#4 May 2024
sunshineandlyrics · 25 days
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❤️ A fan's experience of seeing Louis in San Juan on 4 May 2024 x
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northgazaupdates · 27 days
4 May 2024
Journalist Ismail Al-Ghoul announces the death of his father due to the occupation. His father suffered from health problems prior to this wave of the genocide, but was able to manage them with regular treatment. However, following the total blockade and the invasion, he could no longer receive the care he needed. His home was destroyed by IOF bombing, and he was displaced for several months. The IOF attacks on infrastructure and the lack of access to treatment caused him to suffer additional complications along with his prior illness. He was finally able to be evacuated from Gaza, and was receiving care in Doha, Qatar. Sadly, there was very little that could be done at this advanced stage. Due to the unfeasibility of returning him to Gaza for burial, he will be buried in Doha. Our hearts go out to Ismail and his family.
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shippingalongnicely · 27 days
Niall was lovely. Damn but he's a confident performer!
Please excuse my shitty pics n vids, my ancient phone hates low light levels!!
Melbourne night 2. 4 May 2024.
More vids in follow-up posts.
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demonspeeding666 · 27 days
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Hi from me and my bat helsing
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rabbitcruiser · 28 days
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National Herb Day
It is National Herb Day on May 4! It is usually celebrated annually on the first Saturday of May. The HerbDay Coalition, an organization of five non-profit groups, started National Herb Day to raise awareness about the useful properties and importance of herbs in daily life. They also work towards encouraging people to learn more about the herbs and provide a better understanding of the extensive uses of herbs in daily life. Herbs are extensively used in food, medicines, and cosmetics. They also served as the first medicines ever used by humans to cure various ailments.
History of National Herb Day
Botanically, herbs are classified as the green parts of a plant used in food or medicine. Herbs are as old as human civilizations and have been used for cooking and medicine since time immemorial. There is well-preserved archaeological evidence pointing to the use of herbs 60,000 years ago. Neanderthals, ancestors of modern Homo sapiens, started using herbs for healing. In a way, we can say that herbs predate even that of recorded history and form the origin of much of modern medicine. Archeologists have discovered traces of pollen and other plant materials near burials, indicating the use of herbs.
There is hardly any civilization that didn’t take advantage of the use of herbs. The Sumerians, Egyptians, Indians, and Chinese all used herbs independently of one another. They created clay tablets that date back 5,000 years and listed hundreds of medicinal plants on them. In Egypt, texts like Papyrus Ebers describe ailments, treatments, and around 850 medicinal plants. The Indian medicinal school of Ayurveda, which uses natural remedies and herbal medicine to cure health conditions, is still prevalent in this modern age. Ayurvedic medicine has used many herbs dating back to 4000 B.C.
The study and use of herbs thrived in the Middle Ages when most cultures attributed spiritual qualities to herbs. A prominent example is the holy status of basil leaves in India. There is also a resurgence in the use of herbs in the last 40 years due to the impact of chemical drugs and the investment in pharmaceutical research and development. To address the growing popularity of herbs and to spread their importance, the HerbDay Coalition started National Herb Day.
National Herb Day timeline
6,000 Years Ago
The Rise of Ayurveda
The “Rig Veda” and the “Atharva Veda,” the Vedic scriptures of Hinduism, mention the prevalence of medicinal plants and Ayurveda.
5,000 Years Ago
Sumerian Texts on Herbs
Sumerians write about hundreds of medicinal herbs on clay tablets.
1526 A.D.
The First English Herbal
Peter Treveris prints “Grete Herball,” the first English herbal.
1600 — 1700
The Era of Bubonic Plague
The popularity of herbal medicines declines because of their ineffectiveness against the Bubonic Plague.
National Herb Day FAQs
How many herbs are there in the United States?
There are approximately 75 to 100 herbs listed in the National Library of Medicine
What is the most popular herb in the world?
Cumin is generally considered the most popular herb in the world.
Is an herb a vegetable?
Herbs are a subset of vegetables, which are generally composed of flavorful leaves of plants such as cilantro and basil.
National Herb Day Activities
Buy herbal products: Herbal products are rich in medicinal properties and nutrient values. Purchase herbal products for your daily use.
Invite friends for an herbal-themed party: Invite friends for an herbal-themed party. Create food and decorations in the shape of various herbs available in your locality.
Create an herbal garden: Create an herbal garden in your backyard. Try herbs that are already available in your locality before expanding your horizons over time.
