#pcos advice
mrsackermannx · 3 months
Thank you for your reply. You are really kind ily 🥹🥹
Pcos is really hard to deal with. It has fucked me up so bad. From facial hair to hyperpigmented private parts, it has given me everything. I'm so fucking insecure. It's hard not to be😭 I wanna look pretty. My doc gave me heavy meds I was nauseous the whole time I took the tablet. It was hell. Besides i had severse foodpipe ulcers. Now I'm off tablet. I'm just so much so worried about my hair only. I also had to have dandruff!!! Just my life ugh. I had hair down upto my knees. I had to cut it short as it got tangled all the time and it made extra hairloss. Im jsut 18. Haven't even joined university yet. Other girls are pretty ugh. Sorry I jsut ranted. I'm tempted to just shave my head at times. I cry every night lmao.
It is kinda good to know that I'm not alone (although I hope none of us have to grow through this) and thanks for the "don't"s 🫶🫶
Do you have any scalp washing tips btw?
If I touch my head, there's no hair..it's just touching my scalp directly lol bald me
BEAUTIFUL GIRL OF COURSE! I never want my pcos girlies to feel silenced???😚😚 first of all….Oh the facial hair has been kicking my ass since i was 15 and im 21 girl 😭😭 but i will say, at 19-20 it peaked for me, i hit rock bottom and i do think that the external stress of uni pushed it but i also thing it’s a genuine like canon event for us pcos girlies, i truly believe that until ur pcos really gets you down, you can’t rise up from it. i was the biggest id ever been, lost all my hair, facial hair was insane!!
i mean this in the best way, because I’ve been there girl, i still am there, i get laser on my face and neck, i wash my hair and like it gives me anxiety just washing my hair and seeing the loss, feeling the loss of density, like you i had hair down my back my whole life and i cut it over a year ago and now it has grown back thicker at least bc mine was all straggly at the worst point😭 i KNOW your pain.
BUT everybody always told me that the older i get it will level out and trust me it does!! and it did. im 21 and things have settled, we can only go through this process. i promise you, it gets better. my hair is still thinner but it shines and i put love into it!! i oil my scalp every time i wash it, I’ve been doing it for 8 months religiously.
and girl you are pretty!! i used to read the r/pcos thread a lot bc it made me feel less alone and like, i saw a post once venting about how hard it is having so much maintenance, to wake up and have to shave your face, to be conscious, to have to cover hair loss. that constant weight of having to get up and do all these steps that you feel other women don’t. i know the frustration, i have bumps and marks and body hair that makes me sob if I don’t shave it and then I look down in the shower and it hits me. but it’s also okay to pay for the things like laser or waxing, or learning how to wax etc, we have to manage in any way, we are allowed to prioritise and do things that make us feel beautiful bc we deserve it. we have to adapt rather than hoping it might just disappear, and we have to accept it🥺🩷
but diet is huge!! at least try and have a protein heavy breakfast!! 30g of protein is such an important aim, I promise that makes such a difference. definitely try not to have a lot of sugar in the morning. i only drink water or spearmint tea. matcha tea can be good bc it’s better then coffee, but I never drink caffeine because it’s so bad for us pcos girls especially on an empty stomach!! try and eat good fats!! and also integrating exercise!! and also MANAGE STRESS BABE I MEAN IT
but you are still beautiful, effortlessly and with your ways of coping. there is nothing wrong with us!! don’t be sorry for ranting at all, i also wanted to shave my head at the height of my weight loss i had a huge bald spot and it’s still kinda there 😭 i know this shit is REAL
but definitely check in with a doctor if you can get any advice/meds that could help, maybe a birth control pill could help you but again I don’t recommend that due to my own experiences bc it gave me severe acne, migraines and other things but tbf my hair was lucious😜, pcos is a lot of trial and error and seeing what might work for you.
as far as tips go!! look into Indian/arab/ayuverdic routines on TikTok/youtube!!! look up ways to massage your scalp!!!
here are my fave creators !!
@golabbeauty on tiktok for hair loss, hair oiling, diet, she has pcos herself!
@zoeantonia_ tiktok + instagram!! pcos positivity for facial hair, bloating, skin!! she also gives great diet and workout advice and she’s amazing!!
