#product of the burst of inspiration a couple days ago
Writing blurb (It doesn’t have a title)
Content warning: cw: gore, cw: suicide, cw: suicidal ideation, cw: suicidal thoughts. It’s important to this story so please don’t read if it’s triggering to you. 
They paced incessantly, the clacking of heels approaching them. A soft squeak then sounded from the floor from both pairs of feet as they stared at one another. 
“You know. I’d figure the insane multidimensional probabilities meant at least some version of me would prosper.” The look-alike stated, tapping their foot against the floor and yawning. 
“Okay, and I have prospered.” 
“All you’ve done is murder and lie. That’s not prospering.” 
“Only losers have time to think like that. I found a way to keep myself surviving a little longer. Not my problem you don’t like it.” 
“And it’s not my fault you still own that crusty bracelet your ex gave you either. Do you wear that shit while you execute innocents?” 
Ms. Sentimental grumbled incoherently, the noise teetering on a growl. 
“They’re not always innocent if that helps your conscience. They’re just as twisted and confusing as the rest of us.” 
“Woah! Cause that alone is enough to shift my entire position. It’s a brand new world, I sympathize you so.” 
The look-alike ran a finger beneath the bracelet, tugging nonchalantly at the rusting metal. Their eyes looking to a beige wall behind them, obviously in thought. A soft click sounding from their tongue as they brought their attention back to Ms. Sentimental. 
“How did you get here so easily? This is a triple threat dimensional level.” 
“I had a job to do.” Ms. Sentimental stated lifting their arm and wiping their nose against the sleeve. 
The look-alike cringed seeing the snot trail it left behind, “You should probably handle that then. You’re negativity might taint the air or maybe that’s the not so lovely musk coming off of you,”  They remarked, eyes glittering at their smart ass comment. 
“You’re right. I wasted enough time.” 
Ms. Sentimental turned their back to the look-alike and coughed aggressively. They inhaled deeply beginning to mutter beneath their breath as they proceeded away from the look-alike. A faint glow simmering beneath their eyes as hands tightly gripped onto pants pockets. 
The look-alike crumbled to the ground. Gasping both for air and in pain as their eyes bulged and bled. Blood trickling to the adhesive tiles, lifting up slowly in hopes to be ripped off and discarded. The look-alike’s blood burned holes into the cheap tiles, a soft sizzle humming through their ears before they were fully out of earshot. 
The look-alike finally hacked up a concoction of bile and food scraps they had scavenged as they layed curled into themself. In the pile, small fragments glittered, lying there still. 
“Finally eliminated the target Joy?” A voice rang out from the mic taped to their chest. 
“Yeah. You guys got the transmission right?” 
“Of course. Please don’t underestimate my technology.” The voice paused, clearing their throat, “Thank you for doing this again.” 
Joy, Ms. Sentimental, remained silent looking back at their look-alike as they massaged the freshly forming scars from the nanobot transfer. 
“So the bots dispensed the termination code a bit early, luckliy it wasn’t noticed. How are you feeling?” 
“Mentally or physically?” 
The voice paused and noisily licked their lips. 
“Both if you’d like Joy.” 
“Mentally I want to kill the person that came up with this for punishment for a suicide attempt. Physically I can feel soreness overcoming my legs and the use of the nanobots is really aggravating whatever sickness is going on here.” 
Joy shook their head, disgruntled as they chocked back a wet cough. They summoned the dirty bots back into the holding vessel, strapped meticulously to their back. Occasionally forcing her shirt to ride up their back. 
“And they left more scars. It didn’t hurt as bad as last time though.” 
“Well that’s good.” The voice chirped before sighing softly, “Yeah I’m not a fan of this punishment form either. Literally taunting someone craving death with images of various different versions of them dead. Most don’t make it past the first murder.” 
“It’s not just that. It’s more than that. You know that.” Joy seethed as her legs began to feel like lead. 
Their conversation was interrupted by a voice from the mic lodged into her ear. It murmured coordinates and dimensional threat levels, unbothered by the far more relevant conversation occurring before it’s disturbance. 
“Hey I love science. You love science. And you hate being alive. Smash those things together and you find a solution to a lot of the predicaments.” The voice stated smoothly, like the line had been rehearsed in a grimey club mirror while inebriated. 
“Gods you’re cocky. Why did I ever like you?” They grumbled jabbing their fingers into the tense calf muscles, aggressively rubbing it. 
“Because you’re cocky too, when life doesn’t get the best of you.” The voice tapped on the mic and forced out a giggle. 
“Biren shut up. I’m surviving through pure luck and spite now.” Joy further seethed growling fully irate as the tears began brimming. 
“Joy if you die. You know they have the coordinates you’re at. They’ll work their little science magic and poof, you’ll be resurrected or forcibly made into a cyborg. They own you now.” Biren closed their eyes shut and swallowed hard. 
“Yes.” Joy rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand. 
“I’m sorry Joy.” 
“Yeah. You’re a sorry ass person. I’m heading out now.” Joy muttered hobbling along to their transportation point to handle the next dimensional threat. 
“Hey Joy?” Biren questioned hesitantly. 
“What Biren?” 
“How does it feel to kill… well yourself, so many times?” 
“Sometimes it’s gratifying I can’t lie. To watch an idiot version of me face their demise. It never lasts long though. It was supposed to be me. Never them.” 
“You’ll be back soon Joy.” 
“You know it ‘ex’. Gotta start this shit over.” Joy clapped their hands together and laughed as her tears burned their eyes, “Now let’s get this shit done!” 
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SasuSaku: 11 Minutes Modern AU {Inspired by 11 minutes by Halsey and Yungblud} {TW: Death} Pick up. Pick up. Pick up.
Sasuke found himself impulsively dialing Sakura's number as the day drew to a close. Despite the late hour, he couldn't resist the urge to talk to her. It had been a year since their breakup, a decision that neither of them could explain if asked, only that they deeply missed each other and still carried a profound love within their hearts.
The phone rang, inching closer to voicemail, until a soft voice finally answered, "Hello?"
"Sakura..." Sasuke's surprise mingled with a hint of expectation as he heard her voice. "You answered?"
"Well, you called," Sakura replied gently. "What's the matter? Is everything alright?"
"No," he admitted, contemplating how much Sakura had always cared for him, no matter how many times he shattered her heart. She had patiently waited for him over the years, and even when they finally became a couple, he still managed to disappoint her. Yet here she was, her gentleness for him undiminished, tending to his well-being.
"Sasuke, what's troubling you?" Sakura's voice resonated with sorrow, mirroring the pain within her own heart.
"Sakura, I still love you," he confessed, his words brimming with remorse. "I pushed everyone away, and I regret it. But pushing you away... that's my greatest regret. I don't know Sakura why I.... but I'm sorry, and I love you." He spoke rapidly, yet with sincere conviction, as if each word lifted a massive burden from his chest. It was undeniably genuine. As he concluded his statement, a sense of relief washed over him, only to be swiftly replaced by apprehension, fearing Sakura's reaction.
"Sasuke... I love you too." Sakura's voice cracked, tears welling up in her eyes, as she realized she had been waiting for this phone call, aching for their reunion since the day they separated. "These past few months have been unbearable…I want to see you again."
"Really?" he said, his voice laced with hope. The conversation was taking an unexpected turn, surpassing his expectations. Truthfully, it had taken immense courage for him to call her in the first place.
Sakura and Sasuke consumed each other's thoughts, their presence sorely missed during the time they spent apart. They marveled at how they had managed to survive without one another for so long, cherishing the opportunity to finally be reunited.
"Of course. I want us to talk face-to-face. Are you available tomorrow?"
"Yes! I am!"
"Great. Let's meet at our café." Sasuke couldn't help but smile at Sakura's sentimental nature, her tendency to consider things theirs even when they were apart.
"Sakura, I love you."
"Sasuke, I love you too. I'll see you tomorrow."
After their brief yet productive phone call, they hung up. Sasuke gingerly placed his phone down, his heart pulsating with anticipation, as if it might burst from his chest. The night was restless for him, as excitement coursed through his veins, making sleep nearly impossible. Sasuke arrived to the cafe Sakura proposed. A few years ago they would be here every other day, it served as a mid-point between their places and also a nice place for Sakura to study for whatever Pre-Med class she was taking at the time. They spent hours here together. Being alone in the café now felt strangely unfamiliar to Sasuke, but he knew that it wouldn't be long before Sakura joined him. Taking a seat near the entrance, Sasuke positioned himself strategically, eager to catch sight of Sakura the moment she walked in. With a bit of time on his hands, he allowed his thoughts to drift back to the days leading up to their breakup. Reflecting upon his past actions and the hurtful words he had uttered, he couldn't help but acknowledge that the present version of himself would never have dared to say or do such things to Sakura. A profound sense of guilt weighed heavily upon him. He was eager to apologize to Sakura and make things right. Tell her that he never stopped loving her. That he was never able to get over her. She said she loved him too after all. There's no reason why she would reject his apology.
His phone buzzes and he instantly pulls his phone from his pocket. Sakura texts him that she's 11 minutes away. His face lights up instantly from the message.
5 minutes
10 minutes
12 minutes
15 minutes
20 minutes
35 minutes
45 minutes
Sasuke gets up from his table finally telling the waiter that he's leaving. The people who had been watching him wait patiently silently gave him sympathetic looks as he left the cafe defeated. He checks his phone one last time seeing as it's on 2% from his constant checking. He texts her one last time, 'Why aren't you here?' in attempt to get an answer for why he's been sitting alone. He exits the cafe as the message sent through and his phone died.
As he made his way to the car, a familiar tearing sensation began to well up in Sasuke's eyes. His nose twitched involuntarily, betraying the emotions swirling within him. With a heavy sigh, he retrieved the keys from his jacket pocket and unlocked the car door. As he sank into the driver's seat, frustration surged through his veins, prompting him to slam the door shut in a fit of anger.
Leaning his head back against the seat, a cascade of thoughts flooded his mind. How foolish he had been to believe that life would unfold perfectly, that everything would align as he had hoped. Doubt gnawed at him, suggesting that Sakura must harbor an intense hatred towards him, prompting her to deceitfully proclaim her love and subsequently stand him up. The bitterness of feeling betrayed first by her and then by his own perceptions enveloped him. He drives away from the parking lot and gets on the highway to go home but is met with traffic. Great just what I needed, he thinks to himself. He reflects during this period thinking of all of the memories he shared with Sakura. Thinking of the distinct fingerprint she had left on his heart. She will always be known in his heart. Once he arrived home he put his phone to charge and lied down on his bed. He sighed thinking how he fooled himself and his better senses. The situation was just too good to be true. He closed his eyes trying to sleep away his thoughts. Buzz. Buzz. Buzz. Buzz. His phone was blowing up with a variety of notifications. He opened his eyes and quickly sat up in his bed. He picked up his phone and saw the 16 text messages, 8 from Ino, 4 from Naruto, 2 from both Sai and Hinata. 3 missed calls from Ino and 1 from Naruto. Nothing from Sakura. First he checks his text messages. He read the messages sent to him first from Ino. His eyes widen and his breathing becomes uneven. He rushes to call Sakura. Pick up. Pick up. Pick up. This time the rings all lead to her voicemail. He tries again. Please pick up. Please pick up. Please pick up. Nothing. He finally called Ino who was frantic. "Sakura {...} car accident {...} on impact." Were the only words Sasuke retained from their conversation. He put his phone down on the bed and began to breathe heavily. He couldn't believe it.
Sakura had died before he got to see her again. His Sakura. He put his head in his hands and began to sob. He tried to cover his mouth so the sobs would be muffled. But it was to little avail. He never got to apologize. He never got to make amends. Hold her hand again. Kiss her. Say I love you. Hear her say I love you one last time. He would sell his soul for a bit more time with her. Even if it was that conversation they were supposed to have. Hell, even a phone call would do. But he genuinely and truly wishes it was him instead that died.
The guilt finally washed over him. He was thinking that she stood him up. That’s she didn’t care for him. That she hated him. She had died and he was moping about, thinking she betrayed him.
With his hand in his head he grips his hair and hears the door to his apartment burst wide open.
“Sasuke!” Naruto calls out. Sasuke hears his footsteps in the living room and then heard him rushing to Sasuke’s room. The door flew wide open. “Sasuke!” Naruto saw Sasuke’s state and knew immediately that Sasuke knew what had happened. “I’m so sorry.”
Typically Sasuke would hate the company during a time like this but he couldn’t even find himself to mind. Right now all he was thinking of was Sakura and all of the memories they never got to make.
“Did you know we were gonna meet?” Sasuke said with his head lowered still. “She died cause I wanted to see her.” He tried to stabilize his breathing and speak through his deep sorrow.
“This isn’t your fault.” Naruto said. He cared for Sakura too. They were a trio after all, even as Sasuke and Sakura were both together. Things fell apart after their breakup but Naruto would still spend qual time with both. The pain was hitting him tremendously. But seeing Sasuke in this state made his own pain subside and he felt Sasuke’s pain. It was admittedly worse.
“She told me she still loved me…” His voice trailing off as his whole body was shaking with panic and tears attempting to fall down his face. He’d wipe them as soon as they hit his cheek. “I loved her too and this is what happened...?”
At the funeral her close family and friends stayed behind as the guests began to leave. The day was sunny and even could have been called a perfect day if it wasn’t for the unfortunate and untimely death of someone who was more bright and perfect than the day itself.
Ino approaches Sasuke who looks lost as he gazes upon Sakura’s grave. It was a sight he never could have ever imagined. But there it was, right in front of him.
“Sasuke.” Ino said, breaking him from his trance.
“Sakura…” Her voice began breaking as she wiped her nose with a tissue. “She really wanted to see you that day. I don’t think she even slept. She was so excited that you said you still loved her.” She ran through her words to prevent herself from crying. She embraced Sasuke who typically hated physical contact from anyone else other than Sakura. But he accepted the embrace. "She loved you too."
“Thank you Ino.” He said as he backed away from the embrace.
Every Sunday Sasuke would replace the flowers at Sakura’s grave. All he can think about is the fact that she isn't here anymore. Why aren't you here? Crosses his mind every time he thinks of her {end}
{let me know if I should rewrite this in Sakura's perspective /sakura centric}
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materialgworlas · 1 year
“W-what?” Levi croaked, staring wide-eyed at the doctor who had on a plastered neutral expression. “What I’m saying Mr. Ackerman, is that Y/n is in a medically induced coma.” She repeated for the third time. “Why?” “It seems Y/n has had a major shock to her system that caused her to give birth so suddenly.” Levi averted his eyes- guilt consuming his soul.
 “…But, since she was able to carry the child through her third trimester it was only a matter of time before she gave birth to your healthy baby boy.” The doctor added, hoping it would give Levi some sense of comfort. “Giving birth in these circumstances put so much stress of Y/n that we thought it best to put her in a come so her body could rest and heal since we’ve found nothing medically we can repair.” She explained. “…So, there’s a chance…” he couldn’t finish his sentence. “Yes Mr. Ackerman, it’s likely that in time she will wake up. But I wouldn’t be doing my job if I didn’t advise you to brace yourself for the possibility that she might not.”
That was almost a week ago.
Levi hated it here, the grey washed out walls that reminded him of death, the district hospital smell that reminded him of several cleaning products, the tubes that protruded from your body, the cold was doctors addressed family members as they gave them earth shattering news- whether good or bad. They were like robots to him- and coming from Levi Ackerman that’s saying a lot. But he had to be here. Where else would he go? He had to stay by your side and his son’s. he’d been told that due to the emergency birth they had concerns about your child too- though he seemed fine, they didn’t want to take any chances.
Levi hadn’t been home since the day he drove you to the hospital the hospital had set up a bed in your room for him. Erwin would regularly come to give Levi a change of clothes and hange would bring him food. He’d get visits from Eren and the gang too baring presents; you meant as much to them as Levi did, always so supporting and encouraging. To them you two were this amazing power couple who’d served as an inspiration for true love, and they’d be damned if they weren’t gonna shower you with affection in your time of need.
“Yeager?” Levi hummed, sensing the boy’s presence without taking his eyes of your still figure. “Y-yes sir.” The boy stuttered, “I know Y/n loves flowers and chocolate so…” he found space to place the large bouquet of your favourite flowers on the window sill and a box of chocolates on the table beside your bed.” “Always with the damn gifts, the room is litteraly filled to the brim with them.” Levi muttered, though deep down he was grateful for all the support. “Then they’d better move Y/n into a bigger room so we can fill that too.” The boy joked managing to crack a smile out of Levi. “Where are the others?” “Armin and Mikasa went baby clothes shopping, they’ll stop by later today. Jean Connie and Sasha are with your kid now- probably making stupid faces through the glass at him again.”  “Brats” Levi chuckled before Eren continued, “Erwin and hange were trying to find that special tea you like that calms your nerves and probably more baby items last time I checked.”
Levi was silent for a moment before he took your hand, “Did you hear that my love?” he sighed “I don’t know what you did to get everyone so wrapped around your figures but they’re a lot of people waiting for you to come back now so you may as well.” A sad smile formed on Eren’s lips as he watched Levi converse with you, and replying to the things he’d imagine you’d say.
“LEVI!” Erwin burst through the doors, “Come quickly, it’s your son!” in a flash the two booked it down the corridors and practically flew down the stairs. he could barely think straight at this point- he felt guilty for leaving you but Eren had hastily assured him that he’d watch over you. They were both panting then they made it to the NICU Where they found hange, Connie, Jean and Sasha all huddled around a doctor with shocked faces. “What happened?!” Levi gasped, “Well don’t just stand there, tell ‘em doc!” Hange screeched. “Ah, well Mr. Ackerman, your son’s test have all come back and show he’s healthy enough to take home.” He smiled. “Shit.” Levi breathed out, relief flooding his system. “H-he can come home?” Levi faintly smiled. “…Can i…?” “Of course.” The doctor smiled motioning for Levi to pick up his son.
At first it was a bit awkward, he looked so small and fragile swaddled in his blue blanket with his eyes tightly screwed shut. And squirmed just enough for Levi to fear he was hurting the child and quickly looked to the doctor for help, though he assured him the baby was fine. After a few minutes of struggling Levi was finally able to hold his son in a decent position, allowing him to truly take in the boys features. He has your nose, Levi thought smiling fondly at the boy and the slight pout he wore vaguely reminded him of himself. He had short black curly hair which seemed to be a mixture of the both of you and fair light brown skin. “Beautiful.” Levi muttered under his breath, admiring his baby boy.
The sweet moment was interrupted by excessively loud blowing of two handkerchiefs, Levi glared at the source of the sound- Hange and Jean, who’d been so touched by the special moment. “Have you thought of a name?” Erwin spoke up, smiling gently at the baby.  “No.” Levi snapped, a small frown forming on his face that matched his sons. “I- of course. I’m sorry Levi.” Erwin sighed in understanding- He couldn’t name his son without you. “Then might I suggest a… reunion?” everyone gave the name a curious look, “Doctor, would it be possible if Levi take his son to Y/n?”
Levi’s heart nearly jumped out of his chest. Oh god, you haven’t even met! He thought. He quickly glanced to the doctor who seemed to be mulling over the request. “...I don’t see the harm in reuniting a family.” He finally spoke making everyone let out a breath they didn’t know they’d been holding in. Sasha AND Connie let out excited squeals while Jean and Hange silently wept some more. Levi gave Erwin a grateful look before following doctor with his son in his arms.
“Y-y/n.” Levi softly spoke, “I’ve brought you someone to meet. Well- the fact that you’re just meeting now it ridiculous but of course your son decided to make a grand entrance into the world.” he chuckled bringing the baby closer to your body, placing his small hand in yours. “Now listen here brat, your mum’s one tough lady so doesn’t think just cause she’s sleeping now changes anything. She’s a lot stronger than us both which is why I know she’s coming back. Y-you hear me Y/n, I know you’re coming back to us.” Levi choked up towards the end and tightly shut his eyes as a tear rolled down his face and splashed onto where your hands met.
“…You cryin Ackerman?” a faint voice broke the silence. Levi’s eyes snapped open- only to see you staring right at him. “…Y/n?” was all he could manage out.  “Levi.” You weakly smiled, taking in his tired yet still handsome features, “You look like hell.” You chuckled, “Tch and whose fault is that.” He smiled. Just then you heard a small cooing noise that made you jump slightly before your eyes widened seeing the small baby in your boyfriend’s arms. Your baby. “I-is that…” you couldn’t finish your sentence before a sob that’d been welling up inside you finally escaped which seemed to open the flood gates.  “Look who’s crying now.” Levi chuckled through his own tears.
“What’s his name?” you asked, “I was gonna ask you.” He admitted, “…Can i-“Without even having to finish your sentence Levi gently put your son in your arms. “He’s got my nose.” You smiled “And your pouty lips!” “Tch.” “…S/n…” you hummed and the baby turned his head to nuzzle more into you. “He seems to like that one.” Levi chuckled, wipe away a few stray tears from your face. “S/n it is!” you smiled. “…I’m sor-“ “Don’t.” You cut him off. “There’s no way in hell any of this was your fault Levi Ackerman! And I will not have you feeling sorry for yourself when we have a whole human to raise now.” You said firmly. Your boyfriend felt like his heart was about to explode, staring at the love of his life he had only one thought swirly in his head now- I’ve got to marry this woman.
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hindisoup · 1 year
Do you remember what the first Hindi song you listened to was? Do you still listen to it? Did it inspire you to study the language further, or did you ignore it at the time? Spill the musical beans.
Oh, this is an interesting one. The first Hindi film I watched purposefully - as in I made a conscious decision to watch an Indian film not necessarily thinking of its language (in the beginning I watched a mix of South Asian films - Hindi, Tamil, Telugu etc. not really understanding the difference until a bit later) was Daawat-e-Ishq (2014).
I was completely blown away by the aesthetics and whole concept of there being a film with songs in it without it being a musical in the Western sense (Moulin Rouge (2001) was the previous film that swept me away back in the day and that’s a whole another story).
Seeing the song Shayarana on the film had me baffled, how can there be so talented people that look so beautiful - to me it seemed that they can do it all, act, dance, and sing too.
