#set up the whole thing so that their twins would realise they are in love with each other and NOT their sibling's spouse
This week on Play It By Ear Book Club we are together going to figure out what the hell the plot was in heartbeat hospital.
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Ooo hiii can I please request a husband!Tangerine x wife!fem!reader where they’ve been married for years now, and have a daughter who’s around 5-6 years old? They travel with Tan and Lem when they’re on jobs (but stay in a ridiculously fancy, expensive hotel each time, while the Twins are off doing their thing), and when they travel to Japan for the Bullet Train job, Tan’s daughter (who definitely gets her mischievousness from her Dad) misses her Daddy so much that she sneaks onto the Bullet Train with her Dad and Uncle? Chaos ensues as a terrified Mom: Y/n also finds herself on the train to get her bby, and a freaked out Dad: Tangerine (when he sees not only the love of his life, his wife, but his precious little daughter as well, on the Bullet Train, in the middle of the chaos that is that job)… Also a protective Uncle/brother in law: Lemon, because YES! Tangerine doesn’t die because NO, FLUFF FLUFF FLUFF🤧🤧🤧
You can choose all that happens/how it plays out!!
hiii lovely!! I absolutely love this idea. I did change one thing, just the way they got onto the train. thank you for requesting, hope you like it💌
run off
tangerine x f reader (husband x wife, parents)
wc || 1.1k
warnings || little bit angst
masterlist + rules
Whenever Tangerine and Lemon went away on missions, you and your daughter would often travel with them and stay in lavish hotels while they were off doing their job. A short while ago your husband and brother-in-law told you of an upcoming job in Tokyo. You had always wanted to travel there, so you were very keen on the thought, practically jumping at the idea. They told you how quick and easy the job was, so you saw it as a win-win.
The twins left early this morning to collect the son and briefcase, so you used this opportunity to have a girls' morning with your five-year-old. Ordering room service while you painted your nails and applied face masks.
“What do you want to do today Mandy?” You asked while picking out her clothes from the suitcase.
“Want to see daddy.” She smiled, twirling around in place.
“Daddy’s at work honey, he’s not back until tomorrow.” You said softly, picking her up and spinning around. “We can have a whole girls' day, what do you fancy doing?” Blowing raspberries on her cheek before setting her down. “We can go on the Bullet Train? That seems like fun.”
Excitedly skipping around as she chanted. “Train, train, train, train.”
“Okay, sweetheart.” Laughing warmly. “I’ll book the tickets, okay? Do you want to watch Thomas on mummy’s phone?”
“Yes.” She giggled, climbing her way onto the bed to join you.
Tickets for the train were fully booked until this evening, so you and Mandy spent the day watching films and playing games until it was time to leave.
“You excited?” You cutely ask, holding her hand tightly as you made your way onto the platform.
“Yeah.” Giggled, sweetly smiling up at you with her dad's blue eyes.
“You got to hold my hand, okay? No letting go.” You instruct, hearing the train approach the station.
You and Mandy found your seats in the carriage next to the quiet car, settling in, she immediately perches up to look out the window. Staring in awe at the lights as her legs excitedly bounced.
Over the next hour or so, you and Mandy cuddled in the chairs as you watched shows on your phone, snuggling into each other until your stop at Kyoto.
Noticing some strange commotion in the carriage behind, you poke your head into the aisle to get a better look through the glass door. “One second baby.” Kissing Mandy’s forehead to excuse yourself. You stand up and make your way over to the sliding door, gazing through the glass to get a better look.
Returning to your seat, immediately noticing your daughter's absence. “Mandy?” You call out, rushing down the aisle and searching between seats. “Mandy? Mandy. Honey? Where are you?” Tone growing more worried and desperate.
Darting down the aisle, heavily breathing with panic when you realise the car is empty. Running into the next carriage, persistently calling her name. “Mandarin! Mandy? … Excuse me.” Noticing a blonde lady, you ask for her help.
“Shush.” She retorts, gesturing to the ‘quiet car’ sign.
“I’m looking for my daughter, she’s about this tall— she— she has brown curly hair, with uh- with two pigtails. She’s wearing orange converse and um- um— oh my god.” Clutching your chest as your eyes dart around.
“No sorry.” She shrugs, turning around to resume what she was doing.
“No no no.” You breathlessly mutter, rushing through the carriage as you continued to call her name. Searching under seats and between gaps.
Darting into the next car, repeating the same information as you told the previous lady. “Mandarin? Mandy, please.” You quietly sob, rushing through the aisles as you tried to find your daughter. Eyes filling with panicked tears, you accidentally bump into the back of a guy who was blocking the door. “I’m so sorry.” You instinctively apologise.
“What you doing here?” A familiar voice questions, looking over you worriedly. “Hey?”
“Mandy, I can’t find Mandy.” You choke out, avoiding Lemon’s gaze. “I turned around for one minute, and- and, my god.”
“It’s okay, we’ll find her. She couldn’t have gone far.” Lemon comforts, beginning his search in the next car. “She’s definitely on the train— we haven’t stopped in five minutes and the next one is in ten… we have time.” Reassuring you.
“Jesus— what am I gonna tell him… he’s gonna kill me if he loses his little girl.” You hastily blurt out.
“She’s too much like her dad, far too cheeky.” Changing the subject in an attempt to calm you down. “She won’t be far.” Nodding as you make your way into the next car.
“What’s going on? The people on this train have gone nuts.” You question when you hear more yelling in the car behind. “Oh, my baby, she’s probably so frightened.” You mumble, feeling awfully guilty as you search under chairs.
“Don’t panic… but it’s all gone tits up.”
“Oh, my god.” You grumble, rushing around faster.
Dashing into the next carriage, choking on a sob when you see your husband pacing the aisles with your daughter resting on his hip. Running towards him, mumbling incoherently as you join them.
“I’m so sorry.” Suppressing your tears as you look between them. “You’re okay.” Your worried hands urgently feel over her face. “I’m so sorry.” Gushing apologies to Tangerine, looking up at him anxiously. “I turned around for ten seconds— I’m sorry.”
“Hey— it’s okay.” He smiles, pulling you in for a tight side hug. Kissing your temple. “I’m just glad you’re okay.” His eyes soften as he looks over you. “Lem.” He nods, gesturing to his side.
“Hey cutie, wanna sit with your cool old uncle Lem for a couple minutes.” Lemon smiles, taking Mandy from Tan’s arms. “Mummy and daddy are gonna have adult talk, boo. Boring.” Faking a yawn that earned him a giggle.
“You gotta calm down, okay?” Tangerine warmly instructs, holding the sides of your face. Brushing circles over the apples of your cheeks. “She’s safe… you’re safe.” He pulls your face towards him, wrapping you in a desperate embrace as his hand brushes comforting strokes over the back of your head.
“We gotta get off the train, alright? It’s all turned to shit.” He separates, his eyes anxiously darting around your face.
“Did you finish the job?” You question, following after him.
“Nah.” He says matter-of-factly, picking up Mandy and placing her on his hip.
“Do you need to?”
“Not now.” Smiling at you, pulling you to his side. All of you make your way to the doors, waiting impatiently for the next stop.
Once you were all finally safe on the platform, it felt as though you could all finally breathe. Immediately wrapping your family in a tight hug, placing individual kisses on all three of their foreheads.
“How did you find her?” You ask, peppering her face in kisses.
“Her shoes caught my eye. I saw the orange and knew it was my Mandarin.” Sweetly smiling at the pair of you.
“Let’s get the fudge out of here.” Lemon urges, nodding to the exit gates.
“Daddy I’m hungry.”
“I bet you are, munchkin… you all hungry, too?”
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@tangerinesgf @kpopgirlbtssvt @ch3rries-n-cream @earth-elemental18 @ashlynhasmanyhyperfixations @idontknowwhattohaveasmyuser @thewinterv @navs-bhat @ilovetangerinewithallmyheart @theredvelvetbitch @randomawesomeperson102 @lov3lypeaches7 @princess-pebbles-things
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angelkitty54 · 21 days
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Gasp! What's this? Even more Sonic fankid design even tho I have like half a dozen AUs already!? IDK man, I just like designing characters I guess! :P
Anyways, I learned some facts about hedgehogs recently and apparently during their mating season hedgehogs often take on several mates at a time, and it's not uncommon for a single litter of hoglets to have different fathers. Thus this AU spawned into being! Basically, after an odd out of season heat, Sonic realises his eggo is preggo and has to backtrack to figure who the potential fathers/mothers might be.
Also should mention that Sonadow twins Tempo and Harmony, are also part of this litter too. Look, I drew five kids and ran out of steam. If ya can't tell by the lack of shading, I just wanted this drawing to be done. I'll try to get round to drawing them later, maybe when I don't have four other half-finished pieces to be doing...
Anyways about the kids!
Amber the Echidna: Contrary to what ya might be thinking, Knuckles is not her dad. She came as a surprise to everyone as Sonic knew for a fact he hadn't been with Knuckles at the time, and didn't know of any other echidnas. They would later learn that she was actually brought into existence by the Master Emerald itself. During their last epic battle with Eggman, Sonic used it power up and it seized the opportunity to, well, get him pregnant. This, it turns out, is also what set off his heat, causing this whole mess. No one is really sure why the Master Emerald did this, but there is an awareness that Amber probably has some kind of Magical Destiny ahead of her.
Sparx the Tenrec: The result of a drunken one night stand. Coincidentally, she was conceived on the same night as Cinder, during a victory party hosted by the Restoration. Sonic does not remember much of this night as he may have partied a little bit too hard. He has vague flashes of an angry make-out session with Surge tho, the next clearest thing being he waking up in bed between Silver and Blaze. Surge was very in denial that the whole thing had happened and did not really take the news she'd had a kid with Sonic very well... Sparx is very close with Sonic and has an up and down relationship with her mum.
Cinder the Cat: Silver and Blaze are in a committed relationship, but fully accept Cinder as their kid. He doesn't really find it that weird that his mum and bio dad aren't together, nor finds Silver's presence in his life disagreeable. He gets to have an extra parent after all. It was admittedly a bit weird for the parents at first, but they made it work. Tho Sonic is still a little salty that he can't remember the details of what he thinks must have been a really hot threesome...
Trick the Wolf: Sonic just happen to run into Gadget and, tbh, both were kinda surprised that they ended up in bed together. Sonic had not been aware he was in heat during all this time and this encounter was the first to clue him in that something might have been up. Tho he wouldn't put the pieces together until much later. They were originally called "Trixie" but later changed it to "Trick" to sound more gender neutral after coming out as gender fluid.
Arthur Acorn: Sonic and Sally had a history, so when they happen to meet up and fell into to bed together it wasn't really all that out of the ordinary. Her parents very much do not approve of the fact Sally had a child out of wedlock, and that it's with Sonic of all people, AND that said child has multiple half-siblings to boot! Despite this, they can't help but love Arthur. It's very hard for people not too, he's just got so much rizz, even as a baby.
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aemondsdoll · 1 year
sweet thing | aemond targaryen
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chapter two \ negotiations.
A/N: heres part two my loves, thinking about maybe bringing aegon into some of their smutty fun once we get into the real thing.
You and Aemond had parted towards the end of your shift.
He left you with his number and a racing heart. Aemond Targaryen wanted you to be his sugar baby?
You couldn’t believe it, didn’t think it was real. Until he texted you.
You couldn’t believe it, didn’t think it was real. Until he texted you.
Aemond: I have a free day tomorrow. Would you prefer to meet in private to talk more about our arrangement?
The text sends your heart out of control. Fuck. You hadn’t expected him to be so open about it, but you responded anyway.
You: Hey. I’d love to. Where should I meet you?
You send with shaky hands, rubbing them on your pyjama pants to rid of any sweat.
Aemond: I’ll have someone come and collect you tomorrow, be ready by ten am.
You: Thank you, Aemond.
You send quickly, heart calming down as a time and place was set. Your phone beeps again, and you look down with confusion, thinking the conversation was over.
Aemond: Wear what I sent you, should be in your mailbox.
Your eyebrows furrow, and you don’t move just yet.
You: And how in living hell did you get my address?
You send, and bring your phone with you as you leave your apartment, going to where the floors mailboxes were. You see a medium sized white box, and take it back to your room.
Aemond: I have my ways, nothing stalkerish, maybe a little bit desperate.
Mmm, so he is capable of humour. You think with a smile. He sends another message, and your cheeks heat up, never had one of your clients wanted to keep up an actual conversation.
Aemond: If you try it on, do send me a photo, sweet thing. :)
You grin, turning off your phone and opening the box. It’s different from what he’s seen you in previously, a lacy ivory camisole, and a pair of matching shorts. The outfit looked comfortable and not overly sexual.
You slipped into the clothing with ease, seeing how well it fit your you figured he must’ve contacted your manager for your measurements.
Lifting your phone once more, you take a picture of the outfit in your mirror and send it to him.
You: sent an attachment.
You: It’s so perfect, I feel so pretty. Thank you Aemond.
You’re grinning as he begins typing.
Aemond: It’s my job to make you feel pretty now.
It makes your heart melt.
Before you know it, it’s the next day. You awake to find you’re not late for Aemonds meeting. So you shower, make yourself smell pretty, and get dressed.
You shave every inch of your body nervously, you don’t know what he likes or prefers, and you wish to please him.
No texts are exchanged until his Chauffeur arrives, sweeping you off to his apartment. The whole ride you were exchanging small talk with his chauffeur; you learn his name is Arryk and him and his twin brother have worked with Aemonds family for years.
Once you’re at the apartment complex, Arryk leads you up into the penthouse, and you shout Aemond a text.
You: Here.
You hear a phone ping in a nearby room and can only assume it’s Aemond, and you’re proved correct as he walks out rushedly, in a dress shirt and long pants. Arryk dismissed himself, and you and Aemond look at eachother for a few seconds, unsure of what to say.
"It looks even more perfect in person," Aemond says, looking you up and down without shame. He gently takes you hand, leading you to his living room, which is extremely spacious and clean. So Simplistic, must be a rich people thing. You think, taking a seat on the couch.
He follows your lead, sitting on the sofa facing you. "I believe we have much to talk about," Aemond smirks at you, and slides over a document. "Oh, an NDA. Alright." You realise, smiling softly as you take a pen and sign it. Aemond cocks his head curiously, but decides its a bit too early to ask.
