#people find it strange I am not a hugger
ryupioupiou · 9 months
Just out of curiosity...
Personnally, if you are my friends/family you can hug the hell out of me but otherwise, don't even brush my shoulder.
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brittanagirlcrush · 4 months
Chasing the Dream
The long awaited (?) next installment in my canon-ish/canon-adjacent "Dream" series is up!
This isn't the whole chapter. Wasn't sure how Tumblr would feel about <ahem> sexy times.
The whole chapter, along with the whole story is posted on FF.Net
Chapter 1 – Carson City, NV (June 17 – 19)
Mercedes was walking toward the buses after her appearance in the River Run Mall in Carson City, Nevada.
“Hey, Mercedes! Wait up!”
Mercedes stopped and turned toward the smiling Latina. She shook her head; Santana smiling always seems strange yet, these days, all she does is smile.
“What's up?”
“We're spending the night here, right? Heading out in the morning?”
Mercedes nodded. “We're leaving at noon. Why?”
Santana bit her lip and ducked her head. “I was wondering … is it okay if I take Britt out tonight and we spend the night at a hotel?”
“Yeah, of course. Just be back before we roll out or we're leaving your nasty asses here.” She laughed.
Santana, if her skin tone had allowed it, would have blushed. “It's our anniversary. It's been a year since we decided to give it another shot. I just wanna do something special. And, you've been so great about sharing the bus and everything but …”
“Nah, girl, I get it.” Mercedes' face softened. “Go have fun. Happy Anniversary. Happy looks pretty good on you.”
Santana laughed. “Thanks. I kind of need a favor, too.”
“Oh, now you're just pushing your luck.”
Santana's smiled brightly. “I just need you to find a way to get Britt to be busy whenever we have a stop of a day or more. Like, I don't know, choreography emergency or something?”
Mercedes quirked a brow and looked at Santana. “You're taking her out for a special date but … you want me to get rid of her?”
Santana smiled shyly and ducked her head. “I was hoping you'd come ring shopping with me.”
Mercedes' jaw dropped. “Girl … you did not just … are you serious?”
Santana nodded. “Yeah. By the end of the year I wanna propose. By the end of next year, I want her to be my wife. I love her, 'Cedes. She's my favorite person and … I've lived with her and I've lived without her … with her? Infinitely better. Like, a million times better.”
“I'm going to hug you right now.” Then she did just that, grabbing Santana in a tight hug. “Congratulations. I am so happy for you two.” Mercedes wasn't even slightly surprised. Those two could have gotten married at seventeen and she wouldn't have been surprised. They just … fit. It was so weird; they were so different but, oddly, they complemented each other completely.
Santana laughed as she returned the hug. She wasn't much of a hugger (other than Britt, of course) but there were a few people who could get away with it; her mother (sometimes), Mercedes, Quinn, and Courtney.
“Well, I haven't asked and she hasn't said yes so … hang on to those congratulations. So, does that mean you'll help me?” She asked as she pulled out of the hug.
“Oh, she'll say yes. No doubt about that. That girl is beyond crazy about you. Always has been. And, yes, I'll be glad to help you. We can check out the places in the malls we're in and if they're too expensive or not what you're looking for, Google will help us find those smaller family owned places.”
“Thanks, 'Cedes.” Santana heaved a sigh of relief. “I've been looking online but I don't want Britt to catch me; I've got an idea of what I'm looking for, though.” She opened her phone and showed Mercedes a simple round cut solitaire in a platinum band.
“Oh, that is so Brittany. Simple, elegant, not real flashy, and it won't get in the way when she dances.” Mercedes nodded.
“Yeah. If I can find a blue diamond, to match her eyes, that'd be great but I'm not going to let that hang me up. Around a carat, I think.”
Mercedes smiled and looped her arm through Santana's, leading her back to the bus. “Girl, I am so happy and excited for you.”
Santana grinned. “Thanks 'Cedes.”
When they got back to the bus, Santana went to the back room that she was sharing with Brittany. She packed an overnight bag for the two of them and pulled out the dress and heels she wanted to wear for the evening.
When Brittany came in half an hour later, Santana asked her to pick out an outfit for dinner and dancing later.
“Um … okay?”
Santana laughs. “I'm taking you out tonight and then we're going to spend the night in a hotel.” She shows Brittany the dress she'll be wearing. “I figure we'll go check in and get ready at the hotel before dinner.”
Brittany smiles broadly and goes through her clothes before settling on an electric blue knee length dress and black heels.
“I already packed us a bag for tomorrow morning. We just need to be back here by noon.” Santana tells her as she calls for a cab.
“Sounds great, honey.”
They arrived at the hotel around four-thirty in the afternoon and got showered and dressed for their six-thirty dinner reservation.
They had been seated at their table for about twenty minutes and were just waiting for their food. The place had a karaoke stage and several people had already “performed”. They weren't bad, exactly, but Brittany was used to Santana's singing so she was a little critical.
“Next up: Santana Lopez!”
Brittany's jaw dropped as she looked at Santana. Santana just smiled broadly at her as she stood up and made her way to the stage.
“Hi, I'm Santana Lopez and tonight marks the one year anniversary of the day that the love of my life and I got back together.” Brittany's jaw dropped again. She checked her phone; how did she forget that?
“So, I'd like to dedicate this song to her. I love you, Britt. Always.”
Hmm yeah eh eh
Looks like we made it Look how far we've come, my baby We mighta took the long way We knew we'd get there someday
They said, "I bet they'll never make it" But just look at us holding on We're still together, still going strong
Mm (you're still the one) You're still the one I run to The one that I belong to You're still the one I want for life (You're still the one) You're still the one that I love The only one I dream of You're still the one I kiss goodnight
Ain't nothin' better We beat the odds together I'm glad we didn't listen Look at what we would be missin'
They said, "I bet they'll never make it" But just look at us holding on We're still together, still going strong
oh You're still the one I run to The one that I belong to You're still the one I want for life (You're still the one) You're still the one that I love The only one I dream of You're still the one I kiss goodnight
You're still the one
Yeah (you're still the one) You're still the one I run to The one that I belong to You're still the one I want for life, oh yeah (you're still the one) You're still the one that I love The only one I dream of You're still the one I kiss goodnight
I'm so glad we made it Look how far we've come, my baby
Brittany has tears in her eyes as the restaurant erupts in applause when Santana finishes. This girl. Always surprising her. Brittany falls a little more in love every day. She smiles and shakes her head as Santana makes her way toward the table.
“Santana …”
Santana leans in and kisses her softly. “Happy Anniversary, baby.”
“I can't believe I forgot. Or, didn't realize today was the eighteenth, actually.”
“I'm glad you didn't,” Santana grins at her, “it wouldn't have been much of a surprise if you had.”
“Still … I didn't even …”
“Britt, we're having dinner, we're going dancing, and then we're going to a hotel for the night. There's nothing else I want or need other than to spend time with you.”
“I love you, Santana, Happy Anniversary, honey.”
“I love you, too, Britt.”
After dinner, Santana took Brittany's hand and led her down the street a couple of blocks. Brittany had expected a dance club but, once again, Santana surprised her; they walked into a ballroom dance hall.
“I thought maybe we'd do something different? We're always going to clubs and I know you don't get a chance to flex your ballroom moves so, I just thought …” Santana shrugged as she paid the cover charge to get in. “I mean, we can always leave here …”
Brittany silenced her with a kiss. “This is perfect, San. Just perfect.”
The band was just starting Glen Miller's “In the Mood” as they entered the hall and Brittany practically dragged Santana to the dance floor. She rarely got the chance to swing dance and she absolutely loved it. She led Santana around the dance floor and, as always, Santana caught up and followed her lead in no time.
Brittany loved it. They spent the evening dancing Salsa, Swing, Tango, and Merenge. She had to slow her steps a bit at first so Santana could pick them up and follow but she had an amazing time. When they took a break to grab something to drink, several people commented on how well they danced. Santana, of course, gave Brittany all the credit which had Brittany blushing.
They left the hall a little after one and caught a cab to the hotel. Once they were in the room, Brittany pulled Santana in for a deep kiss. As she kissed her, Brittany slid Santana's zipper down, pulling back to allow Santana to step out of it. Leaving Santana in her bra, panties, and heels, she smiled as she led Santana to a chair, sat her down in it, straddled her, and kissed her again.
“I love you, Santana Lopez. Now, you sit here and be a good girl, no touching.” Brittany smirked at Santana and stood up, she pulled her phone out of her bag and quickly scrolled through it until she found what she was looking for.
“You sang for me, I dance for you.”
She set it on the dresser, hit play, and the sounds of Britney Spears' “I'm a Slave 4 U” came through the speaker.
Santana laughed as Brittany grinned at her. But her laughter quickly died as Brittany shimmied out of her own dress and began to dance provocatively, leaving Santana's mouth dry.
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boldlyanxious · 2 years
It Had to be You
Unrelated Konette(ish)
"You big brute! Get off me!"
"You brought this on yourself. This is what happens when you stop sleeping."
"I have work to do. I can sleep after that."
"Sounds good."
Kon agreed with her but he didn't budge. Marinette struggled under him but he had planted his weight right over her. It wasn't hurting but she couldn't shift enough to get free. She struggled and screamed but he was unfazed.
It was dark when she woke. Flushed from a dream she would never share with anyone. She shifted but then froze when she felt Kon move. She had to push away her memories of her dream, this situation was far too similar. He was no longer on top of her but he had fallen asleep and his arm was around her, their legs tangled together. His nose tickled her neck with his steady, even breaths. She pushed away to get some space but he followed, his body curled around hers. She couldn’t move away from him and was too tired to struggle so she just let herself fall back to sleep and they would deal with whatever awkwardness when they woke.
It was move in day and Marinette was trying not to be nervous. There had been a switch at the last minute so she had no idea who she would be paired with, just that the Justice League had found someone else who would not question her odd habits or past hero work. It shouldn’t really matter. It was a temporary arrangement until she could find something but she really liked her space to be just the way she wanted it. She hadn’t lived with anyone aside from her parents and an ill fated attempt to live with Alya. Luckily she and Alya almost instantly agreed that they did not do well sharing a living space and they made other arrangements as soon as possible. That is what brought her to this arrangement.
She pushed on the door, it was slightly open and there was Nightwing greeting her. Many of the League members were open about their identities with other heroes but the Bat affiliates maintained their secret identities. Marinette hadn’t had a choice. She had been revealed in battle 2 years ago. They had defeated Hawkmoth not long later with the assistance of the Justice League to protect them after the reveal. They had removed all the footage they could find about the reveal but her identity was still something of an open secret in Paris and among those affiliated with the Justice league.
Nightwing grinned at her when she walked in.
“Marinette, welcome.” She reached out her hand but he used his outstretched one to pull her into a hug. “So glad you found the place okay.”
She smiled back up at him and gave him a squeeze. She was happy he seemed to just know what she needed. Hugs seemed so much harder to come by here. All her friends in Paris were huggers so it was strange to have that barrier up with the people she got close to here. Nightwing was a welcome exception. He was like the older brother she had always wanted. He teased her but was also protective when he sensed she was uncertain. She was definitely uncertain now.
“You worry too much. You drove me past it 3 times last week so I would be able to find it,” Marinette teased.
“But that is a big truck. I know you don’t like driving,” he said. “I am allowed to show concern.”
“Be concerned about Gar. He drove the truck for me. Said you would think that was a great idea.”
Marinette’s eyes twinkled as his widened. He was clearly going through all the things that could have gone wrong with that before remembering that she was here and safe.
“Well, that turned out, I guess. Let’s go get your things before that has a chance to change.”
“Good plan. Is my roommate here yet?” she asked.
“He actually won’t be able to come for a couple days. He got here early and said which room he preferred but that it would be fine either way.”
Nightwing showed her the two rooms without telling her which one her unnamed roommate preferred but then he seemed relieved when she pointed out which one she liked. Seems like they wanted different things in a room choice which was a relief. It would be awkward to have to determine whether he actually didn’t care which room he chose when he wasn’t even here. She and Nightwing and a few of the others went to unload her truck and after a bit they ate a few slices of pizza and Marinette sent them on their way so she could finish settling in.
Kon hadn’t been able to make it for the same time his new roommate had. He had never met her before so he wasn’t sure what to expect. He knocked before just walking into the apartment so he wouldn’t startle her. He didn’t hear any movement and he had a key so he just let himself in. He called into the place but there was no response. He just let himself in. He had been on a mission so Nightwing had said he would set up his bed in the room she didn’t want. Kon just had his mission bag with him. She wasn’t home so he skipped everything and decided on washing away the grime of the mission and hopefully would be able to meet his new roommate after he had time to get his head focused.
Nightwing appeared to have organized a few of his things and even made the bed up.There was a towel on the bed as if he had known exactly what Kon would need when he got back. He grabbed that and headed for the shower. He stood under the stream for several minutes before he decided he should probably actually wash. It was then that he realized he hadn’t even thought to get his own shampoo or soap out. He hoped she wouldn’t mind sharing just this once. The thought of trying to dig through his boxes to remember where he packed his toiletries exhausted him. It had a very pleasant smell. He very much liked the idea of a sweet smelling roommate. He had only ever roomed when men or at the tower so having a roommate that smelled like flowers or berries seemed like a welcome change.
He did a minimal job shaking the water out of his hair and patting it with the towel and headed straight to his room, hoping he had some clean clothes where he could easily find them. Luckily he was tucking the towel around his waist out of habit because it wasn’t until he stepped out of the bathroom and away from the fan that he heard the noises of someone else in the apartment. She was very quiet until she suddenly noticed him there and squealed at the sight of him. He didn’t know if she was just startled that he was suddenly there or if it was the fact that he was there naked except for a towel that he suddenly wished was larger. One thigh was definitely uncovered and if she hadn’t turned away she might have gotten a peek at his backside when he rushed into his room and closed the door.
Marinette put on some music to calm herself and went directly to the kitchen. She kept telling herself that she was just shocked but she definitely had a hard time turning away from her new roommate. She could hear him moving around in the other room. She assumed he had gone in to put on clothes, hopefully ones that covered his expansive chest that would not be dripping with water. She had noodles cooked and veggies sizzling when he reappeared. He was wearing sweats that sat low, but not low enough for her to see the hip bone that she definitely wasn’t going to keep thinking about now that it was covered with a shirt. It was stretched over his muscles but not so tightly it was distracting. Except maybe the fact that there were little spots of water on it like he had put it on before he had dried himself all the way.
His voice still startled her, even though she knew he had come out. “I’m so sorry. I jumped in the shower without planning ahead properly.”
“It’s really fine. I was just surprised. I hadn’t realized you had gotten in.”
“I also used your shampoo and stuff. I just got off the mission and didn't plan anything out.”
“It really is fine. I don’t suppose you will always want to smell like raspberry blossoms. My last roommate always stole my stuff. She was bad at remembering to buy things.” Marinette dumped the noodles into the pan with the vegetables and poured the sauce over it. “Are you hungry? I made stir fry.”
Marinette groaned and pulled the pillow over her head.
He was singing. It was morning on the weekend. Her first one not having to be somewhere before 8 and he was singing. She could smell coffee and he was usually good about making enough for her but he was just too perky. It was bad enough when she had to be up and around but now she could be sleeping and he was awake and happy. And singing.
She dragged herself out of bed and shuffled into the kitchen. Her face may have shown exactly how she felt because his big puppy dog eyes went from excited to terrified. He glanced around the disaster he had made in the kitchen and looked back at her sheepishly. Rather than saying anything he just walked up and handed her the coffee. He looked really nervous for a moment before sliding the strap on her tank top back onto her shoulder. She glanced down but she didn’t have the energy to even flush in embarrassment at how low it had slid down. Everything was covered and they were both adults. It wasn’t like she hadn’t seen most of him, a thought that definitely didn’t cross her mind regularly.
“I didn’t know if you would wake up in time. I have people coming over for brunch. I set it for up 10 but I have never seen you sleep this late,” he said.
“I have never had the opportunity to sleep this late. Today was the first day I had to sleep in.”
He looked like he was trying to formulate a response to that but before he did there was a knock at the door.
“I think Dick was showing up early. He is supposed to have donuts.” Kon’s smile was blinding even when she was too irritated to appreciate it. “You might think about changing, not that what you have on isn’t amazing.”
Marinette looked down. Her hand was still holding up the top of her tank top. It was a very cute pattern with a slight ruffle at the edge but it was definitely designed for at home use. Her stomach showed right in the middle and when she turned to walk back to her room he could probably get a peek at her cheeks if he was looking. She had been too tired to consider what she was wearing but she definitely didn’t want anyone else seeing her like this. She tipped the coffee back and drained it before turning to find something to wear.
Kon was starting to get worried. He had called Ma Kent to find out what to do. He did his best not to wake Marinette and to not make a mess bigger than he could manage in the kitchen after the disaster surprise brunch. But now it had been 3 days and he hadn’t seen her. He didn’t think she had been to work. He couldn’t even find evidence of her eating or taking a shower. Sometimes that wouldn’t be obvious but it would be unusual to miss it 3 days in a row. He could tell she was in the room. Occasionally there was sniffling and shuffling around but he hadn’t been home much during the day and sometimes she would work on projects at night. Now he worried that she was really sick and hadn’t even felt like she could tell him.
Ma had given him a list of things to pick up. He included a can of soup but also a list of ingredients. She sent along her best recipe for soup too. Apparently the can of soup was catered to when Clark cooked because he usually needed a backup option in case he ruined the soup. Kon chopped the veggies and started them cooking and then knocked gently on Marinette’s door. She croaked in response, he couldn’t quite understand her even with his enhanced hearing. He pushed the door open, carefully blocking the light from hitting her face.
She was definitely sick. Ma had recommended getting her into the bath and changing the sheets to help her feel better if it really had been that long without either. She tried to turn him down but when he suggested that he call someone she would be more comfortable with she still said no.
“Come on. You will feel better if you get cleaned up. I have some soup cooking now.”
“I will be okay. I don’t need you waiting on me. I can manage.”
“What is the last thing you ate?”
“We had chinese food. I ate that.”
“Mari, that was 4 nights ago. You need to clean up and eat. I will change your sheets so they are clean.”
He gave her a few minutes to get used to the idea while he ran water in the bath making sure it was warm enough. He pulled a lamp from his room so the light would be softer than the overhead light in the bathroom. After he finished he nudged her out of the bed and pulled the sheets off. She was still standing there watching him rather than going to the bathroom.
“Come on. You can’t climb back into bed like that. You will feel better after a bath.”
“It’s not that. I just don’t know if I can make it there. I feel really dizzy.”
“I’ll help you. We will get you in the tub in your pajamas and wash them after you are clean.”
He did his best to give her privacy. It ended up with both of them in wet clothes but even that was better than leaving her as she had been. He could feel the heat radiating off her. He washed her hair carefully after realizing that she was too weak to do much on her own. He used a cloth to clean her face, neck and arms. He didn’t go further than that. He instead poured the warm water over her trusting that to rinse most of the sweat from her body while he stepped away.
He hurried to clean up what he could in her room while she was in the tub. He opened the window to get fresh air while he changed the sheets and gathered the tissues that had missed her trash can. He wiped the surfaces quickly and then worked on setting up the space with pillows so she could eat. He heard the water draining so he went back to the bathroom door to check on her.
“Marinette, do you need help getting out? I left a towel and I have my robe. It’s clean.”
She made a noise but she seemed to be hesitating on accepting help. He worried about her slipping in her current state.
“I’m going to help. Get the towel. I am closing my eyes and bringing in the robe.”
He heard her quiet “okay” through the door and he opened it slowly. He knew about where everything was in the bathroom so it was easy to step up to the tub without looking. He reached down his hand and waited for her to pull back on his before helping her to her feet. She paused for a second before he could feel her moving. He was pretty sure she just waved a hand in front of his face to make sure he couldn’t see. She then shifted and he could hear the movement of her wrapping the towel around her body. He held out the robe and she climbed into it before he opened his eyes.
He helped her to her room and find clean clothes before he went to the kitchen to get her soup while she put on fresh clothes. She was definitely self conscious about all the help he was giving her but he refused to feel awkward about it. It was a couple more days before she improved. He continued checking on her and making sure she was eating and getting fluids. She was very worried that she would get him sick before he reminded her that he had a Kryptonian immune system. She had been feeling better today. She was still staying in bed but she was getting up and around on her own and even sat in the living room for a bit. Kon brought a deck of cards to her room early in the evening but she was already asleep. He pulled the cover up over her and moved her phone to the desk, plugging it in. Before he left the room, he pushed her hair away from her face and kissed her forehead.
Marinette’s parents had sent macarons for Christmas for her and Kon. It was really lovely but it made Marinette miss home. But it did help the 2 of them get closer. She told a lot of stories about what it was like to live in Paris and then Kon told her about his life before. It made her sad to hear about what he went through. She didn’t think he made it up but the spark in his eye when she gave him one of her coveted macarons made her think he might be milking it for sympathy. She stared him down until he cracked up at her.
“You did that on purpose so I would give you one,” Marinette accused.
“Actually, I was hoping for 2. You have another one left.”
“Absolutely not. They sent you the same amount as me. You chose to scarf them down like that. I’m keeping the last one.”
She reached in the package for it. She recognized the bright green with the white cream. It wasn’t the most popular flavor so they probably made them while thinking of her and how much she liked them because of the lime in the coconut song. She heard that song when she was first learning English and thought it was really funny. Kon moved in front of her, blocking her from grabbing it. She shoved against it and grabbed it before he could counter the move, at least without hurting her. But he did grab her arm. Marinette pushed her shoulder into him and twisted her arm around. Luckily his grip was loose because he was just teasing her.
“Ha! You call that Super?” Marinette taunted. “I could have done that in my sleep.”
She jumped away and did a victory dance. Kon just watched from the counter. But as soon as she turned away he pushed himself away from the counter. Marinette turned back just in time to see him rush at her. She squealed and moved away. He was clearly far more determined after she jeered at him. He didn’t let her get past him. He boxed her in against the wall and held one arm behind her back. She pushed away but he pulled her against his chest while he worked on securing the hand with the macaron.
Marinette moved her hand up quickly but he caught it before she reached her mouth. Still, even with it in his grip she shifted so she could move her head to get the confection in her mouth. She couldn’t get it all the way in but she still cheered herself with it shoved between her teeth. Kon had not accepted defeat well. She could manage with him holding her in place. She laughed at his pout and let him push her other arm down to her side. She could still get the rest in her mouth. She had a lot of experience eating macarons hands free when she worked on projects.
She didn’t expect him to lean close to her and bite off the half that was sticking from her mouth. It was just barely but his lips brushed against hers as he closed them around the cookie. She stilled and held her breath. He stayed close as he finished his half of the macaron and she suddenly realized he had released her arms but his hands still stayed where they had been, just without restraining her. He moved one hand to her mouth and pushed the half macaron the rest of the way into her mouth.
She could taste the tart lime with the sweet coconut cream. She wasn’t wondering whether or not he tasted like the macaron after eating it.
Kon went back into the apartment to find it exactly as he had left it. Marinette did like to keep the place organized. He looked over at the spot he had last seen her. He almost lost himself holding her against him. She looked up into his eyes and he froze. He wanted to kiss her and he could not want to kiss her. She was his roommate and that would make things very awkward. He couldn’t tell what she had been thinking when he pulled away. He jolted suddenly and then went to get a shower. When he came out, she was in her room with the door closed. He could hear a show playing. He went to bed far too early to lay awake far too long. Still he woke up very early and left a note that he was visiting the Kent Farm.
He had promised to take her at some point but he was using the trip to get some much needed distance. Hopefully it would give him some perspective. That is the word Ma Kent used when she suggested that the barn stalls all needed a thorough cleaning and that he should probably help with the milking at dawn every morning. Perhaps he shouldn’t have told her what had happened. She hadn’t told him he was wrong but he was pretty sure she wanted him to come up with that. She was right though. He should have left her with the last macaron but something had come over him.
This morning she had woken up far earlier and when he returned from helping with the cows she pushed a pie at him and just said, “Thank you for visiting. Take care.”
