#playing victim
melblogsgfreethruptsd · 4 months
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This was one of the biggest realizations that broke me out of the FOG:
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justlt000 · 6 months
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airasora · 11 months
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Say it with me.
White people are not a minority, white people are not oppressed, white people don't experience hate crimes and most importantly: white people are NOT victims!
Some white people will just go out of their way to try and play victims. It's equally hilarious and upsetting to see how many whiny, entitled adults complained about the new The Little Mermaid remake as if their nostalgia is more important than the THOUSANDS of black children who now get to see a mermaid who looks like them.
THIS! This right here is what matters. Look at their faces, see how much this means to them.
Sorry to the Karens and Kevins of the world; YOU are not more important than these children. Go play victim somewhere else.
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earthling-wolf · 9 months
Seelie: agreeable Fi
Deep Empathy
When the person is seelie, they retain an open and unobstructed emotional channel to the world. Painful situations register with a more acute sensitivity than to most others, and they may be prone to break down in tears upon hearing a terrible story or even from looking at a photograph of impoverished or abused children. While all people can experience empathy for their fellow man, none feel it more directly than these individuals. The seelie person is constantly, but passively, evaluating situations for fairness and alignment to ethics and reason. They will evaluate ethics automatically in their own situations but will also do so unconsciously with others as their heart is eternally being pinged: "how would I feel in that same situation?" Without necessarily wishing to, they will step into another's shoes and momentarily view reality from that place and feel all the same joys and pains they might imagine the person feeling, in order to gauge what is aligned or misaligned about their situation. In this way, seelie types have an acute understanding of the individual pains of others, and a capacity to understand what is ethically right at the personal level - which can then be extrapolated to what is right at the group level. But the seelie attitude starts from the singular out to the group, rather than seeking to help the group first by evaluating what is best for the group. They will form a very unique philosophy of what is right for society, not based on consensus but on what they've come to know about human nature from the inside-out.
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Protection of the Life Principle
But this same empathic tendency does not stop at human beings. The seelie individual will feel the same injury for all manner of animals. There is no reason --it's often thought-- that human life is to be valued exclusively or above that of other life that suffers. In the pursuit to discover the core tenants of moral truth and align themselves to them, the seelie attitude is often forced to conclude that torture and murder at any scale is wrong by principle, and that we cannot cherry-pick when it is ethical or unethical based on our human-centric bias. This often leads to vegetarianism and to an animal rights activism compelled by a belief that "if it has the capacity to feel pain, then it should be protected." But this also leads to an appreciation for "creatureness" where the seelie attitude may imprint on various other animals and come to relate more to them than humans if they share the same temperament. The seelie person may deeply recognize themselves as "animal" and as one in the same family as nature; wild and free. We see this displayed cinematically in Disney's Snow White, who is herself a perfect seelie archetype.
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Innocent Radiation
When the person is seelie, they will also be bashful, giddy, disarming and effeminate. They will be sprite-like, in tune with their inner feelings, and continually radiating an innocent emotional energy. This often causes a whispery or airy voice and demeanor as well as a very giggly and transparent personality. But the seelie person will only elicit this energy by actively working to remain wholly unclogged by negative emotions. The seelie attitude is ever aware that the world is a place filled with pain. Bitterness, worry, anguish, confusion and ignored corridors of their minds will cause a spiritual fog to land over them that will muddle the direction of their compass. The seelie person will dedicate an extraordinary amount of personal time to try to untangle these knots, aligning their hearts to truth and filtering away the gunk in order to allow their heart to flow cleanly once again. The seelie attitude wishes least of all to be obstructed, unhappy, inaccurate or amoral in how they feel. But they will not be able to do this --or be seelie-- with unaddressed material. Without a proper and constant recalibartion of their moral instrument, they will be unguided in their direction and stumble into darkness. They will feel that they cannot depend on others for the moral truth, and neither can they trust themselves because they will recognize their obstructions - leaving them in a morose, clouded state.
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-Under Stress
What began as a blessing in understanding others through empathic projection inverts into a disability amidst the raw static and noise of an overwhelming situation. Their empathic abilities backfire on them as the very same open emotional channel lets far more in than what can be processed. They will become hyper-stimulated, far too sensitive to negative vibes and utterly unable to tolerate hostile environments without collapsing in tears. They can come to feel physically ill in emotionally weighted situations; needing to get away from it as soon as possible. There is freezing and paralysis, volatility and hysteria. A conflict develops between the seelie person wanting to have their own emotions, and resisting being drowned in those of others. They'll feel like the outside is trying to change who they are against their will. Life can feel like a chaotic mess and their natural "permeability" will not make it any easier. But neither will they want to close their heart or become unseelie; anything but that. This will cause them to exist like a raw, flailing electric line -- still hot, but exposed. Everything is noisy and it becomes difficult to know what one believes or stands for.