"So, Aemond, what would this agreement entail?" You ask, gesturing between the two of you, and he takes a breath.
"I'd basically like you to be my arm candy. Business dinners and trips, most public appearances. Ill pay for everything, dresses, plane tickets, living expenses, whatever you need." He speaks gently, without any mistakes, reiterating what he told you last night, but in more detail
On the inside, you're doing a little happy dance. But on the outside, you give him a honeyed smile and nod.
"That sounds perfect, and I must tell you something before we continue," You speak, gulping down your fear as your knee bobs nervously.
"Go on, we are to be partners, you can trust me." Aemond keeps his face mostly stoic, but his voice is twinged with warmth.
"I don't have sex for money, if it happens naturally, it happens." You manage to get out, your face goes entirely red. You're so nervous for his response your blood pulses so much that you can hear it in your ears.
"I agree. I was just about to mention that. You will not be pressured for photos nor anything of that sort." He agrees, eyes going over you once again in a way that made you beg yourself not to get horny.
Though he was showing you the bare minimum, part of you wanted to jump his bones just because of it. "Though... I'm not saying I'd be against it." You smile playfully as you speak. Aemond clears his throat,
"Oh trust me, I'm the furthest thing from against it aswell." Aemond speaks. He looks at you, trying to remain respectful, but seeing you dressed in an outfit he chose and bought, awoke something primal in him.
The tension between the two of you grew, until it was sliced open by another silver haired man walking through the door. Oh gods. You thought, mentally face palming as you notice just who it is.
Aegon Targaryen. Aemond plasters another smile on his face, one much more forced.
"Oh beloved brother, weren't going to introduce me to your new girl?" Aegon pouts at the two of you, leaning against the wall of the living room as he tosses his keys on the coffee table.
"Didn't exactly plan on it, no." Aemond rolls his eyes. "I'm sure you know Aegon," He speaks again, and you nod. "N-Nice to meet you." You stutter, which was uncharacteristic of you.
"Awh, she's a shy one." Aegon coos, his devilish smirk littering his angelic features. What is with this family and its super genes? You think again.
"Aegon, leave us alone," Aemond groans, shooing him off to which he raises his hands in a false surrender and retreats to a seperate room.
So they live together.
You're doomed, arent you?
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heyidkyay · 9 months
Oh my god now you’ve got the image of G and Birdie with a little baby girl into my head… you can’t not write it now! I’d love to see maybe them introducing their baby girl to the rest of the band… or anything else you can come up with 🤣
I guess I'll take this pain, instead of your name | The aftermath
A little snippet:)
My due date was March 23rd. Which meant that George would be getting quite the birthday present (if the baby had perfect timing) and that they’d most definitely be an Aries, which were two things I couldn’t quite get behind, but something G was ecstatic over. 
Matty had been hoping the little one would arrive a little late, two weeks late to be precise, just so that he could get one over on George and have the baby share something in common with him instead. He really had been an absolute sweetheart throughout the entire pregnancy, but my God was he pushing it trying to get me to extend the absolute hell I’d endured. 
I’d gone through almost every symptom pregnancy had to offer, from day one I’d felt absolutely vile and then when my second trimester had rolled round I’d had to deal with Braxton Hicks, an undeniable appetite (I’d felt like an actual monster), and dizziness that rivalled anything I’d ever felt before. Including the time when I’d been hit by a fucking car. 
Still, all of Matty’s efforts appeared in vain now seeing as though I went into labour on February 13th, five whole weeks before I was even due. 
To say I’d shit myself would have been an absolute understatement. I was fucking terrified to give birth, let alone that early, and to make matters worse, George had been set to play a show, which meant that he’d had no idea my water had broken until I was high as a kite on fucking gas and air, and he was finally off stage. But thankfully, I’d also been at work and Delia had been the one to walk me through the whole process, we’d headed straight to hospital, due to the fact that I should not have been going into labour this prematurely, but also because she was afraid I was going to give myself a sodding aneurysm simply down to the amount I was panicking. 
But who could blame me?
Anywho, the whole thing seemed a bit small in comparison to when I finally did give birth. We’d been blessed with a tiny, little baby girl- 7 lbs 4 ounces and with a head of thick unruly hair. But before George and I could even get a look in the doctor had told me to start pushing- again.
“They’re coming along quite quickly now, just a few more deep breaths.” 
“You what?” I ask the man in scrubs settled between my legs. Baffled wasn’t even a word I’d begin to use to describe the emotions that hit me right then, having thought I’d heard him wrong until I saw the alarming look on George’s face.
“We need you to push, you can already see baby’s head.” A midwife informs me, ushering George to once again take my hand, to comfort me. He does but he’s caught in a daze. 
“But, but I just did that bit.” I say, mostly stunned, delirious almost for a moment. 
“I know, and you did wonderfully. But baby two isn’t too far behind.” She replies, smiling down at me sincerely even as her attention diverts between a handful of other people stood in the delivery room. 
Her words seem to startle G back into reality, “Baby two? As in twins?”
“Twins! What the hell do you mean, twins?” I feel dizzy once more, head darting between the nurse beside me, G, and the doctor who’s seen a little too much of my insides for my liking. I think I start mumbling then, rambling off a ton of questions, a mile a minute, to anyone and everyone who will listen. Twins. “Are you sure? Twins?”
The nurse laughs, not unkindly, then nods, “Definitely sure, even saw it for myself.”
I’m still not really pushing, too confused, too stunned to really do much, in truth. “Are you having me on? Is this a prank?”
She appears to realise G and I aren’t messing about here and I watch on, frozen, as her whole demeanour shifts before my eyes, “Yes, sweetheart, twins. You really didn’t know?”
I shake my head and am just beyond grateful that George is here with me, holding my hand so tightly that I can truly feel it start to numb- because, what?
Things seem to take a turn then, the entire atmosphere in the room drops when beeping starts up and lights start flashing worryingly. The doctor at the other end of my bed is coaching me through it again, his voice high and harried almost, and I know then that something’s wrong and that it’s all my fault.
“What’s going on?” I ask, eyes immediately snapping over towards the nurse standing beside me but she’s gone, fiddling with the oxygen machine behind my head and then the heart monitor. “G, what- what’s happening? Are they okay? The baby. Are they?”
“You need to push. The baby is losing oxygen, we need to get them out as quickly as possible.”
My heart plummets. I start to panic. It’s my fault. My fault. I’m doing it wrong. I’m to blame. It’s all my fault. I’m messing up and they’re not even really here yet. I’m doing it all wrong.
“We need you to push harder.”
“Come on, mum. We need you to really push now.”
“That’s it.”
“Birdie, it’s alright. You’re okay, love. The baby is okay. You just need to push a bit more. Just a little longer, okay?”
I feel my head move- nod?- but the room is spinning, I reckon I’m screaming too. Sobbing, even. My mind so focused on the baby I hadn’t even known I’d been housing, let alone created. My baby. 
Two babies! Two.
I let out a loud groan. Barely even aware of the careful fingers on my temple. 
“Good girl, B.” George whispers to me, lips pressed against my cheek as he brushes hair from out of my face. “You’re doing so well. So good.”
I cry harder, I push harder.
Time seems to have stilled in its entirety, the minutes won’t move, the seconds don’t count. I am lost in this moment, my mind screaming at me to just try harder. 
“And it’s a boy!” I finally hear and then I’m weeping again, crying and clinging to George before he too is dragged away from me by nurses to cut the umbilical cords. I stare up at the ceiling, unable to do much else, chest heaving, thick tears streaming down my cheeks, and all I hear is an overwhelming buzz. The kind I’d grown so used to, starting in my left ear before it soon echos in my right. Jumping, back and forth.
“A boy, Birdie. A boy and a girl.”
I blink and George is there again, hovering over me. He takes my face in his careful hands and holds me so close that we are nose to nose. I realise then he’s crying too.
“Twins.” I whisper breathlessly, every inch of me burns, but I itch to get up, to move and see them.
“Twins.” George repeats with just as much disbelief. “Twins, B. Ours.”
A baby boy, he’d told me. A tiny thing, so full of surprises. He was born smaller than his sister, an even 6 lbs and only ten minutes behind, but his eyes are unlike anything I’ve ever seen, huge and so very innocent, placed between a scattering constellation of tawny freckles that dot his cheeks and kiss his lids. 
A girl and a boy. All ours. 
I’d been taken with them both the moment I’d set my sights on them, ‘the twins' people had dubbed them. ‘Let’s go see the twins!’ ‘The twins are finally crawling!’ ‘Somebody grab a camera, the twins are being cute again!’
Never did I ever believe I’d have a family of my own, let alone a husband or these two beautiful beings that always seemed to stare back up at me with an incredible amount of innocence. It stirs something deep within me each time they do, both the thought and the very sight of them, and when their tiny little hands wrap their way around my fingers I know that I’ll never feel this type of love again. I don’t think I could even begin to describe it.
They are beautiful and they are ours, and I know from the very bottom of my heart that I will protect them until the day that I die. Because, how could I not?
How could anyone not?
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thehollowwriter · 9 months
Summary: Deuce's first time ever in Mostro Lounge, in which he meets the tweels and sets up an appointment with Azul
(Pls reblog and leave a comment ❤)
The World's Prettiest Restaurant
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Deuce decided he would go to Mostro Lounge on Saturday afternoon.
He stood outside the Octavinelle mirror with nervousness and guilt gnawing at him- a side affect of disobeying his dorm leader.
On the bright side, he didn't feel nervous about talking to Jade Leech. The Leech twins were infamous and rumours about them spread across compass like wildfire, however, those were just rumours and Deuce could handle himself just fine, thank you. At least he hoped so.
As he gazed at the shining, silver mirror he realised he had never been in Octavinelle before.
Well, he always did like seeing new things.
Deuce stepped into the portal and shut his eyes to shield them from the blinding light of the transportation magic. When he opened them again he was standing in a long, empty hallway.
Deuce knew Octavinelle was underwater, but the sight of sea floor outside the large glass windows still shocked him.
Feeling like he was in one of those aquarium tunnels, Deuce walked up to the glass and depressed his face against it.
There was an actual coral reef outside. Sunlight streamed down all the way to the soft sandy floor, the light catching on vibrant corals and flashy fish. The flish flitted to and fro, dipping through the seaweed and rubbing against the soft seagrass.
Deuce pulled away from the window and slowly walked to the end of the hall, turning his his haid to stare at everything around him in awe.
He reached a fork at the end of the hallway and blinked. On the wall in front of him hung a black sign with curling purple script.
There were two arrows. One pointed left with "Dormitory (Octavinelle students only)" written above it. The other pointed right with "Mostro Lounge" also written above it.
Deuce turned right and entered the lounge through the open oak doors and stopped short, frozen.
Mostro Lounge was amazing.
Soft jazz flowed into Deuce's ears like honey, the wonderful aroma of delicious food invaded his nostrils, and his eyes were assaulted with perhaps the prettiest restaurant he had ever seen.
The tables were solid oak with smooth white table tops. A pretty lamp in the shape of a nautilis shell sat delicately on each one. The seats were fine leather, a perfectly polished brown complimenting the table perfectly.
A spotless tiled floor reflected the blues of the lights shining above. The lights in question were shaped like jellyfish and carefully attached to curling tentacles protruding from the ceiling.
Stairs, lined with neon blue lightning, led up to more tables. Behind those tables was a huge glass wall, the clarity allowing Deuce to see the beauty of the sea behind it. To the right was a... bar? Did they sell alcohol here? It was long and lined with high stools. The shelves at the back filled with various containers of unknown stuff that Deuce almost wanted to try.
The lounge was crowded with people- students of various dorms and ages talking and laughing, creating a lovely hubbub of muffled voices and distant laughter.
A student created all of this? That was... that was incredible. Deuce was in awe of him.
"Good afternoon, sir."
A soft voice made Deuce jolt. He turned to see a guy who was quite possibly the smallest teenager he'd ever seen in his life, looking at him. He was shorter than Riddle and Epel!
Shocks of turquoise streaked through dark green locks (they looked almost like seaweed) and a pair of turquoise eyes gleamed in the light. He wore the Octavinelle uniform, which was also the staff uniform. Suspenders, a bowtie, the fedora, the whole shebang.
A pair of wireless earphones were just barely noticeable, the little buds hiding well in the dim lighting. Was that even allowed?
"Do you have a reservation, sir?"
It took far too long for the words to fully process, and when they finally did Deuce panicked.
"Huh? Me? OH- uh- no, I've never been here before, I-"
"Alright, then." The staff member sent a close-lipped smile his way. "I'm Finn Clearcove. I will be your waiter for today. Right this way, please."
Deuce wordlessly followed Finn to the nearest open table dazed. It was quite close to the bar and had a good view of the glass wall. Deuce was surprised it was open, given the glass wall spot should be popular, but as he looked around he realised all the tables near the bar were mysteriously empty.
Deuce got seated there anyways and a menu was placed in front if him. It, just like everything else here, was fancy and pretty.
The pages were black with sleek dark purple writing sprawling nearly across the pages. A gold nautilis was printed on the bottom of each page, and the prices were also printed in gold ink.
The options, paired with incredibly well done photos, made Deuce's stomach growl, his mouth water and his wallet cry out in terror.
Why was everything so expensive?
"Would you like to order?" Finn's soft voice made Deuce jolt again.
"Oh! Uh- for a drink get I get the- uh-" He looked at the menu. "The Crystal Tide please? It looks nice."
Finn sent another close-lipped smile his way. "Excellent choice. Would you like anything to eat?"
"The uh..." Deuce scoured the menu for the cheapest option. "The mushroom risotto, please."
Finn paused, looking at Deuce incredulously, before snapping back to to customer service mode and writing down his order. "Alright, thank you."
Finn turned to leave and Deuce stared after him, watching his tiny form become swallowed by the fray before realising he forgot to ask about Jade Leech.
Damn it.
Well, it was fine. Deuce would surely run into the vice dorm leader eventually . It wasn't like he would be hard to spot. From what hewas told, Jade was uncannily tall, had short, silky turquoise hair with a long thick black stripe framing the left side of his face, gold and olive heterochromatic eyes and a set of sharp teeth.
If Deuce missed someone like that, he would probably go see an optometrist.
