#positive story
communistpuppygirl · 16 days
Learning that a close friend has found some hope for the future has actually made my week and I need to share with someone.
He grew up in a shitty home, with neglectful parents, and his plan for the future was to throw himself into the military and just exist until he died.
Yesterday he told me he was accepted into college for aviation science, and is planning to be a pilot. He’s finally moved out of his family home, and has a real, solid positive plan for his future.
There isn’t a motto or anything fancy here, I’m just really proud of him and want people to hear about it.
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pearlypairings · 1 year
Today a little bit of my faith in humanity was restored.
I didn't where else to share this because I didn't want to out the story of my coworker before he receives this surprise.(also it's a bit long so thanks in advance for reading)
But today at work, I answered a call from a new customer. At first she called to complain that the sales rep who came out didn't sign her contract saying she paid and was worried that the technician who would service her house would want another payment. Before I could reassure her, she asked very insistently that the sale rep come back to her home.
Assuming she was being difficult, I paused in order to politely explain he wouldn't have to come back since we already had on record she paid. In that pause, she spoke again, apologizing and near tears.
She confessed it was all a bad cover up. The real reason she wanted him to come back was because he'd told her about his wife who had cancer. And her daughter also has cancer and has been in a bad way for quite some time.
You see my coworker found out at Thanksgiving his wife has terminal brain cancer with only a year or two to live. They have two daughters under the age of three. He just started back to work this month, after being her main caretaker following a stroke related to her cancer and caring for their newborn & toddler. He's on a limited schedule back because he's waiting to be approved for govt assistance for daycare and aides for his family while he works.
She said he revealed his wife's diagnosis after she told him about her daughter and how difficult it is to seesomeone they love in pain. She cried on the phone with me as I held back my own tears, saying she wanted to do something nice for him but needed him to come back to the house.
She's 88 and doesn't drive much anymore, but wanted to give him some money so he wouldn't have to worry about food or formula "for about a month" she hoped. And I passed her call along to my manager to work out how they would trick him back to her residence since he NEVER ever accepts help of any kind unless it's sort of thrust upon him. As we've learned ourselves the past few months just to drop off food and diapers etc at his doorstep, like a ding dong ditch.
This older woman is a stranger to him. She's a new customer to our family business. There's no ties that made her feel any type of connection except for that shared human feeling of grief and pain of watching the person you love suffer.
He's scheduled to go back Thursday "to sign her contract and mark it paid". But that little old lady made our whole office tear up that someone would be so moved by our friend's life that they'd also want to try to help. Especially with how cancer touched her own family.
There's good people out there. They're crying with you, laughing with you, and if you give them a chance, a moment to reach out, they will also help you. And we should all do our best to do the same for others, even strangers.
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gabriel-shutterson · 1 year
Jenny’s New Meds: An Ode
I started taking Lamotrigine for my anxiety/depression, in addition to the Luvox I take for my OCD, about 3 weeks ago. This was over winter break.
I returned back to school today. Within my normal routine, I noticed these things.
- During my most stressful class, I fidgeted less. I rapidly tap my foot constantly, as I am always worried. This happened maybe once or twice during each class (so, over a span of 8 hours).
- During study hall, I felt weird. After thinking about it, I realized I felt… physically lighter. Like if Atlas finally lost the weight of the world, after thousands of years. I had never realized how tense my shoulders were…
- I get up at 5:30 daily and get about 6 hours of sleep. I think my sleep was more efficient or something, since I was full of energy.
- I smiled more! Life is so beautiful now that it’s not in anxiety-tinted glasses. My hyperfixation rambling felt more fun today! And I laughed more, too. My laughs didn’t feel totally half-hearted!
- I was hopeful for the day! I stated things I thought would be good about today: something that I found impossible just a few weeks ago.
Before writing this, I broke down in tears of joy. I told my mom, “I’m closer to happy than ever.” I never thought I would say that.
I just thought this belonged on tumblr. Sorry if this annoys anyone.