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Cowardice & Withdrawal
Like adaptive types, seelie types are prone to cowardice but one defined more by an active avoidance of who they know they need to be. Driven against a wall by a conflict between their ideals and human reality, the dark and aggressive elements of personality will be abhorrent to them. They will not even consider it an option to act from their vectors, deciding instead to cower and be trampled over by others than face and integrate aggression into their character when justice demands it. They fear evil entering their heart, but in avoiding it they are responsible for spreading the evil of inaction. They will let underhanded things slide beneath their nose and will not stand up for what they believe. Indeed, it is quite distressing for the seelie type, who is most drawn to champion their personal values, to view themselves as lacking the backbone to be themselves. Since being a beacon of truth is among the most important things to the seelie person, this will create a lot of internal guilt and the person may slowly grow to hate themselves for being weak. They will not feel prepared to face the world until they can reconcile their heart and ideals with the situation but meanwhile they will leave everyone else in suspense, avoiding calls or responsibilities. They will sulk in their room rather than confront life. Unlike adaptive types, they may not bother with lying their way into grace and social acceptance. They will instead collapse underneath the pressure of their own anxiety and freeze.
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Playing Victim
But not all seelie individuals will swallow their pain in silence. Others may craft a voice around it, generating art out of their experiences. They will pour out poetry and songs to encapsulate their condition, indulging passive-aggressive commentary on the world while containing glimmers of squelched hopes. This seelie person will be a broken bird; a disenchanted idealist who realizes that the world is too wretched a place for beauty to last within. The distressed seelie individual will talk about their difficulties in life openly with a mournful spirit. The same transparent emotional radiation that was once bashful and giddy becomes melodramatic, sullen and woeful. They will wear their bleeding heart in open display, emanating a private sorrow that also saturates their environment. The world is seen as a horrible place. Everyone is cruel and nobody seems to care. The pitiable seelie type may incite concern and care in some, or they may simply succeed in weighing down the atmosphere; transforming their situation into a pity party of one. They will play the victim and may begin to nauseate others with their theatrics. It may even be painfully obvious to them that they are bringing down the mood of everyone but they will be unable to help it; not being able to change who they are or what they feel.
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aprilliouz · 9 months
Saat seseorang tidak menyukaimu, seseorang menjauhimu, atau membencimu, mungkin tak seburuk itu jika kamu tidak menempatkan dirimu sebagai korban.
Bukan tugas mereka untuk menerimamu.
Bukan tugasmu juga untuk diterima oleh semua orang. Kadang dalam proses bertumbuhmu, kamu bersikap menyebalkan, kamu salah memilih dan itu menjauhkanmu dari orang-orang.
Kadang dalam proses bertumbuh mereka pun, akan ada hal-hal tak sejalan yang membuat mereka merasa tak nyaman jika selalu berdekatan denganmu.
Jika dengan menjauh mereka bisa merasa lebih utuh,
Jika memilih untuk memblokir dan menyisihkanmu dari hidupnya membuat mereka bisa bahagia,
Bukankah itu adalah hak yang layak kita hormati?
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bwhitex · 4 months
Democrat Party is The Party of Collective Narcissism
Recent footage from a CNN interview provides a compelling case study for the analysis of collective narcissism within group dynamics or political entities. This clip, serving as visual evidence, encapsulates the quintessential strategies that are indicative of such collective behavior. Specifically, it illustrates tactics such as changing the subject, blame-shifting, projecting, playing the victim, gaslighting, minimization, and rationalization. These strategies are emblematic of a group’s or political body’s tendency to mirror the behavioral patterns commonly associated with individual narcissistic personalities. The application of this framework to the observed interaction within the interview offers a deeper understanding of the underlying psychological mechanisms at play in collective narcissism.
Collective narcissism is a psychological phenomenon where a group possesses an inflated self-conception, dependent on external validation and praise. Members of a collective narcissist group often exhibit selective outrage, particularly sensitive to criticism aimed at their own group while readily pointing out faults in others. For example, in the political realm, one might observe a collective narcissist group emphasizing historical racial injustices perpetrated by whites, holding white individuals or groups to rigorous standards of accountability for past and present racism, while simultaneously dismissing or downplaying the group's own racial biases or instances of discrimination. This is and has been manifesting into a one-sided narrative that all societal issues stem from historical white mistakes, often ignoring or minimizing the group's current missteps or potential for prejudices.
