#s/h mention
dove-tears · 8 months
Gonna go on a rant but honestly what annoys me the most abt the TBOI community is the constant weird ass double standards. For a game as graphic, gritty and dark as it gets people just love to stagger other's creativity on what you should and shouldn't be depicting for the game. Despite being a game depicting all kinds of gore, body horror, child abuse/trauma and other various dark topics suddenly a child being simply LGBT or being depicted with s/h scars crosses the line despite the fact the community also proceeds to sexualize a game centered around a child WAY too often. So I just want to say no you're not a fucked up person for having your own dark depictions of the game, that is literally the point of the game's existence, the game is literally a message abt childhood trauma and how dark and disturbed a child's mind can get due to it, it's considered a massive comfort not just for me but for many others in many ways, it's heavy depictions can help many others feel validated in their own personal battles just how Isaac has his own personal battles himself and allows others to process their own shit. Edmund literally leaves a lot of what goes on in Isaac's mind up to your own interpretation on purpose, because we can all see a little bit of ourselves in Isaac. As long as the content is properly filtered ofc you should be expecting heavy topics to arise in a game like this. Period.
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cheddar-inq · 3 months
tw for s/h mention, im asking a question abt it below cut
is it considered self-harm to punch yourself? or to scratch at your arms (sometimes to the point of bleeding or those little red scratches that dont go away for a few days)?
ive never cut, im incredibly scared of sharp objects since i accidentally sliced my finger on glass a few years ago.
but ive been told that it is and that it isnt
whenever i get really stressed and upset with myself ill punch myself as hard as i can, usually in the arms or sometimes in the head. usually i have lots of bruises on my upper arms, which is another reason i prefer hoodies so much because they fully cover the bruises that i hate trying to explain.
its not just if im mad at myself but usually thats the only time when im so genuinely upset i do that, but occasionally itll happen for othe reasons. when a kid in pit orchestra with me was being an asshole as per usual and a few of them wouldnt stop playing with my instruments i went to the percussion closet to grab the woodblock and just stood there hitting myself and about to cry from the fury and the pain, i was so upset. i was a bit dizzy when i came out from hitting my head but mostly my arms just hurt so bad that it took my mind off of being upset.
the scratching is whenever im stressed, angry, upset, scared, ect. basically any negative emotion causes me to do that to take my mind off of it.
is this considered self harm?? and how do i stop doing this please. ive tried punching pillows or stuffed animals but it doesnt do anything.
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guckies · 5 months
Since the topic won’t leave my mind (this is qsmp fandom neg)
Y’all have pointed out Roier’s(who like bbh hasn’t been mentally okay since purgatory) complicated 3 day relationship as abuse more times than you have when abuse has actually been shown any other time.
Which is weird cause you will point out Roier showing tough love and hitting Pepito as abuse (which part of it is(not denying that) but also y’all are reaching for other bits of it) but won’t point out that Bad allowed dapper to continue s/h for over a week with the vultures(which is still somewhat recent), which is abuse; or when Richas experienced emotional abuse from his parents over the paintings; or Maxo and Wilbur being neglectful (even though parts of it wasn’t able to be helped because outside factors); or even Quackity being emotionally abusive and neglectful to Tilin. And I can’t even talk about Slime, Mariana, Flippa and codeflippa cause we’d be here all day with the underlying and ignored abuse that happens in their relationships because they love each other yet are still toxic to one another.
It’s so shitty that y’all only are pointing out and searching for minecraft rp(where normal logic doesn’t always apply) abuse only when it is right in your face. Physical abuse isn’t the only type of abuse and it’s shitty the way y’all are focusing on this one thing when it’s only been 3 days!! Talk about and consider all abuse or don’t speak about it at all!!
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iwant2cvt · 28 days
I NEED NEW BLADES. I RLLY MISS MY OLD ONES BUT MY OARENTS TOOK THEM. does anyone know how i can get more blades?!
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spiritmoodboards · 9 months
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Banner for Yuri (Doki Doki Literature Club) with the words Don't do self harm because you have people that care about you in big letters For an anon! Hope you like how it turned out~
Send an ask, we're open!!
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cheeeseborgor · 5 days
wdym i can't cvt so much that my room looks like a crime scene without people asking questions?? wtf??
