#prettymuch scenarios
spevvy · 3 months
How I Know I'm Having a Bad ADHD Day:
A completely unexaggerated moment-by-moment replay of a scenario featuring my poor overworked underpaid overstimulated Brain
Me: Ooh, I'll put some music videos on while I'm having my breakfast so my brain can calibrate
Brain: Ooooh lovely!
Me: *plays Me Necesita by CNCO x PRETTYMUCH*
Brain: YEESSSS!!!! A **BOP!!!!**
[Seconds Later]
Me: Huh, that blond guy looks a little bit like Zabdiel.
Brain: A bit, maybe.
Me: Ha, that little floofy one looks like Joel!
Brain: Hey yeah that is a bit weird.
Brain: *buffering*
Brain: *buffering*
Brain: ...waitaminute....!!
Me: What??
Me: *genuinely shocked* Did I?! When?!?
Brain: *facepalming intensifies*
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I’ve finally decided to start writing again so if you have any requests or wanna do those prompt challenges, feel free to request. As of right now, I’ll be taking request for CNCO, Why Don’t We and PRETTYMUCH and if you’re also a kpop fan then check out @write-here-n-now for artists I write for there. Ok thanks
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P.S I’m not comfortable writing smut 😬, so I would appreciate no requests for that. Everything else is welcomed!
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ohnoyoonoh · 4 years
y'all i might open my acct. to prettymuch but it's still gonna be filled with nct bc i got too many nct drafts to finish. gotta finished what i started 😌
so imma try it, ig prettymuch box is open. if it does well, i'm opening another acct :,) if you like prettymuch, please drop some requests/ideas to get me inspired to do 🥺
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edwinmyheart · 5 years
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the absolute cutest ray of sunshine, this one 
he’s always got the biggest smile on his face when anyone says your name 
“y/n? yeah, i know, she’s the best.” and he’s all giggly UGH 
he is always looking out for you - ALWAYS 
“did you bring a jacket? i know it would have ruined the fit, but come on babe!” 
“you got a headache? don’t worry baby, i gotchu.” 
and he’s literally your number one hype man 
always sneaks a candid pic of you on his ig and when you find out you always complain about it 
“ed, i look like i’m about to sneeze in that one” 
“because you were about to sneeze, silly. i was trying to take a vid but it just didn’t happen.” 
absolutely loves hear you laugh and always tries his best to get a good laugh out of you 
and never fails to make you feel loved 
“you look like you need a hug, mama. c’mere.” 
is always ready to sit down and listen to whatever you have to say
he does that thing where he rests his chin on his hand and just looks at you with complete adoration
and dates are THE best
but there’s no in between
like it’s either hella chill
or hella boujee
the first date y’all went on was really cute though
he took you bowling and an arcade
he felt like with actual engaging activities, you wouldn’t feel so awkward or shy around him
and it worked lmao
you were NerVOus as hell oof
and then y’all started bowling and it all that nervousness was forgotten
y’all would just be a giggling mess
edwin would start dancing to whatever music was playing
just to make you laugh bc he hadn’t told you yet @ the time but he LOVED your laugh
always made him feel warm and fuzzy inside to hear it
but chill dates we’re just y’all chilling at home, in ya pjs and one of ed’s vintage tees
and he’d lay his head on your chest and you’d play around w his hair
just soft soft moments
honestly edwin makes me so damn soft i CanNot
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jiminies-ahmee · 5 years
soft concept: edwin honoret
just imagine a tired edwin falling asleep whilst telling you all about his day, his head on your stomach.
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zionkuwonubae · 6 years
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sadgurllayha · 3 years
Hiiii ok I’m officially off of my year hiatus and want some new writing material so MY ASK ARE OPEN here are the rules
Ask Rules
I’m only writing for BTS as of right now but maybe in the future there could be more.
No heavy smut or sexual content, I’m not comfortable writing that so sorry😭
No reposting my work on to other sites and if you see it please let me know!!!
because of my personal writing style most fics will be written with a female Y/N if you prefer for it to be Neutral pls lemme know😁
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sugar-lemons-yellow · 3 years
First official post ig.
This is going to be a fanfic blog completely!