That bubble was burst soon enough when I learned about playback singing but instead of taking anything away from my experience it increased my fascination when I started realising how big and complex productions South Asian films must be and how much talent is included especially when there are numerous song and dance numbers in a single film. I mean there are some Western actors and actresses I appreciate as talented in their craft but there are very few I can even imagine to do an Indian style dance number with a straight face let alone with anything close to the grace required in the more classical style numbers.
Anyway, the point is not to compare the art per se but to highlight my amazement of this whole new world of South Asian cinema I had had no idea existed (well I had seen Marigold (2007) ages ago but back then my reaction was more like ‘meh’ and to be honest it’s just not that good of a film so not the best introduction anyway).
My favourite song of Daawat-e-Ishq was and still is Mannat and I remember it being the first song I searched from YouTube as a lyrical video. To me the lines of the chorus:
मेरी मन्नत तू, तुझ को है तुझ से माँगा
मेरी मन्नत तू, तुझ को है मौला माना
Merī mannat tū, tujh ko hai tujh se māṅgā
Merī mannat tū, tujh ko hai maulā mānā
They sounded like an incomprehensible chant where I struggled to separate the words from one another. I listened to it on repeat until slowly I was able to untangle the sounds in a way that I could sing along - not understanding a single word - and it was such a brain rush.
I remember watching this film maybe three times quite soon right after I had seen it the first time and it’s soundtrack was the first I downloaded on my then iPod (may it rest in peace). I enjoyed it a lot and I was worried that the next Indian film I’d watch wouldn’t be as nice and it would sort of jinx it for me - I really really wanted there to be more similar films. I had little idea of the volume of Hindi cinema at that time. After I took the leap and watched Jab We Met (2007) next, there really was no going back for me.
My language studies started seriously only a couple of years later, but by that time I had gathered such a robust vocabulary of strands of hair blowing in the wind, rain, heart beats and infatuation from hundreds of film songs that I felt miles ahead of my course mates on the Hindi beginner’s course I attended.
Thanks for the ask, this really took me years back!
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jadequeen88 · 3 years
Accidental Valentine
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This is my fic for The Citrus Dome Server Lover’s Day Literature Collab! Please go check out The Masterlist and support all of the amazing artists and writers that have contributed.🖤
A/N: WHEW guys... I don’t think I’ve put this much work into a fic EVER. I’ve been feeling pretty bad about my body and wanted to write a reader who struggled with it as well. Who better to boost your confidence than DILF Kiri feeding your praise kink?! I was heavily influenced by this amazing drabble by @rat-suki​ and got permission to use it as my inspiration for this fic.🖤 (for reference, reader is 30 and Kirishima is 42)
Thanks to @afictionalwhore and my dear friend Orchid for the beta read!🖤
RetiredProHero!Kirishima x YoungerF!Reader
Word Count: 5.3k
TW: size difference, oral (both receiving), daddy kink, praise kink (lots and lots of praise), TBH the sex is pretty vanilla but very passionate, both are insecure about their bodies.
When you trudged into work this morning, you didn’t ever dream of meeting your childhood idol/crush, but here you are, staring up at a beautiful mountain of a man. Eijiro Kirishima, or retired pro hero Red Riot, had never come into your coffee shop before and you’d never imagined he would. He was huge. Nearly 7 ft tall and built like a brick house. His hair was back to his natural black with flecks of silver at his temples and hung long and wild around his shoulders. He had on a pair of glasses and wore a dark maroon sweater and jeans.
Even though he’s aged, he looks just as handsome as the young man you fell for as a girl.
The year he made his debut, you were only six, and like most other six-year-olds, you idolized the pro heroes. Most of your friends loved Deku or Dynamite, but you always loved Red Riot. His smile, warmth, and his fiercely protective nature made your tiny heart burst with admiration. Throughout his hero career, you kept up with all of his interviews, the battles he’d been in, the awards he’d won, and his hero rankings. You’d also gotten as much merch as possible over the years and still wore your worn-out, oversized Red Riot t-shirt to sleep in. When he retired a couple of years ago, you still scanned articles online trying to gather bits and pieces of information about the hero, but he wasn’t one to seek out the spotlight. You think that’s probably why he’d always been your favorite. He was a true hero. Serving the citizens and keeping them safe was his top priority. You didn’t want to admit it, but you kept up with him for one main reason… You wanted to know if he was seeing anyone.
You remember being eaten up with jealousy when you’d see his arm around another woman going to galas and award ceremonies. Your sixteen-year-old brain knew that of course, he’d date women. He was a grown man and a pro hero. But your heart would ache, wanting to be the one his soft eyes and pointy-toothed grin was fixed on.
Now those same eyes were fixed on you, his mouth moving and forming words, but you were too star-struck to hear what he was saying. When you snapped out of your daze and remembered you were supposed to be taking his order, you were mortified.
“I-I’m so sorry sir! Could you please repeat that?”
“Sure thing!” his bright smile was hypnotizing, “Just a venti-sized flat white. Have you had your coffee yet? Ya looked a little far away there for a second, kid.”
Your heart leaped at the little nickname. “Yeah, sorry about that! I guess I should get a couple of shots of espresso in me before I try to be productive.” You chuckle nervously as you scribble his order on the cup and turn to make his drink.
“Oh, uhh…” he peeks around the counter to get your attention, “Do you need my name? For the order?”
You freeze realizing you forgot basic, barista 101 etiquette…
“Actually,” you face him, a sheepish grin on your face, avoiding eye contact, “I know your name. You… umm, were my favorite hero,” you blush, and your eyes widen in embarrassment, “you know when I was a kid...”
You turn back to your work, kicking yourself for being so awkward. 
“Really? I think you’re the first person to recognize me since ya know,” he circled his head with his pointer finger, “I stopped dying my hair..”
You turned your head to peer up at him through your dark lashes, a light dusting of blush still on your cheeks, “Well, I like it. It looks good on you.”
The retired pro’s heart was bursting at how damned cute you were. Was this pretty, young girl… embarrassed? Over him?! He watched your tiny hands move as they worked on his drink order, wondering how small they’d feel grasped in his massive ones. Your soft hair caught in the sunlight making you look like a literal angel and he sighed. You reached up to grab a canister from the top shelf and a sliver of soft skin between your t-shirt and jeans peeked through. His gaze became far away and he damn near drooled at the sight. Just how long had it been since he’d touched another woman? Kirishima wasn’t one for casual flings. He always got too invested in whoever he was seeing. So when he and his long-time girlfriend broke things off a couple of years ago, he wasn’t rushing back into the dating scene.
However, things were a little more… complicated than just not finding the right girl to commit to. He was getting older and it was starting to show. Over the past few years, he’d lost his confidence. He’s bulkier around the middle no matter what workouts or diets he tries. Overuse of his quirk has caused stretchmarks and scars all over his skin. He was starting to get crow’s feet and he was overall just TOO big and TOO hairy. He felt like some sort of gorilla walking around in human clothing. Kirishima isn’t stupid or trying to fool himself. A young, gorgeous thing like you wasn’t looking for anything from an old, washed-up man like him. But, fuck… It was nearly impossible for him to move his gaze away from your ass… Oh, the things he’d do to you if he were a few years younger...
You turned to look over your shoulder and notice his gaze… and it’s apparent that he’s checking you out. He looks like a man starved, eyes glued to your ass.
“Well, well, well… maybe he wasn’t so annoyed with my fangirling after all.”
When he realized you’d gone still, his eyes met yours and he quickly averted his gaze. His cheeks turned as red as his hair used to be. You busied yourself with the milk steamer to hide your big, goofy grin. With a new burst of confidence, you decide to take a chance and when you go to write his name on his to-go cup, you write
 “Big Red <3” 
You pause, bite your lip, and think to yourself, “why the hell not?” as you scribble your number underneath the nickname. You turn to give him his drink and your nerves almost make you retreat and make a whole new drink. Then he meets your gaze and your world stops spinning. His vermillion eyes crinkle at the edges as his scared lips turn upwards into a syrupy sweet smile.
When Kirishima takes his drink from you, your fingers brush his for the briefest second and he can tell they’re trembling. “Oh no, I hope I haven’t made her nervous or uncomfortable.” He wanted to go crawl in a hole… That was until he saw what you’d written on his cup.
He stammers, looking from the cup to your face like he’s checking to see if you’re pulling a prank on him or not. Before he can say anything, you bite your lip and look up at him. 
“I’m off work this Sunday. Just… if you’d like to hang out or something.” your gaze shifts and you tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. 
After a moment or two, his face lights up in a huge grin. “Y-yeah, great!” he turns and walks a few steps, then turns around and motions at the cup, “So… I should just, ahh… text you?”
You giggle and it’s the sweetest sound he’s heard in a long time, “That would be nice, yeah.”
“Okay, great!... Talk later then!” He waves and leaves the coffee shop, feeling light as a feather and ten years younger.
Sunday rolls around and you spend the morning making sure the place is cleaner than it’s been in weeks. Your place was small but cozy. For a fleeting moment, you’re a little insecure about how modest your apartment is. You don’t know exactly how wealthy pros are when they retire, but you know he’s more familiar with much nicer places than yours. You decide he probably knew just what to expect on a barista’s salary and tried to put it out of your mind. You checked on the cookies baking in the oven. When you found out through your text conversations that he loved chocolate chip cookies with the large chunks of dark chocolate baked in, you went out and bought everything to make them the same day. You kept watching over them like a hawk to avoid burning them. They still looked pretty gooey, so you decided it would be safe to get changed into something a little nicer. Just as you were about to turn the corner into your bedroom, your doorbell rang.
“Shit!” you looked at your phone and sure enough, you let time get away from you. He was here and you were still in your cropped leggings and t-shirt, sporting a messy bun and dirty apron. You groaned as you realized you couldn’t leave him on your doorstep while you changed. Defeated, you hurried to the door.
You opened the door, hoping that you at least didn’t have flour in your hair, and looked up into the much larger man’s eyes. The realization that THE Red Riot was standing this close to you made your stomach flutter and a goofy grin slide across your face. While you stood there star-struck, he broke the silence.
“Wow, it smells amazing in here!”
“Oh!” you jumped a little then promptly ran over to your oven, “Sorry! Please come on in!” you said over your shoulder as you were pulling your oven mitts on. 
Kirishima walked into your cozy apartment and instantly felt at ease. He couldn’t pinpoint just what it was, but something about your place felt more like home than any place he’d ever lived before. As he finished scanning your apartment, his eyes landed on you taking the cookies out of the oven. The comfortable, domestic feel of the place coupled with your ass on full display as you bent down to remove the cookies from the oven had his jeans tightening. You stood up and he averted his gaze before you turned around, not wanting to get caught checking your ass out for a second time.
“Fair warning, I’m not a talented baker by any means,” you removed your oven mitts after placing the cookie sheets on the cooling rack and flashed a sly grin his way, “But when Red Riot tells you what his favorite cookies are… Ya kinda gotta make them, right?”
Oh… If you only knew how pent up this man was… he debated bending you over right then and there and fucking you until you couldn’t walk. He really hit the jackpot with you… a hot, younger woman with the perfect ass who bakes him cookies and for some reason thinks he hung the moon? Kirishima would have given you a ring right then and there if he didn’t think it would scare you off.
“Well,” he radiated warmth as he looked between you and the cookies cooling on the rack, “If you’re not the sweetest thing! I, ahh… might have gotten you a little something too.” he then held up a 6 pack of your favorite cider. “Because when Y/N, L/N tells you what her favorite cider is… Ya kinda gotta get her some.” he winked and you felt your knees buckle and your cheeks burn. You felt like you were in a fairytale.
Then you remembered that the princesses in fairytales definitely did not wear flour-riddled black leggings, old t-shirts, and dirty aprons.
“OH! Umm, I need to go get cleaned up. I’ll only be a minu-” his massive hand wrapped around your wrist as you walked past him. It covered half of your forearm and a shudder ran through you. You wanted those giant hands to roam every inch of your body.
“Please don’t,” his eyes were half-lidded and his voice was low, “...I think you look beautiful like this.” his calloused thumb traced little circles on your skin not meeting your gaze. His deep voice was impossibly tender.
Now that you’d felt his skin on yours, you couldn’t contain your churning desires any longer. You wanted, needed, more. Rising up on your tiptoes, you curled your fist into Kirishima’s shirt collar and pulled his face toward yours.
You felt him tense up for a moment, then relax into the kiss. His massive hands found purchase on your hips, digging into the pliant flesh there. A needy whimper caught in his throat spurring you on to deepen the kiss. 
It was like your bodies were working around each other in perfect harmony… lips parting at a slow pace, like honey dripping from the edge of a spoon and tongues meeting in the middle to taste each other. You both savored the kiss for as long as you could, eyes lazily drifting open and shared breaths causing your hearts to dance out of your chests. 
You saw him falter, his gaze dropping, and you feared that you overstepped. 
“Kirishima I-“
“Ejiro,” he stopped you with a hand against your cheek, “Call me Eijiro…” his thumb caressed your bottom lip slowly, back and forth. His touch held so much devotion in it.
“Eijiro…” you sighed, looking up at him with pleading eyes, “I need you…”
The giant of a man before you swept you up into his arms and began walking down your hallway. You quickly wrapped your arms and legs around his hulking frame as if you were climbing a tree. 
“Second door on the right,” you were panting into his neck, leaving sloppy kisses all over it. 
You blew a cool stream of air along his damp skin and felt him shudder. A giggle bubbled up from your chest at being able to weaken a retired pro-hero known for being a human shield against the worst villains Japan has ever known. Your little stunt resulted in a grunt and a firm, warning squeeze to your thigh.
“So that’s what we’re doing today, huh?” he tosses you on the bed just hard enough to make you bounce up a little… then he’s on you, placing light kisses all along your neck as he prods your sides looking for a ticklish spot. You can’t remember the last time you laughed this hard and the fact that it was your idol drawing it from you made you dizzy with joy.
“Mercy! Mercy!” you were breathless and your abdomen ached from the forceful laughs Ejiro was pulling from you. He blew a raspberry on your neck as a final tease then relented, sitting up to meet your gaze.
You were absolutely smitten. You caressed the lines around his eyes and the scar that split his lips as your eyes roamed across his features. Every crease, every scar… you wanted to kiss them all. When his gaze faltered and he pulled away to sit beside you on the bed, the feeling you’d done something wrong resurfaced. You sat up beside him and placed your hand on his thigh.
“Eijiro…” your voice was barely above a whisper, “I’m sorry, I know I can come on a little strong sometimes, and I don’t want to make you uncomfortable. I just…” your eyes meet and his gaze is unreadable.
“No, no…” his ruby eyes drop to the floor, “It’s just that,” he chuckles nervously, “Well, it’s been a while. I’m not very good with casual flings and the like. So I don’t really date much…”
You rise to your feet and move to stand in front of him. Sitting in front of you on your bed, you’re only slightly below eye level with him. You place your tiny hands on his thick thighs and nudge them apart so you can slot your hips between them.
“When I told you that you were my favorite hero,” you reach for his wrist and remove the hair tie from it, “What that actually meant was that I’d watch the news every day just to make sure you were safe.” 
Slender fingers move through his wild mane of silver-flecked hair untangling any knots, “It meant that when that villain with the sludge quirk put you in the hospital for a couple of days, my mom let me stay home from school because I was so distraught,” you pulled all of his untangled hair to the nape of his neck and began wrapping the hair tie around it.
“It meant that my silly sixteen-year-old heart would ache when I saw you hand in hand with a girl in a magazine going out on a date,” you grinned at how silly you felt admitting that. Once his hair was secured in a low ponytail, your hands trailed along his broad shoulders.
“Now that I’ve thoroughly embarrassed myself, I’ll get to the point.” your intense gaze held years of longing for the hero in front of you, “Nothing about this is casual for me.”
Tears pricked the corners of Kirishima’s eyes. Had anyone ever showed him this much tender devotion? All the years he’d taken beating after beating, a glorified human shield, content with leaving most of the game to his friends. He was all rough edges and bulk. He was the one doing the protecting every time. Even in his romantic relationships, he was the one who would give, and give, and give… never asking or expecting to be taken care of. Being handled with such care was utterly foreign to him and it stirred up a deep need he never knew was there.
“Eji…” his glassy eyes met yours, “Can I take care of you?” you sank to your knees, hands sliding up his thighs.
Your hands made quick work of his button and zipper. He shifted his hips upwards to help you ease his jeans down his thick thighs and you pulled his jeans and boxers down in one slow pull. Nothing would have prepared you for just how huge he was. Your eyes widened for a fraction of a second, wondering how you’d get that thing to fit inside your cunt, much less your mouth… but it was something you were eager to find out.
Looking up at him from under your dark lashes, you made a show of lewdly licking your lips. You flattened your tongue and drug the wet muscle from his base right above his neatly trimmed patch of black hair, all the way to the swollen, red tip of his head. You felt the powerful muscles in his thighs clench as his head rolled back and a delicious moan escaped his open mouth. Making your hero come undone with one lick to his cock was intoxicating. 
“Fuck, baby…” Kirishima fisted the sheets praying he wouldn’t come just from your teasing. He’s not sure his pride could handle it. It became a very real threat when he dared to look down at you kissing and licking all up and down his length. Once your mouth had gotten him wet enough, your soft hands joined your warm mouth in worshiping his cock. You met his gaze as you kissed his tip and licked up the pre that was escaping in pearlescent beads. When you had teased him to your contentment, you swallowed him down as deep as your throat would allow, wrapped your hand around his base, and moaned.
Kirishima had many blowjobs in his life. In fact, he’d had some that he would say were pretty amazing… but in all his adult life, he’d never been so thoroughly and enthusiastically devoured like this. He threaded his fingers of one hand in your loose bun and fisted your bed sheets in his other to ground himself. After a minute or two, he felt his release creeping up much faster than he wanted.
He placed his hands on either side of your face causing you to stop bobbing your head and look up at him. He ran his thumb against your swollen bottom lip and you leaned into his tender touch. He bends forward and places a kiss on the top of your head.
“Lay down on the bed,” he whispers into your hair. Nerves starting to catch up to you, you shook slightly as you stood from your spot on the floor. Before you lay down, you remember to take your apron off then lay on your pillows, heart pounding awaiting further instruction.
Kirishima hovers over you reminding you yet again just how tiny you are compared to him. His warm hand covers your knee and slowly travels up your thigh, stopping right before he meets your throbbing core. He runs his hand back down your thigh to gently nudge your knees apart. Leaning on his forearms, he positions himself between your thighs and you gasp at the friction created where your bodies meet. While planting tender kisses on your neck, he whispers, “I need you to promise that you’ll tell me if I need to stop or if something doesn’t feel okay. Can you do that?”
“Y-yes…” you moan as he nibbles on your earlobe, teasing with his sharp teeth but not breaking your skin.
“Mmm,” he places sweet kisses all along your jaw, your breath catching in your throat, “Good girl.”
Receiving praise from him made your chest swell. You wanted nothing more than to please this man you were rapidly falling for. He sat up, legs folded under his body, and slowly slid his hands under the hem of your oversized t-shirt. You felt his hands still on your stomach and looked up from where you were laying on your pillows to see what had made him freeze.
He met your gaze with a devilish grin, “Baby girl…” his thumbs run small circles on your skin, “Did you wear this for me?” 
When you realize what he’s talking about, you hide your face and groan into your hands. You completely forgot that you were still in your old Red Riot t-shirt that you usually slept in. “Oh my god, this is so embarrassing!” you mumbled behind your palms.
Kirishima chuckled and shushed you, “No, no, no… This is the sexiest thing you could have possibly worn.” He pulls the hem of your t-shirt up to expose your tummy, burying his face in the soft skin there. Gentle kisses were placed all along the waistline of your leggings, every squishy part and every little stretchmark that decorated your skin like tiny spiderwebs were lovingly caressed with his plush lips. Having the part of your body you were the most self-conscious of worshiped like this felt more vulnerable than sex.
As the kisses traveled higher, they became sloppier and more desperate. You lifted your arms to allow him to remove your shirt, exposing your plain white cotton bra. The feel of his stubble against your skin as he moaned into your cleavage sent shivers down your body. Instead of paying attention to your neglected nipples, his warm mouth carved a path up the column of your throat, head thrown back to give him as much access as possible.
Kirishima whispered against the tender skin under your earlobe, “This okay, baby?” two large fingers dip into the front of your leggings. You nod enthusiastically, unable to form a coherent answer, “Mmm… I need words, sweet thing. You can do that for me, can’t you?”
“Yes… it’s more than okay,” your chests are touching as he works his hand down the front of your pants.
When Kirishima’s thick fingers slid between your drenched folds, you arched your back and grasped his forearm. Slowly, he spread your slick around, dancing past your clit with each stroke. His teasing was turning you into a whimpering mess underneath him. 
He had all the time in the world and having you melt underneath his touch was the best way he could hope to spend it. After what felt like an eternity of him gently brushing against you, only slightly dipping into your needy hole and barely grazing your clit, you were openly panting and whining. A steady stream of praises flowed from his lips.
“You’re such a pretty girl… such a pretty little pussy.”
“Look at how wet you are for me. Like this, huh? My pretty girl likes my fingers teasing her?”
“I can’t wait to lick my fingers clean. You’re gonna taste so sweet.”
You were so worked up that tears began to form in your eyes, “Eji… I-“
“Hmm? What is it, baby girl? Need something?” His finger drags around your clit slowly, adding a fraction more pressure. 
“Please, I need more Eji,” your nails digging into his forearm were leaving little crescents in his thick skin.
“Sweet girl,” he meets your mouth with a slow, wet kiss, “you can have whatever you want.”
Without hesitation, he sits up and pulls your leggings down with your panties. A groan rattles his large chest when he sees a thread of your slick attached to the crotch. Once his face is buried in between your thighs, it’s a real possibility he might come just from eating you out. 
All the teasing had brought him to the edge as well and he was out of patience. With a few hurried kisses to each thigh, he dove into your dripping cleft. His tongue plunged into your core as he nudged his nose into your puffy clit. 
