#pete davidson x colson baker
hollywoodxwhore · 1 year
wanted - part 12
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Woohoo I finally wrote! And I'm leaving y'all on a cliffhanger to make you hate me even more! Sorry... I am currently writing the next chapter though, so hopefully that'll be up shortly. Thanks for sticking around during my little hiatus. I hope you enjoy!
Colson x Original Female Character x Pete
Warnings: some smut (18+), swearing, alcohol usage
It’s my birthday. 
Normally, I wake up sad on my birthday. I’m not really sure why. Maybe because a birthday makes you think of who really cares, and you’re expecting messages from people, and when they don’t come, you feel like you don’t matter. Maybe it’s because I’m getting older and that freaks me out. Whatever it is, I’m glad that I don’t wake up on this birthday feeling sad.
Maybe it has to do with the fact that Colson is in bed beside me. He’s on his side, hand tucked under his head, and he sleeps soundly. I love the way that the sunlight catches his face, giving him a warm glow. He’s become so special to me so quickly. I’ve never been so happy, and I know you’re not supposed to find happiness solely in a relationship. I think Colson is just enhancing my life. A friend turned partner. It’s perfect.
It hasn’t even been a month since we made it official but I can’t help what I’m feeling. I’m at the edge of the cliff, so close to falling in love with Colson it’s scary. I won’t admit it any time soon, not until he does, but I feel it. How can I not? Colson is kind, funny, caring, and sexy. We get along great and I’m so much happier when I’m with him. 
I’m daydreaming about our relationship so deeply that I don’t notice his eyes are open until he says my name. I jump a little and meet his eyes, smiling sheepishly. “Hey,” I whisper.
“Hey,” Colson says with a sleepy grin. “C’mere.” I scoot closer, letting him wrap me in his arms. Warm lips press to my forehead and he gives me a squeeze. “Happy birthday, baby.”
I smile and nuzzle in closer. “Thank you,” I say. 
Colson told me last night, two glasses of wine in, that his birthday present was something amazing. I couldn’t get anything else out of him, no matter how hard I tried, and now that I’m remembering it again, I’m eager to find out what it is. 
“Hey,” I say, looking up at him. “When do I get my present?”
Colson laughs. “Later tonight. Probably after dinner.” He’s taking me out to dinner and then we’ll spend the night here. 
“I guess I’d better get up and start getting ready,” I say. 
Colson gives me a kiss, squeezing my ass. “Yeah. You do that.” 
Later that night, I drive over to Colson’s place in my birthday outfit, a silky red dress that hugs my curves. Sophie and Alicia helped me pick it out and I feel beautiful in it. I can’t wait to show Colson.
I park in my usual spot in the driveway and let myself into the house. Pete is on the couch and he smiles, hopping to his feet. “Hey! Happy birthday!” he says, wrapping me in a hug. He smells good and his hug is warm. I’ve stopped trying to convince myself that I don’t still feel something for Pete. It’s pointless to keep lying to myself. 
Pete pulls back from the hug and turns his head. “Kells! Alex is here!” he calls, then turns back to me. “You look beautiful,” he says, and I’m surprised to see a glimpse of what looks like pain in his deep brown eyes. It makes my heart squeeze in my chest. But there’s something else there, too…mischief?
“Hey,” I say, narrowing my eyes. 
Pete stuffs his hands into his pockets and looks at me innocently. “What’s up?”
“Do you know what my birthday present is going to be?” 
Pete opens his mouth to say something, but then I catch sight of Colson over Pete’s shoulder and my face lights up with a smile. Colson smiles right back as he saunters over. Pete steps out of the way and Colson cups my face, tipping it up so he can kiss me. “Hi,” he murmurs. 
“Hi,” I say through a smile, wrapping my arms around his waist. 
“Ready to go?” he asks, and I nod. Colson pulls away and turns to Pete. “See you later, brother.”
“See ya. Have fun,” Pete says from where he’s returned to the couch. I shoot what I hope is a menacing look at him over my shoulder as Colson takes my hand and we walk outside. Pete just winks and waves, and fuck if I don’t feel that wink right between my legs. 
Colson takes me to my favorite restaurant - Texas Roadhouse, duh - and we order drinks to start, sharing a basket of rolls. He looks so handsome, slightly dressed up. He just got a haircut - long on top and short on the sides, and it really suits him. The sides are his natural, darker color and the top of bleach blonde. “I love your hair, by the way,” I tell him.
Colson chuckles. “So you’ve said. A couple hundred times,” he teases.
I lightly kick his shin beneath the table and giggle. “Leave me alone. I just really like it, okay?” 
“I like yours, too,” Colson agrees. “And that dress. Goddamn.” His voice lowers as his eyes dip to my cleavage, and he takes his lip between his teeth as his eyes glaze over.
I blush and look around. “Save it for later, ya perv,” I joke, reaching for his hand. Colson takes my hand in his and leans in to kiss my knuckles, holding eye contact with me. My heart flutters in my chest, and suddenly, I realize I can’t deny another lie I’ve been telling myself. I’m 100% in love with Colson. 
“What are you thinking about?” he asks, blue eyes burning into mine. 
I shrug. “Nothing important,” I lie. 
We eat a delicious dinner and talk the entire time. On the drive back to his house, Colson pushes the hem of my dress up and rests his hand on my thigh, thumb stroking gently. Heat shoots between my legs and I bite my lip. I literally can’t get enough of him. 
He’s initiated every time, mainly because I’m terrified of rejection, and even though he’s my boyfriend now, I’m still scared it’ll happen. I glance over at him as he drives and he smiles at me. I turn my body and lean over, kissing his neck. Colson tenses up, breath hitching. “What are you doing?” he purrs.
“Nothing,” I murmur into his warm skin, leaving open-mouthed kisses all over the side of his neck. Reaching over, I untuck his shirt from his dress pants and slip my hand beneath his shirt to feel his stomach. Colson curses quietly under his breath and then his hand covers mine and pulls it back. 
“What’s wrong?” I ask, tracing my tongue over the double x tattoo behind his ear, a surefire way to make his dick hard. And it does. I watch as his pants begin to tent. 
Colson lets out a shaky breath. “I have cake for us at home. Pete’s waiting to have some with us,” he says. “Can we just hold off until after? I don’t really want to walk into my house with a boner.”
“Mm,” I hum against his skin. “Just this once.” I pull back after tucking his shirt back in. He shifts in his seat and adjusts his cock in his pants, letting out a breath. Even in the late evening light, I can see the pink splotches on his cheeks and it makes me smile. 
When we pull up to the house, Colson comes to get my door. The inside is completely dark and I frown. “You sure Pete didn’t bail on us?” I ask. “Looks dark in there.”
Colson frowns, too. “He better not have,” he says irritably. “Maybe he fell asleep.” He takes my hand and leads me to the door. He unlocks it and we step into the pitch black. Out of nowhere, the lights flick on, and I jolt, shocked to find that the living room is filled with people. 
“Surprise!” they yell in unison, and that’s when I notice the party hats, the balloons, and the sign hanging from the doorway between the kitchen and living room reading ‘Happy Birthday Alex!’. 
I laugh and swat Colson’s stomach. “What the hell! You planned this?” I yell over the commotion.
Colson grins down at me and bends to kiss me softly. “Happy birthday, baby.”
I’m immediately bombarded by hugs, and I just can’t believe Colson pulled off a surprise party. A room full of people I love, with the one who planned it all being the one I love most. I smile at him from where Alicia has me in an embrace, and I narrow my eyes. So that’s why he didn’t want to fool around in the car. I’ll get him back later. 
I’m handed a drink and then we gather around the table to play waterfall, my favorite drinking game. It’s easy to get fucked up, but it’s so fun that I don’t even mind. Sure enough, after a few rounds, we’re all drunk and rowdy. I’m in Colson’s lap laughing loudly at something Slim said, and I’m so, so happy. 
The only problem is my wandering eye. 
I can’t help but notice Pete. He sits on the couch, legs in the perfect man-spread position, big, tattooed hand curled around a beer. His cheeks are rosy and his smile is warm and his voice jolts something within me whenever he talks. Plus, he keeps glancing over at me and smirking like an asshole.
But then I feel Colson’s warm hand on my hip, his lips against my shoulder, and I smile, remembering that this is my boyfriend. Sexy, smart, funny, and kind, Colson is mine. So why am I still hung up on Pete?
“Can we play truth or dare but with only dares?” I slur, and the group laughs. 
“We pretty much already know everything about each other,” Rook says with a shrug. 
“Sure, birthday girl,” Slim says. “You wanna go first?”
“I can never think of good dares,” I pout. “You go first, babe.”
“Alright,” Colson says, looking around the circle. “Rook, I dare you to do a backflip.”
“Wait,” Alicia says. “Can you actually do one?”
Rook laughs. “Yeah, I can. Not sure how well when I’m this drunk, though.” The ceiling is high and Rook backs up away from the group. We all watch in awe as he throws a perfect backflip, landing solidly. Everyone cheers and Rook bows. 
The game continues on. We’re all coupled up, but everything always ends up sexual in nature. I return to Colson’s lap after Sophie fulfilled a dare given to her by Logan. She was dared to make out with me and she pulled me right into her lap for the dare. My heart is racing a little and it only quickens when I feel Colson’s erection against my ass. 
“That was hot, baby,” he murmurs against my ear. 
I hum in response, pleasantly drunk and turned on. I’m about to drag his ass from the room when Sophie speaks. 
“Kells, your turn,” she says. 
“Alright,” Colson says, scanning the room. His eyes land on Pete. something mischievous flickers in Colson’s eyes. “Pete,” he says. “I dare you to make Alex moan.”
The room falls awkwardly silent. Pete clears his throat, cheeks reddening. “Wh-what?” he asks.
“You heard me,” he says, eyes burning into Pete’s. “Dare’s a dare. She’s the birthday girl, after all.”
