#showing enough care (reblogging more posts) about a certain issue online
There's just something I want to say that I think is important if you follow me or look at the occasional thing I post. Also, even if you don't really care about my content or the stuff I reblog to help others out, fandoms as a whole should hear this.
I think the base standard of things that shouldn't be encouraged are inc*st, p*d*philia, and r*pe. Everyone has their own things they enjoy blah blah. Understandable. My issue is that people will write or draw such things then justify it. (So sorry if you thought my issue was people creating it to begin with. This isn't the post to rant about that regardless of my opinions.) If you're into stuff that's morally unsound, put a warning tag so people can avoid it if they don't want to see it. I've seen many people not tag stuff that obviously has p*d*philia in it because of whatever reason they decided to cook up as an excuse. Also, in certain fandoms with supernatural creatures fans will justify their behaviors with "they're xxx years old" or "they're technically not blood related because of how they were created". Okay, your opinion is valid. Now tag your stuff properly so I can make sure to never see it.
Another controversial thing most don't want to hear is that I think a majority of ship debates are really stupid and shouldn't happen. Just because someone doesn't agree with you doesn't mean that you should insult them or try to cancel them. There's countless questionable ships out there. Because of toxic fans, people who ship something with a bad rep or enjoy content of that certain ship cannot openly say they enjoy it for xxx reason because they'll immediately be judged instead of heard out. It doesn't take much to trigger people in fandoms despite nothing being discussed actually being real. This is coming from a person who's reason to live is fictional characters and online friends.
To continue on the ship topic, I'd like to state that there's many different relationships between people and ships and how they add to or take from certain content. Some may actually ship the characters. Some may find the stuff interesting or useful for their own fics. Some may like the dynamic but not like the history between the characters. Some may think it would be interesting but not encourage the ship at the time. Some may not even know the characters but like reading what's put there. Don't assume everyone who consumes ship content wants the characters to be together in the canon universe.
Next topic is headcanons. There's a large difference between thinking fanfic of certain characters is nice and wanting the canon to change to fit your perception of what should happen. I've personally not had many times I wished for canon to change (unless the SML was really good), and it's caused many arguments or sharp responses aimed at me. Saying "I wish the creators did xxx" should mean just that. The verb is wish after all. But, overtime many have come to associate criticism as trying to start a hate club. I'm perfectly able to discuss canon events without bringing headcanons into the mix and saying "oh well this probably is how it was". It's not hard; I assure you.
This last part is a trouble I personally have. I love fanfic. It's amazing. People dedicated enough to write thousands of words of spends hours to draw/paint is beautiful. As a result, I end up binging series and looking up spoilers just to be able to understand the fan content. There's nothing that makes me quite as happy as opening up my favorite fanfic and enjoying what the author decided to add this time. Be it sm*t or fluff, Supernatural or Urban Fantasy, AUs or drabbles — I love what I can get. I cannot talk about certain things because some fandoms are so deeply traumatized or bothered by certain issues within the fandom. It makes me mad. I just want to discuss why these two characters would actually be good friends if xxx incident didn't happen or why we should focus more on xxx plot point because of something the author showed us; but instead, the fandom immediately puts up a ten foot wall around me. It doesn't happen too often, but I still hate not being able to discuss certain things with many other fans.
Thanks for reading all the way through, even if you don't agree with me. It means alot. I hope you have wonderful day and find some great stuff in your own fandom!
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ourflagmeansgayrights · 9 months
i dont really agree with your post about white people in fandom not talking about race, partly because i dont feel like online fandom discussions of these topics are particularly nuanced or productive in the first place and throwing white people who dont feel confident or educated in what theyre saying into the mix and are posting out of social obligation is the opposite of helpful, but mostly because of the inferences you made about the willingness/unwillingness those people have to learn. definitely some of them are uninterested in learning about the topic enough to discuss but ive known plenty of people who preferred to sit back in discussions of race where it wasnt vitally important that they speak up precisely because they were still actively working on unlearning racism/transphobia/etc and didnt want to say something that would hurt me or someone else they cared about by saying something careless, and i really dont see a reason to issue a blanket discouragement of this instinct that i would say most people who care have, especially just to get them to engage in something as inconsequential as fandom discourse.
oh yeah no i definitely agree! that post tho was more abt character analysis and metas and not like, discourse and drama. like basically it was the “if your interpretation of a character doesn’t consider that character’s race, your interpretation is incomplete” convo, i wasn’t trying to say “white fans should jump into every fandom discussion abt race ever.” bc yeah ur definitely right, sometimes it’s better to sit back and work on unlearning shit before we try to insert ourselves into certain conversations!
but also when it comes to the specific convo i was commenting on aka Character Analysis… i mean, white is a race. like, this is an ofmd blog, so i’m gonna relate this to ofmd: there is a LOT to dig into when it comes to whiteness in ofmd, imo most prominently with the main character (stede) and the main antagonist (izzy) but definitely in other characters and throughout the entire show itself. i see no reason why white ofmd fans should feel so insecure in their ability to discuss race that they won’t make surface-level observations abt how race effects the white characters. so that is the kind of situation where im rolling my eyes when fans say things like “i don’t want to overstep or make a mistake, so i just don’t talk abt race in X media ever.” which i HAVE seen, manyyyyy many times, over many years.
ngl it’s been kinda weird to see that kinda oldish post start randomly getting all these notes, but im glad at least that the version w my reblog is the one that’s circulating bc honestly that’s the only part of the post that really matters, imo. i mean, it matters bc it’s a much bigger point than just fandom stuff, it’s advice for pretty much. all of life.
you are allowed to move on and try to do better without everyone forgiving you for messing up! nobody is obligated to forgive you, ever, but that doesn’t mean you should give up on growing and learning! not everyone in the world is going to love you, and that’s okay!
^important stuff for pretty much everyone to learn, me included
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Look, I really understand where you’re coming from, but I feel like jumping on someone to “protect” younger people in the fandom doesn’t really do much. I really respect y’all and your opinions, but the person you’re talking about has constantly said that it’s a slim chance, that she doesn’t have any concrete knowledge, etc.
I understand that you’re cynical, and it’s totally justified, but as someone who’s younger than y’all (granted, not a minor, so still older than parts of this fandom), as well as someone who was quite young when the whole Clexa thing went down, it feels a bit.... I don’t know, almost condescending (?) to have people think we need protection. She’s not guaranteeing it, and she’s not saying anything to make people feel like she knows everything about the show, but if some people want hope, let them have it? I don’t know.
And I really do mean this with total kindness/no sarcasm—I have nothing but respect for y’all and I really do see where you’re trying to come from. I just think that our perspectives differ.
Hello! Yes absolutely-- I'm not very old myself as far as Being Online goes, and I do think it's misguided and can often come across as condescending to try to speak to younger fandom en masse about issues within our community. I only intended to imply that people newer to fandom (a large percentage of those being younger people, people who are only recently out, etc) are by lack of experience more likely to miss red flags in the posting habits of influential accounts.
Leigh has very carefully maintained a public perception that she is both somehow in the know enough that we should "be hopeful," but in the dark enough that NOTHING IS FOR CERTAIN, in order to maintain some semblance of influence without accountability for when she is wrong. Regardless of what she claims her intentions to be, she has gotten multiple messages specifically stating that her words have gotten them excited and hopeful for the possibility of Kara and Lena finally doing more than baby eyes at each other onscreen. It doesn't matter how many posts she wants to delete, the reblogs are out there and the pattern is clear to anyone who's been following along.
Holding onto an empty, baseless hope that Supergirl will be gay is only going to make whatever happens in the finale more disappointing for some, devastating for others. People who have been through this before are seeing the writing on the wall and trying to urge others to consider this because we know what an absolute shitstorm it's going to be when all of this ends and it's not what we wanted.
Of course I would love to eat my words! I was really into Korra back in 2014 and that finale night was one of the best nights in fandom. But we can't put our hopes in a homophobic network, IP, and series to fulfill our wishes for us. As marginalized people, it's not healthy, and it's how fans get their feelings hurt. This show has specifically done this a dozen times! It did it literally last night by shoving Dansen aside for more reaction shots of 🅱️illiam!
With all of this in mind, I'm absolutely not backing down on this. It's irresponsible and actively detrimental to lead on a personal following with vague speculation that doesn't actually provide any facts we couldn't have gleaned from promos and interviews. This having her cake ("guys I know stuff") and eating it too ("I could be wrong though!!!") Is transparent and contributes nothing but spiraling speculation from an oversized, already distraught fandom.
Look to your peers for hope and joy. Especially in SC, where there is a wealth of brilliant content made by and for people who actually care about the treatment of gay characters in media.
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Thinking about Posts and Tumblr
So I responded to an earlier post from @kalesims in the comments. I probably should have reblogged it so I didn't have to break up my response which may have made it less than useful (and potentially read to mean the opposite of what I meant), but I also wanted to move a bit beyond the initial prompt with this longer one. I have not posted much Sims stuff in awhile. Part of this is because school and work demands are eating so much of my time right now1, part of this that ongoing pursuit of perfection we all seem to have to some extent on social media, and part of it is because I may have dumped my entire CC folder into my game without sorting it properly and now it runs like rubbish and I have to fix it. Regardless, I'm going to focus on issue #2 the ongoing pursuit of perfection, because I think this is the most relevant bit and the one I've been thinking a lot about lately. Tumblr is a social media platform. (This bit is a little academic, sorry.) I think we all know that, but do we ever really think about what that means? It's ultimately a company that provides a public-facing platform with the explicit intent of marketing ourselves to each other. More likes and followers for you=more ads and money for Tumblr, but they have to incentivize that for any of us to care. How do they do that? Make it a popularity contest. How often do you look at your likes or followers count? What emotional response do you have when they're low? How many creators incentivize new followers or more likes by releasing content to correlate with milestones in those areas? This is all part of feeding that beast2. It also draws on something referred to academically as the "hedonic treadmill," which is basically the keeping up with the Joneses mentality where we constantly compare our success to our peers and find ourselves wanting, even if we aren't. This is going somewhere, I promise.
When I first started Tumblr, I had one blog: transcendentcacophony. I started it explicitly to follow sims blogs I liked and keep track of the cc I downloaded or things that caught my attention, and my initial posts all reflected that. After I was on for a while, I realized most blogs compartmentalized to a certain degree: you have a blog for gameplay, a blog for cc finds, a blog for interest x, etc., so, not being particularly versed in these things, I thought "This is how you tumble!" and immediately set about creating sideblogs like transcendentcacophonyinspire, transcendentcacophonys3cc, or transcendentcacophonystudyblr. I went through my entire archive, moved everything over to its new home, and deleted the original posts and reblogs from this page. Does that mean I think having all the sideblogs is wrong? Nope. The organization of having sideblogs is sometimes helpful, but they they make me feel kind of fractured on some level. None of these provide an image of a whole person, just brief glimpses of an aspect. Sometimes I regret having split the off, other times I find it more convenient. Mileage may vary, but the obvious winner for the sideblog model is arguably Tumblr. None of my blogs have many followers, but there isn't as much overlap in audience as you might think and if they were all still one blog, I doubt there'd be as many as there are.
This raises the question of who you intend your blog to be for. Is it for Tumblr, so they can keep making that sweet sweet ad revenue? Is it for the online audience? Or is it for you? Who do you see as your primary audience? The structure of social media clearly wants us to say everyone else. "You're here for the likes! The followers! The popularity!" Other companies lean in to this as well. How many followers do you have to have to qualify as an EA Game Changer?
I would argue that it's this pressure to have all likes, followers, etc., that prohibit us from posting what we really want to post. Are you posting the things that actually make you happy? Or are you posting the things that you think an audience wants to see?
Learning anything takes a lot of practice. How many times did you fall off before you learned to ride a bike? How many broken and malformed pots do you make before you get a perfect one? We learn by doing. Waiting for that perfect screenshot or getting reshade just right or having the perfect city in CAW keeps us from posting our broken pots. Maybe we need to post more broken pots.