The clinking of glasses at the bar suddenly caught his attention.
It was as if the Great Seven themselves heard his plight.
Deuce turned his head at the sound and there, leaning over the bar, was a staff member matching Jade's exact description.
"Ugh..." Jade groaned and half-heartedly fiddled with the various drinks on display, baring his teeth and frowning unhappily.
He... didn't look like a vice dorm leader.
His bowtie was loose and the top buttons of his shirt were undone, leaving his collarbones in the open for all to see. His jacket was completely unbuttoned and loose, showing off the suspenders underneath. The one right suspender thingy was hanging off his shoulder.
"Stupid Azul, makin' me do boring bar duty. I wanna cook."
He didn't sound like a vice dorm leader either.
Deuce stared at him for a long time before awkwardly clearing his throat. "Um... excuse me, Jade-senpai?"
There was a beat of silence.
Jade stopped what he was doing and slowly turned his head in Deuce's direction. Their eyes locked and suddenly every part of Deuce's body screamed at him to run.
"Oi." The Leech growled, voice low. "I'm Floyd, not Jade."
Deuce's jaw dropped open and he wondered how he could be so stupid as to forget that Jade had an identical twin brother?
A very angry identical twin brother at that.
Floyd glowered and leaned forward so the he stretched over the bar table. "The hell do you want, Mackerel?"
"A-Actually my name is Deu-"
"Don't care." Floyd hissed. "You remind me of a mackerel so Mackerel it is."
Before Deuce could even think of how to answer that Finn arrived with his drink, silent and startling (but polite) as ever.
The Crystal Tide was- just like everything else at Mostro Lounge- a fancy, beautiful and pricy drink that made Deuce salivate.
It was filled with flavoured ice and the liquid was made up of three colours
Light red at the bottom, pink in the middle, and purple and blue at the top.
Floyd had gone silent, watching the exchange with a bored expression before focusing on Finn.
"Blue Angel, why don't you give Mackerel here your million madol smile?"
Finn shot Floyd a dirty look. "Hello, Floyd. And no. I will not." Despite the irritation seeping into his tone, his voice remained soft and subdued, but firm.
"Aww, but your teeth are sooo petty~!"
Deuce took Floyd's change of focus to take a sip of his drink and his eyes widened. A wonderful, fruity flavour flowed onto his tongue and made his taste buds dance in joy. How did they even make this stuff?
"Floyd, I don't have time for this, I have work to do." Finn hissed, and then he quickly turned around and left before Floyd get another word in.
Floyd glowered, disappointed, before focusing on Deuce again. "Anyways." He said, teeth glinting dangerously. "The hell do you want with Jade?"
Deuce swallowed. "I uh- I wanted go talk to him about making a contract with the dorm leader. I was told you need to go him to schedule a meeting."
Floyd went quiet once again and stared at Deuce for an uncomfortably long time before tilting his head back and letting out an exaggerated, mocking laugh.
"Hah! I see, I see. You want those study notes cause you ain't got the brains to pass those baby level first year exams?"
"Hey!" If Floyd didn't set off so many warning bells Deuce would've gotten up and punched him. "That's a terrible thing to say! How do you even know I'm a first year?"
Floyd shrugged. "You've still got that spark of life in your eyes." He said cryptically.
"Oh." Deuce said, like an idiot. He awkwardly drummed his fingers against the table, unsure of how to proceed.
"So- uh- anyways, when can I talk to Jade?"
Floyd rolled his eyes. "Dunno. He's busy. Currently in a world of bliss cause some poor moron ordered the mushroom risotto."
Deuce blinked at him, confused. "You say that like it's a bad thing..?"
"Well yeah, it's-" Floyd stopped mid sentence and squinted at Deuce. Then there was a spark of realisation in his eyes. "Oh shit, you ordered the risotto, didn't you? Hah! That's a riot!"
Deuce glared at him. "Y-"
"Here is your mushroom risotto, sir." Finn's sudden appearance made him jump out of his skin.
"Great Seven, how do you do that?!"
Floyd laughed again. The high-pitched, wheezey sound rattled Deuce's ears.
"Ehehe, Blue Angel's a sneaky cookie." He drawled, smirking at Finn. "He's so tiny and quiet nobody notices him!"
Finn let out a huff, but his expression was more fond than annoyed like before. He ignored the Leech, instead turning to Deuce.
"Do you need anything else?"
Deuce shook his head. "No, it's okay."
Finn bowed his head and promptly left, leaving him alone with Floyd once more.
"As I was saying." Deuce took a sip of that lovely drink. "Why's ordering mushroom risotto so bad?"
Floyd pulled a face. "Cause mushrooms are gross and the more people order it, the more mushrooms'll be put on the menu. And also, Jade has a weird kink for watching people eat his mushroom dishes."
Deuce balked. "He what-"
A soft chuckle stopped Deuce from fully voicing his horror.
"Now now, Floyd, you needn't be so crude."
The actual Jade Leech stood next to Deuce, smiling in amusement. He, unlike Floyd, wore the uniform properly- neat and pressed and so perfect it could give Riddle a run for his money.
Olive and gold eyes settled on Deuce, shining with something sinister.
"Go on." Jade coaxed. "Take a bite. I would love to hear your feedback.
Deuce obediently raised a forkful of risotto to his mouth and Floyd made a loud noise of disgust.
Deuce took a bite and for a second be was sure he had died and gone to heaven.
It was delicious! What was Floyd talking about? This was amazing!
Jade eyes gleamed in the low light and his sharp teeth just barely poked out from his lips. Eager.
"What do you think?"
"It's delicious!" Deuce said, delighted.
"I'm glad you think so." Jade's smile was a just a smidge more genuine and his voice sounded floaty. "Those mushrooms were grown and harvested by yours truly."
"Woah!" Deuce gaped. "That's really cool, Leech-senpai!"
"Why thank you."
"Ugh." Floyd gagged. "Enough with the mushroom talk! Jade, Mackerel here wants an appointment with Azul."
"Oh I see." The smile became fake again. "You just need to fill in a little form so that I may contact you with a date and time."
Deuce nodded and when Jade left to get the form he took the opportunity to shovel more delicious risotto into his mouth, much to Floyd's dismay.
Jade returned swiftly and handed Deuce a sheet of paper.
It didn't take too long to fill it in. Name, grade, class, club, cellphone number, and so on. That sort of thing. Deuce handed the form back to Jade with a thank you and the Leech disappeared yet again.
Floyd let out a groan and slumped on the bar table, watching Deuce finish the risotto with a look of disgust.
Finn reappeared to take Deuce's empty plate and glass- giving him another fright- and then offered him the bill.
Deuce mourned the chunk taken out of his pocket money, thanked Finn and Floyd for their help, and left to his dorm with a spring in his step.
Just as he arrived in his room, his phone went off, and he checked it to see a message from Jade.
"Good day Deuce-san. This is Jade. You my come to Mostro Lounge on the 15th of July at 18:30. Don't be late."
Deuce put his phone down and just barely stopped himself from squealing, opting to laugh and fall back on his bed instead, smiling in relief.
Finally, things were looking up. Once he got those study notes his life would be nothing but smooth sailing.
He was sure of it.
A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed! I had a lot of fun with this one! Still, not too confident with my Deuce writing, hopefully I'll get better though!
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 2 years
Twisted Lies
Can I request an Angst to happy ending Eddie Munson x fem. reader long oneshot where reader is Jason’s sister and Eddie and reader are dating and happy and Jason sabotages the relationship by writing a note saying awful things about Eddie and he shows it to Eddie and makes Eddie believe his girlfriend wrote it.
When she meets up with Eddie later, she tries to hug him and he pushes her away and yells at her in anger and confronts her about the note and she starts sobbing and tries to convince him that she didn’t write it and she tells him she loves him for the first time and when he finally realizes Jason set him up, he apologizes to reader and kisses her and tells her he loves her too?
Requested by @borhapgirlforlife19 ty for the request. I hope you like it 💞
Warnings; Angst to fluff,
Likes, comments and especially reblogs are always appreciated. I do not give anyone permission to copy my work.
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She smiles as she wakes up in Eddie's arms, he was over for a study date last night and they fell asleep.
Well... There wasn't a lot of studying involved but there were a lot of mindblowing orgasms and sweet cuddles.
She loved Eddie with her whole heart, her parents adored him. The only problem was her twin brother Jason. He hated Eddie.
How he could be her twin she never knew, they barely even looked alike and they certainly didn't act alike.
Though honestly, she didn't care what Jason thought she was so happy with Eddie. He treated her like an absolute queen, he even called her his princess and was so gentle and sweet, protective.
Eddies beautiful Brown eyes flutter open and he looks at her with adoration, her belly flutters. He makes her heart race, butterflies in her belly, tingles. All the good stuff.
"Hey, beautiful". She kisses him tenderly and he cuddles with her. God, she loved sleepy, morning cuddles.
Ugh, did they have to get up? Couldn't they just stay here all comfy and curled up together?
Maybe a long hot shower with Eddie would refresh her, she turns to Eddie then winks.
"Come on handsome, shower time it. A nice soapy, hot shower". His pupils blow wide with desire and he follows her into the bathroom making her giggle as he kisses her along the way.
Little did they know while they were in the shower that Jason had snuck into the bedroom with a devious plan in mind to cause chaos.
Operation break up was a go.
Jason smirks as he zeros in on Eddie, this morning when y/n and the freak were in the shower together he stole a scrap of her notebook paper.
He's written horrible shit about Eddie on it and plans to give it to him. Surely the fucker will realise his sister is way too good for him and they'll break up.
Well, at least he can hope. Either that or it causes a massive rift. He will take what he can get.
Eddie's eyes narrow at him.
"What the fuck do you want Carver?". Smug he shoves the note right in the freak's face. He takes it.
"Just thought you should know what my sis really thinks of you, found it this morning when I was getting the laundry and shit". He shrugs playing it cool.
Eddie is such a freak, I don't know what I was thinking by dating him. Jason was right about everything. All the metal shit he's into is so weird and I can't stand hearing him talking about that freak show Hellfire club.
"I'm telling you freak, she wrote this. It's from her fucking diary".
Eddie stares at the note and Jason watches with glee as his face falls. He takes the note shaking and crumpling it up in his hand stuffs it in his jeans and stalks away going to find y/n.
Operation break up completed.
She can't wait to find Eddie, she's missed him so much. Okay, it's only been a few hours since they saw him but she's so in love with him it feels like days.
It's Friday so he will be going to set up for Hellfire any minute now.
Just as she suspected she spots in walking towards the auditorium and she beams and calls his name.
"Eddie!". She runs to him, throwing her arms around him, it confuses her when he tenses and suddenly he's pushing her away and she looks at him shocked.
"Leave me alone y/n".
What's wrong with him?
"Eddie? What's wrong?". His brown eyes flash in anger, tears just visible in his eyes.
"Oh like you don't know?". Seriously she doesn't. What the hell happened from this morning until now?
"No, I don't so explain it to me Eds?". He snorts and pulls a note from his pocket, the paper is so familiar and she realises it's from her diary.
He shoves the note at her and she takes it scanning the words. It's not her handwriting but she knows who it is. Jason's.
Her more pressing concern is reassuring Eddie that this was not written by her but by her asshole brother.
"Eddie I didn't write this". Her heart breaks as tears fall down his cheeks, she longs to soothe him but he backs away from her.
"Yeah, likely story y/n, fuck why did I believe you were different you're just like your brother".
Anxiety fills her stomach. She can't lose him not because of Jason and him not accepting her and Eddie, he needs to get over his stupid prejudices.
"Eddie it isn't my handwriting, you have to believe me". She pleads and he still won't look at her.
"Look, I have Hellfire. I'll see you later". She gently tugs him back.
"Eddie please listen". He wipes at his eyes and meets her gaze, his own full of betrayal and hurt.
"Why should I?". Fuck, she wanted this to be more romantic when she told him. Screw Jason and his bullshit.
"Because I love you, Eddie, so much. I wish I could be telling you this in a special, romantic way but thanks to Jason's shit I can't. I love you, I love everything about you, especially Hellfire and your love for Heavy metal but most of all for your beautiful heart".
His tense body softens and he looks to the note then tears it to pieces and pulls her in his arms for a breathtaking kiss.
He kisses her forehead and swears.
"Fucking Jason, that asshole. You really mean it, princess?". She nods wiping his tears away gently.
"I really do".
"Good because I love you too princess, so much. I should have realised you'd never write any of that shit".
Jason skulks out of basketball practice, spots her and Eddie together and pales. Fuming she approaches him along with Eddie.
"How dare you try and break Eddie up". She screams at him, she's so beyond furious right now.
Jason gapes flustered.
"He's a freak sis, he's a..." She cuts him off and narrows her eyes, he gulps stepping back.
"No. Enough! let me get it through that thick skull of yours, Jason, I love Eddie and he loves me. So back off and leave us alone or I will make you regret it".
He sneers at her and nods, then storms off. Message received.
Eddie kisses her hair.
"Come on princess need my lucky charm to join me at Hellfire".
They walk hand in hand to the auditorium, happier than ever and very much in love.
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filmsomnia1 · 1 year
Jealously but Love
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Movie Franchise: Marvel
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader
Words: 818
Summary: Wanda and Y/N Are dating but it's on the low right now because it was still new for them and that was fine until Pietro gets a little flirty with Y/N and Wanda get very jealous and becomes somewhat possessive.
You and the crew were just hanging at the compound today having a fun day in because of all the crazy that had been going ok lately, you all decided you needed a break.
You guys spend the day eating and just having fun in each others presence and it was going fine up until Pietro had walked up to you.
"Hey Y/N, how you doing?" Pietro had asked with a slight smirk and you could tell he was attempting to flirt with you so you mindlessly replied to the boy "hi Pietro, no much you?" You said still looking down in front of you.
"A whole lot better now, I wonder why" Pietro said and you know looked up to him to see him smirking while this interaction was happening you managing to hear a scoff.
Turning around you say it was coming from Wanda your girlfriend, you and her had been dating for sometime bit keep the whole ordeal quite low key.
The reason for doing so it because you wanted to just be with each other and no have everyone else in the relationship.
Doing this came with risk and in the past you had been jealous of Vision and while Wanda told you there was nothing to worry about you believed her but had your reservations.
