#sidenote i always feel bad for tagging people in these even though i love getting tagged in them??
northern-borealis · 10 months
Writing Poll Tag Game!
I was tagged by @wheelsupin-five thank you Lee! While I have several WIPs I am sorry to report they are almost all Star Wars, but in my defense. Ahsoka Tano brainrot.
Rules: Make a 24-hour poll with the names of your WIPs and then for whichever wins, write one sentence for every vote it gets
I'm no pressure tagging @ninja-kitty-more-like-no @inspectorlyfra @stitchtopus @golden-buddle !! Again absolutely no pressure, just if you feel like participating!!!
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acaciapines · 1 month
obviously if you’re busy leave this alone but: your tag essay has made me VERY intrigued about Dess and Azzy’s relationship in this AU. Tell me about it?
(also, did you see they did an announcement about Starship Iris season 3? It’s finally gonna happen!)
okay IM HERE TO TALK LOL i will NEVER not talk about this au <3 uhhh under a cut bc. really i should just expect these get super long.
big important note up top: all of this is in! early stages! things are not fully formed and researched yet so please keep that in mind as you read this. ideas might change and will get deeper as i do more work for this au, but since rn im focusing on owl house most of these are my ideas i've had without time to do deeper dives into them.
okay so with asriel i've always sort of written him as this guy who like...has an idea of what is 'normal' in his head, ie, what society wants from people, and what it doesnt want, and he has tried his hardest his entire life to always fit into this box. (think about i know im not well--this is why he's always seen kris as a human. being nonhuman is abnormal and gets you punished in society. to an extent this is also how he views dess being aromantic.)
i think a lot of this comes from fear--asriel IS for sure contorting himself and actively harming himself to stay inside this narrow box of 'normal' (think of this as another sort of prophecy--these are all touching on the same themes). and he applies this same mentality to other people BECAUSE of this fear, because he doesnt want his loved ones to be hurt, to be punished, ostracized, etc by society--which are i wanna be clear VERY MUCH THINGS THAT HAPPEN--but in doing this he sort of just hurts the people he loves. because instead of being someone who rejects these boxes hes like. no we gotta be good and fit into the boxes and then everything will be okay.
so when it comes to dess, dess has always very much Done Her Own Thing, consequences be damned. partly this is who she is, partly this is hashtag undiagnosed and untreated mental illness, the onset of which happens around when shes 18 and everything is going down with the bunker (which is NOT helping at ALL). and so when dess comes back from the bunker asriel does very much go 'oh. shes delusional.' and proceed to be No Help At All.
and like, the thing is dess IS very much having a psychotic break. this bit is very much still in deep research (sidenote: anybody in my audience who has experience w/ these things. feel free to hit me up/dm me lol i'd love to talk through some of my ideas as a sort of preliminary sensitivity read, but of course only do this if you are up to it, no pressure lol bc again we're in early stages) but she has schizoaffective + bipolar disorder. dark worlds dont help with this, asriel SUPER doesnt help with this (he doesnt know her actual disorder--neither of them do, this is the onset of things. but tbf even if he did he Would Not Help asriel is essentially doing everything wrong here.) and what dess needs is literally one single person in her corner but the person who is supposed to be in her corner (azzy) is basically being like 'you are making this up' and shes like im NOT, and everything is all mixed together, terrible, bad, awful, and eventually everything culminates and. we know what happens.
(side note but this is why she and chara work real well together actually--chara gets her when asriel doesnt!!)
asriel never actually like. tells anybody about this though. in his head after its assumed dess and kris have died he sort of just. is like well this proves it. i cant let anybody else i care about go that far EVER AGAIN, because if i was a better friend i would've noticed and i wouldve stopped it and made dess "normal." (yes asriel sucks here. the focus is on the kids but. he's getting an arc. i do promise he will get better but. that doesnt really fix what he's done in the past.)
and all of this is like. it fucking sucks for the people around asriel. in hurting himself he's hurting his loved ones--it pushes dess away, and that relationship is never going to be the same. even when asriel realizes how he fucked up i dont think dess really forgives him. because if asriel had just believed her, or at least even if he didnt actually took her seriously and tried to help, shes like. things wouldve gone differently. and asriel knows this too.
and then when it comes to NOELLE, well. asriel's always been very overprotective of her. terrified the world is going to hurt her. and so when noelle starts experiencing things, things she cant tell if theyre real or not...
she doesnt tell him. she doesnt tell anybody. she keeps it all to herself, and this means its a hell of a lot easier for the player/red soul to manipulate her. and nobody finds out until its too late.
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orange-waterfalls · 4 years
Vampire!Reader x Markiplier Egos
ty anon for the request
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A/N: YES. IT'S BEEN A WHILE. HAPPY FUCKING HALLOWEEN. I absolutely remembered today is the 1 year anniversary of ahwm absolutely this is not a coincidence what are you talking about ahahahahha. I've been busy w/ school and drawing and general depression and anxiety with the current situation but I'm getting back into it! Vampire reader. That's pretty much it. Rated T, a bit of cursing, mentions of blood, mentions of fangs. A slightly suggestive phrase but that's just Illinois like there has to be at least one with him it's the law. ALSO. NEW RULE? IF I'M DOING LIKE HCS OR SMTHN I WILL DO 6 AT A TIME. I CANNOT BE WRITING 14 DIFFERENT EGOS AT ONCE I JUST CAN'T I'M SORRY. anyways enjoy!
Vampire!Reader x Egos Headcanons
Not much PDA
Not much going out in general
You have to cover your whole body when you do, unless it’s nighttime
You spend much of your time inside or in the forest
You’re basically nocturnal
You do drink blood, and you don’t need a lot of it
You drink human blood only if they give permission
You don’t kill people
You know or know of some other supernatural creatures that exist
You are friends with a werewolf. One specifically. You know the one.
You both are edgy as all hell it’s perfect!
Politely asks you not to bite him
a) because he’s not human and b) because it’ll hurt
You both are very calm and well-spoken. So. not much happens.
However, you are both, in fact, dumb bitches, so things are still entertaining
“My darling, would you like some garli-mmm nevermind...”
You go out with him sometimes on romantic moonlit walks
You don’t have to wear as much then
You make him get a pet, a black cat specifically
He loves it
You named it Darko, Dark for short, and he hates the name
Like he hates the name a lot
It is irrational how much he hates the fucking name
He calls it DA
He never explains why
When you want blood he’ll trap a deer or something
You go into the forest and drink a little of its blood
He’s surprised
“What am I, a werewolf?”
He’ll ask you about supernatural creatures, and how to defend against them
You’re pretty sure he’s an eldritch entity so you aren’t sure why he’s asking YOU
He won’t ask how you became a vampire, that seems personal
He never gets startled when you turn into a bat
He can hear your lil wingbeats from a mile away
Sometimes you’ll sleep as a bat and he just smiles at you hanging from the fan
Fine with you not interacting with others, like he does much of that…
Just likes hanging out in your fucking giant victorian mansion with you
We all know that his type is, in fact, edgy bitch
Therefore, you are perfect
Dark clothes? Check
Edgy backstory? Probably
Kinda scary? Oh absolutely
And he loves you for that!
He doesn’t want to be a vampire, but he fuckin loves your teeth
He’ll ask you to bare them and then he’ll do a happy wiggle afterwards
He loves dancing with you, slow or fast
It’s always romantic
He’s basically a god so like. Anything you ask for he’s gotchu
You said you were hungry and he fucking kidnapped someone
You said you were hungry, that was on you
You then explain that you don’t need a whole FUCKING PERSON
He then steals some blood bags from the hospital
“Oh, calm down! They have enough!”
Likes taking you out, so you go on night walks a lot.
You’re not used to social interaction, so he makes sure to steer you away from people
Unless you want to talk to them, then he starts up a conversation and lets you take over
You don’t understand people, and neither does he! It’s great.
Likes when you turn into a bat
He doesn’t know why, it just makes him happy
You made him adopt a black cat
He named it Colonel Whiskers
Loves you and your castle and your weird ass little quirks
Bite him.
You refuse for the sole reason that he is a dick.
You do get along because you both are, in fact, pretentious
You wear those silk robes around the house, and he gets mad at you
HE is the sexy mysterious one, COME ON!
At least you won’t have an edgier backstory than him…
Likes slow dancing with you
Very much enjoys your Aesthetic
Believes that he too belongs in a Victorian era castle isolated from the world
Loves the dark romance
Is a Fancy Boy
Was fully prepared to murder someone for you to drink their blood
Surprised when you said it wasn’t necessary???
Buys a horse or smthn
Asks about supernatural beings and which are immortal
He asks that a lot
He worries you sometimes.
Hates it when you turn into a bat
You’re small and you fly around and you’re fucking GROSS
He doesn’t. He doesn’t like animals very much. Besides dogs I mean.
Buys you clothes because you’ve been wearing the same shit for fucking EVER
Don’t worry, they’re all black, dark purple, or dark red
Sometimes you decide to go on a walk and he tags along
Possessive bitch
Thinks you’ll leave him if you talk to other people
He scares them or leads you away
Was fine with a black wolfdog you brought home after searching for food
Names it Phoenix, and you call it Nix for short
Is deeply in love with you, but will never say or show it
He thinks you’re wonderful!
Originally a bit mean to you
He thought YOU thought you were better than him
He saw the fangs and backed off
He asked about them and you answered, so you got along
Asked if he could be a vampire
You asked if he wanted to be immortal. He declined.
Suggested you drink his blood when you were hungry
You said it wasn’t necessary, but he pushed
Stared at you the whole time
“what’s your issue” “this is very… intimate.”
On that note: has an issue with intimacy
You’re very cold naturally, so you’d want to cuddle
He awkwardly shifts away
Once he gets more comfortable, he might cuddle with you
Loves the silk robes you own, they’re so fucking COMFY
Absolutely loves all the fancy shit you have
You teach him how to waltz and he teaches you how to tap dance
You have a very equal give and take relationship with everything, it’s great
Neither of you like social interaction
You will if you HAVE to but mostly keep to yourselves
You love Yancy's prison buddies
They love you too
Asked if you knew mothman
You couldn’t tell if he was joking
He absolutely Was Not joking
He sings to you sometimes
It echoes through the place and the Aesthetic man
Hates it when you turn into a bat
Bad. No. Stop. Scary.
A small animal flying at him is a no go
Alternatively: get him a pet dog and he will love you forever
He names it Elvis. Yeah you know why.
Overall loves you and your aesthetic, and you could tell even before you got together
Excited but doesn't show it
He's met PLENTY of supernatural creatures
Ghosts, gods, there was a thing with that werewolf one time…
(He has the scars to prove it)
But a vampire? That's new
He doesn’t live at your place because he travels a lot
He still stays there sometimes between adventures
Uncomfortable with how clean it is
You are. An immortal being. And you take the time to clean. What the fuck.
“Would YOU wanna spend eternity in a dusty ass mansion?”
His flirts are often about your fangs
You threatened to bite him and he said “promise?”
Said you could drink his blood, but you said no
“I don’t know what the fuck you got in that bloodstream”
Doesn’t do walks but takes you on adventures
If it’s a cave. And you turn into a bat.
ONLY if you turn into a bat
Sidenote: he fucking adores when you turn into a bat
He just thinks they’re neat
Uncomfortable with how soft everything you own is
NOTHING is soft in nature
Except. Like a lot of things. But don’t tell him he’ll get mad
Doesn’t really want a pet bc he’ll never be home to deal with it
He’ll be fine if you get one though
He wants to name it Nathan Drake he doesn’t care what it is
NERD(see: Uncharted)
Will never EVER wear a fucking suit
He will DIE before he wears a suit fuck you
Dislikes anything remotely fancy
Talks about the creatures he’s met
you get Bard Vibes if ya know what i mean wink wink nudge nudge he's a whore is what I'm saying here
You hang out normally mostly
He refuses to acknowledge his feelings for you
Not after the mermaid incident.
He eventually will, i promise
He’s a pirate, he doesn’t care
He’s seen sirens, ancient spirits, probably Davey Jones at some point
A vampire? Low on the list of dangerous creatures
He has a whole ship made outta wood he’s not that worried
You don't really sail with him often
When you do, you're seen as a threat to anyone and everyone
He loves that about you
Warned you not to bite him or he'd stake you
You promised not to and that was enough for him
You get along with the crew fairly well
However do NOT turn into a bat around them
They will not hesitate to shoot
You can maybe do it around Magnum and only Magnum
Doesn't like your house
He belongs to the sea
But can and will steal your sheets for himself
A pirate can have a little silk, as a treat
Offered his crew's blood to drink after a while
You declined because you don't know what the fuck kinda diseases they have
Doesn't really want a pet. He can't tell them what to do.
You bought an axolotl and he loves it a lot
Its name is Delta but he has deemed it Magnum Jr
Can't really. Fit. In any suits you have
He has to go out and get one personally tailored if he wants it
Likes dancing with you
Slow dancing. To Danny Boy.
He can't dance but that's ok he tries
You talk about land creatures and he talks about ocean creatures
So far he despises werewolves and skinwalkers
He likes spending as much time with you possible
He doesn't much like the idea of a relationship bc of his uh line of work
But he loves you
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miracle-sham · 3 years
In the Atelier's Glow the Pupa Phoebus will Eclose.
| {Jasonette July 2021, Week 2, Day 10: Light} |
Chapter 2 of Sheltered by Darkness not yet Moths to the Flame.
| [Ao3 Link] | | [Masterlist Link] | | [Spotify Playlist Link] | | [Chapter 1] |
| Even when everything you know splits. When it splinters and shifts, like a chrysalis or a damaged cable. And you're left unfurling your wings, unable to yet fly—circuit broken, fuse melted—grounded, earthed. |
| The rest of the world keeps the current flowing through the wires of everyone else's circuit wings, and they're able to keep fluttering, unfettered by your frayed and exposed wires, even despite the threat you pose to their safety. Too blinded by the luminescence of those with power. |
| Word Count: 7,220. |
| Warnings/Tags: Cyberpunk/Criminal/Gang Au, Explicit Language/Swearing, Hacking, Breaking and Entering, Mentions of Guns, Gun Violence, Mentions of corrupt/shady businesses, Gabriel Agreste's A+ Parenting, Brainwashing, Implied Brainwashing & Torture, Injury, Threats of Violence & Violence, Akumatised!Marinette, Fluff & Angst, Hurt with some Comfort, Angst With a Happy Ending, Gang/Team as family/family dynamics, Found Family. |
| A/N: First things first, make sure you've read the first chap before reading this. Second things second, this chapter is a chapter and half. And it's the final chapter! I hope this being 7k more than makes up for it being a day late to posting! I put a lot of love and time and effort into this, so I really hope you all enjoy. And for peak atmosphere, listen to Wonder World by Inova (first song on the playlist) during the first two parts, for optimum atmosphere! Not necessary if you'd prefer not to of course, but still. There's also a ton of light and butterfly symbolism stuffed in this, so try and see how much you can spot! |
| On a sidenote, this fic is dedicated to my friend Saf who listened to me ramble about this fic, and in turn rambled to me whenever I gave her sneak peak snippets. This wouldn't have ended up half as good as it did without her support! Also thanks to Weird for the support, compliments, reaction to the snippets, and kind words as well! And finally, thanks to everyone on the discord who was supportive and kind whenever I rambled in my author's channel! <3 |
| Also side note, Don’t Like? Don’t Read. Also also, please do not criticise any of my writing. This was written for fun and receiving criticism, even in a compliment/criticism sandwich, is the exact opposite of fun. |
Even when everything you know splits. When it splinters and shifts, like a chrysalis or a damaged cable. And you're left unfurling your wings, unable to yet fly—circuit broken, fuse melted—grounded, earthed.
The rest of the world keeps the current flowing through the wires of everyone else's circuit wings, and they're able to keep fluttering, unfettered by your frayed and exposed wires, even despite the threat you pose to their safety. Too blinded by the luminescence of those with power.
Broken wires cause lights to flicker and dim. They don't glow as brightly as they could—as they should. They crackle and buzz and burn and scorch and smoke, causing only destruction; when light should only be used for creation.
That's why the Atelier Agreste specialise in fixing broken wings and wires. The brightness of tomorrow splinters the darkness of today, the business proclaims.
And Marinette Dupain-Cheng is merely the latest of the poor misguided larvae, with their shade-like masks and unfortunate frayed wires, to be rehabilitated into an enlightened pupa under Gabriel Agreste's watchful care.
Truly, the discarding of a mask that kept the Pupa in the dark, and the Pupa's embracement of the Atelier's radiant glow marks a wondrous occasion indeed.
How glorious it will be, an unveiling of the newest Atelier Agreste designer's début? The welcoming of a new Papillon among the ranks, especially one that shines so brightly. Phoebus, like the butterfly and the god of light. What a fitting name for the butterfly that will glow like the sun.
Marinette—no, not Marinette, she is Phoebus. She is light, and her glow has been fixed.
Stitch by stitch, she sews herself a collection of chrysalises. To represent her transformation that has been nurtured by the Atelier, Monsieur Agreste had said.
Stitch by stitch by stitch. She must make him proud, he's done so much for her. He saved her from the darkness, showed her the light and how to glow just as brightly herself. She owes him everything.
Stitch by stitch by stitch by stitch. Lila—no, Rubi, after Macrothylacia Rubi, the Fox Moth—visits sometimes. She's pretty, and likes to keep Phoebus company, telling her all about the incredible things Rubi has done and people Rubi has met. She's like Phoebus, taken in and nurtured by the Atelier Agreste. Phoebus hopes Rubi will be one of her chrysalis models.
Stitch. And anchor, and anchor, then up. Snip. Snip. Snip.
Phoebus hears the sound of the studio door opening but she does not stop. Her chrysalises must be perfect, she must finish them in time. Thread the needle and anchor.
Footsteps stride across the studio floor but still Phoebus does not stray her attention from her work. Stitch by stitch.
“Good morning, Pupa, I hope the final preparations for your début are going accordingly.” Monsieur Agreste greets.
Her hands still, work halting. The Pupa Phoebus turns away from the fashion piece before her, and smiles, as brightly as her namesake, up at him. “It is.”
There's a hollowness inside her. And smiling at him makes the hollowness ache but Phoebus does not know why. Monsieur Agreste does not like it when she asks bad-dark-broken-frayed questions like that, so she says nothing more and nothing less. She will be his perfect protégé. He said so, and so she must.
He nods approvingly. “Good. I expect only perfection from you and your work. Do not forget, once the fashion show starts it will mark your eclosion into my Atelier once and for all.”
The Pupa Phoebus nods her head, eyes shining almost too brightly in the studio's lights.“I will ensure everything is to perfection for my début.”
Her actions and words are as doll-like as her title. For she was once named Marinette, which is close to Marionette. Marionettes are dolls. And Pupa once meant doll. Like a doll, she is so painfully hollow inside. But like a doll, she is perfect. She must be.
Monsieur Agreste does not sneer at her but his lips curl in a way that makes the darkness inside her claim he is mocking her.
“The set designers have informed me the catwalk has been transformed into the river Lethe. Isn't it rather fitting?” He pauses, watching her with sharp eyes for her reaction.
She nods. That is what she is supposed to do. It is fitting because he has said so. And Monsieur Agreste is always right.
“After all,” he continues, seemingly satisfied with her response, “it was once believed that the dead may only be reincarnated upon drinking from the Lethe and giving up their memories. And you gave up your memories of pain to be reformed as a butterfly that will shine ever so brightly, my protégé.”
“Oh,” Phoebus responds, tilting her head to one side as her smile wavers for but a fraction of a second. There's something flickering in the back of her head, behind her eyes; splintered memories, nothing substantial but the ghosts—Fantômes, the darkness whispers—of them linger.
The taste of iron, harsh white lights, cold glowing white strands chaining her fragile wire wings to the ground, lights—so many dancing lights, and the sharp electric zaps. She shouldn't try to parse what they mean, what they herald. Remembering the Before is bad, when she was a poor unfortunate Larva who fell through the cracks into the shadows and gutters. She is a Pupa now, and Pupa change. They become better, brighter, than they ever could achieve as Larvae.
Monsieur Agreste picks up on her moment of lapse, his eyes narrowing in what must be concern. “Is something wrong, Pupa?”
Phoebus shakes her head. “I am just anticipating how my début will go.”
He hums, unconvinced.
Understandable—she is not meant to lie, not to him. It is not how a Pupa should act.
“Perhaps you should take a break so we can ensure you've not damaged your light by working so hard. It wouldn't do to have your glow flicker and dim mid-début.” Monsieur Agreste states, pulling his tablet out already to schedule a check-up.
The Pupa Phoebus widens her bright yet hollow smile. “Oh, that is a good idea! A break would be most appreciated, Monsieur Agreste!”
Monsieur Agreste does not laugh but he huffs in what must be amusement. “How unfortunate that it took so long to rescue and take you under my wing. You will do well as one of my Papillons here.” He pauses to adjust his glasses, the light shining on them in a way that makes the lenses appear opaque. “I didn't think I'd get another specimen such as yourself, so perfectly adapted for becoming a Pupa and then a Papillon.”
His not-sneer unfurls into a grin, one that makes the darkness whisper danger. He steps around her, to get a different angle view of her work, and stares pointedly at the fine detailing. “It is a great shame that my son and my nephew have both become wretched larvae like you once were, instead of wonderful Pupae like you've now become.”
“You deserve a better son and nephew, Monsieur Agreste.” Phoebus recites from the script burnt into her mind, though she does not remember when or why she memorised it.
“I do, don't I.” Monsieur Agreste considers in contempt. “That can easily be achieved as soon as my men rescue him from the clutches of those vile Larvae. We believe the ones who held you captive and forced you to work for them, are the same ones who hold both my son and nephew now.”
“Oh.” Phoebus responds, getting the feel that Monsieur Agreste is testing her. Perhaps to ensure no feelings of Stockholm Syndrome remain for her previous captors? Yes, that must be it. How thoughtful and caring of Monsieur Agreste. “That is awful, hopefully, they can be saved soon!”
Monsieur Agreste hums, seemingly in agreement this time. “Hopefully indeed. And once we rescue them, they can then be taught to embrace the radiance my company brings to this world, just as you were taught.”
He places a hand on her shoulder, and squeezes. “And you, my dear Pupa, can help my son and nephew stitch their Chrysalises. For they are both models, like Rubi. Wouldn't that be nice, two additional fellow Papillons for you to befriend, wouldn't that make you very happy?”
Phoebus nods at a perfectly acceptable speed to relay her happiness and excitement. “Yes! That would be wonderful! I would be so happy if that were to happen!”
And yet, the darkness inside her wails and grieves as she utters each word but Phoebus does not understand why.
“Good,” Monsieur Agreste states, “that is very good to hear. Now, I shall return when your break is ready.” He turns around and strides towards the door, stilling at the threshold. “My wife will prepare high tea for you to join her at, once your break is ready.”
The Pupa Phoebus nods, fingers twitching as she turns back to meticulously stitching her chrysalises. “Thank you, Monsieur Agreste, I cannot wait!”
He huffs in what must be amusement again, “I would hope so, Pupa.”
If she didn't know better, the Pupa Phoebus would wonder why the silver butterfly necklace feels more like shackles than a gift. Why the darkness begs her to break the chains.
Three months. Three fucking months. Of nothing. Not a whisper on the news or in the underground, no public proclamations of the capture of one of the co-leaders of the most notorious gangs in the city. Nothing, abso-fucking-lutely nothing. Three fucking months she's been gone and not a word about what happened.
Jason sits crouched on the sofa, head in his hands. A coffee is placed on the table in front of him, he can tell from the smell, and the sound of the liquid sloshing about inside the cardboard cup.
“Marinette used to like coffee…” Jason bemoans, half-serious, half-jokingly.
Something shatters in the next room over, the kitchen most likely from the sounds of it.
“Oh. My. Fucking. God. Jason!” Alix hiss-screeches, from the same place as the shattering, like an angry kitten on roller skates. “You've said that meme every day for the last month! I'm going to murder you!”
Adrien, who's been sitting on top of the side cabinets, throws his head forwards and barely manages to stifle the laugh by slapping a hand over his mouth. He wheezes for a few seconds as he gets his laughter, and breathing under control again.
Félix snorts from where he's curled up in a cushioned armchair. “Alix has a point, you know. We understand you miss her but as do we.”
“Shhh! You'll disturb him!” Roy shushes, grinning mischievously as he stands behind the sofa. Putting on his best David Attenborough impression, he begins to recite, “here we have the rare Jasonarches Toddamentum brooding in his natural habitat. Lamenting the loss of one of his pack, specifically his co-alpha—”
Jason whips around to face Roy and launches the nearest pillow from the sofa at him, before he can continue the mockumentary. “Co-alphas? Really? That's the best you could come up with! C'mon man!”
Yelping, Roy ducks but not quick enough as the pillow smacks him in the right shoulder and flops onto the floor.
Nodding mock sagely, Félix sighs. “We expected better from you, Roy.”
“Yeah, Roy.” Kori teases, passing a second coffee in her hands over to him.
Placing a hand over his heart, Roy gasps. “Wow! The betrayal!” he complains as he grabs at the coffee and cradles it to his chest with the other. “And thanks, Kori! For the coffee, not the betrayal!”
“Ah, friends?” Markov calls cautiously as he hovers into the room, anxiety lacing his robotic voice, claws fiddling with the corner of what looks to be an envelope.
Immediately the jovial atmosphere splinters and everyone stills. Everyone except Artemis and Alix who walk, and roll into the room respectively, at that precise moment. Both hovering by the respective door frames they entered through, coincidentally opposite each other. Artemis crosses her arms, whilst Alix grabs the door frame with one hand to steady herself.
Jason tenses and glances over at the little AI. “Everything okay, Markov?”
Markov fretfully swings his claw arm around. “One of our couriers was handed a letter.”
“Did they bring it here?” Jason questions, brows furrowing in worry.
Markov shakes his head. “The courier handed it to a third-party forger, and created the forgery I am now holding. It is addressed to Adrien, and Félix.”
Adrien sucks in a sharp breath, he turns to exchange a look with Félix. “You don't think it's…” He trails off, unwilling to say it out loud in case it makes it any more likely.
Grimacing, Félix nods. “It has to be. It was rather publicly known when you were "kidnapped",” he states, making quotation marks with his fingers as he stressed the word, “by this gang. Less so when you spearheaded my "kidnapping", with them.”
“Yeah… that's. We didn't think that through.” Adrien admits, scrunching his mouth up in concern. “But! If that didn't happen, I wouldn't have gotten to use Cheval Mallet as my vigilante name, which is a plus at least!”
Félix huffs bitterly. “Oh, because getting to use a vigilante name that fits thematically is completely and utterly worth getting targeted by the Big Butterfly himself?”
“In my defence—” Adrien starts, only to shut his mouth again as words fail him. “Nevermind, you've got a point.”
Jason clicks his tongue. “More importantly, we need to decide what we're doing about this.”
“We need to actually see what is inside the envelope, first.” Félix counters, marching over to Markov.
Markov dips in the air in lieu of a nod and extends his claw-arm to hand Félix the envelope. “Here you go, friend!”
“Thank you, Markov.” Félix responds, nodding his head to the little AI as he takes the extended envelope. He marches back over to Adrien and slips out the disguised knife pen out of his pocket, before carefully slicing the top of the envelope open like one would do with a letter opener. Plucking the letter from inside, he holds it at an angle so only he and Adrien can read what has been written.
Seconds pass.
