#probably forgot about some characters there but this is what i could think of haha
ukulelette · 1 year
10 Characters
Tagged by the lovely @midnightanddiamonds, thank you so much! I don’t know most of the characters you listed but it seemed to me there were a lot of strong female characters, I love it :’) ♥
Rules: Name 10 of your favourite characters from 10 different fandoms, then tag 10 people to do the same!
okay so I cheated a bit for the first 3 characters (same universe) but I just could not not mention them haha
Jem Carstairs (The Infernal Devices - books)
Alec Lightwood (The Mortal Instruments - books)
Magnus Bane (The Shadowhunter Chronicles - books)
Travis Hackett (The Quarry - video game)
Nymphadora Tonks (Harry Potter - books)
Steve Harrington (Stranger Things - TV series)
Eleanor Shellstrop (The Good Place - TV series)
Liam Stewart (The Darkest Minds - books)
Connor (Detroit Become Human - video game)
Charles Xavier (X-men - movies - because I’ve never read the comics and I’m a slut for James McAvoy lmao)
Tagging (please ignore if you did it already or if you just don’t want to do this!): @asylumsammet @neglected-houseplant @arosetolivefor @deanfertita @alamorteart @falsemortal @reeshyz @prurientpuddlejumper @scarstarved @scaredclowncat
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Not-So-Secret Drawings
REQUEST: Hi there, so I've been daydreaming about this for awhile but I absolutely suck at writing so, could i request hcs were the reader is really good at drawing and has been secretly drawing random people on campus whenever they get the chance, but one day reader forgets there sketch pad somewhere and a character (of your choosing) finds it and decides to snoop and finds drawingsof them and people on campus. Just as they finish looking through reader comes (after realizing they forgot it). I hope this makes sense to you, have a nice day/night.
SUMMARY: Your carefully hidden secret is out now. WORD COUNT: 1k
WARNINGS: Riddle, Azul, Floyd, and Vil snooping looking through your drawings, reader is a really good artist, Riddle threatens you (out of love I swear), Azul is uncomfortable by your drawings (not in a bad way- I think), mentions of getting lectured by Azul, Floyd is a ball of chaos, Vil gets no warnings because he's perfect/j A/N: When I tell you that as soon as I saw this I immediately rushed to write two parts before having to stop because I needed to do my summer homework - and then procrastinated the last part (Vil)- Also I know you implied one character but since I'm indecisive I did multiple haha (I'm sorry (but also kind of not because this was fun)) I'm sure you don't suck at writing!! You just get sick of your own writing because it all seems predictable (speaking from experience, I read my work and I'm like "ew?? I need better words" haha) Vil's part is definitely weird because I was like "Fashion Designer!Reader" (probably because some of my friends take fashion/design classes) and I don't know how accurate this is I suck at drawing so I know nothing please don't come at me- Also on a side note, I have a lot of requests right now and since I have a lot of schoolwork I have to do right now, my writing will probably be scattered. Hope you guys understand! (Hope you have a nice day/afternoon/night/etc too!!)
© kazumiwrites - All rights reserved; please do not steal, edit, copy, repost (etc) my work without my express permission.
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You had always been careful with your drawings. You never wanted another person to look at them. After all, you had been drawing other people - and who knew what they would think?
Sure, they were pretty accurate, but still. It wasn't like the people at Night Raven College knew that you were drawing them. And you didn't want your drawings to get destroyed just because someone in a foul mood found them. Just your luck though, as you had left your sketchbook somewhere. Where did you even misplace it…
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Riddle Rosehearts
He had always seen you with your sketchbook, but had assumed it was just for studying.
Likewise, when it popped up during class, he assumed that you were diligently taking notes.
It was almost sad seeing how far from the truth he was in hindsight.
Since he found your sketchbook on the floor (perhaps having fallen from your bag - it was always full, after all), he decided to take it to you. On the way over to Ramshackle Dorm, he flipped through the sketchbook before he paused.
These weren't notes. They were drawings.
And very good ones, at that.
They were so detailed, he thought for an instant that you had magicked them on here somehow (before remembering that you didn't have any magic).
So was this what you could do with some time and diligence?
His mother had never let him draw much so his drawings were mediocore at best (at worst, one would think that a small child had drawn them).
He found himself captivated by the artwork, flipping through the pages, seeing the drawings of various people from the school. Even some of himself…? With more details... It was odd, the small flutter in his chest. Happiness?
He jolted as he heard your voice, asking if that sketchbook in his hands was yours, abruptly slamming the sketchbook shut as if he had been looking at something completely inappropriate. Which, in a way, he might have been?
"Sorry for looking at these without your permission." He got out after a moment, handing it back to you. "You're a really good artist." He paused. "But you shouldn't be drawing in class. If I catch you with this sketchbook out during Trein-sensei's lectures, I'll have your head!"
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Azul Ashengrotto
Of course Azul had noticed your drawings. He needed to in order to make sure he knew as much as possible about others so he could scam help them whenever they needed it.
Still, he found it intriguing, so he couldn't help but skim through your drawings. And my, were they amazing.
Until he got to the section where you had drawn him.
Sure, there were drawings of him in regular uniform, some of him in his P.E. uniform (he thought that they weren't really flattering on him, but you made it look good).
But then there were the sections where you had drawn him in mer form.
Of course, you had no idea what his mer form actually looked like (without all the overblotting, which you never got the chance to see clearly anyway) so it was mostly guesswork and using your imagination.
There were ones with long, large tentacles swarming around him.
Some with tentacles that were slender.
Some of them popped out of weird angles, which he was puzzled about, but okay.
My tentacles can't move like that - or can they?
They definitely shouldn't be popping out of his ribs. Wherever did you get that particular idea? It made him uncomfortable just by looking at it.
He was so caught up in examining your drawings and he didn't notice you until you literally snatched the sketchbook from his hands, saying something about how they were private.
"Sorry, [Y/N]-san... But these drawings aren't too accurate, you know."
And that was how you got roped into a three-hour long discussion about the anatomy of octopuses as well as the anatomy of merfolk and how your drawings were terribly inaccurate. (You were just guessing, how were you supposed to know any of this?)
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Floyd Leech
Floyd wouldn't even wait until the sketchbook was unattended.
He'd pop out of nowhere, eyes bright, asking what you were doing.
Never mind if it was in the middle of class or not.
You've both gotten scolded about this, he should know better.
Still, one day he caught you by surprise, and the book slipped from your hands.
You muttered a small curse before trying to grab it, but whoops, too late. Floyd had already gotten it and was flipping through the pages.
"Aww, Koebi-chan, you drew me?" His gaze met yours, a wide grin on his face (showing his extremely sharp teeth). "You should've just asked, I would've modeled and stuff for you."
You shook your head slightly. You had wanted to keep this a secret if possible... At least Floyd seemed to be in a fairly good mood. You told him that you wanted to draw people in their natural state, without them posing for the "camera," so to speak.
He looked disappointed, but then immediately asked if you could come to a basketball practice or match or something. Perhaps you'd find it more interesting to draw him there. Or maybe in the ocean?
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Vil Schoenheit
He was no stranger to people drawing him. He was famous after all.
He did sometimes get… odd pieces of artwork, but that was to be expected.
Still, he didn't expect to find a sketchbook with him in it, abandoned at an empty seat. Only drawings of him.
It had so happened that you were trying to figure out a good design for clothing. You always wanted to have a face to your designs, and he was the perfect subject.
Maybe your drawings didn't do him justice, but it was interesting to see how you could tweak your designs to fit him better.
Still, Vil was plenty impressed.
These designs... He could definitely see himself wearing them.
Maybe he could show them to one of the people he knew... They could help make something like that. With your permission, of course.
He closed the book as he heard you come up.
"These designs really are fascinating. Would you mind showing me more details? I'm certain that we can turn these drawings into reality if you'd like it."
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As always, reblogs and comments are always appreciated! ♡ Send your thoughts grr
Feel free to send requests! Check out this post for info ^^
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misctf · 11 months
Movie Night
“Dude, look at this!” Matt looked up from his unpacking and walked over to where Josh was sitting, “I guess the old tenants forgot this gem.” Josh chuckled holding up an old DVD.
Matt grabbed is from his buddy. While there was no title on the case, the picture of two skinny blond men making out in a bedroom certainly caught his attention. Matt raised an eyebrow.
“Certainly interesting. Not sure if this is what they meant by fully furnished” He chuckled, “Guess they forgot it.” Not a huge deal- given that the rent was so low and it was within walking distance to their classes, a few scandalous items were acceptable. Yet Matt stared at the DVD case- at the two men passionately making out. He didn’t have any issues with gay people, but there was something about this DVD. The two men were certainly handsome, the one hairless and with a pretty impressive ass, while the other was just a tad more muscular and dominant looking.
“Earth to Matt, you good there bud?” Josh chuckled.
Matt blushed and looked up at his friend, “Uh yeah, sorry haha.” He laughed awkwardly, somewhat confused by his thoughts. Since when did he care about how good a man's ass looked? He focused on his friend, “We should probably put it back where we found it.” He said, his voice dropping off towards the end of his sentence. Matt couldn’t help but appreciate just how well Josh’s gray shirt hugged his body. Something about it just captured his friend’s muscular physique so well, and while he continued to stare, he felt a heat rising up within him.
“Hey you okay dude?” Josh asked, looking more concerned, “Lemme just take this from ya.” He chuckled awkwardly, grabbing the DVD case from his friend.  Matt looked confused for a moment before shaking his head, “Feeling better now? Didn’t think you’d get all worked up over two gay guys.” Josh teased, looking down at the case.
“Yeah I don’t know, sorry man. Must’ve zoned out.” Matt took a deep breath, suddenly noticing how intensely Josh was staring at the case.
“You think we should watch it?” Josh asked, his voice somewhat distant and his eyes still staring at the case, “I mean, we have the DVD player.”
“Dude, what the hell?” Matt chuckled, “It’s probably some gay porn tape.”
“Only one way to find out!” the brunette replied with a grin, sticking the DVD in.
Matt wanted to protest, but when the DVD started playing, a strange sensation washed over him. The two of them sat on the couch, watching the film intensely. It wasn’t porn, but instead a stupid rom com of the two gay men. It was funny, it was romantic, and before either of the two realized, they had become enthralled in the plot. It was fairly predictable, at least to Matt- two soulmates unable to be together, overcoming the odds and making it. Of course with some passionate romance mixed in. But yet he couldn’t stop watching and rooting for the two main characters. And based on how Josh was similarly leaning forward, eyes focused, Matt assumed he was equally interested. But as the film was reaching its predictable conclusion, Matt felt a discomfort in his crotch.
“What the fuck?” He muttered, his erection straining against his pants. He quickly tried to adjust, which didn’t go unnoticed by Josh. Before his friend could say anything, Matt got up and turned away, “I need to go to my room.” He said quickly.
The young man rushed towards his room, wincing at the discomfort in his pants. He slammed the door and immediately stripped, his eyes widening at the site of his raging erection. Yeah the movie had some R-rated scenes, but it was all gay shit anyway. Why was he getting so horned up over some gay rom com? And when did it get so fucking hot? He threw off his shirt and stood naked in his room, taking deep breaths.
“Dude, you good?” Matt jumped and turned to face Josh, who was standing in the doorway. Yeah they had seen each other naked a few times in the locker room, but this wasn’t the same. And Matt couldn’t help but blush.
He wanted to say something, to say anything really, but the words wouldn’t leave his mouth. He wanted to tell Josh to get out and to leave him alone- but it was like those words were trapped behind a mental barrier. And much to Matt’s horror, he could see Josh eyeing his erection. The two men’s eyes met, and although they couldn’t say anything, it was clear they were both not in control of the situation.
“Josh... what is this?” Matt strained as he proudly flaunted his erect member to his best friend.
Josh couldn’t look away, “I-I don’t know... I can’t...” He took a deep breath, “It’s like the movie... when the two guys first...”
Without another word, Josh’s body moved on its own, walking over to his naked friend. And before Matt could protest, Josh kissed him, passionately on the lips. Matt’s eyes widened, before he found himself reciprocating. He felt his hand move against his friend’s toned abdomen, gripping the gray shirt that covered his body.
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“Let’s get rid of this.” Matt whispered. That cheesy line... it was just like what the one character from the movie. Why was he saying this shit? And as Josh’s shirt was thrown aside, the two continued passionately making out. He could feel as his friend gripped his ass and gave it a squeeze, causing Matt to moan. And in that instant, Matt could swear that his voice sounded higher. But before he could fully register what was happening, Josh pushed him onto his bed.