You cry out and convulse around his face. His arms wrap around your thighs, firmly but gently holding your legs open to give him full access to eat you as thoroughly as possible. When he moves to suck your clit, you know you won’t last much longer. As he nurses on your sensitive nub, you feel the familiar tightening in your lower body. He picks up on this and moans into your skin as he greedily sucks. 
“Ahh… Ahh, I’m- I’m gonna….”
“Oh that’s it,” he encourages you by praising you and massaging your thighs in his massive hands, “let me have it, baby girl. Come on, I’ve got you, I’ve got you.”
Your toes curl and back arches as you’re thrown over the edge. “Oh FUCK!! Coming, coming…. ooooh god… ahh D-daddy!…”
“Daddy, is it? Goddamn”
Kirishima felt his dick twitch and his breath caught in his throat.
He wipes his face on the back of his hands and makes a show of licking his fingers clean as he leans over you, nose touching yours.
“What was that baby?” His voice was strained as he pressed his dick into the warm, damp skin of your thigh…
You bat your lashes and ghost your lips over his as you whisper, “Daddy… please let me ride you. I need you inside me.” The nail in Kirishima’s coffin was when you licked his bottom lip then quickly followed with a chaste kiss.
You waste no time wrapping your thighs around his waist and twisting. He follows your lead and lays flat on his back letting you straddle him. You grab the hem of his shirt and similarly tease him, leaving a trail of kisses along his broad stomach. Kirishima flinches a little, self-conscious of his skin and how soft his middle had gotten over the years. You meet his eyes as you pull his shirt over his broad shoulders and run your hands back down his body. 
“Mmm, you have no idea how long I’ve wanted this,” hands and eyes roamed over the expanse of skin in front of you, “It’s even better than in my dreams.”
He wondered for the hundredth time how got this lucky. You really loved his body? Maybe… maybe he wasn’t in as bad of shape as he thought…
“No,” his hands rubbed your hips, kneading your soft skin, “You’re better than I’d ever hoped to find.” He sits upon the headboard and pulls you closer into his lap, “Now,” he pulls your hair free of the messy bun, “Can you be a good girl and come on my cock?”
You lift your hips and place his tip at your entrance. That alone caused a delicious stretch and you knew it would be a slow process getting him to fit comfortably.
“Yes, Daddy,” your hands wrapped around his neck and he growled as he pulled you into a rough kiss.
“Good fuckin girl.” 
He helped lower you onto his cock with lots of kisses, praises, and gentle squeezes. When you got closer to his base, the pain was too much for a moment. Kirishima used his thumb to rub circles into your clit, shushing you sweetly against your parted mouth. 
“Are you okay, baby?” He brushes your hair off your sweaty forehead with his free hand while his other is still working your clit over.
“Yes, Daddy,” you whisper, “You fill me up so well. I love your massive cock filling me up.”
“You’re gonna make me crazy, you know that? Huh?” He pulls your lower lip into his mouth and sucks. You both sit for a while, exchanging kisses and whispers while you adjust to his girth.
“Are you ready to move now, sweet girl?” 
“Yes, Daddy…” he helps you move, dragging your hips up and down his shaft.
After a few deep thrusts, you both increase your pace, matching each other’s movements. It’s not long before your head is thrown back, tears escaping the corners of your eyes. Loud moans and curses escape your mouth as one nipple is pulled into Kirishima’s mouth.
“Oh, Daddy! Fuck, fuck! Right there, right there… I… I’m… AHH!” Before you can even say anything, you’ve come undone, spasming around his cock. 
“Oh, good girl, good fuckin girl,” you go limp and bury your face into his neck while he slams your hips onto his, chasing his release. The feeling of him using your body to get off makes you dizzy with joy. You lean into his ear whispering, “Please come inside me. Wanna feel you come inside me, Daddy… please, need your come inside me, Daddy.” 
Your slurred pleas against his ear send him over the edge into a mind-numbing orgasm. As he comes down from his high and looks into your face full of adoration, he knows he’s caught… hook, line, and sinker. 
The rest of the evening is spent eating cookies on your couch, drinking cider, and watching your favorite crime drama. The sweet kisses and touches sprinkled throughout the night feel so natural… Like you’ve been together for years instead of hours. 
You end up with Kirishima’s head in your lap, running your fingers through his hair as he closes his eyes and relaxes into your touch. The clock on your wall reads 12:30 am and it dawns on you what day it officially is.
“Hmm?” He opens one eye and reaches up to scratch your scalp. 
“Will you be my valentine?” You bite your bottom lip to stifle a silly grin.
He sits up and pulls you into a bear hug. 
“What kinda silly question is that? Of course. I don’t ever want another valentine besides you.”
Your heart explodes and you kiss him, grabbing his cheeks in both hands. 
“Sixteen-year-old me is absolutely losing her shit right now,” you giggle, rubbing his nose with yours.
“Well,” he grabs your ass and raises an eyebrow, “Forty-two-year-old me is losing his shit right now over finding such a sweet girl with such a sweet ass on her,” he nips at your neck and you squeal.
“Ooh, you ready for another round, old man?”
He growls and throws you over his shoulder. A swift spank to your ass causes you to burst into a fit of laughter. 
“Oh, so I’m dealing with a brat now? You want me to show you what this old man does to little brats?” He squeezes your thighs as he makes his way to the bedroom. 
“But I’m your good girl! Remember?!”
“Yeah, yeah… We’ll see about that.”
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blackcherrykiss · 3 years
BLOOD BOUNDARIES - Enhypen OT7 Fanfic (ch.5)
[CH.1] [CH.2] [CH.3] [CH.4]  previous chapters
[CH.6] next chapter (now available!)
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genre: vampire au, romance, drama, mystery, thriller
note: written inspired by enhypen's storyline, given-taken lyrics & teasers. please keep in mind all members are apart of this fanfic and the main theme is mystery/drama!
P.S Niki and Sunoo's roles become bigger in later chapters :) sorry I took 2 weeks to update. School + new enhypen teasers made me alter the story now jesus their lore is confusingly interesting. Didn't proofread half of this chapter LOL. Happy readings <3
"Well now that everyone is here, I'd like to announce we have a new student who just transferred here." Your eyes were immediately drawn to the student's platinum blonde hair. Despite his sharp and charismatic face, his eyes were delicate and innocent. He had an exceptionally small face and a sunkissed skin tone. The new student snapped himself around so that the entire classroom got a good look at him, "Hello, my name is Park Jongseong or Jay, call me whatever you feel." He bowed slightly, his voice having a cool ring that played over in your head.
"Everybody please welcome Jay to our astronomy class. Lend him any of our previous notes because midterms are coming up and I'd appreciate as a teacher if you guys helped him catch up before our long weekend coming up in two weeks." Your teacher gave a warm smile, nodding in such a way that made the rest of the class nod with her.
Without a student saying a word, everyone's eyes followed him as he took a seat at a desk a couple of rows in front of you.
You stared at him tirelessly, barely listening as your teacher rambled off-topic. You noticed Jay often stared out at the crying sky that occasionally flickered with lightning. His eyes focused intently on the woods. You were sure you weren't the only one who was interested in the new boy as you frequently caught other students glancing over at him every few seconds. Jay carried an attractive and dark aura that clearly contrasted from the crowd. Both girls and boys stared at him not because of his pretty face but because he was far different from the new students who had joined your school mid-semester.
The class flew by for you because of Jay until a simple but intriguing question was purposed by the teacher, "Bonus marks today if anyone can guess when the next full moon is." she lifted her eyes off the projector for a few moments, waiting for answers to come sailing.
"Saturday?" Somebody from the front called out, followed by numerous answers that ranged between the second week to the fourth week of the month.
"Come on now. Don't blurt out, give others chances to guess. Jay why don't you guess?" Your teacher questioned welcomingly, expecting no answer from him.
He leaned back in his chair, scraping the non-writing end of his ballpen on his thumb, "November 30." A gentle sound of thunder playing perfectly when he said the answer; like some sort of scene out of a comic.
"Ding ding ding!" Your teacher switched to a PowerPoint slide with the new unit name bolded, "I know this isn't part of the curriculum but I got it approved by the head of the school." She took a breath, giving students time to comprehend what was presented in front of them. "Our next unit will be looking deeper at the moon. More specifically, we'll be looking at both the sciency and non-sciency sides of this topic. And before anyone asks; no, you don't need to believe in astrology or superstitions to understand the non-sciency material. It's just very fascinating because it connects to many cultures." Your attention was now far away from Jay. You were enthusiastic about a topic for once in the class.
"And looks like we're running out of time." Your teacher's wrist clock blocking her eyes. "That's it for today's class everyone! I'll have your projects marked for next class, I promise! Have a good day." She said while shutting off the projector.
You slid all your handouts into your binder, not bothering to align the three-hole punches of the papers to their designated rings.
"Y/N before you go, do you mind helping out Jay? Today or tomorrow?" Your teacher stopped you on your way out.
"Like lend him my notes?"
"Yep! I just forgot to ask but he just left so you might be able to catch up to him. Maybe ask if he's got the notes yet."
You waved your goodbyes and chased the new boy down, his uniquely blonde hair standing out from the hallway of heads. You picked up the pace to catch up with his swift steps when you caught him chatting with Sunghoon and Jaeyun. Your feet froze straight down in their place.
Were they new friends? Or perhaps they were old friends?
You weren't going to bother talking to Jay as you already knew what kind of funny business would come up if you did. You could only watch them swing and lean their arms against each other in a close and friendly way. The picture was becoming more and more clear to you as to what kind of association Jay had with Sunghoon and Jaeyun perhaps even Heeseung, Sunoo or Jungwon.
You throw yourself violently over your thick mattress after finishing a long study and homework session at your dorm. The session wasn't productive but the time you spent surrounded by your schoolwork made it feel that way. Your dorm was awfully quiet that afternoon as your dormmates had music rehearsals for their extracurriculars. Nana had told you to come by the music rooms around a quarter past five when their practice was over to go down to the dining hall and have dinner but you couldn't think of a way to kill your remaining hour alone.
Phones were forbidden in your school and you often felt uncontrollably alone and bored with your thoughts during your free time. You could only lay tangled in your bed with your half progressed work in the corner of your eye. You shift on one side to watch your wide-open binder until you got some burst of motivation to finish studying until an idea hits you.
After eyeing your handouts from your astronomy class, you decide to hit the library and do some reading to get a little advanced in the class. Sure you could study for your other class but the sudden idea was far more worth your time in your mind. You quickly twirl out of your room, clearing your desk while you're at it. Excitedly, you hop into your shoes and head straight for the library. You were put in a good mood as you skipped along the long journey to the bookhouse.
The library was moderately packed as you don't bother to recognize any faces there. You get deja vu as you trail the same path you did when Sunghoon and Kyungeun were around. Sliding between the thin space between the bookshelves once again, you search for the section related to the moon, feeling dizzy at the sight of books your school owned. You could've made your life easier by asking the librarian but you were confident you could find it on your own. You move up and down the aisles as you catch a glimpse of theoretical and astrology related books that sit next to a couple of history books.
Backing up, you awkwardly bend your knees forward to get a better look at the small selection of books under the genre. You peel a random book spine out from its tight spot as if it had never been taken out before. You dust off the book a bit, reading the wordless cover and open it to check if it was really related to any sort of astronomy as you find a much stranger subject being discussed.
"Finding everything alright?" The librarian comes by, pushing a kart from the other end of the shelves. "I-I'm looking for books related to the moon." You say, standing up and forgetting you still had the old book in hand.
"The scientific information is just on the other side of this shelf but the section you were just looking at has some interesting stuff that might be related." The librarian stuffed herself in between the shelves to get toward you.
"Yeah, I noticed... This book I just picked up was talking about vampires." You laugh a little as you hold it up.
"Ah, that book..." She paused, snatching the book out of your hands to examine it, "I read this before... It relates to astrology. I think there are some parts of the book that go into detail about the moon, you should give it a read."
"Is this book just theoretical research about vampires though?" You were unconvinced with the idea.
"Yeah, real or not, our school grounds and the neighbouring town are talked about in the book. Apparently many years ago this place used to be a hotspot for vampires."  She looked you dead in the eyes.
"Do you think the information is true?" You questioned with deep curiosity upon her answer.
"Some information in there is haunting. I think vampires did exist." She said with some sort of distress beginning to seep into her face.
Shivers ran down your spine, if she was just trying to sell you the book, it was working damn well on you.
"I'll leave you be, no need to sign out the book, nobody ever takes it out so I trust you'll return it." And with that said, she left you cold with mystery as the book between your fingers stared at you with big round eyes.
You shake back to reality, checking your wrist just to find out your time has vanished. You shift your priorities to getting to the music department, throwing the book into your bag without much thought.
The sun was already going down around the afternoon as the days got shorter with autumn blossoming. You're standing between rooms full of beautiful voices and instruments, peering through every window attached to a door in an attempt to find your roommates. The issue was the widows didn't give much of a view as to who was in the rooms. But your ears were drawn to a gentle piano that played a bittersweet melody beneath the louder sounds of people singing in a harmonious glee. As you move in the forward direction of the hallway, the piano gets clearer to your ears. It became clear that the sound was coming out of a room with its door wide open. Your back attached it to the wall in fear of being seen as slide yourself until you meet the spine of the door where you could see into the shadowy room.
Your eyes lit up when they see a familiar platinum blondie behind the keys. The melody was enchanting and was played in such a personal way as the sounds escaped into the noisy environment where it hoped to go unheard. Jay had reached the final notes of his song as he turned his head in your direction. It was as if he knew of your present from the moment you started watching him from the doorway.
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thequibblah · 2 years
Hi!! I have a few q re: how you manage your time with writing, your other hobbies, and job. Do you allot a specific time of the day to writing or write whenever inspiration strikes? And do you have any tips for blocking out distractions when you try to meet deadlines? Much love to you and ct 💞
hey @crimson-snitch, i think this was you with anon on by accident LOLLL. thank you for the love!
i am incredibly, shockingly neurotic about managing my writing, mostly because i've been doing it long enough that i know exactly what habits suit me best. so i think my first piece of advice would be know thyself, art of war style.
when i first worked on a long piece of original fiction, i kept a spreadsheet tracking my writing sessions, and noted down time of day, word count, what distractions i had, and how i felt after i'd finished. this, i'll admit, was pretty insane of me, but enormously helpful — mostly because i know what time(s) of day i'm most comfortable writing, and with what accompaniments (unsurprisingly, with music and without wifi).
you don't have to go that far but keeping some kind of diary about how you feel about writing is a great way to understand how your own brain works!
personally i write best undisturbed during afternoons or nights, mostly because of the lack of distractions during those times. i am also one of those people who likes writing something every day, so i try to type random nonsense into my phone at the very least. this isn't at a specific time of day, just whenever i get a few moments to myself. i tend to be turning over thoughts in my head as is, so i type out what i have planned, OR i just reread the last thing i was working on and add onto it a bit.
there was also a period of time a couple of months ago when i was doing a very good job of writing every night and leaving a note for myself in the morning — i.e. "write this scene next, don't forget to fix x detail," which was very helpful because it's hard feeling like you're staring at a blank page, even when you're me and you have three different outline formats lol
as for blocking out distractions... i am very bad at this hahaha but mostly the biggest problem is the internet, so i try to turn off wifi (gasp!) or, if i need the internet for research, i use a website-blocking app like self control to block me from actual distractions. another thing i like doing because i'm very competitive is writing in sprints or timed sessions, because then i tend to be focused enough for a short burst of time that i can't let myself drift off-course. i'm pretty sure some come together chapters are the product of 5-6 hours of straight 30-minute sprints with water breaks in between!
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p---ink · 4 years
Author’s Note: First Chris Oneshot. It was supposed to be a blurb/drabble, but I think its a bit too long for that now. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this filth. Also you ever get that feeling, where you feel like you've came up with an idea in your head originally, but also feel like you may have seen it somewhere else? Yea that's how I feel about this piece. So if you've read something similar to this, please link it and let me know so I can edit or delete this post altogether.
Summary: Chris greets you after a long day at work, with some TLC.
Word Count: 2.9k.
Warning: Fluff and Smut. Oral (female receiving), fingering, Semi-mean Daddy Chris, over-stimulation, multiple orgasms, and I think...maybe that’s it? Please let me know if I forgot something.
Disclaimer: Gif is not mine. 
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“The kids are asleep?” You whispered, when he held his finger to his lips upon your arrival. 
“Yea, I just laid Ezra down. That is one rowdy little person.” He said chuckling, leaning down to plant a kiss on your mouth. He held you by your waist to pepper more along your face. 
“Chris baby, you are a God-send.” You sighed, leaning in to his touch. “You will not believe the shitty day I had.”
“Hold that thought and take a seat, doll” he ordered, urging you towards the living room by your shoulders. “I’ll be right back.” He promised. 
You sighed as you threw your work bag down on the love chair beside you, kicking your shoes off in the process.  When you crossed the room to drop down on the sofa, the weight of today’s events crushed you instantaneously, as you waited for your husband to return. 
You’ve been married for six years, and he’s been good to you for all of them. Great even. He always listened, and almost never complained. How could he when he was usually away, due to his job? 
He was forever busy with filming, press tours and whatnot. It made him feel guilty to leave you and your sons so often. So any time he was at home for a break, he took full advantage. He spent time with his boys, and then the rest with you, spoiling you all with his love. 
Preoccupied with your stress, you almost failed to notice Chris taking a seat in front of you. He took hold of one of your legs, and that’s when you noticed your spa-kit placed next to him. 
“Baby, you don’t have to do this.” You cried, scrunching your face in relief when he rubbed your calf in just the right spot.
Chris flashed those pretty baby blues at you, along with that signature smug smirk. “You know I do. And you know I want to.” He said, before dousing his hands with oil. 
As he firmly massaged the coconut into your skin, you couldn’t help but marvel at him. Taking a pillow into your arms to hug, and hide your giddy smile, you reply with, “What I did I do to deserve you?”
“Well I would tell you, but I don’t have enough time, because you’ve got to tell me about what’s got my girl so upset.” He informed you with a stern look that read who do I have to kill? “Before you do that,” he started, placing your newly moisturized leg down before grabbing the other, “Choose a color.” 
You tucked your bottom lip between your teeth, peering over to take a look into the open basket. It had an assorted amount of different nail polishes and products for nail care. Your favorite color currently decorated the bottom of the basket, and it made you recall the time your oldest son Jeremy spilled its contents over while playing a game of “paint” about a week ago. That boy. You thought, shaking your head playfully. Well I guess I won’t be choosing that one. 
After a moment of close examination, and scrutiny, you chose “White”, which made Chris immediately stop his measures against your legs, to peer up at you through hooded lids. 
“So its one of those days, huh.” He smirked. “I was hoping you’d pick that one.”
“What do you mean by that?” You questioned. You hadn’t known he preferred certain colors on you. 
“I’ll tell you later, but first tell me about your day baby.”
He didn’t need to tell you twice. You were dying to get it all off your chest.  You spilled out your hearts content, as your husband massaged your legs, then your feet, and in between your toes. As he delicately removed the old paint from your last session, and proceeded to paint your feet, you were almost finished relaying the message. 
“…and its just like they treat me like I’m insane! But you know what? The way i’m always overlooked, and ignored, makes me feel like I am going insane. Every time I suggest an idea, its stupid. But let some asshat say the exact same thing, and they praise him like a god.” You complain, rolling your eyes, at your memories from your work day. 
Chris offered you the occasional nod or two, humming softly at your cries of frustration when needed. And as much as he wanted to offer his two cents on the matter, he knew that what you wanted most was to be heard. You just wanted to be listened to. And while you wouldn’t of minded him beating their asses, he knew you needed his tenderness. His love. His care. And so that’s what he gave you. 
“And you know why they do it right? It’s because I’m a woman! A black one at that. Lord Jesus, it pisses me off so much.” You sigh, finally bringing your eyes down to him, after they had been trained on the air and nothingness around you; you had a habit of re-living stories as you told them. “But honey, this has really helped out a lot.” You say, cupping his chin lovingly. 
“You know I’ll do anything for you doll. And fuck those sons of bitches. They’re idiots if they can’t see how amazing you are. If you quit, like I suggested a while ago, that’ll really show ‘em.” Chris exclaimed, applying a second coat of white.
“Now you know I love what I do. I just wish I was more appreciated is all!” 
He gave you a sympathetic look before saying, “well you know me and the boys appreciate you.”, running his fingers along the ridges of your toes to remove the misapplied dye on your skin. 
“I know you do baby. I mean look at what you’re doing for me now.” You said, gesturing towards the care he took with your feet. 
Chris just smiled in response. He only felt slightly defeated when you rejected his idea to stay at home. You told him many stories about the jerks you worked with. You were among one of the only women at your company, and you paid for that fact daily. You told him, how they would talk to you, and treat you, even though you had the same amount, if not more experience as they did. He didn’t want you to have to put up with that. He wanted you to kick your feet up and enjoy the life he would provide for you and the kids you both created. But, like the supportive husband he was, he honored your wishes to pursue your passions. He knew that was what made you happier at the moment. The time would come, where he could spoil you completely, though. 
“Speaking of this,” You started, motioning towards your feet once more. “What’d you mean when you said “So it’s one of those days, huh”” You asked, putting on your best impression of him. 
Chris put on a smile that could light up a room, as a deep throaty chuckle erupted from his chest, and vibrated through your body via your feet. “Is that what you think I sound like? No matter, I’ll tell you what I meant. I can predict exactly what it is you need, and how you feel, based on the nail polish color you choose.” He said confidently, picking up a clear polish to apply the final coat.
“Is that right?” You ask, failing to take him seriously, even when he flashed that cocky grin and brow twitch that he often used to back his claims. “You’re so full of shit.”
“Seriously. I can. Listen.” He informed you, opening the clear polish, and brushing the access paint along the insides of the bottle. “I can prove it.”
“Fine! Go ahead.” You state, becoming intrigued.