@mila.magnani on tiktok! pcos creator amazing!!!!!!
but i want you to know that you don’t have to start everything now, that you can eat something one creator says not to!! you will find your rhythm with this! steal, twist, tailor everything you hear and see creators doing !! whether it’s making your own mixture of oils for oiling or making some kind of nightly mock tail for your hormones you’ve found!! either way i believe in you and im always here <3333 educate yourself but don’t overwhelm yourself! time is your biggest ally, my heart goes out to you angel <3
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squipy · 6 days
Okay so cw as I'm talking about periods,fatphobia and pcos
You know why I think it took me so long to realize I had pcos because all the research I did online on how to ya know help ONLY talked about how to keep your body "fit" with pcos. Now yes weight gain is a sign of pcos but it's not the ONLY thing for fuck sakes yes I'll admit I'm chubby I look like a short chubby 15 year old when I'm 21 but my weight doesn't cause me or anyone else issues (legit only issue is when I go the the amusement park and sometimes my stomach gets in the way) but you know what IS an issue!!! Not having my last period sense February when I'm an aroace lesbain who's partners don't even live with me?!?!? The cramping that in the past would make me so sick my school got so annoyed at me because every few months I'd have to leave early. Why couldn't I find any advice on that?!?!?! It's just so annoying ya know
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moonlightpirate · 23 days
Okay so this is for the girlies especially those with pcos but not limited to. I have some questions that I was wondering about. So any thoughts would be helpful
So has anyone on birth control all of a sudden had very long periods? My periods have been 4 days long ever since being on birth control with the occasional 7 day one. But legit my last period was 12 days. This one is going on 2 weeks long now. And it doesn't feel normal 😅
Has anyone had like a major cyst burst and know what that feels like? The one night I was feeling some pain and then just I felt so nauseous like I was going to puke I got overheated and beyond sweaty like I had a fever and after several minutes that all went away minus maybe the pain. It seems from Google that could be what happened but like I'm not sure 😅
Yes I plan to call my doctor Monday especially if I keep bleeding but any final thoughts? This whole thing is odd but I guess just has anyone else with pcos had abnormally long periods? I've never had one for 2 weeks straight! It's so weird and I guess just looking for anything at this point
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ladyshadowqueen · 2 months
having a health issue that is affected by medical misogyny sucks because not only is there not enough research but absolutely every single doctor i talk to has a different opinion and absolutely none of them help me in any way
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dietsandmore · 4 months
The best and worst fruits for PCOS with insights from Dt Shreya Katyal
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Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a common hormonal disorder that affects individuals assigned to females at birth, causing irregular periods, cysts on the ovaries, and various other symptoms. While a healthy diet is crucial for managing PCOS, not all fruits are created equal when it comes to this condition. We turn to the expertise of Dietician Shreya Katyal, a leading Dietitian In Delhi, for insights on fruits to avoid with PCOS.
Dt Shreya Katyal, known for her expertise in nutrition and Online Diet Consultation at Diets & More, the Best Dietitian In Delhi, emphasizes the importance of a balanced diet for individuals with PCOS. Fruits are generally a nutritious part of any diet, but some may have an impact on blood sugar levels and insulin resistance, two key factors associated with PCOS.
Bananas: Bananas are a common fruit enjoyed by many, but they are relatively high in carbohydrates and can cause a spike in blood sugar levels. Individuals with PCOS often have insulin resistance, and consuming high-carb fruits like bananas may contribute to further imbalances.
Grapes: Grapes, especially when consumed in large quantities, can be problematic for those with PCOS. They contain natural sugars that can affect blood sugar levels, potentially leading to insulin spikes. Opting for berries with lower sugar content is a wiser choice.
Mangoes: Mangoes are delicious, but they are also high in natural sugars. People with PCOS should be mindful of their sugar intake, and choosing lower-sugar fruits like berries or kiwi can be a more suitable option.
Pineapple: Pineapple is another fruit that individuals with PCOS may want to consume in moderation. It has a higher glycemic index compared to some other fruits, meaning it can cause a faster spike in blood sugar levels.
Watermelon: While watermelon is a hydrating and refreshing fruit, it is also relatively high in sugar. Moderation is key, and individuals with PCOS may consider other fruits with lower sugar content.
Furthermore, Dt Shreya Katyal emphasizes the significance of incorporating fiber-rich fruits into the diet of individuals with PCOS. Fiber plays a crucial role in regulating blood sugar levels and promoting overall digestive health. While some fruits may need to be limited, others can be embraced for their positive impact on insulin sensitivity.
Berries: Dt Shreya Katyal recommends including berries such as strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries in the diet of individuals with PCOS. These fruits are not only rich in antioxidants but also lower in sugar compared to some other options. Their fiber content helps slow down the absorption of sugars, supporting better blood sugar control.
Apples: Apples are a great choice for individuals with PCOS. High in fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants, apples provide a satisfying sweetness without causing rapid spikes in blood sugar levels. Including apples in various forms, such as slices or whole, can be a wholesome addition to a PCOS-friendly diet.
