#prompt hostage!
blametheeditor · 1 year
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Reasons To Hate You
Prompt Roulette By Title
Five reasons Character A has wanted to drop contact with Character B and the one key reason why Character A has stayed.
Content Warnings: Cursing. Mentions of murder. Mentions of child murder. Mentions of weapons. Being possessive. Uncaring and unsympathetic toward others. People being experimented on.
The Editor cheated and I got my prompt late
“It is what it is.” 
“They’re people, Vince!” 
“And?” shut Scott up effortlessly as the taller shot an annoyed look at him. “There’s nothing special about them. We’re doing the world a favor having anyone who takes the night shift go ‘missing’.” 
“...you’ve changed, Vince.” 
“Have I, Scotty?” felt like a slap in the face as his best friend turned to him. Seem to grow several feet taller as Scott felt his heart threaten to beat out of his chest. Watched as the shadows seemed to surround them as amber eyes hardened. “Look at me and say I’ve changed.” 
He knew the man hadn’t meant physically. Even if he had, Vincent still looked like Vincent. His long hair tied back into a ponytail. The playful smiles and teasing smirks exactly like the ones he received years ago. The only thing that’s really different is that fact he’s purple from head to toe to match he discontinued Fazbear uniform. 
Scott wanted to say Vincent did change. His best friend murdered five children. The man finds no problem with being experimented on. Acts as if no one’s life truly matters. 
The Vincent he knew would never have done those things. 
…or would he? 
Because it was the one who immediately took a stuttering teenager under his wing on the first day who intentionally corrupted Foxy in order to cause a horrific accident. 
Because it was the one who nicknamed him Scotty who used his trust to go into the backroom and commit an unspeakable crime. 
Because it was the one who saved him from getting killed despite having undergone Afton’s experiments. 
“If they don’t matter, then why did you save me?” 
It was a valid question. Because Scott was a night guard. He held the position among other things, but he had lost the game fair in square. Just like all the ones before him. 
Just like the ones that would soon be killed by vengeful animatronics. All because of Vincent’s actions. 
“Because you are special,” Vincent breathed. Backed down. No longer wanted to be upset with the man he had saved. And only barely. 
“Special enough you’d use me?” 
“I trusted you, Scotty. Mi-” 
“No! I trusted you!” Scott snapped. Felt tears spilling. Flinched away when Vincent reached out to...what? Grab him? Hug him? Literally stab him in the back to complete the circle? “You used me!” 
The taller only watched, carefully taking his hand back at seeing it clearly being unwanted. “I’m sorry.” 
He hates Vincent for betraying him.
“You’re quiet today.” 
Scott didn’t dare respond, knowing full well what would happen if he spoke and had any tone or words that suggested anything but a neutral attitude. 
He learned long ago how to handle Afton. It came with the territory of being one of the sadistic man’s personal projects. And truthfully, he had no one but himself to blame for allowing it to happen. 
The reason he stood there like a puppet who’s strings weren’t being pulled on was because he had agreed to be one. 
It’s a decision he regretted, longed to go back in time and reverse, but it had still been his choice to live that hell. 
And due to that acceptance, Scott was fairly good at ensuring there were no reasons to be unusually cruel during a session. Angry at the man who torments him with an amused smile on his face, but he could never be as upset with the one pressing the button or injecting the syringe as he was with himself. 
It was a bad day, however. Curtesy of the lurking shadow standing in the corner. 
“You’re upset with him.” 
Scott swallowed down an angry shout. “Yes.” 
Afton hummed in approval for his voice not wavering. “And why’s that?” 
It took all his willpower not to glare at the glowing eyes peering at him from the darkness, Vincent all too interested in what his best friend had to say. 
“He’s been alive all this time, and yet he never told me.” 
He thought Vincent had been killed during the night shift years ago. After he murdered the five children, nearly claiming a six victim if it wasn’t for the poor boy to miraculously surviving after being bit by Foxy, the animatronics sought revenge. And while Vincent was many things with many talents, the ability to cheat death was not one of them. 
