#roasted parmesan
free-my-mindd · 1 month
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daily-deliciousness · 9 months
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Garlic butter roasted brussels sprouts
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foodfuck · 4 months
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brussels sprouts pistachio pizza with caramelized onions · how sweet eats
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brattylikestoeat · 8 months
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morethansalad · 10 months
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Easy Vegan Roasted Veggies & Hummus Sandwich
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would you eat apple pie topped with cheddar cheese
fuck yes i would, that sounds absolutely delectable right now
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magazynkulinarny · 27 days
Spaghettini z prażonymi migdałami, Parmezanem i rukolą lub brokułem
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Spaghettini to cieńsza odmiana spaghetti. W przekroju ma 0,7 mm (nr 3), zaś emblematyczne nr 5 ma 1 mm. Na marginesie istnieje aż 15 grubości sznureczków (nazwa spaghettini wywodzi się od czułego zdrobnienia słowa spago - sznurek): od najcieńszej trójki, po najgrubszą 511 (5 mm)!
Nasza chudzina wygrywa krótszym czasem gotowania (tylko 2 min), ale jest delikatniejsza i - jeśli zbyt długo obrabiamy ją termicznie lub mechanicznie - rwie się i traci swój urok.
Dlatego ten rodzaj makaronu najczęściej łączy się z niewielką ilością składników i unika ciężkich, gęstych sosów. Niektórym wystarczy do szczęścia dobra oliwa z oliwek, kilka świeżych pomidorków i tarty Parmezan, albo parę czarnych oliwek i małży, znalazłam też ciekawy przepis na spaghettini z młodymi pędami chmielu oraz twardym lub kremowym serem. Przygotowanie zawsze trwa krótko.
W Południowych Włoszech cienkie spaghetti przyrządza się z papryczkami chili i małżami. Dobrze komponuje się również z rybami o delikatnym smaku.
U mnie podstawa, czyli sos, powstała z drobno siekanych uprażonych migdałów i Parmezanu, które połączyły się dzięki odrobinie wody bogatej w skrobię z makaronu. W pierwszej opcji dodałam grubo krojoną rukolę, a w drugiej blanszowane różyczki brokułu.
Rukolowa smakowała mi tak bardzo, że zjadłam dwie porcje, ale następnego dnia wciąż było mi mało, więc zrobiłam świeżą partię z brokułem. Też przypadła mi do gustu. Niestety.
250 g spaghettini (no 3) pół szklanki migdałów ze skórką pół szklanki tartego Parmezanu 2 ząbki czosnku (opcjonalnie) sól i czarny pieprz do smaku
Do wyboru 1. garść rukoli 2. 1/2 brokułu
W niedużym garnku zagotować wodę. Osolić.
Rukolę, jeśli trzeba, opłukać i grubo pokroić.
Do niedużego garnka wstawić sitko do parowania. Wlać tyle wody, by nie wypływała nad sitko. Wsypać podzielony na małe różyczki brokuł (wraz z pokrojoną łodygą). Przykryć pokrywką i gotować ok. 2 minuty. Wyjąć z garnka i odstawić.
Czosnek obrać i maksymalnie rozdrobnić. Migdały posiekać drobniutko (lub zmiksować w blenderze). Rozgrzać dużą patelnię, wsypać i - mieszając co chwilę - lekko podprażyć. Dodać chlust oliwy z oliwek i czosnek. Wymieszać i zmniejszyć gaz.
Do wody wrzucić makaron i po minucie przenieść go na patelnię, podlewając kilkoma łyżkami wody z gotowania. Podsypać tartym serem i delikatnie mieszać, aby utworzył się luźny sos. Uważać, by nie poszatkować makaronu. Jeśli trzeba, podlać jeszcze wodą.
Dodać rukolę lub brokuł, oprószyć solą, pieprzem i - podrzucając energicznie - połączyć składniki.
Wykładać na talerze. Obsypać pieprzem. Podawać.
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rabbitcruiser · 1 month
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National Herb Day
It is National Herb Day on May 4! It is usually celebrated annually on the first Saturday of May. The HerbDay Coalition, an organization of five non-profit groups, started National Herb Day to raise awareness about the useful properties and importance of herbs in daily life. They also work towards encouraging people to learn more about the herbs and provide a better understanding of the extensive uses of herbs in daily life. Herbs are extensively used in food, medicines, and cosmetics. They also served as the first medicines ever used by humans to cure various ailments.