Swearing under his breath, Adrien glances up at Jason with panic clear in his eyes. “It's… it's from Kagami. She's been compromised, the Big Butterfly knows she was in contact with us. He and her mother have forced her to invite us to the Big Butterfly's upcoming fashion show…”
“She's worried that it's a trap, to capture us both so that they can… do to us what they did to my mother, and all of his Papillons.” Félix continues in Adrien's stead, barely able to conceal the dawning horror on his face.
Artemis moves towards them and asks as softly as she can, brows furrowing in concern. “And what exactly, did they do to your mother?”
He swallows a breath of air thickly. “Adrien's mother went missing a few years ago. And so my mother and I visited Adrien and his sperm donor as we were all grieving. However, I started to notice things seemed off and before either of us realised, the Big Butterfly was parading my mother around in front of the news and media pretending she was her twin sister instead. Even at home, she started treating me like Adrien's mother had.”
“What the fuck! Are you saying the Big Butterfly brainwashed your mom?” Jason exclaims, eyes wide with a mixture of horror, disgust, and alarm.
“Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. The Big Butterfly brainwashed my mum into believing she was Aunt Emilie, purely so that he could keep appearances up in front of the cameras.” Félix confirms, hands balled into fists and shaking ever so slightly. “When Adrien got out and joined here, I stumbled across the Big Butterfly's plans to replace Adrien by doing the same to me. If you all hadn't helped me get out in time…” He chokes up, unable to get the next words out of his mouth.
“That is truly despicable. I'm sorry.” Artemis apologises, looking equally disturbed by the information.
“Shit.” Roy mutters, glancing between Félix and Adrien. “What do we do? We can't just let another innocent get fucking brainwashed!”
Kori purses her lips. “I think,” she starts, giving an understanding look at the two, “we should let Adrien and Félix decide. They are the most familiar with the Big Butterfly, this Kagami, and the situation as a whole.”
Clearing her throat, Alix roller skates a little closer to others. “Guys, you don't think…” she trails off, trying to find her words but also torn over whether saying it out loud will make it true, “you don't think that's what's happened to Marinette? It would explain why we've heard nothing from her or Roaar since she disappeared.”
“Holy fucking shit! I'm going to burn that fucking bastard and his fucking fashion show to the ground if he fucking dared!” Hisses Jason, his eyes flaring toxic green as the fury of the Lazarus Pit burns in his veins. He digs his nails into the fabric of the sofa and his lips curl into a near-frenzied snarl.
“Woah, woah! Jason, calm the fuck down! That might not be what's happened!” Roy intercepts, grabbing Jason by the shoulder.
Jason turns to glare at Roy. “But it also might be what happened to her!”
“We should go.” Adrien cuts in sharply, “Max can get the rest of you in via hacking. Félix and I will be the distraction, and I'll bring Kaalki so we have a quick escape in case things go wrong. Whilst everyone else who goes to the show needs to focus on getting Kagami out. Then once that's done, we can try and look for anything that suggests they've got Marinette. And if we find Marinette, we get her out as well.”
Félix nods. “That's a good enough plan for me.”
Smiling bitterly, Adrien tilts his head to one side. “So, who else is up for crashing the show?”
Kori, Roy, Artemis, and Alix all exchange glances before nodding.
“Max and I are in!” Markov pipes up, hovering up in a swing.
“That leaves, who's telling Luka, and Bizarro they're holding down the fort this time?” Jason mutters.
“Dibs not it!” Everyone but Artemis calls out.
She rolls her eyes at the antics of the others. “I will tell the two of them their roles for this mission. Don't worry.”
Jason hums. “We could also probably call in a favour with the Sparrow kid that you,” he nods towards Adrien, “and Marinette befriended. Not to hold down the fort but to help cover us at the fashion show?”
“Oh! I'm sure Sparrow will be more than happy to help! That's a great idea!” Adrien cheers, perking up slightly.
Moving over to the coffee table, Félix places the letter down in the centre. “Right. Let's get ourselves ready to crash a fashion show.”
Adrien and Félix both don a light disguise. One that's easy enough to recognise them on a closer inspection but subtle enough to not attract immediate attention.
The others, in heavier disguises, had arrived early and gotten in already—split between two teams. One with hacked tickets, and the other through breaking and entering, the gang's speciality. Sparrow had also been more than happy to help and had roped in a few others from their gang, the Quantic Kids, into helping watch the outside of the building.
Leaving Félix and Adrien to arrive together, separate from the rest of the gang; they make sure to arrive slightly late to try and avoid the worst of the crowds. Approaching the doors, they hand over their tickets and try to appear as nonchalant as possible.
The nearest android guard eyes their tickets and puts out a hand. “Wait.”
“Is there something wrong with our tickets, sir?” Félix asks, smiling sweetly enough to hide the undercurrent of threat.
The android guard nods their head at another then looks the two up and down in a scrutinising—analysing fashion. “We have explicit orders to escort anyone with these tickets to the seats.”
Adrien grimaces. “Understood, lead the way then.”
The android guards exchange nods once more, then the one slightly further away pulls out a radio and starts quietly reporting into it, too low for either Félix or Adrien to catch anything. Useful or otherwise.
“Follow me.” Says the nearer one as they start walking away.
Félix sighs and lightly knocks shoulders with Adrien as a reminder of solidarity as well as to get ready. Waiting for only a second, they both start following after the guard. Félix adjusts the secret mic and camera attached to his tie, ensuring that it was now transmitting its feed to Max and Markov, as well as Luka back at base.
Next to him, Adrien does the same with his own tie and attached secret mic and camera.
They're led down a few hallways, up a couple of winding staircases, and down a few more hallways before the guard stops outside a door with a metal sign on it reading: Private.
“Your seats are through here.” The android guard says, slotting a keycard into the door, causing a glowing keypad panel to open up in the centre. Then, the android guard scans a digital code into the door and the door swings open before it.
Adrien nods to the android guard and tugs Félix after him as he strides across the threshold, head held high.
There's a shriek, as they pass through the door, and a body slams into Adrien and it's only thanks to his vigilante instincts that he doesn't drop the body.
“Oh, Adrikins!” Chloé cries out, hugging him tightly. “I can't believe you're back!” She lets go of him for a second to step back and check out his outfit. “Urgh, you could do with some better clothes though. It's fine,” she says, waving a hand, “after today's show we can go on a shopping trip together!”
Adrien smiles awkwardly and unconvincingly responds, “yeah… it's nice to see you again too, Chloé.”
Félix, the traitor, snickers at Adrien's predicament and steps around the two to fully enter the room. The android guard does not follow, and the door shuts automatically behind them.
Inside, is a private bar and lounge with double doors on the far wall, opposite the 'Private' entry door.
Kagami glances up from her place from the sofa against the wall with the double doors. She raises an eyebrow. “It is good to see that you made it here safely.”
“As safe as we could.” Félix grunts, delicately dropping into the seat next to her on the sofa.
She hums, tuning out Chloé's screeching with practised ease. “How are the horse-related magic tricks you were working on going?”
“Pretty well, though I don't suppose Father will be all too pleased with the one I plan to practise tonight,” Félix responds.
Kagami relaxes her shoulders in relief for a split second. “Oh? And what sort of magic trick is it?”
“I've dubbed it: Call a Key. And it's like those pull a rabbit from a hat tricks but with a horse from a hoop.” He says, drawing a circle in the air. A circle that just so happens to be the same size and shape as Kaalki's average portals.
“I see,” Kagami says, nodding, “well, perhaps after tonight's show, you won't mind showing me it so far?”
Félix grins, “I'd love to, Kagami.”
Their conversation lulls into silence, so Félix hops off the sofa and goes over to the private bar to fix himself and Adrien some drinks. Seeing as Chloé was showing no signs of letting his cousin go at the moment. A potential hazard for the plan, he worries. With drinks in hand, he rejoins Kagami by the sofa.
An announcement rings out over the loudspeakers on the walls as the double doors swing open in a slow and controlled manner.
“That, is our cue that the show will be starting soon,” Kagami mutters to him. She takes a deep breath and raises her voice, “Chloé, Adrien, it is time we take our seats for the show.”
Chloé squeals, forcefully dragging Adrien across the private lounge and through onto the balcony where their booth seats are.
Sighing, Félix follows after the two with Kagami a few steps behind him.
“Oh, I'm so glad you managed to make it to today's fashion show, Adrikins!” Chloé exclaims, clutching at Adrien's arm like a hawk and gesturing wildly with the other. “It's so nice of your daddy to hold this show in the theatre so we could have a private booth together to watch the show! And it's going to be a really special show from what I've overheard, Gabriel's débuting a new and upcoming fashion designer! Isn't that so exciting, I'm sure your daddy will let you model for them now that you're back! After all,” she scoffs, “he's letting that peasant fox model for the designer today.”
“Is that so?” Adrien responds, glancing at Félix with deep-seated worry etched into his stare.
Félix clenches his fists and takes a deep breath.
Frowning, Kagami taps Félix on the arm and sends him a questioning glance.
“We'll explain it later.” He mumbles quietly enough for her to just hear.
Below them, the sounds of people taking their seats echoes. A few minutes pass, Félix and Kagami make minor small talk whilst Adrien is forced to listen to Chloé prattle on.
The main lights dim and then go out, plunging the room into darkness. The curtains rise, from the sounds of the heavy and large swathes of fabric moving on the pulleys.
Classical music starts playing—not unlike the music Adrien used to learn on the piano. And one by one, the lights in the shape of asphodels flicker to life on the stage, illuminating a sea of the flowers surrounding a catwalk designed like a river carving through the land. White marble Greco-Esque pillars and arches litter the flower fields. Framing the scene, is the blank white wall at the back of the catwalk and stage. The lighting shifts to cast spotlights on the wall behind the catwalk.
Félix tunes out the rest of the show starting, instead putting all his focus in searching for any security watching their booth, as well as for any sign of Marinette.
The show continues on, slowly models wearing pieces designed like asphodels, butterflies, and cocoons or chrysalises strut up and down the catwalk. The spotlights follow them, making the pieces and models appear to glow under the light.
Luckily, there's no obvious security paying attention to their booth. But that doesn't mean they're in the clear, for all they know, Gabriel could have bugged the place to the rafters. They had worked out before entering, that they'd have to leave before the end of the show. Otherwise, they'd most likely be captured and brainwashed just like Félix's mum.
A new announcement from the stage gives both Adrien and Félix pause, neither having fully caught what was said other than mentions of the reveal of the designer. They tense and try to hide the signs of their anxious anticipation. The flickering flame of hope in their chests threatens to extinguish from the worry that this could be what they feared it to be.
The lights and spotlights on stage all dim; whilst the music fades to a quieter volume. The almost deafening echoing clack-clack-clack of heels against the catwalk seems so much louder than when the models in heels had been walking across it.
Félix holds his breath and clasps his hands together tightly. Adrien leans forwards to get a better look over at the stage. They should be nudging Kagami and getting ready to go by now but they can't will themselves to look away. Like a tragedy; a car catching fire and about to crash.
A figure in a chrysalis dress steps onto the catwalk. Step by step by step, they slowly walk to the end of the catwalk. The faint glow of the lights still perfectly illuminates the figure's face though.
And Adrien's heart stops. “No!”
“What? Is that—?” Chloé starts, only to be interrupted by the cacophonous roar of a standing ovation from the rest of the audience.
Félix, Adrien, and Kagami all pale in horror.
“That's… that's Marinette.” Kagami whispers to Félix, her panic thinly veiled.
Stiffly, Félix nods and swallows a breath of air thickly. “So. Minor change of plans.”
“I can see why.” Kagami responds automatically, in horror.
On the catwalk below, the dress shimmers and appears to crack. Shadowy mist seeping from the cracks is followed by a blinding glow eviscerating the darkness. From the cracks, the outer layers of the dress splinter away, and the layers below begin to unfurl. Bright white, beautiful butterfly wings edged with black and the odd symmetrical red spots.
Gabriel Agreste, Papillon, joins her on the stage. “Isn't this such a momentous and wonderful occasion? Tonight, we have witnessed the eclosion of a new Papillon within the Atelier Agreste. And I'm delighted by the bright welcome Phoebus has received.”
At the call of her Papillon name, Phoebus bows.
Félix's heartbeat pounds in his ears, nearly drowning out Gabriel's words.
Before he, or Adrien, can react, there's a buzzing in his ear from the disguised earpiece comms.
“Félix. Adrien. Get Kagami and get out! Now!” Max's voice filters through, “they're sending a reinforcement of guards towards your location. I'll try to hack them but it'll be close!”
Standing abruptly, Adrien yanks himself away from Chloé's death grip.
“Wha—Adrikins!” She protests, still too shocked by the revelation of the new designer having been Marinette, to try and stop him.
Adrien backs away into the private lounge, flushing red with embarrassment. “Sorry Chloé, I-uh… need to use the men's room. Be-right-back!”
He turns heel and makes his way over to the opposite door and yanks it open.
Félix stares at Adrien in disbelief before nodding at Kagami and grabbing her by the arm. He does not so much run, as speed walk after Adrien.
The second all three of them are clear of the private door's threshold, Kagami kicks her foot back to shut the door behind them. The three then start sprinting down the halls.
The hidden earpiece crackles again. “You three and Jason are the nearest to the backstage where Marinette will be soon. I'll lead the four of you towards the location, just follow my directions and don't do anything stupid once Jason joins you.”
“No promises,” Adrien mutters in response. “I'm seriously considering committing patricide at this point.”
Max doesn't immediately respond, presumably having switched channels to help deal with the others, or get out himself.
Less than a minute later, the earpiece crackles again, but this time it's Luka who starts relaying the directions to the backstage whilst keeping them updated on both human and android guards as well as security camera positions.
“You're halfway there, Jason should be just through the third door on the right.” Luka informs, sounding calm but they know him too well to not hear the veneer of fury beneath every word.
Adrien yanks open the third door on the right open, and lo and behold, Jason is sprinting past the open door in the corridor it leads to.
“Wait up!” Félix hisses after Jason.
It seems Jason manages to hear him and skids on the balls of his steel-toed boots, scratching up the wooden flooring, to stare at them with his green eyes blazing. “Alix was fucking right.” He bites out.
“We are coming with you, to save her.” Kagami states, looking equally furious.
Jason cocks his head to the side. “Then c'mon, we need to run.”
The four exchange nods and glances and burst into a sprint down the hallway, following Luka's directions.
Direction after direction after direction. It feels like Luka relays to them hundreds of those endless directions before the four of them reach a long hallway with double doors at the end that has a large sign above it, labelled: Backstage.
Skidding to a stop again, Jason holds out an arm to stop the others as well. “As much as I want to run in, laser guns a-blazin', who knows what kinda fucking security shit they've got ready for us.”
Adrien grimaces. “But they knew we didn't know that they have Marinette. So why would they prepare security for us rescuing her when they're trying to capture us?”
“Have you forgotten how much security the Big Butterfly placed around my mother, after brainwashing her? Public spectacles like this always involve far too much security around the shining star of the show!” Félix spits acerbically, fists shaking, breathing shallow.
Adrien places a hand on his shoulder. “Worst case situation, we can get Kaalki to get us out and we can try and rescue Marinette another time.”
Jason scowls. “If we're forced to do that, I want to shoot that fucker's skull in first.”
“Technically, shouldn't Adrien get right of shooting him before you?” Kagami asks, half-smiling that awkward smile of hers.
Huffing, Jason nods to Adrien. “Fine, but I dibs second shot then. And if you go for the skull, I'm shooting that bastard in the fucking dick.”
Adrien makes a choking noise and doubles over, barely managing to stifle his laughter. He takes a few deep breaths and wipes tears away from his eyes. “Deal!” He wheezes, “please, I'd like nothing more than for you to get the second shot and do that!”
“Good fucking choice,” Jason mutters in response, a cheeky grin crossing his face for but a second before it falls back to the furious snarl. “Now, let's see what's behind the doors and get our anthill tiger back!”
The earpieces Jason, Félix, and Adrien are wearing, buzz again. “Might want to hurry up.” Luka smoothly informs. “Three human guards are coming your way. And as far as Max can see through his hacking, there's no android guards or drones backstage.” He pauses, “the rest of our gang won't be able to reach you four in time, neither will Sparrow's. You're going solo.”
The four exchange quick glances among themselves. “That's a risk we're willing to take if it means getting Marinette back.”
“I'll keep you updated on any changes. Break a leg or three, especially try to break the Big Butterfly's legs if you can.” Luka responds.
Jason snorts. “We'll try our best.”
The channel goes silent, as Jason quietly opens the backstage doors and the four of them sneak through.
The show has ended, by the time the four of them arrive through the backstage doors. Jason spots a rack of clothes and gestures to the others to follow him as he creeps over to hide behind it.
She's there. Marinette—or Phoebus, as the Big Butterfly had called her. There in the centre of the backstage. Standing stock-still. Still dressed in that fucking chrysalis—butterfly dress. Like a creepy human-sized doll.
Jason focuses on his breathing, in and out, in and out, in and out. Trying not to let the sickly radioactive green flood his vision and veins.
He freezes as he watches the Big Butterfly himself stride up to her and circle her like a vulture.
“You did very well today, Phoebus.” The Big Butterfly says, with a sneer on his face. “Unfortunately, my son and Nephew have so rudely absconded from their booth before the show ended.”
The Papillon Phoebus dips her head, and ever so hollowly sounding, replies, “that is most unfortunate.”
It takes all Jason's concentration to not be sick at how empty she sounds and acts. He glances at the others and Kagami, Adrien, and Félix all look sickened by the sight.
The Big Butterfly's sneer morphs into a scowl. “It is indeed. However, Mademoiselle Bourgeois was able to inform us of something very interesting.”
Tilting her head to one side, the Papillon Phoebus stares blankly at him. “Oh?”
“Apparently, my son had quite the reaction to the sight of you on stage, my Papillon. Isn't that interesting.” The Big Butterfly taunts.
She blinks at him then nods slowly and stiffly. “Yes. That is very interesting, Monsieur Agreste.”
His scowl curls into a victorious sneer. “That's what I thought, my dear Papillon.”
Jason shakes, he can't watch any more of this fucking creepy-ass bastard messing with his gang co-leader. He whips both of his recently upgraded guns from their holsters and grips the handles with whitening knuckles.
Before the others can think to stop him, Jason dives out of cover and shoots his twin guns. Pew-pew!
The laser bolts slam into the back of the Big Butterfly, frying two circles into his suit and melting the material to his skin.
The Big Butterfly screams in pain and fury. He pivots in place to turn and glare at where the shots had come from. The light flashes across his glasses again, making the lenses appear opaque. As his gaze latches onto Jason, his victorious sneer splits and twists and unfurls into a monstrous smirk. He starts to laugh, like poison bubbling and frothing from his lips.
And as the Big Butterfly does, Jason catches sight of the glint of small purple flapping around the Papillon Phoebus'—Marinette's—neck.
The bubbling and frothing poison of an Akuma's transformation swirls around her, staining every speck of her and forming a glimmering chrysalis once more.
“Shit! Shit! Shit!” Jason chants under his breath. Eyes wide with instant regret, he taps his earpiece. “We fucked up! Holy fucking shit, we fucked up!”
“What?!” Comes the frantic response from Luka. “What do you mean? What's happened? What did you do?”
Jason laughs nervously, “she's an Akuma! She's been fucking akumatised.”
“Hold on as long as possible, the others got swarmed by guards and can't reach you yet.” Luka frets.
At that, Kagami, Adrien, and Félix all burst out from behind the clothes rack, each with laser pistols also in hand. Zap-zap-zap.
The three more shots ring out but only one hits, Adrien and Félix both shaking too much for theirs to land.
“We shall try.” Félix responds to Luka.
The chrysalis-Akuma-poison coalesces around the Papillon Phoebus before cracking and dripping away. Revealing two large butterfly wings exactly like the dress. Phoebus wings. She flutters her wings and begins to float a metre or so above the ground.
“Fuck!” Jason curses, and behind him he can hear the other three echoing the sentiment. He stares at the purple butterfly chain around her throat. “Akuma is in the necklace!”
A bright light, not dissimilar to a flashbang, pops off. Immediately blinding all four of them.
“Capture them!” The Big Butterfly orders.
Kagami yelps.
The blindness caused by the light fades, and Adrien gasps. Jason swears under his breath again, and he and Félix both fire off more shots. This time towards the Akuma object, as the Big Butterfly has vanished.
Cocooned to the ground, Kagami squirms, trying to free herself from the Akuma's trap.
“Fucking shit!” Jason helpfully says on the earpiece channel. “She's trying to fucking capture us for the fucking bastard! And he's disappeared!” He bodily throws himself to the ground to dodge a mote of brilliant radiance lancing towards him.
The Papillon Phoebus tilts her head to the side, wings glittering with bright golden light like her namesake. Safely blocking the laser blasts towards her object with her massive wings.
Thankfully, only one of Kagami's hands is trapped. And not the one with the gun. As quietly as possible, she shoots the gun to slice through the cocoon and free herself.
The wings start to glow brighter and brighter and brighter.
“Flashbang!” Jason yells, diving behind cover in the form of a cluster of mannequins and slapping a hand over his eyes.
Kagami grabs Adrien and the two duck behind a different rack of clothes. Whilst Félix leaps over a stack of boxes and hides there.
The radiance flares once more, but fails to blind any of them.
“We need to shoot the object. I'll draw the attention at the front. Kagami, get behind and get ready to shoot her in the back as a distraction. Adrien and Félix, you two flank her on opposite sides.” Jason plans quietly into the earpiece channel.
Jason leaves his hiding spot first, vaulting over the cluster of mannequins and shoots a laser bolt at the Papillon Phoebus' necklace again. It's blocked by the wings, as to be expected.
Félix leaps back over the stack of boxes and flanks the Papillon Phoebus on the right. Whilst Adrien rolls out from behind the clothes rack and flanks on the left.
The three in position, shoot simultaneously at the Akuma, as to distract her.
Kagami bolts from her hiding spot and flanks behind the Papillon Phoebus.
The wings start to flutter and glow brighter once more.
“Now!” Jason yells.
The blast slams into the Papillon Phoebus' back, right between where her wings connect to her shoulder blades. Instinctively she splays her wings out in pain and curls backwards.
Two more blasts slam into her, one in each wingtip.
Finally, Jason shoots last and his aim is true. Crackle-snap!
The blast sears through the chain necklace, warping the metal and snapping it in twain.
The two parts of the object clatter to the ground and a purple butterfly claws itself out from the broken chains.
Jason spins his gun in his hand and shoots a final laser straight through the moth. Burning a perfect hole through its wings and killing it instantly. Purple Akuma-goop leaks from its injuries and then fades, leaving behind the scorched corpse of what was once a white butterfly.
He sighs in relief, and quickly taps his earpiece. “Akuma dealt with.”
As he says that, the Akuma de-transforms midair and Marinette collapses to the ground. Limp, like a puppet with their strings cut or a discarded doll—a cracked Pupa.
“Thank fuck.” Luka's responds over the channel, sounding tired.
Jason drags a hand down his face. The green poisoning his vision dissipates for the time being, and he hurries over to Marinette. Ever so carefully, he scoops her into his arms—bridal style—and pulls her close to his chest.
Kagami drops to her knees and breathes.
Adrien weakly punches the air with his gun in hand. “Wooh! Luka, we're calling a key home. Disable security please?”
Félix snorts, moving back to lean against the stack of boxes.
“No need, there's no security cameras backstage. I'll hear your songs when you back at base.” Luka relays, tone light with happiness and relief despite the tiredness. “The others have dealt with the guards, so they're on their way back too.”
Adrien transforms with Kaalki, becoming Cheval Mallet. He walks over to Kagami and offers her a hand. Félix, and Jason with Marinette unconscious in his arms join them.
The portal opens up before them, and they walk through together. Today, they've won another battle. Tomorrow they'll try to find out what has been done to Marinette. But tonight, tonight all the conscious members of the gang huddle together in the lounge. And among themselves, they build a pillow and blanket fort, and relax.
They're all together, and they're all safe, for once.
| Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this little fic! Comments, likes, and reblogs are much appreciated! |
| So title dissection, Atelier meaning Fashion Studio comes from the Latin "Astula" meaning "Splinter", Astula also is the Genus for the flower Asphodel. Phoebus as mentioned in the fic is the god of light but it also means "Bright". Eclose is the leaving of a cocoon/chrysalis. Pupa is another term for cocoon/chrysalis when the butterfly/moth becomes soup and goes through metamorphosis. But it also comes from the Latin meaning Girl or Doll. So In the Fashion Studio's Glow, the Bright/Light Doll will be Released. |
| Fun Fact: Larva/Larvae mean Mask or Ghost in Latin. Also the suffix "Arches" means Leader/Ruler. So Jasonarches means Jason-Leader :3 |
| Also feel free to send me any comments with any questions you have regarding this fic, I'll be more than happy to answer! |
| @jasonette-july-event |
20 notes · View notes
Today I will be addressing SuperCorp and some of the issues that have been floating around about fandom. And I will be saying some stuff that both is for it and could be used against it even though I am ultimately a super big supercorp fan. Like it says in the tags you're free to express your opinion but they will not be changing mine but I am always open-minded to opinions that can actually be explained and eloquently expressed (receipt's needed) and aren't just basic. Also just so what is noted I have been a part of this fandom since the first episode I have literally shipped Kara with everyone from Lucy to Cat even James.But Lena has just stuck out the most for me but I'm Equal opportunity.
Number #1, Lena's character in no way shape or form has ever been xenophobic she has never once shown any hate towards aliens her problem with Kara in season 5 Wasn't because she was an alien it was because she was a "Super" like Kara could have been a flying purple fucking octopus from the planet of shzjxfdf and Lena wouldn't have gave two fucks but no she was a "Super"but let's dig deeper on that point if we really look at why she was mad it wasn't even the whole alien aspect it was because she wasn't told and no I don't think she's entitled to it but I do think it played into the fact of a trust issue she has with the fact that people would think she would be just like Lex if she had been told Sooner. Which is disproved in 5x13 (also personal note: I also think she wouldn't have reacted half as bad if Kara had just told her that night at game night or the next day when she wanted to probably still would have been pissed but not to the same extent). But okay with that being said I do disagree with the kryptonite entrapment torture scene and basically half the s*** she did in season 5 it was shown that she truly can tap into her Luthor side and be dark when wanted but fortunately she does always return to the light and in all fairness it has been shown several times that Kara has a dark side of her own that could rival the luthors.
Number #2, I do disagree with the abuse of actresses and actors just because of a ship and or character they play don't blame them it's just a job they have I think Melissa and Katie do a beautiful job of bringing Kara and Lena's characters to life couldn't imagine anybody else playing them.
Number #3, I also will say about the reason bombarding of comments on Nicole's social media at least I saw the video via tiktok in that video was fucking hilarious I love Nia, Dreamer,and Nicole in general she's funny and beautiful and is an advocate for everything good in life and well it is normal to even ask other actors if they have the scoop on anything it does not mean we need to be bombarding them in videos on something relating to their character or their love of something a simple comment or so maybe but what I saw NO.
Number #4, The William of it all well I think though his character seems like a nice gentleman he also seems to be bland as hell also I did not know he was a POC to be honest I thought he was a tan white man and we'll be doing further research on people in the future as I can learn from my ignorance also but unrelated I did not know that the woman who played Maggie was apparently just a tan white woman I thought she was of some sort of Hispanic descent but apparently not according to various things I've read on here tonight... But anyways back to William I feel like a lot of people might have perceived him as a white man therefore that might play into the whole scenario of people hate that they just want two white woman together when it proves if she was a man they wouldn't give two f**** about it whether that's true or not I don't know but mine two cents.
