you sigh tiredly, rubbing a hand over your face.
satoru grabs the bag of candy off the shelf, promptly placing it in the cart before walking off ahead of you as he pushes it. your daughter grabs your hand and smiles, tugging you along.
“c’mon mommy,” she says brightly, “you said we can go to the park!”
—————— BONUS ——————
“are you serious, satoru?” you ask incredulously, watching as he comes back to sit on the other end of the bench, ice cream cone in hand.
he didn’t even bring you one—what an asshole.
“oh sorry,” he shrugs, “i figured you and our daughter were planning on getting ice cream on your own without me. since, you know, apparently you guys love to have lots of things without me.”
“you’re being so dramatic—”
“i want ice cream too!” you hear a small voice call from the distance, making you turn to your daughter as she sprints over to you from the playground, eyeing the cone in satoru’s hand.
“you heard her,” he drawls, licking at his strawberry ice cream mockingly, “why don’t you go buy her a secret cone. i won’t look.”
being a single mom of two is a full time job, you think, you didn’t sign up for this.
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guess who has two cavities ?? a certain brother of mine. guess who’s entire household has to give up sweets now for their brother’s inability to have proper dental hygiene ?? if you guessed me, you might just be psychic :O
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arieslost · 2 months
talk | op81
summary: oscar loves to talk your ear off.
word count: 1,276
masterlist — join my tag list here!
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everyone who had told you that oscar piastri wasn’t much of a talker was a bold-faced liar.
that, or maybe they just never got to see that side of him.
before you started dating oscar, you totally believed it. the first few interactions the two of you had were awkward and brief, usually ending in you thinking that he actually hated you and only engaged in small talk to be nice.
the oscar you know now is nothing like the oscar you first met, and even though you’ve been with him for the better part of two years, his ability to talk for hours is still as shocking to you as it was in the beginning.
it started out innocently enough. the first time you hadn’t been able to attend a race, oscar called you the moment he was back in his hotel room. you’d only been dating for five months at that point, and you vividly remember your shock when you accepted the facetime call and he started talking at a mile a minute. you’d barely gotten out a “hello” before he started recapping his entire day in precise detail. he didn’t even stop to take a drink of water in his enthusiasm.
that turned into the two of you developing a routine. every time you couldn’t make it to a race, oscar would call you at the end of the day and tell you everything he’d been dying to tell you.
“you could text me some of this stuff, you know,” you told him once, and he had wrinkled his nose cutely.
“why would i text it to you when i can just tell you about it on the phone?” he’d responded, like your suggestion was completely outlandish.
it’s endearing, really, the way he’s always so excited every time you pick up the phone. like he is right now.
“hi, honey!” he says brightly the moment the call connects and you can see each other’s faces.
“hey, oz,” you smile, your mood immediately lifting at the sound of his voice. “how was your day?”
“oh, i have so much to tell you,” he leans forward, his hair obscuring the camera for a moment before he leans back with a piece of paper in his hand.
“what is that?” you ask, watching as he unfolds it.
“this, my love, is my list.” he says, turning it around so you can see the way the page is full of his writing, not only on the lines but in the margins, too. “if i can read my own handwriting.”
“busy day?” you pull the hood of your sweatshirt further over your head so it covers more of your screen.
“you have no idea. i don’t even know where to start.” he sighs, eyes scanning the paper before he looks back up at the camera. “but i want to hear about your day first.”
“ah, it was okay. boring. i got so used to traveling around with you that i don’t know what to do now that i’m home all by myself.” it’s a lie, of course.
you wouldn’t miss oscar’s birthday for the world, and that was why you’d been so believable when you told him that you were so sorry, but you couldn’t make it to japan for the next race. even thinking about not being with him for his birthday was enough to upset you, so he bought it easily. conspiring with mark and lando, you’d gotten your hands on a plane ticket and formed a plan to get to the hotel with oscar being none the wiser.
which is how you’re here, at the end of the hallway on his hotel floor, waiting for the perfect time to interject.
“oh, i have to tell you about how free practice went, the second session, not the first,” he’s saying, squinting a little at the paper. “i wrote it over something else and i can’t see what it says. whatever. anyway, it’s raining here, and, like, half the cars didn’t end up going out for the second session. i was just trying to do my best for the session but i ended up setting the fastest lap! i didn’t even know until i got out of the car. did you watch? i don’t know if you did, i forgot to ask you, but i think it was a 1:34 or something like that. i could’ve been faster, obviously, but it was raining. its still raining right now actually which kind of sucks. i wouldn’t mind if you were here, but it’s just miserable and cold.” he pauses to take a breath. “wait, where are you?”
well that you weren’t expecting. “at home… where else would i be?” you reply, hoping that your confusion looks genuine.
“your background looks… i dunno.” he presses his lips together. “doesn’t look the same.”
“well, i’m at home,” you repeat, trying to come up with something on the fly. “pretending that i’m talking to you face to face instead of through the phone, like always.”
“ah, yeah. i do that all the time,” he admits, giving up on his scrutinization of what little he can see behind your hood.
“i miss you,” he says then, and its absolute hell knowing you can’t knock on his door just yet.
