#she had big feels for that little glass cannon of a man ok?
ladywildwood · 10 months
Full disclosure, I'm not very far into BG3, but the difference between Gale and Samael (Wizard PC that died that also had A Thing with Kallan in my Descent campagin) is super interesting.
Sam was very serious and got annoyed with everyone easily, whereas Gale seems to be really witty and fun. Kallan couldn't help but compare them the first night at camp after meeting Gale, which then just made her sad.
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draconic-ichor · 3 years
In the Steel Steeds Heart
Chapter 20: Final: Till the Bitter End
Warnings: strong language, sexual themes, blood/gore, body horror, angst, violence, major character death, trauma
Summary: Juniper is delivered back to Heisenberg…
Feedback appreciated. 18+
This is the end my lovelies…this end can fit into cannon, without plot holes for the game. Stay tuned for the family Au later in the week. Will start a whole new (happier) fic, picking up at the end of chapter 19
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The hours bled into days, then the days bled into weeks. Heisenberg thrust himself into his work, trying and failing to keep his mind off of what happened.
He couldn’t sleep in the bed anymore, and slowly he even stopped entering the apartment outside the occasional shower or meal.
He carried her compass in his pocket, finding his thumb worried over its surface more times than he’d like to admit.
Feelings of anger and sadness plagued him constantly, filling even his sleep with nightmares. He replayed the day she was taken over and over in his mind, loathing every stupid decision he’d made. The radio and alcohol did little to drown out these thoughts.
Until one day the cameras alerted him to someone at the gates. Heisenberg pushed away from his desk, flipping a switch to see who had tripped his alarm.
It was the Duke’s cart. Heisenberg groaned, his order wasn’t due for another week out. He pressed a button to buzz him in. Walking towards the elevator to meet him.
By the time he was on the surface Duke had pulled his cart up much closer than usual, damn near at the front doors.
“Didn’t expect my shipment so fucking soon.” Heisenberg pointed out.
The Duke’s voice was less jovial than normal as he spoke, “My apologies, Lord Heisenberg, but I bring a different delivery to you today.”
Heisenberg’s brows knitted together in confusion.
“It’s Lady Heisenberg…but I must warn you she is most unwell.” His smile fell, “I found her on the steps of the stone church, and thought her place was much more suited here.”
It took his words a moment to register, Heisenberg’s eyes scanned over the merchant, his lips a thin line.
A mixture of relief, worry, and anger swirled around his head. He swallowed, his throat dry, “Can I see her?”
“Lord Heisenberg…she’s just hanging on.” The Duke warned.
“Let me see her.” Heisenberg’s voice rose, desperation tinged his tone.
The Duke nodded, the small door at the side of the cart slowly swung open. Heisenberg quickly came to the opening, peering inside.
It took a moment for his eyes to adjust to the darkness, the cart’s interior a menagerie of all matters of goods. In the center of it all, upon an owl rug, was a mass covered by a blanket.
Heisenberg crawled into the cart, a shaking hand reached out to pull the covering away.
There was Juniper, curled in on herself along the cart’s floor. Her skin was deathly pale, her side hardly rising with breath. Heisenberg tentatively touched her, skin cold under his fingers. He shuttered, dismay ripping through him.
The sound roused her.
Juniper blinked her eyes against the pale sunlight filtering in. Her eyes were dull, all the spark they once held, gone.
“Karl?” She asked, voice almost cracking.
“It’s me.” He came closer, cupping her face.
He saw a smile try to grace her lips, as her eyes closed weakly into his embrace, “I missed you.”
“I missed you too, Doll.” His eyes flicked down her body. She was thin, her skin covered in blotches of pooled blood below the surface. But the thing that almost turned his stomach was the deep incision from navel to pelvis. It was red and weeping, angry tendrils snaking through her skin from it.
“Fuck.” He cursed, “What did she do to you?”
Juniper winced, a weak hand delicately touching the stitching, “S-She said I was a failure…”
Heisenberg’s eyes stung and he gathered her up, careful to wrap her in the blanket to Shield her from the cold the best he could.
He could be angry later, he had to get Juniper safe first.
“I’m going to take you home, and fix you right up, ok Doll?” He tried to soothe, his voice wavering.
Heisenberg’s stomach clenched, seeing the redness of her abdomen slowly turning an ash grey.
She’ll be fine…she’ll be fine…she’ll be fine…
The words echoed in his head as he exited the cart. He gave a brief thanks to the Duke before retreating back into the factory.
He went straight to the apartment, pausing to ponder what to do next.
Hope waned as he felt her weaken in his grasp. He went to the bed, placing her down gently and making sure she had enough blankets.
“Thank…you.” Juniper gave a sigh, eyes closing. Heisenberg gulped, crawling into the bed beside her. He lay on his side, silently looking her over.
His heartbeat hammered in his chest, fear and worry spinning around his head.
He wanted to do something, anything, to help her. To make the pain go away. He wanted to see her bright and happy again, like a flower. His flower, his buttercup.
Juniper looked up at him the best she could, swallowing as she tried to find her voice. Her skin was slowly taking on an ashy hue, small cracks forming along her arms.
Heisenberg felt his chest clench in iron knots, touching her cheek.
“I’m sorry.” She rasped, her once bright eyes now milky, “I won’t be able…to see the world with you.”
“Don’t say that.” He choked, “Don’t fucking say that.”
Juniper’s breaths were shallow, her eyes unseeing.
“We’ll get out of here.” He almost pleaded.
He gently pulled her head closer until their forehead touched. Juniper closed her eyes into the contact. He could feel her life slipping away ever so slowly under his fingers.
She felt so frail, every breath ragged though her rib cage.
Heisenberg held her close, trying to choke back tears.
“I love you.” He whispered, words broken and wavering. Juniper’s delicate fingers covered his own. Her skin was cold as she smiled the best she could.
“I love you too.” She cooed, her voice sweet and like honey on his ears. He could feel her grasp wavering as he clenched his eyes shut.
He didn’t know how long he laid there. How long he held her, trying to memorize every detail of her form: her smell, her hair, every freckle on her sweet face.
Eventually, in the wake of exhaustion, sleep overtook him. It was fitful and quick. But as he blinked his eyes open all his fears came crashing into him like a speeding car.
The space in the bed beside him was covered in sparkling, iridescent crystal, and crumbling ash.
He sat up, eyes almost unseeing.
He could make out the outline of Juniper’s form, from her jaw to the sway or her hips, forever encased in beautiful stone. The place where her abdomen once was now was hollow with intricate swirling patterns.
He reached out a trembling hand, his fingertips touching the smooth surface of the crystal. The world seemed to slow, a distance ringing filling his ears.
A humming filled the room, all metal rose and began to swirl. It all picked up speed, becoming a cyclone. The metal desks and chairs buckled in on themselves, the walls shuttering.
He balled his hands into fists, bringing them up to cover his face.
A horrid sound joined the choir of destruction. Only when his throat ached did he realize it was his own voice, crying out the grief that ate his core.
The bed shook, the frame bending.
A sound met his ears, almost lost in the havoc. The cracking of stone, hollow like glass.
Everything stopped, metal falling to the floor as he looked forward. The bed frame had buckled enough to start to crack the crystal it held, stopping short only when the humming died.
He felt numb as he stood from the bed. Shattered glass and metal scattering the floor.
Days bled into weeks. He’s not sure how long he left the crystal untouched in the ruined bed. He rarely slept and even more rarely ate. Many family meetings were missed, calls going unanswered. Eventually he wrapped the crystal that was once Juniper in her coat; placing it somewhere safe, deep in the factory.
His grief and loss turned his hunger for freedom into an all consuming desire. His disdain for Mother Miranda forged into a dagger of loathing, cutting ribbons into his soul daily.
Distractions were no longer permitted. Every waking moment was dedicated to his obsession for revenge.
Heisenberg sat before the small tv monitor, smoke creating a haze around him. He watched the man on the other end of the screen with interest, a stranger in their village. A stranger with promise.
He bite the cigar between his teeth, pondering the opportunity presenting itself. His army was big, and time was running short. With this stranger’s help, freedom was within his grasp.
He sat back in his chair, reaching into his coat pocket. He pulled a small, ornate compass free. He turned it over on his gloved hand, it’s surface scratched and worn with time. His thumb brushed over the etching across the back, a word branded not only onto its metal but also on his mind.
His eyes narrowed, watching the screen. The man was breaching the stronghold, holding his own against the Lycans like no other before had.
He felt the word over again.
“We’ll see the world together, buttercup.” His tone was thick, “I promise.”
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~Thank you~
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forthehpfanboys · 4 years
Quidditch and T
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Pair: Ron Weasley x Reader; he/him; transmasculine reader.
Summary: Harry surprises Ron with tickets to the Quidditch World Cup after the war, after Hermione and after finding out Ron has a crush on the first professional trans masculine the Chudley Canons or the World Cup has ever seen. 
Warnings: Swearing, Alcohol, tiny amount of transphobia?? super long, focuses on Ron more than it should, super long and probably really bad.
Notes: Trans masculine reader again! We love to see it- No one asked for this but I liked the idea. Also, Ron has long hair because I love him and Harry is a good friend. The bestest of friends.
Even with the second wizarding war years behind them, everyone struggled to regain control over themselves. Loved ones were lost far too soon, strained relationships came crashing down and businesses all but shattered like glass, but that was a year or two after. Families were beginning to recover and move forward, but some struggled. It was only natural, that was why the Ministry decided to bring at least a tiny bit of normality back to everyone's life with the Quidditch World Cup. They thought it would bring some light in the barely lit times everyone lived in.
While life for some was morphing back to a semi stable state, times were transitioning to a new era. Of course, no one batted an eye or fought against her when the Hermione Jean Granger demanded rights for wizards, witches and sorcerers who were, for lack of a better word, different. Not after everything she’d done for the world with Harry Potter and Ron Weasley and especially not after S.P.E.W.  The world really was shifting for the better.
She created two acts for equality. If house elves can have it, why can’t magical humans who just- feel different. Hermione called it S.P.L.A.T.E.R, also known as Sorcerers Lover Protection Against The Everyday Routine, and it was meant to protect wizards and witches who desire relationships with the same sex against discrimination. The talented witch went on to create a similar movement against portraying gender and identity; The Sorcerer’s Typical Identity or Gender May Alter Shield, better known as S.T.I.G.M.A.S. Both were very welcomed by the public, which happened a good year before the game would be returning, and that led to you gaining your dream job.
You were able to join the Chudley Cannons, your dream team despite their reputation. You were naturally talented on a broom and weren’t afraid to pull some risky stunts to get the golden snitch, plus it fueled your ego to hear the crowd gasp, go silent then cheer loud enough to be heard from Mars. The team and their fans didn’t care that you were the only trans masculine player, in fact, they loved you! The team was very proud to have you be their seeker and it was even better when the Cannons got into the World Cup. You basically carried the team, and they fucking knew it.
Your face made the front page almost weekly, quoting comments from your games and showing off your merchandise like it was no big deal. While you caught the attention of many wizards, witches and magical humans in between, there was one who was absolutely fascinated, maybe borderline obsessed, with you. You somehow stuck in his head, causing him to repaint his room in his shared flat bright orange just like his childhood bedroom. The ex-auror even went as far as getting your newly printed poster. He would glance at it when he was writing letters to his mother, but then would spend a good few solid minutes staring at it, daydreaming about meeting  you and lose track of time. Life got a little harder with the moving poster in his room. Of course you had no idea the famous Ron Weasley was a die-hard fan of yours.
The youngest Weasley son ended up being the first out of three up everyday just to read the newest info about (Y/n) ‘Point Breaker’ (L/n) and the rest of the team. He didn’t want to admit it, but he knew enough about you to be considered a borderline stalker and couldn’t help but spew facts about you to his twin brothers. Those very twins would tease him about his newly found crush but were secrealty very happy that he was getting over his heart break.
Ron and Hermione, more Hermione, had decided splitting and remaining friends was better for them, leading to the poor bloke locked in the spare room of his older brother's flat for a solid week. They told everyone it was mutual, but it was clear to Fred, George and Harry that it was most definitely not a decision that they were both fond of. Harry could still remember the frantic howler he got from Fred and George saying their little brother all but stopped functioning as a human.
He only started eating and showering once he heard the team was up and running again. He figured that was why Harry showed up to the flat one afternoon with tickets to the sold out game. When Ron asked his best mate how he got them, he just smiled and said something about knowing people and favors being exchanged. The ticket was more like a bandage encased in clear plastic and stuck to a lanyard, which is what Ron was fiddling with the day of the game when his best friend suddenly appeared in the middle of the flat.
“Bloody hell, Harry!” Ron screeched out as he steadied himself in his chair. His hand gripped at the shirt on his chest and chose to ignore the head rushing to his cheeks. “Could’ve sent me a warning!” He let out a slow sigh, trying to steady his rapid heart beat. 
“Where’s the fun in that?” Harry laughed out. The professor had his hands in his jacket pocket, a sly grin across his face. “Come on then! Game’s gonna be starting soon!” The raven haired male all but yaned his freckle covered friend out of the chair.
“Ok! Ok, sheesh. Let me grab a jacket.” The red-head knew this was going to be a game that leaked late into the night. Both teams were itching to get the trophy and forget about their troubles- It was gonna be absolutely beautiful. 
Grabbing his coat and reaching into the pocket, Ron pulled out an elastic band and put his hair up into a messy bun quickly before tucking the jacket into his arm. He walked over to Harry, who was gazing at the photo-covered walls of the flat.
“If you want, I can take ca-” Harry was cut off by Ron grabbed his hand.
“No, it’s fine. I like it like this.” Ron shook his head back and forth causing the messy ball to swap back and forth. “Come on. You were the one rushing us.” Harry let out a simple chuckle before apperating them to the field. 
“Tadah!” Harry did a fancy little wave, gesturing to the crowded field and began to make his way down the hell, passing by the old boot. Ron looked down at it as they passed before looking back at his best friend.
“Damn, it has been far too long.” Ron sighed out. A smile broke out across his face when he saw little kids running around with paint covered faces and happy couples sharing tea outside of their tents. “Do we have a tent?” 
“Nope, won’t be needing one this time around.” Harry shoved his hands in his pants pocket.
“No ten- Blimey, Harry, this is a game! This is going to go on for hours-”
“Won’t need it my arse. Hours, Harry. Where are we going to sit? The damp ground?” Ron was flaring his hands about.
“We get to spend our time in the Minister’s Box, Ron, relax.” Harry shook his head in mock disapproval before adjusting his glasses and moving forward. 
“Minister’s Box-” Ron’s voice stuttered out.
“Yeah! Isn’t that cool? We’re gonna be in the middle of the action!” Harry waved to a child who had recognized him with a smile.
“Ministry box-” Ron was’t used to such luguries, even after working with his brothers at their shop. Harry figured he’d never get used to being spoiled like this. It made him choke back a soft snicker.
“Yes, Ronald, the Minister’s Box, now hurry up! I told them we’d get there before the game started so we can chat.” Harry grabbed the lagging boy’s wrist and proceeded to maneuver through the crowd with him. 
“How did ya score this, Harry?” Ron all but yelled over the crowd. Once Harry dragged them through the crowd and to the front doors of the stadium, he spoke up.
“Remember when we went on that assignment to stop LeStrange again? Just before her Dementors Kiss about a month before we quit?” He handed the ticketier his lanyard to check over. Ron did the same before they both entered.
“Yeah? What about it?” Ron’s blue eyes glanced across the crowded inside. Gods, it really had been a while since he’d been here. It felt normal, like he almost hadn’t lost Fred to an explosion, like Harry’s life wasn’t on the line everyday, like every day wasn’t terrifying. Ron turned his attention back to his friend when he spoke up again.
“Well just before that, I went on a loner mission. This one involved taking care of some dark witch who was claiming she could bring back the dead and threatened to bring back Voldemort and the Death Eaters, so they sent me down to check it out.” Harry led him to an elevator, where the gate opened allowing the pair to step in. There was an exhausted looking male standing in uniform, most likely a worker from the Ministry himself. “Ministers Box, kind sir. Thank you.” The gate closed with a shuttering rattle and soon they were moving upward. Green eyes turned back to blue to finish the story. “Anyway, turns out she was actually trying to resurrect the noseless twat, but instead of over time or promotion, I asked for this and the best seats in the house. Figured this would be a good gift for you.”
“Gift? Harry, bud, mate, my fuckin best friend.” Ron placed a hand on Harry’s shoulder. “You didn’t have to do this for me. You’ve already done your fair share of helping me. Blimey, I’m not worth this.”
The gate opened again, allowing the two ex-aurors to step out but not before tossing a few sickles to the poor man who looked bored out of his mind. Ron casted him a short wave before he was sent back down.
“You deserve more than a crummy game and a nice seat, Ronnie. You literally helped me destroy Voldemort.”
“I didn’t do that much and besides it’s not a crummy game!” Ron took his hand away from Harry's shoulder. They walked down the short hallway to the door leading to their seats, but paused just before opening it. “That’s fuckin wild, isn’t it?” Ron grumbled out. “Was she smooched by a Dementor in the end?” 
“Yup. All her research was swiped and burned. Anyone and everyone she knew was obliviated. Now enough talk about old work, let’s relax.” Harry spoke before opening the door and allowed Ron to walk in first. 
The room was bigger than Gred and Forge’s flat, Ron was sure of it. It had silvery blue walls and a huge open window in the front, showing off the screaming fans and showed the entire field which held the perfect view. He couldn’t help his eyes from darting across the fancy black leather seats and the buckets of ice holding expensive bottles of wine, flasks of firewhiskey and glass pitchers giggle water and suddenly Ron wanted to cry and simultaneously brag to Malfoy. Sure, he hadn’t seen the blonde in a year or so but it’d be nice. The red-head didn’t realise he was drifting toward the giant window until someone spoke up, snapping him out of his thoughts. 
“Ah! Mr. Potter! Mr. Weadley, I’m so glad you could make it!” A wizard dressed in a suit came scurrying over, his chapeign glass almost overflowing with foam.
“It’s Weasley, actually.” Harry didn't hesitate to speak up. “But of course! I was thrilled when Ron decided to come with me! I couldn’t have caught that witch without him. Anyway, where will we be seated?” Harry was using his Auror Voice™ while Ron stood there, trying to recall how on earth he helped his best friend with a case he wasn’t even on.