At least, not the Vincent he knew. The ‘improved’ one could. Had a few times. 
“Did he tell you why?” Afton questioned. 
Scott’s jaw clenched. Unable to continue speaking less tears fall. He wasn’t demanded to answer. 
He hates Vincent for lying to him. 
“I took care of them, Scotty!” 
Scott stared at the purple man. At the excited smile. The tone of pride as he waited for a response. 
“What do you mean took care of them?” 
He was looked at with an odd expression. “The couple of employees that were talking about you behind your back.” 
The papers he had been holding fell to the floor, scattering across the hallway. Scott’s hand shot out to grab onto the wall, attempting to stay standing. He was glad the only thing he had that day was coffee. 
Vincent was wise enough not to offer a hand for support, simply looking confused. As if having people killed for him wasn’t wanted. “You said you were getting annoyed constantly hearing them talk behind your back. Soooooo, I took care of it.” 
Scott finally followed after the paperwork. Felt his knees give out as he crumpled to the ground. 
His flinch from purple hands quickly catching him was so violent he’s immediately left alone, gasping for air as he stared at the ugly tiles beneath his fingers. 
“N-No. No. I didn’t want you to kill them!” 
“What else was I supposed to do?” 
That was the last time Scott ever made the mistake of confiding in his best friend, even for the smallest things. Because that wasn’t what he wanted. That wasn’t what he thought would happen. 
He hates Vincent for not being able to trust him. 
“Hey, Mikey!” 
Scott reacted as if he was electrocuted, all but sprinting toward the office when he realized Vincent was at the first location. At midnight. While Mike was working. 
Dear God, not Mike, not Mike.
“Hey, Phone Guy,” was his first greeting as he skid to a stop right outside the office door in the east hallway. And while the night guard who had survived for nearly two months didn’t comment on his panicked expression, Vincent shot him a look of concern. 
“Hey, Scotty, what’s going on?” 
It was so visceral. Vincent sounded like himself again. Scott couldn’t put his finger on it, but his best friend seemed almost...happy. As if something he thought he lost had finally been found. 
Which terrified Scott. Because the only thing that truly made the purple man happy anymore was killing. And there Mike was, the only other person in the restaurant, and only Scott had the promise of never getting killed. 
He couldn’t let the young man die. Not when he was the first one to survive and stay. The first one to not despise Scott. The first one who followed his recording and actually looked in the suits for him. 
It seemed like a lifetime, but it had only been a second before Vincent’s eyes suddenly widened, and he took a step back. 
Away from Mike. Hands held up to show there was no knife. “You remember Mikey, don’t you Scotty?” 
...Mike was given a nickname. 
“Uh.” Hazel eyes glanced between Vincent and a potential victim. “Not particularly.” 
“Purple Guy said his ass watched mine when my shitty parents dropped me off at Fazfuck’s.” 
Mikey. Mikey. Little Mikey who got bit. 
Scott didn’t respond. He only walked toward where his best friend stood. Saw the silent promise the sole survivor from his selfish deed won’t be killed. Placed himself directly between Mike and Vincent in order to act as a shield. 
He hates Vincent for not being able to believe him. 
“Where do you think you’re going?” 
Scott sent a fierce glare toward the shadowed corner. “None of your business.” 
He turned to leave, just needing a moment to clear his head, try and remember who he is. 
He didn’t get the chance. Not with a hand grabbing his wrist. Getting tugged back toward the suffocating office he can’t be in there right now. 
“It’s always my business when it comes to you, Scotty.” 
The man bristled. Attempted to yank his arm away, only to hiss in pain when the grip as strong as steel didn’t so much as jostle from the movement. 
“Vince, let me go!” 
He should’ve expected it, but it was late, he hadn’t slept, and he was terrified. 
It was just him and Vincent in the first location. The one he nearly died in. Was seconds away from being stuffed into a suit just like all the other guard he hired, played the tapes for, and yet never did everything he could to help them. 