Clearly whatever thinking he needed to do he could not do there. He showered and found that his bag was already waiting for him with all but his muddy clothes packed up for him. She really was telling him it was time to leave. He held them both before he headed for the door and then turned to go.
“Make it right, Dear,” she said. “I can’t wait to meet her.”
She was in the middle of sliding on her tall heels when Kon walked in the door, pie in hand. He froze, taking her in for a moment before he met her eyes. He looked away quickly. She turned to gather the rest of her things before deciding what to say. She could feel the nervousness on him in the way he was moving in the kitchen. She turned back and he was watching her. He looked like he wanted to say something, but he hadn’t decided what to open with. She decided to ignore the tension and treat him the same as before. Before she waited for him to kiss her and he just didn’t. That was before he ran off to avoid the idea of what had almost happened.
“There is a group of our friends going out for New Year’s. You are welcome to join,” she said.
“I couldn’t just show up. It wouldn’t feel right.”
“It was a casual invite. The only reason it wasn’t mentioned to you was because you were out of town,” she skirted past anything that sounded accusatory about his trip. It was probably for the best if they could ignore the emotional entanglements. “The ride is probably 10 minutes away.”
He hesitated for a moment before agreeing. “Okay, I’ll just change real into fresh clothes,” he paused. “You look great. Should I be dressed up too?”
“It isn’t required. I don’t think everyone is going all out. But I couldn’t pass up the chance to dress up.”
She laughed. He continued to watch her as she laughed. She shifted and looked around. Then he suddenly seemed to remember he was supposed to be changing and rushed off. He ran the water in the bathroom sink for a moment and then rushed to his room. He was very fast and had done great. He actually appeared to coordinate with Marinette’s color scheme. She was a little jealous that he had rushed off and looked this great after 4 minutes when it had taken her far longer to get ready. He seemed to have gained a bit of confidence with his outfit change so he shot her a big smile when he came out.
Kon had a plan for how things would be when he returned. He was going to sit down with Marinette and talk to her. Ma Kent’s pie worked great for that. But when he walked in and saw her, he lost all his words. He wasn't sure if that is what would have happened if she hadn’t been dressed like that when he saw her but he didn’t get the chance to find out or to clear the air between them. For him the air between them still felt charged. Maybe it was only him. Maybe he just couldn’t think clearly when she looked like that but she seemed to not feel the same tension he did. She was acting as she always had. She was very friendly but there was nothing behind it that gave him hope of getting closer to her.
At least there was still pie, and that wouldn’t go well to fight over so very low risk of him pushing her boundaries. He could work past this and they could still be friends and roommates. If he looked past his recent feelings, they worked really well together as roommates. Dick had been thrilled. There were several other roommate pairings that had not gone as well and he was happy that they seemed content with each other even after not having met officially before moving in.
He hadn’t thought to ask about where they were going but they ended up in a fancy club and he knew several of the other heroes who showed up as their civilian identities. He had to catch himself from saying something that would give Dick away as Nightwing. It was really odd to see how Marinette interacted with him until he remembered that not everyone knew who he was. He tried to move off to find other people to talk to but he kept getting distracted when his eyes found her across the room. He managed to brush it off saying that he had just gotten back in and that seemed to work.
For almost everyone. Stephanie was telling a story and when she realized he wasn’t listening, she followed his gaze. Marinette was talking to a guy who wasn’t in their group. She was smiling but also had moved to give more distance between them. The other guy leaned close to whisper something to her. Kon clutched his glass tighter. He breathed a sigh of relief when whatever Marinette responded caused the guy to move out of her space. He had been trying to decide if he should rush over to help her get rid of the guy. Too late he looked back at Steph watching him, knowingly. He might actually be the one who needs help.
“You weren’t listening to my story. I would be hurt, but I can see what has you distracted,” Steph said.
“Sorry, I just got back from Kansas. I’m a bit distracted today.”
“I can see that. There are a lot of distracting things. Lights, music or maybe just pretty faces.”
“I don’t know what you are talking about,” Kon said.
“Sure you don’t. But I’m sure you prefer her to go home with you than any of her many other options.”
“She is my roommate. It isn’t like that.”
“I see you know exactly what I’m talking about,” Steph said with a wink.
Kon then realized that she had cleverly gotten him to admit it by denying it.
Marinette’s original plan had been to stay up far too late with Steph watching cheesy movies and eating leftover food she had made, but Steph had changed her mind at the last minute and said she was too tired. She hadn’t wanted to invite a bunch of people over but now she realized that she was heading home with just Kon and it was probably too late to start inviting other people over. They all probably had plans already or wanted to get to sleep after staying out so late.
Kon was really quiet on the way back and Marinette didn’t really have a whole lot to say either. She felt pretty floaty after the bubbly champagne and probably looked ridiculous staring out the window at all the lights. She tried not to think about how she was feeling about him. It was pretty clear that he wanted to maintain a boundary so she would do that. She had a lot of experience in being just friends. When she focused it was pretty easy. She only really had a problem when she was alone with her thoughts.
Kon was in the kitchen and she decided to set up for the movie before heading in there to get her snacks. She was tipsy and she wasn’t completely sure she trusted herself with the way he looked right now. He had worn a button up shirt and tight jeans. But he had untucked the shirt and undone a couple extra buttons. Actually she had seen someone else undo the buttons. The woman was far too handsy but before she had decided to do anything Kon had gotten away from her without incident. A server had come by with champagne preparing for the new year so the other woman was distracted.
Kon moved away but it appeared that he had never remembered to re-button his shirt. Marinette should send the woman a thank you note for her service. She jolted out of her thoughts when the sound came on loud for the movie. She worked on getting it turned down so she wouldn’t disturb the neighbors or Kon when he headed to bed. He had come over after hearing the sound.
“I’ll keep it low,” Marinette said. “I’m just not quite ready to go to bed yet.”
“I’m not sure I am either. Do you mind if I stay and watch with you?” he asked.
“That is fine. It’s your place too. We can choose a different one if you like. Steph suggested this one but she ended up being too tired to come over tonight.”
She couldn’t decipher the look on his face. It passed quickly but she was still nervous about it. Maybe he would have liked for Steph to come over. They did seem to be talking and laughing a lot earlier. Marinette wondered if that was why Steph couldn’t come over. She wouldn’t want to come over to hang out with Marinette and then end up spending all her time with Kon. But whatever the situation was he sat on the couch. She cued the movie up and then went to bring in the snacks. He jumped up right away to help her and also brought out the pie. A gift for both of them from Kansas.
She was glad the movie pulled her in pretty quickly so she could stop trying to plan her every move around what he was doing. It was far more natural that way. She even forgot that she wasn’t wearing loungewear. She hadn’t even taken off her shoes so after a bit the strap was pressing into her foot. She shifted to take them off and then worked on sliding her bra out the side of her dress. She thought that she had been sneaky enough but she caught the light reflecting off Kon’s eyes. He reached over with her throw blanket, which is probably the next thing she would have gone for.
“Do you mind pausing?” he asked. “I want to change to pajama pants.”
“That is a great idea. I should put on something more comfortable too.”
She realized right after she said it that the phrase was a lot more commonly used as a suggestive line. She really was bad at this. She took a moment to change and she pulled out her larger blanket so she could be cozy. When they both returned, they focused back on the screen. After a few minutes she could feel Kon tugging on her blanket. He was trying to share the end of it. She tugged back on it and he looked up at her, guiltily.
“You have enough to share,” he said.
“You have your own blankets,” she tugged back again as she said it.
“But yours is so soft and I don’t want to get up. Can’t you just share with me?”
She couldn’t resist when he grinned at her. She shifted and pulled up enough of the blanket for him. But instead of accepting it, he pulled it all away. She reached over to get it back but instead of fighting her for it, when she moved he pulled her closer and used it to cover both of them. He didn’t look at her after. He focused back on the movie as if nothing had happened.
It was small movements at first. Marinette moved her feet under her and that made her come closer to him. Kon moved the pillow on the couch and that pushed them closer together. The movie was still going but Marinette was getting tired. She only closed her eyes for a moment. The movie was still playing but now it was further along and she felt less concerned about the plot. She pulled the blanket up around her more.
It was barely starting to get light when she woke again. She hoped Kon had been comfortable enough there because he had slid to the side and she was laying half on top of him. She tried to creep away slowly so she could get away without waking him. She was almost successful but right as she pushed up from the couch his eyes opened and he smiled at her. She froze, not knowing if he was even seeing her. She rushed away and started the coffee to brew while she got a shower. When she came back he was no longer on the couch and her folded blanket was in the spot.
Kon loved snuggly dreams. Usually he would wake up pretty early and see no reason to stay in bed. But the last few weeks he had been thinking far too much about his pretty roommate and how close he wanted to be with her. She has been working so hard the last couple weeks that he never had the conversation with her that Ma Kent has suggested. It was clear to him that he was not thinking of her strictly platonically anymore but it hardly seemed fair to burden her with that when she was so focused on her very suddenly overloaded schedule.
She was up and straight off to her work space every morning with only coffee. She barely paused to eat lunch and would work until she was falling asleep. Even if she took a few minutes to watch something, she always had a sketch book or knitting with her. He had been getting worried. That is what caused him to force her to sleep last night. She would probably be very angry with him later.
For now, he just appreciated his brain providing what he actually wanted. His nose was against her neck. He wanted to put kisses at the skin along there but that always caused him to wake up too soon. Instead he felt her legs against his and worried his arms around her tighter. Her hair moved against his face as she turned. He couldn't help it when her eyes blinked open at him. He closed the gap between them. He was surprised at the feel of her lips as she gasped against him. Then he froze when he realized that she was actually there. He was awake and still in her bed.
Marinette nearly screamed when she woke up just in time to see Kon kissing her. She pushed away but he seemed just as shocked as she did. They both jumped up from her bed. She pulled her blanket up with her and pulled it tight to her chest as she tried to remember what happened. She definitely remembered them in bed together but nothing was the same as what had happened. That was definitely a dream. She remembered suddenly that he had forced her to go to bed last night. She really needed to get back to work but she needed to know what he was thinking first.
“You just kissed me.”
“I’m sorry. I thought I was asleep.”
“So you were dreaming about kissing me?”
“No!” He paused, “I mean yeah, kinda. But usually when I’m dreaming you aren’t asleep.”
Marinette paused and he looked around, probably trying to find the quickest way out. He would probably run off to Kansas again and she would never see him again. But if he was dreaming of her too, maybe her feelings weren’t as one sided as she thought.
“You have a usual dream about kissing me?”
He looked stunned as if he just realized what he had said. He opened his mouth but he made a sound and never came up with the right words. She gave him a moment before she walked up to him.
“Do you want to hear about my usual dreams of you?”
“Your dreams of me?”
She didn’t answer him. She pulled on his shirt and waited for him to meet her. Her brain would probably come up with a million reasons why this was a terrible idea. But she pushed all thoughts aside and kissed him instead. He returned the kiss enthusiastically and Marinette sighed against him. She probably had some more work she could be doing but it could wait.
@theymakeupfairies | @emjrabbitwolf | @vixen-uchiha | @trythisagainlove | @trippingovermyfeet | @tbehartoo | @izanae | @kittenmywaythrulife | @folk-ever-lore | @jayjayspixiepop | @adrestar | @zynna
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blu-joons · 3 years
They Find You Cuddling Another Member ~ Seventeen Reaction
“Excuse me,” Seungcheol bellowed as soon as he saw you resting against Vernon’s shoulder, staring at the sight of you both.
“Don’t get mad,” Vernon huffed, glancing down at your sleeping figure. “I didn’t have the heart to move her, she was yawning so much.”
Seungcheol frowned, taking a seat beside you as Vernon tilted your body so you rested against him. “I didn’t even realise how tired she was, I should have been here.”
“She hates disturbing you, we all know that,” Vernon reminded him, smiling across at his leader. “She just slept on whoever was nearby, that’s all.”
Seungcheol sighed down at your sleeping figure, “do you think it makes me a bad boyfriend? Not being here when she needs me for things like this.”
“No, and I’m sure she doesn’t either,” Vernon assured him.
“Sometimes I just think I need to take a step back.
Vernon’s head shook across at him, “you worry too much. Just because she fell asleep on me doesn’t make you a bad boyfriend or anything like that.”
“I just don’t want her to ever feel like she can’t come to me when she’s tired or anything because I’m busy,” Seungcheol admitted.
“She gets it, just trust me on this one, it’ll be fine.”
“I know it will really.”
“Everything alright?” Jeonghan questioned as he walked into the studio to find you tucked closely into Mingyu’s chest.
“Just warming her up,” Mingyu assured his elder, running his hand along your arm. Jeonghan frowned, sitting on the other side of you, resting his hands above where Mingyu’s were.
You curled yourself up tighter in both of their grips, enjoying the warmth that the two of them were giving you. “Isn’t this the point where you tell me off for cuddling your girlfriend?”
“You don’t look jealous at all,” you added onto Mingyu’s response. “You’re supposed to make me feel like I’m only yours and no one else’s.
Jeonghan’s shoulders shrugged, glancing across at you. “I was going to, but then I felt how cold you are, and four arms are better than two right now.”
“It’s because you’re cold too, isn’t it?” You quizzed.
“That might have a little something to do with it.”
Mingyu’s head shook from the other side of you, “I can’t believe you’re both using me for warmth when you’re the two that are dating.”
“Take it as a compliment,” Jeonghan told him, glancing around your frame. “You’re strong enough to cuddle two people, not one.”
“I find myself in some strange situations sometimes.”
“It’s just a hug, nothing strange at all.”
“Don’t cuddle him,” Joshua sighed as soon as he walked into the room, pulling you away from Minghao’s shoulder.
“Hey,” you groaned, feeling his hand pull you across and settle you against his chest. “I was comfortable just then, why do you have to ruin that for me?”
Joshua shrugged, wrapping his arm around you. “I’m not going to leave you cuddled up to him when you would be much happier cuddled up to me instead.”
“So, you just pulled me up because you’re jealous I was cuddled up to Minghao?” You frowned, resting yourself against his chest. “I can’t believe you sometimes.”
He nodded proudly, glancing across at Minghao. “I’m the one that you should be cuddled up to, you shouldn’t be cuddling up to all these other losers.”
“Who are you calling a loser?” Minghao snapped back.
“You for trying to steal my girlfriend, you’re the loser.”
Your head shook, glaring up at him. “You’re overreacting about all of this, all Minghao did was cuddle me because you weren’t around.”
“Stop trying to make me feel bad,” he pouted, “I’m here now, so you don’t need to be cuddled up to him any longer now I’m back.”
“He actually was quite good at cuddling me.”
“I’m better, so it doesn’t matter.”
“Hey!” Junhui yelled, chasing after Seokmin who quickly grabbed onto your arms. “That’s unfair, you started before me.”
“And now Y/N is mine,” he roared from behind you, pushing you away from Junhui. “You didn’t get to your girlfriend quick enough, so now she’s mind instead.”
Junhui frowned, trying to run across the room, but Seokmin was a lot quicker than you. “Y/N would never want to be with you, I’m the one for her you fool.”
“What are you doing?” You cried out, being pulled from side to side. “I’m not a weapon if that’s what you’re trying to use me as here.”
The boys both chuckled as Seokmin continued to hold onto. “Seokmin decided to challenge me to a race, and the winner gets to be your boyfriend.”
“Do I not get a say in who my boyfriend is then?”
“Not according to the man that’s hugging you.”
Your eyes rolled, trying to untangle Seokmin’s arms from around you. “As good a hugger as you are, there’s only one guy I want to hug me forever.”
“She’s mine!” Junhui cheered as you managed to get away from Seokmin, racing back over into his open arms that invited you in.
“I’ll get you back, I won the race remember Y/N.”
“I won’t ever be yours Seokmin.”
“How long has she been laying there?” Soonyoung questioned as he walked in to see you curled beside Jihoon.
“A while,” Jihoon informed you, glancing down at your sleeping figure. “She was waiting for you to finish choreographing the routine, you took forever.”
Soonyoung sighed, taking a seat beside you, resting his hand against your thigh. “I didn’t realise how late it was, time just ran away from me.”
“Just let her rest for a while,” Jihoon warned him as he tried to move you away, “there’s no point waking her up when she’s so comfortable sleeping.”
Soonyoung nodded, letting go of a loud sigh. “It’s a good job you’re still here too otherwise I dread to think how she would have slept.”
“She needed a shoulder; I could see how exhausted she was getting.”
“That’s always a sign that she’s getting sleepy.”
Jihoon smiled, shuffling slightly to keep himself comfortable. “Maybe you should call it a night so as soon as she wakes you can take her home.”
“What about if I lift her up and carry her to the car?” Soonyoung suggested, but Jihoon’s head shook at the idea straight away.
“Just leave her be for a while, she’s doing no harm.”
“As long as you’re happy with her.”
“Y/N,” Seungkwan’s voice spoke making you jump. “Are you crying?” He frowned, glancing across at your expression.
“No,” you lied, feeling his arms wrap around you tightly. “It’s alright, don’t worry,” you tried to reason, but he refused to let you go.
A few moments later you spotted Wonwoo walking down the corridor, noticing your tears. “How come you’re crying? Has he done something to upset you Y/N?”
“No,” you smiled, unwrapping yourself from around Seungkwan. “He just gave me a hug, he found me upset, that’s all. He’d never upset me.”
Wonwoo frowned, glancing across at Seungkwan. “Sorry, I guess I just saw red when she was crying, I shouldn’t have put the blame on you.”
“You’re lucky I know how protective you are,” Seungkwan smiled.
“Do you want to tell me what’s actually happened?”
Your head shook, looking between their concerned expressions. “It’s no big deal, I just felt like I needed a bit of a cry, but I feel a lot better now.”
“Are you sure?” Wonwoo quizzed, draping his arm around your shoulders. “We’re here for you if you need us both though Y/N.”
“I know but trust me. I’m doing a lot better now.”
“As long as you’re sure.”
“Why are you cuddling him?” Jihoon cried out as he walked in to see you with your head resting against Seungcheol’s shoulder.
“I’m happy here,” you frowned, holding on tightly to Seungcheol’s arm. “I’m not moving and making myself uncomfortable again, just let me be here.”
Jihoon took a seat opposite you both with a frown. “I know he’s big and strong, but he’s also not your boyfriend, I’m your boyfriend in case you’ve forgotten.”
“I’ve not forgotten you idiot,” you sighed, staring across at him. “But Seungcheol is my friend too, and he happens to be a pretty good pillow.”
Jihoon rolled up his sleeve, tapping at his shoulder. “I can make a pretty good pillow too, I bet I’m a lot better than Seungcheol is at resting on.”
“Maybe I’ll find out one day,” you teased.
“You’re really not making this easy for me.”
Seungcheol chuckled between you both, “just leave her be for now. I won’t do anything or try anything; you don’t need to get jealous.”
“I’m not jealous,” Jihoon tried to protest, but you both knew better than that. “Alright, maybe I am a little bit, but it’s really no big deal.”
“I’ll let her rest and then you can have her back, don’t worry.”
“I’m trusting you with her!”
“Is she alright?” Seokmin questioned as he walked in to see you laid against Chan’s side, sleeping peacefully.
“She got fed up waiting for you to finish recording,” Chan frowned, glancing down at you asleep beside him. “You were taking forever, I’m not surprised.”
Seokmin glanced down at you, noticing just how tired you were. “Why didn’t she come and tell me that she wanted to head home if she was tired?”
“Because she hates disturbing you,” Chan reminded him, encouraging him to take a seat. “She would rather sleep on the floor the disturb you when you work.”
Seokmin nodded, smiling across at Chan. “Thank you for not making her sleep on the floor and giving her someone to lay on.”
“I forgot she was even there, she’s a deep sleeper.”
“Sometimes I forget she’s even beside me.”
Chan chuckled lightly, careful not to make you stir. “I could get used to her laying beside me if this is how easily she sleeps, I’ve never seen someone sleep so well.”
“She’s mine,” Seokmin reminded him, “one day when you get your own girlfriend you can let them lay beside you.”
“Are you sure I just can’t steal your own?”
“No way, she’s with me.”
“Did I give you permission to cuddle my girlfriend?” Mingyu questioned as he walked in to see you fast asleep against Joshua.
“I don’t need permission,” Joshua argued, nodding down at you to make sure Mingyu was quiet. “She fell asleep, I didn’t force her.”
Mingyu frowned at how comfortable you were resting against Joshua’s shoulder. “I told her I’d only be ten minutes, why didn’t she just wait for me?”
“If she’s tired, she can’t help falling asleep,” Joshua replied, “I didn’t have it in me to stop her when she laid on me, it was obvious how tired she was.”
Mingyu continued to sigh across at you, noticing how you didn’t stir once. “I tried to be as quick as I could so I could come back and be there for her.”
“Sometimes it just isn’t enough,” Joshua smiled across at him.
“I should do better by her.”
Joshua’s head shook instantly, “you’re overthinking this. This is a one-time thing, it’s not like you let her down at all, Y/N won’t care about it either.”
“She might prefer sleeping on you now,” Mingyu smiled, “she looks pretty comfortable resting against you, maybe I’m the forgotten one now.”
“Would you rather that I make sleeping uncomfortable for her?”
“No, she looks cute as she is.”
“Good job!” You cheered as the boys all ran off stage, dodging all of their sweaty bodies as they passed their mics back.
“Did you enjoy the show?” Wonwoo asked you, pulling you into a hug. Your arms stayed by your side as you felt Minghao’s eyes stare across at you both.
He walked straight over to your side, pulling you into his chest. “I’m the one that gets to hug her first, not you. Hug your girlfriend, oh wait, you don’t have one.”
“Don’t get jealous over a hug,” Wonwoo teased him, tapping the top of his head. “I just wanted to make sure that Y/N enjoyed the concert.”
Your head nodded immediately, “it was really good, every time I see you all perform, I swear you all just get better and better.”
“Was I the best one on stage tonight though?”
“Of course, Minghao. My eyes were firmly on you.
He chuckled loudly, tightening his grip around your body. “I put in all my effort to make sure I made you proud, I wanted to show off.”
“You definitely managed that,” you smiled back at him, “you didn’t need to show off for me though, my eyes are always on you.”
“I just wanted to make sure I had your attention.”
“You always have my attention.”
“I didn’t realise I was interrupting something,” Seungkwan remarked as he pushed the dressing room door open.
“It’s nothing,” Soonyoung informed him, moving slightly away from your side. “Seungcheol stole the blanket and left Y/N so she was cold, so I stepped in. “
You frowned at the sudden breeze from Soonyoung moving away from you. “I’m here now, so you don’t need to be cuddling her anymore, I can cuddle her better.”
“I don’t know,” you sniggered, “it turns out Soonyoung is actually a pretty good cuddler, maybe even on a par with you.”
His eyes widened and his head shook, “take that back right now, there’s no way he’s as good a cuddler I am. Everyone knows I am the best cuddler.”
“Your crown might be stolen,” you continued to tease.
“Stop saying that, he’s not as good as I am.”
Soonyoung shook his head in disbelief at the two of you. “I should probably just go so that the two of you can sort out whatever is happening right now.”
“I’m sure Y/N would rather you cuddle her,” Seungkwan yelled out, but Soonyoung had already left the room. “Is he really as good as me?”
“Of course, not, I just didn’t want to make him feel so bad.”
“You had me worried for a second there.”
“I won’t let you take her!” Vernon yelled out, barging into the dressing room beside Jeonghan who grabbed hold of you.
“Too late!” Jeonghan yelled back at him, hiding behind your figure. “I won the bet so now she’s my girlfriend, and there’s nothing you can do about it.”
Vernon’s head shook, reaching out for you. “Why don’t you ask Y/N if she wants to be your girlfriend? I bet that she will choose me over you any day of the week.”
“Since when have I been Jeonghan’s girlfriend anyway?” You questioned, looking between them both. “Have you used me in one of your stupid bets?”
Both of them proudly nodded, “Jeonghan said that if he won the bet then he’d be your boyfriend from now on, if you were happy for that.”
