#silly drawing 2 feel better hehe
nyamcot · 2 years
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you can read about team Fever here !
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fulgurbugs · 1 month
share with us some of your silly headcanons :)
hehe i got two asks about headcanons so im gonna make yours an OT1 post and the other one an OT2 post….
Ok for OT1 here’s a random list of
Alfyn is genuinely a very good artist, he’s spent a lot of time practicing (at first just trying to emulate drawings of medicinal plants working on his ability to understand and identity them) but it ended up just becoming a hobby of his, and he’s pretty good at drawing from life, he can just sit somewhere and draw the scene in front of him or a pretty accurate portrait. this contrasts with his completely illegible handwriting. (tressa specifically finds this baffling as a neat handwriting haver and a…. decent-ish artist. she mostly just likes to doodle. she’s like how can you draw that good and write that bad. tressa they’re different brain areas alright. they don’t translate to each other)
ok. nonbinary tressa. is so real to me. i feel like she’s nonbinary in the way where she doesn’t care about the way she’s gendered, like whatever cis passing she just doesn’t give a fuck, but inwardly she’s like. gender i hardly know her. doesn’t give a fuck kind of thing (ME PROJECTING ALERT) but as she gets older she starts to just have a tendency towards more masculine ways of dressing, keeping her hair shorter, etc. light androgyny. it kind of isn’t at the forefront of her mind tho.
Therion has like, a select few party-trickish skills that he basically never pulls out because they’re objectively useless in a fight or his work or whatever. and you know. he hasn’t really had the opportunity (or outward desire) to like. ever pull out the fact he can juggle or “is this your card” some shit. this is part of the two wolves inside therion (the nobody look at me wolf) vs (the show-off wolf) so even he’s like i don’t even know why the hell i bothered to learn to do this kind of crap. (it’s because he’s got a theatrical streak.)
ok and also i was also thinking abt this a while back from the worst poker game post, but here’s a ranking of how good i think everyone is
1. Therion (cheats, but even when he doesn’t he’s really good)
2. Olberic (experienced player)
3. H’aanit (really good poker face)
4. Ophilia (often underestimated opponent, and she knows it and uses this to her advantage.)
5. Primrose (good but not great)
6. Cyrus (understands all the strategies, but cannot execute and often isn’t able to read his opponents as well)
7. Alfyn (he’s better at reading other people, but unfortunately is basically incapable of looking neutral himself)
8. Tressa (though she, like cyrus, understands the game and what she should be doing, she lacks the experience to be deceptive, is easy to cheat against, etc. but give her some time and eventually she’ll figure it out and rise in the ranks. she can be molded into a champion eventually and win all the money. just not yet.
Here a bonus doodle for this one
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rainba · 24 days
I wanna start a blog and you are really inspirational do you have any advice for people making their first blog?:3
(I got a tip for you, and it's pink..../ref)
Awwwe, that’s sweet of you to say! (´。• ω •。`) ♡ I do have a little bit of advice for people making their first-time blog!
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I would say, to start out with, you should have maaaybe a general play as to what you wanna post? Like, do you want to make just fanfiction? OC content? Etc? You could have a couple of posts planned in a row, and then post them slowly. And if you wanna have a few people notice your stuff, I would say post something as a “hook” of sorts! ( ´ ▽ ` ) I also try to have my posts be a little bit colorful, just so they stand out more... But that's just a me thing.
If you wanna make a blog about one of your OCs, I would say to think about your OCs biggest, most important trait(s), and then really focus on them. After you get the main point in, then you can slowly branch out from there, fleshing out your characters. (≧◡≦) ♡
Like, for me, I think I ended up doing that unintentionally with Kairos– I really focused on how silly and pathetic he is in the fic with him getting naughty with a pillow. (Which… I can’t believe that it has over 1,500 notes?? Silly cute goth/emo boy fucking a pillow might be my magnum opus. Can’t even complain or anything, I actually still like it, hehe ( ´ ꒳ ` ).)
But this is all just general advice–! I’m not even sure if any of it is good advice, really, it’s just something I think I’ve noticed/how I feel.
For advice that I'm confident in, though, here’s a few points!
I’m someone who always feels deeply insecure every time I’m about to post. Like… “Is it good enough? Did I mistype anything? Does the picture look okay enough?” Every time I make something, I find myself stuck in this constant loop of rechecking everything, hoping that I might catch something that’s off. Sometimes I just stare at a piece I’ve made, and I just really don’t like it that much and wanna delete it. My, um... My mouse is forever edging that "post" button. So, here’s my advice on how I’ve been dealing with these kinds of feelings!
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“It’s not that serious.” 
Just go ahead and post whatever you want! It doesn’t have to be perfect. It doesn’t have to be the best thing you’ve ever made. It’s all for fun at the end of the day– it’s really not that serious.
“Just go ahead and post it! The sooner I get this out of the way, the sooner I can work on something else that might be even better!”
After I’ve read over something a couple of times, I usually have to forcefully stop and tell myself that. ^^;;;; The piece you’re making right now might not be perfect, it might not ever be, so… Why fight with it? Writing or drawing anything is good practice, so you can just call it that! Just call it a practice piece, the steppingstone for the next greater thing you’re gonna make. Who knows, when you post a piece, you might eventually come to find that you actually really like it, and you were just fooling yourself as you were editing. ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
“Someone out there might really like what I make, so I should share it!”
I swear, for as long as I can remember, I’ve always been a sucker for yanderes. There’s just something about them that has always spoken to my soft, gothic heart… (o˘◡˘o) But, uh, finding good yandere content has always been a struggle!!
For all these years I’ve been hunting for good content, and I hadn’t really found any until the past 2-3 years. But it wasn’t through big, official content or anything– all of my favorite yandere stuff has been created by small little people on the internet. I’m so very thankful that so many talented people have come around and shared their works!! Without it, I feel like I would still be a lost soul, painfully searching through a barren desert, trying to find ‘water’ known as dark romance content of anime boys… wahh. ( ´ ▿ ` )
So, how does that tangent relate to you and your blog? Think of it like this: your blog could be the water in someone’s desert. Your OCs could be everything that somebody is hoping for! Your writing could be the reason why someone excitedly turns on their phone and checks Tumblr every day! There’s no need to be afraid or nervous about posting. Just post what you love– if you love it, then that means somebody out there is going to love it too. 
One of my favorite parts about this blog is sharing what I love with other people who love the same things. Every comment, every reblog with the silly tags, every ask, etc... It all keeps me really motivated. I'm super glad that I'm able to make fellow yandere-lovers happy!! It's an honor!
(Also, I just really love seeing people make stuff. Creativity is such a beautiful thing to me. A little more on a serious note... I really despise AI art and AI writing. Seeing the joy of creation being slowly dampened and taken away is really disheartening- so I will always encourage people to make and post genuine stuff, no matter what! Please, put your love and your heart out there, simply to spite AI. ~~~)
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TLDR: go ahead and post! Just do it!
(Also... Help... What are you referencing? 😭)
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pawseds · 2 months
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I convinced our Delta Green game master to have a play-by-post (basically text roleplay) section in our game's server and uhhhhh maybe I've been having too much fun with it. Writing is faster than drawing comics, what can I say?
(Long ramble about writing stories below hehe oops)
While we're here! A bit about writing: I like writing! I've written for loger than I've drawn for (because school). I think I'm better at writing than drawing for that reason (I'm more confident at least). I've written short stories. I've written short stories about TTRPG things. I've also written a ~100k word novel by hand for 2 years. While writing it, I had 'writing class' (technically AS/A level Ennglish Language classes). It was the only class I had confidence in and high expectations for.
With those 2 combined, I burnt out pretty quick LOL. Specifically, I had a big perfectionism issue because of the high expectations I had from my teacher and especially myself -- it was the one thing I knew excelled at in school, so I better do it well! After I was done with the novel and A levels, I was supposed to edit the novel. It's been years and I haven't done it yet, and I wouldn't write non-assignment stories (except 2) until now. Writing became more nerverwracking than it was fun, so why would I?
To get back to the PBP thing: I've been in a campaign that was fully PBP. With my mindset being the way it is, hey! This is just one big writing exercise, so I ran along with that and had fun with it. I saw how some players would make their own PBP and essentially monologue/have a scene only with their PC. That was cool to see.
And now, my current Delta Green campaign (tagged 'Helvetia'). Hrothgar (guy in drawing) and his kids were ported over from a previous D&D campaign (the fully PBP one!), so the crew had a very well defined background already. Of course I get tons of drawing ideas for them, except I don't have the time to draw them all (compsci hard). But since the server has a PBP section, I had like 2 weeks to kill between session 0 and 1, and I was bursting with ideas... I made a lot of solo PBPs that were essentially short stories.