“Are you serious?” I ask, looking at Colson, who only nods. His eyes hold no jealousy, just smoldering desire, and he’s gotten even harder against me, if possible. I swallow hard and glance at Pete. 
“Shit,” Pete says, then laughs, patting his thighs. “Come here, Alex.”
It’s a good thing we’re all drunk. Colson pushes me off him and I stumble over to Pete, taking his hand as he pulls me into his lap. I glance around, and everyone’s eyes are on me. The guys are smirking and the girls just look intrigued. No one looks worried or scared. 
I glance at Colson and he nods, picking up his drink. “Go on, baby,” he tells me. 
I swallow hard and look at Pete, who’s staring up at me with dark eyes. Fuck, he looks hot. He bites his lip. “You okay with this?” he asks. I can’t speak right now, so a small nod is my only response. “Good,” he murmurs, and then he’s leaning in, wrapping soft lips around the side of my neck. I swallow hard and close my eyes, hands tightening on his shoulders. 
The heavy bass of a loud song pulsates in my body. I could moan now and end this, or I could milk it. I’m too drunk to feel guilty and I choose the latter. I let Pete’s lips explore my neck and chest, moving slowly down my cleavage. My chest heaves slightly and Pete huffs against my heated skin. I’m keeping it together relatively well until he decides to end me.
Suddenly, Pete’s big hands grip my ass hard and he drags his tongue up my cleavage and neck, and a moan slips out, uninhibited. It’s then that I remember our friends are surrounding us, and they celebrate Pete completing his dare. Pete gives my ass a little pat that shouldn’t be as sexy as it is, and I get off his lap, returning to Colson. 
My boyfriend smirks and wraps his arm around me, resting his big hand on my thigh. He leans down into my ear. “Did you like that?” he murmurs. 
I look up at him, unsure of what to say. Shouldn’t Colson be jealous? He was the one to dare Pete in the first place. I’m confused. “I’ll be right back,” I say. I need to clear my head, get some fresh air. I push off the couch and walk out onto the back porch, feeling sober as soon as the cool air hits my skin. I draw in a deep breath and steady myself on the railing. What the fuck is going on?
Colson asked me to be his girlfriend. I suppose he never said anything specific about being exclusive, but I just figured that’s what we were doing. But now he’s daring his best friend to make me moan. Who does that? I’m not sure how to feel about it, but it’s hard to figure it out because my pussy aches between my thighs. I squeeze them together and let out a little helpless noise, closing my eyes. My throat tightens and the backs of my eyes begin to sting. I don’t know what to do with these feelings.
I don’t turn around when I hear the door whoosh open and shut behind me, but I do notice there are two sets of footsteps. I tense up slightly as Colson steps up beside me, leaning against the railing, but I do look over when Pete takes my other side. I blink in confusion, pinching the bridge of my nose. “What the hell is going on?” I ask helplessly.
Colson and Pete chuckle and I frown, glaring at Colson, whose smile fades immediately. “I’m sorry, baby,” he says, putting a hand to my lower back. “I should’ve talked to you about it first to see if you were okay with it.”
“Why are you okay with it?” I blurt, looking up into his intense blue eyes. “I-I’m your girlfriend. Pete’s your best friend.” I jerk my thumb towards the other man. 
Colson chuckles and meets Pete’s eyes over my head before looking back down at me. “Alex,” he says. “I like threesomes. Okay?” My body tenses, and the ache between my legs intensifies. Just then, Pete scoots closer, pushing my hair off my shoulder. I look up at him and he just watches me with his lip between his teeth. 
“I like watching my girl get fucked,” Colson continues, cupping my chin so I’ll look at him. “I want to watch you with Pete. And I want him to watch you with me.”
“I want that, too,” Pete says huskily, and I swallow hard, looking over at him again. He plays gently with my hair. “I’ve never stopped being attracted to you, Alex. Just because I don’t really date doesn’t mean I don’t still fuck.”
I stare dumbly at him for a moment before turning back to Colson. “Am I hallucinating this?” I ask. “Is this a trick to see if I’m faithful?”
Colson chuckles and shakes his head. “No, this is real,” he murmurs, “and definitely not a trick. I’ve been paying attention and I think you want this, too.”
He steps closer and grabs one of my hips, turning my body so my back is pressed to his front. His hands slide over my curves and I breathe shallowly as I feel his erection press against me. Pete steps forward, a question in his eyes as his fingertips trace down my neck. I close my eyes and whimper almost painfully. I do want this, so badly it hurts. Is that wrong?
“Here’s what I think we should do,” Colson murmurs in my ear. “Pete and I take you to my room and we fuck you, make you come until you can barely move.” My eyes are locked on Pete’s as Colson speaks, and Pete’s already dark brown eyes seem to blacken. 
“But we need to hear that you want this, Alex,” Pete says as he steps into my space. His hands find a space on my waist above Colson’s, and his thumbs graze the undersides of my breasts through my silky dress. My breath hitches. 
“Mm, she’s hesitant,” Colson murmurs. “She wants to be a bad girl, but she’s scared.” It should feel degrading, having Colson talk about me right in front of me, but it only makes me ache more. Colson snaps his fingers and I jolt slightly. “Ah,” he says. “Let’s see what her body is saying.”
Pete smirks as Colson’s hand skims up beneath my dress. The red silk moves easily as his fingers move between my legs, skillfully pushing aside the crotch of my panties, which is soaked. Colson lets out a low, raspy groan as his fingers find me dripping wet. “That’s what I thought,” he murmurs. “But I need to hear you say it, Alex.” 
I’m a shaken can of Coke ready to explode and I finally do. “Yes!” I blurt, cheeks reddening. “God, yes, I want it, I want both of you, please.” My words come out in a rush of breath and the boys chuckle together, meeting eyes. 
“Good girl,” Pete says, tipping my chin up as he leans down to kiss me. My legs weaken and Colson has to hold me up as Pete kisses me thoroughly, slowly at first but deeper as time goes on. I whimper helplessly into his mouth, gripping onto his shoulder with one hand and Colson’s wrist with the other. 
“P-please,” I squeak when he pulls back.
“Come on, baby,” Colson murmurs, pulling me towards the door. Pete follows close behind. Everyone’s still partying, pretty drunk now, so the three of us are able to easily sneak past everyone to Colson’s room. Pete locks the door behind us. 
Colson sits me on the bed and kneels down in front of me. Warm hands find my thighs, stroking gently, and there’s love in his eyes when he looks up at me. “Hey,” he murmurs. “Are you drunk?”
I shake my head no. “Tipsy, but not drunk.”
“Okay,” he says, nodding. “Alex. Do you want this?”
I swallow hard, glancing at Pete who leans against the wall. I can see his erection through his gray sweats and I have to stifle a moan as I look back at Colson. “Yes, I want this,” I say firmly. 
Colson grins and pulls me in for a slow kiss. “If it ever goes too far,” he says against my lips, “you tell us and we’ll stop.”
“Don’t even feel bad about it,” Pete says. “We don’t give a fuck. We’ll stop when you want us to.” They’re both so serious and a huge chunk of my anxiety dissolves. I nod and smile at Colson, and then Pete.
“Boys?” I say.
“Yeah, baby?” Colson asks at the same time Pete says, “Yeah?”
I look between them, then get to my feet. Their eyes are locked on me as I reach behind myself and unzip my dress. Then, I let it slowly puddle onto the floor around my feet, leaving me in a lacy matching set, stockings high up on my thighs. 
“Jesus. Fucking. Christ,” Pete says, swallowing hard. 
“Yeah,” Colson croaks, staring me down. 
I put my hands on my hips and smirk. “Can you please stop being so gentle now and fuck me like you promised?”
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crazyinluvfix · 2 months
hey babes x
masterlist for my multi fandom blog, and when i say multi fandom i mean literally anything !!
request in bio and i will deliver. i’m talking music, movies, tv shows, books, you name it i’m there
i’ll write anything within reason ( smut, fluff, angst, etc. )
fics with * will have smut
‘FATAL ATTRACTION’ chapter masterlist
coming soon…
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urdadisdumb · 1 year
🍋=smut 🍓=fluff 🥝=angst
Colson Baker/MGK
JXDN/Jaden Hossler
Pete Davidson
Vinnie Hacker
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pixiedust0 · 2 years
𝐾𝑖𝑠𝑠 𝑚𝑒
❥𝚂𝚞𝚖𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚢 - 𝚂𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎𝚜 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚓𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚒𝚜𝚗,𝚝 𝚎𝚗𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚏𝚊𝚌𝚝 𝚑𝚒𝚝𝚜 𝙲𝚘𝚕𝚜𝚘𝚗 𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚗 𝚑𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚒𝚝 𝚠𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍.
❥𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝 - 𝟷.𝟸𝙺
❥𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜 - 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚍𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚑, 𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎𝚛, 𝚖𝚊𝚢𝚋𝚎 𝚝𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚐𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐
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The low labor of her breathing worried him. Her lips that were once a beautiful baby pink were now pale color almost blue looking. Her tan skin was now a sickly white. The way her heart beat picked up on the monitor was to slow for his liking.
Her once beautiful long hair was now replaced by air. Due to all the chemotherapy. Which he didn't mind she looked beautiful anyway. He was so concentrated on her face he didn't hear his fiancé call out to him. "Bubba...Bubba... Cols." Her voice quivered as she studied him. Sharing a nervous glance to Pete and rook.
In short words he looked a mess. His hair was pushed every which way due to him tugging on it. His hand was clasped tightly on the girl next to him. She could tell he wanted her to be okay. He wanted you to be okay. "Colson" she tried once again. This time he released a 'hmm' noise as if he was asking her to continue.
Before she could say anything the doctor walked into the small hospital room. Causing Colson to stand quickly not letting go of your hand."Mr. Baker?" he questioned. "Colson." He replied with a quick nod. "I'm afraid to say that all the stress put on Miss Y/L/N body we aren't confident that she has long." Colson’s heart broke in his chest.