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bstroobery · 7 months
Hello! I decided to write a fable type story to explain a difficult concept to one of our littles, Lily. I actually quite liked writing this! I might go in to writing children’s books! Blue already offered to illustrate them! ^^
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The Ghost and the Bunny
On a warm autumn’s day, a bunny hopped along outside of the haunted forest. She was very upset. The black cat and the red wolf had done something to anger some of the villagers in the nearby village everyone would go visit.
These villagers were mad at everyone for what the cat and wolf had done. The cat had said something mean that he didn’t mean, and the wolf acted really mean to people after someone had hurt her and woke her up from a very nice long nap.
The bunny was very upset about this. She just wanted the forest and village to get along. She always wanted to be kind to people, especially the people in the village, but she also loved her friends in the haunted forest as well.
The bunny sat on a hill, looking over the village as she cried. All she could think about was how the villagers the cat and wolf hurt were treating everyone in the forest. Of course, it didn’t help that all of them shared the forest.
Along came a ghost. He was doing his best to try and keep everyone in the forest safe. They’d all been very sad lately, and he wanted to make sure they didn’t get too sad. He saw his bunny friend sitting and watching the village and decided to go talk to her.
“What’s wrong, Bunny?” the ghost asked.
“The village hates us,” she said as she tried not to cry.
“What makes you say that?”
“The villagers that Cat and Wolf hurt are upset with the whole forest. I just want everyone to be friends.”
The ghost nodded. “Is everyone in the village upset?”
The bunny shook her head.
“Are you afraid those hurt villagers will make everyone hate us?”
She nodded.
“Well, why does it matter what the villagers think?”
“Because we go to the village,” she said. “We go to the village a lot.”
“Well then why not tell the villagers about what happened? That the cat and wolf are sorry and have been trying to fix what they did?”
“They don’t care,” the bunny said sadly. “Some villagers are building a fence to keep all of us out. What if the whole village does it? You didn’t say the bad things cat said. You didn’t hurt people like wolf did. Why can’t you go to the village and have fun with the friends who now hate us?”
“Because we’re all the forest,” the ghost said. He looked up at the sky sadly. “They can’t keep the cat and wolf out without keeping us all out. That’s just how it works.”
“I just wish everyone could be friends.”
“But that’s not how it works.” The ghost looked back down at his bunny friend. “Cat and Wolf may be trying to fix what they did, but no one is able to force forgiveness. I just want Cat and Wolf to forgive themselves.”
The bunny laid in the grass, continuing to watch the village. “What if the villagers Cat and Wolf didn’t hurt get mad and build fences?”
“We don’t need them,” the ghost said. “We go to the village for food and to talk to the villagers. But there are other villages. Villages that will understand that Cat and Wolf are getting better. They won’t build fences.”
The bunny looked up at the ghost. “You really think that?”
The ghost smiled down at his bunny friend. “I don’t think. I know.”
The ghost and the bunny then walked back into the forest together, finding their friends Cat and Wolf, who were both happily talking about the birds nests they fixed and the friends in the forest that they helped.
Bunny just had to search for a new village, but they still stayed friends with the nice villagers from the other one.
I don’t know… tell me what you think! I could use the criticism on my writing skills ^^’
- Johnny Toast
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namelessssho · 1 year
My mum will automatically start using whichever pronouns I use for my friends and it’s great!
One friend started using they/them, and I forgot to tell my mum before using them in front of her but she just switched :D
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ghostofpolaris · 1 year
My Voltaire poster finally got framed 🥺💕 I'm stoked for the concert on August 26th!
The Black Labyrinth is upon us!
To those who don't know the story, I went to the Aurelio Voltaire concert last year while he was touring around and I went by myself. It was at a really low point and I loved his music for YEARS so seeing this was a nice birthday gift to myself. This was before my brother passed away, but I faced issues with my dad both emotionally and legally. My father was super abusive on different fronts and when I finally broke free away from him, he retaliated legally by taking away the only thing that could be even considered an inheritance.
After the concert, he and I talked. I told him how it felt so hard to go on because I loved my dad (this concert happened before I finally decided to break free from him) but struggled with that, and other issues in my life. It felt almost like I could never escape and be me. His story during the concert about his own issues with his mental health really touched me, and he really was so kind. Voltaire told me about the story of the Black Labyrinth coming out, how there was a general in the book coming out named Artorius (which he thought was funny because when he was signung this poster beforehand I told him my name was Artorias which caught his attention) who was the first to realize that enough was enough.