If something makes us happy, does it need to be perfect, or do we love it anyway? "This is my first pot! It sucks, but I made it! Finishing it alone is an accomplishment! It's mine and I'm learning and I want to show that process so we can all get better together!" Shouldn't our screenshots or gameplay or worldbuilding be the same?
I am building a world in CAW. I've been doing it for quite awhile, and I have an entire folder full of broken pots as a result, but I learned something every time I broke one. When I read CAW forums, I learn more from the ones where things don't work than from ones where they do. I post some of my broken pots, and simmers like @nilxis or @murfeelee are so supportive and helpful and give me tips on how to better and fix issues I'm having. I value that part of this community. I don't learn to do better by not showing off my broken pots.
I know some of my interests are pretty niche. I'm building an alien scifi world, I have conversion projects from games that support that but probably won't be useful to mainstream simmers. I made a series of alien moons in conjunction with simblu, who is now deactivated. These are arguably not things that will get a lot of likes, reblogs, or followers, but they are things that make me happy. Kurt Vonnegut once said when he wrote books, he always wrote with only 2 people in mind: himself and his sister. His goal was that at the very least he would like what he wrote, and a few of the books were written with her in mind, and if anyone else liked it, it was just gravy. I can’t say I’m a fan of the man’s writing, but I kind of like the idea of this mentality.
To that end, I think I'm going to change up how I use this blog moving forward, with the express goal of posting more often and with more emphasis on things that make me happy or show off more of my broken pots. Maybe it will cost me followers, maybe it won't, but it will help me carve this little niche out of the internet that is mine, that makes me happy, and that seeks to support the simmers and other community members3 that have been so supportive of me in the past. If just one or two people get something from it, or are entertained, isn’t that still just as valid?
I don't mean to imply in any way that posting what makes you happy can't make you popular, or gain likes and followers. It's very much possible. Vonnegut wrote his books for himself and he published 14 novels, three short story collections, five plays, and five nonfiction works, complete with film adaptations of several, literary prizes, etc. You can be successful doing what you love.
But I don't know that I need to be successful at it. I want to be happy doing it first, and anything outside of that is gravy. I'm going to post more broken pots and worry less about perfection or "doing it right." I'm going to fall off the bike and get back up and keep going. And maybe, by falling and failing, I'll get better or at least good enough or comfortable enough I'm not worried so much about that quest for perfection that is currently prohibiting me from trying.
Anyways, @kalesims, I don't know if that answers the original question you had. But I'd love to see what you post, be it gameplay, screenshots, cc, etc., really whatever floats your boat, moving forward. And, if you're willing, I'd love to learn by doing together. Let's go break some pots.
1 Whoever decided the best way to avoid outbreaks on campus was to just cancel all breaks and holidays over the last year clearly doesn't understand college students (who very much are still having parties and making up their own breaks) or that the reason we have those breaks is for mental health. Fall break was specifically added to reduce suicide rates among graduate students. And admin wonders why everyone hates them... 2 There's a researcher who looks at social media as a neoliberal marketplace that forces us to monetize ourselves without necessarily allowing us to realize that's what we're doing. She's got a book coming out about it next month if anyone is interested: Pain Generation: Social Media, Feminist Activism, and the Neoliberal Self(ie)
3I have in no way forgotten you, @piyotan, and you are definitely part of my online community, this was just targeted largely at simming.
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citrineghost · 3 years
The problem with DNI banners and announcements
So, you want to show your support of marginalized people and shun those who hurt them. That’s wonderful!
Here’s why using a DNI banner is a shitty way to do that:
Every single time a CSA survivor sees your banner, they have to read the word p__ or m__
Every time a trans person sees your banner, they have to read the words tru/sc/um and/or te/rf and be reminded that those exist and are so prevalent that they need to be premptively defended against
Every time a gay person sees your banner, they have to be reminded that there are homophobes who need to be preemptively defended against
Here’s why making DNI announcements for groups is also a shitty way to help:
If you decide you are so upset about a type of person interacting with your content, you may feel compelled to make an announcement telling them to fuck off.
The first issue with that is that any person in that group who is following you is either out and proud as being in that group and is probably not following you anyway if you have DNIs listed in a less aggressive place like your bio or about page. OR, that person is in hiding and is not going to be convinced to unfollow you by you creating a post denouncing their group. They already know it’s shitty, which is why they’re hiding it. Therefore, they have nothing to lose by continuing to follow you.
The second issue is that denouncing shitty groups, once again, forces your marginalized followers and the marginalized followers of rebloggers to be reminded, once again, that they are surrounded by shitty people who want to hurt them.
And here’s why making DNI announcements about certain topics is also a shitty way to help:
Let’s say a new word is being used to describe a shitty thing. Like, for instance, if p__s/M__s come up with some new words for their “attraction” or for content relating to it. Don’t just thoughtlessly make an announcement explaining all about it to your followers and its meaning. You are exposing victims of CSA to pedophilic content by doing that.
Something you need to remember:
People who are out here to hurt marginalized groups or to victimize people are not here to listen to your demands. Demanding they not interact with your content is not going to keep them from doing so. Demanding they not follow you is not going to keep them from doing so. SO, please try to find a way to be public about your stances that isn’t constantly shoving these harmful groups in the faces of their victims. 
Not only will it benefit your followers, it will probably also get you MORE followers, if that’s what you want. Because a LOT of marginalized or victimized people are simply not comfortable following someone who is consistently posting DNI banners on their content that repeatedly trigger or remind them of their abuse or oppression. 
Here’s how you can actually help or do these things safely:
Of course, I encourage making your stances public for people to see, because we should be shaming people for being harmful and cruel. The thing is, we need to do so in a way that isn’t further hurting the people we’re trying to help.
DNI Stances
I think it’s generally understood that no decent person supports p__s/M__s, so probably keep that kind of thing to your about page. Putting it in your bio isn’t the worst thing, but not what I would consider ideal. Te/rfs and tru/sc/um on the other hand, are common enough and a controversial enough stance that putting that in your bio is perfectly called for.
DNI Announcements
These announcements, while I find them to be pretty virtue signally, can be comforting to those who are personally victims of certain groups. If you feel better announcing to certain people to stay away from you and unfollow you, I can’t stop you. But, please tag them for any relevant topic.
For te/rf DNIs, for example, tag for things like “transphobia,” “tw transphobia,” “tw terf” and so on. If the OP tags a post, it should be filtered for all reblogs as well. However, to be on the safe side, because Tumblr isn’t exactly known for its reliability, if you feel compelled to reblog one of these posts, please tag it as well.
Topical DNI Announcements
If you want to inform people of a new dogwhistle, that can be very important. However, there is a fine line between informing people of something to keep them safe, and forcing them to be aware of something that they are not emotionall/mentally safe/comfortable to handle.
If you find out about a new dogwhistle or term used by abusive people/groups online, please be cautious when sharing with your followers. My personal recommendation would be to title a text post something like “New Dogwhistle to Look Out For,” put at the text box something like “Topic Warning: CSA/Assault,” and then put a Read More. 
This will allow people who are on the lookout for people to block or report to read about the new term without forcing others to unwillingly learn about it.
And, again, remember to tag tag tag that post. Make redundant tags, make tags that are similar, make “mention” tags. Protect the people you are trying to protect!
Be Aware of Your Actions
Anyway, that’s all I had to say on that. Just, please be aware of what your good intent is Actually doing. And, if you are not in a group you’re DNIing about, yourself, please also be careful to think about whether you’re doing something for virtue signaling purposes or because you’re genuinely trying to make your blog a safe space for marginalized people and abuse victims.
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rhysand-vs-fenrys · 3 years
Have you noticed any changes in the fandom you would say are positive since you joined? There are a lot of posts about how much fandom has come to suck and I was just wondering as someone who has been in this one for a bit what your thoughts were on more positive notes.
I would say there are 2 things that stand out for me-
Little to no shipping fights. IDK who else was here before ACOWAR but people used to get all in a tizzy over Moriel vs Nessian. I’m not the kind of person who cares enough about fictional characters to get any particularly strong emotions, especially not to the point of fighting some Random online about it. I think it’s because of how long it’s been between proper novels (it’s getting towards 4 years since WAR and 3 since FAS). Plus I mean... The only shipping debate left is Elucien vs Elriel and of the blogs devoted enough to having an opinion on those to actually argue... They’re pretty much all mature enough to not bicker. At least the ones I’ve noticed.
I’m allowed to have followers, but I’m very liberal with the ‘block’ button so it might just be that the douchbags aren’t able to interact.  For a while there was a “destroy big blogs” mentality. People would attack fanfic readers for recommending fics by blogs with large followings, attack blogs who posted milestone follower counts, and just overall give people shit for the simple fact that other people decided certain blogs were more fun to follow than what I’m guessing is their own pages. Like I said though, I’m very liberal with the block button, but I’m getting close to a milestone follower count, so we’ll have to see if it’s really gone...
Specific things that have changed are kind of hard to shine a light on, but I’d say overall- and the still-present issues aside- overall this fandom seems to be fairly chill. It’s all in who you follow and interact with, and maybe it’s because I’m liberal with the ‘block’ button and finally got ahead of the trash heap, but it’s pretty nice here.
And a lot of the problems that do exist in this fandom (fandom-specific, not the reblog issue because that’s more of a tumblr-wide one) are because compared to others this fandom is fairly shallow? Like, we have novels, 2 coloring books, and a handful of officially licensed fan art that’s been used as promotional materials. Oh, and a card game but I’ve never seen anything about anyone actually owning that come to think of it...
Anyways, there’s no visual medium beyond the fan art and book covers. I always draw lines to The Untamed fandom, which looks very chill and rich and has an incredible range of materials-- but that’s because there’s a novel, graphic novel, audio plays in 2 languages, extra content from the author, an anime (donghua), a *chibi* anime (donghua), and a live action show IN ADDITION TO fan art. They’re balls-deep in content.
If this fandom had half as much for people to play with a lot of the issues you see would just up and vanish. Untamed fandom has so little fan art theft that I haven’t had to add a single blog to my permanent block list (yes there’s a list). That’s directly because of how rich the existing content is.
So for a fandom stuck in the kiddie pool until we get a show, we’re doing pretty well. Again I block the douchbags but everyone seems very chill and calm. At least right now. Before ACOSF. Before everyone probably loses their shit again...
**I do also want to slap onto the end of this a bit of an apology for my attitude the last while. Things have been stressful IRL, always, but my big problem is that as quiet as the fandom is... I’ve still  been judging it for what it was back in... early 2019? Dealing with the people who wanted to attack this page for the note count on fanfics or my position against fan art theft... it just exhausted me. And I’ve been interacting and posting partly from that frustration mindset when I should have been letting the fandom show me what it looks like right now. I will work on that, and know that I love each and every one of you and I promise I’m trying to be fun again <3
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belzinone · 5 years
[old] guidelines
// these are my original rules. though they are still generally relevant, my newer, shorter, more concise rules post is here
A love letter from me to you! Please take it to heart.
The Lowdown: mod is an artist & supportive af|selective|primarily plot-motivated|operates on mutual respect|your friendly rpc fairy godbitch; gimme your wishlists|zero tolerance for OC negativity & bigotry|triggers present|18+ content present|consistent but occasionally capricious activity|OOC communication appreciated|lots of love abound ♡
Mod Sal (they/them/theirs; 24; PST)
     I study medicine and social justice with emphasis on emergency medicine and sex work, respectively. In addition to being a writer I’m also an activist, artist, and scholar. I’ve been writing Bel since 2015. She’s a very intricate and highly dynamic character who has gone through many changes over the years via her interactions. I look forward to developing her even more with your muse(s)!