Delicately holding your left foot against his knee, he starts explaining his theory while applying polish. “You see, when you choose a pale blue or orange, I know you just wanna forget about things with a movie or a cuddle session. Forest green or black, when you feel like throwing a couple of shots back with your girls at a bar. Mauve and a nude of any kind are your favorites, and you request them when you need to feel in control, classy, or sophisticated. And you always choose a soft pink, or yellow, when you need a happy reminder, or a burst of energy and inspiration. Lavender, is a color I wish you’d choose more, since it represents your happiness. Gray, is a color I wish you’d choose less, since it means you’re sad. And then there’s plum purple and candy apple red, two colors I can’t get enough of. You want those, when you’re feeling sexy. See, baby I can read you like an open book.” He declared, moving on to your second foot. Feeling quite sure of himself. 
You just stared at him in awe. Then you realized he didn’t mention, the one he just spent  ten minutes applying. “You forgot about white.”
“Oh I didn’t forget angel.” He corrected, smirking as he finally finished painting both feet. “I’m just waiting on your toes to dry.” After he says this, he begins to sensually blow cool air on your toes. 
“Chris! Tell me what it means!” You pout playfully, growing fed up with his secrecy. Also tickled from the air he blew. 
“Fine. But be quiet, you don’t wanna wake those little demons.” He warned, fixing you with a stern look that made you erupt into quiet giggles. He always made you laugh with his juxtaposed funny-seriousness. He was seriously funny. “White is my absolute favorite. You wanna know why? Its simple, and doesn’t drown out your pretty personality. It goes with every outfit, purse, and hairstyle. You wear this color, when you’re frustrated. Exasperated. Annoyed. You choose white, when you need me to wrap those pretty little legs around my neck, so I can make you cum till kingdom come. Or until you see, ‘white’. Whichever comes first”. He finished, staring at you seriously all of the sudden. A thick silence had befallen the two of you, and you almost didn’t know how to escape it. 
After a moment, you break out into a smile, despite Chris’ unmoving features. “Are you sure that’s what I want? Or is it something you want?”
“It’s what you need.” He affirmed, finally matching your expression, only his smile held a lot more lust than yours. “Tell me I’m wrong.”
“I’ll tell you something alright, Chris. I think you paint my nails entirely too much.”
He lets out a breathy chuckle, moving to pack up the spa kit, before saying “So in other words I’m right.” He rises to his feet, peering down through his long lashes with a knowing grin, before turning to leave the room. But not without saying, “Don’t worry baby, I’ll give you what you need.” Leaving you an anxious mess.
You start squirming in your seat, waiting with anticipation for him to return. You try to sit in your sexiest pose, but it makes you feel awkward. Then you start to wonder if you should remove your underwear. But you know he likes doing that. You even wonder if you smell okay, after such a long day at work. A million thoughts race through your mind, and you barely register his presence when reenters the room. You slightly jump, when you feel his warm hands brush against the nape of your neck.
“Shit baby.” Chris laughs, as he rounds the couch. “I knew it was bad, but I didn’t realize how bad. Let daddy, handle this for you.” He says kneeling back in front of you, knees tucked firmly under his person. He smoothes his hands over the expanse of your soft supple skin, leaving a burning trail of desire in his wake. When he hooks his fingers underneath the waistband of your panties, your breath hitches as the cool air hits your moistened sex. 
You lift your thighs and legs, so he can carefully remove the lace without ruining his handwork on your feet. When Chris surveys your dampened panties and inhales their scent, his grin grows wider. “You’re already this wet for me?” 
He gives you no time to answer as he’s pulling you closer to his face, by your thighs. The sudden movement caused a whimper to escape your throat, soft sound making his cock harden. He’s working his kisses up against your thighs with a quickness, ready to produce more sounds like the last. 
Your head’s position on the couch has you feeling a bit awkward, and you go to say  “This is uncom—” but cut yourself off with a moan, as he dives his thick tongue between your petals, writing love notes against the skin.
“What’s that, doll?” Chris asks, hot breath dangerously close to your bud.
You just mewl in response, wetting his beard with your juices, as he eats you like you’re his last meal. “Right there baby.” You groan, grinding yourself against his mouth when his tongue darts against your nub. 
“Right here?” He questions softly, repeating the same gestures, sending a jolt through your body that makes you buck against his face. 
Your words leave your throat, as he sucks harshly against the problem areas, shocks of pleasure emitting through your person. And just when you thought it couldn’t get any better, he adds his fingers. First two, but then three as he starts fucking your pussy. 
“D-daddy!” You cry, voice coming out shaky as you writhe against his lips and fingers. His actions have you climbing up the couch. 
Then he removes his lips, warning you to keep quiet. “My babies are upstairs, I’m gonna need you to keep your pretty mouth shut.” He commands, placing your soaked panties between your lips. 
As he quickens the pace of his fingers, and makes his tongue dart from left to right relentlessly against your clit, you approach your first orgasm of the night, and he knows it too, when your hole clenches around his fingers. 
He smiles, and tells you how proud of you he is, but he isn’t done with you yet. 
♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎
Your muffled moans ring through your ears, as you clamp your teeth down around your underwear. Your jaw was becoming slack from keeping it open so long, and you were feeling sore.
Chris was still continuing his assault against your sex. He had long moved from his position on the floor, and now sat beside you on the couch. 
He had your legs sprawled open, keeping them from closing with one hand gripped on your thigh, and the other rubbed fast and hard circles against your clit, while he whispered sweet nothings into your ear.
“What number was that one, baby? Five, six? I lost count after the third time, when you squirted on daddy’s chest.” He growled, biting his lip, as he quickened his pace against your nub. “Do you think you can do that again?”
You moaned in protest, shaking your head from left to right, as you approached another orgasm. You couldn’t take anymore pleasure, your sensitive bud was going through too much.
“What’s that baby? I can’t hear you.” He teased, face as serious as it could be. He was testing you. You knew not to remove the underwear, or you’d be there all night. When you made no moves to pull them out, he did it for you, a string of spit connecting your lips to the fabric.
You immediately pleaded with him to ease up. “Daddy I don’t think I-I can take an-nymore.” You cried, now a blubbering mess.
“You don’t think you can take anymore?” Chris repeated, mocking you. “Well that’s too bad. Daddy thinks his princess looks too pretty when she’s cumming. So suck it up, because I’m not stopping until we have to replace this couch.”
You  felt that familiar coil in your stomach again, threatening to snap, as you threw your head back. You were a sweating mess now. You had hair glued to your face, and neck, and your shirt was drenched, as it clung to your stomach. But still, it wasn’t quite as drenched as your pussy, thighs, and couch cushions were. 
Chris was as hard as a rock, but you knew if you touched him, he’d get angry. He wanted to play with you, until you were begging him to stop.
“What happened today at work again baby? What was it Chad said to you? I bet if I have you fucked out like this every night, I’d be the only man on your mind.” He whispered against your ear.
Your stomach began spasming, as you clenched painfully around nothing. This would be your last one too, before your body gave up. 
Tears streamed down your cheek, as you contorted your face into the sexiest expression Chris had ever seen. And then, just before your screams of pleasure could rip through your chest, he covered his mouth over yours, as you squirted all over his hands, your thighs, and stomach. When you finally opened your eyes, you could only see white, before your vision came back into focus.
Massaging the wet, between your folds, Chris bought his fingers up to your lips and said “open.” And you did, sucking all your juices from his digits without breaking eye contact. “Attagirl.” He praised, wiping your tears away. Feel better now?” He asked, small smirk playing on his lips.
You nod tiredly, throat dry from your previous activities.
He brushes your sweaty hair behind your ears before saying, “Good. Now, let’s paint those pretty pink walls white, too.” 
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astriiformes · 3 years
Behind on a whole backlog of neat things folks have tagged me in (hello, moving/job/freelance writing chaos), but I have every intention of getting to most of them so, here’s one @marypsue tagged me in last week (thank you!)
Rules: tag nine people you want to get to know better/catch up with!
Favorite color: Equally split between nice bold/dark/jewel-toned blues and greens, with blue maybe slightly winning at the moment, but I go through phases. I especially love them together, and am extremely excited because we actually get to PAINT THE WALLS in the new unit we’re moving into this week, and I am incredibly ready to use both of them decoratively.
Currently reading: Anything I am “currently reading” is very much in theory, but I have been dabbling in a couple books on trans history and, if I am really going to bear my soul here, a suspicious amount of Star Wars fanfiction.
Last song: “Starsoul” by Urban Tapestry!
Last movie: Fairly certain it was when Scribe and I watched The Mitchells vs the Machines a little while ago, which was a delightful choice -- highly recommend it to anyone who hasn’t seen it yet.
Last series: Uncertain if this is supposed to be the last one I dipped my toes into or the last one I finished, but for the latter, Critical Role (Campaign 2, at least), in an act of immense hubris because I stayed up until 3am to catch the entire 7-hour finale (worth it, absolutely worth it, especially for a story that has really meant a lot to me!)
Sweet, spicy or savory: Another equal split -- I swerve between wanting sweet and savory with wild abandon. As far as my body thinks though, it’s savory; I actually need to consume extra salt/electrolytes for chronic illness reasons and have been reaching for the kettle chips and cheesy garlic bread accordingly.
Craving: Hm, at this moment nothing in particular; I’m not really someone with much of an appetite or all that prone to cravings. Always down for some really good black licorice though, which might be the best answer for this one.
Tea or coffee: I want to be a tea person and drink it fairly frequently these days -- especially when we have syrups and foraged ingredients on hand, but I regret to admit that even now that I’m trying out ADHD meds that cause my anxiety to worsen on caffeine, I am still very much a coffee man. A fan of both, but inclined to hubris all the same.
Currently working on:
MOVING; you have no idea how ready I am to be unpacking instead of packing, and done with the endless chain of logistics the last few weeks have been. Even once we’re moved we’ll need to paint the walls and have some furniture projects to tackle (staining, changing out hardware), but at least there will be less emails!!
Updating my Fjord Criticalrole playlist, an endeavor that has turned out to be far more sprawling than expected. It’s getting there though! And I am excited to have it be my first playlist I crosspost on both Spotify and 8tracks now that the latter is fighting to stay alive again
The Back to the Future trans headcanon fic duology that occupies half my waking thoughts these days; progress is happening, they are just both going to be long and I am slow! I got some fabulous trans history research help from a librarian friend though, since I am stodgily committed to writing something that feels properly like a product of the 80s trans experience, not the modern one.
Also, Chapter 7 of I Breathed A Song Into the Air, my aro Legolas fic, which has been languishing without an update for an embarrassing amount of time. I had a burst of inspiration during an aspec Tolkien week that was going on in May, but it didn’t get me anywhere near the finish line, despite my deep commitment to seeing that fic all the way through.
Theoretically a High Rollers fic focused on Quill and Sentry before they met up with the rest of the party? The difficulty of confirming canon events in a smaller fandom with an in-progress wiki and a massive amount of canon to sift through has been a bit of a stumbling block, but it’s my third Google Doc existing as a pinned tab currently all the same.
Logistics for a couple of filk concerts (one virtual and one, surreally enough, in-person) that are rapidly sneaking up on us this summer. More to follow on that soon, actually.
Truly a hypothetical here, but getting back into cosplay after a long break. I want to keep a narrow focus even though there are so many projects I’d like to tackle, but finally getting my ANH Luke up to Rebel Legion standards is a primary goal for sure (I just need the right shoes and to buckle down and make my belt!!). I also am on the hunt for two denim jackets to cannibalize into a single horrible 80s one for Marty McFly, after the realization that his is decidedly more a relic of its era than people usually recognize. And last but not least, plodding away on Quill, especially after learning another coworker of mine is also making a bird(-ish) cosplay, so I have someone to talk wings/feathers with! First up might actually be his talons though -- I just need to stop being so intimidated by sculpting!
I am frazzled enough after a few days that have truly been Days that I think I’m going to skip out on tagging people, but if anyone else wants to pick this up, I am handing you the baton. Carry on!
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monabela · 3 years
hello! it seems to be @aphrarepairweek2021 and I'm not one to ignore that! here's some... domestic denfin stuff for day 1, language. I've gone for a pretty liberal approach to the prompts this year, but that's mostly so that all my fics will fit into the same universe :> (it is also the same universe as two of last year's rarepairweek fics! I'll make a tag for it) (that is also the reason I had to call sve berwald and not torbjörn like I usually do ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) they will all be standalone little fics but take place in the same au, over the same sort of time period!
in major scale
pairings/characters: Denmark (Søren)/Finland (Tuomi), Estonia (Eduard), Sweden (Berwald), Hungary (Erzsébet) + past SuFin mentioned word count: 2219 summary: Tuomi admires how much Søren cares about other people. It inspires him to do the same.
A series of thumps and clomps heralds Søren’s arrival home. Tuomi looks up with amusement when the door of his little home studio in the back of their house bursts open.
“Tuomi!” Søren shouts. He brings with him the smell of recent rain and early spring blossoms.
Eduard, who is sitting behind Tuomi at his keyboard and wearing headphones, very nearly tumbles off his stool in shock.
“Søren!” Tuomi just returns, while his brother rights himself and glares. “You seem unusually excited.”
Eduard snorts, which makes Søren grin. ‘Unusually excited’ means something different when applied to him than most other people.
“Guess what!” he says, closing the door behind him and leaning against it. His socked feet are both tapping on the ground, with no rhythm to it. Tuomi is sure he couldn’t say what’s got into him; as far as he knows, Søren was just looking after his young nephews for the afternoon.
“Your brother didn’t hide the sugar well enough,” he guesses.
“No, that’s—well, he didn’t, but that’s not my point. Berwald’s gettin’ married!” Now, he waves his arms around wildly. “My brother’s gettin’ married, Tuomi! I’m so proud of him.”
Turning slightly, Tuomi exchanges an amused look with his own brother, who has taken his headphones off and is leaning forward over his keyboard, elbows planted over the keys.
“Now, Søren,” Eduard starts, using his haughtiest voice, which is very haughty. It’s an odd talent.
“Don’t you dare,” he interrupts, though he’s still grinning, “bring up the time he and Tuomi were plannin’ on gettin’ hitched, ‘cause that was ages ago and ain’t relevant anymore.”
“Alright, alright.” Eduard holds up his hands placatingly, and Tuomi just snickers. Søren’s right, he thinks; it’s been over fifteen years since then, and although the whole thing where he took up with the brother of the man who was nearly his husband was awkward at first, for all that it happened several years later, he’s since become good friends with Berwald again. It’s probably better this way.
“That’s great, Søren!” he just says. “And you’re gonna be the best man, I assume?”
“Of course!” His dark blue eyes crinkle at the corners, scrunching up his many freckles in laugh lines and dimples. Tuomi really admires how much Søren cares about other people, even if sometimes it comes at the expense of himself. Tuomi can always remedy that, after all.
“That means you’re gonna have to help with a bunch of organizing, isn’t it?”
“Don’t sound do skeptical of me, Eduard!” Pushing away from the door, Søren lightly strums the strings of an uncovered acoustic guitar sitting in its stand before taking a large step towards Tuomi and bending down to kiss him over the microphone between them, Tuomi angling his own electric guitar out of the way. He smells like sea wind and hair gel, and does taste distinctly sugary behind the smile his lips are still curved into.
Tuomi mutters, “I think you’ll do great. Berwald’s lucky to have you.”
“I hope so. Y’know, the boys are excited as anythin’.” Now, he practically melts, draping his long limbs over Tuomi and his guitar. He always does this when he as much as thinks about his nephews, Berwald’s young sons. Tuomi and Søren are very much the fun uncles. It is a title they both wear with pride.
Patting his jeans-clad ass affectionately, Tuomi pushes his nose into Søren’s wild coppery hair.
“Yeah? They’ve given their blessing, then?”
“Already fightin’ over who gets to be ringbearer.”
The door of the studio opens.
“Whoa! Am I interrupting?” shouts Tuomi’s half-sister, bursting in.
Eduard, now leaning his head in his hands, says, “Please save me.”
“Berwald’s gettin’ married!” Søren shouts, into Tuomi’s ear. He gets along with Erzsébet far too well.
“Tuomi’s ex?” she yells back, and Eduard promptly loses it. He doubles over his keyboard in hiccupping laughter, shaking and pressing almost all the keys in a horrifyingly discordant tone. Søren looks betrayed in a very comical way. He crosses his arms as he turns to Erzsébet, folding his hands into the sleeves of his red knit sweater. Berwald made that one.
“She not wrong,” Tuomi tells him, holding back laughter of his own. Now even more comically betrayed, Søren turns back to him, with his dark eyebrows raised high and ready to deliver a quasi-outraged speech, but Erzsébet forestalls him.
“You need to make a song for the wedding!”
“Yes!” Tuomi perks up, almost poking Søren in the hip with the neck of his guitar.
“A song?” the man echoes, looking between all three of them. Eduard is now only playing a couple of notes at the same time, thankfully, and he straightens up fully to explain their family tradition.
“We always do it for weddings. It has to be something they’d like, and something the couple can dance to.”
“And then we give it funny lyrics,” Tuomi finishes, “about the person getting married. But we always make sure it’s good.”
“Well, I ain’t surprised about that part, ya snobs.” Søren shakes his head affectionately. He has absolutely no feel for music, but that just means that he appreciates things that most other people wouldn’t give their time of day.
It also means that he somehow considers Tuomi’s very musically inclined family to be elitist about music, which Tuomi thinks is dumb, but he’s not one to argue. He’ll leave that to his brother; it’s very amusing. As a matter of fact, Eduard is already narrowing his eyes at Søren, but doesn’t say anything before he continues.
“I don’t know if Berwald would like that, honestly. It’s not really something we do.”
“Come on, everyone likes music!” Erzsébet enthuses, walking further inside and skirting around Søren and Tuomi in the small space to lean an elbow on Eduard’s shoulder.
“Sure, he likes it, but, I mean—we ain’t like you guys, is all.”
No one is quite like his family, Tuomi thinks, but he appreciates that all the more these days. Søren is the most generous, openminded person he knows, and has broadened his worldview amazingly in the time they’ve been together. Not that his family isn’t openminded; they’re just less inclined to explore than Søren is.
Still, “Music is a universal language, isn’t it?” Tuomi asks him, bumping his shoulder into Søren’s upper arm. He inclines his head in agreement. “It doesn’t even have to have lyrics if you think Berwald wouldn’t like it. Or his fiancé, of course,” he adds, because he doesn’t know the man that well but knows he, like Berwald, doesn’t really appreciate being made fun of, even in good humor.
This is, again, unlike Søren, which is probably why it didn’t work out with his brother and does work with him.
Well, it’s part of it.
Erzsébet, the lyricist of the family, gasps dramatically at the mention of not having lyrics to go with the song, and coughs. She should really quit smoking. Eduard pats her back awkwardly, getting a face full of long brown hair for his efforts.
“And then?” Søren’s asking, but his head is still tilted thoughtfully, as if he’s considering it.
“Well, then it can be for a dance! Consider it a wedding gift from me.”
“His ex,” Erzsébet murmurs, recovered, and Eduard starts giggling again.
“His brother-in-law.” Tuomi blindly throws a guitar pick at her over his shoulder, which, going by the plink and following yelp, hits Eduard’s glasses instead.
Huh. That’s pretty impressive.
“Well, someone will have to teach him how to dance first—”
They all look away.
“—but that sounds awesome, actually! Would you guys be willing to play it?” In his excitement, Søren has leaned very close to Tuomi again, vision filling with his grin and his many, many freckles, and Tuomi can’t help but kiss the corner of his mouth.
“I’d love to.”
His siblings make agreeing noises.
“Right! Well, should I—what’re you guys workin’ on, actually?” Søren gazes around the small space as if hoping to glean clues. Which clues, Tuomi is not sure. He can’t really read music, after all.
“Just tinkering a bit,” Tuomi says. Eduard plays the first few chords of the most recent wedding song they’d written, several years ago already. Erzsébet slaps the cymbal of her drum set in apparent agreement, reaching behind her.
“Hey, I wrote some lyrics, actually,” she says. “I think they’re pretty good.”
It’s been years since they actually made original music that they deemed good enough to send out into the world, but their songs are still getting decent amounts of listeners on Spotify, which is nice; it’s mostly a hobby for all three of them, after all. Lately, though, Eduard and Tuomi have started seriously considering making some new material, and Erzsébet seems to be on board. She promises to send the lyrics to both of them. Although she, like both of her half-brothers and much to Søren’s amazement, plays several instruments, she doesn’t have much talent for composing.
Tuomi tried to teach Søren guitar once. It was fun, but very unsuccessful. He does like the drums.
That’s probably why he gets along with Erzsébet so well.
Deciding that today is probably not going to be very productive, all four of them go into the house instead, and Tuomi makes coffee while Søren hands out some cupcakes that he made yesterday, because Søren very much believes that food is a universal language. He isn’t wrong, if you ask Tuomi, but that’s mostly because Søren is very good at making food, unlike Tuomi.
They’ve all got their talents, he supposes, and it’s how they use them in combination that matters. Even if he’s been banned from using the oven for anything more than frozen pizza.
Eduard, of course, asks for the recipe, because Eduard didn’t get that memo about talents and has too many of them.
Tuomi’s siblings don’t actually stay around for very long after that, both promising to think about the wedding song for Berwald. It is mostly an empty promise on Erzsébet’s part, but that’s okay. Eduard walks away while muttering about waltzes, which Tuomi appreciates, because Berwald seems like a man—is a man, he knows this—who appreciates a bit of tradition, and he’s never tried to compose an instrumental, mostly classical song before.
“You’re adorable, you know,” he tells Søren, who’s standing behind him in the hallway of their house after having seen his siblings off. Søren just grins, rocking back on his heels, hands clasped behind his back and looking much younger than he is.
“I’m just happy for my brother.”
“I know.” Tuomi reaches up to flick some errant hair out of the way. “It’s really cute.”
He gets excited about the smallest things, Søren. Random dogs on the street and odd world records and warm coats and almost everything that’s even a little bit nice. It’d get annoying, Tuomi’s sure, if he weren’t so sincere about it all the time. He got very excited about their civil union as well, which was honestly mostly practical. Tuomi had almost wanted to get married, just to see his reaction to it, but he’d decided years before that marriage wasn’t for him, and remains glad that he stuck by that belief, in the end.