This happened to be one of those risky moments and it was even worse because it was Wanda's twin brother, this was not good.
You could see Wanda's eyes starting to glow and your eyes immediately widened before turning back to Pietro "would you excuse me for a moment?" you asked him and he nodded before you walked up to Wanda.
"Come with me please" you asked nicely placing a hand on her arm which seemed to get her to call down before you wanted Wanda back to her room wanting her to just cool down.
"Are you alright babe" you asked setting Wanda down on her bed kneeling before her and though she nodded she further explained.
"I did not like what my brother was doing, I don't understand what is this feeling, I've never felt it before" Wanda said to you and you had chuckled realising that she was jealous.
"It's called jealously babe, it's cute but you have nothing to worry about, I like you and have no feeling for him what so ever" you explained leaning forward giving her a quick peck on the lips.
Once you pulled away she brought you into her embrace holding you close not liking being away from you for so long, your cuddles were her favorite thing it the world.
"How about we go back out there yeah" you proposed and Wanda nodded pulling away from your embrace before you both walked back out there returning to you conversations.
Unfortunately Pietro had come back and even though you told Wanda she had nothing to worry about you could see the jealously returning to her eyes.
"So Y/N, I was wondering if I could ask you a question" Pietro asked his smirk widening causing you to awkwardly laugh and nod allowing him to continue.
"Well I was wondering if you wanted to - " "NO" Pietro started only to be interrupted but Wanda shouting in a jealous rage.
This had managed to grab everyone's attention and you looked back to see Wanda's eyes glowing red making her way to you and her twin brother.
"No what" Pietro asked sizing up to his sister to seem like a man but Wanda did not stand down "No you can not ask Y/N out" Wanda said still holding her ground.
You were sitting near them watching in slight embarrassment while the other Avengers acted like they were watching a movie.
"And why is that" Pietro further question cause Wanda to get angrier and you know you need to diffuse the situation some how.
"Because we're dating and I'm in love with you" you said eyes widening as you did this being the first time you said it.
Everybody else's eye went wide but mainly Wanda's and Pietro's and while Pietro's were in embarrassment now Wanda's were in awe.
"You love me?" Wanda asked and you nervously chucked "of course I do, who wouldn't" you said causing the avengers to awe.
Wanda then walked forward pulling you into a passionate kiss allowing all the pent up jealously to be put into that kiss.
Once you both pulled away Wanda looked in your eyes "I love you too" She said and everyone awed before Wanda pulled you into her embrace.
Even though there were some rocking moment let was an amazing weekend for you to neither of you could deny that.
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armins-main-hoe · 1 year
Odd socks
Chapter 5
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“You did what?” Neteyam hissed.  
“Threw a small shell at him.” Y/n mumbled. She had been stood her for a whole 10 minutes being forced to explain what happened with Ao’nung to Neteyam because someone could not keep their mouth shut. That someone being-
“No, it was a big red one! If she had not thrown it at him then we would have won, the competition.” Tuk boasted, expecting her older brother to be jealous or praise her but instead she got a strong glare from her older sister.  
“Tuk you aren’t helping-”  
“Y/n why would you throw- Okay, I can understand you verbally cursing at him but getting physical? We have not even been here for that long and he is the olo’ekytan’s son. Do you not realise the trouble this could get our family in? We are in a vulnerable position right now!” Neteyam held Y/n in her place by the shoulders when she tried to walk away.  
“He is not going to tell anyone! Why would he when if the adults were to ask what happened they would find out what he said? They would find out that he was being a dickhead!”
“They would also find out that you hit him. Even if it turned into a fight where he would hit you back, you hit him first and that is all it would take for this clan to think our family is dangerous, that we react violently to anything. You think they would let us stay here a second longer?”  
“Neteyam, he was getting on my nerves and Tuk was there too!”  
“So, you hit him with a shell? That was the best thing to do?”  
“No! No Y/n you do not do that. Why can’t you ever understand? You know, sometimes I wonder whether you and Tuk are the real twins because you act like you are her age by acting so reckless and never thinking with your head. If he got on your nerves, then all you had to do was swear at him and then walk away.”  
Y/n rolled her eyes, ever since they were little Neteyam loved playing the third parent and bossing all their younger siblings around including her.  
“I do not understand why you are getting so worked up about this. It really is not that big of a deal!”  
Neteyam’s lips tightened, and his nostrils flared. She never will understand him, and he believes she has never even tried to.  
“Right because Father threw a shell and the Olo’ekytan’s face to make him let us stay here and he even was ready to throw in a few punches for good measure.” Sarcasm spilled out from Neteyam’s voice, thinking if a simple explanation cannot get to the girl’s head, then maybe this can.  
“Ugh, so you are telling me you would have just said ‘go away Ao’nung’ and walked away? Really? Because that would have worked.” Y/n asks him, her ears flickering as her brows furrowed. Why is Neteyam getting so worked up over this? She does not understand.  
“Yes. I would have avoided conflict because I care about this family and not just myself.” The twins were the same height yet somehow with those words it felt like Neteyam was towering over Y/n, as if he were the bigger person.  
To Neteyam, he had always felt that he understood his parents’ worries and warnings, he understood that the rules his parents set in place must be followed to keep everyone safe and maintain peace. Yet Y/n never understood this. He tried his best to explain to her that rules are meant to be followed for a reason, but she never listens. Just like now. She will never listen. Which is why he grew up to be the obvious third parent. The one his younger siblings could lean on when their parents were not around.  
He knew Y/n cares and loves his younger siblings as much as he does but that does not mean she can go around acting like them. She must act her age as the eldest daughter, yet she chooses not to. He knows that she is a skilled hunter, an excellent climber and even better at riding an Ikran but he often wonders when she will be a responsible older sister.  
“You think I do not care? Do you really think I did what I did because of my own selfish reasons?” Y/n spoke softly, her voice conveying the pain she felt from his words. She pushed his hands off her.  
“Your actions proved plenty.” Neteyam looked away. The two stood in silence for a few seconds before Neteyam walked away.  
“I don’t understand him!” Y/n shouted at none but herself as she stood alone in the mauri pod.  
Tuk had ran out of the mauri pod when she heard Neteyam raising his voice and Y/n doing the same. She had seen them argue before over small matters which would get resolved within the next hour, but she had never seemed them both this angry at each other and it frightened her. When she told Neteyam about what Y/n did to Ao’nung, she thought he would be proud of Y/n like she was. When Tuk was with her older sister and Ao’nung and his friends approached them, she did not like it at all. Even though they were smiling at her, she did not like them talking to her, they had mean smiles. They even said some mean things about Y/n and her hands.  
Tuk never saw anything wrong with Y/n, Lo’ak and Kiri’s hands. She did not think anything of it. So, when she heard Ao’nung’s friends talking about her sister like that, she did not understand why. When Y/n had pulled Tuk by her arm to make Tuk stand behind Y/n, Tuk felt safe. She felt as if Y/n was her shield from the mean bullies even though they said nothing to Tuk and everything to Y/n.  
She thought Y/n was brave when she threw the shell at Ao’nung. So why was Neteyam so angry? She does not like it at all when they fight.  
It does not matter, she does not like the two of them arguing so she goes to find her other siblings or her parents who can stop them. She did try to stop them, but her voice was not reaching their ears.  
As she ran, she ran past a a conversation she could not help but listen in to. So, she stopped and hid her body behind the mauri wall and peeked over the side of it to see who was talking.  
“OW! Tsreiya be careful!” Ao’nung whined.  
“I’m sorry brother, but I need to apply some at least a little pressure,” Tsireya sighed. She had tried to help her brother with the mysterious bruise on his left cheek, but he was being exceedingly difficult. “Listen, if you don’t stop whining then I will go get mother and tell her to do this for you instead.”
“No! Do not get mother, she will ask too many questions.”  
“Remind me, how did you get hurt again?” Tsireya asked as she continued placing the cold pouch of stones on Ao’nung’s cheek.  
“Was playing with the boys and got hurt.”  
“Yeah, but how?”
“One of them accidently threw a shell at me.”  
Tsireya lifted the pouch and looked at him questionably.  
“A shell? You are telling me a shell did this to you?”  
“That's what I said.”  
Tuk let out a squeak when Ao’nung caught her eyes. He narrowed his eyes into a glare and Tuk felt a cold shiver run down her spine.  
‘He is scary. Too scary.’ She thought as she broke into a sprint back to her mauri.  
“What was that noise?” Tsireya looked behind her and walked around the mauri to see where the noise came from. When she stuck her head outside, she saw Tuk running away. “Why is she running away?”  
“Beats me.” Ao’nung shrugged.  
Tuk had forgotten why she had even run out of the mauri in the first place when she had entered it again and found Lo’ak sitting in the corner, fiddling with something. She walked up to him and sat in the space next to him. His fingers toyed with a little blue shell that sparkled whenever the sunlight fell upon its surface.  
‘A shell.  
Y/n hit Ao’nung with a shell.  
Y/n and Neteyam had a fight because of it.’  
“What’s wrong tuk?” Lo’ak asked when she had been silent for far too long. Tuk leaned her head on his arm.  
“Socks hit Ao’nung with a shell.” She told him.  
“He probably did something to deserve it.” Lo’ak snorted.  
“Neteyam got angry though. Him and socks had a fight. They both were really angry and were shouting at each other really loudly. I did not like it.” Tuk kept her eyes on the little blue shell in Lo’ak’s hands as she spoke, still leaning her head on his arm. Soon Lo’ak stopped fiddling with the shell and pulled his little sister into a hug.  
“It’s fine, they’ll make up soon.” He told her. Though he was a little shocked to hear the twins had a fight. He knew that this is not the first time they ever fought but previous fights had been over ‘I did this last time so now it’s your turn’ and a few were ‘wow, you’re really bad at this.’, though these fights never lasted long and the two would apologise rather quickly and get on their day as normal. So, to hear they were shouting at each other to the point where it scared Tuk must mean that this was an argument that they took rather seriously.  
Either that or Tuk was exaggerating, which she often did.  
“Hey, do you want this? I found it when I went swimming with Tsireya.” Lo’ak offered the little shell to her. Tuk took it from his hands and played around with it. It was smooth in some areas but textured in others. Still, it was a very pretty shell which would go nicely as a hair ornament. She thanked him and got up to carefully place holes in the shell so she could thread her hair through it.  
Lo’ak watched tuk play around with the shell and tried to think whether the fight his older siblings had was really all that bad. He began to think that it was not and when the fight was told from Tuk’s eyes, it seemed worse than it was.  
However, Lo’ak began to question himself later that day when the whole family came back together for dinner. Neteyam and Y/n were not saying a word to either each other or anyone else. They would only speak when spoken too. Lo’ak went up to his brother, who was helping his mother with cutting up pieces of fish. He nudged him and gave him a questioning look. Neteyam just shook his head at him and went back to his work, refusing to give a verbal explanation.  
Lo’ak then went to his older sister, who was with her father, helping him clean the weapons and tools that were used that day. Lo’ak sat down next to her and whispered a ‘hey.’ She looked up from the knife she was cleaning and looked at him.  
“You good?” He asked, raising his voice a little above a whisper.  
“Yeah.” Her reply was dry and quick. She went back to cleaning.  
Lo’ak looked at his father who was sitting close by and any conversation he would try to have with his sister would easily be heard by him. Lo’ak thought that he would not get much out from either older brother or sister with their parents around, so he gave up for now. Choosing to talk to them later that evening when they are alone.  
Though their parents did not notice anything while getting ready for dinner, when the whole family sat down together to eat, they noticed the silence from the twins. Though they never talked all that much during dinner, there always was a small conversation here and there while they ate. Everyone spoke about something, about how their day was. Jake told them about how he was getting better at riding a Tsurak, earning praises from his wife and kids. Well apart from two of his kids who just smiled at him and went back to eating. Neytiri complained to her family about how Ronal kept giving her backhanded compliments and the twins still said nothing. Lo’ak shared his progress with swimming in the sea, that he was now able to hold his breath for a little longer than before. Twins said nothing. Kiri told everyone about the different sea animals she saw today. Twins said nothing. Tuk told everyone about how she had her older siblings had a mini competition on who could find the biggest shell.  
Y/n froze. She was praying to Eywa that Tuk does not tell her parents that Y/n threw a shell at Ao’nung. Y/n knew that her parents would side with Ao’nung and that it would be another long lecture from her parents.  
“Me and socks did not win though but next time we will! Right socks?” Tuk smiled at Y/n.  
Y/n looked up at Tuk and gave her a small smile. “Yeah, we will.” Though her words were half-heartedly spoken. She then went back to eating.
Jake and Neytiri were waiting for Neteyam and Y/n to talk, everyone had said something about their day apart from those two. When the twins showed no signs of talking, the couple shared a concerned look.  
“So, Neteyam, how was your day?” Jake asked.  
“It was fine, Father.”  
“Anything interesting happen today?” He tried to pry further.
“Hmm, I do not know. Did anything interesting happen today Y/n?” Neteyam looked at his sister in the eye for the first time since their argument.  
“Not that I am aware of. No.” Y/n replied with a sarcastic smile that lived short on her face before she glared at him and looked down at her food.  
Kiri nudged Lo’ak to ask what happened between the two, but Lo’ak shook his head, meaning he either did not know or could not explain at the moment.  
“Oh, that weird, I’m sure you must have done something interesting today.” Neteyam returned her sarcastic smile.  
Y/n rolled her eyes. She knew Neteyam was trying to get her to tell everyone that she hit Ao’nung with a shell, but she put up her own fight, she will not tell anyone.  
“What happened?” Neytiri asked, her voice soft and motherly. She looked at her two oldest children expectantly.  
“Nothing mum. Neteyam’s just being weird.” Y/n told her mother, she does not feel all that hungry anymore, so she passes her food to Tuk who happily eats her older sister’s leftovers.  
“You planning to keep it a secret? You know they are going to find out, either from you or from Ao’nung.” Neteyam asked.
“Find out what from Ao’nung?” Jake asked in between the twins’ argument but his voice did not reach their ears.  
“I do not care of he decides to snitch I had a very good reason to do what I did!” Y/n stood up. She had enough of this. She wanted to leave to mauri and be anywhere but near Neteyam.  