"There's gotta be something you can do right?" He couldn't lose you not after everything you've too been through."I'm sorry Colson but there is nothing left I or anyone else can do.I think you should prepare yourselves.I am deeply sorry." He gave a quick nod and with that left. Before anyone could say anything you slowly began to stir.
His eyes immediately snapped towards you and he was once again at your side. "We'll let you to be alone." Pete's voice cut the silence like a knife. Him and Rook giving you a quick kiss on the forehead and a sad smile before going to the lobby to tell the others. Megan slowly trailing behind.
Your eyes slowly opened and we're in tranced with the bright room. "Hey." His voice was slow and very quiet to not scare you. "I'm dying." It was the first thing you said. Your voice was scratchy and rough. "Don't say that." He quickly shushed you sitting on your hospital bed.
" I feel it. I feel my body shutting down. I'm so tired." The more you talked the more he wanted to cry because he knew that this was it. "Y/N..." he trailed off not knowing exactly what to say. "It's okay I'm okay." Her voice got weaker making his lips tremble. "Don't cry over me."her breathing got thicker.
"How am I not supposed to you started all this when you told me to kiss you now you're just leaving and I'm stuck here." Her eyebrows twisted in confusion as he began to explain all the important memories of the two.
"Have you ever kissed anyone." The young teen asked the girl. "No." Her short answer made his heart jump. " Have you?" Her voice was quite but that's how you were. "No" he replied making her lips twist up in a smile.
"Why not?" He questioned her. " Just never found someone I wanted to kiss." She simply answered the two stayed silent after awhile. Her feet stopped moving towards the school the were walking towards causing the boy to stop.
"What are you doing." He asked. "Kiss me."she told him causing his breath to get caught in his throat. "I- what." His palms began to sweat from the nerves. "Kiss me Baker if your not scared." with out even thinking he grabbed her face and connected it with his. After awhile of being there together they had to pull away due to lack of oxygen.
"I've wanted to do that since the day we met."he tells her as he reconnects the two.
"I think I love you." His heart picks up the pace as the words leave the girls mouth. "Unless you don't feel the same otherwise pretend I didn't even-." Before she could finish he placed his hand over the girls mouth causing her to stop talking.
"I think I love you too." Your eyes began to sparkle at his words.
"So your asking me to change." He rolls his eyes towards the girl. "I'm asking you to stop killing your self by doing theses." She tells him picking up the small bag with the white powder "Your over dramatic." Losing his patience's he snatches the bag from her.
"I don't even know who you are anymore." By his expression she can tell that hurt him. "I was thinking the same thing." With that he grabs his keys and walks away.
You paced back in forth with the test in your hand. Two lines meant one thing. You were pregnant. There was an thing inside you growing.
"Y/n!" Colson yelled as the door opened and closed behind him. You however couldn't move, you could barely breathe. So you just stood there looking at the test in your hands. His foot steps got louder and closer and next thing you knew he walked right into the bedroom. "Hey do you wanna-" his voice slow trailed off as he saw the test in your hands. "I'm pregnant." You said it to yourself mostly trying to believe it. His face broke out into the biggest smile ever.He swiftly picked you up and swung around. Causing laughs to escape your mouth.
"Your pregnancy was unfortunately ectopic. My deepest condolences.” You and Colson were left alone in the room. You were starting at your hands and his foot was tapping on the floor.
"It wasn't your fault Y/n." He tried but your gaze never left your hands. "We can't try again okay.....it.. it wasn't you."your head barely moved but he knew you were saying okay.
"WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM." You scream at him it's seems like after the hospital all you do is fight. "YOUR MY PROBLEM." He spit towards you. "WHAT THE HELL DID I DO TO YOU."  You we're tired of fighting.
"I'm not happy." His voice was quite and low almost inaudible. "Colson what ever it is we can fix it." You released a sigh hoping this was the end of fighting. "No Y/N I'm not happy with you." His words making you heart ache.
"You...you.. I ." Yo didn't know what to say. "I can't keep doing this we need.. to break up." You could have sworn you heard your own heart crack.
A tear escaped his eyes. You raised your very weak hand and wiped it away. He leaned into your touch. "Megan's here your not alone." You try and reason. "Don't leave me please I ruined a ten year relationship but we can fix it okay. We can get married and have kids just don't leave. Cassie would love siblings." The more the tears fell from his eyes it's almost like the harder it was to hold on.
"Colson we can't we weren't meant to end up together and that's okay. It's okay." Her body grew weaker the harder she fought to stay. "Why don't we end this how we started it." A week laugh escaped her. "Kiss me Baker if your not scared." Colson have her a sad chuckle and for the last time connected there lips.
Once they pulled away. You heard him utter softly. "I wanted to do that since the day we met." The slow beat of the Monitor began to die out that's when Colson knew you were gone.
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triplexdoublex · 2 years
Sneak peeks of upcoming fics!!!
Christening The City of Angels ( sneak peek)
You’ve hit your peak on Splash Mountain at Disneyland; Colson expertly working your g-spot with his long slender fingers as the log car you were riding in rushed down a 5-story drop. The sinking sensation in your stomach mingling with the fiery desire in your abdomen made for one hell of a climax. Let’s just say the ride wasn’t the only thing that made a splash . And oh, the ride camera perfectly captured your “O” face, making quite the kinky keepsake.
Good Enough To Eat (sneak peek)
He takes your breasts in his hands, groping them as his mouth descends a trail of open mouth kisses down your naked torso. His friends watch in awe as Colson’s hands and mouth travel lower, his blonde head settling between your thighs. He licks one long languid stripe up your soaked slit before pausing.
“Silly me, where are my manners?” He wipes at his mouth . “Birthday boy always gets the first piece of cake.” Colson motions to Rook with a smirk.
12 days of xxxmas ( day 1 sneak peek)
“Pete. what the—“ you were at a loss for words, but strangely into whatever the fuck was going on .
“I have no idea , all I know is that day we were fighting…and you said Colson fucks you better than me and slammed the door…I’ve…I’ve never been that hard in my life…haven’t been able to stop thinking about Colson fucking you since” Pete admitted, out of breath. “Do you think Colson would … if .. if I asked?”
“Lemme get this straight — y-you wanna watch Colson fuck me ?” You asked, completely flabbergasted.
12 days of xxxmas ( day 2 sneak peek)
Sometimes a single “Ssshh, baby,” while kissing his neck was enough to keep Rook quiet , but other times Colson had to take matters into his own hands —literally— his large palm pressed against his drummers agape mouth, and long slender fingers grasping his cheek.
But now in the privacy of their own bedroom Colson encourages his vocalness.
“C’mon Rookie, let Daddy hear you. Show me how good daddy makes you feel.”
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cockpunchlore · 11 months
𝒸𝓊𝓉𝑒𝓈𝓎 𝓁𝒾𝓉𝓉𝓁𝑒 𝓅𝑒𝓁𝓁𝓎 𝒻𝒾𝒸
It was 2 in the morning when Colson showed up at Pete’s door. His eyes were bloodshot, hair in clumps of blonde, soaked from the endless rain outside. Trembling hands balled into tight fists and disappeared inside the pockets of his leather jacket when the door clicked open.
Then there was Pete. He stood in his sweatpants, one hand leaning over the doorframe, his expression shifting into one of concern as he scanned his eyes across his best friend’s face. He was met with sudden guilt at his earlier bout of annoyance at having to leave his bed and put on pants and he hoped Colson didn't notice his nails dig into his palms when he spoke.
“come in.”, He cracked the door open a little wider and stepped to the side to invite the blonde inside.
“I uh- the place is fucked but I got the heat on-” Pete spoke as he led them through the hallway.
“-and you can look through my shit in here for a change of clothes, I doubt you'll find anything in leather and latex but hey at least they aren't wet- I've just got Rick and Morty on the background but we can switch to music if you wanted- and I just got some new blunt wraps that we could try out- oh and did you want coffee?”
The two came to a halt at the kitchen bench and the slightest smile tugged at Colson’s lips, in awe at how quickly this man was able to change his mood with just a few words.
“Thanks”, he cringed at the way his voice croaked under the syllables and attempted to clear his throat.
He let his eyes leave the floor and travel up to meet Pete's gaze, pausing over the exposed waistband of his boxers a little longer than he’d like to admit before settling on the hazel orbs.
“And-uh yes please, for the coffee.”
“Black”, he added.
“Iced, I know”, Pete finished his eyeroll gaining a chuckle from Colson.
“My bad”
It had always been so easy with Pete. not that he expected it to be like that with everyone else, but it was times like these that he was especially grateful for this man’s existence and he doubted that any words he could string together to tell him so would ever suffice. He shook his head as fought his thoughts from lingering over how he felt about the younger man. Muttering something about a shower, Colson disappeared into the darkness of the hallway.
Colson was wearing a pair of Pete’s purple Spongebob sweats when he emerged from the shower, hair leaving a trail of fading droplets into the carpet as he made his way through the hallway.
His footsteps slowed to a stop once his eyes landed on Pete’s frame lit up only by the dim blues of the television which was now playing some true crime show. Dateline, he remembered Pete had told him, and he smiled to himself recalling that conversation.
Pete’s eyes stayed glued to the screen, and Colson, not wanting to break him from his trance, leaned against the wall and admired the younger man. He sat with his head leaned back, one leg pulled up to his chest while the other lay over the coffee table. A hand reached back to pull at the brown curls at the nape of his neck and Colson’s heart rate climbed as he watched.
He could already picture the expression written on Pete’s face, eyebrows knitted together in concentration, chewing on the inside of his cheek, completely lost to this world. His breath hitched as he let his thoughts about the boy drift into less purer ones.
He had already thought it through, sure the repercussions were merely an afterthought, but if there ever came the time to kiss the brunette he wouldn't hesitate. In fact, he'd be lying if he said he hadn't imagined doing a lot more than that.
He couldn't pinpoint exactly when his feelings for him turned from platonic to sexual but now that they had he didn't know how to act around his best friend anymore. That was the honest reason why he had avoided seeing Pete for as long as he had and he hated the fact that a drug-filled bender was what had broken that spell.