“You don’t mind, do you?” Søren suddenly asks, blue eyes searching Tuomi’s face.
“What? Oh, no, of course not. Berwald’s a good man, and he deserves to be happy.” He shrugs. “I know he’s always wanted the whole… Domestic thing.”
“Guy’s had a plan for a wedding since he was twelve or something,” Søren confirms, grinning. “Only took him thirty years and a couple kids.”
Tuomi knows; he was shown the plan, sixteen years ago, but he decides not to mention that. It’d been quite intimidating at the time; he’d only been 22 and much more interested in… Well, practically anything besides marriage.
Søren slings an arm across his shoulders, squeezing him tightly to his lanky form, and starts walking them both back to the kitchen.
“You’d know, I guess,” he muses, then pulls a face. Tuomi laughs.
“That one was your fault!”
“I know, I know. Don’t remind me.”
Tuomi stops walking, tilting his head up at Søren.
“You don’t mind, do you?” he asks. Turning back, Søren blinks at him.
“Obviously not,” he says, but he bites the inside of his cheek and furrows his dark brows, so there’s evidently something more there.
There’s another thing Tuomi had to be taught by Søren; reading body language. It’s not his fault his family is so unexpressive!
“But?” he prompts.
“I just hope I can do well for him.” Søren shrugs. “He’s my big brother, y’know, and I do kinda feel like I ruined his first chance of marriage sometimes. I know that’s dumb,” he adds hastily.
Tuomi mumbles, “Yeah, that was definitely me.” And then, “Like you say, he’s your big brother. He loves you. Speaking as someone with two older siblings, they might razz you a bit—”
“That’s just your siblings, Tuomi,” Søren interrupts, but the grin is back on his face and just as bright as before. “But I get what you’re saying. Thanks.”
Tuomi boots him with his shoulder, and he laughs, clomping ahead. Tuomi follows, quickly.
Before he eats all the other cupcakes.
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Zen and Jumin's weddings
Obviously she was very wary about the possibility of Zen getting married, but by the time that Zen and the MC are getting married she knows those two are going to do their thing even if it's maybe not the wisest thing.
Despite her apprehension, she gets super into the wedding prep from the fandom's side, as it's too good an opportunity not to have a public face for it, and she is going to make sure it's a good one.
She almost ends up in the hospital sick with shock when Jumin gives her two weeks off as a holiday for it, so that she can prepare. It's made a little better when he dumps Elizabeth off on her halfway through. Making sure not to let cat hair get into anything related to the wedding felt close enough to 'normal crunch time' to make her feel reassured.
She tries to remain calm and composed, but it's such a beautiful ceremony, and Zen sparkles like an angel in the sunlight, and she ends up crying anyway.
Yoosung comments that she seems like a mother, and for a brief moment, her soul leaves her body. She hasn't gotten that old, has she?
During the wedding photos, MC pulls her in to pose with them for a few. She can't decide if she's more flattered or mortified, but getting a hug from Zen isn't something she'll ever complain about.
Both the couple and Jumin compliment her for the work she puts in to the wedding, and that's all well and good until she hears Jumin muttering about getting into wedding planning. She knows she heard something about cats.
He's soooooooooooooooooooooo jealous!
sob sob he still doesn't even have a girlfriend when the wedding happens.
Seven offering to dress up as his girlfriend there does not help.
In the end, he invites his guild to the wedding as well, and he does feel a bit better when they're jealous he even knows a girl as cute as her. He got to feel pretty smug about how everyone else was swooning and crushing on her while he was his friend! Just pretend he wasn't once crushing super hard on her.
The wedding feels kind of like some kind of celebrity production? It's fancy and flashy, and not really the kind of wedding he'd want to have, but who is he kidding? He's never getting married, ha ha h a.
Zen basically fastball pitches the garter directly at him and he has no idea what to do. He hyperventilates a bit, actually.
There's! Free! Honey Buddha Chips!
He almost vomits from overeating those, and has to sit down and think about his choices during the dance. No more Honey Buddha Chips for him for a good long time. At least a whole weekend.
He gets a little teary-eyed in the end, though, because a few years ago he never would have imagined that the RFA could have lasted this long, that everyone could come back from that cliff he'd seen, where everyone was about to fall off and fall apart. Somehow, ever since the MC appeared, everyone's lives got better, even if Zen was the only one who ended up with a girlfriend (wife! aaaa, so romantic!) out of it, and they could all stand together in a wedding now, with bright futures for everyone.
He can't help but be inspired to follow his dreams, too, even if working for C&R is harder than he expected it to be.
He's still mad that V couldn't be bothered to come and see the wedding, though. Jerk.
He insists on funding it. Zen fights with him over it for a bit, but when he points out just how expensive it would be to cater to the rather large fanbase Zen has amassed, given that Zen decided to invite all of creation to his wedding, he eventually wins the argument. Obviously.
It's the first time he's been someone's best man, even if the offer is...unusually angry, for the subject matter.
It's not the first time he's been asked to be one, but it is the first time he actually gets to be one.
He doesn't need any woman in his life other than Elizabeth the 3rd, but he is happy to see two friends of his so happy. Love isn't really something he puts much stock into, but if there were any two people whom he could believe in when it comes to that, it's the two being married.
Although he's not as...expressive...as some of the other RFA around, he's extremely happy for them, to the point that there's a warmth in his chest that feels like it might burst out. Zen says his face looks weird, at some point, and the MC elbows Zen hard enough to knock the breath out of him.
He imagines the photos they pose for in the wedding are much like the ones in the wedding that hadn't had the chance to happen.
He chooses to believe that if V were there, his old friend would have had a wonderful time. Undoubtedly, he would have demanded to be the wedding photographer. Perhaps because of that, he finds himself often distracted by meaningless thoughts, except when MC or Zen would grab his arm or hand and yank him off into some other frivolity related to the celebration.
It isn't so bad to attend a wedding every once in a while, if it's one of his friends'.
He accidentally drinks a little too much, and at some point in the evening he's rather certain Assistant Kang physically pushes him out of a room when he'd been in serious negotiations with Luciel about an intriguing business prospect. His memory of the event is too hazy to be certain, however, so he chooses not to address it later.
Somehow he ends up in the wrong car and falls asleep in the married couple's limousine instead of his own.
Obviously he ignores Zen's annoyed lecture in the morning.
MC makes a radiant wife, and even he appreciates her bashful smile when he says so, right up until Zen forcibly ejects him from their dwelling.
He can't believe this is actually real!
It's not just a dream, it's not even one of his prophetic ones. It's real. It's actually happening. After looking forward to this and hoping for it for so long, after having to delay this for years and apologize to his disappointed girlfriend, finally! Finally he can put a ring on her hand and declare to the world "Hands off! This here is Zen's wife, and she's perfect!"
His agent and Jaehee were both pretty worried about what it might do to his career to be publicly married, given how important his sex appeal and the female part of his fanbase is...but even if it means he'll never reach his full potential and they'll just have to survive on small gigs forever, he wanted to spend his life with MC. And that meant marrying her. In public. Not in hiding. He wouldn't do that to her.
Jumin of course stuck his nose in and demanded to pay for it...and...whatever. He guesses it's not such a bad deal. Not having to worry about a budget means that it'll give Jaehee the freedom to set things up as she needs to, and it means he can also give MC whatever wedding it is she dreams of. Even if it's a blow to his pride if what she wants is something he couldn't personally afford without Jumin's help.
Why was he even worried? Of course she doesn't. Her dream is just to be with him, no matter what that means, and he clutches his heart and wonders what the hell he'd ever done to deserve someone so perfect in his life.
It's a roaring success, the wedding. Really, it's a huge turn out, and he basks in all the attention and adulation, no doubt.
But it's his love and his friends that really matter to him.
If someone told him years ago he'd ask Jumin Han, Mr. Trust Fund Kid, to be his best man at his wedding he'd have laughed and then punched that person in the face. Because it'd probably be 7. What a wild ride the world has been since meeting the MC. Making up with Jumin Han is almost more stunning than getting married, honestly.
Yoosung looks a little lost and upset, and while he now #cantrelate, he actually can.
He's not sure how much he trusts superstitions like that specifically, but it doesn't hurt to make sure he knows who gets the garter belt. Maybe Yoosung could find a cute gamer nerd girl somewhere in C&R? That's possible, right?!
It's basically picture perfect, but then they could have gotten married in an alley with a bunch of stumbling drunks and it would have felt perfect if she were beside him.
That does not mean he was willing to take Seven's suggestions about how to handle the venue, though. He's a romantic, but he's not crazy.
Has he ever seen Jumin Han drunk before? Has the world ever seen it before? He's not sure, but it's kind of funny, and his wife - oh wow, it's his wife now, he has a wife! - finds it cute. Aside from a briefly terrifying moment when someone gave Jumin a cat ear headband, it's fairly harmless anyway. It's not bad to see even the Trust Fund Kid loosen up and act like a normal person.
Right up until the damn fool ends up passed out in their car and not waking for the end of the world.
obviously he drags the trust fund kid in to sleep on the couch overnight, not in the car, but missing out on a proper wedding night is almost enough to reignite his rivalry with Jumin Han. If he can't handle his liquor then he needs to be more careful about drinking it, dammit!
His wife is, frankly, way too understanding.
But that's not the worst thing in the world for a wife to be.
It means she doesn't have any problem pretending that the morning after is the wedding night before.
This venue SUCKS.
If they'd asked him, he'd have set up an AWESOME WEDDING HALL. Maybe on a mountain top in the alps? Maybe in a deep sea submarine? It's be frankly awesome. The wedding guests would have to go on a three day trek through Tibet, a harrowing adventure in a rainforest, and retrieve a hidden treasure for their invites. No one would forget the wedding he planned.
For some reason, he was completely banned from even making suggestions about the wedding.
rude, honestly.
He shows up despite that, because he's just that good of a friend, even though it means sneaking out in the middle of a job and leaving a robot version of himself as a decoy to fool his maid. Okay, maybe especially because it was skipping out on work, but mostly it was just to show up and support his friends!
Also free food.
Obviously he catered all the honey buddha chips! But besides the stuff he brought, there's still a bunch of free food, and a smart man doesn't turn down free food.
Yoosung probably should consider doing that, though, as the poor kid looks pretty green there halfway through the reception. 7, great friend that he is, sticks around and comforts Yoosung until a garter basically smacks Yoosung directly in the face.
It's hard to be comforting when he can no longer breathe. He hasn't laughed that hard in ages!
It feels pretty good, honestly. Seeing Zen succeed, seeing the party coordinator fit in and find her place so well in the RFA. For a little while he'd started to believe that maybe all the good, happy days of the RFA were in the past, but then the MC appeared, and...er...despite that little bomb mishap, things had really turned around and the world had brightened.
Well, actually his life is pretty much the same as it's always been. But seeing the RFA perk up, and watching them all succeed and be happy?
It makes him happy.
The tears in his eyes are from laughter when he accidentally beans the CEO-in-line in the face with a handful of rice.
Oh man wouldn't it be funny if Jumin Han ended up in the wrong car?
Weirdly enough, she's not expected to do any work to prepare for the wedding. He takes an entire month off for the wedding, which gives her waking nightmares up until he also gives her the time off as well. She's tempted not to agree, because C&R might well burn down if both of them were gone for so long...but the chances of the Chairman actually firing anyone over his son's wedding are low enough for her to go along with it.
She politely declines the offer to be the Maid of Honor, but appreciates the gesture.
Elizabeth is chosen as it instead and she immediately regrets her choices. Partly for Zen's sake. The MC is clearly a bad influence on the corporate heir, given how utterly amused she looks about this, and that it was apparently the woman's suggestion, not Jumin's.
Alas, it's too late to stop the wedding.
It goes without saying that the wedding is so extravagant that she's pretty sure she'd spend half of the budget of her entire year just on the ceremony, even with out the reception. But part of that is because the Chairman chose to sponsor it, as a gesture of approval for his son's union.
It's for the best, because it keeps the wedding from being entirely cat themed.
It's not really her place, but she's never seen the Chairman look so genuinely proud of Jumin before as when he stood in the wedding hall. Well, it's a relief to see that their relationship seems to be repaired.
There's of course plenty of press outside the venue, but there's more than enough security to keep them all outside. Only the RFA and other friends and family are allowed inside, and that's probably for the best given...the cat maid of honor thing.
She doesn't think that's the kind of kiss a groom is supposed to give the bride.
She's never seen her boss so happy.
Maybe this will be the end of cat related business opportunities?
It's not.
She's clearly happy, though. He can't say he approves of how quickly they rushed into marriage - getting engaged after only knowing each other for two weeks?! CRAZY. It's crazy!
He comes to the wedding anyway, and immediately regrets it. Why the hell is the furball there?! It's like the man is turning the wedding into some kind of a joke! It makes him want to pick a fight with the man right then and there!
He doesn't.
But he's tempted to.
It has nothing to do with the fact that Jumin is constantly guarded by the furball, okay?
He sneezes through their vows, and it serves Jumin 100% right. If he could have managed to breathe properly, the deathly look Jumin turns on him would have been returned with a smirk.
But he can't, because he can't breathe.
Because CAT.
But...it is good to see the RFA happy, especially MC. It's just that he can barely see that through all of his sneezing.
He doesn't remember what happens after that.
When he wakes up in bed, the Trust Fund Kid and the MC are sitting nearby.
He has literally no idea of how he got home, and neither of them bother to explain it. They're up and out pretty shortly after, because they have business to attend to.
He's really, really, really sure he knows what the smirk Jumin gives him means, and it takes all he has not to drop kick the newly married heir.
What a jerk.
He's jealous!
The wedding hall looks like something out of a fairy tale, even more majestic than the most expensive wedding hall that players can rent out in LOLOL. He's not even the bride and even he feels kind of like a princess going into it!
He doesn't know why, but they ask him to be the best man, and he feels so fancy up there that he almost starts speaking in an old-fashioned way.
Honestly? He's not sure how he feels about the fact that the Maid of Honor is actually Elizabeth...but well, MC gives him such a glowing and supportive smile, and Jumin also seems to be so approving of him that he supposes he can choose not to feel insulted that he apparently is on the same level as a literal cat.
He also gets to pet the cat, which is kind of nice? Now that he's just 'visiting' the cat, anyway, and not expected to take care of it or have it rolling all over his expensive equipment.
For some reason, V is apparently too busy to stay the whole ceremony, but he does show up to take photos anyway. It does make sense that V would be the wedding photographer, though.
Yoosung still disapproves that V can't be bothered to stay the whole time. Surely he would have been the best man otherwise?!
The press outside is pretty scary, but those security guards keep them at bay, and hey! He recognizes one of them! The guard even waves at him.
There's more food than he's seen in his entire life at the reception. There's also honey buddha chip bags! SCORE!
When it comes time for wedding gifts, Jumin actually gives him a gift instead. That's confusing enough on its own, but when he opens it he gets even more confused. Pl-playbo-?!
Oh, no, it's something called "Expert Playboy", which seems to be some kind of a magazine about...how to be high society or something.
Well, the gesture is thoughtful! Even if Jumin is kind of blunt about the fact that he needs to study those to get a girlfriend. But then again...? It's also nice if he could get a girlfriend from it.
He's probably overly emotional because of how the day is, but he can't help crying a little in happiness when he sees how everyone is together again. It'd been pretty hard to believe things would turn out this way back before the MC arrived, or even during the crisis that followed, but...somehow everyone made it through, and even if it was kind of surprising to see a wedding so soon (but it's romantic~! Aa~) it gives him hope for the future.
He's happy for them. Honestly. Kinda weird that they rushed into it, but who was he to judge?
He's officially given up the right to judge anyone anymore. Ever. At all.
It's a hard decision to actually go to the wedding, since he's not feeling very joyful even then, but he's done enough of not being there for people who are important to him to last for one life time, he might as well make it for the wedding. Besides, he knows the RFA well enough to know that if he skips out, even with a good excuse, they'll all worry, and someone might actually physically come by and pick him up.
It might be V, which means his security won't even keep them out.
The wedding is on short notice, and he has no idea what to get for The Couple Who Has Everything, so he resolves to buy the first thing he sees for sale on the way to the wedding hall.
It's...a...cactus? He gets them a cactus. MC, angel that she is, takes it like it was actually a thoughtful gift. (hesnotjealoushesnotjealoushesnotjealous)
He gets to realize at least part of his dream: he bursts into the wedding hall a little late on purpose, shouting "I OBJECT TO THIS WEDDING!"
He mistimed it, so it's too early for that. That's awkward. But he rolls with it anyway. At the very least he can still rush the altar and take Elly away by the paw, even if she's not the bride.
Getting physically thrown out of the wedding hall while over the top shrieking is hashtag-worth-it.
He's still let into the reception afterward, because his friends are too good for him, honestly.
It's hard to believe that there's anything but darkness in his future, but seeing even Jumin Han lovestruck and married...maybe it's not totally impossible for things to turn around in a way he never expected, and end up with a happy ending for him, too?
Probably not.
She's radiant, glowing like an angel in the reception, and who is he kidding? He's absolutely jealous that she picked Jumin over him, but...hah. It wasn't really like there was ever an actual competition going on. That whole thing was all in his mind. And anyway, a person who abandoned his other half didn't deserve to find a different other half.
There's a zero percent chance that he's not going to find a way to prank Yoosung about those strange magazines Jumin gave him.
The wedding needs to be perfect. No expense will be spared. He's done research, he knows what these kinds of weddings look like, and he's going to make sure it's the most absolutely extravagant and beautiful ceremony possible, because nothing less than that can hope to express his love for her. He wants nothing less than a wonderland that will earn those beautiful smiles from her at every turn.
He'd like for V to be best man, but his old friend is feeling too frail for that, and so while he promises to come and take pictures, he can't accept the honor of being best man.
It's briefly horrifying when MC suggests it should be Zen instead, but they ultimately agree on Yoosung. Perhaps it will give him motivation to further his studies and make a man of himself.
When Assistant Kang refuses to be the Maid of Honor, the MC goes into a giggling fit that ends with her on the floor, suggesting Elizabeth the 3rd do it. It's a thoroughly silly suggestion, but it brings her such glee that he can't deny it. It's probably for the best they didn't choose Zen for the best man.
The wedding isn't anywhere close to the perfect plan. Elizabeth wanders off from where she was meant to sit in the middle of the ceremony and Assistant Kang has to retrieve her before they can continue. Zen purposefully sneezes through their vows in an overwrought protest, and at one point Luciel breaks into the wedding hall and tries to kidnap Elizabeth. Zen almost certainly only drags the hacker out as an opportunity to get away from Elizabeth.
It's a horrifying train wreck.
Yet, he's never seen the MC look so happy before. His father speaks kindly to her, without any hint of his usual philandering nature.
She's the most beautiful creature he's ever laid eyes on.
When she smiles up at him, he forgets anyone else is around, and he needs no prompting to kiss his bride. Although, perhaps, in retrospect maybe he should have been more considerate and conscious of those around him when he does so. But then again...no.
From now on, the concerns of his wife supersede anything else. She will be the #1 in his life, from this point onward. Forever.
This is the life he wants for her: one where she is first in everything. One where she is given all that she could ever desire. One where she will never need to question whether she is loved.
Although he kept them out of the wedding hall itself, the press is waiting outside, of course. The heir in line of C&R and his new wife, alongside the current CEO of C&R would make news no matter what. And that's just fine with him. The world should see his beloved, and how beautiful she is. The world will, in fact, see her. He's sure of that. Never so much to overwhelm her, but enough to ensure no one would ever question that she is his one and only. That he may not deserve her, but she deserves everything.
The reception goes much better than the wedding, fortunately. Assistant Kang ends up with the bouquet, looking quite confused. Luciel behaves better in the reception hall than the wedding one, and even provides a gift.
It's...puzzling, but he seems genuinely proud of it.
His new wife is quite happy with it.
His wife.
This woman, the only one to understand him, the one to help him detangle all the threads in his mind, this woman is his wife.
In a way he already is, but a part of him quite literally wishes to climb onto a rooftop and shout out to the world that she is his wife now, his love, and the one he will spend his life with. No one else but her.
He thinks it's a rather frivolous thought, but V calls it romantic, and smiles in a more genuine and warm way than he's seen his old friend smile in a while.
He fails to convince V to get the eye surgery just yet, but...V does happily take photographs for the wedding, and seeing his friend taking photos again - enjoying himself once more - is a greater gift than he could ever ask for.
It's all quite wonderful, until Elizabeth the 3rd - apparently - hops into Zen's lap expecting attention. He isn't sure why she does this. Perhaps she was confused? Perhaps she simply wondered why the man continued making so much noise and sought to comfort or silence him? Whatever the case, the man has a public meltdown and ends up on the floor in a rather disgusting mess of snot and tears.
It's probably wrong to leave him there, yes.
Instead, he has Driver Kim pick up the man and return him back to his house.
His wife truly is kind, looking over the semi-conscious man and ensuring he has allergy medicine until he comes to.
It doesn't take particularly long overall, but he still cannot help but enjoy watching his new wife as she moves around the room and the bed, taking care of his most troublesome friend. Truly, he cannot measure the fortune and luck that he has stumbled into by meeting her, by loving her, and by her loving him in return. Nothing in his life can truly compare.
It seems he is visibly lovestruck, as he's caught out of his daze by the feel of her lips on his cheek, just before Zen stirs and wonders in confusion as to where he's ended up.
He imagines it's quite understandable even to Zen why he's in a hurry to wrap things up and return home with his new wife.
It is after all, their wedding night.
And he is quite finished with spending nights away from his love.
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viking-raider · 4 years
Mission Impossible: Love *Anon Request*
Summary: Henry has been trying everything he can to get you to realize he’s hopelessly in love with you, as you both work on Mission Impossible: Fallout. But, you are oblivious to a lot of it, worried he’d never love a plus sized woman, like yourself.