Because he’s a coward. Because he only wanted to ensure he didn’t get punished by Afton the next time he was summoned into the lab. Because Scott Cawthon was a name to be terrified of with anyone who dares question him vanishing just like all the other night guards. 
He didn’t deserve to be the only one who was saved. 
Scott felt tears fall as he was forcefully pulled back toward the office. The creature who used to be his best friend growling lowly whenever he tried to fruitlessly break away. 
He wasn’t trying to run. He will never be able to run. He just needed five minutes. 
“You’re staying with me.” 
He hates Vincent for treating Scott like he’s his. 
The man in question looks up from his mug of coffee already halfway gone. Scowls at the sight of Vincent wearing a giant smile he does not trust. 
“What did you do?” 
“Me?” the purple man purrs as he walks closer, failing to hide his amusement at the fact Scott doesn’t look amused in the slightest. “Do something? That doesn’t sound like me.” 
“Out with it,” is all that’s growled as he turns back toward the paperwork Afton demanded be completed by 6am. Meaning he’s pulling yet another allnighter. 
He’s not suspicious of the silence. If Vincent really had something important to say, I.E. yet another demand from the sadistic bastard of a boss, then he would spit it out. No, right now his best friend is enjoying the old game of trying to see if Scott will get concerned. 
It used to work on a much, much younger him. But after being by the purple man’s side for over twenty years, he learned the name of it real quick. 
“...Brayden got a scholarship.” 
Scott nearly chokes on his coffee. Quickly sets the mug down before shoving it away. Clears his throat and rolling his eyes at the sight of a hopeful expression. 
“Well it ain’t for bein’ an honor student,” Vincent snickers. “Ya know it’s for hockey.” 
No, the older of his two sons was never good at getting his homework done. Admittedly never did good on his tests, either. He had nearly failed math last time they checked. 
“Jayden’s still in his honor classes, though?” 
His best friend snorts. “Can’t keep ‘im out of them.” 
They both know that’s Karen’s doing. His ex-wife might’ve accepted the fact Brayden enjoyed athletics more than anything, but his younger son was being put through the ringer with the hope he’s a genius. Don’t get him wrong, Scott knows his sons aren’t stupid, but Jayden never screamed ‘valedictorian’ to him. 
Of course, she left him when Brayden was five and Jayden was three and completely cut all contact with their ‘deadbeat father’ including something as simple as a monthly phone call. 
He owes Vincent for keeping tabs on his boys without ever being asked to. 
“I also wanted to tell ya,” his best friend murmurs. “Might’ve needed to save Jayden from gettin' murdered on his way back home a few nights ago.” 
“Why is the God damn kid walking around at midnight-” 
“He takes after his father!” leaves Scott sputtering. 
“Do not blame that one me!” 
Vincent only hums in thought. “I think I might. Especially considering he’s got a life saving shadow that follows him everywhere like his dad does.” 
Scott doesn’t feel anything but relief from the statement. Because the one thing Vincent has never so much as teased about is hurting his sons. Not even Karen’s been threatened despite the fact she’s the one who left his best friend and broke his heart taking his sons away like she did. 
As much as Vincent’s concerned, Scott’s sons are his nephews he’s promised to protect while their father is out of the picture. 
They don’t know how long that’ll be. Possibly forever. But he’s thankful for the purple man. 
“Thanks, Vince.” 
“Anything for you, Scotty.” 
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nerdpoe · 2 months
"I hired him with a bag of hot cheetos."
"You...hired who?" Joker asked, looking around.
"My bodyguard from my hometown. I hired him." The hostage said, actually sounding bored.
"...There's no one here but you and me, kiddo, and-"
"You and I, actually. His name is Phantom, and he's here right now. Bye."
Then the kid disappeared. Literally. Him, and the bomb he'd been strapped to.
