#peter Parker and Deadpool have a daughter
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A little reminder that spider-man and deadpool have a daughter name itsy bitsy and Bitsy was made from the combined genetic material of Spider-Man and Deadpool, so aside from having two dads, she also has Spidey-healing powers.
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qcomicsy · 2 years
It's really weird to me the audacity of comic book writers ai'm sitting here searching every comic possible under the sun and reading character analysis for months before got the small courage to write a fucking fanfic from characters I know almost since I was born and they just go like-
whatever lets just ignore thirty years of cannon, butcher every aspect of this character personality, kill their own mother destroy his support system make them I villain because I particularly don't like nor understand the point of his 80 years of existence and turn my ship cannon and telling this other ship that went along for 20 years never had that much significance and then they get paid for it.
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sciderman · 8 months
I love the fact your Peter learns from his mistakes.He’s literally telling Wade to not fuck up something that would have even worse consequences of.That’s a good man right there 👏👏 praise for Peter
HE IS SO GOOD. he's wonderful – no one gives him enough credit for just how much he's learned and evolved over the years – he's come so, so far. and i have a wonderful little post i'm sitting on that's kind of actually all about how far he's come. but we see it everywhere – he's constantly evolving, and taking ownership of his mistakes and learning from them.
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we say that peter maybe apologises too much, but – he takes what he learns forward. and he wants wade to move forward too. and he believes wade is.
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wade - wade's kind of the opinion of the contrary.
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it's a sore spot.
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a BIG huge ouchie for wade.
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fact is - wade's perpetually frustrated that peter is evolving much faster than he is - because wade feels like he's relapsing, constantly. he desperately wants to be better.
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it's something that revolves in my brain a lot, actually. wade and peter's differing approaches. wade is of the mindset that there's a constant reset-button on him.
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and in the comics - there is. wade is a character that's never allowed to evolve in the comics. he's whatever the writer or audience is interested in, for that week. he's been the villain, been the anti-hero, been the hero, reset. back to villain. back to anti-hero. has a marriage. has a divorce. has a daughter. has his memories of his daughter erased from his memory. he is never allowed to actually progress, or have any sort of stability as a character. deadpool, as a character, has never had a status quo.
peter parker - in his heyday - (we don't talk about the last decade of comics) - growth and evolution was the crux of his comics. he starts off a bitter teen - grows into a cynical college student - into a persevering adult, in a long-term romance and eventual marriage that span decades of comics. he becomes a teacher - he just - he grows. the comics let him evolve to the point you'd hardly recognise him if you sat teenage peter parker and adult peter parker next to each other. it's a long game and you're with him every step - and i just - i think wade's awareness of that reality (what with his relationship with the fourth wall) means that he'll always have this nagging fear that peter's inevitably going to evolve past him, and wade's going to be on reset, again.
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i think he's terrified that if he loses peter, he'll be back to square one. i think he's terrified of how much he needs peter here - to remind him that he's doing something right.
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silent-raven13 · 10 months
Peter Parker sighs: Wade, I'm not supposed to bring you here! You're lucky you got the Tour bracelet for the day! -He saw his fellow friend, Deadpool bouncing around-
Deadpool giggling like a fangirl: OMG! OMG! OMG! Spidy, look! -he points at the Spidermen with plush thick booties- I died and went to heaven! HIMBO SPIDIES EVERYWHERE! -fangirling so hard-
Peter cursed under his breath: I should've never told him.
Peter B.: Hey, Peter! What's up, who's your friend? -he slurps his soda having to carrying his daughter in his baby carrier-
Mayday waves: Hi-hi!
Deadpool gasps: Oh my gawd, look at her wittle socks- -He gasps louder- AND SHE GOT WITTLE FLOWERS!
Mayday giggles with her feet kicking: Hehehe
Peter sighs: This is my friend, Wade...
Deadpool hushes him: No Spidy! I'm Deadpool! You gotta keep my identity a -whispers in Peter's ear- secret!
Peter B slurps: Quite the friend you got there, Pete!
Peter groans: He's been begging me to bring him here. I had to do graveyard work for Jess' to let him come for the day! -Deadpool going all around the headquarters being so excited! He was more excited with the Spidermen with the nice rears-
Deadpool saw Petie: Ohh, look the dum truck on that one and those! -Unware that Petie talking to Miguel, Ben, Miguel, and another Spiderman-
Petie being casual: So, I'm thinking we should more team A into the left instead of the rig- -he stop himself feeling hands groping his butt. He looks over finding a strange guy in a black and red suit who happily giggles- Wha- Hey!
Deadpool giggles: Hey, gorgeous! -happily grabbing Petie's rear- You got some nice cake for a Peter Parker!
Miguel: Oye Cabrón! What da the hell you think you're doing! -He shouted out loud with his fangs out. Petie trembling with fear having to go behind Alpha and Miguel-
Petie: He touched me!
Deadpool: Oh don't worry! I'm all equal!
Alpha scowls: Listen asshole, you don't pull a -He grunts angrily feeling Deadpool's hands on his rear- HEY, Stop! I'ma kill you!
Miguel growls: WHO BROUGHT THIS HERE! -he scowls having a red tint on his face when he felt Deadpool's hands groping his rear-
Deadpool: Wow, so toned... so soft! -he turns to the fourth wall- Hey, you guys asked for this. Ya'll wanted know how sweet his cake is! Honk! Honk! Hehehe -he pinches Miguel's rear-
Miguel's talons came out ready to strike: You got five seconds to stop touching me!
Petie looks so confused: Who's he talking too?
Alpha: This man is derange! I'll end his misery!
Deadpool giggles: Honestly, I like the first Peter's cake... it's much softer like pillows. Alpha's too hard. Miguel's is just right, but I like them soft! -Alpha and Miguel gotten more angry by his words, while Petie blush-
Peter: Wait! He's my friend! WADE, stop it!
Deadpool happily went over to carry Peter: Yeah, this is my boo! -he turns to the fourth wall- Looks familiar, huh?
Peter: Put me down, Wade!
Deadpool: Nuh-uh! Let's get out of here before Mr. Dracula bites me! -he carries off Peter to escape two angry Spidermen.-
Peter B. slurps his soda with his daughter as they watch: You know, it never gets boring here, huh May? -he looks down at his kid-
Mayday: Nuh Uh -agreeing with her dad-
Deadpool carrying Peter in bridal style getting away from Miguel and Alpha. Peter with his arms crossed being annoyed, then he arched his eyebrow spotting two similar younger Spidermen.
Hobie running off with Miles in his arms in bridal style form, too. Miles rolled his eyes, when Hobie took him away from their friend being jealous. He wanted to snuggle and cuddle with Miles all to himself. Miles spotted a Spidermen being carried off going in the same direction: You too, huh?
Peter: Yeah...
Hobie turns to Deadpool as they ran in the safe pace: Ello, mate. What brings you here?
Deadpool: And you know, escaping ole' Dracula and his werewolf! -implying Miguel and Alpha-
Hobie: Ah, they are terrible, aren't they?
Deadpool: They are! I'm here saving my baby!
Hobie: Same here!
They're partners rolling their eyes having their arms crossed being carried off to God knows where.
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thatninjacat27 · 7 months
Idea that was a part of my Merc spider and hero deadpool au but I’ll never ever get around to writing the complete story so I figured I do myself a favor and share this with the world. Maybe someone will want to write this . If you do please let me know.