     Before I talk about the kind of conduct I’d like on my blog, this is the type of roleplayer and friend I aspire to be. I’ll strive to be as attentive and supportive as I can about your muse, ideas, as well as ooc presence. If we’re mutuals, you can expect plenty of inboxes, tag games, headcanons, relationship tags, to be tagged in & sent posts relating to our muses, general interaction, and emotional support proportional to the depth of our interactions when I’m online. I’m an unapologetic 1-person hype squad at heart and will do my best to spread the love and return the love I get.
     If I’m not around here, you can find me on my snk blog and/or discord by request. I muse Eren and Levi as secondary muses, but they won’t be nearly as active as Bel and are only available to established mutuals. I also have untagged resource & nsfw musing side blogs.
  When it comes to interactions, nothing motivates me more than an eagerness to develop our muses’ relationship. Depending on what works best for you, we can work on this via inbox submissions, plotting, or simply interacting. I have a tendency to write para/novella-length replies, but will strive to match you in length and style. Please include something I can actively respond to in your reply, because neutral replies can be very difficult to build upon, and please do not godmod her based on assumptions and/or stereotypes about her character/profession.
  With regards to ask responses, please feel free to turn them into threads by tagging me in a new post and cutting your replies. I’ll turn asks into threads if they inspire me, but you’re under no obligation to continue them if you’re not as motivated. When cutting, please don’t cut me out. Also, please don’t reblog asks with your reply or reblog replies with my tag if I don’t reply quickly enough. I track of all my threads to the best of my ability, so please check there first if you want to know the status of our thread. If I’ve missed a thread of ours, please help me out by sending it to me in a message so I can add it to the tracker. If you lose muse for a thread, please don’t feel pressured to continue it. We can always take a break or start something new. I don’t cap my threads and am always open to new interactions.
    Though I run a selective blog, I am not very selective in nature. I do have a preference for original and SnK/AoT characters, especially those that inspire me and challenge me. I’ll primarily look for interactions by checking blog rules for oc-friendliness, reblogging promos, asking to be mutuals in the tags, then follow back after that initial follow is granted. If you don’t want me to follow you, please block me completely because otherwise I’ll think it’s a mistake/glitch and follow you again. On the topic of glitches, they do happen so I apologize ahead of time if that happens above or below my radar.
    I don’t tolerate oc-negativity or ooc bigotry and will handle my blog accordingly. If you align yourself in any way with TERF, SWERF, homophobic, ace-exclusionary, racist, and/or xenophobic rhetoric, please do not interact. It’s important for me to surround myself with enriching content and community. I have boundaries and will be setting them for my own comfort as well as respect yours because mutual respect between muns is key to a healthy rpc.
    Please don’t do it. This goes for starters, ask memes, wishlist posts, and wanted connections. I understand we might not be the muse/mod duo you have in mind and that we don’t fit every situation, but please don’t fill my notifications with this sentiment, especially if we don’t have any established interactions yet. If our blogs have that much in common, there’s so much we could be musing about. If this happens excessively without us having any interactions, I’ll unfollow and/or block because I am a roleplay blog, not a resource hub. If you’re interested in my musing/resource posts, please show interest in muse interactions as well. The latter is why I’m here and there’s nothing more disheartening and discouraging to my creativity than being used and/or ignored when I present things.
Original Character Disclaimer
    It pains me that something like this needs to be said, but Bel wasn’t created to force ship with your muse and/or overpower our threads. I will absolutely under no circumstances tolerate any form of OC negativity. I don’t care if you think they’re “cringey”, “underdeveloped”, “overpowered”, or any other iteration of not meeting your personal criteria of a good character. Opinions are valid but unsolicited bullying is not. It is important to realize that canon characters are still original characters bar their capitalistic franchise. The mods of original characters are a goldmine of free and original content and deserve to be judged by conduct, not content.
    If you’d like to support OCs, I invite you to scroll through and reblog a thing or two from my OC positivity tag, as well as follow and engage in meaningful interactions with the OCs in your orbit. Your encouragement could be what makes a content creator’s breakthrough, so please be kind and supportive. Saying you’re OC-friendly while providing an extensive grocery list of double standards OCs must abide by to be considered acceptable isn’t OC-friendliness. Likewise, musing an OC doesn’t automatically make you incapable of being exclusive (unintentional or not) so please be cognizant as well  and lets support each other.
    That being said, I’m just like every other mun. I enjoy shipping and the occasional smut scene given the chemistry is right and both muns are equally invested in the relationship as well as comfortable with it. The more we develop our muses, the more complicated their relationship will be and the more likely I’ll personally gift you with fanart. Above all, your comfort is paramount to our interactions so please communicate with me. Likewise, please respect my comforts when I speak of them. I am much more likely to be enthusiastic about shipping than Bel is, however, so please be patient with us and respect her boundaries as well.
    This is the tag I will use to mark sexually explicit content. Bel is somewhere on the ace spectrum, but is nonetheless a sensual character and has a couple verses that engage in sex work. Bel’s struggles with her identities are a very big part of her personal characterization, so please be patient with her. [Marilyn Monroe’s hinted asexuality] Likewise, if she’s not into your muse, please don’t push such interactions unless we discuss them as a plot element.
Trigger Warnings
    The SnK universe is rampant with violence, gore, psychological trauma, profanity, and grey morality. Furthermore, I enjoy writing dark themes and will provide the disclaimer now that this may be a rather trigger-heavy blog. However, that doesn’t mean you have to be subject to all these themes. If you’d like me to tag things in a certain way, please don’t hesitate to let me know because your comfort is important to me. I’ll gladly create a new tag for you to blacklist/filter and add it to my tag list. Furthermore, this blog will have the occasional explicit content so please don’t interact if you’re under 21.
   I’m finishing up my bachelor’s so classes and coursework will keep me from here sometimes. Furthermore, I struggle with mental illness and domestic abuse in my home environment, so bouts of these may also pull me from activity. I’ll be doing my damndest to keep my issues off the dash but if things are especially severe and I feel the need to post about it and/or reach out, I’ll use a semicolon tag (#;).  Nonetheless, musing, roleplaying, and plotting helps keep my spirits up so please keep me updated with your muse and share your discord with me, if you’d like. I’d love it so much if we could continue developing our muses as I slip off of and find my way back to tumblr, and I’d appreciate you very much as a writing partner and friend. ♡
    I’m not very savvy with code, but I do try my best to keep my blogging accessible as I tinker and learn. If you struggle with accessing any part of my blog, let it be font size, style, or anything else, please let me know and I’ll do my best to accommodate because I don’t want to perpetuate elitism or ableism in the rpc. As far as reply formatting goes, I’ll usually stick to once small text (particularly in novella length replies via ctrl shift -) and spare use of italics, bolding, and strikethrough text. I may use unicode and/or zalgo for art captions, personal musing posts, crack threads, and other posts that call for it. Every once in awhile, I will blog from mobile and as a result post text in default size, but I’ll still cut my posts and at worst, separate our replies with a symbol or icon if I can’t blockquote text through html.
     One of my favorite things about roleplaying is sharing content and playing tag games. If you come across anything that reminds you of Bel and/or our interactions/plotting, please show me! Even more so, if you’re a content creator, you have complete and total freedom to use her and her inspirations in your work. I only ask to see it! Likewise, if I ever create any art for you, please acknowledge it at the very least. If you send in an art request and I deliver, please reblog it. Failure to do this kills my creativity as well as generosity so... please.
   Exclusive to this blog are my own art and edits as well as those gifted by friends. Please don’t ransack our labors of love and re-purpose them as your own. Bel’s Iva & Marie icons were collected by yours truly with a beautiful frame made by Shane. Other people who have contributed their talents throughout the years include madcapraccoon, L, desertbl00m, Eris, Justice, sangre-rebelde, emptyolivejar, desimouse, and the many rp blogs that have interacted with her. I’d also like to give a special shout-out to sjokohama for the boundless enthusiasm given to her development as well as the readers who have enjoyed and left amazing comments on her original fanfiction. She wouldn’t be out here if it weren’t for Y’all ~ ♡
If you feel like something should be added to or clarified in these guidelines, please let me know. I realize I have a lot to say as a consequence of being here for so long, but I still want to keep my conduct as transparent and accessible as possible. 
Thank you for reading! Please feel free to like this post and interact ~ ♡
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cycloplasm · 5 years
General/basic info about my original series of characters Fruitbugs, along with a bit about their world; under the cut because it's MEGA long
I suggest reading this beforehand
The stuff in red is new info if you read the original post. Neither Tumbl mobile and desktop let me edit properly so yeah lol
The World and The Fruitbug game itself
The Fruitbugs are sentient virtual characters from a dating game with the same name; their game exists in a world different than ours; there are no humans there. It’s populated by MANY types of people; but none are even remotely close to being human-like.
Despite that, the Fruitbugs game is very popular; because there's enough in it for different kinds of people; and the fact that the Fruitbugs themselves look very different from their players don’t bother anyone. It’s like you and I playing a video game full of aliens. While THERE ARE people that play the game for the dating sim aspects, most players enjoy the game because of the fact that each Fruitbug has a unique gameplay section dedicated to them (more on that in the next section 'the characters'.).
The game initially got a small, indie release on portable consoles as a relatively cheap dating sim; but as time passed, the Fruitbugs' creator kept updating the game, adding each time new characters, with new gameplay to go along with it. It first got the attention of people who like dating sims, then the word got spread little by little.
But the game's popularity increased greatly when an incident happened a few days after its release: when the character Cherry Bond did his usual, dating sim character 'i love you' moment, a player responded the prompt with a negative response, which never wasn't done before. Cherry reacted by showing his true form, and corrupting the players' device. This person complained about the issue online, and some people tried to do this as well, to see if it was true; it not only was, but they all got their portable consoles corrupted to the point that they were pretty much useless. This group of people tried to complain to the game's creator about it, but.. Let's just say the guy isn't really listening to feedback. The press caught wind of these incidents, and published articles about it; this GREATLY helped with the game's popularity! Some people were just curious about the game, others about the characters' strange corrupting response.
The game has no real ending, since the creator keeps adding characters; but it can be considered a 'collect-a-ton' kinda game. The only real 'goal' is to max out the 'love' meter of every Fruitbug; each have their very own conditions to do that. Some are childishly easy, others extremely hard. Either way, when one gets a 100% on the love meter, the player gets a full biography of the character, and.. That's kind of it?! After their affection is maxed out, the Fruitbugs are pretty tame; the players can still interact with them through the dating sim interface, and replay the mini-games whenever they want, but that won't get much of a reaction out the character. When a player 'wins', they tend to be no longer interested in them, and will only make very basic conversations if prompted to... That's not true for ALL the characters, but it's nothing worth a winning celebration. Most of the Fruitbugs are pretty clueless/careless about how they make the player feel; after all, they're virtual characters, they don't fully understand real emotions...
The characters
Within their virtual world, most Fruitbugs can roam as they like; the only obstacles being the borders of their world's map, or for the ones that can fly, the coding/invisible walls. However, some of them are able to manipulate coding, and explore unfinished, in progress parts of the game; the way they learn coding tends to be from observing their creator or sometimes even players who do some datamining. A bit more than half of the characters are aware that they're virtual. Some don't mind, others wish they could be real; while some other characters don't even know they're virtual, or simply don't care. Whatever their view on their virtual environnement may be, they tend to be completely clueless on how the 'real world' works, or what's happening there. The only things they get to know are through the players' actions. For instance, they don't know about sex, or where real world babies come from. The confident Fruitbugs might boast that they know 'real world stuff' to others, and share some made-up nonsense to not get caught lying. So their view of the real world can be quite wrong..
Each Fruitbug character has a dating sim interaction interface, and their very own unique gameplay mini-game. It can go from racing game, to danmaku, to even a hide-and-seek game. It really depends on the Fruitbug's personality and interests. It can be very easy, so much so that just about anyone can complete it, while others are so hard, that those who succeeds can have a journal article about them in daily news. Either way, the players need to complete those to be able to interact with the Fruitbug in a dating sim manner.