It didn't quite hit me until some time ago, but the PBPs actually made me enjoy writing again -- enjoy it a lot more, in fact! I think the format of Discord threads and messages removed most perfectionism tendencies I had. I just had to fire the story away, message by message. It didn't have to be amazing, and it was fun! (Also I really don't know how to shut up with them LOL)
I'll definitely be cleaning these PBPs up and posting them here as stories. Some of them are just silly, fun, slice-of-life character sketches. (These were the stories I wrote after my novel... and yes, they were about my other set of Delta Green characters LMAO) (and I've posted them here under pawsedswrite btw!) But some I see as legitamite short stories that I would edit more heavily and present as a short story. They were the kinds I could see myself writing on a document rather than on Discord.
Well, I lied. 'I would edit' is false. I have already edited one, because I spent like 5-6h writing this one PBP (oops) instead of writing the draft for my short story class/elective (oops 2). I joked to my two friends saying that I could just submit it as my assignment. Apparently, they both really liked it and said the dialogued slapped. So I did!
I procrastinated like hell on it though, because I was very nervous to go back into the PBP with an axe to edit it. Being in a writing class where nearly everyone else has been formally studying writing for some years kinda puts some pressure on ya!
Like the last assignment (which I'll post here after editing), I had a lot of worries. But the feedback and grade I got from my last assignment, the peer review I got from the current one, and also the support from those two friends (shoutout @katastrofish <3) made me feel more confident in myself. And also the fact that I had a lot of fun editing the PBP!
Uhhh this ramble was way longer than expected LMFAO if you've made it this far, damn, thanks for reading! If you also write or have similar experiences, feel free to share em. And have a good day!
(bonus POV editing)
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seek--rest · 1 month
talk shop tuesday!!! so...so about that firefighter show... 😏😏😏 what are the dynamics you're interested in exploring and what do you feel is drawing you towards the show as a whole? or just ramble about anything you like, open floor for 9-1-1 chatting hehe
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I cannot believe this silly little wee woo unserious gay fire fighter show finally got me.
In no particular order:
I’m irrationally upset that it’s only now being called the gay firefighter show when it’s??? Apparently??? Been CANONICALLY gay since day one? Idk why I’m surprised every fandom continues to be racist as shit because Black lesbians apparently don’t count!!!!
Speaking of: I love Hen. Hen is the character of all time. She is the main to ME, right along with Athena and then Chim. They’re so interesting and fun and complicated and what do you MEAN people demonize them all the time are you kidding!!!
I binge watched the show in a weekend and am all caught up and I’m sorry to say, I simply do not see the vision between the main guys that everyone lost their shit for. I don’t! The chemistry isn’t chemistrying for me!
It probably doesn’t help that I personally think both Buck and Maddie are as annoying as fuck and that both the plot and the characters act as if the world revolves around them sorry I simply do not give a fuck
Athena,,, my love,,, thee most woman. The wigs they put her in are a hate crime but perhaps that’s the only way our televisions could withstand the power of weekly Angela Bassett.
The found fambly of it all got to me I can’t lie. And ACTUAL found family. Not just glorified coworkers people like to pretend are family. Despite the writing being lackluster in terms of Consequences to almost anything, the BOND is there and i see the vision for the Fambly.
I wrote Bobby/Athena because for the first time in my entire time in fandom, I wanted to take them OUT of situations. Let Athena have a honeymoon! She deserves it. Bobby is There too I guess.
Currently writing Chim & Hen in a canon divergence where Maddie doesn’t actually say yes to the proposal. I do not like her character at all but I refuse to belittle her in the same way I’ve seen fandom do to Chim AND Hen in all of 2 days I’ve been here. Not on my watch! She’s gonna have NUANCE even if I personally think Chim deserves better and a happy ending that doesn’t revolve around the whims of someone who needs therapy more than a wedding.
In that same fic I must say I must say!!!! Tommy? Compels me. Idk what it is about him. Buck? He’s there. He’s… a bit of an ass. I know this is an unpopular opinion. I don’t care for him. But I like Tommy and Tommy’s effect on Buck. It makes no damn sense, but it compels me dot jpeg.
Eddie,,,,, I’m so sorry what they’ve done to you.
I hate this dumbass show can’t believe I watched it new episode next week!
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nightttdreamers · 2 months
Night Shift | Craig x Kenny
AAA chapter two is heeeere its mostly silly fun before we actually start the fake dating part hehe pls enjoy (and check it out on ao3 for better formatting pls)
AO3 Link | 4k words | Chapter 2/?
Craig and Kenny strike a deal.
Craig has never been a morning person, but recently, it feels like every force in the world is trying to keep him in bed.
There’s the brief, near blissful moment when he’s just woken up. He can barely hear his alarm, the sleep not quite shaken off yet, unaware of what the day brings. Then, inevitably, his first thought washes over him; Tweek dumped you.
Just knowing that this is going to weigh on him all day is exhausting to think about. He doesn’t waste time wondering what he did wrong or how to best avoid the other anymore. The exhaustion comes from knowing that Tweek’s absence is just something he has to deal with now, every damn day.
Before, the habit of trying to beat his boyfriend to the first ‘good morning’ text motivated him to get up. But lately, he always spends a few minutes letting his alarm ring out, trying to delay his day for as long as possible. But, then his phone begins to buzz to life, and he knows he can’t ignore the real world any more.
On this particular morning, the urge to pull the covers over his head is particularly strong. Not only did he work late last night, but the fact that he looked like an idiot in front of Kenny is also hanging over his head. Craig groans, recalling their bizarre interaction.
“You wanna be my boyfriend?” He had asked.
Kenny looked bewildered, a mixture of surprise and concern on his face. But, before Craig could even go back on his question, Kenny replied, “Like, for money?”
Unable to bear the look on the other’s face, Craig turned away, pulling out a pack of Kenny’s usual cigarettes. “No, that would be stupid,” he stammered out. “I’m being stupid, fuck. Here, I can-” He took the magazine that Kenny had been holding and scanned it along with the Camels. Finally, he looked back up at the blonde. “Anything else?”
Kenny’s brows knit together as he looked at Craig. His lips were pursed together, shifting around his face like he was trying to talk without opening his mouth. “No,” he said after some pause, drawing out the word. “That’s it.” Kenny slid a few bills across the counter, not looking away from Craig as he took his items.
Craig thought that if tried to speak again, he would say something even worse than what he already had, so he simply nodded.
Kenny headed towards the door, shooting Craig an awkward glance back just before he left. “Take care of yourself, man.”
Craig rolled over onto his stomach, pressing his face deep into the pillow in an effort to stop his brain from playing the memory over and over again. When that didn’t work, he turned his head to the side, grabbing his phone from the nightstand and finally turning off his alarm.
He squints as the screen lights up, serving as the only light source in his room. There are two notifications from Clyde, one sent around 2AM linking a YouTube video called “BAD DAY Better Watch This 😂 1 Hour Best Funny & Fails” and another sent 20 minutes ago, asking “Tolkien had to make up a test please pLEASE can u drive me today PLEASE?????”
Craig gives the message a thumbs down and ignores the typing bubble that immediately appears (he’ll end up driving Clyde, of course, he just wants to fuck with him first). His next notification is a Snapchat message from “kmck69,” a username he doesn’t recognize until he opens the message.
kmck69: were u being serious b4
kmck69: it is a rlly stupid idea 
kmck69: but also im down if ur down
Craig reads the messages, then reads them again just to make sure he’s not hallucinating. As an added measure, he checks the user’s last story and, sure enough, it’s a selfie of Kenny holding a beer, Cartman lurking in the background, with the caption “5 screenshots and i piss in cartmans drink.”
Once Kenny had left last night, Craig had spent the last hour of his shift overthinking every detail of their interaction. He didn’t even know where his bizarre idea had come from, it had just slipped from his mouth before it was fully-formed. Hearing that Tweek was out hanging around with some goth kid infuriated him beyond words or logic. The only coherent thought Craig could form about it was that something had to change. He didn’t want to keep rotting in his bed, head swimming with thoughts about his ex. He just wanted to do something.
Asking Kenny to pretend to be his boyfriend was just the first idea that came to mind.
He hadn’t expected the other to even justify him with a response beyond their uncomfortable conversation. But, apparently, Kenny was mulling it over until nearly 4 in the morning when he texted, which is far more thought than Craig put into it.
It’s a stupid idea. He knows it is, they both know it is. But, it’s something.
spacemancraig: Yeah I’m down
He stares at his screen for a moment, quickly feeling the prickle of anxiety in his chest. It’s useless to sit and wait for a response, so he puts his phone down and pulls himself out of bed. The second he actually rises from his mattress, his phone buzzes to life, and Craig almost drops the device in how quickly he grabs it.
(Clyde) Literally I’m already ready I won’t hold you up I’ll even buy you starbucks or whatever gay shit you like
(Clyde) I’m sorry for calling you gay and starbucks gay bro PLEASE don’t make me walk
He sighs, typing out a quick response before he puts the phone down for real.
(Craig) Fine
Kenny stumbles into Chemistry three minutes after the bell, handing their teacher a crumbled-up excuse note before shuffling to his seat. It’s not uncommon for him to be late, and normally Craig would pay it no mind. However, normally he’s not anxiously waiting for a Snapchat from the other. 
