actuarystudies · 4 years
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31|03|2020 i hope everyone is finding something nice about quarantine! for me, i’ve finally been able to take more photos of my journal. 
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navramanan · 5 years
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an old spread, the streets of Granada, my babyboy and a thousand splendid suns
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arcistoria · 6 years
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a page from january. it’s crazy to think that the year is going so fast! have a lot going on in my head right now. what is the future going to be like? will everything be okay in the end? I pray that it will be!
🎧 clair de lune - claude debussy
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How to study hundreds of pages in the shortest time possible
First of all a disclaimer: No, you can not study them in one or two days. But depending on the topic and how fast you can read, you can do it in one or two weeks!
Factors on which your needed time depends on:
How complex the topic is
How long you need to read a page
How fast you can write
How easy it is for you to understand the text
Basic explainations before I go into detail:
There are two ways of studying: global and and analytical studying
Analytical studying means you really go into detail, try to understand every single word and try to get as much information in the topic as possible. You are studying the topic very precisesly and need the small details to understand it. This is great to understand the topic profoundly.
Global studying means you barely go into detail, but rather try to get an overview over the topic, its most important aspects, and the basic connections. This is great to realize what the most important connections and facts of this topic are, and in what relation the facts stand to each other. 
Studying in four steps:
1. The first thing you need to do is read through the whole text and make an excerpt. This step will take you the longest, some days or even some weeks. Basically the best way to do this is to follow these steps:
Look through what you have to study. Hopefully it has chapters, if not, try to split it up into chapters of about twenty pages. This amount works at least for me best. If you have a short concentration span, rather make more chapters with less pages. If you have a long concentration span, make less chapters with more pages per chapter.
Set a realistic goal how many chapters you can read and excerpt in a day. Try to stick to this goal. If the text is easy to read and the font a normal size, one needs about one to two minutes to read a page. If it is difficult to understand or a small font, you may need three to five miutes, so keep this in mind when setting your daily goals.
This goal can vary from day to day. If you know that one day you have a long and exhausting lecture, set the goal lower than for a day were you won´t have any distractions. 
Make sure you make this plan early enough. The later you do it, the higher is the chance you have not enough days to get through the text!
Now read a chapter and try to understand as much as possible of it. Focus on it as best as possible, because this is one of the most important steps. If you have problems staying focused, here is my masterpost on how to stay focused.
If your concentration is lost after reading this chapter, take a short break. Then, and it is really really important that you only do it afterwards you read the whole chapter, do an excerpt of this chapter. If you do not know what an excerpt is or how to make on, click here.
By doing the excerpt at the end of the chapter, you revise it for the first time already.
Do this for every chapter you need to study. If you have time left, you can revise the excerpts you already made, but your focus should be on getting through the whole text once. 
2. Read thoroughly through your whole excerpt. While doing this, try to recall as many details of the original text that you didn´t write down. Not only read the excerpt, but focus on the relations and connections, realize the meaning and consequences of what you are reading, understand their impact on the subject matter and the topic. Don´t learn it by heart, instead understand it and try to comprehend it with a logic that allows you to recall the realtions without studying them intensively. Do this at least once, if you have the time better do it twice. The harder the topic is for you, the more often you should do this step. This step should take you about one or two days.
3. Skim over your excerpt. Set your focus on the keywords you wrote down in colour and try to recall the most important keywords associated with them. If you have enough time, repeat this once or twice, but you do not have to if you feel you are already very good.This step should take you some hours or a minimum of one hour.
4. Skim over the headings and subheadings of your excerpt. While doing this, try to recall the words you focused on in step three. Only the most important keywords, realtions and connections should cross your thought in this step. This step should take you less than an hour.
After step four, you will be prepared for your exam! Just try to calm down, and most importantly, do not try to recall every little detail now. It will only stress you and give you the feeling that you cannot recall them, which is more often than not totally false. Everytime I used this strategy, I could recall most of the details when writing the test! Also do not revise right in front of the test. You will only confuse yourself and start to panic.
The concept behind this method:
Remeber I tought you the basics of global and analytical studying in the beginning? Well, these are exyctly the background for this method.
Step 1 = analytical
Step 2 = semi - analytical
Step 3 = semi - global
Step 4 = global
Pretty easy once you see it this way, right?
Tip for revising
It helps a lot of people to walk around while doing step 3 or 4!