Context: Peter is a mercenary while Wade is more of a hero. Peter is called The Spider or just Spider. Miles Morales is this world’s Spider-Man and gets referred as Spider-Man. Miles is also Peter’s brother but not by adoption or biology. It’s through Found Family. Both of their family members are all dead. Peter doesn’t really have the best relationship with the avengers but Miles and Wade do and he eventually starts to warm up to the team. (Side note of the dead family of Peter Parker/some more origin: Peter’s friends(specifically Harry) kinda backstabbed him and it kinda led him down the dark path before he met Wade and Miles. Also Doc Ock was part of the reason why both Aunt May and Uncle Ben are dead. He was a father figure to Peter and kinda had a poly relationship(the developing stages of one) with May and Ben.) The costumes all remain the same.
Anyways, Peter and Wade are friends and each have a crush on each other but don’t say anything. It took them a while to get to this stage.
One day, while they were on patrol, a portal opens up and their daughter from the future, called Mayday Wilson, also known as Itsy Bitsy, appears out of it. She’s a mercenary who has traveled back in time to prevent something bad that affected her parents for the rest of their lives. Mayday got this time traveling device from her Uncle Miles whom she is very close with. Her costume looks a lot like miles but just has red ascents and white webs around her gloves and feet. The eye mask kinda has red around it. Mayday gives no fucks, is pretty decent and has a well rounded skill set, lies a bit to protect herself and because of future stuff.
Peter is actually really happy to have her around but wade isn’t taking it too well. Mayday’s relationship with her parents in the future is complicated because Wade is dead(somehow) and Peter (from the future) kinda turns to this badass buff old man who gives zero fucks like in those movies and kinda hates her and barely see her as his own kid. (There’s an explanation but I don’t remember it). Wade died when she was around 8 or 9. Here she is like 19-20.
This all gets revealed in an accident(it was partially revealed by Mayday because she wanted to spend time with her heroic parent and now why does the other one want to talk with me now? And Future Peter is trying to prevent Mayday from changing the timeline(because he still kinda cares about her) and Present Peter feels bad about all of this and the actions of his future self.
it all gets resolved somehow.
also wouldn’t it be interesting is it was slightly swapped. Like Peter died and Wade lived and because of that, Wade accidentally pushed Mayday into the mercenary business. He now has to live with the guilt of his only daughter, who looks a lot like her other father, being a mercenary and it being his fault. Wade actually got Peter out of that so it’s kinda a blow in the face.
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lacrimosathedark · 2 years
Does Deadpool Collect Kids?
Here I am in Spideypool Hell, which results in me looking at the closest people to both of them. I sort of grew up with Spider-Man (video games, cartoons, and movies long before I ever touched a comic) so of course I’m looking at Deadpool first. Who doesn’t love new information? Treading old ground is boring!
(Also Spiderverse shit is confusing. So. Many. Spiders.)
And I came to the realization that Wade’s kind of...surrounded by kids.
Of course he has a kid (multiversely he has a few) but he’s close with more than just that kid.
So here is what I think of as Wade Wilson’s Pseudo-Family aka Kids Who Put Up With His Shit. Be prepared for way too many pictures.
Eleanor Camacho
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This adorable baby is Ellie. She’s eight-ish years old (maybe nine or ten now? comic book time is weird) and currently Wade’s only canon child in main continuity. Her whole situation is a bit complicated, but Wade loves her more than anything in the world. And actually, she was a lowkey fan of Deadpool before she knew he was her dad. She loves her dad and she even goes behind her foster mom’s back to try to get him to visit, said foster mom being SHIELD Agent Emily Preston. Wade has forgotten she exists (again) to protect her (AGAIN) but she watches news reports about him and actually interfered with a killing mission he had in a theme park her class happened to have a field trip to.
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She’s a baby Spideypool shipper too.
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Ellie is Wade’s weak spot, and he only tells people about her if he trusts them. The ones that come to mind are people he likes, namely Shiklah, Spidey, and Rogue, as well as two kids further down on this list. Wolverine and Captain America know too, but because they were part of the mission where he found out about her. Super Soldier team-up.
Also, here’s her in the future. She’s a badass.
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I love her so much.
Warda Wilson
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(Full disclosure, I did minor editing on this panel because this is the one image of her full body without her mask and they gave her pupils that she has in no other panels and it bothered me so I fixed it)
Wade’s daughter in the 2099 future with his ex-wife, succubus and monster queen Shiklah, and she goes by Deadpool. She had a vendetta against Wade at first for supposedly betraying Shiklah and held him captive. But Ellie rescued him, they cleared things up, and they work together as a family, all three of them, plus brain-ghost Preston.
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Exclusive to the video game Marvel Strike Force, but she’s so neat I had to include her. Literally born from “the power of love” between Deadpool and Death, she takes over her mom’s job but is a total daddy’s girl; he trained her to wield weapons and be a quippy little shit, and until he was snapped by Thanos because he’s got issues, she’d visit him on occasion.
(She doesn’t have a canon “normal” name, but I like the name Evita Wilson. It rearranges the letter of the word “vitae” which is Latin for “life” and y’know irony. Plus Evita is the name of both a musical and a Madonna album and you cannot tell me Wade wouldn’t love that)
Itsy Bitsy
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Not a friendly, but biologically his daughter (and Spidey’s) from Evil Science Shenanigans. Formerly Susan Mary, a play on “Mary Sue”. She calls both of them “daddy” and even wears a Spiderpool emblem shirt. She’s pretty extreme. Bloodthirsty. Wade actually had to stop Spidey from killing her because Peter was so scared of her and someone was messing with his head. He cut Wade’s head off to try to keep him from interfering. It was kinda nuts. Wade ended up doing what he thought was killing her to keep Spidey’s hands clean. She’s not gone though...
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Master Matrix
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Another Spideypool kid, no shit. A good one too! And a rare boy on this list! A robot of some type discovered by Richard and Mary Parker, so already hitting home for Peter. After a short villainous confusion after waking from stasis, he was basically taken under Spider-Man’s and Deadpool’s wings and called them both “Father”. The arc is literally officially titled “My Two Dads”. They act like his parent and it’s just *chefs kiss* It’s a whole thing. MM gives off weird vibes, but all in all, he just wants to help. He’s a good boy!
He even gets them to hug!
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He then proceeds to send them on a bonding road trip with just...so much Spideypool. That’s where the “Why are you holding my hand?” “It helps me focus.” comes from. And so much fourth-wall breaking and writer interference. Spidey even plays along with Wade’s fourth-wall-breaking shenanigans even though he doesn’t believe it. It’s the best.
Now we move to ones who aren’t his kids!
Gwendolyne Poole
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Gwenpool and Deadpool weren’t chummy at first; she didn’t read his book and thought he was too “lol memes”. But they actually got to be pretty friendly. They’re buddies now.
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He helped Gwen when she was having an existential crisis and is currently the caretaker of her pet Jeff the Land Shark who is the cutest thing and I love him. He even dresses as Gwen once to make Jeff happy it’s adorable.
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I also think he rocks Gwen’s look. He looks great.
Ellie Phimister
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Everyone knows about Negasonic Teenage Warhead from the movies where they have that affectionate deadpan snark between them. When they first met, Wade’s group had been contracted to kidnap her. She evaded everyone else, but when met with Deadpool who literally tried to talk her into being kidnapped, she had a vision where he said he wouldn’t leave her behind, and she literally just surrenders.
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When Wade finds out what is happening to his targets, he goes in to save her. She has a particular loyalty to Wade and sticks by him pretty much no matter what, but she gradually settles into that deadpan sarcasm.
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She takes his nonsense with a straight face and doesn’t tolerate his bullshit. Or at least snarks right back at him.
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She’s also one of the few who for sure know about the other Ellie, Eleanor, and looks out for her.
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Gabrielle Kinney
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A little unexpected, but adorable! Gabby Kinney, also known as Scout or Honey Badger, which is amazing. She don’t give a FUCK. She’s a clone of Laura Kinney, aka X-23 and Wolverine, who is another clone daughter of Logan/James/OG Wolverine. She and Wade bonded over their scars and they’re besties now.