Number #5, I will never bash someone for being for or against a certain ship and or character and well I am allowed to certainly disagree with their opinion all opinions are valid because we all see the world a different way some see it bright and shiny and others like I'll admit myself see it through the glasses of trauma. And I think that's why we all have the opinions we do most of the time when you like a shipper character it's because you relate to them somehow even if it's the most minor thing to someone else it might be huge for you. You never know what the person on the other side of the screen is going through in those characters or ship or fanfiction might have literally saved their lives.
Sidenote: Like okay personal story I was been both mentally and sexually abused as a child so I relate to both Kara and Lena respective childhood trauma so that draws me to them. And I kind of see them both as the opposite attract trope (two side of the same coin) because well we never fully get over trauma Kara had a great support system with the Danvers whereas Lena didn't get that with the luthors I mean sure she had Lex at first but even that was only to a certain extent because of his psychopathy that was starting to manifest he couldn't perceive human emotions the same as Lena who in my opinion is just a big mushy nerd who can be a badass when needed as evident by the season 6 episodes after she's quit L-Corp she's constantly trying to help out inventing new stuff and she's wondering how Nia's suit works and it just shows that she just has a curious mind and also she looks happier even with the guilt she feels over Kara's phantom zone incident when Nia called her a part of the family that smile could lit up a city all she's ever wanted is to belong and I can relate to that therefore to her.
Number #6, I feel like this should have been addressed in earlier number but as far as sexuality goes I would want to believe Kara is pansexual because of everything I've ever read and saw I don't believe she perceived sexuality like humans do because of her Kryptonian upbringing for the first good chunk of the life. Like even though she says she's not gay in the first episode, A. It was the first episode so they didn't even know where the story was going in future seasons if they got them also that means maybe she just didn't perceive herself as the Earth's definition of gay. B. Even in the first season she made a comment about how she bought Lucy was gorgeous and hell she would date her. C. She made some comments about Irma and other woman that don't sound totally heterosexual and don't get me wrong women can admire the beauty and intelligence of other women without it being sexual but as a bisexual woman it just struck a cord in me you can tell the difference when it's coming from a straight woman mouth. Now on the subject of her and Lena strictly I do think there are instances of "queerbaiting"because just because you perceive they haven't been promised to us doesn't mean that some of us haven't picked up on things or the fact that they're simply queerbating because somehow they do hype up Kara and Lena to keep a nice chunk of the audience who ships them mainly those of the gay variety interested in the show which is also considered queerbaiting. Also the fact that they've been called sisters or family or my personal favorite "that's what friends are for"doesn't mean crap because honestly at this point the overuse of friends just sounds more like they're trying to convince themselves than us.*** Also I don't know about you but even on the basic level of things they've done I've never shown half those feelings towards my friends and the ones I have it's because I started to think of them as more than friends.
Now with Lena's sexuality no they have never shown her as anything besides straight canonically but don't get me wrong she totally sends off that college experimentation vibe especially with Andrea for some reason but that may just be me.
Number #7, my main point is let's just be kind to one another because guess what there is toxicity from every ship in a fandom there will always be shitty people on both sides and then there will be those of us who just want to see the characters together for one reason or another and yes I'm not afraid to admit that part of my reasons I want to see two gorgeous woman kiss sue me LOL.
Number #8, the conclusion of my rant is that how about we leave the hating to the ones who want to do that and the rest of us like adults or whatever your age is in the fandom that has any type of maturity behave because I truly do wish the best and in the end well I hope they end up together I'm realistic that they probably won't especially due to the CW Network motto of "homophobia and racism"because they've already broken up several good gay and interracial couples on that show. But at the end of the day my true wish is just that all of the characters end up happy and healthy.
Best of luck to all shippers out there anti and supercorp and or any other couple alike may we try to make it out of this with a modicum of sanity and even if they fail us we always have fanfiction thank you and good night.
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snelbz · 4 years
The Ranch {17}
An A Court of Thorns and Roses, Nesta x Cassian, Modern AU, fanfiction.
Collaboration: @snelbz​ x @tacmc​
Summary: Nesta had spent years in Paris, living her dream and drowning in riches as a gourmet chef, capturing the hearts of the city and its people. But, after her father passes away unexpectedly and leaves his cozy, countryside B&B to his oldest daughter, Nesta is moving back home to the tiny town of Velaris, where the ranch, her sisters, and her father’s unfulfilled dream, awaits.
Sidenote: Being posted between two blogs, it is too chaotic to keep up with a tags list, so all chapters will be tagged with “#TheRanchNessian” & “#SharaCollab”.
The Ranch Masterlist
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Cassian groaned as he shoveled the last of the manure into the wheelbarrow and Azriel grabbed the handles and pushed it off to the side. With the rain that had blown through the night before, the pen was a muddy, nasty, literal shitty mess. His boots sunk down past his ankles and every step was a battle not to step right out of it, leaving it in the sludge.
The autumn air was finally starting to cool down, but that didn’t stop the sweat from forming on Cassian’s brow. He lifted the hem of his shirt.
“Where’s Nes at today?” Az asked, taking a drink from his bottle. Cassian wasn’t sure if he had water in there or something else, but he shrugged.
“Not sure exactly. She said she had some errands to run and she’d see me later, but that was at eight this morning.”
He suddenly realized he didn’t know how long ago that was. Tomas had been appearing more and more. It seemed like every time the two of them were out, they’d see him.
“I should probably check-in.” He said, pulling his phone from his back pocket. He didn’t even have to open his phone though because he had two missed texts from her. 
What time are you meeting me?
And a few minutes after that, he received, Where are you?
It was like a light bulb turned on.
Azriel saw the look on his face. “What happened?”
He looked down at himself, sweaty and up to his knees in manure. “I’m in deep shit.”
Nesta sat in the waiting room, one hand tapping on the side table where her phone was sitting, the other rubbing her growing belly. The bump had decided to finally make its appearance in the last week and both Nesta and Cassian had a hard time not constantly rubbing a loving hand over it.
If he forgot about this appointment, she was going to kill him.
Her phone rang and his name appeared. She tried to keep the bite out of her voice and completely failed as she answered, “Hello.”
“I’m on my way,” he said, in a way of greeting, and it was clear he was completely frazzled.
“They’ll be calling me back any minute, Cass,” she whined, totally not caring that she was whining in a room full of people.
The pregnant ones understood. 
“It’s a ten-minute drive, and I’m pulling out of the driveway now,” he said, and true to his word, she could hear the old truck engine revving in the background. “I’m sorry, okay? I was shoveling shit.”
Nesta rolled her eyes. “You better be here soon or I’ll have your balls.”
There was a pause. “You may want to pick a different threat, that one kind of turns me on.”
Nesta’s lips tightened. “I’m hanging up now.”
“I love you,” he said.
Nesta sighed, loudly and dramatically. “Love you.” Then she hung up, just as the door to the office opened and a nurse stepped out. “Nesta Archeron?”
Grabbing her purse, Nesta brought herself to her feet and followed the nurse down the hall, all by herself, Cassian-less. 
Oh, she would have his balls, for sure.
Thirteen minutes later, Cassian was hurrying into the office, an entire room full of patients turning to stare at him. He hurried to the counter, where a young woman was checking in and he waited, not so patiently. When it was his turn, the receptionist didn’t even glance up as she said “Next.”
Cassian stepped up and said, “My  fiancée was called back a few minutes ago. Nesta Archeron?”
She continued typing away at her computer. “And?”
Cassian blinked. “And I need to get back there so I can hear my kid’s heartbeat?”
“Are you on the approved list of guests?”
“Approved list of-? Ma’am, I’m the baby’s father.” He was starting to get frustrated. Nesta was literally going to cut his balls off if he missed their gender appointment.
She finally looked up at him, eyes widening at just how much mud and shit he was covered in. “I’m afraid that doesn’t automatically add you to the list. We have to have Ms. Archeron’s approval before we can let you join her.”
He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Okay. Can you ask her?”
She went back to typing. “She’s in an examination. I’m afraid I can’t disturb her.”
“For the love…” Cassian pulled out his phone, dialing Nesta’s number.
She answered on the second ring. “Where are you?”
Lovely. She was pissed.
“I’m here. I’m in the lobby. The receptionist won’t let me back.” He glared at her, but she didn’t look up. He knew she heard him though.
Nesta gasped. “Oh, crap, the approved list of guests. I’ll have my nurse add you now.”
She ended the call and Cassian blinked. Why in the hell did everyone know about this stupid list but him?
A nurse in her late twenties came through a door in the office. She handed a slip to the receptionist that he recognized as Nesta’s signature. The receptionist glanced at it and said, “I’ll need to see your driver’s license, Mister…” She glanced down at the form again. “Nazeeri.”
He pulled out his wallet and handed the ID to her, saying “Nazari.”
She typed some information into the computer, the only time she’d done so where Cassian didn’t assume she was trying to ignore him. She handed him his ID back and said, “Follow Claire.”
He breathed a sigh of relief and did as he was told. As soon as they left the waiting room, Claire said, “Sorry about Jenny. She’s been in a bad mood for the past few weeks.”
“Apparently so,” Cassian mumbled, shoving his hands into his pockets. He was led through a winding hallway before following the nurse into an open doorway, where Nesta sat on an examination table, her arms crossed.
She took one look at Cassian's appearance and her lips tightened.
“I was-.”
“Yeah, I know,” she snapped, then laid back against the table. “Let’s just do this.”
Exasperated, Cassian sat down in the chair beside her while Claire, who had already taken Nesta’s vitals and information, went to get the doctor.
“I’m sorry,” Cassian said, when the door was shut and they were alone. “It was either this or go get cleaned up and changed and then being late and missing it all.”
“You’re already late,” she said, staring up at the ceiling.
“Okay,” Cassian said, slower. “Later, then.”
“Isn’t this important to you?” She asked. “We’re finding out the gender-.”
“I know, I know,” he said, quickly, and took her hand in his. “And yeah, it’s pretty fucking important, alright? I just lost track of time, that’s all. It was a mess out there.”
She scrunched her nose and looked at him through her side-eye. “You do smell like shit. No wonder the receptionist didn’t want to let you back here.”
Cassian mumbled something along the lines of approved list, my ass, but stood and kissed her softly. “Hi.”
She smiled. “Hi yourself.”
He sat back down and groaned. “This morning was bad. We got so much rain last night.”
Nesta nodded. “When I went to get the eggs out of dry storage, I nearly stepped into a swamp off the back steps.”
“The pen by the house is flooded,” he said, leaning forward and resting his knees on his elbows. “Az and I spent the whole morning moving the herd to the back pasture. He’s gonna go rent a tractor and clean it out today, but I’d guess that the ‘horseback riding’ won’t be happening before dinner.”
Nesta sighed. She was going to have a lot of angry guests over that. But what was she supposed to do? She couldn’t control the weather.
The door opened and the doctor stepped in. “Miss Archeron, how are we feeling today?”
“Good,” she sighed, all things considered. “I’ve yet to puke so far today, so I’m considering it a win.”
The doctor chuckled and pulled up a stool to Nesta’s side. “Well, your vitals look great so all we have to do now is take a look at this baby. Are you ready?”
Nesta nodded, her hand tightening in Cassian’s as the doctor switched the monitor on and pulled out the little device that would be moving over Nesta’s abdomen.
She hated that thing.
It was always unusually cold.
“Pull up your shirt for me, and lower your waistband,” her doctor smiled, waiting patiently as Nesta did so, then she looked up at the screen and waited.
The probe touched her belly and the screen was met with black static, then, a tiny little, gray-blurred being appeared. Cassian couldn’t really tell what was what, but he knew from Nesta’s smile that they were looking at the baby.
Their baby.
He sat in awe, his hand still in his fiancée’s as the doctor showed them the little feet, the little hands, the little head and lips and nose. The baby was real, growing inside of her, it was actually happening - she was becoming a mother. He was going to be a father.
When they were done making sure the baby was growing as it should be, after the measurements were taken and some pictures were snapped, the doctor asked, “Would you still like to know the gender?”
Nesta nodded. “Yes, please, but don’t actually tell us.”
He chuckled. “Gender reveal party?”
She nodded.
He turned the monitor away and typed a few things on the screen, before he printed three black and white images. They went straight into an opaque envelope and he sealed it before handing it to Cassian. “Congratulations.”
He extended a hand and Cassian hesitated, looking down at his own dirty hand. “I don’t think you want to. It’s exactly what you think it is.”
He laughed and said, “Understood. Miss Archeron, I’ll see you in four weeks. Keep an eye on that blood pressure.”
She nodded. “Yes, sir, thank you, Dr. Brigham.”
He smiled and left the room and Cassian slowly turned to look at her. She was beaming and Cassian could barely stand how gorgeous she was.
Pregnancy was treating Nesta well. Her morning sickness was still abhorrent and her back constantly hurt, but aside from that, it wasn’t bad. Her emotions had mellowed out, for the most part, and with Azriel and Maggie’s help around the B&B, they had been able to handle everything they’d thrown at them.
Except for Nesta’s nightly nightmares.
She’d spoken to Dr. Brigham about them and he assured Nesta that weird sleep habits were just a part of pregnancy, including nightmares. So every night, Nesta would wake up in a cold sweat, never remembering anything but the dream. She’d always say the same thing, though:
“He’s getting closer”.
“How does lunch sound?” Cassian asked, helping her off the examination table. “I’m starving.”
Nesta chuckled, “You stink.”
He shrugged. “We’ll sit outside. Come on, baby, when is the last time we got to spend time together that wasn’t about the B&B?
He skimmed his thumb over her cheekbone and she melted into his touch. “Fine. Lunch. But then we have to get back.”
Cassian nodded and flipped the envelope in his fingers. He held it up. “Our baby is in here.”
She laughed again. “Actually, she’s in here.” Nesta lovingly rubbed her stomach.
He raised an eyebrow. “She? Did you see something on that ultrasound that I didn’t?” His eyes narrowed. “Did you peek?”
“No!” She laughed, shaking her head and taking his hand. “Just a...feeling I have. Call it mother’s intuition.”
They left the room and headed back to the lobby, where Nesta made her follow up appointment with the surly faced receptionist. They got to their vehicles and Cassian looked at the envelope again. He glanced up at Nesta. “I’m gonna open it.”
She snatched it from him and stuffed it into her purse. “I’m taking this directly to the bakery.”
“Not even going to let your sisters see it?” Cassian asked, leaning against the truck.
She snorted. “Of course not, they’d tell one of us before the end of the day.”
Cassian laughed, his hand lovingly caressing her bump, and said “I’ll meet you at the restaurant. I love you both.”
She leaned up and kissed him, “I love you, too.”
Cassian got into his truck, the engine roaring to life, and headed off in the direction of the restaurant while Nesta walked the ultrasound to the bakery across the square.
She had the sensation of being watched the whole time, had felt someone’s eyes on her since they walked out of the doctor’s office. As she climbed back in her car, she fought the urge to look around and find him.
She knew he was there, but after so many calls to the police where he’d done nothing except be present, she knew she just had to ignore him. He was in a public place, so was she. There was nothing illegal about what he was doing. He has valid reasons to be where he went, so it couldn’t even be considered stalking, only coincidence and happenstance.
But as she backed out of her parking spot and headed to lunch, she saw him in her rearview mirror. And the look in his eyes said he wouldn’t be content to do nothing forever.
She was safe with Cassian, though.
She believed that, wholeheartedly, which only made her want to haul ass to the restaurant quicker. He was already there when she pulled up, waiting for her at a table outside.
She raised her brows as she walked up to meet him. “Did you order?”
He blinked, then looked down at his appearance. “Do you really want me greeting more strangers like this today?”
Nesta laughed, breathlessly, as she shook her head. “I’ll go inside.”
The little BBQ joint was only a few miles from their house. Nesta went inside and ordered a heap of food, because everything sounded delicious and she just couldn’t choose. After she ordered and went to head back outside, she froze by the door, because she noticed that red truck that had pulled into the far parking space.
Her hands began to shake, nausea began to roll in the pit of her stomach. She slowly looked at Cassian to see if he’d noticed.
He was scrolling through his phone, lost to the world around him. She was thankful she’d ordered their food to go, not because they had planned on leaving, but because there was so much of it. Now, all it would take was a quick mention of nausea and Cassian would go into overprotective daddy mode and take her straight home.
But then he’d also take her straight to bed, and she had too much to do today, on top of feeling well enough to actually take care of the things she needed done.
Cassian finally noticed her frozen on the sidewalk and he smiled at her, but it faltered when he noticed her expression. “What is it?”
She shook her head. “Nothing, just…” She glanced down at the cups in her hand. “Just realized I forgot to fill up our drinks.”
He stood, taking them and kissing her. “You’re looking tired, baby. I’ll get them, you sit that gorgeous self down and I’ll be right back.”
She wanted to protest, to tell him she’d go with him, but she nodded and smiled, sitting where she could see the red truck. She didn’t want her back to him. She needed to be able to see him.
Cassian was quick, and a moment later, he’d come back with not only their drinks, but three plastic bags full of food.
“Ready? We can eat in the cabin. Or outside, somewhere-.”
“Ready,” Nesta breathed, taking her lemonade from him and strutting to her car, where she shut herself inside. “See you at home,” she said to Cassian as he walked behind her, a worried expression on his face as she raced home.
He watched Nesta drive away before pulling himself, and their feast, into the truck. He had seen Tomas, of course, and was watching the red truck now as he pulled onto the road in his rearview mirror. He was hoping Nesta wouldn’t, though, didn’t want to cause her any more worry or stress. So, naturally, around Nesta, Cassian pretended that Tomas didn’t exist.
When he went in to get their drinks, he kept one eye on her the entire time, the other on Tomas out of the tall, glass windows.
They couldn’t spend their lives being scared.
Although Cassian wasn’t scared of Tomas, he was just pissed off. He talked to Azriel and Rhys about it on multiple occasions, but they told him that he should just lay low, there was no point in doing something stupid that would land him in jail while his pregnant fiancée, and Tomas, were still out there.
He had to do something, though.
He was tired of doing nothing.
He was tired of Nesta being afraid, of having the nightmares, of calling the cops only to be told that nothing could be done.
But he didn’t voice a word of it to Nesta.
She had enough going on. 
He was back at the ranch within minutes, staying right behind Nesta the entire time. Once they’d pulled onto the main road, he hadn’t been able to see Tomas’s truck anymore.
And that was almost worse than knowing he was with them. Not knowing.
She parked her little car in front of the cabin and waited until Cassian was out of the truck and walking towards her to open her door.
He asked, “You saw him, didn’t you?” A silent nod. “Why didn’t you say anything?” She shrugged. “I didn’t want to worry you. I just wanted to have a nice lunch with my fiancé, but everywhere I turn, my demons are there.”
He set the bags down on the top of her car and wrapped here up in his arms. “He will never, never hurt you again, Nesta. I promise you that. He’ll never get close enough to try.”
She nodded and he kissed the top of her head. “Come on, let’s go inside and eat.”
She made a face of disgust and said, “I’m not hungry now.”
He sighed and said, “How about a relaxing bath, and then we’ll eat?”
“Yes, please,” she sighed. “I’ll go start the water if you put the food away.”
“Deal,” he said, leaning down to press a kiss to her forehead.
He watched her walk to the back of the house, towards the bathroom and the huge tub in the corner. He waited until the water started running to make a phone call.
He pulled the business card out of his back pocket, deciding that no matter how nice they were, lawyers always looked like scumbags.
The law offices of Vanserra and Family answered and he asked to be patched through to one of the defense attorneys.
“Lucien Vanserra.”
Cassian said, “Luce, hey. It’s Cassian. I know this isn’t exactly your area of expertise, but you got a minute?”
In hushed tones, he explained the situation with Tomas, asking what their options were.
Lucien laid it out for him, basically telling him that they were doing all that they could.
“My only real suggestions,” he said and paused, and Cassian could hear tapping in the background. The drummer never could stop, even at his big kid job. “Start keeping track of when and where you see him. He’s got to be finding out where you are somehow. See if you can notice a pattern of some sorts.”
Cassian nodded, putting the food in the refrigerator. “I can do that. Anything else?”
He heard Lucien sigh. “I’d say a restraining order, but he hasn’t approached either of you since you asked him not to, right? Just shows up...waits?”
He nodded again and then remembered on the phone, he had to speak. “Yeah, never engages, he’s just always there.”
“Then like I said, keep track of when and where you see him.” Lucien added, “And maybe carry a gun.”
He snorted. “You act like I already don’t.”
Lucien laughed and the line was quiet for a minute. “Be careful, Cass. This guy has already made the first move once. What’s to stop him from doing so again?”
The comment sent ice into his veins, but he didn’t want Lucien to realize that, so he joked, “Dude, what are you, a defense lawyer, a criminal or a cop?”
A dark chuckle. “All three. It’s my job to outsmart the police,” Lucien crooned. “Why do you think I’m so good at it?”
“Today is one of those days that I’m glad you’re on our side.” Cass heard the water turn off in the bathroom. “I gotta go, man. Thanks for your help. Send me a bill for your time.”
Lucien laughed and said, “It’s pro bono, as long as you let me defend you when you kill him.”
Cassian chuckled, shaking his head. “Wouldn’t have it any other way.”
He hung up and went into his bedroom. Their bedroom. Soon to be their only room, with a baby.
Cassian hadn’t thought about their living situation until just a few weeks ago when Nesta had been looking at the bedroom wall with an intensity that worried him. When he’d asked what she was looking at, she said she was trying to decide which wall to put the crib on.
Nesta should have been planning the nursery of her dreams, picking out paint colors and themes; should have been helping him put furniture together by explaining the confusing instructions.
Instead she was deciding which piece of furniture to shove out of the way to make room for their child to have somewhere to sleep.
Cassian stripped off his shirt in the bedroom, tossing it directly in the hamper. He walked into the bathroom and found Nesta sitting in the tub. When she saw him, she gave him a soft smile and scooted forward. Stripping off his jeans and socks, he stepped into space she’d given him and sat down, stretching his legs out on both sides of her body. He wrapped his arms around her and began rubbing slow circles on her belly with his thumbs.
Nesta leaned back, loving how safe she felt in Cassian’s arms, how at home it was.
Cassian was amazed at how much Nesta’s belly had been growing in the recent weeks. At first, he felt like it had taken her so long to show at all, now there was a little bump, his baby inside, growing rapidly.
Hopefully the baby was fairly average.
Cassian had been a giant baby, always tall and broad shouldered, even at birth. He weighed nearly thirteen pounds.
If Nesta was going to give birth to a thirteen pound baby, he was pretty sure she’d be kicking his ass and taking away his rights to give her more children.
“So,” he began, quietly, “when is this gender reveal party when I can find out the sex of my own child.”
Nesta snorted and looked up at him over her shoulder. “Tonight, for dinner.”
Cassian blinked. “The bakery is giving you something by tonight?”
“Feyre’s going to pick it up on her way,” Nesta said. “It will only be the six of us, so we can just do it here.”
Cassian nodded, slowly, suddenly feeling guilty, once again, about how much space they had privately available. But Nesta had worked so hard on the B&B, had made her father’s dream a reality. 
“You’re in deep thought about something,” Nesta murmured, running her fingers over his knees.
“I want to build a house,” Cassian said. “Here, on the property.”
Nesta’s fingers froze. “We have a house. Three, in fact.”
“This little one bedroom place? And, my cabin? You’re counting those as houses?” Cassian said. “I mean, they’re great for when we were just alone, Nes, and I love my cabin, and intend to keep it there for when I piss you off and you kick me out for the night, which will happen at some point, I’m sure of it…” Nesta chuckled and flicked his knee as he continued, “Look, I just….We don’t have any room for the baby, Nes. And I intend to defy the odds and give you more kids at some point, and what then? We can’t stay in this place, or the cabin, or the main house, with all the guests…”
Nesta nodded, slowly, before leaning back, resting her head against his chest, once more. She looked up at him and he met her eyes. “I know. I’ve thought about that a lot lately, too.” 
Cassian took her hands off his knees and intertwined their fingers together. “I just want you to be somewhere where you’re comfortable and not feel like we’re all living on top of one another. I mean, me alone...I’m a giant. Lying down, in the bedroom, I can nearly touch one wall with my hands, and the other with my feet.” 
Nesta laughed, breathlessly. “I suppose you can.”
Cassian’s eyes softened as he brought her fingers to his mouth and pressed his lips against her skin, softly. “We need more room. I do, you do, the baby does, all future Nazari babies do.”
“Gods, how many kids do you plan on putting inside of me?” Nesta muttered.
“As many as I can,” he muttered.
She paused for a moment, looking at their joined hands, then asked, “And what if this is the only one we have?”
Cassian tilted her chin up so that she met his gaze. “Then I’ll still be the happiest man alive.” She smiled softly and kissed him.
It was then that she felt it. Not quite a movement, but a small flutter. Small enough that she thought she might have imagined it, had it not repeated it right after.
She softly gasped. “Cass!” She grabbed his hand and placed it under hers where she’d just felt the flutter.
It happened once more, but Cassian said, “I can’t feel anything.”
Nesta began to cry. “I can. I can feel her.” It was overwhelming, going these months of constantly feeling sick and crying and craving weird foods, only having a belly to show for it.
But now, not only had she seen her baby today, she’d also felt it. “She’s in there and she’s healthy and happy.”
If Nesta was crying, it usually meant Cassian had done something wrong. But seeing her cry tears of joys…
In that moment, her smile had never been brighter, her eyes had never sparkled so brilliantly.
Cassian didn’t move, didn’t say a word. He simply watched her, dwelled in her excitement, watched as she expressed joy, relief, excitement. She sighed, and wiped at her eyes as Cassian continued to run his hands over her stomach. 
He couldn’t wait to feel that baby kick, but he would, for now. He’d let her be in love with those little feelings that only a mother could feel.
He didn’t even bother to tell her that she called the baby she again.
He swore she looked on her way to the bakery, but he’d keep that confident suspicion to himself.
“Happy and healthy,” he repeated, and kissed the back of her neck. “And very well loved.”
“Yeah,” Nesta agreed, quietly. “She is.”
They stayed like that for a while, snuggled together in the tub, silent and comforting, until the water began to cool. Then Cassian was out and helped out his fiancée, dried off, and warmed up their food. 
After they ate, Nesta went to check on the guests that remained in the B&B while Cassian cleaned up around the little house, considering four more people would be inside in a couple of hours. Azriel, it seemed, got enough taken care of for today and told Cassian to relax.
Cassian hated relaxing.
So, he cleaned. By the time he was done, the little house was spotless.
Around four-thirty, Elain came bounding up the stairs, bursting through the door. “Nesta said you had the ultrasound pictures.” She held out her hand, opening and closing it. “Gimme.”
Cassian was sitting on the couch, watching a roping, and drinking a beer. He stared at her. “You know they don’t have the sex of the baby on there, right?”
She sat down on the couch next to him and said, “Come on, Cass, you have to know! I promise I won’t tell anyone.”
He laughed. “Even if I did know, I wouldn’t tell you.”
“Ugh, why do you have to be so loyal?” She slumped back on the couch. “Where is Nes anyway?”
He got up to get a fresh beer, grabbing one for Elain, and said, “Up at the house, playing host to the guests.”
“Why’d you say it like that?” Elain asked when he sat back down.
He sighed. “I’m just worried it’s too much. With Tamlin’s trial wrapping up and the baby coming. Not to mention all the Tomas bullshit.”
Her eyes widened in surprise. “What about Tomas?”
He took a swig of beer. “Nes hasn’t told you?” She shook her head. “He’s practically stalking her, but he only does it in public places, and he never speaks. It’s…freaky.”
Elain blinked, then took a long, deep breath. “Have you-.”
