#rest in peace mama
withluuv · 2 months
Can't sleep. Missing my mama. Wish more than anything that she was still here 💔
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mcfiddlestan · 2 years
Hey, tumblr fam.
I know I’ve been MIA for a bit. I logged out of all my social media early last week bc real life had become very overwhelming with everything going on with my parents, their hospice situation, my nephew and all of his school + after school activities, etc. Plus my nephew’s 7th bday celebrations.
And then, on Thursday, September 22, at 2:15 in the afternoon, my Mom passed away. She’d been sick with Stage IV lung cancer since August 2020 and was doing really well. Until she caught Covid in July. The Covid, her oncologist believes, rendered her chemo treatment ineffective. In early September she was taken off chemo treatment, entered into hospice, and two weeks later, the person who was everything to me stopped breathing as she lay in bed, and slowly her heart stopped beating.
I’ve logged back in to some apps, but I have notifications turned off still for some. I’m keeping communication open for family and friends to contact us, but I’m not up for entering back into fandom just yet. We still have a lot to deal with, including her services, and I’m not sure how I’ll handle it. If I even can.
Anyway, I know not many people really read anything I post that isn’t fandom related but I thought I’d let anyone who was wondering know where I’ve been.
So see ya when I see ya.
xoxo, La
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kingrosalani · 3 months
I'll miss you forever mommy.
A lot of times when people pass, people that knew them always say “I just wish I held onto them closer.” or “I wish I was nicer” “I wish I told them” this and that and a lot of wishes.
As someone that was quite the opposite with my loved one, my mother, I’m going to tell you the grief you feel does not change whether you held onto them tightly or not enough. Nothing can make this grief easier.
I held onto my mother’s hand and she held onto mine. She was my number one and she always told me I was hers. Unconditional love and support without a doubt. She defended me, she understood me to the core, she let me ramble, she let me get mad, she let me cry, she loved me through and through no matter what. Some people thought I was too close to her, but I’m so, so thankful I was unbelievably close to her. 
In December, we had a conversation after she was turned away from heart surgery. I made the mistake in googling heart failure and ended up in a few hours of spiraling anxiety over the fact I may lose my mom someday. We were open and honest with each other, so I went into her room and cried to her about this.
She held me as tight as she could, her arms shook and she told me “Well.. if I only have 5 years left, let these be the best 5 years we can have together”. 
I asked her how she felt about the possibility of dying from heart failure. She told me that grandma always said “when it’s your time, it’s your time” in the most calm voice. I think she knew how rough her situation was. My mother tried so hard to fight and to live every day, but heart failure didn’t just take a toll on her heart, but her lungs, muscles, eyes, diabetes, kidneys and so much more combined into the factor. 
I know it’s because I’m young and very stubborn, but I told her I’d be her coach and a cheerleader for her recovery. I would annoy her daily about her appointments, calling people for things, when her appointments are, when I’d need to take work off, picking up her meds, etc etc. I knew I had the strength she needed to keep going.
But like my grandmother said, when it is your time, it is your time. My mother was tired and in pain. It was very hard for her to breath and just walk around even just in the house. 
I’d make her lift little 3 pound weights or drive her to the store so she can walk around. 
One her last day, I took her out for lunch at Vibrant Coffeehouse because I recently went there and enjoyed it a lot. I thought she’d like it too and I wanted to treat her on my payday. 
I took a picture of her, like I always do. And we joked about how pale she is now. She couldn’t believe how “haole” she was looking (in her words). We even joked that she looked dead. 
Unfortunately 10 hours later, she would be. In front of me. In our home after I spent what felt like hours but was really minutes performing CPR on her just 5 minutes after her, her friends and my father went out to El Maya to hangout. She was gone.