Good luck everyone and hope this helps!
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studyelysian · 7 years
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11/10/2017 so sorry for being a little mia, school has been quite hectic lately… but here is my fall themed october spread that I did a couple of days ago 🌙 🍂
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star--studies · 6 years
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A snowy day today - carbonyl notes from a chemistry test that got cancelled hehehe :)
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curiosi-tea · 6 years
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14012018 this is my messy desk from around a month ago haha. don't ask why this is being posted so late, or why my mug isn't on the coaster :~)
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sofvtley · 7 years
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a white and green plant moodboard for dea these pictures do not belong to me. credit to their rightful owners xx
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rowanswritin · 6 years
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23-24/100 Days of Productivity
Wheww the week is almost over. Once again, struggled thru electrical engineering homework and discrete math homework. Made it out in one piece yayy.
I also took some music notes regarding writing counterpoints 🎶
CompSci project due tmrw. I started early this time :))) so there’s only a little left to do.
ALSO, I have my Discrete Math Midterm and CompSci Midterm next week. WISH ME LUCKK 😬
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headgirlstudy · 7 years
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08.15.17 // 20/100 days of productivity
a bit late to post a may monthly but here i am? sorry for the delay i guess :))
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studyfeather · 7 years
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➸ 06.13.2017 | I’m obsessed tbh 😂 featuring midliners, muji pens, juice pens, topball pens, and a stray pilot g-tec-c4. 
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studyloves · 7 years
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9.10 (5/100)
this 100 days of productivity will probably take more than 100 days to post tbh :’)
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navramanan · 5 years
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//ig: xxgvle
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arcistoria · 5 years
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i’ve fallen into the world of kpop journaling haha :) and my hangul used to be terrible lol, it’s getting better :)
🎵 giddy up - the boyz
ig: studynoctis
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How to do an excerpt
What is an excerpt?
An excerpt is a structured summary, often written in keywords and bullet points, of a text you are supposed to study. It helps you to illustrate the connections and relations within the topic and for many people, doing the excerpt is a great way to memorize huge parts of the topic.
How do do it
What you will need:
Concentration. A lot of it actually. If you find it hard to focus, please read this
A pen or ballpoint pen, preferably in blue
Some fineliners in different colours, at least green, red and a “neutral” colour like violet (neutral in the sense that is not associated with positive or negative, wrong or right)
A highlighter, perferably in yellow
Lots of paper
And of course the text you need to study
What to do:
Read the text you need to study thoroughly
Highlight the most important aspects while reading it
Write down these most important aspects on your sheets of paper (you can also do this in word of course)
You can write it down while or afterwards reading the text!
How to structure an excerpt:
First of all, some people prefer a mind-map over an excerpt, so make sure you try that out too!
Make coloured headings if you write it per hand, use a bigger font if you write it in word.
Use colours to mark important words, or highlight them
If you have postive and negative aspects of a topic, write them down in green and red
Remeber to make paragraphs, so it has more structure to it and you can easily get an overview over the page
Don´t do a new heading within the last quarter of a page, just take a new one
If you are writing in a book or a booklet, do not write too close to the fold/seam
Make sure to number your pages, or you may spend hours on putting them in the right order again and you definitely don´t want that!
Make small sketches with a pencil or a black fineliner to illustrate realtions and connections
Use arrows (->), bullet points, and keywords instead of whole sentences
I also like to leave some space on the left side and instead of doing subheadings, I write keywords on the left side of the paragraphs. I normally do this in red so I can see immediatelly which paragraphs I have in front of me.
What to write down:
Do not write down every detail! This is not what an excerpt is for. Instead you should write down:
Relations and Conncetions
Words you find difficult to remeber
Names and dates you need to know
Short summaries in keywords
Charts to compare two topics, aspects, perceptions etc. 
What colours to use:
It is scientifically proven that the brain can memorize texts written in some colours better than others.