“And I’ll get rid of these.” Josh grinned removing his pants, while his eyes betrayed his fear.
Matt felt himself lick his lips as he gazed upon his now naked friend. And Matt could swear that his friend’s hair had taken on a somewhat lighter hue. But before he could fully register his friend’s changes, Josh had crawled on top of his friend, his sweaty muscular body pressed closely as the two continued to make out. Against his will, he began thrusting his hips as the two grinded against one another, moaning as they did. All the while, Matt was becoming aware of something. As his hands caressed his friend’s muscular arms and back, it almost seemed like his friend was losing mass.
“Josh...” Matt forced out, “You need to stop... you’re changing...”
Josh stopped for just a second and frowned, “I’m not the only one.” He forced out, before locking lips with his friend and then slowly kissing down his friend’s neck.
During this, Matt was able to turn his head to catch a glimpse of them in the mirror. Josh was smaller now, while still muscular, he must’ve lost some height and some mass, making the man a bit smaller overall. Meanwhile, Matt watched as his black hair became lighter and lighter, until settling on a natural blond and he let out another high pitched moan as his voice settled on a higher tenor.
“Damn babe, I love it when you moan like that.” Josh grinned, running his hand along Matt’s shrinking biceps and triceps.
“Josh... please...” Matt croaked out, his breath getting caught as his entire body shrunk rapidly. Years of working out and going to the gym seemed to reverse themselves as his frame became much smaller, with only small lean muscles, mostly for showing off rather than for strength.
“Don’t worry, I know what ya like.” Josh replied, flipping them so that Matt was on top and giving his friend’s ass a squeeze.
Matt moaned, feeling as his friend played with his juicy ass and hole, the feeling beyond anything that he was used to. He looked down at Josh and watched as two nipple piercing magically appeared and a tattoo formed on his left thigh.
“Josh...” Matt moaned, turning to the mirror, his eyes widening in horror. They looked just like the two guys from the movie. And it looked like he was becoming the more submissive of the pair- the "bottom". It was like a whole new vocabulary and knowledge was filling his head, and he knew he didn't want it. He did his best and pushed himself off the bed, landing on his jiggly ass.
“Woah there babe, you good?” Josh asked looking down. To Matt’s dismay, the look of fear that had clued him into his friend still being there was gone. Instead, it was the look of that guy from the movie... the passionate, caring, and sexy stare of his more dominant boyfriend. And it made Matt shiver.
“This isn’t right, we can’t be together!” Matt breathed out, a feeling of guilt welling up inside him. And it was at that moment he realized... that was the same line from the movie. He was still acting it out.
Josh slowly got off the bed, and plopped down next to Matt. He placed a comforting hand on his cheek, and forced him to look into his eyes.
“I don’t care.” He whispered, “I love you.”
And Matt knew it was over. It was just like the movie, the same stupid lines, the same passionate romance. And he hated how predictable it was- how he knew what was going to happen next. A warm feeling welled up from within Matt, all the concern and worry about being with Josh dissipating as he stared intensely into his boyfriend’s eyes. Josh made him feel right... safe even. All he wanted to do was be with him. And with that, the two leaned in for another passionate kiss, the sensual night picking up exactly where it had left off.
The next morning, Matt woke up, curled up in the arms of his lover. He nestled closer to Josh, enjoying the warmth and comfort that it brought.
“Good morning beautiful.” Josh whispered, planting a small kiss on his boyfriend’s forehead.
Matt smiled and planted a quick kiss on Josh’s lips, before slowly pushing himself out of bed. Josh smirked, taking in the site of his naked boyfriend.
“Now that’s a sight I won’t get tired of.” Josh pushed himself out of bed and kissed Matt quickly, “Come on, we should probably get something to eat. I’m drained.” He winked.
As the two walked down to the kitchen and passed the living room, something caught Matt’s eye. He walked over to the DVD case that was tossed on the floor and picked it up, inspecting the cover. It was of two guys, in decent shape and working out at the gym together. He chuckled, they were kind of sexy, but he much preferred his smooth, toned look. Not to mention, so did Josh.  
“Better put this back.” He whispered, placing the DVD back in the cabinet, the memory of it quickly vanished from his mind. And as he walked back into the kitchen where his sexy boyfriend was making them breakfast, he couldn’t wait to see what the day would bring.
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kimbap-r0ll · 10 months
Thought up another one!
this one is illumi,
illumi realizing he’s in love but there is internal conflict within himself not just due to his family but his own emotions and thought if he can even bring balances / if he was what you want. A lil Angst and comfort? You can change it around and everything if ya want I don’t mind. I just like givin prompts lol. And if you’ve done illumi for a similar request or exact same can you do meruem , shalnark or Franklin if you write any of them.
Ooh, I have no idea if I had a similar request because I wrote so much and forgot to update my masterlist haha! However, I'll just write some for all of the characters because why not. Thank you for the request!
Illumi, Shalnark, Franklin, Meruem — Internal Conflict about love
Unless you were arranged to marry him, he will be in a serious conflict with himself. Sure, the Zoldycks need a good heir, but Illumi knows himself that he's not meant for the title of Zoldyck head. Because of this, he probably has a bad thought that he shouldn't have interest in a love interest or *gasp* marriage. However, here he is wondering why his heart beats when you talk to him, why he can't see you getting hurt (unless it's training but :/)
I feel like, in a horrible sense, his first instinct is to try and kill you. If you're gone that means he won't have to go through the hurdles he has every night thinking about you. But he can't bring himself to do it. If it gets to the point he can't bear it, he might go through with it
He won't dare bring it up to his mother or father, but if his grandfather realize something's up he might have to talk to him. Zeno is definitely the more chill guy in the family, which means Illumi might be able to convince you to join the Zoldycks if you weren't invited already. The hardest obstacle would be Kikyo, but that's for later
Overall I feel like you would be able to see the internal conflict more than he would like to admit. He's staring at you for really long (concerningly long) times, he talks to you even harsher than before, etc. If you want to live, either cut ties with him or try to convince him love isn't a bad thing
I feel like he doesn't actually mind love that much, he just gets conflicted if you're a civilian or if you're someone he targeted originally. Think enemies to lovers
He would also try to murder you :/ but he might consult Chrollo first. Shalnark will never tell anyone about his crush, especially Feitan or Phinks. However, Chrollo is a mediator for the team and ultimately the only person in the troupe that probably knows what romance is (but it's only from books haha). This means you might be saved by Chrollo's recommendation to Shalnark that love isn't bad
Shalnark will be frank with you on his occupation as a world-renowned criminal. He doesn't want you to fall in love with someone who isn't him, and he wants to give you one more chance before he wants you to be his. If you leave, that means he'll just go on with his daily life. However, if you decide to stay, he might force you to move to Meteor City for "your safety"
You'll not be able to tell he's conflicted because of how he's just so good at hiding emotions. He's smiling, laughing as he usually does. However, something's off. You can tell he's watching you more intently than before while you're back is turned, almost like he's debating throwing a needle in your head.
He's honestly also super chill about love, like it's hard to find him conflicted. However, the only time he would be conflicted would be if he found out you're just a regular civilian who could be subject to unneeded visitors from the Hunter Association or the mafia. He doesn't want to see you get hurt
Won't resort to violence! He'll sit down and talk to himself before talking to Chrollo about the matter. Similar to Shalnark's logic, Chrollo's the counselor and leader of the team. He wants to know if he should tell you about his feelings or if it's better for your well-being to not say anything.
Franklin eventually tells you. He tells you in a secluded and quiet environment just what he really does. He tells you he understands if you disagree with him, if you want to run away and tell the police (though this means he might have to resort to violence), but in the end he wants you to be safe. If you leave, that'll be the end of you two's relationship. If you stay, he'll be grateful and tell you he'll always make sure you're safe.
You could probably tell he liked you and had this internal conflict. He started to blush more and he would be quiet around you more than he did before. If you ask him before his big reveal, he'll originally deny these feelings
Assuming you're Komugi, he goes through the entire Chimera Ant Arc and doesn't tell you until you two are literally dying :/
However! If you aren't the gungi genius then how this starts might've been similar. Meruem might've had you explain some human concepts to him or maybe he kept you around because it seemed like you had potential for something the ants would need. Nonetheless, his feelings were pure accident.
This leads to him having a conflict that all the rest of the royal guards can see. Pitou won't really mind the king's sudden interest in you, though Pitou might feel it's a little strange how such a weak person like you stayed alive for more than a few hours next to Meruem. Then there's Youpi, who could care less about who the king likes. This guy thinks as long as you aren't a threat to the king's power, no worries. The issue is Pouf. He'll try to convince Meruem you're worthless and whenever Meruem goes through the "should-I-kill-y/n" Pouf will advocate for your death :/. Meruem finds himself never following through this though, so at some point he just stops asking out loud
You will see the conflict in real time, also hear from him about his emotions. He doesn't actually tell you he loves you since he doesn't really know what "love" means. He'll tell you what he's feeling, and then tell you with no corners cut that sometimes he feels like he should kill you (seriously what is with these ants). Give him some time, he'll learn eventually that he's going through a crush and nothing that will kill him (until Netero happens but -_-)
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plasmasimagination · 6 months
Hi! How was your day? I hope it was great! Can I request a hsr (xianzhou) hcs with the characters you want with a klee/diona/xiangling!child!reader? I wanted to request before and I was reading your rules to request but I didn't see anything about child!reader soo i just asume i can request about it.
Sorry if there's was a grammar error por something I'm still learning english😭 somehow I learn some new words with your hcs so thank you?🤔
Whatever don't forget to take care of yourself, drink water and eat properly. Have a good day! 💞
HAIII SWEETIEE, thank you thank you for the request (。˃ ᵕ ˂ *) ウン
I've never really thought of wrote child!reader but it was super fun to try it out, I know your request is kind of...old...(haha sorry....)
A/n - it's been so long since I've actually written regular requests (not matchups) honestly I forgot what it feels like and this was a great request and very refreshing
Anyways, YAAA
As a teen herself, shes...kind of taken a back by reader
Doesn't really know what to do and just stands there staring at them blankly
Maybe she'll try making a conversation and offer to take them to eat something
Generally very unsure on what to do and doesn't want to do anything wrong (poor thing TvT)
Tho if there's someone older and more experienced around she'll be a lot more calm and then she'll just talk with them about things she thinks children like
Dan Feng - imbibitor lunae
We saw how he acts with bailu already but I just think he's adorable
Just...stares at them
Very awkward around them and if they ask him a bunch of questions he'll just answer it shortly and quietly not really knowing what else to do
But can actually take care of kids if he needs to, so he'll just crouch down to readers level and like give them a single pat on the head and stand up walking away being like "come on, let's go"
Is not a fan of holding children so he'll prefer to hold their hand (even if he has to crouch down a bit)
Jing yuan
Honestly if you ever need a babysitting he's probably the person you'll go to
He's very gentle and loves playing around with kids
Whenever he sees the reader he'll crouch down and ruffle their hair to annoy them
He also likes picking up the reader, just like with one hand picks them up
Sometimes (if the reader doesn't protest against being held) he'll just walk around xianzhou with the reader in his arms, he'll do his work and duties normally like they're not even there
he could talk to reader for like hours, about the most random things or something he sees while walking around, like anything that keeps the child distracted
He's incredibly gentle with them and always careful not to hurt them.
Also since he's very wealthy, is probably gonna spoil the reader, a lot.
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luffysinterlude · 5 days
★ summary: the straw hat pirates reminisce on some fun memories while voyaging through the Grand Line.
★ warnings: chatroom au/comedic relief, mentions of pregnancy, cursing, takes place after water seven/pre thriller bark, ooc characters, use of yn + female reader in mind, flirty!yn + the crew teases yn a bit ><, zoro x reader…kinda..im biased im sorry 😞 + some things are NOT canon and i just made it up :p
★ an: hiii!! there is not enough one piece fanfic content on this app in my opinion (i feel like i’ve read almost every piece, all have been amazing), so here’s my attempt at making more!! also, i’m still pretty new to the op fandom, so some characters may be a little ooc. i’m still reading/watching thriller bark so pls bare with me! also this is a chatroom au because i don’t have access to social app anymore *cry*. anyway, please enjoy!