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darubyprincx · 4 months
my design notes for the mianite s2 cast (put under a cut because Long + mentions of s/h at one point):
in general i think that those who've lived in town the longest (especially Tucker and Sonja) are the ones whose clothing has been most affected by the world and era's fashion. they kind of look like they come from the 1800s and of course the other two champions bully them relentlessly for it but i like to think that tom exchanged the button up under his suit blazer for one of those ruffle front shirts because he liked how it looks, essentially making him look like the world's most genre and time-bending wizard ever, especially with the hat.
after really getting into the various engineering/mechanics/technical mods and getting shocked/burnt/etc enough times, he finally exchanged his basketball shorts for some reinforced knee pants and a plain white t-shirt with one of those pockets on the front, although nobody ever really sees it because he's wearing crazy armor most of the time.
wears steel-toed boots when working on technical stuff and sneakers the rest of the time
3 billion pockets with random shit in it (cool rocks, random trinkets, etc)
looks Absolutely Insane in the best way. none of his outfit actually fits together but somehow he makes it work
so a quick sidenote. i know he has a skin and everything however in my brain all of the wizards look like some variation of this:
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(essentially "little guys who live in assorted hats due to being cursed by the gods after their hubris was revealed.")
however! this does not stop me from adding little details where i want, such as:
in s1, wag was basically confined to a wizard hat due to the restrictions of the world he was in. in s2 this is no longer the case and he has acquired many hats all with their own enchantments (though 90% of the ones he wears regularly are really durable).
this makes it look really fucking funny whenever he's doing Anything because when hes flying around you just see a hat holding a regular sized sword. when hes doing magic you see a hat in the middle of a firestorm or whatever. during the Purge he can sneak up on people really easily due to essentially being a hat. nobody has ever seen what lives under the hat and nobody has ever successfully tried to look inside without being killed
he's applied various odds and ends to his hats as the season goes on! (i.e patches, mends, embroidered runes and sigils). all rings and items are kept on his person, but it's generally accepted amongst the rest of the champions that his inventory space is located within the hat itself
out of all of the champions, she absolutely looks the coolest. everyone looks like losers next to her no matter what the situation is. eyeliner on point, has a fuckin Flying Orb She Balances On, you know the deal
has actual fox ears! this is only visible when the hood of her hoodie is back, though, which she doesn't do often except for when working on magic stuff for better visibility
pink everything if she can manage it <3 she has a theme and she sticks to it
found one of those ruffle front button up shirts and wears it with his usual suit outfit. steve found him a green bow tie to wear with it so it still works!
likes to float around and do flips in the air and go all sorts of angles while flying. it is Very Distracting but he's having fun with it so who cares
engineered his hammer- sorry, wang- to look exactly like an upside down dick and balls while it's being used. he thinks this is the funniest thing ever and honestly it kind of is
(self-harm mention here!)
very pale and with constant eyebags and red eyes/pupils from working with blood magic
arms absolutely covered in cutting scars, also from working with blood magic
wears his ash ketchum cap on top of his crazy strong fantasy ass looking armor which frankly looks fucking stupid but he does not care
tons of old scars, both from being a former fighter and a farmer
still wears farmer's clothing but don't be fooled, he Knows how to use the sword at his side
australian flag patch on his sleeve and as a sticker on his chestplate
very casual practiced movements despite his apparent age, even when doing kickass shit
light purple eyes. makes her look like she's blind. she is not
transfem swag for YEARS
just as much at home in fighting gear as she is in a skirt!
has long hair but keeps it up in a bun under his wooden helmet (that's why he always wears it) (yes hes also transgender)
can i just say that i love the fingerless gloves. that was an awesome design choice. the designers knew what they were doing with that one
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I like how sickly Rick looks compared to his past self and Prime. He slowly became just as gross as Prime the older he got.
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Gross boys.
I wonder if it’s just a normal thing in the R&M universe or if Ricks are naturally poisoning themselves with uranium/physical s/h (alcohol poisoning, not brushing his teeth, etc).
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Could it be a universal thing for Ricks to do? Do all Ricks hurt themselves like this and just replace body parts afterwards (his liver) or is it because of age?
