#pushed from the nest
thatthirdtriplet · 1 month
Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne Talia al Ghul/Bruce Wayne past Barbara Gordon/Dick Grayson Barry Allen/Hal Jordan the core four - Relationship
Tim Drake Damian Wayne Dick Grayson Jason Todd kon-El | Conner Kent Bruce Wayne Ra's al Ghul Clark Kent Barry Allen Bart Allen red Robin - Character robin Batman Nightwing Alfred Pennyworth agent A Selina Kyle Cassie Sandsmark Cassandra Cain
Additional Tags:
dick grayson is a bad sibling he gets better but holy duck Batfam Damian Wayne is a bad sibling Damian Wayne is a bad person this is a Damian Wayne hate zone Don’t Like Don't Read Bruce Wayne is a Good Parent Tim Drake Deserves Better Tim Drake Needs a Hug Tim Drake Gets a Hug the Bruce quest Tim Drake is Red Robin Dick Grayson is Batman Dick Grayson is Nightwing Bruce Wayne is Batman Damian Wayne is Robin Damian Wayne is a little shithead Jason Todd is the Red Hood Tim Drake Has Issues Tim Drake Angst Cassandra Cain Deserves Better Cassandra cain is a good siblings selectively Mute Cassandra Cain
Timothy Drake has been dealing with Damians murder attempts for too long. He's tired, nobody is listening to him about anything, Bart and Kon are dead, Bruce is lost, and Dick thinks he's insane. He needs to take matters into his own hands.
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kritzenkriegen · 28 days
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..okay that's excellent actually
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edandstede · 8 months
“stizzy” and “edizzy” this “steddyhands polycule” that i’m being violently sick on my shoes actually
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familyofpaladins · 4 months
You've heard of [person/character/show/story/media/art] living rent free in your head right?
Now get ready for: that, but each is a little bird in the nest of you mind, some birds are there for a long time and some just a little while, as they come and go and theres some you feed more than others And it's not until you realize that suddenly "theres less birds here" "where'd the other babies go?" That the bird you started to feed a couple days ago is Cuckoo bird
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skeletalheartattack · 8 months
Thoughts on the new tf2 maps?
well, i can't give my thoughts on all 12 maps that were added, as my experience with them has been queuing through casual, and bots are absolutely ruining the fun of trying to play these maps, so i'll try and provide my thoughts with just the ones i've done.
Spineyard: i think ive only played a few rounds of it, but i like the maps looks and layout. the mafia skeletons are neat, although i couldn't figure out what the piles of money they dropped did. overall, pretty good payload map.
Lava Pit: it's gravel pit with a lot of lava pits, it's alright, i don't have much to say about it.
Mannsylvania: so, player destruction and king of the hill maps are kinda my least favourite gamemodes, but from what i played of the map. it's neat, i like how the map looks.
Slime: only actually got to play this map for one match with 5 players on both teams, since every other time was just flooded with bots. i like it, despite my disliking of king of the hill. the salmenn are fun skeleton replacements, i think i like them better than the other skeleton reskins. they've got fun designs too.
Perks: really liked the map, though i always do kinda wish valve would add more modular support for arena mode, so map makers don't have to resort to using other gamemodes like koth and player destruction just to simulate arena. i only played like three whole matches, with like 4 players on each team. wish i had played with more cause i did really like the concept.
Murky: im conflicted with the idea of a zombies mode in TF2, mostly just from a design standpoint. each class has their own zombie perks, some work fine, others feel lacking. with 9 classes, i think you eventually spread yourself thin with trying to come up with unique abilities that are useful for taking out the survivors. the map itself is fine. mostly had to deal with a lot of bot rounds before i could enjoy the map.
Atoll: the visual design of the map is really nice, though with how open the map is, it's tough to play as zombies, as humans have the high ground. playing as a sniper zombie, who can shoot acid, sucks a lot since you can't really get a read on how far your projectiles drop. engineer zombies have a similar problem, though with them, it's nearly impossible to see the travel arc of your pipebombs.
every other map, i've just not had enough time playing them. both due to bots and also because im doing my halloween contracts in the order it gives me.
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bidonica · 2 years
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I’ve seen this picture a hundred times but it only now occurred to me how it isn’t just user experience vs design, it’s also about how the user made pathway isn’t the result of an individual effort but literally a new trail created by many people walking there, repeatedly. At this stage, the path is so clearly defined it looks as “official” as the paved one.