“Called Lucien this morning,” Cassian began, before she could even finish the sentence. “There’s nothing that can be done until he actually commits a crime. Unfortunately. But it really has her on edge, you know? She never wants to go anywhere, never wants to do anything because she knows she’ll run into him. I have to figure out how he knows where she’s going. After I know that, Luce can make something happen...he thinks.”
Elain sighed, her face in her hands. “I hate that guy.”
“That’s a pretty popular opinion around here,” Cassian muttered, strutting into the kitchen to pull out the meat he’d be grilling soon. “I don’t know what to do about it.”
When he looked at Elain, she was leaning against the doorway of the kitchen, nibbling on her bottom lip. It seems she didn’t know, either, and Cassian felt oddly guilty for killing her giddy vibe.
“Anyway,” Cassian went on, pulling out a beer and popping the can open. “Enough of that. Why are you here so early? Aside from hounding me about my unborn child.” Elain chuckled, although the worry lingered in her eyes. “I brought decorations, of course.”
“Of course,” Cassian laughed.
Elain eyed the beer in Cassian’s hand then looked back into the living room, where the one he’d just gotten, minutes before, sat. “Are you intending to get drunk before this thing? Because, if so, warn me now. I need to know when it’s time to cut you off. How many have you had?”
Cassian just rolled his eyes. “Calm down, mother, I can take care of myself.”
Elain just narrowed her eyes.
Cassian cleared his throat. “I’ll...pace myself.”
“Good,” she said. “Now, help me, tall person.”
First, Cassian brought out the ultrasound picture they had left on the counter, the one they were going to get framed, and let Elain ogle over it for nearly twenty minutes. Then, Cassian was helping tape up an absurd amount of streamers all over the little house, only stopping when Elain was satisfied. 
Quiet voices streamed through the open windows about an hour later, and Cassian opened the door to find Nesta and Feyre walking up to the little house, arm and arm. It was good to see her in such a good place with her sisters. It wasn’t so long ago that Nesta had just come back and found Feyre’s hand smacking her in the side of the face. 
But now it seemed like a whole different lifetime.
“Where’s the cake?” Elain asked, after they’d come in and Nesta was telling which spices to get down for the dry rub she’d been craving.
Feyre was setting the table. “Rhysand is getting it when he gets here. I left it in the back of the fridge at the house.”
Cassian looked around, noticing he was drastically outnumbered by the Archeron girls. “Speaking of Rhys, where is he? And where’s Az? He told me at, like, two-thirty that he could handle what was left and I should rest.”
The girls remained silent, all with a familiar glint in their eyes.
Cassian stilled. “Oh, shit, I don’t like that look.”
“They’ll be here,” Elain promised. “Az went home a little while ago to shower. He got done what he was supposed to, don’t worry.”
“Okay,” Cassian began, slowly, unable to judge that damned Archeron look.
Nesta met him on the porch and kissed his cheek. “They’ll be here soon.”
And they were, about half an hour later with bottles full of cheap, shitty whiskey. Apparently it was a night of celebration, not only over their gender reveal, but over the fact that they had recently become engaged, had opened a successful B&B, and now were only mere months away from giving birth to their first child. 
No wonder Elain was so worried about his afternoon beer consumption. 
Apparently, he had a long night ahead of him.
He grilled steaks and chicken behind the little house and they ate and drank and bonded, which was something Cassian felt didn’t happen a lot lately. He saw them all, sure, from time to time - Azriel the most often - but, they rarely were able to all get together. 
After dinner, Rhysand went and got the cake from the main house. It was a little cake, just enough for them all to have a slice.
“Okay, so, apparently, when we cut it open, the inside will be either blue or pink,” Nesta explained. “So.” She had the knife in her hand and was staring at the cake, but she didn’t move to cut it. She cleared her throat. “So.”
Elain was practically bouncing out of her shoes. “So, so, so! If you don’t do it right now, I’m going to!”
Azriel just put his hands on Elain’s shoulders, silently telling her to calm down, but his smile was bright and humored.
Nesta looked up at Cass, biting her bottom lip.
He asked, “You ready?”
“No. Yes.” She was absolutely glowing, happier than her sisters ever remembered her being. “Here.” She gave the knife to Cassian. “I’m liable to start crying the moment I see a color, so you should probably do the honors.”
He chuckled and turned the cake around, where only he and Nesta could see it and carefully sliced the knife through once. It came out clean, just the tiniest bit of white frosting clinging to the edge.
One more cut.
They saw it at the same time.
“Oh, shit.”
“Oh, my god.”
Elain was practically breathless when she demanded, “What is it?”
Cassian looked down at Nesta, who was already crying, and turned the plate around.
Revealing the pink cake inside.
Elain was instantly crying, and Feyre was looking at Rhysand with a look that said she had mad baby fever. 
But Cassian just looked down at Nesta, at the tears in her eyes and the smile on her lips, and kissed her, softly. “You were right.”
She rolled her eyes as she wrapped her arms around his neck. “Of course, I was. Get used to that.”
He cursed, silently. Not only was he marrying Nesta Archeron, but he was about to have a tiny version of her running around, too. He had a feeling those stubborn genes of hers were stubborn themselves.
“Hmmm,” he mumbled, at last, which only made her grin widen. She kissed him, once more, before cutting the cake up for everyone to share.
A girl.
They were having a girl.
Cassian hoped and prayed that she would be just like her mother.
An hour later Nesta was staring her fiancé down, hands on her hips. He had taken up a very similar posture. “Call me if you need me.”
“I will be with my sisters,” Nesta said. “And I’m not far away. I’ll be fine.”
Her voice was reassuring, she tried her best to be reassuring, but the look in Cassian’s eyes told her that she’d woken up in a cold sweat one too many times.
“You’re just going to the cabin,” Nesta said, then gestured over to the little, old cabin, where Beau ran around in front of it. He hadn’t stopped since they told him the baby was going to be a girl. “Try not to let those two assholes get you too drunk.” She gestured to where Azriel and Rhysand waited at the bottom of the stairs.
Cassian snorted, and kissed her softly. “No promises.”
Then he was walking away, all of them carrying a ridiculous amount of alcohol as they crossed the grass, then the driveway, and entered the cabin.
Nesta went inside of her little house, where her sisters had poured themselves a glass of wine. 
After plopping down in her armchair, Nesta scowled. “I want a glass of wine so bad.”
“A few more months,” Feyre winked.
Nesta settled her hands lovingly over her bump.
Her baby girl.
“And then some,” she said. “Breastfeeding.” 
“Allow us to make a toast in your favor,” Elain said, lifting her glass filled with wine in the air. “To baby girl Nazari.”
She clinked her glass against Feyre’s and they both took a drink. Nesta couldn’t help but laugh at the display.
“When is Azriel going to propose?” Nesta asked, a minute later.
Elain nearly choked on her wine. 
“It has been a while,” Feyre mumbled, eyeing the middle sister.
Elain sighed. “I don’t know. Sometimes I just wanna grab him by the neck and tell him to get on with it.”
Nesta snorted. “You should. And make sure you tell me when you do. I wanna be there to see that.”
Feyre laughed, but her eyes were on Elain. “He’ll come around to it,” Elain stated, and she sounded confident in that statement. “But, there is something I want to ask you about.”
Nesta’s smile faded as she realized her sister was talking to her.
“Cassian mentioned that Tomas has been….stalking you,” Elain went on, fiddling with the stem of her wine glass.
Her reaction confirmed the statement. She was white as death, her eyes haunted, but she cleared her throat. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. We’ve run into each other a few times, but-.”
“Cut the bullshit,” Feyre said, cutting her off. “Cass himself told Elain and Rhys told me.”
“How long has this been going on?” Elain asked.
“Nothing’s going on.” Nesta said, looking at the television.
“Nesta,” Feyre said, her tone forcing Nesta to look. “You’re protecting your stomach. Look me dead in the eye and tell me nothing is going on.”
Nesta glanced down. Where she’d been rubbing soothing circles over her belly, she was now nearly hunched over it, an arm over it.
A long, slow breath escaped her before she said, “Since the brick went through the window.”
Elain and Feyre remained silent, but then Elain said, quietly, “Nesta, that was weeks ago. Months ago.”
“Yeah,” Nesta muttered.
“Nesta,” Feyre began, shaking her head. “You should’ve told-.”
“Why?” Nesta interrupted. “So you could’ve done what exactly? If the law, the officials can’t do anything, neither can you.”
Her sisters remained silent, and Nesta instantly felt guilty. She shouldn’t snap at them. They were only concerned, it wasn’t their fault.
“I just...give me one night when I’m not thinking about it,” Nesta said. “Please.”
“Okay,” Elain breathed. “Well, do you have any names picked out?”
“Yeah, we...” Nesta paused and hesitated, and then she felt that small flutter inside of her once more. That small movement that was hers and hers alone. She could see Cassian’s face earlier, after she’d first felt their daughter, the disappointment when he couldn’t say the same.
So she would give him this. She’d keep their names to herself, for now, so he could have that feeling, too.
She just knew her sisters weren’t going to like it.
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theladyofdeath · 4 years
The Ranch {12}
An A Court of Thorns and Roses, Nesta x Cassian, Modern AU, fanfiction.
Collaboration: @snelbz​ x @tacmc​
Summary: Nesta had spent years in Paris, living her dream and drowning in riches as a gourmet chef, capturing the hearts of the city and its people. But, after her father passes away unexpectedly and leaves his cozy, countryside B&B to his oldest daughter, Nesta is moving back home to the tiny town of Velaris, where the ranch, her sisters, and her father’s unfulfilled dream, awaits.
Sidenote: Being posted between two blogs, it is too chaotic to keep up with a tags list, so all chapters will be tagged with “#TheRanchNessian” & “#SharaCollab”.
The Ranch Masterlist
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Nesta looked around at all she had done in the last few months. She had taken the run down B&B and turned it into something polished and classy - ranch chic, she kept referring to it, which only made Cassian roll his eyes every time she described the ranch in his presence.
But she liked to think that he secretly liked the term.
After making sure all the rooms that were being used that day were organized as they should be, she wandered into the kitchen, where the caterers were setting up, and peeked out the back window. Chairs were being lined up with the help of Cassian and Azriel in a long semi-circle, all facing the wooden arch draped with flowers and greenery.
When Feyre and Rhysand’s venue had to cancel weeks before their wedding due to bad flooding from the bad storm the month before, Nesta had suggested the ranch before the panic could settle in. She and Elain promised they would take care of everything. It was the least Nesta could do after being a shit sister for a decade.
Now, the big day was here and everything was going smoothly. Perhaps it was the nerves of having so many people on the land or the fact that the grand opening of the B&B was quickly approaching, but Nesta had been nauseous and nervous all morning.
Damned anxiety.
Her sister’s frantic voice sent her running back up the stairs, coffee mug in hand.
Feyre sat at the vanity in her old bedroom, while Mor curled, pinned and perfected her hair. She was drinking a mimosa through a straw, careful not to mess up her lipstick.
“Everything alright?” She asked, setting the cup in front of Mor who mouthed thank you, before continuing to work.
“I forgot my hairpins at the apartment.” She could see Feyre’s eyes welling up with tears and knew Mor would go ballistic if Feyre’s makeup was messed up for a second time, even though the bouquet of roses Rhys had sent as a surprise were gorgeous.
“Don’t cry,” Nesta said, voice calm. “Let me see what I can do.”
Feyre sipped from the straw and nodded, blue-gray eyes wide and teary.
Nesta opened the door to the master bedroom, the one room she hadn’t been able to bring herself to do anything to, and entered the large walk-in closet. She’d decided she wasn’t going to rent the room out, would keep it for family and in case she needed to stay in the house for any reason. Or if she and Cassian just couldn’t make it to one of the other houses.
She blushed, thinking about how he’d taken her against the banister the night before while they were cleaning. Sometimes the man just couldn’t be stopped. Not that she was complaining.
She located the jewelry box tucked in the back of a shelf, and opened it. She knew what she was looking for, but wasn’t even sure if they were in the box, much less if they were even still in the family. But nestled in the bottom, she found the intricate, jeweled pins.
Their mother was a rancher’s wife through and through, but she was never able to give up her love of beauty. A former pageant queen, her hair and makeup were always pristine, even when she was helping breach a calf or roll out a bale of hay. And Nesta has always loved these pins.
She locked the bedroom door as she left and hurried across the hall.
“How about these?” She held them out for Feyre and Mor to see.
Mor nodded and looked at Feyre for confirmation. Feyre didn’t notice though, as her eyes were locked onto Nesta’s outstretched hand.
“Are those...mom’s?” She asked, voice soft.
Nesta nodded. “I found them in her jewelry box. If you don’t like them, I can-.”
She shook her and cleared her throat. “No, they’re perfect.”
Nesta couldn’t place the emotion in Feyre’s voice. She’d been young when their mother passed, didn’t have as many memories with her, and none were particularly fond.
Nesta set down the pins on the vanity so Mor could continue to work her magic.
“Anything else?” Nesta asked, still trying to gauge Feyre’s emotions she slowly backed out of the room.
“No,” Feyre said, downing the rest of her drink. “Actually, another mimosa sounds nice.”
“Okay,” Nesta said, hesitantly, but she wouldn’t argue with the bride. But when she got to the kitchen, Cassian had stepped inside and was standing on the rug, staring longingly at the fridge.
Nesta blinked, crossing her arms as she entered the room. “Problem?”
“Beer,” he said, pointing to the fridge. “My boots are dirty.”
Considered they had spent the entire day before scrubbing the house, Nesta had to admire the fact that he thought about such things.
Laughing under her breath, she went to the fridge, retrieved a cold beer, and walked in back to him on the mat.
“You could’ve just taken your shoes off,” Nesta said, handing it to him.
“I could’ve,” he agreed, voice light, as he pulled her into him by her outstretched hand. He kissed her, softly. “You look tense.”
She shrugged one shoulder, resting her head against his chest, careful not to mess up her hair which had been intricately braided off her face. “I wouldn’t say tense. I just…” She glanced out the window again, to where everything was coming together now that Elain was adding greenery and flowers on every spare surface. “I want everything to be perfect. It’s the least I can do after-.”
“Hey.” He interrupted her, but his voice was gentle, the words were firm. It was a conversation they’d had dozens of times by this point. He tilted her chin up, forcing her to meet his eyes. “Your sisters love you. They have forgiven you for leaving, even though you were doing what was best for you at the time. You don’t have to keep atoning for it.”
She nodded and Cassian pressed a kiss to her forehead. He pulled back and looked at her, resting the back of his fingers on her cheek. “Are you okay? You feel clammy, baby.”
She shook her head. “I’m okay. Just nervous for...everything.”
He smiled softly and nodded, understanding immediately.
The B&B would be officially re-opening in two weeks and they were booked all the way through the holidays. Nesta was worried she was getting in over her head, but on the nights when she awoke in a panicked, cold sweat, Cassian would pull her into his arms until she could breathe again.
He’d sleepily ask her what her “stupid ten step process for success” was and he’d listen quietly while she listed them. Then he’d ask her what she was specifically worried about. Sometimes she had a reason and they’d talk it through. But more often not, when she admitted that she didn’t know, he’d kiss her and rub her back until she dozed back off.
No one had ever loved her the way Cassian Nazari loved her.
Instead of making her feel like a burden for her anxieties, he wanted to help her work through them. When she’d snap at him after a long day, he’d make some smart ass response, often angering her further, but she’d soon realize he was just trying to distract her. She’d find him and wouldn’t even have to say anything before he’d wrap her in his arms and press a kiss to the top of her head.
He embraced all of the things she hated about herself and he loved them for her.
“Have a drink,” he suggested, cracking open his beer. He grinned as she rolled her eyes, and kissed her one last time before taking his can with him back out onto the porch.
“I’ve got to get ready,” he said, looking back at her as he meandered back into the warm sunlight. “Or else the bride will have my balls.”
“True,” Nesta laughed, leaning against the doorframe as she watched him walk away. “Use the lavender soap, you stink.”
“It’s my natural musk,” he protested, boots thudding down the porch steps.
Nesta chuckled, watching him jog while chugging his beer, heading down the long dirt path to his cabin.
She sighed, as a cool breeze kissed her face and she smiled. She never stopped being amazed that someone like Cassian could be hers, that he chose her over everyone else. 
Her phone vibrated in her back pocket and she checked it.
You were looking at my butt, weren’t you?
She looked down the path, where he had disappeared before replying. Obviously.
She had taken a step back into the kitchen, where the caterers had vacated. She had told Feyre that she’d love to cater, but she hadn’t had enough hands for the 150 guests they had invited. Besides, Feyre had protested, claiming that she wanted her sister to not have to worry about a thing, as she was now a very important part of the bridal party. 
Which she really had to finish getting ready for. Mor had already done Nesta’s hair but she was going to do her own makeup alongside Elain, who would be back any second with the bouquets. 
Her phone vibrated, once more, just as she was about to get Feyre’s mimosa refill. 
Well now I’m turned on, damn it, come shower with me.
Nesta snorted at the words on her screen. She sent him the middle finger emoji as the image of him in the shower flashed through her mind. She let that image linger as she filled her sister’s mimosa request.
“Sorry I’m late, I’m here!” Elain blew through the backdoor, a whirlwind of white lilies and lavender cosmos, scaring the shit out of Nesta and making her jump, sloshing orange juice across the counter.
Elain set the vases holding their bouquets on the table and asked, “How’s Feyre holding up?”
Nesta was wiping everything down with a damp paper towel, and held out the glass. Elain took it from her as she said, “This is her fourth mimosa.”
Elain sighed, “Oh, that’s not so bad-.”
“Since lunch,” Nesta added, pulling two more champagne flutes from the cabinet.
Elain muttered, “Oh, gods.”
“Exactly, so,” Nesta said, pouring two more glasses of champagne, and topping them with orange juice. “Go give that to Future Mrs. Lunasa and then come meet me in the bathroom so I can do your makeup while Mor finishes her hair.”
“Deal,” Elain said, and followed her sister’s directions. Nesta took one more quick look around the grounds, making sure everything was going as it should, before meeting Elain in the bathroom. While Nesta did Elain’s makeup, she confessed that she thought Azriel would be proposing any day. He’d been dropping little hints, so Elain thought, and Nesta had to admit that she saw it, too.
It was nice to see her sister so happy, being loved by such a gentle, genuine soul. 
“And if he does propose?” Nesta asked, finishing the pink stain on Elain’s plump lips. “Do you already have it all planned out? Your wedding?”
“Of course,” Elain said, smiling brightly. “Same wedding I planned when I was ten.”
Nesta laughed as Elain looked in the mirror and beamed. She turned, fishing through her makeup bag for her concealer.
“What about Cassian?” Elain asked.
The question brought Nesta up short. She froze, blinking a few times as she processed what she’d just been asked. “What about him?” She asked, applying the concealer and blending it.
“Things have been going well,” Elain prodded, wanting Nesta to give her the saucy details like Feyre was so prone to. “Have you thought about whether he might…”
Nesta raised an eyebrow, raising her glass to her lips. She needed something stronger than champagne. “Might what?”
“Might ask you to marry him, of course.” She said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
Nesta nearly sprayed orange juice and champagne all over the bathroom. “We’ve only been together for three months!”
“Officially three months,” Elain corrected. “You’ve been sleeping together for four.”
Nesta rolled her eyes as she mixed highlighter into the concealer and dabbed it onto her cheekbone. “So romantic.” Elain stared at her in the mirror. “It’s only been three months. We’re not talking about this.”
“And?” She said, crossing her arms. “You’re perfect for each other.”
“That doesn’t mean we should rush into a marriage!”
Elain’s smile was soft but her eyes were full of mischief as she said, “Whatever you say.”
“Whatever I say?” Nesta repeated. “You better not bring this subject up to him.”
“Why is that?” Elain asked, looking at herself in the mirror one final time. “And that isn’t something I’d do at all.”
“That’s exactly something you’d do,” Nesta muttered. “And I’m fully aware that he calls you for every little thing, so don’t be getting any ideas of trying to persuade him into a proposal.”
“Oh, Nesta,” Elain sighed, shaking her head as she picked up a blending sponge to assist her older sister. “It’s cute how you think he needs persuading.”
Nesta closed her eyes and sighed, fully intending to say something snarky back that Cassian would have been proud of, but when she opened her eyes, she clamped a hand over her mouth, and rushed to the toilet, emptying the contents of her stomach.
“Oh shit,” Elain cried, rushing over and pulling the length of Nesta’s hair over her shoulder, and holding it back. After she heaved another two times, and was clear there wouldn’t be a third, she asked, “Are you okay?”
Nesta nodded, grabbing some toilet paper and wiping her mouth and flushing the toilet. “I’m fine, I just need to brush my teeth. I’ve been a wreck over the opening and knowing everyone will be here today…”
Elain’s face softened. “Oh, honey. You should have told us you were nervous. We’ve been available to help with whatever you need.”
Nesta shook her head. “You’ve been so busy with Feyre’s florals and she’s been busy with everything else, Cass and I have taken care of it all.” She made her way to the sink and quickly brushed her teeth. After rinsing her mouth and making sure she hadn’t somehow wrecked her hair, Nesta continued, “Besides, there’s nothing I’m specifically worried about. It’s just me, overthinking things, as always.”
Elain’s eyes softened. Nesta could tell she wanted to say something more, but she just nodded. “Well, let me get you some water, at least, and when I come back I’ll finish your makeup. Okay?”
“Thanks,” Nesta breathed, and when Elain left, she fell down in the chair they had brought into the middle of the bathroom floor. She closed her eyes to try and tame her racing heart, but it did no good. She pulled out her phone to see if Cassian had texted, which he had, but there were no words.
Instead it was a picture of Beau, the ring bearer, wearing a bow tie hooked to his collar. Nesta chuckled to herself before putting her phone on the counter. Once Elain came back, she tentatively sipped from the water bottle she’d brought as Elain finished up her makeup.
Then, the announcement came.
“Alright, bridesmaids!” Mor called from down the hall. “Come see the bride!”
They hurried back into her bedroom, where Mor was pinning Feyre’s veil into place.
“Feyre,” Elain breathed, a hand over her mouth. “You look so beautiful.”
And she did, with her smokey eye and loose waves, her dress shimmering like the stars with every movement she made.
She was about to cry and Feyre, emotions fueled by the mimosas, bless her heart, was already tearing up.
She turned and looked at herself in the mirror. “I’m about to get married.”
Mor pressed a kiss to Feyre’s cheek and quietly left the room, giving the sisters a moment of privacy.
Nesta watched as Elain moved and embraced their sister. Feyre hugged her, but her eyes lifted and connected with Nesta’s identical pair. She smiled softly, and Nesta returned it, stepping closer.
“Sort of makes us look bad, you know,” she said, gesturing to Elain and herself, sitting on the foot of the bed. “The youngest getting married first.” She winked and Feyre laughed, while Elain hurried down to the kitchen where she’d left their bouquets.
She came back a moment later, bouquets in hand.
“Here,” she said to Feyre, handing her the most extravagant one.
For a moment, as Feyre turned to the mirror, once more, they all just stared in awe and wonder. Then, Nesta looked at the clock.
“Thirty minutes,” she announced, quietly.
Feyre bounced impatiently in front of the mirror as Nesta and Elain put the finishing touches on themselves and slipped into their midnight blue dresses. Thirty minutes later, the three of them were standing in the kitchen, Feyre and her bridesmaids.
“Ready?” Nesta whispered.
“Yeah,” Feyre breathed.
Elain and Nesta would walk down the aisle on their own, since Cassian would be walking with Feyre.
Nesta glanced out the window, watching for Rhys to step out of the stable door and stand next to Kallias, who would be officiating the ceremony. When he appeared, she looked over to Feyre and said, “It’s time.”
Nesta was the first one down the aisle, and though this day was not for her, she enjoyed seeing the faces of old friends and people from her childhood and high school days she had all but forgotten about. But there were also some unexpected faces in the crowd.
That of Tamlin, for instance, the one serious boyfriend Feyre had had aside from Rhysand. As far as she had known, they’re split was less than amicable, so his presence today was shocking.
Elain followed, smiling at Azriel, who stood next to Rhysand, the entire way down. Then they all stood and turned to face the main house, where Cassian waited just outside of the kitchen door. He held out his hand, and Feyre stepped out, her long, lace train trailing behind her as she walked out onto the back porch and looped her arm through Cassian’s.
The sight made Nesta breathless. 
He looked so proud, so happy for Feyre as he walked her forward, down the aisle. Their parents couldn’t be there. Their father couldn’t walk her down the aisle. But Cassian loved Feyre like she was family, of that she had no doubt, and was honored to fill the position.
The ceremony was short, but it was personal and exactly what Feyre and Rhys had always wanted. They cared more about the fact that they were finally, finally married, and that it was time to celebrate with their friends and family.
The stables had just been completed a couple weeks beforehand, and rather than immediately moving the horses in, they decided to use it to house the reception. The doors were opened to reveal long tables set for an elegant feast. Lights were strung around, and it looked like something from an ethereal garden.
Nesta stood just outside as the guests milled about, mingling in small and large groups, dancing and laughing, finally able to let out a breath after hearing their praises.
Cassian met her there, just outside of the doors as the sun sunk low behind the distant hills.
“Hey,” he smiled, softly. “I didn’t get a chance to tell you how beautiful you look.”
Nesta shook her head as he took her hand and pressed his lips to it. “You don’t look too bad yourself.”
“Oh, I know,” he crooned, nodding politely to those who greeted him in passing. “You did great, you know. This place looks amazing. I’ve been hearing people talk about it all night and there’s a lot of night left.”
“I did great?” She laughed, gesturing to the building in front of them. “I decorated and bought some overpriced furniture. You… Cassian, you built this.”
“For you,” he said, wrapping his arms around her waist from behind, resting his chin on her shoulder. “I built this for you, for us.”
“I love you,” she said, leaning back into him.
 He pressed a kiss to the hollow of her neck. “I love you too.” They quietly observed as their friends and family celebrated Rhys and Feyre and their love for each other. They watched as he spun her around the dance floor, Elain and Azriel swaying slowly off to the side. His lips were by her ear when he asked, “Do you want to go in?”
She just wrapped his arms around her tighter and said, “I think I’m fine right here for now.”
They waited outside the open doors, watching the guests flow in and get comfortable, then get served. She was certain Cassian was starving, but he never strayed from her said, and Nesta’s day had been so anxiety-filled that the nausea from earlier lingered and food was not yet her friend. So they remained until the cake was cut and they were called in for speeches. Cassian made one, making everyone laugh, which was no surprise. Then Elain made one, making Feyre cry, which also wasn’t a surprise. And while everyone finished up their desserts and sipped from their alcohol-filled glasses, Feyre and Rhysand were called to the dance floor to begin the festivities with their official first dance, though they’d already been dancing together all night.
Rhysand took his bride into his arms and planted a kiss on her mouth as the slow song began to play. They swayed back and forth, and it was such an intimate moment that Nesta could hardly contain the whirlwind of emotions that swept throughout her body. She leaned back into Cassian's solid frame as they watched.
Until a figure appeared on the edge of the parquet floor, looking for all the world like he would run at the happy couple. The fact that he slowly strolled to them in the center of the floor was almost more unsettling, so casual and cool. Rhysand’s back was to him, and Feyre was so focused on the way Rhys was looking at her that she didn’t notice him until his hand was gripping her elbow.
Cassian stiffened, his arms tightening around Nesta protectively. “What the hell is O’Brien doing here?”
There wasn’t time to answer, though, because Tamlin had pulled Feyre out of Rhysand’s arms and had sloppily pressed his mouth to Feyre’s. The older guests were appalled while everyone else was generally confused. 