“i miss you too, oz.” you whisper. “keep telling me about your day?”
“sure, honey.” he gives you a soft smile, once again consulting his piece of paper. “so after the second session, i went and got dinner— oh wait, i forgot to tell you what happened earlier! i left the hotel room—”
you were hoping to let him tire himself out a bit from talking so much before approaching the door, but with every little detail of his day he shares you wish more and more that he was saying it directly to you and not through the phone, so you give up on being patient and knock three times.
“hold on, baby. someone’s at the door.” he says on the other end of the call, getting up from where he’s sitting on the bed and leaving his phone behind, so you end the call to free both of your hands.
the look on his face when he opens the door is priceless. “you’re joking.”
“i figured you should tell me the rest in person,” you say. “besides, i’d be damned if i missed your birthday.”
“you’re joking,” he repeats, pulling you and your suitcase into the room and wrapping you into a tight hug. “you’re actually here.”
“of course i’m here.” you laugh, kissing his shoulder through the loose material of his worn out t-shirt. “i don’t want to be anywhere else but here.”
“i’m so happy,” is all your enthusiastic, talkative boyfriend says before kissing you, smiling against your lips the whole time.
“you hung up on me?” its the first thing he says once the two of you are cuddled up in bed, and your jaw drops.
“seriously? i’m right here, and you’re gonna come for me for hanging up on you?”
“i would never hang up on you, but whatever,” he rolls his eyes, but cuddles you closer all the same. “okay, you have to know what lando told me last night about this one thing he did over winter break. it doesn’t sound bad at first, but i promise you it gets so much worse.”
you sigh in content, happier than anything to be in oscar’s arms and listening to him talk your ear off for the foreseeable future. you would never lie about it— you don’t want to be anywhere else but here, with him.
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note: happy oscar dayyy!! wishing my fellow aries the best birthday ever and i hope you all enjoyed this 🫶🏼 i low key hate it but hopefully that’s just me lolz
my inbox is always open for comments, criticism, and conversation! feel free to pop in!
reblogs are greatly appreciated <33
tags: @venusacrossthestars @67-angelofthelordme-67 @emails-i-can-send @nelly187 @cixrosie @fangirl-dot-com @sainzluvrr @imheretoread @mellowarcadefun @yourbane @monsieurbacteria6 @c-losur3 @papayatori @ssprayberrythings @namgification @maih23 @evlkking @witchycarmen @ilovethispookie @maxverstappenfan79 @sya-skies @sweatrevenge5436-blog @kimis-gloves @mia-rrrs @decafmickey @customsbyjcg-blog @bigheartsthings @tania2748 @scuderiadevils @iloveyou3000morgan @ctrlyomomma @hiireadstuff @daemyratwst @arian-directioner @evelyn-ny @avg-golden-retriever @likedbygaslyy @lightsoutletsgo
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newbusinessideas · 10 months
Top 10 Best Automobile Business Ideas with High Profit
🔥 Ready to take your automobile business to new heights? 🚀 Don't miss out on this game-changing opportunity! Top 10 Best Automobile Business Ideas 💼💰 CLICK to learn the proven strategies and techniques that can transform your success! #automobile
The automobile business is a massive one on a global scale. Furthermore, the industry’s volume is rapidly increasing. Because the automobile population is growing by the day. As a result, the need for various sorts of after-sales services is increasing. And, the automobile industry presents numerous opportunities for entrepreneurs looking to venture into profitable automobile business ideas. So,…
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lunamugetsu · 6 months
Flash was currently being held captive in a black of ice. How he got like this he wasn't sure. All he remembered was that he was running across Central City keeping the peace until suddenly an ice beam shot out of nowhere and froze his feat to the ground.... and the rest of him.
"Alright you got me! Show your face!"
"Well I was going to regardless. No need to yell." Out pops Danny Phantom carrying a bag with him and holding out an envelope.
"What? Who are you?"
"My name's Phantom. Danny Phantom. I have a message for you. I couldn't get your attention earlier so I thought this was just the next best way to get you to stop." Danny said as he unfreezes the speedster.
"Uh, okay." Flash said as Danny gives him an envelope.
On the envelope there are drawing in crayon and stickers and in marker it says: to Flash.
"It's from Susie, she'd said you'd remember her."
He remembered a Susie, a little girl that he used to see in the children's hospital. She had leukemia. He spent any minute he could making sure the kid was smiling when he was there. He was heartbroken when the nurses told him that she had passed away before he could give her her birthday present. Flash examined the crayon written words, it was just like Susie's writing.
"How did you?"
"Just read it."
The letter reads:
Dear Flash,
I'm sorry, I wasn't there when you showed up for my birthday. I never got to tell you, but thank you for being at the hospital with me when I was scared of going to treatment or when I had to take my medicine. Thank you for making me smile even when I didn't feel well. Thank you for playing games with me when I couldn't go outside. Thank you for talking to my mom and dad at my funeral. That was really nice. I drew some pictures for you but I never got to finish them when I was in the hospital so I drew you some new ones. Danny says that he'll give them to you.