“But I’m not happy with that, Vernon’s my boyfriend.”
“But I could be a lot better Y/N.”
Your shoulders shrugged back at Jeonghan, “out of all the members, you’re probably the least likely to ever be my boyfriend Jeonghan.”
“Well, that’s not nice,” he sniggered, letting go of you so you could return to Vernon. “I didn’t want you as my girlfriend either.”
“You did, that’s why you grabbed hold of me so tight.”
“You’re talking nonsense Y/N.”
“Are you alright?” Junhui asked as he noticed you walking down the corridor, quickly wiping underneath your eyes. “Talk to me.”
“I’m good, don’t worry,” you whispered, but his arms still wrapped around you, pulling you into a hug. “I just had a bit off a rough morning.”
You watched on as Chan’s bedroom door opened, glancing across at the two of you. “What’s happened?” He questioned, walking to meet you both.
“Nothing,” you smiled, unwrapping yourself from Junhui’s arms, stepping across to Chan. “Junhui managed to catch me before you.”
Chan nodded, smiling appreciatively across at Junhui. “Thank you for giving her a hug and looking after her, I’ll take over from here though.”
“Don’t worry about me, I’m alright Chan, I promise.”
“Why have you been crying if you’re fine?”
Your head shook against his chest, “it’s just one of those things, nothing for you to worry about though, I promise. I feel absolutely fine.”
“Are you sure?” He questioned once again, glancing down at you. “If it’s something I can help with, you know you can always tell me.”
“It’s nothing, I just want to forget about it.”
“Let’s find a distraction then.”
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 3 years
By Your Doorstep (Part 7)
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Summary: The reader spends her first Thanksgiving with Dean and his friends and she and Dean grow closer as a couple. But things change when a knock on the door happens one night...
Pairing: Doctor/Neighbor!Dean x reader
Word Count: 5,600ish
Warnings: language, bad parenting, past child abuse, violence, blackmail
A/N: Parts of this series are told from two different POV’s. Dean’s POV are written from limited third person. Reader’s POV are second person (like a typical reader insert). Enjoy!…
Reader’s POV
Two Days Later
“We’re here!” called Dean as you followed him inside of his friend’s Donna and Benny’s house. Sam helped Toast navigate the cluster of shoes by the door as Tessa stepped in. 
“About time you Winchesters got here,” said a man poking his head out from down a hall. “Hey, somebody’s looking better.”
“Are you that firefighter?” asked Tessa.
“At your service,” he said as he walked over. “Benjamin Laffetite. My friends call me Benny.”
“Aw, he is like a big teddy bear, Dean,” you said. Benny gave Dean a side eye but smiled. “Nice to meet you in person. We missed you at the last party Dean had.”
“Likewise. Me and the missus were out of town. Come on ladies. Let these two handle the bags,” he said as Toast ran up and sniffed him. “Well aren’t you adorable? What’s your name?”
“Toast. He’s my service dog. Kinda,” said Tessa.
“We’ll save him a slice of turkey,” said Benny as he pet him. “Hey you single kid?”
“Benny,” said Dean with a sigh.
“Jack’s here,” said Benny before he turned the two of you. “He’s our buddy Cas’ little cousin. 18. Freshman at Elmdale. He’s got that whole sweetly naive innocent thing going on for him.”
“Benny!” said a young looking guy in a hoodie standing at the entrance to the kitchen.
“Speak of the devil. Hey, Jackie, come say hi to this chick out of your league. Give you some practice talking to girls,” said Benny with a smirk.
“Hi. He’s an ass,” said Jack before Toast wandered over to him. “This your dog?”
“Yeah,” she said as Toast started to lick him. “He likes you.”
She gave you a look and you waved for her to take off, Benny chuckling to himself.
“Always gotta harass the kids, don’t you, Benny,” said Dean. The boys exchanged quick hugs and Benny let out a big laugh.
“Well since Sammy got big enough to beat me up I had to pick easier targets,” said Benny. He gave you a smile and threw his arm over your shoulders. “I got this one boys.”
“Benny…” said Dean as Benny walked off with you. “Play nice.”
“Don’t I always?” he said. He showed you into a kitchen and stopped next to a blonde working over the stove. “Y/N this is my lovely gal, Donna. Deano set us up a few years back.”
“Oh you’re adorable,” she said, ditching a spoon in a pot before giving you a big hug.
“She’s a hugger,” said Benny as he took over the stove.
“We haven’t seen Dean in months. We were starting to think he fell off the face of the earth,” she said.
“Sorry. We uh, we’ve been busy with a lot lately,” you said, getting an eye roll from her.
“Don’t apologize. He is head over heels for you,” she said. “But I will fuck you up if you hurt him, okay?”
“Permission granted,” you said.
“Donna, she’s almost kicked ass for me before,” said Dean as he and Sam carried in two casserole dishes.
“Then she doesn’t have to worry, does she? So you a beer or wine kinda gal?” she asked.
“She likes bourbon,” said Cas as he walked in with a plate full of bugles held strangely close to his face.
“Why are you so weird buddy?” chuckled Dean, slapping Cas on the back. “Everybody else knows Y/N and Tessa for the most part.”
“I’ll take a beer for now,” you said. You followed Dean into the garage and grabbed a bottle from the cooler, a goofy smile crossing his face. “What?”
“I’m really happy you’re here is all,” he said. You set the beer down on the cooler and wrapped your arms over his shoulders, smiling back at him. 
“I really like when you’re happy.” He blushed a little as your nose grazed his. His eyes kept lock with yours though and you smiled as you saw the creases near them from his own. “I think I might be falling for you or something Winchester.”
“Fancy that. I could say the exact same,” he said. “The deranged woman shouting toast in the neighborhood.”
“The man who fell on his ass on my front porch,” you said. He giggled and you immediately kissed him, Dean pulling you flush against himself. “That just might be the best sound I’ve ever heard in my life.”
He grinned and you both heard the door open, Tessa coming out and digging around in a cooler for a soda. She looked a little tired as you picked up your and Dean’s beers, Dean ruffling her head slightly. She shut her eyes and you both smiled.
“You’re still recovering. Take it easy if you need to,” he said. 
“I know,” she hummed. She straightened up when Jack came out to get a drink, Tessa ducking back inside where it was warmer. 
“Jack,” said Dean with a whistle. “Why don’t you and Tessa go sit down and watch some football? Something easy going.”
“She likes football?” he asked.
“She got sick a few days ago and needs some rest is all,” you said. “But you don’t have to-”
“No that’s totally cool,” he said with a smile. 
“She is out of your league, Jack. Also in highschool,” said Dean. Jack held up his hands and Dean chuckled as he walked out. “Don’t worry about him. He’s the sweetest kid I’ve ever met.”
“Cas always brags about him. I figured he wouldn’t be like, an asshole,” you said. “So he’s like Cas’ nephew, right?”
“Technically, yes. Legally, he’s his kid. Cas’ whole family is full of nutjobs. Jack’s dad isn’t a great guy. Cas took custody of Jack about two years ago.”
“You ever talk to him about...taking charge before you’re ready?”
“Cas was twenty nine with a very good job and house and security and Jack was seventeen. They’re more like brothers I guess. Cas is one of my best friends but he doesn’t...get it. His parents help a lot. I know you know the difference.”
“I do,” you said. You gave him another kiss and slipped back inside with him, a woman you didn’t recognize giving you a smile as she popped into the garage. “You know her?”
“Must be a friend of Donna’s,” he said as he took your hand. “You’re all chilly. Let’s get you warmed up, sweetheart.”
“I’m officially stuffed,” said Dean that night back at home after his fifth slice of pie that day. He was in his onesie and you’d slipped into your gray one, Dean hopping over the back of the couch and pulling you into his side. 
Tessa hummed as she skipped downstairs sporting a pink and white one, Sam sighing loudly as Toast trotted down the steps.
“Sammy, you look cute!” called Tessa. She sounded a little too pleased with herself and Dean gave her a fist bump just as Sam walked around the corner. His was black and he had the hood up, a pout on his face.
“Aw, he’s adorable,” you said.
“I hate you. All of you,” said Sam as he stretched out on the other end of the wrap around.
“Sam, share,” said Tessa. He smirked and flipped her as he pulled her down, Tessa yelping but letting out a few giggles. He sat back and she leaned back against him, leaving enough room for Toast to use his pillow on the floor to hop up onto the end.
“Alright, now that everyone’s settled, let’s watch some football,” said Dean.
About an hour later Tessa was passed out on top of Sam, Sam breathing softly as he slept as well. You looked at Dean to find he was watching them too, a silly look on his face.
“We should do onesies for Christmas Eve too,” you said.
“Definitely. This was the best thanksgiving I think Sammy and me have ever had.”
“I got my girl. I got my little sis and brother. Got my dog. Sammy really liked that Eileen girl he met today. This is definitely up there as one of the best days ever,” he said.
“You know how earlier I said I was falling for you?” you smirked.
“Oh yes. That was a highlight of the day,” he chuckled quietly. 
“Looking over at those two, this is the first time she’s not cried on a holiday in years. She had a really good day and I don’t feel like I’m fucking this up as much as I was anymore and I know it’s because of you.”
“Oh I’m doing this all for entirely selfish reasons,” he said, kissing the tip of your nose. “Very selfish.”
“Oh yeah?” you asked, resting your head on his shoulder with a smile. 
“I’ve only ever let one person in, all that way down to the shit deep down there. I love my friends and I’d do anything for them. I’d give ‘em a kidney if they needed it. But it was only ever Sam my whole life that got all the way in. Lately though, there’s this girl and she’s making me rethink some things and for the first time in my life, I let somebody else in and it feels terrifying but I’m happy in a way I didn’t think I’d have. She’s making me a better person and I feel so good and I am going to keep being incredibly selfish about that.”
He tilted his head down as you leaned up, meeting him for a kiss. It was soft and lingered, Dean cupping your cheek. You moved and he went with it, slow and lazy, laying back and enjoying a playful game. Something swelled up inside of you and burst open, a moment of pause as you took a breath. Tears prickled the corners of your eyes and you tried to look away before Dean saw but he was still holding your face, big green eyes locking onto yours.
“What’s wrong?” he asked quietly, wiping away the sticky droplets.
“Nothing,” you said, shaking your head. “I’m happy. I’m so happy right now I don’t understand.”
“You let me in,” he said gently. “Way down you let me in just now, didn’t you.”
“I don’t understand why I’m crying,” you said.
“Because the last people you let in there, it broke your heart when you lost them,” he said. “Don’t be scared of losing me. I’m not going anywhere.”
You nodded and put your palm against his chest, Dean wiping off your face. His heart thumped along evenly, strong and steady. He nodded and he turned off the TV, carrying you up to bed. He sat you down and lay down beside you, stroking your cheek with his thumb.
“You okay?” he asked.
“Not really,” you said. He propped himself up on his elbow and you rolled over to meet him. 
“Sweetheart you can’t go around living scared of people dying on you. It’s-”
“It’s not that,” you said. “I just...can I ask an unaskable favor?”
“If something happened to me, would you help take care of Tessa, until she’s ready to be on her own?” you asked.
“Why do you think something-”
“Dean could you just…” you said before he nodded.
“If anything ever happened, Tessa will always have us,” he said. “I swear.”
“Thank you.”
“Don’t have to thank me for that,” he said. He stroked your cheek again and offered a soft smile. “Is there something you’re not telling me sweetheart?”
“The last boyfriend I had I was twenty three. I’d been with him for three years. I thought he was gonna be the one, you know?” 
“What happened?” he asked quietly, still tracing over your skin.
“He moved away after school for a job. It was working until it wasn’t. It was amicable. I still...never quite got over him I suppose. After the accident, he reached out to make sure I was doing okay. I really wasn’t but he was coming into town to see his parents anyways so he stopped over. I thought he cared, maybe I could let the wall down a little and it’d be okay. But he was so rude to her. She was in a real bad place at first and he just...was a dick and I got over him like that for good. But you, and Sam, I feel like, you’re the kind of the people that...if I dropped dead this second you’d be over her house ten years from now helping her put up a shelf or you’d take her out for drinks or something and the fact that she has people she can depend on and I don’t have to worry about her as much...it just kinda hit me tonight, you know?”
“I do. You have people you can depend on too,” he said. You leaned over and kissed him, Dean sliding his hand to the back of your head. “It gets easier. I promise it does.”
“I know,” you said.
“Let’s have a little quiet day at home tomorrow. Maybe we can put up the tree,” he said. “That sound fun?”
“Sounds perfect Dean.”
Two Weeks Later
“Tessa,” you said as she zipped up her winter jacket in the foyer. 
“Y/N. I’m going over Jack’s to play video games, I swear,” she said. “I’m pretty sure Cas and Kelly will be home anyways.”
“Your shirt’s on backwards, doofus,” teased Dean from the couch. She huffed and took off her jacket, fixing it as Sam jogged down the stairs in a suit.
“Hot date tonight, Sammy?” she teased.
“At least I know how to dress myself,” he shot back. “Ready to go?”
“Mhm,” she said. She put her jacket back on and hooked up Toast’s leash the two of them heading out.
“You think she’s actually going over to play video games or make out with him?” asked Dean.
“Both?” you laughed.
“Not bad plans if I say so myself,” he said, pulling you into his lap. The doorbell rang and he groaned. “Stay put. We have a makeout session to get to.”
He hopped up and went over to the door, immediately shutting it.
“Something wrong?” you asked as he walked back. He shook his head, the doorbell ringing again, you got up and went to the door, hearing Sam talking loudly outside with someone. You peeked the door open and saw a man on the front porch, Sam rolling his eyes and walking away from a woman. He got in the car and drove off with Tessa, the man giving you a look. “Can I help you?”
“We’d like to speak to Dean,” he said.
“Who are you?” you asked.
“His father,” he said, pushing the door open wide. “Who are you?”
“His girlfriend,” you said, stepping in front of him with crossed arms. “I don’t recall inviting you into my home.”
“Leave. Both of you,” said Dean as they both stepped into the foyer. “I said-”
“We want to speak to you. In private,” he said.
“I don’t think-” you got out before he got in your face and glared down at you. You swallowed. He was as big as Dean but there was something off to him.
“Dean. Private,” said his father. 
“Y/N, go upstairs. Please,” said Dean. You sighed but went up, hanging around the balcony to try and overhear them in the family room below. “What the fuck are you two shitheads doing at my house?”
There was a thud and you froze, listening for more.
“You’re a real piece of work, you know that?” said Dean, his voice slightly off.
“You know how this works.”
“Why don’t you get a job lazy ass? Oh wait. You get fired for being drunk at yours?” said Dean. There was another thud and you took out your phone, trying to record whatever was going on. “Oh punching. Very mature of…” said Dean before he gasped and made a whining sound.
“You know how this goes. She calls and you pay. Now pay or we’ll tell Sam the truth.”
“That you’re a sack of shit? He already-” said Dean before he went quiet.
“Have the money tomorrow by noon at the locker or else Sammy’s gonna drop you like the sack of shit you are, Dean. He’s gonna hate you for taking him from us and you know it.”
“I saved his-”
“No, no Dean. You were pathetic and couldn’t stand the thought of being alone so you took Sam. You pay us every few years. That’s the deal for us staying away. If you go back on your word now, we’ll go back on ours.”
“I’m done with you blackmailing me for-” said Dean before there was another thud.
“I’m done with you thinking you’re better than us. You’re nothing, understand boy?” he said. You went over to the hall closet and grabbed a baseball bat, walking downstairs to catch John staring down at the floor, Dean sat back against the wall holding his side.
“Get the fuck out of my house,” you said, gripping the bat tightly.
“Noon, Dean,” he said. He walked out with Mary on his tail. You quickly locked up and rushed over to Dean who had his eyes shut and was sporting a few bruises on his face. 
“Jesus Dean,” you said. You moved his hand and saw a bruise on his ribs, Dean holding up a hand when you tried to move him.
“Give me a second,” he said. You picked up the bat and he caught your wrist, shaking his head. “He doesn’t have any problem hitting a woman, Y/N.”
“I should be calling the cops,” you said.
“Y/N,” he said when you tried to tug away. “Please don’t.”
You put down the bat and he dropped your hand. You cupped his cheeks and he winced.
“I need to take you to the hospital,” you said. He shook his head and you shook it right back. “Dean.”
“Help me over to the counter,” he said. You hooked an arm under his and got him up, walking him over to one of the stools. You sat him down, Dean inhaling sharply. You got out the first aid kit from the cabinet and set it down, taking a kitchen towel and wetting it before you dabbed it against this cheek. It soaked up a little blood and you frowned, Dean looking away.
“Dean I recorded the whole thing on my phone. It’s still going on the stairs. We gotta call-“
“Y/N. Just…don’t.” He started to grab the bag and stand when you scoffed. “I can handle this.”
He got up and started to walk, slowing down after a moment and holding his side again. He stopped by the back of the couch and dropped his head. You sighed and took the bag from him, throwing his arm over your shoulders and walking him upstairs, grabbing your phone along the way. You walked him into the bathroom and he sat up on the counter, leaning back against the wall with a wince.
You helped him out of his shirt and saw the bruise was darkening over his ribs, Dean shutting his eyes.
“Hand me your little mirror,” he said, pointing over to your vanity. You picked it up off the counter, Dean holding it up and looking at his face. “Alright. Can you get me-”
“Stop. I got this.” You used a washcloth and got it wet again, holding it against his cheek and around his eye. He tried looking down but kept moving his head and you settled on putting some more cold water on the towel, pressing it over his skin again. When it seemed like the bleeding had stopped you dug out some medication, dabbing it over the cuts. He was quiet, holding his side while you put a butterfly bandage over his cheek. You peeled his hand away and figured there wasn’t much you could do for his ribs.
You went downstairs and got some painkillers and an ice pack, returning to Dean right where you left him. 
“Here,” you said, dropping the pills in his hand. He took them with a quick gulp of water, hissing as the cold touched his skin but he soon relaxed. You held the pack for him, Dean taking a deep breath. “You okay?”
“I’m fine.”
“Dean. Your dad just-”
“This is not the first time and it probably won’t be the last,” he said. 
“Now I’m definitely calling the cops,” you said. You reached for your phone but he grabbed it first, holding it over his head. “Dean. He hurt you. He can’t just come into our house and do that.”
“What I need you to do is take my debit card, go to the ATM and take out five thousand from my savings and five thousand from checking. Hundreds is fine. Okay?” he said. “The PIN is-”
“I’m not doing anything other than putting you in bed,” you said. He glared and you gave it right back. You grabbed his arm and pushed him into the room and over to the bed, Dean laying back against the headboard reluctantly. “Why on earth do you-”
“It’s how I got Sam,” he said. “Custody of him when I was eighteen. We didn’t go to court. I paid them off. It was five grand at first and it tied them over for a bit but when he turned eighteen, they called and wanted more. Every three years they call. Last time it got bumped up to ten thousand. They called around the time I met you and I didn’t pay this year hence the ass kicking.”
“But why do you still pay them off?” you asked.
“Because Y/N,” he said. You crossed your arms and he slammed his fist against his pillow. “Because Sam was the favorite. He didn’t get the shit kicked…” 
Dean trailed off and shut his mouth, looking away. You sat up next to him, holding his free hand and holding him as best you could.
“I got the worst of it but that’s not to say Sam didn’t get some. I knew, I knew that fucker would hurt him once I was gone and I couldn’t stay so Sam had to come with me. I tried looking up how to get custody and that sort of thing and they found out about it,” said Dean. He laughed and you ran your hand through his hair. “Tonight? That was nothing compared to what happened after they found out. But my drunk of a father, well, he owed money and I had some saved up from working for my Uncle Bobby. So I paid to get Sam the fuck out of there. They claimed it was because they were going to travel and wanted Sam to be able to stay in school and shit. It was all shit. Now...now they tried their best to make him hate me on the way out, make it seem like I was stealing him from them. Plant those little seeds. You can’t kill an idea once it’s in there. So I did what I had to and I keep doing what I have to and they stay away from us. It’s how it goes.”
“Do you...do you pay them not to hurt you?” you asked.
“Then what’s it for?”
“He will hate me if he knows the truth.”
“Dean he won’t-”
“Our parents fucked us up. I literally bought custody of my baby brother. How is that not fucked up?”
“It’s a fucked up situation. You though, you are not fucked up,” you said as he rolled his eyes. “I’m serious. Your father is...a monster and I don’t know what the fuck is up with your mom but you are good. Sam is good. You have the biggest fucking heart of anyone I’ve ever known. Sam would never hate you for getting him out of that situation. Never. But I don’t understand why you keep paying them money, Dean.”
“So they don’t tell him the truth.”
“The truth doesn’t sound all that bad though. He-”
“If he finds out I’ve lied to him for half of his life, he will not forgive me for that. We tell each other all our crap because we’re the only ones that can understand what went on in that house and I can’t risk losing him.”
“There’s more to it,” you said. Dean shut his eyes and nodded. “Dean, what is it?”
“I stole money,” he said. “When I was eighteen. We needed food and rich people don’t notice when twenty, fifty bucks goes missing out of a drawer. If you just take a little, they don’t notice. Well, my father found out about it and threatened to have me arrested if we didn’t come to some kind of payment plan. He was proof and I don’t deny I did it. We needed-”
“You stole from my dad,” you said.
“I did. Money out of his desk drawer at work. He caught me red handed and in one second I thought my life and Sam’s lives were over. I just...started crying and he shut the door and he gave me some money and he took the rest of the afternoon off and we got some stuff like clothes and toothpaste and food and he gave me a job as a paralegal intern. I had no fucking idea what I was doing and he helped me get into school and I worked there and made way more than I did in the mailroom and he’d have dinner with Sammy and me at our place once a month. You have no idea how badly I wanted him to my dad. But we knew he had a real family so we tried not to bother him. By the time I got into med school, Sam was going into his first year and we were on our feet. I’d gotten a good job at a medical place but he checked in every once in a while. I didn’t know he’d died until I met you. I always thought we’d take him out and repay him someday. If he wasn’t kind that day...I’d have nothing.”
“I’ll share my father with you and Sam any day.” He smiled and you kissed him, Dean starting to relax. “So your dad has proof of you stealing money? How much?”
“I wasn’t particularly great at it. Sam and I both had jobs. It was probably a hundred bucks,” he said.
“How’d he get proof?” you asked.
“What do you mean?”
“How would he have proof of you stealing from some random person?” you asked.
“He has photos,” he said. “He showed me.”
“Photos of…”
“Me with the money.”
“Outside of someone’s house?” you asked.
“I was in my car,” he said. 
“Dean. Where was the car?”
“Outside...work,” he said, thinking to himself. “Your dad...he gave me money that day. There was never any proof. I just let him manipulate me again into doing what he wanted.”
“How much did you steal Dean. Altogether?”
“A few hundred bucks?”
“You donate some money to charity?” you asked as he nodded. “Your debt to society has been repaid, trust me. No more feeling guilty. Plus when my dad the lawyer lets you off the hook, it’s fine.”
“Sam still can’t know.”
“Sam’s been outside the door for most of this conversation,” he said. He turned around the corner, Tessa there with him. “Fuck, Dean. What happened to your face?”
“Are you okay?” Tessa asked, climbing up on the bed.
“I thought you had a hot date,” he said. “The both of you.”
“Jack’s just a friend,” she said.
“Eileen understands,” said Sam. “Besides, we both got a bad feeling after mom and dad showed up like that.”
“You really thought it was appropriate for an 18 year old to hear all that?” asked Dean.
“Considering all the shit I just learned about you at 18, I’d say I’m good,” said Tessa. She fidgeted a little and Dean sat up more.
“You can hug him. Carefully,” you said. She moved up to his other side and gave him a gentle one, Dean chuckling.
“I love you too, dork,” he said. He watched with a swallow as Sam stepped inside and moved the icepack from Dean’s body. Dean stared up and Sam sat on the edge of the bed, placing the pack back. “I’m-”
“You have nothing to apologize for. Nothing,” said Sam. “You protected me and that’s all there was to it. Everytime she calls, talking to her tonight, I still get manipulated too. I don’t know why they hate us so much and it’s wrong but you aren’t. Not you.”