Avocado: While not a traditional fruit, avocado is a nutrient-dense option that can be beneficial for those with PCOS. Packed with healthy fats and fiber, avocados contribute to satiety and may help in managing weight, a crucial aspect for individuals with PCOS.
Kiwi: Kiwi is a refreshing fruit that is relatively low in sugar and high in vitamin C. It adds a burst of flavor to meals and snacks while providing essential nutrients without causing significant spikes in blood sugar.
Pears: Pears are another fiber-rich fruit that individuals with PCOS can include in their diet. The combination of soluble and insoluble fiber in pears aids in digestion and helps regulate blood sugar levels.
Dt Shreya Katyal emphasizes that the key lies in creating a well-rounded and individualized diet plan that meets the specific needs of each person with PCOS. Additionally, incorporating a variety of nutrient-dense foods, including vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains, is essential for overall health and hormonal balance.
In conclusion, while some fruits may need to be moderated or avoided by individuals with PCOS, there are plenty of delicious and nutritious options available. Dt Shreya Katyal's expertise provides valuable insights into making informed choices that support better management of PCOS symptoms. Through a combination of mindful eating, regular physical activity, and personalized nutritional guidance, individuals with PCOS can take positive steps toward improving their overall well-being.
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supercantaloupe · 10 months
my poor body. she does not work so good
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missjanjie · 1 year
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i said it there and ill say it here. one in ten people w a uterus have pcos (in the us) and there’s still no specific treatment for us
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long post sorry
CW: Talk of weight loss and chronic illness. Brief mention of ED. Medical professionals are stupid sometimes.
I wish doctors didn’t treat being fat as the root of the problem. There are many reasons why I am fat and most of them are out of my control.
My RA causes joint pain. It hurts to walk or jog for long periods of time, and it hurts to ride a bike for too long. My PCOS causes an increase in hormones that cause hunger, and increased insulin which causes the body to store more fat. PCOS can cause diabetes later in life if not managed. I’m basically genetically set up to be fat.
The point is, doctors need to come up with better ideas on how to lose weight healthily. I swear to god, if one more doctor says “just lose a bit of weight and you’ll be in a lot less pain” I will scream. How can I lose weight when it HURTS TO WALK??? I don’t want to have to starve myself. I need medical professionals to give actual advice, to actually care, not to just look at my chart and say the first thing that comes to mind and then leave.
I understand that I don’t need to lose weight to be confident, or beautiful, or whatever else. I’m talking about this purely from a health perspective. Not all fat people are unhealthy and I’m not implying that they are. I’m saying I am unhealthy, and I need to lose weight if I want to live a long life. I just don’t know how to go about this.
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Here’s Miku to lighten the mood 🌈
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faerlithalgnomii · 10 months
Lazy bitch tip: DRINK WARM WATER
IF YOU FIND IT DIFFICULT TO DRINK WATER and stay hydrated throughout the day, try switching to hot or warm water. Sometimes cold water can shock the lining of our throat, stomach and intestines and cause things like cramping and digestive issues. Hot water is soothing to our body's tissues and easier to drink when you're not actively thirsty from strenuous physical activity. Warm up filtered water in a kettle and add lemon juice 🍋, it's astringent and coats the tissues with a protective layer of acid. Our bodies need to be primarily ACIDIC in order to fight disease, infection, and inflammation 💓
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mrsackermannx · 3 months
Omg I saw ur old post saying u have pcos? How'd u deal with that? I also have pcos :( I lose a lot of hair nothing helps..
omg hello my angel!! my heart goes out to you because i know how hard it is, all of it. i used minoxidil for a year or so but god i grew hair all over my face it was horrific 😭😭 i had to laser it for months to get it gone, so i honestly do not recommend that (personally). plus you do lose most of the hair you grow!!
but every time i wash my hair i oil and massage my scalp first!! using rosemary oil and sometimes with drops of castor oil, amla and peppermint! this stops me from losing a lot of my hair honestly. as well as experimenting with different partings and genuinely being more gentle with my hair, as well as, eating a lot more protein, eating less sugary things that aren’t fruit, managing stress, PUMPKIN SEEDS!!! a handful a day helps hormones!! a b vitamin complex can help hair fall too! 2 brasil nuts a day work a treat too if you’re not allergic to nuts !
a big thing i will say as well is that as a curly haired person i had this idea that washing my hair once a week was best, but the sebum is full of the chemical (DHT) that essentially smothers our hair follicles and suffocates them until they’re destroyed (if you suffer with androgenic hair loss) so now i wash my hair every 3-4 days!! if you don’t already do this this is a huge game changer!! a clean scalp is a happy scalp! please let me know if you have any other questions I am more than happy to answer and offer any advice! i know how much pcos drains you, i have cried about it so much until now im at a point where I’ve accepted it!! also if you can maybe try metformin or inositol because often time hair fall itself comes from insulin related issues because of the way the hormones are affected by it!! <333 sending love and strength! you are beautiful!!! i know pcos is hard af but it only makes us stronger my angel, but ik it sucks <3 also check if you’re needing iron! vitamin d!!