Pairing: Henry Cavill/Reader
Word Count: 2,935
Rating: Fluff, Puppy!Henry and PlusSized!Reader
Inspiration: Anon Request (x)
Author’s Note: Who wouldn’t!
Tag List: @jennylovelyheart, @peakygroupie, @jessevans​ @MITZWINCHESTER @rosie-loves-things​, @ohjules​, @mary-ann84​, @omgkatinka​, @hm-fck​, @the-freak-cassie-131​, @heelsamizayn​, @agniavateira, @cap-barnes​
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Henry licked his lips as he watched you from across the room, the stars of a love sick puppy sparkling in his blue eyes. He was so hopelessly in love with you, and had been since pre-production. He'd been hinting at it for the last four months the two of you worked together on Mission Impossible, he'd hope you get it by now. He had brought you flowers on the first day of production, you melted as you smelled them and thanked him for them, and virtually socked him in the stomach, when you told him what a good friend he was for thinking of you. He'd invited you to be his special date for one of the award shows he had to attend, and you were ecstatic at the prospect of it. It wasn't every day you got to put on a fancy dress, get all glammed up for something so important. You thought nothing of it as Henry held your hand from the limo and down the red carpet to the venue doors. You thought about it for a split second, when he kept holding your hand, as you both made your way to the seats you would be occupying. But, the thought didn't last long enough for you to process, because you got enthralled by how amazing the venue looked. Henry pulled out every subtle, and not so subtle, hint and clue he could think of to get you to notice him, and how much he was in love with you. He was starting to feel desperate at this point.
“She still not notice you, all but swooning, over her, Henry?” Simon Pegg asked, coming up behind him.
“Not a fucking blink.” Henry sighed, like a deflated balloon. “I even cooked her dinner last night.”
A huge smile broke out over Simon's face, and he roared with laughter. “You made her dinner!” He giggled, everyone from the movie stars to the gate attendant at the entrance of the filming studio outside, knew Henry Cavill was head over heels in love with you, but you still managed to oblivious.
“Yeah.” Henry nodded, turning his head to Englishman. “I had Michelle, covertly, ask her what her favorite food was, like a week or so ago, and then surprised her with it last night.”
Simon's face turned even redder as he tried to bite back another roar of laughter. “Co-vert-ly.” He choked out, between short bursts of laughter. “This movie is really getting to your head, Cavill.” He snorted, then lost it, doubling over, his hands slapping his knees. “Mission Impossible: Love!”
“What in the world is happening over here?” Ving Rhames asked, drawn over by the look of desperation on Henry's face and Simon wheezing from laughing so hard.
“Henry here,” Simon gasped, straightening up and holding his side. “Covertly, asked Michelle to find out what y/n's favorite food was, then made it for her.”
“Are you still trying to get that girl to notice you?” Ving asked, grinning at Henry, just as amused by him trying to pull out all the stops and shower you with as much of his charm, as he could. “Why don't you just go up to her, and tell her you're in love with her?”
“Cause Henry wants to be romantic.” Simon teased him, giving him goo goo eyes. “And he's too shy to admit it out loud.” He added, dodging out of the way as Henry's fist took a swipe at him. “It took a month for him to finally admit it to us.” He said, hiding behind Ving.
“I can only guess what this discussion is about,” Tom's voice called, joining the three of them. “But, the way Simon's hiding behind Ving, and you're redder than hell face, Henry. I'm guessing it's your girl, over there.” He said, motioning to you with his head.
“She's not my girl.” Henry huffed, as the three of them ribbed him over it. “Yet.” He added with a pout, as he watched you walk out of the sound-stage.
“Look, Henry.” Tom sighed, feeling bad for him. “You've been trying to tell her, you're in love with her, every way possible, minus, the one way that really makes it hard for her to miss.”
“And what way is that?” Henry asked, hanging onto his every word, he'd take a suggestion from a cereal box, if he thought it help him out.
Tom rested his hand on Henry's broad shoulder, and looked him dead in the eye. “You just walk up to her and tell her this,” he dragged it out, Ving and Simon snorting back giggles. “Y/n, I'm in love with you.”
All three of them started laughing at him, even making a couple of the crew members laugh, even though they didn't know why. Henry growled, frustrated and raked a hand through his short hair as they kept laughing at him. He wanted to be romantic, it was something Henry enjoyed doing when he was in love. But, he'd never had such a hard time getting a woman to notice his charm. Hell, most women would have noticed him, even if he wasn't trying to charm them. You were completely different though, he never felt so friend-zoned in his life.
“You know, she does like you, you know.” Rebecca told him a while later, as she sat next to him in the food tent, they'd spent most of the morning filming the bathroom scene.
“What?” Henry croaked, choking on his sip of water.
“Y/n.” She clarified, casually eating her food. “She's got a huge crush on you, and has for quite sometime from what I understand, before you two even met in pre-production.”
Henry looked at Rebecca with large and surprised blue eyes. “She does?” He squeaked, in a small voice, in total disbelief. “Then, why hasn't she noticed me?” He asked, when she nodded her head.
“Well, one,” Rebecca started, pushing her plate away from her. “You're being way more subtle than you think you're being. Two, She doesn't think someone like you, could ever like someone like her.” She explained to him.
“Why, because I'm a celebrity?” he asked, concerned and looking around the tent for you.
Rebecca chuckled, shaking her head at him. “No, you dunce.” She grinned. “She's worried because she's a plus sized woman, and you're a...” Rebecca looked Henry over, he was still in his costume, a very well fitting suit, where his dress shirt's buttons strained every time he moved, even the smallest bit. “God.”
Henry turned back around to her, shocked at this information. “She thinks I wouldn't love her, because of her body?” he asked, his stomach and heart twisting at the idea you felt that way.
“Yeah.” Rebecca nodded. “Most men are.”
“I'm not most men.” Henry replied, hurt that you were afraid of that.
“And, She's not most women, Henry.” Rebecca told him, patting him on the back as she got up to go. “I get you want to be romantic and all that, but sometimes the most romantic thing you can do for a woman, especially one that may not have a load of confidence, is to be straightforward and honest with her.”
Henry sat there in the food tent, mulling Rebecca's words over and the information that you had a crush on him. He was starting to see her, Tom, Ving, Simon and Michelle were right, his subtlety wasn't working whatsoever. He needed to change tactics on how to express to you that he was in love with you, and didn't care that you were a plus sized woman, that you were perfect and beautiful as you are, especially to him. He looked around at the still bustling tent and saw you eating with Michelle.
“Hey, Henry.” Simon called, sliding into a chair in front of him, Ving and Tom joining him. “Decided to eat y/n for lunch?” he chuckled.
“You know what,” Henry said, getting up out of his chair and walked over to the table you were sitting at. “Y/n.” He said your name with a confident conviction, startling you out of your conversation with Michelle, and look up at him.
“Henry.” You smiled shyly at him, gulping.
It was the look in your eyes that told Henry that he'd missed your own subtle hints of trying to tell him you were in love with him, as well. As stupid as it made him feel to realize he'd missed them, he felt so incredibly relieved to see it, it galvanized him, “I have something I need to tell you.” He told you, in a clear voice.
“Okay,” You nodded, standing up. “Is there somew...”
“I'm in love with you, y/n.” He told you, catching you off guard, and causing the entire tent to go quiet and look at the pair of you. “I've been trying to tell you in a bunch of subtle ways that I am in love with you; the flowers I gave you, asking you to be my date for the academy awards, asking Michelle to find out what you like to eat and making it for you,” he blushed at Michelle, who winked at him and gave him a nod of encouragement.
“You got this, Superman!” Simon yelled from behind him.
He bit his lips, blushing, as were You. “The surprise birthday gift you got,” he coughed, clearing his throat. “was from me, y/n.” he admitted, and his eyes growing, as you took the heart shaped necklace with your birthstone, out from underneath your shirt. It made him smile knowing you liked it enough to wear it. “You like it, then?” he asked, proudly.
“I love it.” You told him, closing your hand around it. “Like, I love you, Henry.” You admitted, as well.
“That is...amazing.” He beamed, feeling like he was rocketing to the moon, he was so happy. “Would you like to have dinner, properly, with me?” he asked, biting the corner of his lip, again.
You glanced around, feeling every pair of eyes in the room on you and Henry, but you didn't care, as your eyes met his. “I would, absolutely, love that.” You glowed at him, sharing his over the moon happiness.
The whole tent erupted in applause, making you wonder how many of the people working with you and Henry knew, what the two of you hadn't known, all along. You both blushed seriously hard the rest of the lunch break. Henry had moved over to your table, sitting next to you. He was like the puppy you'd got for Christmas, he was so happy and actively talking to you and giving you every bit of his attention, and energy. Simon, Ving and Tom also moved over to your table with him, and all of them enjoyed teasing you and Henry about how long it took you two to get around and finally admitting you were in love, and reminiscing about all the times one of you did something silly to try and show your affection, or just try and get your attention.
“I'm telling you!” Simon laughed, as he told you the story of one of those moments. “The first time he did the arm reload thing, it was completely improvised. But, the minute Henry found out you thought it was cute, he kept doing it every take after that.”
“Oh my god.” You bubbled with laughter and grinned at Henry as he sat next to you, grinning like the guilty boy he was.
“Oh, that's like when y/n heard you liked that one shirt of hers, Henry.” Michelle chuckled, making you gasp at her, faking betrayal. “You washed that shirt every day for a week!” She outed you.
“Oh, fuck you!” You laughed, blushing for the millionth time. “I thought you were on my side!”
“We've all been on the side of getting you two romantic geeks together!” Simon shouted out, another wave of laughter rippled through the table. “I was seriously starting to thinking about forging love letters and sending them to the both of you!”
“That was my idea!” Michelle barked, crumpling up her napkin and tossing it at Simon's head.
“I thought about having McQuarrie land the two of you in one of our remote locations and not lifting you back til you confessed.” Tom laughed, leaning back in his seat to dodge the flying napkin. “McQuarrie was totally on board with it too.”
“Is there anyone that doesn't know!?” Henry demanded, looking around the table.
“Man, the parking attendant across the street, even knows ya'll are in love.” Ving chuckled, taking a sip of his drink.
You and Henry looked at each other, shaking your heads and grinning at each other. You felt your heart flutter as Henry rested his hand gently on your knee, under the table. You bit your lip, resting your hand on his and carefully resting your shoulder against his.
“We start filming again in ten, guys!” One of the producers called, standing in the opening of the tent.
A collective grumble sounded through the tent and people started shifting, finishing the last of their food, getting up to throw their plates away and funneling out of the tent and back to their places and tasks for the rest of the day's filming. You and Henry were the last two people in the tent, still sitting super close to each other, his hand still on your knee and your hand still on his.
“I really enjoyed the dinner you, covertly, made me last night.” You chuckled, tracing your fingertips over the top of his hand. “There's one other person that I know that came make it that good, my mum, and then there's the restaurant I discovered it at.” You blushed, babbling.
Henry smiled, sweetly at you, his stomach full of butterflies. “I'm glad, that I was able to perfect it.” he said, turning his hand, palm up, to thread his fingers with yours. “I only had to google the recipe three times, and watch a youtube video.” He admitting, chuckling nervously.
“I'm really sorry about missing all your hints.” You told him, pressing your lips together.
“I am sorry about missing yours, as well, y/n.” Henry sighed, licking his lips and meeting your eyes. “Guess I was too caught up trying to get you to see me.”
“I was rather, busy, trying to ignore you to some degree.” You said, shyly, brushing a hand through your hair.
“Because you thought, I wouldn't love you.” He said, softly, and giving your hand a small squeeze.
“Look at you.” You told him, motioning to him with your free hand and feeling your insides quiver. “And, look at me.” You motioned to yourself, frowning.
“Y/n, no.” Henry shook his head, his other hand resting on your chin, lifting your head so you looked at him again. “You are beautiful to me, y/n. You have been since I first saw, and you will always be, until I no longer breathe.”
“Henry.” You whispered, quietly, moving in closer to him and closing your eyes, feeling the warmth of his body so close to yours, and his soft warm breath against your skin.
“Let me prove it to you, y/n.” He whispered back, leaning his face nearer to yours. “Tonight. My place, in London. I'll cook you, whatever you want, and we'll watch whatever you want to watch, or whatever else you want to do.”
“And, what do you want to do, Henry?” You asked, batting your eyelashes at him.
Henry grinned. “I want you. I want you to be happy. I want to see you smile and hear you laugh, to be yourself, unafraid. I want you to know that I love you, for you.” he confessed, brushing his knuckles against your cheek.
“You made me my favorite food for dinner, last night.” You reasoned with him. “Why don't you make your favorite food tonight?”
“Hm.” Henry hummed, rubbing his lips together as he thought about it. “Something with curry, definitely.” He chuckled, nodding his head. “What about a movie?”
“I love the movie, the scent of a woman.” You told him, resting your hand on his thigh.
“I've never seen it.” Henry told you, quietly.
“It's a really good movie with Al Pacino and Chris O'Donnell.” You assured him. “I think, you'll like it.”
Henry smiled at you, caressing your cheek and neck. “I'll trust you on that.”
“Henry,” an assistant called, appearing in the tent entrance. “We're starting filming again, you're needed on set.”
Sighing, Henry nodded, reluctant to move away from you. But, you smiled at him, leaning in closer to him and kissed his cheek, feeling his skin warm against your lips.
“I'll see you tonight.” You told him, getting up and chuckling at him as he didn't let go of your hand until you moved away from him.
He watched you go, totally in disbelief that he was going to have you, in his house, tonight for dinner and a movie. He threw up his hands as the assistant told him again, he was going to be late for his cue, and got up to follow them out, his mind racing about the coming night, and the endless teasing he was going to get from the cast, until then.
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The Show Must Go On! - A Youtuber AU you didn’t want and didn’t need
Hisoka Morrow, italian Makeup Youtuber, enjoys his life in the comfort and occasional drama of his profession. But nothing brings more drama into his life than the eldest son of the Zoldyck fashion magazine empire.
Meanwhile, aspiring australian Twitch Streamer Gon Freecs forms a special bond to a Speedrunner commonly going by "Kil".
Chapter 1 
FF.net link - AO3 link 
Beep Beep. beep Beep. Click
8:00 am. Hisoka rolled over in his queen-sized bed, groaning at the interruption of his beauty sleep. Setting an early alarm after editing until 2 am was a horrible idea.
He grabbed his phone from his nightstand and rolls onto his back, following his ritual of checking all his notifications in the morning. The video he had uploaded after editing was well received, many comments about how he should try more looks with purple eyeshadow. About 3 years ago he had started his channel “Bubblegumbitch Makeup” as more of a throwaway joke after someone insulted his makeup on Instagram. However, an audience grew quite quickly, and Hisoka had to admit that he enjoyed the attention and luxury of it all. Making money by sitting in front of a camera and applying Makeup while people tell you how good looking you are is a great ego boost.
Half-heartedly he scrolled through his subscription feed, just to see what his competition was up to, though barely anyone had really uploaded during the night. Amateurs and their 'healthy' sleep schedules. A true influencer knows that an audience never sleeps.
 He disregarded his phone somewhere into the pile of pillows that make up his bed and made his way into the bathroom. His morning showers are more functional than enjoyable, quickly rinsing on whatever spirits of sleep may linger on him.
After that, the Makeup artist applied his usual morning creams, body lotion, towel dries his hair, and threw on a pair of grey low-waist sweats and a comfortable white razor-back shirt. Need. Coffee.
 Hisokas flat was a quaint little thing just outside of Rieti. An open imitation marble kitchen, facing the living room equipped with a black leather couch and wall mounted flat screen TV, opening to a relatively small balcony housing a few plants.
Exiting his bedroom, he grabbed the TV remote and switched unto a random morning news show, just needing background noise while he waits for his coffee to brew.
"And preparations are running wild for the annual Fashion Week in Rome. This year the line-up features many new promising designers from all over the globe. Tune in at 10 for more-"
The fashion week! Hisoka grinned, having nearly forgotten about this important event that he had always followed closely. Though rarely attending himself, he had been requested on multiple occasions as a make-up artist for certain models. But there was something more important connected to that special week. He grabbed his fresh cappuccino and strolled back to his room, fishing his phone from the depths of pillow mountain.
"Hisoka: Gooooood Morning! Roma's Fashion Week is coming up, are you going to stop on by? ~"
It didn’t take long before his phone chimed with the familiar Ping of a private Message.
“Bellissimo <3: I will be going to the Show for 4 days. If it proves convenient, I’d drop by for a short collaboration.”
“Hisoka: I’ll be keeping my bed warm~♥️”
“Bellissimo<3: Gross and unnecessary. I will book a room in my usual hotel in Rome. I’ll drop by for the Collaboration on Monday afternoon, and leave after.”
“Bellissimo<3: I will send you some sample pieces later, please come up with a look for one of them, and don’t just ‘wing it’ like last time.”
Hisoka giggled before disregarding his phone again. Illumi Zoldyck, breakthrough Fashion Designer from England, and eldest son of Zoldyck fashion magazine empire, who often uploaded videos of his artistic process on his channel “I. Zoldyck Fashion”. They had met 2 years ago, at a smaller Paris fashion show, the first one Hisoka ever attended. A model had requested Hisoka as her makeup artist, while Illumi had been working on a dress for her, and the two of them ended up working closely together to properly coordinate colours with each other. And though Illumi expressed great annoyance with Hisoka, they exchanged numbers, and started to make collab videos whenever they fell into the same place. Something about working together with Illumi got Hisokas heart racing. Seeing the camera-shy man get increasingly more frustrated with his antics was a joy that could hardly be topped.
But he didn’t have time to dwell in good memories and spine-tingling anticipation. He had work to do. And so once again he chucked his phone back into the pillow-cave system and made his way into his recording room.
It was a small office space, on one side an office Desk with a Desktop Computer, a couple of small succulent plants framing it, and a comfy black office chair. On the other side a set-up to record videos, with a white-pink gradient wall, a stainless white desk with a small mirror standing on it, and a less-comfy stool to sit on. In a smooth motion, Hisoka downed the rest of his coffee, set the cup aside, and started the camera. The night before he had laid out everything for his next video, a review for a new eyeshadow palette released by another Beauty Youtuber, still trying to get into the game. How Cute.
Hisoka clapped his hands together, putting on his best camera smile. “Hey, Scum! ~ Today I have a very special treat for you all. I got my hands on the new Togari Palette ‘Hunting for Your Dreams’, his first release.” He held up the shimmering silver case and opened it up for the camera to reveal 6 eyeshadows in various shades of orange and red. About half an hour and a couple try hard glamour shots later, Hisoka dropped the Palette with a grin, staring directly into the Camera. In addition to his signature Star and Teardrop under his eyes, he had attempted to imitate a flame-inspired eyeshadow look. “Well, this has been an absolute disaster. I feel like I’m losing clumps of eyeshadow every time I blink, and it feels sandy and irritating on my skin. But you have got to give it to Togari: I have never seen a Palette that features colours that are eye-biting and yet completely bland before. Though the surprise gift of a long, brown hair inside the sealed Palette wasn’t for me. But you know, if you see these Palettes in your local bargain bin, I’d say go for it.” He gave a cheeky wink, before rattling off his usual goodbyes, like and subscribe, yadda yadda.
Hisoka took the camera and set it by his computer. Before he could even think about editing, he must wipe away whatever the hell was in that shabby palette. Of course it wasn’t the worst make-up he had ever worn; it probably wouldn’t even make it in the bottom 10, he wasn’t here to make friends and spoon-feed his competition compliments. If a creator dares to churn out a subpar product, they have to deal with the consequences.
After practically subjecting himself to water torture via make-up remover towels, the man grabbed another whiteclaw from the fridge, and settled into his office chair. Digging through business emails was a boring, repetitive task, deleting promo-email after promo-email, practically begging him to promote some skin-care vitamins or boring phone app. Clicking the nails of his free hand against his desk, he tapped away at the delete button in a rhythm only known to him.
Finally reaching the bottom of his inbox, he switched to his private Inbox with a satisfied smile, an expected email already waiting for him. “From: I. Zoldyck: Roma Fashion Week Promos”.  To my private Email, dear Illumi? How shockingly Intimate~ Hisoka mocked in his head while opening the mail.  
Attached are 3 Designs I plan to show off at the show. Chose one for the collaboration and let me know in time.
Illumi Zoldyck.”
Under his signature, 3 files were lined up, boringly titled “Design Roma 1/2/3”. Hisoka opened the first file and is greeted by a 2-piece suit with a light pink base colour, and blue-green flower highlights that frame the pockets and seams of the jacket, and the belt of the pants. Not bad, not bad.
The second file contained another 2-piece suit, this time with a black base colour, and a repeating roman-vase pattern in eye-catching blues, pinks, and oranges. Lovely pattern, and what a revealing jacket cut~. He was sure he had found his favourite, already planning a matching make-up look. But it wouldn’t hurt looking at the last design for pity, right?
Hisoka audibly gasped in a mixture of shock and flattery and laid a hand over his heart to complete the star performance. Staring back at him was a beautiful white-jeans design, patterned with colourful card-suits dotting the jacket and pants. The pattern was ever so slightly washed out, faking a vintage look. This is it. Mine. His heart was beating through his chest, and for the first time in a while he was truly speechless.
He had 3 more weeks until the show, but his mind was already bursting with inspiration, and when he later laid in bed, he couldn’t contain his grin as he texted.
“Hisoka: You already know which one im choosing~♥️♥️♥️”
Gon had been streaming for a good hour or so, talking excitedly to his chat about the new Season of Fortnite, admiring new skins that he was definitely going to try and get. Every new pass just meant a new challenge for him to prove himself, and it was undeniable that it was satisfying to work and game hard to get what he wanted. Just as he was about to ask chat if he should go another row, or change games for the night, a discord message drew his attention away.
“Kil: Yo, wanna team up? :p”
Filled with even more excitement, Gon returned his attention back to his stream. “Everyone, today we are going to feature a special guest!”