“Y/N’s offered up their parents if we’d like to take ‘em,” said Dean.
“Mr. Y/L/N was your guys dad?” said Sam as you and Tessa nodded. “You know I met you once Tessa. You must have been five. You were bragging about something to do with kindergarten.”
“How’d you remember that?” she asked.
“Cause I was so fucking jealous of you. You were so happy,” he said. She looked down but Sam laughed. “It worked out how it was supposed to.”
“You’re a lawyer, can’t you like, do something?” she said, glancing at Dean. 
“Tessa, this isn’t that simple,” said Dean.
“Yeah, it is,” she said. He nodded and she relaxed some. “I don’t think you should pay anything. He should pay you while he’s at it.”
“Yeah,” he said, ruffling her head and wrapping his arm around her. He looked at Sam and then you before you nodded. He wouldn’t say anything about his father. Sam was grown and bigger than himself yet Dean still kept paying. With you and Tessa around, there was no way he was risking a thing.
“Sam,” you said. You both got up, Dean pouting when he realized he wasn’t getting up without some help. You walked down to Sam’s room and he shut the door, crossing his arms. “We can’t let him keep paying off your father. Tessa has a point. You’re a lawyer. What are our options?”
“There’s not blackmail evidence and our parents would claim it was a gift. The only things I can think of that we’d have a shot would be the incident tonight which he’d be out on bail like that anyways and...stuff that happened when we were kids.”
“Sam he came to our house.”
“I know,” he said, rubbing your arms. “Dean always gets quiet for a few days after something like this happens. Nobody is paying anything. I’ll make sure Dean doesn’t leave the house tomorrow morning.”
“What do you think John would do? Will do?”
“I don’t know. He’s an abusive dick, not a psychopath.”
“Did you ever tell my dad about this stuff?” 
“Dean did a bit I think.”
“Good,” you said as you left the room.
“Why good?”
“Because if I know my dad, he made a note of it and put it on record with a judge,” you said as you headed downstairs.
“Y/N,” said Dean from the end of the hall, leaning on Tessa. “Where are you going?”
“To see if dad ever reported John. Or at least kept a file on him. We still know the partners at his old firm. I’ll be back in an hour,” you said. “Two tops.”
“Sam go with her,” said Dean. “Please.”
“Tessa, put him back in bed and get him a fresh icepack in fifteen minutes. Get some food too, okay?” you said, tugging on your winter coat. “Oh and take Toast-”
“I got it,” she said.
“We’ll be back soon,” said Sam. “Hopefully with some good news.”
A/N: Read Part 8 here!
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heavensickness · 3 years
don't reblog // since it's my birthday tomorrow, i will try to list nice (?) things about me in order to avoid the gloom of self-hatred even for a while
i am understanding and good at giving comfort
i am a great hugger
i am considerate of other people, animals and plants
i have dimples and very bright eyes with long eyelashes
i see beauty and joy in smallest things
i am brave. that's the quality of mine which i value the most
i've been told many times that i have a nice smile (i hate it but... ok no self hate today!)
i have lots of poems memorized and can recite them to you if you want a poetic insight to your thoughts or problems (it HELPS)
i am smart and i can do basically anything if i can find the courage and determination in me
i am perceptive and insightful, which makes me very good at analyzing other's emotions and thoughts
i am patient and i really don't complain (to other people i mean lmao)
i can cook really amazing pasta sauce
i make great tea
i enjoy taking care of others and soothing them
i haven't killed a single bug since i was 14 years old except for some mosquitoes (on purpose i mean, idk if i killed some without noticing)
i don't expect anything in return when i do something good for someone
i have the "i hope we all make it" mindset
i might be a little offputting and strange but i have a pure heart
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deascheck · 3 years
Problem Solved
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Prompt: "Whatever that thing is, it is not what we are looking for so, Dean put it down immediately! Cas stop fooling around like an idiot, and Sam, what the hell are you even doing?"
Summary: The reader’s hands are full when Dean, Sam, and Cas are all affected by an object cursed by the witch they’re hunting.
Word Count: 1553
Trigger warnings: Death, brief mention of blood
A/N: Would love to know what you think! Comments and reblogs are amazing!
Edited by @winchest09
You glanced at Sam as he picked the lock with nimble, practiced fingers. A slight smile ghosted across your face as you checked the yard and surrounding properties for any witnesses. There wasn’t a lock that Sam couldn’t pick. 
Dean and Cas had split off and gone around back. The house was huge, with cameras everywhere. The property was thick with flowers and plants surrounding the house, making it easy for the two large men to hide as they worked their way over to the security box. 
The lock clicked, and you and Sam crept forward through the door. Guns drawn, you moved around each other with practiced ease. Thanks to Dean’s ungodly ability to flirt, the four of you had gotten blueprints of the house and had memorized them down to the last brick. You moved swiftly to the upstairs, followed by Sam. 
You knew the witch was home – you had seen her arrive. Stealth was key in this case. She’d killed eight people with hex bags already. They were gruesome, horrible deaths, and you wanted her dead like you’d never wanted anyone dead before. 
Once Dean and Cas had cleared the downstairs, they joined you and Sam upstairs. You peeled off towards the bedrooms with Dean, and Cas joined Sam. The hallways were dark, and there were nine doors to check behind. As Dean entered the master bedroom, you spared a glance over your shoulder towards the other two before you went with him. 
As you finished clearing it, trying not to bump into the bed, dresser, desk, or table, you heard a strange thump and then a yell. 
You and Dean barreled out of the room and down the hall. You skidded to a stop when you reached the open doorway and stared. Dean all but ran into you as his sprint was halted by your body blocking the door.
Cas had a stupidly silly smile spread across his face, and was dancing around in big circles with his hands waving in the air. Whereas, Sam had his mouth wide open and was measuring with his hands how big it was. 
Almost as soon as you’d taken in the ridiculous scene, Dean knocked you into the doorframe as he shoved forward, eager to figure out what was going on. He grabbed some sort of ancient looking scroll from Cas’s hand, and almost immediately started mirroring Sam’s actions.
“Dean!” you whispered angrily. “Dean, whatever that thing is, it’s not what we’re here for! Cas, stop fooling around like an idiot! And Sam, dude, what the hell are you even doing!?” You couldn’t believe you had this to deal with now. You had three men who were currently no better than children, and a dangerous witch you still hadn’t seen. 
Backing away, you shut the door quickly, hoping to contain the noise that Sam, Dean, and Cas were all making. With these circumstances, you’d do better against the witch on your own, which still didn’t mean things would go well.
As you turned around, you came face to face with a very smug looking woman. She had brown hair slightly past her shoulders, had a pretty, long face, and looked like she knew how to handle herself. It was the witch herself, Elizabeth.
“Shit,” you managed to get out before attempting to take a shot at her with your gun. She knocked it from your hands as you fired, spinning you into the wall. You retaliated by launching up and taking a swing at her with a mean right hook. She ducked, and you recovered quickly, doing your best to keep your back to the wall. The two of you fought your way down the hall. The blows and kicks were vicious, and you knew this wouldn’t end unless one of you was dead. If you could keep her busy enough to not say any incantations, you figured you might have a chance to extend your life by a few minutes, but without your gun, you weren’t sure how in the hell you were going to kill her.
The fight wore on, and it was becoming apparent that you were at a disadvantage. Primarily because Elizabeth knew the house best. Even having memorized the blueprints, there was a difference between studying the layout of a house and living in it. She knew when there was a corner to throw you against, a table to flip you over, curtains to tangle you in. You’d never admit it, but you were starting to wonder if she was in better shape than you. Being a hunter, you had your fair share of fights, but you’d always had Sam or Dean to come help take out whatever monstrosity you were fighting with.
With a loud smash, you went flying over the kitchen counter and hit the fridge with considerable force. As you lay on the ground, slightly stunned, you fisted your hands angrily, your fingers closing around something which caused you to glance down. It was a knife. 
You quickly scrambled to your feet with a maniacal grin across your face. Elizabeth advanced and you launched yourself at her, the knife coming into her view too late. You ran the blade right through her neck, forcing it through her windpipe and into the spinal vertebrae. Elizabeth’s eyes went wide, and her mouth moved like she was trying to speak. But instead of words leaving her mouth, it was blood. As crimson liquid dripped down from her mouth, you heard another commotion coming down the hall. Sam was weaving around in the hallway, smashing into the walls as hard as he could as he walked, chuckling stupidly. You sprinted over to him while the witch was in shock from your attack. You reached behind Sam’s waist to grab his gun, which was filled with witch-killing bullets. 
You heard her gurgle as you spun around and fired without hesitation. Elizabeth stared at you lifelessly before dropping to the floor. You smiled grimly at her and then kicked her hard with your booted foot. 
“That’s for the innocent people you killed, you bitch.”
You watched her for a minute, and then realized you weren’t hearing any stupid noises from Sam. You turned to look his way and saw him looking proudly at you. “Well done, Y/N. I can’t believe you killed her by yourself!” 
“Yeah, well, I can’t believe you let yourself get cursed when you knew we were in a witch’s house,” you teased.
As the beating you took stared to cause your body to ache something awful, you thought, Shit, this is gonna hurt tomorrow. 
Groaning to yourself, you walked back upstairs with Sam to find out what had befallen Dean and Cas. You opened the door, and immediately was knocked off your feet by two well built men falling out of the door.
All of you let out grunts and “oof”s as the three of you landed in a pile on the floor. Immediately on top of you was Dean. You looked at each other in surprise and relief. 
Both of you started talking at the same time. “What the fuck are you doing?” “How’re you still alive?” He laughed as you chuckled weakly. 
“Get off me you big lugs,” you moaned. They got up good-naturedly and looked at Sam, waiting to be told how the spell was broken.
Sam responded to their expectant looks by saying, “The only thing I can think of is that Elizabeth had cursed the scroll herself to cause whoever touched it to lose some sanity. But since it ended, I’m assuming that curse was tied to her life force.” He looked pensive and then shrugged. “I mean, kinda rare, but I’ll take it.”
Taking their pause as a cue, you spoke proudly, “I killed her.” Dean and Cas looked at you in shock. Continuing smugly, you said, “I mean, she was kicking my ass, let’s be real. But she made the mistake of throwing me over the kitchen counter.. By the knives.” You paused briefly to give them a knowing look and then kept going with your story. “So, I hit the fridge, and as I made a fist - cause man, am I pissed now! - my hand closes on a silver knife. How lucky was that!” You laughed. “I grab the knife, and launch myself at her before she can attack first. Got her right in the windpipe. Then Sam, who somehow got out of the room I shut y’all in, wandered right into my lap with his witch-killing bullets. Problem solved.” 
Sam gave you a hug and helped you up. “I’m sorry we weren’t able to help you, Y/N.” He looked at you proudly, but behind his eyes you could see guilt warring with pride.
“We’re proud of you, Y/N! Couldn’t have done it better ourselves,” Dean said, “C’mere!” He reached for you and grabbed you in a big bear hug. Squished against him, barely able to breath, you peeked over his shoulder, and saw Cas smiling softly at you. 
You extracted yourself from Dean’s hug, as much as you loved the rare moment, and gave Cas his turn. He let you go quickly, since he was still a bit of an awkward hugger. You chuckled, and said firmly, “Let’s go home, shall we?”
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boldlyvoid · 3 years
ain't it fun? | part 3
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summary: reader just needs an NA meeting before they have a meltdown, they end up with the best friend they could ever make.
warnings: season 4 episode 7 plot but spencer doesn't have to go through it all alone. mentions of child molestation and murder
word count: 2K
P1 P2
Spencer calls from Vegas of all places, he’s staying an extra few days after a case and he won’t be home. “Actually, if I buy you a ticket would you fly out here for me?”
“Are you crazy?” She laughs, “what’s really going on babe?”
She doesn’t call him babe very often but when she does she can always hear him blush, he’s so giddy and cute he smiles wide and licks his lips a few times, but he doesn't this time.
“I’m not doing the best.”
“Do you need your girlfriend or do you need a meeting?” She asks because she knows there is a huge difference.
“I need my best friend.”
When she arrives in Vegas, she takes a taxi to his hotel and sits in his room all alone until he’s done whatever he was up to. There’s an envelope on the floor, “you’ve got the wrong guy” written on the front in a hasty black chicken scratch.
She hides along the wall, making sure no one can see her under the crack of the door. She manages to keep one foot on either side of the door frame as she looks out the peephole to see an older white man walking away from the door. He’s in a work uniform, on the phone, he’s whispering.
Once she’s sure he’s off the floor, she grabs her things and leaves the room. Leaving the envelope on the floor, she calls Spencer from the stairwell.
“Hey, I’m on my way back now,” Spencer answers.
“Someone dropped an envelope off in your room. I didn’t touch anything I just walked out after the guy left… can I meet you in the bar instead?”
“Yeah! Of course,” he encourages her safety protocols, “I’ll make sure the envelope is safe first, thank you for being smart.”
“No problem," she laughs, he was the genius and he was still calling her smart for following her gut.
"I’m just walking down the stairs cause he took the elevator. He was white, 5’8 ish and older; balding with grey hair so I’m guessing he was in his 60s, and he was on the phone with someone,” she gives his description quickly before she could forget it. “And the envelope says you got the wrong guy on the outside.”
“I know who that is, thank you. I love you,” each phrase got quieter and quieter and she knew he was in the car with his co-workers.
“I love you too, see you soon.”
It’s midnight in Virginia, it’s only 9pm in Vegas and Spencer’s been losing his mind trying to solve a case for his own sanity. He was getting nowhere, he’s even tried hypnosis to take him back to when he was 4. But nothing was working.
He’s in the middle of begging his mother to remember, “mom, this isn’t about me. This is about Riley Jenkins.”
“It was always about you…” Diana whispers.
“Please, mom—“
“Spencer,” Y/N’s eyes shoot open.
She’s just been sitting there, barely getting to know Diana as Spencer explained what he remembers. It was very intimate, but she already knew about the dream. She knew one day he’d want to learn more, and now he was.
“Listen to what she just said, it was always about you,” she repeats the words and Spencer looks more confused.
She steps forward and takes Diana’s hands in hers, sitting her down on the edge of her bed as she looks at her carefully. “This is hard, I know you’re really trying and I know how hard it is to talk to Spencer when he’s like this. But how about you tell me the story? Why was the Riley Jenkins case more about Spencer to you?”
Diana clues in then, her eyes zoning out as she remembers everything and Spencer sits quietly in the corner. “Riley was a real boy, poor boy…”
He’s amazed by the fact she’s so calm and good with his mother. “Yes he was, mom, how did I know him?”
“Your father was the t-ball coach, you were really more interested in chess and so eventually he let you go from the team, and you ended up playing in the park with this older man; who was also watching Riley before he died,” Diana explained softly. “It could have been you.”
Spencer gets closer and closer, eventually, he’s kneeling in front of his mother like a little boy at storytime. “What was his name mom?
“Gary Michaels.”
David and Derek are really nice guys. She’s sitting with them in the bar while Spencer has a heart-to-heart with his parents at the police station. It’s been a long day, he’s learned a lot and she couldn’t wait to unpack it all with him.
“How come you don’t come out with him more often?” Derek asks, unsure of how to broach the subject, but he wants to know.
“What do you know about me, first of all? Because it’ll tell me everything I need to fill you in on,” she asks in a question in response to his.
“I know you met at a support group, I know he loves you, and I know you live with him now.”
She smiles, “I have a rare disability that many people don't believe in, I work from home and I make little art pieces for the different seasons to make money, I don’t really like going outside. much”
“But you flew all the way to Vegas for him?” Derek smiles knowingly.
She nods gently, “he’s still my best friend in the whole world, Derek.”
“Thank you,” is all he says, “you’ve helped him be the same Spencer I met when he started. You’ve brought the joy back to his life, it’s nice to get to know you more.”
He asks to get her a drink then, to make up for everything she’s been through that day. All she wants is ginger ale and Derek gives her a strange look, he really has no idea that she’s a recovering drug addict. Spencer has kept all her secrets nice and safe in his big and beautiful mind.
“I’m allergic to most alcohol,” she isn't lying but it works. “Especially dark tequila and all vodkas, it’s because they’re made from potatoes and I have a potato starch intolerance... you know actually sometimes even hand sanitizers that are made in alcohol facilities give me an allergic reaction as well.”
“Okay, that right there,” he teases, “that’s why he keeps you all to himself.”
She laughs, “that was a bit of a Reid ramble, wasn’t it?”
“Yeah,” Derek’s smile is so soft. “It really was.”
When she finally sees him again, it’s been almost a full day since he called her and asked for her to fly into Vegas. He needed her moral support while dealing with his parents, and he knew she was the only person who knew the extent of what he felt for them. He tried his hardest to be the best kid in the world for both of them, and yet sometimes he feels like both a disappointment and an unwanted mistake.
They hug for so long when he finally enters the bar, that Derek gets up from the table and goes to find someone to occupy his time with. It’s Vegas and he’s Derek after all… it wasn’t going to be hard for him to have a woman hanging off of him soon, too.
Back in his hotel room, he passes out from exhaustion and she just stares at him. He’s been through so much that even his eidetic memory didn’t want to think about it anymore. normally he would recount his day to her with a smile, now he just sleeps peacefully for the first time in days.
He was so soft and sweet even after being through the most terrifying things the human mind and body can go through.
They take a few days off, his co-worker has a baby and it’s the perfect time for him to take her to meet them all. They won't be focused on her at all, and thus she will have fewer questions to answer.
Penelope Garcia is a blessing on this earth. The second Y/N lays eyes on her, she knows that they are going to be friends. She’s a hugger, and they’re good hugs, and she was already making plans to hang out and keep Y/N company when Spencer and the team were out of town.
JJ looked beautiful for just giving birth, Emily was intimidatingly smart and beautiful and she didn’t know how to really make eye contact with her without developing a crush on Spencer’s co-worker. Derek was kind as always, and Aaron gives a firm handshake.
JJ asks Spencer to be Henry’s godfather and it’s all a little too much for Spencer to handle after everything from the day before. He’s been through so much that Y/N can see the panic roaring through his veins as he tries to keep his cool in front of his friends.
But when they’re back in their own bed; in the safe space, they’ve created for one another. She’s running her hands along his back as he snuggles into her chest. Normally she’d tease him for being this close to her boobs, but they were comfortable and he likes to hear her heartbeat.
“I thought for a while they were going to tell me I was molested,” he whispers. “I was more relieved to know my mom witnessed a murder… and I hate myself for thinking that.”
“I was,” she whispers into his hair. “More than once by different men.”
He sits up to look at her, she shrugs, “my friend's dad tried to teach me how to drive by sitting me in his lap so that I’d have to bounce on him over the rocky back road. And a scout leader drove me home and kept his hand way too close to my parts and then a teacher-“
“How are you okay?” he stares at her like she's got 3 heads or something as he shakes his head lightly in disbelief.
She laughs, “I’m not. But I am at the same time? I can’t really explain it... it sucks and I hate it but I’m safe with you so I’m fine... but I’m not okay?”
“Yeah,” he smiles. “I’m fine with you but not okay, too.”
They're quiet for a bit, tilting their heads as they stare at each other with soft little smiles. She loves him and he loves her and all she can think about is forever.
“Can I ask you something?” She’s really serious now, looking at him carefully as his eyes light up.
“Do you think you’ll want kids one day? Even after everything with your dad?” She’s careful, not wanting to hurt him to push him or make him think he’s letting her down if he says no.
“I want kids, even if it’s just one. I want to be a dad and do what my dad couldn’t. I want to love them and help them grow and teach them how to ride a bike and how to do Pythagorean theory,” his words are full of passion, he’s speaking from his gut.
“I want 3 kids,” she smiles. “With you.”
His eyes go wide, “why?”
She smiles because of course, he convinced himself she wouldn't want his kids, he was a worrier.
“My dad was okay, he was pretty distant and cold until I got sick and then he became one of my best friends. Your dad sucked. Together all that love that we craved will go into our little person and they’ll be so happy and wonderful and loved with us."
Spencer nods in agreement, it's soft and sweet and she makes a last-minute decision. "I don’t think I want kids if I can’t have them with you.”
“What’s your 5-year plan look like?” he asks abruptly like he wants to start having kids tomorrow.
“I don’t have one. But I’ve always dreamed of just being a stay-at-home mom and making art on the side. Maybe even babysitting a few other kids during the days… I don’t know. It always felt like a pipe dream before...”
“Before me?” He asks with a smile, proud and believing it. He really knows she loves him and it’s changed him for the better.
She nods, “you wouldn’t mind if I didn’t ever have a real job?”
“I think we’d be okay as a single income family, I make enough to support the apartment bills as well as groceries, then your income can for things you and the kids want. I’m good paying for everything else.”
She smiles, “you just said the kids.”
He’s giddy with excitement as he nods, “I want forever with you.”
“Okay,” she whispers, leaning in to press her lips against his gently like he could break.
He was so special and perfect to her. Even with the scratches and dings in his paint, he was a collector's item, a one-of-a-kind, never-made again, kind of man who she was really happy she found.
taglist: @g0lden-cth @doctorspenceryeet @samuel-de-champagne-problems @reiding-recs @ssavanessa22 @spookyspence @shemarmooresfedora @spencers-dria@reidsfish @manuosorioh @mochionly @jswessie187 @k-k0129 @calm-and-doctor
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Rough Night
Bucky Barnes x (f)werewolf reader
Summary: Your life is already so weird, thankfully Bucky loves you through it all.
Warning: fluff, reader being a sass master w/ no filter
side note: couldn’t think of any cool avenger powers and then brain went werewolf so here we are
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If you had a dollar for every time you’d ended up in the woods with ripped clothes and no shoes, well, let’s just say you could probably afford a real nice two bedroom apartment in some real pleasantly fancy building with a great view and all. Too bad green doesn’t just rain down from the sky every time the full moon comes round to knock you back into another world of blurry confusion.
You won’t lie to yourself, being what you are is strange and not very common in the slightest, obviously. It’s even weirder that you weren’t bitten one night and turned just like that, oh no, all passed down through the bloodline of other strange relatives. So you’re gifted with the curse, forced to inevitably change into a furry beast every single full moon, so what you’re still a mostly pleasant individual.
Well luckily for you, being born with the gift does happen to have its perks which do come in handy. For instance, you’re incredibly strong, quick on your feet, and have heightened senses, plus the ability to shift on command. It’s not all bad, well......most of the time.
Honestly you truly thought life couldn’t get much stranger for you and your whole hidden secretive situation, until low and behold some random red head found your little hideaway in a remote mountain side village far off in the Himalayas.
Everything was completely fine and under control and then BAM, she showed up with some important documents and something called an Avengers initiative and well shit, guess some time spent with the real world couldn’t hurt. I mean come on, some more friends seemed like a nice idea and uh, somehow they knew who you were so too late to run and hide.
Also at the time, considering you lived like a recluse on the edge of the village and of course for good reason, but damn if the red head didn’t just hand you an open invitation for some real adventure. Who were you to say no?
Fortunately for you, all seemed to go in your favor and fantastically enough, they had a nice big strong cell for you on nights when the wolf was inevitably bound to come out. A fridge full of plentiful snacks, a training room to lay off some steam, and a big safe and secure room all your own. It was perfect. Only problem was, there happened to be a very attractive and very wary of you super soldier who undoubtedly caught your attention.
How could you not, he smelled divine, muscles for days, thick thighs that could make a girl swoon, and he just seemed like the best goddamn hugger alive. Okay listen, maybe you were touch starved and deprived of human affection but dammit if your little monster heart didn’t skip a beat every time he was near you.
And yes, the few months it took to get him to crack was just down right torturous. But with some coaxing from Steve and encouragement from Sam, the winter soldier at long last did talk to you. Turned out he thought you were scared of him all along, how hilariously ironic you thought when he told you that.
But as time progressed and you both opened up more and more, a blossoming relationship sprouted forth, eventually evolving and manifesting into a big beautiful flower called love. Cheesy yes, but you couldn’t have dreamed of anything better.