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underleveledjosh · 3 months
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Apparently to this person, writing a horror story as a way of coping is "yikes."
Antis, man.
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well, I made it 9 days clean from sh. maybe next time I'll make it to 10
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headbuds · 7 months
My favorite (NOT) thing about being mentally ill is that when someone says they're gonna hurt themselves at all, I either default to blaming myself for not doing enough or believing they deserved it and that I'm glad they'll be gone.
What's wrong with me?
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octocurse · 7 months
”Good Dog.” A poem about masking + ableism, as an autistic person.
My dearest foe, a life so strange
Declaw my paws and rub my face
Give me a mask so I won’t see your distaste
So queer to you, a mind aloof
Yet I still stare with pricked ears
It doesn’t match your urges and wants
So with a leash and collar
I must pad along side your feet
On the hot concrete
But my fingers sting from unhealed wounds
And the artificial world is cruel
I’ll cover my ears and wear less color
But it’s too different to you
“Let me see your wrists,” though they are clean, and will always be
“Do not shrink away,” when the touch is not
My flesh is warm and your skin is cold
Dry and calloused, you say you don’t mind
But when I shiver and shake or smile awry 
A screech, then shunned
I am naught but a toy
“Be a good dog,” as my whiskers are clipped
“Be a good dog,” as my ears are chipped
“Be a good dog,” as my tail turns blunt, only known as I woke up
“Be a good dog,” despite my rounded paws
“Be a good dog,” despite my oval face
“Be a good dog,” despite my even fur and thicker coat
Not once have I purred in several years
Never again will I hunt and kill the vermin in the corners
No, for I am a good dog
Social and sweet, I’ll drool by your feet
Barking through mewls and a dried throat
A cat I am clearly not, with my mask and muzzle.
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I haven't had a meal today, and I probably won't. I've nibbled on some things here and there. I had a meal yesterday, and god knows when I had a meal before that.
I'm not doing this to lose weight. Sometimes its BPD s/h. It's mostly because I just can't. There will be food just sitting there for me and I can't. Or I'll think of foods I like. In combination with my ADHD my safe foods will fade out. I'm so tired.
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guckies · 5 months
i think you need to consider the fact that people aren’t being hypocritical here, but instead a lot weren’t here in the first few months of the server. they don’t know what those early egg relationships were like for many this is the first they’re seeing of them.
and second, a character hitting their child who they have an established relationship and boundaries with- who are capable of telling them to stop and have other trusted adults they can turn to if they need to- is very different than a character hitting their child that they’ve only had for a few days who isn’t aware that they have anywhere else they can go. that’s what at least what had made it cross the line for me.
i understand this is an issue that’s important to you but please realize that it’s also very important to a lot of us, and people have their own ways of dealing with it. telling people to not use specific words that describe how this mirrors real life situation just because it’s fiction might seem like the best thing to do for you, but for others that’s diminishing an important story to them.
At this point I feel like I’m repeating myself over this post. So this is a lot of words and the last time I’ll talk about Roier’s specific situation.
I’m not saying people are being hypocritical but rather that they need to judge the abuse all in the same sense and not just nitpick when there is a case of abuse right in there face (especially when their main povs have been guilty of it before). Plus in the examples I was talking about, I never talked about the relationships at the start, like Bobby and Roier, apart from mentioning the neglect cases. Cause the slime and Mariana’s stuff is still continuing with codeflippa, Richas’ stuff was wasn’t that long before the eggs went missing and Dapper’s stuff happened before the eggs went missing.
This is an important issue but I’m saying that the uproar about one physical abuse situation when other abuse situations that have happened were swept under the rug is really weird because it does mean some of y’all are basically picking and choosing when you want to talk about abuse especially those who don’t main Roier at all and have only just started talking about it because it’s one of the new eggs.