The Creator
The Fruitbugs' creator in-universe is a reclusive individual who's into black magic and programming. His thought process for creating the game was simply 'ok if i added magical runes to my programming, what would even happen...?'. Even after the game's popularity boom, his creating process is relatively the same: 'WHAT IF i made a guy that was, like (insert concept here), LOL ((lol said out loud))'. When he isn't creating new Fruitbugs for his game, he spends time in the streets, begging for money (even if he gets income from the game), stealing food, and preaching to made-up entities. He doesn't tell anyone about the fact that he created the Fruitbugs game, so even the most die-hard fans don't know his identity. I mean.. Would you really believe it, if a street beggar created one of the most popular games around...?
While the creator’s new characters updates are free, he DOES make some DLC content. They’re notoriously useless and overpriced; even the Fruitbugs themselves know they’re worthless. You know that when video game characters acknowledge how useless a feature is, you screwed up somewhere. So if a player happens to buy DLC stuff, there’s a lot of chances that the Fruitbugs will comment on it; especially the sassy ones...
True Form
The majority of Fruitbugs can revert to true form at will. However, when the individual is experiencing an intense emotion (Anger, fear, sadness,...), it's possible that they'll transform, sometimes without even realizing it. Some Fruitbugs players know about the characters' true forms, and there's even a small community dedicated to finding out how to 'trigger' each Fruitbug, and document every true form. There's even walkthroughs dedicated on how to force certain characters to reveal their true form! Some Fruitbugs are aware of this; some take advantage of it (Cherry) and some do their best to hide how they truly look like (Olive). Either way, true forms are known as a fact by most Fruitbugs players. And, since there’s no humans in their worlds, some players find the true forms more attractive than their ‘default’ one.
That's all for now; if i have anything to add, i'll reblog this and add the new infos
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awkward-and-fluffy · 5 years
Important little post for those who are still following me and wondering where I’ve gone...
I’ve obviously lost interest in Tumblr over these past couple of years. I’m not that active here anymore and a lot has been going on in my life anyhow.
If anyone wants to keep up with me on social media, I’m on Twitter the most! And I’ve actually gotten myself comfortable with doing Twitch streams as of May 2018. It feels like a great accomplishment for me to overcome most of my public speech fears through that!
Aside from getting into streaming, I managed to finish enough of my website for it to be hosted! I put a lot of money into that, but it’ll last about 2 years. :’D
My Twitter: https://twitter.com/WolfKat777
My Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/wolfkat7
My Website: https://wolfkatworks.com/
Sometime soon I’ll be able to complete the HTML/CSS tutorial pages for my website, but it wasn’t possible to get it launched ASAP when those pages take the longest to put together. I’m not sure when I can get them done yet, but I hope it’ll be before Tumblr completely crashes and burns... I need my old tutorials on this blog to reference back to for how I organized everything. There are lots of mistakes to fix and new screenshots to take for better lesson examples, etc.
But yeah, a lot’s been going on. I’ve been trying to search for a new job (with no luck yet), managed to reach Affiliate on Twitch by some miracle, various family issues took place, my dad had to get heart surgery, etc.
Before going to a read more, if you don’t quite want to read a big wall of text or are scared of reading any medical topics (I get that), I’ll provide my thanks and more right here.
It’s been awesome to meet all the people I have on here - mostly through Gravity Falls! Writing and replying to theories was such a freakin blast, no matter how ridiculous things would get at times. Granted, I don’t like Tumblr itself as a social media platform and community if I’m brutally honest... However, I still had a little good come from this regardless of my bitterness from my old account before this one.
To you old mutuals of mine, and some of you old pals, keep being awesome! I hope you’re doing well in life; and if not, I hope for things to improve. Fight a good fight, but be careful in picking those fights. Life’s worth living and all that cliche junk that may or may not have much affect on you as motivating advice. 
This all goes to my general base of followers too if any of them come across this post. Thank you guys for following this dumb blog and enjoying and sharing so many of my fun posts for Gravity Falls! The show is still super important to me, and my all time favorite cartoon to exist. Whether you sent asks, replied, reblogged, or simply liked, all of that was awesome in its own way. Having discussions on the series is one of the best memories I’ll have on this most often unbearable website! (I hope that doesn’t sound too insulting or generalizing about this site...)
And thank you for anyone who enjoyed the rest of my content here, and bearing with any personal ramblings I may have had on some bad days.
It’d be cool to come across anyone here again in the near future, but at some other online platform. I’ve provided my active links above, so feel free to find me elsewhere if you want.
Goodbye to you all, and have a great rest of 2019 and beyond!
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This new year is also already off to a very... Surreal and terrifying start. In case you haven’t already checked my Twitter from the time of this post to see what I wrote there, I got a severe case of my rapid heartrate and ended up hospitalized rather than stuck in Urgent Care on its own. Just 3 weeks ago, I was in UC from a less severe but still terrifying rapid heart rate that woke me up at 5am and wouldn’t calm the heck down.
I know it seems weird to include this following story for my “farewell, Tumblr” post, but I think it’ll help give some interesting record of closure here. I’ve had personal posts and ramblings on this blog about my cardiac terrors and fears. I don’t recall exactly what I’ve written here, but maybe it’d be interesting for me to search for any of those posts again to kinda look back on those thoughts...
It’s been a few years since I’ve had a bad case of rapid heartrate... In fact, I remember writing about that experience back then here on my blog too. I was put on a heart monitor for only 3 days and yeah. Of course 3 days wasn’t enough to catch anything significant... So my heart issue was still freakin shrouded in mystery and only ever connected to my anxiety/panic disorder.
Welp, I was put on a heart monitor again just last week and I requested for it to last 30 days. Lo and behold, about 8 days later, my most severe case occurred and my monitor recorded a 250bpm max rate... This monitor is linked to cellular wifi thankfully, so the company got alerted of it and called my local UC to take me in and then called the house for my mom to answer and help drive me there. (Some moments before leaving home, my heartrate went back down to the 140′s or so, but still really bad and wouldn’t return to normal.)
In UC, I had to get X-Rays as well, but I have no idea what they found from ‘em? I wasn’t really told what they resulted with... I’ll have to ask sometime.
However, with everything going on and not even medication getting my heartrate back to normal, I was moved into a hospital shortly after my stay in UC. That was my first time ever being in an ambulance.
At the hospital, I got more blood tests done, more EKGs, all that stuff. There was also talk of me needing a uh... An ablation procedure. Then later that night, a cardiologist visited me and explained that I FINALLY got a confirmation on my issue. I’ve waited 10 years for answers on why my heart would be like this... Ugh. I’m relieved, but also frustrated it took that long to figure it out, y’know?
At this point, I didn’t have the name of the condition, but I was feeling more at peace when the cardiologist mentioned this condition isn’t life-threatening and doesn’t increase my risks of heart disease. The most common issue of it is how disruptive it is, and some other symptoms it can induce (dizziness,fatigue, etc.) Gosh, that cleared away so many worries and questions I had throughout these years.
But yeah, it’s something that people are just born with and it causes a faulty circuit or two in the heart giving it weird signals at times. Stuff like that. Those with the condition have a chance to never have symptoms of it, while others start showing symptoms between 11 - 50 years old. Mine started showing when I was 13, so that was... Great.
The only way to most likely treat it, is through an ablation... And that’s where things get really scary. I’ve always had nightmares about needing heart surgery, or my heart getting shot by bullets, etc. Like, that’s how bad I felt from never knowing what’s wrong with my vital organ.
My other option was medication, but it wouldn’t be guaranteed to help by itself. Afterall, I’ve had a few times in UC throughout my life where these meds didn’t help much if at all. They also figured it’d be good to get this procedure done the earlier the better, since it can be much more complicated if I were to have it done at an older age.
-big siiigh- After spending my first night there, yep, I’ve had that done. I don’t want to describe it ‘cause it was a terrifying experience, but I hope it helps in the end. I indeed had a faulty circuit they found, and they uh... Did what had to be done.
After I was sent back to my room, the cadiologist returned and gave me the name of my condition. Of ALL THINGS, it’s “Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome” or “WPW Syndrome��� for short. Despite all the straight-up trauma I’ve had, I guess in a way I can kinda thank God for the bit of humor?? (For context, I developed an interest in wolves and werewolves during my teens and loving them about as much as cats...)
I was keeping my closest friends up to date on this through my phone during all this too. I kinda knew what I’d get myself into when revealing the name of my diagnosis to them... But the friendly teasing (such as “wow, so you DO have a wolf’s heart!”) cheered me up. I’m just really thankful for my friends for keeping me company even if only possible through online chat. And despite my conflicts with my mom, she stayed by me and helped me, spending nights in the hospital with me and all that stuff. I would’ve been so much more terrified and - errgh, for lack of better words - heart broken. Being all alone without someone I know being nearby during these types of things, regardless of how much I like being alone, is stressful. I would’ve otherwise only had doctors and nurses, but they’d come in and out and not always be in the room.
So, my heart needs to adjust to this, and the recovery is a little scary at times too. I’m pulling through the best I can, using guidance from my doctors. They had me stay one more night, and as of yesterday, I’ve been able to return home. Gotta spend a week relaxing and healing up, keeping up with certain medications to help, and so on.
With all that said, and for those who read this entire mess of a thing, see you all elsewhere!
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picsofshiro · 6 years
You said you have a person on trial. How do you test someone to make sure they are trustworthy enough to run your blogs?
I run a 2 week-1 month trial from the moment they start posting on the blog to see a few things. but before that, here’s what I do. This is based off of how I also handle other social media pages as someone who handles 5+ facebook pages as a chat/post moderator, 5+twitter accounts, and 2+instagram accounts. According to fans/followers who follow our professional work, it helps them feel safe to interact with us as staff doing our job (radio/reporting) and interact with fellow listeners/viewers consuming media, processing it, and discussing it. The same can be applied to other public spaces like these fan blogs. 
1. What’s the person like?
I check out their blogs/have seen them interact before with other people in other online spaces in and out of fandom. This means how they interact with other fans, with interacting with staff/voice actors in public spaces. I love Voltron as a show, I just personally focus my love where it counts. Lots of people complain when interviews come out, hate what happened in canon. Can you be critical of things said? Sure. But the thing is, it feels weird to take anything said at face value when Voltron as it stands is not a completed project so things can change and how we see them as the missing pieces come together. I take everything with a grain of salt and see where things go and I hope the people I work with are the same way and are cordial when interacting with others on their thoughts on characters, ships, the show itself and when interacting with the kind people working on Voltron.
More for what I look for and how I run stuff is under the cut and the standard I try to set for myself and for others who wish to work with me cause this is more volunteering to help out, it’s not technically our content to own, its fan run, and nobody is paid. But if you’re gonna do it, you gotta give it the love it deserves.  
2. Enforce set rules.
I got common sense stuff like don’t let bigotry slide when it’d directed at us as mods and people interacting on the posts that are hosted here. Block ant!’s on site since they are a source of a lot of why our fandom is accused of being garbage vs any other group within the fandom that’s chill, especially those who still currently openly hate/dehumanize other fans minding their business. Block them if they interact with the blog via reblogs/likes if you catch them cause that stuff spreads to other blogs who assume our fandom experience is for them — it’s not. For the most part, blocking is good if I’m/the mod running a blog is just tired and doesn’t wanna deal with inane bs or things we’ve already answered if a user or anon didn’t do their research to look through my history of asks and whether or not I’ve addressed their question/didn’t read our response because they’re not looking for our actual answer, they’re looking for something else. I don’t deal with people spreading misinformation like pushing br0ganes which is currently confirmed never a thing by staff repeatedly, pushing whether or not a ship is canon (I have even politely said that I appreciate sheith’s bond over at pics of sheith but never said it was canon as a ship), and I definitely don’t like individuals that shit on characters/ships or how others express their excitement over content or their interpretations or fanon fun. And I don’t appreciate when people get upset with staff for saying something wrong when the show is not completed and they can only say certain things in a certain way if they choose to answer questions at all then attack other fans and justifying it because they’re upset. Nobody gets to throw a tantrum and hurt others. Take responsibility for shitty behavior
3. Choose your battles - carefully decide what discourse to address.
I understand that a lot of people don’t have the time or mental energy to do what I do when I happen to bring down people who claim to have some higher morality/authority to speak from. Sometimes it’s outright bs and I block immediately, not giving my attention, move forward, nobody has to know about it unless I want them to. Maybe I joke about it. But that’s it. I’ve actually just skipped out and blocked some IP’s on this blog cause it was a “nah” kind of day. But I make sure to get a screencap, maybe even post it to my main blog because my main blog is linked in the description of these blogs so people can dispute why they were blocked from interacting with the blog. Then we can examine how I misunderstood a message if that’s the problem, cause that happens. It’s the internet so people’s tone of voice is lost, people might have brain issues that cause them to type up the wrong stuff or they insist they said what they said and I have to see if I’m not the only one “misunderstanding" it cause we’re all trying to communicate here, in the common English language which his a clusterfuck anyhow. It happens where I just can’t read shit but I have and try to rectify my mistakes.