And seriously, he wasn’t freaked out about your whole hidden hush hush secretive gift that usually either goes in your favor or ends up causing you major legal trouble. The man himself, Bucky Barnes, thought you were a marvel to behold, so odd and fantastic that he couldn’t stay away even if he tried.
And for that you could love him forever, especially now after a full moon while you’re out in the middle of nowhere. Hoping that the team will send your hundred year old boyfriend out to find you in the brisk dark morning after a grand unrememberable adventure. Which would be very nice of course, considering you have not a damn clue what you’ve done.....or where you are.
Cracking your back, you stretch your hands up to the dawning sky as a tired yawn escapes you. It’s been a long night and you look like a wild woman with your hear a fluffy nest and your clothes ripped in various unrevealing places thankfully.
Your surroundings are simply trees and small scraggly bushes, green grass underneath your bare feet and a small stream flowing in the near distance. With a second to listen, you can hear a highway a couple miles away to the east, guess that’s a start.
Rubbing your eyes you set out in that direction for about twenty minutes before a blue and gold Mercedes comes into view from the side of a country back road, it stops when you guess the driver spotted you from the tree line. Keeping a wary eye on the fancy sports car, you keep walking towards it until a figure gets out and leans against the passengers side door all cool and casual, then on further inspection you realize the driver is Bucky.
Yes! My knight in shining armor is here!
Trudging through the grassy field in the dewy morning light, he watches your every move, eyes crinkling in amusement as you come to stand a couple feet in front of him. Undoubtedly looking a bit wild, and very tired as you fold your arms underneath each other, giving your dark haired lover a shy almost fangy smile.
“I know I look like a hot mess.” You mutter with a shrug, biting your lip as you dart your eyes to the fields behind him, slightly embarrassed of the current disheveled state you’re in.
Bucky smirks before pushing himself off the car and engulfing you into a big Bucky bear hug to your pleasant surprise, “Y/N I’m just glad you’re okay and nothing bad happened to you.” He mumbles into your shoulder as you press yourself closer to him, letting yourself have this wonderful moment to relax and feel at ease.
Slowly pulling back to look up at him, you smile, “Aww Buck you were worried about me?”
He returns the grin, leaning down to press his head flush against yours, “We all were, me more then anyone else of course...and maybe for the general civilians nearby.”
You laugh nervously, “Oh right, yeah. Well hey, I didn’t destroy anyone's car this time. I think I’ve made progress.”
He pauses for a brief moment indicating he’s not sure if he should tell you something and this does make you nervous before Bucky finally lets out a little laugh, “You ate a whole cow Y/N.”
Snorting in surprise you quickly pull your head from Bucky’s, “What? Did I? Please tell me you’re joking.”
“Yeah, uh I wish.” He admits with a casual reassuring squeeze to your arm, “We tracked you with Sam’s suit tech, yunno Red Wing, and uh....you seemed to be having fun.”
Mentally and just about physically cringing at yourself, you purse your lips together in slight embarrassment, “Shit. Was it gross?” You ask, making a face that causes him to chuckle.
“A little.” Adds Bucky with another casual shrug to make you feel less terrible.
“Is the farmer going to see everything, I mean shit they’re gonna be so pissed.” You worry, biting your lip anxiously as you break eye contact from him. “Why am I like this.”
“Uh, that’s not going to be a problem.” Inquires Bucky causing you to find his blue eyes once again.
Eying him up suspiciously you raise a brow, “And why’s that.....Bucky what did I do?”
Taking a breath he gives you a small apprehensive smile, “Y/N...you uh, kind of ate......everything.”
“I what?” I did not! No way, right?
Giving you a quick kiss on the cheek he smiles affectionately, “I’m going to be honest with you here it looked like a kid with a piece of cake who has no impulse control, and loves cake....like a lot.....Rodney almost puked.”
Rolling your eyes you fake glare at him, “Oh god who all watched my little horror show?”
“Mostly everyone.”
“It’s like a car crash Y/N, we don’t want to watch but we can’t look away. Sorry doll.” He confesses apprehensively, though honest and sincere knowing you do feel bad for what you do when out of it.
“No.” You say honestly, pausing for a moment, “It’s fine. Seriously Buck, I’m just relieved you guys keep taps on me while I’m out, god knows I can’t help what I do and where I go. It’s nice to have people making sure I don’t injure any innocent bystander.”
“Yeah I guess so huh...alright Y/N/N,” Chirps Bucky with a beaming grin as he attempts to shift the mood to a less dull one, “let’s get out of here, I mean unless you want to sniff around the place for awhile...it is a nice forest over there and all but I guess we can stay and I’ll let you...”
“Alright Barnes, can-it or maybe I’ll bite you.” You tease with a playful squeeze of his bicep before breaking out of his strong grasp.
“Depends on the context maybe I’d enjoy it.” Adds Bucky sarcastically, side eying you with a half smile as you move to open the car door.
Shaking your head in playful disapproval you lightly shove him aside, “Believe me you wouldn’t.”
The ride back to the Avengers base or headquarters or facility, who the hell knows at this point, was actually quite smooth and peaceful. Then again you fell asleep as soon as Bucky made it onto the highway, and continued to catch a much needed nap for the next hour ride home.
No one ever said you were easy alright, but let’s be real, Bucky would let you put him through anything and he’d be happy about it.
After parking and walking down the sidewalk past some early morning trainees catching a run, the two of you made it into the Avengers official HQ where all your rooms and other luxury’s are located. But of course not before walking past the facilities giant living space and huge kitchen.
Just keep looking forward, keep walking, walk faster you idiot!
“Y/N!” Shouts Sam in that stupidly peppy obnoxious early morning voice of his, no doubt gaining the attentions of Steve and Natasha who are seated at the kitchens bar talking about some mission report.
Pausing in the large doorway that’s not giving you or Bucky a whole lot of hiding space, you take a deep breath before turning to acknowledge him, “You’d think people would be sleeping considering it’s only six in the morning.”
Chuckling, Sam raises his protein shake, “Weird,” He says while giving you a knowing smirk, “we missed you during training this morning.”
Nat and Steve conceal their amusement as you simply roll your eyes, “Yeah well it was a long night.” You mutter unenthusiastically, earning the tiniest laugh from Bucky which causes you to throw him a glare. Knocking that smile right off of his handsome stubbly face.
“Well we got all these shakes here if you two love birds want one. Hate to have em go to waste.” Adds the smiling man with a nod, if he doesn’t just love seeing you looking like shit. No Sam I do not accept this invitation for you to tell me how crazy I look.
Sam means well of course, but damn he loves teasing you in front of Bucky for a fun reaction out of him. And it’s kind of working, but not on Bucky.
“It’s fine Y/N, you don’t have to have one if you don’t want to.” Calls Natasha before taking a sip from her mug. “Just ignore Sam, he’s been annoying since the gym.”
Before Sam’s even able to speak you quickly narrow your eyes at him, holding up a finger before making hasty steps across the room. Stopping right in front of him, “Give it.” You deadpan.
Brows raised in surprise he glances from a confused Bucky, then back to you again, “Listen I only made so much, Y/N this is my breakfast okay you can’t just...”
Ignoring his rushed rambling you pull out the whole glass blender full of protein shake before taking a step back as the whole room goes quiet, then never breaking eye contact you heartily drink up the whole entirety of its cold contents without missing a beat. Yeah, definitely needed that.
After you’re finished you lick your lips in satisfaction, taking a step closer towards a speechless Sam as you set the blender back in its place. Giving him a satisfied smirk before walking back over to Bucky where you tug on his jacket to follow you down the hall and away from everyone else.
Sometimes you can’t help but be a little dramatic.
Laying sprawled out on yours and Bucky’s giant mattress, you stare up at the ceiling as he folds your clean and freshly scented laundry, your mind swirling with thoughts of what duties you have to be apart of today. Blah, work.
Sighing gently you glance at Bucky to see if he heard you, not getting anything from him you sigh again with more grandeur this time. Nothing. Rolling your eyes you suck in a deep breath before practically soft yelling out your exhale like the dramatic little beast you are.
Glancing over to Bucky, you watch as he turns around to put some of your pants away in a drawer. Okay then, that’s how it’s gonna be. Quickly sitting up, you smirk a devilish grin before silently reaching over to pick up a small pillow, once in hand you don’t think twice before launching it at full speed directly headed for the back of his head.
But before your decently soft projectile can smack his precious flowing locks does a metal arm swiftly reach up to catch it mid flight. Oh, shit. Bucky’s head turns to you, brow raised at you before tucking the pillow underneath his arm, and going back to his usual domestic duties for the day.
Okay, killer of fun Mr. James Buchanan Barnes.
Frustrated from lack of a reaction out of him, you stand up on the bed like a warrior about to give a great battle cry. Eyeing his cute butt up for a moment, you smirk once again before launching a sneak attack pillow right for his head. It sails magnificently across the room before a metal hand stops it in its place. 
Well, shit.
This time he gives you a proper look, full of mischief and a new profound playfulness that sends an excited thrill throughout your entire being. As fast as one of Thor’s lightening bolts does the pillow soar in your direction, but conveniently for you he’s forgotten just how quick you can really be. This is just what you wanted.
Dodging to the left you watch in almost slow motion as the fluffy cloth just misses your face, instead opting to smack against the back wall with a loud thud. Snapping your attention back to Bucky he narrows his blue eyes at you suspiciously while you let out an admittedly scary villainous chuckle.
Let’s party my love.
He hands you a smirk right before shifting his body to the right, arm cocked back and thrust forward just as quickly, launching his second pillow attack without an ounce of mercy. You see it coming a mile away and as graceful as a dancer do you flip off the bed, landing perfectly on the carpeted floor just as the pillow smacks hard against the door. Thwack!
Slowly standing, eyeing him up like a lioness to her prey, you give him a satisfied smile, “Missed.” You tease.
Letting out a breathy laugh, Bucky takes a cautious step in your direction as he tests the waters, “Y/N what are you doing?”
“Getting your attention you ass.”
Chuckling he takes another step forward, “Was I ignoring you?” Duh, that’s why I, oh wait he’s playing you.
“Well you certainly weren’t doing anything interesting.” You sass as he steps again closer, this time about an arms length away.
The corners of his eyes crinkle in amusement, “Okay that’s fair, but was the pillow really necessary?” He asks, though his tone is still humorous.
Not falling for his alluring charm you tilt your head to the side, a knowing smile breaking out across your face as he tries to register what your true intentions are. “Yes, and so is this.” You quip before dropping to the floor for a side sweep of his legs, in an instant he’s on the ground and looking wide eyed up at you.
God he looks beautiful. No, focus.
“Y/N!” He whines breathlessly, brows furrowed as he holds himself up by his elbows, “Now you’re gonna get it!”
Taking a quick step back you snort, “Oh really now?”
And he’s fallen for the plan.
“Yes, and when I get you, you won’t be laughing anymore.” He grumbles, trying to keep himself from laughing as well.
“Alright then hot stuff try and bring me down.” You snap back playfully as he rises to his feet, “First one pinned has to run with Sam later, and we both know how much fun he is to run with.”
Bringing his arms up into a defensive position he readies himself for an attack, “Yeah, I’d rather not be his jogging buddy today. I mean it is raining outside, but I know you’d look real nice after a wet run.” Teases Bucky with a smirk.
“Touché you smartass.” His lips twitch into a grin as you ready your own stance. “Now let’s dance.”
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knightsimp · 3 years
Recovery (1/2)
Pairing: Percival Graves x Reader
Summery: You knew something was off. You knew that was not Percival.
Genre: Angst (the fluff will be in Part 2!)
Word Count: 2400+
Date Posted: February 1, 2021
Note: I haven’t written in a while! I finally have a new muse lmao.
Part Two: Link
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MACUSA, also known as the Magical Congress of the United States of America, is the magical government in America. This is also where our dear protagonist works and spends a lot of her time. 
(Y/N) (L/N) is a MACUSA auror. She has worked there for years now. She started out as a simple intern when she graduated from Illvermony, and is now a seasoned auror. 
For the last couple months, (Y/N) has been out of the country in London, working with The Ministry of Magic on a joint case. She was only supposed to be gone for a couple weeks, but being an auror was not exactly a predictable job. When she came back to New York, she did not go home directly, not before seeing Percival.
She and Percival had known each other since she was a trainee and he was an intern. At first, she was ahead in rankings, but he soon climbed to the top and became Director of Magical Security and head of MACUSA's Department of Magical Law Enforcement. Regardless of her jealousy (though she may deny that she was ever jealous), they have always been good friends. They were made for each other. Inside jokes, casual and last-minute meet-ups; they were in sync from the beginning. 
(Y/N) giddily knocked on the door of Percival’s office before slowly opening it.
“Hey Percy!” Her voice had a tune to it. “Guess who’s back?” When she looked at him, he saw someone who was very tired. He was hunched over at his desk, a hand on his hairline. 
“(L/N).” He was monotone.
“Oh, wow. I feel missed! Stand up, you fool; let me give you a hug.” With a sigh, Percival stood and allowed for her to walk into his arms. She held him tight, her arms locking behind his back. 
Nothing was wrong at first, but (Y/N) realized how loosely he held her. Sure Percival is not a hugger, but when he was affectionate, the man was affectionate. That was not super concerning, but what did set off alarms in her head was when Percival took a big sniff of her hair. She was expecting him to ask if she even went home, seeing as she wheeled in her suitcase, or for him to ask her why she was gone so long, as she was not allowed to send any letters or anything and he probably found out from another official. 
But nothing.
He was asking nothing.
Maybe he was stressed? She did know about the whole Grindelwald situation and how much that has been weighing on Percival, considering his position in MACUSA. 
“Are you okay, Percy?” She asked as she pulled away. She chose her words carefully. “You seem tired.” She intentionally avoided calling him “off.”
“I’m okay.” He answered. However, (Y/N) found something odd. He had no tell. 
Not many people realized, but Percival Graves did indeed have a tell. He knew to hide this tell with work related stuff, but it seemed to come out in a casual environment. This tell was him smoothing out his slicked-back hair with his dominant hand.
She knew he was lying. And he had no tell.
This was not Percival Graves.
The realization caught (Y/N) off guard, but as an experienced auror, she knew how to keep a straight face. She knew not to let her smile turn fake. 
“Alright! If you ever need any help, you know where to find me.” She put some distance between them with the excuse of grabbing her suitcase. This was another thing that convinced her that this was not her friend; he did not offer to help or walk her out. Percival may be stoic and cold but he was a gentleman to a fault. 
When she exited and closed the door to his office, she could not help but let a shiver run down her spine. If this was not Percival, then who was he?
Her first stop was Seraphina Picquery’s office. Maybe she will know something? Hopefully, seeing as Seraphina works so closely with Percival, she would have noticed the differences in his behavior.  
(Y/N) was more professional when knocking on Seraphina’s door. 
“Enter!” She walked in once she had permission. Seraphina was sitting at her desk. Surprisingly, she was not in some sort of meeting at the moment. “Ms. (L/N)! I trust your return to the states was pleasant.”
“Yes, um, Madame President-”
“You haven’t gone home yet?” Seraphina Stood from her chair and came to the front of her desk. “Surely you would want to take a few days off.”
“Madame President, please listen to me.” Seraphina motioned for (Y/N) to speak what is on her mind. “Have you noticed anything strange with Mr. Graves while I was gone?”
“(L/N), if you are wondering if he missed you considering how long you’ve been gone, I am sure-” (Y/N) cut her off.
“That is not my concern, Madame President.” She stopped for a moment. “I just came from Percival’s office, ma’am. Something is not right. Something feels off; he feels off.” Seraphina cocked an eyebrow.
“How so?” (Y/N) thought about the evidence she had, suddenly feeling a little dumb.
“For one, I can tell you for sure he did not miss me. He did not ask any of the questions that one would expect, he did not hug me the way he usually does - he sniffed my hair very strangely - and he did not offer to walk me out.” Seraphina rolled her eyes. “Does that not seem odd to you?”
“I think you just may be a little upset that he did not give you the reaction to your return that you wanted and you are tired.”
“Go home, (Y/N).” (Y/N) went to speak again, but stopped, realizing how futile her attempts would be. “Yes, Madame President.” Rolling her suitcase behind her, she left disappointed.
When (Y/N) returned home, she could not stay in the shower long enough for her to fully relax. She could not get Percival off of her mind. She could not rest, even after three months of working. Something told her another job was calling her name and the auror part of her was going to investigate. While in her bathrobe and wet hair, she pinned up a photo of her and Percival. They looked at each other and at the camera in the moving photo and it made (Y/N) smile. It also made her more determined to find out what was going on. 
“Alright.” She muttered to herself. Time to get to work.
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Over the next month, (Y/N) had slowly added to her wall. She had been sneakily keeping tabs on Percival, seeing where he went, who he met with, where he ate; she tried her best. Of course, there were holes in the narrative she was putting together as she had to continue doing her job as auror. She needed to keep her job, but also needed to keep Percival from being suspicious, especially since he was technically her boss. One thing she often beat herself up for was being so friendly with him from the minute she walked into his office after her trip. She had to keep that facade up, which meant the occasional hug, calling him by his nickname, etc. Each time, she felt sick.
(Y/N) even went to each lunch with him every Monday. His reaction to coming to his office for lunch on Monday something she paid attention to. This imposter went along with it, as if lunch with (Y/N) every Monday was the norm, but it was not. Before she left for London, they had been having lunch on Wednesday for years; Monday was never a day that they met up for a meal. Of course, (Y/N) never expected Percival to come to her apartment on Fridays. Fridays, they would have dinner together. Each week, they would rotate on who’s apartment. When he never showed up for dinner the Friday following her return, she knew this was not Percival. And it was a relief when he did not turn up to her apartment. 
Of course, she had her doubts during her investigation. At points, she thought she was crazy. She tried to make up excuses as to Percival’s sudden change in personality and routine. That man was a man of discipline, however; he is not the person one would expect to break from their routine.
At one point the stress had become too much. (Y/N) ended up inviting her friend Queenie to her apartment during an empty Friday. Queenie, being the sweetheart she is, was sworn to secrecy, though she did not believe what (Y/N) was giving her. If her sister Tina found out, (Y/N) would be reported for insubordination. Still, Queenie tried her best to support her friend.
Things took a turn with Newt Scamander coming to New York. She had met Newt once before, seeing as she worked with his older brother Theseus while she was in the states. Chaos reached his peak with his beasts on the loose, the anti-magic sentiment, and the random civilian attacks which definitely had a magical origin. 
She was there when Newt and Tina trapped Percival, making him fall to his knees. (Y/N) almost cried seeing her friend in such a position, but she felt the blood drain from her face when his dark hair turned white and his eyes changed hue. She never suspected that he was Grindelwald. 
In the silence of everyone’s awe, (Y/N) pushed through the aurors. 
Limping on her injured leg, she approached him, ignoring the immense pain coming from her thigh. She kicked him hard in the jaw, making him fall on his back. Those around her gasped, surprised by her reaction. “I knew it,” she mumbled before shouting, “I knew it!” She put her foot on his chest, tears finally running down her face, her teeth gritting. “Where is he? Where is he!” The cocky smile Grindelwald gave her as an answer made her blood boil. 
“(Y/N).” Tina pulled her back as (Y/N) struggled in her grasp. “(Y/N), he’ll get what he deserves! Please-” (Y/N) broke free, only glaring daggers at Tina before walking towards the president. 
“(Y/N)-” Seraphina nervously tried to call her name. 
“Forgive me for being blunt, Madame President, but I told you. I told he was not Percival.” (Y/N)’s heels clacked on the concrete floor of the destroyed subway before she apparated away to her apartment. She could not even make it to the bed before she fell to her knees and began to sob. She tried to stop the hiccups and whimpers with her hand, but gave up very quickly. 
Where is he? Where is Percy? Where is Percival Graves? A dreadful thought came to her. What if he’s dead? This only made the sobs louder. She rested her head against the corridor wall. She did not even bother to turn on any lights or light any candles.
She stayed there even when the sun set. She was too tired, too drained, (and not to mention injured) to get up and change or eat. She found out what was wrong with Percival, which is what she wanted, but she almost wished she did not know.
She heard a whooshing behind her. Someone had appeared in her apartment. 
“(Y/N)?” Queenie’s soft voice was heard. “Sweetie?”
“Queenie, go make something for her to eat.” Tina was also here, it seemed. “I’ll get her cleaned up.” Tina stood in front of (Y/N), kneeling down. “Come on.”She struggled to stand her up. Not only was (Y/N) not willing to stand, but her leg was also injured. Once Tina was able to stand her up, she was ready to take on (Y/N) weight. As soon as they were stable, a pathetic, exhausted sob escaped (Y/N). 
“Come on, (Y/N). I’ll help you.” Tina almost flinched when (Y/N) looked up to meet her eyes. She looked so tired, so defeated, but there was enough determination to at least get to the bathroom.
In the kitchen, poor Queenie was feeling it all. Tina does her best to sympathize, but someone as empathetic as Queenie really did feel everything. Not only was she grieving Jacob, but she was now feeling (Y/N)’s immense grief of Percival. Queenie tried her best to stay somewhat positive while making (Y/N) a meal; sadness can be tasted in a meal.
Tina was able to get (Y/N) to shower and sat at the dining table. Her hair was still wet, but she definitely looked cleaner. Queenie did her part and convinced (Y/N) to eat. Eating did make (Y/N) feel a tad better; Queenie had always been an amazing cook. 
The air around them felt so still, so solemn, so exhausting. No one dared to say a word. 
“I...” (Y/N)’s voice broke the silence. “I think I want to go to sleep now.” 
“Alright.” Queenie’s voice was soft and gentle as if she was talking to a child, glancing at (Y/N)’s plate to make sure she had eaten enough. “Tina and I will clean up-”
“No, Queenie, I can’t let you do that. You’ve already done so much for me. You can go home.”
“We want to help, (Y/N).” Tina popped up. “You’ve been through a lot for the last couple of months.” (Y/N) did not have the energy to argue, but she gave a thankful smile. She delicately stood from the table and quietly went to her bedroom, her no-longer-heeled feet not making a sound on the wood floor. She did not have the energy to even dry her hair properly before falling onto her mattress. Once she was under the covers, she curled up into a ball and hugged the pillow which was usually beside the one she chose to lay her head on. No more sounds came out, but tears did soak the pillow she shoved her face into as she held on tighter. 
When she woke up the next morning, the mental exhaustion had taken over. Her lungs seemed airy and there was a grim atmosphere. Judging by the lack of direct sunlight coming from her bedroom window, it was the afternoon. When she sat up, her eyes went directly to the wall across from her where she had pinned up evidence.
Well, Percy is not going to find himself, now will he?
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wellthatjusthappend · 3 years
hey do you think you can write something where Dick is touch starved bc the members of the batfamily are not that into giving or receiving comforting touch like hugs so he's feeling awful and acting kind of distant with the other bats bc he doesn't really want to bug them by asking for a hug and it's Jason that notices something is wrong and ends up giving it to him
Dick being touch starved is my jam. Especially when I get to give him what he needs. 
Man, this prompt got away from me a little, I meant to do a small fill but, well, now you can read it here or on Ao3.
“What the hell is going on with Dickhead?” Jason grumbled. He’d totally cashed Jason’s case recently, and nearly bit off Jason’s head when he made a sarcastic quip. 
Usually, that meant that something had happened, but Jason had dug around after hadn’t found anything other than a slow and steady escalation of violence the last several weeks. Seemingly from no cause. 
There had to be something Jason was missing. Not that he cared or anything, but if Golden Boy was falling off the edge he needed to get ready. Or maybe he was just being nosy. Both were Bruce approved approaches. 
Jason frowned as on screen Dick let several punches land that he could have avoided and choose to punch back rather than use his sticks. 
“Ah, Dick is fasting again?” hummed Kori, coming to curl up next to Jason like a cat, her hair winding and winding itself around them in a way that still a little uncanny as it was soothing. 
“Fasting?” Jason asked with a frown, “Like, skipping meals and stuff?” 