Democrats as Collective Narcissists
In-Group favoritism, collective narcissists exhibit extreme partiality towards their own members. It’s called identity politics and if you don’t vote instep or “identify” as such, well you’re going to have at minimum subtle forms of social control applied to you. Out-group erogation, they disparage heterosexual white folks, largely targeting the male population, who challenge their superiority through diving and showing up at their houses with borderline aggressive protests, and some actually call for acts of violence. For example the severed Trump head, by a former famed actress a few years ago.
They act with aggression in response to threatened ego, they react defensively, sometimes aggressively, when their group's prestige is questioned. Then there is this denial of reality and facts, they frequently deny or distort facts that do not align with their self-image. They seek constant admiration and affirmation for their “social justice” activism and beliefs. They crave and actively seek affirmation of their group's perceived grandeur.
Changing The Subject
The first strategy used is changing the subject, it is a common deflection technique to avoid uncomfortable topics. Holder reimagines a scenario in the conversation where the Republican Party acts like the Democratic Party's and instead of Democrats asking AG’s to investigate Trump. In this reimagined of what is really happening to Trump. Democrats are now the victims, these actions serve entirely different, purpose. It distracts the audience from reality of what is actually happening to Trump. Avoids highlighting their policy and related issue with the Trump administration.
Blame Shifting
Holder then blame shifts, after he re-imagines a real life political scenario where Democrats are weaponizing the Justice system and doing everything they imagined in this real life scenario to Trump. Instead Trump is doing it to them. The blame shift is so subtle and clever, but serves his agenda to shift blame away from any personal or Democrat party's past misdeeds, suggesting that it is actually the other party (in this case, President Trump and his administration) that is engaging in corruption. This blame-shifting moves the spotlight from his own actions or those of his political affiliates to the opposing side.
Holder may then project, accusing the Trump administration of engaging in the very behaviors for which he or his party are being criticized. This projection serves to muddy the waters, casting aspersions on the opposition while deflecting from his or his party's actions. Holder reimagined a scenario where democrats are not only victims, and saviors of Democracy but everything is actually happening to Trump now, is now being reimagined and projected on to the oppositional party as happening to them. This evident when Holder explains the relational scenario where high ranking officials ask a “compliant” AG or DOJ to investigate people they don’t like. This is exactly what happen to Trump.
Playing Victim
Which brings me to the next strategy, playing the victim. The interview on CNN (2023) demonstrates a classic instance of collective narcissism, where the interviewed party employs tactics such as changing the subject, blame-shifting but now plays the role of the victim, reflective of the patterns observed in groups with narcissistic tendencies. To Holder, the Democratic Party is the “real victim” here. This evidenced by Holder imagining the Democratic Party positioning themselves as unfairly targeted by Trump's camp, suggesting that they are the ones suffering under false accusations or partisan attacks. Nothing of real world evidence is being suggested as happening. For example, what is happening to Trump, now, like the law-fare, the lack of evidence to support two Trump impeachments, the Russian collusion of which the FBI agents involved in those investigations were convicted of actual wrongdoing, meaning the agents themselves who were in charge with investigating Trump, were actually the ones colluding with Russian Oligarchs.
With a subtle display of gaslighting, Holder manipulates viewers by casting doubt on the integrity and intentions of the Trump administration, subtly diverting attention from concrete evidence of their actions towards President Trump. Former Attorney General Eric Holder commented on the issue, "Hunter Biden charges wouldn't have been brought in normal scenario" (CNN, 2023, 00:15). Before the blame shift, projection and playing victim, there was the truth. He’s correct these are not “normal times”, everything happening Trump now, is unprecedented. No one has used law-fare, to prevent an opponent from running for office. Why wouldn’t that rising political opponent not seek accountability? He reframes the discourse, suggesting that such criticisms are nothing more than partisan tactics aimed at discrediting the Democratic Party. This strategic narrative shift paints the Democrats as casualties of an "unjust" electoral process, besieged by authoritarian figures, rather than confronting the reality of the situation. The truth, as Holder veils it, is obscured by a narrative that avoids acknowledging the Trump administration's legitimate efforts to enforce accountability. This includes the invocation of program F and the dismissal of individuals who are excessively aligned with a regime characterized by pronounced collective narcissism. In essence, Holder is redirecting the conversation, insinuating that the push for accountability is an act of political aggression rather than a response to actual mismanagement or malfeasance.
