#please let me die painlessly
scrimple · 2 months
i wish i deserved to matter
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altered-and-broken · 9 months
Ok after seeing what happened to Boat. I definitely won that bet. Anyways the best possibility is that Boat dies painlessly and instantly with his head being crushed. One of the worst possibilities is that Prism doesn’t like the taste of Boat and spits Boat out. Which is worse because he is definitely not recover and will likely die of blood loss or an infection if he manages to survive long enough. I am not sure how painful is melting in stomach acid but just being eaten is a likely fate.
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"Prism!... It's me again, it's Barracuda...
Come on out, please... I know you're very angry, and hurt, so please come out so I can help you...
I'm right here, it's just me now and I'm not going to hurt you, the rest of these shapes don't want to hurt you either, so... Please...
Please come out..."
The forest is completely still, no sounds except for the rain and thunder. Something bad had happened...
"Prism!? Prismmmm!!"
Scalene scurries in the bushes, whisper-shouting for the larger beast to come out.
"Prismmm!!! Where are you!?"
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"C-cuda... Cuda-! Cuda!!... Barracuda!!!-"
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"B-boat... He's- S-she-"
"What!? Stop blabbering so much and spit it out already!!"
The smaller triangle immediately dives into the bushes. The snake is confused, until he hears a large sound from behind him, grabbing his attention.
"Wh- Prism..?
Over here, it's me!!"
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The corrupted snake is clearly shocked, he didn't believe she was actually going to kill him that easily and without hesitation. He tries to move, but he was terrified, yet still needed to calm her down.
"O-oh... Oh Prism it's-
It's okay-"
"!- I know, I know-
I know, h-he is a bad guy, and- he hurt you, a lot...
B-but, please, please let him go... I'll get that thing off you and we can go back home, away from shapes like him, okay? How does that sound..?
Just- let him go, and you can finally take some rest, okay?
How about a nap near the pond, like the old times? Doesn't that sound good..?"
The dinosaur seems to calm down, although more from the blood loss than by seeing him, and stares at the snake intently.
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"H-hey... Big girl...
I missed you... A lot..."
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sirowsky · 1 year
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Day 7 of the Celebration Stories, and this one comes from my lovely wife @lucrezia-thoughts with the prompt: "Please, tell me you missed me." with the supreme Marcus Pike! <3
Rating: Mature Warnings: Marcus Pike x friend reader, reader has no physical description and no specified gender, cursing, college reunion, fluff, happy and open ending. Word Count: 732 Sirowsky's Masterlist
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   He was one of your best friends in college, but you haven’t seen him since then.    You’d parted ways after graduation, and while you had initially tried to stay in touch, this had been before the age of smartphones and all the modern technology that makes connecting to other people so easy these days, so it hadn’t taken long before your busy lives had killed your friendship.
   You weren’t going to come to this reunion, for a lot of reasons, but in the end, it had been the prospect of seeing him again that had made it impossible to stay away.    He’s in the FBI these days, and you know that he’s working with art theft and stuff, but that’s also pretty much the extent of what you know.    Whether he’s single, married, a father, or perhaps no longer identifying as male or straight, you have no idea.
   But sitting there, at the far end of the café that’s being used for the event, you’re certain that none of it matters. You just wanna see him again.    You watch your former classmates make their entrance, one after the other, and then proceed to behave exactly as you expect, because of course they haven’t changed much. Which is somewhat comforting, but also dull.
   You’ve been there for an hour and a half, and barely spoken to anyone, because you hardly knew them when you were in class together, and even less so now.    There were two other people that you were also close with back then, Miles and Kayla, but they got married and moved to Europe years ago, so they’re not coming.    And since it’s looking increasingly unlikely that the man you’re waiting for is gonna show, you get up and start making your way to the door.
   It takes a while, because everyone wants to pretend to care that you’re leaving early, and you’re too polite to just tell them to fuck off, so you fake a smile and try and work your way through them as painlessly and quickly as you can.    Stepping outside it feels like you’re taking your first breath of actual air in almost two hours, and it cools you down, so you take a moment to just stand there and breathe.
   “Still not a people person, huh?” a familiar voice sounds from your right, and you turn your head to find him there, slowly strolling towards you with his hands buried in the front pockets of his jeans.
   “Marcus…” you breathe, stunned to finally see him again.
   He looks even better than you remember. More mature and definitely a lot calmer, but that boyish twinkle in his eyes hasn’t gone anywhere.    And somehow you feel like you’ve just come home.
   “Please, tell me you missed me,” he says with a smile as he comes to a stop right in front of you. “Because I have had a terrible year, and I could really use an old and good friend right about now.”
   You decide not to dwell on whatever the terrible stuff might be, because you’re also in need of a good friend to take your mind off the greyness of your life, so you smile back.
   “Yes. I’ve missed you terribly. Now give me a hug and then let’s go find some good food and catch up,” you suggest, and he quickly wraps his arms around you with a warm chuckle deep in his throat.
   He seems to hold on to you just a little longer and a little tighter than what you’d expected, which makes you think that maybe he really has gone through some shit, and is downplaying it to not ruin the reunion.    But you don’t mention it. You just take his arm once he pulls back, and together you saunter off down the street, looking for a Chinese restaurant, and somehow you know that this friendship isn’t going to die off again this time.
   You’re both a little different now, shaped by the things you’ve gone through, no doubt, but you’re also the same.    Everything about him feels familiar, from his walk to his mannerisms to his voice and the way he talks, and you imagine that it feels the same for him.    And you just know in your heart that any friendship that can feel this unchanged and comfortable even after a decade of no contact, is meant to last.
<<<<<<<THE END>>>>>>>
Thank you for reading and if you enjoyed this, please consider reblogging so that more people might find it <3
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distortedataraxia · 2 years
Hello! I saw your blog and have to say I absolutely love your aesthetic sm😭
BUT ANYWAY AI WAS CURIOUS if you would be alright with me requesting Dazai and Atsushi (separately!) x Kitsune! Elegant! Reader?
Also you have a lovely day / afternoon / night and a splendid year!! (Also if you feel uncomfortable with this request please ignore it!!)
Author note : hellooo ! Thank you for your request and i'm really glad you love my aesthetic :') I did headcanons I hope that's okay with you and i hope i didn't mess it up as i don't know a lot about kitsune but i tried to inform myself and do research, take care and i hope you also have great day or night and a lovely year ! Make sure to drink water , eat well, and get your good night sleep ★
Dazai/Atsushi x Elegant! Kitsune! Reader
Dazai !
Tw : suicidal stuff
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He'll be completly amazed when he first see you
Ask you tons of question, but first he ask you out on a double suicide
He managed to say a whole speech, a whole monologue about how beautiful and gorgeous he thought you were until kunikida took care of him
Is he shakespear reincarnation or something? This man got talent
Of course, kunikida took care of him, but that won't stop dazai from further questions or monlogue attacks
He aks you tons of questions about kitsune and is interested in the topic
He even looked up how to attract kitsune on google..
Wich you immediatly understood when you saw dried tofu on his doorstep
He also want to know everything about kitsune for the missions and stuff like that, he wants to know your strenghts and weaknesses to make sure it's all used in the right time and all and- yeah you get it.
He'll give you headpats if you like it
Your elegance slapped him in the face
Has he finally died in his sleep ? Did he wake up in heaven ?Did it all finally come true? He doesn't know if he's alive anymore..
Goodluck getting him back into reality
Of course , he doesn't love you only because you're a kitsune and because you're elegant ; you're way more than that and he loves you for who you are completly
You may have turned down his double suicide request but he'll definitely ask you to kill him because you're so beautiful
Probably got kicked in the ass by kunikida 26272 times because of all of theses
He's an adorable idiot
He'll quickly grab all knowledge about kitsune fast
He'll make sure you're away from dogs and wolves
He's amazed by your power and how you take care of missions and cases in such.. A elegant manner
He sometimes thinks about it and wonder how he even managed to deserve someone like you, it'll make him think about the fact he isn't dead and he'll also remember odasaku
"I guess that's another thing i get to see from life, odasaku.. " He starts thinking out loud
"What? " You asked, he blinked and said a bit agitated ; "AAAH! I SHOULD ASK KUNIKIDA IF HE KNOWS ANY WAYS TO DIE PAINLESSLY ! ANOTHER STEP TOWARDS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL, CHEERFUL AND MEANINGFUL SUICIDE EVER! " he runs out of the room and actually went to kunikida asking him just that.
Overall, he'll be amazed and will make sure to know everything about your power so that he can make it so that you use your powers in the right time and all - you know.. Big brain stuff? Planning stuff? How do i name it.. Chess ! YEAH CHESS EXACTLY ! He does that just to make sure everyone is safe and of course will make sure you're also safe, he doesn't want you to get hurt because of him, he rather get hurt instead. Just like all theses time he volountary let himself brush death and survive for the sake of the agency.
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Atsushi !
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When he first met you, he was completly amazed
Your elegance and your beauty..
He tried to take tips from you and learn from you to become the best version of himself and save more lives
He actually know a bit about Kitsunes because he read about it in the orphanage
He'll ask you one or two three questions about kitsune though
So he'll try to make sure you're away from dogs and wolves
He'll be shy at first
.. At first.. Well actually he'll be shy for quite some time
Enjoy having him glance at you now and then as you notice him and he glances away turning his head blushing
When he's on a case or mission with you, he won't speak a lot because he will be speechless about how you deal with everything
He'll offer you dried tofu wich you'll gladly accept
Watch him suffer as he pay all of the dried tofu for you
He won't only think you're elegant and prefect, he will also think you're cute
Of course, he won't only love you because of theses, he loves you for who you entirely are
So yeah he has a crush on you
He will slowly get closer to you
He will do twice more efforts in his cases and missions to impress you
But he will also do more efforts to save more lives and feel like he deserves to live and breath around you
He's obvious
But he's adorable
He don't want to mess up or be a burden - so whenever he's on a mission with you he's scared to get distracted in the middle of the mission and mess everything up
He sometimes do get distracted on missions and mess some stuff up and he feel bad about it
He just adores you and love you
Please give this boy some love and watch him become a blushing mess
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mirsvintagesonytv · 2 years
oh my god yoasno mafia boss au sounds interesting please tell me all about it !! like how does she lead the mafia, and how’d she get to her position?
Hello!! Yes yes thank you for the ask!!! I’m p sure I answered this in the previous ask ngl but I’ll go over it again bc this question is more specific and I can expand: (I apologise for the length)
Yosano gets taken in by Mori at 12, who intends for her to be his successor and use her ability to make the mafia unkillable. In this AU the previous boss is starting his decline around now, and Mori disposes of him as soon as he starts to show traits of madness.