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how do I know if I have pcos
like I have an unusual amount of facial hair for an afab 15 year old. i also have loads of hair on my legs much more than my afab AND amab friends
my period is very irregular (I started my period about 3-4 years ago, idk if its normal still to miss months?)
do I just have high testosterone levels? do I have pcos? idk
also idk how to bring this up to my mum. I'm already in the process of getting an autism and adhd diagnosis. (and both mine and my mums mental health is shit, I don't want to put more pressure on her to deal with me as well as herself)
help/advise would be really appreciated thank you :)
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froggierboy · 8 days
next person to offer me unsolicited weight loss advice i fucking swear -
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grainofsaltadvice · 3 months
Upcoming posts, stay tuned:
☆ Journal Prompt #10
☆ The concept of giving up
☆ My personal journey with PCOS
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muthas-care · 6 months
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jacemchale-andi · 7 months
Potentially TMI thoughts about undiagnosed body hair growth. Queer feelings.
I never expected that I'd get my first chest hair (chest hair! Not the weird nipple/aerola hairs I've had since I was a teen that make me wildly self-conscious) at 24 years old. Or that I'd have it pointed out to me by my gf while we showered together. It's in a place I can barely see, after all.
She rubbed her hand across my chest, and I just assumed she was checking me for acne (a consistent, irritating problem) or new freckles. When the rubbing continued longer than I expected, I asked, "did you find something?" She had the look on her face like she was trying to investigate something, "Trying to figure out if it's attached". We determined, yup it's attached to me. "Aww your first chest hair."
I didn't grow up as the boy you see in cartoons who's constantly checking himself for any plausible sign of a chest hair. The neck beard already gives me conflicted feelings, and so does the happy trail that I've learned to like even if my stomach isn't flat. The chest hairs are shorter than my beard hairs, not nearly as coarse, and I can hardly see them because my neck doesn't bend that way.
It's a strange feeling to be confronted with a pseudo-puberty when you're in your mid-20s and already have gray hair. I have a whole streak of grays!
Anyway, just some thoughts I'm having y'all.
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vizthedatum · 8 months
I know I'm an academic whose job predicates on being "right" most of the time because people come to me for my expertise, so I am aware that I have an air of confidence (well it's all over the place recently) and arrogance when it comes to specific topics (statistical methods in healthcare and swimming techniques mostly... and obscure religious/cultural facts mixed in with pop culture (my best category in quiz bowl lmao)).
However, I'm not scared to be wrong.
I know I'm wrong ALL THE TIME. Being wrong is how I learn!!
Especially as someone with trauma, my memory can be absolute shit and is definitely colored by both my trauma and trauma responses.
But I guess, this is all to say, that when I need people to tell me that I'm wrong is when 1) my life would either get significantly worse if I don't acknowledge how wrong I am OR 2) if I ask for advice or help.
One of my recent ex-friends (who hasn't known me for long) started lecturing me on how I should eat certain herbal plants to combat my PCOS when I told her that I was going to manage my PCOS now without birth control and/or hormonal methods. I did not ask for her advice - I was filling her in on my life as we usually do.
I understand the intention behind her words - and I get that she probably thought she was being kind. However, she was providing unsolicited advice to someone who
has known they've had PCOS since they were 16 years old
has trauma from being told that they would "probably be infertile" at 16 years old
has tried diets (and while my diet is NOT THE BEST and is very much in flux due to low energy and chronic health issues) and herbal supplementation (I take a lot of herbal supplementation as is lmao)
does not have insulin resistance
suspects they have a form of inflammatory PCOS caused by the severe stress of childhood trauma/abuse (I suspect that most of my autoimmune conditions were forged by and exacerbated by stress) and lack of support of their various neurodivergences IN ADDITION TO possibly being intersex (something that I've been exploring) - sidenote: I have a fuckton of testosterone naturally that has been suppressed by hormones in the past... and I honestly love it - I don't love the crazy periods and mood swings and etc.
works in healthcare... lol I read articles and look at data for my conditions as a matter of principle
has consulted a nutritionist in the past and may do so again when life is more in balance
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