“I did wh-?” Ron was interrupted.
“Ah. My apologies. Of course, of course.” The man in the suit adjusted his tie before gesturing to the window in the front with his glass.. “Front row, just as you requested.” He took a sip from his glass before walking off to the seat he came from, talking to the witch next to him. 
Harry thanked the man before grabbing Ron’s wrist and bringing him over to their seats. He sat Ron at the seat right in the middle of the big opening. Harry could actually see his friends blue eyes gloss over with tears, causing Harry to chuckle into his hand.  It was so worth fighting that witch and staying in St. Mungos for a week with a concussion, broken hand and a stupid spell that nearly killed him.
“Bloody fucking hell, Harry. What did you do to get these seats?” Ron’s voice did little to hide his excitement. Harry released a chuckle over his friend's excitement, but the sound got louder when Ron literally threw his jacket haphazardly onto the seat only for it to fall to the tiled floor.
“I already told you. Don’t worry about it.” Harry took his seat as he grabbed a bottle of wine from the ice bucket on the coffee table at their feet. He examined the label before nodding his head and popping open the cork.
“Wish I had a camera. Ginny would’ve loved this.” Ron walked past the table to the window, resting his hands on the railing and leaning over, looking across the field.
“Ron, she’s a professional coach-” Harry rolled his eyes, testing the wine with a small sip. He set the dark, tall bottle down on the table with a clank.
“Fred and George then.” Ron turned back to his friend and walked over, plopping himself down in his seat with confidence. Harry snorted, almost dropped his drink all over himself. This was therapeutic; he got to spend time with his best friend without the ever looming death threat of Nose-less Snakey Man breathing down his neck. 
“Yes, I’m sure their jealous tears could flood the shop.” Harry’s voice was filled with sarcasm and it had Ron laughing too. Harry checked his watch while the giggling red-head grabbed an empty glass at the table in front of them and poured himself a shot of firewhiskey. “It’s about 5:53. Game should be starting at 6 something.” He turned to Ron, casting him a smile while he brought his glass to his lips. “Wanna talk about your newest boyfriend or should I ask him for the details myself?”
Ron almost spat out his drink, his hand coming up quickly to catch the dribbles falling off his lips. Blood rushed to his cheeks, ears and before he knew it, he was bright red. He wiped his hands on his jeans, his bottom lip drawn between his teeth.
“I’m sorry, my what? Harry, I’d be lucky if he gave me the time of day let alone be my boyfriend!” Ron ran his hands through his hair, his eyes cast downward into his drink. “I mean, have you seen me lately?” He gestured to himself. “I’m a bloody mess. He could do better anyway.”
“You’re not a mess, Ron, anything but. In fact, you’re probably more put together than I am. Ginny would beg to differ, but I’m sure it’s true.” Harry shook his head in disapproval before taking another sip from his glass. “Besides, you’re a good guy. You did get Mione to fall for you and you are kinda well known, aren't you? I say you got a better chance than most.” Once the niorette male finished, he turned to look at his friend who nodded his head in silent agreement before deciding to change the topic.
“How is Gin, by the way?” 
Harry answered with a long explanation that she was good, but one of her chaser’s kept giving her trouble and didn’t believe Ginny was good for the team. The Harpies would be starting their first game soon and Ron made a note to buy a ticket. The questions came around to his brothers, of course, so Ron 
“Hey! Good for them!” Harry refilled his drink once it was finished and put the glass back in the ice bucket. “And good for you.” Harry checked his watch again when it beeped out, indicating the change in hour. “Game time!” 
The room went silent as the minister walked over to the window, doing his usual speech, but no one was really listening. Ron's legs were bouncing with excitement while his eyes looked across the white, green and orange fans waving flags. Ron should’ve known it would've been the Kenmare Kestrels duking it out against the Chudleys Cannons.
The crowds were going absolutely ballistic over the Kestrels and the screaming only seemed to get louder once the Cannon’s made their appearance. He watched the players zoom past the window, felt the air rush past him and before he could control himself, Ron was back at the railing, practically leaning over. His eyes bounced around the orange and black colored players for the new seeker.
“Harry!” Ron gestured pathetically behind him. “Harry! Come here! Look-” Ron pointed across the field to the seeker who was taking circles in the middle, taking in the crowd. He couldn’t help but stare at your confident smirk as you pulled the goggles over your eyes, casting the crowd a wink. The red-head basically melted.
“Godric, your smitten, aren’t you?” Harry was leaning against the railing next to his friend, his glass still in hand. A smirk came across his lips when his friend turned red again.
“Shut it.”
“You a Cannon fan, Mr.Wealsey?” 
The two ex-aurors turned to see the man who approached them earlier coming to Ron’s free side. The man held a cocky grin and a new drink in his hand, most likely giggle water. The red-head turned back to the game once the whistle sounded.
“Yeah. Have been for years.” Ron didn’t take his eyes off the field.
“Huh, even with their sour reputation? I’m more of a Bats fan, myself. Wouldn’t count this game in favor of the Chudley’s though, new seeker and all.” The man scoffed before sipping his drink. “Good seekers are hard to find. Hogwarts was lucky to have you though, Mr. Potter. Should’ve played Quidditch professionally, if you ask me.”
The two males shared a look with each other and came to the conclusion it’d be better to not fight the man on his clearly biased opinion and clear ass kissing. The pair gazed on, ignoring the crowd forming behind them the longer the game went on. Ron almost shoved his friend over when the announcer yelled you spotted the snitch. Ron blinked and you were standing on your broom, balancing perfectly, leaned over, golden snitch just a few inches from your fingertips.
“He’s a risky bloke, isn’t he?” Harry spoke up, hands going to his chaotic locks. “Gdoric, he’s gonna fall!” He squealed out when your foot shifted just a little too far on the broom.
“He’s bonkers.” Sir Pompous sneered out over his fancy drink, causing Ron to audible groan. 
“Sod off, will you?” Ron was so fucking sick of this man. “Stop bein’ pissy he has more balls than you and he was born without them.” He shot the suited wizard a glare before turning back to the game.  He let out a cheer when you finally grasped the snitch, plopping yourself down on the broom. The freckled male turned to Sir Pompous and smirked. “So.. Wouldn’t put this game in their favor, huh?”
The wizard turned on his heel, grumbling what the two friends assumed to be insults as he walked shamefully to his seat. Harry and Ron clinked glasses, giggling like school girls as they took a victory shot. They sat back in their seats, discussing games and just over all basking in the win. 
“Godric, I could get used to living like this.” Ron sat back, spreading his legs and just feeling confident. Harry rolled his eyes.
“I can’t afford to do this all the time, Ron.”
“I can dream, can’t I?” Ron didn’t blink twice when the door to the ministers box opened or when two voices spoke up. He was busy relaxing.
“It’s an honor to meet you, Coach Dorkins! The Chudley’s have always been my favorite-” The same kiss ass from earlier, spewing the same pompous bullshit as earlier. Ron was gonna fake a gag, but he hesitated. Coach Dorkins? Coach of the- of his favorite team? 
“Ah, well, thank you, but I’m just here to drop off Point Breaker.” As your coach went on with his arm now wrapped around you. Ron whipped around, his jaw was dropping to the floor. “Got a favor to fill in for an old friend. Ah, there he is! Potter!”
“Nice to see you again.” Harry stood up and shook hands with the coach. Ron’s blue eyes bounced between his old friend, his favorite coach and his favorite player. What the fuck was going on? Ron shrunk into his seat when you glanced over. He was acutely aware of his messy outfit and hair and- did he brush his teeth? “Ah! I should introduce you to my good friend, Ronald Weasley-” Harry waved over to his friend, a smile on his face. Ron stood up as well, but almost fell into his chair when he saw you shaking hands with his old friend and suddenly everyone was turning to him.
“Uh-hi-” When did his voice get all high pitched and creaky again. He cleared his throat, wiping his hands on his jeans before shaking hands with the coach. “Sorry, big fan.” 
Dorkins shook his head, saying how he understood between deep chuckles. The male then turned to you, who was standing by his side. He introduced you to the red-head while you held a similar, nervous smile on your face. You held your hand out as you spoke up finally. 
“I know all about you, Mr. Weasley. Well, no not- Wait, not everything like.. Like everything everything, like um- I.. well- Ok, let me start again.” You cleared your throat, shaking the ex-aurors hand. “Hi, I’m (Y/n). I’m a fan, Mr. Weasley.”
Ron was just kinda shaking your hand, confusion filled in his brain. He was just running over your rambling and was so confused. 
“You’re a fan of me?”
“The famous auror? Of course!” You were grinning now and he found himself just staring at you. The two of you missed how Potter and Dorkins were chuckling about star struck fans and wondered somewhere else in the room.
“You played great today-” Ron almost blurted out, his voice turning prepubescent again.
“Thank you! You don’t think it was too much? Too flashy?” 
“No, no, I’d say it has the perfect amount of flash.” Ron shot you a lopsided smile. The smile allowed you to relax some, the star struck tension between the two of you almost dispersing completely as you joked back and forth. You soon found yourself sitting in Harry's abandoned seat, chatting away like you had been friends since your school years. 
“So then- then- hold on, stop laughing-Haha! No, shh! We stole my dad's car just to save him! My brothers didn’t even try to talk me out of it! The only thing my older brother said was “yeah, get the car. We’re gonna find out if it’s considered kidnapping if we’re children"! Mum really chewed us out when we got back that mornin’!” Ron finished his 7th story that night while you were enjoying a nice glass of cold water. You couldn’t get over his terrible impressions of his brothers. More than a few times his stories led to you almost choking on your drink or just letting out a loud laugh.
You told him some stories about your life at home too and only got encouraged by his snickering behind his own drink. You were so open with him, telling him stories of quidditch practice and the strange gifts you got from fans, his favorite being a bra with your face hand painted on it. 
More time passed by as you chatted, finally coming around to just playing 20 questions just day to day stuff. Now, it was your turn to ask a question and honestly, the game shouldn’t even be called 20 questions, it was more like 500 questions.
“Ok. Ok. Is it true that you had a thing for Krum?” You grinned when his cheeks turned red. “I heard from a chaser that you were here when we got on the field and our  keeper was willing to bet his life on this rumor that you had a fling with Krum.” 
“N-no, no fling! Just uh- more of a sexual awakening, if you will.” Ron snorted out, rubbing the back of his neck. His eyes turned away from yours for the first time that night, casting his gaze out across the empty field.
“Ooh! What is the great Ron Weasley’s sexual preference?” You leaned forward, your grin turning to a teasing smirk. You put a hand on his shoulder when he started stuttering over his words. “Come on! You can tell me! I don’t spill secrets.”
“Would hot quidditch players be an acceptable answer?” Ron was playing with a spare ponytail holder on his wrist now, his face turning redder.
“I’d say so.” You smiled, setting down your water glass. 
“What about you?”
“I told you mine. It’s only fair, Point Breaker. Spill it.” It was Ron’s turn to get cocky as you blushed. 
“May or may not be hot ex-aruros, but who’s keeping track.” You were not going to admit you’d been fanboying over the red-head since his face came across the Daily Profit. While he knew a lot about your game stats and quotes, you knew about the dark wizards he fought against, how he helped Granger and Potter and decided fighting was too much.
“Oh really?”
“I said maybe. Don’t get cocky. Besides, I could mean Harry-”
“I have a feeling you don’t mean him.”
“Well, what are you going to do about it?”
“How about a date?” Ron leaned back in his chair, gauging your reaction. He mentally sighed when you didn’t appear grossed out or scared.
“Hmm, let me think. “ You pretended to count stuff on your fingers before smiling at the red-head. “Leaky Cauldron?”
“Sure! Tuesday?”
“I’m free after 6.”
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writinggarbage007 · 3 years
Bad Bad Girlfriend
Bucky Barnes x dark! reader
Warnings: Sex, stalking.Also murder, manipulating people,general mayhem, con woman, cannon level violence
Casey in the bushes with a machete
Will update warnings on each chapter if necessary.
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Slight AU
Casey Piven was sitting at the bar of a club downtown. She was looking for her next mark, but so far the pickings were slim.
She'd chatted up a lawyer earlier but he'd been more interested in his next fix than her.
Too bad, he was hot.
Just when she thought she was going to have to move on to another bar, the night got a lot more interesting. The Avengers walked into the bar on a wave of laughter. They all seemed to be making fun of the dark haired man who was wearing gloves and a leather jacket in this heat. He seemed to be throwing their comments right back at them with a sweet smile.
"I'm just saying Buck if you lose another cell phone my assistant is going to kick your ass." Captain America said.
"Naa. She loves me. She won't get mad at me." Buck, you think he said answers as they sit a few stools away.
"I wouldn't count on that saving you." Steve Rogers says.
Casey tried not to look at them, and a redhead who could only be the Black Widow sits down on Steve's other side drawing his attention away from Buck.
When their eyes meet in the mirror behind the bar Buck smiles and Casey smiles back. He turns facing her and says 'Hi. I'm Bucky."
"I'm Casey," she replies, holding her hand out to shake. He turns it and kisses her knuckles. Then moves over to the stool right next to hers and orders them both a drink.
Casey doesn't know what to make of him. He chats with her, rubbing her arm, leaning in like he's interested. He puts his hand on her back when he's ordering more drinks. They talk for hours. When she looks at the time, she makes an excuse to leave. Work in the morning. Total lie but leave em wanting more.
Bucky asks for her number then says he will call tomorrow. After Steve's assistant gets him a new phone. He keeps dropping or losing them, he admits sheepishly.
"It was really nice to meet you Bucky" she says and kisses his cheek before heading for the door.
He calls the next afternoon and invited her to movie night with his friends. She arrived at the compound dressed in jeans and a decent top with her hair in a ponytail. Makeup minimal.
When she passed the front gate she stared in amazement. The big building was a lot of glass. Shaking it off she parked in a visitor spot and went into the lobby.
"Hi, I'm Casey Piven. I'm here to see Bucky." She said with a smile.
"Yes ma'am," he answers, checking her out. " Cap's assistant is going to escort you up. That's her," he says pointing to the harassed looking woman, having a heated conversation on her phone at the other end of the security desk.
"No, Sam I will not be able to get flowers before 6. I have to escort Bucky's date to movie night, pick up Cap's dry cleaning, order enough pizza to feed all of them, and you know that includes Clint so it's a lot. Then I still have hours of paperwork and I haven't even started on the packets for that presentation you are making on Thursday." She seemed pissed. Casey wondered if Captain Rogers' assistant needed an assistant. "Fine! Fine, Sam. I will call Shelley at the florist and see if she can bring you something but don't bitch about what you get. Next time give a girl some warning."
"Umm.. excuse me?" Casey said trying to not laugh at the disgruntled expression on the assistants face. "The security guard said I needed to have you escort me to Bucky."
"Right, sorry." She blew out a breath and dialed the phone while heading to the elevator." Come with me. Shelley, how are you? I need a favor…"
The assistant didn't speak to Casey again, but that was ok. She was busy looking around.
Getting off the elevator, they moved to a room with no windows. "The media room," the assistant said, leading Casey to a chair. "Friday tell Bucky his guest is here." She said to the ceiling.
"Right away ma'am." A female voice replied.
"Friday is an AI. She monitors the building." The assistant says, then goes back to her call."Shelley you are a lifesaver."
Bucky entered the room a few moments later, and greeted Casey with a kiss on the cheek. The assistant rolled her eyes.
"How are you?" Bucky asked.
"Not great," Casey says. "I got laid off from my job today. They waited until the end of my shift, but it's whatever."
She saw the look of speculation on the assistants face, but Bucky was all sympathetic and comforting.
That was the beginning of 3 weeks of being romanced. Wined and dined. Spending whole weekends in bed, talking about anything and everything.
Casey was in love, so when Bucky invited her to the compound on a Friday night she went without question.
In the lobby it was a repeat of the first time she had entered the place. Security guard says to wait for Steve's assistant, Steve's assistant on the phone arguing.
"No Natasha I can't get the new model until it releases on Monday. I called and they will ship it on Monday, you should have it by Wednesday or Thursday. No they won't let me pick it up. It's manufacturer is in Asia somewhere and I don't have time to fly there." The assistant said, turning she spots Casey and sighs."NATASHA! I have to go, Bucky's visitor is here. Yes, he wants me to do it again. I know it's fucked up."
Motioning Casey to the cluster of chairs on the other side of the room, Steve's assistant follows her over and tells her to sit down. The assistant takes the opposite seat and leans her elbows on her knees.
"Look Casey, I'm really sorry. Bucky asked me to let you know that he isn't ready for a relationship. He respects you and he feels too damaged to continue something that isn't going anywhere." The assistant sounds like she's said this before.
Casey stares at the assistant. "Why wouldn't he tell me himself? I want to see him, NOW!"
"He isn't here." The assistant answers, waving back the guard who started around the security desk.
"So he just had you break up with me? I don't believe you. This doesn't make any sense. He was at my place this morning. Why wouldn't he tell me?" She'd been played. What the hell? She hadn't seen it coming.
The assistant sighs again, sitting back in her chair. She is watching Casey way too closely. Casey thinks she is getting some sick pleasure out of this.
"I just delivered the message." The assistant says standing. "Your number has been blocked, your access to the compound is revoked. If you come back you won't get through the gate. I'm sorry but I have to go now. I'm busy."
When the assistant stands to leave Casey jumps up, grabbing the other girl's arm.
"Did he really send you or did you just decide you want him for yourself?" Casey practically screams at the assistant. To her shock the assistant starts to laugh, loudly, causing the security guard to sit back down with a smile.
"I can do better than that man-whore and plan to. You should go. Don't make a fool out of yourself over this." She walks away, answering her phone as she waits for the elevator."Yes Wanda?," She says."Ok, I'm on my way back up and I'll fix it."
She steps into the elevator and is gone. Casey stands in shock for a moment, then storms out of the lobby. She gets in her car and heads to the bar. Rage is taking root and she doesn't know what to do.
After drinking all evening Casey goes home to the apartment she rented for the last con. Her bed still smelled like Bucky's cologne and it makes her head spin.
She spends days following the assistant on errands and back to her little house. The assistant is never home for long. Flying back to the compound at all hours.
Casey took this as proof that she was seeing Bucky.