Craig can’t take his eyes off him, his notes trailing off as he drowns out the voice of their teacher. He’s not sure whether Kenny’s changed his mind and is brushing him off, or genuinely just oblivious of the holes Craig is staring into the back of his head. The blonde just rummages through his bag and pulls out a few sheets of paper, not even sparing Craig a glance back. 
Somehow, in every class he finds himself staring at the back of a blonde’s head. He wonders if he might be the problem.
At first, Kenny just chews on his eraser and passes notes to Kyle sitting beside him. But, after a few minutes of this, he turns and locks eyes with Craig. Before Craig can even try to communicate something quietly across the row separating them, Kenny turns away again, and Craig wants to throw his textbook at the other’s head. Before he can, though, he feels his phone buzz to life in his pocket.
kmck69: we have 2 talk abt it obv
kmck69: do u have work 2nite
Craig rolls his eyes as he reads the messages, unsure as to why Kenny needs to use the least amount of characters possible when he texts.
spacemancraig: No
kmck69: cool well i do
kmck69: im at the bijou from 4 to 12
kmck69: if u want free popcorn tho u can come after 10
kmck69: thats when concession closes so its kinda old but tbh still good
spacemancraig: Yeah I think I’ll pass on the stale popcorn
spacemancraig: But I’ll come by
kmck69: ur loss
kmck69: word tho
kmck69: also cute username lmao
Craig’s face scrunches up as he reads the text, glancing up to look at Kenny. The blonde looks back at him, flashing a smile, and Craig just flips him off in response.
kmck69: ooh rawr ur so scary and mean
kmck69: can u leave me alone im trying 2 learn >:(
He wants to retort that Kenny was the one who started it, but typing that feels incredibly childish. Instead, Craig rolls his eyes and tucks his phone away, looking back up at the lesson.
There are a lot of points today when Craig’s wondered when his life took a wrong turn. Losing sleep over a conversation with someone he has never really given a shit about, feeling like shit the entire morning waiting on a message from the aforementioned someone, and now, he’s at South Park’s lamest and only movie theater at 10PM on a Thursday. 
Maybe it wasn’t just a wrong turn, maybe it’s an eighteen-year downward spiral and he’s just getting closer to rock bottom.
The Bijou is, of course, dead. Craig only goes when they randomly decide to screen something from the Criterion Collection. He and his friends used to hang around the place more often, but then Tolkien got a home theater and every movie started being available to stream, and they didn’t have to secretly spike their slushies in the Black household. Now, the only people that frequent The Bijou are the elderly and his 15 year old sister, for some reason.
He decided to wait until 10PM to go. Not because Kenny made the stale popcorn sound appetizing, but he figured the later he went, the less likely he was to run into someone he knew. He parks his car a few blocks down the street and walks to the theater, hands tucked in the pocket of his hoodie. The marquee has been defaced, as per usual, and just reads “PENIS” followed by the scrambled extra letters from whatever movie title it once said. How original.
The ticket booth is empty, and when he steps inside, the theater is just as deserted as he expected it to be. Craig isn’t exactly sure of his next move as he lingers by the entrance, looking around. Just walking into the theater without a ticket to look for Kenny feels wrong, but so does just standing around awkwardly. Before he can choose, though, someone speaks behind him.
“I’m sorry, sir. We’re not selling any more tickets to our last screening- Oh, Craig?” Chirps a voice from the concession stand. Craig turns, coming face-to-face with Butters. The other boy smiles at him, far too brightly considering the two of them are not friends. The most they’ve interacted in all of high school is the rare occasion that Craig visits the Bijou, in which he affords Butters a small head nod as a greeting if they meet eyes. 
“Hey, Butters,” Craig says. “Is Kenny around?”
Almost comically, Butters cocks his head to the side. “Kenny? I didn’t know you two were friends!”
An abrupt silence comes between them, and Craig just waits for Butters to tell him where his coworker is. However, the blue-eyed boy just looks at him with a quizzical expression on his face, and Craig realizes he’s waiting for a confirmation.
“Uh, sure,” Craig mumbles after a moment. “Friends. Friendly, I guess. So, where is he?”
Butters beams at his answer, starting to wipe the countertop he’s standing behind down as he responds. “That’s so nice. He needs friends who won’t get him into trouble, you know? And he was just talking about you the other day.”
“He was?” Craig asks, but before Butters can elaborate, the two are interrupted.
“Craig!” Shouts Kenny from across the theater. Clad in a button-down, black skinny jeans, a red vest and matching bow-tie, he looks starkly different than he did this morning. The almost formal outfit doesn’t look quite right on him, and Craig realizes he’s never seen Kenny in something that wasn’t two sizes too large. When the blonde arrives at the concession stand, he’s grinning, looking at Craig so excitedly that the dark-haired boy has to turn his face away.
“It’s me, don’t cream your jeans,” Craig says, earning a little snicker from Butters. 
“I’ll sure as hell try,” Kenny replies, not sounding nearly as sarcastic as Craig. “I was starting to think you were bailing. It’s late, man.” As he speaks, he lifts himself onto the concession counter and sits, dangling his legs.
Butters frowns, putting his hands on his hips (Craig didn’t know that people did that in real life, but it suits Butters’ cartoonish mannerisms). “Aw, Kenny. I was just wiping that down.”
Kenny rolls his eyes, swinging his legs around to the other side of the counter and hopping off. “Happy?” He asks his coworker, who lets out a little puff of air in response and returns to his cleaning. Kenny shoots Craig a funny look, and Craig feels like he’s missing something. “As you can see, Butters and I take a lot of pride in this establishment.”
“That sounds awfully insincere, Kenny,” Butters grumbles, mostly to himself. “I do take pride in this establishment.”
It’s pretty weird to watch Kenny and Butters interact like this. They’re both oddballs in their social circles, especially Butters, and he can’t help but feel a bit out-of-place talking to them, especially outside of school. Craig absent-mindedly slides his phone from his pocket, checking the screen, just out of habit.
“Got somewhere to be?” Kenny asks, and when Craig looks up, the other is staring right at him, of course. He’s holding one of the soft drink cups, filled to the brim with popcorn.
Craig tucks his phone away. “You were serious about the stale popcorn?”
“It’s just gonna get thrown out,” Kenny says, popping a few kernels in his mouth. “Did you want some?”
Craig narrows his eyes in suspicion, responding with an unsure hum. One time, in the 5th grade, he saw Kenny pick up an earthworm from the sidewalk and swallow it whole. He did it, of course, for five bucks from Clyde, but Craig still doesn’t trust his taste.
Kenny rolls his eyes, opening up the machine to fill another cup. “Don’t be a princess. It’s still good. Right, Butters?” Kenny asks as he slides past his coworker, crossing to Craig’s side of the counter. 
“Oh, I don’t like to eat the popcorn much,” Butters replies, attending to the machine once Kenny’s done with it. “I gotta smell it all day, then clean the machine, scrape all the burnt pieces. I used to think movie theater popcorn was one of the yummiest smells, but now it doesn’t really get my tummy rumbling.”
Talking to Butters is weird, Craig thinks. He’s not sure if he’s ever heard anyone else use the phrase ‘tummy rumbling’ in his life. He glances at Kenny, who seems entirely unphased by the other’s weird expressions. 
“Yeah, okay,” Kenny says with a small shrug. He hands one of the popcorn cups to Craig, who takes it reluctantly. “I don’t know why I asked him.”
“Not that this isn’t thrilling,” Craig says, turning fully to Kenny. Butters is pretty engaged with his cleaning, but Craig doesn’t need him hearing any part of this conversation, so he speaks low. “Can we talk now?”
Kenny lets out an amused puff of air. “Butters, I’m gonna go do theater checks” he says, not taking his eyes away from Craig. “Craig’s coming with me.”
“You better not just be sneakin’ him into the movie for free, Kenny,” Butters grumbles, but his coworker is already walking away, waving a hand dismissively. Craig spares Butters an awkward glance before following behind Kenny.
“You do that often?” Craig asks.
“What? Sneak people in?” Kenny replies. He shoots a look back at Butters, making sure he isn’t listening before he continues. “Not all the time. I’m not really into losing this job.”
Right, Craig thinks, Kenny actually needs this job. The thought makes him a bit uncomfortable, that Kenny has to put in the hours at a shitty movie theater to pay for things he actually needs. Meanwhile, Craig works so he can get out of the house and have some spending money.
Kenny glances behind them, then slides a vape out of his pocket and hits it. He turns his head to the side, courteous enough not to blow smoke right at Craig, though not enough to pick a less obnoxious flavor.
“Sorry,” Kenny says, noticing how Craig wrinkles his nose at the scent. “Butters doesn’t like it either, probably because it’d get us in trouble.”
“So you don’t care enough about this job to not vape?” Craig asks.
This time, Kenny blows the cloud right in his face. “Be nice to me, Tucker. I let your sister sneak in here all the time.”
Craig pauses, taking a second to process what Kenny just said. “You what?”