He looked me right in the eye and reiterated: Enough is enough. You need to leave them behind. You've had enough.
It made both of us cry and we hugged it out and I told him I hoped this would not be the last time I saw him, and he told me it won't, and that he expected me back the next year. So, I did it! I'm coming back next year. A lot of stuff has hit me hard, but I am getting raised by bats and coming home. 🥺 I kept my promise to Voltaire and hope to make some friends in Orlando that night.
I hope you are proud Voltaire, been here since The Night and now The Black Labyrinth. 💕
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aceinspaces · 2 years
oh I have a positive update since I sorta left this blog by the wayside for a bit. But I have some happy stories from the last months
but I have the BEST nurse practitioner now from a pelvic pain specialist clinic. She is truly an Angel and I want to be her when I grow up even though I’m 25. I wanna brag on this woman. When my insurance didn’t approve my endo medication to relieve my pain she stomped down the hall and returned to me with a brown paper sack with a FOUR MONTH SUPPLY said it was a “free sample” and then within two days had my insurance rep meekly agreeing that the drug should be covered haha and found a local pharmacy in my area that had it for me. She apparently reamed them out over the phone that she is an expert in treating pelvic abdominal pain and their approval computer is not and does this on the regular for her patients. Holy shit.
when I had bladder pain she was on top of it figuring out if it was an adhesion, inflammation, or what and giving me treatment to relieve my pain. Holy shit, it worked!?
she referred me to a pelvic physical therapist who took me from “I’m in pain whenever my body decides to be aroused, and I can’t pee.” To being able to actually masturbate without any discomfort. Yo for two years orgasms made me feel like I had been punched in the stomach and put me in so much pain I would be nauseous. I’m ace af but I got a real swell sleep aid back and that’s great. Plus I can pee again. Miracles. I can use the biggest dilator now. That’s huge. I was struggling with number 3 last time I posted here my dudes.
recently I told her I was terrified my treatment options would be impacted by roe, and she said she would lawyer up or drive across state lines to refer me to a surgeon if anyone tried to tell her not to make her patients a priority or how to treat them. She knows I’m not interested in children and despite my age she promises the second my less invasive medications don’t work she will start working on a plan to remove the affected tissue even if they need to remove structures like Fallopian tubes or one of my very cyst-ridden ovaries because I know who I am and can decide my reproductive future obviously. (A really rare point of view in a lot of folks in the gyno setting tbh). ((I don’t want to recover from a surgery rn and the medicines have been effective so I’m ok))
I would cry and remember being physically hurt during exams by other doctors and nurses before going to appointments. I have trauma surrounding medical situations due to the neglect I faced in the past. This past august for the first time in a good while I went into her office and had full faith she would care about my concerns and hold my interests as a priority in my treatment. I have NEVER had a provider like this before. I’ve gained my functional daily life back enough to go back to uni, I’m in nursing school.
I genuinely want to be someone like her who makes people who have been vulnerable and ignored in the healthcare setting feel seen. Even if I could only become a fourth the nurse she is it would be an honor. My life has been measurably improved because I finally have a provider who listens to me. I still got endo, I still have bad days when I flare up, but I have tools to cope with it now and the flares have been less severe and less frequent. Surgery in the future when my insurance stabilizes will be the ideal way to reduce the pain long term but until then… I’m doing better than I have in years with her.
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hamptersadness · 8 days
The reason why I am alive:
CW: Suicide, Suicide attempts, Therapy,
This is a very positive story, I just have to put the warnings there.
This time of year, is... always hot and cold. Figuratively and literally. Last year was... a very unfortunate year. I had several unalive attempts happen. I was severely depressed, and anxiety riddled, as well as still trying to sort out how to be the man I am.
I got help. I got therapy.
And I think the one reason why I'm alive, the one thing that stuck through me through therapy, is that I'm going to prom.