“What did you do?” Jake stands up too.
“Go on tell them if you do not care!” Neteyam gets on his feet and the twins went head-to-head. They could not hear their father’s questions, nor did they see their whole family standing up. They only raised their head away from each other when they hear their mother speak.
“Y/n, did you and Ao’nung...”  
“NO! Ew Mum! Why would you even think that!” Y/n cried out in disgust. Her face twisting up when an image of her and Ao’nung alone, doing other things than fighting flashed in her mind. “I just threw a shell at him and now Neteyam is throwing a tantrum over it.”  
Silence filled the room.  
“You did what Y/n?” Jake asked for the second time, the lack of his nickname for her and the slow, calm pace at which he spoke told Y/n that she was in for some deep shit.  
Pandora’s sunlight hit the water as it softly hit the shore. Metkayina kids played together, playing games of tag, swimming together and collecting seashells. Damn shells. Y/n despises everyone she sees. Though she kept telling herself that what she did was with good reason, her father had scolded her enough to make her cringe with annoyance every time she saw on either in the seabed or on the sand.  
A day had passed since the whole incident but neither Tsahik or Olo’eyktan knew that their son was hit by a shell, but Y/n’s parents were close to making her walk over to their mauri and apologise. Though they later decided to wait and see if Ao’nung would tell their parents.  
He did not tell anyone, just as Y/n kept telling everyone. Despite that, she was kept supervised by her father and mother for the day. She was told to follow them around so they would make sure she does not go and start throwing shells at boys again.  
Right now, she was with her mother, they both sat near the shore, weaving baskets together with Ronal and a few other Metkayina women.  
“I must say Y/n, your ability to weave baskets this quick is a commendable skill.” Ronal complimented the younger child who joined them that day. Neytiri had just said that her eldest daughter will be joining them until the afternoon and truth be told, Ronal did feel that the child would not keep up and slow her down on her tasks. However, she was proven wrong rather quickly.  
“Thank you.” Y/n smiled at Ronal. She had decided to act as the sweet, well-mannered child with Ronal so if Ao’nung did ever change his mind and tell his parents about the shell incident then Ronal might not believe him since how could an innocent, kind girl ever do such a thing.  
It was not like Y/n was being fake, after all she was kind and well mannered, just not towards certain people, or rather a certain group of boys and one boy in particular. She soon found herself in a pleasant conversation with Ronal and Y/n had forgotten about the reason why she was there in the first place for a while.  
Neytiri watched as the two conversed, only adding to the conversation every now and then. Y/n would even talk with the other women around her who happily talked back to her. She admired her daughter for her social skills at times like these, she knew that Y/n was a social butterfly and would always find a way to get along with anyone, so she was shocked when she first heard of her daughters actions the day before.  
Even back at the forest, she would see her daughter talking happily to every member of the clan, which made her believe that she would have been the first to adjust and get familiar with the people here. Perhaps she had not been paying enough attention to her. Once Y/n and Ronal’s conversation had come to an end, Neytiri smiled at her daughter and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.  
“Perhaps me and your father were too hard on you last night, but I do hope what happened does not happen again.” She softly told her. Y/n looked up at her mother and smiled back.  
“Yeah, okay. I am sorry about how I acted.” Y/n replied.  
The two shared one last smile before getting back to finishing off their baskets.  
The rest of the day for Y/n was spent with her mother and then later with her father. When the family gathered back into to Marui for the night, the twins still did not talk to each other which did not go unnoticed by other members of the family, but they could only hope that the two would talk it out in their own time.  
The next day, Y/n was allowed to join her siblings with training again. She joined them with Tsireya, Ao’nung and his friends. Today they were to learn how ride an Ilu. Ilu were how the metekayina travelled underwater in a much quicker way than swimming. Ilu were not like Ikrans and would bond with any rider rather than just one.  
Ao’nung called out to the ilu by making a particular type of noise with his mouth. The ilu came quickly and swam around him in circles before he turned around to face everyone behind him.
“If you want to live here, you have to ride.” He told them,  
Y/n noticed a small bruise on his cheek where she had hit him with the shell and nearly felt guilty. Nearly.  
Tsireya called some ilu over to her and then beckoned Lo’ak to join her. Lo’ak was the first to attempt to ride an Ilu, he made the bond with ease but when he told the ilu to swim, he lost grip quickly, causing him to tumble around in the water. Everyone had their heads underwater, watching his attempt eagerly.  
Ao’nung and his friends rose from the water laughing and Tsireya tried her best not to laugh. The twins had also tried not to laugh but they both ended up laughing a little.  
It turned out that Kiri had already bonded with an Ilu before and did not need to be taught again. So, then Neteyam went next, compared to Lo’ak, he got the hang on it quicker and was able to ride an Ilu with ease. While the brothers practiced together, Tsireya took Tuk over to where the smaller Ilus are and Ao’nung was left with teaching Y/n.
“Alright Socks, looks like you’re the last one left.” He tilted his head down slightly and smiled at her. She frowned at him back.  
“I thought I told you to not call me that.”  
“Why? I think the name suits you.” His voice sounded so innocent, but Y/n knew better.  
“You do not even know the meaning of the name.”  
Ao’nung called an Ilu over.
“Alright then, tell me the meaning.”  
Tell him the meaning of socks? Over Y/n’s dead body. Why would she give him another reason to make fun of her? So instead, she ignored him and greeted the Ilu instead. She got on the Ilu’s back and pulled her braid from behind forward to make the bond.  
“Do it slowly and gently,” Ao’nung advised her as he watched the bond seal between her and the Ilu, he called over for her. “Wouldn’t want to scare the Ilu away.”  
Once she had made the bond, she could feel the animal’s heartbeat and breathe, as if the two were one. This reminded her of her Ikran and how it would be like when she would ride her Ikran.  
“Now tell the Ilu to swim forward.” Ao’nung’s voice sounded closer than she thought he was and made her jump. This caused the Ilu to get scared too and jerk Y/n forward into the water. Once she had emerged from the water, she heard Ao’nung and his friends laughing. Well, not like she had expected them to do anything less. So, she took a deep breath and tried to get onto the Ilu again.  
Once she had bonded again, she looked back at Ao’nung making sure he was not close enough to do anything again. Once she was satisfied with the distance, she looked forward again and told the Ilu to swim forward. The Ilu moved immediately and swam with speed through the water. Y/n now understood why Lo’ak had lost his grip the first time he had tried.  
So, she tightened her hold and told the Ilu where to swim. She told the Ilu to swim in a large circle, eventually making the way back to where Ao’nung was at.  
“Damn, she learns fast.” One of his friends spoke aloud to himself. Ao’nung dismissed it by saying,  
“It is an Ilu, kids younger than that small forest kid can ride one. Nothing impressive at all.”  
Once Y/n had reached him, her hair wet and sticking to her cheeks, she smirked at him.  
“I bet I could easily win a race.” She challenged him.  
Ao’nung scoffed and looked back at him friends amused before looking back at the girl in front of him. “Aren’t you getting a little ahead of yourself?”  
“Not at all.”  
The two looked at each other a little longer before Y/n tilted her head with a mocking expression and Ao’nung called out to another Ilu. He got on the Ilu and his friend came forward, telling them both where to start and where to finish. The first one to reach the coral area where Y/n’s siblings and Tsireya are wins.  
“Three... Two... One... Go!” The friend counted them down and the two were off.  
The two were neck to neck throughout most of the race, both telling their Ilu to swim faster and faster. They would look at the other besides them, getting frustrated that they could not get rid of them. Ao’nung was surprised a little that Y/n could hold on for this long, but he pushed his astonishment away and focused on winning the race.  
In the end, the two tied and there was no clear winner. They both got annoyed again but before they could race again, Tsireya swam over to congratulate Y/n on riding an Ilu. Y/n got distracted by trying to figure out what she was saying with the finger talk since she forgot some of the basic signs Tsireya had taught her, that she did not notice Ao’nung swimming away. Not that she would have cared too much.  
For the next hour, the kids would play around with their Ilus, swimming around large coral and trying to learn tricks from Tsireya. Though this excitement was short lived for Y/n before she felt a small nip on her leg. She looked down and saw the fish that looked like Ao’nung nipping at her leg again.  
While she did find that fish’s appearance amusing, she did not appreciate the fact that it came to bite her wherever it caught sight of her. Though luckily, this time she had an Ilu so she could quickly swim away from it. Just when she believed she had outswum the fish, she looked behind her to see the fish swimming towards her with a few other fishes behind it.  
Neteyam was playing around with Lo’ak on his Ilu happily, thinking that everything around them is peaceful. He was about to sign to his brother that they should probably head back when he saw Y/n riding her Ilu in the distance behind Lo’ak with a whole school of fish chasing after her.  
He pointed at her and Lo’ak looked behind him to see the sight. By now, Y/n had changed direction and was swimming towards them, bringing the angry school of fish with her. The two brother’s eyes widened, and they quickly got their Ilus to swim away with Y/n followed them close behind.  
I suppose we can say that it was not just Y/n who came back home with a few fish bites that day.
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h7jfangirl · 8 months
Okay, so... I can't lie, watching Jekyll being a chaotic bastard it's the hottest thing I ever seen
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Of course Hyde it's the one controling the body here, but also their are the same person
Something that Jekyll forgot
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This whole scenario would be terrifying if Hyde wasn't part of Jekyll.
So, reading Hyde's words we can realise that he didn't feel all the action from last night, so of course, with now Jekyll getting his feelings of love back, Hyde gets the extreme of them; Lust towards Laynon... Or at least he acts like that, but only to piss off Jekyll in this page (I mean that Hyde is in love too). So of course he would want to get something private and deep with him
And then we have the other side. Jekyll is scare like if Hyde could actually STEAL Robert from him, which it's kinda sussy that Henry talks about Laynon like something of his, that he owns, at least to Hyde (I think my man still has some 🚩🚩🚩 to fix)
And also Jekyll being a hyprocite because he talks about Hyde as if they didn't came from the same mind and soul and talks about Hyde's flaws like if that was all he is. But Hyde belives that Laynon will like him too for who he is as his own without Henry, and also asking to Jekyll about his own flaws. Edward it's clearly using this to make Jekyll feel bad and think that Hyde it's better than him.
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He just casually talk to himself out loud while doing shit with people. Love it
Hyde, Hyde, the cop it's watching, Hyde, Hyde Oh my god he can't hear us my boy it's going to PRI--
Just kidding, I wonder how this is gonna turn now. Will Hyde be able to convince the cop to not arrest him? Would he run away and fix it later? Would he go to prision? Who knows!
Now, after what we saw in this new page... I have a question:
It's Hyde evil?
Hyde stole a umbrella to a lady that was just walking, kick some kid's ball when the little one was about to cach it, and just grab a cup
In the begining of the comic Hyde made some mess up things that werent actually meant with evil
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He gladly stab someone with a umbrella, but it was to save Creature from being burn alive
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Then he set the street on fire, it was a accident and he didn't even expect it to happend but he looks proud of it and even laughs
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Of course, the next day he realised he fuck up but dosen't like to admit it every much. He it's emotional, and has exciment when he see chaos, but at the same time he knows that theres limits
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Then, talking about Jekyll "betraying" him with the officer. Hyde put him killing a random dude like a example of how even with that Jekyll wouldn't be able to bring Hyde to the law
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And the most recent one was Hyde actually hurting a man in the face, actually enjoy it
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But the thing it's that the comic itself tells us that Hyde isn't exactily the evil inside Jekyll. The whole freaking chapter 10 it's a non stop show to gaslight and mocking at Hyde and all his idea of who he was
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So, Hyde it's not evil? He wants to be, and his actions brings chaos but not that harmful, except the time he burned the street but that was not intentional
But then if he is not the evil? Why he wants to be evil? Because Hyde it's in a constant searching for power, in this page he acts smug while bothering the people around him, and also thinks about taking Laynon too so he can feel powerful over Jekyll again. If Hyde dosen't feel powerful he would literally fall deep down to the darkness of his own mind, but if he can ruin someone else by doing that, then he will take it. Hyde himself said it in chapter 12 "I will take Jekyll down with me!" The right moment he is told about that chance to ruin Henry, even if it was forever
Hyde finds comfort of being the evil twin because that's the only way he knows to feel the senses of control while feeding his constant hunger for acction and passion on his life, and that actually worked it for two whole years, until Henry puts him a stop for just two weeks. If only Hyde waited, he could had his delusional life back but he didn't, and now him and Jekyll will going down together
Because they keep forgeting that they are in the same boat.
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strayheartless · 7 months
Things heard in the Land of Departure part 3:
1 | 2
Aqua: you have until the count of three, and then I’m wrapping you both in duct tape.
Xion: hypothetically, if I were to, say, illegally smuggle a certain blonde haired nobody with mysterious memory powers out of radiant gardens… how likely do you think it is that I’d be pursued by the law?
Terra: extremely… why?
Xion: you may want to be wilfully ignorant of the blonde girl in my bedroom then…
Roxas: *to riku* do you think your going grey because of excess stress? Or are you just naturally that ugly?
Sora: I would like to preface this by saying that I asked Terra, who said no. So, then I asked Aqua who… also said no. But then, I asked Riku and he also said no, but in that way that totally means yes.
Riku: I really didn’t…
Ven: I just gunna hot diggity dog my way out of here and hope for the best.
Riku: I am not often proud of my acts of violence, but there is something so funny about watching Roxas get knocked on his ass by a wind spell.
Sora: “expect the unexpected” I’d rather unexpect the expected to be honest. The unexpected is getting predictable.
Kairi: I told Ven about that time I jump scared Riku so bad he fell out of a tree, and he tried to reassure me that I wasn’t to blame. Like I wasn’t fucking proud of that shit!
Roxas: I could do that yes, but the thing is, I have my heart set on being a hinderance!
Isa: sometimes I come out here just to think… but mostly I come out here to rehash arguments that happened five years ago.
Xion: I’ve had enough! When you come to write my eulogy say “she was nice, but she was shit at executively functioning.”
Ven: Vanitas can be labeled as many things: my darkness, the evil twin… the strange creature under the bed you take pity on but absolutely would beat to death with a lead pipe if it were to venture father into the room. The list is endless really.
Terra: what’s nice about getting to work with Riku as an equal is that I don’t have to stress about fucking up, he does that all in his own!