As for how she got her position. During the two years she spent as Mori’s student/protege in the mafia, Yosano attempted to kill him many times, because of how strongly she despised him. Mori would often let her, finding it was somewhat cathartic for her and due to the trauma bond Yosano wouldnt ever let him truly die, healing him before he did. It was also a test of her assassin skills to see improvement. However one day after Yosano fished a 10 year old Dazai out of a river (the ripple effect things are happening much earlier) and they discover he has a nullifying ability because Yosano can’t heal him. Mori makes a comment about this that pisses her off, and Yosano impulsively decides to kill him (where Mori is calculated Yosano is impulsive). Mori assumed she would bring him back but miscalculated and Yosano let him die, promptly becoming the boss. She offers Dazai a deal to join the mafia and that after he helps her she will help him kill himself painlessly. Dazai, having just seen her murder a man and reply that she did it because he pissed her off, refuses, unable to trust her word since she is a wild card and very unpredictable. He leaves and does not become affiliated with the mafia. (He is in the AU though and eventually joins the ADA)
There is infighting and a insurgent group formed inside the mafia, unhappy that Yosano killed Mori and that leadership is changing into the hands of a child just two years after Mori took over. In order to gain their respect and trust Yosano makes an alliance with low level mafia member Kouyou Ozaki who is one of few who acknowledge Yosano as a suitable and legitimate leader. Together they wipe out the insurgent group and make an example of them, a warning that if anyone betrays Yosano they will be met with harsh consequences. After this incident the rebellion is squashed and Yosano and Kouyou become close. Kouyou is promoted to Executive to spite the other members of the mafia and is Yosano’s closest most trusted confidante. The incident strikes fear into her subordinates who spread rumours about Yosano’s ruthless nature and call her the Angel of death since she brought everyone who was a part of the rebellion back and healed them after Her and Kouyou almost killed them all, “granting them mercy” and warning them not to fuck up again since she can kill them whenever she likes. She frames it as her being a good boss and gracing them with her forgiveness since she is so benevolent.
Okay onto her characterisation/personality (how I interpret it would’ve differed from canon due to the circumstances) and How she leads:
Because she never recovered from the trauma of the Great War, Yosano is very apathetic and closed off. She does not have it in her to feel compassion anymore and acts uncaring about all/most human life. Mori takes advantage of this to groom her in his image, fostering and encouraging her sadistic and violent tendencies as well as her ruthlessness and apathy. He teaches her how to use the resources available to get what she wants (mainly her ability but also manipulation tactics) and how to get people to willingly submit their loyalty to her. Basically Yosano has been off the rails since she was 12 and grows into a cruel, uncaring person who is very willing to kill to get her way and thrives off others suffering. Her main motivation warps into boredom over time, because she is apathetic and lacks emotion and empathy, she seeks the thrill of feeling something that isn’t boredom leading her to be cruel to others (courtesy of her sadism that is mild in canon but becomes a core part of her personality in this au due to Mori’s prolonged influence)
She truly enjoys lording her influence over others and finds satisfaction in manipulating and using others to get what she wants (mostly she just likes the looks on their faces and the feeling of making others helpless and powerless before her). She fills the void Mori left with ease and excels in her position to be even more feared and respected than he was despite her age. She also enjoys torture, using her ability to break people apart and put them back together in a sick and twisted way, and psychologically damaging/harming others by holding this god-like ability to decide who lives or dies over their heads. Due to Moris tutelage she also has a very sharp wit and is very capable strategically. Maybe not a mastermind genius like her predecessor but very much an intelligent woman who knows what she’s doing.
As well as her overall sadism and apathy, a lot of her cruel tendencies towards others and her enjoyment of their suffering comes from her trauma. She was powerless in the face of Mori and suffered greatly under him. He took advantage of her ability and her will to save people and general childish naivety and broke her to make her cold uncaring and ruthless. A part of her believes Mori did the right thing and taught her a valuable lesson, and a part of her believes she shouldn’t have suffered. As such, to certain characters (I won’t say who that’s spoilers ehe you’ll have to ask more to find out ;D) some of her enjoyment of suffering comes from a place of resentment and helplessness.
She wants to make others suffer as she herself has suffered, wants to see the powerlessness and helplessness she experienced on someone else’s face, because she STILL feels that way. It gives her a sense of power and untouchability to punish others and see their pride and strength and all round love for life and other people broken down. She does it to obtain power over herself because Moris shadow still haunts her even now she’s killed him. She sees herself in others and because she doesn’t like what she sees, (she sees her previous self as weak and useless and this is what she sees in others) she puts those people through hell as a way of punishing herself whilst also maintaining that she shouldn’t regret the things that happened to her and that she’s teaching them the same valuable lesson she had to learn.
In contrast to Mori, Yosano very much uses fear to rule others. Mori had a respect based off his utilitarian beliefs and genius intellect, whereas Yosano, after she takes over, gains respect based off fear. She is very big on punishing those who betray or cross her judgement, and will make an example of these people to others. Under Yosano’s leadership, mafia killings as deterents of interference are staggeringly more common. Again, whilst Mori trusted his subordinates to carry out his plan because of his genius, Yosano is a very impatient and strict boss. If something is done even slightly wrong she will fix it herself. And she likes efficiency. She has a “if you want something done right do it yourself” outlook and barely trusts others with her most important work and plans. Almost no one is aware of her motives besides her one confidante Kouyou, who knows not to disagree with her as she is very Stubborn and will get her way one way or another. Even when she has a full panel of executives to help her, she still will not fully trust them with her plans and keeps them almost completely in the dark regarding most things that count. This creates some communication problems and she is not well liked as a boss like Mori was due to her cruelty but feared enough that no one would dare go against her.
She has an obsession for control. Because of her trauma, where she notably had no control over her own life and actions that took away her childhood and compassion, she rules over others with an obsessive control born of fear. She fears losing control more than anything, fears losing her power over others that acts as protection against her own demons (Mori). She convinces herself if she has complete control and power over the mafia this justifies what she went through and she no longer has to fear Mori. It’s proving to herself that he can no longer control her, that she has outlived him. This control leaks into her hands on approach and willingness to step in in any given situation should her better judgment decide it is needed or that things are not going how she wants them too. It leaks into her relationships with certain mafia members such as the execs. Verlaine in particular, who hates nothing more than being controlled, and as such clashes a lot with Yosano who desperately hates the fact she can’t control him and his actions.
Essentially. She is a wild card who does not mix with other wild cards. She is unpredictable, impulsive and messy, mysterious and cruel, yet incredibly good at what she does. Her only flaws are that she refuses to give leeway of control and trust to others, and cannot see past her own trauma or let her guard down, and how her main motivators are boredom, sadism, and a need for control.
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heliosoll · 2 years
I'm kind of overthinking this a little so I just want to say one last thing.
Anon, I hope you know that I'm not mad at you. I would never judge someone for feeling that way and I hope that comes across in my answer. I do still think you should reconsider because hurting yourself will never be good. I don't think this is just a matter of personal opinion either. This is me not wanting to use my "platform" to tell people it's okay or unintentionally encourage that to happen.
After asking yourself those questions and truly thinking other options over, if you still decide you want to go that route, please script that it happens as quickly and painlessly as possible. I've seen people script things like heart attacks and even cancer, and that's just not okay. Scripting something that hurts will hurt. So please, reconsider, but do something painless if you genuinely think that's your best option. I'd also recommend scripting that people in your life will be able to move on in a healthy manner and remember and honor you in a good light. Again, I still do not think you should go through with that, but if you do, please do it in the least harmful way possible, for yourself and for others.
To anyone who read my response to the other person, I don't want to come off as a person who doesn't allow discussions or other opinions. I genuinely don't care if you have a different opinion than me, and I do like to hear about them and discuss other possibilities, especially if you're acting in good faith and not trying to be rude to me or my anons. However, when it comes down to someone encouraging another person to hurt themselves or other people, I will speak up against it. Again, I don't see this to be a simple matter of differing opinions. If someone comes to me and says they're considering killing their clone, I'm not going to let someone else tell them that it's okay to hurt themselves, even if that means shutting down their opinion.
I've said before that I try to be as nice as possible on here and I want this to be a safe space where people can be as genuine and honest as they want to be. I don't like shutting down others or "calling them out". But again, I'm not going to let anyone encourage others to harm themselves (before or after shifting). Shifting already gets a bad rep, it's already a community full of people struggling with mental illness, I'm not going to use this blog to further that.
I and so many other shifters have tried very hard to educate the shifting and loa community on respawning and I really don't need someone to completely twist my words, make this seem like a lighthearted opinion, and encourage someone to hurt their clone all at once. This is a matter of someone wanting their clone to die, not something like whether or not they should use a script.
I hope anyone who read that exchange and got upset is able to move on and enjoy their day. I for one will be leaving soon to hang out with some friends and then have a movie marathon at home 🥰
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c00kiejar · 10 months
I've been thinking
I've thought about this for a good, long while, and I just need to get it out there somehow. I have a journal, but nobody I know can see that. I know it's very unlikely anyone I know will see this, much less talk to me about it, but I want it out there so anyone who asks can know. As mentioned in the tags, warning for suicide and depression.
For a good while now - like, 4+ years now - I've been fighting what I assume is depression. I'm not diagnosed or anything, so I don't claim it actually is depression, however it's at the very least very similar. This, combined with my (diagnosed this time) social anxiety has led to some fun experiences such as believing those I love hate me, never letting my guard down, the absolute worst days I could have mentally at work, and the topic of this post: suicidal thoughts.
I want to make this abundantly clear: I have absolutely no intent to kill or even harm myself as of writing this. I have bought a rope and tied it into a noose, I have access to my Dad's gun storage footlocker, and I have enough other ways to go out quickly and relatively painlessly that, should I really want to die, I could. However, I haven't done anything yet. Nothing even remotely close, in fact. Don't worry that I might, because I won't. I can't.
With that out of the way, let's discuss these thoughts. They appear whenever they please, and stay for variable amounts of time. There is no direct cause that I can discern aside from the obvious. They typically take the form of me just shutting down and being unable to do much of anything, and are basically what it says on the tin; I contemplate killing myself. I run through scenarios in which I go through with it, seeing the aftermath of my death, the ways people would react. I run through the outcomes and weigh their likelihood (highest being my whole family being devastated and furious with my parents for sitting idly while they knew this was happening). I even run through the unlikely ones such as nobody caring, or them never finding my body. I run through each one I can think of to some extent. Not all in one go, but I have thought of most outcomes by now. After that, I weigh whether it's truly worth it in the end. The answer is usually yes (I live in mental pain and watch everyone around me live in some level of mental or physical pain, I have no achievable goals or dreams, and I can hardly function as a human being are the top contributors), however there is consistently one thing that stops me: My own fear. All the reasons to die only barely outweigh the reasons to live to begin with (I estimate it being around 45% stay 55% die), however my fear of what comes next and what will happen after my death keep me in check no matter what.
It really is just another way that fear rules my life. I fear trying new things so I settle for the status quo. I fear letting people down so I belittle myself. I fear death so I live. It's all tied together by my own fear and anxiety, and it rules my life with an iron fist comparable to that of Stalin. I'll be free of it when the iron fist's wielder finally dies, and that wielder is myself. It's a cycle. I fear everything so I want death. Fear of death refuses to let me die. Repeat. It's kind of morbidly funny when you stop and think about it; The reason I want to die is the reason I live.