“From love,” Kori corrected him, “and from touch. He needs it like food, but sometimes he chooses to deprive himself of both for long periods of time. He would get like this from time to time as a Titian. Quick to pick a fight and extra physical when he did… violence is the only touch he allows himself during this time, so he seeks it out constantly.”
That… tracked. 
“Yeah… Bruce would have us believe that none of us needed things like that,” Jason murmured, watching Dick wrestle another small time crook to the ground and punching him repeatedly. 
“But you know better now, don’t you?”
Sometimes. But other times… Jason could sympathize with Dick’s plight a little too easily, and physical touch wasn’t even his love language.
“How’d you used to get him to snap out of it?” Jason asked. 
“Make love to him all night long,” Kori replied, her eyes going distant. 
“Ah.” Jason knew he was flushing a bit. 
“Or, sometimes Wally or the others would insist on a movie night and coax him into a spot close between everyone’s bodies,” Kori said, a faint, sad smile on her face. 
That was probably no little feat when Dick was hellbent on acting like a mini Bruce. 
“Sounds nice,” he said, rather than unload all the mean and bitter commentary in his head. It wasn’t like he had someone to do that for him back then. 
“This is nice too,” Kori rested her head on his shoulder, “with you and Roy.”
“...Yeah. It is.”
Jason couldn’t stop thinking about it as the week went on. How he ever ended up with nonviolent touch in his life and Dick didn’t, Jason didn’t know. 
Maybe that was why he was outside Dick’s doorstep now. 
“What?” Dick answered his door. He looked terrible; dark shadows under his eyes, his skin a little pasty. 
“No hello? I’m hurt Dickiebird.”
“Hello. What are you doing here?” Dick said, already looking annoyed. 
Jason wished he knew.
“Brought over some extra food. You look like you haven’t had anything but takeout in a while, so…. You want it?” Jason held up the bag to show him.
“You brought food,” Dick stated, looking suspicious, “Why?”
“I just said I made extra, keep up Dickhead,” Jason shot back.
He was no good at this. He should have just bothered Wally into visiting. Someone who could get away with a casual hug.
Jason was not much of a hugger, casual or otherwise. He wasn’t too touchy-feely in general and he didn’t know why he was there… but since he was there he wasn’t going to be driven away so easily. 
“Did Bruce send you here?” Dick demanded. 
“Bold of you to think Bruce can make me do anything,” Jason retorted.
Dick seemed to accept that. As he should. 
“Fine, whatever, just… you didn’t drug it, right?” Dick asked as he moved out of the way and let Jason inside.
“Who the fuck do you think I am, Alfred? If I was gonna drug you, I would slip it into your delivery, not some home cooked meal,” Jason scoffed.
It was really messy. It made Jason’s fingers itch for some cleaning supplies, but that wasn’t why he was there.
“Home cooked?” Dick’s eyebrows raised curiously.
“Curry,” Jason said, pulling out the containers from the bag in the little spot on the table not covered in case files, “I always thought it tasted better the day after anyway.”
“Did you make this?” Dick hesitantly came over, curiosity seeming to win out over defensive aggression.  
“Who else would have?” Jason rolled his eyes, “here, heat this up will you?”
He passed over a container of rice. Their fingers brushed and Dick’s hand spasmed for a moment. 
Jason didn’t comment. He knew what that was like. Going so long without any kind of touch that the slightest brush of skin felt like getting electrocuted. 
“Why me?” Dick asked, hurriedly turning his back to him and fiddling with the microwave.
Because you need it. 
“Oh, you know, if your ass gets any skinnier, the community will collapse on itself. Can’t have that,” Jason said breezily instead. 
“What a saint.” 
“Right? They should put me up in the little chapel on 5th St. I’ve already died and everything, I’m totally qualified,” Jason said, then changed the subject, “You have a toaster oven?”
“Why would I have a toaster oven?” Dick grumbled. 
“Because they’re damn useful? Never mind, I’ll just use the oven,” Jason said, nudging Dick out of the way so he could reach the nobs. It wouldn’t need too much, it was just to lightly heat the naan. 
“Are you eating here too?” Dick asked hesitantly. 
“Might as well, it’s dinner time,” Jason shrugged. 
Dick didn’t say anything to that. This time when Jason passed him the next container to heat, he didn’t flinch when their hands met, but he pulled away much more hesitantly. 
This part felt a little unnatural for Jason, because he… didn’t really let people touch him who weren’t super close to him. And he and Dick- they just weren’t. It wasn’t bad, per-say, just decidedly uncomfortable. 
He wasn’t planning to let that show though. 
Jason bullied Dick into bantering with him as they prepped the rest of the food, all the while finding reasons to brush up against him. Let their hips touch when he checked the heat on the food, a hand on Dick’s arm to move him out of the way to open the oven, steading his hands as he stacked plates and utensils into his arms. 
Dick was mostly past the shockieness and onto the needy phase by the time they got to actually eating the food. It felt a little manipulative to sit down right next to him on the couch while they ate so their legs and arms could casually brush every now and then. 
The nice thing was that Jason didn’t have to initiate anymore. Now that Dick had figured out that he wasn’t going to be pushed away and that Jason was pretending not to notice, he was pressing close with every possible excuse. As he did, he chattered away about this and that, a slight nervous jiggle of his leg. 
It was strange, like watching someone slowly come alive again. Like a dry plant perking up at the first taste of water. Jason wanted to somehow give him even more, but he didn’t know how. So he just stayed close.
Dick didn’t ask him to leave when they finished their food, so he didn’t. 
Jason turned on the TV.
It was funny, Dick’s commentary slowly started to die down as his eyes started to drupe. 
“Maybe I really should have drugged you food, when’s the last time you got a full night’s sleep?” Jason noted, reaching over to touch his forehead. He was a little warm, but not too bad. 
“When’s the last time you did?” Dick shot back, but his eyes dropped closed under his hand and he didn’t push him away. 
It felt a little too intimate for Jason though, so he pulled away. Dick swayed forward a little when he moved, like a part of him want to chase his touch. 
He probably did. 
Jason looked away and shrugged, trying to remember what they had been talking about. Sleep. Right. 
“I actually do these days, Roy or Kori kick my butt if I don’t,” he said. 
“They take good care of you,” Dick said softly. 
“They do,” Jason agreed, his chest feeling a little warm at the thought. 
“Good,” Dick said, his expression distant as he turned back to the TV. 
Jason wondered if he missed them, but didn’t ask. Dick couldn’t have burned those bridges any better if he’d tried. 
They watched TV silently for a while, Dick’s finger tracing patterns on his own leg, back and forth and back and forth. 
Jason felt an impulse to grab his hand, but pushed it down. That wasn’t them. Roy and Kori must have been rubbing off on him. 
When Dick’s motions stopped, Jason glanced over and snickered when he found that he had dozed off. When he started to tip, Jason raised his arm so he would settle against his side instead of tipping forward and jerking awake. 
He didn’t know why he did it- since it effectively trapped him for however long Dick was asleep- and he told himself that it was because Dick needed the sleep, which he did, but-
Dick made a soft little sound as he positively melted against him, even in sleep. It was such a fragile thing, so relieved, just on the edge of broken… it made Jason’s chest ache. 
He let him sleep. 
Jason might not be able to bury him in a pile of close friends or make love to him all night or whatever, but… he could do this.
He hesitantly carded his fingers through Dick’s hair and watched him lean into the touch desperately, lips parting in a content sigh.  
Maybe for this, Jason could be enough.
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nebraska-is-a-myth · 4 years
Suffer the children - Crime au part 6
Sorry for such a long wait with this one guys, was really busy with school starting back up again but hopefully the next part wont take as long. Also I’m sorry but this is just angst, no happy things happen this chapter, or the next one for that matter. Comments are appreciated :) thank you again for all the support with this series.
part 1, part 5
When it comes down to it, the state police know that the city doesn't really belong to them, it never did. Before it belonged to the smp, it belonged to techno, and before that it was a long list of unco-ordinated criminals that only ever lasted as long as the money did.
So when Wilbur took the option to demand an evacuation of the city, the police didn't give much resistance to his request. It was better to go along with what the man said rather than risk so many innocent lives. (the large sum of money Wilbur offered also helped to sway their opinion)
The only people that stayed were those who refused to leave, or l’manburg gang members who had agreed to help in the fight against the west side.
Most of the first day was spent calculating plans and looting stores in search of supplies. Tommy's leg was mostly healed by now, but Wilbur still insisted that he focus on physical therapy and refused to let him help with the looting or heavy lifting. 
( When Tommy disappeared late that night, Wilbur thought maybe the young boy had given up on the revolution altogether. And although he didn't  blame the lad for wanting to team with his mentor, he couldn't help but feel hurt by the thought. However he didn't expect Tommy to return just before sunrise with tear stained cheeks and a smile on his face, but he did appreciate the unexpected hug Tommy gave him before disappearing into his room without a word. Wilbur didn't bring it up in the morning and he could tell the boy was thankful)
By the second day of the three day grace period, team morale was low as they lay in wait, anxious for the smp’s promised warning.
The second day of looting commenced and Wilbur had allowed Tommy to join them ,as long as he used one of his crutches for support to let his leg rest a little.
Wilbur, Eret and fundy were waiting by the entrance of their headquarters for the two youngest members of the team, enjoying the blast of the cool air conditioning before they had to journey out into the blaring city heat.
“What's taking them so long.” Fundy complained as he lounged across the large leather sofa at the front of the headquarters. His head swayed off the side of the couch and towards Eret, he notices how he tapped his fingers impatiently against his thigh and continued to push his glasses further up his face. Maybe the older man was just nervous about the attack, Fundy didn't really blame him, he himself had been scratching at his clothes for days.
He watched Eret check the time on both his watch and his phone before fishing his car key out of his back pocket and throwing them into Wilbur's lap where he was busy checking supplies from his tablet.
“Get the car ready, I’ll go and round up the children.”
George interrogates Dream as soon as he walks through the door. It's early and cold and Dream really doesn't want to deal with whatever scolding George is about to give him, so he walks through the apartment and tries to ignore his friend's presence.
“You gonna tell me where you've been.”
Dream stays silent and wanders around the kitchen.
“You went to see him didn't you.”
He doesn't question how he knows, George seems to know everything these days.
“We talked about this dream.”
George talked, dream just pretended to agree.
“What, George!”
“Why are you being like this? Do you even give a shit about us?”
“What are you talking about! Of course I do George.”
“Then why are you having secret rendezvous with the enemy!”
“Tommy is not the enemy, None of them are our enemies.”
By now sapnap has emerged from his room rubbing at his tired eyes and dressed in a far less scary attire. “What's going on?”
“Nothing sapnap.”
“Dream is meeting up with Tommy!”
“What's your issue dude.” Dream is far too tired to keep his emotions at bay right now, so his voice sounds more angry than he intends. “Why can't you just trust me when I tell you something.”
“Wow okay really, you want to go there.”
“Why are you protecting some dumb kid instead of everything we’ve worked so hard to get in the past how ever many years.”
“Because what dream!”
“It's complicated.”
“Come on guys.”
“It really isn't Dream. Just tell us. Tell us why you keep choosing them over us.”
“I am not choosing them.”
“Then why not just put them in their place.”
“I am not killing anyone to prove a point.”
“That's not what you said back in that police station.”
“This is different.”
“How, how is it different.”
“What sapnap!”
“Your phone’s ringing.”
“Okay and!”
“It's Eret.”
When Fundys eyes open he’s mostly confused, at first he thinks he’s fallen asleep on the couch waiting for Tubbo and Tommy, it wouldn't be the first time. But when he tries to move he feels his body resting on a hard surface, something a lot harder than their old leather couch.
In the distance he can hear sirens wailing and footsteps passing around him, as he comes too he feels Wilbur's presence appear next to him.
“-undy. Fundy are you okay.”
Now that he thinks about it, his head is a little sore.
“Fundy can you stand.”
He thinks he gives the older man a response and in an instant he's on his feet, just staring at the sight in front of him.
Black plumes of smoke rise up into the open air, flames creep up the inside walls and poke out of the crumbling roof, explosions erupt every few minutes and he feels starstruck from the sight of destruction. He can't move, he is both mesmerized and terrified of the sight before him. A long violent cough erupts from his chest and the illusion is broken, smoke creeps into his lungs and he can barely seem to gasp for air.
Wilbur rubs soothing circles across his back and it's not long before his chest clears. 
“What the hell is going on.”
Wilbur's hand leaves fundys back and he tears off some of his shirt and hands the rag to the other man, tearing off another piece for himself
“My guess is that this is the big warning dream promised.” Wilbur holds the piece of cloth over his nose and mouth and starts to head into the cloud of smoke. Fundy grabs his arm in disbelief.
“What are you doing!”
Fundy looks to his leader like he's a mad man before he remembers the two youngest members of the team were still inside, and Eret somewhere looking for them. Without another word fundy holds the cloth up to his face and ignores the unbearable warmth that attacks him from every direction. He doesn't have time to complain or stop to worry about what might happen to him or Wilbur, all he can focus on is finding his friends and getting them out alive. Even as the flames climb around them and the smoke grows thicker, his mantra stays the same.
They have to find them, they have too.
Tubbo can't stop coughing and he feels like he's in the warehouse all over again.
 He tries to gasp for breath but he can't hold it long enough before he splutters it back out again. He doesn't know what's going on apart from the fact that he can't breathe. 
For a while all he can do is cough, until he feels someone slip something over his head and he gasps for air without coughing. The air is still hot and sticky and he can still smell the harsh scent of smoke clogging his nostrils, but he can breath nonetheless. 
He’s still thoroughly confused but he registers that there is now someone with him, he tries to look at them through the mask but his eyes are all watery and he doesn't really know what direction they're in.
“’m Cnfusd.”
He manages to mutter out, but his voice sounds all muffled, like he's been buried under a big pile of blankets. He thinks whoever it is hears him because soon a large pair of arms wrap around him and whoever it is holds him for a while, sure it's hot and his chest still hurts, but he thinks its a nice gesture and he plans to thank whoever it is when he's back to his usual self. 
Tubbo blinks a few times in the strangers embrace and his eyesight is a little better now so when he pulls away he tries to look at the mystery hugger and finds a familiar face looking back at him.
He's wearing one of the gas masks they had taken from one of the stores they looted yesterday and he thinks that's what Eret must have put on him. He can see the older man looking at him frantically, he's not sure if he should be saying something or not, but he's caught off guard by a loud muffler to his left.
He can see through the hot mask that it's Tommy, His friend coughs and splutters like Tubbo had and Eret rushes towards him and slips a gas mask on his face. With the help of Eret he watches Tommy stand and mumble something at him, he feels mean ignoring Tommy but he really can't make out what the other boy is saying. So he stays silent and hopes he can make it up to him later.
Tommy sways and he still doesn't really know what's happening or why Eret and Tommy keep looking at him strangely, but they're all together now so he feels a bit better, even if his head does hurt a little.
He hears a muffled explosion go off somewhere and he looks between his two friends who seem to be just confused as he is.
None of them realize what's happening before it's too late, the last thing Tubbo sees is Eret reaching for him before the ground crumbles beneath them.
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tomtenadia · 3 years
Island Dreams - Chapter 5
Hello readers :) Just one chapter tonight but it's just shy of 4k words so hopefully it will do fine :)
so... bit of angst coming. Apologies there is a bit of fluff too but not what you hope. Please don't hate Elias. He is my secret weapon to bring our two idiots together. So just be nice to him.
Fun facts: 1. I adore Roald Dahl like our trio. 2. The scene at Luskentyre with the dark clouds and the savage rain. Been there done that. Luckily I saw it in the sun as well. 3. I hug standing stones. I am a serial hugger. Hugged the ones at Callanish and have a few photos of me hugging stones in Orkney as well.
A week had passed.
Rowan opened the bookshop on time as usual. Switched on the lights and the computer and went to the back and dragged to the counter the bulky box containing the orders that had arrived the previous night.
Once he cracked the box open he realised Aelin’s was at the top, staring at him. He sighed, took the book and sat on the stool behind his counter. For a whole week he hated himself for what he said to her. He had definitely gone too far and he had to find a way to apologise and make it up to her for his dreadful behaviour.
Gently he flipped the book in his hands and read a couple of random pages and smiled. He was positive she was going to love the last book in the series and a part of him was quite eager to discuss the book with her.
He had read the series a long time ago and loved it. Flipping through the pages he found some of the lines he loved and a tenuous smile appeared on his face at the thought that Aelin reminded him so much the female main character in the book. 
Both of them had fire in them.
He hadn’t seen her in a week and Maeve told him that she hadn’t been at the coffee shop either.
His aunt’s words still haunted him. She is just as lost as you are.
What could have happened to her? She always appeared to him as full of life and quite energetic, but he guessed that might be a mask she would wear for stranger, for people who were not close to her. He wanted to meet the real Aelin, problems at all. He thought pondered on his aunt’s words. What if she really was the key to get out of the funk he had been stuck for a while? What if he could help her as well? He admitted that he wanted to be his friend and he was going to prove it to her.
Deep down though he knew he had another reason, a bit more selfish. He found her attractive. More than that. The first day in the shop she had taken his breath away. And she loved books probably just as much as he did. Something that Lyria… no. He was not going there. 
He closed his eyes and tried to picture Aelin. Her funny attempts to use Gaelic gave him fuzzy feelings. 
He had spent a week mulling and thinking about her. He could not stop doing that. She had made him feel again. But the idea terrified him. He had committed completely to a woman once. He gave her all of him, his love, trust, respect and heart. And she destroyed everything. He sighed and put the book on the shelf behind him where he kept all the orders to be collected. He had to find a way to tell her her book was here. In his anger he forgot to take her phone number or address and now he was stuck. He only had to hope that she would remember and pop in in the shop. If he could see her one more time and apologise…
He was busy unpacking when the bell rang and a dark-haired man entered the shop.
“Good morning, can I help you?”
The man looked at him and smiled “Yes, definitely. I am looking for a book. Something on Callanish.” He explained looking around the shop with interest “It’s for a woman. It’s a present. She is new here and I would like to give her a welcome to the islands present. She just visited Callanish for the first time and she loved it.”
Rowan felt sick for a moment. Was that guy talking about Aelin? Because the description sounded very similar. Sadness hit him. So she was doing fine after all. She did not need him.
“I have a nice selection. Ranging form the usual tourist guide to something more fascinating and historical.” And he showed the guy the books. The stranger took one of the bigger ones. One of his favourites.
“That is a great one.” He added pointing at the one the guy was holding in his hands “It has info about the archeological excavations, theories about its use and it connects to the mythology as well. It’s quite complete. Your friend will love it.”
The man smiled again and kept the book.
“Can I just have a look around?”
Rowan nodded keeping an eye on the man. Could it be that he was talking about Aelin? He did his best to convince himself that it was just a coincidence. It had to be. But sadness struck anyway. He had planned to  get that book for Aelin. He was positive she would have adored it. And now chances were another man was going to give it to her.
The man came back with a second book. A colouring book of the Hebrides “I have a feeling Aelin will love them.”
Rowan stopped. His world froze. And his heart was beating furiously in his chest.
“She is a lucky woman.” Rowan forced himself to say. “Would you like me to wrap them since it’s a present.”
“That would be amazing if it’s not too much trouble.”
Rowan took a deep breath and steadied his hands.
“You have a great place here. And I love your Roald Dahl display.”
Those words stung. That was one of the first things Aelin had said to him.
“Big fan.” Was all that Rowan managed ignoring the roaring fury rising in him. At his stupidity. His bad temper. That could have been him if only he had been able to control himself and be nice for once in his life.
“When I was little I was obsessed with James and the Giant Peach.” The man continued while Rowan was working on wrapping the books. He had a feeling that Aelin was a big fan of Matilda.
“Here we go.” Rowan passed the present to the man.
The stranger paid and left the shop.
Rowan sat in silence for a while then stood, turned the sign of the shop to closed, switched off the lights, locked the door and went home.
All of a sudden he did not feel in the mood anymore to deal with people.
He grabbed his car and drove in silence until he reached his favourite spot on the islands. He went to the Butt of Lewis, sat on the edge of the cliff and admired the sea raging against the cliffs, mirroring perfectly his current mood.
Aelin had taken a day off from exploring. She had driven a lot the previous days and she needed a break from here car. She had gone back to Luskentyre, however this time she was not so lucky with the weather. An horrible storm had hit once there. And still, the place was stunning. The dark clouds heavy with rain seemed to enhance the blues and green of the water. A strange light had embraced the bay and the sand appeared even whiter. Then the rain hit and she thought she had never seen a rainstorm so brutal. She had stayed in the car and waited it out. Being Scotland, the weather was very changeable and ten minutes later the sun was out and the most amazing rainbow arched across the beach. Not a single one of her photo did any justice to the beauty in front of her.
She was now wandering around Stornoway and convinced herself to go to Rowan’s shop. It had been a week and her book should have arrived. The last one had ended in an epic cliffhanger and now she needed to know. It was a matter of life or death.
She turned the corner and a strange feeling overcame her when she noticed the lights off. At the entrance door a sign said Dùinte and underneath Closed in English. It was almost noon, how was it possible it was closed? Rowan was punctual to a fault. Was he sick? She wished she had his mobile number to get in touch with him. 
She was worried. 
But most of all she realised she missed him. Yes, they barely knew each other and they didn’t have the best of the beginnings, but still…
She sighed and walked away.
In that instant Elias texted her. She had caved in the end and texted him. They had started chatting. That morning he had told her that he was in town and they agreed to meet.
He was waiting for her at the parking near the ferry terminal. She tucked her sadness away and walked toward the terminal.
She had debated every day since she gave Elias her number if she had done the right thing. 
She clearly felt something for Rowan. What it was, she still wasn’t sure. And although he had been grumpy and they fought, something about him resonated within her. As if his soul somehow called out to hers. 
The rational part of her quickly rejected the idea as the twisted and unachievable idea of love that her books had given her over the years.
Human’s relationships were nothing but pain. 
For a moment she argued to herself that for some inexplicable reason his soul had somehow resonated with Rowan’s. That if they were in a book instead, someone would have pointed out that the pining was due to them being soulmates.
A minute later after that thought she snorted loudly.
They were everything but. They weren’t even friends. 
What about enemies to lovers? She snorted again and closed the distance to where Elias was waiting for her.
There were more chances of Rowan strangling her than them becoming friends.
All that mental gymnastics to convince herself that texting Elias was good. That she was not betraying Rowan.
But at the same time she felt a horrible person. She had no idea what she wanted from Elias. She was not ready yet to commit again. But still, she didn’t want to mislead him. He seemed such a nice guy. Hurting was the last thing she wanted to do to him.
Aelin finally arrived at the car park and saw him. He was as tall as Rowan. He was standing beside his car. Sunglasses on his head, dark shorts, a light blue polo shirt hugged his upper body nicely and she could not force her gaze away from him. He was stunning.
But he is not Rowan a voice said in her head and she told it to shut up.
“Hello.” He waved at her and she noticed his bright smile and his two dimples make their appearance. She had forgotten his smile.
“Hey.” She said joining him near his car “Nice car by the way. Being an engineer must pay really well.” She joked and hoped she hadn’t gone too far as her usual.
“Love a woman with a good taste in cars. It’s a Tesla. Cost me a kidney but this baby it’s worth it.”
“Of course you get a Tesla. You are an environmental engineer so an electric car makes sense. If you were a book character you’d be considered perfectly in character.”
Elias laughed loudly at the joke. Then he opened the door, and grabbed something from the car “For you. A welcome to the islands gift.”
Aelin took the present and froze when she noticed the sticker on top. The present came from Rowan’s bookshop. All of a sudden she forgot how to breath. At least she did manage to hide her shaky hands from Elias.
She opened the present and squealed in delight when she noticed the book about Callanish and underneath a colouring book. She put the second on the roof of the car and opened the first one. Inside the dust jacket she noticed a small note. That, definitely did not belong there. The calligraphy was neat Your book is here. I guess you want to know what happens after the cliffhanger. Then at the bottom of the note I am sorry. R.