Kenny stops too, poking his head into the closest screening room as he speaks. “Yeah, she comes by a lot. Here, this one’s empty,” he steps into the theater, holding the door open so Craig can follow. It’s a bit odd-looking inside. It’s not often he sees empty theaters with the lights on, especially not clean ones. Kenny takes a seat in a nearby row, throwing his legs over the chairs as he munches on his popcorn. “Don’t worry, no one’s gonna hear us. I cleaned this one an hour ago, and I’ve only had to kick out people who stayed after a movie like, three times, so we’re good.”
Craig takes a seat a few spots away from Kenny, giving the other room to sprawl out. “Why did they stay?”
“Sometimes they just fall asleep. One time there was a couple fucking, though. That was pretty sweet. In that row over there,” Kenny points behind him, a smirk on his face.
Craig blinks and wonders what ever happened to the Kenny he went to elementary school with, the one who rarely spoke except for the occasional dirty joke. Focus, Craig.
“Uh, so about last night,” Craig begins, straightening up a bit in his seat. Kenny mirrors him, showing that he’s listening. “I was just talking without thinking. It is a really fucking dumb idea.”
“But you showed up to talk about it,” Kenny notes.
Craig sighs. “Yeah, I did. Because I’m really fucking dumb. And I’m sick of the sympathy from my dumb friends. And you said you’d be down.” Kenny just looks at him, and Craig finds himself talking just to avoid the awkward silence. “If you’re not anymore though, that’s fine. There’s no pressure or anything.”
“I’m still down,” Kenny says with a small nod. “As long as I’m paid for my time. God, I sound like a hooker.”
“You’re not a hooker,” Craig adds a bit too quickly. “We don’t need to actually do anything, I don’t think.”
“So what do I have to do?”
Craig doesn’t answer for a moment. Apparently, this tells Kenny all he needs to know.
“Oh, so you really didn’t think this through, huh?” Kenny makes an odd clicking sound with his tongue, shaking his head. Craig thinks he’s trying to be funny, but it’s not helping how embarrassing the conversation feels. “Okay, Craig. If you want Tweak to take you back, what do you think would really get him all pissed off and hot and jealous?”
“Hang on-” Craig sits up a bit, raising a hand as Kenny speaks. “I’m not trying to get him back.”
“You’re not?”
Craig opened his mouth, but words couldn’t quite seem to come out. Was he trying to get Tweek back? There were plenty of couples in South Park that broke up only to come back together. In fact, he’d stop getting hopeful when Bebe and Clyde would split, as it was inevitable they’d be sucking face again within a week. But, he’d never thought about that possibility for him and Tweek. They didn’t break up because of a fight or mistake or something stupid. Honestly, Craig still couldn’t quite pin why they had broken up. All he knew is that Tweek didn’t want to be with him anymore. The thought of trying to get his ex to change his mind and take him back hadn’t even occurred to him, and right now, it just sounded pathetic.
“Jeez, I didn’t know that would be such a tough question,” Kenny muses, bringing Craig out of his thoughts. “It’s fine if you want him back, man. I don’t judge.”
“I don’t” Craig says, maybe a bit too assertively as it makes Kenny lean a bit further away from him. “He doesn’t want to be together, whatever. I’m not gonna try to trick him into getting back with me. I just want people to know I’m cool about it.”
Kenny makes a little high-pitched hum, his face scrunching up. He takes another hit of his vape, looking thoughtful as he does so (as thoughtful as someone hitting a neon green cylinder can). “Okay,” he says, blowing out smoke. “We’ll make everyone think we fucked.”
“What the fuck- Kenny,” Craig stammers out, shaking his head as he speaks. “How would we even, who would fall for that? What’s that even gonna do?”
Kenny leans forward again, resting his arms on the arm of the chair and once again being too close to Craig’s personal space. “No, Craig, listen. This is one of my better ideas. If you immediately start dating some dude, everyone’s gonna think it’s a rebound and people know I’m not really the dating type. It’ll be weird, someone’s gonna see through it because I’m not not gonna hook up with someone else. But- if people think we just fucked, they’ll be like, ‘Wow Craig moved on and he doesn’t give a fuck and he’s so cool,’ which is your goal, right?”
Craig stares at Kenny, wide eyed, and Kenny stares right back. It’s impossible to focus on what the blonde is saying with that eager look in his eyes, like some kind of dog waiting for a treat. However, when Craig actually does start to process the idea, he realizes Kenny’s making some good points. Kenny raises his brows, still waiting for a reply. Craig lets out a sigh, looking up at the theater ceiling. “Fuck. That’s- Yeah, that’s a good plan.”
“I know!” Kenny starts drumming his fingers along the side of the seat, and Craig can tell he’s beaming without even looking at him. “I want sixty-five.”
Now, Craig looks back down at Kenny, who is making a face like that wasn’t a ridiculous thing to say. “Bucks? You want sixty-five dollars?”
“Cash,” Kenny adds. The two just stare at each other for a moment because every time Craig looks at Kenny, apparently Kenny’s already looking at him. 
“I’ll give you forty,” Craig offers, hoping his tone sounds firm enough to stop any further negotiation.”
“Deal,” Kenny finally leans back in his seat and Craig feels like he can actually breathe again. If they’re gonna do this, he needs to talk with Kenny about personal space. And maybe that god awful vape flavor too. Shit, they’re actually doing it. 
Craig nods before his brain fully catches up, like he’s convincing himself this is real life. “Okay, yeah. Deal. Wow.”
Kenny glances over at him. “You good? You can’t back out now. We said deal.”
Craig is still nodding, rubbing his palms on his thighs. “We’re good. I just didn’t really think you’d say yes. I don’t, uh, have much of a plan.”
Kenny puts his hand on Craig’s shoulder, giving it a little squeeze. “Don’t worry your pretty little head about it, dude. ‘Cause I already have a plan.”
“My head’s not-” he starts, then lets out a breath, pinching the bridge of his nose. “What’s the plan?”
Kenny stands, looking back down at Craig with a grin. “If there’s one thing I know, it’s how to get people talking about my sex life. And lucky for you, I have just the party to get this rumor started.” Kenny rubs his hand on a chair, then sticks it out for Craig. “You trust me, dude?”
Looking up at the blonde, the sheer dumb confidence on his face, his stupid uniform bowtie, there’s no way Craig should feel at ease. But, he has forty bucks and his reputation on the line, and Kenny might just be the best shot he has at escaping his current hellhole situation. Craig stands, gripping Kenny’s hand.
“Fuck it,” he says. “I trust you, let’s do this.”
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ikoarts · 4 months
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November 2022 Art
huh. a lot of silly doodles this month, some random stuff from my phone too, was on some silly energy i think x
vvv dates + info under the cut vvv
1 - 08/11/2022 : horse Ru but like, an actual horse. shes real. get horsed idiot. shes a bay tobiano marwari (also one i did on my phone)
2, 3 - 09/11/2022 : much silliness. was thinking of koopas again, theres barley, who is weird, and also lemmy, giving good advice x
4 - 10/11/2022 : horsie! again! thats about it
5, 6 - 12/11/2022 : more koopaz, they smoke veed together i guess, i liked drawing these i was on sily energy
7 - 13/11/2022 : jammy lammy. drawn on my phone x ,, i think i doodled this then i started on my full digital piece of her?
8, 9, 10 - 14/11/2022 : roosh in the rush shirt, ive been asked if she likes rush bc shes rush-ada which i find funny (no sadly i wish i was that funny), she never dresses like this but i like to draw her in things she'd probably Want to wear but wouldn't bc shes a self conscious old lady..... ANYWAY omg first drawing where i drew Ru with her iconic half moon eyes instead of having the empty space, now her eyes are a full shape,, its been this way ever since and it feels so much better, maximum droopiness, shes pathetic really but i love her, toni might invoke this rage on me if she catches me saying that tho
also penguin dance. watch that autistic girl groove
11 - 15/11/2022 : moar drawing Ru in outfits she would want to wear but wouldn't normally, like this is how i dress so this is projection probably.. i was on my peak boingo fix at this point (has not stopped) so Toni is having a sing x (has been misinterpreted as her ripping a bong at least three times) and a little Luisa hehe
12, 13 - 16/11/2022 : Toni would have a YT channel in canon, like thats how she breaks into the music scene, but i like thinking of her doing cliche youtuber things.. also the first (not first but the First first is like an incomplete concept doodle) drawing of Trixie! i knew i wanted a new robo oc, and she had to be a gnasty diesel powered idiot, she hasn't changed too much
14 - 18/11/2022 : silly time again, ru n toni on their catgirl and horsegirl business, i am 5 and poop is funny
15-18 - 25/11/2022 : holy ponies batman! horseshada (yes thats what i call her) as a G3 styled MLP, both in her natural colours, and unnatural colours (her pony name is Blue Moon), also TONI PONY! (her pony name is Heart-To-Heart). gay ass little ponies
19-23 - 28/11/2022 : so like. at this point i was in the middle of watching waterloo road (classic series the new one sucks big balls), and this is like the only thing i could conjure up...... also another mettatetta, was still unsure about his design, but its comin!! later!! have patience!! the rest are some various Rushadas, in an outfit from animal crossing pocket camp since i was playing that again at this point, i should draw her in it again bc she SERVES.. also her in her jammies, i wanted a go at drawing plaits, pretty proud of that one, her hair is so thick and lovely <3
24 - 29/11/2022 : so like i really dont have enough aus i guess, catgirl toni n horsegirl rushada, but like, they're more anthro this time, that was basically the concept, and to recap, ive got like centaur au, like full animal au, and one where its just them but they have the ears and tails, its complicated!