Beyond the suicidal thoughts, there are days when I wake up feeling fine, get out of bed and instantly lose any motivation to exist for the day. I only sometimes grab a bit to eat and then head straight back to bed. I either turn on my Switch and watch YouTube on there, or pull out my laptop for the same reason but with headphones. These days are far more common than the suicidal ones, and are what most of my days are like.
I'm no longer pessimistic, at least. I've embraced optimism and can look at the future brightly. That is, a future where I don't factor in myself. I never include myself because I can never be certain whether tomorrow will be the day I finally crack and kill myself. It could be today, could be tomorrow, could even be 16 years from now. All I know is that I never include myself in any future I think up because I don't know when I'll finally do it.
That's not to say that I plan on doing it, however. I fully plan on having my ways out should it ever come to that, but do not plan on ever using those ways out. I never will do it unless the senate inside my head gains a larger majority in favor of death.
I'll be the first to admit that I don't want to stay alive, but I'll also be the first to tell you that I can't bring myself to kill myself.
Anyways, I'm sorry for rambling and bringing everyone down with me. I hope everyone can forget about this post and enjoy their days as if it was never there. Thank you.
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nat-20s · 3 years
what’s poppin everyone please have this fun lil writing warmup/short story inspired by me thinking “Dancing in the Moonlight” was definitely 100% about werewolves
“So, this your first transformation?”
The counselor? Leader? Tour guide? Asked this with a perfectly jovial tone, as if the typical social mores surrounding, ugh, lycanthropy, didn’t apply to her. They didn’t know what exact title to call her, and her name tag just said “Luna”, which, reflecting on it, either was a joke on her part or a reflection of her parents’ sense of humor.
Picking at the scabs from last month, they cringed and replied, “No. Uh. Second.”
Luna lets out a low whistle. “Oof. That sucks. Guessing you got bitten rather than inherited the ol’ wolfman gene?”
“That’s...kind of personal?”
Unlocking the front door of the log cabin that served as King Harvest’s Headquarters, Luna shrugs and says, “Shit, sorry. Forgot the whole weird stigma around your source of the once monthly nightmare, as if it fuckin matters. Also, I know, I know, ass out of you and me. Hey, you got any dietary restrictions? Gluten, peanut allergies, the like?”
Voice flat, they tell her, “I’m vegetarian,” and waits for the obvious response.
As they wander through the cabin towards the kitchen, Luna flipping on the light switches, generic club music starts to filter in. Instead of the obvious response, Luna asks, “You like veggie burgers? Or maybe pasta? I’d offer salad, but that’s really not gonna cut it for tonight.”
“I ate before I came.”
With a snort, she tells them, “Oh yeah? Did you have about 4000 calories?”
“No? Why would I have?”
Sweeping out her arm, she gestures at the food laying out on the counter and tells them, “Then eat up! 4000 is really a minimum for the night if you don’t want to feel like someone physically beat out all of your energy in the morning. 6000 is more the target area, but we got, hmm, about 15 minutes before things get uncomfortable, and half an hour max before things get dire.”
They glance down to the food, and, admittedly, the broccoli alfredo does look pretty appealing. Still, they have to ask, “Is this a cult?”
Luna lets out a bark of a laugh that has nothing to do with her (maybe) being a werewolf. “Okay, first of all, what kind of cult is like ‘fuck yeah, we’re a cult’? Secondly, despite the first thing, I can say that we’re not a cult. I know how “King Harvest: Center for Movement Therapy” sounds, both clinical and vague enough to be suspicious as hell, but I didn’t come up with the title, blame my long deceased dad for that one. Plus, ‘King Harvest: Bitchin’ Wolf Dance House’ probably wouldn’t look good on the grant applications.”
“Oh yeah. This bad boy’s been publicly funded since its opening in 1972. Hence no membership fees.”
“Is that why animal control is giving out your business card? Are they one of your sponsors?”
“Nah, that’s just Jack. Me ‘n’ him go way back, hell, to his park ranger days.  I mean, yeah, I think he’ll campaign for us, but mostly I think he just hates capturing a wolf in the night only to have a naked, trembling human in the morning, and he knows that our program significantly reduces the odds of that happening, at least in this neck of the woods.”
They let out a hum, then glance back down to the food. As appealing as it down look, they’re still about..30% convinced this is an elaborate organ harvesting operation. Or sketchy sex thing.
Apparently sensing their hesitation, Luna says, “You got a favorite chip?”
“Salt and vinegar.”
Grabbing a sealed family sized bag from the overhead cabinets, Luna tosses it to them. “If you come back next full moon, either eat enough in advance or have a real meal here. That being said, excuse the turn of phrase, you should wolf that down. It’s sure as hell better than nothing.”
They catch it, and the bag opens with a puff of air that speaks to a reassuring lack of tampering. As they toss a chip into their mouth, Luna grabs a water bottle from the fridge and places it down next to them. “So? Any questions for me? We’ve still got about ten minutes before we have to go out there.”
Rolling their eyes, they tell her, “No. None at all.”
“Great! Soon as you’re done eating we’ll get you started.”
“I was being sarcastic.”
“Yeah, no shit, smart-ass. Seriously, what are your, we haven’t got much time.”
“I don’t know? The whole..thing? I mean, how is it supposed to..work? Like? At all?”
“You ever see Amok Time?”
“Is that relevant?”
“It’s a yes or no question babe.”
“And if I say no?”
“Then the explanation is going to be a lot more technical and take a lot longer, ultimately to likely make less sense.”
“...I’ve seen it.”
“Great! So, Pon Farr is basically this chemical blood imbalance that results in fuck or die disorder, yeah? But then Spock neither fucks nor dies, and eventually the vulcans get their shit together and find out that an intense fight can serve the same function, and the blood fever chills out. Lycanthropy operates on a similar enough basis for comparison. You’re compelled to act out on energetically heavy base instincts, returning to the ways of the wolf or whatever. Traditionally, that’s done through running and hunting, which has, historically, been a crapshoot at best. Theoretically, sex can also get the job done, but I’m sure you can imagine how that gets extremely dicey extremely quickly. Either restraints or isolation has been implemented for a while, but, c’mon, they’re bandaid solutions, and they’re far from foolproof. Luckily for us all, my grandmother decided to connect back with her ancestors, and there was a handful of stories having huge festivals to deal with ‘moon violence’. She tried it out, and, yeah, dancing works.”
“That sounds…”
They don’t know how that sounds. Made up, mostly.
“Like a bunch of hippie bullshit? Yeah, it kind of is, Grandma Josephine was a huge hippie, but it’s hippie bullshit that works. In fact, let’s go see the others, it almost always makes things clearer.”
Figuring that whatever they’re about to see can’t be worse than their transformation last month. They head through the sliding glass door out the back, the thump of the music suddenly loud enough to be felt in their chest. The sight that awaits them makes them drop their chips and let out a gasp. Barely able to speak, they exhale out, “None of them...they’re not wolves. How..how??”
Indeed, the roughly forty people jumping to the pulse of whatever they’re listening to (some to the in house DJ, some, apparently, to what’s playing over the large headphones they have adorned), resemble the image of a wolfman much more accurately. They bare claws, fangs, elongated snouts, upright ears, and  serious amounts of hair, but they’re on two legs, and moving like humans. Some of them are even singing along to the lyrics, which really shouldn’t be possible.
Luna grins, making it obvious that she’s used to this level of shell shocks. “Ultimately, you do have to give into some damn rigorous instincts. But dancing is a human instinct, not a canine one, so you end up, well, humanoid. Pretty nifty, huh?”
“And they all..they all keep their minds? I didn’t...they don’t blackout?”
“Not since we banned alcohol in the 90s! Here, watch this.”
Luna nods her head at the DJ, and the DJ, obligingly, turns down the music for a moment. The members of the crowd not listening to their own music pause, then look towards the door. She cries out, “Hey gang! HOW WE ALL DOIN’ TONIGHT?”, and gets a mix between a howl and “WOO!” cried back. The DJ then turns the music back up, and the general movement of the crowd resumes.
They should be more skeptical. They want to be more skeptical, they were just minutes before, but it’s hard to disagree with something right in front of you. “This will work for me? I just..have to dance?”
“Well, it’s not guaranteed. Few things are. But we have yet to have someone turn violent on us. If you start to fell yourself slipping from consciousness, though, I do ask that you start heading further into the woods, as to not hurt other guest. If you find yourself just getting tired, there’s beds inside, and a fair amount of pillows around the edge of the quote unquote dance floor, if you end up in more of a nesting mood. Also, I recommend taking off your shoes before you start.”
“What? Why?”
Luna gives a pointed glance at the dancers’ feet, which, ah. They’re about twice as large as normal and at least twice as sharp. The converse on their feet would be no match. “Ah.”
They shove off their shoes and place the remainder of their chips aside. “As I’ll ever be.”
Good thing, too, as they’re starting to feel an uncomfortable pressure in their chest that was the prelude to disaster last month.
Luna strides to the center of the dance floor, which is really a plush lawn surrounded by forest. The crowd naturally moves around her, and she yells out, “Aiyana! Play my song!”
Aiyana gives a nod, and the opening notes of “Dancing in the Moonlight” start to sound out. “Seriously?”
Luna shrugs, grinning like a fool, and says, “It’s a classic!”
“It’s cliché at best.”
Luna shrugs, and then begins dancing. She’s hardly elegant, but she is dazzlingly joyful in her uncoordinated movements. As the song reaches the first chorus, she gives a twirl, and in the split second it takes, she’s transformed. They blink in shock, not knowing you could transform that seamlessly, that quickly, that painlessly. Luna in half wolf form is just as expressive as the human Luna, and she gives a nod over her shoulder as if to say Come on.
Feeling somewhat foolish, they start to bop their head to the tune. Luna lets out a huff and grabs their hands, spinning them around and forcing them to get moving. At first, it’s them indulging Luna, but as they let themselves get lost in rhythm, they feel a stretching sensation in their face and limbs. It’s not unpleasant, more like when you wake up and work out the tension in your spine. They open their eyes and look down at their hands, now covered in fur in and made for slashing. It didn’t hurt. It didn’t hurt, and they’re still themselves, and they had no idea that full moons could be like this, maybe for the rest of their lives.
They turn their head to the night sky, and their body can’t help but continue to dance. Despite all their fear, all their dread, “movement therapy” worked, and they can admit, at least to themselves, that they feel warm and bright.
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slut4aizawa · 3 years
The last class meeting
A/N; this is sad
A/N 2; your favorite character dies
A/N 3; I am having a tough week at the moment but I hope everybody is doing ok
Prompt; The pro-heroes failed at stopping The League and now the world is ending.
Trigger warning; mentions of blood, slight insinuation of torture, angst, death
Y/N pronouns; they/them
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“OBC News with a terrible update;
All Might has been declared deceased.
This is our final broadcast as the League villains have since set off a bomb big and strong enough to destroy more than just Japan. I hope everyone has time to contact those they love, and may your G-d be with you when it hits. Kane J signing off for the last time. Good night Musutafu.
Denki clicks the remote and the dorm common room falls silent.
“All Might’s dead?” Sero whimpers.
“We all are.” Bakugo spits. “We’re all dead because the heroes couldn’t stop the villains. They killed us.”