At 3 a.m. on a Saturday morning, Casey waited in the bushes for the assistant to get home. Casey had followed her to the Avengers Compound at 11pm the previous night so she should be home soon. Casey's hear thundered in her chest.
Jumping out of the bushes at the assistant she was shocked when the girl evaded her attack and pulled a gun. She smacked Casey in the head with the gun and called 911 on her cell phone.
Courts, restraining orders, a visit from Homeland Security and the FBI.
It all went by in a blur.
After it was all over Casey was heartbroken, branded a stalker and under observation from everyone.
And still determined to get Bucky back….
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modern-alebrije · 3 years
ok, cinderella (2021) rambling:
it's definitely more light hearted than most cinderella stories. much like Happy Feet 2 (2011) the opening number is rhythm nation performed by,, basically every character. then there's this super drastic tone shift from everyone singing and dancing to camila cabello in a basement.
however it becomes clear pretty quickly that this cinderella is in a much better living situation than most other cinderellas. for one, she's very clean. at one point one of the stepsisters is like, "there's dirt on your face," when there's literally not a hair out of place on camila's head. she has a very spacious basement bedroom, again very clean, with a nice queen sized bed, and lots of space for her dressmaking, because this cinderella is a girlboss designer. her relationship with her stepfamily is more tense than straight up abusive. really only one of the stepsisters is mean, the other is just kinda simple, and the conflict with her stepmother comes more from her not supporting cinderella's girlboss ambitions.
also, idina menzel plays the stepmother and, no shade to miss cabello, but every time they sing together idina sings cabello under the table.
but yeah, the stepmother's whole deal is that she wants all her daughters (cinderella included) to marry well so that they can have a secure future, later we find out that this is because she tried to Have It All when she was a young woman and lost her husband for being too ambitious. this causes friction with cinderella bc she dont need no man, she just wants to run a boutique! but women arent allowed to own businesses in this kingdom >:( . cinderella is less "a servant in her own house" in this and more of like, the family's black sheep, she's a creep, she's a weirdo. she's also very sassy, very snarky, actually so is everyone else. everyone's always making witty comebacks and snide comments.
speaking of weirdos. i didnt like the costuming, especially the townspeople's. it was all over the place, like there'd be a man in one of those baggy peasant shirts and burlap pants next to some dude in jeans and flannel. and cinderella's ballgown top (bustier?) was too big for her. like, she'd dance and she would literally move inside of the thing, it fit her like a turtle shell. the skirt was ugly too. oh! near the beginning she goes out to sell one of her dresses, and she runs into the prince in disguise and he buys it, its a whole meet-cute thing. later we see his little sister wearing it at the ball after its been hyped up as like, "wow, ella youre such a boss designer," and its literally three pieces of tulle wrapped around each other.
which reminds me, something i really liked was the prince's sister, princess gwendolyn. she's this precocious young woman with a ceo haircut who has all these ideas about how to improve the kingdom and she just wants a seat at the table but the king wont allow it because she's a girl. also she's constantly dressed in these medieval executive realness outfits with like, turtlenecks; i found it very funny. the movie could've been about her and i wouldve been happy.
the pumpkin. the pumpkin. billy porter shows up in a gorgeous gold get-up to do the whole fairy godmother thing, and after giving cinderella her ugly dress he turns a crate into a carriage and horses, and the birtish comedian mice into her driver and footmen. now, granted not every cinderella needs a pumpkin carriage. the grimms' cinderella gets her things from the tree at her mother's grave and the birds. however, the fairy godmother, the glass slippers, the transformations, and the stroke-of-midnight thing are all present here and, i think, the pumpkin carriage is part of that iconic perrault bundle.
honestly i'm not so mad at it now that ive had some time away from it,, but i wouldn't watch it again. the songs all felt very... shallow. it's a jukebox musical, but it doesnt feel very cohesive, and breaks into song and dance very abruptly. ultimately i dont think its that bad of a movie, but its not good either. what it is bad at though is being a cinderella story. i think if you called it something like "the dressmaker and the prince: a modern fairytale" and just played with general fairytale tropes a la Ella Enchanted (2004) and Enchanted (2007) without being explicitly a cinderella story you wouldnt lose anything. the screenwriter+director, kay cannon, has worked on 30 rock, new girl, and basically created the whole pitch perfect franchise, as well as the short-lived netflix comedy, Girlboss. when i heard about that last one everything about cinderella (2021) kinda made sense.
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alexlabhont · 4 years
I didn’t mean to fall in love with you
Chapter Eight.
Book: Queen B - Choices (Universe)
Pairing:  Poppy Min-Sinclair x Trans!Male MC (Beck Hughes)
Genre: Canon re-write (Because I can)
Rating: Anyone can read it, really
Tags: @dopeyouth @theymakemegayer @save-me-the-last-dance @poppysmc (If anyone want to be tagged in, just tell me)
This is me trying to write by and for the Trans community, specially FTM community, meaning, trans guys, but I actually took the liberty to use They/them pronouns for everyone out there who´s interested (Also, the name Beck was the most neutral one I could find, trying to use the cannon Bea Hughes)
If you have any comment, PLEASE BE RESPECTFULL and patient with me. This is also my first english fanfic and english is not my mother language, so... i’m sorry fo the grammar errors
Chapter seven
Just a dance (Zoey x MC)
When Poppy told that guy to send a pic of her and Farmsville kissing to The T, she wasn't trying anything but to declare a message, to make clear to everyone in Belvoire, especially to that Wonder Warden Wade of theirs, one little thing: Beck was hers now.
But no.
As usual, things with Beck were completely out of her control, whenever Poppy did zig, somehow Beck always managed to do zag. And this time "Zag" were lots of photos where Beck was hanging out, laughing and even hugging Zoey Wade. Sharing classes, walking side by side. Being together.
Students were talking, The T was speculating. That girl’s happy face making fun of her right from inside the photos and that stupid threat of hers didn’t. Leave. Her. Mind! That New Money was winning, and there it was just one person to blame: Beck Hughes.
So when she finally saw them in the hallway, she was decided to tear them down for good, hiding behind her reputation, behind a failed plan, when she knew deep down herself that she was mad for something else… Sometime hurtful…
But it all went down to shit when what she saw a few seconds later was Beck’s back hitting hard against the wall, and that stupid animal grabbing them by the clothes. For a moment, she completely forgot how to breathe, a loud gasp taking all the air in her lungs, and the pain and rage clutched her heart with such a lightning force and speed that Poppy couldn’t understand; all she knew was she couldn't stop looking at the scene, wanting so badly to be in the middle just to kick his balls so hard that they'll stop working forever. The strawberry blonde really tried to end the fight sooner, but that bunch of assholes that Belvoire had as students started to stand around as disgusting moths, hungry for a fight, so the last thing Poppy saw of the attack for a moment were Beck’s smile and then the pain written all over their face.
And that was it.
She could feel her blood boiling, something weird taking over her body. She was familiar to this feeling, the blonde felt it each time Farmsville proved to be a pain in her ass… but this one's was stronger, deeper, and incontrollable. Her nails were eager to meet Carleton's face until nobody could recognize him ever again. But when she finally got there it was Beck who was doing her job, smashing their fists against his face over and over, growling each time. A quick twist.
Naturally, that bastard was expelled latter that day, everyone totally noticed it because… well… she had her ways. And although it was one less problem without him, that didn’t make up for Beck’s rib.
Yes, she literally dragged them to the hospital to get that X-ray, what was that I'm-Tough-I'm-fine shit? Who were them? Rambo? Beck had that stupid frown through all the way, like a spoiled baby, but it didn't matter, because now everyone was sure that Beck didn't have a broken rib. They were fine.
“Told you.”
“I don't fucking care, Hughes. Now hold that tongue of yours, would you?” The silence she asked for only lasted two seconds.
“You know I told you.”
“Oh, my god. What are you, five?” she rolled her eyes quickly. “Why are you so mad about it anyways? Of course I needed to know if you were ok!”
“I told you I was fine!”
“You’re not a fucking doctor!” Neither of them giving a shit about the driver hearing the conversation. “You don't have anything to prove when it comes to your health!”
She said, why it was not basic information? Why was it something so hard to swallow?
“Poppy?” God, this one just won't stop, right?
“What now?” The blonde didn't even bother to look at them, focusing her attention to what was outside the window.
“You’re right.” Wait what? “I shouldn't be upset about it. After all... You were just taking care of me, so… Thank you.”
Poppy will never admit it to anyone… but that weird but honest and beautiful smile she received made her tremble a little~ bit. Just a little bit. It was kind of like seeing them for the very first time, discover them, a fraction of their very own core shown to her…
But anyways
Right after that, just right after all she did, after that fucking day Poppy hadn't heard a word from that bastard.
So all Belvoire may be asking themselves: what was doing the great, the beautiful, the one and only queen Poppy Min-Sinclair walking through the campus with a fruit tree in hands? Obviously not her hands, an employee's hands, but whatever. Same thing.
Well, the answer was simple: Nobody, and that’s nobody…, could ignore her. No one. Poppy can and do ignore people, but be ignored? Hell, no. She hadn't seen Beck in school neither, no text messages, no social media updates, nor shit, so she was going to pay them a visit, giving them something that surely will make them to never forget about her.
So yeah, a fruit tree. That was an acceptable get well gift, right?
Poppy knocked at Beck's place, waiting, of course, for a quick answer… and waiting, and waiting… and waiting.
“Ms. Min-Sinclair…” shyly spoke that man whoever he was. “Can I put the tree down for a second?”
“No.” Maybe if it were any other time the guy could do it, but not today. Today, when she was going to deliver it personally. Today, when she was giving one of the very few gifts meant from her kind spot. Today, when she was getting angrier and angrier because she hated to wait.
She knocked again. Harder this time, but the results were just the same. And that's when something weird started to happen. Yes, she was still angry, but a stitch-like feeling started to grow inside her. She knew for a fact that Beck was in there, the doctor was clear: They needed to rest and there it was no absolutely way Zoey would let them do anything else. So they had to be there.
“Maybe they're taking a nap or something. Nothing weird, right?” She thought while her eyes wandered through the hall, searching for some magic and very hidden way to get inside the dorm. Because maybe… maybe… they weren’t sleeping.
“No. They’re fine! They’re just doing something stupid like playing the ukulele or whatever musicians do.” Her mind chuckled a little, if she could joke about it, then there it was nothing bad going on… But it didn't work quite well. She was starting to feel preoccupied.
“Er… excuse me?” Poppy turned, a deadly, cold, scary glare piercing that poor bastard's self so hard as the blonde knew she was capable of, making him tremble. It would've been funny if it wasn't for the situation.
“You have exactly two seconds to tell me why anything you have to say is relevant or I'll fire you. Starting now.”
“There’s some guy behind that corner watching us for quite a while now.” The employee said, the strawberry blonde followed the man's sight direction, what kind of creep were stalking them? Seriously, fucking weirdo.
To her fortune in at least this case, Poppy recognized that nerdy, greasy hair guy above a pair of glasses and a suspicious look behind them. Ew, Benji What’s-his-name. Well… desperate times call for desperate measures…
“Hey you!” Poppy called him as demanding as only someone like her could be. “Come closer.”
“W-why?” He asked, reserved.
“Because you’re last place and I basically command you. So stop talking and get your pimpled ass over here.” The guy walked towards them, looking hurt, angry maybe, but who cares? It wasn't her fault he was a looser that nobody cared about. Eat or be eaten, there’s people in this world with the potential to be a force of nature, and there it was people like Benji as well. They’re just there to be used. “I need you to open this door for me. ASAP.”
“What?! But that's against the dorm's ru…!”
“Excuse me, do I look like I care?” Poppy was pretty close to lose her patience completely, but she managed to behave a little, after all he was right. If they get caught, most likely the problems would arrive sooner than later. “Just do it and you're free to leave. Nobody’s gonna know.”
“God, they’re gonna know…” he whispered, playing with his own fingers, making then crack. “But let’s make this quick, ok?”
“That is so what I actually asked you to do, you dumbass.”
Benji looked around like if he was about to rob a bank or something, Poppy rolled her eyes at this, tapping her foot to try and give him pressure to do the job in that instant; the only “big move” he did was swiping his master key on the door, then nudged it open with his foot.
“See? It wasn’t that hard, wasn’t it?” Poppy said, not even looking at Benji. “Now disappear before someone see us talking.”
The strawberry blonde didn't even know if Benji did go away or not, she just went straight into Beck's bedroom, opening the door of the first room she saw.
Beck was sitting on their bed, their laptop over their lap; a pair of big, black professional headphones covering their ears and little Fran--- Pepes comfortably sleeping, snugging next to Beck’s feet. When they saw her, their eyes went wide, taking off the headphones completely surprised and confused, a what's going on written all over their face, especially when the employee came along with her gift.
“Poppy? What the…? How the hell did you…?”
“Shht.” She didn't let them finish, chuckled a little of the incredulous expression they had. The reality was that, now that she knew Beck was ok…, she was… weirdly relieved… and pissed, but that's something she could deal with latter. “I want you to place the tree over there… next to the window… perfect! That would be all. You're no longer required.”
The employee left the room almost immediately, the sound of the principal door closing was the only indication that both of them were completely alone.
“Well… are you going to tell me now what are you doing here or not?” Beck spoke.
“I was just passing by and suddenly I wanted to come. Why? Is there a problem?”
“And what's with the tree?”
“It’s a get-well gift from yours truly.” Poppy shooted a playful wink, receiving a flicker of their eyes, disbelieving.
“A tree?”
“It’s a fruit tree.”
“Right…” Beck said, sarcastic painting their voice as they put their headphones around their neck, placing their attention on the screen once again. Like… hello? Poppy was right there!
“I was knocking for a long time out there. Where are your manners? Did you leave them in the farm?” She joked trying to make them mad, while petting Pepes softly, who kept sleeping as if nothing happened right after opening one eye and closing it again.
“No, sorry. I didn’t hear you… How did you get in?”
“I have my ways.”
“Gosh, that’s so messed up…” Beck murmured, their gaze still on the laptop.
“Seriously? That’s it?”
Feeling like a fool, Poppy clenched her teeth. She was waiting for Beck to do something, to look at her again, to ask her to leave, anything! But no, they kept tapping and clicking while biting the insides of their cheeks.
“Jesus, Hughes!” tired, Poppy walked towards them and took drastically their notebook away...
… and replaced it with herself, sitting over Beck’s lap trying not to hurt their rib. They were warm, pajamas still on, messy hair and even though the bed was made, you could tell they hadn’t gotten up from there in a while.
“Give me that back…” The determination was in their eyes, but Poppy knew better. She knew for a fact they didn’t want her to obey. Their hands around her waist, the whisper in which they were talking and that dork yet attractive smile on their lips were telling otherwise.
“No.” She said. “I came all~ the way here just to see you. The least thing you could do is give your full attention to me.” Poppy demanded.
“I thought you were just passing by.” Beck said, a mocking grin lighting up their face.
“Just shut up already.” She said, causing them to laugh a little.
“Make me.”  
Oh… that’s new.
But she was happy to oblige, so she kissed them. A spicy, hot kiss where her lips and her tongue played with theirs, trying to take control, to make them forget about the whole world, their own name, and focus on her taste, her touch on their neck, her fingers caressing their skin, traveling down, discovering Beck’s clavicles… but it was hard, because she wasn’t the only one trying to take over the other one… Beck was doing it so as well, so how could Poppy concentrate if she could feel the warm moves of the tip of their fingers tracing an intense map on her back, that she could almost feel as if it was on her bare skin? How can she prove herself superior when Beck’s slow bites in her mouth, savoring her, burned so good?  
“How are you feeling, Tushi-face?” Poppy murmured, ending the moment just before she completely loses control. This was still a plan, and the blonde always had to be the one who they can’t live without. She needed them to be hopelessly devoted to her to make it work, not the other way around. “I’m not hurting you, am I?”
“Nor a little bit.” Beck took a deep breath, regaining their lost air. But there it was: that lamb face. “I was just trying to pick a good song for an audition.”
“Audition? To what?”
“A metal band. You know, some… stuff.” Poppy frowned, why would them wanted to be on a band? Beck had recognition on their own, fans all over Belvoire and, she can surely bet, even New York. Beck didn’t need anyone else, that’s why she had choose him. Because she knew the potential they had alone. Together… they both would be the power couple of the entire school… and, with her guidance, even more than that.
“Why would you do that?” Poppy asked. Beck responded with a shrug.
“I don’t know. Sounds fun. Besides, there is going to be a battle of bands and I want so badly to show them who's the boss...”
That’s when Poppy saw it for the very first time. The spark on their eyes made of ambition, confidence… arrogance.
“I see…”
All this time, she thought Beck was one of those people that just were going with the flow. A diamond in the rough who couldn't see its real potential… But she was wrong all along… There were more on Beck than they show, and she just figured it out a little more. The music was the answer all this time. She should've seen it before.
“Uhm… Ok. Just pick a song that reminds you of me.” Beck cracked a chuckle, letting their mind wandering thought their music repertoire.
“Oh, I think I have one.” They suddenly said with a playful grin on their face. “I’m sour candy … so sweet then I get a little angry, yeah… Sour candy, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah…”
“Seriously, Hughes? Blackpink?” They didn't care, they even closed their eyes and kept on singing, dancing their arms in a funny, annoying way.
“I'm super psycho, make you crazy when I turn the lights low… sour candy… yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah…”
That was it. Two can play the game just fine.
“Ask me to be nice and then I’ll do it extra mean… tteutbakke pyojeong hanae neon danghwanghagetji...” Poppy sang suddenly, surprising Beck so hard that she couldn’t help but laugh a lot because of their face. “Oh, honey… let me close that for you.” The strawberry blonde used her hand to gentle taking their jaw up. God, how can they be so cute while being dumb?
“You speak Korean?!”
“What kinda question is that? Do you actually know what the Min on Min-Sinclair means?”
“I-I mean, yeah. I just didn't want to assume… what does it mean? That thing you sang?” The blonde raised an eyebrow.
“I thought you knew.” Beck shook his head, that surprised look still into their eyes, but now had a taste of interest and wonder… A chance that she didn't miss. “Well… it actually means this…” Slowly, like a panther hunting her prey, Poppy reach out for Beck's neck, pouring out sweet but dangerous kisses over their skin… Oh, their reactions… Beck sigh, shaking a little, their body was tense, but slowly begun to relax, enjoying the attentions.
