#quarantine productivity
s-c-l-n · 2 months
quarantined sakuatsu who paint each others nails their hair colors
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pharawee · 7 months
I should finally catch up with Naughty Babe, Love in Translation and Venus in the Sky but...
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ettawritesnstudies · 11 days
IE your 'what would i pay for poll'. I would pay around $3 monthly feasiblhy but honestly I would be more invested in doing that if you were a bigger presenc3e on here again, over if you had anhy fun treats for subscribers. mostly i just miss seeing you alkl over my dash! i like to support the people who are big involved in the comunity or who post a bunch of fun snippets or moodboards or character rambles. and i dont see that from you very often!
Hey Anon!! That is SO FAIR and honestly I wish I were a bigger presence here too, and one of my concerns about offering memberships is that creating all the ~*exclusive*~ content will take away my time from shitposting and playing tag games and just generally hanging out. The more I'm splitting my energy between several platforms the more my "presence" on each platform will suffer if that makes sense and I miss the days when I only had tumblr and I could just ramble about whatever.
That being said there are a couple reasons why I've changed my approach so I hope you understand where I'm coming from
I'm on Draft 5 of the same book I've been working on for like 3ish years now and if I shared the same snippets for every "find the word" tag I think people would be sick to death of it by now
I'm on Draft 5 of the book I'm planning to publish and if I share too many excerpts of the in-between drafts, those things are both A) subject to change, B) probably spoilers and I want to be very very picky about the excerpts I choose to share from now on
Tumblr (and instagram, and tiktok, and other social media sites) regularly get nuked by the companies that own them so I don't want to put all my eggs in one basket which is why I've doubled down on my website.
I'll share more moodboards and fun snippets and stuff soon! But they'll be in the promotional/marketing vein probably because if I'm going to spend time making that stuff it's going to be multitasking
You raise a really good point. I'd love to be more involved here, and I'll try to set more reminders for things like WBW and STS. That being said, I've been trying to support the writing community through other ways like ARC reviews and interviews!!! I put so so so much work into these every month and they do fine in general, but for some reason they don't get any traction on tumblr. Not for my lack of trying, but I don't know? Nobody wants to reblog a link to a youtube video I guess? It's discouraging because just because it looks different than the old traditional games and things doesn't mean it's not still contributing something to the community - a way to find new authors and promote your newly published books - that's largely going unnoticed and unappreciated.
If you want me to reblog snippets and moodboards for the love of god please send me stuff my queue is empty! I love seeing what people have going on but I'm also following well over 1000 people so sometimes stuff gets lost.
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cto10121 · 27 days
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There are literally at least 5 major MAANs I know of (‘90s Branagh, Joss Whedon’s version, the David Tennant/Catherine Tate version, the Shakespeare in the Park version, the Globe Theater one), plus a loose film adaptation that was a hit.
Meanwhile all the recent major R&J productions was that horrible film one with the butchered Shakespeare that bombed, the stupid gnome one, and the Orlando Bloom one. And they still haven’t adapted the French musical.
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emgoesmed · 1 year
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Snowy morning coffee hot chocolate runs >>>>
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viir-tanadhal · 4 months
the wait for psb15 news is slowly driving me up a wall
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herarchived · 2 years
06/09/22 planning, reading and more matcha 🍵⏰📒
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blueish-bird · 1 year
hyperfixations are weird as hell; every time I see a representation of a particular interest i get a surge of dopamine that makes me want to sprint a mile while writing an incomprehensible-yet-poignant essay about how much I like said interest. except I can do neither of those things because I have to leave for work in 20 minutes.
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deus-ex-mona · 2 years
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✨cursed thoughts✨ only
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ms-softgoods · 1 year
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queen-skiia · 2 years
100 Days of Productivity: Day 18 🤎✨
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September 15th, 2022
Hey Besties! 🥰
Here is Thursdays productivity post!
First things first, I tested negative for Covid! Ya girl is recovered and out of quarantine 🤸🏾‍♀️ however I’m taking extra precautions masking just so people feel comfortable and stuff.
Immediately after testing negative and having to ok to leave my apartment I did a bunch of laundry. I had three weeks of clothes and a blanket to wash before the sun set 😭 thankfully I got it all done. I also changed my sheets!