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wifiwuxians · 7 months
20 questions writer meme.
tagged by @heyholmesletsgo THANK YOUUU
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
not counting things i'd rather remained anonymous, 21!
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
513,621 lol
3. What fandoms do you write for?
mdzs, vaguely tgcf, hotline miami (though mostly past tense) and we'll see about the future
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Wei Wuxian's Super Special Super Secret Book Club still reigns supreme with 1229 kudos, and will most likely be my legacy despite it being the second fic i ever wrote for the fandom (i think?)
If You're Reading This, It's Too Late with 513, one would think i'd still be messing around with this AU but i'm happy to leave it where it is and just keep messing around with the crackship
Dawn Chorus, my most precious baby, at 251 by some miracle despite being oc/canon. you guys spoiled me with the love for this one tbh. none of my other xue yang centric works got anywhere near this close and i'm at peace with that because he's bonking my oc in this one and they have a kid.
The Book Club Extras at 232, which is hilarious when compared to the original but at least new readers will see there's more and maybe in the year 2055 i will publish them for fun
Frozen Pond with 156 at the end of the list, written for my friend @petitjams and taking place in a silly AU we made together (wen chao stays winning on here which is very funny)
i'm attributing the popularity of the first two to mostly being centered around super popular characters, because my later stuff is naturally better yet struggling haha
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
always unless they're like just emoji, because i like conversation! though i may also reply with a little heart hehe
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i wouldn't call it angstiest ending, it's bittersweet, but the threads that bind us is my top pick. and it also needs more readers so go read it. your hands and mine has a bit of an 'angsty' ending but only for song lan. xue yang had it coming :p 💖
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
excluding the two above, so far they all have a happy ending, or at least neutral??? i'd say Book Club, though, because that's the massive 'everybody lives!!' silly fixit fic
8. Do you get hate on fics?
nope. i hope i didn't just jinx it. i get hate on art and through anon though! woo! (not anymore on here tho thank god)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
i do and i feel like it sucks so i almost always end up fading to black LMAO my actual explicit stuff remains private... it's like too embarrassing for me. i got judged for it as an 18 year old and 10 years later haven't gotten over it. i like bondage and bdsm though and that seems to crop up in private 😏
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
i do on occasion! i love roleplaying them, but the only one i have out there is The Way To His Heart Is Through His Stomach (Oh God Please Don't Eat Me), which mixes mdzs and tgcf characters in a unique setting :3
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledge, but i've had art stolen plenty so i wouldn't even be surprised
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes, a few have been translated into russian!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
all time? jeez. somebody tell me why i always freeze up and go blank when asked these simple questions? it's like i forget who the fuck i am. i feel like i should also say songxiao? but they're relatively new so it doesn't seem correct. fuck it. my all time favorite ship is [DATA MISSING OR CORRUPTED-- PLEASE PROCEED TO NEXT QUESTION]
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
haha... (looks at my abandoned hlm fic with the seventh chapter halfway written) haha...
16. What are your writing strengths?
i'd definitely say dialog. it makes sense, since the stuff i'm most used to doing is drawing silly comics. i also like to ping-pong emotions around and feel like i'm pretty good at that too
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
using the same words over and over and feeling like i never write Enough, like everything is always light and never in depth. i don't like making scenes too heavy with padding but i also feel like i need to find a balance
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
i'll do it only if it's a language i speak!!! this doesn't apply to peppering words like gege and stuff just for funsies. i think the best way to go about it is to just tell the audience what language they're speaking in that moment
19. First fandom you wrote for?
we're gonna have to go back to when i was 10 years old here lol... i think it was tokyo mew mew in terms of stuff i put online (oh god)
20. Favorite fic you've written?
it's hard to pick favorites, but i once again must say the threads that bind us in terms of work i'm most proud of.
i tag whoever sees it, plus @sugarapplebaby because ily
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Continuing the tag game from @torchickentacos!
Were you named after anyone?
No comment. We do not speak of my birth name. It disgusts me. Moving on.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Literally this morning. I made kind of a heavy, emotional post. I cried at the end of writing it. I cry a lot, and I do not really know why I do that.
3. Do you have kids?
No. But, if my future partner does want them, and decides that we will adopt kids, I would love to. It is really not a choice that I want to make. I do not have a preference, but I do enjoy interacting with kids, especially within the 7-12 age range.
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
I did volleyball over the summer. It was indoors. I think that it was okay. I learned a little more.
5. Do you use sarcasm?
Yes, whenever I am feeling silly. I can get very sarcastic then. I will go on some type of overly-dramatic rant like I am in a vine or something. I think that it is fun because sarcasm makes me laugh.
6. What is the first thing you notice about people?
How they look, and I can learn faces very fast. And then, I notice how they treat me. If they are mean, I stay away. If they are nice, then I do not mind being around them too much.
7. What's your eye color?
Blueish-greenish-grayish hazel. Yeah, my eye color is a little weird. I got it from my uncle, I think. It is pretty neat, though.
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Hehe. How about scary movies WITH happy endings? Also other movies with happy endings. I only really like to watch movies that have something to do with my special interests, though.
9. Any talents?
I can write pretty well, and I am also getting better at drawing. I am not too bad at ice/roller skating. I can sing okay, but I am also very shy about that. I got a black belt in Karate, so I suppose that I am pretty good at that as well.
10. Where were you born?
:O! The same place as you, @torchickentacos! In the.
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11. What are your hobbies?
Anything to do with Pokemon. I also love anime, manga, and listening to music. I love to draw during class and in my free time. I also love to watch YouTube, especially FNAF theories.
12. Do you have any pets?
Yes, several cats. Also a bnnuy. And my sister's dog. And a fish named Aristotle.
13. How tall are you?
Short and full of hidden rage. 5'0 exactly. 5'3 if I am wearing my lifts. I am very smol, yet also very strong (trying to be), and hoping to excell at martial arts one day.
14. Favorite subject in school?
Psychology. I love learning about human psychology. I am taking four psychology classes this semester. Definitely the best subject, in my opinion.
15. Dream job?
I want to live in Japan, and maybe do voice acting for anime. But my main dream is to be a therapist. I want to open up my own place in Japan and be an English-speaking therapist for other people who also have moved to Japan. I also might want to be a martial arts instructor at some point.
Tagging! @escaramelo, @rp-rs, @th3p0rtalmaker, & @larz-barz!
Reveal your secrets to me! :3
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rainyraisin · 1 year
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I had to draw Reticent!Donnie in a dress because he’s not even gonna find out that it’s fine for him to wear them until like late season 1 early season 2 at the LEAST and I feel bad for him (he stole Leo’s socks, Mikey made the patches and Raph embroidered them)
I don’t love how the first drawing turned out so if I draw smth better at some point then I’ll colour and shade that one hehe (me when the art isn’t arting but the urge to draw sillies is too strong)
I hope I’ve done your silly guy justice @beannary ‼️‼️💖💖💖 I love him dearly
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davidmariottecomics · 8 months
Copyrights and Wrongs, Part 1
Hello there! 
Feels like it's been a bit since we last spoke, and I'm sorry for that. Two weekends ago, Becca and I were out of town (I'll share a little bit of that later) and then last weekend, I was just dealing with being really depressed and uninspired and I didn't want to just not write my blog, I didn't really want to do anything. I'm doing a bit better and am about to have a lot to talk about, probably for a few weeks (at least 2-3), so buckle up and get ready! This blog's a special one because appropriate for the time of year, it has HOMEWORK!!!
Also, as a head's up, this first part's going to be a bit shorter as Becca is at Cartoon-a Palooza starting this afternoon! More on that below too! 
What is Copyright? 
Copyright is both exactly what the name says and a much deeper, more complex thing. In a nutshell, it is the right to copy a creation. If you draw a piece of art, if you write a poem, if you design a machine or a building, if you compose music for a song, if you write a blog even (hehe!), under U.S. law, you are the owner of that work and other people can't use it without your permission. 