“Bakugo, you should make peace with this before it happens. You don’t want to die with all of that hatred in your heart.” You suggest, putting your head down. “They did their best.”
“Don’t tell me what to…” Bakugo starts his usual banter but realizes it’s futile at this point.
All of class 1-A is in the common room, their eyes previously glued to the television to find out the verdict of their now-dead mentor. Nobody is crying. You think they’re all in shock. You’re not crying either.
“I guess we should call our families,” Mina pulls out her cell phone but sees the service has gone. “Never mind.” She put her phone back in her pocket to her pajama shorts. “I can’t even say goodbye to my parents. My mom must be worried sick.”
The room is filled with silent mutters, maybe prayers, maybe admittances of regret, you swear you can hear one or two proclamations of love from your fellow classmates. Even Ochako grows the confidence to grab Deku’s hand with a whisper of ‘I’m scared’.
“Class, I’m sorry.” A gruff voice breaks the tension, the group turns around swiftly. It’s Mr. Aizawa all beaten and bloodied. His face is barely recognizable, his hair is stuck to his face with his own blood, and probably others as well. You’re surprised he even made it back to the dorms. He collapses to his knees and his head is bowed.
You stand up first to help, he’s barely sitting up on his own. Momo and Hagakure follow closely.
“Momo and Hagakure please get the first aid.” You get on your knees to be at his height as well so you can fully assess his damage and the girls go off to find the first aid. “Mr. Aizawa, you shouldn’t apologize for things that you can’t control. You all did your best. We all know that…” You pull his hair back and see that his eyes are gone. You let out a small gasp, but he grabs your wrist.
“Don’t tell them,” He quietly cries. “I don’t want them to be even more scared than they are. I’m sorry you had to be the one to see, but I know you can keep it together so I’m glad it was you. I’ve always known you were special.”
You’ve never seen Mr. Aizawa show emotion like this. It really is over.
Your classmates come back with the first aid, but you tell them Mr. Aizawa doesn’t want it, and he just wants us to sit together and appreciate each other in our final moments.
“Thank you all for being such an aspiring class.” You help Mr. Aizawa find his way to the couch. All you can think about is how his blood is going to stain it. “You truly were the best students I ever had. I’m honored I got to teach you. You all have such great potential. I’m sorry I couldn’t stop the League soon enough for you to be able to show it off to the rest of the world. You all had the drive to be the number one hero.” You sit next to your teacher, and he gives your wrist a slight squeeze. “Thank you for showing me what it means to be a good teacher with a greater purpose.”
“Mr. Aizawa…” Iida smiles. “Thank you for everything you have taught us.”
The class gets closer to each other in a huddle. You can tell it’ll happen any minute now. The bomb. It’s just a gut feeling.
“Mr. Aizawa, I have to ask you, my dad…” Todoroki begins to speak and Mr. Aizawa sighs before sniffling and shaking his head. “I see then.” Todoroki moves his eyes from the teacher to the floor.
Kirishima and Tokoyami, who are on either side of Shouto, rub his back to try and comfort him.
“I’m sorry, Todoroki. Most pro-heroes didn’t make it. Endeavor, Midnight, King Orca, Best Jeanist, Ms. Joke, All Might… They all showed up and tried to stop them, but it just wasn’t enough. There was more to them than we expected. I was the only one who escaped. But what I saw-“ He cuts himself off and thinks about his next words. “They all died very quickly and painlessly.”
You haven’t been very close to Mr. Aizawa, he is a very closed guy after all. But you could tell he was lying. What he actually saw was the pro heroes dying in terrible ways. He was only granted mercy after his eyes were removed. That physical pain was labeled as a relief to the alternative of watching his friends and coworkers die off.
You look to your left and see Katsuki sitting by himself away from the group. He’s the only one not in the huddle.
“Bakugo? Why aren’t you sitting over here? We’re all saying goodbye.” You try to inch him to sit with you all.
He slowly stands up and his eyes meet yours, they’re empty. As soon as he sits, he huffs and mutters out his last words.
“We’re so young. We’ve barely lived. We’re just kids.”
It was as if Katsuki’s words were the final nail in the coffin, everybody soaks them in and beings crying. Even you shed a tear. Not for yourself, you’re dying, which is sad, but you’re really only worried that all of your friends are dying as well. The classmates that helped you through so much and fought beside you on multiple occasions. You always imagined that they would live full lives of success and triumph. You would help them be the best they could be, even if that meant failure for yourself. And now they’re going to die at your side. And there’s nothing you can do to help; all you can do is sit and watch in hopes that you go last so they all have someone to die with.
Shortly after Class 1-A’ revelation of death, a boom can be heard from the other side of Japan.
“It’s here.” Kirishima chuckles. “I guess I’ll see you all on the other side. Maybe we can save more people there.”
“Goodbye class. You did well.” Iida sits up tall, staying strong as class rep, staring at the blast head-on.
And just as if you were seeing light for the first time, it was also your last.
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somedayonbroadway · 3 years
Can you do a ATLA AU? I’m rewatching the series, and honestly so much can be done with this. (Also I doubt you will, but if you need any ideas I have a few. If you want them)
Hello friend! I decided to write a quick scene from this AU that I made, which you can find here! If you want to see a different AU more based on the show, just let me known!
Please enjoy!
Anthony remembered falling. He remembered trying to stop himself yet the air around him, the air from his lungs was swept away. Everyone had been quiet, so silent it had almost been peaceful and the small boy forgot that he would soon crash into the ground.
He didn’t know how long he’d been down here. He just knew that everything was blurry.
“He cannot stay here!” someone hissed from somewhere to Anthony’s right. “If anyone finds out he’s an outsider, they won’t just execute him! They’ll kill you too!”
“So what? I was supposed ta just let him die?” someone else whispered back. “He’s just a kid! He literally fell from the sky, maybe he was supposed to end up here!”
The other person scoffed. “Knock it off, Jack!” they snapped. “This isn’t fate! Fate isn’t dropping things in your lap! The universe isn’t looking out for us, we look out for us. This kid is not your responsibility. You have to tell the council—“
“They’ll kill him,” Jack said. “He’s just a little boy, Spencer, please— we can figure out a way to get him out of the village, but I ain’t tellin’ no one. He doesn’t deserve ta die. He’s hurt. I’m gonna help him.”
Footsteps we’re approaching. Anthony whimpered, trying to get up and run before anyone could get to him. But a door creaked open and the boy’s eyes snapped open. He shook his head, scrambling backwards and looking around frantically, falling off of the bed he’d been laid on.
“Whoa, kid! You alright?” Jack asked worriedly, rushing up to him and grabbing his arm. Anthony tore it away, summoning up the air around him and trying to push the older boys away.
Jack was shoved back a bit and the other, Spencer, braced himself against the wall. “He’s an air bender…” the older boy realized.
The younger’s eyes widened. “Hey! Hey, no one here ain’t gonna hurt ya,” Jack promised quickly. “Look! Look…” He took water from a bowl on the counter beside them, letting it flow around in the air before guiding towards the boy’s chest. He closed his eyes and let himself heal the child slowly and painlessly. “Relax, you’re still healing. You’ve been out for days,” the water bender explained gently.
“Wh-where am I?” Anthony asked cautiously.
The boy in front of him shook his head. “You’re safe. That’s what matters. My name’s Jack, and this is… this is my brother Spencer,” he introduced. Spencer didn’t look pleased to be there. Anthony curled up a bit at the subtle glare the older boy gave him and he looked away. “You took a nasty fall there, kiddo. It’s a wonder ya didn’t die,” he informed.
The boy glanced around. “I’m not s’posed to be here.”
“Exactly my point—“ Spencer tried, pushing his specs further up on his nose.
“Shut up, Specs!” Jack insisted, looking back down at the child. “Hey, what’s your name?” he asked.
The boy looked terrified but curled up as tightly as he could. “Anthony…” he muttered. “What are you gonna do with me?” he whimpered, knowing it had to be bad.
Jack shook his head. “I’m gonna keep you safe. Here… you need to rest,” he used the water to gently help the boy up and back into the bed without touching him. “Just relax, okay? I won’t let nothin’ bad happen.”
Anthony looked up at him. “I had ta fall,” he said. “I had to, I couldn’t go with him—“
“Hey,” Jack whispered. “Just relax,” he insisted again, glancing back at his brother.
Anthony shivered. He could feel the water on his skin. It didn’t feel normal. It was an odd sensation but he couldn’t try to pinpoint what it felt like before the darkness came back for him. Then, it just felt like he was falling all over again.
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maryniss · 3 years
The Match Is Still Going
Fandom: Bungou Stray Dogs
Summary:  2 times Chuuya dyed Dazai's hair and one time he didn't.
Relationships: Dazai Osamu/Chuuya Nakahara
Characters: Dazai Osamu, Chuuya Nakahara
Tags: Fluff; Kinda?; idk - Freeform; 5 Times; its actually three times; 2 times + one bonus cause i had no idea; Hair Dyeing
Notes:  this. i wanted to finish this for so long. but now the fic is here and im not really proud of it. but it s ok cause yeah. idk. enjoy anyway byebye i.
Chuuya decided to dye Dazai the second that insufferable man dared to make fun of Chuuya’s hair color. That meaning Chuuya decided to dye Dazai thirty minutes after meeting him.
Knowing him now, he was surprised that he didn’t say anything earlier. But, as fifteen year-old Chuuya was sneaking into his new partner’s apartment -soundlessly, not that it mattered, ‘cause Dazai was sleeping like he was dead (some people’ wishes just can’t come true)
Chuuya snickered under his breath as he tip-toed into Dazai’s bedroom. The brown-haired man (not for long, though) was snoring loudly and the only thing Chuuya could think about was that ad he had seen on TV, about how to stop your husband from snoring excessively, or something like that. It was probably an ad for nose spray.
           Verixil! And all the problems are gone! Sleep tight!
Chuuya shook his head and he looked at the objects in his hands. A tube of red hair dye, a brush and a towel. Did he know what to do with those?
Did that stop him?
Also no.
Chuuya opened the lid of the tube and he poured some substance into his gloved hands (plastic hands, of course, he would never ruin his gloves only for that) and as he squeezed hard, the tube made a sound like a fart and Chuuya stopped. Dazai didn’t even react, but the redhead was tense and his didn’t breathe, waiting for something to happen.
Nothing did, so he just poured some more and then he took a wavy strand of Dazai’s hair and scrubbed the dye onto it until it was slick. He did two more strands and then he got bored and just put the whole thing onto Dazai’s scalp, not caring what the dyes was going to stain.
He then left and closed the door behind him, going to bed in his own apartment.
He slept well and he woke up even better. Dazai was screaming and he was trying to wash his hair, to make the ugly, neon orange color go away. Chuuya rolled on the floor with laughter and his sides started to hurt. The dye was spread uneven and parts of Dazai’s hair had now the color of poop.
He won this time.
1-0  for Chuuya.
Actually, let’s make that 1-1 because Dazai also dyed Chuuya’s hair purple the very next night and there were no words to describe how ugly it looked. Even if there were none, Dazai still found some and Chuuya also found words to describe how ugly Dazai looked.