Colson snapped back to reality in an instance when the brunette turned his head to meet his gaze.
“You're back”, Pete spoke through a smile.
“Hi”, Colson couldn't help but do the same.
Pete made it a point, patting the spot next to him using both hands before turning his gaze back to the screen in front. Colson clumsily made his way back to him narrowly avoiding the piles of discarded clothes before reaching the couch.
“My Spongebob looks good on you”
“Your wh- oh”, it took him a second to process the way he had phrased his compliment and he could only laugh in response.
“Good enough for me to keep?”, he threw half-heartedly curious as for the boy's reaction.
“mhmm”, He replied with a genuine certainty that it made Colson's heart do that flippy-over thing that Pete's words apparently now did do him.
Colson shuffled the rest of the way over to the space next to Pete’s before sinking onto the soft cushions below. Pete readjusted in his chair before leaning his head into the crook of Colson’s shoulder.
“You know you don't have to say anything if you don't want to”. gentle words lingered their warm breath against the nape of Colson's neck.
“I know”
He ignored the way his chest clenched as his friend passed him an assuring smile when he didn't elaborate. Instead, he let his head drop to cradle into the younger man’s touch and let his eyes land on the screen where the host's demeanor sounded a tad too cheery to be describing a murder scene.
Not removing his eyes from the TV, Colson moved his arm back to wrap around the younger man and bit back a smile as he felt Pete shift closer and sink into his touch.
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machinegunbun · 3 years
oh my god i just came up with this concept: you’re giving pete head and colson happens to randomly face time pete and instead of telling you to stop he answers the phone and basically shows you off
YES YES ok im a little rusty but hey
Freaky Fuck | Pete Davidson
tw?:smut, a dash of semi-public sex.
word count:690 (nice)
Your eyes flutter open slowly, gaze trailing up to take in the ethereal sight of your boyfriend enjoying the blowjob you’re giving him. His eyes clamped shut, mouth slightly agape, small moans slipping past his plump lips every time your tongue would slide across his tip.
Breathing through your nose, you tried taking him deeper this time. Your lips sliding across his length, suppressing a gag as he hits the back of your throat.
You loved giving Pete blowjobs, there was something so hot about focusing on a mans pleasure when you know he can focus on yours. Blowing him like you’re begging him to give it to you hard, like you have to prove yourself to him. His tattooed hands coming forward to wrap your hair in a rough ponytail. 
You thought of what he might do to you when he was done, if you would get his fingers or his tongue, or maybe just his raw dick. Your spit and juices mixing with his precum as he pounded you relentlessly. How you would feel your tummy tighten as he rubbed at your clit, whimpering out that you’re about to cum, how he would lean down and groan in your ear “good girl.”
Or maybe he would be tired from his first orgasm and you’d have to ride him, begging him to please let you cum.
Well, of course he would always make sure you came, if not edging you a bit first, but you liked to beg for it. It made you feel submissive to him, like your pleasure was in his hands. Like you weren’t worthy of an orgasm on his beautiful cock. 
You were kicked out of your trance by the sound of a phone ringing, your eyes snapping open just soon enough to catch Pete reaching over to grab his phone. Pete took a moment to read the contact before presumably hanging up, your actions hastily continuing. 
“Oh shit.” A laugh came through the phone, a laugh you’d know anywhere. You’d heard it enough whenever Pete and Colson would call to catch up on whatever stupid thing the other had done.
You weren’t sure if Pete had expected you to be embarrassed, or if he just thought it was hot, but either way you continued to pump and suck him like you were going for first prize. You didn’t mind a little audience.
“Fuck,” he moans “look at how she’s working me. Feels so fuckin’ good.”
Looking up through your lashes at the camera, you tried your best to look sexy. Well, as sexy as you could with a dick down your throat. It was clearly doing something for Pete as you could feel his breathing quicken and his cock begin to throb in your mouth. Humming against him, your actions sped up as your confidence grew, eyes locked on the way his face contorted in pleasure.
“Yeah, suck that shit. I think she’s enjoying it.”
“I think she likes being watched,” Petes head hung back to rest on the couch, eyes clamped shut “let him cum on your face.” Colson directs. The camera was facing you, so you couldn’t see Colson, but you couldn’t help but wonder if he was stroking himself beyond the screen. 
With the image in mind you pulled Pete’s hard dick from past your lips, wiping the string of spit out of the air while you jerked him above your face. Pete glanced down at his phone screen, readjusting the position so he was sure Colson had full view of the moment. 
Pete came on your face with a groan, hot spurts on cum landing on your face while you relentlessly jerked him, milking him for all he had. When you were satisfied you brought his tip back up to your lips, swirling your tongue around it and cleaning what was left. His hips jerked up a bit as you suckled at his tip, sliding himself against your tongue.
“She wants more.” Colson snickers, the sound of his spoon hitting a bowl following after.
“Is he... eating cereal?” You ask, Pete laughing a bit as he nods “Freaky fuck.”
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xoxokiaraaxoxo · 2 years
Hey loves! I wanted to start a blog cause I enjoy reading the works of others. I wanna take requests from those who would like to submit any. The people I will write for are listed below, if there is someone different you would like me to write for, put it in the request! I don't have many rules, but if I don't feel comfortable with a request I will not write it. Please give me some time if you do request something I will definitely try to get it done asap. I don't mind writing smut but I am definitely not the best at it. If you have any requests you can submit them in the request link on my account! Thank you so much!
-Please be respectful
-Specify the gender pronouns, I will assume female pronouns
-Please be specific in the details of your request
-Please be specific in character preferences
I will write:
-Fluff, Angst, Suggestive Content
I will not write:
-Anything that I am not comfortable with writing
-Anything that may offend someone's sexuality, gender, identity, or ethnicity
-Dylan O'Brien (Stiles Stilinksi, Mitch Rapp, Thomas)
-Sebastian Stan (Bucky Barnes)
-5 Seconds of Summer
-Calum Hood
-Luke Hemmings
-Ashton Irwin
-Michael Clifford
-Jack Harlow
-Kian Lawley
-JC Caylen
-Chris Evans (Steve Rogers, Andy Barber, Ransom Drysdale, Ari Levison)
-Tom Holland (Peter Parker, Cherry, Arvin)
-Angus Cloud (Fezco)
-Jacob Elordi (Nate Jacobs)
-Iann Dior
-Ross Lynch
-The Vamps
-Brad Simpson
-Tristan Evans
-Timothee Chalamet
-Aron Piper (Ander Munoz)
-Lorenzo Zurzolo (Niccolo Rossi Govender)
-Dominic Fike (Elliot)
-Pete Davidson
-Drew Starkey
-Matthew Gray Gubler (Spencer Reid)
-Vinnie Hacker
-Urban Wyatt
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mgkmerchstyles · 3 years
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This is kind of iconic
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fandom-junkie2020 · 3 years
Why We’re Here
Machine Gun Kelly x Reader (requested)
Summary: After a terrible accident, Colson finds himself sitting beside Y/N in the hospital.
Request: i was thinking 11, 14, 18 maybe having to do w some kind of accident/something along that line just angst and fluff and all the emotions lol
11. “How long has it been since you’ve slept?”
14. “You need to eat something”
18. “I know this hurts but you have to stay awake”
WARNINGS: being in the hospital, injuries, swearing, blood
Date Uploaded: 11/25/2021
Requests are open! Here are some prompts and a characters list!
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The first sense that came to her when she woke up was hearing. The sounds around her consisted of a beeping sound that wouldn’t go away and the light whisperings of a pair of individuals. Despite how hard she tried, Y/N was unable to process what was being said past the incessant beeping. 
The second sense to come to her was touch. She could feel the pressure of someone else’s hand on hers. Sadly, the ability to feel this comforting pressure was accompanied by multiple sharp pains throughout her body. Her lungs, every time she breathed in, assisted with a sharp, stabbing pain throughout her chest. Her ankle started to ache and throb due to the snug fit of the cotton and ace bandages that doctors had wrapped around the wound 
The third sense that returned was sight. Y/N peeled her eyes open and lazilly looked toward the ceiling. The ceiling was a painfully bright shade of white and it almost looked like large tiles. Her gaze then shifted to the person who was exerting pressure onto her hand. The first recognizable trait of this person had been the floppy mop of hair that was pushed in every which way. The man was talking to a younger girl seated next to him with dark, curly hair that was pulled into a bun at the top of her head. 
The girl glanced toward Y/N--only for a second--and was taken aback by the tired eyes that gazed back at her. “Dad!” she had exclaimed as she rose from her seat and placed a hand on her fathers shoulder. 
Colson’s head snapped around to look at the love of his life who, up until now, had been stuck lying in a hospital bed while doctors poked and prodded her to ensure the injuries she sustained weren't too severe. He quickly raised his hand to the side of her head, rubbing the side of her forehead as he spoke, “Hey, sweetheart.” 
“Hey,” Y/N’s voice was strained and weak. She was barely able to produce sound due to her mouth feeling like it had been stuffed with gauze and the prolonged time that she hadn’t spoken for. 
“Cas, can you go get the doctor?” 
“Yea, no problem”
Y/N and Colson stared at each other before either of them said anything. The two stared at each other. Colson’s gaze was one filled with worry. Y/N’s was in admiration. The beautiful man before her was the one and only thing that was clouding her mind. He was in much better shape than she was. The only noticeable injury upon him was a cut across his nose. That and it looked as if he’d had a bloody nose. It looked as though he’d taken a tissue and wiped underneath his nose, making no real effort to clean up. 
Colson coughed lightly before softly asking, “Do you remember anything that happened?”
Y/N thought for a moment. There was nothing. No matter how hard she tried, the memories wouldn’t return to her. “No,” she responded quietly.
Colson wasn’t as fortunate. 
“Y/N! Y/N” Colson’s screams echoed through the dark LA air. 
Y/N lay on the passenger’s side with her head bent onto her shoulder. Her eyes were closed and her breathing was slowed. 