Both of their hands started to touch Poppy's body, eager, needy, intensely. Beck's caressed burned more and more over her body to the point where the blonde couldn't take it anymore. She needed them to take her clothes off…
Beck kissed her lips hungrily, tasting her as if they were starving, gripping her hips while doing so. She grinded down on them, stealing a gasp from their lips in between the kisses, driving her mad. Poppy needed to touch them, to feel them, so she put her hands under their shirt, enjoying the burning skin of their actually hard abs… touching careful and slowly up, and up…
“No, Poppy, wait…” Beck suddenly said, nervous and sounding a little scared. Confused as fuck, Poppy moved a little away, shooting them a question-mark-look. What happened? She wanted so badly to ask, but the stupid door opened abruptly, an annoying voice right behind it.
“Beck, I'm home! I got you some soup…”
Zoey was literally in the house. The stupid look on her face when she realized what was happening make Poppy really angry.
“Fuck you, Wade. Don't you see we're in the middle of something?” Something clicked inside the girl, because her astonished expression chance in one second to an indignant one just before slapping the door.
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shelovescontrol91 · 3 years
In order to lure Camila Cabello to “Cinderella,” Kay Cannon borrowed a page from Prince Charming’s playbook. Sony told Cannon she could direct the film — she had already been writing the screenplay — provided she could convince the pop star that “Cinderella” should be her acting debut. So off Cannon went to Miami to meet with Cabello, having packed a glass slipper she’d bought on Etsy, even though her producers told her that would be “weird,” she says.
“I was there for, like, 30 seconds. And I’m like, ‘I hesitate to do this!’ And I pull out this glass slipper. ‘Does it fit?’”
However embarrassing, the gesture worked. In May, Amazon Studios bought “Cinderella” from Sony — with Cannon’s blessing — and it will premiere on the streamer on Sept. 3. While it’s disappointing that the movie musical won’t primarily play in theaters, the director, who has a daughter too young to get vaccinated, sees only the bright side.
“If the goal is for people to feel joy,” Cannon says, “I think we’re going to reach more people.”
At 47, Cannon is among the still-too-small group of women directors who have a Midas touch for mainstream, feminist comedies. After getting her start as a writer for “30 Rock,” Cannon wrote the three “Pitch Perfect” movies and directed “Blockers,” an emphatically R-rated comedy with a dirty mind and a loving heart.
In summer 2017, Cannon had just completed filming “Blockers” when her agent told her that James Corden wanted to speak with her about a “Cinderella” project. She jumped at the chance — but only because she wanted to meet the late-night talk-show host, not because she had any interest in fairy tales or princess culture. In fact, Cannon was certain that any new “Cinderella” would be a non-starter, since Disney’s 2015 live-action version, starring Lily James, had grossed more than $540 million worldwide so recently. “Nothing’s going to come out of this,” she remembers thinking.
But when Corden and his Fulwell 73 producing partner Leo Pearlman pitched her the idea of a “Cinderella” musical with contemporary songs, saying she could rewrite the fable however she liked, she immediately changed her mind. “I have no poker face,” Cannon says. “And I was like, ‘I want to do this!’”
Cannon’s “Cinderella” has a thoroughly modern message. Ella isn’t interested in marriage, wanting instead to travel the world and be a designer.  Cannon also toned down the canonical cattiness of Ella’s stepfamily, and upped the story’s comedy potential. All the while, characters such as the stepmother (Idina Menzel) and the prince (Nicholas Galitzine) are singing songs like “Material Girl” and “Somebody to Love” and “Pitch Perfect”-style mashups like “Whatta Man” with “Seven Nation Army.”
At every step, her guiding principle was “How can it be different?” “I wanted people to get their money’s worth,” Cannon says, “or why do it at all?”
In an interview with Variety, Cannon talks about how COVID-19 affected “Cinderella,” her experience as a woman director and how things have changed in comedy.
The Cinderella story has been told and retold, and had just been a live-action movie when you signed on to write this. How did you want your version to be different? And is it significant here that Camila Cabello is a woman of color?
Yes, I wanted to make sure it was incredibly inclusive. And her being Cuban Mexican is no small thing, and what she represents to millions of people — not only her fans, but to millions.
The story has mostly been told and retold almost exclusively by men: I feel it when I watch. The 2015 Kenneth Branagh “Cinderella” was hugely successful, and it was beautiful. And I love the Whitney Houston, Brandi “Cinderella.” It just feels a little told from their gaze. And I really felt like it was important to me to tell it through my gaze.
Can you talk about creating the Fab G, and what you wanted from that character?  
So many amazing actresses have played that role — so I’d written that role to be a man. And, quite honestly, the only one who fit all of everything I wanted was Billy Porter; I wrote it with him in mind. He’s just such a great singer. He’s just so talented. Because I wrote it specifically for Billy, the character kind of came easy. I just wrote it in his voice, and tried to make it funny. I had actually had another song in there, and then as soon as Billy was confirmed, we picked “Shining Star.”
Is the Fab G gender non-binary?
We talked about it. In having many conversations with Billy, I was like, “I think the answer needs to come from you.” He has said “they/them,” and “magic has no gender.” Non-binary for sure.
You started filming in England in February 2020. Tell me about shutting down because of COVID.
We had shot the ball the first week of March, which is something I do not believe I would have been able to do coming back — and it wasn’t a super-spreader. I’d shot all of the Fab G stuff, and all the basement stuff.
It felt like something out of “The Amazing Race” — like, pack up all your stuff! I’d been in the U.K. for like four months, and my family was there. My daughter was going to school there, and my husband was the writer on set. So we packed everything up, and then Camila and her family and my family, we flew back. My husband’s family is in Maine, and so we just stayed in Maine the entire time.
That sounds so nice, actually.
I did all of post in a boathouse in Maine. It was pretty awesome, actually.
During the break, what were you doing?
It was like getting a second prep, really. I was working with my editor, Stacey Schroeder, and we were putting together what we had. And then I was able to see what I needed and what I didn’t need. And I was doing a ton of rewriting, and I was doing a ton of prep that we didn’t necessarily have. Because I had all the opening, I had the finale, I had “Somebody to Love,” I had “Am I Wrong,” “Material Girl” — all these big numbers.  
Movie theaters have reopened, and this was obviously made with a theatrical audience in mind. How did the Amazon of it all happen?
Sony is a business, first and foremost. I know that Sony loves the movie, and that partnership was really great on that level. So I think it was hard for them to give it up, but I’m really quite happy that people can see this in this safety of their own homes with loved ones. And it is a wonderful theatrical experience, especially with the music and the sound and everything. And it will open theatrically in some theaters.
It not being a wide release in theaters means that we’re not healthy yet. And so that’s what’s the most upsetting — that we’re not healthy.
As you were moving from being a performer to being a screenwriter, did you always have directing in mind, or was that something that you discovered you wanted to do?
I was led to it. When I was at “30 Rock,” by like Season 5, I really wanted to direct an episode. And I was too chickenshit to ask. I was the writer/producer who was always on set — at that point, I’d spent my 10,000 hours on set for sure. And it wasn’t until I had a meeting with Nathan Kahane at Lionsgate, and he was like, “You should be directing your own stuff.” I have such a respect for academics, and I never went to film school, so I just didn’t think I could do it.  And then once he put that in my head, I was like, “Yeah, you know what? I can do it.'”
And is that how “Blockers” came about?  
Exactly. Yeah, they sent me the script with an offer to direct. And with no questions asked. I didn’t have to do any kind of auditioning.
That is very rare! Obviously, things have gotten better for women directors in the past few years, after years of the most appalling statistics. What obstacles do you feel like you’ve faced as a woman director?  
Especially with “Blockers,” I had a very good experience. I feel like the obstacles I have to face really are from the powers that be that still fight me at every level on what women want to watch, or think is funny. Or what is funny — forget gender.
My stuff happens to have female leads, and it’s female driven. So the jokes are coming out of women’s mouths. And I cannot tell you the amount of fighting I have about what they think is going to work, and what they think isn’t going to work. And there’s a lot of like, “I have all the expertise, you do not have the experience.”
And it’s just like, ‘I’ve been working in the comedy side for 15 years now — successfully.” And so what ends up happening is, I fight and fight and fight, and then I just do it and get it in. And then it gets put in front of an audience and the audience laughs. And then they have to say, “OK, that does work.” And you might not think that that’s that big of a deal. Maybe that’s creatively for everybody. Maybe it’s not gender specific. I tend to believe that it is gender specific.
Is that at the studio level?
From my experience, it’s mostly the studio level. And maybe I’m just sensitive to it or whatever. But I just feel like there’s a lot of conversations about what is funny out of a woman’s mouth. What’s allowed. And I feel like no matter how much success I had with “Pitch Perfect,” I think it’s still as much of a fight now as it was then. Which doesn’t make sense to me.
With “Cinderella” too?  
Oh, especially with “Cinderella.”
And now we’re back on the record after going off for a bit! I rewatched the “Black Tie” episode of “30 Rock” yesterday, which you wrote with Tina Fey, in which Paul Reubens plays an afflicted prince. That was the moment in Season 1 when I realized, OK, I love “30 Rock.”
[Affects Prince Gerhardt voice] “THANK YOU FOR COMING TO MY BIRTHDAY.”
That was the first thing I ever wrote! You know, professionally.
An unbelievable calling card to have as your first screen credit.
Yes! I was asked recently who is my Fab G, and my answer is Tina Fey. I wrote stuff as a friend she was reading. And I never thought that she would consider me for her staff, and she just grabbed me and was like, “You’re gonna do this!” I thank her every day for giving me that opportunity.
There are so many conversations right now about what’s acceptable in comedy. As a screenwriter who’s done mostly comedy, how do you feel about that?
Right now I think we’re in the muck, and I think we’re striving for equality. And we’re trying to work things out! Of course we should look back at things that were done 15 years ago, and be like, “Oh, no!”
I don’t know if this is a story I should tell. But I can remember getting notes to put the f-slur into “Pitch Perfect” as them being bullied like by the cool athletic guys. And I was like: “No! I can’t do that.” I think I put it in for a draft, and a friend of mine read it, and she’s like, “You cannot have that in.” And I was like, “It’s a note I was given!” I was told to do that, you know?’ And then like realizing, no, it’s unacceptable. You cannot use that word. Even if you’re trying to show that it’s awful, don’t do it.
You have to have your moral compass, and know what’s right for you. And there’s just some things we just shouldn’t tolerate anymore. And they’re just not acceptable. I’m certain if I looked back at stuff that I would cringe, you know? Or just, that’s how people thought then. And I was one of those people. But certainly now if you know better, you do better, right? Is that too soapboxy?
This interview has been edited and condensed.
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juulzu · 3 years
(Warning: NSFW/smut)
“Ugh, where did I leave my glasses?” Jack said as he rummaged through the drawers, “Rose! Do you know where my glasses are?” He shouted across the house, “Have you looked in your office?” Rose shouted back, Jack rolled his eyes, “Yes darling, I’ve basically turned the furniture over, it’s just disappeared!”
Jack got up from his chair and stretched his arms, taking one last look around the place before he walked out into the hall, closing the door behind him.
“Goodness, where could I have left them? I can’t do my work without them!” He mumbled.
Jack walked into Sophie’s room to look around, Sophie had left a few hours ago with jenny and wouldn’t be coming back for a while, so he figured he’d try to look in there. He did some light snooping for a while before his eyes glanced at something underneath the bed.
Jack leaned down to get a better look at the thing and grabbed it, it was a tape! and it had the words “XXXX videos” written on the sleeve, along with some…questionable imagery, of which made jack blush.
“Good grief…she can’t possibly be old enough for this kind of thing, right?” He whispered to himself. Jack stood up and sat on her bed, taking a closer look at the tape, “I’m gonna have to scold her about this when she gets home…” just as he finished that sentence, a small idea popped into his head.
“...Well, I guess it wouldn’t hurt to at least see what she’s watching…just to make sure it isn’t too graphic..”
He stuffed the tape into his shirt pocket and walked out of Sophie’s room, nervously walking to his office.
“Dad? What are you doing?” Jack jumped at the sound of his son’s voice, “Eddy! My boy, I’m just…doing some work!” He chuckled nervously, Edd was holding a small rocket ship that he played with all the time, “Uh, ok then..” He kept walking down the hall and jack blew a sigh of relief.
He finally got to his office and he immediately closed the door behind him, shutting all the curtains too. He walked up to the small television in front of his desk and slipped the tape out of it’s sleeve, pushing it into the player and hitting play.
Jack sat down in his chair just as the tape started rolling, he glanced nervously at the door like a scared little teenage boy, before shaking off the feeling.
“Oh my god! Holy shit!” The television immediately changed to a shot of two girls, two naked girls, humping each other in…odd ways.
“Oh dear…this seems very...Inappropriate...” Jack’s thoughts wandered off as he leaned in, not taking his eyes off the TV as he opened his drawers, “I would’ve sworn I had some tissues in here…”
“Honey? Did you find your glasses?” Rose shouted from the hallway. Jack jumped and glanced at the door, “Uh! Yeah I did!” He said nervously, panicking as he saw the doorknob turning slowly. “W-wait! Hold on-“
But it was too late, rose had opened the door and stared at jack, oblivious to what he was doing. “What’s wrong?” She said as she walked over to the desk, luckily, Jack unplugged the tv before she could see it.
“Oh nothing, just doing some work, you know how it is..” he chuckled. “Really? I thought you said you can’t work without your precious glasses?” She said, crossing her arms and grinning.
“Well, It’s just-“ Before he could find the words to explain what he was doing, Rosemary kissed him on the temple and put her hand on his thigh. “What’s this?” She picked up the tape and gasped, “A porno? Oh Jack, I can’t with you!” She laughed as jack shrunk down in his armchair, his curly hair covering his flustered face. “Awww sweetie, don’t be embarrassed, you know you could’ve just come to me..” Jack flinched as rose put her hand on his crotch.
“I-I was just looking at it, I wasn’t actually gonna...y’know..” he pouted as rose pushed the hair away from his eyes. “I know, honey, but look at this…” rose rubbed his groin in circles, making jack whimper in desperation, “…you can’t go out with this big ol’ thing.”
Rose very rarely gave jack any sort of treat like this, so it was very surprising.
He sunk into his chair as rose unbuckled his belt, slipping her hand down his boxers and clasping it around his dick.
Jack couldn’t help himself, he started moaning in a small voice as rosemary stroked his member, taking her sweet time.
She hopped up onto the arm of the chair, putting jack’s head directly into her chest, he rested his hand on her hip as she continued to jerk him off.
Jack tilted into the warm blouse underneath his cheek, purposefully rubbing it in ways that made rose tingle.
He gripped her hip as she went faster, sweating a little bit as pure unfiltered pleasure swept his mind, “Oh god, rosemary, this feels amazing..” he barely got out as she leaned down onto his level, shushing him with a kiss.
Rose gasped as jack slipped his hand up her shirt, “Oh jack, stop that!.” she said, but it came out as a shaky moan rather than her scolding him, “Don’t act like it doesn’t feel nice, rosie.” She rolled her eyes as she rubbed the sensitive clit of his dick, making him squirm a little bit.
That pattern went on for a while until jack felt his orgasm coming on, “Oh god, do we have any tissues around?” His brain became blurry and relaxed as he loosely gripped her wrist. “Hah, you’re funny darling..” she said, Jack stared at her in confusion before realizing, “Wait! you really don’t have to-” His words trailed off into mumbled curses as a sense of relief poured over him, Rose quickly leaned down and took him in her mouth, it was only the head but it still felt absolutely divine.
Rose held his dick in her mouth for a while until it went limp, taking it out with come trickling down her chin, “Oh man, look at you, you’re a mess...” Jack said, rose definitely did look like a mess, her eyes were a bit puffy and her hair was all over the place.
Rose made herself comfortable sideways on his lap and leaned her head on his chest. “I have to admit, i love seeing this side of you..” she said, gently caressing his face.
“Really? then can we do this more often?” Jack said, looking up at her. “Well, it depends- And don’t you give me those puppy dog eyes!” She scolded him, Jack giggled as she pushed him playfully. “What do you mean? I’m not giving you puppy dog eyes!” he said whilst doing exactly that.
“Oh you! stop that!”
so uh, this was my first whack at making a walten files smut fanfic, feel free to give me some suggestions and head cannons in the notes!
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serahsanguine · 4 years
New Home, New Adventures And New Memories
Summary: Jackson (Will) comes home from college to a surprise
This whole short fic came from a quote by Atticus 'I don't believe in magic' The young boy said. The old man smiled. 'You will when you see her'
Notes: Just a short fluff piece that I can see cannon in my head Ao3
Tagging; @peacenik0 @baronessblixen @today-in-fic @skullsmuldon
New Home, New Adventures And New Memories
August; 2019
Jackson, now going by his given birth name William had long since moved in with Mulder and Scully and their little girl Lilly. With the threat now long passed and never a chance of ever returning. He now attended a high prestige college and doing rather well. While he was at college, Mulder was going to give him the surprise of his life. They had built him his very own small guest house on the land near the house (since there was so much of it) the house contained a living room, kitchen, one king-size bedroom with an en-suite shower room. With more to add on at a later date. It was far enough away to have his personal space but close enough to have family there if need be.
Scully had just finished the last of the preparations for the salad to go along with the BBQ that Mulder was doing in the back garden.  Watching Their nearly 1-year-old daughter run around on the grass-catching butterflies and being carefree. Lilly had only started to walk barely 2 months ago but being a perfect mix of not only her but Mulder as well within the first two weeks of her walking she was running.  
Scully stopped what she was doing when she heard a car outside, looking out the window she smiled seeing a familiar car pull up in the driveway she went to the door.
“Lilly someones here to see you” Scully shouted Lilly’s red hair flowed in the wind and her pale freckled face turned towards her mother and she let out a toothy grin.
“Wiii, wii” Lilly said innocently she ran not towards her mom but towards her big brother.
William stepped out of the car with his baggy dark jeans and lost grey t-shirt looking even more like Mulder than ever with his overgrown hair and a leather jacket. All Scully could hear was Lilly shouting ‘Wii, Wii’ over and over again. She walked towards them just as Will picked up his little sister giving her a big squeeze.