How did he know that Elias was giving her the book? A wave of panic hit her.
Sneakily she hid the note from Elias and pretended to browse the book, but her mind kept going back to Rowan’s message. Her heart was hammering in her chest, so much that it almost hurt. The words I am sorry resonating in her head like an echo.
“Glad you loved the books. I forgot there was a nice bookshop in town. I got it from there. The one about Callanish came with a recommendation from the owner.” Aelin felt like crying. She was just picturing Rowan helping Elias pick the book for her. Why was she feeling like that for a man who had clearly told her that she meant nothing to him? Why was she caring so much?
Had Lysandra been there she would have told her to drop the grumpy guy and take the nice one. 
She stretched and gave Elias a little peck on the cheek “Thank you. They are perfect. Now I just need some pencils for the colouring book.”
“That, we can fix easily.” Elias went around the car and opened the other door for her “Hop in.”
Aelin looked at him puzzled “I thought we were staying in town.”
“No way, there is still so much for you to see.”
“I am in a Tesla.” She commented ecstatic and noticed Elias grinning. “I don’t have car. In London it’s a nightmare. Traffic is horrendous and parking near my house is just non existent. Luckily the tube takes me to work easily.”
“On the islands the only traffic jam you experience is cattle, sheep and the annoying tourists driving motorhomes where they shouldn’t and going at a slow pace because they have to take a photo of every single piece of grass.”
Aelin laughed “I got stuck in the middle of a flock of sheep the other day. I was along the Golden Road.”
“Well, that was your baptism of fire and you passed it.”
Half an hour later they were crossing a bridge. Elias explained to her that they were heading for Great Bernera. As soon as they cleared the bridge he pulled over and parked the car at the small picnic area. She got out and stood immobile for a moment to take in the beauty of the landscape.all around her. Then Elias grabbed her hand and he pulled toward the left. She looked up and she noticed some standing stones and she felt giddy.
“Come on.”
They climbed the short path and they reached the stones.
Aelin went to hug them and she made Elias laugh out loud “that is a very unusual reaction.” Then he took his  phone and took a photo “Now I can bribe you until eternity.”
Aelin dismissed him with a rude gesture and kept hugging the stone.
“You are hugging Callanish VIII.”
Aelin gasped in surprise.
“This place is quite peculiar. It is a semi circle and not a full circle and according to the archaeologists it was never a full circle. No one knows what it was for. However, according to the local folklore, due to its strange configuration and location, on a calm winter day when the sun is low a strange experience might occur. If you walk between the tall stone and the water a double shadow is cast on the stone. One shadow is produced by the sun and the other by the sun’s reflection on the water.” He explained, his gaze fixed on the horizon. 
“I tried plenty of times but no luck.”
He walked behind her and tugged her to his chest, leaning his chin on her shoulder. Elias then took her hand and pointed “There,” he said “over there you have Callanish. The main site.”
She leaned against his hard chest and took comfort in the nice feeling.
“That is so awesome.”
“I am pretty sure your book will have a part about these stones.” His breath was gentle against her ear and she shivered in pleasure at the feeling.
“Let’s go. We haven’t reached our final destination yet.” He moved away and for a brief second she missed the warmth of his body against hers.
They got back in the car and they drove for a bit longer. The road was narrow but Elias drove with the experience of a local and she felt pretty safe. 
They finally reached a parking area and she was ready to get out again.
“The islands are quite amazing for their historical sites.” He started, offering his hand to her.
She took it and he smiled tenderly. His thumb gently brushing the top of her hand.
“Are you ready for a visit to the iron age?”
They walked in silence for a short stretch along the wall of a cemetery and then she noticed the Iron Age house. Elias paid the pound to get into the house, but she was more interested in the stunning beach she had spotted at the end of the path. Once out of the house she took running toward the beach and Elias followed until he grabbed at her waist “You ungrateful witch. I am showing you an historical site and all you care is the beach.”
Aelin laughed and turned to him, their faces dangerously close “Sorry, but the beach looks soooooo amazing”
Elias let her go and playfully pushed her away “Go. Have fun.”
She smiled at him and walked toward the beach, removed her shoes and walked in the water. That had become her ritual.
Bosta beach was another gem. A hidden one, it looked like.
Elias joined her in the water and stood beside her, their arms touching “When I was young, my brother and I used to come here and kayak. See the islands in front of us?” He pointed and Aelin nodded “That is little Bernera. The only way to get there is by boat. On the the side there is a beach that is something out of this world. Untouched. Pristine. With waters of colours so bright that they might not be real.”
She turned to him and looked at Elias in the eyes. And they were bright, full of joy
“You have a childish streak.” He tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear.
“No, that came out wrong. What I meant is that you seem to tackle life with the same joy a kid does. The way you hugged the stone, or how you run just now or your face when you saw the books. It’s contagious.” With a hand he caressed her face.
She should pull away and break that contact, but she couldn’t because she realised she missed it. So in the end she leaned into his touch, basking in the feeling of his hand on her cheek.
“Tha thu bóidheach…” he whispered “You are beautiful.” He repeated in English.
Aelin broke the contact and went to sit down on the sand. She needed a moment to collect herself. To unravel the set of conflicted emotions battling inside her.
In front of her there was Elias. A wonderful man who seemed quite keen to be in her company. Who was intelligent and fascinating and sweet. A man capable of making her heart race madly. He was perfect. He was handsome. Unbelievably so. And then there was Rowan. Who was… maddening. They were nothing and no chance of their status changing anytime soon.
She sighed.
Elias sat beside her “did I do something wrong?” His blue eyes fixed on her “What I said and did… sorry if it made you uncomfortable.”
Aelin shook her head. He was considerate and with his face mere centimetres from hers she realised she just wanted to kiss him.
“You didn’t do anything wrong,” she explained and wondered if it was the time to open up to someone else. But Maeve’s word replayed in her head. You can help each other. He is stuck too. She wanted to open up to Rowan. According to Maeve he was suffering for something too. She wanted him to open up to her. She knew it felt wrong. She could not open up to Elias. That was something that belonged to Rowan. Of that she was sure.
“I haven’t done this in a while.”
“Are you seriously telling me that in the whole of London there is not a single man who’d consider himself lucky to have you?”
“I can be a handful.”
“My brother has three kids under the age of ten. I can handle handful. Believe me.”
Aelin laughed and leaned her head on his shoulder “And why a guy like you is single?”
“The missus had a side thing with her boss. They eloped. She got pregnant and now she lives the grand life in Edinburgh with the money she got from the divorce and got stuck with the kid. He was rich. Filthy rich and she just wiped him clean.”
“And you were married to her?”
“Oh yeah. I was young and stupid. We lasted two years.”
“Probably you didn’t earn enough big bucks.”
Elias laughed genuinely “Aye, I was a poor nobody compared to her second husband.”
“Her loss,” Aelin added.
He tuned his head surprised by that remark. His face inched closer and hesitated for a second, then finally kissed her
Aelin resisted him for a moment, but then she melted in the kiss. His lips were soft. The kiss started gentle but then it got harder and she could feel need seeping from it.
His hands went to her back and slowly pushed her on the sand on her back. Aelin run her hands in his hair and pulled him closer.
She nibbled his lower lip and the sound he made awoke something at her core. His hands slid to her sides and he traced the length of her body. She closed her eyes and froze. A pair of green eyes appeared in her vision. Rowan’s face floated in front of her and she froze. She sat up quickly.
“Not on the beach near a tourist attraction.” She stood and patted the sand away from her clothes using it as an excuse to put some distance between them. 
Slowly she gathered the courage to look at him and she saw hurt in his blue eyes.
“You are right. Being arrested for sex in public is not in my today’s plan.” And the dimples came back.
“I am sorry I…” she fumbled.
He got closer and kissed tenderly on her lips “No need to apologise.” Then he patted her hair. “You are covered in sand.”
In silence they walked back to the car and even on the journey home she struggled to say more than a few words. She held her book on her legs and kept thinking at the message inside and how she will face Rowan the next day.
“I can drop you off at your place.”
“No, the car park is fine. It’s a nice evening. I don’t mind the stroll.”
“Ok, mo charaid.”
Aelin leaned forward and kissed him “Thank you for the books and for today. I had so much fun.”
“Me too,” he kissed her back.
Aelin broke the kiss and left the car. He got out and leaned on the roof “Text me.”
“I will do, mo charaid”
Elias laughed “you are so sexy when you try to speak Gaelic.”
Aelin blew him a kiss and walked away.
When she was almost home she leaned against the small wall separating the road from the marina and looked toward the town. To the spot where Rowan’s shop was.
And wondered what he was doing.
Wondered if he missed her as well.
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I've always loved Prometheus -- I saw it alone at the nearest IMAX theater, since no one I know likes the Alien franchise -- but felt slightly embattled about it. Even among Aliens fans, Prometheus is reviled! Why do you think that is? It's a gorgeous movie with great actors, and it's really entertaining. People seem to be really bothered by the recklessness of the characters, but I've never felt like that was a misstep. People ARE reckless. Even scientists. (Maybe especially scientists!) Anyway, I'm always happy to find someone who wholeheartedly appreciates the movie, since I always feel like I have to apologize for my affection.
If I knew, man, I wouldn’t be here now would I?
More seriously, some thoughts I have on the movie as well as some commentary on the shit people give it.
As for why Alien fans explicitly don’t like it, I think it was too different from every movie in the rest of the franchise.
First, I’ve noticed that when anything involves religion, in general, even tangentially people wig out. The internet at large thinks anyone even remotely religious is whipping themselves in the backroom out of hatred and devotion to God.
Elizabeth Shaw is an extremely religious character, someone in a STEM field no less, whose religion is portrayed in a positive light. The movie is about an expedition’s search for God, or rather, the creators of mankind. That will immediately rub people completely raw and put people up in arms.
A movie searching for God?! How stupid! I would never search for God in space!
It’s also a very philosophical movie in general and very different from Alien and especially Aliens.
Remember that for a lot of people, Alien is not people’s favorites, they actually like Aliens a lot more. Ridley Scott (dir of Prometheus) only directed Alien, Aliens was James Cameron. Both are excellent movies but extremely different, and while I haven’t read any interviews and am speaking out of my hat, I think Aliens is not where Scott would have gone had he decided to do a sequel.
Many people when they see “Alien” think of Aliens, then they walk in, and get a movie that’s mostly the philosophical ponderings about artificial intelligence, faith, and creation in general.
They only get the Xenomorphs at the very end, and even then, not a Xenomorph at all but just a giant face hugger. WHAT IS THIS BULLSHIT.
And then you have the “stupidity” of the characters in the film. Now, personally, I see why they are the way they are. Not only, as you note, are they humans who can make mistakes but their mission has a very weird source. Most of them are directly on Weyland’s payroll, a man who is so desperate for immortality that he funded this mission to another planet to find aliens and convince them to give it to him. This informs much of the actions throughout the series.
More, while yes perhaps they should have sent David into the pyramid alone at first, it wouldn’t have helped. David was under very strict orders by Weyland to get results, that immediately damns at least one crew member, and crew members have no idea to not trust androids because androids typically don’t do this. Even David only is able to take these actions because of Weyland’s orders (who Elizabeth/Charlie have no idea is alive or is anything other than a generous benefactor).
Milton and Fifield get lost, which to me is a very reasonable thing to happen, now their trying to play friends with the hostile alien snakes is strange but people do dumb shit all the time.
More Vickers is very reasonable in refusing to allow them entry into the ship, quarantining Elizabeth (who had no idea having sex with Charlie was such a bad idea), then refusing to allow Charlie entry into the ship. At this point, as the death count rises, it’s more due to things spiralling out of control.
But I’d say most of the mistakes made in the film are fueled by either naivite and mistaken faith in people like Weyland or else by greed.
But people love to hate on horror films. They love it. And so they smugly watch the film and say, “Well I would never be stupid enough to let David poison my tea!” It’s the same thing they do with, well, the original Alien movie “I would never be stupid enough to go back for the cat!”
(As you can tell, this is a pet peeve of mine)
But yes, people hate this movie, and I constantly have to justify liking it which really gets on my nerves. It also makes me sad because it means the sequel we got was “Covenant” because the studio didn’t want Prometheus 2.0. The movie is enjoyable, but just so damn lulzy.
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goldencuffs · 4 years
fake dating au part two
Whenever Laurent was overwhelmed, or feeling the kind of loneliness even a good cock couldn’t cure, he would sneak off into the library in the north wing of the Palace, where most of his mother’s official portraits were displayed.
Laurent loved all of them; Hennike was smiling in every single one, blonde hair curled perfectly, and teeth a stunning white. The colouring of her gowns and crowns were so bright, even painted, they seemed to shine in the dullest light. Laurent didn’t really know her; she had died three days after giving birth to him, but he had watched so many interviews and home videos of her, he felt like he had. She had been beautiful, well spoken, and everyone had been shocked when she had fallen for Al, because she had been betrothed to someone else.
Laurent liked coming down here to talk to her. It helped to have her listen to his dramatic tirades. He had started doing it when he was thirteen, when Auguste had enlisted in military training and left him alone, but had stopped a few months later, when Al caught him, his face ashen as he’d watched his youngest son babble to his dead wife.
After that, Laurent made sure to only come down in the dead of night, when he was absolutely desperate.
Which was clearly now; Laurent’s head had been spinning since the dinner at Heston’s. Even dessert hadn’t cheered him up — Heston, the absolute cretin, had served only four options of dessert and not a single one had chocolate in them. Not even one! It was like people intentionally went out of their way to put Laurent in a foul mood. Laurent had already drafted a wordy letter about Heston’s appalling lack of class and hosting abilities on the way home, and he was going to send it to the local tabloid first thing in the morning.
Laurent paced around the library, addressing his favourite portrait of his mother. It was her wedding portrait, and he loved all the detailing in it. The blush pink flowers in her bouquet matched her lipstick and her blush, and the tiara she was wearing had 588 diamonds in it. It was called The Laurent Tiara, and when Laurent had found out it had been Hennike’s favourite crown, he’d cried into his pillowcase for an embarrassingly long time.
“If I tell Al the truth now, he’ll kill me,” Laurent wailed at an appropriately low volume; he was very considerate of the sleeping guards when he threw his tantrums. “Or worse — get me married! Oh god, he’ll set me up with that idiot Torveld and I’ll have to spend the rest of my life hearing about his coin collection. Who even uses cash anymore? And what exactly is the point of having money if you can’t use it? And has Al even considered the aesthetics of our coupling? How are we supposed to wear matching outfits if Torveld looks rubbish in Egyptian blue and azure? Hello! Those are my signature colours!” Laurent sunk down on the lumpy sofa and buried his head in his hands. “Maybe death really is the better option.” He looked up at Hennike’s green eyes. “Is heaven overrated? Where would you personally place it on a scale of one to ten?”
She didn’t answer him, obviously. It was no use, anyway; Laurent was definitely not getting into heaven.
Laurent woke up irritated and unrested, and not for his usual, fun reasons. He hadn’t come up with any sort of solution to his dilemma and he had had a very strange dream where Damianos punched him while Al watched on. Then the scene had changed, and Laurent was on stage accepting his tenth Oscar for Best Actor, even though he had yet to star in any films.
“I’m thinking of becoming an actor,” Laurent told Al later that night during dinner.
Al’s eyes narrowed and his mouth became a sharp line. “What?”
“I mean, I have the looks, obviously. And really, how hard is acting anyway? Clearly you don’t even need to be very good at it to star in a movie — look at Channing Tatum. I’m sorry, but it’s very obvious his height was the only thing that got him into Hollywood, and even then it’s not that impressive.”
Al put down his knife and fork. “Can we —” He sounded very strained, “have a normal conversation for once.”
Laurent considered this. “I don’t think we’ve had enough conversations to statistically find out what constitutes a normal one,” he said. Al went red, so he continued, “So you don’t think acting is for me? Shall I try directing then? Or maybe —” He sat up excitedly in his chair. “I could write movies! I have so many ideas! Why, for instance, has no one considered a gay version of The Princess Bride? What would that even be called? The Prince Groom? Ugh, no, that’s terrible. Oh, who am I kidding — with my face and my body I have no choice but to be on camera. Otherwise, it’d be such a waste.”
The vein in Al’s forehead was throbbing. If he had been wearing his crown, it would have gone unnoticed, but like this, it was rather unflattering.
Al said, “Laurent,” in a sombre tone. “I really hope you’re joking.”
“About The Prince Groom? Kind of. But the acting thing — would it really be that bad?”
“You are a prince,” Al said, teeth clenched. “If it is the glam and glitz you want, you have more than enough here.”
Laurent, uncomfortably, thought of his room, the only place in the Palace that was truly his, devoid completely of personal artefacts. He swallowed. “Yes, well.” He tried a smile. “Maybe I should borrow another crown from the royal archives. I don’t think I’ve worn one with emeralds yet.”
Al resumed eating. “Speaking of crowns,” he said, completely glossing over Laurent’s last statement. “I’d like you to wear the Crown of Naos when King Damianos arrives.”
Laurent’s mouth dropped open. “As if! Al, the gold colouring on that completely washes me out! Not to mention the fact that that thing weighs like, five kilograms!”
Al’s nostrils flared at the word Al. He said, “The crown is a gift from Damianos’ great great grandfather to yours. It will be an appropriate and symbolic gesture if you wear it.”
“But why can’t you wear it? Or Auguste?”
“I am not the one having an affair with the King of Akielos,” said Al.
Oh, right. Laurent had forgotten about that. But what was the point? It wasn’t as though Damianos would recognise the gesture. If anything, he might think of it as inappropriate.
Instead he said, “Well, gee, Al, I didn’t peg you as a romantic.” Laurent fluttered his lashes a little.
Al pushed away his plate. “I’m done, thank you.” A servant immediately came to clear away his food.
Al left the dining hall, his shoulders tight. Laurent wished Auguste would hurry back home already.
In the morning, on the way back from the stables, Jord said, “Looks like your wish came true.”
Laurent stopped dead. “Oh my god — is Pierre-Alexis Dumas here? Is he finally going to collab with me?”
“Who’s Pierre-Alexis Dumas?” said Jord.
Laurent whirled on him. “Watch your fucking mouth.”
“Sorry.” Jord said, not sounding the slightest bit sorry. The audacity! “But look.” He pointed past Laurent, to the front of the Palace.
Laurent looked. There was a nondescript black limousine parked on the long, gravel pathway. Laurent would have dismissed it, if he didn’t spot sight of Jeurre, Auguste’s chauffeur, leant up against one of the doors, smoking.
Laurent gasped. He passed on his bridle to Jord, who fumbled to catch it, and ran inside.
Auguste and Al were in the plate room. Al was sitting on the large, velvet throne, a glass of whiskey in his hand. It wasn’t even noon! And he was baring his teeth in that weird way — smiling, as he called it.
Auguste was standing in front of him, hands behind his back. He had gotten very tan, and his hair was much darker, a strange golden colour that made the blue-green of his eyes more appealing.
They both turned when Laurent entered. Al’s mouth was already drooping at the sight of him, but Laurent only had eyes for his brother, whom he hadn’t seen in eight whole months.
Laurent wanted to hug him, which surprised even himself. Laurent was not a hugger. He wasn’t much of a toucher, either, unless it involved getting laid.
Auguste gave him a nod. He sometimes acted so much like Al, it disgusted Laurent; the only difference was that Auguste’s eyes were always kind.
Laurent peered at him closely, shocked. “What have you done to yourself? Are you having a mid-life crisis? Should we call Paschal for a yearly psych evaluation?”
Auguste laughed. “It’s a moustache, Laurent. It’s very fashionable in Kempt, you know.”
“It’s horrendous!” Laurent cried. He stared at the thick hair above Auguste’s top lip in horror. “Right. I’m officially ruling Kempt out as a holiday destination this summer if all the men are growing that.”
Al’s eyebrows furrowed. “I like it. It’s very refined.”
“Oh god, now we have to get rid of it,” said Laurent, which made Al frown and Auguste laugh. Auguste squeezed Laurent’s shoulder. He was always mindful of Laurent’s boundaries. “I think you’ve grown taller.”
“I haven’t,” Laurent said. He showed off his riding boots. “See? It’s three inches of heel.”
“Very impractical,” Al said under his breath, which was not a very Kingly thing to do.
Auguste was still smiling. “I like it. It matches the piping of your coat.”
“Yes, exactly!” Laurent was so happy in that moment, he leant forward and hugged Auguste. It was very short, but Auguste looked so pleased afterwards, Laurent wished he had prolonged it.
“Did you get me anything?” he asked, to cover the embarrassment following his sudden burst of affection.
Auguste raised an eyebrow. “I’m hurt, Laurent. You’re not going to ask me about my classes or my rather excellent Anthropology professor?”
Laurent scrunched up his face. “Are you stalling because you didn’t get me anything?”
Auguste smiled. “There’s about fifty boxes of Grand Cru chocolate in your bedroom.”
Laurent’s sound of ecstasy was too loud; Al spilled some of his whiskey onto his pants. Auguste clapped him on the back in commiseration.
As the servants laid out a small meal —  roses of smoked salmon on cucumber slices, macaroons, thin slices of cured meat and cheese, crunchy shrimp salad on crusty rolls, grapes and strawberries and mango and pineapple, individual strawberry shortcakes, that kind of thing — Auguste said, “Father tells me you’re having an affair with the King of Akielos.” He said it casually enough, but Laurent could see he wasn’t thrilled about the idea.
Laurent swallowed his last bite of sandwich and placed a hand on his heart. “Al! You should know better than to gossip, shame on you!”
Al just sighed, a long, suffering sound, and Auguste glared openly at him. “I thought you promised to stop disrespecting Father like that.”
Laurent’s stomach pooled with an uncomfortable tightness. Being told off by Auguste somehow was always worse than being told off by Al.
“Fine,” Laurent said shortly. He said to Al: “Oh dearest Father, Papa, Your Majesty, light of my life, the man who impregnated Queen Hennike, so I, your glorious creation, could be born to bring some joy to this bleak, bleak world: stop gossiping immediately.”
There was a very long pause. Then Auguste laughed. “You are such a shit.”
Al sighed again. “He’s becoming more and more insolent by the day.”
“Thank you so much,” Laurent said, wiping away an imaginary tear.
Auguste barked another laugh. Al sipped more whiskey; a very good sign. Laurent was going to take advantage of this; he wanted a new watch.
Auguste continued his questioning a few minutes later. “So. You and the King — it’s true?”
Laurent flapped a hand. “Oh, you know how it is. He saw those pictures of me from Aimeric’s birthday party where I wore those silk shorts that were just long enough to be tasteful and the poor darling had absolutely no choice but to slide into my DMs and woo me.”
“What’s a DM?” asked Al, and if the question had come from anyone else, Laurent would have found it adorable. He probably would have tweeted it as well.
“Texting,” Auguste said. He seemed contemplative. “Aimeric’s birthday — from last September? It’s been a bit more than a year.”
“Yes,” said Laurent. He tried to say it as wistfully as possible. “He bought me a Ferrarri.”
“Really?” Auguste sounded impressed. “The 1954?”
Laurent grinned. “Do you want to drive it?”
“Fuck yeah,” Auguste said, then quickly cleared his throat and looked at their father. “I mean, yes. Perhaps later in the afternoon.”
Al shook his head, but he didn’t say anything for the rest of the meal. Well, he didn’t say anything to Laurent. He really was in a good mood.
Having Auguste back had Laurent so distracted it wasn’t until a few days later that he realised how frantically the staff were cleaning the floors and walls and painting frames.
In fact, he became so relaxed doing less than nothing all day, since Al was too busy doing this and that, or fawning over Auguste, he didn’t comprehend why the chefs needed fifty boars delivered fresh on Friday morning, until Al told him before their weekly Council, “I want you to wear your red high neck blouse tomorrow.”
“Why?” Laurent asked, checking for any fine lines in the shine of the armour of one of the propped knights in the hallway.
“It is the colour of the Akielos banner. I am trying to seem as diplomatic as possible.”