Cassian was moving toward the dance floor, as was Azriel, but there was no need because Rhysand had grabbed Tamlin by the collar and was hauling him off his wife.
Then Rhysand’s fist met Tamlin’s jaw.
It was a whirlwind of shouts and insults, Cassian grabbing Rhys, while Lucien appeared out of nowhere and stood in front of his friend, disappointment written all over his face. Azriel had put Feyre behind him, blocking Tamlin from making another move, but also keeping Feyre hidden from his sight.
“She was mine!” Tamlin’s raised voice was slurred and the way he leaned on Lucien left no doubt that he was plastered, no doubt thanks to the open bar they had provided. “You couldn’t stand me having her, so you took her from me! You’ve always taken everything!”
“Tamlin, this isn’t the time,” Lucien mumbled, trying to steer him away from the commotion, but he was too strong.
“You wore my ring first!” He said, a finger pointed at Feyre, who’d run to Rhys, clinging to his arm. “This was supposed to be our day.”
The words were sad, empty. There was no anger on the faces of their family, only pity.
“I left, Tamlin,” she said, her voice small, but firm. “He didn’t take me, I left. Just like you need to leave now.”
“Fuck you!” His words were like a lance to her heart, even after all these years, but the cold chill that went down her spine replaced the anguish at his next action.
Tamlin pulled out a gun and pointed it directly at Rhys.
Everyone in the room stilled.
Nesta felt like she was going to vomit. Cassian’s hand still rested on Rhysand’s shoulder. She could tell by the look in his damned hazel eyes that he wanted to jump in front of his friend, but he didn’t move, no one did, scared that any sudden movement would set Tamlin off.
But Tamlin was set off, anyway.
With a shaky hand, he pulled the trigger, and the shot went off. The loud bang rang out through the stables, and Feyre cried out with a miserable, horrid scream. 
But Rhysand hadn’t been hit.
Tamlin had missed as the gun fell from his hand, unexpected recoil jarring him. Lucien quickly scooped up the weapon as Tamlin stared wide-eyed at his shaking hands, as if he was surprised he had really done such a thing.
It took Nesta a second to realize, though, that the bullet hadn't missed everyone.
Cassian’s knees hit the floor, breathing already shallow as he pressed a hand to the red splotch blossoming from his chest, stark against the white of his shirt.
Nesta didn’t realize the cry she heard had come from her until Elain was wrapping her arms around her, supporting her as she tried to run for the dance floor.
Azriel took off after Tamlin’s retreating form, already half obscured in the darkness of the woods surrounding the property. Rhys helped flip Cassian over on his back and he was trying to keep him talking while tending to his wound, ripping the shirt away, his EMT training kicking in.
Nesta was frozen in place. She pushed Elain off of her and went to Cassian’s side, kneeling beside his head.
“Hey,” she breathed, taking his face into her hands. He looked up at her with wide, frantic eyes. “You’re okay, just talk to me.”
“Ambulance is on their way,” Feyre announced, phone held up to her ear. 
“Doesn’t hurt that bad,” he muttered. “Do I look tough?”
Nesta tried to laugh, but she just started crying harder. His eyes were shimmery, focus fading in and out.
“Cass, don’t you dare go to sleep,” Rhys said, tearing the shirt to pieces and pressing it into the wound. Cassian swore as Rhys applied pressure, and when red started coating the fresh fabric, he cursed as well.
Cassian’s eyes started to flutter closed as Rhys breathed, “It's so close to his heart, I don’t know if it hit an artery or-.”
Azriel burst back through the crowd. “I lost him. I think he left the property.”
“I’ll go with you to the police station,” Elain said, softly, face pale as she watched Cassian.
Azriel nodded and they were off. 
An ambulance pulled onto the property a moment later.
Helion was out the door, a crazed look in his eye. He and his partner ran over to where Cassian and Rhys were on the ground, the former nearly unconscious.
“Man, when I said I wished I could come to your wedding, this isn’t what I meant,” Helion said, barely registering Nesta’s presence as he felt for Cassian’s vitals.
Rhys' hair was falling into his eyes, but his hands were coated in his best friend’s blood, so he shook it away. “I figured you’d need a dramatic entrance.”
“Is this really the time?” Feyre asked, kneeling next to her sister, dirt and blood soaking into her pristine wedding dress. She didn’t seem to notice.
“Just trying to keep it light,” Helion mumbled. He raised his voice. “Cass. Hey, man, need you to stay with me.”
Cassian’s eyes fluttered open, hazily looking around him. They settled on Nesta and he tried to say something but his eyes rolled back in his head and he was gone.
“Cassian!” Nesta cried, feeling so utterly helpless, she didn’t know what to do.
Helion glanced at Rhys. “I can’t tell if the bullet grazed his heart or if it’s in an artery, but he’s lost a lot of blood.” He looked around at the wedding guests. “We need to clear these people out, to wait for the police, but we have to get him to the hospital. Now.”
Cassian was loaded into the ambulance, Rhysand going inside with him, but Nesta was still frozen in place, sitting in her blood-soaked gown on the ground. 
“Come on,” Feyre whispered, helping Nesta to her feet. “I’ll drive.”
They hadn’t driven for more than ten minutes, but the ride from the ranch to the hospital felt like it took forever. The entire time, Nesta’s heart was racing, her hands shaking as the worst case scenario constantly flew through her mind.
“Did you…” Nesta’s voice sounded far away, even to herself. “Did you invite him?”
Feyre cleared her throat. “No, of course not. I know you weren’t around, but I’m sure Elain filled you in on the details.”
Nesta shook her head. “We didn’t talk much.”
Feyre glanced over at her. “It...wasn’t pretty.”
Nesta knew she should be asking Feyre how she was doing. Nesta’s boyfriend may have been shot, but the gun was pointed at Feyre’s husband, on her wedding day. And yet, as her mouth opened, nothing more came out. So Nesta reached across the middle console and took her sister’s hand. Feyre’s fingers wrapped around Nesta’s, tightly.
After that, neither of them said a word.
Once they parked, Nesta and Feyre were hurrying across the parking lot. They saw Rhysand outside of the ER once they arrived.
His suit was drenched in Cassian’s blood.
Feyre ran into his arms as Nesta blurted, “How is he?”
“Breathing,” Rhysand answered, but his face was pale. “They’re doing what they can. They just rushed him back.”
“How did he-.” A sob finally broke from Feyre, cutting off any other words, after she’d been so strong on the way. Rhys just wrapped her up in his arms and held his new wife as she began to cry into his chest. He buried his face in her hair and pressed a kiss to the top of her head.
Nesta quietly entered the hospital, giving them the private moment they needed. She hadn’t realized she lost her shoes until she felt the cold tile under her feet. She didn’t know how much of Cassian’s blood was on her, hadn’t had a chance to look in a mirror, but it must have been a lot. The second she entered the waiting room, two nurses rushed to her, asking if she was okay, if she was injured, if the blood was hers.
She shook her head and when she said, “Cassian Nazari,” recognition dawned.
“He’s in surgery,” the younger of the two said, keeping her voice gentle. “It could be a little while before we know anything.”
Nesta silently nodded and walked to the chairs in the corner, her long gown swishing as it skimmed the floor. She sat down, letting her head fall into her hands.
When she pulled them away, she noticed they were still coated in Cassian’s blood.
Nesta could no longer stop the sob that broke from her. She stared at her hands as she cried, caught the tears that had streamed down her face, peppering the dried, crimson blood that coated her skin with wet, light pink spots. She knew she was a mess, knew she looked like she had lived through a horror movie, but she didn’t care. She would stay in that chair until he woke up. 
And he would wake up.
Because if he didn’t…
No, she wouldn’t think of the alternative.
Nesta cried until the nausea brewing in her stomach overtook her, and she dropped to her knees by the closest wastebasket and hurled, the heaves wracking her body.
“Are you okay?” She glanced up and found the same sweet nurse a few feet away. She nodded, but heaved again. The nurse hurried away, returning with a water bottle and a few wet paper towels. She gave her the water bottle and when Nesta took it, the nurse took her hand and began to wipe it down with the warm rag. “What’s your name, honey?”
She cleared her throat and answered, “Nesta, ma’am.”
She smiled at the manners, and reached for the other hand, which Nesta willingly handed it over. After a moment, all that remained of Cassian’s blood was under her nails. “Nesta Nazari or…?”
She shook her head. “Archeron. Cassian is my boyfriend.”
She gently patted the back of Nesta’s hand. “You’re Feyre’s sister.” At Nesta’s surprised blink, she said, “I’m Viviane. Kallias is my husband. He’s in good hands, honey. I promise.” She reached for the small trash can, seeing it was empty, despite Nesta retching in it multiple times. “Have you eaten today?”
The thought of food nearly had her ripping the can out of her hands and heaving again. She shook her head and without another word, Viviane was heading for the desk.
She came back a moment later with a consent form and a pack of crackers. 
“I know you’ve been through a lot,” Vivian said. “And tell me to mind my own business if you wish, but I think you may be dehydrated and I’d like to bring you back and get you fluids. You’ll still be waiting, and I’ll still let you know as soon as there is word on your boyfriend...but, if you haven’t eaten all day and you’ve been getting sick...I’d like to help.”
Nesta nodded, jaw locked. It had been a long day of nausea, and if Nesta passed out when Cassian woke up...she didn’t want to miss it. “Okay.”
Viviane asked her a few questions before escorting her back to a room. She helped Nesta out of her bloody bridesmaid dress and into a hospital gown. After Nesta sat on the cot, she was hooked up to an IV machine and getting fluids pumped into her. 
“Let me know if you need anything,” Viviane said. “Press the button on the remote. I’ll be back to check on you soon.”
She nodded, unsure of her voice and stared at her bare legs hanging over the edge of the bed. She heard the door click shut and sat there in the silence. She glanced over at her IV, watching the slow drip. She wondered if they’d given her some sort of sedative as well, because she knew she must have been hysterical in the waiting room.
All at once, she realized she didn’t have anything. She didn’t have her purse, her phone, her keys. She needed to call Elain, needed to let her know where she was.
She turned, seeing the remote attached to the back of the bed. Swinging her legs up and laying back, she reached for the remote in its cradle. The IV tugged and Nesta sucked a sharp breath in through her teeth. She couldn’t reach the remote, not without possibly blowing her IV. She sighed and settled back into the pillows, waiting for Viviane to return so she could ask her to let Feyre know where she was.
As she laid there, her eyelids became heavier and she let out a soft, quiet sob as the day's events dragged her into a fitful sleep.
Nesta woke hours later in a panic, but she wasn’t alone. Elain laid on the couch, sleeping soundly on Azriel’s lap, who was using the back of the couch as a pillow.
Nesta pulled herself up and whispered her name. “Lainy?”
Elain was instantly alert, eyes wide as she saw her sister. “Thank goodness.”
But Nesta was shaking her head. “Cass?”
Elain hesitated. “Out of surgery, but still not awake. Rhysand and Feyre are sitting with him now.”
“I want to see him,” Nesta said, feeling her eyes well up with tears, once again. She threw the thin blanket that was covering her - Viviane, no doubt, bless her heart - and moved to get off the bed.
Elain was up, gently grabbing Nesta’s shoulders and making her sit back down. “Nes, wait, you need to rest.”
“I need to see Cassian,” Nesta said, a little louder than before. “Let me go see him.”
“Just wait a few minutes, okay?” Elain said, attempting to reason with her. “It’s the middle of the night.”
Nesta shook her head, trying to stop the tears from running down her face. “I don’t care what time it is, he needs me.”
“We need to tell you something, Nes.”
Both women stopped struggling to look over at Azriel, his head tipped back, voice still deep from sleep.
“What?” Nesta asked, voice full of panic. “What happened? What’s wrong with Cass?”
Elain’s eyes softened as she took her sister’s hands in her own. “Nothing. I told you, he’s unconscious, but steady.”
“Then what is it?” Nesta asked, tears flowing freely down her cheeks. “I’m not following, I don’t understand. Is it Tamlin?”
“Just…” Elain’s words trailed off as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Azriel was watching them both wearily. “They took tests when they first brought you back here, right?”
Nesta nodded, slowly.
“Well, the results came in while you were asleep,” Elain said, words coming out quickly as she nibbled on her bottom lip. “Nesta, you’re pregnant.” 
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galacticlamps · 3 years
Tagged by @the--highlanders​ ! Thanks!
How many works do you have on AO3?
What’s your total AO3 word count?
(oh what a nice even number - I should try to mess that up as soon as possible, shouldn’t I?)
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Aw man is this intentionally worded to be really hard to answer? I get that it says ‘written’ and not ‘posted’ but then what constitutes a ‘fandom?’ I definitely wrote fics for stuff I was interested in long before I even knew the word ‘fic’ - I did it throughout my childhood, and then in high school, and while I didn’t do it as much in college, it still happened from time to time. So a lot of the books/movies/tv shows/plays/musicals I wrote things for aren’t really fandoms, and frankly, I had to check my old folder just now to even remember some of them existed. I’ll just list the ones that I know for sure had fandoms, since that’s more fun (and embarrassing), right?
Obviously Doctor Who, classic and modern, Torchwood, Sherlock Holmes (ironically more of these seem to be about the books, but yes, I will admit, some for that tv show too), Les Mis, a couple different Marvel comics & movies, Good Omens, hell, I even found a Night Vale fic in there just now.
And I know there are other older things not even in that folder, some of which never made it to a computer at all, so if I had to ballpark a number I’d probably say around 25ish but really, who knows?
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Across the Gap
On the Spot
Shards of Memories & Fragments of Glass
(this was fun, I’d never noticed Ao3 even had a stats page until now lol)
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I try to! Sometimes I take a long time to do so but for the most part, I usually get around to it. The rare exception would be if I first saw the comment when I was super busy/distracted and then felt like way too much time passed before I noticed it again, that it might be awkward if I said something at that point.
I do genuinely enjoy hearing what people think, but I’m also weirdly terrified of making anyone feel like they have to reply to my comments. I know that’s probably a little strange, but it’s actually a large part of why I made this Ao3 account in the first place - my original one, from high school, is followed by some long-time friends of mine who aren’t interested in this fandom, some of whom are involved in art & writing professionally. The thought of anyone like that reading something I wrote out of friendliness or even just curiosity and potentially having to pretend they liked it for the same reasons stressed me tf out, so I like having this virtually anonymous one because I can relax knowing that anyone who reads or interacts with something I wrote has probably done so only because they wanted to, rather than feeling obligated, and there’s no pressure on them to be nice to me about it if anything I write or post annoys them - so I really hope nobody who does just know me as an anonymous blog has ever worried about offending me by not replying to something, trust me, I’m perfectly happy with it!
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I don’t think I’ve really written any angsty endings? I guess the answer would have to be Reckless just because it involves the characters arguing about sad/weighty things and there isn’t really any solution to those issues - but even then I think I ended it with a kind of acceptance that stops it from really qualifying as angst? I also set it in the the same universe as other fics, so maybe that doesn’t even count as an ending? Am I that bad at ending things on angst? Lol
Do you write crossovers? If so what’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Obviously none of the fics I’ve posted are crossovers but I’m trying to think now if any of my WIP’s are - I’ve definitely poached setting/premise ideas from other media, but in terms of actual crossovers . . . I’ve got a few cross-era or cross-Doctor, a few involving Torchwood, but that’s already the same universe, so the only thing that’d qualify as a true crossover would be some vague pieces of a fic where Jamie, Zoe, and Two end up on the Enterprise, since I think the 60s series of Star Trek and Dr Who feel kind of compatible, don’t they? In fact, aren’t there like officially licensed crossover comics or something? Or did I make that up? Idk, and the ideas are very loose, so it’s not much of a WIP either
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Nope, never
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I’ve never written smut, but I’m wondering if it’s possible that could change soon. There’s a longish multi-chapter fic I’ve been working on for a frankly embarrassing amount of time, and the plot does call for a sex scene at one point towards the end, but I can’t seem to make up my mind on how - uh, I guess the word is explicit? - it should get. I know I could easily do a fade to black/implication thing, but it’s kind of a source of contention and anxiety for the characters, so to skip over writing the actual scene and just revisit them afterwards rings of “and they slept together and now everything’s fine!” which feels kinda cheap to me - in this context, anyway - and not the right payoff for a long fic that’s otherwise more of an interpersonal drama/slightly a period piece, if I had to place it in a genre. I feel like my aversion to actually writing the scene might just be prudishness I should get over, or maybe just self-doubt, because I know I’d rather have a well-written, funny, character-development-supporting sex scene than nothing at all, but since I’ve never had any interest in writing a scene like that before, I don’t know if I can do it well, and I also don’t want to ruin a fic I’m otherwise proud of by doing it badly... ugh I have to figure this out
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I seriously doubt it
Have you ever had a fic translated?
What’s your all time favorite ship?
I mean, it’s gotta be Two & Jamie. I’ve shipped things before with varying levels of investment, but I’ve never been able to use the term ‘otp’ in a literal sense until I came across them, and now it’s already basically gone out of fashion, go figure!
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I’m not sure if I have one? My WIP doc is huge, but I don’t actually intend to get around to finishing everything in it, so I’d like to think that anything I’ve currently singled out to complete can actually get done.
That said, I do have a few AU’s that I don’t really plan to finish, but it might be cool if I could. Two of them are for all the main + some supporting characters of the Second Doctor’s era - one’s a modern day school teachers AU, and the other is a typical fantasy/fairy tale AU. Another is just Two/Jamie, based on Doctor Faustus (specifically the Marlowe play version) but right now there are two different versions of the ending coexisting in my head. I’ve written parts of scenes & some gen. backstory for all of those ideas, but I don’t know if I’ll ever try to finish them, or what form a finished product would even take - a series of one-shots set in the same universe? one long multi-chapter fic with some kind of overarching plot? And the amount of context/worldbuilding a big AU like these would require might not make them very appealing fics for people to read, so maybe it is better if I just keep them to myself, since in my head I already know what’s going on in those worlds lol.
What are your writing strengths?
I honestly don’t know. I haven’t had a creative writing class since middle school, and since then I’ve only ever shown creative writing to others in a fandom context, so it’s been a while since I’ve discussed it or gotten critical feedback. I suppose when I work in other arts or even academic writing contexts, people usually say I’m kind of insightful or at least detail oriented, which might just be another way of saying I overthink things, but I like to imagine I’m decent at finding little points of interest to expand upon.
What are your writing weaknesses?
If you’ve read this far I feel like you must know what I’m about to say: I do not know how to be concise.
Usually when I’m writing a fic, I put down the dialogue first on its own, leaving out the action of the scene and whatever plot/context led there, even if I’ve already figured all of that out. But then when I go to add those things in, they’re always longer than I wanted them to be. I don’t mind writing something long, but I don’t want my fics to be a slog to get through either, and there can be a point at which the stuff I’ve added for context overwhelms the stuff that I wanted the fic to be about in the first place, so it becomes a structural/proportion issue too. I haven’t completely given up on any fics because of this yet, but there’s one I’ve been struggling with for a couple months now - probably because I’m even second-guessing myself on which scenes need to be written out and which can just be referenced like a recap. Hopefully I figure that one out soon.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
((this is karma isn’t it? i posted a fic last week with two words of gaelic in it and was worried about that and now this is karma))
In general, I don’t want to do it. I feel like you’ve gotta have a really good grasp of a language to write dialogue & speech patterns for someone who’s a native speaker, and since I’m far from fluent in any language the characters I write for are, I wouldn’t feel confident writing any significant amount of dialogue in, say, Gaelic.
As a sidenote, though, I kinda love it when other people do it, particularly for Jamie. Irish (Gaeilge) and Scottish (Gàidhlig) are both languages I’ve wanted to learn for a long time, because my family’s fresh out of living speakers of either & I think that’s a shame, but I started with Irish and at the moment I’m still very much learning it. As different as they are, it still helps me understand parts of lyrics or texts that I come across in Gàidhlig fairly frequently, so when it comes up in a fic I get to feel like I’m being responsible and practicing, and it’s great when I can actually understand what’s being said.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
I’m gonna go with Harry Potter even though that’s probably not a perfectly accurate answer - it’s almost certainly the first thing that has a fandom that I ever wrote for, but it was in a notebook when I was a kid and never something that I even typed on a computer, much less posted online or shared with other members of a fandom. But even then, I’m sure it wasn’t the first pre-existing fictional universe I ever set an original story in, because I did that a lot when I was a kid, it’s just hard to remember those clearly or on any kind of timeline.
What’s your favorite fic that you’ve written?
I’m very partial to Across the Gap, so I was pleasantly surprised to see that ranked first on the kudos thing above - but I’ve also got a soft spot for So Merrily We’ll Sing. It’s so self-indulgent it feels silly saying ‘it was so easy to write!’ but I guess having a fic that’s already just 100% headcaonons and fluff tied together by a song you really love does prevent it from being much of a labor (I also managed to refrain from making that one unnecessarily long, so that’s another win there)
tagging @terryfphanatics and anyone else who wants to do it - sorry I’m bad at remembering whose tumblr goes with whose Ao3 account, but I really would be interested to read this if anyone else feels like answering them!
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The Hexer ending songs - A Translation
So, since the polish Witcher series, known as "the Hexer" has been gaining some popularity, but the subtitled for some reason doesn't include subtitles for the songs from the ending of each episode, here is my personal translation of each one of these, with some sidenotes at the end. Now, this is mostly a literal translation, not a poetic one, so I apologise if the grammar is sometimes a bit off. I tried to the best of my ability, but it is very possible I screwed up something.
So, uh, let's go!
EPISODE 1 - CHILDHOOD And in the mountains, the quiet call of the wolf Gets lost somewhere in the storm It* probably also found out That you'll be a witcher Again the quiet voice of the wolf can be heard Like the call of a human Probably only it knows What path awaits you *Instrumental* And in the mountains, the quiet call of the wolf Gets lost somewhere in the storm It probably also found out That you'll be a witcher That you'll be a witcher That you'll be a witcher
EPISODE 2 - LEARNING And so happened what was meant to happen You won't change anything anymore Though the sun's light suddenly faded The sword has been doused in red Stand on the edge of the unknown Don't look back Go by yourself into the wide world The sword will show you the way
EPISODE 3 - HUMAN - FIRST ENCOUNTER It's high time to find out What no one will tell you That sometimes it so happens in life That human is the monster And now you fight With your own thoughts Because, after all, you're supposed to protect people From monsters
EPISODE 4 - THE DRAGON Like the stars above the road, your eyes Like a cup of pleasure, your lips So badly I want to see again today At least a shadow of my old love For a heart, like a beggar, is pleading* Lonely, it wanders at the crossroads And always when I only look at the sky I feel the starry chill of your eyes
EPISODE 5 - A SHARD OF ICE And though your heart burns She's not meant for you This is how blazes of hearts end With an ocean of parting Your fate is already written Your efforts are in vain Like a rock which upon being thrown wants to Find itself as a star in the sky
EPISODE 6 - CALANTHE Stay on the path of destiny And that is to fight Your sword won't know the taste of rust It'll shine with blood And one more right of yours It's the surprise Whoever opposes to it The sword is destined for them*
EPISODE 7 - THE VALLEY OF FLOWERS One can't escape from fate Nor from the memories If they want, they will get you Beyond seven mountains* What pushes you to go forward Always further and further? The more you look for your own path The harder it is to find
EPISODE 8 - CROSSROADS Tonight you won't see the stars That is a glow above Cintra It'll burn and show the world The world that will die Like a murder of black crows* somewhere The enemies are rushing You've escaped but your fates Are made* within you
EPISODE 9 - TEMPLE OF MELITELE To those who you love, the wicked fate Won't spare the suffering Now that they need you You're not there with them And if you only could know From where comes this unrest within you From where the dead stomping of heavy hooves Is rumbling with an echo inside your head
EPISODE 10 - LESSER EVIL Not all that shines golden is gold And (not all) submission is consent* Poisonous flowers lure us in With their fatal beauty Though you let yourself get fooled again Not all is lost Though the black apparition* of a bad dream Is embracing you in her arms
EPISODE 11 - JASKIER Suddenly it started to smell like the gust of Autumn With the cold wind, fled the meaning of words It has to be so, nothing can be changed By diamonds at the tips of your eyelashes Where you live, it's already white with snow Lakes and muds are glassy with ice It has to be so, nothing can be changed By the longing that is creeping in your eyes It smelled of the gust of Autumn With the cold wind, fled the meaning of words It has to be so, nothing can be changed By diamonds at the tips of your eyelashes Spring will return, the rain will flow on the roads Hearts will be warmed by the heat of the sun It has to be so, for there's still a flame smoldering within us Eternal flame, which is hope
EPISODE 12 - FALWICK And you're asking what you've done wrong You keep asking questions You want to cheat destiny And you're being punished Your fate is already written Your efforts are in vain Like a rock which upon being thrown wants to Find itself as a star in the sky
EPISODE 13 - CIRI (This song is the only one not sung by Zbigniew Zamachowski, Jaskier's actor) Don't call for help, it won't come Don't try to defend yourself, don't waste your strength It's undaunted, it's a chariot pulled by a hundred horses And you're riding in it
And even if you'd run from it You're chasing it And even if you'd hide You're looking for it And even if you'd pretend you are Blind to nudity and deaf to whispers
You won't escape from it
You won't defeat love You won't defeat love You won't defeat love You won't conquer it within yourself Know this You won't defeat love You won't conquer it
You'll put down every weapon When you see it
Though they say about you that you're made of stone Though your eyes saw everything When you see it in its entirety
Then You'll suddenly feel shy and know this It'll reach you
You won't defeat love You won't defeat love You won't defeat love You won't conquer it within yourself Know this You won't defeat love You won't defeat love You won't defeat love You won't conquer it within yourself Know this You won't defeat love You won't conquer it You'll put down every weapon When you see it When you see it When you see it When you see it When you see it When you see it
EXTRA ONE (I found another brief variant of "Jaskier's advice" in the soundtrack of the movie version. I don't think it appears in any episode of the series, though)
And you're ashamed of yourself* And what is this fight for? You can't escape from love, so Succumb yourself to it (The last line is then repeated a few times)
Additional notes: *It referes to the wolf specifically, not its call. The song uses male pronouns for the wolf, as in polish the word "wolf" (wilk) is itself considered masculine. *All the songs from the episodes 1-3, 5-10 and 12 follow this pattern of instrumental, reprisal of the first half and two repeats of the last line of the first half. With next variations of the song, I left the repeats out, since I don't think there's a need for that. (These songs are also officially titled "Rady Jaskra" - "Jaskier's advice") *There's a bit of untranslateable double meaning - "Kołacze", can mean a couple of things - knocking, begging for something, but it can also be used to describe a heart beating really fast. (In addition to "Bije" - "Is beating", in Polish, you can also say that the heart "puka- "is knocking") I wasn't sure which meaning of the word "kołacze" was intended, so I went with the version that makes the most sense, when translated into english. *As in, "They are destined to fall/die by sword". Probably refers to Calanthe's eventual fate and the fall of Cintra in general. *"Beyond seven mountains" is a common way to begin a fairy tale in polish. It's basically the equivalent of "In a land far, far away" (In fact, in polish dub of Shrek 2, the Far Far Away is translated as "Zasiedmiogórogród" - "Beyondsevenmountainsgard") I think it's especially relevant, given how most of the short stories in the first two Witcher books, which this show covers, tend to reference and parody various fairy tales. *Or ravens. Most dictionaries I've looked through state that both of these words can serve as a translation of "kruk". *"Dokonują się" is pretty difficult to translate literally. It can mean "are made", "are done" or "are happening". I went with the first one, since I thought it made the most sense, thematically. *The syntax is super ambiguous here, but essentially, the way this verse is a continuation of the first one, it reads as "Not all that shines golden is gold, and likewise, submission is not always consent", but the way it's phrased it seems to be giving the opposite message. That's why I put that bit in parentheses there, to make it clearer what this actually means. *The word used here was "mara". Now, "mara", has many meanings, including "an apparition", "a wraith", "a nightmare", "a bad vision", "a delusion", but most importantly, it's the name of an evil spirit from slavic (and nordic) folklore. Also known as "Zmora", a mara was a vile half-demon soul of a living person (usually a woman, the male equivalent of mara was called "dusiołek") who at night, would leave their host’s body, sneak into people's houses at night through keyholes and drink their blood while they sleep. Also they would tire out horses by riding on them during the night. Given how often creatures from slavic folklore feature in all the Witcher media, I wonder if this was an intentional reference. *There's an expression used here, which I don't think has an english equivalent - "Sam przed sobą wstydzisz się" - Translated literally, it means "You're ashamed before yourself", as in "your feel as an embarrasment to yourself, specifically." more of less. @abluescarfonwaston Tagging you as promised. Hope you find it helpful!