I write about
Kpop (girl groups, boy groups, and solo artists)
Why don’t we
Basically what you ask for you will receive
The type of stuff that I write about
Series (if I get a good review from the first part)
Don’t be afraid to ask me for anything seriously
Preferences and scenarios as well
What I refuse to write about
Bodily fluids
Non consensual
And that’s it basically! Please enjoy I’m hoping for the best here!!!!!!!! Thank y’all!!! Enjoy!
Just because you don’t see your favorite in the tags doesn’t mean that I won’t write about them this is just to get started!
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Busy doing my nails and watching movies but feeling like i wanna write😍✨
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itsamejin · 5 years
my first and last (but also the ones in between) || Part 1 || NCT Angst/Fluff
Genre: Angst, glimpses of fluff
Warnings: Mentions of divorce, unhealthy coping mechanisms
Pairings: Winwin x Reader, Taeyong x Reader, Yuta x Reader, Jaehyun x Reader, Doyoung x Reader
Summary: After watching her parent's relationship fall apart, Y/N starts to see love in a different, more negative light. She reminisces through the ones that got away, and the one she asked to stay.
A/N: I got inspired by PRETTYMUCH's new song, Phases. I wanted to a show a realistic side to relationships. That some end horribly and others like they never even happened. The Y/N in this story is a bit of a mess, but I promise she'll find her way. This will be a six to seven part series. I hope you enjoy.
Part One
Y/N was not a stranger to heartbreak, whether she was the cause or receiver. No one was shocked to see another guy in her arms only just a few days after her last breakup. Y/N wasn't a player, but more of a free soul with commitment issues. In fact, she's only probably ever felt real love with five men in her life. And sometimes she wonders if only one of them was real.
Her first ever boyfriend was Dong Sicheng, one of her two childhood best friends. He's a person Y/N still holds dear. Jinhee, Y/N, and Sicheng were an unseperable trio since their elementary school days. Even as university students, the three found ways to remain connected at all times.
Sicheng and Y/N's relationship was that of a high school puppy-love. It was back when they didn't know any better and her life was much simpler. The two started dating naturally. Walking home from school started several inches apart and in their junior year of high school, with held hands and soft smiles.
There were days when they sat lazily in Y/N's cozy living room, combing through each other's hair and sharing chaste kisses. Their love felt too good to be true and in some ways, it must have been. Late night study sessions would end up being Netflix sleepovers, curling up to each other on a dingy sofa. Their love was so soft, so pure.
Throughout their budding relationship, her parents' own had dwindled. Y/N remembered having to excuse herself from late night calls because she'd hear screaming downstairs. Or canceling dates when her parents needed her in court for the divorce settlement. Maybe that was when Y/N started losing hope in her own relationship. Every time she kissed Sicheng or even touched him, a pang of guilt would hit her heart. The thought of losing him ate her up inside. Sicheng was one of the only people she knew would stay with her until the very end. He was her ride or die. With those destructive thoughts in her mind, the insecurities piled on top of each other.
What if they turned out just like her parents? Would they end up stumbling through a rocky marriage and end up hating each other?
Sicheng's eyes always look at her in adoration, as if she was the only existing being in the universe. One day, those eyes will be tired. Tired of seeing her face and who he'd been stuck with.
It would be naive of her to think they'd last. Two highschool students believing that their love was real and true. It was stupid of her to even consider it.
"You know, my parents were like best friends back in the day," she said, her head laid on his lap. They were at his house, not necessarily doing anything important. It was better than being in hers, anyways. Packing boxes everywhere and the tense atmosphere of having two middle aged ex-lovers pretend to be civilized. It was far too much for her to be a part of it.
Sicheng was smoothing out her hair with his fingers, entwining one of his hands with her own. She felt at peace with him.
"So they're kind of like us," he chuckled. She shook her head on his lap.
"That isn't really a good thing is it?" Y/N said, clearly dejected.
"What do you mean?" he shifted, loosening his hand's grip on hers. Sicheng knew what she meant. He just wanted her to elaborate.
Y/N sighed and got up, her back turned to him. They sat next to each other on the coach, but she felt so out of reach.
"I don't want us to turn out like them," she whispered, not sure if to herself or to him.
"We don't have to. We aren't them, Y/N. I would never hurt you," he said. Sicheng delicately snaked his arms around her, resting his head on her shoulder.