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NOW ONLINE [9]. . .
robin: is everything okay, yn?
chopper: yeah yn, is everything okay?
zoro: probably not
yn: just thinking
usopp: thinking about where we’ll be next? praying manifesting it isnt anywhere scary
chopper: everywhere we’ve been has been terrifying
nami: yeah usopp
nami: its like we goto hell, leave it, and then enter another part of it
nami: i think we should just start expecting the worst
zoro: maybe we should all just get a lil more stronger. starting with the blonde pervert we have as our cook
luffy: oooooo thinking about what? tell me tell me tell me!
sanji: now, my dearest yn, please let me know if theres anyway i can assist you
zoro: she probably doesn’t want your help lmfao no offense
sanji: WHOOOO was even talking to you? I SAID YN’S NAME IN THE TEXT DAMMIT
nami: can you two idiots cut it out already? its like, i can hear your voices through my screen and i don’t like that
franky: yeah it’s actually kinda crazy i can hear you all…without actually being in your presence
chopper: soooo yn?
luffy: yeah yn what’s going on?
yn: just sitting here thinking about all of our fun adventures. like wow we actually did all of that and it was like…real life
yn: i feel like if i didnt know you guys and didn’t experience it then it wouldn’t sound real
yn: but like wow it was all real
robin: we’ve had some wild times, haven’t we?
luffy: LOL yeah that might’ve been on me
luffy: but we’ve survived this long
luffy: we’ll continue to survive because fate loves us!
nami: -.-
sanji: luffy’s right, surprisingly
sanji: sometimes i think about how fate brought us together…or atleast i think about how fate brought me nami yn and robin together
yn: watch it pretty boy
sanji: YES MA’AM
sanji: screenshotting
zoro: ignoring that dude. i think it’s amazing how we prevail every time. we get stronger without realizing
yn: i mean we did fly into the sky
yn: thats so crazy we actually like. flew. in the air. on a ship.
nami: yeah all thanks to me ;*
yn: thank u pretty i remember falling in love with you then and there
usopp: there was this gigantic whirlpool below us and everything
chopper: haha yeah that was crazy! and those giant monkeys
robin: oh! yes, the saruyama alliance. i could never forget the amount of fun i had during our time on Jaya Island
yn: robin i love u but FUNNNNNN???-?-?-!-? DID WE FORGET ABOUT THAT STUPID FOREST CRICKET HAD US GO INTO?!1? i still have nightmares of that stupid south bird and its stupid face and the way it made all those stupid bugs chase me
luffy: haha those south birds were really something else
nami: it’s funny because we had no idea what was coming next
zoro: that stupid “God” was next. what was his name again? emily? enemy….?
zoro: well shit i’ve forgot. it was somethin else though. his stupid lightning
franky: YOU GUYS FOUGHT….A GOD?!?!1???!!!?
franky: was it like….you know…..THE GOD
chopper: not really sure what you mean but that guy enel really had some sort of crazy insane powers
chopper: him and his crazy insane priests were able to predict our moves!
robin: oh yeah. he electrocuted zoro, yn, and i.
yn: pls dont remind me TT
yn: he scares me because i feel like he somehow is still alive
yn: like what if hes reading our messages
nami: i never thought of it like that…
nami: enel if ur reading this please drop 1,000,000,000 berries down from the sky
luffy: i wish the skypeians and shandians rang the bell more often.
luffy: haha oh well! i know they’re doing just fine! :D
usopp: well thanks to yn now i’m reminscing TT
usopp: it feels like alabasta JUST happened
robin: well, we did just face the world government
robin: technically crocodile was apart of it
robin: that’s the past. i had to do what i needed to do to survive. and i’m glad i was, considering i was able to find you all <3
sanji: robin i wouldve followed you to hades’ kingdom if i had to. i will always protect you (and nami and yn. the others can fend for themselves).
luffy: hahahaha i agree!! see, fate loves us
chopper: WE LOVE U ROBIN
zoro: appreciate ya.
yn: shoutout to us
yn: i love us
yn: i love being a strawhat
chopper: same!!! forever and always gonna be a strawhat!!
luffy: i love our little family!
luffy: without you all, i wouldn’t be as close as i am to reaching my dream! so thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
luffy: also sanji when is dinner gonna be ready so i know when to head back to the sunny
nami: same
nami: now i’m really reminiscing. do you guys remember when yn thought she was pregnant
usopp: i-
usopp: …
yn: NAMI
yn: alright well.
sanji: also luffy dinner will be ready when its dinner time. its mid day. if you’re hungry i have snacks in the fridge or since you’re running around this island, find a food stand
robin: what a naughty girl you are, nami. teasing yn about her “almost” pregnancy
nami: yk me! but i remember being soooooo worried only for the pregnancy test to come back negative
zoro: yn?
luffy: oh wow cool sanji thanks!
luffy: also congrats yn? but where will the baby stay?
usopp: did you even read nami’s text
luffy: oh..right LOL that’s good! i can’t imagine yn having a baby. plus how are babies even made
chopper: :o
nami: …
robin: your innocence is apart of my will to live
yn: luffy TT
luffy: oh sickkkkkk do you guys think we can make one?
yn: oh luffy TT
nami: well!
sanji: he’ll come around
luffy: LOL BRB
LUFFY has gone offline.
chopper: wonder what he’s up to
yn: probably found food like sanji told him to
zoro: yeah he kind of left the store we’re at and i have no desire to look for him right now
zoro: oh nevermind. he just went outside to buy meat from a vendor. he’s good, still in my eyesight
chopper: also
yn: chopper >< you were still fairly new to the crew then
yn: but this happened after we left chopper’s hometown
yn: i think i was just sick because of the crazy weather changes, plus nami has just recovered and didn’t want anyone to be worried sick :p
zoro: why didnt you tell me?
zoro: you’re apart of the crew too, ya know.
usopp: interesting
nami: sigh
nami: its like the most obvious thing ever
robin: i’m afraid it just isn’t clicking for him.
yn: it’s not like i didn’t wanna tell you
zoro: okay so why didn’t you
yn: and by time i found you, i had already forgotten that i thought i was pregnant because there was a whole warlord wanting us dead so
zoro: hmm. okay. well next time..
zoro: if you ever need a safe space. you know.
yn: hehe yes i do. but i apologize for not telling you as soon as i felt…different. it’s just that we’ll always have bigger issues to worry about
franky: ummmm are we interrupting something
zoro: hm
zoro: nah. yn and i will talk later when we see each other.
zoro: for now i’m thinkin about that time luffy and i got beat up on jaya island. now i’m annoyed.
zoro: the principle of the matter was good but i really just had to sit there and take an ass beating when i could’ve handled the entire bar
zoro: ehhhh now i’m gonna go workout. if anyone needs me you know where to find me.
ZORO has gone offline.
yn: he left saying “you know where to find me” as if we’ll actually know
robin: i really hope he finds his way back to the sunny.
sanji: he can get lost for all i care
yn: it’s crazy that i really thought i was pregnant that one time
yn: even vivi thought so
nami: i was super worried
nami: so worried i was reading every book we had to find anything i could help you with
usopp: well i’m offended cause why didn’t you tell me i thought we were besties
yn: wellllllllll no offense but full offense, you have “i-can’t-seem-to-keep-my-mouth-shut” disease
yn: just yappin all day everyday
franky: so, sister yn, zoro huh?
sanji: yn my loveeeeee you know you could always tell me your secrets
yn: i cant lie i almost let it slip when i helped you with dinner that night
yn: but again, bigger fish to fry
sanji: screenshotted again
sanji: did you guys see that? shes flirting with me. might die
robin: hm not sure what part of that was flirting but whatever makes you happy.
nami: oooo franky’s quick
franky: it isn’t hard to tell
chopper: what’re you all talking about!!?
yn: nothing important you little cute doctor
chopper: >~< SHUT UP! >~< THAT DOESNT WORK ON ME!!
sanji: robin! nami! yn!!!! i will be going offline to go back to the sunny to make some snacks. would you ladies do me the pleasure of enjoying them? should they be ready before you all arrive?
robin: please do! surprise us this time :)
yn: hell yea sanji you know i’d never say no to you
nami: lol yes please! i’m kind of craving something sweet
SANJI has gone offline.
yn: well now that those three are gone
yn: i worry about them a lot
yn: i feel like those three find trouble every where we go
chopper: same but we’re all like, insanely strong now!
chopper: and it’s not like we’re actively looking for trouble, sometimes we just want to chill
nami: yeah. but now, more than ever, i feel more secure
nami: like wow he’s really gonna be king of the pirates
yn: most definitely. we only ever get stronger
usopp: yeaaaaaaaaaaaaa obviously i’ve had my doubts but…
usopp: it’s never been because of luffy
robin: ever since i met you guys again on alabasta…
robin: i knew you all would give me a life worth living
yn: robin’s so sweet online it makes me want to cry
yn: well shes always sweet
nami: robin, i’m curious. how did you find our ship?
robin: well it was just docked and i figured i’d finally take a rest somewhere. if you all hadn’t left alabasta by time i had woken up, then i wouldn’t have stayed. like luffy says, fate loves us.
franky: WHAAAAAT you just…..snuck on? O.O
chopper: oh yeah i remember!
chopper: i’m not gonna lie, i was a little intimidated by you at first
yn: chopper wasn’t there when we first met robin!
nami: oh yeah!
yn: franky chopper omg like have i ever told the story of how i first fell in love with robin
usopp: OH YEAH she blew that guy’s ship up
usopp: i wonder how vivi’s doing
nami: VIVI TT i hope she’s okay
nami: but yeah i agree. i was scared shitless of robin but then she told me she got me treasure
robin: not entirely. he survived and thats what matters
franky: i mean i guess
franky: i was definitely intimidated by luffy when we first met. even though that was like three weeks ago
franky: i can’t lie he still sometimes intimidates me
yn: brother ur half machine
franky: anyway sisters. you guys have to tell me more stories at dinner later i have to go refill the coke tanks, see ya!
FRANKY has gone offline.
usopp: well chat
usopp: i usually help him so i’ll be going back too
usopp: yn i’m expecting way more details later after dinner
usopp: or zoro. but preferably before you see zoro
chopper: i’ll help! girls if you need me for anything i’ll be with those two!!
yn: um…okay…? we’ll see u all later!!!
USOPP has gone offline.
CHOPPER has gone offline.
nami: and now it’s just us three
nami: sorry for bringing your pregnancy scare up
nami: i’m getting my nails done right now and i can’t really seem to remember our journeys
yn: its all good
yn: i kinda forgot about it
robin: we’ve been through so much our brains probably started to black out any unwanted memories. i’ve read that it happens
robin: and yn, i don’t blame you. i would’ve been worried sick if i was apart of the crew then. but since it’s just us…
yn: omg let us catch you up
yn: so basically..i had…with…and then…
nami: —.—
nami: she had sex with someone *cough* zoro *cough* and started puking the next morning
yn: TT
nami: i definitely thought it was pregnancy
robin: silly girls. you do realize pregnancy symptoms don’t happen overnight, right?
robin: also, yn. it’s obvious. i’ve seen the way you two are always the first ones missing during our celebrations
nami: well……..yeah but
nami: we can never be TOO safe
yn: mmm if you hadn’t caught on by now then i’d be surprised
yn: i was still scared
yn: i think it was more of a “wow me and zoro actually did that and it was real”
nami: it’s just….in a forest?!-?
nami: with…HIM!!!-?-?-?-??
nami: you can have any man or woman or creature you want and you stillllllllll………….
yn: i was running on adrenaline. that dude and his stupid ass candle wax drove me insane
yn: plus you both know i kinda have a little crush on the guy
yn: i can fix him
nami: okayyyyyy whatever you say.
nami: pfttt “little” and you guys are basically dating in my head
robin: i forgot his actual name but i’m assuming you guys are talking about mr. 3
robin: ah yes his wax is quite the problem. i wonder if hes alive still
nami: i was seriously stressed out
nami: but honestly, since we’re on the topic, i’m glad i joined luffy
nami: there was this one time, yn i’m sure you remember
nami: right before going to the baratie
yn: the day we went to the baratie TT
yn: but what happened before i kinda forgot
nami: anyway when we ran into your crazy psycho ex
yn: OMG
robin: oh? tell me more about this ex of yours. i’m interested
yn: he kinda followed us after luffy saved me from HIM
yn: um so basically..you know my devil fruit powers…yeah he held them over my head and threatened to tell the marines about me and
nami: it was chaos. but it was the first time i’ve seen yn in combat and it was mind blowing
robin: luffy being our life saver and our little brother
robin: what would we do without him
yn: you’re right
yn: but i think at this point, we’re all strong enough to handle our own. if i ever see my ex again i’ll beat him so bad
nami: yeah me too! cause he had the crazy audacity to ask me out after i found out what he did to you!
nami: either way, i’m just happy we’re still all together. you know since we’ve been throwing the word fate around, i’m really starting to believe it. luffy has a really good sense of knowing who should join our crew
yn: he does :’)
yn: he gave me a family
robin: well we should probably go check on the boys now. i’ll meet you all at the sunny <3
robin: come back safely.
nami: yeah!! you too robin! yn, bring us some goodies! i’ll see you both later!!
yn: can’t wait to see u guys again
nami: ….you saw us this morning.