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meandmyechoes · 3 years
The more I think about Dark Disciple, the more I find something odd.
[28th March 17:46]
I keep referring to it as a ‘favourable experience’, and there is no question the writing is what made me fall totally head over heels about quintress, but I also just, can’t?
I mean, yes. It’s very passionate, dramatic, scenes and gestures I can only dream of. But I also, don’t really see it in that ’omg they totally belong together here are my sixty headcanons of them’ sense?
I am very involved in the pairing, but also don’t really, actively ‘ship’ it — like the way it was an open book with Rhayme or Latts Razzi (since it’s the same author that indoctrinated me to Captain Rhayme). I could imagine them being happily ever after and silly shenanigans and slow-burn. But the concept of a quintress fairytale ending is so wild. I can only ask how much it is tainted with my personal view on relationships.
I know the plot leaves little room for “the future” and fed us well on all tropes possible. But, it just never occurred to me to put them in any other clichés or invent a missing scene.
Winding up, I don’t think their relationship is "weak", but it’s very motivated by circumstances and once you take that out of them, you are a little bit lost. For example even during the illicit affairs month, I… can’t really propose one date that does not seem tonally insensitive. (I can think of them being cloak dorks and Vos bringing her to ice-cream, that’s it, after a long hard moment) Really, all I possibly want is that sweet, sweet angst and canon is already there so I have no complaint.
It’s just… I don’t really get why it has to be the two of them that fall for each other. I understand why they did, and I believe it— Perhaps it’s much more a physical attraction thing that I don’t really have personal experience with.
I don’t know if quintress classify as slow-burn because 10 chapters still seem a little quick in the grand scheme of things. (aside: I’m quite disappointed Ventress wasn’t doing much in the last quarter of the book.) My point is, they do feel a little bit puppet to tropes, and while it’s deliciously written, there’s not much potential outside of canon. And that lack of inspiration makes me grimace a little.
[3rd April, 01:39]
I’ve scrolled through the dd tag and let the book sank a little. I am better articulated to talk about the sexist criticism now.
It’s a romance story, and when I judge it by that (lower) standard, it ticks the boxes. However, it might be a weakness as well, due to the projectability of the heroes. And yes, the whole assassination is dumb. Yet, tcw has been consistently this dumb at us. The last two times when she’s more rooted in the dark she failed, sent Savage and failed, so she’s gonna do it again with Vos… after she put down her desire for revenge. right. and surprise! Our “assassination” plan is to find Dooku and duel him directly. right…
I’ve read a review that says the romance takes away from the plot. However, the romance IS the plot. The book IS supposed to revolve around the two of them. I do agree them becoming begrudging allies then partners is a more unique approach, more rewarding as foils as well. but I guess a romance is easier for the conventional to process ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
With the “Ventress lose agency in falling for Vos”. Now, I can’t dictate how each of us buy into their physical attraction and chemistry (or lack thereof), and there’s no denial that a conscious human being is making that choice for the fictional character, I think the stance on this topic varied person to person from the above two factors, which are very different starting points.
I kept Katie Lucas’s foreword vividly in mind while reading. She said this is a story about people seizing chances to rebuild. That there’s always a choice. Cliché as it is, I believe ~the power of love~. I believe there exists someone you’re willing to sacrifice everything for, to overlook everything for, to forgive - to love them, warts and all. So, yes whether you think Ventress loses her agency to the romance, or if that’s a conscious choice on her behalf, is swayed heavily by how much you buy that they are the one.
[10th April, 10:30]
Yesterday I’ve been thinking a bit more about this. I do love this ship, I just don’t believe they’d be two people who find each other again and again in every life time, in every universe. That’s why, as magnificent as fireworks, it also won’t last.
To explore this, it’s not entire impossible for quintress to separate peacefully after this incident, but would that cheapen the build before? The entire motivation of dark!Quinlan hinges on his vision of their future. And say, Ventress did saved him and survived. How would he balance being a Jedi and his feelings - that’s publicly exposed to the Council? (sidenote: i really don’t like Ch. 27 where a bunch of old men are questioning their love life, but uhhh yes, I’m a sensible person!) For now, I’m seeing another Obi-Satine situation. And honestly how bad that an outcome is. It’s not like Ventress died for her war crimes! The show gave her a full pardon! So Idk man. Why can’t she leave him because she loves him and she exiled herself and they never see each other again WHY NOT FILONI WHY NOT.
Now I’m lamenting more what could’ve been with the two arcs. In Filoni’s original sketch, Aayla and Maul were involved. Man, that could’ve been the dream.
Part 2: [26th April, 15:15]
It has been… a month, since I finished Dark Disciple and I feel like it’s time to conclude all the thinking this book has made me do.
On the wider reflection about attachment and the Jedi Order, I still have to do more reading on it from other sources to form a concrete opinion. This theme won’t be touched on in this post yet, but I cannot shake how intriguing it is to compare “falling” in love to falling to the dark side. The temptation, and the submission to their emotions, the irrationality, the newfound curiosity, it all incites. Very curiously, it was Anakin Skywalker who commented that one is “blinded by love”
Okay, so what I’ve been scratching my head off the past two weeks is how I look at the romance between Asajj Ventress and Quinlan Vos. How would I define it?
Now this is as much as an exploration of how I view romantic relationships. Well, I’ve decided it wasn’t “love”, it was an “affair”. It was an affair because it’s a rush of passion, it’s a secret, it won’t last. Before I chop my own head off for bluntness, I mean it in, of course they are hopelessly in love with each other, that’s the exact premise of why it moved me so. But it wasn’t a complete relationship, wasn’t a healthy, sustainable one by any objective standards. Then, that’s the exact contradiction. Oh to throw caution in the wind with you, or to build a future with you?
Both are things I want a lot, and the ideal is of course one after the other. What quintress had (in the end) is definitely not something I’d want for myself, but it’s so fantastical, it’s alluring, just like the concept of falling in love - opening up yourself and trusting another person, is - it’s risky. That’s why it’s a sweet, sweet drug.
I’ve been so angry at all the red flags in this relationship. Reading this book, getting into both of their shoes, yelling NO like their best friends. But ultimately, what they had is unique to them and I can’t influence it in any way. Re-reading, I find myself holding myself back at all the places I was furious about going ‘You are smarter than this!’. Because it’s a tragedy, and the beautiful (I guess) thing is they chose each other.
The other day something on the dash inspired me to really think about ship dynamics. I, unashamedly admit, I’m VERY into Obi/Quin/Ventress in any and all combinations. *cough* I will not explain further.
I do accept the premise and I did discover they share quite a bunch of traits, but it confused me a while what made them cross the boundary, and it was, physical attraction (that the book was selling so hard I was blushing hot). I love them both a lot, and I would like to date them both, and I can see myself in either of them. Again comes the contradiction, is it a good thing to have characters so easily projectable, or do I want to see myself in more complex characters like them?
I probably lost quite a few cars stalling this train of thought. And I've been a canon apologist since forever. This book brought me a lot of emotional upheavals and a lot of food for thought. It brought me down to reflect on my romantic worldview and sexuality because I have nothing better to do. It totally challenged me as a writer and it’s just a really good novel by its right, regardless of the absurdity that is The Clone Wars. It’s a lot of firsts for me. And I really should find something better to do.
[26th April 16:00]
I must address that I got spoiled of the ending and the first and second half of the book probably went through some big changes.
If I cried for this book, it’s score would be even higher. And I’ve been so obsessed with discussing the relationship, without shedding light on the characterization, which is definitely an unfortunate side effect. Then it occurs that quite possibly the second half (26-42) deviated even further from the script than the first? It doesn’t have concept art or blocking, plus possibly (heavily) edited to omit correlation to other arcs. My major complaint for the second half is Ventress doesn’t do much and we know NOTHING about Vos, even though he is given screen time in the book. my, I just wish Ventress punch him harder and drag his idiotic mess back to the light sooner.
And to criticism about it being their ‘toxic’ relationship being portrayed as ‘true love’, well, it really depends on how thoughtful the reader is, right? I think if the reader is able to notice all these red flags and gave their own interpretation of the relationship and its outcome, it’d’ve been an educating experience. There’s what for the reader and what for the characters. They don’t know this ‘love’ is destroying them, and what kind of message is it sending? What ‘love’ depicted in the book is true then? I have my answers, and I hope every reader comes to their own as well.
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Heroes on Fire...
Binge watched Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts Season 2 today and y’all it was sooooo good!!
I was gonna do a cut off but... I can’t be bothered getting my laptop sooo...
LONG POST TOO!!! Plus I have enough spoiler tags I think...
First of all... Scarlemagne = Mojo-jojo but with actual redemption arc potential???
They really set homie up as the biggest bad and then the twist mystery that Lio and Scarlemagne are connected at the end of S1... but then every much like The Storm from ATLA, we just DEEP-DIVED into Scarlemagne aka HUGO’s backstory and you’re like “well shit, no fucking wonder he got so damn twisted and hating on humans”
And yknow what even with his convoluted thinking and the terrible things he’s done, I’m really really glad they didn’t go down the whole “I blame Kipo bc I’m jealous she took Lio and Song’s attention away from me and that’s why they left me behind” story line... it’s absolutely fascinating that at no point does Scarlemagne blame Kipo, and even looks at her as a sister... like his line “you’re not the one who rejected me” was so powerful, bc he recognises she was just an innocent baby and sees the same confused child in her that he was when he was left alone on the surface... and twisted though his attempts of making her happy were, he was really reaching out for someone who genuinely cares about him again, and it helps that she’s also the daughter of the two people he once viewed as parental figures... and also Kipo’s just naturally empathetic and sees the good in people...
Then she was willing to sacrifice her humanity for a stadium full of mutes and Lio pulled him out of danger... so I’m reaaaallly hoping they keep this potential redemption going... bc really Hugo and Kipo are perfect mirrors of each other... very Zuko/Aang reminiscent... Hugo the animal experiment that was given human hopes and dreams and abilities, only to be thrust into a confusing and scary place with strange powers, and seemingly betrayed by the people he loves most... Kipo, the human experiment, with typical hopes and dreams but is forced into a confusing and scary place with strange powers, and finds out her whole birth and life has been a lie...
One of them just came out of it better...
Secondly... Kipo’s inner Mega-Jaguar scene = Naruto and the Nine-Tails Fox???
Like slowly learning to control the little bits of power that sneak through... being able to change between forms at will provided there is something anchoring her human half... that whole water/mirror/internal Jaguar sequence?!?!... USING THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP TO GET A GRIP ON HER HUMANITY?!?!
Yo if that ain’t Naruto idk what is...
Next we have Mom the Monkey...
Wasn’t too hard of a leap to figure out... I probably clocked into it maybe mid ep 1?? Idk what triggered it but yeah don’t think that was meant to be a difficult leap to make... that aside, I like that they didn’t have Song immediately change back or have her wits about her when Mulholland helped free her from the pheromones... she’s been a monkey for 13 years, under the control of Dr Emilia, she hasn’t spoken and she didn’t have little moments to control her powers like Kipo... so figuring out how to change her back is a good ongoing mission to have I think... it also makes the fact that Kipo was the one to get through to her in the first place even more powerful and that’s SO dope...
Lio... yknow what when grown ups in these types of stories have regrets and the children are dealing with their consequences it can be very frustrating... but I like that Lio is more than willing to reflect on his past mistakes (valid tho it was that he had no choice but to grab Kipo and run before Emilia could get to her) and is also willing to ACT ON IT...he gives Kipo’s ideas a chance and its even shown for real when Scarlemagne forced him to tell the truth... Hugo was a child he raised and he doesn’t want to leave him behind anymore... even if he’s done so much bad... I’m also glad they showed Kipo expressing disappointment in her fathers actions, empathy for Hugo’s pain, but that didn’t mean she was suddenly disillusioned to her father and what kind of person he is... that can also be a very frustrating aspect of these types of plot lines...
Benson and his darling potentially mutual crush, Troy? What else can i say but beautiful first awkward teen crush PERFECTION! Both of them blushing when Benson ended up on top of Troy after tackling Troy out of the way of a rampaging Pierre? Troy kissing him on the cheek? Troy helping Benson out of the pit and the same falling in love music playing while Benson gazed up at Troy?? TROY AND BENSON HOLDING HANDS WHILE SCARED AND CLINGING TO EACH OTHER?!?!?
Sidenote: a good chunk of the music is like... “rap” music and they always hit during fight scenes and it’s great...
Also: the Kipo title sequence? A bop we must never forget...
SPEAKING OF BOPS WE MUST NEVER FORGET: Heroes on Fire... a karaoke classic I must learn... used with the Power of Friendship can turn a mega mute back to human...
Also also my love and life Jamack??? Continuing to help Kipo out even if he’s a total tsundere about it?!?! LITERALLY CANNOT STOP HIMSELF FROM HELPING HER?!?! I love him... and I want him to join the gang... so bad...
ALSO. The whole second episode was basically about cheese.
Feta. Gouda. Chevre. Fromage.
Idk about that whole... Soothsayer meets the Grey Sisters (Greek mythology? Three sisters, one eye, one tooth? Is that what they’re called?) business with the cheese but whatever it was fun... they were just straight up tossing knives at Kipo to get her latent powers to activate and that was hilarious... also Mr Miyagi moment I guess XD but it means Kipo’s created a whole brain pathway between Herbs in/Herbs out and how she controls her powers and she even mentions that...
Also mega bummed about Ratland burning down...
I also wanna know what was up with the sentient Fun Gus and why it had the mind of a child...
FINALLY: our new big bad - Dr Emilia...
We’re really leaning into the one race supremacy theme here huh? But also the reckless and callous treatment of animals and the earth by humans... without regard for how they feel... and after mutating and having and being able to communicate their thoughts and feelings and dreams, Emilia still thinks it would be better to remove that and return them to just animals...
Fascinated to see where they go from here...anyway... go watch Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts so we can get a season 3 babeyyyyy
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polandspringz · 4 years
Director’s Cut of My Fic “I’d Rather Be Dry” Part 2 (Chapter 3)
Chapter 3 was probably the most painful chapter of a fic I’ve ever had to write, and not because I was sad writing the sad scenes. No, this fic was physically painful to write because it took 3 days and I was struggling to sit down and write it the entire time because even though I had the whole thing planned out, I just felt like I was dragging through it and eventually had to change some things to speed it up a bit. Still, it ended up being the longest chapter because I had to tie up so many loose ends! Luckily for me, my beta-reader @primal-shitposts​ read it through for me again, so I didn’t have to suffer again!!! If you want to support not only me but my beta-reader who makes sure my fic lacks grammar errors (and also gives you this great commentary on these types of posts), please go to their art blog @primal-interstellar​ and give their artwork some love!!! They deserve it after slogging through this mess of a fic for a game they don’t even play.
Since there are a lot of funny quotes from this proof-read, I’ll post them all under read more. Beta-reader (Primal) is in pink. If you see blue text, that’s me typing stuff in frantically before she skipped to the next line:
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I actually originally wrote the opening scene with Satan in a lot more detail. It dropped us in the present where he was in the office, and Diavolo and everyone was just looking on as he slowly ran out of energy. But, I got about 3 pages in and realized it was dragging and so I cut it and swapped it for a flashback on the walk home.
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While I intended for this to be a much more dramatic anime scene of Satan just silent as he ran out of steam and could barely move his arms save for slapping the guy, I love this interpretation.
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Primal knows about Lucifer birthing Satan because the moment I started playing the game I made her watch a crack video with me that mentioned it. Although I know she likes Leviathan cause sea monsters, I’m convinced Satan might be one of her favorites. On a side note, writing dialogue for Satan is very hard because he is very proper but when he snaps, I always feel unsure of whether it sounds believable or just like a string of curses that a twelve year old would think sounds cool. 😎 I do like the father/son dynamic Lucifer and Satan hint at though (and from what I hear the new lessons might be adding on to that? oWO)
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I honestly don’t know how the demons who attacked MC aren’t dead yet. They’re basically disfigured and then Satan just doubled the damage and then tripled it in the council room this chapter. Somehow they’re not dead though! I wonder what MC will have to say about their punishment...
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I did choose the “yes” option when Beel asked to eat me in the animal event. It was not because of vore though, but I do make many vore jokes. I could imagine MC being forced to explain vore to Lucifer (or all the brothers) after making a joke and them being confused. Writing Beel’s breakdown this chapter wasn’t initially planned, and it was sort of what really started to make writing this fic slow down because as you might notice throughout the fic, I suddenly felt the need to give every brother an equal amount of screen time which sort of led to me RUNNING OUT OF VERBS for how to make each breakdown unique.
Okay, so the next part. I was actively seeing the comments as they popped up, but there was a delay with the comment box on the side appearing before the actual comments in the text. So, I saw this:
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And had two seconds to go “Oh no” before this was added:
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From here on it was chaos.
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Listen, the boys are idiots. They’re all concerned, Mammon just doesn’t want MC to get upset again. In reality, this sort of dialogue stemmed more from me still lingering on the original idea of the fic. The original concept of this fic (when it was just a one-shot) was MC still getting attacked by a demon in the locker-room showers (for their soul) but because I was originally thinking about a female reader, I knew that it could have more of an undertone for sexual assault. I actually first discussed the fic idea with Primal months back when I first got into Obey Me, because I wanted to write a snippet of each brother helping MC after the event (it wasn’t going to be extreme, I was thinking more accidental scratches during the scuffle closer to the chest and such and maybe the assailants having more dialogue demeaning MC for being around the 7 brothers all the time) but I realized I didn’t have much experience with that and it would make writing scenes that I thought about (such as Asmo wanting to give MC a bath as aftercare) difficult as I could see someone after an attack like that not wanting to be in a bathroom with someone else or be vulnerable to them. I ended up playing with that idea in my previous Mammon fic with more different comfort aspects and touching on that kind of assault briefly, so this fic ended up just being focused on the brothers’ being upset over what happened to MC.
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As much as writing Satan’s angry dialogue is a pain, I have fun making him talk with a more formal tone, it’s closer to how I normally talk, and prefer to write my characters talking. I have no problem writing contractions or more casual speech, but for one of my fantasy stories, where I’m writing in English but trying to differentiate different languages through italics or just whether they use certain contractions or not, I tend to really stress the characters that use absolutely zero and more complicated synonyms. 
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I know the shower idea may have been really corny or cringey. I know a lot of people write things like the water in Devildom as being much hotter (cause their near hell and their demons! It makes sense, also I think Asmo might have mentioned in a text chat he would make the water cooler for MC? But I could be wrong) but I imagine their is some demons who aren’t powerful enough to handle a lot of the settings. Of course though, our demon bros are 7 of the highest demons in Devildom, so they’re immune.
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*Slaps this comment* Congrats, Primal. You just summarized the entire chapter.
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I find Leviachan to be such a funny nickname, mainly because writing any dialogue for Levi makes me cringe because while I was a VERY big weeaboo in elementary and middle school, I was so lucky I never hit his stage of acting like an otaku. While it’s charming, having to type him in more modern fic is even more painful because it’s like “oh god he actually goes into the real world and talks like this). Sidenote, I always mispronounce Levi’s name when I’m talking about him, mainly because I have to remember so many anime characters where their name is pronounced Lee-Vai or I just think of the brand of jeans (fashion major brain). So, whenever I’m talking out loud about him to someone, I have to stop and be like, “Levi... Leviachan...Leviathan...” because that “a” sound corrects my brain to how it’s supposed to be.
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*throws confetti again* Believe I felt the pain of this fic dragging through every boy going back on their character development I had given them but I felt it was only fair that each of them got time with MC. As the tag on archive says, “everybody gets time to shine with MC”. (I really just want to write Barbatos’ scene for chapter 4 though)
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This scene was hard to write because I wanted Levi to get closure on the scene with MC, but I couldn’t have him straight up kabedon them because then he would be cornering them and I thought that would be too much like what MC went through in the shower. Although I didn’t write anyone in explicitly summarizing what happened to MC, and Levi saw the least of it, I think he’s seen enough series depicting it to know that cornering them would be bad, but he still wants to show that he loves them and cares about them. Also, when I was writing this, I remember just going through a counter of who got the most smooches in chapter 3. Originally only Mammon was going to get 2, putting him in the lead above everyone who got 1, but then I felt back for giving Levi the least screen time and just gave him 3.
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Honestly, chapter 3 really took a turn for a more intimate chapter??? Especially with Asmo’s one-on-one scene with MC, it was all downhill from there. I have noticed with quarantine, my writing has become more focused on touch (if you read any of my Balance:Unlimited fics or even my Mammon fic, you would definitely die if you tried to do a drinking game with the number of times someone TOUCHES the other gently). It’s just an unfortunate projection issue that comes with writing.
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And here is complete chaos. I had blocked this game from my memory and then I was forced to remember it right here. 
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Removing these meme images from the fic text will be tedious, and painful. But, I am preserving them here. (I type up these directors’ cuts before publishing the final version of the fic, so I don’t lose the comments)
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I’m not even at lesson 16 yet, but based on all the spoilers I read, watched, and scene for research purposes, I’m pretty sure it was more of a-
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This is what writing 11k+ words for one chapter worth it. The final read through I get to enjoy things like this.
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I wish Belphie was 7′2″. 😳 I like Beel but Belphie is one of my favs. Ironically enough he was the one who skipped this fic. (I’ll make it up to you one day, Belphie fans.... will we ever know what they talked about and what made Belphie cry? Personally, I think it’s like the iceberg effect Hemingway talked about, and says more under the surface... it’s totally not because I got burned out, lolololol.... 🤭)
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I WAS ACCIDENTALLY FEEDING DIALUCI STANS but again, if you’ve read my Mammon fic, you probably know my true thoughts on Diavolo and Lucifer’s relationship. This fic is so MC focused, I wasn’t intending to write it in so much, Diavolo was just supposed to order Lucifer to go home, that’s it. But, I got rejuvenated when I hit Lucifer’s scene, because I knew it was the homestretch for the chapter! I really played up a Hamilton reference accidentally, having the “Go home” line repeated, because it just felt like the vibe the scene was getting at. I am hoping to explore Diavolo and Lucifer’s relationship more in my modern au fic, Siberia.
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I hate tumblr because if I attach a link in the initial post, this won’t appear in the tag, but Primal’s comment here made me think of this art I saw of Lucifer and Satan the other day by ObsessiveAlice (I don’t want to tag them because they’ll be so confused by this long unrelated post! But I’ll put the link to their art in the notes/replies on this post, so check them out!!!)
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And that’s the end!!! Again, if you liked the fic, more than giving me a like or reblog, please go check out Primal’s wonderful artwork @primal-interstellar​ !!! She does a lot of great oc work and it needs more recognition!!! Almost all of my fics would never get posted without her help, so please, please, please show her support! (She has an animatic she just made which I will also link in the replies!!! Please give that love too!!!)
Anyway, if you made it to the end, I don’t know if you got a laugh out of this, but I hope you enjoyed the fic commentary somewhat! I was going to post chapter 3+4 at the same time like I did the prior chapters, but chapter 3 took so long I had to just lay on my floor for 3 hours earlier today to take a break from it, lol. Luckily, I’m very excited for chapter 4, so it shouldn’t take as long!!! 
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quietlysatan · 5 years
An Invincible Summer - ShanaStoryteller, AO3
Link: Here!!
Rating: T for read the warnings, but don’t worry too much because of them
Favorite Quote(s): I legit wanna tattoo this next quote on me somewhere
"Oh, the things that can be accomplished through ignorance of their impossibility," 
And this Straight Up Fact
“There’s no such thing as cheating as long as you win,” Natsu says, and the brat’s not wrong.
This one’s just funny
“Chouza,” Inoichi forces himself to say evenly, “Your teachings produced Ebisu and goddamned Gai.”
“Genma’s pretty normal though,” Chouza sighs, “I never could get through to that boy.”
Gently Gai casually caring about Kakashi’s well-being is my entire reason for living, speaking of which if someone wants to come be my Gai that’d be really fucking nice because us Kakashi’s don’t do too well on our own
He hesitates, but says, "Not that I do not find your newfound mentorship to be a most youthful endeavor, but -"
"I don't know," Kakashi interrupts his friend, "I met her while she was taking her genin exam and she, I don't know, adopted me or something. She just keeps showing up."
Gai nods thoughtfully, "Stubbornness is a useful skill to have when trying to cultivate a friendship with you." Kakashi elbows the other man, but doesn't protest besides that. "She's a good cook."
And this one because I love it when people Get It, ya’know?
That's really why he won't say anything, why he won't reveal that the Kyuubi's container and the fourth Hokage's child is still alive: they already killed him once. Naruto and Shikamaru are the same age, they would have been in the same class, and the idea that anyone could want to harm his innocent, precious son makes his blood boil 
And this one, for accuracy
"This sounds like a most youthful endeavor. I will bring Anko! She will fan the flames of youth in our young Konoha blossom!"
Both Itachi and Kakashi look at Gai, horrified. "Please don't," Itachi says weakly, like he knows it'll fall on deaf ears but he has to try anyway.
"Don't worry," Gai attempts to assure them, going into his Good Guy pose, "They will produce youthful flames of feminine excellence!"
"They're going to burn down Konoha," Kakashi says flatly.
Gai's hair and teeth sparkle in the sunlight, and he doesn't attempt to deny it.
Another important one
"The world is a terrible place," she says, and she has to swallow before she speaks again, "and it's full of terrible people. But I don't have to be one of them." 
I love that Natsu-chan has great balance, this is my number one favorite character trope, and I wish more people would write it
She bends down to look at him upside down, and Itachi can feel that she's not using chakra to stick onto him, and sometimes her balance just isn't logical. 
I just love the idea of tiny genius Naruto, and I love that Natsu-chan is a seal master at like, fucking seven and a half lol
Itachi knows it's actually far more complicated than that, but just as he does not tell her minutia of the past shinobi wars in their history lessons, she does not overcomplicate her explanations of sealing. Usually he's grateful for that, but when she appears to break every known law to sealing and chakra, he's not.
"That's," he blinks and he's not going to tell her it's impossible because it clearly isn't, "new," he settles on.
A mood honestly
Inoichi now feels the urge to bang his head against the table top, because 'a huge pain' to Natsu is 'literally impossible' to everyone else.
Another mood honestly
Inoichi watches his former genin dig in with resignation. “When are you guys going to start picking up the tab? Feeding you all isn’t cheap you know.”
Hana swallows her mouthful, “Sensei, I am but a lone healer’s apprentice –“
“I have been a chunin less than a month,” Kabuto pouts, wounded, “and already you seek to profit-“
“Do you have any idea how much sealing paper and ink costs?” Natsu demands.