Koyo took a photo, even neither of them wanted to.
They still keep the phot in their drawer. None of them admits it.
Chuuya was walking down the street and he was in a bad mood. No particular reason. He just felt down and he didn’t have any plans to even try to make himself look happy. What was the point? There was no one who cared anyways. It had been like that since he was little. And then there was a period when there really was someone who asked if he was ok; if he said he was not, then that someone would just nod and walk away. But, it was something…
Chuuya stopped and he looked at the barber on the other side of the road. A slim and tall silhouette disappeared inside right before Chuuya could actually tell that it was Dazai. The redhead rolled his eyes (out of habit) and he tucked his hands in his pockets and continued to walk. He wanted that coffee right now or he felt he would die. A common feeling that Chuuya was sick of. The coffee was going to solve everything…
His feet did not take him to the closest café, instead he entered the barber shop. The bell rang, but Dazai didn’t even bat an eye.
“So only a quick cut, right?” asked the barber, a small man wearing thick glasses, their lenses yellow. He was smiling and the air around him was cheer-full.
“Yeah, only a quick cut, and if you could show me how to make a hole through my skull painlessly while you are there, it would be great.
A French melody started playing and Chuuya rolled his eyes and smiled. The room was quiet but Dazai was practically radiating and the barber looked at him with an uncertain look.
“Uhm, I guess I could? But not painlessly, though.” Dazai sighed and closed his eyes.
“No, it’s ok. I’ll try elsewhere.” Both of them seemed to forget that Chuuya was there. But, suddenly, the hairdresser looked up and he was probably on his way to say “Can I help you?”, but Chuuya quickly put a finger to his lips and the man shut his mouth.
The people that just entered were dangerous; he could feel it. So, he just did what everyone would do: “I am going to bring my scissors and we can start.” Dazai didn’t say anything.
The man run to another room and closed the door. Chuuya lifted himself up a little bit and floated where Dazai was, looking in the mirror in front of him
He could now recognize the melody that was playing? How could he not? It was `La vie en rose` by Edith Piaf. Koyo was obsessed with this one some time ago when she was dumped by a cute barista from the coffee shop across the Port Mafia’s office.
Dazai’s eyes were closed and he seemed to be sleeping. Chuuya looked around and then he saw it: a botte full of a light-green hair dye, looking very much like wasabi. He didn’t hesitate and he took a spoonful of it.
Dazai snored. Chuuya put the substance gently onto Dazai’s scalp and spread it with his fingers. The brown-haired man (whose hair color was once red and also poop-like) opened his eyes and looked up at Chuuya.
They both stared into each other’s eyes for twenty-three seconds. Chuuya had counted it. He then smiled and left, Dazai looking dumfounded. He then looked into the mirror and saw the mess on his hair or that his hair was. He sat up quickly and went after Chuuya.
But the redhead was gone. And “La vie en rose” was pouring on the street and in the hot summer day and it seemed somewhat romantic.
Dazai would kill Chuuya the next time he would see him. There was no other chance now for the small man; he was obliged to commit a double suicide with Dazai.
2-1 for Chuuya.
Because Chuuya knew Dazai. That’s why he didn’t respond all of his messages that begged him to come over. Because he knew that Dazai was probably drunk.
What he didn’t expect was for Dazai to actually come to his apartment, knocking insistently at his door and shouting some nonsense. Chuuya tried to ignore him, but he forgot one crucial detail: he did give Dazai a copy of his keys, so, when Dazai entered in the bathroom where Chuuya was soaking in the tub, drinking some wine, the only thing the small man could do was to curse at his foolishness.
He shouted and cursed and almost spilled the wine, but Dazai didn’t move: he only sat there with a big smile plastered onto his doll face, and Chuuya was creeped out of his mind. He could only ignore him and that’s what he did.
It had been a hard day in the Port Mafia, ok? That’s why he fell asleep in the bath tub, with Dazai watching him intently.
He let his guard down and when he woke up, the apartment was empty. But his hair was a wonderful, delicate, simply beautiful, what more could we say, tone of blue, only strands of it still being that red Chuuya was so proud of.
Only later did he find the photo of them when they were smaller, glued to his bathroom mirror. He smiled and he when he flipped it over, he saw only saw a ‘2-2’.
If you look at it from another point, it could mean something else; Chuuya knew and his heart let itself sink in that sensation for a bit.            
2-2 and match is still going.
They are still chasing after each other, trying to always be the best. Both of them know that they are unstoppable when they are together. They knew and they didn’t care because in their world, that is smaller than it seems, the arbiter hadn’t blown in the whistle yet.
  Notes:  Cause they love each other duh please stop being so dumb
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Soulmarks, Part 19
First part
He could hear her shifting around beside him. Then, she squeaked. He felt her hands cup his cheeks and slowly moved his arm away from his eyes. Her shoulders relaxed a little when she saw him move, but she was clearly still tense. “What happened? What’s all this blood from? Are you okay? Do you need the hospital--?”
“It’s not mine, don’t worry,” he said, bringing his hands up to rest over hers.
“You would absolutely lie about that.” She took a quick look around. “No one’s here. Detransform. I’m checking.”
He sighed lightly. Right. No one will ever believe anything he said aloud ever again. He’d have to try harder to not speak.
He detransformed and allowed her to check him over. He was more bruised than he’d thought he was going to be, but he was still right: he wasn’t bleeding.
This only seemed to marginally make her feel better. He could tell she wanted to ask him something, could guess what she wanted to know, but she ended up just offering him a hand up.
Tim gave a small smile and pulled himself to his feet.
She looked at the slowly rising sun and rubbed her eyes.
“How do you feel about skipping school for the day?”
“I did what?!” She whispered.
She barely pulled her face out of her hands to look around the batcave.
She buried her face in her hands again when it became clear that she wasn’t going to get an answer.
This was all great. Perfect, even.
Tim and Adrien were going to be mute for the rest of their lives, Lila was likely going to be interrogated and then thrown in jail, Alya would find herself unable to trust anyone. She’d made three people’s lives a million times harder, and she wouldn’t be surprised if Lila ended up dead.
Speaking of death: she’d killed two people! Cross that one off the bucket list. Sure, they were absolutely terrible and she’d wanted them dead, but that didn’t mean that they’d had to die like that. She’d wanted to use Cataclysm to get it done as quickly and painlessly as possible. What she’d done was just cruel.
And the cherry on top was that the entirety of Paris knew that she was Ladybug and that Master Fu had the miraculous box.
The past few hours had been damage control. Bruce had sent in a private jet to take her parents to Reims, France (it was relatively close by, but far enough that it was out of Hawkmoth’s control). Adrien had gone to the school nurse and they’d used the fox miraculous to have a fake Nathalie pick him up; they’d have him for a few hours before anyone noticed something was amiss. Finally, they’d brought Master Fu and the miraculous box to America with them so they could all think about their next move without fearing Hawkmoth would pop up out of nowhere to fight them.
She’d liked damage control. Not only was it a good way of keeping herself distracted, but she’d also been semi-blissfully unaware of what she’d done as an akuma.
She supposed that there was nothing really stopping her from avoiding her problems again… outside of recognizing that avoiding her problems was exactly what had gotten her to blow up in the first place.
Oh well.
Marinette managed to peel her hands away from herself and leaned into Barbara.
“Right. What can we fix?”
Master Fu hesitated. “I can transfer my guardianship onto someone else --.”
“Not it,” said Marinette instantly. Adrien held up an X with his arms to say he, too, didn’t want it.
The bats eyed each other. They were all more than a little cautious of people with powers -- or, as they called them, metas -- and, despite having gotten closer to Marinette and Adrien, they were still a bit wary of the idea.
Alfred cleared his throat and everyone looked at him.
“I do hope I’m not overstepping, but I’d be willing to take on the extra responsibility.”
Tim swung his legs boredly as they waited.
They’d all agreed that Adrien should be the one to try and get Hawkmoth’s pin off of him. Gabriel was his father, after all, and he still didn’t know that Adrien was Chat Noir. Besides, they doubted that he wore the pin to sleep. It had to be set down at some point, right?
Also, it would be pretty odd for Marinette and Tim to just walk in and ask about his accessories.
So, they’d told him to go inside and grab it while he was asleep. No confrontation allowed.
Of course, everyone knew that Adrien was going to confront his dad. They weren’t stupid.
And they probably would have let him if they didn’t fear that he’d get talked out of it. After all, Gabriel must need the wish for something, and he was Adrien’s father. He could probably spin what he was doing as for the best.
Marinette and Tim had both decided to give him five minutes to chew Gabriel out before they interfered.
He yawned and rubbed his eyes underneath his glasses.
Marinette shoved her Big Gulp cup of espresso into his hands without looking at him.
He wasn’t surprised. She hadn’t met his eyes since she’d found out what she’d done when akumatized. Hadn’t talked to him outside of necessity. He’d tried to tell her that he didn’t blame her, had even typed it out to make sure it wouldn’t be disbelieved automatically due to the curse, but he knew that she still blamed herself.
He took a few sips before checking his phone for the time.
He gave her a tiny poke on the arm to tell her it was time and she nodded grimly. She wrapped an arm around him and swung them in through one of Adrien’s windows.
Marinette let go and they slipped through the halls silently. It was completely dark in the Agreste house, and they had to squint to see, but neither of them were willing to use a light.
He slipped his hand into hers and let her lead him through the halls.
They were walking down the stairs in the entrance hall when they heard voices.
And, to their horror, they were getting closer.
She tugged harder on his hand and they hopped a railing. They ducked behind a statue and he fought the urge to hiss as the light was turned on.
“Come. You say you want to know why I have to do this, you can know,” said Gabriel as he ushered his son through the house.
They followed them from room to room, careful never to be in a room until they were sure that the Agrestes weren’t in there anymore.
And then they took too long in a room.
Tim and Marinette met each other’s eyes and gave each other confused looks before she cracked the door open.
And her mouth dropped.
He peeked through as well and watched as a hatch in the floor closed.
They waited a few seconds before stepping inside and going to where Gabriel and Adrien must have escaped through. They walked over to where the hatch was and Marinette ran her hand over the floor with a tiny frown.
“It’s seamless.” She punched the floor and then cursed and shook her hand out. “Nope, that’s not going to break, it’s just stone. Can you hack it?”
Tim nodded slightly and then pointed at his wrist to say it would take some time.
She winced. “Don’t have a lot of that. Hurry, please?”
He nodded and swiped Gabriel’s computer from his desk.
And then he got to work.