What I’m trying to say is, this is exactly what happened with tumblr tags: introduced (yeah early tumblr didn’t have them! Pure chaos) as an organizational tool for blogs and to ease the search by topic sitewide, they gradually became the place where commentary happens. This is purely anecdotal, but as someone who’s been on tumblr since… uh… 2008?, the rise of the tags-as-commentary culture has decreased the number of long reblog chains where people would just add a gif or a silly quip or “THIS”; it is now lowkey considered against etiquette to make that kind of addition to the main body of the post. You just keep that shit to the tags. And this happened because there were enough people who decided to walk that alternative pathway where we decided to hack the user interface of tumblr into doing something it wasn’t originally intended for. Neat.
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miafeystits · 11 months
god this fic is so close to done it's genuinely excruciating
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and-stir-the-stars · 11 months
Got the brainworms.
A Nest Torn Empty, the month Mike is away. There are some flavors of trauma that might interestingly suit that scenario. These are just little brainstorms, don't feel like. Compelled to use them lmao
One might fit the idea of being medicalized, poked and prodded. Psych test after psych test, evaluations and therapy as it was in the eighties, possibly by particularly shitty professionals who try to go the therapy version of "bad cop" and INSIST mike is lying just to see if he breaks?
Another might be someone deciding to enact some kind of revenge on Evan's behalf. This could go any number of ways, but I think it would be interesting if someone who has been in Evan's position before decided to try and create some version of "a taste of his own medicine" for Mike, though obviously without the near death bit bc of plotlines etc.
And then there are less obvious things that kind of get left out. Being torn from your family all of the sudden is traumatic. He doesn't know what's going to happen to him, or to his brother and sister. Whether or not he's in another abusive place, the sheer amount of differences could throw him off. All the rules are different, all the people are different. He probably feels very isolated.
(You're giving me ideas for the au where Mike thinks Evan died after they're split up, lmao)
In terms of reactions, I think there might be more of a shutdown than his earlier behavior. If nothing he's doing yields ANY reaction– good or bad– then why bother? I think a lot of it would just lead him to be very tired by the end of it all.
Final aspect that I think would be interesting: as the kids grow up and actually learn to talk about the shitty upbringing they had, I think Mike's month away might fall to the wayside for a while. Nobody else thinks about it; it doesn't come up.
Eventually, though, it does need to be addressed. Maybe it kind of pales in comparison to the bite itself, but the experience still hurt.
(Or disregard all of this! Just brainstorming dhfjdkdksk)
okay first off I think it's so funny that I have to outsource all my "how would Mike react to xyz trauma" stuff to you,, like how dare you know him so well and have so many tantalizing Mike thoughts /honorary /pos
i think my initial idea was more along the lines of like,, Mike keeps insisting that he didn't mean to hurt Evan, but the more the psychiatrists poke and prod and question him, the less certain Mike is.
All of Mike’s claims that "I didn't know that would happen" and "i didn't mean for him to get hurt" and "i didn't want to kill him" are met with stuff like. "So there's no history of you hurting him?" "So Evan hasn't been put in danger by your actions before?" "So this behavior is a recent thing that came out of nowhere?" And just like. General questions that, whether asked out malice or from people genuinely trying to understand if Mike is a danger to himself or others, only serve to highlight in Mike’s mind that maybe he is inherently evil, because every time he swears that he didn't mean it, he's just met with a reminder of all the times he has in fact hurt Evan and others before and with the reminder that he could do it again at any time.
The idea that there are certain "professionals" there who just insist that Mike is lying about not meaning for the Bite in an effort to get him to cave and break???? Oooooh boy. Angsty, I love it. Maybe as time passes and Mike gets more and more frustrated, his "medical treatment" and "psychiatric professionals" just get worse and worse as a result of his lashing out. It starts out with the psychiatrists just trying to be thorough and get a detailed understanding of what happened, and the mere nature of their questioning frays Mike as he interprets their questions as them not believing him. He tells himself that he's crazy for feeling so attacked by them when they're professionals trained to help people, but like. It doesn't make the problem go away. Mike starts lashing out as he feels like they don't believe him. And his lashing out is ofc seen as signs of hostility, leading to worse and worse "treatment" (in both sense of the term), and leading to him being placed with awful "professionals" who blatantly tell him to his face now that he's lying about not meaning to hurt Evan to get Mike to break.