Y/N's dad cheated on her mother. It wasn't a surprise, but she still scrunched her nose at the sight of him. He was a businessman, always gone on trips that seemed to take forever. And her mom was a naive woman that let him continue in his adultery. She had never felt so much disappointment in her life when her father was the one to ask for the divorce, despite her mother being the one that hurt the most. It was unfair. Love was unfair.
"Well, what if I'm the one that hurts you?" she asked, genuinely seeking for a response, but too afraid to look him in the eye.
"That's not going to happen. I know you," he muttered into her neck. He loved her so much and Y/N never felt so suffocated by a blissful feeling. What had she done to deserve him?
"Sicheng, listen," she said, shifting her body to finally face him. "We can't predict the future, but there's one thing I know. I really don't want to lose you."
"I don't either," he said, rubbing her arm slowly. She seemed riled up and he wanted to calm her down. Sicheng hated it when she was angry.
"That's why I think we should break up," she stumbled. Her voice had cracked and the tears welled up, but Y/N managed to hold her ground.
"Sicheng, my parents were so close before they got into a stupid relationship. It was only until they built these unrealistic expectations that they broke apart. I can't guarantee that what happened with them won't happen to us," she said. Y/N was looking for a reaction, but her vision was blinded by her own tears.
Sicheng shook his head, biting his lip out of frustration. She was making this decision all by herself. But then again, who was he to reject her worries? He understood where Y/N was coming from, even if he didn't necessarily agree with her.
"If we love each other, shouldn't that be enough?" he asked, brows furrowed.
"We can't be naive when it comes to this Sicheng. If we break up later in life, I promise it would hurt much more than it does now. I've seen it happen to so many people. We're not gonna be a fucking exception."
Her words broke both of their hearts and Y/N would be lying if she said she didn't regret it, but what she was saying seemed true. Her love for him transcended passed romance. She couldn't bear lose him because of it.
"So you just want to be friends?" he tried saying without gritting his teeth.
Sicheng was confused at how the conversation turned so sour, but he knew the fragile state of mind she was in. He wanted to wait for her. He genuinely did. After all, he's loved her for too long to let her go that easily.
"I know it's selfish, but I'm broken Sicheng. I don't know if you deserve someone like that," she sobbed. Her head resting on his chest, staining his pink windbreaker.
"Hey, don't say that. I'm still going to be here for you. I'm not going anywhere and neither is Jinhee. If you want to break up, then that's fine. It's your decision, alright? I'll be okay with anything you want," he reassured.
Deep down, she wanted him to hold onto her. To tell her she was being ridiculous and overdramatic. Instead, Y/N chose to believe in the lie that he'd be just fine.
Sicheng would grow accustomed to consoling every heartbreak she'd go through after their own had tragically ended. He'd let himself be the receiver of late night drunk calls where she'd rant about her newest boyfriend. To him, it wasn't fair seeing her smile with other guys and being hurt by them at the same. To let them have the love he once had.
Sometimes Sicheng wondered if he'd ever experience love again. If he'd ever experience love with her again. Or if he's always going to be stuck as just the first love and forever best friend.
Sicheng came to same conclusion as Y/N- that love was, indeed, unfair.
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wndrlstbryn · 5 years
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Beach date with zion
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whipscenarios · 5 years
ok im back, have some updates
thinking abt writing not only for khh, since as i told, i just quit following and being updated and only stan jay and more 2 now omg. Do you guys think it’s better to create another blog to write about my CNCO and my PRETTYMUCH boys or you guys actually dont mind posting about all of them and maybe i just chande the URL? plzz lmk
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mitsuyaya · 3 years
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[ make love (one last time) ] tsukishima kei x fem! reader
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♡ warnings: MDNI, characters are aged up (18+), angst, mild smut, break-up sex, soft sex, unprotected sex, soft tsukishima, me writing this is a warning itself jk, kinda rushed sksksk 💀
♡ summary: It was the day you dreaded the most, the day you feared to come. He uttered those words, leaving you broken, but instead of letting him go easily you asked for one last wish – to make love like the first time, for the last time.
♡ end note: we crush our hearts together ☝️🤪 I'm sorry tsukki this must be done </3 my entry for @httptamaki (shuffle collab) and @kingkatsuki (frozen hearts collab) thanks for hosting and letting me join <3
shuffle collab (free - prettymuch) | frozen hearts collab
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Hey, can we at least have fun before we break up?