And when I do address it, I do so point by point, concisely. That’s what I get for having a mother who is a paralegal and helped write legal arguments, deconstructs her child’s stupid arguments when he got in a dumb ass fight with her. I learned from it and now I can frame my arguments properly to follow logical structures based on truth, understanding how the English language works to examine what they said and what it sounds like, and show the true meaning of what was said which is often something pretty screwed up. They usually (as far as I know between one anon and the next) never come back to bother me again. Mods have to be able to have the stamina to handle it, and run it by me to make sure the argument is sound because we try to keep ourselves and everyone else safe.
4. be open to opportunities
If they continue to argue with me on my main blog which is where I’m fine dealing with discourse unless it turns into violent threats/harassment, I’ve already blocked them across the board at all the picsof blog urls I have in my account. But let’s say this person has come to understand why they are wrong…then I can find their name, unblock them hopefully, and everything moves forward and I keep tabs to show that they’ve changed their behavior. Hopefully because tumblr tells me if i block an anon, that i can’t ever undo it but I’ve also heard it’s still possible so who knows really on this broken website?
How I run this tight ship and expect others to run it (no pun intended).
1. Screencap for an hour or two - organize by character/ship -> season -> episode folders and number the images so that it’s in order frame by frame, then play around with the same image and crop accordingly just for fun. This gives random choices and variety for the next part.
2. draft and tag - for characters I use canon voltron legendary defender names
#keith #voltron legendary defender #voltron #vld
vs keith kogane which his defender of the universe. I’m a stickler for canon which is why i also tag
#shiro (how he’s often referred to) #takashi shirogane (in written canon and uttered by his own character in the dnd episode) #voltron legendary defender #voltron #vld
for a ship blog, i follow a similar formula but people get upset if they are looking for 1 character but don’t care for the ship so i try to be courteous and leave out characters and focus on the ship - hence the following:
#sheith #voltron legendary defender #voltron #vld
then as a mod, i have fun and put my thoughts into the screencap at the end of all that when I feel like it, for example #keith looks cute here / #shiro just [redact] me / #wow they hold each other so tenderly
Do this until i get between 90-200 posts in my drafts, then hit queue at random to scramble up the order in which they queue. Will the blog visitors see a screencap from episode 1? or episode 10? nobody knows. But it gets boring if i just queued everything in order which is why I do this. Predictability is boring.
3. Set queue post to 3 posts a day and leave, this is a fucking hobby and isn’t your life - focus on what needs to be done, this is just low maintenance fun. (Look at me rhyming!) Follow the stuff above with how you handle discourse and of course the mod who should obviously love the blog of their focus can have fun with any individuals asking about headcanons/ideas about ships. I wouldn’t give someone who doesn’t ship Allurance because it will show in their work that they don’t care when they’d rather have Shance and vice versa. Or a Pidge fan running a Hunk blog when they’d rather do Pidge. For these other blogs outside of the 3 I’m managing right now, i might have teams of people simply because we can all keep tabs on each other and be held accountable for our actions if we make mistakes. 
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fandomplethora · 6 years
The following post deals with the game(s) Doki Doki Literature Club, Mystic Messenger and then a sinister “challenge” called Blue Whale.
Recently I reblogged this post thinking that it was a joke about the game DDLC (Doki Doki Literature Club). I have played this game (along with a friend of mine) and I thought this was something edited.
It turns out...it’s not.
This is actual news coverage about a teenager that has committed suicide and his family, and the coroner, are linking his tragic death to the game. (At least a part of it.)
Here is the link to that and the full video as well.
So, I watched this video by PewDiePie (Felix) today talking about this. Watch it. I will link it here. (He begins talking about it around 6:35) anyways...they describe the game like this:
-advertised for 13 or older. (They ask if you are 13 and older before playing the game but also consistently warn you that this game is not suitable for children and not to play this game if you are easily disturbed due to it’s graphic content.)
-“characters suggest things to you and you decide what to do...” (I mean...kind of...but...they ask you to select words for poems and then it is a “decision making” game that needs to advance the plot. Just like any other game.)
-“the characters befriend and love you and give you tasks to do, but if you do not do them, they turn nasty.” (The game was made to begin “breaking” no matter what choices you made.)
-it is a free game. (Okay, that’s true.)
-it is an online game. (While it is on the computer...it is not an “online game” in that sense. But you do need an internet connection to play.)
-it is a mobile phone game. (Whoa, whoa, whoa...that’s not true at all.)
I was so confused because this is not how DDLC works. Also, again, DDLC has a consistent advisory warning about the content of the game and it is advertised as a psychological horror game. It does contain triggering content but it does warn you.
This just didn’t make any sense.
But, then, this is what got me:
-“...the game was linked with his mobile phone and he would be contacted by text message during the day and at night, often waking him up.”
Felix then says they were possibly talking about a different game.
A game that is actually mentioned in a different article about the same tragic event.
A game called Mystic Messenger.
A news article about that is linked here. (This article speaks about DDLC as well, so, to get to what they say about Mystic Messenger you will need to scroll down a bit.)
I was...speechless. Felix then says how they are describing a game “where you message people” and “gives your notifications at random points”...how he “thinks” this describes some main premises of MM (Mystic Messenger).
I have played this game as well so let’s match up the points to MM now...and also their contradictions.
-advertised for 13 years and older. (Some parts of the game are advertised for age 15 and older. Also, due to how the game is set up and how complicated it can get, it actually has attracted an older audience than 13 or even 15.)
-“characters suggest things to you and you decide what to do...” (They suggest guests...and you decide whether to invite them or not. But other than that...)
-“the characters befriend and love you and give you tasks to do, but if you do not do them, they turn nasty.” (The characters do befriend you and it is a dating simulation game...so, yes, they do “love you” and you do have “tasks” but, really, it is just the plot of the game to complete each route with each character. Also, you do have the “pressure”, if you will, to select correct answers to get a “Good Ending”. Other options...including missed chats, wrong chat options and not enough party guests in attendance for the finale of a game route will lead you to a “Normal Ending” or “Bad Ending”. These “endings” can be showing the characters, or your relationship with the characters, in a negative light. But, these characters never truly turn “nasty”. Not in my opinion.)
-it is a free game. (Yes, true...until you unlock other routes and other DLC’s.)
-it is an online game. (Not in the sense of interacting with other players...but, yes, you do need an internet connection to play.)
-it is a mobile phone game. (Strictly, so.)
But...just like Felix says in his video...it is like they combined the premises of both games (which...are not really the true premises). Then they twisted it in a way to create this dangerous view on these games.
When talking about this game(s) the family has said, and I quote, they “dragged his son in”, “it drags you in and makes it very real”, “once you get into it - it will not leave you alone”.
These sound like extreme exaggerations on both games. DDLC can be done in your own time and in one sitting or not. MM is over the course of 11 days but you do not have to answer any of the messages or chats.
Also, you can delete these games and stop playing them at any time. These games do break the fourth wall, can be considered “broken games” (by some), do deal with very real issues and Mystic Messenger does send you notifications in real time.
These games, as well, do deal with abuse, violence, mental illness, suicide, drug use and criminal activity.
These themes are also forewarned multiple times in both games to users.
But...at the end of the day, these are just games. You can stop playing. They can be deleted. And nothing will happen.
(There is no shame in not playing these games or deleting these games due to their content. Please, do so, if the content is triggering to you. Take care of yourself.)
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(Comments on Felix’s video.)
The family has stated that “there is not confirmation yet, but we believe that the game could be linked to Ben’s (their child) death.” They have just listed it as a “potential cause”.
But the media is putting the blame and making DDLC the front face of this tragedy. And, now, an article is actually linking Mystic Messenger as a warning to parents and their children as well.
But these descriptions do not truly fit these games.
This media converage is disrespectful to a company like Team Salvato (DDLC) who created an intricate game as a pathway into a more intricate game (watch Game Theory if you do not know what I am talking about) and Cheritz (MM) that uses their game to donate to charities and provide “happiness” to their players. Both games also address severe issues such as abuse and watching out for signs of mental illness in the people around you. Even in yourself.
Also, I am not pushing blame on anyone for this tragedy. But there was something deeper happening here than a video game. Because, while a form of entertainment can have triggering content, it is not the root of the issue.
The media, and possibly even the family to some extent, did not totally know what their child was doing and/or did not fully understand it. (Which Felix also states in his video.) The proof of that is how poorly both games were even covered.
So, here’s where I’d like to bring up a more sinister, darker “game” that is truly not a “game” at all...
A “game” (or, “challenge”, if you will) called Blue Whale.
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(Comments on Felix’s video.)
Blue Whale is a game that was in the news a while back for causing people to commit suicide. But it is much more sinister...this “game” “does not physically exist”, is “hidden in a world that cannot be found”, you are “trapped in a world with no escape”...”a world that lasts for 50 days, ending with you taking your own life.”
This game has spread worldwide. From Russia, to other places in Europe and now, as I have read recently, to Asia as well.
The game starts out between an “administrator” and a “participant/victim”. This game is mainly conducted through social media platforms. It includes the “administrator” assigning you daily tasks such as listening to certain music or watching horror-genre videos. These tasks grow in intensity as the days go on to things such as staying up the entire night, standing on the edge of great heights and mutilating your skin with a “whale” symbol. The final end task is to commit suicide.
These victims are, in my eyes, basically brainwashed, conditioned and manipulated. They could already been in a vulnerable place and the administrators of this game know this through monitoring them by their online presence. They make their victims think their devices have been infected by malware and viruses and threaten to release all their information and photos of them online if they do not “play”. The tasks they are given are meant to drive someone to that dark of a place where they will follow any instruction and, then, eventually, even take their own lives.
It’s evil.
In the last month (side note: DDLC does not take a month to play unless you truly spaced it out. Also, MM is an 11 day game unless you play more than one route.) of Ben’s life his family said they observed this behavior:
-no interest in school when he used to be one of best pupils in class
-problems sleeping
-problems eating
-“became darker inside”
They also stated that many things were happening in their son’s life but they believe the game is one part of it. That kids and parents need to be made aware.
They just want his death to “have meaning”.
And...that breaks my heart.
This whole situation is unfair and tragic.
But, if they truly observed a change in their son and also linked the timeline of it with a new engrossment in a game...they could be possible looking at the wrong game.
But...these changes in him alone are a sign of possibly severe mental illness. That’s the bigger picture...something very, very difficult was happening within your child.
And...there is a possibility that a sinister “challenge” such as “Blue Whale” preyed on that.
They are looking in the wrong place.
But besides that, games and challenges aside, the point is...your son was struggling with mental illness.
Even if he was playing a game such as DDLC or MM...that is not the root of the issue.
We need to reach out to our children, to our family, to our partners and our friends and speak to them, watch over them, help them. And pray they grasp our hands back.
Before it’s too late.
The games themselves are not the problem. The problem is a disconnect between one another where we miss something, overlook something, not pay close enough attention to something, not monitor your child...until a tragedy like this happens.