Or; To soothe his parents about his decision to move to Gotham, Danny lied and said he'd bought Phantoms services as a bodyguard with a bag of hot cheetos. Now, whenever he gets into trouble, he just goes invisible and intangible and nopes out.
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reds-whump-prompts · 1 year
Underrated Hostage Tropes
1) The “You’ll do” hostage Whumper has come to target one of Caretaker’s loved ones, but finds Whumpee instead. “Not who I was looking for, but you’ll do.”
2) The ‘grabbed in the heat of battle’ hostage When Whumper grabs Whumpee and holds them at weapon-point, a furious battle slams to a halt.
3) The unaware hostage Whumpee trying desperately to act normal and not give the game away, knowing that Whumper can hurt an unsuspecting Caretaker any time they choose.
4) The ‘maybe I don’t hate you’ hostage Whumpee and Caretaker have been at each other’s throats from the second they met, only for Caretaker to be unexpectedly panicked when Whumpee is threatened.
5) The self-sacrificial hostage Whumpee holds themself hostage, knowing they have information that Whumper can’t afford to lose. 
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winters-dream · 1 month
cw: suggestive
Soft silk wrapped around Hero's body, the beautiful fabric sliding gracefully across their skin as they secured the tie around their waist. They had just finished a bath Villain drew for them and Hero hated to admit it, but this was the most relaxed they've felt in months. Maybe even years.
Hero didn't know how they got here. One minute, they were fighting Villain, negotiating to find a compromise to prevent Villain from wreaking havoc on the city. Hero knew better than to compromise with Villain; they were sneaky and sly and always knew exactly what to say to get Hero to bend to their will.
And that's exactly what happened. Somehow Hero went from doing everything in their power to save the city to relaxing in a robe in one of the many rooms of Villain's home. Guilt wracked through them as they pondered over what the Villain could possibly be doing to the city whilst they sat here and did nothing.
The door to their room opened and  Villain poked their head through. Their eyes raked over Hero's body and a satisfied grin spread over their lips. They stepped fully inside the room and the weight of their gaze made Hero shiver. Though Hero wanted to believe it was the cold that sent goosebumps along their arms.
“What am I doing here?” Hero was the first to break the silence. “What are you planning?”
Villain sauntered forward, each step causing Hero to take a step back. Their legs hit the baseboard of the bed, causing them to stumble as they ended up sitting on the bed. Villain stopped a few feet away.
“Oh, Hero, you know the deal,” they said. “Your surrender for the safety of the city. I'll cease to destroy this city as long as you remain by my side.”
They reached out, their fingers brushing along the hero's jaw. Hero would be lying if they said they didn't want to lean into the touch. 
“You belong to me now.”
Villain smiled their signature sinister smile, one that usually sent a healthy jolt of fear through Hero's body. But Hero saw something else behind that smile. Something . . . softer? Their eyes bore into Hero, challenging them to argue back.
A pink flush colored Hero's cheeks, Villain no doubt could feel the heat radiating off them.
“This is humiliating,” Hero admitted. And Villain shushed them with a finger over their lips.
“Dolls aren't meant to talk, dear,” they chastised with a wag of their finger. Hero wanted to bite that finger off. Their face flushed a deeper red. 
“I'm not a doll,” they spoke louder, feigning confidence they didn't have. “And this was not part of the deal. I agreed to surrender. Not to become your  . . . pet.” 
They cringed at their own choice of words.
“Oh, but you are,” Villain insisted. Both hands came up this time, cupping the hero's face. Their hold was gentle, yet firm, a silent reminder of who was in charge. Who had the power here. 
“You are my most prized possession,” they mused. “And I would be a fool to let you go so easily.”
They leaned in. Hero found themself staring at Villain’s lips. Their soft, pink lips, mere inches away from Hero’s; they had fantasized about kissing those lips and becoming familiar with their taste far more often than Hero cared to admit. They wanted to kiss them now, their head dizzy with anticipation.