Colson groaned as he reached his hand to his forehead. He couldn’t detect any serious injury there so his hand traveled down to his nose where blood was pouring from a cut and out of his nostrils. Once his fingertips were coated in the liquid he brought his hand in front of his face. 
Groaning again, he looked over at Y/N. His heart started racing faster than it already was and his breathing began to rapidly incline. His hands shook and his muscles started to tense. Colson reached over to Y/N and gripped her shoulder, “Y/N, hey, Y/N, wake up.” A distressed cry left Colson’s as emotions and adrenaline coursed through his body. Anxiety crawled up his body as he attempted to unbuckle his seatbelt. He fumbled with the button, but once he unbuckled he flung his body around in order to face Y/N more clearly. There was a gash across Y/N’s forehead, causing blood to gush down her face. 
“Y/N, come on, hun, wake up,” he carefully took her head in his hands and rubbed the pads of his thumbs against her cheekbones. Tears were gathering in his eyes the longer time passed. The worst thoughts were running through his head as he watched the one he loved incapacitated due to his own actions. 
Just when Colson was losing all hope, Y/N’s eyes fluttered open. 
“I know this hurts but you have to stay awake”
Colson’s eyes filled with tears as he recalled the event that hadn’t happened more than a couple of days ago. Ever since they had both been admitted into the hospital, Colson had been itching to figure out what was wrong with Y/N. For a while, he wasn’t allowed to leave his room. The hospital was closely monitoring his vitals and making sure that he didn’t have anything more than a concussion. 
“You need to eat something,” Colson reached over to the side table where a tray of various cafeteria foods had been placed. 
Y/N glanced over before stopping Colson from grabbing the whole try, “Just the jello?”
Colson chuckled, “Sure, just the jello.” He opened the container before passing it to her, providing her with a spoon. 
Cassie and the doctor had returned halfway through the jello cup.
“How are we doing here?” the doctor asked. 
Y/N held up the jello cup, “Eating jello.”
“Glad to see you're up and eating.”
The doctor proceeded to go through various different tests while informing the couple of everything going on. It was a complicated world. A million things could happen at any second. They were informed that it was best to stay in the hospital for a few more days--just in case. 
After talking to the doctor for a good long while, Colson, Cassie, and Y/N were settling into the room. Now, with everyone awake, the three were able to spend quality time together watching random hospital TV. At that moment, the show Golden Girls played. The three laughed and talked for what felt like hours. 
Y/N looked over at Colson, adoration in her eyes. 
How did I end up here? She thought to herself. How did I end up with an amazing man and his amazing daughter? It’s everything I could have hoped for--even if I’m lying in a hospital bed at the moment. 
Colson felt her stare and returned his partner's eye contact, “Whatcha thinkin’ about?”
“How much I love you.”
“You’re a cheesy motherfucker,” he smiled and laughed. She returned his smile with as much enthusiasm. 
The two gazed into each other's eyes for a lifetime. It was a magical moment in a not so magical place. They wouldn’t have wanted this moment to be any different. They were perfect. Cassie, situated beside Colson, had fallen asleep an hour prior to this encounter. Colson, who had over worried himself for hours, was now comfortably seated next to his daughter and the love of his life. And Y/N was with the two people who saved her, who helped her through everything. So much love and care was coursing through their bodies. Unconditional happiness filled the room despite the circumstances. 
The longer Y/N looked into Colson’s eyes the more she noticed how tired he was. They had grown glossy and were starting to droop, “Hey, babe?”
Colson broke out of his trance, “Yeah?”
“How long has it been since you’ve slept?”
“Umm, honestly I’m not sure.”
“Come here then.”
Hesitantly, Colson stood from his chair and positioned himself closer to Y/N’s bed. Y/N moved over so that there would be enough room for him to lay down, “You aren’t going to break me, babe.”
“Oh shut up, jackass,” he laughed and layed down next to Y/N. He laid on his side and placed his arm across her abdomen. He looked up at her the same way he had moments ago, “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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hangovercurse · 3 years
hangovercurse’s masterlist
Requests: open | closed
Colson Baker
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Bad High
Don’t be Sorry
Pictures of Us | As Long as You Want (18+)
Wanna Help You Relax (18+)
The Without You Series (complete) | i | ii | iii | iv | v | vi |
Babies, Bathrooms, and Birth Control
In These Walls
The Things We Can’t Tell Pete About (complete) | i | ii | iii | iv | v | vi | vii | viii | ix |
Why Are You Here? (18+)
Surprise | ii | (18+)
Once a Month
For the Past Four Years
Safe With Me
Midterm Season
Last Night | Better Sober (18+)
I’ll Be Here
Under Pressure
Blind Date (continued)
God Father (Platonic)
Family Affair
Teeny Tiny Secret
Our Song
Crash Into Me
Home Sweet Home
Unprofessional (18+)
The GQ Couples Quiz
Spill Your Guts or Fill Your Guts
If You Ever Leave Me Again
Worst Firsts
See You at 8
Long Night
Like Father Like Daughter
Losing a Friend (in progress) | i | ii |
Birthday Boy (18+)
When the Party’s Over (with Rook)
Jawbreaker (18+)
Until You Fall Asleep
Brother’s Best Friend
Dominic Harrison
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Past Mistakes
In Your Arms
Pete Davidson
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I’d Drop it All for You
Surprise | ii | (18+)
Mind Over Matter
Study Bug (18+)
Pete x Chubby Reader (hc)
Nerd Love
God Father
Falling Like the Stars (18+)
Long Days
n y l a 
A Zoom Call to Remember
JP “Rook” Cappelletty
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Stay With You | ii |
Welcome Home
The Search is Over
Mutual Attraction
Lesson Learned (18+)
A Much Needed Break
A Surprise in San Antonio
Stay at Home
Full House
When the Party’s Over (with Colson)
Blurb Nights (masterlist)
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hollywoodxwhore · 1 year
wanted - part thirteen
Colson x Original Female Character x Pete
The moment you've all been waiting for...the threesome. Enjoy!
Warnings: Smut (18+), swearing, very brief mentions of alcohol
Colson groans softly and nods, adjusting himself in his pants. Then, he walks over to the armchair and settles into it. “I want to watch,” he breathes, and I nod, looking at Pete. 
I can’t believe this is real. Colson wants me and Pete to do this. How did I get this lucky? Maybe Pete can fuck me tonight and it’ll be out of my system.
Pete is across the room in seconds, warm hands curling around my waist as he looks me up and down. “God, you’re so sexy,” he sighs, shaking his head a little. “The things I want to do to you tonight…”
“Better get started,” I murmur teasingly, and Colson chuckles from where he sits. I wink at him and then tug Pete’s t-shirt over his head, letting my hands slide down his warm chest after dropping it to the floor. Pete tucks his lip between his teeth as he looks at me, and then he bends, scooping me effortlessly into his arms. 
He lays me out on the bed and brings a hand slowly up my leg, admiring my stockings. “I want these to stay on,” he says gruffly, snapping the top of one stocking. I bite my lip and nod, watching his face. He hauls my hips to the end of the bed and drops to his knees. “Been wanting to taste this pussy since I met you,” he mutters, lifting my leg over his shoulder. Holy shit. Sweet, goofy Pete has a totally different side to him. I like it.
I catch Colson’s eye across the room and he winks at me, taking this moment to unbutton and unzip his pants. I don’t know what to focus on: Colson about to touch himself or Pete about to eat me out. But Pete demands my attention when his thumb presses to my clit over my panties. I whimper, arching my back slightly into the feeling. He’s teasing me, slowly rubbing up and down, and my thighs flex desperately.
“Pete, please, more,” I gasp. “Pete-”
Pete brings his face even with my pussy and as he draws my panties aside, the flat of his tongue finds me and I gasp, throwing my head back. My hips twitch and roll up against his mouth, seeking more and more and more. I push a hand into his soft, brown locks, tightening my fingers around a chunk of hair to keep him right where he is. 
“O-oh fuck, Pete,” I moan, biting my lip. I meet Colson’s eyes. His lips are slightly parted and he’s palming his clothed cock with one big hand.
“How’s it feel?” he rasps.
“S-so good, ah, Pete p-please!” I answer. I beg and squirm and cry out and arch against Pete’s tongue, unable to fathom how something could feel this good. 
“Good girl,” Colson moans as he watches me writhe. “Want you to come all over his tongue. You can do it, baby, come on,” he urges.
I jerk against Pete’s face, and holy shit, I’m close. So close. I’ve never been this close this quickly before. My heart pounds in my ears and my skin prickles and my pussy throbs against Pete’s incredible mouth. “F-fuck, I’m coming-” I gasp out, hunching over Pete’s head as my orgasm hits me like a fucking train. 
I’m shaking so hard as I come down that I almost feel faint. My skin tingles and I pant shakily, chest heaving. “Holy shit,” I breathe, putting a hand to my chest, feeling my heart racing. 
Pete stands, smirking, and wipes off his mouth. “That’s only the beginning, sweetheart,” he tells me, and fuck. I just came and I’m already ready for more. 
“Col,” I say, looking over at my boyfriend. “Please. Come here?”
Colson grins and gets up, letting his pants fall to the floor. He steps out of them, now only wearing boxers, having shed his shirt a while ago. 
He stops in front of me and turns to face Pete. “It’s only fair I get a taste, too,” he says, and then, my eyes are huge because Colson is kissing Pete. And not just a peck. Tongue, teeth, moans and all. Pete’s hand is in Colson’s hair and Colson presses his body to Pete’s and holy shit, I could almost come just from watching them. 
Colson breaks away and gives Pete’s hair a little tug. “Mm, she tastes so good,” he murmurs.
“Sure does,” Pete says with a smirk, and then they both look at me, finding me wide-eyed and speechless.
Colson chuckles. “What, you thought you were the only one getting to fuck around with Pete?”
“H-have you done this before?” I ask, gesturing to the two of them.