ROBIN has gone offline.
NAMI has gone offline.
YN has gone offline.
NOW ONLINE [1]. . .
LUFFY is now online.
luffy: IM BACK
luffy: i ate some meat and came back to the shop we were at but zoro isnt here anymore so i’m wondering if you guys happen to know where he is!
luffy: ….
luffy: oh the chatroom closed
luffy: well i guess i better get back to the sunny!
luffy: hopefully my friends make it back safely! we still have more adventures to take care of
luffy: wow these things are so cool i’m just talking to myself
luffy: i wonder if i can get one on the sunny…
luffy: OH WELL
LUFFY has gone offline.
★ an [2]: ahhh!! my first work is now done ☺️ honestly this was all self indulgent because i’ve been going through some personal things and right now the strawhats are my comfort zone. i decided to make it like a big groupchat because i don’t really have any friends irl or online so this makes me feel a lil better ☺️! i hope you all enjoyed.
its a lil messy because when i first started this i was about to began Thriller Bark but as I’m typing this I’m currently on the Sabaody Archipelago arc and things are getting more exciting like omg hello mr. Trafalgar Law I’ve been waiting for your debut….
if you enjoyed this please like and reblog! maybe i’ll start writing more drabbles idk. it used to be my thing when i was still using @/krazykento and jjk used to be my comfort zone. also, if you want to be friends please don’t be shy to say anything! i’d love to make new friends!!
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oh-my-may · 27 days
I'm gonna start the post with a few paragraphs I wrote just a few days after the patch went live:
So I finished the first Remuria world quest - it was beautiful. And really not as long as I first expected it to be. I probably could have finished it on the first day if I wouldn't have been as tired as I was
First of all the new map is beautiful. You'd think after 3? patches of map expansions where we already got underwater stuff it would feel repetetive but somehow it looks and feels different and refreshing. Maybe because majority of the map are caves where you can walk normally or they're ruins... idk.
I couldn't help but draw parallels between Remuria and HSR's Penacony tho, especially look-wise, the talk of a dreamscape and the theme of music. Especially now after finishing Penacony 2.2 I can't help but feel the two are very similar in certain aspects... the motive of Harmony and Song and Peace and saving a people and Gods? Also the way Remuria looks is so similar to certain things in Penacony? I already said rhis in my post on HSR, this is absolutely no hate whatsoever. I reckon there's only so much you can do with these motives? It's interesting how differently it looks in both games tho.
So yeah, Remuria is beautiful. The music is an out of body experience and encapsulates the whole thing perfectly. I haven't explored all of the map yet, but I like the new mechanisms a lot. The floating books look so cool and just generally the significance of music through it all... *sigh* it's so enjoyable.
So far for Remuria... i definitely missed a few things I wanted to say but it's been like 2 weeks since I played this and I definitely forgot something haha
First of all she's broken omg. It is kind lf annoying that it'll take weeks to max out her talents, rn for me she's sitting at crowned NA and skill and burst are level 7 each. But she still hits for like over 50k with each normal attack when she has a bond of life. Don't even get me started on her with Yelan MY GOD.
Okay with that out of the way let me talk about her story quest. First of all I find it very intriguing that hyv gave up on the usual pattern of having the second weekly boss for a nation be tied to the Archon and their respective second story quest (besides Mond ig)... i mean yeah Fontaine's archon situatipn is very peculiar but technically Neuvilette has taken over the role for now, right? Neither him nor Furina getting a second story quest makes me think Neuvi's probably gonna get his way later because it'll be HUGE. Again I wanna say that lore wise Neuvi is my fav character... HES JUST SO FNDNDBDN. And Furina is probably gonna get a pretty "random" one at one point kinda like Yoimiya did or Cyno... like its gonna be a good quest but it'a gonna be random. ANYWAY
I wonder how much different I would habe perceived the quest if I hadn't watched the Animated Short about Arlecchino that they put on Youtube... like it's her whole backstory? I could see where the quest was going right from the beginning because of it... that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy it, tho
Childe's little surprise cameo made me so happy c: MY BOY. He's alive snd well AND IN FONTAINE. Let me remind ypu we last officially saw him in the last Atchon quest gwtting yeeted into a black hole by Skirk. Then it was mentioned at the end that he was being treated and sent gome to Snezhnaya. Well...
The whole cryptic talk between Arle and Childe was quite interesting... so this project by the Fatui, right? (Forgot the name rn bc it's been a few days since I played the quest) Is it fonna be significant for Natlans story? What does it entail?? THE TEASE NNNNGNNGHH
I wonder if at some point in the game we're actually gonna see Lyney become the new head of House of the Hearth. Like... it's mentioned quite a lot in his story as well as in everything that has tp do with the House and Sröecchino herself... I wonder 🤔
Throughout the story I was reminded that one of the first things we heard about her (Childes voiceline that came out in like??? 3.0 or so???). It was that she would turn her back on and betray the Harbingers (AND THE TSARISTA) without second thought. She even says this herself in her voicelines. I just wonder what her ultimate goal is? To free herself from the curse? Which btw they tell us nothing about in the story. Story is all about the House and its inner workings and Arle's feelings about it and plans for the future (which I love btw but still not quite understand)... we also casually get told that Arle is not even that old??? Like the whole thing with Crucabena is so recent that Freminet remembers her???? Amd Arle was maybe a Teenager when she killed her so like??? She's only around 10 years older than the kids????
So how come she's a descendant from Khaenri'ah? I don't know if I read somewhere abput it or if its a rumor but not confirmed or if its said in her personal story which I haven't read yet but... she'a from the crimson moon dynasty? Or has some ties to it? And her curse is definitely related to it BUT WHAT IS HER CURSE EXACTLY. WHY DOES SHE HAVE IT. If she's only in maybe her late 20s she couldn't have been an actual Khaenriahn citizen (same as Kaeya and he still gives me the same headache thinking about this) so how does it all tie together in the end?? Does it have to do with the God of time maybe??? (Nevermind if this is talked about in her personal story in her profile I haven't read that yet)
So yeah... the fight woth her was so cool. The animation??? I saw people get upset about the fact that Traveler couldn't beat her but I actually love that?? Like... She'a #4 of the Harbingers and has some curse probably tied to Khaenriah and she KILLED A HARBINGER WHEN SHE WAS A TEENAGER??? Traveler nlt being this almighty MC makes them so much mlre likeable like yeah... they are obv far from having their actual power back? It took us ... how many times to fight Shuki No Kami before we could defeat it in the final try to learn all the patterns? The game wants to tell us that there's much more powerful enemies in Teyvat and rhis is only the beginning. Let me tell you yeah we beat Signora but it was Raiden who killed her... it was Zhongli who subdued Azhdaha. We only healed Apep with Nahidas help. Traveler has never been able to easily defeat these big enemies, they always had help. Yeah they have been getting stronger, they've been getting access to more elements but the bis enemies are just getting stronger and bigger too... I wonder where that will lead. Maybe the twins are only gonna get their true power bavk once they're united... ANYWAY
Her weekly boss fight is cool too. Using different mechanisms again, with the whole Bond of Life thing and all. She does this one attack in her second phase that I just... can't get behind tho. Someone always has to be the victim, THE SACRIFICE, to get me through haha. Idk how to dodge or avoid that attack. The one where she floats above the arena and then these bombs? Idk? Come down and basically crash down on the whole arena and I haven't found a spot where you can aboid getting hit and therefore killed immediately idk.
So yeah that's all for now. Very excited to play Cyno's second story quest. Heard only good things so far about it, which is good because I really didn't like his first one 💀 probably gonna get around to play it one of these days. Same as with the rest of Remuria exploration, gonna need mlre Clorinde funds :3
(Gonna add screenshots later, it's been so long that the ones I took aren't saved in the PS App anymore 💀)
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nukanobody · 4 days
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Funny Familiarity
For context: I posted a head-canon a few days ago, on how Danse actually ended up in the brotherhood of steel as a synth despite not being sent as a spy but instead is listed as "missing". It's probable he ran away from the institute where the railroad helped him escape, with Deacon knowing about the case.
I'm so obsessed with this idea now so read below for any thoughts or further hc's i had when making this. Or ask me anything about this hc i am going cray cray. sorry if this is ooc i'm bad at characters.
ty to @ericadrawsstuff for your addon btw!! it fueled me to draw this haha
For Danse, I don't believe he was a courser but maybe a failed experimental synth/synth meant for manual labor? The institute would probably be in a panic if a courser with a courser chip went awol, they'd probably take notice if the same missing courser became the poster boy of the people whose trying to destroy them.
Danse stayed in the railroad for a bit, like maybe 5 months? Formed a somewhat close bond with Deacon who was "Debbie" at the time.
Deacon loves collecting sunglasses, was toying with the idea of being a woman when he found novelty heart sunglasses. I see him as identifying as male but really flexible when it comes to presenting himself.
Obsessed with the idea that despite being reset/memories wiped synths may carry flaws or mannerisms. In Danse's case his fierce loyalty and self sacrifice are his major flaws, pre-wipe he didn't want to be a danger to the railroad and felt he needed to be wiped, post-blind betrayal he felt like he was a danger to the brotherhood and needed to be killed.
Deacon's a good liar sometimes, but in the cases where Danse says something against synths his hands clench and has to lean on a wall to catch his breath while the sides of him fight in his head. The first side is the railroad agent who has huge empathy for M7-97 and knows that if his identity is revealed it'll absolutely ruin him and get maimed by the brotherhood, the other side of him is absolutely disgusted by Danse and wants to put him in his place, the 3rd just thinks it'll be funny.
I depicted Nora as how I'd imagine she'd be. A woman from a pre-war era being dropped in a wasteland, it's kind of a culture shock for her and she has a savior complex, she assumes that everyone just needs to sit down and talk. Her main goal is to somehow "unite" the commonwealth, she's joined all the factions and some of her companions are kind of peeved about it. In the comic she introduced Deacon to Danse thinking they could have a civil conversation where Deacon could steer him to a better mindset (she sees Danse as a kid who got into the wrong crowd, despite being a fully grown man)
okay jesus, this took like 3 days of non stop drawing for me to do. Whoever designed power Armour i pray for your downfall what the hell. Sorry if it looks bad i study software so I haven't gotten the chance to draw in like, 7 months. Can you tell which pose I was able to find refs for and not the rest? lol
I ship them now too, i've been researching them and I love their dynamic and damn if the plot "Person A knew Person B before Person B forgot them and became a different person" doesn't hit like a ton of bricks.