In the envelope was a series of different colored papers all with different crayon and marker drawings of Susie and him playing in different scenarios. One where she was a doctor and he played the injured patient. One where they were both superheroes. Another one where they were playing shadow puppets when she wasn't feeling well. Page after page were different drawings of them playing with the last one was covered in glitter with a big heart with a crayon drawing of him and Susie.
"Susie said that her biggest regret was that she couldn't say thank you to her hero before she passed. So I bumped her up on my delivery list."
"Oh yeah, I never fully introduced myself. I'm Danny Phantom, you can call me Danny. I'm the designated delivery person for the afterlife to the living realm. Any messages or special requests from the dead are delivered by me!" Danny hands him a business card all official.
And it does say: Danny Phantom special delivery service for those of the non-living variety!
"She also said she wanted to give you one last hug before moving on."
"What do you?" Flash is halted from saying anything else as he feels a pressure against his legs. He looks down to see a translucent small figure. She was a picture of what she looked like before the chemo. Susie gives him a smile and a hug before fading before his eyes.
Before Danny officially takes up the mantle of Ghost King he's trying to do a job that would have him interact with all of his citizens first so he could get a feel of it. Hence him making connections with both the living and non-living people (he went big-brain for this idea)
Extra scene:
"Oh that reminds me, I have a card for you from someone else."
"A card?" Flash opens the card only to get sucker-punched in the face. (like one of those cartoon boxing glove punches)
"A punch card." Danny said
Flash groans as he looks at the card that has the words: STOP MESSING WITH TIME! from CW
Obligatory Gotham Scene:
Danny standing in front of a beaten up Joker that has been tied to a chair.
"Just so you know I have a back order of a lot special requests for you. And since I can't exactly kill you, that would create so much political tape. I can let them make requests for certain actions. So right now I have over 50 requests for me to break your legs and over 30 to pull out your teeth and break your jaw. Some of them contradict each other because they want to make every word you say hurt you but others want me to curse you so you can't speak again. So I'll just have to get creative." Danny says winding his arm back and form.
He is for sure being completely professional about, he gets no personal gratification from beating up a crazy clown at all. (said nobody ever)
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cupcakeinat0r · 4 months
A Nerdy middle-aged loser Miguel w a dad bod who teaches your genetics class.
He has a huge crush on you even though he knows he shouldn’t but how tf couldn’t he????
With the way you always walk in a minute or two late, making the whole class look at you as you strut in with your quiet “so sorry!” and your cute little outfits that show off the best parts of your body.
Miguel’s eyes would follow you and the way you set down your bag, whipping out your computer, ready to absorb all the knowledge that Prof. O’Hara has to offer like a sponge. He usually has to stand behind his podium because watching you hang onto every single one of his words with those parted, glossy lips and curious eyes made him embarrassingly hard.
Or the way you took notes, your cute little organization of colors and annotations. Your kindness in giving notes to your peers because you wanted to see everyone succeed. Even though you may not have looked like it, you were a smarty pants, too. And he found that extremely hot.
During his lecture, he’ll sometimes catch you applying lip gloss or fixing your hair in your compact mirror and think to himself how gorgeous you are and how lucky your boyfriend that you totally already have is.
Cuz there’s no way he could pull someone like you. Those days are over for him. Plus, you were way out of his league.
But he can’t help but have a sliver of hope every time you leave class with an adorable smile and small wave.
“Thank you so much, Professor O’Hara! Great class today!!”, your praise never ceasing to make him slightly flustered on the inside.
Before you, he totally fucked his own hand like everyday. He’s a lonesome man. But now that you were in his life? That man goes home everyday, imagining his had is your luscious, tight cunt, replaying your cute voice in his head over and over again.
What he has no idea is that his praise has the same effect on you.
Anytime you had a question or were worried that you weren’t understanding a concept, Miguel would comfort you, with the most gentle words and voice.
He was such a cute man. It’d be so easy to praise him and baby him, telling him he’s sooo smart and such a good teacher.
His well-kept black hair w tiny hints of gray throughout, his black rimmed square glasses, his little cashmere sweater + button up combos that hugged around his broad chest, enormous biceps, and pudgy belly. He was sooo dreamy. He made it so hard to focus.
You’d go up to his desk after class needing clarification on a topic. He’d tell you to sit down, eager to help you with the class (or anything ever, he’d do anything for you if it meant keeping you).
His cologne would fill your nose as he bends over the table, a strand of hair falling on his forehead, pushing his glass up his nose as he towers over you as he explains what ever it was you were confused about.
It never helped because you never caught a single word. You were too busy imagining his soft stomach rubbing against your back as he bends you over the table, plowing you while saying those sweet words of encouragement into your ear.
And those veiny, hairy arms and hands wrapped around your waist as he bounces you on his fat cock, making those adorable glasses of his fog up.
“Don’t worry, sweetie, you’re doing great, as always.”
“Don’t be so hard on yourself, sweetheart.”
“I know, mama, It’s a hard concept to grasp, but you’ll get it. I know it.”
It made you scream on the inside. You wanted so badly to be a good student for him so that he could talk to you this way every single class.
Pt.2 here!
Want more DadBod!Miguel ? Here’s my master list, bae!!
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