Next part
Did I set up some stuff for Mayura later on? Yes
Is this already way longer than I thought it was gonna be? Yes
So am I gonna do it? Nahhhh
Mayura doesn’t exist in this Au. Nathalie is still Gabriel’s assistant but she isn’t in love with him. Au where Nathalie has some fucking s t a n d a r d s
@pawsitivelymiraculous @golden-promises @salty-fang @kitsunebell @sassakitty @octobitch @glastwime859 @miyla-lokidottir @onlyabatfan @ira-sairain @2confused-2doanything @ultimatetornshipper @ladybug-182 @laurcad123 @we-want-mini-mini @roguishredaxion @just-reblogs-by-h @futursworld @magic-miraculous @nathleigh @smolplantmum @vroomtaka  @emimar7 @toodaloo-kangaroo @charme-de-malchan @spicybelladonna @fusser90 @indecisive-mess-named-me @rosesgonerogue @celestialsiren @bluesimani @loysydark @trippingovermyfeet @goblinwhoships @kaithehero
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Hi, so i have come up with an au of sorts because i was listening to candy store from heathers and it just, kinda, happened. It’s a super angsty God!techno au, Anyways, so
(This is long and wordy, just a warning. I basically planned out an entire fic.^^’) also, trigger warning for death, violence, and manipulation.
Techno and tubbo are biological brothers, both of their parents die while they’re both pretty young (like tubbo is 6 and techno is like 10) so they run away from society
Techno somehow learns to fight, and starts fighting to provide for him and tubbo while they live in poverty. They move place to place, techno taking harder and harder jobs, until Philza finds them one morning sleeping in the woods.
He talks to them and ends up adopting them, because dadza. They’re about 13 and 17 now respectively. Anyways, Phil introduces them to Wilbur and tommy, his other adopted children (he adopted Wilbur and tommy at 9 and 4, they’re now 19 and 14)
They live a quaint life on a farm for a while, techno mostly working in the potato fields (because its techno) while tubbo takes care of the bees. Phil, tommy, and Wilbur do the rest. They sell their crops at the market every week and all in all, its a simple life (the angst is coming give it a minute)
Tubbo seems to be enjoying the farm life, but techno has started to get bored. he was so used to fighting all the time to survive. In a sick way he missed it. So when they all go to market one day, techno stumbles upon an underground fighting ring, but before he can investigate further he has to go.
That night he sneaks out of the farm and goes to the underground fighting ring, he’s amazed by the fighters, analyzing their every move. He watches for about 4 hours before he realizes that he has to get up really early for farming and its really late, but the ring sticks in his mind until morning.
The next day, he gets out his old sword and practices. He uses some new moves he saw from the ring, finding them easy. He trains until Phil calls him inside for dinner.
He sneaks out again that night, and the next, and the next and the next, until one night, he decides to go down and fight. He hides his face with a bleached red bandana that used to be Tommy’s and that was now a soft baby pink
He’s paired with a regular, techno knows his fighting style and so he utterly destroys the man. By the end of the fight, his blood is pumping and he feels more energized than ever. There are whispers among the crowd about this kid, he seemed to have come out of nowhere.
Techno defeats a couple more opponents before deciding to head home. The spectators are shocked by his skill, they wonder who he is and where he came from.
He wakes up at the farm and is much more motivated and focused than usual. He gets his chores done in record time and goes straight to training. Training till dinner again. Then he sneaks out to fight again after everyone has gone to bed.
He works his way up the ladder in the ring, he gets fans, and a better mask. His mask is a leather pig face dyed pink, and he gets a nickname. “The blade” (in this au his name is just techno, and blade is a nickname)
One night, he goes down to fight, and the stadium is unusually quiet. His apponent walks out, he wears a bright green cloak with a leather strap, but the most prominent feature was the ceramic mask, a simple white mask with a haunting smile on the front.
It’s dream vs. technoblade, the announcer calls, and dream immediately begins on the offensive, swinging his axe as techno dodges with all his might. Coming back to reality, techno begins to swing at dream, dream moves quickly though and tries to get techno. Techno dodges. They go like this for another couple of minutes before techno uses a move he learned when he fought some bandits in the forest, he curls around a pillar in the arena, knocks dream to the ground and points his sword at the smiling mask.
The announcer calls it in technoblades victory. Techno tries to shake dreams hand but dream just stares at him with the blank mask.
Dream leaves the arena intrigued. He leaves back to his world, unbeknownst to techno, dream was a god, the god of trickery, illusion, and dreams.
One day, while techno is out in the farmers marrket with his family, dream approaches him, mask still on. They sneak away to an alley where dream congratualates techno on his victory.
Dream asks if he wanted to train with dream. Techno agrees and asks Phil if he could go to a friends house later, Phil says yes to it because this is the first time techno has asked for anything like this. Dream tells techno to meet in the woods in an hour with his stuff.
Flash forward to the woods, techno walks into the forest with his training armor and his old sword. Dream appears behind him and invites him over to a small cottage. They walk through the door and techno suddenly finds himself in another world.
Dream explains that this is the spirit world, where he and the other gods spend most of their time. Techno is high-key freaking out, gods?!
After techno gets over his initial surprise he gets to training. Dream is really good and they spend a lot of time sparring, however, in the middle of one of the matches, techno’s sword breaks under the pressure. The sword was a good 6 years old, and it had seen a lot of battle recently.
Dreams gifts him a new, diamond, sword. Explaining that being a god has those kinds of perks.
Techno goes home to his family. Everything was turning up. He had a friend. Who was a GOD.
Techno and dream hang out more, train more and eventually dream introduces him to the other gods dream is friends with. George, sapnap, and fundy.
One day, while the squad was hanging in the spirit world, they get a message that there is going to be a fighting competition for humans hosted by the gods. Every god would choose one human to enter into the comepetitin, so of course dream enters techno.
I don’t wanna write the whole event, but basically, its a close call but techno wins.
He gets a lot of congrats and cheers from the squad, but before he leaves, dream pulls him aside and tells him that dream could make him a god too, but he would have to do a series of challenges.
Techno doesn’t hesitate for much longer than 2 seconds before he agrees. Becoming a god would be the biggest accomplishment ever.
Techno heads home to his family, and they are waiting in the kitchen for him. Phil smiles at him and tubbo sprints over to his brother and hugs him. Techno smiles.
If he became a god, he realized, he would have to leave this behind. He didn’t want to do that, but he could still visit right? Yeah, he would still visit, he’d help them with his god abilities. He’d protect them. He hugged his brother tighter.
He met up with dream later and started the challenges. I don’t want to write them all out, but imagine Hercules tasks.
It takes him months, but he finally comepletes all the challenges needed to become a god. Dream congratualates him, but said there’s one final challenge before he can become the blood god.
He must kill his last living relative.
Techno says he can’t and dream turns on him, (this is where candy store comes in) saying that he spent all this time and energy to become a god, and now he won’t because he won’t kill tubbo? Dream says that he has no trouble killing others, why should he care about one boy. Gods don’t get to play favorites, especially the blood god.
Dream hands him a knife and says its his choice.
Techno walks home, his head spinning while he contemplates his choice. Kill tubbo, become a god, get infinite power. Or save tubbo, and waste all his potential and time.
Phill, tommy, and Wilbur are all out in the fields but tubbo is in the house. That’s when techno remembers its tubbo’s 15th birthday. He grips the knife tighter
He walks inside the house, tubbo greets him with a smile and technos heart drops.
“Hey tubbo. Happy birthday.” He tried his hardest not to let his voice shake.
Tubbo sprints over to him and techno hides the knife behind his back. Tubbo wraps his arms around techno.
Techno starts crying, and lifts the knife above his brothers back. And plunges it into the back of tubbos neck, killing him quick and painlessly.
He picks up tubbos now lifeless body and walks to the forest. He lays the body down in the flowers and starts laughing.
Dream touches techno’s shoulder and congratulates him. Techno stands up and faces dream.
He was the blood god. But at what cost.
This is probably riddled with grammatical errors and I apologize but I will not be fixing them
Please give me validation I’m now behind on schoolwork Q^Q
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chadprez · 3 years
Warning: Not an X reader fic, angst, character death.
tagging: @kyojiros-camgirl-gf @leftsidebonfire @ask-narancia-ghirga @its-that-guy-again @cesca-untoldstories
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Not everything can go your way, and that's the hurtful truth.
Tanaki learned that a long time ago.
Spring and Summer was Tanaki's favorite seasons. It was always so bright for her, she could were cute little outfits. Go flower picking with Avdol, or catch butterflies. Her bare feet in the grass, sometimes not getting anything in between them. There was nothing like it.
Especially Florida, weather was unpredictable, alligators, snakes, and the heat. It was all unbearable for the poor lady, sometimes she wish she never agreed to going with Jotaro.
Getting his daughter out of jail is one thing, meeting your own daughter is another thing. Especially when she's pissed off at you, although who is she one to blame? Tanaki feels guilty of course, but she has to prove to her that she's sorry.
Ever since the loss of one of her daughters, she's not the same anymore. Her cheerful demeanor dropping, maturing as they would call it.
All her interests starting to fade away, except for one.
And that was butterflies.
Strange enough, she loved the ones that were completely white, like moths. So white that they almost glowed in the nighttime, guiding you like fireflies. Tanaki was always drawn to those.
She always hated when it rained, it always indicated something bad was happening. And it makes her feel sleepy, sometimes she wished she could just make it go away.
But she couldn't.
And simply, that was reality.
Tanaki only realizes that now.
"Mrs. Onigiri, your time is up."
But she could never believe it.
Her body feels lighter, but the rain makes her feel heavier. This was not the spring she wanted, not the grass all wet. The smell of a wet outside place.
Yet here we are.
She feels as if she's walking on thin ice, wondering what did she do wrong? The effect of his stand didn't take place did it? It couldn't have, it shouldn't have! She didn't break the promise! That's the only way the stand works! Right? So she couldn't have!
A butterfly flies in front of her before flying away, realization finally hitting her. The masked man smirks.
She broke her promise.
Looking down, her foot starts to slowly disintegrate into a while butterfly. Painlessly, but scary.
She didn't scream, nor yelled. She's realized her time was up, she broke the promise. All she had to do was not cry, yet she did.
Christene couldn't believe it, she's disintegrating in front of her very two own eyes, her mother is dying. And there's nothing she can do. Tanaki looks over her shoulder, a sorrowful look in her eyes. She knew it too, they both did. Tanaki Onigiri was becoming no more. Just butterflies, her favorite kind.
"It seems you've come to realization, you're starting to die, decay, soon you'll be nothing but butterflies. This is your punishment for breaking the promise, now you must suffer."
The Rockstar goes to step closer, but is stopped by Tanaki, giving a sad smile before falling into Christene's arms, her body starting to disappear. It’s unbelievable.
She can’t believe it.
She won’t believe it!
But the look in her eyes says it all.
And that’s what she didn’t want, she wanted reassurance that her mother would be okay, that she would come back, just like her brother did once!
“Sweetie.. I’m so sorry.” Tanaki doesn’t make eye contact with her, but she’s truly sorry. She’s sorry for not showing up, for everything that’s upset Christene. Ever since the death of Cornetta, she hasn’t been able to function properly. Sometimes she wishes she could go back and redo her actions.
Her eyes half lidded, half of her body gone while she continues to disintegrate. All Tanaki could see was white butterflies, they calmed her down. A soft smile still present on her face. Her end was coming closer and closer, soon she would fade into nothingness. Maybe this was her punishment, for being a horrible mother, just like Christene said.