“Several times,” Pete smirks. “It just works.”
“Um, I should fucking say,” I marvel, and they laugh. Then, Colson gets onto the bed and pulls me into his lap so I’m facing Pete. He kisses my neck and I moan, tilting my head to the side. Big hands tug down the cups of my bra, allowing my breasts to spill out, and Pete sheds his sweats before climbing onto the bed. He grips one of my breasts and bends to take my hardened nipple into his mouth. Another moan wrenches from my throat as my head falls back onto Colson’s shoulder. 
“Baby,” I say, reaching back to grip onto Colson’s hair.
“Hm?” he replies, lips still traversing my neck and shoulder.
“C-can I suck you off while Pete fucks me?” I ask, cheeks reddening at the request. I may not be very experienced, but I know what I want.
Colson groans. “Fuck yeah, baby,” he says. Pete backs away and I get to my feet. Colson takes off my panties and then his own boxer briefs. I bite my lip at the sight of his cock. I listen to Pete rustling around behind me and then hear the distinct sound of a condom wrapper. I gasp when Pete pushes me so I fold in half, and I arch my back for him.
Pete chuckles lowly. “God, Alex, you know what you’re doing.” 
I blush and take Colson’s dick slowly into my mouth, teasing at first, and my boyfriend moans breathily, head falling back slightly. “Y-yeah, that’s good, Alex,” he groans. Behind me, I can feel the head of Pete’s cock at my entrance, and I arch my back deeper, eager to take him. When he finally pushes inside, I moan around Colson’s cock. 
“Oh fuck,” Pete moans, curling his hands around my hips as he slowly starts to move. “You’re so goddamn tight.”
“Mm, fuck yeah she is,” Colson moans, blissed out with his cock in my mouth. He guides my head a little and I moan around him, suddenly taking him deep. He lets out a choked moan and pulls my hair lightly. The boys say something to each other, and then their hands are no longer on me at all. I’m confused until I hear their hands slap. I have to pull off Colson and laugh. They’re fucking Eiffel-Towering me. I shake my head. Colson smirks down at me and then guides his cock back into my mouth. 
Soon, my rhythm syncs with Pete’s, and as he fucks me, I bob my head on Colson. All three of us are moaning, and the room is hot and everything about this is perfect. My eyes roll back in my head as Pete hits a particularly deep spot inside me, and I have to pull off Colson for a second to pant. 
Colson cups my chin and brushes his thumb over my bottom lip. “What’s the matter, baby, feels too good?” he asks, and I nod, feeling drunk with pleasure. He smirks and lifts my shoulders so I’m standing, back to Pete’s chest. We adjust to the height difference, me going onto my toes while Pete spreads his legs more, and Pete holds me up with his hands on my breasts. The new angle makes me arch, my clit throbbing. 
“Colson, please, touch me,” I beg, reaching for his hand. He smirks and obliges, fingertips finding my swollen clit to rub tight circles into the sensitive spot. Goosebumps cover my skin and my lower stomach tightens as another orgasm builds. “Shit,” I gasp.
Pete moans. “Oh god, you close?” he grits, massaging my breasts. “Can feel you fuckin’ squeezing me.” All I can do is nod frantically, knees buckling slightly. A couple more thrusts and Pete hits me at the perfect angle. I gasp sharply and nearly collapse into Colson as I come, thighs shaking as they work together to prolong my orgasm. 
Pete’s thrusts slow to a stop and he pulls out, panting. Colson sits on the bed and I sit on his lap, panting hard. “Fuck,” I say, swallowing to gather my composure. 
Pete grins. “Kells, you guys, uh, you know, yet?” he asks.
Colson chuckles. “Not yet, man,” he says. 
“What?” I ask, confused. 
Colson smirks. “Anal,” he explains.
“O-oh,” I say, swallowing hard. “No. We haven’t.”
“Next time,” Pete says and my stomach squeezes with excitement. This is going to happen again?
“Next time,” Colson repeats. “Alright, you’ve gotten in two. Time for me to make my girl come.” I shiver with anticipation and Colson jerks his chin up. “Pete, sit in the chair. Alex, sit in his lap facing out.” Pete and I hurriedly follow his directions, but Pete pauses before I can sit.
“Been dying to take this off,” he says, reaching up to unhook my bra. I let it fall to the ground, leaving me in nothing but stockings, but I actually feel sexy. I’m not nervous or self-conscious for maybe the first time in my life, and it makes me smile.
“What are you smiling about?” Colson asks, wrapping me in his arms and rocking me a little. 
I bury my face into his chest. “Just happy,” I mumble. 
Colson kisses the top of my head. “Good,” he murmurs. Then, he sits me in Pete’s lap and drops to his knees. “Alex, have you ever squirted before?” he asks.
I shake my head no, biting my lip as I settle into Pete’s lap. “No.”
Colson spreads my thighs and Pete shifts so I can get comfortable. “Well, you’re about to,” he says cockily.
“How can you be so sure?” I challenge.
“He’s got a track record,” Pete says simply. 
I blink. “Damn. Okay.” 
Colson chuckles and slips his hand between my legs. He admires my pussy as he rubs slowly at my clit, watching as I start to squirm. Once my breathing deepens, Colson slides two long fingers inside of me and curves them. I’m sensitive from my previous orgasms and I clench around him, shuddering. “Fuck,” I say quietly.
It’s then that Pete’s fingers begin to trace the curves of my breasts and my nipples. I arch my back into his touch and moan softly, encouragingly. Colson slowly starts to beckon his fingers and I moan again, shameless. My legs spread even further as I completely give into the pleasure of two men completely focused on me. 
Colson’s other hand joins the mix to rub my clit and I squirm, clenching around his fingers again. “Col-” I whimper, squirming in Pete’s lap, which makes Pete moan, too. 
Colson just smirks at me, and goddamn, he’s so fucking sexy. He looks wicked as his fingers speed up, and soon enough, he’s fucking me with his fingers so quickly that I go silent with shock, unsure of how someone’s fingers could move that fast. The pleasure sharpens and my eyes widen. “Colson-” I gasp. Fuck. I’m all of a sudden desperate to pee. I begin to panic. 
“It’s normal,” Colson mutters, flicking his eyes up to mine. A light sheen of sweat glistens on his forehead and god, he looks so sexy. “Relax.”
I whimper helplessly, not knowing how he could possibly know what I’m feeling is normal, but then, I’m gasping, hips jerking as I come, gushing into his hand. “Fuck fuck fuck,” I chant, writhing, but it’s pleasure like I’ve never felt. My head spins when Colson’s hand pulls back. He admires the puddle in his hand and smirks at Pete. 
“Told you he had a track record,” Pete murmurs, kissing my shoulder. Then, he’s lifting my hips and sitting me down on his cock. I whine in sensitivity, but I can’t deny that I still want this. Pete grips my hips and starts to buck up into me quickly. He unwinds fast, moaning as his hips jerk. “Oh fuck, I’m close,” he gasps. I start to bounce on him, pushing him closer and closer until he comes with a cry. 
Colson pulls me from Pete’s lap and immediately into his on the bed, easing his cock inside of me. I whimper and let my head fall back as I tighten around him. “Come on, baby, almost done,” Colson murmurs. “You’re doing so good for us, you’re so sexy.”
I bite my lip and focus on Colson’s pleasure. Both of the boys are so worked up that before long, Colson is making sounds I’ve never heard from him before. He actually whimpers when I hold his shoulders and begin to roll my hips hard, wanting to make him come. “Alex, fuck,” he rasps. “I’m gonna come, baby.” He looks up at me almost desperately and I kiss him hard, close myself.
He gasps into my mouth, holding my body tight to his as his hips jerk up into me as he fills me with his cum. His orgasm triggers mine and I gasp and jerk against him, coming so hard it almost hurts. Big hands grip my ass firmly as Colson rides his out, and then he collapses beneath me, resting his head on my shoulder. “Jesus. Fucking. Christ,” he pants. Carefully, I climb off his lap on wobbly legs. Pete is in the chair, splayed out and panting still from his own orgasm. Pleased, I smirk as I walk into the bathroom to clean up.
When I return, Colson tosses me a t-shirt and a clean pair of boxer briefs which I gratefully put on. Then, he beckons for me to get into bed with him. Pete is already in bed, smiling sleepily at me. I smile, too, and snuggle up to him. Colson climbs in beside me and then two warm, tall men are snuggling me. It’s too good to be true. As I drift off quickly, I realize that this is the best birthday I’ve ever had.
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Domestic pete and helping him dye his hair🥰
Me in my sick brain just went: Awwww oh my god. Cause I am gonna do domestic Pete, colson and Dom cause they all dye there hair.
Sitting with Dom in the bathroom you read over the directions for the hair dye, he was staying red for a while longer before going to see his normal hair dresser. But until then you were hair dyer and girlfriend.
“Okay so we just glob it on and wait like 30 minutes. Simple enough.” Dom sat in front of you, a towel around his bare torso,
“I mean you dye yer own hair so this should be easy.” You nodded, bringing your hands up to scratch through his scalp, ruffling his hair.
“Mmmm could fall asleep when you do that” you giggled a bit
“Alright, hair dye begins now” combing the red through his hair you practically felt him falling asleep
“Hey! No sleeping we can nap in like 40 minutes when I finish your hair” after 30 minutes of Dom messing around on his phone, posting stories of you and him, and just being a doof, you had him leaned over the bathtub scrubbing the color from his hair. His favorite part.
“See you need to be my hair dresser all the time. Look good” leaning towards you his mouth met yours as you giggled
“Nah let’s not piss off the normal one when I end up burning your hair off with bleach by mistake. Though the buzzed look would be a good one for you” Dom grimaced
“God no. Let’s never go back to 2002 thank you very much”
“What I think it’s hella punk.”
“So just throw it on, my hairs already basically white. It’ll take easy” colson towered over you, the directions to the newest color in his hands
“So yeah, 30 minutes and I will be blue baby” sighing you laughed a bit
“Alright. Sit on the toilet sir, I need to be able to reach your head.” Laughing he sat, he was still almost too tall compared to you, but it would work.