Which brings me to my third symptom, minimization. Minimization is evidenced when holder downplays the significance of any wrongdoing that he or his party might be accused of, which leaves the audience to assume that what he and the Democratic Party do are minor issues compared to the alleged corruption, and “authoritarianism”, within the Trump administration. When confronted with the notion of President Trump's reelection and the hypothetical appointment of a corrupt Attorney General, a figure like Eric Holder deflects the criticism by attributing the very issues present in the current administration to the hypothetical future one. This deflection serves as a mirror, reflecting the accusations back onto the accuser, a common tactic seen in political discourse.
Holder might conclude his defense with rationalizations, portraying any controversial actions from his term as unavoidable necessities dictated by the political environment. He asserts that these actions were the lesser evil compared to what he predicts would be the far more detrimental consequences of President Trump's potential appointees. Within this justification narrative, Democrats are depicted as the unwavering defenders of democracy. Conversely, Trump is labeled a racist, an accusation Holder presents as a clear-cut example of collective narcissism, implying that such a flaw could never exist within the Democratic ranks. This is underpinned by a mythology that claims people of color cannot be racist as they lack the systemic power to enforce such racism, a belief that shifts focus from individual prejudice to systemic injustice.
In this context, rationalization takes a more extreme form: the assertion that the Democrats must "save America from its voters." This is done through legal maneuvers and any means deemed necessary, painting the party as protectors in a dire situation. Such narratives echo classic Marxist ideology, which Holder suggests is also evident in the actions of the Chinese Communist Party. Both are seen as authoritarian entities that argue their overreach is in service of protecting the working class, the proletariat, from the resurgence of the bourgeoisie's dominance. In Holder's discourse, the collective narcissism of the Democratic Party is framed not as self-interest, but as a noble struggle to uphold the greater good against prevailing class enemies.
By deploying these tactics, Holder would be engaging in a form of collective narcissism on behalf of his political affiliation, effectively defending the group's image by deflection rather than by direct refutation of the claims presented. In this charged exchange, a CNN posed with a question regarding the impact of President Trump's reelection and his choice of a potentially corrupt Attorney General, someone like Eric Holder, with his contentious history, might instinctively employ collective narcissistic deflection tactics. This form of deflection would involve shifting scrutiny from his own past actions to the hypothetical scenario, thus avoiding direct confrontation with any personal allegations of corruption. By mirroring the current criticism onto the future possibility, Holder could artfully navigate the conversation, effectively accusing the opposing side of the very transgressions being discussed. This method subtly shifts the focus from his own controversies to those of President Trump, implying a "they do it too" narrative.
This maneuver is designed to sidestep direct accountability and instead redirects the conversation toward a critique of Trump's potential decisions, thus maintaining a strategic defensive stance. The suggestion here is that the hypothetical corruption of a future Trump-appointed AG is not only possible but is, in fact, a reflection of the current state of affairs — a tactic that serves to normalize and diminish the gravity of Holder's own past actions by comparison. Holder could respond with a variety of strategies typical of narcissistic deflection but tailored to a collective or political narrative: blame-shifting to other political figures or entities, projecting the administration's faults onto its adversaries, gaslighting the public into questioning the veracity of any criticism aimed at them, and rationalizing any questionable actions as necessary or misinterpreted.
Golec de Zavala, A., Cichocka, A., Eidelson, R., & Jayawickreme, N. (2009). Collective narcissism and its social consequences. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 97(6), 1074-1096. https://doi.org/10.1037/a0016904
Golec de Zavala, A., Peker, M., Guerra, R., & Baran, T. (2016). Collective narcissism predicts hypersensitivity to in-group insult and direct and indirect retaliatory intergroup hostility. European Journal of Personality, 30 (6), 532-551. https://doi.org/10.1002/per.2067
Marchlewska, M., Cichocka, A., & Kossowska, M. (2018). Addicted to praise: The role of positive feedback in collective narcissism's link with intergroup hostility. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 114(3), 374-393. https://doi.org/10.1037/pspi0000117
CNN. (2023, December 8th). Eric Holder: Hunter Biden charges wouldn't have been brought in normal scenario [Video]. CNN Politics. https://edition.cnn.com/videos/politics/2023/12/08/hunter-biden-eric-holder-reaction-sot-lcl-vpx.cnn
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Helluva Boss Theory: Stella Isn’t Octavia’s True Mother (and Stolas Is The True Victim NOT Stella.)