History of National Herb Day
Botanically, herbs are classified as the green parts of a plant used in food or medicine. Herbs are as old as human civilizations and have been used for cooking and medicine since time immemorial. There is well-preserved archaeological evidence pointing to the use of herbs 60,000 years ago. Neanderthals, ancestors of modern Homo sapiens, started using herbs for healing. In a way, we can say that herbs predate even that of recorded history and form the origin of much of modern medicine. Archeologists have discovered traces of pollen and other plant materials near burials, indicating the use of herbs.
There is hardly any civilization that didn’t take advantage of the use of herbs. The Sumerians, Egyptians, Indians, and Chinese all used herbs independently of one another. They created clay tablets that date back 5,000 years and listed hundreds of medicinal plants on them. In Egypt, texts like Papyrus Ebers describe ailments, treatments, and around 850 medicinal plants. The Indian medicinal school of Ayurveda, which uses natural remedies and herbal medicine to cure health conditions, is still prevalent in this modern age. Ayurvedic medicine has used many herbs dating back to 4000 B.C.
The study and use of herbs thrived in the Middle Ages when most cultures attributed spiritual qualities to herbs. A prominent example is the holy status of basil leaves in India. There is also a resurgence in the use of herbs in the last 40 years due to the impact of chemical drugs and the investment in pharmaceutical research and development. To address the growing popularity of herbs and to spread their importance, the HerbDay Coalition started National Herb Day.
National Herb Day timeline
6,000 Years Ago
The Rise of Ayurveda
The “Rig Veda” and the “Atharva Veda,” the Vedic scriptures of Hinduism, mention the prevalence of medicinal plants and Ayurveda.
5,000 Years Ago
Sumerian Texts on Herbs
Sumerians write about hundreds of medicinal herbs on clay tablets.
1526 A.D.
The First English Herbal
Peter Treveris prints “Grete Herball,” the first English herbal.
1600 — 1700
The Era of Bubonic Plague
The popularity of herbal medicines declines because of their ineffectiveness against the Bubonic Plague.
National Herb Day FAQs
How many herbs are there in the United States?
There are approximately 75 to 100 herbs listed in the National Library of Medicine
What is the most popular herb in the world?
Cumin is generally considered the most popular herb in the world.
Is an herb a vegetable?
Herbs are a subset of vegetables, which are generally composed of flavorful leaves of plants such as cilantro and basil.
National Herb Day Activities
Buy herbal products: Herbal products are rich in medicinal properties and nutrient values. Purchase herbal products for your daily use.
Invite friends for an herbal-themed party: Invite friends for an herbal-themed party. Create food and decorations in the shape of various herbs available in your locality.
Create an herbal garden: Create an herbal garden in your backyard. Try herbs that are already available in your locality before expanding your horizons over time.
5 Facts About Herbs That You Should Know
Stronger flavor for dried herbs: Both dried and fresh herbs can be used, but dried herbs have a stronger flavor.
Herbalists and botanists: In the middle ages, botanists were known as herbalists.
Herbal: The book of plants: A book containing the names, legends, stories, and descriptions of plants is called a ‘herbal.’
Herbal medicine users: 80% of people worldwide use herbal medicines.
Herbal medicines in Germany: Around 600 to 700 plant-based medicines are available in Germany.
Why We Love National Herb Day
Low side effects: Herbal medicines have fewer side effects compared to modern medications. It may be slow compared to modern medicine, but certain herbal medicines are effective against many lifestyle diseases.
Good for health: Herbs are good for your health. They are rich in nutrients and have medicinal value.
A second option: Herbal medicines are a second option for various lifestyle diseases. Major diseases like diabetes can be controlled with herbal remedies.
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autumnhobbit · 1 year
would I love to be thin? yes. do I love food too much? also yes.
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summer-fire · 3 months
I fucking love cooking. I’m so excited to cook again tomorrow.
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daily-deliciousness · 2 months
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Roasted cherry tomato pesto pasta
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lordbyronskitchen · 1 year
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(via Roasted Asparagus with Pine Nuts and Parmesan)
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pearl-kite · 5 months
The rate at which my broccoli roasting is improving, I'll never not roast them again
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morethansalad · 1 year
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Lemon Risotto with Herb Roasted Chickpeas (Vegan-Friendly)
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grumpywagon · 1 year
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Turkey, Tomato, and Lettuce Sandwich on Homemade Sourdough served with Balsamic Parmesan Pototoes.
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wawek · 1 year
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Spending the day making myself different kinds of sandwiches
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