#shape shifters
theinvitedrider · 3 days
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ghostowlattic · 1 month
Peckers with teeth are such a monstrous sight! a ruffle of feathers wake you up in a fright! Oh watch out love o' when the moon gets bright there's werechickens on the prowl tonight!
Don't be a gump!!! A cockalorum that brags!! You might meet your maker with a beak in your bags!!!
No time to hensplain', we better get outta town! There's nightmare birds all, peckin' around if it udders like a clucker and you and hear a great squawk! it might be a curse afflicted shape shifting cock!
Oh, peckers with teeth are a such monstrous sight; a ruffle of feathers ending up in a fright! Watch out love o' when the moon gets bright, there's werechickens!! On the town tonight!
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multi-fandom-imagine · 10 months
👁👅👁 heeeey, can i please request a kiss in the moon light for confessing love with Decker? Please.
A/n: Decker is a sweet heart.
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Decker shifted his body as you let him pull you along the down the path. His eyes glancing up at the moon, while he knew he wouldn’t change he could still feel the wolf inside of clawing out.
You were one of the few people that didn’t care what he was. He knew he had feelings for you, he knew he should confess his what he felt for you but what if you rejected him.
“Decker, you look troubled.”
Shifting his body, he gave you a weak smile rubbing the back of his neck. “Oh I’m fine, you don’t have to worry.”
Looking him over, you wrinkled her nose you stepped on front of him. “Well that’s good though I have to tell you something.”
“What is it?”
Shifting your weight from one foot to another, Deckers eyes glide to your form.
“You don’t hav-.”
Though he was cut off by you throwing yourself at him, his arms easily wrapping around around his neck but it was your kissing him that startled him, it took Decker a moment for him to return the kiss.
The moonlight shinning down on you both, his fingers running down your back gently. Once the kiss broke, Decker rested his head against yours. His lips forming into a small smile.
“Not that I’m not over the moon with this.”
Snorting your fingers clutched his shirt as you waited for him to continue.
“But what brought this on?”
Rolling your eyes, you cupped his cheeks. “It’s because I love you idiot.”
“Okay, I think the idiot comment was unnecessary.” His heart was racing in his chest but he was smiling as he held you. “I love you too.” 
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hiredpencil · 2 months
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Just in a fae mood tonight I think, have a selkie pod
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bee-barnes-author · 26 days
WIP Questionnaire
Tagged by @tabswrites
Gently tagging: @amandacanwrite @coffeewritesfiction @ellierenae @johnna-oneal-trash-writer @leahkentwriter @milkhoney531 @pheita @pb-dot @sirensatyr @theamazinggrayson @tombstuck @violeaes @vivrune and an open tag. Blank questions below the cut!
1. What is the first part of your WIP that you created?
The outline. I was at a client's house, dog siting for a week, and I just finished reading ROSEMARY'S BABY by Ira Levin. I put down the book, and thought about the gaslighting aspect of the novel, and how scary that is. Then TBITGH appeared in my brain, whole and grown like Athena herself.
2. If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
Idk about the song, but the direction would be very much like the intro from the first season of the sopranos. Probably it'd be the drive from Damon's office, to Freya's apartment, then to her work. It'd end on Damon putting sunglasses and a mask on.
3. What are your favorite characters that you made? Why?
I hate Damon. He's such a loser so I don't count him as a character LMAO. My favs will have to be Freya or JJ. My love for Freya is hard to explain without spoiling the book lol. To be vague, it's her character arc. For JJ, I love how he ends up and how he develops as a character. Again, can't say much without spoiling.
4. What other pieces of media do you think your fan base would share?
This q kinda confuses me? Like what other shows/books would ppl like if they like my work? Well, my book is for fans of stalker horror (such as YOU by Caroline Kepnes and MISERY by Stephen King). If you're looking for the inspiration of the male love interest, check out THE VAMPIRE DIARIES tv show (seasons 1-3~, the rest are garbageeee), TWLIGHT (both the books and movies, specifically MIDNIGHT SUN), 50 SHADES OF GREY (I've only read the first book so I can't vouch for the movies, but the book is meh-to-bad imo)
5. What has been your biggest struggle with your WIP?
Honestly, writing this thing has been a breeze. I wrote the first draft in under four months. It just flowed out of me. It's this whole 'getting ppl to read it' thing that's the hardest.
6. Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
Werewolves! Mentions of squirrels. The mc is a werewolf and he's a werewolf supremacist. Werewolves on the brain 24/7 baybeeee.
7. How do your characters get around? (Ex. Trains, horses, cars, dragons, etc.)
They run on all fours in wolf form, go around on two legs in human form and a special wolf form, drive cars, and drive snow mobiles.