“Okay, okay,” Inoichi grumbles, but it’s not very effective considering he’s smiling, “I take it back, jeez.”
Okay so, since this is a 100k+ word fic, I’ve been doing this thing lately literally just now on this fic review where I only feature quotes from the first chapter (Depending on length.) but, I’m making an exception because I’ve never seen these three characters and my thoughts on them summed up so well by someone I don’t know which is to say anyone, no one I know cares about my interests really lol
"Maybe a little," he admits grudgingly, "Sakura's really smart, but she acts dumb for some reason. And her endurance is really bad. She probably would have been failed on that alone if she didn't have such good aim with shuriken. And Sasuke's good at like, everything, I still don't get why he didn't graduate earlier. He's just so-" Kiba rubs his hand over his face.
"So what?" Hana prompts, even though she's heard this particular complaint before.
"Sad," the genin sighs, "He's miserable all the time, and he works hard and if you yell at him for long enough he'll work with you, but - crap, I don't know. He's got this really great poker face so you think he's just a big jerk, but I can smell his emotions, the big idiot, and he's just this sad lonely kid who won't listen to anyone."
Hana hums, because if she opens her mouth she'll probably start cursing the Hokage and his dumb rules and his dumb ideas, and that is not the type of thing that leads to a long life.
Just one last quote because dudes, guys, pals, friends of mine it’s important and you should all stop and read it.
 “Thanks for being cool with – everything. I’m really happy you’re not mad at me for not being honest with you.”
“You are my friend,” Gaara says warmly, “and you have always been honest about that.”
Words & Chapter(s): 136,306 words of greatness, and 6 full chapters of nicely done completion
Summary: When Naruto is five, he's gutted by a drunken civilian and presumed dead.
Six months later a girl with ash pale hair and dark blue eyes enters the Academy. 
(Guys I swear on my cool as fuck username, and all around internet personality as practically satan and probably Lucifer and whatnot that nobody we like stays dead or severely injured)
Score: 13, this is one of my favorites for a reason, this is actually my second technically third time rereading this in as many weeks
Pairing(s): Uchiha Sasuke/Uzumaki Naruto Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka, background Haku/Zabuza, but don’t worry anything you’re thinking of is addressed quite nicely in the fic ultra background but still there’s a lot of relationships and I’m not going to tag them all
Warning(s): Naruto technically dies more than once because this is Naruto we’re talking about but they also technically don’t??? You gotta read it, but basically temporary character death, only the bad guys stay dead in this one.
Nobody knows that Naru-chan lived so there’s that angst for you, however, to be fair it’s not like this whole story is just characters mourning and crying and whatnot, at this point it’s mostly just passing thoughts and memories which, again, to be fair, does almost feel worse at times... Huh, regardless it’s not overly angsty
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Kakashi is adopted whether he likes it or not by Natsu-chan, we love both of our emotionally fucked over fair-haired ninja in this house so you won’t have to worry about that sorta fic coming outta nowhere from me BTW... but anyways, Kakashi freaks out a bit, much like the abused dog he always reminds me of, but Natsu is the sweetest and most gentle, yet forceful person he could’ve possibly caught the attention of. (This is canon)
The Akatsuki are still bad, BUT ITACHI ISN’T technically SO WHO FUCKING CARES!!!! (The Massacre still happens tho...)
Mentions of The Flower District and what that implies, and also things a Kunoichi might definitely do
Oh my fucking god the Hyuga... Who would willingly do something so horrible as that? Of all the things... Warning for... The Hyuga branch family situation, it’s dealt with nearly as soon as we are informed but, gods, my blood ran cold, and my face whited out, my sister thought someone had died when she saw my face haha,,, who the fuck does this? And do they die? In canon I mean? I think I only watched up to the chunin exams or Pein’s attack, I can’t remember which tho...
Natsu cries because people are nice to her sometimes. And honestly that’s fair, I burst into to tears once because I imagined someone kissing my forehead softly so, Natsu is completely valid... Sidenote, I’m touch-starved and have no cure for this beyond younger siblings and my cat because I don’t have the ability to ask my mom for a hug without literally gross sobbing and I have A Thing about embarrassment sooooo... yeah if anyone has some therapy justu for me that’d be nice
Mentions of Gross Men that apparently want to have Natsu’s increasingly growing collection of the absolute most dangerous people she can befriend pay them a visit. And by that, I mean an old fuckwit has the gall to leer at a TEN-YEAR-OLD and a FUCKING THIRTEEN-YEAR-OLD!!!!!! Ugh, I hate those kinds of pathetic worms.
On that note, there is technically underaged things going on, but they are also Ninja soooo???? They’ve killed people and are technically in their version of an army, and by the laws of their lands they’re all adults, actually I’m pretty sure by shinobi life expectancy Kakashi is middle-aged, Inoichi is a senior citizen, and Hiruzen is a walking corpse tbh
Alcoholism??? I don’t really think it is but I’m not sure, but some characters do drink often, and usually when stressed courtesy of Natsu and co. but still... I don’t actually know if it is because it doesn’t actually happen much, more like every few weeks/months
Mentions of past sexual assault, and attempted past sexual assault, neither happen in fic or to any of our main characters, the experiences are not graphic though they do talk about it in chapter five, it’s not to graphically described.
Also, a bunch of off-screen lemon
A Thing (That I copy-pasted from the author so that all of you will see it and not say a single word against it.): If you thought Natsu was too mature for her age - she has seen and been through some really horrible shit. But also: my cousin has, since he was like 4, hung out with kids that were about 4 years older than him because those were the kids that were in his neighborhood or whatever. Point being, even after he started school, his main group of friends was consistently older than him. He very quickly adapted to that, and to this day (he's 12) hangs out with that same group, and considers children his own age 'kids' because he adapted to the behavior of the group he was surrounded with. I hardly believe Natsu would be any different.
And also
4. Quick little note because some people mentioned liking my portrayal of the Sandaime. I base his decisions/motivations (and Itachi and Danzo's to a certain extent) around this quote by Clementine von Radics: "It is so hard to live half monster, to hurt everything you love by trying to protect it wrong."
Pros: Watching Natsu just casually disregard the idea of gender with little to no thought is the greatest thing anyone will ever experience beyond, I dunno, the party we’re all gonna collectively throw when soggy Cheeto dies (I still haven’t decided which song we should make chart number one when that happens)
Given that I’ve technically read this three times you should already know the writing is fucking amazing, like, whoa, mind blown type of amazing, like, wow, so good, I usually hate rereading something I’ve read before, and especially so soon after the fact but geez Louis is this fic amazing
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Natsu is just as easy to fall in love with as Naruto, and they are still the same people with slightly different personalities as is to be realistically expected with a situation like Naru’s was.
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The author manages to convey a very realistic genderfluid character in an incredibly believable manner, while also still keeping Natsu/Naruto themself. They’re still the Naruto that we knew and loved, but they’re different too, as is to be expected. when Natsu is a girl no-one stumbles, she is a girl without a doubt, even the author doesn’t trip up on societal expectations, and when Naruto is a boy there is next to immediate acceptance of this fact with absolutely zero (0) Zero bullshit from transphobes, which, as a genderfluid person myself, is always fucking nice to see. You’ll have to read it to know more though.
Natsu running around creating seals is honestly the greatest thing ever, and the end scene with the village made me cry a lil bit, and dammit this fic is so fucking good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, there’s a scene, where Natsu heals Kakashi, and the way the author handled explaining the intimate not sexual relationship between two of my favorite characters ever is just, so subtly beautiful, the sibling-bond these two have is beautiful, and a part of me wants to cry sometimes when I read it, and usually do cry a little when I get to this scene, and only partially because of what happened directly before it.
I love the way everybody just gets up and moves past their trauma and just decides to politely ignore it, oh they still have it, they still deal with it, but they care, and they are careful about it, and even though it hurts them like a knife-wound to the kidney in slow-motion they still get back up and keep fucking going. That’s hella admirable and I can respect that, I can respect even more that they slowly but surely let themselves heal as time moves on. This fic is beautiful on so many different levels but it is this one perhaps, that is the most magnificent. Perhaps.
Sasuke is adorable and depressing and adorable and I love it. And Ino is still a bad bitch but she’s a kid so we only see it like a handful of times in the first two chapters. The Akimichi/Yamanaka/Nara are all great, and I occasionally pity Inionchicause like, he’s putting up with a well-informed seal genius that’s still hyper, a slightly frightening medic-kunoichi with giant dogs, another slightly more frightening medic-nin who isn’t the greatest fighter but damn can he be intimidating and also really good at pointing out “Certain Things” while judging you about them which, honestly, is my greatest pastime. Itachi is so sweet and then so tragic oh my gods, and Natsu never even considers giving up on him. Kakashi is so sweet, and he slowly becomes less of a beaten dog as time goes on and I just love all of these characters.
Except for Hiruzen. Well, no, I still love this particular incarnation of Hiruzen, for all that he’s got one hell of a pathetically small backbone, I get why he does shit. But that doesn’t make me happy. Still, he’s better than dumbledouchebag. Granted that’s not difficult, and you might have to actively put an effort in to be as bad as that guy, but still. Plus, his hearts in the right place, and he’s less about the greater good then... certain disgraces to teaching and being in charge of a large group of people... Hiruzen is actually kinda sweet and admits he has issues and actually has an excuse that’s understandable for the shit that he pulls which is great, if sadly uncommon.
Anyways, Sakura is terrifying, and I remembered why I had a crush on her. She’s so badass, also, she ends up Princess Mononoke basically which, honestly, is fucking great, and the best thing we could’ve asked for, I love all of these characters so much!!!
Aesthetic: It reminds me off beefy stew (We don’t eat beef, so we used vegan soy beef stuff instead, and it was just as good.) it reminds me of the warmth, and friendship, and home that I felt after my mom and I make dinner together with nothing but a little music on and jokes passing back and forth between us. It reminds me of scraping my knee and having my friends help me to their mom, it reminds me of loyalty and compassion. It reminds me of dancing outside at night, alone in the forest with nothing but the moon for company and wind for music. It reminds me of the first time I realized that I could love someone despite their gender and that I should despite mine. It reminds me of finely spun handmade lace, and all it’s delicate while also reminding me of the sturdiest of steels, it reminds me of so much. It reminds me of acceptance, and understanding, and so much more. If I were to say what food and drink it reminds me of, I’d say chicken noodle soup, and sweet lavender-lemon tea.
Music Aesthetic: So, I made a playlist while I was reading this the first time around, and instead of a gif or twenty like I would usually prefer to do I’m going to add that playlist. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbhXmTSBbAyjk0m1b4BZUp3t0RHL83LDK
But if I were to add a gif or two it’d be these
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Because something about this fic reminds me of rainy days with tea and baggy clothes.
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Every time Natsu/Naruto decided to fight ever, to be honest.
331 notes · View notes
theladyofdeath · 4 years
The Ranch {1}
An A Court of Thorns and Roses, Nesta x Cassian, Modern AU, fanfiction.
Collaboration: @throne-of-ashes-and-beauty​ x @tacmc​
Summary: Nesta had spent years in Paris, living her dream and drowning in riches as a gourmet chef, capturing the hearts of the city and its people. But, after her father passes away unexpectedly and leaves his cozy, countryside B&B to his oldest daughter, Nesta is moving back home to the tiny town of Velaris, where the ranch, her sisters, and her father’s unfulfilled dream, awaits.
Sidenote: Being posted between two blogs, it is too chaotic to keep up with a tags list, so all chapters will be tagged with “#TheRanchNessian” & “#SharaCollab”.
A/N: Shelby and I have been writing this for MONTHS and we are so excited to start sharing it with you all! As always, let us know what you think, and enjoy. :) We will be going back & forth posting chapters, so look for chapter 2 on her blog! 
The Ranch Masterlist
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Nesta knew absolutely nothing about ranching.
Even worse, she felt absolutely nothing as she got out of her little red car and stepped onto the dirt path that led to the house.
She had grown up on this ranch, had run around and had adventures with her sisters in these pastures. Yet, as she took in everything she had inherited, she felt nothing.
She hadn’t been to the ranch in years, not since her mother died when she was eighteen. Now, almost a decade later, it was all foreign. It used to look so lively and magical during her childhood, but now it was nothing more than an old, big house built upon a huge chunk of land full of cattle.
Nesta hated cows. They smelled horrible.
She started walking up the path to her childhood home, when she saw the faded, peeling sign in the yard.
Belles & Blossoms Bed and Breakfast
The restraint Nesta used not to roll her eyes was only thanks to the fact that she was well-rested from her stay in Velaris’ newest hotel, the Manor House. The five-star hotel was supposed to be a hotel and spa, but it was more of a resort than anything. After her flight had landed, she had treated herself to a nice dinner and a massage and facial. The stress of knowing she had to come here had been wreaking havoc on her nerves and the special treatment was exactly what she needed.
But now that she was here, now that she was standing in front of the place she’d fought so hard to get out of, she wanted to turn around and check back into her room. Instead, she walked up the stairs, swiped the key from the underside of the rocking chair - where it had always been -  and let herself into the house.
The first thing she noticed was the heat. There was a definite breeze coming from the vents, but the air was by no means cool. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, hoping this was not going to be an indication of how this all would go.
It looked exactly like she remembered, not a single thing having changed. The leather furniture was still prominently featured in every room, the rodeo memorabilia hanging on every wall. She sighed as she walked into the kitchen and to the sink, gazing out the window. She could see the house her father had built on the property a few years back. It had stayed mostly empty, as her father had opted to still live in the old farmhouse.
She would not though, she would move into the modern house on the back of the property, close enough to still be there for her guests, but far enough that she could have privacy if it was ever needed.
Nesta didn’t anticipate it would though.
Her own sisters didn’t even know she was back in town. It had been years since she’d spoken to Feyre and Elain and her texted occasionally, but Nesta knew nothing of their personal lives and they knew none of hers.
Nesta hadn’t even come to her own father’s funeral.
It wasn’t that she didn’t want to. But she couldn’t.
Quickly, she made her way through the rest of the house, cataloging what she saw in her head and already thinking about what changes she would make. When she got to her old bedroom, she paused, lingering in the doorway as she took in how it was the only room in the house that didn’t match the style of the rest.
No, Nesta had never cared for the rodeo lifestyle her father grew up in. Her sisters tolerated it, but just like her mother, Nesta couldn’t stand it.
The walls were still the deep grey she’d painted them, covering up the awful wallpaper featuring ropes and steers. The furniture was elegant and simply stated, dark wood with sleek lines. 
There were no blinds on the windows, leaving the view down to the river uninhibited.
Nesta smiled, feeling a bit of pride as she took in how good her room looked in comparison to the rest of the house. She also let out a breath of relief as she realized it was one less room she’d have to redecorate.
She would do the rest later. Being back was beginning to take its toll. Nesta hurried back out the front door and hopped in her car, driving it further down the old dirt road. Nesta used to love the scenery. There were trees scattered across the landscape, trees that Nesta used to sit underneath in the spring and summer and read her books. Her father used to ask her to help out around the ranch, but Nesta was never interested in ranching. Her sisters helped him, always, and that seemed to be good enough for him.
Nesta pulled up to the little house her father had built and turned off her car. For a moment, she just sat in the quiet, staring at the little house. 
It was cute, even on the outside. There was a little porch with one old rocking chair. The door had been painted red, and Nesta smiled, remembering it was her mother’s favorite color. 
Once she got out, she opened the trunk and pulled out her bags. Much like the main house, the key was underneath the rocking chair. She let herself in and froze.
It was practically empty.
Her father really hadn’t spent much time in there. But why would he? He loved the main house, loved interacting with the guests that would stay there once he turned it into a bed and breakfast.
Besides, it was the home they had lived in as a family. As much as Nesta wanted to get away from the ranch, her father had always taken pride in his family.
Nesta included.
Which was why he left the ranch for his firstborn, she assumed. 
Nesta walked through the empty living room and into the back bedroom, where a simple, bare, full-sized bed sat opposite of a wooden dresser. Other than that, a mirror hung on the wall as the single piece of decor. 
Nesta tossed her bags on the mattress before finding her way into the bathroom. There was a shower with no curtain, a sink with no soap, and a toilet with no toilet paper. 
At least the place was decently clean.
After rummaging through her bag and changing into jean shorts and a t-shirt, Nesta found herself in the kitchen, finding it - shockingly - empty before making a serious mental note to go to the store before the day was over. Sheets, soap, shower curtain, shampoo, food…
She needed it all. 
Before she could feel even more overwhelmed, she found herself on the front porch and breathed in the fresh air. It was then that she noticed the little log cabin sitting on the other side of the dirt road.
There had been a ranch hand, hired by her father, when Nesta was little that used to live in that cabin. She couldn’t remember his name, but she remembered his smile. He was a kind, older man who had passed away before Nesta turned ten. 
Promising she’d revamp the little log cabin after taking on the main house, she slipped on her tennis shoes and walked back up the dirt road. 
She could hear the cows in the distant field and supposed she would have to hire a new ranch hand if she were to keep the ranch going. She sure as hell didn’t know what to do.
Jogging up the stairs, Nesta let herself back in and paused in the entryway, trying to decide what her plan of attack should be. She could clean first, but then when she decided what should stay or go, she’ll just discover more dirt and dust. Or she could start a throwaway pile, but that would definitely stir up the dust.
Nesta groaned and dropped her head in her hands. When she’d first gotten the phone call from her father’s lawyer, letting her know that he’d left the B&B to her, she didn’t even want it. She started looking into what she needed to do and how much she could sell it for, house, land, and business. It had been a decade since she left and she hadn’t looked back once. Why would she now?
She’d found early success in the culinary arts. She studied in Miami, New York, Paris, Rome. She traveled the world. Her father couldn’t really expect her to give all that up, to give up her life, to come back to the town she grew up in, and run the bed and breakfast he started after she got out.
But he did. He trusted her with his dream and with his ranch.
And so she found herself back in Velaris, in the middle of summer, in a house with limited air conditioning, scrubbing the antique baseboards on her hands and knees. After she’d completed the living room, the molding a wholly different color than when she started, she stood and wiped the sweat from her forehead. She fanned herself and looked at her watch.
Only 10:45 in the morning and it was already pushing 85° outside. Nesta quickly realized she’d need to get someone out to work on the air conditioning unit as quickly as possible, and went to the kitchen to grab a bottled water from the fridge.
As she walked through the house, she quickly opened up her browser and looked up a number for a local company that could hopefully get to her quickly. She found one that could work on HVAC and plumbing, and decided to have a once overdone on the entire house. She selected the number and hit send, putting the phone to her ear and opening the fridge.
Nesta hung up the phone, slammed the fridge shut and gagged all in the same second.
Apparently, in the past four weeks, the fridge had gone out. Everything inside had gone bad and though she was used to working in a kitchen, she had never smelled anything so foul in her life.
Nesta has already planned on replacing the fridge, and every other appliance, in the outdated kitchen, so she wasn’t too upset. Just frustrated that would have to be handled so soon. She put the phone down on the counter and tied her hair back in a ponytail.
Air conditioner would have to wait. This fridge had to go.
She sized the thing up, eyeing it from top to bottom. Maybe there was a dolly out in the shed she could use to push it out the back door. It was smaller than an average refrigerator, after all. What could go wrong?
She reached back behind it to make sure everything was unplugged. Then, she slowly took everything out one by one, tossing it a giant black garbage bag she had found in the cabinet.
Nesta was so focused on what she was doing, she didn’t hear the back door open and shut.
“There’s a six pack in there. Hopefully you didn’t throw that out, too.”
Nesta jumped, nearly hitting her head on the open freezer door. “Fuck!” She turned around, and froze. “Who the hell are you?”
He stood there, hair loose around his shoulders, sweat gleaming across his bare, inked chest. He had on filthy boots, covered in the gods knew what, as he stepped into the kitchen.
“I’m wondering the same thing.” The man leaned his hip against the counter that ended at the back door. “Can I help you with something?”
Nesta just blinked, staring at the man, trying to decide if her day could get any more strange. “You can help by getting the hell out before I call the police.” She grabbed her phone, hoping that he knew she was serious. “Have you ever heard of knocking? Trespassing? Or do you always just let yourself into random womens’ back doors?”
The man didn’t try to hide his gaze as he let it drag down her body and settled it on her ass. “Hmm.” He crossed his arms and focused his attention back on her face. “Usually, I like to have dinner with a woman before I ask her to let me in her back door, but I guess if you want to be so direct about it.”
Nesta’s mouth dropped open and she unlocked her phone, giving it her attention. “I’m calling the police.”
“Good,” the man said, pulling a kitchen chair out from the table and sitting down. “I can’t wait for them to get here and arrest your ass.”
Her finger froze where it hovered over the green button. “Me? Arrest me?” She started to laugh.
“Sweetheart, I don’t know what you think is so funny, but I’ve been here every single day for the last eight years, I’ve never seen you in this house once.” He leaned forward and braced his elbows on his knees. “Now, I’ll ask one more time. Can I help you with something?”
Every single day for the last eight years.
“My name is Nesta,” she said, standing a little straighter. “I’m Isaac Archeron’s daughter.”
The man only stared at her, blinking every couple of seconds. “I’m sorry, you said that you were Nesta?”
She nodded.
“You’re kidding me,” he chuckled, standing up. “He left it to you? Really?”
Her eyes narrowed. “Why is that so surprising?”
“Because I’ve met Isaac’s daughters. You know, the ones that have been in his life in the last decade.” He walked toward her and reached past her shoulder to one of the beers that sat in the door of the fridge. He popped it open and took a long, slow drink before saying, “You weren’t one of them.” 
He didn’t move from where he stood less than a foot in front of her. He was massive, but Nesta didn’t cower from his size, although it took everything in her to look up and meet his humored gaze instead of staring straight ahead at his chest. 
“Now that you know who I am, I suggest you tell me who you are,” was all she said, not giving him the satisfaction of a response to his jab.
He grinned, taking another drink before introducing himself. “Cassian. I’ve worked for your dad for-.”
“Eight years, yeah, I got that,” Nesta interrupted. “You take care of the herd?”
He nodded. “And nearly everything else. Used to work alongside Isaac, but did everything pretty much myself once he took a turn for the worse.”
Took a turn for the worse.
Nesta tried to pretend like the words hadn’t punched her in the gut. 
“I see. And do you live here?” Nesta asked, gesturing to the house around them. “If so, you’ve done a shitty job keeping the place up.”
“No,” he said, finally turning his back to her to resume his spot in his chair. “I live in the old log cabin. This house has been neglected for the most part since your dad took-“
“A turn for the worse?” Nesta finished for him. “Yeah, got it.”
“Do you like to finish people’s sentences?” He asked, brow raised. “I’m sensing a theme.”
Nesta ignored him, closing her eyes and sighing. “I’m not sure what my father was paying you but-.”
“He wasn’t,” Cassian interrupted, taking a page from her own book and cutting her off. He finished what was left of the warm beer and threw it across the kitchen into the trash can. It went in with precise accuracy. “What I mean is, he hasn’t been. We came to an agreement at the end of my third summer here, when money was getting tighter. He knew he couldn’t run this place without a ranch hand, but he couldn’t afford to pay me. So he gave me the cabin, signed it over to me. Deed is in my name,” he said, seeing the look on Nesta’s face. “All of my utilities are covered by the B&B. I don’t pay a dime for that house. In return, I do whatever needs to be done on these twenty acres.”
Nesta stared at him, trying to decide if the man - Cassian, he’d said - was trying to deceive her or if he was being genuine. She may not know him, but when it came down to it, she knew her father, and she knew that letting him live for free on their family land is exactly something he would do. “How do you make money then? How do you afford to eat and buy clothes and other necessities?”
“I have other ways to make money, don’t worry about that,” he said, standing and brushing dried mud off of his jeans. He didn’t give her much more time to ask questions as he stood and headed for the door. “I’ll come by and fix the AC later on this afternoon. I have to go into town for feed so I’ll pick up the part I need then.” He was out the back door and his heavy boots were clomping down the wooden stairs.
Nesta ran after him, flinging the door open. “You knew the air conditioning was out? Why haven’t you fixed it already?”
Cassian turned around and looked at her. “I just told you that I don’t technically get paid for the work that I do. My boss, your father, was the one who paid the bills here. It’s been over four weeks since the electric bill was paid and I was trying to keep this place up and running as long as I could with what little money I had saved.” As he passed through the gate that led out to the pasture and the horse stalls, he grabbed a sweat-soaked t-shirt that was draped over the fence and tossed it over his shoulder. He continued to walk backward as he finished explaining himself. “I knew we weren’t going to have many guests in the B&B any time soon and decided that feeding the living creatures that live here was more important than cooling the empty house.”
Nesta watched him walk away. Once he disappeared into the shed, she turned around and went back inside.
Every ounce of anger and frustration had left her. Suddenly, she was feeling empty. Cassian had spent the last eight years with her father, her sisters, working this land and making a home here.
She shook the thoughts away as she tossed the rest of his warm beer cans into her garbage bag.
Nesta had decided to commit the rest of her day to making the little house she now occupied feel a little more homey. She’d gone to the store to pick up a few decor items and some food, along with sheets and a shower curtain.
However, when she pulled back into the driveway, a silver truck was pulled up in front of the main house.
Elain was sitting in a rocking chair on the front porch.
Nesta couldn’t help but smile as she got out. She hadn’t even reached the steps before Elain was running into her arms.
“You didn’t tell me you were coming!” She said, holding her older sister tight. “Cassian texted me.”
“Ah, the rude cow wrangler,” Nesta muttered. “Joy.”
“He’s great,” Elain said, smile fading.
Nesta cleared her throat. “Sorry I didn't let you know I was coming. It…all happened so fast.”
Elain shook her head. “I’m just glad you’re here. Gods, I missed you.”
There was a time when she and Elain had been really close. Leaving her was much harder than leaving Feyre and Isaac. But, Elain was destined to stay in Velaris forever, and Nesta didn’t want that.
Yet, she managed to end up in the damn town, anyway.
Elain got in the passenger seat of Nesta’s car and they headed down to the new house. Nesta began pulling the bags out of her back seat and Elain, helping her carry them up the porch stairs, asked what all she’d bought.
“Everything,” Nesta laughed, pausing to unlock the door, but finding it already open. “Dad didn’t have anything in here, so I figured I’d at least-.”
Nesta froze as she stepped through the threshold, the bags falling to the floor. There was something that sounded far too similar to glass  breaking for Elain’s liking, but Nesta didn’t seem to notice as she breathed, “Where did all of this come from?”
Where there had only been open space earlier, there was now furniture. A couch and entertainment center took up the living room area, and a small breakfast nook now sat in the corner by the kitchen.
“It was mine before I moved in with Azriel,” Elain said, an amused lilt to her voice. “Why do you think I’m in his truck?”
“Elain, I can’t- this is-.” She stopped and swallowed hard, turning to look at her sister. “Thank you.”
Elain just smiled. “It was in storage. I’d rather you be using it than gathering dust in our garage.”
Nesta nodded, slowly, unsure of what to say. “So… Still with Azriel, huh? Moved in together?”
“Yeah, I think he’s going to propose soon,” Elain said, brown eyes lighting up with pure adoration. “I can’t wait.”
“That’s great,” Nesta said, and she meant it, although it didn’t sound like it. She was still in shock. Overwhelmed. She was so incredibly overwhelmed.
“I told Feyre you’re here,” Elain said, sitting on the couch in the little living room. “She said she’ll try to stop by soon.”
Nesta knew it was a lie, but she forced herself to smile. “Great.”