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musubiki · 3 months
I forgot if you talked abt this, but does the whole "being on the same level as mochi" thing ever come up in honest conversation between them? Seems like an entire...thing that really influences lime's choices when it comes to the main conflict. I would think either some time after mochi's over her initial jealousy, or heck wayyy after they stop the witch king
oooo youre right i dont think ive talked much about it or at all.,... but YEAH a very key part of limes character is his need to be on the same level as her...partly a pride thing, partly a "i dont feel like i have the right to stand beside her unless i can compete with her" thing
(sorry for the long post rambles, apparently i have a lot more thoughts on this than i thought it did)
but actually this comes up WAY sooner, its WAY too big of an elephant in the room post-timeskip to go un-talked about. pre-timeskip lime could kind of quietly work away at trying to be better, but post-timeskip the m-34th thing is too obvious of a flag for mochi to think everything is okay with him
i think the issues really starts to be hashed out when mochi, at some point (relatively quickly after they reunite), brings up the notion of him quitting the m-34th. to an extent she understood why he joined, he gave her a bunch of reasons why he joined the regiment in the first place (jumping around a bunch of excuses like "They have good benefits" / "I was bored" / etc before finally telling her the truth that "I wanted to find you"), but what she didnt understand is why he stays in
she gave it a bit of time, they went through the whole "well you left me" vs "you joined the organization that exists to kill us" -> "call it even, water under the bridge" thing, and she thought that after a few weeks (months?) he would quit and just be part of her guild again, but he doesnt.
and when she asks him about it, he dodges the question, gives shit answers, dismisses it, a bunch of different things with the underlying message being "I'm not leaving you, but I'm not gonna quit working for them."
and she doesnt want to give him the "choose me or them" ultimatum either (even though pom seems all for it), because 1.) it feels like a shitty thing to do to him, if hes fighting this hard to stay in she doesnt want him to be unhappy, and 2.) shes afraid he might actually choose them
she starts to think a lot of things, that maybe he harbors some bitterness towards her, maybe he doesnt want to put all his eggs in one basket, maybe hes secretly feeding them information on her behind her back, ALL kinds of things.
eventually (and upsettingly) she gets the truth from clarinette. it takes fucking clarinette babbling her mouth away for mochi to get something that she hasnt gotten from lime himself. clarinette (in her delulu) wants to brag a little in the vein of "Haha he confided in me and not in you haha," and mentioned that when she asked him why he stays, he told her "The m-34th makes me stronger" or something along those lines.
and mochis first thought is "I can make him stronger too, he doesnt need to go to them."
and when she CONFRONTS him and tells him this, he gives her a flat "No, you can't." and it FEELS very cold when he says it. she can see the bitterness (bitterness???) behind his eyes when he says it. and its not a bitterness TOWARDS HER, its more of a "I spent 2 years before you left trying everything I could to make myself worthy of you this, and it did nothing. I would take 1 step forward and you would take 5. I'm not going back to that."
so this confrontation became one of those make it or break it conversations for lime, because his only two options were 1) tell mochi the actually pretty embarrassing and pathetic truth, or 2) risk losing her because shes already doubting him enough as it is
i think he probably tries route 2 first though. and whatever it is he tells her, he can see something in her eyes (mistrust? failing faith? fear?) which tells him "Oh no, oh shit, oh god, backtrack you idiot, BACKTRACK!!!" because if he lets this narrative go on for even a few minutes more, hes not going to be able to come back from it.
so he eventually actually does tell her the truth!! and he hates doing it. he really does feel pathetic. its so petty and stupid, he thinks. he shouldnt be trying to compete with the cat witch, hes supposed to be supportive. but he fucking hates being ONLY supportive. he wants to add something, contribute something meaningful, not just be a little accessory/sidekick to mochi.
and (as already mentioned) he cant do that without the m-34th. pre-timeskip he felt useless. and relative to mochi, he was. she wont say it, but she didnt need him. she would reassure him and tell him "You're amazing Lime!" but deep down she knew that after Amanita was dealt with and she was the full-fledged cat witch, she could do all of it on her own (and proves it when she leaves and takes none of them with her). she liked having him there (obviously), but anything he could do she could do better.
he felt like he just took up space, and when she left without telling him or taking him with her, it essentially proved his point. it was not even just a "I dont need you" thing anymore, it was now a "I don't need you, and I also know you don't have the means or ability to change that" and that fucking HURT.
the m-34th though....those guys really honed the shit out of his strengths. on an insane level. they gave him so many skills and tools as a black canvas to do SO MANY THINGS and SO WELL, and maybe this does bring up some resentment to the guild and magic?? that he had so much untapped potential that mochi could just not bring out in an effective way, it essentially bottlenecked him (not her fault, its hard to build the talents of an anti-magic person by using magic).
but these guys...as "bad" as they are (so the witches say), they gave him (and still give him) the power to change that which he hated about himself the most. so that "I don't need you, and I also know you don't have the means or ability to change that" thing can finally FINALLY be met with "Yeah you do, and yeah I fucking can."
so all these feelings manifest as "I won't leave the m-34th because they make me strong enough to stand by your side and not at your feet." AND THEY DO!!!!!! and he probably doesnt say those words directly but everything he DOES say communicates it enough for mochi to see it
(and he probably tells her all of this. she just listens)
so mochi, eventually, understands this. it took the whole pre-timeskip period and some of the post-timeskip period to get there, but she understands him a little more now (and a side of him she didnt know was there). i dont think theres anything she can do to change this aspect of him, but she at least understands his reasons and respects his freedom to pursue that which gives him peace, even if it conflicts with her uh.....occupation (nature?) as a witch. she also can tell him, without any lies or nice little reassurances that "You really are amazing, Lime." in a way she could never be, and he got there on his own, without her. i think shes happy just to know the truth, and know that hes not like betraying her or something. also she probably finds it kinda sweet that he works so hard to stand by her, but tries not to let it go to her head (or her heart) because at least half of it is a lime pride thing and not a mochi love thing
he also throws in a very lime-esq ending on it like "There I said it happy now??? Never make me talk about this again." while completely red-faced. he really does hate this side of himself but he cant help it.
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whochromatic · 5 months
I must not read chapter 109 and wait for the chapters to pile up.. I must not read chapter 109 and wait for the chapters to pile up.. I must...
*reads it anyways*
Why did I do that. Damnit, I should've known that reading that chapter would have re-activated my need for more. I was way better off ignoring anything related to Yohaji and just went about my day, not thinking about Yohaji every minute of the hour of the day of the week. But the damage has been done. Now I have to read the whole manga all over again just to satisfy myself once again. But no. That's not enough. I searched every corner to hunt every single content of Yohaji. Tumblr. Twitter. Youtube. Tiktok. Ao3. Our lord and savior Canada's account. The giver of reason in life, one who resurrects the dead, the sailor uniform to my life, Tanamai-sensei's account. I know that the Yohaji content in this world is not enough and will NEVER be. The moment I discovered this manga, I knew that it would be my life. The fact that it had only reached me last year, ber month is unforgivable. Why did it not have content as many as the amount of numbers there are to exist so that it could reach me at the start of it's existence? It should have been Yohaji. Not BNHA! Nothing against that anime by the way. Well, I am grateful that I stumbled upon Yohaji while it had 100+ chapters though. And the fandom being small enough to only have nice and cool people in it. But those fics in ao3 though? Why- I mean, I don't really care or pay attention to them but the fact that the amount of nsfw fanfics is probably (I'm saying probably because they might just be more) equal to the amount of sfw fanfics in there is- I swear, WHY ARE THERE SO LITTLE FANFICS OF YOHAJI?! 3 PAGES?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!? There might be more in other places but I only read in ao3 and Tumblr if I find some there. I'm so thankful for the translators though!!! I love y'all. I love the fandom. I love the characters. I love Yohaji. I love the creator. God- sorry I forgot I can't use sensei's name in vain. I'm telling y'all, Tanamai is the GOAT. A GENIUS!! Your brain is beautiful. What goes on in head yours? Tell and everyone might gain more braincells. What's with you? What's with your humor?? What's with your lore?! WHAT'S WITH YOUR ART??? WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS?!?! SENSEI WHEN I CATCH YOU OHH WHEN I CATCH YOU. But of course, it's not your fault that I'm starving for more Yohaji chapters. One month is nothing to me- IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!!! WHY DID YOU HAVE TO CREATE THIS WONDERFUL AND HEAVENLY HOOK THAT CAUGHT ME EVEN ONLY WITH IT'S TITLE AND ART?? HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO MEEEE?!?! Senseiiiiii*sob* waaaaaahh... Still, I'm sooo happy this is getting an anime this year!! I've been waiting for this ever since I found out it existed along with other Yohaji fans. I knew it would happen soon enough because it's the law. It's a crime to not make an adaption of amazing yet weird yet amazing manga like no other. Death row. DEATH ROW!! It's fine even if it's low quality. As long as it exists, I can finally pass on peacefully- when it airs it better be as good as the manga and look immaculate, I'm telling you. Haha, just kidding. Or am I..? I cannot wait until April or whatever how long it takes for the anime to air just please. Please even the trailer only. But I'm sure everyone is already working hard to make the anime for it. Do your best!! You're doing the right thing! And.... uhm.. 24 episodes... please..? AHHH HARUAKI'S SMILEEE!!! IT'S INVADING MY MIND!! GET OUT! PLEASE GET OUT!!! THIS LOWLY UNGRATEFUL UNDESERVING WORSE THAN DUST BUZZ BUZZ KILLABLE STUPID MORTAL ABOMINATION CAN'T HANDLE OR DESERVE SOMETHING LIKE THAT!! AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!! I can't do this. More. More. More Yohaji. I NEED IT. IF AIR AND SAILOR UNIFORM IS LIFE THEN SO IS YOHAJI!! RAAAAAAAHHH
Also I accidentally deleted a longer version of this and rewrote it with my memory. Thanks for wasting your time on this like I did.
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teamfreewill56-blog · 3 months
Can you rank the hashiras and reasons why?
This ask took way longer than I thought it would, I believe I overthought the question and then it took me a while to really think over the hashira and choose. And putting it into words took longer than I expected.
@plutonianmoons I interpreted this question as who do I rank in terms of favorites and why, if you meant it in another way shoot me another ask and I’ll respond. I’m going to start with the list so that those who don’t want to know my reasons don’t have to go hunting for where their favorite hashira is. 
Kyojuro Rengoku
Uzui Tengen
Mitsuri Kanroji
Kyojuro Rengoku
I feel like this will come as a surprise to absolutely nobody lol. He’s my favorite character after all and probably my favorite of all time. I hopefully have been able to sprinkle my reasoning of why I love Kyojuro so much throughout my posts so I will try not to ramble too much. Though, not repeating myself is kinda impossible haha.  
Kyojuro resonates with me so deeply, and even I don’t fully understand why. One reason I think is because he makes me feel….seen. His struggles and grief and pain, and how it came about, a lot of it I can relate to, it hits very close to home for me. And seeing what he goes through and how he dealt with it, its helped me to see and realize that my own experiences and feelings are valid, and its helped me process things I haven’t been able to, even with years of therapy. He isn’t just a ball of sunshine who hides his pain, that’s such a gloss over. He IS a flame, all his feelings make him burn, his anger, righteous and otherwise, his love of his family, his comrades, of his hobbies, the way he devotes his all into everything he does and how so many of his actions are driven by love and compassion and that that’s what drives him to be so duty-bound. He’s someone like many of us, has gone through grief and pain and so much and because of his situation didn’t get to have it addressed or dealt with, he just figured out how to live with it. I love how he isn’t Mr. Positive, if he is confronted by something negative, by someone’s hurt feelings he addresses it, he validates, and yet he’s not perfect in doing that either, because with some people he can’t address it even though he wants to. I love brave he is, standing up for others but also facing criticism and cynicism and hatred again and again and being so certain of his creed and who he is that he doesn’t let those things infest him, he burns them up immediately. I love how much he loves Ruka, how even though he lost her at such a young age he never resented her but kept her with him always. He thought of her, shared his memories of her, she touched every aspect of who he grew up to be and he never forgot that. I love that even though he is stubborn he isn’t unyielding where it matters. If he makes a snap judgment and realizes it he will change it, will he always? No probably not because just like everyone else that’s going to be different from situation to situation. I love how even though he was told he could never be a Hashira and that he should abandon it, that he didn’t. He worked and worked and worked and he accomplished it. I love how warm and welcoming he is to others, that even though he can sit there stiff as a board he does things that make you know he’s paying attention, the way he invites the Corp member from Mugen Train episode 1 to join him, the way he pats the seat indicating he wants Tanjiro to sit right next to him. The way he gives Senjuro his complete attention and focus when they are talking about emotionally difficult topics. I love how he is honest when he easily could lie to try to spare feelings and yet he is so careful and mindful during those times too. I love how freaking intelligent he is, and that it’s subtle. That it’s not just book intelligence but he’s just actually intelligent. The conversations he has, the way he breaks down what’s going on around him, the choices he makes when he acts. The questions he ponders and asks himself and tries to figure out the answer to. The fact that when Shinjuro told him he didn’t have what it takes to become a Hashira, the way that he thought about that question and pondered it and came to his answer---he could have just got upset and hurt and focused on those feelings, but he didn’t, he delved into it and found his answer. I love his expressions, and I know people joke that sometimes there’s not a thought going on behind his eyes but I disagree, I think he looks like that cause his brain is thinking of so much at once. I love how he has a bunch of shared traits with the other Hashira but in a way that’s uniquely him. I will cut myself off here because if I don’t I’m never gonna stop lol. 