While my laundry washed I was able to work on some content for BSA. Homecoming week starts Monday so we’re doing a spirit week thing and I’m super excited! 🥰
Since I’m out of quarantine and not showing any symptoms my friend came to see me too! We watched tv and ate food together. It felt so nice to be around people again 🥺
🎧- Exhausted My Options by Jayla Darden
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thirrith · 1 year
I don’t worry about getting sick I worry about getting back to work after recovering and this probably says something about me
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iero · 2 years
Day 2 of my 8 day vacation from work and I’m already bored as fuck. 
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madisonrooney · 2 years
likely going to be seeing my top 3-5 musicals, none of which ive seen since 2019 or earlier, in the next few months LOVE that for me
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itstomorrowalready · 2 years
#1 - The Beginning; Self-Improvement & Productivity.
Hello. This is the first post of this blog. My name is Julia, and here I talk about many topics. I don't want to list any yet, as I haven't started. Just know that many of these topics will be slightly/very triggering to multiple people. As I go, I will put TWs in, but in general - reader's discretion is advised. So let's start with today's topic. Self-Improvement and Productivity.
If you've been on Instagram or Pinterest in the past few years, you must've noticed a boom in 'Self-Improvement' and 'Productivity' content, especially during and post-Quarantine. While this has been good for most people, let's talk about the adverse negative effects of constantly having this pressure on you, to be unrealistically competent.
Okay, so - what the heck is Self-Improvement? Pretty self-explanatory. According to Oxford - Self-Improvement is defined as 'the improvement of one's knowledge, status, or character by one's own efforts.' Productivity is simply 'the state or quality of being productive.'
Contrary to the definition, most of us are subjected to the idea that, unless you are waking up at 3:30 am, hitting the gym 6 times a week, making a green protein smoothie, then somehow studying/working WHILE maintaining a healthy social life, you are not improving or being productive.
Let's be honest, 'productive' is more of a buzzword than anything, really. We all see those videos pop up on our feed every few days "3 AM PRODUCTIVE DAY IN MY LIFE | 15+ HRS STUDYING | WORKING OUT". Now the question is, is this sustainable, or even realistic?
Hell no. Trust me, you cannot do everything at once without risking at least one factor, whether that be sleep, or happiness. If you haven't heard this yet, hear it now - Self-Improvement is about progress, not perfection.
Really read that last sentence now. The fact that you want to better yourself is already good. Now, take your goals one at a time. You can't go from a regular person with bad habits to an Instagram influencer overnight. And trust me, even those influencers are faking it. You think they wake up everyday at 4 am and make weird tasting green juices? Of course not! Don't even attempt to figure their life out by the few 60 second clips they post. It's not in your favour.
Forget everything you have learnt from Social Media about Productivity and Self-Improvement. You don't have to read a book a day to grow mentally. Set a goal as achievable as a book a week. And as you go, you'll start to love reading. It's very simple. Set small, achievable goals - and you will be able to do it, I don't have a doubt in my mind.
Also, remember how the Oxford definition of Self-Improvement also listed 'character'? Yep, you just scrolled up to check, welcome back. So yes, practice being a good person. Usually when you're on the journey of Self-Improvement and Productivity, you only think about yourself. You think about how you need to work out more and how you need to study more, etc. But really take a moment out of your day to help someone. It can be your classmate, your teacher, your sibling if you have any, your parent/s perhaps. Spread positivity. At the very least, just shoot someone a compliment, like "your hair looks nice today" or something of the sort.
Remember, you aren't alone. You aren't the only one who feels like they could do so much better. I understand and so do hundreds of thousands of people out there.
This was just a light touch on the topic, I wanted to keep the first post as short as possible. Let me know if you have a certain topic you want me to talk about, I'll try my best to make it happen. Thanks for reading!
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pythonjobsupport · 8 months
Microsoft Excel 2019 Training - Be Productive while in Quarantine - FULL ONLINE COURSE FOR FREE
INSTRUCTOR Dennis Taylor Excel expert with 25+ years of experience Course details 2h 8m Beginner + Intermediate Released: … source
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