“Okay so why blue? You going for the emo boy look? I figured that was like black or like red” colson chuckled
“Nah, it’s just for fun, doing purple was fun, and these wash out hella quick in my hair” nodding you rubbed the color into the strands
“Well your hair is like bleached white almost, so color stains quick but washing it means color comes out even quicker. It’s why you never have the pastel type colors very long”
Over the next 30 minutes you both stayed in the bathroom, him sat on the toilet with you perched on the counter by the sink, his chin resting on his hands, placed on your thighs.
Once washed you dried his hair smirking at the result
“Very, pastel ocean vibes” colson laughed looking in the mirror
“I dig it. Got the best hair dresser in town” leaning down he pressed his lips to yours
“Well I think casie could give me a run for my money” colson nodded
“Yeah she is pretty fly at hair huh?”
It was that time of the year again, the time when Pete liked to dye his hair to death and then shave it off for the summer.
Currently you were sat in the bathroom, reading the directions for the bleach, he had shaved his head and now it was the simple task of 15 to 25 minutes of bleaching and he would have a blank canvas to fuck around with.
“Okay, so 30 volume should do it pretty quick since it’s your scalp basically” tugging the gloves on you sighed
“Let’s fuck it up” Pete laughed nodding looking down at you from his towering height
“Kiss for luck and cause I want one” kissing him you smiled
“Mmm always the best kind” sitting him down you slowly applied the bleach making sure to get all of his head.
“Okay. Now we watch and wait and see how the color develops.” Throwing the used gloves and bleach away you hopped on the counter petes hands moving to run up and down your legs.
“So like would you ever trust me to do your hair?” Laughing you thought about it
“Yeah. Cause if you fucked it up bad enough you’d just take me to the salon or even to Amy to fix it” Pete laughed nodding
“If Amy can do anything it’s fixing what I fucked up” frowning you moved to hold his face making him look at you
“Hey....none of that” Pete smiled leaning up and kissing you
“It was a joke. I promise, I’m not just my fuck ups.” Nodding you kissed him again
“Alright old school slim shady, let’s rise you.”
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dead-un-arrival · 3 years
Hangover Confessions - Pete Davidson
Summary: It's your birthday and you're in love with your best friend.
Disclaimer: I've never been drunk so I don't know what it's like. 😂
Word Count: 2.8k
Warnings: Fluff, getting drunk, awkward Pete.
Another season of SNL has finally wrapped. It was like the weight of the world was lifted off of everyone's shoulders. Everyone had spent the day cleaning out their belongings in their offices or dressing rooms and were now getting ready for the end of the season cast party. It also just happened to be your 21st birthday. You were really excited that you got to spend the day with your coworkers and friends. Especially with Pete and Colson who were your best friends.
You met Pete when you started working at SNL two years ago. You started off as strictly coworkers who only spoke when you were discussing skit ideas in the writing room. It was really easy to get to know Pete since he didn't usually beat around the bush. He was always very honest and open about himself. You found that very attractive.
Pete on the other hand, really just saw you as another writer. He did think you were cute, but you were also young and he didn't want to be the one to corrupt you. So he kept his distance and treated you as a coworker. Until one day, you were blaring Kid Cudi so loud that he could hear it outside of your headphones. That struck a special chord in Pete's heart and you've been close friends ever since.
It only makes sense that after befriending Pete you would be friends with Colson too since he and Pete were attached at the hip. In the past two years, the three of you have learned a lot about each other. Pete was absolutely smitten. But again, while he was only 5 years older than you, you just turned 21 and Pete thought you should be able to be young, wild, and free. Pete was ready to settle down and get married. And he didn't want to ruin what you two already had. You never made any moves towards Pete because you didn't think he saw you as anything more than just a friend. Which you were more than grateful to be. But the idea of keeping all your feelings buried hurt. You told yourself that you had to take a chance and shoot your shot; no matter if it worked or not. That way you could move on and there would be no more, "what ifs".
But now you were in a loud club, downing your fourth shot of tequila with all of your coworkers cheering you on and singing happy birthday. This was not the atmosphere you wanted to talk to Pete in so you'd just have to wait until you were sober. Pete wasn't drinking, just high which is just his normal state of being. Colson was pretty much staying by Pete's side but every once in a while he would go out onto the floor and dance with his girlfriend Megan.
Pete made sure to keep an eye on you at all times. While he mingled with his other friends and coworkers he also wanted to make sure you were safe. He remembers when he turned 21 and got fucked up. He wanted to make sure no one tried anything with you since you were now borderline wasted. He looked for you in the crowd to see you and Aidy Bryant grinding on each other. He laughed to himself knowing that if you were sober, you'd be mortified by your actions.
He saw you walk towards the bar again, so he met you over there.
"Looks like you're having fun." He jokes, sitting on a chair next to you.
"Oh my God the best! I feel amazing Pete!" You yelled, leaning into Pete as you wait for your next drink to be mixed.
Pete laughs with you. The bartender hands you your drink.
"Thank you!!!" You sing.
"Hey, you're pretty cute, do you think I could get your number?"
"Ah, sorry, I have a boyfriend." You explain as you grab Pete's hand and set it on the counter so the bartender can see.
"I understand, happy birthday." He replied then went to the other side to make more drinks.
"Sorry for that. In my experience, guys usually take rejection better if I say I'm in a relationship than if a girl's just not into them." You sigh as you spin around in your stool to look at the crowd.
It took Pete a second to comprehend what had just happened. It kind of pissed him off to think of guys giving you shit for turning them down. He ignored that for now and turned around in his chair as you did.
"Do you get hit on a lot?" He asked, mentally facepalming himself as soon as it left his mouth.
"Actually, yeah. But never by the guy I like. Usually a bunch of catcalling."
A comfortable silence fell between the two of you as you continued to sip on your drink. You weren't looking to black out on your first legal night of alcohol but you did want to have a good time.
"I think this is my favorite so far. I've only had two actual drinks besides the tequila but this is great." You stated.
"Is that a strawberry daiquiri?" Pete asked.
"Yeah, do you want to try it?" You offered. Pete shook his head.
"I'm the designated driver." You laughed, knowing how high Pete got before the party. Although that was two hours ago so by the time he had to actually take people home, he would probably be fine.
"My mom never drank very often but when she did it was a strawberry daiquiri." You recalled, "She let me try one once. I got a lot of virgin versions after that but now that I can have the real thing I love it even more." You smiled.
Pete smiled too as he took in your appearance. You were wearing a leopard print blouse with ripped jeans and black high heeled boots. Your hair was pulled up with loose pieces falling down by your ears. Your cheeks were warm from the alcohol that Pete thought made you look adorable. He loved learning about you and your family. The way you smiled while talking about your mom made him smile too.
"Oh my God I love this song!" you yelled as 'Erase Me' by Kid Cudi started.
You left your drink which was almost empty on the counter, grabbed both of Pete's hands and dragged him out onto the dancefloor with you. You jumped and spun around a lot with Pete standing there awkwardly as he just laughed at you. Colson eventually came to save the day and stood awkwardly with him as you and Megan danced on each other.
An hour later, you were now twice as drunk and stumbling over air. That's when Pete decided it was time for you to go home. Despite your protests, he knew you. It was 2am and you were going to be in a world of pain tomorrow. So he told Colson he was leaving, picked you up over his shoulder, put you in his car and started driving you to your home.
You were asleep when he pulled into your apartment complex. He carried you up to your door and dug through your purse for your keys. Once he finally got the door open, he carried you to your room and laid you on your bed. He stayed there for a second, contemplating what he should do, if anything at all. When he couldn't make up his mind, he called Colson.
"Yo dude, what's up?" Colson asked. He was now at Megan's house watching a movie.
"Yo, so I'm at (Y/N)'s right? She's passed out so I left her in her bed but like I don't wanna leave her alone cause she ain't gonna remember a single thing in the morning." Pete explained in a hushed voice as he left your room.
"So just spend the night. You've been there before right? So it won't be weird."
"Yeah I've been here but I haven't spent the night."
"Does she have a couch? Just chill there." Colson reasoned, "Did she puke? Did you have to change her clothes?"
"No, she's fine. I just left her on her bed." Pete grimaced, confused.
"Dude, you gotta get her into some comfortable clothes! No girl wants to sleep in her bra." Colson scolded as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Megan could be heard laughing in the background.
"Are you fucking kidding dude? I'm not taking her bra off while she's passed out that's fucking weird."
"Okay, fine but at least take her shoes off that's fucking weird too."
"Whatever dude." Pete sighed and hung up.
He walked back to your room where you were still sound asleep. You looked peaceful. A nice contrast from your actions at the club. He started to unzip your boots and slowly slid them off. The last thing he wanted was for you to wake up at this moment. That'd be awkward. You still had your purse wrapped across your body so he carefully slid it off and around your head before laying you back down on your pillows. He took your blankets and covered your body.
Once you were taken care of, he went into your kitchen, found some Advil and a bottle of water which he placed on your end table next to your bed. Before he left your room for the night, he took a moment to look around. While he'd been to your apartment a few times before, this was the first time he saw your room. Your mirror had flowers painted along the border and you had a dream catcher above your bed. He closed your door and went to your couch where he would spend the night.
The next morning, you didn't wake up until the sun started to shine through your window shade. The second you gained consciousness, you felt the pain rush through your head. You rolled over, looking for your phone but found the Advil and water Pete had left the night before. You gratefully took two, still confused about last night's events. You found your purse on your floor next to your bed and in it was your phone. You had a dozen notifications of everyone who tagged you in their social media posts. At one point, you were wearing a sash that said, "I'm 21 bitch."
You whipped your blankets off of you looking to see what you were wearing. Surprised that you were still in your clothes. You changed into some shorts, took your bra off, and pulled a sweatshirt on over your head with your hood on. You went into your bathroom seeing your makeup was still on from the night before and took it off. After going to the bathroom you went into the kitchen to make some food but was startled when you saw a man sitting on your couch watching TV.