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There aren’t a whole lot of instances of Wade and Gabby together, but every SINGLE one is absolute gold. They’re so fucking CUTE. Prepare for so many panels.
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Have you seen anything more precious? Best friends.
Evan Sabahnur
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Formerly Kid Apocalypse, also known as Genesis. Long story, but pretty much explained in the above page. Wade in particular was determined to save him, as killing him didn’t sit right for some reason, and he was certain that despite everything, Evan was a good kid. When shit went down and Evan didn’t think he could return to the Academy, Wade took him in. Like, brought him to the home he bought across the street from Eleanor and the Prestons.
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Wade even says he’ll never have a son, (this is before MM, but it’s funny cuz biologically and multiversely, he does only have daughters) but if he did he’d like him to be like Evan, which is hilarious to me. But that kinda makes what Wade says super sweet.
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He also saves Ellie.
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Haruka Hida
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From Deadpool Samurai, she goes by Sakura-Spider and is a blatant Peter Parker rip-off. Literally she lives with her Aunt Mei and her Uncle Tsutomu which the kanji can also be read as Ben. No shit. The only real difference is the spider bit her on her face and it scarred, hence the spots under her eye. BUT she’s Deadpool’s partner in Japan and she’s super cute. Typical manga protag girl but what can you expect?
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(Legit buy them they’re super fun and it’s worth it especially if you like manga it’s so dumb and I love it please buy it)
Neiro Aratabi
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Another Deadpool: Samurai character. As said above, she’s an idol in Japan. She’s bonded to an amnesiac symbiote she calls Kage (in case you aren’t up on Japanese, it’s pronounce like “kah-gay” and it means shadow). They like chocolate. She doesn’t get a lot of screen time, but she’s happy being part of the team. She’s content as long as people think she’s cute, for, of course, over-dramatic very anime reasons.
That is ELEVEN CHILDREN. And I’m a newb, this might not even be all of the kids he’s close to!
For comparison, Bruce Wayne has SIX kids (Dick, Jason, Cass, Tim, Duke, and Damian). He has a few other pseudo-kids, Barbara Gordon, Stephanie Brown, and maybe Helena Bertinelli and Maps Mizoguchi, but like...dude.
I need everyone to know that Deadpool is good with kids.
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evilwickedme · 1 year
Idk if you have been asked this before, but what ur ur opinions in spideypool? I love the ship, but I hate how utterly hard it is to get a good comic out of them it's so sad
I think the reason I haven't been asked this before is because nobody really thinks to ask someome who writes spideypool fic what they think about the ship, but that's actually a really good question!
I love spideypool. I've been a spideypool shipper for about as long as I've been into marvel comics, since Deadpool was one of the first comics I picked up way back when in 2015. At the time it was pretty much omnipresent in the fandom, and for good reason - Deadpool's crush on Spidey is and was literally canon, or at least as much canon as it can be when it's played for laughs, and there's a lot of charm to their interactions.
To me, the appeal lies in the way they affect each other. Deadpool's got this whole hero worship mixed with actual attraction thing going on on his end, and Spidey has this whole "this is the most annoying man on the planet and possibly in the multiverse but also he's like pretty funny and our fight styles blend well" thing going on on the other end. A high quality longfic for these two will go into issues of morality and find where either of them need to or choose to change for each other, for better or for worse, and can easily include a heavy bit of angst regarding Wade's chronic pain and mental health issues or Peter's anger issues and monetary problems. A high quality pwp for these two will be very funny. These are both things I find incredibly appealing in my ships.
Also, visually, they really do fit together. Afaik, Deadpool's outfit was designed mostly to parody Deathstroke, but there's some Spider-Man in there anyway, and they look all matchy-match.
So why is it so hard to write a good teamup comic for them? Um... I'm not so sure that it is? Like I think that Deadpool annual from 2013 or 2014 where he and Spidey end up switching costumes is so fun and shows some of Wade's tendencies to mix hero worship and attraction really well, and a lot of their other early interactions are short but memorable. I think the issues of Daniel Way's run of Deadpool where Wade and Peter team up are some of the only actually good issues in the whole run, because Daniel Way actually wrote some themes and ideas into there and then didn't drop the ball immediately! He dropped the ball later, but not immediately, which is rare for him.
The main Spider-Man/Deadpool teamup comic seems to have mixed reviews. I haven't read through the whole thing yet, but like, I think it's fine? It certainly isn't outright bad, and it has some fun moments. I think the main problem with it is that it was created for and aimed at people who were fans of the ship, and then didn't really look beyond surface level into why people like the ship. Like I said, spideypool is at its best when it struggles with issues of morality and has some give and take, where both sides learn from the other. The team up comic is more like... Deadpool is bad cause he kills, but he wants to prove to Spidey that he's a good person! And then he tries to prove that by killing Peter Parker, who he thinks is evil (the team up comic started in a weird time in spidey's continuity where he was running a fortune 500 company, it's a whole thing)!
It's a lot of hijinks and shenanigans that I don't mind in fic, but prefer in smaller doses and one off team up comics. If I'm reading an ongoing, I'm going to want it to like... Be about something. At some point. A static character for a mainstay title is fine, but for the most part I want these characters to do something together beyond coexist. I think the best moment in the volumes of Spider-Man/Deadpool that I did read is the one where Wade introduces Spidey to Ellie Camacho, his daughter, because it forced Peter to reevaluate how he sees Wade. But then the itsy bitsy storyline happens, and it's such a shallow understanding of what makes Peter a good hero and what makes Wade ... Uh, Wade, and I think it just makes for mediocre storytelling.
I don't know I guess the problem is when we only had the one offs, we had a taste of something great, but when we got it in longform we realized the first bite was great, but the whole thing was a little stale.
I could write it real good tho, in case you're wondering. Marvel don't lose hope you can still hire me marvel I know you're reading this mARVEL
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mid-nightowl · 8 months
💖 & 🧠 for the fic writer ask game please? <3
hi hello!!! thank you for the ask!!! :) <3
💖 ahhhhh, tough question! i would say my fight scenes or writing action, whatever word you use to describe that type of writing lol. i once got told my fights were pretty realistic and fun to read, and i ran with it (absolutely inflated my ego ngl), i kind of pride myself on them though it also means they have to be perfect
🧠 oh man, i have a few that are just outlines but most usually have a few drabbles or scenes associated with them that i tinker with when bored. BUT i do have a spider-cat jaydick au that is only worldbuilding notes at this point (and im not actively working on), so please enjoy my notes on that :)
(stuffing it under a keep reading thingy bc its a lot, sorry!)
Spider-Cat Jaydick AU
Working Summary: After the death/retirement of Spider-Woman Barbara Gordon, Gotham hits a dark patch. But unfortunately or fortunately, another radioactive spider bites Jaye Todd-Wayne on a school field trip to Fox Corp/Wayne Tech. Knowing Crime Alley, Jaye’s home (despite being adopted by billionaire Bruce Wayne), is in trouble without a Spider guardian, Jaye decides to take it upon herself to be the next Spider. 
It’s not without its…problems.