Write in blue
Highlight in yellow
Write important words in red
For me personally highlighting the begin of every bullet point in a different colour also works very well, especially if I do it in rainbowcolours because if you keep them always in the same order, you get a feeling for how many bullet person you have, just by looking quickly at it. Which is great when you have a test where you have to list them one by one
What not to do
Do not write on the whole page without leaving any space free
Do not doodle around or decorate the page with little drawings. It will distract your mind from the text and the information
Do not write many whole sentences. It´s best to only use them for definitons
Do not write in colours, only the most important words should be in colour
Do not write in black, it is harder for the brain to memorize black font than blue font. So let it be, no matter how elegant or stylish it looks
What´s also important
Your handwriting does not have to be perfect. You don´t need to write the headings in calligraphy or draw ribbons around them. As long as you keep a neat structure and can read your hadnwriting without problems, everything is fine.
Find out what works best for you. For most people my paragraph about what colours to use is true, but it might be different for some.
Not everyone learns a lot by doing an excerpt or reading one. Try different methods to find out how you study best.
What works best for others must not work for you and the other way round. Just do what is best for your studying, and if it differs from the norm, who cares!
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0ompa-loompa · 7 years
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I’ve always loved writing since I was little. I love writing stories, articles, poems, but I never kept a diary because I think it made me feel obligated to write everyday. Every time I started one, the entry would turn out something like “went to the market today. I really wanted to buy a toy but just did yesterday. Anyway, I think Brittany lied to me about her dating Jem”
Then I started high school and, well, let’s just say I needed to get things out somewhere before I become my own version of 2007’s Britney Spears. A journal is actually a really great getaway from all the sickening routines. You get to be entirely you, and nobody will say anything about what you think and what you write. Not to mention it’s very therapeutic and helps keeping your sanity.
I know a lot of people who want to start a journal but are not sure what to write or where to start from. So that is why, ladies and gents, I’m here to give you a lil help on that matter.
1.       Be As Blunt, Angry, or Happy
You’re fighting with your friend and you think they’re stupid? Jot that down. You think your math score doesn’t do you justice? Write about it. You got a new set of Crayolas and are very excited about it? Write it down too. It does feel a little weird at first, I did feel that too, but trust me you would feel a lot better and relieved after you finish an entry. Remember, nobody’s going to read it so if you didn’t have the chance to punch that one friend in the face, do it now. Mentally. Better to stay out of jail, right?
2.       No Schedule Needed
You don’t need to write an entry every single day. I never do mine regularly, but I try to keep it at least once or twice a week to make sure that I don’t leave it way behind. However, DO NOT go through 2 weeks without a single entry, the longer you don’t write, the more you feel like you can go miles without touching it. This would beat the purpose of starting a journal in the first place.
3.       Get Creative
You can be as creative and wild in your journal! Find some inspiration from youtube, tumblr, or pinterest and splatter some paints. It doesn’t have to be neat or have a deep meaning, just do some art when you DO feel inspired. You can also attach some memories like amusement park tickets, postcards, stamps, and many other things.
4.       It’s Not Meant to be “Photogenic”
Or you can make it as photogenic as you want it to be. Just remember that not every single page has to be colorful, has lots of drawings and Shakespeare’s poems on it. You see these journaling accounts all around tumblr and think “how do they make it so artsy?”. I’m pretty sure even those accounts have silly drawings and memes somewhere between those pages. When you start a journal, some pages might only have words upon words on white paper, some pages might have unfinished sketches. Don’t (just) do it for aesthetic. Do it because it takes off your negative vibes and brings positivity toward you.
5. Just Start.
Seriously. The more you procrastinate, the more you’ll think ‘nah I don’t need it anyway’. The ultimate guide is to start somewhere.
Whatever you write down, they don’t have to be interesting or mind-blowing. Some people think their lives are boring and not journal-worthy. Well, I write about Starbucks’ caramel frappe and trips to the nearest market while all these people are writing about their freaking road trip to another planet. No lives are boring. There will always be something to write about. If you’re still having a writer’s block, then I gotcha. Here’s a list of things you can put on your journal:
-Dream you had last night -Letters to somebody -A letter to your younger/future self - Songs you need to download - Answer your own questions - 13 reasons why. Ex: Why you should get over that one ex, Why you love your best friend, etc - Things you’ve learned today ( I do this a lot. It’s a great way to self-exam) - Favorite things -Things you regret buying (also a great self-examination) - New words + definitions - Morning/midnight ramblings - Reviews of books/movies - What would you be doing in 10 years - Write about your Hogwarts’ house or MBTI personality
Sooo This might not be a huge help, but I love sharing things and I find journaling to be very helpful for a lot of things.
Do you guys keep a journal? If so, what do you usually write about?
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