The day you finally dreaded has finally come, the scenario that you pushed at the back of your mind– it's all happening in a blink of an eye.
Tsukishima sat at the sofa next to you, his glasses fogged up, breathing heavily as the words he just said resonated. ‘I think we need to break up, this isn't working anymore, we can't fix this’ those words aren't what you wanted to hear, aren't the words that could comfort you because of your incessant fights. It's really happening, and it's happening sooner than you expected.
“You can stay in this house. I'm gonna be staying at Tadashi's. I'm really sorry y/n” over the years you grow quite fond of the new Tsukishima. How he went seemingly soft, still abrasive but not as often as he was younger. So you thought that your fight would be resolved, just like they always do, but it wasn't– it wasn't the same fight you have over and over again. It's not the same fight you'd always laugh about in the end, this time there's nothing that can fix it.
There's no way that a simple apology or even time could heal a relationship that's already fading. The once-joyful and passionate relationship has devolved into anguish, misunderstandings and debacles. There's no fixing a problem that's unfixable when the reason for the breakup is that you both did it yourselves.
“Are you really going to leave me like this?” the words came out a bit offensive, as if you're trying to make him feel bad, to make him realize that he's the only one who wanted all of this. Tsukishima kept his distance, unmoving, still not looking into your direction. He knows it hurts you more than it is to him, he knew you wouldn't take it lightly, he knew you'd be like this and yet he still forced himself to break up with you.
“Look y/n we can't fix this. You have to set me free, set us free” you can't. You don't want to, if being selfish was an option, you'd keep him for yourself. Save yourself from hurting, but hurting him in the process– it isn't fair.
“You're selfish, did you really think I can let you go” you keep your gaze into the frame of you and him, the past lingering in your memories; his eyes twinkling with adoration but he easily masked it with boredom. It's mocking you, ridiculing you.
You felt the sofa bounced, the realization that he finally left your side sinks in, he's leaving, it's done. “You can, trust me it's for the best. Have I ever lied to you?” no– never. Never but that doesn't mean it's that easy to let him go, to forget your love for him.
Every step is unbearable, the longer he stays the heavier the urge to run back to you. He didn't want to end up like this, to leave you like this– he doesn't want to result in this either, but as long as you're with him it wouldn't be better for you– he needed to be freed. You needed to be free. Tsukishima stood by the door, preparing to twist the knob. it's done, it must be done.
“Hey Tsukishima, before you leave… Can you fuck me like the first time?” the question wasn't supposed to sound hopeful, wasn't supposed to make him debate whether to grant it or not. Because he knows once he said yes he'll have trouble letting go again. It wasn't easy, it wasn't easy to decide that he'll let you go– it wasn't easy to say no either.
Eight steps, eight agonizing steps was how many steps he took to come back to you, to be next to you. It took him exactly eight steps to lose all the restraints he has. Eight long strides was all it took to lock his lips with yours, to caress your face the way he does, to taste your sultry lips, one last time.
“You'll regret this y/n” Tsukishima carried you from the couch to head to your bedroom. You weren't the only one who'll regret this though, him as well. He shouldn't be doing this. It's wrong. You'll be broken after this, and so was he. “I know and I don't care”
How you end up naked and a whimpering mess is all a blur, how all your clothes were all discarded, all sprawled up on the floor. How you lay flatly on the bed, your legs folded in half was all hazy. How those disgruntled feelings from earlier shifted into pleasure.
His hands are on your hips, gripping you tight, as he penetrates his cock inside you, hitting your good spot over and over again. This'll be the last time, this'll be the final moment you'll have with him.
“Don't cry stupid, unless that's from pleasure then continue” He's trying to lighten the mood, to lighten the weight your carrying, and you're grateful for it, even if it's nothing compared to the stinging pain you're going through. He cupped your face, wiping your tears with his thumb.
His movements doesn't falter, eager to make you cum, to feel you clamp down on him, to feel your insides and to forget all that was going to happen after this. “Kei, tell me you love me” you sobbed, looking up at him, his eyes focused on you. His face isn't the same when you have sex before, this time it's emotional, it truly is the end. You were thankful that at least he agreed, that he granted your last wish.
“I love you y/n” he kept on staring at your broken yet fucked out state, letting his eyes linger on your upper body, he'll always remember this moment, embedding your face in his heart and mind.