In more concrete terms, copyright is a form of intellectual property law that defines ownership and use of art under some pretty specific terms. The three biggest ones being: originality, creativity, and fixation. Originality asks if a work is original and unique. What that means is if you and your friend see a cool dog, and you both draw a picture of it, as long as your friend didn't just copy your exact picture, you both now have an original piece of work. Maybe the most commonly thought of example against originality is plagarism, where someone takes another person's written work and tries to pass it off as their own. Creativity is maybe the most nebulous term involved in determining copyright and often overlaps against originality, but should broadly be thought of as the work's intent and execution. Let's say you put together a Pintrest board of inspiration. It isn't meant to be a unique creation or piece of art unto itself, it's just a bit of reference. But if you printed all of the images from that Pintrest board out and collaged them into a piece of art, that would qualify as a creative effort. Finally, fixation refers to whether or not you actually made the thing in a trackable way. If I sing my cats a silly little song to announce their breakfast, but I never write that song down and it isn't ever recorded, it isn't fixed and there isn't proof that you've made the thing. However, if I shoot a TikTok of me singing that song to my cats, hey, I've got that record and I'm set. 
That's a very basic overview and, like I said, copyright is complicated. Being a set of laws revolving around ownership in a capitalist system, there're whole sections of the legal industry dedicated to arguing out and testing and defining the limits of copyright. The other really basic stuff you need to understand about copyright for the rest of this conversation are what you can do as a copyright holder, how long copyright lasts, and what "fair use" is.
Here it is from the horse's mouth--the U.S. Copyright office--but the rights a copyright holder has come down to reproduction, continuation, and distribution. You can make more of your work, either through copies or by creating more new work covered in part by your initial creation, and you can display it or sell it or perform it or otherwise make it available. As part of sale, you can also sell the copyright itself--transferring the ownership to someone else. A lot of comics is done with this step happening before the work is started as "work for hire." This basically says that if you're creating an image for a company that owns the copyright to, say, a character like Batman or property like Transformers, you understand that their copyright to the initial work of art supersedes that of the work you now produce for them, and in exchange, they're going to pay you for your creation and any rights that might otherwise be claimable with it. Not to say it too many times, but it's a complicated system and one that has a lot of very reasonable and righteous criticism lobbed at it. There's often a bit of a rub between copyright as protecting creators and copyright as protecting companies.  
Companies, for example, famously have been responsible for the expansion of copyright after the death of the author. Current U.S. law dictates copyright for modern creation lasts until the death of the author, plus 70 years. After that, works enter what we call the public domain (more on that in a sec). But just to really put that into perspective: Stephen King is still alive! And there is a distinct chance that his books won't be available until the 2100s under current copyright law. Or, rather, most of his books. If I did my math right, I believe Carrie will be available in 2069 because it actually pre-dates the current code! And this is further complicated by various other things--like work-for-hire creations and anonymous creations have different term limits, and we're reaching an interesting point where some original works are becoming public domain, but their derivative works are still copyrighted (like, say, Mickey Mouse. Steamboat Willie, the first Mickey short, will hit the public domain in 2024, but ALL OTHER MICKEY STUFF will still be under Disney). 
Which brings us back to public domain and fair use. To briefly tackle public domain first, it is the idea that after a copyright expires, that work is available to anyone to use as they please! You wanna tell a Dracula story? Do it! You wanna stage a Shakespeare play or adapt it into another medium? Do it! You wanna turn the Odyssey into a rock opera? Do it! Public domain says no rules, just right! Do it! It's a good idea to check what is in the public domain (Wikipedia linked as a starter) at any given point, just to see what may be available to you. This is going to be important in coming weeks. But everything in the public domain is fair use.
As are certain other things--if you're an Adobe subscriber and use photoshop, the software is copyrighted, but you've got fair use to use it, if you see a movie, the movie is copyrighted, but you've paid your money and have fair use to view it. There are certain limitations for research, education, and transformational uses too. I can't get into all the specifics, because they're varied and incredibly nuanced, but as a few examples: if Mad Magazine does a parody of X-Men called "Ecch-Men" or whatever (a thing they've definitely done), that's fair use--it's understood to be parody/satire and not the original work. If a textbook is publishing a historically significant photo, that may be under fair use. Posting a quote from a book on social media and in a locker room with or without proper attribution may be fair use (this is a real example). 
Okay, that's a lot to take in and we haven't even gotten to stuff like trademark, patent, or infringement. But hopefully that's enough of a primer that you'll feel confident in the coming weeks of conversation. 
Homework Time 
Toldja there'd be homework! So here's what we're going to be talking about over the next few weeks that you might wanna get yourself primed on too! 
First off - The Copyright office is conducting a study on generative AI and taking into account public opinion and information on it related specifically to copyright. Public comments are open until October 18th. I already submitted one--that I may reproduce in part or in full here--but if you are (rightfully) concerned about "A.I." as it currently exists and the many ways in which it is already violating copyright law, definitely take the time to share a comment! 
Secondly - You may've seen the news in the past 24 hours that Bill Willingham is releasing Fables into the public domain. I'm linking to the A.V. Club's article because well... you all know how I feel about Substack (and you may know how I feel about Willingham himself, which is to say, he sucks!). Next week, this'll be our first topic of discussion to see what that actually means. And please remember, I'm not an expert in copyright law, but I do wanna discuss it! 
Finally - No homework on this one, but the other thing we'll be talking about is digging a little bit deeper into work for hire and the complicated relationship between comics, artists, and licensed and unlicensed works. 
See ya next week! 
What I enjoyed this week(s): Blank Check (Podcast), Dungeons & Daddies (Podcast), Craig of the Creek (Cartoon), Honkai Star Rail (Video game), One Piece (Manga), One Piece (Live Action--I know there are some strong feelings on this take, but maybe we'll talk about that in a future blog), Birds of Prey #1 (Thompson, Romero, Bellaire - Comic), Blue Beetle #1 (Trujillo, Gutierrez, Quintanta - Comic), Shazam (Waid, Mora, Sanchez - Comic), Fire & Ice: Welcome to Smallville #1 (Starer, Bustos, Bonvillain - Comic), The Archive Undying by Emma Mieko Candon (Book), Chainsaw Man (Manga), the Original McDonald's Museum. 
New Releases this week (9/13/2023): Sonic the Hedgehog #64 (Editor) Sonic the Hedgehog's 900th Adventure (Editor) 
Announcements: Becca is at Cartoon-a Palooza in Temecula on 9/15 & 9/16. It's a cool free all-ages little con, so come on out and see them! That's today and tomorrow at time of posting! They've got new stuff! 
Becca (and their letterer pal, Duke) has also got a new comic out! It's a short NSFW comic in Midnight Ouevres, the adult part of the Stellar Inflorescence Genshin Impact free zine! 
Wanna support me? Consider joining my Patreon!
I have a webstore! And I did, in fact, get a couple extra copies of Beast Wars Vol. 3! But check it out! Limited quantities on everything! 
I've still got a few things on my eBay, if you're looking for stuff! 
Pic of the Week: Becca and I were in Vegas a couple weekends ago, saw Weezer. It was fun. But on the way back, we stopped by the Original McDonald's Museum in San Bernadino! It's a fascinating little place, in the building that was built where the first McDonald's was before it was torn down and rebuilt to be a little theater. It's also not recognized by the McDonald's corporation because this is the location the founders kept for themselves when they ultimately sold the rest of the company to Ray Kroc. Anyway, so it's a funky little place with a lot of history and is full of toys and packaging and photos and outfits and this big Grimace suit with Becca! 
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romanticallyghosting · 6 months
i realized i kinda... didnt even really talk about Dzintara backstory
i imagine his family immigrated to Canada over the summer to hope for a better life there, and just sorta accidentally got roped into the choir in the beginning of the year by his parents so he'd find it easier to make friends in a whole new part of the dang world
i already said this but uhh. yeah, shes the most responsible boy in town, earning that title via just always being stressed out over deadlines, projects, schoolwork, and completing everything super quickly so she can just drop dead and forget about everything for a few hours hdfhk
i really really want his song to resemble something like Sugarcrash! by ElyOtto [spotify link here]. idk i just feel hyperpop fits best because it gives way for him to basically rant about everything and all the stress shes under due to that, basically the opposite to TSIA's lyrics hfgkghfdj
perhaps her catchphrase could be something like "can this wait?" poor girl just wants a break
really dont feel like making up a new zodiac meaning n birthday so this bitch gets to share one with me and noel. feb 21st, pisces, the romantic nature or.. whatever it was hhgkjdfdfd
i feel like im just taking ocean and giving her anxiety but whatever, its fitting lol
and i DO have a few ideas for how he feels about the choir members so.. hehe. i still dont think hes really *friends* with any of the 6, cuz he just got there at the beginning of the year and goes trough... that.. like 2-3 weeks later.
impressions set before the accident cuz those kids at the end are not the same people they were at the beginning of the show
ocean - mostly indifferent to, but can appreciate how.. motivated she is to do everything as best she can constance - literally n/a. hes aware of her presence but thats the end of that. she just seems... nice (ba-dum-tss) penny - based on legoland, i feel like these idiots would NOT get along well together. unstoppable force meets immovable object type of situation ricky - okay so you know the joke thats like "if you think you know 1 trans person, you actually know way more than 1 trans person"? thats them two. they move in packs. maybe a quiet understanding between them about it (im forever a savannah truther, enough said) noel - just a quiet admiration for him cuz of how openly gay he is. maybe he can be like a small beacon of light that "oh shit. thats *okay* here" mischa - the one guy she relates to the MOST outta the bunch, for reasons stated above, but really isnt the type of guy he'd ever really wanna talk to or befriend
the silly!!!!!! i love him!!!! guess whos drawing their choirsona NOW... its meee!!! ill send it when im done hehehehehehehe i have ideas
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Hii!! I saw your requests and was hoping to jump on the train:>
Could i get matchups for sk8 the infinity and/or genshin impact? (I'd love to see both, but please know just one is okay!! I'm grateful for any work you're willing to put in)
My pronouns are she/her & I'm pansexual!! If it helps any i do tend to prefer more dominant/intimidating types
My zodiac is Capricorn & my MBTI is INFP:> (a goofy mix, right? Hehe, it often throws off a lot of people, saying i don't seem like your stereotypical capricorn.)