“Hey Squirt, looks who got so big”, Lilly smiled hugging her brother harder.
“Hi, Dana,”
“Hi Will, your Dads out pack trying to cook on the bbq.”
Scully didn’t mind being called by her first name by her son; she didn't want to replace his adoptive mother and they came to some silent agreement that when he was ready he would call her mom. Which at first made her uncomfortable but she was just used to it by now it didn't phase her.
“When did she start running?”
“A few months back, round about the time she started to say your name.”
“Wow, she took to that quick,”
“She certainly did, come in and I'll go grab your father. ”
They walk into the house Lilly still tucked into the crook of her brother's neck. A few minutes later both Scully and Mulder had returned to the house.
“Hey son, how’ve you been, still fighting back the ladies?”
“Good and always.”
“Boy’s,” Scully said certainly before continuing “Why don’t you show Will your surprise and I will finish the food, and then we can all sit down and catch up.”
“Ok, this way Will,” Mulder said the leading way out of the back door with Will close behind.
They went down the field and around the large pond that sat at the end following the new dirt road came to a large ground floor dwelling.
“Whose is this? Has someone new moved close to you?”
“Well Will this is your house, it’s a late 18th birthday present to you”
“But how.. When, what! “
“Skinner helped out; he still was not cleared to go back fully to the office; Doggett helped him towards the end. After what happened in the past year, your mom and I thought you needed something permanent. We have been working on it since you last went back to college on the evenings and most weekends. Your mom and Monica are the ones who decorated it including furniture.”
Mulder smiled at the younger man's lack of words “come on come in” Mulder unlocked the front door and passed the keys behind him to his son. And stepping out of the way watching his son's eyes as he was in awe of his new accommodation.
The boy looked around and the cream and grey walls with ample amount of space with a corner couch and small glass coffee table with light windows, it was an open plan living with a large kitchen to the left with its light blue marble worktops and blue double fridge freezer and normal kitchen accessories. Will walked through the living room to find the master bedroom with a queen-sized dark oak bed with walk in wardrobe also an ensuite shower room, the opposite was a large claw foot white tub with his and hers sink and large mirror.
“Dad I… just don’t know what to say..”
Mulder didn't miss you use of the word dad but took it under his belt for he knew things were certainly going in a good direction “A Thank you might be a start” he said snickering.
“Of course thank you”  his smile is wide just like Scullys. Will walked over to his dad, Lilly still snuggled on his chest. With Lilly in one arm, he reached around his dad and hugged him.
“Haha, she missed you” gesturing towards the small little girl.
“I missed her too, she looking more and more like Dana every time I see her,” he said with awe.
“I know and luckily neither of you have my nose” Mulder replied jokingly.
“It was our pleasure now we better head back before your mom burns the food.”
“No Mulder that's just you.”
They both laughed and walked towards the main house. Both men never thought the time would come where they would be here as a family.
They had got talking about girls and if Will had found anyone he liked more than just being someone to hang around with and Will started to blush a crimson red.
“I take that as a yes."
“Well yes, I like the girl. She laughs at my jokes even if they're not funny. She's caring and honest. She knows how I'm feeling before I do and I umm.. God this is awkward umm. How do you know you love someone?”
“It’s like Magic,” Mulder said.
“I don't believe in Magic” the younger boy stated.
The older man smiled.
“You will when you see her”
Will nodded and they walked in silence, pondering what his dad had said. The night went well they eat food and talked about college, they were finally a family.
The end.
As allways thank you for reading, i really aprichate your feedback good or bad 
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timeforelfnonsense · 4 years
Apprentice April 2
Tumblr media
(sprite by Jilljoycearts )
1. What does your character feel when they see their LI for the first time each day?
Fable has such a tender adoration for Julian. She’s been very guarded and private about her authentic feelings for most of her life so having someone she can be soft with means a lot to her.  She loves waking up and knowing he’ll still be there no matter what.
2. What things does your character love about their LI?
She loves how thoughtful and selfless he his. Fable is a little self centered at times and she admires how willing to care for others and put their needs before his own.
She loves how emotionally intelligent he is.
She loves his wit and sense of humor .
She loves his kindred sense of adventure and wanderlust
She loves his sharp features, lushes hair, his absurd tallness, his shoulders and hands.
3. What things about their LI annoy them?
When he crosses the line from selfless to babying. Fable is very independent and sometimes Julian can smother her a bit. Sometimes his devotion to her can make her feel a little claustrophobic due to her childhood trauma but she’s working on it.  
Julian has a habit of talking about his work with a bit too much enthusiasm and it grosses her out.
Julian: “You should have seen this guy’s leg today Fable! The bone was all the wa-”
4. Who does what chores?
They are both a little messy but share chores around the shop. They both grew up on ships so they have plenty of experience swabbing the deck lol
5. Do they prefer to stay at home, or do they like to go out?
The both love to go out! Drinking and dancing are always favorites. They go and see plays pretty often as well!  
6. What are some little things they do for each other throughout the day?
Fable is a pretty good cook actually so she often brings Julian lunch and coffee when he’s at the clinic.
Julian leaves her little lovey-dovey notes around the shop. 
7. What are some private jokes they share?
If you’ve read the first few chapter’s of For Lovers and Fools, you’ll know that they met when Fable asked Julian to walk her home while pretending to be her betrothed. They joked about being engaged all the time before the plunge/when they weren’t really dating and would sometimes put on the act for strangers.
Julian lost his v card to Fable like 7 years before the events of the route and their is some occasional teasing over how Julian was “cuntstruck” by her for almost a decade. 
8. What are some embarrassing couple stories?
oooo as previously mentioned Julian lost his virginity to Fable when h e was 21 and she was 19. She said something a little too dirty for him and he ended up being kind of a two pump chump. Fable is a sex positive icon though and made sure he knew she still had fun but oh boy he was embarrassed about it for a long time.
Fable likes to get Julian riled up and flustered around other people. Countless awkward erections...  
They both like to drink a little too much and have gotten in hot water with the guard for rowdy behavior. 
9. Is their relationship open or exclusive?
Ok. This is a really big and hard question. Fable has a lot of commitment issues and is really afraid of letting people close enough to hurt her because of some abandonment issues. She is also very independent and values freedom. She has a lot of fears about being “owned”. She is really up front about this with her partners. The majority of her relationships have been friends with benefits or one nightstands. She’s only ever been in love with one person other than Julian and they were very on again off again. 
 Moreover, her father is a wood elf and for the most part they are non-monogamous and her mother’s people don’t have a persuasion for it either (monogamy is common but just as much as non monogamy). So She has never been in an exclusive relationship. She just didn’t grow up worrying about finding someone to be with long term.
I’ve added a little passage from a WIP that encapsulates her feelings. 
“So,” Julian’s voice was pitched a bit higher than normal. His brows knit together, thinking of the right thing to say, “We should probably talk about what happened in the library… ” 
“It was a bit of debauchery, not a big deal, Julian. Fun is fun, no strings attached.” 
He put his hand on her slender shoulders, “ When I told you I wanted you that night on the docks, I meant it.” 
She turned away from him her arms tight across her chest, “Look Julian, I really like you. But, I don’t really do commitment.”
Julian looked at her blinking, “So, you don’t want to be with me?” 
She looked back at him over her shoulder rolling her eyes, “Never said that.” 
“You said-” 
“I said I didn’t do commitment, not that I didn’t want you. Not the same thing at all.” Fable shrugged, “I’m just not the kind of woman who wants to belong to someone else. And besides you hardly know me. How do you know that I’m the kind of person you want to be attached to.” 
“Fable I don’t want to own you. That, that isn’t what relationships are. Not that I’m proposing a relationship. That is, we did just meet and-” 
She cocked her head curls tumbling over her shoulder. Her cherry lips curled into a blithe smile that could stop a man’s heart. She let out an amused laugh, strengthening the lapel of his jacket. 
“Oh, you are a sweet one doctor. That’s exactly what relationships are.” She took his hands into her own drawing them to her lips, “ I will give you my affection, my body, my company, but my independence is something I will surrender to no one.” 
He followed a few paces behind her  the rest of the way. Remaining silent whilst mulling over their conversation. He’d only known her for a short time. He had no reason to feel so disappointed in her disdain towards commitment. Yet, her words had put a pit in his stomach, Still, he’d take as much of herself as she was willing to share without complaint. There was something strangely familiar about her words. A bittersweet deja vu that caused his temples to ache. 
That being said she and Julian are exclusive. He is the first person to want to be exclusive with her. Post game she and Julian are in a really good place and they have a really long and good talk about what they are. He would have been willing to keep things open but she could tell he was only offering for her sake. Julian gives her a sense of security and genuine love she has only had with one other person and she hasn’t wanted to be with anyone else sense they got together. 
10. How often do they need to be intimate?
They hump like rabbits. They both have pretty high sex drives and physical touch is a shared love language. 
11. Have they ever fought?
 They don’t fight too much. Julian is emotionally intelligent enough to tell when she’s upset and Fable is pretty diplomatic so things normally work out before an argument happens. They have a bit of a Fenris/Isabella vibe and normally settle things with a bit of hummor:  
Fable: (Sighs) This is silly. I don't want to argue.
Julian: Do you want to guess what color my underclothes are again?
Fable: Oh, yes, that's much more fun.
I think their biggest argument is a lot like the argument from eternal sunshine of a spotless mind, both pre and post respawn.
Pre respawn: "Too many guys think I'm a concept, or I complete them, or I'm gonna make them alive. But I'm just a fucked-up girl who's lookin' for my own peace of mind; don't assign me yours."
Post respawn:
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It is much of the same argument but this time around Julian is able to understand and acknowledge her fears much better than the first time around. He was young and still had a lot of his own growth to do when he first met her her but they’ve both grown up a lot in the time between their first kinda relationship and now.
12. Describe their perfect date
A night at the Raven or a little trip on the harbor with the slope!
13. Do they have an evening routine?
They take a bath together.
Julian Brushes her hair 
She rubs his back.
14. Describe a “paid scene” with your character and their LI
It would be fable just teasing and flirting with Julian at the Raven!
“I can feel my cheeks blushing from just thinking about what I could say to you”
15. Would they go on a double date?
Totally! They are both extroverts and people-people! They would be that couple that is a little too all over each other during a double date though! 
16. Who pops the question?
Fable is a known  Gamophobia.
This is a major charter trait for her in both my arcana and dnd cannons. It has a lot to do with her parents and how she was treated by the elf side of her family. That being said I think Julian is about the only person who could get her to settle down. They are well suited for each other being similar in a lot of ways but really different in others. Julian is quick to fall and very open with his feeling and that offers her a security she isn’t used to.
Julian is the one to propose.
He does it on a trip to Nevivon.
He takes her out to the dock at sunset.
There is a big gushy speech
The ring is a ruby from a temple of Sune:  associated with love, especially faithful passionate commitment and closeness. As well as being on of Fable’s favorite colors and a call back to the “wedding” ring she gave him when they first met. 
She PANICS. But does say yes.
17. Describe the wedding
They get married at sea as its a shared passion
It’s a big mish mash of their cultures.
Fable is half wood elf and her mother is fantasy Celtic and Julian is fantasy Russian Jewish.
A hand fasting & blood oath
“ Blood of my Blood, and Bone of my Bone, I give ye my Body, that we Two might be One. I give ye my Spirit, 'til our Life shall be Done.” (I like outlander sue me)
A pebble toss
Couples in ancient times were often married near some sort of water source such as a lake, river or holy well, believed to be favored by the Celtic gods. Wedding guests were each given small stones to cast into the water while making a wish for the couple's future happiness.
A chuppah
A glass breaking
Lots of dancing and rowdy partying
Her family sails out for the wedding as well as all of their friends and family from Nevivon and Vesuvia.
Fables dress:
I’ve included a cute little mood board.
A big Celtic gown made mostly by her aunt and mother but also worked on by herself and Portia. It’s an important custom in her culture that all the women of the clan make the wedding dress.
She wears Julian’s mother’s pearls given to her at the masquerade
A  kokoshnik that belonged to Lilinka
18. Any babies?
I’m not sure I want to make this 100% cannon but, eventually they have at least daughter named Keava! She has Fable’s eyes and Julian’s hair. She was very much unplanned but it all worked out! I kind of like the idea of them being like fergus and marsali from outlander though and keeping the population up.
19. Do they stay in Vesuvia, or eventually move somewhere else?
They travel a lot! Right after they go back to piracy for a bit  but keep the shop and clinic as a home base.
20. Talk about that family life.  What’s it’ like?
Julian is the best dad ever.
They are both open door policy parents 
They both have strong family ties and have a  multi-culti home for their kid(s).
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gothfoxx · 4 years
Are you still doing parental bnha prompts? If not feel free to completely ignore this. Midnight is UA's art history teacher and its my personal cannon that bakugou is really interested in art/art history. could you do one where Midnight finds out he really likes art, and maybe sees some of his drawings? Id like to see Mama Midnight and angry Pomeranian bond over somthing wholesome. Bonus points if she sees a picture that he drew of her.
Ok apologies for I didn’t realize that I didn’t publish this one, it’s been just sitting in my phone’s notes. So sorry!
It was a sunny Sunday and Midnight wanted to catch a few rays, a little sunlight is good for the skin and great for feeling great! She expected to run into one of the lazier students when she went to the grassy area near the dorms but she was pleasantly surprised to find only one student, one student who was reading a book under the shade of a lone tree. More surprising was that the student was resident short fuse, Bakugou Katsuki, and the book he was reading was “Artists: Their Lives and Works” a pre quirk book on pre quirk artists. With her Curiosity piqued she made her way over to the ashy blond and sat beside him. “Fuck off shitty hair I told you to go study for the quiz tomorrow!” He growled without looking up, he was on the page for Artemista Gentileschi and Italian painter.
“Oh she is considered the best painter in the 17th century, she depiction of Judith changed the way people saw the story.” That statement caused Bakugou to whip his head around and stare at his teacher, “Of fucking course she was the best! Even her dad thought she was the best and he was a painter too!” His smile was a bit feral but in a more excited way instead of his usual sadistic way, “So many of her painting were about heroic women! Those brauds were under rated and that’s shitty! She’s a hero.” He gushed, or well that was the closest word Midnight could come up with as he praised the artist. “She was a hero for a lot of people, not just in her time but later on as well.” She agreed, “Artemista has to sue the man who refused to make a honest woman of her by marriage, it was a big deal at the time and women weren’t often able to win such cases.” It was a pg take on the ordeal but she didn’t want to ruin his happy mood. “Yeah! The fucker ditched her and had a wife already, what a fucking bag of shit!” Oh so he knew the case already? Cool no need to restain herself if the tipis went deeper.
“So Bakugou which one of her paintings is your favorite?” She thought he might like one of the Judith ones or one of the other biblical painting, their energy suited his style. “Her self portrait La Pittura probably, she didn’t paint Herod real fancy or shit. It’s just her, painting, and you can really get a feel for who she saw herself as. That’s my favorite.” He said looking back at the book with one of her other self portraits was shown. It took a moment for Midnight to regain her barrings after that personal reveal, “Thats my favorite too, she looks so happy. Do you like to paint?” It was an innocent question and it fit the topic, she knew from his essays he liked the subject but she had no clue if he was interested in the making of it. She was answered by a ducking of his head and a blush, “nah I was never as good as fucking Deku or my parents, plus I can’t sit for that long without feeling like I should be getting more shit done.” He grumpily admits. Midnight hums in thought over that, “Have you heard of Jackson Pollock? He moved a lot while making his art, he said that working with the canvas on the ground and being able to walk around it made he become part of the art. You don’t have to be traditional or realistic with art, it’s about expression and feelings. Just find what suits you and makes you feel what you want to feel. It’s not a competition.” She uses her teacher voice, not her hero voice when she says it, soft but without doubt, this is a kid that needs an outlet and as far as she knows hasn’t admitted to failing at anything, this must be a touchy subject. “This Pollock guy, what did he paint?” He wasn’t looking at her but she wouldn’t push him. ”Well some of them had subjects and forms but he is most known for his abstract drip works, they aren’t just paint either. He used sand and glass, sticks instead of brushes, they even have cigarette butts on the sometimes…
By the time they finished taking the sun was starting to dip and some of the other teens were starting to head back to the dorms. “Oh dear I chatted away didn’t I, sorry that I interrupted your reading time Bakugou.” Midnight apologizes as she stands up, “Don’t fucking apologize, no one ever wants to talk this shit with me. Well Deku might but he’s a show off with all he knows.” Bakugou huffs, “Can we, I mean does the school have books on Pollock and those other people you mentioned?” He adds as he collects his things and stands too. “Yeah kid, I’ll pull some out for you. Want me to bring them to class or do you want to come to the office?” Midnight wonders if this feeling in her chest is what moms feel when they are proud of their kids, probably. “I’ll pick them up, I don’t need all those extras asking questions when they should be studying.” Yeah definitely pride.
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cheolsaurora · 4 years
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Mingi Mafia One- Shot
Word Count: 3.9K
Warnings: very suggestive, borderline smut early on, ANGST, implications of torture.
This is a work of fiction. None of the gifs belong to me.
Summary: He was everything you wanted: lust, excitement, danger. But you weren’t sure if he wanted you.
You woke to a cold empty space beside you. You sat up realizing Mingi was trying to “quietly” yell at one of his men over the phone. You bit back a smirk watching him pace in all of his glory. If there were ever a perfect body it was Mingi’s. You thanked him for not getting dressed before taking the call. He was beautiful. From his sharp jaw line, wide shoulders, sculpted waist, tight-
*all of me loves all of you* Your thoughts were interrupted by your cell phone ringing on the night stand. Mingi’s head snapped back, visibly annoyed at the interruption. You grabbed your phone and ran to the bathroom, mouthing a sorry paired with apologetic puppy eyes. As soon as the door clicked shut you answered the call. “Hiii baby!”
“Hey gorgeous, hows the girls trip going?”
You forced a smile on your face, you were suddenly uncomfortable. “So much fun! But it’s only been a day, do you miss me already?”
He chuckled “You know me too well sweetie.” There was that feeling again. Was it guilt or disdain? You couldn’t tell anymore. “I was on my way to work and just wanted to call and check on you... remind you I love you.” It was both. You felt guilty for what you were doing to this precious soul and hated yourself for who you’d become.