8. What part of your WIP are you working on right now?
The manuscript is done. I'm just waiting on the last edits from a paid editor. Once I do those rewrites, I'll put this up for publishing. Aiming to launch mid June 2025!
9. What aspects (tropes, maybe) of your WIP do you think will draw people in?
Incomplete list: soulmates/instant-love, every werewolf/shape shifter trope under the moon (couldn't help it), billionaire boyfriend, stalker 'romance'. Every 'bad boy boyfriend' trope. I loooove taking tropes and turning them on their heads.
10. What are your hopes for your WIP?
To publish! I'd love it to go gangbusters but my primary hope is just to have ppl read it 'XD
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1. What is the first part of your WIP that you created?
2. If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
3. What are your favorite characters that you made? Why?
4. What other pieces of media do you think your fan base would share?
5. What has been your biggest struggle with your WIP?
6. Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
7. How do your characters get around? (Ex. Trains, horses, cars, dragons, etc.)
8. What part of your WIP are you working on right now?
9. What aspects (tropes, maybe) of your WIP do you think will draw people in?
10. What are your hopes for your WIP?
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catalinalase · 6 months
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scrivnomancer · 1 year
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Goodnight out there, whatever you are.
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hcshifters · 2 years
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Show was great! should be dropping a sportify playlist soon!
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Beta & his Sigma.
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clemsfilmdiary · 1 year
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The Secret of Kells (2009, Tomm Moore, Nora Twomey)
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I feel like Decker is the type of bf who easily wins his partner stuffed animals and prizes from like crane games and carnival games even if they're hella rigged he somehow always wins. Sobieski would just be like cheating and getting them for his partner instead lmao.
A/n:This is so true! also this is very old so I am sorry.
You know that Decker would do his best to try to hold back on his shifter abilities. He doesn't want to cheat after all but you just look so cute so he has to do something to win the stuffed animals or any prize you want.
Sobieski on the other hand, this man flat out does not give a shit. He will use his Shifter abilities to his full advantage.
Anything that requires strength: You bet your ass that the bell is getting rung and if he really wants to show off then that bell is flying off.
He'll do anything to make you smile and if he has to cheat then he'll 100% cheat.
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duckingwriting · 3 months
🧭🧛🫁for anyone you want!
If anyone is curious, this is for this ask game. Thank you so much for the ask!
I've decided to go with Vitale and Anthony from You Spino Me Right 'Round(side note i think I need a new title...)
🧭How adventurous are they in the bedroom? Would they try something they'd never done at the drop of a hat? Would they automatically refuse?
At first glance it might appear that Vitale would be the more adventurous of the two but when it comes to bedroom activities he's pretty...tame. He has his kinks of course, but he's not going to look for anything new and if it's proposed to him he's going to think about it first. Anthony on the other hand is more than willing to try anything(in the bedroom, please don't ask him to take a hike. He is an indoor cat and will not enjoy the experience there) at least once.
🧛Are they into biting others? Being bitten?
Yes. Both? Both. Both is good. Vitale has some sensitivity with his teeth and enjoys having them sink into flesh. If there's other stimulation as well? He's a snarling mess. Anthony likes feeling marked. The only one allowed to bite Vitale though is Anthony. He enjoys watching his weird little mate trying to break his flesh and when it bruises Anthony does look so pleased with himself.
🫁Do they like breath play or choking?
Anthony doesn't mind being on the receiving end but it isn't one of his favorite things either. He's tried giving with a previous lover and did not enjoy it at all. Vitale however, is too concerned with hurting his soft human to even consider it.
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cyallowitz · 7 months
Monster Month: Kawuso
Google Image Search This creature comes from Japan and it is what they call river otters.  These fall into the category of yokai, which are Japanese demons.  Known to be tricksters, they are similar in habits to kitsune (foxes) and tanuki (coming on another day).  Of course, these means they are shape-shifters. So, what does a Kawauso look like?  It’s about a meter long and very furry.  They have…
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catalinalase · 6 months
Conclusión: Mutantes
La historia explora temas de identidad, prejuicio y la lucha por encajar en una sociedad que no los acepta por lo que son.
A medida que la historia avanza, se produce un enfrentamiento final donde Sobieski muere.
Además, se acusa a Decker de ser un animal y de no tener humanidad. Este sintiéndose utilizado y cansado de ser tratado como un arma, decide dejar el ejército y la base para siempre.
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Esta decisión simboliza su rechazo de ser controlado y utilizado por aquellos en el poder, comparándose con la metáfora de un perro con correa.
La metáfora de los hombres lobo representa la dualidad de los militares: humanos que también son bestias entrenadas para la violencia.
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sandra0810 · 2 years
Me watching the Shape-shifters episode of Love Death & Robots
Me, before the fight scene:
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weasleymoon · 1 year
every single shape-shifter character ever is genderfluid/non-binary and I stand by that.
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