For my appearance, I'm 18 so pretty young XD
My hair is long and a light dirty blonde, reaching down to my lower back, I prefer to keep it down. I'm white, and my eyes are hazel (green and brown mix, since I know theres a few options there).
I'm pretty tall! I'm 5'8, and I'm also really slim! I can't help it, my metabolism is very high and i also dance a lot. I have a lot of piercings too! For facial piercings, i have snakebites & my left eyebrow pierced, all with small silver jewelry (if your curious to my jewelry, my lip has small silver horseshoes, and i have a small silver barbell in my eyebrow.)
My ears are, of course, pierced too. On the left side i have two piercings in my earlobe and on my right side i have two ear lobe piercings and a cartilage piercing near the top. (Fun fact! I had an industrial bar on the left, but after it came out one time i never put it back in. The reason being a keloid scar i have there.)
If you'd also wish to know my typical daily wear, i usually wear leggings and a comfy tee. I usually only have my facial piercings & cartilage piercing in lately because I don't have any discreet jewelry for my ears:> no makeup here!
Personality is pretty cheery, as you could probably guess lol. I actually have really bad social anxiety though! Luckily, with my new meds & years of therapy, I'm starting to be a little better. Unfortunately, I'm still essentially agoraphobic.
Once i get to know someone though I'm super happy to chat! Whether that be me rambling to fill the silence (i do this a lot, i can enjoy a comfortable silence but i often find myself sharing small, insightful stories.) I get pretty silly once we're close, too. Although, only within the other persons comforts (eg. I might play fight more with someone who isn't sensitive to touch than someone who is, although i don't actually play fight much lol just needed an example.)
I'm stubborn too! My thoughts are my own and i will not allow someone to force their opinions on me (yes, i will still take advice and criticism, just not a senseless "the way I feel is the only right choice.")
Another note is that I'm often told I'm very kind! I care deeply for those around me, and if i think it's warranted I'll easily lend my help, even to a complete stranger. I also often choke down my anxiety/panic to compliment people when I'm out, just to brighten their day a little
On mental illnesses that may provide you insight on my personality: i also have ADHD! i forget stuff a lot, and i get distracted easily when something catches my eye
For likes/dislikes, I've been doing ballet since i was 2! Now, I'm also doing so many other styles, including lyrical, jazz, hiphop & tap! I'm also teaching acro to young children:)
I write as a hobby, and i enjoy drawing/art!
For dislikes, I'm super sensitive to others emotions, an empath. Large crowds are easily overwhelming, and i can become overwhelmed if too much is happening at once too
My hobbies also include reading! And playing the flute, i think I went to about pre- professional level classes. Now, i play in my free time for fun
Sorry if this is really long!! And tysm if you get to this🙏
Have a good day/night!! Be sure to rest lots and eat well<33
Hi Ilayda! Thank you for your request! Sorry it took so long. I hope you like your matchups!
In Sk8 the Infinity, I match you with...
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Joe likes that you’re talkative and cheery. He deals with Cherry’s stoic attitude so much, you’re a nice change of pace.
Also likes play fighting with you. He banters with you the same way he does Cherry and doesn’t mind gently roughhousing on occasion. He won’t go much further than hair ruffling though. The last thing he wants to do is actually hurt you.
Since you’re good with kids, please help him out with Reki, Langa, and Miya. Sure, they might be a bit older than the kids you’re used to dealing with but they like you and Joe isn’t going to say no to having a bit less on his hands.
Please play the flute for him sometimes. He would love it if you provide the musical ambiance for his restaurant but won’t pressure you if you feel too shy to. He’s more than happy to have you play just for him as well.
Joe will help you avoid large crowds. If you want to watch him at S, he’ll find a nice quiet spot for you where you can watch the race.
In Genshin Impact, I match you with...
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Social anxiety? Itto’s never heard of it. Please explain to him what makes you anxious and how you feel so he can better understand how to help you avoid those situations.
He certainly understands what it’s like to be easily distracted. But you have different things that distract you so most of the time, if one of you gets distracted, the other will be able to pull them back on the right track.
Please teach him how to dance. Itto has shocking rhythm and he’ll never be great at dancing but he wants to dance with you so teaching him the basics will help with that.
Dancing with Itto would be a wild time. WHat he lacks in rhythm and coordination, he more than makes up for in enthusiasm.
Loves that you like helping others. He’s got a tough exterior but in his heart he’s a sweet boy and he’s so glad you’re the same.
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foosybit · 10 months
Mayoi in PriPara Outfits Part 3
This is the last suuuuper long post of me wondering what pripara outfits mayoi might wanna wear ! If you're somehow here without coming from part 1 or 2 (since again, i wont be tagging this....) here should be a link to part 1 and also part 2 (sorry again foosybit followers for triple posting)
Please congratulate mr placeholder for coming this far, he's really putting the best work out there im so thankful he's here with us. also there'll be more brands other than holic trick now (even if it's still the main brand) so i'll be naming the brand in all of them
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Gaarmageddon Red Dia from Love Devi !! a card theme was present in an outfit i would die if i didnt draw it. no original masc version cuz it's literally a card wonderland theme so say hi to pathetic pushed over vermilion mayoi. also at this point i was admittedly getting quite pooped from all the drawing so unless i really wanted to see something i just didnt do it lol
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Hello ninja association again, no brand for this one cuz it's actually from a merch line so idk if it even exists outside the merch line ?? Which. Lets slow down a bit lemme tell u my shock when i find out that not only is there boypara but theres a ninja idol boy with partially yellow hair ???!?!!?!???! shinobu come pick up ur little bro he's out here performing in a wrestling ring !!!!!! so of course i listen to all the grand total of 2 songs he has and try to find all the images i can of ushimitsu (name of the ninja boy) and find this silly merch line where he gets to work at the ninja monja (which i believe is established as a thing he actually does if the wiki trivia section is to be trusted cuz as i said im nowhere near learning about him thru the show or stage play or whatever)
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what the hell look at this dam ninja i am literally nowhere near learning anything about him considering im not even at episode 100 yet meanwhile the episode featuring ushimitsu just barely came out recently on the pripara yt but hes so my fav and hes also the blue one in a duo that works at ninja monja which is just like dorothy west i love dorothy west i love dressing pafe someone any pripara enstars fans out here do u get me do u feel me do u understand that by me saying this u can already guess i like 2wink and souma do u understand how it all connects AAHHHRG i might explode if i keep talking so lemme stop here while i can
back to the drawing, shinobus having the time of his life spinning that omelette good 4 him and mayois been delegated to rice ball duty lol loser
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Lady Pirate from Holic Trick !! say hi to origin of mr placeholder !!!! hiiiiii !!!! uve been working so hard how does it feel to be home u better cherish it cuz ur coming back later, luv u mr placeholder. but ya self explanatory why i chose this outfit
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Gothic Lace from Holic Trick !! hes such a pretty boy thats all i have to say for this
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Adult Jumper from Pretty Rhythm (the brand in pripara) !! such a sweet and simple coord i dont think it needs a second version :]
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Aromat Card Aroma from Love Devi !! it looks like the original has tarot cards but a card's a card in my book so they got the symbols. honestly it's mostly just me vaguely tasking inspiration from the original to create my own outfit but whateva im near the end and im having fun and i really liked this one so woohoo !!!! also that dress length is supposed to go to the ankle, it's just scrunched up rn hehe
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Moonlight Purple from Baby Monster !! Last one !!!! I think the pripara characters deserve to have bigger hats dam !!! I think this is a very pretty outfit hehehe he's bound to get little shorts like these some day (me hoping and praying) !!!!