Tsukishima craned his head downward, capturing your lips in a passionate kiss. Savouring your pitiful sobs and delicious moans. He rolled his hips in sync with his lips, moving as slow as sensual– passionately making love with you. “I love you too Kei, so much”
Your first time with Tsukishima is as you remembered, slow and sensual, passionate and overall perfect. How he looks at you with those eyes, pulling you in, making you hope that this was all a dream. It's terrifying to think that he'll leave after this, that this will be the last time you will share the bed, the last time you'd create your shared memory.
“Holy shit! Kei I'm gonna cum-” he slid his arms into your heated bodies to encircle your clit, helping you come faster. He fucked you through your orgasm, fixated on your whole appearance– engraving this exact moment in his mind. He watched as you twitched from sensitivity and overstimulation and yet you still kept on meeting his thrusts, driven to make him cum, to make him feel good.
“Kei, I love you, I love you– cum inside me” he's getting crazy, you're driving him insane. A series of I love you ranged in his ears, hopeful and pitiful– he doesn't want to end here. Tsukishima closed his eyes, feeling his orgasm fast approaching, blinking back the tears he didn't want to acknowledge.
It wasn't supposed to hurt, it wasn't. Bucking his hips a few more times, he finally bottomed out inside you, burying his cock deeper as he unloads his cum. Thrusting several times to shove it inside you, to serve as his farewell souvenir.
It was done. This is final.
It was night when you both took a rest, passing out from exhaustion. Tsukishima cleaned you up, tucked you to bed and prepared you something to eat for when you woke up. Watching you sleep feels wrong, he feels undeserving to see you like this, to see you all broken because of him. “I'm sorry y/n. I have to let you go like this, well now you're free at least.”
He doesn't want to stay any longer– can't when the reasons for staying keep piling up, when the guilt sinks in. He's conflicted; he wants to stay and keep you in his arms, but he wants to leave to keep the both of you from hurting any longer.
He left a chaste kiss into your lips, memorizing how your plump lips taste like. Leaving you in this state, after what he did, made him feel dirty; like those guys who leave hastily to some girl they randomly fucked. But he has no choice, he has to leave, he needs to leave, he has to turn his back and bury this final moment, this wonderful memory.
“Goodbye y/n” regret and contrition flooded his senses. He closed the door glancing at you one last time, this is the end. The sound of the door closing reverberates, he left without realizing that you've been awake all this time, that you heard what he said. That you felt every single word he said.
The ache resurfaced once again, crushing your heart into pieces, he's gone, he'll never return again.
He's free.
He's not yours anymore.
He's free.
“Goodbye Kei”
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edwinmyheart · 5 years
nights in w edwin
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always the softest of times
everything kinda moves in slow motion
nothing is rushed, and the night just drags on
but in a good way
you’re rinsing the dishes from the meal you’d both prepared for dinner
and edwin’s drying and putting them away
and it’s quiet between the two of you
but there’s the soft hum of daniel caesar in the background
and edwin might occasionally sing a lil adlib here and there
and it just makes you smile a lil
and then y’all find yourselves on the couch
the lights are off and the tv’s on
you’re either watching some tv show you watch together or a movie
and edwin’s lying between your legs, head on your tummy
it’s a habit to have your hands in his hair (which he does not mind at all)
and you two are just watching tv in your own little world
before edwin kinda turns his head to look up at you
and you don’t even notice he’s staring until your finger grazes his cheek and you look down at him
and he cracks the brightest of smiles when your eyes meet
and he kinda stays silent for a moment
and to you it’s like time and space have stopped altogether
you watch his eyes flicker over your face - from your eyes to your lips to your nose
and then edwin speaks
“you are so, so beautiful... so beautiful.”
and your heart starts beating like crazy
and you smile back at him, a lil flustered
“stop it, ed.”
“nah, for real. i mean it baby.”
“thank you.”
and then he wriggles to a siting position so he gave five you a smooch on the cheek
“my favourite person.” you hear him mumble as he pulls you into his chest
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rei-scenarios · 7 years
Hello everyone! I am officially back from hiatus, I apologize to everyone who requested, and haven't had what they wanted posted yet! I'm going to make sure most of your stories get done! But for everyone else requests are now open (∩_∩)!
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zionkuwonubae · 6 years
I might start writing for PRETTYMUCH but I just don’t know yet?! My ask for any future request is open.
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