It came up one day during a session. April 17th. She asked if I was going to prom. And suddenly it struck me. Yes, I was. I always was going to prom it was something I promised ever since I was in middle school, since my mom told me that she didn't go. But... I never actually saw myself going to prom.
I am alive. And I made it to prom.
I made it to prom.
I made it to prom.
Not just junior prom. Senior prom. And now I'm going to make it to graduation. I'm going to look my mom dead in the eyes and see her smile. And see that her baby boy is graduating from high school.
I came out as trans two years ago almost three. I made it to junior prom. I went to homecoming. I made it senior prom and now I'm going to graduate.
It has been a running mantra in my head. It is something I hold dear in my heart. It is something that I feel really deeply.
I made it to prom.
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plotpulse · 10 days
A Tale of Unexpected Inspiration
Describe a random encounter with a stranger that stuck out positively to you In the midst of a stormy Texas city, where hail had wreaked havoc on homes and streets, an unexpected encounter unfolded, leaving a lasting impression on me. Working as a project manager for a place named Mister Shingles, my buddy James and I found ourselves amidst the chaos, striving to bring hope to those affected by…
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fitori · 3 months
#Energize Your #WeightLoss Journey: #StayMotivated and Energized #weightlossjourney #WeightWatchers #weightlosstips
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catchymemes · 1 year
This was posted on a ‘second hand finds’ Facebook page…
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…only to be followed by this amazing message.
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The roller coaster ride started.
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With a happy ending…
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…and a sweet poem to finish.
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darksidestudio · 7 months
Endeavor To Persevere
Once upon a time, in a small village nestled deep within the mountains, there lived a young girl named Maya. Maya had always dreamed of becoming a skilled archer, but she faced many challenges along her journey.
At the village archery school, Maya was the youngest student, and her skills were far from perfect. As she struggled to hit the target, Maya often became discouraged. The other students would tease her, calling her "Maya, the Unsteady Archer."
But Maya refused to give up. Determined to prove her worth, she practiced tirelessly day and night. She would wake up before the sun rose, honing her skills in the crisp morning air. She would stay up late, shooting arrows by the light of the moon.
One day, an archery competition was announced, and the entire village was invited to participate. Maya's heart raced with excitement. This was her chance to show everyone what she was truly capable of.
On the day of the competition, Maya stood among the other archers, feeling both nervous and determined. As each archer took their turn, Maya watched in awe at their remarkable skills. Doubt began to creep into her mind again.
Finally, it was Maya's turn. With shaky hands, she notched an arrow and drew her bowstring. Taking a deep breath, she let go, sending the arrow flying towards the target. To her surprise, it hit dead center, causing a gasp from the crowd.
Maya's accuracy continued to improve with each shot, and soon she found herself leading the competition. The other archers watched in astonishment as the girl who was once known as "Maya, the Unsteady Archer" began to shine.
In the end, Maya emerged victorious, not only winning the competition but also earning the respect and admiration of the entire village. Through her perseverance and unwavering determination, she had overcome her challenges and achieved her dreams.
From that day forward, Maya became a symbol of inspiration for the village. Her story reminded everyone that with enough dedication and perseverance, anything is possible, no matter how daunting the obstacles may seem.
And so, Maya continued her archery journey, inspiring others to never give up on their dreams, just as she had never given up on hers.
I hope this story on perseverance resonates with you and inspires you to never give up on your own dreams, no matter the challenges you may face along the way.
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idolomantises · 5 months
Does it like, annoy anyone else when a story presents itself as "feminist" and "progressive", but also punches down on women who are sex workers or sexually active.
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year
Pour one out for all the stories you'll never find again, that you barely remember in totality, but that left an impression on you that you'll never forget.
The short stories from standardized tests that you only had a few minutes to read, but those minutes will last a lifetime.
The books on the library display shelf you used to occupy time until your mom could come pick you up from school.
The graphic novel you picked up when you were first getting into comics and could never find again.
The single lines or themes from stories you otherwise don't remember, save for the one thing that you saw and internalized as a new part of your personality.
Let's pour one out for the books that built us, even if we never could find them again, and couldn't if we wanted to.