Riku: hey!
Kairi: Do you ever think about how human life is so fragile, you could end it instantly and never feel a single thing?
Everyone else: *takes a huge fuck off step back*
Riku: Being someone’s most important person is exhausting. I could decimate whole planets sephiroth style and Sora would still be like “he’s just a little guy!”
Aqua: Do not tell Sora that! mainly because he's impressionable, but also he's dumb as a brick.
Terra: when arriving in a new world there are three things you must remember: 1. respect the world order; 2. always respect the authority of those you are lending a hand to; and 3. There is a certain financial limit we expect you to adhere to when atempting to bribe local law enforcment to 'forget' what they saw Kairi just do.
Lea: Isa is the ‘moon’ to my ‘sun’, the ‘sky’ to my ‘land’, the ‘irreversible fuck up’ to my ‘realised he was evil in the first week’, the ‘I can fix him’ to my ‘let me brake his face with this chair’!
Isa: I said I was SORRY!
Lea: *mumbling* yeah well, love you too.
Sora: I don’t cry, I leak occasionally, it’s a hazard.
Riku: please get help.
Roxas: we are literally begging you.
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maedhrus · 1 month
Oohhh this was a while ago but. Pls talk more about Edward doting on Thomas during his pregnancy. He would be living his absolute best life getting to spoil his husband 🥹
don't worry, i quite literally never stop thinking about domestic!joplittle!!! they are my whole words and i'm chomping at the bit waiting for even the slightest excuse to talk about them!! 💖💖
ned little has ALL the makings of a victorian wife guy. that thomas (who is, objectively, the best man he's ever known) agreed to spend the rest of his life with edward is a gift he'll never be able to repay. but he adores thomas with every fibre of his being so the very least he can do is dote on a man who is so unused to being cherished
thomas tells him about the pregnancy around two months in. thomas knows earlier but is very terrified that he'll lose it etc. and doesn't want to get his or edward's hopes up. but he has very bad morning sickness and edward worries that it's some lingering Arctic Illness and so thomas tells him to get him to Worry Less (unsuccessful)
edward weeps upon hearing the news. just buries his head into thomas' stomach and weeps for a long time
he then becomes absolutely riddled with fear because holy shit so much can go wrong?? what if something happens to the baby??? what if something happens to thomas?????? edward considers himself a steady man but he knows that that's a loss he couldn't possibly survive
thomas is also worried that something will happen but to the baby, not him. it just seems like too many things have gone right in his life and surely he won't be so lucky as to have this child successfully? but he also knows that edward's prone to worry, and thomas is prone to sensibilities and so reminds them both that thomas' mother had four children, edward's had twelve. genetics are on their side if nothing else
still, edward will not be deterred from doing everything he can to minimise thomas' discomfort. he helps him dress in the mornings, fetches him tea, warms water so thomas can sit in a hot bath, allowing edward to gently wash him, kiss at his bump
this agitates thomas initially ("i'm not an invalid, edward. thomas blanky had one leg and got less attention.") again, he's a man for whom work is literally his lifeline, but as the pregnancy progresses and he gets more and more exhausted, he enjoys slipping into the luxury of care
more than once did thomas fall asleep in their living room, reading a book or sewing, and woke when he realised that edward was carrying him upstairs to their bedroom, setting him on the bed with a kiss
thomas had always had a sweet tooth but it worsens during pregnancy and it has edward making weekly trips to town to supply thomas with boiled sweets, chocolate, all manner of deserts
and edward enjoys this! it distracts him from thinking about how the pregnancy can go wrong and he gets to dote on the man he loves! who is giving him a gift beyond measure!!!
they both fall into absolute bits when the twins start kicking for the first time (it was early in the morning, edward practically woke up to thomas crying and pulling at his hand) and they often fall asleep with their hands pressed into thomas' stomach
(the twins eventually arrive in the dead of night and thomas cries and kisses at the soft hair on their heads and edward sobs and runs his hand over tiny fingers because now there are two more impossibly small humans who he will spend his life adoring)
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kitkatscabinet · 1 year
Do you think; IF Rhaenyra had a daughter by laenor, this could have been a way to build a peace between the greens and the blacks?
Hear me out:
- Alicent sees her and Rhaenyra’s friendship in the friendship between Aemond and his niece
- When Rhaenyra’s daughter is old enough, she could be Jace’s older sister or younger sister(like Rhaenyra slept w both Laenor and Harwin and Laenor’s genes won out) she tells Rhaenyra “Hey I love Aemond and maybe we can fix this”
- NOTE: Rhaenyra’s daughter is the only one who EVER apologised to Aemond for what happened to him by her brothers
- And Otto wants to see the baby as soon as its born (Like Alicent w rhaenyra). So The daughter is like “get me a dress” and carries her kid into a council meeting and Aemond is like “what the fxck”
Ooooh I have so many thoughts about this, I’ll probably write a whole fic later but for now
Honestly the thing about the dance is that there are so many ways it could have been stopped but also at the same time it was always going to happen.
Like it’s a conflict that’s been 20+ years in the making that has consistently been fuelled not only by Rhaenyra and Alicent and thus their kids but by the fuckheads like Daemon and Otto.
I think ultimately the dance is kind of a culmination from years of machinations of power hungry and ambitious men. Then it’s fuelled by Rhaenyra’s selfishness and Alicent’s blindness/refusal to make amends due to her fathers influence.
I imagine the best way for that to be resolved would be on the off miracle that jace and Laenor’s true born were twins. Rare but not frankly impossible, another thing that I think the show should have done also was to keep Rhaenys’s hair black like it is in the books. Naturally there’s still the issue that Jace, like and Joffrey are fuckin pasty as but it would be much easier to pass off Baratheon genes if Jace and reader were twins. It would also be best if she was the oldest and therefore the heir, setting a precedence for female heirs. (Even better if they work in tandem with Driftmark to make Laena heir and then one of the twins)
The next issue you’ve got is the way Jace and Luke treat Aemond even before he claims Vhagar and the way Rhaenyra treats her siblings. If Aemond and reader were close she would have to beat her little brothers asses (and Aegon’s) because there’s a difference between teasing between family members and downright maliciousness even if the boys don’t realise they’re being mean.
There’s also the issue that ultimately Alicent’s children think that if big sis takes the throne then they die. So regardless of whether a daughter is close with uncles and aunt Rhaenyra herself has to be the one to close that bridge. I imagine the kid will be have to be the one to force Alicent and Rhaenyra to make up cause both are too proud/unsure to do it themselves no matter how much they want to.
Ok so Vhagar incident which is heavily fuelled by Aemond’s continued mistreatment which we’ve minimised. Say he still loses an eye that would just immediately destroy and tentative bonds that have been built. It’s not enough to just apologise, Aemond has been permanently maimed and Rhaenyra is trying to make it his fault even when he did not start the fight even if she is appalled her son did that cause she’s still going to try and protect her sons.
There has to be some sort of punishment for the blacks. Viserys is still soft and thus betrothal between Aemond/reader and Jace/Helaena he’s had enough of this shit he just peace’s the fuck out and leaves the squabbling to the kids.
Aegon fosters at dragonstone and Luke Jace at kings landing.
There’s still the issue of Otto but through forced exposure everyone has begrudgingly come to love each other and then I imagine Otto demanding to see the baby is the last straw and Aemond fucking loses it. It’s glorious.
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hawkinsbanishedhero · 2 years
a life well loved
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summary: a collection of moments between the reader and ralph. from their first meeting to their last moments together. pairing: ralph x gn!reader word count: 6250 warnings: smut, angst, fluff, panic attack (slight mention), suicide, death
masterlist | ao3
“O, no! it is an ever-fixed mark, That looks on tempests and is never shaken; It is the star to every wandering bark, Whose worth’s unknown, although his height be taken.” - Excerpt from ‘Sonnet 116’ by William Shakespeare
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Ralph knew that [Y/N] was the one for him as soon as he set his eyes on them. He adored the way they made him feel and the affection they showered him with. Ralph never thought that he would end up finding someone who he could call his own. And that someone also happened to return the same amount of admiration towards him!
[Y/N] was, or rather is, the love of his life. And nothing could ever change that. The amount of love he felt for them was enough to fuel love for thousands, if not millions, of people. Though he would just settle for one person. [Y/N].
Every time he sees them, Ralph’s heart bursts with love. An uncontrollable grin plastered on his face. He almost acted like a puppy around them. That being paired with those big brown eyes of his, made Ralph seem even more puppy-like.
Now let’s get into how their whole love story began and ended. Though I guess it never really came to an end. Anyway, shall we?
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It was one of Victoria and Ralph’s birthday parties. [Y/N] knew Victoria via a mutual friend and was dragged along to the annual celebration. Upon agreeing to go to the twins’ birthday celebration, [Y/N] had no idea that they would end up meeting the love of their life. (Their friend would soon tease them and say that it was them who got the two together.)
[Y/N] nursed a drink in their hand as they stood near the bar. Their friend had quickly gotten whisked away by Victoria, who wanted them to socialise with their circle of friends. Apparently that hadn’t included [Y/N]. Not that they were complaining.
“Hi!” Ralph, who seemed to pop out of nowhere, eagerly greeted [Y/N] with a wide smile accompanied by a blush on his cheeks.
Maybe it was the alcohol that made them feel slightly light-headed upon meeting his gaze. Or perhaps it was the way his big brown eyes gazed into theirs along with a smile that could rival the sun's brightness.
“Hi.” [Y/N] politely smiled after having realised that he was awaiting a response.
“Would… Would you like to dance with the birthday boy?” Ralph asked as he shyly pointed to himself.
[Y/N] felt like they could have melted into a puddle right then and there. They didn’t know if they were going to survive this evening if this was how things were going to go.
“I would be honoured to!” They answered.
Ralph beamed brightly before a toothy smile appeared on his face. He held his hand out for them to take after [Y/N] had put their now empty glass on the bar. And just like that, [Y/N] was swept up onto the dance floor.
“I’m Ralph.” He happily introduced himself.
A small laugh pulled itself out of [Y/N] before they began to nervously ramble. “I know. Or rather I didn’t know until you asked if I wanted to dance with the birthday boy. And that’s you of course. Oh! I’m [Y/N].”
Ralph smiled bashfully. He felt himself falling deeper in love with them by the second. Ralph only hoped that they were beginning to feel the same way.
“It’s nice to meet you.” He said with a gentle kiss to their knuckles.
That was it. [Y/N] definitely knew that they were a goner right that second. They only hoped that Ralph felt the same way. Though they had only just met so they began to doubt it. A faint tap tap tap began to be noticeable to them over the live band. [Y/N] quietly wondered why they had only just begun to hear them and decided to blame the fact that Ralph had distracted them with his cuteness. Hence them having not realised sooner.
“Are you… Wearing tap shoes?” [Y/N] asked curiously. Though they weren’t judging him at all.
“Yes! Aren’t they wizard?!” Ralph exclaimed with a laugh.
“They are!” [Y/N] agreed with no hesitation. “They seem like so much fun to wear.”
“Do you want to wear them?” Ralph asked with complete seriousness.
[Y/N] softly laughed as Ralph stopped their dance, completely ready to drop down to his knees and give them his shoes.
“It’s okay! They won’t look as wizard on me.”
“Oh.” Ralph said, almost feeling disappointed.
“Perhaps I could break out a pair of tap dancing shoes next time?”
Next time? What was [Y/N] thinking? They probably wouldn’t even see each other again after this. And even if they did, it would probably only be in passing on the street.
“Yes! Next time!” Ralph happily exclaimed. “Can I ask you for another dance? I think I’ve found the perfect dance partner.”
[Y/N]’s heart fluttered at the statement. They were definitely falling hard and fast for him.
“I would love to.”
The two of them smiled brightly at each other as they quickly swept each other up in another dance. And that was just one of the many dances they’d share with each other that night.
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Ralph was never completely sure if he believed in love at first sight. Other people probably felt like he did. He did, after all, seem like a hopeless romantic. But Ralph knew, right then and there, that he had fallen in love with [Y/N] the moment he laid his eyes on them. And that feeling only grew the longer he was in their presence. (Ralph would soon find that it also grew out of their presence.)
The male often found himself strumming his ukulele and softly singing lyrics that he had come up with to compliment [Y/N]’s appearance. Victoria, admittedly, didn’t know how to react at first. She had never seen him this way before and now here he was, acting like a love sick puppy. Although she will admit that she did end up feeling happy for him, even if she did act harsh towards him at times.
Before Ralph and [Y/N]’s departure from one another after the party had come to an end, the two exchanged telephone numbers. Ralph was practically on his knees with the promise of calling them. And when he did, he immediately asked them to accompany him on a picnic. Ralph had explicitly told them that he was wanting to begin courting them.
With linked arms, Ralph and [Y/N] walked through Hyde Park. A basket gently rested on Ralph’s other arm. The pair tried to scout out the best location to set up their little picnic. They soon settled on sitting under a tree so that they could be shielded from the sun that was shining brightly that day.
Ralph took it upon himself to set up the picnic and gently ushered [Y/N] to sit on the blanket once he had laid it down on the ground. Whilst he set up the picnic, [Y/N] couldn’t help but send literal heart eyes towards Ralph’s direction. He looked so cute in his baby blue suit, accompanied by a straw boater hat.
“Here.” Ralph broke the silence, his hands held a piece of fruit up to [Y/N]’s lips.
[Y/N] avoided eye contact with him as they took a bite of the fruit, suddenly feeling shy despite the fact that they had just spent the last few moments eyeing him.
“Tastes good!” [Y/N] said, their voice slightly muffled from the fruit that they chewed.
Ralph gave them a smile that could stop hearts in seconds, before he dug into the food himself as he looked at the scenery before him. (Although nothing would beat the enchanting sight of the person sitting next to him.) His eyes locked onto a flower that sat nestled in the grass a few metres away from them. He excitedly jumped to his feet and quickly ran to the flower, his hat almost flew off in the process. [Y/N] though they had only known him for a short period of time, knew not to question anything that Ralph did. He gently plucked the flower from the ground with mumbled apologies. Once Ralph sat back down on the plaid blanket, he softly took [Y/N]’s chin in his hand before he tucked the flower behind their ear.
“Stunning.” Ralph whispered.