Laurent went very, very still. With dawning horror, he said, “The — Damianos is coming tomorrow?”
Al’s expression turned thunderous. “Do not waste my time asking stupid questions, Laurent. You know how much I despise it.”
Laurent’s eyes widened. “Oh no,” he said quietly, real fear settling into his bones. Damianos was going to murder him tomorrow. He would need to get a facial tonight, to ensure he was the most beautiful corpse the human eye had seen. And then something much more horrific occurred to him. “Wait! I can’t wear the red high neck with the Crown of Naos! Those colours completely clash!”
Al seemed to age a few centuries in a blink of an eye. With a shake of his head, he walked into the Chambers, leaving Laurent alone in the hallway.
Laurent frowned. One of these days, he was going to be the one storming out. It was only fair.
Things only got worse.
Laurent’s last minute facial broke him out, so he threatened to sue and smashed one of their stupid reclining chairs.
Laurent had honestly thought that was going to be the worst of it; the pimple along his jawline was easy to cover up once he got the local dermatologist to inject something in it.
But on the morning of Damianos’ arrival, Laurent was in a terrible mood. He hadn’t slept at all, worried about his pimple, his horrible outfit, and the fact that a man who was the size of a small house — Google said Damianos was 6’6”, but he was definitely way more, no arguments — was going to viciously kill him.
“Hurry up,” Laurent snapped at the servant dressing him, who had been pulling too sharply at his laces for the last six minutes.
“Yes, Your Highness,” he answered meekly, and continued fumbling about.
When a few more minutes passed, Laurent looked down at him. “Okay, seriously, this is ridiculous. You usually get me dressed in ten minutes or less. What is the problem?”
“I —” The servant looked like he was on the verge of tears. “Your Highness, the laces — I can’t do them up. It’s uh — it’s too tight.”
“What do you mean?” Laurent asked, narrowing his eyes. “This fit perfectly a month ago.”
“Yes, well —” And his eyes slid over to the bed, where an empty, open box of chocolates was stacked against many other empty boxes of chocolate.
Laurent saw red.
It took three guards and then Jord and Lazar to keep Laurent restrained enough to not kill him. In the end, he yelled until his throat was hoarse and the servant broke down, running out the room with his face covered in tears.
Afterwards, Laurent attempted to do up the laces himself, because he was not fat, and he definitely had not gained weight; he was svelte and sexy and desirable.
In the end, he could only do his trousers up, and only just. If he let out a particularly deep exhale… well, breathing was overrated anyway, Laurent had always thought so.
“Oh, forget it!” Laurent howled, miserable and on the verge of tears himself. “I look ridiculous.”
“No, you don’t, Your Highness,” Jord assured quickly. Too quickly.
Laurent glanced at himself in the mirror. His ass was practically suffocated in these trousers — and that was his best feature! He ran a hand down it forlornly. “It’s too tight.”
Jord’s eyes followed his hand with avid interest. He was drooling.
“Could be tighter,” said Lazar, leaning against the bedpost.
Laurent flung himself on the bed. “No it couldn’t. I need to lose about three kilograms in the next —” He checked the clock, “half an hour. Oh god. Just tell Al I died. It’ll make his day, go on.”
“Orgasms help with weight loss,” said Lazar. “I could fuck your face.”
Laurent sniffed “Don’t be so stupid.” He looked at the clock again. “Obviously, riding you will help me lose more calories. Both of you get on the bed, quick.”
Laurent did not lose three kilograms in half an hour. As enjoyable as the sex had been, it had only made him tired and anxious.
Jord suggested that Laurent should just let the laces at the back trail, and cover it up with a coat, even though it was far too hot in the year to wear one. Laurent obliged anyway, knowing how difficult Al would be if he showed up wearing undiplomatic colours. He changed his trousers into a different pair, making sure it had an elastic waistband to stretch accommodatingly.
When the crown was placed on his head, he staggered a little. It really was unnecessarily heavy. His great great grandfather must have had a head the size of a watermelon.
Laurent walked unsteadily down the hall, towards the Palace steps where Auguste and Al were already waiting. His insides became so twisted with the thought of seeing Damianos, he had to make a detour and hide behind a tapestry to have a panic, but only a little one.
Outside, the sun was blazing. Auguste clapped him on the back in greeting, and Laurent winced, the material of his blouse sticking to his armpits. Al’s lips curled at his outfit, but Laurent couldn’t care. He hoped he looked beautiful enough — just enough — so Damianos would reconsider his murder. At the very least, Laurent hoped nothing happened to his face.
“Alright?” said Auguste. “You’re sweating.”
“Shut up,” said Laurent, mortified. He was a prince; he did not sweat.
Auguste’s response was cut off by the sound of the gates opening and rolling tires on gravel. Laurent’s heart was in his ears; he swallowed, but it made him feel more sick.
The sleek, black car was parked in the driveway. Several seconds later, Damianos stepped out, tall and handsome.
Laurent whimpered. It was one thing to see photos of Damianos on the internet, walking briskly down the street or shaking hands with Al, and it was another thing entirely to see him in the flesh as he walked down their driveway.
He was so tall. And he was built like a tree; all thick arms and chest and thighs. Laurent had such a weakness for thighs, they were really the best part of a man’s body, how they framed the groin and the cock and —
Laurent realised, suddenly, that he had not prepared at all for how he was going to greet Damianos.
Lovers kissed each other, yes? Laurent didn’t think he could do that without being punched but god, would Al think it was weird if he didn’t at least attempt to kiss Damianos? Maybe he could pretend to suddenly be shy, too coy to look into Damianos’ eyes in front of everyone — yes, yes that sounded perfect.
Damianos came up the stairs, smile wide and straight. His teeth were amazing. Were they fake? Laurent didn’t think so; he ran his tongue over his own, nervous, heart still thumping in his ears.
He greeted Al first. Laurent’s head was spinning. What if Al said something? What if Auguste did? What if Damianos said something that alluded to the fact that this was technically, the first time he and Laurent would be speaking to another?
And then Laurent couldn’t think of anything else, because Damianos was standing right in front of him.
He reached out, one large, dark hand to shake Laurent’s. Laurent staggered forward, into his chest, and closed his eyes.
When he opened his eyes again, Laurent saw the most beautiful angel.
“Wow, you’re hot.” Laurent poked a very hard, very strong bicep. “Heaven’s pretty cool.” He was dead, obviously,  because people this good looking didn’t exist in the mortal world.
“You’re not dead, Laurent. Can you sit up?”
Laurent thought about it. He wasn’t dead? That was good news. But he felt like he was dead because he couldn’t move his body at all.
“Here, can you follow my finger?”
“Hmm.” Laurent said and stared unblinkingly at what he assumed was a finger. It was quite blurry.
“I think he’s concussed.”
Laurent giggled. The stranger’s accent made it sound like he had said cock-cussed. It made Laurent want to suck cock.
He said, “If I’m not dead, I’d like to be. Jord, get me my blue Prada scarf. I want to be buried in it. Lazar, get your gun out.”
“He doesn’t seem concussed.” That was Al. The compulsion to die was suddenly much stronger.
“We should take him to the hospital,” the hot angel said. Laurent was in love.
He said as much: “I really love you,” he told the blurry figure. Then he rolled over onto his side and threw up.
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alexhogh7137 · 4 years
The Battle Between Love and Fire-
Ivar the Boneless × Reader
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Prince Oleg
Word Count 3.4k
Warnings: angst, some fluff
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A Week Later…
The flight to Kiev was long but a beautiful journey. The snow melted in most spots but there were still some patches where the snow just clung to the earth, not quite willing to dry up yet. Small beauty such as that, makes you smile from ear to ear. As you flew on Ryuu, Ivar would look up every now and then, just to admire his queen on her dragon: flying high and proud. But Hvitserk however, got flashbacks once they passed through the gates of the kingdom. Flashbacks of how he was so broken when he stumbled upon Prince Oleg's kingdom and how shocked he was to find Ivar there. He saw him and Ivar, sitting on the ground by the nearby stream, talking about what they were wearing was ridiculous.
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That made him chuckle, but then he would remember how broken he was during that period in both of their lives. Ivar just lost Kattegat and his last wife, Freydis and for Hvitserk, he got banished by Bjorn from Kattegat and was losing his mind. But now, they both are in a better and brighter place all because of you and the gods. 
Ivar "Feel strange to be back, aye my brother?"
Hvitserk "Strange but in a good way, I think. And I think that it will be good for all of us to take a little break from our own responsibilities.." he forces a laugh. 
Ivar nods, "I agree. Especially for Y/n, she can rest and keep off her feet for a bit."
Hvitserk "Oh gods yes, Y/n will be forced to relax for the first time since the little princess was conceived." Ivar laughs and then he watches Ryuu land on the ground, shaking the ground. The people are taken aback, but they were told before your arrival that your dragon would be coming with you. 
Ivar gets out of his carriage and Hvitserk dismounts his horse. He hurriedly comes to your aid to help you dismount Ryuu safely while Ivar gets himself situated to walk. 
Hvitserk "What do you think of this place?" You look around for a second, taking in your surroundings. "It is nice. Very colorful and beautiful." He chuckles and just kisses your head. 
Ivar "How was the flight?"
You sigh, "It was long but it was lovely."
Hvitserk "Oh, there he is-"
Prince Oleg "Ah, Hvitserk..Ivar! Welcome back!"
Ivar "It is nice to be back, Prince Oleg."
Hvitserk "How have you been? Good, I hope.."
Prince Oleg "Good, good! And you?!"
Hvitserk "Never been better."
Prince Oleg "Oh, how rude of me...you must be Y/n."
"I am," you shake his hand, "it is nice to meet you."
Prince Oleg "You as well. I must say, you must be an extraordinary woman to be having a dragon as a pet." You force a laugh and so do the boys.
"He is not my pet, I raised him. He is like my son, Prince Oleg."
Prince Oleg "Oh, uh..if you say so." Ryuu grunts and Oleg takes a few steps back, "So, shall we go inside?!"
Ivar "Yes." He takes your hand and holds you back while Hvitserk walks with Oleg. "Don't overthink that, my love."
"It is fine. I don't expect him to understand."
Ivar "He will, just give him some time to get to know you and Ryuu, huh?" You nod and walk on with your husband, hoping that this little 'vacation' will be just that and not a dreadful time away from home.
The palace was extraordinary: gold everywhere with artifacts from his culture, red drapes and carpentry. 
"You have a beautiful kingdom, Prince Oleg."
Prince Oleg "Oh, why thank you!" You smile and continue walking ahead, looking closely at everything you can get your eyes on. It may be beautiful, but it is not home. Your home is perfect to you and Ivar knows that very well. 
Prince Oleg "She is very beautiful Ivar..where did you find her?" 
Ivar "I did not find her. She came to me, seeking help from an ally of mine a while back. But when she came to me, she never left."
Prince Oleg "Is that so?" Ivar nods. "Then you are one lucky king, Ivar. Having a wife as beautiful as Y/n, is a blessing." You overhear the prince's remarks and get a sickening feeling. What is he getting at? 
Ivar grinds his teeth, "Thank you, Prince Oleg.."
Prince Oleg "No, thank you! I mean you did bring your wife with you!" He claps and laughs like a child. "Y/n, would you like to see my chambers-"
Ivar "Don't you have Katya.. Prince Oleg?"
Prince Oleg "Oh of course I do!"
Hvitserk "I do not think that your wife would like to have another queen be shown her chambers that she shares with you, isn't that right-"
"I don't think that that would be necessary, Prince Oleg." 
Prince Oleg "Suit yourself. Could I offer you a drink..anything to eat?"
"Oh no, thank you." Ivar takes your hand and pulls you into his side and holds you close. 
Prince Oleg "I must say, you are glowing." He points to your belly.
"You are too kind."
Prince Oleg "And Ivar... you are the father?"
Ivar "Of course I am." 
Prince Oleg "Oh, well you are just having miracles one after the next, after the next, aye?" You look at Hvitserk who has his head down and Ivar has his teeth clenched. 
Ivar "I suppose you are right." 
Prince Oleg "Mmm. Now-"
Igor "Uncle, who...Ivar!!!" A young boy runs out from the hall and towards Ivar with open arms.
Ivar "Aye! How have you been, my boy?!" 
Igor "I've been great-Hvitserk!!" He runs to him next, hugging him tightly. 
Hvitserk "It is great to see you!"
Igor "Miss, you are?"
"I am Ivar's wife." You smile as he greets you. 
Igor "Would you like a hug as well?" He politely asked.
"Oh I would love one!" He squeezes you in such a loving way, it was more than comforting after Prince Oleg's foolish attempts at flirting with you.
Prince Oleg "This is my nephew, Igor."
"It is more than nice to meet you, young man. You are one of the best huggers that I have ever met." 
Igor smiles greatly, "Thank you, my queen. So are you!"
Ivar smiles, "It is so good to see you Igor."
Hvitserk "You have been behaving yourself, huh?"
Igor "Of course."
The remaining hours felt like they went on forever, like the day was never ending. Oleg never stopped the compliments, which made you feel very uncomfortable, considering you are pregnant and sitting besides your husband. It was very unkind and uncalled for. But still, you took it like a horse pill and swallowed it every time, with a smile on your face. Hvitserk could tell how uncomfortable you were and he felt sad for you. This time was supposed to be nice and relaxing, but instead, Oleg is making you feel dirty. 
Ivar "Could I have a word in private with you, Prince Oleg?"
Prince Oleg "Of course! My dear friend!" By this time, Katya had come out and introduced herself to you and welcomed Ivar and Hvitserk back to her home, to which they thanked her. While Ivar was absent, Hvitserk took his place by your side to keep you feeling warm and safe. 
Katya "You are very beautiful."
"Oh thank you, but no more compliments please. I have had my fair share for today." You force a laugh.
Katya "Oh, Oleg has made you uncomfortable, hasn't he?"
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"Just a little, I could be overreacting-"
Katya "No, no. Do not blame yourself. My husband, you see...he cannot help himself when he comes face to face with beauty. When he met me, he claimed me as his own after only knowing me for a few days. And he married me in less than a week.."
"Do you love him?"
Katya "I have to love him. But he can be kind."
"I see."
Katya "But please, enjoy your stay here. And if you need me...or any help, I can help you."
"Thank you very much."
Katya "Of course. Us women have to stick together, do we not?"
"I couldn't agree more."
Katya smiles, "On a brighter note, you are with child!" You look down and place your hands on your belly.
Katya "How far along are you now?"
"I am several months along."
Katya smiles, "Oh! Not too long now! Ivar must be so thrilled."
"Oh he is-"
Hvitserk "And so am I!" 
Katya "Aw Hvitserk, you are going to be a wonderful uncle."
Hvitserk "Oh I am sure of it." You chuckle because you know the truth and it just makes you giggle, hearing Hvitserk say that he's going to be an uncle. 
"I hope Ivar is not doing anything that he will regret later."
Hvitserk sighs, "Me too."
Ivar and Oleg walk onto the balcony that overlooks his kingdom, to talk for a moment. Ivar cannot allow Oleg to talk to his wife like he has been, so he will have a discussion with him.
Prince Oleg "So, my friend, what is on your mind?"
Ivar "You know what is on my mind, Prince Oleg."
Prince Oleg "I do not, that is why I asked you."
Ivar "You have been talking to my wife very inappropriately-" Oleg starts laughing, "Why are you laughing?"
Prince Oleg "Because! You are acting like a child, Ivar the Boneless." Ivar scowls, he hates being belittled. "All I was doing was complimenting your wife for her beauty."
Ivar "You were suggesting taking her to bed-"
Prince Oleg "Oh come on, Ivar! Anyone that sees your wife, believe me or not, wants to take her to bed." Ivar smirks out of disbelief of what he is hearing, "Any man would want to take that woman for themselves. She is unlike any beauty that I have ever seen. So yes, I offered. I am sorry."
Ivar "You are not sorry. I am pretty sure that you would have taken her to bed if I was not there, am I wrong?"
Prince Oleg "No, you are not wrong. But out of my respect for you, as you are my friend and ally, I will stop the compliments.." Ivar looks into his eyes and can tell that he is being deceitful but plays along with his mind game.
Ivar "Thank you, Prince Oleg." He nods, "But if I ever catch you talking to my wife without me, I will have no other choice but to defend my wife. You understand, hmm?"
Prince Oleg chuckles, "But of course. I would do the same for mine. You remember how that went the last time you were here, don't you Ivar?"
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Ivar thinks back on the time where he felt feelings for Katya. It was right after he lost Freydis, and he thought that Katya was Freydis reincarnated. Prince Oleg caught on and put an end to his advances towards her. 
Ivar nods, "That's what I thought. You are being quite the hypocrite..my old friend."
Ivar "I am no such thing!"
Prince Oleg "Okay, well. I am going to get the chefs to prepare us a nice feast for your arrival here in Kiev, and we shall feast..hm?" Ivar nods and watches Oleg walk away.
As you feasted with Prince Oleg, Queen Katya and young Igor, you all had small talk. Prince Oleg did not compliment you during dinner, which was shocking but it was a pleasant surprise. Katya told you stories from her childhood, bonding with you most of the night as Hvitserk and Igor had a little food fight from across the table. You loved seeing that, it made you excited to see him with his own child in the very near future. 
Prince Oleg "So Y/n, do you know what you will be having?"
"I feel as if it is a girl."
Prince Oleg "You can feel it?"
"In my heart and soul, I do." Katya nods, "and I have had many visions of having a daughter, so I take that as the gods sign." 
Prince Oleg "Aw, that is sweet. But Ivar, I am so sorry.."
Ivar "What are you apologizing for?!"
Prince Oleg "You are not having a son."
Ivar chuckles, "Son or daughter, the gender does not matter to me." He takes your hand in his own, "All that matters to me is that he or she comes to this earth quickly and it is healthy."
Prince Oleg "So you do not care if there is a woman on your throne-"
Ivar "No, I do not. From what I have learned from my wife is that women are just as strong and worthy to wear a crown as us men. So to have a daughter rule after me, would be an honor." You have tears in your eyes from the joy that has filled into your heart, expanding it to its fullest capacity. 
Prince Oleg clears his throat and nods, "Of course."
Katya "Your daughter will be as beautiful as you, I am sure of it."
"Thank you, Katya." She smiles with such kindness that you haven't seen from another woman besides Torvi and your lovely Thyra. Hvitserk winks at you from across the table and you wink back to let him know that you love him. 
Prince Oleg "Well, I hope you all enjoyed dinner. I hope everything was perfect for you all-"
Hvitserk "It was delicious, thank you." He nods. "Um, can I be shown where I will be sleeping?"
Katya "Of course, it's just this way." She stands up with him and starts walking towards the hallway. 
"That sounds like a good idea, Prince Oleg-"
Prince Oleg "Oh please, call me Oleg...Prince is not necessary."
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You exhale, "Oleg, where would my husband and I be staying?"
Prince Oleg grinds his teeth and forces a smile as he arose from his comfortable chair. He walks you and Ivar to a luxurious bedroom with a king size bed. 
Prince Oleg "Is this goodnight?"
Ivar "Yes, thank you for the feast, Prince Oleg. We will see you in the morning." He nodded and left the chambers. 
When it was just you and Ivar, you are at your happiest that you have been all day. You know in the back of your head that you must say your good nights to Hvitserk, you won't be able to sleep without hugging him and telling him that you love him. 
Ivar "Did you enjoy your meal, my love?"
"Yes, it was delicious. I'm curious, what did you talk to Oleg about?"
Ivar "You of course. I was not going to allow him to talk to you like that. You are my wife and you deserve to be talked to with kindness and not like you are a slave. You have been treated like that your whole life, I wasn't going to allow him to treat you like that."
"I do not deserve you." He looked up at you from looking at the ground and walked as fast as he could to you. 
Ivar "Don't ever say that to me. You do deserve love and kindness. You deserve the world Y/n, and I will do everything that I can to prove that to you."
"I love you. I love you." He kisses you long and hard. Harder than he has ever before but you loved every second of it. When he pulls back, he kisses your head and places his head on yours. 
Ivar "I love you more than everything." You smile and kiss his lips again and again. 
"And I have to say, you are going to be one incredible father, Ivar Lothbrok."
Ivar "Gods I love you."
"And I love you. You know, I just realized that I never truly thanked you."
Ivar "For?"
"Saving my life." His eyes sparkled, "I came to you and I saw our future in your eyes...and I never looked back. Everything that I have now, I owe to you."
Ivar "No, my love. You came to me because you were in danger..I just fell in love with you and didn't let you go." You both giggle. "You don't need to thank me, thank you for saving me."
"How did I save you?"
Ivar smiles, "You saved me from myself. I was a horrible king, a horrible brother, a horrible husband..and now I have learned to show love and kindness. I am a better person because of you."
"Then we both saved each other, didn't we?"
Ivar "Yeah, we did." He kisses you again and then you both change out of your formal clothing. Ivar puts on loose pants and takes off his shirts while you put on a loose dress.
"I have to find Hvitserk and say goodnight, I'll be back in in a few seconds."
Ivar "Alright, my sweet."
You walk down the halls, opening doors, trying to find Hvitserk. You try to be as quiet as possible because it is so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. You pause when you hear footsteps behind you, you turn around and hold your torch up and see Oleg standing behind you. 
"Oh, you startled me."
Prince Oleg "Are you lost?"
"I am just trying to find Hvitserk. I didn't say goodnight to him."
Prince Oleg "Oh," he ticks his tongue, "a queen should never get lost by herself."
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"I am not lost, there are only a few more doors to try."
Prince Oleg chuckles, "You are a feisty one, aren't you?"
"How am I being feisty? I am only pointing out the obvious, Prince Oleg." He nodded and laughed, but then he got closer and tried to caress your cheek and kiss you but you slap his hand away. "Don't touch me-"
Hvitserk "What is going on here?!"
"He..he tried to-"
Prince Oleg "I caressed her cheek, what is wrong with that?" Hvitserk put you behind him and you clung to his arm. 
"You tried to kiss me!"
Hvitserk "How dare you touch her?!"
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Prince Oleg "Fine...fine I am sorry Y/n."
"Hvitserk, can we just go?" Hvitserk looks at you and then back at Oleg.
Hvitserk "Ivar will hear about this, come on Y/n." He takes your hand and leads you to his chambers. Once you're inside, he shuts the door and locks it behind him. 
Hvitserk "Are you alright?"
"Yes." You say nervously, "what is his problem? Why won't he stop?"
Hvitserk "I don't know. Ivar even talked to him about his behavior.."
"All I wanted to do is say goodnight to you and then go back to bed." You sigh.
Hvitserk "Oh princess." He pulls you into his chest and he holds you close, "You're safe. I heard something in the hall so I got up to look and I saw him leaning in.."
"I stopped him."
Hvitserk "I know, I know. You must tell Ivar."
"I will. I love you, thank you for protecting me."
Hvitserk "Always. Goodnight princess." He kisses your head. 
"Goodnight, I love you."
Hvitserk "I love you."
You slowly walk out of his room and you rush back to yours and Ivar's room. 
You lock the door behind you once you are in the room and that alerts Ivar.
Ivar "Y/n, what is it?"
"Your conversation did not work."
Ivar "What are you talking about?"
"Oleg found me in the hallway. He stopped me and he tried to kiss me."
Ivar's face went from pure concern to pure rage. You haven't seen him this furious in a long time. He tried to get out of bed but you stopped him.
"Not tonight, beloved. Tomorrow you can talk to him.."
Ivar "Y/n, he-"
"I know, but I stopped him and Hvitserk came out of his room in time. I'm okay." He sighs and you cup his cheeks, "He didn't kiss me, he just tried."
Ivar "It does not matter."
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"I know. But just wait until morning..?" He nods, "can you hold me now?" He smiles and pulls you into his chest and holds you tight. 
Ivar "I love you.."
"I love you." You do not know what tomorrow will hold, all you know is that Ivar will attack Oleg for what he did. And you will not stop him.
@hvitserkmarcosource @a-mess-of-fandoms @ivarsgoddess @youbloodymadgenius @herestherealproblem @heavenly1927 @saldelys
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