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foldingfittedsheets · 3 months
I worked retail for a long time and people really do treat you like shit sometimes. But between selling sex toys, mattresses, and jewelry I can say definitively I got treated worst selling mattresses.
All three of my jobs were in sales but selling sex toys we were allowed to put people in their place, and in jewelry people didn’t want to misbehave in a fancy setting. But people at the mattress store had no problem yelling at me, hitting on me, or insulting me to my face.
For a while I was managing my own store for the company. I ran a small location and had struggling employees placed with me for rehabilitation. If their numbers improved they could go back to bigger stores. If not, they got fired.
So this meant I was the manager of problem employees. At one point both of my people had a foot out the door. The company was going downhill and changed computer systems and they were fed up. Consequently, they made a ton of mistakes, because they just didn’t care about the job or learning the new systems.
I strolled into work on what was essentially my Monday to a shit show. Deliveries scheduled without product, wrong things on orders, poor expectations of the process, you name it. I spent the entire morning getting yelled at for mistakes that weren’t mine.
The final straw came when a man called furious that his moms bed for her nursing home had a delivery window he couldn’t accommodate. This wasn’t a huge disaster since we still had time to deliver it before she moved. I ran him through the options and he just kept screaming at me. Not for a solution but because I was there and he was frustrated.
My heart filled with malice and a cold fury. A calculating part of my brain had a realization in that moment that I could stay a punching bag or I could strike back.
I quavered my voice delicately, taking in a shaky, warbling breath like I was trying not to cry. “Sir,” I quivered through fake tears, “I don’t know what you want from me! I told you what I can do, I didn’t make this mistake I’m just trying to fix it!” My voice broke pitifully on the last syllables, sounding in all ways like a sweet innocent person being yelled at who’s just trying her best, really!
It was like I’d doused him with cold water. My emotional act was the realization that he was screaming at someone who was just doing their damn job, and he was being an asshole. He hastily made an excuse and hung up.
I had a third employee covering with me from another store that day who heard everything. When I hung up, I looked over to see them watching me with an awed expression. “Did… did you just pretend to cry?”
“I absolutely fucking did,” I said with feeling, “and I’d do it a thousand more times. If that’s what it takes for someone to realize they’re behaving like a fucking prick, they deserve it.” The employee looked at me like I was their hero.
The man called back, apologizing profusely, having magically arranged his schedule to accommodate delivery. He came in later that week with an apology Starbucks gift card. I was gracious in my acceptance.
I pulled it a few more times before leaving the company. I felt no shame in the ruse. If someone behaves so poorly that it’s plausible their behavior would drive someone to tears they deserve to feel absolutely wretched about it.
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ghostofpolaris · 1 year
My Voltaire poster finally got framed 🥺💕 I'm stoked for the concert on August 26th!
The Black Labyrinth is upon us!
To those who don't know the story, I went to the Aurelio Voltaire concert last year while he was touring around and I went by myself. It was at a really low point and I loved his music for YEARS so seeing this was a nice birthday gift to myself. This was before my brother passed away, but I faced issues with my dad both emotionally and legally. My father was super abusive on different fronts and when I finally broke free away from him, he retaliated legally by taking away the only thing that could be even considered an inheritance.
After the concert, he and I talked. I told him how it felt so hard to go on because I loved my dad (this concert happened before I finally decided to break free from him) but struggled with that, and other issues in my life. It felt almost like I could never escape and be me. His story during the concert about his own issues with his mental health really touched me, and he really was so kind. Voltaire told me about the story of the Black Labyrinth coming out, how there was a general in the book coming out named Artorius (which he thought was funny because when he was signung this poster beforehand I told him my name was Artorias which caught his attention) who was the first to realize that enough was enough.
He looked me right in the eye and reiterated: Enough is enough. You need to leave them behind. You've had enough.
It made both of us cry and we hugged it out and I told him I hoped this would not be the last time I saw him, and he told me it won't, and that he expected me back the next year. So, I did it! I'm coming back next year. A lot of stuff has hit me hard, but I am getting raised by bats and coming home. 🥺 I kept my promise to Voltaire and hope to make some friends in Orlando that night.
I hope you are proud Voltaire, been here since The Night and now The Black Labyrinth. 💕
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