Their eyes locked with the other, before they both looked down at each other’s lips. With bashful smiles, they both turned away and directed their attention elsewhere. Perhaps one of them would gain the courage to kiss the other another day. 
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Ralph couldn’t wait to propose. It had only been two weeks since he had met [Y/N]. And yet he’d probably combust if he waited any longer. Ralph had met his soulmate so why not get married as soon as possible? Sure, it was a bit soon but [Y/N] was definitely the person who he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. There was no doubt about it.
Ralph was definitely someone who did things in the spur of the moment. Sometimes these things would blow up in his face. Time and time again he got hounded for doing things without thinking. For having such strong emotions. Probably way more emotions than he knew how to deal with.
With the velvet box in his pocket, Ralph set off to find the love of his life. Sure, he could have made this a grand spectacle, it would be very Ralph like. But he didn’t think he could wait that long. Muffled footsteps grew louder from behind the closed door of [Y/N]’s house. Ralph quickly got down onto one knee and presented the velvet box before him.
“Oh!” [Y/N] gasped at the sight of a ring that was nestled in the box.
“Will you marry me?” Ralph blurted out.
He almost cursed at himself. He had a whole speech prepared! And yet almost all the words were sucked out of him as soon as Ralph came face to face with them. [Y/N] was lost for words. They wanted to accept the proposal. [Y/N] had never felt this way towards anyone before. Perhaps this would be the start of something amazing? Their heart began to beat faster as Ralph continued to look up at them with those big brown puppy dog eyes of his. [Y/N] already had their answer. They just weren’t sure why they were hesitating.
“Yes!” A quiet exclamation left [Y/N].
Ralph’s eyes lit up even more, if that was even possible, and a grin overtook his features. He stood up and softly took their left hand in his before he slid the ring onto their finger with so much delicacy and care.
“Can I?” Ralph asked as he glanced down at their lips.
With a wordless nod, Ralph kissed [Y/N]’s lips. It was a quick clumsy kiss and his lips didn’t completely land on theirs. But to them, it was perfect. And they wouldn’t trade it for anything else.
“Oh! I can’t wait!” Ralph gave a toothy grin.
[Y/N] couldn’t help but smile and kiss Ralph’s cheek in a silent agreement. Neither of them could wait to see what the future bought for them.
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News of Ralph’s and [Y/N]’s engagement quickly travelled around their close friends, acquaintances and even strangers. To celebrate this new stage of their life, Victoria had begged them to let her organise a party. [Y/N]’s friend quickly joined Victoria’s side in begging.
“There’s the happy couple!” Victoria exclaimed upon seeing them enter the party.
[Y/N]’s friend let out a squeal when some champagne almost spilled on them as they popped open a bottle of the stuff. 
“Come and get a glass!” They said with excitement as they filled four glasses.
Ralph and [Y/N] approached them with matching grins, each of them took a glass of freshly poured champagne. The quartet clinked their glasses together before they took their first sip. Once drinks had been consumed, they all made their way to the dance floor. Ralph and [Y/N] took a hold of one another and quickly swept each other into a series of energetic dancing. Twirls and fast steps overtook the engaged couples bodies. Guests began to look over at them, the expressions on their faces were almost unreadable.
A few dances later had the pair trying to catch their breath. [Y/N] kissed Ralph’s knuckles with a smile. Ralph parroted their actions. He loved giving and receiving any kind of physical affection. It made him feel so seen.
“Let me go and get us more drinks.” Ralph said, parting from [Y/N] with a kiss on their cheek.
As Ralph went off to the bar, he started to feel the eyes of a handful of people on the back of his neck. Goosebumps started to rise up on his skin. He began to feel suffocated. Whispers began to travel amongst the guests.
“How did Ralph of all people manage to get engaged?”
“Do you think he’s paying them to marry him?”
“How can [Y/N] keep up with his personality?”
“They’ll probably regret marrying him.”
Ralph pulled at the collar of his shirt. He couldn’t breathe. Why couldn’t he breathe?! It’s something so simple. Something he’s been able to do since the day he was born. And yet, just like that his breath was stolen away from him. Ralph didn’t know if he’d be able to get it back.
“-Ph?” A voice cut into his thoughts. “Ralph?”
His eyes slowly looked up and met [Y/N]’s gaze. Their eyes were soft. Not eyes filled with judgement like most of the people in the room. Just by looking at them, Ralph couldn’t stop the tears that began to fill his puppy dog eyes. Though he didn’t want [Y/N] to see him cry. He was always more sensitive than others. Something he got picked on for when he was younger. Young Ralph would cry over something. Kids would make fun of him. Then more tears would fall from his eyes. A loud choking noise escaped from Ralph’s throat due to the tears he had been holding back. The sound almost frightened him. He felt like he was going to throw up.
“Let’s get you somewhere quiet, yeah?” [Y/N] suggested, taking notice of how Ralph was beginning to get more panicked.
Ralph nodded stiffly. He tried his best to block out the harsh whispers which still travelled around the room despite them now bearing witness to his panic attack.
“Can I hold your hand?” [Y/N] softly asked, their tone was almost a whisper.
Ralph gave a nod, not trusting his voice. [Y/N] gently took his hand in theirs and led them outdoors. Once the cool air hit his face, Ralph started to feel like he could start to breathe again. 
[Y/N] slowly moved Ralph’s hand onto their chest and began to gently instruct him to follow their breathing pattern. Deep breathes in. Deep breathes out. Repeat. Ralph focused on nothing but [Y/N]. Even though they hadn’t known each other for a long period of time, Ralph was glad that they weren’t the sort of person to poke fun at someone for being sensitive. He doesn’t think that his heart would have been able to take it if [Y/N] was like that. Ralph would probably break into a million pieces and then hide away forever if that was the case. Tears welled up in his eyes again at the thought. Ralph knew then and there that he was lucky to have someone like [Y/N] in his life.
“I... I think I'm okay now. I feel like I can breathe again at least.” Ralph shakily said.
[Y/N] frowned at Ralph’s demeanour as they gently wiped away any tears that did end up falling. He wasn’t his usual bubbly self. Which made sense, seeing as he did just recover from a panic attack. They mentally cursed at the guests inside for making Ralph feel this way. All those things they said about him made no sense. Sure, he was different from others. But that’s what made him so wonderful! [Y/N] took his hands in theirs, determined to cheer him up.
“I love you for you, Ralph.” [Y/N] confessed, unaware that they had spoken those three words for the first time. “I love the way you get excited about things. How your eyes seem so puppy like and full of wonder. How you always brighten the mood of those around you. Nothing could ever change how I feel about you. I love you, Ralph.”
“You- You love me?” Ralph asked in disbelief, despite the fact that the pair were going to get married.
[Y/N] paused as it then dawned on them what words they had spoken for the first time. “I do. I love you, Ralph. And I always will.”
“I love you too!” Ralph excitedly blurted out.
The couple started to smile and giggle at each other. Ralph went quiet and removed his hands from theirs so he’d be able to cup their cheeks. His big brown eyes shined intently as he softly gazed into their eyes. Ralph and [Y/N] leaned in closer and closer until their lips met each other in a kiss.
“Now, I’m going to fight every single guest in there that was being mean to you.” [Y/N] said with determination. “Although I feel like Victoria has gotten a start on that already.”
Ralph smiled at [Y/N]. He had started to feel like himself again. It was as though the past events had never happened. Ralph wondered if his childhood would have been slightly different if [Y/N] were around then. However there’s no use in dwelling on it now. He had them now and that’s all that mattered.
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The day of the wedding had finally arrived. Two months of preparation led up to this day. Victoria had been a huge help during the whole preparation process. She made sure that each thing was done exactly how Ralph and [Y/N] wanted them to be. There would be no room for error at her brother’s, and soon to be sibling-in-law’s, wedding. Victoria wanted people to talk about this wedding for years to come.
[Y/N] nervously waited at the altar for Ralph. For some unknown reason, he had begged them, with his usual smile plastered on his face, to let him be the one to walk down the aisle. [Y/N] had no complaints. They would also hate to see the smile drop from Ralph’s lips.
When the doors opened to reveal Ralph, [Y/N] felt all the air get knocked out of their lungs. He looked so perfect with his hair swept back and in a pretty white suit. A light red carnation tucked away in the front pocket of his suit jacket. Victoria walked Ralph down the aisle with their arms linked together.
Tears began to gather in both of their eyes, taken away with how stunning the other looked. Ralph looked like he had just stepped out of a painting. He looked so magnificent in his pure white suit. [Y/N] had half expected Ralph to walk down the aisle with his tap shoes. Though they had a sneaking suspicion that he was going to wear them during the reception. Not that [Y/N] had any complaints. They loved how excited he got to wear his tap shoes. Something that Victoria had gifted him with for his most recent birthday. Ralph, in return, had gifted her with a matching pair.
Ralph had to fight back the urge to kiss [Y/N] as soon as he got to the altar. They looked so perfect in his eyes. As they usually did of course. But there was something about seeing them standing at the altar before him that made everything seem so much more magical. The couple couldn’t help but smile in each other’s presence. Whispered compliments about the others appearance were quickly exchanged as shaky hands gripped the others equally as shaky hands. And just like that, the ceremony began.
“Welcome, loved ones. We are gathered here today to join Ralph Penbury and [Y/N] [L/N] in holy matrimony.” The officiant began. “I have been told that the couple have prepared their own vows?”
The soon to be wedded couple nodded their heads in sync. Ralph silently asked with his eyes [Y/N] if he could go first. He looked just like an excited puppy at that moment. His big brown eyes made it even more so.
“[Y/N], I had a feeling that the moment I set my eyes on you would be the start of something amazing. We’ve only known each other for a few months and some people may say that I rushed into this too soon. But they don’t know how much my heart races in, and out, of your presence. When I was going about my life without you, I felt less complete and since you entered my life I feel like it’s safe to say that you were the missing piece. I love you with all my heart and I will continue to do so even after death.” A few tears fell down Ralph’s cheeks with his words, which prompted [Y/N] to gently brush them away.
“I love you too.” [Y/N] whispered, their heart swelled with love. “Ralph, I never pictured myself standing here and getting married. I never really expected to find you, my soulmate either. Though I’m glad that you approached me at yours and Victoria’s birthday party. When I look at you, it’s like I’m seeing the world for the first time. Everything brightens with colour when I’m around you. And as you said, you’re also the missing piece to my life. I can’t even picture my life without you and I would hate to experience the rest of my life without you now that I have you in it. You’re my soulmate forever and always.”
Ralph could feel himself getting choked up. This was the best day of his life. Well, maybe the second best. Him meeting [Y/N] for the first time is definitely a close contender.
“Now it’s time for the exchanging of rings. Ralph, repeat after me-” The officiant instructed.
“With this ring I, Ralph Penbury, take you, [Y/N] [L/N], to be no other than yourself. Loving what I know of you, and trusting what I do not yet know, I will respect your integrity and have faith in your abiding love for me, through all our years, and in all that life may bring us.” Ralph repeated as he slid the ring onto [Y/N]’s ring finger.
“And now [Y/N]-“
“With this ring I, [Y/N [L/N], take you, Ralph Penbury, to be no other than yourself. Loving what I know of you, and trusting what I do not yet know, I will respect your integrity and have faith in your abiding love for me, through all our years, and in all that life may bring us.” [Y/N] said as they repeated the same actions as Ralph with the ring.
“By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you as married. You may now kiss your spouse.” The officiant declared.
Ralph eagerly swooped in and kissed [Y/N]. Guests happily exclaimed at the sight. Victoria was the loudest whilst she clapped her hands with a loud “Wooo!”. Of course any guest that picked fun at Ralph at the engagement party was not invited. Victoria didn’t want any kinds of negativity on her younger twin's special day. Smiles couldn’t stop themselves from appearing on the now married couples faces as the two pulled apart. [Y/N] quickly sneaked in another kiss before the two turned towards their guests.
The two of them had married the love of their life, their soulmate, and they couldn’t be happier.
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[Y/N] rested their head on Ralph’s shoulder. The two slowly swayed with the music. A quiet tap tap tap accompanied Ralph’s steps. The surroundings around them slowly faded away until their focus was only on each other. The choice of having their first dance to a slow song did surprise people, considering the fact that Ralph was just a bundle of energy that could not be contained at times.
“Having you in my arms just feels right.” Ralph murmured.
[Y/N] tilted their head to look up at him and smiled softly. “And being in your arms just feels right.”
Ralph kissed their forehead tenderly. Eyes filled with nothing but admiration for his spouse. He could get used to this. Having moments with [Y/N] that filled his heart with warmth. They were too caught up in each other's presence to notice that the song had transitioned into another as they continued to sway.
Nobody dared to disturb the couple. Noting how content they looked being wrapped up in each other's arms. That was the day where everyone knew that they were made for each other. Whispers of their romance would soon follow the community and people would soon aspire to have a love story like theirs.
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Ralph’s lips nervously locked with [Y/N]’s as they shut themselves in their room at their honeymoon location. He felt like his heart was going to leap out of his chest. What if he did everything wrong? What if this is what made [Y/N] leave him? [Y/N] pulled away, as if they could tell what was going through his mind.
“Are you okay?” [Y/N] asked, hands gripping his biceps.
“I’m just…nervous.” Ralph admitted.
“We don’t have to do it now if you’re not ready.” [Y/N] suggested softly.
“No!” Ralph blurted out. “I want to. I’m worried I’ll mess up.”
“We’ll learn together then.” [Y/N] pecked his cheek. “And it doesn’t matter if you, or I, mess up. I just know that it will be perfect no matter what because you’re here with me.”
Ralph silently nodded. The tension around them filled the air as clothes and underwear were stripped away and forgotten about in a messy pile on the floor. Short kisses were exchanged between the newly-wed couple. Only when [Y/N] was laid on the bed with Ralph hovering over them, was when they stopped their kisses.
Ralph nervously lowered his hand closer to [Y/N]’s hole. He wanted to make sure that they were prepared for the later event. Without another word, he began to thrust his finger in and out of them.
“Ralph!” [Y/N] exclaimed as their tight ring of muscles clenched around a single finger.
“Are...Are you okay?” Ralph asked, panicked.
“’M good. Feels good.”
With those words, Ralph eagerly pushed in another finger and shortly after a third once [Y/N] began to loosen up.