“I love you too baby.” You didn’t hear the door open and you didn’t see the look on Mingi’s face upon hearing the utter bull you were feeding this sap. But, you did feel Mingi kneel down behind you, and you definitely felt his tongue swipe across your neck. He began to suck a hickey while your boyfriend recounted the events of his ‘exciting’ day at the office yesterday. You fought back a yelp when Mingi lightly bit down under your ear but, a gasp escaped your lips when he pulled your bare body against his.
“Everything ok sweetie? What was that noise?”
“Oh, hehe one of the girls stuck an ice cube down my back? I’m gonna go so I can get ready for today. Call you later?” You bit your lip suppressing a groan as Mingi fondled you’re breast. You slapped his hand away. He nibbled you’re earlobe and whispered lowly into your free ear. “Baby girl, I was in a good mood last night, but you best not forget brats get punished.”
“Of course sweetie, have fun! I-“
“I will baby thank you, have a good day” you hung up and threw the phone onto the floor. You pushed yourself onto your knees and straddled Mingi’s lap, throwing your arms around his neck. “I thought we had an agreement daddy?” You bit into that last word. “You don’t interrupt my phone calls and I won’t interrupt yours? Hmmm?”
He smirked. “But you did interrupt my phone call. Don’t you remember?”
You scoffed, rolling your eyes and pushed yourself off of him. “Who’s calling you so early anyways. Hongjoong said you get the week off as a bonus of the promotion.” You started to brush your teeth as he stood and snaked his arms around your waist.
“About that babygirl..” he cringed as he felt your body snap around to face his.
“Oh no, Song Mingi, I took a week off from work, unpaid, I had to get a dog sitter, and I had to concoct a concrete enough lie to not raise his suspicions. You are not going into work.” You watched as his face turned into a pout. “Absolutely not, you’re not gonna leave me for work again.”
“Then how about we go together huh?” He picked you up and placed you on the counter. “Come on babygirl, I gotta take care of one little problem. If Hongjoong finds out I let my men screw up the day after he gave me my own sector he’ll demote me lower than Wooyoung.” You gave him cold eyes, you were ready to go with him from the moment he asked but, you wanted to see what you could get out of it. “I’ll take you shopping after we’re done.” He leaned down to kiss you nose, and then your cheek. “Whatcha want? Hmmm babygirl? You want jewelry? You want another fur? Maybe some lingerie?” He said moving his eyebrows.
“That would be more of a present for you Mingi.” You gently pushed him off of you.
He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. “Nothing I can do to convince you to come with me baby girl? I’ve gotta go either way.”
You sat up a little straighter, smirk taught on your lips. “Well, their is one thing daddy.” You loved how he visibly responded to the nickname. Bringing his body close and looking at you with expectant eyes. “I get to sit in on whatever goes down today.” You knew what you were getting into when you started sleeping with Mingi. He was apart of the Mafia. What should have scared you only aroused you. You loved it when he growled at his men over the phone, when he would crawl into your bed late at night with bruises, telling you how he got the upper hand. Something about his life was very frightening but also very appealing. You had met all of the members he was close to but you were never allowed to sit in on anything remotely important. But now that Mingi had his own sector and was seen as a sort of underboss, you hoped he would finally let you in on the fun. To add in a little incentive you leaned back on the counter spreading your legs wide enough to catch his attention. “Please daddy.”
He groaned loudly. “Fine.” He came to stand in front of you placing his arms on either side of your torso. “But understand Y/N, when I say get out, shut up, or sit pretty, you had better say yes sir and obey. Am I clear?” He grabbed your chin and looked into your eyes to make sure his point was made. You nodded softly and said “Yes sir.” He smiled and patted your cheek. “Good girl, now go put on something sexy. I want all of the boys the be jealous of me.” You giggled placing a kiss on his lips and went to get dressed.
Mingi went over the rules for what seemed forever on the car ride over. You smiled and nodded like the good little girl you were. “Oh, and have you met San?” You shook your head no. “I don’t want you alone with him. He’s a sector leader but still fairly new to the group. Plus he’s a loose cannon nobody can ever tell what he’s thinking or what he’s going to do.
“Ok I’ll make sure to never leave your side.” You smiled and booped his nose. “What are we going in for anyways?”
“You moved from me to we pretty quickly baby girl”
“Fine, why are YOU having to go in?”
“Jongho found a snitch. Unfortunately he didn’t find the guy before I lost the biggest gun shipment I had this year. Unless I can figure out who he works for and get it back; I might loose more than my promotion.” He shifted uncomfortably in his seat “Hongjoong and I are friends but business is business. I know what’d I’d do in his position.” The car came to a stop and he kissed your cheek. “Don’t worry though. WE’LL get this traitor to fess up.
You smiled and waiting for Mingi to open the door but when the door opened you were greeted by another smiling face. One much softer than Mingi’s. You jumped out of the car and into the boys arms, “Yunho!” You placed an over exaggerated kiss on his cheek.
Mingi chuckled from behind “If I didn’t know any better Yunho, I’d probably shoot you.”
The Blue haired boy beamed at his boss. “Awe come on you know it’s not like that. Although,” he said turning back to you with a sly smile “Y/N if you would have been wearing this dress when we met. Who knows?”
You slapped his chest and he feigned as if he had been shot. “Keep those comments between us baby boy.” You winked in Mingi’s direction as he looked on with disgust.
“Hurry up you two, I’m not a very patient man.” You walked up beside him taking his hand as Yunho joined in step behind him. The conversation quickly turned serious as Yunho debriefed Mingi. You’d been to some of Mingi’s hideouts before but you never could get over how big and beautiful they were. Hongjoong had an affinity for old homes and enjoyed the cliche of using it as a hideout. He was equally frightening as he was interesting. You weren’t attracted to him like you were Mingi, but Hongjoong definitely intrigued you. You heard the large double doors close behind as you entered the dimly lit room. At the large table were seating Mingi’s fellow members. You immediately recognized a few faces. Jongho was the youngest but he was definitely the strongest man in the room. He rose immediately from his seat and greeted you, ever the gentleman. Wooyoung looked like he should be at a photoshoot instead of some dark corner of the world committing crimes. He nodded and winked in your direction. Yeosang sat in the corner of the room with his signature round glasses atop his nose, only acknowledging you with a smile.
“Gentlemen,” Mingi’s deep voice cut through the tension filled air. “Somebody wanna point me in the direction of who I need to kill for interrupting my dick appointment?” Your face ran hot as all the eyes in the room turned to you cowering behind Mingi, silently cursing his sense of humor.
It seemed as if the Meeting went on for hours. You wanted to get to the good stuff. The exciting part. Maps and recordings and how many people Jongho had beat up was not exactly what you thought you’d be getting. There was an evident pout on your face as the boys droned on. Yunho noticed how bored you were and spoke up “Boss, can I take Y/N to the kitchen? I’ve finished my part and I don’t think she’s eaten today.” Mingi looked at you and noticed your pout. He wouldn’t let himself smile in front of his men but you could see it in his eyes.
“Yeah, better feed her. She gets mean when she’s hungry.” He smacked your backside as you stood making you blush all over again. “Bring her back as soon as your finished Yunho and do not leave her alone”
“Yes boss.” He shut the door behind you and immediately tossed you over his shoulder. “Please fasten your seatbelts as you may experience some turbulence.” He broke out into a sprint towards the kitchen.
“Yunho put me down.” You tried to sound serious but your laughing gave it away. He placed you down in the kitchen and went to the refrigerator.
“What you want princess?” He rummaged through the drawers looking for anything not expired. After a good five minutes of searching he scratched his head timidly “We eat out a lot.”
“Yunho, it’s fine. I’m not hungry.” You shifted your weight from one foot to another. “I do need to talk to my friend though. If you will let me.” Unlike the others, Yunho was someone you were close to before you met Mingi. In fact he introduced you to his boss. And if you were being truthful Yunho was your best friend. He knew your favorite things and you knew his. You shared a bond and you shared secrets. “Does Mingi ever mention me when I’m not around?”
He looked at you puzzled as he took a seat at the bar. “What do you mean?”
“I mean does he talk about my smile, or how much I love to eat, or how I am in bed? Anything??”
“What’s going on Y/N?”
You plopped down into the seat across from him fiddling with the collar on your dress. “I..I think that I’m getting attached to Mingi. When we first started this we had rules. No spontaneous meetings, everything was planned it was a stress reliever for us both. Just business, just sex, no feelings. Now, he tells me to find a way to spend an entire week with him and I do it. No questions asked. He’s broken all the rules. Not me. But I’m the only one getting attached.”
Yunho grabbed your hand “Have you talked to him?”
“I tried once. But as soon as I mentioned breaking up with... you know who, and making our relationship official; Mingi lost it. He told me that wasn’t the deal, we both agreed that we didn’t want a relationship and it was just fun. I haven’t brought it up since then. I don’t handle Mingi well when he’s angry.”
Yunho went to say something but his phone buzzed. “Mingi wants you back in there.” He stood to usher you back to the crowded room full of men you really didn’t care to be around. “Hey” he grabbed your arm and pulled you into a hug, “You have to do what’s best for you princess, whatever that is.” He tousled your hair giving you a warm smile. “Now come on, you wanted to be in on the action.”
After another hour of discussions you were whiney and ready to go. You tugged on Mingi’s sleeve and he bent his ear down as you whispered “Can we please go do something interested?” He looked at you annoyed. You could tell he was getting as frustrated as you and he was volatile when he got like this.
He spoke to you in hush tones “Remember what I said babygirl, you wanted to be apart of everything; this is a necessary part.” You threw yourself back into the chair roughly. A motion that did not go unnoticed. He grabbed your thigh tightly under the hem of your dress and gave you a warning look and you decided not to push any further. Yunho smirked in your direction and gave you a better pipe down look. You rolled your eyes and turned your attention back to Mingi.
“Jongho,” Mingi said slowly, “is the guy here?” Everyone at the table slowly leaned forward.
“Yeah but you don’t wanna do anything in front of..” he motioned in your direction.
“I’ll decide what she does and doesn’t get to see. She has a name. Her name is Y/N and she’s going to be a permanent fixture around here so learn her name and put some respect on it.” He stood abruptly and the other men at the table followed suit. “San and I are going to make this guy talk one way or another. I’m not gonna put up with this. Nobody betrays is and gets away with it. So no ore guessing, nor more speculation. He talks or he suffers.” He motioned for you stand and he placed his hand at your back. “San go get changed and I’ll meet you downstairs in 15 minutes.” San motioned some sort of half hearted salute and left to prepare. The other men knew their duties without have to be told and left to fulfill them. When the door clicked behind the last man you turned to face Mingi who was unbuttoning his dress shirt and reaching into a wardrobe for what looked similar to a mechanics jumpsuit. You approached him slowly and helped him in removing his shirt. The torture he had just implied isn’t what fazed you, the blood stained overhauls didn’t bother you either. What bothered you was that he has just insinuated to all of his men that you two were getting serious.
“So,” you coughed awkwardly “Did you mean what you said?”
“When I said what? Come on babygirl, I don’t have all day, use your words.” He slid out of his dress pants and into the overhauls.
“About me being permanent?” he froze in place and you instantly regretting saying anything.
“Y/N if you take part in what we’re about to do it doesn’t matter if WE stay together or not. You will be apart of us. Apart of this ‘gang’. Apart of our brotherhood. So,” he popped latex gloves over his long fingers. “This is your last chance to run. I won’t stop you. We can continue being just what we are right now and Ill call you when I finish. Your being permanent is not up to me. I couldn’t care less either way. It’s all you babygirl.”
You were holding back tears at this point, “Mingi, do you love me?” The question didn’t surprise him. He was level headed, calm, precise; at all times. That was one of his more attractive features. Rational no matter what.
“No Y/N, and you know that. I broke a few rules, needed a good time more often than I thought. Weather you stay or not depends on if you’re really ready to commit to this life. It has nothing to do with whatever ‘us’ is.” He finally met your eyes. “What do you want?”
You choked on the tears that were swelling up in the back of your throat. “I..” I want you to love me, to fight for me, to see that I can be apart of your world. “I want to leave here and go home.”
He cupped your chin “That’s what I thought babygirl. I’ll get Yunho to drop you off and I’ll see you in a bit.” He kissed your forehead and left you alone with your aching heart.
“To the happy couple!” You beamed brightly at your new husband. He was perfect, rich, handsome, not dangerous in the least, normal, predictable. You were happy. Right? You didn’t regret making Yunho take you to your real home that day, your home without Mingi. You hid out for the rest of the week. Until the bruises on your neck faded enough to cover. Until you got a grip and weren’t crying randomly for what seemed like no reason. Within the next week you were engaged. Within the next three months you were here; On your wedding day, your perfect, lovely, safe, predictable wedding. Mingi hadn’t contacted you since that day. You didn’t know what Yunho had told him but whatever it was it worked. You still saw Yunho on a regular basis. He was still your best friend; you just kept the conversation in safe, neutral zones. The maid of honor was making her second toast of the night when she asked for a kiss from the newlyweds. Your husband awkwardly grabbed your neck trying to pull you into a ‘sexy’ kiss. You never closed your eyes and out of the corner of your eye you saw it. A flash of red hair. When you pulled away from the kiss and looked in that direction; There he was. Beautiful as ever. Dangerous as ever. He raised a glass in your direction, nodded slightly and turned to leave. Your husband grabbed your attention as you tried to pull away but, by the time you made it out of his grasp, Mingi was gone. All that was left were unresolved feelings and regrets. He was the biggest rush you’d never get to feel again.
“I thought you were gonna be the hero, save the girl from the boring, dumb prince.” Yunho had traded his bright blue hair for an ashy blonde, making him look more boyish than ever.
“Get in the car Yunho. I don’t know why I’m even here.”
They both climbed into the car and shut the doors. “Mingi, she loves you.”
“No, I gave her a choice. Life’s not a fairytale and I know that. She was getting to close to this crap we call work and I wasn’t gonna drag her any further unless she absolutely wanted it. She didn’t. She chose him not me. She’ll love the perfect, boring prince because that’s who she’s supposed to love.” He rammed then key in to ignition and started the car. He burned rubber pulling out of the venue. “The beast doesn’t always get the beauty.”
My first one shot. Lemme know what you think. I’m still really nervous posting my work.
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wheremytwinwatches · 4 years
[Where My Twin Watches]: Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Episode 11
Last time, on Brotherhood:
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Onwards to Rush Valley!
[Narrator] “Maes Hughes is dead…” I said, onwards to Rush Valley. You don’t need to remind me. And jeez, it’s going to be brutal when the Elrics and Winry hear about this. Episode 11: “Miracle at Rush Valley” Huh, looks like a rather desert-y area, scrub trees and tan stone surrounding the town. I guess I’ve gotten used to the more European environment of Central and East. Quick look at the town itself as Winry begins what I predict will be a long gush over the place, fair number of people walking around the streets, most carrying cases of some sort. The town sign is held up by two pillars designed as mechanical hands, and I’m seeing “Automail” on a lot of signs. So like Winry said, town is big on the mechanical limbs. Makes economic sense, the desert climate would tend more towards mining than agriculture, and people making metal arms and legs would gravitate to the source of their building materials. And yeah, Automail limbs (and an eyepiece, neat!) everywhere. I like this town! Winry jumps around with such enthusiasm that the townsfolk seem a bit unnerved, and the Elric Brothers settle in for a long day of “follow the fangirl”. Ed gripes about being out in the heat to look at automail (hey, you’re the one wearing black in the desert, buddy), asks why they didn’t just drop Winry at the station and continue on to visit Teacher. Pfft, A) like she would have let you, and B) stop denying the ship. Suddenly someone calls out for Ed to stop for a sec, and Oh My Leto Ed’s surrounded, the man grasping his arm and calling out for everyone to look at this unique model. Oh dear, it really is a town of Winry’s isn’t it? And we even get return of the funny sound effects, the crowd [*Swarm*] and [*Jostle*]-ing around him. Well hello there, young dark-skinned girl! You wouldn’t happen to be our focus character for the episode, would you? Oh my gosh Winry, maybe be a little more concerned that the crowd just stripped Ed for a “closer look”. Ed takes a moment to redress as the crowd turns to [*Badger*] Winry and Al, griping about automail engineers. But then he starts patting his pockets… uh oh, we’re down one State Alchemist watch! [Random NPC with Robot Eye]: “It sound like you guys had a run-in with Paninya.” 10-to-1 this is the unique character from before. Townsfolk say she’s a pickpocket that targets tourists, they might know where she is. If they could just have another look at the automail? Hey, back off with that wrench, buddy! One angry Ed later and we’ve been pointed to an automail shop run by Dominic. Team Alchemist are now staggering through the mountains, since Dominic lives way outside of town to find the highest quality ore. More sniping between the two blondes, Al just walks behind them. One plus for being a Soulbound armor; you don’t have to worry about the heat! Pity about all the drawbacks… Oh hey, Al just spotted someone! And yup it’s the girl from the crowd earlier, running across a wooden bridge with the watch in her hand. Ed goes into full-on Toph Mode, Earthbending huge stone pillars to run down as he charges at the pickpocket, who quite reasonably turns and runs from the angry Alchemist. After a little bit, Ed catches up and forms a stone wall to block Paninya, who just says “That was awesome!” and asks how he did that. Well, props for keeping your composure, lady, but maybe give the guy his property back? You were pretty agile but- Huh, ok then. Paninya is quite a bit more agile than I was expecting, she’s dodging Ed’s Stone Hands with ease and practically laughing about all it. Oh, but she just ran into Al, who’s caught her in a TC. Pickpocket, meet Birdcage. Now that she’s caught, Ed demands his wa- hello! Paninya just sliced the cage open with… ooh! Paninya: “Come on, you can’t be too surprised. You’ve seen the town, haven’t you?” Pickpocket’s got robo-legs! Right leg’s got a blade… and Lefty’s got a cannon, a freaking one point five inch cannon. That’s some serious firepower! How does a pickpocket have this level of armament? With the Elrics recovering from the blast, Paninya’s off again… only to get grabbed by Winry. Who’s not letting her go until she gets to see the automail. Yep, pickpocket’s not going anywhere. Then a couple looks out of a house they’ve ended up at, recognize Paninya and ask if she’s got some friends over. Going out on a limb here and guessing Paninya’s adopted by these folks. Inside, Winry is geeking out over Paninya’s legs to the point of creepiness, no way Ed’s getting anything about his stolen watch until this blows over. Winry compliments Dominic on the craftsmanship… but he didn’t make them? Ah, so Glasses-Guy is not-Dominic (apprentice? son?), Dominic is a gravely-voiced old man. Who might be the one related to Paninya? Going out on a limb here. Now Dominic’s giving Ed an examination? When did we get to this? Anyways Dominic’s critiquing the work, saying it’s a bit heavy. And might have stunted Ed’s growth? Cue mental image of freakishly-tall Ed. While he’s lost in flights of fancy, Winry begs Dominic to become his apprentice. Uh, don’t you have a business to run with your grandmother? Moot point anyway, Dominic shuts her down instantly. Not the most personable of people, is he?