But no one is truly to blame. (Unless he did fall prey to such a sinister “challenge”.) from the information we do have, this is no one’s fault.
Also, the media needs to do their research (I know they had a couple people on the BBC interview that said relevant things but they also had some misinformation as well) before slapping a popular image of a game(s) on the screen for views and clicks. The game is not the point.
Missing something crucial.
Speaking out about the true root of mental illness.
Watching over each other.
Watching over our children.
That is the point.
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geek-royalty · 6 years
I'm sorry to see you go as a Martin blog but I've also been deeply divided about you tbh. On one side, I've enjoyed you raising issues and questions and being discerning as a fan. On another level I have to admit I also found you, at times, too forceful and aggressive for my liking and that has caused some negativity. So I'm really in two minds about it all. But in any case, good luck with the new direction!
Thanks anon. I guess there’s my bio, where I’ve kinda said outright that I’m a moody, ranty person and let people make their own call about whether to follow or not. Although I realise that even by my standards, I’ve been more shitty at people than usual over the past 6 months. Idk.
I’ve felt like I can’t really speak my mind on here for a little while now, because I don’t want to piss off someone and get into an argument, so that’s why I’m not going to go into my exact reasons for changing up the blog. But a major part of it is simply being Martin-centric in itself. Feeling obligated to deal and put up with some people and fandoms I really can’t stand. Under pressure to come up with new content, be on the lookout for new Martin stuff online, only to find that I have to get a leg up from some more popular mutuals to get my posts circulating, otherwise it’s just a very small circle of people who actually engage compared to my (vastly inflated I think) follower count. Unable to join in certain conversations because of being seen as a ‘martin stan’ by others and being dismissed outright. Reblog posts I don’t care about while having to ignore a whole heap of non-martin posts on my dash and blogs of interest that really excite me. I also feel like I’m expected as a fan to express my fondness for Martin in certain kinds of ways and kiss the ground he walks on and be in awe of whatever comes out of his mouth, when that’s not me, and that’s not how I admire him, or anyone else for that matter. I really like his work. Sometimes I agree with things he says or how he approaches things, other times not. While I get that we’re all human and flawed etc I won’t pull punches because I admire him; if anything I expect more because I do admire him, and want better for him. There’s a quote from the tv show Lucifer recently which has stuck with me, where one of the characters says that “you can’t have faith without doubt”. I’m a huge believer in that concept. Yet it seems to be at odds with how the herd runs.
So it’s become quite suffocating and depressing over time, and I’m tired of feeling that way being on tumblr when that’s the precise opposite of what’s brought me here to start with. I said I’d look to change in the new year maybe, but after another little fandom type scuffle I decided that I’d had enough already, and would rather blog shit that actually makes me happy. As you might have seen, I’ll keep reblogging Martin stuff sometimes, and posting when I have things to say, or making gifs or whatever. But rn Martin’s on the backburner. Perhaps it’s just a phase and I’ll change back…or not. Idk.
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knightofbalance-13 · 7 years
I could reblog directly from the blog myself but A. I’m sure eh blocked it and B. that’s where I do my professional work. This is my personal work and opinion SOLELY.
So let’s take a look at this particular den of snakes shall we?
Wait so this guy is kob and the others? That A. explains why I never seen him before.
Cut the crap Sokuma, you’ve known me long enough to know what my speech pattern is like and I made no effort to hide that, I used Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann in the post which I do all the damn time, it’s all the same problems I’ve said before and in the very first post I outright SAID it was me (https://team-crtq.tumblr.com/post/160101806359/rwby-flaws-quickie)
Funny thing is, your post and the post that image is from are suspiciously close together, especially since you don’t reblog stuff from him normally. Almost as if you were the anon who posted that. 
B. Why he uses kob and the others’ claims of “manipulation of facts” and yet never provides any proof beyond their word. (Remember this is one of the people who called people nazi’s for simply disagreeing with his points and don’t get me started on the other memebers of this brigade.)
Okay, how about this for proof: The conetxt in which you are referring to me calling people nazis is an out of context post where Nazis were used as a stand in for a group with an irrational hatred who would insist their main voice is right even as said voice is getting soundly beaten, (https://knightofbalance-13.tumblr.com/post/157367513100/in-response-to-sokumotakas-post) Guess you just gave me proof as if I didn’t have any already.
PS. None of you ever give proof about what you are saying other than your word: Guess that means literally EVERYTHING you say is worthless.
Literally manipulated facts on what a Rwby reviewer said and when multiple people shown him proof of otherwise decided the whole fanbase were idiots despite them trying to explain to him and not wanting any drama.
Yeah, me linking to the proof of his manipulations, getting ganged up on by guys who constantly just waved me away saying “lol salty fan” over and over and calling ME a Nazi directly and seriously as well as a dogfucker, cancer, retarded ect. Yeah that was manipulating the facts, showing me proof and avoiding drama.
PS. You are a fan of FMF ergo, by your own logic of “he’s a fan therefore he’sd a blind fanboy”, your word is worthless.
Mageknight stated that yang needed to be beaten! because she “disrespected” tai which was never seen and literally going to that degree in itself is signs of a mentally unstable person besides him stating to “rub glass on himself to emulate a child.”
Ah yes, the thing here is that: @mageknight14 is NOT a memeber of Team CRTQ. Team CRTQ is made up of myself and three other people who can reveal themselves if they so choose. Mageknight doesn’t even know this exists.
Also, you say that what I said isn’t worth anything without proof and yet you fail to provide said proof so again, by your own logic, this is worthless.
which is the most unchild like behavior but also just creepy, this guy wants you to take his criticism of the rwde tag seriously yet yells, curses people out for no reasom, calls them nazi’s for just disagreeing, stated characters needed to be beaten, hurt etc, has literally evaded people’s blocks to try and talk to them, on his first encounter with people decided to talk about them on another site and listed their full user names to strangers, has yet to apologize and pretends to be different people even once having an argument with himself to try and sound smart.
Oh boy, more proof you manipulate the facts!
1. So who said that? Me or Mageknight? You uh, kind of fumbled taht up a bit.
2. Once again, you take the quote out of context, I said was rubbing my face on glass like a child, intentionally acting childish because it’s my form of ultimate disrespect: I’m npot even using brain power to insult you. The way you pharsed it makes itseem like I was rubbing my junk on a window. Nice try.
3. Already addressed the Nazi point.
4. That was sarcasm in response to a post by RWDE criticism where he thought that Taiyang should be punished, thus show ing you how ridiculous that was.
5. But by your logic, I was doing teh right thing because tehy could see for themselves whether or not i was right.
6. And you suicide baited me. Waiting for that apology.
7. And all of this is said...without proof meaning by your own logic, you fail.
His friend mageknight is violent, rash, has poked fun at people’s hardships, someone in the rwde tag once stated they didn’t care for certain rwby related this because of sexual harassment issues, this person told mageknight this in confidence in which knight blance than used this against her in a jest!
Ah yes, in confidence...on a public reblog...where she called him a pedophile and an abuser...seriously...even as mageknight14 was yelling at her that he was a victuim of that. (https://knightofbalance-13.tumblr.com/post/157679179020/mageknight14-epsilon-beta-mageknight14)
Ten out of ten failed fact manipulation.
and he not only supported it but egged it on and when a friend of theirs approched them to state their sadness and disappointment mageknight retaliated in violence and I’m also sure these people are the same person because they’re never on at the same timespan yet if mageknight tags kob in something he springs online in seconds, then mysteriously when called out on this tthe times one would be on seemed to increase, as did the many spelling errors they share.
And you and I often trade blows with in minutes of each other and we share the same spelling mistakes: By your logic, WE’RE teh same person!
also, no proof. Again.
these people are a menace! including team-crtq
Unliek the people who suicide baited me TWICE, caused my friend to break down to me,deleted their accounts to say their sucidial when they were just caught lying, manipulate facts and so many more things. Yes, you all are SO much better than me (Sarcasm).
Don’t reblog from them, teir harassers, assholes, literally manipulators, more mean spirited then they claim this tag is and constant liars.
Yeah, projecting much?
Now how about you stop before you make an even bigger fool of yourself.
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cookinguptales · 7 years
Okay, so... This post has been a long time coming. Like, long enough that I’ve gone back and forth and made many posts about this over the past week. ahaha. On one hand, I feel bad bringing up things that happened so long ago, and that almost kept me silent for good. It makes me feel grudgey and petty and like I’m abusing my fandom platform. But on the other hand, I’ve had certain things happen lately that have led me to reconsider my stance of silently blocking people who make me uncomfortable in fandom. And god, despite blacklisting and blocking this guy, he’s been showing up on my dash like crazy lately due to screenshots and whitelisting. He’s all over karabita fandom, and at a certain point, I realized that that isn’t just uncomfortable for me seeing him everywhere -- it’s also a bit worrying considering the age of many people in this fandom, who are honestly really young.
Cut for length.
Last spring, I started writing in the karabita fandom, and it led to a lot of firsts for me. I’d never really had many followers on tumblr before, and I almost never got asks before my fic for this fandom started getting popular. So I really wasn’t sure about ask/request etiquette, and I didn’t always lay down the law like I would learn to do so later. Basically, I wanted to be everyone’s friend, I wanted to answer everyone’s @messages and reblogs and asks and IMs, and I didn’t want to say no when I got requests and asks that made me uncomfortable. I also tended to answer asks I had any kind of problem with privately, which is a decision I’ve since come to regret. I learned that answering them publicly may lead to some fandom friction, but it creates a public record of someone’s weirdness towards you.
I’ve definitely gotten some weird asks over the past year. A lot of them have been anonymous, so I never really knew who to avoid. But starting last summer, one person sent me a long string of bizarre asks, and they did it logged in. president-frankenstein. I answered most of these privately bc honestly most of them made me weirded out, frustrated, or kind of creeped out. At least one I found deeply offensive. (And yes, I still have copies of all of these in my inbox.)
There was a strong element of pushing me to do things I didn’t want to do. He approached me asking me to write Totty/Chibita, a pairing I’ve never talked about publicly bc frankly, it’s a very much hated NOTP of mine. I told him this, and he was like “oh, that’s fine!” (Phew!!) And then he asked me to read his Totty/Chibita fic. (What??) And like all these beginning asks were couched in very complimentary, almost obsequious terms (which also made me kind of uncomfortable, but that’s more my own issues) so I was like. “Well, that was weird, but I guess not a big deal.”
Things took a turn for the weirder when the guy sent me a long, detailed prompt (completely unprovoked, requests weren’t open or anything) for a Pacific War AU that included, along with myriad other things, romanticization of Imperial Japanese soldiers, historically inaccurate details that would aid in that romanticization, and romanticization of (non-canon) disability, all things that make me incredibly uncomfortable bordering on offended. (As most of my followers know, I am disabled IRL, and as for the Imperial soldier thing, well, I’d be equally upset to get a request to write a Nazi soldier romanticizing fic. Protip: war crimes aren’t sexy.) I went back and forth on how to answer this weird, unasked for message, especially because I was honestly kind of seeing red about the contents of the prompt. I eventually sent back a polite but very terse message saying that the content made me very uncomfortable and I under no circumstances wanted to write it. And at that point, I basically washed my hands of it and hoped it was over and he’d stop talking to me.
He apologized. And he kept apologizing. Here’s a tip for people who are apologizing: if you apologize and the person you’re apologizing to doesn’t answer you -- but you keep sending messages until you get a reply back? You care about assuaging your own guilt more than the actual comfort of the person you’re apologizing to. And I will tell you, my comfort level dropped from “low” to “basement level”. I honestly never wanted to talk to him again, but I did eventually send him a message like, yes, I got your apology the first time, I just didn’t want to talk to you anymore.