2. Uzui Tengen
One of the reasons I love Tengen is I was so surprised by him, I thought I was going to hate this man’s guts--especially after his introduction to the boys. But instead it was just character beat after character beat of why I would and do like him. You look at him and its like “oh he’s the wild one” but he actually isn’t. He had a lapse of judgment and was rushing when he kidnapped Aoi and wasn’t thinking straight but he also got talked out of taking her pretty easily. I don’t like that he slapped her butt, and I think its still a weird thing for him to do but its in there and I’m sure his wives and Shinobu got on him for that whole incident. But after that we see quickly that he’s one of the responsible ones, and like Kyojuro he really really cares about people and their safety, he sees and acknowledges the boys as boys and does his best to take care of them and watch over them while at the District. Of course, he doesn’t do it perfectly, but he does a pretty damn good job. I love that he actually verbally acknowledges to them that he made mistakes and he put them in danger and owns his poor behavior and decisions. I love that once Zenitsu gets taken he instructs Tanjiro and Inosuke to leave and gives them that important wisdom that surviving isn’t a loss and it isn’t failing. I love that he doesn’t try to shoo the boys off once they are in the fight, he adapts and lets them help him. And even though he lets them stay he consistently is making moves to protect them during the fight and trying to take as much weight off them as he can. He is aware of what the boys’ states are in the midst of the fight and tries to finish things quickly and change the battle to keep them safe. I also love his dynamic with them--he absolutely understands how teenage boys are and how they work and he lets them be boys in his presence without letting them do something terrible. Inosuke gets overwhelmed and starts trying to headbutt people and just rampage in his anxiety? No you don’t boar boy back over here with me. Zenitsu wanders off and starts getting enticed by the women? Boy don’t you even think about going in there I will carry you by the collar through the whole place. His dynamic with Zenitsu is so fun, because they bicker at each other and he teases him like a guy who is 10+ years older than their younger brother would. I love how Tengen truly loves his wives, and that he doesn’t love them all in the same way or show love in the same way to them all. He knows his wives and treats them as his individual partners. I love how calculating but also wild he is in his fighting. His fight with Gyutaro and Daki was such fun to watch. 
3. Mitsuri Kanroji
I love how Mitsuri allows herself to feel all her feelings, how once she stops pretending to be who and what she isn’t, our Love Hashira wears herself completely on her sleeve. And she isn’t ashamed of it or prideful about it. In her fight against Zohakuten she starts out confidently attacking him, jumps right in there and saves Tanjiro and her character beats are so good, she’s freaked out about how big Zohakuten’s dragons are and yet immediately turns her attention to Tanjiro with a smile, confidence and warmth. She sets him down and tells him to take a break, praises him and tells him she’ll take care of it. When Zohakuten calls her a “shameless tramp” she shows such a genuine reaction of shock and upset and I can’t help but adore how honest she is in showing her feelings and being able to show multiple feelings at once. She isn’t arrogant when confronting Zohakuten that first time, but even then, she doesn’t stay dwelling on the fact that he insults her she is ready to go and move to attack once Zohakuten strikes at her. When the dragons start dodging her and moving faster she doesn’t hide her feelings of nervousness, she shows her panic but she doesn’t stop attacking or give up, she just freaking adapts and keeps going, seriously goes “can I take on this many at once?” AND THEN JUST DOES IT. She gets smacked point blank in the face with a sonic blast and instinctively defends her whole body by tensing it up. I love how her confidence isn’t iron-clad, insults, harsh words and reactions, they all hurt her and she doesn’t ignore them but tries to deal with them the best way she can, even if sometimes its the wrong way like she does when she becomes more reserved after finding out Shinobu’s reason for being a Slayer. I love that instead of being ugly or mean to the person who is ugly or mean to her, she honestly defends herself and feels her feelings without trying to hurt the other person. I love how she wants to have a husband but also wants to help people love themselves and once she becomes a slayer these two things no longer conflict for her. She loves people and trusts that one day she’ll find a good man in the Corp to marry. I love how genuine she is with her acceptance of people. She genuinely accepts Tanjiro and Nezuko and treats Nezuko like a younger sister, hugging her, singing with her, playing with her, and protecting her. The fact that she sheds tears of joy seeing not only that Nezuko is alive but also talking--there’s no doubt she loves these kids. Her love for people as individuals is so strong:  even though Genya is mean to her she wanted to talk to him, when she saves the Village leader and he makes a flirty comment she teasingly chides him. And in both instances she could have gotten really angry but didn’t. Nor does she call Genya names or anything, and she talks about him kindly when he’s brought up later. I love how Mitsuri actually is willing to do the tough things, but isn’t shy about saying how she feels about it. I love how she never actually hated the things that made her different, she always cherished them, but it just took her a little while to reach her full acceptance. I love how much she has in common with Kyojuro and that in some instances you can see it and it doesn’t have to be brought up. Mitsuri reminds me a lot of Sailor Moon’s Usagi and I kind of love that. 
4. Tokito Muichiro
Muichiro is part of my little brother baby trio. Comprised of Muichiro, Genya and Senjuro. I love how well this amnesic child does deadpan humor and yet in the same breath can be so RELENTLESSLY sassy. Like I’m sure Tengen thinks he is the sass master but Muichiro would DEVESTATE HIM. His sass is sharp and clever and our little Mist Hashira knows how to time his humor beats perfectly and in the optimal way to jab his opponent. The way that he’s passive-aggressive while he has amnesia, without meaning to be is also really funny. Karate-chopping Tanjiro, holding his nose to make him wake up, like Muichiro really is going for the fastest route here. 
I also love how fierce he is, like yes Muichiro was taunting Gyokko but he was not messing around in his fighting and you could see it in how he moved. Plus the way that he came at Gyokko from within the mist and then minced him into sushi? So hardcore.
 I adore how he isn’t bitter about having amnesia, like, he could very easily and rightfully be angry and upset and hold those feelings but he doesn’t. Instead, he focuses on trying to remember things but also not let it stress him out if he can’t. I love how truly kind and gentle he is, even when Yuichiro was being mean to him and aggressive, Muichiro didn’t return that. He loved and cared and respected every member of his family. He admired all of them.
I love how his motives to originally become a swordsman were so pure and kind-hearted and that he wanted to help people the way their parents taught them. I love how when he regained his memories he was able to revisit those memories and realize that his brother did love him, that he was worried and scared and just a 10-year old trying to take care of his only remaining family. I admire so much that he was able and willing to think about his past and realize that the way he thought about his brother was wrong and not the truth. His relationship with Tanjiro is so adorable, like hands down Tanjiro is his favorite person and the favoritism and kindness he shows Tanjiro after he gets his memories back is so cute it’s like that aggressive best friend who is nice only to their bestie and just a terror to everyone else. 
5. Shinazugawa Sanemi 
There are so many wonderful, devoted big brothers in Demon Slayer and Sanemi is one of the top for me. We can tell in Genya’s flashbacks that Sanemi was completely committed to his role as provider and caretaker for their family. He loved and respected his mother and he loved his siblings and Genya trying to support him and stand with him back then meant so much to him and you can tell. Even after what happened to their siblings and mother, that devotion stayed, Sanemi just had to go about it differently.
I think the way he acts towards people is understandable although not justified, like many other characters he was completely unaware of demons before his family got slaughtered and unlike Gyomei, Giyuu and Tanjiro his family got slaughtered by his own mother and he killed her not realizing it was her until too late, and then had to deal with the realization that he killed his mother as well as having the brother he fought tooth and nail to protect curse him and things just got worse from there. Yes, Sanemi isn’t the only one who has lost comrades but he is one of the few slayers who has to wonder if a demon showing up is because of him and not the other way around. He never hated Genya for the things he said when their mom died, he was never bitter towards him. He loved him and knew his little brother well enough to know how kind hearted and sensitive Genya was and that’s why he was so harsh because he was so scared of losing Genya too and of Genya going through the traumas he had. Scared enough that he was willing to maim him if it meant getting him out of the Corp. And more than willing to let Genya hate him forever. I mean seriously, think about the mental and emotional will power you’d have to conjure up to be able to look at your younger brother who is pleading to talk to you and make the decision to try and blind him and keep insisting you’re not family. I don’t agree it was the right thing to do but the fact that he could even bring himself to attempt that geez. 
 Not to mention hearing Genya had eaten demon flesh probably scared him because that kind of makes Genya a demon and if he goes out of control someone would have to kill him. I think his rage is understandable, I think his anger initially at Nezuko and Tanjiro is very understandable and it’s shown on his face when he looks down after Nezuko rejects his blood. This demon rejects human flesh, why couldn’t my mom? Why did I have to kill my mom, lose all my siblings and lose my remaining brother, lose my best friend, but this kid gets to keep his sister who is a demon? Would anyone else in his shoes respond differently? I really doubt it. 
 I love how he’s like the unexpected wild child of the Hashira---not completely unexpected I mean look at him--but the fact that he just pulls an Inosuke and just picks fights with people left and right and he really seems to enjoy his fights but he’s also not ignorant about it. He is aware of what’s going on and he is calculating and strategizing and he’s so -adaptive- like Sanemi will try literally anything in battle if he thinks there’s even a hint it might work. The fact that he knows how to be annoying and cocky to his opponent but isn’t arrogant in his fighting (exception being his fights with Giyuu I think) is a refreshing take on this type of character. Sanemi doesn’t think he can beat everybody, he doesn’t think he’s invincible but that’s okay with him because he still wants to try it regardless. And like Muichiro he knows how to push those buttons and he has such fun doing it and honestly, I have so much fun watching him antagonize his opponents. 
6. Obanai Iguro
I love Iguro’s design. I love that he could have just hated people and cursed them because that’s kind of what you’d expect from someone who’s own family treated them the way the Iguro clan did to Obanai. His family sliced open his face, tried to sacrifice him to a demon and then cursed him for surviving when it backfired on them. He had no social interaction until he was friggin 11 with anyone outside of his messed up family. I appreciate how honest he is about his reasons for being a demon slayer. He isn’t doing this to be noble or because its the right thing. He wants to try to purge his family’s tainted blood from himself by killing demons for others, knowing he can never truly purge that blood but at least its -something-. I love how even though he was hurt all for the sake of a snake demon that he doesn’t hate Kabamaru (check spelling) and he treats that precious white snake so well and that Kabamaru isn’t just a decoration but his partner. I appreciate how even though he doesn’t know how to tell Mitsuri he loves her verbally---he’s constantly showing it. Writing letters back and forth with her, sitting with her and just letting her eat as much as she wants, giving her socks that match her eyes because he knew she was uncomfortable at first with her uniform. When she starts trying to explain how she got the Demon Slayer Mark and its all gibberish and he just face palms---not even upset just like “my poor wife she’s doing her best”. The way that he gets jealous of Tanjiro being buddy buddy with Mitsuri is so funny because its so stupid and yet he has Muichiiro’s petty streak, just listing off all the Corp members “crimes” when Tanjiro is like “did these people commit some sort of crime?” I love how he changed his mind about Tanjiro and he was -such- a good battle partner with Tanjiro when it was just the two of them for a bit. The fact that he got right between Tanjiro and Muzan’s Akira-like jaws knowing that would definitely kill him, he didn’t go to pin Muzan he went directly to save Tanjiro from getting swallowed.To me it seemed so clear that in this final battle Iguro accepted Tanjiro and supported him, they worked as a team and Loner Iguro is good at it I can’t wait to see him in the new anime content. 
7. Kocho Shinobu 
Shinobu is also kind of a typical anime girl but I still like her. Short angry girl is a pretty common trope but she does it well. I love that she is biting and vicious with a smile on her face, kind of like what you expect from the stereotypical mean rich girl, but you can tell that’s also not Shinobu because she will -actually- mess you up in a heartbeat. I love that she’s not a “mean girl”, she loves her friends and her butterfly girls and she cares a lot about people and she’s not ashamed of being a “healer”. I love that instead of writing herself off, “I’m small and therefore can’t fight the same as everyone else” she figured out a method that worked for her, and it is probably one of the worst ways a demon can die---it’s definitely the most painful. I love how one way she showed Kanae her love for her was choosing to always smile even though she’s never actually happy. That it’s not forced positivity, and Kanae wasn’t asking that of her. But it was “My sister loved my smile, so I will continue to smile for her.” I love how she is constantly stepping in to show support to the characters. Talking to Kyojuro before he left, confronting Mitsuri about her starving herself once she found out about it, encouraging and showing happiness for Kanao starting to speak up for herself and being a sort of mother figure for Inosuke where she cared for him but was also able to discipline him in a way that no one else really could. I do feel like her best interactions are when she’s with Zenitsu, Douma and Giyuu but it could just be that I find those moments with her to be the most fun and entertaining. 