Barbara as Spider-Woman Main Cast
Barbara Gordon = Spider-Gwen/Spider-Woman aka Gwen Stacy (Earth-65)
Commissioner Jim Gordon = NYPD Chief George Stacy
Harvey Bullock = Captain Frank Castle
Renee Montoya = Detective Jean DeWolff
Dinah Drake Lance = Mary Jane Watson (of the Mary Janes Band)
Alysia Yeoh = Betty Brant (of the Mary Janes Band)
Kori Anders = Glory Grant (of the Mary Janes Band)
Ted Kord = Peter Parker (aka Lizard, Earth-65)
Luke Fox = Harry Osborn (close friend to Gwen & Peter, Earth-65)
Lucius Fox = Norman Osborn
Jaye Todd-Wayne as Spider-Woman II or Ghost Spider Main Cast
Jaye Todd-Wayne = Spider-Woman II or Ghost Spider (aka Miles Morales)
Talia al Ghul and Bruce Wayne = Rio and Jefferson (Davis) Morales
Damian al Ghul = Billie Morales (younger sibling to Miles)
Willis Todd = Prowler aka Aaron Davis (uncle to Miles)
Tim Drake = Ganke Lee
Stephanie Brown = Starling aka Tiana Toomes
Arthur Brown = Vulture aka Adrian Toomes
Dick Grayson = Black Cat aka Felicia Hardy
Selina Kyle = Black Fox (mentor to Felicia and Tamara)
Victor Stone = Boris Korpse
Donna Troy = Bruno Grainger
Roy Harper = Tamara Blake
Raven = Odessa Drake
Main Villains
Joker & Harley Quinn = Carnage and Venom
Cluemaster (Arthur Brown) = Vulture
Two-Face (Harvey Dent) = Green Goblin or Two-Faced Goblin
The Penguin (Oswald Cobblepot) = Kingpin
Poison Ivy (Pamela Isley) = Doc Ock
Selina Kyle = Black Fox
Bane = Rhino
Black Mask (Roman Sionis) = Mister Negative
Mr. Freeze (Victor Fries) = Electro or Scorpion
Clayface = Hydro-Man or Swarm
Scarecrow = Sandwoman (whose sand causes nightmares from Earth 2099)
Firefly = Shocker
Mad Hatter = Mysterio
Ted Kord = Lizard I (deceased)
Killer Croc = Lizard II
Deathstroke (Slade Wilson) = Kraven the Hunter
Grant Wilson = Grim Hunter (Kraven’s first son and Kraven the Hunter II)
Rose Wilson* = Ana Kravinoff (Kraven’s daughter)
Carmine Falcone/Falcone Crime Family = Hammerhead
Maroni Crime Family = Tombstone
Moxon’s Empire/Lew Moxon = Silvermane
*Originally had Rose Wilson as Deadpool but I think she would work better as Kraven's daughter
Other Cast: (could potential appear or be saved for later)
Jessica Drew (Spider-Woman) = Kate Kane
Cindy Moon (Silk) = Cassandra Cain
Matt Murdock (Daredevil) = Helena Bertinelli*
Madame Web (Cassandra Webb) = Ma Gunn
The Tinkerer (based on the game Spider Man) = Lonnie Machlin or Dana Harlowe
*Helena could either be Daredevil or Glory Brant (of the Mary Janes Band), whether you want to have her as a vigilante or just a civilian
Additional Notes:
Barbara’s main villains were Doc Ock, Vulture, Lizard, Shocker, and Mysterio. The only villains present during her tenure were: Doc Ock, Vulture, Lizard I, Mysterio, Sandwoman, Kingpin, Black Cat, Silvermane, Tombstone, Hammerhead, Electro, Swarm, Prowler, and Shocker. 
>>Barbara knew Kraven the Hunter was active and a villain via Dick, but never fought him personally. 
>>Barbara mainly fought her big three: Doc Ock, Shocker, and Lizard. She also handled a lot of mafia/gang related crimes, in conjunction with her father’s work. 
>>Barbara’s toughest battles were with Lizard I (mainly emotional) and Doc Ock.
Jaye’s main villains are Green Goblin/Two Faced Goblin, Kingpin, Mister Negative, Venom & Carnage. The villains present during her tenure are: Doc Ock, Vulture, Lizard II, Mysterio, Sandwoman, Black Cat, Kingpin, Shocker, Electro, Rhino, Venom & Carnage, Kraven the Hunter, Grim Hunter & Ana Kravinoff, Prowler, Swarm, Mister Negative, Hammerhead, Tombstone, and Silvermane. 
>>Jaye mainly fights her big four: Two-Faced Goblin, Kingpin, Mister Negative, and Venom & Carnage. Jaye also handles a lot of gang related activity but for different reasons than Barbara--whereas Barbara acted very much like a police detective, Jaye was trying to protect Crime Alley (aka Barbara worked with the police and Jaye does not). 
>>Black Cat, Doc Ock, Lizard II, and Ana Kravinoff are technically “villains” but Jaye has good working relationships with them. 
>>Jaye’s toughest battles are Venom & Carnage and Two-Faced Goblin (mainly emotional).
>>Jaye was adopted around 12-13, and grew up with Bruce and Talia (and later on, baby Damian), but also Uncle Harvey, Bruce’s best friend. Harvey, unfortunately, will be attacked and scarred by Tombstone (Maroni) and become the Two-Faced Goblin. 
>>Unclear if Jaye knows Willis is Prowler. 
>>Madame Web and Starling are newest additions to the hero community in Jaye’s time, and did not meet Barbara. Starling (Steph) knew of her because of her father and Madame knew her through her clairvoyance, but neither of them had ever met her face to face or interacted with one another.
And the lil drabble that started it all:
Out of all the leftover characters and remnants from Barbara’s time as Spidey, Black Cat is the only one she doesn’t mind.  Granted, he’s still a pain in the ass.  But, he also doesn’t try to kill her. Maim? Maybe, if she gets on his bad side. Use as a cat scratcher? More times than she can count, for no reason beyond “he was bored.”  He’s never gone for the jugular though and that she can appreciate.   And even she can admit, Barbara had good taste in men.
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taleswritten · 8 months
Under the cut is a list of muses I have for those who can’t open the google doc. Note: the google doc has detailed information about them so if you can, please open it up.
Bold is primary, italic is secondary, regular is by request.
josie saltzman
caroline forbes
bonnie bennett
Klaus Mikaelson
aeirth (ff7 remake)
tifa (ff7 remake)
Jill Warrick (ff16)
Clive Rosfield (ff16)
snow villiers
Justin Foley
Bryce Walker
Jessica Davis
Clay Jenson
911/911 LONE STAR:
Brooke Thompson
Montanna Duke
Simon Bassett
Daphne Bridgerton
kate sharma/bridgerton
Penelope Featherington
Buffy Summers
natalie manning
Hank Voight
Spencer Reid
Emily Prentiss
Seth Gecko
Kate Fuller
Greys’ Anatomy:
meredith grey
Ameila Shepard
Jon Snow
Sansa Stark
Elliot Stabler
kathleen stabler
alex cabot
casey novak
lucifer morningstar
Holden Ford
FP Jones
Vic Hughes
Dean Winchester
GERALT (please note, geralt has cat-eyes. not the eyes we see in the show. if you need a visual, think game geralt)
jessica hamby
Vanessa Van Helsing
HARLEY QUINN (au verse 1 here)
Peter Parker (the amazing spiderman)
V (both male and v, both streetkid and corpo)
joel miller
LEON KENNEDY (previously traumamade)
Claire Redfield
dimitrescu daughters
ichigo kurosaki
yuuki cross/kuran
Regina Mills
Emma Swan
Neal Caffrey
rose tyler
Calliope Burns
Juliette Fairmont.
Kaityln Ka
Dylan Lenivy
Laura Kearny
Louis De Pointe
Rose Hathaway
Wednesday Addams
Morticia Addams
Enid Sincliar
Deacon St. John
Queen Charlotte
Rowan Fielding
Critical Role (currently caught up to episode 97 and both seasons of the animated show)
Baldur's Gate 3:
Hazbin Hotel:
Angel Dust
Charlie Morningstar
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As of now, only four people in the Marvel Universe know about One More Day.
One's Mephisto, Obviously.