Villain backed away with a smirk, and something in Hero snapped. Like a spell has been broken, Hero was suddenly pulled back into reality. They blinked at Villain who studied Hero with a knowing smile. They knew all too well the effect they had on the hero. Hero was playing right into their hand.
“You're not going to get away with this,” Hero said as a final attempt at defiance. Villain shook their head with a chuckle. Hero knew they were toast. 
“Oh, darling. I already have.”
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puppetmaster13u · 1 month
Prompt 298
“So uh, is anyone gonna’ stop… that?” Honestly, no one here had ever had to deal with a borderline feral acting Batman, and Supes wasn’t there to do anything to help. Not to mention Diana just found their failure to do anything hilarious. 
“I don’t know Hal, do you have any idea on how to get him out from vents he shouldn’t by any logical reason be able to fit into?” 
“Well no, but I mean, it’s freaky! He just read a file, cursed more than I’ve ever heard him and just, okay, how did all of them even fit inside his cape-”
“Current theory is some sort of shadow dimension.” 
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elisabethrosewrites · 2 months
"How much do you care for your Whumpee?" Whumper asked Caretaker in a nonchalant tone.
Caretaker glares viciously at him. "They don't mean anything to me." They tell the boldfaced lie with as much confidence as they can muster.
"Is that so?" Whumper asks, amused this time. "So if for example, I had Whumpee bound and gagged in the back of my car, that would mean nothing to you?"
"Nothing at all," Caretaker replies, the lie hurt but they had to protect Whumpee.
Whumper fixed Caretaker with a calculating stare. "Well then, I suppose I won't be needing them anymore." He lifted his phone to his ear. "Hear that Henchman? You can dispose of the brat now."
Ice rushed into Caretaker's lungs. All their bravado slipping away. "No!" They shouted.
"I thought they meant nothing to you?"
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jordanstrophe · 4 months
Caretaker sends someone undercover to be whumper's henchman.
They're now sent updates of everything happening to whumpee in real time. Until they get an extraction plan, caretaker's unable to do a single thing, left to read pages upon pages of horrific unhuman torture whumpee's going through.
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kabie-whump · 4 months
♡ Febuwhump Day 17: Hostage Situation ♡
Content: Kidnapping, blood, bondage, neglectful team, ransom, whumper turned caretaker
"You might as well just let me go. They're not coming."
Whumper continues shuffling cards, not looking at Whumpee. "You keep saying that. How can you be so sure?"
"Your asking price is too high."
"Please. Don't try to tell me that your little team is broke. I know that's not true."
"They're not broke. But they won't pay all that just for me. They won't even pay half of that. You're wasting your time. And your chains." Whumpee looks down at their own body, at the way they're bound by miles of chains to the point where they can't move an inch. "Seriously, is all this really necessary?"
"I don't know what you're capable of, and I would rather not find out."
"Hm. Fair enough. Would you believe me if I promised that I'm harmless?"
"Worth a shot."
They go quiet for a while, the only sounds being Whumper's cards shuffling against the table and the steady drip of blood hitting the floor from Whumpee's injuries. An hour passes before Whumper speaks again.
"You really think they won't pay up?"
"Not for me. Maybe if you'd taken Leader..."
Whumper scoffs. "If I was powerful enough to capture Leader I wouldn't need to be taking hostages for cash in the first place."
Whumpee's voice is getting softer and more slurred by the second. Whumper had noticed the change happening, but that last word was just pitiful. Whumper stands, going over to check on their hostage. They'd gone pale and the puddle of blood under their chair had grown significantly.
"You're not doing too hot, are you?" Whumper asks, squatting in front of Whumpee.
Whumpee shakes their head.
"At this rate you'll bleed out before anyone comes to save you."
"They're not coming," Whumpee says again, their voice still weak.
Whumper realizes with a start that Whumpee is tearing up. Not in the way that they did when Whumper had roughed them up for the camera. That had just been a pain response. This is genuine emotional distress.
"You're upset."