"Whoa! It's just me!" Pete yelled, startled by your outburst.
"Jesus Pete. You scared the shit out of me. What are you doing here?" Pete motioned for you to sit next to him.
"I knew you got pretty fucked up last night and I didn't want you to wake up alone after I got you home so I just kinda slept on your couch to make sure you were okay. I hope you're cool with that."
"Uh, yeah okay." You mumbled.
It made sense when he said it but your mind was still reeling from the hidden meaning. He spent the night in your apartment. He made sure you were okay. He took you home, put you to bed, and stayed with you until morning. Your heart thumped a little faster.
"I went out and got you some breakfast too." He handed you a blueberry muffin and a latte from Starbucks. He had just finished eating his breakfast sandwich.
"How do you know what I like?" You asked, taking a sip.
"I've known you for two years and every day I see you walk in with the same exact order. I took a guess." Pete laughed.
You smiled. Heat started to rush to your cheeks but this time from nerves.
"So, what exactly happened last night? Did I make a fool of myself?"
"Not from what I could see. You can actually handle alcohol really well. You started with some shots then had a few different kinds of drinks throughout the night. You dance with and on a lot of coworkers but don't worry they looked like they were into it. Then it started getting late so I took you home and now we're here."
"You took me home, took off my shoes and put me to bed, left me Advil, and stayed with me all night just to make sure I was okay?"
"Yeah... is that weird?" Pete hesitated, worried he had overstepped some boundary between the two of you.
You shook your head, "I think that's the nicest thing anyone's ever done for me."
"Hey, do you want me to go? If you like, want to decompress or something? I just wanted to make sure you woke up."
"No, Pete it's fine, really. You're more than welcome to stay if you want to."
You started to eat your muffin, both of your attention now on the TV where Rick and Morty was playing. It didn't take much for your mind to wander though, and you remembered the feelings you were going to confess to Pete yesterday. Your face was heating up now and you were breathing heavy but you stood by your ideas. You had to say something just to move past this moment in your life. You had to know if you had a chance of starting a relationship or if you were just going to be friends.
"Hey, Pete?" You sat crisscrossed facing him.
"What's up?"
"Okay, so there was something I wanted to talk to you about yesterday but then I decided because I was gonna get wasted, I should wait."
"Okay." Pete turned to face you.
"I really like you. Like, more than a friend. You're such an incredible person. I love your humor, I find you attractive, and you're the nicest person I've ever met. And I don't know if you feel the same way but I just thought I'd tell you in case you did. But if you don't that's totally fine I can just be your friend but I just needed to tell you how I feel." You finished, picking at what was left of your muffin, staring at the couch cushion that separated you and Pete. Pete smiled at you, though you couldn't see it. He took his right hand and lifted your chin to look up at him.
"I really like you too. I have for a while I just didn't want to fuck up your life."
"You already fucked up my life."
"I know but there aren't any strings attached to friendship. I'm pretty fucked up up here (Y/N)." Pete said, pointing to his brain, "You're still young, you deserve to have fun and not worry about me."
"Would you stop it? I don't want to be young and dumb and date for sex. Don't tell me what I want when I know who I am and what I want is right in front of me. I know you're fucked up Pete. I've known you for two years. I still want you." "Why?"
Pete just didn't get it. He didn't like himself. He usually scared girls off and he didn't want to scare you too. Which is why he tried so hard to just stay friends. You weren't having it though. You might be 21 but you were mature beyond your years. You were ready to marry young and experience life with someone. You wanted Pete to be that someone. You moved your muffin to the coffee table and moved so you were now sitting on Pete's lap with your hands on his shoulders.
"(Y/N)..." Pete warned. You shushed him.
"Why not?" You asked him, "Is it so impossible for you to believe that a girl finds you attractive? You're so fucking sexy Pete. Your hair, your eyes, your mouth, your tattoos, your mind. I know what I want in life. I want to get married. I want to have kids. I like you. You just said you liked me too. So why don't we quit playing the what-if game and just try? I want to love you. Let me love you, Pete."
Pete wrapped his arms around your back and leaned you back on the couch so he was holding himself up above you.
"Well, when you put it like that..." He joked.
You laughed as he snuck his left hand under your sweatshirt and kissed up your neck before he kissed you like you would disappear tomorrow.
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triplexdoublex · 3 years
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Listen I’m not saying I manifest this but I ✨MANIFEST✨ this! You’re welcome! 🥵
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bakedcolson · 3 years
Libido \\ Machine Gun Kelly
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Machine Gun Kelly x Female Reader
Warnings: unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it kiddos) , language
Authors note: this is my first fic I’ve ever posted to tumblr so sorry if it sucks :/, I have a part 2 I’m working on for this so stay tuned. I’m also from Florida hence why it’s included in this, ok enjoy!!
You and Colson’s vacation in Florida turned out to be super lame. Other than seeing your family, your hometown didn’t have much to offer, so you resorted to smoking weed in your childhood bedroom and egging your old high school.
That was until today, your flight was set for tomorrow so you both had a hotel room in orlando for the night. You had suggested we go to Disney springs or city-walk, but all you got was moans and groans from the blonde fucker.
That was until you both passed by a sex shop that was on the same street as your hotel, noticing the pills that you had seen on TikTok that were said to increase libido and basically make you both rabbits, you decided to give it a whirl. Both of you took 2 and waited.
“Man it’s been an hour and I don’t feel shit,” colson complained, stretching himself out on the hotel bed. “They probably sold us diet pills or something,” You joked. “This isn’t funny Y/N, I spent $20 on those things.”
“Did you see how cheesy that place looked?” You giggled. “Ok how about this, maybe I try things to get us in the mood?”
“That literally negates the whole purpose of us buying those pills,” he groaned. “Are you seriously gonna be mad at your girlfriend who is trying to help you get your dick wet?”
“First of all I hated the phrasing of that but fine ok, got any ideas?” “Close your eyes,” You said and he obliged. “Do you remember the last time we went to Vegas?” You asked. “Of course I do, but what does that have to do with anything?”
“I’m not finished yet genius, do you remember what we did our last night there?” You asked, biting a smile back as if to hide it from him. “Oh?” he smirked. “Do continue.”
“Remember when we sat on the bed and you put your hand up my skirt ,” You said, stepping so your mouth was right near his ear, “mmm felt so good, baby” You whispered and heard his breath hitch your words. You backed up to where you were originally and his eyes shot open, eyes black with lust.
“I want you,” Colson breathed and reached to grab your hand. “Are you sure that’s not the pills talking?” You giggled. “No this is definitely me talking now, l-“ You cut him off by crashing your lips onto his. He pulled you so you was straddling his lap, unbuttoning your jeans and pulling them down harshly.
“Nuh uh” You started, “shirt off, now”.
He did as he was told and threw it across the room, exposing his colorful chest. You leaned down and pressed a kiss to the raven tattoo in the middle. “You think you can just throw commands at me like that?” Colson asked as you lifted your head back up. “I don’t know, just worked didn’t it?” You bit back before he flipped you over so you were beneath him in a clumsy instant.
“I let you be in control when I feel like it, got it?” He asked, his hand around your throat applying pressure. You nodded, barely being able to choke out a word. “Good,” was all he said before he pulled your jeans the rest of the way down and dove his fingers into your underwear, rubbing your clit in circles.
“Fuck,” You groaned, throwing your head back. “More colson, please”
“use your words princess, what do you want?” His hot breath ghosting your ear. “Want you, your fingers,” You choked out. “Shirt off first baby girl”. You sat up and threw your shirt somewhere before laying back down. He pulled a bra strap down exposing your left breast before taking it in his mouth, still continuing to pump his fingers.
The overstimulation had you seeing stars. “Mmm closee,” You hummed. He continued for a moment before stopping and pulling his fingers out, whining at the loss of contact. “Asshole,” You mumbled as you pouted at him. “Patience baby”.
He sat up and pulled his jeans off, throwing on the ground before crawling back up to connect your lips again, your clothed middles meeting making him groan out. “I want these off,” You whispered in his ear, biting his earlobe as you did so, grabbing the elastic before pulling it back, making it slap against his skin. “Don’t be a fucking tease”.
“Oh? And you’re the one to talk Baker?” You snapped back. “Fuck you” “kinda hoping you would.”
He slid his boxers down his legs and You grabbed the waistband of your panties wanting to slide them down before a large hand stopped you. “No let me.” He pulled them down your thighs and You kicked them off the bed, a slender finger opening your folds causing you to gasp. “Who got you this wet princess?”
“You did, baby, you did”.
“Fuck yeah I did,” Colson said lowly, kissing you and aligning himself with your entrance. After he pulled away you opened your eyes to see him looking fondly at you, softness in his baby blues. “I love you, you know that right?” You flushed at his words before smiling widely. “I love you more,” You started, “now will you please fuck me?”
“Only because you asked so nicely,” he said, and with that he pushed into you. You both groaned at the feeling while he gave you a second to adjust before slowly starting to thrust.
He felt so good as he picked up the pace, Your nails leaving half moon marks on his back. “Fuck,” he groaned, “keep doing that and I won’t last much longer.” You just hummed in response and let out a breathy moan. His hands fell to your sides, pushing you down harder on his dick. Your mouth fell into an “O” shape and a string of moans fell from your mouth.
“Are you close?” He asked and you nodded, your vision being clouded. “Cum for me angel”, and with that you felt yourself come undone, he followed shortly after and collapsed on top of you.
“Jesus dude,” You breathed as you slowly caught your breath, “we definitely don’t need those pills to begin with”.
“Got that right,” colson responded as he moved to lay besides you. “Can we still go to Disney springs? They don’t close for another few hours.”
“That’s what you’re thinking about right now you dork?” He responded as he chuckled. “Hey we went to that stupid sex shop you wanted, you give me Disney lover boy”.
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