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And confirmation that Glasses-Boy (still don’t have a name yet) is Dominic Jr. Still reeling from being called little by the old man, Ed is getting dragged down a hallway by Al when they run across Mrs. Dominic Jr., who is quite pregnant. This is followed by a sweet scene where she lets the Elrics touch her tummy, Ed feeling the baby’s heartbeat. A sweet scene… but Mrs. DJ winces? Is she ok? Winry and Paninya are chatting now, the pickpocket rubbing her rain-aggravated stumps. Storytime? I’ve noted that she’s wearing camo, betting there’s military in her background. Or not, it was a train accident that took both her parents and her legs. Couldn’t walk, nowhere to go… and then she met Mr. Dominic. *Flashback of homeless Young Paninya in an alley* *slightly Younger Dominic walks by, sees her* [Younger Dominic]: “You look like the most miserable, pathetic girl in the entire world. Nothing annoys me more than mopers like you.” And then he just picks her up and carries her home. Gotta admit, I don’t think this particular adoption story is going to win any charity awards. [Paninya]: “So, without anyone ever asking my opinion, I was outfitted with automail legs.” What seriously? Dominic, ease off with the tough love there buddy. But after surgery and rehabilitation, Paninya was up and walking again. So now she’s sworn to pay him back, regardless of the fact that he refuses any money. Maybe it’s because you keep stealing it? Winry has the same complaint that I did, chiding her for using Dominic’s gift to steal rather than work honestly. Paninya… agrees rather suspiciously quickly. I don’t wanna come across as paranoid, but you might check your pockets there Winry. Oh right, you’re a girl, so your clothes don’t have any pockets. My bad. But if Paninya’s really being honest, she’s going to start by giving Ed his watch back. A quick check to make sure it’s alright- but it’s not opening? Winry says it’s sealed by Alchemy, and she can guess why: Something’s inside that he’s embarrassed to let anyone see! Time to break out the tools! Some lockpicking later, and it’s open. But all that’s inside is a scratched note: “Don’t forget. October 3rd ‘11” Ah. Based on how quiet Winry just got I’m guessing it’s the date of either their Mom’s death, or the failed Human Transmutation. Winry gives it back to Paninya to return, and declares that she’s going to ask Dominic again to be his apprentice. Winry’s knocking on a door when Ed rushes up in a panic, babbling. Three guesses what’s got him so riled up, and the first two don’t count. [Panicked!Ed]: “The baby’s coming! The baby’s coming!” Thunder and Lightning as Dominic dons a raincoat, they can’t get her to town in the weather so he’s going to fetch the doctor. Mrs. DJ’s in bed with [Ridel] (finally got his name!) beside her, asking her to hold on. [Satera] (finally got her name too!) deadpans that there’s no holding on in this case. Cue Mass Bystander Panic as the baby decides it’s tired of waiting, it’s on the way now.
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All the guys are predictably useless in their panic until Winry steps up saying that they’ll do it. Ed darling, stop being clueless, what do you think Winry is talking about other than delivering the baby? Of course no-one’s got any experience or knowledge about this, so they’ll all have to work together. Elrics are off to get boiling water, Paninya to get towels, and Ridel to get disinfectant. Ridel asks the Elrics if Winry can do this, he says that she came from a family of doctors and grew up reading medical textbooks. Ok, so they’ve got some knowledge, like Ridel says it’s not quite a medical degree but there’s some groundwork here. In the room Winry’s going over the list. And unfortunately there’s something else, but she can’t remember it. Ed and Al are left standing outside the room after Paninya’s called in to help, Ed bemoans that when it really counts he can’t do anything. Then they’re sent [*Cowering*] behind some chairs as Satera starts yelling. Don’t suppose there are any painkillers in this setting? Now Ed remarks that sure, the Brothers aren’t big believers in God, but maybe he could help them this once? Sorry boys, I don’t think Leto’s feeling too charitable to you right now. Suddenly the door bursts open, Paninya comes out mumbling about the blood. Oh. Oh no. Please don’t. Ed rushes in to see Winry looking shocked. She points To the small squalling infant in Satera’s arms oh my LETO show don’t scare me like that! Ed gushes about how awesome this all is, how they’re witnessing something that Alchemists have failed to accomplish for centuries (Al swaying around in the background as the baby is cleaned is adorable). Winry chides him for lumping the miracle of birth in with alchemy, Ed defends that it’s just how he thinks as an Alchemist. [Ed]: “Besides, whatever you say, it really is awesome. People are awesome.” Aw, that’s sweet. Now, if Ed could help Winry up? She kinda can’t stand right now. A beautiful shipping moment as Ed is giving Winry a piggyback ride to the chairs in the hallway, them snarking at each other all the while. Daw. But then Winry says she saw it. Uh oh. Winry just admitted to seeing the inside of the watch, Ed just dropped her. Quietly asks that she forced it open. Well yeah, I can understand Ed being angry about this. And Winry knows she did wrong, apologizes. Ed sighs and helps her back up, they take their seats. [Ed]: “I haven’t shown that to anybody. Not even Al.” He says it’s private, an admonition to himself. He carries it as a reminder. Really, Ed? You have to ask why Winry is crying right now? It’s because she cares about you, dolt. Flashback to the Elrics burning down their house, so there’s no turning back (y’know, besides living with the Rockbell’s. Also, in the burning house there was a family picture with a noticeable absence. Where the heck are you, Papa Elric?) And even back then Winry cried, and Clueless Ed had to ask why she was doing that. [Winry]: “You two won’t cry. Someone else should do it for you, don’t you think?” [Ed]: “Don’t be an idiot.” Winry reaffirms that she’s not leaving. How can she, when her skills aren’t up to her satisfaction? She’ll keep learning, to make Ed the best automail she can so he’s as strong as he can be. Once more, she’ll ask Dominic to be his apprentice. Oh hey Paninya! By the way… WATCH! NOW! Dominic’s back! And wow, [Mushy] is the only way to describe how his personality’s gone 180 and he’s fawning over his new grandkid. Up until he scowls at the Elrics for commenting on that. Hey. Hey Winry. You’ve got some major brownie points with the old man right now. Go ahead and ask to be his apprentice. But apparently “one has nothing to do with the other”. He flat-out won’t take an apprentice. Buuuuuut he will recommend her to an accomplished engineer further down the mountain (methinks a recommendation from the guy NPCs in a town devoted to automail called skilled will go a long way). And he’s not going to stop Winry from coming once in a while, to “see my grandchild”. I think Paninya has picked up on Dominic’s oh-so-subtle approval. Now back at the train station, Ed and Al are hurrying to catch it and run by a couple of wanted posters (hi Scar!). Don’t want to miss the only train for three days! Winry, call your Granny! And learn stuff to make even cooler automail next time Ed sees you! And with that, they’re gone. But Winry knows that they’ll be back.
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lacklusterswirl · 5 years
Ash x Ceil fic? I suggested it earlier in a different context :P
“Am I taking requests?” Kinda… if you send it in I’ll write it eventually… but I do prefer angst most of the time soooo :p
For those that don’t know, Ciel is an OC who’s technically from an original story of mine, but sometimes shows up in R6 stuff I write just cause he’s also JTF 2.
This time, it was Ciel who asked for help, and Rainbow answered. Ash hadn’t seen him since Buck and Frost were first recruited, and when they… well, just leave it the fact that they know each other. But for a budding romance that was already so slow to start, she doesn’t know if he would ever be interested in someone like her for more than just a one night stand. She was intense, stuck-up, and just had to be in control, and he was trying to keep himself from falling back into a similar pattern. And for good reason. Uncertainty tends to kill romance, and she thinks she sees that here too.
Warnings: Mentions of injuring, gunfights, cannon typical violence. (~2.4k words)
“You again?”
Ciel looked away from the blueprints of the building they were preparing to infiltrate. There were strings and pins around the map like he had spent hours on it, but they weren’t the focus of his attention anymore. “You’re part of a Canadian op. Who else were you expecting?”
“Excuse me, ma’am,” another man bumped into her as he went to stand by Ciel. No doubt, despite the impressive stripes on the newer man’s shoulder, Ciel was still higher rank. He always had to be on top, that bastard. He wasn’t even in his fucking uniform, the slob.
As if he read her mind, he looked up and smirked. “Do you plan on joining us anytime soon?”
Ash rolled her eyes and stepped in to take a closer look at the pins. “Sledge and Blitz will be here soon. They had to stop by and get some kind of special badge to walk around.”
“And you made it here first?” The stranger chimed in. His name tag said Millier though, so that must’ve been his last name.
Ciel smirked and looked back up at his own pins. “Ne sois pas méchant. She’s a guest.” Ash just rolled her eyes.
During the briefing, Ciel was calm and didn’t seem to make a big deal out of the op. It was simple. Go in, clear, and get out. No secondary objectives or anything. However, a simple op like that wasn’t why you called in an international org like Rainbow. All these thoughts were over ridden the entire time though because Ash swore that he was making fun of her for something. His eyes seemed to stay on her for a moment longer than the others, and it made her wonder if he was trying to tell her something more subtle. So, afterwards, she stayed behind.
“Something wrong, Ash?”
“I was going to ask you the same thing.”
“Well, I’ve never been better, thanks for asking.” He took a seat on the table so one leg was off the other ground, but the other was still touching the floor. Even now, he seemed in control. As he always was. From the moment she met him to now, this was always how he was.
“There’s nothing else?” She didn’t misread him. For how guarded he was, his patterns were quite simple. “I know you, you know?”
“I was wondering if you’d like to come out around town with me and Millier tomorrow. Bring your team if you’d like. I know Millier wants to hear about your work.”
“So, this has nothing to do with Buck?”
Ciel gave that coy smile to show that she was right. “I figured that if you didn’t want to tell me, that it wouldn’t be an answer I wanted to hear. You do make the teams after all, eh?”
“Buck… well, he’s moved on.”
“And Frost?”
“She’s doing well, if that’s what you want to know. Knows her way around a mission, and is always a comfort to have on your side. She’s fine as well. They aren’t concerns of Rainbow.”
He made some vague agreeing sound. “And you?” Those green eyes settled on her, and she almost felt uncomfortable.
“I’m well. Nothing new has happened, though I was surprised to hear that you called in help this time. Pulling favours? Must be important. You didn’t sound so stressed when you were talking.”
“I can’t disclose much. But know that your organization’s presence here is very welcomed.”
And by the tone of his voice, he meant it.
You don’t send in two higher ranking officers, one of whom was a legend, and three Rainbow ops for just any mission. And so, this was about what Ash expected. They were engaged in heavy fire from the moment they were deployed. Ash looked over at where Sledge was taking shots through the side door and giving a short report every time one went down.
Blitz was with the Canadian ops while they were going straight through the front door, and from the sound of things, they already made their entry. This wasn’t good. They were meant to enter at the same time, but Ash and Sledge were still posted at their door, unable to set foot in the house.
“Lobby clear, but footsteps are approaching from upstairs— CONTACT!” Ciel’s breathy voice broke her away for a quick moment until bullets flew at her again. She nodded at Sledge, they couldn’t fall any further behind. Together, she and Sledge broke into the kitchen and started clearing enemies who were fleeing from Ciel’s team down the stairs and into their waiting crosshairs.
An explosion sounded from above them, and Ash had to take cover from the bullets raining from above. She glanced over at Sledge but saw him testing his left hand.
“Grazed my arm when I was breaking down the door. Starting to feel it now.”
“Shit… Stay safe, we’re almost done. Let me know if it gets too bad.”
He nodded and they turned around the corner to take out the last few terrorists in the room.
“This is Ash, we’re going downstairs.”
“Copy.” That was Millier. Why was he the one responding?
“Ash, what are you waiting for? Count me down,” Sledge hissed. Ash nodded and counted them down. The moment they landed, they immediately went back to back as they cleared out the room. Out the room and taking a corner put them in a good position to take out a few without direct engagement.
“This is Mil reporting, top floor is cleared, but Ciel got thrown in the blast from earlier.”
Ash’s heart stopped.
“He’ll be ok, just a little shaken.”
She sighed, relieved, though she couldn’t pinpoint exactly why it mattered so much. It wasn’t like she could do anything about it now either. She and Sledge had to continue their assault.
When it was all done, and Ciel was safely extracted, there was a tense silence on the plane. Ciel had his eyes closed, trying to block out all sound, while Millier was preparing dressings and ice packs. As for Rainbow, Blitz and Sledge were staring at Ash, expecting an outburst. That was her reputation after all. She was intense, focused, too stuck-up, and hot-headed. However, she waited until debrief before demanding the whole story while Ciel was in the infirmary.
They were clearing out the master bedroom, and Ciel was about to push in when Blitz motioned that he would take point with the shield. As he moved forward though, Ciel must’ve caught something on his sensor because he lunged at the German operator while Millier covered them. It was unneeded though. The C4 killed the only terrorist in the room and Ciel had gotten thrown into a wall. Blitz was a little shocked, but fine otherwise.
“I don’t understand. I have a shield for a reason,” he complained the moment Ciel stepped into the briefing room.
“Your back was facing it, what else was I gonna do?” Ciel responded, taking a seat with a slight grimace. “It was calculated though. I knew the layout of the room, the number of enemies, and my own strength.”
“That… I—”
While Blitz stuttered a little trying to come up with a response, Ciel just smiled at Ash and Millier. “How was the rest of debrief?”
“Elle est trop—”
“Elle peut nous comprendre, Millier. Dis-le à moi plus tard.” Ciel gave Ash a small smile and nodded at the rest. “You are all dismissed. Thank you, Rainbow, for coming in. Things would’ve been a little hairier had that been just a two-man op.”
Blitz and Sledge both stood to leave the room, and after a moment – and a few seconds of unsure eye contact – Millier followed them. Ciel waited until the door was closed until he spoke to Ash.
“Millier interrupted earlier, but what did you think of the mission?”
“Why do you care? It’s over,” she helped him pack up the files, reaching for things that would otherwise hurt him to stretch and grasp for. “It’s a success. Congrats.”
“Oh, come on. I can tell you’re mad at me. And a little bit mad at yourself too?”
Well, since he asked for it. “You shouldn’t have gone upstairs. You shouldn’t have entered before I did.”
“The plan was set in motion. Millier and I are best suited to more enclosed spaces, and Blitz had a shield. It was the right team. And entering didn’t lead to any mistakes.”
“It desynced us.”
“It didn’t matter if we were in sync or not. That C4 was ready for us, and it would’ve been thrown whether or not we were synced.”
“The mission wasn’t perfect.” Ash slammed a stack of papers down on the desk in a perfect pile.
“No mission is.” Ciel grabbed them and packed them away haphazardly.
Ash glared at him. “Our reputation—”
“Will not be affected.” Ciel was counting photos, only looking up once to take in her expression.
She could feel the heat creeping up her neck, as she said the next line. “You almost died.”
There. That made him stop. “I didn’t… You know what? Stay here, I’ll be back.”
It took perhaps ten minutes and Ciel was back with a bottle of golden liquid and two glasses. “It’s to help you destress,” he said, offering the glass he just poured. “Drink it slowly though, I would like you to help me finish up here.”
“You aren’t in charge of me anymore,” she smiled around the glass, but complied anyways. God, she hated whiskey, but the soothing burn was a comfort.
Ciel paused as he was placing the next batch of papers in a box. “You know,” he placed his hands on the table and looked Ash directly in the eye. “Millier loves you. Not like… a romantic love, but he is obsessed with your skill and how you command your unit. He admires you. As do all the soldiers you work with, even the ones who don’t really show it. Cut yourself some slack.”
“Can’t get complacent. Not everyone can take ten years off from this work to raise a child then come back basically the same.”
“It’s not complacency, it’s called forgiveness. And everyone made sure to let me know that… gah, that I had… changed.” He made a motion to his general body, and Ash got the general idea. “Yet I had to forgive myself then too.”
She stopped moving her hands as she noticed he hadn’t done anything in the past few minutes. “Get your ass moving or else we’ll be stuck in here for hours.”
He chuckled, but went back to work. Another moment of silence passed before he spoke up again. “I know you still don’t like Buck because of me.”
Her eyes flew up to meet his. “I don’t hold anything against Buck.”
“Except the fact that I was engaged to him about fifteen years ago, and yet I still request regular check-ins with him and Frost, while I haven’t talked to you since… that night.” The way he looked at her while still organizing told her that he knew exactly what he was doing, and the reaction she wanted to give was what he was expecting.
“Is this how you work?” she asked him. There, he wasn’t expecting that.
He tilted his head slightly to the side and looked back down as he started scribbling on a new set of forms.
“Is my handwriting not neat enough?”
With Ciel, as she had learned the first time, it payed to be direct. He wasn’t one to be easily offended, especially if there was no intention. “Are you trying to get me to be one of those girls and boys for you?”
“… One of those girls and boys? You make me sound like I’m constantly hooking up with people.”
“…Aren’t you?” She gave him an even look. For how responsible he was in every endeavor he took, relationships were not one of them.
“Not constantly. No one can do it that often. I certainly can’t. I am getting older,” he smirked, finally standing up and placing the last pile in the box. “You know me. If you want something, it’s best just to ask.”
“I don’t want to be just another one-night stand for you again.”
“You don’t have to be, I mean, you’re already moving onto a two-night status, aren’t you?” He picked up the box with a quiet huff and started to turn away before freezing in place to face her once more.
“I think I get what’s wrong,” he murmured. “You think that I think that you’re easy. And that I don’t respect you.”