“Are you ready?” Ralph quietly asked.
“Yes!” [Y/N] almost shouted. “Need you so bad.”
Ralph aligned his dick with [Y/N]’s hole, his neck and face turned red with embarrassment when he clumsily missed each time he tried to enter them. [Y/N] pressed a gentle kiss to his lips before they helped him out. Moans erupted from both of their lips as Ralph started his thrusts. His movements at times were unsure and he had no idea where to put his hands. But being with [Y/N] slightly put his mind to ease. They were his safe space.
“You feel so… so good.” Ralph whined, tears gathered in the corner of his eyes.
[Y/N] moaned in response and hid their face in the crook of Ralph’s neck. Ralph’s whines got louder once [Y/N] started to bite down on his neck. Hickeys began to blossom on his skin. Ralph blushed heavily at the thought of walking around with the marks. His hips sloppily thrust into [Y/N]. Each movement wasn’t exactly perfect. Sometimes he would move so far back that his dick would end up almost exiting [Y/N]. He then struggled to get back inside of them. Other times, his thrusts were a little too harsh and [Y/N] felt the air get knocked out of them.
“’M going to -!” [Y/N] said, gasping.
“Me too!” Ralph said, red in the face.
After a few more thrusts, Ralph felt himself cum inside of them. It spilled out of them once he pulled out. He whined at the sight. He didn’t think he could witness something so glorious. Embarrassingly, Ralph wished that he could keep a physical record of the sight.
“I love you.” [Y/N] whispered.
“I love you too.” Ralph collapsed on top of [Y/N]. Heavy breaths left his lips. “So much.”
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[Y/N] always made sure that their husband’s spirits were lifted, as seen during the events of their engagement party. The light always seemed to leave Ralph’s eyes whenever Victoria interrupted him. And [Y/N] made sure to shower him in affection. One of these instances was when the three of them met the jazz band. Victoria and Ralph, although it was more Victoria in this scenario, were adamant that they were to perform at their party.
“Now, call it fate but Ralph and I, along with [Y/N].” Victoria began as she motioned over towards their sibling-in-law who had their arm hooked around Ralph’s “Are hosting a sick-makingly glorious birthday party!”
“We’re twins!” Ralph sang before he became serious. “Non-identical.”
“I was born first.”
“So Victoria and I are having a-” Ralph began to excitedly explain.
“Yes Ralph!” Victoria snapped.
The smile was instantly wiped from Ralph’s face and he almost curled in on himself. [Y/N] gently squeezed his bicep before they placed a quick kiss on his cheek.
“Don’t frown, darling.” [Y/N] whispered. “It pains me to see you so sad.”
[Y/N] had tried numerous occasions in the past to get Victoria to not act so harsh towards Ralph. But nothing ever worked. So all they could do was dote on him. [Y/N] only wished that they could do better.
Ralph stared at them with complete happiness. It was as if the past events with Victoria had never happened.
“Thank you, my love.” Ralph replied with a gentle kiss to their forehead.
Ralph and [Y/N] gazed at each other with what could only be described as heart eyes. The Jazz band, along with Victoria, stared at the couple who seemed to be in their own world.
“Ralph! [Y/N]!” Victoria raised her voice. “We’re done here.”
“Oh!” [Y/N] exclaimed.
“I think I got a toothache from watching that.” Lauren quietly said to her friends.
Murmurs of agreement filled the air.
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[Y/N] felt themselves falling in love with Ralph all over again upon seeing him in his birthday party outfit. The pattern of his suit was bold but it suited him so perfectly. Ralph felt the same way as well. He didn’t think that he could fall any harder for [Y/N]. Yet here he was, looking at them like he was seeing them for the first time again.
Ralph gasped before he exclaimed. “You’re wearing them!”
“Of course I am!” [Y/N] laughed. “I said I would last year, didn't I?”
Ralph couldn’t contain himself when he heard the familiar tap tap tap of a certain shoe he loved to wear to these kinds of events. He eagerly swooped down and kissed them on the lips. [Y/N] kissed back with just as much enthusiasm.
“Ralph. [Y/N].” Victoria greeted the couple before they could get their tongues down each other's throats. 
“Hello Victoria.” [Y/N] and Ralph said in unison, both donned flushed cheeks from their short make out session.
The couple made eye contact with each other before they let out a few laughs. Even though Victoria wanted to snap at them for acting silly. She couldn’t help but smile slightly. Victoria was still happy that the two were so in love with each other.
“Now that I’ve stopped you from taking that a step further. I’ll be off to make sure that the jazz quartet is ready!” Victoria happily exclaimed before wandering off.
“Let’s get a drink!” Ralph eagerly suggested as he offered his arm to [Y/N].
Ralph and [Y/N] made their way to the bar, the exact place Ralph had interacted with them for the first time. A series of tap tap taps from both of their tap shoes filled the air around them. Each tap made the smile on Ralph’s face grow bigger.
“Here you go, my love.” Ralph said tenderly as he passed a drink over to them once it had been served.
“Thank you, darling.” [Y/N] left a kiss on his cheek.
With one hand holding their drink and the other holding Ralph’s hand, [Y/N] led him to a table where they could sit and enjoy their drinks before they would sweep one another off onto the dance floor.
“A toast!” Ralph exclaimed all of a sudden as he moved to stand on top of his chair, a bottle of champagne in one hand whilst he gestured towards Victoria, Lauren, Horace and Jason. “Hurrah to us! To you! And a bloody marvellous evening!”
“Oh god! I love fun!” Victoria said before she raised her voice. “Who wants some cocaine?!”
Ralph raised one finger up in the air at her question and [Y/N] couldn’t help but be in awe of his cuteness.
“Careful Ralph.” [Y/N] gently spoke as they took one of his hands in theirs and helped him down from his seat.
Ralph let out a dreamy sigh before he kissed their cheek. “I love you.”
[Y/N] giggled. “I love you too.”
Ralph held the base of his glass of champagne as he took a sip once he was safely seated. Which of course caused some of the alcohol to dribble down his chin. When a quiet “whoops” left his lips, [Y/N] leaned forward with a napkin and gently dabbed the fabric against his chin. Ralph gazed at them with nothing but love as they focused on cleaning up his chin.
“Why did you hold the glass like that?” [Y/N] curiously asked, a smile accompanying their features.
“It seemed like it would be fun.” Ralph said with a smile, almost feeling shy.
“Well it was very cute.” [Y/N] admitted with a kiss to his knuckles.
[Y/N] hand travelled towards Ralph’s wrist and gently fiddled with the cufflink, a gift that they had gotten him for his birthday, that sat snug on his shirt. Ralph stared at [Y/N], his gaze filled with an enormous amount of affection towards the love of his life. Without another thought, he leaned towards them and brought their lips into a kiss.
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Multiple decades had passed. Ralph and [Y/N] [L/N]-Penbury had gone through so many milestones and adventures during the course of their love life. Each day their love for one another only grew bigger and bigger.
Ralph currently laid in their bed with [Y/N]’s arms loosely wrapped around him. Ralph felt himself getting weaker. But he didn’t want to leave. He wanted to experience more of his life with [Y/N]. They had so much more to do! He couldn’t just leave them. Old age sucked. How could it tear him away from [Y/N]? It was just cruel. So cruel! If he had the energy, he would cry. But he felt too weak to do so.
“It’s okay. I’m here.” [Y/N] whispered softly, arms still wrapped around Ralph. “You can go now. I love you.”
“I…I love you too.” Ralph struggled to speak but he wanted to tell them. He wanted them to hear those words one last time.
Tears fell from [Y/N]’s eyes. They rested their chin on the top of Ralph’s head. Their sobs grew louder as they pressed one last kiss to Ralph’s forehead. [Y/N] tried to keep it together but they found it too hard to do so. They wanted him to pass away feeling happy. They didn’t want him to bear witness to their tears.
Ralph’s breathing got slower. And slower. Until he finally stopped. [Y/N] let out loud choking sobs. They had just lost their soulmate. And in turn lost a part of them self. They felt nothing but anguish.
[Y/N] didn’t know how they were going to live their life without him. Without Ralph. Their sobs got stuck in their throat at the thought. They knew that this day was going to come. It had been so obvious over the past few months. But [Y/N] was never going to feel ready enough to let him go.
A week later, [Y/N] was found dead in their bed. An empty bottle of tablets were on the bedside table. The pain of losing Ralph had gotten to be too much. They had spent so much of their life with him that it just felt wrong to continue living it without him. Everything reminded [Y/N] of Ralph and they couldn’t take it any more. So, with tears in their eyes, they downed a bottle of tablets with little to no hesitation.
One can only hope that they were reunited after death. And if not, does true love really exist?
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eirianerisdar · 1 year
What was your favorite scene to write in Half Alive?
It's got to be a toss-up between Neytiri's grief reaction in chapter 4, and the Trial of Adoption in chapter 5.
My twin (who is also my beta) and I had discussed in the build up of Spider's illness as to what trigger would make him finally give up hope that thee Sully family might accept him as theirs. We discussed many options as far back as during the writing of chapter 2, when the main focus was still Spider and his hunger; we discussed anything from Tonowari being the one to actually find Spider coughing up blood to Spider's inital ptsd flashback on seeing Neytiri be during the night after Neteyam's funeral, if he woke up in the middle of the night and she was staring at him.
I brought up the idea for the final version somewhere in the middle of writing chapter 3. Neytiri feels emotions deeply; they latch deeply to her and do not easily release her. My twin and I both thought that the atypical grief reaction would be something that occurred naturally for her - not something that was anyone's fault, but simply that Spider and Neytiri are in the unfortunate position of being each other's triggers for trauma-related memories. Neytiri looks at Spider and sees the demon that took so much of her family and her home from her; Spider looks at her and sees the bloodthirsty warrior who cut through men like leaves and cut Spider's chest in defense of her daughter. It was the culmination of their fear of each other that made their determination later in the fic to decide to become mother and son so much more poignant. Love isn't about deserving or simply feeling. Love is a conscious choice. I loved writing this section because it allowed the contrast of the first and second halves of the fic to better reflect that choice.
As for the Trial of Adoption, I'd always planned for Tonowari to confront Jake about Spider sooner or later in the fic. My twin and I both agreed that in a culture that loves their children and has ceremonies dedicated to them and Eywa, there would be a set trial for suspected unfit parents.
My favourite thing about writing this section is that I've always loved the trope of sworn brothers whose paths deviate because of sworn duty. Tonowari functions as somewhat of an older brother to Jake in many ways; they both have experience as Olo'eyktan, and both have similarly aged children. But Tonowari knew as he waited for Jake up on that cliff that if Jake failed the trial, Jake would have a choice. He could agree to give up Spider, and Tonowari would claim him as was his duty and right; but if Jake failed the trial and refused to give up Spider, Tonowari would have to do his level best to kill him.
The most beautiful thing about writing that whole section is that Tonowari makes every choice out of love. Love for his brother, love for this child of the Sky People he has known for mere days. He gives Jake the benefit of the doubt. He asks questions carefully before he even proceeds to the Trial of Adoption. And even when he knows beyond a doubt Spider had been neglected and the trial was unavoidable he still treats Jake as an equal, with compassion, no matter Tonowari's own fury. He would have killed Jake out of love, too, if duty had demanded it. He knew this. Jake knew this.
I love writing conversations that start off lighthearted and grow and grow in unease or fury until suddenly the reader has the horrified realisation that this where the scene was headed all along. It's like standing on a train and hearing the sound of the wheels on the tracks sound increasingly off until you realise the train will derail in seconds and there is nothing you can do except hold on.
I've done a similar scene before in a Star Wars oneshot called With Questions Like These, where Obi-Wan's slow deterioration from veiled control to shattered glass mirrors the slow building of Tonowari's fury in the scene above.
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that1nkyone · 2 years
Thoughts on Elesa and the twins being friends? If yes, childhood friends or more recent friends?
I Love the idea of them being Childhood Friends.
actually lemme dig up a whole Headcanon Setting that I discussed with @doodleimprovement
So, I'm picturing baby Elesa being a very polite, well-spoken new kid at a school in Anville Town. Her parents are wealthy, she's prim and proper, she works hard to be a part of her parents' vision, etc.
She's all about keeping up appearances, because she's very good at that. Most of the kids are drawn to her, and she always seems to know the right things to say! That makes people happy. However, she's thrown off when some weird kid with a white cap just walks at her and asks why she's so sad, and if she can go be sad somewhere else please.
Said kid gets dragged away by a mortified identical kid in a black cap, who apologises and flees with him.
Elesa's told not to worry about them, they're just Weird and nobody gets them. Her prim facade cracks as soon as she stands up to follow them.
The twins end up talking afterwards out of earshot. Emmet's confused as to why someone would be mad at him being honest, but says he didn't mean to make anyone upset.
Ingo confesses he's not so sure, either - but he can tell when a question makes someone uncomfortable. He suggests Emmet apologises to Elesa - Emmet has a reputation for being strange (and not really caring about it), and Ingo has a reputation for being Scary (and being Very self-conscious about it) - and he doesn't want to leave a bad impression on someone new.
But then Elesa shows up, out of earshot and sight of the rest of the class, absolutely fuming and demanding a battle from Emmet.
And Emmet is delighted, much to Elesa's confusion and frustration. Because Emmet loves battles! Nobody challenges him except Ingo!
Emmet and Elesa have a battle, where Ingo keeps to the side as a ref (and mostly to Stay Out of It).
During the fight Ingo and Emmet eventually piece together that Elesa was mad about Emmet picking up her real feelings so quickly at a first glance, when she'd practiced so hard at keeping them secret.
Because Elesa feels very pressured by her parents' vision! She doesn't want her parents to be disappointed in her, or act out, or anything. She doesn't want to fail. If she doesn't take everything seriously, she feels she'll let others down!
Emmet cuts the fight short when he realises Elesa is upset during their battle, remarking that this isn't fun anymore. The trio sit outside talking and sharing lunch with their Pokemon playing nearby.
Cue a storyline where Elesa learns to embrace being an individual and bringing someone else's vision to life without losing herself in the process, Emmet learning to communicate in his own ways and befriend others, and Ingo being less self-conscious about things people say are Weird.
... anyway yes I have a lot of Thoughts about this.
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