One's Hulk. During a special Hulk and Spider-Man talk about shit and Hulk reveals he remembers everything from before he "made people forget Peter Parker was Spider-Man with magic," meaning he knows he used to be married and now he isn't. He doesn't know about the deal with the devil, and probably never pried further cause he probably think it's none of the Hulk's business. Banner doesn't know this mind you, just Hulk.
One's Deadpool, in an issue he actively stops Peter from finding out about the marriage being erased, probably in the top 10 of most fucked up evil shit Deadpool ever did between "Helped the Confederacy win the Civil War" and "Kidnapped a blind old woman to physically and emotionally torture for months."
One's Gwenpool. Unconfirmed, but she is a Omega Level Mutant that went mad with her reality warping powers/a normal Girl from our world who is now trapped in a comic, so she would know about OMD by virtue of reading about it in the real world/her delusions.
Mephisto and Deadpool are definitely not going to help out there, this leaves Gwenpool and Hulk. Hulk likes Spider-Man well enough, that's a recurring thing between them, and would probably help out if asked, and Gwenpool wants to stay relevant and get herself a new solo series, which she can do if she gets historically remembered as the character who ended OMD.
Also, Gwenpool has a retconned in history with Mephisto kidnapping her brother, and has defeated him once before, so she has tenure.
We can work this two ways:
First way, the easy way, we get Squirrel Girl and she and Gwenpool do the team up they did the first time to defeat Mephisto. However, then that would be Squirrel Girl ending OMD, not Gwenpool, so we can't have that.
Second way, the hard way, filled with continuity shit. Gwenpool needs to set up a Machiavellian series of events that lead to Peter getting his marriage back.
First, she needs to go to a Gay Bar during Pride Month, this is relevant, where incidentally Loki and Felicia Hardy also are. Loki owes Peter a favour for that one time he helped him save one of his daughters, so he can be convinced to help out since Peter just lost the daughter he and MJ would have had had they been married, and Felicia, dating Peter at the time, would put his happiness over hers in this specific situation, which brings that emotional conflict we need to ramp up sales.
It's a heist movie to steal Peter's Marriage from Mephisto's.
But it's not that easy, we need bigger guns, and even if we get the Hulk's help, we need someone to open them a way into hell, someone who has a grudge against Mephisto...
Victor Von Doom, ruler of Latveria, was once asked if he was able to heal an old woman's gunshot wound. He was told Reed Richards had admitted he was unable to do so, he was told Doctor Strange, his esteemed colleague, was the one asking for his help, he was told a superhero, one close to the FF, was going to be indebted to him over this...
And for some strange trick of fate, Victor Von Doom had admitted to be unable to heal a single gunshot wound.
That's preposterous is it not? Now, imagine if, say, the Trickster God of Lies, with which Doom has had a working relationship with for decades and knows not to trust, showed up to him and told him this.
Showed him an illusion of a previous reality, courtesy of one Gwenpool's reality warping powers, and told him that was what happened.
He'd deny it wouldn't he? He's Doom, that's be preposterous to think, him, unable to save a single old woman from dying, accomplish what Reed Richards couldn't.
He'd look into it at the very least. Because if that's something someone believes to have happened, then he must rectify it at once.
Now, let's say everyone during OMD and beyond was being obtuse about saving May because Mephisto was fucking with their minds. That's plausible, since Mephisto, by virtue of this being a Gwenpool story, also happens to be Joe Quesada no?
How would Doom react, when shown proof of such deceptions, at the prospect of the Demon who stole his mother from him bargaining with someone for the life of their own mother (figure)? Fucking with his mind to stop him from outclassing Reed Richards?
Doom would tear reality apart just to rectify that.
So they get in Hell to steal the Marriage, Doom back in Latveria keeping the portal open, ready to undo OMD once they're back.
This is where we find out the Mary Jane currently in the main continuity Is a demon that was swapped when she ended up in the Mayan Apocalypse Dimension with Paul, and that she and the kids are actually demons Mephisto commissioned to fuck with Peter's life. Paul is still just some boring dude brainwashed into this.
So, Felicia saves MJ from hell, they have a heart to heart, it's awkward, it's tense, Felicia says she'll move aside for her happiness, Mary Jane doesn't want that of her, then demon hordes start swarming them, everything seems lost...
The Hulk, who was indeed contacted by Gwenpool for a last second cavalry charge, erupts from a wall in Hell. He's being possessed by the Spirit of Vengeance, who really hates Mephisto for good reasons, and the second he heard shit going on in Hell he possessed the closest possible host.
Also Venom is bonded to him. Because Venom might hate Peter Parker and Spider-Man, but they loved him once, much like they love Flash Thompson, much like Flash loves Peter Parker, much like he loves Mary Jane and Felicia.
They aren't doing it for any of them, for Peter or MJ or Felicia, the people Venom brutalized while he was bonded to Eddie Brock.
They are doing it for Flash.
Titanic Battle between the Venom Hulk Raider and Mephisto, who restructures reality with his power as Marvel Editorial, forcing Gwenpool to also restructure reality alongside him to stop him from retconning this story out of existence. Demon Hordes are still there.
All seems lost, until Gwenpool realizes that this is still happening during Pride Month, so she turns toward Felicia and reminds her that both she, Peter and Mary Jane have two hands.
Dramatic kiss between Mary Jane and Felicia Hardy, light explodes off them, obliterating the demon hordes, Mephisto doesn't understand what the fuck is going on.
Mary Jane Watson is now fueled, via the power of gay love, by the souls of every comic book character that was fridged or mistreated in the history of the Marvel Universe. She becomes the Avatar of their Power, their fury, directed at the personification of what lead them to their Fates.
Mephisto is Obliterated, the gang comes out of hell, the Marriage with them, here exemplified by the issue where Mary Jane and Peter got married, intact.
Doom is about ready to end this farce and undo OMD, Much to Gwenpool delight, and Felicia is kinda bummed out by this, so she's trying to leave without being noticed, but MJ does and she kisses her again, telling her she had realised that despite how much she loves Peter, she also loves her too, and she knows Peter feels the same. And it might not be conventional, but they can make it work if they try, together.
So Doom doesn't Undo OMD (which he kinda prefers since he wouldn't know the repercussions to the timeline that would have), but apparently Gay Marriage has been legal in Latveria for his entire tenure as dictator, which means he can just marry them with Peter as a Throuple, since his word is law and shit.
In all of this Peter is being depressed in New York under an awful art style. Gwenpool teleports in, screams because "Holy shit people aren't allowed to complain about Calarts anymore what is this shit???" And kidnaps him to Latveria, where he's presented with his girlfriend and his ex girlfriend who is, like, actually his ex wife unlike the impostor with the weird demon kids, and is presented with the fact they have now decided to date.
This leads to a whirlwind of emotions since, you know, fair, ranging from despair at the prospect of Mary Jane being trapped in Hell to elation at her being safe not to depression at being dumped but also joy at the prospect of those two women finding happiness even without him and then the Throuple subject is broached and he faints.
Wedding happens, Doom officiates, he now has "saved the marriage of one of your closest friends before you even knew what was happening" to the number of shit he can hold over Reed Richards, Loki gets first dibs as Evil Godmother at a potential new SpiderCat-MJ kid down the line, Gwenpool gets renewed for a solo series, and that's the end of the story.
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sovaharbor · 1 year
five times peter says i hate you, and one time he (finally) doesn't.
pairing: peter parker/wade wilson. rating: E. (aka, 18+ only, thank youuu) words: 5,802. warnings: some violence/injury stuff throughout, mainly in sections 3 + 4. also the E rating is necessary due to section 5.