Ash stared back, refusing to give anything away, which, in itself, was a giveaway.
“Eliza…” Him saying her real name was… it was bringing back memories she’d rather leave alone. “I won’t judge you for who you sleep and don’t sleep with, and I know you like to stress over the things you don’t know, but… don’t think of me as someone you need to stress over. That’s the last thing I want to be to you.”
“Then how about tonight, Skye? I know you have to check with Iris first, but after… well, I haven’t been in Toronto before.”
He flashed her a smile that practically glowed. “It would be my pleasure. Just don’t make fun of me too much when I get stiff. Age is unpredictable. So are nitro’s.”
“Does this mean you’ll stop ignoring my requests to put operators in your missions?”
“Not a chance!” He spun and leaned against the door with his back. “Knowing you, you’ll outdo too many of my newer soldiers, and they’ll never gain any leadership experience working with you. Ask again when I’m in charge, then I’ll consider it.” Ash was shaking her head at him. “What? You’re too good for some of them!”
“What a jealous old man,” she shook her head.
“Oh, come off it now, I can’t be that much older than you, right?”
“Aren’t you like fifty?”
“F-” his eyebrows furrowed. “Fifty? What did Buck tell you? I’m the same age as him!” She chuckled, and he let the mock frown change into a more satisfied smile. “Come knock on my office when you’re ready.”
“See you then.”
The door closed behind him, and she turned to back her gadget. The bastard always tried to get her to fucking relax, and it worked every time. As long as she didn’t see her operators with this blush, she was sure she could save face. Or not. What were they going to say to her anyways?
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kindabigbear · 4 years
Eastern European Pilgrimage – Prague, Czechia
August of 2019, Mom and I joined a church group on a pilgrimage via GTA Tours to Czechia, Poland and Hungary.  We had to drive down to Portland since LaVern, the lady leading us, had booked our flights out of there as the tickets were cheaper.  We drove down the day before and stayed at a nice place on the Washington side.  The flight didn’t leave till around elevenish but we got there with plenty of time to check in and go through security.  I recognized a couple people from the meet up we had a month earlier so I knew we were in the right area.  There were 28 of us in total.  Our flight changed in NY at JKF, then went on to Prague, Czechia.  We arrived at little before noon on August 13th. After we went through customs, with a brand-new country stamp for my passport, we gathered our luggage and met up with the group out in the arrival area.  There we met our guide, Tomas.  He was a nice-looking man who had a fondness for brightly colored pants. Which was a blessing in disguise since it made him easy to locate in crowds.  He led us to our transportation for the next two weeks…. a large bus driven by a man named Sebastian.  He was younger and didn’t really talk that much.  He was a pretty good driver which is really the only thing I needed to know. He loaded our luggage on the bus and we all got on and found seats.  There were two priests on the pilgrimage; Father Robert and Father Thomas.  One of them led us in a prayer and then Tomas told us a bit about Prague and where we were staying.
The hotel was called the Hotel Caruso Prague and was located on the east side of the Vltava River. That’s the river that runs through Prague.  It was close to an area called Old Town and maybe two blocks from the river.  It was a slightly older looking hotel on the inside and the staircase was pretty fancy looking.  They had an elevator that opened on both sides.  The lobby/check-in area was also fancy and had a nice-looking clock.  You had breakfast down stairs in this cellar like area.  It was a buffet kind.  Our room was on either the third or fourth floor.  It was kind of in a corner and looked out over the street and this church next door.  The shower was one of those that had a bathtub you had to practically climb into. It was a nice room though.  We unpacked and then eventually went downstairs to meet up with everyone else for dinner.  We walked down the street about three blocks to this restaurant.  They had a long table in the back where we all sat. First was a soup……I don’t do soup. Then I think it was a fish dish of some kind.  I also don’t do fish.  I wasn’t even interested in the desert.  Luckily, they had some nice bread.  And I anticipated this issue and brought beef jerky and Ritz crackers with me.  
Day one of the tour. We walked down the road and got on the bus.  Our tour guide for the day was a youngish man who was guiding us around Prague Castle and then to the Church of Our Lady Victorious and The Infant Jesus of Prague where we would have mass.  But first it was a short bus tour around the city.  We went around the old and new areas and by the train station. Eventually we went across the Vltava and up the hill to the entrance to Prague Castle.  The first building we stopped at was the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary On Strahov.  We didn’t go inside but our guide told us all about with a lot of emphasis on the style or architecture.  I don’t think LaVern was thrilled by that.  We walked down to Strahov Garden viewpoint which had a nice view of Prague and a garden or tree area.  We continue on pass the Swedish Embassy, a fancy hotel, some shops including this cute toy store, the Church of St. Benedict, Hradcany Square until we reached the entrance to the palace area.  We went through the Mattias Gate and got in line for a tour of St. Vitus Cathedral.  The line was long……it wrapped around the cathedral and into the palace square area. The inside was large and packed. They had some lovely stained-glass windows and stone carvings.  They also keep their national treasure there.  We went back outside and along past the Old Royal Palace and main Palace area. We walked down to St. George’s Basilica which is very brightly colored.  We continued on to the Golden road which had lots of little shops and homes along it.  It ended at the Black Tower which had a skeleton in a cage of sorts.  There was another nice view of the city before we headed down the old castle staircase.  It was a long way down and everybody else kind of left me behind. They were waiting a bit below at this park.  Except when mom and I finally got there, they started walking again.  Like I couldn’t have used a rest.  We walked through a subway courtyard and the Waldstein Garden to the Grotto.  We were able to have a bathroom break here and I sat on the steps to rest.  After that nice short break, we walked on to the Church of Our Lady Victorious.  We went inside and found seats while Father Robert and Father Tom went to talk with the priests of the church.  Then we had mass.  It was kind of strange because there were other people there while we were having mass. Some of them even came up when communion happened.  After it was over, we went in a side area to look at something or maybe talk to the priests……I can’t remember.  They did have some nice sculptures made of wood back there.  It might have been a gift shop like area.  We all gathered out front and walked down the street to an eating area where we kind of all split off.  Some of the group wanted to go eat, others shop and I was all set to go back to the hotel and get something to eat along the way.  Unfortunately, we had to make our own way back but Tomas offered to show us the way along with another couple.  We were able to walk across the Charles Bridge which was built in the 14th century.  There were people with little stalls set up along the way.  Once we got back on the right side of the river, it was at least six blocks back to the hotel.  I collapsed once we reached our room.  I wasn’t feeling too hot, possibly heat related, so I stayed at the hotel while mom went on the dinner river cruise.  
The next day I still wasn’t feeling to hot so I stayed at the hotel and rested while mom went on the morning walking tour of the Jewish section of Prague.  She came back around lunch time and we had the afternoon free to do what we wanted.  I wanted to visit the zoo, so we went to the lobby where they had cars that would take you to certain points of interest around Prague for a certain amount.  We took one across the river and out to the Prague Zoo.  It was quite a ways out of the city and mostly on a hill.  They had a ski lift like thing that could take you to the top and I really wish we had taken it……but we walked.  They had lots of different animals like Komodo dragons, orangutans, polar bears, ocelots, otters, wallabies, emus, a cassowary, zebras and these cute horses that the Mongolians use.  We walked back down the hill where we could see some of the goat and deer types.  I didn’t get to see any of the big cats as we ran out of time.  Our driver had given us a time to pick us up again.  I did get a couple things at the gift shop.  We drove back and met some of the group in the lobby. We were supposed to meet back up at a certain time to go to dinner together but mom heard the time wrong. So, when we came down, no one was there. We walked down the block to see if we saw them but saw no one still.  We decided to go ourselves and get some food.  There was a nice place around the corner called Asian Temple that we went to.  Their food was delicious.  It turned out that the group had gone back to the same place as the first day so we lucked out on that.  When mom told another lady in the group what had happened, she said she wished she had gone to dinner with us instead.  
Day three we woke up early as we were heading out of Prague to go to Czestochowa, Poland.  It was a nice ride out of the city.  We did go through a bit of the same area as our tour the first day.  The countryside is very pretty.  There were a couple strange building and this one that had these huge soldiers and a cannon. Still not sure what they were selling. It rained a bit.  We stopped at a rest stop like place for lunch and so Sebastian could have his break.  The food was ok and I bought a huge Toblerone and a couple postcards.  We also used the bathrooms.  You had to pay everywhere you went to use a bathroom.  Not very much but it was good to carry coins with you.  
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Daughter Series - McCree pt. 2
Sorry I took such a long break! This is the first day I’ve REALLY felt okay again - not coughing and wiping my nose a ton. GET YOUR FLU SHOTS, PEOPLE!!! Holy crow. I appreciate your patience while I caught up on life stuff and planned my big fic :)
Anywho. here’s another McCree and Juniper post! Inspired by my bought of Influenza B. Only 1,800ish words. I’m learning to keep it shorter! :O
More Daughter Series: Hanzo, Roadhog, McCree, Soldier 76, Genji 
McCree installments: pt 1, pt 2
It was about the middle of the afternoon and McCree was damn hungry. What he wouldn’t give for something fried and topped with some sorta shellfish, but Mercy had pitched the fryer weeks ago – she was a cruel, health-minded tyrant. Leftovers or a sandwich would have to do. “Wonder what my sweetpea’s up to,” he mused, wandering down the hallway. Juni was probably elbow deep in some turret or Winston’s temperamental Tesla Cannon over in Torbjorn’s workshop. How that girl could spend all day with that sour little engineer, McCree would never know. She was always smiling though and swore Torb treated her well.
The cowboy pushed open the door and was instantly greeted with the sound of angry Swedish grumbling.
“Somethin’ givin’ you trouble, Torb,” McCree asked.
“Yes, but I’m sure you can’t do anything about it,” the little man griped. He was madder than a wet hen today.
“Alright, alright. I’ll leave ya be,” he chuckled. “You know where my Juniper is, though?”
“Haven’t seen her,” Torbjorn said, muffled by the screwdriver in his mouth.
“Since . . .” McCree asked leadingly.
“Since yesterday.”
He frowned deeply. “Yesterday? She hasn’t been in here all day?”
Torb sighed heavily and swiveled on his tall stool. “That’s usually what ‘since yesterday’ means. Maybe you need to cut all that hair, cowpoke – I’m starting to think it’s clogging your ears.”
McCree burst out laughing, “Oh, but that giant-ass bushy beard never gets in yer way?”
The man opened his mouth and took a deep breath to retaliate, but then stopped dead. “Good point,” Torbjorn shrugged. “But no, I haven’t seen little Juniper today, which isn’t like her. I figure she’s got her reasons. I was going to go knock on her door, but I lost track o’ time. You going to check on her?”
“Yeah,” he nodded vigorously, “I’m gonna find her.”
“Let me know if something’s up,” Torbjorn said turning back around, “but I’m sure she’s just a little burnt out. She’s a little worker bee, that one. I found her in here at 9:30 last night and told her to take a breather. Probably just relaxing somewhere and drifted off. She definitely got that ability to sleep anywhere form you.”
Jesse beamed proudly and thanked his teammate for the tip. Every time someone pointed out a similarity between him and his daughter, McCree swelled with pride. She was an infinitely better person than he was, but she also made him feel like a better man. If Juni saw something worthwhile in him, he must be doin’ alright.
“Juniper,” he called, knocking on her door – just a few feet from his own, “you in there?”
All was quiet, but just as McCree was about to leave, the thick metal door slid open. Juni stood blinking in the fluorescent lights with a big blanket wrapped around her shoulders and her hair strung about wildly.
“Takin’ a nap, sweetpea,” he laughed.
“Yeah,” she said roughly and began coughing. The smile fell from McCree’s face.
“You feeling okay,” he asked worriedly.
“I’m sick,” she explained, rubbing her face drowsily.
“Aw, honey, why didn’t you tell me?!” He pulled her into a hug, and she giggled, coughing into her blanket after.
“I didn’t want to bug you,” she replied, smiling up at him. “I know you guys have a lot going on right now with Overwatch operations being started up again. And I already went to Angela for some meds, so don’t worry.”
“Did she say it’s just a cold,” he asked rubbing her cheek.
“Yup. She told me to take it easy and get some rest. I’ll be okay soon.”
McCree squeezed her tighter. “You still should have told me,” he pouted, “I shoulda been takin’ care of you.”
“I was going to let you know eventually, honest,” she said into his serape.
He smoothed her hair and kissed her forehead. He loved holding her close. “You doing any better now?”
“Not really,” she moaned. “I should take some more medicine and get some water, though.”
“Have you eaten?” She shook her head. “Well then, I’m going to heat us up some soup and bring it to you.”
“You don’t have to do that,” Juniper insisted.
“Hey,” he said pecking the top of her head, “don’t deny me the chance to take care of my sick baby girl. I missed out on every other cold, so I got a lot of making up to do.”
She snorted and smirked, “You don’t have to make up for anything, McCree. You’ve already done so much for me.”
“I want to take care of you, Juni,” he said softly. “Now, go curl up, and I’ll be back soon.”
“Okay,” she laughed. “Thanks, McCree. I’ll leave the door unlocked for ya.”
He rushed to the kitchen and plopped a couple cans of soup in a pot, tapping his foot impatiently as the contents heated up. Slowly. He dug around in the cupboards and found some powdered “Orange Drink” and dumped it in a jug of cold water. Hopefully, it wasn’t too nasty. Winston was about the only one who liked this stuff, likely because of his time on the Lunar Colony, but it did have a lot of vitamin C and D. A while later, McCree was juggling a filled thermos of chicken noodles, a couple of bowls, two spoons, and the fake OJ. He hardly had a free finger to thumb her door’s keypad.
“Need a hand,” Juniper asked with a giggle as he walked into her room.
“I got this,” he laughed, catching the bowls before they fell too far down his side.
McCree set everything down on her bedside table, scooting a few things over.
“Sorry it’s a mess in here,” she said flushing. “I’ve never been the best about keeping my room clean.”
“Don’t you worry about that,” McCree smiled at her, “I don’t mind a bit. I was a messy guy for a long time until this place whipped me into shape. Not that you need to be whipped into shape! I was much, much worse.”
“I’ll tidy up soon,” she promised, snuggling deeper into her bed.
“It’s ok, baby girl,” he said slowly. “Stop worrin’ so much. You’re perfect, ya hear?” He kissed her head again.
“You’re gonna get sick too if you keep kissin’ me like that,” she laughed.
“Pfft, I’ll be fine! I’m healthy as a horse! Now, you eat up.” He sat on the edge of Juniper’s bed with her and they ate quietly, some soft music playing from her phone. Eventually, she slumped over and rested her head on his shoulder, yawning.
“Thanks for the soup,” she said putting her bowl on the table before leaning back into him.
“Did it help any,” he asked, putting his head on hers.
“Yeah,” she nodded, “my throat feels better.”
“Good,” he cooed softly. “Drink your juice? Or, I guess, juice-like drink?”
She smirked, “Yeah, I got a glass down.”
“Was it gritty?”
“So gritty,” she laughed.
“Damn. I was hoping that stuff had gotten better over the years, but I guess not,” he chuckled.
“I might lay back down for a while, McCree, if you don’t mind,” she said rubbing her eyes.
“Alright, baby girl, whatever you need. You want me to go? I can sit with ya ‘til you fall asleep if you want,” he offered sheepishly. “Or not.”
Her smile was wide and understanding, as it often was. It made McCree realize just how lucky he really was. “You can stay if you want to. That’d be nice. Real nice.”
Juni’s lilt was making a strong appearance now that she was medicated and sleepy, which filled her father with delight. She crawled over the small bed and flopped onto her pillow, a box of extra soft tissues by her side. McCree twisted around so he could toy with her hair and rub her back, his knee resting on the sheets.
“Comfy,” he asked quietly, dimming the nearby lamp.
“Mm-hmm,” she sighed happily, wriggling to his side so she could nuzzle against his leg. McCree almost melted, then and there.
“I’ll be right here if you need anything, sweetpea,” he whispered, sappy tears filling his eyes. She was everything he’d ever wanted.
“Okay. Thanks, McCree.”
“Of course, Juniper.” He pulled off his serape and draped it over her, making Juniper’s smile grow.
“McCree,” she said, looking up at him, “thank you, for everything. You’re my favorite person in the whole world, and I don’t know what I did before I found you. I’m a really lucky kid.”
“Aw, Juni, honey,” he sputtered, incredibly overwhelmed, “I’m the lucky one! You’re the most wonderful little thing I’ve ever seen, and I love you, sweetpea.”
“I love you, too,” she said back. “I’m really glad you’re my dad.”
He laughed, brushing her brown locks behind her ear. “Me too. You know, you can call me Dad, if you want.”
Her face drooped, and she turned away.
“But you don’t have to,” he said hurriedly, trying to hide the disappointment in his voice.
“I just . . . that’s a complicated word for me,” she said heavily.
McCree rubbed her arm, as if trying to warm back up her mood. “That’s alright, hun, you don’t have to call me that if you don’t want to. It’s just a glorified nickname.”
She sighed again, sitting up next to him. “It’s just that I asked Harris if I could call him ‘Dad’ when I was really little, and he said no. It kinda broke my tiny, kindergartener heart and I’ve never really liked sayin’ that word since. I’m sorry. I know it’s dumb, but – ”
“Juni, it’s not dumb,” he said wrapping his arms around her and dragging her so her back so it was pressed against his chest. “You’ve had a very, I ‘spose . . . unorthodox upbringing. If there’s some stuff you’re not feelin’ up for, I can 100% understand that. I just want to be there for you, hon, no matter what you call me.”
“Promise yer not mad,” she asked softly, putting her hands over his.
“Not even a tiny bit,” he promised her.
Juniper wormed out of his arms and turned around to give him a proper hug. “Thanks, McCree. You’re the best.”
“I try,” he chuckled, “Now why don’t you lie down and get some rest?”
She slid back under the covers, cuddling close to him again. “You’re still gon’ sit with me for a while, right?”
“I’m not going anywhere until you toss me out of here by the scruff of my neck,” he grinned.
“Good,” she said through another yawn.
He took care of her for the next few days – pouring her cough syrup, bringing her crackers, or smothering her with hugs. Of course, McCree got sick, too, so Juniper was happily able to take care of him in return. Neither one had ever been so happy while ill.
Additional tags: @watch-your-grammer @winchester-sonsandcastiel
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