“MOM!! I’m so sorry! I am! I shouldn’t have yelled at you, called you a horrible mother! Please don’t leave, you can’t! What about Zo? Cornetta! She’ll cry!”
Christene goes to grab her hand, squeezing it to keep her from closing her eyes. Hoping that she’d stay with her. Looking into her eyes searching for a answer. Although her ruby red eyes shows it.
Cornetta couldn’t be..
“Cornetta you say? Oh.. heh.. I guess you didn’t hear.. Well, I’ll be seeing her in the afterlife..”
She is!
Her eyes widen as she realizes that she’s getting closer and closer, looking in her eyes once more to search if she was lying or not. But she couldn’t find an answer.
“Christene, I’m very sorry.. give my regards to your sisters and father for me will you? And don’t forget Jotaro, tell him I’m sorry also... I hope everything goes well with you and Jolyne..”
Tanaki finally makes eye contact with her, her eyes tearing up. She’s close, and she knows it, it’s only a matter of time.
Letting go of her hand, Tanaki grabs onto her cheeks. Smiling the best she could, wrinkles showing. Keeping her charming nature even at the sight of death.
“I love you dear.”
What did she say?
The final butterfly goes into the sky.
Tanaki Onigiri, was finally no more.
Christene had finally come to realization with reality, it was surely the hurtful truth.
She face plants into the grass, getting her navy blue jumper wet. Not paying any mind though. Her hands curl up into balls as she sniffle.
Those sniffles turning into full on sobs.
“What a shame to see her go, but it had to happen.”
Christene wipes her eyes and nose, her face contorted into anger. Scowling at the masked man named Rasputin. A yellow aura surrounding her. Summoning her guitar, she finally stands and points to him.
“I’ll kill you.”
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leonawriter · 4 years
Just saw a thing and it reminded me of my own thoughts about Dazai's "Let's just give up and die here!" during the Lovecraft fight.
Dazai's dream/ideal/motto what have you is "to die a clean, bright, and energetic suicide, that troubles no one" and to "die as a romantic double suicide with a beautiful lady." This, plus "painlessly." This is as close as I can get without going to sources, but to wit, he says this in "Murder on D Street" and during his confrontation with Chuuya in the dungeon.
He has also at one point during that dungeon scene said that he did not want to die with or because of Chuuya.
Now, with all this, Dazai saying "Let's just give up and die!" doesn't... make sense.
Dazai's death wouldn't be a suicide. Nor would Chuuya's. They would be killed by someone else.
Dazai failing the mission would endanger Atsushi and the rest of not only the ADA, but Yokohama in its entirety. He loves his city, and would be failing in his promise to Odasaku.
Chuuya is not a beautiful woman. Dazai may complain about Chuuya's fashion sense and looks/height, and I may not believe he means every word, but this is a fact. Chuuya is a man, not a woman. (I'd like to think Dazai's not the type to say a man is a woman just because he looks pretty. I go by the metric of "would that be transphobic? If yes, please don't.")
All in all none of it makes sense.
Unless... we take into consideration the idea that Dazai doesn't actually mean it.
If he doesn't mean it, it's because there is a part of him that wants to live and survive.
He also wants Chuuya to live.
When taken with his next line - "There's only one option left to us" - it feels less like he was being honest about it, and more that he either doesn't expect Chuuya to agree to Corruption, or wants to subtly emphasise that there are literally no other options.
I wouldn't say it's less of a shippy skk line because of that, though, because while it may not be ~romantic~ per se, for Dazai the implications of saying something that means "I don't want to die here like this, and I don't want you to die like this either" all things considered is rather more important and carries more weight than "you got all my criteria for someone to die with."
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adarlingwrites · 3 years
After playing a game with two of The Beach's most dangerous members, the dormouse gets her tail caught by a tiger's paw.
He’ll make a wildcat out of her.
Author’s notes: It's 2 am and I've been furiously typing this away while chugging some coffee, so please excuse the errors if you find some. It's already February 14 where I am, so Happy Valentine's Day, have some filth.
desire, I'm hungry / I hope you feed me / how do you want me, how do you want me?
Yamane had all the opportunities to examine her nebulous, twisted feelings for the tattooed militant; she just never took them. She avoided confronting the feeling. Now, a Heart game of all things is forcing her to face the ugly truth.
Or perhaps, she should have expected it from a Heart game. She experienced firsthand how terrible they can be, after all.
Yamane never really told anyone about what she felt about Last Boss. There are rumors circulating in the Beach about trysts between them because of her little visits after games, but neither gave away any substantial hints. The only way for anyone to know about Yamane’s feelings was if they heard her moan his name in one of the nights that she spent pleasuring herself.
It’s also suspicious that their fellow players are either couples or people who have feelings for each other. Whoever designed these games knew the players intimately.
They’re all being watched.
And now, these people wanted to watch how they would act in a scenario that involves possibly hurting the person they desired the most.
Yamane locks eyes with Last Boss, and she can't read him at all. His mouth twitches, but he doesn’t fight against the restraints. It’s almost as if he’s waiting for her to make a move, or just waiting for her time to run out.
“Two minutes remaining.”
At the warning, Yamane stops pondering about the nature of the game, and starts panicking.
She had considered taking the gun and shooting him somewhere that won’t kill him, but she doesn’t really know how to use firearms properly. Shooting him in the arm would run the risk of shooting him in the chest, and shooting him in the leg would doom him in future games. Either way, he might end up dead.
Yamane said she would kill to survive, but can she kill him? She’d be lying to herself if she said that she didn’t get attached. This newfound hesitation is precisely the reason why she used to play the games alone.
“Of all people to get attached to,” she thinks. “Why you?”
Desperate, Yamane pulls at her hair and screams, despair overtaking her.
Finally, Last Boss says something.
Yamane turns to him, her eyes wet with tears and her eyeliner running down her cheeks.
“Whether it’s you or me, when all is done, we’ll simply return to the soil. I’m thankful for this world. You should be too.”
Wiping the tears that blurs her vision, Yamane regards him for a moment. Last Boss continues to surprise her with every interaction; she never expected such wisdom from him. Perhaps this outlook is what made him a powerful player in the Beach.
Last Boss will live his life in the borderland to the fullest, literally carving his path away, until his time runs out.
But Yamane wants to be a part of that, and it’s too early for it to end now.
“No. Wait. I can figure this out,” she sniffles, fingers tangling through her hair.
He doesn’t say anything else to her.
Yamane strains herself to think. In her last Heart game, the rules were written in such a way to make players believe that they will have to spill blood by killing someone, when medical implements around them would suggest that players only needed to spill a portion of their blood. She looks to the X-cross for clues, but fails to find any hints.
Her eyes flick to the gun in front of her, and she grabs it. There must be something about the gun she can figure out. She runs her thumb against the arrow engraved on the side, and her mind wanders back to the time she and Mai went to an archery range. The instructor scolded her for pulling the bow when it’s not loaded.
At the memory, everything in Yamane’s head clicks into place.
Yamane aims the gun upwards, and unloads all of the bullets to the ceiling.
The sobbing girls look at her in surprise, then Yamane points the gun to Last Boss. Unsure if her plan would work, Yamane spills everything that’s in her heart.
“Last Boss, I’ve only known you for a little while, and truth be told, I was terrified of you when you and Niragi came to my apartment. I expected the two of you to rape or kill me on that day, but you two brought me someplace where I can thrive. There is nothing expected of me here except for playing the games. I am free to be who I am without repercussions from society.”
The tattooed militant’s eyes flick towards her, interest piqued.
“One minute remaining.”
“There’s nothing waiting for me in the real world. My family and friends all turned their backs on me. As fucked up as it sounds, when I’m in the Beach, when I’m with you, I feel like I finally belong somewhere. In this new world, I felt accepted for the first time. My new life has only just begun. So please, I don’t want this to be the end for either of us. I don’t want my time with you to run out yet.”
Now, Last Boss is giving her his full attention.
“Thirty seconds remaining.”
“I’ve come to appreciate you. I- I prefer your presence to Niragi’s too. When you entertained my request to instruct me on how to kill someone painlessly, you didn’t think twice before sharing what you knew. You were tracing the vulnerable points of my body, and your touch felt too damn good. When you came behind me to guide me, I wanted more of your touch. You’re in my head when I- I...”
Yamane begins to stutter.
“Ten seconds remaining.”
She’s saying too much.
“What I want to say is I want you! So please, accept my feelings!”
Squeezing her eyes shut, Yamane pulls the trigger, and waits for the end.
Just in case a laser comes firing at her skull if the plan didn’t work, at least she’d die with no unfinished business.
But the laser never came.
“Game Clear. Congratulations!”
The restraints on the X-cross release, and Rina runs over to catch Hiro’s body before it hits the ground, sobbing and hiccupping the entire time. Last Boss lands on his feet, and he rubs his wrists as he looks at Yamane’s disbelieving expression. The girl that Daisuke was kissing in the backseat barges towards Yamane and slapped her hard enough for her to tumble backwards.
“Why?! Why couldn’t you have told Daisuke the solution? Now he’s dead!”
Yamane, still in shock, could only laugh at the girl’s face, still surprised that her plan worked. The girl raises her hand again, but long, thin fingers grab her arm. Last Boss tears her away from his fellow militant, and drives his sword through her heart.
Rina screams, still holding on to Hiro’s dead body, and the girl’s body slumps to the ground.
Panting, Yamane looks to Last Boss, who sheaths his sword, then to the girl he just killed. She felt nothing. Legs shaking, she tries to walk, but her knees fail her. To her surprise, Last Boss grabs her, not letting her fall.
“Let’s get out of here,” Yamane whispers, and they turn around to leave.
But before they can walk out of the room, Rina calls out to them.
“Wait,” she cries, voice trembling. “How- how did you figure out the solution?”
Yamane looks at her, heart heavy as she watches her cradle the dead boy, then looks away. “I figured that the game is made specially for people who either have sexual or romantic tension, or are already together. Whoever came up with this game wanted to see the dilemma of whether one would shoot the other to survive, or sacrifice themselves for the person they desired. The rules didn’t say anything about firing the gun while it’s loaded, though. Heart games tend to have loopholes you can abuse, if you think hard enough,” she explains, unable to look at the grieving girl as she did.
Rina sniffles. “All this time, I could’ve avoided killing Hiro? Oh, God, what have I done? I killed him...”
“Heart games have a way of doing that to you, kid. I was lucky enough to play with someone who knew how to handle them a while back. I’m sorry.”
When Rina didn’t respond and buried her face in Hiro’s neck to grieve, Yamane turned to Last Boss once again. “Let’s leave her to grieve. We need to get back.”
Her fellow militant nodded, and wordlessly followed her out. The circular white table with a Nine of Hearts card is waiting for them outside, and Yamane tucks it away in her jacket. She was more than ready to leave this place, but one hand pulls at her forearm, spinning her around, and another grabs her other arm, pinning her against the wall.
The tattooed militant is looking at her with intensity that punched the air out of her lungs, just like the first time she made eye contact with him during their first game together.
“All those things you said, are they true?” he asks her. He gives her a pleading look, one that is searching her for answers.
Yamane nods. “I wouldn’t be alive if I was lying.”