Wade looks back to Spidey with his mask literally hanging on his face, blocking one of his eyes. It’s definitely been over ten seconds, whoops— “My daughter’s got a peanut allergy,” he answers with a shrug of his shoulders as he pulls his hands away. He reaches up for the mask on his head — Spider-Man’s mask, not his own — and tosses it right back. “What do you have? Asthma?”
Spidey’s eyes narrow. “What? Are you joking?”
“Why would I joke about asthma? That’s a serious condition, baby. A little nerdy, sure, but still very serious.”
“I hate you sometimes, you know that?” says Spidey, even though there’s the teeniest, tiniest, hint of a grin on his lips. “Epipens don’t help asthma, Deadpool. They must’ve sprayed me with ethyl chloride — that gunk always gets me wheezing.”
to read the rest, click here to check it out on ao3!
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trckstaer · 10 months
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— genuinely one of the longest posts I have ever posted.
A brief note that every single one of my muses has a half-blood verse and a daemon verse that I am always excited to use !
˖ ࣪⭑ . . . Marvel
May Parker's home for injured vigilantes. Head emergency room nurse May who, after realising her nephew is a vigilante adopts a ' as long as you do it under my roof so I can make sure you're safe ' policy, starts having other heroes dropped on her fire escape to patch up. Also, her cancer storyline would be epic to write.
Uncle Ben who lives and loses his arm in the shooting but is around enough to help Peter when he needs it, keep him good and moral without having to die to make sure it happens, makes space so Peter can fix up his suit whilst he works late in the garage.
Peter realises he is very genuinely the lamest Spider-Man in every universe. He has no special talents, cannot do ballet, annoys the fuck out of Miguel and burned all bridges with the billionaire he knew post accords.
Make Matt use his senses, and explore the world around him with them. Very rarely does he get the chance to just sit with them ; during the day he has to act like a regular blind person, and as Daredevil it's all about adrenaline and moving fast. Also, I am a sucker for one-night stand threads with him, because he is a player until he gets his person.
Frank being forced to be soft and gentle with your muse and taking care of them when they're hurt is super important to me however, I also adore the threads where the Punisher just gets to be insane and talented with his weapons in a fight.
Dadpool taking care of his daughter and being responsible and careful and still insane. Wade breaking into the spiderverse and being the fucking worst. Deadpool meets deities when he's waiting for Lady Death to send him back post-mortem.
Someone being kind to Vanessa, treating her gently and asking to see her skin, not the disguise that Copycat and Xavier thought up together for her to wear.
Slice of life in the Hellhouse stuff ! People are confronted with the reality of what Weasel goes through in a day of getting mercenaries weapons and jobs. Weasel vs Spider-Man stuff where he finally gets to confront Peter Parker.
I'd be really into a thread where Hawkeye is forced to drop his dumb guy act and people are reminded that he is a highly competent spy and archer with abilities beyond what is publicly known.
College years Rhodey being the exhausted roommate of one Anthony Stark. Rhodey mourning his sister. Rhodey learning to be a good uncle and primary carer to his niece Lila.
Let Happy Hogan date one of his bosses, boy has never met an authority figure he didn't fall immediately and deeply in love with.
Despite raising his two sons, Vision finally finds people that help him understand and find respite from how alone he so often feels.
After the death of his momma, Harley Keener who is raising his baby sister and selling his inventions on the black market, all while running his family farm alone is suddenly confronted with being moved out to New York for college and someone stepping up to help him finally.
Johnny Storm makes a good, reliable friend who finally helps him shake that horrific loneliness he is constantly plagued with, helps him deal with the trauma and addiction and also is just good at making sure the trouble he gets into is lighthearted.
After being stranded on a planet ( very possibly earth ) Nebula very quickly grows a beautiful and extravagant nursery of plants and tries to ignore how she doesn't really fit in anywhere.
Very tired, very grumpy, teacher Wolverine who honestly doesn’t want to be there but also doesn’t want the grief he’d get from his coworkers if he tried to quit the academy.
Bubbly, over-excited teacher, Kid Omega, who’s on strict probation because of the whole trying to start riots thing, but still won't stop talking to the kids about why policing minorities is a problem. 
˖ ࣪⭑ . . . Mythology
Biblical Mythology
Famously irresponsible Gabriel being the last eligible angel left to take on the role of leader of Heaven, them being forced to go back despite the last time they were there being the day they fled after losing their wife and children in the war. Them having to take care of something even when it's hard.
Imprisoned Uriel having visitors in any form, maybe souls who escaped their Heavens or other angels sneaking in or ! Her escaping and being taken in by the people who find her on earth, being confused and gullible.
Tired of endlessly partying and fighting, Balthazaar finds offers up his services as an archivist for the hunters instead, documenting everything he can remember about Heaven no matter how painful.
Greek Mythology
Ares takes care of something on earth and falls completely in love with a mortal, finding them so beautiful and hiding them away so Aphrodite has no chance of finding them and becoming jealous, living as much of their life with them as he possibly could — going so far as to abandon all of his duties to stay by their side.
Any and all interactions with the other Gods. Persephone who is seen as a child far too often for her liking, instead of the incredibly powerful and dramatic Goddess that she is, proving everyone wrong and being part of the solution.
The other strategic and intelligent Gods taught Phobos about wisdom and war when he was young and him looking up to them and crushing on them for the whole of his life.
After being cursed by the fates for spreading dread to the entire human population instead of just soldiers as he was meant to, I think it would be really cool to do a thread where Deimos first starts losing his mind and gaining his incredibly difficult-to-deal-with amounts of empathy and is found doing not-so-great by another muse.
˖ ࣪⭑ . . . Literature
The Shadowhunter Chronicles
No longer a vampire and only newly a shadowhunter, Simon struggles to find places where he fits in because neither group is warm to him ; the downworlders not trusting him anymore, and the shadowhunters not trusting him yet.
University professor Ragnor Fell being manic and obsessed with how intelligent his students are and unable to stop talking about it to his friends, whether he's working at a mundane school or at the shadowhunter academy.
Your muse opens the door to Catarina who is exhausted, with her little girl ( Madzie ) in tow, who starts her introduction with the sentence ' it has been a week and a half since I have had a conversation with someone who was not a patient in the emergency room or four, please can I come have a coffee ? '
The Riordanverse
A verse to explore what would have happened if Thalia had claimed the prophecy to spare both Percy and Nico a miserable fate once she saw how much it meant to the camp.
Dark Percy. I am desperate to explore a verse in which maybe Percy can’t save his mom and so turns his back on the gods in order to join Luke, especially once he's told about the prophecy and realises Chiron's plan had been to raise him like a lamb to slaughter.
Resurrected as a God in order to be punished for eternity, Luke is sent to Camp Half-Blood to serve his time there as a carer of the half-bloods he would have fought in the war had they been older at the time he brought Kronos back.
The Hunger Games
In a lot of the discussions I have about Cato post the end of the rebellion, I talk about the boy who is barely an adult who sits on his porch and watches the woods all day almost paralysed in fear but I want a thread where someone gets through to him and proves to him that it is worth making amends where he needs to and healing and learning to be a person with the aid of your muse.
More than anything, I want threads where someone is kind to Katniss, and in return, Katniss is kind back. After losing everything, and trying to heal over all of her grief, there is a forceful part of Katniss that wants to learn to be nice and gentle because she doesn't have to be a defence between herself and her people anymore.
˖ ࣪⭑ . . . Television
Stranger Things
Someone notices how Heather is living, how her parents don't talk about her or how she does everything for herself, way sooner. I want a thread where Heather offers support to someone and in return there is another voice ( an actual friend unlike all the people that call her a friend but really just use her for status, sex, or parties ) to fill up the silence she's usually surrounded by.