5 Facts About Herbs That You Should Know
Stronger flavor for dried herbs: Both dried and fresh herbs can be used, but dried herbs have a stronger flavor.
Herbalists and botanists: In the middle ages, botanists were known as herbalists.
Herbal: The book of plants: A book containing the names, legends, stories, and descriptions of plants is called a ‘herbal.’
Herbal medicine users: 80% of people worldwide use herbal medicines.
Herbal medicines in Germany: Around 600 to 700 plant-based medicines are available in Germany.
Why We Love National Herb Day
Low side effects: Herbal medicines have fewer side effects compared to modern medications. It may be slow compared to modern medicine, but certain herbal medicines are effective against many lifestyle diseases.
Good for health: Herbs are good for your health. They are rich in nutrients and have medicinal value.
A second option: Herbal medicines are a second option for various lifestyle diseases. Major diseases like diabetes can be controlled with herbal remedies.
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queterpsiquico · 25 days
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hayden-christensen · 28 days
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It all started with a farmboy, a scoundrel, a princess, and a dark lord...
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danikatze · 18 days
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[ID in alt text]
Guys he's so pretty..
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Phil: Yeah I like Pac and Mike's ending is just hilarious- Pac and Mike's ending to their characters, um, is just them jumping off of Christ the Redeemer w-wi-with Richas. Er, mine, Lullah and-and Chay's ending is just we go- go to sleep. We go to Rose's sanctuary and we go to sleep at peace finally. The good ending, kind of, bittersweet.
Phil: Okay here we go wanna watch some fucking crazy shit? [laughs]
[video starts, Pac e Mike Wow Wow is playing in the background. Mike is saying something in the video, that I can't catch. Philza laughs.]
[Richas dies in video]
[harder laughter]
[pauses video]
Phil: Nah, man, fuck, no the fucking like BOOM noise is like actually like a fucking trigger for trauma. Dude, fuck me, the eggs dying, ahhh with the music is just so fucked- there's such a mixture of emotions in my body.
[rewinds the video, replays that, when Richas dies again, sharp laughter]
Phil: Ahhh God
[pauses video as Mike dies]
Phil: Ah Pac's fucking sad, man, shit, this is why I turn my webcam off, dude.
[plays video, pausing it again when Pac dies and sniffs]
Phil: Ah, Pac! I wanna give him a hug.
Phil: Shit, dude, the fucking music like cutting out is actually so extra sad, Jesus Christ. This is-aw man. Dude. This is- This is why I turn off my webcam, right, when I do lore and I- [Pac in video sniffs again] and I get emotional [Pac speaking. Again, I can't quite pick up what is said] I get- I get emotional, you know, I get- [closes video] I get- and I turn off my webcam you can't see me cry haha
TTS: Wow Philza. How could you [Phil starts laughing] set your house on fire with a toaster. SMH. Happy 9 months!
Phil: Fuck dude, aaaaaawh, god, I wanna give him a hug, dude, no, no mames, no mames.
Phil: It's sad, yeah, it is really sad, honestly. It's so fucking miserable. I was genuinely holding back tears, um, when me, Lullah an-and Chay were saying goodbye. 'Cause I knew. I knew. I knew as soon as we started walking along the wall, 'cause I said to them, after having a good chat, that I- the last thing I would want to do with them would be walking along the wall, and once we started doing that I was like, thch, this is it, this is it, we're gonna end off at the sanctuary and go to sleep.
Phil: And I-I like knew it was coming but I was- I was still holding back tears, chat, it was real sad.
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sunshineandlyrics · 27 days
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✈️💺📺 Louis' All Of Those Voices film is inflight entertainment on American Airlines, British Airways and Virgin Atlantic (4 May 2024) x x
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northgazaupdates · 27 days
4 May 2024
Civil Defense first responder Nooh Al-Shaghnobi reports on Instagram that occupation vehicles are advancing on Tal al-Hawa, and conditions are very dangerous for people in the area. In Zaytoun, the occupation continues its bombing campaign.
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shippingalongnicely · 28 days
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felassan · 24 days
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context and explanation: EA's quarterly earnings conference call for Q4 and FY 2024 starts in just under 15 minutes at 2pm PT. before the calls start, some of the associated files/documents pertaining to the call get put up on EA's website. The "Core Business and FY25 Title Slate" image is from the Earnings Slides. the quote under the table reads "We have two unannounced titles in FY25: one partner title expected in Q4, and one owned IP title, which is not included in the above table. We expect to provide more details on timing at a later date." DA:D is an owned IP title of EA. The Twitter user asks Jeff Grubb (a games media person who revealed the title of DA:D) if the referenced "one owned IP title" is DA:D. Jeff confirms that this does indeed refer to Dragon Age: Dreadwolf, meaning that this slide confirms that DA:D is planned to release in FY25 (Financial Year 25). for info, I think FY25 runs from 1st April 2024 until 31st March 2025.