"Of course 'm upset, asshole," Whumpee slurs, the tears falling. "The fuck do you think I am?"
"Good to see you've still got your fire. But there's no reason to be upset. You're going to be fine."
"Fuck off."
"I mean it. Let's go over your options, hm? One: Your team comes for you and pays your ransom and you get to go home. Two: Your team comes for you, kills me, and you get to go home. Three: Your team doesn't come for you, and you get to stay here with me. You're going to survive no matter what."
"You told them you'd kill me if they don't come before tommorow."
"Yes, well, I was hoping to inspire a sense of urgency. Doesn't seem to have worked. I could kill you, I guess, but I'm starting to get the impression that you may be more useful then that. If your friends abandon you here, that may put you in a position where you're willing to give me some information about them. Saves me having to torture someone for it. Besides, one of my employees just kicked it so I'm in the market for new blood."
"You want me to... work for you?"
"Again, I could kill you instead if you're not going to be useful to me. I'm still deciding."
"I'd be a waste of resources. I'm not good for anything." Whumpee starts to shiver, the chains making soft clinking sounds.
"You believe that? Is that why you think they're not coming for you?"
Whumpee nods.
Something inside Whumper cracks just a little as they stare at Whumpee - pale and trembling with silent tears leaving tracks in the blood and dirt on their face.
"Alright. Let's get you stitched up. You're not bleeding out on my watch. I really don't have the energy to dispose of a body tonight."
Next >
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autocrats-in-love · 3 months
Prompt (280)
The hero frowned at the villain. “Are you wearing a new perfume?”
The villain shrugged. “I thought I should dress up for the occasion.”
“Of starting a hostage situation in a bank?”
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lumpsbumpsandwhumps · 6 months
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pov this guy keeps taking you hostage and you're starting to wonder if maybe it's a type of flirting
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whumperofworlds · 7 months
Absolutely love it when a Whumper takes a Whumpee hostage via grabbing them and holding a gun/sword to their head/neck. The team/Caretaker. Stopping dead in their tracks. Maybe the Whumper told them to drop their weapons or else Whumpee gets it. And the team/Caretaker having no choice but to drop their weapons and do what Whumper said. Or or they told them to give the Macguffin to them. And the team/Caretaker having to give it to them.
What could you even do in a hostage situation like that? It's so good! 👀
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serickswrites · 4 months
Warnings: captivity, torture, restraints, physical violence, bruises, truth serum, drugging, noncon drug use, video recording, hostage sitaution
"Please, don't," Whumpee begged. "Please, you don't have to do this." They shook in the restraints Whumper had used to bind them to the table. They watched Whumper with wide, terror-filled eyes, as Whumper advanced on them, syringe in hand.
Whumper back handed Whumpee hard. Whumpee whimpered with the pain. "Don't speak until I speak to you," Whumper growled. "And besides, I want to do this, Whumpee. You have what I want. And I always get what I want."
Whumpee could feel their lip swell from where Whumper had struck them. They knew their face was bruised from Whumper's rough handling of them. But still, they didn't want Whumper to inject them with whatever was in that vial. "Please," they tried once more. Surely, Whumper would be reasonable.
Whumper grinned wickedly as they stabbed Whumpee's arm with the syringe. "No," they said as they depressed the plunger.
Whumpee's veins were on fire. Every part of them was on fire. They couldn't breathe through the fire. Someone was screaming. It was them. They were screaming. Every single cell in their body was on fire.
Whumpee had no idea when the flames receded. They had no idea how much time had passed. They only knew that Whumper was speaking gently with them, stroking their hair, talking softly. They sobbed. It was all they could do. They were too weak to even turn their head towards Whumper.
"There, there, my sweet. I have one more little treat for you. Smile for the camera." Whumpee felt another needle in their arm. Felt a coolness wash over them. It was a welcome relief to the fire that had consumed them. "Now, you are going to answer all of my questions. And then we will send this video to the person who will actually give me what I want."