As well this is fiction and it can be an important plot point but looking for signs of abuse and throwing the word abuser for abusive actions is a bit wild. If we’re considering and holding others to the same standard when talking about abuse this would mean these people are also considered abusers:
BBH is an abuser for knowing and letting Dapper continue s/h with the vulture - neglect
Cellbit and Forever are abusers for emotionally disregarding their child by not listening to his wishes over paintings that cause him distress - Emotional
Codeflippa is an abuser to slime for the identity fraud of his dead daughter and emotional distress as a result of her leaving despite him panicking worried she’ll never come back. - emotional
Anyone who has neglected their child is an abuser (namely: Quackity, Maxo, Spreen, Wilbur and etc.) - neglect
Slime and Juannaflippa’s relationship plays a lot into slime’s past abuse that he doesn’t address - historical
Those first three are the most recent examples with the eggs which happen basically just before the disappeared(codeflippa is involved cause she basically sees herself as an egg yet hers happened during the egg disappearance).
If we wanna talk about abuse without the eggs involved then it would mean:
Bbh is an abuser for admitting to psychologically torturing his friends(red team) by hunting them down and killing them continuously in purgatory; and for disregarding and fighting about Foolish’s feelings when he messed with Leo’s room - physical and emotional
Aypierre and Maxo were in a toxic emotionally abusive relationship with each other. That Maxo found almost impossible to leave and never really felt free from until his death. - emotional and domestic
Elquackity is an abuser for basically everything he does to target and harm the islanders and their eggs. - physical and emotional
Cucurucho and the duck for the misinformation, isolation and keeping them on the island - Emotional and somewhat physical
(somewhat old) A manipulated Mike is an abuser for trying to kill Fit just because he thinks he will hurt Pac who was trying his best to tell him to stop while being somewhat isolated by Mike. - physical(fit) and emotional(pac)
(older example) Bbh and Aypierre are abusers for lying about disguising themselves and torturing Foolish to get information out of him all while playing as his friend- physical and a little bit emotional
(older example) Foolish is an abuser for emotionally manipulating Jaiden for like a day over the lie he told regarding the Tazercraft arrest -emotional
(older example) Mariana is an abuser for emotional manipulating Slime into having make up sex after every fight - domestic
Although some of them are older, I put the type of abuse they did and it doesn’t erase anything cause all of that still happened. Like that is so many cases of abuse that have been done by characters with (mostly)good mental wellbeing that aren’t ever talked about or considered by the fandom because they don’t look like what typical abuse is despite these characters doing abusive actions. So when you’re reading that do you hear how wild it is to call a person an abuser for every abusive action they do.
Also I never said that it was okay, I said these Minecraft things don’t always translate the same to the things they are comparing in irl, which is true. Especially when in minecraft they have easy access to deadly things that can kill, destroy and trap players in an instant. I mean these eggs still have access to “dragon magic”(creative mode) even if some don’t want to use it. Nothing on this server is normal, so comparing one case of minecraft rp physical abuse to irl physical abuse is a bit bonkers. Since it doesn’t translate with everything you’re comparing so you wouldn’t be able to judge it fairly to irl abuse.
Along with all this Pepito is aware of others on the server, we don’t know if these eggs are actually real and Roier isn’t actually being a proper parent. Roier is giving Pepito a lot of tough love and acting like the eldest sibling who has to take care of the younger siblings, which how he acts with most of the eggs. This isn’t to say some of the things he’s done to Pepito isn’t abusive but at least know the difference between some of the actions. Yes he has the responsibility of being a parent but he didn’t choose that and he’s wasn’t just gonna be selfish to the point were the kid will die because he doesn’t want to take care of the kid. So he’s gonna take care of the kid but if Pepito was really scared of him and didn’t want to be there then Pepito would run away cause Pepito has seen others and talked to them, do y’all not remember when everyone was talking to Pepito on the first day.
Plus there are so many things going on in Roier’s head to the point if this was an actual irl court case he could plead insanity due to the fact he doesn’t believe these eggs are real and cause of the emotional fight or flight response from when they were trying to kill eachother a week ago. It doesn’t excuse everything he is doing but when comparing it to irl he isn’t actually a full blown abuser.
Abuse is an important issue but my point is that you can’t just pick and choose when to start caring about abuse in the story especially when those with different main POVs who are speaking about the physical abuse never spoke on the abuse cases involving their main. Abuse needs to be treated with the same judgement across all accounts especially in a story like this.
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iwant2cvt · 28 days
also does anyone know if the rest of the accs linked to this email will be t worded if i get t worded (thinking abt posting $h pics)
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meoware · 7 months
did we all just simultaneously agree that samarie has self harm scars on her forearms
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