[Note: do NOT reblog without permission, reading this post is optional, and this will talk about Stella while being Octavia’s Bio-Mother, but also at the same time not being Octavia’s True Mom....this will also mention r*pe in this theory post, and Toxic-Feminist who think it is just women or girls who go through that, need to shut up, please.....and if some Toxic-Feminist and their Toxic-Male Counterparts who are just as bad as them, don’t want to read this either, then well, they don’t have to......but anyway, to those who aren’t Toxic-Feminist and aren’t their Toxic-Male Counterparts....please feel free to still read this, if you want to, it’s okay if not everyone reads this, as I said before, it is optional.]      
this theory was possible thanks to one of the episodes of Helluva Boss, which is thanks to The Circus, as well as a episode from Futurama, where Kiff became Pregnant with Leela’s children....but technically, Amy would be the true mother, even if the DNA came from Leela....
so in other words, Stella is the Leela, but in slightly different way....
and Stolas is Kiff, and Blitz is Amy.....
Stella may have had the Egg, but she is possibly not the reason why Stolas was finally able to have a child with Stella.
and it is pretty clear that their “tries” was not of full consent from Stolas’s part, if it does indeed hint to that, and some fans have theorized because of the episode The Circus, when Stolas and Stella married, Stella herself had forced herself on Stolas even when he didn’t want to and possibly wasn’t ready.
and we know how Stella talks about how Stolas does nothing, and she does all the work, it is pretty clear to what it may imply, and even fans can figure out what it does imply to, even when it is not fully said but is hinted....
Stella has been violating Stolas since they first got married, which I guess it does make some alternate counterparts of herself in Fanon Timeline AU who never did such a thing, a bit more likable than her main timeline self....
some might argue that Stella did Nothing wrong, but that is like nothing wrong my butt.....she not only had verbally abused Stolas, she had also physically abused him.....
and it’s possible that Stolas’s thoughts of Blitz and his feelings to him, and possibly the last time they saw each other were perhaps maybe when they were maybe 19 to early 20s....
also no one has to take this theory seriously, as it is just that, a theory...
and the Egg that would become Octavia finally coming into existence...
it meant two things for Stolas, one, he got the one good thing that came out of that marriage, that is Octavia, who he would love and treasure no matter what....and two, it meant that he wont ever be touched in THAT way by that monster woman again, and forced against his will to mate with her.
and while he was still stuck marrying to her, at least until the divorce....
the scars that Stella had place on Stolas would still be there, and even if he might feel bad about hurting her, he might not fully understand what she did to him when they were still married, was really messed up, and no true spouse or soulmate would do such a thing to their other half.
Stella isn’t the victim, if she wasn’t such a pathetic excuse of a woman, and had shown a bit of gentleness to Stolas, and didn’t r*pe him all the time, maybe they could of had a better relationship even if it was just platonic and not romantic at all, like being married but in the friend zone.
Stolas might of been wrong to cheat, but with how she treats him, at least this time, when he did sleep with Blitz, it was of his full consent.
and if it truly does imply it, then it is possible that Stolas NEVER gave Stella full consent to do the things she had did to him when they were married.
even if he does hate her, he might still not fully understand that what she did to him was wrong and had done damage to him both mentally, emotionally and physically.
and if they had to bleep censor Stella confessing what she did to Stolas, when they were still married, and on their first night together as husband and wife, and even the other times when he didn’t want to have s*x with her...
and if Octavia had just came into the room and heard her Mom’s confession, then she might be disgusted with Stella and have a full understanding what Stella did was both cruel and wrong.
Octavia could have more of a understanding about Stella forcing Stolas into having s*x with her....
Octavia could learn about it both in books and online, and knowing about what it does to people both in the living world and in hell...
it could turn out that half of the Sinners that end up in Hell, in Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel.....were victims of r*pe.
and I wouldn’t be surprise if half of those sickos that did it, were the ones who do that messed up corrective r*pe.....which is just as bad as the other type.
and excuse me if this Earth Angel, hopes that those who do that corrective r*pe, end up going to Hell for it.......or better yet, the Abyss.
and even if some Earth Angels tell me “don’t think that way.”, well with how messed up some humans are, and even how messed up some angels are, it’s kind of hard not to have those thoughts....
 and like I said in the post before this one, if I had a Angelic Weapon, it would be boxing gloves to punch the stupidity and insensitivity out of some Masculine Angels, both those who have Fallen and those who have not....
anyway, it is possible that the fans could be guessing right about Stella having forcing herself on Stolas, even when he didn’t want to.