[source, two, three]
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rabbitcruiser · 27 days
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Herb Day
Herb Day, celebrated on the first Saturday in May, is a holiday that simply encourages planting herbs and celebrates people who have a culture of growing herbs. This year it falls on May 6. It was created and organized by the HerbDay Coalition, which is an organization of five non-profit groups. The holiday encourages people to learn more about herbs, cultivate them and use them more extensively in their daily lives.
History of Herb Day
Herb Day was created in 2006, a time when ‘herb’ was still a bit of a scary word. Medical doctors, naturopaths, and acupuncturists were not yet comfortable incorporating herbs into their practices, and the public knew very little about the subject. The HerbDay Coalition is made up of five non-profit organizations that wished to create a day for people to celebrate the healing power of herbs. On the first Saturday in May, we invite you to have your own celebration with the herbs you have in your garden or on your patio.
The world of plants was divided into trees, shrubs, and herbs by the ancient Greek philosopher Theophrastus. Herbs are also further classified into three groups, namely pot herbs, sweet herbs, and salad herbs. During the 1600s, pot herbs began to be referred to as vegetables as they were no longer considered only suitable for the pot.
In its early stages, botany was primarily a study of the pharmacological uses of plants, and by the Middle Ages, with the advent of humoral theory in medicine, the position was made that foodstuffs, having their own humoral qualities, could, in turn, alter the humoral temperaments of humans.
Popular plants parsley and sage were often used together for cooking in medieval times. A renowned therapeutic nutriment of that age, chicken broth, as well as green sauce, were usually prepared with parsley and sage.
Herb Day timeline
371 B.C. Theophastrus Is Born
Ancient Greek botanist Theophrastus is born.
1600s Pot Herbs Are Referred To As Vegetables
By the 1600s, selective breeding leads to changes in the physical and other compositions of the pot plants, hence they come to be known as vegetables.
2005 HerbDay Coalition Is Formed
A group of five nonprofit groups comes together to form the HerbCoalition.
2006 First-ever Herb Day
On May 6, the first-ever Herb Day is celebrated.
Herb Day FAQs
What is Herb Day?
Herb Day is a holiday that simply encourages planting herbs and celebrates people who have a culture of growing herbs.
When is Herb Day?
Herb Day is celebrated on the first Saturday in May every year.
Are herbs edible?
Yes. Most herbs are edible and even tasty.
Herb Day Activities
Learn more about herbs
Start a herb garden
Share the fun on social media
Take the opportunity of Herb Day to find out some more about herbs! There are so many nutritional properties to herbs that you could learn about!
You could start a small herb garden probably in your kitchen and devote yourself to seeing it grow. There’s nothing more rewarding than seeing hard work come to fruition.
Post pictures of your herb plants on social media with the #HerbDay hashtag! Encourage your friends to do the same as well as to learn something new.
5 Facts About Herbs And Spices
Red peppers are rich in Vitamin C
Red bell peppers are ripe green peppers
Nutmeg is a psychotropic
Vanilla is highly expensive
Turmeric is effective against Alzheimer’s
Red peppers are said to be unusually rich in Vitamin C, and a single serving of soup made from it contains more Vitamin C than lemon juice.
Red bell peppers are simply ripe green bell peppers.
Nutmeg serves psychotropic functions and a high enough dose can induce hallucinations.
Vanilla is among the two most expensive spices in the world, second only to Saffron.
Turmeric powder is very potent in managing symptoms of Alzheimer's, even more than drugs prescribed for it.
Why We Love Herb Day
Herbs are medicinal
Herbs are tasty
Herbs are eco-friendly
Herbs serve a great medicinal purpose and can be used to treat a variety of illnesses. Learn something new today and research what you can treat with herbs!
Some herbs and spices are tasty and add flavor to our everyday meals. They’re great for soups or roasts!
Herbs do not harm the environment and therefore growing them is safe! Get your green thumbs ready and start planting today!
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hayden-christensen · 27 days
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HAYDEN CHRISTENSEN Fan Expo Philadelphia | May 4, 2024
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buglaur · 5 months
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my favourite posts from 2023
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