I always knew deep down this was the possibility, but you never want it to come true. I tried to pull away from her the past 2 months, stay busy with myself, my music, my business, my internship, making sure she was on top of things but also allowing her to just be and just rest. I tried learning to cook some meals, I paid attention to her paying bills, researching ways to help her get better and more. I tried to just be with myself. I failed at that. I spent many nights in her room, just being there. I spent many mornings, annoying her with my hugs or a cat. Or both. I know it didn’t bother her and I also didn’t care if I was annoying with my love for her either. I always have been.
While I know I am not alone. Losing the closest person to me is the loneliest thing in the entire world and I’m scared. I’m scared of what happens next. I’m scared about my own father’s future now. I’m scared for the security in others. I am scared.
What a horrible life lesson it is to lose someone, but at the same time, it’s only horrible on my end. She left this world fast, happy and with her loved ones. For the best.
I’ll never stop writing about her or posting about her or sharing my love for her. I love you mama. A hui hou.
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thiziri · 2 months
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Sir Tim Laurence and his mother, Barbara Laurence ❤️
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MAN, this took me way longer than expected to finish fhsdbfbsdfbsdbf
Now I just want to draw silly stuff for the next few days LOL
Arabian Nights AU~ For those curious, I already have 3 chapters out. Here's the first chapter!
Disclaimer; if anybody steals this and removes my watermarks, you're a piece of shit (and yes I'm looking at you, people who stole my business AU boys and reposted everywhere you could. Fuck you~ 💅)
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howlingday · 9 months
Jaune: Hi, Mom. It's... It's me. I'm back.
Jaune: I know I haven't come to visit you in a while, but I... I don't really have an excuse. There's no excuse for me being an awful son. (Sniffles, Tears roll) An ah'm so sawry. Ah'm sorry ah wasn't there fer you, when ya needed me most. Ah shoulda been there fer you, an ah wasn't an ah... an ah... ah just... (On his knees) Ah'm sawry, ma. Ah'm sawry ah broke yer heart. Ah... Ah was a bad son, an ah nevah got to say good-bye, or tell ya... Ah love ya, ma... You were... everything to me. You were my hero. My best friend. My role model, an I... I dunno, ma... I dunno where to go next or what else to say...
Jaune: Except that I love you, Ma. I love you, and ah'll always miss you. I love you, mommy. (Sets down flowers, Stays at her grave)
Here lies Harleen Quinzel
"Harley Quinn"
Friend, Lover, Leader, Mother
R.I.P. Arleen Sorkin 1955-2023
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randomrichards · 4 days
Genre filmmaker
Started many film careers
Through low-budget flicks
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schlock-luster-video · 2 months
Remembering cult film icon Anne Ramsey on the anniversary of her date of birth.
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kiteran · 4 months
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freepassbound · 7 months
This Monday simply won't stop Mondaying.
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withluuv · 3 months
Mama I miss you so much ☹️💔
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tehzeldamaster · 2 years
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Mom will always be with you💛
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kingrosalani · 3 months
My mom died last night. Right in front of me. I tried to revive her and called 911. It was so fast.
I feel so lost and I feel she’s just gonna show up from her bedroom. I can’t believe this.
I had to change my ring tone cause every text I get I think it’s her.
I had to turn her phone off because her diabetes sensor kept going off telling me there was no signal.
This isn’t fair.
She was so close to getting better. We finally had enough money to start her insurance again.
Fuck this health care system. And fuck people who use ozempic for their own vain ways.
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Our dog Scout- the angel that taught me to love again- just died.
It was a good death. He didn’t suffer.
I’m thankful for the time we had with him- his twin brother died in our arms at a few weeks old.
Scout had the same arrythmia. Same big broken heart. But he stayed - and gave us years of pure big love.
Our hearts are heavy but we are grateful.
Let love in, Folks.
Every chance you get.
We’re all doomed.
Love big.
It’s the most rebellious thing we can do.
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fairyheart · 1 year
Happy 16th Birthday to Ronan Thompson, a beautiful soul that was taken way too soon 💜💜💜
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pri-ide · 2 years
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Janis Joplin
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