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not one that i did cuz im too exhausted from all the drawing but i thought u needed to see this and imagine ninja association, kitty kitty meow meow ninja mayoi is so real in my head
wahoo thanks for going thru the whole thing !!! I feel like u can reeaallly obviously tell which of mayoi's aesthetics are the ones i like the most lol are any of us surprised that my favorite 5star of his is his feature scout ^_^ BTW!! if any of u want me to draw any enstars character in any pripara outfit I WILL SO DO IT !!!!!! or even aikatsu outfit hehe cuz i'm also quite attached to that :] altho i may take a while cuz college is about 2 start orz rip my free time !!
one last thing b4 y'all leave !! ya as i just implied, i actually watched a bit of aikatsu (enough to get to the second protag is all i remember) i just ended up with a greater attachment to pripara cuz it was my very very first anime, but yea yurika's eternally flickering flame go listen to it and imagine it's mayoi maybe even wearing his fs trust me on this one u have to experience it please please please please heres the full version too (no shade to the vers w ozora i just think yurika fits mayois voice more), anyway im on my knees begging for this to be what his solo ends up like just cover the song it'll be fine no one will notice trust me mayoi u gotta sing this
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serenaberngraves · 1 year
this or that? tag game
I wasn’t tagged but I’m tagging along with @rownanisntwriting who left the floor open :) You can read their answers here!
historical or futuristic
The fantasy genre has been so dominated by Tolkien that I basically default to historical settings. It requires a lot of googling since I’m not the kind of person that really cares about history, oddly enough. I try to balance being somewhat accurate and hoping the reader is more invested in the events than the setting :’)
I think another part of it is that I don’t feel very confident in my ability to design futuristic technologies; whenever I try, I end up trying to draw my own blueprints and getting lost in the sauce. I find it more comfortable to rely on stuff that has already existed so I can focus on my blorbos
the opening or closing chapter
Oh my GOD how I love beginnings! I get to seduce the reader and oh how I like to play coy.
Closing chapters are wonderful in their own right, but it’s a goodbye. I poured my heart and soul into this piece and I never want it to end. Sometimes I actually cry
light & fluffy or dark & gritty
As much as I try to surround myself with nice, pleasant things, all of my work has to include a heavy dose of grit and strife to get that sweet, sweet payoff of relief.
Yes, I’m that guy who puts their blorbos in situations just for the narrative
animal companion or found family
You really made me choose.
It’s in my DNA to create a cast of characters that complement each other. There’s something so compelling about someone feeling like a black sheep, and then meeting people that show them love in a way they’ve never felt before. And that’s probably an insight about me but we won’t talk about that
horror or romance
Well I’m currently writing a romance…
Both genres can have a similar structure of suspenseful buildup. I just prefer the release of a romance climax hehe to a horror one. I feel that I can be far more self-indulgent, too >:}
hard magic system or soft magic system
There need to be rules
I often feel like soft magic systems are a copout but don’t take personally bc I know they have their place it’s just my silly little opinion
standalone or series
Whenever I start a standalone it always turns into something more whether I like it or not. I’m either too attached to the world or the characters — or both — to let them rest. I have to keep poking around in there…
one project at a time or always juggling 2+
Bruh I have so many. But I’m only actively working on one at a time.
one award winner or one bestseller
Awards don’t mean anything to me.
I’d much rather my work reach a wide audience that enjoys my story <3 also awards can’t buy me a new couch
fantasy or sci-fi
character description or setting description
I’m trying to be better, but describing people has always been tough for me. “He’s tall with blond hair and has the correct amount of limbs. Also he’s wearing clothes.”
Whereas describing a setting I find it much easier to delve right into the mood.
Realistically the two aren’t so different — something in my mind just blanks when I’m trying to tell you what a person look like. I think part of me wants the reader’s imagination to fill in the blanks; your image of the villain based on his demeanour, dialogue, and actions is the most compelling version.
first draft or final draft
Again — I have a hard time with goodbyes!
The first draft is filled with emotion: frustration, enthusiasm, novelty, disappointment, desperation, epiphany! The roller coaster is not an easy one to ride, but dear god it makes me feel alive
love triangle in everything or no romantic arcs
…I love a love triangle, but in everything? No, there are too many ideas and concepts to explore than has nothing to do with romance.
But I mean, it would be funny to insert a love triangle in every work. It would be a running gag. It doesn’t have to be the main characters — make it some tertiary characters. If I had a following, I would go feral waiting for my readers to guess who would be in the triangle this time
constant sandstorm or rainstorm
I think a constant rainstorm would be kind of dreary in a setting but having to think about how crusty a sandstorm is would make my skin itch. I couldn’t possibly endure
We’re at the end! I also don’t have anyone in mind to tag, so if you’re up for it tag me in your responses! :)
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ghostliebites · 1 year
self-indulgent TF2 infodump <3
OK so I’m gonna start off with: this is all stuff involving Rookie + a fun TF2 AU I’m doing, it’s not like a canon lore infodump!
Rookie Stuff
alrighty! So last night I finished a proper ref for Rookie, complete with scars n’ everythin’ (yippee!!) and today I’m gonna work on his mimic outfits for each class!! prolly won’t get em all done today but even one or two is a good start for once hehe. I’ve got ideas for a lot of em but I’m better at coming up with stuff as I’m drawing it tbh :P
I!! don’t know!! if I’ve talked about how Rookie’s class works so!! here is an explanation:
BASICALLY the Rookie is the “Ultimate Backup”, he’s WAY more useful in lore TF2 as opposed to game TF2. in the game he’d either be OP or completely useless, broken either way lmao. HOWEVER I HAVE STILL INDULGED MYSELF IN MAKING HIM GAME STATS, VOICELINES, WEAPONS, ETC cuz that’s fun af and I’m tryna make him somewhat useable lmaoo.
ok ok, so Rookie’s class basically mimics the other classes (wait wait, hear me out, please-). he can mimic whichever class is needed, in lore there’s only one of each yk? so with Rookie, any merc can effectively be in two places at once. however Rookie is like a slightly nerfed version of whatever class he mimics, he’s got way less experience than all of them but is a very fast learner. in-game, Rookie would be able to swap his skillset without having to die but it’d have a 20sec cooldown (30 when carrying intelligence) and when mimicking, he has a similar loadout to the class he’s mimicking. HOWEVER he can only customise his base loadout (so just Rookie, not mimicking a class) and his mimic loadouts are fixed, he pretty much has lesser versions of each class’ stock weapons. he also doesn’t get rid of his melee weapon when mimicking and pretty much gains 2 melee options (unless mimicking Heavy, he doesn’t pick up an extra melee then). some mimics come with speed changes, most don’t. Also Rookie’s stock weapons are kinda crap!! but that’s cuz if you’re playing him, why would you not mimic?? then there is no point in playing him!! also his outfit changes to reflect the class he’s mimicking so he’s not a total wild card, the opponent can tell what his skillset is when against him!
ok that was more than I intended to write, maybe I’ll make a post in future more abt Rookie if people are actually interested lmao
Pokemon AU!!
ALRIGHT!!! So I’m making a silly pokemon AU where all the mercs are gym leaders with the exception of Medic who is the pokemon professor and Rookie who is just a guy!! going on his pokerman journey!! Saxton Hale is the pokemon champion and the elite four is the Administrator, Miss Pauling, Maggie and Zhanna. Gray Mann is the “bad guy” and has a whole army of robot pokemon, he feels like it’s his right to be the champion and so plans to take over!! all his pokemon are like robot versions of the gym leader’s strongest pokemon!
oh also Medic has an albino pidove called Archimedes and Sniper has a hoothoot called Sir Hootsalot (naturally). Also all of them have 1 mega besides Medic cuz I love megas and also they’re meant to be a challenge to overcome!! they’re gym leaders and the champion league!! of course they have megas!!
Gym Leader Types + Teams:
Sniper (flying): Pidgeot (mega), Noctowl, Skarmory
Scout (electric): Manectric (mega), Jolteon, Eelektross
Soldier (fighting): Lucario (mega), Conkeldurr, Machamp
Spy (dark): Sableye (mega). Bisharp, Honchkrow
Demo (ghost): Banette (mega), Aegislash, Dusknoir
Pyro (fire): Charizard (mega Y), Heatmor, Arcanine
Engie (steel): Metagross (mega), Bronzong, Excadrill
Heavy (rock): Tyranitar (mega), Gigalith, Golem
Pokemon League Types + Teams:
Saxton Hale (champion): Aggron (mega), Golurk, Pangoro, Drapion, Krookodile, Darmanitian
Administrator (dragon): Garchomp (mega), Hydreigon, Noivern, Haxorus
Miss Pauling (fairy): Mawile (mega), Granbull, Togekiss, Clefable
Maggie (grass): Venusaur (mega), Whimsicott, Breloom, Tangrowth
Zhanna (ice): Abomasnow (mega), Beartic, Mammoswine, Walrein
and then ofc, Rookie has a silly team: Zorua, Meowth, Gengar + Smeargle. he starts off with a Zorua who was his childhood friend and eventually collects the others. all of his team have moves that reflect Rookie’s class in the TF2 universe. Zorua not only can transform but has the move copycat, Meowth has the move assist, Gengar has the move metronome and Smeargle has sketch (which is permanent change but at some point he does sketch the move mimic hehe >:)). and at some point Rookie aquires both a keystone and gengarite so he can mega his gengar yippee!!
final note, Rookie develops a crush on Sniper when he gets absolutely ruined on his first attempt to beat him in a gym battle. Sniper then develops a crush on Rookie when Rookie returns a while later after more training and wins the gym battle :]
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