It would be super exciting to write literally any thread with Jason post-season 4 : his recovery where someone finally forces him to get out of bed and start doing his physical therapy, something during his manic period when he finally tasted freedom in college and goes a little mad with it and then comes back to Hawkins in the holidays covered in tattoos and piercings with hickeys on his neck, kind Jason who is good and worked to make amends in the town before going off to medical school and then starts working at a hospital's pediatric unit where he bumps into a familiar face from his past and their kid.
Vampire Eddie coming back to Hawkins to check on his Uncle after his reputation was saved and he was proven innocent. The government provides him money and coolers of something to make up for the abandonment he faced by them in the Upside Down. Him making it big time with Corroded Coffin. Eddie goes to the gay bar an hour and a half out of town with the handkerchief in his back pocket and runs into a familiar face.
Raised in Hawkins but having fled as soon as she could, Susan moved back with just her daughter Max as soon as she realised the type of man Neil was. She finally claims her dad’s house with the promise to herself that she would get rid of any trace of him in there. It gives her the ability to pay attention to Max the way a mom should.
The way that Benny keeps his diner open late for the truckers that bring him a lot of business, but also because Benji's diner was the only place that was open late enough for Benny to get some rest when his abusive piece of shit dad kicked him out at night, and he wants to be able to offer that respite wherever he can to whoever needs it.
Similarly, the open door policy that Wayne Munson enforces consistently for the sake of other kids like his boy Eddie and his old partner Robbie. Steve needs to escape from that big empty house ? Maxine finding it hard to sleep with her mom on the night shift ? Literally any kid who needs a safe space ? He just wants them to know they can knock on his door and sleep on the pullout sofa bed if they need a place.
Any and all Benny Lafitte being the lord of purgatory threads.
Bobby’s junkyard being operational and a known hunter-safe camp where he ends up being a surrogate dad for most of the time, but also finally having help with the stuff that’s a little more difficult from his chair.
The Last of Us
Maybe a verse where Joel managed to save Sarah but the two grew apart because in a world where she lives, Joel never has to angelify her. They talk and Joel helps with his grandbaby whenever he can but at the end of the day, they are both traumatised and Joel made mistakes as a dad. I want a thread where Joel still goes out to deliver Ellie, but has a reason to go home again after.
Very slowly, Bill relaxes around your muse and starts trusting that things are going to be okay at least for a while and as long as he keeps up his defences around the village. He even goes as far as to let the occasional desperate survivor stay as long as they didn't touch his supplies or arsenal and didn't pose a risk.
The Walking Dead
It would be cool to do a thread where Negan is locked under house arrest and raising Dylan as best he can, taking care of her and only occasionally seeing any other living people. Your muse drops off one of his deliveries of formula or whatever for his baby girl and Negan convinces them to stay for a while.
Any and all threads where Lori proves she is worthwhile : threads where something the kids have learned from her saves the day, threads where she is willing to risk herself to help the babies, threads where her experience as a mother helps the new mothers. Threads where she paints and helps people relax just a little by teaching them to as well.
Doctor Who
The Doctor saving everyone for once and is furious after and having to explain that the reason why is because he couldn't even do that for his own people, not even for his own husband, his own children.
Really really into the idea of Hannibal teaching someone to cook. No matter at what part of the verse — pre-fall, post-fall, in a beach house in another country and your muse knows him by another name — I think the idea is super fun. Whether or not your muse knows he's a cannibal, I think there's room for Hannibal to be charming and seductive and snarky.
FBI agent Jack Crawford getting to show off that he is damned good at his job, no matter what's happening with Riley or Bella, him proving that he was given his role for a reason. Also I have been obsessed with the idea since I read about it but Jack figuring out Will's confliction before it becomes obvious because he was a profiler once and a good enough one to be head of his department.
Any and all explorations of John's past and how it affects his present. His time as a Captain in the army makes up so much of who he is now and how he is even with his daughter Rosie, that it seems strange how little it came up in canon.
Being captured and returned to Camelot whilst pregnant with her son, Morgana being held captive because at this point in the story, she is still seen as an easily manipulated girl who fell down the wrong path. Merlin tells her about his magic and the two of them commiserating with each other. Morgana trying to make amends.
Good dad verse where Uther loves his son more than he hates magic, he realises this when he catches Merlin saving Arthur for the first time and captures Merlin secretly. Alongside his paycheck, he gives the sorcerer books on magic that had been long since banned and in return, Merlin is to continue keeping his boy alive — as long as the magic stays a secret.
Just the general adventures of first knight Leon, him trying to decide whether magic is good or evil based on his own experiences with it rather than the fact that Uther helped raise him after his sister died.
Lord Gwaine who has to go home and claim his land and titles once his sister becomes gravely ill or else risks losing his knighthood. I so desperately want to write Gwaine as his intended, bratty self.
˖ ࣪⭑ . . . Original Characters
I think it would be cool to have Elaerea meet someone who, in a better reality, would have been a bigger part of her life such as Sansa when she spent time at the vale or Jon or Ned. Also, maybe threads between her and other Targaryens or even Bran since they both have the power of sight ( even if Elaerea's is so much less broad ).
Any threads where MJ gets to spend time with the rest of the Watson family. Any threads where he gets to interact with the spider-verse. Any future threads where we see MJ in soft domestic situations with their Spider-Man ( maybe even with their own Mayday ).
I want Edie to have friends who can help her be a normal woman who gets to do ordinary young adult things like going to bars and painting her room. Edie needs to be able to make her own choices and prove to herself that she is worth more than who her father or brother was.
Workaholic Melanoë being very gently coaxed into having fun and being reckless. Cautious Noë letting loose and fighting a jerk who tries to push her around. Counselor Noë helping your muse cope a little better after a battle.
I would be really invested in threads where people witness Mercury reading aloud and manifesting things into reality, and them surprising him by not asking anything of him once they know.
Any and all interactions where Mapone gets to talk to other legacy kids, because whilst I love and obsess over the idea of her being a brat to the older trying to help train her, I also like the idea of her making friends and getting into trouble with the others.
Candace Nelson being a general nuisance to herself and others: ditching school and ending up in trouble and needing rescuing, teaching your middle aged blorbo slang, and generally being a teenager.
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marjorinesworld · 1 year
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Maybelle Parker-Wilson a.k.a Miss Webs
Just a silly little spiderverse oc I have~
She is the daughter of the mercenary Deadpool, a.k.a Wade Wilson, and his scientist husband Peter Parker.
By day, she is a (relatively) normal high school student, but by night, she is a 'super cool protector of the city'.
She has a psychic connection with a radioactive Jumping Spider who bit her after having hitched a ride home on her dad's briefcase.
Maybelle keeps her spider, named Eris, in a terrarium in her room, telling her parents that she is a pet.
Wade's nickname for her is Bellie. She calls Wade pops and Peter dad.
That's it! :3
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ao3feed-lokitony · 1 year
Ships on the Water: Chapter Two
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/FygOovj
by Moondust_Yikisoul
The world was at peace and the Age of Heros had begun. Or at least the Age of Heros had begun as the Avengers and X-men were now known throughout the galaxy. Or so they thought. But they weren't the only ones that were there, and one of these groups wasn't as peaceful. Led by a purple Tattin by the name of Thanos this group was a group that was interested in only destruction and death. The Black Order. Another group that consisted of a tree, a talking raccoon, three outlaws, and the adopted daughter of Thanos was more of a guardian team than anything else. and the last two groups didn't want to be known. One Made up of sorcerers and the other a county in Africa. This, of course, is not why Peace is a relative term. Well, not the only reason.
Words: 8303, Chapters: 6/?, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of X-Men Avengers crossover that no one saw coming!
Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel Movies), X-Men - All Media Types, X-Men (Alternate Timeline Movies), Captain America (Movies), Iron Man (Movies), Thor (Movies), Guardians of the Galaxy (Movies), Black Panther (Marvel Movies), Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV), Deadpool - All Media Types, Doctor Strange (Movies), Refences to Supernatural
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Major Character Death
Categories: F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi
Characters: all the X-Men, Tony Stark, Loki, Wanda Maximoff, Peter Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff, Logan (X-Men), Erik Lehnsherr, Nina Lehnsherr, James "Bucky" Barnes, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Steve Rogers, Jean Gray, Mazimoff twins, Scott Summers, Original Male Character(s), Original android characters, Peter Parker, Thor (Marvel), Erik Selvig, Nick Fury, Phil Coulson, Jenna Sommers, Skye | Daisy Johnson, Hydra Agents, SHIELD Agents & Staff, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Lorna Dane, Wade Wilson, To be added - Character, Scott Lang, Orgnial Goddess character
Relationships: Loki/Tony Stark, Everett Ross/Stephen Strange, Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Jane Foster/Thor, May be more - Relationship, Posable Peter Parker/ Wade Wilson
Additional Tags: Not Canon Compliant, Not Captain America: Civil War (Movie) Compliant, Up to Infinty war at lest, X-Men crossover., Not Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018) Compliant, Mutant Bucky Barnes, Altititive Stones, Sentient Infinity Stones (Marvel), It's going get really weird really fast, Anouther spot the charater game, But only if you have read some of my supernatural fics, It's not really impotant, Qudrupliet Maxamoffs, Mpreg
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/FygOovj
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spartanzayle · 1 year
name: shuck zayle Adrian Wilson brock parker other name : spiderman shuck nick names: spiderdoggo , puppy spider, mutt, freak race: mutant alien hybrid job: mercenary other forms: can be female gender and a black puppy dog, mostly stays in his klyntar form skin where it looks like spiderman's costume favorite foods: pizza and sweets also bunch other foods along with dog food. age:30 gender:male he a male who gets pregnant like a seahorse like venom due to being half klyntar plus he a futa he sometimes is female disability: autism, tardive dyskinesia, speech impediment, sexuality: bi sexual weakness: is a danger some times to himself and others because of his red eyes. afraid to get close to others, snake phobia, has huge fear of hurting others knowing he is the reincarnated form of black shuck the black red eye hell hound of death as a new spiderman. his anger and rage, his primal animal wolf instinct, anxiety, easily bribed with food.
adopted family: dr. strange , ironman tony stark, beast.
birth family: venom, spiderman peter parker, deadpool wade wilson, logan wolverine.
best friend and pet owner: galatica former mate: alex aka rhino {deceased} mate: looking for some one is single
black shuck spiderman who is the red eye black hell hound re incarnated as a new spider man born with spider powers plus he is a futa plus he swears vengeance on a sorcerer know as dr.strange plus he is a anti hero plus he some time turn into a black wolf dog with red eyes. plus his human blue eyes turn red and glow under his mask plus he is half klyntar since she venom gave birth to him and is married to spiderman which is really deadpool with spider powers since him and spiderman merge into one person plus his red eye gaze can kill you the next day or a love one or friend or some one who was close to you like black shuck legend also he is know as black shuck spider also his magic costume can change forms with him here he is in black shuck dog mode plus his human name is shuck adrian brock wilson parker also dr.strange is his adopted family since strange knows he is the red eye black hell hound reincarnated plus he gives shuck a good childhood till he remembers who and what he used to be from being bonked on the head by his best friend rhino a mutant humanoid who was his mate rhino while trying to calm him down from primal rage who actsendently gazed into his glowing red eyes rhino died plus he saved alot of lives from rhino's rampage then became a anti hero after running away from his adopted dad dr.strange plus tony stark aka iron man became shuck's new parent and foster family plus black shuck spider man used to be ghost rider's pet who would also eat dead bodies after he sucked their souls out also he still does that plus ghost rider is not human but is a skeleton demon raised by humans who hates the devil. beast aka mr. hank maccoy is shuck's adopted grandpa also is his home room teacher in his school he goes to also he teaches science and gym along with art class shucks favorite subjects plus beast lets shuck stay with him at the manson the x-men live at also wolverine aka logan is shuck's real grandpa because he is his dad deadpool's father and spinderman is logan's son in law and venom is his daughter in law since they give birth to shuck remember also shuck and logan along with beast have a special family bond with shuck. plus shuch is immortal and can be any age he wants. plus he has a curse on him that won't let him die because he wants to live unlike his birth father deadpool who doesn't but shuck is his new reason to stay alive along with being a father to shuck. venom is shuck's birth mother along with spiderman who gave birth to shuck. plus ever since his mate rhino died from his red eye gaze shuck been traveling alternate realties to find the right mate to make immortal like him so he can have children with them some day which he really wants since his birth and adopted family and his world are gone he is what left of his world because he obtain god like powers from galactus's daughter who basically owns him as her pet also loves playing and traveling worlds and universes along with alternate worlds and goes on adventures with him plus she lets him keep his free will and mind plus shuck is best friends with glatica. sometimes shuck would change forms from a female and to a black puppy dog also the form he mostly stays is his klyntar form also he half mutant and human so he is his own host. plus he sometimes eat humans like venom he can have chocolate and sweets also he really loves pizza and dog food along with other foods. one time his owner galatica over fed him and he was fat for a few years. plus he got spoiled by galatica.
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ao3feed-thor · 1 year
Ships on the Water: Chapter Two
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/IAL1oY2
by Moondust_Yikisoul
The world was at peace and the Age of Heros had begun. Or at least the Age of Heros had begun as the Avengers and X-men were now known throughout the galaxy. Or so they thought. But they weren't the only ones that were there, and one of these groups wasn't as peaceful. Led by a purple Tattin by the name of Thanos this group was a group that was interested in only destruction and death. The Black Order. Another group that consisted of a tree, a talking raccoon, three outlaws, and the adopted daughter of Thanos was more of a guardian team than anything else. and the last two groups didn't want to be known. One Made up of sorcerers and the other a county in Africa. This, of course, is not why Peace is a relative term. Well, not the only reason.
Words: 9723, Chapters: 7/?, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of X-Men Avengers crossover that no one saw coming!
Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel Movies), X-Men - All Media Types, X-Men (Alternate Timeline Movies), Captain America (Movies), Iron Man (Movies), Thor (Movies), Guardians of the Galaxy (Movies), Black Panther (Marvel Movies), Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV), Deadpool - All Media Types, Doctor Strange (Movies), Refences to Supernatural
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Major Character Death
Categories: F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi
Characters: all the X-Men, Tony Stark, Loki, Wanda Maximoff, Peter Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff, Logan (X-Men), Erik Lehnsherr, Nina Lehnsherr, James "Bucky" Barnes, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Steve Rogers, Jean Gray, Mazimoff twins, Scott Summers, Original Male Character(s), Original android characters, Peter Parker, Thor (Marvel), Erik Selvig, Nick Fury, Phil Coulson, Jenna Sommers, Skye | Daisy Johnson, Hydra Agents, SHIELD Agents & Staff, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Lorna Dane, Wade Wilson, To be added - Character, Scott Lang, Orgnial Goddess character
Relationships: Loki/Tony Stark, Everett Ross/Stephen Strange, Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Jane Foster/Thor, May be more - Relationship, Posable Peter Parker/ Wade Wilson
Additional Tags: Not Canon Compliant, Not Captain America: Civil War (Movie) Compliant, Up to Infinty war at lest, X-Men crossover., Not Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018) Compliant, Mutant Bucky Barnes, Altititive Stones, Sentient Infinity Stones (Marvel), It's going get really weird really fast, Anouther spot the charater game, But only if you have read some of my supernatural fics, It's not really impotant, Qudrupliet Maxamoffs, Mpreg
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/IAL1oY2
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