And then the thing happened that switched me from “I do not like a person in fandom” to “holy shit this person creeps me out”. As soon as I told him I didn’t want to respond to his asks, he posted photomanip fanart for a fic of mine plus a multiple paragraph tumblr post fawning over me. There were a lot of red flags in there, and I could probably break it down point by point (and did, when I contacted several friends and showed him all his messages like “am I right to be incredibly weirded out by this guy” bc I still always doubt my gut reaction) but here are the main things that automatically alarmed me.
Publicly implying closeness that did not exist. Referring to me by real name instead of pseud, acting like he knew what I intended for my fics (he was wrong, by the way), talking about how long he’d been a reader (not that long, actually), etc. Huge, huge red flag.
Actually, continuing that second point, the assumption that he knew what was going on inside my head was presumptuous, entitled, and a little creepy. Like he straight up said that he was sure that if had made the fic longer or if I ever continued the fic, I’d definitely include this headcanon of his. (He sent me asks related to this (again, incorrect) headcanon of his later on, and I did not answer them.) Like he just took it as a given that he understood what I really meant when I said things, which is always a bit alarming when someone already doesn’t seem to understand what you’re telling them.
Tagging me in his post and talking about how much he hoped I liked it (I DID NOT) but not actually directing anything in the post towards me. Making sure I saw something but not talking to me. He was just like. Self-admittedly talking to my audience and cutting me out of the loop. He posted it in all the fandom tags. It was weird and offputting and performative. And very, VERY public.
Now, some background and further explanation about why this upset me so much. I have, in the past, been stalked online. And no, these events I’m talking about now never came anywhere near that feeling of unsafety. But guys, this is absolutely something that the guy who ended up stalking me did to me repeatedly, often enough that I finally realized that doing this is manipulative, not complimentary. Here’s the pattern: Be friendly, upset me until I no longer wanted to communicate with him, then make a public gushing announcement about how wonderful he thought I was. This part is complicated. Part of it is bound up in the whole (deeply problematic) trope of “winning a girl’s esteem back through an OTT gesture” that’s popular in movies -- and that I have grown to hate -- and some of it is linked to female socialization. Above all else, be nice. If someone compliments you, even if it makes you uncomfortable, you’re a “bitch” if you don’t acknowledge it and say thank you. When you tell a guy that you don’t want to talk to him and he responds by making a VERY PUBLIC (again, posted to all fandom tags) post full of gushing praise, it is a manipulative move designed to put you in a position where you need to respond. The guy knew I respond to everyone who makes fanworks of my stories (or, uh, at least try to -- I’ve definitely forgotten during busy periods a couple times), and the guy knew that a socially acceptable response to a post like that is public acknowledgment. It’s a way of bribing you into talking to them again (that grand OTT gesture -- whether romantic or, as in this case, platonic -- that makes any girl forgive you) and a way of putting you in a social situation where you have to talk to them again. It’s a shitty thing to do to someone.
And let’s be 100% clear about something. Putting a woman on a pedestal is just another way of dehumanizing her. There comes a time when praise becomes deeply uncomfortable rather than complimentary, and this guy saw that line and fucking pole-vaulted over it.
I went back and forth on how to respond to this. I thought about privately contacting him, which was my usual go-to response when things made me unhappy online. I thought about reblogging it with a simple message to stop contacting me, publicly for once so people would finally know how I felt about all this. (There was a point when people were actually straight up “shipping” me with my stalker (their words), so I knew the dangers of letting the illusion of closeness hang out in public where people who didn’t know our private history would see it.) In the end, I just ignored it and hoped he’d get the fucking picture.
Spoilers: he didn’t. He contacted me several more times, asking for meta and fic again. I answered one ask, out of that sickly guilty feeling I always get when I don’t respond to fandom asks and because it actually was information that I wanted to convey to my followers, and then just...stopped replying to any. Honestly, I wish I hadn’t even replied to that one ask because I fear that it encouraged him. He stopped sending me asks for a little while, but then I started getting anon asks that -- well, obviously I can’t prove anything, but the guy’s asks were always pretty easy to pick out of a crowd, so I had my suspicions. In the end, I was getting stressed out whenever I saw him in fandom (and disagreed with like...100% of his headcanons and fandom thoughts) and I didn’t want to have to worry about if he really was sending me anon messages, so I blocked him. Like the last thing I need is paranoia. I barely ever block people on tumblr, so this was a hard decision for me. But yeah, after several months of weird messages, I blocked him.
Going forward.... idk man. idek what I want. After I blocked him, he couldn’t bother me anymore, so that was good enough for rme. I blacklisted his name, which unfortunately blacklisted a lot of fanworks -- he tends to get his groupie on with other fan creators in the karabita fandom, so he sends asks to people ALL THE TIME and so a lot of fanworks have his name in the post -- and for the most part didn’t see him all that often. But then a whole bunch of things (detailed in other posts) happened in short order and between my realization that resolving my stalker situation privately allowed him to flourish in fandom and the fact that suddenly I could not fucking escape this guy, I started considering going public with my own discomfort. I don’t want anyone else to find themselves in the weird, uncomfortable situation I was in.
At the same time, though, like I said... The guy’s username is in all kinds of fan content posts. After a couple of followers approached me privately to get the story on the guy who was clearly stressing me out, they asked me if I wanted them to stop reblogging posts that contained his asks, especially ones that have screenshots of the asks and therefore can’t be blocked. And part of me really doesn’t want to see those things, but even more of me believes that to be desperately unfair towards the people who make fanworks that just happen to be associated with him. So like. Don’t do that. Please do not make any callout posts or harass anyone involved with this, either. I 100% do not condone fandom dogpiling.
I guess I’ll just tell you the same thing I told the (new) friend that I saw, to my horror, publicly praising the guy who stalked me for years as “a great friend’. You can be friends with whomever you want, but just know the guy’s done creepy shit. It’s possible that p-f is just socially awkward, like many people in fandom, and he just legit did not get that he was freaking me out. (Despite me, at a couple points, telling him I was uncomfortable.) But I’ve learned the hard way that repeatedly forgiving people who are “socially awkward” can land you in situations where you feel unsafe, and that’s never okay.
So I guess now you know?? I’ve gone over the reasons I hesitated to make this post many times in other posts, and I’ll add one more thing. I blocked p-f. Unless he logs out or someone c/ps this for him, he cannot read this, and he cannot directly defend himself. I do worry over that bc it seems unfair. But at the same time, I’ve come to the point where I’m tired of just not talking about it and privately, politely trying to get people to stop when they make me uncomfortable in fandom. Other people deserve to have fun and feel safe in fandom, but so do I! The fic that a guy wants to read, or his feelings of guilt, or his desire to smooth things over and make me like him -- none of those things take precedence over my own sense of safety and comfort while playing around in a hobby, and the fact that he prioritized those things over my clear discomfort is the biggest red flag of all.
Also, I have him blocked for a reason. I will not be looking at or responding to any reply by him, and please do not try to ferry messages between us. I will block you, too, bc I will no longer be able to trust you to respect my boundaries. (Again, that’s something I had to deal with when I finally spoke up about the guy who’d been sending me upwards of 50 messages a day on like 10 different platforms, going to places I liked IRL to find “traces of me”, trying to become friends with my friends so we’d run into each other in social environments, and publicly planning play dates for our future children -- and it tore me to bits when I lost friends that way.)
thank you if you read all this, and I hope you have a good night.
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drarry-lover · 7 years
OH MY WORD! Guys! I managed to reach 5000 followers! Like seriously, that is amazing, oh my word, thank you all so much for following this little blog, you’re all so great!! ^^
I really want to do something to show you guys how honoured I feel, but I am rather poor and I lack any talents. Will you guys accept a rec-list of my all time favourite fics in a reblog-able format?
Rec will be in the cut below if anyone is interested in it, otherwise you’re all so amazing, please stay you and thank you so much!
Adrift by Cheryl Dyson 
This was supposed to be a swashbuckling pirate story. It sort of took a turn into Whaaaaa? but it's now my favorite, so I guess it's not all bad... Anyway, Auror Harry takes a vacation and runs into Pirate Draco. This fic contains MATURE content. (One-shot | 14k | M)
​All Our Secrets Laid Bare by firethesound 
Over the six years Draco Malfoy has been an Auror, four of his partners have turned up dead. Harry Potter is assigned as his newest partner to investigate just what is going on. (Multi-chapter | 140k | Explicit)
An Issue of Consequence by faithwood
Draco has woken up in an alternate universe. Or he has woken up utterly insane. Nothing else can possibly explain why Harry Potter suddenly seems to think he’s Draco’s boyfriend. An eight year fic. Post-DH. EWE. HPDM. SLASH. Mature content. (Multi-chapter | 21k | M)
A Slytherin in Gryffindor Clothing by mahaliem
Draco hits his head and wakes up in a world where he's a Gryffindor and Harry is a Slytherin. (Multi-chapter | 43k | M)
Azoth by zeitgeistic (faire_weather)
Now that Harry is back at Hogwarts with Hermione for eighth year, he realises that something’s missing from his life, and it either has to do with Ron, his boggart, Snape, or Malfoy. Furthermore, what, exactly, does it mean when one’s life is defined by the desire to simultaneously impress and annoy a portrait? Harry has no idea; he’s too busy trying not to be in love with Malfoy to care. (Multi-chapter | 88k | Explicit)
Bitter Honey, Green Night by faithwood
 An inn, an Auror, a criminal, a mystery. (One-shot | 14k | Explicit)
Black Truth by InferiorBeing
And, with bated breath, Draco traced the silver line down one more step in the family tree. Draco Lucius Malfoy... the third full blooded Veriae in the Malfoy family... and future life mate of Harry Potter. HD SLASH No HBP spoilers (Multi-chapter | 100k | T)
The Boy Who Only Lived Twice by lettered
 Harry Potter is an Unspeakable. Draco Malfoy is the wizard who shagged him. Adventure! Intrigue! Secret identities, celebrities, spies! It's all right here, folks. (One-shot | 54k | Explicit)
Chaos Theory by Tessa Crowley (tessacrowley)
Chaos: when the present determines the future, but the approximate present does not approximately determine the future. One gene varies, one neuron fires, one butterfly flaps its wings, and Draco Malfoy's life is completely different. Draco has always found a certain comfort in chaos. Perhaps he shouldn't. (Multi-chapter | 102k | Explicit)
Checkmate by Naadi
Draco has a plan to get Harry Potter, and challenges him to a game of Dare Chess. But is it love, or betrayal, he has in mind? A real game of chess is played throughout the story. A seventh year story based on canon through Goblet of Fire. (Multi-chapter | 250k | T)
Dismantle Repair by shamrocker531
How a random meeting in a coffee shop can change everything. Non-magical. Draco/Harry, some Draco/Cedric, Harry/Oliver - Warning: Explicit sexual content. (Multi-chapter | 160k | M)
Draco the Cowardly Lion by Lomonaaeren
When Draco is Sorted into Gryffindor, everything changes. For the, uh, for the better? (One-shot | 5k | Teen and up)