8. Tokito Giyuu
Giyuu’s is kinda funny because he’s typically the type of anime character who is my favorite in a series but compared to the previous 7, yeah he’s here. I do love that he’s a tried and true introvert, like he is a devoted Hashira but at the same time gives off the Shikamaru vibe of “Gosh I’d rather be at home”. I enjoy that even though he has a bond with Tanjiro that doesn’t like cure him of his introvertness, he still gets overwhelmed by Tanjiro sometimes and is just like “no, not today” and tries to split. I love that that’s not really attempted to get fixed, that’s just how Giyuu is and that’s okay. He still has moments of joy and sass and all the other feelings but there’s no “we need to heal Giyuu” thread in the story besides the side story of everyone trying to get him smile/laugh.  I will always be saddened by the fact that he for the longest time didn’t feel like he was a Hashira and just wrote himself off but I also kind of like how the Hashira weren’t suddenly like, “That’s crazy, we love and accept you Giyuu!” But by the end I feel like he was mostly accepted, particularly by Sanemi which was nice since those two were almost like unspoken rivals it felt like. His scenes with Tanjiro and Shinobu are the best to me, because he obviously cares about Tanjiro a lot while he simultaneously just has no idea what to do with this kid unless he’s fighting alongside him. I  love his dynamic with Shinobu, its not one I usually love a lot but theirs is so much fun and Shinobu really brings out Giyuu’s sass and sarcasm which is fun to see especially with him doing it deadpan. I appreciate Giyuu’s struggle as a character because I feel like its one that a lot of us can relate to and its nice to see him accept and grow comfortable with himself as the story progresses. 
9. Himejima Gyomei
I will probably get a lot of hate for this one, but oh well. Unlike the other Hashira where I do like them on some level, I don’t like Gyomei at all. If you pushed me I guess I would say his extremely impractical weapon? But like, that’s really reaching. I feel like the only reason I don’t immediately forget about him is because he’s massive and is always crying with his hands in prayer stance. He’s a monk but like in name only. Maybe its just because there wasn’t enough time but I can’t think of a single time where Gyomei showed monk behavior besides saying “Namu Amida Butsu” and Genya mentions that the mantra he used fighting the Emotion Demons was something he learned from Gyomei but nothing past that. Even his crying seems to be more of an at-random thing and not a “he’s feeling deep or spiritual emotions”. We never get an explanaton for why he cries all the time and then suddenly doesn’t cry during his fighting and gets all….macho? I guess I would call it. But yeah look at that conversation between him and Tanjiro at the boulder, if those are spiritual teachings they are not good ones…so to me he doesn’t practice what he preaches, but we also aren’t really shown what he believes spiritually. 
My biggest issue with him is his attitude towards children. He was bitter and mistrustful towards children after the demon attack because the TRAUMATIZED FOUR YEAR OLD didn’t express gratitude for him saving her life. Children struggle with expressing gratitude period, especially that young, they definitely aren’t going to be thinking about expressing gratitude after going through watching you bash another adult’s skull in. 
And because of this he believes that children “Are pure and innocent. Weak. They lie easily…are casually cruel…and selfish.” Children are this way unless they are taught correctly, adults are this way even if they ARE taught correctly. Children’s brains aren’t fully developed at four years old, and yeah, Gyomei doesn’t know that science but seeing as he was raising other kids there, he should understand kids better than he does. Children lie easily because at that young of an age the worst thing that can happen to you is getting in trouble, so you lie to avoid it. You have to be taught how to deal with that properly. Children are not “casually cruel”, they don’t understand that their words and actions impact other people’s emotions and feelings the way that adults do they have to be shown and taught it, just like everyone else. That’s not something that just comes from predisposition. Children are selfish? So are adults, and children don’t become selfless unless they are shown and taught it. Gyomei went through this trauma too, so I don’t blame him for his knee jerk reaction being upset at the child, but the fact that afterwards he stayed upset and decided that children are all these things, and staying upset that she didn’t show gratitude? That’s ridiculous.
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(No original idea, (like the idea of the characters having control over your phone)
What if the people (playable characters) had acces to our phone?
Tumblr media
U got games on ya phone? Those are not yours anymore the kids and itto have claimed them as theirs
-klee is probably playing angry birds or sum-
Oh wait HOLD TF UP YOU DONT WANNA GET OUT OF BED?? ye paimon is turning on the alarm sound (wich not suprisingly is her voice. But you had different lines no? Did someone change it?)
Ehm traveler do you think i can call them a nickname?
-aether shakes his head-
A presentation is suddenly done without you doing it? How strange. Must be ganyu? Ye
"oh their grace has an economy presentation? Well maybe it would take some stress off their back, im sure they still have plenty of other work to do"
Most of the smart people (albedo tighnari etc) use it for their research. I mean they can learn so many things (if you spoke another language i think a lot of them would try to learn it)
"oh so these are flowers from their world? Hm interesting i wonder what these plants can do, maybe when their grace is here i could ask them"
Suddenly new playlists have been popping up. Wondering who did it? Well the culprits are probably venti and xinyan taking the oppertunity to listen to your worlds music.
Suddenly venti is playing soldier poet king on his lyre
Also random pictures? Of the MOST random things in tevyat.
"Oh wait why tf do i have a picture of an anemo slime? Wait i did not take this? Eh whatever i probably just forgot"
Ah what is this, the things you liked on Tumblr? Yae Miko now is in charge of that (Poor you) +bonus if you write yourself)
Oh? So this is what their grace likes to read huh?
Would probably also make light novels inspired by the things you read
Would keep the things you read a secret tho for teasing inspiration ofcourse
When you finaly fall asleep (lets say the phone lays next to you) some will just go up to the screen and say goodnight (like their in the screen)
(favorite character) goodnight your grace..
Or when someone in your class is making fun of you and you speak up THEY WILL FCKING CHEER FOR YOU (ofcourse you dont hear this bc of the class being loud asf (i have childe in mind haha)
-all the yelling between you and this person-
Oh you should see the pride on his face
On the other hand when they hear you cry they will fcking panic. I mean they really wanna help you but they cant because of the barrier in between
"as far as we understand your concerns but we will have to wait until the time is right"
Ye there is utter chaos between the people
When you have to make school work online its randomly made for you? Huh i guess dottore wanted to see what you always have to do
"oh wait i think i still had some chemistry homework"
-sees the work all done-
"Wtf, i didn't make it before? Eh maybe someone else made mine on accident. Well too bad for them"
Also lets not talk about the random number that randomly texts you haha (PLEASE YOU DONT GET IT WHY DO THEY KEEP SAYING "your grace")
They have all sort of agreed to not tell you that they have access to this... Weird Artifact, until your finaly in tevyat.
Please dont be mad at them once they do, they put in so much effort.
I dont understand yall anymore so here, have this. The things i expect to do wel do absolutely not and just random drabbles get so much likes, like what?
Anyways have a nice day/night :D
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journey-to-the-attic · 2 months
Hi Kin. I wanted to ask, how did you manage things like writer's block or creative burnout while writing JTTA? I'm midway through a longfic now and it's kind of exhausting. I feel like I'm whining but I barely get any comments or asks or anything.
hi anon! honestly i'm not sure if i was the right person to ask this, because i... kind of didn't? as in, i didn't really have these problems - boring answer, i know!
i got lucky because i hit a sweet spot where the base story and characters were strong, but with just enough gaps in plot, worldbuilding, development, etc. such that the momentum of filling everything in carried me through the whole process. but there were definitely a lot of occasions where i sat there thinking "okay i have no idea what to do now"
in those cases, often i had to just step back and ruminate on it for a little while - i've pretty much constantly got little ideas bouncing around my head, and sometimes they hit each other like snowballs and form into more fully-fledged plot points, scenes, dialogue, so on. i try to keep track of these in notes apps, personal discord channels, etc, and dip into them if i'm stuck on something!
not sure if your fic is for obey me, but this could still apply even if not - with all the pop quizzes and devilgrams that put the characters in a bunch of new contexts, it's helpful seeing how that character's static vs dynamic traits persist/change depending on them, and often that'll give you inspiration as well. depending on what you've got available, you could browse through source material, or brainstorm aus, whichever you enjoy most
i'm really not sure HOW i've stuck with obey me for so long, but somehow it's just stuck with me. i don't remember being so invested in it before jtta, so that's probably why, but i just really love these guys, and i suppose that's why i never burnt out of it? i think it was also because i knew what story i wanted to tell, and i really wanted to make sure ik got her happy ending, and that carried me through as well
seriously, though - do take breaks. every writer's mileage varies, so take a step back whenever you need to. writing fics should be fun! sometimes it does feel like a chore, and it becomes more like 'the only thing i hate more than writing is not writing', but it happens to all of us. sometimes you've just got to rest until your second wind comes along
in terms of comments and such... yeah, it's a tough one! the unfortunate thing is that a vast majority of readers - even if they really enjoyed your writing! - won't leave a comment. don't take this as a direct reflection on your writing! often the reader can't think of what to say, is too shy, or quite simply forgot
again though... i'm not sure if i'm the best person to ask for advice here! i started publishing jtta without much expectation for an audience, given the genre of game it's written for, so any attention was more a nice surprise than anything. i suppose that, later on, when the fic was more well-established, i did start holding some expectation of response - and it really is tough when you don't get as much of one as you were hoping for
i've seen people talking about how the ask culture on tumblr has died down a lot in recent times, so i'm sure you're not the only one feeling like this! all i can suggest is trying to find more friends (mutuals?) and... networking, i guess? i've seen advice saying to share your fic within communities of writers, too
i can't honestly say if these things'll work, because i'm very bad about interacting with a wider fandom in anything - i usually keep to myself, so often i don't have much of an expectation for how and when people come chat. as in real life, i'm only a chatterbox when approached first haha
i'm not sure how helpful this has been, but i'm rooting for you! if you'd like to share your fic here, please do - though i understand if that's something you'd rather keep to yourself as well.
creating things is a joy - it might take some searching to find a circle, but the beauty of the internet is that you will, somewhere out there! wishing you the best ^^
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crabonfire · 2 years
Mercs and what they call you ♡
prompt: what the title says >:) I am a person who regularly uses petnames on everybody I know and I was like "omg wait I wonder what the mercs would call you?!!?!?!?" SO here u go :)
warning: none!!
characters: all mercs + ms pauling :)
note: if the text is in italic n red then you are talking to them :) oh and ps, some are shorter than others because I probably just don't know what else to say so I'm very sorry 😞😞
• toots, sugar tits, babes, dollface, sweetheart.
• I think he will use sweetums as a joke 😭😭😭
• he uses these a lot. he still goes by your name no doy but the way he says it makes it obvious he prefers calling you by those LMFAOOO he ain't slick
• loves it when you call him nicknames. The first time you called him a nickname you were heading out for the night to do some work and was looking for your bag. "Hey baby, could you me my bag?"he was like "WHO? Oh...oh me-YEAH! TOTALLY BABY." He was so happy!!! When you leave for work, he's up all night thinking about it. call him that more please.
• cupcake, honeypie, cadet.
• he doesn't seem like the pet name person but I think he'd use some when he's feeling sweet :)
• though he uses cupcake a lot more than the others!!
• Hes worn out after a contract. you come back from the kitchen with water an a plate of bread. "Honey, I got you some water." Man's looks dead at you. He grins and no not a small grin either a gigantic shit eating grin. "HAHA! THANKNYOU CADET. THIS IS TRULY APPRICIATED!" He's PSYCHED. Doesn't tell you but it's obvious he's looking forward to anytime you call him that again. He will brag.
• sunshine.
• well..you can't hear him well beneath the mask but, he likes to call you sunshine. Calls you that all the damn time now.
• whether it's by writing you little notes and drawing you little doodles, your his sunshine :)
• you were going to be busy and had to leave for work early, so you write him a note and left it for him. "Hey baby, im gonna be at work for most of today im sorry." and he's like "wait...am I supposed to be baby?" He jumps around LMAOOO he doesn't even care that your not gonna see him a lot he's just happy you called him that.
• love, my dear, mo chridhe (my heart).