Stolas might feel bad about hurting Stella, because of the affair, but their marriage was arranged, and the arranged marriage wasn’t the true problem.
the problem was with Stella and her forcing Stolas into something he didn’t want from her, and the only thing that came out of it, that saved him from further abuse, was when Octavia when she was finally born.
Octavia was the one good thing that came out of that marriage, and Octavia might of not fully understood that her parents never loved each other even before the affair, and it is clear that Stolas did try to tell Octavia but couldn’t find the right words to explain it to her.
Stolas even tried to give Octavia a normal life, even when Stella went from forcing him to sleeping with her, to just verbal abuse and possibly physically hitting him.
even if Stolas’s feelings for Blitz is one-sided, and Blitz might not be in love with Stolas yet, but like Garnet said before...
“love at first sight doesn’t exist, love takes time, and you at least got to know the person first....”
this can be true for Stolas and Blitz, they have known each other since they first met as kids, and while Stolas may have experienced a love at first sight, but he might of not known he had fallen in love with Blitz, and the love he felt for Blitz would have to take time to fully grow and bloom.
and while there is those who do OTP ship Stolas x Blitz and hope they do end up together, and the ship is no longer just Semi-Canon.
but it might take time for it to go from Semi-Canon to Full Canon.
love takes time, and I think it might take trust.
Stolas might say pervy things to Blitz, and even still values him as his first friend and still sees him as one, but at the same time, he is in love with Blitz.
and even if Stolas made that agreement about his book with Blitz,
could it be possible that Stolas, the Prince himself, might not fully realize that he is in fact in love with Blitz, even if he watched some show with some characters Gabriella in it...
even with the hearts in his eyes, and being really happy to hear from Blitz and to be with him, I guess it could be possible the chances are that Stolas might not fully realize that he is in love with Blitz, and has only half realized it.
and Stolas finally being well semi-free from Stella, could be in a way thanks to Blitz, and it could take more emotional healing for him and accept the fact that Stella did do far worse than him when they were married.
it might be possible that Blitz could be viewed as the true mother or true other parents of Octavia, and not Stella.
which once again, this theory is thanks to the whole episode from Futurama and even the episode that may or may not imply that Stella forces herself on Stolas.
the only differences between Stella and Leela, is that Leela didn’t force herself on Kiff, and just tried to save him, but when she grab his hand, she had accidentally got him pregnant.
 but since Kiff’s feelings for Amy were what made it possible, Amy would be the true mother, even if the DNA came from Leela.
so even if Stella had many “tries” in trying to get a Egg....
what saved Stolas from another r*pe from that woman, would be that he had thoughts of when he had last saw Blitz, possibly when they were almost close to their 20s.....and Stolas feelings for Blitz was what made it possible for Octavia to be born.
Stella might want to put the full blame on Stolas, for their ruined marriage and him cheating on her.....but it wasn’t Blitz or Stolas’s cheating with Blitz that had ruined the marriage.....it was Stella who ruined it, the moment she forced herself on Stolas without his consent.
and yes if it is true that it does imply it, and it is not just a fan theory or guess, then that would mean that it is canon.
just because they were married, doesn’t mean it is okay for any spouse to do that messed up stuff, like saying “oh, it’s okay their married....” the frag it is!
even if a couple is married, there should be mutual consent from both parties.
I mean if Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel were real, I would rather be married to Alastor because at least he wouldn’t try to touch me in that way without my consent, yeah he is a dangerous Overlord, but he seems more safer to trust than some sickos who try to r*pe either because they can’t control their disgusting urges or if they are trying to do that disgusting corrective thing...
 heck, even if Ozzie and Fizz are all about that lust, I don’t think those two would be okay with what Stella did, and I guess would be clueless about it.
I mean Ozzie and Fizz would probably be a lot safer for me to marry if they were real, than some sickos who try to do forcing thing without consent.
and yeah like I had said before, I had a panic attack a few years ago....if I remember right, it was around 2015.....we were about to move to the house that we live in now.
I was alone and it may have been just a little dark, I don’t like being left in a car alone, no matter if it is day or night....and yeah, I did end up hitting my head on the ceiling of the car.
and I know the reason for the panic attack, was because I was scared of r*pe.
I’m not sure if anyone else has experience like that, I know I was hyperventilating when it had happen.
I think I am doing much better since that happen, and I can still have my guard up and try to do my best to protect my Maidenhood.