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myuntoldstory · 4 years
Mystic Messenger | This Feels Like Falling in Love
AO3 | FF.net
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Zen | Ryu Hyun/Main Character (Named)
Warning: N/A
Word Count: 2, 384
Summary: "That fateful night when she knew… she loved him too."
Set after Zen's good end and after end. An exploration of one of the many nights in Zen and Lux's time as a couple. Lux decides that she sleeps better with Zen than without him.
This Feels Like Falling in Love
There's a knock on the door. Lux looks up from the sink as it opens and Zen peeks in. The hesitant expression on his face melts into happiness as their eyes meet in the mirror. He beams at her and she smiles back, turning the faucet off and wiping her hands. After showering she tends to resemble a drowned rat... but somehow Zen still looks at her like she's the most beautiful girl in the world.
"Hello, handsome," she greets.
Zen opens the door fully, releasing the steam. As she removes the towel and readies the hairdryer, she catches him watching her. Before long, his arms slip around her waist, pulling her to his solid body. With a happy hum, he kisses the side of her neck and squeezes gently. Chuckling shyly, she plugs the appliance in.
“You smell really good,” he sighs, perching his chin on her shoulder. “Almost done?”
"Yeah," she replies. "I just need to dry my hair."
"Do you need help with anything?"
She contemplates his question, looking in the mirror and ruffling her damp hair. He watches her every move, garnet eyes focused in the same way they do when he reviews monitors and dailies. When their eyes meet he grins. Her heart skips a beat at his brilliant, handsome face. Unable to help herself, she turns to him and kisses his temple, hugging his arms when he squeezes her waist again. His needy affection inspires her. Returning his smile, she gestures at the hairdryer.
“Then, do you mind helping me?” she says. “With my hair?”
“I’d love to!”
After kissing her shoulder, he guides her to sit on the tub. Then, he walks out of the bathroom, returning seconds later with a round brush in hand. He stands behind her and soon she hears the loud whirring of the hairdryer. A blast of hot air hits her, warming her cooling body. She can't see what he's doing, but she feels him dividing her hair into sections. Then, he runs the hairdryer along each lock, using the brush to detangle. Lux sighs as her muscles relax; she gives into Zen's tender touch as he dries her hair. It's like being in a salon, except he's extra careful and gentle with her. She can tell he doesn't want to hurt her... even with something expected like hair pulling or stubborn tangles.
"Are you going to sleep after this?" he says.
"I want to, yeah..."
As if to prove it a yawn overcomes her as she sinks further into warm comfort. The lids of her eyes grow heavy as Zen continues to spoil her. With him, she's always so relaxed. There's unwavering security in his presence that she never senses the need to be on guard. Around him, she can be vulnerable like this... because he'll treat her kindly. Because he'll treat her with so much love. It makes her want to be greedy; she wants more... more of his time and affections. The corners of her lips tug up in inspiration. She looks up at him with a tempting smile.
"Come to bed with me?"
Zen pauses as desire flit across his face.
"I want to," he says, "I really do, but..."
Her smile turns understanding as he trails off.
"You still have work to do," she says.
"I'm sorry, princess."
"It's okay."
Zen leans down and she receives his apologetic kiss. She raises her hand to his cheek, stroking gently as he runs the tip of his tongue across the seam of her mouth. A warm feeling spreads within her, feeling like an internal hug. Then, she picks up the absence of noise. When Zen pulls away and she catches her breath, she realises that the hairdryer is off. After another kiss to her forehead, he tidies up.
"I'm done," he says with a smile.
With his help, she stands up. She looks into the mirror and gasps at how gorgeous her hair looks. It's shiny and sleek. His technique brought significant volume to her usually flat hair. Hesitantly, she touches it, afraid of ruining the masterpiece.
"Oh, my darling said my name!"
At his giddy reply, she meets his eyes in the mirror, returning his happy grin. The absolute joy he exudes makes him radiant. He's sparkling, brighter than the lights... brighter than anything in the world. Biting her lips, she smiles to herself as she continues to watch him. Her cheeks redden at his brilliance; he's like her own personal sun.
"Did I do something right?" he teases, hugging her to him again.
"You did something amazing," she says. "You are incredible."
"Well, the stylists taught me... but it's nothing compared to what they do."
He hides his face in her neck and she giggles at the sight of his bright red ears. People who say he’s self-absorbed don’t know him. Those who say he’s narcissistic don’t bother to look deep within him. It’s tragic… how the world is missing out on this… this cute side of him. No one knows that the smallest compliments still fluster him. That he’s so humble, recognising the skills of others.
Oh well.
More for her.
She takes his hand and leads him out of the bathroom.
“I kind of feel like I shouldn’t be sleeping with this hair,” she jokes.
Once in the bedroom he takes the lead and helps her to bed.
“What do you mean?” he says with a confused frown.
Giggling, she does a little dance and whips her hair back and forth.
“Shouldn’t I go out and show it off?”
Zen bursts out laughing at her little display. After pulling the covers up her legs he leans down and captures her lips properly. They share chuckles between kisses as a playful mood settles over them. Before long they pull away from each other. With an amused smile, he taps her nose as she reclines against the pillows.
"You're too cute for your own good," he says.
She crinkles the appendage, earning another bout of laughter.
"And so beautiful," he continues, brushing strands of hair away from her face. "Too beautiful. Actually, you're so gorgeous that I'm scared you'll cause some heart attacks if you go out now."
She blushes at his compliment. "Do I... give you heart attacks?"
"Every day," he sighs. "I'm surprised I'm not dead yet."
"It's true."
"Well, you give me heart attacks too," she giggles.
He cups her cheek and brushes his thumb against her lips. Then he winks at her.
"Why do you think I kiss you all the time?"
"For... resuscitation?"
"Then... you better kiss me again."
That's all the permission Zen needs. He hovers over her as he kisses her again. This time he's more persistent, bolder. Lux opens her mouth to him, whimpering as his tongue sweeps inside to taste her. Her hands fist around his shirt as she holds on to him. Meanwhile, he cups the back of her head and keeps her in place. The need to breathe separated them, but Zen doesn't stop. She bites her tingling lips as he rains kisses down her jaw and throat.
"S-sure you don't want to come to bed now?" she says, breathless.
Zen groans with regret. "I really need to work on this script."
"Okay," she says after a disappointed sigh.
He raises his head and her breath hitches at the sight of him—flushed with kiss-swollen lips. The pupils of his eyes are wide with desire for her. But the smile he gives her is tender. She returns it, closing her eyes as he presses a tender kiss on her forehead.
"Sleep, babe," he says. "You have work tomorrow too."
"All right."
"I won't be long," he promises. "I'll turn in soon."
"Good night, darling."
After another kiss he extricates himself. Lux watches him walk away and after one last smile he turns off the lights. He pulls the door, but leaves it ajar for her. She finds comfort in that sliver of light. Unlike the darkness of a closed door, that sliver of light means he's not far away. She can still go to him. He's still available. He'll still welcome her.
Lux turns, a little sad at the emptiness of his side of the bed. It reminds her of that night after he rescued her from that would-be kidnapper. The moment she stepped into his apartment he gave her his bedroom and took residence on the couch. He was so careful with her. He always gave her space and made it clear that he didn't want to take advantage of her vulnerability. He stayed resolute even after her many assurances. She had to concede that he had a point; certain impulsive things tend to happen out of trauma. It was no good to push things towards the point of regret.
So, she followed his lead.
But... it didn't soothe her loneliness... or save her from her fear.
Lux sighs and tries to go to sleep, but now that she remembers the past restlessness settles in her body. She tosses and turns for a few minutes, trying to find the best position to sleep. How frustrating. Minutes ago she all but nodded off. Now attempting to do so makes her feel all kinds of wrong. After one last attempt, she sits up with a huff. She combs through her hair with regret... she's ruined Zen's masterpiece by now. Glancing at the door, she makes a swift decision. She throws the covers back and pads out of the room.
Arriving in the living room, she smiles at the sight that greets her. Zen sits on the couch, surrounded by open books. His foot taps in beat with the music flowing from the speakers. After careful listening, she recognises it as the songs he needs to learn for his next production. His eyes are focused again as he reads the script before him. Every few seconds he takes the pen tucked behind his ear and writes some notes on the pages. Sometimes, he consults the books before him. The glistening mask on his face somehow tops the whole picture. Now, he looks like the perfect image of a relaxed, yet professional actor.
Sighing, he sets the script aside before removing the mask. That's when he notices her standing just out of the hallway. Though the mask covers his face she catches concern replacing his surprise. He disposes of the mask and beckons her over. Like a child who doesn't want to get in trouble, she approaches with caution.
"What's wrong, honey?" he says, patting the residue into his skin.
Lux winces. "I don't want to bother you."
"Never. What's up?"
"I can't sleep without you."
As soon as the words leave her lips her cheeks redden. They burn hotter when she sees Zen's stunned expression. That was a little too honest. Also, she said that a little too quickly. Looking around she realises that he is as busy as he says. Isn't it selfish of her to go to him for comfort when he also has his own things to take care of?
"I mean... all my sleepiness went away," she corrects. Then she feigns a wide yawn, complete with the teary eyes. "I just wanted to see what you're up to and... well... I'm sleepy now so I'll go back to bed."
She turns from him, embarrassed.
"Good night—"
“Come here, babe.”
Zen talks before Lux leaves the room. She faces him again, eyes widening when she sees what he’s doing. One by one he closes the study materials and places them in a neat stack on the coffee table. Then, he opens his arms to her. A kind smile now replaces his stunned expression, making her heart skip a beat.
"I don't want to bother you," she repeats.
He winks. "Honestly, after leaving you I couldn't concentrate."
Her cheeks heat up more at his honesty. She doesn't want to stand in the way of his productivity... but when he opens his arms wider and waves her over she can no longer resist. She skips to him, nearly barrelling into his arms in her haste. After some manoeuvring, she's snuggled against him and the back of the couch. They share laughter as she plucks the pen from his ear and placed it somewhere that's easier to access. He wraps his arm around her shoulders, gently petting her hair. She lays her head on his shoulder. Then, she carefully pulls his hair out of hiding, curling her fingers around the silky locks. With a smile, she looks up at him. He kisses her forehead.
“Comfy?” he whispers.
She nods with a deep breath. He smells like his favourite soap and laundry detergent. Underneath is the refreshing scent of the facial mask—aloe vera and cucumber. Lux takes another deep breath, letting the smell of him calm every inch of her body. Craning her neck, she presses a gentle kiss on the underside of his jaw, smiling at his pleased sigh. The beginning of drowsiness slips into her consciousness, weighing on her lids once more.
Silence falls between them as he resumes reading. Lux's gaze blurs as her stare goes far away. The steady rhythm of his heart... the way he caresses her hair... the melody coming from the speakers... it turns out they're the perfect remedy for her restlessness. Once in a while, he hums along, soothing her worn nerves further. The moment she settles in his arms the past is just that. The anxiety that had her in its vice-like grip is now completely gone. He fills her mind, easing her to a state of peace. She holds onto his shirt as drowsiness continues to weave through her consciousness.
As she continues to slip under, she realises that she's felt like this before. This particular moment feels so familiar that she's sure it's already happened. She closes her eyes, hoping it will help her concentrate and bring up a memory. She plans to open them again, but now she finds that she can't. Oh well... she still wants to remember what it was...
She remembers.
She called him…
He read her Cinderella…
And told her she was his Prince Charming.
That fateful night when she knew… she loved him too.
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peachybowen · 4 years
stupid • r.b
series masterlist
  pt.1 pt.2
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pairing: ricky bowen x reader
warnings: swearing? cliche things? My writing?
songs: I think you kinda, you know by Joshua Bassett, Start of Something New by Vanessa Hudgens and Zac Efron
words: 3.6k
A/N: this is my first time posting/writing on Tumblr! I hope u enjoy xx
italics= little scenes? (like the scene where Ricky says: „this is a nightmare. Love is dead.”) :)
crossed words is when they usually turn to the camera you know :))
There may also be a few mistakes but I tried my best! :)
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Junior year. Another year sitting in a classroom full of teenagers. Also another year of creating memories with my two best friends, Ricky and Big Red. Ricky Bowen, the cutest boy you will ever meet. Trust me on this he's so cute I-
,,Today's the day guys. It's happening.'' Ricky stated excited while nudging my shoulder. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.
,,Hell yeah. Junior year, baby'' Big Red replied just as excited as Ricky.
,,Might grow a mustache. Might do a lot of things.'' he continued with a grin on his face. I just kept on walking between the two idiots.
,,Dude, I'm talking about Nini.'' Ricky said with a smile. The smile on my face was now replaced by a frown. I grabbed my backpack straps and continued walking.
,,Today's the day we start over.'' Ricky explained.
While we were walking down the stairs of East High School, Ricky said something about him and Nini texting and her sounding mutual.
,,Nothing about bad news or needing to have a big talk. Just ,,Hey.'' That's good right?'' the boy continued and turned his head to me. I just shrugged.
,,Summers are no man's land, Ricky. I don't know what ''Hey.'' means and neither does Y/N or you.'' Big Red sighed and started to walk faster.
,,I think it's good.'' Ricky breathed out and sent a smile my way which i obviously returned. Soon after we actually found Nini by her locker talking to her best friend, Kourtney. We said our hellos and it was silent for a second.
,,Can we talk?'' Nini asked and turned to look at Ricky. He looked shocked.
,,I met somebody else at camp. I didn't plan-'' she tried to explain but Ricky interuppted her asking if it was a joke. They both didn't seem to care that we stood there watching the scene unfold in front of us.
,,Still talking here.'' Nini snapped and continued.
,,I didn't plan for it to happen but it happened. He was the Music Man, I was Marian, the librarian. It's called a showmance.'' she finished looking her, now ex boyfriend, straight in the eyes.
,,Wait, you went to librarian camp? That's a thing?'' the red headed boy beside me asked. I looked at him and nudged him so he would stop asking dumb questions.
,,Please tell me you're joking.'' Ricky wailed. I could literally see the hurt in his eyes.
,,I'm not.'' Big Red and Nini replied at the same time. I kicked Big Red this time to finally shut him up.
,,Come on, Ricky you know what you did! Or you didn't do.'' Nini pointed out. I knew what she was referring to. The night she told him that she loved him. Ricky came over that night explaining everything and that he wasn't ready to say the L-Word yet. It was the night where I realized how I really felt for him. We played 'Just Dance' all night and my goal was honestly just to make him happy. He was so stressed and worried. I just wanted him to have fun and forget about all that Nini stuff, even if it just was for 5 minutes.
,,Good morning, students. Please make your way to the gym for our annual back-to-school kickoff.'' a teacher announced trough the speakers. Nini was about to leave when Ricky spoke up again.
,,I don't belive this. You're blowing me off for some theater punk you met four weeks ago? At a lake?'' Ricky asked still in disbelief that he was getting dumped.
,,You kinda dumped me!'' the girl snapped back.
,,It was a break. It wasn't a break-up.'' he corrected. At this point it was hard to watch. It was awkard standing there, watching the drama onfold in front of my eyes but I didn’t want to leave Ricky alone.
,,I'm sorry Ricky but it is a break-up now.''
,,Pop off girl.'' Kourtney, Nini's best friend, commented. Me and Big Red turned to look at her.
,,Stay out of it, Kourtney.'' Big Red hissed.
,,I'm dismantling the patriarchy this year, and I'm not afraid to start with you.'' Kourtney threatend before Nini left with her. I turned to look at Ricky who was frozen in his place.
We were sitting in the Gym soon after the whole agrument. The kickoff was boring.
,,And I am also pleased to announce that this year, seniors will be allowed to wear baseball hats on Fridays.'' the principal announced. Everyone just looked at him not saying a word. Well besides that one girl who screamed: ,,Go seniors!''. The principal continued a few seconds later.
,,And now for a special introduction. This year, East High has a new drama teacher with an announcement that she swore, in writing, would not cost too much money.'' he said and gestured to a woman who was sitting in the front. Everything was silent again. Nobody clapped besides two students.
,,Why? Why do things have to change?'' Ricky asked staring at Nini who was sitting two or three rows in front of him. We turned our heads to look at a heart broken Ricky.
,,Some things never change.'' I replied in a whisper, smiling when he turned to look at me.
,,I've been wearing the same socks for three days.'' Big Red added with a shrug. I looked down at his feet for a second and gagged dramatically. Big Red just smiled and turned his attention back to the new drama teacher. I did the same.
,,My name is Miss Jenn, and when I heard that the high school where High School Musical was shot had never staged a production of High School Musical, the musical, I was shocked as an actress, inspired as a director, and triggered as a millennial.'' she explained. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion for the second time that day.
,,Auditions are tomorrow after school.'' Ms. Jenn continued and looked around.
,,This show could change your lives, and I'm saying this as a background dancer from the original movie. Third from the left, back row, red headband, and those are my real teeth.'' she exclaimed happily. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Nini nudging Kourtney to  indirectly say that she was gonna audition. After that she introduced us to the student Choreograph, Carlos.
Sitting at our usual table at lunch and talking about Nini was one thing, but seeing Nini being all lovie dovie with my big brother was another. And if your wondering, no, he didn't tell me that he was dating Nini. Normally he told me everything but he just decided to not tell me that he started dating the ex-girlfriend of my best friend.
,,Dude are you seeing this?'' Red asked, looking at my brother and Nini, and then back to Ricky who was looking at them as well.
,,I'm seein' it, I'm hearin' it, I'm hatin' it.'' he replied and turned to me.
,,Did you know?'' he asked with a semi angry expression on his face.
,,What? No! And you know that I would have told you if I did.'' I replied looking at him.
,,I can't believe it.'' Red muttered still watching the couple.
,,She's dating my brother.'' I mumbled turning my gaze to them as well.
,,Yes. I have eyes'' Ricky growled, clearly being annoyed.
,,Co-captain of the water polo team. Senior class treasurer.'' Red listed eating his food.
,,That's correct.'' Ricky mumbled still annoyed as shit.
,,What are the odds that the guy she hooks up with at camp goes to East High?'' the red head asked not knowing that he is annoying Ricky more and more.
,,Apparently, the odds are exceptionally good.'' Ricky snapped and I decided to show a bit sympathy.
,,I'm sorry Ricky.''
The curly haired boy turned to face me.
,,What are you gonna do?'' I asked him.
,,I don't know.'' he sighed, stood up and left, leaving me with Big Red.
,,Ok is there something you wanna tell me?'' I asked as soon as I arrived at home. EJ was sitting on the couch and was on Instagram, as always.
,,What do you mean?'' he asked looking up from his phone.
,,Oh I don't know maybe you getting a new girlfriend who was the girlfriend of my best friend by the way. How about that?'' I hinted with a mad look on my face.
,,Oh that. Yeah I'm dating Nini.'' he simply said, turning his attention to his phone again shortly after. I went to the couch and sat down beside him.
,,Why didn't you tell me?''
,,Nini told me not to say anything. She wanted to sort things out with Ricky first, you know.'' he replied turning his phone off. My gaze softened. 
,,Oh.'' I simply whispered.
,,Yeah, I'm sorry. Anyways, are you auditioning?''
,,Of course EJ.'' I answered with a smile.
,,For what part?'' he asked further.
I crossed my legs before answering.
,,Probably Taylor.''
My phone rang just as EJ was about to reply. I picked up my phone and saw that Ricky was calling me. I didn't think twice and picked up.
,,Hi, Y/N. It's Ricky. Meet me at Big Red's House. Now!'' was all he said before he hung up. I stood up and sent an apologetic smile towards my big brother before grabbing his car keys and my shoes.
,,I'm taking your car! Love you!'' I yelled before closing the door and running to the car.
,,Okay, I know it's crazy, dude, but she has to see me in a whole new light.'' Ricky explained while I was sitting on a chair and Big Red was playing a videogame.
,,But we hate musicals.'' Red argued, still focused on his game.
,,I don't.'' I chimed in, rolling my eyes at Big Red's argument.
,,I just think it's weird when people, like, burst into song in the middle of the street.'' Ricky stated, paching around in the room.
,,That is a musical.'' I retorted, looking at my best friend.
,,Okay, look. I'm auditioning for this thing tomorrow, and nothing is gonna stop me.'' he declared.
,,Do you even know the plot of High School Musical?''
,,Of course! It's about Zac Efron dancing with a basketball.''
,,Wrong. It's about the character, Troy, having to choose between being true to his friend, Chad, or following his heart with Gabriella.'' I corrected with a smirk.
,,The point is, you're out of your league here, man. You can't pull this off.''
Ricky looked at his male best friend.
,,Yeah?'' he asked.
And with that, Ricky grabbed his Skateboard and left without saying another word.
The next day was uneventful. I was nervous because of the auditions but I got through the day without having to throw up.
,,People make sure you audition number is clearly visible on your clothes. This isn't a game.'' Carlos yelled as he walked passed me. I looked down to see my audition number. Number 5. I smiled and went to talk to my brother.
,,You know, I'm actually kinda bummed that we don't have any competition here. It would make getting the leads all the sweeter.'' he said to Nini and I rolled my eyes playfully and sat down on a chair.
,,Could you stop tempting fate?'' Nini asked with a laugh and looked at her boyfriend. EJ looked back at her and grinned. I never felt more single in my life.
,,You know what? You're right.'' she continued turning her head back to the mirror in front of her. I was about to say something but Ms.Jenn knocked on the door.
,,Okay, theater people. Let's do this!''
Everyone started cheering and got up from their chairs. The smile on my face grew and I turned to my brother.
,,Good luck!'' I said and hugged him.
,,Good luck! I love you.'' he replied and hugged me back.
,,I love you more.'' was all I said before I left the room.
We all got on stage and Ms. Jenn told us to pair up with someone who wasn't our friend. That's when I realized that Ricky wasn't there. I sighed and paired up with Ashlyn. I know that Ms.Jenn said to not pair up with a friend but she did not say to not pair up with your cousin.
We all lined up and chatted till Miss Jenn started walking down the line of students. She stopped in front of a boy.
,,I'd love you to read for Ryan.''
,,You are giving major Taylor vibes.'' she said to the next girl. The next in line was Ashlyn.