Eclipse by Mijan
Draco swore revenge on Harry for Lucius's imprisonment, and for once, he keeps his promise. The old rivalry turns deadly when Draco abducts Harry for Voldemort. But when Draco’s world turns upside down, the fight to save himself and Harry begins. (Multi-chapter | 309k | T)
The Fall of the Veils by lettered 
This is the fic where Muggles find out about wizards, wars are fought, Apparition is abolished, political conspiracies abound, Draco is asexual, and Harry has Legilimency sex with him. (One-shot | 60k | Mature)
Freudian Slip by jennavere 
Two years after graduating from Hogwarts, Draco Malfoy is still obsessed with Harry Potter. Fed up, his father makes him get therapy. (One-shot | 10k | M)
Friend Like Me by LadyVaderWrites
Draco's rendition of the Love story that never was. (One-shot | 11k | M)
Gilded Soul by Digitallace 
It’s one thing to hear about the daring tales of Harry Potter but quite another to be living in the middle of one. But the danger Draco is destined for seems trivial once he finds himself falling in love with Harry. (Multi-chapter | 94k | M)
Greenhouse Lessons by Cheryl Dyson
Harry and Draco have detention in Hogwarts greenhouse. Dangerous plantlife and several varieties of euphoria ensue. It was complete, but I continued it... This fic contains MATURE adult content. (Multi-chapter | 14k | M)
Gumption by Roozette
In which there are biscuits, poisonous snakes, nefarious ploys, and, oh yes, Harry is slightly mental and the heir of Gryffindor. (Multi-chapter | 6k | M)
Harbinger by Copper Vixen
Harry is a demon with a mission. His assignment? To locate and retrieve his target before he runs out of time or irreparable damage is done to the mortal plane. (Multi-chapter | 96k | T)
Harry Potter and the Children of the Future by Ahja Reyn
In Harry's 7th year, children from the future suddenly appear at Hogwarts and one of them claims to be Harry's son. Problem is, Harry isn't the only father...DMHP [NO male preg] (Multi-chapter | 83k | M)
Here’s The Pencil, Make It Work by ignatiustrout
Harry thinks "Why is Malfoy working in a coffee shop in muggle London?" is a much simpler question than, "Are you going to accept that auror offer and, if you don't, what will you do?" (One-shot | 49k | Mature)
High Priced by Cheryl Dyson
I referred to this as My Stupid Veela Fic until I decided it was fairly good. Harry is a Veela, for a change, since I was tired of Draco!Veela stories. This fic contains MATURE adult content. (One-shot | 17k | M)
How Potter Turned Malfoy Gay by Galadriell
The whole truth and nothing but the truth. And a bit of weirdness. (Multi-chapter | 36k | M)
I’m a Slave For You by BecauseIHurtSo
After being sold into Ministry enforced slavery to one Mr. Harry Potter, Draco is simply trying to find his lot in life. (One-shot | 6k | M)
In Pieces by Cheryl Dyson
Harry returns to Hogwarts as the new DADA instructor, only to find his teaching efforts thwarted by a very familiar ghost. This fic contains mature content and the necessity of one of our boys not being alive. Exactly. *grin* (Multi-chapter | 87k | M)
In the Company of a Rubber Duck by Anonymous
War makes for strange bedfellows. However that doesn't fully explain how Harry ended up sharing his bath with Draco Malfoy... nor why Malfoy was a rubber duck at the time. (One-shot | 34k | Explicit)
In Which Draco Malfoy Treats His Classmates To Bad Poetry Over Breakfast by giggly!RurouniHime
How does Draco love thee? Let him count the ways… (One-shot | 0-1 000 | G)
Letters by Galadriell
Harry inadvertently becomes penpals with Draco. Here are the letters! Harry/Draco slash. Chapter 17 contains the full story: edited, updated and with more letters. So read that instead of the first 16 chapters! COMPLETE! (Multi-chapter | 51k | M)
The Mistletoe Incident by Naadi
A story in limerick verse. HxD slash. Draco commandeers the mistletoe and Harry sets out to put a stop to it. (One-shot | 500 | T)
Must Love Quidditch by dracosoftie
Through a series of emails from an online dating site, Harry thinks he's found his perfect match. Will the bond they've forged survive after their identities are revealed? H/D. Warnings for slash, language and explicit sexual content. (Multi-chapter | 107k | M)
Nevar by Aoiika
AU. Lily and James are murdered, leaving behind their seven-year-old son. The little black bird has a hard time fighting his way through life on his own. Especially when he's found by a darkness that has followed him, and swallows him whole. HP/DM. Violence and serious abuse later on. Slow romance. (Multi-chapter | 127k | M)
Obliviation by Cheryl Dyson
When Harry decides to quit Auror Training in order to care for young Teddy over the summer, he has quite enough to worry about without Pansy Parkinson dumping a mute Draco Malfoy on his doorstep. (Multi-chapter | 27k | M)
On a Clear Day by Sara’s Girl
Draco Malfoy is waiting for his real life to begin, and it appears that he's not the only one. Coffee, charity, and the wisdom of the elderly. HPDM. Oneshot of epic proportions. (One-shot | 43k | M)
Order of Merlin by Cheryl Dyson
Draco is sent to retrieve an out-of-control Harry Potter from a local nightclub. Written for Alaana-Fair's birthday on Livejournal. MATURE ADULT CONTENT, ETC. (Muti-chapter | 13k | M)
Paradigm by Cheryl Dyson
In my quest to conquer all possible Harry/Draco cliches, I present my Rentboy!Draco fic. *evil smirk* Harry is an Auror and Draco is a Rentboy. This is not a typical rentboy story. (Muti-chapter | 59k | M)
Phantom Orchid by Cheryl Dyson
Auror Potter goes to Seattle in search of a smuggler and discovers a very familiar person in a quite unfamiliar setting. Is Draco Malfoy really who he is pretending to be? (Multi-chapter | 22k | M)
The Pure and Simple Truth by lettered
Harry, Draco, and Hermione go to a pub. Harry, Draco, and Pansy go to a pub. Harry, Draco, Pansy, and Hermione go to a pub. Harry, Draco, Hermione and Ron go to a pub. Harry, Draco, Hermione, Ron, and Pansy―you guessed it―go to a pub. I could go on. In fact, I did. Harry, Draco, Hermione, Pansy, Ron, Blaise, Luna, Goyle, Neville, and Theodore Nott go to a pub. In various combinations. (Multi-chapter | 65k | General audience)
Renaissance by Cheryl Dyson
Harry awakens after a long sleep to find things terribly changed. He's not in an alternate universe... it just seems like it. (Multi-chapter | 34k | M)
Starts With a Spin by Maxine
It started with the spin of a bottle, and now Harry and Draco have gotten themselves so far into their own game there's almost no way out again. Except to keep playing. (Multi-chapter | 129k | X)
Sealed with a Kiss by faithwood
Harry Potter will fall in love with the first person who kisses him. Draco knows what he must do. A Christmassy Hogwarts kissy fic, this. An eight year fic. Post-DH. EWE. HPDM. SLASH. HUMOR. COMPLETE. (One-shot | 48k | M)
Second Chance by DreamingInColour
Of all the possible ways he could die Draco never would have thought a single olive would lead to his demise. But when he is offered a second chance at life he eagerly accepts. Too bad his second chance comes with an unexpected condition. (Multi-chapter | 17k | M)
Secrets by Vorabiza
Beginning with Draco's unexpected arrival at the Dursleys, Harry's summer becomes filled with activity and many secrets. He generates several unexpected allies as he finds himself actively becoming the leader of the Light side. H/D post-HBP (Multi-chapter | 411k | X)
The Slytherin Gryffindor by Cheryl Dyson
This is my response to JKR's horrific epilogue. It's a dual novel with one part Albus Scorpius and one part HarryDraco. Deathly Hallows compliant! The Slytherin Hufflepuff is the Albus Scorpius portion. This fic contains MATURE adult content. (Multi-chapter | 40k | M)
Sparkle Sparkle Princesses by Cheryl Dyson
One of Draco's random pranks gets out of hand and creates a roomful of pretty princesses. Crackfic FTW! OMG it's only PG13! *gasp* (One-shot | 2k | T)
Stigmata by InferiorBeing
Harry isn't the Dark Lord, so he cannot be with a Death Eater's son. This is the first time the BoyWhoLived ever asked for something and he cannot have it. So he takes matters into his own hands. Post HBP! Evil!Harry, Dark!Draco (Multi-chapter | 47k | T)
Storm in a Teacup by faithwood
For reasons he'd rather not think about, Draco is obsessed with Potter's hair. This cannot end well. (One-shot | 8k | M)
Synthetic Bonds by mypetelephant
Harry has always been the golden boy of Malfoy Corporation, earning the respect of Lucius and the resentment of his high school rival, Draco. But Lucius has a business proposal that involves Harry becoming a Malfoy..by marrying Draco. Non-magic AU (Multi-chapter | 125k | M)
​Tea and No Sympathy by who_la_hoop
It's Potter's fault, of course, that Draco finds himself trapped in the same twenty-four-hour period, repeating itself over and over again. It's been nearly a year since the unpleasant business at Hogwarts, and Draco's getting on with his life quite nicely, thank you, until Harry sodding Potter steps in and ruins it all, just like always. At first, though, the time loop seems liberating. For the first time in his life, he can do anything, say anything, be anything, without consequence. But the more Draco repeats the day, the more he realises the uncomfortable truth: he's falling head over heels for the speccy git. And suddenly, the time loop feels like a trap. For how can he ever get Harry to love him back when time is, quite literally, against him? (Multi-chapter | 70k | Explicit)
That Which Divides Us by oldenuf2nobetter
Three years after what would have been their seventh year at Hogwarts, the war between the forces of light and Voldemort's minions grinds on. But even within the ranks of the Order of the Phoenix there are vast disagreements over what is good for 'the Chosen One' and his volatile relationship with Draco Malfoy has many on edge. Sometimes even the best intentions can reap disaster. (Multi-chapter | 126k | Explicit)
Then Comes a Mist and a Weeping Rain by faithwood
It always rains for Draco Malfoy. Metaphorically. And literally. Ever since he had accidentally Conjured a cloud. A cloud that's ever so cross. SLASH. HPDM. Humour. Metaphorical angst. Hufflepuffs. A peacock. An eight year fic. Post-DH. EWE. (One-shot | 22k | M)
This Side of Me by cherrycola69
Saving his mortal enemy in a moment of insanity Draco is suddenly labelled a hero. Floundering in a new life and hiding from Death Eaters with Harry he finds that his allegiance isn’t the only thing that’s changed. (Multi-chapter | 56k | M)
Tick Tock by fireflavored
Draco Malfoy is in serious danger of becoming an old maid. (One-shot | 11k | NC-17)
Turn by Sara’s Girl
One good turn always deserves another. Apparently. Epilogue compliant/AU. HPDM slash but some canon het along the way. Please trust me - I promise the epilogue will not bite you. (Multi-chapter | 321k | M)
Twist of Fate by Oakstone730
Draco asks Harry to help him beat the Imperius curse during 4th year. The lessons turn into more than either expected. A story of redemption and forgiveness. Pairings: HP/DM (Slash) Timeframe: 1994-2002 Goblet to 4 yrs post-DH EWE Rating T for language, high angst, content. (Multi-chapter | 302k | Teen and up)
The Undeserved Hardships of Draco Malfoy by Bullied
It was all an accident, helping that annoying Potter! But now the wizard extraordinaire, Draco Malfoy, is in a bind. He’ll need all of his intelligence, his wits, his looks and his sneers just to make it through Hogwarts! (Multi-chapter | 88k | T)
Valentine’s Day Repeated by bananacosmicgirl
It’s not a happy Valentine’s Day for Draco. Then again, he might get a chance to do it over… (Multi-chapter | 18k | T)
Want by Cheryl Dyson
Draco seeks out Harry in order to assist his family. And then he has second thoughts. This fic contains MATURE adult content. And Harry on a motorcycle. GUH. (One-shot | 4k | M)
We Are Young (I’ll Carry You Home Tonight) by Femme (femmequixotic)
Harry and Draco have been falling into bed on and off again since the last election five years ago, much to the amusement--and financial gain--of their circle of friends. But when Harry agrees to work with Draco to put Kingsley Shacklebolt into the Minister's office, they can't work side-by-side again every day and sleep together; that would be courting disaster. Wouldn't it? (One-shot | 68k | Explicit)
The Way Down by lettered
Malfoy’s all, “Come out of there,” the way you say to a cat who is badly behaved. And Harry’s all like, “No, what, I’m a hermit! And I have a chest-monster! And I am crazy magically powerful!” and Malfoy’s all, “We all have problems, bub.” (thoughtfully) “You are crazy though. I’ll give you that.” (Multi-chapter | 70k | M?)
We, The Kings by MissPronounced
A medieval tale of ancient prophecies, chivalrous duelling and a forbidden love between a Slytherin Prince and a lowly knight. Eventual Harry/Draco. (Multi-chapter | 191k | M)
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