• a very affectionate guy me thinks, but I feel like other than these nicknames he'd flat out call you the most outrageous things in scottish when drunk. probably.
• calls you nicknames too much. I think he forgot your name.
• you were going to go out for some work and you were looking for your jacket. "Hey sweetheart, have you seen my jacket?" He stops dead in his tracks "SWEETHEART? SWEETHEART?!" He's so excited. HES SWEETHEART? Oh my god he's sweetheart. WHO CARES ABOUT THE JACKET...SWEETHEART?!?!?!?!
• I think the only petnames he will call you are russian ones honestly, and also I don't think he's the type to call you that a lot. But here are the ones I can list!
• myshka (little mouse) moya lyubov (my love) lisichka (little fox)
• yes he calls you this because your smaller than he is. yes it's the cutest thing in the world.
• when you call him a nickname for the first time? he's honestly chiller than the others at responding. He's in the infirmary and you check up on him while Medic is writing his notes. "Hi honey, how are you feeling?" He's a bit surprised, but he's very happy. "Heavy is feeling much better." He will definitely be giddy, and once out-of the infirmary, he gives you a big hug. If you ask why? He just says there's no reason, he just wanted to hug you.
• I got so many nickname ideas for him you have no fuckin clue.
• sugar/sugar-cube, honey/honey-bee, sweetheart, (also) sunshine, teddy bear, buttercup, darling.
• out of all of them? I think he'd have the sweetest nicknames. No not because I'm picking favorites, even spy isn't this sweet with his partners. Obviously. OK I'm joking MAYBEEE I just have favorites. But also he's a texan with a voice smooth as silk of course he calls people pet names.
• he uses them all the time, but your name too of course. It's like balanced out in the middle. he can be sickeningly sweet without realising it.
• the first time you call him a nickname? he melts. he was working all night and you were trying to convince him to sleep early.
“Oh baby, you shouldn’t overwork yourself. Remember to take breaks okay? You can work if your tired!” he pauses for a bit and just has a weary smile. “Aw…we’ll shucks. I guess I can take it easy today..” you convinced him straight off the bat. this man is just smiling for the rest of the night, literally nothing can ruin his mood now you’ve made his entire night. he might seem calm on the outside but this man is absolutely ecstatic that you’ve called him that. please call him more nicknames he loves them. So so much.
• dear, darling, mein liebe (my love).
• uses mein liebe to an unhealthy extent.
• I think he's a petname type of person where he has resorted to calling you his love than using your name. he still uses it, only when he's being serious or something happened.
• when you call him a petname? a bit flustered probably. I don't think this man has had many if not any relationships at all, because he's obviously more interested in his work than his love life. But of course, you are the exception.
• you were bringing him some tea after he had worked on all the other 8 mercs, helping him calm down and catch a break. You notice he's still writing down notes and you walk over to him. You place the tea on his desk and place a hand on his shoulder.
"Oh...honey, your supposed go be taking a break. Don't stress yourself out too much." He keeps writing for a bit, it's like you weren't even there. But then he pauses, and realises HES honey. "AH! Yes yes...no need to worry mein liebe. I will take zhe break soon. I just need to finish zhe last folders I have." He gives you a weary smile, with his cheeks now rose tinted.
You let him do his thing, giving him a kiss on his forehead and leaving him alone. Once your gone, OHHH MAN HE IS A BLUSHY DORK. "Archimedes...did you hear what they called me? Honey! I know right? I am their honey! Ahahahhaa!" brags to his bird and actually takes that break just for you. He will not admit it, but his heart skips a bear when you call him that.
• babe, love, sweetheart, dollface, angel.
• oh he's very much a nickname person. He just doesn't have much to call you. not the most affectionate man with his words, more of a physical touch guy. but nicknames help with that :)
• he loves nicknames for you, it makes him feel nice that he can regularly call you these terms of endearment because truly, you are his and he is yours.
• you were with him in his camper van, just taking a small break from all the chaos with the other mercenaries. He was holding you, just being together in a sweet embrace while he listens to you talk about stuff and stuff.
the alarm went off, and it was time for yet another fight. "Oh, there it is." You let go as he got up and got his sniper rifle. "Ah okay. Go get em baby!" You blow him a kiss goodbye. His expression is unclear for a moment, but he smiles. "Will do, angel." For the rest of the mission, he is motivated. Man doesn't get killed ONCE. He won't stop thinking about it for the rest of the day.
• we all know this motherfucker is smooth as hell. got all the fuckin things to make a man flushed bro 🚶
• mon amour (my love), mon cherie/ ma cheri (my darling), mon couer (my heart), my dear.
• he is very affectionate in all shapes of sizes. He was the guy who made the five love languages.
• first time you called him a nickname was when you two were dancing. in his smoking room, as the air filled with sweet smelling candles, the sound of the pleasant music made the atmosphere all the more romantic as he swayed you gently.
"tu es ravissante ce soir, mon amour." (you look absolutely ravishing tonight, my love.)
you sighed, lying onto his chest as you both stopped. "Gosh, your such a sweet talker." You giggled, as he wrapped his arms around your waist. "Mm...just stating the obvious, no?" His gentle eyes stare at you, oh how he loved you so much. "Baby, you really do spoil me."
He's shocked for a bit, but he feels pride. "Only for you, mon couer."
pretty calm actually. in that moment, he feels too much endearment to actually be flustered or panicked, he's just so calm. but later, you'll catch him randomly smiling mid mission. thinking of that word replaying in his mind, he will want you to call him that all the time.
Wooo it's 2 am and I got orientation today but ykw hey tf2 am I right? anyways I think it's funny how spy is the one with the longest text in this when he's the guy I least care about 🚶 jk I love him ig but his son is cuter
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blemiria · 1 year
that one line in lone trail
hello welcome to "she promised she was gonna go tl some fic but then got sidetracked thinking about lonetrail again and is now here" I want to go ahead and do a more comprehensive post talking about the three's relationship in detail with what happened in lone trail but uhh
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I don't have that kind of time to reread it because I forgot which stories contain the parts that I need lol. So without further ado, lets spoil CW-ST-4
The title is "Pushing open future's door" and serves as the epilogue of lonetrail. Unlike most events, lonetrail actually has two post mission stories! CW-ST-3 is unlocked after CW-10 so you know this event is insanely long (iirc this is around the same character count as chapter 8, which is insane. This event is gonna be a monster to read through when it comes to global, I look forward to seeing what translation decisions they make so I have stuff to talk about haha). Also we get to see a hint at a professional relationship between Nastja(no I am not calling her nasti/nasty, I'm fairly certain they were going with a Russian name and Nastja was the closest)
Most of this epilogue is centered around Kirsten, now alone having won in her ideals and preparing to go to sleep. It's a very touching moment where her electronic system goes through her entire ship shutting off each room one by one, until she is left in her room where she is going to hibernate, given a couple minutes before that room will activate she records a log.
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It's relatively simple, probably the most direct we will get from her talking about her philosophy and thoughts on society, wanting people to understand themselves, others, society, and where they are in the universe in order to determine how they should move on.
In the last minute she goes a bit more personal which is really what I care about. She comments on how the plants are still alive to her surprise, and laments being unable to give Muelsyse the data on them. It's a nice touch! She stayed with control, helping her the entire way, and it's clear that Kirsten means a lot to Muelsyse too given how close they were in the past between all three of them.
The very last things she says are directly to Saria.
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In Kirsten's whole life, there were only two times where she felt truly alive. The first time, Saria, was when I took you back home, and on that hill I told you the start of everything. The second time, is now, when I have completed my parent's dreams. The seeds of what happens next, is only the beginning. On a clear night, find an open field and set up a telescope, there will be a star in the sky twinkling for you.
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Then, goodnight, the sirs and madams of Terra.
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goodnight, universe.
yeah just stab me will ya. I don't think there is any really other way to read this other than a goodbye letter to Saria, one that she will tragically never really get to hear (I think?). The long relationship they shared, the last line about the star twinkling for her is just so strong of an indication of just how deep they were intertwined together.
Actually, lets spoil CW-10 end too, just to see how even after Saria left Kirsten knew she could rely on Saria in the ways that it counted:
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Saria... You always wanted me to take a good, clear look at this vast land. I saw it. It is also...very beautiful. You will take care of it and nurture it's people in my stead. I always knew this. Same as before, same as always. As for me... I was not really the type to lead people forward step by step. I was just a pair of eyes. A pair... to look up at the deep space in place of the people of these lands
It's probably the only way she knew how to move forward into the future, especially after she met Friston and had those conversations. Funnily enough after seeing the same kind of behaviour in some of the tech circles I am in... This kind of "I don't think I'm suited for leadership yet here I am" problem is real, and quite prevalent amongst the science types who just want to do their thing unfortunately. It's shocking almost how well this trope was written for Kirsten though I feel like I'm staring at a picture of some people I know of irl who are in the same situation.
Kills me how close Kirsten puts those in her heart yet keeps them pretty far away at the same time tbh
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jamboreeofsurprises · 4 months
wow I totally forgot to post the fantastic dream i had this morning. I was having a really good Sparks dream and then got a phonecall from my aunt telling me extended family were coming over and being the only person home i needed to be the host, so it ended possibly before it ever even got to the meat and potatoes. but as it was...
I was with my family in our old family van, which is technically my car now, but back then it was the family van. anyway, here comes a recurring theme from many past Sparks dreams: the boys were set to play a venue close to my old hometown, so we needed to give them a lift for some reason, although I guess Russell already got to the venue so Ron was riding with us.
We got tremendously lost. I meant to tell my mom to circle around to a different parking lot to redirect us and instead we drove to like...a whale exhibit (?) and the whales were huge and splashing overhead with no glass or anything while we walked up a ramp to get to the next part of town. didn't make much sense but ron liked the whales. It was really surreal seeing him just sitting upright in a carseat i'd sat in many times, completely blasé to the whole situation as if he were just a random man we picked off the street. i always look at him then look away quickly in my dreams. he would sometimes reply to situations in a very drab and matter of fact way that we found amusing.
anyway, guess what our mystery venue was? my childhood church, although as is typically the case in dreams, it looked nothing like the real thing, yet by dream logic nothing seemed different. Russell plus the band's entourage were there setting up equipment, i think russell was kind of like "what took you so long?" as there were a lot of mishaps along the way (including us accidentally hitting a kid on his bike while parking but don't worry he was fine). I asked ron if he ever considered reversing their roles and doing the singing while russell played the keyboards. he said he could probably sing but russell only knows how to play one note on the keyboard. they both snickered at this. I do not know what this means.
in the church auditorium with my family + the audience, there was an opening act of a magic show that involved. eggs? it went on for too long and impressed nobody. And then there was like...a free-for-all act where we voted on Simpsons characters. I don't know either. this briefly fused into a family guy segment before we were like "its 11pm can we please get Sparks onstage" so we did. but i don't remember anything about the show and i'm not even sure there was a show, because for all the talk of playing and equipment, apparently tonight's event that we reserved tickets for was actually the premiere of a brand new sparks BIOPIC.
it opened with 70s-esque footage of a teenage girl talking into the camera from her bedroom reminiscing about the band from her perspective until "amateur hour" kicks in and pretty decent-looking actors portraying the boys are shown playing onstage during the 70s. i'm thinking, this is pretty cool, i always wondered if a movie like this would happen. and then...
through some sort of stylized shot transition, the band are being played by kittens, singing and prancing around onstage. russell doing all his usual movements but in feline form. Haha what a funny and oddly stylish bit, i'm thinking to myself. what a fun way of depicting their personalities. but it just...continues like that? punk russell in 1976 singing "i wanna be like everybody else" while twirling around with the microphone but as a kitten, thrashing about? everyone is laughing. it's so good.
the movie truly does continue on in this fashion yet for as confounding as its sudden shift in direction is, we become oddly immersed in its storytelling enough not to even notice the boys are still being played by kittens, in a stroke of auteuristic magic a la todd haynes' superstar: the karen carpenter story. a sequence depicting "girl chasing" in their younger years in the form of kittens climbing onto the legs of girls who are walking away from them up some stairs while they mew desperately has the audience both cackling and aww'ing. another scene that stands out is a roadie saying "you guys don't eat enough!" and putting both ron and russell kittens in a bowl of mashed potatoes and gravy.
I was under the impression ron and russ were really proud of the film and likely had direct involvement themselves, but had kept it so tightly under wraps that no one knew what was coming. I wish I could tell you more but then i got that phonecall.
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