I don’t want my first, to be taken by someone who would try to r*pe me.
and yeah I can still call my virginity by Maidenhood, even if I am Nonbinary-Girl.
a Maiden is someone who hasn’t had s*x....but it is possible that the word can be misinterpreted.
if Nfirea’s Grandmother, calls herself a Maiden, she isn’t a maiden...
I’m talking about the characters from Overlord, not the Overlord 2007 video game series.....but the Overlord that has Ainz Ooal Gown.      
if it is true that Stella has both played the blame game and even played the victim is true, then it could be possible that her forcing Stolas without consent, into having s*x, could possibly be true.
yeah, Stolas shouldn’t of cheated, but it’s not like Stella was 100% a good wife who was emotionally supportive, maybe like in a Alternate Universe where a Alternate Timeline version of herself is not as bad and did care for Stolas, didn’t do what was possibly implied.
even if Stella might not see her actions as r*pe, but it just seem to have implied it by the way she words that Stolas doesn’t do anything and just stares at the wall while she does all the “work”.......and that he is terrible in bed.
yeah, it isn’t Stolas who is terrible in bed......it’s Stella who’s terrible in bed.
so yeah this is a mix of a theory about Stella NOT being Octavia’s true mother, even if she did have the egg, and it might of been Stolas’s feelings for Blitz and the last time they saw each other, may have been when they were almost in their 20′s....and how it was Stolas’s remembering the moments when he last seen his old friend Blitz and his feelings for him, that what allowed him to be come free from Stella’s forcing herself on him.
Octavia was born out of love, but not from Stella and Stolas’s love.
she was born from the love that Stolas felt for Blitz, which might of been a blessing that saved him from any further spouse abuse from Stella, at least in the s*xual way....
Stella was never the victim, she had both physically and verbally abused Stolas throughout their marriage, and once Octavia was born, Stella no longer had to force herself in that way on Stolas ever again.
which may have made Stolas happy, not having to go through that again, even if he still had to sleep next to her.
saying that Stella did nothing wrong, and Stolas is in full blame, wouldn’t be right, in a way they are both at fault, but Stolas is perhaps only at 98% at fault for having the affair while still being married to Stella, but Stella is still at 100% at fault because what she put Stolas through before the affair had happen.
Stolas taking some kind of happy pills, might have do do with his loveless marriage with Stella, we wont know until we find out more about those pills.
he might of started to take them, sometime after his first night with Stella.
it isn’t just women or girls that go through terrible stuff that Stolas had possibly went through, and even a lot of people no matter their gender, know this fact.
and yeah even if it be nice that what fans are theorizing about Stella having forced herself on Stolas, might not be true.
but it could still be implied but not be fully confirmed.
we can only wait and see if it is true.
and even if the theory might be seen as weird, but it is just I’m gonna view how Stolas was able to finally become a father to Octavia, and it being his love for Blitz had let him be free from Stella touching him each night without his consent, I mean if it is true that it was not of his consent....
even if Stella was hurt that Stolas cheated on her, it might not of been because she had loved him, and maybe we will find out more if it isn’t just because of her being worried about her image and the Ars Goetia name.
but if the theory and the possible implying is indeed true....
this would mean that Stella is the one that hurt Stolas first, and far worse than he had done, and she can’t hide behind her fancy title either.
anyway it’s okay that not everyone agrees about the theory that has to do with Stella technically not being Octavia’s true mother, because of the whole it being like how Kiff got pregnant with Leela’s accidental help, but the feelings of love were towards Amy who is seen as the true mother, even if the DNA came from Leela.....
so yeah, Blitz is Amy, Stolas is Kiff and Stella is Leela.....but in a slightly different way, I’m weird and that is how I am gonna view it.
now I am going to post a FNAF theory next.    
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martinamuliadewi · 1 year
Growth Mindset dan Playing Victim
Ada satu materi menarik dalam forum diskusi Edufic beberapa waktu lalu. Webinar malam itu membahas tentang Peran Ayah dalam Keluarga Islam. Namun, ada satu topik menarik yang saya tangkap dalam forum tersebut, seperti pada judul di atas. 
Mungkin kita tidak akan bisa memilih di keluarga mana kita dilahirkan. Orang tua bisa jadi bukanlah sosok yang sempurna. Terkadang, ada luka di masa lalu yang membuat seorang anak jadi punya trauma dengan pengasuhan mereka (innerchild).