And the whole experience just, like, shreds every sense of faith Mike had in his own judgment. He doesn't know what to do or think anymore, and it doesn't matter anyway, because no matter WHAT he does or thinks it has the same result of people just. Making him feel cruel and evil, like he'll inevitably hurt someone, like he's a monster and has always been a monster and is trying to manipulate everyone here in the psych facility and everyone he's ever known into thinking he's NOT a monster for his own personal gain.
Worst thing is that in Mike’s eyes, these are strangers who don't even know him or know anything about him, and yet they don't NEED to know him to know that he's evil. Mike coming to the conclusion that theres something so fundamentally broken about him that people can PHYSICALLY SEE IT, he reeks of it, it's the first thing people see when they look at him, the ONLY thing people see. People don't even need to know him to see straight into the evil in his heart. Which is only furthered when he goes back home and all these classmates he never talked to before are calling him a murderer, not to mention Liz's ambivalent reaction to seeing him again.
#Like low key there's an ask sitting in my inbox abt how saffron mike would react to smth#And I've just been staring at it like. No idea my guy. I am not the mike expert here. Lmao#Now I'm thinking about mike begging and praying for william to come get him out of this facility#And will not doing so feeds into Mike’s reluctance to trust will later on#And feeds into mikes frustration that will has been so absent#ie the scene where mike freaks out in ch1 of bcoh and he's like. FATHER should be#The one giving ev his meds so he doesn't try ripping his own head off from the pain so WHERE IS HE??#Like Will just. Consistently does this#Also mike not knowing what's gonna happen to him or liz or evan...#Do the psychiatrists even tell mike whether or not ev is still alive?#Does mike assume that liz is in a psych facility herself? She didn't cause the bite but SHE has been hurting ev too#Does mike wonder if he's ever getting out of here#And then no one in the fam talking about mike's month away!!!#Ur giving me thoughts for a one shot that takes place several years after the bite#With evan begging mike to stop pushing him away#And mike is just. So traumatized not just from going thru this but from no one talking or caring abt it#(On top of his normal trauma abt not wanting to burden/hurt anyone w his issues and not feeling they're important#And and and plus all the time mike spent trying to reach out to ev after the bite only for ev to be so traumatized that he kept#Rejecting mike) that he can't stop holding people at arms length.#A nest torn empty#my brother my wound#tw medical malpractice#Tw child abuse
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polaraffect · 2 years
so my bed is pretty high right, and there's nothing underneath it. like it's fully a crawl space. anyways so for a while now i've been thinking about putting a blanket down there and some pillows, maybe fairy lights and things and just make a space that is small and dark. tell me why i only just now realized i've been thinking for weeks about building a fucking nest.
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guideaus · 1 year
god i remember when i binged adventure time when we had that hbo trial, and i got to the hbo special season ep Distant Lands: Together again, and the whole beginning being so off with finn and jake saying shit they wouldve said 11 years ago with a weird autotune thing ppl were into back then like algebraic, mathematical, shmow, shlamazow, doing his old adventures that people who wanted to view at, but for serious moments, wanted to skip, ice king was kidnapping princesses with finn doing easy jobs, that no one else wants to help him with, and it eventually leads to the image of jake's grave after almost 7 minutes (half the time of the original cartoon's episodes) and then finn realizes he's in the afterlife and this pops
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m0usekat · 2 years
Canonically I don’t think the fab 4 like,,are alive or whatever. But from an AU standpoint it would be so good.....I have it all planned out in my head I know EXACLTY how it would go but I cannot write for the life of me </3
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thebookworm0001 · 2 years
the mourning doves are trying to nest in the entryway window again
how do I tell these very dumb but very sweet birds that they need to stop trying to do that
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o5-blackbird · 2 years
A meeting has been rescheduled three times now.
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clementiens · 2 years
i had such an exciting time in the nature preserve with my partner that it made me lightheaded and i had to lie down at home
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borbealis · 2 months
feeling very much like a failure in a lot of ways
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pallases · 5 months
harding straight up killing dodgson via tyrannosaurus rex YAY WOMEN <3
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