,,You. You're giving me uncommon depth. Ms.Darbus?''
I looked at Ashlyn and she started smiling.
,,I'm dying. I'm deceased. Yes.'' Ashlyn replied, still smiling happily.
,,Oh. Your application says you play the piano.''
,,I dabble.''
,,You ever written a song?'' Ms.Jenn asked with a curios look.
,,Nothing I've ever shared with anyone.''
,,I always thought the drama teacher should have an Act Two power ballad. We'll sidebar.'' was all the blonde teacher said before she stood in front of me.
I looked at her and shook my head slowly.
,,No. I'm actually here to audition for Taylor.'' I answered a small smile forming on my lips.
,,Oh, ok.'' was all she said before she continued walking down the line.
Ricky still didn't show up and I really thought he just decided not to audition last minute. I was sitting on stage with the others. It was EJ's time to audition.
,,Okay, what do I need to know?'' Ms. Jenn whispered to Carlos.
,,EJ Caswell. Big brother of Y/N Caswell, most Instagram followers. Wakes up looking like that-'' was all I could hear from their little conversation. Soon after EJ started singing 'Start of Something New’ while Seb played the piano.
,,Well, excuse me. Armie Hammer called. He wants his jawline back.'' The female teacher joked with a bright smile on her face. I sent a smile towards him which he returned.
,,Moving on with the Taylor's and after that we're gonna continue with the Gabriella's!'' she announced while clapping, shortly after.
It was my time to audition and, boy was I nervous. I was trying really hard not to throw up on stage in front of everyone. Like, I auditioned for plays before but I wasn't like my brother who was really confident in the things he did. I'm the sibling that overthinks everything.
,,Ok Y/N start when you're ready.'' Carlos said and waited for me to start. I took a deep breath and started reading Taylor’s lines. It was the scene where she apologized for trying to manipulate Gabriella and Troy's relationship.
,,Gabriella, we were jerks. No, we were worse than jerks because we were mean jerks. We thought Troy and the whole singing thing was killing our chances of having you on the scholastic decathlon team.''
,,Thank you Y/N! Now let's hear your singing.'' Ms.Jenn instructed. My eyes grew wide and I gasped.
,,Hold on. Jade didn't need to sing and she auditioned for Taylor as well. Why do I need to sing?''
,,Just do it!'' EJ whisper-yelled. I turned my gaze to him and then back to Carlos and Ms.Jenn who smiled widely. 
,,Ok.'' I mumbled and looked at Seb who started playing the Piano seconds later.
,,Livin' in my own world
Didn't understand
That anything can happen
When you take a chance
I never believed in
What I couldn't see
I never opened my heart (Oh) To all the possibilities
I know that something has changed
Never felt this way and right here tonight
This could be the start of something new
It feels so right to be here with you (oh)
And now looking in your eyes
I feel in my heart (feel in my heart)
The start of something new.''
In conclusion...I sang my heart out.
,,Great, thank you Y/N. Let's continue with the Gabriella's!''
I smiled and sat down beside Nini. She smiled at me and I returned it. My brother sent me the same proud smile as Nini.
Gina was incredible. She was a multi-talent. I was kinda jealous. I mean I knew she could dance but she could also sing like a goddess. It was Nini's turn after Gina. To be honest, I did not think she could take on Gina. I mean she mostly played Trees and animals in plays soo...you know.
Just as Nini positioned herself on stage, Ricky came running in with his guitar.
,,Am I too late?'' he yelled, totally out of breath. Nini looked not so pleased.
,,We're all set on Troys. We're low on Chads. You can read after the Gabriellas.'' Ms.Jenn stated and turned her attention back to Nini, who still looked mortified.
,,I only studied the Troy scenes in the movie.'' Ricky told her while walking up the stairs. My brother rolled his eyes at Ricky, which lead me to roll my eyes at him.
,,Troy would have arrived on time.'' Carlos commented.
,,Thanks. Let me do the talking.'' the blonde whispered to the young choreograph.
,,Okay Nini let's try this again.''
Nini looked so much more nervous than before. No wait. She looked terrified. I didn't blame her. Having her current boyfriend and her ex-boyfriend in a room while you're trying to audition for a lead role is kinda nerve-racking.
,,You got this babe!'' EJ literally screamed. The scream startled Ms.Jenn so much that she spilled her coffee over the sound system. All the lights turned off.
,,Nobody panic! Nini, let's wait for the lights to come back on. I don't want this to throw you.''
,,I'm not thrown.'' the brunette replied. Everyone looked at her (well as best as they could.) and she started singing. Not even a minute later, Ricky got his phone out and turned on the flashlight, literally holding it in Nini's face. And of course, EJ got up and did the same. Nini was really good. Like really really good. Just as she finished singing, the lights came back on.
,,Well, thank you Nini. I only needed 32 bars but I appreciate your commitment.'' Ms.Jenn said while Carlos held up his right thumb. She turned her attention back to Ricky.
,,You, late boy.''
He looked at her.
,,Let's do the Chad sides.''
Ricky nodded and grabbed the script. It was quiet. Ricky looked at me and i sent him a (hopefully) comforting smile. Big Red came in last second as well. He held his thumbs up and smiled.
,,Hey, there. I'm Ricky Bowen. I'm a junior. And here it goes.'' he said before he started. I smiled the whole time, trying to somehow lift his spirit. He started reading the lines but stopped a few seconds later. My smile slightly faded and I looked at him with furrowed eyebrows. He crumbled the script in his fist and I turned to look at Big Red who was looking at me with the same expression I had on my face.
,,I don't know. Maybe its the way Gabriella always had your back. And maybe you can't stop beating yourself up for totally blowing it with her'' Ricky began, looking at Nini who was sitting beside me.
,,And look, Troy. Even if you never said the L-word to Gabriella, 'cause that's, like, not even a word your parents say to each other anymore. That doesn't mean that you don't. Maybe it just means you were waiting for the right time to say it. So that everyone could hear it.'' he continued looking Nini. She was trying to avoid eye contact though.
,,No. That she could.'' he finished after a short pause. My smile was completely gone and I just looked at my hands.
,,Okay kiddo. Time to sing.''
Before Seb could even start playing the piano, Ricky asked if he could sing his own song. Ms.Jenn just agreed and he grabbed his guitar. And the next thing I knew was that he started singing the song Nini wrote for him. Don't get me wrong. I was so proud of him for being so damn brave but it still hurt a lot. I sighed and slowly got up, leaving the room. Just to clear my mind for a bit.
,,Clear!'' Carlos yelled as he ran past me with a blue piece of paper in his hands. I followed him, realizing that it was the cast list. Everyone was crowding around it so I didn't really get to see if I got the Taylor part.
,,"Chad"? She thinks I'm a Chad?'' EJ asked dumbfounded, his ego obviously hurt. I really thought he was gonna get the Troy part. Everyone stepped back and I finally got to look at the list.
Taylor McKessie - Gina Porter
Honestly the day couldn't have gone worse. First the Ricky thing and then the Musical. Big Red seemed to notice my sudden mood switch.
,,Y/N?'' he asked and I looked up to him with glassy eyes. He started smiling.
,,Look at the top of the list.'' he said chuckling. I did as he said and my eyes grew wide.
Gabriella Montez - Y/N Caswell
I turned to look at my best friend. I was so confused.
that's why Miss Jenn asked me to sing.
Big Reds' smile grew bigger and bigger every second. Mine did as well. But then I realized that Nini wanted the role and I practically just stole it from her. I looked at the list again.
Gabriella Montez understudy - Nini Salazar-Roberts
I looked at Nini and smiled at her. She flashed a sad smile my way and went to talk to EJ.
Big Red hugged me and, of course, I hugged him back. Ricky then stepped forward, searching for his name on the list.
Troy Bolten - Ricky Bowen
And that was definitely the start of something new.
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nonstoplover · 4 years
Café  ~ Dave Franco
Summary: (Y/N) loves spending her time in her favourite coffee shop, but what she’d never imagine is that one day it becomes more than just grabbing a coffee, spending time with a specific brown haired boy…
Words: 2.7K
Approximate reading time: about 10 mins
A/N: this was my first actual request, and it was so long ago i’m sure you already forgot about it, @mcrvellouslystcrk​ but i didn’t, and after this long time i’m here with the finished product. i’m sorryyyy for taking so long, i had a terrible writer’s block, but now inspiration came back and i finished it in only a couple days. hope you enjoy
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The smell of freshly brewed coffee catches my nostrils as I enter the small, indie-themed café. I take a deep breath happily like a real coffee addict when I feel the familiar calmness spread through my veins because of the oh-so-loved smell.
I look around, gladly noticing that my favourite table at the back of the room, next to the furthest window is left free, as if it’s waiting only for me.
I quickly walk towards the wooden furniture, placing my coat and scarf on one of the chairs as a signal that it’s taken before stepping to the counter to ask for the coffee I always order.
The girl behind the counter only glances up and she already recognises me, a smile appears on her face as she moves to start making a coffee for me.
“The same as usual, am I right? How are you today?”
“Yes, exactly. I’m great, thank you, a little tired.” I answer, smiling back at her.
“I’m glad you’re feeling great.” She beams up at me, pausing for a moment before speaking up again, finishing up the final touches on my order. “Let me tell you this one thing though, today has been absolutely crazy. So many people came in, even a couple celebrities!”
“Oh, really? I haven’t seen anyone.” I quickly look around to see if there is anyone famous around, but don’t catch sight of anyone except the bored businessmen and hippie-looking writers typing away on their laptops.
“It’s quite a surprise that your table stayed free to be honest. Some movie is being shot near here, all the crew and staff comes to take a drink. Which is of course great, because the more orders, the more money, and also you can meet a lot of famous people, but you know, I can’t take a rest if there are so many people…” She hands me the familiar reusable paper cup. “But enough of my ranting, have a nice time here as usual and enjoy your drink.”
I stroll back to my table, sitting down. A happy sigh escapes past my lips as I finally taste the hot beverage on my tongue, and I quickly reach in my bag with my free hand to take my book out. It almost opens up by itself at the page I finished reading the last time due to having been read a few times already.
Calmness spreads all over me again right away, making me forget all my problems and nervousness as I take in the words from the lovely smelled pages.
Not many minutes later out of nowhere I hear a gentle cough from above my head as the shadow of a body appears in the corner of my eyes, standing next to me. I look up to see a man with a cup similar to mine in his hand, mouth smiling down at me but his eyes stay hidden behind a pair of sunglasses.
“Hello. Sorry for disturbing, is this seat taken?”
“Oh, no, it’s not, feel free to sit down.” I’m quick to reply, pulling my things closer to me on the wooden surface to free up more space on it.
“Thank you,” he smiles and as he sits down, a strange feeling comes over me. I know this man. “I’m Dave by the way.”
And all of a sudden I know why he seemed so familiar.
He’s Dave Franco. The Dave Franco. I’m sitting at the same table with Dave Franco.
These thoughts run through my mind swiftly, his name repeated every other second as a wave of recognition hits me, but I’m quick to re-gain composure and half-recover from the shock I’m feeling and I try to act like I don’t know who he is.
“Ah, I’m… I’m (Y/N).”
“Beautiful name,” he announces before taking a sip of his drink. “Mmm, it tastes absolutely fantastic.”
“Yeah, this place is the best in town.” I slowly drink from mine as a shy smile spreads across my face.
“You come here often?”
“Yes, once a week. I used to come here almost every day but I realised that I’m going to spend all my money here and soon I’ll gain more weight than I’d want to, so I reduced the number of my visits to only once in a week. It’s my happy place. Here I can calm down whenever I need to,” I speak, words flying out my mouth rapidly. “Ugh, sorry, I’m rambling about my nonsense to a stranger.”
“Please, don’t apologize, I’m interested,” he smiles my way before lowering his head, eyes probably noticing the book laying in front of me. “What are you reading?”
Oh, well, that’s it. You can’t hide it anymore. He’s gonna find out that you know him.
“Nerve. I saw the film adaptation a while back and loved it so much that I decided to read it,” I mumble, staring right at the mentioned book, not being able to look up at his face.
A few second long silence comes as an answer and I glance up to see the blush creeping up his cheeks as he processes my words.
“So you’ve seen the movie, eh?” He finally says, voice a bit raspy before clearing his throat.
“Yeah.” I can’t tell which one of us is more embarrassed and flushed red at the moment, but I can’t take it after a while and look back down at my hands resting on the table.
“Then you know who I…” his voice gets more and more quiet as he speaks, slowly dying off, as he’s not being able to finish the sentence he has started.
“Yep, I know who you are, Dave Franco. I admire your work actually,” I say quietly, making sure no one else around us hears my words, my eyes still casted on my hands.
Only a couple seconds later I get the courage finally to raise my head up and look at his face, somewhere where his eyes are probably situated behind the sunglasses, and I’m trying hard to calm down, or to at least look like I’m calm from his point of view when in reality inside my chest my heart seems to burst with excitement.
“Oh,” is his only response.
“You alright?” I ask as he starts uncomfortably shifting. Did I say something I shouldn’t have?
“Yeah, yeah, of course. I’m just a bit… surprised,” he pauses in the middle of his sentence, probably searching for the right word.
“Surprised?” I cock an eyebrow at him in confusion.
“I’m not used to get this reaction from girls who know who I am.”
Then probably my trying has succeeded and I do look like I’m calm.
“Well, you know, it doesn’t have such a huge impact on me. I’ve met with other huge celebrities in my life.”
He clears his throat, seeming even more uncomfortable by now.
“I’m only joking. I’ve never met any famous people before actually,” I chuckle after seeing his expression.
“Oh. Oh!” Dave kinda exclaims in realization. “Then how are you so calm?”
“I’m not.” I admit with a blush appearing on my face.
“Then you’re a great actor,” he smiles before moving to take another sip of his drink.
“I don’t think so, but I have to admit that it feels nice to hear this coming from an already proven to be amazing actor.”
Now it’s his time to blush. He shakes his head before an adorable giggle rolls out from his mouth.
“What?” I laugh. “It’s not like you didn’t know that.”
“Yeah, but I can’t get used to hearing it from a random pretty girl I just met at a random café.” Dave looks at me, his eyebrows half raised, appearing from behind the sunglasses.
Hearing those words I can’t keep looking at him and turn my gaze away. I stare into my cup, watching intently how the steam slowly flies up, out of the brown coloured beverage.
“So, (Y/N). What do you do? Work? College?” Dave speaks up again and I take a deep breath before looking back up, only to see that he has lowered the accessory sitting on his nose, and he’s now watching me curiously with nothing in the way of his set of lovely, brown eyes.
“So, David. I’m a uni student at the moment but I’m also working. So technically both.” I keep a straight face on, a kind of challenging one to be exact.
“What do you study?”
“Psychology.” I answer, and he freezes for a moment, his eyes gleaming with interest before probably deciding on to simply continue interviewing me.
“What do you work?”
“I’m a waitress.”
“Oh, nice. Where?” Dave nods.
“A nearby restaurant.”
“I see, you pretty much like this neighbourhood.”
“You don’t even know it all.” I chuckle. He’s just about to speak up again when I lean closer and as a top secret I whisper the answer to the question I know he’s just about to ask. “I even live in this neighbourhood.”
“No way.” Dave gasps, leaning in above the table like me.
I nod, glancing around to see if anyone else heard what I said, staying in character the whole time. When I look back into his light brown orbs, he breathes out a quiet ‘why’ and I can feel the air coming out past his lips on the skin of my face.
Suddenly I’m more than aware of the fact that we’re only a few mere centimetres away from each other’s face.
A shiver runs down my spine and then moves through my whole body as Dave leans back in his seat and starts laughing.
“I actually still believe that you would be a terrifically awesome actress.”
“Well, thank you.”
“Wow, no resistance? Where’s the girl I got to know a few minutes ago? All rebel and stuff.”
Laughter takes control over me as I watch, well actually almost admire his whole presence as he sips from his cup again, his eyes never leaving me, even for a second.
“After this improvised scene we just did I think I see what you mean,” I shrug when my laughter finally quietens.
“Maybe I should introduce you to my manager. You know, to see if you’d get a role in something.”
“I’m pretty sure I would get the leading role in any movie without making a real effort.” I smirk.
“Can I be honest with you?” Dave all of a sudden leans forward again, a serious expression spreading across his cheeks. I nod curiously and he continues. “I miss the old shy (Y/N). I don’t like this sarcastic, cocky new version.”   I burst out laughing, so hard that I have to grab at my sides as it starts to hurt, quickly losing my breath. People sitting around us cast curious or even irritated glances towards me, but I can’t help it and I keep on laughing.
A few minutes pass by with only my laughter and other various background noises filling up the air before I try to calm myself down. After taking a few deep breaths I manage to sit back up straight and look at him.
He’s watching me with something different in his eyes. Something I would describe as adoration, but that can’t be true. Why would he ever look at me like that?
“That’s what you get after getting to know me.” I speak up to divert my thoughts.
“Yeah?” He grins, the previous look in his eyes decreasing but not fully disappearing.
“Yeah. I’m usually described as a pretty sarcastic person. People also get annoyed with me quite often,” I admit, curiously waiting for his reaction.
“We have to meet more then so I can get to know you, you made me interested. Now I wanna see why people get annoyed.” Dave looks at me with a daring gleam in his eyes.
My heart stops for a second at his obviously flirty answer. Why would he want to meet me?
“We’re both quite busy people from what I can tell. How do you wanna do that?” I crook my neck, glancing up at him intrigued from the new, different angle.
“I don’t know yet. We have to figure it out.”
About half a minute passes with neither of us speaking, but the intension of our stares grows more and more as we can’t tear our gaze away, trapped in the depth of the eyes of each other.
“I was serious, I hope you know that,” Dave speaks again with his expression turning less playful. “I want to meet you again.”
A blush makes its way to my cheeks as his eyes soften, him still not taking them off me. “I’d love to meet you again, too,” I answer quietly.
“Amazing!” He grins.
Another few seconds pass in a comfortable silence, the type that’s filled with deep, maddening thinking.
“Actually, I admit, I’m still not sure why you wanna do that,” I speak my thoughts out loud. “You don’t even know who I am and if I’m crazy, like at all. Nothing.”
“I know. We only met a few minutes ago.” His eyes are still the same soft and I’m effortlessly melting in those auburn irises.
“Well, only in a few seconds you woke an interest in me. And I have this weird feeling that we could be great friends.”
Friends. So that’s what he wants. Only friends. I feel like something just hit me hard in the chest. Of course, why would he want anything more? How could I be so stupid?
“(Y/N)? (Y/N),” the concern in his voice breaks me out of the train of thoughts that goes on in my head. "Are you okay?”
“Yeah, sorry, I was just thinking.”
“I have to go back to set now, but I wanted to ask for your number.”
The butterflies in my stomach start flying around again but I stop them, knowing that it’s useless. He only sees me as a friend. He only wants to be my friend.
“Oh, sure. Give me your phone.” I say, faking a smile on my face, my thoughts still swirling about how much of an idiot I feel like at the moment for thinking I could ever be more to someone like him.
Dave’s right hand is already holding the phone prepared for this, so in less than a moment he places it on the surface of the table. I grab it, typing in my number and name before pressing save and placing it back in his palm.
I’m still somewhere deep in my thoughts, not paying real attention to the situation when I notice him staring at me, clearly waiting for something.
“What?” I ask.
“Give me your phone as well. Or you don’t want my number?” Dave jokes but I can see it in his eyes that he’s truly worried about yes being the answer to his question.
“Oh, yeah, sorry,” I stutter, quickly reaching into my bag to pull my phone out, unlocking it and almost throwing it in his hand because of the speed I want to do it.
“Whoa whoa whoa, slow down, I’m not in that much of a hurry,” he laughs.
I let out a nervous chuckle, trying to get away from my previous thoughts, not letting them come back.
“Okay, here you go,” he puts it down and stands up before speaking again. “Well, talk to you later.”
“You too.” I turn my head up towards him. He pushes his sunglasses back up to over his eyes before flashing a heart melting smile at me.
“Have a nice day. It was a pleasure to spend my break with you.”
“Yeah, it was pretty nice to meet you. Have fun on set.”
He nods, both our smiles matching the other’s, bright and happy, before he turns away and starts making his way towards the door. He turns back once more and while taking a few steps backwards, speaks up one last time.
“Sorry for not letting you read.”
I only chuckle, shaking my head as a signal that it’s not a problem.
The smile stays on my face the whole time while I’m drinking the last few sips of my coffee, not even touching my book again, just staring out of my head to the table in front of me.
When I finish, I quickly place all my stuff back in my bag and stand up, pulling on my jacket.
“Saw you had a nice company.” Maddy, the barista appears next to me out of nowhere, a piece of material in her hand to clean the table I was sitting at.
“You did?” I ask back, confused that she isn’t freaking out by the fact that it was indeed a famous actor.
“At least he looked pretty decent from behind,” she speaks without looking up at me, and it becomes clear to me why she’s so calm.
“Didn’t he face you at the counter though?”
“Oh yeah, really… ” Maddy pauses with a thoughtful expression on her face, then suddenly seems to remember the situation more exactly as she continues with an explanation. “He had his sunglasses on at the time, I couldn’t see his face.”
“Oh, I see.” I move my head in a nod, accepting that she didn’t recognise his face without the full view of it like I did.
“So, was he good?” She winks at me.
“Yeah, pretty handsome.” I blush, remembering how my conversation with Dave Franco turned out.
Maddy finishes cleaning and folds the cloth in her hands, smirking at me.
“I saw you exchange phone numbers, so… fill me in with the details next week.”
“Yeah, yeah, sure,” I giggle.
“Have a nice week!”
“You too, Maddy.” I call out while making my way towards the door and stepping out of the café.
Crisp early spring air enters my nose as soon as I close the door behind me, and I take a deep breath, enjoying the chillness that fills up my lungs in no time.
Feeling refreshened and happy I glance up at the light blue sky, squint a bit because of the sun that’s shining bright down at me, and as a joyous smile reaches across my face, I start walking away in the direction of my apartment, feeling content in my heart.
.::the end::.
Part Two here
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