Pausing, her eyes flick towards Last Boss’ lips, and she gulps. “Please, just kiss me already,” she whispers, looking him in the eye.
Trembling lips that are too soft for a man so rough claimed hers, and Yamane’s eyes fluttered shut, sinking into the kiss.
Soon, the kiss became more desperate. Yamane slips her tongue in his mouth, and he lets out an involuntary groan, hips bucking into her as they shared the sloppy kiss. She rakes her fingers down his back, through the fabric of his hoodie, and it only spurred him on.
He tears away for air, and looks at her with wide, hungry eyes, like a tiger’s. Yamane only needed one look at his flushed face to know that this was his first one, and he wanted more. She didn’t dare to say anything that will embarrass him, though.
“Takatora,” he mumbles, still pressed against her.
“My name is Takatora. Use it when it’s just the two of us,” he says to her, voice low. Yamane nods, and she kisses him again. Under her bikini top, her nipples are starting to pebble, and the fire in her loins is almost unbearable.
As they break the kiss, Yamane breathlessly sighs his name. “Takatora. Heh. How befitting. I always thought you looked like a tiger.”
His shaking hands clamp over the globes of her behind, and he grinds against her, his movements inexperienced but still arousing, nonetheless.
Then, Yamane hears movement from the room where the game took place.
“Let’s continue this at the Beach,” she whispers, and she grabs Takatora by the hand, leading him outside the hotel. He gets in the passenger’s seat, while Yamane drives. On the way back, his hand is on her pale thigh the entire time, squeezing and kneading like a damn cat. The wildcat’s heart is racing, driving like a madwoman so they can get to her bed sooner.
Upon arrival, they converge with their fellow militants at the entrance. The survivors of the games go to the Hatter’s meeting room and turn in their cards one by one. All this time, people were staring at the two of them. Yamane realizes too late that her lipstick has stained Last Boss’ mouth. Fortunately, no one said anything about it.
Until Niragi arrived, that is.
“What the hell is that on you?” he asks, coming in for a closer inspection. Yamane leans over to look at Niragi, her eyeliner running down her face and her lipstick smeared.
Niragi puts two and two together and gives them a wicked grin. “So you made a move after all,” he says to Last Boss, and slaps his back.
As Niragi strolls away, Yamane gives Last Boss a questioning look.
“I told him to stay away from you,” he droned, and Yamane’s eyebrows perk up in surprise.
“Because I wanted you to myself,” the taller militant replies, turning to look at her.
Before Yamane could say anything else, it was their turn to surrender their card. Yamane holds up the Nine of Hearts, and the collector’s eyes widen, while his buddy comes running to the Hatter.
Soon, Hatter joins the fray, and when he sees the value of the card Yamane and Last Boss had on them, he breaks out into a grin, taking it from Yamane’s little fingers and holding it up. “A Nine of Hearts!” he exclaims, walking around the room. As onlookers are whispering amongst themselves, Aguni steps closer to see what the excitement was about.
Hatter turns to the militia’s chief, and breaks out into a laugh. “Aguni, I didn’t expect your people to bring me a high-value Heart card, of all things.”
The Beach’s number one then turns to the two militants, a mad glint in his eye. “You two, thank you, thank you! I’ll move your ranks higher as my show of gratitude.”
One of the executives stepped closer, a woman with straight bangs and long hair. “My my, one of these days you two will have to tell me how you cleared such a game,” she comments, eyeing the card with a wide grin. It’s Mira Kano, resident number seven. Heart specialist.
“Yamane, isn’t it? First you cleared a Five of Hearts with your fellow militants without casualties to the Beach, and now you survived a Nine with him. I’m surprised that someone from the militant sect has the makings of a Heart specialist. I won’t forget this,” she croons.
The interaction left Yamane stunned. Her? A Heart specialist. No. If anything, she’s a Spade player. “Sunohara was there to calm everyone down in the Five, and I just got lucky with the Nine.”
As the excitement dies down, Niragi walks over to the pair once more. “So, what did you two do to win the game?”
“I had to confess to whom I found the most desirable and then shoot ‘em,” Yamane replies. Last Boss is looking at his fellow militant with a neutral expression, not bothering to wipe off the lipstick stain off of his face. “Turns out, shooting while the gun isn’t loaded is an option. Two players died because one of them chickened out, and the other shot her crush.”
“So, you’ve got a crush on Last Boss?” Niragi is doing everything he could to make Yamane uncomfortable, and she knows it.
“Actually, yes, I fucking do,” Yamane replies, looking at Niragi with confidence. “I asked him to kiss me after the game,” she hisses. “Oh, and I thought of him while you fucked me,” she adds partially to bruise his inflated ego, and partially because it’s true. “Do you have a problem with that?”
At Yamane’s admission, Niragi laughs at her face. “I fucking knew it. I was tired of you anyway. Have fun with him, Yamaneko.”
Blood boiling as he walked away, Yamane had considered going after him, but Takatora placed a hand on her good shoulder and pulled her closer to him. “That’s just how Niragi is. Let him go. Let’s continue where we left off,” he whispers.
With a cheeky smirk on her lips, Yamane shows her agreement by holding his hand and leading him out the door. They get in the elevator, and as soon as the doors are closed, their hands are all over each other’s bodies.
Small hand trailing down his torso, Yamane palms at his cock, earning her a nip on her lower lip, and he kisses her in a frenzy as she pumps him through his pants. “Suck my tits,” Yamane hisses. His lean arms held her close to him, shaky fingers clawing at her back and undoing the string of her bikini top. Takatora pushes her against the wall, hands grabbing her breasts, and he latches on one of her nipples, tongue eagerly lapping the hardened bud.
Yamane moans, and the elevator door opens, revealing two girls with surprised looks on their faces. The surprise turns into horror when they see the tattoos on Last Boss’ arms, and Yamane’s messy double buns, realizing who they just ran into.
“Are you two just going to stand there, or are you going to move?” Yamane questions them, not even bothering to ask Last Boss to stop. Not a single shred of shame is left in her body.
The girls jump out of the way, and Takatora wraps her legs around him, carrying her off.
“Which door?” he pants against her chest.
“Third one to the left!”
The door swings open, and Takatora kicks it shut as they enter the room. They crash into Yamane’s bed, both panting.
Spindly fingers pull at her bikini top, and Yamane sheds her jacket, tossing it aside. She moans his name as he fondled and sucked at her breasts again, back arching against the mattress. Takatora pauses to kiss her, and she takes this opportunity to flip him over, grinding against him. He looks at her with wide eyes, freezing at the loss of control.
“Relax,” she croons. “First time?”
He makes a small, reluctant nod. “Are you nervous?” she asks again.
He shakes his head. “I take you’re excited then?”
Takatora nods. Relieved, Yamane chuckles. “Then there’s no need for me to hold back.”
Takatora corrupted her by bringing her to the Beach. Now it’s her turn to corrupt him.
After watching the rise and fall of his chest, Yamane leans in and plants a gentle kiss on his eyelid as she pulls his tank top up, then presses her lips to the tattoos on his cheek. She presses another peck on one of his moles, trailing kisses down to his neck, and she hears him growl. Yamane smiles against his skin, lips tracing down his chest and abdomen. Deft fingers unbuckle his belt, and Yamane takes out his cock from its confines.
She swirls her tongue around the tip and Takatora groans, bracing himself against the mattress. After running her tongue from the base all the way to the tip, Yamane encloses her mouth around him, and his hands fly to her hair, both of them grasping her buns.
“Yamaneko,” he hisses, thrusting into her mouth.
Filthy noises fill the room as Yamane continues to suck him, enthusiastic with every bob of her head. The growls and groans he gave her spurred her on, relishing in the way she makes him feel. She ends it with a wet pop, and proceeds to stroke him with her hand while her tongue fondles his balls.
Takatora sounds feral now, grasping and pulling at Yamane’s hair, her buns coming undone. Yamane takes him in her mouth again, and she goes as far as her gag reflex would allow her. Niragi’s cock was thicker, but Takatora’s was longer, and she tried not to choke as she took him all in. She can feel that he’s close.
Hips bucking, it didn’t take long for him to come, and Yamane takes it all in, each spurt painting her tongue white. She sticks her tongue out to show him his load, and swallows every drop. Watching her, he gulps, Adam’s Apple bobbing.
The wildcat had expected the night to end there, content with making her partner come, but the tiger had other plans.
Takatora flips them over, now on top of her once more, and pulls away her skirt and panties. “I’ve read on the internet that women like it when men return the favor,” he mumbles, and dives right between her legs. Yamane gasps, palming at his head through his hoodie. “You’ve read good sources then,” she pants. His tongue made broad, sloppy strokes at her labia, and she squirms at his ministrations, legs in the air.
“There,” she moans, instructing him where to go. “Right at that nub- use a little less pressure- fuck, yes,” she hisses, throwing her head back at the feeling. “You’re a fast learner…”
Her tiger lover pauses, looking at her. “You too, Yamaneko.”
Then, he dives right back in, his saliva and her juices staining the sheets. Yamane encourages him in every step of the way, teaching him how to please her. As Takatora eats her out, he grinds his hips against the mattress, already hard again. Yamane notices it, and smiles.
“Tora,” she pants, and he smirks against her cunt upon hearing the affectionate nickname. “Do you want to fuck me?”
He nods enthusiastically, mouth still against her cunt.
“Fuck me then. Take me.”
He didn’t need to be told twice. The tiger kneels, and with no hesitation, he plunges his cock in her dripping cunt.
Yamane screams, pleasure shooting up her spine. Takatora took her brutally, sharp hip bones slamming against the soft flesh of her thighs, leaving red marks as he went. One hand bracing the bed frame, Yamane’s other one reaches down between her legs, finger rubbing her clit furiously as he fucks her. Meanwhile, his hands palmed and squeezed at her breasts, and his growls and groans echoed in the room.
It didn’t take long for her to reach her limit.
“Tora, I’m going to come,” she cries, and he responded by grasping her hips and fucking her like the animal he is. A sharp cry escaped Yamane’s lips as she came, her walls milking his cock, white spots blinding her. Her fingers leave her clit, thoroughly sated, but Takatora isn’t done yet.
Her lover doesn’t stop pumping into her, and it’s becoming unbearable.
“Tora, oh God, it’s too much” she pants, palming at his chest, but he pays her no heed. He flips her over, pushes her head against the mattress, and clamps a hand around her mouth as he penetrated her again. His tongue drags against Yamane’s neck, and his lips planted rough kisses on the fragile skin. She screams against his palm as his wild, uncoordinated thrusts force another orgasm out of her.
“Fuck, is this really his first time?” the wildcat thinks to herself as she comes down from another high. She didn’t expect the night to go this well. From the ache between her legs, it’s almost going too well.
Thankfully, Takatora finally reached his limit as Yamane’s walls milked him again. Spilling his seed deep inside his wildcat’s womb, he bites her shoulder as he comes, hard enough for it to bruise the morning after.
Sweating, panting, he collapses on top of her.
“Mine,” he growls, scooping her into his arms. “Say that you’re mine.”
“I’m yours.”
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