Kalau dari sini kita memandang, kita telah menjadi korban (playing victim) dari luka yang sudah digoreskan orang tua, selamanya akan susah untuk menyembuhkan luka di dalam diri ini. “Ya apapun yang terjadi di masa depan, ini salah orang tuaku. Mereka yang sudah membuatku begini.” Yes! mindset inilah yang sangat merusak. Kita akan stagnan tanpa ada perubahan yang berarti di masa depan karena merasa selalu menjadi korban.
Lain halnya dengan growth mindset. Memang luka itu masih tetap ada, tapi cara pandang kita adalah berusaha untuk memahami ketidaksempurnaan orang tua, mencoba memaafkan, dan mencoba untuk tidak melakukan hal yang sama ketika menjadi orang tua nanti. “Kita ingin menjadi sosok seperti apa yang akan dikenang di hati orang-orang tercinta.” Keinginan ini yang akan menggiring kita menjalankan sebaik-baik peran yang kita pilih tersebut. 
Dua mindset di atas tinggal kita memilih mau yang mana. Growth mindset dan playing victim ini dapat diterapkan juga dalam banyak “cases” bukan hanya tentang menyembuhkan luka innerchild. 
Semoga kita disembuhkan dari luka-luka masa lalu dan berdamai dengan diri sendiri tentang hal ini. Semoga selalu bahagia ya kamu :)
27 Februari 2023 @martinamuliadewi
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bymarahh · 1 year
playing victim
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myquotesmixedbag · 2 years
Just because you're an adult doesn't mean you're grown up. Growing up means being patient, holding your temper, cutting out the self-pity, and quitting with the righteous indignation.' 'Why do so many people seem to love righteous indignation?' Because if you can prove you're a victim, all rules are off. You can lash out at people. You don't have to be accountable for anything.
Brandon Stanton, Humans of New York
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melblogsgfreethruptsd · 4 months
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marigold210 · 2 years
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"I'm not.."
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immaculatasknight · 11 days
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Entitled town
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Let’s be honest here.
I am a survivor and I am strong. My heart has been lashed, the organ torn and beaten, yet in my chest it’s still thumping. It may be weak, but I am resilient.
Let’s be honest here.
I allowed this pain to fester, I felt that hurt the first time you made me feel like, by myself, I could never be enough. My favorite song became unfaithful (Rihanna) only I pictured myself in the shoes of the man. Knowing she was going out but unable to stop her because of his love for her.
That was me!
Consider this:
Where was that love for me when you saw me crying? Where was that love when you could see the hurt on my face and kept on? Where was that love as you sat in my face and said you didn’t have much memory of cheating but then gave me a breakdown of the timeline, the when, the where, the who, and the how?
Where was our love when I remained by your side after every lash you beat across my heart, every scar you opened anew, and how you took my biggest hurts from exes and made me relive them?
Where was our love when you watched me struggle to grieve the trust I lost in you and couldn’t even care enough to give me space for three days?
You want to act foolish? Then at least be real
No game would ever be the reason of our downfall. It is your inconsideration that led us here. For all the love you apparently had for me, the only time I got it was when it benefit you
Let’s be honest and open if we’re gonna bring it onto online spaces in coded messages; make it clear that you had the upper hand in the entire relationship.
You tell me you’ll respect my space and then make posts hoping I give you the attention.
Here it is. Open, honest, raw
have some respect.
Because I will be honest, I will not let you play coyly as if you don’t understand what you did. I won’t let you act like we didn’t talk about this. And if you want me to unlove you so bad I can tell you honestly you’re on the right track.
“I did something wrong and now I’m getting written off as a bad guy? How is this fair?”
Let’s be honest about how many times I addressed you on this topic while you were out fucking other people, let’s be honest about how you told me I wasn’t allowed to… doesn’t that remind you of something we once talked about? I know you’ll know. I begged and pleaded for thing to be fair, to be equal, to be even.
Since we’re going public then let’s be honest about how I asked you to not do things that you wouldn’t want me to do SEVERAL TIMES and you CONTINUED TO DO IT.
Let’s be honest if we’re gonna be public.
I’m not gonna hope you see this, maybe next time when someone tells you not to push you listen.
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sophsweet · 5 months
No Conspiracy Required For Truth
Lies don’t hang together naturally and often contradict each other, so corrupt officials have to speak to each other to get their stories straight and be on the same page to carry out their nefarious actions can in secret. This is what is called a “conspiracy theory”. It is a conspiracy, because nefarious actions require actors to collude. Truth stands on its own, so no conspiracy is…
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