Her and Feyre hadn’t talked since she left. Nesta was eighteen. Feyre was only fifteen, and she refused to understand how Nesta could just take off after they’d just lost their mother.
And Nesta had never attempted to explain her reasoning to her youngest sister.
To anyone.
“So,” Elain began, once the silence became too much. “What plans do you have for this place? Dad, obviously, thought you could bring it back to life. You’ve always had an eye for such things.”
Nesta snorted. “We both know that’s not true. Dad only left this place to me because I’m the oldest. And why don’t you ask me the question you really want to ask?”
Elain attempted to look confused, but failed.
“Don’t bullshit me,” Nesta chuckled. “And don’t worry. No, I’m not selling it. I thought about it. But…” Nesta shrugged. “Dad trusted me enough, for some damn reason, to leave it to me. And we grew up here. I know you all think I’m a heartless bitch, but I’m not that heartless.”
“We don’t think you’re a heartless bitch…” Elain trailed off.
“Just a bitch?” Nesta laughed, sitting next to her and propping her feet up on the small coffee table.
“Shut up,” Elain said, bumping her with her shoulder. Nesta gently shoved her back and Elain laughed, resting her head on her sister’s shoulder. Nesta leaned her own head atop her sister’s. “I missed you.”
“I missed you, too, Lainy.” Nesta smiled. Using the old childhood nickname Elain had hated felt too easy and when she heard her sister groan, she knew she’d hit her mark.
Elain stood. “I should go. I told Az I was running the stuff over here and then I’d be back home. That was almost two hours ago.”
“You did this all by yourself?” Nesta was shocked looking at the furniture around her. It was nice, a good, sturdy quality. It wasn’t cheap by any means, and thanks to that, it didn’t seem light. Nesta imagined her gentle sweet sister trying to get the couch she currently sat on through the door by herself.
Elain laughed and said, “Cauldron, no! I can barely lift the coffee table by myself. Cassian helped me.”
“Cassian?” Nesta lifted a brow.
“Yeah, the rude cow wrangler, remember?” 
Nesta scoffed. “No, I know his name, it’s just…” That was nice of him. Was his shirt still off? “Why didn’t Azriel come to help?”
“He’s at work. Just started a new job in town at the dealership. Mechanic. Works on the tractors and whatnot.”
Nesta didn’t know much about Azriel, only what Elain had told her of him. Although, if she remembered right, they all went to the same high school.
She didn’t care, though. All she cared about is that this Azriel treated her sweet Elain the way she deserved to be treated, and judging by the light in her eyes when she spoke of him, she knew that he was. 
“He said you two got off to kind of a rough start,” Elain said, stopping just in front of the front door.
“Azriel?” Nesta asked, genuinely confused.
Elain giggled. “No, Cassian. He really is a good guy, okay? Give him the benefit of the doubt, I know you don’t trust people easily. But dad trusted him with everything and he’s been around for a while. He’s the best ranch hand you’re going to get for this place. He loves it like it's his own.”
Nesta just huffed. 
“Anyway,” Elain went on, showing herself out. “How about we all get together for dinner tomorrow night? We can go anywhere, your choice.”
“Who is all?”
Elain shrugged. “Me and Azriel? I’ll see if Feyre wants to come. Maybe even ask Cassian-.”
“I don’t think-.”
“I’m glad you’re back,” Elain said, smile bright, cutting off her sister’s protests. 
With that, Nesta watched as her sister walked back up the dirt road toward the main house.
Huffing out a breath, Nesta turned and looked at her new home. It wasn’t much, just a bedroom and a couch and a bathroom, but it was home. She’d make it hers.
Just like the main house and just like the bed and breakfast. She’d make them something she could be proud of.
And so, as the sun went down, Nesta got to work.
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geejaysmith · 5 years
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Kat and I have amazing conversations sometimes and I felt they had to be shared. Also, alienfuckers, dad jokes, Maxwell’s alternative lifestyle and other headcanons, and Ace Attorney: Doug Eiffel edition. Full transcript under the cut.
Gill [Yesterday at 6:05 PM]: On an Unrelated topic: after the finale the crew remembers "OH YEAH, EIFFEL ACTUALLY HAD A FACE-TO-FACE CONVERSATION WITH ALIENS" and now in addition to all the other reasons to want him to Remember they're really freakin' curious to know how that went
Kat [Yesterday at 6:11 PM]: Minkowski: so what did they look like Eiffel: me (They do seem to like his body, they had a few models to choose from when talking to Cutter.)
Gill [Yesterday at 6:13 PM]: Eiffel, probably: at least the aliens think I'm cool I know what was meant by that but your phrasing made me think "In a shocking turn of events, it is the aliens who are attracted to the human." The aliens... are alienfuckers
Kat [Yesterday at 6:17 PM]: I don't think that's their jam but that WOULD be just his luck
Gill [Yesterday at 6:18 PM]: It is unlikely, but also: it would be hilarious
Kat [Yesterday at 6:21 PM]: the aliens keep sending me mental sexts and i crave death
Gill [Yesterday at 6:22 PM]: And lo another shitpost transforms into a fanfic concept, like a humble irradiated lizard becoming Godzilla: "would you fuck your clone?"
Kat [Yesterday at 6:28 PM]: leave him alone has the man not suffered enough
Gill [Yesterday at 6:28 PM]: No
Kat [Yesterday at 6:29 PM]: sigh
Gill [Yesterday at 6:29 PM]: Dance for my amusement, Douglas And also because I earnestly suspect that in the case of Eiffel and an interested alien-consciousness-in-the-form-of-a-Xerox-copy-of-him the answer would end up being "yes"
Kat [Yesterday at 6:34 PM]: idk i feel like it'd be more like "Oh what you spend two fucking years trying to drag us into the star because you can't be assed to make an appearance but you'll teleport across the galaxy for a booty call? Fuck you and I mean that figuratively" later sluts
Gill [Yesterday at 6:36 PM]: Bob is a bad datemate Is this entire train of thought brought on by the fact I still think of the person who expressed they shipped Bob/Eiffel in the tags of the "Take your double to Disneyland" post? Perhaps
Kat [Yesterday at 6:39 PM]: i don't know that you can have this at the same time as 'what if the aliens' bodies are still the people suppressed' without it getting Fucked Up but that's your perogative I guess as long as I don't have to hear about it family can't walk w me tonight so i need to hit the treadmill for a bit. ttyl
Gill [Yesterday at 6:41 PM]: See u in a bit! But ah yes, I hadn't thought of that til you brought it up Points at one explanation of Dear Listener manifestations for some ideas, points at a different explanation for ideas that would become unintentionally Pretty Fucked Up under the first explanation Although there is comedy potential to be found in Eiffel and Eiffel-2 having the "are we down with this" conversation In the /Justin McElroy voice, "someone just discovered they have ~the world's worst fetish~" sense
Kat [Yesterday at 7:33 PM]: a different terrible concept: eiffel with his pop culture references restored will likely be called upon to testify at the united nations
Gill [Yesterday at 7:37 PM]: O h  g o d Ace Attorney: Doug Eiffel edition
Kat [Yesterday at 7:46 PM]: i mean they're gonna have to tell the world SOMEHOW and i'd think the international court would want to know and he's the one with the subconscious recall implanted sidenote if the DL can do that mental transfer could they have just... asked them to reupload whatever their most recent scan of eiffel was there are so many ways around this that's why it failed to get much of an emotional rxn from me
Gill [Yesterday at 7:47 PM]: Minkowski and Lovelace trying to get him to practice his testimony bc if they hit enough subconscious recall triggers they can at LEAST get thru an explanation of the aliens without Eiffel going off into a tangent Once they're off the Dear Listeners' script though all bets are off
Kat [Yesterday at 7:48 PM]: here's a list of preplanned questions your honor we're not responsible if you ask anything else
Gill [Yesterday at 7:51 PM]: Eiffel, maybe: now Goddard didn't send up us there to bring home any xenomorphs but let me tell you, with the Decima project? They might as WELL have let a facehugger get up close and personal with me The translators rapidly swapping notes on late 70's sci-of cinema because a handful of them actually know what he's talking about
Kat [Yesterday at 7:54 PM]: Minkowski headdesking behind him Eiffel English isn't most of these people's first languages
Gill [Yesterday at 7:57 PM]: The news cameras are all dead-focused on Eiffel. He's hit his stride and is picking up steam. "And it was right around the time I was coughing up my liquefied respiratory system that I thought to myself, gee, I'd MUCH rather get a face of alien wing-wong than deal with this!" Minkowski is off to the side. She is visibly restraining herself. No poker face in the world can hide how hard she is longing for death. Whether it is hers or Eiffel's is a subject of contentious debate.
Kat [Yesterday at 7:58 PM]: someone at an elementary school: hey Garcia, is that your dad
Gill [Yesterday at 8:01 PM]: Anne, who was four the last time she saw her father in person, gets one look at the man weaving an intricate Star Wars metaphor out of crimes against humanity and recognizes him instantly, but signs back "I have never seen this guy before in my life."
Kat [Yesterday at 8:04 PM]: good call kiddo
Gill [Yesterday at 8:10 PM]: Honestly I love the concept that no matter how much Eiffel may drive them up the wall sometimes the rest of the crew would meet Anne and immediately be ready to kill a man for her sake
Kat [Yesterday at 8:15 PM]: as far as we know he's the only crewmember with kids women in the military... it wouldn't be easy even if you wanted one, which idk if any of them did
Gill [Yesterday at 8:15 PM]: Wait wait, brainwave: it is actually AMAZING that Minkowski had no idea Eiffel had a child because... does he seem like the kind of guy. Who would ever resist a Dad Joke.
Kat [Yesterday at 8:15 PM]: haha fair
Gill [Yesterday at 8:16 PM]: Eiffel: Actually, I have amazing self-restraint when I choose to exercise it. (Various noises of disbelief.) Eiffel: have you ever heard me tell a dad joke? No? I rest my case
Kat [Yesterday at 8:21 PM]: biggest plot hole of the series more like it was too painful a memory but still
Gill [Yesterday at 8:22 PM]: If he ever patches that connection it'll open the floodgates
Kat [Yesterday at 8:26 PM]: He'll become the Maes Hughes of the gang, except with fewer war crimes
Gill [Yesterday at 8:27 PM]: ...has anyone on this crew done war crimes? SI-5 excepted of course, they have obviously done war crimes
Kat [Yesterday at 8:32 PM]: yeah SI5 is war crime central I'm not sure about some of the other stuff executing a prisoner? idk about Minkowski
Gill [Yesterday at 8:32 PM]: Also my thought
Kat [Yesterday at 8:32 PM]: she wasn't a formal pow though it was an ongoing engagement I don't know the rules
Gill [Yesterday at 8:32 PM]: Minkowski Has Done One (1) War Crime (Goddard Futuristics attempts to bring that against her in the court case only for Maxwell to stroll in like lol what's up gang)
Kat [Yesterday at 8:37 PM]: does Goddard in its current incarnation last long enough to sue anyone i mean i think you could sue them for attempted genocide
Gill [Yesterday at 8:38 PM]: Look I have had one semester of business law You were the one who almost went to law school Also re: other characters being parents, the only one I could see going kiiiinda either way on the subject is Lovelace and it wouldn't have been terribly high on her priority list prior to the Hephaestus mission I can see characters having the opinion that they could see Minkowski as a mom but she and her husband both strike me as understanding themselves and one another as being more career-oriented
Kat [Yesterday at 8:44 PM]: yeah if she wanted to rise in the ranks of the military... that would probably be a strike against her
Gill [Yesterday at 8:44 PM] And the implication she's got a Complex about her parents having both left promising careers to raise her Also, Lovelace: Well I always said I could see myself settling down someday, maybe have a family if I met the right person, but when I took the job with Goddard it was legally dubious whether I could actually do that- Eiffel: Because you're an alien? Eiffel: Eiffel: ...wait a sec
Kat [Yesterday at 8:54 PM]: ha It's ok to be gay in space
Gill [Yesterday at 8:56 PM]: Alternatively it's Hera who said that bc didn't connect those dots right away, meanwhile Eiffel saw Lovelace in a flannel shirt once and Knew Immediately Eiffel may be dumb but somehow his Bi-Fi has yet to fail him
Kat [Yesterday at 8:59 PM]: Hera doesn't grasp  human sexuality nuances
Gill [Yesterday at 9:01 PM]: Funny addition to above thought: Eiffel put together that Jacobi was gay after like three days on the Urania, was the only one on the Hephaestus crew to do so, and just never felt it was relevant to bring up Hera, my child... you have much to learn (Also, Hera, probably: I'm experimenting at the moment, I'm looking for a torrent so I can download lesbianism)
Kat [Yesterday at 9:04 PM]: I don't know which option is funnier, that Jacobi is just Really Fucking Obvious but Eiffel was the only one paying attention or that it was super subtle and everyone's like How Did You Do That lovelace's righteous fury overwhelmed her gaydar, she was too mad to go 'same hat'
Gill [Yesterday at 9:07 PM]: Eiffel: I have something to confess to all of you... Jacobi: Eiffel literally not a single person on this ship is straight Eiffel: Oh I was just going to recount a PG version of my wild younger days, let's just say I know a thing or two because I've seen a thing or two.
Kat [Yesterday at 9:07 PM]: Jacobi on Earth: Just matched with myself on Grinder a-fucking-GAIN
Gill [Yesterday at 9:10 PM]: Jacobi: Oh I definitely picked up on it but who wants to go playing into stereotypes by speculating on what may or may not be a promiscuous history? Eiffel: Promiscuous? Look I've got notches in my belt but mostly I just ended up laying in somebody's bathtub at a house party while just conscious enough to nod along to someone else's relationship drama. Eiffel: to several sororities, I was the Gay Bathtub Wizard.
Kat [Yesterday at 9:11 PM]: Maxwell on day one of orientation: So if SI5 is paramilitary what's their stance on alternative lifestyles? Jacobi: I was recruited in a gay bar.
Gill [Yesterday at 9:12 PM]: Her asking the question has my brain going in several different directions
Kat [Yesterday at 9:13 PM]: I think she was recruited right after dadt was repealed... if obama exists in this universe fantasy obama
Gill [Yesterday at 9:15 PM]: One part of my brain: Maxwell is also gay Another part of my brain: Maxwell is exclusively attracted to nonhuman persons Yet another part of my brain, most adjacent to number #2: Maxwell voice, who in their right mind would build a robot that can't fuck? The 4th part of my brain: Maxwell wants to know how chill they'll be with her living exclusively off energy drinks and frozen yogurt for weeks at a time
Kat [Yesterday at 9:15 PM]: honestly I figured whatever it was it was MUCH weirder than just being gay
Gill [Yesterday at 9:15 PM]: Maxwell: I have plans to take over the world with my army of battle bots and rule as their robot queen.
Kat [Yesterday at 9:16 PM]: Maxwell: wait if you were recruited in a gay bar does that mean our boss frequents those or did he just go there to get you Jacobi: Believe me the question haunts me also Jacobi: sounds great i'm in
Gill [Yesterday at 9:16 PM]: Or, Maxwell: I am not joking for an instant when I say that I for one welcome our alien overlords "When I was 13 I tried to get myself abducted by aliens" except it's not a joke it's an actual minor headcanon of mine Also I almost typed "adopted" rather than "abducted" which shows you why Alana would probably want to do that
Kat [Yesterday at 9:19 PM]: she did say she's on bad terms with her family
Gill [Yesterday at 9:20 PM]: She grew up a pastor's kid in a tiny rural town in Montana, hearing that they don't get along is the furthest thing from a surprise to me. The surprise is that Maxwell has a restraining order against them
Kat [Yesterday at 9:21 PM]: tht implies the court found reasonable cause to issue one wack anyway i had a long day, i'm gonna call it a night
Gill [Yesterday at 9:21 PM]: o/ But yeah that Maxwell empathizes with nonhumans, apparently more than with most regular humans, that makes perfect sense to me I can see her frustration with the AI Ethics board in her last job Expressing Their Concerns and her suppressing flashbacks to many a Creationist rant, and trying to keep her eye from twitching visibly, and no I am not projecting I am just coloring in blank spaces in the narrative with my relevant life experience
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amwritingmeta · 5 years
So, last year, for various reasons, I didn’t actually put down my experience of JiB, but are y’all ready to hear all about this year’s experiences and adventures? 
Well, in condensed form. I mean, what is this - LiveJournal? (okay yeah kinda is but no not going into excruciating detail here just the best bits) (the choice cuts, as it were) (watch me go full butcher) (it’ll be entertaining I swear) :P
So, firstly, I’m a panel rat. I fucking love those panels. All the panels. It’s mainly why I get the Angel Pass, because the seats are so good and I’m all about them good seats, yeah? 
I have friends who spend a whole lot of time in line for ops or for autos and I just… can’t… do that. Not when there’s talking happening and answering of questions and just that room being MAGIC, because the entire con feels so inclusive and filled with open-minded like-minded human beings who share in our love of this glorious show.
I started a JiB Log, but figured I’d get too distracted to actually update it regularly, because that’s what last year was like. When you’re not in a panel you’re either walking to grab something quick to eat (have to commend the little smoothie place at the airport, because they did good sandwiches and really good coffee at a reasonable price) or you’re heading to the hotel bar to get absolutely plast-… No, actually didn’t do that this year, so correction: or you’re heading to the hotel bar to see who’s there and catch up with people who have been to their ops and are still shaking with excitement. 
(you can also comment on the wonderful imagination of strangers in the ladies’ room when you see them shaking with excitement and are dressed up in bridal gowns) (okay there was one lovely dressed up as a bride so maybe plural is the wrong way to go but the sentiment holds true) (JiBers - you are so fucking awesome and I LOVE YOU ALL)
Okay, so wanna know the most basic things I’ve learned about how to JiB? I mean… if you don’t, then stop reading, I guess, because imma tell ya. #fairwarning
Bring Snacks (you won’t regret it) 
Bring Alcohol (you won’t regret it)
Good Footwear (you won’t regret it)
Clothes For Every Occasion (you may regret it if you overpack) (don’t overpack) (Google “packing tutorial by Jensen Ackles”) (worth it)
Choose Wisely (just general solid advice) (I mean, get your priorities straight) (panel rat or up close and personal kitty cat) (or both) (sidenote: I take it choosing to be both is quite stressful) (make sure that your stress sensors are up and that you don’t overdo it) (switching between rat and cat is bound to be internally messy) (okay that actually came out as not haha solid but actual solid advice so yeah) (be prepared that doing both is difficult!) (and having lots of ops and wanting to do all autos means probably missing a whole lot of panels for standing in line and waiting) (even the solo panels with the main players or - and I will question your sanity - the joint panels that close the weekend) (well not the very final panel) (nobody missed the J2M panel because all ops and autos had closed by then) (but yes prioritise wisely)
Be Open (because, no matter what, you are bound to meet someone you click with at this event) (most people) (actually every stranger I gave a throwaway comment to) (were so chill and happy to have a brief chat or share a moment with me) (so even if you’re traveling by yourself you are bound to feel embraced) *jazz hands rome magic*
Pinches of Salt (take everything you see and hear with healthy pinches of salt) (I briefly forgot about this on Monday morning and oh boy I could’ve saved myself a world of stupidity if I’d only remembered it yeah?)
MNC (get your sweet ass to the Monday Night Concert because both my years of JiBing it has been mind-blowing) (this year was better than last year honestly) (which I did not think could happen) (they are the bee’s bees and the bear’s bear) *throws all the love at them*
When it comes to impressions and memories made this particular trip, I feel like the whole week has been one long run of blessings. Sincerely, it’s been - oh what’s the word again? --> MAGIC. 
I’m not going to go through all the boring personal moments of Holy Fuck *jazz hands rome magic* but I will just say that I think I stepped out of passport control with the widest smile, and it barely left my face for the entire weekend. The panels were wonderful this year. I’m still on a high. No, seriously. It’s almost a week later and I haven’t been hit by the JiB blues yet, and perhaps I won’t this year.
*prays I land a pass for next year* *GAH* *the nail-biting begins*
Confession time? (…when in Rome)
Confession 1 — I have such a crush on Rob. I mean, I’ve had it for years, but time to make it official, I guess. He just seems like the sweetest, loveliest human being and watching him sing is like… watching the stars light in the sky. He is such an amazing singer and performer. He made me cry. He sang Fare Thee Well and he made me cry at the Monday Night Concert. 
*no I was NOT drunk* *though damn that G&T was strong* *oh btw the drinks in Rome are amazing and worth the money because extra alcoholic* *like damnnnnn* *just as an aside* *but also bring your own bourboun* *winks at @waywardliliana* *sup gurl?* *winks again* *winks some more* *can’t stop now* *licks lips* *yeah I know* *uncomfortable?* *licks lipssss againnnnn* *okay stopping now* *….or am I…….?*
Confession 2 — The panel-watching truly is a huge amount of fun. This year there were a lot of things said that made me want to jump up and down in my seat, because it gives me a lot of hope for season fifteen and Jensen provided most of it on the Saturday, and then Jared was pretty much agreeing with Jensen’s assessments of how the brothers’ journeys should end on the Sunday, and I was like GAH! *happy* And then Misha throws in his belief that there needs to be a sacrifice and tragedy and we all went NO! Also his fear that this family of ours will disperse and we all went NOOO! :) Anyway, these are all stated observations, but the confession is this:
As much as I love spending time in a space that is occupied by some of my favourite human beings on this planet (oh but they are), what makes JiB so truly, deeply, personally special is meeting up with friends who otherwise live too far away to see on the regular. All of us convening in this one place to share in this one great love is like electricity through your veins. It’s like… well, it’s like going to a place of worship, and I think you know what I mean. When you’re in a room with a group of peope who’s energy jives with yours, then your energies align, and resonate, and then — MAGIC.
It’s magical. It’s fucking magical. *jazz hands*
Shoutout to everyone I managed to see this year who have not yet been lip-licked at in this post (or real life), whether it was much too brief (so many of you were much too brief) or whether we spent quality time, seeing you all really made the trip sparkle: 
@captainhaterade - who made such a fantastic and impromptu seat mate - thank you, Emily, for having me next to you for most of the weekend! :D 
@eriquin - Meghan, it was so lovely to meet you and I’m thrilled you and Emily both enjoyed your first con, very happy I got to be a part of it! :)
@trickster-angel - my dear Chiara, it took us a few tries, but we finally got to sit down in the Corner (if you get to go next year then I think this may be where we’re all just convene from now on) (*suggestion*) *nobody puts us in a corner except us!* :P So good to meet you!
@inacatastrophicmind - Mara! We met much, much too briefly, but I’m so, so glad we did! See you around tumblr, my friend, and hopefully at JiB11! :)
@misskittyspuffy - aw man, Aurelie, we kept missing each other and I really wanted to sit down and have a proper lunch or dinner, but at least you and--
@assbuttboyfriends - hey, Claire, my dear, at least you and Aurelie aren’t that far away, right? Come visit me in London, I tell ya! :D Otherwise, proper plan-making for next year. xx
@bold-sartorial-statement - a brief hello was still a good hello! Hope you enjoyed the con! xx
@jenmdixon - it was good to say hello to you, my dear, and really hope you enjoyed the con (and didn’t die under those lights because it got HOT) (no wonder the actors are fan-addicts) :) xx
@purgatory-jar - Elena, it was, as ever, fantastic to see you and I’m stoked I got to have a proper lunch with you this time around. You have always been and will always be one of my absolute favourite artists in this fandom and, by extension, anywhere. Already a star, girl!
Shoutout to @northern-sparrow - I was sorry that I missed you at the bar, but there’s always next year. Hope you enjoyed the con and thanks for asking The Perfect Question. :D xx
Finally, @godshipsit​ -- Alessia, my friend, you are this calm, welcoming, very dear part of Rome and JiB for me (last year you supported me so much just by being there) and you are simply brilliant! *all the prettiest flowers at your door*
And to my two felines who are tumblring, but not very often: Laura and Steph, you wonderfuls! Thanks for all the laughs!!
*I now proceed to throw love at you all*
Confession 3 — I have a Favourite Moose. Nope, it’s not who you think it is. (girl, I almost put the hashtag on here but in the current climate) (I think I’d just better not) (especially since I wanna tag you) (hey, Moose!) (hey @natmoose!) (yes you!) (Nat-Blue!) :) #theconversationalists 
Now, the highlights from this years con are too numerous for me to write them all down, really, but here’s a taster:
Ricky Whittle (the man is a genius comedian)
Rob talking about how his fandom experience has changed since he, for the first time, is seeing comments like “I hate your face” (the way he says “I hate your face”) (*giggle*) (also it’s such a question of tone because most of those “I hate your face”s are probably said with loads of love) (because Chuck going ultimate big bad toxic masculinity representative is fucking BRILLIANT) *love to hate his face* 
Matt telling the airplane story
Alex reenacting different parts of the airplane story
Alex choosing Jasmine from Aladdin to put a spin on and making the twist that he’ll rob the wishes from Aladdin like -->
Alex: *sings* I can show you the world *interrupts* I’m just like yo, just give me these wishes. Don’t mess with me. How about this? I’ll show myself the world, okay?
I really, really very much like Alexander Calvert, okay?
Briana being distracted by herself on the stage monitor (she’s gorgeous and she knows it and is also open about how it costs her a lot of money and time and effort and how that’s not for everyone and real beauty runs so much deeper) (which is why she is the most gorgeous woman)
Jared telling us all to shut up during his Sunday morning solo panel (and basically all of his time on stage, but especially this half an hour of stage time, because my GOD he was in such a good mood)
Jensen going off on a minor rant about Game of Thrones S08E05 because yesssss
Jared doing that jump-and-a-skip at his panel with Misha
Jared’s panel with Misha
Jensen telling Misha he loves him and them hugging, only for Jensen to turn it into a joke and pretty effectively demonstrating how this is how they interact and they don’t mean anything by taking the piss out of each other because yesssss
sincerely, all the solo panels (especially Jensen’s, because he’s so sincere and open and honest about how seriously he takes his work and it’s gorgeous and inspiring and always has been and always will be and)
I mean, Jensen lying flat on his back on that stage and Misha saying You Sexy Bitch is very, very, very… overt. I side-eye. But with a whole lot of appreciation for the balls on those two. I’d venture that they know exactly what they’re doing, and I’ll forever wonder what the percentage is between performative and spur-of-the-moment. Sometimes I think you can tell, but… oh, they know what we like. Usually. :)
Jared bringing the dirty. I just love his filthy mind.
All of their filthy minds tbh. 
Singing Carry On My Wayward Son in the hallway after the final panel is just… one of the best parts, and this year they all came out and high fived and gave hugs and… it was special 
The Monday Night Concert surpassed last year’s and went on for nearly two hours and was deeply moving for many reasons and I wish to the good Heavens (…okay you know what I mean) that Jensen and Briana will record Shallow because I think their version beat the original (damn Briana’s voice is just… damn!) (and I can’t talk about Jensen singing please don’t make me talk about it) (…) (thank you)
Also Richard Speight Jr because Richard Speight Jr!!
Also just Jason Manns because Jason Manns!!
And The Four Cheese!!
See, there’s just tOO MuCH STuFF
And now it’s over and I’m still hopped up on the adrenaline and the happiness and Jensen talking about spreading happiness (I believe it was either during the opening panel with he and Jared on the Saturday or his solo panel later that afternoon) made me feel light as a feather, because he’s right. A healthy dose of real happiness builds you up from the inside out and makes you believe you’re worth it. All of it, yeah? And that, whatever comes your way, you can handle it. Oh, it can be a struggle, but if you only dare to be open, then good things, my peeps. 
Good things do happen.
I hope to see you next year!!
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