"Yes, Whumper," Whumpee heard their voice. But it wasn't their voice. It was dull, no inflection. And yet they felt their lips move.
"And remember, Whumpee," Whumper snickered, "the truth will set you free. So be honest."
"Yes, Whumper."
"Does Caretaker have what I want?" Whumper said from somewhere to their left. They heard Whumper take a step closer. Whumpee couldn't answer that question. They had to keep Caretaker out of this.
"Yes," Whumpee said against their will. They tried to turn their head, but couldn't. They were to weak. Whatever Whumper had given them, it hadn't given them energy. It just made them speak, though they didn't want to.
"Will Caretaker give it up for you?" Whumper said as they leaned over Whumpee, phone in hand.
Whumpee didn't want to answer. They couldn't answer. Because then everything Caretaker had worked for would be undone. "Yes." Whumpee closed their eyes against the tears. Though they hadn't wanted to speak. They had to. Whumper made them. Hopefully Caretaker would forgive them. If they lived long enough for Caretaker to find them.
Whumper climbed onto the table with them, pinched their cheek. "You hear that, Caretaker?" Whumper said as they flipped the camera so that both they and Whumpee were in the frame. "You'll give me what I want for Whumpee. So come get your Whumpee. Or you'll be picking up the pieces from here to kingdom come."
Whumpee squeezed their eyes shut once more. They had failed Caretaker. Failed and let themself become a hostage. Caretaker had to leave them. Caretaker couldn't come get them. It would be all for nought. "You have two days to collect what I desire and get here, Caretaker. Or Whumpee will face the consequences. Won't you, Whumpee?"
Whumpee nodded as tears flowed down their cheeks. "Yes, Whumper." They told the truth. However, this truth did not set them free.
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Whump Prompt #1345
@whumperofworlds asked:
Do you have any prompts for hostage videos?
I got this idea stuck in my head, hope it helps!:
I like the idea of the whumpee not being shown straight away. The whumper really wants to make a production of it, so they're teasing the whumpee reveal. However, in the background noises can be heard. They're very distracting as the whumper waffles on, padding time to allow those receiving the video to hear them moving chains, testing tools, turning on blowtorches etc. Maybe there's a shift of the chair and a quiet "No - please." before the video ends too.
The next one is similar, except there's the tell-tale signs of the whumpee trying to keep quiet with every strike. This format continues for a few videos until the whumpee finally breaks and screams when the whumper is halfway through their demands. There's a glimpse of a smirk on the whumpers face before they excuse themselves and the video ends.
The next video stars the whumpee and whumper sitting side by side. The whumper is acting all friendly with them, but the whumpee flinches at every movement. (However your whumpee looks can be based on what you're subjecting them to behind the scenes).
I can imagine them to be treating it almost like an interview (or even a vlog depending on the setting/timeframe). Where the whumper asks the whumpee what they'd prefer, where the information is etc etc, all coming to a head when the whumper asks: "Is there anything you'd like to say to the people at home?"
And the whumpee explodes with pleads, trying to wrench themselves from where they're bound to the chair to get closer to the camera.
"Don't do it, please don't give them what they want - I'm fine! Don't give them anything-."
There's a cut.
And the chair next to the whumper is empty. They smile at the camera. There's crying in the background.
"Looks like we haven't quite convinced them yet. We'll see you next week where hopefully they'll be more... agreeable."
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whumppromptoftheday · 2 months
"I did everything you told me to do. You have to let them go now," Caretaker begs.
Whumper chuckles. "Oh, honey. I don't have to do anything."
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whumpdaydreamerx · 2 months
Magnum P.I. (2018) 3x05 | Ethan Shot
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Short Prompt #1195
CW: hostage situation, bombs.
"What do we do?!"
"We're all gonna die!"
The civilians started panicking, running around, and screaming. The villain's bomb was close to exploding and Hero was still nowhere in sight. At this point, even Villain themself was starting to worry; this was very out of character for their nemesis.
"Just where are you, little hero?"
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